Re: HTML page seperator or page breaks?

2002-02-18 Thread Briac Pilpré

On Mon, 18 Feb 2002 at 16:44 GMT, Carolyn Bentley wrote:
 I need to be able to create a web page that has page breaks in it.
 I think there might be a way to do this with tables. However I cannot
 find any documentation about it.
 Is there anything you might suggest trying?

 Although this is more a HTML/CSS question, you may want to look at the
 following CSS2 properties:

 (although they are not supported by every
 browsers - Opera5/6 and IE5.5/6, and maybe Mozilla)
 Documentation and examples can be found in the CSS2 specifications:

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Re: removing white space revisited

2002-02-18 Thread Briac Pilpré

On Mon, 18 Feb 2002 at 18:48 GMT, David Gilden wrote:
 My goal is to clean up the fields submitted from a form and then be
 able to use them in other places.
 Do I have to assign my 'cleaned' data to a hash?

 You can try it by yourself:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use CGI qw(:cgi);

foreach my $key ( param() ) {
my $value = param($key);# Fetch the parameter value
$value =~ s/^\s*|\d*\s*$//g;# Strip whitespaces and trailing digits
param( $key, $value );  # Reassigning the value in the parameter

# We verify the parameters to see if the values were changed
foreach ( param() ) {
print $_ = ', param($_), '\n;


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Re: Perl Regular Expressions

2002-02-18 Thread Briac Pilpré

On Mon, 18 Feb 2002 at 22:44 GMT, Karl Kittler wrote:
 I'm also trying to figure out how to collect both the URL and the link
 name in one line of code. From what I've read, it looks like it can be

 Forget regexes, use a proper HTML parser.
 TokeParser is nice for this task 

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use HTML::TokeParser;

my $p = HTML::TokeParser-new(\*DATA) or die Cannot read DATA: $!;

my %links;

while ( my $token = $p-get_tag('a') ){
my $url = $token-[1]{href};
my $text = $p-get_trimmed_text(/a);
$links{$url} = $text;

while ( my ($url, $text) = each %links ){
print $url = $text\n;

headtitleTest TokeParser/title
  href=hello.htmlHello World!/a
 pSome text a href=goodbye.htmlGoodbye cruel world/a /p
a style=font-size:18pt href='foo.html'Foo!/ap
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Re: Writing to a file

2002-02-16 Thread Briac Pilpré

On Sat, 16 Feb 2002 at 01:19 GMT, Naika - Ev1 wrote:
 I'm trying to write to a file from a 5 choice radio form and I keep
 getting this error
 Undefined subroutine main::param called at line 5.
 What does that mean?

 It means that the param() subroutine can't be found in the main package
 (your program). But in fact, you really want to use the param()
 subroutine (CGI::param). To be able to use it directly in your program,
 you must first import it with a statement like 'use CGI qw(param);' at
 the top of your script.

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Re: References/unitialized variable error message

2002-02-16 Thread Briac Pilpré

On Sun, 17 Feb 2002 at 00:07 GMT, Geoffrey F. Green wrote:
 Hi.  Newbie to perl here.  I've got two problems (well, two perl-related
 problems), relating to the same program.

 To iterate over a hash, you want to use the keys() function.
 foreach my $keys ( keys %table) {
 print $table{$keys}-{search},\n;
 print $table{$keys}-{shortname},\n;

 Otherwise, perl iterates alternatively over the keys and the values of
 the hash, which causes the extra newlines and the warnings.

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Re: Percent printing in CGI...

2002-02-14 Thread Briac Pilpré

On Thu, 14 Feb 2002 at 19:46 GMT, Jerry Everett Jr wrote:
 I am having a problem printing percents within my PERL program when I
 add in CGI.

 You have a problem with your parens in the printf function.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use CGI qw(:html);

for my $percent ( 0.5, 5.434, 12.12, 100 ){
printf(p('2.Percent addresses used: %2.0f%%'), $percent)

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Re: Help ...

2002-02-14 Thread Briac Pilpré

On Fri, 15 Feb 2002 at 00:42 GMT, Jason Lamar wrote:
 I purchased a Mail This Page To A Friend script that I'm doing some
 tweaking on, but I can't figure out a particular item in the function that
 parses HTML code to be formatted into a standard e-mail message.
 ... so that only the Image Description is left. Basically, I want to delete
 all the rest of the code but leave the alt tag information intact.

use a proper HTML parsing tool to do that for you. HTML::Parser is quite
easy to use with little practice.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use HTML::Parser 3;

my $html = '_HTML_';
pHello img src=/gifs/earth.gif with=30 height=30 alt=World

report_tags = ['img'],
start_h = [ sub { print shift-{alt} }, 'attr' ],
text_h  = [ sub { print shift }, 'dtext' ],


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Re: redirect script failling

2002-02-13 Thread Briac Pilpré

On Wed, 13 Feb 2002 at 23:48 GMT, David Gilden wrote:
 Can someone point why the following is not working?

