Re: Avalon RPG

2017-12-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

[[wow]] I've missed this game The game used to be pay-to-play for the longest time, I really appreciate they brought in the sponsorship option. People from Parrius might see my namesake running around near Leaf Lane, Avalon was the very first real game I ever played. I'm back now as my original name, Balliol As for the sound pack, I'd like to have it if it still exists but I still remember a lot of the game from when I played over ...gee ...12-13 years ago Zersiax


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Re: Avalon RPG

2017-12-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dragomier via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

So, I'm relatively new to connecting to new MUDS. Questions:1. Is the soundpack for this for Mush by chance?2. I'm connecting using Mush and in quick Contect it asks for a TCP or IP. What do I put there?


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Re: Avalon RPG

2017-11-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

I made a new character just to get reacquainted with the Mud.I wanted to be a loremaster anyway, so it works out for me.But I am hoping to bring back my druid character at some point in the future, because I think she had a lot of potential.


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Re: Avalon RPG

2017-11-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : bradp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

I'm debating if I should make another character just to go through all the newbie experience so I know what to do with the various badges in my original character. This new system has me confused.


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Re: Avalon RPG

2017-11-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : devinprater via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

I've started playing again, and am earning badges now. Yes, the game can be so fun. I can already tell that I'll be making memories here, kinda like Clok but hopefully less dying.


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Re: Avalon RPG

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

I didn't realize they literally just made changes to the newbie experience. It's only the first or second day for the new tutorial.So if anyone does try it again, it works fine, but there may be some glitches along the way as they get the new system sorted out.From my experience yesterday, there are a lot of super friendly players willing to help you.


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Re: Avalon RPG

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

I think that would be appreciated Mirage, I confess Avalon has rather frustrated me each and every time I've tried it since I've always got stuck at the self same place, and while other player's weren't unfriendly, having literally no quests or goals or anything after the newbie academy  basically just feeling like a spare part has not been a good experience, even when i have chosen a profession.


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Re: Avalon RPG

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

Big update on Avalon!They have completely revamped the newbie experience.You go through the academy, but it's more structured now. Your Avalon life is divided into chapters, and the first few are tutorials.They show you how to select each profession and sample it, even giving you little tasks to do for each one.They guide you through meeting the members of your city.They have put a huge amount of effort into making it much more user friendly for the beginner, and it was pretty good to start with anyway.There is also a graduation ceremony, where you meet more city officials or guilds, so I don't think anyone will have the problem of being lost after school is finished.From then on, you choose the types of "chapters" you want to live, be they military, economic, exploration, or whatever you want. There are 24 kinds of chapters you can choose.To me, it feels like they're trying to give you a big pathway, while still allowing the freedom and flexibility of that huge world.Also, one of the gods sent me a tell, and asked if everything was working Ok with my screen reader. He found some junk text that was showing up, and fixed it immediately.If Avalon left you lost after the academy before, you might want to try it again. It's very different, and vastly improved for the beginner!


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Re: Avalon RPG

2017-04-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

Well once more I'm utterly stuck, I go on the game and am saying "hmmm, I hear about theese badge things could someone give me an idea what the smeg I should do?" and am waiting for someone to answer, which is down right depressing. Why the hell the game doesn't have quests or activities or decent stuff like any other game I don't know, I don't even know what skills to practice or how to farm or craft because guess what, everything should be taught by other players and while people are very nice, they're also very busy, so basically whenver I'm on I feel as if I'm bugging people. I might actually mail the admins since this is the third time I've tried with avalon and every time I got to this point and got stuck. For gods sake! would some newbie quests be so much to ask!Edit: okay was on again today, was told nobody could help with badges since the right people were online and someone god surley and to
 ld me to go and read the help files, which I have of course done extensively. I will give the game a try to see if I can actually do these badges but right now I'm more than a little annoyed at the lack of activities,  well actually it seems there are loads of activities, just no idea how to start them and the sodding help files go on so much about how great the game is and how there is farming and crafting and fighting and spells and this and that and the other they don't tell you how! to get started. i did try emailing the admins, but my mail bounced.


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Re: Avalon RPG

2017-04-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

Well once more I'm utterly stuck, I go on the game and am saying "hmmm, I hear about theese badge things could someone give me an idea what the smeg I should do?" and am waiting for someone to answer, which is down right depressing. Why the hell the game doesn't have quests or activities or decent stuff like any other game I don't know, I don't even know what skills to practice or how to farm or craft because guess what, everything should be taught by other players and while people are very nice, they're also very busy, so basically whenver I'm on I feel as if I'm bugging people. I might actually mail the admins since this is the third time I've tried with avalon and every time I got to this point and got stuck. For godes sake! would some newbie quests be so much to ask!


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Re: Avalon RPG

2017-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

Well my problem at the moment is again, I've finished newbie school and don't know what to do next, have a bunch of lessons and no idea what skills I should train where I should go etc etc. In fairness when I was on there seemed to be some sort of intensive quest or event  going on so the chap who was helping me out with badges had to go off and do stuff, so I will try again, though i don't like the feeling that I'm basically now stuck bugging other players to progress at all, though other players do seem quite up for being bugged. I really! wish they would write in somequests or tutorials or something just to get started on the actual game as opposed to the newbie school, then again in fairness other players did seem quite up for being bugged so it's likely this is something I need to get over, at least until I've done some badges and have some skills that actually let me explore and do! things in the game.


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Re: Avalon RPG

2017-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

I'm generally more of a solo player, but I met some of the friendliest players I've ever met on any Mud in Avalon. It's definitely worth a try, and from my experience, the roleplay can be extremely immersive.


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Re: Avalon RPG

2017-04-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

Well Avalon works rather differently to any other game I've seen in terms of both roleplay and progression. First, thing to say is the game is anything but! hack n slash, indeed rather like in clok even basic wild animals are tough to kill. What the game is more about though is harder to say because of a concept Avalon uses called realplay which is on the one hand very rp intensive, and on the other not at all. This is to say you don't start off by playing a character, you don't have to rwrite a profile like "my character is the daughter of a pirate captain who was bandoned at a young age, she has green eyes and brown hair" etc, neither will you get penalized or told off for asking about game mechanics, discussing quests or anything else on the channels.However, lots of things, if not are driven by your interactions with other players. For example, when you choose your class, you are in a guild, and you progress by getting quests
  from that guild given you by other players. Likewise, you are part of a city, and things you do earn your city renown etc, can make your city money, claim land, go to war with other cities etc, even some of the badges and quests you need to do to progress are given you by city officials. The rp aspect of Avalon is something I've come across anywhere else, so my best advice is give it a try, just make sure you know what guild or class you want since otherwise you'll be in the position I was in, finishing newbie school and not sure how to advance after that.


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Re: Avalon RPG

2017-04-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SilverMoon via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

Okay so my questions.1. How rp intensive is this? I mean is this a mud where everyone is just going to use say and socials, or is this the game where people use real emotes?2. is this a hack and slash, level up sort of game, or is it more a role playing sort of game with no levels?I'm not big on the hack and slash, just grind your skills type of game.I'm interested in real role playing games.Ever since I left the inquisition, they are in short order.


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Re: Avalon RPG

2017-04-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

okay I'm now doing exactly what I said I was going to do in post 103, namely give avalon a try and say bugger it and do  just to get into the game. i also confess that with playing lots of combat muds for a while I want to do something a bit more crafting focused. I considered lament and but avalon always intragued me so am giving it a try, and am already lined up for the loremasters when I've finished newbie school. my new character is tryak if anyone wants to say hello.


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Re: Avalon RPG

2017-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : devinprater via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

Hi all. Does anyone know where the soundpack went? Its not on the provided dropbox link anymore.


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Re: Avalon RPG

2016-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

Well just to let people know, Avalon now has a db page, find it here I did try logging in as Nuani but I assume the character got purged for not playing for a while, which is fare enough since it doesn't take long to go through the novice course if I want to give this one a try, but still the profession question really is a pest in this game since it seems once you finish the novice school there isn't really a way to know what you should be doing afterwards.I might just say bugger it and try loremaster as something of a jack of all trades anyway if I decide to get into this mud. The problem is wheever I think about how good the novice school stuff is I really want to play the game, but after that point I just seemed to get lost and not sure what I should be doing.


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Re: Avalon RPG

2016-05-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

I still need to go back on and choose a profession, then start on these badge things and see more about the mud.


