That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Andy93 via Audiogames-reflector


That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

Hello folks.I understand that my first post about the playroom got a bit  out of control, but this time I'm just gonna talk about something quite unfair that happened to me at the spanish side of this platform.basicly, I got banned for ever with the following reasons: Creation of an obscene audio. Well, I understand something obscene as the worst inmoral thing sexually talking. Yes I made some sort of parody or song using the voice of 2 users, but it was intended as a simple parody. what I took in ORDER TO MAKE that song, was a supposedly radio show they were doing, that was recorded using tapin radio.If someone wants more details feel free to contact me   via skype or here, and I'll explain everything from the beginning to the end.And I was not the only person who was kicked out of the playroom for that reason,  2 of my friends were banned for the same thing, creation of an obscene audio; They have nothing to do with the creat
 ion of that audio, cuz it was only me who made that song.Its quite hard to explain everything in this forum, but we want this case to be taken by an inpartial person. The moderator who banned us, Loba Solitaria, is a friend of the guys appearing at the recording, and we feel that as a personal attack instead of a fair thing. We believe shee's incompetent to judeg things.If Aminiel or one of the admins wanna contact me for further explaination, here are the different ways in witch you can contact me:Skype: popocho5.Email: anprog...@gmail.comBest regards, Andres


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

Hello.I agree completely. In the Hispanic community there are many problems with the moderation of that game.It is very unfortunate that people take and  arbitrary decisions.Greetings and thanks.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

Well, I've just got confirmed that this place hasn't got better at all since I got randomly kicked out of games. The only thing I did was playing the games, and then I got kicked out because other people joined the table.Long time ago I and others asked if we may translate the game into more languages, but the developers aren't open for that, because, as I understood it, the languages they are supporting is already enough for them. So, it doesn't come as a surprise for me that you just got banned because one of the moderators think you have done a personal attack which have nothing to do with the game at all. All this sounds like a mess, and the reason for I'm staying with RS games...  Yes, the playroom does have more games and such. But does that matter if the moderators aren't nice?


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Bogdan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

Hi all. Your experience not surprise me. I will share also what it happens with my account here. Last winter I was in a holiday and when I arrived back at home and wanted to play with my friends, I discovered that the Santa Claus come from playroom with a nice gift. A big big ban. I tryed to clarify the problem with admins, I was accused of multiple accounts but to be honest, I never created them.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

Hello.I who do not choose administrators that game. But the truth that leave much to be desired.sometimes when you have to pay a monthly subscription to a game it ends up being the best, because annoying users or imcompetentes  administrators do not pay.Greetings and thanks.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : wp85 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

Well I was gonna try and join up at the playroom again but after seeing this, I'll stick with RS games.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Bogdan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

It is so sad that things like that happens with playroom. But in my opinion playroom admins does not respect ass and play with the power. How to be punished for a thing wich you not did it?


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aminiel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

Hello,IF you think you have been banned for injustified reason, please talk to the moderator who banned you. I'm not here to contest decisions of other moderators. IN some sens, this would mean that I don't trust them on what they are doing and it isn't the case at all.I have had too much problems with people doing bad things and then giving excuses. I wanted to be sympathic and I unbanned them in the past, and then they annoyed the world again. So, now, sorry, you must arrange with the person who banned you; I may only unban people I banned myself or if the moderator informed me well enough on exactly what are the reasons. For your particular case, since I don't know at all why exactly you have been banned and in which circunstances, sorry, but I won't interfer, whatever you will say. Please contact loba-solitaria.Please remember that everything is clearly stated in the rules: you aren't allowed to have multiple accounts, and you
  aren't allowed to publicly post something related to sex, religion, or other subjects that can potentially shock. This is a simple question of respect. You can laugh at those subjects if you like, but do it privately with your friends, i.e. in PM or on free tables that you made private.IF you have been banned randomly, please think again on what you did. We trust the helpers we recruited. We think they are well-balanced people with a reasonnable judgment, they certainly don't ban  just because they don't like you, for fun, because they have a quota or by pure randomness. You have necessarily done something bad, think again on it. Everybody can make errors from time to time, but many people write to us saying that they have been banned in error; I strongly doubt that it's always indeed the case. In case of doubt, you are always considered to be wrong. You must bring proofs to accuse us of making errors. Sorry but we can't by default give you righ
 t, it would be too easy.About the language question, I'm disapointed. Please, stop, believing, that, if we don't add your native language to the list, that's only because we don't like it or what; I'm tired of that behavior, and it doesn't encourage me to do something. Please think about the following before crying:WE have just recruited a few helpers for the english part and the situation is now slowly going to normalization. Would you like to have one more language but again a jungle place where everything is more or less allowed because there is no helper ?Would you like to have one more language but only half translated because the only translator suddenly disappeared in the middle of the process ?A new language mean a lot of work to make the translation itself and keep it up to date. It means also helpers to keep the place safe.If we accepted in the past to open translations on demand of a single translator and witho
 ut thinking about helpers, we don't want to do it again. We still ahve Portuguese, German, Russian, Albanian and Turkish being without helpers and/or outdated/incomplete/abandoned translations. All those are almost in stand-by now, and since quite a long time. They must be finished first before starting anything new. It's useless to have 36 ongoing translations at the same time, if none is ever really ready at some point.If you like to start a new translation, or take back one of the mentionned above, Form a serious team of translators and helpers, at least 3 or 4 people, and contact us when you are ready to get started. There is no reason we refuse your proposition if your file is serious enough. 3 or 4 people is really a minimum to get it up and running in a reasonnable time. Think twice on the fact that there are more than 2000 messages to translate and maintain; this isn't a fun party.By the way, remember that your beloved RSGames will never be trans
 lated.I hope that will answer your questions and take your doubts out.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Bogdan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

Hi Aminiel. I never create multiple accounts or stuff like that but noone want to trust me and try to help me solving the problem. Please so much, can you help me? I am not joking. I would realy like to be back in playroom.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Andy93 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

Hello Guys.Hi Aminiel, thanks for taking the time to read this post.I understand your situation as the main owner of the playroom, but in this case  our problem is, that we can't talk to her. She's not opened to discuss or clarify things, but she instead throws rocks to all of us who were banned. Plus, 2 folks were banned without having anything to do on this this, I'll put it this way; They were banned just because they're my friends, and just because they are part of the radio station we work it.The reeason given to us  was the creation of an obscene audio, but heck I can even publish that audio with no shame. I'll never do something obscene because of my moral prinsiples as a christian, but what I can do however is to have a good time  with a simple sence of humor. In the audio what I did basicly, was taking 2 person's voices and turn them into music. Oh, I must say that those voices were recorded through Tapin radi
 o, during a radio show they were  having as I mentioned in the first post.Again if somebody wants that song I can pass it to you guys, and even if  in this forum we have somebody who can understand some spanish, that'll be even bettr because they can be able to understand much much better.Thee Song I made only has a few repetitive phfrases, and a girl saying something wrong,  on air. THat girl I've mentioned, as we know, is  an intimate friend of Loba Solitaria. So as she didn't liked the little joke I did, she simply told that to Loba solitaria and then we got banned out of the playroom. Me, and all of us think they are taking things quite seriously, when my only sin was to make a song using some person's voice, quite similar to what you can see on youtube using autotune.These are my reasons, thanks for your atention.PS: Talking to Loba solitaria is  just impossible, first because we've been banned, seccond b
 ecause there's a very large group of folks defending us and saying we didn't made anything wrong, and 3 or 4 of those folks tried to speak on our favour to Loba but she didn't even wanted to hear, saying she wasn't gonna be moved on her desition. Some of them even tried to talk on F4, resulting on a no answer.2 Final points to end up this thing: 1. Aminiel, I know you might trust a lot your mods but tell me,, is it right for an admin to stay  all the time at a free table, most exactly her friend's table? I don't think you have them just to be sitting all day long at their friend's table as a regular user, but instead to be supervising stuff.And 2: there's a user whose insulting at the tavern  to all the  people who want us back, saying stuff  like: When they come back They'll receive you with a kick in yur a...Why is not he banned for using such gross words, and why are we banned just for a simple com
 edy song? some of us not having anything to do with the creation of that song?Best Regards, Andres


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : techmaster20 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

