[android-developers] Re: Drawing on MapView

2008-09-28 Thread Jordan Innovations
Why do not you try the open source Maps application, I re-wrote it again to
help developers understand how the maps application works and extend it



On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 6:35 PM, andrex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi peter, i was trying use the code but i can't. I'll show you the
 code of my class

 import android.graphics.Canvas;
 import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable;

 import java.io.DataOutputStream;
 import java.io.OutputStream;
 import java.lang.reflect.Array;
 import java.net.HttpURLConnection;
 import java.net.URL;
 import java.util.Vector;
 import org.apache.http.protocol.HTTP;
 import android.os.Bundle;
 import android.view.*;
 import com.google.android.maps.GeoPoint;
 import com.google.android.maps.MapActivity;
 import com.google.android.maps.MapView;

 public class prueba extends MapActivity {

MapView map;
   GeoPoint Point = new GeoPoint((int) (-1.416402 * 100), (int)
   (-78.025078 * 100));
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
map = (MapView) findViewById(R.id.map);
 //  map.getController().animateTo(Point);
public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {
case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_I:
int level = map.getZoomLevel();
map.getController().setZoom(level + 1);
return true;
case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_O:
int level2 = map.getZoomLevel();
map.getController().setZoom(level2 + 1);
return true;
case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_S:
return true;
case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_T:
return true;
return false;

public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
menu.add(0,1,2, My Location);
//menu 1
SubMenu sub1 = menu.addSubMenu(3, 2, 3,Vistas);
sub1.add(3,3,1, Satelite);
sub1.add(3,4,2, Trafico);
//menu 2
SubMenu sub = menu.addSubMenu(2, 5, 1,Zoom);
sub.add(2,6,1, In);
sub.add(2,7,2, Out);
return true;
public boolean onMenuItemSelected(int featureId, MenuItem item) {
super.onMenuItemSelected(featureId, item);
switch (item.getItemId()) {
case 1:

return true;
case 3:
return true;
case 4:
return true;
case 6:
int level = map.getZoomLevel();
map.getController().setZoom(level + 1);
return true;
case 7:
int level1 = map.getZoomLevel();
map.getController().setZoom(level1 - 1);
return true;
 return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);
protected boolean isRouteDisplayed() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return false;

 Over that map i want to draw some information, how i call a class
 which extend of ItemizedOverlay. thanx for the help


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[android-developers] Re: BroadCastReceiver with PhoneStateListener

2008-09-28 Thread legerb

I changed the xml accordingly, and it worked :)

On Sep 27, 2:53 am, Nayr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Did you describe the StartServicesAtStartUp in your
 AndroidManifest.xml? for example,

         receiver android:name=.transaction.MmsSystemEventReceiver
 android:name=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED /

 And you should request user-permission
 android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED like
 android:name=android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED /
 in the AndroidManifest.xml.


 On Sep 27, 9:01 am, chouman82 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I am trying to register the PhoneStateListener right when the phone
  boots up so I have 2 classes.  One is StartAtStartUp which extends
  BroadcastReceiver that listens for the COMPLETE_BOOT_UP and then this
  will then register the CallStateListener which extends
  PhoneStateListener.  It doesn't seem to work out all that well.

  I am not seeing any logging statements that I have put in
  CallStateListener.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

  Here is my code:

  import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
  import android.content.Context;
  import android.content.Intent;
  import android.telephony.PhoneStateListener;
  import android.telephony.TelephonyManager;
  import android.util.Log;

  import com.lumitrend.netlogger.Logger;

  public class StartServicesAtStartUp extends BroadcastReceiver
          public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent)
                  //Intent phoneStateListener = new Intent(context,
                  Log.d(DEBUG, context.getPackageName());
                  Log.d(DEBUG, context.toString());
                  TelephonyManager tManager =
                  CallStateListener callStateListener = new 



  import android.telephony.PhoneStateListener;
  import android.telephony.TelephonyManager;
  import android.util.Log;

  import com.lumitrend.netlogger.Logger;

  public class CallStateListener extends PhoneStateListener
          public void onCallStateChanged(int state, String incomingNumber)
                  Log.d(DEBUG, addding this here);
                  super.onCallStateChanged(state, incomingNumber);
                  Log.d(DEBUG, TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_OFFHOOK + 
  we are def in
  here:  + state);

                          case TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_IDLE:
  phhhone is idle);
                          case TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_OFFHOOK:
  phoon is off
                          case TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_RINGING:
  is ringing);
                                  Log.d(DEBUG, The 
  staate is  +


  }- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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[android-developers] Re: Does ksoap2 is still managed?

2008-09-28 Thread Laguiz

Thanks you very much.

I didn't ask you for the best solution but I said : ...which is/are
best way(s) FOR YOU... I don't speak English very well so I
definitely asked if best practice exist or which is your(s)
solution(s). And you answered my question :). It's OK.

To start I will take a look in different open source projects (if you
know some good examples - no bad - FOR YOU let me know) and think
about solutions.


On 27 sep, 15:26, Mark Murphy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Laguiz wrote:
  I would like to know if ksoap2 is still managed?

 I'm not sure how we would know. This is an Android discussion group.

  Which protocol, API, ...? So, which is/are best way(s) for you to
  communicate between Android and remote server to perform these

 You assume there is a best. Everybody has their opinion as what is
 best. The fact that this is Android makes little difference -- there
 is little agreement *anywhere* as to what is best, except that SOAP is
 probably very far down the list of candidates.

 Some like REST over HTTP. Some like XML-RPC. Some like message queues,
 such as Amazon SQS or Apache ActiveMQ. Some like XMPP (a.k.a., Jabber).
 Some like Comet/Bayeux. Some like AtomPub as a specific REST variant.
 Some like SMTP/POP3 as a simplified message queue. Some people like
 binary protocols like Google's Protocol Buffers. I think two or three
 people still like SOAP. And I'm sure there are many others that I am
 just not thinking of right this moment.

 As to specifically which of these work best on Android, it is probably a
 little early to tell, particularly given the shifting sands of the
 SDK. Now that the SDK is far firmer, in a few months, you may start to
 see some recommended practices for what you're describing. And, you'll
 have some open source Android projects to examine to see how they are
 accomplishing it. Just bear in mind that none of those are necessarily
 best; they are just what worked for those people.

 Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)http://commonsware.com
 Warescription: All titles, revisions,  ebook formats, just $35/year
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[android-developers] ERROR/SQLiteOpenHelper(8956): Couldn't open mydb.db for writing (will try read-only):

2008-09-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I am trying to create my own ContentProvider and database, based on
the notepad example. It's all straightforward, except for the
permissions - i don't have a write permission.

from AndroidManifest.xml
manifest xmlns:android=http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android;
application android:icon=@drawable/app_notes
provider android:name=NotesProvider
android:authorities=com.mycompany.provider.Notes /

I couldn't really follow though the connection between the provider
definition (which is arbitrary, but needs to be unique) and the write
permission. Based on the notes example, it just work - but I am
obviously missing something. Documentation and forum search didn't
help so far.

Help please.