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Re: Avalon RPG

2016-05-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

Hello,well, how strange this may sound, my charactername, wich i previously used is gone. not that that is a huge problem for me. but i am now known as privorda and i joined the rangers-guild. I obtained mroe badges than i ever have done before ... well ... one more atm ... now own 4 and will continue to bite me fixed to obtain them all. but i discovered patience is a huge benefid. other players are willing to help you obtaining them all, but do it with patience, not all players have all day to help you out. that's what i discovered.well ... privorda will try to get some extra badges.greetz mike


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Re: Avalon RPG

2016-05-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

So, I'm getting into this again, and I must say, this is probably my favorite mud now. I just became an alchemist and have 4 badges so far.


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Re: Avalon RPG

2016-05-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

One thing I realized is that avalon does so much differently to other games, I actually don't know if my dislike of pvp would be the same in avalon or not, that is why I wanted to try all the professions out first and see what I fancied.One of the major drawbacks with the novice school is that you can't actually try any! combat unless someone else is doing the messenger course at the same time your in the mud school, so I have no idea whether I'd enjoy combat or not. Heck, Other than obvious stuff like gathering herbs and using zoom commands I'm not really sure how the novice courses reflect avalon as a hole at all or what I'd actually spend my time in the game doing.


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Re: Avalon RPG

2016-05-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

Loremaster is good, because if I'm remembering it correctly, it leaves you open to make a LOT of money later on. That was my second choice, behind druid. You can fly as a loremaster too. I think loremasters can enchant weapons and things, but you might want to doublecheck that, because I may be mixing it up with another profession.I would say, go druid, if you don't want to fight a lot.But if you are interested in combat, go for either loremaster or ranger.When I was on, rangers were very helpful. If you tried that one, someone would surely help you get a weapon if you didn't have the money for it, although I'm thinking rangers might be able to make their own weapons.


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Re: Avalon RPG

2016-05-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

@Mirage,some advice would be appreciated. last time I ran into bard before I really knew what I was about, this time I want to take time in choosing but it's a little difficult with so little experience of in game activities or what you actually do, particularly sinse as I gather most activities in the game are a matter of choice rather than profession, eg, everyone can! fight and do quests, but mages use magic to do them, knights hit things etc, and apparently you learn more about these through doing guild badges.I have had a think and I think everything in the game works so differently to most other muds I've tried I really can't make any preconceptions. Eg, I don't usually! like pvp, but some of the conqeust and legion battle stuff sounds interesting to try at least, so I think I'll be better just trying things while doing guild badges, but that still leaves me with the problem of selecting a profession, something I really don't know about s
 inse the help is so none specific.I did try the selectioncommand and gave mage a go, and with the help of a couple of other kind players saw a bit how things work. I don't think mage is for me sinse the mana and magic use seemed rather fidly, particularly sinse unlike in most games you had to meditate to regain mana and could do nothing else, even use chat channels while meditating which could be frustrating. But now I have a problem, sinse I'd like to try out Knight, but apparently it'd be a bit pointless without a sword to fight with, but I can't get a sword because they're expensive, and I don't know if I'd do knight perminantly, as to some other professions like seer, thief and druid god knows.apparently switching professions is possible so I might just say "bugger it" and try loremaster which seems something of a jack of all trades, and then maybe switch around later on.I confess this quandry is proving a 
 bit problematic, so yesterday I just said "never mind" and played altereon for a bit which is far more streight forward. Btw, this is why I prefer games that leave you character options open for the future and just let you try things than ones where you say "I must! be this class forever more amen" sinse god knows what your spposed to choose when you have no idea of the game. So, any professions advice appreciated .


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Re: Avalon RPG

2016-05-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

I need to get back on this one.I loved it, but I took a break when I learned about the loss of my best friend, and just haven't gone back as yet.


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Re: Avalon RPG

2016-04-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : zub0 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

well i joined yesterday, and just became a ranger. Rather excited, bloody diciple course was confusing for quite a while. the Messenger course was probably my second favorite, and the hunter course my first. The people are helpful, but i do find npcs fighting to be hard to stumble upon. And i do not know if i did something wrong, but thus far, i installed the sound pack for this game but have heard no sounds yet, is there a reason perhaps? For now, i find this game to be nice and a good descriptive world.


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Re: Avalon RPG

2016-04-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

Just to let people know, as a break from altereon, and because it needs a db page, and because last time I was rather destracted, I'm trying Avalon rpg again, this time from the beginning. My Character is called Nuani, and thus far she  got on far better with the novice experience, I've already finished both the  academy and the school, and am choosing a profession now. This time I plan to take my time about choosing, and maybe try selections of several professios, sinse really i don't have much idea of what some professions do, and hay it just means gaining more lessons. So if anyone is on and playing, feel free to give me a yell. Oh and yes, I'm playing a female character, but hay thelok on Alter is a guy and I like to be fairly equal with these things.


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Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

A bit off topic guys, anyone knows how to make jaws stop repeating previous lines? Sometimes it just doesn't follow the mud like it should have. it couldn't keep up with text out put for some reason


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Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

@DarkI noticed you like the descriptions of Avalon.If you haven't already, check out the Chetwood Forest.  It has some of the most vivid imagery yet, it's just beautiful!


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Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : devinprater via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

Well, I've not figured out really what I want to do. I'm trying out Mage, and that seems good, but I don't know. I may try knight, but I don't want to be all about fighting, either. I'm not a military man, really. Well, not that I know of, anyways. Shoot, I might be good at it, I'm not sure. Bard seemed too vague, and relied too much on stuff that I have to have, EQ and such. If I am to be something, I don't really want to rely on having something to perform my skills. Also, I'm running into the whole client problem. I tried Umbra, but no automatic reading of incoming text or anything. So I may just have to use Telnet. Come on blind developers, do something worthwhile for a change on the Mac and make something we don't have yet, ugh.


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Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

Hmmm, I've not seen one of these chests. Things for me were interesting, after agonizing I decided to give bard a try sinse I rather liked the ethos and idea behind it, but am a little unsure at this point sinse basically my guild just told me to constantly use my lessons to learn, which I did for a ridiculously llong time, but when I asked about other stuff I couldn't get a guild quest or anything else. I'm now wondering if I made the right choice, sinse all the bards have told me is "you need these abilities go practice them" without saying entirely what they're for. They have said bards aren't all combat and pvp sinse I made it clear pvp wasn't a focus of mine, but I'm still uncertain of exactly what they do! do. It's a bit bad they've been great about the teaching, but I'm a little frustrated sinse I'm now thinking "hay what's the point of learning skills when I don't know what 
 to do with them in the game?" I'll try again today but if I can't get a streighter answer on activities maybe I'll change to druid or ranger anyway, sinse at least I know both of those professions can pick herbs and hunt and do wilderness type stuff so I'll always have some activities to keep me busy.


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Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mektastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

I am really struggling with my avalonian life right now, and while it doesn't mean I plan to quit, I admit that I'm feeling some discouragement.  But, you guys will be so proud of me--I'm actually starting to talk to people!so, here is what happened.  I gained quite a bit of gold from the disciple course and was feeling pretty proud of myself.  I had a little trouble mechanically with the messenger course but that all worked out nicely.Then I received a chest with a lot of start-up items from the city which I greatly appreciated.   I realized at that point that every single gold piece I had gained from the course  was missing.  But no problem, I'd just use the gold that was in the chest.There was also a backpack in said chest, so I took it out to wear it.  I finished the messenger course and went to the hunter gatherer course.  For some reason, swing under forestry wasn't working even
  though it looked like it was supposed to, and I'd get a message saying that it wasn't in the lexicon.  Then I glanced at my inventory and every stitch of equipment I had just disappeared, including the brand new chest with all of its shinies, the backpack, the gold that was in the chest that I'd put in the backpack...all of it.  I talked with another player about it and he sent a tell to the main creator.  At this point, though, I have no gold, no equipment, and graduated from the school. I thought it said something about getting a reward if you do so, but I have not noticed that.  This is not a whine.  Just some frustration, and at the moment I am truly feeling stuck and discouraged.On a more positive note, a friend on twitter assisted me with both getting a meetplace account going and finding a rather kickass avatar as well.  I clicked on the link to verify the account, but after the captia, and the verifica
 tion, the account is *still* pending approval?  *shrug*  Well, hopefully soon, I guess.


