[Audiogames-reflector] Finally Airik 1.7

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: jyro22

Finally Airik 1.7

Hey friends,I wanted to tell you that we're finally getting close to releasing the new super Airik version 1.7.A mac and touch screen version are looking likely as of this point, but we'll release the PC version first.Thanks for all your patience, feedback and support! The actions, maps and audio are all in order now,so it won't be too long. Also, if you're looking for any technical support or guides on current versions,please email breakerboxga...@gmail.com things are going nicely, with our new system, future games should develop more quickly and efficiently. Thanks! see you soon!-JyroURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169094#p169094

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Alter Aeon Updates

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — New releases room: goran yasin

Re: Alter Aeon Updates

hi.my problem was an alias as you said. when i was trying to learn about aliases i accidentally set an alias for the cast command. happily now it is solved. thanks for you and for those who helped me through the newbie channel.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169093#p169093

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — New releases room: lvj

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Aprone, I forgot my the password of the swamp character. can you help me? it is lvjURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169092#p169092

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] snow race beta released!

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — New releases room: vlad25

Re: snow race beta released!

how can I  earn money in multyplayer?URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169091#p169091

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Rail Racer 2 cometh

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — New releases room: vlad25

Re: Rail Racer 2 cometh

gaita if you have created a new track please post on the shared dropbox folder.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169090#p169090

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Book Recommendations?

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — Off-topic room: camlorn

Re: Book Recommendations?

I'm not sure quite what you're looking for by Startrek, mostly for lack of familiarity.  A few things that might fit:Vernor Vinge's stuff, specifically A Fire Upon the Deep.  Fast-pased.  It has the only 100% scientifically plausible method of telepathy I've ever seen, and truly alien aliens.  Basically, there's an effect at the center of the galaxy (I.E. where earth is) that makes all the cool technologies impossible, and as you move away more and more stuff becomes possible.  The aliens in question live on a planet just inside the region that makes FTL impossible, and are a medieval society.  The catch is that they're pack organisms-small hive minds, 4 or 5 individuals.  There's a lot of spoken and unspoken implications about their lifestyle.  There's also godlike entities that live in the highest zone of capable technology humans know about, and can only interact with us using agents (because
  they'd basically die, as I recall).  Applied theology is a science, and there are archeologists that dig for stuff right at the border of this zone (which sparks off the plot-oops).  The tines, however, do not break laws of physics as we know them, but I don't want to say more because it'd spoil a really, really good book.Alastair Reynolds.  Revelation space series-the first book is revelation space.  This one is odd, but good if you haven't read a bunch of sci-fi.  Never outright breaks the laws of physics, but it does come pretty close to bending them.  People travel around in generation ships, and there's a race of aliens known as the inhibitors (which might or might not be "living", it's hard to tell) who are exterminating space faring species because of a predicted collision (which apparently will really happen) between the Milky Way and another galaxy in a couple billion years.  There's str
 ange alien artifacts floating around, and some minor time travel that--if I recall--doesn't break causality.  Basically, the inhibitors aren't "evil"; they're outside our morals and can't be reasoned with.  Nevertheless, people fight them.  Think evil replicator robots.  There's some AI, some immortality through brain uploading, some posthumans with brain implants who stop using spoken language before the books are over.  The series follows the same characters over the course of about 100 years, due to time dilation.  I've left out some of the other stuff.Finally, this is a bit of an oddball, but I think it counts as a "novel", and he really aught to try to publish:http://qntm.org/structureFine structure.  It's about our universe. Literally.  Scientists discover the script, a textbook imbedded in reality itself, which repeats over 
 and over, through an experiment in possible FTL communication.  Someone figures out how to translate it.  The problem is that it says FTL communication should be possible, but it's not working.  I'm not going to say more than that because I can't summarize it accurately in two paragraphs.  This is probably a love it or hate it, but I loved it, as did a few other people I know.  In terms of epicness, this tops the list, and basically has everything including actually horrifying horror (what happens when the imprisoning god shuts down teleportation, and your entire building ends up teleported under ground, and you don't even know why all of your scientific theories that worked 5 minutes ago just stopped? hint: takes up an entire chapter).  Note that this seems incoherent at first, and that it's one of those things where you get out what you put in; nevertheless, on a reread it's evident that nothing was just thought up on a w
 him, and you will need to reread to get everything out of it.  O, and the earth gets cut off from the rest of the universe, destroyed, and then our universe goes poof.Edit: you want to start Vinge with a fire upon the deep.  His other stuff is not about aliens, and a deepness in the sky is much slower, longer, and more intellectual.  Bookshare has both revelation space and a fire upon the deep, if I recall, but it's been a while.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169089#p169089

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Book Recommendations?

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — Off-topic room: camlorn

Re: Book Recommendations?

I'm not sure quite what you're looking for by Startrek, mostly for lack of familiarity.  A few things that might fit:Vernor Vinge's stuff, specifically A Fire Upon the Deep.  Fast-pased.  It has the only 100% scientifically plausible method of telepathy I've ever seen, and truly alien aliens.  Basically, there's an effect at the center of the galaxy (I.E. where earth is) that makes all the cool technologies impossible, and as you move away more and more stuff becomes possible.  The aliens in question live on a planet just inside the region that makes FTL impossible, and are a medieval society.  The catch is that they're pack organisms-small hive minds, 4 or 5 individuals.  There's a lot of spoken and unspoken implications about their lifestyle.  There's also godlike entities that live in the highest zone of capable technology humans know about, and can only interact with us using agents (because
  they'd basically die, as I recall).  Applied theology is a science, and there are archeologists that dig for stuff right at the border of this zone (which sparks off the plot-oops).  The tines, however, do not break laws of physics as we know them, but I don't want to say more because it'd spoil a really, really good book.Alastair Reynolds.  Revelation space series-the first book is revelation space.  This one is odd, but good if you haven't read a bunch of sci-fi.  Never outright breaks the laws of physics, but it does come pretty close to bending them.  People travel around in generation ships, and there's a race of aliens known as the inhibitors (which might or might not be "living", it's hard to tell) who are exterminating space faring species because of a predicted collision (which apparently will really happen) between the Milky Way and another galaxy in a couple billion years.  There's str
 ange alien artifacts floating around, and some minor time travel that--if I recall--doesn't break causality.  Basically, the inhibitors aren't "evil"; they're outside our morals and can't be reasoned with.  Nevertheless, people fight them.  Think evil replicator robots.  There's some AI, some immortality through brain uploading, some posthumans with brain implants who stop using spoken language before the books are over.  The series follows the same characters over the course of about 100 years, due to time dilation.  I've left out some of the other stuff.Finally, this is a bit of an oddball, but I think it counts as a "novel", and he really aught to try to publish:http://qntm.org/structureFine structure.  It's about our universe. Literally.  Scientists discover the script, a textbook imbedded in reality itself, which repeats over 
 and over, through an experiment in possible FTL communication.  Someone figures out how to translate it.  The problem is that it says FTL communication should be possible, but it's not working.  I'm not going to say more than that because I can't summarize it accurately in two paragraphs.  This is probably a love it or hate it, but I loved it, as did a few other people I know.  In terms of epicness, this tops the list, and basically has everything including actually horrifying horror (what happens when the imprisoning god shuts down teleportation, and your entire building ends up teleported under ground, and you don't even know why all of your scientific theories that worked 5 minutes ago just stopped? hint: takes up an entire chapter).  Note that this seems incoherent at first, and that it's one of those things where you get out what you put in; nevertheless, on a reread it's evident that nothing was just thought up on a w
 him, and you will need to reread to get everything out of it.  O, and the earth gets cut off from the rest of the universe, destroyed, and then our universe goes poof.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169089#p169089

