Re: Declination and Inclination

2010-08-31 Thread Frank King
Dear Fer, Thank you for your message. Your procedure is almost exactly like mine. I also start with the equatorial plane (I missed that step out in my message). I then: 1. Rotate by phi (to make the plane vertical) 2. Rotate by Azimuth (to face the plane in the

Another Sundial with VI at Midday...

2010-09-26 Thread Frank King
Dear All, The beer-glass sundial spotted by Mike Cowham brought on a panic attack. More strictly, it was his comment that caused alarm... The glass acts as the gnomon but the real horror ... midday was at VI. Maybe every reader should pour a glass of beer (or something stronger) before

Re: New Porcelain Wall Sundial Installed

2010-09-28 Thread Frank King
Dear John, That is a great dial. I really must look into this glass-based colouring that you use. I can testify to its durability. The six dials on the Gate of Honour at Gonville and Caius College are made with this technology and their colours look almost as good as new after the better part

Re: A short stay in Italy

2010-10-13 Thread Frank King
Dear Tony, You say... I shall be staying near Brescia in Lombardia... One thing you can do is to visit You then click on the map button at the top and, by dragging the map and zooming, home in on Brescia. Alas, there are no sundials shown in

Re: AW: A short stay in Italy Brescia 24! Frank 0!

2010-10-13 Thread Frank King
Dear Reinhold, Your news is good news... The Italian sundial catalogue announces 24 sundials for Brescia! My news is bad news... Alas, there are no sundials shown in Brescia itself... I think I should have punctuated my remark differently and added a t: Atlas: there are no sundials

Re: A short stay in Italy

2010-10-14 Thread Frank King
Dear Fabio, You mention some reflection sundials... In the Convento di San Cristo you can find a reflection sundial... In Italy there are other four ancient reflection sundials ... in the provincia ... of Bergamo, beside the Brescia one. ... another one is in Palazzo Spada in Rome...

Re: FW: Sundial Information

2010-11-19 Thread Frank King
Dear John, I'm asking you guys if you have seen any relationship between owls and sundials. I once tried very hard to establish such a relationship but my best intentions were not appreciated... I had a client and I wanted to symbolise sunrise and sunset on the proposed sundial. I offered a

Re: FW: Sundial Information

2010-11-20 Thread Frank King
Dear John (and Willy, Aleks, Wolfgang, et al), I have greatly enjoyed the all the answers to your question about Owls and Sundials... Willy Leenders tells us that the Dutch word zonnewijzer really means wiser sun. How many of us knew that? Aleks has sent us a nice illustration of a sundial

Re: Sundial Information

2010-11-20 Thread Frank King
convincing, but there is something horribly wrong with the gnomon! Last summer the Hughes Hall May Ball supported the World Owl Trust and two owls were present as guests. Frank King Cambridge, U.K. ---

Re: New Sundial Browser

2010-11-30 Thread Frank King
cast a straight-edge shadow :-) I suspect that the writers of this browser are not NASS members! As you rightly say: Why this name was chosen is not clear. Maybe someone should try using the browser! Frank King Cambridge, UK --- https

Re: Information needed

2010-12-03 Thread Frank King
a disappointment. Either, at the critical moment on the critical day, the sun isn't shining or on a quite different day the sun happens to be in the correct direction and spoils the story. Frank King Cambridge, U.K. ---

Kathleen Wright

2010-12-04 Thread Frank King
College but this is proving challenging too. There weren't many women's colleges in those days so I may have to search each one in turn. If anyone has any leads please let me know. Frank King Cambridge, UK ---

Re: Kathleen Wright

2010-12-04 Thread Frank King
Dear Fred, As usual, your encyclopedic knowledge has come up with a couple of nuggets! These are fascinating and most helpful. Very many thanks indeed. Frank

Re: return of sundial?