 According to the doc (perldoc CGI):
   The redirect() function redirects the browser to a different URL.
   If you use redirection like this, you should not print out a
   header as well.

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Re: array question

2002-02-13 Thread Briac Pilpré

On Wed, 13 Feb 2002 at 02:29 GMT, Pankaj Warade wrote:
 This is work
 my @array = ( 1, 2, 3, 4 );
 print $#array; --- size of array.

 Actually, $#array holds the indices of the last element, not the size
 of the array. @array in scalar context returns the number of elements
 in the array

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

my @array = qw(1 2 3 4);

print Number of elements: , scalar @array, \n;
print Last element: , $#array, \n;


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Re: Perl parameter in html-tag

2002-02-12 Thread Briac Pilpré

On Tue, 12 Feb 2002 22:54:36 +0100 (MET), Terje Bremnes
 Any ideas here? Do I need to split the $word into an array (vector) in order
 to separate URL-links?

 That's the idea, though the backtick operator can be used in list
 context, like this:

#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw
use strict;
@ENV{qw(PATH BASH_ENV)} = ('',''); 
my $value = $ARGV[0];

   $value =~ m/^(\w+)/; # untaint
   $value = $1;

 chomp(my @results = `/bin/grep -inlsh $value perl/*`);
 print pThe string '$value' was found in these files:/pul\n;
 foreach (@results){
 print qq'lia href=$_$_/a/li\n';
 print /ul;


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Re: how do I make a input from STDIN to be silent??

2002-02-12 Thread Briac Pilpré

On Tue, 12 Feb 2002 12:15:17 +1100, Ivan Teliatnikov
 I want to read a passwd string from the terminal but without
 displaying it back to the screen.

 perldoc -q password

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Term::ReadKey;

print Password: ;

chomp( my $password = ReadLine(0) );

print \nYou entered '$password'\n;


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Re: Use of Spllic command

2002-02-12 Thread Briac Pilpré

On Tue, 12 Feb 2002 14:46:45 -0800 (PST), Kevin Butters
 I have an array with 5 elements, 0-4. I want to insert
 values into the array at position 2. Do I use the
 splice command?
 splice(@array, 1, value);
 print @array\n;
 0 1 2 3 4 5

You forgot the length argument to the splice function

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

my @array = (0..4);
print @array\n;

splice(@array, 1, 1, value);
print @array\n;


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Re: Time conversion question

2002-02-12 Thread Briac Pilpré

On Tue, 12 Feb 2002 17:03:00 -0600, Shawn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How might I convert a date/time string to epoch seconds?
 For example, taking 02/05/2002 02:31:14 and convert to epoch seconds.

One easy way to do it is to use the standard Time::Local module:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Time::Local;

my $time_string = 02/05/2002 02:31:14;

my ($mday,$mon,$year,$hours,$min,$sec) = split(m![/ :]!, $time_string);
my $time = timelocal($sec,$min,$hours,$mday,--$mon,$year);

print Epoch: $time\n;


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2002-02-10 Thread Briac Pilpré

On Sat, 9 Feb 2002 19:23:23 -0800, Octavian Rasnita [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,
 Do you have any idea what is ELO and what is HELO?
 I sent a message and I saw in the headers from unknown (HELO).
 Thank you for some light.

 I'm assuming from your last e-mail on the list that you're speaking of
 the HELO command in the SMTP protocol.
 This command is used to identify yourself to the SMTP server at the
 beginning of the transaction (though you can use it later on too IIRC)
 It has the form:

 The server usually do a reverse lookup to see if the name you gave is
 correct. It should reply with a line greeting you, like:
 250 Hello whatever hostname it found
 during the reverse lookup)

 obPerlContent: with Net::SMTP the hostname you give during the HELO
 command can be set in the constructor with the Hello = 'hostname'

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Re: The SMTP protocol

2002-02-09 Thread Briac Pilpré

On Sat, 9 Feb 2002 09:54:31 -0800, Octavian Rasnita [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Do you know where I can get information about the SMTP protocol?
 I read in a module that it is explained in RFC821.
 Where can I found this RFC?
with a bit of luck, you'll find it right away

 Will I understand the SMTP protocol from there, to be able to make a script
 for sending mail?

 If you like to spend your weekends reading RFCs, this one will probably
 tell you how the SMTP protocol works.
 But if you're impatient and/or lazy and want to send mail right away,
 you can use one of numerous CPAN modules that handles SMTP protocol
 like Net::SMTP, Mail::Sender, Mail::Sendmail, Mime::Lite, etc.

