
2010-02-01 Thread jack nimble

Printing out to the log on Tomcat

2010-01-22 Thread jack nimble
Hi all,

I'm managed to get the userguide example working for Axis2. However, to
validate that the changes I make to the service are actually working, I
would like to print something to the tomcat console. So far, it hasn't
worked, using a simple System.out.println(xyz); I grep the logs and it's
not there.

Also, I'm getting a message about log4j not being configured correctly. Do I
need to figure that one out, then use log4j to get something to print?


Best way to build an async service

2010-01-21 Thread jack nimble
Question 1: Can someone point out an of an client using an async service?
i.e. the service itself is async.

Question 2:

I'm putting together a web service which will accept a batch of XML, which
could be pretty big, and put it onto a jms queue for processing.

It's turning out to be a bit more complicated than I originally hoped. A
synchronous service would be easiest, and simplest, but what are the chances
of timing out? I'm not sure. So, I have been planning on an asynchronous
service, to play it safe.

For an asynchronous service, Axis2 relies on WS-addressing, which could have
firewall issues, per this post from Peer Reynders at

Peer suggested in that post that using a non-blocking client might work, but
that again poses the timeout issue.

Finally, to defeat the timeout problem, he suggests using a correlation
identifier, which means that the initial request is assigned an id which is
returned to the client. and have the client poll for the result, using the
id. A message handler to designed to ignore overly aggressive client polls
made within some threshold interval could be added ref

But, if I configure the service to be asynchronous, then it will create a
separate thread to do the processing - including writing to the queue. This
would lessen the chances of a timeout, correct?

For the acknowledgment, I could use a correlation identifier/batch number,
and maybe send an email to the client. I could get the email from the data
itself, or maybe I could look it up on for the customer locally. I don't
necessarily even need to send the client an acknowledgment, but it would
probably be a good idea.

Does this make sense? In other words, I need to make this service
asynchronous to lessen the risk of a timeout, right?

[Axis2] Ant codegen task problem

2009-11-30 Thread Jack Sprat
I have an Ant task set up to generate classes for my Axis2 web service. It 
fails every time I try to generate the server side code with the error below.

java.lang.RuntimeException: Schema writing failed!

The Ant target looks like this:

    target name=codegen
        taskdef name=axis2-wsdl2java

Can someone please provide some direction?  Any help is greatly appreciated.



Re: Axis2 Eclipse plugin - soapUI

2009-11-25 Thread Jack Sprat
I tried the soapUI plugin but found a few problems with it.  The main
one is that I specified the package for the generated classes but it
was ignored.

I set the package as:

But all the classes were generated in:

Have you seen this behavior?


--- On Tue, 11/24/09, Olindo Pindaro o.pind...@gmail.com wrote:

From: Olindo Pindaro o.pind...@gmail.com
Subject: Re: Axis2 Eclipse plugin
To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
Date: Tuesday, November 24, 2009, 2:15 PM

I use SoapUI plugin... it works fine.

2009/11/24 Jack Sprat rexclaim...@yahoo.com

Can anyone shed some light on this?

If the Eclipse plugin is not an option then what is the best way to automate 
the task of running the WSDL2Java command?

I've run this from a DOS prompt and then manually imported the generated 
classes into Eclipse but there must be a better way.


--- On Tue, 11/24/09, Jack Sprat rexclaim...@yahoo.com wrote:

From: Jack Sprat rexclaim...@yahoo.com
Subject: Axis2 Eclipse plugin

To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
Date: Tuesday, November 24, 2009, 7:28 AM

I cannot seem to find the Axis2 Eclipse plugin for WSDL2Java.  I'm looking here:


which takes me to the download page here:

Every mirror under Code Generator Wizard shows a 404 not found error.  Am I 
looking in the wrong place?




Re: Axis2 Eclipse plugin - soapUI

2009-11-25 Thread Jack Sprat
In the soapUI perspective, right click the binding.  Then select Generate 
Code from the menu and Axis2 artifacts from the sub-menu.
This brings up a window of options for the generated code.  There is an entry 
field for the package for generated source files.  That seems to be ignored.

The soapUI is a bit outdated and refers to Axis1 but you can see here:


--- On Wed, 11/25/09, Olindo Pindaro o.pind...@gmail.com wrote:

From: Olindo Pindaro o.pind...@gmail.com
Subject: Re: Axis2 Eclipse plugin - soapUI
To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
Date: Wednesday, November 25, 2009, 12:16 PM

I am not sure  understanding what you mean.. 
But I use, as generated package, the defualt that is the one specified as 
namespace in WSDL.

2009/11/25 Jack Sprat rexclaim...@yahoo.com

I tried the soapUI plugin but found a few problems with it.  The main
one is that I specified the package for the generated classes but it
was ignored.

I set the package as:

But all the classes were generated in:

Have you seen this behavior?


--- On Tue, 11/24/09, Olindo Pindaro o.pind...@gmail.com wrote:

From: Olindo Pindaro o.pind...@gmail.com
Subject: Re: Axis2 Eclipse plugin
To: axis-user@ws.apache.org

Date: Tuesday, November 24, 2009, 2:15 PM

I use SoapUI plugin... it works fine.

2009/11/24 Jack Sprat rexclaim...@yahoo.com

Can anyone shed some light on this?

If the Eclipse plugin is not an option then what is the best way to automate 
the task of running the WSDL2Java command?

I've run this from a DOS prompt and then manually imported the generated 
classes into Eclipse but there must be a better way.


--- On Tue, 11/24/09, Jack Sprat rexclaim...@yahoo.com wrote:

From: Jack Sprat rexclaim...@yahoo.com

Subject: Axis2 Eclipse plugin

To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
Date: Tuesday, November 24, 2009, 7:28 AM

I cannot seem to find the Axis2 Eclipse plugin for WSDL2Java.  I'm looking here:


which takes me to the download page here:


Every mirror under Code Generator Wizard shows a 404 not found error.  Am I 
looking in the wrong place?





Axis2 Eclipse plugin

2009-11-24 Thread Jack Sprat
I cannot seem to find the Axis2 Eclipse plugin for WSDL2Java.  I'm looking here:

which takes me to the download page here:

Every mirror under Code Generator Wizard shows a 404 not found error.  Am I 
looking in the wrong place?



Re: Axis2 Eclipse plugin

2009-11-24 Thread Jack Sprat
Can anyone shed some light on this?

If the Eclipse plugin is not an option then what is the best way to automate 
the task of running the WSDL2Java command?
I've run this from a DOS prompt and then manually imported the generated 
classes into Eclipse but there must be a better way.


--- On Tue, 11/24/09, Jack Sprat rexclaim...@yahoo.com wrote:

From: Jack Sprat rexclaim...@yahoo.com
Subject: Axis2 Eclipse plugin
To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
Date: Tuesday, November 24, 2009, 7:28 AM

I cannot seem to find the Axis2 Eclipse plugin for WSDL2Java.  I'm looking here:

which takes me to the download page here:

Every mirror under Code Generator Wizard shows a 404 not found error.  Am I 
looking in the wrong place?





2009-08-11 Thread Jack Sprat
I made a few changes to an Axis2 1.4.1 service and now get the following error 
when I start my Tomcat 5.5 server:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/axis2/handlers/AbstractHandler

I've added all JARs from the Axis2 1.4.1 distribution but the error persists.

I've searched around and not found anything that applies. Can someone point me 
in the right direction?




Re: NoClassDefFoundError

2009-08-11 Thread Jack Sprat
I found the source of my problem - the class package was incorrect in
the messageReceiver specified in the services.xml file.

I hope this helps someone else who comes across this error.



--- On Tue, 8/11/09, Jack Sprat rexclaim...@yahoo.com wrote:

From: Jack Sprat rexclaim...@yahoo.com
Subject: NoClasDefFoundError
To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
Date: Tuesday, August 11, 2009, 10:12 AM

I made a few changes to an Axis2 1.4.1 service and now get the following error 
when I start my Tomcat 5.5 server:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/axis2/handlers/AbstractHandler

I've added all JARs from the Axis2 1.4.1 distribution but the error persists.

I've searched around and not found anything that applies. Can someone point me 
in the right direction?





Re: axis2 on webshpere response != axis2 on glassfish response........ why?

2009-06-21 Thread Jack Sprat
Make sure you also checked the radio button for single class loader along with 
the parent last loading.
Somethig else to check is to ensure you did not include the servlet.jar file in 
your web service WAR file.  This must be manually added if using Eclipse for 
development but is not needed in WAS.

--- On Sun, 6/21/09, jeffty jefft...@gmail.com wrote:

From: jeffty jefft...@gmail.com
Subject: Re: axis2 on webshpere response != axis2 on glassfish response 
To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
Cc: some2...@gmail.com
Date: Sunday, June 21, 2009, 8:00 AM

Hi dims,

    I've tried set parent_last for the applications-axis2-web 
module-axis2.war-PARENT_LAST, after that I got the exception:

at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java(Compiled Code))
at java.lang.Class.newInstance3(Class.java(Compiled Code))
at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Class.java(Compiled Code))
at java.beans.Beans.instantiate(Beans.java:218)
at java.beans.Beans.instantiate(Beans.java:62)
Caused by: org.apache.commons.logging.LogConfigurationException: The chosen 
LogFactory implementation does not extend LogFactory. Please check your 
configuration. (Caused by java.lang.ClassCastException: The application has 
specified that a custom LogFactory implementation should be used but Class 
'com.ibm.ws.commons.logging.TrLogFactory' cannot be converted to 
'org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory'. The conflict is caused by the presence 
of multiple LogFactory classes in incompatible classloaders. Background can be 
found in http://commons.apache.org/logging/tech.html. If you have not 
explicitly specified a custom LogFactory then it is likely that the container 
has set one without your knowledge. In this case, consider using the 
commons-logging-adapters.jar file or specifying the standard LogFactory from 
the command line. Help can be found 
at org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory.createFactory(LogFactory.java:1271)
at org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory$2.run(LogFactory.java:1065)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory.newFactory(LogFactory.java:1062)
at org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory.getFactory(LogFactory.java:612)
at org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory.getLog(LogFactory.java:685)
at  at 
... 61 more
Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: The application has specified that a 
custom LogFactory implementation should be used but Class 
'com.ibm.ws.commons.logging.TrLogFactory' cannot be converted to 
'org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory'. The conflict is caused by the presence 
of multiple LogFactory classes in incompatible classloaders. Background can be 
found in http://commons.apache.org/logging/tech.html. If you have not 
explicitly specified a custom LogFactory then it is likely that the container 
has set one without your knowledge. In this case, consider using the 
commons-logging-adapters.jar file or specifying the standard LogFactory from 
the command line. Help can be found 
at org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory.createFactory(LogFactory.java:1220)
... 67 more

    And if I reset it as PARENT_FIRST, I got the exception I mentioned before:

javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.xml.namespace.QName: method 
init(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V not found



- Original Message - 
From: Davanum Srinivas dava...@gmail.com
To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
Cc: some2...@gmail.com
Sent: Sunday, June 21, 2009 10:36 PM
Subject: Re: axis2 on webshpere response != axis2 on glassfish response 

 Did you try PARENT_LAST?
 You may want to try asking websphere specific questions on this forum:
 -- dims
 On 06/21/2009 09:39 AM, jeffty wrote:
 Hello xedus,

      I wonder how do you deploy axis2 in websphere. I've tried to deploy the 
war file of axis2 1.3, 1.4 and 1.41 on Websphere 

SOAPMonitor applet not found

2009-05-06 Thread Jack Sprat
I have the SOAPMonitor configured in my web.xml and can access the URL in my 
web service. But I get an exception that the applet cannot be found:
Exception: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: 
I've imported the SOAPMonitorApplet class from the soapmonitor-1.4.1.jar file 
included with the Axis2 distribution into the web app.root.
What am I missing?


Re: Problems With Axis2

2009-01-26 Thread Jack Sprat
After creating the dynamic web project, click the Modify button in the 
Configuration section.  This will open the Project Facets window and allow you 
to select/deselect each project facet.


--- On Mon, 1/26/09, Michael mtarullo...@optonline.net wrote:
From: Michael mtarullo...@optonline.net
Subject: Re: Problems With Axis2
To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
Date: Monday, January 26, 2009, 6:06 PM

#yiv521457004 .hmmessage P {
#yiv521457004 {

The link I was given by Tori mentions nothing about 
configuring a facet extension point
Is it always like this trying to get these three open 
source children (Eclipse, Tomcat and Axis2) to play nice in the 
Does anyone else think, like me, that we should be 
spending time writing software and getting it work, not trying to get our tools 
to work?

  - Original Message - 
  To: axis-user@ws.apache.org 
  Sent: Monday, January 26, 2009 7:53 
  Subject: RE: Problems With Axis2
from what I read you have to configure a facet extension point 
  as in

extension point=org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.facets 
   project-facet id=formgen.core
  labelFormGen Core/label
       Enables generation of HTML forms based on XML definition 
  project-facet-version facet=formgen.core version=1.0/
  project-facet id=formgen.ext
labelFormGen Extensions/label
  Enables additional FormGen widgets.
  project-facet-version facet=formgen.ext version=1.0/


 Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2009 
  19:25:24 -0500
 From: mtarullo...@optonline.net
 Subject: Re: 
  Problems With Axis2
 To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
 I have been following the instructions given in the 
  like you supplied below. 
 These are some of the problems that I am 
 1) When taking inventory of the WTP pieces I 
  have installed I do not find 
 'the non-SDK package of the Web Tools 
  Platform refered to a Web App 
 2) I 
  continued on and my configuration matches the configuration in the link 
 except I am using Tomcat v5.5
 3) When I create a new 
  Dynamic Web Project I do not get Project Facets 
 and therefore no 
  Axis2 Web Services checkbox.
 Did you encounter any of these 
  problems? If so how did you fix them?
 - Original Message - 
 From: Toriacht 
 Sent: Sunday, January 25, 2009 6:22 
 Subject: Re: Problems With Axis2
  Hi Mike,
  I'm afraid I'm a novice 
  but the following tutorial is a simple guide to
  setting up/using 
  AXIS2 with eclipse, it worked for me...
  Best Regards,


casting issues

2009-01-12 Thread Jack Vining
can't seem to track down how this is possible
edu.jhmi.rad.eprservices.EPRServicesSkeleton cannot be cast to 
happens when the receiverInOut tries to cast the result of 

been kicking it around for several days now.

thanks, Jack Vining

RE: echo samples with Axis2/C Module for Apache2

2008-09-12 Thread Gold, Jack L (US SSA)

I decided to try this again this morning with the math
sample.  Using TCPMon, I sent the command to add 40 8


From this log message in the axis2.log I took this morning, it looks as
though the request is getting through to the server:


[Fri Sep 12 08:21:23 2008] [debug] apache2_worker.c(199)

[Fri Sep 12 08:21:23 2008] [debug] apache2_worker.c(229) Client HTTP
version HTTP/1.1

[Fri Sep 12 08:22:15 2008] [debug] apache2_worker.c(199)

[Fri Sep 12 08:22:15 2008] [debug] apache2_worker.c(229) Client HTTP
version HTTP/1.1


I get: htmlheadtitle500 Internal Server
Error/title/headbodyh2Internal Server Error/h2pThe server
encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling
the request./p/body/html.


The axis2.log doesn't tell me any more than that.


Interestingly, I checked the access_log for Apache and found that when I
attempt to call the math sample from the command line:


./math add 40 8 http://localhost/axis2/services/math


I get a POST /axis2/services/math HTTP/1.1 301 318 - Axis2C/1.5.0


Whereas, if I send the request via TCPMon, 


I get a POST /axis2/services/math HTTP/1.1 500 210 - Axis/2.0


Why would the Axis version be different depending on how I call it?
There is only one server and module running as far as I know.





From: Supun Kamburugamuva [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 5:48 AM
To: Apache AXIS C User List
Subject: Re: echo samples with Axis2/C Module for Apache2


Hi Jack,

From your log files it seems that the client request has not reached the
server. You can use a tool like tcpmon[]1 to verify this. Send the
request through tcpmon and you will see weather it reaches the target.  

[1] http://ws.apache.org/commons/tcpmon/download.cgi


On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 5:58 PM, Qasim Ijaz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

How can I get off this list? I have tried in the past but the email
address for unsubscribing doesn't work. Can anyone help?







From: Gold, Jack L (US SSA) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 7:57 AM

To: Apache AXIS C User List

Subject: RE: echo samples with Axis2/C Module for Apache2


The spam filter is preventing reception of the math_blocking.log file.
Sorry.  I don't know how else to post it to you.





From: Supun Kamburugamuva [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 1:45 AM
To: Apache AXIS C User List
Subject: Re: echo samples with Axis2/C Module for Apache2


Can you please send the server log file for the failed test cases with
Apache Server? Usually if a sample works with axis2_http_server it works
with Apache server as well. Please note that google and yahoo sample
failures have nothing to do with the local server. These requests go to
google and yahoo servers respectively. 


On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 12:37 AM, Gold, Jack L (US SSA)

It seems that some of the services are working and echo was just an
example of one that wasn't.  I have now run all the samples.

Under Libmod_axis2 with Apache2:

echo - Fails
echo_blocking - Succeeds
echo_blocking_addr - Succeeds
echo_blocking_auth - succeeds
echo_blocking_dual - succeeds
echo_blocking_soap11 - succeeds
echo_non_blocking - succeeds
echo_non_blocking_dual - succeeds
echo_rest - fails
google - soap fault
math - fails
mtom - fails
notify - fails
yahoosearch - fails

Under axis_simple_server:

echo - Succeeds
echo_blocking - Succeeds
echo_blocking_addr - Succeeds
echo_blocking_auth - succeeds
echo_blocking_dual - succeeds
echo_blocking_soap11 - succeeds
echo_non_blocking - succeeds
echo_non_blocking_dual - succeeds
echo_rest - succeeds
google - soap fault
math - succeeds
mtom - succeeds
notify - succeeds
yahoosearch - fails

I would have expected the same results through both servers with maybe
the exception of echo_rest and mtom.  What bothers me is that some of
the tests are successful only on the simple axis server, yet some work
in both configurations.  Any ideas?


To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Software Engineer, WSO2 Inc

Software Engineer, WSO2 Inc

RE: echo samples with Axis2/C Module for Apache2

2008-09-11 Thread Gold, Jack L (US SSA)


I thought the same thing.  I am wondering if I forgot to include
something in either building Apache2 or building the Axis2 module that
may be causing this.


