Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-10 Thread GuyDebord

tomjtx;267543 Wrote: 
 I auditioned a full blown bolder SB and a modded TP in my home for
 several weeks each  doing careful, level matched comparisons. So at
 least some making comments have heard the other gear :-)
 I stayed with the stock TP. The other gear was not an improvement to my
 I haven't heard the Modwright . Dan has a great rep and I suspect it
 sounds quite good. Whether or not one prefers it to the stock would
 likely boil down to personal preference.

and the willingness to consume 4000 in credit or cash.


Reference3A RoyalMaster monitors biwired with van den Hul Inspiration,
REL Strata5. AMPS: Pathos Classic One MKIII's in mono config. ANALOGUE:
Clearaudio Ambient CMB, Satisfy Carbon  Lyra Helikon SL, ASR MiniBasis
SQ preamp, link: WireWorld SilverEclipse 5.2. DIGITAL: SlimDevices
Transporter, link: AcousticZen Silver Reference2 XLR’s. POWER: Isotek
MiniSub GII, Isotek Elite cables (MiniSub, Rel), Siltech SPX30 MKII
(Transporter), van den Hul Mainstream (Pathos)  van den Hul Mainserver

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-10 Thread Phil Leigh

[cold-induced rant]

I think part of the problem here is some slightly unfortunate choices
of language.

For example, the OP used the word limitations implying that the MW is
absolutely better that the inherently flawed original TP output stage.
It isn't - it's just different. Valves aren't better than transistors
- they are just different. That's fine. Nothing wrong with that. But can
we please have a moratorium on the unqualified use of the word better?
No-one can define better in this context.

Preferable to me is OK! is different. You can say what you
like, but you cannot say it's better/more accurate/more realistic than
what I like. It's all an illusion - you use yours and I'll use mine.

Later we get the use of the word fake...this is simply wrong.

All analogue audio stages impart their own character on a signal - be
it in terms of noise, freq response, dynamic response etc. IF you like
or dislike what they do then fine. However, you can't say one is fake
as if to imply that another may be natural or realistic. None of them

Can't we discuss this stuff without confusing opinion with fact?
[/cold-induced rant]

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT RCS 2.2X with Good Vibrations S/W - MF X-DAC
V3/X-PSU/X-10 buffer (Audiocomm full mods)- Linn 5103 - Linn Aktiv 5.1
system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend
Supertweeters, Kimber  Chord cables

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-10 Thread adamslim

Phil Leigh;267621 Wrote: 
 Valves aren't better than transistors - they are just different.
 That's fine. Nothing wrong with that. But can we please have a
 moratorium on the unqualified use of the word better? No-one can
 define better in this context.

Valves may not be intrinsically better than transistors, maybe, but I'm
pretty sure transistors -sound- worse than valves ;)


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

SB+, EAR V20, Living Voice OBX-R2s plus some other stuff
SB3, Charlize, Harbeth HL-P3ES

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-10 Thread alekz

Please notice that nobody mentioned measurements in this thread ;-) (see

Probably (since people will mod their TP/SB's anyway) it would be
useful to create threads dedicated to all available mods. Or at least
to compare them.

Stock Transporter:


o- digital part is not touched at all
o- no line filters or PS mods
o- completely redone analogue domain
o- dedicated PS with a tube/choke rectifier
o- transformer coupled balanced outputs
o- no coupling capacitors
o- no opamps

So, if you use an external DAC, Dan's mods will absolutely useless for


o- added Schaffner line filter
o- added ferrite rings on the ground wires and digital power supplies
o- added vibration damping
o- replaced most (at least half) capacitors with Sanyo ones
o- the coupling capacitors are replaced with Black Gates
o- replaced receptacles
o- replaced opamps (very fast OPA637 are considered the best (sorry,
the best again ;-) sounding opamps available) in analogue stage

The schematics/topology is not changed (except the line filter). 


(No picture)

o- replaced clocks
o- replaced DAC
o- modded PS
o- only unbalanced version is available (Alex does not disclose the

Basically, he recreated the Transporter, only the computer part is
left untouched.

