Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] some calls just ring

2012-06-21 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
Hello ,

can you please clarify the exact call flow and the behavior in more details ?

also Yes  deb ccsip mess will tell us about the signalling and the
ringback method been used , however i saw that you are changing the
invite header and you are changing the media status from sendonly to
send recieve ,
any specific reason for that ?


On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 9:19 PM, Bill Lake wrote:

 Having some trouble and hoping someone has seen this before as I have not
 been able to reproduced it.  Took over this site and trying to resolve some
 callers getting ring back but never processes at the site.

 Here are the configurations and I have removed identifiable information.  I
 am thinking I need to debug sip messages but wondering before I do that if
 anyone has a better idea.  Sensitive site as we are taking it over.


 Building configuration...

 Current configuration : 16282 bytes


 ! Last configuration change at 17:39:38 EST Fri Jul 22 2011 by Administrator

 ! NVRAM config last updated at 17:40:56 EST Fri Jul 22 2011 by Administrator

 ! NVRAM config last updated at 17:40:56 EST Fri Jul 22 2011 by Administrator

 version 15.1

 service timestamps debug datetime msec

 service timestamps log datetime msec

 no service password-encryption


 hostname 2901



 boot system flash:c2900-universalk9-mz.SPA.151-4.M1.bin




 logging buffered 1


 no aaa new-model

 clock timezone EDT -5 0

 clock summer-time EST recurring


 no ipv6 cef

 ip source-route

 ip cef




 ip dhcp excluded-address

 ip dhcp excluded-address


 ip dhcp pool Voice



  option 150 ip



 no ip domain lookup

 ip domain name CME.local

 multilink bundle-name authenticated







 trunk group FXO


 crypto pki token default removal timeout 0


 voice-card 0

  dsp services dspfarm




 voice service voip

  allow-connections h323 to h323

  allow-connections h323 to sip

  allow-connections sip to h323

  allow-connections sip to sip

  fax protocol t38 version 0 ls-redundancy 0 hs-redundancy 0 fallback none



 voice class codec 1

  codec preference 1 g711ulaw


 voice class h323 1

   h225 timeout tcp establish 3

  h225 display-ie ccm-compatible


 voice class sip-profiles 1

  request REINVITE sdp-header Audio-Attribute modify sendonly sendrecv



 voice hunt-group 1 parallel

  list 1301,1302,1303,1304,1305,1306,1310,1311,1312,1320,1321,1322

  pilot 7510





 voice translation-rule 1234

  rule 1 /^\*\(13..\)/ /\1/



 voice translation-profile DirectTransfer2VM

  translate redirect-called 1234



 license udi pid CISCO2901/K9 sn FTX151901AD

 hw-module ism 0


 hw-module pvdm 0/0





  log config

   logging enable

  path flash:backup-cfg

  maximum 14


 username Administrator privilege 15 secret 5 removed

 username gwashington password 0 removed

 username jadams password 0 removed

 username tjefferson password 0 removed

 username jmadison password 0 removed

 username jmonroe password 0 removed

 username jqadams password 0 removed

 username ajackson password 0 removed

 username mvanburen password 0 removed

 username wharrison password 0 removed









 interface Embedded-Service-Engine0/0

  no ip address



 interface GigabitEthernet0/0

  description  CONNECTION TO 2960 SWITCH 

  no ip address

  duplex auto

  speed auto


 interface GigabitEthernet0/0.1

  description  DATA VLAN 

  encapsulation dot1Q 1 native

  ip address

  ip helper-address


 interface GigabitEthernet0/0.2

  description  VOICE VLAN 

  encapsulation dot1Q 2

  ip address


 interface ISM0/0

  ip unnumbered GigabitEthernet0/0.2

  service-module ip address

  !Application: CUE Running on ISM

  service-module ip default-gateway


 interface GigabitEthernet0/1

  no ip address


  duplex auto

  speed auto


 interface ISM0/1

  description Internal switch interface connected to Internal Service Module

  no ip address



 interface Serial0/0/0

  description ** WAN **

  bandwidth 1544

  ip address removed

  no fair-queue

  service-module t1 timeslots 1-24


 interface Vlan1

  no ip address


 ip forward-protocol nd


 ip http server

 ip http authentication local

 ip http secure-server

 ip http path flash:


 ip route removed

 ip route ISM0/0




 tftp-server flash:apps42.9-1-1TH1-16.sbn

 tftp-server flash:cnu42.9-1-1TH1-16.sbn

 tftp-server flash:cvm42sccp.9-1-1TH1-16.sbn


Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Tragic news

2012-02-25 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
I am very sorry to hear this , he was a very nice person , RIP Jeferson ,

CCIE Voice # 31524

On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 10:20 PM, Antonio Dee wrote:
 very sad news ; Deepest condolensce to Jeferson and family :-(

 Antonio Dee
 CCIE RS #25609

 Date: Sat, 25 Feb 2012 01:59:03 -0200
 Subject: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Tragic news

 Hello brothers,

 I just like to let you know that my friend and study partner, Jeferson
 Guardia CCIE #28157, has passed away yesterday.

 He was a skateboarder and day before yesterday, he fell, hitting his head.
 He didn't want to go to the hospital, because he thought he was ok.
 According to his father he passed in his sleep due to a blood clot in his
 brain. This is a tragic moment for all his family and friends.

 I thought I should share this with you guys because he's been very active
 here on the list, and we were studying together for the CCIE Voice. He was a
 great motivator and helped me get out of my personal problems so I could
 focus on my studies. It's sad how life is, and what shocks everybody the
 most is that he was only 24 years old (soon to be 25 on March 20th).

 Mourning, but still on the fight... =(

 Emanuel Damasceno
 CCNP Voice

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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Cluster Security password for call manger version 4.1

2012-01-24 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
Longtime since i play around 4.x but i guess the CCMPWDChanger Tool
or the adminutility is the way .

The password is stored in the sql db but i dont have this ccm to brows
the table location for you ,

Check this link and see if it will help :


On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 11:12 AM, Alpesh Bhakta wrote:

 Can anybody please help me out For:-

 1.How to find out what is my cluster security password for call manager
 version 4.1
 2.How to reset cluster security password for call manager version 4.1

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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] MGCP Registration

2012-01-16 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
the issue you facing is a L2 protocol mismatch issue , The ISDN you
using is Qsig so you using Qsig tunneling ? what is your other side
switch talking ? and what do you have configured on the CCM config
page ?

Let me see the debug output please

Deb mgcp pack
deb isdn q921


On Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 11:11 AM, Alexander Suhandi wrote:
 Hi mercy, did you try to put the DN number on this particular ISDN? Is the 
 switch-type already correct according to the provider?


 Sent from Samsung tablet

 mercy forall wrote:

 this is :-

 show isdn status

 Global ISDN Switchtype = primary-qsig

 %Q.931 is backhauled to CCM MANAGER 0x0003 on DSL 0. Layer 3 output may not 

 ISDN Serial0/2/0:15 interface
        dsl 0, interface ISDN Switchtype = primary-qsig
          Slave side configuration 
        L2 Protocol = Q.921 0x  L3 Protocol(s) = CCM MANAGER 0x0003
    Layer 1 Status:
    Layer 2 Status:
        TEI = 0, Ces = 1, SAPI = 0, State = TEI_ASSIGNED
    Layer 3 Status:
        0 Active Layer 3 Call(s)
    Active dsl 0 CCBs = 0
    The Free Channel Mask:  0x800F
    Number of L2 Discards = 0, L2 Session ID = 6
    Total Allocated ISDN CCBs = 0
 Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2012 17:44:32 +0400
 Subject: Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] MGCP Registration

 What does the show isdn status shows up?

 On Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 5:35 PM, mercy forall wrote:

 thanks for your support and good link\

 this is my GW configuration , also it is connected to other cisco GW as PSTN 
 GW through E1 cross cable

 sh run :
 Current configuration : 15381 bytes

 version 15.0
 service timestamps debug datetime msec
 service timestamps log datetime msec
 no service password-encryption
 logging buffered 51200 warnings

 no aaa new-model

 network-clock-participate wic 2
 dot11 syslog
 ip source-route
 ip cef
 no ipv6 cef
 multilink bundle-name authenticated
 isdn switch-type primary-qsig
 voice-card 0
 voice rtp send-recv
 voice service voip
  allow-connections h323 to h323
  allow-connections h323 to sip
  allow-connections sip to h323
  allow-connections sip to sip
  redirect ip2ip
  no call service stop
 voice class codec 1
  codec preference 1 g711ulaw
 voice class custom-cptone
  dualtone disconnect
  frequency 425
  cadence 250 250
 http client cache memory pool 15000
 http client cache memory file 500
 http client connection timeout 60
 http client connection idle timeout 10
 http client response timeout 30

 mrcp client timeout connect 10
 mrcp client timeout message 10
 mrcp client rtpsetup enable
 vxml tree memory 500
 vxml audioerror
 vxml version 2.0
 crypto pki trustpoint TP-self-signed-3307538538
  enrollment selfsigned
  subject-name cn=IOS-Self-Signed-Certificate-3307538538
  revocation-check none
  rsakeypair TP-self-signed-3307538538

 controller E1 0/2/0
  pri-group timeslots 1-4,16 service mgcp

 interface GigabitEthernet0/0
  no ip address
  duplex auto
  speed auto
  media-type rj45

 interface GigabitEthernet0/0.1
  encapsulation dot1Q
  ip address X.X.X.X

 interface Serial0/2/0:15
  no ip address
  encapsulation hdlc
  isdn switch-type primary-qsig
  isdn incoming-voice voice
  isdn bind-l3 ccm-manager
  no cdp enable
 ip forward-protocol nd
 ip http server
 ip http access-class 23
 ip http authentication local
 ip http secure-server
 ip http timeout-policy idle 60 life 86400 requests 1
 ip route X.X.X.X

 call threshold global cpu-5sec low 70 high 85
 voice-port 0/2/0:15
 voice-port 0/3/0
 voice-port 0/3/1
 ccm-manager switchback immediate
 ccm-manager fallback-mgcp
 ccm-manager redundant-host X.X.x.x
 ccm-manager mgcp
 ccm-manager config server x.x.x.x
 mgcp call-agent x.x.x.x service-type mgcp version 1.0
 mgcp bind control source-interface GigabitEthernet0/0.1
 mgcp bind media source-interface GigabitEthernet0/0.1
 mgcp profile default
  timer receive-rtp 1200
 retry invite 1
  retry bye 1
  retry cancel 1
  timers expires 6
  reason-header override
  max-conferences 12 gain -6
  transfer-system full-consult


 Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2012 13:29:49 +0100

 Subject: Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] MGCP Registration


 The card is supported: 

Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Cant connect to Sub

2012-01-16 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
Hello Errol ,

This issue usually mean you have incorrect Host/ processNode files in
your PUB or the Sub and so the communication is broken between the PUB
and the SUB and you have to find what table we have corrupted and fix
it , or you have a big timing difference reported by your NTP ,

can you check what service you have running on both pub and sub
specially the A Cisco DB and let me know what you will get .


On Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 5:15 PM, Errol Abrahams wrote:

 Hi All,

 I had a problem with my VMWARE Server and I had to rebuilt the system from
 scratch. I have reloaded PUB,SUB,CUPS,CUC and CUCCX and all virtual
 addresses are pingable. When I activate the services for the PUB from the
 Cisco Unified Serviceability screen, it worked. But, when I try to access
 the SUB from same screen then it displays'Connection to the Server cannot be
 established(unable to access Remote Node).

 Has anybody had a problem like this and how can I fix this problem. Your
 help is appreciated..thnx.



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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] QoS question on Workbook2 Lab 10

2012-01-16 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
Hello John ,

You thinking is correct however as  the Packet will traverse over the
wan , it will be always subject to get modified by a lot of SW to
change specially the DSCP Value and so the QOS SRND recommend to Not
trust the packets coming from the wan and so we dont trust in the
Branches routers .

The right answer for any QOS Question is what is in the SRND and i
believe thats why you will find it in the real lap in the desktop


On Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 8:18 PM, John McGaughey (jomcgaug) wrote:

 In Workbook 2, Lab 10, question 5.2  it asks you to setup MLP LFI between HQ
 and BR1.  In the solution guide it has you use auto qos trust on the HQ side
 but does not use trust on the BR1 side.  The DSG guide says the reason for
 not using the trust key word is because of the following:

 Note that we have not done any prior QOS classification/marking on the ESW
 module therefore we will use class-based marking (no use of the trust
 keyword when running auto qos).

 But the phones use the following markings by default.

 signaling (SCCP or SIP) - CoS 3 / cs3

 media (RTP) - CoS 5 / DSCP 46 (EF)

 Why couldn’t we just use the trust keyword on BR1 as well since the phone is
 already marking the packets correctly?


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2012-01-13 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
did you run qos on sc as well ? you know that you have to otherwise
you will kill sc sub interface , do show traff and you will see it
getting 56 K only , so the solution is to run the QOS on both sub
interfaces on HQ and on sc as well


On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 12:09 AM, study buddy wrote:
 Hi All,

 For the Lab topology, if I run QoS between HQ  SB  RSVP CAC between HQ 
 SC  set the ip rsvp band to 112 for 4 calls, I can actually make only two
 calls the third calls get re-routed. Now if I run qos between HQ  SC
 routers as well with a BW of 1536 I can make 3 calls, but the 4th call still
 fails  I get the following RSVP error

 *Jan 10 12:58:29.883:   QoS Module: RESV ERROR received : Remote IP: | Local IP:

 *Jan 10 12:58:29.883: qos_rsvp_resv_notify_events: errCode 1, errVal 2,
 errFlag 0, errNode

 *Jan 10 12:58:29.883: qos_rsvp_remove_reservation:  Removing RESV state for
 CallId  : 0xFFC5

   Remove Resv: Source (, Dest (

 Any thoughts on this?


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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] SIP MWI issues with CUE

2012-01-02 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
Hi ,

You are binding the Sip to the loopback interface while you using the
Vlan400 for the CUE , change this and it should work

voice service voip
 allow-connections h323 to h323
 allow-connections h323 to sip
 allow-connections sip to sip
  bind control source-interface Loopback0
  bind media source-interface Loopback0


On Mon, Jan 2, 2012 at 9:54 AM, Rajasekar Shanmugam wrote:
 Peter - Thanks a lot for your guidance and that made me to realize my config
 mistake. Actually , the SIP binding was done for a different interface than
 the telephony-service bound interface. Good catch...:)


 2012/1/2 Farkas Péter

 SIP stack on CUE has to be given IP address of binded SIP IP address of
 voice gateway. Try to correct on CUE:

 ccn subsystem sip
  gateway address

 It may require reset of CUE, as well.


 - Original Message -
 From: Rajasekar Shanmugam
 Date: Monday, January 2, 2012 4:29 pm
 Subject: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] SIP MWI issues with CUE

  Experts -
   I`m running into some issues with the CUE MWI , when working with SRST.
   have the required configs  using the unsolicited notify for the MWI.
   Attached my configs  the ccsip debug output. Not sure , wher I`m going
   wrong. Please help.
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  please visit
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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Cluster Security password

2012-01-01 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
Happy new Year Asad and everyone,

Here is summary steps of how to do that :
1. Log in to the system with the following username and password:

Username: pwrecovery
Password: pwreset

The Welcome to platform password reset window displays.

2. Press any key to continue.
3. If you have a CD or DVD in the disk drive, remove it now.
4. Press any key to continue.

The system tests to ensure that you have removed the CD or DVD from
the disk drive.

5. Insert a valid CD or DVD into the disk drive.

For this test, you must use a data CD, not a music CD. The system
tests to ensure that you have inserted the disk.

6. After the system verifies that you have inserted the disk, you get
prompted to enter one of the following options to continue:

Enter a to reset the administrator password.
Enter s to reset the security password.
Enter q to quit.

7. Enter a new password of the type that you chose.
8. Reenter the new password.

The password must contain at least 6 characters. The system checks the
new password for strength. If the password does not pass the strength
check, you get prompted to enter a new password.

9. After the system verifies the strength of the new password, the
password gets reset, and you get prompted to press any key to exit the
password reset utility.

if you still facing error after this procedures , collect cluster
manager service traces and send them over to me i will check it for


On Sun, Jan 1, 2012 at 10:31 PM, Cisco Nut wrote:
 Checkout the following link

 On Sun, Jan 1, 2012 at 6:42 AM, Asad Yasin wrote:

 Any body know how to change the cluster password that is used on
 subscriber to join to publisher.

 Thanks  Regards,

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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] lab/6 MGCP TS got the lab in Dubai really hard luck

2011-12-12 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
Thank you so much , as suspected , this is a fake email ID and this is
a way to sell your LAB 6 ,

in regard of my credibility , i don't need someone like you to tell if
i can get the marks or no , alot of people know me and also Cisco
itself know me ,

If anyone interested of the Trash you trying to sell its his problem
Now , i did what i wanted and now this way is too old  , you go to
dubai and got lab 6 and it was hard and all this stuff ...Once again
thank you ..Find another way !


On Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 11:48 AM, Marksnap Marky wrote:

 If u will write this in lab u will get 0 hehehehehe :)

 thanks for yr suggestions but i am nt interested :)

 If anyone has proper answers ping me :)

 From: Ashraf Ayyash
 To: Marksnap Marky
 Cc: Ray;
 Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 12:09 PM
 Subject: Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] lab/6 MGCP TS got the lab in Dubai really
 hard luck

 Hello ,

 I don't appreciate your unprofessional /NDA violation you bring to the
 alias and i am not replaying to this email for you ,
 i am replaying because i know you scare so many people who about
 getting the exam soon ...Thank you for this and feel free to Ignore my
 email ,

 Now , for the people who maybe interested , if you will have to
 troubleshoot audio issue with MGCP , you have to know the following :

 1- from the debug mgcp pack check the source and the port and the
 codec and the media type from the SDP in the CRCX and the MDCX  and
 the  200 OK ,  you have to know where to look and what every character
 in the SDP means , refer to email sent today in the alias about this
 and also you can always check the RFC .

 from there you have to find out if this is a connectivity issue ( ping
 the ip from the C parameter with the source of the correct IP you
 binding the MGCP in and make sure there is no Binding/connectivity
 issue , if so then you good to explain what is going on ,

 2- in the LAB version you may Hit CSCsy10653 which can cause No way
 audio issue and you have to know the Symmetrical Support for MGCP Call
 Based :

 and of course the solution of the defect from the release notes :


 Symptoms: Calls on an MGCP gateway negotiating the g729br8 codec may
 fail to have audio in one or both directions.

 Conditions: This occurs on MGCP gateways with the fix for CSCsu66759
 when the g729br8 codec is being negotiated.

 Workaround: Any of the following will be sufficient to get around this

 1. Configure the gateway for static payload type using the following
 commands on the gateway:

 mgcp behavior g729-variants static-pt

 mgcp behavior dynamically-change-codec-pt disable

 2. Disable g729br8 from being negotiated for this call. If CUCM is
 involved, this is done with the service parameter Strip G.729 Annex B
 (Silence Suppression) from Capabilities.

 3. Use a Cisco IOS code on the gateway which does not contain the fix
 for CSCsu66759 (Cisco IOS Release 12.4(22)T and below).


 On Sun, Dec 11, 2011 at 3:08 PM, Ray wrote:
 check out this link,, it may help ...

 From: Marksnap Marky
 Sent: Sunday, December 11, 2011 12:03 PM
 Subject: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] lab/6 MGCP TS got the lab in Dubai really hard

 Can anyone guide how to solve lab 6 MGCP TS

 3.4   MGCP Troubleshooting

 Management has confirmed that there are instances of one way audio from
 outbound calls made from HQ phones. Please provide the appropriate debug
 verify whether or not One way audio instances are prevalent for HQ Phones.
 Only provide the appropriate debug instance together with an explanation
 highlighting your response to Management in no less than 50 words in a
 file titled MGCP.txt on the User PC’s desktop.

 can anyone say how to solve
 again missed 3 time


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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] MGCP Parameters Documentation

2011-12-11 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
Hello Joe,

I don't think there is any Doc that explain the MGCP SDP parameters as this
is usually a TAC level of analysis ,
However if you have any specific Question about the MGCP parameter i will
may Help you


On Sat, Dec 10, 2011 at 2:42 PM, AJ BG wrote:

 Is there any Cisco document that explains MGCP Parameters, similar to the
 table bellow?

