French Troops Stand Permanent Guard In Africa [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-23 Thread Rick Rozoff


French troops stand permanent guard in Africa 
Emmanuel Serot 

PARIS, Sept 22 (AFP) - France is on permanent guard in
Africa, where it has stationed some 6,000 troops in
five ex-colonies to intervene in crises, join
multilateral peacekeeping forces, and ensure that
defence pacts are adhered to.

On Sunday, it sent in a contingent of soldiers to
boost its presence in Ivory Coast to protect French
nationals and other foreigners following a failed coup
attempt by rebels, which has left 270 people dead.

Six hundred men are already in Ivory Coast. Senegal
and Chad each host about 1,000 soldiers each, with 600
troops in Gabon and 2,700 in Djibouti.

"These troops have been deployed with the goal of
preventing crises," the defence ministry says.

Contrary to earlier practice during the post-colonial
period, the French army today no longer provides
African countries with military assistance but is
ready to intervene at any moment.

"These are professionals who have been trained in all
kinds of latitudes -- in the tropical forests of Gabon
where it's very humid and Djibouti which is very hot
and dry," a colonel told AFP.

In a crisis, these troops can be brought in as
reinforcements much faster than if they were stationed
in France.

Their proximity also makes way for greater flexibility
in terms of sending equipment and vehicles.

"This pre-positioning of troops always allows us to
make deployments according to the needs of our
nationals," defence ministry spokesman Jean-Francois
Bureau, told AFP on Sunday.

He said French policy on Africa was based on a
"regional approach" and was not confined to its former
colonies, stressing that France followed a strictly
hand-off policy as far as the internal affairs of a
country went and would not intervene to prop up a head
of state, or topple him.

The French forces intervene now only to protect
nationals during crises such as Ivory Coast's latest
coup, when the army quashed an uprising in Abidjan on
Thursday at the cost of 270 people killed and 300
wounded, according to government figures.

The rebels were still holding two cities on Sunday --
Bouake, in the centre, where about 600 French
nationals were among the foreigners trapped, and
Korhogo, in the north, where some 80 French nationals

The French army sent reinforcements to Abidjan early
Sunday, drawing them from other bases in Africa.

Some of the Transall aircraft used to fly them to
Abidjan went on to wait on standby in nearby Senegal
and Gabon, ready to return at a moment's notice.

The main worry for French authorities in such
situations is when French nationals get caught in
cross-fire between rival forces.

The French troops also join, on demand or whenever
required, multilateral or pan-African forces under the
aegis of the United Nations.

Spokesman Bureau said France provided technical and
military assistance to a Senegalese contingent which
was part of a UN observation mission in the Democratic
Republic of Congo.

In 1997, France signed a pact with Britain and the
United States to coordinate action to maintain peace
in Africa. They have together launched a training
programme for troops from African countries.

The first training programme took place in 1998,
followed by "Gabon 2000" ande "Tanzanite" in Tanzania
at the start of this year.

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Top UK General: "I am absolutely opposed to war" [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-23 Thread Rick Rozoff


The Mirror
September 23, 2002

By Tom Newton Dunn, Defence Correspondent
A GULF War hero yesterday spoke out against a new
attack on Iraq.

Major General Patrick Cordingley, 57, who led the
British 7 Armoured Brigade - The Desert Rats - in
1991, said: "I am absolutely opposed to war.

"I feel very strongly that it is wrong. There is no
justification for sending British troops to Iraq. The
case for war has not yet been made by the

It is estimated that around 15 per cent of invading
troops would be wounded or killed in an assault on
Baghdad - 37,000 soldiers in a total force of 250,000.
The recently retired general said the dossier of
evidence against Saddam would not prove the case for a
war, adding: "I don't think they have much (evidence),

Meanwhile, the leader of Bahrain yesterday branded US
military action against Iraq as harmful for the whole

Traditionally an American ally, Prime Minister Sheikh
Khalifa bin Sulman said: "There is a strong intention
to strike and a clear Arab and Muslim stance is
required. Such an attack would harm the whole region."

He added that the offer to readmit weapons inspectors
"had removed any reasons to continue threats".


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US-Russia Showdown In The Caucasus? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-23 Thread Rick Rozoff


The Daily Star (Lebanon)
September 23, 2002

[A pro-Washington perspective, but an indication of
how advanced the West's new Great Game in the
'Eurasian Balkans' [Zbigniew Brzezinski]
has advanced.]

Crisis in the Caspian: US-backed pipeline could
intensify Russian threats to Georgia
Washington unlikely to give Moscow freer hand, even in
return for support against Baghdad 
Ed Blanche
Special to The Daily Star 

-If Moscow makes good on those threats, the rapport it
has built with the United States, the pipeline’s
staunchest advocate, since Sept. 11, 2001, will be
-[G]iven the differences between Washington and Moscow
over the Bush administration’s plans for “regime
change” in Baghdad, Russia’s construction of a nuclear
reactor in Iran and its involvement in Tehran’s
ballistic missile program, what happens in Georgia
could prove to be fateful indeed for the future of the
US-Russian rapprochement and Western efforts to find
alternative sources of energy to lessen dependence on
the Middle East.
-Russian military commanders, angered at Putin’s
post-Sept. 11 agreement to allow US forces into the
former Soviet republics in Central Asia and the
Caucasus as part of George W. Bush’s war against
Al-Qaeda and the Taleban, are urging deeper and
heavier attacks into Georgian territory, citing Bush’s
policy of pre-emptive strikes against terrorist
groups. The Russians are also concerned as US forces
deployed in five Central Asian states following Sept.
11 are showing signs of digging in for a long stay,
partly as they will be needed to help stabilize
Afghanistan and to contribute to “nation-building” in
those former Soviet republics ­ Kazakhstan,
Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan also happen to sit atop
vast quantities of oil and natural gas.
General Tommy Franks, head of the US Central Command
responsible for Afghanistan, said last month that US
forces would remain in Afghanistan “for a long, long
time.” None of this will help ease the confrontation
looming in the Caucasus.
-US leaders see Shevardnadze’s fate as vital in the
strategic, oil-rich region because Georgia has been
the most Western-oriented former Soviet republic other
than the Baltic states of Latvia, Lithuania and
-For Western oil giants like BP (the key operator in
Azerbaijan) and ChevronTexaco and ExxonMobil (majority
stakeholders in Kazakhstan’s Tengiz field) the Caspian
is one of the few regions in the world where foreign
companies can own a piece of the action.

British Petroleum’s mid-September laying of the first
section of a $2.9 billion pipeline to carry Caspian
Sea oil through Georgia to Turkey’s Mediterranean
coast, a project that will diminish Moscow’s influence
in the energy-rich region, coincided with mounting
Russian threats to take military action against an
alleged Chechen rebel stronghold in Georgia.
If Moscow makes good on those threats, the rapport it
has built with the United States, the pipeline’s
staunchest advocate, since Sept. 11, 2001, will be
jeopardized. Sept. 11 marked a sea change in Moscow’s
relations with the West, but at a price ­ the US and
Europe muted criticism of alleged Russian atrocities
in its floundering, costly “anti-terrorist” war
against Islamist Chechen separatists, soon to enter
its fourth year.
That Western silence may now end. And given the
differences between Washington and Moscow over the
Bush administration’s plans for “regime change” in
Baghdad, Russia’s construction of a nuclear reactor in
Iran and its involvement in Tehran’s ballistic missile
program, what happens in Georgia could prove to be
fateful indeed for the future of the US-Russian
rapprochement and Western efforts to find alternative
sources of energy to lessen dependence on the Middle
Russian President Vladimir Putin declared in a blunt
warning to the embattled administration of Georgian
President Eduard Shevardnadze on the anniversary of
the suicide attacks on the US that if Tbilisi did not
move against the Chechen rebels and “international
terrorists” holed up in the Pankisi Gorge on the
80-kilometer border with Chechnya, Russia reserved the
right to send its forces in to destroy the rebel
The Duma, lower house of Russia’s Parliament, backed
Putin and said Moscow should cut off economic aid and
electricity supplies to energy-starved Georgia for
failing to destroy the Chechens in the gorge.
On Sept. 12, Putin said in a letter to UN
Secretary-General Kofi Annan that UN Security Council
Resolution 1368, approved following the suicide
attacks on the US, gave Moscow the right to attack
Chechen rebel bases in Georgia in self-defense.
“If the Georgian authorities do not undertake concrete
actions aimed at destroying terrorists, and if
militants continue their raids into Russia from
Georgia, Russia “will undertake appropriate measures
to counter this ter

Lebanon's Speaker: Phony 'Terror War' Is Geostrategic Land Grab [WWW.STOPNATO.OR

2002-09-23 Thread Rick Rozoff


The Daily Star
September 23, 2002

Berri claims US targeting Mideast oil 
Mohammed Zaatari
Daily Star correspondent 

-Berri said that the US campaign has been aimed at
gaining control of the oil fields from Kazakhstan in
the north to the Gulf in the south.

Speaker Nabih Berri has said that America’s “war on
terror” following the Sept. 11 attacks is not meant to
crush rebellious Islamic movements but is instead a
“pretext” to control Middle Eastern oil.
Berri said that the US campaign has been aimed at
gaining control of the oil fields from Kazakhstan in
the north to the Gulf in the south.
Berri’s comments came Friday evening in Majdalyoun
during a reception attended by more than 1,200 people,
including Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, Sidon MP Bahiya
Hariri, first lady Andree Lahoud (representing
President Emile Lahoud) and US Ambassador Vincent
Berri, who was attending a celebration in his honor
marking a decade of post-war parliamentary life, said
the US was “coercing the whole world” into adopting
American “anti-terrorism” and “labeling as terrorist
and evil” anyone or any group voicing disagreement.
Berri also called for “countering” the policies of
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, accusing the
Jewish state of seeking to displace Gaza-based
Palestinians to Libya and West Bank-based Palestinians
to Jordan, where a “substitute Palestinian homeland is
to be set up.”
The speaker said that Lebanon was meant to be a place
where “unwanted Palestinians, included those
(displaced in) 1948, would be thrown.”
On domestic matters, the speaker said the national
debt was “as serious as sectarianism,” but he denied
that the state was paralyzed.
For his part, Hariri called for a new electoral law,
one which would boost political representation for all
of the groups that are in Parliament.
“We should try and rid parliamentary life of all flaws
by learning from the experience of the past decade,”
he said.
Hariri expressed his readiness to “cooperate with all
political forces” in order to forge a new electoral
law, he said.
Battle’s invitation to the event prompted calls for
him not being allowed into Sidon, and the ambassador
arrived early for the event, amid a heavy security
Battle sat by himself for 20 minutes at his table
before being joined by Beirut MP Atef Majdalani and
West Bekaa MP Robert Ghanem.
The US ambassador and Hizbullah MPs were seated at
opposite ends of the reception 

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Fw: Counter-Dossier to Blair's shit-sheet on Iraq [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-23 Thread S. Conroy


- Original Message -
From: glparramatta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2002 4:32 AM
Subject: Counter-Dossier to Blair's shit-sheet on Iraq