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[android-developers] Anyone get succeed with new DatagramSocket() on 1.0-r1

2008-09-28 Thread James

I have following code with m5-rc15, it worked well.
try {
  socket_snd = new DatagramSocket();
} catch (SocketException e) {

After I upgraded my sdk to 1.0-r1, new DatagramSocket() always fail,
it tells me unknow error. I have tried to telnet to my emulator, the
emulator works well.

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[android-developers] JRuby

2008-09-28 Thread gustin

any one know if JRuby and Android 1.0 work together?


entryway software development

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[android-developers] Anybody get succeed with DatagramSocket on 1.0-r1

2008-09-28 Thread James

I have following code:

socket_snd = new DatagramSocket();

It works well with m5-r15. But it always fail on 1.0-r1. I  telneted
to emulator, the network of emulator works well. Any advice is

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[android-developers] Re: How to query for my current location?

2008-09-28 Thread Guillaume Perrot

And you have to manually simulate your location using telnet or DDMS
controls in Eclipse (the latter only works if your OS is in english
For telnet: telnet localhost 5554
 geo fix 2 40

On 28 sep, 04:05, Mark Murphy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 zl25drexel wrote:
  Hi, sorry i am sure this had been asked before, how do i find out my
  current lat/lon using the location API?

 You can't, per se.

 You can call getLastKnownLocation() to return, well, the last known
 location, but that may be null (if there have been no locations recorded
 for the requested location provider) or stale (if the location provider
 has been out of service for a while).

 Or, call requestLocationUpdates() and take action when you get new
 position fixes from the location provider.

 Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)http://commonsware.com
 _The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_ Version 1.2 Published!
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[android-developers] Question on the Radar application

2008-09-28 Thread Peli


If anybody knows Mike Cleron's email address, I'd ask him directly,
but I didn't find it anywhere on the blog:

If some Google developer happens to know him, please forward this
discussion post to him - thanks :-)

I have the following question / suggestion: Radar introduces the new
Intent i = new Intent(com.google.android.radar.SHOW_RADAR);
i.putExtra(latitude, 37.422f);
i.putExtra(longitude, -122.084f);

Wouldn't it make more sense to use the geo: URI scheme here instead of
using extras?

Then the same content URI could be either used with VIEW to show a
map, or SHOW_RADAR to show the radar... (or even rename the action to
VIEW_RADAR to allow for various VIEW modes on geo data...?)

What do you think?


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[android-developers] Re: WebView and contents://

2008-09-28 Thread Martrinex

Thankyou, I used the image content provider first which loaded a
question mark as a picture but proved unstable.

I finally found the function I was looking for in case anyone else has
the same problem, although I have to warn you it does the exact thing
Google was trying to prevent. (Gives the browser access to the file
system again which can have security implications.)

public android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor openFile(android.net.Uri
uri, java.lang.String mode) throws java.io.FileNotFoundException{
ParcelFileDescriptor parcel;
Log.v(TAG, file requested [+uri.toString()+]);

String root_uri = NotePad.CONTENT_URI.toString();
String root_folder = file:///data/data/

String request_uri = uri.toString().substring(root_uri.length());
String request_file = root_folder.concat(request_uri);

Log.v(TAG, request_file);

URI uri2 = URI.create(request_file);
File file = new File(uri2);
Log.v(TAG, LENGTH +file.length());
parcel = ParcelFileDescriptor.open(file,
return parcel;

I overlooked public ParcelFileDescriptor openFile while searching
before in the content provider api, and still couldn't find
tutorials..  but the above code should serve any files within the apps
files folder to the browser the rest of the code for the
contentProvider doesn't seem necessary when surving files which is a
little confusing.

On Sep 27, 7:21 pm, Nickname [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yes, you can.

 You can use the content:// url returned by photo picker activity.

 On Sep 26, 1:49 pm, Martrinex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I want to be able to access local files from webview. Most tutorials I
  see use file:// which I believe has been blocked on v.9+ I tried to
  use the notepad content provider in tests to load plain text via
  loadurl but just get page not found.

  Can I display img with src=content://
  Can I load pages directly using loadurl(content://);
  Are there any examples in creating a content provider (or editing the
  notepad one) to serve web content (locally) to my apps?

  I hope I am on the right track, and you guys can point me in the
  correct direction. Thanks.

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[android-developers] Best practise for naming intent URIs (if not content provider)?

2008-09-28 Thread Peli

This is related to the post 
that was about intent extras.

Going through the list of Intent URIs:

it seems even less obvious how to name new URI schemes.
seems to work unambiguously if there is a Content Provider.

But what if there is no content provider? URI schemes have been
introduced in various ways:
* http:, mailto:, geo:  OK, these are standardized schemes.
* tel: , voicemail:  ok, it makes sense to introduce these on a phone.
* content: Ok, accepted for content providers.
* google.streetview: A new scheme - including a company name?
* flickr: an inexistent scheme?

How should developers proceed to create new protocols?
e.g. for the Mandelbrot application ( http://code.google.com/p/mandelbrot/
) it would make sense to introduce ACTION_VIEW + a new intent URI
specifying the coordinate and zoom level, similar to the geo: URI. But
what would that URI scheme be?

* mandelbrot:x,y,zoom ?
* fractal.mandelbrot:x,y,zoom ?
* com.alfray.mandelbrot:x,y,zoom ?
* content://com.alfray.mandelbrot:image?x=x,y=y,zoom=zoom ?

It would make sense to use fully qualified names for schemes in order
to avoid future conflict - but is this how it should be done?


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[android-developers] GTalk Calling Functionality

2008-09-28 Thread Robert Hattan

Why not allow users to be able to make GTalk calls through either a
cellular data network or WiFi network?  Wouldn't this be a great
ability on the T-Mobile G1 or Blackberry Mobile Phones?  This is
already available with Skype (iSkoot on Blackberry).  Come on Google!


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[android-developers] How to use mock location in sdk 1.0????

2008-09-28 Thread E.D.I

i have created a kml file Route.kml
and i tried to load it to the to the DDMS and indeed it was loaded
the only problem is the what i see is the name rout and the lot long
are 0.0
and when i try to get the list of providers i get only 'gps' provider
witch also does not realy give me my current
location  but also gives 0 for lat long, i have also connected a
lestener to it and the location does not change the only way it works
is if i give it a manual locationand the the 'gps' my current location
the question is how can i use a kml file as a provider
and if there is a problem maby agpx file will work but i dont realy
know how to create it
please help i'm realy stuck
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[android-developers] p2p connection?

2008-09-28 Thread GiladH

Hey guys,

Now that GTalk API is (temporarily?) out, is there a way for one
Android mobile to directly communicate with another, possibly
belonging to another operator/network/NAT server, possibly located in
another continent ?

By 'communicate' I mean create TCP/UDP/RMI/any other transmission mode
(but not SMS).

We can assume that each of the two mobiles has the ip address of the
other, as obtained by InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress()

I have read several earlier posts on this subject but, frankly, falied
to find 1 I could understand :)


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[android-developers] Re: Is there any book on development with Android ?

2008-09-28 Thread Charlie Collins

Just to make sure it gets included in this list for consideration,
there is also the Manning title Unlocking Android.

