Re: Progress blastbay games?

2017-04-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : gabriel-schuck via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Progress blastbay games?

Hello everyone,  especially Philip.I discovered this topic today and could not stop participating by expressing My sincere thanks to him for his brilliant work.Philip, I had emailed you about this for some time, but I understand that it is Very busy and so have not responded yet.Anyway, I want you to know that I'm from Brazil and, even from afar, II admire so much.There are few people in our community with such dedication and Talent just like you.I've always been curious to learn how to program, although it is not Definitely my area.I have tried in a frustrated way a faculty of computer science and I'm currently studying music production.But for some time now I've been searching for easy ways to program And create interesting things, because I believe that in computing there are alwaysA way to facilitate what is complicated.I started with php and a bit of _javascript_ and when I was almostGivi
 ng up language that would allow me to compile my Codes in an independent exe file, the BGT appeared to me. Lol.Although it is specially made for creating audiogames, you can also Be regarded as an incentive to continue learning to program, Which is exactly my case.For this very reason, I am gradually becoming familiar with BGT and my First tools are helping me to progress, even if I have not yet Are necessarily games.Finally, for me, BGT is more than just a game engine.It can be seen as a language that also helps in the process of Education, enabling ideas to be made possible through a Really simple programming.I hope this can motivate you to continue development within the Possible time, and even if it does not happen, I will still be Accompanying your work.Congratulations!You deserve.Greetings.Gabriel


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Re: Progress blastbay games?

2015-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : audioracer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Progress blastbay games?

Hello Philip.So I found a link on twitter that someone posted about BGT and 3d audio. From this link, you can download a package that actually uses 3d audio for surround sound in your games. But you would have to incorporate these tools in your games or whatever you maybe developing. I tried out the examples and they actually play sounds behind me on my surround sound system. So if you want to, you can check these out from the link below.


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Re: Progress blastbay games?

2015-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : philip_bennefall via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Progress blastbay games?

@camlorn: There is absolutely no problem writing some higher level layers on top of the engine that import libraries on the fly, but the core engine should not have anything to do with specific file formats - it should deal directly with raw samples. The primary reason for this is because Elias is a complement to existing audio playback solutions, which will have their own format loaders anyway which means you'll most likely want to integrate Elias with those. This is how I solved the problem when integrating with FMOD and Bass, which worked well. You get all the formats that the underlying audio playback system supports, for free. If we ever write a higher level component that acts as both audio player and music renderer, then format loaders are a must.Kind regards,Philip Bennefall


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Re: Progress blastbay games?

2015-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Progress blastbay games?

You could dynamically load various libraries if available, providing the user with a function that returns the addresses of those callbacks or null.  I used to kind of agree about the audio libraries needing to be lightweight, but have recently come to the conclusion that this is a mistake-it's a big part of why I think OpenAL failed, actually.  It's true that yours doesn't aim to be a complete audio system for everything, but providing file loading in the engine is almost never a mistake in my experience.Nevertheless, fine, we're up to maybe a hundred lines in Python.  Libaudioverse is 7000 lines of C++ and the smallest multiplayer shooter I've ever heard of weighs in at 10.  Still not that terrifying, at least to me.


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Re: Progress blastbay games?

2015-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : philip_bennefall via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Progress blastbay games?

@camlorn: For the Python bindings I use two scripts called h2xml and xml2py. They generate ctype bindings. I haven't done any testing yet, though, so cannot verify how well they work.Regarding format support, we deliberately exclude that from the core of the engine because it needs to be extremely lightweight. I have been toying with the idea of providing a higher level abstraction that does include things like this, perhaps even direct output to an audio device as an optional feature. Most of the time, though, developers will want to implement custom storage constraints such as drm, pack files etc which makes generic support for format loaders a little more troublesome. I have implemented support for the reference Vorbis decoder in one of my own applications, though, and it is a matter of a couple of hours work at most.Kind regards,Philip Bennefall


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Re: Progress blastbay games?

2015-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Progress blastbay games?

