Memory Leak

2005-10-28 Thread Tomaz Rotovnik

Hi again

I'm trying to solve the problem with the memory 
leak on the client side of axis library. 

I've next function which is called in multithreaded 

setReturnAddPointsParameter* pRAPP = NULL;MPBLPSoap 
APTHTTP1_1);pBLP_authorize.Timeout(10);pRAPP = 

pRAPP is structure with next 
xsd__string sBlpType;xsd__double dAmount;xsd__string 
The problem is how to delete allocated space for 
these parameters when I don't needed it any more. There is defined delete 
Axis_Delete_setReturnAddPointsParameter which is defined:

Axis_Delete_setReturnAddPointsParameter(setReturnAddPointsParameter* param, bool 
bArray = false, int nSize=0){ if 
(bArray) delete [] 
param;else delete param;}

So I called this function when I want to delete 
allocated memory for parameters. This function calls destructor:

which is empty. If I use statements delete or free 
inside destructor I get the following error "User breakpoint called from code at 
So I checked how are basic types defined 
(xsd_string, xsd_double). They are defined as 
classes and their destructors are empty. If I put delete statements into these 
destructors then the result structure pRAPP is empty, becauseparameters 
are deleted before they can be used (destructor is called after calling this 
method: xsd__stringSoapDeSerializer::getElementAsString (const AxisChar * 
pName, const AxisChar * pNamespace). 

So is itpossible to delete allocated memory or is there a problem in design 
structure of axis library? I mean is it possible to delete allocated memory for 
basic type classes? Is solution in defining some extra methods which they have 
access to those classes and they include delete statement?

Best regards


RE: I give up

2005-10-28 Thread Willem Grooters
Just my two cents - my personal experience and opinion.

As a newbie to SOAP, and in the stage of investigation of a new interface of
our software, I ran into a number of issues that Kurt mentioned, and I can
therefore undertand his frustrations quite well.
Our application already has very stable, very simple connections with other
applications, both as server and client. Some use XML, some use fixed
messages, but all over dedicated TCPIP ports. This time though, we were
faced with an existing .NET application, so SOAP was the obvious choice for
It took me a few weeks to get some understanding of the protoctol and
facilities, and to get at least something working (.NET on Windows (client)
to Axis on VMS (Server)). At the moment, there is a (very basic) service

I can fully agree that SOAP is complex; far too complex for a actually
rather simple problem: how to interconnect different applications, different
styles on different platfoms in a standard way. It will have flaws, there
will be some complexity, no doubt, but IMHO the main problems are much, much
more basic.

The idea for ONE IP port used for interaction of any system with any other
system is great. In fact, that's what webservices are all about. The big
problem, as I see it, is that the used HTTP protocol was never designed for
this kind of interaction, nor is the http server (bacuse of that). HTTP is a
protocol for document delivery. Nothing more than that.
When Java support was added, that needed a separate handler - in case of
Apache, Jakarta (Tomcat); used to be able to create dynamic content,
conditional delivery - whatever. Once code could be executed from a
web-page, it was possible to pass information the other way as well, and
SOAP was developed - as an extension on the Java engine, and AXIS is one
implementation of that protocol.
Now there is this chain of protocols, that are partly incompatible; None of
the  protocol has knowlegde of the other. What is worse: there are different
implementations of each, so you may face incomptability between

This makes it all too complex - so complex you NEED tools to create
interfaces, code, documents etcetera you need to be able to exchange
information. I know enough programmers that just rely on their IDE and have
no clue how all files interact.
They are LOST, if they don't have the IDE at hand.

What I think is needed is one, consistant and strictly described protocol to
define, create and handle webservices. This protocol should be completely
platform-independent (platform to be read as operating system,
development environment, executing environment - all the same). That IS
possible, I worked with something similar 10, 12 years ago.

Another important issue that I read in Kurt's complaints, is the
incompatibility of different Java versions. I've seen it quite a number of
times, that an application, written in some version of Java, simply didn't
work with a higher one. It's for that reason that some applications come
with the runtime of the java version it was built in.
I have seen the same issue with a number of open source applications, where
upgrading to a new version requires a redo of the configuration - a complete
different format sometimes, different terminology sometimes. 

Documenation is another thing. If it exists (and alone that is already a
problem) it should be clear and consistent. It often isn't: It's full of
jargon, too much omissiopn of knowledge, therefore hard to understand for
newcomers, and asking the community is not always a help: it takes too much
time to filter what's usable and what's not, and to give things a try and
find out why it doesn't work; It's a good way of asking more specific
things, not the basic ones. But you NEED to if documenation is simply

New developments are often said to be new technology and are often
marketed as the answer of all problems. They are used and brought into
production before it is well understood, designed, written, tested and
dcoumented, and becomes a 'de facto' standard - with all the omissions,
false premisses, flaws and bugs that could have been prevented otherwise.
But they are seldom new, just new modernized implementations of scarcely
known existing algorithms and theories; and marketing uses today's issues
stating it's advantage, but who is willing and able to look beyond do
understand these arguments are non-issues and bogus. And the marketed
product seldom is the right answer; in most cases One of many answers.

I do  not want to predict whether the application will be web-serviced using
SOAP. We might use another, much simpler interface. SOAP is tempting just
because of the challenge. But I do fully agree that where misison critical
communication is involved, SOAP might surely be a BAD solution - because of
the issues described. It might be a good reason to abandon SOAP all together
and develop our interface.

Just MY opinions. I can only hope others share them.


RE: WSDL2Java problem

2005-10-28 Thread Hansen, Geir
Sorry I could not help you out Jan.
I return a base class as well as use one as an argument. My WebServices
method looks like:
BaseResponse method (BaseRequest rq);

The client:
BaseResponse rsp = method( new SubRequest() );
//Where SubRequest's base class is BaseRequest.
if (rsp instanceof SubResponse){

What I DO NOT do is deliver an array of baseclass objects in which
actually are childclass'es.

However, both the response and request do contain an array of another
baseclass which in fact is another child class, like
class SubRequest extends BaseRequest{
   public BaseSingleRequest[] sr;
class Child extends BaseSingleRequest{

rq = new SubRequest(); = new BaseSingleRequest[]{new Child(),new Child(),..};
So my call would be method( rq );
That DOES work. But still won't help you I guess.

But I think this is very interesting. So I will try it out myself, but I
am in heavy work in another project right now with a tight deadline. 

Anyone tried this and met the same problem?



-Original Message-
From: Jan Bares [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 27. oktober 2005 17:00
Subject: Re: WSDL2Java problem

Thanks Hansen, I am not sure we are talking about the same thing.

The Web Service method is:
void methodName(BaseClass[]);

I have to pass a ChildClass object that extends BaseClass class as
argument, so I do:
methodName(new BaseClass[] {new ChildClass()});

When I look into SOAP request, I see only fields from BaseClass, but no
fields from ChildClass object. Both classes *are* generated by AXIS from
WSDL. Does AXIS/SOAP handle inheritance on input parameters? (it works
well for output parameters, e.g. BaseClass[] anotherMethod() returns
ChildClass objects inside the array)

Thanks, Jan

Hansen, Geir wrote:
 I am in control of the server as well, and was using Axis to generate 
 a client for test purpose when I became aware of this problem. So I 
 thought that if Axis has such a problem other tools might have as
 So I generated a dummy message on the server side having absolutely 
 all classes as arguments. Then at least Axis generates the classes on 
 the client side as well.
 But of course, that won't help you as long as you have no control of 
 the server side.
 Of course you could edit the WSDL file, add a dummy method in there 
 (you would never call it of course) and try to generate the axis 
 client from that.
 But there should be another solution. Sorry I couldn't help you.
 -Original Message-
 From: Jan Bares [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 27. oktober 2005 15:03
 Subject: Re: WSDL2Java problem
 Thanks, but it doesn't help. Comparing the generated files, nothing 
 changes with respect to the classes in problem. The QName for the 
 classes is registered even without -a. Does Axis handle this type of 
 Hansen, Geir wrote:
When generating your client code, are you sure you tried the -a option
(generate code for all elements, even unreferenced ones).

See WSDL2Java Reference


-Original Message-
From: Jan Bares [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 27. oktober 2005 11:47
Subject: WSDL2Java problem


I am new to Axis/SOAP. We have generated Java files from WSDL and most
of the functions work well (Google AdWords API). However we have a 
trouble with a specific function. That function takes array of objects
of class called Base. There is another class called Sublass, that is 
subclass of Base. We pass array of the Subclass objects. I lloked into
generated SOAP request, and  it contains only data related to the Base
class, all data from Subclass are lost.
Is this problem of generated Java files or in the axis library during 

Thanks, Jan

I think that the wsdl file is correct
( The
function is called addCriteria, it takes array of Criterion objects 
and we pass Keyword objects. The SOAP request doesn't contain Keyword 
object related members.


WSDL2Java versus Java 5

2005-10-28 Thread Franz Fehringer

I have problems compiling Java sources generated with WSDL2Java.
For concreteness my setup is
WIN2KSP4 Professional
JDK 1.5.0_05
Tomcat 5.5.12
Java Axis 1.3
The WSDL i use is delivered by a customer.
The main problem preventing me from compiling the generated sources are
lines of the form
public com.pegs_pegstour.www.API.XMLSchema._1_0_1.CancelHotelBookingResponse
lBookingRequest parameters) throws java.rmi.RemoteException,
The throw declaration says, that an ARRAY of T_error objects can be thrown
and this is exactly what Java 5 refuses to compile.
If i delete the brackets (T_Error instead of T_Error[]) the line compiles.
The WSDL construct leading to the problem code is of the form
fault name=CancelHotelBookingFault message=pgs:ErrorResponseMessage/
where ErrorResponseMessage is a sequence of t_Error.
Why is it not possible to throw arrays and what would be the correct way to
handle this kind of situation?



Dr. Franz Fehringer (Dipl. Math.)

ISO Software Systeme
Eichendorffstrasse 29
90491 Nuremberg

Tel. : +49/(911) - 99594-0
Fax  : +49/(911) - 99594-580


RE: WSDL2Java versus Java 5

2005-10-28 Thread Hagai Cibulski
It not possible to throw arrays because an array object is not an instance of 
the Throwable class, which is a required superclass for all throwables you may 
throw according to Java language rules.
If you need nested exceptions you can use the cause property of Throwable.
If you must have an array of T_Error you can define a class like:
class T_Errors_Holder extends Throwable
 T_Errors[] errors;

From: Franz Fehringer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Fri 10/28/2005 1:39 PM
Subject: WSDL2Java versus Java 5


I have problems compiling Java sources generated with WSDL2Java.
For concreteness my setup is
WIN2KSP4 Professional
JDK 1.5.0_05
Tomcat 5.5.12
Java Axis 1.3
The WSDL i use is delivered by a customer.
The main problem preventing me from compiling the generated sources are
lines of the form
public com.pegs_pegstour.www.API.XMLSchema._1_0_1.CancelHotelBookingResponse
lBookingRequest parameters) throws java.rmi.RemoteException,
The throw declaration says, that an ARRAY of T_error objects can be thrown
and this is exactly what Java 5 refuses to compile.
If i delete the brackets (T_Error instead of T_Error[]) the line compiles.
The WSDL construct leading to the problem code is of the form
fault name=CancelHotelBookingFault message=pgs:ErrorResponseMessage/
where ErrorResponseMessage is a sequence of t_Error.
Why is it not possible to throw arrays and what would be the correct way to
handle this kind of situation?



Dr. Franz Fehringer (Dipl. Math.)

ISO Software Systeme
Eichendorffstrasse 29
90491 Nuremberg

Tel. : +49/(911) - 99594-0
Fax  : +49/(911) - 99594-580



AW: WSDL2Java versus Java 5

2005-10-28 Thread Franz Fehringer
Title: WSDL2Java versus Java 5

thanks; if it is not asked too much: how do i do this in WSDL 



  -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-Von: Hagai Cibulski 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Gesendet: Freitag, 28. Oktober 2005 
  13:55An: axis-user@ws.apache.orgBetreff: RE: WSDL2Java 
  versus Java 5
  It not possible to throw 
  arrays because an array object is not an instance of the Throwable class, 
  which isa required superclass for all throwables you may throw according 
  to Java language rules.
  If you need nested exceptions you can use 
  the "cause" property of Throwable.
  If you must have an array of T_Error you 
  can define a class like:
  class T_Errors_Holder extends 
  From: Franz Fehringer 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Fri 10/28/2005 1:39 PMTo: 
  axis-user@ws.apache.orgSubject: WSDL2Java versus Java 
  Hello,I have problems compiling Java sources generated 
  with WSDL2Java.For concreteness my setup isWIN2KSP4 
  ProfessionalJDK 1.5.0_05Tomcat 5.5.12Java Axis 1.3The WSDL i 
  use is delivered by a customer.The main problem preventing me from 
  compiling the generated sources arelines of the formpublic 
  parameters) throws 
  throw declaration says, that an ARRAY of T_error objects can be thrownand 
  this is exactly what Java 5 refuses to compile.If i delete the brackets 
  (T_Error instead of T_Error[]) the line compiles.The WSDL construct 
  leading to the problem code is of the formfault 
  message="pgs:ErrorResponseMessage"/where ErrorResponseMessage is a 
  sequence of t_Error.Why is it not possible to throw arrays and what would 
  be the correct way tohandle this kind of 
  situation?GreetingsFranzDr. Franz Fehringer (Dipl. 
  Math.)ISO Software 
  SystemeEichendorffstrasse 2990491 NurembergGermanyTel. : 
  +49/(911) - 99594-0Fax : +49/(911) - 99594-580mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
attachment: winmail.dat

How to put exception information in SOAPFault

2005-10-28 Thread Terance Dias

I want to know if there is a way by which the exceptions that are being thrown in the web service will go back to the client in proper SOAPFault elements. I tried to change the WSDL to include the fault, shown below:

?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?wsdl:definitions targetNamespace="" xmlns:wsdl="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:wsdlsoap="" xmlns:intf="" xmlns:impl=""wsdl:documentation xmlns:wsdl=""/ wsdl:types schema elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="" xmlns="" xmlns:impl="" xmlns:intf="" xmlns:wsdl="" xmlns:xsd="" element name="add" complexType sequence element name="a" type="int"/ element name="b" type="int"/ /sequence /complexType /element element name="addResponse" complexType
 sequence element name="addReturn" type="int"/ /sequence /complexType /element element name="subtract" complexType sequence element name="a" type="int"/ element name="b" type="int"/ /sequence /complexType /element element name="subtractResponse" complexType sequence element name="subtractReturn" type="int"/ /sequence /complexType /element element name="InvalidCredentialsException" complexType sequence element name="faultString" type="string"/ element name="faultActor" type="string"/ element name="faultCode" type="string"/ /sequence /complexType /element /schema /wsdl:types wsdl:message name="addResponse" wsdl:part name="parameters" element="intf:addResponse"/ /wsdl:message wsdl:message name="InvalidCredentialsException" wsdl:part name="InvalidCredentials"
 element="intf:InvalidCredentialsException"/ /wsdl:message wsdl:message name="subtractRequest" wsdl:part name="parameters" element="intf:subtract"/ /wsdl:message wsdl:message name="addRequest" wsdl:part name="parameters" element="intf:add"/ /wsdl:message wsdl:message name="subtractResponse" wsdl:part name="parameters" element="intf:subtractResponse"/ /wsdl:message wsdl:portType name="Calculator" wsdl:operation name="add" wsdl:input name="addRequest" message="intf:addRequest"/ wsdl:output name="addResponse" message="intf:addResponse"/ wsdl:fault
 name="InvalidCredentialsFault" message="intf:InvalidCredentialsException"/ /wsdl:operation wsdl:operation name="subtract" wsdl:input name="subtractRequest" message="intf:subtractRequest"/ wsdl:output name="subtractResponse" message="intf:subtractResponse"/ /wsdl:operation /wsdl:portType wsdl:binding name="CalculatorSoapBinding" type="intf:Calculator" wsdlsoap:binding style="document" transport=""/ wsdl:operation name="add" wsdlsoap:operation soapAction=""/ wsdl:input name="addRequest"
 wsdlsoap:body use="literal"/ /wsdl:input wsdl:output name="addResponse" wsdlsoap:body use="literal"/ /wsdl:output wsdl:fault name="InvalidCredentialsFault" wsdlsoap:fault name="InvalidCredentialsFault" use="literal"/ /wsdl:fault /wsdl:operation wsdl:operation name="subtract" wsdlsoap:operation soapAction=""/ wsdl:input name="subtractRequest" wsdlsoap:body use="literal"/
 /wsdl:input wsdl:output name="subtractResponse" wsdlsoap:body use="literal"/ /wsdl:output /wsdl:operation /wsdl:binding wsdl:service name="CalculatorService" wsdl:port name="Calculator" binding="intf:CalculatorSoapBinding" wsdlsoap:address location="http://localhost:9080/ForPEAS/services/Calculator"/ /wsdl:port /wsdl:service/wsdl:definitions
When I do this and run the service, the exception thrown in the service is added as SOAPFault to the body but not as faultCode, faultString and faultActor. The sample response soap is shown below.

soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:soapenc="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""soapenv:Bodysoapenv:Faultfaultcode xmlns:ns-322385827="" xmlns=""ns-322385827:gt;InvalidCredentialsException/faultcodefaultstring xmlns=""![CDATA[com.syndeopeas.docws.InvalidCredentialsException]]/faultstringdetail xmlns=""InvalidCredentialsException xmlns="" faultStringInvalidCredentials/faultStringfaultActoryou/faultActorfaultCode123/faultCode/InvalidCredentialsException/detail/soapenv:Fault/soapenv:Body/soapenv:Envelope

The elements of the exception are going into the details. Is there a way by which when this exception is thrown, the elements of SOAPfault get set to these values?

Thanking you in advance,

		 Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.



RE: I give up

2005-10-28 Thread Paul Grillo
I would like to add that, to a large extent, I feel Kurt's pain.  We
used Axis 1.2 to deploy a single SOAP service that was required of us by
one of our major partners that dictated a .NET interface complete with
SOAP element signature, timestamp, and encryption.  I will say that we
got this working very nicely.  I am appreciative of the work.  I will
say that my interactions with the WSS4J folks was extremely helpful, and
I thank them very much. So, that is a great success and I thank
everybody that contributed.

Now as I look to go a little more mainstream within the rest of our
products at our company, I began taking a closer look at Axis, including
java data binding dependencies which are critical because of the various
products our company produces that will need to adhere to the bound XSD
Objects.  I need to insure that I have some independence when choosing
this piece of the puzzle. 

I have looked at AXIS and AXIS2.  I have had a few questions related to
this.  My major frustration is as my inability to get answers to what I
thought were fairly simple questions. Perhaps they are either not
simple, or thought as stupid.  I'm not talking just about zeroing in on
a bug and submitting it to JIRA, I'm talking about some input about even
whether something is doable, not just how.  

Now before anybody comes down on me, I am fully aware of where my
expectations should be vis a vis open source software, mailing lists,
etc.  I do not feel that I am owed anything when using this software.  I
have found, however, a little more help in other areas when using open
source.  I have, in fact, solved a myriad of problems on my own within
Axis. I find myself in the bowels of the code trying to figure out what
it's doing etc, so to solve my own problems.  I do, however, have to
factor in the time spent to research and solve these issues.

I have posted several questions and generally do not even get a
response, or an I don't know, though I suppose the lack of a response is
an I don't know.  So, it's gotten to the point where I don't bother.  In
terms of Axis, I feel that I need to go in another direction simply
because of my inability to get a straight answer around data binding
support (for example) now or in the future in Axis or in Axis2.  I have
asked what I believe is a simple question, whether a particular class
that seems like it should be thread safe is so (just another example).
Generally speaking if somebody asked me about most any class I've
designed and built as to whether it was designed that way, I could come
up with an answer.  Yet, no answer.  Yes, yes, if a class is not
advertised as Threadsafe, consider that it isn't.  Lack of
documentation, however, doesn't confirm the default assumption.

But my bigger concern is the unknown.  I don't have confidence that when
and if I run into future problems I can find the resources or help to
get around problems.  Perhaps my expectations are much too high.  Of
other products that we use and have had very good success is Hibernate,
Castor, WSS4J (as mentioned above).  I just don't get a comfortable
feeling when working with Axis ...

Okay, I'm big enough for somebody to tell me to not let the door hit me
in the you know where as I leave.  Again, I'm not angry, I'm not even
largely disappointed.  I've just been forced to make a decision based on
what is...

Perhaps in awhile I'll return to see what's up with Axis2.


-Original Message-
From: Davanum Srinivas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2005 11:07 PM
Subject: Re: I give up


Looking at your postings, i don't see much from you in terms of
engaging the user or developer community to ask for help.

Your specific email to Tom
have no clue how to help. i did reply back to a prev mail on that
thread (

If you have a problem with Macromedia or eBay folks, We can't really
help. If you have a problem with latest releases of Axis, we can help
if you add JIRA bugs (and chase us!) on the axis-dev@ list. If you
need production/development support, there are avenues for that as

Am sorry you had a bad experience, thanks for the feedback.

-- dims

On 10/27/05, Kurt Olsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Folks, I hate to say it but I had to ditch axis. Way too difficult.
And we
 won't be using it in the future.

 Our application has approx 30 vendors we communicate with using SOAP.

 Approx 25 of them are implemented by simply creating strings and
firing them
 off, then parsing out the reply.

 Primitive but fairly easy to do.

 The other 5 used axis. At the moment we're using the ColdFusion
server. When
 we upgraded to java 5 and coldfusion mx7 our axis based connectors


RE: Axis2 and XMLBeans - what is the relationship?

2005-10-28 Thread Paul Grillo

Thanks so much for your help. Your email and a long one RE:I give
up I just sent out sort of crossed. Please dont take the portion
of not getting answers personally. Clearly your answers below run counter to
my note.

I believe that I need the full flexibility of xcomp (I think). I will
keep an eye on Axis2, and perhaps return to it. 

Since I need to move forward quickly, I am going to either roll my own
SOAP engine with XMLBeans, or find another (XFire?). I am forced to view the
SOAP engine as interchangeable. I get to do this primarily by insuring my
databinding objects are independent. Another words, if I use XMLBeans now with
my own framework, I can easily adopt Axis2 when I feel Im ready for it
or it is ready for me. My point is simple, XMLBeans gives me independence. 

Thank you for your input, I guess I would have toned down my prior note a
bit had I read your response first. But then your response here was/is a
pleasant surprise. Thanks for your time.


From: Ajith Ranabahu
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2005
1:30 AM
Subject: Re: Axis2 and XMLBeans -
what is the relationship?

Hi Paul,
See my comments inline

On 10/27/05, Paul

question: Can I use XMLBeans as distributed by as my
serializer/deserializer in Axis2? If so how? 

Yes. The default databinding framework is XMLBeans :) don't specifiy any -d
flag and the code gen pickes up the XMLBeans databainding

I have a
simple WSDL backed up by a few Schemas. They generate clean java classes
in Axis 1.2
So I ran them through Axis2, and what I got was about 653 various
uncompiled files generated of which only about 30 reflect the actual beans I'll
be interacting with. It also appeared to insist on pre-pending
codegen.databinding to the package names that are reflective of my
chosen namespace. I guess I was pretty surprised at all that was
generated, the naming etec etc.

Well the XMLBeans integration to Axis2 is such that the Axis2's package
structure decides (to a certain extent) what the XMLBeans packaging should be.
We have not yet done the necessary work to have the full flexibilty of the
scomp but yes, we hope to go there soon.

I then used
scomp from xmlbeans v2 distribution, and it generated a very nice jar file with
pretty much what I expected. The compiler was much more powerful and
provides me with some other capabilities. I would like to use this in
either Axis 1.2 or Axis2. Is it possible?

I don't think Axis1 can use XMLBeans generated classes (unless you manually
edit the classes). Sadly your choice will only be Axis2

I do not want
to tie my databinding to a web services framework. I am willing to use
stand-alone XMLBeans. Is this doable?

oops! No. At the moment you cannot say 'don't do databinding' 


Ajith Ranabahu 

Re: I give up

2005-10-28 Thread Davanum Srinivas
I don't have confidence that when and if I run into future problems I
can find the resources or help to get around problems.

-- dims

On 10/28/05, Paul Grillo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I would like to add that, to a large extent, I feel Kurt's pain.  We
 used Axis 1.2 to deploy a single SOAP service that was required of us by
 one of our major partners that dictated a .NET interface complete with
 SOAP element signature, timestamp, and encryption.  I will say that we
 got this working very nicely.  I am appreciative of the work.  I will
 say that my interactions with the WSS4J folks was extremely helpful, and
 I thank them very much. So, that is a great success and I thank
 everybody that contributed.

 Now as I look to go a little more mainstream within the rest of our
 products at our company, I began taking a closer look at Axis, including
 java data binding dependencies which are critical because of the various
 products our company produces that will need to adhere to the bound XSD
 Objects.  I need to insure that I have some independence when choosing
 this piece of the puzzle.

 I have looked at AXIS and AXIS2.  I have had a few questions related to
 this.  My major frustration is as my inability to get answers to what I
 thought were fairly simple questions. Perhaps they are either not
 simple, or thought as stupid.  I'm not talking just about zeroing in on
 a bug and submitting it to JIRA, I'm talking about some input about even
 whether something is doable, not just how.

 Now before anybody comes down on me, I am fully aware of where my
 expectations should be vis a vis open source software, mailing lists,
 etc.  I do not feel that I am owed anything when using this software.  I
 have found, however, a little more help in other areas when using open
 source.  I have, in fact, solved a myriad of problems on my own within
 Axis. I find myself in the bowels of the code trying to figure out what
 it's doing etc, so to solve my own problems.  I do, however, have to
 factor in the time spent to research and solve these issues.

 I have posted several questions and generally do not even get a
 response, or an I don't know, though I suppose the lack of a response is
 an I don't know.  So, it's gotten to the point where I don't bother.  In
 terms of Axis, I feel that I need to go in another direction simply
 because of my inability to get a straight answer around data binding
 support (for example) now or in the future in Axis or in Axis2.  I have
 asked what I believe is a simple question, whether a particular class
 that seems like it should be thread safe is so (just another example).
 Generally speaking if somebody asked me about most any class I've
 designed and built as to whether it was designed that way, I could come
 up with an answer.  Yet, no answer.  Yes, yes, if a class is not
 advertised as Threadsafe, consider that it isn't.  Lack of
 documentation, however, doesn't confirm the default assumption.

 But my bigger concern is the unknown.  I don't have confidence that when
 and if I run into future problems I can find the resources or help to
 get around problems.  Perhaps my expectations are much too high.  Of
 other products that we use and have had very good success is Hibernate,
 Castor, WSS4J (as mentioned above).  I just don't get a comfortable
 feeling when working with Axis ...

 Okay, I'm big enough for somebody to tell me to not let the door hit me
 in the you know where as I leave.  Again, I'm not angry, I'm not even
 largely disappointed.  I've just been forced to make a decision based on
 what is...

 Perhaps in awhile I'll return to see what's up with Axis2.


 -Original Message-
 From: Davanum Srinivas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2005 11:07 PM
 Subject: Re: I give up


 Looking at your postings, i don't see much from you in terms of
 engaging the user or developer community to ask for help.

 Your specific email to Tom
 have no clue how to help. i did reply back to a prev mail on that
 thread (

 If you have a problem with Macromedia or eBay folks, We can't really
 help. If you have a problem with latest releases of Axis, we can help
 if you add JIRA bugs (and chase us!) on the axis-dev@ list. If you
 need production/development support, there are avenues for that as

 Am sorry you had a bad experience, thanks for the feedback.

 -- dims

 On 10/27/05, Kurt Olsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Folks, I hate to say it but I had to ditch axis. Way too difficult.
 And we
  won't be using it in the future.

NoClassDefFoundError for Service when trying to run TestClient

2005-10-28 Thread Heath Raftery
Apologies if this is a repost - I sent from the wrong address and  
think it may have been dropped.

Folks, I've been battling with this for quite some time, and despite  
finding similar stories on this mailing list and else where, still  
don't have a solution for it. I hope someone can provide a simple  
solution, because the problem itself doesn't seem that involved.

