Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DACs : unmodded Transporter vs Perfectwave DAC?

2011-01-07 Thread empty99

darrenyeats;600640 Wrote: 
 For me, if you want a certain quality to the sound I don't believe the
 digital source is the right place to expect that. Use down-stream
 equipment to deliver the qualities of sound you like (and that's fine -
 see below). For me, it's like complaining an RCA connector is boring
 because it's transparent. 
 But this is interesting because I've come to realise there are two
 different ways of looking at hi-fi and both are equally valid.
 One opinion is that the best hi-fi is that which makes the most
 recordings sound the best or most real. If you think about it, it's a
 very sensible opinion and I won't criticise it - indeed I cannot.
 The other opinion is that the best hi-fi delivers the original
 recording as closely as possible. On many recordings, this may be
 deliver an experience which is less real and perhaps less
 comfortable. However, when done properly this is not an unpleasant
 sensation and I would say it's the opposite of boring. You hear the
 equipment less and the recordings more and there is a lot variety in
 recordings out there, variety that can easily be papered over. Anyway,
 I'm just saying this is an another way of looking at things.
 At this point in my audio journey I keep the second view but I respect
 completely those dedicated to the first view. Enjoy the music

Sensible and reasonable viewpoint! I am of the second opinion as well,
relying on the recording / mastering side expertise to bring me the
best possible sound for my setup. My current music library has roughly
25% recordings that are exquisitely done, 25% enjoyable, 25% so so for
background and the rest is pretty bad, sound quality wise.


SB3-Benchmark DAC1HDR-Pass X250-12g Romex-BW N802

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does audiophile equal quiet?

2010-12-23 Thread empty99

and the stuffs they are trying to peddle from to know who
they are. As the old saying goes: Salesmanship is the art of making you
laugh while ripping you off blind. Be afraid...very afraid!


SB3-Benchmark DAC1HDR-Pass X250-12g Romex-BW N802

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does audiophile equal quiet?

2010-12-23 Thread empty99

magiccarpetride;596419 Wrote: 
 Or, maybe it is that I'm lost for the ultra rarefied and refined world
 of super-human esoteric high end of audiophilia?
While it's a fun hobby, the letdowns are huge. Preventative is best by
tempering enthusiasm with a daily dose of reality. There are good
doctors in this house.


SB3-Benchmark DAC1HDR-Pass X250-12g Romex-BW N802

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] High definition digital vs red book

2010-10-26 Thread empty99

Phil Leigh;585141 Wrote: 
 No -  I do not believe I could tell them apart on a quick A/B... (I've
 just tried and failed). They ARE very different in terms of information
 content, but can you actually hear it...? I don't believe so.
 The extra information in 24/96 vs 16/44.1 just isn't THAT important!
 As I've always maintained, the benefit of redbook recording is in the
 mastering flexibility - you get to create great sounding results.
 16/44.1 can sound absolutely fine if produced from a great master...

can be fantastic, in fact, some of the finest sound I heard are regular
CDs from the ECM label. Manfred Eicher has great ears!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How much can transport mechanism affect SQ?

2010-10-11 Thread empty99

magiccarpetride;582125 Wrote: 
 You can have a very high resolution, high quality digital sound source
 and still have this uneasy feeling of nervousness when listening to it,
 something you don't get when listening to a high quality, high
 resolution analog source.

It's called digititis irritis, a mental condition and has nothing to
do with hearing. Patients reported seeing wild and endless stepladder
going up and down, flashing ones and zeros in rapid successions against
very dark background, almost black, causing irritation and anxiety. When
subjected to a steady stream of fog and dim lights, patients experience
peace, restfulness, their eyes less strained, their locations intact w/
proper sensory feedback...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How much can transport mechanism affect SQ?

2010-10-11 Thread empty99

Phil Leigh;582163 Wrote: 
 Post of the Month so far :-)

Small miracle actually, that vinyl can sound that good really,
considering how crude the whole playback chain is but thanks to endless
tweaking for 50+ years, it got pretty good!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Bryston BDA-1 vs. Benchmark HDR?

2010-09-30 Thread empty99

The volume pot is nearly full sized w/ a motor attached, vs a very small
PCB type pot on the rest of DAC1 variations.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Agggghh Transporter gone

2010-09-30 Thread empty99

michael123;579939 Wrote: 
 If you're targeting for high-end system, only Transporter and do not
 look elsewhere 
 Hi-Fi can go with Touch or SB3 with some upgraded power supply (e.g.
 Teddy Padro)

To me High End may not be HI FI, which is High Fidelity. High End can
sometimes be Anything You Wanted with lots of money ;^)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Balanced Analog Cable Adapter help

2010-09-27 Thread empty99

Would this work, leaving the ground connections alone?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Unbalanced Analog Cable Help

2010-09-22 Thread empty99;578056 Wrote: 
 Thanks for your help .Im gonna get some cables from Blue Jean.
The slightly thinner RG-48? coax cables terminated w/ screw-on gold
plated RCA plugs from It's flexible enough yet has
the solid core conductor that just sounded great to my ears. You can
make a bunch of them ICs real cheaply.

SB3  Benchmark DAC1-HDR  Balanced XLR  Pass X250  BW 802N  Nicer!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Most bang for buck? Add DAC to SB or buy Touch?

2010-09-17 Thread empty99

The Touch has a better DAC with better analog outputs at $299 AND 30
days home trial, I say go this route first to see if you like the
change or any worthwhile improvement that you can hear. In my
experience, DACs sound quality differences are very small versus other
components such as speakers and preamps.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] S-Booster

2010-09-10 Thread empty99

iPhone;571568 Wrote: 
 Buyer beware, the only change to your system will be the lightness in
 ones wallet and a little less treble from your lowered seating

There's that smooth warm analog sound without the digital edges


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 + Power amp problem

2010-09-09 Thread empty99

Wombat;574730 Wrote: 
 I second that. The SB3 alone has an output that should have not the
 slightest problem to drive a pre-amp input. The Op-Amp in the exit has
 enough current juice even for low impedance power-amps.
 If a pre-amp betters the sound the power-amp has some broken or badly
 engineered inputs or the pre-amp just adds his own sweet sound.

and felt pretty smug about for the last 20+ years w/ my very decent
passive VC setup, an impedance friendly setup at that, i.e very short
cables, high input impedance on the amp 75kOhms, 50kOhm Alps pot and
the low low impedance out of a DAC of 30 ohms. I know there was clarity
galore yes, but as I turn up the volume, some sorts of compression kicks
in and the sound is still clear but congested, I always felt my system
is more capable than that. I loved the clarity but there is persistent
thinness to the sound. The sound is clear but flat, if you know what I
mean. So there was this what if nagging at me through several passive
potentiometer changes, from cheap Shacks stuffs to TKD to Alps (I
started PVC experiment in 1986!)
Well, I know now that there is almost as much plus and minus in PVC as
in AVC and impedance mismatch can really tip the scale either way. I
know now that the precious low level line out that contains both
voltage and current that are easily messed up by lousy connections or

SB3  Benchmark DAC1 HDR  Balanced XLR  Pass X250  BW N802  Nicer!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 + Power amp problem

2010-09-09 Thread empty99

Wombat;575578 Wrote: 
 Pretender! :) Nice Amp btw.
 Never liked BW sound in that league. A full flavoured Avantgarde Trio
 setup may be a different story...
Thanks...Hey you're pretty courageous yourself building own speakers!
Now you really can get more of what you like, accuracy be damned! ;^)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Quality of digital input on Transporter

2010-08-27 Thread empty99

I heard nothing but positives on the Transporter, but being a
discontinued product, there is something to worry about. The nearest
competing product for me is the Benchmark Pre HDR 1, a bit more
versatile in the fact that it can take in Analog (SACD from my Sony
player), has gain adjustable XLR balanced out (very handy to optimise
pre to amp matching and at the most linear analog volume control range)
and complete wireless control did it for me. It is the most expensive
and smallest audio device that I ever bought. Oh yes, it sounded great
into my Pass X250 and BW N802!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Quality of digital input on Transporter

2010-08-27 Thread empty99

Phil Leigh;572544 Wrote: 
 Well, that's a bit of an apples to oranges comparison, since the
 Benchmark is a DAC and the Transporter is a NMP... not exactly the same
 kind of animal.
 I'm sure your system sounds great BTW.

