Re: Perilous Hearts Audio Demo!

2019-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Perilous Hearts Audio Demo!

hi,the way you guys are behaving right now, it clearly shows the lack of concern for perrilous hearts, regardless of how fantastic the game was. the original poster, who revived the topic, probably posted something related to the game. one of the other posts contained a link to a cutseen which was never released the way it should have been. a couple of other posts nearly include the replies related to the aspect of the, that's where the highjackers pull in. you guys are doing nothing to the topic, contributing shit and trying to sound as if the forum has no moderators. for your sake, show us the particular rule which say that reviving a topic is not permitted even if the discussion is relevant to the topic? people may not always feel inclined to create new topics entirely, which stand another chance of being highjacked over and over. in fact, you guys are making it pointless to add hundreds of statements to the same effect. if you don't have anything interesting to add, why don't you shut the crap and get a life.alas, the forum was a better place almost 5 years ago. this is one of the prime examples of a condition where a complete lack of moderators and administrators can create a mess like the one above. seriously, if you want to discuss reviving old topics, create a new topic about that very subject, instead.regards.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Perilous Hearts Audio Demo!

2019-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Perilous Hearts Audio Demo!

hi,as the topic has been brought back from its grave anyway, I guess it wouldn't hurt to ponder about what other content was supposed to be released. it is sad that the game never got continued but there was an additional story cutscene, right before the game started, which was replaced by audio narrated story in brief. it included around 5 minutes of real voice acted dialogue, along with proper ambiences and sequence. click hereI guess there was other content including dragons, snakes, villagers, lions and swamp and the likes, probably up to 5 levels but one can't be certain. bare in mind that the file I posted was received from another source and isn't first hand. in case Philip or anyone else has objections i'll take the thing down, but the fact that people deserve to at least hear the partial storyline specially when the game wouldn't be revived anytime in future is worthy enough.regards


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Re: Things eurofly pilots just shouldn't do

2016-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Things eurofly pilots just shouldn't do

hello,let me recall such 2 occasions. don't pause the eurofly and put your laptop to sleep only to resume it later on after turning it back on. I did the same and was supplied with an unstoppable barrage of continuous application errors of an unknown sort which would pop out one after the other each second, making it virtually impossible to press any other key within the game, let alone closing the current task or flight. a task killing had to be handed out to eurofly window in that case.on another occasion, I took off, set course towards a destination thousands of kilometres away and actually lied down on the bed holding the laptop,  after leaving the airport. I could sleep just as fine almost the entire way, occasionally being awakened by a voice asking for identification upon entering a new state and occasional airport identification or frequency change, everything seemed just fine, along with different kind of music playing in the background for their co
 untries. the sound of engines also helped in relaxation to quite an extent. after more than one and a half hour of sleeping through, I almost believed that eurofly can be easy to play even in one's sleep. until, --- what I didn't realized that I was circling the destination airport for a long time, and eventually ended up crashing the plane while hastily trying to slow down the plane, --- only mistaking the down arrow as the key meant for deceleration and ending up raising the nose angle far too high and boom, just near Kabul.well, there is certainly a huge scope for improvement, as of now the game is far from realistic. I suppose the pilots do not have bladders with some extra large capacity to hold it for hours and hours. just like having a drink, or calling a steward that option may as well be added.  for example, even in a game as advanced as tdv, there was a scene after the landing on the aircraft carier, right? right. also, how about the possibility of handing over controls to other officer and having an option to leave the cockpit and move around in the plane? may be a grid as some ships in dmnb were designed to be like where a person walks to a certain coordinates to open or close the door, or walking out of the aircraft. how about smaller grid about 3x3 for smaller planes, and 4x10 and so on for bigger planes. just a random suggestion. this reminds me of a fsx playthrough with an addon where a person temporarily handed over the controls to an assistant who takes on the landing process and so on.regards


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Re: Redspot players... question for you

2016-10-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Redspot players... question for you

well, my opinion wouldn't be a fair one since I didn't play redspot at all. that is to say I tried it more than 3 months ago from what I remember, and that too for an hour at most. what I found is the sounds were good, the inventory and other items were good enough as well. but people were running around killing and shooting like crazy, and worse than that some fokes decided to just shoot in the air for eternity. keep runnin and runnin and occasionally use an item grabber and people launching robots and projectiles isn't too realistic either. the jet felt like just a small vehicle that's it. you've got good sounds, enough resources and enough ability to develop a game as intense as stw with maps and other activities, why not make them interesting. suppose if the items in redspot have some purpose. how about using the jet to bomb real targets and complete real missions? how about pipe bombs exploding and causing structural damage? how about robots fighting 
 each other and so on? what I mean is if there is a certain objective behind all these, than there lies a potential so huge that people easily can be compelled to buy the game even if it comes out after a very long period of time. take a game like gma tank commander for example. apart from the fixed missions there is such a huge potential to that game but alas, no custom content at all. the game could be made into something truly epic, with tank battles and various other scenarios. I remember having the same opinion about stw as well, but again I haven't tried it as of recent. if there is something organized, say a team or a group, or parts of the game are made offline, some npcs and some random missions or stuff like that and so on, surely the game could evolve into something actually interesting. but alas, I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon. still, good luck.


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Re: Redspot players... question for you

2016-10-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Redspot players... question for you

its not just about good sound effects. i don't think a game like psycho strike was really, truly, extremely revolutionary or what you will. i don't know how many people paid for that one but those who didn't, aren't likely to miss out on too many features or whatnot else.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Redspot players... question for you

2016-10-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Redspot players... question for you

its not just about good sound effects. i don't think a game like psycho strike was really, truly, extremely revolutionary or what you will. i don't know how many people paid for that one but those who didn't, aren't likely to miss on too much.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Moderation message about Lukas

2016-10-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Moderation message about Lukas

hello,I suppose there would have been a long time, because people can get away for a few weeks or a month on vacations and for other reasons.but apart from that, lukas was a great moderator, and this forum deserves more hard working mods like him. even though he joined around 2010 but from what I recall he used to do a lot of the background stuff including monitoring posts and continuously removing spambots over and over. all that work would be appreciated, and will miss lukas as a respectable moderator if he decides to step down in, actually I'm afraid I might end up saying too much. regards.btw, might I also suggest the title be slightly changed to make it more clear, for example moderator message or information or some such. at once, moderation message sounded like one of those mod warning topics about people who indulge in in
 appropriate behavior and the likes. actually i was slightly shocked about a moderation topic about lukas before reading it. editi just saw a topic on general game discussion where lukas just posted yesterday, there could be more such posts as well.