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Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mektastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

I am really struggling with my avalonian life right now, and while it doesn't mean I plan to quit, I admit that I'm feeling some discouragement.  But, you guys will be so proud of me--I'm actually starting to talk to people!so, here is what happened.  I gained quite a bit of gold from the disciple course and was feeling pretty proud of myself.  I had a little trouble mechanically with the messenger course but that all worked out nicely.Then I received a chest with a lot of start-up items from the city which I greatly appreciated.  I realized at that point that every single gold piece I had was missing.  But no problem, I'd just use the gold that was in the chest.There was also a backpack in said chest, so I took it out to wear it.  I finished the messenger course and went to the hunter gatherer course.  For some reason, swing under forestry wasn't working even though it looked like it was suppo
 sed to, and I'd get a message saying that it wasn't in the lexicon.  Then I glanced at my inventory and every stitch of equipment I had just disappeared, including the brand new chest with all of its shinies, the backpack, the gold I put in the backpack...all of it.  I talked with another player about it and he sent a tell to the main creator.  At this point, though, I have no gold, no equipment, and graduated from the school. I thought it said something about getting a reward if you do so, but I have not noticed that.  This is not a whine.  Just some frustration, and at the moment I am truly feeling stuck and discouraged.On a more positive note, a friend on twitter assisted me with both getting a meetplace account going and finding a rather kickass avatar as well.  I clicked on the link to verify the account, but after the captia, and the verification, the account is *still* pending approval?  *shrug*  We
 ll, hopefully soon, I guess.


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Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

Normally, you don't get your chest with all the things until after you finish school.  That may be why it disappeared.  Your equipment always disappears after the school course is finished, because you just get temporary equipment in order to complete that specific course.  Think of the courses as a glimpse into the future of your Avalonian life if you will.But as for your gold, I would send one of the gods a tell about that.  If you type WHO, the first players listed will be gods, and Genesis is the main creator.  They can help you, or direct you to a person who can be of assistance.Gold is hard to come by, until you meet players who wil show you simple quests.  But you can type chelp goldquests, and it will tell you some simple ones to complete for gold.  Also, a lot of times, veteran players will be very generous to new players.  One guy pretty much bought me a starting outfit and equipment.So I know it's frust
 rating, but don't get too discouraged.And YAY, for talking to people!


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Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mektastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

@mirage,I was just annoyed so stepped away for a little bit.  I'll have some time to log back on today and we'll see what happens from there.I'm not sure of why I received the chest early, and I'll chat with one of the gods today when  I log on.Hopefully I'll actually get a chance to see you on the game sometime, fellow citizen!  


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Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

Well it seems selection does as you said, just drops you the skills and expects you to follow on from there.I've been having some chats to some players about professions, and it seems avalon is a little different in terms of pvp than most games, or rather you start off with a city that suits you or none and then see where things go, sinse you do do things like influencing npcs and what not, and apparently all professions can! fight or get involved in combat= if they wish, 's morea case of wheher hey want or not.So, I now really don't know which to choose. I've narrowed things down to either ranger, seer, druid or bard, and I've narrowed my city choice to either silver falls or mercinae. Parrius I did consider, but it seems the people of parius are a little more contentious about individuality than silverfalls. Seer I like the idea of all the blessing and spirit calling, but not so much the voodoo, likewise druid I like the idea o
 f the wilderness and magic, but would miss being able to deal with monsters. I'll probably go and find an npc trainer and see what happens when I try out some combat and then make a decision where to try apprentice.Edit: okay, this is silly. Someone has created me an account on the meetplace forum, but I can't  find where to login.  There is some text at the top that says "sign in" but it's just text, no link or hot spot, the only link is to "sing up" I have to say this! aspect of Avalon is mildly irritating, can't they just use a more friendly forum system?


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Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

Well it seems selection does as you said, just drops you the skills and expects you to follow on from there.I've been having some chats to some players about professions, and it seems avalon is a little different in terms of pvp than most games, or rather you start off with a city that suits you or none and then see where things go, sinse you do do things like influencing npcs and what not, and apparently all professions can! fight or get involved in combat= if they wish, 's morea case of wheher hey want or not.So, I now really don't know which to choose. I've narrowed things down to either ranger, seer, druid or bard, and I've narrowed my city choice to either silver falls or mercinae. Parrius I did consider, but it seems the people of parius are a little more contentious about individuality than silverfalls. Seer I like the idea of all the blessing and spirit calling, but not so much the voodoo, likewise druid I like the idea o
 f the wilderness and magic, but would miss being able to deal with monsters. I'll probably go and find an npc trainer and see what happens when I try out some combat and then make a decision where to try apprentice.


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Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

If you still want to fight monsters, you might really like ranger, because they fight goblins and such.  Druids don't do much fighting unless they're attacked.Forum login was tricky, but try looking for "profile" or "dashboard."  I honestly can't remember where I found it, because once you log in, you stay that way unless you choose to log out.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

@Mirage, any thoughts on the selections command? Does it give you a mission to do or just a bunch of skills, sinse I don't want to say select knight and then waste my two hours of knight tryout running about looking for someone to fight. I still am not sure what guild or profession even city would suit me, indeed there seems to be a problem with me recieving replies from the avalon male address which means I haven't got a meetplace account yet.Of the three courses I did, spying was the one I liked least and disciple was the one I enjoyed most, hunter gatherer I probably would've liked more if I hadn't spent so much time wandering at random. However, I can't say whether I want to be a priest perminantly, especially sinse I've not tried either combat or crafting or even any of the extra ranger abilities, heck, other than pvp against other players or factions I'm pretty much open to trying most things. Actually I'll say thi
 s is why I tend to prefer games that just let you try out different activities over ones that make you choose a perminant character class, sinse I tend to enjoy variety.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

Selection is something I don't know much about, because I knew what I wanted to be before I even entered the game.  I did try it, but it told me I had 2 hours to try the profession and then I never saw what to do next.  If I were you, I'd ask on the novice channel.  Just ask how you go forward with trying out a selection.  I would be curious to know, so if you find out anything, please post here.Since I'm animist, I don't fight, so I know next to nothing about combat.  But you're supposed to be able to go to an amphitheater and train combat with an NPC tutor.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mektastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

The militia course seems to be very pk oriented and is dependent upon whether or not there are people currently taking the messenger course.  If there aren't any taking that, you can't take the militia one, so there went my hopes of graduating with all four courses.  Ahh well.  It looks like it involves PKing the messenger course people, which isn't something that necessarily appeals to me.  I find that I am annoyingly shy about reaching out to other players, which is so dumb and irksome.  But hopefully soon. I am a social butterfly.  Not certain that Parrius is going to be the right city for me, but we shall see. Overall, I wish I had more time to devote to this and take it in one big bite.  Speaking of bites, are there crafts like cooking? Tailoring?  Those are things that also appeal to me.  I wish I could get a good idea of what I really want out of a guild so that I could just choose one already.
 I did not end up seeking sponsorship, mainly because I didn't see Mirage's post until the next day, and I went ahead and paid for some newbie time.  I hope that won't hinder me, and hope I can make some connections with people soon.Mirage, I love how in to this you are and your enthusiasm, so keep those posts coming, particularly about your progress. Are you guild leader yet?  *grin*


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : avidgamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

i just started playing avalon but i note when using vip mud and set it to no speech to work with NVDA why do i have to keep pressing enter about twenty times after each prompt for the next part of my conversation with the initial mage to come up?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : avidgamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

@dark how do you get newly time? just starting out and liking what i hear so far. is mud rammer still good for iPhone usage/


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

What do you mean by "newly time" exactly? when you start you get ten hours fre playing without either having to find someone to sponsor you or pay a subscription, you just get that when you create an account by default. Because of this hole war thing they allowed newbies access to a location with lots of herbs and poisons and things, so I was able to finish my hunter course, hurrah! I don't know which of the other three I'll try next, maybe the milicia one so I can have a go at combat.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

@Avid gamer, I think the conversation is slower, either that or it's a nvda issue sinse I don't think Vipmud directly outputs to nvda yet, indeed I'd recommend sapi use for Vipmud myself. @Mektastic, I had the same problem with the militia. I thought there would be someone computer controled to fight, but it seems not, and sinse there were no spies to fight I had to give it a miss, but I'm not a pk fan either. Now however I feel a little stuck sinse I'm not sure how to choose a guild or city or whatever. There seems to be a selection command which lets you try several professions out, however I am not exactly sure whether it just drops you the skills or whether you also get a mission or something to do to try your skills out on with the selections. Likewise, I'm not really sure on cities. MErcinae seems lawful good, parrius a little relaxed and chaotic, Thakria is the more aggressive city and I'm not really sure on Silverfalls
  given that is where I am now, it'll probably depend upon what profession I end up doing, though again I'm still not certain on that.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

