Re: (313) DJ 3000 live on UK BBC1 tonight

2006-03-28 Thread Ian Malbon

On Mar 28, 2006, at 2:23 PM, Dan Bean wrote:

Hey everyone

Unfortunately this has already passed, the show went out last night  
(UK time).

However, the BBC streams all its radio for 1 week after broadcast  
so you can listen to it as an 'on demand' stream here:

Just click on the 'Listen Again' button.

And FFwd to 1:31:00 to get past some of the drill  bass pap.

Re: (313) J Dilla - Donuts

2006-03-21 Thread Ian Malbon

On Mar 21, 2006, at 3:49 PM, Thomas D. Cox, Jr. wrote:

On 3/21/06, Greg Earle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sorry, but this album did nothing for me.  It just sounds like one
long drawn-out sample CD, with longer samples.  It's a backdrop in
severe search of a tune.  I'm not saying he's not talented, mind
you - and I can see why Hip-Hop producers would want to work with
him - this type of material could certainly provide great bedrock
stock to put a real tune over the top of.  But it doesn't work at
all for me as a standalone thing, as far as I'm concerned.  It
definitely sounds like the work of someone who works better as a
collaborator than as an artist in his own right.

i just think youve missed the entire point of its existance. none of
it is backdrop, as you put it, he structures all the individual
beats to have movement within them. they arent basic beats for someone
to rhyme over, they have narrative more like a dj shadow production,
even if its over a very short period of time.

I think you both make good points.  The short-attention-span factor  
throws speed bumps into the listening experience, but I hear this  
as a statement made by a master producer, for producers.  It's a  
teaching tool, and a pallette that I imagine J Dilla knew would be  
picked up and re-contextualized.

I expect many of these tracks will be torn apart, re-created, and  
cast again as full length material.  If not, they will at least serve  
to inspire a whole new batch of creators with access to tons of  
obscure 70s vinyl.


Re: (313) coldplay and kraftwerk

2006-02-12 Thread Ian Malbon

On Feb 12, 2006, at 1:06 AM, Dr. Lester K Spence wrote:

I've been trying to send this message for a few days  
now...hopefully it'll get through this time out.

was watching the grammy's and caught coldplay's performance.  the  
only reason i know their name is because my daughter id'd them for  
me.  (damn i'm getting old.)

anyway, the melody sounded familiar to mewhen it hit me.   
Computer World by Kraftwerk.

I don't know the name of the Coldplay track, but I was wondering if  
anyone else had caught this?

There's actually an obvious mash-up on the internets now.  Search for  
Party Ben and Computer Talk.  Or Best of Booties 2005.


Re: (313) Bill Van Loo 6 Strings For A Winter's Day

2006-02-09 Thread Ian Malbon

On Feb 8, 2006, at 11:29 PM, Kent Williams wrote:

Gorgeous.  Requires headphones.  Do not expect beats.  Thanks, BVL.

Re: (313) Kosmischer Pitch

2006-02-06 Thread Ian Malbon

On Feb 3, 2006, at 2:18 PM, thomas ironside ainslie wrote:

As usual my budget is keeping me a few months behind the times, but  
I just

picked up Jan Jelinek's newest and holy balls it's great.

After a couple listens my favorite tracks are Universal Band  
and Im Discodickicht, but that might change after I have a chance  
to sit

down with some shrubberies and give it a late-night session.

Any other full lengths that y'alls are digging currently?  My  

apartment is limiting me to CD's right now, but curious to hear about

Agreed on the latest Jelinek.  Another non-313 find that is killing  
it is The Books Lost and Safe.

Deep conceptual headphone goodness.

Pitchforked here:

Re: (313) Submerge live in Japan CD

2006-02-01 Thread Ian Malbon
Seeing as how this will never get a proper US release, it's a  
perfect .mp3 candidate.

How about it, Submerge?

On Feb 1, 2006, at 1:24 AM, Andrew Jackson wrote:

Not sure if this has been posted before but this looks like a sweet
Second Prize.
The Vibrations are different here. - Sun Ra

Re: (313) Juan Atkins Up For A Grammy

2006-01-12 Thread Ian Malbon
Hmm.  Seems natural to me.  Despite the drama over the years,  
Detroiters usually stick up for each other.

Nothing wrong with critical acclaim of any type as long as it doesn't  
shape you.

Discuss amongst yourselves...

On Jan 12, 2006, at 12:38 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

i would have never imagined that it was so important to mad mike  
that juan

atkins to be aknowledged by the commercial record industry.
does that mean underground resistance has now become overground  


Re: (313) DJ BONE... ATTACKS - Week 23

2006-01-10 Thread Ian Malbon
It's 2006.  Will we get archives or not?  Love DJ Bone.  The format  
is not useful.  Losing interest.


On Jan 10, 2006, at 12:46 AM, Garrett McGrath wrote:

Re: (313) December 28, 2005 edition of Vault Radio

2006-01-05 Thread Ian Malbon

On Jan 4, 2006, at 7:36 PM, Anton Banks (313) wrote:

--January 4, 2005 (TONIGHT) - Audion Mashup by Ryan Elliott (Ghostly
--Live audio at from 9:30 to 11pm Eastern Time

Nice!  And archived where?

Re: (313) December 28, 2005 edition of Vault Radio

2006-01-05 Thread Ian Malbon

On Jan 5, 2006, at 12:46 AM, Ian Malbon wrote:

On Jan 4, 2006, at 7:36 PM, Anton Banks (313) wrote:

--January 4, 2005 (TONIGHT) - Audion Mashup by Ryan Elliott (Ghostly
--Live audio at from 9:30 to 11pm Eastern Time

Nice!  And archived where?

Nevermind.  I'm adding to my list of new years resolutions:  RTFM  
and Wait for it.


Re: (313) ele_mental / b|re holiday reunion tonight: Archetype, Titonton, Todd Sines, Luna

2005-12-29 Thread Ian Malbon

On Dec 28, 2005, at 10:31 AM, Thomas D. Cox, Jr. wrote:

aw man, i wish i coulda gone! i love all these guys to death!

Truther truth never been spoken.

Linda and I seriously miss our Cowtown pals.

Somebody please report on how the evening went.  Were the tears
and performance art as heavy as the beats?

Hope it was a real love-in.  Happy new year to you all.


ele_mental | body release reunion at Bento a Go Go
Tuesday, 27 December 2005

Archetype [Charles Noel] / NYC

Titonton Duvante / holdin down the 614

Todd  Sines / NYC

and a rare appearance by the EdLusive...

(313) Peace

2005-12-23 Thread Ian Malbon

Like most of us, I'm off to travel, visit family, and celebrate.

May the new year bring us all closer together and provide large  
amounts of tasty beats.


Re: (313) re: SPAM-LOW: Re: (313) Track ID

2005-12-01 Thread Ian Malbon

On Dec 1, 2005, at 9:48 AM, Tristan Watkins wrote:


While on the subject of this mix, where is the opening speech taken
from, and can anyone ID the first track in this mix ? Thanks!

That's the Carl Craig remix of Soft Ballet Forms' No One Lives on  
Mars, on SSR.