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Re: Your opinion: what would help you in a FPS style driving game?

2016-10-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your opinion: what would help you in a FPS style driving game?

hello,just to be curious, i hope this game comes with good sound effects as sounds play a major role as far as getting addicted to a game is concerned. psycho strike had great sounds for example. however a game with poor sounds may not be as enjoyable as one want it to be. just saying.btw, is it going to be free? although i highly doubt it but still...


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Re: For Phil And Others, Links To Accessible Android Games

2016-10-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: For Phil And Others, Links To Accessible Android Games

well, nice to see someone providing links to a list of android games. i couldn't find any good enough game for android ever since, a blind legend is an acception. and no, i don't like playing arcade style games on the phone either. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Moderation message about Lukas

2016-10-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Moderation message about Lukas

hello,I suppose there would have been a long time, because people can get away for a few weeks or a month on vacations and for other reasons.but apart from that, lukas was a great moderator, and this forum deserves more hard working mods like him. even though he joined around 2010 but from what I recall he used to do a lot of the background stuff including monitoring posts and continuously removing spambots over and over. all that work would be appreciated, and will miss lukas as a respectable moderator if he decides to step down in, actually I'm afraid I might end up saying too much. regards.btw, might I also suggest the title be slightly changed to make it more clear, for example moderator message or information or some such. at once, moderation message sounded like one of those mod warning topics about people who indulge in in
 appropriate behavior and the likes. actually i was slightly shocked about a moderation topic about lukas before reading it. 


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Re: Another quentinC's gameroom unfair ban, this time its me again

2016-08-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Another quentinC's gameroom unfair ban, this time its me again

Hello,I don't intend to take any side or further fuel up tentions here, but there are a couple of things which should be noted.the use of the word 'again' in the topic subject indicates that it is not the first time such a situation has taken place, and i searched for similar topics and both of them were about the same issue of being banned, although funnilly enough one from a year ago, and another exactly around a year before the first one. to stay neutral, I won't explain the purpose of those topics and why they were ultimately closed, but would point to this thread, and this one, for the members to read the above topics and judge themselves.well, I don't get the point of desperately trying to en
 ter a place where a person in question isn't allowed anymore. besides, if the bans were handed out twice in a period of 2 years, then how did the person received another ban after the previous two?  there might be  something I'm not aware of, or they could have been temporary ones.  either way, I suppose it  is not simply a matter of evading past bans through multiple accounts, otherwise no point remains as far as discussing the current ban is concerned.a lot of people complain about the developer of the playroom and strangely enough acknowledge there efforts at same time which is quite odd. I don't see playroom as a medium for casual online discussions or chats or what you will, but rather a balance between the two. for example, one would like to encorperate chatting along with the games to make them more fun and interactive as the players can engage into a conversation as they play along, perhaps to make the experience more realistic.
 ; now, as the playroom evolved slowly over the years from just a couple games to nearly some twenty-odd titles, the balance had shifted towards a really undesirable side. along with spamming and the adition of free tables, the option which allows people to stream whatever they want on any table of their choice seems to contribute more to this already increasing chaos. also, the playroom varriants in different languages need more effort on part  of the members assigned for moderation duties. I remember playing muds like alter aeon, although there are things to do in the game, but no one seemed to care if I logged on on one occasion and had a long discussion with others over any public channel or private. it doesn't mean that people are disallowed from talking unless it is about the game itself. assuming that there is no spamming and all the rules are being followed, it shouldn't be a problem at first place. if it is not easy to handle all the spammers and evader
 s, I'd like to propose an alternative to this problem, I hope ameniel and other developers of the playroom get a chance to read this at some point. what i propose is a temporary restriction on chatting ability. it has been seen that people get banned because of their behavior, and most of it arising out of their messages and so on. but apart from that, I'm not in favour of placing a complete ban which prevents them from playing the games as well. obviously the same people who are banned are not likely to mess up the server or the games for that matter. instead, when they are not allowed to say a word for a long long time, it gives them a chance to at least enjoy the games, the very reason the playroom was developped at first place. in alter aeon and a couple other online games, the administrators have the option to silence an annoying player which stops him to talk but doesn't take away his ability to play the game, even when they are labeled as known spammers and wha
 tnot else. similarly, the spammers and those who break the rules might lose chatting, as a consequence. for example on the English part of the playroom one can not write any message on the main screen. the same restriction on the spammers can  help in making the environment much stable. some people would like to argue about free speech and _expression_ but as mentioned by aprone and others, these online platforms are the property of their owners or developers and whatever content a user gets to enjoy is at the owner's discretion. yet, the alternative of temporarily or permanently blocking a player from sending messages but still being allowed to take part in the games seems more appropriate to me. suppose worse comes to worst, the free tables, streaming and chatting is removed, (which is highly unlikely but still), games are still an option. to some it may look like a big price to pay, but something better than nothing, as the saying goes. further thoughts are welcome.however, on the closing note, I'd like to link to this topic as it explains why the developer would not extend as much time and effort towards the playroom as he did a long ago. thanks for reading.



Re: QuentinC's playroom unfair ban

2016-08-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: QuentinC's playroom  unfair ban

as I said, try sending hoards upon hoards of zombies their way instead! 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: QuentinC's playroom unfair ban

2016-08-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: QuentinC's playroom  unfair ban

hmm. I suppose the last post could be easily ignored by many, for it seems to come from someone who's well, --- popular among playroom users, for --- who knows what.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: QuentinC's playroom unfair ban

2016-08-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: QuentinC's playroom  unfair ban

hello thereI suppose there was no need to create this topic on here, let alone the tools business and other arguments and so on. besides, the topic didn't seem to help the person who was banned from the playroom, accept for a subsequent ban which took place because of this discussion on the unfair ban itself!well the thing is, whether one writes about that ban on a forum post or involves his friends into an adventure like the one above, the end results may not always be desirable. think about a scenario when a few people get motivated and start causing trouble for playroom server. whatever is likely to happen should not only mean that they were responsible to some extent but also undesirable consequences arising because of their actions. suppose the developer gets frustrated and shuts playroom down way before he actually planned to do so. forget banned a
 ccounts, but that way others wouldn't be able to enjoy nearly a dozen games that it had to offer. so definitely it might not be a good alternative. writing that on the thread doesn't add any value either. I can easily write on here, hey I have the imaginary tools... I should send a large taskforce comprised of giant, destructive demons down their way and cause whatever suffering the demons have in store for those mods (haha). but that doesn't change a thing about current position of playroom as well as those so-called operators on there. any more ideas? how about summoning other creatures? dragons? zombies? elves? vampires? for this wonderful task. anyways, I can't say about all others but I don't play the games too often. I was able to get in
 to a conversation with an operator at one point while reporting a user who was deliberately crashing other people's eloquence by writing strings etc. the mod there did not only replied in English but also suggested to send proper history report according to client options and  also acknowledged it. I also encountered an English speaking operator on other occasion. I guess I've been lucky both the times well as the saying goes, --- life just goes on.regards.sid


