Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

I think for the person who asked about multiplayer, Joseph already confirmed that is not going to happen, as this is supposed to be a single player game.  Honestly, one thing I really hate in a game is a shoe-horned multiplayer system thrown in, which was a huge problem with games from 2008-2014.  More times than not, the multiplayer aspect heavily detracts from the overall quality of the game, and you get the feeling the game could of been longer without the pointless multiplayer.  Also online battles with your party would just consist of who had the faster Cimian to one shot the entire party with 3 sneak attacks for 10k damage each.  Considering what one event I experienced in the game consist of, it's obvious the game wasn't quite balance to fighting your own party.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

*multiple spoilers here*    I'm starting to think the reason the final boss might be hard for some, especially some form of hitters character, is due to not wearing magic defense item, and sort of a lack of them at around lv 20.  If one really had to, you can maybe cobble together an unholy resistance set, with the obvious helpful item being the angelic pendant with it's 100% unholy resistance from the fence.   though outside of those, there's not really many options for raw magic defense outside of willpower, which now I'm finding strange why the game combined the magic damage stat with the magic defense stat.  If you get up to it and complete all of the armorer's quests, you should be able to get elven gear to appear.     I don't think Alexia learns an aoe damage spell.  However, she does learn a really powerful aoe regen spell that can heal for massive hp every round.  Considering the aoe drain is wrecking some, this might counter that damage.      Is it just me, or do people's game tend to start crashing out after the final boss is dead?  Usually after gaining control after killing him, my game gives a runtime error mentioning his name and freezing the game.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

*A bunch of spoilers here people*    Hilariously enough, despite being the weapon type that has armor piercing, it seems bows have issues vs armored enemies.  magic generally can polish off enemies wearing heavy plate armor, while even sneak attack and archery has trouble punching through for as much damage.  However, despite the area scaling up higher, the ranger does insane amounts of damage against lightly armored, or negatively armored targets like goblin berserkers (or the goblins in general).  A volley with ranger's vengeance critted a group of 5 for 2.2k each.  It seems physical character can do well up to a certain point before run into a wall unless you statted yourself a certain way.     It also doesn't help for one quest reward, magic is the only damage upgrade one gets from a +5 willpower boost, compared to +5 con and + 5 agility for the other options.      Also yeah, it seems the optional ability rewards tend to be all magic based.  There's another reward down in the goblin mines that rewards you with summon undead.  Also on this spell, do the minions summoned ever surpass bonemen champions and specters?  I know there's greater undead appearing in the graveyard, and I wouldn't mind summoning a bone dragon at some point, especially after controlling one that breathed on my necromancer with lord of the undead.  Picturing it now.     *final boss fight begins*     *summons a dragon*     Okay, I think you got this.  I'm going to go raid the fridge from the kitchen while you handle this problem.  You're essentially me, except as a dragon.  Do me proud.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

No, haven't seen the melee stuff pop in either for him, though I haven't tried making a ranger char to see if the ranger class gets weird if one goes down one tree for too long.  I've heard someone get a melee ranger functioning though so it's probably working on the player end for that class.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

I don't think the option to purchase the standard ranged attack ever popped up on either Simon or my thief character before.  I should go mess around if it's something I just didn't notice, be skill's upgrades for him are empty.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

*A few SPOILERS here*    Err, actually there's one section near the end where I think the enemies don't scale and are sort of set around lv 25-30.  So if you didn't properly get up to that level at that point, most likely the enemies will outrun and slash your entire party's face in.  As a test, you meet this group in a scripted event with the largest group of them as a barrier to entry.  So if they kick your face in, it might be time to grind.  Granted, if you get to a point where you can easily kill them all in one turn, they make hilarious grinding targets for levels and gold until lv 40.    Also I'm not sure we can say the game is unbalanced skill wise if you gotten up that high to the point the game doesn't rebalance itself with stronger enemies.  Sort of reminds me of the people who said the Pokémon games were too easy despite them being 15 levels higher than most of the challenges, and why most fan games tend to level lock you from section to section.  Granted, I find sneak attack's mechanics weird where one can probably neglect agility for more and more damage for that attack as it makes you go first.  Add in master plan for the party wide speed buff and well.  If there was a way to rebalance it, maybe have the accuracy of sneak attack horrid with anything over light, so we don't have people crashing into mobs with twin warhammers for massive damage.       On another note, has anyone made any of the party members learn unusual attacks for their class yet?  I haven't seen simon get any options for ranged attacks, and I'm starting to think the bandit assassin class of enemies are thief archers.  Same goes for Matthias, who hasn't learned much after volley, and has around 25 points for skills stored.  You'd think he'd get aimed shot or the like at some point.    I'm going to assume there's nothing that potentially pops up at the post game, other than hearing everyone's reactions after the final boss fight around town.  Still curious what to do with the pickaxe from reunited, and if what Wilhelm said about something being found in the mines meant something was hidden deep in the area.  Also, why Wilhelm isn't seen patrolling the town after changing of the guard, thought the quest complete text for that mentioned to talk to him while he's patrolling.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

Now for my own questions.   Because it's common for other games to do this, is there any new quests that open up after you clear the main quest line and defeat the final boss?   I want to make sure nothing is missed before new Game +.  As well, are there any special encounters that spawn after the final boss, as an optional boss fight?  Or does one appear in new game + (as some games do that).     *SPOILERS*      Also, any purpose for Wilhelm's pickaxe from the reunited quest reward?  I don't think I've seen anything about using it in the mines before.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

Because it seems people are having problems with quite common topics here, I guess I'll put a post to at least explain the graveyard section.  So right lots of spoilers.       Customary Spoiler Tag     For the Mausoleum with the dials, you need to locate 3 coffins that are down a hall near the exit into the catacombs.  Find the staircase that goes towards there, and locate a left turn into another path where you find the chamber of peace, war, and wisdom.   The last two numbers are outside located on tombstones near the duck pond and apple orchards.     For the other one that gives people trouble, Victoria near the blacksmith gives a hint on how to enter into that one.  The stone is down a right hallway after the enemy swarm fight in the shrine of the greater within the court of the lesser.      Also another issue seems to be locating the goblin chieftains in the mines.  All the camps are on the subterranean road.  The only one that isn't viewable from the path is the echoing encampment, which is near the great bridge, and requires you to travel a north pathway before spotting the camp to your left.      End of the spoilers.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

*** SPOILERS ***      For the people who have the "Changing of the guard" quest, is there a point where the prompt to ask the captain about Wilhelm joining something that appears after I do all the work, or is this as bugged as the turnin for the wolf quest?   Just curious if it's just me or the game at the moment.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2017-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

Not sure if someone brought this up, but I think I founda  game ending bug.  If one updates the "A hero's call quest" without turning in the last quest, let's say completing the graveyard arc, but then completeing the mine section, the game overrides the last objective and won't let you  turn in the last one.  My savefile is essentially broken as I have no way to turn in the graveyard quest, and I wasn't aware of this until I updated all my save files and went through a dozen more hours of work.  I'm fine restarting, but this is a bit of a warning for people not to do the same thing, and to report this bug.


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Re: Bokurano Daibouken 3 : secondary topic

2017-07-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bokurano Daibouken 3 : secondary topic

At post 1889:      It wasn't exactly your stats that made that mission hard.  No matter what, the weapon you get for that last section only does 500 damage a shot.  500 damage a shot with lv 560 slimes will not end well.  Think you have to pick up a different weapon next time and just hammer them away.     Also for situations where bosses are making fun of you, may I recommend the cheesiest weapon of the snake chain to stunlock the boss while doing decent damage.  Unless version 1.89  changed that.


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Re: Bokurano Daibouken 3 : secondary topic

2017-07-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bokurano Daibouken 3 : secondary topic

You're supposed to sneak past the Security Carts.  The gold carts were made painfully tough to encourage waiting and slowly making your way through the level.     Though me thinks the mega or Omega shooter can kill them fairly quickly if you want to grind for them.  Key word is think here.       Honestly sneaking through the level becomes easier in farther playthroughs once you have the reverse hook.  Much faster to run on height zero where there are no security cards in the first half of the level to just climb up and hit switches before going back down.   Also reverse hook is needed for one hidden weapon there, but have fun getting it to appear.


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Re: Bokurano Daibouken 3 : secondary topic

2017-06-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bokurano Daibouken 3 : secondary topic

I'm going to have to disagree with the clearburn being an attack with no warning.  The attack gives you plenty of warning it is coming.  There is something that sounds like rain, or something burning that is audible from every direction, but seems as if it is just random ambience.  However, the attack comes a few moments after the sound begins, and gives enough time to hook and climb away.  The bio Control's epic charging attack of doom and stun volt give no warning that you're about to get blasted for almost all your hp.       Also, I'm under the idea that locked door there is just background decoration.  One of the stages you go through in that entire stage 1 is the northern building after you get the keys for it.  You just don't waste your time redoing 1-1, going to the end, unlocking that door,a and doing 1-3.


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Re: new game online! Desafio Mortal

2017-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: new game online! Desafio Mortal

Oh [[wow]] I was horribly wrong.  Now it got hostile.  Or the hostility has transcended?    I'm still under the assumption that this heavily borrows from UP's stuff.  However, the actions that Blinkwizard maybe possibly doing, and Sito's general attitude towards people on here are kind of going overboard for proper conduct.      Yes one isn't allowed to post about games that use Ultra Power's code here.      No, it doesn't mean people are forbidden to play it.  The supposed reporting hacking of the server is turning our car thieving analogy to one where the following action is a random person who also committed the crime is kidnapping the current thief's children.  Arguably I'm going to mark that as more malicious than someone making a game using Mason's code as you are harming many people's enjoyment of the game (under a utilitarian v
 iew) vs Mason being just harmed with the original action.  Granted, they still shouldn't have taken the code, but that does not give any right to take direct malicious action.  The person ultimately responsible in handling this would be the original maker of the game.      And for Sito, your position would probably be stronger if you were not acting like a dick on here/on the game.  No, swearing and demeaning others is not the way to go when people are not siding with you.  That's mainly the actions of someone who is losing an argument, and weakens your position as you'll make people hostile towards your position.  The opposite of what needs to be accomplished.     In more related news towards the game, does anyone know how one exactly puts in the quests, such as the mountain climbing one?  I am pretty sure I hit the top of the mountain, but whenever I try /quest escalada
  perigosa, I don't get any confirmation of anything and going to the top accomplishes nothing.  Am I spelling something wrong there?