@mirage, ranger isn't a hard and fast choice, just something that looked as if it might appeal to me sinse I enjoy the wandering and exploring and keeping the wilderness safe. In other games I'm often a paladin player, so  I'm also interested in what some of the priests and healers do, and heck I do enjoy combat as long as it's against the forces of darkness rather than trying to one up other players or fight other factions, is one reason I paid for the newbie time so I had a chance to investigate things slowly rather than be rushed into a decision.I'm not sure on citties at the moment, I was born in silverfalls but haven't specifically looked into the differences between the citties or what being part of a city means specifically yet, again, one reason I want to take things at a relaxed pace. One thing I confess which is getting a little on my whick is wandering around and not finding much by way of animals, herbs or poisons
 , and not really knowing where to look other than when I'm directed by other players. Apparently there is currently some sort of war going on between the sorcerer's guild and the forests which is affecting growth of plants and possibly animals too, which I confess is a little annoying, particularly because sinse the abilities for the school courses are temporary and sinse I don't know exactly what I'll be doing in the end I don't want to spend any of my lessons on improving my forestry skills, even though some perception or similar might be helpful in tracking things down, particularly sinse as I suspect I'll not be getting any extra awards in school for speed of completion, I want to do the courses Thoroughly if I can. Btw, while the game is very accessible, I'd love to see an accessible version of the map which showed the names of rooms around you. While I don't have a problem remembering where I've been due to the very uni
 que room names and detailled descriptions, (these particular twisty little passages don't! look the same), I  do sometimes forget which room connects to where. A command like the scan in Empire mud which let you see what rooms were in a given direction, or indeed just a text version of the ascii map command would be really great. Unfortunately, the support people haven't got back to me about the meetplace forum account, I might have to ask in game, though I'll send one more e-mail just in case my first didn't get there for some reason, sinse I'd really like to get on the forum before I've finished in school and need to choose a character class.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

@MektasticThere are tons of crafting and cooking abilities.  When you finish school, you’ll notice that you suddenly have the skills of farming and labours.  These will go up automatically, without the need to use lessons on them.  Eventually, in a couple of RL weeks, you’ll see that you have the cooking and crafting abilities in labours.  Right now, just at the respected level, I can craft 169 different kinds of things, from clothes, to furniture, to tools, to small useful things, even animals.  There’s not as much in cooking, but I’m lobbying for more vegetables in farming, so we can be more creative with what we cook.LOL, I’m not a guild leader yet, but it isn’t for lack of enthusiasm.  Eventually, I may even write for this game, descriptions and such.I understand the hesitancy to contact players, but this really is a super friendly group.  If you’re shy about contacting people one on one, use the novice channel to ask questions or make comments in ageneral way, and somebody will always respond.  By the way, I’m Kennis in the game.  If you, or anyone for that matter, needs help, don’t hesitate to send me a tell if you see me on.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

I looked into sponsorship myself before deciding to just pay the intro rate and see how I found things. As far as I can determine you can get sponsorship from an organization, and don't need to buttonhole anyone specifically, indeed there seem to be specific people, places and channels for that in the ministry of public relations. I'm not sure how you go about it if your novice time has run out, but from what I gather it shouldn't be an issue just so long as your an active player.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : kevin roberts via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

Hey all,I also play avalonI am Kalvin on their and on the sponsorship thing, once you get sponsored once, it will auto renew itself, once it runs out so you won't need to ask a player all the time to renew your sponsorship I am part of silverfalls, and am part of the cintonals guild which is part of the loremaster profession, and I love this game as well I am using agarwain's, sound pack for mush client, and am loveing it I agree the player base is very nice and very frendly. If you all have any questions, Please ask.ThanksKevin Roberts


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

@DarkRanger will be an awesome choice.  I'm getting the impression you may see more animals as you travel further in Avalon.  Some of my druids were looking for starving animals, and they could see moose, bulls, etc., when I couldn't see them.Also, you have a ton of cool skills and abilities as a ranger.To me, the magic of Avalon is that you don't see everything immediately.  So the world just keeps expanding, new things keep happening, you keep getting new abilities, and it never gets old.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

Well if there is this sort of scarcity of animals, maybe ranger won't be as fun as I thought it would, indeed that is why I went for the forestry course first though I do plan to do all the courses to see different activities and get a better idea of the game before I make a  decision about guilds or classes.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mektastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

I have been enjoying myself thoroughly, but I ran out of time as a novice, have no idea of whether or not I want to stay in the city, and have no clue of what guild I would like to join. I'm sitting here trying to figure out who I should tag to ask for sponsorship.  I feel so lost because I have so many decisions to make and I can be annoyingly shy about asking a random person for something like this.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

@MektasticJust do something like this.NN I'm looking for sponsorship, and I'm not sure where I want to be in terms of city or guild. Can someone help?The "NN" is for talking on the novice channel, and you will find so many helpful players.  Don't worry about asking for sponsors.  Cities and guilds are fairly wealthy, and it benefits them more to sponsor you than it does you to be sponsored by them.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

@pelantas, It was the orphanage I was having trouble with, not the school, sinse it seems you can only enter with someone, which is a pain when you'e lost the mob guiding you. Still, that is done now and I have completed my four accolades and am about to move on to the school. I don't know what guild or class thus far, so I want to spend a lot of time at the school doing courses, experimenting and and working things out, indeed I'm tempted to try a subscription to get more time and lessons, though I'm not really sure what the difference between the silver and gold subscription is sinse both mention the same amount of lesson ganes and such. I also am a little irritated at the meet place avalon forum sinse it has one of those stupid, inaccessible, irritating graphic captures. I attempted to contact the admins and request a profile setup but guess what? The contact form has another one! Really whoever designed those deserves a punch up th
 e hooter. This is actually one area where there could definitely! be some access improvements, either with an audio  alternative, or ust with a way to request profile creation. Btw, I agree with brad, a text map would be very nice, ie, something similar to Empire mud that showed the room titles around you the way the ascii does, sinse right now I keep getting to places and wondering where the exits go and while the rooms are wonderfully distinctive and the description is truly awesome, it'd be nice nnot to have to duck into several exits to find where I am.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

Dark,Contact and they'll help you set up for the meetplace forum.  They were really nice about it, and they said they'll look into adding audio captchas. I think the more blind players they have, the more likely they are to do it.You can also type "moving exits" and that will give you a list of visible exits every time you move.I have the bronze subscription for $8 a month, and it seems fine to me.  You get plenty of lessons, so if you just want to try things out, you might try that one.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

thanks Mirage. It actually seems you can't subscribe with more than the bronze at the start anyway so I'll tsee where things go. i confess the forestry course I'm finding both fun and a little frustrating. Fun because I love the exploring, frustrating because unlike in Clok it seems there is a real! scarcety. I've only found a few herbs, and never found any poisons, let alone a bore, rabbit or fox to try skinning. Just to make things even more annoying, I quit and then logged back in to find all my herbs missing. I didn't think i could put them in the pouch because it said the pouch was just for prepared herbs and I needed unprepared ones for the coursee, so there goes all my work. Well I never planned to get a speed award for the course, I'll just have to try to gather a lot instead.Methinks the distribution in this game needs a little tweaking especially of animals, sinse right now I admit the searching and not! findi
 ng is boardering more towards the frustrating end of exploring than the fun end, which is not good, again, this was something I always liked in Clok, you had to look for herbs or trees or whatever, but you could always find them after not too much time. I'll try again tomorrow and hopefully have more luck.On the plus side, my abortive and unsuccessful attempt at squirrel murder did let me know combat is not too fast or too spanny, and the balance system seems rather nice, though I'll get more into that I expect wen I try the milicia course.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

thanks Mirage. It actually seems you can't subscribe with more than the bronze at the start anyway so I'll tsee where things go. i confess the forestry course I'm finding both fun and a little frustrating. Fun because I love the exploring, frustrating because unlike in Clok it seems there is a real! scarcety. I've only found a few herbs, and never found any poisons, let alone a bore, rabbit or fox to try skinning. Just to make things even more annoying, I quit and then logged back in to find all my herbs missing. I didn't think i could put them in the pouch because it said the pouch was just for prepared herbs and I needed unprepared ones for the coursee, so there goes all my work. Well I never planned to get a speed award for the course, I'll just have to try to gather a lot instead.Methinks the distribution in this game needs a little tweaking especially of animals, sinse right now I admit the searching and not! findi
 ng is boardering more towards the frustrating end of exploring than the fun end, which is not good, again, this was something I always liked in Clok, you had to look for herbs or trees or whatever, but you could always find them after not too much time. I'll try again tomorrow and hopefully have more luck.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

hi@dark,to find your school for the accolades just type academy or zoom academy, not sure wich of the two it was. and after the academy accolades you will have to complete at least two easy tasks for the school. you can get there by typing zoom school.i at first also had difficulties with it, but the most is easier than people expect.i personally joined the loremasters guild and i really ahve to complete more badges, i still have three.hthgreetz mike