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Scrolling Battles

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — New releases room: masonarm1999

Re: Scrolling Battles

well, I want people to be able to make there own enemies, so...URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169088#p169088

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] 2d platformer

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — New releases room: masonarm1999

Re: 2d platformer

ok, so no, I can't fix sources, as I can't figure out how. and I'll do the ladder thing later.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169087#p169087

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — Off-topic room: Spiraling Wyvern

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

I'm leaning towards the Ink is not the creater of this epidemic.  First, he kind only has a limited communication range for zombies that we currently know.  Unless there is another way down in that nest that says otherwise, there is no way ink could of spread whatever is forcing the change to other countries that fast.  As well, note that the last action before getting arrested and the outbreak was him  murdering his entire family.  Anyone think Ink may of saw something like this coming, knew no one would believe and thought it was better to kill his family then let them see the outbreak.  And then the tattoos.  Again, if he found something out was was involved in something unintentionally and knew the zombies would react to the symbols, wellI'm probably thinking too hard.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169086#p169086

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — New releases room: mehgcap

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

I'd definitely give the radar system a fair chance. For a long time I didn't, and now that I do, I couldn't be without it. It tells you where openings are, it tells you as you near an obstacle, it affirms that you have clear space ahead… And those opening detections are really useful sometimes. They've gotten me out of situations where I've got a swarm around me; had I not had the radar, I would have been stuck on a wall or stack of crates. Or when looking for the opening to the roof on map2, or the door to a building, or an aisle, or, well, you get the idea. Personally I use the long-range forward radar mostly, so that the only sound is a single tone, straight ahead, and I often disable it if I'm in an open area. However, remember that space is a toggle, so I enable that radar, hit space, then I can hit space again whenever I want it back. I guess all I'm saying is: yeah, definitely give it a try, and for more than a few minutes. See if it doesn't help you out, or at least make your playing feel smoother.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169085#p169085
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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Deaf-blind-accessible games?

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: tward

Re: Deaf-blind-accessible games?

I can't really contribute to the ongoing discussion of where to find deaf-blind accessible games, but I can say it is something I have been strongly considering for quite some time for my own projects. I have been thinking for a long time that I could not only increase accessibility, expand my user base, but was wondering if people with hearing impairments as well as visual impairments would e willing to fund accessible games that were deaf-blind compatible rather than being the typical audio only accessible game for the blind. Its rather trivial now days to send braille output via a screen reader API to a braille display or to just come up with a text only user interface that is accessible to everyone so my thinking is we should do that. Any thoughts from deaf-blind users on the subject of creating more universally accessible games?URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169084#p169084

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Book Recommendations?

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — Off-topic room: tward

Re: Book Recommendations?

Guitarman, well for science fiction you might want to try some of Elizabeth Moon's books if you haven't already. She often writes science fiction action adventures with a sort of Star Trek feel to them. In particular the Serrano Legacy and Vadda's War series would appeal to you.As for historical fiction have you tried Bernard Cornwall? Some of his books are very good, and I particularly liked his Arthurian trilogy as it tries to set King Arthur in a very realistic historical context.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169083#p169083

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] question about christianity

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — Off-topic room: tward

Re: question about christianity

Dark, its a complicated situation of course. Usually thanks to separation between church and state religious groups such as the Christian right can only lobby for laws or candidates they want, but every now and then they are able to enact laws or elect candidates in areas where the Christian power base is very strong. States like Texas, Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, and so forth are largely made up of Christian voters, and if their is an issue they can unite on they hold sway over the politics in that region. Sometimes as in the case in Arizona the Christian right goes way too far, and attempt to support laws that are heavily biased towards non-Christian groups like gays and lesbians or support laws that would make America into a Christian theocracy.To give you an example in a lot of places in America it is illegal to buy or sell alcoholic beverages on Sunday.  There isn't any other reason for the law than Sunday happens to be the Christian Sabbath, and Christian
 s don't want stores, restaurants, and other places of business selling booze to customers on the Sabbath. Somewhere along the way our government seems to have forgotten that not everyone is a Christian and we don't all consider Sunday as somehow being holy.  Never-the-less its illegal to buy beer, wine, and so forth on Sunday because it is the Sabbath.Obviously, I appose such laws because its not in the spirit of equal rights. The Sunday laws, which no longer get enforced everywhere equally, were passed to favor Christian voters, and are heavily biased against non-Christians who do not worship on Sunday. The American Humanist Association and Freedom From Religion Foundation have been trying to get the U.S. government more on a secular footing and to do away with bad laws that favor one religious group or another on the grounds of religion. Its a serious problem here in the States because there are some very powerful religious groups working just as hard to forc
 e their religious views on everyone else.As for radical atheism I do understand your concerns, and while I don't necessarily agree with the points you raised I can see why you would find them disturbing. I'll be the first to admit there is good science and there is bad science. However, at this point in time the scientific method is the best methodology we have for determining fact from fiction, and so far it has been pretty successful in progressing society beyond superstition and ignorance we had for centuries.The reason science works, the reason it has been largely successful, is science begins with an assumption of doubt and gathers evidence which proves or disproves something. Faith based religions on the other hand begin with an absolute assumption of truth based on personal belief, and that belief need not be based on evidence. It is obvious why science and religion are often times incompatible, because one group starts from a position of doubt and the
  other starts from a position of belief.An agnostic such as yourself is somewhere in the middle of the two extremes. You are at least willing to concede god may or may not exist giving equal weight to either side of the argument, and at the moment you are in favor of some de vine or supernatural being we will call God. Vocal atheists like Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Michael Shermer, and others are coming from a position of absolute doubt, and that is why people like Dawkins believe that a religious mind is anti-progress and that religion should be abolished from society completely. For a variety of personal reasons I have to agree with them, because I have witnessed first-hand the effects religious beliefs have on people.For example, my ex wife and her family are died in the wool Christian fundamentalists. They do not believe in science in any way, shape, or form. Therefore they have a lot of beliefs like the world is only 6,000 years old, the earth was made in 
 six literal days, Adam and Eve walked with the dinosaurs, and a lot of other things which science can patently prove to be false. The problem is that my ex and I are getting a divorce, and one of the major conflicts is over the education of our son Sean. I want my son to be enrolled in public school where he can get a decent education. My ex wife and her family want him to be home schooled so they can teach him at home there religious beliefs, and to basically indoctrinate him in their ignorance and superstition. If allowed to have their own way they will be depriving my son of the right to study science and he will grow up believing the universe is 6,000 years old instead of 13.5 billion years, he will think that Adam and Eve lived with the dinosaurs instead of the fact the dinosaurs lived 65 million years before humans existed, and so on. In my opinion that kind of thinking is extremely anti-progressive, is in fact the worst kind of absolute ignorance, and I agree with Dawkins tha
 t kind of religious belief should be abolished from so