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: QuentinC's playroom unfair ban

2016-08-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: QuentinC's playroom  unfair ban

hello thereI suppose there was no need to create this topic on here, let alone the tools business and other arguments and so on. besides, the topic didn't seem to help the person who was banned from the playroom, accept for a subsequent ban which took place because of this discussion on the unfair ban itself!well the thing is, whether one writes about that ban on a forum post or involves his friends into an adventure like the one above, the end results may not always be desirable. think about a scenario when a few people get motivated and start causing trouble for playroom server. whatever is likely to happen should not only mean that they were responsible to some extent but also undesirable consequences arising because of their actions. suppose the developer gets frustrated and shuts playroom down way before he actually planned to do so. forget banned a
 ccounts, but that way others wouldn't be able to enjoy nearly a dozen games that it had to offer. so definitely it might not be a good alternative. writing that on the thread doesn't add any value either. I can easily write on here, hey I have the imaginary tools... I should send a large taskforce comprised of giant, destructive demons down their way and cause whatever suffering the demons have in store for those mods (haha). but that doesn't change a thing about current position of playroom as well as those so-called operators on there. any more ideas? how about summoning other creatures? dragons? zombies? elves? vampires? for this wonderful task. anyways, I can't say about all others but I don't play the games too often. I was able to get in
 to a conversation with an operator at one point while reporting a user who was deliberately crashing other people's eloquence by writing strings etc. the mod there did not only spoke English but also suggested to send proper history report according to client options and  also acknowledged it. I also encountered an English speaking operator on other occasion. I guess I've been lucky both the times well as the saying goes, --- life just goes on.regards.sid


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: QuentinC's playroom unfair ban

2016-08-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: QuentinC's playroom  unfair ban

hello thereI suppose there was no need to create this topic on here, let alone the tools business and other arguments and so on. besides, the topic didn't seem to help the person who was banned from the playroom, accept for a subsequent ban which took place because of this discussion on the unfair ban itself!well the thing is, whether one writes about that ban on a forum post or involves his friends into an adventure like the one above, the end results may not always be desirable. think about a scenario when a few people get motivated and start causing trouble for playroom server. whatever is likely to happen should not only mean that they were responsible to some extent but also undesirable consequences arising because of their actions. suppose the developer gets frustrated and shuts playroom down way before he actually planned to do so. forget banned accounts, but that way others wouldn't be able to enjoy nearly a dozen games that it had to offer. so defin
 itely it might not be a good alternative. writing that on the thread doesn't add any value either. I can easily write on here, hey I have the imaginary tools... I should send a large taskforce comprised of giant, destructive demons down their way and cause whatever suffering the demons have in store for those mods (haha). but that doesn't change a thing about current position of playroom as well as those so-called operators on there. any more ideas? how about summoning other creatures? dragons? zombies? elves? vampires? for this wonderful task. anyways, I can't say about all others but I don't play the games too often. I was able to get into a conversation with an operator at one point while reporting a user who was delebrately crashing other peopl
 e's eloquence by writing strings etc. the mod there did not only spoke English but also suggested to send proper history report according to client options and  also acknowledged it. I also encountered another English speaking operator on another occasion. I guess I've been lucky both the times well as the saying goes, --- life just goes on.regards.


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Re: A request from Sam about stw

2016-08-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A request from Sam about stw

as I said in the other post,such threads should be specifically discouraged...


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Re: Psycho Strike sounds

2016-05-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Psycho Strike sounds

hi,well I don't want to sound rude or anything but, practically speaking, no sir. actually, I don't have any way to upload approx. 12 gb of content, forget dropbox, no question of sendspace and so on. however, I don't know what was the size of the original fx pack, but the sounds folder I'm having is around 12 gigs, out of which the fx has a large amount of files, don't know the exact size but mainly the fx would be at least a few gigs. will check once more and inform the actual size, although I'm not sure about the sharing part.still if you want the pack, feel free to get in touch and we might find a way I suppose, if you come up with a reliable site for uploading that folder that is. after a few days I will be having very limited internet access, so that won't be possible then.just let me know, and if there are others who are interested to get the pack as well, if the original one can't be found or the pos
 ter doesn't give any alternative, may be I could try something.regardsedit: darn, actually I excluded whatever sounds I could out of that fx pack just keeping the original ones, the actual size is around 2.7 gigs, looks like I was overexaggerating before. I might have deleted a fair amount of sounds from that fx pack, I recall the actuall size being different by a huge margin. but anyhow, lemme know if still interested.thanks


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Psycho Strike sounds

2016-05-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Psycho Strike sounds

hi,well I don't want to sound rude or anything but, practically speaking, no sir. actually, I don't have any way to upload approx. 12 gb of content, forget dropbox, no question of sendspace and so on. however, I don't know what was the size of the original fx pack, but the sounds folder I'm having is around 12 gigs, out of which the fx has a large amount of files, don't know the exact size but mainly the fx would be at least a few gigs. will check once more and inform the actual size, although I'm not sure about the sharing part.still if you want the pack, feel free to get in touch and we might find a way I suppose, if you come up with a reliable site for uploading that folder that is. after a few days I will be having very limited internet access, so that won't be possible then.just let me know, and if there are others who are interested to get the pack as well, if the original one can't be found or the pos
 ter doesn't give any alternative, may be I could try something.regards


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Psycho Strike sounds

2016-05-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Psycho Strike sounds

hi,I remember getting that fx.rar, bloody hell of a pack that is, just about all categories of sounds one may possibly need for a game or project, but a lot of the sounds their are either not good enough or can be found in other games like alteraeon for most, and a few soundpacks and stuff. but still a great pack, one can't get so many sounds in one pack without paying for huge libraries I suppose.I've also collected my own sounds and included them in the same folder, so the whole fx.rar thingy is different now, some new sounds and some deleted too. unless the user uploads the pack again or someone else provides an alternative, I don't think the pack would be easily available. anyways, I visited freesound and overall a great sight, with a few good ambiences and other effects. afterall, not as bad as I previously thought. also found a blind contributer their by username omer alverado who seemed to have contributed a good amount of sounds both outs
 ide ambience and other indoor sounds, etc.I hope that site turns out to be just as good, if I plan to start sound editing at some point, that is.regards.


