: Re: Subpool 0 Usage

2024-07-13 Thread Peter Relson
The reason for "not" that comes to my mind is:

  *   if you are authorized and could run in "someone else's" (unauthorized) 
address space, your usage of subpool 0 is almost always going to be a system 
integrity error. And not limited to subpool 0. It would apply also of ANY low 
private subpool: 0-127 (and 131-132 depending on the key)

There is nothing wrong with an unauthorized application using any of the low 
privae subpools. After all, they can't use anything else.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Getting to CVT with FLAG(PAGE0)

2024-07-11 Thread Peter Relson
John K wrote:

I had to turn off FLAG(PAGE0) for SWAREQ and TRKCALC.

SWAREQ addressed this almost 15 years ago. TRKCALC was changed over 15 years 
ago. Please avoid using ancient versions of macros.

Shmuel wrote:

The obvious example is CVTPTR, which currently is an absolute EQU. Changing 
that to a DS A would break compatibility. Any ideas on how to resolve the PAGE0 
issue while remaing compatible? Does it require an HLASM enhancement?

This was in response to my post that told what to do. So I don't know why the 
question is being asked. Jonathan's post (and any number of macros) show what 
to do.

Michael S wrote

Does this mean:

A. Yeah, it is going to give that warning. You have to consider each case to 
determine if the warning is valid or not.

B. I'm coding it wrong.

C. I'm coding it right but there's a better way to code it that won't trigger 
the error.

I like my compiles and assembles to be clean: no warnings. So I'm not a fan of 
option A.

I suppose I could put in a compile option to set FLAG(NOPAGE0) in programs that 
are getting to the CVT.

I'd have chosen choice D: "You're coding it in a syntactically correct way that 
you have asked to be flagged in case you have some other case that was not 
And I'd choose the action that would logically go with your choice C.

Now that you have found 2 errors and 2 cases of CVTPTR, you'll fix the errors 
and I'd think (least work, and most effective) change your uses of CVTPTR to 
specify a base reg of 0.



Re: Getting to CVT with FLAG(PAGE0)

2024-07-10 Thread Peter Relson
Turning off FLAG(PAGE0) is never necessary within your own code.

Adding explicit base reg of 0 (not an index reg of 0) is the technique to 
indicate you know what you are doing and thus override the flag.
You will see that within many macro expansions the need to reference the CVT 
without requiring the invoker to include the CVT.

Maybe there are some macros that don't do that. If you find any in z/OS, let me 
know and maybe we can get that improved.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: The best way to check any virtual address

2024-06-04 Thread Peter Relson
My summary: the best way to check any virtual address is not to check it.

You use the address as the interface intend it to be used, with suitable 
recovery (be that FRR, ESTAE/ESTAEX, ESPIE) and handle blowing up when it turns 
out that it is not valid. Sure, there are cases where you could find that the 
address is not valid and avoid a "recovery path", but you'd usually still need 
to have the recovery path/protection to avoid a time of check to time of use 
exposure. And why would you care about a long path if your caller gave you 
improper data (if anything, such "punishment" might be "incentive" for them to 
get it right).

LRA was mentioned, but it's got the same situation as TPROT. If the data is 
properly paged out, LRA and TPROT will not give a result that is helpful 
(unless you require/expect that the data is page-fixed). For example, I could 
use TPROT on a purported ASCB address and if I didn't get success, I'd know it 
wasn't an ASCB address (because an ASCB cannot be paged out).

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Instructions by Machine

2024-05-15 Thread Peter Relson
Mike Shaw wrote

This _gold_ for ISVs writing code that must execute on many different z


Thanks to Dan and Yves for all the work.
For Dan's, I'd suggest (somehow) adding a "key" to the 2-character facility 
names (I know most of them, but many might not, so it could be helpful to have 
the "long name"). I couldn't see "which facility" in Yves' table (and I think 
that's really important because even if it's on a machine that doesn't mean you 
can use it on a given OS or even a given environment for a given OS)

I'm curious in exactly what way this information on a machine basis is a lot of 
help. I certainly agree that it's nice to know what instructions you are "free 
to use". And for that, having the information by facility is (to me) most 

With or without the opcode table, you still likely need to pay attention to 
architecture level set (which is not by machine, but rather by facility).
For z/OS, that is documented here: 
within Table 1. Minimum server levels and machine facilities that are required 
for z/OS

Most cases I would think would choose to limit their instructions to those 
available in facilities known (by architecture level set) to be available on 
all the releases you are choosing to support. And something done "if available" 
would be checking the facility bit at run-time. Is anyone really looking at 
"machine model" to determine availability of an instruction? That would not 
ordinarily be a good idea.

If I were creating this for z/OS, I'd like a table of "show me all the 
instructions I know that I can use for each z/OS release" (with an indicator, 
perhaps, of which were added since the previous release). That gives you the 
direct way to see what you can rely upon being available, for whichever you 
choose as your oldest release. Maybe that's just me.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: IEABRC anomaly

2024-05-02 Thread Peter Relson
I don't recall having thought about this when providing IEABRC. But the 
conclusion that it's not going to get added is likely a correct one.

Without a complex macro (which definitely is not going to happen), changing NOP 
to JNOP for the cases Jonathan Scott mentioned will reject operands that are 
fully valid (avoiding RC=4 if you suppress ASMA212W Branch address alignment 
for  unfavorable). I believe his case is a very common one of using the 
operand of NOP for diagnostic purposes.

While NOP perhaps isn't a branch (because it never goes anywhere), it is the 
conditional branch opcode so could have been a candidate for conversion. But 
functionally it is not necessary. Anyone who truly wants conversion of the 
operand for some reason could avoid using NOP and code a conditional branch 
with mask 0. That will get converted.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Complex immediate fields

2024-04-17 Thread Peter Relson
Gil asked

Are instruction pages REFReshable?

z/OS does not refresh anything (be that instruction or data), whether the 
module is identified as refreshable or not.
The only thing z/OS now pays attention to with respect to the refreshable 
option relates to the REFRPROT option, for which the whole pages within a 
module are page-protected. When made page-protected (outside of a store using a 
real address) you cannot modify them (whether key 0 or not) - you indicated 
that, whether the OS supports refreshable or not, that the module can handle 
it, and a module that can handle being refreshed is treated as one that better 
not modify itself because at any point it might be refreshed back to a previous 

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: OPCODE tables

2024-03-22 Thread Peter Relson
Dan Greiner wrote

At execution time, the only safe way to ensure that an instruction is present 
in the configuration (other than taking a punch on the chin if it's not) is to 
query whether the respective facility is installed by means of the STFLE 

If on z/OS you might be able to take advantage of the architecture level set 
(ALS) for each release.
The list of facilities upon which you may rely for each z/OS release are 
listed. I look here:

If POp indicates that an instruction will get an operation exception if such 
and such a facility is not available, and you are allowing your product to run 
on a z/OS release that does not include that facility in its list, you 
could/would be putting your customer at risk. As Dan points out, some things 
are available on a machine but not surfaced to the user, depending on release 
and on environment (such as whether running as a guest under z/VM).

I'd imagine that very few instructions are worth determining at runtime to see 
if they are available and dual-pathing your code

Note of caution: IBM has issued a statement of direction about withdrawal of 
the transactional execution facility, even though it is part of the z/OS 2.4 

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Decimal Floating Point Numbers

2024-03-05 Thread Peter Relson
I am imagining (and could easily be wrong) that the hex data is identical 
across the views (and thus the instruction implementation does not care about 
the view), and it's only a question of which bits you choose to look at (or 
what arithmetic logical manipulation you use) if formatting the value for human 

For example, the exponent differs, as does the significand (a term I had not 
known of until seeing it in the POp).

I don't know what kind of dump was being looked at, but perhaps there's a 
formatting option within the dump viewing program that might say "show me this 
as a Right-Unit View DFP value".

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Reseting RMODE

2023-12-05 Thread Peter Relson
I cannot imagine anyone being willing to implement an "RMODE MIN" whose only 
purpose is to allow you to specify an RMODE statement multiple times in one 
CSECT with different values.

Functionally, at the cost of 8 bytes (and it conceivably can be accomplished 
with 0, but I have not tried), state the problem clearly and do not assume a 
Apparently, you want, at the end of the "module source", to indicate that, 
despite what someone might have coded earlier in the source, that you really 
want RMODE 24.

Then perhaps just add
immediately before the END

The assembly will work fine. And when you bind it, the "minimum" across the 
CSECTs is what will by default be used.

Peter  Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Reseting RMODE

2023-12-03 Thread Peter Relson
The starting point regarding using a DCB (that does need to be below 16M) is 
that use of non-reentrant code is discouraged (if for potential performance 
issues if nothing else, if you have not well-separated the instruction and 
static data from dynamic data).

Any reentrant module will naturally be getmaining its dynamic storage and may 
choose to have that storage be LOC=24 if that is what it needs. Or the DCB can 
be acquired separately, while having the module be RMODE 31.

RMODE for a module, as have been stated very clearly by multiple folks, cannot 
be "switched" mid-stream because that is not how the module was loaded into 

You can have multiple CSECTs in a load module or program object, but unless it 
is a program object with RMODE=SPLIT the overall RMODE will generally be the 
least common denominator (i.e., RMODE 24 if there is an RMODE 24 CSECT even if 
everything else is RMODE 31).

As to why we do not support tri-modal RMODE=SPLIT: $$ and performance and 
avoiding undesired increase of common storage.
I've lost track of what z/OS-oriented cases require AMODE 24 (and provide no 
way to get appropriate functionality if AMODE 31).
RMODE 24 for data such as a DCB, affects only non-reentrant modules. So try to 
avoid that.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: comment continuation macro invocation

2023-12-02 Thread Peter Relson

I just thought it was odd that the continued comments column is different for 
an instruction vs a macro.

Perhaps the difference is that the data in column 16 of the continuation line 
of the macro invocation is actually part of the macro invocation, not a comment.

 M &A=2,&B=3
 LHI   &A,&B
 M A=1, this is <* in col 72>
   B=1 a comment
Which is the same as M A=1,B=1
M A=1  this is
  a comment   
which gets
ASMA432W Continuation statement may be in error - comma omitted from continued 

  M A=1  this is
 a comment  

which is fine.

The definition appears to let the assembler help with a common trivial error 
(at the cost of minor annoyance if you really wanted a comment),
While letting you provide a nicely commented macro invocation (perhaps putting 
a comment on each line with keyword=value) such as
  M A=1,Set the A parameter to ...<* in col 72>
B=2,Set the B parameter to ...<* in col 72>

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Reseting RMODE

2023-12-02 Thread Peter Relson
It sounds like the OP might not fully understand RMODE.