Thanks! Since the original poster already has a SB3 like mine so I was
talking in DAC functionality mindset.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] 2.0 vs 2.1

2010-05-30 Thread empty99

OldCoder;551723 Wrote: 
 I have used subs for almost 30 years now, both in a 2.1 configuration
 and my current 2.2 setup.
 I have found that the key (for me) is having a electronic crossover and
 driving the subs with their own amplifier.  
 This allows me to adjust enough from my listening position that I can
 get the sound integrated smoothly once I get the subs close to correct
 in their positioning.  It makes it a snap to alter the crossover
 frequency to reduce boom, and match volumes for smoothness of output.
 As another poster noted earlier, the greatest benefit of sub is taking
 the load off the primary speakers, allowing them more clarity and
 dynamic headroom.

I have gone this route for about 10 years and did noticed the
improvement you said but upon going back to plain 2 channel due to wife
insistence on ridding those tube subs, I found that I lost the depth but
gained back the clarity and focus of the music, somehow, all those
x-over electronics added some mud to the sound...I can see the benefits
of such system when you want extremely high volume playback level
because it's more efficient.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DAC Resolution Test and Don't EVER use Digital Volume Control

2010-05-01 Thread empty99

Just looking at your gig, nice TV!
In my ear mind, I would think it's better if you can switch your
listening position to achieve a more LEDE, Live End Dead End setup,
putting your stereo on the flat wall side and your chair on the open
side. As it is, you will get lots of early echo from the back wall
messing up with the main sound from the front...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter as preamp

2010-04-04 Thread empty99

cliveb;527485 Wrote: 
 Someone will no doubt correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the SACD spec
 require that you cannot get a digital output from the SACD layer?
 Presumably that means that when you play an SACD disc, the data stream
 on the SPDIF output is from the redbook layer.

When playing SACD discs, my Sony S9000ES mutes its digital outs.
I don't know what happens if one chooses the Redbook layer playback for
hybrid discs...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Suggestions for upgrade from ARCAM A85 Amp

2009-12-12 Thread empty99

norderney;494697 Wrote: 
 ok sorry if this seems a silly question, but what exactly is a sub? And
 how does it connect to my system?
It's a dedicated low frequency reproducer, usually has its own
amplifier, that you can hook up to your system. Do a search on its
working principle to see if it makes sense to you. The reason I
recommend it is that your bookshelf speakers (reads: small) cannot
reproduce real deep bass, although they can offer just a hint of it to
kind of fool you into thinking that it's there. 
The most difficult part about its setup is blending, this will take
time, and this is part of the fun, to play with. 
It has level control, crossover frequency in Hz, usually 50 to 120, a
phase switch, to compensate for the distance between it and main
speakers, it likes corner placement, where it can double in output w/o
distortion from overdrive (low frequency takes lot of power to
A big side benefit is that depend on how you set it up, it can UNLOAD
this burden from your small bookshelf system, allowing it to play
cleaner and louder w/ the same wattage that your existing amp can
provide. This hookup requires feeding your transporter output  sub 
amp  your speakers, taking advantage of the low / high pass filters
from the sub. Read up on it, then experiment, you will be pleasantly
surprised. Many people says this upgrade gives the best bang for the


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] I am torn...

2009-12-11 Thread empty99

Glad I have Squeezebox now.
Absolutely SB3 has changed my listening habit as well!
Now who got an Oppo modded to output recordable DSD signals? Let me


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] I am torn...

2009-12-11 Thread empty99

matka;494639 Wrote: 
 Actually, it is not DSD that you can capture from ispdf, it is PCM, so
 there is a conversion taking place. DSD is send via HDMI 1.3 , but then
 what can you do with it ? Play it via DSD enabled receiver with better
 DSD DAC then Oppo I guess...  
 According to Oppo, analog audio output is converted from DSD directly
 without going thru PCM. So it is possible that analog capture can be of
 better quality then PCM from SPDIF.

We were talking about a modded Oppo that does DSD24bit/88.1Khz
downsample PCM stream we can capture, then playback thru TP. Many SACD
discs I got already have Redbook CD layer on them that sound quite
decent. We audiophiles just want to split hairs to get to the last drop
of goodies so suffer we must!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Suggestions for upgrade from ARCAM A85 Amp

2009-12-11 Thread empty99

norderney;494623 Wrote: 
 Can you explain what is meant by the term 3 or 4 way speakers? 
 Would my existing BW CDM1NT stand mounted speakers be 2 way?
 Sorry if this question is a bit basic, but I am not a hi-fi expert, but
 I am trying to learn!!

Here's the short answer: You got a very nice system, I love them
spacious sounding speakers!
Here's the short warning: You could do worse by spending more!
Here's what I think you can improve quickly: Get a quality BW sub and
play w/ it but keep an ear out for boomy or muddy low end by staying
south of 80Hz lowpass, I prefer 50Hz and lower. You may not realize how
much good clean low bass CAN improve your hifi!
Welcome to the dark side...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] I am torn...

2009-12-08 Thread empty99

pfarrell;490648 Wrote: 
 empty99 wrote:
  I am no longer a SONY guy...
 I had a huge stack of all-Sony AV gear and a big Sony 35 TV (crt,
 wonderful picture) including Stereo TV tuner, casette desks, Beta VCR,
 turntables (bet you didn't know that Sony sold a linear armed
 turntable), etc.
 I have zero Sony gear in the house now.
 I believe that they have sold out on their brand name, it used to be a
 bit more expensive, but great quality and good sound. Now, not so
 All IMHO.
 Pat Farrell

Ahh yes, those CRTs, I got the last great analog Trinitron XBR2-100 @
$3000.00 in 1998 and yes I remembered the silver linear arm turntable.
Hey how about them top load SCOTT brand cassette decks made by Sony
before even Sony?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Suggestions for upgrade from ARCAM A85 Amp

2009-12-06 Thread empty99

by going w/ something a little bigger for speakers. I learned that there
is a risk exists w/ large speakers, they tend to not image as well as
smaller system such as yours, and place a huge demand on placement to
keep them from sounding boomy. Again, your room will dictate what
ultimate bass performance you can get. Some people just end up adding
a sub and finding a sweet spot for it will give you plenty of playtime.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What outboard DAC do you use with Squeezebox?

2009-12-05 Thread empty99

cliveb;492205 Wrote: 
 Just took a look at the DAC1/PRE out of curiosity. As far as I can tell,
 the DAC/PRE does not have remote control. It's marketed as a digital
 preamp - how on earth can you sell a preamp in the 21st century without

the purists!
Seriously though, the new Benchmark w/ RC is not bad, it has a
motorised Alps analog pot but at $300 premium.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] best internet station sound quality?

2009-12-05 Thread empty99

if you dig this genre of music. Very consistent quality.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How good is your DAC? - Really Interesting test results!

2009-12-03 Thread empty99

Once you iron out your test procedures, it will be great to test those
hi-end DACs out there for linearity, starting w/ the TP? Of course,
for CD or WAV recorded at 16bit/44.1Khz, it is still fairly coarse and
low rez results.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What outboard DAC do you use with Squeezebox?

2009-12-03 Thread empty99

from SB3 using optical link, just a touch warmer sounding than from CD
player (Sony DVP-S9000ES) playback of same tune but in WAV format. I
slightly prefer the 96k vs 192k (a touch softer focus) resampling rate
setting (I suspect from resampling errors, i.e double vs quadruple)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] I am torn...

2009-11-29 Thread empty99

My S9000ES Sony just refused to replay a SACD disc that I just listened
to today, trying to savor the incredible sound it provided (Channel
Classics, pure DSD) with flashing 
...C 13 00 disc errors...
This thing was in the shop twice for the same problem.
Oh wait, my other Sony blu-ray also skipped discs last night.
And dad, how come your machine can't play my CD-R but is CD-RW OK, my
party is ruin?
How about DVD-R? Sorry kid, it can't play any of those either because
Sony wants to protect their Hollywood movie and music business.
It's a damned shame, great technology, great sound, lousy QC, crappy
implementation and greed from a once great company. 
After about $20,000 USD worth of mostly high end SONYs: 4 Trinitrons
(Profeel, XBRs), 2 SuperBeta VCRs, 2 Hi8 camcorders, 4 CD/SACD players,
2 DVD players, 1 Blu-ray player, 2 boomboxes, 1 AV receiver and 2
Walkmans, I am no longer a SONY guy...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] I am torn...