Reference AudioMods:

o- modded PS (diodes and caps)
o- replaced SuperRegs with Audiocom regs
o- replaced receptacles
o- replaced the analogue stage with just two silver wired transformers
(? the picture is not big enough to determine how the transformers are
actually connected.)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-10 Thread Phil Leigh

adamslim;267631 Wrote: 
 Valves may not be intrinsically better than transistors, maybe, but I'm
 pretty sure transistors -sound- worse than valves ;)

NO THEY DON'T! It's all about the circuit, not the devices. You can
make anything sound like anything if you want to.

I use both. To my ears, modern transistor circuits are typically
neutral and lacking in overt character (except for Class A designs, eg
Sugden). whereas valve designs vary from neutral to fruity.

If anyone thinks you can't make transistor circuits sound like valves
ones, they are fooling themselves. This is certainly possible with line
level stages. The characteristic even-order harmonic distortion is quite
easy to replicate with a FET design.  Power amps are more problematic,
because it depends exactly what aspect you are trying to emulate.
Rectifier sag anyone? Transformer saturation? These are harder to do
(but not impossible - The classic soft clipping circuits are not a
million miles away in some ways. Microphonic effects are probably the
hardest to get close to.

The point is...this is all about choice, not right or wrong.

Actually that reminds could use an Inguz style modelling DSP
plugin to add valve warmth. This sort of thing is used in the studios
all the time.

Wow - that's a great idea. Maybe I should patent it. Convolving filters
to model your fave amp...Quad, Leak, Radford, Krell, Marantz etc. (oh
rats its already been done - but not for hi-fi)

I'd pay money (say £200-300) for that feature.
(God, this cold is getting worse)

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT RCS 2.2X with Good Vibrations S/W - MF X-DAC
V3/X-PSU/X-10 buffer (Audiocomm full mods)- Linn 5103 - Linn Aktiv 5.1
system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend
Supertweeters, Kimber  Chord cables

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-10 Thread alekz

tomjtx;267439 Wrote: 
 You could have gotten the same result feeding transporter through a tube
 preamp or buffer.
Not quite.

The difference will be:

o- coupling capacitors
o- balanced stage (1x5534 per shoulder, 4 in total)
o- unbalanced stage (1x5534 per channel, 2 in total)
o- attenuator
o- XLR or RCA connector
o- cable
o- XLR or RCA connector
o- current consumed by the analogue stage
o- digital noise injected into the analogue stage 

So, ModWright mod has a big advantage over a separate tube buffer


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-10 Thread adamslim

adamslim;267631 Wrote: 
 Valves may not be intrinsically better than transistors, maybe, but I'm
 pretty sure transistors -sound- worse than valves ;)

Phil Leigh Wrote: 

opaqueice Wrote: 

Crikey calm down calm down, there's me thinking smileys are there for a
purpose, to show - in this case - the gentle wink that goes with such a
statement.  Clearly despite such assistance I need to flag up my poor
attempt at humour even more clearly :D


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

SB+, EAR V20, Living Voice OBX-R2s plus some other stuff
SB3, Charlize, Harbeth HL-P3ES

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-10 Thread HalleysComet

GuyDebord;267603 Wrote: 
 and the willingness to consume 4000 in credit or cash.
 the transporter has years of research and development on it, electrical
 engineers, designers, software engineers, etc. The technology, features
 and sound is truly worth 2000 euros, the tp reflects innovation and
 leadership by all standards, and i happily support a product like this.
 Now, modwright only parasites on all of this and still charges exactly
 what the tp is worth to modify it with an extremely standard tube
 stage, in my book, the value of something like that is ZERO and enters
 the unethical realm/// Im sorry. but auditioning something like this is
 against my time, logic and principles. Common sense and not audiofool
 sense tells me its another of many frauds in the industry///

While I respect your point of view, I disagree with one of your key

Dissatisfaction with the state-of-the-art, and the willingness to
explore alternatives is central to progress in sound reproduction
technology.  Most of the leading lights in this industry started their
careers with soldering irons in their hands and a spark of an idea in
their heads.  For instance, firms such as Conrad Johnson and Acoustic
Research have their roots firmly in the foundation of modding other
designer's work. 

