Proper procedure for archiving tapes

2001-08-22 Thread Eric Wadsworth


Amanda's been running smoothly for months now. It uses 6 tapes to back up
our network.

I was thinking it's about time to take a snapshot of the network, and
preserve the current 6 tapes, and start using a new set of 6. The old ones
can be an off-site backup.

Here's what I was thinking of doing; I'd like some feedback if this is
the best solution.

1. Get 6 more tapes, and amlabel them identically to the old
ones: DailySet000 through DailySet005.
2. Wait a few days until I'm asked to insert tape DailySet000, then take
the old DailySet000, pop it into my drawer, and instead insert the new
blank DailySet000. Continue this process with DailySet001 through
3. Now my drawer is full of the old tapes, and I can take them home.

Is this a good plan?

--- Eric

tar failing

2001-08-09 Thread Eric Wadsworth


Just wondering why my /var/log/messages keeps getting tar failures while
amanda is doing its thing. Here's some typical log entries:

May  9 02:40:22 Navajo /kernel: pid 1316 (tar), uid 2: exited on signal 11
(core dumped)
May 15 02:13:34 Navajo /kernel: pid 13765 (tar), uid 2: exited on signal
11 (core dumped)

This happens about once a week. amdump runs five times per week.

I'm just hoping that someone out there has seen this sort of thing, and
might have a hint for me. :)

Running FreeBSD:
FreeBSD 4.3-RC #0: Wed Apr 11 12:15:33 MST 2001

--- Eric

Hurrah for amanda!

2001-08-08 Thread Eric Wadsworth

We lost a hard drive, and thanks to amanda, we had a complete and timely
backup of it. The restore went great without a hitch, and the system was
back up and running the next day.

Hurrah for amanda!

After this demonstration, a few other employees who were skeptical of
have decided that it's trustworthy, and I've added 3 more filesystems to

--- Eric Wadsworth

Re: yep, it's Selfcheck request timed out. Host down? again

2001-03-22 Thread Eric Wadsworth

Well, it's working again. I think that amandad was confused or something. There
were some lost items (shown by the ipcs command) that I recovered with ipcrm.
Also, I had set up /tmp/amanda as a symbolic link to a different partition with
more disk space when I first installed it (and was getting huge debug files), so
I moved it back. I'm thinking perhaps there was a permissions problem that had
decided to magically appear. After making these changes, and restarting inetd,
things were back to normal. Thanks for your ideas, John, they helped me to try
the types of things that finally fixed the problem.

Using amanda 2.4.1p1 and FreeBSD 4.2

--- Eric

"John R. Jackson" wrote:
 Amanda has been running smoothly for months, then suddenly last night's dump
 failed on all the samba shares (NT boxes) as well as the amanda host and tape
 server (also the samba server).
 That's all because of amandad not working.  Once we get it going again,
 this will probably all go away.
 I did a HUP to inetd, and the last line of amandad.debug shows:
 amandad: error receiving message: timeout
 That line must be from after you ran amandad by hand.  What happens to
 the file if you run amcheck?  Does it get updated?
 I know you said you went through the FAQ, but could you confirm that if
 you do a "netstat -a | grep amanda" that it shows someone listening?
 When you did the HUP to inetd, did it log anything (/var/adm/messages
 or wherever)?
 You might try removing /tmp/amanda and see if it gets recreated.
 What version of Amanda are you using?  What type of OS?
 --- Eric
 John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Eric Wadsworthemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Conceptual Systems and Software

Re: patch

2000-12-11 Thread Eric Wadsworth

What operating system?

If you are using FreeBSD and the ports collection, I have instructions on
how to do it (they work; I just did it and it fixed my problems).

Otherwise you can probably use the patch command. Do a 'man patch' to see

--- Eric Wadsworth

On Mon, 11 Dec 2000, Yann PURSON wrote:

 I need to apply the samba patch but I don't know how to do it...
 Yann PURSON - Administrateur systemes et reseaux
 93, rue du Hocquet - 80.000 AMIENS
 Tel : - Fax 03 22 22 03 57

Re: amanda cron job doesn't start?

