Re: CF Shopping carts

2010-06-24 Thread Dave l

cw is the biggest clusterfuck-o-code ever.. be sure to bring lots of spaghetti 
sauce for that spaghetti coded buffet ;)

Have you checked out Cartweaver yet?

It's a cheap $300 and is licensed per developer, not per site.

Warm regards,
Jordan Michaels
Vivio Technologies
Open BlueDragon Steering Committee
Railo Community Distributions

On 06/18/2010 09:26 PM, Eric Roberts wrote:

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Ajax, Json, and two clueless programmers

2010-03-28 Thread Dave l

first I would use jquery to make it easier but if neither of you know it the 
first hurdle you will face is multiple clicks so you should put a div and class 
around each link and then use jquery's live property which will make this 
work right or else you'll be scratchin your head trying to get it.

then in the same function use jquery ajax function to grab info.

Also cfm returns json IN ALL CAPS, so propertyID becomes PROPERTYID in the 
returned json.

$(function() {

var PropertyID =;
//the line below is used with a regex to help filter data faster by 
adding a
// longer more specific name to the link to speed it up and then the 
// removes the additional text: example would be: the table row would 
//property id but you shouldn't use that id if it's just a number so 
//property-#propertyID# separates the value from any other possible 
var getDataString = $(this).attr('id').replace(/property-/ig, '');
var dataString = id= + getDataString;
type: post,
url: assets/cfc/process.cfc?method=getPTreturnFormat=json,
data: dataString,
dataType: json,
cache: false,
success: function(data) {
//success code here
} else {
$('#submitIt div').removeClass('btnSpin');
 //error code here  
return false;
return false;

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Re: time difference

2010-03-05 Thread Dave l

The sad part here is that now 7 years later Will still would have to look this 
And thank god we got bobbie here to referee the proper count! 

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Re: Clients Can't Login - IE8 Caching?

2010-01-29 Thread Dave l

In the past I had issues staying logged in if the url didn’t have the www. in 
it, you could log in but every page would ask you for a login and this was just 
with setting a reg session, so I forced the www. on the name and it was fine 

 I have seen some problems with jQuery and IE8 caching.  IE8 sees the 
 same URL variables and decides to use the cached page rather than 
 loading the page again.  I added a time stamp variable (foo=hhmmss) to 
 my URLs and IE sees the different URL variables and loads the page 
 rather than using the cached version.
 -Original Message-
 From: Randy Zeitman [] 
 Sent: Friday, January 29, 2010 2:12 PM
 To: cf-talk
 Subject: Clients Can't Login - IE8 Caching?
 Sometimes people fail when they login to my site, even with the 
 correct info.
 As I made my own log of success/fails I saw the attempts weren't even 
 being logged.
 I had one user delete the temp file cache, in IE8, and it magically 
 worked (and was properly now the login page actually 
 loaded where before it didn't.).
 So what happened? Why did the login page not execute and the member 
 automatically went to the failed login page?
 Is this just an IE thing?... What could I do on my CF side to make 
 sure the login page executes?
 Thanks (for helping this novice... one day I'll be intermediate).

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Re: Throttling email

2010-01-28 Thread Dave l

Aol always whines the most but I been doing it in batches of 25 every 30 
seconds for yrs now and haven't had any issues. Also it doesn't hurt to 
randomize their order sent so it doesn't look like you are sending a spam list. 

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Re: Colfusion 8 on Tomcat 6 server wide

2010-01-28 Thread Dave l

well on railo it's pretty easy so cant imagine this is much harder.

You don't have to have the apps in the webapps folder so long as they are in 
the tomcat server.xml file correctly.. you link to webapps in the vh, you might 
need to add the autodeploy parts though.

Host name=site.test appBase=webapps
Context path= docBase=/Users/me/Sites/test/

though apache on the front end to process all the non cf stuff and proxy cfm  
cfc's to tomcat. I would look over railo install threads and all u seek is 

 Ive searched extensively for an answer to this question, but haven't 
 found an answer. What I need is a coldfusion war install on tomcat6 in 
 order to run CF applications packaged as WAR's beside the main 
 coldfusion installation.
 So in the webapps directory you have:
 cfusion (coldfusion application + administrator)
 I figure there has to be a way to make the Coldfusion servlet's server 
 wide so every installed application can use these jars to process its 
 cfm/cfc files. 
 The source below is about as far as anyone has gotten with Coldfusion8 
 and tomcat:
 Any clues are greatly appreciated! Thanks for reading. 

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Re: Parsing a geocode response

2010-01-27 Thread Dave l

Not quite sure what you are doing but I needed to get lat  lon off an address 
for a dealer locator I was fixing last night and came up with a jquery version 
which might be simpler then doing what you are asking... using google geocoder

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Re: (ot) Detect OS and CPU Architecture

2009-09-27 Thread Dave l

First off I don't post answer's or parts of answers for this dimwad I post them 
for other's who are half way rational and can quickly find out the full answer 
off of what I give and hopefully it will help someone.

But this particular dimwitted poster is only looking for someone to do his work 
for him and give him fully functioning code specifically tailored to his app 
and must magically work for him without him doing anymore than copy n paste. 
When he doesn't receive that he throws these tantrums and starts telling 
everyone to f* off  fu and blah blah blah. Hell I gave the dimwhit the answer 
and there he goes crying again as usual.

My theory is that he does actually google things and finds no answers which 
would be right considering that my 3month old niece can toot out a question 
that is more easily decoded than don's bizarrish lunatic fringes.

