Re: Help Improving Sleep Schedule.

2021-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help Improving Sleep Schedule.

@5Tablets and vitamin supplements are the same chemical, but I'm betting you were doing 5-10 mg, not 0.3 to 0.5 mg, and I'm betting you were doing it right at bedtime.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Help Improving Sleep Schedule.

2021-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help Improving Sleep Schedule.

Try 0.3 to 0.5 mg melatonin 5 hours before you want to fall asleep.  Don't go more: bigger doses will either not help or make it worse.  This works for some people, including me in a couple months when the super long days in Seattle throw mine off (o the joys of having no usable vision but just enough to be bothered by the sun...).  With me, it manifests not as tiredness exactly, but that feeling you get when it's midnight and you're like "wow, it's late, time for bed".  Some people find that while it helps them get to sleep, it causes them to wake up at 2 AM instead, but you will know this within a couple days--it doesn't suddenly happen 3 months in.This is a common problem for blind people. Google non-24-hour sleep disorder.More info on the melatonin thing here.  With citations, even.  You can get it from Amazon or over the counter in any store that sells vitamin supplements, though the version from the stores is typically 20 or 30 times the dose you should be playing with if you want it to actually help.  It's very cheap, like $10 for a bottle that'll last 6 months or something.If you do have vision enough for light perception, make sure that you're in low/no light environments closer to bed time.  Exorcise can help.  Large meals with carbs can help.  Forcing yourself to stick to a military-style rigid schedule where you always make yourself wake up and go to bed and eat and whatever else at the same times every day is extreme, but can help.  Melatonin is the easiest though if it works.  Everything else is pretty personalized and not so much the realm of science as the realm of just randomly seeing what sticks.


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Re: I have my very own TTS voice available to purchase.

2021-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I have my very own TTS voice available to purchase.

This isn't wrong in the sense that you intended to do something bad, so I'd just take it as a learning moment.   Most software that isn't explicitly designed to run a business or something will have terms like this that prevent you from selling whatever comes out the other side.@28Things like Siri are hand-tuned over months to years, and using custom designs.  I think Google now mostly uses machine learning to get them, but training a machine learning model for it takes anywhere from what is effectively one of those "why do you ever need a computer this good?" computers up to a supercomputer worth of GPUs, so you'll probably not see an Acapela-style version of that for another 5 yr so years.the research coming out of Google is cool, though, e.g. this.  The tech for it exists but the trained models would have trouble running on your local PC or phone, for now.  people are beginning to integrate dedicated circuitry for running this sort of software, however.


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Re: What mean MF2HD for floppy disks?

2021-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What mean MF2HD for floppy disks?

Ok, so I'm curious.  Why not just buy a thumbdrive or something?  You'd get the capacity of like 1 floppy disks for $10 and then it lasts for years.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I have my very own TTS voice available to purchase.

2021-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I have my very own TTS voice available to purchase.

Meh.  As someone who knows what they're talking about, it took a ton of work on their side to even be able to offer the product.  probably 3 to 5 years of development if not longer.  They're doing something that Google can't (or at least chooses not to, but I think can't judging by some papers), and Google is otherwise basically the leader in TTS voices.These are pretty standard licensing terms for anything, honestly.  They don't want to compete with themselves.  If you could use their tech to make a voice and then go sell it they'd be out of business in short order.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I have my very own TTS voice available to purchase.

2021-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I have my very own TTS voice available to purchase.

Yeah, so:“THE VOICE” CAN ONLY BE USED FOR PRIVATE USAGE AND THE LIMITATIONS SET OUT BY ACAPELA GROUP FOR THE USAGE THAT IS FULLY DESCRIBED IN ANNEX BTHE MONETIZATION OF THE VOICE DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY ON ANY MEDIA IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED.From here: it seems like you found a free way to sell something by running it through software which will then magically give you a product out the other end, you haven't found a way to sell the thing.


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Re: fantasy book suggestions

2021-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: fantasy book suggestions

@10Yeah, it's lesser known.  I think because it doesn't lean into the stereotypes.  It doesn't do the werewolves are abusive assholes and this is okay thing, by a few books in it drops the masquerade, and she never turns into some sort of badass private investigator who secretly enjoys going on adventure even though she claims she doesn't, at least how I remember it.  Nothing super original in there though.The problem with urban fantasy is that if it isn't Dresden files exactly or borderline BDSM erotica for at least one chapter of the book, no one cares.  Leastwise not since the 90s when it became mainstream.


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Re: Fantasy book recommendations

2021-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Fantasy  book recommendations

Most violent book?  Almost nothing wins over the Demonata series by Darren Shan.  Seriously, almost nothing.  This thread may now be considered closed.But more seriously: Night Angel series by Brent Weaks, Sandman Slim by I-forget-who, the later Dresden Files all go in that direction.  I didn't personally like it, but there's Malazn Book of the Fallen, which does such things as binding people to the god of death forever.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: fantasy book suggestions

2021-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: fantasy book suggestions

I forgot about Mercy Thompson.  Those are good.  There's also Kitty Norville, which is even more upbeat than those--and one of these days I'll read the last 3.And of course because other people's recommendations make me remember things too: Gail Carriger's Parasol Protectorate is also quite upbeat and low violence urban fantasy with vampires and werewolves, if by urban fantasy we mean 18th century London with at least one functional steam-powered mecca.  It took me a couple tries to get into it because it's intentionally written to read like the famous authors from back then, so the writing takes some getting used to, but the reward is very worth it.A better summary of Ocean at the end of the lane is, perhaps, man with eldrich abomination childhood friend returns home.  I don't think that's much of a spoiler.  But yeah, short of just laying out the plot you can't talk about it.I'll have to look at Zoo City.  I have seen it mentioned from time to time.  Mostly I do--call it quirky books these days.  Most of my urban fantasy reading is in the past, honestly because Matthew Swift ruined the genre forever by showing what it could be but never is.  After that I couldn't really go back.Jemisin is dark, fair warning.  But inheritance trilogy is also good (not by Paolini, also by Jemisin, don't get them confused).  That one is gods turned out to be a fucked-up family and because reasons they end up bound to an evil empire as the equivalent of superweapons, but take every chance they get to try to make them regret it--did you say destroy that empire over there?  Well, the easiest way was, I just removed the continent. sort of thing.  But 5th season is way better, so I'd start there.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: fantasy book suggestions

2021-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: fantasy book suggestions

Interesting.  Me and most people I know find Sanderson incredibly terrible at characters, though maybe it's more that he always does the same ones.  Not sure.  Usually I come away from a Sanderson book wanting to punch them for being unrealistic idiots for the sake of the plot.The genre you might be looking for is called low fantasy.  Or perhaps slice of life.  Those are terms for kind of the same thing: characters doing everyday things, the novel.  Not very much saving the world or anything.  I'm not a good guide to such things, though.It is easier to find optimistic sci-fi than fantasy.  Fantasy is very much rooted in the Tolkienesque save the world and there's armies and etc. tradition.I'm your guy for subverted/played with tropes, though not so much for happy books.  I've already named the most optimistic ones I can think of offhand unless I'm allowed to mention a couple sci-fi things, or go further into the romance genre than Klune's weird half-romance half-normal-fantasy niche (the good romances--not the ones that are porn trying to masquerade as something respectable--are entirely character driven and about people finding happiness).  But that'd only get a couple more out of me, heh.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: fantasy book suggestions

2021-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: fantasy book suggestions

Dresden is very, I don't want to call it stereotypical but if you want to avoid stereotypical urban fantasy battle scenes it's the series that literally established the tropes, so be warned.  Anyway, let's see:Most Discworld books by Terry Pratchett: for the most different/nonaggressive, try Going Postal, Making Money, and Unscene Academicals.  The last is explicitly about an Orc trying to help reverse the stereotype that orcs rip people's heads off etc. by playing football.  Warning: surprising depth and humor ensue (but then anyone who knows anything about Pratchett knows that's what Pratchett is all about).The Last Unicorn is a classic that I think everyone should read.  It's poetic for lack of a better way of putting it.  There's some violence but not much, and it's more about a unicorn learning what mortality means, among other things.  In the same vain there's Patricia A McKillip, especially Book of Atrix Wolf and Riddle-master of Hed, which are more on the aggressive side but are also about subverting tropes--Riddle-master has an entire subplot about what it's like to shapeshift into a tree, and when there is violence etc. it's not downplayed as this good shiny thing, and 90% or so of the first Riddle-master is the hero trying to run away from being forced into being the chosen one.  They're also both poetic in the way Last Unicorn is, There isn't much urban fantasy without violence.  The best I can do is suggest things that don't downplay it in a "isn't this a cool story? How about we kill stuff" fashion.  You might try Matthew Swift, which at least has unique powers and plots, and he's going up against things like the personification of what you do in the dark and the literal death of cities.  Sadly the first is more typical revenge, but against a magician who has half-accidentally separated from his shadow which is now a personification of hunger.There's Gaiman's Ocean at the End of the Lane, which is really hard to describe.  I think it's his best work, but I don't think I can summarize the plot at all other than to say it's worth a read.If you're willing to read something that is nominally M/M romance, there's Wolfsong by Klune.  It's violent in the latter half and definitely has explicit sex a couple times, but really it's on the M/M romance shelf only because there's nowhere else to put it since urban fantasy with gay characters just sort of has to end up there.  It's about broken people learning to be a family and has amazing characterization and the violence/dark and troubled past/etc has real consequences that the characters have to work past.  I always really try to get people to read it because it's one of the stereotypical "don't judge a book by its cover" situations.  Unfortunately the sequels are meh.  I go in for character-driven stuff, and it's definitely got that.Klune now has broad recognition outside M/M romance for House in the Serulian Sea, which I hated and found incredibly bland, but being as everything on goodreads now lists it near the top of the lists next to stuff that wins hugos etc, he obviously did something right with it.  That one is entirely nonviolent as I recall.There's Charles DeLint, which is an acquired taste--if you want to try him, just pick one that looks interesting.  He did urban fantasy in the 90s before the modern trends of everything being basically vampires and werewolves in a city fighting it out.Maybe I can think of more stuff that fits the criteria later.  If you're willing to add sci-fi and web originals, I've been following They Ar Smol for a while--it's basically the opposite of almost all the other sci-fi out there, sort of like Long Way to a Small Angry planet but longer and with the good people doing good things dial turned up more.  Plot is that it turns out that humans are the smallest/weakest/shortest lived aliens in the galaxy, but inspire a universal cuteness reaction in everyone else like cat memes, then plot that takes this idea seriously ensues.  It's nice and heartwarming, and deeper than it sounds (ex: what media we export has political implications because it's the equivalent of showing someone a video of someone disemboweling kittens, and learning to be doctors for us is hard for them).It's kind of a shame that I apparently am very good at finding things where the description makes them sound lame but then everyone I convince to read it thinks it's at least good, but meh.  I guess that's what happens when you read enough that you do in fact prove that it is possible to run out of books.


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Re: any opinions about the new macs with the m1 chip

2021-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any opinions about the new macs with the m1 chip

@30Read the Applevis blog posts, which are the closest thing to release notes there is.  You can just count the bugs fixed vs. the bugs introduced.  The bugs introduced list is usually 4 or 5 times longer.People have told me that maybe the speech latency has gotten better, but i haven't ever found a way to confirm it and it's never been written anywhere official; maybe I can confirm/deny that once I buy one for Synthizer development.iOS is kind of the same, in that Apple will take 6 months to fix anything if they fix it at all.At least it's better than the Google timelines.


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Re: About COVID-19 vaccine and immunosuppressants

2021-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: About COVID-19 vaccine and immunosuppressants

@4Find a doctor that's better.  If you have an anti-vaccine doctor who believes that stuff you should seriously not be trusting them with your life.  They're not a doctor, they're an unqualified quack, and continuing to see them risks your life in a myriad of other ways.  It is not possible to be a qualified doctor and believe that the vaccines are a conspiracy.  The absolute best case is that you're getting treatment that is seriously out of date; the worst case is they're not telling you about medicines you should be on and are giving you incorrect dosages.


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Re: thinking about leaving the us

2021-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: thinking about leaving the us

@19There were way more problems than renewable energy in the Texas thing, for what that's worth.Solar/wind/etc makes sense for you guys if and only if you also invest in the energy storage technologies to make it through periods like that, but my understanding is that the actual problem was that the entire grid was fragile.  This wikipedia article links lots of sources and says that solar/wind turbines were only blamed initially and weren't the main cause: think the most relevant quote is "However, renewable energy accounts for only 23% of Texas power output".  Maybe that's not true, but outside a very few places in the U.S. we are still mostly natural gas and coal.Most of the U.S.'s electrical grid is held together by paperclips and glue though.  It's a big problem.  No one wants to invest in it because it's boring, works, and costs money.  Then it doesn't.  No one wants to make it government run or government oversight, because capitalism, then we get PG and Texas and that thing in Massachusetts a few years back and the big New York blackouts at various times and...because everyone is trying to run public utilities for a profit.Unfortunately fixing this also requires higher taxes, which, well, haha.  Not in the U.S.