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Re: A Blind Legend full walkthrough

2016-04-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Blind Legend full walkthrough

can't download your file here for some reason. please fix if there is something at your end, or otherwise --- boom! er, oh wait, I will try at some other time. (not a good idea to log on to the forum at 4 am anyway)


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: my let’s play thread

2016-04-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my let’s play thread

you seem to possess a gigantic, huge... or let's just say... a collosal collection of games! a suggestion though, if you ever try a let's play of an [audiogame in future, try the ones from lighttechinteractive including light locater and specially... the horse racing game. the latter may get boring but still decent as far as your moves and sounds are concerned.rofl


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Psycho Strike sounds

2016-04-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Psycho Strike sounds

hi, actually I don't remember hearing about any libraries by yukio, but I suppose there was one containing some 300 odd sounds which were raw sounds, more like original work with some random toys and other stuff I don't know about, not exactly the kind of pack one would want for good sounds to use and so on.there might be others, but I remember hearing about that one.another huge pack called fx.rar was there by a person called jondaler sekhon back in 2011 I suppose, although that person may be still around by username defender, if my memory serves right. in brief, I kind of managed to grab hold of that one, and its a hell of a pack, if one considers the amount of sounds for a free sp like that one. yeah, lots of sounds there were a part of other games like mushcliant and space sounds which were included in soundpacks for a few muds and all that, but a fair share of sounds do belong to other places as well, and pretty good too. hm, I found a few music t
 racks which sounded epic to included in a small audio drama with some sound effects but I don't have the required patience to learn the whole process let alone making a good audio, though I'm actually desperate to start learning the process, could be after the other busy stuff is dealth with, lol.anyways, I also tried sounddogs but their sample sounds are so horrible in quality that one may not want to keep them in their recycle bin let alone other locations.I also hate the free sound effect sites which require you to make an account in order to get their stuff etc.regards


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Re: For instance a person who's capable of put

2016-04-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: For instance a person who's capable of put

hi, although we don't get to see spam much compared to the old days, but here is one. I think the mods would like to keep this one for a fairly good laugh, if nothing else.p.s. anyone daring enough to check out that link? regards


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: For instance a person who's capable of put

2016-04-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: For instance a person who's capable of put

hi, although we don't get to see spam much compared to the old days, but here is one. I think the mods would like to keep this one good laugh, if nothing else.p.s. anyone daring enough to check out that link? regards


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Psycho Strike sounds

2016-04-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Psycho Strike sounds

ok, that should be enough.I believe he asked about those sound effects for a reason, regardless of those being high quality or  a part of a huge sound library which might be expensive or whatnot else. but on the other hand, how about providing some guidance, tips pointers etc on where and how can he find similar themed sounds if he wants to, even though they may turn out to be  different or inferior in quality but still good enough I suppose, if he is looking for collecting them for a game or any other purpose, that is.well I didn't mean to encourage something illegal of course, just tried to put the other side of the coin... to some extent. not sure what exactly the above poster wants though.regards


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Re: Alteraeon and many other games are blocked at my school! Any help?

2016-04-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Alteraeon and many other games are blocked at my school! Any help?

and also, how does one find out which ports are not blocked  and what to do for determining available vpn and so on.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Alteraeon and many other games are blocked at my school! Any help?

2016-04-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Alteraeon and many other games are blocked at my school! Any help?

hi,just to add... probably not a good idea if one plans to do these things in class or on cost of learning or whatever one says. although there are some administraters who are jerks, like the ones here. we get internet through lan cable for which there is an outlet provided in our rooms so almost all the guys staying in hostels have access to the internet but along with the above restrictions.i would rather not want to get infected with a malware because something similar happened the other time i tried a software, and on one ocasion a similar thing caused the entire ie history and some other files to be deleted, without any warning or indication which is somewhat rediculous.regards.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Alteraeon and many other games are blocked at my school! Any help?

2016-04-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Alteraeon and many other games are blocked at my school! Any help?

well, i didn't want to step in at all, but hey...its not just about a particular school or a kid and so on, but more of an isp administrater business. i'm currently using the univ internet provided to everyone staying in the campus. apart from torrent restriction and blocking of tellnet or any other server connections etc, there is also a 1 gb limit per day as well, allotted to each, after a few good atempts i wasn't able to unblock those restrictions and this means no muds and no games like swamp and rtr which is kinda good in a way because that doesn't stop me from downloading whatever i prefer and watching youtube etc.if anyone here was successfull with unblocking muds or certain games, feel free to share that method. actually, i managed to find something which overcomes the portal restriction in case data limit has been crossed, heck, around 5 months ago i was able to download hundreds of gbs of stuff with exceptional speeds us
 ing the software, but unfortunately the download speed is now reduced by a huge margin making large downloads virtually impossible using the proxy. regular download while logged in works fine. however, the above doesn't work for all isps and networks to be precise, so what works here might not work with the home network.regards.p.s. appologies for general untidiness of the post... may be because of writing at night, litterally over 3 am right now, lol.


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Re: lets play audiogames everyone!

2016-04-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: lets play audiogames everyone!

hi,a good idea, perhaps.just a quick heads up though, I started a similar practice 6 years ago, where people could share different games to make a sort of collection for everyone, ultimately the folder turned in to a hell of a mess and people started deleting stuff and putting things which shouldn't have belonged there and so on, followed by some flaming and chaos, etc. however, in the end neither the folder remain intact, nor did the topic. heck, I remember deleting that one for good. well those memories still existas of now, specially regarding the time when I was new on the forum and there were a couple of confrontations between a few guys which could have led to a temporary punishment and so on, but fortunately that didn't happen, lol.anyways, hope this post doesn't act as a jincse and your folder stays alive for some time. I didn't intend to sound negative but ... all the best.edit: well? I'm sure I remember doing so, 
 but may be for another thread. interestingly enough, the topic still seems to exist out there deep within the archives... you go. before coming up with any judgement, bare in mind that it was early 2011 back then, a little over 5 years ago. I used to sound way different because of being just around 14 at that time. I guess everyone has to go through that stage in their early teens but yeah, i found the writing style of these posts hard to believe, specially after looking back at them now..


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Re: lets play audiogames everyone!