I'm having trouble sending all of the logs at once, so I'll send one at
a time.







echo.log (./echo http://localhost/axis2/services/echo):


[Thu Sep 11 08:05:58 2008] [debug] phase.c(121) axis2_handler_t
*request_uri_based_dispatcher added to the index 0 of the phase

[Thu Sep 11 08:05:58 2008] [debug] phase.c(121) axis2_handler_t
*addressing_based_dispatcher added to the index 1 of the phase Transport

[Thu Sep 11 08:05:58 2008] [debug] phase.c(121) axis2_handler_t
*rest_dispatcher added to the index 0 of the phase Dispatch

[Thu Sep 11 08:05:58 2008] [debug] phase.c(121) axis2_handler_t
*soap_message_body_based_dispatcher added to the index 1 of the phase

[Thu Sep 11 08:05:58 2008] [debug] phase.c(121) axis2_handler_t
*soap_action_based_dispatcher added to the index 2 of the phase Dispatch

[Thu Sep 11 08:05:58 2008] [debug] phase.c(121) axis2_handler_t
*dispatch_post_conditions_evaluator added to the index 0 of the phase

[Thu Sep 11 08:05:58 2008] [debug] phase.c(121) axis2_handler_t
*context_handler added to the index 1 of the phase PostDispatch

[Thu Sep 11 08:05:58 2008] [debug] conf_builder.c(233) No custom
dispatching order found. Continue with the default dispatching order

[Thu Sep 11 08:05:58 2008] [debug] conf_builder.c(378) Module addressing
found in axis2.xml

[Thu Sep 11 08:05:58 2008] [debug] class_loader.c(140)
../../lib/libaxis2_http_sender.so shared lib loaded successfully

[Thu Sep 11 08:05:58 2008] [debug] class_loader.c(140)
../../lib/libaxis2_http_receiver.so shared lib loaded successfully

[Thu Sep 11 08:05:58 2008] [info]  No files in the path ../../modules.

[Thu Sep 11 08:05:58 2008] [info]  No files in the path ../../services.

[Thu Sep 11 08:05:58 2008] [debug] dep_engine.c(1283)
axis2_dep_engine_load_module_dll: DLL path is :

[Thu Sep 11 08:05:58 2008] [debug] class_loader.c(140)
../../modules/addressing/libaxis2_mod_addr.so shared lib loaded

[Thu Sep 11 08:05:58 2008] [debug] phase_holder.c(139) Add handler
AddressingInHandler to phase Transport

[Thu Sep 11 08:05:58 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(139) Service name is

[Thu Sep 11 08:05:58 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(723) Module name

[Thu Sep 11 08:05:58 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(2058) Trying to add
this handler AddressingInHandler to system pre defined phases , but
those handlers are already added to global chain which run irrespective
of the service

[Thu Sep 11 08:05:58 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(723) Module name

[Thu Sep 11 08:05:58 2008] [debug] phase_holder.c(139) Add handler
AddressingOutHandler to phase MessageOut

[Thu Sep 11 08:05:58 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(723) Module name

[Thu Sep 11 08:05:58 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(723) Module name

[Thu Sep 11 08:05:58 2008] [debug] phase_holder.c(139) Add handler
AddressingOutHandler to phase MessageOut

[Thu Sep 11 08:05:58 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(723) Module name

[Thu Sep 11 08:05:58 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(2058) Trying to add
this handler AddressingInHandler to system pre defined phases , but
those handlers are already added to global chain which run irrespective
of the service

[Thu Sep 11 08:05:58 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(723) Module name

[Thu Sep 11 08:05:58 2008] [debug] phase_holder.c(139) Add handler
AddressingOutHandler to phase MessageOut

[Thu Sep 11 08:05:58 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(723) Module name

[Thu Sep 11 08:05:58 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(723) Module name

[Thu Sep 11 08:05:58 2008] [debug] phase_holder.c(139) Add handler
AddressingOutHandler to phase MessageOut

[Thu Sep 11 08:05:58 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(723) Module name

[Thu Sep 11 08:05:58 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(2058) Trying to add
this handler AddressingInHandler to system pre defined phases , but
those handlers are already added to global chain which run irrespective
of the service

[Thu Sep 11 08:05:58 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(723) Module name

[Thu Sep 11 08:05:58 2008] [debug] phase_holder.c(139) Add handler
AddressingOutHandler to phase MessageOut

[Thu Sep 11 08:05:58 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(723) Module name

[Thu Sep 11 08:05:58 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(723) Module name

[Thu Sep 11 08:05:58 2008] [debug] phase_holder.c(139) Add handler
AddressingOutHandler to phase MessageOut

[Thu Sep 11 08:05:58 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(377) Module
addressing will be engaged to __ANONYMOUS_SERVICE__

[Thu Sep 11 08:05:58 2008] [debug

RE: echo samples with Axis2/C Module for Apache2

2008-09-11 Thread Gold, Jack L (US SSA)
 the phase MessageOut

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [info]  Starting addressing out handler

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] addr_out_handler.c(133) No action
present. Stop processing addressing

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] http_transport_sender.c(246)

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] http_transport_sender.c(770) using
axis2 native http sender.

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] http_sender.c(416)

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] http_transport_sender.c(787) OP name
axutil_qname_get_localpart = http://www.w3.org/2004/08/wsdl/out-in

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] phase.c(210) Invoke the handler
request_uri_based_dispatcher within the phase Transport

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] phase.c(210) Invoke the handler
AddressingInHandler within the phase Transport

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [info]  Starting addressing in handler

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [info]  addr_in_handler.c

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] phase.c(210) Invoke the handler
addressing_based_dispatcher within the phase Transport

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] phase.c(210) Invoke the handler
rest_dispatcher within the phase Dispatch

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] phase.c(210) Invoke the handler
soap_message_body_based_dispatcher within the phase Dispatch

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] phase.c(210) Invoke the handler
soap_action_based_dispatcher within the phase Dispatch

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] phase.c(210) Invoke the handler
dispatch_post_conditions_evaluator within the phase PostDispatch

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] phase.c(210) Invoke the handler
context_handler within the phase PostDispatch




From: Supun Kamburugamuva [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 1:45 AM
To: Apache AXIS C User List
Subject: Re: echo samples with Axis2/C Module for Apache2


Can you please send the server log file for the failed test cases with
Apache Server? Usually if a sample works with axis2_http_server it works
with Apache server as well. Please note that google and yahoo sample
failures have nothing to do with the local server. These requests go to
google and yahoo servers respectively. 


On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 12:37 AM, Gold, Jack L (US SSA)

It seems that some of the services are working and echo was just an
example of one that wasn't.  I have now run all the samples.

Under Libmod_axis2 with Apache2:

echo - Fails
echo_blocking - Succeeds
echo_blocking_addr - Succeeds
echo_blocking_auth - succeeds
echo_blocking_dual - succeeds
echo_blocking_soap11 - succeeds
echo_non_blocking - succeeds
echo_non_blocking_dual - succeeds
echo_rest - fails
google - soap fault
math - fails
mtom - fails
notify - fails
yahoosearch - fails

Under axis_simple_server:

echo - Succeeds
echo_blocking - Succeeds
echo_blocking_addr - Succeeds
echo_blocking_auth - succeeds
echo_blocking_dual - succeeds
echo_blocking_soap11 - succeeds
echo_non_blocking - succeeds
echo_non_blocking_dual - succeeds
echo_rest - succeeds
google - soap fault
math - succeeds
mtom - succeeds
notify - succeeds
yahoosearch - fails

I would have expected the same results through both servers with maybe
the exception of echo_rest and mtom.  What bothers me is that some of
the tests are successful only on the simple axis server, yet some work
in both configurations.  Any ideas?


To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Software Engineer, WSO2 Inc

RE: echo samples with Axis2/C Module for Apache2

2008-09-11 Thread Gold, Jack L (US SSA)

[Thu Sep 11 08:16:41 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(430) Module
addressing already engaged to operation __OPERATION_OUT_IN__ of service

[Thu Sep 11 08:16:41 2008] [debug] op_client.c(881)

[Thu Sep 11 08:16:41 2008] [debug] op_client.c(940)

[Thu Sep 11 08:16:41 2008] [debug] phase.c(210) Invoke the handler
AddressingOutHandler within the phase MessageOut

[Thu Sep 11 08:16:41 2008] [info]  Starting addressing out handler

[Thu Sep 11 08:16:41 2008] [debug] http_transport_sender.c(246)

[Thu Sep 11 08:16:41 2008] [debug] http_transport_sender.c(770) using
axis2 native http sender.

[Thu Sep 11 08:16:41 2008] [debug] http_sender.c(416)

[Thu Sep 11 08:16:41 2008] [error] http_sender.c(1405) Error occurred in

[Thu Sep 11 08:16:41 2008] [error] engine.c(179) Transport sender invoke

[Thu Sep 11 08:16:41 2008] [error] notify_client.c(107) Stub invoke
FAILED: Error code: 74 :: Error occurred in transport



From: Supun Kamburugamuva [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 1:45 AM
To: Apache AXIS C User List
Subject: Re: echo samples with Axis2/C Module for Apache2


Can you please send the server log file for the failed test cases with
Apache Server? Usually if a sample works with axis2_http_server it works
with Apache server as well. Please note that google and yahoo sample
failures have nothing to do with the local server. These requests go to
google and yahoo servers respectively. 


On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 12:37 AM, Gold, Jack L (US SSA)

It seems that some of the services are working and echo was just an
example of one that wasn't.  I have now run all the samples.

Under Libmod_axis2 with Apache2:

echo - Fails
echo_blocking - Succeeds
echo_blocking_addr - Succeeds
echo_blocking_auth - succeeds
echo_blocking_dual - succeeds
echo_blocking_soap11 - succeeds
echo_non_blocking - succeeds
echo_non_blocking_dual - succeeds
echo_rest - fails
google - soap fault
math - fails
mtom - fails
notify - fails
yahoosearch - fails

Under axis_simple_server:

echo - Succeeds
echo_blocking - Succeeds
echo_blocking_addr - Succeeds
echo_blocking_auth - succeeds
echo_blocking_dual - succeeds
echo_blocking_soap11 - succeeds
echo_non_blocking - succeeds
echo_non_blocking_dual - succeeds
echo_rest - succeeds
google - soap fault
math - succeeds
mtom - succeeds
notify - succeeds
yahoosearch - fails

I would have expected the same results through both servers with maybe
the exception of echo_rest and mtom.  What bothers me is that some of
the tests are successful only on the simple axis server, yet some work
in both configurations.  Any ideas?


To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Software Engineer, WSO2 Inc




From: Supun Kamburugamuva [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 1:45 AM
To: Apache AXIS C User List
Subject: Re: echo samples with Axis2/C Module for Apache2


Can you please send the server log file for the failed test cases with
Apache Server? Usually if a sample works with axis2_http_server it works
with Apache server as well. Please note that google and yahoo sample
failures have nothing to do with the local server. These requests go to
google and yahoo servers respectively. 


On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 12:37 AM, Gold, Jack L (US SSA)

It seems that some of the services are working and echo was just an
example of one that wasn't.  I have now run all the samples.

Under Libmod_axis2 with Apache2:

echo - Fails
echo_blocking - Succeeds
echo_blocking_addr - Succeeds
echo_blocking_auth - succeeds
echo_blocking_dual - succeeds
echo_blocking_soap11 - succeeds
echo_non_blocking - succeeds
echo_non_blocking_dual - succeeds
echo_rest - fails
google - soap fault
math - fails
mtom - fails
notify - fails
yahoosearch - fails

Under axis_simple_server:

echo - Succeeds
echo_blocking - Succeeds
echo_blocking_addr - Succeeds
echo_blocking_auth - succeeds
echo_blocking_dual - succeeds
echo_blocking_soap11 - succeeds
echo_non_blocking - succeeds
echo_non_blocking_dual - succeeds
echo_rest - succeeds
google - soap fault
math - succeeds
mtom - succeeds
notify - succeeds
yahoosearch - fails

I would have expected the same results through both servers with maybe
the exception of echo_rest and mtom.  What bothers me is that some of
the tests are successful only on the simple axis server, yet some work
in both configurations.  Any ideas?


To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


RE: echo samples with Axis2/C Module for Apache2

2008-09-11 Thread Gold, Jack L (US SSA)
Server is having problems with receiving the math.log file.





From: Supun Kamburugamuva [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 1:45 AM
To: Apache AXIS C User List
Subject: Re: echo samples with Axis2/C Module for Apache2


Can you please send the server log file for the failed test cases with
Apache Server? Usually if a sample works with axis2_http_server it works
with Apache server as well. Please note that google and yahoo sample
failures have nothing to do with the local server. These requests go to
google and yahoo servers respectively. 


On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 12:37 AM, Gold, Jack L (US SSA)

It seems that some of the services are working and echo was just an
example of one that wasn't.  I have now run all the samples.

Under Libmod_axis2 with Apache2:

echo - Fails
echo_blocking - Succeeds
echo_blocking_addr - Succeeds
echo_blocking_auth - succeeds
echo_blocking_dual - succeeds
echo_blocking_soap11 - succeeds
echo_non_blocking - succeeds
echo_non_blocking_dual - succeeds
echo_rest - fails
google - soap fault
math - fails
mtom - fails
notify - fails
yahoosearch - fails

Under axis_simple_server:

echo - Succeeds
echo_blocking - Succeeds
echo_blocking_addr - Succeeds
echo_blocking_auth - succeeds
echo_blocking_dual - succeeds
echo_blocking_soap11 - succeeds
echo_non_blocking - succeeds
echo_non_blocking_dual - succeeds
echo_rest - succeeds
google - soap fault
math - succeeds
mtom - succeeds
notify - succeeds
yahoosearch - fails

I would have expected the same results through both servers with maybe
the exception of echo_rest and mtom.  What bothers me is that some of
the tests are successful only on the simple axis server, yet some work
in both configurations.  Any ideas?


To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Software Engineer, WSO2 Inc

RE: echo samples with Axis2/C Module for Apache2

2008-09-11 Thread Gold, Jack L (US SSA)
The spam filter is preventing reception of the math_blocking.log file.
Sorry.  I don't know how else to post it to you.





From: Supun Kamburugamuva [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 1:45 AM
To: Apache AXIS C User List
Subject: Re: echo samples with Axis2/C Module for Apache2


Can you please send the server log file for the failed test cases with
Apache Server? Usually if a sample works with axis2_http_server it works
with Apache server as well. Please note that google and yahoo sample
failures have nothing to do with the local server. These requests go to
google and yahoo servers respectively. 


On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 12:37 AM, Gold, Jack L (US SSA)

It seems that some of the services are working and echo was just an
example of one that wasn't.  I have now run all the samples.

Under Libmod_axis2 with Apache2:

echo - Fails
echo_blocking - Succeeds
echo_blocking_addr - Succeeds
echo_blocking_auth - succeeds
echo_blocking_dual - succeeds
echo_blocking_soap11 - succeeds
echo_non_blocking - succeeds
echo_non_blocking_dual - succeeds
echo_rest - fails
google - soap fault
math - fails
mtom - fails
notify - fails
yahoosearch - fails

Under axis_simple_server:

echo - Succeeds
echo_blocking - Succeeds
echo_blocking_addr - Succeeds
echo_blocking_auth - succeeds
echo_blocking_dual - succeeds
echo_blocking_soap11 - succeeds
echo_non_blocking - succeeds
echo_non_blocking_dual - succeeds
echo_rest - succeeds
google - soap fault
math - succeeds
mtom - succeeds
notify - succeeds
yahoosearch - fails

I would have expected the same results through both servers with maybe
the exception of echo_rest and mtom.  What bothers me is that some of
the tests are successful only on the simple axis server, yet some work
in both configurations.  Any ideas?


To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Software Engineer, WSO2 Inc

echo samples with Axis2/C Module for Apache2

2008-09-10 Thread Gold, Jack L (US SSA)
I am going through the manual and attempting the tests indicated for
checking the Apache Axis2/C Module.  The test suggests typing echo
http://localhost/axis2/services/echo at the command prompt.
Unfortunately, this only serves to submit
http://localhost/axis2/services/echo; back to the console.  I verified
that my http server is running and I receive the Deployed Services page
when I set my browser to http://localhost/axis2/services, but I don't
have any axis2.log file in my suggested log directory and I can't seem
to test any of the sample services through Apache http server.  I also
verified that I am not receiving any crash message in my Apache2 log
file, so I'm pretty sure the mod_axis2 is still functioning.  Any
suggestions as to how I can A) test the samples through the Apache
module and B) verify that the Axis log file is being written to the
correct place?  Any help would be appreciated.


Jack Gold


450 Pulaski Rd.

MS - 01-59

Greenlawn, NY 11740

ph: (631) 262-8354




RE: echo samples with Axis2/C Module for Apache2

2008-09-10 Thread Gold, Jack L (US SSA)
I originally had the log level set to error. I've just set it to debug.
Now I can see that the module is being loaded and it looks to be loading

I still don't see how this answers the question about the 'echo
http://localhost/axis2/services/echo' request indicated in the manual.

Below is the apache log after the log setting change to 'debug'.