Dan Wright of ModWright Instruments may have roots in modding, but I
submit that he is an innovator who is driving the state of the art in
the industry.  He currently manufactures one of the finest
preamplifiers extant, designed and built from scratch, and produced in
his own factory.  Dan was one of the first to accept and utilize the
work of Jack Bybee, to deal with the effects of HF interference in high
bandwidth audio circuits.  He stands on the shoulders of designers like
Alan Kimmel, famed developer of the constant current circuits with whom
he partnered in developing Dan's award-winning stand-alone phono stage. 
The analog stage in his Transporter modification is hardly extremely
standard nor is the sound of the resulting product.

Willam Zane Johnson of AR is another fine example of a modder who
evolved into a manufacturer of renowned high-end audio equipment.  I
still have one of his modded Dynaco amps of the 60's, where he first
achieved a measure of commercial success.  Innovations which include
deep understanding of materials science, and the sound of individual
components/brands/types is central to the toolbox of successful
modders.  It also represents one of the strongest reasons why modern
electronics generally outperform classic designs of earlier decades.

Of course, any hacker can start subbing parts and call themselves a
modder, so I take your point about parasites.  But at the same time, I
think this process is central to the evolution of improved sound
reproduction equipment, and successful modders are a boon, not a bane
to our industry.  I think you're sadly mistaken if you believe that
modding is antithetical to excellence.  

Anyway, this is not the discussion I expected, when I originally posted
my positive experience with the product!  But interesting, and thanks
for adding your point of view!



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Not all 24/96 flac's are created equal

2008-02-10 Thread Timothy Stockman

As a matter of fact I used the FLAC Frontend yesterday to encode the
24/192/2.0 from the Classic HDAD of Alan Parsons' Eye in the Sky.  It
can't do the ReplayGain calculation above 48 KHz, so that option must be
unchecked, but it encoded fine.  Rather slowly, but fine.

Timothy Stockman

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-10 Thread rydenfan

I am sure I will be flamed for my beliefs, but I have to say I do find
it very interesting that everybody who KNOWS that either the
Modwright Transporter is a waste of money or that the same thing could
be achieved in another way has never heard one. Yet everybody who has
indeed listened seems to have universal praise for the piece. In the
end should not some emphasis be placed on how this piece sounds?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-10 Thread HalleysComet

rydenfan;267776 Wrote: 
 I am sure I will be flamed for my beliefs, but I have to say I do find
 it very interesting that everybody who KNOWS that either the
 Modwright Transporter is a waste of money or that the same thing could
 be achieved in another way has never heard one. Yet everybody who has
 indeed listened seems to have universal praise for the piece. In the
 end should not some emphasis be placed on how this piece sounds?

Those of us who have purchased it and are enjoying it are deluded fools
who are too easily parted with our money.  Wiser heads need to cool down
our ardor and point out that we're only listening to our delusions,
fueled by self-fulfilling perceptions of improvement.  Besides, who do
these modders think they are anyway defiling what it took years of the
finest engineers talent to develop?

grin  I'm lovin' it!



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-10 Thread HalleysComet

Timothy Stockman;267790 Wrote: 
 OK, what is non-standard about his analog stage?  Does he use a
 non-standard circuit topology?  What is unique in his circuit?

I don't have access to a circuit diagram, but from what I can see, and
have read, the stage is optimized for class A operation of the 6N1P
triodes he uses, and transformer coupled without caps in the direct
signal path.  The tube rectifier is a 5U4 type that apparently uses
some clever (? unspecified?) rectification twists, including bespoke
capacitors (teflon/foil in oil capacitors that Dan has made for him)
which are said to account for some of the sound quality.  At some point
I'll dig into it and see if I can figure out the circuit, but right now
I'm having too much fun listening!



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-10 Thread Timothy Stockman

HalleysComet;267786 Wrote: 
 The analog stage in his Transporter modification is hardly extremely
OK, what is non-standard about his analog stage?  Does he use a
non-standard circuit topology?  What is unique in his circuit?