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Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

2021-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

@91This is funny.  Until you realize that a not-insignificant number of people on here are going to take you seriously.  Then it's just depressing.


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Re: thinking about leaving the us

2021-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: thinking about leaving the us

@14I mean, like.  In fairness I only vote for the democrats because they're the lesser evil of two evils.  I dislike them for different reasons than gcw, but I honestly can't peg gcw at all because they seem to be relatively liberal most of the time then explicitly and specifically hate the democrats when the democrats come up.


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Re: Need a hosting solution that is free for my flask app

2021-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Need a hosting solution that is free for my flask app

Whether they're dynamically updating doesn't matter.  That doesn't affect the outgoing bandwidth requirements.  Uploading them is almost always free.But shrug.  If you're not willing to spend $10/month none of us can help you in a way that's going to guarantee any sort of quality of service.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Need a hosting solution that is free for my flask app

2021-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Need a hosting solution that is free for my flask app

100MB audio files are pretty large though.  Not as bad as videos but a lot of my points still apply to that.  Do you know the volume of what you're expecting?  Really I'd give up on free.  Cheap, yeah.  Free, no.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: thinking about leaving the us

2021-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: thinking about leaving the us

I mean really, no one is taking those freedoms away.  This idea that the dems are going to just steamroll conservative values or whatever is false.  They haven't done anything significant since 2010.  They couldn't even close Guantanamo even though that would haven't needed congress, just a few people like actually deciding to do it.Even now the filibuster means that no dramatic policy is going to get through, because the dems in power actually just always default to playing nice.  It's the Twitter-ified version of dems that make the dems look super radical.  Even things that are pretty universally liked like expanded voter rights or limits on how much money corporations can pour into politics are dead on arrival even though they've got both chambers and the presidency; they could get it through, but to do that they'd have to fuck over the republicans, and even when they hold all the cards they can't get enough unity to decide to do that.I guess maybe the deplatforming etc. is concerning, and I don't like it, but Congress and whatever isn't deplatforming.  That's really all the twitter mob.  Dems in politics are almost universally nice, in the bad way.  it gets them elected but then they don't do much with it and nothing ever happens.  Hand them a majority everywhere and they still don't fulfill their promises to their voters.Conservatives have the supreme court and a lot of other lifetime judge appointments and an opponent who rolls over and shows their belly even when they hold all the cards.  I honestly think that if democrats actually fulfilled the promises they make a lot of you "dems are evil" people would like them for it.As things stand conservatives have a very strong foothold.  If they capitalize on it instead of continuing to tie themselves to Trump they have a very good chance of sweeping the 2022 and 2024 elections, and flipping this thread around so that I'm considering leaving because I'm a disabled minority and as soon as it's conservatives all the way that's not a good thing to be anymore.  But eh, same problem: disabled means no immigrating.The Twitter mob is another story.  I don't like the Twitter mob.  But frankly both sides do all the stuff that the Twitter mobs do, using the same tactics.  Most of the deplatforming and ugly stuff comes from social media.I used to believe that the federal government should be more powerful.  Then I watched the last 4 years. Now, I kind of wish that the states had all the power.  That would solve all of this pretty quick and get us a collection of 50 countries with easy immigration.  Democratss could go to Democratland Republicans to Republicanland.  Then who makes better policy gets solved fast and we see who fails.  But more to the point we could just all go avoid the other side and policy would happen and if you're a gay atheist you go to Seattle and be happy, and if you're a conservative Christian you go to somewhere in Florida and be happy.  And if one side fails, then the fact that they fail changes minds and everyone flips without even having to argue the point.  This isn't exactly a serious policy proposal because there's a lot of practicalities in there that make it infeasible, but: if I had my way that's how we'd solve this.  I believe the Democrats would win in the sense that in the end everyone would want to go live in the Democratic places, but eh, maybe not.  In any case if you could do it then at least no one would have to fear the president anymore.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Need a hosting solution that is free for my flask app

2021-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Need a hosting solution that is free for my flask app

If you need to host videos reliably, you're not going to be able to do so on a free solution unless you have an incredibly tiny audience because of the bandwidth requirements.  Storage is not your primary concern in this regard.  You can do it for $10 a month maybe, but not for free.Your cheapest option is DigitalOcean or similar, nginx config to host the files configured to rate limit so that no one can use all of your bandwidth allotment, letsencrypt for SSL, and Cloudflare's free offering in front of it.If you're going to try to stay on something like Heroku then you need to 301 redirect to storage.  I'm not sure if e.g. Django's integrations to S3 offer this.  Otherwise all the bandwidth goes through your tiny server that probably can't handle it because it's free.A GCP trial account will give you $300 in credit so that's maybe an option for a little while.   But if you're talking about a significant volume of viewers you will need to be careful to quantify how much outgoing bandwidth that is because the bigger cloud providers charge by the outgoing gigabyte.  One of the reasons I hesitate to use GCP etc. myself is that they are essentially a pay-as-you-go server linked to your credit card and the first DDOS can fuck you over if you're not prepared and configured properly to prevent it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: thinking about leaving the us

2021-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: thinking about leaving the us

I think that quite aside from any debate that's going to be had here, and man will there ever be, the answer to the question is "you can't because the U.S. is currently the most conservative country there is, unless you want to go somewhere that's basically a religious state".  Our left is most country's right, or at least their center.  You have to start looking to places like the middle east or small countries in South America if you honestly want something more conservative than the U.S. and you're going to basically have no rights as a disabled person in any of those places for starters.  Assuming that their conservative values mean you can even immigrate as a disabled person in the first place, that is.There's no reason to attack though.  You're not going to convince anyone who genuinely believes that Trump won the 2020 election that he didn't at this point.  They didn't say that, so maybe let's not put words in their mouth, but if that is what they believe and why they want to immigrate, just help or don't participate.  But unfortunately: there is nowhere else for such people to go is the answer to this question, so there we are.  End of discussion, really.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

2021-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

I would think that pointing out that spelling the thing you're arguing against properly is important doesn't count as a personal attack in any context, but especially in a context where the person misspelling it is trying to portray themselves as an expert on the topic.  Unless other people were pointing out mistakes in your text that I missed, I literally pointed out exactly one.Also, if we want to talk about personal attacks the first stone was thrown in 41, frankly, wherein apparently STEM majors are unethical or something?  I mean I've only engaged with the content for the most part.  I haven't done stuff like take what the other person has said and turn it into proposing that we lie to the participants of medical trials, or literally say that holy fuck this is an example of someone who shouldn't run the country?  But whatever.  I have a thick enough skin that I honestly don't care because you're a random person on the internet, but I'm not going to sit by while the person who threw the first stone claims I was attacking people as opposed to attacking their arguments.  I'm not the one coming over here and being outraged for the sake of being outraged.Look, Ghost, if you want people to engage with you then learn to change your mind or at least to lose an argument gracefully.  Taking what the person on the other side says and always finding the worst possible interpretation to make them look bad, changing the definition of terms and hoping no one notices, and attacking them doesn't get you anything at all.  I hope that at some point you can work out what to do with what is clearly a large amount of undirected anger, but to the rest of this site you have now done more to discredit everything you said than I possibly could have.


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Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

2021-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

@52Yeah, I guess I'm double posting.  You're using a study which was predicated around lying to the participants at the counterexample to what I'm saying.  I have not once in this thread said "let's lie to the participants" or "let's not treat the participants" or anything like that at all.Seriously, stop straw manning my posts.


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Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

2021-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

The difference between me and you is that I know I'm not qualified, and so when there's more than a 99% consensus of experts who are qualified, I listen to the experts rather than going off and forming my own theories on the topic, working myself up over it, then informing everyone about them as if it's truth.  I also apparently have a much better understanding of probability, because "a thousand people died" has to be taken in context and, if you consider this to be unsafe, you'd better never walk out your front door again.The UK is doing challenge trials, it's just way too late to matter and they needed to be doing this 4 months ago if not sooner.  But with respect to "it would be horrifying if you were running things", well, go be horrified at the UK government, who apparently thinks what I'm proposing here is reasonable enough that they're doing it: just gave a whole bunch of people a placebo and then said "in order to prove this vaccine works we'll have to wait until some of you get covid".  This is a challenge trial dressed up nice and taking way longer.  Cut the participants by a tenth or a hundredth and give them Covid and the same number of people get Covid total, same number of deaths etc. but with a shorter timeline.  You always have to make a trade-off of how many people you're willing to let die for the sake of finding the treatment.  The current medical establishment decided that the trade-off here was high double digit thousands of people, for the sake of not actively causing the deaths.  But at the end of the day a death is a death, and it would have been better if we had let a comparatively very small number of consenting, informed, uncoerced volunteers take the risk.  Could have done it with people in amazing health in their 20s and still known at least half of what we needed to know from it with basically no risks at all to the participants, being as by a few months in we did have the knowledge to know who was and wasn't going to die from it.  You can hate challenge trials all you want, and in normal times we maybe shouldn't depending on exactly what it's for, but this is an emergency and at the end of the day giving people a placebo vaccine and then sending them back out into the world to see if they get covid is exactly the same, just with the ability for us all to pat ourselves on the back about it.  We didn't have a choice about needing to do the research, but we did have a choice between "this feels good and lets us pretend we didn't cause a problem but is slow" and "this doesn't feel good but is fast", where either side of that choice is the same net harm from the perspective of the participants but very much not from the perspective of all the people we could have saved.As for volunteers needing to be experts to know the risks, "This is a challenge trial. Here is what we think will happen.  Worst case is you die horribly" from Dr expert PHD whatever seems pretty clear-cut.  We've taken this whole "protect people from themselves" thing to a ridiculous degree.  You don't have to be the expert to understand the risk of any clinical trial at all because a big part of the clinical trial is they tell you what those are.  SO not really sure how having biology expertise comes into whether or not a volunteer should be allowed to volunteer for a thing?  I mean, there has to be a reasonable belief that you're not going to die from it, etc.  Doctors shouldn't just be murdering people, you should always consider the ethics.  But this kind of thing shouldn't be a hard no in the first place, but especially not if the main argument you have against it is that we should be protecting people from themselves, because that's just treating the world like everyone is an idiot.As for China and Russia I'm not happy about everything they did, but everyone in the US, UK, etc. has entirely failed to get into emergency pandemic people are dying mode and instead made the trade-off of destroying the economy and entirely taking the ethical high ground at the cost of everything else.  We aren't really more defensible than them.  For example, we could have done things like said "it's an emergency. You can get the vaccine before Phase III but you have to pay for it yourself and sign this you might die waiver" but we didn't.  It's not more ethically defensible to be the guy who stands back and does nothing.  They took a stance that I don't like and which is very much at odds with western values that I do support, but it's a pandemic.  There's a place and time for ethical high grounds.  Majorly bad emergency situation is not that time.  Being as this is apparently devolving into you straw-man everything I say, I'm not saying we should throw out our ethics for it or anything like that.  But we should have recognized the complexity and treated it like a complex situation.  Instead, it's "U.S. good at pandemic, China bad at pandemic, also we must 

Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

2021-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

Ok, so apparently I can't resist this thread.First: regular non-MRNA vaccines typically work by taking a version of the pathogen itself, modifying it not to be harmful, then giving it to you.  As in, there's a needle, it contains influenza or covid or whatever, and we made it not harmful by modifying it a bit.  The MRNA vaccine doesn't even go that far.  If you're afraid of MRNA vaccines because they're somehow like HIV and might make you sick you should also be afraid of any new traditional vaccine because it literally contains a version of the disease, and technically we haven't given it lots of time to prove that we got the modification right.  The MRNA vaccines aren't going to suddenly have your body spitting out covid or anything like that, and trying to equate this to HIV shows a gross misunderstanding: HIV does have somewhat similar proteins, but the problem isn't that it penetrates cells with it, the problem is the tons of other stuff that come along for the ride.  This is like saying "here's the installer for NVDA, wonder if this will manufacture a virus randomly because I ran it", only you personally got handed the installer from NVAccess and it got independently verified by everyone on the face of the earth first.Second: the vaccine wasn't developed too quickly.  For any non-MRNA vaccine the technologies are super super well understood including the risks.  The MRNA vaccines already had years of work put into being able to do it before Covid.  But the real problem is the trials.We could have taken 100 or 200 volunteers, vaccinated them all, then tried to give them Covid.  After that worked, we could have done the same but as a bigger trial.  It would have taken maybe 2 or 3 months *total* to know if they worked.  We might have possibly killed, let's say the worst case is 30 people, because if you're getting covid in a laboratory setting with the best healthcare man can possibly provide then even for a couple thousand unvaccinated people you're going to be fine.  Only in this hypothetical universe you'd have vaccinated them all.  Challenge trials (the name for this) barely even need a placebo group.  Instead, we did exactly the same thing as this, only we had to recruit 5 people and wait for them to spontaneously get covid, rather than just saying here's a cotton swab with some covid on it, let's get this over with.  This wasted something like 6 to 8 months, during which time tens of thousands more died.  Maybe hundreds of thousands more honestly, but I'm not going to go examine data when even the smaller number makes my point, since that's more people than would have even been in the trial in the first place.Then after all that?  After all that we did stupid shit like the FDA taking weeks to approve anything rather than locking all the doctors and etc. in a room and saying "examine this data, it's an emergency".  And then we said "well actually, I'm country Y, and even though country X did a good trial I'm going to make you also do your expensive and time-consuming trial in country Y". So even if you say "well you can't be too careful, better do those long trials instead of the fast one" we still wasted at least a month beyond that per vaccine.Yes.  Vaccines take 10 years ordinarily.  But that doesn't mean it *should* take 10 years.  It means that medicine started being so careful that if the choice is between letting a very small group of volunteers risk their lives or letting literally millions of people get sick and die, medicine will always let the millions die.  Then this got enshrined in law.  If we could let people volunteer for something that's even a little bit risky, we could go *much* faster, because we could ensure that you got exposed to the pathogen.But the actual vaccine tech?  You can design new vaccines in a couple weeks, now.  Then, in any time but an emergency, you'll spend those 10 years jumping through hoops and spending billions to get it to market.  You'll know it's safe by the 3 year or 5 year mark, or at least safer than getting Malaria for example, but nope, can't actually stop there.  Have to spend the next 5 years convincing people like all of you on this thread who want to play armchair biologist that really it's fine, shame about all the people we could have saved in the meantime who would have been willing to take it.Again: 1000 people died maybe because of the Covid vaccine.  Some of those were certainly "I was allergic to latex and I lied" etc.  We've given 30 million at least, I think a lot more.  It's safer than walking across the street.  But we're still going to do "omfg new tech MRNA it's like HIV" fearmongering.  Please.  Just, stop.  If you're afraid of it, then that's fine, but don't open your mouth until you're damned sure that whatever you have to say is grounded in fact and worth scaring other people.  I promise that whatever you might think the risks are, convincing a bunch of people not to get vaccinated by going 

Re: Are There Any Phones out There That are Right to Repair Compliant

2021-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Are There Any Phones out There That are Right to Repair Compliant

Er. Guys.  It doesn't matter if right to repair passes in this instance.  Phones are a system on a chip.  The phone companies are certainly disinterested in making repairs easy, yeah.  But inside your phone there's basically one big chip with everything on it.  Repairing anything but the case/screen is replacing the device.Sure we could make a repairable phone.  Same way we could make a repairable computer.  But in both cases, a lot of the modern efficiencies especially around things like battery life and size are coming from not being repairable.  SO your repairable phone is going to be way bigger and have way less battery life at best.  By all means buy that if you want, but it doesn't exist because consumers don't want it, not because right to repair isn't implemented in law.  The best you're going to get is "yeah we can replace the screen and buttons", right to repair laws or no.


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Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

2021-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

Come on.  I don't know why I bother.  This is really basic medicine.  1000 out of going on 30 million isn't people dropping dead and some huge conspiracy, it's normal medicine.  Someone somewhere is going to be allergic to whatever, that's just how this works.  Most of those people probably had a pre-existing complication, such as an allergy to the ingredient, but it's not hidden data or some grand "we had better investigate" conspiracy.It's like how the entire AstraZenica trial got put on hold because of that one guy with an entirely unrelated condition who died wile in it, or the thing about how one of them had to write a detailed report for the FDA about when one of their participants got struck by lightning.Even assuming it's 1000 out of 30 million or whatever (I think it's higher now) that's a 1 in 3 chance.  It's not even that high because pre-existing conditions, falsely attributed deaths, etc.  I'm pretty sure we're well beyond 30 million doses administered too at this point, so it's even lower than that.  A quick Google says that there's 12 deaths per 10 people in the U.S. due to cars, which is 1 in 8000.  SO you're 3 times less likely to die from the Covid vaccine than from getting hit by a car, and that's *before* we ask questions like "are you allergic to x", "are you sick today", "is your immune system suppressed" etc.Which, again, it's not some huge thing we need to investigate.  You're at a much higher risk just crossing the street on your way to work. SO let's all stop freaking.


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Re: Are There Any Phones out There That are Right to Repair Compliant

2021-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Are There Any Phones out There That are Right to Repair Compliant

Pretty sure the Talkback thing is about technical constraints of some sort, not Google trying to keep it locked down.  I wouldn't be surprised if support for it required some sort of driver updates.Doubt you're going to find what you want.  There's things like the Pinephone but they're not accessible.  From a technical perspective phones aren't able to be power efficient and small while also being repairable.   As soon as you try tio make the phone modular instead of a system on a chip the power requirements and size shoot way up.  There's no market for inferior products that are sold only because philosophy, so that generally just doesn't happen.  Maybe there's something but I wouldn't hold your breath.


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Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

2021-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

@nunoPeople don't die from Pfizer.  Please provide a reputable source.  The only thing I can find is this which is saying that it's being reported by a small news outlet that's probably either fake or blowing it out of proportion (there's a whole contingent of Christians who think that the J shot is immoral because J also does something unrelated with abortions, for example).  There's no way 30 countries could keep this secret.  China is one of the very few who could pull off a "there are deaths and none of our citizens know" campaign.  Whatever you're hearing--assuming there's more than that one article--is almost certainly propaganda of some sort.  At this point there are hundreds of thousands of people involved in administering those vaccines.  Humanity keeping secrets 101 is that hundreds of thousands of people aren't going to keep their mouths shut if people are dropping dead from it.  We'd have way more than 1 source for 1 nursing home.Don't scare people unnecessarily, and please work on your critical thinking skills.  If you want to wait on the Chinese vaccine that's your life choice, but there's no reason to not trust the others.In any case the actual answer to this question is you take whatever vaccine you can get.  There aren't enough on the market yet for you to really have much choice--whatever is at your door is what you've got.  They're all about equally effective at preventing death.  As far as I know whether or not Pfizer is better at the new strains is somewhat of an open question because their trials mostly happened before the new strains were a thing.  Covid is so basic from a vaccine perspective that even the Russian and Chinese vaccines that got rushed out the door probably work fine.  We could have had vaccines going in 3 months if it weren't for bureaucracy and medical ethics people getting in the way.MRNA vaccines are new but as far as I know there's no reason whatsoever the believe they're dangerous or have long-term negative effects.  The chances that we've somehow invented a one-time shot that you take and then 10 years later you drop dead or something are minuscule.  If it was a medication you kept taking, fine.  But since it's not, it leaves your system and then it's gone.  Any weirdness would show up on the labwork and all the other things they check after that point.  One of the biggest problems with medicine is that if you tell the public something is new, the "o my god it might kill me" crowd starts up.  The reason we didn't have covid vaccines on an actually reasonable timeline is because this mindset has put us in the position of not being able to get relatively simple medical treatments out the door quickly even in an emergency.


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Re: Good, easy to use, blog software recommendations?

2021-03-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Good, easy to use, blog software recommendations?

Jekyll, Nikola, Hugo are all fine.  You might have to switch the themes around to find an accessible one.  My blog is nickola but if I did it again I'd go with Jekyll probably.  All CLI tools, you run a command then upload the files somewhere however you want to upload the files.Advertising VI accessibility doesn't matter.  Most static site generators are accessible enough because it's a static site and uses a minimum of JS.  You almost always get headings etc.Only thing you don't get easily is comments.  Search, RSS, all that are out of the box.  Comments require a proper backend though.  There's usually options but it'll mean running another piece.


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Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

2021-03-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

@145For what it's worth I don't "accept science" in that way, nor do most other actual atheists.  Science doesn't have the answers yet.  It probably will eventually, but until then I don't go seek religious explanations because every time religion has come into contact with science, science has won.  For the really big questions--do we have a soul--there's very compelling concrete evidence otherwise.  But for all the stuff we don't know, reputable scientists will just say "we don't know yet".  To use your language, "believing science" is merely requiring actual proof for things rather than just taking whoever's word for it, not making up answers from nowhere to fill holes, and producing experimental results that can be reliably reproduced.Don't lump scientists and people who understand science in with the covid-19 zealot crowd.  Most of us hate Fauci for deciding to play politics with the science for the sake of getting people to comply with things like mask mandates, for one thing.  He could have told the truth and still had people complying, and all the back and forth wouldn't have eroded the credibility of everyone involved.  And don't even get me started on how we could have had vaccines in 2 months if people had bothered to get out of the way and stop riding the ethics high horse (I will scream challenge trials until the end of time at this point, but no one will ever listen).But to circle back to my "you're probably born an atheist" point: you just treated science like a religion.  Atheism is a lack of belief, not a belief in something else.  Almost no one is able to understand how someone can just not believe in things.  It's very easy to say "some people don't believe in things unless there's evidence" and know that to be true, but quite another thing to understand it when you say it.What we miss out on is false comfort.  It's false comfort that's as good as true comfort because if you make up reasons you have to have a soul and all these other capacities that are somehow unique to humans because humans are special and you have the ability to maintain that belief, then you get to have a higher purpose and stuff like that, and death isn't the end and so on.  But to the atheist, to the scientists, it matters that the things we believe actually be true and not just pulled out of the air.  Once you care about truth--not "we all have different truths" truth but actual "someone has to be right because it's either yes or no to these questions" truth--you can no longer maintain those constructs.  It's a really strong placebo effect: like if you could believe in the fire when you're cold, and somehow that keeps you warm, but only until you notice that the fire doesn't exist, at which point you can't ever un-notice that the fire doesn't exist anymore.


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Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

2021-03-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

@139Cruel, yes.  A very common belief shared even by most Christians, yes.  People get comfort from that believe it or not.  You can pass the test, if it's a test, and if you get an A you go to heaven (or go to better heaven, or spend less time in heaven learning what you did wrong in life, or...).When I say that we would solve more problems without religion this is a big part of what I'm referring to.  But I guess we could also solve it if we made people such as @138 reframe the test as "hey, maybe we should figure out how to not have any suffering, maybe it's actually a test to see if we can eliminate this kind of pain", rather than some medieval bear the torture and it will bring you closer to god who can apparently only be appeased by pain.


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Re: Tips for lighting cigarette-like things

2021-03-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tips for lighting cigarette-like things

Ok, so I've only done this myself once but it was a memorable experience because I learned about flames, thumbs, mishandling of.  If you're talking about the little pocket lighters, the flame is maybe a quarter inch.But the reason it was memorable is that the flame always goes up.  That's true of most lighters.  You don't get sideways fire without an actual force ejecting the fluid (we call this a flamethrower) or something solid guiding it.  It's one of those counterintuitive blindness model of the world things, that you can't treat lighters like pointers and "point" the flame.  The pointer bit always points generally up if that makes sense.So the trick is that when you flick it with your thumb you have to make sure your thumb is never "above" the flame.  You've got the little thing your thumb rests on and the flame bit, and if you make the mistake of assuming that you can tip the lighter like a glass and "pour" the fire then you'll hit the 45 degree mark and the flame will come up to your thumb instead.  Hold it straight vertical is fine, that's safe.  The trick for actually lighting something is to hold it so that you're tilting it with your thumb to the side of where the flame wants to go, e.g. put the thumb bit toward you, the flame bit away from you, then tilt it left or right.It won't burn you bad if you get it wrong.  Might need a bandage or something, but it's not going to put you in the hospital or anything.  But it might be best to get a sighted person to show you how this works.One of these days I'll have friends to do weed with and will know for sure, but I'm pretty certain that how close the lighter is doesn't matter as long as it's close enough to catch, because fire will spread to the rest of it.  It might though.  Beyond "can use a lighter safely" I have little experience.


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Re: History of, from the first posts from each room

2021-03-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: History of, from the first posts from each room

@39Being knowledgeable doesn't equate to being reliable.  What matters from the perspective of whether or not to adopt my software is reliability: will I be maintaining it tomorrow?  I dropped camlorn_audio because camlorn_audio was my newbie project and a train wreck.  I dropped Libaudioverse because it's the kind of thing that is way bigger than what Synthizer wants to be, I made some other mistakes, and finishing it in parallel with a dayjob is infeasible.But.  This is the key point.  I did drop them.  Now obviously there were good reasons and it's OSS and I had no obligation to continue writing anything.  But I can now expect less adopters.  By how much?  Who knows.  "He's got a history of dropping libs, maybe I shouldn't use this one" is a fine thing to say.  Both of those projects had a long enough lifetime that it's not like I'm super flaky or anything--Libaudioverse was literally years of maintenance/updates and camlorn_audio was almost 10 years ago now--so it probably doesn't hurt me too much.But I don't get a pass for it exactly and it doesn't matter how knowledgeable I am, anyone doing software at a high enough level doesn't care if I'm a genius or an idiot, they care if using my stuff is going to screw them over somehow.


