Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Intona USB thing

2017-05-11 Thread alfista

Golden Earring wrote: 
> Hi Arny!
> 2. Why do CD's, DVD's & Blu-Ray discs play from the inner available
> radius outwards
With certain niche consumer groups messing with the outer edge using
magic markers, lathes and whatnot it reduces the likelihood that they
would actually affect the output in any way if the CD is filled from
center and outwards. After all, most CDs aren't pushing the 74 min

On a slightly more serious note, a lot was made of the ruggedness of the
CD when it was introduced, and I suspect the outer edge is more likely
to suffer different problems, be it during production or through
careless handling by the consumer. Using the inner part first, a mildly
compromised disks will still function properly. I remember buying a
compilation CD that was filled to the edge, when played the last few
minutes was filled with drops and pops, and when I got it replaced it
was the same. On closer inspection there were minute cracks along the
outer edge. I wouldn't hazard a guess as to how these had developed, but
it must have happened during manufacturing or packing. Had total playing
time been five minutes shorter I'd never have noticed.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] External DAC on Transporter: best output option

2017-04-24 Thread alfista

Golden Earring wrote: 
> Hi all.
> I know that Sean worked hard in 2005 to keep the jitter on the
> Transporter to a minimum, but if you think he thought 20ps was
> sufficiently low to be inaudible you might ask why he then also gave the
> Transporter a word clock in connection.
Probably because it's a checkbox item for a purported audiophile
product. I have no idea where Sean stands on the audibility of jitter in
that region, but he clearly understood what constitutes "street cred" in
this niche of the market. A rear wing does nothing for the handling of a
Vauxhall Astra 1.2, but try convincing the 18 year old guy driving the
car he'd be just as good without it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Chips

2016-12-07 Thread alfista

edwardthern wrote: 
> Yes I've heard that theory beforebits-r-bits etc.
Nowhere in my post did I in any way refer to the digital domain.

edwardthern wrote: 
> However take two DACs that have the same output stage, etc say the
> audiogd ref7 and the nfb7. One uses the PCM1704 chip and the other uses
> a Sabre chip. News flash... They sound different!
That's a firm statement. Perhaps it's true, I'm not saying it's
impossible, but so far you haven't provided anything supporting that

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Chips

2016-12-06 Thread alfista

The point is that rating the chips in isolation is for the most part not
meaningful, the environment you place the chip in often has more impact
on the result.
There may be virtually no differences between two chips under ideal
conditions, while two different implementations with the same chip may
display a big difference. Neither of the differences is necessarily
audible, but if the design is sufficiently bad it might be.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Interconnects and Power leads. Snake Oil?

2016-11-17 Thread alfista

drmatt wrote: 
> Much like the analogy in another thread of a picture in a book being the
> same no matter how many times you open the book to look at it.
> Irrelevant.

Yet someone made the claim that a file sounded different the second time
it was read and didn't like it being called out and refuted based on
easily verified facts It was subjective, you know, so it shouldn't have
to stand up to scrutiny.

Changes in the analogue domain may obviously alter the sound, but I much
prefer claims that are based on some kind of objective analysis and
lacking that at least a subjective judgement that stays moderately
plausible. Dramatic changes due to a different power lead doesn't enter
that realm, even subtle changes is a stretch.

Any change done to a normally working digital transport on the other
hand has to be intentionally degrading the fidelity of the signal
(altering the content) to be audible, any products to improve digital
transport or the proponents of said products can and should be

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] free upgrade for linux LMS users

2016-11-16 Thread alfista

Or sticking to media analogies. Looking at a picture in a book, closing
the book, opening it again to look at the same picture. Call me sceptic,
but I don't feel the need to verify that it looks the same. This is the
case here, nothing the player is aware of has changed.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audiostream's "Silent Majority"

2016-03-14 Thread alfista

cliveb wrote: 
> Women need very acute hearing so that they are able to hear everything
> their husbands might mutter under their breath and file it away for
> future use against them (sometimes years later).
I'm pretty sure part of the marriage ceremony reads "Anything you say
can and will be used against you".
Furthermore I've found out that the fifth amendment doesn't apply in a

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Once again - does wav sound different than flac?

2015-09-22 Thread alfista

Julf wrote: 
> I suspect those who live in the wonderful make-believe world of unicorns
> and fairies enjoy their music more than I do, but then again, there is
> more to life than just audio...
Dunno, I would say that a near pathological focus on finding the
imaginary flaws that need imaginary remedies doesn't strike me as a way
of enjoying the actual music.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Cable burn in

2015-04-21 Thread alfista

netchord wrote: 
 so yes, cable does change over time
The only thing you have established is that you believe cable does
change over time, not that they actually do. There's a fundamental
difference to those two things.
If you're content with your beliefs, by all means, no reason for you to
make the effort necessary to prove the existence of such a phenomenon,
much less the research into the causes.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Oh-oh, the ethernet/USB cable dispute all over again ...