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Re: new game online! Desafio Mortal

2017-03-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: new game online! Desafio Mortal

The server at the moment seems to just be entirely down.  Updates realy can't fix non-existing connections to the main game so right.    My huge issue with this thing is the emense lag when a fight breaks out, especially on the quiet street.  At times I've ran out of ammo and couldn't fight back as weapon swaps or reloads weren't going through while I kept getting hit.  It's very annoying having to run through there, and in other places where lag picks up.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: new game online! Desafio Mortal

2017-03-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: new game online! Desafio Mortal

Oof, this topic got hostile fast.       So right, it's kind of obvious that this game borrowed a lot of stuff heavily from Ultra Power.  Granted, they added their own things that far expanded the game from it's original routes, but the core parts are still there from what I can tell.  Normally I don't really care about people who use other assets to help build up a game (that's done a lot in visual games, especially on Steam), but in this case the source for the game was ordered not to be used by the original maker.       Honestly I'm not really that big on the sidescroller version of shooters (though thankfully this one lacks people getting ungodly defenses and hp).  Considering the style you were shooting for, you really should change things up to be more top-down to encourage the exploration bit, with buildings and other structures to serve as cover/entry points into specialized 
 areas.  Would again fit the map style you are aiming for which just feels weird in 2d.


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Re: Redspot, blood and paril. First public beta released!

2017-03-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Redspot, blood and paril. First public beta released!

Wait did you mean destroyed or just removed as in it just vanished for no reason?  That just seems weird or a potential bug.      Also at Ironcross, he did say that the person chasing him was going away from him.  Considering the ranges of the weapon, at point or distance is far enough to go safely afk and rest or go to the bathroom?  What if I was still chasing someone who suddenly flew 200 feet with the bike while getting momentarily distracted with another player and re-engaging (as I haven't played I'm actually not sure how far the hoverbike goes).  I technically was still after the player who is now 300+ feet away.  Honestly this is why this  kind of format is now dumb, and is being quite evident over the last few weeks.


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Re: Jupiter Hell - a modern turn-based sci-fi roguelike by ChaosForge Ltd

2017-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Jupiter Hell - a modern turn-based sci-fi roguelike by ChaosForge Ltd

I'm pretty sure they want to get some base concepts of the game itself done before starting on the screenreader access part, or I hope that's what's going on.  I have to admit, I'm kind of looking forward to this rogue-like, and will back it up.


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Re: Erion mud

2017-02-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Erion mud

Hrm, how does multiclassing exactly work?  I can't tell if I can get both chosen classes to lv 151, or if having two would set a hard limit of total 151 between the two.      I'm also not sure which class to second in with thief.  Can't really do archer as I already use wield/held for other things so not much room (or desire) to fit a second set of weapons/held items.  Maybe I can add warrior for better direct attacks to follow up backstabs or something. hrm.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Redspot, blood and paril. First public beta released!

2017-02-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Redspot, blood and paril. First public beta released!

Weird, I thought the policy before was that if you tried to afk while being actively chased that it was against the rules, but losing your pursuer or getting some massive distance was allowed before afking.  Though I see a major issue of this when one is not sure if they are being hunted down, or the other person who's getting closer to them is after them/someone else past them.  (I before the update used to chase a single target and ignored others who I ran by).      Further why I think these fps should stop with this freeroam crap and actually have set match structures. Wouldn't need admins to police that, anyone who logs off is out of the match and loses their score/gets a loss on their record.  (Okay except Swamp as that was designed for something else, cough).


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Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2016-08-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

At Drums61999:  That might be a terrible idea.  Sure you could beat him and get the coins for the fight but you'll still get knocked out and  your mons taken away.  Remember you get thrown down stuck with an lv 15 Ratzel and have to fight your team of lv 22's.  I didn't find My partner helpful at that point as everything kept outrunning the both of us and one shotting. This probably means you need to go and grind up a counter team for this that you'll probably put away after you get your mons back unless you get lucky in outspeeding or taking them out. Misery is having those gift manamon like the power surge cat to ruin your day.


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Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2016-08-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

If Grandlan is the thing that evolves out of Gronk, it gets that clay from the Shadow Kingdom Salesperson that boosts all magic, earth, and one other elemental attacks by 50% with no downsides. I'm assuming a 50% boosted meteor rush+power potions (assuming it can survive), will leave a dent in that boss fight.    Is that torch item findable in said mountain area?  I haven't seen it anywhere in shops or at the racade unless it unlocks right after the master stadium.    Also I'm having fun with Mondevil.  It earlier took 2 Earthquakes to the face and survived, and dubbing itself the tanky electric magic type.  Though, I haven't seen much attacks after vulnerability scan at 45 in it's previous form, unless it gets something in it's 60's.


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Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2016-08-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

Actually going straight right ont he last bit would screw him over.  The last portion before you clear that second run involves youa voiding the slow down bumps.  On the path leading straight right, there's a speed reducer looking as if it's blocking your path.  However, there's a small space you can stop before that speed reducer and go south.  You just have to get realy close to it and go down before hitting it.  I didn't hear the space in betweent he end of the wall and that speed bump so I originally thought I had to cross the area really fast and take the speed down.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2016-08-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

Well, It took three tries but Erodium went down.  Though I did get a flinch and a paralyze to tick in, I think that successful attempt did not require it.  Though, I noticed something hilarious in that fight.      For a good portion of the fight Erodium did not really bother with the Mondevil I had out playing healer or buffer on his turns.  Whenever Erodium did anything to it, he tended to just tank it like a champ, usually surviving even vulnerable oblivion with more than 60% of his hp.  And other attacks don't really hurt him that bad, from non effective hits to being immune to demonic oblivion or whatever one of the oblivions was called.  Someone mentioned it also earthquaked, and I guess a broom stick would resolve that issue.  I feel like if I prepared Mondevil over the Fenrrior I had, even if my entire team got whipped, it probably could solo Erodium if I kept it healed and it had enough power to take pauses for
  heals.  Also I think going with a more sturdier ice type would of done me some good, as anything that could survive vulnerable oblivion as my damage dealer would of been helpful.  Actually what damage type is Vulnerable oblivion, magic attack or attack.  I could of used potions but never got a chance to check which to use so I could make that headache of an attack dropped to survivable levels for Fenrror.    I uh, also don't recommend using anything weak to magic damage.  For reasons unknown to me, it favors taking out anything weak to magic if sent out, but dicks around with other weakness types doing other things before trying it.  But the moment a holy, poison, or other thing that goes down with magic comes out, I get to see either magic dragon or meteor rush if it's not the turn he uses the oblivion moves.  Made one of my units feel useless as it got instantly vaporized the moment it was sent out as Erodium want it to nom
  it.  Except that one time on the last attempt where paralyze actually triggered.  It oddly didn't contribute much and I calculated, and noted the damage of the finishing blow did enough to overtake the one attack the poor sap contributed.  I'll...probably have a better team to probably take out Erodium's godbeast form when I try to get him later.   Speaking of people to add to my team, anyone know how well that dragon from the ruined fields north end does?  It's about to evolve to it's last form but not sure when it'll learn more attacks, especially those that also take advantage of it's Adrenalin rush move.


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Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2016-07-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

One thing that's sort of bugging me is that some manamon I'm seeing have no abilities.  Banyarden has nothing to show int he abilities page, as well as a Tenchen I'm running, but others due.  And some have two like the thing with miniature body and super dodger.  Is there a chance some of these can get updated with abilities to make them more robust.  I might actually drop banyarden if the other grass types have an ability to help out with it as some that do tend to have one can be very useful if placed correctly.      You know, I noted that about the Ninjaken too.  Part of me thought it's main use for it's moveset was for taking advantage of the shadow dagger, which boosts stuff and the damage of attacks, but weakens shadows.  Also makes me think that bombsect can man the bone club fine if one didn't teach it something like blackbite, which becomes useless with the club equipped.  
   I kind of like messing around with equipment to fix up some mons and make their roles better.      Also I might stick with Fenrror over the ice legendary as I kind of don't like using them in the main game for things as honestly they tend to usually remain collectors stuff in the main games and I tend to still think that despite a lack of online matches/tournies.  Granted, it's in the rank which is allowed in some tournements (alla the minor trios usually being not banned) but meh.  I vaguely also remembering Jayde mentioning that it's moveset is lackluster.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2016-07-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

Anyone have a suggestion for an ice type to drag into the shadow kingdom.  Grinding it up doesn't look that hard as the path from the Tangarian sea through the ruined valley has things ranging from lv 39 to 48 (also the houses on each end with the bed helps a ton).  I just need a suggestion for an ice type.  Ones I already have are the ice wolf, the Snowmino, and the ice legendary (which kind of looks meh), but there's probably others.  I'm slowly leaning towards the wolf but that's just me liking canines.


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Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2016-07-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

I uh, oh [[wow]].  Well, I got a placebo and decided to go to the guy next door to see what he sells.  While most of the equipment for placebo is meant to boost up it's offensive stats or speed, the last item made me laugh in agony and horror.    Spoilers    This add on will allow Placebot to learn the spells Flame blizzard, Storm Rush, Solar Cannon, and Lightning bolt.  Additionally, the moves will react as if Placebot had a common element with them.    Well, time to grind up a  placebot later as I rather not have to grind the 5500 credits for that add on.  Yeah we thought the credit grind to 7k  credits was the only grind for this thing.  Well, I've been meaning to get a steel type.  A steel type that can multitask like this I guess will work out.   Also stat analyzer says this one isn't too bad.  High reasonable to remarkable all
  around.  it's either this or reset repeatily for minor potential gains that can be fixed with train points.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2016-07-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

I uh, oh [[wow]].  Well, I got a placebo and decided to go to the guy next door to see what he sells.  While most of the equipment for placebo is meant to boost up it's offensive stats or speed, the last item made me laugh in agony and horror.    Spoilers    This add on will allow Placebot to learn the spells Flame blizzard, Storm Rush, Solar Cannon, and Lightning bolt.  Additionally, the moves will react as if Placebot had a common element with them.    Well, time to grind up a  placebo later as I rather not have to grind the 5500 credits for that add on.  Yeah we though the credit grind to 7k  credits was the only grind for this thing.  Well, I've been meaning to get a steel type.  A steel type that can multitask like this I guess will work out.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2016-07-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

Anyone know how to exactly play the mirror image gun game at the arcade?   I actually do not understand the instructions as all it says is to make the sounds match thte one to the gun but I can't tell what that is.  I can adjust the noise before firing but I can't figure out what I should be setting that to.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2016-07-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

Some Spoilers and Questions Below    There's another tree int he jungle along one of the long north south paths that can be roped.      I also found what occurs if you make the call.  A neat battle with lv 42 opponents (or it might be scaled since all of them were lv 42) and a reward of 3 resistance armors for fire plant and water.       On another note in the same park you fight the phone guy, does anyone know if that scam artist posing as a church collector can be found anywhere after you make a large enough donation for him to leave?  Just curious if that leads anywhere.    Also a bit of a warning for those going to the fifth stadium.  Dear lord that path is long.  Unless you enjoy runnin back to the hotel to heal, bring lots and lots of healing items and other stuff to just keep going.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2016-07-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

Considering it's manapedia entry is followed by another manamon instead of a blank, no.  It's still neat though, and usually manamon like that generally have good stats form the get go.      Erm wait, the guy next door wants credits?  Oh boy.  Placebot sounds like it's hell to make useful.    Also two fire type I've noted that look fun are the Fire bear from the volcano and one potentially good if you don't mind it being part fighting type are those fire giants in the tower after you beat the brightwater leader.  Not sure where else they load yet so a bit of a hint on catching them when you see them spawn on the second or third floor.  Same goes for Palidore and Domanoid as for all we know you can't catch them again way later (I feel like there should be a spoiler tag here as that's referencing the state of that tower's existence  after you clear it ).  Though that's probablya  spoiler I don't mind giving as it may feel a bit upsetting one missed out on mons, and for all we know the later entries are far ahead...or uh, in the next area over. lets see.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2016-07-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