> Our friends at Traprock Peace Centre have asked mw to inform you about
> this document.
> Norm Dixon (
> **
> SEPTEMBER 21, 2002
> CONTACT:  Traprock Peace Center,
> Sunny Miller ­ 413-773-7427 or Charlie Jenks 413-773-1633
> Labour Party Counter-Dossier released
> September 21, 2002 ­
> The Labour Party members who oppose Tony Blair on the war have released
> their ³counter-dossier,² written by  Alan Simpson, MP, Chair of Labour
> Against War and Dr. Glen Rangwala, lecturer in politics at Cambridge
> University.  We received a pre-release copy, which was changed to
> address
> the It was released this week and we have posted it at our website ­
> Please copy and distribute widely.
> The counter-dossier is a definitive statement against going to war with
> Iraq.  It was written as a formal statement of the Labour Party "rebels"
> to
> rebut Tony Blair's arguments for joining the US in this war.  Tony Blair
> is
> going to release his dossier in support of going to war against Iraq at
> 8 am
> (London time) on Sept 24th.  He is giving MP¹s precious little time to
> consider it as debate starts that very day.  The counter-dossier
> provides
> the foundation for those in the Labour Party who oppose the war.
> This is a great document of historical significance.  It contains bold
> truth
> that has not been widely reported in the US media, such as the fact that
> the US and UK blocked condemnation of Iraq's known chemical weapons
> attacks
> at the UN Security Council. No resolution was passed during the war that
> specifically criticised Iraq's use of chemical weapons, despite the
> wishes
> of the majority to condemn this use.
> This authoritative document needs to be widely distributed to members of
> Congress and to the US media.
> Sunny Miller, Executive Director
> Charlie Jenks, President of the Core Group
> Traprock Peace Center
> 103A Keets Road
> Deerfield, MA 01342
> 413 773-7427


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Ave NATO: Romanian Troops Join US Patrols In Afghanistan [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-23 Thread Rick Rozoff


New York Times
September 22, 2002

Romanians Join American Patrols in Afghanistan

-We want to demonstrate that Romania can be considered
a security provider," said Brig. Gen. Ion Palsoiu,
commander of the Second Brigade, who flew here in part
to explain his country's purpose to a tiny band of
reporters. "Romania has experience in international
operations, such as Somalia, Angola, Albania, Kosovo,
and now Afghanistan."
-Romania's army is embarking on a five-year program to
shift much of its equipment to NATO-standard
equipment, General Palsoiu said. The C-130 that stood
parked off the tarmac here today, was one of four
surplus cargo planes that the United States gave to
Romania in 1996 as part of an American military aid
and training program that has recently averaged about
$10 million a year.
-"You can count the number of Romanian officers who
have studied in the United States in the hundreds, if
not in the thousands."

ANDAHAR, Afghanistan, Sept. 16 — Planted in the sand,
a hand-painted sign on the airport base near here
welcomes visitors to the desert home of the "Red
Scorpions," 400 infantry soldiers from Romania. 

Romanians? They have come, they say, to patrol the
perimeter, eat at American mess tents and generally
share the heat and dust with 5,000 American troops. 

But, beyond this patch of desert, Romania has a bigger
goal in mind.

Two months from now, leaders of the 19 member states
of NATO are to converge on Prague for the alliance's
first summit meeting in the former Soviet bloc, and
the first since the Sept. 11 attacks of last year
helped rewrite America's security strategy. 

Romania — rejected for NATO membership in the first
expansion in 1999 that took in the Poles, Czechs and
Hungarians — aims to be chosen this time, and hopes
that the presence of its troops here can help prove
that it is ready to play its part in the changing

"We want to demonstrate that Romania can be considered
a security provider," said Brig. Gen. Ion Palsoiu,
commander of the Second Brigade, who flew here in part
to explain his country's purpose to a tiny band of
reporters. "Romania has experience in international
operations, such as Somalia, Angola, Albania, Kosovo,
and now Afghanistan."

The Romanians are engaged in the intense round of
politicking leading up to the Nov. 21-22 Prague

Invitations to join NATO seem certain to go out to
Slovenia and the three Baltic nations of Latvia,
Lithuania and Estonia. Question marks hang over three
other candidates: Slovakia, Bulgaria, and Romania.

Vaclav Havel, the Czech president and the host of the
November gathering, supports admitting all seven
former communist nations. Last spring, at a NATO
meeting in Bucharest, the United States deputy
secretary of state, Richard L. Armitage, praised
Romania and Bulgaria for helping in the Afghanistan
campaign. But President Bush has yet to tip his hand.
To warm up the United States, Romania has signed a
bilateral accord with Washington to exempt Americans
from the jurisdiction of the new International
Criminal Court. On the ground here, the Romanians, who
replaced a Canadian contingent in July, are reaping
the rewards of a decade of military cooperation and
training with the United States.

"Of my men here, four officers and 24 noncommissioned
officers have studied in the United States," said Maj.
Nicolae Ciuca, commander of the Red Scorpion
detachment. The Romanians often go out on joint
patrols composed of a United States Army armored
Humvee and three of Romania's Warsaw Pact-issue BTR
armored personnel carriers.

Romania's army is embarking on a five-year program to
shift much of its equipment to NATO-standard
equipment, General Palsoiu said. The C-130 that stood
parked off the tarmac here today, was one of four
surplus cargo planes that the United States gave to
Romania in 1996 as part of an American military aid
and training program that has recently averaged about
$10 million a year.

"You can count the number of Romanian officers who
have studied in the United States in the hundreds, if
not in the thousands," said Maj. Ira Queen of the
United States Army, who flew here with the Romanian
general. The chief of a three-member American military
office in Romania's Defense Ministry, Major Queen said
that Britain, Germany and Italy had similar military
cooperation units with Romania. 

Asked about the historical weight of military ties
with the Soviet Union, Major Ciuca noted that his
country had stood aside when the rest of the Warsaw
Pact answered the Soviet call to invade Czechoslovakia
to crush the Prague Spring. "Our country did not send
troops to Prague in 1968. After 1968, we did not send
any more officers to the U.S.S.R. for training."

As an indication of the changing time, Major Queen
said, when his flight from Bucharest stoppe

Rumsfeld: Global NATO Strike Force, NATO Control Of Afghan Occupation [WWW.STOPN

2002-09-23 Thread Rick Rozoff


Stars And Stripes
Sunday, September 22, 2002  

Rumsfeld to urge NATO to create quick reaction combat
By Sandra Jontz, Stars and Stripes

-[H]e’ll urge them to create a quick reaction combat
force to respond to worldwide conflicts
-The official said Rumsfeld also plans to discuss how
other NATO nations might take over the U.S. security
force in Kabul, Afghanistan while lengthening the time
in the country from six months to possibly 12 to 18

ARLINGTON, Va. — When Defense Secretary Donald
Rumsfeld travels Monday to Poland for the NATO defense
minister’s conference, he’ll urge them to create a
quick reaction combat force to respond to worldwide
conflicts, a senior defense official said Friday.

The Pentagon envisions the force to be a light, at
least brigade-sized force, capable of deploying in as
little as a week, said the official on condition of

Rumsfeld will spend 2½ days in Warsaw. 

He plans to brief his counterparts about the plan on
Tuesday, in addition to presenting an intelligence
briefing on Iraq, the official said.

Details of the rapid-response force have yet to be
refined, and more importantly, NATO allies have yet to
accept the idea. 

If they approve, it will be addressed again during the
NATO summit in Prague in November.

On the surface, the United States is proposing the
force be flexible enough to take on a variety of
missions — from a small noncombat evacuation mission
to serving as the initial entry force into a conflict
area, the official said.

But such a concept would not be ready for at least two
years, and would not be a factor if the United States
decides to launch a strike on Iraq in the near future,
the official said.

The notion is not new to the 19 nations that make up
the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the official

“We don’t see this in any way as a competitor to the
[already established] rapid reaction force, but rather
complimentary,” the official said of the Allied Rapid
Reaction Corps.

ARRC was set up primarily for peacekeeping missions,
and to move within 90 days with heavy-armor units.

But one of the United States’ chief concern is that
NATO has already fallen behind on warfighting
equipment and technology. 

They don’t spend enough of their nation’s resources on
defense and they won’t be  adequately equipped with
state-of-the-art capabilities to uphold such an
agreement, the official said.

“They will have to build their capabilities to make
this happen,” he said.

Rumsfeld also plans to talk about increasing the
number of NATO members and streamlining NATO’s command
structure, which means moving away from the Cold War
era and reducing staffers.

The official said Rumsfeld also plans to discuss how
other NATO nations might take over the U.S. security
force in Kabul, Afghanistan while lengthening the time
in the country from six months to possibly 12 to 18

At the moment, Turkey is the only nation committed to
take over, the official said.

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Rumsfeld To Give NATO Orders For Iraq War [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-23 Thread Rick Rozoff


Financial Times
September 22, 2002

Rumsfeld to press reluctant Nato on new strategy 
By Judy Dempsey in Warsaw 

-A senior Nato diplomat said the exercise was set on
Nato's southern flank in Turkey. The first sign of a
possible threat was a thick toxic fog drifting towards
the country from a hostile neighbour, an imaginary
country that could have been Syria, Iran or Iraq. 
-That prompted Nato into calling for an "article 5"
response, obliging member states to come to the
collective defence of Turkey.

Donald Rumsfeld, US defence secretary, will on Monday
press Nato for support in possible operations against
Iraq when the alliance's defence ministers discuss the
issue for the first time during their two-day meeting
in Warsaw.

Diplomats say Mr Rumsfeld will have difficulty
persuading the 19 Nato members of the new US doctrine
of pre-emptive strikes, a main element of President
George W. Bush's national security strategy presented
to Congress last Friday.

Some allies think pre-emptive strikes too dangerous or
contrary to international law. This became clear eight
months ago when Nato was forced to break off a
confidential crisis management exercise because of
disagreements over how to respond to a mock chemical

The US, Turkey and the Czech Republic supported
pre-emptive strikes. Germany questioned their legal
basis. Britain played for time. And in an unexpected
scenario, France said Nato had to seek endorsement
from the United Nations Security Council.

The exercise, on computer, involved liaising between
Nato and the member states. Planned months before
September 11, it was designed to establish how the
alliance would react to a possible biological or
chemical attack on a member state.

A senior Nato diplomat said the exercise was set on
Nato's southern flank in Turkey. The first sign of a
possible threat was a thick toxic fog drifting towards
the country from a hostile neighbour, an imaginary
country that could have been Syria, Iran or Iraq.
Nato's weapons of mass destruction centre soon
provided analysis and concluded the enemy had the
capability to deliver biological and chemical weapons.

That prompted Nato into calling for an "article 5"
response, obliging member states to come to the
collective defence of Turkey.

"At that point, the exercise was stopped," said an
ambassador. "There was a real fear it would pull Nato
apart," he added. Another diplomat said the exercise
was broken off because of fears it might be used as a
precedent by Washington when Nato, in the real world,
would have to respond to Washington's requests for
launching any pre-emptive strike.

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Germany May Take Over NATO Afghan Military Occupation [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-23 Thread Rick Rozoff


The Frontier Post (Pakistan)
September 23, 2002

Germany may take over security command

-Germany has played a major role in the force already,
providing nearly 1,300 troops out of a total
contingent of about 5,000. 
-As another possibility, US officials have looked at
creating some kind of joint leadership arrangement for
the international force, teaming several smaller NATO
countries such as the Netherlands, Norway and Denmark.

-US officials expect that a larger role for Germany in
Afghanistan would be conditioned on the active
involvement of NATO’s military structure, both to
assist in military planning and to generate additional
forces from NATO member and partnership countries. 
NATO support is viewed as particularly important in
ensuring a longer-term commitment by the next head of
the international force. 