O, yeah.  Perhaps it's worth actually letting the user use Libaudioverse as a decoder on account that I'll eventually have to talk to all the OS APis.  Have you considered integrating ogg yourself?  Shouldn't be very hard, though other formats lead down the road of Libsndfile.  That'd at least let you provide something built-in.  In all honesty, I've not looked into Elias in over 6 months, but since you're answering questions I figured I'd ask.  I made the assumption that you were providing at least some built-in decoding capabilities and/or a custom format though, come to think of it, it's amazing how many audio-related libraries don't.Also, be aware that cffi will not work for at least some of us.  I have it on good authority that cffi does not work with py2exe in a manner which allows one to still have the little bit of DRM that Python allows (which, as far as I've seen, is basically suff
 icient for everything not involving patents, so long as you stick to some basic principles and don't mind getting your hands dirty for an afternoon in C).  Unless they've changed something, I'm told that using Cffi makes it trivially easy to inject whatever Python code you want into the app.  Cython is fine, ctypes is fine, but cffi may provide issues for the few of us who would use it.  Given that you're targeting sighted devs and that sighted devs like giant engine frameworks, I doubt many of them are using Python, anyway.  Figuring out what the situation is with CFFI specifically and possibly providing a patch has been on my to-do list forever, but Libaudioverse doesn't need it and most of the other game-related packages don't use it.


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Re: Progress blastbay games?

2015-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : philip_bennefall via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Progress blastbay games?

@camlorn: The main challenge when it comes to integration is not getting audio out of it, it's feeding the audio sources into it. In the examples that I provide as part of the distribution, I use the decoding capabilities of each respective audio library to get the audio buffers for each source on the fly, but you can do whatever you want there if you use custom storage etc.I will be releasing some Python bindings soon as well; there are some nice tools that generate them based on the header which means they will always be up to date.Quick edit: Version 1 only supports 16 bit signed PCM, but version 2 will be able to convert between various sample types both for input and output, including floats.Kind regards,Philip Bennefall


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Progress blastbay games?

2015-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : philip_bennefall via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Progress blastbay games?

@camlorn: The main challenge when it comes to integration is not getting audio out of it, it's feeding the audio sources into it. In the examples that I provide as part of the distribution, I use the decoding capabilities of each respective audio library to get the audio buffers for each source on the fly, but you can do whatever you want there if you use custom storage etc.I will be releasing some Python bindings soon as well; there are some nice tools that generate them based on the header which means they will always be up to date.Kind regards,Philip Bennefall


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Re: Progress blastbay games?

2015-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Progress blastbay games?

As I remember the Elias manual, you call a function and it gives you audio.  If this is true, integration with Libaudioverse requires merely the construction of a custom node and a conversion from signed 16-bit short to signed 32-bit floating point.  This is probably 20 lines of Python, not counting the ctypes bindings-the ctypes bindings are something I can probably type up in less than an hour off the header if I ever decide to/have the resources to use it.  The actual challenge is deciding when to make the changes, not getting it playing.  At least not for me and at this point, and probably not for others in this community once Libaudioverse is actually released.  But thanks, though.Edit: For the curious, I checked this.  Literally the hardest part is binding it to Python, because who wants to write games in C/C++?  The actual functional code required beyond that is under 20 and, if the engine provides an option to pull out floats instea
 d, I might be able to barely squeeze it in at 10.


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Re: Progress blastbay games?

2015-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Progress blastbay games?

As I remember the Elias manual, you call a function and it gives you audio.  If this is true, integration with Libaudioverse requires merely the construction of a custom node and a conversion from signed 16-bit short to signed 32-bit floating point.  This is probably 20 lines of Python, not counting the ctypes bindings-the ctypes bindings are something I can probably type up in less than an hour off the header if I ever decide to/have the resources to use it.  The actual challenge is deciding when to make the changes, not getting it playing.  At least not for me and at this point, and probably not for others in this community once Libaudioverse is actually released.  But thanks, though.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Progress blastbay games?

2015-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Progress blastbay games?

As I remember the Elias manual, you call a function and it gives you audio.  If this is true, integration with Libaudioverse requires merely the construction of a custom node and a conversion from signed 16-bit short to signed 32-bit floating point.  This is probably 20 lines of Python, not counting the ctypes bindings-the ctypes bindings are something I can probably type up in less than an hour off the header if I ever decide to/have the resources to use it.  the actual challenge is deciding when to make the changes, not getting tit playing.  At least not for me and at this point, and probably not for others in this community once Libaudioverse is actually released.  But thanks, though.