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Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

2021-03-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

Ok, again, gay rainbow unicorns.  I believe in gay rainbow unicorns.  If science is supposed to disprove everything, then please tell me how to disprove gay rainbow unicorns?You can't start from the assumption that something is true and then prove it false.  Maybe gay rainbow unicorns are only found on the surface of neutron stars in the Andromeda galaxy.  As long as I start from the assumption that gay rainbow unicorns must exist, science can't disprove them.  Sometimes science can, for example if I said "gay rainbow unicorns can be found in Central Park in new York City on Tuesdays at noon".If you want me to take back my comment about how I think people here are intentionally avoiding understanding science to hold onto their beliefs, explain how psionics is different?  Every time science disproves it, the bar just gets moved: maybe it can't be done in the lab because the instruments somehow destroy it, maybe you have to be holding the spoon for the mental energies to connect, and so on.  I say what I'm saying about intentionally ignoring science because even the most religious schools out there--the crazy cultish ones--teach you why this kind of argument is bad sometime in middle school.  You have to explicitly decide to ignore what is literally the most basic thing in science or any type of argument where one side must be correct to maintain the argument about psionics and other mental powers.  It's only in the realm of philosophy, where there is no objective truth, that you get to use other structures.  And even there, it's frowned on.I have less of a problem with religion as a whole in this regard because religious people don't literally move the bar a couple weeks after each experiment rather than accepting the results.  The religion stuff at least takes a generation to shift the bar.  They shouldn't be moving the bar because that's bad arguing, but they're at least not going "hahaha, science, time to purposely move the bar, here's my blog post with something quantum interference can't measure it something something" a few days after the papers come out.  They don't argue properly, but they at least *try*.  maybe that will change as science continues moving faster, I don't know.But the psionics stuff, you have to actively not look to believe in it.  You have to actively ignore the most basic tenants of science.  You have to actively not google things like "why is telekinesis impossible".  The only way to believe in it is to be incredibly gullible, be incredibly uneducated, or actively work to avoid trying to find out if you're right about it.Provide me a way for science to actively disprove gay rainbow unicorns that I can't counter with an argument along the lines of what the mental powers people use and I'll take it back.  Until then, I stand by this viewpoint.


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Re: Big TalkBack changes

2021-03-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Big TalkBack changes

@93People care about multi-finger gestures because iOS has a very good gesture recognition system that makes it so that you have to barely move your fingers, and for those of us who don't want to lug a keyboard everywhere being able to scroll etc. with a small 3-finger flick or whatever rather than the strange things Talkback thinks are a good idea is a very nice thing indeed.The one thing I've never heard said about Android is that they've suddenly nailed gesture recognition quality.  It certainly used to suck.  I'm not surprised that you don't get the point if you still have to be almost ham-fisted to get Android's gesture recognition for accessibility to like you.


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Re: History of, from the first posts from each room

2021-03-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: History of, from the first posts from each room

@35Abandoned games is fine by me.  Like, unless someone is paying for it on a subscription basis then the devs are allowed to walk away.  That's just called life.  So if I misread and that's specifically what you meant, yeah.  But admittedly if you keep walking away from your projects people will eventually lose interest.  I'm sure that me haviong walked away from libaudioverse and camlorn_audio has people wondering what'll happen to synthizer, even though there was very good reason involved each time that wasn't just stfu.But for everything else, piracy, things like that--yeah, this place is way too forgiving.


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Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

2021-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

Ok, so science doesn't work that way, as established.And here's why.  Humans emit in the infrared.  Being able to emit more or less in the infrared is something you can control even without meditation because it's a function of body heat.  Get embarrassed, take a cold shower, exercise, and so on and it'll shift.SO here is how a "emits in the UV spectrum" can get screwed up.  Someone involved accidentally sets one apparatus to the infrared spectrum.  You do your entire experiment.  No one notices.  You publish your cool paper.  Oops.Now you're going to say "but surely someone would disprove that", but here's the thing about science.  These sorts of "humans have weird energy" experiments have been going on for basically as long as the scientific method, and they never, ever replicate.  Same for "I can bend things with my mind", and so on.Scientists would love to knock down this pseudoscience bullshit by trying to replicate it one claim at a time and find the mistakes.  It's very satisfying emotionally.  But it's going to cost $1 to fail to replicate "meditation lets us emit in the UV spectrum" and so on.  There's literally tens of thousands of claims like it a year.  You can only do that for so long.  You have to spend your resources effectively.  Once there's mountains of evidence against something that also has no explanation that fits with anything in biology or physics and you've failed to replicate over and over, there's no point.  It's a waste of resources.  If you believe in this stuff and are like "what evidence?" you haven't looked.  It's one Google search away.  The scientists can either be busy participating in unreplicated pseudoscience or solving things like covid, not both.Science is equipped to accept psychic energy.  Unlike those of you who have decided to torture science into something that matches your worldview, those of us who get it don't raise the bar.  Get your weird UV experiment or whatever to replicate with someone more reputable than who first ran it.  You're not going to jump it straight to MIT.  But if it works, you should be able to get some small university lab or something to replicate, and then they say "huh, this worked for us, let's publish and see if someone else can make it work", and then maybe another couple small universities do it, and so on.  The reason that science doesn't accept psychic energy and stuff is that as soon as whoever makes the claim replicates it a couple times, someone else has always found the mistake--for instance, the people who can bend spoons always turn out to be allowed to hold the spoon with their hand.And the thing is, you're probably like "but come on, do you actually believe that? They'll just laugh it out of the room even if you did have replication".  I believe it because science *did* try.  Psychic energies was an open question in the 1950s or so, give or take, right alongside "can LSD let us mind control people?" and many other things.  Science approached these questions with a 'we don't know", just as good science approaches everything, and then the answer turned out to be "no", proven by tons and tons of people running experiments like this that failed to replicate.  And then the question was closed.  If it's going to be reopened, someone needs to find something that (1) replicates and (2) isn't explained by physics and biology.But I'm really not sure why I'm bothering, since I'm pretty sure the people making these claims on here are intentionally misunderstanding science, or at least intentionally avoiding learning more for fear that their belief in whatever mystical flavor of the week will get crushed by this little thing we call objective reality.


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Re: History of, from the first posts from each room

2021-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: History of, from the first posts from each room

If you want to program stuff and put out games and run a web site, you either have the maturity to maintain your reputation and not do stupid things, or you don't.  If you don't, it's not the problem of the communities you're a part of.  Putting out games and running a web site etc. is asking to be treated like someone smart enough to do all that, which means that you're being treated like someone smart enough to think through consequences.If the people here pulled the shit they pull here on Twitter or Facebook, then it would be clear to the people here that really this community is very forgiving.  I promise other places make this place look like your incredibly loving parents who will support you in whatever you do, in terms of letting people get away with stuff then forgiving and forgetting it.Saying that needs to be more forgiving is a sign of naivety in my opinion.


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Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

2021-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

I will also just throw out that if god is all-powerful and all-knowing it would take him literally no time at all to fix the world.  He could just do it.  Zero effort, boom, world is now better.  Literally no time and no effort but wanting it to happen on his part.  All-powerful means you get what you wish for no matter what, instantly, and without fail.  When I say that people don't get what all-powerful means, this is what I'm referring to.  People can say "all-powerful god" and "here's a bunch of passes" in the same breath, but all-powerful beings by their nature are, well, all-powerful.  If god existed, then the only reason the world sucks is that he hasn't wanted it not to.


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Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

2021-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

@jaydeI wouldn't bother arguing.  People claiming that god has reasons are using it as a denial mechanism, of a sort, because if god has reasons then it's not meaningless suffering, it's meaningful suffering, which is better.I say the world would be better without religion because if it were meaningless suffering we'd spend more time trying to fix it.  But the argument is more about taking someone's security blanket away, not what's true, and arguing about what's true is missing the point entirely and isn't going to get you anywhere.I have basically checked out from this thread because at the end of the day I've already said everything.  You have too.  People are either already atheists or not.  When you say "but show me what god's plan is" and stuff you're not getting satisfying answers because people who sit around saying that there's a plan and therefore this sort of pain has meaning and makes us grow as people can't cope with a world in which that's not the case.  They don't care about whether or not it's true.  They care about whether or not it makes them feel better.  Unless you can offer something that would make people feel better about there not being a god and it's really really strong memetically, no one will care what you say unless they already agree with you.  Neither of us is good enough to do that.   Lots of people who are way better at this than us have tried and failed for the last however long--say 60-70 years, I think that's probably about how old modern atheism is.


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Re: some questions about cooking

2021-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some questions about cooking

@17I was using it for hashbrowns.  You also probably can't do hamburgers in them either, I would think.  They're of limited use if you're going to legitimately have liquid/oil involved, unless there's one that's actually watertight when it's  closed.If I weren't comfortable with spatulas then it would maybe be worth revisiting it, but I am, and overall being comfortable with spatulas has lots and lots of other applications so that's what I'd suggest here over trick pans.


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Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

2021-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

@63Kind of.  It is important to understand that science has actually changed very rapidly in the last 100 years.  I'm not arguing with you: we have similar opinions.  But it will help you to understand the other side of this if you look at for example Aristotelian philosophy, or the fact that Newton was an alchemist--and, more important, that in those places, at those times, that was the equivalent of atheism and blasphemy.The big bang having evidence has only been (I think) the last 60 years; evolution on short time scales has only really been something we could look into well after DNA sequencing.  I think there is going to be an uptick in agnosticism soon.  You can see it in Seattle, where instead of a god you get a bunch of people who believe in astrology and a bunch of stuff where there isn't a higher power, just this collection of personally meaningful stuff.  But it's not time for that yet, if that makes sense.  The truth of the matter is that in just the last 30 years we've gone from the position  of having a ton of stuff that was a big black box that we could just say "the soul" or "evolution doesn't make sense" to "here's evolution affecting your covid vaccines" and "let's build artificial minds".  You can't arguepeople into atheism.  You really, really can't.  But I'll be surprised if Christianity or any other religion that uses a singular higher power that actively participates in the world is nearly so dominant by 2050.  There are a lot of things bleeding power off religions right now.@64I'll bite.  Harry Potter is around the size of the bible.  Lord of the Rings is around the size of the bible.  The Wheel of Time series is something like 20 or 30 times the size of the bible.  Discworld (the whole series) is even more than that.  Basically any author who writes a trilogy has written more than is in the bible.  Any cult leader typically goes off and writes a bible (for a really creepy one see scientology, but at your age maybe don't if you want to sleep well at night--they do a lot of very creepy stuff that does actually happen, like successfully infiltrate the IRS).With all due respect, while you're free to have your opinions, you're only 14 or so.  I'd wait until you're older to get involved in these arguments.  At the moment you're not equipped to participate, other than to throw your emotions out.  For one thing many serious Christians no longer dispute the big bang and evolution, as one example.  And to be honest "no one writes a book that big for fun" is kind of not a good look being as you're basically saying that every popular adult author doesn't exist.


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Re: do i need to be scared about my google account

2021-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: do i need to be scared about my google account

It's fine.  You're freaking out over nothing.  You don't even need to be signed in for their recommendation algorithms to know about you anyway, honestly.If you're concerned about hacking, turn on 2-factor authentication.  You should honestly turn that on anyway.


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Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

2021-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

@51The scientific method is very, very new.  I think 1700s-ish, but not sure on the exact dates.  It's not innate to people.  You have to learn it.  It's not self-propagating, and is actually counterintuitive to most people even once explained.I would go so far as to say that really getting the scientific method at a deep level is as rare as atheism, and with a large overlap.  it's easy enough to do it because the science god/your teacher/whatever said that's how science has to happen, but it's very hard to understand *why*.@53Population control can be solved in many ways without pain.  Population control can be solved without even mandating that humans die.  For example an infinite universe in which there is no speed of light, any human can opt out of gravity for them and their spacecraft, and every single planet is capable of supporting human life and close enough to all the other planets that you can go home for dinner.  Just add on that there's a couple magic rocks that are easy to find and when you put them next to each other you get a controlled reactionless rocket engine that doesn't require any energy and there you go, space eutopia.The only beings that would have to use things like disease for population control are not all powerful by any means.  In order to need to implement suffering of any sort, you have to be a being that's operating under constraints.  For example some alien civilization who is stuck with the laws of physics as implemented in our universe.  All-powerful beings actually don't necessarily have any need to even bring humans into being, because if they're lonely etc they can just rewrite themselves so that they're not anymore, no "here are other people to talk to" workarounds necessary.People really have trouble getting what all-powerful god means.  The arguments for why pain must exist and so on, they all have implicit assumptions.  There couldn't be a war in heaven if god were all-powerful, either.  All-powerful means you get whatever you want exactly how you want it, and if it's impossible you just change the rules so it's possible.  Any being such as that which creates something with suffering and death is so evil that it makes Hitler look like a saint, and if we had the power to end them we should unquestionably do so instantly.  If we assume that god exists, they're either all-powerful or good.  They can't be both.