 *MGCP Parameters*


 *Parameter Name*
























  LocalConnection Descriptor




























  Second Endpoint ID

 I know that the RFC 2705 explains it. But I would like to find a reference
 in Cisco documentation website. So it will be accessible during the lab as


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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] paging with CallManager 7

2011-12-11 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
Hello ,

i have published this Info when i was in the TAC as i got email of features
included in the 8.6 CCM ,
the best person to ask about this is your account manager , he can talk to
the BU about this and get back to you with better answer


On Sun, Dec 11, 2011 at 8:48 PM, Adil Shaikh wrote:

 Hi Ashraf,

 8.6(2) or 8.6(2a) release note does not have paging feature information.

 On cisco site, Features and services guide is still version 8.6.1, so,
 can't check whether paging is included in 8.6.2 or 8.6.2a.

 I have not got CUCM 8.6.2, so can't check it.

 So, has santa claus arrived and we have no hint of it?


 On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 4:29 PM, Ashraf Ayyash ash.ayy...@gmail.comwrote:

 heheh ,  santan claus will work for Cisco this year to create the Paging
 feature !!

 now to confirm this feature with some more details ,

 Paging feature will be introduced in  8.6(2)  version of CCM which will
 be release before the end of this Year ,

 in addition ,  8.6(2) will have more cool features , one worth to
 mention is Redirecting Number Xformation  :)

 Best regards

 On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 4:39 AM, Roger Carpio

 Don't you worry boys... I know if we behave Santa Claus will program it
 for us... LOL

 On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 12:56 PM, Ashraf Ayyash ash.ayy...@gmail.comwrote:

 the release still coming over  in the few next weeks,the release notes
 for that version is not yet published .


 On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 7:19 PM, Mark Reed wrote:

 Where did you see that?  I looked at the 8.6 release notes and don't
 see that feature.

 On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 3:20 AM, Ashraf Ayyash 

 Hello Erwan ,

 Paging Feature will be available on the latest 8.6 CCM Version  ,


 On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 8:38 AM, Erwan Erwan e_er...@yahoo.comwrote:

  hi all,

 does call manager 7 have paging feature  we can use ? for basic


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 Mark L Reed
 Home: 260-637-1585

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   .. . .

 . .

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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] CUE misbehaving

2011-12-11 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
what is the status of this module ?

ser ser 0/0 status , reset with it a lil bit , make sure you
have the CUE SW installed


On Sun, Dec 11, 2011 at 6:30 PM, Randall Crumm wrote:
 I have an issue with my CUE. I have the configuration on the SC rtr (see
 When I enter ser ser 0/0 ses I just get blank ...
 I hit ctl+alt+6 x and get back to the sc rtr cli

 If I hit enter again I get :
 [Resuming connection 1 to ... ]
 This is blank space...

 interface Loopback1
  ip address
  ip ospf network point-to-point
 interface Service-Engine0/0
  ip unnumbered Loopback1
  service-module ip address
  service-module ip default-gateway

 ip route Service-Engine0/0


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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] lab/6 MGCP TS got the lab in Dubai really hard luck

2011-12-11 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
Hello ,

I don't appreciate your unprofessional /NDA violation you bring to the
alias and i am not replaying to this email for you ,
i am replaying because i know you scare so many people who about
getting the exam soon ...Thank you for this and feel free to Ignore my
email ,

Now , for the people who maybe interested , if you will have to
troubleshoot audio issue with MGCP , you have to know the following :

1- from the debug mgcp pack check the source and the port and the
codec and the media type from the SDP in the CRCX and the MDCX  and
the  200 OK ,  you have to know where to look and what every character
in the SDP means , refer to email sent today in the alias about this
and also you can always check the RFC .

from there you have to find out if this is a connectivity issue ( ping
the ip from the C parameter with the source of the correct IP you
binding the MGCP in and make sure there is no Binding/connectivity
issue , if so then you good to explain what is going on ,

2- in the LAB version you may Hit CSCsy10653 which can cause No way
audio issue and you have to know the Symmetrical Support for MGCP Call
Based :

and of course the solution of the defect from the release notes :


Symptoms: Calls on an MGCP gateway negotiating the g729br8 codec may
fail to have audio in one or both directions.

Conditions: This occurs on MGCP gateways with the fix for CSCsu66759
when the g729br8 codec is being negotiated.

Workaround: Any of the following will be sufficient to get around this issue:

1. Configure the gateway for static payload type using the following
commands on the gateway:

mgcp behavior g729-variants static-pt

mgcp behavior dynamically-change-codec-pt disable

2. Disable g729br8 from being negotiated for this call. If CUCM is
involved, this is done with the service parameter Strip G.729 Annex B
(Silence Suppression) from Capabilities.

3. Use a Cisco IOS code on the gateway which does not contain the fix
for CSCsu66759 (Cisco IOS Release 12.4(22)T and below).


On Sun, Dec 11, 2011 at 3:08 PM, Ray wrote:
 check out this link,, it may help ...

 From: Marksnap Marky
 Sent: Sunday, December 11, 2011 12:03 PM
 Subject: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] lab/6 MGCP TS got the lab in Dubai really hard

 Can anyone guide how to solve lab 6 MGCP TS

 3.4   MGCP Troubleshooting

 Management has confirmed that there are instances of one way audio from
 outbound calls made from HQ phones. Please provide the appropriate debug to
 verify whether or not One way audio instances are prevalent for HQ Phones.
 Only provide the appropriate debug instance together with an explanation
 highlighting your response to Management in no less than 50 words in a text
 file titled MGCP.txt on the User PC’s desktop.

 can anyone say how to solve
 this!!! shit
 again missed 3 time


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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] UCCX on VMWARE problems.

2011-12-08 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
do you have the License uploaded to the CCX , this can happen when you
have no license


On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 12:20 PM, ccielabrat wrote:
 I just wanted to do some testing on UCCX so I booted a vmware image of UCCX
 that I've used before.
 It's a fresh install with no integration.

 When I log in, it says the JTAPI is out of sync.
 I've fixed the JTAPI problem related to moving C:\windows\java files to

 It wants me to rerun jtapi sync, but the menus on the UCCX page page will
 not display correctly.
 Do dropdown menus appear.

 Can anyone help?

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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Silent Moh File

2011-12-08 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
You can get it from the UCCX server in the prompt file  ,


On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 1:25 PM, William Affeldt wrote:
 Does anyone have a silent Moh file already created that I can use?

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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] UCCX on VMWARE problems.

2011-12-08 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
What do you mean ? Where are you at exactly in the CCX installation ?
On Thursday, December 8, 2011, ccielabrat wrote:
 I can't get to the point to upload the license.

 On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 2:07 PM, Ashraf Ayyash

 do you have the License uploaded to the CCX , this can happen when you
 have no license


 On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 12:20 PM, ccielabrat wrote:
  I just wanted to do some testing on UCCX so I booted a vmware image of
  that I've used before.
  It's a fresh install with no integration.
  When I log in, it says the JTAPI is out of sync.
  I've fixed the JTAPI problem related to moving C:\windows\java files to
  It wants me to rerun jtapi sync, but the menus on the UCCX page page
  not display correctly.
  Do dropdown menus appear.
  Can anyone help?
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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] UCCX on VMWARE problems.

2011-12-08 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
Good To know you fix it , and its always my pleasure to help


On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 7:52 PM, wrote:
 Hi Ash,

 I stand corrected, I had uploaded the license file.
 I was at the point right after the initial setup completes and prompts
 you to close your browser.

 At that point, it presented the jtapi error.

 I got it working though.
 I ran setup /x from the UCCX media image and uninstalled UCCX.
 I then re-ran setup and have a clean UCCX server to mess with.

 Thank you as always for jumping in to help.

 On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 5:02 PM, Ashraf Ayyash wrote:
 What do you mean ? Where are you at exactly in the CCX installation ?

 On Thursday, December 8, 2011, ccielabrat wrote:
 I can't get to the point to upload the license.

 On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 2:07 PM, Ashraf Ayyash

 do you have the License uploaded to the CCX , this can happen when you
 have no license


 On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 12:20 PM, ccielabrat wrote:
  I just wanted to do some testing on UCCX so I booted a vmware image of
  that I've used before.
  It's a fresh install with no integration.
  When I log in, it says the JTAPI is out of sync.
  I've fixed the JTAPI problem related to moving C:\windows\java files to
  It wants me to rerun jtapi sync, but the menus on the UCCX page page
  not display correctly.
  Do dropdown menus appear.
  Can anyone help?
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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Problem with Multicast MOH from router flash

2011-12-01 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
The show ccm music will not show you any output for Voip calls , this
is used when you call from the PSTN to the BR1 and place the call on
hold ( in other word when the DSP get involved as the ccm music
command is to make the DSP injecting the MOH stream into the Isdn Call
 ) so this is normal ,

I think you Missing the Voice class codec under the incoming Voip
Dial-peer on the BR1 router , you need it as the Call will be swapped
to G711u when you will place it on hold , make sure you have it ,

Also what do you hear when you Put the PSTN call on hold ? in this
case you can use the show ccm music to see what codec you are using ,


On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 1:24 AM, Rynard Coetzee wrote:
 But I am streaming the MoH from the branch router ,so it should not be using
 a dial-peer ? Or does it still use the dial-peer as it thinks it is
 streaming from the CUCM server ?

 From: William Affeldt []
 Sent: 30 November 2011 08:46 PM

 To: Rynard Coetzee
 Subject: Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Problem with Multicast MOH from router flash

 Make sure that you configured the codec under the dial peers on BR1. They
 use g729 by default. Sounds like the dial-peers to call manager from BR1
 don't have a voice class codec or are a hard set codec configured.

 Sent from my iPhone

 On Nov 30, 2011, at 8:12 AM, Rynard Coetzee

 Hi guys

 I have been struggling with this problem for most of the day now ,and I
 don`t know what else I can check. The MoH works if I call from HQ branch to
 BR1 ,but when I call from the PSTN to BR1 I get tone on hold. I have the
 relevant config on my BR1 router

 Ccm-manager music-on-hold

 Telephony service


 Multicast moh port 16384 route (loopback)
 (Voice Int)

 I also configured separate DP for MOH server in CUCM with a G711 only
 region. I have the MOH setting on the audio source ,server and MRG set.
 Another strange thing that I see is when I call from HQ phone to BR1 phone
 and I put BR1 phone on hold I hear the MOH stream ,but when I do show
 ccm-manager music-on-hold it shows that there are 0 active multicast
 sessions ?

 Any ideas ,because I have run out … ?


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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Adding second language to CUE

2011-12-01 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
This mean you are installing the Wrong Language files , or you missing
on critical file ,

can you please paste what you have in the FTP directory root ?


On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 1:03 PM, ccielabrat wrote:
 I'm trying to add a second language to an AIM-CUE.

 I use the command software install add url  ftp://x.x.x.x/xyz.pkg
 and it seems to run without a problem but when it finishes processing the

 I get the follow message :

 Language add-ons found on the system (1):

   Installed   SKU    Name (version)
   *  ENU   CUE Voicemail US English (7.0.6)

 Maximum allowed language add-ons (=1) already installed.
 You can use software uninstall to remove add-ons.

 ui_install scripts executed successfully.

 The issue is if I run Show software licenses , it indicates a max of 2
 languages are allowed.

 CUE# sho software licenses
 Installed license files:
  - voicemail_lic.sig : 12 MAILBOX LICENSE

  - Application mode: CCME
  - Total usable system ports: 6

 Voicemail/Auto Attendant:
  - Max system mailbox capacity time: 840
  - Default # of general delivery mailboxes: 5
  - Default # of personal mailboxes: 12

  - Max # of configurable mailboxes: 17

 Interactive Voice Response:
  - Max # of IVR sessions: Not Available

  - Max installed languages: 2
  - Max enabled languages: 2

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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Adding second language to CUE

2011-12-01 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
Hello ,

why you have tow packages in the root directory ?

you have to have the full package of 7.0.6 and the lang pack of GB
7.0.6 ONLY on the root directory , run the installation again and see
how it will go


On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 8:02 AM, ccielabrat wrote:
 Hi Ashraf,

 See below. Thank you!

 ftp ls
 200 Port command successful
 150 Opening data channel for directory list.

 On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 2:57 AM, Ashraf Ayyash wrote:

 This mean you are installing the Wrong Language files , or you missing
 on critical file ,

 can you please paste what you have in the FTP directory root ?


 On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 1:03 PM, ccielabrat wrote:
  I'm trying to add a second language to an AIM-CUE.
  I use the command software install add url  ftp://x.x.x.x/xyz.pkg
  and it seems to run without a problem but when it finishes processing
  I get the follow message :
  Language add-ons found on the system (1):
    Installed   SKU    Name (version)
    *  ENU   CUE Voicemail US English (7.0.6)
  Maximum allowed language add-ons (=1) already installed.
  You can use software uninstall to remove add-ons.
  ui_install scripts executed successfully.
  The issue is if I run Show software licenses , it indicates a max of 2
  languages are allowed.
  CUE# sho software licenses
  Installed license files:
   - voicemail_lic.sig : 12 MAILBOX LICENSE
   - Application mode: CCME
   - Total usable system ports: 6
  Voicemail/Auto Attendant:
   - Max system mailbox capacity time: 840
   - Default # of general delivery mailboxes: 5
   - Default # of personal mailboxes: 12
   - Max # of configurable mailboxes: 17
  Interactive Voice Response:
   - Max # of IVR sessions: Not Available
   - Max installed languages: 2
   - Max enabled languages: 2
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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Need some help with GK/CUBE Remote Zone call debugging.

2011-12-01 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
The ccapi debug will show you the cause code which doesn't explain why
the call failed ,

you have to debug the h245 asn1 and check the TCS and see the codecs
advertised and received and then you will get the TCS negotiation
failure so you can explain that there is codec mismatch


On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 11:55 AM, Mohd Baqari wrote:
 Use the command debug voice ccapi inout. H323 debugs won't show in this case.

 Mohammed Al Baqari

 Sent from my iPhone

 On Dec 1, 2011, at 6:12 PM, ccielabrat wrote:

 I'm trying to setup a call from HQ CUCM via GK-Trunk to a Remote Gk Zone.

 I have the Gatekeeper configured with OutVia for the remote zone referencing 
 a CUBE on the HQ router.

 I didn't realize (but it makes sense now) that with Wait for H.245 
 unchecked on on the CUCM trunk, the call setup goes to the GK/CUBE as g.711.

 This obviously causes a problem when the CUBE (by default) tries to create 
 the outgoing call leg to the remote zone using G.729.

 I don't have an XCoder available to CUBE at this point.

 My problem is that I can't see the codec mismatch failure in debug cch323 
 h225  or debug cch323 h245.
 (If it's in there , I'm not seeing :) )

 Can someone help me understand if the failure is noted in either of these 
 Point me towards a debug that would show the codec mismatch problem?

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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Need some help with GK/CUBE Remote Zone call debugging.

2011-12-01 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
 20:45:36.810: h245_decode_one_pdu: H245ASNDecodePdu rc = 0,
 bytesLeftToDecode = 0
 Dec  1 20:45:36.810: h245_decode_one_pdu: Read Pkt body: more_pdus:0 rc:0
 HQ#sho deb

   H.245 ASN1 Messages debugging is on

 On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 2:00 PM, Ashraf Ayyash wrote:

 The ccapi debug will show you the cause code which doesn't explain why
 the call failed ,

 you have to debug the h245 asn1 and check the TCS and see the codecs
 advertised and received and then you will get the TCS negotiation
 failure so you can explain that there is codec mismatch


 On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 11:55 AM, Mohd Baqari
  Use the command debug voice ccapi inout. H323 debugs won't show in this
  Mohammed Al Baqari
  Sent from my iPhone
  On Dec 1, 2011, at 6:12 PM, ccielabrat wrote:
  I'm trying to setup a call from HQ CUCM via GK-Trunk to a Remote Gk
  I have the Gatekeeper configured with OutVia for the remote zone
  referencing a CUBE on the HQ router.
  I didn't realize (but it makes sense now) that with Wait for H.245
  unchecked on on the CUCM trunk, the call setup goes to the GK/CUBE as 
  This obviously causes a problem when the CUBE (by default) tries to
  create the outgoing call leg to the remote zone using G.729.
  I don't have an XCoder available to CUBE at this point.
  My problem is that I can't see the codec mismatch failure in debug
  cch323 h225  or debug cch323 h245.
  (If it's in there , I'm not seeing :) )
  Can someone help me understand if the failure is noted in either of
  these debugs
  Point me towards a debug that would show the codec mismatch problem?
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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Vol 2 Lab 2: cannot get inbound H.323 trunk calls to CME SIP phone to work G.729 to G.711

2011-11-30 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
Hello Anthony ,

You cannot Transcode call that Hit Dial peer with Voice class codec  ,
it make sense as the router though that he can support Both codecs

I hope this clarify the issue you saw


On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 8:36 PM, Anthony Alba wrote:

 Very strange: I can now get both inbound and outbound calls to CME SIP
 working with transcoder invoked at BR2-RTR. I cannot use voice-class codec
 1 under the dial-peer.

 This surprises me: why would voice class codec hurt the task?

 voice class codec 1
  codec pref 1 g729r8
  codec pref 2 g711ulaw

 If I put this under any of the dial-peers it breaks CME SIP.

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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Live Record

2011-11-28 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
Its not supposed to get involved in this discussion but Edger there
was another 100K way to say the same thing in more respectful way
Amit Note is Valid and i see Ken accept it and clarify where he come from ,

i agree this is a open Alias and anyone can ask anything , but please
allow me to remind you that the last goal of anyone participate in
this alias is to be Expert of Cisco so it will be good to have expert
level of question going in here ( any Questions always welcomed)
based on my small experience in this Certificate , you have to exhaust
all the local resources you have before email the alias
because the answer you got in a second will be forgotten in a second later .

Respectfully ,

On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 12:20 AM, Edgar Feliz wrote:
 Hi ken,
 Don't pay attention to A Mitstake...
 You can ask all the questions you want here.. he is not the boss of us... If
 he does not want to participate in a discussion he should just keep his trap

 On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 12:20 AM, Ken Wyan wrote:

 Dear  Sir (Amit),

 Thanks for your encouragement.

 Keep it going.

 ( before asking forum , I saw LiveRcd available in CUCME , but in none of
 CUCM softkey templates had it or couldn't add for a new softkey template  )
 On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 10:25 AM, Amit Singh wrote:

 Mate I guess u can login into cucm and have a quick look.

 I am 100% sure that is much faster than typing this email.

 Mate seems like ur not putting any efforts in studying from your side.


 Sent from my iPad

 On 28/11/2011, at 4:52 PM, Ken Wyan wrote:

  Is Live Record Softkey (LiveRcd) available with CUCM ( Call Manager
  Server based system ) ?
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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Live Record

2011-11-28 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
Agree , if its not yet improved on CCM 8.5 , 8.6  then i am sure that
there is enhancement defect opened for this and it will be deployed
much better in the newer CCM/CUC releases ,

i am going through CCM 8.6 these days , if any useful info will show
up i will share it here


On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 2:00 AM, Julien Krieger wrote:
 Out of the topic

 Live record is a nice feature but when you conference in someone with live
 record, you have these 1/2 secs of MoH (depending on how fast you are) which
 could be nice to be able to avoid.

 Could be nice if Cisco had developped a new button/softkey that you could be
 programmed for multiple CUCM actions at the same time (like conference +
 speed dial)


 2011/11/28 Ashraf Ayyash

 Yes Edger , this is correct , its also documented in the CUC Admin guide ,


 On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 12:17 AM, Edgar Feliz wrote:
  I think Ash means you have to have a CTI route point with the # you will
  call to record and have that forward all to VM/CUC. When you are on a
  then you can hit the conference soft-key and put in the number mentioned
  above from the route-point and conference soft-key again to start
  but there is not single key option...not that I am aware off.
  Amit Questions are allowed to be asked here if you don't want to
  you don't have too mate.
  On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 11:49 PM, Ashraf Ayyash
  NO , you have to create conferance call with the Live record number
  On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 9:52 PM, Ken Wyan wrote:
   Is Live Record Softkey (LiveRcd) available with CUCM ( Call Manager
   based system ) ?
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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] CUE intergrated with CUCM in SRST

2011-11-28 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
Hello All,

in regard of the CUE MWI will work with Wan outage , this is indeed
Supported and it will keep working as the CUE module will fallback to
use the SIP Subsystem as alternative protocol and the MWI will work ,

did you bind the SIP to the correct Interface ( 99% was the reason of
this issue )  ? and configure the MWI Server under the sip-ua in the
SRST routrer config ?