2010-12-07 Thread Frank King
Dear All, Fred Sawyer notes a plea to President Obama to have a sundial which was originally in Hawaii, but is now in Maryland, returned to its rightful place: ent_dir=politicsol If President Obama is successful,

Re: Kathleen Wright

2010-12-08 Thread Frank King
Dear Wolfgang, You have come up with some most interesting references to Kathleen Wright (née Higgins). At last we know her Oxford College, Lady Margaret Hall. I enjoyed your calculations that lead to her being born in 1926... Died 1 January 1999 aged 72, therefore... Since she died on 1

Re: Great Circle Studio's Solar Calculator is back!

2010-12-28 Thread Frank King
Dear Woody, This is indeed good news... is back working. I too made much use of GC Studio and greatly missed it while it was down. As Bill Gottesman suggests, it must have been off-air for a year or more. This is the great snag about the Internet...

Puzzle Photograph of the Eclipse

2011-01-04 Thread Frank King
almost nothing about iPhone camera technology and cannot give a convincing explanation of the physics behind this artifact. There is also the surrounding elliptical red background to explain. Could that be an image of the hot front surface of the lens? Any thoughts? Frank King Cambridge, U.K

Re: More on Sundial Magnets Faulty Memory Ouch!

2011-01-07 Thread Frank King
Dear Tony, Just to lower the tone a bit more... I have a colleague who comes from Copernicus's home town of Torun. Whenever he is asked about his ethnicity he always says I am a North Pole. All the best Frank ---

Re: 360 degree/Fabian

2011-01-19 Thread Frank King
Dear Brent, You correctly note... It looks like the date must have changed at noon. Indeed so. Interestingly, even with GMT (as used by astronomers and navigators) the date used to change at noon (which was referred to as 0h GMT). This was the case until 1 January 1925, so not very long ago!

Re: 360 degree/Fabian

2011-01-20 Thread Frank King
Dear Andrew (and Fer), Many thanks for this reference... That is a splendid article and shows just what pitfalls one can fall into when attempting to force historical data to fit the present way of thinking! I share your thought...

Re: 360 degree

2011-01-21 Thread Frank King
Dear Roger, As your reference to French Revolutionary Time says: The hundredth part of the hour is called decimal minute; the hundredth part of the minute is called decimal second. With 10 hours in the day (one mean Earth rotation with respect to the sun) this gives: 10x100x100 =

Re: Fwd: [Flags] (pt) Canedo Commune (Ribeira de Pena Municipality, Portugal)

2011-01-23 Thread Frank King
Dear Richard, You refer to a Portuguese communal flag... This is the only example I have seen of a sundial on a flag (combining two of my interests) - are there any others ? You might look at the Portuguese National Flag which has an armillary sphere as its background. See:

Re: altitude dial

2011-01-25 Thread Frank King
Dear Frank, You say: I have not come across an altitude dial resembling an analemmatic dial in that the gnomon is moved with the seasons and the time curve is a single ellipse. One interpretation of what you seek is to have a dial on a vertical wall where the gnomon is horizontal (and

Re: R: altitude dial

2011-01-25 Thread Frank King
if they are built on a vertical wall. Nevertheless, I think the sundial that Frank Evans wants IS an Analemmatic Dial on a Vertical Wall. He wants an elliptical hour ring and so on. Perhaps he will tell us all soon! Frank King ---

Re: Fwd: [Flags] (pt) Canedo Commune (Ribeira de Pena Municipality, Portugal)

2011-01-26 Thread Frank King
what projection is used. Can James Morrison comment please? Frank King Cambridge, UK. ---

Re: A Stellar Flag

2011-01-28 Thread Frank King
Dear Marcello, Several members of this list have been discussing the Brazilian National Flag privately. We would like to know how accurate it is! The best article I can find is in: The key paragraph is: Adotada em 19 de novembro de 1889, seu

Re: A Stellar Flag

2011-01-28 Thread Frank King
Dear Marcelo, Many thanks for your reply... ...the republic was officially proclaimed (signed) at 8:30 am on 15 November 1889 That is very impressive. Most people I know are hardly awake so early in the morning. Methinks it [sidereal time] is mentioned in the legislation to avoid

Re: part 2 of longitude correction

2011-02-14 Thread Frank King
Dear John, I really enjoyed your analysis distinguishing the standpoints of British and U.S. diallists when it comes to longitude-corrected dials. I need to send two replies. Here is the first... In the U.K. most of us are indeed fairly close, in time, to the Greenwich Meridian. I am about 26