From a person who knows a lot about law, and general fairness, Who ever this moderator is who banned your 2 friends, maybe she needs to take a look at the situation. On the other hand, did you ask the people who's voices you used in your song, if they were okay with you using their voices in your project? The reason being, is that in most countries, there is a law that states that a person can't record, use, or modify other people's works, such as recorded speeches, music, literature, or other materials created by the said person, without express permition. Also, to clarify this, you can record segments of songs, movies, or whatever, as long as you don't make it available to other people, to see.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Bogdan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

I also tryed to clarify my situation several times but a moderator ironise me and no want to understand. As I says before, I never did something bad, I am in several online games active and never created problems. It was for first time when someone banned me without a reason.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

Hello.This is the audio in question: … e.mp3?dl=0I honestly do not hear anything in this audio recording.Ido not know  of the moderator nor the author of this topic, but I always try to be neutral.I also administer multiple groups or pages.Greetings and thanks.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

@Aminiel:1: If people got banned from the PlayRoom, how should they contact the admin? Or does a ban mean you just can't play the games?2: regarding the translation:Three serious people here from Denmark have contacted you about the translation long time ago. Do you remember the thread here on the forum? As I understood it, you clearly wrote that you were not ready for more languages at this time. but sounds like you are ready now?Us who wanna translate the game and be helpers know that this is a big project to translate such a huge platform, and we know that this is not just a one time project, but we of course have to translate new strings when there are updates. We have translated other things before.I Really understand the situration from your side, that people start to work on the translation and suddenly leave the project. That is a huge mess and not acceptable. to get other translaters for those languages, I'll highly recommend you to
  announce it here on the forum, since there are a lot of people who might be willing to take over. I didn't know people had messed it up like this, and if someone had started to work on translation for a language which I speak well and just left the project like this, I would gladly have taken over this... So try to write public about it here on the forum in a new thread, and ask for someone to take over this.I'll contact the other people again who showed their interest in translating the PlayRoom into danish and ask them if they are still interested. If they are interested, then we'll contact you with a serious request.Lastly: It's not me who are crying. I'm just trying to help other people who are trying to play your games, but find it nearly impossible because they don't speak english.It sounds like you really have something against RSGames? I was not snapping at the playrooms platform, the games or anything you have made, but the w
 ay people just react and don't play nicely to others. That's not your fault. And no, RSGames will not be translated into other languages, mainly because the code is simply not made for that. A lot of things have to be rewritten from scratch if they wanna support translations.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Bogdan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

Hi. I understand that there are allot of people on playroom and some of them did bad things, but several times, people who don't do something bad are banned, and the bad people are still on playroom. I don't want to be harsh and something like that but in my case it was unfear thing. Also what do you thing Aminiel adding some security in the account of the players? In this case, I think that create an account will be bassed on computer ID or something like that.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ryok via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

lol. I want the music in the audio please, thanks.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : abdulrahman . essam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

Bogdan wrote:Hi all. Your experience not surprise me. I will share also what it happens with my account here. Last winter I was in a holiday and when I arrived back at home and wanted to play with my friends, I discovered that the Santa Claus come from playroom with a nice gift. A big big ban. I tryed to clarify the problem with admins, I was accused of multiple accounts but to be honest, I never created them.hiI also Got Kicked and banned from Playroom randomly and the Random Reason is multople accountsThey Think Alex from USA, Bajy and Bajo from Canada,Bobo and Bibo From Switzerland are my accounts, but infact there are My Friendsalso They Accused strange people: example bashar_kenany, sofio and marino, and memo94I had 1 Account, and the English Helpers in Playroom Accused me of Multople AccountsAlso: When I missed Playroom, I changed My PC to play and to Start A New life,
  But suddenly I got Banned for ever and the Reason is that I Won't be backalso I Attacked and Spammed/flooded their forum Because i want them to Stop banning people RandomlyI forgot that they Banned Bobo's friend called carl or known As his pseudo Swiss-carlalso Carl has Written A Poem about Random ban, but The Admins are always Deleting the TopicsI hope I'll get back to Playroom as Soon as Possible


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Bogdan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

I don't know what to say about your bann Abdul, but in my opinion the things are out of control. I am frustrated and I will write in all public places my bad experience. I am asking again. How to be punished for a thing witch you never did it?


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

Well, @Abdulraaman while I can question the validity of that ban on multiple accounts, spamming the forums isn't gonna help get ya unbanned, in fact that right there basically would make your ban valid. @Andi93: While I am not saying this as a slap to the face to the Spanish community, drama between the Spanish-only members and the members who are also in the English community, always, always happens. It's sad. As a side note, Klango is getting spam-fested by the Spanish community spammers right now. But back on topic, I can say you were banned without actually breaking any official rules, but I must alert everyone to the fact that some admins have banned people for no reason. Heard about this on a thread on klango, that someone had been banned with the following message.Error---You have been banned from the server for the following reason: fuck you.This ban ends in 19734 days, 0 hours and 32 minutes.
 ---OK   ---I don't know if that's genuine or not, but if it is, then that's what some admins are doing. That admin banning you for personal reasons, in my opinion, is not a valid ban, but it's ultimately up to Aminiel and that other admin if you can somehow get in contact with her. Since we have access to the audio now, it should be easier to make a decision now.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Bogdan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

I don't know what to say about your bann Abdul, but in my opinion the things are out of control. I am frustrated and I will write in all public places my bad experience. I am asking again. How to be punished for a thing witch you never did it? Also when the platform was launched in English, I tryed to tell people about it and also we had a great comunity from Romania, but that is the respect gaved from the admins. I don't like to say those things, but that is the truth. My appologies again if I was too harsh.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Midi Sequencer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

[[wow]]!I listened to the audio, and the truth is that I screwed up with laughter, although I did not understand much exactly. But anyway I insist is that no audio was obscene for a esoañolsa asshole like this lova-solitaria as having an intimate girlfriend fucking come make quilombo, or Andi, I'm with you completely, because if you do know, I had fun doing a similar parody, and not against someone for personal reasons. And speaking of personal reasons, as in the Spanish hall precedes the bullshit between little girls and spammers, The grip is one that only wanted to make a little joke and use a little sense of humor, just friendship that have for each other...If you want, Andi, can you tell me more on Skype because I do not want us to fill the whole forum with that, lol! The thing is I want to know how everything was, the letter did not understand much but the audio itself seems a genius to... say... was unfortunately censored when DEVIO be the opposite, even celebrated. I mean I play this audio on a table, and I vanean...Na, I prefer a thousand times rs games even there it is not me, not now. Going back a little to another issue that the friend commented in a previous post, as indeed in other networks Klango which is part of the Hispanic community, it becomes a disaster. What some like me, Fabi g 94, Andi and some other we want to avoid is that we see Hispanics as spammers, just between us and unfortunately there are people, and I sincerely detest.The thing is I read in the room some atrocities in the forum, and I think I'm just wasting time on that alleged "platform"


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Midi Sequencer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

[[wow]]!I listened to the audio, and the truth is that I screwed up with laughter, although I did not understand much exactly. But anyway I insist is that no audio was obscene for a esoañolsa asshole like this lova-solitaria as having an intimate girlfriend fucking come make... crap, or Andi, I'm with you completely, because if you do know, I had fun doing a similar parody, and not against someone for personal reasons. And speaking of personal reasons, as in the Spanish hall precedes the bullshit between little girls and spammers, The grip is one that only wanted to make a little joke and use a little sense of humor, just friendship that have for each other...If you want, Andi, can you tell me more on Skype because I do not want us to fill the whole forum with that, lol! The thing is I want to know how everything was, the letter did not understand much but the audio itself seems a genius to... say... was unfortunately censored when DEVIO be the opposite, even celebrated. I mean I play this audio on a table, and I vanean...Na, I prefer a thousand times rs games even there it is not me, not now. Going back a little to another issue that the friend commented in a previous post, as indeed in other networks Klango which is part of the Hispanic community, it becomes a disaster. What some like me, Fabi g 94, Andi and some other we want to avoid is that we see Hispanics as spammers, just between us and unfortunately there are people, and I sincerely detest.The thing is I read in the room some atrocities in the forum, and I think I'm just wasting time on that alleged "platform"


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

Yeah I've also seen someone banned from the playroom for the reason of get a life. It's another one of those things where the administrator is too busy to properly monitor his creation, thus employs a lot of staff. Unfortunately, it's clear not all of these choices are ideal but, it is his playroom, and even though the drama there is as full forced as it is on the Klango Network where it seems no truly active moderators exist, he doesn't quite get the message. I've seen a topic on their forum where someone was trying to ask about their ban, (that's where I first heard the ban mentioned in Jack's post), and basically a moderator closed it saying it was stupid and childish. But I didn't come here to start any crap, just thought I'd add my input since that's allowed on a forum. But honestly, as for whether or not I'd like to be a part of that community, think I'll take a pass.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

Hello.@Midi Sequencer i dont know who you, but I completely agree with you.Klango is a mess by not having a decent moderation, and the play room run with the same fate.Clarification, I speak of Hispanic versions of these platforms. I am not know nothing of the English versions, although I saw that the English Klango has not moderation.Greetings and thanks.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

Hi.What about the incomplete translations of the play room? Someone who feel like continue working on those languages which has been mentioned earlier but never got completed?