2016-04-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: lets play audiogames everyone!

hi,a good idea, perhaps.just a quick heads up though, I started a similar practice 6 years ago, where people could share different games to make a sort of collection for everyone, ultimately the folder turned in to a hell of a mess and people started deleting stuff and putting things which shouldn't have belonged there and so on, followed by some flaming and chaos, etc. however, in the end neither the folder remain intact, nor did the topic. heck, I remember deleting that one for good. well those memories still existas of now, specially regarding the time when I was new on the forum and there were a couple of confrontations between a few guys which could have led to a temporary punishment and so on, but fortunately that didn't happen, lol.anyways, hope this post doesn't act as a jincse and your folder stays alive for some time. I didn't intend to sound negative but ... all the best.edit: well? I'm sure I remember doing so, 
 but may be for another thread. interestingly enough, the topic still seems to exist out there deep within the archives... you go. before coming up with any judgement, bare in mind that it was early 2011 back then, a little over 5 years ago. I used to sound way different because of being just around 14 at that time. I guess everyone has to go through that stage in their early teens... but oh well.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: lets play audiogames everyone!

2016-04-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: lets play audiogames everyone!

hi,a good idea, perhaps.just a quick heads up though, I started a similar practice 6 years ago, where people could share different games to make a sort of collection for everyone, ultimately the folder turned in to a hell of a mess and people started deleting stuff and putting things which shouldn't have belonged there and so on, followed by some flaming and chaos, etc. however, in the end neither the folder remain intact, nor did the topic. heck, I remember deleting that one for good. well those memories still existas of now, specially regarding the time when I was new on the forum and there were a couple of confrontations between a few guys which could have led to a temporary punishment and so on, but fortunately that didn't happen, lol.anyways, hope this post doesn't act as a jincse and your folder stays alive for some time. I didn't intend to sound negative but ... all the best.


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Re: Swamp account

2016-03-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Swamp account



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Re: Is there anyone can teach me BGT?

2016-03-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is there anyone can teach me BGT?

hi,you may want to explain the code step by step, specially for a newbie who doesn't know the basics and so on.i noticed that some people use there own style of coding or interpretation in bgt compared to the way language tutorial teaches all other aspects. for example that post, void main () { on the same line, while generally to make the code look more organized the tutorial advises to put the braces in separate line, same with many other places a sense, i think there should be a bridge between the language tutorial and actual coding. i mean a person who has read the language tutorial may find it hard to get into programming practice at first few yeah.


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Re: chopper challenge

2016-03-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: chopper challenge

haha, agreed there. good for a classic old timer lol.but anyways, that's not something I would worry about. however there was a game I don't remember, x hour may be. regarding a helicopter missions and avoiding mountains and a few other actions you can do.although I've never played that one only heard review or 2, but the game sounded worth a try even though sound effects and gameplay might not be up to the mark.if anyone have that feel free to stick along.thanks.


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Re: chopper challenge

2016-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: chopper challenge

hi,I remember playing the game. good enough, although the game gets boring after a while.I like the chopper sound though there is limited stuff you can do so yeah


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Re: Is there anyone can teach me BGT?

2016-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is there anyone can teach me BGT?

yep. he apparently isn't spam. heard of his Skype id before, although no idea when or where.


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Re: simulators and games archive

2015-12-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: simulators and games archive

hi,the above gguy sounds like half human half spam and half of something else...coming on topic, I do have that abandonware games archive, simulaters and games but can't find auto it within the same about a link or 2 anyways, I remember coming across a game called train sim, also known by a file called train.rar stretching over some 55 megs. with stations and precise stops, closing opening doors a couple different tracks etc.I seem to have deleted that one goodness knows when, any clue where to find the thingregards


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Re: quentin c's gameroom , another unfair situation

2015-12-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: quentin c's gameroom , another unfair situation

hi,I'd suggest you better forget all about it and move on, surely there would be better things that you could possibly do in your life instead of wasting your time on that crazy playroom thingy.I ain't lashing out on games and such, they are to some extent worth enjoying up to a particular period but not for other words, to maintain a town you need a degree of control and of course a bit of policing as well. imagine a place almost without any law enforcement at all, then for certain the bad guys tend to get worse... and mess is bound to turn into chaos. that's why I don't go there much these days.however, you should be glad that there are other alternative for the games which playroom seems to offer.p.s. just let me know if the above sounds off the edge and i'll make necessary changes.regards


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Why is space so boring?

2015-12-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why is space so boring?

hi,agreed with a couple of posters here about the need to find realtime game or muds, world war 2 or later would be great as well. specially I've not seen or heard of any good mud which is based around modern urban life and involves the stuff you can do within a modern city, and likewise. more like a life simulater, or any other role playing game where you do have multiple choices etc etc.and no, I wouldn't vote for hell moo... as much as to its mysteriousness, it doesn't depict any sort of originality.I remember signing on there when the mud was on development stages many years ago, and the descriptions were as gross as kids being found urinating in open streets and other nasty stuff, some of that is still there. but that's when I've barely checked out the mud.anyways, the other mud I remember is involved use of vehicles, planes and tanks etc. there was definitely a war based theme, but unfortunately that mud wasn't accessibl
 e to a screen reader, with too many symbols and diagrams and stuff. because of that I had to quit when not able to fly the plane anywhere let alone  accomplish any task. i suppose many fine mud players would be able to point towards that particular one, but at the end the bottom line is --- alas.hope to find better games at some time in future though.regards


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Re: A question about Sarah and the castle of witchcraft and wizardry.

2015-11-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A question about Sarah and the castle of witchcraft and wizardry.

did you also try alahamora spell. that should work, in case it doesn't, you may be missing something from a previous chapter, doing that might unlock the door. I experienced the same thing with first floor, but then I've not played the game at all compared to others.


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Re: battle zone

2015-11-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: battle zone

I want version 12.8, now, now!someone, please, please. post the link?regards.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: What games do You like (2015)

2015-10-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What games do You like (2015)

hi,I would like to apologize for the above reply. was pretty much expecting a mod warning or 2 but thankfully that didn't happen.slightly off topic, but I was in a state of total chaos at the time of writing that strange post. didn't realize after taking some meds that they would induce sleep that early, and that too, was lying down with the laptop and wrote a few posts like the one on the hp topic in the beginning. probably at some point lost control and result wasn't  that great lol.although this doesn't belong here, but I seemed to be stressing upon the quality of windows games which were in constant production during early years and then all other devices emerged which apparently led to a very sharp reduction in new windows games. of course a horrible way and some poetry which doesn't make good sense and that too written poorly during near sleep like condition, and that little bit of rambling in the end makes it look totally st
 range .but anyways, I'd be deleting that soon. or how about keeping just for fun.well now on topic, I didn't get to play a lot of games recently, a few are there which were good imo.  can't remember them so will post later, but there is one fact about blind legend being a very great game to play, and moreover the availability for android. should be seen as a real treat, --- since ages there were almost no good games for android as far as I's it for now.regards


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Re: request: dark room sex game

2015-10-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: request: dark room sex game

hi,sorry for the above post, was in a sleep like condition while writing.basically I remember a user, don't know which claming to have a mod which Is super awesome great fantastic kind according to him, containing some great sounds which may or may not make the experience enjoyable.but then again, there may be a few personal mods lying around...who knowsand what's paradise hotel


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Re: Why I stopped playing Sound RTS?