[Wed Sep 10 11:18:01 2008] [info]  Apache Axis2/C version in use : 1.5.0
[Wed Sep 10 11:18:01 2008] [info]  Starting log with log level 4
[Wed Sep 10 11:18:01 2008] [info]  [Axis2] Axis2 worker created
[Wed Sep 10 11:18:01 2008] [debug] phase.c(121) axis2_handler_t
*request_uri_based_dispatcher added to the index 0 of the phase
[Wed Sep 10 11:18:01 2008] [debug] phase.c(121) axis2_handler_t
*addressing_based_dispatcher added to the index 1 of the phase Transport
[Wed Sep 10 11:18:01 2008] [debug] phase.c(121) axis2_handler_t
*request_uri_based_dispatcher added to the index 0 of the phase
[Wed Sep 10 11:18:01 2008] [debug] phase.c(121) axis2_handler_t
*addressing_based_dispatcher added to the index 1 of the phase Transport
[Wed Sep 10 11:18:01 2008] [notice] Apache/2.0.63 (Unix) configured --
resuming normal operations
[Wed Sep 10 11:18:01 2008] [debug] phase.c(121) axis2_handler_t
*rest_dispatcher added to the index 0 of the phase Dispatch
[Wed Sep 10 11:18:01 2008] [debug] phase.c(121) axis2_handler_t
*soap_message_body_based_dispatcher added to the index 1 of the phase
[Wed Sep 10 11:18:01 2008] [debug] phase.c(121) axis2_handler_t
*soap_action_based_dispatcher added to the index 2 of the phase Dispatch
[Wed Sep 10 11:18:01 2008] [debug] phase.c(121) axis2_handler_t
*dispatch_post_conditions_evaluator added to the index 0 of the phase
[Wed Sep 10 11:18:01 2008] [debug] phase.c(121) axis2_handler_t
*context_handler added to the index 1 of the phase PostDispatch
[Wed Sep 10 11:18:01 2008] [debug] conf_builder.c(233) No custom
dispatching order found. Continue with the default dispatching order
[Wed Sep 10 11:18:01 2008] [debug] conf_builder.c(378) Module addressing
found in axis2.xml
[Wed Sep 10 11:18:01 2008] [debug] phase.c(121) axis2_handler_t
*rest_dispatcher added to the index 0 of the phase Dispatch
[Wed Sep 10 11:18:01 2008] [debug] phase.c(121) axis2_handler_t
*soap_message_body_based_dispatcher added to the index 1 of the phase
[Wed Sep 10 11:18:01 2008] [debug] phase.c(121) axis2_handler_t
*soap_action_based_dispatcher added to the index 2 of the phase Dispatch
[Wed Sep 10 11:18:01 2008] [debug] phase.c(121) axis2_handler_t
*dispatch_post_conditions_evaluator added to the index 0 of the phase
[Wed Sep 10 11:18:01 2008] [debug] phase.c(121) axis2_handler_t
*context_handler added to the index 1 of the phase PostDispatch
[Wed Sep 10 11:18:01 2008] [debug] conf_builder.c(233) No custom
dispatching order found. Continue with the default dispatching order
[Wed Sep 10 11:18:01 2008] [debug] conf_builder.c(378) Module addressing
found in axis2.xml
[Wed Sep 10 11:18:01 2008] [debug] class_loader.c(140)
/usr/local/axis2-1.5.0/lib/libaxis2_http_sender.so shared lib loaded
[Wed Sep 10 11:18:01 2008] [debug] class_loader.c(140)
/usr/local/axis2-1.5.0/lib/libaxis2_http_receiver.so shared lib loaded
[Wed Sep 10 11:18:01 2008] [debug] class_loader.c(140)
/usr/local/axis2-1.5.0/lib/libaxis2_http_sender.so shared lib loaded
[Wed Sep 10 11:18:01 2008] [debug] class_loader.c(140)
/usr/local/axis2-1.5.0/lib/libaxis2_http_receiver.so shared lib loaded
[Wed Sep 10 11:18:01 2008] [debug] dep_engine.c(1283)
axis2_dep_engine_load_module_dll: DLL path is :
[Wed Sep 10 11:18:01 2008] [debug] class_loader.c(140)
/usr/local/axis2-1.5.0/modules/addressing/libaxis2_mod_addr.so shared
lib loaded successfully
[Wed Sep 10 11:18:01 2008] [debug] dep_engine.c(1283)
axis2_dep_engine_load_module_dll: DLL path is :
[Wed Sep 10 11:18:01 2008] [debug] dep_engine.c(1283)
axis2_dep_engine_load_module_dll: DLL path is :
[Wed Sep 10 11:18:01 2008] [debug] class_loader.c(140)
/usr/local/axis2-1.5.0/modules/addressing/libaxis2_mod_addr.so shared
lib loaded successfully
[Wed Sep 10 11:18:01 2008] [debug] class_loader.c(140)
/usr/local/axis2-1.5.0/modules/logging/libaxis2_mod_log.so shared lib
loaded successfully
[Wed Sep 10 11:18:01 2008] [debug] dep_engine.c(1283)
axis2_dep_engine_load_module_dll: DLL path is :
[Wed Sep 10 11:18:01 2008] [debug] svc_builder.c(318) DLL path is :
[Wed Sep 10 11:18:01 2008] [debug] class_loader.c(140)
/usr/local/axis2-1.5.0/modules/logging/libaxis2_mod_log.so shared lib
loaded successfully
[Wed Sep 10 11:18:01 2008] [debug] svc_builder.c

RE: echo samples with Axis2/C Module for Apache2

2008-09-10 Thread Gold, Jack L (US SSA)

Adding to the previous log, I recompiled the echo sample for my
localhost and received this in the logfile.  Any ideas?  Did I miss
something in the configuration?


[Wed Sep 10 11:47:35 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(139) Service name is
[Wed Sep 10 11:47:35 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(430) Module
addressing already engaged to operation __OPERATION_ROBUST_OUT_ONLY__ of
[Wed Sep 10 11:47:35 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(430) Module
addressing already engaged to operation __OPERATION_OUT_ONLY__ of
[Wed Sep 10 11:47:35 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(430) Module
addressing already engaged to operation __OPERATION_OUT_IN__ of service
[Wed Sep 10 11:47:35 2008] [debug] op_client.c(881)
[Wed Sep 10 11:47:35 2008] [debug] op_client.c(940)
[Wed Sep 10 11:47:35 2008] [debug] phase.c(210) Invoke the handler
AddressingOutHandler within the phase MessageOut
[Wed Sep 10 11:47:35 2008] [info]  Starting addressing out handler
[Wed Sep 10 11:47:35 2008] [debug] http_transport_sender.c(246)
[Wed Sep 10 11:47:35 2008] [debug] http_transport_sender.c(770) using
axis2 native http sender.
[Wed Sep 10 11:47:35 2008] [debug] http_sender.c(416)
[Wed Sep 10 11:47:35 2008] [error] http_sender.c(1405) Error occurred in
[Wed Sep 10 11:47:35 2008] [error] engine.c(179) Transport sender invoke
[Wed Sep 10 11:47:35 2008] [error] echo.c(124) Stub invoke FAILED: Error
code: 74 :: Error occurred in transport
[Wed Sep 10 11:47:35 2008] [debug] op_client.c(881)
[Wed Sep 10 11:47:35 2008] [debug] op_client.c(940)
[Wed Sep 10 11:47:35 2008] [debug] phase.c(210) Invoke the handler
AddressingOutHandler within the phase MessageOut
[Wed Sep 10 11:47:35 2008] [info]  Starting addressing out handler
[Wed Sep 10 11:47:35 2008] [debug] http_transport_sender.c(246)
[Wed Sep 10 11:47:35 2008] [debug] http_transport_sender.c(770) using
axis2 native http sender.
[Wed Sep 10 11:47:35 2008] [debug] http_sender.c(416)
[Wed Sep 10 11:47:35 2008] [error] http_sender.c(1405) Error occurred in
[Wed Sep 10 11:47:35 2008] [error] engine.c(179) Transport sender invoke
[Wed Sep 10 11:47:35 2008] [error] echo.c(146) Stub invoke FAILED: Error
code: 74 :: Error occurred in transport
[Wed Sep 10 11:47:35 2008] [debug] arch_file_data.c(149) Service name
[Wed Sep 10 11:47:35 2008] [debug] arch_file_data.c(149) Service name
[Wed Sep 10 11:47:35 2008] [debug] arch_file_data.c(149) Service name
[Wed Sep 10 11:47:35 2008] [debug] arch_file_data.c(149) Service name
[Wed Sep 10 11:47:35 2008] [debug] arch_file_data.c(149) Service name
[Wed Sep 10 11:47:35 2008] [debug] arch_file_data.c(149) Service name
[Wed Sep 10 11:47:35 2008] [debug] arch_file_data.c(149) Service name
[Wed Sep 10 11:47:35 2008] [debug] arch_file_data.c(149) Service name
[Wed Sep 10 11:47:35 2008] [debug] arch_file_data.c(149) Service name
[Wed Sep 10 11:47:35 2008] [debug] arch_file_data.c(149) Service name

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For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: echo samples with Axis2/C Module for Apache2

2008-09-10 Thread Gold, Jack L (US SSA)
I had not.  Thanks.  That definitely explains why the echo wasn't
working. :)  

Unfortunately, I am seeing the same error I saw when I just recompiled
the echo sample application with my hardcoded
http://localhost/axis2/services URL. (yes, I reverted back to the
original version of echo).

What I am getting is a transport error. Error code 74:: Error occurred
in transport.  What might cause this?

Log file attached below.


[Wed Sep 10 13:57:06 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(430) Module
addressing already engaged to operation __OPERATION_OUT_ONLY__ of
[Wed Sep 10 13:57:06 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(430) Module
addressing already engaged to operation __OPERATION_OUT_IN__ of service
[Wed Sep 10 13:57:06 2008] [debug] op_client.c(881)
[Wed Sep 10 13:57:06 2008] [debug] op_client.c(940)
[Wed Sep 10 13:57:06 2008] [debug] phase.c(210) Invoke the handler
AddressingOutHandler within the phase MessageOut
[Wed Sep 10 13:57:06 2008] [info]  Starting addressing out handler
[Wed Sep 10 13:57:06 2008] [debug] http_transport_sender.c(246)
[Wed Sep 10 13:57:06 2008] [debug] http_transport_sender.c(770) using
axis2 native http sender.
[Wed Sep 10 13:57:06 2008] [debug] http_sender.c(416)
[Wed Sep 10 13:57:06 2008] [error] http_sender.c(1405) Error occurred in
[Wed Sep 10 13:57:06 2008] [error] engine.c(179) Transport sender invoke
[Wed Sep 10 13:57:06 2008] [error] echo.c(124) Stub invoke FAILED: Error
code: 74 :: Error occurred in transport
[Wed Sep 10 13:57:06 2008] [debug] op_client.c(881)
[Wed Sep 10 13:57:06 2008] [debug] op_client.c(940)
[Wed Sep 10 13:57:06 2008] [debug] phase.c(210) Invoke the handler
AddressingOutHandler within the phase MessageOut
[Wed Sep 10 13:57:06 2008] [info]  Starting addressing out handler
[Wed Sep 10 13:57:06 2008] [debug] http_transport_sender.c(246)
[Wed Sep 10 13:57:06 2008] [debug] http_transport_sender.c(770) using
axis2 native http sender.
[Wed Sep 10 13:57:06 2008] [debug] http_sender.c(416)
[Wed Sep 10 13:57:06 2008] [error] http_sender.c(1405) Error occurred in
[Wed Sep 10 13:57:06 2008] [error] engine.c(179) Transport sender invoke
[Wed Sep 10 13:57:06 2008] [error] echo.c(146) Stub invoke FAILED: Error
code: 74 :: Error occurred in transport
[Wed Sep 10 13:57:06 2008] [debug] arch_file_data.c(149) Service name
[Wed Sep 10 13:57:06 2008] [debug] arch_file_data.c(149) Service name
[Wed Sep 10 13:57:06 2008] [debug] arch_file_data.c(149) Service name
[Wed Sep 10 13:57:06 2008] [debug] arch_file_data.c(149) Service name
[Wed Sep 10 13:57:06 2008] [debug] arch_file_data.c(149) Service name
[Wed Sep 10 13:57:06 2008] [debug] arch_file_data.c(149) Service name
[Wed Sep 10 13:57:06 2008] [debug] arch_file_data.c(149) Service name
[Wed Sep 10 13:57:06 2008] [debug] arch_file_data.c(149) Service name
[Wed Sep 10 13:57:06 2008] [debug] arch_file_data.c(149) Service name
[Wed Sep 10 13:57:06 2008] [debug] arch_file_data.c(149) Service name

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For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: echo samples with Axis2/C Module for Apache2

2008-09-10 Thread Gold, Jack L (US SSA)
Incidentally, someone should probably update the manual to state:

AXIS2C_HOME/bin/samples/echo http://localhost/axis2/services/echo

As it is written, others might do exactly what I did and invoke the
linux echo command.


-Original Message-
From: Samisa Abeysinghe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 1:50 PM
To: Apache AXIS C User List
Subject: Re: echo samples with Axis2/C Module for Apache2

Did you try ./echo


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For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

FAQ: Axis2/C with C++

2008-09-09 Thread Gold, Jack L (US SSA)
I was reading the FAQ and the response to How can I use Axis2/C with

C++? doesn't seem to have an answer I can work with.


If I wrote my code in C++, then how would I have 'C' source files and
'C' code to wrap in an extern?  Am I missing something here?  I think
this FAQ answer needs a bit more detail for someone unfamiliar with 'C'



Jack Gold


Re: [Axis2] handlers per operation

2008-07-20 Thread Jack Sprat
I've been down that road and it is not what I am looking for.  If I do 
this then I need to hard-code the comparison to the SOAP action and I'd 
rather not do that. If the operation name ever changes then I'd need to go back 
and change the code.
That is not ideal.

Robert Wierschke wrote:

 you may read the SOAP action from the message and decide whether the 
 handler should do anything or not.


 2008/7/18 Jack Sprat [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


 Is there a way to add handlers only for specific operations in a
 service and not for all?
 For example, I'd like to validate the user/password in the SOAP
 header on all operations except the simple echo operation.  I have
 a handler set in the axis2.xml confg. file but that applies to all



[Axis2] handlers per operation

2008-07-18 Thread Jack Sprat

Is there a way to add handlers only for specific operations in a service and 
not for all?
For example, I'd like to validate the user/password in the SOAP header on all 
operations except the simple echo operation.  I have a handler set in the 
axis2.xml confg. file but that applies to all operations.



Re: [Axis2] valid SOAP operations

2008-05-30 Thread Jack Sprat
AxisService service =  messageContext.getAxisService()

Jack Sprat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Where/how do I get the AxisService object 
in the code sample below?
 The code will be in the invoke method of my handler class that is invoked in 
the InFlow phase.

Eran Chinthaka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

AxisService service; // your axis service
String action = messageContext.getSoapAction();

AxisOperation op = service.getOperationBySOAPAction(action);

if (op == null) {
   op = service.getOperationByAction(action);

Please see [1] for more details. 

[1] : 
On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 10:58 AM, Jack Sprat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I think I've made the question more complicated than it needed to be.
All I really need to know is whether the valid SOAP operations for a service 
are available in an Axis2 class somewhere?
Something like getValidSOAPOpeations() that returns a list would be ideal.  
Otherwise I'll need to hard-code constants for each operation in the WSDL and 
compare the results of  getSOAPAction to each one. 


keith chapman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Why not write a custom dispatcher 
that does this. After all this is what your trying to do (Dispatch to an 
operation using some custom information).  You can have a look at the inbuilt 
dispatchers tp get an idea. Its pretty simple to write a new one.

On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 8:33 PM, Jack Sprat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  What I am trying to do is validate the SOAP operation invoked in the  handler 
class so I can take the appropriate action.
I've found that many clients trying to consume the service don't know much 
about web services so they may send a request with no SOAPAction header or an 
invalid one.
  For example, my valid operations may be echo and calculate.  Can these 2 
operations be determined programatically somehow?  I'd like to get the valid 
operations this way and compare what I got from the getSOAPAction() method to 
see if I got a valid operation.  Basically, I'm trying to avoid hard-coding the 
operations in my Java code.

keith chapman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   Hi Jack,

Can you state your requirement more clearly, that should help us provide you 
with a clear answer too. I couldn't   understand what you are intending to do


  On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 7:50 PM, Jack Sprat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I have a service that invokes a handler at the InFlow phase. Is there a way 
to programatically determine the valid SOAP operations at this point? I'd like 
to compare the value from getSOAPAction() to ensure a valid operation was 
   I'm open to a better way of doing this.






Re: [Axis2] valid SOAP operations

2008-05-30 Thread Jack Sprat
It's not quite as simple as that. In this case, I was to bypass the 
authentication if a simple echo request is received.  So I need to ensure the 
SOAPAction is valid and then check whether it is an echo request.  If it is an 
echo then continue. If not, then authenticate the user in the SOAP header.


Eran Chinthaka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Ok now I am getting the picture here.

Are you trying to make sure the SOAP message that is just received has a proper 
operation name in it. If that is the case, don't worry about that, we are 
already doing that for you within dispatch phase. Dispatching is all about 
finding the correct service and operation. If we can not find it, we will send 
an error to the user, before the end of the dispatch phase. So your handler 
will be redundant if you put it. 

On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 8:16 AM, Jack Sprat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 AxisService service =  messageContext.getAxisService()

Jack Sprat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Where/how do I get the AxisService 
object in the code sample below?
 The code will be in the invoke method of my handler class that is invoked in 
the InFlow phase.

Eran Chinthaka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  

AxisService service; // your axis service
String action = messageContext.getSoapAction();

AxisOperation op = service.getOperationBySOAPAction(action);

if (op ==
 null) {
   op = service.getOperationByAction(action);

Please see [1] for more details. 

[1] : 
On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 10:58 AM, Jack Sprat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I think I've made the question more complicated than it needed to be.
All I really need to know is whether the valid SOAP operations for a service 
are available in an Axis2  class somewhere?
Something like getValidSOAPOpeations() that returns a list would be ideal.  
Otherwise I'll need to hard-code constants for each operation in the WSDL and 
compare the results of  getSOAPAction to each one.  


keith chapman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   Why not write a custom dispatcher 
that does this. After all this is what your trying to do (Dispatch to an 
operation using some custom information).  You can have a look at the inbuilt 
dispatchers tp get an idea. Its pretty simple to write a new one.

On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 8:33 PM, Jack Sprat [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
  What I am trying to do is validate the SOAP operation invoked in the  handler 
class so I can take the appropriate action.
 I've found that many clients trying to consume the service don't know much 
about web services so they may send a request with no SOAPAction header or an 
invalid one.
  For example, my valid operations may be echo and calculate.  Can these 2 
operations be determined programatically somehow?  I'd like to get the valid 
operations this way and compare what I got from the getSOAPAction() method to 
see if I got a valid operation.  Basically, I'm trying to avoid hard-coding the 
operations in my Java code.

keith chapman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Hi Jack,

Can you state your requirement more clearly, that should help us provide you 
with a clear answer too. I couldn't   understand what you are intending to do


   On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 7:50 PM, Jack Sprat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I have a service that invokes a handler at the InFlow phase. Is there a way 
to programatically determine the valid SOAP operations at this point? I'd like 
to compare the value from getSOAPAction() to ensure a valid operation was 
I'm open to a better way of doing this.