2009-11-29 Thread empty99

DCtoDaylight;490609 Wrote: 
 The dirty little secret some universal players hide, is that they
 convert DSD to PCM before outputting to the DAC.  The Oppo mod referred
 to intercepts the PCM signal before the DAC, and routes it to the SPDIF
 output, where it can be played, or recorded, by any PCM SPDIF device.  
 The conversion is done in the digital domain, but, as you might expect,
 there is some argument about the quality of the conversion.  I haven't
 had the opportunity to directly compare the DSD and PCM converted
 streams, so I can't comment on that
 Cheers, Dave

Ah I see, what a hassle it's probably not worth it. Thanks, TN


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] I am torn...

2009-11-26 Thread empty99

Phil Leigh;489351 Wrote: 
 Personally I'd buy/borrow a modded Oppo and rip the SACD's as 24/88.2
 and play them on the TP. By far the neatest solution IMO and the sound
 quality will be indistinguishable from playing the SACD on an SACD
 But that's just my opinion of course.

Thinking the DSD stream was locked down tight, I will definitely
research this route. Is it done in digital domain? Thanks,


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] I am torn...

2009-11-26 Thread empty99

pfarrell;489353 Wrote: 
 Phil Leigh wrote:
  Personally I'd buy/borrow a modded Oppo and rip the SACD's as
  and play them on the TP. By far the neatest solution IMO and the
  quality will be indistinguishable from playing the SACD on an SACD
  But that's just my opinion of course.
 Or, if you own good ADC cards that can really do 24/88.2 or higher in
 the number of channels you want, simply play the SACD and record the
 analog output. The old analog hole that can't be stopped.
 Pat Farrell

A really really good ADC might do the job. I did a bunch of LPs this
way using a simple SoundBlaster 16 on my 486 PC waaay back when, not too
bad consider how lowly AD/DA gear were...Thanks for all the pointers!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Well, this should be fun!

2009-11-26 Thread empty99

Mnyb;489323 Wrote: 
 Do you reckon if i manage with 4 of these for my boom ? ;)
 maybe also one drop of this on the display:
 I must stay away from these treads this week I did a especially painful
 tonsillectomy this Monday. I laugh to much right now I might start to
 bleed, wonder if I'll be the first fatality claimed by vodo audio
 products ;)

Isn't great finding these life savers on your journey to audio


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Well, this should be fun!

2009-11-26 Thread empty99

Whenever I mentioned am an audiophile people looked at me funny!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Well, this should be fun!

2009-11-25 Thread empty99

radish;489314 Wrote:
 A total steal at just $959! (15% off if you buy 3!)

Damn these people almost convinced me to buy their battery powered DAC
a while back because they made it sounds so logical, what with master
clock setup and how to mod your CD player to get the clock output,
etc...They must be desperate, caveat emptor!!!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] I am torn...

2009-11-25 Thread empty99

I got about 50 SACD discs that I enjoyed a lot, when I really got the
time to sit down and listen intently but most of the time, my SB3 thru
my MF A3.24 DAC is very satisfying. I wanted the TP bad, to simplify
everything, ie get rid of my passive pot and associated wirings to the
amps. The problem then is how to integrate the SACD playback thru the TP
and its volume control. The nearest setup (rather than the TP) to my
liking is the EMM Labs DCC2 and a DSD transport but at huge expense. Any
thoughts on this setup since I can only read about it?
PS: I experimented a lot with various passive potentiometers going back
25 yrs after getting so sick of preamp noises (one of my tests is
putting my ears close to the tweeters w/ the volume at maximum setting).
The volume control scheme on the DCC2 is fairly unique, so is the one on
Pass Labs, they put in quite a bit of thoughts into this very weak link
in the system. Had a chance to test the Placette Passive and felt that
it sounded pristine, better than my setup except for the irritating
clicks when you change levels, so I know there is room for improvement.

SB3MFA3.24Alps2 Nak PA7sBW N802Nice!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Will a transporter sound as good as the Linn Majik DS

2009-11-11 Thread empty99

kphinney;484428 Wrote: 
 Totally agree.  Although I liked my rechargeable $300 Harmony much more
 than the AAA sucking flimsy $99 one they sent me as a replacement.  My
 point being, will they replace a broken TP with a NPR-in-the-kitchen
 worthy Squeeze Radio?

Here's hoping that the healthy open-source forums like ours to come
up with solutions for the TP when Logitech no longer support it. I am
still holding out for a $900 unit (to replace my SB3+MFA3.24DAC) ;^)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Will a transporter sound as good as the Linn Majik DS

2009-11-09 Thread empty99

I liked my Harmony remote w/ its smart downloadable programing tricks
for all my gears but disliked the buttons size and arrangement on it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3+DAC: Optical or coaxial best?

2009-10-20 Thread empty99

I had to use optical, the coax caused horrible scratchy sounds whenever
I dimmed any lights in the house. BTW, could not tell any difference
between the 2 otherwise.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] The next major Audiophile question on here?

2009-10-03 Thread empty99

All in one design w/ decent DAC implementation and analog stages?
If they can rid it of the digital volume control scheme and instead put
a discreet analog step ladder volume pot in it, sign me up!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] The next major Audiophile question on here?

2009-10-03 Thread empty99

ralphpnj;465757 Wrote: 
 I agree that the Touch with a decent DAC would be the equivalent of a
 Transporter. And what you are suggesting would be a Transporter/analog
 preamp hybrid.

Just a Transporter with a knob (a GOOD knob, ala discreet metal film
resistor clicker to adjust volume)

SB3A3.24MFDAC25k Alps2NakPA7sN802Nice!

Good to be back to the forum.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] The next major Audiophile question on here?

2009-10-03 Thread empty99

ralphpnj;465912 Wrote: 
 I don't think so. The only volume adjustment presently available on the
 Transporter is in the digital domain. To be able to adjust the volume in
 the analog domain would mean adding an analog preamp stage (circuit) to
 the Transporter, which is a lot more than just adding a knob, even a
 good quality knob.

the analog outs on the TP as is has plenty of voltage, both XLR and RCA
outs, see specs. My vision calls for disabling the digital volume
control (or leave it at 100% in software), then put a pot on the analog
outs, even on the XLR (cost a bit more to build due to doubling of


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] BW 802D Speakers. Tempted.

2008-02-05 Thread empty99

wyrob1;263229 Wrote: 
 My SB3 setup is giving me plenty of enjoyment, but time for a speaker
 My current Monitor Audio S10s are OK but cannot keep up with my new
 amps (Murano Audio IcePower based P-500S [EMAIL PROTECTED]), show full 
 benefit of
 the DAC1 clarity, nor fill our large listening space.
 Some internet review research led me to the BW 802Ds and a listening
 test at a local store blew me away. But at $10,000 this is a big
 Wondering if anyone had experience with these speakers and/or any other
 loudspeakers that could offer similar quality / range to the 802Ds
 Many thanks
 SB3 - Benchmark DAC 1 - Murano Audio p-500S - Monitor Audio S10

so many flavors and arguments!
I remembered John Bowers as a little gentleman w, huge ears standing
next to the odd looking original 801, this was in 1980, when every
other speakers were rectangular boxes. He talked about edge
diffractions, cone breakup, cabinet vibrations AND laser
interferometry, strange stuffs indeed, a good 15 years ahead of
industry. I couldn't afford the 801, no sir, but the $250/pr DM110
sounded better than my ESS AMT ($1200) squackboxes. Then came the 802FS
as my next system for 17yrs (drove from Oregon to Vancouver BC and back
for a demo unit that i could afford), and the N802 since 2002 (another
trip to Bellevue  and back to save some pesos). To sum it up, i
appreciate the improvement in quality more than someone who just jump
into a BW from another brand, because for very little money, the
bottom rungs BWs already give you excellent sounds. I still have all
of them but due to its size i gave the 802FS to my daughter because she
has a huge listening room.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So what are the 'audiophile camps' anyway?

2007-04-11 Thread empty99

all the information available from a given recording and not add or
subtract anything, if I can help it. I tend to view every piece of
audio gear with suspicion as a result. For me,
space/rhythm/timing/warm/cool/dry/wet/hot/spicy/sweet or sour must be
there in the recording or else I don't want it. But reality is how can
one knows for sure what the ACTUAL RECORDING sounds like, I can only
guess and have been guessing for the last 30 years :^O!!!
SB3-MF A3.24DAC-50Kohm Alps pot-2 Nakamichi PA7s-BW N802-Nice!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So what are the 'audiophile camps' anyway?

