Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

2019-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

Extreme legal grayarea when we are talking about material that is nowhere close to readily available, much less relics sold for tens of thousands on rare auctions. Much different to the arcade gaming scene where arcade1up has newly revamped machines purchaseable as though they were listed on Amazon. Even more especially when you've gotten legal permission to distribute the software disks of all the games and programs for the Apple IIE, so it's as legal as you can possibly get considering that the literal only questionable thing here is the Apple IIE rom, and even if someone could get their hands on a machine it's not like they have the means necessary to homegrow a rom out of it.


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Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

2019-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

Extreme legal grayarea when we are talking about material that is nowhere close to readily available, much less relics sold for tens of thousands on rare auctions. Much different to the arcade gaming scene where arcade1up has newly revamped machines purchaseable as though they were listed on Amazon. Even more especially when you've gotten legal permission to distribute the software disks of all the games and programs for the Apple IIE.


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Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

2019-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

As I see it, one of the big victims here is probably Messapple. I really, really, really need to update Messapple to use the latest MAME because there are improvements most folks are missing out on, like Echo speech more faithful to the original.The problem? ROMs. The emulator is free. Much of the software I have for the Apple IIe is free, or is software for which I've received permission for distribution. But every last piece of software which was ever written or will ever be written for the Apple IIe is rendered about as useful as an automobile without an engine if you can't include the ROMs in the package or direct people where to get them. Which you can't legally, because you can't legally own the ROMs unless you own the hardware being emulated.


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Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

2019-12-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

Agreed here. I think that with the best intentions, you've started a bit of a windstorm to no good end here. We made very sure to state that intent would be taken into account, and we know damn well that we can't protect or restrict absolutely every tiny little thing. Look at games with borrowed assets, just as one example; we still talk about and host those, and that's definitely a gray area. We are basically just not promoting a piracy-friendly atmosphere on the forum, that's all. That hasn't really changed in the last little while and we're not going to start trying to retroactively destroy everything that points somewhere potentially shady.


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Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

2019-12-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

Yeah true that, this isn't Facebook or YouTube.


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Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

2019-12-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

Figured as much, so this is realy nothing to be concerned about. Things will remain as they were before for the last few months, even whenever his site comes back up. Just because you can't discuss described content on here doesn't mean you are barred from ever discussing it anywhere and must retroactively invalidate all links you ever posted to it or anything like that.@DanGero: I see where you're going, but I think this is one of those arguments where you are more concerned than you need to be over this. I think the reason people brought it up just recently is because the discussion got started after his site went down, so it isn't like we're undergoing any major rule change. This site is doing the due diligence that really any site has to do in terms of moderating content posts to make sure they apply with al copyright laws and regulations, but being more than reasonable compared to a lot of other mainstream sites, i.e. the only bot here we have is the word filter, but we don't have any algorhythm that can destroy your content without warning.


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Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

2019-12-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

The rules state explicitly that we take intent in to account. it was one thing that decisions are weighed on


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Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

2019-12-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

Oh wait, I see, 16 was talking to 13 too. Sorry about that.


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Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

2019-12-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

@Liam: Is it safe to say that when people link to this site, intent will be taken into account? Blatant mentioning of described content vs someone linking to this site for the NVDA addon repository, and while someone on their own time might look at more content of hte page but the poster did not specifically mention described content on the forum/the site appeared in a topic that had nothing to do with described content.


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Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

2019-12-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

Liam, 15 was talking to 13 when he said that. I don't think he aimed that towards you.Xoren, here's the problem with your argument. People seem to think that I'm trying to fight the staff. I'm not. I respect the staff and how they're managing the site. All I'm doing is bringing light to a potential issue, that's it. Please do not let it be said that I have a problem with anyone in the admin team, because I don't. Need I also remind you that AGNet is a community-driven website, so the users have just as much right to talk about these things as the admins do? Just because you're not making rules or closing topics or handing out warnings when necessary does not mean you shouldn't be allowed to talk about potential issues that mean something to you. If that were the case, nothing would ever get done. Don't even get me started about what would happen if you extended that mindset further into politics and government, partly because that's beyond the scope of this topic and partly because I really don't feel like starting a political debate. If there's something regarding this forum that I'm concerned about, I'm going to bring it up. I'm not doing it to disrespect the staff, I'm doing it because I care about the well-being of this community in which I am a part of. I only wish for the best for this community and the many friends I have made by being a part of it. If it wasn't for this forum, no doubt I would have never met the people who triggered the set of events necessary to jump start the training I received to give me the independence skills I possess today. I would have never had the experiences I've had without this very forum to help me make the friends I made, and for that reason I'm going to do whatever I as a simple user can do to make sure this community thrives. Are my concerns always warranted? No, definitely not all the time. I still voice them though in the hopes that it helps this forum or at least a few users of it in some way. As long as I do my part by trying to help wherever I can even if I may not always do a good job helping, I'm content. After all, this forum's helped me a lot, so I owe you guys that much.