WASHINGTON (NNI): Germany has emerged as the leading
candidate to take command of the international
security force in Afghanistan, a move that might also
involve NATO, according to US and European
officials.With Turkey’s six-month commitment to head
the International Security Assistance Force due to
expire in December, the Bush administration has been
scrambling to find a replacement. 

Germany’s willingness to fill the gap would have
particular significance as a step towards mending the
deep rift in US-German relations that has opened since
Chancellor Schroeder made opposition to a US attack on
Iraq, a central factor in his campaign for
re-election, reports the Washington Post. 

The German government has reserved a final decision on
taking over lead responsibility for the international
force until after national elections in Germany on

But German Defence Minister Peter Struck said he could
imagine his country assuming command, and German
authorities have affirmed their readiness in private
talks with European officials and US. 

Germany has played a major role in the force already,
providing nearly 1,300 troops out of a total
contingent of about 5,000. 

In addition to performing guard duty and patrolling,
the Germans have handled training of a new Afghan
police force. 

As another possibility, US officials have looked at
creating some kind of joint leadership arrangement for
the international force, teaming several smaller NATO
countries such as the Netherlands, Norway and Denmark.

But the preference is for a single, larger European
state to run the force, officials said. 

US officials expect that a larger role for Germany in
Afghanistan would be conditioned on the active
involvement of NATO’s military structure, both to
assist in military planning and to generate additional
forces from NATO member and partnership countries. 

NATO support is viewed as particularly important in
ensuring a longer-term commitment by the next head of
the international force. 

US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and other
administration officials have made clear their
interest in seeing what has been a six-month
commitment extended to 12 or 18 months to provide
greater stability. 

Lingering difficulties in reining in warlords, bandits
and renegade Taliban fighters have complicated
rebuilding efforts in Afghanistan and have put
pressure on the Bush administration to allow expansion
of the international force beyond Kabul, where its
operations are now confined. 

NATO has avoided a formal political commitment to
involvement in Afghanistan, reflecting both an initial
US desire to strike on its own against the Taliban
regime and al Qaeda network and a NATO reluctance to
get involved in operations out of its traditional area
of European focus. 

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Zyuganov: People's Unity - A Real Chance for Yugoslavia [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-23 Thread Vladimir Krsljanin


 To the President of the Socialist Party of 
long-time President of the Federal Republic of 
comrade Slobodan Milosevic

Dear comrade 
Your numerous friends in Russia follow 
carefully Your courageous struggle against illegal NATO "tribunal", and for the 
defense of Serbia and Serbian people. We are deeply satisfied that despite many 
years of efforts to brainwash world opinion, the West has suffered a complete 
defeat  in its attempt to prove its 
vile allegations against Serbia and You personally of genocide against Kosovo 
Albanians and of war crimes.
It is becoming increasingly 
obvious that NATO and the terrorist organization formed by NATO special services 
under the name of the "Kosovo Liberation Army" are in fact responsible for the 
genocide and war crimes in Kosovo. 
However, the persons responsible 
for murder and abduction of thousands of people, the persons responsible for the 
huge ethnic cleansing in Kosovo are not being called before the justice. The 
Hague "tribunal" has become a criminal body by itself, protecting NATO and 
terrorist "KLA" war criminals from legal sanctions.       
Bearing in mind the complete and 
shameful fiasco of the charges against You concerning the events in Kosovo, we 
demand Your immediate release and insist on terminating the travesty of the NATO 
"tribunal" for Yugoslavia, discrediting the very notion of international 

I would like to inform 
You, as well, on very sound reaction in Russia to Your appeal for unity of all 
the patriotic forces of Serbia in struggle against the pro-western clique that, 
with NATO support, took control over Yugoslavia. The Russian communists are, 
based on their own  experience, 
convinced of the rightness of such an approach. We are convinced that only the 
broadest alliance of the patriotic forces, regardless of their ideological 
positions, will secure the true independence of Yugoslavia and benefit of its 
talented people.
With sincere 

President of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation  
President of the People's Patriotic Alliance 
of Russia


To join or help this struggle, visit: (official SPS 
website) (forum 
for the world of equals) (the international 
committee to defend Slobodan Milosevic) ('morning news' 
the only Serbian newspaper advocating liberation)

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NATO Troop Rotation: Turks Leave Kabul For Iraq War, Germans Take Over [WWW.STOP

2002-09-23 Thread Rick Rozoff


The Frontier Post
September 23, 2002

Turkey to end its Afghan stint: Turkish FM

-The NATO diplomats said Germany had indicated a
willingness to discuss taking over control of the
force, possibly in a joint command with the

ISTANBUL (NNI): Turkey will not extend its term as
commander of the security force in Afghanistan, the
Turkish foreign minister said in Istanbul. 

NATO diplomats however, said that Germany had
expressed an interest in possibly taking over a joint
command of the force in December.“An extension of the
mandate is out of the question,” the Turkish minister,
Sukru Sina Gurel, said on his return to Istanbul from
the United Nations General Assembly meeting, reports
New York Times. 

The United States had not expected Turkey to extend
its role commanding the International Security
Assistance Force in Afghanistan when its six-month
term expires on Dec. 

Troops from Germany, Britain, France and some other
nations contribute to the force patrolling Kabul, the
Afghan capital. 

The NATO diplomats said Germany had indicated a
willingness to discuss taking over control of the
force, possibly in a joint command with the

Earlier, this week, Defense Secretary Donald H. 
Rumsfeld suggested that the command of the security
force in Kabul should be for longer than a six-month

A new State Department report on Afghanistan raised
questions this week about expanding the international
force beyond Kabul, suggesting that it would be mainly
up to the Afghan government to secure the areas beyond
the capital. 

The establishment of a new national Afghan Army has
proceeded slowly. 

The Pentagon has said the new army, which is being
trained by American, British and French troops, will
not be fully ready until the middle of 2004. 

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Blueprint For Mass NATO Global Strike Force [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-23 Thread Rick Rozoff


Afghan Daily

U.S. Wants to Reshape NATO Missions
The Associated Press, Sun 22 Sep 2002 

-The Bush administration is looking for NATO agreement
to reshape the alliance's military operations to allow
rapid deployment to far-flung locations. 
-A U.S. proposal to set up such a force, to project
alliance power outside NATO's borders on as little as
a week's notice, will be a major order of business for
Rumsfeld at a NATO defense ministers' meeting starting
Tuesday in Warsaw, Poland. 
-Jerzy Szmajdzinski, Poland's defense minister, said
the U.S. proposal would include ground troops, AWACS
radar planes and shared allied intelligence. A U.S.
official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said it
also could include naval forces and
chemical-biological defenses. 
The official said the force would have a core of
20,000 U.S., Canadian and European combat and support
troops, coming from all 19 alliance members for
six-month tours of duty. 

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Bush administration is looking
for NATO agreement to reshape the alliance's military
operations to allow rapid deployment to far-flung

Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, who first raised
the idea at a NATO gathering in June, said Saturday
that the resulting streamlined military organization
will be along lines the administration has worked to
create with the U.S. forces. 

A U.S. proposal to set up such a force, to project
alliance power outside NATO's borders on as little as
a week's notice, will be a major order of business for
Rumsfeld at a NATO defense ministers' meeting starting
Tuesday in Warsaw, Poland. 

The administration brought up the idea of such a force
in June at a ministers' meeting in Brussels, Belgium.
Rumsfeld at the time recommended a review of NATO's
command structure to give its forces the speed and
agility necessary for an offensive force. That would
represent a shift from the anti-Soviet defensive
bulwark underpinning the alliance's creation early in
the Cold War. 

National Security Council spokesman Sean McCormack
said Saturday that Rumsfeld is laying groundwork for
President Bush to discuss go to the heads of
government for disposition. 

``Strengthening NATO's military capability to handle
21st century threats is a major piece of President
Bush's agenda for the November summit in Prague,''
McCormack said. 

``We are working with our allies on a number of
proposals aimed at achieving this objective, and
Secretary Rumsfeld will discuss these proposals when
he meets next week in Warsaw with his counterparts.'' 

Rumsfeld told CNN that the proposal ``is really no
different than the kind of thing we've been doing here
in the United States.'' 

He spoke of developing ``a quick-reaction force that
would be able to respond to a problem in a matter of
days, rather than weeks or months,'' thus offering
``the kind of agility to deal with the types of
problems that exist today.'' 

Jerzy Szmajdzinski, Poland's defense minister, said
the U.S. proposal would include ground troops, AWACS
radar planes and shared allied intelligence. A U.S.
official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said it
also could include naval forces and
chemical-biological defenses. 

The official said the force would have a core of
20,000 U.S., Canadian and European combat and support
troops, coming from all 19 alliance members for
six-month tours of duty. 

It would be separate from a European-only force of
60,000, which is to become operational next year and
will be used mainly for peacekeeping operations.
Previous post-Cold War missions outside NATO's
borders, such as those in the former Yugoslavia, have
entailed airstrikes but little ground combat, focusing
largely on peacekeeping. 

Also coming up at the Warsaw meeting will be the
question of who will replace Turkey as leader of the
international peacekeeping force in Kabul,
Afghanistan, when the Turks' commitment expires in
December. Rumsfeld wants another European country,
probably Germany. 

A German government spokesman said last week that
German and Dutch experts have been considering
leadership arrangements for the 19-nation,
5,000-soldier force. 

Germany previously has resisted appeals by the
government of Afghan President Hamid Karzai to take
over the force, on the ground that its forces already
are stretched thin by peacekeeping in the Balkans. 

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NATO-Russia Council Spars Over Baltic States [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-23 Thread Rick Rozoff


The Moscow Times
September 29, 2002

NATO-Russia Council Spars Over Baltic States
By John Chalmers 

-Signed in the dying days of the Cold War, the CFE
limits the number of battle tanks, heavy artillery,
combat aircraft and attack helicopters deployed and
stored between the Atlantic Ocean and the Urals
Mountains. The Baltic states have not signed up to the
CFE and so are not subject to legal restrictions on
forces deployed in their territory -- forces that
could theoretically belong to NATO once they become
members of the alliance. 

Reuters BRUSSELS, Belgium -- NATO and Russia sparred
Friday over the defense alliance's plans for
enlargement, with Moscow insisting that the Baltic
states commit to the landmark treaty limiting
conventional forces in Europe before joining up.

"There was an elaborate presentation of views," said
one NATO official after a meeting of the NATO-Russia
Council, which was set up in May to enhance
cooperation between the former foes.

"There are some points of principles involved: Russia
is free to raise its point, but enlargement is our
business," said the official, who asked not to be
named. "I think they are raising this with greater

President Vladimir Putin has softened Moscow's
criticism of NATO plans to expand eastward as part of
his broad pro-Western policy. But there are still
misgivings in Moscow about NATO taking in Estonia,
Latvia and Lithuania.

The Baltic states are among seven countries that are
expected to be invited to join NATO when the 19
alliance leaders meet in Prague in November.

The NATO official said Russia appeared to be trying to
stall the enlargement process by raising the question
of the Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty.

Signed in the dying days of the Cold War, the CFE
limits the number of battle tanks, heavy artillery,
combat aircraft and attack helicopters deployed and
stored between the Atlantic Ocean and the Urals
Mountains. The Baltic states have not signed up to the
CFE and so are not subject to legal restrictions on
forces deployed in their territory -- forces that
could theoretically belong to NATO once they become
members of the alliance. Latvia recently shrugged off
fears expressed by a senior Russian military official
that it could become a NATO outpost for nuclear
weapons or army bases after it joins the alliance.