Which happens to be my all time fave Carl Craig remix.
The whole track just feels like looking up at a night sky packed with  


Re: (313) Mike Agent X Clark and Delano Smith in SF

2005-11-22 Thread Ian Malbon

On Nov 21, 2005, at 11:48 PM, Todd Sines wrote:

I'd love to chirp in here but I'd sound egotistical. :)


Please channel that inspiration into a full length release  
Todd.  ;-)  CD would be nice.


Re: (313) Please Pray for Me

2005-11-19 Thread Ian Malbon

On Nov 19, 2005, at 12:39 AM, Aaron-Carl wrote:

Just keep me in your prayers, that's all I ask.

Aaron, I have not met you, even though we probably live a few miles  
from each other.  I speak for all of us when I say that we are all  
very sorry for your loss.  Please lean on us for support.  This is a  
community and we're here for each other.

Peace to you and your family.

(313) Silly ideas

2005-11-18 Thread Ian Malbon
Given the current state of politics, war, etc. i was diggin' up  
Detroit musical touchpoints from 30 odd years ago.

Talking Book grabbed ahold of me immediately.

I would love it if Arnold, Ayro, Beltran, KDJ, or others (of similar  
style) could slam out a 7 cover of Superstition/Big Brother.

I might even buy a turntable for that slab of wax.

Re: (313) Silly ideas

2005-11-18 Thread Ian Malbon

On Nov 18, 2005, at 12:46 AM, I wrote:

Given the current state of politics, war, etc. i was diggin' up  
Detroit musical touchpoints from 30 odd years ago.

Talking Book grabbed ahold of me immediately.

I would love it if Arnold, Ayro, Beltran, KDJ, or others (of  
similar style) could slam out a 7 cover of Superstition/Big  

I might even buy a turntable for that slab of wax.

I'll up the ante for our UK brethren who rule the 313traffic--Set  
Jamie Lidell (aka Otis-lite) loose on this, and I'll buy a copy for  
me ailing mum.


Re: (313) Genres

2005-11-16 Thread Ian Malbon

On Nov 16, 2005, at 11:08 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm all into acoustitronica? these days.

How does that differ from this?

Re: (313) mix WNUR chicago - Misspent Years

2005-11-09 Thread Ian Malbon
Props to the Clinically Inclined crew for adding some of those  
delicious shots to the downloads as album artwork.  Nice touch.  And  
a solid set as usual.  I hope the younger heads in 312 and north subs  
are enjoying the schooling.


On Nov 8, 2005, at 11:56 AM, Matt MacQueen wrote:

Clinically Inclined
28 Oct 2005:Misspent Years
Fridays 9:30pm - 12:30am,  89.3 FM WNUR Chicago
Download from

(313) Detroit's Hip-Hop Mayor at +4

2005-11-09 Thread Ian Malbon
Early poll results indicate a win for Kilpatrick.  Effect on techno  
music scene considered to be (ahem) minimal.


Re: (313) The more things change

2005-11-04 Thread Ian Malbon

On Nov 3, 2005, at 7:05 PM, Jason Brunton wrote:

I know what you mean in terms of, there's nothing worse to me that  
hearing a record (or what I do) described as emotional Techno-  
it's a byword word for bland and predictable for me- it's a term  
used in particular with electronic music- I've never heard of  
emotional Rock and Roll or emotional Folk music!

I'm not defending the term emotional when used to describe techno,  
but I think it's often used defensively.  So many times the genre is  
described as soulless machine music.  In an effort to counter that,  
or distinguish certain tracks, people use the term emotional.   
Kinda reminds me of the first time I heard of atmospheric Drum   
Bass to distinguish it from a music that some considered too cold.

As far as Rock and Folk go, they're both rooted in protest, so  
emotion is a given (or should be).


Re: (313) The more things String

2005-11-04 Thread Ian Malbon

On Nov 4, 2005, at 2:38 AM, Kent Williams wrote:

I did a mashup a few weeks back of strings of life and blackwater, and
while setting the warp markers in 'strings' I became quite intimate
with its form. I think it's not going too far to say that it's
structure isn't that far off something Mozart would have done. If he'd
had a 909.

I imagine ACME will have an Amadeus-fish mod for the 909 out by the  
end of the week.


Re: (313) The more things change

2005-11-03 Thread Ian Malbon

On Nov 2, 2005, at 10:23 PM, Cyclone Wehner wrote:

I'm not out of touch! But I have arguments with young Detroit fans  
- friends
of mine - who are so purist that I wonder how they really love  
music at all.
Their blanket disavowal of all contemporary urban music is strange.  
I think
I am much more on the pulse than them, arrogant or not as that  
sounds. I
refuse to get to a point where we purely romanticise the music of  
the past
as they - some - do. How is it that an old funk record can be  

over something new and edgy?

I think it's a matter of perspective.  Once you've educated yourself  
on Detroit Techno (or any other genre for that matter), you can apply  
that learning to new musics and compare/contrast the two.  And we  
learn from that.

Newbies usually have not yet mastered any given genre, and may be  
overly enthusiastic about the one sound they have discovered.

At my age, I've developed appreciation for swing, bop, dub, soul,  
funk, disco, hard trance, concertos, electro (1st and 2nd Gen), ska  
(1.0 - 3.0) blah blah blah.  I filter everything though my experience  
and a few new things always sneak through.

I was met with raised eyebrows from peers when i said that Christina  
Aguilera's Genie in a Bottle had a compelling Aphex Twin production  
sound.  My fondness for Bowie/Bolan glam helped me latch on to Louis  
XIV for a hell of a lot of fun, without me expecting them to be  
anything but a passing fancy.

Techno classics have their place, but if we don't keep one ear in the  
future, we're betraying the originators.


(P.S. God bless you Mama Parks.)

(313) What you listening to? (was Re: (313) DJ Mag Poll)

2005-11-03 Thread Ian Malbon

On Thu, November 3, 2005 11:34 pm, Cyclone Wehner wrote:

 You guys?

Boards of Canada, Fat Freddy's Drop, John Arnold, Black Dog, and  
Boozoo Bajou.  Record Time was good to me today.


(313) But can they sing?

2005-11-03 Thread Ian Malbon
Clearly there has been a move by many producers to incorporate more  
vocals in techno and related genres (Diva-house has always been an  
exception).  I remember thinking this was going to become a trend  
when Juan dropped The Flow.  Some, like Recloose, employ guest  
vocals, and others, like Jeremy Ellis, handle the task themselves.

First, what's your general reaction to vocal tracks?  And does it  
bother you when some of these vocalists can't quite cut it?


(313) Seattle for Halloween?

2005-10-14 Thread Ian Malbon

Any Devil's Night activity in the great Northwest?

Hit me up privately.  (BTW, thanks for the info from a few weeks back  
Chana.  Should come in handy.)


Re: (313) iridite #5

2005-10-06 Thread Ian Malbon

On Oct 6, 2005, at 10:21 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Apparently he's been known to send his people into record shops to  

for bootlegs of his records.

Then they bust the place up just as a warning

Well, according to Real Detroit, there's one less place to check.   
The Dance Room at Record Time Roseville has been shuttered, it's  
stock mixed into the rest of the inventory, and Huckaby is no longer  

End of an era.  Can anyone confirm?

Re: AW: (313) Track id

2005-10-03 Thread Ian Malbon

On Oct 3, 2005, at 3:17 AM, TOKOMAK wrote:

Hi R.,

it could be Ian Pooley - Numbers

maybe the Jazzanova RMX, check this one here

I'm positive this is the track R. Vincent was looking for, but I was  
stunned to find how many compilations this has made it onto.

