Re: Re[2]: Compost for Brewers

2002-03-21 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 3/17/02 2:12:33 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 SStorch wrote:

What is being found out by looking at the biological assays of the bd

remedies and the compost they make is that these things are the precursors

for life in the soil.  They contain all of the organisms to initiate the

prosesses that will unlock all the nutrients and minerals in the soil


biological activity.

Question:  Have you done biological assays of composted remedy herbs and cow

manure without them having been treated the BD way (such as the Quick

Return Method of composting) compared to being treated the BD way?  It

would be interesting to see if the BD preparation of the herbs and manure

has a specific influence on the biological diversity, or whether these

treatments facilitate the esoteric energy aspect of the remedies (excuse

the layman terminology).

No we have not yet done this, it seems a waste of time, why do something 
second rate when you may go first class...leave that to the nay-sayers.

Question:  Does anybody have references to peer-reviewed scientific academic

literature which shows that microbes unlock locked minerals and nutrients?

I have been talking to conventional agronomists who will not believe that

this is possible.  Usual story.
Let them look at 15-20 year bd treated soils and then let them explain how 
these things are possible to accomplich on commercially farmed soils.

1500 gallon tea brewer is filling and will be run in a few hours.  I have

designed an ''upwelling tube'' 

Question:  Is this the same as the tubes common with fish tank filters,

through which the air bubbles, thereby circulating the water?

Yes, it is just on a larger scale, 2-4 inch diameter tubes and 120 liter per 
minute -250 lpm bubblers.

Question:  Has anybody tried using flowforms for making compost tea, is per

the New Zealand method of stirring the BD remedies?  Strikes me that,

given the negative effects of the pump, that the flow forms would provide

all the oxygen needed, as well as adding their energy through the vortices.
Yes we are doing that in addition to using the stirring machine to imprint 
the atomic structures of the funal filaments and microbes upon the water.


Re:Testing preps?

2002-03-21 Thread Hugh Lovel

Manfred Palmer in Richmond Hill Ontario writes:

The preps carry the focalized aural conditions for organizationally
increased life-forms to expedite their purpose in and for the whole.
...same could be said for us as individuals, i guess. What are our

Dear Manfred,

I have to give the credit to Glen Atkinson, the kiwi genius. But Steiner
developed his agricultural remedies out of his understanding of our human
need for remedy. This comes out in many aspects of the agricultural course.
So the agricultural remedies are really human remedies. We should learn to
apply these to ourselves for our own health and well-being and not just get
them in our food. True, if we get them in our food future generations will
benefit far more than we ourselves. But we can get some help from Steiner's
agricultural remedies. I've been trying this idea (of Glen's) out and I'm
impressed. I recommend we all give this some thought.


Re: James DeMeo on Hugh, Reich, Hubbard, Steiner and bionousdecay

2002-03-21 Thread Hugh Lovel

Dear Allan,

I have met Hugh during at least one Acres conference.   Unfortunately, I
would disagree on many points given in his email below.

Reich was a natural scientist with nothing to compare him with Hubbard or
Scientology.  Reich's use of new terms was justified, based upon the
observation of new phenomena which were not previously known or observed,
and which demanded explicit descriptive terms.  Terms such as Chi or Ki, or
Prana or the numerous other synonyms for life-energy may superficially
sound the same, but they lack the specificity of descriptive precision as
compared to Reich's terms, which have significant empirical support.   For
example, most all advocates of Chi, Ki or Prana will inform you that it is
a non-physical energy beyond the here-and-now, which is why only
specialized spiritual exercises, or spiritual experts, can make full
contact with it.  One has to master such things, become a master, along
the road where devotee is the first step, to really get into the deeper
essence of it.  Very little substantive research has gone into
investigating the basic nature of the energy, except to demonstrate that
people can subjectively feel it, and affect it.


 While I would agree there hasn't been anywhere near enough empirical
research done with Chi, Ki or Prana there is the William Tiller work. I
don't find Tiller a very helpful writer, but he clearly has done a mountain
of research into subtle energies and in many ways has gone beyond Reich or
even Steiner.