We are also hard at work getting this one updated for the 1.0 SDK.  It
is already available as early access (http://www.manning.com/
ableson/), but has not yet been printed because we wanted to wait for
the 1.0 SDK and make sure the book was up to date with that.

Yes, this is another plug, I am one of the authors of Unlocking
Android ;).

On Sep 28, 1:35 am, Jordan Innovations [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I listed all the published books on my web 

 On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 5:44 PM, dave [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Because Android 1.0 has been released, I wonder if there is any book
  on development with Android or anybody is writing one.
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[android-developers] Re: Anybody get succeed with DatagramSocket on 1.0-r1

2008-09-28 Thread Mark Murphy

 I have following code:

 socket_snd = new DatagramSocket();

 It works well with m5-r15. But it always fail on 1.0-r1. I  telneted
 to emulator, the network of emulator works well. Any advice is

You may already have done this, but did you add the INTERNET permission to
your AndroidManifest.xml file?

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
_The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_ Version 1.2 Published!

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[android-developers] Re: location is always latitude 0 longitude 0 altitude 10 in v0.9

2008-09-28 Thread hve.dk

Guillaume, I've just reported it as:

On 24 Sep., 12:32, Guillaume Perrot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I retested a en_GB locale on my Ubuntu 8.04 LTS with Android v1.0.
 OMFG DDMS controls works with that locale !
 But how to procude KML files with direction but non mutlti coordinates
 tags using Google Earth ?
 I read and tested, multi-coordinates tag is not supported anymore...
 And google earth save directions with this tag.hve.dk, I haven't reported an 
 issue yet, did you ?

 On 4 sep, 14:27, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi, I had the same problem, also switched locale and it works...
  Guess it has nothing do do with the locale itself, more with the way
  the OS is formatting date, time, ...
  So you have to make sure that not only the language is changed to
  english but also the formatting rules.

  I'm running MAC OS X and Eclipse 3.4,DDMSvia the Eclipse

  On Sep 2, 11:09 am, hve.dk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Guillaume, I got same the same problem (i.e.DDMSlocationcontrols
   doesn't reach the emulator - or is set to 0,0).
   Do you file a bug report at:http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/list

   (?) - If you don't I'll do it ;-)

   On 26 Aug., 15:44, Guillaume Perrot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In the standard maps application, my position is always at latitude 0
and longitude 0, altitude 10.
   Locationcontrols inDDMSin Eclipse seems to do nothing, I tried to
set manuallocation, using a GPX or a KML, i always get a 0,0
The only provider available is gps when I tried programmatically.
Plus, the documentation tells us about about the geo command but I
didn't find it in my tools directory nor in adb shell internal
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[android-developers] Re: SDK 1.0: what about multipart entities

2008-09-28 Thread gjs


Hmm, I think these jars are packaged into the .apk, I can see lot of
references inside classes.dex to these libraries and the size of the
generated .apk and .dex files would seem to indicate that this true.

I would still like an answer re correct way to do this in V1.0.

Google/Justin/Megha any assistance greatly appreciated.


On Sep 27, 2:28 pm, shotwave [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 gjs, yeap it worksin the eumlator, but I wonder if it will work on the
 real phone since emulator uses your classpath with the dedicated jars,
 but these jars are not packed into apk I guess, so they might be not
 available to the real world phone app

 On Sep 26, 7:14 pm, gjs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I have found that the method described for V0.9 still works ok in

  On Sep 26, 4:11 pm, gjs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   Does this mean that we still have to use the method described for
   V0,9 ?

   As discussed in -


   Anybody ?


   On Sep 25, 3:48 pm, shotwave [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

umm, no, I do not tink that this affects te browser, it is all about
the http clien api included into sdk

On Sep 25, 12:44 am, Shane Isbell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Does this mean that the browser itself also no longer 


 On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 9:38 PM, shotwave [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  theMultipartentities were removed from http commons, so in order to
  use them in SDK 0.9 we had to use external jars  apache-
  mime4j-0.3.jar, commons-io-1.4.jar, httpmime-4.0-alpha4.jar. This 
  was fine for beta and android emulation. But now the phone is here,
  the SDK is released and not beta anymore and it looks like the
 multipartentities API is not there. I wonder how this is intended to
  work? Do we need to implement the http post for forms ourselves? and
  advice anybody?
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[android-developers] Are invisible activities possible?

2008-09-28 Thread radu weiss


I need to create the following flow for my application:

1. Application is launched
2. Application shows a view for gathering data
3. View for gathering data disappears. This view is graphical in
nature and only takes up the central part of the screen, and it is
also transparent, so the previous contents of the screen are visible
behind it and around it.
4. Some intensive computation takes place, that should take 0.1 - 1
seconds on a regular ARM 11 CPU.
5. Depending on the result of the computation one of two other views
is shown.

My issue:
I don't want the view described at 3 to have any other graphical
component of my application behind it. So i see two solutions:

a. I implement a activity that shows the view at 3 as the first
activity that appears when the application is launched. Problem: it
will stay frozen for up to one second while the computation takes
place. I don't want that because it makes the application feel
unresponsive. Can i make the view invisible once it is done gathering
b. I implement an invisible activity that launches another activity
that implements the view at 3, and this second activity returns data
to the first, that performs the computation and then launches other
activities based on the result.

In both cases i need to make a view invisible. I have tried various
methods of doing that and none worked.
Can anyone help?
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[android-developers] Re: Are invisible activities possible?

2008-09-28 Thread Peli

This sounds more like a dialog, progressdialog, or toast to me than an
invisible activity..


You could launch the intense calculatoin in a background thread, and
indicate through handlers when the calculation is done.

Does this sound like a possible solution, or did you have something
else in mind?


On 28 Sep., 17:21, radu weiss [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I need to create the following flow for my application:

 1. Application is launched
 2. Application shows a view for gathering data
 3. View for gathering data disappears. This view is graphical in
 nature and only takes up the central part of the screen, and it is
 also transparent, so the previous contents of the screen are visible
 behind it and around it.
 4. Some intensive computation takes place, that should take 0.1 - 1
 seconds on a regular ARM 11 CPU.
 5. Depending on the result of the computation one of two other views
 is shown.

 My issue:
 I don't want the view described at 3 to have any other graphical
 component of my application behind it. So i see two solutions:

 a. I implement a activity that shows the view at 3 as the first
 activity that appears when the application is launched. Problem: it
 will stay frozen for up to one second while the computation takes
 place. I don't want that because it makes the application feel
 unresponsive. Can i make the view invisible once it is done gathering
 b. I implement an invisible activity that launches another activity
 that implements the view at 3, and this second activity returns data
 to the first, that performs the computation and then launches other
 activities based on the result.

 In both cases i need to make a view invisible. I have tried various
 methods of doing that and none worked.
 Can anyone help?
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[android-developers] Re: Are invisible activities possible?

2008-09-28 Thread radu weiss

I guess there is one other thing i should specify. One of the two
possible outcomes is to do nothing. And then if i launch a background
thread (the activity that launched it is still visible) i would get a
progress bar shown over the currently displayed view, and then it
could just end, and everything would close (since one of the two
possible outcomes is to do nothing). And that would look very bad to
the end user. That is why i am looking for some way to hide all my
views, but keep an activity alive.