Tried axis-1_2_1 and axis-1_3 with the same results. Dev system is  
Mac OS X 10.4.2, using the command line (but the same problem appears  
in XCode.

I'm simply doing the following:

% javac -cp lib/axis.jar:lib/jaxrpc.jar:lib/saaj.jar:lib/commons- 
wsdl4j-1.5.1.jar:. samples/userguide/example1/

Which succeeds without a problem. I then try to execute the resulting  

% java -cp lib/axis.jar:lib/jaxrpc.jar:lib/saaj.jar:lib/commons- 
wsdl4j-1.5.1.jar:. samples.userguide.example1.TestClient

and get this error:

Exception in thread main java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/ 
at samples.userguide.example1.TestClient.main 

In the src distributions, Service is definitely there, but regardless  
of version, -cp arguments, bin or src distribution, I can't get any  
further. Why can Java find the Service class at compile time but not  
at run time?


RE: NoClassDefFoundError for Service when trying to run TestClient

2005-10-28 Thread Wagle Chetan
Hi Heath,

Have you double-checked for all the obvious mistakes such as:

1. Path to Java being different from path to javac
2. The jars being FTPd in ASCII mode instead of binary
etc etc

Also, the javac command does not support a -cp option - which version of
Java are you using?


-Original Message-
From: Heath Raftery [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2005 10:36 AM
Subject: NoClassDefFoundError for Service when trying to run TestClient

Apologies if this is a repost - I sent from the wrong address and  
think it may have been dropped.

Folks, I've been battling with this for quite some time, and despite  
finding similar stories on this mailing list and else where, still  
don't have a solution for it. I hope someone can provide a simple  
solution, because the problem itself doesn't seem that involved.

Tried axis-1_2_1 and axis-1_3 with the same results. Dev system is  
Mac OS X 10.4.2, using the command line (but the same problem appears  
in XCode.

I'm simply doing the following:

% javac -cp lib/axis.jar:lib/jaxrpc.jar:lib/saaj.jar:lib/commons- 
wsdl4j-1.5.1.jar:. samples/userguide/example1/

Which succeeds without a problem. I then try to execute the resulting  

% java -cp lib/axis.jar:lib/jaxrpc.jar:lib/saaj.jar:lib/commons- 
wsdl4j-1.5.1.jar:. samples.userguide.example1.TestClient

and get this error:

Exception in thread main java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/ 
 at samples.userguide.example1.TestClient.main 

In the src distributions, Service is definitely there, but regardless  
of version, -cp arguments, bin or src distribution, I can't get any  
further. Why can Java find the Service class at compile time but not  
at run time?

The information contained in this e-mail may be confidential and is intended 
solely for the use of the named addressee.
Access, copying or re-use of the e-mail or any information contained therein by 
any other person is not authorized.
If you are not the intended recipient please notify us immediately by returning 
the e-mail to the originator.(17b)

RE: I give up

2005-10-28 Thread McPhail, Jeff
I must say that I'm also extremely disappointed with Axis and
this usergroup. I didn't like the fact that you have to sign up to
receive ALL emails in order to participate -- I've never seen this
before. So because I was in a jam and needed and answer, I joined and
asked my question. I posted the question 5 times in different forms over
a 3 week period and didn't get one response -- nothing. 
So I then tried to unsubscribe and it didn't work. I followed
the instructions in the auto-reply given for troubleshooting
unsubscribes and that didn't work. So I emailed the administrator (his
email was in the autoreply, but of course nowhere to be found on the
axis site) and got a reply about 3 days later telling me that the reason
that my unsubscribe didn't work was because my email address was not on
the list. So I responded assuring him that I am still on the list and am
getting hundreds of messages a week (to my work email mind you) and I
added a copy of the email header of one of the list emails I received
with my email return path etc. -- I got no response. Also since the
sender in the list emails is not but instead the
individual senders address, I can't even mark them as spam to filter
them (not a very smart setup, not to mention the privacy issues). This
is becoming a real nuisance and it appears that I have no recourse. I've
tried emailing the general Apache help and got no response, and of
course there is not a single phone number on the either the apache or
axis web sites.
This is bush league support. No wonder so many people prefer to
use Microsoft products. Maybe not all of their solutions are optimal
(although I'm not sure how true this is anymore) but everything is much
easier to implement, and interconnect with different technologies under
the Microsoft umbrella. And when you have a problem, the support sites
available are much superior --  I've never posted an issue about a
microsoft product where I didn't have it solved within a day or two. The
open source concept is great when you're a student and can't afford to
fork over a grand or two for software, but when you use it for business
apps and factor in the time to implement and the extra tens of thousands
of dollars in man hours per year to fix bugs, Microsoft is a much
cheaper solution.

I would be extremely grateful to anyone to can tell me how to get off of
this list. Thank you.



-Original Message-
From: Paul Grillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2005 10:15 AM
Subject: RE: I give up

I would like to add that, to a large extent, I feel Kurt's pain.  We
used Axis 1.2 to deploy a single SOAP service that was required of us by
one of our major partners that dictated a .NET interface complete with
SOAP element signature, timestamp, and encryption.  I will say that we
got this working very nicely.  I am appreciative of the work.  I will
say that my interactions with the WSS4J folks was extremely helpful, and
I thank them very much. So, that is a great success and I thank
everybody that contributed.

Now as I look to go a little more mainstream within the rest of our
products at our company, I began taking a closer look at Axis, including
java data binding dependencies which are critical because of the various
products our company produces that will need to adhere to the bound XSD
Objects.  I need to insure that I have some independence when choosing
this piece of the puzzle. 

I have looked at AXIS and AXIS2.  I have had a few questions related to
this.  My major frustration is as my inability to get answers to what I
thought were fairly simple questions. Perhaps they are either not
simple, or thought as stupid.  I'm not talking just about zeroing in on
a bug and submitting it to JIRA, I'm talking about some input about even
whether something is doable, not just how.  

Now before anybody comes down on me, I am fully aware of where my
expectations should be vis a vis open source software, mailing lists,
etc.  I do not feel that I am owed anything when using this software.  I
have found, however, a little more help in other areas when using open
source.  I have, in fact, solved a myriad of problems on my own within
Axis. I find myself in the bowels of the code trying to figure out what
it's doing etc, so to solve my own problems.  I do, however, have to
factor in the time spent to research and solve these issues.

I have posted several questions and generally do not even get a
response, or an I don't know, though I suppose the lack of a response is
an I don't know.  So, it's gotten to the point where I don't bother.  In
terms of Axis, I feel that I need to go in another direction simply
because of my inability to get a straight answer around data binding
support (for example) now or in the future in Axis or in Axis2.  I have
asked what I believe is a simple question, whether a particular class

Re: I give up

2005-10-28 Thread Davanum Srinivas
I've un-subbed your email ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

-- dims

On 10/28/05, McPhail, Jeff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I must say that I'm also extremely disappointed with Axis and
 this usergroup. I didn't like the fact that you have to sign up to
 receive ALL emails in order to participate -- I've never seen this
 before. So because I was in a jam and needed and answer, I joined and
 asked my question. I posted the question 5 times in different forms over
 a 3 week period and didn't get one response -- nothing.
 So I then tried to unsubscribe and it didn't work. I followed
 the instructions in the auto-reply given for troubleshooting
 unsubscribes and that didn't work. So I emailed the administrator (his
 email was in the autoreply, but of course nowhere to be found on the
 axis site) and got a reply about 3 days later telling me that the reason
 that my unsubscribe didn't work was because my email address was not on
 the list. So I responded assuring him that I am still on the list and am
 getting hundreds of messages a week (to my work email mind you) and I
 added a copy of the email header of one of the list emails I received
 with my email return path etc. -- I got no response. Also since the
 sender in the list emails is not but instead the
 individual senders address, I can't even mark them as spam to filter
 them (not a very smart setup, not to mention the privacy issues). This
 is becoming a real nuisance and it appears that I have no recourse. I've
 tried emailing the general Apache help and got no response, and of
 course there is not a single phone number on the either the apache or
 axis web sites.
 This is bush league support. No wonder so many people prefer to
 use Microsoft products. Maybe not all of their solutions are optimal
 (although I'm not sure how true this is anymore) but everything is much
 easier to implement, and interconnect with different technologies under
 the Microsoft umbrella. And when you have a problem, the support sites
 available are much superior --  I've never posted an issue about a
 microsoft product where I didn't have it solved within a day or two. The
 open source concept is great when you're a student and can't afford to
 fork over a grand or two for software, but when you use it for business
 apps and factor in the time to implement and the extra tens of thousands
 of dollars in man hours per year to fix bugs, Microsoft is a much
 cheaper solution.

 I would be extremely grateful to anyone to can tell me how to get off of
 this list. Thank you.



 -Original Message-
 From: Paul Grillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, October 28, 2005 10:15 AM
 Subject: RE: I give up

 I would like to add that, to a large extent, I feel Kurt's pain.  We
 used Axis 1.2 to deploy a single SOAP service that was required of us by
 one of our major partners that dictated a .NET interface complete with
 SOAP element signature, timestamp, and encryption.  I will say that we
 got this working very nicely.  I am appreciative of the work.  I will
 say that my interactions with the WSS4J folks was extremely helpful, and
 I thank them very much. So, that is a great success and I thank
 everybody that contributed.

 Now as I look to go a little more mainstream within the rest of our
 products at our company, I began taking a closer look at Axis, including
 java data binding dependencies which are critical because of the various
 products our company produces that will need to adhere to the bound XSD
 Objects.  I need to insure that I have some independence when choosing
 this piece of the puzzle.

 I have looked at AXIS and AXIS2.  I have had a few questions related to
 this.  My major frustration is as my inability to get answers to what I
 thought were fairly simple questions. Perhaps they are either not
 simple, or thought as stupid.  I'm not talking just about zeroing in on
 a bug and submitting it to JIRA, I'm talking about some input about even
 whether something is doable, not just how.

 Now before anybody comes down on me, I am fully aware of where my
 expectations should be vis a vis open source software, mailing lists,
 etc.  I do not feel that I am owed anything when using this software.  I
 have found, however, a little more help in other areas when using open
 source.  I have, in fact, solved a myriad of problems on my own within
 Axis. I find myself in the bowels of the code trying to figure out what
 it's doing etc, so to solve my own problems.  I do, however, have to
 factor in the time spent to research and solve these issues.

 I have posted several questions and generally do not even get a
 response, or an I don't know, though I suppose the lack of a response is
 an I don't know.  So, it's gotten to the point where I don't bother.  In
 terms of Axis, I feel that I need to go in another direction simply
 because of my inability to get a 

RE: I give up

2005-10-28 Thread Wagle Chetan
Hi Jeff,

I know just the feeling you have about the tons of mails.

What I have done (I use Outlook 2002) is to set a rule to move all
messages containing the string into a different
folder and that seems to work quite well.

-Original Message-
From: McPhail, Jeff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2005 11:55 AM
Subject: RE: I give up

I must say that I'm also extremely disappointed with Axis and
this usergroup. I didn't like the fact that you have to sign up to
receive ALL emails in order to participate -- I've never seen this
before. So because I was in a jam and needed and answer, I joined and
asked my question. I posted the question 5 times in different forms over
a 3 week period and didn't get one response -- nothing. 
So I then tried to unsubscribe and it didn't work. I followed
the instructions in the auto-reply given for troubleshooting
unsubscribes and that didn't work. So I emailed the administrator (his
email was in the autoreply, but of course nowhere to be found on the
axis site) and got a reply about 3 days later telling me that the reason
that my unsubscribe didn't work was because my email address was not on
the list. So I responded assuring him that I am still on the list and am
getting hundreds of messages a week (to my work email mind you) and I
added a copy of the email header of one of the list emails I received
with my email return path etc. -- I got no response. Also since the
sender in the list emails is not but instead the
individual senders address, I can't even mark them as spam to filter
them (not a very smart setup, not to mention the privacy issues). This
is becoming a real nuisance and it appears that I have no recourse. I've
tried emailing the general Apache help and got no response, and of
course there is not a single phone number on the either the apache or
axis web sites.
This is bush league support. No wonder so many people prefer to
use Microsoft products. Maybe not all of their solutions are optimal
(although I'm not sure how true this is anymore) but everything is much
easier to implement, and interconnect with different technologies under
the Microsoft umbrella. And when you have a problem, the support sites
available are much superior --  I've never posted an issue about a
microsoft product where I didn't have it solved within a day or two. The
open source concept is great when you're a student and can't afford to
fork over a grand or two for software, but when you use it for business
apps and factor in the time to implement and the extra tens of thousands
of dollars in man hours per year to fix bugs, Microsoft is a much
cheaper solution.

I would be extremely grateful to anyone to can tell me how to get off of
this list. Thank you.



-Original Message-
From: Paul Grillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2005 10:15 AM
Subject: RE: I give up

I would like to add that, to a large extent, I feel Kurt's pain.  We
used Axis 1.2 to deploy a single SOAP service that was required of us by
one of our major partners that dictated a .NET interface complete with
SOAP element signature, timestamp, and encryption.  I will say that we
got this working very nicely.  I am appreciative of the work.  I will
say that my interactions with the WSS4J folks was extremely helpful, and
I thank them very much. So, that is a great success and I thank
everybody that contributed.

Now as I look to go a little more mainstream within the rest of our
products at our company, I began taking a closer look at Axis, including
java data binding dependencies which are critical because of the various
products our company produces that will need to adhere to the bound XSD
Objects.  I need to insure that I have some independence when choosing
this piece of the puzzle. 

I have looked at AXIS and AXIS2.  I have had a few questions related to
this.  My major frustration is as my inability to get answers to what I
thought were fairly simple questions. Perhaps they are either not
simple, or thought as stupid.  I'm not talking just about zeroing in on
a bug and submitting it to JIRA, I'm talking about some input about even
whether something is doable, not just how.  

Now before anybody comes down on me, I am fully aware of where my
expectations should be vis a vis open source software, mailing lists,
etc.  I do not feel that I am owed anything when using this software.  I
have found, however, a little more help in other areas when using open
source.  I have, in fact, solved a myriad of problems on my own within
Axis. I find myself in the bowels of the code trying to figure out what
it's doing etc, so to solve my own problems.  I do, however, have to
factor in the time spent to research and solve these issues.