On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 10:26 AM, Gurpreet Singh Kukreja wrote:
 Hi Raees,

 Have you created a SIP trigger in CUE as well? You need a JTAPI and SIP
 trigger in CUE something like this:

 ccn trigger jtapi phonenumber 
  application voicemail
  maxsessions 6
  end trigger

 ccn trigger sip phonenumber 
  application voicemail
  maxsessions 6
  end trigger

 Here,  is the Trigger #. Also, have you tried using Outcall in place of
 unsolicited? If using unsolicited, have you made sure that the SIP UA and
 mwi sip server commands are present in your config?



 On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 8:28 AM, Raees Shaikh wrote:

 Hi All,
 When the phones are in the SRST mode, they were able to leave  retrieve
 messages from CUE which was intially integrated with CUCM. However, the MWI
 dont seem to work. I found that the CUE does not know how to reach the SRST
 router, as its no where mentioned in the initial or later part of the
 configuration. Hence I manually entered the gateway under ccn subsystem sip
 as below
 ccn subsystem sip
  gateway address
  mwi sip unsolicited
  end subsystem
 However, the MWI still dont seem to work.
 On thing to note is that, if I reboot the CUE, everytime it boots up, its
 sends a SIP Notify for MWI On/Off, but later if I leave a message and
 refresh the MWI, it does not seem to work.
 Everything however works perfectly fine when the phones are registered to
 Any pointers?
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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Live Record

2011-11-27 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
NO , you have to create conferance call with the Live record number


On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 9:52 PM, Ken Wyan wrote:
 Is Live Record Softkey (LiveRcd) available with CUCM ( Call Manager Server
 based system ) ?
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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Live Record

2011-11-27 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
Yes Edger , this is correct , its also documented in the CUC Admin guide ,


On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 12:17 AM, Edgar Feliz wrote:
 I think Ash means you have to have a CTI route point with the # you will
 call to record and have that forward all to VM/CUC. When you are on a call
 then you can hit the conference soft-key and put in the number mentioned
 above from the route-point and conference soft-key again to start recording
 but there is not single key option...not that I am aware off.
 Amit Questions are allowed to be asked here if you don't want to participate
 you don't have too mate.

 On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 11:49 PM, Ashraf Ayyash

 NO , you have to create conferance call with the Live record number


 On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 9:52 PM, Ken Wyan wrote:
  Is Live Record Softkey (LiveRcd) available with CUCM ( Call Manager
  based system ) ?
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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] CCIE Payment

2011-11-25 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
Go Ahead and contact the Certification Support to track this down ,
how long has it been since you applied the exam ?

I had similar issue when i took the exam and the certification support
team sort it out for me

Best of Luck

On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 9:16 PM, Ccie Voice wrote:
 Hi all,
 I added my credit card to pay for Cisco but they did not proceed the
 payment. I did not take care about it, because someone told me that Cisco
 now proceeding the payment after the lab, I went for CCIE lab and I did my
 lab but till now I did not receive my result and  the payment still pending.
 Any body attempt soon can tell me if he paid before or after the lab?

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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] AAR with Route Patterns

2011-11-25 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
This behavior usually mean that you have missing AAR group/CSS
somewhere in the call flow you have , also take to the consideration
the Bug of the AAR group will only be applied on the Line Level of the
phones , Btw the CCM trace will give you a very Nice explanation of
why the Call didnt got rerouted .


On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 9:47 AM, Rrcrumm wrote:
 Check if the phone devices  and have an aar CSS, aar group is on the line .
 Add both to your gateways and route list can use local route group, make
 sure aar rp is sending the correct number of digits to PSTN

 Sent from my iPhone
 On Nov 24, 2011, at 2:36 AM, Rynard Coetzee

 Hi guys

 I`m trying to get the following scenario to work ,but can`t seem to get the
 AAR to invoke. I have 2 GW`s out to the PSTN ,they are located at HQ site
 and BR1 site ,what I have a RPattern that sends all calls from HQ/BR1 phones
 out of the HQ GW. I then have the same RP`s created in a AAR partition
 ,pointing out the BR1 GW ,so when I limit my Location bandwidth to 23k so as
 to not allow the call across the WAN to the remote GW ,it fails the call
 with “Not Enough Bandwidth” message displaying on the phone but it does not
 invoke AAR ,so I never see the “Network Congestion ,Rerouting” message and
 the call just fails. AAR is enabled on the cluster and I can get AAR working
 between the HQ and BR1 phones so AAR definitely works. Any ideas ?


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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Need help understanding this behavior

2011-11-25 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
I Got real case for the same issue but longtime ago , cannot remember
100% what i have done on it
can you please collect ccm sdi sdl and IPVMS detailed traces for the
both calls ?

I will may take a look when i will have Chance to , but i also need to
know why you have enabled the MTP first place and what type of MTP we
have IOS or CCM MTP ?


On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 4:42 PM, Priyank Kiran wrote:
 It does

 On Thursday, November 24, 2011, Mohd Baqari
 The MRGL of MTP should have MoH multicast.

 Mohammed Al Baqari
 Sent from my iPhone
 On Nov 25, 2011, at 1:57 AM, Priyank Kiran

 No it's not, have 2 MRGLs

 1) MRGL attached to DP of gateway and MTP are same  mrgl-siteXX  mrg-moh
 + mrg-mtp-siteXX
 2) MRGL attached to DP of MoH server   mrgl-moh   mrg-moh

 Would like to point out that I only have 1 muticast source and server in
 my cluster which has been bound to mrg-moh.

 On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 4:44 PM, Mohd Baqari

 What is the MRGL assigned to the device pool of your MTP. Is it the same
 MoH multicast MRGL.
 Mohammed Al Baqari
 Sent from my iPhone
 On Nov 24, 2011, at 9:50 PM, Priyank Kiran


 Need help understanding the following behavior conceptually -

 Have the subscriber as dedicated MOH multicast server incrementing on
 port with default address port 16384
 Remote H323 gateway, with local music-on-hold wav file spoofing the above
 source address.
 This works as expected when put on HOLD and I see all the right output
 via show ccm-manager music-on-hold and debug ccm-manager music events
 and show perf query class

 However, when I check the Media Termination Point Required box on the
 gateway page in CUCM - I no longer see it sourcing off of the local router
 flash and it now becomes a unicast stream sourcing off of the Subscriber
 which I can see from the show perf query class command.

 Couple questions I have is
 1) What forces it to go unicast when you check the MTP required box?
 2) Can you still have multicast music-on-hold stream off the local router
 flash with MTP required check ON?


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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] CUC VM Mask

2011-11-25 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
Can you give the calling number Translation try ?

let me know how it goes


On Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 7:07 AM, datucha123 datucha123 wrote:
 As I know, I can use the RDNIS number translation also in SRST Router, so
 that the correct RDNIS will be passed to CUC.

 As for Hunt Pilot, it will translate only the Calling number (NOT RDNIS).

 Sometimes there is a requirement not to use the Alternate Extensions in CUC
 to acomplish some tasks, so we have either to use the RDNIS translation on
 the SRST Router, or use the VM Mask Box, if the IP Phones are registered.

 On Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 12:38 PM, Ashraf Ayyash

 If i understood correctly , you have CUCM CUC integration and you
 have SRST Site and you the site went to the SRST and the phone
 became telephony service phone the VM mask which is configured on the
 VM profile on the CCM will be no longer effective

 If this is correct , go ahead and do calling number manipulation on
 the Hunt Pilot of the VM and this should suffice otherwise you can
 configure alternative number on the CUC .


 On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 3:29 AM, datucha123 datucha123 wrote:
  I have tryed the same with SRST, but that Mask in VM Profile did not
  effect :(
  Can anybody tell me, when does that Mask is activated?
  For CUCM registered IP Phones it is working file, but for Phones in SRST
  mode, it does not work any more.
  On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 2:09 AM, Chris Martin
  Since these are registered with CME and not associated phones with CUCM
  any way, I am not sure the voice mail profile is invoked since that is
  to a line.  I don't think I have tested CME phones locally registered
  redirecting into CUCM/CUC without SRST involved.  One option would be a
  voice-translation rule that strips the RDNIS to 4 digits, then
  this to a dial-peer going to voicemail.
  On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 3:14 PM, datucha123 datucha123 wrote:
  Yes, sure, it is enabled on the Incoming Gateway.
  I have also noticed that the Voice Mail Box Mask is working only for
  CUCM Registered IP Phones. It transforms the Redirecting and Calling
  as necessary. But when the IP Phone, that is not registered with CUCM
  IP Phones) is redirecting the call to CUC, that Transformation does
  not work
  On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 1:06 AM, Chris Martin
  At a glance your config seems fine and it should work as you intend.
  assume you also allowed incoming redirecting number for the CUCM
  On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 11:38 AM, datucha123 datucha123 wrote:
  I have configured the Voice Mail Box Mask for  (As I know, this
  will transform the Redricting Number to last 4 digits).
  but somehow it does not work :(
  So here what is happening:
  I have configure the User and VM Box in CUC for CUCME IP Phone, (ext
  3012). I have configure the Call Forward All on CUCME IP Phone to
  Pilot through the PSTN (0001911444888)
  Also configured the Voice Mail Box Mask for VM Porfile to .
  CUCME IP Phone has also the DialPlan pattern assigned, so that the
  Caller ID is 2553012.
  CUCME IP Phone is calling CUC through the PRI PSTN. (I enabled the
  Redirecting IE on PR interfaces).
  Also I have enabled the call-forward system redirect in
  Telephony-service, so that the redirecting number will be expanded
  based on
  the DialPlan pattern.
  So now when the some Phone calls this CUCME IP Phones (That has
  to CUC PILOT NUMBER Through PSTN) the caller hears the AA Greeting
  of Voice Mail leaving greeting.
  So as I guess the Voice Mail Box Mask transformation is not working.
  Maybe I am missing something?
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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] CUC external Transfers

2011-11-25 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
From the restriction table configuration on the CUC to globally enable
it , on the CCM make sure you will have CSS of the VM port contain the
right PT to make the call hit whatever RP you meant to send to the
call to


On Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 5:36 AM, datucha123 datucha123 wrote:

 How to enable CUC to transfer to external destinations?

 By default, when the CUC answers the call we can diall only the Extensions
 that are presend in CUC users.

 But how to enable CUC to transfer to any destination?

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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] CCIE Payment

2011-11-25 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
its not a rule , it depend on what do you work as in Cisco and on the
Center you are working with .


On Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 10:49 AM, Ken Wyan wrote:
 As I know , Cisco employees could give CCIE Lab Exams free of Exam Cost for
 2~3 number of attempts. Is this facility still available?

 On Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 1:50 PM, Ashraf Ayyash wrote:

 Go Ahead and contact the Certification Support to track this down ,
 how long has it been since you applied the exam ?

 I had similar issue when i took the exam and the certification support
 team sort it out for me

 Best of Luck

 On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 9:16 PM, Ccie Voice wrote:
  Hi all,
  I added my credit card to pay for Cisco but they did not proceed the
  payment. I did not take care about it, because someone told me that
  now proceeding the payment after the lab, I went for CCIE lab and I did
  lab but till now I did not receive my result and  the payment still
  Any body attempt soon can tell me if he paid before or after the lab?
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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] I'M DONE!!!

2011-11-22 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
Many congratulation Man ,

Enjoy the X Box Time :))

CCIE Voice # 31524

On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 12:17 PM, Mark Reed wrote:
 I forgot the most important part.  Mark L Reed CCIE #31990

 On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 1:16 PM, Mark Reed wrote:

 I took my second attempt at RTP yesterday and passed.  Thank you to
 IPExpert for the great study materials.  Going through their materials 60
 hours a week made this possible.  Vik, thank you for the great explanations
 in the videos.  Amy, oh Amy, I'm sorry but I'm really looking forward to
 hearing someone elses voice coming from my car speakers.  Thank you so much
 to the tips I learned while listening.

 Special thanks to Matthew Berry.  You gave me the inspiration to know it
 was possible to pass on a first attempt.  I almost got it on the first try
 but did knock it out on the second.  Mostly thank you for your videos.  I
 used your Device Based config with just a couple of tweaks to make it my
 own.  Same for the dial plan notes.  For those that haven't seen them I
 would consider them essential viewing.

 Now I'm going to go home and open my X-Box 360 that has just been waiting
 for this day.


 Mark L Reed


 Mark L Reed
 Home: 260-637-1585

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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] lab - 6

2011-11-21 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
Hello ,

This is Wrong in the Version you have in the lab ,

The Software MTP of the CCM can only work on G711 Codec so if you need to
have MTP for G729 call , you have to have IOS MTP register to the CCM and
available to be allocated for that Call in order for the CCM to use it to
do Early Offer ,
CCM 7.0 is not capable of doing EO on his own , so you have to allocate MTP
in the call to make it EO .

Starting CCM 8.5 , the CCM can do EO on his OWN as long as you have the
latest Version of Phone FW's and IOS


On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 3:33 PM, Bartosz Sokolowski wrote:

 You are wrong.
 Early Offer requires MTP. CCM doesn't care how you provide MTP.
 It's possible to configure software MTP in IOS with G711 or G729. If we
 consider software MTP it's G711 *or* (not and!) G729. If you use hardware
 MTP on IOS it's G711 and/or G729.

 2011/11/21 Peter Jeff

 But early offer required MTP hardware if i am nt wrong

   *From:* Mohamed Hassan
 *To:* Abel ...
 *Sent:* Monday, November 21, 2011 12:28 PM

 *Subject:* Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] lab - 6

  SIP Early offer it is IOS command, it is equal to the configuration of
 fast start on CUCM

 It can be configured globally
 *1. **enable*
 *2. **configure terminal*
 *3. **voice service voip*
 *4. **allow*-*connections sip*
 *5. **early-offer forced*
 *6. **exit*

 *and it can be configured under dial-peer*
 *1. **enable*
 *2. **configure terminal*
 *3. **dial-peer voice 1 voip*
 *4. **voice-class sip early-offer forced*
 *5. **exit*

 On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 2:48 AM, Abel ... wrote:

 Well, the DHCP issue can be done easy if you look 5 minutes on 
 cisco.comdocumentation, by Early offer what you mean? no interdigit timeout?

 On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 2:22 PM, datucha123 datucha123 wrote:

 Do you mean under the DHCP configuration, that such question has been on
 the exam?

 What do you mean under the SIP early offer? or MGCP TS?

  On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 8:24 PM, Peter Jeff peterjeff2...@yahoo.comwrote:

 Hi Guys,

 It was my 5th attempt and i got lab 6 frustration is on peak everytime i
 went for the lab i get new lab

 From last 2 months all my JR guys passed in dubai bec they got lab 3 and
 lab 4 in Dubai since last 2 months i saw lot of guys cleared from dubai

 Now lab 6 i am so so so frustrated its all new

 Configure the local Cisco router R3 as DHCP server to provide ip add  for
 SC from local subnet , MAke sure SCPH1 get ip add and SCPH2

 SIP early offer , MGCP TS which some different issue.

 best of luck guys my Christmas will go bad this time as no dates
 available in Dubai now. Its my bad sunday


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 Engineer / Mohamed Rabea
 Unified communication engineer

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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] lab - 6

2011-11-21 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
100 percent correct , the lab is based on 7.0 CCM and o have confirmed that
the EO support nativly by the CCM is only on 8.5 and further .


On Monday, November 21, 2011, William Affeldt
 I am 99.9 percent sure that the version in the lab only supports Software
MTP at g711. I am sure Vic can confirm.

 Sent from my iPhone
 On Nov 21, 2011, at 1:33 PM, Bartosz Sokolowski wrote:

 You are wrong.
 Early Offer requires MTP. CCM doesn't care how you provide MTP.
 It's possible to configure software MTP in IOS with G711 or G729. If we
consider software MTP it's G711 or (not and!) G729. If you use hardware MTP
on IOS it's G711 and/or G729.

 2011/11/21 Peter Jeff

 But early offer required MTP hardware if i am nt wrong

 From: Mohamed Hassan
 To: Abel ...
 Sent: Monday, November 21, 2011 12:28 PM
 Subject: Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] lab - 6

 SIP Early offer it is IOS command, it is equal to the configuration of
fast start on CUCM

 It can be configured globally


 1. enable
 2. configure terminal
 3. voice service voip
 4. allow-connections sip
 5. early-offer forced
 6. exit

 and it can be configured under dial-peer


 1. enable
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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] SRST Advanced Config

2011-11-19 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
you can use huntstop channel command under the call manager fall back
which will limit both in and out number of the calls on the dual/octo


On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 9:24 PM, Ccie Voice wrote:
 Hi all,
 is it possible to configure:
 1- Maximum Number of Calls
 2- Busy Trigger

 In SRST Call-Manger-fallback   NOT CME SRST?

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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] SRST Advanced Config

2011-11-19 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
Hello ,

you cannot do this with call manager fallback , the hunt stop channel
is global command for all the phones and for in/outbound calls on the
lines .


On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 11:13 PM, Ccie Voice wrote:
 Thank you Ashraf for your reply,
 but could you please help more.

 if I need to configure the following:
 Maximum Number of Calls: 4
 Busy Trigger 2
 how I can configure the above using huntstop channel command?
 Thanks in advanced.

 From: Ashraf Ayyash
 To: Ccie Voice
 Cc: CCIE Study
 Sent: Sunday, November 20, 2011 1:20 AM
 Subject: Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] SRST Advanced Config

 you can use huntstop channel command under the call manager fall back
 which will limit both in and out number of the calls on the dual/octo


 On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 9:24 PM, Ccie Voice wrote:
 Hi all,
 is it possible to configure:
 1- Maximum Number of Calls
 2- Busy Trigger

 In SRST Call-Manger-fallback   NOT CME SRST?

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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] SRST Advanced Config

2011-11-19 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
you cannot do this in the call manager fallback ,

you can use use octo line , and hunt stop channel command which will
control the incoming calls (busy trigger) and you can have the rest of
the octo line for the outgoing call .


On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 12:34 AM, Ccie Voice wrote:
 thank you for your reply,
 but  I did not understand exactly what I should configure?
 Could you please explain to me how huntstop channel can solve this?
 and what I should use huntstop cahnnel 1, 2 .. ?

 From: Ashraf Ayyash
 To: Ccie Voice
 Cc: CCIE Study
 Sent: Sunday, November 20, 2011 2:35 AM
 Subject: Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] SRST Advanced Config

 Hello ,

 you cannot do this with call manager fallback , the hunt stop channel
 is global command for all the phones and for in/outbound calls on the
 lines .


 On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 11:13 PM, Ccie Voice wrote:
 Thank you Ashraf for your reply,
 but could you please help more.

 if I need to configure the following:
 Maximum Number of Calls: 4
 Busy Trigger 2
 how I can configure the above using huntstop channel command?
 Thanks in advanced.

 From: Ashraf Ayyash
 To: Ccie Voice
 Cc: CCIE Study
 Sent: Sunday, November 20, 2011 1:20 AM
 Subject: Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] SRST Advanced Config

 you can use huntstop channel command under the call manager fall back
 which will limit both in and out number of the calls on the dual/octo


 On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 9:24 PM, Ccie Voice wrote:
 Hi all,
 is it possible to configure:
 1- Maximum Number of Calls
 2- Busy Trigger

 In SRST Call-Manger-fallback   NOT CME SRST?

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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] srr-queue bandwidth limit for output priority queue

2011-11-14 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
you can preserve BW using the Shape , but once you enabled the
priority Queue out , you will disable the shaping and the sharing and
the priority Q will be always served until it will be empty .


On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 11:34 AM, Ken Wyan wrote:
 Hi Experts,

 Is it possible to reserve bandwidth for the priority queue in egress queuing
 using the command

 Switch(conf-if)# srr-queue bandwidth shape 4 4 4 4
 Switch(conf-if)# priority-queue out

 In this case will it reserve 25% bandwidth for queue 1 (which is the
 priority queue)  OR  will it serve queue 1 until it is empty?