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Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

2021-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

@NocturnusSee, that's the thing, and why I don't bother with these arguments.  Good arguing 101 isn't "prove x doesn't exist", it's "prove x does".  For example, to borrow a thing from Feynman, prove that there's not a dragon in the room with you.  "but I can't see it", well, it's made of gas and is entirely transparent.  "But I can't feel it either" well, it's not moving right now, and is just sitting in the corner, of course you don't feel it.You can take refuge behind the "atheists have to prove god doesn't exist" argument forever, which is why most of us just avoid religious people and don't bother.  We can't do it.  We also can't prove that gay rainbow unicorns don't exist, either.  It's an impossible demand.  As I said, I gave up really bothering a long time ago.  in any other domain, you probably wouldn't put the demand on the other side to prove the absence of something but, as with every other religious person I've interacted with, you're fine doing it to defend your position on religion.Either you have to say that gay rainbow unicorns exist because no one can prove that they can't, or you have to universally apply the standard that you apply to non-religious things everywhere.  Anything else is inconsistent.  I am not being sarcastic.  I mean this seriously.  If atheists have to prove god doesn't exist, then by that standard gay rainbow unicorns must exist too.  Ever seen a not-gay-rainbow-unicorn?  No? Thought not.But here's why i say that you're probably born an atheist, and don't come to it later.  I worked this out literally when I was like 6, the day I realized Santa wasn't real.  How that conversation went was that we got into something about how monsters under the bed weren't real, then I asked if Santa was real, then shortly after that I realized that god can't be real either, because if god were real then we couldn't also say that magic and other supernatural stuff doesn't exist.  Obviously at that age the argument wasn't fully formed, but that's when I realized the arguments were flawed, that everyone around me would say "god exists and is real and you have to have faith" while in the same breath saying that other things like it weren't real that were equally plausible like faeries (I don't mean cartoon ones, I mean the old scary ones from the 1800s and earlier).  Discovering I was an atheist wasn't a process of being converted or anything like that, it was a process of discovering that the reason I always felt uncomfortable and bored at church had a name, while going along with it because I had Christian parents.I don't have good religious friends, and doubt I ever will.  Religious people can be kind, smart, all that.  Not disputing that.  But no one religious can get past a certain point, because atheism isn't a religion, it's the absence of one, and understanding how that's even possible in the first place seems to just sort of break 95% of humanity.  You and most of the rest of humanity are mildly insane by my standards.  That's fine.  I even understand why.  But it's creepy to watch you and everyone else who are otherwise smart, consistent, and able to make good arguments, all these people who are willing to say "there is an objective truth and that's valuable", just...have this giant hole where all of that goes out the window, and not only does it go out the window, it goes so much out the window that you start demanding something that you know to be impossible from atheists rather than saying "huh, this is odd, maybe we should work out what's actually going on here, because only one religion and/or the atheists can be right".  And no matter what I say you'll never really see it either.  Maybe you personally will surprise me, but I've had this conversation enough and watched this conversation enough that I doubt it.


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Re: what are your opinions about guide dogs?

2021-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what are your opinions about guide dogs?

@3I mean, the thing is that I don't find that I have to spend 100% of my energy on travel.  Your cane skills may be good, but "I have to spend 100% of my energy on travel" is a foreign concept to me.  It's like 30%, maybe.  I can totally zone out when using the cane unless it's somewhere I've never been before.  And when I'm doing something with someone where I want to be focused on them instead of travel I just grab an elbow and off we go: you can deal with the lack of skill on their part by still covering yourself with the cane, while not having to spend effort on knowing where to go next, which drops the 30% effort to like 10%.  But I'm in downtown Seattle, which means I've got a grid, so where to go next is always a 90 degree turn, which means that if we're like walking to a restaurant or something, even that's not necessary because it's get to the corner and I find out if it's a turn.So idk.  That extra bit of zoning out is nice, but it's not nearly so much as you're describing.And for the weird cases where you're doing something as unusual as a hospital we've now got things like Seeing AI and I don't see that going away.  It's just, lots and lots of little things chipped away at it.  I love dogs.  I actually might get a non-guide dog dog in the near future.  But I just woke up one day and it was like "you know, I can do a lot more with a lot less effort with the cane" and that was that.


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Re: what are your opinions about guide dogs?

2021-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what are your opinions about guide dogs?

I think it depends on you.  I did it for 5 years or so.  I found that it's great for something like college, where you're going to the same places every day and the dog picks up on that.  You can go on autopilot and just let the dog do it.But then I ended up not being in college anymore, started doing things like going to crowded bars and weird parties, working remote.  And I found that (1) they're not nearly so great if you're going to put yourself in unfamiliar situations all the time, because the cane can provide more info and even though you're allowed to take them everywhere, having a dog along for the ride is really not nearly so convenient for lots of kinds of activities; and (2) my cane skills are good enough that I can go as fast as the dog with the cane.But they're good for companionship, and they can make up for years of cane practice with only a few weeks doing training.  It's my opinion that canes top out above where guide dogs top out for those who are really good with the cane and spatial reasoning and stuff like that, but maybe your cane skills won't top out there because learning the cane can be hard for most people, or being functional now is more important than being super capable, and if that's the case you can't beat investing a few weeks of your life for the level of skill they do give you.


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Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

2021-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

@27We did all of that in 5 years, though.  Less time than it takes a human child to learn to talk.I was trying to avoid the argument because it feels very off topic, but the thing about "does the soul exist?" arguments is that every time someone puts evidence on the "no it doesn't side", the "yes it does" side raises the bar.  20-30 years ago it was psychiatrists are crackpots and we can never understand how to treat mental illness.  10-15 years ago it was this AI thing is bullshit because humans are special.  Now, it's "well AI isn't that great and can become racist".  What will it be tomorrow?  You tell me.I consider any argument where one side of the argument continues providing evidence and the other side of the argument continues moving the goalpost and even going so far as to say of course we can't provide evidence because it's faith to be a pretty clear-cut argument.  There will always be room for a soul, but only if people keep changing the definition of a soul so that it fits in the hole that's left for it.@28I'm not saying that good and bad don't exist.  You believe in ethics because god, which isn't an argument for ethics as such, just "I believe in a thing called god, there's no real evidence, but I believe".  I believe in ethics because I have ethics because I believe in ethics because... which is a tautology, and also no real argument for ethics.  People just have it, same way we have 2 legs.  Is it a good thing?  yes.  Why is it a good thing?  because.  You can't really get deeper at it than that.  You can try, but trying requires saying that there's no particular truth, or believing in a god, and if you use believing in a god then which god?  Sure, you can construct big towers of philosophy and freak out about it and watch as everyone constructs incompatible towers of philosophy that end at the same place, and maybe say "well there must be a deeper truth".  Or you can just accept that it's a thing that happens, same way as the sun coming up.One of the reasons I no longer bother trying to get people to be atheists is that one of the key inherent capacities of atheism is the ability to be fine with questions that end in tautologies or big question marks.  As with everything else atheism-related, there's no particular value judgement on it though: as far as I can tell it's either a thing you're born with or you aren't.  It doesn't make you a better person, just one who is more able to value truth as an end in itself.  And I'm pretty sure it can't be learned.  There's very little research and such on these topics, probably a lot because atheism is actually quite rare and admitting to it is still somewhat taboo.  I don't believe in a higher power because I don't need one: I can be fully comfortable with the universe existing just because it exists, or people doing things we can't explain because we just don't know yet, and so on.  When I think about those ideas and stuff like it I don't feel the slightest bit of discomfort not knowing.It would be nice to know, but what I care about is truth, not having a reason.  Saying "but god" is a reason, but one to which there's no truth.  Saying "because god" has no predictive power, and just makes the universe more complicated without actually explaining anything at all.But mostly, I'm an atheist because (like with the soul) we keep having to change the definitions of what god does because science and other evidence-based things keep intruding.  There'll always be room for a creator and higher power too, but if you keep having to change the shape of the hole that it fits in, then it's a bad argument, nothing more.  if someone had said 2000 years ago "here is exactly what god does, you can go talk to him, and these things reliably happen", sure.  But instead it starts with finding reasons that god "withdrew" or whatever and just keeps going and going and going, taking capacities away but still saying "there's a god".  If it were anything else at all and people treated it like they do arguments about god, we'd laugh them out of the room--but god/higher powers get a pass, you're allowed to pull out every tool in the arguing in bad faith toolbox, every cognitive bias in the cognitive bias toolbox, and we praise it and call it wisdom.


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Re: some questions about cooking

2021-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some questions about cooking

@15Yeah, frying is you add a bit of oil and you stick the egg in there and you let it sit until it solidifies some, as I recall.  I'm not a big egg person.  My suggestion is to start by practicing with a spatula so that you can get used to flipping things.Someone else here who likes eggs more probably has better ideas.  I know there's pans that close so you can just flip the pan for instance, and I've tried those for some things, but oil always leaks out when you flip it which isn't fun at all.


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Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

2021-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

@20You won't believe in the soul in 20 years, not because you're going to get older, but because every time the soul exists crowd makes a claim about how we can't just be circuitry, the AI crowd says hold my beer and goes off and does the thing.  Poetry? Yep.  Music? Yep.  Just a couple weeks ago we got "give it a description of the image you want and it draws it for you even if it's insane thing like baby cabbage wearing a tutu".  There's a lot of other evidence, but there's nothing like a concrete demonstration of circuitry for the people who don't go off and learn about it on their own.In addition to that, thought is clearly in the brain.  If there's a soul it's not doing much, and every day that goes by we discover more about how the brain does what it does and take yet another thing out from under whatever a soul might be doing for us, if it existed.I imagine that if evidence were going to sway you it would have, and gave up on trying to convince people a long time ago, but if you can short-circuit to the end it makes this easier.  Unfortunately I think the capacity for atheism is innate, being as I can't think of many people who "converted" and everyone I know was an atheist at a very young age.  It takes a particular personality type to deal with all the implications, and dealing with the implications has no particular moral weight or "this makes you good" or whatever so it's not like there's a reward or a warm fuzzy feeling.  The only thing you get out of it is that it's true.I do think the world would be better if more people were though, if only because we might stop fucking around and start solving problems.  One of the many things that helps keep the world sucky is that everyone is able to go off and say "but god will provide" rather than just, like, providing.  We could put way more of society's resources into solving aging, world hunger, etc. if people got off their asses and got serious about things like death.  I don't know how far immortality is--50 years, 500 years, 1000 years, all reasonable estimates.  But one of the neat things about atheism and not believing in souls is, that's actually a problem that could be solved.  But as long as there's a soul and an afterlife and a god dictating human morals, and letting most people just say "but the church of whatever is in Africa solving malaria, isn't that neat?" we won't ever really get something like a government that says "you know, let's take making the world better into our own hands and make the world concretely better by actually coordinating resource usage and spending money".I blame humanity for cases like this.  We couldn't even handle covid.  We should have been able to, but everyone was busy going "but challenge trials are unethical, we must go through the government-prescribed mechanisms that are okay".  We could have had vaccines in a  month.  I don't know how far along cancer research would be if people stopped fucking around with this stuff, but it's the same mindset as religion: someone wrote a bible, and we now believe in the higher power of medical ethics whether or not they make sense.  Can't do it faster, can't do it differently, just have to follow it through blindly.  This is equivalent to the capacity for religion and comes from the same place.  Again, I don't know how far cancer would be.  But a hell of a lot further than it is now.The fundamental underlying problem when it comes to medical ethics is that the belief in an afterlife gives everyone an out when it comes to medicine.  The worse dying seems to people, the more we'd be trying to solve it.  Anything that takes away from that directly takes resources away from medicine, climate change, etc.  This mindset is what lets Musk and Bezos go off and be like "I'll spend billions going to mars!"And I haven't even got into how arguing over whose god is better is responsible for the entire middle east yet.But, as for why I suggest this--well, if you're angry at humanity, that's actionable.  There's things you can do about it if you feel the need: donate to cancer research, lobby the government, protest.  Get involved in clinical trials.  Not so much for blind people, but for sighted people go off and volunteer somewhere.  Whether or not you believe in a god doesn't matter so much, but it's always important to remember that being angry at god isn't an anger you can do anything about.  Either there isn't one, or there is, and if there is it's so powerful that your anger can't ever matter.  If you get angry at people instead, there's ways to get them to listen, even if you're just a small drop in a bigger bucket.


