Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

2015-09-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

Thanks for your great explanation. I see what you're saying, and I agree at most of it. The way things has been said just seemed as things happened differently. If you think I said what to do and what not to do, you should read my posts again. Regarding older people on the forum: The only thing which matters to me is people can explain themselves and be nice to other people. 


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Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

2015-09-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

Not that I can't take any kind of negative comments, but that I don't feel that I should be taking crap from a teeny bopper who hasn't got a clue in the world. and not you specifically. It's this self entitled attitude that drives me up the wall! I feel the world owes me this and that. That kind of thing is ridiculous and needs to go away. And I was always the defender here, just trying to defend my points, These group of people were the aggressors. So the way I laid out the rules, in truth, was a mistake, because it caused the situation I was desperately trying to avoid. And would I have said it differently on another forum, definitely. My point is this, if I start up a server, I get to run it any way I want, it is my resource, that means I can literally do what I want. Now if you disagree with that, that's fine, but there's no committe saying that I have to do X, Y and Z. I also stated very clearly in the first post that this isn't a game.Meani
 ing I don't have a player base to pander to, or to create content for, it's a moo core database which you can combine with the moo server to create a moo that you can build on from scratch, and not need to be able to code like you do on lambda core.So let's do a little role reversal here. This server costs $5 USD a month. That's not much, but it kind of is to me. Anyway, There are serious gaps in my linux knowledge, and so it takes me far longer to set it up than someone who knows what they're doing. Then I, along with Centauri, set some things up, get a little place going. I wanted my own test bed to play around with, but I really wanted to open it up for public use, to promote his core, because if you have the desire to build a moo, but suck at coding, or you want to focus on building, this is perfect. Then, I want to get closer to Flux proper, so II decide to get the goblin server extension patched in, and along with Centauri's help, and proba
 bly like an hour and a half, it happens, and I'm up and running again. I've probably got like 6 hours into it already, now feel free to point and laugh, because I've struggled with linux concepts, and had to fight the permission system, whatever. It's one of the costs of starting a project like this, but it's also a chance to learn. I'm just gonna tell this part like it is, and if it goes over the bounds of the rules, then so be it, but I'll try to keep it in line. I'm probably getting a ban anyway for my last post. And I apologize for that, And I was really pissed off when I wrote that.Jesseleiivo has been a problem character on at least 3 if not 4 games I've played. That's cold hard facts, I'm not exaggerating. He has, I think, caused the most trouble in DMNB, but that's beside the point. So I really hate that guy, I mean really do because it seems like every game I go to, there he is, or there he comes after a whi
 le, just ruining the gameplay. Literally, he is the first person who connects, and I was like jesus bloody, you know what. So, I got in a rage and just toaded him, which in moo terms is like putting their char in a database and removing their connection, and then you can delete that character. Once that happened, He started spamming the moo with these nicks, and I'd toad then right off, and he'd spam more, and I toaded them.And after a while of that Centauri blocked both of his IP's from the server, because he used proxy to log in as his later chars. I was infuriated, and I cleaned up the mess. Then, cruiserdestroyer posted saying I banned him and threatened him. So apparently he did come in at the time that Jesseleivo was spamming the server and must have gotten caught in the crossfire because Centauri remembers seeing something like that, but still, he doesn't show up in the list of players who have ever connected, so all I can say there is I apologize for that
 , but I certainly didn't threaten you, nor did Centauri, he's not the threatening type. Then I have a back and forth with jesse, and pretty much from then on, I'm getting trashed. So the role reversal question, after all that happens, do you feel that you should be trashed for what was honestly a good intention? I don't and I won't stand idly by and let it happen either, I'm gonna come back at you and call you out on it. Again, generalistic not specific person or people.I'll also admit to not being a great admin, not because I abuse power or anything, but because there are people who have a genuine talent for managing people like that, not me. I tolerate zero BS.So now, it is explained, the full situation. And people will do what they will do. I'm also like like 15 years older than some people in this forum, and that plays into it, like why should I take a bunch of crap from a group of teeny b

Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

2015-09-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

Sometimes, I just wish I was better at explaining myself. Post 26 clearly shows that 1: I suck at explaining what I mean. Or 2: That the person behind this profile clearly can't tolerate any kind of negative comments. I'm leaving this to the moderators and kindly ask them to close this topic before this gets out of hand. Feel free to give me a "warning" if needed, and I'll do my best to explain myself even better in the future than I've already done, or just shut up!