RMODE is a directive to the binder and loader of where in storage to place a 
As was mentioned, the granularity is on a section basis, and the directive is 
applied at module fetch time when store is acquired into which to place the 

The module is where the module is. If you need to be in AMODE 24 "at some 
point" then that part of the module must be RMODE 24.
The RMODE of a load module or program object is generally the minimum of the 
RMODEs of the sections that comprise that executable.
An exception is, as Ed Jaffe mentioned, when something like RMODE=SPLIT is used 
on the bind of a program object. In the RMODE=SPLIT case you
can end up with one part of the executable in one RMODE and the other part in 
another RMODE and V-Con's between the two parts are resolved at module fetch 

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: BAKR/PR and Linkage Convenction

2023-11-29 Thread Peter Relson
The rule for just about anything is "the fewer cache lines you can use, the 
How you accomplish that (if you even choose to try) is a matter of programming 
(not necessarily a simple matter of programming).

As Jonathan Scott mentioned, if you're going to try to "align" you at least 
need to make sure that your module is on a strong enough boundary.
If you want to do cache-alignment stuff (i.e., 256-byte boundary) within a 
module, you'll need your module loaded on a page boundary.
z/OS does not support loading modules on boundaries other than doubleword and 
page (and maybe, going forward, 1M-boundary for RMODE 64).

Most relative-branch modules find the need to have a static area (whether for 
literals or other things) and find it convenient to locate such an area with a 
register (a base reg for static data, in this case).  Various z/OS macros 
require addressability to wherever a literal generated by the macro might get 
placed. Obviously you could set that up temporarily with LARL, wherever needed, 
if you choose not to devote a reg for that purpose.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: The interaction between LSEs and ESTAE-cancel (was Re: BAKR/PR and Linkage Convenction)

2023-11-23 Thread Peter Relson

Jon Perryman  3. Abend recovery can be more difficult. It's been a long time but if I

> remember correctly, ESTAE creates a linkage stack entry and an abend causes

> linkage stack entries to be flushed up to the ESTAE entry thus limiting

> recovery to the CSECT which requires setting up recovery environment for

> each point that requires recovery.

That's not quite correct. What happens is this:

* ESTAE-create does not create LSEs (Linkage Stack Entries). What

it does do is mark the LSE that is current at the time of ESTAE-create.

* Then ESTAE cancel will purge all LSEs that are newer that what

existed at ESTAE-create time.

That can be quite a rude surprise if you're using BAKR/PRs without

regard to ESTAE-create points.

That's not quite correct either.
ESTAE(X) cancel does not do that. The sequence of
ESTAE(X) create, BAKR, ESTAE(X) cancel
is rejected with return code x'24' because you are not canceling from the right 
linkage stack entry.
It is retry from any recovery routine (ESTAE-type or FRR-type) that by default 
resets the linkage stack to the time-of-set entry.
You can consider that a "purge" if you want.  It doesn't typically have to do 
anything to "purge", just reset the "current pointer".
This default can be overridden by setting SDWALSLV within your recovery routine.
For example, set to 2 if you want the retry to be two entries past the 
time-of-set linkage stack level. There are authorization restrictions with 
respect to how far you can go.

Perhaps you were thinking about PR canceling an ESTAE-type recovery routine 
that is associated with the former linkage stack level.
That does happen.  That is analogous to what happens if you end an RB with 
which an ESTAE-type recovery routine.
ESTAE-x recovery is removed by the system automatically when the RB with which 
it is associated terminates
or when the linkage stack entry with which it is associated is removed.

BAKR is simply not a great approach for saving registers from module to module. 
Recovery complications are one of the downsides.
Performance is another. Limitation on the size of the linkage stack (unless you 
expand it) is another.
Most find that BAKR is nice for initial entry, but intra-component linkage is 
better handled with save areas.
You're not going to want to set up new recovery for every module that gets 
control (both for complexity and performance).

Many z/OS components have the concept of a "recovery mainline" with individual 
modules each providing a "module recovery exit". The recovery mainline calls 
each appropriate module recovery exit, so that the module recovery exit can 
take care of logic specific to that module, with the recovery mainline doing 
the routing and taking care of logic that is general to the flow.  We find that 
that makes it more natural to keep recovery in synch with module changes.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: BAKR/PR and Linkage Convenction

2023-11-18 Thread Peter Relson
Tom M wrote:

> This is documented in chapter 2 of the Assembler Services Reference.

Tom meant the Assembler Services Guide. And he probably feels bad about that 
mis-reference because he helped write that section.

This is the Linkage Conventions section.

If you're saving only the low halves of the GRs, an 18-word save area provided 
by the caller is recommended.
If you're saving only the 64-bit GRs, a 36-word save area is recommended.
If you're also saving access registers, the standard convention is to use the 
linkage stack
(there are mapped approaches that use a larger save area that can hold both GRs 
and ARs).

Do note that there are limits to the number of entries you get by default on 
the linkage stack.
And keep in mind that ESTAE-type recovery routine retry is sensitive to the 
linkage stack level when the routine is established.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: ASMA057E Undefined operation code SR 15,15

2023-11-16 Thread Peter Relson
Everyone came up with the right alternatives.

Among XR, SLR, and SR,
XR is thought best (not necessarily measurable better).

If you don't need a condition code (and certainly if you need to preserve a 
condition code), LHI is thought best.

I'm not sure to what extent the fact that the first three are 2-byte 
instructions and LHI is a 4-byte instruction comes into play. It is apparent 
that LHI creates a bigger instruction-space footprint. That in turn can lead to 
increased cache line usage.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: ASMA057E Undefined operation code SR 15,15

2023-11-15 Thread Peter Relson
This was a very lengthy thread in which the OP multiple times ignored those who 
correctly provided what was needed. I don't know why the OP would not simply 
take the advice and proceed.

The error has nothing to do with "label", although the lack of allowing "label" 
is not typically good. The operand was not specified in column 1.

As was mentioned, the single macro variable was treated as "the opcode". There 
is no "opcode" of "SR 15,15". That is the way assembler macro substitution 
works. Should it? Maybe not, but history and compatibility demand that it not 
be changed.

All of the approaches demonstrated in the macro below work:

And then add support for a label for better usability.

(I think older releases of the assembler used to require &LCLC for each SETC 
symbol, but apparently that is no longer required.)

I saw no mention that "SR" is at best the 4th best choice for zeroing a 
register. I'll leave the other 3 (and perhaps more) as an exercise for the 
reader, for a while.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Variable-Length Parameter List Attributes

2023-10-20 Thread Peter Relson
Regarding "object modules", I'd have said that a lot of (almost all?) 
IBM-supplied products ship that way.
These "object modules" are in what we think of as a "distlib" or "distribution 
library". You will find them on your installing system.

SMP/E (or something) parses the ++MODs in a PTF into object decks that are 
generally individually bound as "object modules" into the distlib. Later the 
bind of distlib object modules (sometimes coupled with existing load modules / 
program objects, but often solely done with object modules) produces the 
requisite load module / program object.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design


2023-09-28 Thread Peter Relson

As this function can never return partial pages, it will always be zero upon

first use.

To be picky, the "As" phrase of this is not quite true. IARV64 does not, but 
could return a partial page, such as a partial 2G page for a smaller request 
when the conditions were right (but the implementation does not do that). The 
conclusion is, similarly, not quite true. It does happen always to be zero. A 
different (likely felt to be insecure) implementation that did not clear pages 
upon new usage when those pages had been used, but are no longer in use, would 
not guarantee "always be zero".

In any case, that's why we agree that it would be nice to document.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design


2023-09-27 Thread Peter Relson
Mike Shaw wrote

The doc does not say what that memory object's pages contain just after

The "doc" actually does say so. But it's not surprising you didn't notice it, 
because it's in the "guide" (and not in a section specifically for IARV64) 
rather than in the "reference" for IARV64.

The macro has "The initial value of storage within a memory object is binary 
The assembler services guide has "IARV64 GETSTOR service creates memory 
objects; storage is cleared to zeros".

We will look into updating the reference's GETSTOR function to have the same 

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Self-documenting Bit Settings

2023-08-17 Thread Peter Relson
Dave Clark asked

> Where do you draw the line?

You really don't have to draw a line. You give the macro user a way to say 
"don't do this checking". You're not trying to "prevent", you're trying to 
"help". So if there's a need to do something other than you've accommodated, 
let it happen.

Some z/OS system commands have an "OK" option which can be used to indicate 
(for example) "normally, you would prompt to confirm that I know what I'm 
doing, but since I do know what I'm doing, I'm telling you not to bother 
asking" because it can be easier not having to deal with a WTOR to respond to. 
Here, some "CHECK=NO" option would indicate similarly "I do know what I'm 

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Self-documenting Bit Settings

2023-08-16 Thread Peter Relson
I'd think that many would find it strange to have the equates precede the field 
If you must use "*" for the equate, that is appropriate.

Or, you might choose an approach such as one of the following:
F1   DSB
F1B0 EQU   F1,X'80'
F1B1 EQU   *-1,X'40'
F1B2     EQU   *-L'F1,X'20'

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Automation in C++ vs HLAsm WAS: looking for limbo languages - how low can you go?

2023-08-08 Thread Peter Relson
Jon Perryman wrote

#CALC (R4)=@PSAaddr of PSA


I'd guess that this is not a good way of doing this, if it means that this 
address will be used as a base register, since that is both unnecessary and 
(worse) results in a zero address detection event which will complicate your 
finding "real" ZAD problems (and it is highly encouraged to run with ZAD active 
in testing to look for unexpected ZAD events within your code since you would 
generally know which are expected and which not).

But I don't specifically know what "@PSA" is, so my guess could be wrong. The 
two CALC statements are likely too simplistic if you are trying to reference 
the PSA's of all processors (such as within a loop), due to the concepts of 
prefixing and reverse prefixing.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: IEFU86 WorkArea use ?

2023-07-09 Thread Peter Relson
The linked-to post is not about the work area being "shared" per se. The work 
area is for use by the called exit routine for the duration of that exit 
routine's being in control. There can be no assumptions about contents on entry.

Basic debugging is necessary for any error. If you're going to ask for help, 
then provide the information that those who might help would need.

The OP did not post the complete exit routine. For all I know, the use of the 
"execute form" of WTO is incorrect and is not properly initialized and 
incorrectly assumes some storage is zeroes but might not be.
The OP did not post anything about just where the 0C4-11 occurred.

Making the readers guess is not the right approach.

Binyamin wrote:

Is the 0C4 in your code or did you possibly mess up other storage?

Look at the PSW and registers. Look at the work areas.


"Is WTO even legal from IEFU86?"

WTO is just used to test my exit.

That does not answer to the question. But the odds are that a BRANCH=YES WTO 
will work according to specifications if it is done correctly, whether or not 
you should use it within an exit such as IEFU86.


 LTR   R15,R15  Storage Obtain OK ?

