[Audiogames-reflector] More ITunes Help Needed.

2014-03-13 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

More ITunes Help Needed.

Hi all,I'm tearing my hair out over ITunes... I hope someone here can help.I have had my IPhone 5 since December of 2012. So far, I have avoided using ITunes because the only time I ever need it is in the ITunes store ap on the device. I've always had it installed on the PC but never used it.For the past year, every time I needed to back up anything, I used a program called Syncios. It's somewhat usable with screen readers with the Jaws cursor and the like, but has been becoming harder and harder to use. I've been using an old version of Syncios which no longer supports the latest I Tunes. Even when it did work, it was just slow and cumbersome, as I had to select one item at a time. Things that need backing up are quickly piling up! So I decided that I'd better try to use ITunes.Welll, I don't know what to do. All I really want to do is back up my whole phone, specifically messages, aps and voice memos. But a full backup would 
 be easier as then I don't have to worry about missing anything... I really don't want to learn the big and bulky ITunes just to accomplish these simple tasks. Nor do I want to trust some online backup for the bigger files, since I don't have enough space in any of the backup sollutions like Dropbox, Google Drive, Sky Drive... I have a 16 GB phone and the only place I can really afford to back it up to is on a hard drive. So I guess what I am asking, how can I know where to go in ITunes? Or if there's something else I can use...When ITunes displays my voice memos in one of its playlists, it only displays the first 99. I'm not sure if my phone deletes them on a "first in, first out" basis. From what I can gather from the parts of Syncios I can still use, it doesn't appear to be so. Syncios can see memos from mid 2013, almost a year ago, and I know i've recorded at least a hundred memos between then and now... I average about 10 to 20 
 memos a week most of the time.Finally, I've tried looking at other programs, but I can't find any free accessible ones that work. Either they aren't accessible, don't make sense to me, or won't work with my device. God I wish the I Phone could show up as a drive and you could pull files in and out of it like you can with some other electronic devices like recorders, and book readers and such. I know Apple specifically steered away from this approach but I don't see why it could be done in a more controlled fashion if they were so worried about protection and being closed source. But it's not very productive to rant about what doesn't exist I guess...So does anyone have a sollution to just dump everything? Perferably I'd want to find something that can dump everything, but also gives options to select specifically what you want... that way in a few months I can do it again and only select the stuff I feel actually needs updatin
 g. I don't care if I have to go through ITunes to do it, even though I have been trying to avoid it... If ITunes is the best route now, I will take it, but will need some instructions. It's hard to believe that in a year's time, I still know nothing more about ITunes and Apple's ways than I did when I first got myself into it. To be honest this is the soul reason I regret getting an IOS device, if this wasn't an issue I wouldn't have any problem.Sorry for the rant, I'm just flustered since I've been fighting with this for too long. Any input is greatly appreciated!URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=168585#p168585

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] More ITunes Help Needed.

2014-03-20 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: More ITunes Help Needed.

Hi all,Well, a lot has happened since I last posted on this topic. I have tried to go the I Tunes route, but now I Tunes refuses to read the contents of my device and wants me to restore it. Sometimes, reinstalling it fixes the problem temporarily, but it doesn't give me enough time to back up my stuff before it starts complaining again. I looked up the error I Tunes gave me, and the sollution seems to be that there is a corrupt I Tunes database in the phone, which I would need to delete using the phone's file system... That would supposedly rebuild the database or something. In order to get in the file system, I'd either have to jailbreak, or use a program that can get into the file system without jailbreaking. Frankly I'm not really willing to try either of those, and most programs I've looked at just aren't screen reader friendly, and I wouldn't be comfortable using them to edit content which is that sensitive. I am using the latest I Tu
 nes with IOS 6... my original plan was to back up my phone to a hard drive, because it's getting quite full and needs to be cleaned anyway. Besides i'd have it just in case something bad happened. Then I would upgrade toIOS 7. However with this hitch, I'm not sure if I can upgrade to IOS 7 without doing a complete wipe of the phone and losing the data I am trying so hard to protect. Even if I can upgrade without losing data, will the I Tunes problem be fixed or will I just have the same problem with a newer OS?And to make things worse: some very important voice memos which I need for college are not playing. They're there all right, but don't play.  I googled that up too, and it seems that the file extentions on those memos are .mov and not .m4a. I'm not sure if they would sync properly either, so even if I could get syncing working, I might lose those memos. Once again I'd need to go into the file system to fix that.This whole thi
 ng is sickening me. I'm starting to convince myself that all of these problems are no coincidence... Something must have triggered it. The fact that I've spent 3 hours of searching and still have as much of a headache as when I started...I've gone through my options, and I've come up with a crazy plan. Leaving my phone stilll on IOS 6, I installed an old Syncios that worked better for screen readers, then downgraded I Tunes because the old syncios requires I tunes 10 or earlier. Although I tunes still refuses to see my phone's content, Syncios can see it just fine. So I'll have to go through the slow, annoying task of backing up things from Syncios as best I can. Syncios doesn't have a way to just dump everything, which it really needs...  Then I'll have to completely wipe the phone and put IOS 7.1 on it. I'll likely lose syncios then, because the new versions are just more painful for screen readers, But if I can start fresh, 
 then maybe, just maybe, things will have a better run a second time with I Tunes. Then I'm using my phone only for less important things. I still love it, but don't trust it...I know this is all a huge mess. If anyone is still with me and has any ideas on how to make a backup and or fix I Tunes, I'd be glad to know.Thanks for reading.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=169399#p169399

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The people behind TTS voices

2013-10-20 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: The people behind TTS voices

Hi,I have to agree with you Chris. The real Samantha's voice is much nicer. I'm guessing a lot of these actors, when recording TTS voices, spoke in a very controled, flat manner. In a sense, that's a good thing. But it leaves for less interesting, less atractive _expression_ (and by attractive, I don't mean sexy). I love Tom's voice though, the real one and the synth are both very good. Daniel isn't bad either.As for Eloquence, I believe that all voices were created from male and female models for each language. I remember using an old Supernova where you could adjust Eloquence settings and if I remember right, when creating a custom voice, you could only choose male or female as the voice type, and from there you'd have to adjust peramitors. I know Dectalk works this way... just one male and one female model with many peramitors. Any other voices were just made by modifying the peramitors of the models... for example, Paul is the model
  of Dennis Klat and Harry is Paul with lower pitch and lower head size. Doctor Dennis is Paul with lower pitch, slightly lower head size and more breathiness... you get the picture. And there are others, some are more simple or complicated than others.I'd be very, very interested to have more for concatonative synths... for example Acapela, Ivona, and At&t (like Mike and Crystal, and others).Cepstral William is the voice of the guy who heads Cepstral, though the two sound nothing alike... I'm guessing he wasn't using his normal voice when recording William. I like his normal voice better... the recording was on an old ABC Main Menu archive, which has been down for a few years now. The quality isn't great... it's hard to believe that the two are the same person.And a few years back, I heard the actor who did Acapela Ryan on a commercial, or at least someone who sounded a lot like him. Damn I wish I could get another sample of that. I lik
 e Ryan's voice, it would be awesome to hear the real person. And of course anything else related to this topic is very interesting, so keep it up! Hmm maybe just edit the first post of the topic when you get more info?URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=152599#p152599

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The people behind TTS voices

2013-10-21 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: The people behind TTS voices

Well Bryant I can't tell you that... but i can tell you where those voices were originally from, as they were not always part of Vocalizer. Alison came from Loquendo, but Vocalizer must have re-done it since the naturalness is much better in my opinion. And Ava is elegedly from SVOX's higher quality voices. Not sure about that one though, as I have only been told that by a friend.Acapela made some videos on their child voices which they just released about a year ago. THough you don't know who the children are or what they sounded like, you do get to hear a very brief explanation and demonstration of how their system works.SLJ it is indeed very difficult to tell who did the voices for TTS systems. It's ashame, really, as all of these people are probably good actors who should be recognized. Hmm, wonder why Vocalizer is so much more open and easier to read up on than other voices?URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=152739#p152739

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The people behind TTS voices

2013-10-21 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: The people behind TTS voices

Well Bryant I can't tell you that... but i can tell you where those voices were originally from, as they were not always part of Vocalizer. Alison came from Loquendo, but Vocalizer must have re-done it since the naturalness is much better for the vocalizer version, in my opinion. And Ava is elegedly from SVOX's higher quality voices. Not sure about that one though, as I have only been told that by a friend.Acapela made some videos on their child voices which they just released about a year ago. THough you don't know who the children are or what they sounded like, you do get to hear a very brief explanation and demonstration of how their system works.SLJ it is indeed very difficult to tell who did the voices for TTS systems. It's ashame, really, as all of these people are probably good actors who should be recognized. Hmm, wonder why Vocalizer is so much more open and easier to read up on than other voices?URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=152739#p152739

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The people behind TTS voices

2013-10-21 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: The people behind TTS voices

Good point, though the fact that most if not all Vocalizer people can be found out fairly easily, especially by perusing this topic... wonder how that information got out.I'd have to agree with you about Eloquence and other synths. My guess is they don't record samples, but model the vocal tract and its formants, based on recorded samples. Like I said earlier, they probably only have one or two actual models built into the synths and create other voices based on those. I wish E Speak had formant synthesis as good as that on Eloquence or even Dectalk. That is the main issue I have with that synth... it sounds way too metallic and crunchy.Anyway back on topic, shall we? LOL.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=152780#p152780

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The people behind TTS voices

2013-10-23 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: The people behind TTS voices

Hmm that sounds interesting. Do you remember him specifically saying that he helped make an Eloquence voice? If so, that would be interesting... I'd like to learn more about how that synth was made. I know on the Dectalk list one of the people who was involved in the research that led to Eloquence was discussing Dectalk with us. I forget the names of the people that were mentioned on that list but the person I was talking to seemed very interested in speech synthesis and is probably still looking for ideas to improve it.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=152964#p152964

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[Audiogames-reflector] your thoughts on the Audio Technica ATR 2500?

2013-12-03 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

your thoughts on the Audio Technica ATR 2500?

Hi all,So recently in the midst of all my college work, and things I would rather not be doing, my Yeti USB mic decided it was just going to start failing. The USB port on that mic has got to be one of the least durable ports I have ever seen, which is ironic because the mic itself is the heaviest, strongest mic I have used. Anyway, it did not last, even though the cable I was using hardly even got taken out. Now the port barely works, so I was looking for a replacement, ideally it would still be USB though.The Yeti was a good mic, but when I thought about it, I realized that it wasn't the mic for me, because it is bulky, has 4 pickup paterns (which I only really need the carteoid), and sounds too warm for my taste. I didn't mind having it, it just wasn't the exact type of thing I wanted. Plus it picks up a lot of ambience, which people will spend their whole lives avoiding it because of that, personally I can live with it but whatever. The point is alth
 ough I liked the Yeti, I want to switch to something else, just for high quality voice. Something that's directional, simple, and not sounding like some cheap Logetech or HP microphone. Nothing against those companies, but I've had my fair share of using those types of mics and never found one I liked, not even for casual use.A friend of mine told me that Audio Technica has some USb mics which I might like. He couldn't remember any model numbers, so I searched for Audio Technica USB microphone on Youtube, and instantly came up with the ATR 2500. So far, I have heard nothing but praise for it... except a few minor things, like cheeply made buttons and suboptomal accessories, but the mic itself looks and sounds fantastic, and sells for $100 though some people say they can get it for as low as $50, depending on time and place. Furthermore, Yeti haters and those who have had bad experiences with the Yeti seem to like this mic better (I wouldn't call myself a Ye
 ti hater, but I've had bad experiences so I am very keen on trying a new mic).I was also told about other companies like Baringer, but they don't really fit my setup. I don't have any decent anilog inputs, nor do I have the funds to buy a good mic along with a good USB card that will do justice to that mic. I'm thinking of getting a mixer but again, I don't have quite enough resources to make that possible right now. So USB mics are the best way for me to go. So, with that said, does anyone have the ATR 2500 and can comment on it, good or bad? Is the USB port durable enough? What did you like and not like about it? I'm pretty set on getting this thing unless someone can give me a good reason to think otherwise.Thanks for reading, and I look forward to responses!URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=157150#p157150

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] headphones and tinnitus?

2013-12-04 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: headphones and tinnitus?

Hmm, this topi is interesting. I've always have had some sort of noise in my ears, but I think everyone does to some extent. When I was 5, I remember my room being dead quiet and I couldn't sleep because I'd hear this roaring/ringing sound in my ears, and it was more inside my head. And it drove me nuts because if I focused on it hard enough, it felt like my head was being squeezed. However I've heard that if you're in a soundproof booth long enough, 93 percent of people will hear or feel something in their heads.As for good noise cancelling headphones, I can't really help you there. All I can say is, don't go by how the headphones look. Looks can be deceiving. It's all how the headphones are made... chances are they won't really cut out much unless they're designed to do that. Personally I've never liked earbuds. Not only have I never gotten used to how they feel in my ears, but the sound was so direct that it was disco
 mforting to listen to. I never really liked the frequency response or eq of any of the earbuds I've had, but that's probably because most of them were no more than 20 bucks. I'd bet there's a good-sounding pair of earbuds that may be nicer than the pieces of junk I tried. I'd be interested if you end up going that route.Some headphones also have a noise cancellation feature, which maybe battery powered. Most likely the battery powered ones work by picking up external sound, and then sending that signal through the headphones at the opposite phase, therefore cancelling it out. It won't be like sitting in a sound booth, but it will make you feel like you have a hearing loss because all external sounds are dropped to maybe a third of the volume they originallly were. I had a pair of Sony ones that did just that, but I wasn't satisfied with them. The noise cancellation worked a little, but the headphones themselves just had too many problems. Whe
 n the noise cancellation was off, it drastically changed the sound of the headphones, it made them sound very muffled like there was a big plastic cup around each earpiece. Using noise cancellation drastically changed the sound of the headphones for the better, but unfortunately I had to keep it on all the time just to keep that sound, which of course drains battery. I didn't even need the noise cancellation either, I just got it for times where it would come in handy. but since i was using it constantly, I saw no point in having it. Still, I've heard people using those noise cancellation phones, who are very happy with them. Maybe mine were just not the greatest.Personally I prefer more pricy headphones which cover the ear completely, and have no such battery powered features... right now I'm using the Audio Technica M50r from Sound Professionals. They're studio monitors and are a bit on a pricy side (I paid around $150 for them I believe), but the cable i
 s replaceable which I definitely like, and Sound Professionals is really good about servicing if something happens to them. They don't cut much external sound, but they do a good job of directing things in my ears, so I often find myself turning the volume down because it is so clear and crisp, and it would just be too much at a high volume. So I can still hear what's happening around me, but the crispness of the headphones makes it easy to concentrate on what I care about.Of course that's my personal take on this... not everyone really needs headphones of this quality. I'd assume that people who buy cheaper things and who will settle for less have their own answers to your question.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=157401#p157401

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] headphones and tinnitus?