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Re: Keys and values

2002-02-09 Thread Briac Pilpré

On Sat, 09 Feb 2002 13:49:59 +, Terri Harrison
 What do I do so that the Name is the key and the Species and Gender
 together are the value?

 You were not too far from what you wanted to do.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

my %zoo;

while (DATA){
# Split the line in two elements, after the first space
my @elements = split(/ /, $_, 2);
# Assign the first element as the key and the last as the value
$zoo{$elements[0]} = $elements[1];

# Let's check the results:
print $_ = $zoo{$_}\n foreach keys %zoo;

Happy Cat Male
Evil Snake Female
Patches Dog Male
Bubbles Fish Female
Harley dog Female
Goldy Fish Male

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Re: Renaming files with Perl

2002-02-08 Thread Briac Pilpré

On Fri, 8 Feb 2002 06:48:56 -0800, Troy May [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I posted a question about this a couple days ago and only got 2
 responses, but neither of them worked for him. So I figured I'd start
 new since he told me the EXACT format he would like the files to be
 in. My friend wants to rename a dat file as he calls it.
 (message.dat?) He would like to rename them in this exact format: the
 word mess, current date (2 character format) then the extension
 .html. So if he would run this today, the renamed file would be:
 Any ideas on this?  He's really bugging me about it.  :)

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

my $file = 'message.dat';
my ($d,$m,$y)=(localtime)[3,4,5];
my $newname = sprintf('mess%02i%02i%02i.html', $d, ++$m, ($y+1900)%100);

print $file = $newname\n;
rename($file, $newname) 
or warn Could not rename '$file' to '$newname': $!\n;


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Re: Mucking around with txt and arrays

2002-02-02 Thread Briac Pilpré

On Fri, 01 Feb 2002 18:52:18 -0500, 
Steven Rubin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Create a script that formats a txt file into html. Well, that's 
 kinda  vague. I mean...

If the text files looks like the one you have below, with entries
separated by blank lines, here's a rough outline of what you could do:

Hope this helps, 

#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw
use strict;
use CGI qw(:standard);

my @entries;

local $/ = '';  # Paragraph reading mode
while (DATA){
my @datas = split(/\n/, $_);
push( @entries, [@datas] );

use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper @entries;

print header(), start_html('CGI people'),
map { Tr(td([@$_])) } @entries

Web design and basketball

Butterfly chasing and Database administration


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Re: width of table cells and CGI ???

2002-01-31 Thread Briac Pilpré

On Thu, 31 Jan 2002 13:58:04 +0100 (CET), Martin A. Hansen wrote:
 thats is pure HTML code... i know!
 i want to do it the CGI way!
 aint there a -width = 150 switch i can set?

 td({ width = 150 }, ['Title', $title]),

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Re: html entity conversion... one liner?

2002-01-31 Thread Briac Pilpré

On Thu, 31 Jan 2002 14:06:06 -, Michael Kavanagh
 I thought it would be good to be able to do this:
 $item = blah;
 $item  =~ tr//(lt;)(gt;)/;
 to convert those  symbols to their entity references. however, the
 tr operator doesn't seem to like using () to group... any comments on
 how to make this operation in to a one-liner?

Here's a possible suboptimal one-liner approach:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

my $item = gahbuh/gah zoh;

$item =~ s/([])/''. ($1 eq'' ? 'l':'g') . 't;'/eg;

print $item;


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Re: Reading text

2002-01-30 Thread Briac Pilpré

On Tue, 29 Jan 2002 21:56:38 -0600, Michael Pratt wrote:
 What is the simplest means of reading a text file line by line.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

open(FILE, ' file.txt') or die Cannot open file: $!\n;

while(FILE){  # Read each line of file.txt until end of file.
# the current line content is in $_
print Current line: $_;


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Re: Getopt::Long problem (Allegedly)

2002-01-30 Thread Briac Pilpré

On Wed, 30 Jan 2002 21:47:15 -, Angus Laycock wrote:
 Content-Type: text/plain;
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
 I wrote this today on UNIX . When I tested the script, calling it with 
 all the options (f s D P U S e q ) the -s option would not return the 
 value from the command line. All the other variables got populated. I 
 then change the s:s to f:s and that worked. I am trying to replace 
 some software which uses -s as an option and need to handle the options 
 the same in the PERL replacement. Is there a bug with s:s?