 JNZ   FIN  Non, on sort sans RELEASE

STORAGE OBTAIN defaults to COND=NO. This invocation would abend (not return) if 
the storage could not be obtained.
Thus there is no reason to check R15 afterwards. Only if you also specify 
CHECKZERO=YES for a COND=NO STORAGE OBTAIN could you successfully obtain the 
storage and get a non-zero return code.

Charles M wrote

STORAGE OBTAIN: I think under the covers it is the same service as GETMAIN.

That would depend on how far under the covers you go, and whether you specify 
LINKAGE= on the STORAGE invocation.
STORAGE OBTAIN with LINKAGE=SVC or LINKAGE=BRANCH is exactly the same service 
STORAGE OBTAIN with the default LINKAGE=SYSTEM has  different initial and final 
processing than GETMAIN. The "middle" is common to both.

Not sure if it is possible in that environment to get back to user key but if 
you can it might be worthwhile.

Switching to user key would likely be a very wrong thing to do.

And a reminder: questions about how z/OS works (such as whether a work area 
provided on a z/OS interface has certain characteristics) do not belong on 
assembler-list. IBM-Main is a much better choice, getting to a wider audience 
of folks who might help.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: How to properly integrate HLASM SECTALGN with ALIGNT in z/OS binder?

2023-06-13 Thread Peter Relson
Jonathan S wrote:

By default, alignment stronger than quadword is rounded up to 4K,

for compatibility with the limitations of the load module format.

I suspect that, even if this is true, the actual statement is that any 
alignment stronger than doubleword (rather than quadword) results in the module 
being loaded on a page boundary. That is a statement for the entire module, not 
for each individual section. This is simply because the "desired" alignment is 
not known in the directory entry; there is only a bit for page-aligned vs not 
page-aligned (which will be doubleword-aligned). So if you need a section 
ordered on a boundary stronger than doubleword, the module must be on a page 

It is not the case that this necessarily causes the module to be rounded to a 
4K multiple.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Assembler theology question

2023-06-02 Thread Peter Relson
Dave Cole wrote

Also, I probably wouldn't bother with a USING. My favorite

instruction for this is:


Note, providing the "0" for the index register prevents that rather

annoying ASMA306W message.

ASMA306W is for overlapping usings. So I don't think it would apply to this "L" 
which is unaffected by USINGs.

And if you're referring to ASMA309W, I'd say that it's not right --  You need 0 
as a base register to prevent ASMA306W.
And of course you can not use FLAG(PAGE0) if you don't like that message.
Here are the examples that come to mind (I removed the ASMA435I messages), 
 5880 021C   021C  4  L R8,PSATOLD-PSA
** ASMA309W Operand PSATOLD-PSA resolved to a displacement with no base register
0004 5880 021C   021C  5  L 
** ASMA309W Operand PSATOLD-PSA(0) resolved to a displacement with no base 
0008 5880 021C   021C  6  L 
000C 5880 021C   0000021C  7  L 

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design


2023-05-04 Thread Peter Relson
Page alignment is what you'd expect.

If you need any section aligned at greater than an 8-byte boundary (and you 
do), then the entire module needs to be obtained on greater than an 8-byte 
boundary, and the only choices made available for obtaining storage for modules 
are 8-byte boundary and page boundary.
Since 8-byte boundary won't cut it, page alignment is used. That is for the 
entire module, not for individual sections within the module.

You have a simple linkedit. But that doesn't mean you have a simple assembly. 
And I suspect that you have some installation overrides to the default defaults 
(I noticed only that you have RMODEX=64TRUE which makes sense but is not the 
default default). 

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

-Original Message-
From: Ed Jaffe  
Sent: Thursday, May 4, 2023 8:08 PM
To: Peter Relson ; assembler-list@listserv.uga.edu
Cc: Jonathan Scott 
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: SECTALGN(256)

On 5/4/2023 1:19 PM, Peter Relson wrote:
> Ed,
> What you really want is not to dive so deeply into the weeds.
> Bind with COMPAT=ZOSV2R1.
It does not work. Here is a trivial example.

I'm compiling with SECTALGN(256) and specifying no binder input other 
than a NAME statement:


My binder options passed in through JCL are:


The binder output is shown below. Note the "PAGE ALIGN YES" in the SAVE 
MODULE ATTRIBUTES section. I would like to understand where that is 
coming from. I'm not specifying it, at least not intentionally.


     ALIGN2  NO
     CALL    NO
     CASE    UPPER
     DCBS    NO
     DYNAM   NO
     FILL    NONE
     INFO    NO
     LET 04
     LINECT  060
     MAP YES
     MAXBLK  032760
     MSGLEVEL    00
     OVLY    NO
     PRINT   YES
     RES NO
     SIGN    NO
     TERM    NO
     TRAP    ON
     WKSPACE 00K,00K
     XCAL    NO
     XREF    YES
     ***END OF OPTIONS***


     TIME OF SAVE    15.33.19  MAY  4, 2023


     AC  000
     AMODE    64
     DC  NO
     EXCEEDS 16MB    NO
     OL  NO
     OVLY    NO
     REFR    YES
     RENT    YES
     REUS    YES
     RMODE   ANY
     SCTR    NO
     SIGN    NO
     TEST    NO
     MODULE SIZE (HEX)   4F00
     DASD SIZE (HEX) 7000

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2023-05-04 Thread Peter Relson

What you really want is not to dive so deeply into the weeds.

Bind with COMPAT=ZOSV2R1.

>From the doc:
COMPAT=ZOSV2R1 is the minimum level that supports preserving all boundary 
alignments specifications coming from ESD records. ALIGNT can be used to 
specify boundary alignments for both load modules and program objects without 
requiring the use of COMPAT(ZOSV2R1).

In a simple experiment, this seemed to do the right thing.

I don't have any idea about ALIGNT.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Automatic Variable Insertion

2023-04-18 Thread Peter Relson
I suggest, by the way, that you use the TEXT keyword of WTO. It can make things 
much more flexible for you, since the message line is then not part of the WTO 
expansion, rather just the address of it.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Blocking Low core access from Assembler programs

2023-03-31 Thread Peter Relson
PrimePSA (EXEC PGM=IGVDGNPP) is not documented and is not supported. And that 
is not likely to change. It certainly won't change without a formal request for 
the functionality it provides. You can do what you want, and I don't recall it 
ever not doing what it intends to do, but do not expect assistance from IBM 
Service with respect to anything within your system that goes awry due to that 
(be it IBM code or otherwise). Running it usually exposes problems but can, 
actually, hide a problem depending on the instructions that are unintentionally 
referencing the first page.

Shmuel  wrote

>Would there be utility in accepting a MODIFY command to reprime with a 
>different value?

The V= parameter (in the example V='50404143,,,FF7F') 
identifies a group of values that are cycled through.

Martin Ward's example of erroneous reference to page 0 that a scan can find (I 
removed the "" and "m")

 CLC   0(R1),field


is also flagged by *PROCESS FLAG(PAGE0)
which had been mentioned. Many would think that it best to have such problems 
exposed by the assembly itself.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Blocking Low core access from Assembler programs

2023-03-30 Thread Peter Relson
Sayama P wrote:

It looks like there is no practical way to detect unintentional run-time access 
to page zero.

Since the original post did not ask about "detecting" but rather about 
producing an access error (and you cannot do the latter), I disagree with this 

You cannot "detected unintentional" by scanning source and you often cannot 
know "unintentional" without mind-reading.

But you can detect at run-time a class of errors - the most common class of 
errors - namely where a program picks up a field that contains an address, not 
realizing that sometimes that address is 0, and then uses that. ZAD (Zero 
Address Detection) detected that case. Yes, it's about "testing" (or simply 
normal running of work) because it can only detect what actually happens in 
running code.

Sure, it's true that it does not detect the case where the address is not 0 but 
still within the first page. The case of 0 is orders of magnitude more likely.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Blocking Low core access from Assembler programs

2023-03-29 Thread Peter Relson
The assembler's FLAG(PAGE0) is provided to catch at assembly-time errors such as
AHRx,2 when you might have intended AHI   Rx,2

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Blocking Low core access from Assembler programs

2023-03-28 Thread Peter Relson

Is it possible to force an Assembler program to hit an access error if it tries 
to load data from the low core (page starting from address zero)?

If you're talking about z/OS, in a word, "no". Such behavior would not be in 
accordance with z/OS requirements.

Location 0 is a valid address in z/OS and locations 0-x'7FF' are set by z/OS 
not to be fetch-protected.
Therefore they are accessible to any program, without "access error".

Programming interfaces such as FLCCVT, PSATOLD and PSAAOLD are within this 

DO NOT change control register bits.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Entry Point in load module

2023-03-15 Thread Peter Relson
This is not a question for assembler-list as it has nothing to do with the 
assembler itself.
The binder is a z/OS function and questions about it would be better suited for 

Since you did not show either your program (or a snippet thereof) or your 
binder JCL it is impossible to answer your question.
The "design" is not "set the entry point to the start of the 2nd CSECT if there 
are two CSECTs".  The design includes various things including ENTRY binder 
control statements, a name on an END statement, the order in which OBJs and/or 
loadmods are included. But in its simplest form, the default is to set the 
entry point to the start of the first section.

For example,

IEW2322I 1220  1 INCLUDE SYSOBJS(TEST1)  -- where CSECT is TEST1
IEW2322I 1220  2 INCLUDE SYSOBJS(TEST2)  -- where CSECT is TEST2
IEW2322I 1220  3 NAME TEST(R)

And if you reversed the includes, entry would default to TEST2.

In the absence of a name on an END statement, I'd think it unwise to rely on 
whatever rule might exist, when you have multiple CSECTs.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: External symbol record for CATTR

2023-01-10 Thread Peter Relson

Please post a small assembler program that, when you assemble it, has the 
anomaly you cite. I'd think you could take the Metal C assembler, and strip out 
most of it.

The following program, based on the tiny amount of data that you chose to share 
in your post, when assembled on z/OS shows references to M_WSA in the listing 
and browsing the ADATA you can also see references to it (types x'20', x'30', 
x'42', x'44'  -- I'm assuming that the 3rd byte of the record is the "type"):

@1indexPTR DC  (4)X'00'
@2INDEXPTR DC  (4)X'00'

Perhaps try this one yourself and see if it shows the anomaly on  your zPDT 

I would not bet that a zPDT personal license provides access to z/OS service. 
But I don't know for sure.



2022-12-22 Thread Peter Relson

The only case in z/OS module fetch processing that pays attention to RSECT is 
building the nucleus.
The read-only part of the nucleus consists of RSECTs. The read-write part of 
the nucleus consists of CSECTs.

RSECT does not factor into RMODE(SPLIT) processing.