Part of the problem is that new accessions to the CFE
can only take place once all signatories have ratified
amendments adopted in 1999, and so far, only two
countries have done so.

Diplomats say Russia may push for the three Baltic
states to commit themselves to joining the treaty at
the same time as they join NATO, probably in early

The NATO official said that there was "no quarrel" at
Friday's council meeting, but the alliance put its
view strongly that there should be no linkage between
enlargement and CFE.

"CFE is CFE and enlargement is enlargement," he said.
"They feel strongly about it and we feel strongly
about it."

The wrangling overshadowed what officials said were
more encouraging signs of growing trust and
cooperation between the allies and Russia.

The two sides agreed Friday on the political aspects
of possible joint peacekeeping operations in the

They are also due to hold a civil emergency exercise
in Russia this month to test their response to a
terrorist attack on a chemical production facility.


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Fwd: Protest against treatment of Roma by the Romanian media [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.U

2002-09-23 Thread petokraka78


In a message dated 9/20/02 9:22:58 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Subj:[Support_Roma] Protest against treatment of Roma by the Romanian media 
Date:9/20/02 9:22:58 AM Eastern Daylight Time
Sent from the Internet 


Dear colleagues,
In Romania most people ( and therefore media ) are concerned with the image of their 
country abroad ( that means mainly countries which have something to say on the 
international scene as Romania tries to join the Eu and NATO ).
That's why I think is very important to get as many people as possible to sign the protest. 

It is good to let romanians know that there are a large and united ( when it comes to 

condemn racism ) comunity of Roma and Roma activists ready to react .

The link for the protest is:

Please, let everybody you think is interested in signing the protest know.

Many thanks 

Valeriu Nicolae


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--- Begin Message ---

ORIGINAL SENDER:   Valeriu Nicolae 

Dear colleagues,
In Romania most 
people ( and therefore media ) are concerned with the image of their 

country abroad 
( that means mainly countries which have 
something to say on the 
international scene as 
Romania tries to join the Eu and NATO 

That's why I think is very important to get as many people 
as possible to sign the protest. 
It is good to let romanians know 
that there are a large and united ( when it comes to 
condemn racism ) comunity of Roma 
and Roma activists ready to react .

The link for the protest is:

Please, let everybody you think is interested in signing 
the protest know.

Many thanks 

Valeriu Nicolae

Yahoo! Groups Sponsor


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--- End Message ---

France Intervenes in Ivory Coast [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-23 Thread petokraka78


[It appears that French troops are intervening in some capacity in the Ivory Coast.  From the BBC report, it is possible that the French are intervening to prop-up the rebellion against Gbago's elected government who has fostered relations with Charles Taylor's Liberia.  I'm not an expert on Ivorian politics, so I could be wrong, but we should perhaps look into the causes of this intervention?  Btw, you will note that the French - in classical colonial style - are intervening also to "save" missionaries!!!]

Monday, 23 September, 2002, 08:42 GMT 09:42 UK 
French troops in Ivorian capital

Many residents' houses have been destroyed

French troops have reached the Ivory Coast's capital, Yamoussoukro, as they seek to protect French and other foreign nationals caught up in a coup attempt which began on Thursday.


The convoy of dozens of vehicles left the main Ivorian city of Abidjan late on Sunday, hours after France had flown up to 200 reinforcements, drawn from its other bases in West Africa. France describes the move as a "precautionary measure", and it is thought the troops will set up a forward base to be able to stage evacuations, if necessary, from nearby Bouake, Ivory Coast's second city, which on Monday morning still remained in rebel hands. There are growing concerns for about 200 children - about 150 of whom are sons and daughters of US Baptist missionaries - trapped in the basement of a boarding school in Bouake - a city of some 500,000 people. The national football teams of Senegal, Sierra Leone and Gambia are also trapped in Bouake. The hotel they are holed up in has no water supplies and there is little food left. Ivorian officials say 270 people have been killed and 300 wounded in insurgency so far. The rebels in Bouake and in the northern city of Korhogo appear to have ignored government demands for them to surrender in return for an offer of talks. Abidjan is now quiet, but in Bouake rebel soldiers said on Sunday that they had beaten off a heavy attack by loyalist troops. If you are in the Ivory Coast, click here to e-mail us your experience 

No intervention 

Some 20,000 French nationals are thought to live in the former French colony. 

Ups and downs 

Before 1999 - Relative calm and stability 
1999 - Coup; General Guei takes power 
2000 - Guei flees after rigging elections; 
Gbagbo wins controversial elections 
2001 - coup attempt fails 
2002 Troops mutiny, Guei killed 

France has agreements with the Ivory Coast to help restore order if necessary. But the BBC's West Africa correspondent, Paul Welsh, says for now it seems unlikely that they will become directly involved. In Abidjan, a spokesman for the main opposition leader, Alassane Ouattara, said Mr Ouattara's house had been destroyed by government soldiers, but that Mr Ouattara was safe inside the French embassy. French army spokesman Christian Baptiste said: "This violent crisis is an internal affair, and the concern of our political authorities is that our citizens as well as those of the international community don't pay the price." But our correspondent says the reinforcement of the French garrison is also designed to send a message to the rebels that it is time to negotiate. 

Olive branch 

Following a national address by President Laurent Gbagbo which hinted that the rebels had been aided by a foreign power, hundreds of foreigners' homes in the Abidjan were burned down and thousands of people packed up and took to the road in search of safety. Defence Minister Moise Lida Kouassi told the BBC that the army's only aim was to regain control of territory from rebels. Prime Minister Pascal Affi Nguessan offered an olive branch to rebels in a televised address on Saturday evening.
President Gbagbo accused foreign nations of helping the rebels

Despite earlier threats of "no negotiations" from the president, Mr Nguessan said the government was prepared to examine the grievances of the rebels if they laid down their arms and surrendered the areas they held. Thursday's uprising began with co-ordinated attacks on military installations, government sites, and cabinet ministers' houses in Abidjan and other cities and towns. The man the government has blamed for the uprising - General Robert Guei - who seized power in a 1999 coup - was killed. Foreign news stations, including the BBC, have been taken off the air in Ivory Coast.


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Fw: US HRes 473 re Iraq/UN [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-23 Thread S. Conroy


Sent: Monday, September 23, 2002 6:07 PM
Subject: US HRes 473 re Iraq/UN

> Hey, ->
> -
> Following is the text of the resolution submitted yesterday by
> California
> Congresswoman Barbara Lee, with 26 co-sponsors
> (see list below) to resolve the issues concerning Iraq through the UN by
> peaceful means. If your representative isn't on the list, urge him/her
> to
> sign on. A copy of this is on
> **
> Expressing the sense of Congress with respect to the importance of the
> United States working through the United Nations to assure Iraq's
> compliance
> with United Nations Security Council... (Introduced in House)
> HCON 473 IH
> 107th CONGRESS
> 2d Session H. CON. RES. 473
> Expressing the sense of Congress with respect to the importance of the
> United States working through the United Nations to assure Iraq's
> compliance
> with United Nations Security Council resolutions and advance peace and
> security in the Persian Gulf region.
> SEPTEMBER 19, 2002
> Ms. LEE (for herself, Mrs. CLAYTON, Ms. RIVERS, Mr. HINCHEY, Mr. JACKSON
> of
> HILLIARD, Mr. CLAY, Mr. STARK, Mr. FARR of California, Ms. KAPTUR, Ms.
> Ms.
> BROWN of Florida, Mr. SERRANO, Ms. SOLIS, and Mr. CONYERS) submitted the
> following concurrent resolution; which was referred to the Committee on
> International Relations
> Expressing the sense of Congress with respect to the importance of the
> United States working through the United Nations to assure Iraq's
> compliance
> with United Nations Security Council resolutions and advance peace and
> security in the Persian Gulf region.
> Whereas on April 6, 1991, during the Persian Gulf War, Iraq accepted the
> provisions of United Nations Security Council Resolution 687 (April 3,
> 1991)
> bringing a formal cease-fire into effect;
> Whereas, in accordance with Security Council Resolution 687, Iraq
> unconditionally accepted the destruction, removal, or rendering harmless
> of
> `all chemical and biological weapons and all stocks of agents and all
> related subsystems and components and all research, development, support
> and
> manufacturing facilities related thereto', and `all ballistic missiles
> with
> a range greater than one hundred and fifty kilometers, and related major
> parts and repair and production facilities';
> Whereas, in accordance with Security Council Resolution 687, Iraq
> unconditionally agreed not to acquire or develop any nuclear weapons,
> nuclear-weapons-usable material, nuclear-related subsystems or
> components,
> or nuclear-related research, development, support, or manufacturing
> facilities;
> Whereas Security Council Resolution 687 calls for the creation of a
> United
> Nations special commission to `carry out immediate on-site inspection of
> Iraq's biological, chemical, and missile capabilities' and to assist and
> cooperate with the International Atomic Energy Agency in carrying out
> the
> `destruction, removal or rendering harmless' of all nuclear-related
> items
> and in developing a plan for the ongoing monitoring and verification of
> Iraq's compliance;
> Whereas United Nations weapons inspectors (UNSCOM) between
> 1991 and 1998 successfully uncovered and destroyed large stockpiles of
> chemical and biological weapons and production facilities, nuclear
> weapons
> research and development facilities, and Scud missiles, despite the fact
> that the Government of Iraq sought to obstruct their work in numerous
> ways;
> Whereas in 1998, UNSCOM weapons inspectors were withdrawn from Iraq and
> have
> not returned since;
> Whereas Iraq is not in compliance with United Nations Security Council
> Resolution 687, United Nations Security Council Resolution 1154, and
> additional United Nations resolutions on inspections, and this
> noncompliance
> violates international law and Iraq's ceasefire obligations and
> potentially
> endangers United States and regional security interests;
> Whereas the true extent of Iraq's continued development of weapons of
> mass
> destruction and the threat posed by such development to the United
> States
> and allies in the region are unknown and cannot be known without
> inspections;
> Whereas the United Nations was established for the purpose of preventing
> war
> and resolving disputes between nations through peaceful means, including
> `by
> negotiation, enquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial
> settlement, resort to regional arrangements, or othe

Roma And Romania [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-23 Thread Rick Rozoff


Thanks for the information, Kole.
As the NATOized elite in Bucharest send the second
largest military contingent to conquer and occupy the
Afghan people - and this is no aspersion on the
Romanian people, one of Europe's most victimized in
the *New* Order and who, judging by dozens of exiles
I've met here in Chicago have a visceral resentment
toward their country becoming a NATO colony and
outpost - and as the quislings lick their chops over
forcibly absorbing the Republic of Moldova (invariably
referred to by the government and government, which is
to say, Brussels controlled media by the outdated name
Bessarabia, harking back to the glory days of the Iron
Guard Axis alliance), all the people of Romania, Roma
and non-Roma,
 continue to suffer. 
A few wake-up calls. The long-time NATO booster - in
fact singlemindedly so - and Nazi-installed monarch
former King Michael (Hohenzollern) has returned to
Romania to stir up World War II era revanchist
passions - again, Moldova - even as NATO mainstay
Hungary is eyeing the reconquest of Transylvania from
There's precious little honor among NATO cutthroats.
Brussels promises everything to everyone and the
locals pay in blood.
Regarding the Roma - arguably Europe's longest
victimized people - their virtual genocide in Kosovo
and the former Western Bosnian Republic goes
unmentioned by the modern London and New York human
rights missionaries; but they're disingenously dragged
into yesterday's Slovakian election to attack NATO's
bete noir Vladimir Meciar - who won the election but
won't be permitted by the US's Ambassador to NATO
Nicholas Burns to form the next government.
Reputedly, Meciar didn't meet NATO's pristine
democratic standards regarding the Roma poeple in
Slovakia, inter alia.
The so-called Kosovo Protection Corps does.
And, oh yes, Meciar was also accused of 'consorting
with Slobodan Milosevic,'  the greatest protector of
Roma rights in Europe.
One is required to get into the delusional construct
of the NATO mindset to make sense of any of this.
Until, that is, humanity unites to disband NATO and
try its functionaries and affiliated defence ministers
for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