What's Your Number appears on something like 15 different CD comps  
and mixes.  My copies are Jedi's Night Out and Rootdown 99.  Both  


(313) Planet Delsin on iTunes music store

2005-09-22 Thread Ian Malbon

rubs eyes, blinks

Never expected to see that one!  More Delsin please (and Peacefrog,  
and New Religion, and...)


Re: (313) The techno-reggae connection

2005-09-19 Thread Ian Malbon

On Sep 19, 2005, at 2:56 PM, Kent Williams wrote:

One that stands out is on the Blood  Fire re-issue of the Congos'
Heart of the Congos -- in particular the bonus CD's 12 versions of
Congoman and Congoman Chant  This is some deep mystery music, and
on the utilitarian side they have a 4/4 120 bpm pulse. Frickin

Anyone else got their favorites? Lance, you should have a few!

These are the Carl Craig Edits, no?

I have to chime in with a dub fave.

Kylyn by Japanese percussionist Pecker
21st Century Dub (ROIR, 1991 [orig. released 1980])

The first time I heard this track I got chills, and it does it to me  
every time.  Vocals are otherworldly.

Not very techno, but you DO have two turntables, right?

Re: (313) Ghost of 313's past...

2005-09-13 Thread Ian Malbon

On Sep 13, 2005, at 12:29 AM, Lance @ Inaudible wrote:

Hello all,
Haven't been here in over 5 years but the other day DJ Horsepower +  
his lovely wife hunted me down at my office in cleveland and  
reminded me of the musical friends from the golden age

Awww shi*, ol'skool 313 list in the haus.  Welcome back soldier.

Great to see the names dropped, even if we have lost a few comrades.

Dub is always a nice education, but the influence seems to have faded  
in recent years.

And what's happening in Ohio?  The MI-OH corridor was once strong.   
Can it be rebuilt?


Re: (313) Re: mix WNUR chicago - 12 Aug - Let's Straighten It Out

2005-09-12 Thread Ian Malbon

On Sep 11, 2005, at 8:25 PM, Matt MacQueen wrote:

I've Never heard any other version of Everyday I never got the  
sunburst band LP or anything.  Are there words in Everyday?  Cause  
there are only a couple lyrics towards the very end on  Everydub,  
so maybe it's just  dub version of that track Everyday.   You can  
hear it in my mix, starts around 37:00.

what, if any, of their other stuff is worth checking?  yeah it's  
kind of a rip-off sound - i agree - but there's something nice  
about the warm spacey moog-disco sound on some of these...

I missed the second CD, but heard it's good.  It's on my list now.

I jumped on the first full length when it eventually hit the states.   
If you have any appreciation for real disco, you will find something  
to love about this project.  Master Rocker and New York City  
Woman are the tracks I go back to.  I was expecting lots of remix  
action but I guess maybe the disco tribute sound was a little too  
authentic (/cheesy) to inspire it.


Re: (313) Carl Craig Fabric CD

2005-09-01 Thread Ian Malbon

Interesting post James.

On Aug 31, 2005, at 8:43 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

as i understand it: up north they're hard, down south they're a  
bunch of

shandy drinkers.

this is what i've picked up from years of watching british tv in  a  

colony.  so if i'm wrong blame

the goodies

Goodies!  The Goody-goodies Yum Yum...  (Thank you PBS in 1976...)

this divisions were further sharpened by the decline of the industrial
revolution and the closure of the mines post second world war. it  

it's nadir during thatcher's years when the miner's union was defeated
after a long long strike and the mass closure of pits and mass
unemployment. the northern cities went into decline furthering the  

of capital to the south.

Just curious--was there a notable racial component to this?


Re: (313) DJ BONE - ATTACK - WEEK 3

2005-08-22 Thread Ian Malbon

It's been a great series so far, from a worthwhile talent.

Sooo, I can get this on my iPod how?

Or are we all supposed to use our computers to have weekly solo dance  

Or am I supposed to just wait until Bone plays at a local club?

I, too, am curious about the motives for the change.  My guess is  
that those involved would like to see an mp3 file that autodestructs  
after a week.


Re: (313) tonight in detroit?!?!?!?

2005-08-13 Thread Ian Malbon

So this reverend and a cop walk into a Detroit club...

On Aug 12, 2005, at 11:01 PM, /0 wrote:

- Original Message - From: Rev. Jeffrey Paul  

Sent: Friday, August 12, 2005 6:49 PM
Subject: Re: (313) tonight in detroit?!?!?!?

On Fri, Aug 12, 2005 at 02:29:52PM -0400, /0 wrote:

wheres the mf'in party at???

In my pants, cop.

Rev. Jeffrey Paul-datavibe- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 aim:x736e65616b   pgp:0x40754B94   phone:877-748-3467
  F3F7 FFB7 B966 3675 9170  5265 AD12 0474 4075 4B94

(313) South American Hip Hop

2005-07-08 Thread Ian Malbon
At some point (I think on this list) there was a link to some great  
samples of hip hop coming out of the hills in Brazil.  Electro- 
tinged, DIY stuff that was full of energy.

My searches of the archives have proved fruitless.

Can anyone remind me?

Re: (313) South American Hip Hop

2005-07-08 Thread Ian Malbon

On Jul 8, 2005, at 3:48 AM, Simon Hindle wrote:

This is perhaps the best-known resource - heaps of mp3s.

That's exactly the page I was seeking. Obrigado!

(313) MeatBeat Manifesto?

2005-06-27 Thread Ian Malbon
Did anyone here hit the show at St. Andrews?  Other events (and local  
effects of global warming) kept me from going.  Is a brief review  


Re: (313) Electryfyin Mojo sample on K1 Machine Soul?

2005-06-25 Thread Ian Malbon

On Jun 25, 2005, at 2:54 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Can someone tell me if the vocal sample on the microthol mix of  
Plastic People is a sample from Mojo's show?  
It sounds
like the voice from that Moodymann sampeld prince interview. the  
words are:
hold on tight don't let go, whenever you feel like times are  
getting you
down ... keep hanging, keep remembering, there ain't nobody bad  
like you.


That's Mojo alright.  Closed out nearly every show with a slight  
variation on those words.


Re: (313) Ultravox

2005-06-23 Thread Ian Malbon

On Jun 22, 2005, at 1:59 PM, Greg Earle wrote:

Whoa, this must be the Generation Gap[tm] speaking.  (Sorry  
Cyclone :-) )

At the risk of breaking ranks, I will respectfully disagree with my  
slightly older brother.  ;-)

Vienna is brilliant electronic music, and it crystallized the  
dispassionate neu-romantic aesthetic.  If we could replace Midge's  
voice with John Foxx, I'll bet Greg would love it.  The same holds  
true to a somewhat lesser extent with Rage in Eden.

And Alex nails it:  Mr. X begat Alleys of Your Mind after all.

My own (highly biased) suggestions:

Foxx's Metamatic.  (One of the Greatest Albums Ever Made)
Systems Of Romance.  (Classic)
Ha! Ha! Ha!.  (If only for Hiroshima Mon Amour, one of their best)
Ultravox! (first album) if the rest made you a fan.