Re: Subject: RSECT vs CSECT

2022-12-21 Thread Peter Relson
> Is there any advantage to using RSECT over CSECT with PARM=RENT?

One might say that there is advantage in having the definition within the 
source rather than relying on a build parameter to ask for the sort of checking 
you'd get.

And, of course, RSECT vs CSECT is passed as information to the binder, and in 
some cases has meaning to the operating system. It does have meaning for 
modules built into the z/OS nucleus, for example.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Subject: ASMA500 message question

2022-11-18 Thread Peter Relson
You ignore the message at your own risk.

Unless your module is page-aligned and this is a page-aligned CSECT within that 
module, you have no idea if the CSECT will land on a quadword (or stronger) 

And if you truly need quadword boundary and don't have it, things won't end 

Mike S wrote

CATTR use requires GOFF object format, which I don't want to use.

Why would you not want to use GOFF? I can think of only one module in all of 
z/OS that cannot use GOFF. I'll let guesses occur before providing the answer 
in a day or two.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Assembler courses

2022-09-20 Thread Peter Relson
Willy J wrote:
> I did eventually write a macro to handle DCBs from a 31-bit program

I don't follow why this is a challenge. For the normal access method interfaces 
(such as those that were listed), AMODE 31 is supported. The only thing that is 
important is the RMODE of the DCB. LOC=(24,64) on GETMAIN or STORAGE OBTAIN is 
easy to code. Or RMODE 24 on your module if the module is not reentrant and you 
don't mind the whole loadmod below 16M. Or RMODE=SPLIT in a program object with 
suitable RMODE 24 CSECT(s).

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Assembler courses

2022-09-18 Thread Peter Relson

For me, the biggest problem in making something reentrant is if I need to

use a DCB. There is no way, that I know of, to generate a DCB in a
GETMAIN'd area.

I'm not sure why "DCB" is pointed out specially. In a large number of cases 
reentrant programming relies on dynamic storage that has been initialized by 
copying from static storage. DCB is not intrinsically different then the list 
form of many macros -- you create one initialized in static storage,  you allot 
space in dynamic storage, you copy from static to dynamic, and away you go.

Many "execute forms" provide a "complete form" which fully initializes and 
therefore does not require an initialized static list form. The older the 
service the less likely it is to support "complete". ESTAE is one such. And if 
you don't do it right, even thinking that you can just set the area to zeroes, 
you get what many would not want as the desired value for at least one 
parameter. I chose not to identify the parameter because you should just do it 
right and then you won't care.

Regarding code below 16M, almost all (maybe all) of the access methods support 
the invoker being above the 16M line and can identify exit routines that are 
above 16M. The data might need to be below 16M but that is easy to accomplish 
(at least in assembler).

If you have a need for a mixture of code above 16M and below 16M, see if you 
have access to using PDSE's and program objects. RMODE=SPLIT is very well 
suited for exactly this situation. You can't just copy executable code from a 
CSECT to getmained storage without making sure that the "from" can get to the 
"to" and vice versa. That can be a pain. V-Cons don't apply between a loaded 
module and getmained storage. But they do apply across CSECTs in a loadmod or a 
program object (include the RMODE=24 and RMODE=31 CSECTs in an RMODE=SPLIT 
program object).

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Assembler courses

2022-09-18 Thread Peter Relson
I view "baseless" as a poor choice to teach. Many macros require static data 
and assume that there is addressability to same.
Many programs require static data and it can be challenging (or at least 
inconvenient) to establish addressability on demand.
This all plays into why over time assembler programs that see continued 
development typically perform worse (difficult choices to make in register 
optimization) while HLL programs typically perform better (availing of better 
register optimization that comes into existence).

I think that you should teach use of "no codereg". But, with that, you should 
start with "addressability to static data".
You then add in that, if conditions are right, you can do away with that if you 
have no need to address static data or if you are willing to establish it only 
when needed. This is a tiny delta. Yes, it's of course true that if you can 
achieve "baseless" you have an extra register to play with. You have to decide 
if the nuisance of establishing static data addressability only in the places 
where it happens to be needed is worth it.

This approach is little different then teaching "coding" and then teaching the 
differences between reentrant and non-reentrant (which is a small thing).

For both of these cases, you are giving the students the knowledge they need to 
make informed choices.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design


2022-07-13 Thread Peter Relson
Definitely the lack of an equate for R12 should be corrected (such as by adding 
an equate and a BASR R12,0). I'll get that taken care of.

Almost all macros expect some amount of addressability to static data for 
certain invocations. That will not be stated for individual macros. That is why 
"baseless" coding is usually not a valid approach if using z/OS macros. You 
tend at least to need addressability to static data.

The MGCRE example isn't even for that case; it needs addressability to get to 
the static data that is used (the text and consname). Macros, in general, have 
no way of knowing if they could use "LARL" so don't even try.

An entertaining thought for an assembler enhancement would be a pseudo-op that 
generated "LA" or "LARL" depending on whether the target was in a CSECT or a 
DSECT (maybe allowing for LAY too).

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Documentation on the new 64 bit instructions

2022-06-30 Thread Peter Relson
For the case where you get control in the same AMODE as the caller (e.g., BALR, 
BASR, BRASL, etc), and you want to use BAKR/PR to save/restore registers, and 
your return address is in reg 14, then it is true that

BSM   14,0
BAKR  14,0

is the easiest way to set things up so that PR returns in the AMODE of the 
caller. There are other, long-winded, ways to accomplish this (that quite 
possibly no one uses).

The principles of operation is not, for the most part, a user's guide. It is a 
user's manual.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Documentation on the new 64 bit instructions

2022-06-29 Thread Peter Relson
Not that BAKR is a "new 64 bit instruction" (neither "new" nor "64 bit"), but 
POp does tell you what you need to do to use the instruction by describing 
exactly how the instruction behaves. How you do what you need to do is your 

You made an unfounded assumption related to how PR works.

You don't "have" to do a BSM prior to the BAKR. And, in fact, in some cases it 
would be wrong to do so (the typical example is if your interface is invoked 
via BASSM). If you want the PR paired with a BAKR to return in AMODE 31 then 
the address saved must indicate AMODE 31.  How you accomplish that is up to you.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Subject: MVCRL

2022-06-09 Thread Peter Relson

Why isn't there a Move Relative Long instruction

The answer is likely because there is insufficient reason to have one, to 
justify the cost.

Instructions are typically created when they solve a problem and, often, when 
they can be done faster if implemented in the machine than if done piece by 
piece in a program (which, surprising to some, is not necessarily the case if 
the instruction is implemented in millicode).

Why can't you simply use MVCL (or MVCLE), having set up the address operands 
using LARL if they are relatively addressable (as long as a halfword boundary 
is OK as a limitation)?

Any instruction that needs two fully defined addresses (think of an SS-type 
instruction such as MVC) has limited space for additional information (such as 
a length). The instruction length is limited to 6 bytes. You need at least 2 
bytes for base+displacement or for the offset if relatively addressing, for 
each of the two operands. You need at least 1 byte for the opcode. That leaves 
you one byte for everything else. MVCL has a lot of "everything else". That is 
why MVCL has its operands in double-reg pairs. So would any other MVCL-like 
thing. So the approach for using a hypothetical move-long-relative would be the 
same as using MVCL, just using LARL where needed. And once the setup has been 
done, there is no need for a new instruction.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Unexpected C code

2022-04-27 Thread Peter Relson
Gil wrote:

Somewhat later in this thread, Thomas David Rivers averred that LPR

Of 0x8000 results in 0x8000.

The puzzling sequence of instructions was LPR; LCR; SLR 31 to set a

char variable on a nonzero operand.  This works correctly (and I'll

trust the C compliers) only if both LPR and LCR result in 0x8000,

or at least some nonzero result.

It is true that LPR of 0x8000 does result in 0x8000.
As does LCR of 0x8000.

If I have this right:
Overflow processing for these instructions depends on the "fixed point 
overflow" bit in the PSW program mask.
The "only if" is true only when the program mask does not have that bit on..
It is false if the program mask does have the bit on because the overflow 
results in a program interrupt. If a program interrupt were to occur, only if 
there were appropriate recovery in place that accepted this and retried 
silently to the next instruction could we consider that the program continues 
as expected.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: the BEAR (was: New z16 Instructions)

2022-04-26 Thread Peter Relson
Both LBEAR and STBEAR are created for OS's other than z/OS.

Could z/OS use them constructively? Possibly. If by "constructive" we 
positively balance functional benefit over performance cost.

Could an application use STBEAR constructively? Possibly. Probably more likely 
to be of constructive use if the OS itself uses LBEAR and STBEAR.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Unexpected C code

2022-04-26 Thread Peter Relson
Apologies if this was mentioned, since I am only now getting around to reading 
some of this thread:

Bernd wrote (and others had similar)

LPR: if the register contains 0x8000, IMO the result will be zero

(and overflow),

so you're right ... this will lead to a zero result. IMO, the overflow

will be ignored.

The question is about "will be ignored". Do you know that it will truly be 
Can you be certain that the program mask bit is not on which, if on, would 
cause the overflow to program-check?
If running under LE with ESPIE protection, might that program mask be on?

z/OS itself cannot make such an assumption in many paths (in an SVC path, it 
might be able to because the SVC new PSW has 0's for the program mask; in a PC 
path, it cannot because the PC instruction does not change the program mask so 
the routine would have to do so). Thus this nice trick to avoid compares and 
branches is not, in general, usable within the OS.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Inlining routines

2022-04-02 Thread Peter Relson
Three approaches that would normally be used are macro, a copy file, and LOCTR.
Many would avoid a copy file if the source has to be placed in a separate part 
because it can be harder to maintain.
But if multiple modules want to be able to include this same code, macro and 
copy file are the way to go.

Here's a simple example with LOCTR
M1   DSF



S1   DSF


The order of instructions in the OBJ will be M1, S1, M2A M2B

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Testing Address validity

2022-03-06 Thread Peter Relson

I have an ordinary problem state program that attempts to access storage

that it does not have access to. Obviously a S0C4 is the result. Let's say

the address is a valid virtual address (but the storage key is wrong) and

the page representing that virtual address is paged out. What is the

sequence of events that leads to the S0C4? Does the OS have to page in the

page so the hardware can generate a S0C4? That seems inefficient.

And in any event, whatever the mechanism, why could not that mechanism

generate a condition code for this hypothetical new instruction rather than

a program interrupt?

There has to be a program interrupt. Because that is the hardware's way of 
telling the software "I do not know". The hardware does not know anything 
beyond that the DAT structure indicates that the page is not valid. Is it 
"truly not valid" or is it "not valid because the OS has paged out the page"?

The software could choose to provide a way to field that program interrupt and 
convert it into something that continues the user program.