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — New releases room: CAE_Jones

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

At John: Same here! We have the zombie and special item distribution and everything, but one of us still needs to actually sit down and script them into a campaign. At JenniferM: Assuming default controls, you just use hte arrow keys to use a different radar, or hold shift and the direction for long-range. I think the commands got switched up a little recently, so I'm not sure if e is still the surround radar. Space still turns it off, I think.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169081#p169081

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[Audiogames-reflector] Book Recommendations?

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — Off-topic room: Guitarman

Book Recommendations?

Hi Everyone.I was just wondering if anybody could give me recommendations for historical and science fiction novels? For sci-fi I want books that are like the star trek series. And by star trek I don't mean star trek books I have plenty of those I mean novels that tell star trek like stories.For historical novels I want novels like ken follett's pillars of the earth books, wilbur smith, larry McMurtry, Charles frazier, jeffrey archer, and books like that. Thanks in advance.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169080#p169080

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Rail Racer 2 cometh

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — New releases room: Gaita 2014 Asturiana

Re: Rail Racer 2 cometh

I have acceptedURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169079#p169079

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — New releases room: JenniferM

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

I haven't figured out the radar system yet, but I haven't really used it much.  I haven't given it much of a chance, but the beeps don't tell  me much,... so it just is noise I could do without.  Maybe I should try to figure it out though.  How do you turn on different radars?  Aprone you have a wonderful imagination!URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169078#p169078

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Deaf-blind-accessible games?

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: arcadia

Re: Deaf-blind-accessible games?

the game lockpick https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta … n.LockPick makes different vibration patterns based on whether you picked the lock or not. I would think the onscreen instructions that are in the tutorial game could be read with a braille display if they are needed. I have played in noisy environments where I can't always hear the screenreader very well and I remember doing ok by feeling the vibrations.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169077#p169077
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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] snow race beta released!

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — New releases room: danny

Re: snow race beta released!

Hi, found the bug that's preventing it from running on systems. It will be in beta 3 once I troubleshoot the current bugs we are having. @venom i'm not sure why the link wouldn't work, it worked for me and I just tested it now.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169076#p169076

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] racing games and interesting action games?

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: hanif

Re: racing games and interesting action games?

hi, there is another racing game that you can race a full season, and even take a tournament, it's rail racer and rail racer 2.Try it, it's really cool and fun.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169075#p169075

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] SammySenter

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — New releases room: the terminator

Re: SammySenter

yah sammy they're cool. And mai be sam will be trusted with me in this.just?en?joy!when sarah connor tryed to skape,the timonater respawnd again.when Kyle Rish tryed to skape,the timonater killed hem...with a single hit!URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169074#p169074

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] SammySenter

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — New releases room: samtupy1

Re: SammySenter

Glad you like itURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169073#p169073

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] SammySenter

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — New releases room: brad

Re: SammySenter

Hi.Very nice bunch of games URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169072#p169072

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — New releases room: john

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

I'm still trying to convince myself to sit down and script an offline version of the multiplayer game, but just don't have the energy. I think that would be my number one request; there's a lot of times when I don't have internet access that I really want to play swamp, and being able to play a similar thing to multiplayer offline would be really awesome, especially if I could find a somewhat credable way of doing missions.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169071#p169071

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — New releases room: CAE_Jones

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

The only update to SCS I'm interested in is fixing the voice commands that broke with the 2.9 voice upgrade. Otherwise, the rest is quite sufficient for loads of offline shenanigans.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169070#p169070

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] SammySenter

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — New releases room: samtupy1


Hi all, I have decided to calaberate with mason Armstrong mtg studios, to make a way better version of game suite. Speaking of wich, the old game suite has been discontinued. Trust me, this is a way better thing, that I hope that you'll really like. Please read the readme first though. This is a public consept demo / beta thing. Download Here! Enjoy, and please comment!URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169069#p169069

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] SammySenter

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — New releases room: samtupy1


Hi all, I have decided to calaberate with mason Armstrong mtg studios, to make a way better version of game suite. Speaking of wich, the old game suite has been discontinued. Trust me, this is a way better thing, that I hope that you'll really like. Please read the readme first though. This is a public consept demo / beta thing. Download Here!. Enjoy, and please comment!URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169069#p169069

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] GLTech Studio's first release is finally here! Town of Peril!

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — New releases room: guilevi

Re: GLTech Studio's first release is finally here! Town of Peril!

Hello all,I'm proud to announce that Town of Peril beta 2 has been released! Among the improvements we have enemy genders, custom survival setting templates and more. Check /docs/changelog.txt for more details. The link is on post 1, but just in case, here it is again:https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/568 … latest.zipEnjoy, and yet again, drop me your ideas, bug reports, or just anything related to the game here! Have fun owning stuff!URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169068#p169068
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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Yaiba: ninja gaiden Z

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: Exodus

Re: Yaiba: ninja gaiden Z

That's the guy. He's involved for sure. checkHere URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169067#p169067

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Yaiba: ninja gaiden Z

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: seal

Re: Yaiba: ninja gaiden Z

I am playing it and completing level 2 now. For me it's fun, great and cool!There's skill tree, perk system and probably weapons to unlock. It's side game from the main series and I  feel much better with the combat than in MG 3. Sword plus chains and grapples, works so good for me.I'll put updates on it here for sure soon.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169066#p169066

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Wi-fi Problems on my macbook air 2013

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — Off-topic room: Sebby

Re: Wi-fi Problems on my macbook air 2013

The key is to set "Computer sleep" to never.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169065#p169065

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] red dwarf using dectalk voices?

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — Off-topic room: blindncool

Re: red dwarf using dectalk voices?