At Musical Professor:  Define hardcore?  If you mean difficulty, assuming you don't take the level one thing extremely high route, it's fairly difficult compared to the standard game,a nd there are even some checks for people try that to give them a difficult time.      Though if you meant us getting something like another shooter, I actually think we're kind of drowning in them.  Whether they be 2d or a 3D affair like Swamp or Road to Rage.   And anyone, the competitive version of those games consists of mechnics that would make a game designer facepalm such as a lack of a stamina meter turning stuff like rtr into a jump and irratically move without making sound affair.  Anyone, not everyone on this forum or community over 18, there needs to be ore options that other can use anyway, and we're actually sorely lacking in child level games that are interesting.  I've noticed parents of younger children
  looking for stuff to set on their computer, and our options are limited to really simple stuff or stuff from the early 2000's.  We're lacking in more modernized and generally long lasting fun stuff a parent would safely allow a kid to play.      S  P  O  I   l  e     s      So is there anything missable in the tower after it got wiped from existence?  I got all the visible chests but never found anything invisible.  I also caught everything that loaded in there  (and it seems everything but the evolved ghost thing loads in other places).  If there was though, It's probably not retrievable as I already saved.    Also placebot sounds like that creature that is horribly useless until you buy the stuff that the guy sells next to the arcade building.
 sp; He's in the house with the guy who plays the number game.  Im' going to assume addons include new attacks and stat boosts.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2016-07-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

You see, the more people talk about bombasect, the more I either want to train one up, or trade something annoying to get for someone's trained one.  I guess I could always just use that exp pal and a life tonic to give it the training points it didn't get doing that.  Anyway, it is annoyin to get rid of when fighting, which is more of a reason I want it, but Dominoid is also a fun undead type, especially with dead man's curse. I feel like that will come in handy against some bosses later on if it can survive to use it.    My Paladin just randomly critted something with Bright Lance for over 1k damage.  This thing is staying on my team for sure.    Well, there are other ways to put attacks on Manamon.  There are some equipment that give special attacks that appear when you equip them on a manamon.  but so far, I've only seen two; and both are at the Aracade.  They appeared after the fourth stadium 
 for me but probably the third since I wasn't payin attention to the arcade item list.  One teaches anyone who holds it Disanent chime, which I can see s a fun buff for slow bulky mons, and the other teaches any of the chingling line audioblast.  If it wasn't for me already having a sound type and a holy type on my team, I'd pick up Chingling again and give it that.    Also thanks for the life tonic location.  Also picked up a few other things I somehow missed from his house as well.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2016-07-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

You see, the more people talk about bombasect, the more I either want to train one up, or trade something annoying to get for someone's trained one.  I guess I could always just use that exp pal and a life tonic to give it the training points it didn't get doing that.  Anyway, it is annoyin to get rid of when fighting, which is more of a reason I want it, but Dominoid is also a fun undead type, especially with dead man's curse. I feel like that will come in handy against some bosses later on if it can survive to use it.    My Paladin just randomly critted something with Bright Lance for over 1k damage.  This thing is staying on my team for sure.    Also thanks for the life tonic location.  Also picke dup a few other things I somehow missed from his house as well.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2016-07-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

At Loxias:  I'm going to give a guess, but I think your electric cat can evolve again with a lightning element.  You can find one in the Master's Bathroom of the Crambal's mansion back in the Third Stadium.  Think it's near the toilet as an invis item.    Okay so since you are at that part, where exactly did you find a life tonic?  I think I've been flailing around in most places hitting enter, but I haven't seen one yet.      Also I'm currently loving Paladin right now after it learned Bright Lance.   A very powerful holy attack that runs off it's attack and does 110 BP.  It's vaporizing thing sin this tower as I'm funishing training up.  Though does it have a third form?  I see a blank spot in the manapedia, but not sure if that's for another mon or if it does.  And does it require an item or just leveling?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2016-07-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

Heh, is it wrong for me to be abusing Dustin and dragging him around everywhere so I can train up some new members I want to implement in my team like Palidor and that fire giant thing.  It's a lot faster to level up mons when two enemies appear consistently.  I'll probably put away the fire giant once he good enough but I want to keep the Paladin because I wanted one ever since I saw it at the third stadium.      Also the equipment is mostly worth the expenditure o cash.  Some of the equipment actually can have the downsides negated, such as an item increasing taken damage of standard type attacks on a ghost.  Though, if you're just plowing through the stadiums with an over leveled mon, Err, good luck with one fight from what I heard.      On another note, though I was expecting this tower to have mostly undead and ghost types, the type with the greatest number of representatives is fightin
 g.  Go Figure.     Anyone also know if there's also a move relearner somewhere.  Just in case I field test an attack I thought would be good and then regret purchasing.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2016-07-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

Heh, is it wrong for me to be abusing Dustin and dragging him around everywhere so I can train up some new members I want to implement in my team like Palidor and that fire giant thing.  It's a lot faster to level up mons when two enemies appear consistently.  I'll probably put away the fire giant once he good enough but I want to keep the Paladin because I wanted one ever since I saw it at the third stadium.      Also the equipment is mostly worth the expenditure o cash.  Some of the equipment actually can have the downsides negated, such as an item increasing taken damage of standard type attacks on a ghost.  Though, if you're just plowing through the stadiums with an over leveled mon, Err, good luck with one fight from what I heard.      On another note, though I was expecting this tower to have mostly undead and ghost types, the type with the greatest number of representatives is fightin
 g.  Go Figure.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2016-07-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

because a friend is asking, anyone know how to evolve Autosun?  I thought it would be the lightning element but that doesn't seem to be it.  Or is it something that's found a lot later than the Jungle/Brightwater section?  Honestly the Autosun for them won't help in the next stadium for obvious reasons, but even if it's a bit off to evolve, it's base form isn't too bad.      ON that same note, anyone found out any that evolve with items and what they are?  We should start making a list.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2016-07-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

If it's where I think it's referring, I'm surprised we haven't been banned from entering.      Also I actually wanted a Bombasect, not the dormanoid, already leveling up and seems to be doing well so far.      Also I'm just going to pipe about the scaled fights, said fights that were causing issues seemed to be the scaling ones, and ones that one mon could not possibly solo.  Honestly scaled fights would make my life a lot eaier though since I've been doing leaders with a balanced team and rarely lose someone in a fight.  The other alternative that a favorite fan made game I saw use was level locking the player based on how many badges (well keys) in this case they  had.  Without anything, your limit in that game was lv 20, and each badge bumped it up by 5 levels.  Though this made powerleveling something to get through a gym impossible (as going over the limit caused beings to stop listening to you like if it was traded overleveled), but once some of your team was approaching that limit, you could rotate other members to get some exp to have a well rounded to team to take on the multiple 6 v 6 fights that those gyms were (and barring certain Pokémon, impossible to have one Pokémon to solo as that idea will fall since the leaders/bosses had balanced teams, even with sticking to a single type).  Though, I'm not sure if  7 keys are enough for this.     Ah yes, so there is a move that acts like curse.  neat.  Wonder if this will come in handy later.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2016-07-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

At Everyone with Hyper unbalanced teams:  Err, that seems overkill for running through the stadium with.  Which makes me kind of think more that stadium leaders should be scaled (modified on how far down their mons are from each other).  Honestly if people encountered this fromt he first stadium onwards, they would not get stuck in the secret hideout and other scaled boss fights.  That, and it would end the odd habbit of people leveling something ridiculously high and trivializing something even then get stuck at one boss fight as they only have one viable mon which most likely will get koed, and the boss will proceed to slowly pick off the rest of the under leveled team before the player could get a turn to revive.  Alternatively, your highest level char is a type super weak to it's strongest attack and gets one shotted anyway.    Though, I'm going really slowly in progressing through the game.  I'm 
 distracted level new things I found to see if they're viable and also I now want that undead wasp.  Though First I want to see what this bone Cane wielding creature can do before committing myself to getting that.  (the thing just sounds awesome and looks as if it's an amazing status troll).  I wonder if anyone would trade one if I gave out something annoying to get like an Autosun or that other arcade creature.     Well back to field testing.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2016-07-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

At  Sean Terry01:   They're both different POkemon from what I can tell.  The Ghoul thing is an undead type, while the Spiros is a ghost and shadow type.  I haven't seen the spiros evolution yet but the ghoul's evolution was kind of tanky when I tried to take out one boss's Golad or whatever it was called.     t  Jayde:  It was probably buried int he posts but where did you get the DV info at?  I thought it was a range of 0 to 10, not -10 to 10.  Or are those values what modifies the end stat.  Meh, I can probably live with a weakened Strength stat for now, trains would probably make it barable since the lowered strength was actually noticeable in the beginning through the first two stadiums, but it seems that isn't much of an issue right now.  Especially since early on you get a great equip for melee grass users.  Though uh, I'm noting a huge problem with grass types at the moment since so far, the first instant KO move I've seen targets grass types and is fairly accurate.  I...really hope not too many Manamon know uproot.At  Sokun Prom Vireak:  The Manamon he wants is back in the Mining tunnels.  It's the lion thing in there.  Just catch one, and level it up to lv 20 so it transforms to the thing he wants.  For my test run with Autosun before I traded him off, he was actually really good.  His ability triggered often enough to be useful...though uh, it seems paralyze rarely seems to stun people like in he Pokémon games which I find weird.  Though I do enjoy not being stuck doing nothing 3 times in a row, it also kind of blows that my opponent isn't stuck since I have a few things that can cause paralysis.    Weirdly enough, I found a lightning element in the master Bathroom of the Crambel house, though it was invisible.  I'm just curious, is there an item one gets maybe at the end of the game that'll reveal all hidden items?  Before, I was treating this like Paladin of the Sky and coming around the edges for hidden items, but it seems they're more randomly placed at times...such as finding a full revive far from the edges at the second Stadium.   I've found some good things spamming enter such as some equipment, high gold piles, and level up herbs, bu now I'm curious where to go and check if I missed anything.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2016-07-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