2013-12-04 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: headphones and tinnitus?

Hmm, this topic is interesting. I've always have had some sort of noise in my ears, but I think everyone does to some extent. When I was 5, I remember my room being dead quiet and I couldn't sleep because I'd hear this roaring/ringing sound in my ears, and it was more inside my head. And it drove me nuts because if I focused on it hard enough, it felt like my head was being squeezed. However I've heard that if you're in a soundproof booth long enough, 93 percent of people will hear or feel something in their heads.As for good noise cancelling headphones, I can't really help you there. All I can say is, don't go by how the headphones look. Looks can be deceiving. It's all how the headphones are made... chances are they won't really cut out much unless they're designed to do that. Personally I've never liked earbuds. Not only have I never gotten used to how they feel in my ears, but the sound was so direct that it was disc
 omforting to listen to. I never really liked the frequency response or eq of any of the earbuds I've had, but that's probably because most of them were no more than 20 bucks. I'd bet there's a good-sounding pair of earbuds that may be nicer than the pieces of junk I tried. I'd be interested if you end up going that route.Some headphones also have a noise cancellation feature, which maybe battery powered. Most likely the battery powered ones work by picking up external sound, and then sending that signal through the headphones at the opposite phase, therefore cancelling it out. It won't be like sitting in a sound booth, but it will make you feel like you have a hearing loss because all external sounds are dropped to maybe a third of the volume they originallly were. I had a pair of Sony ones that did just that, but I wasn't satisfied with them. The noise cancellation worked a little, but the headphones themselves just had too many problems. Wh
 en the noise cancellation was off, it drastically changed the sound of the headphones, it made them sound very muffled like there was a big plastic cup around each earpiece. Using noise cancellation drastically changed the sound of the headphones for the better, but it also created an awful vibrating problem with bass, and if I remember right, the vibration was only on the right side. Unfortunately I had to keep noise cancellation on all the time just to keep it sounding half decent, which of course drains battery. I didn't even need the noise cancellation either, I just got it for times where it would come in handy. but since I was using it constantly, I saw no point in having it. Still, I've heard people using those noise cancellation phones, who are very happy with them. Maybe mine were just not the greatest.Personally I prefer more pricy headphones which cover the ear completely, and have no such battery powered features... right now I'm using the Audio Tech
 nica M50r from Sound Professionals. They're studio monitors and are a bit on a pricy side (I paid around $150 for them I believe), but the cable is replaceable which I definitely like, and Sound Professionals is really good about servicing if something happens to them. They don't cut much external sound, but they do a good job of directing things in my ears, so I often find myself turning the volume down because it is so clear and crisp, and it would just be too much at a high volume. So I can still hear what's happening around me, but the crispness of the headphones makes it easy to concentrate on what I care about.Of course that's my personal take on this... not everyone really needs headphones of this quality. I'd assume that people who buy cheaper things and who will settle for less have their own answers to your question.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] dectalk.com is down?

2013-12-04 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: dectalk.com is down?

Well, I have a really old archive from around 2007 i believe, when Jason took it down and was uploading it for 48 hours or so and gave us alll a "last chance to get it before it's copletely dead". And I was one of those people who got it, but some parts seem to be missing. It was on a bad external so yeah it's not 100 percent completel, but there's a fair bit of stuff in it. I don't think it would be worth it for me to post it since we don't even know what the official archive is doing. If worst comes to worst, I will host my old copy but it's missing a lot (for the person talking about the Red Dwarf stuff, I do still have that section).I'm on the Dectalk list but admittedly I haven't been reading it lately, since most of the people on there are talking about how they miss dT and are trying to get ways to get it back. Personally dT was never for me, but I still enjoyed hearing what people did with it. I just never liked its o
 verall sound but its features were very cool!URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=157442#p157442

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] dectalk.com is down?

2013-12-04 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: dectalk.com is down?

Well, I have a really old archive from around 2007 i believe, when Jason took it down and was uploading it for 48 hours or so and gave us all a "last chance to get it before it's dead". And I was one of those people who got it, but some parts seem to be missing. It was on a bad external so yeah it's not 100 percent complete, but there's a fair bit of stuff in it. I don't think it would be worth it for me to host it now, since we don't even know what the official archive is doing. If worst comes to worst, I will host my old copy but it's missing a lot (for the person talking about the Red Dwarf stuff, I do still have that section).I'm on the Dectalk list but admittedly I haven't been reading it lately, since most of the people on there are talking about how they miss dT and are trying to get ways to get it back. Personally dT was never for me, but I still enjoyed hearing what people did with it. I just never liked its overall 
 sound but its features were very cool!URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=157442#p157442

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] dectalk.com is down?

2013-12-06 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: dectalk.com is down?

Yep Aaron, that's more or less how I got into it too. The adventures of Cristo the Australian Cow is by far the best ever drama I have heard with synthesizers. So it's not anything singing, or not even Dectalk, but it's still a synth commity of sorts. Most of all I like those voices, it was an old company called Rhetorical that produced the voices. i wish they didn't dye, because I really liked them. I never even got to try them. Anyway, back on topic with Dectalk?URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=157714#p157714

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The new Winrar: Be very carefull!

2013-12-06 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: The new Winrar: Be very carefull!

I have never used Win Rar... I'm going with the crowd and saying that 7zip is better. Not sure if Rar compresses more, but I doubt it. And Win zip is up to version 17 I believe, not sure how their new compression is but 7zip is definitely good. Not sure why everybody still uses rar or zip for archives of things. Maybe because they're more professional or it has something to do with licensing? Who knows?URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=157715#p157715

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I'm really missing a notetaker right now (and so are you*)

2013-12-06 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: I'm really missing a notetaker right now (and so are you*)

Would have to agree with you Mord... though I've had bad experiences with the Apex's OS crashing every time it got the chance. But it seems to have fixed itself. I wouldn't call it my favorite piece of technology (I still can't trust it with my life), but it does work for some things. I just never use it now because I have a laptop and I Phone. It is a lot heavier and means i don't have a braille display, but for me at least, that's not as big of a detrement as you might think, since in that way I am quite flexible.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=157717#p157717

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I'm really missing a notetaker right now (and so are you*)

2013-12-06 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: I'm really missing a notetaker right now (and so are you*)

Would have to agree with you Mord... though I've had bad experiences with the Apex's OS crashing every time it got the chance. But it seems to have fixed itself. I wouldn't call it my favorite piece of technology (I still can't trust it with my life), but it does work for some things. I just never use it now because I have a laptop and I Phone. It is a lot heavier and means i don't have a braille display, but for me at least, that's not as big of a detriment as you might think, since in that way I am quite flexible. I cam do things different ways.As for the original question, I have no idea. I don't code... but I wouldn't want to use a note taker for that. I tried writing mml for some NES music composition driver, and well I couldn't even get started with the braille Note. I just hate the thought of writing computer code with braille, whether it be grade 2 or computer braille. I'd rather type it.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=157717#p157717

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] urgent skype help needed

2013-12-07 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: urgent skype help needed

Hi Briant,Not sure what's going on there. What version of Skype are you using?Switching to GW Connect may or may not fix the problem. Your problem may not be with the Skype cliant, but with Skype and yoru account. If that's the case, switching to GW will make little difference.Did you try uninstalling Skype, and running disc cleaners, like C Cleaner? The registry cleaning is especially important since some programs will not reinstall correctly because of registry errors created during a faulty uninstall process, for example.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=157797#p157797

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] dectalk.com is down?

2013-12-09 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: dectalk.com is down?

Most of it is converted to wav and mp3.As I said earlier in the topic, I wouldn't be the best person to upload the archive. I don't have it all so you'd be getting an old version with a few things missing. Let's wait a little longer and see if the real thing comes back, or if someone with a better copy will upload their archive.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=157939#p157939

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] urgent skype help needed

2013-12-11 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: urgent skype help needed

Hmm, I've been using 6.10 with no problems. The only problem I did have, was in fact, trying in install an old version on an old machine, which had really messed up connectivity settings. The short of it is, after reapated attempts of logging into my account, the thing simply crashed, and my account got reset. But that was with a really old version, probably 3.8 or something. And I was just bored, so that whole mess was very avoidable... guess I paid the price!BTW rumors are going around that Skype will release a significant new version soon, probably when the API goes.Back to the original problem, I really think the problem is more than just downgrading or using another cliant. Just completely get rid of the thing and reinstall it. Run it off a clean install. With how fast the development is moving, those old versions aren't going to work long... and even if they do, you'll have to go the extra mile to make sure it doesn't just force you to upgrade
 , which it will do more and more behind the scenes with every version.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=158181#p158181

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] voice changers

2013-08-03 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: voice changers

Hi Hadi,From what I remember, that voice changer is not accessible. i don't even know what it sounds like.Aso it depends on what you want your voice changer to do. Some voice changers are nothing more than pitch shifters. Some of the worst voice changers are very bad pitch shifters... nonetheless if all you want is to sound like a chipmunk, or have a vague resemblence to Darth Vader or some monster, that may be all you need. If you want minimal artifacts, and many manipulation options, such as timbre shifting, robotic effects, and other nifty stuff, those are harder to find...URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=143277#p143277

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] voice changers

2013-08-03 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: voice changers

Good point there K, but a config file or a registry key may be a lot harder to find than the program settings. It all depends on the program, and how the configurations are stored, as I'm sure you know. In the end, though, finding that config file or registry key may pay off, particularly if you work well with doing it that way.Also, Morph Vox can apply effects offline to a wav file. Not usre if you knew that, but it's there. I hated the interface for that, and of course all your settings will still apply, but at least you can do it if needbe, except you'll have to contend with its interface. I'vm not too pleased with any of its dialogs, to tell you the truth. Too many things to tab through, and sometimes Jaws wouldn't read the item I'm focused on, it would read the one before or after it. Maybe if it becomes just a tad more accessible, i will try it again.URL: http://

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] voice changers

2013-08-04 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: voice changers

Hi,I'm not sure about the voice doctor. But I can tell you that the reason the light version looked inaccessible, is because it is. I think it's rather stupid... the pro version is the only accessible one, so if you want to use Morph Vox at all, you're forced to use the pro version, even if theoretically the light one would meet your needs. I'm not sure what features the light version has, but all I needed Morph Vox for was pitch and timbre shift, and I assume the light one does that. I wasn't big into the other effects it had, though some of them were not bad at all for a $50 product and I thought they were pretty cool... Diode was especially interesting. But half of the effects I thought were boring.They also have a separate utility to aid in voice transcription. You could slow the voice down, and change the pitch. I think it had noise reduction capabilities as well. I do remember it only worked on a wav file, you couldn't use any of it 
 in realtime, and it wasn't free either. While it wasn't a bad program at all, I didn't buy it, because I already have tools for those tasks that I am satisfied with.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=143391#p143391

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] breaking mp3s

2013-08-07 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: breaking mp3s

Hi,All these programs are capable of this task, and for a normal editing job, I'd recommend any of them. However, the euber geeks will probably be interested in an additional program to add to that list: MP3 Direct Cut. If you're not an euber geek, or don't want to read the ramblings of one, I'd suggest putting this post down and reading something else...Mp3 Direct Cut is a free program which allows you to edit mp3, and I believe mp2  files. With some additional libraries, you can edit AAC files as well, though the AAC editing capabilities are somewhat limited because of the nature of the format, and it will not accept mp4 or m4a files, they must be converted to AAC first. I think there is also a similar program for OGG, but Mp3 Direct Cut can't do that.What makes this program different from most, is that it allows you to edit the data directly, without decompressing it. This has its pros and its cons. First the pros:Since you&
 #039;re editing the data directly, there's no quality loss when you save the file. Other editors do not edit the data directly, they decompress it to wav output first. So they cannot save the file as it originally was. Instead they end up converting it back to a compressed format, which loses some quality, which you may or may not notice.Editing the compressed data directly doesn't have huge temp files crawling around your hard drive.The program is initially awkward to use, but is quite accessible and has a decent manual. You'll soon get more used to it.Now, disadvantages:Sometimes, you will hear a little blip in the places where you edited the compressed file. This is a side effect of cutting the compressed data as opposed to decompressing it first. Sometimes you can avoid the little blips by changing your edit points slightly... it all comes down to finding a sweet spot.You can't make the most precise selections, because of frames.
  When an mp3 is made, it splits the file into a large number of individual segments, called frames, to be converted to mp3. The frames are then re-combined as the conversion progresses. So, you can only edit in whole frames, you can't, say, delete half a frame. The point being, that your selections can only move in increments of about 0.013 seconds for most mp3s. Other formats have their own frame sizes.I hope that this helps somebody out. I've used this program to edit things which I didn't want to have quality loss and wanted to preserve the original format.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=143710#p143710

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] frustrated with companies that Provide products for the blind