2000-12-06 Thread Eric Wadsworth

Just a thought, you modified the contab using the command 'crontab -e'
right? Otherwise it won't actually install the change.

On 6 Dec 2000, Rainer Hofmann wrote:

 any explanations why that cron job for user amanda doesn't even start:
 0 18 * * 1-5 amcheck merten  amdump merten 
 I want to run backups at 6.00 pm on Mo-Fr as user amanda.
 settings in etc/passwd are as follows:
 amanda:x:501:6:Amanda Backup User:/home/amanda:/bin/bash
 I'm using joe as editor instead of vi.
 crond is up and running, since other cronjobs of root are executed.
 I'm using Linux RedHat 6.2. Is there any general setting who is
 allowed to run cron jobs at all?
 Chemisches Labor Dr. Merten GmbH
 Röderstr. 8-10
 79104 Freiburg
 Tel: 0761 29648-0

Re: Why no reports? (fwd)

2000-12-05 Thread Eric Wadsworth

This was it! This installs the patch! Thanks so much. Tomorrow we'll see if this
patch solved the huge report problem. My latest report was 24 megs in size! The
emailer doesn't handle it very well. :)


 Eric Wadsworth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm using samba version 2.0.6 on a FreeBSD machine. Using amanda 2.4.1p1 right
 now, and I dropped the samba 2 patch into the 'files' directory of the FreeBSD
 ports skeleton, but I don't know how to tell if the patch actually made it in,
 as the patch modified the configure command itself.
 I've added these three lines to /usr/ports/misc/amanda24/Makefile
 (after the DISTNAME= line):
 PATCHFILES= samba2-2418.diff
 and added a line to /usr/ports/misc/amanda24/distinfo too
 (in the old ports layout this was /usr/ports/misc/amanda24/files/md5 IIRC):
 MD5 (samba2-2418.diff) = 6a66c8750a4ebeed1de7f43613035c7f
 Roland E. Lipovits
 Vienna, Austria

Eric Wadsworthemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Conceptual Systems and Software

Re: 'exclude' with samba-backups

2000-12-05 Thread Eric Wadsworth

On 5 Dec 2000, Roland E. Lipovits wrote:
 Eric Wadsworth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm just starting out, but I understood that excludes didn't work with
 samba shares when using GNUTAR. I've been working around that limitation, 
 AFAIK exclude works with samba in 2.4.2 but didn't work in 2.4.1p1.
 The results of my backups verify this.

Hmmm... Right now I'm using 2.4.1p1 and I'll probably continue using it
until 2.4.2 is added to the FreeBSD ports collection.

 certainly open to suggestions... if the excludes actually work on samba   
 shares, let me know!
 As said above they seem to work, but I can use only one expression
 for exclusion per share; I wasn't successful in trying to exclude more
 than one expression, neither by exclude-file, nor by a list of expressions.

That's annoying. If you discover a way to exclude multiple directories,
let me know. Then I'll probably make the jump over 2.4.2 at that time.

--- Eric

 Roland E. Lipovits
 Vienna, Austria

Re: Huge incrementals on all samba shares?

2000-12-05 Thread Eric Wadsworth

Wow, I think that's it. I made a backup user with "Read-only" permissions on all
of the NT machines. Yay! I'm off to change a bunch of backup user setting on a
bunch of people's NT boxes now Thanks!

--- Eric

Alexandre Oliva wrote:
 On Dec  5, 2000, Eric Wadsworth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Amanda has now run 4 times on my network. The past three times it
  has included samba shares for various NT workstations. Why are the
  incrementals so huge on these?
 One of the possible reasons: if the username with which you access the
 SMB server doesn't have permission to change attributes of files, it
 won't be able to remove the `archive' flag, that is used to decide
 whether to include a file in an incremental backup or not.