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

There don't seem to be as many animals in the forests as you'd think there would be.  But I read somewhere that they're working on a massive development of Avalon, bigger than anything they've done in the 25 years it's been up.  So hopefully things will smooth out soon.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

I hope there is room on this particular band wagon, sinse Well methinks it's time for me to give the game a go, so I'll punch up Vipmud and do that . On the sponsorship thinng, actually it's mentioned in the manual as I recall. I can't say it's something that bothered me particularly. I'll admit I'm a bit of a solo exploration sort of fellow myself, indeed the rangers might just suit me though I want to try things out first but from what I gathered sponsorship doesn't take being a social butterfly, and I'm not against paying subscriptions myself for a game so long as the game is worth it.My ony miner concern is speed of text processing for combat, sinse while I enjoy a little bit of mob murder while I'm off wandering I'm not keen on games where i need to be having my voice set so stupidly fast to keep 
 up I miss all the atmosphere and descriptions. Clok and Wayfare 1444 were fine, Aardwolf a little too quick in places, and Epitaff (at least at one point), too much though mostly due to it's habbit of chucking so many numbers at you at once, but this is a question I can't answer without experience and there is one way to do that. Actually from reading the manual one thing I really! liked the sound of in avalon was the ability to try out different skills, classes (or whatever they're called),  and abilities before you make a final choice, sinse while I know broadly speaking the sort of stuff that I tend to be interested in doing in muds, it will depend upon how the game works. As I said, I tend to be a lone explorer and questing type, perhaps with a little prospecting, light combat or occasional crafting. I don't mind saying hi to other players, but I'm not exactly sociable either and would always rather be off in the wilds. I'l
 l let people know my character name when I've got going.Edit: My character is  Esmund, I've done the first accalade however while doing the second I have run into a miner problem, sinse I can't find my way back to the blasted orphanage! one of the few problems with the guide system is it makes it rather hard to find your way back. I thought I had found it, but it seems to be the school instead which is somewhere else as I gather.I don't mind this, but a where command like alter's could be useful. I've tried textmap and it hasn't worked for some reason, so I'm rather wandering around at the moment. it doesn't particularly matter, however I am a little concerned if my newbie time runs out before I've solved where I'm going, sinse while as I said above I'm entirely happy with subscribing to a game, I'd ratherknow what the game itself is about before I begin.Edit the second: okay, as 
 it turned out I was looking for the orphanage in the right place, just some crazy bug wasn't letting me back in to finish my  accolade, but a very kind player (I think she was an admin), helped me out. I'll head back tomorrow and continue on the noob hood. Oddly enough, when i type credits I'm told I have 8.8  hours of credits left, so I presume that it's more than five hours, which is good sinse I'd like time before I make my mind up about the game or start requesting sponsorship or thing I really like, is the way your   just given lessons as time goes on, which means you can be doing one thing and improve at another. I've not started levelling any skills yet sinse it seems a bit silly until i decide what I want to be doing or unless I need any for any quests etc, particularly sinse I  this sort of running around and questing and exploring that the novice quests are made of is just my cup of te
 a so I want to get as complete a look and do as much of it as I can.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

I hope there is room on this particular band wagon, sinse Well methinks it's time for me to give the game a go, so I'll punch up Vipmud and do that . On the sponsorship thinng, actually it's mentioned in the manual as I recall. I can't say it's something that bothered me particularly. I'll admit I'm a bit of a solo exploration sort of fellow myself, indeed the rangers might just suit me though I want to try things out first but from what I gathered sponsorship doesn't take being a social butterfly, and I'm not against paying subscriptions myself for a game so long as the game is worth it.My ony miner concern is speed of text processing for combat, sinse while I enjoy a little bit of mob murder while I'm off wandering I'm not keen on games where i need to be having my voice set so stupidly fast to keep 
 up I miss all the atmosphere and descriptions. Clok and Wayfare 1444 were fine, Aardwolf a little too quick in places, and Epitaff (at least at one point), too much though mostly due to it's habbit of chucking so many numbers at you at once, but this is a question I can't answer without experience and there is one way to do that. Actually from reading the manual one thing I really! liked the sound of in avalon was the ability to try out different skills, classes (or whatever they're called),  and abilities before you make a final choice, sinse while I know broadly speaking the sort of stuff that I tend to be interested in doing in muds, it will depend upon how the game works. As I said, I tend to be a lone explorer and questing type, perhaps with a little prospecting, light combat or occasional crafting. I don't mind saying hi to other players, but I'm not exactly sociable either and would always rather be off in the wilds. I'l
 l let people know my character name when I've got going.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

@CodyTo learn about a skill type:ab farming potatoesfor example.  It will tell you about the skill, and also how to perform the commands you need to interact with the skill.The quests are hard, but players are really helpful if you ask on the novice channel.  Also, you can ask there for a mentor, and they should be able to help you learn a lot about the game.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

I hope there is room on this particular band wagon, sinse Well methinks it's time for me to give the game a go, so I'll punch up Vipmud and do that . On the sponsorship thinng, actually it's mentioned in the manual as I recall. I can't say it's something that bothered me particularly. I'll admit I'm a bit of a solo exploration sort of fellow myself, indeed the rangers might just suit me though I want to try things out first but from what I gathered sponsorship doesn't take being a social butterfly, and I'm not against paying subscriptions myself for a game so long as the game is worth it.My ony miner concern is speed of text processing for combat, sinse while I enjoy a little bit of mob murder while I'm off wandering I'm not keen on games where i need to be having my voice set so stupidly fast to keep 
 up I miss all the atmosphere and descriptions. Clok and Wayfare 1444 were fine, Aardwolf a little too quick in places, and Epitaff (at least at one point), too much though mostly due to it's habbit of chucking so many numbers at you at once, but this is a question I can't answer without experience and there is one way to do that. Actually from reading the manual one thing I really! liked the sound of in avalon was the ability to try out different skills, classes (or whatever they're called),  and abilities before you make a final choice, sinse while I know broadly speaking the sort of stuff that I tend to be interested in doing in muds, it will depend upon how the game works. As I said, I tend to be a lone explorer and questing type, perhaps with a little prospecting, light combat or occasional crafting. I don't mind saying hi to other players, but I'm not exactly sociable either and would always rather be off in the wilds. I'l
 l let people know my character name when I've got going.Edit: My character is  Esmund, I've done the first accalade however while doing the second I have run into a miner problem, sinse I can't find my way back to the blasted orphanage! one of the few problems with the guide system is it makes it rather hard to find your way back. I thought I had found it, but it seems to be the school instead which is somewhere else as I gather.I don't mind this, but a where command like alter's could be useful. I've tried textmap and it hasn't worked for some reason, so I'm rather wandering around at the moment. it doesn't particularly matter, however I am a little concerned if my newbie time runs out before I've solved where I'm going, sinse while as I said above I'm entirely happy with subscribing to a game, I'd ratherknow what the game itself is about before I begin.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