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Bogdan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

Hi Stevo. I also had an experience wrote by you in the last post. I wanted to clarify  with the admins my ban, and they had childish atitude and closed fast fast the subject. Also a problem like that had a friend from Poland.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : abdulrahman . essam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

jack wrote:Well, @Abdulraaman while I can question the validity of that ban on multiple accounts, spamming the forums isn't gonna help get ya unbanned, in fact that right there basically would make your ban valid.Nope. I Spammed the Forum for the following reason: to stop Admins banning people Randomly and crashing their websiteas I heard adding 1000 Topics in the forum less than A Second will crash the Webserver


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : abdulrahman . essam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

jack wrote:Well, @Abdulraaman while I can question the validity of that ban on multiple accounts, spamming the forums isn't gonna help get ya unbanned, in fact that right there basically would make your ban valid.Nope. I Spammed the Forum for the following reasons: to stop Admins banning people Randomly and crashing their websiteas I heard adding 1000 Topics in the forum less than A Second will crash the Webserver


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

While I have nothing to say to Abdulrahmen, @Bogdan, I think it was your topic I was refering to. In fact I'm almost completely sure it was. But from what it sounds like, although Aminiel says things like "talk to the admin", it's quite evident that no room exists for such discussion. You can try and try again, but you ought to expect the same result every time: condescension, immaturity, and self-righteousness. Expect anything more, you're liable to be disappointed. Expect anything less, though, and don't be surprised if that's what you get. Now I'm done posting to this topic, because again I don't feel like starting a flame war or any nonsensical drama that could arise directly or indirectly as a result of my posting. I just say take it as you will, and, goodbye.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Andy93 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

Hello everybody.Honestly, I'm starting to dislike this more and more and more, and I'm starting to feel this as a personal attack to us rather than a valid serious reason. Yesterday, we managed to enter again using different accounts, and changing IP address by turning off the router, nothing complex than that; Well for me it was not actuallly easy to turn it off since its in the seccond flor of this building and I live on the third flor, but luckily they had to turn it off   for a while. My 2 friends who had nothing to do with that audio did the same, but in their case they managed to logged in with old accounts they had.We were at a free table just chilling, having a good time and being greeted by those who wanted us back, the mojority of the people I must say, and all of a sudden one of the persons being heard in the audio appeared from the shadows, throwing rocks at us and trying to acuse us of ciber bullying and a few other things. Many, but ma
 ny times I told this person I didn't wanted to discuss about this any more, and I let him know that I' didn't wanted anything to do with him and his friends.Finally and to end this up, while we were again having a good time at another free table, me and my friends got re banned but this time with the following reasons: Creation of an unworthy audio! oh nice, well well well, now they started to recognize things, and instead of letting us in, they just changed the reason from obscene audio to just unworthy audio, to  make things sound  just a bit soft.Again, all I feel here is that this is something personal against us, I feel there's too much haitrid involved. A few guys didn't liked us when we were at the playroom including them, and not because we are the worst rats in the platform, but just because we are like we ar. Oh and the worst rats in that side of the platform are still there, unbanned, and nobody tells them nothing, nobody kic
 ks them out. I can tell you that one day while I was at the english playroom fooling around, I saw a freakin table with the following title: Lets talk about sex! And, who bans them? who really applies justic there? nobody! Heck, this is really pissing me off.A final word: @midi sequencer, please add me to skype and I'll explain you everything, its in the first post of this thread. I think you gave me it once, but I don't remember having it in my contacts.Best regards, Andres


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Andy93 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

Hello everybody.Honestly, I'm starting to dislike this more and more and more, and I'm starting to feel this as a personal attack to us rather than a valid serious reason. Yesterday, we managed to enter again using different accounts, and changing IP address by turning off the router, nothing complex than that; Well for me it was not actuallly easy to turn it off since its in the seccond flor of this building and I live on the third flor, but luckily they had to turn it off   for a while. My 2 friends who had nothing to do with that audio did the same, but in their case they managed to logged in with old accounts they had.We were at a free table just chilling, having a good time and being greeted by those who wanted us back, the mojority of the people I must say, and all of a sudden one of the persons being heard in the audio appeared from the shadows, throwing rocks at us and trying to acuse us of ciber bullying and a few other things. Many, but ma
 ny times I told this person I didn't wanted to discuss about this any more, and I let him know that I' didn't wanted anything to do with him and his friends.Finally and to end this up, while we were again having a good time at another free table, me and my friends got re banned but this time with the following reasons: Creation of an unworthy audio! oh nice, well well well, now they started to recognize things, and instead of letting us in, they just changed the reason from obscene audio to just unworthy audio, to  make things sound  just a bit soft.Again, all I feel here is that this is something personal against us, I feel there's too much haitrid involved. A few guys didn't liked us when we were at the playroom including them, and not because we are the worst rats in the platform, but just because we are like we ar. Oh and the worst rats in that side of the platform are still there, unbanned, and nobody tells them nothing, nobody kic
 ks them out. I can tell you that one day while I was at the english playroom fooling around, I saw a freakin table with the following title: Lets talk about sex! And, who bans them? who really applies justic there? nobody! Heck, this is really pissing me off.A final word: @midi sequencer, please add me to skype and I'll explain you everything, its in the first post of this thread. I think you gave me it once, but I don't remember having it in my contacts.Best regards, Andres


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Andy93 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

Excuse me guys, I don't know how this thing got double posted. sorry about that


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aminiel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

1: If people got banned from the PlayRoom, how should they contact the admin? Or does a ban mean you just can't play the games?That's no longer my problem. You shouldn't have been banned at the first place.As already said, I won't interfer in other helper's decisions. I'm sure that there are ways to find an arrangement with those who banned you.If the audio was about a friend of loba-solitaria, and if it was bad or private joke she don't want people to know about, you knew the risks before posting it. This is useless provocation.Why didn't you posted it in private ? why didn't you posted it on a skype, whatsapp, facebook, etc. group in private with your friends ?I agree that helpers must be impartial, but it's impossible to be completely impartial in that kind of situation.This is like attacking your superior in a company: you always have th
 e risk of bein ejected, if it touches his personal life. Not everybody accept to take it as humor or derision.Remember also that we are in blind world... many people are extremely suspicious about their personal life.There, you clearly made a bad move. I suggest that you write polite excuses to her, explaining the facts and your intentions to be humoristic. That's all you can and have to do to solve the situation.In french, there is a saying: one can laugh at everything, but not with anyone ("ON peut rire de tout, mais pas avec n'importe qui")Three serious people here from Denmark have contacted you about the translation long time ago. Do you remember the thread here on the forum? As I understoodit, you clearly wrote that you were not ready for more languages at this time. but sounds like you are ready now?IN fact, WE are always and never ready at the same time. We have al
 ways many other things to do.But not doubt that we can recognize those who are really serious and motivated.For any translation proposal, you should send an e-mail to us via the contact page.I'm sure that serious requests will successfully arrive to us.Hi. I understand that there are allot of people on playroom and some of them did bad things, but several times, people who don't do something bad are banned, and the bad people are still on playroom. I don't want to be harsh and something like that but in my case it was unfear thing.Bad people are still on the playroom; yes. It's just impossible to catch everybody all the time. Exactly the same as 4 policemen at every street will never prevent all break-in from happening. It will just discourage bad people from doing it, but that's all; there will always have people to try and to succeed. Welcome to the real world.Unti
 l very recently, our problem was that there were no helper at all on the english part, and it took an extremely long time to find valuable people. This is an error on your side, we should have had helpers from the very beginning when the english part has just come out in 2011. If ever we knew all this at taht time !Since then, because of that, many people took the habit to do bad things, sometimes without awareness that they are doing bad things. Yes, the landing back on earth is very hard for some people, but it's really necessary. It was the law of the jungle but it is no longer reasonable now that we have helpers.You think you have been banned for injustified reasons. Again, in this case, it's your job to contact the person who banned you, and come to him with proofs that it was indeed an error.It is so because otherwise, it would be too easy: you do something bad, you are banned, you say sorry and you are back in as if you never did anything ?
 To be honnest, writing multiple e-mails to us saying please please please please unband me asap without any other argumentation is useless, and even more if you write to us many times to always say the same.Your first steps are to assume what you did, admit it, explain why you did it and promise that you won't do it again. Why have you been banned ? Why did you act that way ? etc.  If you are honnest and don't insist more than necessary, the discussion can start.In short, your excuses should come from your heart. We aren't english native speakers at all but we aren't stupid. If we accept any unban request, bullshiters would never be taken out.Another thing, please remember it: never discuss your ban publicly. These kind of things must be taken in private.It sounds like you really have something against RSGames? I was not snapping at the playrooms platform, the games or anything you have made, but th
 e waypeople just react and don't play nicely to others. That's not your fault.No, I have nothing against RSGames.  There is no competition on getting the greatest number of users or whatever.Everybody has his life on his side, and I don't matter if people prefer it over the playroom

Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aminiel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

1: If people got banned from the PlayRoom, how should they contact the admin? Or does a ban mean you just can't play the games?That's no longer my problem. You shouldn't have been banned at the first place.As already said, I won't interfer in other helper's decisions. I'm sure that there are ways to find an arrangement with those who banned you.If the audio was about a friend of loba-solitaria, and if it was bad or private joke she don't want people to know about, you knew the risks before posting it. This is useless provocation.Why didn't you posted it in private ? why didn't you posted it on a skype, whatsapp, facebook, etc. group in private with your friends ?I agree that helpers must be impartial, but it's impossible to be completely impartial in that kind of situation.This is like attacking your superior in a company: you always have th
 e risk of bein ejected, if it touches his personal life. Not everybody accept to take it as humor or derision.Remember also that we are in blind world... many people are extremely suspicious about their personal life.There, you clearly made a bad move. I suggest that you write polite excuses to her, explaining the facts and your intentions to be humoristic. That's all you can and have to do to solve the situation.In french, there is a saying: one can laugh at everything, but not with anyone ("ON peut rire de tout, mais pas avec n'importe qui")Three serious people here from Denmark have contacted you about the translation long time ago. Do you remember the thread here on the forum? As I understoodit, you clearly wrote that you were not ready for more languages at this time. but sounds like you are ready now?IN fact, WE are always and never ready at the same time. We have al
 ways many other things to do.But not doubt that we can recognize those who are really serious and motivated.For any translation proposal, you should send an e-mail to us via the contact page.I'm sure that serious requests will successfully arrive to us.Hi. I understand that there are allot of people on playroom and some of them did bad things, but several times, people who don't do something bad are banned, and the bad people are still on playroom. I don't want to be harsh and something like that but in my case it was unfear thing.Bad people are still on the playroom; yes. It's just impossible to catch everybody all the time. Exactly the same as 4 policemen at every street will never prevent all break-in from happening. It will just discourage bad people from doing it, but that's all; there will always have people to try and to succeed. Welcome to the real world.Unti
 l very recently, our problem was that there were no helper at all on the english part, and it took an extremely long time to find valuable people. This is an error on your side, we should have had helpers from the very beginning when the english part has just come out in 2011. If ever we knew all this at taht time !Since then, because of that, many people took the habit to do bad things, sometimes without awareness that they are doing bad things. Yes, the landing back on earth is very hard for some people, but it's really necessary. It was the law of the jungle but it is no longer reasonable now that we have helpers.You think you have been banned for injustified reasons. Again, in this case, it's your job to contact the person who banned you, and come to him with proofs that it was indeed an error.It is so because otherwise, it would be too easy: you do something bad, you are banned, you say sorry and you are back in as if you never did anything ?
 To be honnest, writing multiple e-mails to us saying please please please please unband me asap without any other argumentation is useless, and even more if you write to us many times to always say the same.Your first steps are to assume what you did, admit it, explain why you did it and promise that you won't do it again. Why have you been banned ? Why did you act that way ? etc.  If you are honnest and don't insist more than necessary, the discussion can start.In short, your excuses should come from your heart. We aren't english native speakers at all but we aren't stupid. If we accept any unban request, bullshiters would never be taken out.Another thing, please remember it: never discuss your ban publicly. These kind of things must be taken in private.It sounds like you really have something against RSGames? I was not snapping at the playrooms platform, the games or anything you have made, but th
 e waypeople just react and don't play nicely to others. That's not your fault.No, I have nothing against RSGames.  There is no competition on getting the greatest number of users or whatever.Everybody has his life on his side, and I don't matter if people prefer it over the playroom

Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Andy93 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

@aminiel: Don't  you think I tried doing that many times? I clarified everything, even on a talk show, I explained lots and lots and lots of times that it wasn't intended to harm anybody. Yesterday I said to that person who was trying to start that fire of discussion  again: I don't wanna talk about it any more, don't worry, it'll never happen again with you guys, I'm not gonna discuss. and what happened? we got kicked out again. they are still quite closed in their haitrid twards us, and they just don't wanna hear. What didn't I made it privately? simple: We live in a continent, most specifically south america, were you can make humor publicly and its well received. Heck, everybudy's talking about that audio, making jokes about it, just laughing like crazy hyenas, and I've even showed it to people outside the  playroom and, what was the reaction? ha ha ha ha! nothing else but that. Trying to talk to them its so hard
 , because they consider me and my friends as their enemies, so for goodness sake don't insist in that, AMiniel. And you might ask: Enemies, why? yes, they see us like eenemies just for the fact that many times I entered one of their free tables and, in many radio shows I heard them talking about virtual sex and stuff like that, and I just said what I thaught.Again I still say, and nobody's gonna make me go back a centimetter, we're been banned for personal haitrid rather than for a justified reason. OK, fine, I know that they  didn't liked the small joke I played to them, but one of the things that characterises me is my sence of humor. and if laughing of something you don't agree with is a reason to be banned, then I think this is something similar to a dictatorial government or something like that


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : abdulrahman . essam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

First of All: I was trying to Start A New Life in Playroombut suddenly I Got bannedWhy did You ban me?i was using 1 account and It's abdulrahman2015about The Poem: My Friend doesn't tell me that He'll publish Carl's poem in The Forum, and also I don't Know Carl,only My Friend bobo Knows him. and It's strangeI asked Him Why did Carl Wrote this Poem? and the Answer is That he got banned and the random reason is fake account


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Bogdan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

Aminiel, I tryed several times to solve the problem in private but all the time the admin made bad jokes and 'do'n't want to listen my point of view. How can I say that I did something wrong if I never did it? You are acting as a prosecutor and don't want to asume that sometimes all can make mistakes. I used my account since the platform was launched in English, and you are accusing me of multiple accounts? I don't want to atack an admin but I tryed several times to talk with Mayya regarding my problem, and she all the time makes bad jokes and believe that I am a child.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aminiel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

if laughing of something you don't agree with is a reason to be banned, then I think this is something similar to a dictatorial government or something like thatThis isn't a very good reason, but, as I have said, it's difficult to be always impartial when it's a bad joke about may try to discuss with charlie20; or try ledare who known them both; personnally I won't say anything to loba, I don't know her. Anyway; your ban is probably not definitive.People from all around the world is coming to the playroom. You must accept that everybody hasn't the same culture, and the same sens of humor.There are certainly things you can freely laugh at in South America, but not in Spain because of political, economical or religious reasons, or simply because the country lived a past event they haven't yet accepted. The converse is also probably true for other subjects.As I understand it from an external point of view, Spain is perhaps more conservative.WE must always be extremely careful about humor. It can be devastating when not taken as such.First of All: I was trying to Start A New Life in Playroombut suddenly I Got bannedWhy did You ban me?No comment. I sincerly would like to say f### ###, but IL will try to stay polite: grow up and get a life.Only at that condition you may come back.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

@Aminiel: [[wow]], thanks for your nice reply in post 30.Regarding the admins: Sounds like those who have been banned know the moderators who have banned them privately, which I find interesting. 