2015-10-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why I stopped playing Sound RTS?

hello therethanks again for the prompt reply.well, if what I found means the log, i'll paste the content here. doesn't look big enough but that was the material found in client.log in tmp folder. ready. log ahead feel free to skip---2015-10-31 05:45:02,726 WARNING: in wood: Deposit doesn't have any attribute called 'is_a'2015-10-31 05:45:02,726 WARNING: in wood: Deposit doesn't have any attribute called 'expanded_is_a'2015-10-31 05:45:07,161 ERROR: errorTraceback (most recent call last):  File "soundrts\clientmain.pyc", line 242, in main  File "soundrts\clientmain.pyc", line 234, in main  File "soundrts\clientmenu.pyc", line 239, in loop  File "soundrts\clientmenu.pyc", line 234, in run  File "soundrts\clientmenu.pyc", line 191, in _execute_choice  File "soundrts\cl
 ientmain.pyc", line 182, in replay_menu  File "soundrts\clientmenu.pyc", line 234, in run  File "soundrts\clientmenu.pyc", line 194, in _execute_choice  File "soundrts\clientmain.pyc", line 174, in replay  File "soundrts\game.pyc", line 79, in run  File "soundrts\world.pyc", line 640, in populate_map  File "soundrts\world.pyc", line 630, in _add_player  File "soundrts\worldplayercomputer.pyc", line 25, in __init__  File "soundrts\worldplayercomputer.pyc", line 29, in set_ai  File "soundrts\definitions.pyc", line 232, in get_aiKeyError: 'sid'---thanks


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: request: dark room sex game

2015-10-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: request: dark room sex game

hmm.not messing with that stuff anytime sooner...adrift or different formats and whatnot else


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Why I stopped playing Sound RTS?

2015-10-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why I stopped playing Sound RTS?

hi,its hard to see a developer with a reply as prompt and detailed as above these days, but I appreciate his willingness to help which is well, although excuse me for going slightly off topic, but I'd something else to report. using the blitzkrieg mod executable version, I wasn't able to watch games played over the internet with an aponent who couldn't see the ones played online either I guess.others were working good, but the window decided to close just after pressing enter on an online game in review game option.any help would be appreciated


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: request: dark room sex game

2015-10-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: request: dark room sex game

I still wonderthere was a mod of this gamesomeone mentioned about it back in 2011 or 12  may beany idea abou the modif anyone had the mod would b appriaciated thxsle g rt


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: What games do You like (2015)

2015-10-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What games do You like (2015)

there used to be a time...back around 4 years ago..when thre used to be waves of release upon release of windows gamesperilous hearts was a unique one for a concept demo zero site and othrs came out late butall the above games were now... looks like no one raises to windows games a single eyebrow all because of ios that flies like asnowploughlls slep is god.really really goodhhehagreedwith keywasfullollaters talk soon


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Re: Survive the wild locations

2015-10-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive the wild locations

hi,I'm simply amazed more by the fact that the game is still around and being worked up on than all other new places and actions. in other words, never expected a huge area within the game like that, specialy when one compares to the map which came out with the first release of that game.anyways, keep working sam and other guys,  I'm still eager to see more background added, perhaps resembling a storyline and objectives rather than a free rooaming the lands and preparing fod and water kind of stuffgood luck


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Survive the wild locations

2015-10-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive the wild locations

hi,I'm simply amazed more by the fact that the game is still around and being worked up on than all other new places and actions. in other words, never expected a huge area within the game like that, specialy when one compares to the map which came out with the first release of that game.anyways, keep working sam and other guys,  I'm still eager to see more background added, perhaps resembling a storyline and objectives rather than a free-roaming-the-lands-and-preparing-food-and-water kind of stuffgood luck


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Why I stopped playing Sound RTS?

2015-10-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why I stopped playing Sound RTS?

hi,its hard to see a developer with a reply as prompt and detailed as above these days, but I appreciate his willingness to help which is goodwell, although excuse me for going slightly off topic, but I'd something else to report. using the blitzkrieg mod executable version, I wasn't able to watch games played over the internet with an aponent who couldn't see the ones played online either I guess.others were working good, but the window decided to close just after pressing enter on an online game in review game option.any help would be appreciated


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Re: Looking for someone to take over Three-D Velocity

2015-09-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for someone to take over Three-D Velocity

I hope the game gets transferred to a competent developer who is more than capable of generating high quality content , structure and ideas for future handling of the game. if not, that'd be a huge disappointment.regards.


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Re: Erion Mud - Next great RPG!

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Erion Mud - Next great RPG!

hi,agreed with dark. just as there are a whole bunch of muds out there, mentioning out the positive and distinguishable aspects of the mud should help those who seek to even put forward a thought of trying the game.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A quick word.

2015-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A quick word.