I hope there is room on this particular band wagon, sinse Well methinks it's time for me to give the game a go, so I'll punch up Vipmud and do that . On the sponsorship thinng, actually it's mentioned in the manual as I recall. I can't say it's something that bothered me particularly. I'll admit I'm a bit of a solo exploration sort of fellow myself, indeed the rangers might just suit me though I want to try things out first but from what I gathered sponsorship doesn't take being a social butterfly, and I'm not against paying subscriptions myself for a game so long as the game is worth it.My ony miner concern is speed of text processing for combat, sinse while I enjoy a little bit of mob murder while I'm off wandering I'm not keen on games where i need to be having my voice set so stupidly fast to keep 
 up I miss all the atmosphere and descriptions. Clok and Wayfare 1444 were fine, Aardwolf a little too quick in places, and Epitaff (at least at one point), too much though mostly due to it's habbit of chucking so many numbers at you at once, but this is a question I can't answer without experience and there is one way to do that. Actually from reading the manual one thing I really! liked the sound of in avalon was the ability to try out different skills, classes (or whatever they're called),  and abilities before you make a final choice, sinse while I know broadly speaking the sort of stuff that I tend to be interested in doing in muds, it will depend upon how the game works. As I said, I tend to be a lone explorer and questing type, perhaps with a little prospecting, light combat or occasional crafting. I don't mind saying hi to other players, but I'm not exactly sociable either and would always rather be off in the wilds. I'l
 l let people know my character name when I've got going.Edit: My character is  Esmund, I've done the first accalade however while doing the second I have run into a miner problem, sinse I can't find my way back to the blasted orphanage! one of the few problems with the guide system is it makes it rather hard to find your way back. I thought I had found it, but it seems to be the school instead which is somewhere else as I gather.I don't mind this, but a where command like alter's could be useful. I've tried textmap and it hasn't worked for some reason, so I'm rather wandering around at the moment. it doesn't particularly matter, however I am a little concerned if my newbie time runs out before I've solved where I'm going, sinse while as I said above I'm entirely happy with subscribing to a game, I'd ratherknow what the game itself is about before I begin.Edit the second: okay, as 
 it turned out I was looking for the orphanage in the right place, just some crazy bug wasn't letting me back in to finish my  accolade, but a very kind player (I think she was an admin), helped me out. I'll head back tomorrow and continue on the noob hood. Oddly enough, when i type credits I'm told I have 8.8  hours of credits left, so I presume that it's more than five hours, which is good sinse I'd like time before I make my mind up about the game or start requesting sponsorship or whatever.


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Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Cody_91 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

So I'm real lost on certain aspects of the game personally. Firstly some of the quests are super vague and I'm not sure what or how I should be doing anything. Secondly the skills are also quite vague. I've been trying to figure out the laboring and farming skills, but I've been sucking. Lastly combat. I just suck at it  or something lol. I'm not sure what I should be doing.


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Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

Avalon just gains more awesomeness the longer you stay there.  I'm gaining new abilities and finishing up my badgs, really getting into things.  It's so much fun!Even getting stuck in places causes you to learn.  People will tell you how to get unstuck, and it makes you realize you have even more skills than you thought.


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Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : grryfindore via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

Ahoy allAvalon is  a good mud when it comes to descriptions and such as I said in my previous post, but from what I've played of it so far it could certainly use some improvementsxoren wrote:I thought the game was free to play, with payment only items and perks. This is not so -- you need to either subscribe or obtain sponsorship. On the surface, sponsorship may sound simple and straightforward, but I'm a very lone wolf type of player when I hop on to a new mud. I don't particularly seek out much interaction with other players, and I like to solve problems on my own. This means I don't really want to go running to other players begging for sponsorship -- I like remaining under the radar until I've had time to see whether or not I like a game, nor am I willing to subscribe to the game without knowing if I'll like it to begin with. I wish the pay-to-play nature of the game would'
 ;ve been mentioned in the novice intro text.I couldn't agree with this enough. Either let the players know that the game requires subscription (periodical payments) or a player to sponcer them to continue to play this mud after a certain amount of time has passed.And as for the mud requiring subscription/ sponcership I also have a suggestion.Let the players at least finish getting started and then set a timer after which they'd need to either pay or get sponcered to continue playing. I haven't even chosen a city, nor a class/guild yet, and my time is up. Shrug where should I go asking for sponcership even before I've had a chance to choose where or what type of character I want to play,if I even want to continue doing it.grryf


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Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

The closest thing I've found are the zoom and nearby commands.  But as far as I know, there's no map specifically for blind players.  I wish there was, because I'm terrible with directions.  Even if they did something like Materia Magica does, where you get a sextant so you can see the coordinates you're at, that would make navigation a lot simpler.  Or even some kind of a textual description of the continent layout like, "From the center of Avalon, Mercinae is here, and Greenwood Forest is here," would help.I imagine that given a lot of time, things will begin to look familiar to me.


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Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : bradp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

type textmap


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Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Matador via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

The items you drop on logout are items that are in circulation for quests. You don't get individual copies of the golden phoenix or certain gemstones etc - they are singular and the point is for them to be scarce. It makes completing lucrative quests like that a competitive endeavor.And while you do have to talk to someone in order to be sponsored, most players are happy to do it if asked. The community aspect is definitely a feature, not a bug. Also being a self-starter and a keen explorer is definitely a plus for any city.


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Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Cody_91 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

So the only real question that I have on the game is do they have a sort of blind player map? Like a directory or something of that nature. I am Kale on the game, a new commoner of Parrius and an apprentice to the enchanters.


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Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

For what it's worth, I don't actually think there's anything wrong with the system. I fully support paying for a game, and I totally understand the sponsorship system as a way to interact with other players and get novices mentors and what not. I'm just a fairly exotic player who, rather than having mentors showing him the ropes, wants to be left to his own devices to learn the game at his own pace. About the only thing I don't like with the system is the lack of a straight-up forewarning that the game is a pay-to-play game -- if it's mentioned in any of the beginning tutorial sessions or on the site, I'll stand corrected, as I must have missed it.Kai


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Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

That's strange, that you were prompted to seek sponsorship.  I never was, and I spent a lot of time on the game before I made a choice.For those curious or interested, the sponsorship or subscription shouldn't put you off.  This player base really does go out of its way to be kind to novices.  Although if it puts some people off the game, I might mention as an idea for development some kind of automated request for sponsorship.


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Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

hi@matadorwelcome to the forum. it was me who suggested the forum to you and i am glad you have joined us as well.It was indeed lord Cornelius on avalon who suggested me your name when i first had a conversation on the game. i didn't remember his name and now i do.Again welcome and may your stay here be enjoyable.btw to the others ... my name on avalon is elvrones.greetz mike


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Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Matador via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

Mirage wrote:I have never been interested in roleplay.  I usually just want to explore, build, create, etc.  But this player base is (1) so incredibly welcoming and understanding of screen readers, and (2) so amazing in their roleplay and writing abilities, that I've really gotten into the game more than I would have otherwise.Yeah. I can't seem to get into the groove of roleplay in other places. It feels wooden, like I'm trying to play a role at arm's length. I think my favorite of the Avalon help files that covers this is HELP CONCEPT.


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Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

Eh. I guess I just can't get into the groove of how Avalon is executed. For example, I'm used to muds that save your eq. Avalon saves some, but discards others, just tossing stuff on the ground when you quit out. This essentially means that if you have stuff you were planning to sell, you have to do it before you quit out of the game, which is not always feasible for me as I often have to leave in the middle of gaming sessions.Furthermore, I thought the game was free to play, with payment only items and perks. This is not so -- you need to either subscribe or obtain sponsorship. On the surface, sponsorship may sound simple and straightforward, but I'm a very lone wolf type of player when I hop on to a new mud. I don't particularly seek out much interaction with other players, and I like to solve problems on my own. This means I don't really want to go running to other players begging for sponsorship -- I like remaining under the radar until I'v
 e had time to see whether or not I like a game, nor am I willing to subscribe to the game without knowing if I'll like it to begin with. I wish the pay-to-play nature of the game would've been mentioned in the novice intro text.I think the timer counts down while you're offline, too, since I'm not even all the way through my first school enrollment and are already prompted to either seek sponsorship or subscribe, having exited the game and returned a few times as opportunity permitted.It looks like a great game for those who aren't antisocial about their muding habits, and it seems superbly complex and detailed, what with all the skills and abilities. What's more, it automatically wins points for the accomodations to blind players -- I just don't think it's the right setting for me. Off to find a similar mud that doesn't require so much interaction and reliance upon others for progression.Kai


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Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

@firefly82You can also use the "nearby" command when you're outside a city, and it will tell you the cities that are close to you and the direction they're in.  Then you can type "zoom" and type the city you want, and you'll usually get there.  That might help you with navigation.@MatadorOMG you are a legend in Avalon!  I've heard your name since the first day I played!My Own ThoughtsI have never been interested in roleplay.  I usually just want to explore, build, create, etc.  But this player base is (1) so incredibly welcoming and understanding of screen readers, and (2) so amazing in their roleplay and writing abilities, that I've really gotten into the game more than I would have otherwise.


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Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : karate25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

Hello there everyone, karate25 here. I love this mud quite a bit, I'm known as quanshee, helper of the needy there, and I'm a ranger. Basically, to answer everyone's question about the find command, yes, you can indeed use it even after your lw status is gone to my knolledge, and in order to find the knight's guild or warrier's guilds, you could just enter find knight's or find warriers and it'll guide you there. I hope this helps.