Timothy Stockman

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-10 Thread opaqueice

HalleysComet;267786 Wrote: 
  Dan was one of the first to accept and utilize the work of Jack Bybee,
 to deal with the effects of HF interference in high bandwidth audio

Really?  So much for ModWright, then.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Help with choosing Transporter v/s USB DAC

2008-02-10 Thread gregeas

I have a Transporter, and USB DAC1, and the Pico DAC/headphone amp from

All three are audiophile-grade sources. I replaced a $2500 Arcam CD33
with the Transporter and noticed an immediate and striking improvement.
The DAC1 via USB is excellent as well, but the interface is lacking -- a
PC has to be tethered nearby with a USB cable, and switching albums and
tracks must be performed via the PC interface (i.e., mouse and
keyboard). Not ideal. The Pico is a surprisingly high-end miniature DAC
with only USB input. This is a very nice source if all you are
connecting is good headphones and a laptop. 

In short, I think we're heading into the golden age of PC audio... IMO
there is no way that PC-based sources will not eventually surpass the
highest-end CD players, if they haven't already.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-10 Thread tomjtx

opaqueice;267827 Wrote: 
 Really?  So much for ModWright, then.

X2, I didn't realize modwright was into that bybee nonsense.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-10 Thread HalleysComet

opaqueice;267827 Wrote: 
 Really?  So much for ModWright, then.

Yeah, I know.  But really...

Jack Bybee was able to develop a successful solution to allow sonar
listeners to more reliably detect enemy submarines, using technology he
developed that was kept classified by the US Navy for a number of years.
So what do you do to monetize this technology when you go to the
private sector?  

Well, the so-called Bybee Purifiers may or may not do anything for your
system.  Where they seem to matter is where you have very high bandwidth
amplification, where high-frequency harmonics have the potential to
impact the sonic spectrum.  Digital circuitry in particular provides a
certain level of nastiness that good design can mitigate, but the Bybee
parts in the right application can provide a perceptible improvement.

My electrostatic speakers turn out to be good high-frequency receivers.
They in turn feed back some of this into my power amps -- or they used
to.  I perceived this as a certain slight veiled muddiness in the
sound.  I tried various approaches, such as ferrite clamps (deadened
the sound) or sobel filters, but the Bybees seem to do the best job.  

On the other hand, they don't make a hill of difference in my living
room system where I have vintage tube amplification  dynamic speaker




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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-10 Thread Pat Farrell
Shredder wrote:
 I chose the MW TP direct into my amps over the other options, ie nice
 Dac into nice pre, TP into nice pre, great Dac w/no pre.
 Give it a listen. I suspect most will like it. If not, you will be able
 to make an educated judgment.

Glad you like it. As far as I'm concerned, anyone can listen to, and 
like anything, and its fine by me. Its your ears and your money.

All the arguing about circuits and parts is hot air.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-10 Thread alekz

Frank (aka HalleysComet), I see no reason why you have to defend your
choice. If it sounds better (for you), than it's the way to go (for
you). Period.

I second rydenfan here. That reminds me a couple of real interviews I
heard:I have't read the book, but it's bad, I will not read it and I
recommend you not to read it too. Don't make yourself look ridiculous
(at least).

Let's get back to the subject. I have a couple of questions to those
who have heard both the stock and modded Transporter.

o- Frank, you mentioned that the stock TS sounds(-ed) more detailed.
Could you please elaborate? Do you hear less details now? Are they
masked by the noise floor? 
o- Any differences in the sound stage? E.g. sources placement, the air
between them, depth/width, etc.
o- Did the stock TS sound brighter than the modded one? Did you notice
any sibilance?
o- Can you compare the dynamics? 
o- Frank, what does the rest of your system look like?
o- Can anybody with a digital camera make some photos of the internals
of their modded by Dan TS?