 As I saw in a cisco doc ( Cisco Catalyst 3750 QoS Configuration Examples )
 we can't do bandwidth-limiting of egress queue , unlike ingress queue .

 Please comment.


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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Question about CUBE Gatekeepers

2011-11-12 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
Hello ,

you need to Fully understand why you have introduce the CUBE in the
Middle between the Zones

the CUBE functionality is to be a Via Zone so you can terminate the
Signalling/RTP at the CUBE and then re-originate it but with source ip
of the CUBE and this is Called Via Zone and so you will need to have
allow connection H323 to h323  and in/out dial-peer with session
target RAS in this case .

Until now there is no need for the telephony service in the cube ,

when you need Telephone Service ?

it will be needed if you have this call setup :

CUCM/CME...etc..--incoming dial-peer with g711codecGK/
CUBE(ViaZone)---outbound dial-peer with G729

so now the telephony will be configured to registration a transcoder
resource locally configured on the CUBE to translate the call from
g711 to G729 and the opposite .

Check this DOC for further info in regard of the Via zone concept and
the GK in General


On Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 8:25 PM, ccielabrat wrote:
 I need clarification about Gatekeepers using outvia to a CUBE zone.

 I've always thought a CUBE config needed the underlying Telephony-service
 config to be operational.
 Is that the case?

 I suppose if the call setup is using g.729 in/out of the CUBE , there is no
 need to have anything but a matching dial-peer
 and the allow h323 to h323 in the voice service voip.

 Can someone confirm or correct my understanding.


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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] can cuc demo license run vpim

2011-11-09 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
i think Cisco Lic Team can help you with that and they are the only
people can help , go ahead and contact them and mention that you use
the lic on Lab test and they will may issue Temp License with VPIM


2011/11/9 bruno
 how can i get it for labbing . i do it in my home lab

 Best Regards,

 -- Original --
 From:  Farkas Pé;
 Date:  Wed, Nov 9, 2011 07:50 PM
 Cc:  CCIE-V邮件列表;
 Subject:  Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] can cuc demo license run vpim

 No, demo license not cover VPIM so it requries VPIM license to be added.
 However proctorlabs should have.

 - Original Message -
 From: bruno
 Date: Wednesday, November 9, 2011 11:18 am
 Subject: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] can cuc demo license run vpim
 To: CCIE-V邮件列表

 When I attempt to add a VPIM location is Unity Connection I receive the
 following license
 error.   Anyone attempt VPIM in these labs yet?

The requested operation would result in a license violation.
Unable to create VPIM Location

Best Regards, Bruno
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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Downloading List.xml from Call Manager.

2011-10-24 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
Exactly Chris , Basant , the right format is List.xml not list.xml ,

William , if we have the TFTP traces everything will be very clear


On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 3:51 PM, Chris Martin wrote:
 Just to add, remember everything is case sensitive.. I have shot myself in
 the foot more than once when uploading files, both the name and the
 directory structure.  IE: Desktops/320x212x12 does not equal
 desktops/320x312x12..  If placed in the wrong spot the phone will not find
 it.  You can see what is being requested in UCM traces.


 On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 12:32 PM, William Affeldt wrote:

 Ok, so I have to be missing something. I can't download the List.xml file
 from Call Manager but I can download my image files. I have triple checked
 the file name and the directory. I am downloading the file from same
 directory as the images and they work fine. Is there something I am missing
 to download the file? Also, I downloaded different .xml file just fine.
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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Downloading List.xml from Call Manager.

2011-10-24 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
unfortunately i dont have lab right now that's why my answers is weak
because i relay on my memory when i studied this feature ,

but why you are uploading the List.xml to the root ? it should place
on the same directory as the Photos


On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 4:12 PM, William Affeldt wrote:
 Hi All,

 Thank you for the replys.

 The error from RTMT is File[List.xml] not found. Also, all of you are
 referring to sending the file to the phone. I am trying to download the file
 from call manager to BR2. I know the error code seems strait forward but it
 is not. The file List.xml is in the root directory. I have also uploaded
 three other files into the same / directory and they work fine. I have
 deleted it and uploaded it again. I have had two other sets of eyes look at
 the spelling and directory placement. Can someone else try to upload the
 List.xml file into the root directory and download it to BR2.

 From: Chris Martin
 To: William Affeldt
 Sent: Monday, October 24, 2011 1:51 PM
 Subject: Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Downloading List.xml from Call Manager.

 Just to add, remember everything is case sensitive.. I have shot myself in
 the foot more than once when uploading files, both the name and the
 directory structure.  IE: Desktops/320x212x12 does not equal
 desktops/320x312x12..  If placed in the wrong spot the phone will not find
 it.  You can see what is being requested in UCM traces.


 On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 12:32 PM, William Affeldt wrote:

 Ok, so I have to be missing something. I can't download the List.xml file
 from Call Manager but I can download my image files. I have triple checked
 the file name and the directory. I am downloading the file from same
 directory as the images and they work fine. Is there something I am missing
 to download the file? Also, I downloaded different .xml file just fine.
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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] cue-cme mwi unsolicited question

2011-10-23 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
Glad its all sorted out now ,


On Sun, Oct 23, 2011 at 8:57 PM, ccielabrat wrote:
 Hey Ashraf,

 You got me thinking the right way.
 I had a mismatch between my sip interface and the gateway configured on CUE.


 On Sat, Oct 22, 2011 at 4:43 PM, Ashraf Ayyash wrote:

 did you binded the SIP to the correct interface from the CME config
 Voice service Voip ?

 Any chance to reload the Funky CUE ?


 On Sat, Oct 22, 2011 at 12:12 PM, ccielabrat wrote:
  I can't get CUE MWI working either.
  This is my cue config for SIP
  ccn subsystem sip
   gateway address
   mwi envelope-info
   mwi sip unsolicited
   end subsystem
  I've tried all kinds of config on the CME router without success.
  When running debug ccsip messages on the CME router , I don't see
  if I issue mwi refresh all on CUE, even though I can dial into CUE and
  check to hear a voicemail on dn 4001
  On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 6:47 PM, Brian wrote:
  hi - this is an excellent summary of mwi for  cue that is worth a read
  Sent from my iPad
  On 21 Oct 2011, at 21:23, Ashraf Ayyash wrote:
   Hello Zamuel ,
   the mwi relay command is only needed in case of the subscribe notify
   MWI and its not needed in case of using Unsolicited because it does
   send the event to the phone using NOTIFY message no matter it
   subscribed to the MWI server Or not .
   On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 11:21 AM, zamuel del Toro wrote:
   Hi Vic, how is it going?,
   about mwi unsolicited.
   mwi.. unsolicited
   mwi relay
   works mwi
   if subscribe notify
   mwi sip
   both works fine
   what if make mistake if on unsolicited include on ephone-dn
   mwi sip,
   that work too.    is wrong do this?
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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] cue-cme mwi unsolicited question

2011-10-22 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
did you binded the SIP to the correct interface from the CME config
Voice service Voip ?

Any chance to reload the Funky CUE ?


On Sat, Oct 22, 2011 at 12:12 PM, ccielabrat wrote:
 I can't get CUE MWI working either.

 This is my cue config for SIP

 ccn subsystem sip
  gateway address
  mwi envelope-info
  mwi sip unsolicited
  end subsystem

 I've tried all kinds of config on the CME router without success.

 When running debug ccsip messages on the CME router , I don't see anything
 if I issue mwi refresh all on CUE, even though I can dial into CUE and
 check to hear a voicemail on dn 4001

 On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 6:47 PM, Brian wrote:

 hi - this is an excellent summary of mwi for  cue that is worth a read

 Sent from my iPad

 On 21 Oct 2011, at 21:23, Ashraf Ayyash wrote:

  Hello Zamuel ,
  the mwi relay command is only needed in case of the subscribe notify
  MWI and its not needed in case of using Unsolicited because it does
  send the event to the phone using NOTIFY message no matter it
  subscribed to the MWI server Or not .
  On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 11:21 AM, zamuel del Toro wrote:
  Hi Vic, how is it going?,
  about mwi unsolicited.
  mwi.. unsolicited
  mwi relay
  works mwi
  if subscribe notify
  mwi sip
  both works fine
  what if make mistake if on unsolicited include on ephone-dn
  mwi sip,
  that work too.    is wrong do this?
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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] cue-cme mwi unsolicited question

2011-10-21 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
Hello Zamuel ,

the mwi relay command is only needed in case of the subscribe notify
MWI and its not needed in case of using Unsolicited because it does
send the event to the phone using NOTIFY message no matter it
subscribed to the MWI server Or not .


On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 11:21 AM, zamuel del Toro wrote:
 Hi Vic, how is it going?,

 about mwi unsolicited.

 mwi.. unsolicited

 mwi relay


 works mwi

 if subscribe notify

 mwi sip

 both works fine
 what if make mistake if on unsolicited include on ephone-dn
 mwi sip,
 that work too.    is wrong do this?


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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] CUPC does not show status of user logged in via IPPM

2011-10-20 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
Hello ALL ,

Mohammad , this is incorrect , you got to either specify it from the
ccm service parameter or from the CUPS server and this is mandatory ,
Raees , lets get a Quick webex session to check this whenever you have time


On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 2:09 AM, Mohammed Al baqari wrote:
 Hi Pithog ,

 The service parameter in CUCM will be automatically updated once you
 configure the SIP trunk in Presence.

 Mohd Baqari

 On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 4:00 AM, wrote:

 Hi Ash,

 If you have more than one sip trunk on your call manager, you will have to
 specify which of them you are using for your presence in enterprise
 parameters .

 I hope this helps

 Pithog oil
 Sent from my BlackBerry® Smartphone, from Etisalat. Enjoy high speed
 internet service with Etisalat easy net, available at all our experience
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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] SIP Trunk with CUC and possible AAR

2011-10-20 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
Hey Inder ,

Nice catch on  this , the AAR is  between 2 endpoint register to the
same ccm so you cannot use the same concept of redundancy in this
config scenario , you can achieve this by having 2 route in the route
group , so the sip trunk to the CUC and also GW (of course manipulate
the calling and the called to be fit to the PSTN world) and change the
service parameter of stop routing when no bandwidth to false , and so
you will accomplish the redundancy in this config scenario


On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 10:48 AM, Inder Singh wrote:
 Hello All,

 I am working on a lab that requires to set up CUCM and CUC using SIP Trunk.
 It then asks for calls that are sent to VM from BR1 to be redirected out the
 PSTN when there is WAN congestion.

 I have looked high and low but I can't find any reference where this can be
 done with AAR...or am I totally missing something.  If AAR is possible can
 someone point me in the right direction?  If it is not possible can someone
 let me know how you might achieve this otherwise?

 I tried using a route list with the SIP trunk as the primary RG and the PSTN
 GW and the secondary RG.  The issue is redirecting the caller, called and
 redirect on no answer.  We need the BR1 phone to be able to press the
 message key and retrieve messages (this I was able to do with alternate
 extensions) and also for callers to be redirected to voicemail for the
 called party (this I was not able to do with the route list scenario).

 Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

 Regards.  Inder.

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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] SIP Trunk with CUC and possible AAR

2011-10-20 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
i guess you can take of the redirected number from the call and then
do mask on the VM pilot /profile or interduce tranlation pattern in
between to match the called and change the calling to 4 digits

On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 3:57 PM, Ashraf Ayyash wrote:
 Hey Inder ,

 Nice catch on  this , the AAR is  between 2 endpoint register to the
 same ccm so you cannot use the same concept of redundancy in this
 config scenario , you can achieve this by having 2 route in the route
 group , so the sip trunk to the CUC and also GW (of course manipulate
 the calling and the called to be fit to the PSTN world) and change the
 service parameter of stop routing when no bandwidth to false , and so
 you will accomplish the redundancy in this config scenario


 On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 10:48 AM, Inder Singh wrote:
 Hello All,

 I am working on a lab that requires to set up CUCM and CUC using SIP Trunk.
 It then asks for calls that are sent to VM from BR1 to be redirected out the
 PSTN when there is WAN congestion.

 I have looked high and low but I can't find any reference where this can be
 done with AAR...or am I totally missing something.  If AAR is possible can
 someone point me in the right direction?  If it is not possible can someone
 let me know how you might achieve this otherwise?

 I tried using a route list with the SIP trunk as the primary RG and the PSTN
 GW and the secondary RG.  The issue is redirecting the caller, called and
 redirect on no answer.  We need the BR1 phone to be able to press the
 message key and retrieve messages (this I was able to do with alternate
 extensions) and also for callers to be redirected to voicemail for the
 called party (this I was not able to do with the route list scenario).

 Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

 Regards.  Inder.

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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] CUPC does not show status of user logged in via IPPM

2011-10-19 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
can you make sure you have associated the LINE of that phone with the User ?


On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 3:53 AM, Raees Shaikh wrote:
 i tried but still the same. Also, if I change the status of the CUPS, it
 shows up on the phone instantly, but the phone always shows as offline on
 the CUPC
 Raees Shaikh
 From: Adil Shaikh
 To: Raees Shaikh
 Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 2:17 PM
 Subject: Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] CUPC does not show status of user logged in
 via IPPM

 if everything configure correctly the reset the sip trunk to cups.

 On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 4:46 PM, Raees Shaikh wrote:

 Hi All,
 I am practicing CUPS  after going through the video, I configured IPPM as
 described in the Video. Everything works fine except the point wherein the
 CUPC is unable to show the status of user logged in Via IPPM even though I
 have set the status on the phone to available  have this user added on my
 Any help will be appreciated.
 Thanks  Regards,
 Raees Shaikh
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   .    . . .
     . .

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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] CUE user password

2011-10-18 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
username XX pin XXX


On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 6:20 AM, darshan wrote:
 Dear ;

 Just like creating user and assigning phone number in CUE..

 Should we create the password for SC PH1 and SC PH2.if it didn’t ask to
 assign the password

 username SCPH2 create

 username SCPH1 create

 username SCPH2 phonenumber 4002

 username SCPH1 phonenumber 4001



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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] SRST Behaviour

2011-10-17 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
This can happen if you don't have enough DSP's in the router , can you try
to do SRST in max dn 1 and max phone 1 ? Btw the fw of the phone cannot be
the issue , the Ios us the had boy here :)


On Monday, October 17, 2011, mgscip wrote:
 Hi ,
 I have some issue in SRST .
 When the Phones are get into SRST fallback-mode Phones didn't get any DN.
 I given the SRST mode auto-provision all , but i couldn't see any Ephone
configuration in the running configuration.
 tried with Firmware upgrade , Reload the router but no luck.

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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Can someone tell me how to get a evual license for gatekeeper. the license expired

2011-10-17 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
if you have valid CCO ID you may contact Cisco LIC Team and ask them ,
they are the only people can decide /give you the LIC


On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 3:10 PM, Cecil Wilson wrote:


 Can someone tell me how  to get a    license  for  gatekeeper that  will
 not expire. I just  need this for lab purposes
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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] MOH multicast

2011-10-15 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
hello All ,

this is called MMOH Snooping and the ccm is a  victim , he have no idea
about what you do in the Multicast moh stream , so the answer here is not
fully accurate , but you will see the counter increament in the show perf
query command because the ccm think he is streaming the moh and he is but we
are stopping the stream from reaching the phone .

the fact is you are configueding the router to stream MOH from the flash of
the router and you are using the same exact ip and port of what the ccm
using to stream the MOH , so the Phone will request to have MOH stearmed and
you will see the ccm respoding with skinny message to listen to the ip and
the port you have configued on the ccm
so the phone will try to subscibe to ths stream  which is already played
from the flash and so you will get the mmoh from the flash , at this point
of time , the ccm think he is streaming the moh from himself and thats why
we calling this
snooping .

you can do deb ephone moh shwich will show you the stream and the ip add
that you flood the music to by command the multicast and you can collect
sniffer trace from the phone to see the multicast traffic as well .


On Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 2:50 PM, Mohammed Al baqari wrote:

 You are requesting MoH server from CUCM so the count will be increased in

 However, you are hearing the stream from BR1 flash . This is continuously
 played and once the channel is opened on phone by CUCM to get the multicast
 stream you will hear the multicast coming from flash

 On Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 11:44 PM, Ccie Voice wrote:

   But I am using router flash memory Not CUCM

 *From: *Mohammed Al baqari;
 *To: *Ccie Voice;
 *Cc: *CCIE Study;
 *Subject: *Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] MOH multicast
 *Sent: *Fri, Oct 14, 2011 3:24:18 PM

   use the CLI command [show perf query class Cisco MOH Device] on CUCM
 CLI interface. The count as below should be increased. This will reflect in
 CUCM and not on BR1 router.

 admin:show perf query class Cisco MOH Device
 ==query class :

  - Perf class (Cisco MOH Device) has instances and values:
 MOH_2   - MOHHighestActiveResources  = 1
 MOH_2   - MOHMulticastResourceActive = 1
 MOH_2   - MOHMulticastResourceAvailable  = 25
 MOH_2   - MOHOutOfResources  = 0
 MOH_2   - MOHTotalMulticastResources = 25
 MOH_2   - MOHTotalUnicastResources   = 250
 MOH_2   - MOHUnicastResourceActive   = 0
 MOH_2   - MOHUnicastResourceAvailable= 250

 On Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 10:14 AM, Ccie Voice wrote:

  Hi everybody,
 I am trying to configure Multicast MOH in Branch 1 router, I added the
 file to router flash and I configure CUCM to use multicast.

 when I am calling from one phone to another in BR1 I am able to hear the
 file that I uploaded to router flash memory. but if I tried to use the
 following command:

 sho ccm-manager music-on-hold
 the result:
 Current active multicast sessions : 0

 is it using Multicast?
 how I can make sure that I am using multicast not unicast?

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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] IP Blue (running multiple instances)

2011-10-15 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
google doesnt have any answer for this ?


On Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 1:10 PM, Jeferson Guardia wrote:
 I am able to register many phones, do the regedit thing etc. but the only
 thing that doesnt work for me is the /d added into the path at the end of
 the shortcut command. It appears
 that VTGO PC Lite doesnt work loading up many instances for IP Blue on
 Windows 7. Any ideas?

 Jeferson Guardia
 CCIE #28157

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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Low score on certain sections.

2011-10-12 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
 and even though i got 100% for alot of things
 didnt pass and got low scores fer stuff like VM, High availibilty.

 Now i tested all these and they worked as asked.

 I was wondering if anyone can give me any ideas on what could have caused
 such low scores.



 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of
 Sent: 11 October 2011 05:22
 Subject: CCIE_Voice Digest, Vol 68, Issue 71

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 When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
 than Re: Contents of CCIE_Voice digest...

 Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Fwd: Fractional MGCP (Ashraf Ayyash)


 Message: 1
 Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2011 23:22:25 -0500
 From: Ashraf Ayyash
 To: Kshitij Singhi
 Subject: Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Fwd: Fractional MGCP
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

 sorry small correction

 On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 11:19 PM, Ashraf Ayyash
  Hey Kshitij ,
  the service parameter WILL NOT come to play in the SRST as you are
  ccm out of the game and bringing the default routing application in
  charge (h323) , the service parameter will come to play when you will
  have for example 3 bchannal group configured under the controller and
  you have no service parameter on the ccm ( so the ccm thought he have
  full T1/E1) ?, and then get 3 concurrent calls (so full of what you
  have) and then try to setup the 4th call , the ccm will send the call
  over (please put one GW in the RG) and then you will see Setup going
  on Channel 4 and you will see the call getting disconnected with
  requested channel not available and you MUST have configured 3
  channels only configured on the PSTN router (which will emulate the
  real life as the PSTN will setup only channels # of what you paid for
  and if you will sent new call ( we have 3 active calls) on the 4rth
  Channel you will get i mentioned about ) and hence the need of the
  service parameter .
  finally , in your example i don't think the GW debugs is the good
  place to check as the route Group is A CCM decision and the GW is MGCP
  Slave to the CCM so please include ccm sdi /SDL traces on the detailed
  level so we can see how the ccm decided to send the call to specific
  endpoint in the route group
  On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 4:59 PM, Kshitij Singhi wrote:
  Resending since the email bounced due to its size. I guess Ken would
  received the endpoint configuration and hence removing the
  -- Forwarded message --
  From: Kshitij Singhi
  Date: Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 7:36 PM
  Subject: Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Fractional MGCP
  To: Ken Wyan
  Attached are the screenshots of the GW configuration (main page and
  endpoint). Site A and Site B are more or less identical (except for
  domain names) and both have the defaults configured (SF set to 4 and
  IE delivery, Redirecting IE delivery outbound/inbound being checked).
  I performed the following tests:
  1. Maxing out the channels and then checking if it fails over to the
  option in the RG.
  2. Maxing out the channels and then checking if it fails over to the
  option in the RL.
  3. Maxing out the channels by making incoming calls and then calling
  check if the call goes out via the next option in the RG.
  4. Calls during SRST. (both incoming and outgoing to see if there is
  change in behavior)
  5. Bringing the Site out of SRST to see if there is any change in
  Call 1 going out via channel 3
  Oct 10 12:57:30.789: MGCP Packet received from
  CRCX 463 S2/DS1-0/ MGCP 0.1
  C: D202e65000F50003
  X: 3
  L: p:20, a:PCMU, s:off, t:b8, fxr/fx:t38
  M: recvonly
  R: D/[0-9ABCD*#]
  Q: process,loop
  Oct 10 12:57:30.813: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: TX - SETUP pd = 8 ?callref =
  Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A2
  Standard = CCITT
  Transfer Capability = Speech
  Transfer Mode = Circuit
  Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s
  Channel ID i

Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Cisco MVA

2011-10-12 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
what css you have assigned to the Destination profile ? the css will
be used for MVA and reroute css will be used for SNR , please check
if all is fine , collect detailed level ccm sdi/sdl traces and send it
over with the call info , i will may take a look


On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 9:54 PM, Cisco Nut wrote:
 I have configured Cisco Mobile Voice Access as per V1 Lab 5C, when I dial
 2123945999 I hear prompt and after authentication, I enter 1002# I  hear a
 message your call can not be completed as dialed, even if I dial 5001 I get
 same message.
 5999 belongs to internal pt, which in turn member of appropriate CSS.

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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Cisco MVA

2011-10-12 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
can you please make sure you have the DP of the RDP contain the ccm
group of both server the pub and the sub ?

i will look further in the traces


On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 8:22 PM, Cisco Nut wrote:
 I call from 2123942123 to 2123945999, it prompts me for my PIN ie 12345#,
 after pressing 1, I tried calling 5001#, 1001#, 1002#

 On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 9:20 PM, Cisco Nut wrote:

 Hi Ash
 I have checked CSS on RDP, it is setup as International CSS, which
 contains Part. for HQ phones and Br1 Phones as well as RP to call Local, LD,
 and International.
 Please find the attach trace files.

 On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 1:59 AM, Ashraf Ayyash

 what css you have assigned to the Destination profile ? the css will
 be used for MVA and reroute css will be used for SNR , please check
 if all is fine , collect detailed level ccm sdi/sdl traces and send it
 over with the call info , i will may take a look


 On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 9:54 PM, Cisco Nut wrote:
  I have configured Cisco Mobile Voice Access as per V1 Lab 5C, when I
  2123945999 I hear prompt and after authentication, I enter 1002# I
  hear a
  message your call can not be completed as dialed, even if I dial 5001 I
  same message.
  5999 belongs to internal pt, which in turn member of appropriate CSS.
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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Fwd: Fractional MGCP

2011-10-11 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
 14:17:40.908: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: TX - CONNECT_ACK pd = 8  callref =
 Site-B(config)#3 calls active
 % Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
 Oct 11 14:18:04.074: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: TX - DISCONNECT pd = 8  callref =
         Cause i = 0x8290 - Normal call clearing
 Oct 11 14:18:04.082: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: RX - RELEASE pd = 8  callref =
 Oct 11 14:18:04.118: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: TX - RELEASE_COMP pd = 8  callref
 = 0x
 Oct 11 14:18:07.894: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: TX - DISCONNECT pd = 8  callref =
         Cause i = 0x8290 - Normal call clearing
 Oct 11 14:18:07.902: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: RX - RELEASE pd = 8  callref =
 Oct 11 14:18:07.938: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: TX - RELEASE_COMP pd = 8  callref
 = 0x
 Oct 11 14:18:09.102: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: TX - DISCONNECT pd = 8  callref =
         Cause i = 0x8290 - Normal call clearing
 Oct 11 14:18:09.106: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: RX - RELEASE pd = 8  callref =
 Oct 11 14:18:09.158: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: TX - RELEASE_COMP pd = 8  callref
 = 0x
 After 3 calls were active (and I had only one GW in the RG), I tried a
 fourth call. I DID NOT see the setup going out of the GW on the 4th call, as
 suggested by you (and DID NOT get the consequent error requested
 circuit/channel not available). The call failed with High traffic, please
 try again later on the IP Phone. I don't see the call hitting the GW at all
 (not in MGCP nor in the ISDN debugs).
 Clearly, the CUCM is NOT forwarding the call to the GW (why would it? since
 the show perf query class clearly shows that the other channels have been
 marked as unknown).
 finally , in your example i don't think the GW debugs is the good
 place to check as the route Group is A CCM decision and the GW is MGCP
 Slave to the CCM so please include ccm sdi /SDL traces on the detailed
 level so we can see how the ccm decided to send the call to specific
 endpoint in the route group
 The GW debugs was just to illustrate the point that irrespective of HOW is
 CUCM selecting the backup GW, it definitely is selecting it. The whole point
 that calls fail if the Service Parameter is not configured in the backup
 scenario seems to be a myth. I'm pretty sure that the proctors won't be
 taking the CUCM traces to figure that out (I specifically asked the proctor
 how do they check the lab when it comes to specific requirements, and he
 stated that it was mainly manual testing i.e. making/receiving calls and in
 the case of checking plan/type/digits sent across they usually take a Q.931
 debug). As we are well aware, if calls are sent with the incorrect plan/type
 it fails in the actual lab.
 Also, as you have correctly stated in the past, L3 on the ISDN leg is CUCM
 controlled so whatever we see in Q.931 is a reflection of CUCM's decision to
 route the call. Attaching the SDI/SDL traces will not be possible since
 there is a cap on the size of the emails that we can send to the OSL and it
 will be counterproductive since the GW debugs are VERY clear with respect to
 CUCMs decision to select a particular endpoint.
 On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 9:49 AM, Ashraf Ayyash wrote:

 Hey Kshitij ,

 the service parameter come to play in the SRST as you are taking the
 ccm out of the game and bringing the default routing application in
 charge (h323) , the service parameter will come to play when you will
 have for example 3 bchannal group configured under the controller and
 you have no service parameter on the ccm ( so the ccm thought he have
 full T1/E1)  , and then get 3 concurrent calls (so full of what you
 have) and then try to setup the 4th call , the ccm will send the call
 over (please put one GW in the RG) and then you will see Setup going
 on Channel 4 and you will see the call getting disconnected with
 requested channel not available and you MUST have configured 3
 channels only configured on the PSTN router (which will emulate the
 real life as the PSTN will setup only channels # of what you paid for
 and if you will sent new call ( we have 3 active calls) on the 4rth
 Channel you will get i mentioned about ) and hence the need of the
 service parameter .

 finally , in your example i don't think the GW debugs is the good
 place to check as the route Group is A CCM decision and the GW is MGCP
 Slave to the CCM so please include ccm sdi /SDL traces on the detailed
 level so we can see how the ccm decided to send the call to specific
 endpoint in the route group


 On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 4:59 PM, Kshitij Singhi wrote:
  Resending since the email bounced due to its size. I guess Ken would
  received the endpoint configuration and hence removing the attachments.
  -- Forwarded message --
  From: Kshitij Singhi
  Date: Mon


2011-10-10 Thread Ashraf Ayyash

On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 12:43 AM, wrote:
 Where can I check in UCCX to determine what components are activated?

 Thanks  --ms

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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Fwd: Fractional MGCP

2011-10-10 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
Hey Kshitij ,

the service parameter come to play in the SRST as you are taking the
ccm out of the game and bringing the default routing application in
charge (h323) , the service parameter will come to play when you will
have for example 3 bchannal group configured under the controller and
you have no service parameter on the ccm ( so the ccm thought he have
full T1/E1)  , and then get 3 concurrent calls (so full of what you
have) and then try to setup the 4th call , the ccm will send the call
over (please put one GW in the RG) and then you will see Setup going
on Channel 4 and you will see the call getting disconnected with
requested channel not available and you MUST have configured 3
channels only configured on the PSTN router (which will emulate the
real life as the PSTN will setup only channels # of what you paid for
and if you will sent new call ( we have 3 active calls) on the 4rth
Channel you will get i mentioned about ) and hence the need of the
service parameter .

finally , in your example i don't think the GW debugs is the good
place to check as the route Group is A CCM decision and the GW is MGCP
Slave to the CCM so please include ccm sdi /SDL traces on the detailed
level so we can see how the ccm decided to send the call to specific
endpoint in the route group


On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 4:59 PM, Kshitij Singhi wrote:
 Resending since the email bounced due to its size. I guess Ken would have
 received the endpoint configuration and hence removing the attachments.

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Kshitij Singhi
 Date: Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 7:36 PM
 Subject: Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Fractional MGCP
 To: Ken Wyan

 Attached are the screenshots of the GW configuration (main page and
 endpoint). Site A and Site B are more or less identical (except for the
 domain names) and both have the defaults configured (SF set to 4 and Display
 IE delivery, Redirecting IE delivery outbound/inbound being checked).
 I performed the following tests:
 1. Maxing out the channels and then checking if it fails over to the next
 option in the RG.
 2. Maxing out the channels and then checking if it fails over to the next
 option in the RL.
 3. Maxing out the channels by making incoming calls and then calling out to
 check if the call goes out via the next option in the RG.
 4. Calls during SRST. (both incoming and outgoing to see if there is any
 change in behavior)
 5. Bringing the Site out of SRST to see if there is any change in behavior.
 Call 1 going out via channel 3
 Oct 10 12:57:30.789: MGCP Packet received from
 CRCX 463 S2/DS1-0/ MGCP 0.1
 C: D202e65000F50003
 X: 3
 L: p:20, a:PCMU, s:off, t:b8, fxr/fx:t38
 M: recvonly
 R: D/[0-9ABCD*#]
 Q: process,loop
 Oct 10 12:57:30.813: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: TX - SETUP pd = 8  callref =
 Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A2
 Standard = CCITT
 Transfer Capability = Speech
 Transfer Mode = Circuit
 Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s
 Channel ID i = 0xA98383
 Exclusive, Channel 3
 Calling Party Number i = 0x0081, '3002'
 Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown
 Called Party Number i = 0x80, '911'
 Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown
 Oct 10 12:57:30.829: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: RX - CALL_PROC pd = 8  callref =
 Channel ID i = 0xA98383
 Exclusive, Channel 3
 Call 2 going out via channel 2
 Oct 10 12:57:39.806: MGCP Packet received from
 CRCX 467 S2/DS1-0/ MGCP 0.1
 C: D202e65300F50004
 X: 2
 L: p:20, a:PCMU, s:off, t:b8, fxr/fx:t38
 M: recvonly
 R: D/[0-9ABCD*#]
 Q: process,loop
 Oct 10 12:57:39.826: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: TX - SETUP pd = 8  callref =
 Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A2
 Standard = CCITT
 Transfer Capability = Speech
 Transfer Mode = Circuit
 Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s
 Channel ID i = 0xA98382
 Exclusive, Channel 2
 Calling Party Number i = 0x0081, '3002'
 Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown
 Called Party Number i = 0x80, '911'
 Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown
 Oct 10 12:57:39.842: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: RX - CALL_PROC pd = 8  callref =
 Channel ID i = 0xA98382
 Exclusive, Channel 2

 Call 3 going out via channel 1
 Oct 10 12:57:49.279: MGCP Packet received from
 CRCX 471 S2/DS1-0/ MGCP 0.1
 C: D202e65600F50005
 X: 1
 L: p:20, a:PCMU, s:off, t:b8, fxr/fx:t38
 M: recvonly
 R: D/[0-9ABCD*#]
 Q: process,loop
 Oct 10 12:57:49.299: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: TX - SETUP pd = 8  callref =
 Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A2
 Standard = CCITT
 Transfer Capability = Speech
 Transfer Mode = Circuit
 Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s
 Channel ID i = 0xA98381
 Exclusive, Channel 1
 Calling Party Number i = 0x0081, '3002'
 Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown
 Called Party Number i = 0x80, 

Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Fwd: Fractional MGCP

2011-10-10 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
sorry small correction

On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 11:19 PM, Ashraf Ayyash wrote:
 Hey Kshitij ,

 the service parameter WILL NOT come to play in the SRST as you are taking the
 ccm out of the game and bringing the default routing application in
 charge (h323) , the service parameter will come to play when you will
 have for example 3 bchannal group configured under the controller and
 you have no service parameter on the ccm ( so the ccm thought he have
 full T1/E1)  , and then get 3 concurrent calls (so full of what you
 have) and then try to setup the 4th call , the ccm will send the call
 over (please put one GW in the RG) and then you will see Setup going
 on Channel 4 and you will see the call getting disconnected with
 requested channel not available and you MUST have configured 3
 channels only configured on the PSTN router (which will emulate the
 real life as the PSTN will setup only channels # of what you paid for
 and if you will sent new call ( we have 3 active calls) on the 4rth
 Channel you will get i mentioned about ) and hence the need of the
 service parameter .

 finally , in your example i don't think the GW debugs is the good
 place to check as the route Group is A CCM decision and the GW is MGCP
 Slave to the CCM so please include ccm sdi /SDL traces on the detailed
 level so we can see how the ccm decided to send the call to specific
 endpoint in the route group


 On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 4:59 PM, Kshitij Singhi wrote:
 Resending since the email bounced due to its size. I guess Ken would have
 received the endpoint configuration and hence removing the attachments.

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Kshitij Singhi
 Date: Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 7:36 PM
 Subject: Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Fractional MGCP
 To: Ken Wyan

 Attached are the screenshots of the GW configuration (main page and
 endpoint). Site A and Site B are more or less identical (except for the
 domain names) and both have the defaults configured (SF set to 4 and Display
 IE delivery, Redirecting IE delivery outbound/inbound being checked).
 I performed the following tests:
 1. Maxing out the channels and then checking if it fails over to the next
 option in the RG.
 2. Maxing out the channels and then checking if it fails over to the next
 option in the RL.
 3. Maxing out the channels by making incoming calls and then calling out to
 check if the call goes out via the next option in the RG.
 4. Calls during SRST. (both incoming and outgoing to see if there is any
 change in behavior)
 5. Bringing the Site out of SRST to see if there is any change in behavior.
 Call 1 going out via channel 3
 Oct 10 12:57:30.789: MGCP Packet received from
 CRCX 463 S2/DS1-0/ MGCP 0.1
 C: D202e65000F50003
 X: 3
 L: p:20, a:PCMU, s:off, t:b8, fxr/fx:t38
 M: recvonly
 R: D/[0-9ABCD*#]
 Q: process,loop
 Oct 10 12:57:30.813: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: TX - SETUP pd = 8  callref =
 Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A2
 Standard = CCITT
 Transfer Capability = Speech
 Transfer Mode = Circuit
 Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s
 Channel ID i = 0xA98383
 Exclusive, Channel 3
 Calling Party Number i = 0x0081, '3002'
 Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown
 Called Party Number i = 0x80, '911'
 Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown
 Oct 10 12:57:30.829: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: RX - CALL_PROC pd = 8  callref =
 Channel ID i = 0xA98383
 Exclusive, Channel 3
 Call 2 going out via channel 2
 Oct 10 12:57:39.806: MGCP Packet received from
 CRCX 467 S2/DS1-0/ MGCP 0.1
 C: D202e65300F50004
 X: 2
 L: p:20, a:PCMU, s:off, t:b8, fxr/fx:t38
 M: recvonly
 R: D/[0-9ABCD*#]
 Q: process,loop
 Oct 10 12:57:39.826: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: TX - SETUP pd = 8  callref =
 Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A2
 Standard = CCITT
 Transfer Capability = Speech
 Transfer Mode = Circuit
 Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s
 Channel ID i = 0xA98382
 Exclusive, Channel 2
 Calling Party Number i = 0x0081, '3002'
 Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown
 Called Party Number i = 0x80, '911'
 Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown
 Oct 10 12:57:39.842: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: RX - CALL_PROC pd = 8  callref =
 Channel ID i = 0xA98382
 Exclusive, Channel 2

 Call 3 going out via channel 1
 Oct 10 12:57:49.279: MGCP Packet received from
 CRCX 471 S2/DS1-0/ MGCP 0.1
 C: D202e65600F50005
 X: 1
 L: p:20, a:PCMU, s:off, t:b8, fxr/fx:t38
 M: recvonly
 R: D/[0-9ABCD*#]
 Q: process,loop
 Oct 10 12:57:49.299: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: TX - SETUP pd = 8  callref =
 Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A2
 Standard = CCITT
 Transfer Capability = Speech
 Transfer Mode = Circuit
 Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s
 Channel ID i

Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] [UCCX7-UCCX_IPIVR_7_0_1.iso on Windows 2003 R2 Enterprise]

2011-10-09 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
hey Michael ,

in fact the CCX installation is a bit more advanced than the ccm , the
windows should be Cisco Published windows and you have to install SQL
as well and then the ccx , yes there is some registery to change to
make it working on VM , i will try to get them for you soon (in the
next 2 days ) as long as with full explanation


On Sat, Oct 8, 2011 at 5:30 PM, wrote:

 I'm trying to install UCCX7-UCCX_IPIVR_7_0_1.iso on Windows 2003R2
 Enterprise. I've been told that it will work with certain modifications,
 registry hacks and the like. I'm trying to find out the details of how to go
 about doing this and wanted to run it by the group. Any information would be
 appreciated since this is my third install and hopefully the last. Another
 question I have is do you do the complete SQL installation. Is there a link
 out there that explains all this that I'm missing.

 Installing on ESXI VMWARE VM.

 Thank you --ms

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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Accessing CUCM from remote site

2011-10-09 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
Hey Nish ,

the info you provided is not enough , can you try to ping from the ccm
to the SVI of Site B ? can you make sure that you have the SVI
interface state as up up ? can you please make more advanced
troubleshooting and share it result with us , note we dont have access
to your system to find out this by ourself so your collaboration will
help us more


On Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 1:35 AM, Nish Tarpara wrote:
 Hi All,

 I am having problem accessing CUCM(on VMware workstation6.5) from Site B and
 able to connect fine from HQ site(Vlan10,20,30) and also able to ping CUCM
 server via switch.

 I am using same switch for Site B to connect Site B routers and phone with
 different Vlans 40  50.
 from site B router i am able to ping VM Workstation PC but not the CUCM
 server which reside on that VM.

 Please advise soon as i am unable to work further.

 Thank you,


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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] CUCM7 with SIP Providers

2011-10-09 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
yeah sure , can you please let me know if your provider need username
and PWD , realm ? if not you just need to go ahead and create sip
trunk pointing to the ip  of your provider , if not please let me know
so i can share the steps to make the ccm authenticate with your sip


On Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 12:00 PM, Azher Mughal wrote:

 I am trying to configure CUCM7 with a SIP Service provider It
 works fine with Asterisk. Anyone can give steps to follow ?


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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] CUCM7 with SIP Providers

2011-10-09 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
okay i don't fully  understand what we need to do now , with or
without username and realem ?
do you want to configure the ccm with sip trunk direct to the SIP ITSP
or you want to configure CUBE in between ?

if you any Authentication with your provider , you have to configure
the Enterprise parameter of Cluster ID This parameter supports Cisco
Unified Communications Manager challenges to the identity of the SIP
user agent that is sending a SIP request on the SIP trunk.

and you have to configure Realm from the User management ,  and you
have to enabled the Authentication on the SIP trunk security profile
associated with the SIP Trunk and you have to configure application
user of what you got from the provider ,

in fact making the ccm authenticate with the ITSP is not a good Idea ,
i think having CUBE in between will be much better in term of


On Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 7:09 PM, Azher Mughal wrote: require username, password and any realm works. For asterisk I
 am using insecure=very along with peer ip of CUCM so CUCM don't need to
 do authentication on the trunk.