2013-08-07 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: frustrated with companies that Provide products for the blind

Hi,I sympathize with you, LML. I had a simlar incident with my apex, though fortunately nothing came of it.I got my Apex about a year ago, right before my Freshman year of college, which was quite a nasty experience the first semester, partly because of a professor who didn't understand the tremendous shock, and partly because of the tromendous shock this one professor didn't understand... Anyway, I'd just gotten a set of documents for my Western civ class, so I stuck them on a thumb drive, popped it into the Apex, and boom. Everything, and I mean everything, goes out. Tried a reset. NO go. Tried all the resets. WEll, it would say loading keysoft, and would get stuck at 10 percent. Battery was at 60 percent so I knew that wasn't eh problem. So I call Humanware, and got some Indian guy who I could barely understand, telling me that he didn't know what was going on and I had to send it in for repairs. I don't know how much it costs because t
 he state covered it.Anyway, I was getting used to using my laptop for note taking needs, and also using it for leisure needs as well... a month goes by, and no news on the Apex. Since I wasn't desperately needing it, I wasn't in a hurry for it. People kept askng me, when's it coming back? Why don't you call and ask them about it? I always told them, tey'll send it back when they're done with it. Little did I know, they probably would've kept it. When I finally called, I got a nice lady who asked me for some information, then got the shok of her life. Apparently it had been sitting for quite a while, doing nothing. I ended up getting it back in less than two weeks after that.So, it was all fine and well, until I turned it on. I was in my jazz history class, getting ready to take notes, which I knew would be important for the final. The professor said, "you'll need this information down the road closer to the end of the semester
 ." So, I race through the menus, opening a document. But, big surprise. flash disk is missing from the drive list! nOw, The only thing I could do is leave the drive set to nothing. then this O U contraction sign would come up, and I could continue. hOwever, that wasn't just a little hiccup. I typed the notes I needed to, then saved the file. A day or two later, it crashed, requiring me to do a reset. This time, it did come back, but big surprise II: my file was gone. at the time, I wasn't worried, because i thought, surely I'd get another opportunity to write those notes down before they were brought to the front lines. I also thought if I fought with the Apex hard enough, Ic oudl resolve the issue. I was wrong on both counts. In a month i was back to using the laptop. People kept telling me to send it back, sendd it back. It's a $6000 device, it should work. While I agree with that reasoning, I didn't want to spend the time sending it back if it was go
 ing to come back with more problems. So it sat under my bed, for months, and months, and months.Finally at the beginning of July of tnext year, after the Apex was sitting there useless for 9 months, my tech teacher calls me. That was no surprise. His primary job is helping kids with technology, up through HS. But on the side, he also helps older adults, who are low vision, or who are in the process of losing their vision, get acquainted with technology they can use. well, one of his clients was a person who needed help with the Apex, and so he called me. He wanted to take me to the guy's house with him so we both could help him out. I warned hiom that my Apex was screwed up, but he still told me to bring it and see what happened. So, since the thing was long dead, I plugged it in, and left it charge overnight. When I come back the next morning, battery'es at 100 percent. And big surprise III: now we have a flash Disk. Apparently the thing had been so dead that everyt
 hing was reset.Now, what I really don't understand, my M Power never had any of these problems, for the 5 years I used it. I used it hard, too. The only time I had to send it in was when I accidentally dropped it, and ruined the enter key. they had to replace the spring under the key, and it was almost good as new, the only problem was that it felt too stiff, but that was because the other keys had gotten a bit flimsy from heavy use, so I was used to that flimsiness.I really do understand that some of these things are hard, and expensive to make. I've never heard of a cheap braille display that's actually being sold yet. i know several are in the works, but until one comes out, we'll be at the mercy of the big boys, at least in that department. But, I'd think if they're gonna charge $6000, they'd better pay us back in the form of decent customer service, and decent equipment! The Goodfeel example is why I will never buy a high end scori
 ng software with a high end accessibility package. If I end up buying it, it won't be my decision, and it certainly won't be my p

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] frustrated with companies that Provide products for the blind

2013-08-07 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: frustrated with companies that Provide products for the blind

Hi,I sympathize with you, LML. I had a simlar incident with my apex, though fortunately nothing came of it.I got my Apex about a year ago, right before my Freshman year of college, which was quite a nasty experience the first semester, partly because of a professor who didn't understand the tremendous shock, and partly because of the tromendous shock this one professor didn't understand... Anyway, I'd just gotten a set of documents for my Western civ class, so I stuck them on a thumb drive, popped it into the Apex, and boom. Everything, and I mean everything, goes out. Tried a reset. NO go. Tried all the resets. WEll, it would say loading keysoft, and would get stuck at 10 percent. Battery was at 60 percent so I knew that wasn't a problem. So I call Humanware, and got some Indian guy who I could barely understand, telling me that he didn't know what was going on and I had to send it in for repairs. I don't know how much it costs because th
 e state covered it.Anyway, I was getting used to using my laptop for note taking needs, and also using it for leisure needs as well... six weeks go by, and no news on the Apex. Since I wasn't desperately needing it, I wasn't in a hurry for it. People kept asking me, when's it coming back? Why don't you call and ask them about it? I always told them, they'll send it back when they're done with it. Little did I know, they probably would've kept it. When I finally called, I got a nice lady who asked me for some information, then got the shock of her life. Apparently it had been sitting for quite a while, doing nothing. I ended up getting it back in less than two weeks after that.So, it was all fine and well, until I turned it on. I was in my jazz history class, getting ready to take notes, which I knew would be important for the final. The professor said, "you'll need this information down the road closer to the end of the semest
 er." So, I race through the menus, opening a document. But, big surprise. flash disk is missing from the drive list! nOw, The only thing I could do is leave the drive set to nothing. then this O U contraction sign would come up, and I could continue. hOwever, that wasn't just a little hiccup. I typed the notes I needed to, then saved the file. A day or two later, it crashed, requiring me to do a reset. This time, it did come back, but big surprise II: my file was gone. at the time, I wasn't worried, because i thought, surely I'd get another opportunity to write those notes down before they were brought to the front lines. I also thought if I fought with the Apex hard enough, Ic oudl resolve the issue. I was wrong on both counts. In a month i was back to using the laptop. People kept telling me to send it back, sendd it back. It's a $6000 device, it should work. While I agree with that reasoning, I didn't want to spend the time sending it back if it was 
 going to come back with more problems. So it sat under my bed, for months, and months, and months.Finally at the beginning of July of tnext year, after the Apex was sitting there useless for 9 months, my tech teacher calls me. That was no surprise. His primary job is helping kids with technology, up through HS. But on the side, he also helps older adults, who are low vision, or who are in the process of losing their vision, get acquainted with technology they can use. well, one of his clients was a person who needed help with the Apex, and so he called me. He wanted to take me to the guy's house with him so we both could help him out. I warned hiom that my Apex was screwed up, but he still told me to bring it and see what happened. So, since the thing was long dead, I plugged it in, and left it charge overnight. When I come back the next morning, battery'es at 100 percent. And big surprise III: now we have a flash Disk. Apparently the thing had been so dead that ever
 ything was reset.Now, what I really don't understand, my M Power never had any of these problems, for the 5 years I used it. I used it hard, too. The only time I had to send it in was when I accidentally dropped it, and ruined the enter key. they had to replace the spring under the key, and it was almost good as new, the only problem was that it felt too stiff, but that was because the other keys had gotten a bit flimsy from heavy use, so I was used to that flimsiness.I really do understand that some of these things are hard, and expensive to make. I've never heard of a cheap braille display that's actually being sold yet. i know several are in the works, but until one comes out, we'll be at the mercy of the big boys, at least in that department. But, I'd think if they're gonna charge $6000, they'd better pay us back in the form of decent customer service, and decent equipment! The Goodfeel example is why I will never buy a high end sco
 ring software with a high end accessibility package. If I end up buying it, it won't be my decision, and it certainly won't be my

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] frustrated with companies that Provide products for the blind

2013-08-07 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: frustrated with companies that Provide products for the blind

Hi,I sympathize with you, LML. I had a simlar incident with my apex, though fortunately nothing came of it.I got my Apex about a year ago, right before my Freshman year of college, which was quite a nasty experience the first semester, partly because of a professor who didn't understand the tremendous shock, and partly because of the tromendous shock this one professor didn't understand... Anyway, I'd just gotten a set of documents for my Western civ class, so I stuck them on a thumb drive, popped it into the Apex, and boom. Everything, and I mean everything, goes out. Tried a reset. NO go. Tried all the resets. Well, it would say loading keysoft, and would get stuck at 10 percent. Battery was at 60 percent so I knew that wasn't a problem. So I call Humanware, and got some Indian guy who I could barely understand, telling me that he didn't know what was going on and I had to send it in for repairs. I don't know how much it costs because th
 e state covered it.Anyway, I was getting used to using my laptop for note taking needs, and also using it for leisure needs as well... six weeks go by, and no news on the Apex. Since I wasn't desperately needing it, I wasn't in a hurry for it. People kept asking me, when's it coming back? Why don't you call and ask them about it? I always told them, they'll send it back when they're done with it. Little did I know, they probably would've kept it. When I finally called, I got a nice lady who asked me for some information, then got the shock of her life. Apparently it had been sitting for quite a while, doing nothing. I ended up getting it back in less than two weeks after that.So, it was all fine and well, until I turned it on. I was in my jazz history class, getting ready to take notes, which I knew would be important for the final. The professor said, "you'll need this information down the road closer to the end of the semest
 er." So, I race through the menus, opening a document. But, big surprise. flash disk is missing from the drive list! Now, The only thing I could do is leave the drive set to nothing. then, this O U contraction sign would come up, and I could continue. However, that wasn't just a little hiccup.I typed the notes I needed to, then saved the file. A day or two later, it crashed, requiring me to do a reset. This time, it did come back, but big surprise II: my file was gone. at the time, I wasn't worried. I thought, surely I'd get another opportunity to write those notes down before they were brought to the front lines. I also thought if I fought with the Apex hard enough, I could resolve the issue. I was wrong on both counts. In less than a month I was back to using the laptop. People kept telling me to send it back, send it back. It's a $6000 device, it should work. While I do agree with that reasoning, I didn't want to spend the time sending it back.
  I couldn't trust that it was going to come back working to perfection. So it sat under my bed, for months, and months, and months.Finally at the beginning of July of the next year, after the Apex was sitting there useless for 9 months, my tech teacher calls me. That was no surprise. His primary job is helping kids with technology, up through high school. But on the side, he also helps older adults, who are low vision, or who are in the process of losing their vision, get acquainted with technology they might benefit from. well, one of his clients was a person who needed help with the Apex, and so he called me. He wanted to take me to the guy's house with him so we both could help him out. I warned him that my Apex was screwed up, but he still told me to bring it and see what happened, then told me to get on it and call Humanware while it was summer and I wouldn't be using the Apex every day. I actually was going to call them, just to tell them what they did to 
 it. I wasn't going to be all unprofessional either, but the whole thing was getting old. But I had to help this client first. So, since the Apex was long dead, I plugged it in, and left it charge overnight. When I come back the next morning, battery's at 100 percent. And big surprise III: now we have a flash Disk. Apparently the thing had been so dead that everything was reset.Now, what I really don't understand, my M Power never had any of these problems, for the 5 years I used it. I used it hard, too. The only time I had to send it in was when I accidentally dropped it, and ruined the enter key. they had to replace the spring under the key, and it was almost good as new. The only problem was that it felt too stiff, but that was because the other keys had gotten a bit flimsy from heavy use, so I was used to that flimsiness.I really do understand that some of these things are hard, and expensive to make. I've never heard of a cheap braille display tha
 t's actually being sold yet. I know several are in the works, but until one comes out, we'll be at the mercy of the big boys,

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Sound fonts?

2013-08-07 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: Sound fonts?

Hi,Personally, my favorite soundf ont is SGM version 2.1. Not sure if it's still up for download, but I have a slightly older version, but it sounds exactly the same as the newer one.What I have learned about sound fonts is that certain ones are good for certain things. For instance, there's another sound font called Fluid, which is nice for some Chamber music, and does okay with jazz. There's another one called Real Font 2.1, which is better for rock. There's a really old one called Unison, which does okay with everything, although there are a few sounds which are not quite right, like the organs. but those aside, it works very well and is quite tiny. SGM seems to do okay with jsut about everything as well, though. And, just because a sound font says it's optomized for everything, doesn't necessarily meant hat; it all comes down to personal taste. there are plenty of fonts out there. While a good 70 percent are probably rips from other fo
 nts, and just mixes and matches of painfully familiar sounds, there are a handful of unique-sounding things that do have a purpose.There are huge, and I mean, huge, soundfonts you could get which are over 1 gb. While they have very good sounds, I don't think the sounds fit together well. There's a huge one called Crisis, which is guilty of this. Some amazing sounds, but they don't fit together in some circumstances, leading to sloppy sounding performances, at least in my opinion.Now, to get to more grim details. The bigger the sound font, the more you have to be aware of the possibility of samples being illegally used. That's all fine if it's just for personal use, but I'd be really careful if you're going to sell the work you created with those. Many people probably got samples from p2p and put them in a sound font, I know for a fact Crisis is one of those, because it says so right on the site. These days, it's really hard to tell
  what is and what isn't legal, and it's even harder to determine if the sound font creator had permission or a license to use those samples in the first place... If I were you, I wouldn't tie my mind in knots trying to find out either, as it would likely be a futile effort. I'm not convicting anyone either, just observing. Really, the people who do shady things to make better music, I'd at least like to think they don't mean any harm and are just doing it for the art. That doesn't mean it's legal, but I do feel for their line of thinking. Having all talent and no resources to match is not a happy predicament... but there are good and legal options out there, particularly if you're resourceful.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=143723#p143723

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Sound fonts?

2013-08-07 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: Sound fonts?