2007-04-11 Thread empty99

Skunk;194294 Wrote: 
 A couple of the Telarc discs I have list ATC monitors used in mastering.
 Get a set and then use some dohickeys to achieve flat in-room response,
 and you're half way there (for one album)!
 I wouldn't doubt it if lots of albums sound better on properly thought
 out systems than it did to the engineers... runs for cover

Telarc recordings are a big part of my so-called reference list. I do
believe you will be in the danger zone if your system achieve much
higher resolution than mastering EQs, weird stuffs can start showing up
unintentionally. This point is fairly important to keep in mind when one
is trying to achieve ultimate fidelity!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Experiments with bi-wire speaker cable

2007-04-08 Thread empty99

Ben Diss;193556 Wrote: 
  I had my wife alternate having the jumper in and listening without it. 
 I could hear no difference.

But my wife refused to help and immediately went shopping :^)!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Super Squeezebox Project

2007-04-08 Thread empty99

Just look at those knobs, they really put the words cranking up the
volume to mean it!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Best practices

2007-04-07 Thread empty99

powerstrip and RG-60 coax ICs completely eliminated all hums and noises
for me. As far as clutter, I used those slit flexhose for bundling the
ICs together and keep them away from AC cords


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Best practices

2007-04-07 Thread empty99

w/ solid core center lead and web-wound shielding, can go great distance
w/o losses. It was my final answer 20 yrs ago after countless swapping
around to kill the last bit of airborne noises. They are too cheap and
plentiful for audiophile uses ;^)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Dog/Remote/Bad

2007-04-06 Thread empty99

bobschneider;193096 Wrote: 
 For my other gear, I just trained the dog to walk over and adjust the
 controls from the faceplates, with her snout.  Unfortunately, I can't
 do this with my SB3, since it doesn't have any controls on the
 faceplate.  Time to talk to the wife about getting a Transporter...

has trained me just when to get his food, rub his belly and clean his
litterbox, I'll be damned if he chews on my SB3 remote !:^O


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Do you have Bi-Wiring speaker terminals? Try this out!

2007-04-04 Thread empty99

PhilNYC;192455 Wrote: 
 This is bi-amping, not bi-wiring...

all else is really up to the ears of the beer holders ;^)))


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Do you have Bi-Wiring speaker terminals? Try this out!

2007-04-04 Thread empty99

Pat Farrell;192591 Wrote: 
 Anne wrote:[color=blue]
 I can almost understand how bi-amping would work, altho that seems to
 to indicate that the amp(s) leave something to be desired.

my desired amps cost $16,000 USD. With my current compromised
setup, it sounds almost as good for about 1/10 the cost. I know I am
cheap but happen to have a huge listening room ;^)
SB3MF A3.24DACAlps pot2 Nak PA7sBW N802Nice!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Do you have Bi-Wiring speaker terminals? Try this out!

2007-04-03 Thread empty99

imagination ;^)!
Actually, I bi wired because I got 2 stereo amps, each L/R powers
HI/LOW on speaker terminals.
SB3MF A3.24Alps pot2 Nak PA7sBW 802NNice!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Some advice - two different pairs of speakers

2007-03-28 Thread empty99

If both are similarly priced. I tend to think of Paradigm speakers as
overachievers: cheaper than BW yet sounds almost as good, if you
know what I mean ;^)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Cheap tweaks that really work

2007-03-27 Thread empty99

and again, it's free! If you haven't tried it, you are not getting your
speaker money worth.
SB3MF A3.24DACAlps pot2 Nakamichi PA7sBW N802Nice!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] A photo of your Squeezebox setup (please)

2007-03-26 Thread empty99

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sebage;190024 Wrote: 
 Spousal judgement

I take it your area never had any earthquakes or tremors...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Help me decide please

2007-03-26 Thread empty99

srw;189804 Wrote: 
 I also listen to a lot of internet radio, which I presume I could do
 through my hifi with sd3?

The ability to play Net radio stations (by the hundreds!) is a huge
bonus with my SB3 since I am interested in finding out new music (most
Net radio songs played with album name and song title)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Upgradeability

2007-03-20 Thread empty99

The jumper adjustable analog XLR outputs!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter and Nuforce monobloks

2007-03-06 Thread empty99

harmonic;185841 Wrote: 
 okay Thanks
 Think  will just start out using only the transporter since this is 
 proberly the way to get the best sound kval, and then use some room
 treatment if needed.
 also because it worked so good with the ice amp.
A gentle approach to solving playback acoustical problem or fine tuning
without resort to source signal manipulation (leave that to the
professionals, they got the skill and million dollar equipments during
recording). In my 30 years experience, the simpler the playback system,
the more musical and pleasant the sound. It's very hard to explain, it's
the micro ear/brain/time delay/phase/amplitude/decay/reverberant cues
that are the norm in our daily lives which help the brain locate
things, I dunno, just my humble opinion...
SB3MF A3.24DACpassive pot2 Nakamichi PA7sBW N802Nice!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FM Stereo Transmitter vs. Squeezebox

2007-03-01 Thread empty99

frjame;184667 Wrote: 
 I have been using an FM Stereo transmitter for years,(ccrane)  to
 broadcast streaming radio through my stereo or portable radio.
 I am interested in your opinions that compare audio from streaming
 radio  or Pandora via wireless Squeezebox  in comparison to using an FM
 transmitter to help me decide whether or not to purchase Squeezebox. 
 Thanks, Frjame
1/128k MP3 internet streaming radio sounds very good in my system,
edging out regular OTA analog FM for sound quality (I ditched my analog
tuner since getting the SB3)
2/Huge variety of digital music choices on the Net accessible thru the
SB3 (caveat: u need high speed internet access, 56K modem won't do)
3/HomePC server music thru SB3 can sound as good as any hifi system out
there, certainly better than ANY FM transmissions.
SB3MF A3.24DAC2 Nakamichi PA7sBW N802Nice!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Please recommend best quality solution

2007-03-01 Thread empty99

spooley;184493 Wrote: 
 I am not satisfied with the sound quality so I am considering two
 i) Escient Fireball with 2 Sony 400 CD/DVD changers
 ii) Transporter (I will rerip my cd's in a lossless format)
 What would you recommend for best quality sound and best interface (I
 like the functionality of WMP 11).  Also should I be concerned about
 speed of access through the Transporter (i.e. delays in scrolling
 through library, moving to next selection, etc).  My computer is 1.6GHz
 with 512 MB of memory.  Thanks!
The real beauty of PC music server is its shuffle and playlist
abilities, you cannot duplicate that with any disc changers, too clunky
and slow to work, or if working, will greatly shorten its life due to
mechanical complexity.
The SB3 sound quality (either digital or analog outs) is plenty good
for ANY receiver out there, provided that you do not duplicate
needlessly the ADDA circuits in those receivers if using SB3 analog
outs, since signal conversion introduces distortion, why do it twice.
The Transporter is clearly high-end and very expensive product
requiring matching components downstream to realize its full potential,
SB3MF A3.24DAC2 Nakamichi PA7sBW N802Nice!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How to increase quality of server side music...

2007-02-26 Thread empty99

pablolie;183598 Wrote: 
  Darn, I had prided myself on my cassette recorded skills, and friends
 begged me for my productions!).
 I know I'd be displeased if different sources had wildly different
 levels - for one I'd be worried about some source actually feeding too
 high a signal and distorting or even damaging stuff.

You got to ride your gain on cassette recordings to maximize S/N
ratio, those Chromium dioxide tapes, then pure Metal particle tapes,
allowing those red peak indicators to flash just so w/o overloading the
tapes. I wore out the azimuth adjustment screws on my Sony deck just
trying to match the sound quality of the source. I thought I did but
upon later listening, they proved fruitless due to mechanical stress
and degradation of the tape media itself, and with the introduction of
the CD with its wild dynamic range, the cassette days were doomed. Fond
memories indeed...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How to increase quality of server side music...

2007-02-25 Thread empty99

kphinney;183583 Wrote: 
 Thanks pablolie.  I am using digital TOC with volume locked, not RCA. 
 With more experimentation I've found that the better the quality (1411,
 vs. 128kpbs) the higher the gain, but it doesn't seem to correlate
 completely:  Streamed audio at 128 (, groovesalad,
 etc) still has a much higher VU than my stored music at higher kbps.

The Netradio sound levels are generally about 2-3dB louder than my
ripped WAV in server, just a click or two on my passive pot to make it
level, no big deal IMHO.
SB3-Optical-MF A3.24DAC-50kOhm pot-2 Naks PA7-BW N802-Nice!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter:XLR v RCA

2007-02-25 Thread empty99

tomjtx;183108 Wrote: 
 Same length, same brand and both short.

your PRE likes XLR connection. In typical home environment and short
cable lengths, the two type of connection should not make an audible
difference. XLR only reject common-mode noise PU by the cable itself,
as I understand it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How to increase quality of server side music...