[Axis2] endpoint domain

2008-05-29 Thread Jack Sprat
The domain of my WSDL endpoint location is being overlaid with an IP address 
when retrieving the WSDL using the ?wsdl parameter.  The location looks like 
this in the WSDL:

soap:address location=https://www.mydomain.com/mycontext/services/MyService; 

but appears like this when accessing with the ?wsdl parameter:

soap:address location=

I have the useOriginalWSDL parameter set to true in the services.xml file.
Will setting the modifyUserWSDLPortAddress parameter to false prevent this?



Re: [Axis2] valid SOAP operations

2008-05-29 Thread Jack Sprat
Where/how do I get the AxisService object in the code sample below?
 The code will be in the invoke method of my handler class that is invoked in 
the InFlow phase.

Eran Chinthaka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

AxisService service; // your axis service
String action = messageContext.getSoapAction();

AxisOperation op = service.getOperationBySOAPAction(action);

if (op == null) {
   op = service.getOperationByAction(action);

Please see [1] for more details. 

[1] : 
On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 10:58 AM, Jack Sprat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I think I've made the question more complicated than it needed to be.
All I really need to know is whether the valid SOAP operations for a service 
are available in an Axis2 class somewhere?
Something like getValidSOAPOpeations() that returns a list would be ideal.  
Otherwise I'll need to hard-code constants for each operation in the WSDL and 
compare the results of getSOAPAction to each one. 


keith chapman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Why not write a custom dispatcher 
that does this. After all this is what your trying to do (Dispatch to an 
operation using some custom information).  You can have a look at the inbuilt 
dispatchers tp get an idea. Its pretty simple to write a new one.

On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 8:33 PM, Jack Sprat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  What I am trying to do is validate the SOAP operation invoked in the handler 
class so I can take the appropriate action.
I've found that many clients trying to consume the service don't know much 
about web services so they may send a request with no SOAPAction header or an 
invalid one.
  For example, my valid operations may be echo and calculate.  Can these 2 
operations be determined programatically somehow?  I'd like to get the valid 
operations this way and compare what I got from the getSOAPAction() method to 
see if I got a valid operation.  Basically, I'm trying to avoid hard-coding the 
operations in my Java code.

keith chapman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   Hi Jack,

Can you state your requirement more clearly, that should help us provide you 
with a clear answer too. I couldn't  understand what you are intending to do


  On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 7:50 PM, Jack Sprat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I have a service that invokes a handler at the InFlow phase. Is there a way 
to programatically determine the valid SOAP operations at this point? I'd like 
to compare the value from getSOAPAction() to ensure a valid operation was 
   I'm open to a better way of doing this.






Re: [Axis2] valid SOAP operations

2008-05-29 Thread Jack Sprat
It is the last handler listed in the Dispatch phase of the InFlow phase order.


Eran Chinthaka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Where in InFlow will be your handler? 
Tell me its location relative to dispatch phase, and don't tell me its before 
the dispatch phase ;)

On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 10:25 AM, Jack Sprat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Where/how do I get the AxisService object in the code sample below?
 The code will be in the invoke method of my handler class that is invoked in 
the InFlow phase.

Eran Chinthaka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  

AxisService service; // your axis service
String action = messageContext.getSoapAction();

AxisOperation op = service.getOperationBySOAPAction(action);

if (op == null) {
   op = service.getOperationByAction(action);

Please see [1] for more details. 

[1] : 
On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 10:58 AM, Jack Sprat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I think I've made the question more complicated than it needed to be.
All I really need to know is whether the valid SOAP operations for a service 
are available in an Axis2 class somewhere?
Something like getValidSOAPOpeations() that returns a list would be ideal.  
Otherwise I'll need to hard-code constants for each operation in the WSDL and 
compare the results of  getSOAPAction to each one. 


keith chapman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   Why not write a custom dispatcher 
that does this. After all this is what your trying to do (Dispatch to an 
operation using some custom information).  You can have a look at the inbuilt 
dispatchers tp get an idea. Its pretty simple to write a new one.

On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 8:33 PM, Jack Sprat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   What I am trying to do is validate the SOAP operation invoked in the  
handler class so I can take the appropriate action.
I've found that many clients trying to consume the service don't know much 
about web services so they may send a request with no SOAPAction header or an 
invalid one.
   For example, my valid operations may be echo and calculate.  Can these 2 
operations be determined programatically somehow?  I'd like to get the valid 
operations this way and compare what I got from the getSOAPAction() method to 
see if I got a valid operation.  Basically, I'm trying to avoid hard-coding the 
operations in my Java code.

keith chapman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Hi Jack,

Can you state your requirement more clearly, that should help us provide you 
with a clear answer too. I couldn't   understand what you are intending to do


  On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 7:50 PM, Jack Sprat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I have a service that invokes a handler at the InFlow phase. Is there a way 
to programatically determine the valid SOAP operations at this point? I'd like 
to compare the value from getSOAPAction() to ensure a valid operation was 
I'm open to a better way of doing this.







[Axis2] ExceptionInInitializerError

2008-05-27 Thread Jack Sprat
I have an Axis2 1.2 service using XMLBeans 2.3 that has been working fine. A 
change was made to a schema so the beans were regenerated and all generated 
source was re-imported into the Eclipse project.
Now the service fails with an ExceptionInInitializerError for all operations.  
The line where is fails is the following line in the finally block of the 
HTTPTransportUtils#processHTTPPostRequest method:

msgContext.setEnvelope(new SOAP12Factory().getDefaultEnvelope());

The stack trace is below.

2008-05-27 15:39:36,031 ERROR AxisServlet - 
2008-05-27 15:39:36,109 ERROR [AxisServlet] - Servlet.service() for servlet 
AxisServlet threw exception
at org.apache.axis2.transport.http.AxisServlet.doPost(AxisServlet.java:170)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:709)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:802)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

NOTE - Subsequent calls fail with a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError exception.

What would cause this?  Any help is appreciated.



Re: [Axis2] ExceptionInInitializerError

2008-05-27 Thread Jack Sprat
Problem solved.
I needed to re-copy the schemaorg_apache_xmlbeans folder generated by the 
wsdl2java command back into the resources folder of the Eclipse project.

Jack Sprat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I have an Axis2 1.2 service using 
XMLBeans 2.3 that has been working fine. A change was made to a schema so the 
beans were regenerated and all generated source was re-imported into the 
Eclipse project.
Now the service fails with an ExceptionInInitializerError for all operations.  
The line where is fails is the following line in the finally block of the 
HTTPTransportUtils#processHTTPPostRequest method:

msgContext.setEnvelope(new SOAP12Factory().getDefaultEnvelope());

The stack trace is below.

2008-05-27 15:39:36,031 ERROR AxisServlet - 
2008-05-27 15:39:36,109 ERROR [AxisServlet] - Servlet.service() for servlet 
AxisServlet threw exception
at org.apache.axis2.transport.http.AxisServlet.doPost(AxisServlet.java:170)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:709)
at  javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:802)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

NOTE - Subsequent calls fail with a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError exception.

What would cause this?  Any help is appreciated.



[Axis2] valid SOAP operations

2008-05-23 Thread Jack Sprat
I have a service that invokes a handler at the InFlow phase. Is there a way to 
programatically determine the valid SOAP operations at this point? I'd like to 
compare the value from getSOAPAction() to ensure a valid operation was 
I'm open to a better way of doing this.



Re: WS-I Basic profile error

2008-04-08 Thread Jack Sprat
That made the errors disappear.
  Thanks so much for the tip!

Lawrence Mandel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  I think you're seeing these errors 
because you haven't specified the name 
attribute on your binding input and output elements. 

For example,



message=tns:availableResponseMsg /




style=document /

use=literal /






T. Allen  
04/08/2008 11:01 AM
Please respond to


Re: WS-I Basic profile error

Below is the output.

Warning: This web reference does not conform to WS-I Basic Profile v1.1.
R2718: A wsdl:binding in a DESCRIPTION MUST have the same set of
wsdl:operations as the wsdl:portType to which it refers.
  -  Operation 'imageCheck' on portType 'imageViewPortType' from namespace
'http://ws.myco.com/imageview' has no matching binding.
  -  Operation 'imageView' on portType 'imageViewPortType' from namespace
'http://ws.myco.com/imageview' has no matching binding.
  -  Operation 'imageCheck' on binding 'imageViewBinding' from namespace
'http://ws.myco.com/imageview' has no matching operation on portType
'imageViewPortType' from namespace 'http://ws.myco.com/imageview'.
  -  Operation 'imageCheck' on binding 'imageViewBinding' from namespace
'http://ws.myco.com/imageview' has no matching operation on portType
'imageViewPortType' from namespace 'http://ws.myco.com/imageview'.
  -  Operation 'imageView' on binding 'imageViewBinding' from namespace
'http://ws.myco.com/imageview' has no matching operation on portType
'imageViewPortType' from namespace 'http://ws.myco.com/imageview'.
  -  Operation 'imageView' on binding 'imageViewBinding' from namespace
'http://ws.myco.com/imageview' has no matching operation on portType
'imageViewPortType' from namespace 'http://ws.myco.com/imageview'.

Thanks very much for any help.

Anne Thomas Manes wrote:
 Please provide the specific error(s).


 On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 1:17 PM, Jack Sprat  
 I have a WSDL that passes WS-I basic profile validation when run from 
 latest version of soapUI.  I have a partner using .Net to consume the
 service that gets an error when trying to create a Web Reference to it. 
 trying to debug the problem for him and found that the Microsoft 
 tool is complaining that the WSDL does not conform to the WS-I Basic 
 1.1.  The errors indicate the operations have no matching binding but I
 cannot see the errors.  Can someone lend a hand?  This has me stumped. 
 WSDL is below.




 here. --

type=tns:PasswordType /


















 message=tns:availableRequestMsg /
 message=tns:availableResponseMsg /
 message=tns:generalErrorMsg /
 message=tns:schemaErrorMsg /

 message=tns:imagesResponseMsg /
 message=tns:generalErrorMsg /
 message=tns:schemaErrorMsg /


 xmlns:wsi=http://ws-i.org/schemas/conformanceClaim/; /
 transport=http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http; /

 style=document /

 style=document /
 part=authentication use=literal

WS-I Basic profile error

2008-04-07 Thread Jack Sprat
I have a WSDL that passes WS-I basic profile validation when run from the 
latest version of soapUI.  I have a partner using .Net to consume the service 
that gets an error when trying to create a Web Reference to it.  I'm trying to 
debug the problem for him and found that the Microsoft wsdl.exe tool is 
complaining that the WSDL does not conform to the WS-I Basic Profile 1.1.  The 
errors indicate the operations have no matching binding but I cannot see the 
errors.  Can someone lend a hand?  This has me stumped.  The WSDL is below.

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
wsdl:definitions name=imageViewService

xsd:schema attributeFormDefault=unqualified

!--  Reference all the schemas --
xsd:include schemaLocation=availableImagesRequest.xsd/
xsd:include schemaLocation=availableImagesResponse.xsd/
xsd:include schemaLocation=imagesRequest.xsd/
xsd:include schemaLocation=imagesResponse.xsd/

!-- Define simple types used in SOAP request/response here. --

xsd:complexType name=AuthenticationType
xsd:element name=user type=tns:UserType /
xsd:element name=password type=tns:PasswordType /

xsd:simpleType name=EchoRequestType
xsd:restriction base=xsd:string
xsd:maxLength value=100 /

xsd:simpleType name=PasswordType
xsd:restriction base=xsd:string
xsd:minLength value=5 /
xsd:maxLength value=10 /

xsd:simpleType name=UserType
xsd:restriction base=xsd:string
xsd:minLength value=5 /
xsd:maxLength value=10 /

!-- Define SOAP message names here. --

!-- Authentication SOAP Header  --
xsd:element name=auth type=tns:AuthenticationType /

!-- General Fault --
xsd:element name=generalError type=xsd:string /

!-- Schema Validation Fault --
xsd:element name=schemaError type=xsd:string /

!-- Echo Request Type --
xsd:element name=echoRequest type=tns:EchoRequestType /
!-- Echo Response Type --
xsd:element name=echoResponse type=xsd:string /

!-- Define SOAP messages here. --

!-- = Authentication SOAP Header = --
wsdl:message name=authenticationMsg
wsdl:part element=tns:auth name=authentication /

!-- = General Fault = --
wsdl:message name=generalErrorMsg
wsdl:part element=tns:generalError name=fault /

!-- = Schema Validation Fault = --
wsdl:message name=schemaErrorMsg
wsdl:part element=tns:schemaError name=fault /

!-- = Echo = --
wsdl:message name=echoRequestMsg
wsdl:part element=tns:echoRequest name=echoRequest /
wsdl:message name=echoResponseMsg
wsdl:part element=tns:echoResponse name=echoResponse /

!-- = Available Images = --
wsdl:message name=availableRequestMsg
wsdl:part element=tns:availRequest name=availableRequest /
wsdl:message name=availableResponseMsg
wsdl:part element=tns:availResponse name=availableResponse /

!-- = Document Images = --
wsdl:message name=imagesRequestMsg
wsdl:part element=tns:imgRequest name=imagesRequest /
wsdl:message name=imagesResponseMsg
wsdl:part element=tns:imgResponse name=imagesResponse /

!-- Define operations (one way or round-trip) here. --

wsdl:portType name=imageViewPortType
wsdl:operation name=echo
wsdl:input name=echoRequest message=tns:echoRequestMsg /
wsdl:output name=echoResponse message=tns:echoResponseMsg /

wsdl:operation name=imageCheck
wsdl:input name=availableRequest 
message=tns:availableRequestMsg /
wsdl:output name=availableResponse 
message=tns:availableResponseMsg /

Re: [Axis2] UnsupportedOperationException: TODO

2007-10-02 Thread Jack Sprat
For anyone using Websphere version 6.1, this appears to be a bug that was 
corrected with fix pack5.  See this link:


Jack Sprat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I am trying to validate an XML file 
against a schema and get an UnsupportedOperationException with a message of 
TODO (no quotes) when running in Websphere 6.1.  This does not fail in Tomcat 

Here is a snippet of the stack trace:

java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: TODO

  at org.apache.xerces.jaxp.validation.ValidatorImpl.validate(Unknown
  at javax.xml.validation.Validator.validate(Unknown Source)

The source of the Axiom 1.2.4 DocumentImpl#getDocType method:

public DocumentType getDoctype() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(TODO);

Is the wrong DOM implementation being used?  If so, how can I fix this??  I'm 
using Axis2-1.2.



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[Axis2] UnsupportedOperationException: TODO

2007-09-25 Thread Jack Sprat
I am trying to validate an XML file against a schema and get an 
UnsupportedOperationException with a message of TODO (no quotes) when running 
in Websphere 6.1.  This does not fail in Tomcat 5.5

Here is a snippet of the stack trace:

java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: TODO

  at org.apache.xerces.jaxp.validation.ValidatorImpl.validate(Unknown
  at javax.xml.validation.Validator.validate(Unknown Source)

The source of the Axiom 1.2.4 DocumentImpl#getDocType method:

public DocumentType getDoctype() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(TODO);

Is the wrong DOM implementation being used?  If so, how can I fix this??  I'm 
using Axis2-1.2.


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[Axis2] schema validation exception

2007-09-24 Thread Jack Sprat
I am getting an UnsupportedOperation Exception each time I try to validate an 
OMElement against a schema.  I am using Axis2 1.2 with no data binding so my 
service class receives an OMElement object.  The validation code is quite 

// Get XML stream reader from OMElement received
XMLStreamReader reader = doc.getXMLStreamReader();
//Create the DOOM OMFactory
OMFactory doomFactory = DOOMAbstractFactory.getOMFactory();
//Create the new builder
StAXOMBuilder doomBuilder = new StAXOMBuilder(doomFactory, reader);
//Get the document element
OMElement omElem = doomBuilder.getDocumentElement();

try {
SchemaFactory factory = 
Schema xsd = factory.newSchema(schemaLocation);
Validator validator = xsd.newValidator();
validator.validate(new DOMSource((Element) omElem));
return true;
catch (Exception e) {
return false;

Below is a snippet of the stack trace:

java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: TODO
  at org.apache.xerces.jaxp.validation.ValidatorImpl.validate(Unknown
  at javax.xml.validation.Validator.validate(Unknown Source)

Note that this works fine in Tomcat 5.5 but chokes in Websphere 6.1 so I 
suspect there is a class loading issue somewhere.  What could be the problem??


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Re: [Axis2] schema validation exception

2007-09-24 Thread Jack Sprat
I am using the Axiom and Xerces JAR files included with the Axis2-1.2 


I assume those are the right ones??  These are included in the deployed WAR 
file.  I went through the pain of my 1st Websphere installation a few weeks 
back so I knew to set the parent class loader to last.

Is there anything else I should check?  I've been flustered thus far.

- T

Martin Gainty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   For your websphere environment

check the  version of axiom jar 
(assume  axiom-api-1.1.1.jar)

 check the version of  Xerces
 (assume version 2.8.0  xercesImpl.jar)

in either case I would copy the 2 good jars to your  webspere deployment 
library folder


- Original Message - 
   To: axis-user@ws.apache.org 
   Sent: Monday, September 24, 2007 12:53PM
   Subject: [Axis2] schema validationexception

I am gettingan UnsupportedOperation Exception each time I try to validate 
an OMElementagainst a schema.  I am using Axis2 1.2 with no data binding so 
myservice class receives an OMElement object.  The validation code is quite 

// Get XML stream readerfrom OMElement received
   XMLStreamReader reader = doc.getXMLStreamReader();
   //Create the DOOM OMFactory
   OMFactory doomFactory =DOOMAbstractFactory.getOMFactory();
   //Create the new builder
   StAXOMBuilder doomBuilder = new StAXOMBuilder(doomFactory,
//Get the documentelement
OMElement omElem =doomBuilder.getDocumentElement();

   try {
   SchemaFactory factory =
   Schema xsd =factory.newSchema(schemaLocation);
   Validator validator =xsd.newValidator();
   validator.validate(new DOMSource((Element)omElem));
   catch (Exception e) {
   return false;

Below is a snippet of the stack trace:

java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: TODO
  at org.apache.xerces.jaxp.validation.ValidatorImpl.validate(Unknown
  at javax.xml.validation.Validator.validate(Unknown Source)

Note that this works fine in Tomcat 5.5 but chokes in Websphere 6.1 so I 
suspect there is a class loading issue somewhere.  What could be the problem??