Hi,Personally, my favorite soundf ont is SGM version 2.1. Not sure if it's still up for download, but I have a slightly older version, but it sounds exactly the same as the newer one.What I have learned about sound fonts is that certain ones are good for certain things. For instance, there's another sound font called Fluid, which is nice for some Chamber music, and does okay with jazz. There's another one called Real Font 2.1, which is better for rock. There's a really old one called Unison, which does okay with everything, although there are a few sounds which are not quite right, like the organs. but those aside, it works very well and is quite tiny. SGM seems to do okay with jsut about everything as well, though. And, just because a sound font says it's optomized for everything, doesn't necessarily meant hat; it all comes down to personal taste. there are plenty of fonts out there. While a good 70 percent are probably rips from other fo
 nts, and just mixes and matches of painfully familiar sounds, there are a handful of unique-sounding things that do have a purpose.There are huge, and I mean, huge, soundfonts you could get which are over 1 gb. While they have very good sounds, I don't think the sounds fit together well. There's a huge one called Crisis, which is guilty of this. Some amazing sounds, but they don't fit together in some circumstances, leading to sloppy sounding performances, at least in my opinion.Now, to get to more grim details. The bigger the sound font, the more you have to be aware of the possibility of samples being illegally used. That's all fine if it's just for personal use, but I'd be really careful if you're going to sell the work you created with those. Many people probably got samples from p2p and put them in a sound font, I know for a fact Crisis is one of those, because it says so right on the site. These days, it's really hard to dete
 rmine if the sound font creator had permission or a license to use those samples in the first place... and even if they didn't, it'd be really hard for anyone to make a case for it. If I were you, I wouldn't tie my mind in knots trying to find out either, as it would likely be a futile effort. I'm not convicting anyone either, just observing. Really, the people who do shady things to make better music, I'd at least like to think they don't mean any harm and are just doing it for the art. That doesn't mean it's legal, but I do feel for their line of thinking. Having all talent and no resources to match is not a happy predicament. But there are good options out there, even if you are a legal freek who is totally broke.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=143723#p143723

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] GW SocialEyes: A Failure in Marketing, and a Resounding Disappointment

2013-08-09 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: GW SocialEyes: A Failure in Marketing, and a Resounding Disappointment

I'm also coming in a bit late, but I'll put my two cents on the table. It's actually about 2 dollars, since it's quite a long rant, but I hope those who agree with me like it. This is just my opinion, I'm not trying to tell anyone else what they should do.I do fully understand why GW Micro is charging for this, I don't understand where the $25 yearly fee comes from. A 1-time $5 or $10 fee would be just fine. Or maybe you could go dirt cheap and give people the option of $1.99 for 1 year, or something. And a 30 day trial so you can tell if it really works for you... There are so many things wrong with this. Perhaps it's because there aren't many blind people who would purchase these products, but by using that strategy, they're turning many of those potential buyers off. If they just thought a little more, they'd realize that all of the people who are haters of this product, would actually consider buying it if they had more f
 riendly pricing on it, and they'd probably get a lot more money in the long run. But, in a typical business model, they get to do pretty much what they want, well at lesat that's my impression anyway, so our chances of changing that aren't too high.Price doesn't dictate how much profits you get. It only establishes a bass value of which to work with. What really decides if it's a pass or fail is the quality of the product, the usefulness of the product, and setting up a fair price for the product that many feel is reasonable. Thus if you put a high price tag on a product and expect to get high profits from that high price alone. Well, guess what? Only a handful of people will buy it. Some of those people will be generous, lazy, easily persuaded, or plain desperate and can't wait for something else to be found. Other people will just get it for convenience reasons, because they can already afford it. And a few others won't buy it, either becau
 se they can't afford it, or because they resent the high price. Instead they'll crack it, or have someone else buy it for them. Or they just won't buy it at all, which is really the best option for people in that situation.Now I'm not saying that people who buy GW products are lazy, easily persuaded, or rich. I'm not one to judge. However, when you really get down to it, freedom Scientific gets most if not all of its money from agencies who can afford a purchase of Jaws, because the average blind person can't aford it from their own bank account. And for the really thick headed people who think that we just need to stop whining and deal with it, I have reasons why it's just wrong and why something needs to be done about it.Nowadays there are organizations who want blind people to integrate with the sighted world. However, there are areas we will need help with, whether you're sighted or not. But, almost everyone is expected to have
  a computer. For a sighted person, that's no problem. Go to a computer store and just buy a cheap PC that's powerful enough to allow for simple tasks like using E-mail, browsing the Internet, and typing important documents. If you want more, you pay a few more bucks for a more expensive PC that'll do more demanding tasks more easily. Either way, a big question arises. Sighted people don't go through government assisted agencies to get their computers working, and monitors for computers are very reasonably priced. By reasonably, I mean I got a new PC with monitor, keyboard, mouse, Win 7 64 bit, a reasonable speed duel core processor, a 1 TB hard drive, and I believe 4 GB of ram, for less than $300. Of course the monitor is useless to me, so I'd need a screen reader... guess what? Jaws costs at least 3 times as much as my new computer! And from what I've been reading, Window Eyes does too.So, let's see. I don't know how much money was spen
 t purchasing Jaws 4.0 for me way back in the day, and I certainly don't know how much went into the upgrades that brought my license up to Version 13. But it was probably quite a bit of money. If I suddenly became sighted in 10 minutes and got all that money back, and wanted to spend it on nothing but the equivalent of a screen reader in the sighted world, what would I be able to get? Hmm, a huge duel monitor with very high resolution support maybe? I could game with it without trouble, even with really intensive games. I could look at things with staggering detail, and make things so big and grand enough to fill up a large chunk of the room the PC was in. Or, I could pay $500 on a decent monitor, and spend the rest on a decent video card that would still give me tons of power I didn't have before. I'd have so much to be dangerous; reading e-mail, documents, web pages, most of that would be less than child's play on this grand setup.But instead, in the real
  world, all that money I spent in the sighted world on those awesome video components goes on a good screen reader that is equivalent to the input th

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] it's my birthday today!

2013-08-09 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: it's my birthday today!

Got to agree with King Gamer on that one... I haven't really made it out of adolescence to tell you the truth but i'll turn 20 and a half in about 3 months. But, I can fake it for a little while, unfortunately, this forum is not the place where faking adulthood comes to mind! LOL!Happy birthday druv, though I believe it is a day late now.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=144001#p144001

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Sound fonts?

2013-08-09 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: Sound fonts?

Hi,My favorite sound font player is called Bassmidi. But, we're way ahead of the game here. Do you have a midi keyboard? WEll, most keyboards have midi support anyway so you won't need to worry about that too much. You'll also need a way to transmit midi data from the keyboard to the computer. And you will need a sequencer, such as quick Windows Sequencer, to work with the midi data that is sent to the sound font. Someone who is more knowledgeable about setting stuff up might be of more interest to you. I can help with the software side of it, but getting the hardware set up is definitely not my forte.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=144003#p144003

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Sound fonts?

2013-08-09 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: Sound fonts?

Hi,My favorite sound font player is called Bassmidi. But, we're way ahead of the game here. Do you have a midi keyboard? WEll, most keyboards have midi support anyway so you won't need to worry about that too much. You'll also need a way to transmit midi data from the keyboard to the computer, whether it is through USB or a midi interface... in either case you'll need a driver that handles the sending and receiving of the midi data, at least as far as I know. And you will need a sequencer, such as quick Windows Sequencer, to work with midi files.If you don't want to play sound fonts with the keyboard, and instead just want to listen to midi files with sound fonts, that's a lot easier, since you can just install bassmidi and load the midi file into a midi player. Just make sure the midi player is set to play through the Bassmidi driver.Someone who is more knowledgeable about setting stuff up might be of more interest to you. I can hel
 p with the software side of it, but if you need help with any hardware setup, that's definitely not my forte.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=144003#p144003

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] GW SocialEyes: A Failure in Marketing, and a Resounding Disappointment

2013-08-09 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: GW SocialEyes: A Failure in Marketing, and a Resounding Disappointment

Yep I wonder the same thing. Who in their right mind says that putting a screen reader on an operating system by default is a big disservice to the blind community? Do they assume that just because the screen reader comes with the OS, that it won't be as good as something GW Micro could make? I'm betting that's what they want us to think. So, i guess by their line of thinking, voice Over shouldn't be on IOS devices. so, let's say GW Micro made Voice Over. Judging by how things on the desktop side of things are, you'd probably pay $500 for the Voice over ap, easily. Or would they call it Mobile Eyes? who knows? And really, that's kinda beside the point... Voice Over is probably one of the best screen readers I have ever seen for an operating system. Whoever made that claim about disservicing the blind community needs a real wake-up call.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/v

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] A wonderful issue with Windows

2013-08-11 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: A wonderful issue with Windows

Hi,A quick way to take ownership of files is to download a registry entry which puts a "take ownership" item in the context menu. It works on files and folders. It does all the complicated work for you and leaves you with full priveleges over the file. The system can do nothing to stop you at that point.I don't remember where to find this magic registry entry, but if you google "take ownership registry" it should easily find it. Just run the .reg file and it installs the take ownership option in the context menu. No rebooting required either.Also, you can uninstall the take ownership entry from the registry with another reg file, which you should find in the same place. Obviously it doesn't kill any rights you have over existing files, but it does remove the take ownership option from the context menu.There is also a way to reassign ownership back to the system, which I would recommend doing after you're done messing with 
 things, but it's not as simple as a registry entry that does it all for you. I bet someone could make one for that, but for now, the way to get ownership back to the system is by reassigning the ownership. The ownership settings are under permissions in the properties dialog. Unfortunately, you have to remember the name of the service that protects system files. I can't remember what it is, but you have to type the name manually because it won't be in the list of owners. I've only had to do it once, so I can't remember the exact steps, but I'm sure instructions on how to do it are out there. I had to use instructions myself when I did it, so I know a bit of searching will guide you.I hope this helps... and good luck with the computer!URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=144240#p144240

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Sound fonts?

2013-08-11 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: Sound fonts?

Hmm I wonder what synth that Java bank is.as for just using the laptop keyboard to play stuff, that's a lot easier to set up. Unfortunately it's a lot harder to play because it's not a real keyboard... anyway, there are several keyboard programs out there, some better than others. Some of them aren't free either. In any case you'll likely need the Bassmidi driver to play the sound fonts.My favorite program, as I said, is Quick Windows Sequencer. It's a idi sequencer, but it also has an onscreen keyboard, which lets you use a computer keyboard as an input. I've relied on it quite a number of times to make music, before I got my stuff set up the way I do now.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=144243#p144243

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Sound fonts?

2013-08-11 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: Sound fonts?

Hmm I wonder what synth that Java bank is.as for just using the laptop keyboard to play stuff, that's a lot easier to set up. Unfortunately it's a lot harder to play because it's not a real keyboard... anyway, there are several keyboard programs out there, some better than others. Some of them aren't free either. In any case you'll likely need the Bassmidi driver to play the sound fonts.My favorite program, as I said, is Quick Windows Sequencer. It's a midi sequencer, but it also has an onscreen keyboard, which lets you use a computer keyboard as an input. I've relied on it quite a number of times to make music, before I got my stuff set up the way I do now. If you need any more help, you'll have to specify exactly what's up so I can better know where you're at.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=144243#p144243

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iPhone 4 s or 5?

2013-08-11 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: iPhone 4 s or 5?

I can also confirm, or at least speculate, that the I Phone 4s is not a very good option. For one thing, my girlfriend has a 4s, and has updated IOS, and now, Skype refuses to be good. It's constantly breaking up when in a call, or plain dropping. I've never, ever had that problem with my I Phone 5. Plus, when IOS 7 comes out, which it will come out quite soon, I'd be very cautious about upgrading with a 4s. If you do try it, though, please do let us know how it behaves.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=144244#p144244

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] Which version of XP does this come with?

2013-08-13 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Which version of XP does this come with?

Hi all,I was just thinking about this recently. About 6years ago, I got a new Del laptop with XP on it. A few months later I was at my grampa's house, and being the total nut I am, I searched for all the wav files on the system. Most of the avs were either things i had put there, or were sound scheme things... I believe the system had media center on it, not sure though. But in the midst of all those wav files, there was a huge list of maybe 100 wavs. The quality was pretty bad, but each wav seemed to be part of a step by step tutorial on how to use certain programs like Outlook, and Calendar, stuff like that. Perhaps Word was in that list I really don't know what all the tutorials were about. The voices that read the step by step instructions would alternate between a male and a female, and they were not synthetic. Hmm, maybe it was part of an office tutorial? I'm fairly certain Office 2003 was on that old laptop but again I'm not sure. The lap
 top did come with plenty of things I didn't want, but I don't remember what. Personally, when I get a new computer, I don't want anything on it... So it strikes me as odd that it would ship with an Office tutorial, or even a Windows tutorial, that relied on spoken wav files. But at this point I'd believe anything.Being the stupid kid I was, I didn't back those files up to an external, because I thought the laptop was immortal, in a sense. Turns out it barely made it to its second birthday. Which is ashame because I now find myself collecting stupid tutorial thingies like that, just to listen to when I'm bored. So, does anyone know what these tutorials might be? I'm not desperate for them, it just drives me nuts that I don't know anything about where these files came from. i had several XP machines after that old laptop, but none of them had these files on them.So, does anyone have any possible ideas about the origin of these files?
  For some odd reason, it's driving me crazy. I know it's stupid... oh well... doesn't hurt to ask about it, I suppose.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=144570#p144570

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Which version of XP does this come with?

2013-08-13 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: Which version of XP does this come with?

Well, it could have easily been something in xp pro. My limited memory of it seems to recall that XP Pro was indeed on it. Whether that has anything to do with this tutorial stuff, I don't know.I know i'm not the only one who had these. I know several other people who claim to know exactly what I'm talking about, because they had it on their older systems, but didn't think twice about it. As for being a student edition or something like that, I don't know why it would be. This was a laptop I got for personal use at home, and had nothing to do with school or anything academic or professional, apart from maybe having XP Pro on it. I'll look into the XP Pro bit, maybe it did come with this thing I am remembering.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=144583#p144583

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] Which version of XP does this come with?