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Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

2015-09-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

[[wow]], that was totally un-called for, for one, I set up the server, I laid down the rules, he had nothing to do with any of that. I thought I was doing him a solid by starting up an instance of the core for people to check out, but I guess posting it here was a bit of a stretch, because the maturity level is like 0 on this thread. You people need to chill the fuck out! the server is done, no more people coming onto it so cut the crap. I've about had it with this damn forum and all the whines and cries that go on here. Go cry into a blanket because I ain't your outlet for your life's problems, I give zero fucks! I will leave this up for a day, and then delete it, if I'm not banned in the interim for this post, which, I think, would be a relief because then I would just delete the site from my bookmarks and move on with my life and talk to people who aren't premadana little douchebags.To the rest of you, I apologize for lumping you in with the crow
 d, I know there are a lot of cool people on here, but I'm at my rope's end with the drama around here.


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Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

2015-09-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

Centauri, first of all please don't go misspelling my name and then call others out (I'm unaware of the existence of a user by the name of Steverestormsteve on this forum). Also, Please read messages carefully before throwing around phrases such as "Telling me what to do will get you no where" as that has not been done here so you're wasting words. This is your project indeed, but if you are going to complain about wining then the best advice is to not lay down unreasonable rules, or, for that matter, don't bother posting your work to the public, because not even God can please everybody. All that said, if 80% of the people who bothered to leave feedback on your product thought something should be changed, you might consider listening to potential customers instead of blowing off all but the praise as just wining. Oh and for the record, I'm a potential customer, not part of some troll conspiracy. But hey. You don't want people using your stu
 ff? That's alright with me. Hey, you're the one who spent "ten years" working on it... so what is my opinion?  But I'm not here to start a flame war, I just thought I'd try and give some feedback. But apparently what we're looking at here is a product where only positive feedback is allowed, and no one the creator personally doesn't like is allowed to use it. That, my friends, is not something I want to be a part of and, judging that the number of people giving positive feedback to this equals a grand total of 3, I'd say I'm not really alone. So yeah, I'm done even reading this thread, good luck with your project and I apologize for ruining it with feedback.


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Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

2015-09-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

Centauri, first of all please don't go misspelling my name and then call others out (I'm unaware of the existence of a user by the name of Steverestormsteve on this forum). Also, Please read messages carefully before throwing around phrases such as "Telling me what to do will get you no where" as that has not been done here so you're wasting words. This is your project indeed, but if you are going to complain about wining then the best advice is to not lay down unreasonable rules, or for that matter don't post your work to the public. Anyways, if 80% of the people who bothered to leave feedback on your product thought something should be changed, you might consider listening to potential customers instead of blowing off all but the praise as just wining. Oh and for the record, I'm a potential customer, not part of some troll conspiracy. But hey. You don't want people using your stuff? That's alright with me. Hey, you're the one who
  spent "ten years" working on it... so what is my opinion?


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Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

2015-09-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

Centauri, first of all please don't go misspelling my name and then call others out (I'm unaware of the existence of a user by the name of Steverestormsteve on this forum). Also, Please read messages carefully before throwing around phrases such as "Telling me to do will get you no where" as that has not been done here so you're wasting words. This is your project indeed, but if you are going to complain about wining then the best advice is to not lay down unreasonable rules, or for that matter don't post your work to the public. Anyways, if 80% of the people who bothered to leave feedback on your product thought something should be changed, you might consider listening to potential customers instead of blowing off all but the praise as just wining. Oh and for the record, I'm a potential customer, not part of some troll conspiracy. But hey. You don't want people using your stuff? That's alright with me. Hey, you're the one who spen
 t "ten years" working on it... so what is my opinion?


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Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

2015-09-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

Centauri, first of all please don't go misspelling my name and then call others out (I'm unaware of the existence of a user by the name of Steverestormsteve on this forum). Also, Please read messages carefully before throwing around phrases such as "Telling me to do will get you no where" as that has not been done here so you're wasting words. This is your project indeed, but if you are going to complain about wining then the best advice is to not lay down unreasonable rules, or for that matter don't post your work to the public. Anyways, if 80% of the people who bothered to leave feedback on your product thought something should be changed, you might consider listening to potential customers instead of blowing off all but the praise as just wining.