All good suggestions as well, but it was a different Ultravox.  On  
that we agree.


Re: (313) WTF

2005-06-16 Thread Ian Malbon
I know it's a tedious thread, but I've never had an issue with double  
posts, or anything getting blocked.  Ever.

I do not swear in my posts.

I do not use RTF or HTML.

I never have attachments (known or unknown).

I don't use a webmail interface to post.

My Mac just works.  (dons flame retardant gear)

Re: (313) Hello 313, I am....

2005-06-16 Thread Ian Malbon

name: Ian Malbon
age: 40 (yes, and I know several older list-elders are lurking out  

where I live: Royal Oak, 2.5 miles from 8-mile Rd.
born in: tha D
into electronic music: Probably since Morodor on Casablanca.  A  
defining moment was discovering Music with a Message on WCBU-FM in  
Peoria, Illinois in 1982.  Playlists regularly covered Cameo,  
Kraftwerk, Newcleus, Egytian Lover and Bambaataa.
Moved back to Detroit 1988, soaked up Fast Forward like a sponge  
(thanks, Alan!)

best live act(s): A Guy Called Gerald (the Shelter, 1990), Kraftwerk,  
Detroit Grand Pubahs (DEMF 2000), Rob Hood at Sardine Bar, Elvin  
Jones at Orchestra Hall (the Jazz Samurai, RIP)
fave club: Best spaces were the least legit--Bankle, Packard,  
Hastings, etc.

subscribed to 313 list:  1995

Oh, and I'm the guy who buys no vinyl.  CDs only.

Re: (313) UR at fuse in download

2005-06-03 Thread Ian Malbon

On Jun 2, 2005, at 4:00 PM, Brian Prince wrote:

After listening to the live set I want that Galaxy2Galaxy double CD so

Hurry up and release it, Submerge. I got my wallet out.


Picked up my copy for 10 bucks at the SID tent at the festival.  I'm  
so happy to hear some of these tracks unmixed on CD for the first  
time.  Los Hermanos full length for 5 bucks was also a steal.


Re: (313) Fuse-In Day 1

2005-05-30 Thread Ian Malbon

On May 29, 2005, at 10:36 PM, theREALmxyzptlk wrote:

That wandering perv guy was particularly creepy.

Wait.  I thought Mr. Bond was still in the UK...

Re: (313) In The Dark - Soul of Detroit CD release party

2005-05-25 Thread Ian Malbon
Is there info available about this CD?  Label, Distributor, Release  

On May 24, 2005, at 4:32 PM, Matt MacQueen wrote:

Didn't see this one come across, from Still Music... apologies if  
it did already


10$ before 2 Am - 15$ after 2 Am

Please join us all nite with some of the best live artists, dj and  
producers Detroit has to offer... Also a DVD documentary will be  
shot that night!

on the bill:

and a surprise guest!


Re: (313) Radio station with online archives?

2005-05-24 Thread Ian Malbon

On May 23, 2005, at 8:12 PM, Nathan wrote:


mike's show is on monday nites from 8pm - 9pm i think.

Exactly!  Unfortunately, it looks like they've unhooked the archive,  
possibly for bandwidth reasons.  times out.

Thanks for the reminder Nathan.

Re: (313) Out-of-towner festival attendee roll call!

2005-05-23 Thread Ian Malbon

On May 23, 2005, at 12:33 AM, Cyclone Wehner wrote:

All this stuff is reminding me of school - and truancy lists...

So how's the new Star Wars?

Reviews are right.  Best of the new trilogy.  Lucas finally decided  
to kill the belch jokes and bad puns.

Also was Doctor Who ever big in the US - or very cult?

AFAIK, Doctor Who has been a very rare geek phenomenon in the US (PBS  
anyone?).  It would be hard to establish an audience without  
Hollywood/Madison Avenue involvement.  And even then, kids here would  
probably confuse it with that odd Hitchhiker movie that no one has  
seen yet.

Still waiting for that perfect techno movie...

Re: (313) new Shake 12 on Dust Science

2005-05-23 Thread Ian Malbon

On May 23, 2005, at 4:10 PM, J.T. wrote:

if everybody would pass the hat and drop a couple bucks in we could  
fly alex out and finally deliver on all those threats *shaking fists*

The ACME flamethrower would never make it through security.

-Original Message-
Sent: May 23, 2005 8:01 AM
Subject: Re: (313) new Shake 12 on Dust Science

Off to Detroit tomorrow - very exciting, see some of you there!

yeah yeah yeah, cant hear you. la la lalalalal.  detroit is rubbish  

; )

me want a shakin shake 12 too. hope it's got this old house on it.  
or green


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(313) Radio station with online archives?

2005-05-23 Thread Ian Malbon
Hey list.  I'm blanking on the URL for a college/NPR station in  
Windsor/Detroit area that keeps online archives of their broadcasts  
on an hourly basis.

I think this might be the station that Mike Huckaby has a weekly show  
on.  Any info on the showtimes, or station ID, or URL is welcome.


(P.S. Anything else of electronic interest still happening on the  
Detroit radio front?)

Re: (313) song of the day

2005-05-16 Thread Ian Malbon
Spending time cleaning up my digital music library, and having fun  
with Mr. Geist's Unclassics.

It's 1977 all over again!  Bring on the George Lucas movies!


Re: (313) Festival out-of-towner attendance

2005-05-06 Thread Ian Malbon

On May 5, 2005, at 5:10 PM, Greg Earle wrote:

(N.B.: You can tell that the demographics of this list have long since
 left Detroit behind as its nexus - in years past we would've all
 been talking about the lineup and accomo's and who's going, et al.
 for days.  This year it seems like the discussion was over in a day.)

As I recall, the music/scene got hijacked by our friends across the
pond in the late 80s as well, eh?  Maybe net-lists suffer the same
back and forth priority that the music does.  What, what?

UK: Good luck on those polls, btw.  Hope you get what you desire
with no tampering (rare these days).

Greg:  You know it's worth it.  Hope to see you soon.

(313) Represses: interesting blog

2005-04-26 Thread Ian Malbon
I imagine the author is subscribed, but i thought this might be of some 
interest, at least for the current story and the links.

Re: (313) Abdul Haqq Prints

2005-04-06 Thread Ian Malbon
We always called it the person mover, based on the typical number of 
passengers.  (The exceptions being of course, when there used to be 
Redwing games, and the Autoshow)

Linda and I used it for several months as daily commuter transport a 
few years ago though, and it's a unique way to get a feel for the 
architecture of the city.

On Apr 6, 2005, at 11:55 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

a guy I used to work with (he was from Detroit) had a few favorite
nicknames for it:

the mugger mover
the people remover



 david smith

 04/06/2005 07:03  

   Re: (313) Abdul Haqq Prints

FYI it's not a monorail, it's the people mover, a train that circles
detroit.  It costs under $1 to ride.  Its kinda a joke really.  typical

It is sad the city has no high-tech public transportation.


On Apr 6, 2005, at 4:54 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

My Abdul Haqq print that I ordered arrived this morning.

I got it from RubADub (thanks for ordering them in guys - I really
appreciate it).

I know art is a subjective thing of course, and not everyone likes mr
haqq's work, but I just wanted to say how pleased I am with it.