Hi. No I don't think anyone made any more rd episodes. Plus dectalk.com is down so it will be pretty much impossible to get those episodes now.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169064#p169064

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — New releases room: Haramir

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Well to be honest I really expect Aprone to let Swamp bbe for a long while after this update and work on the new games. Swamp is the best audiogame ever so far, but what else can he do with other game themes?Best regards, Haramir.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169063#p169063

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Danger City: redux?

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: BryanP

Re: Danger City: redux?

But we have nothing in English as yet that truly showcases the genre.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169062#p169062

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Yaiba: ninja gaiden Z

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: assault_freak

Re: Yaiba: ninja gaiden Z

I don't remember hearing that Keiji Inofune was on board with this game, and he's the one who developed Onimusha. Last I heard he was part of game republic which made the genji games. but so far... I haven't heard that many good things about it. People aren't too happy with the fighting system as comparing it to a normal NG game. And there's no demo on the psn store so I can't say from experience.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169061#p169061

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Pocket Dungeon: Underground Labyrinth

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — New releases room: BlindJay

Re: Pocket Dungeon: Underground Labyrinth

For me, sometimes simple is ok.  I started out with Small RPG and am actually enjoying it so far.  I like it because like someone said above, it's something you can play for 5 minutes or 30 and still make progress.  Some of the translation is a bit iffy in that the equipment descriptions are sometimes hard to figure out in that which sword is better, the one with a plus symbol or # symbol etc?  I also love when you reach the evil king, the description says something like "evil king, he has come to you because he was tired of waiting!"  Considering that it is free though, it is quite well done and I feel like after finishing it, I am better equipped for pocket dungeon.  It also reminds me of some of the dungeon crawlers from the 80's/90's that I played with sighted friends, better late than never that I can play such a thing on my own with out the hastle of using a virtual cursor or memorizing what this or that ascii character 
 means.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169060#p169060

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — New releases room: Orin

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Well, I wonder since there will be a community of players who won't pay, I wonder if we'll see a lot more campaigns and Aprone developing the campaign functionality even more.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169059#p169059

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] A dropbox folder for gameplay recordings

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: Orin

Re: A dropbox folder for gameplay recordings

I'll have an invite please. orin8...@gmail.comURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169058#p169058

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] dropbox 2.6.2 and NVDA

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — Off-topic room: brad

Re: dropbox 2.6.2 and NVDA

Hi.TO fix this you have two options:1. Go to your desktop and press shift NVDA and d 3 times, and opening the menu should work for you.2. Go to the drop box icon on your task bar, and press NVDA plus left mouse button and it should give you an open dropbox menu button. Press enter or space and you should be fine.I hope this helps.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169057#p169057

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Rail Racer 2 cometh

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — New releases room: vlad25

Re: Rail Racer 2 cometh

gaitayou are included to my dropbox. Please accept the my railracer tracks folderURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169056#p169056

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] 2d platformer

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — New releases room: Giovani

Re: 2d platformer

Also, I can't remove a ladders from Map creator. Please, could You fix this bug, Mason?Thanks!URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169055#p169055

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Giving Haypy monster a try

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Giving Haypy monster a try

Okay, I'll try that. What was confusing me is that I got the monster name (which clicking on brought up it's info page), then the unlabled button, then a button called pethouse or something like that which could be selected or deselected, but  selecting that button didn't seem to do anything unless it is for performing  functions on some monsters such as a group heal or group delete, but as the only option I had was delete I didn't want to try that.Edit: okay, I  had an hour and a half on the train this afternoon and spent it having a poke around the game and interface. I  believe I now see the issue with the monster select. I tis actually quite logical, monster name and stats selecting the monster, and the "pet add" button either being enabled for free slots or disabled for full ones, however for some weerd reason draco is perminantly stuck in my first slot. I  can change out the second monster fine, but 
 I just can't get draco out of the first slot at all, if I attempt to change draco, it changes the second monster instead, just as if I'd hit that monster's button. I've noticed an "unlock" or "unloc 2" button in  the monster profiles, I'm not sure if this is a slot fix option or not though it doesn't work the same way for the second monster. On the plus side I am getting the inventory a bit more. The train button was a little loopy sinse there were lots of buttons labled " Mailest" and  which i believe  refer to the  nests,   with numbers  after them, however the training option in the "town help icon" button (which seems to be some sort of pvp option), has an utterly different interface and gives the levels of paid  vip status needed for the game which is odd. I am also a little confused about the "leaves lock"  buttons I keep seeing, som
 e on the jungle select screen, some on the monsters page, sinse I'm not sure if these related to locked levels,  captured monsters or what. On the plus side however I get the inventory system and have at least had a poke at several shops and other town options, and  that end does seem relatively straight forward. While tunnels  annoyingly got in the way of my   connection to the net, I  fight a couple of battles and I think I'm getting how the interface works. What was confusing me in terms of seal cards was that you can either have the fighting interface or! the seal interface up at either time. The fighting gives the  technique buttons with names, however the sealing give percentage   chances which   correspond to seal card items, either paid or unpaid depending upon the chances involved as you said. It also deos help because the seal interface  tells you the name of the target even if vo&nb
 sp; misses saying it when it appears which is likely   easier in catching monsters.the  one thing I am looking for at the moment is some sort of general manual or basic mechanics and activities, sinse the tutorial was a little none  specific particularly with how it very much only gave you one button to press for each step of the way meaning you got no idea of the interface at all sinse vo couldn't interact with anything.  I presume there is one somewhere but all the icon helper buttons seem to lead to  random other parts of the game, which is a little confusing.I think a  basic knolidge of the  game and what things are supposed! to do might help make a bit more sense of the   more incomprehensible lables on buttons. The ones (as with the inventory), which as you said work via label near the button are  fine sinse you can ignore the buttons, however others such as  the training screen and some information
  on the zone intro screen is less clear.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169026#p169026

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Yaiba: ninja gaiden Z

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: sswwaaiikkee

Re: Yaiba: ninja gaiden Z

hi sealsorry but you tottaly blind?URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169054#p169054

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Smugglers 5 invasion released

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — New releases room: sneak

Re: Smugglers 5 invasion released

I feel like sucha  dolt. Apparently you have to selet compadibility mode every time you launch the game or something. Some how it got switched off and that's why I was having trouble l o l.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169053#p169053

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Smugglers 5 invasion released

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — New releases room: sneak

Re: Smugglers 5 invasion released

Downloading super nova in hopes that it gives me a better use of the game. I likes it so far though. I was using NVDA previously but some things were just not showing up for me.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169053#p169053

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Why is jaws 13.0 a piece of shit?

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — Off-topic room: dbzfan94

Re: Why is jaws 13.0 a piece of shit?