That is, after all, exactly what happens on a page fault.

z/OS would not do that because it would not be a useful expenditure of 
resource. Taking a long time to field a user error is hardly a problem in any 
realistic situation. After all, the same user could have simply blown up 
themselves if they wanted to do so, without involving your service. So the net 
effect to the system is the same.

As to the question about the flow, it's something like this:

  *   Program/instruction references storage via a virtual address
  *   Hardware determines that the virtual address is not backed by a real page 
and presents a program interrupt (there are quite a few possible such interrupts
  *   OS program interrupt handler sees that program interrupt and queries its 
own data to determine if the reason that the virtual address is not backed by a 
real page is because the page has been paged out to some form of auxiliary 
  *   OS would generally let the fault continue to some recovery process if the 
page is not available on aux
  *   If the page is available on aux, OS would generally suspend the program, 
bring in the page from aux by some asynchronous process (it can be synchronous 
for such cases as DREF or SCM in which case suspend/resume would not be 
needed), then resume the program to "try again". The desire to "try again" is 
why these program interrupts occur without a PSW address update, allowing for 
easy "try again".

So, sure, in the middle of the above the OS could have said "the page is on 
aux, but I'm not going to bring it in, and if I can tell that the instruction 
being issued was some new "test only" instruction then set up to continue the 
interrupted program with an indicator such as a condition code (or anything 
else it chose to make the interface, even a "return code"). This is not 
instruction architecture. This is software programming interface. z/OS would 
not mplement such a thing.

There is no guarantee even that the operating system can determine the 
instruction. That information is not part of program interrupt information, and 
it is theoretically possible for the page(s) with the instruction to be paged 
out by an asynchronous process before the program interrupt handler could look.

Just about the only productive use of TPROT is when you are supervisor state 
and have reason to know that the storage being accessed is supposed to be 
page-fixed. In that case a CC=3 from TPROT can be known to indicate "bad". z/OS 
itself uses this sometimes.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Long Displacement Facility (was: Fun with RXSBG)

2022-03-05 Thread Peter Relson
The long-displacement facility has been part of the z/OS architecture level set 
since z/OS 2.1 (including the "high performance" variant).

Mark B wrote:

If you need to test a facility bit in the range of 0-31 then use the list of 
bits stored by the STORE FACILITY LIST instruction, which should have been 
placed in some common location by the OS you're running on, typically at 
location x'C8'.  If you need to test a facility bit >=32 *and* you might 
possibly be running on a pre-z9 machine(!) then first test bit 7 of the result 
stored by STORE FACILITY LIST to see if STFLE is available, and if it is then 
issue the STFLE instruction (if the output isn't already available somewhere) 
and test the bit from the list of bits stored.

For z/OS, the IPL-time output is "already available somewhere".

If you are interested in the IPL-time state of facility bits (which in almost 
all cases is what you would care about), as opposed to the state "now":

  *   For any bit in the first 256, you can look at the area located by x'C8' 
(FLCFACL/FLCFACLE in IHAPSA, or FlceFactilitiesList/FlceFacilitiesList1 in 
  *   For any bit at all you can look at the area mapped by IHAFACL and pointed 
to by ECVTFACL (you can also use IHAFACL to look at the PSA area, with a little 
manipulation to account for the header of the area pointed to by ECVTFACL)

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Question about RACROUTE REQUEST=AUTH|FASTAUTH processing

2022-03-03 Thread Peter Relson

I am able to issue both of the above RAROUTE macros against a facility profile 
with individual users. However when a individual is part of a Group must I 

This is not the kind of question best asked here. It has nothing to do with the 
assembler itself.

Authorization requests should almost always be based on a user ID.  RACF does 
the authorization check based on the user ID and all of the groups to which the 
user has a valid connection. With some of the interfaces, the user ID is 
determined implicitly; with others it is provided explicitly.

The issuer of RACROUTE does not generally need to care how the customer set up 
their profiles and access lists, so does not care whether access is granted to 
an individual user ID or to a group to which the individual user ID is 

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Modifying the VSAM Request Parameter List (RPL)

2022-02-25 Thread Peter Relson
The desired interface would be if MODCB provide a "modify form" (MF=M). 
Your use case is exactly what the modify form is for.
However, MODCB (at least the z/OS MODCB) doesn't.

So your choices are between an extended if-then-else for every combination 
you want (obviously very unpleasant) and building the parameter list 

You asked about the downside of doing so? Basically, that you have to get 
it 100% right or all bets are off.

If you go that route, you should check byte for byte and register for 
register that what you build is what the macro would have built

The other downside is that you are in unsupported territory (at least 
would be for z/OS). The interface is the executable macro. But at least if 
you got it 100% right you could reproduce any problem using a real macro 
invocation such that it would become reportable. 

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Interpreting Explicit Decimal Numbers

2022-02-17 Thread Peter Relson

I can't use vector 
instructions as I don't have access to the vector facility.

Do you mean you're not on a machine that has the vector facility? Or might 
not be?
Otherwise you do have "access".

z/OS 2.5 is the first z/OS release that has the vector extension facility 
as part of its architecture level set. 

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Making Encoded Bits Human Readable

2022-02-05 Thread Peter Relson
The lowest-tech approach using only two regs (no 64-bit regs, no z/Arch 
instructions, no 6-byte instructions even) that came to mind was this:

 ICM   0,B'1000',BYTE   Put the byte into bits 0-7
 SRDL  0,30 Move BYTE.0-1 to reg 0.30-31, 
*   zeroing reg 0.0-29
*   BYTE.2-3 to reg 1.0-1
 SRL   1,30 Move BYTE.2-3 to reg 1.30-31, 
*   zeroing reg 1.0-29 
 AHI   0,C'1'   0-3 => C'1'-C'4'
 AHI   1,C'1' 
 STC   0,target0 
 STC   1,target1 

I.e., taking advantage of needing to do a shift anyway to avoid having to 
clear anything.
That doesn't make it the fastest (for example, LLC might be faster than 
ICM) but is a 6-byte instruction.
The fastest is going to be some sort of table look-up (as has been 
discussed, whether TROT or something else) but that takes more storage.

I don't remember why the OP wanted to make a value range of 0-3 
human-readable as 1-4. If you could settle for displaying as 
human-readable 0-3, then instead of the AHI one could do an OI xxx,C'0' 
after the STC. It would quite likely perform worse (an extra storage 
reference instead of a register update), but then you'd be using nothing 
even as new as relative-immediate if that were a consideration.

Shmuel wrote:
>Wouldn't RISBGZ R0,R1,62,63,2 be clearer than XR and SLDL?

Not to many of us. I'm impressed that it is to you. It's a great 
instruction (which is presumably why it was made available to us mere 
mortals from those previously available only to the millicode folks). But 
"clearer"? That wouldn't be an adjective I'd use. 

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Saving Caller's 64-bit Registers

2022-02-01 Thread Peter Relson
Peter F wrote:

. . . each save area indicates how the BACKCHAIN POINTER WAS (not 
"registers were") stored by the program that created that area.

No, it indicates BOTH how the backchain pointer was stored *and* also how 
the caller's registers were stored.

When you create a save area, it is for your callees to use to save.  All 
you can tell them is where YOU stored the backchain, not necessarily where 
nor how many registers they can save in it.

This is pretty much true except for the word "All". The created save area 
is also for you to use to save the address of your caller's save area. You 
can also tell the callee (but they should not have interest) where/how you 
saved your caller's registers.  And the callee should not need to know 
where you saved the backchain. The conventions are such that whether you 
saved at +4 or +x'80' that value will not be overwritten by the callee.

The general purpose of the FxSA designation is not for either the caller 
or the callee. It is for diagnosticians and programs they might use, in 
particular to be able to ascertain the caller's registers from some kind 
of dump (such as in following backwards the savearea chain from time of 
error and formatting the registers that had been saved). Can the 
designation be used for additional things such as Tony T seems to want to 
do? I suppose so. 

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Saving Caller's 64-bit Regsiters

2022-01-29 Thread Peter Relson
Michael Schmitt wrote:

Also the linkage stack is not supported by Language Environment, so you 
should not be using it in any code that can be called in an LE run-unit.

The doc is likely "imprecise". It is surely untrue in general. z/OS does 
not need any "support" by LE in order for an individual program to use the 
linkage stack. But it might be true that if you are called from LE and 
then you need to call back out to LE, you cannot use the linkage stack. 
But if you are a leaf routine, I'd bet that you can. It's typically a 
question of recovery routine processing -- if they need to retry and then 
return to you, and if the recovery routine was established before your 
code updated the linkage stack. That's the sort of situation that might 
well exist. For that, your use of the linkage stack would cause things not 
to work.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Saving Caller's 64-bit Registers

2022-01-27 Thread Peter Relson
It might be worth noting that the normal official linkage when ARs need to 
be saved is to use the linkage stack.
We internally do use some 144-byte save areas for GR low-half plus ARs. 
That never made it into the linkage conventions.

Tony T wrote:

First a basic question on F8SA. The AR-regs at offset x'90', are they 
AR-regs stored by B or by C?

C. Only the saving of caller high halves in the target routine's save area 
is a defined convention. 

If B received a 72-byte area and needs to save either 64bit or aregs, it 
will need to create either a F5SA and F8SA area. Under these conditions, 
B *must* put 'F5SA' and 'F8SA' in the new save area as B has utilized 
the tail end of the new save area for the high-halfs. So, when C is 
called, it follows that C knows 'for sure' that when it sees the 'F5SA' 
and 'F8SA' literals, then it can safely store all it's regs as 
double-words starting at offset 8. Is that not true?

What if the caller does not do this? "Must" is different than "it is 
highly recommended to follow the linkage conventions". 

In fact, if 'C' sees any of the know literals at offset 4, it knows that 
the caller placed a back-pointer at offset x'80', therefore it knows 
that the length of the save area is at least long enough to store all 
the regs as double-words starting at offset 8. Is that not also true?

Not true for F1SA

And, if 'C' sees a positive and even fullword at offset 4, then the only 
safe option is to only save the low-half of the regs at offset 8 
because, most likely, it is just an old save are?

You should not rely on "positive". But if you just went for "even", that 
would be true.
But if you're already going to have to deal with 72-byte, then isn't that 
enough to know? If not using the linkage stack, always save the low halves 
in the provided 72-byte area, and "high halves" in the area you obtain. 
Why do it two different ways? If supporting AMODE 31 and AMODE 64 at the 
same point, you might well have required that the AMODE 64 caller provide 
a 144-byte area.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Saving Caller's 64-bit Registers

2022-01-27 Thread Peter Relson
Gil wrote:

When did the rules change?  In days of yore I was led to believe that any 
that could be invoked with /STEP EXEC PGM=...  could instead be invoked by 
With a 72-byte save area.  In fact, ini Assembler Services Guide V2R5, I 

• Caller-provided save area
A calling program provides its target program with a 72-byte 
save area unless the target program's interface requirements are
otherwise specified..