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ryok via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

so As I see it, it's OK to bann someone for personal reasons?


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

[h>ryoq wroteso As I see it, it's OK to bann someone for personal reasons?I wouldn't say just for personal reasons, but that song thing that used their voices coulda been taken the wrong way. Remember, texting someone something, or even posting audio, vs actually telling it to their face, in person, can make a huge difference, because there is no tone behind a text vs actual human contact. And it can be taken outa context. And it can be taken the wrong way when you didn't intend it to. And it can be offensive. And in the case of that admin, she decided to ban you for it. I'm not saying the ban was valid or invalid, just pointing out the possible reason why it happened.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

ryoq wroteso As I see it, it's OK to bann someone for personal reasons?I wouldn't say just for personal reasons, but that song thing that used their voices coulda been taken the wrong way. Remember, texting someone something, or even posting audio, vs actually telling it to their face, in person, can make a huge difference, because there is no tone behind a text vs actual human contact. And it can be taken outa context. And it can be taken the wrong way when you didn't intend it to. And it can be offensive. And in the case of that admin, she decided to ban you for it. I'm not saying the ban was valid or invalid, just pointing out the possible reason why it happened.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

ryoq wroteso As I see it, it's OK to bann someone for personal reasons?I wouldn't say just for personal reasons, but that song thing that used their voices coulda been taken the wrong way. Remember, texting someone something, or even posting audio, vs actually telling it to their face, in person, can make a huge difference, because there is no tone behind a text vs actual human contact. And it can be taken outa context. And it can be taken the wrong way when you didn't intend it to. And it can be offensive. And in the case of that admin, she decided to ban you for it. I'm not saying the ban was valid or invalid, just pointing out the possible reason why it happened.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

Oy. Perhaps I shouldn't have kept reading this topic because now I see a really good reason to reply, because I have to get some things straight. Please answer these questions about your platform, Aminiel, if you don't mind.1. It is perfectly OK for administrators to tell people things like f you and get a life, as well as blowing them off, but god-forbid someone offend said moderators without being banned? I'm extremely confused. Please clarify.2. Wait a sec, you don't even know all of your moderators? Did I read that right?"Aminiel, I tryed several times to solve the problem in private but all the time the admin made bad jokes and 'do'n't want to listen my point of view."3. Wait, the admin made bad jokes. But let's lecture the audio games community about bad humor. Right?This is more of a statement than a question4. Take this in whatever way you choose to, but an administration team should b
 e that, an administration team. The fact that you guys don't discuss matters with each other creates ample oppertunity for drama, which is what really seams to be going on here. And perhaps recording that audio was wrong, really wrong. It was a horrible joke. But you have to consider these things: does the offending user constantly partake in behaviors such as this? Were there any other reasons, other than the banning admin having a personal issue with this? I'm sorry to say this Aminiel, but your administration system is... F-L-A-W-E-D.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

Hello.totally agree with severestormsteve1I wonder, what requirements are needed to become a moderator of the play room?and who and how they choose to Moderators?I have curiosity, and I do not know the truth about this subject.Greetings and thanks.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

Fabi, I'm not answering this question, but I'd imagine it's invite-based, i e Aminiel picks and chooses who becomes admin.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

no, Jack, that's not. Aminiel said himself he doesn't know Loba-Solitaria, so how could he personally invite her?


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

Yea severestormsteve1that's right.Greetings.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

Forgot about that! So that means, anyone can become an admin?


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aminiel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

so As I see it, it's OK to bann someone for personal reasons?In theory and in an ideal world no. Helpers should be neutral and impartial against all those things, and just rely on the rules, only the rules. But when someone post a bad joke about you and if you take it as a personal attack, it's a spontaneous reaction.We can summarize it as a very simple thing: we are just humans.Personally if that kind of joke had been run against me, probably I would have done the same, even if normally, I'm doing my best to stay neutral in all situations.Wait a sec, you don't even know all of your moderators? Did I read that right?Yes, you read it right. Remember that I'm not alone as admin, we are 4 people at the top of the hierarchy.I'm the developer. The three other admins are much more responsible than me in coordinati
 ng the different helper teams.Then, some of the helpers are acting as local coordinators and as pathway between them and us for the rest of their local have to consider these things: does the offending user constantly partake in behaviors such as this? Were thereany other reasons, other than the banning admin having a personal issue with this?I don't know at all the offending user and his global situation, and thus am perfectly unable to judge anything. I don't want to make a choice.IN the past, I believed everything. Anyone could tell me a complete story full of crap, and, as a sympathic idiot, I believed all their shit.That's what happened at the beginning with Abdul/Swisskarl. The speech of such people is so good, that they are able to sell a fridge to an Eskimo, or make you forget that the sky is blue and make you convainced since all your life that it is indeed re
 d.Here, nothing prooves me that the reasons are genuine, and neither that it isn't. Only the helper who banned him and those who were present at the time the facts happened can say something.I wasn't present at that moment; so anyone can make me believe anything, I have no way of knowing if it's the truth or just manipulation.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

As I see it, a developer wouldn't be able to know all helpers from all countries personally, mainly because, as I understand it, helpers from all the countries which the platform is translated into is required. So, if the platform got translated into danish which is my language, then at leased two people would be helpers as well which only who I know. How should it even be possible that Aminiel know all helpers from all countries, when the admin system works like this? Just asking. That's unrealistic in my opinion.What is required to be a helper? Well, as I understand this, the requirement is to be trust. I would like to ask: Are there even any rules for the helpers? Because, when it's unrealistic that the team behind the platform don't know all the helpers personally, the helpers should really have some rules to follow. Without any rules, one helper could mess it all up. Even more worse: One helper which doesn't speak english could mess it all up, a
 nd not explain what's going on, and not being kicked out as a helper, if there are no rules. So therefore my questions...


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : abdulrahman . essam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

I came back to Playroom to Start A New lifeBecause I Missed Playroom , but Suddenly You banned meI had 1 Account before this ban happenedabout Carl Carlos AKA Swiss-carlHe said that He was your friend and He Studied with You in Schoolalso I asked Him to Prove that he was your friend and He answered. He knows your full name, your age/your burthday and Your AddressHe also Visited Youalso He told me that You have friend called gregory fardleI have A Questionwhy do You call me abdul/swiss-carl?I'm not him and He isn't me for sure


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

Well Aminiel, then look at it this way. If someone can get banned for making a mistake such as the one who posted that audio, then the admin, who you just said made a mistake, can get booted off. That's justice, served to you on a golden platter.  Also, if you really run into issues where you don't know who to believe, then have a meeting with the offending user and helper. Regardless if there is a hierarchical chain in place, it is still imperative that all of you find some means of communication; otherwise, situations like this will just keep on happening. And you'll never know who to believe because no particular staff member has any idea of what other staff members do. I'm sorry Aminiel, but "we are all human" doesn't let your team off the hook. If your boss makes you angry at work and you go off on human, telling him "I am human and I make mistakes" probably won't make him reconsider firing you. try again please.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

Well Aminiel, then look at it this way. If someone can get banned for making a mistake such as the one who posted that audio, then the admin, who you just said made a mistake, can get booted off. That's justice, served to you on a golden platter. If you're going to excuse a staff member's "spontaneous actions", might as well excuse everyone's.  Also, if you really run into issues where you don't know who to believe, then have a meeting with the offending user and helper. Regardless if there is a hierarchical chain in place, it is still imperative that all of you find some means of communication; otherwise, situations like this will just keep on happening. And you'll never know who to believe because no particular staff member has any idea of what other staff members do. I'm sorry Aminiel, but "we are all human" doesn't let your team off the hook. If your boss makes you angry at work and you go off on human, tel
 ling him "I am human and I make mistakes" probably won't make him reconsider firing you. try again please.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