 On 10/9/2011 12:33 PM, Ashraf Ayyash wrote:
 yeah sure , can you please let me know if your provider need username
 and PWD , realm ? if not you just need to go ahead and create sip
 trunk pointing to the ip  of your provider , if not please let me know
 so i can share the steps to make the ccm authenticate with your sip


 On Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 12:00 PM, Azher Mughal wrote:

 I am trying to configure CUCM7 with a SIP Service provider It
 works fine with Asterisk. Anyone can give steps to follow ?


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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] CUCM7 with SIP Providers

2011-10-09 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
forget to add , the ccm will not register with any ITSP , the Above
config is to make the ccm accept the Authentication Challange ,

if your provider require registration then you have to get CUBE
between the ccm and the provider to satify his requirement if any
registration is required

Note also some provider work based on IP add and port , so you will
not need to have any Authentication config .


On Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 10:30 PM, Ashraf Ayyash wrote:
 okay i don't fully  understand what we need to do now , with or
 without username and realem ?
 do you want to configure the ccm with sip trunk direct to the SIP ITSP
 or you want to configure CUBE in between ?

 if you any Authentication with your provider , you have to configure
 the Enterprise parameter of Cluster ID This parameter supports Cisco
 Unified Communications Manager challenges to the identity of the SIP
 user agent that is sending a SIP request on the SIP trunk.

 and you have to configure Realm from the User management ,  and you
 have to enabled the Authentication on the SIP trunk security profile
 associated with the SIP Trunk and you have to configure application
 user of what you got from the provider ,

 in fact making the ccm authenticate with the ITSP is not a good Idea ,
 i think having CUBE in between will be much better in term of


 On Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 7:09 PM, Azher Mughal wrote: require username, password and any realm works. For asterisk I
 am using insecure=very along with peer ip of CUCM so CUCM don't need to
 do authentication on the trunk.


 On 10/9/2011 12:33 PM, Ashraf Ayyash wrote:
 yeah sure , can you please let me know if your provider need username
 and PWD , realm ? if not you just need to go ahead and create sip
 trunk pointing to the ip  of your provider , if not please let me know
 so i can share the steps to make the ccm authenticate with your sip


 On Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 12:00 PM, Azher Mughal wrote:

 I am trying to configure CUCM7 with a SIP Service provider It
 works fine with Asterisk. Anyone can give steps to follow ?


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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Why not set CSS in the Device Pool?

2011-10-08 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
yes you  right , the exam is not to test scalability but in real live
this option on the dp is very usefull and in case of aar , the aar
group will work for everything on the dp level but the line , and this
is a huge time saver in case of aar ,


On Sat, Oct 8, 2011 at 11:55 AM, Mark Reed wrote:
 I never see this done for some reason.  With the number of phones were
 talking about it isn't a huge time saver,  but I'll take every second I can
 get at this point.  I did my entire mock lab this way yesterday and
 everything worked great except the aar-group which I still needed on the
 line itself.  But everything worked exactly like I had set it per device.
 Am I missing something or am I just out of the loop and people are doing it
 this way?


 Mark L Reed

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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Fractional MGCP

2011-10-08 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
hello All ,

well, i apologize if i got off track in disccussing this issue in the
alias ( this apology including your Kshitji ) i think ccie is getting
me aggressive

anyway , i reason you cannot find this workaround in any of cisco doc
is the fact that we dont support this feature , mgcp is not desinged
to work in fraction connection however cisco have interduce this
feature because mgcp is more prefered for the customer as its very
easy to setup ,

i worked on a very heavy mgcp case in the past cauing me to read the
whole rfc of the mgcp and i i was in touch with the TAC expert and the
DE in charge of this feature and the discussion ended to say that TAC
doesnt support fraction mgcp and this is a temp workaround you can use
in the time being tpo avoid cal failure when the ccm will setup call
on a non-used bchannel  and this feature is under study for feature
full suppor on the ccm nativly but we dont have any estimated release
or time yet ,



On Sat, Oct 8, 2011 at 2:00 PM, Ken Wyan wrote:
 Hi Kshitij,

 Logically it should use next GW in RG (  to next RG , etc..) when all 3
 channels are full in first GW. (As per your obsevations it should be) But
 better to test as at times CUCM server behaves very strange.

 In fact a TAC Engineer ( from India ) told me to use this service parameter
 to support fractional MGCP (when I opened a TAC case for fractional E1 in
 MGCP long time back). Cisco docs never say to use this service parameter for
 fractional E1/T1 MGCP  it is for temporary busy-out of channels
 (maintenance purposes).

 I guess a TAC expert has guided this way to overcome a bug in a particular
 code or to give a quick solution for fractional MGCP ( rather than
 time-consuming manual MGCP configuration)  also not to affect cisco's PVDM
 sales volume.

 Thank you for your findings  if Ash can check again this with TAC experts
 it would be very nice.


 On Sat, Oct 8, 2011 at 4:03 PM, Kshitij Singhi

 Hmm... will max out my MGCP channels on Monday and check if calls move out
 of the backup endpoint configured in the RG/RL. Not sure if I tested this
 when I was practicing but as far as I remember, I have. Will update soon!!!

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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Fractional MGCP

2011-10-07 Thread Ashraf Ayyash

i have tested/studied this away long time ago and i have also
consulted TAC expert to confirm my tests ( as i accept other people
thought and knowledge) and i fully understand the mgcp signalling
longtime ago and got alot of case for the very same subject we are
discussing now   , thats why i am sure and thats why i am telling you
that you are publishing a complete wrong info !!

take this chat off from the alias now , people start to be confused
...and you keep misleading  the same info !

On Fri, Oct 7, 2011 at 1:38 AM, Kshitij Singhi wrote:
 The tests/debugs/show outputs clarify everything - please dig deeper and try
 this out in this way the next time you sit to practice. You will be
 On Fri, Oct 7, 2011 at 1:04 PM, Ashraf Ayyash wrote:

 Kshitij ,

 oh again !

 the Isdn layer is lower than the mgcp , if you will busy out the
 channel the ccm will not consider them OOS , the 500 unknown endpoint
 is not enough to make the ccm busy out the non-used b-channel , try to
 busy them out from the service parameters and you will see the same
 exact debugs output you used them , in order to busy them out you have
 to use the service parameters to do this for you , otherwise the ccm
 will send setup call to those channels and you will see circuit
 unavailable coming back as a replay !!

 what ccm version you are using ? 7.0 ?


 On Fri, Oct 7, 2011 at 1:22 AM, Kshitij Singhi wrote:
  Noticed 2 modifications that can be made - it should be spelled niece
  And status 2 = idle (which effectively could mean that it is not in
  i.e. there isn't an active call on it). I was thinking from the
  of Not in use as in it's not participating in call routing.
  On Fri, Oct 7, 2011 at 12:36 PM, Kshitij Singhi wrote:
  OK. Let's dance.
  Given below is my configuration (the pertinent section):
  show run | sec controller
  controller T1 0/0/0
   framing esf
   linecode b8zs
   pri-group timeslots 1-3,24 service mgcp
  show run | sec interface Serial0/0/0
  interface Serial0/0/0:23
   no ip address
   encapsulation hdlc
   isdn switch-type primary-ni
   isdn incoming-voice voice
   isdn bind-l3 ccm-manager
   isdn outgoing display-ie
   isdn outgoing ie redirecting-number
   no cdp enable
  show run | in mgcp
   pri-group timeslots 1-3,24 service mgcp
  ccm-manager mgcp
  mgcp call-agent service-type mgcp version 0.1
  no mgcp package-capability res-package
  no mgcp timer receive-rtcp
  mgcp bind control source-interface GigabitEthernet0/0.102
  mgcp bind media source-interface GigabitEthernet0/0.102
  mgcp profile default
  show run | in ccm
   isdn bind-l3 ccm-manager
  ccm-manager switchback immediate
  ccm-manager redundant-host
  ccm-manager mgcp
  no ccm-manager fax protocol cisco
  ccm-manager music-on-hold
  do show ccm-manager
  MGCP Domain Name: SiteA
  Priority        Status                   Host
  Primary         Registered     
  First Backup    Backup Ready   
  Second Backup   None
  Current active Call Manager:
  Backhaul/Redundant link port:   2428
  Failover Interval:              30 seconds
  Keepalive Interval:             15 seconds
  Last keepalive sent:            21:50:15 PDT Oct 6 2011 (elapsed time:
  Last MGCP traffic time:         21:50:15 PDT Oct 6 2011 (elapsed time:
  Last failover time:             01:07:35 PDT Oct 1 2011 from
  Last switchback time:           01:08:05 PDT Oct 1 2011 from
  Switchback mode:                Immediate
  MGCP Fallback mode:             Not Selected
  Last MGCP Fallback start time:  None
  Last MGCP Fallback end time:    None
  MGCP Download Tones:            Disabled
  TFTP retry count to shut Ports: 2
  Backhaul Link info:
      Link Protocol:      TCP
      Remote Port Number: 2428
      Remote IP Address:
      Current Link State: OPEN
          Packets recvd:   1
          Recv failures:   0
          Packets xmitted: 1
          Xmit failures:   0
      PRI Ports being backhauled:
          Slot 0, VIC 0, port 0
  FAX mode: disable
  Configuration Error History:
  Let's take a look at this section in point 1:
  we here talking about the B Channel not
  the D-Channal so getting 500 on the AUEP doesnt mean
  the mgcp gw will busy out this channel and thats exactly why we have
  this service paramert in the ccm  to busy out the b-chann
  Since I have only 3 channels configured on the T1 controller, I took a
  debug mgcp packet and saw:
  Oct  7 04:48:00.453: MGCP Packet sent to
  RSIP 696986311 *@SiteA MGCP 0.1
  RM: restart
  Oct  7 04:48:00.457: MGCP Packet received from
  200 696986311

Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] VoiceView Under SRST

2011-10-07 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
hey man

the voice view cannot work during the SRST , i mean you cannot
preserve it , you will see the inbonx shoing when you logged in but
you cannot do any further tasks ,

i hope this is clear


On Fri, Oct 7, 2011 at 7:27 AM, amit batra wrote:
 Hello Guys

  I have never any document related to this so seeking help from
 anyone who can guide me on this ..Whether if its even possible or not..

 I have Branch 2 site phones registered with CUCM.. The Unity express module
 with Jtapi integration . I have configured voice view and it works fine..

 Now when the phones go under SRST. Phones work fine.. CUE starts using SIP
 integration as fall back..

   I have configured URL services undere tele-phony-service..

 When someone calls Branch2 phone.. after 12 seconds the call goes to Unity
 express as expected..MWI works fine..

 When i press the services button on the phone.. I can see my inbox.. but
 when i press listen ..i get error message ..

 I have tried every possible thing but nothing worked for me ..

 Can anyone share their experience with me to get Voiceview going under

 Thanks a lot..


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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Voiceview Express: Phone authentication is not working - How to debug this? -

2011-10-07 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
the command i mentioned is CUE commands and you have to add them with
CME -CUE integration ,

can you please giv them a go and let us know the results


On Fri, Oct 7, 2011 at 3:47 AM, Robert Schuknecht wrote:
 I am using CME as my callagent, so CUE is integrated with CME via SIP.


 [] Im Auftrag von Shrini
 Gesendet: Freitag, 7. Oktober 2011 00:46
 Betreff: Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Voiceview Express: Phone authentication is
 not working - How to debug this? -

 To resolve this issue, Assign phones to JTAPI user configured for CUE.

 On 10/6/2011 2:07 PM, Robert Schuknecht wrote:


 Today I tried to get Voiceview Express working, without luck. As far as I
 can see in sniffer traces the Phone authentication is not working. And now I
 need some help to find my error. I already read the archive and the CUE
 Admin Guide, but I am not able to find the right solution. Any help is
 really really appreciated!

 What I did so far:

 -   Used CUE for phone authentication (url authentication with fallback
 authentication url (

 -   Used the command authentication credential admin cisco under

 -   Searched the cisco supportforums and the Bug-Toolkit but I did not
 find any helpful

 My configurations:


 R3#sh run | sec telephony-service


 no auto-reg-ephone

 em logout 19:0 23:0 7:0

  max-ephones 10

 max-dn 10 no-reg both

 ip source-address port 2000

 service phone webAccess 0

 system message Your current options

 url services VoiceView Express

 url authentication

  cnf-file perphone

 load 7961 SCCP41.8-3-3S

 time-zone 23

 time-format 24

 date-format dd-mm-yy

 voicemail 3600

 max-conferences 8 gain -6

 call-forward pattern .T


 web admin system name admin password cisco



  transfer-system full-consult

 create cnf-files version-stamp 7960 Oct 06 2011 22:19:49

 ephone-dn  1  octo-line

 number 3001 no-reg both

 description 3214-3001


 call-forward all 3600

 call-forward busy 3600

 call-forward noan 3600 timeout 10

 ephone  1

 device-security-mode none

 mac-address 0017.59E9.6A80

 ephone-template 1

 max-calls-per-button 5

 busy-trigger-per-button 1

 username scphn1 password cisco

 type 7961

 button  1:1


 site name local

 phone-authentication username admin password cisco


 web web username admin password cisco

 end site

 service phone-authentication

 end phone-authentication

 service voiceview


 end voiceview

 Used Software Versions:


 se-10-1-137-10# show software versions

 Cisco Unity Express version (7.0.1)

 Technical Support: Copyright (c) 1986-2008
 by Cisco Systems, Inc.


 - CUE Voicemail Language Support version

 se-10-1-137-10# show software licenses

 Installed license files:

 - voicemail_lic.sig : 12 MAILBOX LICENSE

 - ivr_lic.sig : 8 PORT IVR BASE LICENSE


 - Application mode: CCME

 - Total usable system ports: 24

 Voicemail/Auto Attendant:

 - Max system mailbox capacity time: 18000

 - Default # of general delivery mailboxes: 5

 - Default # of personal mailboxes: 12

 - Max # of configurable mailboxes: 17

 Interactive Voice Response:

 - Max # of IVR sessions: 8


 - Max installed languages: 5

 - Max enabled languages: 5




 Phone (7961):




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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Fractional MGCP

2011-10-06 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
i have  gave explanation why your info's  is wrong and there is no
etiquette in the network , its either working or not working , true or
false ,

i am always giving a prove from real labs  and i never used the
company that i work for  to give people reason to take the info i
shared as trusted and this is not poolshitting ,, the only
poolshitting is to come and say because i am working for Cisco TAC my
info must be trusted and people have no right to say/ prove the

go ahead and speak with anyone from the real expert / escalation team
and they will tell you if your info is right or wrong even though i
don't care ,
i only email the alias because this  can be very likely a question in
the exam and then people will follow MR Cisco TAC engineer who share a
info and then they will get a bad score on the GW section , even
though you always INSULT back when you answering , i really don't pay
Shxit to your replays , stop share non-tested info and verify your
answer before answer it and you will never see me replaying for
correct info saying its wrong info , Be professional please and keep
in mind that Next time i will not accept any stupid word back from
your side i will carry it to your managment straight away and we will
see if your contract have Cisco Employee NDA commitment or not  


On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 10:40 PM, Kshitij Singhi wrote:
 It's not wrong and you desperately need to stop bullshi**ing.
 I know precisely what I am allowed/not allowed to do and you are no one and
 will always be no one to tell me or anyone about it. Follow it if you want
 to, ignore it if you believe you know better - either way all the best for
 your exam.

 Things are only as complicated as you make them - just a tip for life.
 Instead of arguing on a public forum and making such resentful and rude
 statements, please ping me directly if you have any issues and prove me
 wrong - I will definitely rescind any statements made by me that have been
 proven wrong conclusively. PLEASE don't stoop lower than this. PLEASE take
 this off the OSL. I'm literally begging you - PLEASE. Once again, read the
 etiquette section thoroughly.
 On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 9:16 AM, Ashraf Ayyash wrote:

 this is completly wrong  Kshitij  ,

 1- the mgcp layer have nothing to do with the isdn layer even though
 the l3 is binded to the ccm ,  we here talking about the B Channel not
 the D-Channal so getting 500 on the AUEP doesnt mean
 the mgcp gw will busy out this channel and thats exactly why we have
 this service paramert in the ccm  to busy out the b-chann  and after
 that you can verify this from the show perf query class of the mgcp
 pri and you will see the bchannl not in use on status 2 .

 2- in term of the ccie scope , this is also completey wrong , if you
 have mgcp gw  question and you have been asked to use on certain
 number of b-chann , what do you think they are asking you to do pri
 group command and move on with 4 points  ?  or cisco doest have enough
 dsp to put on the router exam ? try do show invent and you will see
 what is loaded on the exam router .

 finally please note that you are using / talking by the name of Cisco
 TAC , even though you are not allowed do so , however at least be more
 accurate on the answer you are publising here as now you bring TAC to
 the game and this is not good for the TAC picture on the public
 aliases .

 the answer of this question is , certainly they will need you to use
 the service paramater to busy out the unused channel , note also that
 this is a ccie level exam so i would suggest that you always try
 to find out why they asking any easy question because you will find
 that this easy question is just a pointer to do something deeper which
 will give the ccie program a chance to test your knowledge on a CCIE
 Level .


 On Sun, Oct 2, 2011 at 10:53 PM, Kshitij Singhi wrote:
  Just to add, from a CCIE scope, the IPX way is enough - we simply need
  manually add the pri-group timeslots command with the correct number of
  channels that need to be used. Not required to modify any service
  on CUCM.
  From the exams perspective, I would suggest:
  1. Downloading the configuration from CUCM by adding the ccm-manager
  and ccm-manager config server commands after configuring everything on
  2. This should add the pri-group timeslots command with 24 channels.
  3. Shut down the voice-port/serial interface/controller and remove L3
  binding from the Serial interface
  4. Remove the ccm-manager config/ccm-manager config server commands.
  5. Remove the pri-g timeslots command and re-add it with the correct
  of channels. No shut the controller and the serial interface (if
  6. Manually add L3 binding on the Serial interface.
  Issue a no mgcp/mgcp
  Should be good to go.
  On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 11:17 AM, Kshitij Singhi

Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Voiceview Express: Phone authentication is not working - How to debug this? -

2011-10-06 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
try those commands on the CUE

site name local

 phone-authentication username username password password

and check this DOC :


On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 7:32 PM, Ray wrote:
 make sure the address u put in the http is pointing to cue as below. cue ip
 is also add a phone service with this url :  and subcribe it to the
 phones also add the phone to the cue
 application user that u create in cucm.
 i hope this helps. let me know how you make it.

 cme(config-telephony)#url services
 cme(config-telephony)#url authentication

 From: Shrini
 Sent: Thursday, October 6, 2011 5:46 PM
 Subject: Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Voiceview Express: Phone authentication is
 not working - How to debug this? -

 To resolve this issue, Assign phones to JTAPI user configured for CUE.

 On 10/6/2011 2:07 PM, Robert Schuknecht wrote:


 Today I tried to get Voiceview Express working, without luck. As far as I
 can see in sniffer traces the Phone authentication is not working. And now I
 need some help to find my error. I already read the archive and the CUE
 Admin Guide, but I am not able to find the right solution. Any help is
 really really appreciated!

 What I did so far:

 -   Used CUE for phone authentication (url authentication with fallback
 authentication url (
 -   Used the command authentication credential admin cisco under
 -   Searched the cisco supportforums and the Bug-Toolkit but I did not
 find any helpful

 My configurations:


 R3#sh run | sec telephony-service
 no auto-reg-ephone
 em logout 19:0 23:0 7:0
  max-ephones 10
 max-dn 10 no-reg both
 ip source-address port 2000
 service phone webAccess 0
 system message Your current options
 url services VoiceView Express
 url authentication
  cnf-file perphone
 load 7961 SCCP41.8-3-3S
 time-zone 23
 time-format 24
 date-format dd-mm-yy
 voicemail 3600
 max-conferences 8 gain -6
 call-forward pattern .T
 web admin system name admin password cisco
  transfer-system full-consult
 create cnf-files version-stamp 7960 Oct 06 2011 22:19:49

 ephone-dn  1  octo-line
 number 3001 no-reg both
 description 3214-3001
 call-forward all 3600
 call-forward busy 3600
 call-forward noan 3600 timeout 10

 ephone  1
 device-security-mode none
 mac-address 0017.59E9.6A80
 ephone-template 1
 max-calls-per-button 5
 busy-trigger-per-button 1
 username scphn1 password cisco
 type 7961
 button  1:1


 site name local
 phone-authentication username admin password cisco
 web web username admin password cisco
 end site

 service phone-authentication
 end phone-authentication

 service voiceview
 end voiceview

 Used Software Versions:


 se-10-1-137-10# show software versions
 Cisco Unity Express version (7.0.1)
 Technical Support: Copyright (c) 1986-2008
 by Cisco Systems, Inc.