Eric Wadsworthemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Conceptual Systems and Software

Re: 'exclude' with samba-backups

2000-12-05 Thread Eric Wadsworth

I'm just starting out, but I understood that excludes didn't work with
samba shares when using GNUTAR. I've been working around that limitation, 
when possible, by sharing only the directories that need to be backed up.
This has obvious flaws, of course. For example, most of the NT systems
don't have the hard drives organized to make this simple, so the whole
mess gets backed up, including:
* NT swap file
* Operating system files
* web browser caches
* application files

All of these things are just a waste of time and space to back up. I'm
certainly open to suggestions... if the excludes actually work on samba   
shares, let me know!

--- Eric

On 5 Dec 2000, Roland E. Lipovits wrote:

 I'm using samba-backups with an exclude-statement (specified in 
 the disklist-file). As far as I read from the files in /tmp/amanda
 the exlusion is only used when backuping, not when estimating.
 Bug or feature? (BTW: amanda-2.4.2)
 Roland E. Lipovits
 Vienna, Austria

Re: amanda to blame for NT crashes?

2000-12-04 Thread Eric Wadsworth

It happened this one time. I spent about an hour looking for more info,
but was unable to find any. If it crashes again, I'll dig deeper into the
issue. --- Eric

On Fri, 1 Dec 2000, Joi Ellis wrote:

 On Fri, 1 Dec 2000, John R. Jackson wrote:
 Date: Fri, 01 Dec 2000 18:31:07 -0500
 From: John R. Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Eric Wadsworth [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: amanda to blame for NT crashes? 
 [ My apologies in advance for the following.  I normally brag about how
 little heat there is on this mailing list, but I'm sure going to break
 that mold below.  If it helps, pretend I'm trying to be funny.  --JJ ]
 ... My co-workers are saying that it is amanda's fault ...
 I just searched through's mail archive, and there are reports
 there of NT blue-screening during a smbtar pull from Unix hosts.
 I haven't come across a response to that, someone who has more time may
 want to search harder through the archives for an answer.
 Joi Ellis

Re: access as USERNAME not allowed!!

2000-11-30 Thread Eric Wadsworth

I had the same problem with a RedHat client. Here are my pertinent log
files. Note that 'navajo' is my tape host, and 'dragoon' is my linux box.

Now I need to get the newly installed client to work.
It looks like the rpm put a line into /etc/inetd.conf and put the programs
files into /usr/lib/amanda
running amcheck from navajo resulted in:
ERROR: [access as operator not allowed from
Looks like I need to modify .amandahosts ...
Adjusted ownershop of /root/.amandahosts to operator:root
amcheck still gives this error for dragoon.
Adjusted capitalization in the file to navajo.hq.ConSys.COM --- Still not
Checked FAQ --- Edited dragoon's inetd.conf and fixed "operator.disk" to
Drat... still didn't fix it.
Changed ownership of /usr/lib/amanda and everything in it to operator:root
(was root:root). The file runtar was root:d
isk, changed it to operator:disk.
amcheck still fails on dragoon.
I noticed that there are some other files in /usr/lib that are root access
only... maybe I should use the rpm to chang
e ownership.
Hmmm, doesn't seem to be a way to do it via rpm.
Check permissions of navajo /usr/local/libexec/amanda and set the ones on
dragoon similiarly.
Added an operator group to dragoon
Still not working.
Modified permissions to /root/.amandahosts and modified the group entry
for the operator group.
Still failing.
Moved the .amandahosts file to / just to see.
Progress! Now I get different error:

Hope this helps. :) I'm just glad I keep good logs of what I do.

--- Eric Wadsworth

Why no reports?

2000-11-30 Thread Eric Wadsworth

Been setting up Amanda, and she seems to be happy. Ran nightly (as spawned by
cron) for the past two nights. For some reason, however, I didn't get an email
report from last night's run. What could cause this? I looked at lots of
different things, and it *looks* line it ran fine last night. This is the first
time its failed to send a report, in the past I would always get 'em.