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Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

2019-12-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

Also. No where did I say the site in question had torrent links. The point I was making is that Google itself does not directly link to copyrighted content on it's front page. Nice try taking what I said literally though.


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Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

2019-12-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

Um, if you read the whole topic you would know that it was debunking people's argument that Google hosts pirated content, to which it doesn't. Jeff's website does not have torrents. And on the other side of the tracks, a file doesn't have to be a torrent to be questionable, and a file is not automatically questionable just because it's a torrent.


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Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

2019-12-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

using the wayback machine snapshot taken from December 6th, the main home page has a direct link to a page with downloads of audio described movies.


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Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

2019-12-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

@Zoren: Here's one better. We have an off topic room. An off, topic, room. Audyssey and other *gaming* mailinglists do not. So, sensationalizing issues that don't even have to do with games, with the exception of Pokemon Crystal's accessibility enhancements of course, is not a good way to spend your energy.


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Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

2019-12-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : audiogame via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

So post eight's saying that jeff's site is hosting links to a torrent on its front page. Am I right?I'm assuming this because apparently the discussion is about jeff's page. So show me where his torrent links are.


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Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

2019-12-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

The problem isn't the restriction of illegal content. In my view, the problem is the sensationalism by forum members over this topic. Many of the limitations placed on the forum's content are out of respect for content creators and IP holders. You can't say it's wrong to download a crack of Shades of Doom, but in the same breath say that it's fine to download Frozen 2 for free, or indeed to get Red Dead Redemption 2 for free.I think the rules regarding these kinds of links are fine as is. And heck, at the end of the day, we're supposed to be discussing games, not be a black market stop shop for links to illegal content.Are there gray areas in this respect? Absolutely. But I don't think it's for the users to contend with how the staff choose to handle those gray areas, unless a certain decision would end up hurting the site more than help it. As a hint, allowing the free distribution of questionable links would be hurting the site more than helping, as I'm sure the site's admins would rather take down the site than fight a legal case over what a couple users chose to post (I know that's how I'd handle a Cease and Desist from a publisher if I were the owner of it restrictive? Probably. Does it defeat the purpose of Not in the least.This constant criticism of the staff's decisions regarding the site seems very disrespectful to me. It's like people are saying "We don't trust how you guys are handling the management of the site, and so we're going to take it into our own hands to come up with a better approach." And while there may be times when such an approach is necessary, vying against the staff on copyright issues isn't one of them.There are a plethora of resources that people can go to for such content. does not need to be such a resource. It's fine being a site to discuss games playable by the blind and visually impaired, rather than a site where you can find links to download the entire Lord of the Ringtones collection, or a cracked copy of Windows Solitaire.Kai


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Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

2019-12-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

I think the reason is based on the fact that anyone can post a rom like it's nothing, in a matter or technical term here. But Pokemon Crystal was a project that took time and effort to debug an entire game's text portion and add speech functionality. Gamefreak as we all know has shown no desire to improve accessibility if you saw the remote location programs for Pokemon Go were banned because of, quote, cheating. True someone may use it for that purpose, but this was when Q was I believe experimenting with a program that might have made the thing potentially accessible. I've kind of written off Pokemon Go anyway, but this is just to illustrate my point. In fact now that REtroarch has brought this debate into a new light, some of the developers of older titles have flat out said that as long as the project isn't making them any money, i.e it's old, and the accessibility can help future blind players enjoy them, then by all means go for it. This isn't an official legal statement by any means, but Retroarch's accessibility has really made people start taking new stances on the argument. That being said I believe what Liam said in the Retroarch topic about discussion being fine but you're on your own for getting roms off forum is par for the course in terms of keeping this site safe. After all, until there is a legitimate way for one to be able to rom their own purchased cartridges/disks/machines, there is technically no way around obtaining roms.


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Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

