(313) Re : Re: (313) paxafest

2006-03-11 Thread Poivrenoir
Joe said:
I would imagine pax doing the fest across many smaller venues instaed of 
doign a woodstock-style techno party at hart plaza.

I may be wrong

You often are.

(313) Re : (313) Frankie Bones

2006-03-04 Thread Poivrenoir
I feel like the more I argue in favor of Frankie Bones the more I look like I 
wish I was the next room mate. But when you say
Frankie Bones is a regional hero and certainly
goes out of his way to attribute more than that to himself.
Do you mean the region called the US and Europe? I mean what it says on his 
website is rather funny, but look at any Dj's website/promo/Booking stats, and 
everyone has something over exxagerated, it's dance music for crying out loud. 
It's not a surgeon faking his resume. I think the Bones remarks, that is what 
he makes, are exxagerated, I believe I spelled that wrong, but I don't 
understand this regional hero bit. I come from the Midwest as well, and clearly 
you and I were going to different parties, as I saw him many times there, and 
in Canada. Wasn't he at Even Further? Any techno dj's from techno to hardcore 
all knew his name, and had respect for what he was doing. Like alot of Dj's in 
his time. And when I was going to parties in France, Spain, Portugal, and so on 
he was there, and people knew his name. I sound like the PR rep for damage 
control at Bones Central, but I could give a rats ass. It's just so ignorant of 
a thing to say, that you got me talking at 5 am. Good night.

(313) Re : Re: (313) DJ Frankie Bones vs Joey Beltram

2006-03-03 Thread Poivrenoir

tomm wrote...
it also should be pointed out that frankie is a moron, and an
egomaniac. and on top of it his music is bad (even dating back to the
4th floor and nu groove stuff, which i usually dig!) and his deejaying
is even worse. that guy needs to take his raver squad and go take a
really long walk off a very short pier.


What the hell was that? How can you say even half of that? Music bad? Are you 
kidding me? His ego or not, that was totally ignorant.

(313) Re : Re: (313) Re : Re: (313) DJ Frankie Bones vs Joey Beltram

2006-03-03 Thread Poivrenoir
Martin wrote:
It's an interesting point and you guys should just chill a bit around 
Tom...but back to the point - I don't think I've ever bought a record 
that isn't hot either, who buys records that are rubbish?

I don't buy what I think is rubbish, but I don't believe that was his point. 
Plus like some one said before Frankie Bones is more then the music. I do not 
have many of his records, but I have been to alot of great parties where he 
spiun or his records were playing. And I haven't actually met anyone thus far 
who would claim Bones as a jerk. I would definitly say that I have been more 
then once been inspired by his interviews and his actions. He is not my techno 
God, but he is one of the pieces of the my good memories of parties and techno. 
That thread is funny. And I think Beltram wins the arguement. But to bash 
Bones, out here, in this way, is very disrespectful. 
Have a nice day,

(313) Re : Re: (313) Re: [ok] RE: (313) Saunderson not doing Fuse-In.

2006-02-22 Thread Poivrenoir
uh no? i cant even agree that's the point of view to look at it from. even 
the first year the majority of festival-goers didn't look like scenesters to 

What festival were you at? The last couple years people that have been at the 
festival were a great number of Dudes. You, I hate this techno crap, but it's 
easy to buy beer, and those raver chicks are hot man. I know you can't agree 
with me because you were probably surrounded by people you know or were looking 
for people you know. But the first year or 2 it was raver fest. And when you 
say the people from the scene couldn't have supported it, then what and who is 
the festival for? My Grandma? I totally disagree that the scene could support 
it then. but the problem you see is that international music conasseurs greatly 
outnumber the people who have even heard of Kevin saunderson int the US. If you 
go to LA it's hard to get anyone there to even know who Juan Atkins is and as 
last I heard he lives there now, and people laugh at you nationally if you say 
anything about Detroit being the root of techno. That will make people on this 
list laugh at me, but facts are facts. It's not the only festival/event that 
has been done with those numbers. Even that first year when everyone was so 
proud that the numbers were over a million, when they announced that on the 
final night, people were looking at each other like they made that up. There 
were a lot of people there the thrid night, but combined over three days it 
didn't look like a Full Silverdome. And you can find full Silverdome's sized 
events in the US, well before. I mean I felt like after the 2nd year festival 
promoters were hell bent on educating dancers, which I think is ill. There 
are ALOT of other great artists from other genres, that people were into 
nationwide that never got the chance to play that festival. I loved every 
minute of it, well, not Derrick May making people feel bad they weren't 
donating, or the initial Carol Marvin Carl Craig thing. This is the first time 
I can have some sort of agreement on what Joe is saying. He's right and you 
guys are more offended by him saying it then hearing what he is really saying. 
Kevin Saunderson said that if they could have got 10,000 more foriegn visitors 
to the festival they would have done a whole lot better. That's the problem. 
He's focused on this international crowd, who although supports his music, do 
not live in Michigan. It's a community event from the stand point of Detroit. 
Yes the city needs money. But opening an Engine building plant, and generated 
tax revenues to pay city workers and keep schools stay open, is a little more 
useful then 3 to 4 days of tourism. And when the pull of people are from a 
demographic, that even if they enjoyed Detroit on their stay will not be coming 
downtown more often on weekends, or considering shopping there, or living 
there, well it's not so interesting. The people from this list from out of 
town may disagree, but maybe Saunderson or the like, needs to be doing a 
Detroit Festival in Manchester or Berlin. I see that bringing something home to 
Detroit is a honourable thing to do. But it's either a philanthrapist gesture 
to drop 250,000 or a bad business investment. Which is it?