By default, Getopt::Long is case insensitive. Try adding the bundling
and ignore_case options.

cf perldoc Getopt::Long (Configuring Getopt::Long)

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
Getopt::Long::Configure (bundling, ignore_case);


'f:s' = \$TT,
's:s' = \$SPROC,
'D:s' = \$DATABASE,
'P:s' = \$PASSWORD,
'U:s' = \$USER,
'S:s' = \$SERVER,
'e'   = \$ERR,
'q:s' = \$QUERY
) || die Options incorrect\n;

print _EOT_;
TT   = $TT

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Re: parsing multi-line records

2002-01-28 Thread Briac Pilpré

On Mon, 28 Jan 2002 15:02:31 -0800, David Palomino wrote:
 I am trying to parse lpstat -s output from HPUX. There are two lines
 per record. It looks like this:

Playing with the $/ might help you a bit here

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

$/ = 'device for';

my $header = DATA;

while (DATA){
my ($dev1,$remote,$on) = / ([^:]+):.*?to: (.*) on (\w+)/s;
print $dev1,$remote,$on\n;

no system default destination
device for ms331x_lzr: /dev/null
remote to: ms331x-lzr on spooler1 
device for df447x_lzr: /dev/null
remote to: df447x-lzr on spooler2 
device for cvacct4_lzr: /dev/null
remote to: cvacct4-lzr on spooler3 
device for myprinter: /dev/null
remote to: cvacct5-lzr on spooler3 


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Re: Form-Click questions

2002-01-22 Thread Briac Pilpré

Guy Davis wrote:
 I apologize if this is making no sense. Since I am using someone
 else's code I still have a lot of fuzziness about what is actually
 happening. A little nudge in the right direction would be helpful and
 greatly appreciated.

 Maybe you would find the webchatpp application (provided with in the
 webchat distribution:

 This application creates the whole code for requesting pages,
 submitting forms, fetching other pages according to the results of the
 submission, etc.

 Here's a quick example

---% chatscript 

# Initialize some perl stuff
$ua   ||= new LWP::UserAgent;
my $agent = shift || 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows NT; DigExt)';
## Set some User Agent properties.

# 1) I pass a URL, username, password

# 2) The URL is opened and scanned for a login form
FORM login

# 3) The form once found is populated with the passed username and
F UserName=username
F /go2/directraffic/handler/LoginFormHandler.password=s33kr3t

# 4) form-click is called which makes the $click-is_redirect() routine
#equal to true at this point
SUBMIT login

# 5) open the redirected page as in #2 above and do some more form and
#submit stuff (this is where I'm having problems... I don't know how
#to 'open' this redirected page)

# The content redirected form is stored in $_
FORM another_form
F foo=bar

- chatscript ---%---

Then, you can type:

  $ webchatpp chatscript | perl
And hopefully it will do what you want...

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Re: Using system variables (M$ OS's)

2002-01-21 Thread Briac Pilpré

Andrew Mason wrote:
 I would like to print a line containing the value of a system variable
 (I'm running on M$ NT4).
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

print Blah blah $ENV{IPADDRESS} blah!\n;


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Re: binmode with graphics, @ARGV, -T switch

2002-01-20 Thread Briac Pilpré

In article a05101204b8710279a226@[], Harvey Quamen wrote:
 1) This script doesn't really translate from a jpeg to a PNG, does
it? The $image_type is simply for the header, right? I got confused
because the book says, So we will provide a high-color,
high-detail PNG if possible, or a JPEG otherwise but it seems like
the script is just dumping the data untouched right to STDOUT.

 No, there's no file format conversion done by this script. It just
 check if the user's browser can accept PNG files (or, in my example,
 prefers them over JPEG files.) According to this user preference, the
 script displays the image in the right format (but a version of the
 same image must be provided in the two formats.)
 2) More description: If a user calls this with
http://localhost/cgi/image_fetch.cgi/new_screenshot.png, he or she
will actually get new_screenshot.png or new_screenshot.jpeg
depending on what the browser supports. I can see that the script
is pulling the filename from $ENV{PATH_INFO} but could this data
also be retrieved from @ARGV? I tried a version with @ARGV, but it
didn't seem to work, and I wasn't sure if it was due to @ARGV or

 No, the @ARGV array is useless in this case since there are no
 arguments passed to the script. Two ways of fetching informations from
 outside the script are the CGI parameters (either with POST or GET
 method), and the http server environement variables, which can be
 found in the hash %ENV.
 The modified version below uses to avoid the hassle of
 remembering all the environements variables set by the http server. The
 added benefit of using CGI is that it provides a path_translated
 function that translates the additional path info (in our case, the
 filename) into the full path in the file system.

(By the way, it would be smart to use File::Basename for this type
of thing, wouldn't it?

 We could, but perl is generaly smart enough to translate '/' to '\' on
 Windows, for example. And the path_translated function should probably
 give back what you are expecting too.

And is that why there are extra
parentheses around the my $basename declaration? It's not in a list
context, is it?)

 Yes it is! the m// operator returns true or false (1/0) if it matches,
 which is handy in for example:
   print matched if m/Foobar/;

 If you look at the documentation (perldoc perlop), you'll read
 somewhere that the m// operator:
Searches a string for a pattern match, and in scalar context
returns true if it succeeds, false if it fails.
m// in list context returns a list consisting of the
subexpressions matched by the parentheses in the pattern, i.e.,
($1, $2, $3...).