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Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

2021-03-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

If you take this then add on the fact that psychiatry basically disproves the existence of the soul, you're halfway to atheism.  The other half is getting to the point where you're not angry at god, because there is no god to be angry at, and being angry at god or some other higher power is also a form of belief.But you're probably in the 95% of humanity for whom atheism is another religion as opposed to the lack of one, and if that's the case and you're looking to come to terms with this there's theodicy.  I don't have any resources on that at all and literally all I know about it is because I read Unsong, which is a really great read if you want incredibly weird genre-defying sci-fi/fantasy about sweatshops that reverse engineer the names of god.  I don't need it, so I didn't go further than "Huh, this is a real thing that exists".  But there are a bunch of people out there trying to find some sort of philosophical justification for it, and maybe one of them works for you.


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Re: What Hand Do You Read Braille With?

2021-03-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Hand Do You Read Braille With?

@30Sighted readers read upward of 100 easily.  this says that average for sighted people is around 200.  Speed readers, people who practice specifically to be fast readers, get upward of 300 or 400.  70-80 is slower than a fast talker can talk.This is another place where blind people have a blind spot, no pun intended.  Braile is objectively very, very slow.  It's fine if you don't care, but you should at least be aware of what you're deciding not to care about.


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Re: What Hand Do You Read Braille With?

2021-03-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Hand Do You Read Braille With?

@26You're probably fine, and in the process of discovering that braille tops out around 60-70 words a minute at best, while synths top out around 700-800 words a minute, or even higher if you really put in the effort.Also, the only way to really get fast is to get super comfortable with contractions, whether you like them or not.  You can only move your finger so fast across the line while still feeling each symbol.  Same thing as compression on the network. You only get so many symbols/bytes/whatever per second.  Point of grade 2 is that grade 2 fits around twice the information (if not more) in the same amount of symbols.  But it takes literally years to master contractions, and it sounds like you didn't start with grade 2 young, which will hurt you a great deal.Braille is important and useful: it teaches spelling, formatting, etc.  Literacy provides a whole bunch of benefits if you learn it young, in terms of being able to work with symbolic information and things like that, that you can't get later.  But many of us leave it behind after high school or so, because synths just win.  For a lot of people, even normal human speaking is faster.  braille isn't even close to on par with print.  I'd say that most of the benefit is had from grade 1, and you personally are so close to the end of high school that it may not be worth going nuts trying to learn to be fast.Point being, don't feel bad about it and you're not so alone as you think.  Lots of the people who like braille are the same people who put up with things like Mac's slow synths, because that contingent often just doesn't value efficiency.  And before someone is like "that's unfair", it's not, because learning to be 800 words per minute with a synth is a skill that you have to actively practice and I at least understand why someone wouldn't want to spend a couple years on it if they didn't have to.


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Re: some questions about cooking

2021-03-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some questions about cooking

@12I'm not sure why you'd struggle with baking eggs though.  You just put them in the oven and pull them out when the timer goes off?  Far as I know they're even easier than scrambled.I think maybe there's a language issue.  Do you mean frying an egg?  Boiling an egg?If not, what part of it is difficult?


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Re: What Hand Do You Read Braille With?

2021-02-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Hand Do You Read Braille With?

Yeah, also both.  Thought everyone used both.  It's not required or anything, but the "read to the middle of the line with both, then drop the left down a line" was how everyone I know was taught.


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Re: some questions about cooking

2021-02-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some questions about cooking

Baked eggs are actually a thing.  You stick them in muffin tins and add toppings.  I've never done it, but it shouldn't be harder than anything else baked: find a recipe that says "oven for x minutes at y degrees in 9-inch pan" and follow it exactly.For scrambling, if it's sticking to the pan it's too hot when you poured it in.  If it's cool enough that that's not happening you can easily pull a bit out and see if it's done or not yet.  Eventually you learn what to set your stove to and about how long it's going to take and you're good.


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Re: some questions about cooking

2021-02-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some questions about cooking

@5I mean you joke but I have legitimately wanted to do dinner parties.  But the apartment is a "urban 1 bedroom" which is just real estate speak for "dining room? What's that?"


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lets talk about cooking.

2021-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lets talk about cooking.

@8I dunno.  I got a lot of weird reactions from the O instructors and stuff at 16 when I decided the thing I was going to do was make an apple pie entirely from scratch, crust and all.  It was a crappy pie.  Pie crust from scratch is really hard even if you know what you're doing.  But if someone is interested the skills here can go really fast at the beginning.Maybe I should link specific recipes here instead.  A lot of what I'm mentioning can be done really easily, even though it sounds like it can't.  The impressive version always takes a lot of work but there's *always* a "I'm a mom with 5 kids and..." version of everything.  Seriously, everything.  I've even gotten into making single-serving 5-minute microwave cakes lately.I don't think anything I'm mentioning is beyond a talented 12 year old in other words, and "haha just keep doing the boxes of hamburger helper" isn't a way to keep interested in cooking because let's be honest, after the tenth time or so it's boring as fuck.  SO much of this isn't skill, it's just learning not to be afraid anymore, which can be done at any age.@11Timing a roast exactly is difficult.  You want a talking meat thermometer or a good, I'd say eye, but I guess we have to go with sense of it.  Typically it's never less than an hour at 350.  Roasts are all different shapes and weights so it's never exact, but as long as you go stick that thermometer in it every 20 minutes or so you're not going to overcook it because they cook quite slowly.I do mine in a stovetop pressure cooker nowadays.  That's much more forgiving and much easier.  Instapot is the same thing but automatic, but I wanted stovetop for the control of it.  In that case it's 15 minutes per pound as the minimum, and instead of burning and getting dry if you overcook it, it just gets more and more tender until you have pulled pork or whatever.  I always push mine toward pulled pork or whatever consistency, because you can break it apart, grab some shredded cheese and a tortilla, and have a nice meaty tortilla-sandwich-thing.


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Re: Lets talk about cooking.

2021-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lets talk about cooking.

Also, not to double post or anything, but bread is super easy as well.  Kind of.  The complicated breads are complicated but the easy breads are flour, water, yeast, and oil.  And you even get to touch it with your hands without getting funny looks since that's how kneading works.  You don't need to worry about weights and stuff for a basic bread, long as you make sure to put basic in front of your google searches.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lets talk about cooking.

2021-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lets talk about cooking.

No one is going to pack your stuff and put you on the porch and leave finding everything else up to you.  Moving out usually takes a couple months and you stay where you are until it's done.  I don't know what country you're in, but apartments usually come with a stove at least, usually also an oven.  Induction cooktops are nice but you'll probably have something else already.Handling boiling over is pretty easy.  Things don't boil over unless you overfill the pot.  You just get a bigger pot than you'd otherwise need and don't worry about it.  In practice, though, most recipes don't call for boiling like that.  In general boiling over means that the food was ruined anyway, so if things have gone as wrong as that you had an issue a long time before then.You really have to go out of your way to make something boil over.  Fill the pot over 3/4th of the way up then set the stove to high then entirely don't pay attention once it reaches a rolling boil and you can manage it.  But in general pots aren't just sitting there going "muhahaha time to boil over" on you.Seeing AI's barcode scanner can give you directions sometimes.  Instacart will have directions in it sometimes.  When the box says "add this much water, cook at that temperature for this long" then yes, that's the best way.Most people who talk about cooking don't mean box from the store, add milk.  That's probably where everyone starts these days, but when I cook (as opposed to just eating whatever) it's usually entirely fresh ingredients.  There is very little you can do differently when it's the sort of stuff with directions on the box, and to be honest the sort of stuff with directions on the box isn't usually that great anyway.  It saves  a lot of time, and I will confess that my freezer gets lots of premade dinners these days.  But fresh is always way better.Yes, you go on the internet for recipes.  You should be learning some basic skills like measuring, stirring, chopping, and cleanup.  Combining those in various ways is how you get most basic to intermediate recipes.  A fully home-made cake without using a cake mix is measuring something like 10 to 15 ingredients into a couple bowls, then mixing them together as described in the recipe to the consistency the recipe describes.  A potato salad is boiling some potatoes, cutting them into pieces, and adding a bunch of mayonnaise and some other stuff.  You can do an entire Christmas dinner with just the skills I've mentioned, some directions from the internet, an oven, and a bit of practice.If you want some easy recipes, anything pasta is usually really simple.  You want a pot with a colander insert.  It looks like a big tall pot with a strainer inside.  You boil the water, add noodles, wait for time on the box, lift the insert out, add sauce.  Making various pasta sauces is trivially easy but involves a lot of hot liquids, so until you're ready for that you can just buy it in jars.  Here's a simple Alfredo to give you some idea what's involved there.Something super easy yet impressive is doing a roast.  I like to brine mine, though I don't have a recipe for that handy because I do it by taste.  But making a marinade or brine is super super easy and 100% safe, then you just pop it in the oven for a while depending how big it is.


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Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

2021-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

It is important to remember that even though you may personally have the sort of whatever-it-is to avoid getting addicted to a product which is specifically designed for that purpose, or someone you know may have, that's not universal.  Some people can avoid addiction and get off something addictive easily, but it's not a matter of willpower to do it, and many people do become addicted easily and won't be able to break the habit.  I wouldn't be dismissive.  I knew someone who hadn't smoked in 10 years but still needed nicotine and whose partner got cancer from it.  When push came to shove and he got super stressed literally due to his partner possibly dying from it, out came the cigarettes anyway.  The changes from cigarettes and nicotine are to some extent almost permanent.  How many people get hooked easily and can't get back off?  I don't know, doing that study would be unethical as hell.  But it does happen, we let it happen, selling addictive poison is legal.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lets talk about cooking.

2021-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lets talk about cooking.

yeah. I was very much into cooking before the pandemic (and probably after, but it's the pandemic).  I'd always do an elaborate thing every couple weeks just because, and was considered the best in the family at it.  I'm almost 30, so no, you don't *have* to lose it.  Day-to-day stuff is boring though.Never gotten my hands on an induction cooktop, but then I actively want a natural gas stove which is entirely in the opposite direction of those so I guess that's not surprising.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: some questions about cooking

2021-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some questions about cooking

Cook until golden brown or whatever is experience and depends on the food.  Sometimes texture, sometimes smell, sometimes using a meat thermometer, sometimes switching out the recipe for a more specific "oven to 350 for 22.5 minutes".Lumps in dough is which kind of dough?  if you mean cake batter then just get a hand mixer and have at it while being sure that you move the hand mixer around and run it on the edge of the bowl.  If you mean bread, not being able to feel lumps there seems odd because it's kneading.  I will admit that if I'm doing gravy, I do the cornstarch and water step entirely with my fingers, grabbing the bits of cornstarch and rubbing them between my fingers until they separate.  For other kinds of dough, e.g. pancake batter, I haven't done them in a long time.  But 99% of baking when you're blind at least for me is just learning to be methodical and consistent.  There won't be lumps if you learn how to make sure your whisk or fork or mixer or whatever covers the entire bowl.An immersion mixer with whisk attachment is also your best friend ever if you really get into baking.  The immersion mixer part can do wonderful puddings, gravies, soups, etc.  The whisk attachment gets you a really nice, thorough whisking where you only have to concentrate on the where, not if you're working your wrist right.


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Re: preferred cane techniques?

2021-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preferred cane techniques?

@27Yeah.  The Ambutech graphite folding cane I've got is such that if I grab it at both ends and try to bend it it barely flexes.  Also, if you're replacing your tip every 2 months that seems insanely bad?  What NFB used to sell had tips that would easily last 6 months plus if not longer, and my current Ambutech tip doesn't even have any sign of wear that I can see after 2 years (all be it 2 years of not walking much, but still there should be *something*).@28That's O instructors everywhere on every topic.  When I came back after one summer with a head-height cane in middle school because the NFB said, they freaked.@29If your cane is actually jabbing you in the groin and this isn't hyperbole, your cane is way, way, way too short.Also, to you and everyone else who gets jabbed, stop sacrificing quality for the sake of not being jabbed.  You can learn to not get jabbed if you work on it, then that can follow you for the rest of your life.  I guess maybe rolling tips got better since I was a kid so fine, but "I did x because I got jabbed and it made that stop" isn't a very good reason in the same sense as "crossing roads is hard so I never really learned how" way.Also just upgrade to somewhere with potholes or really bad sidewalks like we have here in Seattle and the tip of your cane doesn't matter with respect to getting jabbed because there's bumps and cracks and things that are still way bigger than it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: preferred cane techniques?

2021-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preferred cane techniques?

Ambutech is still only like $60.  Shipping outside the US and Canada is probably not so great though.


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Re: preferred cane techniques?

2021-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preferred cane techniques?

If you get the ceramic tip like I linked above, or a metal one, it doesn't wear at all.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: preferred cane techniques?

2021-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preferred cane techniques?

The rolling tips don't really work.  They weigh your cane down like crazy, and then they also don't actually roll either.  You'll get rolling out of the rolling tip for maybe a couple months, then it gets full of grit or whatever and that's the end of that.  Maybe you can maintain them well or something, but you don't get *any* tactile feedback through them which is a problem, and I would say "only for new cane users" is a good way of putting it.


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Re: preferred cane techniques?