(313) Re : RE: (313) j dilla dies?

2006-02-12 Thread Poivrenoir
I met him at the DEMF, can't remember which one, and he struck me not like 
other musicians. Not only for his creativity which I have enjoyed through Hip 
Hop/Rap, but for the very humble seeming person he was. Very polite, and very 
well spoken. I can't say I know him very well, but that music, that music that 
made Quest's and De La Soul's words timeless. He's not gone, the music lives on.
Thank you Jay Dee

(313) Yet How about a Bloody Translator To curse on 313, or not to curse?

2005-11-30 Thread Poivrenoir
This is going to sound like a silly question, but I really don't know,
AND I see how many Brits are on here, so I ask to have some of your English 
translated into My English (American that is), as I have moved abroad to a non 
speaking country in Europe, and wow, my next door neighbor is English. Yeah I 
thought, until, well...
What does this stuff mean...
Jolly Ho... he never says this but still...
Brilliant...I assume the answer to this but not when you use it like an Italian 
uses the word Prego
Bum...I assume buttocks
2 Stones...
Bullocks...seriously I don't know
Thats all I can think of, yet feel free to tell me other differences. This 
really isn't for the sake of alughing at anyone. But it's strange, often when I 
hear some one speaking French I nodd my head like I understand, but I really 
don't, I am just hoping I will figure it out a sentence or two down the line.  
But I shouldn't have to do that with English. And I don't want to be rude. Hell 
I'd ask him over to BBQ some qauil and drink a couple of beers if I didn't 
think he might just be nodding his head at my American as well. 
Well thanks in advance, and to keep it remotely on topic, yes I think you 
should remove the filter it's too conservative in here, and Yes, even though 
Madonna hasn't been to a disco in years, I still think she can do a video in 
own, I don't really interpret people's videos that much. If I did I would fly 
the airlines Britney Spears is a stewardice all dee time.
Ok probably not,

(313) Good Live Acts

2005-11-15 Thread Poivrenoir
If this post gets thru, as they never do...
LAURA GRABB. You can call it hardcore, but hardcore people don't. But she is a 
really good Live PA, no computer, actual boards and patching and stuff.

(313) Re : Re: (313) Good Live Acts

2005-11-15 Thread Poivrenoir
A post of mine has actually gone thru with out me having to ask some one to 
forward it to the list.  I have been on this list since 1999, and my posts 
haven't been working since 2001. I have been reading, and trying to add to the 
conversation, but for some reason, it never works. I don't think this one will 
go thru either, it was probably a fluke. But if it does, wa ho!

Re: (313) All Uncleared Sampling Ruled Illegal

2004-09-09 Thread Poivrenoir
Learn hoq to make your own music or pay the guy that went thru all the trouble 
to get it out there.  Sampling is stealing.  It's not paying tribute, or 
showing respect.  Maybe if you were sampling and giving away your music, but 
you are not.  You are struggling just like the guy you sampled from, but you 
are taking the easy route. The only reason you hate this ruling so much is that 
now you realize your own creative level is almost non existent, and youre 
screwed. I guess the market will just have to go back to being less saturated, 
and the few actually striving to make something new will be able to actually 
pay their rent, on time.