I have an Anthony's modded Transporter. This is what I noticed:

o- Extremely detailed, revealing, cold and analytical. Probably too
revealing and analytical (like the rest of my system). Too often it
shows how bad the recordings are. Not how good the music is.
o- A bit on the bright side. Hot records will sound stingingly HOT.
Sibilants are a bit exaggerated.
o- Good dynamics and very low noise floor. You can clearly hear the
sound decays. 
o- Pinpoint sound staging. 
o- It never sounds messy even during complex passages.
o- The images are thin with not enough meat and body. (ML Ascent

So, I'm wondering if I can get the best out of two worlds and let my
Anthony modded TS be modified by Dan. Also, it's recommended to pair
Logans with tubes. 

Alex Peychev's mods (though it sounds very interesting) are a no-go for
me since his design is non-balanced and I have a fully balanced system.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-10 Thread GuyDebord

HalleysComet;267786 Wrote: 
 While I respect your point of view, I disagree with one of your key
 Dissatisfaction with the state-of-the-art, and the willingness to
 explore alternatives is central to progress in sound reproduction
 technology.  Most of the leading lights in this industry started their
 careers with soldering irons in their hands and a spark of an idea in
 their heads.  For instance, firms such as Conrad Johnson and Acoustic
 Research have their roots firmly in the foundation of modding other
 designer's work. 

thanks for your response. however, i think we have to different ideas
of what innovations is. The TP's innovation is not so much on its
analogue stage than in its digital circuitry, interface and software
working in unison with the whole device. Now, i dont understand how can
you call innovation a simple change in the output circuitry. To me this
is parasitizing, not innovation.


Reference3A RoyalMaster monitors biwired with van den Hul Inspiration,
REL Strata5. AMPS: Pathos Classic One MKIII's in mono config. ANALOGUE:
Clearaudio Ambient CMB, Satisfy Carbon  Lyra Helikon SL, ASR MiniBasis
SQ preamp, link: WireWorld SilverEclipse 5.2. DIGITAL: SlimDevices
Transporter, link: AcousticZen Silver Reference2 XLR’s. POWER: Isotek
MiniSub GII, Isotek Elite cables (MiniSub, Rel), Siltech SPX30 MKII
(Transporter), van den Hul Mainstream (Pathos)  van den Hul Mainserver

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-10 Thread Pat Farrell
alekz wrote:
  Too often it
 shows how bad the recordings are. Not how good the music is.

Isn't this a curse of any accurate audiophile system?
Whatever you do, don't play CSNY's Four Way Street CD. It is terrible. 
Out of tune, loudness wars, clipping, etc. I had such grand memories of 
that as a good album, the CD is unlistenable.

I don't blame my transporter for it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FW40 - Real time DSP, digital out - in?

2008-02-10 Thread cheetah

seanadams;264761 Wrote: 
 Yes, this is the digital loop feature. It is in firmware 40 which is now
 in the nightly trunk builds.
 Give it a try. I have only tested with Tact XP and with a loopback
 cable. Would be interested to hear how it works with something like a
 Behringer EQ.
 Note there is a setting in SlimServer where you can re-clock the signal
 (bypassing jitter in the loop) or not. I was surprised to find that the
 TACT was apparently doing asynchronous sample rate conversion, so it is
 not compatible with the reclocking mode. Synchronous mode will still
 sound like its working but it will not actually be clocking the DAC
 correctly, so YMMV. I would recommend using asynchronous mode with the
 It would be nice to have a list of devices that can be used with the
 digital loop, and what the correct clocking mode should be for each.


Can you tell us more about your experience with TACT 2.2XP and
transporter?  Does it work to your satisfaction?  Would you prefer
standalone DSP and preamp to DSP/preamp combo with transporter?  Thanks


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-10 Thread alekz

Pat Farrell;267872 Wrote: 
 alekz wrote:
   Too often it
  shows how bad the recordings are. Not how good the music is.
 Isn't this a curse of any accurate audiophile system?
Unfortunately, I have to agree with you. Accurate (but unlistenable) vs
distorted (but rather enjoyable) dilemma. 
The better the system the worse some records sound. But would you 
prefer to part with some good but almost demolished by sound engineers

I wish I could switch between the mods and choose whatever sounds
subjectively better or according to my current mood.