Ha, is there way to breed Manamon to get some that don't appear in the wild.  Hilariously enough, one of the underdeveloped stats for my Vulpine is strength...and it's the melee grass starter.  To be fair, I was already into the game by the time I had access to the guy who checks that. I feel as if I'm pouring a lot of trains to fix that and speed since the other stats are alright, though from what I can tell from soft resetting to get a traded manamon to at least remarkable in all stats is that the scale from terrible to perfect is about 10.  Or at least on this magi robot thing as I wonder what's cursing me to get horrible rolls.  So maybe not a big loss since the training points are there to fix things like that I guess.  Though after the game is complete at least story wise, I wouldn't mind redoing a few of these to not be blowing a good portion of the points, and it's been doing a lot better...after about 100 points into 
 strength.  But still, it just seems a bit disheartening to see what the examiner says whenever I accidently click on him...err her and seeing the strength and speed rolls.  Meh, I'll jus take solace that for some reason the grass starter seems to get an unusually high number of training points compared to others.      As an example, at lv 31, i's base Strength is 49.  Oddly enough it's magic attack is 54, yet I have seen no special attacks to use That.  And this is after 110 train points to raise strength a bit.  My ground lion thing is sitting at a base of 65 at lv 29.  Though that might be due to it's breed having unnaturally high starting strength, every wild Lion seemed to be biting as if their teeth was made of adamantium.  Kind of wish there was an item to raise whatever individual value it has, but I can just try to get another if it's possible.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2016-07-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

Ha, is there way to breed Manamon to get some that don't appear int he wild.  Hilariously enough, one of the underdeveloped stats for my Vulpine is strength...and it's the melee grass starter.  To be fair, I was already into the game by the time I had access to the guy who checks that. I feel as if I'm pouring a lot of trains to fix that and speed since the other stats are alright, though from what I can tell from soft resetting to get a traded manamon to at least remarkable in all stats is that the scale from terrible to perfect is about 10.  Or at least on this magi robot thing as I wonder what's cursing me to get horrible rolls.  So maybe not a big loss since the training points are there to fix things like that I guess.  Though after the game is complete at least story wise, I wouldn't mind redoing a few of these to not be blowing a good portion of the points, and it's been doing a lot better...after about 100 points into 
 strength.  But still, it just seems a bit disheartening to see what the examiner says whenever I accidently click on him...err her and seeing the strength and speed rolls.  Meh, I'll jus take solace that for some reason the grass starter seems to get an unusually high number of training points compared to others.  Now it's doing reasonable damage along side my lionar which had remarkable Strength.  maybe after it gets it's third evolution and a ew more training points, and I can work on other things for once.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2016-07-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

At stirlock  ** Obligatory Spoiler Tag**     Okay, in regards to that trade in using the lv 25-29 Autoson, does that manamon you get in return learn some of its attacks at a higher level when it evolves?  I used some herbs on an lv 28 one and it learned super spark. But when I reset and use the herbs on it's evolved form, it didn't get super spark at lv 32.  It probably learns it a few levels later, but I'm not sure as I don't have enough level up herbs to see.  Though if that's the case, I'll probably evolve this thing to the Menadevil or what it's name was after it gets super spark for a strong electric attack to go off it's high stats.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2016-07-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

So I have a quick question.   Do Manamon that use an item to evolve continue to learn moves by level up?  The only reason I ask is that it was stated the creator based this completely of many mechnics of POkemon, and one of the trends from there were that Pokémon that used an item like a fire stone to evolve tended to stop learning new attacks (barring a few like Eevee which actually gives it a new movelist).   The reason I asked is that      ** Spoilers***        A person in the second Stadium's town is wanting an AutoSun for a Manamon that evolves with a update installer which I found.  It stats are far after evolving, but I'm not sure if it'll learn new attacks still or be stuck with the 5 it already has, and make it's ability useless since I would not be able to get 7.        End Spoilers         I actually find this game not too difficult, and honesty think all major battles should be scaled.  Though I haven't reached the first scaled fight yet (about to enter the area it occurs in), Currently I've been defeating the stadium leaders and other major fights either evenly leveled or underleveled by 1-3 levels, and still manage to win them without losing too many Manamon.  So most likely a scaled fight is going to be even easier for me not being behind for once.  Granted, I make an effort to try to get everyone within 3 levels of each other on my team and have manually grinded other creatures up for those that I thought as cool after seeing what they evolved into.  I don't actually mind the increased ifficulty of this with some of the fight formats, I managed to help my brothers through that nightmare of a fan made game called Pokémon Reborn, and that thing was beyond difficult but realistically difficult, along with a field system that had to be considered.  Having to grind up a new set of members for a major battle isn't new for me or some of my brothers I I'll happily grind away to get teammates up to snuff.       Thanks for anyone who can answer the question at the top.  I think if this thing has a move it can learn within 5 levels using these level up herbs I can test if it'll still learn something evolved-pre-evolved and compare.  This is assuming it learns something within the 5-6 herbs I have and all the resetting.   For Science!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: UltraPower

2015-09-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UltraPower

No wthe new issue of this server program:  It's hard to find anyone on one server Many a time I wandered onto a completely abandoned server, with nothing nearby.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: UltraPower

2015-09-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UltraPower

So, it seems UP now has a open server program. Now the question to wonder is if anyone else I shosting as the only online server listed is currently unavilible from what I can tell.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: UltraPower

2015-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UltraPower

So uh, why does the read me mention something from version 9.51, if the updated release is 8.8.  Unless it was a typo.    ON another note, checking for updates through options works fine, but I can't onnect to the multiplayer server, or reate an account.  I just get the message "can't onnect to server, reason: blank"   Anyone know what this is?  It's less awkward than the latest version being version 0


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: UltraPower

2015-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UltraPower

Okay, that explains the oddity with the numbering when I viewed the readme.  Now to wonder when the servers will go back up/why I can't connect if the servers are up.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: UltraPower

2015-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UltraPower

Heh says the version ahts running on the server is version 0. Thats slightly amusing.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

2015-08-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

Think it was 18.2. I swear that was something else the last time I landed there.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

2015-08-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

Im not sure if the specific items will load, but there is an alternative to the ufo catcher. I actually stumbled on it trying to go back to an old flight mission landing spot, and the next thing I knew the level was playing the ufo catcher game music and items rained from the sky, seemingly infinitely. Im pretty sure this landing spot used to be soething completely different, but I cant remember what it was. Or what triggered this to happen. Havent gone back to see if itll load like that again yet but it helped build some of the more annoying to get pieces for the ufo items.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

2015-08-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

So weird. For some reason my game decided to revert back to normal mode when I was on my second go through of the game, and Im not sure how that happened. I think I was still at exciting on stage 16, and wen I noted 17-4, I was suddenlyb ack to normal. Anyone know what could of happened?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

Its on 21.3. Not sure what item is being referred to looking back at the previous posts about the weapon, but I cannot find it in my collection items to confirm if one needs to have the bumbumbs. I just redid the level to see if itd appear, and it did when I typed the password in wrong. Im now just trying to figure out how to walk to 0 0 as one of the only ladders that travel down to height 0 has a wal blocking the rest of the way left.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

So I managed to get the Bombfall thrower to spawn in the stage it spawns at, but there does not seem to be a ladder that leads down towards 0 0 n the stage. The only one I could find that led to 0 0 was one at around 550, and then the path was blocked by a wall. Anyone have an idea where or how to get down to the bottom on the side with the weapon?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

2015-07-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

So uh, after buying a few things and double checking certain others, I seem to be missing weaons I used to have. My yoyo is nowhere to be found on weapons list, nor is the absorb sphere or handgun. Thing is though, when looking at the crafts for one of the items, the project that uses the absorb sphere has it marked as there. Also anything above needle Needle pin launcher seems to vanish after I exit the game. Anyone knows whats going on?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

2015-07-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

So uh, after buying a few things and double checking certain others, I seem to be missing weaons I used to have. My yoyo is nowhere to be found on weapons list, nor is the absorb sphere or handgun. Thing is though, when looking at the crafts for one of the items, the project that uses the absorb sphere has it marked as there. Also anything above needle Needle pin launcher seems to vanish after I exit the game. Anyone knows whats going on?  Erm nvm, they appear when viewing weapons on the main menu, but within a stage, I cant access the weapons when pressing w. or using the weapon selector while paused.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Braillemon status update!

2015-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Braillemon status update!

Considering Charzard gets a lot of attention on things and updates when something comes out, I cant argue its a very popular Pokémon. It also wrecks things hard.   The only reason I did not enjoy the charzard line was that it was misery mode on Red/Blue version with a lot of things in the Gyms and Elite Four packing fire counters. Its also a severe Glass cannon, especiallyw ith the duel weakness to rock. Now rock my be slow and probably easy enough to knock out. A overconfident person will probably try this, and find some of the many ways to nullify special attack or attack damage from a Charzard and probably make it go squish in one hit. As well, my use of Charzard vanished when Stealth Rock was a thing. A Charzard on a field with stealth rock, that had a rapid spin user knocked out or something to remove hazard leads to a Charzard that can get owned by undereffective attacks as I think a due weakness to rock leads to about half your hp vanishing. (Does for my poor Volcarina...I like Volcarina but that hurts). Without a field remover, you cant return Charzard as it will get owned by stealth rock/other applicable traps that can hit on re-send out.  But again, a fire breathing dragon with exploding powers = epic effects.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Braillemon status update!

2015-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Braillemon status update!

Erm I meant the teams of Gymleaders. I think I forgot to include that. Be kin dof a bit o a disconnect if the first battle was against someone with only 2 Pokémon as the Gym Challenge at lv 65 or something.  No the usefulness of Detect kind of comes in when you play with others who a. hate rotect stalls and b. Have access to a Pokémon with Imprison and protect. Imprison and Detect is not usually something has one grouped but then again. 5 Detects is not a very good stall.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Braillemon status update!

2015-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Braillemon status update!

I dont know, I found detect useful. I encountered way too many imprison Pokémon that locked me out of protect at many times, ruining a stall tactic when I really needed to get rid of a target from the field via annoyance and toxic. Though not sure if people run protect breaking (well ending) imprisons anymore these days.  I normally go for chansey ever since I realized Evolite was a thing. I encountered way too many people using stuff like sandstorm, or other damage over time attacks that kind of nullified leftovers usefulness, and I rather have a boosted defense on a Chansey. I also may or maynot have ran with a counter Chansey for those deciding to use physical fighting attaks on me   Curious, those this means sort of like how Gold/Silver did with parties for the Kanto Gymleaders, will the ones over on the other end field teams of 5 or 6? By the point a player gets over there, I think theyre capable of handling nearly full teams with level raises. Though finding a slightly diverse full team for ghost types and dragon types might be an issue.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Braillemon status update!

2015-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Braillemon status update!

Gasps, a small fire dragon like Charzard does not stand to the might known as a large turtle with cannons on its back to open water on its oes. Also or a long while, Charzard had a huge kill me sign or rock types as it didnt honestly have a lot going for it to fend off rock types until it could learn focus blast. Solar beam would require shifting your team around to fit in a sunny day user, or having Charzard use up a slot for that. I guess there was options I you went with an attack build over special attack but eh, one unlucky setup you did not see coming (random stone edge anyone?) would usually result in a one hit knock out if you did not reliably cover all bases, or tried to make it it things faster. I generally attempt to avoid using things with 4x weaknesses to something, as you never know whats going to pop from a hidden power, or a seemingly harmless matchup. (Though charzard has some brutal options I going for the Y mega evolutio
 ns now)  Now for my favorite starters: Blastoise, Feraligatr, Sceptile, Turtera, Samarot, and lastly Greninja. Though I also dig Contrary Serperior since its hilarious to greatly increase SP Attack by 2 stages using Lea Storm.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Braillemon status update!