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Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

hi,Ah, i see ... i thought the find command became unavailable after your novicehood.But to find the Knights guild you even can typ zoom knight. @csm,it all depents on what you want. i am more a tradesman and crafter in most games, since i like it to earn my money by selling goods i produce. That's why i joined the loremasters guild.Do you like it to be independant, join the druids guild. as far as i understood are the druids not linked with any village or town, but with the forest. Don't you like combat at all, join the brother of the druids, the annenists. I have to tell one thing here and now ... the annemists aren't involved in combat at all. When you want to kill something you get a notification that you can't do that while in the annemists guild.Do you like combat but also the non-combat abilities, join the rangers. You see, there are many guilds, and this were a few i know of and what my impression is of
  the guilds i just mansioned. probably not 100% accurate. but all people make mistakes. so do i.Hthgreetz mike


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Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : firefly82 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

OK, i got a question. I hope i can explain it so that you understand. Is there a command to point out the things in a room wich are important? For sighted the important stuff is written in a different Color.Another question: What is the difference between find and zoom?I found a quest about a goblin city. But find or zoom didnt work for it. Does it mean i have to find the city on my own?Is there some kind of map we can use?


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Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

This mud looks great on paper, and in practice it is exactly the kind of mud I've been hungry for -- deep crafting system, manually controlled combat, etc. The inclusion of the pay-for-perk system though, kills the mud.Pay-for-perk systems usually mean that obtaining those self-same perks via in-game means becomes an extremely tedious and annoying chore. Witness Alter Aeon: The game claims that you don't need to buy credits to play the game, that it's just a convenience. On the surface, this is true, but an analysis of gold distribution and the scaling code has shown me that: 1. gold is difficult to obtain unless you're a thief, effectively making that class the de factor class for in-game currency. 2. The "denting" system means that if a player manages to find a way to make consistent gold, it will be hammered anyway. 3. The player market for gold to credit exchange, at least while I was playing, was more often than not less than optimal. Comp
 ound these factors with the fact that your carrying capacity is limited by both way and amount, and a weightless container quickly becomes a necessity, unless you're willing to contend with the headache of managing multiple tensor's discs, which then locks you down to prioritizing mage as a class option. Furthermore, since weightlesses are finite, you are either locked into continually upgrading it, or continually renewing your storage locker if you have any plans of accruing items.On paper, neither AA nor Avalon should require real-world currency to play the game. In practice, this is only true to a point, and it's probably fine print to mask the necessity for such expenditures. I'll be fair in stating that my observations on Avalon's implementation are not first-hand, so I cannot say for sure whether or not the system will eventually force you to spend money on the game, or if indeed it really is just a matter of convenience.Don't get me
  wrong. I don't mind paying for a game. I've paid for Alter Aeon perks in the during my time playing that game, and occasionally buy video games from steam. I just wish muds that had a pay-for-perk system didn't make game progression well nigh impossible without paying for said perks, as I've heard a lot of Iron Realms muds do. Conversely, if progression is difficult without such purchases, be honest and say so. Don't candy coat it and claim "no purchase necessary".I don't make these observations to rebuke those who enjoy this game, I only bring these points to potential players' attention so that they are aware of the potential future headaches such inclusions may entail, since the game introduction makes no references (that I noticed) to the pay-for-perk system.Kai


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Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

hi@fireflyI can awnser two of yor four questions for sure, the others are assumptions.1. I am not sure, an assumption as you see, if there is a brief mode available, since avalon is originally build for the sighted community, not specifically for the blind like aa. (in my oppinion)2. this is also an assumption i think. the way i use it is i zoom for areas and find is for locations in villages. but what i don't understand is that i can find the loremasters guild within thakria with the zoom command. so i am not sure if both commands have the same function or that they are different in some way.3. i also had trouble with finding the green Woods area, but i asked on the novice channel and i got a polite awnser that i spelled it the wrong way, it was greenwood put together as one word and no two words, like green wood or green Woods etc. i suggest you ask on the novice channel, since in my thoughts it should be possible to track the goblin villag
 e with the zoom command. but under wich name i don't know.4. i am pretty sure there isn't a map designed for blind people. as i said earlier i think that this game has originally been designed for sighted people and the maps seem to make use of the aski design. probably there are blind people who have mapped out locations, but the zoom command does it's work pretty well to track a route to a particular area when proper used.@kai,I agree with you on a few points. in the case of alter aeon and my case of running a clan wich i do with a friend. to keep up with the costs of the dues is very difficult when you also have a life outside aa. that's why i purchase for $10 of credits from time to time to pay the dues. the advantage is that our clan has minimal costs, so my role of pumping credits in the dues had become easier. there was a time i had to pump 400 creds in the dues after a few days. but that was while our dues were much higher.That 
 was my case, but i agree with you on the fact of a weightless and storage locker time. i have to say that dentin or the other staff don't push me that way. they are very friendly and helpfull, and i have decided that it makes playing aa a lot easier and due to the fact the staff is that friendly i don't mind to donate from time to time.It is difficult to form a solid point of view about this matter. however i agree again with you that devs shouldn't claim that they are free of charge when they aren't, but at the same time i find that donating is a choice, no requirement in such games.// end of replies to other members, a little story from myself:Today i have talked with agarwain, a master combatant on avalon. how i discovered him was a little funny as well, i saw a notification that he killed someone. pretty crue huh? i know. but i asked him about his mush configuration and he didn't hesitated to share his soundpack and configuration wit
 h me. it isn't as good as the one of alter, but it gives the game some sounds. also for tells. but he told me that a bug shaped rune is required before that sound will work.Agarwain is a very friendly player. but i will ask him if he wants to join the discussion as well.hthgreetz mike


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Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : csm120 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

Can anyone give me tips on joining a guild? I have done the school, but I'm a bit lost. I like the knights guilds or warriors guilds.


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Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Matador via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

Hey all,In Avalon I play as Agarwain, the Firebrand. I have been playing Avalon on and off now for eleven years. I am the Prince of Parrius, Guildmaster of the Enchanters and High Priest of Lord Cornelius, the god of the void. I have been ranked top in attack-rating, have invaded several villages at the head of a massive army, and won two of the fourteen gems contested in the run-up to choose Avalon's next Ordained deity. I am so excited more people are discovering Avalon's incredible vistas and possibilities. Since I notice my name coming up in this thread quite a bit, I wanted to make a post clarifying a couple of things.1. I am actively developing a MUSHClient soundpack for Avalon. It is tailored to my uses right now, which means it is probably more minimalist than the AlterAeon pack for instance. I am slowly but surely learning the Lua chops necessary to make this thing bigger and badder, but my speed and enthusiasm for this project would be way higher i
 f I had more people actively playing, bugging me for features, or best of all contributing to the project!The latest version of the soundpack can be found right here.2. Xoren, I understand your hesitation about the "pay to win" style of game. Let me assure you though that Avalon is anything but, for a couple reasons. Firstly, you won't be able to beat anyone with your wallet. The purchasable trinkets are skewed entirely towards expedience and convenience, not utility or bad-assery. I can regularly kill the person who brags most openly about his trinkets in Avalon, and they do him no good in battle when he is riding the deathship! Secondly, using any sort of trinket that gives even a slight advantage in combat is heavily stigmatised. Fairness (or at least, everyone's interpretation of fairness) is a ridiculously important concept in Avalon. While there is a lot of debate as you m
 ight expect from a game where people are so passionate to win at any cost, the one thing we all agree on as a culture is that no one should be able to pay their way to the top. And finally, even if you did want to pay, Avalon offers a very accessible and flexible way to earn interest on your investment - either in in-game gold or "real-world" currency. I've seen a lot of the models out there and Avalon's is better and more fair than all of them.Tell you what. Play the game for a month and tell me if you still think Avalon doesn't match up to what it promises "on paper".3. While you will need to process text pretty quickly for personal combat, there is a slower and more thought-out style called warfare as well, where you lead and command legions fighting with weapons, armour, bows and arrows, catapults and mortar bombs, battering rams and siegetowers and cauldrons full to the brim with scalding hot oil. And if all of that doesn't d
 o it for you, there are thousands of quests, hundreds of non-combative abilities, many different ways to play. You'll never avoid the conflict altogether. In fact, what I like about Avalon most is that everything you do has a very real and meaningful effect on the people around you. But there are many, many ways to get involved. I hope you will jump in and give it a try.In Avalon I am Agarwain, the Firebrand. Let me know if you need anything.