 So you can see that the (\w+), if it is matched, is returned in in the 
 $image_path variable.
 Not that if we wanted to keep track of the file extension the user
 gave, we could have said for example:

   my ($image_path, $image_ext) = path_translated() =~ /(\w+)\.([^.]+)$/;
 3) The Camel and the Pocket Reference both say that binmode needs a
filehandle. I'm guessing the Perl in the Guelich et al book is a
slightly older version? So I should expect a few more of these
syntax differences as I go through the book? (I actually never got
this version of the script to run, even with setting up some
directories and files, but managed very well with the one in the
Camel, p. 686.)

 I don't have the book right here, but in doubt, check the perldoc with
 up to date information on function use. For example, to get the doc
 about binmode():
   $ perldoc -f binmode
 4) When I test for syntax errors on the command line, I get the following:
 Too late for -T option at image_fetch.cgi line 1.
 I'm using Perl 5.6.0 and Apache 1.3.20 on Mac OS 10.1.

 Try adding the -T switch on your command line:
 $ perl -T
#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
# Same script, using (untested though)
use strict;
use CGI qw(:standard);

my $image_type = Accept('image/png') = Accept('image/jpeg') ? 'png' : 'jpeg';
my ($basename) = path_translated() =~ /^(\w+)/;
my $image_path = $basename.$image_type;

unless ( $basename and -B $image_path and open IMAGE, $image_path ) {

my $buffer;
print header( -type = image/$image_type, );
binmode STDIN;
while ( read( IMAGE, $buffer, 16_384 ) ) {
print $buffer;


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2002-01-18 Thread Briac Pilpré

=?Gb2312?Q?Yun=20yun?= wrote:
 I want to do a small test on database in perl using MS
 Access database, but I find there is no DBD_ACCESS in
 the, should I download it from somewhere? the
 same thing with the database DB2 and other database.

 To use DBI with MS Access databases, you must use DBD::ODBC.
 You can also use Win32::ODBC if you want to access(!) Access-specific
 meta datas.

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Re: How to make it more perlish

2002-01-18 Thread Briac Pilpré

In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Frank wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 18, 2002 at 11:39:11AM +0100, Jorge wrote:
   my @PROG=(
   'c:\\OXE\\cygwin\\bootp\\linux\\install', 'etc...');

 If you want to be a little more perlish, you can avoid the '\\' and put
 '/' instead, perl will do what you mean, and it's good for your
 laziness, too.

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Re: Regex Assistance

2002-01-17 Thread Briac Pilpré

In article 2FB59B145095D511A7C90050BAC349F31730A3@MAIL, John Edwards wrote:
 I need a routine that will look at the filename, if that filename already
 exists, then add a (1) to the end. I've got the checking for existance
 sorted, it's the generation of the new file name that is the issue.

Here's a possible way to do it:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;


sub myRename {
my $filename = shift;

warn Can't find '$filename'\n and return  unless -e $filename;

my $newname;

if ( $filename =~ m!  (.*)  \(  (\d+)  \)  \.  ([^.]+)  $!x ){
        -  ---  _  
   |  | || 
filename   number in () dot  extension  eol

$newname = $1( . ($2+1) . ).$3;

else {

($newname = $filename) =~ s/\.([^.]+)$/(1).$1/;

rename ( $filename, $newname )
or warn Could not rename '$filename' to '$newname'\n and next;
print $filename = $newname\n;


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Re: Thumbnail images on-the-fly

2002-01-16 Thread Briac Pilpré

Scott R. Godin wrote:
 any pointers? I'm happy to toddle off and download and read my face off 
 -- that's not a problem.. I'd just like to have some indication on which 
 direction to start walking. :-)

Here are some Pictures Gallery-type modules that can be found on CPAN:

As for image manipulation tools, I use Image::Magick, which is really
powerful. The only drawback is that the learning curve is quite steep as
the documentation for this module can be hard to follow.

 Good luck with your project!

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Re: subroutine returning lines of text

2002-01-16 Thread Briac Pilpré

Martin A. Hansen wrote:
 im wondering how i can make a subroutine that will return all text
 lines between certain marks such as START and STOP:

Here's simple way to do it. It uses the '..' operator (see perldoc
perlop for more info about it).

Note that if START and STOP are in the same line, it will only print
this line. If you want to force START and STOP to be on different lines,
try using the '...' operator.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

my $start = 'START';
my $stop  = 'STOP';

while (DATA){
print if /$start/ .. /$stop/;

is here
and there
is here
and there
lot of it
is here
and there

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Re: Win32::ActAcc - where from to download

2002-01-16 Thread Briac Pilpré

Abhra Debroy wrote:
 Can anybody tell me where from I can down load 'Win32::ActAcc'. I tried it
 from CPAN but failed.