It's beautifully produced and mounted, it's even signed and hand
too. And for £40 I think it's a total bargain, a nice piece of techno
memorabilia. I got the one of the detroit buildings and the monorail -
on the cover of the infonet 313 comp. It's gonna look nice in my 


I don't know if they're all sold out, but, well, I gotta say, you 

grab one!

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RE: (313) VMAX

2005-03-19 Thread Ian Malbon
On Mar 18, 2005, at 10:23 AM, Robert Taylor wrote:
 You won't see Brendan today.
 Paddy's night last night.
 He ended up south of the river and still hasn't returned!

Funny you mention it, because I could _swear_ I saw him on the T in downtown 
Boston yesterday around noon (St. Paddy's Day.)  Can anyone prove or disprove?

Also, any tips for Boston Saturday night 3/19?

-- Ian

Re: (313) talking heads + omar s mix

2005-03-11 Thread Ian Malbon

On Mar 11, 2005, at 6:23 AM, dinamica wrote:

If CC likes it, I assume TH might have some other nice songs... So, can
you recommend TH material in the more electronic side?

All the TH albums are worthwhile, if not necessarily electronic.

I'd agree with Alex that Eno/Byrne's My life in the Bush of Ghosts 
has some very tasty tracks.  AND if you like that release you owe it to 
yourself to find a copy of Byrne's The Catherine Wheel.   It was the 
score that Byrne composed for a Twyla Tharp dance piece.  Dead funky.


Re: (313) mix WNUR chicago - 25 Feb 2005 - Detroit techno tag-team

2005-03-08 Thread Ian Malbon

On Mar 7, 2005, at 11:16 PM, Matt MacQueen wrote:

Clinically Inclined
25 February 2005
Fridays 9:30pm - 12:30am,  89.3 FM WNUR Chicago for audio archives

Warm up w/ disco dubs and early Detroit house before an expansive 
tag-team set of Detroit techno with Dave. From Music Institute-era KMS 
Records to the darkest aquatic depths of electronic funk, minimal 
bleep and 313 techno soul classics. With the 2005 FUSE-in Detroit 
Festival just announced, a Motor City spotlight was callin' ...and it 
certainly won't be our last!

About as on topic as one can get.  Nicely done.

(Or should I say, Ace!  Yer onnit lads)

Re: (313) via FREEP. Detroit, videogame and submerge!

2005-02-25 Thread Ian Malbon

On Feb 25, 2005, at 8:21 AM, David Beattie wrote:

(people outside the UK probobly wont get this - sorry)

That's alright.  This list has been like that for months.

(313) Classical/Techno and the power of a spirit

2005-02-20 Thread Ian Malbon

Just got back from this show.  Holland's 8 minute Motor City Dance 
Mix has all the makings of a 1989-era 313 anthem, if it had been 
written for a few pieces of Japanese electronics instead of a full 
symphony orchestra.  The composer's intentions were effective and 
clear, regardless of how stiff the musicians were.  I have yet to hear 
an orchestral percussion section that can swing nearly as hard as most 
of the Detroit city high school drum corps can.  Still, I was smiling 
the entire time, feeling a certain legitimacy descend on the sounds we 
know and love.  And the performers get an A for effort.  I wonder if 
any of them were persuaded to research the context and inspiration 
during rehearsal.

Hannibal Lokumbe's Dear Mrs. Parks was a complete revelation.  
Stunning.  Powerful.  It's a love song for the power of a single human 
spirit, a prayer for justice and peace, and a celebration of liberty, 
turned up to 11.  The composer was in attendance during this world 
premiere weekend, and he was even spotted dancing in his box seat 
throughout much of the performance.  I can't wait to hear this again, 
and hope it's recorded soon.


Re: (313) a guy called gerald

2005-02-16 Thread Ian Malbon

On Feb 15, 2005, at 4:13 PM, Thomas D. Cox, Jr. wrote:

if anyone ever wants to test my limits as a deejay ill be happy to
serve up a 5-6 hour set of jungle, house, techno, disco, 2-step,
reggae, funk, soul, dancehall, rock, experimental, noise, hiphop,
pop, etc. my record collection suffers from multiple personality

Sounds exactly like the type of set I would love.  I think  a few of us
suffer from ADD when it comes to genre.

Please, Tom?

Re: (313) canberra?

2005-02-08 Thread Ian Malbon
Wow.  Am I the only one old enough willing to mention the Drop Bass 
Network and Milwaukee's contribution to the hard-core acid scene?

Granted there was not a lot of good that came out of it...but the 
ENERGY!  Richie's coitus interruptus in a barn (FUK)?  Anyone?  Craig?  
MW-Raves Alumni?

On Feb 7, 2005, at 8:04 PM, Cyclone Wehner wrote:

Sorry! I am just going by the movie and the fact no one talks about
Wisconsin. Hate on Kevin Smith, not me! ;)


From: [b\) a d i [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Cyclone Wehner [EMAIL PROTECTED], 313 Detroit

Subject: Re: (313) canberra?
Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2005 12:30 PM

Kinda like the Wisconsin of Oz

watch it!


Re: (313) The Crisis in Detroit

2005-02-03 Thread Ian Malbon

I'd buy that for a dollar!

On Feb 3, 2005, at 10:04 AM, George Jones IV - logic7 wrote:

Soon... Really soon...

-Original Message-
From: Brian Prince [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2005 5:00 PM
To: atomly
Subject: Re: (313) The Crisis in Detroit

atomly said:

How long until OCP takes over the city government and starts installing
ED-209 units downtown?


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Re: (313) npr / michigan public radio

2005-02-02 Thread Ian Malbon
FYI, I dug up two other articles about the Hardcore Detroit 
breakdancing story on Michigan Public Radio.

On Feb 2, 2005, at 11:14 AM, lee herrington wrote:

Here's a link to that story.
vinyl hangs on

lee r. herrington
u store it
technical support specialist

-Original Message-
From: Matt MacQueen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2005 10:59 AM
To: 313
Cc: Ian Malbon
Subject: (313) npr / michigan public radio

my brother told me about a program on NPR yesterday, might have been U
of M's affiliate station, someone who  interviewed a vinyl record
presser in detroit and a break dance club in detroit.   anyone hear
these.. [paging Ian Malbon to the thread] and/or have links to the
program?   I'll see what I can dig up too.  sometimes they have audio
archives online.

Matt MacQueen


Re: (313) No Movement 2005?

2005-01-27 Thread Ian Malbon

On Jan 26, 2005, at 5:30 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Putting an entrance fee on it could result in a drop in attendance. 

the real fans of the music will go and many of the raver kids just
looking for some music to practice their breakdancing skills to would 

away from it (possibly).

And it would also prevent me dancing with the 4-year old kid from a 
totally different socio-economic world who digs the bass just as much 
as I do.  Or smiling politely to his grandmother, who's not used to 
seeing white guys in their thirties act like I am.

The wider community aspect (aka culture collision) is a good part of 
what has made the festival work from day 1.  Admission will remove that 
part too.

City dwellers are USED to having free festivals at Hart Plaza.  It 
would be discouraging for many if one had to pay AND empty coolers, 

(P.S. I do not live downtown, and I'm not trying to further an agenda, 
just presenting my perception.)