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Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Matador via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

Hey all,In Avalon I play as Agarwain, the Firebrand. I have been playing Avalon on and off now for eleven years. I am the Prince of Parrius, Guildmaster of the Enchanters and High Priest of Lord Cornelius, the god of the void. I have been ranked top in attack-rating, have invaded several villages at the head of a massive army, and won two of the fourteen gems contested in the run-up to choose Avalon's next Ordained deity. I am so excited more people are discovering its incredible vistas and possibilities. Since I notice my name coming up in this thread quite a bit, I wanted to make a post clarifying a couple of things.1. I am actively developing a MUSHClient soundpack for Avalon. It is tailored to my uses right now, which means it is probably more minimalist than the AlterAeon pack for instance. I am slowly but surely learning the Lua chops necessary to make this thing bigger and badder, but my speed and enthusiasm for this project would be way higher if I had mo
 re people actively playing, bugging me for features, or best of all contributing to the project!The latest version of the soundpack can be found right here.2. Xoren, I understand your hesitation about the "pay to win" style of game. Let me assure you though that Avalon is anything but, for a couple reasons. Firstly, you won't be able to beat anyone with your wallet. The purchasable trinkets are skewed entirely towards expedience and convenience, not utility or bad-assery. I can regularly kill the person who brags most openly about his trinkets in Avalon, and they do him no good in battle when he is riding the deathship! Secondly, using any sort of trinket that gives even a slight advantage in combat is heavily stigmatised. Fairness (or at least, everyone's interpretation of fairness) is a ridiculously important concept in Avalon. While there is a lot of debate as you might expec
 t from a game where people are so passionate to win at any cost, the one thing we all agree on as a culture is that no one should be able to pay their way to the top. And finally, even if you did want to pay, Avalon offers a very accessible and flexible way to earn interest on your investment - either in in-game gold or "real-world" currency. I've seen a lot of the models out there and Avalon's is better and more fair than all of them.Tell you what. Play the game for a month and tell me if you still think Avalon doesn't match up to what it promises "on paper".3. While you will need to process text pretty quickly for personal combat, there is a slower and more thought-out style called warfare as well, where you lead and command legions fighting with weapons, armour, bows and arrows, catapults and mortar bombs, battering rams and siegetowers and cauldrons full to the brim with scalding hot oil. And if all of that doesn't do it for y
 ou, there are thousands of quests, hundreds of non-combative abilities, many different ways to play. You'll never avoid the conflict altogether. In fact, what I like about Avalon most is that everything you do has a very real and meaningful effect on the people around you. But there are many, many ways to get involved. I hope you will jump in and give it a try.In Avalon I am Agarwain, the Firebrand. Let me know if you need anything.


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Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : firefly82 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

Can i somehow get the farming-skills without joining a guild? I wanna decide this Guild-stuff later.HAHA, i had a funny funny bug about a locked door in the school-tutorial. A god had to come and fix it. I was soo mad about it and blaming myself for not getting the clue! But it wasnt my mistake.


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Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

hi firefly,You will get the farming and labor skills automaticly i think, since both aren't linked to any guild. these are skills every character gains.i experienced that my character gains knowledge in farming or labor when i was idle.i got a notification telling me one of the two has improved. I got these from time to time.but it also can occur that you are busy with something and the knowledge improves. i haven't discovered exact times yet, but it happens from time to time for sure.hthgreetz mike


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Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

After you type "selection", type the name of the class you want, and I think it gives you a few pieces of equipment.  I'm not sure where you find mobs to kill, since I haven't killed anything, but you might try "find amphitheater", because that's where you train combat skills, and there may be mobs for killing there.


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Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

Welcome to the forum!


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Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

Type "remember" and that will give you hints about the task you're currently on.  There might be some helpful hints there.


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Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hadi . gsf via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

Hello guysI've stuck at the basics of this game: I just picked up the messanger corse as my first one. I delivered my first note to a spy, but my second note... It seems that nun of them wants it. whenever I  give it  to them they say that it's not for them.Do i just need to search more?


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Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : wp85 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

I signed up a few days ago, and I'm liking the game. I'm hoping to continu to play it, might be losing my internet for a bit not sure.


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Thoughts on Avalon RPG now VS. when I previously played novicehood

2015-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Orin via Audiogames-reflector


Thoughts on Avalon RPG now VS. when I previously played novicehood

Hi everyone,Has anyone scene these pretty glaring bugs in Avalon? Perhaps this may be specific to only Parious, but needless to say, the first bug I encounter is when the sage apears to take you to the Academy, the tutorial gets stuck. What happens is that when the message pops up saying the sage exits the library or what have you, you really aren't going anywhere, it's just printing text, and a few seconds later you're supposed to appear at the entrance of the academy. Not the way I would've designed it, but it worked. I say worked because when my tutorial told me to type ok to join the academy last night, I discovered I wasn't there. How delightful.So typing college fixes it, but that's not the point. The point is this bug wasn't present five-six months ago, the last time I went through this Academy and schools, only starting again because my character had been wiped, as i'm using the same name now.Another huge difference
  is that the tutorials/accilades seem to be seriously abridged from what I remember. This is good, because you have the schools, but I found another bug. In an attempt to teach the Zoom command, your guide stops at a south door which happens to be locked. It also happens to be the way Zoom's pathfinding wants to go, heading back to Parious. Which means, having to type college to get out of that situation, and thus not actually using the Zoom command as intended. This Zoom edition wasn't in the tutorial last time I played, your guide would just take you back. Once I got back to the college with magical guidance, my guide said great work... because he assumed we Zoomed/found our way back.I reported one of those bugs, I'll have to report the second one today. There are a number of help files such a badge, prize, etc missing on the website. I'm not sure how to report those, since there's no web category in the bug command.


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Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : igggggoreha via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

hi! are there  soundpacks for this mud?


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Re: Thoughts on Avalon RPG now VS. when I previously played novicehood

2015-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Thoughts on Avalon RPG now VS. when I previously played novicehood

Those bugs didn't happen to me, but I started out in Mercinae, which might have made a difference.


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Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : grryfindore via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

Ahoy allI started playing this mud a few days ago, so far I've done the school courses and the 4 newbie quests. besides that I don't have a clue on what activities can one carry out and so on, unlike other muds I haven't seen many mobs around that you can kill and stuff besides trying to kill other players which might not be such a good idea considering I'm just starting out and nude. :d The selection command does give me different classes to try out but where do I get the eq to try the skill with? or the mobs to kill?I do hope that we are able to use the find command even after we are done with LW status because without it I don't think I could do much in this game unless speedwalking is allowed?  I guess I could map things with the find command now and keep them for laterOne thing I've gotta say for this mud though that it has some of the best descriptions for rooms and for emotes and such that I've come across in a
  mud haven't really had a chance to try combat so couldn't really say as to how that compares to other muds but aye, dam good.grryf


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Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

hi@igoreha,A high ranked player or is it a god ... i don't know  told me about a high ranked fighter who is blind and has made a soundpack and mush configuration himself. his name was argawayn i thought. i have to contact him myself as well. but the player/god also told me argawayn used jaws and i don't know if nvda would do the job as welll for the peeps using nvda ...hthgreetz mike


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Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Orin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

After choosing a guild, were you sponsored in? If not, otherwise the game is Pay to Play.


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Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : chrisfaelnar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

Hi. Guys. I wanna ask a favor. I am using mush cliant to play alter aeon. But currently my mushcliant is set up for alter aeon. I wanna play this game but i don't know how to configure in order to run this game on mush cliant.What I did is i clicked new world at the file menu. Then I type the world name which is...Avalon-rpg.comAnd then i press tab and it says mud address and port grouping. Here i type the port number of the game. My favor is, can someone please help me how do i run this game using mushcliant? And if i did something wrong to configure avalon using mushcliant, please help me. And before i forgot, do i need to download something in their website? Thank you. 


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Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

hi@orin,About sponsorship don't worrie. when you meet your guild master, or at least it went this way for me, he made my account sponsored. you don't ahve to pay since council members, guild masters etc can make you sponsored. as long as you can Ensure them you will play for a longer period.I obtained 3 badges this evening together with my guild master and when i asked him if he could help me another oness tomorrow, he agreed. the playerbase is the friendliest i have ever seen. the base of alter is also such a base. as long as you are doing and behaving normal and not irritating people since the friendly behaviour is gone then. but that is just the natural way of people. But it feels diferent in avalon, i am to short in the game to be honestly sure.Ooh yes and about the find command, i thought that one is only available during your devine protection wasn't it?well i am off to bed guys. till later.greetz mike


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Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

Anyone can get a sponsorship, from your guild, or from your home city.  They emphasize that the game is free, so don't let that concern stop you.Mike is right about the player base; these people are super friendly!I'm not sure about MushClient configuration.


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