I have posted several questions and 

Re: I give up

2005-10-28 Thread Bob Bateman

On Fri, 28 Oct 2005 09:48:26 +0200
 Willem Grooters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Another important issue that I read in Kurt's 
complaints, is the incompatibility of different Java

I too have seen this.

However, I have to say that the incompatibility wasn't as
much with Java as it was with the tool.  For example,
Tomcat 4 and Tomcat 5 are different animals.  Both run on
Java 1.4 and 1.5.  However, each has a different way of
configuring the server and the application that you
deploy.  This IS the nature of the tool - and is NOT
unique to Open-Source.

I find myself, at times, using the generic term Java to
mean the tools as well as the language.  However, my use
of Java to refer to the tools and applications I use and
make is INCORRECT.  Tomcat is NOT Java.  Nor is Axis Java
or SOAP.  They are tools.

In reading Kurt's comments, I fear he is using the term
Java to refer to many things, not just the language or the
VM.  And this is unfair.  Java 1.5 WILL run every
application I write in Java 1.4 (sans bugs in the compiler
implementation or the JVM of course...)  But Tomcat 5 will
NOT run a Tomcat 4 web application - nor should it.

The folks that write the many applications that we rely
upon go to great lengths to try to tell us what has
changed when they release a version of their software.
These patch notes and release readme's are an important
part of every piece of software - whether it's FOSS or

Documenation is another thing. If it exists (and alone 
that is already a problem) it should be clear and
consistent. It often isn't: It's full of jargon, 
too much omission of knowledge, therefore hard 
to understand for newcomers, and asking the 
community is not always a help: it takes too much
time to filter what's usable and what's not, and 
to give things a try and find out why it doesn't
work; It's a good way of asking more specific things, 
not the basic ones. But you NEED to if documenation 
is simply missing.

Documentation is a problem in EVERY project, whether it's
FOSS or proprietary.

When was the last time you looked at the books on the
shelf at your local book store?  How many Java books are
there?  And much of that content describes the same
concepts and content over and over.

Creating documentation for a newbie to a project is the
most difficult thing to accomplish.  Why?  Just because
I'm a newbie to AXIS and SOAP doesn't mean I'm a newbie to
Java, Tomcat, Web Services, etc.  So the question that
each author needs to ask is:  where do I start?  And the
answer to that question is usually the focus of the

You may notice from this reply e-mail, that I can write
fairly well (although not perfectly...)  I've attempted to
write documentation and to provide additional information
to existing material.  And I can tell you from first hand
experience that writing docs is the most thankless of jobs
- especially when I'm doing it for free!

Why is it that there are so many books and publications in
existance today?  People who write well want to get
compensated for their efforts - as they should.  Look at
any hardware or software vendor.  They have *teams* of
paid writers that produce their materials.

We in the FOSS community are so blessed it isn't funny. We
have access to the best documentation that can ever
exist for a project:  the source.  But, having said that,
I can say with 100% confidence that I can't follow 99% of
the source of the Axis project.  It's not that I'm stupid,
or that the author of the code I'm looking at is so much
smarter than I am (although I'm sure that's true!)

My problem is putting into context the code I'm looking at
in relation to the problem/task I'm attempting to solve.
And no matter how well the code is documented, it's never

Another problem all products have with their documentation
is you must almost be an expert with the tool before you
can really write the documentation.  Because who knows the
tool better than the expert that created it?  And writing 
documentation is not something most developers like to do.


Re: I give up

2005-10-28 Thread Paul Barry
I will agree that on this mailing list, so far, the few questions that
I have asked have gone unresponded to (granted I just asked my last
question yesterday).  But in general, I have found open source support
to be superior to commerce support.  I haven't worked with Microsoft
specifically, but other support I get from commercial products is
usually an email address or phone number that goes to a general help
desk.  This people typically have less knowledge about the product
than I do.  They can't conceptualize the problem I am having and they
usually just run through a list of typical problems and solutions. 
Open source projects, when they have a good community surrounding
them, are just the opposite.  You are getting support directly from
the experts.  As long as you do your work to isolate the problem and
report the information about the problem, most of the time you will
get a solution to your problem.

So I guess my point is I can't really speak to this community yet,
because I haven't been participating in it yet for long enough, but
just because you have had a bad experience with this oepn source
project, don't say that commercial support is better than open source.
 If you want to attack the axis community specifically, fine, but
there are a lot of open source projects that have communities that
offer a lot of help.  You are making broad generalizations about M$
vs. open source based on your experience with one open source

On 10/28/05, McPhail, Jeff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I must say that I'm also extremely disappointed with Axis and
 this usergroup. I didn't like the fact that you have to sign up to
 receive ALL emails in order to participate -- I've never seen this
 before. So because I was in a jam and needed and answer, I joined and
 asked my question. I posted the question 5 times in different forms over
 a 3 week period and didn't get one response -- nothing.
 So I then tried to unsubscribe and it didn't work. I followed
 the instructions in the auto-reply given for troubleshooting
 unsubscribes and that didn't work. So I emailed the administrator (his
 email was in the autoreply, but of course nowhere to be found on the
 axis site) and got a reply about 3 days later telling me that the reason
 that my unsubscribe didn't work was because my email address was not on
 the list. So I responded assuring him that I am still on the list and am
 getting hundreds of messages a week (to my work email mind you) and I
 added a copy of the email header of one of the list emails I received
 with my email return path etc. -- I got no response. Also since the
 sender in the list emails is not but instead the
 individual senders address, I can't even mark them as spam to filter
 them (not a very smart setup, not to mention the privacy issues). This
 is becoming a real nuisance and it appears that I have no recourse. I've
 tried emailing the general Apache help and got no response, and of
 course there is not a single phone number on the either the apache or
 axis web sites.
 This is bush league support. No wonder so many people prefer to
 use Microsoft products. Maybe not all of their solutions are optimal
 (although I'm not sure how true this is anymore) but everything is much
 easier to implement, and interconnect with different technologies under
 the Microsoft umbrella. And when you have a problem, the support sites
 available are much superior --  I've never posted an issue about a
 microsoft product where I didn't have it solved within a day or two. The
 open source concept is great when you're a student and can't afford to
 fork over a grand or two for software, but when you use it for business
 apps and factor in the time to implement and the extra tens of thousands
 of dollars in man hours per year to fix bugs, Microsoft is a much
 cheaper solution.

 I would be extremely grateful to anyone to can tell me how to get off of
 this list. Thank you.



 -Original Message-
 From: Paul Grillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, October 28, 2005 10:15 AM
 Subject: RE: I give up

 I would like to add that, to a large extent, I feel Kurt's pain.  We
 used Axis 1.2 to deploy a single SOAP service that was required of us by
 one of our major partners that dictated a .NET interface complete with
 SOAP element signature, timestamp, and encryption.  I will say that we
 got this working very nicely.  I am appreciative of the work.  I will
 say that my interactions with the WSS4J folks was extremely helpful, and
 I thank them very much. So, that is a great success and I thank
 everybody that contributed.

 Now as I look to go a little more mainstream within the rest of our
 products at our company, I began taking a closer look at Axis, including
 java data binding dependencies which are critical because of the various
 products our company produces that will need to 

Fwd: FW: I give up

2005-10-28 Thread A B
Well it appears that things have become even worse. I tried to send an email and it bounced back. Since my email is no longer on the list, I can't send an email to the list in order to get me removed from the list. Does that sound crazy? Well that is the situtation. Apparently my (other) email is no longer on the list, however I STILL keep getting all of the lists emails. So I had to create a new email account and subscribe in order to send this (notice the address I chose) in hopes that someone will know what to do. Please see the email below...

I will ask again...
Someone, please help me get off this freakin list!!!

-Original Message-From: McPhail, Jeff Sent: Friday, October 28, 2005 11:55 AMTo: ''Cc: axis-dev@ws.apache.orgSubject: RE: I give up	I must say that I'm also extremely disappointed with Axis andthis usergroup. I didn't like the fact that you have to sign up toreceive ALL emails in order to participate -- I've never seen thisbefore. So because I was in a jam and needed and answer, I joined andasked my question. I posted the question 5 times in different forms overa 3 week period and didn't get one response -- nothing. 	So I t
 tried to unsubscribe and it didn't work. I followedthe instructions in the auto-reply given for troubleshootingunsubscribes and that didn't work. So I emailed the administrator (hisemail was in the autoreply, but of course nowhere to be found on theaxis site) and got a reply about 3 days later telling me that the reasonthat my unsubscribe didn't work was because my email address was not onthe list. So I responded assuring him that I am still on the list and amgetting hundreds of messages a week (to my work email mind you) and Iadded a copy of the email header of one of the list emails I receivedwith my email return path etc. -- I got no response. Also since thesender in the list emails is not but instead theindividua
 senders address, I can't even mark them as spam to filterthem (not a very smart setup, not to mention the privacy issues). Thisis becoming a real nuisance and it appears that I have no recourse. I'vetried emailing the general Apache help and got no response, and ofcourse there is not a single phone number on the either the apache oraxis web sites.	This is bush league support. No wonder so many people prefer touse Microsoft products. Maybe not all of their solutions are optimal(although I'm not sure how true this is anymore) but everything is mucheasier to implement, and interconnect with different technologies underthe Microsoft umbrella. And when you have a problem, the support sitesavailable are much superior -- I've never posted an issue about amicrosoft product where I didn't have it solved within a day or two. Theopen source concept is great when you're a student and can't afford tofork over a grand o
 r two
 for software, but when you use it for businessapps and factor in the time to implement and the extra tens of thousandsof dollars in man hours per year to fix bugs, Microsoft is a muchcheaper solution.I would be extremely grateful to anyone to can tell me how to get off ofthis list. Thank you.Cheers,Jeff.-Original Message-From: Paul Grillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Friday, October 28, 2005 10:15 AMTo: axis-user@ws.apache.orgCc: axis-dev@ws.apache.orgSubject: RE: I give upI would like to add that, to a large extent, I feel Kurt's pain. Weused Axis 1.2 to deploy a single SOAP service that was required of us byone of our major partners that dictated a .NET interface complete withSOAP element signature, timestamp, and encryption. I will say that wegot this working very nicely. I am appreciative of the work. I willsay that my interactions with the WSS4J folks was extremely helpful, andI thank them very much. So, that is a great success and I thankeverybody that contributed.Now as I look to go a little more mainstream within the rest of ourproducts at our company, I began taking a closer look at Axis, includingjava data binding dependenci
 es which
 are critical because of the variousproducts our company produces that will need to adhere to the bound XSDObjects. I need to insure that I have some independence when choosingthis piece of the puzzle. I have looked at AXIS and AXIS2. I have had a few questions related tothis. My major frustration is as my inability to get answers to what Ithought were fairly simple questions. Perhaps they are either notsimple, or thought as stupid. I'm not talking just about zeroing in ona bug and submitting it to JIRA, I'm talking about some input about even"whether" something is doable, not just how. Now before anybody comes down on me, I am fully aware of where myexpectations should be vis a vis open source software, mailing lists,etc. I do not feel that I am owed anything when using this software. Ihave found, however, a little more help in other areas when using
 opensource. I have, in fact, solved a myriad of problems on my own 

Re: FW: I give up

2005-10-28 Thread Davanum Srinivas
Please send me the headers

-- dims

On 10/28/05, A B [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well it appears that things have become even worse. I tried to send an email
 and it bounced back. Since my email is no longer on the list, I can't send
 an email to the list in order to get me removed from the list. Does that
 sound crazy? Well that is the situtation. Apparently my (other) email is no
 longer on the list, however I STILL keep getting all of the lists emails. So
 I had to create a new email account and subscribe in order to send this
 (notice the address I chose) in hopes that someone will know what to do.
 Please see the email below...

 I will ask again...
 Someone, please help me get off this freakin list!!!



 -Original Message-
 From: McPhail, Jeff
 Sent: Friday, October 28, 2005 11:55 AM
 To: ''
 Subject: RE: I give up

  I must say that I'm also extremely disappointed with Axis and
 this usergroup. I didn't like the fact that you have to sign up to
 receive ALL emails in order to participate -- I've never seen this
 before. So because I was in a jam and needed and answer, I joined and
 asked my question. I posted the question 5 times in different forms
 a 3 week period and didn't get one response -- nothing.
  So I t hen tried to unsubscribe and it didn't work. I followed
 the instructions in the auto-reply given for troubleshooting
 unsubscribes and that didn't work. So I emailed the administrator (his
 email was in the autoreply, but of course nowhere to be found on the
 axis site) and got a reply about 3 days later telling me that the
 that my unsubscribe didn't work was because my email address was not on
 the list. So I responded assuring him that I am still on the list and
 getting hundreds of messages a week (to my work email mind you) and I
 added a copy of the email header of one of the list emails I received
 with my email return path etc. -- I got no response. Also since the
 sender in the list emails is not but instead
 individua l senders address, I can't even mark them as spam to filter
 them (not a very smart setup, not to mention the privacy issues). This
 is becoming a real nuisance and it appears that I have no recourse.
 tried emailing the general Apache help and got no response, and of
 course there is not a single phone number on the either the apache or
 axis web sites.
  This is bush league support. No wonder so many people prefer to
 use Microsoft products. Maybe not all of their solutions are optimal
 (although I'm not sure how true this is anymore) but everything is much
 easier to implement, and interconnect with different technologies under
 the Microsoft umbrella. And when you have a problem, the support sites
 available are much superior --  I've never posted an issue about a
 microsoft product where I didn't have it solved within a day or two.
 open source concept is great when you're a student and can't afford to
 fork over a grand o r two for software, but when you use it for business

 apps and factor in the time to implement and the extra tens of
 of dollars in man hours per year to fix bugs, Microsoft is a much
 cheaper solution.

 I would be extremely grateful to anyone to can tell me how to get off
 this list. Thank you.