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Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

2015-09-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

Centauri wrote:To Steverestormsteve,SLJ and Jesse, dont know what you guys have going together, I hope its good.  Finding such things to nit pick about and ruin a thread seems to be your biz.I'm not trying to start a flame war or something. But ruin a thread is not my biz, and making trouble is not my thing either. Others who know me from the forum will hopefully agree on this.I have nothing going together with someone. I don't even know the others you are mentioning accept from the forum. I would only give you some advice, and as I've said before, all what I have said is only my opinion. You can just take it or leave it. This is your project, not mine. You asked for help and clearly showed us your opinion. Showing other people your opinion on something is the same as asking for what people are thinking about it. If you can't tolerate to hear others opinions, you might consider 
 an other tone, and stop saying that people you don't know seems to ruin threads just to make trouble.I wish you the best luck with the project.


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Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

2015-09-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Centauri via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

To Steverestormsteve,SLJ and Jesse, dont know what you guys have going together, I hope its good.  Finding such things to nit pick about and ruin a thread seems to be your biz.and, BTW.. its C e n t a u r i - Sighties care about spelling and grammar, it ruins the VR experience in a MUD when things are misspelled, especially a primary characters name.I write software, not people, trying to tell me what to do will get you no where, but I guess that doesnt matter as the code is not seeable by most, especially now that you all whined so much.


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Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

2015-09-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

I am closing down the core instance for new visitors. Those who have created a character can still feel free to enjoy it. I have reached my limit of dealing with whines and cries about this affair. I will not hold out my hand to the community and have it bitten just because a few disagree with my rules. Frankly, it's nobody's business how I choose to run my server, and I've gotten fed up with seeing the whiny comments.Moderators, please close this topic, or delete it, whatever, I'm done.


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Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

2015-09-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

Guys, I am not a developer at all, nor am I pretending to be. I've just offered up space to host and help test this core, and while at it, thought I'd open it up. I totally agree about the first post and wish I didn't have to write it that way, but I wanted to make things plain because A: I didn't want to have to deal with trouble makers and B: I wanted to do the best that I could to protect Centauri's work. So you won't get any arguement from me about that.Also, who I choose to ban is my business, and I laid out those rules so those who chose to pop in for a visit won't get banned. I don't enjoy banning people, but I'm taking a hard line against trouble makers. And I'm not saying that all of you are, the number is very few, but I will defend my server against those who want to just fool around, spam with multiple alts, etc. It's not hard not to get banned, just act like a normal person.I think this sums up thing
 s quite nicely, so I won't be responding to any more posts about the rules, banning, etc. If my policies put you off, then so be it. I'm sorry you won't check it out just because I banned one, O, N, E, one person. to those who have stopped by, thanks for checking out the project.


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Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

2015-09-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

@Post 17 and post 19: I totally agree. Things could have been said more nicely... I fear this could turn into lots of drama, mainly because of some peoples attitude. I better stay away from this, but I'll wish the developers who are involved in the project good luck, and I really hope the best... Just a bit of advice: If you seriously need this project to turn into something big, starting out by banning people before they have made any trouble on your system is not a great start. Yes, this is only one person, but that doesn't matter. You have just said and shown officially that you ban people you don't like. You ban people just because they have made trouble at other places but not on your system.Well, this is your project, not mine. I'm not telling you what to do and what not to do. I'm just telling you my opinion and what I would have done if it was my project.


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Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

2015-09-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

I wasn't commenting about your rules, I was merely advising Centaury that perhaps the person he'd given his core to was neither socially or professionally stable enough to be interacting with and/or teaching other individuals, or thereby representing something Centaury had spent ten years working on, as definitely seems to be the case by the apparent lack of maturity and sense of professionalism demonstrated by the creator of this topic in his/her first post. All that said, I am through monitoring this topic, and can only hope a more suited individual or organization invests in a resource such as this one.


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Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

2015-09-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

Yep, that's right, my server which I'm paying for, my rules. Don't mean you can't come onto FluxWorld which Centauri is hosting.