Get the .zip here:


1 Unzip the zip ( Make sure your unzip program
preserved the directory tree: for example, you should see
Win32-ActAcc.tar.gz in an x86 subdirectory under the directory that
contains ActAcc.html (the documentation).

2   Open a command prompt window.

3 In the command prompt, cd to the directory that contains

4 In the command prompt, issue the following command:

ppm install --location=.  Win32-ActAcc 
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Re: Running commands as variables

2002-01-16 Thread Briac Pilpré

In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], David Ulevitch wrote:
   I am trying to do this:
   $ns1_in = `/usr/local/sbin/iptables -xvnL |grep 'mrtg' |grep -v 'Chain' |grep 
'ns1-in' |awk '{print $2}'`;
   but perl thinks the $2 is for it so it evals it (to '') and then awk
   in return prints the whole line, as opposed to the $2 that I want.

 try with the following syntax:
 $ns1_n = qx( ... );

 the qx() operator acts as the q or qq operator, by allowing you to
 choose your own set of delimiters.
 see perldoc perlop for more infos.

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Re: Tables in CGI

2002-01-15 Thread Briac Pilpré

In article 02011510194302.01235@gandalf, Gerry Jones wrote:
 To recap: I don't need help with DBI or querying DB's, but with printing the 
 results into a table. I have two arrays: @columns (contains the column 
 names from the queried table), and @data (contains every row from that 
 table). I tried to adapt the code in Lincoln Stein's book, but all I got was 
 a table with the column headings and the first row was filled with the 
 @data array.

Here's how I would probably do it using 'pure'
I assume that @data is an array of arrays, each sub-array being a row.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use CGI qw(:html);

my @columns = qw( FooBar Baz   Quux   );
my @datas =([qw(  Eenie  Meenie   )],
[qw(  Barney FredWilma)],
[qw(  Just   Another Perl  Hacker )],

print start_html('CGI Table'), table(
{ -border = 1 },
Tr( [
map {td($_)} @datas,
), end_html();


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Re: tables in cgi for briac pilpre'

2002-01-15 Thread Briac Pilpré

Nafiseh Saberi wrote (in perl.beginners):
 hope you be fine.
 i reply this question,also.
 (tables in cgi)
 do you know what is the difference between my answer
 and yours,or what is the advantages ??

 Your answer is probably faster than mine in execution time since you
 don't have to call CGI methods to print a HTML table. However, using to create HTML, is in my opinion, a safeguard against HTML
 inconstencies. I think also makes the code more readable, as it is 100%
 perl and not a mix between perl and HTML. And an added bonus is that outputs by default (generally) valid XHTML.

 Of course, if you want to make really complex things in HTML,
 can be limitating. But in these case, I'll probably use a proper
 Templating tool (like HTML::Template, or better, Template Toolkit or
 HTML::Mason, all available on CPAN)

 I hope all of this makes sense!

 I think..your mail have problem and returned.

 Yes, my mail is 'spam armored', you have to remove the capital words
 'NO' and 'SPAM' from my address.


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Re: Regex improvment needed

2002-01-15 Thread Briac Pilpré

Jorge Goncalvez wrote:
 Hi, I have this code to parse a file and get the hardware address:
 It works fine but if that comes after hardware ethernet contains a..f in 
 lowercase the letter are ommitted.
 How can i get rid of this behaviour.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

use vars qw(%_Globals);


print $_ = $_Globals{$_}\n for keys %_Globals;

sub ParseInitDhcpdconf {
while (DATA) {
if (/{hardware ethernet\s+([:0-9a-z]+);/i) {
print found $1\n;
$_Globals{MAC_ADDRESS} = uc($1);


host clin09 {hardware ethernet 00:56:9C:6B:8A:15;
but it can be for exemple
host clin09 {hardware ethernet 00:56:9c:6b:8a:15;

Seven trout out of 
the pool. A flying thrush. A 
fox walks. A songbird.

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Re: Using print

2002-01-14 Thread Briac Pilpré

Evan Panagiotopoulos wrote:
 I have a text file and I would like to use the print command. I read the
 documentation but I couldn't make heads or tails.
 I have the variable containing the string in variable $fields{add}, the text
 file in in variable taxfile.dat, and the receiving variable is $lines.

 Okay you want to print every lines of a file (taxgfile.dat) that match
 the string in $field{add} ?

 Here's a way to do it:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

my %fields = (
# We use quotemeta to avoid interpreting special characters
# (like *, +, ?) in the regular expression
'add'   = quotemeta('string to match'),

open(FILE,  taxfile.dat) or die Cannot open taxfile.dat: $!\n;
while (FILE){
print if /$fields{add}/i


Hope this helps,

 $lines = print  if (/(?i) $fields{add}/ ) taxfile.dat;
 I wanted to ignore the case (upper or lower is irrelevant).
 HELP, after many hours of trying, searching and cursing I finally give up
 and I ask for your suggestions.
 Evan Panagiotopoulos

A pair of lovers contending 
under an oak. A 
old man. A bear walks.