 -Original Message-
 From: Paul Grillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, October 28, 2005 10:15 AM
 Subject: RE: I give up

 I would like to add that, to a large extent, I feel Kurt's pain.  We
 used Axis 1.2 to deploy a single SOAP service that was required of us
 one of our major partners that dictated a .NET interface complete with
 SOAP element signature, timestamp, and encryption.  I will say that we
 got this working very nicely.  I am appreciative of the work.  I will
 say that my interactions with the WSS4J folks was extremely helpful,
 I thank them very much. So, that is a great success and I thank
 everybody that contributed.

 Now as I look to go a little more mainstream within the rest of our
 products at our company, I began taking a closer look at Axis,
 java data binding dependenci es which are critical because of the

 products our company produces that will need to adhere to the bound XSD
 Objects.  I need to insure that I have some independence when choosing
 this piece of the puzzle.

 I have looked at AXIS and AXIS2.  I have had a few questions related to
 this.  My major frustration is as my inability to get answers to what I
 thought were fairly simple questions. Perhaps they are either not
 simple, or thought as stupid.  I'm not talking just about zeroing in on
 a bug and submitting it to JIRA, I'm talking about some input about
 whether something is doable, not just how.

 Now before anybody comes down on me, I am fully aware of where my

RE: I give up

2005-10-28 Thread Hoying, Ken
Not to be a conspiracy theorist, but I cannot help but wonder if the support 
level is not affected by Covalent now selling support for Axis and Covalent's 
close relationship with current and former Axis developers (some of whom work 
for Covalent).  Has commercialism made its way into the open source ranks?

-Original Message-
Paul Barry
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2005 12:55 PM
Subject: Re: I give up

I will agree that on this mailing list, so far, the few questions that
I have asked have gone unresponded to (granted I just asked my last
question yesterday).  But in general, I have found open source support
to be superior to commerce support.  I haven't worked with Microsoft
specifically, but other support I get from commercial products is
usually an email address or phone number that goes to a general help
desk.  This people typically have less knowledge about the product
than I do.  They can't conceptualize the problem I am having and they
usually just run through a list of typical problems and solutions. 
Open source projects, when they have a good community surrounding
them, are just the opposite.  You are getting support directly from
the experts.  As long as you do your work to isolate the problem and
report the information about the problem, most of the time you will
get a solution to your problem.

So I guess my point is I can't really speak to this community yet,
because I haven't been participating in it yet for long enough, but
just because you have had a bad experience with this oepn source
project, don't say that commercial support is better than open source.
 If you want to attack the axis community specifically, fine, but
there are a lot of open source projects that have communities that
offer a lot of help.  You are making broad generalizations about M$
vs. open source based on your experience with one open source

On 10/28/05, McPhail, Jeff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I must say that I'm also extremely disappointed with Axis and
 this usergroup. I didn't like the fact that you have to sign up to
 receive ALL emails in order to participate -- I've never seen this
 before. So because I was in a jam and needed and answer, I joined and
 asked my question. I posted the question 5 times in different forms over
 a 3 week period and didn't get one response -- nothing.
 So I then tried to unsubscribe and it didn't work. I followed
 the instructions in the auto-reply given for troubleshooting
 unsubscribes and that didn't work. So I emailed the administrator (his
 email was in the autoreply, but of course nowhere to be found on the
 axis site) and got a reply about 3 days later telling me that the reason
 that my unsubscribe didn't work was because my email address was not on
 the list. So I responded assuring him that I am still on the list and am
 getting hundreds of messages a week (to my work email mind you) and I
 added a copy of the email header of one of the list emails I received
 with my email return path etc. -- I got no response. Also since the
 sender in the list emails is not but instead the
 individual senders address, I can't even mark them as spam to filter
 them (not a very smart setup, not to mention the privacy issues). This
 is becoming a real nuisance and it appears that I have no recourse. I've
 tried emailing the general Apache help and got no response, and of
 course there is not a single phone number on the either the apache or
 axis web sites.
 This is bush league support. No wonder so many people prefer to
 use Microsoft products. Maybe not all of their solutions are optimal
 (although I'm not sure how true this is anymore) but everything is much
 easier to implement, and interconnect with different technologies under
 the Microsoft umbrella. And when you have a problem, the support sites
 available are much superior --  I've never posted an issue about a
 microsoft product where I didn't have it solved within a day or two. The
 open source concept is great when you're a student and can't afford to
 fork over a grand or two for software, but when you use it for business
 apps and factor in the time to implement and the extra tens of thousands
 of dollars in man hours per year to fix bugs, Microsoft is a much
 cheaper solution.

 I would be extremely grateful to anyone to can tell me how to get off of
 this list. Thank you.



 -Original Message-
 From: Paul Grillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, October 28, 2005 10:15 AM
 Subject: RE: I give up

 I would like to add that, to a large extent, I feel Kurt's pain.  We
 used Axis 1.2 to deploy a single SOAP service that was required of us by
 one of our major partners that dictated a .NET interface complete with
 SOAP element signature, timestamp, and encryption.  I will say that we

Re: I give up

2005-10-28 Thread Davanum Srinivas

Truth is everyone is working hard on Axis2...

-- dims

On 10/28/05, Hoying, Ken [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Not to be a conspiracy theorist, but I cannot help but wonder if the support 
 level is not affected by Covalent now selling support for Axis and Covalent's 
 close relationship with current and former Axis developers (some of whom work 
 for Covalent).  Has commercialism made its way into the open source ranks?

 -Original Message-
 Paul Barry
 Sent: Friday, October 28, 2005 12:55 PM
 Subject: Re: I give up

 I will agree that on this mailing list, so far, the few questions that
 I have asked have gone unresponded to (granted I just asked my last
 question yesterday).  But in general, I have found open source support
 to be superior to commerce support.  I haven't worked with Microsoft
 specifically, but other support I get from commercial products is
 usually an email address or phone number that goes to a general help
 desk.  This people typically have less knowledge about the product
 than I do.  They can't conceptualize the problem I am having and they
 usually just run through a list of typical problems and solutions.
 Open source projects, when they have a good community surrounding
 them, are just the opposite.  You are getting support directly from
 the experts.  As long as you do your work to isolate the problem and
 report the information about the problem, most of the time you will
 get a solution to your problem.

 So I guess my point is I can't really speak to this community yet,
 because I haven't been participating in it yet for long enough, but
 just because you have had a bad experience with this oepn source
 project, don't say that commercial support is better than open source.
  If you want to attack the axis community specifically, fine, but
 there are a lot of open source projects that have communities that
 offer a lot of help.  You are making broad generalizations about M$
 vs. open source based on your experience with one open source

 On 10/28/05, McPhail, Jeff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I must say that I'm also extremely disappointed with Axis and
  this usergroup. I didn't like the fact that you have to sign up to
  receive ALL emails in order to participate -- I've never seen this
  before. So because I was in a jam and needed and answer, I joined and
  asked my question. I posted the question 5 times in different forms over
  a 3 week period and didn't get one response -- nothing.
  So I then tried to unsubscribe and it didn't work. I followed
  the instructions in the auto-reply given for troubleshooting
  unsubscribes and that didn't work. So I emailed the administrator (his
  email was in the autoreply, but of course nowhere to be found on the
  axis site) and got a reply about 3 days later telling me that the reason
  that my unsubscribe didn't work was because my email address was not on
  the list. So I responded assuring him that I am still on the list and am
  getting hundreds of messages a week (to my work email mind you) and I
  added a copy of the email header of one of the list emails I received
  with my email return path etc. -- I got no response. Also since the
  sender in the list emails is not but instead the
  individual senders address, I can't even mark them as spam to filter
  them (not a very smart setup, not to mention the privacy issues). This
  is becoming a real nuisance and it appears that I have no recourse. I've
  tried emailing the general Apache help and got no response, and of
  course there is not a single phone number on the either the apache or
  axis web sites.
  This is bush league support. No wonder so many people prefer to
  use Microsoft products. Maybe not all of their solutions are optimal
  (although I'm not sure how true this is anymore) but everything is much
  easier to implement, and interconnect with different technologies under
  the Microsoft umbrella. And when you have a problem, the support sites
  available are much superior --  I've never posted an issue about a
  microsoft product where I didn't have it solved within a day or two. The
  open source concept is great when you're a student and can't afford to
  fork over a grand or two for software, but when you use it for business
  apps and factor in the time to implement and the extra tens of thousands
  of dollars in man hours per year to fix bugs, Microsoft is a much
  cheaper solution.
  I would be extremely grateful to anyone to can tell me how to get off of
  this list. Thank you.
  -Original Message-
  From: Paul Grillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, October 28, 2005 10:15 AM
  Subject: RE: I give up
  I would like to add that, to a large extent, I feel Kurt's pain.  We
  used Axis 1.2 to deploy 

Re: I give up

2005-10-28 Thread Brice
We use Axis exclusively for our web service needs and I find it to be a
wonderful solution.  I have had problems with Axis, but I have worked
through them and with patience, there is no problem that cannot be
solved.  I understand that a lot of people do not have the time/patience
to deal with problems that using open source software may raise.  The
fact is, all the folks at the Apache Software Foundation develop great
software and I would be up the creek without a paddle if it wasn't for
Davanum Srinivas tries very hard to help people with problems they may
have with Axis.  I can't imagine the time he probably spends just
writing and reading emails.  It is not fair for people to be complaining
that questions go unanswered.  If Axis is not for you, fine. Don't
complain about it and don't do things like make a yahoo account called
axisisamess and send emails to the list just to vent your frustration.
If you don't know how to use filters, then that is not Davanum Srinivas'
problem.  Please do not try to trivialize their work, they offer great
software to us and offer to answer questions without asking anything in
Please continue to help those of us who appreciate it.  We are very
happy with your software.

--Brice (CHRONOS

Re: I give up

2005-10-28 Thread A B
Fair enough. I agree that the expertize on the open source side is superior and is probably better for more hardcore software deployments such as large networks/web sites, mission critical applications etc. etc.But for small to medium business apps it has been my experience that if you really need to get to the bottom of an issue it is better to have someone accountable who wants your business. You have the power to withhold payment or drop the vendor entirely if their support doesn't solve your issues.

However I will concede and retract my statement about open source in general and re-direct specifically to axis.


Jeff.Paul Barry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I will agree that on this mailing list, so far, the few questions thatI have asked have gone unresponded to (granted I just asked my lastquestion yesterday). But in general, I have found open source supportto be superior to commerce support. I haven't worked with Microsoftspecifically, but other support I get from commercial products isusually an email address or phone number that goes to a general helpdesk. This people typically have less knowledge about the productthan I do. They can't conceptualize the problem I am having and theyusually just run through a list of typical problems and solutions. Open source projects, when they have a good community surroundingthem, are just the opposite. You are getting support directly fromthe experts. As long as you do your work to isolate the problem andreport the information about the prob
 most of the time you willget a solution to your problem.So I guess my point is I can't really speak to this community yet,because I haven't been participating in it yet for long enough, butjust because you have had a bad experience with this oepn sourceproject, don't say that commercial support is better than open source.If you want to attack the axis community specifically, fine, butthere are a lot of open source projects that have communities thatoffer a lot of help. You are making broad generalizations about M$vs. open source based on your experience with one open sourcecommunity.On 10/28/05, McPhail, Jeff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: I must say that I'm also extremely disappointed with Axis and this usergroup. I didn't like the fact that you have to sign up to receive ALL emails in order to participate -- I've never seen this before. So because I was in a jam and needed and answer, I jo
 and asked my question. I posted the question 5 times in different forms over a 3 week period and didn't get one response -- nothing. So I then tried to unsubscribe and it didn't work. I followed the instructions in the auto-reply given for troubleshooting unsubscribes and that didn't work. So I emailed the administrator (his email was in the autoreply, but of course nowhere to be found on the axis site) and got a reply about 3 days later telling me that the reason that my unsubscribe didn't work was because my email address was not on the list. So I responded assuring him that I am still on the list and am getting hundreds of messages a week (to my work email mind you) and I added a copy of the email header of one of the list emails I received with my email return path etc. -- I got no response. Also since the sender in the list emails is not but in
 the individual senders address, I can't even mark them as spam to filter them (not a very smart setup, not to mention the privacy issues). This is becoming a real nuisance and it appears that I have no recourse. I've tried emailing the general Apache help and got no response, and of course there is not a single phone number on the either the apache or axis web sites. This is bush league support. No wonder so many people prefer to use Microsoft products. Maybe not all of their solutions are optimal (although I'm not sure how true this is anymore) but everything is much easier to implement, and interconnect with different technologies under the Microsoft umbrella. And when you have a problem, the support sites available are much superior -- I've never posted an issue about a microsoft product where I didn't have it solved within a day or two. The open source concept 
 is great
 when you're a student and can't afford to fork over a grand or two for software, but when you use it for business apps and factor in the time to implement and the extra tens of thousands of dollars in man hours per year to fix bugs, Microsoft is a much cheaper solution. I would be extremely grateful to anyone to can tell me how to get off of this list. Thank you. Cheers, Jeff. -Original Message- From: Paul Grillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, October 28, 2005 10:15 AM To: Cc: Subject: RE: I give up I would like to add that, to a large extent, I feel Kurt's pain. We used Axis 1.2 to deploy a single SOAP service that was required of us by one of our major partners that dictated a .NET interface complete with 

RE: I give up

2005-10-28 Thread Jesse Pelton
I don't know why it should be, but it seems to me that there's a higher
consumer to provider ratio on the Axis list than on the others I
subscribe to.  I've been lurking for a few weeks.  Because I'm thinking
about using Axis but haven't actually started to do so, I have nothing
of a technical nature to contribute.  I've subscribed to other lists for
years, and after a while, I know enough to respond to some questions.  I
view this as a) giving back to the community that developed the project
and helped me master it, and b) freeing up developers so they can focus
on developing the next version.  I find it very satisfying to help out,
and I often deepen my knowledge in the process.

This list seems different for some reason.  I can't verify this,
especially since I haven't been subscribing for very long, but it feels
like there aren't many people other than the developers helping out.
(Those that do, however, often offer prodigious amounts of knowledgeable
insight.  I won't name names for fear of forgetting someone, but I hope
you know who you are.)  I get the sense that people join to ask a
question, then unsubscribe once they have an answer.  Some of this is to
be expected, of course, but maybe it happens more on the Axis list, for
whatever reason.

One might construe this as a challenge in the open-source style: if you
don't like the level of support on the list, stick around and help make
it better!