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Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

2015-09-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

6. I will throw you off at the least hint of anything, yes I am reiterating this, there is a few people who, if they come on here, will get automatically thrown off, I think these people, and they are very very few, know who they are.--Just a suggestion, Sentory. If you want your core to be more popularly used, Please hand it out to respectable, less childish, more professional developers who would take it more seriously. The line I just quoted along with other things insured my status on even wanting to try this... heh.


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Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

2015-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Centauri via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

so, a couple of cores out there, and people playing. Seen a few interesting things started, but we'll see how it goes  With so many new objects, there is many different directions to go to test things. I know I tested RPG this morning, and got beat on because I dont have the skills I am used to on Flux lolMost of it seems to be flowing pretty well.


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Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

2015-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jesseleivo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

@14, I don't wanna make this topic descend into drama, but i got unbanned from dmnb for example. Why would I still be on dmnb if I caused trouble? I've tried to be as good as possible on games and muds for a while now. But I better sign off before I cause trouble on here and get my ass banned from the agnet forums as well, lols


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Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

2015-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jesseleivo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

@14, I don't wanna make this topic descend into drama, but i got unbanned from dmnb for example. Why would I still be on dmnb if I haven't caused trouble? I've tried to be as good as possible on games and muds for a while now. But I better sign off before I cause trouble on here and get my ass banned from the agnet forums as well, lols


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Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

2015-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

@12 The only reason Jesse got banned was because I know how he behaves on these games, and I didn't want to have that happen here. It's not like people are getting banned left and right, only 1 person was, and that person was someone who I know to be troublesome.


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Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

2015-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Centauri via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

FluxWorld represents my learning MOO, building a MOO, learning how to code in it, and become a master of it over time. It was not only building, but coding objects to make the building easier for me, not only for areas, but for designing puzzles and quests.  If the 10 year number sounds like a lot, try this number: 11,000 hoursIn the course of doing all this, I decided to make a core extract which is a lot (but certainly not all) of the better and most useful objects.Standing at the looking glass, and seeing the people on the other side, and talking with them is one thing, but when you give something to the looking glass, and that object then drops on the floor on the other side, with all of its appropriate property settings, it feels a bit like magic.In addition, there is a networked global chat that is tied into each systems already global per DB instance chat, so that all worlds can effectively have a single large inter-MOO chat.


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Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

2015-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

Hi.[[wow]] have you really worked for 10 years to make this?I have never tried to build anything yet in a mud but it sounds interesting.What's not that good though is the posts in this topic where people says they've got banned just the second they logged in. I think that'll keep people away from the project. Just my opinion.


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Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

2015-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

I said there is little use, but you can, I just wanted to make it clear that it is not a mud that you come and play, like altar or SC or whatever, but a work in progress core.


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Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

2015-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

You can come on, you don't *have* to be starting a moo, there's a lot of interesting stuff going on.


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Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

2015-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

@jesse Post 1 outlines the rules prytty clearly on the banning front. I must admit this core sounds really intresting, though not sure i'd be welcomed on their as i'd mainly look at it for curiocitys sake since I don't have any intentions of starting any mud project.


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Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

2015-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

I must say, I'm apauled at the lack of maturity and the type of flagrant spamming that's occured. What's more, that a sighted guest on our forum had to be exposed to it is inexcusable.If anyone who has some real intent to see what's on display, and learn about what this core can do, we are here. To those who aim to cause trouble, just know I am keeping a log of your IP addresses, not to be released here, like has been done in the past, but to keep, should I ever wish to ban those individuals from future projects.


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Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

2015-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

@2 dude, no one threatened you, I didn't even see ya log in


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Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

2015-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

also, when you spam the thing with chars over and over and its the same ip each time, yeah, you're gonna get banned


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Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

2015-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jesseleivo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

cruiser destroyer, it looks like the same threat has effected you as well... they just ban everyone that comes in sight


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Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

2015-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

read the first post, its not a game


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Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

2015-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jesseleivo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

it really looks like the administration of this mud is crazy They randomly ban everyone who just gets in sight, and eventually they disable character login. I connected and in less then a minute i was fucking banned


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Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

2015-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cruiser destroyer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I invite you to check out a live instance of CenCore

hi ironcross32, ehwn i logging in, i am disconnected and threated. what the hell?


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