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[Axis2] NoSuchMethodException

2007-08-07 Thread Jack Sprat
I'm using Axis2 1.2 and have turned on log4j debugging on the root to  display 
all DEBUG level messages.  I see a NoSuchMethodException  on each request:
  2007-08-06 15:51:42,264 DEBUG DependencyManager - Exception trying to call 
  at java.lang.Class.throwNoSuchMethodException(Class.java:275)
  at java.lang.Class.getMethod(Class.java:780)
  What is causing this exception?  Is this error anything to be concerned about?
Take the Internet to Go: Yahoo!Go puts the Internet in your pocket: mail, news, 
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Re: [Axis2] NoSuchMethodException

2007-08-07 Thread Jack Sprat
Thanks for the quick reply.
  Is there any further info. on this exception that you can  provide?  Is there 
anything I can do to prevent it from happening?

Davanum Srinivas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Safe to ignore this.

-- dims

On 8/7/07, Jack Sprat  wrote:
 I'm using Axis2 1.2 and have turned on log4j debugging on the root to
 display all DEBUG level messages.  I see a NoSuchMethodException on each

  2007-08-06 15:51:42,264 DEBUG DependencyManager - Exception trying to call
  at java.lang.Class.getMethod(Class.java:780)

  What is causing this exception?  Is this error anything to be concerned


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Re: [Axis2] NoSuchMethodException

2007-08-07 Thread Jack Sprat
  Another reason to get version 1.3...

Deepal Jayasinghe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  The issue is fixed in 1.3


Davanum Srinivas wrote:
 add a dummy method - init(org.apache.axis2.context.ServiceContext)

 On 8/7/07, Jack Sprat  wrote:
 Thanks for the quick reply.
  Is there any further info. on this exception that you can provide?  Is
 there anything I can do to prevent it from happening?


 Davanum Srinivas  wrote:
  Safe to ignore this.

 -- dims

 On 8/7/07, Jack Sprat wrote:
 I'm using Axis2 1.2 and have turned on log4j debugging on the root to
 display all DEBUG level messages. I see a NoSuchMethodException on each

 2007-08-06 15:51:42,264 DEBUG DependencyManager - Exception trying to call


 at java.lang.Class.getMethod(Class.java:780)


 What is causing this exception? Is this error anything to be concerned


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[Axis2] Websphere 6.1 deployment error

2007-07-31 Thread Jack Sprat
I have an Axis2 1.2 service that works fine on Tomcat 5.5.  All the Axis2 
artifacts are contained in one big WAR file.  Deploying the WAR file to 
Websphere 6.1 yields the following error:

INFO  ServiceDeployer - The imageview service, which is not valid, caused

I've set the class loading to parent last for this web application but get the 
same result.  I've also tried setting the server-specific application settings 
to Single classloader policy and Parent Last for the class loading policy.  
No luck.
There must be some sort of class loading error happening here.

Any tips would be *greatly* appreciated.


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Re: RE [Axis2] Websphere 6.1 deployment error

2007-07-31 Thread Jack Sprat
I already had the application itself set to loading parent last.  However, I 
had not changed the WAR class loader policy option to single class loader for 
Making that change got rid of the error, but now when I try to invoke my 
service I get the following error:

Error 404: SRVE0201E: Servlet [org.apache.axis2.transport.http.AxisServlet]: 
not a servlet class

What could be causing this?


I'm running Axis2 with websphere 6.1 without any problem. 
The issue you have seems to be the same as the one depicted here: 
   Jack Sprat [EMAIL PROTECTED]  31/07/2007 16:25Veuillez répondre à
 axis-user@ws.apache.org   cc
 [Axis2] Websphere 6.1 deployment error 

I have an Axis2 1.2 service that works fine on Tomcat 5.5.  All the Axis2 
artifacts are contained in one big WAR file.  Deploying the WAR file to 
Websphere 6.1 yields the following error:
INFO  ServiceDeployer - The imageview service, which is not valid, caused

 I've set the class loading to parent last for this web application but get the 
same result.  I've also tried setting the server-specific application settings 
to Single classloader policy and Parent Last for the class loading policy.  
No luck.
 There must be some sort of class loading error happening here.
 Any tips would be *greatly* appreciated.


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Re: RE [Axis2] Websphere 6.1 deployment error

2007-07-31 Thread Jack Sprat
Thank you very much or the tip!
Removing the servletapi-2.3.jar file from the WAR file seemed to do the trick.  
The error that the AxisServlet is not a servlet is gone and I see the 
AxisServlet and SOAPMonitorService initialized.  I was able to run a successful 
echo test.
I'm not sure I am home free yet, but getting a successful echo test was a big 
step.  This has been quite an ordeal.

I'll post Websphere 6.1 tips when I get everything up and running to help those 
who dare to tackle this in the future.


Marcel Urbanek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi,

the reason for this error message is usually, that you included the 
javax.servlet.Servlet class somewhere in a jar in your web-inf/lib 
directory. Delete that jar and it should work.

If you have classloader problems regarding axis2, it may help to add the 
jars by adding them as shared library instead of copying them to your 


Jack Sprat schrieb:
 I already had the application itself set to loading parent last.  
 However, I had not changed the WAR class loader policy option to 
 single class loader for application.
 Making that change got rid of the error, but now when I try to invoke 
 my service I get the following error:

 Error 404: SRVE0201E: Servlet 
 [org.apache.axis2.transport.http.AxisServlet]: not a servlet class

 What could be causing this?


 */[EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote:

 I'm running Axis2 with websphere 6.1 without any problem.
 The issue you have seems to be the same as the one depicted here:


 *Jack Sprat *
 31/07/2007 16:25
 Veuillez répondre à

  [Axis2] Websphere 6.1 deployment error


 I have an Axis2 1.2 service that works fine on Tomcat 5.5.  All
 the Axis2 artifacts are contained in one big WAR file.  Deploying
 the WAR file to Websphere 6.1 yields the following error:

 INFO  ServiceDeployer - The imageview service, which is not valid,

 I've set the class loading to parent last for this web application
 but get the same result.  I've also tried setting the
 server-specific application settings to Single classloader
 policy and Parent Last for the class loading policy.  No luck.
 There must be some sort of class loading error happening here.

 Any tips would be *greatly* appreciated.


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Re: [Axis2] SOAPMonitorApplet port

2007-07-30 Thread Jack Sprat
The SOAP monitor is now working fine in my Axis2 web service.
Many thanks to Robert Lazasrki for the assistance.

It turns out that the port error occurs only when running Tomcat 5.5 within 
Eclipse.  Also the messages referring to a null handler for the SOAP monitor 
phase can be ignored.

One other confusing aspect of getting this running is that the port specified 
in the web.xml file is NOT the port used in the URL of the SOAP monitor.  For 
example, port 5001 was defined in the web.xml file but the URL is:
I was trying:


robert lazarski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Search for 'Deploying module' - you 
may be doing it twice as that's
the only thing I can think of. Sure you only have one war with axis2 ?
When you shutdown tomcat, is java.exe still holding on to ports 5001,
3901 etc ?

BTW, I just tested the soapmonitor with the 1.3 branch nightly from
yesterday and it can use other ports like 3901 just fine. I'll improve
the debugging a little to indicate what port its going to bind to.

A suggestion is to use the 1.3 branch war as I mentioned last post -
it'll be final shortly and as I said with that code I can't reproduce
your problem.

Also, sure, send me the logs off list and maybe I'll see something.


On 7/27/07, Jack Sprat  wrote:

 Setting the log4j level to DEBUG produced quite a lot of messages in the
 Tomcat 5.5 console within Eclipse upon startup.
 There are a bunch of sax and Digester messages prior to the port error, but
 nothing that looks related.  The 2 messages immediately before the port
 error are:

 2007-07-27 11:16:46,687 DEBUG [/Eclipse_project_name] - Sending application
 start events
 2007-07-27 11:16:46,687 DEBUG [/Eclipse_project_name] - Starting filters

 Is there anything in particular I should be looking for?
 I could send all the messages to you off-list.


 robert lazarski  wrote:
  What version are you using?

 That's a pretty strange problem. There are people that use this tool
 and I've never heard of an issue like this. We're about to do a
 release soon - can you try these?


 I can't think of anything off hand on windows that could track down
 what class loaded by java.exe is using the port. Can you put
 WEB-INF/classes/log4j.properties in DEBUG, along with a
 log4j.jar in
 WEB-INF/lib . That should create a bunch of axis2 content on
 catalina.out. If you could send that to this list, we might be able
 to track it down.


 On 7/26/07, Jack Sprat wrote:
  Hi Robert,
  Only the Java executable (javaw.exe) is using the port. It does not matter
  what port I set in web.xml - it is always in use by the Java executable.
  I thought I could find an open port, but it does not seem to matter which
  one I use. It is *always* taken by javaw.exe.
  It''s almost like Axis2 is reserving the port and then trying to use it
  again, causing the bind error.
  robert lazarski wrote:
  What is connected to 3901 ? There's 65,000 or so ports, so I'm sure
  you should be able to find one of them open ;-) .
  On 7/26/07, Jack Sprat wrote:
   Hi Robert.
   I used ActivePorts for Windows, as suggested earlier. This showed the
   specified in web.xml as occupied by javaw.exe.
   What could be the problem here?
   Thanks again for trying to help.
   robert lazarski wrote:
   I'm not a windows user, but you do have the netstat command that can
   help you track your occupied ports. On linux it'd be 'netstat -ancp |
   grep 5001' .
   You can engage the module in either services.xml or axis2.xml - but
   not both. engaging in axis2.xml make the module available for all
   services, whereas alternatively engaging in the services,xml makes to
   module available to just that service.
   If all else fails, you could use tcpmon as an alternative.
   On 7/25/07, Jack Sprat wrote:
Hi Robert.
Thanks for trying to help. This has me quite confused.
The Tomcat console says that the server socket on the port specified
web.xml cannot be opened. If I set port 3901 then the console says
3901 cannot be opened. Same for port 5001.
The ports show as used by the javaw.exe process.
My only other question on the SOAP monitor applet is where to set the
ref. I have this set in the services.xml file. This is the same as the
logging module, with the instructions here:
But the SOAP monitor page says to set the module reference in the
file. Which is right?
Axis2 with Tomcat 5.5
robert lazarski wrote:
When you set the port to 3901, does it still say cannot connect

Re: [Axis2] SOAPMonitorApplet port

2007-07-27 Thread Jack Sprat

Setting the log4j level to DEBUG produced quite a lot of messages in the Tomcat 
5.5 console within Eclipse upon startup.
There are a bunch of sax and Digester messages prior to the port error, but 
nothing that looks related.  The 2 messages immediately before the port error 

2007-07-27 11:16:46,687 DEBUG [/Eclipse_project_name] - Sending application 
start events
2007-07-27 11:16:46,687 DEBUG [/Eclipse_project_name] - Starting filters

Is there anything in particular I should be looking for?
I could send all the messages to you off-list.


robert lazarski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: What version are you using?

That's a pretty strange problem. There are people that use this tool
and I've never heard of an issue like this. We're about to do a
release soon - can you try these?


I can't think of anything off hand on windows that could track down
what class loaded by java.exe is using the port. Can you put
WEB-INF/classes/log4j.properties in DEBUG, along with a log4j.jar in
WEB-INF/lib . That should create a bunch of axis2 content on
catalina.out.  If you could send that to this list, we might be able
to track it down.


On 7/26/07, Jack Sprat  wrote:
 Hi Robert,

 Only the Java executable (javaw.exe) is using the port.  It does not matter
 what port I set in web.xml - it is always in use by the Java executable.
 I thought I could find an open port, but it does not seem to matter which
 one I use.  It is *always* taken by javaw.exe.

 It''s almost like Axis2 is reserving the port and then trying to use it
 again, causing the bind error.


 robert lazarski  wrote:
  What is connected to 3901 ? There's 65,000 or so ports, so I'm sure
 you should be able to find one of them open ;-) .


 On 7/26/07, Jack Sprat wrote:
  Hi Robert.
  I used ActivePorts for Windows, as suggested earlier. This showed the port
  specified in web.xml as occupied by javaw.exe.
  What could be the problem here?
  Thanks again for trying to help.
  robert lazarski wrote:
  I'm not a windows user, but you do have the netstat command that can
  help you track your occupied ports. On linux it'd be 'netstat -ancp |
  grep 5001' .
  You can engage the module in either services.xml or axis2.xml - but
  not both. engaging in axis2.xml make the module available for all
  services, whereas alternatively engaging in the services,xml makes to
  module available to just that service.
  If all else fails, you could use tcpmon as an alternative.
  On 7/25/07, Jack Sprat wrote:
   Hi Robert.
   Thanks for trying to help. This has me quite confused.
   The Tomcat console says that the server socket on the port specified in
   web.xml cannot be opened. If I set port 3901 then the console says port
   3901 cannot be opened. Same for port 5001.
   The ports show as used by the javaw.exe process.
   My only other question on the SOAP monitor applet is where to set the
   ref. I have this set in the services.xml file. This is the same as the
   logging module, with the instructions here:
   But the SOAP monitor page says to set the module reference in the
   file. Which is right?
   Axis2 with Tomcat 5.5
   robert lazarski wrote:
   When you set the port to 3901, does it still say cannot connect to
   5001? Can you try RC2? I'll try to give this scenario a spin today.
   On 7/24/07, Jack Sprat wrote:
I've tried ports 3901, 5001 and 5050. All gave the same result.
robert lazarski wrote:
Have you tried changing to another port in the web.xml?
On 7/24/07, Jack Sprat wrote:
 I've followed the instructions for setting up the SOAP monitor


 Whenever I start my server I get the following errors:

 2007-07-24 18:18:20,468 ERROR SOAPMonitorService - Unable to open
 socket using port: 5001
 2007-07-24 18:18:20,484 ERROR SOAPMonitorService - Address already

 It does not seem to matter what port is used.

 What am I doing wrong?


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Check out fun summer activities for kids.

Re: [Axis2] SOAPMonitorApplet port

2007-07-27 Thread Jack Sprat
It looks like the port binding error occurs only when starting Tomcat 5.5 
within the Eclipse WTP.  I don't see the error when deploying the WAR file 
directly to Tomcat 5.5

However I see this message 12 times upon startup:
Handler null added to Phase soapmonitorPhase

Then when I invoke an operation I see:
Invoking Handler 'null' in Phase 'soapmonitorPhase'

My logging module works fine so I am fairly sure I deployed the SOAP monitor 
module right.


robert lazarski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Search for 'Deploying module' - you 
may be doing it twice as that's
the only thing I can think of. Sure you only have one war with axis2 ?
When you shutdown tomcat, is java.exe still holding on to ports 5001,
3901 etc ?

BTW, I just tested the soapmonitor with the 1.3 branch nightly from
yesterday and it can use other ports like 3901 just fine. I'll improve
the debugging a little to indicate what port its going to bind to.

A suggestion is to use the 1.3 branch war as I mentioned last post -
it'll be final shortly and as I said with that code I can't reproduce
your problem.

Also, sure, send me the logs off list and maybe I'll see something.


On 7/27/07, Jack Sprat  wrote:

 Setting the log4j level to DEBUG produced quite a lot of messages in the
 Tomcat 5.5 console within Eclipse upon startup.
 There are a bunch of sax and Digester messages prior to the port error, but
 nothing that looks related.  The 2 messages immediately before the port
 error are:

 2007-07-27 11:16:46,687 DEBUG [/Eclipse_project_name] - Sending application
 start events
 2007-07-27 11:16:46,687 DEBUG [/Eclipse_project_name] - Starting filters

 Is there anything in particular I should be looking for?
 I could send all the messages to you off-list.


 robert lazarski  wrote:
  What version are you using?

 That's a pretty strange problem. There are people that use this tool
 and I've never heard of an issue like this. We're about to do a
 release soon - can you try these?


 I can't think of anything off hand on windows that could track down
 what class loaded by java.exe is using the port. Can you put
 WEB-INF/classes/log4j.properties in DEBUG, along with a
 log4j.jar in
 WEB-INF/lib . That should create a bunch of axis2 content on
 catalina.out. If you could send that to this list, we might be able
 to track it down.


 On 7/26/07, Jack Sprat wrote:
  Hi Robert,
  Only the Java executable (javaw.exe) is using the port. It does not matter
  what port I set in web.xml - it is always in use by the Java executable.
  I thought I could find an open port, but it does not seem to matter which
  one I use. It is *always* taken by javaw.exe.
  It''s almost like Axis2 is reserving the port and then trying to use it
  again, causing the bind error.
  robert lazarski wrote:
  What is connected to 3901 ? There's 65,000 or so ports, so I'm sure
  you should be able to find one of them open ;-) .
  On 7/26/07, Jack Sprat wrote:
   Hi Robert.
   I used ActivePorts for Windows, as suggested earlier. This showed the
   specified in web.xml as occupied by javaw.exe.
   What could be the problem here?
   Thanks again for trying to help.
   robert lazarski wrote:
   I'm not a windows user, but you do have the netstat command that can
   help you track your occupied ports. On linux it'd be 'netstat -ancp |
   grep 5001' .
   You can engage the module in either services.xml or axis2.xml - but
   not both. engaging in axis2.xml make the module available for all
   services, whereas alternatively engaging in the services,xml makes to
   module available to just that service.
   If all else fails, you could use tcpmon as an alternative.
   On 7/25/07, Jack Sprat wrote:
Hi Robert.
Thanks for trying to help. This has me quite confused.
The Tomcat console says that the server socket on the port specified
web.xml cannot be opened. If I set port 3901 then the console says
3901 cannot be opened. Same for port 5001.
The ports show as used by the javaw.exe process.
My only other question on the SOAP monitor applet is where to set the
ref. I have this set in the services.xml file. This is the same as the
logging module, with the instructions here:
But the SOAP monitor page says to set the module reference in the
file. Which is right?
Axis2 with Tomcat 5.5
robert lazarski wrote:
When you set the port to 3901, does it still say cannot connect to
5001? Can you try RC2? I'll try to give this scenario a spin today.
On 7/24/07, Jack Sprat wrote:
 I've tried ports 3901, 5001

Re: [Axis2] SOAPMonitorApplet port

2007-07-26 Thread Jack Sprat
Hi Robert,

Only the Java executable (javaw.exe) is using the port.  It does not matter 
what port I set in web.xml - it is always in use by the Java executable.
I thought I could find an open port, but it does not seem to matter which one I 
use.  It is *always* taken by javaw.exe.