2019-12-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

Jack, I have no intention of bringing distrust amongst the administration team. I respect whatever decision they choose to make no matter what the situation, because I know that no matter what they do, they aren't out to screw the community. I'm only making this post to bring up something which has the potential to become an issue before it does. Liam wrote:No one is going to get a warning or anything for posting this topic, but we will probably ask in fuure people do not link to the site if it contains information on how to get copyrighted material illegally. obviously, the site is down so we can't exactly check it at the moment. The issue I see here is someone linking to one of the perfectly legal addons/programs hosted on Jeff's site, or maybe someone decides to link to the addon/program repository itself, and the link gets blacklisted because of the less than legal content that inhabits his website. The admins are not jerks, so I know they wouldn't outright ban or warn someone who did this not knowing there was illegal content on there; at most they'd probably receive a gentle caution. However, this means that nobody can point to anything on his site that's kosher without hosting it themselves on Dropbox or their own website, because anything on the blacklist is replaced with ***. This goes for pretty much any other website that's mostly kosher minus the occasional reference to pirated material here and there.There's another issue I've taken note of as well. As I said before, posting links to game ROM's is against the rules, even if they're ROM'S of games that can't be obtained anymore. This is all well and good, until you look at the second page of the New Releases room and see that there's a topic about the Pokemon Crystal Access project, which contains a ROM for Pokemon Crystal. According to the forum rules, this is not allowed. However, if the admins disallowed this project on the forum, a lot of people would be upset that they can't download it anymore and I'm guessing discussion of the project may possibly not be allowed, although I need someone to confirm whether or not this would be the case as I'm really not sure. At the same time though, if the admins keep this topic around, they could possibly get into legal trouble for allowing it. Either way, no matter what they do could present issues. This is part of the reason I made this topic, so we as a community can discuss these issues and try to come up with a one-size fits-all solution.


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Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

2019-12-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

Jack, I have no intention of bringing distrust amongst the administration team. I respect whatever decision they choose to make no matter what the situation, because I know that no matter what they do, they aren't out to screw the community. I'm only making this post to bring up something which has the potential to become an issue before it does. Liam wrote:No one is going to get a warning or anything for posting this topic, but we will probably ask in fuure people do not link to the site if it contains information on how to get copyrighted material illegally. obviously, the site is down so we can't exactly check it at the moment. The issue I see here is someone linking to one of the perfectly legal addons/programs hosted on Jeff's site, or maybe someone decides to link to the addon/program repository itself, and the link gets blacklisted because of the less than legal content that inhabits his website. The admins are not jerks, so I know they wouldn't outright ban or warn someone who did this not knowing there was illegal content on there; at most they'd probably receive a gentle caution. However, this means that nobody can point to anything on his site that's kosher without hosting it themselves on Dropbox or their own website, because anything on the blacklist is replaced with ***. This goes for pretty much any other website that's mostly kosher minus the occasional reference to pirated material here and there.There's another issue I've taken note of as well. As I said before, posting links to game ROM's is against the rules, even if they're ROM'S of games that can't be obtained anymore. This is all well and good, until you look at the second page of the New Releases room and see that there's a topic about the Pokemon Crystal Access project, which contains a ROM for Pokemon Crystal. According to the forum rules, this is not allowed. However, if the admins disallowed this project on the forum, a lot of people would be upset that they can't download it anymore and I'm guessing discussion of the project may possibly not be allowed, although I need someone to confirm whether or not this is the case as I'm really not sure. At the same time though, if the admins keep this topic around, they could possibly get into legal trouble for allowing it. Either way, no matter what they do could present issues. This is part of the reason I made this topic, so we can discuss these issues and try to come up with a one-size fits-all solution.


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Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

2019-12-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

Dan @6: Again. Missing the point. Pointing to a site that leads to another site that leads to another site with cracks is not the problem. The sites people point to on the forum may contain links to third party websites, and usually all terms and conditions statements have a clause in them stating that the site cannot take responsibility for the content that you may find upon using our links to third party websites. So as long as people on here aren't saying, ok visit this perfectly ok site, but click this link, and then on the other site click this, and then you've opened the treasure trove of content, then linking to a site that may inadvertently/unknowingly lead to pirated content is not a problem.You're also acting like this is going to get people instabanned. Here's something worth thinking about to throw out that notion. The mods ar still discussing what to do with Audiogame, even if a lot of people in the community believe he should be banned, and he has enough of a track-record that would explain why people have that sentiment. But the moderators are still discussing the right course of action nonetheless. If they can hold out on Audiogame, then they will definitely not be banning you for an accidental directing to possible elicit material that was not intended to be what you were directing people to. Also, warnings expire, so as long as you don't mess up again, you literally have nothing to worry about. So I honestly think this is being blown way out of proportion, and we need to take a collective deep breath. there is no need to false panic here. There is already enough people drumming up distrust again the mods intentionally, so we last thing we need is us giving them another lead to take all the way to the finish-line of their trolling.


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Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

2019-12-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

Dan @6: Again. Missing the point. Pointing to a site that leads to another site that leads to another site with cracks is not the problem. The sites people point to on the forum may contain links to third party websites, and usually all terms and conditions statements have a clause in them stating that the site cannot take responsibility for the content that you may find upon using our links to third party websites. So as long as people on here aren't saying, ok visit this perfectly ok site, but click this link, and then on the other site click this, and then you've opened the treasure trove of content, then linking to a site that may inadvertently/unknowingly lead to pirated content is not a problem.You're also acting like this is going to get people instabanned. Here's something worth thinking about to throw out that notion. The mods ar still discussing what to do with Audiogame, even if a lot of people in the community believe he should be banned, and he has enough of a track-record that would explain why people have that sentiment. But the moderators are still discussing the right course of action nonetheless. If they can hold out on Audiogame, then they will definitely not be banning you for an accidental directing to possible elicit material that was not intended to be what you were directing people to. Also, warnings expire, so as long as you don't mess up again, you literally have nothing to worry about.