Re: (313) Deep Space Radio 1994

2004-09-16 Thread Ian Malbon

On Sep 15, 2004, at 7:34 PM, Matt MacQueen wrote:

Cobotron - R9 - Enter (Fantasy)

Ah yes.  The cybernetic being large enough to house an entire autoshow.

(313) Deep Space Radio Memories

2004-09-15 Thread Ian Malbon

My thanks again to Robin for the space to share.

Happy 10 years, 313 and Deep Space!

Back in the day, Linda and I would hit the parties Saturday night, and 
Deep Space was sometimes the soundtrack while driving around Detroit.  
I got tired of missing parts of the show, so i rigged the VCR to start 
at midnight and grab 4 hours.  These are the only two shows I managed 
to retain (8 hours total), but they are corkers.  Juan's influence in 
particular is evident in the July show (Minx hosting).

I hope you all enjoy them as much as I have.  Good luck with the 
tracklisting, too.  This should be fun.


Re: (313) Detroit's only Electronic Music radio show comes to an end

2004-08-23 Thread Ian Malbon

On Aug 23, 2004, at 1:22 PM, diana potts wrote:

is liz copeland still on the air at WDET?

She is.  Liz's show has a huge range though--far beyond typical 
borders, and inclusive of avant- and mainstream jazz, indie, pop, 
world, rock, and flavors of electronic music.

Losing WDTR was a another huge blow for Detroit Radio.  WRCJ may be 
able to provide the superior jazz programming if they play their cards 
right.  Beyond that, I don't hope for much else.


Re: (313) Which Techno Track

2004-08-17 Thread Ian Malbon

On Tue, 17 Aug 2004, Martin Dust wrote:

Which Techno Track do you think has the best noise on ever?. You 

the one that makes you rewind again and again.

Opening, highly reverbed static on Second Bad Vilbel.

That, and that bleep/bass tone right before the fade on Acid Eiffel 
(about 13 minutes in).


(313) Signs of Apocolypse, cont.

2004-08-11 Thread Ian Malbon
GM's Hummer division has licensed LFO's Freak for it's new extreme 
utility truck advertising campaign.

1) They picked the wrong LFO.
2) I'm so glad I have a hybrid.
3) 99.99% of the kids who loved this track last year have parents who 
will not buy them a Hummer.

4) The original video is way better than the ad.

(313) 80s Track ID

2004-07-26 Thread Ian Malbon
At the risk of losing my list-elder cred, I need to put a few more DJ  
minds on this track ID.

I am ashamed because I should know this.  Any help is welcomed.;action=display; 


Re: (313) 80s Track ID

2004-07-26 Thread Ian Malbon

On Jul 26, 2004, at 12:20 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

is there a link to a sample? i couldn't see one.

Unfortunately no.  That's the hard part.

Re: (313) 80s Track ID

2004-07-26 Thread Ian Malbon

On Jul 26, 2004, at 8:43 AM, matrix313 wrote:;action=display;

from the description given, my guess would be his track 19. send my 

addressed to me care of Matrix.

sean that 80's dude deason

You may be close here Sean.  I have a sneaking suspicion that I'm 
hearing the b-side Asylum (It's Weird) in my head.  I just can't find 
a damn sample online to confirm...


(313) Techno vocals (was Re: (313) anthony rother)

2004-07-23 Thread Ian Malbon

On Jul 22, 2004, at 7:42 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Techno guys should probably never add their own vocals on their 

One of Juan's true successes IMHO is his ability to integrate his voice 
into his tracks without engaging the cringe factor.

I wanna be there, when you return...


(313) Old micro-genres (Was Re: (313) Sextronica ©)

2004-07-22 Thread Ian Malbon
Any of you good people remember Sextronica?  It was a mid-2004 
micro-genre that covered Detroit techno, db, and hip-hop with triple 
doses of smoov-ness.

Shortest genre ever, but nice while it lasted.  I think Sean Deason was 
associated with it, was there anyone else?


Re: (313) New Mix Online

2004-06-29 Thread Ian Malbon

On Jun 29, 2004, at 4:56 PM, Matt MacQueen wrote:

On 28 Jun 2004, at 10:39, Dennis DeSantis wrote:
I've posted a new mix online.  This is an hour long, comprised only 
of releases from the Thinner netlabel.



This mix is deep... lush, full tracks with that kick that certain 
dub/depth I crave when listening to an all 4/4 techno mix.. Heard 
some Thinner joints one night up at the radio station and have 
wondered about it ever since.. thanks for putting this up at the nice 
bit rate too, suitable for CD burn  nite drives thru babylon.

Agreed.  I've auditioned quite a few of these netlabels, and aside from 
an occasional quirky ambient track, they're pretty much hit or miss.  
Thinner is an exception.  I'm partial to Paul Keeley, Benfay, and 
Dennis' kicked up remix work.


Re: (313) recording detroit techno sets

2004-06-28 Thread Ian Malbon

On Jun 28, 2004, at 11:27 AM, Rob Tyte wrote:

Does anyone know if you can record from decks through mixer onto an  
ipod. If the answer is yes... How?

No/not yet. 

iPod limited to 8KHz mono, .WAV format.

Re: (313) georg neufeld ?

2004-06-24 Thread Ian Malbon 

On Jun 24, 2004, at 5:27 PM, Matt MacQueen wrote:

i am playing an MP3 by georg neufeld and i have no recollection of how  
i got it,  but it's some deep, driving, luscious sexy house music.   
Anyone got more scoop ?  The track is 'just ring your bells'

man i'd love to have this 1) on 12-inch,  and 2) played on a massive  
system and watch a floor reaction to this cut


Re: (313) detroit's got soul

2004-06-13 Thread Ian Malbon

On Jun 13, 2004, at 1:02 AM, Thomas D. Cox, Jr. wrote:


Thanks for that.  Well written, too.  It feels like Eric's finally 
understood Detroit.
Or maybe just visited for the first time.  More than B-Ball this 
article seems to
capture a mood that we feel in Detroit parties, and Detroit music all 
the time.

We'll see if he changes his tune after game 4, but it was a rewarding 

ob313:  Finally a domestic release of Ghetto Fly-- my soundtrack for 
the rest of the

NBA Finals.


2004-06-11 Thread Ian Malbon

Detroit 2, L.A. 1.  Sorry Greg.  (but I know you're happy for us...)

Favorite crowd sign:  Jack, you can't handle the truth.

(313) Old School Gems (was Re: CC/Talking Heads)

2004-06-02 Thread Ian Malbon

On Jun 1, 2004, at 8:47 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

yesterday i picked-up a comp of old electro - 'bionic breaks' compiled 

...but the other half are such gems it made it worth the money.
 Davy DMX - One For The Treble

This was possibly my first exposure to hip-hop/electronic dance music, 
on a radio show in 1981 or 82.
I remember using the word FRESH way too much for my high school peers 
for a few days afterwards.

Congrats on finding it.

(313) REVIEW: Green Light GO

2004-05-30 Thread Ian Malbon

Actually, I'm looking for a review.

Arrived at 11pm, waited in line for over an hour.  Bolted to chill at 
Buddha.  Which of you pre-planners or guest-list hoes wants to give up 
the details?  Did Claude spank it?  What 70s prog track or indie 
surprise did Shake drag out?  Was Dan in bleep mode?