 -Original Message-
 From: Davanum Srinivas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, October 28, 2005 1:14 PM
 Subject: Re: I give up
 Truth is everyone is working hard on Axis2...
 -- dims
 On 10/28/05, Hoying, Ken [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Not to be a conspiracy theorist, but I cannot help but 
 wonder if the support level is not affected by Covalent now 
 selling support for Axis and Covalent's close relationship 
 with current and former Axis developers (some of whom work 
 for Covalent).  Has commercialism made its way into the open 
 source ranks?

Re: I give up

2005-10-28 Thread Davanum Srinivas
Please see


On 10/28/05, A B [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Fair enough. I agree that the expertize on the open source side is superior
 and is probably better for more hardcore software deployments such as large
 networks/web sites, mission critical applications etc. etc. But for small to
 medium business apps it has been my experience that if you really need to
 get to the bottom of an issue it is better to have someone accountable who
 wants your business. You have the power to withhold payment or drop the
 vendor entirely if their support doesn't solve your issues.

 However I will concede and retract my statement about open source in general
 and re-direct specifically to axis.



 Paul Barry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I will agree that on this mailing list, so far, the few questions that
 I have asked have gone unresponded to (granted I just asked my last
 question yesterday). But in general, I have found open source support
 to be superior to commerce support. I haven't worked with Microsoft
 specifically, but other support I get from commercial products is
 usually an email address or phone number that goes to a general help
 desk. This people typically have less knowledge about the product
 than I do. They can't conceptualize the problem I am having and they
 usually just run through a list of typical problems and solutions.
 Open source projects, when they have a good community surrounding
 them, are just the opposite. You are getting support directly from
 the experts. As long as you do your work to isolate the problem and
 report the information about the prob lem, most of the time you will
 get a solution to your problem.

 So I guess my point is I can't really speak to this community yet,
 because I haven't been participating in it yet for long enough, but
 just because you have had a bad experience with this oepn source
 project, don't say that commercial support is better than open source.
 If you want to attack the axis community specifically, fine, but
 there are a lot of open source projects that have communities that
 offer a lot of help. You are making broad generalizations about M$
 vs. open source based on your experience with one open source

 On 10/28/05, McPhail, Jeff wrote:
  I must say that I'm also extremely disappointed with Axis and
  this usergroup. I didn't like the fact that you have to sign up to
  receive ALL emails in order to participate -- I've never seen this
  before. So because I was in a jam and needed and answer, I jo ined and
  asked my question. I posted the question 5 times in different forms over
  a 3 week period and didn't get one response -- nothing.
  So I then tried to unsubscribe and it didn't work. I followed
  the instructions in the auto-reply given for troubleshooting
  unsubscribes and that didn't work. So I emailed the administrator (his
  email was in the autoreply, but of course nowhere to be found on the
  axis site) and got a reply about 3 days later telling me that the reason
  that my unsubscribe didn't work was because my email address was not on
  the list. So I responded assuring him that I am still on the list and am
  getting hundreds of messages a week (to my work email mind you) and I
  added a copy of the email header of one of the list emails I received
  with my email return path etc. -- I got no response. Also since the
  sender in the list emails is not but in stead the

  individual senders address, I can't even mark them as spam to filter
  them (not a very smart setup, not to mention the privacy issues). This
  is becoming a real nuisance and it appears that I have no recourse. I've
  tried emailing the general Apache help and got no response, and of
  course there is not a single phone number on the either the apache or
  axis web sites.
  This is bush league support. No wonder so many people prefer to
  use Microsoft products. Maybe not all of their solutions are optimal
  (although I'm not sure how true this is anymore) but everything is much
  easier to implement, and interconnect with different technologies under
  the Microsoft umbrella. And when you have a problem, the support sites
  available are much superior -- I've never posted an issue about a
  microsoft product where I didn't have it solved within a day or two. The
  open source concept is great when you're a student and can't afford to
  fork over a grand or two for software, but when you use it for business
  apps and factor in the time to implement and the extra tens of thousands
  of dollars in man hours per year to fix bugs, Microsoft is a much
  cheaper solution.
  I would be extremely grateful to anyone to can tell me how to get off of
  this list. Thank you.
  -Original Message-
  From: Paul Grillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, October 28, 2005 10:15 AM

RE: I give up

2005-10-28 Thread THOMAS, JAI [AG-Contractor/1000]
I agree with Brice. Let's not forget the fact that Axis has played a key
role in bringing SOAP technologies to where it is in the market today. It is
always easier to complain about things you don't have than to volunteer and
contribute to eliminate them. 


-Original Message-
From: Brice [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2005 12:23 PM
Subject: Re: I give up

We use Axis exclusively for our web service needs and I find it to be a
wonderful solution.  I have had problems with Axis, but I have worked
through them and with patience, there is no problem that cannot be
solved.  I understand that a lot of people do not have the time/patience
to deal with problems that using open source software may raise.  The
fact is, all the folks at the Apache Software Foundation develop great
software and I would be up the creek without a paddle if it wasn't for
Davanum Srinivas tries very hard to help people with problems they
have with Axis.  I can't imagine the time he probably spends just
writing and reading emails.  It is not fair for people to be complaining
that questions go unanswered.  If Axis is not for you, fine. Don't
complain about it and don't do things like make a yahoo account called
axisisamess and send emails to the list just to vent your frustration.
If you don't know how to use filters, then that is not Davanum Srinivas'
problem.  Please do not try to trivialize their work, they offer great
software to us and offer to answer questions without asking anything in
Please continue to help those of us who appreciate it.  We are very
happy with your software.

--Brice (CHRONOS

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RE: I give up

2005-10-28 Thread Wagle Chetan

Your point is well taken. And I agree that some of the people on the
Axis list indeed do a lot of hard work without any strings attached -
but even they cannot cover 100% of questions, so you can see some
queries unanswered. While this is probably fine for small budget
projects, however, most corporations have a need for support to respond
back within a specified time frame - which cannot be guaranteed with
open source support.

Without blaming either side - (where would we all be without open source
anyway), all I say is that most major corporations do not have time to
invest in finding out where the problem is within a product, and hence
prefer paid products that have defined support available. On the other
hand, for a small-budget RnD kind or project, or a student project  -
open source is the way to go. 

This has actually become the defacto practice in industry.

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Re: I give up

2005-10-28 Thread Davanum Srinivas
FYI, Actually there a few of us that are on IRC most of the time as
well. #apache-axis on freenode just like other Apache projects.

On 10/28/05, Jesse Pelton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I don't know why it should be, but it seems to me that there's a higher
 consumer to provider ratio on the Axis list than on the others I
 subscribe to.  I've been lurking for a few weeks.  Because I'm thinking
 about using Axis but haven't actually started to do so, I have nothing
 of a technical nature to contribute.  I've subscribed to other lists for
 years, and after a while, I know enough to respond to some questions.  I
 view this as a) giving back to the community that developed the project
 and helped me master it, and b) freeing up developers so they can focus
 on developing the next version.  I find it very satisfying to help out,
 and I often deepen my knowledge in the process.

 This list seems different for some reason.  I can't verify this,
 especially since I haven't been subscribing for very long, but it feels
 like there aren't many people other than the developers helping out.
 (Those that do, however, often offer prodigious amounts of knowledgeable
 insight.  I won't name names for fear of forgetting someone, but I hope
 you know who you are.)  I get the sense that people join to ask a
 question, then unsubscribe once they have an answer.  Some of this is to
 be expected, of course, but maybe it happens more on the Axis list, for
 whatever reason.

 One might construe this as a challenge in the open-source style: if you
 don't like the level of support on the list, stick around and help make
 it better!

  -Original Message-
  From: Davanum Srinivas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, October 28, 2005 1:14 PM
  Subject: Re: I give up
  Truth is everyone is working hard on Axis2...
  -- dims
  On 10/28/05, Hoying, Ken [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Not to be a conspiracy theorist, but I cannot help but
  wonder if the support level is not affected by Covalent now
  selling support for Axis and Covalent's close relationship
  with current and former Axis developers (some of whom work
  for Covalent).  Has commercialism made its way into the open
  source ranks?

Davanum Srinivas :

Re: I give up

2005-10-28 Thread A B
I'm not trivializing their work, but I have been trying for weeks to get off this list and have had no responses until now! I am not questioning the quality of axis software, (I have been using it wihout issue for over a year -- until the issue that prompted me to join this list) but have been extremely frustrated with this site and the fact that I could not get a response from administrators or find a phone number etc. 

As I mentioned in another email : Why should I have to set up a filter permantently on my work email because I can't get off of a list of a major software site --this is not a cracks or adult site. Ihad to create another email becausethemessage I sent from my otheraddress bounced back (because I am partially unsubscribed -- I receive but cannot send).This whole exercise has caused me a significant loss of time, and hasnot solved my issue.So forgive me if I vent my frustration with an email name.

Brice [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
We use Axis exclusively for our web service needs and I find it to be awonderful solution. I have had problems with Axis, but I have workedthrough them and with patience, there is no problem that cannot besolved. I understand that a lot of people do not have the time/patienceto deal with problems that using open source software may raise. Thefact is, all the folks at the Apache Software Foundation develop greatsoftware and I would be up the creek without a paddle if it wasn't forthem. Davanum Srinivas tries very hard to help people with problems they mayhave with Axis. I can't imagine the time he probably spends justwriting and reading emails. It is not fair for people to be complainingthat questions go unanswered. If Axis is not for you, fine. Don'tcomplain about it and don't do things like make a yahoo account called"axisis
 and send emails to the list just to vent your frustration.If you don't know how to use filters, then that is not Davanum Srinivas'problem. Please do not try to trivialize their work, they offer greatsoftware to us and offer to answer questions without asking anything inreturn.Please continue to help those of us who appreciate it. We are veryhappy with your software.--Brice (CHRONOS
		 Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.



Not giving up here..... Axis Server in Weblogic 8.1.2 cluster

2005-10-28 Thread Vipul Sagare

We have WebLogic 8.1.2 cluster which has virtual host.  The cluster is
in 2 Firewalls and DMZ network architecture/setup. 

Out application with AXIS 1.2 works fine in single server(one machine).
Is there any detailed discussion about dynamically building and
deploying the  service to the above setup? How would client access the
service? What would be address? Any best practices? Is HttpTunneling an
alternative for DMZ?

Any resources/hints/pointers would be helpful. 

[AXIS2] Building custom receiver in with maven

2005-10-28 Thread trebor iksrazal
Hi all, 

I'm trying to build a web service using spring, based
off of Paul Fremantle's work:

However, I'm getting this error: 

ClassNotFoundException Error in loading message
nested exception is:

The jar with the above class is in WEB-INF/lib

What I'm now trying to do is incoporate Paul's
into my download of the latest subversion trunk.
However, it wants the spring jars. 

I realize this might be more of a maven question, but 
how might one build a custom receiver - with its
dependencies such as spring - into an axis2.jar ? 

I have my web service working with
RawXMLINOutMessageReceiver - now I need to somehow use


None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are 
free. -- Goethe

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

RE: I give up ( AXIS is good software)

2005-10-28 Thread Jayaraman, Venkatesh

I have used AXIS software.  I felt intial learning curve was high but
once you know the details of implementation  then I felt the AXIS is
easy to use. FAQs page was great. It had most of the answers I wanted. 

When I define WSDL we took most care in defining datatypes that are
supported by .NET and AXIS.  This helped in solving interoperability

What will make AXIS more popular?

   A. More supports for questions
   B. Address Interoperability issues in FAQs




-Original Message-
From: Davanum Srinivas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2005 10:31 AM
Subject: Re: I give up

Please see


On 10/28/05, A B [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Fair enough. I agree that the expertize on the open source side is 
 superior and is probably better for more hardcore software deployments

 such as large networks/web sites, mission critical applications etc. 
 etc. But for small to medium business apps it has been my experience 
 that if you really need to get to the bottom of an issue it is better 
 to have someone accountable who wants your business. You have the 
 power to withhold payment or drop the vendor entirely if their support
doesn't solve your issues.

 However I will concede and retract my statement about open source in 
 general and re-direct specifically to axis.



 Paul Barry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I will agree that on this mailing list, so far, the few questions that

 I have asked have gone unresponded to (granted I just asked my last 
 question yesterday). But in general, I have found open source support 
 to be superior to commerce support. I haven't worked with Microsoft 
 specifically, but other support I get from commercial products is 
 usually an email address or phone number that goes to a general help 
 desk. This people typically have less knowledge about the product than

 I do. They can't conceptualize the problem I am having and they 
 usually just run through a list of typical problems and solutions.
 Open source projects, when they have a good community surrounding 
 them, are just the opposite. You are getting support directly from the

 experts. As long as you do your work to isolate the problem and report

 the information about the prob lem, most of the time you will get a 
 solution to your problem.

 So I guess my point is I can't really speak to this community yet, 
 because I haven't been participating in it yet for long enough, but 
 just because you have had a bad experience with this oepn source 
 project, don't say that commercial support is better than open source.
 If you want to attack the axis community specifically, fine, but there

 are a lot of open source projects that have communities that offer a 
 lot of help. You are making broad generalizations about M$ vs. open 
 source based on your experience with one open source community.

 On 10/28/05, McPhail, Jeff wrote:
  I must say that I'm also extremely disappointed with Axis and this 
  usergroup. I didn't like the fact that you have to sign up to 
  receive ALL emails in order to participate -- I've never seen this 
  before. So because I was in a jam and needed and answer, I jo ined 
  and asked my question. I posted the question 5 times in different 
  forms over a 3 week period and didn't get one response -- nothing.
  So I then tried to unsubscribe and it didn't work. I followed the 
  instructions in the auto-reply given for troubleshooting 
  unsubscribes and that didn't work. So I emailed the administrator 
  (his email was in the autoreply, but of course nowhere to be found 
  on the axis site) and got a reply about 3 days later telling me that

  the reason that my unsubscribe didn't work was because my email 
  address was not on the list. So I responded assuring him that I am 
  still on the list and am getting hundreds of messages a week (to my 
  work email mind you) and I added a copy of the email header of one 
  of the list emails I received with my email return path etc. -- I 
  got no response. Also since the sender in the list emails is not but in stead the

  individual senders address, I can't even mark them as spam to filter

  them (not a very smart setup, not to mention the privacy issues). 
  This is becoming a real nuisance and it appears that I have no 
  recourse. I've tried emailing the general Apache help and got no 
  response, and of course there is not a single phone number on the 
  either the apache or axis web sites.
  This is bush league support. No wonder so many people prefer to use 
  Microsoft products. Maybe not all of their solutions are optimal 
  (although I'm not sure how true this is anymore) but everything is 
  much easier to implement, and interconnect with different 
  technologies under the Microsoft umbrella. And when you have a 
  problem, the support sites 

Re: Log outgoing/incoming messages w/ Client Handler

2005-10-28 Thread trebor iksrazal
You can put a client-side handler in with the
HandlerRegistry programmatically - without an wsdd.
This question comes up frequently so try googling or
searching the list - iksrazal HandlerRegistry may
help as I believe we had the discussion recently. 