I do not think that JAWS  is sluggish.  It could be your computer.  These days, people have 1000 gigs to spend.   URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169052#p169052

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Smugglers 5 invasion released

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — New releases room: sneak

Re: Smugglers 5 invasion released

hey hey, I've purchased the game and I'm working towards getting my next ship. I chose bounty hunter as my profession however, I'm having trouble at the navigation screen I don't see the mission accept buttons or any way to actually accept a mission or bounty. I just see my home system and planets and the wormhole gat and the news at the top. Nothing is at the bottom except for my credit balance. Any help would be appreciated.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169051#p169051

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] question about christianity

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — Off-topic room: BryanP

Re: question about christianity

Not only that but Mother Teresa is far from the saint thatCatholics and other religious folks hold her up to be. She was known to visit ospitals and other places where people were being treated for terminal illnesses, cancer among others, and insist that the heads of those establishments deny medication to their patients, particularl pain meds. Her reason was that those who were suffering needed to suffer more because only through their suffering could the understand the suffering of Christ on the cross and in so doing come closer to god. That also meant that suicide wasn't an option. Now I personally feel suicide is the ultimate act of selfishness siplyy because of te painit wold bring to loved ones, but at the same time I would not deny that right to a person with a terminal illness or injury who had clearly tried every other avenue to find relief from their suffering.  As for the US I'm not actually a member of the FFRF but I may very well join if and when 
 my finances permit. I heard about that proposed bill in Arizona that Thomas mentioned and there was another one or another part to that same bill, that would have allowed a business owner to refuse not merely to hire a person they thought was gay but also to refuse even to provide services to them. So a religious restaurant owner could refuse to provide service to a couple or a person they thought to be gay. That way a religious baker could refuse to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple, never mind the fact that they're not being asked to actually perform the ceremony.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169050#p169050

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] 2d platformer

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — New releases room: Giovani

Re: 2d platformer

Hi Mason. I have a great idea.What can You say to create a game, like these, but in platforms will be various things, such as Cassino in One, fighting place in tsecound platform ETC.Also, please, could You fix the custom sounds in sound sources?Your game was great idea.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169049#p169049

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I'm making a new game, but have a question

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: Mord-Sith

Re: I'm making a new game, but have a question

What is your game about? Or have I missed your post about it?URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169048#p169048

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Braillemon status update!

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — New releases room: threeblacknoises

Re: Braillemon status update!

Rachel, I totaly get your point, and support it completely!You started out to make a pokemon game like red, and you should finish that first. Something like the card game idea can, and should wait, until your main goal is acomplished.I have another idea for you, but to prevent it from catching fire; in case you want to shoot it down right away, I will be sending a PM shortly with said idea(s).Really, really looking forward to braillemon beta 0.??.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169047#p169047

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Danger City: redux?

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: kyle12

Re: Danger City: redux?

Hi,The block code is why I use c# for my software development. haha. I personally prefer PureBasic for game programming; It has API's for window creation with controls as well as game related librarys, but that's just me.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169046#p169046

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] dropbox 2.6.2 and NVDA

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — Off-topic room: aaron

dropbox 2.6.2 and NVDA

Hi all,So the latest version of Dropbox got released, but it's actually quite bad news.The context menu no longer seems to work. When I click open dropbox menu, it puts me in the context menu, but I can't arrow up and down. If I do object nav, I can only see open dropbox folder, launch dropbox website and recently changed, I can't see my percentage of space used, and arrowing up and down doesn't accomplish anything.I'm not sure if this is an NVDA, or a dropbox, issue primarily.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169045#p169045

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Jurassic Park audio-described US

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — Off-topic room: aaron

Re: Jurassic Park audio-described US

Hi,I actually agree about the fading out, to a point. In older films, it was really bad, like in Jurassic Park. But in modern movies they don't atually fade out as much.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169044#p169044

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Why is jaws 13.0 a piece of shit?

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — Off-topic room: Chris

Re: Why is jaws 13.0 a piece of shit?

Hi.Yep I agree! NVDA is fast, free and portable! and it has vocalizer just like jaws! Yeah, Vocalizer might cost $115, but it's miles cheaper than jaws and you don't have to pay $200 every 2 or three years.So yeah, Jaws for Windows is not ready!URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169043#p169043

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Deaf-blind-accessible games?

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: Aminiel

Re: Deaf-blind-accessible games?

How should colors make any difference for a Braille display?Unfortunately, they sometimes bring screen readers into troubles. That's precisely why I gave an option to disable them, just in case.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169042#p169042

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Wi-fi Problems on my macbook air 2013

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — Off-topic room: Chris

Re: Wi-fi Problems on my macbook air 2013

Hi.Hmm, interesting.How do I prevent my mac from going into standby automatically? I've unchecked the put the hard disks to sleep when possible checkbox. I have the display set to sleep after 1 minute and to slightly dim the display on battery power but why does that make my computer sleep? Im changing all this from energy saver preferences.This issue does not happen with my iPhone or Nexus 7 or any of the other XP computers I have.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169041#p169041

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Wi-fi Problems on my macbook air 2013

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — Off-topic room: Chris

Re: Wi-fi Problems on my macbook air 2013

Hi.Hmm, interesting.How do I prevent my mac from going into standby automatically? I've unchecked the put the hard disks to sleep when possible checkbox. I have the display set to sleep after 1 minute and to slightly dim the display on battery power but why does that make my computer sleep? Im changing all this from energy saver preferences.This issue does happen with my iPhone or Nexus 7 or any of the other XP computers I have.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169041#p169041

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Why is jaws 13.0 a piece of shit?

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — Off-topic room: Stevie-3

Re: Why is jaws 13.0 a piece of shit?

Two words: screw JAWS! that is all.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169040#p169040

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — New releases room: wiljames

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

No new update yet.  Like you, I am anxiously waiting for it.  It's like Christmas over here waiting in anticipation! LOL!URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169039#p169039

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] A dropbox folder for gameplay recordings

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: connor142

Re: A dropbox folder for gameplay recordings

hi can you add me? my E-Mail isconnor.mo...@aon.atURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169038#p169038

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Braillemon status update!

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — New releases room: Haramir

Re: Braillemon status update!

Well, Digimon World 3 is not the only game that presents a tcg within the main game. Just make a quick research and you see. For a few titles we have Final Fantasy 8 nad Sayuki, Journey to the West.Best regards, Haramir.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169037#p169037

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Wi-fi Problems on my macbook air 2013

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — Off-topic room: Sebby

Re: Wi-fi Problems on my macbook air 2013

Yes, my usual first step is to replace or add to the existing router, preferably with Apple AirPort. Basically Apple stuff does not reconnect robustly, but instead requires associations to be maintained for long periods. This is never a problem unless your router discards old associations quickly, which sadly many cheap crappy boxes do.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169036#p169036

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Braillemon status update!

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — New releases room: daigonite

Re: Braillemon status update!