Here's the line from amanda.conf:


I've been fiddling with procmail to handle the report that is sent to the
operator account, but it appears that it didn't get one either.


Eric Wadsworthemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Conceptual Systems and Software

Re: Why no reports?

2000-11-30 Thread Eric Wadsworth

I followed John Jackson's advice, and attempted to generate the report manually,
with the command, executed from /usr/local/etc/amanda/DailySet1/
amreport DailySet1 log/log.20001130.0

What resulted were these errors:

/var: write failed, file system is full
postdrop: fatal: uid=2: queue file write error
send-mail: fatal: operator(2): error writing queue file: Broken pipe

While I ran it, though, I watched my /var partition, and it didn't seem to
change. I could have missed it though, especially if it tried to write a big
file all at once. Does anyone know which subdirectory under /var amreport might
be using? I'll make a symbolic link of this spot over to another disk that has
60 gigs of free space... that's what I did when amanda filled up my /tmp

Eric Wadsworthemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Conceptual Systems and Software

Re: Client install

2000-11-29 Thread Eric Wadsworth

I agree, this topic is largely uncovered in the documentation. I spent
several days trying to figure out how to set things up, until I realized
that amanda had to be installed in full on the client machines as well. I
had incorrectly assumed that amanda used some kind of UNIX networking to
suck the data from the client computers, but I was confused as to why I
never had to specify any authentication to be able to access those

As for massive overkill, it only installs less than a meg of binaries on
each client. Not too bad. Compare that with Windows bloatware, and it's
microscopic. :)

 Eric Wadsworth

On Wed, 29 Nov 2000, Harri Haataja wrote:

 On Tue, 28 Nov 2000, Randolph Cordell wrote:
  How is installing for the clients different than for the server?  That is not
  evident in anything I've read (README, INSTALL and the entire chapter online
  at  Do I need to do the whole ./configure, make, make
  install process for each client?  IT seems that's massive overkill.
 You can configure them --without-server. Otherwise, it's pretty much the

Why is it just sitting here?

2000-11-28 Thread Eric Wadsworth

I started a backup last night, manually running 'amdump DailySet1'. Now this
morning, amstatus reports that it is all done, except for one thing (the other
lines say "finished"): 2715147k dumping to tape

The tape drive doesn't seem to be doing anything, usually the little green light
flashes when it's active. Right now it's just sitting there. The holding disk
just has an empty subdirectory in it. It seems to be stuck somehow. The hard
disk that //vekol/data is on isn't even being accessed, it's quiet (makes lots
of noise when it's being backed up).

Why is this one trying to dump directly to tape, instead of to the holding disk
Why would it stall out like it seems to have done?
If it is actually stuck, I suppose I can kill the amdump process with a ctrl-C
command, but then a flush wouldn't do anything, because this data isn't on the
holding disk, right? I would have to do an amcleanup. And I wouldn't get the
emailed report, either, would I?
Is there any way of gracefully regaining control without just killing amdump?

Following is information for you experts out there who might have ideas. Thanks
in advance for any and all advice!

--- Eric Wadsworth

My holding disk has sixty gigabytes of available space (that's not a typo).
The tape can hold 20 gigs (40 compressed).

Information on this particular samba share:
This happens to be a directory on my own NT workstation. The 'data' samba share
is 7.2 Gigs in size, but some portions of this share have their permissions set
such that the backup operators cannot read them (security policy requires that a
particular project not be included in the backup) leaving about 5 gigs of data
to back up. I'm using compression, so the 2.7 gig number makes sense. Several
other NT boxes have similiar exclusions, and they backed up fine.

Here's the summary from amstatus. (Ignore the 2 failed entries, the user of that
NT box did a "shutdown" instead of logging out. Silly users.)