In the east there has long been an initiate/guru method for passing along
hidden knowledge. You might call it a propriatery set-up. In the western
scientific tradition we tend to strive toward publishing all the details.
It is more of a laissez faire set-up. This doesn't change the phenomena
behind the traditions, of course. It's still the same universe whether one
grows up in Tibet or Austria, China or America.

Also I might add that Steiner, Hubbard and Reich all were scientists and
had at least this much in common that cultists tended to follow in their
wakes. I wonder what Trevor Constable might say on this subject.


Reich's orgone, by
contrast, is totally physical, nothing metaphysical about it at all.  You
can build an orgone accumulator, as can any farmer or auto-mechanic, or
Ph.D. scientist, using simple instruction plans, and so long as you don't
expose it to *dor* or *oranur*-producing influences (nuclear radiation,
low-level em fields, etc.) it will produce results for you.  In a
laboratory, you can measure it using the right devices.  Most people can
feel it, and even see it, once it is pointed out to them, and you don't
have to be an especially enlightened or transformed person.  Orgone, we
know, is reflected by metals, absorbed by organic materials, and flows and
moves in the atmosphere and in the body according to certain principles.
Chinese acupuncture gets closer to this, but even here, many trainees in
that field will deny any physical basis to Chi, mainly because they have a
personal interest in keeping it metaphysical.

I would agree that the term organizational energy is a good starting
point, and many scientists have been or are looking for this, but Reich is
the only one who really proved its existence by experimental methods, and
worked out useful applications.  He really is a light-year beyond the
others -- but my Orgone Accumulator Handbook gives a good listing of
scientists other than Reich who measured and detected this same

Steiner I would disagree about as well.  While it may kick up some dust in
a Biodynamic Ag. discussion group, I feel most all of his claims in this
regard were stolen from old Germanic folk traditions (some dating back to
pre-Christian times), or from Hahnneman's homeopathic findings.  If you
strip that away from Steiner, not much is left in any practical sense.  I
would argue that the BD preps are in actuality homeopathic in nature,
perhaps utilizing the observable phenomenon of bionous decay which Reich
described, and which today we know have bioenergetic effects.  One can
interpret them metaphysically, of course, but the point is, metaphysics is
not necessary at all.  Steiner, I think it is proper to say, was more
concerned about metaphysical things, as are discussed in the bulk of his
writings.  His ethers are likewise metaphysical speculations, similar in
nature to what the theosophical society and other metaphysical groups were
calling ethers, and have little relationship to either Reich's orgone, or
the ether of 19th Century physics.  This latter concept is, in some
aspects, closer to Reich's orgone, and you can get a good review of this by
looking at my paper on Dayton Miller's ether-drift experiments.
The entire language and approach to the matter of ether by the 19th and
20th Century physicists has little resemblance to the Anthrosophical or
Theosophical ether(s).

As Hugh mentions, some of the 

Re: The Wide World and Testing Preps

2002-03-21 Thread Hugh Lovel
Darn, Merla!

$100 each to register biodynamic "amendments" for use in Idaho? What if they were potentized in water and you had something like 8x or 8c potencies? The active ingredient is the water which has been patterned. Does water have to be registered before it can be used as a soil amendment? Or has it been registered in Idaho?

Both Glen and Greg use potentized water, and they combine all the BD remedies into two sprays, one applied in the morning and the other in the evening. I could walk you through the procedure for doing this if you want. You could take each remedy and dowse for the desired potency and combine them. Greg says the sequencing is extremely important, so you would have to work out the sequence for combining them. When potentizing (succussing) large quantities of water it would help to suspend large bottles of water from a sling hooked to a ceiling beam somewhere. But at the end of it all you would have remedies that you could pour into a spray tank full of water and directly go out and spray instead of doing all the tedious stirring.