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Morocco Vs Spain: NATO Brings Peace To The Mediterranean [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-23 Thread Rick Rozoff


Agence France-Presse
Monday September 23, 9:49 PM 
Rabat uses "minor incident" to scuttle talks: Madrid

[US and French military client state Morocco, invader
and occupier of Western Sahara (thanks currently to
James Baker and Kofi Annan) and linchpin of NATO's
Mediterranean Dialogue - which, moreover, recently
saved NATO and the civilized world from al-Qeda -
seems, quite in keeping with the times, to have
territorial claims on NATO junior flunky Spain.
Perhaps the Spanish people, NATOized through no choice
and no fault of their own, are expected to draw some
minor solace from the fact that German President Rau
laid a wreath at the collective gravesite of Nazi
Wehrmacht troops - and an estimated 1,500 Franco
Falangist *volunteers* - outside of
St.Petersburg/Leningrad, where the largest civilian
toll  of any siege in human history was exacted at the
hands of those so honored.]

Spain accused Morocco of using a "minor incident" to
scuttle talks aimed at rebuilding trust after a bitter
territorial dispute that capped a year of
deteriorating relations.
Defense Minister Federico Trillo said in the central
city of Leon that a Spanish helicopter had merely
overflown a disputed islet on Sunday, denying a charge
that the aircraft had landed there.
He said a "minor incident (was) provoked by the
Moroccans as a pretext to suspend the visit to Madrid"
by Moroccan Foreign Minister Mohamed Benaissa for the
scheduled talks with his Spanish counterpart Ana
The Moroccan government had not reacted by 2:30 pm
(1230 GMT) to repeated Spanish denials on Monday.
The dispute over the islet off the Moroccan coast,
known as Perejil in Spain and Leila in Morocco, was
ostensibly settled by a July 22 accord.
The row exacerbated relations already strained over
fishing, oil exploration off the Canary Islands, drug
and people trafficking and Western Sahara, a former
Spanish colony annexed by Morocco in 1975.
Trillo told a press conference that Rabat had had a
"disproportionate" reaction on Sunday when it called
the alleged landing "an unacceptable act by which
Spain has once again violated Moroccan national air
space and territory".
The defense minister said: "The helicopter conducted a
flight at low altitude over the islet, without landing
on the ground, without performing any maneuver that
could be considered unfriendly or even out of the
ordinary," he said.
A statement issued by the Spanish government earlier
Monday, also denying the alleged helicopter landing,
pledged to continue honoring the July accord.
It said Madrid was "surprised by the interpretation"
by Rabat of the Spanish helicopter movement.
Spanish Foreign Minister Ana Palacio had earlier
issued a similar denial on Spanish television.
The Moroccan foreign ministry had said Sunday: "This
very regrettable incident breaks the spirit and the
letter of the (July) accord in the most blatant
The statement questioned the "real motives" of the
alleged action, "which took place precisely on the eve
of the meeting scheduled for Monday in Madrid between
the foreign ministers of both countries". 
Trillo said the Spanish army had detected the presence
of a Moroccan patrol boat about a mile from the islet
and saw a dinghy being readied, with its destination
unknown, and the helicopter was deployed to
The Perejil/Leila dispute erupted in July when Spanish
forces expelled a handful of Moroccan troops sent by
Rabat to establish an "observation post" on the islet.
The two countries are also at odds over the continued
flow of migrants -- most crossing the 12-kilometre
(eight-mile) Strait of Gibraltar and landing on
southern Spain's Andalusian coast.
Dozens of people drown among the thousands of migrants
who attempt to cross illegally from north Africa to
Spain every year, with many also falling victim to
overcrowding and harsh conditions.

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Morocco Vs Spain: NATO Brings Peace To The Mediterranean [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-23 Thread Rick Rozoff


Agence France-Presse
Monday September 23, 9:49 PM 
Rabat uses "minor incident" to scuttle talks: Madrid

[US and French military client state Morocco, invader
and occupier of Western Sahara (thanks currently to
James Baker and Kofi Annan) and linchpin of NATO's
Mediterranean Dialogue - which, moreover, recently
saved NATO and the civilized world from al-Qeda -
seems, quite in keeping with the times, to have
territorial claims on NATO junior flunky Spain.
Perhaps the Spanish people, NATOized through no choice
and no fault of their own, are expected to draw some
minor solace from the fact that German President Rau
laid a wreath at the collective gravesite of Nazi
Wehrmacht troops - and an estimated 1,500 Franco
Falangist *volunteers* - outside of
St.Petersburg/Leningrad, where the largest civilian
toll  of any siege in human history was exacted at the
hands of those so honored.]

Spain accused Morocco of using a "minor incident" to
scuttle talks aimed at rebuilding trust after a bitter
territorial dispute that capped a year of
deteriorating relations.
Defense Minister Federico Trillo said in the central
city of Leon that a Spanish helicopter had merely
overflown a disputed islet on Sunday, denying a charge
that the aircraft had landed there.
He said a "minor incident (was) provoked by the
Moroccans as a pretext to suspend the visit to Madrid"
by Moroccan Foreign Minister Mohamed Benaissa for the
scheduled talks with his Spanish counterpart Ana
The Moroccan government had not reacted by 2:30 pm
(1230 GMT) to repeated Spanish denials on Monday.
The dispute over the islet off the Moroccan coast,
known as Perejil in Spain and Leila in Morocco, was
ostensibly settled by a July 22 accord.
The row exacerbated relations already strained over
fishing, oil exploration off the Canary Islands, drug
and people trafficking and Western Sahara, a former
Spanish colony annexed by Morocco in 1975.
Trillo told a press conference that Rabat had had a
"disproportionate" reaction on Sunday when it called
the alleged landing "an unacceptable act by which
Spain has once again violated Moroccan national air
space and territory".
The defense minister said: "The helicopter conducted a
flight at low altitude over the islet, without landing
on the ground, without performing any maneuver that
could be considered unfriendly or even out of the
ordinary," he said.
A statement issued by the Spanish government earlier
Monday, also denying the alleged helicopter landing,
pledged to continue honoring the July accord.
It said Madrid was "surprised by the interpretation"
by Rabat of the Spanish helicopter movement.
Spanish Foreign Minister Ana Palacio had earlier
issued a similar denial on Spanish television.
The Moroccan foreign ministry had said Sunday: "This
very regrettable incident breaks the spirit and the
letter of the (July) accord in the most blatant
The statement questioned the "real motives" of the
alleged action, "which took place precisely on the eve
of the meeting scheduled for Monday in Madrid between
the foreign ministers of both countries". 
Trillo said the Spanish army had detected the presence
of a Moroccan patrol boat about a mile from the islet
and saw a dinghy being readied, with its destination
unknown, and the helicopter was deployed to
The Perejil/Leila dispute erupted in July when Spanish
forces expelled a handful of Moroccan troops sent by
Rabat to establish an "observation post" on the islet.
The two countries are also at odds over the continued
flow of migrants -- most crossing the 12-kilometre
(eight-mile) Strait of Gibraltar and landing on
southern Spain's Andalusian coast.
Dozens of people drown among the thousands of migrants
who attempt to cross illegally from north Africa to
Spain every year, with many also falling victim to
overcrowding and harsh conditions.

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Kole: On Cote d'Ivoire [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-23 Thread Rick Rozoff


Dear Kole,
 I absolutely defer to you on any and
all questions pertaining to the African continent, but
it's been my understanding that the two Western bases
of attack against the - legally elected - government
of Liberia have emanated from Cote d'Ivoire and
(Portuguse) Guinea-Bissau.
Am I wrong?
If the first is in fact the case, am I to assume the
attacks were backed by the central government -
presumably a member of the French Community - or from
Western-supported rebel-held areas?
Also, I presume you've read about massive petroleum
reserves established near Sao Tome and Principe, where
the Western powers are now extending their military
The latest estimate I'm familiar with is that the US
currently obtains 15% of its crude oil from West
Africa, which suggests that this area has its role to
play in US/Western war plans in the Near East.
Your perspective?

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International Vieques Activities: Today [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-23 Thread Rick Rozoff


[De nuestra hermana Maria a]

The following cities have confirmed activities on
behalf the peace for Vieques on September, 23, 2002,
which include press conferences, sit-ins,
demonstrations, etc.  Other cities will confirm. 
If you know about other organized activities, please
let us know. 
Hasta el momento se han confirmado actividades en los
siguientes países y 
ciudades.  Las mismas incluyen piquetes,
micro-mítines, distribución de hojas sueltas,
"sit-ins", conferencias de prensa, etc.  Otras
ciudades por confirmar. 
Favor de informar si sobre actividades organizadas en
otras ciudades. 

Alemania:  Berlín, Mainz 
Bélgica:  Bruselas 
Canadá:  Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, Windsor y
Dinamarca:  Copenhagen 
España: Madrid 
Francia: París 
Holanda: Amsterdam 
Irlanda del Norte: Belfast 
Italia: Roma, Cerdeña 
México: Ciudad de México 
República de Irlanda: Dublin 
Suecia: Estocolmo 
Suiza: Ginebra 
Japón: Okinawa 
Estados Unidos: NY, San Francisco, Seattle, Hartford,
Washington, D.C. 
Puerto Rico: San Juan, Mayaguez, Lares

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Fw: Is this funny or scary? Must see! Picture [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-23 Thread S. Conroy


- Original Message - 
From: John Cannon 
To: mailto:Undisclosed-Recipient:; 

Sent: Monday, September 23, 2002 8:59 PM
Subject: Fw: Is this funny or scary? Must see! Picture

This is for real!  Look at the book Bush is 
supposedly reading for his photo-op at a Tennessee elementary school last 
week!  If this guy wasn't supposed to be the leader of the "free world", 
I'd be laughing my butt offbut seriously, this is scary!


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Thousands of Palestinians back Arafat in protests [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-23 Thread ProletarianNews


Reuters (with additional material bt BBC and AFP). 23 September 2002.
Thousands of Palestinians back Arafat in protests. 

GAZA -- Carrying posters of Yasser Arafat and chanting his nom de
guerre, thousands of Palestinians took to the streets of the West Bank
and Gaza Strip on Monday to show solidarity with their besieged leader. 

On the second day of demonstrations against the Israeli army siege of
Arafat's headquarters in the West Bank city of Ramallah, protesters
gathered in Gaza City, East Jerusalem and Bethlehem, Tulkarm and
Qalqilya in the West Bank. 

Carrying Palestinian flags and posters of Arafat, several thousand
protesters, including women and children, marched through Gaza City to
the ruins of Arafat's beachfront headquarters destroyed in a December
air strike. 