SUMMARY  part real estimated
  size  size
partition   :  39
estimated   :  37   14376628k
failed  :   2  0k
wait for dumping:   0  0k
dumping to tape :   12715147k
dumping :   00k0k
dumped  :  36 12531488k 11661481k
wait for writing:   00k0k
writing to tape :   00k0k
failed to tape  :   00k0k
taped   :  36 12531488k 11661481k
3 dumpers idle  : not-idle
taper writing, tapeq: 0
network free kps: 1970
holding space   : 53545924

Here's the pertinent line from disklist: //vekol/deneb css-nt-workstations

Here's some lines from amanda.conf:
define dumptype css-global {
comment "CSS Global definitions"
index yes
program "GNUTAR"

define dumptype css-nt-workstations {
comment "User's Windows NT workstations"
priority medium
compress client best

RE: dump question...

2000-11-28 Thread Eric Wadsworth

I want to offer a huge *Thanks* to Paul for writing that email. It
answered a lot of my questions. Particularly, the below paragraph is
useful... This is exactly what I needed to know right now! I'm about to
add amdump to cron. Thanks, Paul!  Eric

On Tue, 28 Nov 2000, Bort, Paul wrote:
 Generally, once you have a list of disks you want to back up, they should be
 added to the disklist gradually over the course of dumpcycle backups, so
 that one tape doesn't have to try to hold too many level 0 backups at first.
 (AMANDA always starts with a level 0 for a new disk.) 

Re: Why is it just sitting here?

2000-11-28 Thread Eric Wadsworth

Ah! This was it! Thanks so much! --- Eric

Alexandre Oliva wrote:
 On Nov 28, 2000, Eric Wadsworth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The mystery still exists, why is it writing directly to tape instead
  of using the holding disk?
 Look for `chunksize' in the man-page, the FAQ and/or the sample
 configuration file.

Eric Wadsworthemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Conceptual Systems and Software

Re: amanda-2.4.2 (question: do I have to update all clients?)

2000-11-27 Thread Eric Wadsworth

 The Amanda core team is pleased to announce the release of Amanda
 2.4.2. It fixe a many bugs and have many new feature since


Question: If I update the host, do I also have to update the rest of them?

I ask, because I have several OSs working together here, FreeBSD and
RedHat Linux.

--- Eric

Getting version 2.4.2-beta2

2000-11-07 Thread Eric Wadsworth

My queries about two of my problems (backing up partial shares in Windows
boxes, and preventing monstrous report emails which include the list of
files of windows boxes backed up) have resulted in the same solution:
install 2.4.2-beta2.

I have some questions:

1. I generally avoid beta products when working with critical projects.
The company's backup is considered critical. Just how risky is this beta?
Worst case scenario: A machine crashes, and I can't restore the data. How
unlikely might this be? Other risk: I spend extra time trying to get it to
work right, but for some reason it's broken, and I have to revert back to
the release version. I'm interested to hear from those using the beta on
it's stability.

2. How do I get it? I ftp'd into and the latest
there is amanda-2.4.1p1.tar.gz. There is a 'new' subdirectory, but access
is denied.

3. My FreeBSD lets me use the FreeBSD Ports system to install and manage
software applications. By installing the beta, I suppose I must abandon
using ports for this app?

Thanks in advance for your comments.

--- Eric

Re: Failure to allocate memory

2000-11-06 Thread Eric Wadsworth

"John R. Jackson" wrote:
 Finally got everything set up right (I think). Ran my first test dump, and
 it mailed me a report saying it failed:
 taper: FATAL shmget: Cannot allocate memory
 Shared memory is a kernel feature that you may have to enable or turn
 on in some way.  Try "ipcs -a", which should report all current shared
 memory segments, semaphores and message queues.  With luck, it will
 either tell you there are a bunch of old shared memory segments for the
 Amanda user caused by your testing, in which case you can use ipcrm to
 clear them, or it will tell you shared memory is not enabled, in which
 case you'll have to find out from someone who knows about your OS (or
 from the system documentation) how to turn that on.
 John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Yes, this is what the problem was. There were a bunch of entries which I
removed. It seems that when amanda fails, it doesn't always free these