Well Aminiel, then look at it this way. If someone can get banned for making a mistake such as the one who posted that audio, then the admin, who you just said made a mistake, can get booted off. That's justice, served to you on a golden platter. If you're going to excuse a staff member's "spontaneous actions", might as well excuse everyone's.  Also, if you really run into issues where you don't know who to believe, then have a meeting with the offending user and helper. Regardless if there is a hierarchical chain in place, it is still imperative that all of you find some means of communication; otherwise, situations like this will just keep on happening. And you'll never know who to believe because no particular staff member has any idea of what other staff members do. I'm sorry Aminiel, but "we are all human" doesn't let your team off the hook. If your boss makes you angry at work and you go off on him, telli
 ng him "I am human and I make mistakes" probably won't make him reconsider firing you. try again please.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : devinprater via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

Lol, here's how I see it. This is just a matter if little to no leadership going on. Yeah, the dev is on top, but he doesn't want to get into the moderating thing. Ah well, y'all, this is what the RS-games service is for, rather than the playroom handout.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aminiel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

He said that He was your friend and He Studied with You in Schoolalso I asked Him to Prove that he was your friend and He answered. He knows your full name, your age/your burthday and Your AddressHe also Visited Youalso He told me that You have friend called gregory fardleIt's quite easy to find my postal adress if you know where to see. I don't need to hide it.It isn't exceptionally difficult also to see who are my friends.However, if you effectively visited me, why are you hidding yourself ? why don't you give your own real name ?I don't know you and I don't recognize you. So until you decline your true identity, it is just bullshit.People who indeed visited me for truth gave me their real identity.Stop playing childish game: we know that Adbul and Swisskarl are the same person.If someone can get bann
 ed for making a mistake such as the one who posted that audio, then the admin, who you justsaid made a mistake, can get booted off.I don't know, if they really made a misstake. This is always suppositions only.I wasn't there. It's impossible for me to know what happened. Also, if you really run into issues where you don't know who to believe, then have a meeting with the offending user and helper.I could suggest them to do so, it's an excellent idea. However, that's not my role to take part in such a discussion. First of all because I wasn't present when the problem happened and I don't want to judge anyone without knowing,And secondly because, anyway, I don't speak spanish.Regardless if there is a hierarchical chain in place, it is still imperative that all of you find some m
 eans of communication; otherwise, situations like this will just keep on happening. And you'll never know who to believe because no particular staff member has any idea of what other staff members do.On that point you are right, our internal communication is a bit flawed. I effectively don't know at all what the spanish team do.I will try below to explain why we are in a so fragile situation :I don't speak spanish, my three other co-admins don't speak spanish either. We have had the chance to have someone, charlie20, who speak a little french. He's the only contact point betwen them and us.Together with loba, they are good translators (otherwise there wouldn't be anybody in the spanish server). Notice that without them, there wouldn't be any Spanish playroom.Perhaps they aren't as good helpers as they are translators, but anyway, we have no choice: we don't have any other trustable contac
 t who speaks both Spanish and French.They accepted to be helpers additionally to translators, and the story ended there.IF you think you can be helpful to the Spanish playroom, please contact them. I'm sure that they would be happy to have more people in their staff.IF you speak both Spanish and French, but only in this case, you may contact us directly.the dev is on top, but he doesn't want to get into the moderating thingYes. I don't like doing moderation, I feel it as a perfect waste of time and energy, when I could developp new games and features. At least, new releases always make people happy.That's exactly why I'm no longer alone to manage the whole thing since a couple of years now.The ultimate solution would be to make the platform paid. It would definitely close the mouth of all bullshiters.But by doing so, I would also say good bye to 98% 
  of very nice people; and I feel this to be unfair.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : abdulrahman . essam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

Aminiel wrote:However, if you effectively visited me, why are you hidding yourself ? why don't you give your own real name ?I don't know you and I don't recognize you. So until you decline your true identity, it is just bullshit.People who indeed visited me for truth gave me their real identity.Stop playing childish game: we know that Adbul and Swisskarl are the same person.LOL, I didn't Visit You, and I don't Know YouWhy Do You Ask Me?If Ya Mean Carl Carlos AKA Swiss-carl AKA Suisse-carl AKA Carl-the-swiss AKA Homme-SuisseHis Friend Bobo told me, and I Can't Tell him that He's A LiarI Believe all of My friendsalso bobo told Me that carl is always visiting You, I heard Your voice in Zello When I'm in Bobo's channelMe and Swiss-carl aren't Same Person, and I have many Proofs


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ryok via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

I really don't want to get into the problem here however,  Aminiel, If you considered  Adbul's english, as in his writing  and Swiskarl's english, I think that you'd realize that they're not the same person. I'm not trying to be on anyone's side here. I'm trying to be fair and that's it.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : bryant via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

ok, I don't want to take sides on this issue either, but I wanted to say something. As a developer of the playroom, Aminiel, I think you should take moderation more seriously. Being a developer also means that you need to at least have some control over what goes on in the playroom. Leaving it up to the moderators and having them deal with every issue that presents itself isn't always the way to go, as seen with what happend here.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : bryant via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

ok, I don't want to take sides on this issue either, but I wanted to say something. As a developer of the playroom, Aminiel, I think you should take moderation more seriously. Being a developer also means that you need to at least have some control over what goes on in the playroom. Leaving it up to the moderators and having them deal with every issue that presents itself isn't always the way to go, as seen with what happend here. While I understand that you don't speak spanish, I think you need to talk to the moderators in question about what happend, and take some action. Also, if needed, have a meeting with the user who did this and have them explain themselves. I am not trying to discredet the playroom, because I think it's a great gaming platform and I have had a lot of fun on it, but I think you need to be more responsible for some of these issues.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

While I was not supposed to post here, I have decided to. Ameniel, you are doing exactly what Danny did with DMNB. Since this is public knowledge, I will tell you this: Danny left DMNB's operation up to the other admins some time ago, and he pulled back, mainly staying as a developer, just like you are at the moment. what followed turned his game into a virtual war zone. The admins didn't administrate properly, allowing the players to cause mayhem. If your going to do this, Ameniel, your game is going to fall into ruin before you know it. Saying that "you don't know what happened" is not going to cut it any more. Trying to remain neutral won't work, either. And definitely trying to let the moderators deal with it isn't going to work, as seen so far.You need to deal with the moderators if you don't want your playroom to fall so badly no one will play it. It's quite obvious most of your moderators are not doing their jobs properly, 
 and when this happens, you must step in. Acting like a developer and staying back won't help the situation either. Your moderators and administrators on the playroom need to learn that when someone does something personal, keep it personal, and do not, under any circumstance, ban them for it because it might have been offensive. That's exactly what will start this issue. Basically, your admins and mods need to learn to keep personal issues off of the playroom. If the issue is personal, then the issue is not playroom specific, and hence no rules were broken, so no ban is necessary. I think that the mod who banned Andy93 went way too far. Of course, you, being you, want to stay back in let the mods deal with it themselves. This might seem a little harsh, and I'm sorry for saying this in such a rude manner, but get off of your lazy ass and start repairing the damage you've unknowingly caused. The damage might have not been done by you specifically, but you let it ha
 ppen, thinking that people would talk it out and the ban would be lifted. It's quite obvious that this just won't happen.So, I suggest you step in and unban those who have been banned for personal issues. Banning someone fora personal issue makes a ban completely pointless and quite childish. Once again, I warn you: If you let this happen, your creation will fall into ruin, just like so many others have.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Bogdan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

Hi again. In my opinion I am a victim of a mistake or of a strange confusion. Aminiel, I am missing so much playroom. I never did something bad. I am not joking or something like that. The things was as I wrote in my first post here. I was in a holiday and when I come back and tryed to login, it appears the bann. How can I demonstrate that I never did something? I never had bad intentions, and never had the intention to disregard the playroom. I would like to clarify the situation and stop writing here. I think that some people from here know me and also know that when I can, I am glad to help them.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

Hello@Aminiel I think translators and moderators must be as separate charges.A person should not be moderator for the simple fact of knowing French.I'm not saying you personally choose to moderators of the Hispanic play room, because I think that this task does not belong.Most Hispanics do not speak French, I for example, only some English.I give you an idea, you could send to moderators for to do a vote to elect new moderators.because that's the only way I see that people do not complain of moderation. the democracy.Greetings and thanks.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aminiel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