Re: part 2 of longitude correction

2011-02-14 Thread Frank King
Dear John, Your inspiring message about longitude correction prompts more thoughts from me. You say: ... most of our [US] Time Zones have wiggly irregular boundaries that sometimes span distances far greater than 15 degrees. Everyone necessarily lives within 7.5 degrees of a multiple of 15

Re: part 2 of longitude correction

2011-02-15 Thread Frank King
Dear John, That is a fascinating map... It bears out many of my prejudices and gripes!! Alaska seems to be a whole time-zone wrong and John Pickard's eloquent contribution draws attention to the curious way that Australia is carved up. One

Re: part 2 of longitude correction

2011-02-15 Thread Frank King
Dear John, I looked into your interesting assertion about the Equation of Time. You say: On the average, it is only off [mean time] by about seven minutes... It isn't really appropriate to use the term average here because we are not dealing with random variables or errors. We are just

Re: part 2 of longitude correction

2011-02-15 Thread Frank King
Dear John, I sympathise... I flunked statistics in college. I never got the hang of statistics until I was fingered to give a lecture course on the subject and I have never looked back! In dialling, I use statistics for error analysis and also when trying to do things which are impossible!

Re: upside down world

2011-02-18 Thread Frank King
Dear Brent, You have started an interesting train of thought. You, and others who have replied to you, should dig out the February 2011 issue of Scientific American and read the article: How Language Shapes Thought This is subtitled: The languages we speak affect our

Re: upside down world

2011-02-19 Thread Frank King
Dear Jackie, That is an interesting observation... ... I moved from London to Brighton... In London it seemed usual to say it's on the left of the street, but here on the coast, far more people say it's on the east side. Next time I am in Brighton I shall test the natives. The natives

Re: Sundial Illusions

2011-02-25 Thread Frank King
Dear Claude, Those are fascinating pictures especially: un3.jpg This is almost straight out of M.C. Escher! You ask: What's the declination of that wall? That's a fun question. As with many Escher drawings the

Re: A blunder on the astronomical clock in Prague

2011-02-27 Thread Frank King
Dear Willy, I am not very familiar with the Prague clock and I am confused by the recent messages. You say: ... the clock indicates now Central European Time rather than solar time as it once was... This suggests something far more radical than simply setting the clock for the wrong

Re: Prague Clock

2011-03-01 Thread Frank King
Dear Jim, I am grateful to you, and to Willy and Geoff, for various points of clarification. The key point in your comment is: A hand with a Sun figure rotates once in a mean solar day... This at once distances the clock from an astrolabe where, properly set, you look at true solar time

Re: Leap Years

2011-03-09 Thread Frank King
Dear Brent, You ask a fascinating set of questions. Has the leap year problem been solved with solar calendars? At one level, the problem is intractable. You get defeated by the calendar bequeathed to us by Pope Gregory XIII... The problem is that the Gregorian calendar is hardly an

Re: Leap Year - amendment

2011-03-09 Thread Frank King
Dear Brent, Slight goof. In step 7 I meant to say: 7. Keep going until 12 noon on 29 February next year. You will have drawn EXACTLY 366 little lines. [Note that 29 February is 365 days AFTER 1 March the previous year, not 366 days.] You have 366 lines and 365 normal

Re: Leap Year

2011-03-09 Thread Frank King
Dear Andrew, Thank you for your two messages, sent off-list but my response may be of trifling interest to others... It is true that 128 tropical years is very close to 46751 days but when it comes to a real solar calendar (one you can look at and say Oh, I see that today is 9 March) I regard

Re: Correction

2011-03-10 Thread Frank King
Dear Brent, I understand your excitement... In my excitement I forgot that solstice to solstice is not one year but only one half of a year. But is isn't :-( The best you can say is that it is ABOUT half a year. The Earth doesn't have a circular orbit and the solstices don't coincide with