I know one option is to bind a service for this, but i felt that it
would be overkill to bind a service that is turned on by an acitivty
that subsequently closes, runs for some 1-2 seconds, and then spawns
another activity. This solution feels like an over-complication.

On Sep 28, 6:38 pm, Peli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This sounds more like a dialog, progressdialog, or toast to me than an
 invisible activity..


 You could launch the intense calculatoin in a background thread, and
 indicate through handlers when the calculation is done.

 Does this sound like a possible solution, or did you have something
 else in mind?


 On 28 Sep., 17:21, radu weiss [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I need to create the following flow for my application:

  1. Application is launched
  2. Application shows a view for gathering data
  3. View for gathering data disappears. This view is graphical in
  nature and only takes up the central part of the screen, and it is
  also transparent, so the previous contents of the screen are visible
  behind it and around it.
  4. Some intensive computation takes place, that should take 0.1 - 1
  seconds on a regular ARM 11 CPU.
  5. Depending on the result of the computation one of two other views
  is shown.

  My issue:
  I don't want the view described at 3 to have any other graphical
  component of my application behind it. So i see two solutions:

  a. I implement a activity that shows the view at 3 as the first
  activity that appears when the application is launched. Problem: it
  will stay frozen for up to one second while the computation takes
  place. I don't want that because it makes the application feel
  unresponsive. Can i make the view invisible once it is done gathering
  b. I implement an invisible activity that launches another activity
  that implements the view at 3, and this second activity returns data
  to the first, that performs the computation and then launches other
  activities based on the result.

  In both cases i need to make a view invisible. I have tried various
  methods of doing that and none worked.
  Can anyone help?
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[android-developers] Re: Are invisible activities possible?

2008-09-28 Thread Peli

I have to admit I have not fully understood what you want to do. Is it
something like this:

1) Activity starts
2) Show ProgressDialog and start calculation in background thread.
3) When background thread finishes, close ProgressDialog.
4) Depending on the result of the thread, you now show another Dialog
with the result.

The progress bar could also be in the title bar, like it is done in
Android's browser (there are also API demos for it).

Or, do you want step 2) without showing the ProgressDialog, just
starting the thread?


On 28 Sep., 17:56, radu weiss [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I guess there is one other thing i should specify. One of the two
 possible outcomes is to do nothing. And then if i launch a background
 thread (the activity that launched it is still visible) i would get a
 progress bar shown over the currently displayed view, and then it
 could just end, and everything would close (since one of the two
 possible outcomes is to do nothing). And that would look very bad to
 the end user. That is why i am looking for some way to hide all my
 views, but keep an activity alive.

 I know one option is to bind a service for this, but i felt that it
 would be overkill to bind a service that is turned on by an acitivty
 that subsequently closes, runs for some 1-2 seconds, and then spawns
 another activity. This solution feels like an over-complication.

 On Sep 28, 6:38 pm, Peli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  This sounds more like a dialog, progressdialog, or toast to me than an
  invisible activity..


  You could launch the intense calculatoin in a background thread, and
  indicate through handlers when the calculation is done.

  Does this sound like a possible solution, or did you have something
  else in mind?


  On 28 Sep., 17:21, radu weiss [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   I need to create the following flow for my application:

   1. Application is launched
   2. Application shows a view for gathering data
   3. View for gathering data disappears. This view is graphical in
   nature and only takes up the central part of the screen, and it is
   also transparent, so the previous contents of the screen are visible
   behind it and around it.
   4. Some intensive computation takes place, that should take 0.1 - 1
   seconds on a regular ARM 11 CPU.
   5. Depending on the result of the computation one of two other views
   is shown.

   My issue:
   I don't want the view described at 3 to have any other graphical
   component of my application behind it. So i see two solutions:

   a. I implement a activity that shows the view at 3 as the first
   activity that appears when the application is launched. Problem: it
   will stay frozen for up to one second while the computation takes
   place. I don't want that because it makes the application feel
   unresponsive. Can i make the view invisible once it is done gathering
   b. I implement an invisible activity that launches another activity
   that implements the view at 3, and this second activity returns data
   to the first, that performs the computation and then launches other
   activities based on the result.

   In both cases i need to make a view invisible. I have tried various
   methods of doing that and none worked.
   Can anyone help?
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[android-developers] Intercept key events across apps?

2008-09-28 Thread Eric B

I use an app for my Palm Treo called KeyCaps.  It allows you to
configure two key actions for every app on the phone.  The first is
holding a key down.  I have this set to capitalize the character.  The
second is pressing the key twice quickly, which changes the character
entered to the Alt entry for that key.

For example, using the screen shots of the G1 so far, if I held down
the i key, then it would type in I instead.  However, if I double-
clicked on the i key, it would type in - instead.

I'd really like to write this app for Android, but I haven't been able
to figure out how so far.  I know you can capture key events within
your own application, but is there anyway to intercept key events in
other applications in the current API?

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[android-developers] Curious about com.android.fallback.Fallback

2008-09-28 Thread friedger

There is something like com.android.fallback.Fallback

If I click on google reader in the browser and select All items I get
a customized error message (Unsupported action) instead of an
ActivityNotFoundException or so.

This customized error message is trigger by the following intent:
Intent { action=android.intent.action.VIEW
data=mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] comp={com.android.fallback/
com.android.fallback.Fallback} }

Does anybody know anything about Fallback?

Could this be related to the feature reqeuest for a fallback intent

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[android-developers] Re: netbeans + android = compile error

2008-09-28 Thread Xavier Ducrohet

As far as I know the Netbeans plugin (which is not developed by
Google) has not been updated in a long time.

Since then there has been significant changes to the build process
(the error you're getting is a due to a change in the command line
options of aapt).

You would need an updated version to be able to use it.

If you really want to use Netbeans, the only solution, for now, is to
use the activityCreator tool to create an ant-based project and import
the ant script into NetBeans.


On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 12:25 AM, fabio.gravina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've installed undroid plugins for netbeans
 but when i run an example appl  netbeans return me:
 ERROR: Unknown command 'compile'
 Android Asset Packaging Tool

  aapt l[ist] [-v] [-a] file.{zip,jar,apk}
   List contents of Zip-compatible archive.
 bla bla

 impl.xml:334: exec returned: 2
 BUILD FAILED (total time: 0 seconds)
 someone can help me


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[android-developers] Re: Curious about com.android.fallback.Fallback

2008-09-28 Thread Xavier Ducrohet

The Fallback application is an emulator-only application.
It contains an activity that accepts a lot of intents with a very low priority.

When an intent is fired and no other application accepts it, then the
Fallback activity receives it to display the not implemented

Of course, this only works with intents defined by the platform. If
you send an intent that you created, you will get a crash.

We figured this would help differentiate errors and cases where a
default application is not bundled with the emulator.
For instance clicking Settings in the menu of the HOME application
will show this instead of crashing because it's just a matter of the
Settings app not being bundled with the emulator.