2007-02-25 Thread empty99

pablolie;183592 Wrote: 
  SB3-Optical-MF A3.24DAC-50kOhm pot-2 Naks PA7-BW N802-
 *Very* nice. Very nice indeed.

The originator of this thread mislabeled the quality for playback
level. It's only a volume issue, not sound quality per se. In my
system, the PC server  SB3 playback level is exactly the same as from
my CD player when both feed the external DAC. The internet radio level
is consistently higher for some reason but sounding harder, duller and
constricted, typical of lower bitrate MP3 streams.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Interconnect recommendations

2007-02-23 Thread empty99

I used coax RG-59 terminated with good gold plated soldered RCA plugs,
make them as short as possible and save your money for more music
SB3-MF A3.24-50Kohm Alps pot-2 Nak PA7s-BW N802-Nice!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] A photo of your Squeezebox setup (please)

2007-02-10 Thread empty99

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CFP;179431 Wrote: 
 That's a sweet rug.  Mind sharing where you acquired it?
$100.00 Faux polar bear fur


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: High Frequency tone in the noise floor on SB3 R channel

2007-01-24 Thread empty99

if your SB3 is a wired version, wrapping the ethernet cable around a
ferrite rod at the plug before it goes into SB3 body?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter and Bang Olufsen Beosound 9000

2007-01-24 Thread empty99

I found it both noisy, hissy and the sound quality degraded using analog
out (versus my reference CDP). It actually got worse after I added a
quality DAC to its digital out in my high rez playback system. I
returned it and bought an SB3 and very happy now.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: System shakeup -SB3 on the throne

2007-01-19 Thread empty99

empty99;170653 Wrote: 
 P Floding asked: How does running SB3 directly into the pot sound
 compared to using the MF?
 The silly audiophile in me sez no way the puny SB3 can outsound the
 20lbs MF DAC, so I haven't tried it yet. The unit is currently at Slim
 for repair. But I did a little system shakeup of my own while waiting:
 I can confirm that the MF DAC warms things up but also put a very thin
 veil on the overall performance, as compared to using my Sony S9000ES
 direct analog out. Once the SB3 returns, I will certainly try going w/o
 the DAC and test it tete-a-tete with the Sony.
 Simplicity...It's the most difficult form to achieve Anonymous

I tested my setup per P Floding request, a brief description of room
and equipments is needed here:
SB3-SS ver 6.5.2-WAV audio
Musical Fidelity A3.24 DAC
50Kohms Alps volume pot
IC all RG59 or RG6 terminated with gold plated Neutrix plugs
Two Nakamichi PA7s 200w/ch stereo amps, each biwired to one side of a
pair of BW 802 Nautilus
The listening room is of decent size 40Wx35Dx20H, with some
considerations for good sound deadening, low reflectivity and early
echo, I have virtually no sidewalls or rear wall to deal with (lucky
me!) Follows are the results and as P Floding said, I also trust what I

-Direct SB3 to amps: sounded like a good connection with clear,  strong
emphasis on midrange, upon further listening, it's obvious the SB3
built-in DAC levels off at the extreme low and high frequencies, still
OK for background listening. Also, built in volume control makes low
level listening somewhat weak.
-SB3 to 50Kohm pot to amps: Sound became leaden, almost hard, after one
hour. I tried various settings, ie max on pot then control w/ SB3 and
vice versa w/ everything in-between. Not recommended. If one chooses
this route, I recommend using fixed value resistors to pad down volume
instead of a pot.
-SB3 (coax) to MF DAC to pot to amps: Very good sound, almost identical
to source Sony, just a touch warmer though but the highs still very very
good. Downside: light-dimming circuits wreak havoc with SB3-DAC
connection, causing loud scratchy sounds, bad.
-SB3 (optical) to MF DAC to pot to amps: Same as above, but I thought
maybe just a teeny bit (God forbids!) clearer sounding, and less grain.
No problems w/ any house light dimmers. (I knew this since last year)
Ugh, but with both connections, I think I can hear jitters: the highs
are still very very good, but individual timbres of instruments have
just a tiniest bit of twist or bent to them. BTW, either sourced
from Sony or SB3, the sounds are identical coming out of the DAC.
The following statements is purely speculation on my part: I think the
MF DAC is superior to the DAC inside the Sony, both in background noise
and decoding accuracy, but, the added jitters from external connections
cause it to suffer somewhat. I find it hard to accept that a PS mod can
bring the SB3 analog SQ to par. I also find it very likely that a
Transporter with matched analog outputs (see various posting about
this) will top many digital source+outboard DAC setups on the market
for its tremendous all-in-one low jitter advantage, simplified
connection and good DAC implemention.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: A Cut-Rate Audio phile’s Experience With a Linear Power Supply

2007-01-17 Thread empty99

You are an Audiophile and you have a very sweet wife! I couldn't get
mine to flip an A/B switch for a dinner and a movie!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Clicking before tracks and other teething problems

2007-01-17 Thread empty99

ceejay;171131 Wrote: 
 Incidentally, by default sending WAVs to the SB won't stop transcoding
 taking place as FLAC is a preferred format over WAV: you'd need to
 untick the WAV-FLAC box in file formats.
Indeed CEEJAY is right, you will need to uncheck the WAV-FLAC-WAV
transcoder in SS if you want straight WAV-SB3


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Clicking before tracks and other teething problems

2007-01-16 Thread empty99

pgamble;170950 Wrote: 
 Hi guys
 Does no one have anything to say on this at all ?
 If you have any thoughts, please drop me a reply.

Please be patient, someone with similar equipments will come to your
aid. For now, try these:
1/ Can you hardwire your SB3 using ethernet?
2/ Rip some WAV files into your server PC and then try to play them (so
no fancy codec involved in playback, in case u have a slow PC)
3/ Reset your SB3, check owner manual page 23
4/ The SS version in your QMAC whatever server must match the firmware
on SB3
The aim is to start isolating the causes, you have several, i.e PC/NAS
server, wireless networking, files transcoding and the SB3 itself.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: System shakeup -SB3 on the throne

2007-01-15 Thread empty99

P Floding;170434 Wrote: 
 I see you use an Alps pot as an attenuator. That should be easy enough
 to rig up and try out.. Do you use it on the amp side or DAC side of
 the interconnect?
 How does running SB3 directly into the pot sound compared to using the

actually 1/2 way between the two: RCA outs from DAC-16 coax
RG6-soldered to 50Kohm Blackwidow metal body Alps pot-16 coax
RG6-75Kohms inputs of amps. The Alps L/R level tracking is superb, no
complain from me at any settings.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: System shakeup -SB3 on the throne

2007-01-15 Thread empty99

P Floding asked: How does running SB3 directly into the pot sound
compared to using the MF?

The silly audiophile in me sez no way the puny SB3 can outsound the
20lbs MF DAC, so I haven't tried it yet. The unit is currently at Slim
for repair. But I did a little system shakeup of my own while waiting:
I can confirm that the MF DAC warms things up but also put a very thin
veil on the overall performance, as compared to using my Sony S9000ES
direct analog out. Once the SB3 returns, I will certainly try going w/o
the DAC and test it tete-a-tete with the Sony.
Simplicity...It's the most difficult form to achieve Anonymous


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: System shakeup -SB3 on the throne

2007-01-14 Thread empty99

You are now free, free of nicotine, free of odor, free of strange
aftertaste. Silence, beautiful silence from the deep dark 200dB S/N (or
more) of zero preamp noises. I got rid of the curse since 1989 and
haven't look back since.
SB3-MF A3.24-50Kohm Alps pot-2 Nak PA7s-BW N802-Nice!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter - Analog vs Digital

2007-01-07 Thread empty99

yooper;167926 Wrote: 
 I'm lifting my post from another forum in hopes of understanding the
 Transporters audio capabilities.
 I have an Anthem AVM50 pre-amp and Anthem MCA 50 Amp.
 Currently, I have the Transporter connected to the pre-amp using
 balanced XLR cables.
 It appears some people recommend using digital out via AES/EBU or BNC
 This is where I become somewhat confused. Perhaps, my newness to this
 technology is causing my thinking to become flawed.
 If one of the most important feature of the Transporter is it's dac,
 doesn't using a digital out render this feature useless since the
 Anthems's dac would be used instead? I thought using the analog
 balanced out to the pre-amp was the only way to take advantage of the
 Transporter's dac. Maybe there is more going on within the Transporter
 than I am aware?
 Please advice as I want to be sure I am taking full advantage of what
 the Transporter offers.
 On another note, It appears BNC S/PDIF is not available on my AVM 50,
 I've never used such a connection, but don't see anything that
 resembles a connection matching the Transporter, I assume both ends
 match? Would the AES/EBU option available to me provide an adequate
 alternative if BNC S/PDIF is not an option?
Bypass the Anthem Preamp altogether and goes straight into the amp,
just make sure you read up on how to control the TP analog outs
digitally (either RCA or XLR). Unless you have some outrageously great
preamp, it's hard to beat this simplified connection.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: 10awg or 12awg dedicated line?