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Re: Progress blastbay games?

2015-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : audiogames . net fan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Progress blastbay games?

Hi,Yeah phillip, sorry to see you stop developing audiogames comersially, but I understand. Would it be possible to hear the storyline of parilous hearts if your not going to be working on it anymore or put out the source code for others to tinker with? Just curious.


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Re: Progress blastbay games?

2015-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : philip_bennefall via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Progress blastbay games?

Thank you, Aaron! I've had lots of fun making games over the years, and while I won't be doing it as a business anymore I will still be putting out the occasional tidbit every now and then.Kind regards,Philip Bennefall


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Re: Progress blastbay games?

2015-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Progress blastbay games?

Hello Philip,It's nice to hear from you. I was wondering if you might end up discovering this topic.As someone who has been active in the Audiogame player community since 2004, it has been nice to watch your company grow from pb-games to blastbay over the years. While I get the feeling we might not be seeing something like Perilous Hearts (at least in scale), I think if you ever do come up with any more smaller games we could be in for some nice surprises. Sometimes, the smaller games are the ones that surprise the most, look at the recently released Angelgift for example.I'd also like to say good luck with Ilias Software, and also, thank you for the fun memories. Of course, this isn't farewell as such, but I still think that you deserve thanks for all the fun memories over the years, from playing as someone with a spear in the jungle battling off monkeys and getting coconuts and slingshots, to that lovable alien q9, to the concept demo of Perilous
  Hearts. These games will not be forgotten, and the fact that you took the time to create them in the first place was amazing, so, once again, thank you.Regards,Aaron


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Re: Progress blastbay games?

2015-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : philip_bennefall via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Progress blastbay games?

@camlorn: The time and effort required to integrate Elias in a new engine is a problem that we are currently trying to address, because it limits adoption among developers. In the latest package that you can find on the website I have included some ready to use example code that integrates Elias directly with various audio engines (currently FMOD and Bass). We are also in the process of doing final quality testing on an Elias Unity plugin. If you are interested in using Elias in whatever context, I'd be happy to help.Kind regards,Philip Bennefall


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Re: Progress blastbay games?

2015-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Progress blastbay games?

As for Elias, well, if I can buy music for it directly that might be something.  Given the number of people around here who are willing to put $99 into their development efforts, the pool of other people using that music is probably almost zero anyway.  I still maintain that the number of programmers around here capable of integrating Elias is a really small number, too.  I'm working on learning to compose my own music, and the rate of learning feels like it's right on target for what I thought it would be when i bought the keyboard over Christmas, so we'll see.  Not to mention that bridging it with libaudioverse is also easy at this point.But more generally, I think the community is bigger than people realize.  The audiogames on this site are primarily English.  The audiogames on this site get almost zero publicity outside this site.  If people stopped using niche programming environments, they could leverage all the softwar
 e that solves the localization problem.  If people reached out to sighted parents of blind children, you might also get more that way.  I don't think the audiogaming community is huge by any means, but continuing to make it be limited to this site fails to reach a rather large group of potential members.I am slowly working towards an online WoW-style game as a hobby, but I do hold out hope that I can make some money off it.  We'll see, I guess.


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Re: Progress blastbay games?

2015-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Progress blastbay games?

@Philip, your decision is understandaable, and I'm very pleased to hear your not quitting audio game development altogether, even if your just going to be carrying on as and when. The small size of the community is indeed a problem, and much as we don't like it it is unfortunately true that there isn't really the cash to support a developer who just! makes audiogames, after all all the commercial developers we've seen, ticonblu, somethinelse etc, also make graphical games.Any news you do! want to share with the community, please let me know.


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Re: Progress blastbay games?

2015-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : keyIsFull via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Progress blastbay games?

Yeah camlern, the only way you'll get elias to work is if you have a professional musician or you have a lot of time on your hand with a midi keyboard and a synthesizer. You can buy premade music from the Elias company. When I went on the web site 4 or 5 months ago, they only had a single music pack out, and it was $99. That's all fine in itself, but unless you're willing to hire a musician or you know how to compose, your game will be forced to use music from the same pool as everyone else in your position which kind of seems sad because the engine is pretty sweet. The more interesting thing about the engine to me is that you can probably use it for dynamic ambiences. Something like what Ghorth did in Slender lost vision where, as you picked up the notes, the ambience got more and more scary. ANd Philip, it's good to see you're not completely gone. Make some money.