Re: Perigee Equinox Moonrise

2011-03-20 Thread Frank King
Dear Roser, Willy Leenders is quite right that... PERIGEE is the point in the orbit of the moon or a satellite at which it is nearest to the earth. BUT... Strictly, this is when the centre of the moon is nearest the centre of the Earth. YOU are unlikely to be at the centre of the

Re: AW: Year-round day saving time

2011-03-27 Thread Frank King
Dear Reinhold, I see you are trying to provoke me... Frank King will tell us perhaps a nice sounding Latin expression?! This is the worst day of the year for me, truly... Dies irae, dies illa... The day of wrath, that day... :-) Or, perhaps, you seek my thoughts on whoever first

Re: Two Prehistoric Portable Sundials?

2011-04-15 Thread Frank King
sundial when you can stand up straight and look at your own shadow? Frank King Cambridge. ---

Re: Are there any commercially-available 'Teaching Sundials', for schools ?

2011-04-22 Thread Frank King
Dear John You write... How in the world did your local Education Authority reach the absurd conclusion that interactive human analemmatics are dangerous for children. Have you never heard of the expression about being afraid of your own shadow? This is a well-known phobia which has to be

Re: New Monumental Sundial in Oro Valley

2011-05-15 Thread Frank King
Dear John, That looks to be a monumental achievement in several senses! Judging by the photographs, you could have set this up with any orientation you liked so some questions: 1. Why did you choose to have it facing south-west? [Do the

Re: New Monumental Sundial in Oro Valley

2011-05-16 Thread Frank King
Dear John, Many thanks for the follow-up. I now have a heap more questions!! In your drawing you have half-hour dots and quarter-hour tick-marks. In the photographs, I can't see the tick-marks. Is that my poor eyesight or did these get lost as a budget-saving measure? Also in the drawing, you

Re: Multignomon Sundial

2011-06-12 Thread Frank King
are Fabio's alignment hours. Frank King Cambridge, UK ---

Re: Multignomon Sundial

2011-06-13 Thread Frank King
that faces south and so on. I have a final piece of advice... If you really want to drill lots of holes at awkward angles you are going to need some kind of jig. I cannot think of a good way to design this jig but I am sure there are other list members who can help. All the best Frank King

Re: EoT diagram

2011-06-23 Thread Frank King
Dear Kevin, I was interested in your comments on EoT. I agree that the kidney curve is not very pretty. You would be happier if we could go back to the year 1246 when the analemma had mirror symmetry about its long axis. This would tidy up the kidney a little! You say... ...the master of all

Re: EoT diagram

2011-06-23 Thread Frank King
Dear Chris, As always, you prompt further thought... Gears, although limited to an integral number of teeth, are essentially analogue devices, aren't they? Er, not sure :-) In earlier days, I spent many a happy hour looking at clocks and counting teeth. That felt like a digital experience

Re: special events

2011-07-27 Thread Frank King
Dear Brent, You note: The people who live in the tropics have another special event, when the sun is directly over their latitude. This is not quite true unless you go to an enormous amount of trouble. If you live in the tropics, what normally happens is that the sun crosses to the south of

Re: special events

2011-07-28 Thread Frank King
Dear Frank, I enjoyed your message about determining your position when the sun is close to overhead. Your theory is sound and I certainly cannot compete with your practical experience but something bothers me... You measure the sun's altitude assuming it is within a few minutes of arc from

Re: special events

2011-07-28 Thread Frank King
Dear John, Yes, Eratosthenes was a great man who is also noted for his sieve for extracting prime numbers. This may not be the right list for asking about the performance of camels but I am intrigued that it took a camel 50 days to travel from Aswan to Alexandria. The straight line distance is

Re: moving asteroids

2011-07-28 Thread Frank King
Dear Brent, I think your proposals should be examined by the Organisation Overseeing Orbital Parameters (OOOPs). They would note: I might move the moon closer to the earth to create better surf. Indeed it would. Total eclipses would last longer too. Think of all the unfortunate people

Re: special events

2011-07-28 Thread Frank King
Dear John, You are not wandering too far off topic... I used to train architectural students to pace a metre accurately. When I take a party on a local Sundial Walk I always start off by congratulating them on each bringing along their own sundials. I ignore their blank looks and explain