 - CUE Voicemail Language Support version

 se-10-1-137-10# show software licenses
 Installed license files:
 - voicemail_lic.sig : 12 MAILBOX LICENSE
 - ivr_lic.sig : 8 PORT IVR BASE LICENSE

 - Application mode: CCME
 - Total usable system ports: 24

 Voicemail/Auto Attendant:
 - Max system mailbox capacity time: 18000
 - Default # of general delivery mailboxes: 5
 - Default # of personal mailboxes: 12

 - Max # of configurable mailboxes: 17

 Interactive Voice Response:
 - Max # of IVR sessions: 8

 - Max installed languages: 5
 - Max enabled languages: 5



 Phone (7961):



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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Call-Forward to VM

2011-10-05 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
check what vm profile is assigned to this number , if its the default
go ahead and specify the vm profile manually


On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 3:24 PM, Jason Lee wrote:

 Having a weird problem.  I have CUC integrated with CUCM via SCCP.  I'm able
 to access the CUC server by dialing the VM pilot or pressing the messages
 button on the phone.

 When I forward calls to VM under line configuration using the VM checkbox I
 get a fast-busy. If I uncheck the box and manually enter the VM pilot number
 it works fine.

 Has anyone ever run into this problem?



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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Fractional MGCP

2011-10-05 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
this is completly wrong  Kshitij  ,

1- the mgcp layer have nothing to do with the isdn layer even though
the l3 is binded to the ccm ,  we here talking about the B Channel not
the D-Channal so getting 500 on the AUEP doesnt mean
the mgcp gw will busy out this channel and thats exactly why we have
this service paramert in the ccm  to busy out the b-chann  and after
that you can verify this from the show perf query class of the mgcp
pri and you will see the bchannl not in use on status 2 .

2- in term of the ccie scope , this is also completey wrong , if you
have mgcp gw  question and you have been asked to use on certain
number of b-chann , what do you think they are asking you to do pri
group command and move on with 4 points  ?  or cisco doest have enough
dsp to put on the router exam ? try do show invent and you will see
what is loaded on the exam router .

finally please note that you are using / talking by the name of Cisco
TAC , even though you are not allowed do so , however at least be more
accurate on the answer you are publising here as now you bring TAC to
the game and this is not good for the TAC picture on the public
aliases .

the answer of this question is , certainly they will need you to use
the service paramater to busy out the unused channel , note also that
this is a ccie level exam so i would suggest that you always try
to find out why they asking any easy question because you will find
that this easy question is just a pointer to do something deeper which
will give the ccie program a chance to test your knowledge on a CCIE
Level .


On Sun, Oct 2, 2011 at 10:53 PM, Kshitij Singhi wrote:
 Just to add, from a CCIE scope, the IPX way is enough - we simply need to
 manually add the pri-group timeslots command with the correct number of
 channels that need to be used. Not required to modify any service parameter
 on CUCM.
 From the exams perspective, I would suggest:
 1. Downloading the configuration from CUCM by adding the ccm-manager config
 and ccm-manager config server commands after configuring everything on CUCM.
 2. This should add the pri-group timeslots command with 24 channels.
 3. Shut down the voice-port/serial interface/controller and remove L3
 binding from the Serial interface
 4. Remove the ccm-manager config/ccm-manager config server commands.
 5. Remove the pri-g timeslots command and re-add it with the correct number
 of channels. No shut the controller and the serial interface (if
 6. Manually add L3 binding on the Serial interface.
 Issue a no mgcp/mgcp
 Should be good to go.
 On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 11:17 AM, Kshitij Singhi wrote:

 Fractional MGCP controlled PRIs are not supported by TAC. It's not
 possible to configure a fractional PRI by downloading the config from CUCM
 via the following commands:
 ccm-manager config
 ccm-manager config server IP
 However, a fractional MGCP controlled PRI works fine when the GW is
 manually configured. To do this, we need to add the following commands on
 the GW:
 ccm-m mgc
 ccm-m call-agent IP
 ccm-m redun IP (If applicable)
 controller t1 x/y/z
 pri-g time 1-5 ser mgc (assuming 5 channels are being used - the Telco
 will need to be configured accordingly as well)
 int ser x/y/z:23
 isdn bind-l3 ccm-manager
 The statement CUCM does not support a fractional MGCP controlled PRI
 might not be entirely accurate since CUCM definitely works great with a
 fractional MGCP controlled PRI. I guess saying that CUCM cannot auto
 configure a fractional MGCP controlled PRI would be more accurate.
 In the case of a fractional PRI, CUCM sends AUEP messages to the GW for
 the unconfigured channels on the PRI, but the GW responds with an
 endpoint unknown message - hence, CUCM does not consider those channels
 during call routing.

 On Sun, Oct 2, 2011 at 11:42 AM,

 Send CCIE_Voice mailing list submissions to

 To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
 or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to

 You can reach the person managing the list at

 When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
 than Re: Contents of CCIE_Voice digest...

 Today's Topics:

   1. Re: I need hardware Vpn assistance on a session   now
      (Marko Milivojevic)
   2. Re: I need hardware Vpn assistance on a session   now
   3. Re: Fractional MGCP (Robert Thomas)
   4. Re: I need hardware Vpn assistance on a session   now (Rrcrumm)


 Message: 1
 Date: Sat, 1 Oct 2011 13:51:57 -0700
 From: Marko Milivojevic
 To: edgar feliz 

Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Gatekeeper configuration

2011-10-04 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
Guys ,

the h323 bind command is not a GK command , its for the H323 GW so you
can have GK on interface and have the normal config of the GK
and the H323 bind under the interface which will work as H323 GW with the ccm

H323 bind can be usefull if you have Q said bind all media and
signalling to specific interface IP , h323 bind in this case will do
RTP binding for you ,

i hope this is clear


On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 8:45 AM, Rrcrumm wrote:
 Did you do a gateway in config mode on the branch rtr? Is it registered?

 Sent from my iPhone
 On Oct 4, 2011, at 1:12 AM, darshan wrote:

 Dear All;

 I have 2 requirements and I don’t know which one is the correct

 1.  For SIte C     CME gateway

     Configure SIteC Router as H323 gateway.

     Make sure that all inbound  outbound H323 traffic is
 sourced from the local interface

 2.In Gatekeeper another Question is there

     SIte C should use its Loopback address for all
 communication with the gatekeeper.

 My configuration is

 Sc#interface loopback 0

     desc SC Loopback

     h323-gateway voip interface

     ip address

     h323-gateway voip interface

     h323-gateway voip id GK ipaddr 1719

     h323-gateway voip bind srcaddr


 Sc#interface vlan502

     desc SC Voice

     h323-voip interface

     ip address

     h323-gateway voip interface

     h323-gateway voip id GK ipaddr 1719

     h323-gateway voip bind srcaddr is the SIte C Loopback address is the Site C Voice Vlan 502

 Appreciate to help me in this regard..



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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Trust command

2011-10-01 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
because you added the command  mls qos trust device cisco-phone the
switch will know via CDP that you are connecting Cisco Phone other
wise the default behavior (*after enable the mls qos on the switch)
will be applied of not trust ,

i would say that 99% you will be trusting the COS on the switch port
connected to the phones and the DSCP of the port connected to the
servers .


On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 3:29 AM, Nowork_onlyfun wrote:
 Hi Guys

  Regarding the mls qos trust command.

 If the question demands to trust dscp values.

 On the interface connected to the phone. If I configure mls qos trust dscp 
 and mls qos trust device cisco-phone.

 Does this means that the interface will trust the incoming dscp only if it's 
 coming from a cisco phone ? Or it has detected cisco phone on the interface ?

 Or will it be trusting the dscp regardless of connected device ? Because of 
 mls qos trust dscp command ?


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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Fractional MGCP

2011-10-01 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
the correct answer for your Question is to busy out the non-defind B
channels from the Service parameters ,

Note that CCM doesn't support Fractional T1/E1 over mgcp , this
service parameter is kind of workaround and i will use it myself  if
will setup Fractional T1/E1 over mgcp ,

 In IPX workbooks ; they limit number of channels just by pri-group timeslots
 1-5,24 service mgcp command only. ( I didn't go through all the solutions
 yet  , but I have seen this few times so far)

 But I think fractional pri for MGCP is  not supported by CUCM as per Cisco

 Somehow there's a way as below ( B chan maintenance  status poll ).   ( not an official cisco

 For CCIE scope , does IPX way is enough? But it will not do the required


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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] lab3 gatekeeper

2011-09-29 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
81 mean unallocated unassigned number , you dial the wrong number

check this DOC :


On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 8:37 AM, Ray wrote:
 what option or command do i have to take out inorder to the the q931 cause
 code id 8081.. because i set it up and confired all the commands in the
 workbook and everything is working fine..i can't generate the cause code
 zone local GK
 zone remote BBGK 1719
 zone prefix BBGK 01144*
 zone prefix BBGK 44*
 no shut
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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] lab3 gatekeeper

2011-09-29 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
i dont fully understand what you are looking for ,

on the ccm traces you will find Cause = the disconnect cause  and
its Q931 in there few line above the release complete message ,
and to know what is the cause you need to use the DOC i have sent to
you , which will explain and show you what does it mean ,

if you have more specific Q please let me /us know


On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 12:39 PM, Ray wrote:
 what option or command do i have to take out/uncheck inorder  to see  the
 q931 cause code id 8081 in the CUCM traces.. because i set it up and
 confirmed all the commands in the workbook and everything is working fine..i
 can't generate the cause code 8081..Anyone knows how to  create the q931
 cause code id 8081?

 From: Ray
 To: ccie voice
 Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2011 10:37 AM
 Subject: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] lab3 gatekeeper

 what option or command do i have to take out inorder to the the q931 cause
 code id 8081.. because i set it up and confired all the commands in the
 workbook and everything is working fine..i can't generate the cause code
 zone local GK
 zone remote BBGK 1719
 zone prefix BBGK 01144*
 zone prefix BBGK 44*
 no shut
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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] lab3 gatekeeper

2011-09-29 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
i have recreate it in my lab to be accurate , in my config  i made the
incoming dialpeer with G711 and i am sending G729 call :

09/29/2011 22:32:58.497 CCM|value H323-UserInformation ::=
09/29/2011 22:32:58.498 CCM|{
h323-message-body releaseComplete :
protocolIdentifier { 0 0 8 2250 0 5 },
  guid '80D4BC7E562A51E8060013020A0AC91D'H
h245Tunneling FALSE
09/29/2011 22:32:58.498
09/29/2011 22:32:58.498 CCM|
09/29/2011 22:32:58.498 CCM|Out Message -- H225ReleaseCompleteMsg --
09/29/2011 22:32:58.498 CCM|Ie - Q931CauseIe IEData= 08 02 80 AF

Q931CauseIe IEData= 08 02 80 AF  check the doc i have pointed and you
will find that AF is resources unavailable ...

i hope this is clear

On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 2:58 PM, Ashraf Ayyash wrote:
 i dont fully understand what you are looking for ,

 on the ccm traces you will find Cause = the disconnect cause  and
 its Q931 in there few line above the release complete message ,
 and to know what is the cause you need to use the DOC i have sent to
 you , which will explain and show you what does it mean ,

 if you have more specific Q please let me /us know


 On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 12:39 PM, Ray wrote:
 what option or command do i have to take out/uncheck inorder  to see  the
 q931 cause code id 8081 in the CUCM traces.. because i set it up and
 confirmed all the commands in the workbook and everything is working fine..i
 can't generate the cause code 8081..Anyone knows how to  create the q931
 cause code id 8081?

 From: Ray
 To: ccie voice
 Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2011 10:37 AM
 Subject: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] lab3 gatekeeper

 what option or command do i have to take out inorder to the the q931 cause
 code id 8081.. because i set it up and confired all the commands in the
 workbook and everything is working fine..i can't generate the cause code
 zone local GK
 zone remote BBGK 1719
 zone prefix BBGK 01144*
 zone prefix BBGK 44*
 no shut
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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] IOS software MTP for g711alaw

2011-09-28 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
the mtp will have by default G711u once you add it and as the mtp
accept on codec it was complaining , you need to do no codec and then
add whatever codec you want , and  Yes it will accept g711a


On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 8:10 AM, Gerence Guan wrote:
 Hi Everyone,

 Is that possible to configure software MTP for g711alaw on the router?

 I got the following configure from a 2911 router in production:

 dspfarm profile 4 mtp
  codec g711alaw
  maximum sessions software 100
  associate application SCCP

 but with the new router I've got now, every time when I try to type the
 command codec g711alaw. it prompt me Codec is already configured for the
 profile, it is not compatible with codec being configured for MTP service.
 and the codec g711ulaw will be automatically configured.

 anyone know why?


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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] TCS capabilities

2011-09-28 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
Hey All ,

the TCP (by default) will happen after the connect and it will be
using the H245 portion of the H323 family so the command you guys
referring to will not show you what is going on and even h245 asn1
will also will not show you anything because what happened is that the
CCM is waiting for the far end (which the CUBE ) to send his
capability via TCS and the CUBE is also waiting for the CCM to send
capability ( the cube  will not send his capability either) so the
Media capability process inside the H323 protocl will timeout  after
10 sec (by default )

so to see the time out happens you can use deb cch323 h245 which i
don't recommend because its pretty cryptic and you will not see a
clear state about the time out , however in the CCM SDL traces
(detailed level) you will see the process timing out clearly and it
give you the reason of the timing :

001745916| 2011/05/19 19:18:28.462| 001| SdlSig|
H245SessionEstablishedFailure | waitForCapabilitiesExchange
| H245Interface(1,100,148,8)  | H245SessionManager(1,100,23,8)  |
(0,0,0,0).0-(*:*)   | [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 5, LP: 1,
VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]


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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] MOH with H323 gateway

2011-09-28 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
Hello All ,

in the explination you gave about the problem you must know what type of moh
you got on the HQ and you can confirm that by hear the moh and you will know
if its MMOH or unicast and this is very important to figure out because this
will turn the troubleshooting to diff direction ,

also if you have connected call betweeen HQ and BR1 Phone and BR1 phone
place HQ on hold what you will get ?

in regard of the Multicast config changes , i dont see any reason for that ,
Note that he is sourcing MOH from the FLASH which mean we are not doing any
MMOH routing here , we are flooding the MOH to the specified route under the
telephone or call-manager fallback so in this case we dont need any kind of
Multicasting setup

from the provided info i cannot go anywhere in the troubelshoting , you have
to send more detailed info about this issue


On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 5:53 AM, DeShon Crayton dcrayto...@comcast.netwrote:

 Also, confirm that the UCM moh server is using multicast address
 and incrementing on ip address.

 ** **

 *From:* DeShon Crayton []
 *Sent:* Wednesday, September 28, 2011 8:51 AM
 *To:* 'Vega Wong'; ''; ''

 *Subject:* RE: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] MOH with H323 gateway

 ** **

 Hello Vega,

 ** **

 I would add the following:

 ** **

 Config t

 no ip igmp snopping

 ** **

 int l0

 ip pim dense-mode 

 ** **

 int fa 0/20

 ip pim dense-mode 

 ** **

 Confirm that “MOH_CL.wav” is in flash

 Confirm that “MOH_CL.wav” is properly formatted to be used by the cisco

 Try using the default “” that comes with CME for testing

 Reboot the router..

 ** **

 ** **

 *From:* Vega Wong []
 *Sent:* Wednesday, September 28, 2011 7:29 AM
 *To:*; DeShon Crayton;
 *Subject:* Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] MOH with H323 gateway

 ** **

 Hi guys

 I have attached more info for this, hope you can help:

 ! H323 gw config
 hostname HQ-RTR
 network-clock-participate slot 1
 dot11 syslog
 no ip source-route
 ip cef
 no ip domain lookup
 ip multicast-routing
 no ipv6 cef
 multilink bundle-name authenticated
 isdn switch-type primary-ni
 voice-card 0
 voice-card 1
 controller T1 1/0/0
  pri-group timeslots 1-3,24
 controller T1 1/0/1
 interface Loopback0
  ip address
  ip pim sparse-dense-mode
 interface GigabitEthernet0/0
  no ip address
  duplex auto
  speed auto
 interface GigabitEthernet0/0.10
  encapsulation dot1Q 10
  ip address
 interface GigabitEthernet0/0.20
  encapsulation dot1Q 20
  ip address
  ip helper-address
  ip pim sparse-dense-mode
  h323-gateway voip bind srcaddr
 interface GigabitEthernet0/0.30
  encapsulation dot1Q 30
  ip address
 interface GigabitEthernet0/1
  no ip address
  duplex auto
  speed auto
 interface Serial0/2/0
  no ip address
  encapsulation frame-relay
  frame-relay lmi-type ansi
 interface Serial0/2/0.1 point-to-point
  ip address
  ip ospf mtu-ignore
  snmp trap link-status
  frame-relay interface-dlci 201
 interface Serial0/2/0.2 point-to-point
  ip address
  ip ospf mtu-ignore
  snmp trap link-status
  frame-relay interface-dlci 202
 interface Serial0/2/1
  no ip address
  clock rate 200
 interface Serial1/0/0:23
  no ip address
  encapsulation hdlc
  isdn switch-type primary-ni
  isdn incoming-voice voice
  no cdp enable
 router ospf 1
  network area 0
 ip forward-protocol nd
 no ip http server
 no ip http secure-server
 voice-port 1/0/0:23
 ccm-manager music-on-hold
 dial-peer voice 1 pots
  incoming called-number .
 dial-peer voice 2 voip
  incoming called-number .
  codec g711ulaw
 dial-peer voice 911 pots
  destination-pattern 911
  port 1/0/0:23
  forward-digits all
 dial-peer voice 5000 voip
  destination-pattern 212394
  session target ipv4:
  codec g711ulaw
 dial-peer voice 5001 voip
  preference 1
  destination-pattern 212394
  session target ipv4:
  max-ephones 1
  max-dn 1
  ip source-address port 2000
  max-conferences 8 gain -6
  moh MOH_CL.wav
  multicast moh port 16384 route
  transfer-system full-consult
  create cnf-files version-stamp 7960 Sep 27 2011 22:59:02
 debug ephone moh
 EPHONE music-on-hold debugging is enabled
 *Sep 28 11:09:56.658: MoH route If 

Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Unity Connection - CUCM Integration

2011-09-28 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
do you have the check box of reconnect to the higher ccm checked in the
server config page on unity ?

can you make sure that you have the port registered with the sub when it
will back ?


On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 11:39 PM, Ken Wyan wrote:


 I have a strange issue of CUCM redundancy with Unity Connection

 Device pool (for phones  voice mail) has SUB first  PUB second. In Unity
 connection GUI  I added SUB first  PUB second for AXL servers  CUCM
 servers. For TFTP servers in Unity I added PUB only. (as mentioned in IPX
 proc guide)

 Voice Mail ports always register with PUB. ( although their DP has SUB

 Hunt list used for VMail has CUCM group SUB-PUB (in this order). It always
 shows as unregistered. If I remove SUB from the group then only it shows as

 If I shutdown SUB ; then voicemail is working. (because all phones , vm
 ports , vm hunt pilot all registered with PUB only). When SUB comes back
 voicemail not working.

 DB Replication between PUB  SUB shows ok (code 2)

 What can I do to get this running with dual CUCM?

 On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 12:29 PM, Ken Wyan wrote:

 I have Unity Connection to CUCM SCCP integration. Everything works fine.

 But only following test fails.

 From Unity Connection Administration ---  Telephony Integrations
 --- Phone System - Port Group --- Servers.

 I added both Cisco Unified Communications Manager Servers  both TFTP
 Servers. When I click on *ping*   for each server gives result :  Response
 Time ::  Timed Out

 But all CCIE Lab tasks work fine.