It''s almost like Axis2 is reserving the port and then trying to use it again, 
causing the bind error.


robert lazarski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: What is connected to 3901 ? There's 
65,000 or so ports, so I'm sure
you should be able to find one of them open ;-) .


On 7/26/07, Jack Sprat  wrote:
 Hi Robert.

 I used ActivePorts for Windows, as suggested earlier.  This showed the port
 specified in web.xml as occupied by javaw.exe.

 What could be the problem here?

 Thanks again for trying to help.

 robert lazarski  wrote:
  I'm not a windows user, but you do have the netstat command that can
 help you track your occupied ports. On linux it'd be 'netstat -ancp |
 grep 5001' .

 You can engage the module in either services.xml or axis2.xml - but
 not both. engaging in axis2.xml make the module available for all
 services, whereas alternatively engaging in the services,xml makes to
 module available to just that service.

 If all else fails, you could use tcpmon as an alternative.


 On 7/25/07, Jack Sprat wrote:
  Hi Robert.
  Thanks for trying to help. This has me quite confused.
  The Tomcat console says that the server socket on the port specified in
  web.xml cannot be opened. If I set port 3901 then the console says port
  3901 cannot be opened. Same for port 5001.
  The ports show as used by the javaw.exe process.
  My only other question on the SOAP monitor applet is where to set the
  ref. I have this set in the services.xml file. This is the same as the
  logging module, with the instructions here:
  But the SOAP monitor page says to set the module reference in the
  file. Which is right?
  Axis2 with Tomcat 5.5
  robert lazarski wrote:
  When you set the port to 3901, does it still say cannot connect to
  5001? Can you try RC2? I'll try to give this scenario a spin today.
  On 7/24/07, Jack Sprat wrote:
   I've tried ports 3901, 5001 and 5050. All gave the same result.
   robert lazarski wrote:
   Have you tried changing to another port in the web.xml?
   On 7/24/07, Jack Sprat wrote:
I've followed the instructions for setting up the SOAP monitor applet
Whenever I start my server I get the following errors:
2007-07-24 18:18:20,468 ERROR SOAPMonitorService - Unable to open
socket using port: 5001
2007-07-24 18:18:20,484 ERROR SOAPMonitorService - Address already in
It does not seem to matter what port is used.
What am I doing wrong?

Be a better Heartthrob. Get better relationship answers from someone who knows.
Yahoo! Answers - Check it out. 

Re: [Axis2] SOAPMonitorApplet port

2007-07-26 Thread Jack Sprat
Hi Robert.

I used ActivePorts for Windows, as suggested earlier.  This showed the port 
specified in web.xml as occupied by javaw.exe.

What could be the problem here?

Thanks again for trying to help.

robert lazarski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I'm not a windows user, but you do 
have the netstat command that can
help you track your occupied ports. On linux it'd be 'netstat -ancp |
grep 5001' .

You can engage the module in either services.xml or axis2.xml - but
not both. engaging in axis2.xml make the module available for all
services, whereas alternatively engaging in the services,xml makes to
module available to just that service.

If all else fails, you could use tcpmon as an alternative.


On 7/25/07, Jack Sprat  wrote:
 Hi Robert.

 Thanks for trying to help.  This has me quite confused.
 The Tomcat console says that the server socket on the port specified in
 web.xml cannot be opened.  If I set port 3901 then the console says port
 3901 cannot be opened.  Same for port 5001.
 The ports show as used by the javaw.exe process.

 My only other question on the SOAP monitor applet is where to set the module
 ref.  I have this set in the services.xml file.  This is the same as the
 logging module, with the instructions here:
 But the SOAP monitor page says to set the module reference in the axis2.xml
 file.  Which is right?

 Axis2 with Tomcat 5.5


 robert lazarski  wrote:
  When you set the port to 3901, does it still say cannot connect to
 5001? Can you try RC2? I'll try to give this scenario a spin today.


 On 7/24/07, Jack Sprat wrote:
  I've tried ports 3901, 5001 and 5050. All gave the same result.
  robert lazarski wrote:
  Have you tried changing to another port in the web.xml?
  On 7/24/07, Jack Sprat wrote:
   I've followed the instructions for setting up the SOAP monitor applet
   Whenever I start my server I get the following errors:
   2007-07-24 18:18:20,468 ERROR SOAPMonitorService - Unable to open server
   socket using port: 5001
   2007-07-24 18:18:20,484 ERROR SOAPMonitorService - Address already in
   It does not seem to matter what port is used.
   What am I doing wrong?

Be a better Globetrotter. Get better travel answers from someone who knows.
Yahoo! Answers - Check it out.

Re: [Axis2] SOAPMonitorApplet port

2007-07-26 Thread Jack Sprat
I'm using Axis2 version 1.2.
I've already got a log4j.xml config. file in place.  I'll set the debugging 
level on oprg.apache to DEBUG and post back.

Thanks again for the help.

robert lazarski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: What version are you using?

That's a pretty strange problem. There are people that use this tool
and I've never heard of an issue like this. We're about to do a
release soon - can you try these?


I can't think of anything off hand on windows that could track down
what class loaded by java.exe is using the port. Can you put
WEB-INF/classes/log4j.properties in DEBUG, along with a log4j.jar in
WEB-INF/lib . That should create a bunch of axis2 content on
catalina.out.  If you could send that to this list, we might be able
to track it down.


On 7/26/07, Jack Sprat  wrote:
 Hi Robert,

 Only the Java executable (javaw.exe) is using the port.  It does not matter
 what port I set in web.xml - it is always in use by the Java executable.
 I thought I could find an open port, but it does not seem to matter which
 one I use.  It is *always* taken by javaw.exe.

 It''s almost like Axis2 is reserving the port and then trying to use it
 again, causing the bind error.


 robert lazarski  wrote:
  What is connected to 3901 ? There's 65,000 or so ports, so I'm sure
 you should be able to find one of them open ;-) .


 On 7/26/07, Jack Sprat wrote:
  Hi Robert.
  I used ActivePorts for Windows, as suggested earlier. This showed the port
  specified in web.xml as occupied by javaw.exe.
  What could be the problem here?
  Thanks again for trying to help.
  robert lazarski wrote:
  I'm not a windows user, but you do have the netstat command that can
  help you track your occupied ports. On linux it'd be 'netstat -ancp |
  grep 5001' .
  You can engage the module in either services.xml or axis2.xml - but
  not both. engaging in axis2.xml make the module available for all
  services, whereas alternatively engaging in the services,xml makes to
  module available to just that service.
  If all else fails, you could use tcpmon as an alternative.
  On 7/25/07, Jack Sprat wrote:
   Hi Robert.
   Thanks for trying to help. This has me quite confused.
   The Tomcat console says that the server socket on the port specified in
   web.xml cannot be opened. If I set port 3901 then the console says port
   3901 cannot be opened. Same for port 5001.
   The ports show as used by the javaw.exe process.
   My only other question on the SOAP monitor applet is where to set the
   ref. I have this set in the services.xml file. This is the same as the
   logging module, with the instructions here:
   But the SOAP monitor page says to set the module reference in the
   file. Which is right?
   Axis2 with Tomcat 5.5
   robert lazarski wrote:
   When you set the port to 3901, does it still say cannot connect to
   5001? Can you try RC2? I'll try to give this scenario a spin today.
   On 7/24/07, Jack Sprat wrote:
I've tried ports 3901, 5001 and 5050. All gave the same result.
robert lazarski wrote:
Have you tried changing to another port in the web.xml?
On 7/24/07, Jack Sprat wrote:
 I've followed the instructions for setting up the SOAP monitor


 Whenever I start my server I get the following errors:

 2007-07-24 18:18:20,468 ERROR SOAPMonitorService - Unable to open
 socket using port: 5001
 2007-07-24 18:18:20,484 ERROR SOAPMonitorService - Address already

 It does not seem to matter what port is used.

 What am I doing wrong?


 Be a better Heartthrob. Get better relationship answers from someone who
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RE: [Axis2] SOAPMonitorApplet port

2007-07-25 Thread Jack Sprat
Thanks. I'll give that a try.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: If you're stuck using windows then you can use the 
aports (active ports) utility to see exactly what ports are in use. It's a free 
download, easy to find via google.

Michael Davis

 -Original Message-
 From: robert lazarski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2007 7:07 AM
 To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
 Subject: Re: [Axis2] SOAPMonitorApplet port
 When you set the port to 3901, does it still say cannot connect to
 5001? Can you try RC2? I'll try to give this scenario a spin today.
 On 7/24/07, Jack Sprat  wrote:
  I've tried ports 3901, 5001 and 5050.  All gave the same result.
  robert lazarski  wrote:
   Have you tried changing to another port in the web.xml?
  On 7/24/07, Jack Sprat wrote:
   I've followed the instructions for setting up the SOAP 
 monitor applet
   Whenever I start my server I get the following errors:
   2007-07-24 18:18:20,468 ERROR SOAPMonitorService - Unable 
 to open server
   socket using port: 5001
   2007-07-24 18:18:20,484 ERROR SOAPMonitorService - 
 Address already in use:
   It does not seem to matter what port is used.
   What am I doing wrong?

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Re: [Axis2] SOAPMonitorApplet port

2007-07-25 Thread Jack Sprat
Hi Robert.

Thanks for trying to help.  This has me quite confused.
The Tomcat console says that the server socket on the port specified in web.xml 
cannot be opened.  If I set port 3901 then the console says port 3901 cannot be 
opened.  Same for port 5001.
The ports show as used by the javaw.exe process.

My only other question on the SOAP monitor applet is where to set the module 
ref.  I have this set in the services.xml file.  This is the same as the 
logging module, with the instructions here:
But the SOAP monitor page says to set the module reference in the axis2.xml 
file.  Which is right?

Axis2 with Tomcat 5.5


robert lazarski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: When you set the port to 3901, does 
it still say cannot connect to
5001? Can you try RC2? I'll try to give this scenario a spin today.


On 7/24/07, Jack Sprat  wrote:
 I've tried ports 3901, 5001 and 5050.  All gave the same result.

 robert lazarski  wrote:
  Have you tried changing to another port in the web.xml?


 On 7/24/07, Jack Sprat wrote:
  I've followed the instructions for setting up the SOAP monitor applet
  Whenever I start my server I get the following errors:
  2007-07-24 18:18:20,468 ERROR SOAPMonitorService - Unable to open server
  socket using port: 5001
  2007-07-24 18:18:20,484 ERROR SOAPMonitorService - Address already in use:
  It does not seem to matter what port is used.
  What am I doing wrong?

Sick sense of humor? Visit Yahoo! TV's Comedy with an Edge to see what's on, 

[Axis2] SOAPMonitorApplet port

2007-07-24 Thread Jack Sprat
I've followed the instructions for setting up the SOAP monitor applet here:

Whenever I start my server I get the following errors:

2007-07-24 18:18:20,468 ERROR SOAPMonitorService - Unable to open server socket 
using port: 5001
2007-07-24 18:18:20,484 ERROR SOAPMonitorService - Address already in use: 

It does not seem to matter what port is used.

What am I doing wrong?


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Re: [Axis2] SOAPMonitorApplet port

2007-07-24 Thread Jack Sprat
I've tried ports 3901, 5001 and 5050.  All gave the same result.

robert lazarski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Have you tried changing to another 
port in the web.xml?


On 7/24/07, Jack Sprat  wrote:
 I've followed the instructions for setting up the SOAP monitor applet here:

 Whenever I start my server I get the following errors:

 2007-07-24 18:18:20,468 ERROR SOAPMonitorService - Unable to open server
 socket using port: 5001
 2007-07-24 18:18:20,484 ERROR SOAPMonitorService - Address already in use:

 It does not seem to matter what port is used.

 What am I doing wrong?


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Re: [AXIS] SOAPConnectionImpl timeout

2007-07-23 Thread Jack Sprat
Can someone answer this question?  My guess is milliseconds but I just want to 
be sure.  The documentation is very thin.  This seems like it would be a 
*really* easy question to answer for anyone who contributred to Axis 1..4


Jack Sprat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Can anyone answer this question??  I 
thought this would be a really easy one.


Jack Sprat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
What does the integer value for the setTimeout method represent in the 
SOAPConnectionImpl class in Axis 1.4?  Is it milliseconds, seconds?  The 
JavaDoc says only:

set the timeout value

Not too helpful...


Sick sense of humor? Visit Yahoo! TV's Comedy with an Edge to see what's on, 

[AXIS] SOAPConnectionImpl timeout

2007-07-19 Thread Jack Sprat

What does the integer value for the setTimeout method represent in the 
SOAPConnectionImpl class in Axis 1.4?  Is it milliseconds, seconds?  The 
JavaDoc says only:

set the timeout value

Not too helpful...


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Re: [AXIS] SOAPConnectionImpl timeout

2007-07-19 Thread Jack Sprat
Can anyone answer this question??  I thought this would be a really easy one.


Jack Sprat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
What does the integer value for the setTimeout method represent in the 
SOAPConnectionImpl class in Axis 1.4?  Is it milliseconds, seconds?  The 
JavaDoc says only:

set the timeout value

Not too helpful...


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[Axis2] CDATA tag

2007-07-03 Thread Jack Sprat
I have an Axis 1.2 web service using XMLBeans.  I want to wrap the content of 
one of the elements in a CDATA tag.  I know I could manually prepend and append 
the CDATA delimiters but that is not ideal.

What is the best way to do this?  This should be obvious but I haven't found a 
clear choice.


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Re: How to retrieve SOAP Header in Axis2

2007-06-11 Thread Jack Sprat
Try the following to access the SOAP header:

SOAPEnvelope env = msgContext.getEnvelope();


shirene [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
Did anyone can help me on how to retrieve the soap header in axis2? 
Below is my service.xml file details:



if i use OMElement  as incoming parameter, my web service is working but i
not able to retrieve the soap header.
public OMElement soapRec(OMElement element) {}

In order to retrieve the soap header, i change the function to below
public void soapRec(SOAPEnvelope req, SOAPEnvelope resp){}

but i get this error when i call the web service:-

Xml provider supports only the methods bearing the signature public
OMElement lt;method-namegt;(OMElement) where the method name can
be anythingorg.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Raw
Xml provider supports only the methods bearing the signature public
OMElement lt;method-namegt;(OMElement) where the method name can
be anything 
 at org.apache.axis2.engine.AxisEngine.receive(AxisEngine.java:454) 
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:717) 
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:810) 

Is that cos by the invalid messageReceiver type? if yes, what shld i
change it to? 

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Re: AxisServlet NullPointerException

2007-06-07 Thread Jack Sprat
WSDL and WAR file have been uploaded.


Davanum Srinivas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Jack,

Please upload the WAR w/o the axis2/related jars and let us know the
names of the jars that need to be added.


On 6/6/07, Jack Sprat  wrote:
 JIRA AXIS2-2674 was logged when I first came across this problem.
 All the details are in there but I have not yet attached the WAR file since
 Axis2 is included within my web application.  This makes the WAR file very
 large due to all the included JAR files.  The WAR file is about 12 MB.

 You are correct on the attribute value.  The correct value is qualified
 and not required - sorry for the confusion.


 Thilina Gunarathne  wrote:
 Please log a Jira with the necessary resources to reproduce the
 error... A stripped down test case with a WSDL similar to your one
 would be great... Also provide details about your environment too...

  After numerous trials and errors, the problem was alleviated by setting
  elementFormDefault=required on the WSDL and all included schemas.
 is it elementFormDefault=required or
 elementFormDefault=qualified... I'm not sure whether
 elementFormDefault=required is allowed...


  Does anyone know why this would solve the problem?
  Jack Sprat wrote:
  Jeremy wrote:
  Jack Sprat wrote:
   I believe I found the bug in the
   following if condition lacks a set of parentheses:
   if ((msgContext.getEnvelope() == null)  soapVersion !=
   There needs to be a set of parenteses around the 2nd condition
   (soapVersion != VERSION_SOAP11) condition.
   The soapVersion variable had a value of 1 in this case so the
   condition should *NOT* have been satisfied. The operation within the
   if statement caused the exception.
  The != operator takes precedence over the  operator. So the
  parentheses are not necessary (actually, the first set isn't necessary
  either - it just helps with readability).
  That makes sense. I guess I was hoping that was the problem. The problem
  remains - why is this if condition being satisfied when the msgContext
  variable is *NOT* null and both the soapVersion and VERSION_SOAP11
  are equal to 1. I've inspected these variables in the Eclipse WTP debugger
  and had 2 other developers look as well to ensure I was not missing
  something obvious.
  The NPE happens immediately when I try to step into the
  SOAP12Factory().getDefaultEnvelope() method.
  Could I send the WAR file for someone to try? It should be as simple as
  dropping it into an app server and sending a request.
  I'm completely at a loss here.

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RE: embedded axis

2007-06-07 Thread Jack Sprat
There *was* a link to a good article on that here:

See the last link on the page.  However, the link does not work now.  Can that 
be fixed??

I seached around and found the article here:


[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   I've  done that, and it's not too hard. I just 
added the axis jar files to the web  app, along with the axis jsps, added the 
necessary stuff to web.xml (i.e. the  axis servlet), and it works.
 I'm  not using EJB, but now I've got a web service that feeds data using 
Hibernate,  and I've got a WebWork application in the same WAR file that I use 
to maintain  that data. I'm using Tomcat.
 Michael Davis
-Original Message-
From: renjith kalappurackal[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 9:45PM
To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
Subject: embeddedaxis

   Hi All,

Could any one help me in setting an embedded Axis ( I mean I have aweb 
   in place  And I am thinking of embed axis inside this existing web
   I am not sure my thinking is right .
   I am using JBoss- Tomcat . The whole purpose of thinking about embedded
Axis is to share the EJB layer with web application, so that web application
and web-services should always be in sync.

   Thanks in advance,



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Re: AxisServlet NullPointerException

2007-06-06 Thread Jack Sprat
JIRA AXIS2-2674 was logged when I first came across this problem.
All the details are in there but I have not yet attached the WAR file since 
Axis2 is included within my web application.  This makes the WAR file very 
large due to all the included JAR files.  The WAR file is about 12 MB.

You are correct on the attribute value.  The correct value is qualified and 
not required - sorry for the confusion.


Thilina Gunarathne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Jack,
Please log a Jira with the necessary resources  to reproduce the
error... A stripped down test case with a WSDL similar to your one
would be great... Also provide details about your environment too...