In days of yore there were no 64-bit GRs or AMODE 64. And your belief was 
always incorrect. Many programs could be so invoked. Some required ATTACH 
not LINK.
And if they show use only of ATTACH, assuming that you can use LINK is an 
incorrect assumption.

Your reference from the Assembler Services Guide is fully true. 
The default default is that the target needs only 72 bytes. The default 
default is that the target routine is AMODE 24/31 and does not change high 
halves or use ARs. Compatibility demands that.

But 72 bytes is not appropriate for AMODE 64 entry (it might border on 
impossible unless you include the possibility of using and then getting 
rid of a linkage stack entry).

LINK can prevent an AMODE 64 target (to allow it, you need to specify the 
non-default AMODE64OK=YES).
ATTACH cannot (because the ATTACH front-end cannot know the intended 
AMODE; that is found only later).

Thus it is up to the system to help with ATTACH and it is up to the issuer 
of LINK to get it right.

ATTACH has provided a 144-byte savearea for a long time. And, yes, whether 
the target needs it or not (which is in general unknowable).

But what about compatibility with existing
customer code?  Rather, IBM should have modified  BPXBATCH to save low 
obtain 144 bytes; then save the entire registers.

Quite possibly true.  You're certainly right that changing to require 144 
can properly be done only if you have control over all your callers (and 
can get them to change to accommodate). And it appears that the owners of 
BPXBATCH did not have such control, but changed anyway.

When BPXBATCH (module BPXMBATC) was implemented, it used a 72-byte 
savearea (and even then the module had a comment that it was OK to invoke 
via Attach, LINK, Load/Call, "TSO call" and "Batch/Exec" (maybe that's 
EXEC PGM= which is an attach). 

The change appears to have been made in z/OS 2.1.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Saving Caller's 64-bit Registers

2022-01-27 Thread Peter Relson
Shmuel wrote
>For running forward, it's a bit stickier. Is a program providing a 
>144 byte save area expected to format it as FxSA?

As I wrote previously, you cannot in general "run forward". You could if 
you know exactly what the target programs are doing (which is unlikely 
unless you own them). There is no expectation. There is no concept of the 
provider "formatting it". The provider "provides it". The target "uses 

It is not in general knowable how the target chose to "use it". The target 
could be a routine that expects 72 bytes and uses the first 72 bytes only 
(including putting the next address at +8). It could be a routine that 
expects 144 bytes in which case it would likely use it according to the 
conventions (incuding putting the next address at +x'88').. 

Shmuel wrote

> A program that saves its caller's registers in standard 72-byte format
> is expected to set offset 4 of the save area that it obtains to the 
> of the previous save area, regardless of the size of save area that it 

That's not what the manual says. A program that saves the callers 
registers in a 72-byte save area and alters ARs or the top halve of GRs is 
expected to save them in  a new F5SA or F8SA

There is no conflict. The manual section referred to is not what Tom was 
referring to. A program that "saves its caller's registers in standard 
72-byte format" is not one that (also) saves ARs and/or high halves. That 
would be a program that "saves its caller's low halves in standard 72-byte 
format and also saves ARs and/or high halves". 
And, yes, such a program would (if following the conventions) be using 

The main important thing, as has been mentioned so many times, is that the 
provider of the save area provides space. The provider does not dictate 
how that space is to be used. The conventions are such that the uses do 
not conflict with respect to being able to locate the previous pointer. A 
general routine to format save areas does so. It looks at the value at +4 
to decide if that is the previous pointer or if the previous pointer is at 

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Debugging Assembler Rexx programs

2022-01-27 Thread Peter Relson
Shmuel wrote
>Assume that any system macro expanding to a PC or an SVC will clobber 

Or any linkage at all (such as branch linkage by BALR, BASR, BASSM, BRASL, 
Unless the documentation says otherwise.

The default of non-preserving of regs 14-1 (and high halves 15-1 and ARs 
15-1) is part of the linkage conventions.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Saving Caller's 64-bit Registers

2022-01-26 Thread Peter Relson
Tony wrote:

1) What is "B's save area"?...or is it the save area allocated 
by B and used by C when C receives control?

It is the "or" -- B's save area is the save area allocated by B. B 
provides that to what it calls (such as C). It will (as filled in by C) 
contain B's registers at the time of the call.

Tony wrote

2) It reads as if a newly acquired save area is partially propagated by 
the program that acquired the save area and partially by the program 
that is called with R13 pointing to this newly acquired area. And that 
the allocater/caller is actually setting the word 1 literal, the back 
pointer, and maybe filling the end of the area with the high-halfs of 
the registers from when it received control. Yet, the front registers 
are left un-used and will be filled in by the next program to be called. 
If this is the case, then the next program being called will actually 
see the word 1 literal when it receives control. Am I understanding this 

The allocater of the savearea (the call target) is defining at +4 within 
this savearea how the allocater (the call target) saved its caller's 
registers (either by putting the prev ptr there or by setting to the 
appropriate 4-char string).
The only other thing(s) set in this savearea by the allocater are the prev 
pointer at +80 (if this is a 144-byte or larger save area) and, if using 
that approach, the high halves and/or ARs at parts of the savearea beyond 

IHASAVER has mappings of all these things (F4SA, F5SA, F7SA, F8SA). F1SA 
indicates regs "saved on linkage stack" and (I think) "F6SA" indicates 
saved on z-Architecture linkage stack but I suspect no one uses F6SA.

The allocated area can be passed to an "old" target routine that knows 
only about 72-byte save areas.
The allocated area can be passed to a "new" target routine that expects a 
144-byte save area.

So "yes", the next program can see the word 1 literal. Just as it can see 
the word 1 prev pointer. It can usually also "see" the entire savearea 
chain if it chose to look. But that information is not relevant to that 
next program.

z/OS Core Technology Design

Saving Caller's 64-bit Registers

2022-01-26 Thread Peter Relson
Some more info from the REXX folks:

The savearea passed to programs invoked via ADDRESS LINK, LINKMVS, or 
LINKPGM was extended to pass
a 144-byte savearea to the caller by APAR OA44581 (whenever that became 
available).  Programs invoked as REXX functions or subroutines are still 
a 72-byte savearea (I don't know why they didn't similarly change that). 
This makes REXX LINK more compatible with REXX ATTACH -- the target 
routine in both cases gets a 144-byte savearea. 

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Saving Caller's 64-bit Registers

2022-01-25 Thread Peter Relson
The REXX team indicates that the current savearea size for a called 
routine is 72 bytes.
This will get documented. Thanks Shmuel for submitting the update request.

Maybe the size will change in a release, such that you can eventually get 
to the point of relying on a larger size if you know you are running on a 
supported release.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Saving Caller's 64-bit Registers (was "...Regsiters")

2022-01-25 Thread Peter Relson
Shmuel wrote

...I don't understand the issue for running the forward chain, assuming 
that all called routines have set the forward pointer, other than 
detecting the end of the chain.

If +4 (word 2) is on a word boundary then the save area is either unused 
or is 72 bytes. If word 2 is FxSA (C6FxE2C1) then it is a 144-byte save 
area; anything else and it is invalid.

We have been through this so many times. I don't understand why.

The value in the 2nd word has only a peripheral relationship to the size 
of the save area.
It states how the CALLED program saved the CALLER's registers.

For example: if the called program saves the caller's register low halves 
only, in the caller-provided 72-byte savearea, then the 2nd word of the 
area pointed to by the called program's reg 13 will have an even value. 
But it is unknowable whether the called program is itself using a 72-byte 
savearea, a 144-byte savearea, or something larger. And thus it is 
unknowable whether, looking forward, you need to use the word at +8 or the 
doubleword at +136 to locate the "next" savearea to understand how that 
savearea's owner saved its caller's registers.

And the answer to Dave Clark's continued asking of the same question 
remains the same: the called program cannot "tell" how much storage the 
caller provided unless the interface provides a way for the caller to do 
so.  And there really is no need to do so. Just as you, as an interface 
provider, might choose to provide a separate entry point for a caller in 
AMODE 64 than for one in AMODE 31 to avoid complications, you might 
provide a separate entry point for a caller passing a 72-byte savearea 
than one passing a 144-byte savearea. Or you might just always assume that 
the caller provides a 72-byte saverea, save the low halves there, and (if 
needed) save the high halves in an area that you obtain upon entry and 
identify that you have done so in the 2nd word.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Saving Caller's 64-bit Regsiters

2022-01-22 Thread Peter Relson
Tony Thigpen wrote "stuff".

The opinions in that post do not reflect the requirements of an interface 

It is irrelevant what your routine is called from. The caller is 
responsible for meeting the interface, whether that be save area or 
parameter list or other data or environment. And if they don't, the 
problem is on them. And if they are not able to meet the interface, and 
you feel it important that they be able to do so, then you have not 
provided a suitable interface.

And just about everything else in that post is similarly off key.

The post does not show understanding of the intent of the information at 
offset 4. And that is surprising since this has been discussed so many 
No approach requiring the caller to identify something could have been 
done compatibly. And compatibility matters. A lot.

Dave Clark wrote
"Because how is the callee supposed to know how to treat the 
caller's savearea unless the callee knows how long the caller's savearea 

Because they have no need to do so. How many times do we have to go 
through this? .

It's a fully proper question to inquire how long is the R13 area provided 
by Rexx on a call. That should be clearly documented.

Dave Clark wrote 
"OK, so what you're saying is that I should do the standard updates 
to the caller's 72-byte save area and then do the BAKR instruction to save 

everything.  Finally, I only have to do RP to return to program based on 
the saved stack values.  Correct?"

No, not correct. Unless you like to waste cycles. And you do not use "RP". 
I could not tell if you mean "PR" or truly "RP".
You can use BAKR and not do the STM/LM at all.

Part of the z/OS linkage conventions explains what you can do if your 
caller is not known to be providing a 144-byte save area yet you want/need 
to save high halves too.
That situation/approach surely applies to zVSE too.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Saving Caller's 64-bit Regsiters

2022-01-21 Thread Peter Relson
Dave Clark wrote

is there 
some other means of knowing whether or not to save the high halves in the 
caller's save area?

This has been covered many times. It's your interface. If you documented 
that they should provide a save area suitable for saving high halves in 
that area then you assume that they have met the interface requirements. 
If they didn't (especially with respect to save area), bad things will 
happen. It's no different than if you required a 72-byte save area and 
they gave you a shorter one.

Dave Clark wrote

I found that a "standard register save area" is now defined by IBM 
as 128 bytes long. 

For z/OS, no it is not. I have no idea about z/VSE.