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Re: Progress blastbay games?

2015-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : audioracer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Progress blastbay games?

Well we are all glad to at least hear from you Philip. So thank you for at least posting. And we look forward to more details about BGT because that is such a cool game development engine.


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Re: Progress blastbay games?

2015-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : philip_bennefall via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Progress blastbay games?

Hi all,I just discovered this topic by accident and figured I would send a quick reply, so that people aren't left wondering.To begin, I would like to say that I have had a lot of fun making audio games. It has been a hobby for me for many years. That's how it started, and that's what it is going to continue to be. There were a few years when I was endeavoring to do it commercially which, in itself, is not necessarily a bad idea. The only problem, as others have said already, is the size of the community. I find it hard to justify the amount of time required to make something of reasonable quality given the low turnout. Does that mean that I have left the audio games scene for good? It does not. It just means that it is now most definitely a hobby. I now work full time at Elias Software, so any game development would be done in my free time and would be based entirely on what I feel like creating at the time, rather than a more structured venture with 
 commercial aspirations. This in turn means that I will not be making regular updates, nor will I commit to release dates or put out concept demos etc precisely because I do not want to leave a lot of unfinished projects lying around.Regarding BGT, it will not be discontinued. Given my full time job I will not have time to maintain it, but have made arrangements to see to it that the project is not left to suffer code rot. I will be posting a separate topic with more information on that as soon as all the details are finalized.While I'm sure many people still have questions, I hope I managed to clear up at least the most important points. I will keep up to date with this topic over the next few days and try to address anything else that comes up.Kind regards,Philip Bennefall


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Re: Progress blastbay games?

2015-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Progress blastbay games?

I keep trying to reply, and I keep going off on a tangent about crowdfunding. Suffice it to say, we've been going about it the same way forever, and it clearly isn't working.


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Re: Progress blastbay games?

2015-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Progress blastbay games?

Hello,I think what Colton's trying to say is he's probably encountered too many blind folks who just crack games unfortunately. I'm not surprised that it's made him angry, at least that's what the tone of the message looks like. I don't think that's the reason that Philip left. When he says it's hard to sell, well, I can see where he's coming from. I bet around maybe 300 max people will buy the finished product, probably less depending on what the product is.


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Re: Progress blastbay games?

2015-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Progress blastbay games?

Dude, Colton I know your financial conditions don't allow you to buy games. Don't jump right to the never sell stuff to the blind community aditude, because that's not necessarily true I for one pay for audiogames, and well, we can't really control what you do, but a suggestion for you if you don't/can't pay for games, you really shouldn't crack them. There are a considerable number of free games you've most likely heard of most of them but they are good games. As for Philip, well I do agree that is very sad if he is actually leaving the blind design for good. He was and still is an exceptionally great dev! I'm glad I graciously bought q9 and continue to support his stuff. The part of him that I will always remember is the early motivation for game design, using an originally web script intended programming language to make some pretty kickass games!!!in deed considering gangster attack was being made when he was around as pb games I�
 39;d imagine it was going to be made in js too now wouldn't that be awesome and would really put a face on js development to see the efforts at a 3d shooter with that language!!! Loved the strong desire to do games. You go Philip!


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Re: Progress blastbay games?

2015-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Progress blastbay games?