On Sun, Sep 28, 2008 at 11:25 AM, friedger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There is something like com.android.fallback.Fallback

 If I click on google reader in the browser and select All items I get
 a customized error message (Unsupported action) instead of an
 ActivityNotFoundException or so.

 This customized error message is trigger by the following intent:
 Intent { action=android.intent.action.VIEW
 data=mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] comp={com.android.fallback/
 com.android.fallback.Fallback} }

 Does anybody know anything about Fallback?

 Could this be related to the feature reqeuest for a fallback intent


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[android-developers] Android on iPhone

2008-09-28 Thread Pulkit Arora

A recent post on engadget (http://www.engadgetmobile.com/2008/09/25/
apple-outs-iphone-firmware-2-2-beta-1/) stated that the new firmware
2.2 (which is now open for developers) can emulate Android on the
iPhone. Inintially i was thinking to buy an iPhone but while Android /
G1 cuming up, i thought buying G1 wud be a better option. I am in
India, an none of the devices wud be affordable, can u please suggest
me wat shud i buy, as some relatives are cumin from US next month.
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[android-developers] Re: Android on iPhone

2008-09-28 Thread Mark Murphy

Pulkit Arora wrote:
 A recent post on engadget (http://www.engadgetmobile.com/2008/09/25/
 apple-outs-iphone-firmware-2-2-beta-1/) stated that the new firmware
 2.2 (which is now open for developers) can emulate Android on the

The article summary you read was a joke. Note that Android-on-iPhone is 
listed alongside cause your phone to sprout wings and bring world peace.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
Warescription: All titles, revisions,  ebook formats, just $35/year

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[android-developers] Re: Android on iPhone

2008-09-28 Thread Pulkit Arora
I hope so..But if its not, will it not be a gud idea to develop a thin
client which will enable iPhone users to actually run the Android on it. I
mean the first and foremost thing is, iPhone does not support Java and
Android is running on Java Technology, so an interface ( bi-lingual
interpreter sort of thing ) will be required to think of it.

On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 12:45 AM, Mark Murphy [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 Pulkit Arora wrote:
  A recent post on engadget (http://www.engadgetmobile.com/2008/09/25/
  apple-outs-iphone-firmware-2-2-beta-1/) stated that the new firmware
  2.2 (which is now open for developers) can emulate Android on the

 The article summary you read was a joke. Note that Android-on-iPhone is
 listed alongside cause your phone to sprout wings and bring world

 Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
 Warescription: All titles, revisions,  ebook formats, just $35/year


Pulkit Arora

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[android-developers] Re: Android on iPhone

2008-09-28 Thread Mark Murphy

Pulkit Arora wrote:
 I hope so..
 But if its not, will it not be a gud idea to develop a thin client which 
 will enable iPhone users to actually run the Android on it. 

There is running Android on the iPhone operating system, and there is 
replacing the Android operating system with Android.

Apple would not allow the former option, in all likelihood, even if it 
were possible, which I doubt.

Apple might not have a say in the latter option, but you wind up with a 
phone that is supported by neither Apple nor your mobile carrier. That 
might be fine for a hobbyist.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
Warescription: All titles, revisions,  ebook formats, just $35/year

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[android-developers] PostMethod is removed from 1.0?

2008-09-28 Thread april

After I upgraded to 1.0, I found PostMethod is removed. Following is
my old code

HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
PostMethod method = new PostMethod(Constants.serverUrl +function);
method.setParameter(SharedConstants.NAME_EMAIL, userName);
method.setParameter(SharedConstants.NAME_PASS, passWord)
int statusCode=client.executeMethod(method);

I migrated HttpClient to DedaultHttpClient. But what is the new method
for PostMethod?


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[android-developers] Re: Android on iPhone

2008-09-28 Thread Pulkit Arora
As far as i believe, Apple doesnt allow anything to be done to its
hyper-hyped masterpieces. Actually i was just wondering, if somehow i could
develop a Dual Boot iPhone ( ofcourse jailbroken/unlocked ) which on startup
will ask the user to enter the OS-X or the Android !!
I only basics of iPhone programming and i am developing some apps for
android too, so why not have both of them at same place ;-)

Moreover, I am a final year student doing my undergrad in C.S. I have chosen
my final year project to develop an app. on Android. I am really looking
forward for the OS which google will release lately, coz the functionalities
that i require are still not open in SDK 1.0.

Pulkit Arora

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[android-developers] Re: Decompile android.jar - RuntimeException(Stub!) - SDK 1.0

2008-09-28 Thread Shane Isbell
I can't really say I agree that unit tests should only be run on the target
platform, although of course it does need to be tested on the platform. A
lot of unit tests are pretty darn useful for catching bugs outside of a
Dalvik environment. I often write Java code on one platform, say Windows,
and then test it out on Linux, perfectly natural.
Also, I like to run my debugger in my IDE but if I tie into in the
most trivial of Android classes, I can't do that anymore, a run-time
exception appears.

Maybe since I'm not using Eclipse, the Android team's way of building
doesn't seem as necessary or productive to me.


On Sat, Sep 27, 2008 at 12:47 AM, Romain Guy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Everything should, and now must, run on the emulator or on a device. This
 is the only way to guarantee a program works (if only to run it on Dalvik
 rather than a stock JVM.) For what it's worth, that's how we run all of our
 tests in the Android team.

 We have special support for tests, especially instrumented tests in the
 framework. You can refer to the samples (apidemos) to see how they're set

 On Sep 27, 2008 12:30 AM, Shane Isbell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sat, Sep 27, 2008 at 12:24 AM, Romain Guy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   How so? Aren't you ru...
 Some I do and some I don't. I've got the Masa plugins (for Maven builds)
 setup to do both. By simply hooking a value object like ContentValues into
 one of my classes, it now becomes untestable as a normal unit test, as I now
 get a runtime exception on ContentValues initialization.


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[android-developers] one line EditText

2008-09-28 Thread Christine

I'm struggling with the following. I have an EditText and a TextView
in a LinearLayout, like this:

LinearLayout xmlns:android=http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/
  EditText android:id=@+id/status
  TextView android:id=@+id/timeline
android:scrollbars=vertical /

I want the EditExt to be one line, the TextView to fill up the rest of
the screen. Ideally, the EditText would still grow with the number of
lines the user types. I've tried android:height, android:maxHeight,
android:singleLine, but nothing seems to work. I'm sure I'm
overlooking something simple.

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[android-developers] Re: PostMethod is removed from 1.0?

2008-09-28 Thread Mark Murphy

april wrote:
 After I upgraded to 1.0, I found PostMethod is removed. Following is
 my old code
 HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
 PostMethod method = new PostMethod(Constants.serverUrl +function);
 method.setParameter(SharedConstants.NAME_EMAIL, userName);
 method.setParameter(SharedConstants.NAME_PASS, passWord)
 int statusCode=client.executeMethod(method);
 I migrated HttpClient to DedaultHttpClient. But what is the new method
 for PostMethod?

Android is now using a more current version of the HttpComponents, which 
uses a different set of classes (HttpPost instead of PostMethod).