2006-12-29 Thread empty99

lafayette;165515 Wrote: 
 I have several Living Stereo recordings.  Alas, they are on vinyl and I
 no longer have a record player.  One more reason to buy more CDs...

Fear not, these recordings are now on SACD/CD Hybrids, and they are
bargain priced ($11 in stores and $5.99 on


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: There are many questions about the use of preamps...

2006-12-26 Thread empty99

Phil Leigh;164882 Wrote: 
 At no point did I mention distort - you invented that.
 My point is simply that some systems can handle certain types of music
 better than others. For example, Quad ESL 57's sound rather nice with a
 bit of light choral...but they don't really make a great job of Led
 So, if I mostly listened to choral stuff I might well be inclined to
 own a system with the Quads - and I wouldn't buy such a system if I
 mostly listened to hard rock.
 The idea of striving to faithfully reproduce the source is fine, but in
 practice this is easier with some sounds than others. So, IMHO it is
 essential to use a wide variety of source material that is relevant to
 your own listening preferences when choosing speakers etc.
 As you (all of us) have no idea what the music is actually supposed to
 sound like unless you were the producer/mastering engineer, we are only
 making subjective value judgements anyway - there is no absolute truth
 to compare fidelity against.

The search for the ultimate playback system continues...When you
mentioned the Quads (I had fond memories of the ESL-63!), I realized
that the blend between fidelity and dynamic range for some speakers
remain elusive, the delicate Quads are an extreme example, superb for
low level high fidelity sounds, but has poor dynamic range for rock and
roll. I was mainly concerned with ultra flat frequency response and not
dynamic range in my earlier comment, they are nearly equal in
importance. My bad!
Happy Holidays!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: There are many questions about the use of preamps...

2006-12-25 Thread empty99

Bad advice here...
Phil Leigh;164742 Wrote: 
 but there is no point in using a solo voice as a reference track if the
 normal listening preference is Metallica.
 If you like thrash metal, you need a system that can do that well!
 Some systems suit certain types of music better than others...

I was only talking about using certain type of recording to help ID
neutral sounding gears.
See, regardless of type of music one enjoys (I certainly am guilty of
cranking it up with TOOLS once in awhile), our goal is still to
faithfully reproducing the source, all else is distortion. You surely
don't want to distort even Metallica, do ya?
 Originally Posted by Mike Anderson: 
 Interesting, where can you find such music?
It's been awhile, using a friend's Stax headphone system. Some of the
recordings were from Nimbus Records' Ambisonic series, and some from
obscured sources I don't remember, but I remembered how they sounded!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 vs Audio Alchemy vs BK AVP3000

2006-12-25 Thread empty99

rbclark;164805 Wrote: 
 Hi all. 1st post here. Just got my SB3  I love it! With the help of
 this forum  the wiki, I've been able to get over my learning curve
 issues easily!
 Quick history: My house for sale a while back kept my good gear in the
 attic (took up too much space said the realtor). Been in the new house
 a couple years and we've just been using a crappy Sony all-in-one
 system (it's small) but it's a pain to shuffle CDs thru. We had
 practically stopped listening to music. Tried the SB and suddenly...
 all our music is back! 
 So now I'd like to take things a little further and get some of the old
 good gear out of the attic. I have a BK AVP3000 pre-amp (as well as a
 BM AV5000 amp) and an Audio Alchemy DDE v3.0 with Power Station Three.
 The question is, where's my best DAC amongst this gear? 
 I bought the DAC back in 1998 some years(?) after the BK amp/pre-amp.
 So I'd assume the only reason I bought the DAC was that it was an
 upgrade over the DAC in the BK pre-amp. But this DAC is over 8 years
 old and I've read (on this forum somewhere) that even DACs only a few
 years old probably aren't as good as the DAC in the SB.
 Can anyone say that my SB DAC should be better than my Audio Alchemy
 DDE v3.0 DAC?
My experience with this BK preamp was that it has fairly high
background noise as compared to my passive unit.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Can overtaxed computer degrade audio quality?

2006-12-25 Thread empty99

Pat Farrell;164822 Wrote: 
 seanadams wrote:
  caused by taxing the computer. However, SB2, SB3, and Transporter
  lots of memory, so it is very unlikely that you could cause an
  by taxing the CPU with other tasks. Usually, underruns are caused by
  wireless performance.
 In my house, underruns are nearly always caused by my microwave oven.
 I assume it is leaking more 2.4gHz signal than modern ones -- whatever
 the cause, it clobbers all WiFi when it is running
Otherwise we could see your avatar glowing!
I am responsible for the annual microwave leakage test at my work, we
have like 30 units, from lab sample dryers ($12k/each) to lunchroom
soup warmers ($50/each). Depending on how old these are, leakage tends
to be worse with older units but still very very low. You guessed it
right! Those $12K unit are old and leaky and the modern cheap ones do
not leak at all!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: There are many questions about the use of preamps...

2006-12-24 Thread empty99

Mike Anderson;164610 Wrote: 
 Well, you can listen to the music with a high quality set of cans, and a
 good amp to drive them.  That will at least take the room effect out of
 the equation, which is about 98% of it.
 Personally though, the added reverb effect of the listening room is
 really what brings the recording to life, provided it's done properly.

I've done some headphone listening of specially recorded music using
microphones embeded in a dummyhead. The results are quite startling,
similar to what you experience thru a 3D Viewmaster slideshows with
your eyes, everything is in focus and extremely realistic and three
dimensional. This controlled playback environment is nearly ideal and
extremely difficult to achieve using speakers.
I found the early reverb bouncing off the front wall (back of speakers)
to be most objectionable, smearing the aural images. I had to move the
speakers 4 feet (measured to front baffle) from the front wall before
the problem subsided and yes, the later reverbs from the room are
highly desirables.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: There are many questions about the use of preamps...

2006-12-23 Thread empty99

Phil Leigh;164411 Wrote: 
 Agreed - but ignoring some classical and other simple recordings
 (mostly older ones), much of the ambience is coming out of a digital
 Lexicon or an EMT...
 Doing LEDE properly in a domestic room is usually not possible due to
 low WAF and aesthetic considerations. Digital RC has high WAF.
If one's using highly synthesized recordings (most rocks/pops)  to
setup his system, you do not know at which points you started adding
more echo/reverb and colorations to the source.
Please enlighten me about the use of seasoning in classical
recordings, what is EMT? I only read of them trying to simplify/shorten
the signal paths to improve clarity and realism, even  down to a single
omni mike in some venues. It's a luxury to having your very own
recordings to tweak your system with, in this case, u cannot go too far


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: There are many questions about the use of preamps...

2006-12-23 Thread empty99

Phil Leigh;164568 Wrote: 
 As I said, most pop/rock (and some jazz/choral - even a bit of
 classical) has been treated to the addition of artifical ambience
 either at individual track level or even (gasp) across the whole mix.
 Often this will have come from a very expensive Lexicon digital unit or
 (going back in time) an equally expensive EMT plate reverb unit.
 That's not say there aren't a lot of natural ambience recordings -
 mostly clasical, jazz etc.
 The problem facing the average person is how much of the ambience of
 the original recording - artifical or real - are they hearing vs. the
 sound of their listening room being added...
 The thing is, whilst a lot of producers, musicians etc can recognise
 the sound of a Lexicon (even the model in some cases) the average
 listener will never be able to tell real hall ambience from a digitally
 synthesised (very very close) approximation.
 So my point is that the precious ambience is a bit of a red herring
 in many cases. I'm not just talking about run-of-the-mill synthesised
 pop here. Most - possibly all - of the great studio
 rock/rb/soul/blues/etc etc tracks have some form of artificial
 ambience on them - they'd sound dreadfull otherwise.
So let recap what been said so far:
- There are some artificial ingredients added to boost pleasantry in
recorded music
- There maybe a chance to boost same from the end user (unlikely, due
to low cost non linear equipment or lack of knowledge)
- Faithfulness to the source can be hit or miss due to same
- DRC carefully applied can minimize room modes
Considering all of the above, the average consumers can end up with
systems ranging from horrible to great, just as it is now. I only
wanted to point out all the potential pitfalls. From experience, I only
used the simplest recordings of real acoustic instruments, preferably
small ensemble works, or arias with voice, from quality record labels,
to test new gears I want to purchase. This way, the least processing,
the most identifiable sounds, makes it easier to pick out the one that
sounds right. 
I don't mean to sound preachy, but it's been a crusade for me to help
friends and coworkers understand what's needed when putting together an
audio system. It can sound oh so good in the end, for so little money...