It gets even easier if you use a radionic instrument like James Hedley or Lorraine Cahill uses. You can put all the potency patterns into the spray tank full of water by transferring them with the radionic instrument. That's VERY easy. Lorraine is getting Malcolm Rae cards made of weed peppers. So far she has the following:

1.  Redroot Pigweed   Amaranthus retroflexus 		
2.  Shoofly, Apple of Peru  Nicandra physalodes
3.  Velvet Leaf, Wild Cotton  Abutilon theophrasti		
4.  Prarie Parsnip  Zizia cordata
5.  Wild Cucumber  Cucumis anguria
6.  Johnson Grass  Holcus halapensis
7.  Wild Oats  Avena fatua		8.  Ironweed  Vernonia novaborascensis
9.  Field Bindweed  Convolvulus repens
10. Water Hemp  Acnida cannabina
11. Canadian Thistle  Cirsium arvense
12. Cheat Grass  Bromus tectorum
14. Cocklebur  Xanthium americanum
15. Smartweed  Persicaria lapathifolia
16. Dock  Rumex crispus
17. Dodder  Cuscuta polygonorum	
18. Greenbriar, Catbriar  Smilax rotundifolia
19  Burdock  Arctium minus		20. Devil's Beggarticks  Bidens frondosa
21. Ragweed  Ambrosia bidentata	
22. Manitoba Cleavers  Galium mollugo
23. Rush Skeleton Weed 	Chondrilla juncea			
24. Medusa Head Rye  Tueniatherum cuput

Or maybe you could use Reiki to transfer the patterns from your feeling through your hand into the water. You might have to take a course in Reiki for this one. Sharon McEachern might be able to walk you through this one.

At some point maybe we can do the field broadcaster experiment on the roadsides of Rapid Lightning Road. It will be a little easier to sell to the county weed board after we see results at Dwight Callaway's down near Boise.

Hugh Lovel 
Visit our website at: 

Re: Re[2]: Compost for Brewers

2002-03-21 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: Re[2]: Compost for Brewers

From: SBruno

Yes we are doing that in addition to using the stirring machine to imprint 
the atomic structures of the funal filaments and microbes upon the water.

Thank you for this part of the info.

Merla and the Weed Board

2002-03-21 Thread Dave Robison

Merla, perhaps I don't understand the registration issues.
Why do you need registration for preps? If you spray homeopathic treated 
water, why does it need to be certified for OG? Is this because the weed 
board needs to claim it as a pesticide? Does compost tea need to be certified?
Sewage sludge isn't certified because of the danger of heavy metals.
Clopyralid pesticide is a serious problem that just showed up last year. 
The chemical is used in as a pre-emergence herbicide under the name 
Confront. Usage is restricted to licensed applicators, but that include 
lawn companies. These same companies deposit their grass clippings in local 
compost yards. It turns out that clopyralid is completely persistent -- 
almost immune to composting. So anyone who uses that compost for planting 
mix gets zapped. The problem hit commercial growers last year and was 
documented by local gardeners. I'm not sure the extent to which farmers use 
the chemical, non-organic straw bedding may be affected. One more reason to 
make your own compost on-site and avoid brought-in stuff

Dave Robison

Who will decide our common future?

2002-03-21 Thread Merla

ISIS Report, 20 March 2002

Rough Road from Doha to Johannesburg

WTO's new mandate raises a key question: Who will decide our common

The new mandate could intensify burning fossil fuels, logging native
forests, depleting fisheries, use of toxic chemicals, and release of
Victor Menotti, Director of the International Forum on Globalisation
Environment Program gives us a critical analysis.

Trade ministers from 140 nations gathered in Doha, Qatar last November
give the World Trade Organization (WTO) a historic new mandate to
governments from regulating global corporations, removing the last
of people s rights to self determination and access to resources at
level. It is the biggest threat to the agenda for the World Summit on
Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg (Rio plus Ten).

The Doha agenda (Box 1) has empowered the WTO to increase corporate
over natural resources by allowing decisions on their use to be driven
more closely by the short-term demands of global financial markets. It
intensifies export-based farming, forestry, fishing, as well as fossil
burning, mining, and exploitation of other natural resources including
water. It eliminates more conservation and community development
as unfair trade barriers. It determines who captures the remnants of the

world s collapsing natural resources, starting with the planet s
fisheries, which has been placed on the WTO agenda by World Wildlife
It subordinates multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs, Box 2) to
rights of corporations.

The Doha agenda was the result of an illegitimate, manipulative,
untransparent and deceitful process. The result was to leave all the
concerns and demands of the majority developing countries off the main
agenda and relegated to an addendum text (see Deceit and manipulation
Doha, Science in Society 13/14, February 2002).

Box 1

The Doha Agenda

New mandates were added to the final declaration:

Trade and environment - subordinates multilateral environmental
to trade.