For documentation on the HttpComponents beyond those in the Android SDK, 


Specifically, you probably want the HttpClient sub-project. Here is a 
page of examples:


Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
Warescription: All titles, revisions,  ebook formats, just $35/year

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[android-developers] Re: MediaRecorder recording video?

2008-09-28 Thread Megha Joshi
The video recording feature is not supported in 1.0.  We will fix the docs.
You could also file the doc bugs directly in the public issue tracker.

2008/9/27 haig [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I am looking for help on how to record video with sdk 1.0

 In MediaRecorder, setVideoSource is no longer there.  The
 documentation (http://code.google.com/android/reference/android/media/
 still references setVideoSource in the diagram
 even though its no longer available.



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[android-developers] Re: MediaRecorder recording video?

2008-09-28 Thread Filipe Abrantes

Hi Mega,

Is there a plan regarding this, that is, does Google know when (or if) 
Android will support Video Recording?

What held up this feature (licensing, simple lack of time, too complex, 


Megha Joshi wrote:
 The video recording feature is not supported in 1.0.  We will fix the 
 docs. You could also file the doc bugs directly in the public issue 

 2008/9/27 haig [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I am looking for help on how to record video with sdk 1.0

 In MediaRecorder, setVideoSource is no longer there.  The
 documentation (http://code.google.com/android/reference/android/media/
 still references setVideoSource in the diagram
 even though its no longer available.



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[android-developers] Re: MediaRecorder recording video?

2008-09-28 Thread Megha Joshi
Hi Filipe,

There is certainly a plan to support video recording...however I do not have
an ETA on when it would be supported.

2008/9/28 Filipe Abrantes [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi Mega,

 Is there a plan regarding this, that is, does Google know when (or if)
 Android will support Video Recording?

 What held up this feature (licensing, simple lack of time, too complex,


 Megha Joshi wrote:
  The video recording feature is not supported in 1.0.  We will fix the
  docs. You could also file the doc bugs directly in the public issue
  2008/9/27 haig [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I am looking for help on how to record video with sdk 1.0
  In MediaRecorder, setVideoSource is no longer there.  The
  documentation (
  still references setVideoSource in the diagram
  even though its no longer available.


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[android-developers] Re: one line EditText

2008-09-28 Thread Megha Joshi
You are using android:layout_weight = 1 for both TextView and EditText,
which makes them occupy the screen space equally. Instead you should use
something like 0.1 for the EditText and 0.9 for TextView.

You should also set android:multiline=true for EditText, otherwise
everything that the user types will remain in just one line.

Your parent LinearLayout's layout_height is fill_parent which will still
make the EditText stretch a bit if you want it to be strictly just one
line then you could:

1) set the EditText's android:layout_height to 1dip, instead of
wrap_content, but then it wont expand when the user types more than 1 line
2) set the parent LinearLayout's layout_height to wrap_content

But again that wouldn't look too good, your UI will look a bit
squished...its good to leave some padding.

2008/9/28 Christine [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I'm struggling with the following. I have an EditText and a TextView
 in a LinearLayout, like this:

 LinearLayout xmlns:android=http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/
  EditText android:id=@+id/status
  TextView android:id=@+id/timeline
android:scrollbars=vertical /

 I want the EditExt to be one line, the TextView to fill up the rest of
 the screen. Ideally, the EditText would still grow with the number of
 lines the user types. I've tried android:height, android:maxHeight,
 android:singleLine, but nothing seems to work. I'm sure I'm
 overlooking something simple.


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[android-developers] Videos on emulator's browser

2008-09-28 Thread GUS

I've seeing this video where this guy is watching YouTube videos on
the browser:
Why cant I do that on the emulator?
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[android-developers] Re: Are invisible activities possible?

2008-09-28 Thread radu weiss

In the end i think i'm gonna do it the way you suggested (with a
progress bar in the title bar). Thanks!

On Sep 28, 8:28 pm, Peli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have to admit I have not fully understood what you want to do. Is it
 something like this:

 1) Activity starts
 2) Show ProgressDialog and start calculation in background thread.
 3) When background thread finishes, close ProgressDialog.
 4) Depending on the result of the thread, you now show another Dialog
 with the result.

 The progress bar could also be in the title bar, like it is done in
 Android's browser (there are also API demos for it).

 Or, do you want step 2) without showing the ProgressDialog, just
 starting the thread?


 On 28 Sep., 17:56, radu weiss [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I guess there is one other thing i should specify. One of the two
  possible outcomes is to do nothing. And then if i launch a background
  thread (the activity that launched it is still visible) i would get a
  progress bar shown over the currently displayed view, and then it
  could just end, and everything would close (since one of the two
  possible outcomes is to do nothing). And that would look very bad to
  the end user. That is why i am looking for some way to hide all my
  views, but keep an activity alive.

  I know one option is to bind a service for this, but i felt that it
  would be overkill to bind a service that is turned on by an acitivty
  that subsequently closes, runs for some 1-2 seconds, and then spawns
  another activity. This solution feels like an over-complication.

  On Sep 28, 6:38 pm, Peli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   This sounds more like a dialog, progressdialog, or toast to me than an
   invisible activity..


   You could launch the intense calculatoin in a background thread, and
   indicate through handlers when the calculation is done.

   Does this sound like a possible solution, or did you have something
   else in mind?


   On 28 Sep., 17:21, radu weiss [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I need to create the following flow for my application:

1. Application is launched
2. Application shows a view for gathering data
3. View for gathering data disappears. This view is graphical in
nature and only takes up the central part of the screen, and it is
also transparent, so the previous contents of the screen are visible
behind it and around it.
4. Some intensive computation takes place, that should take 0.1 - 1
seconds on a regular ARM 11 CPU.
5. Depending on the result of the computation one of two other views
is shown.

My issue:
I don't want the view described at 3 to have any other graphical
component of my application behind it. So i see two solutions:

a. I implement a activity that shows the view at 3 as the first
activity that appears when the application is launched. Problem: it
will stay frozen for up to one second while the computation takes
place. I don't want that because it makes the application feel
unresponsive. Can i make the view invisible once it is done gathering
b. I implement an invisible activity that launches another activity
that implements the view at 3, and this second activity returns data
to the first, that performs the computation and then launches other
activities based on the result.

In both cases i need to make a view invisible. I have tried various
methods of doing that and none worked.
Can anyone help?
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[android-developers] Activity Lifecycle Question

2008-09-28 Thread Gil

I have an activity which is started by the intent set by my app in the
status bar. My activity uses the singleTop launchMode. I go through
the following sequence of events:

1) My activity is initially not visible.
2) I get a notification in the status bar. I click on the new
notification which starts my activity.
3) While my activity is still visible I get a new notification in the
status bar. I click on the new notification again.

My question is the following: What method should I override to learn
that my activity is being started when the user clicks on the
notification the second time?

I thought that onNewIntent should be called but it is not. onNewIntent
does get called each time I click on the notification if my activity
is initially started from the home screen (but not if it is initially
started by clicking on the notification).