(313) test

2004-03-27 Thread Poivrenoir

(313) Stupid OT, Completely Unrelated to 313 Post

2003-11-06 Thread Poivrenoir
I want to have a sufficient reason to take advantage of the Brit 
Airways/party deal going on, so may I ask a question to anyone in the England 
part of the 
UK area...anyone know any culinary/food trends popping up that might be 
noteworthy to possible readers in the US?  Or does anyone know Rowan Atkins 
personally?  If anyone has any suggestions, please hit me off list please.

RE: (313) Stupid OT, Completely Unrelated to 313 Post

2003-11-06 Thread Poivrenoir
What I was trying to relay is, is there any particular trends, types of 
foods, Kamikaze chefs on the prowl? Anything.
Sqaurepusher at the Japanese Steakhouse?

(313) I believe Mr Theakston

2003-10-29 Thread Poivrenoir
If it is you that works at Borders, and if not, the individual I spoke with 
in the past, please hit me back.  I would like to ask you a couple of questions 
if you don't mind.  Apologies to all for this mail.

(313) Donahue Meet and Greet

2003-05-21 Thread Poivrenoir
I lost this post. I am interested in heading out and meeting some folks if 
anyone would kindly forward the info on this get together.  
Thank you,

(313) Movement Mechanics Party

2003-05-15 Thread Poivrenoir
Hello All,
This is to announce the Movement Mechanics party at the Detroit Contemporary 
on May 25th. The line up is as follows...

Frederick Messent MFSB France
Agent Orange
Grimes UK
Laura Grabb
Low Key
Alastair Todd
Neil V
Brain Shelton
Plus more very special guests to be announced.
12$ or 10$ with Food Donation
10pm til dawn
There will be a BBQ outside as well grilling up chicken and veggie burgers.

The Detroit Contemporary is located at 5141 Rosa Parks Boulevard
For directions or further details please contact me directly at [EMAIL 
or go to www.deosil.net/isos.html#
Brought by ISOS and Cipher Records

(313) Calling out for Sam Hobbs

2003-04-23 Thread Poivrenoir
Sam please hit me back.

(313) Booking Info Inquiry

2003-03-21 Thread Poivrenoir
Does anyone have the booking contact info for DJ Rap or Photek or Jay Denham?

Re: (313) more demf stuff...

2003-01-28 Thread Poivrenoir
Does Derrick have the right to claim the trademark DEMF? I mean I know we all 
wish he can, or atleast anyone but Marvin, but if the DEMF was based on the 
work commercially done by Marvin's Pop Culture, and then someone else comes 
in and scoops the name up, from what I know about law, Derrick shouldn't be 
able to obtain the rights. I mean this is a city sponsored event by the Dept. 
of Recreation. Not a private venture. I believe the city of Detroit has the 
first priority to the name they sponsored, and they invested in.  I mean for 
example, if I operate a Pizzeria in Detroit named Big Dave's, but don't make 
any appropriate claim to the name, yet my reputation is built on it, then an 
unknown Big Dave's pizza trademarks the name, and tries to work off the 
success of the first Big Dave's pizza, from what I believe the First Big 
Dave, can sue the 2nd Big Dave for the rights to the name. and usually that 
party wins. I want an Electronic Music Festival in Detroit. I want anyone but 
the Marvin team to promote it, but as far as name ownership, I believe the 
city has first dibs, and the Pop Culture has 2nd's if the city doesn't want 
Any business lawyers out there?

Re: (313) Need of approval

2002-12-04 Thread Poivrenoir
Well let me ask this question...
Have either of these 2 people actually ever been to a party where there's 
electronic music?

RE: (313) ghostly in lansing 11/9

2002-11-08 Thread Poivrenoir
Well, let me ask this,
When they book the same acts repeatedly, or just middle of the road artists, 
are they still packing their club?  Maybe it just comes down to simple 
economics.  The DJ's with integrity, more than likely could cost more than 
crap DJ trance remix.  I mean how many nights a week does this club run 
nights?  If there is an open night, and some of you guys are that confident 
that real techno is wanted in town, why don't you step up to the plate and 
promote a night; or encourage someone else to?  I personally have never spent 
a dollar to see a trance DJ spin.  Techno is the soul of music for me.  But 
my only real alternative is to drive 2 hours south to Detroit at the moment 
(once a week), cause Mid Michigan still thinks the words techno+dance=drugs 
and the total demoralization of the community, while someone at the DEQ is 
letting DOW produce more dioxins into the environment.
Sorry for MY rant.  I wish every other week when I came to Lansing there was 
something going on, CHANGE YOUR ENVIRONMENT.  
That's all I got to say.