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Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

2019-12-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

but google does not have links to torrent sites on it's front page. thank you. that is all.


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Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

2019-12-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

Ok, let's clear the air. Google search leads to a torrent site: That's intentional, yet Google itself does not host that site. A search engine crawls the web, doesn't host content.Also the torrent file format is completely legal, in fact there have been instrument packages that I bought that have used it as their main method of faster downloading, which makes perfect sense for several gb of downloading at a time. But the torrent sites, most of them, are indeed hosting elicit content, but it isn't just because they're torrents (Linux distroes often encourage you to use their torrent downloads).What we are talking about here is sites that host pirated content of which can be found with extremely minimal effort, i.e it's right there on the page.You're also forgetting that what you do off forum is not the mod's concern, but obviously hoping no one uses that as an excuse to start cracking games or forking just because it's off forum. This is out of no personal bias for described content or roms or hte like. All they're doing is insuring the site is safe from potential legal harm, and we give off a good impression to potential mainstream devs looking at this site. Typically a takedown notice is accompanied with at least a few nice warnings and a chance to react, but the entertainment industry is doing everything in their power to prevent that and will go tooth and nail with site owners, and more often than not they unfortunately win. Why is that? They have an over-the-top legal team that, in reality, benefits them more than the actual artists/creatives they claim to be trying to protect. But we, on the other hand, do not have a legal team, and so one big legal embodiment could literally screw us over. And we don't want that.


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Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

2019-12-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

Yeah I get you Redfox. The only reason I said that is because I was speaking in terms of the forum points to one site that can point to another site that could be pointing to another site which contains cracks, so no matter what the forum is always pointing to cracks, even if very indirectly. I was using that phrase as a means to get my point across that if the forum was to ban everything that pointed to cracks, they'd have to ban everything, and that's why I think the rules should get a look-over and possibly even a make-over. I do get what you're saying though.


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Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

2019-12-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

Ok, let's clear the air. Google search leads to a torrent site: That's intentional, yet Google itself does not host that site. A search engine crawls the web, doesn't host content.Also the torrent file format is completely legal, in fact there have been instrument packages that I bought that have used it as their main method of faster downloading, which makes perfect sense for several gb of downloading at a time. But the torrent sites, most of them, are indeed hosting elicit content, but it isn't just because they're torrents (Linux distroes often encourage you to use their torrent downloads).What we are talking about here is sites that host pirated content of which can be found with extremely minimal effort, i.e it's right there on the page.You're also forgetting that what you do off forum is not the mod's concern, but obviously hoping no one uses that as an excuse to start cracking games or forking just because it's off forum.


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Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

2019-12-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : redfox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

I see your point, Danny, but it's a bit much to say that the forum is always pointing to cracks. Otherwise, good job, I agree.


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Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

2019-12-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

You're gonna have to elaborate on that one Defender, I'm going to have a hard time understanding your point of view when you give answers like that. What specifically is wrong with this?


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Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

2019-12-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

No, it's not.


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Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

2019-12-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

The inspiration for this topic comes from here. People have been talking about the rules regarding the blacklisting of links to websites containing illegal content. I fully understand the blacklisting of websites such as the now defunct Cool Roms website, (I'm not afraid to mention it since it's been shut down and I don't even remember the address to the website anyway). As much as I hate Nintendo and how they're so steadfast against the hosting of old NES roms even though those games aren't sold anymore, the law is the law, and it is illegal to host those games. Therefor, I can fully understand and get behind the admins banning links of those roms from being posted here. However, when it comes to Jeff's website, it contains a hole lot more than just audio described content. It contains game guides, tuns of perfectly legal abandoned programs/games, and possibly the largest repository of older NVDA addons to date. I don't believe the illegal content in question is even hosted on his website anymore, I think he just points to places where you can get it. If we're banning websites that point to illegal content, we may as well ban everything, because no matter what website you're on you can always lead yourself to pirated content if you know the right paths to take. In theory, all it would take is someone going on this forum, someone posting a link to the Google search page, searching for whatever torrent website they want to find, and Google will take them right to it. Technically, this forum is always pointing to illegal content in some way. I'm not saying allow everything; that's a terrible idea if you actually want to continue to keep this forum running. At the same time though, I feel like the rules on what we can and can't link to are almost crossing the too strict line. What do you guys think about this?


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