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[android-developers] Call for Speakers - Emerging Communications 09

2008-09-28 Thread Lee S Dryburgh

Dear Androids/Androiders,

The 1st Emerging Communications (eComm) conference held back in March
this year was the first conference to cover both Android and the
iPhone. The 2nd Emerging Communications conference will build upon
that. With that in mind, I'd like to share the text of the call for
speakers which will be going out on PR wire later in this week ,

Regards, Lee

PS Feel free to fire questions at me off list.



Emerging Communications Conference (eComm 2009),
Burlingame, California –
March 3-5, 2009


This isn't a traditional telecom conference. The eComm audience has
very high expectations of speakers. They are both seizing
opportunities of the post telecom era (or reinventing traditional
products and services) and can engage the audience. Rules include a
ban on brochure speak from stage (overt marketing pitches) and a
strict enforcement of the clock._

Plenary presentations lasts just 15 minutes including 2-3 minutes of
Q+A. We've found this format of carefully prepared presentations keeps
the atmosphere charged. This format also helps us to fit in more than
70 speakers over 3 days. Thanks to the intimate feel of the venue and
the energy and attention of the audience, many speakers find it to be
a a great public speaking experience._

It's expected that most speakers stay for all three days of the
conference. They stay to join a conversation with a high caliber
audience containing an exceptional number of the industry influencer's
and thinkers.
Talks can be theoretical, practical, demonstrations or a mixture of all three.

Particular topics of interest for 2009:

* Democratization of communications innovation; anything from VoIP
community, XMPP enabled social networking to DIY 12-volt telephony
* Convergence of the media industry with personal communications
* Theme telecoms is becoming software
* Telecom restructuring, threats, or new business models
* Telecom trends, particularly Asian
* iPhone or Android applications
* The new old - traditional carriers or vendors who are changing the game
* Mobile Social Software (MoSoSo) applications on any platform; any
socio- centric devices or applications will be considered whether
mobile or not
* Social Computing
* Mobile leveraging of Cloud Computing or Telco in the Cloud
* Future of Social Networking Applications
* Network Equipment Providers plans for next 1-3 years
* Facilitating business processes with voice
* 4G Technologies
* P2P modes of production or networking

Please note that this is a list of topics chosen by the selection
committee, but it is not an all-inclusive list of topics - we like to
keep an open mind.

Feel free to submit multiple presentations on different topics. Talks
on generic subjects can be rejected. Be unique!

Before submitting a talk, please try to include answers to the
following questions:

* How will your talk excite people?
* What do you aim to arouse in the audience?
* What will be said in your talk that has not been conveyed at another
* Does your talk educate the audience?

Proposals will be considered for the following types of presentations:

* 30 minute keynote
* 15 minute plenary
* 1 hour tutorial (these extended classes give participants hands-on,
practical, in-depth guidance)
* 5 minute Lightening Talks (rapid-fire presentations that provide
insight into new technologies, projects, products or services)
* Other

Please include the following information for your proposal:

* Proposed title
* Overview and extended descriptions of the presentation: main idea,
sub topics, conclusion
* Suggested topic
* Speaker(s): expertise and summary biography

Submission deadline. November 17, although the speaking programme is
expected to fill in advance.

Final points. Dress code is casual or business casual. All speakers
will gain FREE entry, will receive an extra FREE ticket and a single
50% discount code to giveaway also. Speakers who have limited budgets
(i.e. academics) may have all or some of their expenses paid by prior
agreement. The selection committee will be looking for evidence that
you are an expert in the topic that you have proposed. Make sure to
leverage your individual or organizational expertise when making your
speaking proposal.

Still have proposal submission questions? Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]



The Large Small Print:_

If chosen you will be required to:

* Observe the clock - time slots will be enforced - this requirement
is for all and there will be no exceptions.
* We will not allow presentation substitutions on-site.
* Refrain from brochure speak (product or marketing pitches) from
stage. The audience is technically minded and averse to being
blatantly pitched.
* Register for the event (short online process) within 2 working days
of receiving a speaking confirmation (full instructions will be
provided) otherwise your presentation may be canceled and/or filled
with another 

[android-developers] Best practice for seamless, integration authentication?

2008-09-28 Thread jay


I am looking to build a typical client server application with user
accounts. Is there anything within the
Android platform/API that can assist with this?
I am looking a form of authentication that doesn't require the user to
remember anything and registration involveds just agreeing to usage
rights and picking a user name.

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[android-developers] Re: one line EditText

2008-09-28 Thread Emma Sastal

Try removing the weight from the EditText and making the height of the 
TextView 0dip. The LinearLayout takes the unused space it has and 
distributes it out to the children with weight assigned. Each child with a 
weight gets a size based on its own weight dived by the total weight 

On Sep 28, 2008 12:52 PM, Christine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm struggling with the following. I have an EditText and a TextView
in a LinearLayout, like this:

LinearLayout xmlns:android=http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/
 EditText android:id=@+id/status
 TextView android:id=@+id/timeline
   android:scrollbars=vertical /

I want the EditExt to be one line, the TextView to fill up the rest of
the screen. Ideally, the EditText would still grow with the number of
lines the user types. I've tried android:height, android:maxHeight,
android:singleLine, but nothing seems to work. I'm sure I'm
overlooking something simple.

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[android-developers] Re: Activity Lifecycle Question

2008-09-28 Thread Megha Joshi
When setting the Notification intent, are you using the Flags CLEAR_TOP and
ie. Intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP |

More explanation about these launch modes is given in the docs below:

2008/9/28 Gil [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I have an activity which is started by the intent set by my app in the
 status bar. My activity uses the singleTop launchMode. I go through
 the following sequence of events:

 1) My activity is initially not visible.
 2) I get a notification in the status bar. I click on the new
 notification which starts my activity.
 3) While my activity is still visible I get a new notification in the
 status bar. I click on the new notification again.

 My question is the following: What method should I override to learn
 that my activity is being started when the user clicks on the
 notification the second time?

 I thought that onNewIntent should be called but it is not. onNewIntent
 does get called each time I click on the notification if my activity
 is initially started from the home screen (but not if it is initially
 started by clicking on the notification).


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[android-developers] Re: PostMethod is removed from 1.0?

2008-09-28 Thread april



On Sep 28, 12:46 pm, Mark Murphy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 april wrote:
  After I upgraded to 1.0, I found PostMethod is removed. Following is
  my old code

  HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
  PostMethod method = new PostMethod(Constants.serverUrl +function);
  method.setParameter(SharedConstants.NAME_EMAIL, userName);
  method.setParameter(SharedConstants.NAME_PASS, passWord)
  int statusCode=client.executeMethod(method);

  I migrated HttpClient to DedaultHttpClient. But what is the new method
  for PostMethod?

 Android is now using a more current version of the HttpComponents, which
 uses a different set of classes (HttpPost instead of PostMethod).

 For documentation on the HttpComponents beyond those in the Android SDK,


 Specifically, you probably want the HttpClient sub-project. Here is a
 page of examples:


 Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)http://commonsware.com
 Warescription: All titles, revisions,  ebook formats, just $35/year
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[android-developers] Help for setRepeatMode(Animation.NO_REPEAT)

2008-09-28 Thread Ulzii

Hi all,

I was using next line with sdk5


Now, how can I convert it to the SDK 0.9 or SDK 1.0?