 After numerous trials and errors, the problem was alleviated by setting the
 elementFormDefault=required on the WSDL and all included schemas.
is it elementFormDefault=required or
elementFormDefault=qualified... I'm not sure whether
elementFormDefault=required is allowed...


 Does anyone know why this would solve the problem?


 Jack Sprat  wrote:
  Jeremy  wrote:
  Jack Sprat wrote:
  I believe I found the bug in the
  org.apache.axis2.transport.http.HTTPTransportUtils class.
  following if condition lacks a set of parentheses:
  if ((msgContext.getEnvelope() == null)  soapVersion !=
  There needs to be a set of parenteses around the 2nd condition
  (soapVersion != VERSION_SOAP11) condition.
  The soapVersion variable had a value of 1 in this case so the
  condition should *NOT* have been satisfied. The operation within the
  if statement caused the exception.

 The != operator takes precedence over the  operator. So the
 parentheses are not necessary (actually, the first set isn't necessary
 either - it just helps with readability).


 That makes sense.  I guess I was hoping that was the problem.  The problem
 remains - why is this if condition being satisfied when the msgContext
 variable is *NOT* null and both the soapVersion and VERSION_SOAP11 variables
 are equal to 1.  I've inspected these variables in the Eclipse WTP debugger
 and had 2 other developers look as well to ensure I was not missing
 something obvious.

 The NPE happens immediately when I try to step into the
 SOAP12Factory().getDefaultEnvelope() method.

 Could I send the WAR file for someone to try? It should be as simple as
 dropping it into an app server and sending a request.
 I'm completely at a loss here.


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Visit the Yahoo! Auto Green Center.

Re: AxisServlet NullPointerException

2007-06-04 Thread Jack Sprat
I believe I found the source of this problem, though I still do not know why 
the code in the HTTPTransportUtils class behaved like it did.

After numerous trials and errors, the problem was alleviated by setting the 
elementFormDefault=required on the WSDL and all included schemas.

Does anyone know why this would solve the problem?


Jack Sprat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Jeremy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Jack 
Sprat wrote:
 I believe I found the bug in the 
 org.apache.axis2.transport.http.HTTPTransportUtils class.  The 
 following if condition lacks a set of parentheses:

 if ((msgContext.getEnvelope() == null)  soapVersion != 

 There needs to be a set of parenteses around the 2nd condition 
 (soapVersion != VERSION_SOAP11) condition.
 The soapVersion variable had a value of 1 in this case so the 
 condition should *NOT* have been satisfied.  The operation within the 
 if statement caused the exception.

The != operator takes precedence over the   operator.  So the 
parentheses are not necessary (actually, the first set isn't necessary 
either - it just helps with readability).


That makes sense.  I guess I was hoping that was the problem.  The problem 
remains - why is this if condition being satisfied when the msgContext 
variable is *NOT* null and both the soapVersion and VERSION_SOAP11 variables 
are equal to 1.  I've inspected these variables in the Eclipse WTP debugger and 
had 2 other developers look as well to ensure I was not missing something 

The NPE happens immediately when I try to step into the 
SOAP12Factory().getDefaultEnvelope() method.

Could I send the WAR file for someone to try? It should be as simple as 
dropping it into an app server and sending a request.
I'm completely at a loss here.



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Finder tool.

Re: [Axis2] SOAP header elements

2007-05-21 Thread Jack Sprat

Thanks again for the reply.

Can you be a bit more specific?  Which stub are you referring to?
In this case the invoke method is being called from a handler class.  I don't 
see a fromOM method in any of the classes generated for the elements in the 
SOAP header.


keith chapman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Exactly, the stub has a fromOM method 
that populates the xmlBeans classes from the response received.


On 5/22/07, Todd Allen  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Keith,

Thanks very much for the reply. 

Can you elaborate on your last statement of drill down to the XMLBeans class? 
 How would I do that?  I think that's the last piece of my puzzle.
Is this similar to the fromOM method I see in the message receiver class 
generated by WSDL2Java?


keith chapman wrote:
 Hi jack,

 U can use the following once you have the SOAPEnvelop to get the
 header block.

 SOAPHeader header =  envelope.getHeader();

 Once you get that you can get the specific header you want by using

 or get all the headers and iterate through them using

 Once you have the header block you can drill down to the xmlBeans class.


 On 5/21/07, *Jack Sprat*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 OK.  I was able to get the header elements using the
 getChildElements() method and iterating. 

 But the XMLBenas question remains.  How do I get at the class
 created by XMLBeans for these 2 header elements?


 */Jack Sprat  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote:


 Thanks for the reply. 
 Yes, this is server side.  I can get the SOAPEnvelope but then
 how do I get the contents of the elements themselves?  In this
 case it is a user and password element.  The Axis2 JavaDocs 
 have a return value of |org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPEnvelope for
 the getEnvelope() method ||but I don't have any docs for that
 Also, does the class created by XMLBeans for the user and 
 password elements come into play at all?  I was expecting to
 be able to pull in those classes created by XMLBeans for these
 2 elements.


 */Deepal Jayasinghe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote: 

 Hi Jack ,
 If this is in the server side , you can get the message
 context and from
 that you can get the SOAP envelope and from the soap 
 envelope you can
 get the soap headers.

 If it is the in the client side , the the process is ,
 - First you get the last operation context from the 
 service client
 - and then follow the above steps.

  Can anyone answer this question? I thought this would be 
  common but I've not seen any tutorials or anything like
  Any help is appreciated.
  */Jack Sprat /* wrote:
  I am using Axis 1.2 with XML Beans and need to get the 
 user and
  password SOAP header elements. I've set up an Axis2
 handler and
  it is being called properly.
  My question is how exactly do I get the to the SOAP 
 header elements?

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Re: [Axis2] SOAP header elements

2007-05-20 Thread Jack Sprat
OK.  I was able to get the header elements using the getChildElements() method 
and iterating.

But the XMLBenas question remains.  How do I get at the class created by 
XMLBeans for these 2 header elements?


Jack Sprat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Deepal,

Thanks for the reply.
Yes, this is server side.  I can get the SOAPEnvelope but then how do I get the 
contents of the elements themselves?  In this case it is a user and password 
element.  The Axis2 JavaDocs have a return value of 
org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPEnvelope for the getEnvelope() method but I don't 
have any docs for that type.

Also, does the class created by XMLBeans for the user and password elements 
come into play at all?  I was expecting to be able to pull in those classes 
created by XMLBeans for these 2  elements.


Deepal Jayasinghe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi Jack ,
If this is in the server side , you can get the message context and from
that you can get the SOAP envelope and from the soap envelope you can
get the soap headers.

If it is the in the client side  , the the process is ,
 - First you get the last operation context from the service client
 - and then follow the above steps.

 Can anyone answer this question?  I thought this would be fairly
 common but I've not seen any tutorials or anything like that.
 Any help is appreciated.


 */Jack Sprat /* wrote:

 I am using Axis 1.2 with XML Beans and need to get the user and
 password  SOAP header elements.  I've set up an Axis2 handler and
 it is being called properly.
 My question is how exactly do I get the to the SOAP header elements?


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Re: [Axis2] SOAP header elements

2007-05-19 Thread Jack Sprat

Thanks for the reply.
Yes, this is server side.  I can get the SOAPEnvelope but then how do I get the 
contents of the elements themselves?  In this case it is a user and password 
element.  The Axis2 JavaDocs have a return value of 
org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPEnvelope for the getEnvelope() method but I don't 
have any docs for that type.

Also, does the class created by XMLBeans for the user and password elements 
come into play at all?  I was expecting to be able to pull in those classes 
created by XMLBeans for these 2 elements.


Deepal Jayasinghe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi Jack ,
If this is in the server side , you can get the message context and from
that you can get the SOAP envelope and from the soap envelope you can
get the soap headers.

If it is the in the client side  , the the process is ,
 - First you get the last operation context from the service client
 - and then follow the above steps.

 Can anyone answer this question?  I thought this would be fairly
 common but I've not seen any tutorials or anything like that.
 Any help is appreciated.


 */Jack Sprat /* wrote:

 I am using Axis 1.2 with XML Beans and need to get the user and
 password SOAP header elements.  I've set up an Axis2 handler and
 it is being called properly.
 My question is how exactly do I get the to the SOAP header elements?


   Shape Yahoo! in your own image.  Join our Network Research Panel 
 hot CTA = Join our Network Research Panel

[Axis2] SOAP header elements

2007-05-17 Thread Jack Sprat
I am using Axis 1.2 with XML Beans and need to get the user and password SOAP 
header elements.  I've set up a handler and it is being called properly.
My question is how exactly do I get the to the SOAP header elements?


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Re: [Axis2] SOAP header elements

2007-05-17 Thread Jack Sprat
Can anyone answer this question?  I thought this would be fairly common but 
I've not seen any tutorials or anything like that.
Any help is appreciated.


Jack Sprat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I am using Axis 1.2 with XML Beans and 
need to get the user and password SOAP header elements.  I've set up an Axis2 
handler and it is being called properly.
My question is how exactly do I get the to the SOAP header elements?


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Re: AxisServlet NullPointerException

2007-05-14 Thread Jack Sprat
Jeremy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Jack Sprat wrote:
 I believe I found the bug in the 
 org.apache.axis2.transport.http.HTTPTransportUtils class.  The 
 following if condition lacks a set of parentheses:

 if ((msgContext.getEnvelope() == null)  soapVersion != 

 There needs to be a set of parenteses around the 2nd condition 
 (soapVersion != VERSION_SOAP11) condition.
 The soapVersion variable had a value of 1 in this case so the 
 condition should *NOT* have been satisfied.  The operation within the 
 if statement caused the exception.

The != operator takes precedence over the  operator.  So the 
parentheses are not necessary (actually, the first set isn't necessary 
either - it just helps with readability).


That makes sense.  I guess I was hoping that was the problem.  The problem 
remains - why is this if condition being satisfied when the msgContext 
variable is *NOT* null and both the soapVersion and VERSION_SOAP11 variables 
are equal to 1.  I've inspected these variables in the Eclipse WTP debugger and 
had 2 other developers look as well to ensure I was not missing something 

The NPE happens immediately when I try to step into the 
SOAP12Factory().getDefaultEnvelope() method.

Could I send the WAR file for someone to try? It should be as simple as 
dropping it into an app server and sending a request.
I'm completely at a loss here.


Park yourself in front of a world of choices in alternative vehicles.
Visit the Yahoo! Auto Green Center.

AxisServlet NullPointerException

2007-05-08 Thread Jack Sprat
I have a web application to which I added Axis 1.2.  The Java class stubs were 
generated using he WSDL2Java tool using XMLBeans data binding.
 Everything appears to be configured right since the methods in the skeleton 
class are being invoked correctly.
 The echo method works fine.  However, when I try another operation I always 
get a NullPointerException thrown from the doPost method of the 
org.apache.axis2.transport.http.AxisServlet class.  The error says only:
 May 8, 2007 1:40:01 PM org.apache.axis2.transport.http.AxisServlet doPost
 SEVERE: java.lang.NullPointerException
 I can't seem to find any more info. than that.  Tracing the code in the 
Eclipse WTP I see the call go through the skeleton class and then return to the 
MessageReceiverInOut class.  Stepping into that class yields no errors.
 The code then steps into the AbstractInOutSynchMessageReceiver and that is 
where the error occurs.  That class is in the axis2-kernel-1.2.jar file.
 Can anyone *please* point me in the right direction?
Don't get soaked.  Take a quick peak at the forecast 
 with theYahoo! Search weather shortcut.

Re: AxisServlet NullPointerException

2007-05-08 Thread Jack Sprat
I believe I found the bug in the 
org.apache.axis2.transport.http.HTTPTransportUtils class.  The following if 
condition lacks a set of parentheses:

if ((msgContext.getEnvelope() == null)  soapVersion != 

There needs to be a set of parenteses around the 2nd condition (soapVersion != 
VERSION_SOAP11) condition.
The soapVersion variable had a value of 1 in this case so the condition should 
*NOT* have been satisfied.  The operation within the if statement caused the 

Should a JIRA be raised for this?


Jack Sprat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I have a web application to which I added 
Axis 1.2.  The Java class stubs were generated using he WSDL2Java tool using 
XMLBeans data binding.
 Everything appears to be configured right since the methods in the skeleton 
class are being invoked correctly.
 The echo method works fine.  However, when I try another operation I always 
get a NullPointerException thrown from the doPost method of the 
org.apache.axis2.transport.http.AxisServlet class.  The error says only:
 May 8, 2007 1:40:01 PM org.apache.axis2.transport.http.AxisServlet doPost
 SEVERE: java.lang.NullPointerException
 I can't seem to find any more info. than that.  Tracing the code in the 
Eclipse WTP I see the call go through the skeleton class and then return to the 
MessageReceiverInOut class.  Stepping into that class yields no errors.
 The code then steps into the AbstractInOutSynchMessageReceiver and that is 
where the error occurs.  That class is in the  axis2-kernel-1.2.jar file.
 Can anyone *please* point me in the right direction?

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Re: AxisServlet NullPointerException

2007-05-08 Thread Jack Sprat
Jeremy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Jack Sprat wrote:
 I believe I found the bug in the 
 org.apache.axis2.transport.http.HTTPTransportUtils class.  The 
 following if condition lacks a set of parentheses:

 if ((msgContext.getEnvelope() == null)  soapVersion != 

 There needs to be a set of parenteses around the 2nd condition 
 (soapVersion != VERSION_SOAP11) condition.
 The soapVersion variable had a value of 1 in this case so the 
 condition should *NOT* have been satisfied.  The operation within the 
 if statement caused the exception.

The != operator takes precedence over the  operator.  So the 
parentheses are not necessary (actually, the first set isn't necessary 
either - it just helps with readability).


OK. But why was the condition satisfied when the envelope was *NOT* null and 
the soapVersion was equal to 1?
I have inspected and re-inspected these variables in the Eclipse WTP debugger 
but I just cannot see why this condition would be satisfied.
I try to step into the SOAP12Factory().getDefaultEnvelope() method and the 
exception is immediately thrown.

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 with theYahoo! Search movie showtime shortcut.

Re: [Axis2] Re: User manual for Axis2 v 0.95 - Problems with Invoking a service using a mail

2006-05-03 Thread Jack

Hi Chamil,

Thanks for that... I have not yet had a chance to play with it... I
expect that we will probably wait for this part of Axis2 to become a
little more mature before we try to implement with it anyway.
We will certainly be keeping an eye on how things progress.


On 29/04/06, Chamil Thanthrimudalige [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Jack,

I did a bit of digging and found a few problems with the mail
transport and I have fixed them now. This is due to the fact that we
have excluded the mail tests from the build since we can't have a
dependency on the sun javamail and activation jars. There were some
changes to axis2 code which have not been tested with the mail
transport. I have fixed these and you will be able to use the mail
transport now.

Have  a look at MailRequestResponseRawXMLTest[1] for an example about
how to do a request response case, and have a look at mail-enabled-
server-axis2.xml[2] and mail-enabled-client-axis2.xml[2] for examples
on configurations.

I still have not updated the docs. So you will have to stick to the
code for now.

Have a go[4] at the code with the sun javamail and activation jars.
You can do this from inside by changing the etc/project.properties
file to use the sun jars after copying them into the maven repository.

Best Regards,
Chamil Thanthrimudalige

[1] modules/integration/test/org/apache/axis2/mail/
[2] modules/integration/test/org/apache/axis2/mail/mail-enabled-
[3] modules/integration/test/org/apache/axis2/mail/mail-enabled-
[4] maven -o test:single -

[axis2] mail transport - is it functional

2006-04-27 Thread Jack

Some more question about the mail transport in axis2.

1. Is it considered to be stable for use in a production system or is
there more work to do?
(I have looked a the src and seem to be finding a few //todo comments,
and things like More details need to be explained here. in the
Javadoc for service client which do not inspire comfort).

2. Has anyone actually successfully used the mail transport in axis2?
If so do anyone have an actual working example (not the example from
the user-guide which I still cannot get to work)?


The claim natural is not synonymous with safe.

Re: [Axis2] Re: User manual for Axis2 v 0.95 - Problems with Invoking a service using a mail

2006-04-26 Thread Jack
Hi Chamil,

Thanks for the quick reply.

I am still having difficulties. Is there a fully functional example of
SOAP via SMTP (ie a zip, jar, other that contains both client and
source code that can be downloaded and run)?

Also when building from WSDL into stubs / skeletons where do the
changes have to be made to use SMTP as a transport?


On 26/04/06, Chamil Thanthrimudalige [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Jack,

 Thanks for finding the typo.

 UtilsMailServer is in the integration module which is not shipped
 with any distribution. I think we need to move this to some other
 module that will be shipped. If you can get the source from a svn
 checkout[1] you will get UtilsMailServer[2].

 Also pleas make sure you are using Sun javamail and activation jars.

 Best Regards,
 Chamil Thanthrimudalige

 [1] http://ws.apache.org/axis2/svn.html
 [2] It is at [Axis2 source dir]/modules/integration/test/org/apache/


 I'm having real trouble setting up a working example of SOAP over SMTP
 - I've looked at the user guide but the example seems broken (see

 Does anyone have a working example of this or any pointers? Would be
 muchly appreciated.

 Some specific issues for example:

 For example in Section 2. in the code you have:
 ConfigurationContext configContextbuilder

 This is not even valid java and should probably read something like:
 ConfigurationContext configContext  =

 Also the UtilsMailServer that is mentioned cannot be found anywhere
 (in the src or bin or doc distributions)?

 Is it possible that this section of the user guide is revised and if
 so please make the source code for this section available somewhere as
 a zip / jar / other (or better still include it in the samples with
 the bin or src distributions).


 The claim natural is not synonymous with safe.

Re: [Axis2] Re: User manual for Axis2 v 0.95 - Problems with Invoking a service using a mail

2006-04-26 Thread Jack
Ho Chamil,

Ok let me see if I have this right now. To use a generic mail server
(and only perform one way communication - ie the client sends a
message to the service, which then performs some back end processing)
I need to:

1. have an email account where the messages are sent to (and the
service collects them from)

2. set the mail transport sections of the axis2.xml
   Where the transport sender section includes smtp details and the
transport receiver section to include pop3 details??
In the website [2] the comments seem to be in the wrong
sections??? Also in the website [2] it has:
   transportSender name=mail
and in all other axis2.xml files seems to have
   transportSender name=mailto
*So should it be mail or mailto??