Michael Schmitt wrote

The problem is that the new save area formats are not compatible with the 
72-byte save area format, so you can't use them in amode 31 unless you 
control both the calling and called programs. And they're not supported by 
Language Environment.

Yes they are compatible (to the extent that is important) and you can use 
them in any AMODE. You can chain backwards, interpreting the information 
saved at offset 4. You cannot forward-chain.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: 64-bit registers (was: Unsigned Binary Formats)

2022-01-20 Thread Peter Relson
Shmuel wrote:

CLCL   pair+pair (32)
CLCLE  pair+pair (32 or 64)

CLCL should be "(32 or 64)" in this nomenclature.

Basically just about any instruction operand that is located by a register 
(it could be via a register pair such as for CLCL, or just a 
base-displacement with or without index) can be considered to be modal 
with respect to AMODE. If AMODE 64, then all 64 bits of the register are 
used. If AMODE 31, then 31 bits. And if AMODE 24, then 24 bits 
(conceivably some newer instructions could choose to use 31-bits even if 
AMODE 24, I don't recall if that happens or not).

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Determining a group item

2022-01-03 Thread Peter Relson

I can all but guarantee that trying to derive the offsets and lengths from 
the source will miss edge cases that the assembler deals with. ORG is a 
simple example of something that can be not overly straightforward.

That is why looking at ADATA (or a listing) has a big advantage -- you are 
utilizing information produced by the program responsible for dealing with 
the subtleties.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Is it possible to update CSA from an unauthorized user-key program?

2021-12-09 Thread Peter Relson
Jeffrey Celander wrote:

Coupling Facility XCFNOTE services is a callable service can be used to 
create/read/modify data across applications or the entire Sysplex. Access 
to the data notes can be controlled and locked down by your SAF. The 
services can be called in problem state without the need to create special 
authorized services and managing CSA block anchors.

This is true. But don't make light of the SAF requirement. A problem state 
user does need to be authorized to a FACILITY class resource for the 
It is up to the customer to control whether such access is appropriate.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Vector register 23?

2021-12-08 Thread Peter Relson
Robert Ngan wrote:

Vector registers (VRs) 8 - 15, bytes 0 - 7, and the entirety of VRs 16 - 
23 are unchanged.
16-23 only! Not 16-31. Is this correct?

Yes it is correct (and you didn't even ask about VRs 0-7). As with the 
FPRs, some of the vector regs are considered "volatile" and need not be 
preserved if used.
A program might be able to take advantage of that, if using the regs when 
not calling anything.

Only the part about regs 8-15 bytes 0-7 is related to the fact that the VR 
storage overlaps the FPR storage.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Is it possible to update CSA from an unauthorized user-key program?

2021-12-07 Thread Peter Relson
It is possibly to update only if the CSA is in user-key.

And having user-key CSA is a bad idea. That is why it had been soundly 
discouraged for well over a decade, capability to create it had been made 
not the default, and indeed the capability to create it was withdrawn, 
although subsequently the RUCSA feature was added -- although doing that 
adding had little if anything to do with user-key CSA being anything other 
than a bad idea.

It has never been possible for an unauthorized program to acquire common 

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Base-less macros

2021-12-02 Thread Peter Relson
Shmuel wrote:

Assuming that the caller has initialized the save area and subsequently 
used it in accordance with IBM linkage conventions, offset 4-7 will 
contain 4 EBCDIC characters ending iin SA only if it is 144 bytes long; 

Not true. An example is the longest-existing. That's where the creator of 
the save area (the target module) identifies that it saved the caller's 
regs on the linkage stack so placed 'F1SA' at +4. 

If the linkage conventions are followed, under what circumstances would 
you be unable to follow the forward chain with a little bit of work?

Within your application, maybe, as long as it doesn't use F1SA. If it uses 
F1SA there is no way of knowing if the forward chain is 4 bytes at +8 or 8 
bytes at +136.. Once you get into the system, linkage conventions are not 
necessarily followed (and additional ones are used), for performance and 
integrity reasons. 

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Base-less macros

2021-12-01 Thread Peter Relson
Charles wrote:

Ah! I have not been clear on the convention. As I read it now, the called
program puts one of the FnSA strings in its *new* save area to indicate 
*it* previously stored the registers in its entry save area.

This point has been made multiple times in this forum and in IBM-Main. And 
it's a reason why you can only predictably walk a save area chain 
backwards. You cannot walk it forwards (unless you know what conventions 
all the parties have employed).

Shmuel wrote

 CHSI  6(r13),C'SA'
Should be adequate to test whether the caller has a long save area.

Not true. +4 in the R13 passed to a routine does not indicate how long the 
save area is. No comparison can tell that. It is up to the caller to 
satisfy the linkage requirements, whatever they may be (parameters, save 
area, environment, etc). A called program may not function properly (may 
not even be able to detect it is not functioning properly) if that does 
not happen.

Charles wrote

> the caller must provide a large enough area to allow for the 144 byte

Does that not make the problem go away? Simply automatically always save 
the low order halves of the registers, and if the subroutine will be 
altering the high halves, save those also. Done. The *caller* has no say 
in the save area format.

Yes, I think that it does make the problem go away. If you know that the 
caller will always provide 144 bytes, performance-aside, why not just use 
the 144-byte save area protocol and not worry about it? It's perfectly 
fine to save high halves in AMODE 31. It's perfectly fine to use high 
halves in AMODE 31. In many cases, a module that accepts entry in both 
AMODE 31 and AMODE 64 will choose to run in AMODE 64 (we might call that 
"CAP64") and thus need to save high halves regardless of the AMODE of the 
caller.  But if you are stuck, for compatibility, with the "old (AMODE 
31)" callers passing a 72-byte save area, things are more complicated. 
Having a unique entry point for each AMODE can be a good approach for such 
a case.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Base-less macros

2021-11-30 Thread Peter Relson
Steve Smith wrote:
>And there are other bizarre ways to return without
>restoring R14, which is not actually required by documented conventions.

Only restoring of AR14 and the high half of R14 are required (for 
non-AMODE 64 cases), in general.
(Although I would guess that there are many violations of preserving the 
high half of R14).
Some interfaces might define that they preserve R14 completely. Most do 

Mark Hammack wrote
>I have a macro that switches between a regular (24/31 bit style) 
>save area and an extended (64 bit "F4SA") save area.

What do you mean by "switches between"? It is fine to use a different 
style than the style your caller was using (as long as the savearea 
provided is big enough to accommodate your needs), without having any care 
about what was being used by your caller. The string at +4 identifies how 
you saved your caller's registers.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: FPR usage question

2021-11-29 Thread Peter Relson
I wrote

For z/OS, this question relates to each work unit and the question is 
"does the work unit use FPRs 8-15 or VRs?".
If the answer is no, then that work unit does not save/restore those regs 
upon undispatch/redispatch and thus saves some cycles.

"FPRs 8-15" is incomplete/inaccurate within that. It should be "FPRs 
1,3,5,7-15 or the floating point control register (FPCR)".

Historically, only FPRs 0,2,4,6 existed and were saved/restored upon 
undispatch/redispatch. Maybe Shmuel would know even the "pre-history" as 
to whether FPRs 1,3,5,7 ever existed.

The addition of the "additional floating point registers" (1,3,5,7-15 and 
the FPCR) came with enablement by control register bit, with a program 
interrupt upon usage without that control register bit (upon which program 
interrupt, in many cases, the system would automatically activate 
saving/restoring of the additional FPRs).

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: FPR usage question

2021-11-28 Thread Peter Relson
Gil wrote

Do you save and restore them?

The information pertinent to the question is here:
There is no need to save/restore FPRs 0-7 (as opposed to 8-15).

Further info is here:
such as:
Saving the calling program's registers
Unless otherwise defined by the individual interface, the calling program 
expects upon return:
FPRs 8 - 15 are unchanged; The Floating Point Control (FPC) Register 
is unchanged except for two fields: the IEEE exception flags and the data 
exception code (DXC).
Vector registers (VRs) 8 - 15, bytes 0 - 7, and the entirety of VRs 16 
- 23 are unchanged.

Anything that is expected to be unchanged across a call according to the 
linkage conventions must be preserved by a user (whether by not using or 
by save/restore).

Gil wrote

I remember being asked, "Do you use FPRs?  If not, we can bypass 
them for performance when we gen your dedicated VSE system."

For z/OS, this question relates to each work unit and the question is 
"does the work unit use FPRs 8-15 or VRs?".
If the answer is no, then that work unit does not save/restore those regs 
upon undispatch/redispatch and thus saves some cycles.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Curious compiler optimization

2021-11-26 Thread Peter Relson
Dave Rivers wrote about the "clobber list".
I'd say that IBM's C does have a "clobber list" for __ASM. 

My question would be whether GCC would have the same result for the 
example that was posed, where the function return was unconditional and 
there were no outputs identified in the "clobber list" so that, at least 
as far as the "clobber list" is concerned, the __asm had no identified 

What would GCC ask their users to identify as "clobbered" if they (for 
example) just wanted the __ASM to issue linkage instructions to a routine 
that did some sort of "print"? It could indicate that regs 0,1,14,15 are 
clobbered (which this did), but that would not be relevant to the function 

And does GCC, as IBM C, feel free to remove the __ASM (or whatever the GCC 
analog is) in the specific case being discussed? If not, why not?

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Curious compiler optimization

2021-11-25 Thread Peter Relson
>At a minimum, there should be an option to say "Leave the asm alone"

As I had written previously, there is a standards proposal to do just 

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Curious compiler optimization

2021-11-24 Thread Peter Relson

> In general the rule is if the compiler can see that 
> there is no dependency on any code,
> the compiler is allowed to prune it. 

Which is a different rule from "if the compiler can not see that there is 
a dependency on any code , the compiler is allowed to prune it." The 
second applies to the code, but not the first.

True. But one might say that the treating of the __asm text as a black box 
does mean that the compiler can "tell" -- basing its "knowledge" on the 
user input.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Curious compiler optimization

2021-11-23 Thread Peter Relson
I discussed this with the C compiler team.

As was suggested, the reason for removal in Mario's case was that the 
compiler had no knowledge that the __asm would do anything that would 
effect the result. Side effects that could happen under the covers and 
unknown to the compiler(that could be updates to variables, printf, 
whatever) are simply not relevant to the discussion.

To paraphrase what I was told:

In general the rule is if the compiler can see that there is no dependency 
on any code, the compiler is allowed to prune it. The __asm assembler text 
is a black box. All that the compiler sees is the C variables in the 
constraints. In this case, there are no identified side effects or writes 
to anything relevant and hence cannot affect what the compiler believes is 
the function's behavior (which as coded was to return "0").