They shouted their willingness to "become martyrs" for the goal of
Palestinian statehood as songs were broadcast on loudspeakers. 

Many were supporters of Arafat's mainstream Fatah movement but others
were armed activists from the militant al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades who
fired from rifles into the air. 

"We will burn the ground under the feet of the Israeli soldiers," the
militants shouted. 

Meanwhile, the 73-year-old leader delivered a defiant speech by
telephone Monday to some 3,000 Palestinian students who gathered at
Bethlehem university to demonstrate their support.

"What is happening now is a very dangerous act. The Palestinian people
are struggling to defend their land and dream of establishing a state
with Jerusalem as its capital," he said. 

"The situation is dangerous, but the people can face all dangers. The
Palestinian people has seen more dangerous situations than this and won."

"We are going to march on Jerusalem and one of our children will raise
the Palestinian flag on its walls. We are a people of giants who will
not be subdued," a defiant Arafat told the crowd. 

Students waved his portrait, as his voice was relayed through massive
speakers in the university yard.

After the speech the crowd of supporters marched through the West Bank
town to the Church of the Nativity, which was the scene of the previous
siege. The number of demonstrators swelled to 5,000 as schoolchildren
joined the rally, shouting: "Arafat is the symbol of peace, liberty and

About 200 students marched to Rachel's Tomb, a holy site revered by Jews
and Muslims, and threw stones at soldiers there. 

Witnesses said several hundred protesters also marched through Tulkarm
and Qalqilya. "We will sacrifice our blood and soul for Abu Ammar," they
shouted in Qalqilya, using Arafat's nom de guerre. 

Other signs of support for him took shape as Palestinians in Gaza and
Arab east Jerusalem shut up shop or skipped class in line with a strike call.

Tayeb Abdel-Rahim, a top Arafat aide, said: "Our people is saying that
its legitimate uprising and legitimate struggle will continue. We love
to live but we are ready to die for the sake of a dignified and free

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Announcing LMNOP's new "Fact & Act" daily email list [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-23 Thread Geese 4 Peace


- Forwarded message follows -

--- Daily Fact 'n Act <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2002 12:00:25 -0700
From: "Daily Fact 'n Act" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: LMNO4P Daily Fact & Act Introduction

Daily Fact & Act: Introduction
20 September 2002
Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace

The United State faces a critical moment in its history. Many in the
U.S. feel this, as most of the world community does. We are shocked,
frightened, & confused by the sudden and fierce call for the aggressive
invasion of a soveriegn state which will result in a massive loss of
innocent, civilian lives.

Stay Informed
Spread Truth

We are Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace, LMNOP, located on
the web at (.com). Our RESOURCES areas offer a
large and growing amount of information. Taking from facts we present
there through books; articles; alternative, non-corporate media;
documentaries; websites, and international press, we have created the
LMNO4P Daily Fact & Act email.

Every day we will send a Fact & Act email containing:
1. Brief Analysis
2. Daily Urgent Action
3. Fact
4. Deeper Analysis with supporting links

To receive the Daily Fact & Act email sign-up at

Wm Leslie Howard

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RE: Is this funny or scary? Must see! Picture [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-23 Thread Lee Mager


Almost as scary as this small selection of
a plethora of shameful remarks by the man.


"I promise you I will listen to what has been said here,
even though I wasn't here." —George W. Bush, speaking at the
President's Economic Forum in Waco, Texas, Aug. 13, 2002

"There may be some tough times here in America. But this country has gone through tough times before, and we're
going to do it again." —George W. Bush, Waco, Texas, Aug. 13, 2002

"I love the idea of a school in which people come to get
educated and stay in the state in which they're educated." —George
W. Bush, Milwaukee, Wis., Aug. 14, 2002

"The problem with the French is that they don't have a
word for entrepreneur." —George W. Bush, discussing the decline of the
French economy with British Prime Minister Tony Blair

"Do you have blacks, too?" —George W. Bush,
to Brazilian President Fernando Cardoso, Nov. 8,
2001, as reported in an April 28, 2002, Estado Sao Pauloan column by Fernando Pedreira,
a close friend of President Cardoso

"We hold dear what our Declaration of Independence says,
that all have got uninalienable
rights, endowed by a Creator." —George W. Bush, to community and
religious leaders in Moscow, May 24, 2002

"After all, a week ago, there were — Yasser Arafat was boarded up in his building in Ramallah, a building full of, evidently, German peace protestors
and all kinds of people. They're now out. He's now free to show leadership, to
lead the world." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., May 2, 2002

"This foreign policy stuff is a little frustrating."
—George W. Bush, as quoted by the New York Daily News , April 23, 2002

"And so, in my State of the — my State of the
Union — or state — my speech to the nation, whatever you want to
call it, speech to the nation — I asked Americans to give 4,000 years
— 4,000 hours over the next — the rest of your life — of
service to America. That's what I asked — 4,000 hours."
—George W. Bush, Bridgeport, Conn., April 9, 2002

"There's nothing more deep than
recognizing Israel's right to exist. That's the most deep
thought of all. ... I can't think of anything more deep
than that right." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., March 13, 2002

"He [Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro
Koizumi] said I want to make it very clear to you exactly what I intend to do
and he talked about non-performing loans, the devaluation issue and regulatory
reform and he placed equal emphasis on all three." —George W. Bush,
who had meant to say "the deflation issue" rather than "the
devaluation issue," and accidentally sent the Japanese Yen tumbling,
Tokyo, Feb. 18, 2002

"I couldn't imagine somebody like Osama
bin Laden understanding the joy of Hanukkah." —George W. Bush, at a
White House Menorah lighting ceremony, Washington, D.C., Dec. 10, 2001

"We are fully committed to working with both sides to
bring the level of terror down to an acceptable level for both."
—George W. Bush, after a meeting with congressional leaders, Washington,
D.C., Oct. 2, 2001

"One of the interesting initiatives we've taken in Washington, D.C., is we've got these vampire-busting devices. A vampire is a
— a cell deal you can plug in the wall to charge your cell phone."
—George W. Bush, Denver, Aug. 14, 2001

"My administration has been calling upon all the leaders
in the — in the Middle
 East to do everything they
can to stop the violence, to tell the different parties involved that peace will never happen." —George W. Bush,
Crawford, Texas, Aug, 13, 2001

"I know what I believe. I will continue to articulate
what I believe and what I believe — I believe what I believe is
right." —George W. Bush, in Rome, July 22, 2001

"Anyway, I'm so thankful, and
so gracious — I'm gracious that my brother Jeb is
concerned about the hemisphere as well." —George W. Bush, June 4,

"For every fatal shooting, there were roughly three
non-fatal shootings. And, folks, this is unacceptable in America. It's just
unacceptable. And we're going to do something about it." —George W. Bush, May 14

"There's no question that the minute I got elected, the
storm clouds on the horizon were getting nearly directly overhead."
—George W. Bush, May 11, 2001

"But I also made it clear to (Vladimir Putin)
that it's important to think beyond the old days of when we had the concept
that if we blew each other up, the world would be safe." —George W.
Bush, May 1, 2001

"Neither in French nor in English nor in Mexican." —George W. Bush, declining
to take reporters' questions during a photo op with Canadian Prime Minister
Jean Chretien, April 21, 2001

"I suspect that had my dad not been president, he'd be asking
the same questions: How'd your meeting go with so-and-so? … How did you
feel when you stood up in front of the people for the State of the Union
Address—state of the budget address, whatever
you call it." —George W. Bush, in an interview with the Washington Post, March 9, 2001

"You te

Ramallah: Palestinians beat pans and pots against occupation [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.U

2002-09-23 Thread ProletarianNews


Reuters. 23 September 2002. Pans and pots to end Israeli siege and occupation.

RAMALLAH -- Palestinians across the West Bank adopted a new tactic in
their uprising for statehood on Tuesday, beating pots and pans in
rhythmic rejection of Israel's siege of President Yasser Arafat. 

Just after midnight, hundreds of Palestinians, many holding metal and
wooden sticks, defied Israeli curfews to take the streets of Ramallah
and other West Bank cities to carry out the noisy protest. 

Others drummed on cookware on their balconies. 
"We have tried all means to liberate our country, but it didn't work.
Maybe with this noise, the world will heed out suffering," said Roba Abu
Roqti, 26, who stood on her veranda in Ramallah to beat a pot in
defiance of Israel. 

"Let's try a civilised way of resistance," she said. 

Hundreds of Palestinians gathered at Ramallah's main al-Manara Square,
just several hundred metres away from where Israeli tanks surrounded
Arafat's battered headquarters. 

The protesters clanged wooden kitchen spoons against metal objects and
signposts that had been knocked down by Israeli tanks. 

Others beat on the rooftops of cars and on electric poles with their
bare hands. 

"They formed an orchestra. This is another way of struggle," said
Ramallah resident Ma'moum Sharif as he stood watching. 

Israeli soldiers fired tear gas and warning shots to disperse the
Ramallah demonstration. 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



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Gore slams Iraq war, doctrine of pre-emption [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-23 Thread ProletarianNews


Reuters. 23 September 2002. Gore in California Speech Warns Against Iraq Attack.

[I never thought I'd see the day Al Gore would make the cut in
ProletarianNews -- but this speech signals in no uncertain terms that
the US mainstream is moving against Bush...]

SAN FRANCISCO -- Former Vice President Al Gore came out strongly on
Monday against any precipitous U.S. attack on Iraq, saying the Bush
administration has embarked on a dangerous course that could alienate
allies and derail America's war on terror. 

Gore, who narrowly lost the 2000 presidential election to George W.
Bush, said in a major speech here that the Republican administration
risked undermining international rule of law by setting its sights on
"regime change" in Baghdad. 

He lashed out at Bush support for pre-emptive strikes, calling it "a go
it alone, cowboy-style" approach to foreign policy. 

"Great nations persevere and then prevail, they do not jump from one
unfinished task to another," Gore said, warning that the war against
terrorism was far from over. 

"I do not believe that we should allow ourselves to be distracted from
this urgent task (the war on terror) simply because it is proving to be
more difficult and lengthy than first predicted," Gore told an
enthusiastic audience at the Commonwealth Club of California in San

Gore, the only potential 2004 Democratic presidential contender who has
not spoken out on Iraq in recent weeks, broke his silence with a
spirited broadside against Bush administration policies, which he said
were sowing fear and confusion around the world. 

"If you are going after (famed Wild West outlaw) Jesse James, you ought
to organize the posse first," Gore said. 

Gore said the new Bush administration policy of seeking pre-emptive
strikes against possible security threats painted the United States as a
unilateralist bully and undermined international goodwill sparked by the
Sept. 11 attacks on New York and Washington. 

"That has been squandered in a year's time and replaced with fear,
anxiety and uncertainty all around the world -- not about what the
terrorist networks are going to do, but about what we're going to do,"
Gore said. 

Gore conceded that Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein was a potential threat
and said that Washington should seek the rest of the world's support in
devising a plan to deal with him "in a timely fashion." 

He said he believed the United States had the right, under Article 51 of
the United Nations Charter, to take action against imminent threats and
could move against Iraq if it truly felt Baghdad's alleged drive to
acquire weapons of mass destruction put its interests in immediate

But he said a quick war with Iraq now could create more problems than it
solves -- costing taxpayers billions of dollars, fanning international
fears about U.S. unilateralism, and leaving post-war Iraq as unstable,
dangerous and disorganized as post-war Afghanistan. 