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Why is no preamp best?

2006-12-22 Thread empty99

ModelCitizen;164343 Wrote: 
 I agree with all of these posts, in that, what sounds good to the
 listener is best.
 However, the original quote said that no pre-amp is best.
 But, if the Transporter does not have a pre-amp how can it drive my
 power amp? It must have a pre-amp (but no pre-amp is good, according to
 And a follow on is... how on earth can I just unplug the Transporter
 from my power amp then plug in into my pre-amp and it sounds fine
 i.e it does not blow it up! The signals levels for a feed to a pre-amp
 and a power amp vary by a magnitude but I don't have to tell the
 Transporter what it's feeding, it just seems  to know. How can that

Except for the old LP/Phono sources, which are extremely low in level,
requiring step-up preamp stages, most modern music sources, ie CD, DVD,
Tuners and yes, even Ipods, provide higher output voltages (around 2V),
enough to drive many amps into overload. How can you be sure? Just read
the specs on many amps...1.5 or 2.0v input sensitivity for rated output,
Your Transporter is of the same high output class, made even better by
good power supply and output stages up to 3v and with built-in volume
control, it qualify as a preamp, a very good one at that.
For most system, a simple 2 channel voltage potentiometer (pot) with
low impedance is all one need nowaday to control the signal from your
source to many mainstream amps (read the specs listed above just to be
sure). A rule of thumb if you use this route:
1/ Use low capacitance cable and keep them as short as possible.
2/ Use high quality pots, such as Alps, PennyGiles, TKD and those made
to order fixed value clickers, ie DACT (nice, but expensive). There are
huge aftermarkets for these since people find out how clean they can
3/ Use brandname finished passive preamps (oops, by definitions these
are NOT preamps, they are switcher/level reducer) such as Mod Squad
(now McCormack), Placette, Django, Simaudio, Bent Audio, EVS and CIAudo
4/ Keep your cables short!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: There are many questions about the use of preamps...

2006-12-22 Thread empty99

Phil Leigh;164073 Wrote: 
 9) I'd say more like 75% - maybe higher (once you get beyond a certain
 point of equipment fidelity - whatever the hell that is). I know  a
 few folks disagree but I think that DRC (and obviously a good source,
 amp and speakers) makes the difference between a system that is OK and
 one that is great
Again, there are several school of thoughts:
1/ With current PC computing powers, it is almost feasible to mitigate
room mode errors, ie standing waves, early boundary reflections. In
digital domain and before realtime, the software must be super robust,
playback equipments must be super linear to carry out the required
tasks or else a whole bunch of distortions (phase/amplitude) will creep
in and the original delicate and precious ambience information will be
2/ There are cheaper trial and error methods in placing furnitures
and absorbing panels in certain locations, using LEDE (Live End/Dead
End) techniques, one can achieve similar results for much less money.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Noise level of SB3

2006-12-22 Thread empty99

USAudio;164362 Wrote: 
 Thanks Skunk but I already have the display off when idle, no go, still
 hisses.  I also use well shielded interconnects. Seems to be an issue
 that can only be addressed by Slim with a software or running hardware

If so, I did looped the RJ-45 around a ferrite rod before it enter my
Roku 1001 and that seemed to help a bunch. I returned the Roku due to
other sound degradations. I kept this setup with current SB3 just for
the hell of it.
SB3MF A3.24/192K DACAlps Blackwidow pot2 Nak PA7sBW 802NNice!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Using RG6 Satellite/Cable Coax for audio?

2006-12-21 Thread empty99

Termina;163902 Wrote: 
 I've read that one can make RCA Cable out of RG6 cable. I was able to
 get a box of 500ft (2 coax + 1 ground line) RG6 cable for free, and
 would like to run audio cable throughout my apartment and hook up some
 (around 10) RCA speakers around my apartment.
 Would RG6 cable be the best bet, or could someone recommend a better
 way to do this? I'm familiar with making my own Cat5E and coax cable,
 so hopefully making RCA cable won't be too difficult.
 The site I'm looking at is:
 Which gives me a good idea of what I'd want; just want to make sure my
 cable will work. Thanks!

only a bit stiff around bends. I also used RG-59 for the last 20 years,
a little smaller and more pliable but still have that great solid core
copper center and webwound jacket ground for superb airborne noise
rejection. I do not know the effect of very long low level audio cable
though. Mine are limited to 8 ft max w/o any negative effects.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] There are many questions about the use of preamps...

2006-12-21 Thread empty99

in a modern high gain audio systems (w/o LPs/Phono sources):
1/What a preamp do?
2/Why some system prefer preamp?
3/Why some people prefer preamp, rather than just passive level
4/Can you actually improve on recorded material?
5/Can you improve on a perfect recording?
6/Do you buy equipments just so you can enjoy certain favorite discs?
7/Are you sure those favorite discs are as well recorded to be used as
reference material?
8/Is audio holy grail a straightwire with gain?
9/What about your room, or, how much does it add to the final sound?

I certainly don't know the correct answers, but can offer some
thoughts, after 30 years of playing around with audio equipments:
1/Control level and source switching.
2/System impedance matching. If you have very high input impedance on
your amps 75Kohm+, a 10K volume pot will do fine.
3/Crazy/fancy interconnects that alter frequency responses, requiring
active circuit control (which adds colorations)
4/No, unless it is simply frequency balance, ie treble/mid/bass, which
tone control will help (but adds other colorations)
5/Of course not, the reason I bring this up is that people should be
aware of when tweaking for a certain sounds for their system, they
will affect signal purity 
6 and 7/Many people do, and end up blaming the equipment because it
sounds shitty. Well, maybe your favorite discs were not as well
8/Yes, well, at least minimum colorations added.
9/Many experts said most listening room will contribute up to 50% of
the perceived sound quality of a system. You should focus most of your
attention here, right?
I may add that some people just love audio equipment, or gears, and
will justify their uses and expenses.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Audiophile virgin asking for help/advice.

2006-12-21 Thread empty99

thingfish;164122 Wrote: 
 Not at this point I don't. I haven't had the chance to look into these
 things as of yet because of the move etc, but I am planning to after
 the holidays. I realize my questions are a little premature because of
 this but I just couldn't help myself :) 
 The speakers I am looking at can be seen here
 It's the 55.1 and the SL 24 that I am thinking of. I know there is no
 info at all for you ( or me ) at that site but hey at least there are
 pictures! :) 
 It's in Swedish too but you are not missing out since it doesn't say
 anything about the technical details. 
 I have heard both of these and loved them both, the 55.1 more so but it
 is also 3 times the price of the SL 24 so we will see.
 I know that the SL 24 should be able to be used with almost any amp,
 this according to the builder himself. the 55.1 might require a little
 more but as of now I am not sure.
 I am no wiz when it comes to audio lingo and so I can not describe what
 makes these speakers good in that sense. But I can describe the quality
 of the sound, or how it sounds to me anyway, and that is that the 55.1
 was extremely revealing for a lack of a better word. I listened to
 recordings on it and heard things I had never heard before and just
 loved it! Same with the SL 24 but not as much. Overall that is the
 sound I am after, a clean sound with no added quality. If you
 understand what I mean ?
You are no longer virgin the moment you dared posted on this
Audiophile site ;^)
I looked at those speakers and can't help noticing all those squared
corners and flat baffles, known to cause diffractions, vibrations and a
boxy sound. May I graphically recommend before you commit your $$$,
check out those sexy, curvy (but extremely rigid) BW 805 Nautilus
($1200US/used) and start listening to naked, unboxed, three
dimensional, in the flesh, holographic music of utter clarity, the
result of nearly 40 years of producing quality speakers for the
recording professionals. 
SB3MFA3.242 Nakamichi PA7sBW 802NNice!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter with dCS

2006-12-19 Thread empty99

fred1322;162704 Wrote: 
 I own a dCS DAC (dCS 955 + 972 upsampler + wordclock).
 I planned to changed my transport and was naturally intersted in the
 dCS Verdi.
 The Transporter could be an interesting alternative but is it
 worthwhile facing a Verdi.
 Has anyone tested the Transporter with a dCS DAC?
 Any opinion?
We will wait for your trying the TP out in such already excellent
setup, it's like icing on the cake! I volunteered my opinion: The TP
makes the most sense if used standalone as DAC/Pre, the only caveat is
that it's excellent balanced outputs cannot be lowered using low noise
fixed resistor network, as used in its RCA outputs. I am still waiting
for the next TP Mark II...