2015-01-08 Thread alfista

ralphpnj wrote: 
 The amazing stuff that I really want is not the damn jitterbug but
 rather whatever Mr. Michael Lavorgna is taking.
No thanks, rather not corrupt my mind.
My morals are another matter :) I could do with the $$$ he got for
writing that blurb.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ready to fly

2014-10-28 Thread alfista

ralphpnj wrote: 
 What does a unicorn fart smell like and would one be able to tell it
 apart of a fairy fart in a double blind test? Smell notwithstanding, by it's 
 mere force a unicorn fart will
completely lift the veils.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ready to fly

2014-10-28 Thread alfista

darrenyeats wrote: 
 If it was shown that people could distinguish distortion of certain
 types at X db lower than the currently accepted levels, when that
 distortion modulates a newly invented sound pattern, then the world of
 science would certainly *not* be in uproar.
To show anything about the capabilities of human hearing would require
scientific methodology. Provided the findings are published and made
available for others to verify it will of course be a welcome addition
to the body of knowledge. Of course the science world would not object
to a piece of adequately performed piece of scientific work.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ready to fly

2014-10-28 Thread alfista

Mnyb wrote: 
 All models are aproximations wrong in some sense but they are darn
 close, close enogh for all practical engineering if you adopt the rigth
 modell .
Exactly. They're not wrong, just degrees of imperfect and through
scientific advances they will forever approach perfection.

It's been posted here before, but it's still enjoyable reading, 'The
Relativity of Wrong'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Car stereo with USB stick- off-topic maybe?

2014-04-02 Thread alfista

I can only agree with others, car stereos are pretty useless at this.
A few ideas:
If you remove one of the working folders, are you then able to play
folder #434? That would suggest a limit to number of files/folders.
For LMS to work well tagging is essential, car stereos can be even more
finicky, checked tags for the first non playing files?
Any odd characters in file/folder name for the folder where is goes

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Triode's USB 24/192 plug in - sound quality impressions

2012-06-23 Thread alfista

cfraser wrote: 
 As for the sandwich box, it was done neatly...I am used to seeing
 prototypes of all sorts of things, and most look far far worse. To those
 not used to seeing them, sure it may seem junky but that's how most
 products/ideas start out.
Granted, but those prototypes are generally less reliable and don't
exactly perform better than finished production units.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Triode's USB 24/192 plug in - sound quality impressions

2012-06-12 Thread alfista

cfraser wrote: 
 Hell, the 3-letter-agencies can tell exactly what you're doing by the
 radiated energy from your executing code. From quite far away.
You've got it backwards I'm afraid. The men in black don't need no
sniffers to see what you're doing, courtesy of powerful mind control
rays they already know that.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] NAS versus PC - any sound quality difference?

2012-05-24 Thread alfista

There are no relevant technical differences when it comes to delivering
data to the SB between PC/Mac and NAS, some varieties of NAS are
architecturally nearly identical to your average desktop PC. As long as
it is powerful enough to deliver data at a fast enough rate there will
be no difference.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Low Jitter mods

2012-05-08 Thread alfista

ralphpnj wrote: 
 otherwise why would the audiophile have its collective panties in a knot
 over asynchronous USB?
Beats me, I've always suspected that to be a bit misdirected. Assuming
jitter of this magnitude actually does affect sound quality, I wouldn't
be at all surprised to find USB DACs that fared worse in that respect
than many of the traditional DACs or for that matter the DACs built into
the Squeezeboxes. Somehow it is assumed that because it's asynchronous
it will by definition perform better.
However, my question this time wasn't directed at the alleged impact of
jitter, merely how the OP verified that the mods affected and more
importantly improved jitter.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Low Jitter mods

2012-05-07 Thread alfista

Archimago wrote: 
 Even without bringing out the 'measure' word, I'd like to know how the
 OP KNOWS the mods affect jitter at all?
Lacking measurements, I'll settle for anything that corroborates the
claims regarding jitter.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Low Jitter mods

2012-05-06 Thread alfista

By what method have the jitter been measured and how much did it

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-02-08 Thread alfista

AlexM;689489 Wrote: 
 From the testing I have done, higher CPU utilisation is the result of
 streaming WAVs, and this is primarily the overhead of processing the
 additional packets. // I suggest that reducing the data volume reduces
 the CPU load, so probably best to stay with FLAC.
Interesting observation which shows that unless you make the effort of
understanding the design you may make faulty assumptions on what
operations are the most demanding.
Also, not all kinds of processing is equal from a noise perspective. It
is quite likely that operations that require a few more cpu cycles but
operate largely on cached data would cause less noise on the power
supply than more IO-intensive tasks even though they might not take as
much processing.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-02-08 Thread alfista

Phil Leigh;689509 Wrote: 
 The audio data in the Touch is not cached per se in the tradional sense
 - it is held in a FIFO ram buffer, since it is read once.
Ah, yes, the term cache was maybe a poor choice (and of course I was
talking about the internal cache or RAM in the CPU) but then again it
was a purely theoretical excercise on how the same amount of CPU cycles
might present a different amount of EMI depending on where the CPU
fetches the data it is processing. My reasoning is that accessing
memory external to the CPU is likely to affect the power rails to a
higher degree than accessing internal RAM (or cache). This may or may
not be relevant for the Touch though, mostly because I'm not all that
familiar with its inner workings.