"The resulting chaos in the aftermath of a military victory with Iraq
could easily pose a far greater danger to the United States than does
Saddam," Gore said. 

"If we end the war in Iraq the way we ended the war in Afghanistan, we
could very well be in a position where we are worse off than we are

Gore saved some of his sharpest words for the newly announced doctrine
of pre-emption -- a strategy which calls on U.S. forces to strike first
against potential threats and ensure unchallenged U.S. military

Calling the new policy a "go it alone, cowboy-type" approach to foreign
policy, Gore said Bush risked shaking the very foundations of the
international political order by flouting laws and disregarding world

[N.B.]"The very logic of the concept suggests a string of military
engagements against a succession of sovereign states," Gore said. 

"If other nations exert the same right, then the rule of law would
quickly be replaced by the reign of fear."  

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




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Israeli women's groups: Indict Sharon [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-23 Thread ProletarianNews


Independent [Robert Fisk]. 24 September 2002. Prosecute Sharon for war
crimes, Israeli women say.

BEIRUT -- In an astonishing letter to the Palestinian survivors of the
1982 Sabra and Shatila camps massacres, nine Israeli women's peace
groups have told Palestinians in Beirut that they support their efforts
to indict the Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, for "war crimes"
committed against them almost exactly 20 years ago.

The women's letter, which was sent via the United States, has amazed the
Lebanese lawyer representing the survivors of the massacre, for which Mr
Sharon was held "personally responsible" by an Israeli inquiry. "It is a
wonderful gesture," Chibli Mallat said yesterday. "It is a wonderful
message to receive in these very dangerous and violent times."

The letter, from the Coalition of Women for A Just Peace in Israel,
speaks movingly of the suffering of the Palestinians in 1982. 

"Our hearts ache to recall the terrible massacre that took place in the
Sabra and Shatila refugee camps 20 years ago, which Israeli leaders
allowed to take place," it says. 

"We condemn the brutal murderers of your loved ones and we condemn the
leaders who must be held accountable for these war crimes, Ariel Sharon
above all."

Up to 1,700 Palestinians were butchered in the massacre by Lebanese
militiamen allied to the Israelis. Israeli troops surrounded the camps
as the killings went on but were told by their commanders not to

Mr Sharon was Israeli Minister of Defence at the time and was forced to
resign after the Israeli Kahan commission condemned him and several
senior Israeli officers for not preventing the slaughter.

A Belgian court ruled earlier this year that it could not indict Mr
Sharon for the killings, but more than 20 survivors of the massacre,
whose lawyers include Mr Mallat, are now appealing against this decision.

The women's letter recalls how the Palestinians were forced to flee
their homes in 1948. 

"We join you in mourning for those who were killed and maimed [in
1982] and we condemn those who are responsible," it says. 

"We hope you will accept the sincerity of our words and allow us to
stand in solidarity with you as we strive to build peace with justice
between Israel and Palestine."

Mohamed abu Rudeina, who as a seven-year-old boy saw his father and
other relatives murdered 20 years ago, described the Israeli women's
letter as a "moving act" that would greatly encourage other Palestinian
survivors who are seeking justice for the deaths of their loved ones.

The specific mention of Mr Sharon's name is likely to cause considerable
discomfort to the Israeli Prime Minister, who hired lawyers to defend
him in Brussels and who has not previously experienced any attempt by
Israelis to indict him.

Mr Mallat said it was the first gesture of solidarity to the camp
survivors from Israelis, 20 years after a lone Israeli, Emile Grunzweig,
was killed by a hand grenade thrown into a crowd of protesters in Tel

"We regard Mr Grunzweig as an Israeli who died for Sabra and Shatila,"
Mr Mallat said. "Now at last, we seem to have got support from Israelis
about the terrible crimes against humanity which occurred in Beirut two
decades ago."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




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Appeal to soldiers for Bloody Sunday truth [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-23 Thread Rick Rozoff


Appeal to soldiers for Bloody Sunday truth 
Rosie Cowan, Ireland correspondent
Tuesday September 24, 2002
The Guardian

-"It is our hope that the 300 military witnesses, one
of whom is my brother's murderer, who will give
evidence here in London will do so openly and

The brother of a man killed on Bloody Sunday yesterday
appealed to the soldier who killed him to finally tell
the truth about what happened 30 years ago in Derry,
as the tribunal moves to London today. 

Lord Saville's new inquiry into the deaths of 14
unarmed Catholic men shot dead by paratroopers during
a civil rights march in the Bogside on January 30 1972
has already questioned 571 people, including police,
journalists and forensic experts, but mainly civilian
witnesses, in Derry's Guildhall over two and a half

It is today relocating to Methodist Central Hall,
Westminster, where it will sit for up to a year, to
hear evidence from around 300 soldiers who were in
Derry that day, plus military commanders and senior
politicians involved in decisions before and after
Bloody Sunday. The move is a result of a lengthy legal
battle, as the relatives of the dead wanted the
soldiers to return to Derry, but the Ministry of
Defence successfully argued that they would be at risk
from terrorists there. 

The soldiers, apart from a few senior figures, also
won their case to retain anonymity. But about 30
relatives who will travel to and from London on a
regular basis will be able to face in open court the
men who killed their loved ones. They see this as the
real start of the inquiry, where the soldiers will
have the chance to come clean about what they did and
who ordered them to do it. 

John Kelly, whose 17-year-old brother Michael died on
Bloody Sunday, said at a press conference in the
Commons yesterday: "It is our hope that the 300
military witnesses, one of whom is my brother's
murderer, who will give evidence here in London will
do so openly and honestly. 

"To you, British soldiers who were allowed to lie in
1972, I say the only one you have hidden from is
yourself. You have nothing to fear from us. Let us
take some good from the terrible legacy you have left
behind in Ireland since January 1972, since Bloody
Sunday. By helping establish the truth about Bloody
Sunday you can play your part in building genuine
reconciliation between the people of Ireland and

Soldier F, the man who shot Michael Kelly, told the
Widgery tribunal in 1972 that he fired at a man
carrying a "fizzing object" he took to be a bomb. It
was claims like this and Widgery's conclusion that
many of the victims were carrying guns or bombs, that
infuriated their relatives and led to a relentless
campaign for a new inquiry, which was finally
sanctioned by Tony Blair. 

It has attracted criticism for its costs, currently
£70m and which could rise to £200m by the time Lord
Saville issues his final report in 2004. But relatives
see it as the price the government must pay for not
telling the truth at the time. 

Mr Kelly said: "My brother Michael was neither a
gunman nor a bomber. He was just an ordinary young man
doing his civic duty by protesting against British
human rights abuses." 

Today, the inquiry will hear from Brigadier Sir Frank
Kitson, the Belfast army commander who sent 1 Para to
Derry on the orders of General Sir Robert Ford, the
commander of land forces in Northern Ireland, who will
also testify in the coming weeks, as will the
commander of 1 Para, Lieutenant Colonel Derek Wilford.

On Thursday, lawyers for the families will press
Lieutenant Colonel Colin Overbury, who headed the
army's Widgery team and later became a senior legal
officer at the European commission, on allegations
that he supervised a cover-up of the killings. 

Next week, the inquiry will hear the strange story of
army secretary "Inq 1872", who lost an arm on the last
night of the Widgery tribunal, when lawyers out with
soldiers in the Bogside got caught in a shoot-out with
the IRA. 

Politicians due to testify in London include the then
prime minister, Sir Edward Heath; defence minister
Lord Carrington; and former army minister Sir Geoffrey
Johnson Smith. 

The inquiry will return to Derry from time to time to
hear other civilian witnesses, including Martin
McGuinness, who was the IRA's second-in-command in
Derry at the time of Bloody Sunday but insists the
Provisionals took all their guns out of the Bogside
before the march. 

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NATO: 4 New Rapid Deployment HQ's With 60,000 Troops [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-23 Thread Rick Rozoff


NATO Online
NATO Update
September 23, 2002

Four New Multinational, Rapidly Deployable
Headquarters Assigned To NATO 

-"These additional deployable, tailored higher
readiness headquarters are a significant new asset for
NATO," said Gen. Joseph Ralston, the SACEUR. "European
nations collectively have invested more than one
billion euros to develop these capabilities. The fact
that nations are prepared to put them under NATO
command is a key element of our reform effort to
develop more relevant structures and capabilities for
the Alliance."
-the Rapid Deployable Turkish Corps HQ (based on
the 3rd Turkish Corps in Istanbul, Turkey).

SHAPE Headquarters, Casteau -- Four new land-based,
rapidly deployable headquarters capable of commanding
forces of up to 60,000 personnel on operations were
today designated as NATO international military
headquarters. This brings to five the number of
Corps-sized headquarters that are placed under the
operational command of the Supreme Allied Commander
Europe (SACEUR) in peacetime.

"These additional deployable, tailored higher
readiness headquarters are a significant new asset for
NATO," said Gen. Joseph Ralston, the SACEUR. "European
nations collectively have invested more than one
billion euros to develop these capabilities. The fact
that nations are prepared to put them under NATO
command is a key element of our reform effort to
develop more relevant structures and capabilities for
the Alliance."

The HQs newly assigned to NATO are the Rapid
Deployable German/Netherlands Corps HQ (based on the
1st German-Netherlands Corps in Münster, Germany); the
Rapid Deployable Italian Corps (based on the Italian
Rapid Reaction Corps in Milan, Italy); the Rapid
Deployable Spanish Corps HQ (based on the Spanish
Corps in Valencia, Spain); and the Rapid Deployable
Turkish Corps HQ (based on the 3rd Turkish Corps in
Istanbul, Turkey). The fifth Corps-sized formation,
the Allied Command Europe Rapid Reaction Corps (ARRC)
in Rheindahlen, Germany, is already designated a NATO
international military headquarters with a special
reporting relationship to the SACEUR. A sixth
Corps-sized headquarters, based in Strasbourg, France,
(the Eurocorps), has signed a technical agreement with
NATO and could also be committed under NATO command.

Agreements that detail command and control
arrangements, and administrative issues such as cost
sharing and manning were signed here today at NATO's
senior European-based military headquarters. The SHAPE
Chief of Staff, Admiral Sir Ian Garnett, presided over
a ceremony that included commanders of the Corps
headquarters newly assigned to NATO, and military
representatives from the various nations providing
personnel to the newly designated units, among others.

Each Corps headquarters is built from the personnel,
equipment and financial resources principally from one
"framework" nation (or two nations, in the case of the
Rapid Deployable German/Netherlands Corps HQ, and five
nations [Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg and
Spain] in the case of the Eurocorps). All are open to
personnel contributions from any of the other NATO
nations, who now do or will provide personnel to the
four new headquarters, and the two subsequent
Graduated Readiness Forces Headquarters (ARRC and

For additional information, please contact the media
offices at:
NATO International Military Staff: 00-32-2-707-5422 
SHAPE Headquarters: 00-32-65-44-4159 
Rapid Deployable German/Netherlands Corps HQ:
Rapid Deployable Italian Corps HQ: 00-39-0331-63-1237 
Rapid Deployable Spanish Rapid Reaction Corps HQ:
Rapid Deployable Turkish Corps HQ: 00-90-212-285-0646
Allied Command Europe Rapid Reaction Corps HQ:
Eurocorps HQ: 00-33-388-43-30-61 


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Report: "Stealth' Military Buildup In Gulf Intensifies [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-23 Thread Rick Rozoff


Daily Telegraph
September 24, 2002

Military build-up in Gulf continues
By David Rennie in Washington
-The operations are being backed by special forces and
a significant increase in air and naval firepower.
-In one example of stealth deployment, defence
department and military officials told the New York
Times that "handfuls" of Special Operations troops are
to be temporarily loaned to the CIA. Giving civilian
status to these elite troops, used for operations
behind enemy lines, will allow the Pentagon to deny
that uniformed personnel are in action in Iraq.
-Britain has been asked to allow permission to base
B-2 stealth bombers at its Indian Ocean island of
Diego Garcia.