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Re: Dependencies script

2002-01-14 Thread Briac Pilpré

In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Gary Hawkins wrote:
 In private correspondence, the esteemed bcc'd entity penned:
 hi again.
 i work with perl,
 but I dont know,for what purpose you want to do that ?
 for which puepose?

 Or you can install the Devel::Modlist module, and just type:
 perl -d:Modlist

 And have all the use'd and require'd modules and files needed by the
 script printed.

A rabbit sniffs near 
a farmer's cottage. Four quacking 
ducks. A duck quacks.

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Re: extracting links from HTML data

2002-01-14 Thread Briac Pilpré

In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Lorne Easton wrote:
 I need to write some code that extracts that extracts hyperlinks from a
 scalar ($data) and puts them into an array.
 I imagine that grep can do this, but my mastery of it and
 reqular expressions are not brilliant.
 Can you please provide some example code, or at least point me in the right

 If you only need the URLs of the hyperlinks, then HTML::LinkExtor is
 just what you need, and it is provided with HTML::Parser.
 HTML::SimpleLinkExtor might be worth a try too.

 Otherwise, if you want the URLs and the text inside, something like the
 following might work:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use HTML::Parser 3;

my $data = '_HTML_';
pa href=http://foo;bar/abr
foo text baz
a href=http://baz;quux/a/p

my @links = parse_links($data);

# We now print the links we found
my $count;
foreach (@links){
print ++$count . . Description: $_-[1]\n   URL: $_-[0]\n\n

sub parse_links {
my $data = shift;

my ( @links, $inside );
my $count = 0;

# Preparing the parser
my $linkparser = HTML::Parser-new(
report_tags   = ['a'], # Only dealing with A tags
unbroken_text = 1, # Avoid text split over several lines

# Called each time a A ... is found   
start_h   = [
sub {
# Storing the HREF attribute
$links[$count] = shift-{href};
# We should recall we're inside a A element
$inside = 1;

# Called when /A is found
end_h = [ sub { $count++; $inside = 0; }, '' ],

# Called when text is found
text_h = [ sub {
# We're only interested in text inside a.../a
return unless $inside;
# Store the text with the previous stored HREF 
# attribute
$links[$count] = [ $links[$count], shift ];
# Launch the parser
return wantarray ? @links : \@links;


A flying swallow. 
A fox stalks under a she-oak. 
A nesting dove.

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Re: Multiple Substitutions with RE on a single line?

2002-01-14 Thread Briac Pilpré

Tim Sargent wrote:
 snip I'd prefer an efficient and neat method to do all this,
 but am rather stuck.  Any pointers that can get me started down the right
 path would be greatly appreciated...I know there's an answer out there, I'm
 just having a devil of a time finding it.  Sorry for the lengthy post.

 I would store all the possible transformations in an array, containing
 the regex and the replacement string. the iterate over the array and
 replacing each occurences as they are found:

 As for avoiding repeating replacement, I just tweaked the 'green' regex a
 little bit by adding a (?!\.p) at the end ( look-ahead negative
 assertion: the string '.p' must not be found after /GS\d/ )

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use 5.6.0;

my @transfo = (
[ qr/\b(GS\d{1,2}\.p\d+-\d+\b)/, 'green-atu' ],
[ qr/\b(GS\d{1,2})(?!\.p)\b/,'green' ],
[ qr/\b(launch)\b/i, 'launch'],
[ qr/\b([BS]\d{1,2})\b/, 'blue'  ],

my $text = '_TEXT_';
GS5 launches 3 plasma torpedoes (GS5.p1-3), 
warhead strength 20, speed 32

foreach my $case (@transfo){
$text =~ s{$case-[0](?!span)}
  {span class=$case-[1]$1/span}ig;

print Result:\n$text;

span class=greenGS5/span launches 3 plasma torpedoes (span
class=green-atuGS5.p1-3/span), warhead strength 20, speed 32

Two leaping Dahuts. 
A thrush flying towards the 
east. Two bears waiting.

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Re: read source file of .html

2002-01-14 Thread Briac Pilpré

Gary Hawkins wrote:
 Along that line, I would like to be able to wind up with pages after retrieval
 as plain text without html tags, hopefully using a module. 

Here's a really quick way to do so using HTML::Parser, it can probably
use some tweaking.

Hope this helps,

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use HTML::Parser 3;
use LWP::Simple;

my $html = get(;) or die Couldn't fetch the page;

my $parser = HTML::Parser-new(
unbroken_text   = 1,
ignore_elements = [qw( script head )],
text_h  = [ sub {print shift}, 'dtext']


A flying lark. Five 
trout swim in the pond. Four foxes 
under a she-oak.