Market Access - to free logging, fishing and mining.

Anti-Dumping may allow cheap imports to kill local industries and

Subsidies for fisheries may prevent protection of collapsing fisheries

The disputed mandates, the Singapore issues were also included:

Investment - return of the Multilateral Agreement on Investment, that
effectively forbids governments to protect local investments against

Government procurement - effectively disables governments from
how the tax-dollars are spent.

Competition - breaks up publicly-owned enterprises, not global

The MEAs include

Montreal Protocol on Ozone Depleting Chemicals

Kyoto Protocol on Climate change

Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species

Basel Convention on Trade in Hazardous Waste

Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety

POPs Treaty on Persistent Organic Pollutants

The new mandates

In perhaps the WTO s most direct threat to sustainable development and
entire Rio/Johannesburg process, the final Doha declaration expands the
s mandate to unilaterally determine its relationship to the trade
that enforce multilateral environmental agreements. The Doha mandate to
clarify the relationship between trade and environment can only be
understood as a move to subordinate the MEAs to trade. Trade and not
environment ministers are leading the negotiations, and the MEAs
secretariats are given only observer status. Although it is stated that
there shall be no prejudged outcomes , it is also stated that the
shall not add to or diminish the rights and obligations of Members
existing WTO agreement. This can only mean that no trade rules can be
changed. The precautionary approach will go out of the window.

Market access will mean the expansion of exports and the elimination of
legal protections that ensure sustainable use of natural resources.
Particularly affected are forestry, fishing and farming. Negotiations
over the elimination of tariffs (import taxes) and so-called non-tariff

Forest tariffs were an issue of great concern to protestors at Seattle.
Popularly known as the global Free Logging Agreement, forest
conservationists succeeded in getting the US Trade Representative Robert

Zoellick to publish the first, ever, environmental assessment of trade
liberalisation, released just before the 1999 Ministerial. In the
done by a timber-industry-funded group, trade officials buried the real
findings: tariff reductions would result in increased logging in some of

the world s most threatened original forests inhabited by indigenous

Cutting tariffs reduces wood prices for consumers, in turn stimulating
wasteful consumption, especially in the rich nations. The effects on
cutting tariffs in fisheries are similar. Tariff cuts for minerals,
chemicals and other non-agricultural 

Re: Fw: help!

2002-03-21 Thread Gil Robertson

Hi! Folk,

This has been around for at least four years.

I have twice been the 500th and received it dozens of times. The return address
no longer exists and I have not been able to locate the original sender. But by
all means keep it going.


Gideon Cowen wrote:

 - Original Message -
 Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 7:21 PM
 Subject: help!

  Subject: Please can you help - thanks
  The Brazilian congress is now voting on a project that will reduce the
  Amazon forest to 50% of its size. It will take 1 MINUTE to read this, but

OFF RE: Mandatory vaccinations more (was Mandated vaccinations are coming)

2002-03-21 Thread Chris Trem

Note: This is serious stuff and California seems to be leading the way.
Oppose New Legislative Threat to Health and Democracy!
Calling activists to rally their opposition to the Emergency Health Powers
(In California- Bill 1763) in Sacramento at the Capitol steps at 10:00 a.m.
March 21, 2002
We will rally, have a press conference, and then visit our legislators’
staff from 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m..

The California Bill, based upon Model Health Emergency Health Powers Act,
would allow the governor to declare a public health emergency, and without
consulting with public health authorities, law enforcement, the legislature
or courts, to:

· Require any individual to be vaccinated. Refusal constitutes a crime and
will result in quarantine.

· Require any individual to undergo specific medical treatment. Refusal
constitutes a crime and will result in quarantine.

· Seize any property, including real estate, food, medicine, fuel or
clothing, an official thinks necessary to handle the emergency.

· Seize and destroy any property alleged to be hazardous. There will be no
compensation or recourse.

· Draft you or your business into state service.

· Impose rationing, price controls, quotas and transportation controls.

· Suspend any state law, regulation or rule that is thought to interfere
with handling the declared emergency.

 Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson is urging all
State legislatures to adopt the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act. HHS
will tie passage of the Act to billions of dollars in federal funding: the
usual method of bribery/coercion to get States to pass legislation that
would otherwise never be considered.