I think that it is possible to do better than Swamp, as Swamp appeals only to a pretty narrow audience, can take some know-how to get running  and has basically no PR outside this forum.  But the only way to turn a real, continuous profit with audiogames is indeed subscriptions, and $12000/year (600*20) is nothing to scoff at.  I'm surprised it sold 600.  My estimates of maximum subscribers for anything paid were much, much more modest.Also, it should be noted that while it is true that there is a prevalence for cracking, there's two ways around that.  The first is to write my own DRM or find one that's really good and use it.  The second is to require an internet connection and store your authorization on a server along with game content.  But I don't think it's as prevalent as you think it is, anyway. Cracking takes a lot of time and know-how, and the number of people in this community who can even give it an atte
 mpt is in the very low double digits.As for Elias, I don't expect to see it in an audiogame that is not written by Blastbay Games.  I've read the manual.  It's interesting, but you have to put in a lot of effort to prepare the art for it and anything subpar means you might as well not bother.  It's the kind of thing you use when your project has a professional musician who can code to the specific style required for runtime mixing involved and a programmer who can figure out how you do stuff like calculate adrenaline levels or something.  There are basically 0 audiogames that even reach that level of detail.  If I'm ever in the position to higher composers of the quality required to make it actually worth the effort, I'll probably use it in something.  The approach is interesting-I wish I had thought of it first because it's something I could certainly code, if I wanted, and he is seeing some success with it.Audiogame tech cannot be sold to this community.  Anything advanced enough to be called tech is beyond most people here, and few developers can actually afford to pay anything at all.  If I were aiming Libaudioverse at only the blind community, I would have stopped a very long time ago.


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Re: Progress blastbay games?

2015-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Progress blastbay games?

@coltonhill01, speak for yourself, if that is "us blindies" then consider me to not be a blindy. If that is your attitude you deserve to have no good games developed sinse why should! a developer work hard for free games for such grasping individuals, particularly sinse how does a developer pay for development tools and sound libraries and the like, , also note that this forum has a firm "no cracks" policy precisely because we want to support developers.I suspect myself the actual reason is as Phil said, the community is simply small. Swamp sold close to 600 copies (or gamer accounts as the case may be), and swamp is one of the most successful games ever. There just aren't enough people buying enough games to support a developer's living full time, this is however exactly why we should! buy games.


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Re: Progress blastbay games?

2015-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : coltonhill01 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Progress blastbay games?

Look, I'm just gonna say it here, if you're gonna sell to the blind, don't make it payed, because you're gonna get cracked. Us blindies want everything free, and we don't care about payed games, we just crack them or hate them.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Progress blastbay games?

2015-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Progress blastbay games?

I'm sorry if Philip has quit audio game design. While it is understandable, his work will be missed,  it's just so scummy that such a talented developer has to sell his work to the scuzzy fat cat mainstream devs who don't give a rat's rear end about access in their products or games just to make a living. I hope that he is still able to give something to the community when he can.


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Re: Progress blastbay games?

2015-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Phil via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Progress blastbay games?

Diego,Yeah,  he's busy with the Elias music engine that should make games sound a lot better.Are you looking to add dynamic, adaptive music to your next title? Check out the Elias music engine!


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Re: Progress blastbay games?

2015-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Progress blastbay games?

He's still working on improvements to BGT in his off time. Last I heard, his primary project was the ELIAS engine, which mainstream companies are very interested in. (Apparently, BGT should have at least some ELIAS support soon, which sounds like fun).


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Re: Progress blastbay games?

2015-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tward via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Progress blastbay games?

Well, I don't know if it is true that Philip is out of the audio games development market completely, but what I can say is that he was really disappointed in the fact there is no way to make money at it. That is why he has turned his talents towards creating software for more mainstream companies and is trying to get started as an indie developer for mainstream customers. Like it or not the blind community is just way too small to sustain a living creating software for the blind and so I can't really blame him if he chooses not to develop any more games commercial or otherwise for the community.


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Re: Progress blastbay games?

2015-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Progress blastbay games?

That's a shame if true. Although philip seemed to have a bad habbit of starting many things and then never finishing them.


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Re: Progress blastbay games?

2015-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : coltonhill01 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Progress blastbay games?

My friend knows philip, and he says he's out of the blind design community, for good. No more audiogames from him.


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Re: Progress blastbay games?

2015-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Progress blastbay games?

Nope, if there had been such new releases they' have been reported. It is actually a long time sinse we've last heard from philip, and while obviously no developer can give release dates or say when they'll next have something, just popping in and saying hi occasionally to let the community they're still around is often a good iea. Then again, I haven't been on the blastbay forums themselves, so it is entirely possible Philip has been hanging out there on a regular basis.


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Progress blastbay games?

2015-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Diego via Audiogames-reflector


Progress blastbay games?

Hello everybody! Does anyone know of any news about releases of new games from blastbay? the perilous hearts and other arcade / adventure game that is still unknown to us?


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