2013-08-13 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Which version of XP does this come with?

Hi all,I was just thinking about this recently. About 6years ago, I got a new Del laptop with XP on it. I believe it was XP Pro. I don't have it now... for some stupid reason the hard drive went out long ago. A few months after I got it, I was at my grampa's house, and being the total nerd I am, I searched for all the wav files on the system. Most of the results were either things I had put there, or were wavs from other sound scheme things I didn't know existed, like aquarium, jungle, scifi, those things. I know about those now... I believe the system had media center on it, not sure though. But in the midst of all those wav files, there was a huge list of maybe 100 wavs. The quality of each file was pretty bad, but each wav seemed to be part of a step by step tutorial on how to use certain programs like Outlook, and Calendar, stuff like that. Perhaps Word was in that list I really don't know what all the tutorials were about. The voices that read th
 e step by step instructions would alternate between a male and a female, and they were not synthetic. Hmm, maybe it was part of an office tutorial? I'm fairly certain Office 2003 was on that old laptop but again I'm not sure. The laptop did come with plenty of things I didn't want, but I don't remember what. Personally, when I get a new computer, I don't want anything other than the Os on it... So it strikes me as odd that it would ship with an Office tutorial, or even a Windows tutorial, that relied on spoken wav files. But at this point I'd believe anything.Being the stupid kid I was, I didn't back those files up to an external, because I thought the laptop was immortal, in a sense. Turns out it barely made it to its second birthday. Which is a shame because I now find myself collecting stupid tutorial thingies like that, just to listen to when I'm bored. So, does anyone know what these tutorials might be? I'm not desperate 
 for them, I'm just curious about where they're from. I had several XP machines after that old laptop, but none of them had these files on them.So, does anyone have any possible ideas about the origin of these files? For some odd reason, It just drives me nuts that I don't know anything about where these files came from. Why would I be worried about it now when I haven't heard them for years? I know it's stupid... oh well... doesn't hurt to ask about it, I suppose.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=144570#p144570

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Which version of XP does this come with?

2013-08-13 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: Which version of XP does this come with?

Well, it could have easily been something in xp pro. My limited memory of it seems to recall that XP Pro was indeed on it. Whether that has anything to do with this tutorial stuff, I don't know.I know i'm not the only one who had these. I know several other people who claim to know exactly what I'm talking about, because they had it on their older systems, but didn't think twice about it. As for being a student edition or something like that, I don't know why it would be. This was a laptop I got for personal use at home, and had nothing to do with school or anything academic or professional, apart from maybe having XP Pro on it. I'll look into the XP Pro bit, maybe it did come with this thing I am remembering.Edit: Just fired up my XP Pro VM, and the files are not there. So it definitely isn't part of XP Pro. But i'm betting it's still part of  a Microsoft product because it talks about how to use Microsoft products. Ma
 ybe it's part of some old office package?URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=144583#p144583

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Which version of XP does this come with?

2013-08-15 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: Which version of XP does this come with?

Okay all, a bit of an update. I've been asking around to see what this tutorial thing is, and I think I've found an answer. These wav files are part of the Microsoft interactive training package. Not usre what it's about, but it's qite old. The person who told me this is someone I really didn't like too much, but i confess I have more respect of rhim now lol. All the things that I remembered about this thing matched up with what he remembers about his. Unfortunately he doesn't have it anymore.I'm going to search around a bit to see what this is all about. I'm not going to break laws to get it... just saying that if it's up for grabs, I'll take it. If it is, I'll give the link to where I found it.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=144875#p144875

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Which version of XP does this come with?

2013-08-15 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: Which version of XP does this come with?

Okay all, a bit of an update. I've been asking around to see what this tutorial thing is, and I think I've found an answer. These wav files are part of the Microsoft interactive training package. Not sure what it's about, but it's quite old. The person who told me this, is someone I really didn't like too much, but I confess I have more respect for him now lol. All the things that I remembered about this thing matched up with what he remembers about his copy. Unfortunately he doesn't have it anymore.I'm going to search around a bit to see what this is all about. I'm not sure how legal it is to distribute, so I'm not going to sneakily break laws to get it... If it's up for grabs, like on the Microsoft site for instance, I'll take it. If it is, I'll give the link to where I found it.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=144875#p

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Which version of XP does this come with?

2013-08-15 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: Which version of XP does this come with?

Okay all, a bit of an update. I've been asking around to see what this tutorial thing is, and I think I've found an answer. These wav files are part of the Microsoft interactive training package. Not sure what it's about, but it's quite old. The person who told me this, is someone I really didn't like too much, but I confess I have more respect for him now lol. All the things that I remembered about this thing matched up with what he remembers about his copy. Unfortunately he doesn't have it anymore.I'm going to search around a bit to see what this is all about. I'm not sure how legal it is to distribute, so I'm not going to sneakily break laws... If it's up for grabs, like on the Microsoft site for instance, I'll take it. If it is, I'll give the link to where I found it. If I end up getting it privately, then I'm not sure if I should share it...URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=144875#p144875

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Which version of XP does this come with?

2013-08-15 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: Which version of XP does this come with?

Okay all, a bit of an update. I've been asking around to see what this tutorial thing is, and I think I've found an answer. These wav files are part of the Microsoft interactive training package. Not sure what it's about, but it's quite old. The person who told me this, is someone I really didn't like too much, but I confess I have more respect for him now lol. All the things that I remembered about this thing matched up with what he remembers about his copy. Unfortunately he doesn't have it anymore.I'm going to search around a bit to see what this is all about. I'm not sure how legal it is to distribute, so I'm not going to sneakily break laws... If it's up for grabs, like on the Microsoft site for instance, I'll take it. If it is, I'll give the link to where I found it. If I end up getting it privately, then I'm not sure if I should share it...Edit: Just found more information on this. Apparentlyt his i
 s  Microsoft program which computer manufactures would install with their OS. It is not available from Microsoft as a separate product... never was. So if you lost it, you couldn't get it back. So, that makes things clear... I can't just find it hanging around, and I certainly won't share it because to my knowledge, it's certainly not legal. Of course if not, then someone will have to correct me, but now that I know exactly where it came from and what it was, I'm not so worked up lol.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=144875#p144875

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Which version of XP does this come with?

2013-08-19 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: Which version of XP does this come with?

Really? I didn't know there was such thing as a plus bundle for XP, though I do know that a lot of manufacturers would do fake pluses and load your system with crap before you ever saw the box it came in. Well that at least hasn't changed one bit. This PC I use now came with a 30 day trial of Nortorn, which not only was inaccessible, it tagged my midi seqauencer as a virus, simply because it was a program which was not well known. It didn't quite use those words on its detection screen, but that's more or less what it said. My parents made me use the 30 day trial, just because it came with the PC, and if it came with the PC, I must at least try it. After all, it's antivirus, and anyone could benefit from that at some point... I certainly did not. Now I use Security Essentials combined with Malware/addware tools. And so far, event hough I used to be virus prone, I still haven't gotten a major infection. I do pick up some spyware every now and again, bu
 t it's mostly under my radar, and the most it does is slow the system down. But that's getting off topic... I guess all I'm saying is that I would've never asked for the plus bundle even if I knew what it was back then...URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=145437#p145437

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Which version of XP does this come with?

2013-08-19 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: Which version of XP does this come with?

Really? I didn't know there was such thing as a plus bundle for XP, though I do know that a lot of manufacturers would do their own pluses and load your system with crap before you ever saw the box it came in. Well that hasn't changed one bit since XP. This PC I use now came with a 30 day trial of Norton, which not only was inaccessible, it tagged my midi sequencer as a virus, simply because it was a program which was not well known. It didn't quite use those words on its detection screen, but that's more or less what it said. With sighted help, I lowered the security, and also I may have found a way to disable its autodetection, though I am not sure. My parents made me use the 30 day trial, just because it came with the PC, and if it came with the PC, I must at least try it. After all, it's antivirus, and anyone could benefit from that at some point... I certainly did not. Now I use Security Essentials combined with Malware/addware tools. And so far, even
  though I used to be virus prone and probably still am to some degree, I still haven't gotten a major infection. I do pick up some spyware every now and again, but it's mostly under my radar, and the most it does is slow the system down. But that's getting off topic... I guess all I'm saying is that I would've never asked for the plus bundle even if I knew what it was back then...URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=145437#p145437

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Making Music with MIDI

2013-09-13 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: Making Music with MIDI

Personally, to make midi music, I use QWS with my Yamaha psr-s700 keyboard... thinking of upgrading to a Mox6, and hoping to dear God it won't be a nightmare to use with QWS, since all I need is the ability to sequence with its awesome sounds... I don't need any of the built-in arranger stuff, if there is any. I believe the sounds on the mox6 are from the Motif XS. I have used VST plugs before, but only the high-end ones are really what'll get you awesome performances. I don't have that many, though. And i also use Bassmidi with soundfonts. Bassmidi and Coolsoft don't seem to be that much different from each other, since Bassmidi can certainly use multiple fonts in a stack, though instruments will override each other if they are in the same places in both fonts.Now, perhaps this is off topic, and if it is, I'll make a new one, but I really want to get into using Kontakt libraries. I've heard multiple times that with some tweaking, screen re
 aders can at least help access it enough to load a library and play with some of it. I've downloaded a few libraries, and for the most part, the samples are in wav format, which I can fairly easily copy the wavs and make a sound font from them. However, some libraries have encripted samples, and I wholeheartedly think that 99 percent of commercial libraries aren't so open, leaving me no choice but to load the library in the very inaccessible Kontakt interface. As of now, Kontakt is nothing but a large brick on my system and has done nothing to encourage me. so, buying a commercial library like Orange Tree stuff (which btw sounds awesome), would almost certainly be a waste until I get it working. I believe I have Kontakt 4, though I hear 5 has been out and some libraries require it, and of course I didn't buy the thing, I got the free demo or whatever it is... not sure how the licensing works. Perhaps I should just get the latest free version now. And i also hear some 
 libraries require the full registered version of Kontakt... but I'll probably end up using the free one until I am sure I want to buy the full.If I could use Kontakt, I'd preferably want to use the VST version, as I have my audio and midi set up in VST Host and wouldn't want to set that up in Kontakt standalone, though if the standalone is the only way, I wont' complain. So, if there was perhaps someone kind enough who could point me in the right direction to loading a Kontakt patch? Not sure if editing any of the settings is possible or not, I'm going to guess that it's not so easy to do that, but I do like customizing my sounds so would like to know where the accessibility is on that front.Sorry if I am asking a lot, but I'm getting jealous of screen reader users being able to take advantage of Kontakt. It's times like these that I wish I could at least get by with magnification, that way I'd sort of have the best of both wo
 rlds...URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=148455#p148455

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Questions about learning Nemeth.

2013-09-13 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: Questions about learning Nemeth.

Hi Ianr,I know both computer and nemeth code, to varrying degrees... unfortunately, my knowledge wouldn't exactly in a big huge forum post. i twould be hard to explain without being able to write the symbols and show examples. I wonder how easy it is for people to read brf files, because I was tinking of typing one up for something like this. If that doesn't work, maybe i could somehow write up a file in computer braille, that would read on a braille display like grade 2 braille. Of course it would come out readfing like garbage when reading with speech, or in print, but it would look fine in braille. Either way I have to be able to braille examples to explain it, or else it'll get confusing LOL.If anyone has any other suggestions, I'd be eager to hear them. I really do want to get this out, since I was fortunate enough to have teachers who were knowledgeable about braille, and who had great personalities to help me learn it. I know that everyone do
 esn't get that, so they don't get all the knowledge passed on.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=148478#p148478

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Making Music with MIDI

2013-09-16 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: Making Music with MIDI

Hi,as I say, I don't have a Motif, or anything based on it, though i plan to get one. For the psr series of keyboards, it's pretty simple, just go into track properties and change the instrument, program and bank settings. PSR keyboards have GM instruments working right out of the box, so it's a pretty safe bet that you can just load up a standard GM midi and use it. Most of my sequencing I do with the GM sounds, because they are just copies of most of the front panel stuff.Now, if I want a front panel sound, I'll have to go looking for it, but i've come to memorize where most of my favorite voices are. If you're in the track properties, you can just go to the instrument you want on the keyboard, and the program and bank fields *should* update. I say that with an asterisk because sometimes it doesn't work, but normally it does.When I get my MOX6, I hope it will be relatively simple to switch between voices. I don't necessar
 ily need GM (though I've heard those keyboards can have GM support with a little tweaking), but I do hope that the program/bank layouts are logical enough that I can memorize the basic structure. Perhaps the motif instrument lists for QWS will work with it. Perhaps I might end up getting a different keyboard... perhaps my house will blow up... we never know LOL. But I'm eager to try it eventually, as the sounds on this thing are starting to get old in some ways. They're not necessarily dated sounds, as some of them have made it over to higher end keyboards, but there's only so much you can do with a few hundred decent patches and a lot more generic ones which I only use in a grind. Only a handful of them continue to inspire me, most of which are on the MOX, or have been replaced with sounds I like even more. So, if I get it, I will let yall know what I've learned about it... I'll probably be so excited or disappointed with it, that my posting about it w
 ill be unavoidable.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=148851#p148851

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] upgrading to IOS 7, do I have anything to lose?

2013-09-20 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

upgrading to IOS 7, do I have anything to lose?