 In California on January 8, 2002, Assembly Member Richman
introduced Bill 1763 Emergency Health Powers Act. This may serve the Bush
Administration’s aims, but bodes ominously for democracy.

 The Patriot Bill, the Anti-Terrorism Bill, the Homeland Security
Act were not written in the wake of September 11,th but in anticipation of a
terrorist attack in the US. A violent military response “guaranteed 100%”
that the U.S. would be the subject of “future terrorist” attacks, the
government and the media assured us. The anthrax scare proved the
predictions true, but unfortunately for the hawks in the Pentagon, they were
unable to place the blame on Iraq (which they dearly wished to attack).
Elements within the military intellegence community were most likely
responsible for the anthrax attacks on Democrats and the media.

 The Center for Law and the Public Health was convened on Oct. 5th
to draft legislation to respond to the bioterrorism threat. (The Center for
Law and Public Health is run jointly by Georgetown University Law School and
Johns Hopkins Medical School, and was founded under the auspices of the
Center for Disease Control (CDC). CLPH was formed one month prior to the
2000 Presidential election.) A revised version was released on Dec. 21
containing more specific definitions of public health emergency as it
pertains to bioterrorism and biologic agents, and includes language for
those states that want to use the act for chemical, nuclear or natural

 As the Administration rattles its nuclear saber, bombs innocent
civilians, flagrantly violates International Law, shreds the Constitution,
veils itself in secrecy, admits the existence of an underground shadow
government to Congress, imprisons hundreds of innocent people because of
their ethnic background, blocks real inquiries into 9-11, while using “that
crime” to justify an endless war that enriches corporate elites, the
military, the oil companies, drug traffickers, more revelations of its shady
relationship with Enron, Bin Laden, (not to mention a rigged election in
Florida) are emerging. Doubts surface about whose interests will be served
by the Model Emergency Health Powers Act. While condemning and pursuing the
Al Qaeda network where convenient, the National Post reported Friday that

“Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda terrorist network has been active in the Balkans
for years, most recently helping Kosovo rebels battle for independence from
Serbia with the financial and military backing of the United States and
 Just who benefits the most from terrorist attacks? Civilians or the
Military Industrial Complex and the Mulit-National Corporations so bent on
dismantling on the democratic process and national sovereignty? And who
would benefit the most if another “bioterrorist attack” occurred in the US?
Why are the media and the US government trying to scare the US public and
discourage Congressional investigations into 9-11 and Enron?

 Microbiologists around the world have been dying under suspicious
circumstances in the past several months. On November 12, 2001 DynCorp
announced that its subsidiary, DynPort Vaccine, had been awarded a $322

Re: Who will decide our common future?

2002-03-21 Thread Peter Michael Bacchus

The contol we have over these issues is with our purchasing $ and our
prayers and meditations. You might not think that your contribution amounts
to much, but if it is multiplied by a million it will start to be noticed.

Re:Testing preps?

2002-03-21 Thread Peter Michael Bacchus

The activities, energies or forces that are accumulated in the Agricultural
Remediesare the same as those that build organs in higher animals an humans.
Steiner perceived that these activities, energies or forces were being
pushed back by the agricultural practices current at the time. The process
for each remedy should beable to be followed logically. I'm a bit slow and
it took me the best part of forty years, and a bit of help from Glen, to get
it sorted. I'm sure others can get it faster.

 Manfred Palmer in Richmond Hill Ontario writes:

 The preps carry the focalized aural conditions for organizationally
 increased life-forms to expedite their purpose in and for the whole.
 ...same could be said for us as individuals, i guess. What are our

Re: Testing preps?

2002-03-21 Thread Peter Michael Bacchus

- Original Message -
From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2002 12:14 AM
Subject: Re: Testing preps?

 Peter - The testing will be done by Elaine Ingham's lab in Oregon.
 We are still working on which tests to conduct.

 Elaine suggested testing as follows:

 The tests I'd want to see are total and active bacteria, total and
 active fungi, protozoa, and nematodes.  If the material was added in
 fields with plants, running mycorrhizal colonization would be good

 But we are still discussing that also.