2015-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Braillemon status update!

So uh, wandering a certain building in Celedon City, I just thought of something. Considering the group of people that are on that floor, Dagonite should totally put herself there as a bit of a joke to what the floor is for and battle you when you complete the Pokedex and get the reward from the designer. She can be the lady who made all the accessibility changes for this incarnation of the game 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Braillemon status update!

2015-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Braillemon status update!

Uh, I thought Chansey was more popular than Blissey since Blissey loses the massive hp Chansey had, which made it a stall tank with toxic.   Okay, Im curious, what are the TMs based on with our current version. First I thought it was based of Gen I tms, but the Gym leaders and certain numbers do not exactly match the move they would of represent. And I cant think which it might be.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Braillemon status update!

2015-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Braillemon status update!

So were essentially going to get Gold/Silver complete reverse. Sounds sort of neat.   ...Not sure if I said this but uh, Gold and Silver was not quite my favorite Generation of games. The paths along the way were a lot less population on my perspective and I had to grind on Wild POkemon Way more than I did in the other games. Though I do have a bunch of favorite Pokémon from that generation (Houndoom being one of them).   Okay, this issue was stated probably many times, though I have to find it funny how how the Daycare is a bit weird. Ranging from thinks skyrocketing in price without leveling, to putting two POkemon in the Daycare and getting an egg immediately (They got it on really really fast) is amusing when trying just to swap out POkemon in there.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Braillemon status update!

2015-07-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Braillemon status update!

So uh, I think it was after Gen IV where self destruct and explosion had the halfed defense affect removed. So your vaporeon and Persian wil get hit by it as if they had lv 25 defenses. Granted, probably still easy to tank as my little Warturtle tanked a self destruct at lv 28.  ...Huh, lv 50 at this point of the game is overkill. Normally I just grind up to the gym leaders level range and go from there. Currently Im just getting other members towards the lv 30 mark for this section.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Braillemon status update!

2015-07-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Braillemon status update!

Huh, that sounds like a less painful alternative to the navigational hell of movement puzzles like in the hideout.   On another note, is it sort of known one of the slot machines acts a bit buggy. No matter what I get, theres one or two that gives you the payout for 3 bars, even though there are no bars on any of the reels.. Though the game doesnt seem to also give the stated 140 coin payout either so yeah. Thats just weird to witness. Not sure if its consistant as I sort of forgot which one does it and if it still does it if I leave and come back.   Also the item list for the prize corner and department store are kind of item. Not sure if ithats due to a complete set of tms not being decided on yet or something. That or the only thing the department store had at one point was hyper beam, double team, protect, and uh, a lone thunderstone?<
 br />  *gets blown up by an Electrode*


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game The Wastes

2015-07-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game "The Wastes"

Cackle, the reason I commited the games probable manual suicide command was because over the last few areas I sort of accidently killed a few black blood cultists when pressing 3 for a special attack, which poisoned me horribly, and got Skull rot, Searing SKin Rot, and Brain rot. Oddly enough toughening was chugging through all that, but not my hp regen. So I was slowly dying.. By the time I reached the bomb, I only had about a few hundred hp out o the grand total you saw up there and I thought, why not kick it and see what happens). For al I know the next event could of been a healer or a town with a healer (Or I probably blew both of them up with my suicide0. But eh, I had an interesting run.  Though, not sure how I exactly got 1.7 mill str. Is the giant mutation supposed to multiply current str. I know I got that from the mutation vials a bunch since looter at rank 10 and above (yes I got it that hig
 h out of interest, and then some) loaded a few black vials within mutation loads, but I though tit was a fixed added amount. Though on another point, I did get the confusion event happen a bunch of times, swapping agiity and str so theres that to consider. Though I wonder how things would of been weird if I had 1.7 mill intelligence.   Also on the note of money, cash seems to be easy to get once looter gets up to a reasonable (or unreasonable) amount as scrap metal tends to load in the 10s of thousands, or even the hundred of thousands. And they sell for $1 each. Though, I think there might be a bug on how it loads. At around rank 10 o looter, I got nearly 258000 metal from the metal events to load, but when I shifted that up higher, I actualy decreased to around 155k, and wouldnt budge from there. Also as nice as having that much metal load, I dont think thats normal <
 img alt="tongue" height="15" src="" width="15" />  Looking forward to the next update, keep up the great work!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game The Wastes

2015-07-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game "The Wastes"

Wyvern travelled through 819 places in the wasteland, he died at level 17 and the last thing he saw was a Partially Invisible Psychotic Eye-faced Ant-Man in the region known as Great SouthspringsWyvern travelled through Witherdown Crater into the far expanding wastes of Mount Irwin, from there he passed into the sizeable wastes of New Dirttown, from there he passed into the sizeable wastes of Buddys Crater, from there he passed into the expansive wastes of Mutenroad Barrens, from there he passed into the sizeable wastes of Brick Mountain, from there he passed into the sizeable wastes of Great Littlewood the sizeable wastes of Junkroost Barrens, from there he passed into the far expanding wastes of New Harmtown Side the little patch of wastes known as Smithdale, from there he passed into the small stretched waste of Gaulstead, from there he passed into the expansive wastes of Trevors Crater, from there he passed into the far expanding wastes of Great Hellsroad Ba
 rrens, from there he passed into the small stretched waste of Endssprings, from there he passed into the expansive wastes of St Warmwall Wasteland, from there he passed into the expansive wastes of Great Southsprings Where his journey ended.---SKILLSHealth   - 10177Strength  - 1753100Agility   - 44Intelligence- 16Lockpick  - 221-OTHER STATS-Times Mutated- 191Mutation Level   - 834Money- 286195Kills- 1078Regions Cleared   - 13Dungeons Cleared  - 55Settlements Visited - 13CURRENT WEAPON---Weapon Name - Forbidden Atomic Forbidden Impure-Gold Nail Coated NunchucksWeapon Damage- 1Weapon Durability  - 4269Weapon Value- 237249NOTABLE KILLSWyvern Killed Feral Ancestral Infirm Seagull Goliath in New DirttownWyvern Killed Rabid Brave Shambing Psycho Mole Queen Titan in Buddys CraterWyvern Killed Kyle The Hellborn Master Mutant Hunter in Buddys CraterWyvern Killed Tamed Retching Agile Weak Weasel Goliath in Buddys CraterWyvern Killed Master Jules in Buddys CraterWyvern Killed Half Dead Raging Spotted Eagle Goli
 ath Titan in Buddys CraterWyvern Killed Walter The Sellsoul Mutant Bane in Buddys CraterWyvern Killed Deranged Hopeless Flea Goliath Titan in Buddys CraterWyvern Killed Fragile CobraVulture Titan in Buddys CraterWyvern Killed Bigboy Ripper Julian in Mutenroad BarrensWyvern Killed Warrior of The Rad Gang in Mutenroad BarrensWyvern Killed the Actor Ghost Paul in Mutenroad BarrensWyvern Killed Warrior of The Rad Gang in Mutenroad BarrensWyvern Killed the Ace Dirty William in Mutenroad BarrensWyvern Killed the Bastard spam Johnny in Mutenroad BarrensWyvern Killed Warrior of Brick Mountain Bandits in Brick MountainWyvern Killed Warrior of Brick Mountain Bandits in Brick MountainWyvern Killed Nightmare Douchebag Dominic in Brick MountainWyvern Killed Littleboy Ghost Cyclone in New Harmtown SideWyvern Killed Littleboy Thief Leroy in New Harmtown SideWyvern Killed Warrior of Gau
 lstead Bandits in GaulsteadWyvern Killed Warrior of Gaulstead Bandits in GaulsteadWyvern Killed Three-Fingers Muncher Lee in GaulsteadWyvern Killed Warrior of Gaulstead Bandits in GaulsteadWyvern Killed Warrior of Gaulstead Bandits in GaulsteadWyvern Killed Rapey spam Anthony in GaulsteadWyvern Killed Warrior of Gaulstead Bandits in Trevors CraterWyvern Killed Dead Dastardly Clyde in Trevors CraterWyvern Killed Warrior of Gaulstead Bandits in Trevors CraterWyvern Killed Crater Founder Javier in Trevors CraterWyvern Killed Warrior of Gaulstead Bandits in Trevors CraterWyvern Killed Razor Jay in Trevors CraterWyvern Killed Warrior of Gaulstead Bandits in Trevors CraterWyvern Killed Warrior of Gaulstead Bandits in Trevors CraterWyvern Killed Warrior of Gaulstead Bandits in Trevors CraterWyvern Killed Warrior of Gaulstead Bandits in Trevor
 s CraterWyvern Killed Warrior of Gaulstead Bandits in Trevors CraterWyvern Killed Death Onyx in Trevors CraterWyvern Killed Warrior of Gaulstead Bandits in Trevors CraterWyvern Killed Toe-Cutter Monday in Trevors CraterWyvern Killed Dog Thursday in Trevors CraterWyvern Killed the Angry Alex in Trevors CraterWyvern Killed Stabber Ghost Richie in Trevors CraterWyvern Killed Warrior of Gaulstead Bandits in Trevors CraterWyvern Killed Warrior of Gaulstead Bandits in Trevors CraterWyvern Killed the Slayer Ghost Manny in Trevors CraterWyvern Killed Raider of Gaulstead Bandits in Trevors CraterWyvern Killed the Sloth Ike in Trevors CraterWyvern Killed Decaying Super Infirm Twsited Bloat Brained Cobra Goliath Titan in Great Hellsroad BarrensWyvern Killed Benjamin The Chaser Mutant Bane in Great Hellsroad BarrensWyvern Killed Old Ra
 ider Titan in Great Hellsroad BarrensWyvern 

Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game The Wastes

2015-07-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game "The Wastes"

For anyone grinding in mining for minutes on end to gain quick levels, thats going to be removed in the long run once the towns get focused on more. Mining will be subjected to random events and mine picks will need to be replaced. So yes, you can hilarious die from smashing space bar like a demon in the future. Huh, I never noted the titan bug, I normally just get sme events before another one decides to jump at me so theres a chance for the level to go down.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Braillemon status update!

2015-07-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Braillemon status update!