Hi all,Despite there being a few topics on IOS 7 and Apple's new stuff already, I thought I'd make my own... I have a specific question which I would like to get strait before upgrading.Both me and my girlfriend use our I Phones very regularly... I have a 5 and she has a 4s. App backup isn't so big of a problem, as neither of us have very many apps which we need. We don't have tons of music either. However we both have a lot of voice memos, and I at least am running into a brick wall getting I Tunes to back them up... and I have never used it or relied on it for that reason. So I have to use another program to copy the memos, which is a very time consuming process as I have to export them one by one.I don't think voice memos back up to the cloud... if they do, that would make things a lot easier but it would also take up a lot of space.I've heard that if you upgrade with the I Phone's update feature, or if you do it throug
 h I Tunes updates, that it will restore your stuff so you don't have to worry about losing it. But can I trust that it'll grab the voice memos as well, or only more essential things like contacts and app data? Also, would the the model of the phone, whether it be 5 or 4s,  change anything when it comes to keeping data intact?This is getting irritating. I don't have a vested interest in taking advantage of I Tunes or the Cloud, because I simply wanted a smartphone that could store my audio, have cool apps, and of course make calls, and message people. I love the apps I have, and the accessibility is something I will never stop enjoying, and while I love the I Phone and am still glad I got it, I'm very disappointed to see that you have to work around things just to make hardware storage an option now. Call me old school, but I prefer hardware storage, or at least a folder which I can personally manage. I can have complete control of what goes in and out 
 of there, and can check all the files as much as I like, to make sure everything I want is intact. I don't have to question it then. Automatic backups is a good thing, but they keep you from knowing exactly what's going on, which is awful at a time when I'd like to take a quick glance through a backup to see if it needs maintenance.So can anyone inform me on some procedure i can use to make sure all my stuff is safe, without spending hours manually backing all my stuff up, just to ensure I still have it? Any help is greatly appreciated, as we are both having issues with knowing how to safely ensure everything we want is backed up.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=149254#p149254

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[Audiogames-reflector] upgrading to IOS 7, do I have anything to lose?

2013-09-20 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

upgrading to IOS 7, do I have anything to lose?

Hi all,Despite there being a few topics on IOS 7 and Apple's new stuff already, I thought I'd make my own... I have a specific question which I would like to get strait before upgrading.Both me and my girlfriend use our I Phones very regularly... I have a 5 and she has a 4s. App backup isn't so big of a problem, as neither of us have very many apps which we need. We don't have tons of music either. However we both have a lot of voice memos, and I at least am running into a brick wall getting I Tunes to back them up... and I have never used it or relied on it for that reason. So I have to use another program to copy the memos, which is a very time consuming process as I have to export them one by one.I don't think voice memos back up to the cloud... if they do, that would make things a lot easier but it would also take up a lot of space.I've heard that if you upgrade with the I Phone's update feature, or if you do it throug
 h I Tunes updates, that it will restore your stuff so you don't have to worry about losing it. But can I trust that it'll grab the voice memos as well, or only more essential things like contacts and app data? Also, would the the model of the phone, whether it be 5 or 4s,  change anything when it comes to keeping data intact?This is getting irritating. I don't have a vested interest in taking advantage of I Tunes or the Cloud, because I simply wanted a smartphone that could store my audio, have cool apps, and of course make calls, and message people. I love the apps I have, and the accessibility is something I will never stop enjoying, and while I love the I Phone and am still glad I got it, I'm very disappointed at the fact that you have to work around things just to make hardware storage an option. Call me old school, but I prefer hardware storage, or a folder which I can personally manage. That way, I can have complete control of what goes in and ou
 t of there, and can check all the files as much as I like, to make sure everything I want is intact. I don't have to question it then. Automatic backups is a good thing, but they keep you from knowing exactly what's going on, which is awful at a time when I'd like to take a quick glance through a backup to see if it needs maintenance.So can anyone inform me on some procedure i can use to ensure the safety of my stuff, without spending hours manually backing it up? I want to let it sit and do its thing by itself as if i'm doing an HD backup on Windows... Any help is greatly appreciated, as we are both having issues with knowing how to ensure everything we want is safe.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=149254#p149254

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] upgrading to IOS 7, do I have anything to lose?

2013-09-21 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: upgrading to IOS 7, do I have anything to lose?

What is this "over the air" thing? I can go to settings, go to the general section,  and see the software update but it says nothing about over the air.But ten again, I'm having issues connecting to Wifi, so I won't be able to upgrade until those are fixed... I get the feeling that the cosmos is against my upgrading LOL.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=149305#p149305

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] upgrading to IOS 7, do I have anything to lose?

2013-09-21 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: upgrading to IOS 7, do I have anything to lose?

It's been so long since I tried, that I don't know for sure. What I do know is that at first, the voice memos would transfer just fine, but after it had about 3 memos in the memos folder, it stopped transferring them. I did some research, and couldn't find a solution that worked, so I had no other option than to reinstall everything... I wasn't about to do that, so that is when I stopped using I Tunes.I think for now I will manually do the backups it's only about 60 memos I think, and I won't delete the memos off the phone, I will just copy them to the PC. Once that grind is over, and I get this stupid Wifi stuff figured out, I'll be able to do the upgrade and report back as to whether the memos are still on the phone. They'd better be, as my girlfriend is not about to engage in a difficult backup procedure and I am not in a position where I can do it for her.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=149309#p149309

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] recycle bin.

2014-01-15 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: recycle bin.

Hi,For this reason, I don't use disc recovery programs... because by the time I realize I've delete something important, it's too late to recover it.When you delete a file from the recycle bin, or if you just delete it and skip the recycle bin, Windows does not actually delete the file. It just designates that space on the hard drive as free space... so the file is still there, but is not accessible to you. If you begin doing other things, such as downloading new music, or putting new files on there, Windows will overwrite anything you've deleted with the new stuff. So if y ou've accidentally redeleted something from the recycle bin, a disc recovery program may get it back, but only if you run it immediately. The more things you do with your system after you delete the files, the less chance you will get of recovering the files you want.URL: http://forum.audiogames.ne

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] recycle bin.

2014-01-15 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: recycle bin.

Hi,When you delete a file from the recycle bin, or if you just skip the recycle bin, Windows does not actually delete the file right away. It just designates that space on the hard drive as free space... so the file is still there, but is not accessible to you. A disc recovery program may get it back, but only if you run it immediately. If you begin doing other things, such as downloading new music, or putting new files on there, Windows will overwrite anything you've deleted with the new stuff. The more things you do with your system after you delete the files, the less chance you will have of recovering the files you want. Sometimes you may be able to recover parts of files, but they may be corrupt and unopenable at that point.For this reason, I don't use disc recovery programs... because by the time I realize I've deleted something important, it's too late to recover it.Edit: fixed a funky problem where the bottom of the post ended up at t
 he top...URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=161927#p161927

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[Audiogames-reflector] vocalizer voices down?

2014-01-15 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

vocalizer voices down?

Hi,After an unexpected system crash, and an equally frustrating system recovery, I finally have my primary system back, and most of my stuff was safely backed up. However, I would like to download more Vocalizer voices for the Vocalizer driver for NVDA. When I click on the links for voices, they do not download... the web browser just sits there. It doesn't even bring up a "page cannot be found." I've tried right clicking on the links and then saving the file to disc, but the download cannot start... I've tried with Chrome and Firefox. So was there some big announcement about these voices being down? Something tells me there was, but perhaps that's just my paranoya kicking in. I'd contact Tiflotechnia but I don't have E-mail set up on this PC yet.Can anyone try to download a voice and see if it's back up, or can let me know what's going on, if anything? If it' sjust a short outage and they're back up in the ne
 xt 5 minutes or whatever, I'll just delete the topic, but I really am looking forward to getting these voices back. Right now I can only use the compact installer I backed up.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=161928#p161928

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] game development: sounds/music

2014-01-15 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: game development: sounds/music

Freesound is indeed a good resource. Soundsnap is also very good but it is no longer free. You can listen to previews of sounds though, and most of the previews are mp3 128 K, and are decent 128s at that... so you could just record and use them. It isn't very legal, but the sad truth is, it wouldn't be easy to spot. I'm not encouraging illegal behavior by any means, just putting out all the options. And yes you could go the p2p route and yes it wouldn't be easy to spot, but we all know how illegal that is, so either stay away from that, or do it carefully and don't make a habit of it.You can also try findsounds.com, if you need sounds in a pinch. The quality is pretty terrible though, depending on what you're looking for. Most sounds that it'll find will probably be from the 90s back when people would just put stupid sounds on their personal site just to have fun with. Nowadays I think that's a dying trend, not sure though. I'd be
 t that a fair amount of the sounds that Findsounds will give you were either from old games or old movie clips. People liked to share those back in the day if I remember right (I wasn't computer literate at the time to know for sure.)URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=161936#p161936

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] game development: sounds/music

2014-01-15 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: game development: sounds/music

Freesound is indeed a good resource. Soundsnap is also very good but it is no longer free. You can listen to previews of sounds though, and most of the previews are mp3 128 K, and are decent 128s at that... so you could just record and use them. It isn't very legal, but the sad truth is, it wouldn't be easy to spot. I'm not encouraging illegal behavior by any means, just putting out all the options. And yes you could go the p2p route and yes it wouldn't be easy to spot from the average end user's experience, but it would be easier for you to get caught. We all know how illegal that is, so either stay away from that, or do it carefully and don't make a habit of it.You can also try findsounds.com, if you need sounds in a pinch. The quality is pretty terrible though, depending on what you're looking for. Most sounds that it'll find will probably be from the 90s back when people would just put stupid sounds on their personal site just to h
 ave fun with. Nowadays I think that's a dying trend, not sure though. I'd bet that a fair amount of the sounds that Findsounds will give you were either from old games or old movie clips. People liked to share those back in the day if I remember right (I wasn't computer literate at the time to know for sure.)URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=161936#p161936

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] vocalizer voices down?

2014-01-15 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: vocalizer voices down?

Hi,I'm talking about the Vocalizer Expressive for NVDA... not the old normal Vocalizer. Those old voices won't work for the Expressive Driver...URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=161938#p161938

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] vocalizer voices down?

2014-01-15 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: vocalizer voices down?

Hi,I'm talking about the Vocalizer Expressive for NVDA... not the old normal Vocalizer. Those old voices won't work for the Expressive Driver... i should've been more clear about that.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=161938#p161938

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] vocalizer voices down?

2014-01-16 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: vocalizer voices down?

Hmm Socheat, I don't know what's going on there, but I can confirm that they're back up now. I'm downloading Ava Premium High... the biggest Vocalizer voice I know, at 436 MB! But its size is pretty justified in my opinion, as I hardly ever hear it mess diction up. The old voices, even in their premium high incarnations, do have occasional glitches.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=162050#p162050

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] vocalizer voices down?

2014-01-16 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: vocalizer voices down?

Hmm Socheat, I don't know what's going on there, but I can confirm that they're back up now. I'm downloading Ava Premium High... the biggest Vocalizer voice I know, at 436 MB! But its size is pretty justified in my opinion, as I hardly ever hear it mess diction up. The old voices, even in their premium high incarnations, do have occasional glitches.Edit: The voices seem to be up sometimes and down at others... so it's unstable. Not quite sure why, maybe the server is just not able to handle the traffic?URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=162050#p162050

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[Audiogames-reflector] Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

2014-01-26 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

Hi all,So something just happened an hour ago, and since I like to read stories here, I thought I'd post one of mine.In December 2012, I got my first "real" phone, the I Phone 5. It was the cool thing out on the market, and almost everyone I knew had one, or had the 4s. And the reason I say it was my first real phone is because it wasn't a simple track phone that I shared with someone else... which is all I had before I got the i Phone. So for a year, I used that phone a lot. Not every day, but when I did use it, it was quite a lot each time.So this morning, my mom was doing laundry, and started the wash. Then she asks me, "Where is your phone?" I've had a bad history of forgetting to take my phone out of my pocket, so we've almost run it through the wash a number of times, but always caught it. I hadn't used my phone in several days, so didn't know exactly where it was, so the first thing I did was call it from o
 ur land line. But it went strait to voice mail. I wasn't too surprised, since I had remembered the battery was low last time I had used it, so it was probably dead.Now, let's back up to a few days ago. Normally it would be in my jeans pocket, but I had taken it out to take a phone call. After I hung up, I put it on an end table... So I look everywhere, on the floor, on all the tables, desks, all that, and it was not there. So, where would it be, in my pocket. And where would my pocket be? In the wash of course!So, we go into our cluttered, dark basement and opened the washer while it was running. And sure enough, we found the phone sitting right in my pocket where I had left it. At the time, the washer had filled up and had started tossing the clothes around, but hadn't really gone very far... it had only been running for at most 4 or 5 minutes. But the phone was still soaked. We removed the soft case that I had on it, and took the screen protector off, wh
 ich BTW was as solid as new before the washing machine got to it. Ideally we'd take out the battery, but removing the battery is no simple matter like it would be on a track phone or something.Of course, if I wasn't so stupid, this wouldn't have happened... I just wish that my mom had asked me where my phone was before starting the washer, I still think that would be a more sensible thing to do. So yeah I put the blame on both of us.So now we have a dead phone AKA wet brick, and none of us really knew what to do with it other than leave it sit and dry. I know from experience not to turn an electrical device on, or try to plug it in, after it has been soaked. I plan on letting it sit for a full week before plugging it in and using it.Now, for the drying part, I've heard that putting it in rice works, but then I've heard that sticking the phone in an oven at a low temperature for about an hour dries it faster. And the faster it dries, the mor
 e likely the device survives. To my knowledge, it's just air drying for now, and well I'm not brave enough to try any other way, because a little bit of research tells me that there's no set way to do it. I've heard that using rice only works if the rice doesn't get into the ports and cause problems. Some say it doesn't even work at all. And a little common sense will tell you that a phone in a hot oven is only a good idea if you are careful and know what you're doing. Given the fact that water damage isn't covered by a warranty (and they'll know in an instant whether the phone has been put in water by looking at a sensor in the headphone jack), I've already lost my way to a quick and easy fix. So I want to do everything I can to keep the phone alive. I believe we got insurance on it, but not positive. If worst comes to worst, I won't purchase the Ivory American Concert D software piano I've been wanting since I heard it, a
 nd instead spend that money on a new phone. Both of those things would cost about the same amount (about $200), at least they would have a few months ago. Now with the I Phone 5c and 5s, things might be different but we'll have to see.what's ironic is, in the 13 months I've had this phone, and with all the stupid stuff I have done with it by accident, there's hardly a scratch on it! leave it to a washing machine to ruin a perfectly good phone in less time than it takes you to get that phone set up. LOL! I'll be coming back on this topic with an update once I try the phone again.So, has anyone ever had similar experiences with their phone or electronic device? I'm not really asking for sympathies or advice, but if you want to give it, well there's an awful lot of that on this forum already, so a little more wouldn't hurt.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/vi