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Audible difference? Transporter versus SB

2006-12-18 Thread empty99

opaqueice;163145 Wrote: 
 I'm saying the sound from the CD player went through D-A (in the CD
 player), then A-D and again D-A in the preamp.  The SB digital out went
 through D-A only, in the preamp.  It's pretty hard to believe that the
 CD sound could be in any objective sense better after going through
 such a chain of conversions, and yet he prefers it.  Probably because
 it's got nice glowing tubes, and it's expensive.
 Are you asking for a definition of better sound?  I can think of
 several, although none that are fully satisfactory.

Simplicity is the goal for good sound reproduction, as oppose to
production, where they already spend millions to capture the music.
Unfortunately, one's choice of playback equipment/listening room tend
to force one's mix and match to produce desired sound (sometimes with
bad consequences). I cannot over emphasize the importance of speakers
and room relationship. I suspect his speakers/room sounded bright in
this example, which tubed gear will warm up nicely but at the expense
of signal purity.

SB3MF A3.242Nakamichi PA7sBW N802Nice!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Experiences with Switching Amps

2006-12-09 Thread empty99

A while back I posted a similar question, with regard to PWM-SS(Pulse
Width Modulation-Solid States) amps, as compared to old school SS amps
such as Pass Labs/Krell/Classe. After reading the article in AS, I
started to wonder, especially with the statement from Krell CEO, saying
the test pulses looked full of spikes in the amps using the new
technology, it kinda put me off. Realizing of course, there are
financial/business interests amongst all those interviewed. I will take
the wait and see attitude...


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Suggestions for a DAC ......

2006-12-08 Thread empty99

Why not Musical Fidelity gears since u r right in the middle of UK? I
currently enjoy the A3.24 ($600 US) very much over my high end Sony
SACD 9000ES player. It is warmer, lusher full bodied sound w/ high
quality output stage that works very well w/ my passive volume control
SB3MF3.24DAC2 Nak PA7sBW 802NNice!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter first impressions

2006-12-08 Thread empty99

DVD imbedded audio are 24/96Khz sampling rate and compressed 5.1 channel
data stream, u normally set it to RAW if using a Dolby Digital/DTS
receiver. If playing CD music, it defaults to PCM 16/44.1Khz anyway.
Put another way, if u stick a DVD movie in and playback thru the TP in
RAW mode, u get no sound (or some people reported 1/2 normal speed
audio), now if u switch to PCM mode, the DVD player will downsample to
24/48Khz, which the TP will decode to stereo 2 channel audio no
problem. Anyone can correct me on this?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Personal Introductions: Please Make This a Sticky!

2006-12-07 Thread empty99

Lemme see, hmmm...It was 1966, I was like 7 or 8 yrs old, living in
Vietnam. Money was tight, my dad has a Philips tubed reel to reel, I
still remember waiting for the power gauge to turn green before
cranking it to Play. Not satisfied with it's 2x6 built-in mono speaker,
my brother and I took it out of the player, crawled under our dad's
wooden desk, emptied out the biggest compartment and spent days turning
it into a speaker enclosure, we just wanted some bass badly from that
little driver. And bass it did, real nice warm tubey sound! Next come
treble, we wanted some treble. My brother got a hold of a microphone,
he took the thing apart and lo and behold, there was a nice delicate
dome membrane there with fine coil around its diameter. He put a signal
to it and whoa...TREBLE! Fine fine treble but it needed a flared cone to
bring the level up to par with the other driver. To really be in the
sweet spot, we were both crouching under that desk listening...
Other equipments came and went...A tubed mono amp that glowed so hot it
split open a ceramic capacitor, Soundesign stereo/turntable AM/FM that
we listened to Xmas and New Year Top 50 hits countdown from one of the
US Army radio stations, we were just glued to it during this time. A
Sony TC-366 reel-to-reel with the unique sloped front, sounds great but
mechanically fragile, and those damn slipping belts...Ahh, next come
Sony Cassette deck (still carry Scott brand). Huge Sansui then Fisher,
Pioneer, Marantz receivers driving Pioneer speakers with elaborate
wooden grills, remember those?. We spent ALL our money on stereo gears!
Then came Advent speakers, wow what sounds, then those JBL with
“chocolate bar” front grills, hey American speakers really kick ass we
all felt.
Bobbing on the boat to Thailand a year after the war, I think it was
1976, the only thing on my mine was IF I made it to America, am gonna
git myself a huge stereo system AND JBL L100 speakers, the thought kept
me warm and fuzzy thru the whole ordeal...
Forward to 1980, Sansui AU-717 integrated and ESS Heil air motion
speakers and Technics turntables, and those wild college parties…
I was a pest at the local hifi shop, bugging them EVERY wkends,
borrowing equipments home. One of which was a pair of BangOlufsen
bookshelf. Now, these sounded quite different from my kick ass ESS,
warmer yet full of inner detail, smooth…and I started to wonder about
my choice and taste in speakers. During this time, I was saving every
dollar for those TDK high bias tape, like $5 EACH And I was making 2.35
an hour! I spent hours tweaking the azimuth record head on the Sony
cassette deck, not really satisfied with its playback quality…
In 1985, owning our home with a decent listening room, I got a pair of
BW DM110, 200W/c Nikko amp, a first on the block with a Sharp vertical
loading CD player (which lasted 6 mos and the local Tower Records in
Portland Oregon has 3 CD titles $24.99 each!) wow, no more hand washing
In 1986, I made myself a passive volume pot from Radio Shack part and
thought it sounded clearer than my preamp (an NAD) but the L/R level
tracking was off. The hunt was on for some better pot out there
continue even today for me…
I made my own IC out of either RG59/RG6 Belden solid core coax cables
and goldplated connectors from Part Express, solder them wherever
possible, Home Depot 12 gauge Monster cable for speakers. I spent no
more than $100 total for wires and interconnects in last 30 years.
I bought the cute looking Roku 1001 last Christmas and had a hard time
liking the sound, which was both hissy and I doubt very much it was
bit-perfect digitally, I had to return it. Then came the SB3, wow, now
this thing is clean sounding and has a cool bouncy on screen menu. I am
I have about 200 GB of WAV files and backup to external HD. I do not
want to re rip these…They are extracted from 500 CDs! I also have about
50 SACDs that I haven’t listened to much, the SB3 totally spoiled me and
I felt that it is the best thing ever happened to an audio geek like
My current setup:
SB3Musical Fidelity A3.24Alps 50Kohms pot2 Nakamichi PA7sBW 802


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: HiFi System needed to show difference: SB3, TP

2006-11-27 Thread empty99

Impeller;157835 Wrote: 
 I'm hoping to purchase my first 'real' hifi equipment, which will be
 something like this:
 Rotel RA05 amplifier
 Wharfedale Diamond 9.1 speakers
 Reasonably priced speaker stands
 Is it likely I'll hear a difference between the Squeezebox and the
 Transporter with a budget system like that? I'm no audiophile (yet),
 but I like to think I appreciate good sound.

Consider the price differences of SB3 and TP for your first HIFI
system, I would say why not starting out with SB3, play around with
room acoustic, speaker placement etc...basically dialing everything in
nicely, then, only then, if you are not happy w/ the sounds or merely
curious as to how much better the TP sounds, go ahead and upgrade to
it, move the SB3 to the bedroom or rec room. It's a win win situation!
I really meant to say that the improvement is smaller than the cost
would imply for the TP.
SB3MFA3.24DACPassive Pot2Nakamichi PA7sBW802NNice!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Equipment advice please

2006-11-15 Thread empty99

Lots of good equipment to choose from: BW, KEF, Monitor Audio etc...
for speakers and Musical Fidelity, Arcam, Rotel for amps! Me personally
for a given dollar amount, I would spend 75% on speakers and 25% on
My setup:
SB3MF A3.242xNakamichi PA7sBW N802Nice!


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