Re: special events

2011-07-30 Thread Frank King
Dear Frank, I must read your reference... I have a little book (A Manual of Modern Navigation by S. M. Burton, 1941) with a chapter on the particular case of very high altitudes. The more I think about this, the more snags I see. If I am very close to the sub-solar point, and I try

Re: Falling Tree

2011-08-12 Thread Frank King
Dear All, We must assume that the tree casts shadows when the sun shines! That keeps the topic relevant! The topic was much discussed by 18th century philosophers. The debate centred on the Latin maxim Esse ist percipi to be is to be perceived. If it isn't perceived then does it exist?

Re: Unique Old British Sundial

2011-10-01 Thread Frank King
Dear Roger, This is all good fun. You note... The underlying image of the sundial is clearly for a 1755 sundial at 55°... If you zoom in on the pelican version you can see that the 55° turns into 53°. This squares with the latitude of Eyam which is 53°20'. On Patrick Powers's photograph

Portable Sundials

2011-10-02 Thread Frank King
Dear Mike, I see that Amazon are claiming that your book A Dial in Your Poke about portable dials and suchlike is currently unavailable. Can you confirm this? I am copying this to the SML in case anyone else has wondered. All the best Frank ---

Re: Proceedings for Future of UTC meeting

2011-12-23 Thread Frank King
the world: Numerous contributors familiar to readers of this mailing list sent in comments including: Tony Finch Rob Seaman Patrick Powers Frank King

Re: Proceedings for Future of UTC meeting

2011-12-24 Thread Frank King
and with enthusiasm!). Enjoy your 2011 Christmas. Now just what was it that was going on 2011 years ago? Frank King Cambridge, U.K. ---

Re: Proceedings for Future of UTC meeting

2011-12-24 Thread Frank King
Dear John, I like your story about the times quoted by the Darwin control tower. In some of my introductory talks about sundials I mention Unequal Hours, Babylonian Hours, Italian Hours and so on. Just when the audience thinks this is offering more choice than they can cope with, I explain that

Re: Proceedings for Future of UTC meeting

2011-12-24 Thread Frank King
Dear Dave, Hmmm. Hard to comment on this... ... Jesus was only 7 years old... Given the absence of zero, 2011 years ago takes us to 1BC. There is a little uncertainty but current best estimates of the date of birth seem to fall in the range 6BC to 4BC which would make the age between 3 and 5

Sundial and the Leap Second

2012-01-20 Thread Frank King
. Would any French, German or U.S. contributors to this mailing list care to comment!! Frank King Cambridge U.K. ---

Re: Sundial and the Leap Second

2012-01-20 Thread Frank King
Dear John, You are right... I think I recognise it as one of the Connoisseur Sundials range.   Take a look at: You will see the very dial as the second from the left. It is the same one right down to the absence of screw heads! But the bad (UK) news

Re: Decision to eliminate the leap second deferred

2012-01-24 Thread Frank King
Dynamic Time TD GPS TimeGPS Those who don't like UTC don't have to use it. That's no reason for denying its use to those who do want to use it. Frank King Cambridge, U.K. ---

Re: medieval astronomy (was: Georg of Peuerbach)

2012-02-15 Thread Frank King
Dear Roger, Sara's message merits serious study! We here in Europe weren't totally asleep in medieval times or even in the so-called dark ages following the Fall of Rome. [A fair proportion of Europe seems to be falling asleep just now but that's not the period you are referring to :-) ] There

Ante diem bis sextum Kalendas Martii

2012-02-23 Thread Frank King
, while correct, didn't sound right! MORAL: when using Wikipedia be very careful; read an entry in at least three languages before making up your mind! Frank King Cambridge, U.K. ---

Re: Ante diem bis sextum Kalendas Martii

2012-02-24 Thread Frank King
Dear Roser, You are right that checking Wikipedia entries in several languages is interesting. They all make mistakes!! Spanish: this entry is correct to say that 24 February is the extra day but has little to say about the Latin. Curiously it mentions the Italian word but asserts that this is

Re: Charles V document...