@Aminiel I think translators and moderators must be as separate charges.Ideally, yes. But it was the same problem as in the english server up to very recently.It was perhaps the solution of simplicity, but anyway, it's even worse than on the english server, so it was the only reasonnable could send to moderators for to do a vote to elect new moderators.No. In another topic, there was a debate about election, but it had been concluded that it was a very bad idea.Voting isn't the solution. There will necessarily be 50% of happy, and 50% of unhappy people, whoever is elected.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : revan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

hi guys?i'm not telling any names here?but everyone knows some guys logging in in multiple accounts withand don't forget your IP showing therethey knows who are you!so why they doing these  bullyshit?i heared more time about the arabic tables talking about seks with americansand when we kicking them they saysfuck your table oh what?  should unban them?i warn again arabicsdon't try talk with about seks?why you creating multiple account? and you trying to make something?do you trying to get more girl with accounts? oh man get a  life.  there you can't get life anymoreif someone want to learn player's name contact me private message or e-mailand he is kept lyingdon't believe himhe's liar liar!i'm saying how do you logging in same time in the multiple accounts?just tell us?  why you trying to show innocent yo
 urself?that doesn't solve your problem arabicbe honest!


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : revan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

hi guys?i'm not telling any names here.but everyone knows some guys logging in in multiple accounts withand don't forget your IP showing therethey knows who are you!so why they doing these  bullyshit?i heared more time about the arabic tables talking about seks with americansand when we kicking them they saysfuck your table oh what?  should unban them?i warn again arabicsdon't try talk with about seks?why you creating multiple account? and you trying to make something?do you trying to get more girl with accounts? oh man get a  life.  there you can't get life anymoreif someone want to learn player's name contact me private message or e-mailand he is kept lyingdon't believe himhe's liar liar!i'm saying how do you logging in same time in the multiple accounts?just tell us?  why you trying to show innocent yo
 urself?that doesn't solve your problem arabicbe honest!and i know some arabic people saying?when you asking where are your from?i'm in the united states? oh but you aren't?well  we believing and chatting with them?  but after  what's happening?we're going to play farkle or whatever?  and he joining us?  he asking can i join?   and i'm saying let us finish first,   you can join after.oh he starting swearing us with arabic symbolls witharabics for note find for something yourself.  get a life.  don't sit 7 24 hour in computer aroundthat never solve your problemi know sound harshone question can we believe who is realy there?we don't need same persons! stop creating multiple accounts arabics!you're very unfair!


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Bogdan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

I know what about are you talking. But I am not from Arabia. I am from Romania. And as I says, there is a confusion here, I was banned and no one wants to clarify the problem.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

Hello@Aminiel I understand your situation.Anyway, I still think the popular choice is the best idea.Complaints and protests will always be, but if democracy is used, I think than people should respect the decision of the majority.and translators and moderators of what I said before, would be ideal and most practical.Greetings and thanks.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : revan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

hi guys?I'm not telling any names here.but everyone knows some guys logging in in multiple accounts withand don't forget your IP showing therethey knows who are you!so why they doing these  bullyshit?I heared more time about the arabic tables talking about seks with americansand when we kicking them they saysfuck your table oh what?  should unban them?I warn again arabicsdon't try talk with about seks?why you creating multiple accounts? and you trying to make something?do you trying to get more girl with accounts? oh man get a  life.  there you can't get life anymoreIf someone want to learn player's name contact me private message or e-mailand he is kept lyingdon't believe himhe's liar!I'm saying how do you logging in same time in the multiple accounts?just tell us?  why you trying to show innocent yourse
 lf?that doesn't solve your problem arabicbe honest!and I know some arabic people saying?when you asking where are your from?I'm In the united states? oh but you aren't?well  we believing and chatting with them?  but after  what's happening?we're going to play farkle or whatever?  and he joining us?  he asking can i join?   and i'm saying let us finish first,   you can join after.oh he starting swearing us with arabic symbolls witharabics for note!find for something yourself.  get a life.  don't sit 7 24 hour in computer aroundthat never solve your problemI know sound harshone question can we believe who is realy there?we don't need same persons! stop creating multiple accounts arabics!you're very unfair!we've been opening the free table?  and In my table?  i'm writing In
  the table's subject this table for english only?they joining but?   and speaking strange symbolls with and that forces kus kick them.after they will came back and what says?guess nevermind it's too much swearing.just grow up arabic kids?  get some life in the world!I don't have problem with english community or what lol!reminder. if someone want to know him's name.    just ask me privately or add this addresskypekaranlikgeceler22


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : revan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

hi guys?I'm not telling any names here.but everyone knows some guys logging in in multiple accounts withand don't forget your IP showing therethey knows who are you!so why they doing these  bullyshit?I heared more time about the arabic tables talking about seks with americansand when we kicking them they saysfuck your table oh what?  should unban them?I warn again arabicsdon't try talk with about seks?why you creating multiple accounts? and you trying to make something?do you trying to get more girl with accounts? oh man get a  life.  there you can't get life anymoreIf someone want to learn player's name contact me private message or e-mailand he is kept lyingdon't believe himhe's liar!I'm saying how do you logging in same time in the multiple accounts?just tell us?  why you trying to show innocent yourse
 lf?that doesn't solve your problem arabicbe honest!and I know some arabic people saying?when you asking where are your from?I'm In the united states? oh but you aren't?well  we believing and chatting with them?  but after  what's happening?we're going to play farkle or whatever?  and he joining us?  he asking can i join?   and i'm saying let us finish first,   you can join after.oh he starting swearing us with arabic symbolls witharabics for note!find for something yourself.  get a life.  don't sit 7 24 hour in computer aroundthat never solve your problemI know sound harshone question can we believe who is realy there?we don't need same persons! stop creating multiple accounts arabics!you're very unfair!we've been opening the free table?  and In my table?  i'm writing In
  the table's subject this table for english only?they joining but?   and speaking strange symbolls with and that forces us kick them.after they will came back and what says?guess nevermind it's too much swearing.just grow up arabic kids?  get some life in the world!I don't have problem with english community or what lol!reminder. if someone want to know him's name.    just ask me privately or add this addresskypekaranlikgeceler22


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : revan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

no bogdani'm saying arabics for onlynot romania or whateverjust they joining and swearing usi have nothing to do about


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Bogdan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

I understand. Excuse me. But the arabic people are swering and me wich I never di


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Bogdan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

I understand. Excuse me. But the arabic people are swering and me who I never did something bad I was punished. That is my problem. How can I demonstrate who am I?


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : abdulrahman . essam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

@revinI know Who You meanan Iraqy Person from USAHe's A Problem maker, and He  Blocked Mee in his old account  in Skypenot all arabs are bad


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : abdulrahman . essam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

@revinI know Who You meanan Iraqy Person from USAHe's A Problem maker, and He  Blocked Mee in his old account  in Skypealso His friendsThey making more than 1 Account in Playroom and Insultingnot all arabs are badthere are many good Arabs: encluding me: but I got banned randomly in Playroom


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Bogdan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

Abdul, we all know what you did. Because your childish, all players pay for that. You must stop here.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : abdulrahman . essam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

@BogdanI didn't do anything Wrong in Playroom, I'm always Stick with rulesI didn't Insult and I didn't Create an other accountI had 1 account before the ban and I'm sureI have been banned randomly for no reason


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Bogdan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

I will not judge you, but you also did a bad joke on survive the wild regarding my account data. I am not shure if it is needed to post it here.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : abdulrahman . essam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

Yeah, that's A Joke, When i read your  topic in playroom forum, and when i got you online in STW I want to jokeI like to Joke alwaysbut that's not Importantwe both Accused of Multi accounts in Playroom and We are banned randomly


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Bogdan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

I also think that you did that on playroom, but that is it. Thanks.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Bogdan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

I also think that you did that on playroom, but that is it. Thanks. I think that I was banned because your stupid jokes. There is a confusion between me and you, but to be honest, you are so imature.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : abdulrahman . essam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

note: not only me  got banned from Playroom for random reasonthere are Many people got banned for random reasonmy friend added a topic about List of people got banned in playroom forum recently but it got deleted by 1 of helper/adminso: now i'll share the listThey banned my brother Abdullahalso His friend hamadThey also banned kizo1's connectionalso tomas AKA slovista, he got banned more than 5 times, all of bans  are short but anyway he didn't say anything to adminsthat's A List, of the banned users randomly