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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] mask on uccx port, plus sign +, for AAR?

2011-09-26 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
set the mask on the cucm side , and it will take effect ,


On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 9:18 AM, zamuel del Toro wrote:

 the uccx  port network mask can't be assigned using + sign (ej.
 +1212394) from uccx  admin page, should  be assigned manually from cucm
 admin page even when this unsyncronize the uccx integration?.

 or  do i have to consider adding translation without + sign. that because
 the route pattern are using +1212 on particion AAR

 thanks and regards

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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] BR2 dial-peer 9........ overlape 900T, and can't make international calls

2011-09-26 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
the first option and you can vary it by also adding : 9.[1-9]..


On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 9:22 AM, zamuel del Toro wrote:
  if the requirement is  for national 9 plus 8 any digits,  it overlap for
 900T and can't make international calls
 is correct using
 9.T even when interdigit timeout?

 thanks and regards

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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] URGENT ## music on hold issue ##

2011-09-26 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
when you but the caller on hold from the phone , that will use what is
in your phone confg page of mrgl and moh user/network resources but
when you did the same from the ARC now you are using the setting on
the CTI port of the ARC , can you please go ahead and stream UNICAST
MOH through the CTI ports of the ARC and check the behavior ?

tone on hold is generated when the ccm failed to allocate moh resource
of when there is codec mismatch ..double check the cti ports/rp
settings once again 


On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 7:42 AM, Gerence Guan wrote:
 Hi Guys,

 Working on a customer issue:

 CUCM 6.1
 3825 router with IOS12.4(13)
 ARC call connect 4.1

 Phone_M in location_M, region_M, devicepool_M, MRGL_M(MoH_2 Unicast )
 Phone_S(ARC console user) in location_S, region_S, devicepool_S,
 MRGL_S(MoH_3 Muticast, actually from local gateway)
 H323Gateway_S  in location_S, region_S, devicepool_S, MRGL_S(Muticast MoH,
 actually from local gateway) with E1 for PSTN
 All ARC CTI ports and CTI route points in location_S, region_S,
 devicepool_S, MRGL_S(Muticast MoH, actually from local gateway)
 All MoH servers in Region_MoH
 MoH stream on G.711 only (for both CUCM stream and MoH file on Gateway_S)

 G.729 for inter-region    G.711 for intra-region
 Region_MoH use G.711 to all other regions

 ##  Issue 1
 When Phone_M call Phone_S (Phone_S's DN, not ARC queue number)
 If Phone_S put Phone_M on hold by pressing the hold softkey, Phone_M can
 hear the Music on Hold
 If Phone_S put Phone_M on hold from the ARC console, Phone_M hear the Tone
 on Hold
 If Phone_M put Phone_S on hold by pressing the hold softkey, Phone_S can
 hear the Music on Hold

 as I understand, no matter what device be used to put Phone_M on hold,
 Phone_M should always get the unicast stream from MoH_2 in G.711. I don't
 understand why I got different result.

 ## Issue 2
 When Mobild call Phone_S (Phone_S's DN, not ARC queue number)
 If Phone_S put Mobild on hold by pressing the hold softkey, Mobild can hear
 the Music on Hold
 If Phone_S put Mobild on hold from the ARC console, Mobild hear the Tone on

 same as above, because the H323Gateway_S is in region_S, no matter what
 device to be used to put the mobile on hold, the mobile should always get
 the multicast stream from the local MoH file on the multicast IP address
 configured on MoH_3 in G.711

 Anyone can think about any problem I may not noticed?


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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] background image not working..

2011-09-22 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
remove the / from here

your command tftp-server flash:/Desktops/320x212x12/List.xml

the correct command :

tftp-server flash:Desktops/320x212x12/List.xml


On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 8:40 AM, Ray wrote:
 has anyone done background image and it works..  when i go to user
 preferencbackgroundimage  it says selection unavailable.  help!
 i done know if it is my image.. or what. if anyone has an image that works
 please forward to me.. I created my in windows 7 paint program and save it
 as png file.
 br2#more flash:/Desktops/320x212x12/List.xml
 ImageItem Image=TFTP:Desktops/320x212x12/TN-voiceslarge.png
 tftp-server flash:/Desktops/320x212x12/List.xml
 tftp-server flash:flash:/Desktops/320x212x12/voicesmall.png
 tftp-server flash:flash:/Desktops/320x212x12/TN-voiceslarge.png

  br2#sho flash
          0 Nov 17 2009 22:44:36 Desktops/320x212x12
 30      131470 Nov 17 2009 22:44:38 Desktops/320x212x12/CampusNight.png
 31       80565 Nov 17 2009 22:44:40 Desktops/320x212x12/CiscoFountain.png
 32        8156 Nov 17 2009 22:44:40 Desktops/320x212x12/CiscoLogo.png
 33      138278 Nov 17 2009 22:44:40 Desktops/320x212x12/Fountain.png
 34         165 Sep 21 2011 15:17:18 Desktops/320x212x12/List.xml
 35      109076 Nov 17 2009 22:44:42 Desktops/320x212x12/MorroRock.png
 36      108087 Nov 17 2009 22:44:44 Desktops/320x212x12/NantucketFlowers.png
 37       10820 Nov 17 2009 22:44:44 Desktops/320x212x12/TN-CampusNight.png
 38        9657 Nov 17 2009 22:44:46 Desktops/320x212x12/TN-CiscoFountain.png
 39        2089 Nov 17 2009 22:44:46 Desktops/320x212x12/TN-CiscoLogo.png
 40        7953 Nov 17 2009 22:44:46 Desktops/320x212x12/TN-Fountain.png
 41        7274 Nov 17 2009 22:44:46 Desktops/320x212x12/TN-MorroRock.png
 42        9933 Nov 17 2009 22:44:48
 43        4651 Sep 21 2011 15:15:04 Desktops/320x212x12/TN-voiceslarge.png
 44        3961 Sep 21 2011 15:15:54 Desktops/320x212x12/voicesmall.png
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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Problem with CUCM and CUC SIP integration

2011-09-20 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
that might be a  call routing matte , maybe the call from that phones
didnt reached the VM pilot at all (css , pt , Tanslation etc,,)
ofcourse we cannot be accurate in the answer because its your
dial-plan but you can do digit analyizer for that call and see what
you will get ,

if all is fine , ccm sdi traces will tell us what is going on


On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 12:00 AM, Rynard Coetzee wrote:

 I am trying to get the SIP integration between CUC and CUCM to work ,but I
 am stuck at the moment . From my HQ and Branch 1 phones I can dial the UC
 pilot and have UC answer ,I can also sign into the mailboxes.

 Problem is when I call from any other phone ,I get a fastbusy as soon as the
 call gets forwarded to UC ,I have used the Unity Port status monitor but it
 seems that the call does not get to UC and that it is failing somewhere on
 the CUCM. Any ideas ?



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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Problem with CUCM and CUC SIP integration

2011-09-20 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
the ccm language will not affect the traces , you just bring them and
attach them i will take a look and share what i will find


On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 4:34 AM, Rynard Coetzee wrote:
 I have done DNA and the call is being routed to the SIP trunk correctly ,also 
 the VM pilot points to a Route Pattern which in turn points to the SIP trunk 
 to CUC. I know the trunk is working fine because the phones can call the VM 
 pilot direct. I am busy pulling the sdi traces ,but those traces might as 
 well be in French or something as I have no idea how to decipher them .

 -Original Message-
 From: Ashraf Ayyash []
 Sent: 20 September 2011 01:24 PM
 To: Rynard Coetzee
 Subject: Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Problem with CUCM and CUC SIP integration

 that might be a  call routing matte , maybe the call from that phones didnt 
 reached the VM pilot at all (css , pt , Tanslation etc,,) ofcourse we cannot 
 be accurate in the answer because its your dial-plan but you can do digit 
 analyizer for that call and see what you will get ,

 if all is fine , ccm sdi traces will tell us what is going on


 On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 12:00 AM, Rynard Coetzee 

 I am trying to get the SIP integration between CUC and CUCM to work
 ,but I am stuck at the moment . From my HQ and Branch 1 phones I can
 dial the UC pilot and have UC answer ,I can also sign into the mailboxes.

 Problem is when I call from any other phone ,I get a fastbusy as soon
 as the call gets forwarded to UC ,I have used the Unity Port status
 monitor but it seems that the call does not get to UC and that it is
 failing somewhere on the CUCM. Any ideas ?



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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] cBarge problem using MVA

2011-09-19 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
Hey Rynard ,

as you are using Cbarge , there is no need for Built in Bridge , you
will need have the privacy off and the barge method as Cbarge from the
phones pages , reset the phone and check the behavior ( make sure that
you will have conf brigde available for the phones inside your MRGL


On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 1:02 AM, Rynard Coetzee wrote:

 I have issue to get cBarge to work when dialling in via my MVA number. When
 I dial the MVA number and then start a new call to my HQ phone ,my Branch 2
 shows the Remote in Use ,but when I try to Cbarge into the call ,I just get
 a fastbusy. I have Hardware conference bridge setup for both HQ and BR2
 phones ,any ideas what else the problem might be ? Also Built-in bridge and
 Privacy have been set on both phones.

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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Resolved GK Calls disconnect after hold

2011-09-19 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
Nice one , thank you for sharing this issue


On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 2:38 AM, DeShon Crayton wrote:
 Thanks for the input.
 The fix that was outlined resolved the issue.

 For notes the scenario was as follows:
 1. Use GK to call PSTN via g729 codec
 2. Only use g711 moh

 My issue was that  once I took a GK pstn call off of hold, the call would
 then disconnect.

 I used debug voip ccapi and debug h245 asn1  to trouble shoot.

 The following was need to get the proper functionality:

 MOH server
 1. MOH Server is tied to a g711 only Region/Device Pool
 2. MOH server needed a MRGL that included a transcoder

 GK Trunk
 1. GK Trunk is tied to a g729 only Region/Device Pool
 2. MTP Required needed to be checked
 3. GK MRGL included
        a. MOH server/servers
        b. g729 MTP resource ( I used a g729 software MTP)
                I. The g729 MTP is registered to UCM


 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of DeShon Crayton
 Sent: Sunday, September 18, 2011 8:11 PM
 To: 'Ashraf Ayyash'
 Cc: 'OSL Voice'
 Subject: Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] GK Calls disconnect after hold


 I will give the fix a try..

 -Original Message-
 From: Ashraf Ayyash []
 Sent: Sunday, September 18, 2011 7:15 PM
 To: DeShon Crayton
 Cc: OSL Voice
 Subject: Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] GK Calls disconnect after hold

 forgot to mention , the key to fix this issue (or to isolate it ) is to know
 who disconnect the call and where exactly the OLC doesn't worked after the
 resume at the CUBE or at the CUCM ?

 in such similar call flow , we have used G729r IOS mtp registered with CCM
 and enabled FS to get this issue fixed , check this as well


 On Sun, Sep 18, 2011 at 4:12 PM, Ashraf Ayyash wrote:
 can you get what cause the call got when it disconnected ? debug ccapi
 inout at the GK router ,  also for such issue CCM SDI/SDL traces is
 needed can you get them ?

 that scenario worked for me before , i dont have lab to test it now
 but i would give it try once again and try to produce the issue you
 are facing


 On Sun, Sep 18, 2011 at 1:59 PM, DeShon Crayton

 I have an interesting issue..

 Gatekeepeer calls to the pstn disconnect after I take them off hold..

 The call flow is from a sccp UCM phone to the pstn via gatekeeper.

 The call connects as designed with 2 way audio.

 From the pstn phone,  hold and resume works without issue.

 The pstn phone stays on-hold, with  music, until I hit the resume

 Two way audio is not restored after the session is held, then the
 call disconnects about 10 seconds later.

 I have the following setup:


 SCCP firmware 8.4.1S

 IOS 12.4.(15)T14

 The GK trunk is in a g729 only region.

 The MRGL attached to the trunk has the following resources:

     1. sub unicast moh

     2. pub unicast moh

     3. rsvp software mtp resource (calls to br2)

 Require MTP nor Wait for H.245 TCS is not checked on the UCM GK Trunk.

 The moh servers are in a g711 only region, but I set UCM to use g729
 between the g711/g729 regions.

 The moh servers have transcoders available via their device pool setting.

 Telephony-services is setup on the ios device.

 The resources attached to the ios device are:

     1. transcoding

     2. g729 software mtp

 voice service voip

  allow-connections h323 to h323

 allow-connections h323 to sip

 allow-connections sip to h323

 allow-connections sip to sip


 interface Loopback0

 ip address

 h323-gateway voip interface

 h323-gateway voip id HQRTR ipaddr 1719

 h323-gateway voip h323-id hq-rtr

 h323-gateway voip bind srcaddr

 sccp ccm group 2

 bind interface Loopback0

 associate ccm 3 priority 1

 associate profile 11 register gk-mtp

 associate profile 10 register gk-xcoder

 dspfarm profile 10 transcode

 codec g711ulaw

 codec g711alaw

 codec g729ar8

 codec g729abr8

 codec g729r8

 maximum sessions 4

 associate application SCCP

 dspfarm profile 11 mtp

 codec g729r8

 maximum sessions software 2

 associate application SCCP

 dial-peer voice 2300 voip

 destination-pattern 23+

 session target ras

 incoming called-number .

 dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric

 ip qos dscp cs3 signaling

 no vad





 zone local HQRTR

 zone local GK

 zone remote PSTN-WAN 1719 outvia HQRTR

 zone prefix GK 1... gw-priority 10 ucm_2

 zone prefix GK 1... gw-priority 9 ucm_1

 zone prefix GK 1... gw-priority 0 br2-rtr

 zone prefix PSTN-WAN 23*

 zone prefix GK 3... gw-priority 10 br2-rtr

 zone prefix GK 3... gw-priority 0 ucm_1 ucm_2

 zone prefix GK 5... gw-priority 9 ucm_1 ucm_2

 zone prefix GK 5

Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] cBarge problem using MVA

2011-09-19 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
nice , to add to this , when the CCM setup conf call , he will ask for
new call BW so take this to the consideration for the future if you
will run on any similar issue


On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 5:29 AM, Rynard Coetzee wrote:
 Hi Ash
 Thanks for the reply ,I turned off the built-in bridge but was still getting 
 the error ,I then realised I had Locations CAC set from previous part of the 
 lab and that this was causing the cbarge to fail. Working now.

 -Original Message-
 From: Ashraf Ayyash []
 Sent: 19 September 2011 02:25 PM
 To: Rynard Coetzee
 Subject: Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] cBarge problem using MVA

 Hey Rynard ,

 as you are using Cbarge , there is no need for Built in Bridge , you will 
 need have the privacy off and the barge method as Cbarge from the phones 
 pages , reset the phone and check the behavior ( make sure that you will have 
 conf brigde available for the phones inside your MRGL


 On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 1:02 AM, Rynard Coetzee 

 I have issue to get cBarge to work when dialling in via my MVA number.
 When I dial the MVA number and then start a new call to my HQ phone
 ,my Branch 2 shows the Remote in Use ,but when I try to Cbarge into
 the call ,I just get a fastbusy. I have Hardware conference bridge
 setup for both HQ and BR2 phones ,any ideas what else the problem
 might be ? Also Built-in bridge and Privacy have been set on both phones.

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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] ntp

2011-09-19 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
Hello All ,

i have review the NTP principle again with my Colleagues and with Amit
who did lab for this ( Thanks ALOT)  and we have done some show
commands on the CCM and the IOS in regard of this issue

what we found is that the the lowest stratum is the Best and stratum
-0 is the lowest value we have in Cisco world,
what Justin and the other stated is correct , we will not need Master
command to sync the other internal network components to the HQ router
, its enough to sync HQ with the UTC based server and then the other
routers should take the time correctly from the HQ on UTC based as

the CCM pub is stratum 11 by default and the SUB is 12 , do utils ntp
status before you sync them ,  so based on the above , to sync the CCM
with the HQ ntp please make sure that you have Stratum lower than 11
at your HQ and you should be good to go ,

Justain , Amit , everyone , thank you for sharing / discussing  this
issue , this is very helpful and add new info for me and i hope the
same happened for another people

Best Regards


On Sun, Sep 18, 2011 at 11:11 PM, Justin Barksdale wrote:
 If this is the case then the address you are pointing to at the pstn is
 incorrect.  If you add the ntp server to the router and do show ntp status
 the router MUST be syncing with an external source or UCM will not sync.
  Furthermore a reboot is not required on UCM or ther router.  Simply add the
 address to UCM and do utils ntp restart from cli.  The key is that the ntp
 source the router is syncing with must be valid.

 Sent from my iPhone 4.
 On Sep 19, 2011, at 1:12 AM, Ray wrote:

 Ntp is not slow when i put the ntp master command on HQ router and the cucm
 syn right the way. i took off the ntp master from the hq and only have ntp
 server and ntp source lo0. and reboot the cucm and the hq. and let it set
 for 4hrs to 5hrs and the cucm would not syn, but the moment i put the ntp
 master it syns within 2 mins... you can try it in you lab and let me know..
 make sure you reboot the cucm and the hq router...
 From: Justin Barksdale
 Sent: Sunday, September 18, 2011 9:14 PM
 Subject: Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] ntp

 NTP is by nature slow.  An earlier post pointed out the correct method.  If
 the question wants you to sync hq with the pstn and then ccm with hq then
 the ntp master command will break this requirement.  All that is required on
 the HQ router is ntp server x.x.x.x

 This is also mentioned in Vic's class class as well as Cisco documentation.
 The important key here is that the ntp master command can cause you to
 override a valid external time source and thus can be very dangerous.  As
 long as the ntp server command points to a valid and reachable ntp source
 then the hq router will sync and you WILL be able to sync ucm without the
 ntp master command.

 Justin Barksdale
 CCIE# 29866

 Sent from my iPhone 4.  Please excuse any typos.

 On Sep 18, 2011, at 7:39 PM, wrote:

 Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] ntp
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Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] ntp

2011-09-18 Thread Ashraf Ayyash
Hi all ,

 if we took off the master command we will not be able to sync our internal
network entities to the HQ router , please feel free to correct me if i am
wrong ,

the output you gave Ray for the first email and the config say that you have
added the master command before you synced with the external ntp
and so your internal router got the highest level ,

to get rid of this you can configure the ntp server and then make sure that
you are synced and then use the master command with lower *stratum level
and this should do the trick for you ,

below the link :

On Sat, Sep 17, 2011 at 11:35 PM, Ray wrote:

 i found the issue , i took out the ntp master and then shut down/ no shut
 my f0/0 connecting to the UTC server, and the clock was syncing as below..

 hq#sh ntp ass

   address ref clock   st   when   poll reach  delay  offset
 *~ 15 63 64   377  0.000 2901006
  * sys.peer, # selected, + candidate, - outlyer, x falseticker, ~

 hq#sho run | s ntp
 ntp source Loopback0
 ntp server

 --- On *Sat, 9/17/11, Marko Milivojevic* wrote:

 From: Marko Milivojevic
 Subject: Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] ntp
 To: Ray
 Cc: ccie voice
 Date: Saturday, September 17, 2011, 11:44 PM

 Why did you configure your router to be NTP master? When you did that,
 on which stratum did your router operate? If it was less than 15, will
 it sync to a server on stratum 15?

 Answer these questions and you'll know the answer to yours :-)

 Marko Milivojevic - CCIE #18427
 Senior Technical Instructor - IPexpert

 FREE CCIE training:

 Mailto: http://mc/compose?
 Telephone: +1.810.326.1444

 On Sat, Sep 17, 2011 at 18:14, Ray 
  looking at the sho ntp ass below and the config below. I could not make
  Hq router syn its time from 1567.26.1.100. this question troubled me when
  took the exams. any idea!!!.. the UTC server at was set
  stratum 15 i think... so how can u make HQ syn time from the UTC
 server... I
  was confused  here..
  ntp source Loopback0
  ntp master
  ntp server
  hq#sho ntp ass
address ref clock   st   when   poll reach  delay  offset
  *~ .LOCL.   7 12 16   377  0.000   0.000
   ~ 16 34 64   376  0.000 2901016
   * sys.peer, # selected, + candidate, - outlyer, x falseticker, ~
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