2021-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preferred cane techniques?

@14I don't think they are either.  I'm specifically saying I got a cane that isn't an NFB straight cane.  Ambutech has no relation to NFB and is quality.I and my brother did the telescoping canes once upon a time as well.  The outside would literally peal off after a couple months.  I'm not sure why they still make them.  Canes that snap like twigs are not useful.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: preferred cane techniques?

2021-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preferred cane techniques?

@12For what it's worth and much to my surprise, my Ambutech folding canes are entirely rigid (I always have 2 canes on hand just in case, so yes, plural).  No wobble at all until you pull them apart to fold it.  I've used the NFB straight cane before so I do have a proper basis of comparison; the Ambutek is able to communicate grout, carpet texture, etc. if you get the right tip. Might be worth a look if you want something foldable at some point.  The NFB straight canes are probably lighter, though.Specifically I went Graphite folding with this tip: … eramic-tipadmittedly an NFB straight cane with that tip might be beyond amazing, but last I checked NFB was still doing the disks.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: preferred cane techniques?

2021-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preferred cane techniques?

You can avoid the jab by learning to hold the cane loosely and with some support underneath, so that it can "bounce" off things.  Anti-jab cane sounds interesting but spring in the handle sure sounds like you can lose a lot of tactile sensation.  Learning not to get jabbed is very doable.  The primary thing is to learn to not hold the cane with a stiff arm/wrist.  That's not all there is to it.  The rest is learning to control it in unusual/sudden situations, but you can only do that if the stiff/rigid grip isn't defeating you from the start.  In the absolute worst case you just yank the cane to the side when it gets stuck and it jabs the air instead, but IMO after a point that's no longer really a problem.  I used to get jabbed all the time, but it just works itself out.Also, the tip matters a lot.  I have an Ambutek with a tip that's a metal half-sphere.  They say it's for advanced cane users and I can kind of see why, but at the same time you can feel *everything* through it.Arm out to the side-ish and covering the opposite side of your body with a wider ark is a good way to avoid getting jabbed.  "Hold this in the center of your chest" is just stupid.  I get why they teach it, being as teaching a blind person consistency is hard, but if anything goes wrong you're going to hate the pain.  I keep mine aligned with my right side almost exactly.  Not enough that I'm wider because my arm is out, but enough that the cane can slip between my arm and my ribs in the worst case.  The key point is only that you're covering your entire path, not that you're covering your path by following the weird instructor-style template.In my opinion everyone should have a cane as tall as them.  The "it's as tall as your chest" thing is lame.  if you're holding your cane way at the top, that's roughly what you should be doing anyway, but it's also probably a pretty good sign that you need a longer one.  Broadly speaking you can always learn to grab the cane more toward the middle and make it shorter, but you can't convince a short one to grow.I think looking for favorite cane techniques is kind of a fool's errand.  Tapping is the only really good option on grass.  Full contact or whatever it's called is the only really good option on a sidewalk.  To be honest I'm pretty sure what I do would give O instructors fits.  I imagine that to be the case for most people who have gotten past training for a while.


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Re: Is There a Way to Access Operating System Files for Voice Sense

2021-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is There a Way to Access Operating System Files for Voice Sense

@5yeah, same idea with Windows CE though.  But the path looked like a Linux filesystem mount.@7taking it apart to plug it into your computer probably wouldn't work at all unless you both get lucky and have an electronics expert on hand to do soldering.


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Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

2021-02-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

I haven't, and I don't intend to.  But my boyfriend for a year used to be a heavy smoker, and his other boyfriend almost died of cancer from smoking cigars, and also there's my uncle who smokes, and my current friend who smokes--I'm aware.My claim isn't that the various patches and things are perfect, my claim is that they're good enough for someone who cares enough to manage.  If the government said no more cigarettes that's a very good source of caring enough to manage.  But to be honest current smokers are a hard enough problem to address that if I was in charge of policy my primary consideration would be letting them to continue to smoke in peace somehow or whatever since new smokers is where it really matters.  Not that that's practical.Nicotine isn't the problem.  Nicotine by itself is pretty safe from everything I've ever seen, enough so that the nootropics community is way into it.  Do all the nicotine you want.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Is There a Way to Access Operating System Files for Voice Sense

2021-02-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is There a Way to Access Operating System Files for Voice Sense

No, you have to do that from a browser on the device itself if it works.  I don't even know what this thing is but the hack from @2 is you screwed up security hello world basically.  Presumably it's running some variant of Linux underneath and, if it is, you can often poke around by using valid/path/here/../../.. or whatever to fool things that would otherwise not let you into places to let you into places.


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Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

2021-02-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

I am not saying let's not ban cigarettes.  I'm saying that banning coffee because it's like cigarettes is a very silly argument at best.Existing smokers would go to the black market for cigarettes if it came to it, except that cigars and nicotine lozenges and patches exist and are able to deal with the addiction to a sufficient enough extent that that'd probably be a lot less than you'd think.  Nicotine itself has a mild positive effect, but that positive effect can be had from any of the aforementioned.  Net result: say that 25% of current smokers quit.  That alone is worth it.But it stops new smokers.  New smokers are the problem.  No new smokers means smoking dies out in a generation and we're done with this stupid era of death sticks.But, you say, won't all the new smokers seek out the black market?  And my response to you is this.  Weed and alcohol have positive effects.  You get buzzed or high or whatever.  Cigarettes don't.  You just went to the black market for a thing that tastes bad and doesn't do anything for you beyond what a glass of coffee can at best, and you spent some outrageous amount of money on it.  No one's going to do that.  I'm sure there'll be some idiots, yeah, but seriously breaking the law and spending a bunch of money for a thing that does less for your pleasure than buying a chocolate bar for $1? No.  That's not how that goes.  The black market will be almost entirely current smokers who can't quit.  Anyone else seeking out the black market will go for heroine or something, because even though that destroys your life it makes you feel good along the way.  I have a really low opinion of humanity as a whole, but "I break the law in order to actively die faster and get nothing for it along the way" is below even my estimation of people.It's weird that this thread became about cigarettes in the first place, but it's also weird to me to see some people who previously seemed to have their heads on straight not thinking about what they're saying for more than 30 seconds at a time.  What is it about cigarettes that just make any sort of logical thought go out the window in order to make room for "we can't do anything but also all these other things are kind of like cigarettes so we should ban them too"?  It's certainly not only here.  I guess the cigarette companies really managed to market super well, given that they've hooked in far enough that that's the first plaeca people always seem to go.  Everyone here should find it at least a little bit creepy.


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Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

2021-02-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

Yeah, second-hand smoke is a big problem.  It's not as bad as firsthand of course, but it's still really not great.Also: cigarettes in moderation aren't really a thing.  Coffee in moderation is very much a thing.  And if you drink soda you get about as much caffeine, which is the primary active ingredient of coffee (maybe the only active ingredient, but I'm not 100% on that).  Broadly speaking people who are addicted to coffee, it's not really an addiction.  Most people could stop in a few days.  Also it's not really that bad anyway.  Yes coffee can cause problems, but red meat can cause colon cancer (really, the key word is correlate and there is a difference, but that's somewhat off topic).  Enough vegetables is chronic constipation no problem.  Going to the beach?  Hope you like your increased risk of skin cancer.  And so on.  It's not about absolute effect, it's about relative effect.Don't compare cigarettes to other things.  There's some evidence that wine can help with things like Alzheimers, or there was.  It's possible it has been discredited.  There's nothing like that for cigarettes.  All they do is literally kill your lungs while hooking you so bad that even a couple in high school can make you a smoker for life.  If you're lucky.  if you're not lucky you get all sorts of cancer and things from it.My point being: banning coffee is ridiculous because it's not worse than anything else, but this thread is headed in a "but really we should ban it because it's like cigarettes" direction.  No.  If you want to start making claims like this, better get rid of chocolate, soda, and tea.  There's definitely a blurry line between weak-willed people and addiction-causing substances, but caffeine is barely on the addiction side of that line--you have to be incredibly weak-willed to fall into that trap and be unable to get out, around the same level of willpower to eat less bread or whatever.  At least let's make claims that make sense: we should ban coffee because child exploitation, for example.


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Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

2021-02-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

@50yes but in at least California you can probably report them if they're not far enough from your building.  There are lots of local U.S. regs for this now.  Nothing country-wide, often nothing state-wide, but they're there.


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Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

2021-02-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

yeah.  I will just add that there's a lot of people around here who seem to feel pressure to know who they are and what they want at 16 or thereabout.  No one manages that.  I didn't realize I was gay until I was like 23, never mind more complex life stuff.


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Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

2021-02-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

In large cities in the U.S. it's effectively banned, because most new apartment buildings are smoke-free communities and lots of states are starting to adopt regulations about having to be a certain distance from the door and stuff.  Unfortunately this hits weed too, but big difference between "I need to smoke twice a day, better go out in the snow" or whatever and "let's hang out in the park with friends on Friday".But we'll never do it nationwide because the cigarette companies have huge piles of money to burn.  Frankly, if I was an evil asshole I'd go start one.  Nothing like a perfectly legal product that your customers can't ever stop buying, just leave the ethics at the door.Admittedly cigars are better, but not better by enough that I consider them really justified.  but maybe better by enough that we should keep them around as a bridge for people who need to stop, or something.


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Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

2021-02-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

@37You only hear what they're saying about you because--you know how they say nothing is faster than bad news?  That's not true.  Nothing is faster than enraging content.  They only hear what you're saying about them, you see.  For exactly the same reasons.  With all due respect, thinking how you are is a fast road to becoming one of those crazy far insert-side-here radicals.  Step back, cool off, and actively seek out things that disprove your viewpoints, and your perspective on this whole thing will probably change.You're doing exactly the thing where you let Google and Youtube and your circle of friends control what you find out about.  All that's ever going to do is give you reasons to be angry.  Google, Youtube, Facebook, and so on, they literally make money off that.  20-30 years ago it still happened but you didn't have to actively seek out other viewpoints.  Now you do because the algorithms are feeding you and everyone you know "engaging content".  The algorithms don't care if it's true.  The algorithms don't care if it's good for society.  Anger gets you to keep watching, so anger is what you get.  And even if not you--well, are the people you hear this from actively challenging their viewpoints, or just reading their Facebook feeds and saying whatever they saw?  Given that lots of otherwise intelligent people I know totally just repeat what was on Facebook, I bet it's the latter.I'd stop seeking out youtube videos and start seeking out objective content.  This is especially true if you don't understand why someone would want to ban cigarettes.  If you don't know how bad cigarettes are for you, then somewhere along this path you missed out on a whole chunk of really important world knowledge and should take that as a sign that your research skills here are suspect.Cigarette bans are a good idea Covid or otherwise, and if you don't understand why then you should educate yourself on just how bad cigarettes are.  It's literally the only industry where we say "yeah, that's fine, sell literal poison as long as you put a thing on the box saying this will kill you dead and once you've done it for a couple months you will be unable to stop".  I'm not saying there weren't ulterior motives, but given that it's basically impossible to ban cigarettes even though the cigarette companies themselves know it'll kill you--well, ulterior motive is fine by me.Also: yes smoking puts you at risk from Covid, that's one of the few indisputable findings we've had since near the beginning.  Smoking puts others at risk from covid because you will be coughing all the time.  Don't buy into the "I'm desperate because I got addicted" stuff.  They got addicted because we let companies sell something that is addictive and it kills you and you get nothing else from it but you can't stop and die slowly.  Talk to smokers sometime, most of them will say they know it's really bad for them and that you shouldn't do it but that they can't stop in a "well, it's too late" tone (that is, if they don't just say it's too late outright).


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Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

2021-02-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

here's the thing.  I know some of the laws changed in some of the places recently.  But the entire immigration process is subjective and is full of stuff like that.  Whether it's written explicitly that disabled people shouldn't be able to get in doesn't really matter as long as the underlying stuff is like that.  Even sighted people effectively can't immigrate without a job on the far side, now.  It's not that immigrating as a blind person is impossible, but at 18 with no college and no job, I doubt it.As for cities in the U.S. which are good and don't cost a lot?  I've been to Portland (as in Oregon), Portland is very good.  Go to the outskirts of Seattle--Burien for example--and you can be near enough to the light rail to walk and get to downtown and stuff if you don't mind the longer ride and with multiple bedrooms for $1500, which is pretty decent as the U.S. goes.  I haven't done my research in a long while, but Austin, Houston, Atlanta, the right parts of Los Angeles, and Santa barbara all made it onto the list before I started eliminating places that aren't gay-friendly and nerd-friendly.  Boston and Cambridge in Massachusetts are pretty good.  There were some others but it's been a long time.If the question is what do you want in general?  Public transportation in the shape of what I think of as a spine.  Nothing worse than being somewhere where you're not going to be able to get from one "region" to the other--got a job that's not on your bus routes and you're screwed.  Seattle is nice because we've got a good north/south spine in the light rail, and that's about to cover the east/west direction too.  You probably want somewhere liberal; liberal places are generally more open to including blind people, whether that be jobs or whatever else.  Obviously look for sidewalks and street grids as opposed to street spiderwebs of doom.  If you have a career, you can move to maximize your job opportunities.  One of the most ironic things in my life?  I went to Seattle for that reason and ended up remote for a company in New York.  People who are like you is a big thing, not in terms of blindness but in terms of culture.  Or at least, if you're as weird as I am, I imagine if you're more normal that matters less.  I sort of only halfway succeeded in that with Seattle.  SF would have been way better given who I am, but SF is twice the cost of living for half the space so how about no, at least, not right now.Basically: you're blind.  That sucks because it took a bunch of opportunities away.  But if you can move and you've decided that's what you're doing, you can move to maximize them.  Naively, this means the amount of surface area you can get to via whatever--say there's a job every 100 square meters of space in a city and you want to reach as many as possible.  You can maximize along the lines of number of people you can meet.  Etc.  But it's kind of a bit individual for everyone, save for broad strokes.