2012-02-24 Thread Frank King
Dear Ruben, That is an interesting document and what you say is strictly true but it requires thinking backwards!! The document says: San Matias 24 febrero en los anos comunes, y 25 en los bisiestos This is right. The difficulty, as you say, that we are in reverse mode! Thus,

Pridie Kalendas Martii

2012-02-28 Thread Frank King
. I accept that sundial visits to the Great Mosque in Damascus just now are probably even more challenging. Tomorrow is the Calends of March and we can all get back to normal after recent calendrical excitements! Frank King Cambridge, U.K. Dear Patrick, Thank you for your message

Re: Equinox Derivative: dx/dt Sin x = Cos x

2012-03-25 Thread Frank King
at the poles. Extending the theme somewhat, it is a little less well known that during the 24-hour arctic night you can have 24-hour moonshine. Frank King Cambridge, U.K. ---

Re: BSS website

2012-04-26 Thread Frank King
Dear Roger et al, You are right that the BSS website is down at the moment. This has been confirmed as a problem with the server at the ISP and it is not just the BSS site that is suffering. My apologies to all who are inconvenienced. It seems this is a challenging problem to fix. Frank King

Re: Why are schools, across the world, 'banning' analemmatic sundials ?

2012-05-15 Thread Frank King
Dear Reinhold, You write... Create a wall of shame with lots of funny comments... Your story is full of drama. There is good news... ...Herr Kriegler sei der beste Lehrer an der Schule... Then the bad news... ...da hatte dieser Satz die Wirkung eines Stichs in ein Wespennest.

Transit of Venus

2012-06-01 Thread Frank King
Dear All, As several have noted, there is a Transit of Venus on Tuesday/Wednesday next week. For those in the U.K. the 2012 Transit will not be as rewarding as that in 2004. This time I shall be lucky to see the final stages shortly after sunrise on Wednesday. In 2004, several colleagues and

Re: Calculating azimuth of sunrise and sunset from present back 25,000 years

2012-06-24 Thread Frank King
to allow for changes in isostasy too, the ground will undoubtedly have heaved or dipped over time. Real life always asks tough questions! Frank King Cambridge, U.K. ---

Re: a way to determine the period of insolation of a wall, using an analemmatic sundial

2012-07-02 Thread Frank King
Circle a little surprising in this special case :-) Frank King Cambridge, U.K. ---

Re: a way to determine the period of insolation of a wall, using an analemmatic sundial

2012-07-03 Thread Frank King
get 12 hours on the south side in the southern hemisphere! Alas, here it is raining so no sun at all, and in half an hour I am leading 20 visiting academics on a sundial walk walk:-( Enjoy the sun if you have it! Frank King Cambridge, U.K


2012-08-27 Thread Frank King
Dear Tony, Google Images indeed represents a splendid resource and you can find lots of good pics of sundials and, if you wish, pictures of noted celebrities too. Try entering Tony Moss and you will see that you have more impersonators than Elvis! Still, the real thing is there around image

Re: Interactive Science: The Human Sundial |

2012-10-12 Thread Frank King
via a 500W lamp which I take into the classroom! Frank King Cambridge, U.K. ---

Re: Interactive Science: The Human Sundial |

2012-10-15 Thread Frank King
Dear Jim, Yes, this sounds like progress... A more permissive gnomonic environment may only be a few short steps away! Indeed! We shall look back on all this as The Dark Period of Gnomonic Prohibition! All the best Frank ---

Re: Bexhil on Sea dial

2012-11-10 Thread Frank King
Dear Jackie, You ask... ...why it is round, not oval which one would expect? It's the camera angle. Try looking at it from this direction: If you want a round analemmatic sundial you have to go to Naples:

Re: Railways and Sundials

2013-01-05 Thread Frank King
Dear John, Many congratulations. A truly amazing project... Owners of Tony Moss sundials are justifiably proud of their instruments and like to show them off. That said... I strongly suspect that you are the first owner to have constructed an entire railroad for this purpose!! More off-list.