Eric Wadsworthemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Conceptual Systems and Software

y2k issue in amtoc perl script

2000-11-06 Thread Eric Wadsworth

I don't know if this has been noticed, but amtoc -v returns 19100 as the
year instead of 2000. Here's a fix I came up with:

Modify line 141 of the amtoc file to read:

printf ("\t%d-$mon-$mday",$year+1900);

This seems to fix it. -- Eric

backup windows systems - file list in email report

2000-11-06 Thread Eric Wadsworth

When a window box is backed up, the email report is monstrous! It seems to
contain the complete listing of files that were backed up. Any ideas how to
prevent this list from being included in the report?

Here's the first 0.1% of the report:

These dumps were to tape DailySet1-000.
Tonight's dumps should go onto 1 tape: a new tape.

  navajo.hq. //buckskin/c lev 0 STRANGE

  Total   Full  Daily
Dump Time (hrs:min)0:11   0:04   0:00   (0:01 start, 0:06 idle)
Output Size (meg) 690.5  690.50.0
Original Size (meg)   690.5  690.50.0
Avg Compressed Size (%) -- -- -- 
Tape Used (%)
Filesystems Dumped3  3  0
Avg Dump Rate (k/s)  1470.3 1470.3-- 
Avg Tp Write Rate (k/s)  2876.5 2876.5-- 