A stealthy build-up of American forces in the Gulf is
well under way, as commanders use the cover of
"training exercises" to send thousands of US Marines
and ground forces to the region, it was reported

The operations are being backed by special forces and
a significant increase in air and naval firepower.

As President George W Bush continues his campaign to
secure congressional and diplomatic backing for Saddam
Hussein's overthrow, military commanders are making
sure they will be ready for war - while still being
able to deny that a final decision has been taken.

In recent days, a string of administration and defence
officials have leaked details about preparations for
war in what appears to be a campaign to build a sense
that military action is inevitable.

The White House confirmed at the weekend that Mr Bush
was recently handed a set of options for action
against Iraq. The US defence secretary, Donald
Rumsfeld, appeared to confirm leaked reports that the
focus of any US attack would be Saddam's military and
security machine - not civilians.

The steady drumbeat of war seems designed to undercut
sceptics. The torrent of leaks, which may well include
deliberate disinformation, is also aimed at Iraqi
commanders, whom Washington hopes will abandon Saddam.

In one example of stealth deployment, defence
department and military officials told the New York
Times that "handfuls" of Special Operations troops are
to be temporarily loaned to the CIA. Giving civilian
status to these elite troops, used for operations
behind enemy lines, will allow the Pentagon to deny
that uniformed personnel are in action in Iraq.

Britain has been asked to allow permission to base B-2
stealth bombers at its Indian Ocean island of Diego

With Saudi Arabia - the key forward base for US forces
in the 1991 Gulf War - proving an uncertain ally now,
steps are being taken to complete a command centre in

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UK: Liberal Democrat Head Attacks Bush As Imperialist [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-23 Thread Rick Rozoff


Daily Telegraph
September 24, 2002

Kennedy attacks 'imperialist' Bush 
By Benedict Brogan, Political Correspondent

-"Who decides the legitimacy of such change? On what
basis in international law? And with what ultimate
objective in mind? I have yet to hear a satisfactory
answer to these questions. There is more than a hint
of imperialism here," he said to sustained applause.
-Mr Kennedy, who travels to London today to answer Mr
Blair's statement on Iraq, said he was worried about
America "undermining the moral, legal and practical
authority of the United Nations".
-A delegate, William Beard, of Wolverhampton, attacked
"this unjustified, unwanted and unwinnable war".
Anti-American rhetoric surfaced from a senior
front-bencher when Malcolm Bruce described the Bush
administration as a "regime" and condemned its
"arrogant defiance" on green issues.

Charles Kennedy tapped into growing anti-Americanism
in his party yesterday by accusing President Bush of
"imperialism" in the build-up to war against Iraq.

On the eve of the emergency recall of Parliament, he
warned Tony Blair that he could not count on Liberal
Democrat support in a Commons vote for military

Making an emergency statement to his party conference
in Brighton, he was cheered when he questioned the
motives behind the White House's policy of "regime
change" in Baghdad.

Adopting a stance that has raised eyebrows in certain
sections of the party, he said he was "increasingly
concerned" about Mr Bush's determination to overthrow
Saddam Hussein.

"Who decides the legitimacy of such change? On what
basis in international law? And with what ultimate
objective in mind? I have yet to hear a satisfactory
answer to these questions. There is more than a hint
of imperialism here," he said to sustained applause.

Mr Kennedy, who travels to London today to answer Mr
Blair's statement on Iraq, said he was worried about
America "undermining the moral, legal and practical
authority of the United Nations".

There were "extreme uncertainties and dangers" in
going to war against Saddam Hussein, he said. But
military action should not be ruled out "as a last

He said: "The first priority of the Government must be
the return of the UN weapons inspectors. Anything less
than unfettered access anywhere in Iraq is

"The unconditional return of the inspectors requires a
clear timetable and no ruling out of an ultimate
resort to military action if that necessary compliance
is denied or thwarted. But we are not there yet."

Mr Kennedy was heard mainly in silence. Delegates
reserved applause for the sections that were the most
questioning of American motives and his call for
pressure to resolve the conflict between Israel and

He said Britain should take account of the
"sensitivities" of its Muslim community and of the
Arab world at large.

He reiterated his support for the Government's policy
of "standing shoulder to shoulder" with America after
September 11 but said Britain must remain a "candid
friend", willing to offer "the occasional cautionary
tap on the shoulder".

With the Government's dossier on Iraqi weapons of mass
destruction to be published today, he said America had
produced "no definitive evidence directly linking"
Baghdad to al-Qa'eda.

Lib Dems would adopt a "common-sense approach" to the
issue. In a signal to Mr Blair that he could not bank
on the Lib Dems to defeat Labour anti-war MPs, Mr
Kennedy said his party would not suspend its "critical
faculties". The mood of the conference is running
against war and America's robust diplomacy since
September 11.

Lib Dems will debate an emergency motion on Iraq
tomorrow which calls on Iraq to allow weapons
inspectors unfettered access and says military action
should only take place with UN, EU and Parliamentary

Although the motion makes no mention of America,
senior front-benchers are concerned that the tone of
the debate could be harshly critical of the United

A delegate, William Beard, of Wolverhampton, attacked
"this unjustified, unwanted and unwinnable war".

Anti-American rhetoric surfaced from a senior
front-bencher when Malcolm Bruce described the Bush
administration as a "regime" and condemned its
"arrogant defiance" on green issues.

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Ivory Coast: French *Humanitarian* Troops To Wipe Out Rebels [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.U

2002-09-23 Thread Rick Rozoff


French close in on Ivory Coast rebels
By Tim Butcher Africa Correspondent

-[I]t seemed likely that the heavily armed convoy of
French troops, ostensibly sent to rescue around 500
foreigners from Bouake, would be used to deliver the
decisive blow against the rebels.
-The deployment echoed that by Britain to its former
colony, Sierra Leone, in May 2000. Whitehall
repeatedly said troops were there only to secure the
withdrawal of British passport holders. British troops
remain to this day

A French expeditionary force edged towards the main
rebel-held town in the Ivory Coast yesterday as the
once stable west African country remained gripped by
violence and instability.

Rebels in the town of Bouake threatened to fight to
the death against troops loyal to the government of
President Laurent Gbagbo.

But it seemed likely that the heavily armed convoy of
French troops, ostensibly sent to rescue around 500
foreigners from Bouake, would be used to deliver the
decisive blow against the rebels.

The French defence minister, Michele Alliot-Marie,
claimed that the reinforced French presence was a
precautionary measure to help French citizens and
others. About 100 American children thought to be are
at a school for mission families in Bouake.

The deployment echoed that by Britain to its former
colony, Sierra Leone, in May 2000. Whitehall
repeatedly said troops were there only to secure the
withdrawal of British passport holders. British troops
remain to this day, a major deterrent to a return to
civil war.

Mr Ggabgo has the support of Paris and it is known
that the French government would prefer a swift end to
the Ivory Coast's troubles, which began last Thursday
with an armed uprising by soldiers.

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Australia: MP Says War Puts US 'In Same Basket With Terrorists' [WWW.STOPNATO.OR

2002-09-23 Thread Rick Rozoff


Lib MP breaks ranks over war on Saddam 

Sydney Morning Herald
September 24 2002 

-"Terrorism must not go unchallenged but, equally so,
for a nation to just unilaterally decide to go in
without proper reason or proper support from the
United Nations, I think puts that nation in the same
basket as the terrorists." 

A Liberal backbencher today broke ranks with the
government and equated backing any US unilateral
action against Iraq with terrorism. 

Like Labor's Harry Quick - who earlier said he was
totally against war with Iraq - Queensland MP Peter
Lindsay said he would reject Australian support for
unilateral action against Iraq by the US without
further evidence justifying a self-defence military

If parliament voted to send Australia troops to
support a unilateral attack, Mr Lindsay said he would
vote against it on present circumstances. 

"Terrorism must not go unchallenged but, equally so,
for a nation to just unilaterally decide to go in
without proper reason or proper support from the
United Nations, I think puts that nation in the same
basket as the terrorists," Mr Lindsay told ABC Radio. 

"On the basis of what we are seeing I do not support
unilateral action against Iraq by the United States." 

Opposition Leader Simon Crean asked Foreign Minister
Alexander Downer if he endorsed Mr Lindsay's comments.

Mr Downer could only repeat the government's position
on Iraq and scold Mr Crean for trying to make
political points on the Iraq issue. 

"Since the beginning of the debate that we had in the
parliament last week we have endeavoured not to make
political points on this serious issue," Mr Downer

He said there were differences of opinion on the
Opposition benches as well. 

Despite days of public agonising over the possibility
of whether to demand a conscience vote on any future
move to send Australian troops to Iraq, only one MP
raised that issue in today's caucus meeting. 

And that MP said a conscience vote was unnecessary,
the spokesman said. 

``No-one got up and said that we demand or want or are
desirous of a conscience vote,'' the spokesman said. 

Earlier, Mr Quick, a Labor MP from Tasmania, said he
had received widespread support from the community for
his stand. 

"I've had dozens and dozens of emails and phone calls
from parents saying we don't want to send our kids,
keep up the good work," he told reporters. 

Asked if he was prepared to be expelled over the
issue, Mr Quick said: "If we support a pre-emptive
strike against Iraq, yes I am." 

Mr Quick was also against a United Nations-endorsed
attack on Iraq. 

"I'm totally against the war, it's a US-manufactured
war and I don't support it in any shape or form," he

Mr Quick said dozens of his parliamentary colleagues
supported his position. 

The Labor caucus is meeting this morning to finalise
its position on Australia's involvement in any strike
against Iraq. 

Opposition Leader Simon Crean yesterday ruled out a
conscience vote on the issue, saying Labor would vote
as one. 

His decision comes despite calls from some MPs for
Labor to allow a conscience vote. 

Other Labor MPs downplayed suggestions of division
within the party. 

Labor backbencher Dick Adams said while some MPs were
opposed to war, there had been a full debate on the

"The idea of having a conscience vote on Iraq is not
on, I don't think that will be expected," he told

Mr Adams said anyone voting against the party position
would face the consequences of their actions, namely

Opposition frontbencher Anthony Albanese said MPs
joined the Labor Party to follow the party position. 

"If I wanted to (have a conscience vote and) be an
independent, I would come here as the independent
member for Grayndler," he said. 

Labor frontbencher Joel Fitzgibbon said it was
important that Labor voted as one on the issue of

"There's not much point in having a major political
party if they're not going to be making decisions in
the interest of the Australian people," he said. 

Opposition environment spokesman Kelvin Thompson said
he was confident the Labor caucus would be able to
make the correct judgement about Iraq. 

"The thing about a conscience vote is that it suggests
that we can't continue to get it right," he said. 

Labor backbencher Duncan Kerr said the prospect of
military action against Iraq was an issue of great

"It's probably the most important issue I've been a
member of parliament considering," Mr Kerr told

"I think we should approach any vote that occurs on
this with the utmost seriousness." 

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