Disclaimer: This is projecting a bit too far ahead of the current goal of the project, but the relevant issue of the Team Rocket Puzzles brought it up.  Ugh, okay Im starting to see a lot more issues with how this project may turnout with mostly replicating the games to how most people used to play it. Also nightmares of doing the warp and slide puzzles have now resurfaced. Aaah.  Though, this sort of got me thinking of the impact this project will probably inspire after its done and issues that may occur. Whether Dagonite plans to continue after brailemon, or someone else decides to take up the reigns and continue on is something I dont know, but the flashbacks on how some of the puzzles are setup in the games made me think way more difficulties within the project than probably most o us would recognize until it probably occurs (and those playing the crystal version game all probably found out with locations like Ice path). Theres...probably going to be more than a slight shit in environment to make areas less stupid in navigatin for a blind person (Mt. Moon being an example of changes needing to be made to make a bit more straightforward) and it sort of got me thinking of an alternative or anyone trying out future projects for a Pokémon game. And to poke at a few things as fans of the series.  Probably one thing most of us want to see is our avorite Pokémon be playable. Obviously most of us have favorites within Gen I, but some o us do have picks from the later games. If one were to aim to recreate the games as faithfully as possibleit might take a while to catch up unless some liberties are to be taken. And since some of us also played competively or at least went a lot further than the basics, we also want to implement the teams and strategies of the sighted daysor something close to that. Again, going map by map is going to take a while to accomplish this depending on where your picks and team exists in the games.  As well, Im come to horrifically realize (god damn slider puzzles) that trying to convert everything to be fun and accessible/challenging is going to be a pain. Along with that, certain puzzles or challenges tend to fall on failed attempts (especially the darken puzzle o later examples where lash isnt first gotten). Thats...kind o a normal day for us.  And for a point someone who decides to doa project like thismaking a single map is brutal with access changes in mind, and adjustments needing to be made. Now times that by 5 more installments thatll probably whipe someone out just doing one, and were going to have some issues. As well, Ie noted an effect this Brailemon project is displaying with how conversion projects tend to pan out: The ends of paths tend to abruptly end both the adenture and the story without much to look forward to until more places open up. And considering how everything is placed in the game, this is hard to avoid locking players out of places they know they can visit. So as an alternative to converting the other games for anyone who wishes to continue (or if Dagonite is thinking o continuing past Brailemon) another alternative to a future project to avoid some of the problems the current project has is the scrap the conversion of the actual games in favor of just crating your own world/story. The spirit of the game will still be there, the quest to become the best by catching Pokémon, dealing with friends and rivals, someone wanting to play with powers that will endanger us all and catching an entity in your own pocket. But the problems with dealing with how the game setsup puzzles and roads can be averted just by making your own towns, buildings, roads, and puzzles.  Instead of having to crat the world around accessible interfaces, bend the interface over the maps and not be limited. Make puzzles and environments that fully make more use of the coordinate and location systems to get through them. As well, taking the project off the projected game would lead to a bette spread of POkemon to make available.   Though, two useful upsides to just making a game oneself, which probably makes a difference, is the game being new to the community itself, instead of just trying to copy something the sighted has. As well, this means instead of expecting whats going to be released next or the project, its a surprise to everyone as they wait for the next update to the game. As well, in regards to issues on abrupt endings, one can design the updates to have definite ends to the current chapter of the game, and the player has at least some conclusion to whats going on.  Dear god, I kind of blame the nightmare of the Team Rocket puzzles in leading to that large multiple blocks of text above. As well, I also blame my time helping my older brother play through Pokemon Reborn and Pokémon Insurgence that probably conjured up the more episodic and rounded releases to updates.   Anyway, I hope your feeling better Dagonite from 

Re: Braillemon status update!

2015-07-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Braillemon status update!

...On a different note, has anyone tried committing themselves to a Nuzlock run of the game, and seeing if you can make it to the current end of te game. My run ran short when misty landed a lucky critical hit on me and my team was in shambles afterwards to the point I eventually lost all my Pokémon and had to delete the file. (curse the random number god!)


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game The Wastes

2015-07-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game "The Wastes"

Yay for the elite loot bug bein gone, no more fearing the looter skill from haulting your game.   Though it didnt hault a super goliath queen lobster Titan from squishing me.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game The Wastes

2015-07-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game "The Wastes"

Apparently that elite loot bug is now gone, so now more terminated games, yay!   Though uh, squish after being subjected to a titan with over 8k hp and me flailing uselessly as I didnt have a few mutations that would of got me out of that bind.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game The Wastes

2015-07-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game "The Wastes"

So I can narrow down an issue, anyone getting an odd issue in the 0.7 version of the game where grabbing a high quality ite from a crate or body that isnt mutation vials tends to lead to an infinite menu loop for weapons. * keep finding a weapon of corpses that tend to be something like 1450 damage and 400 durability, and suddenly I get an infinite list of crappy weapons that forces me to end the game as normally when scrapping a weapon, you get a message stating so. Scrapping it during this issue, the game moves onto the next item immediately.  Come to think of it, this issue usually happens when I find decent weapons from the wasteland, though I cant tell if its due to finding something good or is it because the looter perk is bugged. Normally I dont find anything decent unless looter has some levels in it but Im not sure which is the issue.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Psycho Strike - New Strategy/Action game

2015-05-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Psycho Strike - New Strategy/Action game

*Peers around*  *Notices conversation has gone way of from the original discussion and stuff is being presented in an aggressive and loud tone* *Retreats back to play with kittens*


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Psycho Strike - New Strategy/Action game

2015-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Psycho Strike - New Strategy/Action game

Yes, that actually is the main issue that needs to be examined a bit more. Im pretty sure whoever could produce a side scroller could eventually make something that can get as involved as the BK games or something. However, most people seem to stop at a certain point in which they just throw down what they have and do not really expand on the idea. Again, making an extensive game isnt a boarder issue as Americans make involved and advanced games all the time in the sighted community. However, here, we seem to always hit a ceiling at a certain point in a project. And I dont think this is also a country issue either, it seems nearly everyone hits a low ceiling limit on how far they are going with a game. Most likely Uki continued on making his games as advanced as it could get because he enjoyed the project.   That makes me think though, how much joy do people get working on these projects though.
 bsp; We are a very small but voal community to each other and uh, at times I note the annoyance and disappointment crop up very often among any good things being said. My favorite recent example would involve the game Sneak was working on. When he first released a navigation onept demo of his Crimson waters game, he wanted to see if people had a good experience navigating with the boat. Suddenly the comments headed toward sthis game blows because so and so didnt include something, not noting the concept demo and navigation test part. We are very very critical and extreme here where enjoyment of working projects kills progress here if one posts their projects online.   Other examples of our community being very draining on the willpower part: Swamp and the many, many, many security attacks and people generally making Aprones progress on his games slower and slower. I believe we are way to critical and negative o
 f a community for anyone to post anything without meeting negative responses before any constructive ones appear. Normally games that tend to be well received end up being fullY finished and most likely had no prior info about (Sort of an out of the blue thing). We are much more happier when it comes to full products instead of just beta tests. I believe someone stated before we already have a negative stigma to beta releases and how no one works on it afterwards. If I remember right, the BK games were just dropped on our lap one day when someone found it and posted the game. Same goes for BK3 when it was released as a full game. I believe for people to possibly be more motivated in working on projects, and producing higher and higher quality games is to probably end the practice of public betas and alphas. It seem shalf the time having a public test project ends up causing more issues as everyone
 uot; seems to have a suggestion for you to add, and get pissed when you dont consider or add it. Then the negativity comes out and quality goes down hill. I think taking a page to what the Japanese developers do here and just stay silent mostly about their projects until their ready might work better and ease up on the stress one is facing from the community. And I believe this is where Psycho Strike, and probably many games of the past seem to kep doing and releasing early to a pack of hungry, unsatisfied, wolves (Other examples include MOTA, he Bavisoft stuff, and so on).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Psycho Strike - New Strategy/Action game

2015-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Psycho Strike - New Strategy/Action game

On another observation, I seem to be typing more than usual tonight. Hrm. I kind of wanted to go back to the donation model since that was also mentioned before. Everyone still remembers Audiodefense tried this and it did not work. I am not sure if this was due to us being too small of a community to produce the amount, or just did not want to pay until we got something.  Howeve,r I also remember AD had no demo of what they planned to do. I guess if one were to make an involved demo, to it as much content as possible in a 30 to 1 hour ame, people would be more willing to pay, and hopefully recognize the demo as a viewing of the potential of the game. This may resort to using lower quality materials for the game such as sounds, but I think as a friend said before, it costs nothing to code if you know how to. And most of the time, demos before the game is fully ready end to have lower quality sounds and 
 visauls due to those reasons just to motivate the public to make it look and sound better. ...Someone, go think of an amazing idea, code it and use what sounds you got o make the first 2 or so levels of a game, and present it to the public with a donation link. Lets go for testing demo donations!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Psycho Strike - New Strategy/Action game

2015-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Psycho Strike - New Strategy/Action game

*returns to topic* *reviews recent posts*   *Notices this has somehow turned also into a BK3 is better topic andpeople should of paid money for that*  The 1980s want their games back. As odd as it is for Pscyho strike is for charging $25 for a game that still needs major work, people saying that BK3 is a great example of a mainstream game are extremely insane. Im pretty sure with the features BK3 provided, a free online browser game has probably already done. 1. Its a side scroller like Psycho strike with weapons. Different weapons of course, but a side scroller with weapons and odd timings for ranged enemies when they fire half way across the field. Im pretty sure any average joe can make a platformer like BK3. 2. The plane sections: honestly, its just another side scroller where you go up an
 d down up and down. Again, there is probably a free online browser game that does this. Probbly also included combat.  3. Story: okay this one is a given for any game if its aiming to have a story. granted, oen cannot apply the story patch thing to all games as some games were made to just be for fun or just a simulator with no story.  Granted though, this is not a Japanese vs U.S discussion, as again, theres free on-line browser stuff for BK3s mechanics. But, this is more on how uh, low the quality of most games in general are int he blind community. Even BK3 is not immune to this. We have trouble going past the 2d plane many times, and not many people will work out of a 2d environment Hell, even our first person stuff is 2d. Though, if we are working just ina 2d plain, there actually should be some quality control when trying to release products, as
  well as expecting money for it. Anyone can create a side scroller these days, however few can do anything special with it. Most likely, a game in the audiogames community may need to start aiming for non-action ames for quality aspects . I.e: something in the lines of sound rts for strategy games in a sense, or a turn based RPG, which...not too many people here have done. I believe we just had Dingo working on Entombed as a pet project and a learning experience and it was fun for one of the first semi rogue likes we got. Hell, even tactical battle, which is also a pet project of someones to allow people to craft their own missions for people to play is also another great example of a unique game, considering the insane things people have done to that game builder.   We all can keep comparing side scrollers all day but again, the 1980s want their games back. Anyone suggesting so and so deserves to be selling their ga
 me is honestly kidding themselves. Most likely, the reason the games were free was due to fair uses of resources and payments. Other than time, the developers aimed to provide games for no costs because of not using as many funds from what we can tell. As well, we also might consider the fact the game is, after you look at the main core of the game, simple. Im pretty sure if Yuki finds a sane way to display information in a more expansive environment, or provided a project that may take more time than usual or resources, it might not be free for long.   Though, uh, this is a pscyho Striek Topic. Instead of comparing stuff, why not go back to uh, maybe reasoning what needs improving or keeping the tpic related to the game and not some country to country comparison that isnt the case as it is an abilities comparison since U.S game makers can easily do what BK series do for on-line browser games. There is no
  country to country comparison here, it is more a question of how willing one is to make a more involved game from the base. Currently, in the audiogames community, the Japanese developers are more willing to do more with what they got, they are not better, just more willed.but this is probably best moved to another topic and not meant for here.