The thing is, while it's not impossible, focusing on adding new features as opposed to finishing up the main game is the primary cause for games like this to fail. So I'd rather not develop a completely different side thing with its own set of rules at the moment.The photography thing could be implemented as a minigame that wouldn't take much time (Locate the origin of the Pokemon sound before time runs out), but the Pokemon card game has a lot of rules and things that would need to be in place.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169035#p169035

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Yaiba: ninja gaiden Z

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: Exodus

Re: Yaiba: ninja gaiden Z

The someone else is the onimusha developer I'm sure. he left cap com some time ago. as for SP, you'll need patients. Being a huge fan of the show certainly helps.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169034#p169034

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Yaiba: ninja gaiden Z

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: hanif

Re: Yaiba: ninja gaiden Z

hi, is this new ninja gaiden series 3d or 2d?I haven't tried ninja gaiden 3 because I don't have XBLA or PS3URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169033#p169033

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] snow race beta released!

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — New releases room: venom

Re: snow race beta released!

when i try copying in the link into the address bar i get a 404 error even with the ... or without that can somebody helpURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169032#p169032

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Yaiba: ninja gaiden Z

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: seal

Re: Yaiba: ninja gaiden Z

Well, [ a-t ].5d? worth trying I guess... well.You think There are chances to play it correctly?Tahnks for the tips.The Yaiba is developed by three studios I guess, tecmo, original ninja gaiden team behind and someone else.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169031#p169031

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Braillemon status update!

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — New releases room: threeblacknoises

Re: Braillemon status update!

I hate to bring up rival properties, but I remember playing Digimon world 3 about 10 years ago, and that game handled both regular battles and card battles really well.Basically, the way it worked was that you got a starting dec in one of the towns, and you could then find trainers that would challenge you to a card battle instead of a real battle.Some trainers would even do both types of battles.You could challenge a trainer for a card they had, and you could also find/buy booster packs throughout the game.This kind of card game wouldn't need to be added yet; right now I'm just happy I can play pokemon in an accessible way.If the card thing does happen, I can rip some of the music from the trading card game if you want.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169030#p169030

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Yaiba: ninja gaiden Z

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: Exodus

Re: Yaiba: ninja gaiden Z

Didn't mean to cause offence. I honestly got lucky with how the game looks. Had obsidian deviated from the shows art stile in any way... I couldn't have played it. Even then I'm still a bit hit and miss with the bow and arrow and the strange alien teleporting ass device. When you've to command your party members to interact with stuff, theirs haptic feedback when you have the pointer over an interactive spot which certainly helps. Even then, the games still a 2.5 D side scroller. Anyway... to get back on topic... ninjas! I'm really looking forward to this as Isn't the guy that developed onimusha on board with this? I played the hell out of theonimusha games and they were good games voice acting aside. I even managed to complete the first two.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169029#p169029

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] A dropbox folder for gameplay recordings

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: dbzfan94

Re: A dropbox folder for gameplay recordings

Hi Pitermatch,  My email Adress is largel1...@gmail.com. I would like to listen to your recordings! Thanks, DBZZFANURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169028#p169028

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Mind Sports

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Mind Sports

Thanks bladestorm I was wondering about that.Generally I tend to find dice  games  less complex than card or board  games and don't tend to play them  as an interlectual exercise as much, though I don't know if this was me trying the wrong games or is because of the  larger  set of numerical possibilities provided by cards as opposed to dice.Then again,  backgammon I do enjoy and that  definitely requires use of the dice strategically.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169027#p169027

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Giving Haypy monster a try

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Giving Haypy monster a try

Okay, I'll try that. What was confusing me is that I got the monster name (which clicking on brought up it's info page), then the unlabled button, then a button called pethouse or something like that which could be selected or deselected, but  selecting that button didn't seem to do anything unless it is for performing  functions on some monsters such as a group heal or group delete, but as the only option I had was delete I didn't want to try that.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169026#p169026

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Trying Monster Kingdom on Ios

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Trying Monster Kingdom on Ios

Well regarding Solara I confess I never particularly paid enough attention to the battles to sit and learn the sounds sinse I tended to just go on the descriptions of abilities and order, but then again I admit I  am less a fan of any game with automatic battling  whatever the access is like, simply because I have played far too many online and am more interested in  games where I actually have to react to what my opponent is doing   at the time (one thing that  has really improved in the new smugglers).This probably also explains why I would like information on monster kingdom battles live, that and of course the knowing who I am fighting. I could see the game being possible if you knew the level and type of monster you were fighting and then would know what  attacks he/she had, what their level and damage would be? Is there a way to see the enemy's team in battles?Regarding visual intigrationk, as with most of my life it'
 ;s frequently a case of making full use of all possible information available from any source, for example there is  are sections in super castlevania where though I can  see where simon belmont and the ledges are , I  can't see the bats attacking at all and simply had to learn their position relative to where simon was, ie, if I walk this far and jump  and hit I'll hit the bat before it gets me.There are even bosses in mega man games I've been able to kill completely without sight just as a challenge to see if it is possible, although the knolidge of where their attacks go which I used to do that was  of course gained mostly from vision, and it's not possible to do levels this way unfortunately due to the fact there are no audio indicators for most objects or enemies.As to older rpgs, well that would be cool, though from what I've seen all the emulators I know still wrender text as graphics not using the api of the hos
 t system, which is a pest for screen  readers and very annoying sinse there are games I would definitely play if I could get past the text. I did try vo on my brothers' Ipad in hopes that I'd get secret of  mana, but no such luck.Of course the really annoying thing is that this would! be fixable if the developers chose to, though I am not sure that is likely.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169025#p169025

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] question about christianity

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — Off-topic room: kamochek

Re: question about christianity

hi.i've hared of another movement, i don't know if we can coll it religion or science, but they believ that mohamed, jesus and moses sent by god, and also they believing that in 1973 was in france a science, which one day an alien came to him on a spaceship.the alien said to him that he is the same god from the bible.what is that thing?kamochek.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169024#p169024

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Trying Monster Kingdom on Ios

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Trying Monster Kingdom on Ios

Well regarding Solara I confess I never particularly paid enough attention to the battles to sit and learn the sounds sinse I tended to just go on the descriptions of abilities and order, but then again I admit I  am less a fan of any game with automatic battling  whatever the access is like, simply because I have played far too many online and am more interested in  games where I actually have to react to what my opponent is doing   at the time (one thing that  has really improved in the new smugglers).This probably also explains why I would like information on monster kingdom battles live, that and of course the knowing who I am fighting. I could see the game being possible if you knew the level and type of monster you were fighting and then would know what  attacks he/she had, what their level and damage would be? Is there a way to see the enemy's team in battles?Regarding visual intigrationk, as with most of my life it'
 ;s frequently a case of making full use of all possible information available from any source, for example there is  are sections in super castlevania where though I can  see where simon belmont and the ledges are , I  can't see the bats attacking at all and simply had to learn their position relative to where simon was, ie, if I walk this far and jump  and hit I'll hit the bat before it gets me.As to older rpgs, well that would be cool, though from what I've seen all the emulators I know still wrender text as graphics not using the api of the host system, which is a pest for screen  readers and very annoying sinse there are games I would definitely play if I could get past the text. I did try vo on my brothers' Ipad in hopes that I'd get secret of  mana, but no such luck.Of course the really annoying thing is that this would! be fixable if the developers chose to, though I am not sure that is likely.
 URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169025#p169025

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Yaiba: ninja gaiden Z

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: seal

Re: Yaiba: ninja gaiden Z

Yeah, if you can see something that's good for you.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169023#p169023

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Rundercover - an audio game that gets you in shape!