/-- navajo.hq. //buckskin/c lev 0 STRANGE
sendbackup: start [ level 0]
sendbackup: info BACKUP=/usr/local/bin/smbclient
sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/usr/local/bin/smbclient -f... -
sendbackup: info end
? added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
? directory \WINNT\
? directory \WINNT\system32\
? directory \WINNT\system32\config\
?  77824 ( 1206.3 kb/s) \WINNT\system32\config\userdiff
? ERRDOS - ERRbadshare opening remote file \WINNT\system32\config\system
? ERRDOS - ERRbadshare opening remote file \WINNT\system32\config\software
? ERRDOS - ERRbadshare opening remote file \WINNT\system32\config\default
?   1024 (   50.0 kb/s) \WINNT\system32\config\system.LOG
? ERRDOS - ERRbadshare opening remote file \WINNT\system32\config\software.LOG
? ERRDOS - ERRbadshare opening remote file \WINNT\system32\config\default.LOG
? 192512 ( 2065.9 kb/s) \WINNT\system32\config\system.sav
? 323584 ( 2194.4 kb/s) \WINNT\system32\config\software.sav
?  65536 ( 2000.0 kb/s) \WINNT\system32\config\default.sav
? ERRDOS - ERRbadshare opening remote file \WINNT\system32\config\SECURITY
? ERRDOS - ERRbadshare opening remote file \WINNT\system32\config\SECURITY.LOG
? ERRDOS - ERRbadshare opening remote file \WINNT\system32\config\SYSTEM.ALT
? ERRDOS - ERRbadshare opening remote file \WINNT\system32\config\SAM
? ERRDOS - ERRbadshare opening remote file \WINNT\system32\config\SAM.LOG
? 131072 ( 1488.4 kb/s) \WINNT\system32\config\AppEvent.Evt
?  65536 ( 1454.5 kb/s) \WINNT\system32\config\SecEvent.Evt
?  65536 ( 1777.8 kb/s) \WINNT\system32\config\SysEvent.Evt
? directory \WINNT\system32\drivers\
? directory \WINNT\system32\drivers\etc\
?737 (  179.9 kb/s) \WINNT\system32\drivers\etc\HOSTS
?407 (   30.6 kb/s) \WINNT\system32\drivers\etc\NETWORKS
?800 (  156.2 kb/s) \WINNT\system32\drivers\etc\PROTOCOL
?   6007 (  733.3 kb/s) \WINNT\system32\drivers\etc\SERVICES
?   3691 (  600.7 kb/s) \WINNT\system32\drivers\etc\LMHOSTS.SAM
?  82064 ( 1001.8 kb/s) \WINNT\system32\drivers\aic78u2.sys
?  14384 (  425.7 kb/s) \WINNT\system32\drivers\sermouse.sys
?  65680 (  903.4 kb/s) \WINNT\system32\drivers\qic117.sys
?   7504 (  209.4 kb/s) \WINNT\system32\drivers\changer.sys
?   9712 (  338.7 kb/s) \WINNT\system32\drivers\tdi.sys
?   9744 (  257.2 kb/s) \WINNT\system32\drivers\scsiscan.sys
?   6288 (  279.1 kb/s) \WINNT\system32\drivers\parvdm.sys
?  10064 (  393.1 kb/s) \WINNT\system32\drivers\parport.sys
?   2800 (  105.2 kb/s) \WINNT\system32\drivers\null.sys
?   8368 (  204.3 kb/s) \WINNT\system32\drivers\netdtect.sys
?687 (   35.3 kb/s) \WINNT\system32\drivers\hpscan16.sys
?  18928 (  486.4 kb/s) \WINNT\system32\drivers\floppy.sys
?  28160 (  833.3 kb/s) \WINNT\system32\drivers\W840ND.SYS
?  66352 ( 1349.9 kb/s) \WINNT\system32\drivers\AFD.SYS
?  27696 (  575.5 kb/s) \WINNT\system32\drivers\ATAPI.SYS
?  26480 (  587.7 kb/s) \WINNT\system32\drivers\ATDISK.SYS
?   4112 (  182.5 kb/s) \WINNT\system32\drivers\BEEP.SYS
?  4 (  602.9 kb/s) \WINNT\system32\drivers\CDAUDIO.SYS
?  61424 ( 1276.3 kb/s) \WINNT\system32\drivers\CDFS.SYS
?  22192 (  619.2 kb/s) \WINNT\system32\drivers\CDROM.SYS
?  13744 (  362.8 kb/s) \WINNT\system32\drivers\CLASS2.SYS
?  15248 (  381.8 kb/s) \WINNT\system32\drivers\DISK.SYS

Eric Wadsworthemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Conceptual Systems and Software

amdump error: lev 0 FAILED [/usr/bin/tar returned 1]

2000-11-03 Thread Eric Wadsworth

I am trying to find why tar is failing. Here is information, if anyone has

'amadmin DailySet1 version' shows where GNUTAR is set:

I verified, and yes, tar is there.

These are in the amanda.conf file:

define dumptype global {
comment "Global definitions"
index yes

define dumptype root-tar {
program "GNUTAR"
comment "root partitions dumped with tar"
compress none
exclude list "/usr/local/etc/amanda/exclude.gtar"
priority low

There is only one line in the disklist file: /dev/da0s1a root-tar

this.system is the amanda host (has the tape drive). This partition is the
root partition on the computer.

There is no such file /usr/local/etc/amanda/exclude.gtar as specified in
the definition of root-tar (See above), but I tried a dump with that line
commented out, same result.

Thanks in advance for any ideas! --- Eric

Re: How to clean up in prep for a reconfig?

2000-11-02 Thread Eric Wadsworth

Pierre Volcke wrote:
 Eric Wadsworth wrote:
  Amanda was partially set up and tested by someone else, but now I've been
  passed the ball. I'd like to erase the tapes, clean out the holding disks,
  empty the log files, and whatever else I need to do in preparation for a
  clean start.
  If I remember well, you can find some answers for this question
  at the end of the FAQ provided with the Amanda sources.