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Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

2021-02-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

@28For what it's worth "I live in South Africa" is going to give you tons and tons of "this person probably isn't racist" points.  I haven't looked into that situation, but it's believable to me.  The U.S. is a little bit like that now, but it's fine because here there's a lot of damage being undone by it and we haven't gone so far that it's an issue.  We don't think about it much because the U.S. is and will always be U.S. first, but South Africa being prejudiced against white people after white people fucked them over repeatedly for like 100 or 150 years really does make sense.  That said, I'd be sure to find out how much of it is rumor and people playing up stories, and how much of it is real.  Even people you know are likely to make generalizations and make it sound way worse than it is, so keep that in mind.Unfortunately for you you will find that immigration isn't so easy.  You're not immigrating before 18 unless you have incredibly exceptional luck.  You're not immigrating after 18 unless you manage to get into a college or have a job that helps you out.  This isn't just the U.S. I'm talking about.  It's most countries.  I looked into going to Canada once, and found out that basically there's a subjective "do we think you'll be a drain on welfare" thing that blocks it if you're disabled most of the time--and that's true of most other countries too.  Like it or not, it's very much a "we care about our citizens first, and you'd better not be a burden" world out there now, and you generally have to prove that you can make your own way.My advice to you is to figure out if there's anywhere there that's good for blind people to live, basically the U.S. equivalent of Seattle, New York, or San Francisco, as well as some others.  Then, sell your soul to live there.


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Re: consurn regarding a esys braille

2021-02-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: consurn regarding a esys braille

It won't be dangerous to use in the sense of you getting hurt.  In the sense of it breaking, don't ask us and take this as a valuable lesson as to why you should never have a drink at your desk and/or take your assistive technology near dinner.


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Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

2021-02-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

yeah, but as I've said before: I hate the NFB for lots and lots of reasons, but O is the one thing they do better than anyone.  You'll have to swallow their philosophy while you're there, yeah.  But unless something seriously changed they're still the leaders in that area.It's just a real shame that they're not the leaders in anything else given that they have effectively infinite money.


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Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

2021-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

@11I dunno what to say really.  Are they abusive?  If they're not abusive then "I will immigrate to get away" is an extreme response.  It's not going to work anyway, but it's very extreme.  Easier to work on your issues with them, or to learn how to come to terms with dealing with what I'm going to assume is a generation gap (seriously: be over about 40 and you might use the internet, but man is your worldview different...).You may eventually not live with your parents, but being able to get along with people you dislike and/or even hate is a valuable life skill which is necessary for lots of things.@13this is actually "I want to get away from my family" more than "I want some skills" which means remote stuff probably won't help.That said I do know people who learned to transcribe braille through them and they're not a bad option because they can supplement whatever else rather than replacing your entire life, social structure, etc etc etc.


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Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

2021-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

@7If you don't have a supportive home environment, how in the world do you think you're going to be able to immigrate to the U.S.?  I'm not even sure the schools for the blind take foreign students and all the training centers have waiting lists.  But even if we say all of that is fine it's not like you can just waltz in without doing a bunch of paperwork and in many cases having to visit a U.S. embassy and etc.  Especially for longer term stays that don't count as vacation.  There are tons and tons of rules.  Even if you're something like a programmer with an employer who actively wants to bring you into the country, there's still a huge headache to make it happen--and I'm sure it's much worse for unaccompanied minors.I will tell you what I've told many others.  If the home environment isn't supportive, either force the issue or wait to be 18 and deal with it then when people can't tell you no.  I really doubt that immigrate to a different country to go to a school for the blind is more on the table than "parents are now supportive of my independence".


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Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

2021-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

Yes, there are, but I wouldn't count on being able to go to another country for it.  You'll want to find something local if at all possible.Also, certified instructors are overrated save for perhaps cane skills and really basic stuff.  There's a big difference between certified and good.  Finding someone good is much harder.  The blunt truth of the matter is that you're going to get the absolute bare minimum from training and will need to be prepared to go it alone almost from day one.  Sometimes you can get a safe environment via parents or something, and it doesn't have to be scary even if you don't have that.  But it is what's going to happen.


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Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

2021-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

I've heard good things about Texas School for the Blind. But don't do this for independent living skills.  Independent living skills are 2 really intense months of your life at some point, not multiple years.  Only do it if you're in a position where giving up half or more of what you'd get from a mainstream education is worth it for some reason, and if you're willing to spend however long surrounded by social misfits.  U.S. schools for the blind are more like daycare for older kids--they're where your parents send you when they weren't prepared for a blind child and don't know what to do with you so let's offload the parenting, not somewhere where you're going to get an amazing education and a bunch of useful skills.


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Re: Anyone have experience with growing marijuana autoflowers?

2021-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone have experience with growing marijuana autoflowers?

@azureYou can think what you want, but please at least do everyone the courtesy of not bringing in cultural baggage when claiming that weed does or doesn't have certain effects.  Maybe this is a language thing and your intended meaning was that weed lead to those things because of poor decision-making.  I'm not sure.Weed isn't any different from alcohol with respect to starting to climb that particular ladder though.  If you legalize it, what happens is that climbing that ladder becomes much harder.  Currently anyone seeking out weed there will have to go through the same people as those who sell the harder drugs and that makes it very, very easy to take just a tiny step up that ladder, and then a tiny tiny bit more of a step because what can it hurt, and...I wouldn't say that it's different though.  Honestly a majority of the U.S. also thinks the same way.  But it's one of those policy things where anyone who is going to do weed is going to do it whether or not it's legal, and making it be illegal is at least half responsible for pushing someone down that escalating drug use path.  But because culture no government actually thinks about "how can I do the most good for the most people" on any issue you care to name, and certainly not this one, so until then we'll just keep sending people to jail for life because they did something less harmful than alcohol and pushing the rest toward the really hard and dangerous shit.


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Re: can I make a bootable partition on an hdd

2021-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: can I make a bootable partition on an hdd

You can have multiple bootable partitions on one disk but it takes some doing, and I'm not sure how it works anymore.  Essentially you install a boot manager as the bootable partition and then it knows how to find/show you the others on the same disk.Doing the whole disk as bootable should work fine and if it's not, it's probably the bios not being able to see it and you'l need to poke around in there to find the boot order and/or what devices your computer can boot from.


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Re: Anyone have experience with growing marijuana autoflowers?

2021-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone have experience with growing marijuana autoflowers?

@17Betting said brother got their hands on something else and @16 doesn't know.  Get your weed from someone shady and it can be cut with whatever, but also weed is a gateway drug for the right sort of person and if you're already getting it illegally "hey, want some heroine" is something that totally happens.Being a gateway drug isn't bad in the sense that alcohol is just as much of one and also personal responsibility counts for a lot here, but nonetheless it is one no matter how you slice it.


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Re: Virtual machine for Linux

2021-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Virtual machine for Linux

Vmware should work fine with Orca.  I've got 2 vms on my machine currently that I use for various dev stuff, and both have working audio out of the box including at install time.  Go into the device settings for your vm and make sure that the audio settings are configured to give it an audio device.Your biggest problem will be latency, but you can fix that by getting a USB audio interface, plugging your headphones into it, and telling VMWare to connect it to the guest.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone have experience with growing marijuana autoflowers?

2021-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone have experience with growing marijuana autoflowers?

@13My opinion on this is that it's probably around as bad as alcohol, except that it doesn't impair you in a way that makes you dangerous w.r.t. driving etc.  I would be surprised if we somehow find out that smoking it doesn't have harmful effects long term if only because that would make it a pretty major exception being as smoking anything else does.I would also be surprised if we didn't find out that it does have some long term permanent changes/harmful effects.  This is because we have basically no long-term research that's recent.  Making it illegal wrecked our chances to do long term 30+ year studies, and in terms of being able to say "but people did it fine in the 1800s" or whatever--well, life expectancy has something like doubled in the last 60 years or so, and some increased cognitive decline at 70 or whatever really doesn't show up if you aren't doing a 30+ year study and also happen to be living in a time when 40 or 50 is considered old.I do weed when I have people to smoke it with.  But I consider it like alcohol: I don't do it all the time because finding out what the downside of my daily joint or whatever at 70 is something stupid and regrettable that I could have avoided would suck a lot.


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Re: Do you also like to rock and press your eyes?

2021-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Do you also like to rock and press your eyes?

@22The last step in learning to interact with sighted people in such a way that the entire interaction can go by without them finding out you're blind is this.  Learn to take the initiative when engaging in actions in which the blindness would be revealed.  For example, if you ask the other person to hand you something and you put your hand out as you ask the question in generally the right place, they'll come to your hand instead of you going to theirs.  Same thing with shaking hands goodbye, and so on.  Whoever initiates the action controls all the positioning and the other person matches it, so always be the one initiating and you win.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone have experience with growing marijuana autoflowers?

2021-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone have experience with growing marijuana autoflowers?

@11Highly depends where you are.  Think that it's 18 most places.Can't speak for elsewhere, but the U.S. is currently a free-for-all because weed is illegal at the federal level.  States do their own thing with it.  The best part is that even though it's legal at the state level it's still technically illegal at the federal level, which means that the feds could technically do things if they wanted.  There's lots of stuff around shipping over state lines and banking and things like that because of it, though.If the dems legalize it, then there might be a more coherent framework.That said, the only really reputable claims I've ever seen about weed causing harm is if you do it as a minor while the brain is still developing, so maybe don't do it for that reason.  I don't have references handy and I'm far from being a minor at this point so I don't care enough to look it up again, but be aware that it's a possible thing.  We'd know more but at least in the U.S. weed being illegal at the federal level makes researching it basically impossible, even in the states where it's legal.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone have experience with growing marijuana autoflowers?

2021-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone have experience with growing marijuana autoflowers?

I'm just going to point out that weed grows in the actual ground.  While I'm sure that there's a lot to be said for water PH etc, maybe just get some seeds and see what happens.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: JAWS ILM code on a computer

2021-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: JAWS ILM code on a computer

The information probably is, but I doubt they put the key you need in plaintext, and the Jaws activation also used to be tied to a specific machine via ids extracted from hardware as well.  Not sure the latter is still the case.  If you don't have a copy you may need to call FS.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone have experience with growing marijuana autoflowers?

2021-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone have experience with growing marijuana autoflowers?

@3Not really.  The market is incredibly saturated now.  Lots of centralization around big companies etc etc etc.


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Re: I need a little help.

2021-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I need a little help.

"I go home and punch things" is a healthy enough way to handle stress.  You shouldn't feel bad about that, long as you aren't punching people.  There's no such thing as a thought crime.See about getting involved in things like muds, etc.  I think 99% of us just ride out high school online or something.  Bullying sucks but even if you get past that, it's hard to get past being different when you're talking about kids, who have yet to develop various social competencies like "we get together because we share an interest".  If you haven't ever worked on things like not stimming, not putting your head on the desk, facing people to talk to them, etc. that will help you.It does get better later, though.  Hit high school graduation and the world opens up.  The rest of the world doesn't tolerate bullying and things like that nearly so much.  "if you bully you can go to jail, then you have trouble getting housing and a job for the rest of your life" is very effective at shutting that down in adults, but in high school there's usually not a consequence for it that's meaningful.It is possible your parents understand more than you give them credit for.  Being treated as helpless is unique to disabilities, but being bullied isn't.  Between the ages of 10 to 20 or so, a certain type of person will form cliques and find a target.  Not to say that older adults don't form cliques and find targets, but people tend to grow out of it.  Be fat, gay, ugly, wear glasses, be afraid of bugs or snakes, the list goes on.  Then add a dose of you randomly becoming the target as opposed to the person across the room who they could have focused on just as easily, and bullying results.


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Re: could this be a hardware issue?

2021-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: could this be a hardware issue?

Yeah. it might be hardware.  You can get bluetooth dongles off Amazon for well under $20 if I recall correctly.  I think maybe even under $10.


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