--- Dowell, Darrin

 I have the Axis generated client code (using
 WSDL2Java) and I'd like to use
 an Axis handler to intercept request/response
 messages to log them.
 Static void main(String[] args){
   MyServiceLocator serviceLocator = new

   port = serviceLocator.getMyServiceSoap();
   String response = getPort().getLeadList(request);
 Is there a way to extend one of the Axis classes to
 log my messages?  I
 don't have the option of doing JaxRPC or using the
 WSDD file option.
 I'm looking for how to code the handler to log the
 message and how to tie
 the handler into my calling of the service above.
 Thanks in advance
 Darrin Dowell  

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are 
free. -- Goethe

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Re: Log outgoing/incoming messages w/ Client Handler

2005-10-28 Thread trebor iksrazal
Programatically it would look like: 

 java.util.List list =

Should help googling. 


--- Dowell, Darrin

 I have the Axis generated client code (using
 WSDL2Java) and I'd like to use
 an Axis handler to intercept request/response
 messages to log them.
 Static void main(String[] args){
   MyServiceLocator serviceLocator = new

   port = serviceLocator.getMyServiceSoap();
   String response = getPort().getLeadList(request);
 Is there a way to extend one of the Axis classes to
 log my messages?  I
 don't have the option of doing JaxRPC or using the
 WSDD file option.
 I'm looking for how to code the handler to log the
 message and how to tie
 the handler into my calling of the service above.
 Thanks in advance
 Darrin Dowell  

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are 
free. -- Goethe

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Re: Get xml for Object generated with wsdl2java

2005-10-28 Thread Vishist Mandapaka

HI Kurt,
is exactly the functionality I am looking for. I want to integrate JAXB
with Axis 1.2. Can you let me know whether it is possible?
If so, all I need is the serializer/Deserializer information. I would appreciate if you provide me a code sample of it.
vishist.On 10/27/05, Kurt Olsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Thanks Meghan I appreciate it and I'll look into it.Of the 35 xml sites we transmit/receive from, 30 simply create strings.It's painfull...but...SOAP is simply insane these days. So...I'm putting amotion on the floor for renaming SOAP as COAP - Complex Object Access
Protocol. And yes, pun intended!-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
]Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2005 10:46 AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Get xml for Object generated with wsdl2javaHave you looked at JAXB?Much easier to generate and get an XML snippet,
if that's all you need and you don't need the Axis http transportsupport...With a deadline, I'm sure you're not too happy about the idea of startingfrom scratch with another tool, but I've used XMLBeans, JAXB, and Axis--and
Axis definitely took the most learning time and if you need to do anythingspecial at all, it can be the highest amount of work.The only reason Istill use it on one project is because we're integration with a
Siebel-generated service, and they will only support rpc/endoded.XMLBeansand JAXB can't generate Java objects for rpc/encoded style xml.My 2 cents, good luck!If you decide to use JAXB, let me know if you run
into any difficulties, there's a good chance I've run into them--I won't beon this email for the next three days, but you can contact me at[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Have lots of sympathy for you, it seems like I've spent most of the pastyear struggling with trying to connect to new types of web services undertime pressures--if there's one thing I've learned, it's that you can laugh
if someone says standard and SOAP in the same sentence!Sometimes(often) I think it would be easier to paste together the strings and postthem to a URL without any of this fancy junk.
Meghan_Meghan PietilaJava Middleware ArchitectSales  Service Management ProgramUS BankGold 4(651) 205-0904(651) 271-2815 cell
[EMAIL PROTECTED]--Electronic Privacy Notice. This e-mail, and any attachments, containsinformation that is, or may be, covered by electronic communications privacy
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information in any manner. Instead, please reply to the sender that you havereceived this communication in error, and then immediately delete it. Thankyou in advance for your cooperation.

RE: I give up ( AXIS is good software)

2005-10-28 Thread Kurt Olsen

I wanted to make it clear that I too think axis is good software. 
Unfortunately, we can't use it at this time.
And THAT is the problem.


Re: I give up

2005-10-28 Thread Barzilai Spinak
The issue raised up by Kurt (I think) has derived into Is Axis good or 
bad? but I think a lot of his points are mostly related to Are SOAP 
Web Services good or bad?.

Maybe this list is not the very best place to discuss this issue but all 
of us here probably have something to say about it.

SOAP web services tried to be everything for everybody so the specs 
became so bloated and full of holes that every implementation was 
incompatible with the others. The very same problem that SOAP WS tried 
to fix. So after a couple of years they got together and wrote a long 
document called WS-I that is probably at least as long as the original 
WS spec, enumerating all the different ways in which you should and 
should not implement your WS if you want it to interoperated. This kind 
of meta-specification should never have occurred.

My very humble opinion is: XML is here to stay for some time, the 
concept of web services (based on something like XML) has been here for 
a long time (before soap, etc) and is here to stay for some time. 
However, SOAP/WSDL and friends will rapidly decay into a historical mess 
that computer historians will study and learn what went wrong.

A few months ago I had similar frustrations. After a long night of 
reading tons of Axis source code to understand what the hell was going 
on at the low level and trying to come with best practice solutions 
for my web service at the high level I wrote this little rant:

Subject: I'm fed up with SOAP

Someone brightly/ironically suggested:

It sounds like you need a REST  :-)

And he is right. For my future projects, unless I *positively* need 
SOAP, I will go with much simpler solutions.


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RE: I give up

2005-10-28 Thread Patrick_Urban
Can I be taken off the list plz?
Ive tried many times to unsubscribe. Sounds like the unsubscribe is
definitely bugged.


-Original Message-
From: Paul Barry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2005 12:55 PM
Subject: Re: I give up

I will agree that on this mailing list, so far, the few questions that
I have asked have gone unresponded to (granted I just asked my last
question yesterday).  But in general, I have found open source support
to be superior to commerce support.  I haven't worked with Microsoft
specifically, but other support I get from commercial products is
usually an email address or phone number that goes to a general help
desk.  This people typically have less knowledge about the product
than I do.  They can't conceptualize the problem I am having and they
usually just run through a list of typical problems and solutions. 
Open source projects, when they have a good community surrounding
them, are just the opposite.  You are getting support directly from
the experts.  As long as you do your work to isolate the problem and
report the information about the problem, most of the time you will
get a solution to your problem.

So I guess my point is I can't really speak to this community yet,
because I haven't been participating in it yet for long enough, but
just because you have had a bad experience with this oepn source
project, don't say that commercial support is better than open source.
 If you want to attack the axis community specifically, fine, but
there are a lot of open source projects that have communities that
offer a lot of help.  You are making broad generalizations about M$
vs. open source based on your experience with one open source

On 10/28/05, McPhail, Jeff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I must say that I'm also extremely disappointed with Axis and
 this usergroup. I didn't like the fact that you have to sign up to
 receive ALL emails in order to participate -- I've never seen this
 before. So because I was in a jam and needed and answer, I joined and
 asked my question. I posted the question 5 times in different forms over
 a 3 week period and didn't get one response -- nothing.
 So I then tried to unsubscribe and it didn't work. I followed
 the instructions in the auto-reply given for troubleshooting
 unsubscribes and that didn't work. So I emailed the administrator (his
 email was in the autoreply, but of course nowhere to be found on the
 axis site) and got a reply about 3 days later telling me that the reason
 that my unsubscribe didn't work was because my email address was not on
 the list. So I responded assuring him that I am still on the list and am
 getting hundreds of messages a week (to my work email mind you) and I
 added a copy of the email header of one of the list emails I received
 with my email return path etc. -- I got no response. Also since the
 sender in the list emails is not but instead the
 individual senders address, I can't even mark them as spam to filter
 them (not a very smart setup, not to mention the privacy issues). This
 is becoming a real nuisance and it appears that I have no recourse. I've
 tried emailing the general Apache help and got no response, and of
 course there is not a single phone number on the either the apache or
 axis web sites.
 This is bush league support. No wonder so many people prefer to
 use Microsoft products. Maybe not all of their solutions are optimal
 (although I'm not sure how true this is anymore) but everything is much
 easier to implement, and interconnect with different technologies under
 the Microsoft umbrella. And when you have a problem, the support sites
 available are much superior --  I've never posted an issue about a
 microsoft product where I didn't have it solved within a day or two. The
 open source concept is great when you're a student and can't afford to
 fork over a grand or two for software, but when you use it for business
 apps and factor in the time to implement and the extra tens of thousands
 of dollars in man hours per year to fix bugs, Microsoft is a much
 cheaper solution.

 I would be extremely grateful to anyone to can tell me how to get off of
 this list. Thank you.



 -Original Message-
 From: Paul Grillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, October 28, 2005 10:15 AM
 Subject: RE: I give up

 I would like to add that, to a large extent, I feel Kurt's pain.  We
 used Axis 1.2 to deploy a single SOAP service that was required of us by
 one of our major partners that dictated a .NET interface complete with
 SOAP element signature, timestamp, and encryption.  I will say that we
 got this working very nicely.  I am appreciative of the work.  I will
 say that my interactions with the WSS4J folks was extremely helpful, and
 I thank them very much. So, that is a great success and I thank

Re: I give up

2005-10-28 Thread Scott Lamb

On Oct 28, 2005, at 10:36 AM, Wagle Chetan wrote:

Your point is well taken. And I agree that some of the people on the
Axis list indeed do a lot of hard work without any strings attached -
but even they cannot cover 100% of questions, so you can see some
queries unanswered. While this is probably fine for small budget
projects, however, most corporations have a need for support to  

back within a specified time frame - which cannot be guaranteed with
open source support.

I have my own frustrations with SOAP, Axis, and this list, but this  
one strikes me as unreasonable. If you want paid support, it's  
available. As Dims said twice now, paid support _is_ available.

Scott Lamb

Re: I give up

2005-10-28 Thread Shawn McKinney

I can sum up my views on this with the following

Complicated things are hard to do.

Web services is tricky stuff.  For those of you who 
have been critical, offer up a better alternative.

Enlighten us, we're all ears.

But don't say REST, because it doesn't have all of the
features and capabilites of SOAP.

I'll finish up with one more comment -

This newgroup needs a moderator.  While some of the
comments on this thread have been thought provoking,
many were just SPAM and should be filtered out from
those of us who are busy trying to use this software.


FW: Compatibility with Tomcat 3.3

2005-10-28 Thread Aaron Armstrong

From: Aaron Armstrong 
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2005
4:36 PM
To: ''
Subject: Compatibility with Tomcat

Java 1.4 changed the rules as to how packages beginning in java.* and
javax.* get loaded. Specifically, they only get loaded from endorsed directories. jaxrpc.jar and
saaj.jar contain javax packages, so they may not get picked up. If happyaxis.jsp
(see below) cannot find the relevant packages, copy them from axis/WEB-INF/lib
to CATALINA_HOME/common/lib and restart Tomcat.

We need to install axis on a machine with Tomcat; however, this machine
doesnt have a CATALINA_HOME/common/lib directory. Instead it has a
tomcat/lib/common directory. We think this is because our machine is
running Tomcat 3.3 and not 4.1.

Is axis compatible with Tomcat 3.3? If so, where should we make
our files available?



Re: NoClassDefFoundError for Service when trying to run TestClient

2005-10-28 Thread Heath Raftery

Hi Chetan,

On 29/10/2005, at 1:44 AM, Wagle Chetan wrote:

Hi Heath,

Have you double-checked for all the obvious mistakes such as:

1. Path to Java being different from path to javac

% which javac
% which java

2. The jars being FTPd in ASCII mode instead of binary
etc etc

They were downloaded in a tar.gz which expanded without a problem.  
Wouldn't I have compilation issues if the jars were corrupt?

Also, the javac command does not support a -cp option - which  
version of

Java are you using?

Oops, sorry, it was the -classpath flag to javac.

% java -version
java version 1.4.2_09
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_09-232)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2-54, mixed mode)


Cheers. I'm really stuck here - shouldn't this be a simple problem?

-Original Message-
From: Heath Raftery [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2005 10:36 AM
Subject: NoClassDefFoundError for Service when trying to run  

Apologies if this is a repost - I sent from the wrong address and
think it may have been dropped.

Folks, I've been battling with this for quite some time, and despite
finding similar stories on this mailing list and else where, still
don't have a solution for it. I hope someone can provide a simple
solution, because the problem itself doesn't seem that involved.

Tried axis-1_2_1 and axis-1_3 with the same results. Dev system is
Mac OS X 10.4.2, using the command line (but the same problem appears
in XCode.

I'm simply doing the following:

% javac -cp lib/axis.jar:lib/jaxrpc.jar:lib/saaj.jar:lib/commons-
wsdl4j-1.5.1.jar:. samples/userguide/example1/

Which succeeds without a problem. I then try to execute the resulting

% java -cp lib/axis.jar:lib/jaxrpc.jar:lib/saaj.jar:lib/commons-
wsdl4j-1.5.1.jar:. samples.userguide.example1.TestClient

and get this error:

Exception in thread main java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/
 at samples.userguide.example1.TestClient.main

In the src distributions, Service is definitely there, but regardless
of version, -cp arguments, bin or src distribution, I can't get any
further. Why can Java find the Service class at compile time but not
at run time?