Re: Analemmatic sundial

2013-01-12 Thread Frank King
) makes a tangent to the ellipse. These are the times when the direction reverses. I wonder how many readers think that I am kidding :-)) Life can get tough when you start thinking about special cases! Frank King Cambridge, U.K. --- https://lists.uni

Re: Interesting sundial

2013-01-26 Thread Frank King
in diameter. Next to John's Railway this would be 560 feet in diameter. I await the subject line: Man fails to climb 560' Sundial Frank King Cambridge, U.K. ---

Re: 3500 year old Egyptian sundial uncovered (with photo)

2013-03-14 Thread Frank King
with other ancient Egyptian dials? Frank King Cambridge, UK ---

Shadow Question

2013-03-29 Thread Frank King
Dear All, Widely reported in U.K. news reports today are the top five questions that children ask their mothers: 1) Why is water wet? 2) Where does the sky end? 3) What are shadows made of? 4) Why is the sky blue? 5) How do fish breathe under water? I am delighted to note that

Re: Is East/West always at exact 'right-angles', to North/South?

2013-04-11 Thread Frank King
Dear Gianni, You give us a deligthful story. I have a problem... ... the poles are singular points! Yes, but these singular points do not keep still! keep always vertical without any movement... Unfortunately, polar wandering means that Mr Thin would have to keep moving to stay at

Today's Google Banner

2013-04-15 Thread Frank King
A state diagram An argand diagram The relationship -1 = e^(i.pi) Frank King Cambridge, UK ---

Today's Google Banner - More

2013-04-15 Thread Frank King
I should, of course, have added: Happy Birthday to Leonhard Euler 306 years old today and still going strong! It is a happy coincidence that he should have been born on the day that the Equation of Time changes sign. Frank King Cambridge, UK

Re: Today's Google Banner - More

2013-04-15 Thread Frank King
Dear John, Tee hee... The EoT might change sign on Euler's 306th birthday but I very much doubt (without checking!) that the changeover was the same on the date of his birth! I did wonder about that and hoped no one would query it!!! According to the NOAA Solar Calculator, the changeover

Re: Re: Today's Google Banner - More

2013-04-17 Thread Frank King
Dear Helmut, It is good to have your confirmation that the EoT changed sign on 15 April 1707. John Davis made me nervous! Of course, this wasn't 15 April here in England, and the only outstanding worry is that Basel was still on the Julian Calendar. I know that different parts of Switzerland

Re: Little knowledge is a dangerous thing

2013-04-22 Thread Frank King
, now do it again and get it right second time! Frank King Cambridge, U.K. ---

Re: globe on the dome of the Gustaviaum

2013-05-04 Thread Frank King
Dear Roger, I do enjoy your thought-provoking messages! I have been thinking over your comments on the globe dial: I call sundials like this Terminator sundials as they tell time by the terminator line between the sunny and dark sides. So far, so good. An eloquent description of how

Re: quicklime

2013-05-04 Thread Frank King
Dear Frank, I am fully with your assertion that... Lime mortar is a material of importance to diallists. It is magic stuff but many builders today do not appreciate it or even know how to use it. I have one micro-quibble with one of your comments... For repairs and pointing to stone dials

Re: Re Man wants heliochronometer

2013-05-24 Thread Frank King
always go at much the same time of year the error should be consistent! That said, I think 10 seconds is pretty good. Frank Frank King Cambridge, U.K. ---

Re: temporal hour including refraction

2013-11-13 Thread Frank King
of the great things about sundials is that even the simplest problem gets tougher once you look at it carefully! Frank King Cambridge, U.K. ---

Re: temporal hour including refraction

2013-11-14 Thread Frank King
Dear Gianni, As always, you are quite right, but there is more to say... In all the methods to calculate or draw sundials, geometric or analytic, the Sun is always considered punctiform, and reduced to its center, Yes to all that. ...and no account is taken of refraction... Yes AND

Shaggy Sundial Story

2014-04-10 Thread Frank King
Dear All, The BBC has got hold of an alarming story at: This is clearly something designers should pay attention to. Frank King Cambridge, U.K. ---

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