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — New releases room: Dark

Re: Rundercover - an audio game that gets you in shape!

Hi Dkkg, great your considdering something for in doors. I'd love to  say my little trampoline was for some incredibly  inovative game of some sort, but in truth it wasn't, indeed I'm particularly interested in an in door physically active accessible game because thus far there aren't any. It was  initially a simple expedient sinse I am not a particularly small fellow, and when I moved into an upstairs flat I wanted to continue running on the spot as I had when living downstairs, but didn't want to give my neighbor below me a headache. I have however found  that possibly due to the fact that I'm taking higher steps and raising my knees more, that running on the trampoline is harder than  running normally, which is good sinse I prefer very intensive exercise over a short period than minimal  exercise over a  long one.I can't really jump on the trampoline  sinse it is only about  two foot&n
 bsp;  from edge to edge, and besides I'd risk giving myself a concussion on the cieling, however for running it's great.It's a vfairly standard model I just picked up at a general  supermarket here in the Uk, indeed rebock, the same company that makes the sports shoes), make them.. A game with it would be quite a fascinating idea though. I could actually imagine a game in which players had to really alter the vertical position of the phone as well as    horizontally, effectively creating an exercise similar to  aerobics, sinse of course with a soft surfice it wouldn't matter if players had to go down to their knees rapidly (where as that would be a bad idea if running out doors), ditto with  jumping or waving the phone above your head. Actually, i could imagine a really awsome starwars light sabre duel worked out on that sort of basis . Of course the two risks would be A, a risk of tangling your headphone wires if you were waving your phone about, and B, a risk of letting your phone go by mistake or accidently stamping on it,  though fortunately I have the surviver case for my Iphone which helps .Still, as crash mats, trampolines or even at a pinch a duvet on the ground would be a workable soft  surfice I  could imagine a fun and very energetic type of game on that sort of basis. heck, you could even perhaps have your regular running but instead of judging player position by a gps give them a need to kneel down every few seconds to update their distance.Then again I don't know as much about the Iphone gyro's  and what is or is not possible however I am as I said very  pleased your considdering this.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169022#p169022

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Mind Sports

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: bladestorm360

Re: Mind Sports

Dice World is like the RSGames of iOS. As the name implies, they focus mainly on dice games, but you play them online with other people.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169021#p169021

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Giving Haypy monster a try

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: bladestorm360

Re: Giving Haypy monster a try

There are unlabelled buttons right before each monster when you have them in your list. Initially you can only have 2 monsters on your team, these will be shown at the top of the list. If you hit that unlabelled button, the monster is removed from your team and put in the list down below. You then go into that list and hit the button on the monster you want to add to your team. At least, that's how I remember it. Much like with Solara, the monster you  add will end up in the empty slot. So if you remove the monster from your first slot and then add a new one in, it goes into the first slot.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169020#p169020

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Trying Monster Kingdom on Ios

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: bladestorm360

Re: Trying Monster Kingdom on Ios

It's more than a vague idea for me. I've told sighted players what was going on as they watch it, and I'm accurate most of the time, in games at least. I have a little more trouble with movies because they tend to cram a lot of sounds together, but take Solara for instance. Even before they put in the descriptions of things I could tell you who was attacking, what technique was being activated and how the battle was going. Sure I may not have known that my templar has a big fluffy mace, or that my champion has bacon on his banner, but I find these details unimportant to gameplay. Asthetically it's nice to know them, but it isn't the difference between a game being accessible and not being. It works the same for more high intensity games. Just by process of elimination I can tell who's attacking, what ability is being used and how far away from the opponent I am. I played through Dissidia: Final Fantasy on my own this way. The only help I needed was fo
 r my brother to equip items and abilities for me, and even then there's an optomization option you can use that I didn't know about.As for monster kingdom, you can get information on what an ability does by clicking on it  in the monster screen. The damage and messages are straight, no randomness, so if it says it does 40 damage and burns the enemy for 10 damage per turn after that, that's exactly what it does. From then on it's a matter of remembering the sounds.That is pretty cool about the metroid thing. I've been wondering if I couldn't do something similar for games like that with something like a Dotview, or another similar display that uses some kind of reactive clay and electrodes to display pictures in tactile and animated form. I'd really like to try out one of those displays with my emulators, see if some of the older RPGs and other games wouldn't be playable that way.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169019#p169019

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Samsung Focuses On Accessibility

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — Off-topic room: SLJ

Re: Samsung Focuses On Accessibility

Hi.all their Android phones does not work horrible with Talkback. If you get a phone running Android 4.2 or later, it works well. Not perfectly, but quite well. HTC phones are horrible in my opinion.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169018#p169018

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Rock Music Suggestions

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — Off-topic room: SLJ

Re: Rock Music Suggestions

If heavy metal is what you're really looking for, you should check out Slipknot. I hope that's spelled correctly. In their own words: It's a heavy metal band which blow the other fuckers away!  I tell you they are awesome, if you like heavy metal. I don't listen to them much though, because there are other genres of rock I like better.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169017#p169017

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Yaiba: ninja gaiden Z

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: Exodus

Re: Yaiba: ninja gaiden Z

I find it playable. But that's only because I can see the game due to the 2d paper look. I just want to grab it on the PC now and set NVDA's OCR loose on the menus. Hopefully I'l get somethingURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169016#p169016

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] question about christianity

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: question about christianity