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Re: Crimson Currents

2015-05-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Crimson Currents

...I think the message this was a concept demo meant for movement and that there are no enemies on the map flew oer a lot of peoples heads. (considering it is all in the first post...cackle).  Grante,d the game seems to run smoothly enough on my end and the navigation is not as bad as I thought navigating a boat would be. Now to sail full force into a void!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Epitaph Soundpack

2015-04-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Epitaph Soundpack

I keep getting this message when trying to set things up:  Run-time errorWorld: epitaphImmediate execution[string Trigger: ]:1: attempt to index global ppi (a nil value)stack traceback:[string Trigger: ]:1: in main chunk


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Psycho Strike - New Strategy/Action game

2015-04-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Psycho Strike - New Strategy/Action game

*promises to make great game*  *sets up donations page*   *not enough people donate and half the people want this for free without donating*   *Slashes out too many features and disappoints everyone/hemselves being unable o make he game they might of invisioned*  I think Audio defense and other attempts at setting up fund pages to reach goals for development show how hard it is to make any elegant without resorting to illegally downloading sound libraries, and the like...which causes the product to be unable to be sold without running into legal trouble. It shonestly hard to make anything of quality without money and time, and thats something mainstream developers have over and time as it Is their jobs half the time.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Psycho Strike - New Strategy/Action game

2015-04-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Psycho Strike - New Strategy/Action game

Erg, expecting this to be a GTA clone, even though A. 3 people are working on it. B. They dont have massive financial resources and C. Is their first attempts at making a game shold probably tick some people off. Ganted, I though the message was ctually like not clone. The basic idea is there of the GTA games...or what people actually play it for. Story Nope, no one plays for the story much. Exploration: Not really. After the first time around, you have seen it all. Mass murdering of innocent civlians: Bingo.   Whats actually a bit funny is that Saints Row mocks any attempts of GTA being mre serious of more than just a mass murder simulator by gimpin the story all together and just letting you have reign for complete chaos.   Also wer ekind of beng hard on the independent developer here. Nearly ever single major co
 mpany is guilty of false advertising on the popular titles, and not as many people complain, even if the provided product is way below expectations of the advertised product. One of he recent disappoinments with a main stream gae was actually The Last of Us, where the advertised advanced AI of e enemies was scrapped out for them to randomly dodge out of the way of your attacks instea dof retreating and regrouping. (Comedically enough, this makes Psycho Srike have better AI than a mainstream game here as the enemies do retreat when about to die and looking to regroup).   Actually one thing that might be possible after a bit of time would be to include multiplayer maps of large facilities with multiple entry points would should try to guard. Though for ease of coordination, the gang leaders go alone with oher leaders or chosen members and work together for a massive heist. Grante,d if AI commands get put in, I guess we
  can include them and hav eit limited to 4 players with 12 people on the stage.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Psycho Strike - New Strategy/Action game

2015-04-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Psycho Strike - New Strategy/Action game

@seal: The idea wasnt to make the it the only way to gather features, but allow one to get a donation system functioning in the first place as unlik eint he mainstream world, the number of people who will donate to audiogames is limited...and honestly most of them are unable to donate for whatever reason, or in some cases, are just really really cheap and want things for free. Audiodefense tried to get donations right off the back with a concept listed and they did not reach the goal. The game they were able to produce a fun game to pass the time, but then people complained why the game could not have had more despite the donation goal not being met.   And also characters for Skull girls tends to be more sugnifficant than one can expect, especially in regards to multiplayer matches where the new character may have differing movesets one has to learn to avoid, want to play with and fighting games tend to be limited on features.
  There is the basic stage design, the fighting system itself, any other extras they wish to put into the game, and the characters, which are usually one of the main focuses of a game as the community tends to enjoy and have favorites of which character is better or had a great background. Saying a dlc character is not as big as a feature in a game is kind of degrading the importance of these characters. And characters are just as big as a feature since half the time who is included as playable characters can judge the quality of a game at times.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Epitaph Soundpack

2015-04-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Epitaph Soundpack

Err Sneak, I think you uploaded the wrong thing. I dont see anything for epitaph in there, and he sounds folder is mainly empty.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Psycho Strike - New Strategy/Action game

2015-04-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Psycho Strike - New Strategy/Action game

The first attempt comment wasmore so for pure combat sidescroller with party aspects vs what Q9, Adventure at C and Paladin of the Skies were sidescoller platformer for the first two games, and turn based rpg for the second. Granted though, one can usually take a page from the adventure a C book and design up the levels with random varriations and obsicals as robbing the same bank is odd. You would think people would stop putting even more money in the bank that gets robbed daily.   Though I have to agree, the game is pre-maturely release for a sale. Though, the community here tends to really form horrifically negative opinions for releasing a free beta for testing purposes, expecting a full and amazing game right off the bat insead of a test phase. And I already voiced my opinions of trying to run a donation page for resoures to either have the game fully released and to maybe have it sold for free. &
 nbsp;  Hrm, I wonder if this strategy would work a bit more better. Lower the price of the game to about $10, release new and new content fairly often and do what Skull Girls did and release new content when a donation goal is met. The community gets smething for a reduced price, and new features, and if the players want to support more and more features (including extremely new features to the normal game) put up a donation page and release demos of the content. Maybe people are more adpt to donate when they already have something and want more... ...That or just expects other people to pay for new feature for them, and barely anyone pays anything all thinking this way.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Epitaph Soundpack

2015-04-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Epitaph Soundpack

SO thats where you have been hiding sneak. I vaguely remember someone setting up a soundpack for Epitaph since Drakkos was into making games more and more accessible with this project, but I wasnt sure if it was still being worked on. I really need ot get back into that game, though the fact I still cannot get a carear path stared with the dream going is kind of driving me mad everytime I play and nothing.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Psycho Strike - New Strategy/Action game

2015-04-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Psycho Strike - New Strategy/Action game

OH god. You already no how some people feel about paying for a game. Dont bring paid dlc into the mix   Well the rifle just immasculated the shotgun. Instead of getting just 3 shots, I get 12 brutally effective blows. Kind of makes me think the shogun needs rebalancing to go through enemies to make the 100+ I have to spend on them viable for hordes. The $200 for 12 shots on a much more powerful weapon seems to make the shotgun the worst weapon in the game to get, only being sl double the damage of the revolver, but have 3 less shots. Im actually more confertable running rifles for my guys and buying ammo for them as it has the most shots per pack I see. Granted, will probably not let them equip ammo for it in bank heists as killing isnt the main goal but for general mayham in medkit missions a
 nd the like, and farming drugs, 12 shots go a long way. Especially when the group finally formas right when a police horde comes nad 3 shots take down officers in a syncronated storm of death.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Psycho Strike - New Strategy/Action game

2015-04-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Psycho Strike - New Strategy/Action game

So anyone found ways to ease up on the game a bit? I found a few things thatll help I guess:  I fone is needing new allies due to the old ones being from the crapy wooden doors? But cant smash that metal cell door open before getting gunned down? Try this:  1. Go to Factory.   2. Get a bomb or a few. Actually sending your manervants to gather them real fast can help here once all the workers flee/die so they dont grab them. Just be weary if the police get near, they will use the bombs and mines, though seem smart enough to run away  3. end the mission and get the bombs out of their inv and into yours.  4. Start prison and hope you get a map with metal oors loading near the entrance. just go and blas topen those doors. Im not sure if better loading criminals actually do load i
 n the back of the prison but thats just pain and misery I cant deal with at the moment.   Profit.   As well, bombs are strong enough to blast open vaults. Granted armed minions from the metal prison cells can quickly chop down vaults while you guard the entrance or if you wana have backup, stay near the group at the back while laying mines for the police to try to jump over.   Im not sure but it seems I dont use a weapon to break open doors. I know I had someone use a spear before and he was smashing a vault way too fast for it to be the spear. Is that normal?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Psycho Strike - New Strategy/Action game

2015-04-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Psycho Strike - New Strategy/Action game

Uh...  I dont think there is a registration mail. Normally afte ryou pay for the game, the site should redirect you back to the vgstorm website with the registration info on the page.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Psycho Strike - New Strategy/Action game

2015-04-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Psycho Strike - New Strategy/Action game

Im not sure but I think it maybe unlocked at lv 50, or somewhere near there. Unless its another factor that handles it. Awkwardly enough its actually great for bank heists as the ais make short work of the vaults and 8 times out of 10 immediately go to escape the bank instead of sticking around to fight the cops. However, on ertian other missions I rather take command myself to prevent things from going awkward, such as the lowest llevel member trying to tank multiple revolver shots than the higher def and shielded member taking the blows instead. Though, I do wish I had some control o what my members did when not participating and acted like a guide to direct them and organize them in groups, maybe go for fully grouped when the cops come near, or for one of the members to stay ont he eastern side of the fiel dgathering medkits and other stuff from those missions while two shotgun wielding thugs blast the police away.  Actually for 
 another possible approach to this game if anyone ever has an iea like this maybe to ditch the controlled aspect all together and go for a more rts type approach with the game. May also work to creat e a 2d x/y access map where one can direct troops around maps o perform their objects, and to setup cover points for the police. Would be fun in this approach making sure nothing goes wrong while your troops handle security and the incoming police. One can still have some direct control of the people if you want to order them to plce explosives somewhere, maybe pausing the actions to direct it more clearly before resuming. One can then aim to setup different varriations of levels that will require more members to pull off and some strategy in easily getting through a level with minimal issue, or not cover your flanks and have the police burst in on all sides while you open the 5 foot thick steel vault.  Though thats a totally d
 ifferent thing. What is available is actually still great and fun in its own right once one gets a feel for how things work.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Psycho Strike - New Strategy/Action game

2015-04-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Psycho Strike - New Strategy/Action game

@janagirl: Which bug with the Revolver? If it was for the blackmarket thats not a bug. You didnt buy a revolver, you just bought its ammo that gets placed in the bases inventory, not the haracters. To apply the ammo onto a minion, just go to manage items, equip items, and your revolver ammunition will be there.  Graned, Im now at the part of the game where police officers drop 2-4 packs of revolver ammo each, and the civlians are now armed with istols. I wonder if theres a point in the game where civilians will be running around with shotguns or whatever is above from there. I guess you become that horrifying.   Im curious what the next weapon up from shotuns will be. I know I usually go check the weapon shop when the blackmarket starts selling another type of ammo to go grab it from the store but still. Also, I kind of find the shotgun underp
 owered if your using it alone. The damage is nearly 3x the damage of the revolver, but as I said before, it tends to take two shots out of the 3 shots to kill an offier. And you go through your ammo packs fast with the shotgun just having 3 shots. Now if the shotgun is able to hit more than one person going through it like how most shooters display the shotgun as a multiple person knockdown weapon (I.e: Resident Evil 4) that would be nice, but the weapon seems to only hit one target. Granted, all 3 gangmemebers with shotguns = fun times while it shortly lasts. Though if shotguns were to hit through targets, I would obviously blow al my cash keeping the crowd control weapon stocked up to last missions longer. Good for those medkit runs where one wants to farm as many to last a few bank heists or weapon shop lootings.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Psycho Strike - New Strategy/Action game