I assume though that the FIFO of which you speak is a software
implementation using the normal RAM, thus requiring both write and read
accesses via a 32 bit DDR2 interface. The question regarding FLAC may be
whether the decoding process will generate additional read/write
operations to this RAM compared with WAV, or if it will perform the
decoding entirely using internal memory. Either way, it may still have
an edge on WAV when it comes to memory bus bandwidth.

Again, all purely theoretical, I neither claim nor believe that it's
really an issue.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] $30, 000 audio power cable introduced

2011-12-01 Thread alfista

Fahzz;673803 Wrote: 
 I'm told that nuclear generated electricity generates less audio noise
 than hydro electric power-can anyone confirm?
There was this traveling salesman years ago selling a device that you
plugged into a wall outlet and that let you choose between
nuclear/non-nuclear generated electric. Damn, I knew I should have
bought a couple of those. Guess he's probably selling Shakti Hallograph
Soundfield Optimizers online today so that we all can experience how
The bass exhibits greater control with midrange and highs that are now
more articulate and less strident.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] $30, 000 audio power cable introduced

2011-11-29 Thread alfista

mlsstl;673178 Wrote: 
 I'd also point out that such a person could also buy their own
 20,000-plus watt generator and have it installed in the yard away from
 their house and provide themselves a dedicated power source completely
 isolated from the mains.
I would expect nothing less from anyone serious about their system.
However, there are several factors that must be carefully considered.
This has to be an audiophile grade generator with windings from copper
cured for +500 hours in a bath of meticulously temperature controlled
vintage crude oil at ridiculous pressure. Also, a precision generator
must not be powered by any run of the mill diesel engine (engines with
harmonic dampers are particularly ill suited for audio purposes, but
that goes without saying I guess), actually any piston engine is likely
to have too much torsional vibrations resulting in overtones in the
output of the generator. Japanese audiophiles swear by Mazda rotary
engines but recent listening tests with gas turbines from General
Electric running at a speed tuned to an odd multiple of the crossover
frequency of the speakers gave favorable results. It wasn't a blind
test though, the leaves flying off the trees outside the window was a
bit of a giveaway. Next is the choice of fuel, naturally there may be
no additives that may affect the imaging or contaminate the high range
the way ordinary cheap jet fuel would. Medical grade ethanol is
preferred by many for it's neutral tone, while a 24 year single malt is
popular for the noticably warmer glow it gives to the tube amps and you
will also enjoy a slightly smoother sound from your vinyl records.
Sadly, the whole idea of running your own generator falls over since
there is no economically feasible method of supplying enough air of the
quality required. Normal outside air varies wildly when it comes to
temperature, humidity, pressure and oxygen isotope ratio, not to
mention the sonically detrimental effects of certain pollen types. So
far, listening tests has been constricted to 5 minute sessions, nobody
has been able to provide more processed air of the necessary grade to
run the gas turbine for longer periods than that. If you live in a
rural area and has a less revealing system you may get away with using
outside air during the month of october.

Maybe one shouldn't mock this stuff though, spending money (even
absolutely obscene amounts as in this case) on a power cord does in
some sad way make more sense than spending them on audio grade USB
cables or hard drives.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] $30, 000 audio power cable introduced

2011-11-29 Thread alfista

Speaking of sprays, the audiophile running their SB wireless might want
to see if has any
noticeable effect.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter wont stream

2011-09-12 Thread alfista

artintampa;656176 Wrote: 
 I got on the phone with Logitech and after talking about everything
 we've talked about and re-doing some resets they concluded that the
 transporter's 9000 port is not working and therefore cannot stream
Then again, this is almost certainly not a hardware issue, i.e. not
something a replacement will sort out. If other ports are working and
not port 9000, then in all likeliness it's a configuration issue


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What is a Transporter SE?

2010-12-28 Thread alfista

JJZolx;597882 Wrote: 
 My guess is that they had left over Transporter parts on hand but
 couldn't source the TransNav mechanism.  So they're selling what they
 can with minimal additional effort.
Apparently there were some stock of the displays left. Isn't that the
same display as in the Classic?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Stereophile Review II: What conclusion can be drawn from the Measurements?

2010-09-22 Thread alfista

adamdea;578263 Wrote: 
 If you mean the difference quantitatively- well a 19 bit number will
 have 8 times as many possible values as a 16 bit number. The 19 bit
 sample will therefore have 8 times more possible values than a 16 bit
adamdea;578263 Wrote: 
 But in an audiophile context I would thinks it's huge- cf any possible
 benefit from different cables etc.
Following the same logic, going from a sample width of googol to
googol+3 must make a huge difference, I mean it will increase the
resolution eightfold.


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