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Access, copying or re-use of the e-mail or any information  
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If you are not the intended recipient please notify us immediately  
by returning the e-mail to the originator.(17b)

Re: Encountered illegal extension element 'types' in the context of a 'javax.wsdl.Definition'. Extension elements must be in a namespace other than WSDL's.:

2005-10-28 Thread Anne Thomas Manes
You must namespace qualify the element:




AnneOn 10/27/05, Paul Barry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hello,I am trying to run wsdl2java against my WSDL, but I am getting this error:WSDLException (at /wsdl:definitions/types): faultCode=INVALID_WSDL:Encountered illegal extension element 'types' in the context of a
'javax.wsdl.Definition'. Extension elements must be in a namespaceother than WSDL's.:at Source)at
(Unknown Source)at Source)at Source)at Source)
at org.apache.axis.wsdl.symbolTable.SymbolTable.populate( org.apache.axis.wsdl.symbolTable.SymbolTable.populate( org.apache.axis.wsdl.gen.Parser$
( Source)Any idea what causes this problem?I am using a very basic serviceand the WSDL is generated by axis.Here is my WSDL:?xml version=
1.0 encoding=UTF-8?wsdl:definitionsxmlns:impl=http://localhost/axis/services/MyServicexmlns:intf=
http://localhost/axis/services/MyService!--WSDL created by Apache Axis version: 1.2.1Built on Jun 14, 2005 (09:15:57 EDT)-- typesschema xmlns= import namespace=
 complexType name=MyBeansequence element name=name nillable=true type=xsd:string//sequence /complexType
/schema /types wsdl:message name=getMyBeanResponsewsdl:part name=getMyBeanReturn type=tns1:MyBean/ /wsdl:message
 wsdl:message name=getMyBeanRequest /wsdl:message wsdl:portType name=MyServicewsdl:operation name=getMyBean
 wsdl:input name=getMyBeanRequest message=impl:getMyBeanRequest/ wsdl:output name=getMyBeanResponsemessage=impl:getMyBeanResponse/
/wsdl:operation /wsdl:portType wsdl:binding name=MyServiceSoapBinding type=impl:MyServicewsdlsoap:binding style=rpc
transport= name=getMyBean wsdlsoap:operation soapAction=/
 wsdl:input name=getMyBeanRequestwsdlsoap:body use=encodedencodingStyle=
namespace= /wsdl:input wsdl:output name=getMyBeanResponsewsdlsoap:body use=encoded
 /wsdl:output/wsdl:operation /wsdl:binding wsdl:service name=MyServiceServicewsdl:port name=MyService binding=impl:MyServiceSoapBinding
 wsdlsoap:address location=http://localhost/axis/services/MyService//wsdl:port /wsdl:service
/wsdl:definitionsThe classes involved are very basic.I have this bean:package com.paulbarry;public class MyBean {private String name;public MyBean() {}
public MyBean(String name) { = name;}public String getName() {return name;}public void setName(String name) { = name;}}And this service:package com.paulbarry;public class MyService {public MyBean getMyBean() {return new MyBean(My Bean);
}}I have this client, which works perfectly fine:package com.paulbarry;import javax.xml.namespace.QName;import org.apache.axis.client.Call;import org.apache.axis.client.Service
;import org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.BeanDeserializerFactory;import org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.BeanSerializerFactory;public class MyClient {public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String endpoint =http://localhost/axis/services/MyService; Serviceservice = new Service(); Call call = (Call)service.createCall();
 call.setTargetEndpointAddress( new ); call.setOperationName(new QName(getMyBean) ); QName qn = new QName(urn:MyService,MyBean);
 call.registerTypeMapping(MyBean.class, qn, new BeanSerializerFactory(MyBean.class, qn), new BeanDeserializerFactory(MyBean.class, qn)); call.setReturnType(qn); MyBean bean = (MyBean)call.invoke(new Object[] {});
 System.out.println(bean.getName());}}And here is my deployment descriptor:deployment xmlns=
xmlns:java= name=MyService provider=java:RPC
parameter name=className value=com.paulbarry.MyService/parameter name=allowedMethods value=*/beanMapping qname=myNS:MyBean xmlns:myNS=urn:MyService
languageSpecificType=java:com.paulbarry.MyBean/ /service/deployment

Re: Java2WSDL Query

2005-10-28 Thread Anne Thomas Manes
Typically, your Java class from which you are generating the WSDL
doesn't include the header information in the interface, therefore
java2wsdl has no way of knowing what header elements you want.

AnneOn 10/28/05, anshuk pal chaudhuri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Anne,Thanks for your reply.What I exactly meant was that according to the WSDLspec 1.1 we have an option of adding the soap:headerinside the wsdl:binding--wsdl:operation--wsdl:input.
But that soap:header can be added or can notbe,depending upon the needs.(meaning soap:headerelement is an optional tag in the wsdl)In that context,does the Java2WSDL allows us,whilecreating the wsdl, to add the soap:header, if we want
to?Thanks,Anshuk--- Anne Thomas Manes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: WSDL doesn't provide the ability to define optional headers. Only mandatory
 headers may be defined in WSDL. On 10/27/05, anshuk pal chaudhuri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   Hi,   Does the Java2WSDL tool allow us to add
 soap:header  element in the WSDL which is optional?   Thanks  Anshuk __  Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in
 one click. __Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Re: I give up

2005-10-28 Thread Anne Thomas Manes
Commercialism is typically very good for an open source community. Just
look at JBoss. I suspect the Geronimo project would have started to
whither without IBM's investment. 

2 years ago, the Axis community had only one person seriously dedicated
to maintaining the code (Dims). Now there's a bunch of folks, plus the
WSO2 team in Sri Lanka. The community is now producing regular
releases. And five professional organizations provide support. This
community is much healthier than it was before.

AnneOn 10/28/05, Hoying, Ken [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
to be a conspiracy theorist, but I cannot help but wonder if the
support level is not affected by Covalent now selling support for Axis
and Covalent's close relationship with current and former Axis
developers (some of whom work for Covalent).Has
commercialism made its way into the open source ranks?-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
]On Behalf OfPaul BarrySent: Friday, October 28, 2005 12:55 PMTo: axis-user@ws.apache.orgSubject: Re: I give upI will agree that on this mailing list, so far, the few questions that
I have asked have gone unresponded to (granted I just asked my lastquestion yesterday).But in general, I have found open source supportto be superior to commerce support.I haven't worked with Microsoft
specifically, but other support I get from commercial products isusually an email address or phone number that goes to a general helpdesk.This people typically have less knowledge about the productthan I do.They can't conceptualize the problem I am having and they
usually just run through a list of typical problems and solutions.Open source projects, when they have a good community surroundingthem, are just the opposite.You are getting support directly fromthe experts.As long as you do your work to isolate the problem and
report the information about the problem, most of the time you willget a solution to your problem.So I guess my point is I can't really speak to this community yet,because I haven't been participating in it yet for long enough, but
just because you have had a bad experience with this oepn sourceproject, don't say that commercial support is better than open source. If you want to attack the axis community specifically, fine, butthere are a lot of open source projects that have communities that
offer a lot of help.You are making broad generalizations about M$vs. open source based on your experience with one open sourcecommunity.On 10/28/05, McPhail, Jeff 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I must say that I'm also extremely disappointed with Axis and this usergroup. I didn't like the fact that you have to sign up to receive ALL emails in order to participate -- I've never seen this
 before. So because I was in a jam and needed and answer, I joined and asked my question. I posted the question 5 times in different forms over a 3 week period and didn't get one response -- nothing.
 So I then tried to unsubscribe and it didn't work. I followed the instructions in the auto-reply given for troubleshooting unsubscribes and that didn't work. So I emailed the administrator (his
 email was in the autoreply, but of course nowhere to be found on the axis site) and got a reply about 3 days later telling me that the reason that my unsubscribe didn't work was because my email address was not on
 the list. So I responded assuring him that I am still on the list and am getting hundreds of messages a week (to my work email mind you) and I added a copy of the email header of one of the list emails I received
 with my email return path etc. -- I got no response. Also since the sender in the list emails is not but instead the individual senders address, I can't even mark them as spam to filter
 them (not a very smart setup, not to mention the privacy issues). This is becoming a real nuisance and it appears that I have no recourse. I've tried emailing the general Apache help and got no response, and of
 course there is not a single phone number on the either the apache or axis web sites. This is bush league support. No wonder so many people prefer to use Microsoft products. Maybe not all of their solutions are optimal
 (although I'm not sure how true this is anymore) but everything is much easier to implement, and interconnect with different technologies under the Microsoft umbrella. And when you have a problem, the support sites
 available are much superior --I've never posted an issue about a microsoft product where I didn't have it solved within a day or two. The open source concept is great when you're a student and can't afford to
 fork over a grand or two for software, but when you use it for business apps and factor in the time to implement and the extra tens of thousands of dollars in man hours per year to fix bugs, Microsoft is a much
 cheaper solution. I would be extremely grateful to anyone to can tell me how to get off of this list. Thank you. Cheers, Jeff. -Original Message-

Re: I give up

2005-10-28 Thread Anne Thomas Manes

If you want a single throat to choke, then purchase a support agreement
from one of the five commercial ventures that supplies support for
Axis. If you want a product that has more comprehensive tooling and
documentation, then purchase a commercial product. 

Open source software may not cost anything in terms of license fees,
but as Jonathan Schwartz says, open source software is free as in
free puppy. There are plenty of other costs that go into the
long-term care and feeding of open source. 

Adopting an open source project should never be a light decision. It is
a serious investment, and you should always spend time to properly
assess the health and vitality of the open source project community
before making that investment. 

I would say that Axis has only just recently reached a maturity stage
that I would recommend it to a novice OSS user -- the committer team
was too small; the release cycles took too long; the documentation was
spotty and incomplete; and no professional services were available. But
the community has been revitalized during the last 6 months. The
project is still going through a transition from Axis 1 to Axis 2, and
this will cause some disruption to the project -- most of the dev team
is working on Axis 2. If the situation is too disruptive for your
tastes right now, I encourage you to take a break for a bit, but please
come back in 6 months and check it out again. 

AnneOn 10/28/05, A B [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Fair enough. I agree that the expertize on the open source side is
superior and is probably better for more hardcore software deployments
such as large networks/web sites, mission critical applications etc.
etc.But for small to medium business apps it has been my
experience that if you really need to get to the bottom of an issue it
is better to have someone accountable who wants your business. You have
the power to withhold payment or drop the vendor entirely if their
support doesn't solve your issues.

However I will concede and retract my statement about open source in general and re-direct specifically to axis.



Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.



Re: NoClassDefFoundError for Service when trying to run TestClient

2005-10-28 Thread Ketan Deshpande
Hi Heath,

I dont have the same setup as you, but I tried your command lines on a PC with
java 1.5, but should be ok - it works for me. (replacing : with ; for classpath
separator, of course)

I would try running javac and java with -verbose, and see what output you get.
I assume you are running both the commands from the same directory. 

The class in question is loaded from axis.jar: 
[Loaded org.apache.axis.client.Service from file:/C:/axis-1_3/lib/axis.jar]


--- Heath Raftery [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Chetan,
 On 29/10/2005, at 1:44 AM, Wagle Chetan wrote:
  Hi Heath,
  Have you double-checked for all the obvious mistakes such as:
  1. Path to Java being different from path to javac
 % which javac
 % which java
  2. The jars being FTPd in ASCII mode instead of binary
  etc etc
 They were downloaded in a tar.gz which expanded without a problem.  
 Wouldn't I have compilation issues if the jars were corrupt?
  Also, the javac command does not support a -cp option - which  
  version of
  Java are you using?
 Oops, sorry, it was the -classpath flag to javac.
 % java -version
 java version 1.4.2_09
 Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_09-232)
 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2-54, mixed mode)
 Cheers. I'm really stuck here - shouldn't this be a simple problem?
  -Original Message-
  From: Heath Raftery [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, October 28, 2005 10:36 AM
  Subject: NoClassDefFoundError for Service when trying to run  
  Apologies if this is a repost - I sent from the wrong address and
  think it may have been dropped.
  Folks, I've been battling with this for quite some time, and despite
  finding similar stories on this mailing list and else where, still
  don't have a solution for it. I hope someone can provide a simple
  solution, because the problem itself doesn't seem that involved.
  Tried axis-1_2_1 and axis-1_3 with the same results. Dev system is
  Mac OS X 10.4.2, using the command line (but the same problem appears
  in XCode.
  I'm simply doing the following:
  % javac -cp lib/axis.jar:lib/jaxrpc.jar:lib/saaj.jar:lib/commons-
  wsdl4j-1.5.1.jar:. samples/userguide/example1/
  Which succeeds without a problem. I then try to execute the resulting
  % java -cp lib/axis.jar:lib/jaxrpc.jar:lib/saaj.jar:lib/commons-
  wsdl4j-1.5.1.jar:. samples.userguide.example1.TestClient
  and get this error:
  Exception in thread main java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/
   at samples.userguide.example1.TestClient.main
  In the src distributions, Service is definitely there, but regardless
  of version, -cp arguments, bin or src distribution, I can't get any
  further. Why can Java find the Service class at compile time but not
  at run time?
  The information contained in this e-mail may be confidential and is  
  intended solely for the use of the named addressee.
  Access, copying or re-use of the e-mail or any information  
  contained therein by any other person is not authorized.
  If you are not the intended recipient please notify us immediately  
  by returning the e-mail to the originator.(17b)

Ketan Deshpande

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Is there anyway to debug a Java WS in Axis

2005-10-28 Thread Fabrício

Hello all,

I need to know what is happening with my WS because
when running as a common java application it works fine, but as a WS It always
returns null. I would like to track the execution by debugging. Is there anyway
to do this? Im using eclipse to run my client and Axis to provide my web

Thanks in advance.


Re: Is there anyway to debug a Java WS in Axis

2005-10-28 Thread Davanum Srinivas
Debugging Axis is just like debugging a servlet. you can set up remote
debugging with eclipse

-- dims

On 10/28/05, Fabrício [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello all,

 I need to know what is happening with my WS because when running as a common
 java application it works fine, but as a WS It always returns null. I would
 like to track the execution by debugging. Is there anyway to do this? I'm
 using eclipse to run my client and Axis to provide my web service.

 Thanks in advance.


Davanum Srinivas :