hi,I wont write a long or constructive post, but what Id like to say is there should be a separate system, or mechanism to deal with that kind of problems or issues, rather than involving the forum as a medium for pestering the developers with complaints regarding bans, and actions which are already in force.afterall, there are many other contact methods, Skype, emails, pm (on this forum), and twitter/fb/whatever social networking site. plus the supposed contact form/comments section in case the developer here has a good website/blog/similar content. this makes it obvious that there could be many instances in which the mentioned complainer could very effectively approach the developer and voice there claims, while compared to being an attention seeker on a nearly public forum like the one right here. after that, there sometimes comes an anticipated argument against contacting the developers privately, put forth by a bunch of people, that the d
 eveloper had, or would have no difficulties in simply disregarding their say and deleting the emails, or messages in whichever form they are sent, therefore being indifferent to the complaints and moving along their work. hence, a possible reason for that sort of public whimpering over online threads. .if this holds true in certain sinarios, then such practice could as well be exercised on the forum, perhaps a sensible developer should have a reason to completely ignore and divert attention from these people and continue with their game development. expanding multiple threads like this may not only make the forum cluttered but also infuriating for a few people like aarjan and others who find this sort of behavior peculiar, in fact. however, after looking at the amount of such topics over a timespan of last couple of months, it is really odd that a few developers tend to hold certain obligation to respond on the topics here instead of sorting out their diffe
 rences on a private platform. besides, there are a few forumites who seem to cause more trouble by adding more to either side, whether encouragement to fokes like tyler and others, or ruthlessly supporting the developers far as I may recall, there had been troublemakers who used to hack swamp or create chaos on the server, etc. (afterall, the very reason swamp is now paid and not playable for a few who have shortage of money), and one or 2 of them would have started a similar thread on this forum, asking the developer to remove their ban while providing an odd reason which shouldnt have appeared to be logical. (Im not completely sure about the existence of more than a couple of topics of that form). what, I believe, used to happen is that the developer gave a explicit reason to as why the refered person wouldnt be unbanned, rather in a little blunt tone at the same time, so that the topic in question doesnt spread further 
 and so on. at that time, there werent many who would ramble to that extent, nor did the player insist too much for the removal of his ban, in general that is. moreover as of late, there had been another forum member with issues playing alteraeon, and being banned from public channels because of excessive swearing and other inappropriate behavior on the game. there indeed were a couple of long threads for that matter, but again, the basic outline of these was the need for improvement and his status on the game remaining the same, in fact dentin , Morpheus and a bunch of other players who noticed the topics apparently made clear the reasons for his punishments as well as the extent of the same, explaining as humbly as one may prudently apprehend. they didnt last long as there were no more than a few arguments at first place, and there wasnt a whole bunch of people showing pitty or being sympathetic to the player whose behavior was abnormally improper. so
 me people gave him sound advice, some reacted in a slightly harsh manner. but the entire issue was restricted to just one or 2 threads, not, specially after the release of numerous games by individual developers, a few online multiplayer games to be precise (for example, DMNB and others), the amount of such topics, or posts in other words, has simply grown up by a high margin. however, the more interesting part is that almost all the time, a large part of these conversations is apparently centred around a particular cluster of forum members, which is very disappointing as a whole.seriously, people from both sides should consider putting a hault to such occurances, mainly because in my opinion, all the public attention and discussions, rants, criticisms, and sometimes flamewars as well, would do them no good to have a more benifitial position, in contrast to the one they might carry without existing as a publicly undesirable, indeed
 , as the saying goes, a rotten egg has a potential to cause the eggs in the whole basket to decay, but a bunch of rotten eggs are enough to create a 

Re: Streaming GTA V... Grand Theft Auto V PC

2015-05-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Streaming GTA V... Grand Theft Auto V PC

hello,yeah, an archive or a recording would be awesome.@slj and ors: although slightly off topic, but is there any place to get such recordings of famous mainstream games played from a vi or accessibility prospective? with or without explaination. thanks


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Re: The end of japanese gaming for english speakers

2015-05-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The end of japanese gaming for english speakers

hi,so, is the latest version of nvda required to play those now?or is there another dev version through which the addon works.thanks


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Re: Top Speed 3 Cars and Tracks wanted

2014-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top Speed 3 Cars and Tracks wanted

hi,the problem sometimes is with the tracks, vehicles works fine most of the times.for example, try new york raly tracks, and youll see how it does create problems. unfortunately, i planned to convert them all into ts3 compatible ones, but couldnt.btw, i wonder why the spambot is banned, but its post not deleted.regards


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: English version of playroom shutting down possibly

2014-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: English version of playroom shutting down possibly

hi,that is a great disappointment indeed. it is like neglecting the english playerbase just because there happens to be a few bad guys among the group.are the other language players, say spanish, french etc really well mannered compared to english ones?if a moderation system, or an active administrator system is introduced, where new admins are recruited and most of the times some or the other remain online, it can help to some extent.well, it is not just me, but a lot of people who enjoy loging on there and play a few games in their spare time, so such a change will be both disappointing and unfortunate. one cant blame the entire english speaking playroom community because of a bunch of insane people who thinks breaking the rules is perfectly fine.regards


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Re: investing in gold for retirement

2014-08-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: investing in gold for retirement

hi,it is evident that not every spambot is as dumb as spam sounds, that reminds me of a topic with highly professional english writing spambot. lolit seems that even spambots, or the person behind those bots wants them to be as intellegent as they ever can be.regards


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Re: Miriani: Once Again

2014-08-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Miriani: Once Again

hi,well, thats a very well written post nocturnus, thumbs up for sure.i myself started playing in november last year, and my new character has progressed fairly well since that time. the game is much safer now compared to the way it used to be perhaps 2 years ago. if i recall incidents where my character was stunned or stranded, there are just a couple of them, out of either a suspicion or a far as activities are concerned, im able to manage most of them, including asteroid hauling, or participating in missions, atmospheric salvaging etc.but the point is, some unprefered entities still do exist, and it will be in ones own interest to stay away from them, or a group of them could be wise to be prepared in case if someone gets on to stealing a ship, by placing drones, internal turrets and the likes.if anyone wants to interact with me there, feel free to send a message.btw, a few of the
  planets on miriani are really good when it comes to descriptions, or exploring, or some random shopping indeed. then there is another option to head out of locals if a person wants to be aloof from disturbances and a partly unfriendly environment in locals, and there are lot of artifacts to get along the way, many praelor ships, wormholes, and some other surprises.overall its a really good game other than the shooting and pirating aspect, so much so that ive somehow become as addicted to it over these months as it would happen for a game like alteraeon.regards.the same reasons


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Miriani: Once Again

2014-08-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Miriani: Once Again

hi,well, thats a very well written post nocturnus, thumbs up for sure.i myself started playing in november last year, and my new character has progressed fairly well since that time. the game is much safer now compared to the way it used to be perhaps 2 years ago. if i recall incidents from recent time where my character was stunned or stranded, there are just a couple of them, out of either a suspicion or a far as activities are concerned, im able to manage most of them, including asteroid hauling, or participating in missions, atmospheric salvaging etc.but the point is, some unprefered entities still do exist, and it will be in ones own interest to stay away from them, or a group of them could be wise to be prepared in case if someone gets on to stealing a ship, by placing drones, internal turrets and the likes.if anyone wants to interact with me there, feel free to send a message.<
 /p>btw, a few of the planets on miriani are really good when it comes to descriptions, or exploring, or some random shopping indeed. then there is another option to head out of locals if a person wants to be aloof from disturbances and a partly unfriendly environment in locals, and there are lot of artifacts to get along the way, many praelor ships, wormholes, and some other surprises.overall its a really good game other than the shooting and pirating aspect, so much so that ive somehow become as addicted to it over these months as it would happen for a game like alteraeon.regards.the same reasons