2015-04-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Psycho Strike - New Strategy/Action game

So uh, any reason why I cant sell my stockpile of spare weapons to the black market? Would be nice to sell off some stuff I dnt use while clearing out my inventory. the current trash system is sort of too slow for this task. That and it might actually make one be able to raise someones loyalty via buying it from thousands in liberated revolver sales. Though it would be awkward if weapons sold less than the ammo. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Psycho Strike - New Strategy/Action game

2015-04-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Psycho Strike - New Strategy/Action game

...Is sort of hard to make something out of nothing. We all know that most of the people here who work on games tend to be people who do this on their spare time, and a their own expense with gathering said libraries, paying people for their time speaking, and the ammount of time it takes to write all this in code, make sure everything isnt causing your computer is self destructing, and then releasing it. As someone said 2 posts ago, this is just the initial release of the game. More changes will probably come soon with features to expand everything out more. And no one can expect the game to get any better, or future games to be better when they are not buying it, or trying to get their cash back.   Erg, the way I sort of invision buying audiogames and games from independent videogame developers as well is a donation. If you support the developer, and wish for him to produce better quality stuff whether the funds 
 do anything, or if the developers appreciate the gesture, than they will most likely deliver. I bought the game since I sort of liked the game and think it can improve more with updated releases. Though if no one wants to buy it, or will not buy until more features are made...well again, you cannot make anything great very easily from nothing. P.S: For those who say that great mainstream games are available for $10, you either are referring to the bargin bin, or steam stuff that was made most likely with a kick-starter page or other type of donations. Many independent developers usually dont have the unds to make something to then sell at a low price, one example of a game that was funded through donations and got great (and one some of us play) Is Skull Girls. Most of the development was funded by donations, which meant the costs of development were covered and allowed the game to be sold at a low price. 
 p;  The other games are most likely sold at bargin prices years after release. Normally I notice not too many big name developers are kind enough to work on a project and then sell it for $10. Its $60 or so these days, and it might go higher. I havent seen a big game yet sold for $10 that was not either a donation funded independent game, or a game already stagnating for a few years.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Psycho Strike - New Strategy/Action game

2015-04-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Psycho Strike - New Strategy/Action game

For those people having issues resucing new members for our crew at the prison: The factory level is your friend. A single bomb breaks open metal doors to get the more higher quality minions. Whats great is that the police tend to pick up bombs and mines while running to you so when they die, they sometimes drop multiple bombs/mines for you. Though this does mean you have to be weary of escaping afterwards. That and the electri c deathtrap in the stage.  Also, having minions collecting bombs and mines for you helps out a ton if they can avoid wasting it at the factory, but the ai seems smart enough to avoid their own bombs after planting.  Im actually one is consistently running bank to pay their crews loyality up when I can barely scrape by tha place, and the my needs at the hospital, weapon shop, and a few other laces My bill tends to get high, and my new members start to lose
  loyality faster than I can shake a stick I. I sort of thin money should actually go way up when loading in the bank vaults as it sort of feels its cscald to make a group invasion during the first go be paid, but not leave much else if you did more. Lucky it seems my hapless crew can shatter the vaults in seconds before we can leave, but only getting a max of 2100 at lv 42 is disappointing. This must be some poor town to guard that little. Maybe including one more, more armored ault with the big goodies might make doing the bank more worth it and enduring the ciege. And in honor of those who escape and enter banks from blown open holes in vaults, a special exitway for using a bomb near the back. if the last vault is destroyed.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Psycho Strike - New Strategy/Action game

2015-04-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Psycho Strike - New Strategy/Action game

This...this might help: I just notice this unlock:  You now can send out a team of gangster on a mission ithout directly controlling them.  Well, time to steal more tema members for non-played missions while my main team kicks ass.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Psycho Strike - New Strategy/Action game

2015-04-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Psycho Strike - New Strategy/Action game

Riiight, lv 22 scrub attempts to take over the gang when against an lv 49 criminal boss with advanced stats...that didnt end well for him. Wha was funnier was that he somehow missed using a shotgun and I killed him with me wee revolver. The the shotgun is an odd weapon for me. as strong as it is, the three shots is usually only enough to kill one cop after 2 hits. And leaving me with one shot,t he next horde of cos come in and haha, fail. Granted, the times I could supply shotgun shells to all my dudes, they wrecked the everything. Too bad I cant tell them to stop wasting their shots on the bank vaults and to save those for the police. Grante dit seem smy money troubles are a bit lifted...that and the ai together tends to stick together barring a few fails when doing full ai mode. They can rip apart cops fairly quickly before they can fire back unless a huge horde comes in. then my parnners have the
  wise idea to attack randomly while more and more ops run ain nd I can communicate to one of them to gtfo you have accomplished your task, now run. ...also anyone know how drugs work. I cant tell if they are a temporary boost to stats or if it actually increases stats. If thats the case I should see if I can farm drugs to do that. Being able to smile off revolver shots with some defense drugs+the latest shield would make me a fun tank. granted, being able to jump over shots at the right moment I guess would also help. . Okay, in regards to dealing with hordes, I notced a lot of the areas are devoid of anything sometimes. The factory and its electric machine of doom made me think some levels should have some cover via stuff to jump over. Walking up next to something and crouching via hoding down should make one use the item as cover while firing back, maybe either gaining a massive boost in defense, 
 or having the shots miss more often. Granted the downside would be your slower to turn around if the police or anyone else try to lleap over the barricade. I dont know, filling the field out with counters and other stuff to cause shots to miss would be a great way to extend missions longer/hold the line at a certain. point. Though telling your ai partners to stop charging at the cops over the barricade would also help with some quick voice commands or something. Dear god your not the legendary Leroy Jenkans, stop charging at the enemy like that and expect for it to end well .


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Psycho Strike - New Strategy/Action game

2015-04-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Psycho Strike - New Strategy/Action game

Im not sure if Im doing smething wrong but the game seems to go extremely difficult in quite a hurry after about half an hour of playing. It might be fromt eh fact I cant simply buy med kits from the black market to rely on hat or something bu being shot by 3 dudes spawning from the doorway gets old after a while when trying to get out of a location.   One one note, having one exit/entry point kind of makes things hard in the escape department when ont he very east side and game loads way too many police to escape from without getting shot 20 times per second. I guess to avoid swarms one might consider adding a few exits/entrances throughout some of the levels like factory, bank mainly away from the vaults, hospital and a few other locations considering normally places have multiple entrances. Weapon shop I guess would be too small for secondary oints, and prison would oe odd to allow easy exit, along with farm seeming t
 o rely returning to a getaway car after collecting food. I dont know, make it sort of a bit easy to gather these stuff since med kits are not buyable would ease things up a bit if someone screws up, and would also allow the police to enter in closer to threats or father depending on what approach they want to go for.   On another note, kind of also wish one could direct their allies to target specific things quickly. I guess its not so bad when my allies get to the bank vaults and start wackin all of them open while I hold the line but its awkward trying to get them to hit the metal door in a prison...or not to use a bomb afte rpicking one up (dont bring help at the factory). Maybe some ai settings to mess with to control behavior I missions would be nice to play with.   Also on the fact of resurce gathering for food and healing items, is it possible to make those like the bar and
  level lock it to the peol ein the mission. Failing that, at least make the police for the farm take a lot longer to come due to this probably being out in the country. Considering the goats dont seem to give any xp, your allies dont seem to be benefitting from the slaughtering. though if one wants, feel free to cause the area to suddenly be filled with police spawning extremely fast or people to get the hell out when that occurs.  Despite that, Im still having fun experimenting around with starting choices to quickly get through the beginning portions, and see what weapons I can unlock for mass murdering purposes. I should try to see if using bombs would instantly bust open metla doors at the prison in a few hits, might be an amusing way to start the game. Good work on what you have so far, and already purchased it for the sake of the support.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

2014-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

I have nothing against heavy weapons in that mode. What I am against is pooring more shots into a player then I do a zombie with a volcan, and them not dying, while I go down to their mp5 fire quickly and the other player not healing. Its hard to take down the volcan guy when he can flatten you in a few hits, while usin gthe same weapon does nothing to them.   I find the lms and defender stuff a lot more enjoyable as either one is working together on that, or missions, or are even as you dont see lv 600 players pooring all their point sinto axe and hp to last obscenely long. If everyone were set to lv 1 with certain exceptions (maybe lv 20 for at least 20 speed), people wouldnt end up in situations where you partners keep killing the other team in a few hits, making the thing boring, or the other team not getting annoyed the entire match as nothing hurts the ones firing.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

2014-12-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

I havent been on swamp for a year, and I like many of the new things added. the new lms maps gives a great verriety when wanting to do last man stuff instead of the town map. And the defender missions are great for survival test. As well, the new method for warehouse missions are great for a laugh too when setting some unique settings. However, I barely have fun in ctf missions anymore. Sometimes we get a battle where things even out as oddly enough player stat carry over. So people are awkwardly being pelted with a full clip of ammo and still running, to then get hit by a sniper form afar. hen we have jackasses who seem to have infinite ammo from a purchase and make degrading remarks because it seems they get the weapons they need quickly without even moving, and killing people in a few hits form a pistol, when it takes an bunch of minigun shots to drop them. Something is really realy off with a few c
 ertain players in this mode and it makes the entire thing miserable to play when you run into those players.  Sure maybe setting the game to even stats out at the end would help, but the times someones sat at one spot at the beginning with what sound slike an ak47 for 30 minutes from the start gets suspicious fast. but other than that, when fights are not stupid, they are fun. And so are the other missions. Everything that has been added has been very fun and I hope you keep up the good work...or polish off the rest of the work.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

2014-12-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

Or you know, dont give players 11 medikits at the start, and making being a guardian impossible without leaving the base. I find the points thing making the game oddly unbalanced. especially when people oddly get their favorite weapons at the start. As well, for those who cant spread point sthat far yet, the ctf matches are a joke where players just kill other people in one 2 hits no matter the hp.  Alos having the vokcan or ak47 is not nice when the other player can survive the entire burst and kill you in a few hits with a marlin.  Tres a reason why a lot of fps pvp stuff dont include damage increases in infinite ammounts like this. normally the perks are just weapon attatchments to avoid being heard or better movement skills. not 100 hp and 2 damge on a weapon. Its far more rewarding trying to survive with 100% hp or 200 if you want to change defaults at the miss
 ion, and be able to have the pistols not take 1000 shots to kill one guy. The fact 4 players firing at me did not hurt me, but one dude with one-2 shots from an acr killing makes the entire thing not worth playing. Also the mysterious people who somehow pullout 20 minutes worth of ammo near the same location an always grabbing their usual gun at every muach makes everything feel suspicious at many points. Actually I dont even remember grabbing ammo as one of my item drops very often, just weapons.t I had a lot more fun with Defend missions. Not like frantically staying alive till the end. That Is fun when swarmed and trying to inch out a bit longer.


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