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

2014-01-26 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

Nah I won't laugh at dropping anything in the toilet. It is a disgusting but easy mistake to make LOL. My dad has done it.I just looked at the phone (I didn't try to use it),and it is completely dry now, even though it's only been air drying for about 2 hours. It's not damp or anything, just cold. My mom said that when she took it out of the washer, it was wet, but was partially protected by the soft case and my jeans. Plus it had only been in the washer for the first 3 or 4 minutes of the cycle while it was still filling up... so it was nowhere near going through the spin cycle, and that would've been the worst. Most people that leave stuff in the wash don't catch it in the middle and it goes through the whole cycle, and many times that includes the drier.As for other electronic devices, I've thrown cheap microphone in water on purpose, and theyu always come back after several days of air drying (and I've done it to the same mic
 rophones more than once)! And they stilll work as badly as they did before, and not a bit better or worse. I've also gotten an sD card reader ran through the wash, I have one sitting here which went through the wash twice, and as far as I know, it still works. But I don't use it anymore since both of my computers have a dedicated card slot. And in another topic I talked about my recorder falling into the sink, well at least I think I wrote about that here, but I made the mistake of turning it on while it was soaked... so it shorted it out within a minute.Yes I am very careless... but it happens. I'm not proud of it but the damage is done. I'm just glad I haven't done any worse!URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=163198#p163198

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

2014-02-04 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

Hi all,Well after two days, I gave in, and tried the phone. As it turns out, the phone barely got wet. It fired right up and hasn't had a problem since.Now, the reason yall haven't heard from me in so long is because i'm lazy on this forum, and busy with college. At least I have a phone to take with me.As for getting talking watches wet, I've done that before. I remember a particular watch I got wet was pretty old, and when we took it out, the time got reset. I was able to set it back, but the character was very nasal, like it was getting a cold. It worked for a while, keeping and speaking time correctly, but within 24 hours it shorted and was dead. Most talking watches are pretty much dead once you have to change the battery... not sure why, but most of my watches haven't lasted more than a year.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=164387#p164387<

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Things you really miss?

2014-02-24 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: Things you really miss?

Well, what do I misss? It's a huge lot, so yeah. Reminiscence all the way here...Well I'm a fair bit younger than most of you, can't say that for certain but I hardly remember anything from the 90s growing up as a little kid.One thing I miss which isn't tech related, is my childhood spirit. I still have it, but I know as I grow up, it will be tolerated less and less. Asking countless questions about whatever ridiculous pops into my head that really interests me, annoys a lot of people. I get more and more of a feeling that I'm being isolated because I don't know if people think I'm weird or not, or are flat out ignoring me. I've grown used to the fact that I just think too differently and I have to be patient.But for tech and game stuff, I never did get into video games much, but I always enjoyed hearing people play them back in the very late 90s and early 2000s. I remember my stepbrother had one of those consoles that coul
 d play Megadrive games,, not sure if the original Playstation could do that, but back then the PS2 wasn't out yet. Him and my stepsister would always play Sonic the Hedgehog or some other game I can't remember, but I don't remember them getting far in it, though I was very young. While they weren't the type to describe everything to me, I still enjoyed it. A few years later, my Mom and her husband got a PS2, which came with a few Megadrive games on it. They played Sonic a lot, and also got a few Ps2 native games. Sadly, that never lasted long. She also used to play all kinds of cool computer games, mostly platformers and other things like Super Deekout where you had to find items in a set amount of time and avoid things. She knows nothing about audio games but enjoys it when I tell her about them. The ultimate video gaming experience for me is when someone sighted, who knows the basic game play, and are willing to put up with my questions without getting mad at m
 e for distracting them from the game. It's even better if they have not beaten the game yet, that way we can both enjoy the surprises. I just miss that world in general, most of the people I know now either like games that are too simple (Grandma-style puzzle games), or really complex games such as Grand Theft Auto. Nothing wrong with any of those, but it's not my main gaming interest.As for arcades, I remember a few years ago, we used to go to a mall near here, not sure which mall it was, but my mom would take me for the soul purpose of enjoying the small arcade there. This was only a few years ago... The games I can remember are Air Hockey, which we modified the rules for so I was allowed to touch the disc with either the puck or my hands, whichever came first... I could barely hear the disc moving along the table because there was a compressor blowing air through little air holes, making the disc glide smoothly just a few millimeters above the table. Of course tha
 t's sort of a necessity to the game; if it were to slide along the surface of the table instead of above it, it would gain friction quickly and wouldn't go far at all.There was another game which required you to throw balls into different openings... there was a little ramp, and at the top, there were like 4 different openings, and the higher openings would get you more points than the lower ones. I guess it was mainly for hand-eye coordination, which I have none of, because my eyeballs don't work. Nevertheless, I was pretty good at it compared to sighted people, not something to marvel at but I wasn't hopeless either. A few times the ball rebounded against the metal cage surrounding the machine, and that always scared me. Most sighted people who are normal and sober don't do something that stupid by accident, at least my mom didn't  LOL.There were several chance games, where you pull a lever and hope for the best, or move an arm with a
  claw to pick up something, like the UFO catcher in Ukio's side scrollers. I never liked those games for obvious reasons. one of the games I really liked was like whack-a-moll. The story was that you had encountered an angry alligator with 5 heads who was trying to eat you.  The five open mouths would come out at random, and you had to press the top of a head to close its mouth. The levels dramatically increased in difficulty, and I remember my mom and I did it together, she took the two on the right and I had the other three. It was still hard, and one of the heads was faulty so that impaired our progress, not sure if there was an end or not. I doubt it... Not sure how you lost. the sounds that game made were amusing, there was elavator music in the background, and when you hit one of the heads, the alligator would say "ow!" and if the head managed to come out all the way, he would say "Munch." In this really stereotypical cartoon monster voice. In bet
 ween levels, he would say "Now I'm angry!" I can see little kids just swarming around that machine, well at least I would have, maybe other kids w

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Things you really miss?

2014-02-24 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: Things you really miss?

Well, what do I misss? It's a huge lot, so yeah. Reminiscence all the way here...Well I'm a fair bit younger than most of you, can't say that for certain but I hardly remember anything from the 90s growing up as a little kid.One thing I miss which isn't tech related, is my childhood spirit. I still have it, but I know as I grow up, it will be tolerated less and less. Asking countless questions about whatever ridiculous pops into my head that really interests me, annoys a lot of people. I get more and more of a feeling that I'm being isolated because I don't know if people think I'm weird or not, or are flat out ignoring me. I've grown used to the fact that I just think too differently and I have to be patient.But for tech and game stuff, I never did get into video games much, but I always enjoyed hearing people play them back in the very late 90s and early 2000s. I remember my stepbrother had one of those consoles that coul
 d play Megadrive games,, not sure if the original Playstation could do that, but back then the PS2 wasn't out yet. Him and my stepsister would always play Sonic the Hedgehog or some other game I can't remember, but I don't remember them getting far in it, though I was very young. While they weren't the type to describe everything to me, I still enjoyed it. A few years later, my Mom and her husband got a PS2, which came with a few Megadrive games on it. They played Sonic a lot, and also got a few Ps2 native games. Sadly, that never lasted long. She also used to play all kinds of cool computer games, mostly platformers and other things like Super Deekout where you had to find items in a set amount of time and avoid things. She knows nothing about audio games but enjoys it when I tell her about them. The ultimate video gaming experience for me is when someone sighted, who knows the basic game play, and are willing to put up with my questions without getting mad at m
 e for distracting them from the game. It's even better if they have not beaten the game yet, that way we can both enjoy the surprises. I just miss that world in general, most of the people I know now either like games that are too simple (Grandma-style puzzle games), or really complex games such as Grand Theft Auto. Nothing wrong with any of those, but it's not my main gaming interest.As for arcades, I remember a few years ago, we used to go to a mall near here, not sure which mall it was, but my mom would take me for the soul purpose of enjoying the small arcade there. This was only a few years ago... The games I can remember are Air Hockey, which we modified the rules for so I was allowed to touch the disc with either the puck or my hands, whichever came first... I could barely hear the disc moving along the table because there was a compressor blowing air through little air holes, making the disc glide smoothly just a few millimeters above the table. Of course tha
 t's sort of a necessity to the game; if it were to slide along the surface of the table instead of above it, it would gain friction quickly and wouldn't go far at all.There was another game which required you to throw balls into different openings... there was a little ramp, and at the top, there were like 4 different openings, and the higher openings would get you more points than the lower ones. I guess it was mainly for hand-eye coordination, which I have none of, because my eyeballs don't work. Nevertheless, I was pretty good at it compared to sighted people, not something to marvel at but I wasn't hopeless either. A few times the ball rebounded against the metal cage surrounding the machine, and that always scared me. Most sighted people who are normal and sober don't do something that stupid by accident, at least my mom didn't  LOL.There were several chance games, where you pull a lever and hope for the best, or move an arm with a
  claw to pick up something, like the UFO catcher in Ukio's side scrollers. I never liked those games for obvious reasons. one of the games I really liked was like whack-a-moll. The story was that you had encountered an angry alligator with 5 heads who was trying to eat you.  The five open mouths would come out at random, and you had to press the top of a head to close its mouth. The levels dramatically increased in difficulty, and I remember my mom and I did it together, she took the two on the right and I had the other three. It was still hard, and one of the heads was faulty so that impaired our progress, not sure if there was an end or not. I doubt it... Not sure how you lost. the sounds that game made were amusing, there was elavator music in the background, and when you hit one of the heads, the alligator would say "ow!" and if the head managed to come out all the way, he would say "Munch." In this really stereotypical cartoon monster voice. In bet
 ween levels, he would say "Now I'm angry!" I can see little kids just swarming around that machine, well at least I would have, maybe other kids w

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] girlfriend

2014-02-25 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: girlfriend

Hi,Agreed with Thetruegamer on this one... and I'll add my own somewhat personal thoughts here. I don't mind sharing them since I'm not going into deep stuff, just stuff I wish I could have foreseen when I first wound up in a relationship. Maybe other people can use this as sort of an encouragement guide LOL. That's sort of what it is for me.I fully don't understand what love is, but I can sympathize with a lot of younger people going through those really early relationship stages, because I've been through them all the way and am still going through them. I don't pretend to know everything or have been through it all, in fact I am still unbelievably naive. But I'm a pretty observant person, and so here's what I've found as I looked at my and other relationships.I can tell you now that the best way to get a girlfriend, like a lot of people said, is to not go madly looking for one, with the goal of finding one when
  you leave. Just let it happen. Relationships, and friendships for that matter, only start because somebody is attracted to something about you that feels genuine. If you're just trying to find a partner and are going to resort to acting like their perfect companion, that won't work. You have to just be yourself. Believe me, I know that it can be hard to be yourself, and even harder to admit when you're not. I've never had a problem with changing my personality to get a girl or anything, but I've seen other people do it, whether it be with friends or potential partners.My girlfriend and I have known each other for 2 years and 8 months. She was eager to start a relationship which we could experiment with. The "crush" phase lasted very long until we finally broke the ice and told each other about it. It was a first of us... I've had crushes before but they never lasted, and for her it was a breakthrough because she has never had a crush be
 fore. Those first few weeks to months of lust, excitement, that crush phase, all that. That's a one-time thing in a relationship. Don't think that's there to stay. That is part of the reason most younger people can go through a dozen relationships in as many months. They are almost addicted to the intense feelings of that stage in a relationship. I've been there and I can see why. During that time, you have raging hormones and want to prove to them that you are worth their time, and you don't want them to see your crush on them because you're afraid they won't feel the same way, but sometimes deep down you wish they'd figure it out so you could put your mind at ease. You're afraid of what they're going to do and say, but you don't have the strength to just find out. On the other hand there's so much excitement that you just want more, and more, again you don't want them to feel like you're seeking them out, but if
  they let you in, you feel so validated! No matter how rational and down to earth your mind is, that's always a huge struggle and I personally don't want to undertake it again because it was such an intense feeling last time it almost drove me insane. Eventually that fades and you settle into a routine, and that is when you truly know if the two of you are compatible. In order for the relationship to work, you need to find some spices that bring back some of those feelings of excitement that you had when you first met, nothing drastic, just enough to keep it interesting and worth the time and energy. Being honest is also a big part of a relationship, if you try to hide something thinking it will just go away, or worse, if you get caught up in a lie, it's never good. My GF and I agreed that if we cheated on each other, which is probably among the top 5 things that you could do to break a relationship immediately, that we would come out and say it. I personally would gi
 ve her a second, maybe a third chance, if she was honest with me about it, but would not tolerate it if I ended up finding out on my own. Lastly, it's one thing to have differences, but if you can't sort them out, that's what breaks down the whole thing.My GF and I live 4 hours apart, but at least are in the same state. As a result, we're both still into that physical intimacy stage. Which brings up another point... online relationships hardly ever work because intimacy doesn't come through the Internet. You can't hold someone's hand or caress them when they're a thousand miles away, and for many people, that intimacy is the glue which holds the foundation together until you get that romantic intimacy to be just as strong. Without physical contact, an early relationship just feels stagnant very quickly. I speak from experience with my own long distance relationship (ldr).Our relationship is not exactly what I would call romantic, b
 ut I think we both understand that neither of us are ready for that kind of commitment and right now we are still! trying to read each other and learn things. I admit I am a difficult book to read, and because of that, it's harder to feel 