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Miriani: Once Again

2014-08-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Miriani: Once Again

hi,well, thats a very well written post nocturnus, thumbs up for sure.i myself started playing in november last year, and my new character has progressed fairly well since that time. the game is much safer now compared to the way it used to be perhaps 2 years ago. if i recall incidents from recent time where my character was stunned or stranded, there are just a couple of them, out of either a suspicion or a far as activities are concerned, im able to manage most of them, including asteroid hauling, or participating in missions, atmospheric salvaging etc.but the point is, some unprefered entities still do exist, and it will be in ones own interest to stay away from them, or a group of them could be wise to be prepared in case if someone gets on to stealing a ship, by placing drones, internal turrets and the likes.if anyone wants to interact with me there, feel free to send a message.<
 /p>btw, a few of the planets on miriani are really good when it comes to descriptions, or exploring, or some random shopping indeed. then there is another option to head out of locals if a person wants to be aloof from disturbances and a partly unfriendly environment in locals, and there are lot of artifacts to get along the way, many praelor ships, wormholes, and some other surprises.overall its a really good game other than the shooting and pirating aspect, so much so that ive somehow become as addicted to it over these months as it would happen for a game like alteraeon.regards.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: do i must to chat with others on web browser games?

2014-08-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: do i must to chat with others on web browser games?

hi,it is a question your prefference.there is no strict rule for chatting anywhere i believe, its up to you how much you want to socialise with people on such games or can as well play the game along without chatting and ocasionally ask for help wherever stuckit is not that you will get any punishments or penalty for not getting involved on chat and such.regards


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: do i must to chat with others on web browser games?

2014-08-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: do i must to chat with others on web browser games?

hi,it is a question of your prefference.there is no strict rule for chatting anywhere i believe, its up to you how much you want to socialise with people on such games or can as well play the game along without chatting and ocasionally ask for help wherever stuckit is not that you will get any punishments or penalty for not getting involved on chat and such.regards


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: android accessible games please?

2014-08-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: android accessible games please?

hi,is papa sangre only for ios?are there any other games equivalent to papa sangre, because by listening to some recordings, the game sounds like something really worth playingregards


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: vipmud soundpacks

2014-08-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: vipmud soundpacks

hi,one big problem im having is the lag while using vipmud miriani soundpack. i dont have a good internet connection to begin with, and the lag makes it worse as it prevents me from doing certain actions like gunning as fast.aany help would be appriciatedregards


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: miriani, any good now days?

2014-07-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: miriani, any good now days?

hi,nowadays, it is a more safer place than it used to be back earlier, even though there are some bad guys still lerking around.i started developing my char in november last year, and it has progressed fairly well since of stunning and stranding, laying low and not getting involved in public situations worked out well, although there has been a rare occasion where my char was indeed stunned, but that was either for some reason or out of suspicion.there are many activities, take atmospheric salvaging for example. it doesnt require launching the ship and the ship is probably safe from stealth and the likes. the same is true for planetary mining, archaeology etc.actually, ever since i started developing my char, the game seemed quite enjoyable if one manages to be on the safer side and take precautions. as weird as it may sound, but over the months, my addiction towards the game has sharply risen up, more like what used to happen when i
  played alteraeon before, and something like this happens with almost every audiogame that i have played in the past, now whether it had been tdv, ts3, or any other game. it doesnt matter in which activities my char is involved, but as long as im having no difficulties in carrying out certain tasks, its fair enough. one of the reasons i didnt invest a major portion of my cash for getting bigger ships is ocasional pirating, instead, i mostly prefer engaging in a few activities indirectly, for example, participating regularly in combat missions as a crew member, join people while they are hauling, etc.that had worked out well so far, as ive put both time and effort, and genrrally i enjoy playing the game and hanging out there with a couple of skype friends who have a character as, in my opinion, it is neither too good as to attract many people, nor too bad to be completely ignored and hated, perhaps if it wouldnt have be
 en for a bunch of retards it would be a pretty good game, specially exploration wise and activities wise, since a few places have really nice descriptions and stuff.regards


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: request: dark room sex game

2014-07-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: request: dark room sex game

hi,are there any mods available for this game?if so, further links would be appriciated


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lords Knights for android

2014-07-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lords & Knights for android

hi,i wonder the same, what kind of game is it. if it isnt similar to stem stumper, i might give it a try.thanks


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: elevator game by gorthalon

2014-07-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: elevator game by gorthalon

hi,for some reason, i cant seem to play that weird elevator game. menus work not smoothly but fine, and when i start the game it gives some kind of error and the thing closes


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Accessible Mud Client For the iPhone?

2014-07-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible Mud Client For the iPhone?

hi,are there any such responsive mud cliants, or cliant for android?thanks


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lords Knights for android

2014-07-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lords & Knights for android

hi,how playable is this game?does it require turning off jaws?im using android 4.4, so there might be a few changes as far as accessibility is concerned.thanks


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoundRTS: Crazy mod demonstration

2014-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoundRTS: Crazy mod demonstration

hi brendon,thanks for consideration, however, i successfully converted the video in mp3, indeed there are a lot of sites out there, some have time limitation while some others are not easy to use.but this site: is the best of all, no time limits, no difficulties, its interface is easy and it does a great job.ill highly recommend that site for converting youtube videos to mp3.regardssid


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: elevator game by gorthalon

2014-07-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: elevator game by gorthalon

thanks for the link.other games like rock paper scissors would be appriciated as well


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoundRTS: Crazy mod demonstration

2014-07-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoundRTS: Crazy mod demonstration

hi,a link to mp3 would be appriciated, not saying that im not willing to listen to the video on youtube, but here it is actinng weird as it keeps buffering the videos again and again, while the other downloads are fine.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: elevator game by gorthalon

2014-07-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: elevator game by gorthalon

i had that game and it was kind of good as far as ambience and going from floor to floor is concerned, it even had a few variants if i recall correctly.there was another game of rock paper scissors, which had good sounds and ambiences too.can anyone try to search with the link that used to be the dragonapps website around that time?not sure if it will work, but still


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: elevator game by gorthalon

2014-07-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: elevator game by gorthalon

hi,no, that was a totally different site.that game was way back, around 2010-11 . it was , long time so cant remember at all.


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