@Tom, I have heard stories of the Bible belt, though I admit I am surprised that in America there is such legal power  directly involved. Generally i believed the religious side of things was limited to lobbying for sympathetic   politicians rather than out right passing discriminatory laws. obviously I agree with you about those sorts of laws being passed being a bad thing and that they should be opposed  politically, however my objection to the radical form of atheism is based on equally  libertarian grounds. For example, a recent paper I read on the nature of illness claimed that sinse evolution had a specific design for the human body which had proved most optimum for survival, people with disabilities were directly going against evolution by procreating, and that this would lead to further problems for the medical profession in the future. I also recently read an article in which it was claimed that people who were "genetical
 ly weak" were the chief cause of heredetory depression, and those with "strong" genes who were likely to survive would be happier, so the psychological issues that a person with depression had causing them to feel suicidal were actually of  evolutionary  bennifit. I have seen lectures by Dorkins in which he directly states that a religious mind is anti progress and that religion should be abolished from society entirely.Just as I obviously can see the problems created by the laws you mention, you will gather why I disagree with these sorts of opinions. I particularly find it scary as someone who has studdied philosophy of  science and the  inherent problems in the scientific method that absolute truth is being claimed here.   particularly there is a very worrying tendency to assume evolution plays much of the part that God's teleological design was hold to play for creationists, therefore if something exists in b
 iology, or even in cosmology it is held as to be (on this model), the best possible example in a progressive sequence, rather than simply what has randomly occurred, I also very much worry about biological determinism removing people's need for freewill, indeed there are even  those who claime consciousness is simply a random side  product of an essentially predetermined process.I also often feel that people who espouse these views of science are rarely actually in touch with what is really be  said in biology, indeed I always found it ironic that during my A levels where I was studdying biology, psychology and religious philosophy at the same time at school, in psychology we'd get deterministic theories of behaviour based on some vague idea that they were in the brain, in religious studdies we'd get Dorkins' and his proclaiming of the holy darwin, then when i actually got to sitting down and looking at the biochemistry it was more like &quo
 t;well we sort of think this bit might have something to do with this sinse we've spotted a correspondence  between these neurons firing and people  smelling chocolate, but we're not exactly sure yet" this isn't to say I think all science is wrong, only that I find it equally worrying when someone like Dorkins gets up on his high horse and claimes those who disagree with him are blaspheming against all holy and absolute gospel truth, as I would if a religious zealot were telling me I was going to hell for not believing in their specific brand of religion.I do agree with you about the political ends, but it is the interlectual and philosophical angles that worry me, something we've already seen with for example certain schools in Britain claiming that "it is the scientific truth" boys and girls learn differently so all the boys are   religated to some stupid form of running around out doors while the girls do actual
   academic work, with the choice made form them based purely on how many   chromosomes they have and some random person's   belief  in the  biological determinism of gender,   didn't we used to call that gender discrimination?So, yes, I do agree on the laws you mention being bad  and stating that there needs to be political opposition, but   sinse I run into    those sorts of loopy atheists both at university  and in my research, I probably am seeing a slightly different side to things, just as you are in the states.Lastly btw, I'm pretty sure you or I could dam well make a watch! .URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169015#p169015

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] A dropbox folder for gameplay recordings

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: kamochek

Re: A dropbox folder for gameplay recordings

hi.can you please invate me?my e-mail: shalva.shal...@gmail.comkamochek.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169014#p169014

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Yaiba: ninja gaiden Z

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: seal

Re: Yaiba: ninja gaiden Z

I don't thnk so southpark is playable really.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169013#p169013

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Yaiba: ninja gaiden Z

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: bradp

Re: Yaiba: ninja gaiden Z

that thing is playable? really? didnt think so... im refering to southpark.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169012#p169012

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — Off-topic room: AlexN94

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Well, to be honest I'm kinda glad WND is over, I couldn't really stand Brit's voice or their constant joking about her tiny role consisting of one or two lines... I mean... It was funny the first two times, you don't have to bring it up all the time you record. The only person I'll miss is Nick. He could at least be serious.I'm not so sure Ink is fully turned though, at least he's got a heck of a lot more control over himself than other biters. I doubt however that he should have started it. I can't see though how the tattoos fit into the Picture. He got them just a few days before the outbreak, so did he know it would happen? And how the f did he know the symbols could protect him? When he exits the transfer van they stair at him in awe or as if they were afraid of him... Couldn't this be because of his tats?I have a feeling we're gonna lose either Vic or Datu Down in that darkness... With five chapters left we still n
 eed to lose at least four of the bigger characters in my opinion.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169011#p169011

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Yaiba: ninja gaiden Z

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: Exodus

Re: Yaiba: ninja gaiden Z

This is on my must play list. But I'm too wrapped up in south park the stick of truth atm.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169010#p169010

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Rock Music Suggestions

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — Off-topic room: king gamer222

Re: Rock Music Suggestions

Yes, Volbeat is very good. As is Kvelertak, despite the fact they aren't in English.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169009#p169009

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Rundercover - an audio game that gets you in shape!

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — New releases room: Niklas

Re: Rundercover - an audio game that gets you in shape!

I agree here, if it would be possible to Play the game indoors as well and if it will be accessible, I would consider supporting it. Would you release it on android as well?URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169008#p169008

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Rock Music Suggestions

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — Off-topic room: SLJ

Re: Rock Music Suggestions

Hi.I'm a huge rock fann as well. Here are a few bands which you might find worth checking out:the offspringRunrig (note this band makes other kind of music as well, but they have made some cool rock in my opinion)volbeat (an awesome danish band which is pretty known in the US as well)URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169007#p169007

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — New releases room: Haramir

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Well, it seems that the server still running. I was able to play a few hours ago.Best regards, Haramir.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169006#p169006

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Wi-fi Problems on my macbook air 2013

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — Off-topic room: SLJ

Re: Wi-fi Problems on my macbook air 2013

Hi.1: Is it only your Mac computer which have trouble on reconnecting to your wifi network? What about phones and other computers?2: I'll recommend you to turn off all kind of standby modes so the computer always is turned on when you left it to avoid reconnecting issues.3: What is the signal status when you're connected to your wifi? 4 bars is full signal.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169005#p169005

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — New releases room: SLJ

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Hi.After being away from the internet the whole weekend, the last thing I read now here in the topic is that the server is down. Lol. So, does that mean something good or bad? we had a heavy storm here in Denmark where the power was gone in one of the countries for almost one day, and the same could also happen in Aprones place. URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169004#p169004

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] snow race beta released!

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — New releases room: Atlan

Re: snow race beta released!

hi,i want try snowrace but it doesnt work. the voice say loading sounds and then is a program close window. i use windows 8.1.tanks for help.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169003#p169003

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Rundercover - an audio game that gets you in shape!

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — New releases room: DKKG

Re: Rundercover - an audio game that gets you in shape!

@DarkHonestly, we have not been thinking about making Rundercover play indoors, as our initiative is to get people out of their house and be active. But you right, it is definitely worth thinking about possible modifications that would allow playing the game indoors, despite a few limitations that it brings along (such as distance measuring and restrictions in motion detection). I am really curious about your indoor trampoline. Are you using it for other activity games?URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169002#p169002

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Yaiba: ninja gaiden Z

2014-03-17 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: SLJ

Re: Yaiba: ninja gaiden Z

Hi.Sounds interesting. I look very much forward to hear more about the game.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169001#p169001

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