I have only one solution for that - my car audio ;-) 

Pat Farrell;267872 Wrote: 
 alekz wrote:[color=blue]
 Out of tune, loudness wars, clipping, etc. I had such grand memories of
 that as a good album, the CD is unlistenable.
And that brings us to this thread:


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-10 Thread alekz

tomjtx;267888 Wrote: 
 I auditioned the maiu mod and ab'd it directly with my stock
What was the rest of the system? Was it the 1st Anthony's iteration
with the analogue stage not touched?

tomjtx;267888 Wrote: 
 The best thing I could say is he didn't make the modded TP sound

Good ;-) And that proves that Sean not quite correct saying that any
modification will make TP sound worse.

tomjtx;267888 Wrote: 
 What a total waste of money, IMO.
I still think it's a very system dependent.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-10 Thread tomjtx

I auditioned the maiu mod and ab'd it directly with my stock

There was no differance that could be identified by me or 2 other
listeners, a recording engineer and a high end dealer.

The best thing I could say is he didn't make the modded TP sound

What a total waste of money, IMO.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-10 Thread darrenyeats

What if this whole conversation was about some speaker wire?

Poster 1 Wow, company X's modification of Logitech's speaker wire has
totally transformed the sound! Everything's become so real!!!

Poster 2 If a mod on a speaker wire makes that much difference, and
the original speaker wire pretty much doesn't add any distortion, that
means the modded speaker wire is distorted.

Poster 1 Whatever. You haven't heard the mod so what are you talking
about. I know it sounds better.

I believe that the end result of every system is not perfect. In the
majority of cases even the most basic aspect of frequency response is
not very neutral. Personally I correct for this with room treatments
and DSP. Even so, there are clearly many other aspects to sound such
dynamic range, noise, harmonic distortion and no doubt others known and
others yet to be discovered, and every set up lacks in some aspects in
terms of the end result the listener hears.

This means that adding a component which distorts the signal always has
a possibility of making the end result better. Some distortions cancel
each other out - e.g. DSP is really in fact a intended
to counteract bad distortions in the end sound.

The point is this - I don't think a digital source is an appropriate
place to design distortions even if the result happens to be good for
some set ups. I like my sources, volume controls, cables etc to be as
neutral and transparent as possible.

I think speakers and rooms are where you can really mix to taste,
because this is where so many compromises have to made anyway due to
the physics of it.

However, components where only an electric signal exists should just
sound as if they are not there. Playing your system at 100% volume
should sound the same as playing your system without the preamp, for
example. If your system sounds magically better WITH the preamp, it
could be it is correcting some bad distortion in the setup but it
doesn't mean it is a better preamp in some absolute sense.


SB3 / Inguz - Krell KAV-300i (pre bypass) - PMC AB-1
Dell laptop - JVC UX-C30 mini system

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-10 Thread crooner

tomjtx;267841 Wrote: 
 X2, I didn't realize modwright was into that bybee nonsense.

Yeah, what a disappointment!!


Customized dual chassis Super Squeezebox
EAD DSP-7000 Series III DAC with HDCD and mods.
VPI Scout with Benz Micro Glider M2
Marantz 10B tube FM tuner
Audio Research PH3, SP16L and VS110
Vandersteen 2Ce signatures, 2W subwoofer.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Not all 24/96 flac's are created equal

2008-02-10 Thread Pale Blue Ego

I would second the suggestion to create SB3-friendly 24/48 FLAC files
from the 24/96 WAVs.  Naturally, you would also keep the 24/96 files
for when you get a Transporter (or SB4!).

dbPowerAMP is what I use to convert the WAVs.  When encoding to FLAC I
would use the lowest compression setting, so the SB3's CPU has less
work to do in decoding.