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[android-developers] Re: Activity Lifecycle Question

2008-09-28 Thread Gil

Awesome! You saved the day ... again.
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[android-developers] How to read a file from res/text folder

2008-09-28 Thread Sudha

I have a file in res/text/
I need to read it.
we use getClass().getResourceAsStream(/text/text.txt) in J2Me.
How it can be possible in android ?

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[android-developers] How do you overlay a TextView on top of a Camera SurviceView?

2008-09-28 Thread j

How do you overlay a TextView on top of a Camera SurviceView?  Thanks
in advance.
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[android-developers] OpenIntents supports 1.0r1 SDK?

2008-09-28 Thread samlu

I cannot find such information, so I post here.

Does anyone know that OpenIntents supports 1.0r1 SDK?
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[android-developers] Re: switch between activities

2008-09-28 Thread hackbod

Activity.startSubActivity() was just renamed to
startActivityForResult(), to make it clear that calling that function
doesn't set up some special kind of parent/child relationship (except
for where the result will go).

It sounds like you are really working against the activity model.  Why
not just create a second window (with the Dialog class) inside of your
parent activity, instead of trying to express everything as
activities?  If the activity model doesn't work for you for a
particular UI flow, you don't need to use it.

At any rate, the app state transitions are all described in the
Activity doc, in fair detail.  I would strongly urge reading,
understanding, and working within that model if you are using
activities, rather than trying to play sneaky games.


On Sep 28, 4:49 pm, Joa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Activity.startSubActivity() would have been the way to go, but has
 been removed with SDK 0.9.  Here is how I worked around this problem:

 Unfortunately, any start of an activity (i.e. using
 Activity.startActivity(), Activity.startActivityForResult()) from
 within a parent activity calls the parent's onStop() method. This
 means the end of the parent activity, unless Activity.onStop() is
 not overridden to catch that call.
 Sp every time before I call Activity.startActivity() in the parent
 activity, I set a flag menuItemSelected. which the overridden onStop()
 evaluates to circumvent the termination of the parent activity. I
 have no visibility how the app state transitions play together with
 the various state change functions, but the following resulted in the
 desired behavior (i.e. keeps the parent activity alive):

 --- snip --
     protected void onStop() {


         if (!menuItemSelected) {
                 menuItemSelected = false;
 --- snip --

 I am not sure if this is the right way to do it, but could not
 identify another solution.
 Hope this helps, JP

 On Sep 22, 5:02 pm, chouman82 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  this should be something simple but yet i can't seem to find the
  answer anywhere.

  I have a parent activity that starts a sub activity.  From the sub
  activity, i want to be able to go back to the parent activity without
  terminating the child activity.  Both activities will have UI so i
  don't think service will work here.

  So basically, is there a way for me to put the child activity to the
  background by calling the parent activity and then from the parent
  activity to get the child activity back without creating a new
  instance of the sub activity (do i just callstartSubActivity(new

  Thanks in advance for your help
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[android-developers] Re: Intercept key events across apps?

2008-09-28 Thread hackbod

For security reasons, applications are not allowed to monitor input
events that are being delivered to other applications.

On Sep 28, 11:19 am, Eric B [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I use an app for my Palm Treo called KeyCaps.  It allows you to
 configure two key actions for every app on the phone.  The first is
 holding a key down.  I have this set to capitalize the character.  The
 second is pressing the key twice quickly, which changes the character
 entered to the Alt entry for that key.

 For example, using the screen shots of the G1 so far, if I held down
 the i key, then it would type in I instead.  However, if I double-
 clicked on the i key, it would type in - instead.

 I'd really like to write this app for Android, but I haven't been able
 to figure out how so far.  I know you can capture key events within
 your own application, but is there anyway to intercept key events in
 other applications in the current API?

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[android-developers] Re: How to read a file from res/text folder

2008-09-28 Thread hackbod

Uh, there is no such thing as res/text.  The currently available
resource directories are described here:


On Sep 28, 8:41 pm, Sudha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a file in res/text/
 I need to read it.
 we use getClass().getResourceAsStream(/text/text.txt) in J2Me.
 How it can be possible in android ?
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[android-developers] Re: Issues with permissions when using delegation with Content Providers

2008-09-28 Thread hackbod

Fwiw, permission errors usually result in SecurityException errors
being thrown back to the caller.  I don't know of a place where the
system would throw a NullPointerException due to a permission problem.

On Sep 28, 5:48 pm, chomchom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello, All my content providers are accessed via one over arching
 provider that delegates to the others based on the contents of the URI
 pattern matcher. So below just the one provider RunBuddyProvider
 There are actually three smaller providers and I have taken steps to
 encapsulate their functionality into one content provider. Interacting
 with the providers via INSERT and QUERY works fine for the
 But when using live services that interact with activities I can only
 use QUERY successfully. Using INSERT, I get:

 ERROR/AndroidRuntime(4197): Uncaught handler: thread main exiting due
 to uncaught exception
 ERROR/AndroidRuntime(4197): java.lang.NullPointerException

 This suggests to me that the permission has not been granted for the
 application trying to use the content provider. Has anyone used this
 technique or anything similar with content providers? Is this just a
 permissions issue from the Manifest? I would appreciate any comments
 on the implementation.

 Hearing that other people have had some success with this technique of
 content provider delegation would put my mind at rest that it worked
 and allow me to pursue the bug down the security issues side.
 Can anyone offer any suggestions?

 # In more detail, with code:

 The delegating content provider is registered in the Manifest:
             android:authorities=com.novoda.runbuddy /

 This then instantiates the factory which then delegates to the other
 Providers based on the URI pattern matcher.
 Th RoutesProvider is the providers I am using in this instance. When
 instantiated; I call the provider to insert based on the query. But
 this always throws an Uncaught Handler Exception.

 # All the involved classes

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[android-developers] Re: How do you overlay a TextView on top of a Camera SurviceView?

2008-09-28 Thread hackbod

ApiDemos has an example you can use, one of the graphics examples --
Surface Overlay or something like that.

On Sep 28, 9:12 pm, j [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How do you overlay a TextView on top of a Camera SurviceView?  Thanks
 in advance.
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[android-developers] Intermediate server Problem

2008-09-28 Thread Pratik Goswami


I m developing an android application to uploads photos to picasa web
album and i have to develop intermediate server to handle all request-
response between picasa web album server and my mobile client.

I have made three servlets on intermediate server side Login, Album
and Photos. Login for Authentication, Albums for add,delete,update
albums and Photos for add, delete photos.

Now once i send username-password from mobile client to intermediate
server that time it first calls login servlet and set service object
and username in session if authentication is successful and sending
appropriate msg to client. Now client will again send album list
entries on Album servlet page. Now problem comes hereI want to use
username and that service object those i have set earlier in session
at login time. But scope of the session remains in for that particular
web application only (If i m not wrong).

Once response send back to client session will be break or not? if i m
sending a new request - say for retrieving album entries that time
will i be able to use that session that i have earlies set?

Please i need suggestions from u guys to create this application.
Thanks in advance.
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