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Re: Line Numbers and...

2002-01-12 Thread Briac Pilpré

In article 000701c19bba$0af78320$1f58a9cb@S7575530, Leon wrote:
 my $count = 0;
 open FILE, '' or die $!\n;
 while (FILE){
  print Line $count: $_;
 close FILE;

You could even do that in a one-liner:
$ perl -pe'printf(%03i : , $.)'
or, under Windows:
C:\ perl -peprintf('%03i : ', $.)

The $. variable hold the number of the current line
being read. (see perldoc perlvar)

Six darting carps. Joshu 
departs near a dojo. 
Five old men. A dove.

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Re: Switches

2002-01-12 Thread Briac Pilpré

In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Naveen Parmar wrote:
 Any site that provides details on the different command line switches?

 No need to waste bandwidth when all the relevant infos are on
 your system!  :)

 perldoc perlrun

Bankei departs under 
an oak tree. Ten bears eat 
under a she-oak.

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Re: return code

2002-01-11 Thread Briac Pilpré

In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Ahmed Moustafa wrote:
 Hi All,
 I'm calling a Java application using system. How can I know the return 
 code of the called Java application?

 perldoc -f system
 The return value is the exit status of the program as returned by the
 wait call. To get the actual exit value divide by 256. See also the
 exec entry elsewhere in this document.

 You can check all the failure possibilities by inspecting $?
 like this:
   $exit_value  = $?  8;
   $signal_num  = $?  127;
   $dumped_core = $?  128;

A leaping trout. Three 
foxes near the market-place. A 
lark nests. A lark sings.

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Re: IP address from the registry

2002-01-10 Thread Briac Pilpré

Jorge Goncalvez wrote:
 Hi, Is there a way to obtain the IP address from the registry in Both Windows 98 
 and NT with Perl moduls.

Dave Roth's GetIP script should do what you want, hopefully with a
miminmum amount of tweaking:

A pair of thrushes flying 
over the pool. Bankei 
under a maple.

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Re: Cookies ...

2002-01-09 Thread Briac Pilpré

Polikarpov Cyrill wrote:
 I'm working whith perl but I don't know how to work whith cookies. Give 
 me please some tips for this one ...

 A good start would probably be to read the documentation of
 perldoc HTTP::Cookies

 The CGI modules also offers support of cookies and have good examples
 on how to use them in it documentation:
 perldoc CGI
 (search for the section called HTTP Cookies)

 A good read is merlyn's Web Techniques, at least two of them deals
 directly with cookies:
 A lot of other articles are using Cookies too, and they're probably
 the best commented examples you could find.

 Hope this helps,

Two kingfishers flying 
towards the west. Master Po 
near the market-place.

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Re: Google-script, enhancements

2002-01-09 Thread Briac Pilpré

In article 00c101c1993b$662efc40$b81411d5@pc2002, Henk Van Ess wrote:
 Dear all,
 I'm enhancing the Google-script, and would love to get an OUTPUT like this:
 How do I get the FIXED value as_qdr=m3 after the VARIABLE q?
 I don't need a Prefix now, but a suffix. How do I enter this in Perl?

You can change the line :
 print redirect($prefix%20$search; );
To :
 print redirect($prefix%20$searchas_qdr=m3; 

The Jade Emperor 
under an elm tree. A wolf 
walks beside a stream.

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Re: Parsing and regexp

2002-01-09 Thread Briac Pilpré

Jorge Goncalvez wrote:
 Hi, I made a parsing of a file which contains :
 Adresse IP. . . . . . . . . :
 like this to obtain the Ip adress.
 if ($_ =~/Adresse IP/) {
 $_ =~ s/.+://;
 push @IPREAL, $_;
 $_=~ s/(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\.\d+/$1.0/;
 push @IP, $_;
 It works but my problem is that parsing works only in french files, but I wanted 
 to make it working in another language like for exemple English.
 I have 
 IP Address. . . . . . . . . : 
 How can I improve my regexp   if ($_ =~/Adresse IP/) to check the IP address 
 indepentmently of the language (I know that the searched string contains always 
 IP )

Something along those lines might work:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

my (@IPREAL, @IP);

while (DATA){

if ( /.*?IP.*?(?:\. )+:\s([0-9.]+)/ ){
my $ip = $1;
push @IPREAL, $ip;

$ip =~ s/(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\.\d+/$1.0/;
push @IP, $ip;


print IPREAL: @IPREAL\n;
print IP: @IP\n;


Adresse IP. . . . . . . . . :
IP Address. . . . . . . . . :
Whatever language IP. . . . :


A pair of songbirds 
nest in the branches of a she-oak 
tree. A lark nests.

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