I asked about how to get the __asm expanded anyway. There is already a 
standards proposal to do just that. So that's something to look forward to 
(possibly to be implemented by extending the "nodiscard" attribute). But 
for now, you could
-- put that function in it's own translation unit (file) and compile that 
with no optimization. Then any call should not optimize out the asm 
-- have a #pragma option_override(asmFunct, "OPT(LEVEL,0)") in the same 
source file with the function to avoid optimizing the code out 

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: z/Architecture Principles of Operation pdf

2021-11-23 Thread Peter Relson
I don't know if this was responded to or not, but the following is likely 
true, but not overly important, because it's not the "expected" way

It can be obtained by going through
https://www-01.ibm.com/servers/resourcelink, however, this requires
an IBM Resourcelink user ID and the pub seems to be in a machine
model specific library (for example, the "z15 Model T01 library").

The PoP can be found here: 
It is within the hardware doc which is where it belongs. It does not 
require a ResourceLink ID to access.
But, yes, it would be nice if there were a link to it from the z/OS doc.

And when a new version is posted, they append to assembler-list, providing 
the link.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Curious compiler optimization

2021-11-23 Thread Peter Relson

Did you ever try yours but returning the value in functRC (an output from 
the __asm) rather than 0, just to bound the problem? 

How much does the compiler attempt to figure out what the __asm is trying 
to do (besides just manipulating the instructions based on the "symbols"? 

And what is the "default" with respect to getting the compiler to honor 
what was coded (and how do you override that default if that default is 
not right for the case in hand)?

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Curious compiler optimization

2021-11-22 Thread Peter Relson

I disagree Mario. Your set of assembled instructions definitely 
produced some result, but you ended the C program with " return 0; "

The __ASM indicated that the only outputs are an internal variable 
(functRC) and registers (that won't be preserved to the caller). I don't 
remember if there is some way to indicate that the __ASM sets "anything". 
Does the C language accept the notion of "side effects" produced by a call 
(such as changing some global data structure)?  Maybe that's not best 
programming practice but if that is allowed, then the __ASM has to be 
produced (unless the default for __ASM is that only things identified as 
changed are changed, including global data structures). Maybe you'd get 
the same effect with this program if the __asm was instead a "call" to an 
external routine. 

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Curious compiler optimization

2021-11-12 Thread Peter Relson

> When it needs zero, it merely copies it into anther
> register that it has allocated?

Yes, but why not just store the register that they know already contains 

Because they do not necessarily "know" that when the code is generated. It 
might well be that the removal of the extra instructions and the 
"knowledge" itself is an optimization, and the OP asked for no 
optimization. So this is not a curious "optimization". It is a natural 
non-optimization. Unless the OP's curiosity was about use of MVHI which, 
as was pointed out, is fully correct.

I'd think that if you want decent code, you don't ask for no optimization. 
If you do ask for no optimization, you get what you get. Maybe that helps 
you learn how these compilers generate code. For example, the "initial" 
pass of the code-gen for z system does not necessarily assume knowledge of 
there being only 16 GRs available. 

Regarding "ST   r0,var(,r13,160)"
I have no idea, but this is not assembler, it is pseudo-assembler. If they 
don't document otherwise, it can be as "pseudo" as they choose. Maybe the 
leading comma is to indicate that there is no index register. That's how 
you'd code it in assembler (of course you'd have the "160" where "var" 

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Base-less macros

2021-11-09 Thread Peter Relson
In a huge number of cases, programs using relative branch are not 
base-less. They have no "code base register" but that does not mean they 
are base-less.
For the most part, z/OS has simply decided that we will not worry about 
"no base register at all" cases when customers use our macros. We expect 
addressability to a static area where literals go. So no "code base 
register" but a "static data base register".

I didn't follow how LOCTR would help unless accompanied by LARL. Without 
the LARL, you still need addressability to the area built from the data 
within the LOCTR section. And if you have such addressability then you 
could have your LTORG within that LOCTR-defined area too so that anyone's 
macros could use literals.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Base-less macros

2021-11-08 Thread Peter Relson
In general, z/OS macros that accommodate relative branching assume that 
the user has addressability to a static data area and that they will have 
a suitable LTORG.
And that means that we feel free to use literals in such cases.

Of course there are now a lot of "immediate" instructions that can avoid 
the need for reference to storage containing static data.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: A question about an Authorizing PC Service Routine

2021-10-31 Thread Peter Relson
IBM-Main would have been a better home for the post. 

I discovered this program 

Curious: did you discover this program's loadmod installed on your system, 
or did you just discover the source for the program?
If the former, you should alert your support staff (and likely upper 
management) immediately.

To be completely fair, without seeing the ETDEF for this PC it is probably 
not knowable if this is or is not a "magic PC".
If the PC were defined to give control in problem state, this might not be 
an exposure, depending on the PKM that was established.

If entered in problem state, the SPKA would blow up unless the key of the 
SPKA was represented within the PKM. 
And if that PKM represented the caller's PKM, the caller already had the 
authority to do that SPKA.

Now, the odds of that being why someone created this are close to 0

Once this PC routine Branches back to the users code (BSM 0,1), 
the user code is running in supervisor state and would issue a PR
instruction to remove the entry from the linkage stack. I find this code 
very messy.
How would the user code return to an instruction following the BSM so the 
PC Service
Routine would issue the PR instruction ?

We should not care that it's messy; it is unacceptable code regardless. As 
mentioned above, it is not true that the user code is necessarily running 
in supervisor state (although likely). The user code's PR would do what PR 
does when it corresponds to a PC - removing the entry from the linkage 
stack and giving control to the instruction after the PC, in the PC 
issuer's state and key (assuming that the key 0 routine did not change the 
linkage stack entry itself).

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: extracting value of an esoteric

2021-09-07 Thread Peter Relson
Reminder: this listserv is for questions relating to the assembler itself 
(e.g., its behavior and the assembler language), not to operating system 
services that you might invoke in assembler. 

You will get a much broader set of eyes on your question (and thus often 
get more help) if you post to IBM-Main.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: What's wrong with me?

2021-05-30 Thread Peter Relson
Are you able to get a dump that would have the SDWA in it (or record the 
error in logrec so you can view it)?

RTM presents two sets of registers. One is from "time of error". One is 
from the RB / linkage stack.
I have no idea what an "LE Dump" provides.

But I'd be skeptical that anything provides the RB / linkage stack regs as 
the only set of regs, as that is close to useless for debugging.

And of course the SDWA has information about the type of event.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Macro to set a bit string

2021-05-21 Thread Peter Relson
Can there be concurrent updates?  OI works fine if on any modern machine, 
given the interlocked access facilities.

If there are no worries about concurrent updates and you don't like 
executed instructions,

Something like this (assumes AMODE 31, bit number < 4G):

SRDL even_reg,3  * even_reg has the byte offset
SRL  even_reg+1,29   * odd reg has which bit-within-byte

IC   some_reg,0(even_reg,area_address_reg)
LHI  OR_Reg,X'80'
SRL  OR_Reg,0(even_reg+1)
OR   some_reg,OR_reg
STC  some_reg,0(even_reg+1,address_reg)

can be used. If there could be concurrent updates, the above approach will 
not work.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Interlocked Acess Facility 2

2021-05-08 Thread Peter Relson

You haven't had to bifurcate your code like this since z/OS 2.2 which 
has the z11 as it's minimum requirement.

Actually, there was no z/OS release that had z196 as its minimum 
z/OS 2.2's minimum is z10.
z/OS 2.3's minimum is zEC12 (so includes z196).

Regardless, it remains true that as of z/OS 2.3 (and thus for all 
in-full-support z/OS releases) you can rely on the availability of IAF2.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Ensuring LRL 2nd operand alignment

2021-05-04 Thread Peter Relson
Tony H asked about a use case for LRL: 
one obvious one is a non-reentrant module.
Or, as Shmuel mentioned, it might have been needed for cases where there 
is no binder support for fullword immediate relocatable expressions.

As to the OP's actual question, there are limited choices that come to 
-- the code was not actually running on a z10 or later machine; the OP 
says "not the case". 
-- If this is VM perhaps they have done something to ask that VM treat the 
execution environment as an older machine. There is the concept of the 
"virtual architecture level".
-- the data shown does not represent what happened -- either it was not a 
PIC 1 or it was not a PIC 1 at that address. If this is repeatable then it 
could have been helpful to show some preceding data and have the trace 
that was shown cover the instruction before as well.

Regardless, alignment of the operand is not relevant to the discussion. As 
pointed out, a misaligned operand would have resulted in a specification 

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Add 1, Subtract 1

2021-03-11 Thread Peter Relson
To add to what Charles M posted,

Don't forget that LA in AMODE 31 always zeroes bit 32, and LA in AMODE 24 
zeroes bits 32-39 of the 64-bit GR.
That's another way that they are not functionally equivalent, if that 
difference matters to you.

A good rule of thumb is that when you have equivalent alternatives, choose 
the one that has the smallest instruction byte footprint.
BCTR is a 2 byte instruction.  But don't sacrifice the readability of your 

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Determining AR or Primary Mode

2021-02-05 Thread Peter Relson
It is uncommon to want to do this.

If you are SVC-entered or PC-entered, you should know (because at some 
point you set up the definition).
If you are branch-entered when it might be either primary or AR, you would 
usually save status via BAKR, then switch unconditionally to whichever 
mode you want to run in and then when you want to determine what mode your 
caller was in you would use ESTA with the option to extract the PSW from 
the linkage stack and look at the result (doing the same sort of test that 
was mentioned if you had done EPSW).

It is typically much far more convenient to run in a known state and then, 
if you need to do something based on your called state, switch 
conditionally to that, and then switch back to the known state.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: TBEGINC question

2021-01-30 Thread Peter Relson

It appears that the editorial rules for Principles of Operation
are stricter than those for Services.

They certainly are. A lot stricter. Related to the fact that the machine 
has to enforce restrictions.
Software does not "have to" (but of course it can be nice if it does).

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

TBEGINC question

2021-01-29 Thread Peter Relson
As Keven Hall mentioned, If it were required that there be no crossing of 
page boundary from TBEGINC through TEND, the principles of operation would 
have said so.

There is no such requirement.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Help with EZASMI assembly

2021-01-25 Thread Peter Relson

An instruction with a zero base does not use the AR associated with the 
index, so why won't it refer to the wrong AS when in AR mode?

I suggested it was a valuable technique, not that it was a valuable 
technique for accessing data spaces or other address spaces. It is a 
valuable technique for accessing data that you know is in the primary 
address space, saving you from having to set an access register.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

Re: Help with EZASMI assembly

2021-01-24 Thread Peter Relson

Is there code that has a zero base and non-zero index for something that 
might not be in common storage or in the primary AS? Wouldn't that cause 
problems in AR mode?

To the first question: aside from the cases that apply to secondary and 
home ASC modes, I would hope not. To the second question: yes.

It is a very valuable technique for AR mode.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

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