I'm expecting a response from the festival net cafe.  313 Geek Posse 


Re: (313) Movement track ID please

2004-05-30 Thread Ian Malbon
Sounds like you're describing Pepe Braddock's Burning/Deep Burnt.  
Always a crowd pleaser, and no better place to hear it than Hart Plaza.


On May 30, 2004, at 11:50 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

During Garth Trinidad's shockingly great set on High Tech Soul Stage, 
dropped a song that floored the got the biggest response that 
I saw
the entire day.  It was right after the disco-scorcher portion of his 
when he slowed the tempo and chilled things out quite a bit.playing 

that would sound completely at home on any of the labels Kruder and
Dorfmeister are affiliated with.  2 or 3 songs into this portion, he 

a track with a majestically filtered 4 part chord progression.  The
filtering starts out with the chord barely noticeable and by the 
middle of

the track the chord is exposed completely and sounds lush and rich.  I
remember thinking to my self that it sounded like a less driving and 

out Groove La Chord by Aril Brikha.

Sound familiar to anyone?  I hope so 'cuz I want it!

Re: (313) Festival Broadcast?

2004-05-29 Thread Ian Malbon

On May 29, 2004, at 12:54 PM, john arnold wrote:

Does anybody know which sight the festival is being broacast from?

I registered at, but have not received a password yet 
to launch the player.


Re: (313) Movement Festival Live On Web

2004-05-28 Thread Ian Malbon
So happy somebody picked up the ball on this one.  Even though WMP and 
24kbps are nasty, I'm glad that our travel-impaired friends have at 
least some form of access.

We can hope that hi-quality audio streams will flood the P2P servers by 
this time next month.


Re: (313) looking for screensavers

2004-05-25 Thread Ian Malbon

You could always roll your own with the images here:

or here:

On May 25, 2004, at 4:03 PM, kj at technotourist dot org wrote:

The people from Rushhour have a screensaver, just for PC no Mac though 

On 25-mei-04, at 21:55, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

looking for any cool (relatively office friendly) screen savers that 
may be

313 related

got one already from Axis that has the flipping (as in rotating) 


looking for anything techno/electro/house or just funny as hell


Ian Malbon   |   Account Manager   |   i33 Communications
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   313-873-5631 x 219

Re: (313) D TROIT at Urbis in Manchester

2004-05-13 Thread Ian Malbon

On May 13, 2004, at 1:22 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 if folks are
interested, i can post the track listing to the 313 list, though, as 
you can
imagine, it's pretty long, something like 262 songs over 14 cds, so i 
won't do that

unless asked.

(313) Netsky

2004-04-30 Thread Ian Malbon

On Apr 30, 2004, at 9:59 AM, Blackman, Ryan (UKEKT) wrote:

Delete delete delete.
They are clever enough to make it look like a trusted source, hence 

up your computer, should you trust it.

It's a netsky variant worm that has been tearing up the net recently.  
I get several of these a day from trusted sources.  Delete with 
extreme prejudice (or use a secure OS).


Re: (313) movement vs brood x

2004-04-24 Thread Ian Malbon

On Apr 23, 2004, at 5:59 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Uhm - big flying bugs with crunchy exoskeletons, red eyes, they swarm 
masse and create deafening acid like buzzing sounds, they're being 

Brood X, and they'll probably be showing up in the Detroit area

who will be the first to make a track inspired by this?

please post when you have

And it better be hotter than this:

Re: (313) 10 years?

2004-04-23 Thread Ian Malbon

On Apr 22, 2004, at 3:34 PM, Marsel // wrote:

when did this list 'officially' start?

As a reminder, archives are here:
Sept. 1994?

I think I subbed in '95.  Very late given my background.
-  Had discovered Computer World at the same time as Afrika Bambaataa 
in 1982

-  Dug Mr. X well before Cosmic Cars was created
-  Moved to Detroit in 1988
-  Took almost two years to find the scene (Shelter, Harder, Fast 
Forward, Bankle)

I've been considered a list elder in the past, but my aversion to 
vinyl has rendered me increasingly less relevant to discussions.

This Cosmic italo mix is making my head swim.  Bless you, 


Re: (313) Breaking it down windows style

2004-04-20 Thread Ian Malbon

On Apr 19, 2004, at 7:50 PM, Dan Kurzius wrote:

Someone has a little too much time on their hands:

Hmm, there's a little radioboy spirit there.

Still, it's no GarageBand. ;-)

Re: (313) A friend has passed

2004-04-15 Thread Ian Malbon

(313) A friend has passed

2004-04-08 Thread Ian Malbon
I have little experience at this, so please forgive the brevity of this 

On Wednesday April 7, Bryan Bickel lost his battle with illness and 
passed away.

Some of you may have known him from this and other lists, or his days 
in the dance room at Record Time, or his support at countless live PAs 
and DJ events.  He had a massive appetite for music, and introduced 
many people to beautiful new sounds.

He lived his life in the service of others, always willing to help 
whenever and wherever needed.  He was a good friend who will be badly 


(313) Saturday options in Detroit

2004-04-02 Thread Ian Malbon
Aside from Organic Horizons at Centre Street, what else is going on in 
Detroit this weekend?


Re: (313) food in tha D

2004-03-24 Thread Ian Malbon
Folks on this list who know me know that I'm as passionate about food 
as I am about Techno.  Some links and thoughts categorized:

On Site:
Hart Plaza underground has a few good choices while you're at the 
festival, but the atmosphere is not about food.  Try the Chicken 
Shwarma.  Don't expect anything satisfying if you have a press pass for 

Chicken Curry at the Small World Cafe is legendary to art students and 
Web workers.  Basement of the International Center near CCS.

The debate rages on, classic style at Russell St.
vs. funky UK style at E.P.H McNally's in Corktown

Funky Pub:
Center Street has been remodeled, in slightly slicker fashion.  Food 
not as good as pints, but fun and literally underground.

Raw/On Your Own:
If you like it raw, or just trust your own devices, PLEASE spend 
Saturday morning at Eastern market.  It's Detroit's largest classic 
produce marketplace, and hands-down the best way to people-watch 
Detroit's diversity.  Barter for a flat of strawberries, steal a grape, 
get more bell peppers than a dollar should buy.  Don't miss Rafal Spice 
Co., or R. Hirt. Jr. for the best cheese selection in the Metro Area (1 
lb. cuts only)

Shouts out:  rasta wings at Union St. (be prepared), two up at 
Lafayette Coney Island, quiche and wine at Twingo's, and potato pierogi 
with sausage at Polonia in Hamtramck.

I'm very biased here.  Assuming Linda and I are in town this year, 
there's a good chance I'll arrange for a pre-festival list-meet 
barbecue again Friday Night at my house in Royal Oak.  More info later, 
but let me know if you want to make it.  Dennis--are you hosting a 
pre-party too?

(ob313:  is anyone else finding US domestic releases of good techno 
CD's slowing to a crawl?)


Re: (313) food in tha D

2004-03-24 Thread Ian Malbon

Asian additions follow...