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] girlfriend

2014-02-25 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: girlfriend

Hi,Agreed with Thetruegamer on this one... and I'll add my own somewhat personal thoughts here. I don't mind sharing them since I'm not going into deep stuff, just stuff I wish I could have foreseen when I first wound up in a relationship. Maybe other people can use this as sort of an encouragement guide LOL. That's sort of what it is for me.I fully don't understand what love is, but I can sympathize with a lot of younger people going through those really early relationship stages, because I've been through them all the way and am still going through them. I don't pretend to know everything or have been through it all, in fact I am still unbelievably naive. But I'm a pretty observant person, and so here's what I've found as I looked at my and other relationships.I can tell you now that the best way to get a girlfriend, like a lot of people said, is to not go madly looking for one, with the goal of finding one when
  you leave. Just let it happen. Relationships, and friendships for that matter, only start because somebody is attracted to something about you that feels genuine. If you're just trying to find a partner and are going to resort to acting like their perfect companion, that won't work. You have to just be yourself. Believe me, I know that it can be hard to be yourself, and even harder to admit when you're not. I've never had a problem with changing my personality to get a girl or anything, but I've seen other people do it, whether it be with friends or potential partners.My girlfriend and I have known each other for 2 years and 8 months. She was eager to start a relationship which we could experiment with. The "crush" phase lasted very long until we finally broke the ice and told each other about it. It was a first for us... I've had crushes before but they never lasted, and for her it was a breakthrough because she has never had a crush b
 efore. Those first few weeks to months of lust, excitement, that crush phase, all that. That's a one-time thing in a relationship. Don't think that's there to stay. That is part of the reason most younger people can go through a dozen relationships in as many months. They are almost addicted to the intense feelings of that stage in a relationship. I've been there and I can see why. During that time, you have raging hormones and want to prove to them that you are worth their time, and you don't want them to see your crush on them because you're afraid they won't feel the same way, but sometimes deep down you wish they'd figure it out so you could put your mind at ease. You're afraid of what they're going to do and say, but you don't have the strength to just find out. On the other hand there's so much excitement that you just want more, and more, again you don't want them to feel like you're seeking them out, but i
 f they let you in, you feel so validated! No matter how rational and down to earth your mind is, that's always a huge struggle and I personally don't want to undertake it again because it was such an intense feeling last time it almost drove me insane. Eventually that fades and you settle into a routine, and that is when you truly know if the two of you are compatible. In order for the relationship to work, you need to find some spices that bring back some of those feelings of excitement that you had when you first met, nothing drastic, just enough to keep it interesting and worth the time and energy. Being honest is also a big part of a relationship, if you try to hide something thinking it will just go away, or worse, if you get caught up in a lie, it's never good. My GF and I agreed that if we cheated on each other, which is probably among the top 5 things that you could do to break a relationship immediately, that we would come out and say it. I personally would g
 ive her a second, maybe a third chance, if she was honest with me about it, but would not tolerate it if I ended up finding out on my own. Lastly, it's one thing to have differences, but if you can't sort them out, that's what breaks down the whole thing.My GF and I live 4 hours apart, but at least are in the same state. Because we only see each other a few times a year, our relationship seems to be developing slower, but as I said we are both cautious so are trying to go slowly. As a result, we're both still into that physical intimacy stage. Which brings up another point... purely online relationships hardly ever work because intimacy doesn't come through the Internet. You can't hold someone's hand or caress them when they're a thousand miles away, and for many people, that intimacy is the glue which holds the foundation together until you get that romantic intimacy to be just as strong. Without physical contact, an early relationship 
 just feels stagnant very quickly. I speak from experience with my own long distance relationship (ldr).Our relationship is not exactly what I would call romantic, but I think we both understand that neither of us are ready for that k

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Things you really miss?

2014-02-25 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: Things you really miss?

Hi Dark,i'm glad that you know what it's like. I do have a few friends, my GF included, who really don't like adult reading at all. Anything we read is either for kids or preteens. I'm not much of a reader but when I do, it's always with a simple book like Roald Dahl or something. And I am not a doctorate but am half struggling, half working through my sophomore year of college. It's getting better now...Talk later Dr. Dark! LOLURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=166550#p166550

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] girlfriend

2014-02-25 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: girlfriend

Thetruegamer, that is just a creepy thought. I'm pretty suppressed when it comes to that sort of thing, so the thought of some virtual game to do it is, well, like I said, creepy! i'll have to share this around and see what other people think.Come to think of it, I'm not sure I would want any kind of game with this much feedback. People are getting anxiety problems now because the visuals, sound, vibration, and the situational element of some games are enough to get to some people. Imagine trying to simulate all five senses! How many people would you see actually enjoying the games, and how many would either be fighting it or winding up in a hospital because they've had a nervous breakdown? Not saying that it wouldn't be popular... but it would definitely make video game debates even stronger than they already are. Lol.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=1666

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[Audiogames-reflector] a slightly different way to rename files?

2013-08-01 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

a slightly different way to rename files?

Hi all,The other day, I was editing a large recording of sound effects I had made. I had recorded samples of piano notes to use them in a music project. After I had edited out all the false takes, there were over 600 piano samples. I used a tool to automatically split the files, and trim them. That worked great, but now we have a slight problem.The files are named 001, 002, 003, and so on. Now, I want to rename these to meaningful names. However, as you can imagine, there is a slight hitch. I'd have to perform the rename operation hundreds of times, making sure I didn't mess things up. I would certainly hate doing that with windows Explorer. Also, some of the file names are going to be very similar, making it even more painstaking to sit there and baby the whole process.So here's what I thought. What if there was a utility that you could load in a text file, which contained source and target names, and it would do the rename operations automaticall
 y? Let's say the text file would look something like this:001: piano1-a0002: piano1-a#0003: piano1-c1004: piano1-c#1And so on, until I've specified names for all files. The point being, I can use the powerful features of a typical word processor to expedite the creation of that text file. Either way, it would still take a long time, but I'd rather spend that time using a powerful word processor, than sit there and do each file individually with Windows Explorer. f2, paste, edit the name, enter. Then down to the next file, F2, paste, edit the name, enter. Wash, rinse, repeat. In a word processor, it would still be a wash, rinse, and repeat task, but at least I could make macros, and do more flexible find and replace operations, save templates... etc. and so it would speed things up a little if I ever need to do it again.I've looked at file renaming tools, but they don't seem to do what i'm asking. From what I am seeing
 , they let you refine the existing names, or put some tag information in the file name. Instead, I just need to ditch the old names entirely so I can give the files fresh names. I'd hope such a utility exists for this kind of drastic task. Heck, maybe Windows has some kind of feature in a batch file that'll allow me to do it. i"m just seeing anything that'll do this task yet, unless I'm not looking har enough, and that's very possible. I'm not the type to go digging around in the innards of things, because that's normally how I end up getting lost and confused. So if anyone can assist, please share your knowledge. It will be greatly appreciated!URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=143088#p143088

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] a slightly different way to rename files?

2013-08-01 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

a slightly different way to rename files?

Hi all,The other day, I was editing a large recording of sound effects I had made. I had recorded samples of piano notes to use them in a music project. After I had edited out all the false takes, there were still over 600 piano samples. I used a tool to automatically split the files, and trim them. That worked great, but now we have a slight problem.The files are named 001, 002, 003, and so on. Now, I want to rename these to meaningful names. However, as you can imagine, there is a slight hitch. If I were to rename the stuff with windows Explorer, I'd have to perform the rename operation hundreds of times, making sure I didn't mess anything up. I would certainly hate doing that. Also, some of the file names are going to be very similar, making it even more painstaking to sit there and baby the whole process, and do each file one by one.So here's what I thought. What if there was a utility that you could load in a text file, which contained source 
 and target names, and it would do the rename operations automatically? Let's say the text file would look something like this:001: piano1-a0002: piano1-a#0003: piano1-c1004: piano1-c#1And so on, until I've specified names for all files. The point being, I can use the powerful features of a typical word processor to expedite the creation of that text file. Either way, it would still take a long time, but I'd rather spend that time using a powerful word processor, than sit there and use Windows Explorer.With Explorer, the workflow would be something like this: f2, paste, edit the name, enter. Then down to the next file, F2, paste, edit the name, enter. Wash, rinse, repeat. In a word processor, it would still be a wash, rinse, and repeat task, but at least I could make macros, and do more flexible find and replace operations, save templates... etc. and so it would speed things up a little, especially if I ever need to do this sort of t
 hing again.I've looked at file renaming tools, but they don't seem to do what i'm asking. From what I am seeing, they let you refine the existing names, or put some tag information in the file name. Instead, I just need to ditch the old names entirely so I can give the files fresh names. I'd hope such a utility exists for this kind of drastic task. Heck, maybe Windows has some kind of feature in a batch file that'll allow me to do it. i'm just not seeing anything that'll do this task yet, unless I'm not looking hard enough, and that's very possible. I'm not the type to go digging around in the innards of things, because that's normally how I end up getting lost and confused. So if anyone can assist, please share your knowledge. It will be greatly appreciated!URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=143088#p143088

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Sound fonts?

2013-08-03 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: Sound fonts?

Hi,Unfortunately, the only way I know of is a command line program called sf2comp. Sf2comp was made to more or less take apart a sound font, extracting the wav samples and then generating a text file. The code in that text file is kind of a scripting language, but thankfully, it is like 98 percent English. hardly any odd symbols, or technical programming terms, just sound font specific instructions. You can edit everything to your heart's content, and when you're done, you can use Sf2comp to compile them back into a sound font and test it. The idea is, you can make small changes to existing sound fonts, and quite easily create your own if you're good enough at it!I found Sf2comp for the same reason you made this topic; I was looking for something that would edit fonts. Initially, I thought Sf2comp would be more than difficult, but since I had no other choice, I worked with it, and now I enjoy working with it as if it was just an ordinary editor.NO 
 matter what route you take, sound font development can be time consuming, tedious, and definitely requires a lot of precise attention. You probably know that there's no quick and easy way to make a quality font. Sf2comp is probably even harder than using an editor, since you're working with a scripting language, instead of working in a nice little interface with visual and audible feedback. I'm not trying to discourage you, but many people think that making quality sound fonts is second nature... trust me, it never is. It does get easier over time, but you'll never be able to do it in your sleep.There are other editors, like Viena, and Polyphone, but I bet you already looked into those.There are two Vienna editors, one has a single n and one has a double n. Vienna, with a double n, only works with Creative sound cards, and I know hardly anyone that has one of those anymore. I know some blind people who've used it successfully, but I don't kn
 ow details. Viena, with only one n, was developed by a totally different person, and works with any sound card. It is supposed to look and feel a lot like the Vienna that only works with Creative cards, but I don't think it does a good job. Most of the people I know who have tried it weren't impressed, at least not by its interface. I wasn't able to get into it very much myself. Then there is another one called Polyphone... stay away from it. It's nowhere near accessible, at least not as far as i can tell. I could barely manage to open a file, let alone get into the editing stuff. If you do have any luck with any of the editors above, though, I'd be eager to hear about it.If you want to discuss Sf2comp, we can talk about it either on this topic, or privately, it doesn't matter to me. If you decide to dive in, I'd like to help you get started with it, since learning it is the hardest part of using it. There's very little outside help on i
 t because most people don't use it as their main editor.Sorry for such a long post, though I'd imagine you won't mind quite so much. I hope this somewhat grim news helps you make a decision.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=143257#p143257

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] voice changers

2013-08-03 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: voice changers

Yes, Morph Vox does have problems. I even bought the thing, thinking I would use it a lot. Turns out i soon lost interest after I bought it. I've also changed computers since then, and I really don't want to get another key. It has too many volume artifacts, as if it's trying to autogain the signal.There are noise reduction settings, but I can't tell you where they are, since it's been so long. All it is, is a stupid noise gate. I'd imagine it's set too high.Most of the good voice changers I've heard are hardware. There are a few good Vst things but they have their fair share or artifacts. There's a free one called RoVe, which is very good for a free effect, but it has some gridy artifacts sometimes. I used to know some more expensive VST voice changers, but the names escape me right now. I don't have them myself.URL: http://forum.audiogames.n

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Something seriously wrong, please help!

2013-08-03 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: Something seriously wrong, please help!

It sounds to me like a keyboard issue. Perhaps something is getting crosswird, or stuck in the keyboard. How can you type these posts if your cursor's doing all that?And I agree that restarting doesn't fix most problems...URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=143260#p143260

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Something seriously wrong, please help!

2013-08-03 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: Something seriously wrong, please help!

It sounds to me like a keyboard issue. Perhaps something is getting cross-wird, or stuck in the keyboard. How can you type these posts if your cursor's doing all that?And I agree that restarting doesn't fix most problems...URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=143260#p143260

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Something seriously wrong, please help!

2013-08-03 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: Something seriously wrong, please help!

It sounds to me like a keyboard issue. Perhaps something is getting cross-wird, or stuck in the keyboard. How can you type these posts if your cursor's doing all that?And I agree that restarting doesn't fix most problems... but a system Restore does have some power to fix broken things. Have you tried that?URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=143260#p143260

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Something seriously wrong, please help!

2013-08-03 Thread AudioGames.net ForumOff-topic room: raygrote

Re: Something seriously wrong, please help!

It sounds to me like a keyboard issue. Perhaps something is getting crosswired, or stuck in the keyboard. How can you type these posts if your cursor's doing all that?And I agree that restarting doesn't fix most problems... but a system Restore does have some power to fix broken things. Have you tried that?URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=143260#p143260

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