(313) Amsterdam November 13th and Beyond

2002-11-01 Thread Poivrenoir
I second the motion for Information for what's going on, only earlier in the 
I have someone I know who will be going to Amsterdam for the first time of 
his life, and would like to get into something deep or underground, if that 
still exists. He's a particular fan of Booty, but any impressive club/bar 
will do.  Also any opinions on where a GREEN American should go or not go 
will also be appreciated. I was in Amsterdam myself for a few days a couple 
years ago for the ADE, but I was so busy, and trying to see everything, I 
couldn't remember one beginning of a street name before Strat to give 
much guidance. Plus any info outside of this on Hardcore or Break core in or 
around Amsterdam, or Holland for that matter would be appreciated.  Thank you 
in advance.

(313) Anyone go to MUTEK This year?

2002-10-19 Thread Poivrenoir
Just wondering if any had any impressions about it.


2002-09-11 Thread Poivrenoir
@ Spirit 

LAURA GRABB  live  ( Industrial Strenght , Dropp bass network , Perce oreille 
)  Detroit / USA 
ZIP THE ROBOTlive  ( Og - Radiobomb records - Coretex labs ) FR
OBX vs SCINE   live  ( Pollution - Zetemkaa ) Ned
STEFAN ( ZMK soundsystem ) Ned
W-SAP ( Cyclone records)  BE 
K-OS  ( Dionysus ) BE
PROBEX VS FLAMEBOY ( Planet K** vs Mutate ) BE

capacity : 700 pers.

FROM HOLLAND  : Take road to Antwerp - go Gent - Go Kortrijk 
Take E403(A17) Brugge - Kortrijk Exit 6 Dir. Roeselare . At the 4th 
trafficlights take dir. Menen ( N32). At the roundabout go right dir.
Moorslede straight ahead you will cross 2 trafficlights dir. Zonnebeke . The 
spirit is located on your right 2 km further . ( 30 min from Lille ) 
Moorsledestraat 61 Zonnebeke ( Roeselare ) Belgium

ROute : Prendre A22 / E17 Tourcoing - Gand (jusqu'en Belgique) . Continuer 
sur l'E17 jusque sortie A17(E403) Brugge.
Continuer direction Brugge . Prendre sortie 6 direction Roeselare . Prendre 
aux 4 ieme feux a gauche dir Menen ( N32 ).
Au rond point prendre à droite direction Moorslede . Continuer tout droit , 
passer deux feux rouges direction zonnebeke.
Le Spirit est situé 2 km plus loin surla droite .( 30 min de Lille )
 adress : Moorsledestraat 61  Zonnebeke ( Roeselare )  BELGIQUE

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[313] Logic Program For Sale

2002-08-09 Thread Poivrenoir
Apologies for this Garage sale post.
Yet this seemed like it could be an appropriate place for this
Is there anyone interested in aquiring a barely used 
Emagic Logic Audio Gold 
Version 4.1
With Keys and Manual.
Email me off list if anyone is interested.  Prefeerably in the state of 
Michigan. Yet outside could be possible.
Thanks alot for everyone's time.
Is anyone on list going to the ADE this year?

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[313] Paging Tim johnson

2002-05-25 Thread Poivrenoir
Please get in contact with me as I would like to meet up with you sometime at 
the DEMF.

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[313] Live PA's

2002-03-18 Thread Poivrenoir
I have seen a fair share of Live Pa's, some creative, and some very very 
lame. The Aux 88 PA set at the first DEMF was dis-jointed, but kool.  Like 
long stops in between songs.  But that might've not been their fault.  Then 
the next year I saw DJXDJ, and I thought it was s boring.  2 Lab tops.  
Wow.  I think the problem with most Live Pa's, is that it seems not very 
thought out.  And I am not sure why that is.  I would have to say that the 
most exciting Live Pa's I've ever seen were hardtechno/hardcore ones.  Like 
Laura Grabb from Detroit.  Before she goes abroad I have heard she can put 
weeks into her sets.  It's hardcore, but it's layered, and there is real work 
going on.  Fred Maniaks, Crystal Distortion, for example.  I mean to be a 
FreeParty or even in an arena with one of these Lives going, the whole place 
going nuts. I think the earlier comment about not being able to see anything 
but a dj perform live is, well that person's opinion.  I like both.  But 
being a dj, and an artist are 2 different things.  I know alot of dj's feel 
they have to release records of their own, to be seen more serious.  But it 
doesn't mean they are the same thing.  Anyways, that's just my thoughts

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Re: [313] Regarding Business

2002-03-08 Thread Poivrenoir
What I can't believe about you is that you are so dedicated to the fact that 
you are sure that I am mistaken at whatever I say, and that I can't have an 
opinion outside of yours, that that makes me racist, becuae I disagree that 
Jaun Atkins thinks there's racism against him in the electronic music 
industry.  That whatever I have learned in the years of college I've had in 
the subject of Afro-American studies, is void, because you haven't had the 
ability to be there with me in class, and tear analyze the syllabis.  I think 
it is you the one who are racist, and if not racist, very prejudice against 
what you think are white people.