Pale Blue Ego

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-10 Thread HalleysComet

alekz;267853 Wrote: 
 Let's get back to the subject. I have a couple of questions to those
 who have heard both the stock and modded Transporter.
 o- Frank, you mentioned that the stock TS sounds(-ed) more detailed.
 Could you please elaborate? Do you hear less details now? Are they
 masked by the noise floor? 
 o- Any differences in the sound stage? E.g. sources placement, the air
 between them, depth/width, etc.
 o- Did the stock TS sound brighter than the modded one? Did you notice
 any sibilance?
 o- Can you compare the dynamics? 
 o- Frank, what does the rest of your system look like?
 o- Can anybody with a digital camera make some photos of the internals
 of their modded by Dan TS?
 I have an Anthony's modded Transporter. This is what I noticed:
 o- Extremely detailed, revealing, cold and analytical. Probably too
 revealing and analytical (like the rest of my system). Too often it
 shows how bad the recordings are. Not how good the music is.
 o- A bit on the bright side. Hot records will sound stingingly HOT.
 Sibilants are a bit exaggerated.
 o- Good dynamics and very low noise floor. You can clearly hear the
 sound decays. 
 o- Pinpoint sound staging. 
 o- It never sounds messy even during complex passages.
 o- The images are thin with not enough meat and body. (ML Ascent
 So, I'm wondering if I can get the best out of two worlds and let my
 Anthony modded TS be modified by Dan. Also, it's recommended to pair
 Logans with tubes. 
 Alex Peychev's mods (though it sounds very interesting) are a no-go for
 me since his design is non-balanced and I have a fully balanced system.

Great to hear from another Transporter owner who's trying to make it
even better ;-)

Unfortunately, as Dylan Thomas remarked, We share the barrier of a
common language.  I think I would have used the same descriptions you
used for your modded player to describe the original.  So I'm not sure
I can answer your questions.  

I think the main change for me compared to my three weeks with the
original Transporter is that the new one is more holographic or solidly
real sounding.  So before I would notice the detail and say Holy Cow!
I've never heard that before, cool!

Now I'm listening to Yo-yo Ma playing Dvorak's Cello Concerto, and I'm
just swept away.  I swear I can recognize Jacqueline du Pre's Strad in
Yo-yo's hands.  So I would say the detail is definitely there, but
that's not what I find myself listening to.

My sister is a flute player.  Before she moved to Paris, she used to
play for the New Jersey Symphony Orchestra and was a sub for the NY
Metropolitan Opera.  I sat in on a concert she played of the 4th
Brandenberg.  Today I was listening to the Marlboro Festival Orchestra
playing the Brandenberg via the Transporter, and again, I had the
feeling that I was right there, hearing the right tone of the silver
flute, the wood of the violin bodies, and the occasional scrape of
bows.  It's the there-ness that I treasure, and that I felt was
missing in my original experience with the Transporter.

I'm not sure I can break it down into your language, but I'll try.  
* There's no noise.  I can crank it up full, don't hear any tube rush
or other noise.  
* Brightness?  H'mmm.  The stock unit maybe was a little brighter?  It
was certainly -- I don't know -- edgier? sounding, perhaps, but that
sounds too negative.  It wasn't in any way BAD sounding.  Maybe a
little more in your face like you were seated too close to the
musicians?  I kept hoping it would break in and settle down, so there
was a certain edge about it that I didn't enjoy.
A caveat about brightness: an my hearing isn't so fantastic anymore on
high frequencies.  So I tend to prefer equipment that's brighter than
others like, probably because bright doesn't bother me.  So it wasn't
brightness, that's wrong word.  Sorry, I'm struggling to find words for
* Dynamics I can't talk to.  I listened to some large scale orchestral
stuff on the original Transporter and it was breathtaking.  I haven't
really compared the ModWright yet on that source material.  I wouldn't
expect it to be different, and I wouldn't trust my ability to tell the
difference anyway.

I'm not sure how relevant my system info will be.  Everyone's is so
idiosyncratic, it's hard to make generalizations.  And I've actually
got 4 systems in the house, so it's not even that simple.  I've
listened to the MW Transporter in two of my systems, so far.  My
impressions are a composite of those two systems.

My music room has electrostats (some early Roger Sanders Eros), with
his Innersound amplifiers.  Probably not too different than your ML's,
I would guess.  I use a passive transformer-based preamp there.  This
system is brutally revealing, but whole-cloth honest.  Mostly I listen
to vinyl in this system.  I have a nice Teres-based record deck, which
is my primary source, via a KK phono preamp.  

In my living room I have Magneplanar 1.6qr speakers which are actively
bi-amped via a pair