3. the only change in the client is the EndPointReference??
//private static EndpointReference targetEPR =
//  new 

private static EndpointReference targetEPR =
new EndpointReference(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] +


4. what change do i make on the service to get it to collect the
mails/messages from the mail server??

On 26/04/06, Chamil Thanthrimudalige [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Jack,

 We do not have a sample in a box.

 Can you have a look at a test case[1] in the integration module in
 the axis2 source checkout[svn checkout].

 To configure to work with the mail transport, have a look at the mail
 transport configuration document[2] for information about how to
 configure the mail transport. After the configuration you can just
 copy and past the code in a sample to check things out.

 For examples on the configuration have a look at the configuration
 files in the integration module.[3]

 Best Regards,
 Chamil Thanthrimudalige

 [1] Have a look at axis2/modules/integration/test/org/apache/axis2/
 [2] http://ws.apache.org/axis2/0_95/mail-configuration.html
 [3] axis2/modules/integration/test/org/apache/axis2/mai

 On Apr 26, 2006, at 3:50 PM, Jack wrote:

  Hi Chamil,
  Thanks for the quick reply.
  I am still having difficulties. Is there a fully functional example of
  SOAP via SMTP (ie a zip, jar, other that contains both client and
  source code that can be downloaded and run)?
  Also when building from WSDL into stubs / skeletons where do the
  changes have to be made to use SMTP as a transport?
  On 26/04/06, Chamil Thanthrimudalige [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Jack,
  Thanks for finding the typo.
  UtilsMailServer is in the integration module which is not shipped
  with any distribution. I think we need to move this to some other
  module that will be shipped. If you can get the source from a svn
  checkout[1] you will get UtilsMailServer[2].
  Also pleas make sure you are using Sun javamail and activation jars.
  Best Regards,
  Chamil Thanthrimudalige
  [1] http://ws.apache.org/axis2/svn.html
  [2] It is at [Axis2 source dir]/modules/integration/test/org/apache/
  I'm having real trouble setting up a working example of SOAP over
  - I've looked at the user guide but the example seems broken (see
  Does anyone have a working example of this or any pointers? Would be
  muchly appreciated.
  Some specific issues for example:
  For example in Section 2. in the code you have:
  ConfigurationContext configContextbuilder
  This is not even valid java and should probably read something like:
  ConfigurationContext configContext  =
  Also the UtilsMailServer that is mentioned cannot be found anywhere
  (in the src or bin or doc distributions)?
  Is it possible that this section of the user guide is revised and if
  so please make the source code for this section available
  somewhere as
  a zip / jar / other (or better still include it in the samples with
  the bin or src distributions).
  The claim natural is not synonymous with safe.


The claim natural is not synonymous with safe.

Re: Axis2: WSS4J - problem getting client to use my axis2.xml

2006-04-26 Thread Jack
I think you need to do this javadoc says you are not allowed to give
one relative to other so:

String X = E:\\jboss-4.0.3SP1\\server\\axistest\\deploy\\axis2.war\\WEB-INF;
String Y = 
configContext =


On 26/04/06, Rob Henley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm using the 0.95 binary release on Windows XP, plus the separately
 downloaded security sample.

 Some stuff appeared to be missing from the distribution. I downloaded
 security-0.95.mar separately via the 'Modules' link and copied under my
 axis2\WEB-INF\modules, and also got a copy of xalan.jar.

 My axis2.xml contains:

 module ref=security/

 parameter name=InflowSecurity

 parameter name=OutflowSecurity

 My service is starting ok, but I don't think my client is picking up the
 security settings. My client code is attempting to pick up the same
 axis2.xml which my server uses ...

   ConfigurationContext ctx =
 Y); // see below
   PurchasingStub stub = new PurchasingStub(ctx,
 http://localhost:8081/axis2/services/Purchasing;);  //
 stub generated from WSDL

 I've tried various combinations for (X, Y) above. (I looked at the javadocs,
 but still couldn't be sure what this should look like exactly). Here's what
 I tried, followed by the various errors I received at runtime:

 (null, null)

  [java] org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: org.apache.axis2.AxisFault:
 WSDoAllReceiver: Request does not contain required Security header
  [java] at
  [java] at

 ok - that probably isn't surprising. I'm not sure how the client would find
 the repository if I don't tell it where to look.

 (C:/Program Files/Apache/Tomcat5.5/webapps/axis2/WEB-INF,

 org.apache.axis2.deployment.DeploymentException: axis2.xml
 (The system cannot find the file specified); nested exception is:
  [java] java.io.FileNotFoundException: axis2.xml (The system cannot
 find the file specified)
  [java] at

 I also tried prefxing axis2.xml with 'conf/', with the same result. (The
 javadoc suggests this wouldn't be valid anyway).

 (C:/Program Files/Apache/Tomcat5.5/webapps/axis2/WEB-INF,

  [java] java.lang.NullPointerException
  [java] at
  [java] at
  [java] at org.apache.axis2.PurchasingStub.init(Unknown Source)
  [java] at
 samples.purchasing1.ClientTest.main(Unknown Source)

 Has anyone seen a similar problem or have an idea how I can make progress?
 Many thanks


The claim natural is not synonymous with safe.

User manual for Axis2 v 0.95 - Problems with Invoking a service using a mail

2006-04-25 Thread Jack

I'm having real trouble setting up a working example of SOAP over SMTP
- I've looked at the user guide but the example seems broken (see

Does anyone have a working example of this or any pointers? Would be
muchly appreciated.

Some specific issues for example:

For example in Section 2. in the code you have:
   ConfigurationContext configContextbuilder

This is not even valid java and should probably read something like:
   ConfigurationContext configContext  =

Also the UtilsMailServer that is mentioned cannot be found anywhere
(in the src or bin or doc distributions)?

Is it possible that this section of the user guide is revised and if
so please make the source code for this section available somewhere as
a zip / jar / other (or better still include it in the samples with
the bin or src distributions).


The claim natural is not synonymous with safe.

Problems getting user exceptions to work

2006-03-29 Thread Jack Lund
Hi. I'm using axis 1.2.1, and I'm trying to get the exceptions sent by 
my service thrown to the client. For instance, my service can throw an 
InvalidDateException exception, which is a subclass of 
java.lang.Exception, and I want the client code to get that exception. 
What little is said on the axis website about this implies that it 
should just work, but it doesn't seem to - what I get on the other 
side is an AxisFault with the message string from my exception embedded 

Is there something special I have to do, on either side, to get this to 



RE: Problems getting user exceptions to work

2006-03-29 Thread Jack Lund
Nope, didn't work. Wouldn't think it would - AxisFault isn't a subclass 
of InvalidDateException.


Jarmo Doc wrote:

Try doing this:

catch (AxisFault ex)
if (ex instanceof InvalidDateException)
InvalidDateException myex = (InvalidDateException)ex;
// deal with myex here
// deal with others here

Reply-To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
Subject: Problems getting user exceptions to work
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2006 12:21:33 -0600

Hi. I'm using axis 1.2.1, and I'm trying to get the exceptions sent 
by my service thrown to the client. For instance, my service can 
throw an InvalidDateException exception, which is a subclass of 
java.lang.Exception, and I want the client code to get that 
exception. What little is said on the axis website about this implies 
that it should just work, but it doesn't seem to - what I get on 
the other side is an AxisFault with the message string from my 
exception embedded inside.

Is there something special I have to do, on either side, to get this 
to work?



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RE: Problems getting user exceptions to work

2006-03-29 Thread Jack Lund

Yeah, I can see that that would be easier. Unfortunately, I have no
control over the exceptions being thrown - I just need the client-side
to be able to catch them *as* the exceptions that are originally
thrown. I also am doing dynamic proxying rather than stubs/skeletons,
so it makes it that more complicated.

>From the debugging I've been able to do, it looks like the fault coming
across contains the fully-qualified package name of the exception
class, but for some reason on the client side it's not creating the
exception. Since this is an area where there's practically no
documentation, I'm finding myself pretty much randomly trying different
things and seeing if they work.

The user's guide is really vague about this subject:

"If a method is marked as throwing an Exception
that is not an instance or a subclass of java.rmi.RemoteException,
then things are subtly different. The exception is no longer a SOAP
Fault, but described as a wsdl:fault
in the WSDL of the method. According to the JAX-RPC specification, your
subclass of Exception must have accessor methods to access all the
fields in the object to be marshalled and a constructor that
takes as parameters all the same fields (i.e, arguments of the same
name and type). This is a kind of immutable variant of a normal JavaBean. The fields
in the object must be of the datatypes that can be reliably mapped into
If your exception meets this specification, then the WSDL describing
the method will describe the exception too, enabling callers to create
stub implementations of the exception, regardless of platform."

I was kind of hoping someone else out there would have had some
experience with getting this to work.


Jarmo Doc wrote:
I have an Axis client stub which was generated from WSDL.
*All* of the client-side user-defined exceptions extend
The equivalent exceptions at the server also extend
org.apache.axis.AxisFault, rather than Exception.
This is a decidedly dodgy area, imo, especially when it comes to
interop with non-Axis clients.
  From: Jack Lund [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Reply-To: axis-user@ws.apache.org

To: axis-user@ws.apache.org

Subject: RE: Problems getting user exceptions to work

Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2006 14:51:47 -0600

Nope, didn't work. Wouldn't think it would - AxisFault isn't a subclass
of InvalidDateException.


Jarmo Doc wrote:

Try doing this:
catch (AxisFault ex)
if (ex instanceof InvalidDateException)
InvalidDateException myex = (InvalidDateException)ex;
// deal with myex here
// deal with others here
      From: Jack Lund

Reply-To: axis-user@ws.apache.org

To: axis-user@ws.apache.org

Subject: Problems getting user exceptions to work

Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2006 12:21:33 -0600

Hi. I'm using axis 1.2.1, and I'm trying to get the exceptions sent by
my service thrown to the client. For instance, my service can throw an
"InvalidDateException" exception, which is a subclass of
java.lang.Exception, and I want the client code to get that exception.
What little is said on the axis website about this implies that it
should "just work", but it doesn't seem to - what I get on the other
side is an AxisFault with the message string from my exception embedded

Is there something special I have to do, on either side, to get this to



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How is exception handling supposed to work in Axis???

2006-03-29 Thread Jack Lund
As a follow-up to my previous question, how exactly are you supposed to 
do exception handling in Axis (specifically, 1.2.1)?

The user's guide says that as long as your exceptions inherit from 
java.lang.Exception, and are beans, then it should just work. That 
hasn't been my experience, and, from what I can tell from the archives 
of this mailing list, people either seem to say:

a) Don't bother, it's too complicated. Bypass it altogether by either 
throwing subclasses of AxisFault or just returning the exception data as 
the return value from the method


b) it works, but only if you custom-craft your WSDL in some magic way, 
which noone seems to want to document anywhere

This seems to imply to me that the Axis user docs are seriously in 
error. Is this true? Should I be using something besides Axis to do 
this, because I really don't want to have to do something kludgy with 
the exceptions just to bypass a (really major) hole in the implementation.


Re: Problems getting user exceptions to work

2006-03-29 Thread Jack Lund






Dies Koper wrote:

Hello Jack,

As Jarmo pointed out, all client-side (generated) exceptions extend 
AxisFault. Are you not using the generated exceptions?
The WSDL defines the interface, including the faults. Either you let 
Axis do the mapping to Java using its own generated classes, or you do 
not. I don't think Axis could do its job without them.

There is no need to catch an AxisFault first and then doing an 
instanceof. Jarmo must have written that code before he had his coffee ;)
Your client does not (and should not) need to know that AxisFault is 
being used internally.

Could you show us the WSDL that defines your fault (complexType + 
message, etc.), the SOAP response containing the fault, and the code 
you use to catch the exception?


Jack Lund wrote:

Yeah, I can see that that would be easier. Unfortunately, I have no 
control over the exceptions being thrown - I just need the 
client-side to be able to catch them *as* the exceptions that are 
originally thrown. I also am doing dynamic proxying rather than 
stubs/skeletons, so it makes it that more complicated.

 From the debugging I've been able to do, it looks like the fault 
coming across contains the fully-qualified package name of the 
exception class, but for some reason on the client side it's not 
creating the exception. Since this is an area where there's 
practically no documentation, I'm finding myself pretty much randomly 
trying different things and seeing if they work.

The user's guide is really vague about this subject:

If a method is marked as throwing an Exception that is not an 
instance or a subclass of java.rmi.RemoteException, then things are 
subtly different. The exception is no longer a SOAP Fault, but 
described as a wsdl:fault in the WSDL of the method. According to the 
JAX-RPC specification, your subclass of Exception must have accessor 
methods to access all the fields in the object to be marshalled /and/ 
a constructor that takes as parameters all the same fields (i.e, 
arguments of the same name and type). This is a kind of immutable 
variant of a normal JavaBean 
http://java.sun.com/products/javabeans. The fields in the object 
must be of the datatypes that can be reliably mapped into WSDL.

If your exception meets this specification, then the WSDL describing 
the method will describe the exception too, enabling callers to 
create stub implementations of the exception, regardless of platform.

I was kind of hoping someone else out there would have had some 
experience with getting this to work.


Jarmo Doc wrote:

I have an Axis client stub which was generated from WSDL.  *All* of 
the client-side user-defined exceptions extend 

The equivalent exceptions at the server also extend 
org.apache.axis.AxisFault, rather than Exception.

This is a decidedly dodgy area, imo, especially when it comes to 
interop with non-Axis clients.

Reply-To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
Subject: RE: Problems getting user exceptions to work
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2006 14:51:47 -0600

Nope, didn't work. Wouldn't think it would - AxisFault isn't a 
subclass of InvalidDateException.


Jarmo Doc wrote:

Try doing this:

catch (AxisFault ex)
if (ex instanceof InvalidDateException)
InvalidDateException myex = (InvalidDateException)ex;
// deal with myex here
// deal with others here

Reply-To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
Subject: Problems getting user exceptions to work
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2006 12:21:33 -0600

Hi. I'm using axis 1.2.1, and I'm trying to get the exceptions 
sent by my service thrown to the client. For instance, my service 
can throw an InvalidDateException exception, which is a 
subclass of java.lang.Exception, and I want the client code to 
get that exception. What little is said on the axis website about 
this implies that it should just work, but it doesn't seem to - 
what I get on the other side is an AxisFault with the message 
string from my exception embedded inside.

Is there something special I have to do, on either side, to get 
this to work?



Re: Problems getting user exceptions to work

2006-03-29 Thread Jack Lund
Thanks for taking the time to answer me so thoroughly. I really, really 
appreciate it.

Dies Koper wrote:

I am not sure about meaning of The exception is no longer a SOAP 
Fault in your quote of the User's Guide, as a fault described in the 
WSDL is still a SOAP fault when it is included in the SOAP body.

I do not think I contradicted anything in the quote. It refers to the 
JAX-RPC 1.1 spec. I also got my information from there, so you should 
just be seeing different ways of saying the same.

Well, from the quote, it looks like they're saying that all you need to 
do to pass exceptions is a) inherit from Exception, and b) be a javabean 
whose fields are wsdl-able datatypes. It never mentions that you have to 
inherit from AxisFault.

As you have probably noticed, in this mailing list the recommended 
approach with Axis seems to be to start with the WSDL (maybe the first 
draft generated by Java2WSDL). You tweak the WSDL into the service you 
want, and develop the client and server implementations from there.
Axis also allows you to take a different approach, but I would not be 
surprised if there are more bugs on that path.

I still do not understand whether you delete the generated exceptions 
and use your own. 

I don't generate exceptions at all. I never do Java2WSDL or WSDL2Java. 
The service class, data and exceptions are all standard Java classes.

Do you want to discuss the validity of Axis's implementation or get 
your problem solved? I'm fine with either, just want to know how to 

I apologize for my frustration level. I have no problems with Axis's 
implementation - what I've been able to see of it is really, really 
great. My only problem is the lack of documentation, especially in an 
area as fundamental as exception handling.

Please look at the generated interface, javabeans and exception 
classes as not being part of your client, but part of Axis's 
WSDL-Java mapping.
Your client class does not need to have any dependencies on axis 
classes. Just catch the InvalidDateException and don't care whether it 
extends AxisFault internally. It is just a generated class that would 
be regenerated anyway if you would use a different SOAP engine.

I think that's the disconnect we're having here. I'm not generating 
anything, nor am I interested in generating anything. From what I've 
been able to see, Axis provides me with the ability to drop a standard 
Java class into its container, without having to do any code generation, 
and it will automatically create the service. I've already taken 
advantage of that, and it works great. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to 
handle exceptions the same way, which is why I was so confused. What you 
seem to be saying is that I have to generate the code from the WSDL (or, 
alternatively, generate the WSDL from the java class and then generate 
the client and exceptions from the WSDL) in order to have exception 
handling. Unfortunately, that's not something I can do, because of the 
architectural and technical constraints of the project.

I can write something which intercepts the exceptions before they get to 
Axis on the server side, and wrap them in an AxisFault, but it will be 
an enormous pain. I was hoping that Axis would do that. They're 
obviously already catching exceptions on the server side, and I was 
hoping that they would just serialize it just as they would any other 
class going across the wire, which is what I thought that section in the 
user's guide was saying. Unfortunately, it sounds like this isn't the case.

3) There is no number 3. ;-)

Maybe later? :)

You never know. :)

It doesn't make much sense to me that axis would have this wonderful 
mechanism whereby we can install a fairly arbitrary Java class and 
turn it magically into a web service...unless you throw exceptions, 
in which case all bets are off. Of course, I've been wrong before.

I am wondering whether you just ran into a bug or expect something 
from Axis that it was not designed to do.

Don't know. I guess we may never know - unless I stumble on the solution 
randomly. Weirder stuff has happened before.

Thanks again for taking the time to answer my questions.


Support for choice / group elements in WSDL2Java

2005-10-06 Thread Jack Smith

I downloaded Axis 1.2.1 Final and tried using the
included WSDL2Java tool to generate Java classes
corresponding to a WSDL file. The schema in the WSDL
file is the DSMLv2 schema available at:

The generated Java classes didn't look quite right.
Particularly, processing of the xsd:choice and
xsd:group tags in DSMLv2.xsd seemed to have been
skipped, e.g. a class BatchRequest.java was created
but it did not contain any mention of the
BatchRequests group. Does Axis support xsd:choice
and/or xsd:group tags?


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