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RE: [313]Regarding Business

2002-03-07 Thread Poivrenoir
I am sorry that I have to have my own opinion on this, but what I believe 
stands.  I never said I was hatin on Juan, I never said he was a bad artist.  
Yet you can't blame the interviewer for your own answers.  Or the editing, 
unless it was malicious, and in that regard I would assume a lawsuit was in 
order.  And I don't think that by the amount of radio play one artist has had 
over another raises the bar on who's a better artist or not.  Are there any 
national statistics on Sasha and Digweed versus Juan Atkins?  I know he has 
been played alot on Detroit radio, but what do you expect?  I mean listen to 
WJLB or 105.9 on the weekends and it's like they stopped buying records awhile 
ago.  Just remixing the same old tired stuff.  It's good stuff, but it's time 
is done.  So am I wrong because I critisize the argument that the electronic 
music industry against black artists?  That white kids prefer Trance for 
racially motivated reasons?  I think not.  I love Detroit techno and am proud 
of this city, and all of electronic music, and I am not going to sit here and 
stay passive when, even a talented artist says it, this music is being slammed 
because Jaun isn't as popular as he once was. I hope that can be respected.

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Fwd: Re: [313] Regarding Business

2002-03-07 Thread Poivrenoir
Is it possible that this is the most ignorant person in America?  How does the 
fact that Juan Atkins is an African American this excludes him from being 
racist?  Where does this come from?
Racism is a system of insitutionalized discrimination against one group by 

Under this system in America white skin and whiteness is accorded certain 

It comes from a historical precedent set by North American chattel slavery 
where whites owned so called black people.

The Civil Rights Movement was about African-Americans earning their rights to 
be treated as full citizens of a country we continue to build.

Juan Atkins is African-American. His decisions can not affect the lives of 
whole groups of people thus he can not be a racist.

Ever heard of Cornel West? bell hooks? Manning Marable? Martin Luther King? 
Michael Eric Dyson??

Or how about Screamin' Jay Hawkins? Ike Turner? Wyonnie Harris? Little 
RIchard or my personal favorite Jimi Hendrix?

My name is not buddy it's Tamara and if you have a problem with me you can 
address me by Ms. Harris.

Apparently some people on this list need to go back to Reading Comprehension 
101 and re-read Juan's interview. And it also sounds like many people here 
need to do some Black (because this a social construct people are named by 
their geographies although in the '60's the term was appropriated) and 
white history studies of the United States.

I can not say that I like Juan Atkins because I don't know him personally but 
I do love his music.

I have been a fan of Detroit Techno since I heard Cosmic Car as a kid 
listening to the radio and Mojo.

Tamara Harris

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Re: [313] Regarding Business

2002-03-06 Thread Poivrenoir
The point I was trying to make is that not wether Jaun or Oakenfold being one 
dj better than the other, it's the fact that Oakenfold speaks to more people 
with his music right now, even if there is some historical arguement against 
that he's not as pioneering, who gives a fuck?  I don't like the anit-black 
references he's putting out there, when it's obvious he can't milk his 
DETROIT stauts much longer, that the hype is dying down, so he has to pull 
the RACE CARD.  I'm tired of people who aren't the supersatr forever 
reverting back to a time that doesn't exist here anymore in the US. Maybe you 
can find racism elswhere, but it's certainly not in electronic music, unless, 
I suppose you work for UR, which is anti anything  not black.  The racsim 
thing is an attack on the culture on a whole, because people aren't trying to 
be part of their inner clique.  If you aren't part of their marketing machine 
in Detroit, you are excluded.  That early form of techno is not what you hear 
in the clubs, the parties, or anywhere here.  Yet they still try to 
monopolize the spotlight.  What was the DEMF?  It wasn't representative of 
Detroit.  It was a planet e, KMS, metroplex promo package. And if you think 
I'm wrong, you aren't in touch enough in the Detroit scene.

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Re: [313] On Carl and Action

2001-05-14 Thread Poivrenoir
Maybe I'm totally under a rock here, but did something happen with Carl Craig 
and the DEMF?

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