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : abdulrahman . essam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

note: not only me  got banned from Playroom for random reasonthere are Many people got banned for random reasonmy friend added a topic about List of people got banned in playroom forum recently but it got deleted by 1 of helper/adminso: now i'll share the listThey banned my brother Abdullahalso His friend hamadThey also banned kizo1's connectionalso tomas AKA slovista, he got banned more than 5 times, all of bans  are short but anyway he didn't say anything to adminsow: i forgot user to addDayan or Known as her new nickname NovaLenada, She got banned randomly recently but she got unbanned, with help from slavista and adventure-timethat's A List, of the banned users randomly


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : luiscarlosgm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

To you about this.I tell you what MR. Đid to me, well, I will explain it.He's lying. I đin't know what was happening at the moment, but a user called mayya banned a user randomly, so I sayed to her: You are dangerous, you're banning any people. Then she told me: what a pity, that's all what I could say about these stupid acts, stupid minds, stupid thoughts.Abdul, or suisscarl, or gregory, or quenten, or even mayya is stupid, and the list is long... THESE examples make just 1% of the accounts you have created. please tell me, you have really nothing to do in your life? comon !now for the banning history, i am not supposed to tell you here why it was like that, bbut there is a reason behind. you can of course continue to insult me, say that i am dangerous, say whatever you like, yet a person like you should be banned from here the way, I am completely astonished, how you dare to pay a server just to create new ip's. Bravofor other players, I don't think that I have nothing to do in my life but to ban you, that seems very stupid, just like this person who came to complain.what a pity, and here I put an end to this horrible and completely rediculous topic


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : roro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

Hello.@revan first, you should say Arabs, not Arabics. And second, I'm an Arab, I enjoy Playroom's games so much even though I'm not logging in too much this period, but your talk about Arabs was too generalized, as if you're talking about all those 350 million Arabs living on this planet. Try to be specific, not all Arabs spam, not all Arabs like sexe, not all Arabs are doing what you say. You should know that there are too many blind under-18 Arabs creating accounts on PR, which are causing problems to everyone, including me and many friends of mine, but these can be avoided by a simple block or report. I won't say I'm hating Playroom, I'm simply fed up with this Arab kids who follow me wherever I go, and due to what I've heard and seen about the unfare bans. I started turning back to RS games which is more controlled and almost spamless.Regards!Riad.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : abdulrahman . essam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

@luiscarlosgmShe didn't mean YouShe replied to My topic and she Ment me and swiss-carlthe user the-professional-unow-player in Playroom is meabout Swiss-carlas I heard from Bobo and his brother Bibo and Carl Himself : said that he has bought many vps to change IP, all of the vps are static except one dinamic he got recently


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : abdulrahman . essam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

@luiscarlosgmShe didn't mean YouShe replied to My topic and she Ment me and swiss-carlthe user the-professional-unow-player in Playroom is meabout Swiss-carlas I heard from Bobo and his brother Bibo and Carl Himself : said that he has bought many vps to change IP, all of the vps are static except one dinamic he got recentlyryok wrote:ok so this message was edited to oppose  my view on that swisscarl person. I get what you were hinting at now Aminiel. I believe that they're the same person. I guess that I should of looked closely.You don't know me, so How did You believe The Liar aminiel?first of all: Carl isn't Me, and i'm not  him, if He is me, than He can't Speak Frenchthis is a Proof


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : abdulrahman . essam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

@luiscarlosgmShe didn't mean YouShe replied to My topic and she Ment me and swiss-carlthe user the-professional-unow-player in Playroom is meabout Swiss-carlas I heard from Bobo and his brother Bibo and Carl Himself : said that he has bought many vps to change IP, all of the vps are static except one dinamic he got recentlyryok wrote:ok so this message was edited to oppose  my view on that swisscarl person. I get what you were hinting at now Aminiel. I believe that they're the same person. I guess that I should of looked closely.You don't know me, so How did You believe The Liar aminiel?first of all: Carl isn't Me, and i'm not  him, if He is me, than i can Speak Frenchthis is a Proof


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : revan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

hi? someone can tell me about it?we chatting and opening free tables for englishs only?but one arabic or arabian  what ever coming our tables,  and he's or she's trying to chat,  after we was warn them.  they never listens.that forces kick after they coming and swearing?that is better?i'm talking here who did these stupidity stuff?who created multiple accountwho was logged in same time with multiple accountsthat's all.just someone can tell me.  swearing is better or not!that unacceptable


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : momo7807 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

Hello aminiel.I don't want to step in here, but I think this issue is getting more and more serious, so I want to tell you somethingI don't know if I'm right, because I haven't been banned from the playroom.First, Ethin is right. If you don't control this situation, the playroom will become a war room and nobody will play it.You don't know what's happening in the playroom? Then you should implement a log system, it tells you everything.And you can prevent multiple accounts are being created by ip limit or email address limit.Also, if some admins are acting like a pirate, They should be banned.Hmm, the situation preventing me to play in the playroom.Anyway, please control the situation.And sorry if I was wrong.Thanks


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : revan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

hi,he have to know his adminsif he doesn't care, nobody won't playhere is an example if you admin in the gameyou don't need to ban for personal reasonit's unfairif you have personal issue with someoneyou have to discuss in somewhere not in playroomi'm saying admins for onlyloba or whateverand i'm warning everyonedon't go spanish tables thenstay with english communitythat seems political reason or whateverthat's my opinionshere is my suggestionspanish admins why doing ban americans?spanish admins have to let know english admins


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : revan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

hi,he have to know his adminsif he doesn't care, nobody won't playhere is an example if you admin in the gameyou don't need to ban for personal reasonit's unfairif you have personal issue with someoneyou have to discuss in somewhere not in playroomi'm saying admins for onlyloba or whateverand i'm warning everyonedon't go spanish tables thenstay with english communitythat seems political reason or whateverthat's my opinionshere is my suggestionspanish admins why doing ban americans?spanish admins have to let know english adminsthat's lie.  i cannot believe she will ban for radio show's fault


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : momo7807 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

I always stay in english table. I don't know spanish.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : abdulrahman . essam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

in The English Part there is Topics about People are getting banned by Randomso: in the Spanish part The Helpers are banning people for personal reasonsbut In the English part the helpers  especially  Mayya is banning players  for random reasonSomeone got banned and the reason is Moltople accounts and someone report him for no reasonanyway: go to english playroom's forum and you'll found more than 50 complains about people getting banned by random


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : luiscarlosgm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

Let me tell you about thís, rebán, roro and other people.Imajin that I I đidn't đid something bad I ramdomly I was banned?I'm not bad like the two hwo I like, MR. And roro.Well, if I say this I know because you hated me, but o god, We all commit erors, but it haves a solution. If there is no solution, it is because there is no problem!


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : momo7807 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

HiI saw the playroom forum, and I saw a reply that mayya posted. According to that reply, I think she has a complete confusion.I will post the reply now. In my next reply.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : momo7807 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

Ok, here is the entire topic.Here is the link. at post 70, by mayya.Mayya, first, the reason is behind? what is it? I didn't been banned but this thing is to serious, and I don't like an admin like you. Do you enjoy it?Next, you are now in a complete confusion.And You said something about life. I can't remember it but It made me angry.Please tell the reason.And I might been wrong.Thank you


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : momo7807 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

And I think this kind of ban, should be evaded. Since playroom has ip ban method, the ban will be quite easily evaded by restart the wi fi network. It will change your ip addressWhat do you think about it?Ban evading is a bad idea, but this kinds of ban is different than normal bans, so I think ban evading will be allowed, until the end of the war.


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Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

2015-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : abdulrahman . essam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

nope they use most methods of bansCarl Carlos AKA Swiss-carl said to me in zello that Aminiel has banned his account with fizical Address, not IP. but I didn't understand What He Meansalso Aminiel has banned his IP when Carl evaded his 10th fizical Address bansbut suddenly: he evaded The IP bansbut after 18th IP ban Carl still doesn't know How he got banned, he changed evrything using those methods but still he can't enter


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