 Thanks Allan, Another question that arises is that of pathogens and is
part of the reason that the sheath material for making the Biodynamic
remedies has been oawed in Europe.  It looks like they may have to survive
on homoeopathic preps and radionics for a few yeutlars. Is there a risk that
similar laws could be unleashed in U.S.A.
How would one pay a contribution from this neck of the woods?

Re: Merla and the Weed Board

2002-03-21 Thread Merla

Dave, everything's O.K. as long as it isn't purchased. If I had made
the Pfeiffer
Field Spray myself, then it wouldn't have to be registered. Here
are two emails
I got from Randy, my nemesis yesterday andtoday. Here is Title
Chapter 22-2205 Registration, Chapter 22-2218 Violations, Chapter 22-2219
Remedies for Violations from Idaho Statutes. Myconclusion is that I
will have
to jump through the hoop. Hugh Courtney can't afford to.
I will attempt to collect
$5.00 from 19 families that liv on the road to be donated to the Josephine
Institute for registration of Pfeiffer Field Spray for use on Rapid
Lightning Road.
Otherwise, I will have to pay the fee myself or let it all go to waste.
That would
be ashamed.
Randy likes to make me jump through hoops and he creates these situations
whenever he can. Out west, people are much more nasty over who's
in charge.
They are really hostile to environmentalists.
I am now the Secretary of the Weed Committee. I used to be the
Secretary of
the Democratic Central Committee. They will take all your hours
of work, but
you are not entitled to have your point-of-view actualized in the system.
If you
try to act politically, you will find that there are rules which will
stop you from
"winning." It's a closed system with an unlevel playing field.
I'm just trying to keep our road from being sprayed with Curtail (2,4-D
Clopyralid) and Escort. To do this, we residents have to do the
job ourselves.
We have a cost-share grant because they injured a chemically sensitive
when they sneaked in and sprayed. The up side of Glenn's hyper
reaction is that it showed graphically to the road residents that the
herbicide is
dangerous to humans.
I used to be a solar groupie starting in 1979. I went to all the
International Solar
Energy Society meetings and listened to the inventors give presentations
on all
facets of solar energy. At a certain point, the big corporations
made each one an
offer they couldn't refuse for their product/invention and it was either
or changed. It was a heady time for me. I guess I am drawn
to inventors. I
hope this does not happen to you all. Somehow, Hugh Courtney
and the
traditional Biodynamic group avoided this by a combination of secretiveness
a low profile. I hate to register Pfeiffer Field Spray because
it gives them all the
details. I respect Hugh Courtney and I don't want to cause any
changes in what
JPI is doing. He is very concerned about not wanting to be materialistic.

I don't think you understand the problem. I personally don't care
what you use on your project, but what ever
you use should be both safe and effective.
It is against the law to use any pesticide, ferterlizer soil ammendant,
of what ever unless it
is registered with the Idaho Dept. of Agrticulture.
It would be pretty stupid for the Weed Board to OK the use of
money from the Dept. of Ag. to use an illegal
Furthermore you seem to worry a whole lot about how bad chemicals
are, but seem to forget that some
biological agents, can be devastating to agriclulture.
He softens in the second email, but the answer is the same
I finally got back to your email and read it again...
No I do not think that we can, or should pay for the registration
of the
product. If the company selling it has enough confidence in the
and they want to sell it in Idaho they can register it.
If you have been using it on the road, please stop. You are breaking
law. If in any way shape of form it looks like the board is
the use of an unregistered product we can all get in
deep trouble.
Bye Randy




(1) Each separately
identifiable soil amendment or plant amendment product shall be registered
before being distributed in this state. The application for registration
be submitted to the department on a form furnished by the department,
shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable fee of one hundred dollars
($100) per
product and a label of each product, unless a current label is on file
at the
department. Companies planning to mix customer formula soil amendments
plant amendments shall include the statement "customer formula mixes"
the "products" column on the registration application form. Upon approval
the department, a certificate of registration shall be furnished to
 (2) In determining whether a label statement
of an ingredient is
appropriate, the department may require the submission of a written
describing the method of laboratory analysis used, the source of all
ingredient material and any reference material relied on to support
the label
statement or guarantee of the ingredients.
 (3) Upon receipt of a complete application
for registration of a product,
the department may test and analyze an official sample of the product
determine whether the contents of the