On Mar 23, 2004, at 10:48 PM, Fred Heutte wrote:

 Looking for that really good Chinese place

Out of the way, but I've only been impressed by Hong Hua

Not quite as out of the way, and worth a trip IMHO for the freshest,  
Sushi in town, in Noble Fish (it's a grocery that supplies other Sushi  


Detroit still needs some decent Asian food in the city limits.  This  
comes close:

Sala Thai:

Re: (313) breaking the silence

2004-01-27 Thread Ian Malbon

On Jan 26, 2004, at 9:42 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

ok so here are a few things I found this weekend

Final Cut - I Told You Not To Stop (Full Effect Records)

I remember Alan Oldham caning this track to it's fullest effect on Fast 
Forward.  Ah memories... I wonder if it's shown up in his recent radio 
show archives.

Morton Subotnick - Silver Apples of the Moon (Nonesuch)

Bit of a mind-blower, that one.  I find I go back to it about as often 
as I watch 2001: A Space Oddyssey.

Now tickling my eardrums, thanks to tips from all y'all:

Thinnerism 050: I Like to Listen  (Sweet late-night moods)
Lab Rat XL: Mice or Cyborg  (Drexciya's final storm.  Essential.  First 
track is killer.)

A bunch of ~scape stuff yet to be played.

And a special thanks to MMQ and DS for the 2003 roundup on  A boon for the few of us who are vinyly-challenged...


Re: (313) Trainspotting

2004-01-20 Thread Ian Malbon

On Jan 19, 2004, at 5:52 PM, David Easy wrote:

I'm not sure I agree with the statement that 'music' is more of an 
pastime than 'football' or 'cars' for that matter.  Watching football 
can be
a very (inter-)active experience, believe me.  There's more to it than 

sitting in front of the telly every weekend.

going to record shops/ going 'clubbing' = going to football matches

buying records = buying programmes/tickets (just as collectable)

dj'ing = playing football

Clearly we're not talking about American football here.

Unfortunately, Soccer in the U.S. is a pastime left to mainstream 
parents who are obsessive most about their own children (most of whom 
have purchased neither vinyl nor train tickets in their lives).

The linkage is lost on most yanks.

Sorry for the sidenote.  I'd love to imagine a future where lots of 
Detroit kids are into soccer/football and techno simultaneously...


Re: (313) Trainspotting

2004-01-20 Thread Ian Malbon
My apologies in advance to the list for any off-topic tirades that may 

I will not continue any public conversation about how grown up I am.  
Or not.

(P.S. they ARE both good in their own way, but that was beside the 


On Jan 19, 2004, at 10:45 PM, Thomas D. Cox, Jr. wrote:

-- Original Message --
From: Ian Malbon [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Clearly we're not talking about American football here.

Unfortunately, Soccer in the U.S. is a pastime left to mainstream
parents who are obsessive most about their own children (most of


have purchased neither vinyl nor train tickets in their lives).

The linkage is lost on most yanks.

Sorry for the sidenote.  I'd love to imagine a future where lots of
Detroit kids are into soccer/football and techno simultaneously...

why is that? do you have something against american football? it
is possible to like and play both sports you know. if you wanna be
one of those people who looks down on football because its so
physical then f*ck you. how about that? no offense to soccer (i
love the sport) but football is very much like chess and soccer
has nothing in that sort of strategy going for it. theyre both
good in their own way. i just hate people who talk down on
football because of some poor personal relationship they had with
jocks in high school or whatever. grow up.


Re: (313) A complete Detroit Techno collection

2004-01-13 Thread Ian Malbon

On Jan 12, 2004, at 7:00 PM, Phonopsia wrote:

C4 (original 12 inch mix) - Maurizio

I'm probably going to feel really stupid for asking, but what's this?

Typo.  M4.  Sorry if you jumped.

Re: (313) A complete Detroit Techno collection

2004-01-13 Thread Ian Malbon
Actually, The B-52s are from Athens, Georgia.  The track Mesopotamia 
happened to get a lot of play on air and at Detroit parties in the 
1980s.  Great pulsating bassline and killer backing vocals.


On Jan 13, 2004, at 4:52 AM, Robert Taylor wrote:

They're from Detroit apparently and this track in particular was 
allegedly heavily played by Electrifying Mojo, The Wizard etc and was 
an acknowledged inpsiration on many Detroit artists - it is on Carl 
Craig's Abstract Funk Theory comp.

-Original Message-
From: Cobert, Gwendal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2004 9:42 AM
Subject: RE: (313) A complete Detroit Techno collection

Mesopotamia - The B-52s

I think I need some explanations on this one... ???

Re: (313) A complete Detroit Techno collection

2004-01-12 Thread Ian Malbon

On Jan 12, 2004, at 2:24 PM, Phonopsia wrote:

Not sure if you have this already or not, but there was some voting via
Twoplayer a few years back compiled here:

Many of the voters were from [313].

Ah, but that's only 15 tracks.  Looking for more, I stumbled across 
this list culled from a some votes cast in 2000 or so:
Not everything here can be called Detroit Techno, but nearly all of it 
is embraced by fans like us.  There is a heavy old-school educational 
bent to this list.  Use at your discretion.

No Way Back - Adonis
Night Drive Thru Babylon - Model 500
Moskow Diskow - Telex
The Dance - Rhythim Is Rhythim
Flash - Fix
Rave New World - X-101
Clear - Cybotron
Good Life - Inner City
Wiggin - Rhythim Is Rhythim
French Kiss - Lil' Louis
Numbers - Kraftwerk
Sole Waves Remix - Sole Tech
The Bells - Jeff Mills
Don't You Want It? - Davina
Din Daa Daa - George Kranz
Lost Transmission From Earth - The Martian
C4 (original 12 inch mix) - Maurizio
Elements - Psyche/BFC
My AUX Mind - Aux 88
Falling in Dub - Random Noise Generation
Cosmic Cars - Cybotron
Nude Photo - Rhythim Is Rhythim
Alleys Of Your Mind - Cybotron
Groove La Chord - Aril Brikha
Planet Rock - Afrika Bambaataa
Planetary Assault Systems - Booster
Computer World - Kraftwerk
Voodoo Ray - A Guy Called Gerald
Strings of life - Rhythim Is Rhythim
The Beginning - Rhythim Is Rhythim
Tour de France - Kraftwerk
Livin' for the Nite - Yolanda
Lookin' for the Perfect Beat - Afrika Bambaataa
Flash Light - Parliament
Amalia - As One
Rock Lobster - The B-52s
Final Frontier - Underground Resistance
Atomic Dog - George Clinton
The Art Of Stalking - Suburban Knight
FU2 - F.U.S.E.
Spiritual High - Up!
Mesopotamia - The B-52s
The Chase - Giorgio Moroder
Lyot (Maurizio mix) - Vainqueur
No UFO's - Model 500
One Nation Under A Groove - Funkadelic
Substance Abuse - F.U.S.E.
Blow Your House Down - A Guy Called Gerald
Frequency 7 - Visage
Shari Vari - A Number of Names
I Wanna Be There - Model 500
Technarchy - Cybersonik
Spastik - Plastikman
The Groove That Won't Stop - Kevin Saunderson
I Feel Love - Donna Summer
Die Kosmischen Kuriere - 3MB featuring Juan Atkins
Ultraviolet Images - The Martian
Jaguar (Original Mix) - DJ Rolando - Aztec Mystic
Big Fun - Inner City
Acid Eiffel - Laurent Garnier
It's More Fun To Compute - Kraftwerk
Home - Robert Hood
Space Invaders R Smoking Grass - i-F
Jupiter Jazz -Underground Resistance

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