Thanks, Pierre! The answer was indeed in the FAQ. I noodled around my system,
but couldn't seem to find it, but noticed that the FAQ is also at Thanks! --- Eric

amcheck reports error: can't access a windows system

2000-11-02 Thread Eric Wadsworth

In the disklist I have an entry like this: //ntsystem/chasm user-tar

But when running amcheck, I get this result:

Amanda Tape Server Host Check
/usr/dumps/amanda: 11852627 KB disk space available, that's plenty.
NOTE: skipping tape-writable test.
Tape DailySet1-000 label ok.
Server check took 0.043 seconds.

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check

ERROR: [can not access //ntsystem/chasm
(//ntsystem/chasm): No such file or directory]
ERROR: [SMBCLIENT program not available]
Client check: 2 hosts checked in 0.101 seconds, 2 problems found.

I double checked the samba connection, with this command:

smbclient //ntsystem/chasm mypassword -U backup

And it let me right in.

The amanda system (with the tape drive) is also the samba

The /etc/amandapass file contains this line:

//ntsystem/chasm mypassword

I assume that it is using the user 'backup' but I'm not sure. I installed
it onto this FreeBSD system via the FreeBSD ports, so I never got
a chance to run configure --with-samba-user.

Any ideas what could be wrong?

Re: amcheck reports error: can't access a windows system

2000-11-02 Thread Eric Wadsworth

This was the tip I needed to resolve this, thanks John.

It was actually more complex, becuase I am using FreeBSD's ports system to
work with software applications. I modified the Makefile in the skeleton
for the Amanda24 port to include this item in the configuration parameter

After doing a 'make deinstall' and then 'make' and then 'make install'
the problem persisted, I assumed that my modification of the make file in
the skeleton wasn't being perpetuated down to the level where it actually
calls ./configure, so I dove into the
/usr/ports/misc/amanda24/work/amanda-2.4.1p1 directory, did a 'make
distclean' and then './configure' with the options from makefile in the
skeleton pasted to the ./configure command. Then I backed up to
/usr/ports/misc/amanda24 and ran 'make' and 'make install' again, and it
seems to have solved that problem.

Note that I'm far from being any kind of UNIX expert, so what I did could
easily be the totally wrong way to solve this; I'm just hacking around
trying to get stuff to work.

Now I've got the infamous 'host down' error when I run amcheck, but this
appears to be well documented.

--- Eric

On Thu, 2 Nov 2000, John R. Jackson wrote:

 ERROR: [SMBCLIENT program not available]
 Run "amadmin xx version | grep SAMBA".  I'm betting you won't get any
 output, which means when you ran ./configure for the client, it could
 not find smbclient.  Run "make distclean", make sure the Samba programs
 are in your PATH, then rerun ./configure.  Look at the output and be
 sure it found them, then rebuild and re-install Amanda.
 John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

gradually adding resourses to back up

2000-11-02 Thread Eric Wadsworth

I'm starting small, only backing up a few machines. I've got to do a demo
for my boss, then I'll be adding a bunch more machines. Can I just
haphazardly add lines to my disklist file, or should I do something

Failure to allocate memory

2000-11-02 Thread Eric Wadsworth

Finally got everything set up right (I think). Ran my first test dump, and
it mailed me a report saying it failed:

taper: FATAL shmget: Cannot allocate memory

Any ideas? Using FreeBSD 4.0 with a DDS-4 Data Cartridge tape device. I
think this system has an Athlon processor in it. Please ask me for any
information you might need, and I'll get exact system specs you want and

--- Eric

How to clean up in prep for a reconfig?

2000-11-02 Thread Eric Wadsworth

Amanda was partially set up and tested by someone else, but now I've been
passed the ball. I'd like to erase the tapes, clean out the holding disks,
empty the log files, and whatever else I need to do in preparation for a
clean start.

I've been reading man pages, but I haven't come across instructions
relating to this need. I can manually erase files (not sure what I need to
do with tapes, though), is this what I should do?

Thanks for any assistance!

--- Eric