As for don he is more than welcome to bring it to me offline which he did 
actually try once once and got bitch whipped. The funny thing is that 
his email to me and even his emails on railo list all got caught by postini as 

You are a disgusting and despicable
Well yeah... I'm a dude 

your rigidness is beyond words. 
Why yes quite a few ladies have already informed me of that but thank you for 

Do you know how my app is run???
I can only imagine lol, hell I got $100 that say's that YOU don't know how it's 
I've seen your app and I got another $100 that say's if I go to I 
can can find the tutorial you stole it from and given the look of it would be 
around 2001.

I'll hunt you down one day, you fker! 
lol.. all 4'2 of you?
Hell I'll give you my address and turn by turn directions and you'd still get 
pissed off and fuck it up. 

I gave you the answer why are you pissed? Every time someone gives you the 
answer you get all pissed and that's why everyone treats you the way we do, get 
a clue.

I didn't know you knew carrie underwood, she keeps telling everyone that!

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Re: (ot) Detect OS and CPU Architecture

2009-09-26 Thread Dave l

Common sense would dictate that you just maybe want to get this info from a 
system that actually runs in the os and not a client-side solution.

Ok so what runs on pretty much every OS and integrates with coldfusion?

Well hopefully even you can figure it out but here is the variables you'd used:  The name of OS name
os.arch  The OS architecture
os.version   The version of OS

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Re: CF jQuery - How to delay ajax completion until images are processed...

2009-09-24 Thread Dave l

If you go back to what I keep telling you about multi-steps then it works like 
you want it to.. do something after the upload and then report it back to 
script because then you know it was done. 

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Re: CF jQuery - How to delay ajax completion until images are processed...

2009-09-24 Thread Dave l

maybe this video will help, maybe not 

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Re: Is this possible with component methods in cf8?

2009-09-14 Thread Dave l

oh no!

swfupload is ok but has some issues and limitations and it's not jquery which 
makes interacting with it a bit more difficult.

I'm making a fairly sweet uploader in jquery and ended up using uploadify as 
the base uploader but I alter the source code.

As far as the original question as to reporting back.. sure you can do it but 
use writeoutput to send data back to js script but you need the js script to 
update on change or look for change in intervals.

The one i'm making does:
1. uploads
2. checks mime
3. checks size
4. runs a virus check
5. renames to a uuid
6. if image converts to png to remove excess exif data without losing quality
7. stops and returns to script to add description
8. then does an ajax submit with info on resizing and thumbs, final output 
9. checks destination folders to see if they exist, if not creates them
10. converts image to output desired
11. makes large web size and moves it to destination folder
12. makes thumb and moves it
13. deletes originals
14. checks upload folders (on separate hd) and looks for stay files and deletes 
them if found

each step is reported back

here is an example from cfc on it


check uploads mime type and error if not 
accepted or continue procesing

ckMimeTypeObj = 
ckFile = locFile,
allowedMimeTypes = 


check upload mime results, show error and stop 
processing or set var's and continue processing

if(ckMimeTypeObj.status == 0){
result.status = ckMimeTypeObj.status;
result.message = ckMimeTypeObj.message;
abortObj = createObject(component, 
} else {
var uploadedFileSize = 

result.status = ckMimeTypeObj.status;
result.message = ckMimeTypeObj.message;

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Re: Is this possible with component methods in cf8?

2009-09-14 Thread Dave l

What issues and limitations exactly? Had no problems using jQuery with it -
though that uploadify looks like a better js implementation for sure.
There is no issues it's just not as clean. It's also harder to control the 
data coming back. I just went through most all the ajax uploads and thought I 
settled on swfupload then when getting towards the finish line I started 
running into limitations but can't recall what they were exactly since I went 
through so many. I ended back with uploadify I think because I could hack the 
source easier to control the error messages. Most of these don't have flexible 
error reporting and if there is 1 thing I know about clients and uploads… 
they need error reporting!

I have it set to 1 at a time but it can do multiples. The reason I do that is 
clients screw up multi ones way to easy and I want to be more in control of 
data . Most people want to make this a one shot deal and I don't think that’s 
right, I think it is a multi-step process that should be handled that way. So 
uploading a file is 1 process, cleaning, resizing, etc is another process  
submitting it to db is another process. This gives so much more control over 
how things are done and error prevention and reporting

Then, within the cfc method, I loop over the images and process each one.
With how I do it would be easy but messy.

?I'm looking for some way to send a message back after each image is
I', going to send info back as each step is processed.. checking for virus…. 
pass, checking mime type.. pass, checking size.. pass, resign large web 
image… done creating thumbnail… done

Could I use writeOutput(SerializeJSON(result)); multiple times with a
yes or you could just use cfoutput and output it if not using cfscript.

And is the code that starts with if(ckMimeTypeObj.status == 0) {
or cfscript?  I guess it's got to be cfscript with createObject in it
that's cf code inside cfscript tags

Here's what I did, I have a cf. called img_util.cfc and in it i put all the 
functions I need for the site that have to do with uploading and of course give 
each it's own method. Then I make a cf. for every instance of uploading that I 
need and then fill it with the methods I want do with that uploader. For 
example an image uploader needs different things done to it compared to a zip 
file uploader, get me drift?

so this code is inside my cfscript tag (it goes around a lot but will wrap it 
here just for show, the code calls the img_util cf. and selects the ckMimeType 
ckMimeTypeObj = createObject(component,img_util).ckMimeType(
ckFile = locFile,
allowedMimeTypes = variables.attributes.allowedMimeTypes

ckMimeTypeObj: this calls the img_util cf. and you can use this as the return
ckMimeType: method I want in img_util
ckFile: this is the file I am checking and name was assigned prior to this step
allowedMimeTypes: gets the mimes I have passed in in ajax form in hidden field

This code processes what the img_util method passes back, I pass it in in son 
variable named results:
if(ckMimeTypeObj.status == 0){
result.status = ckMimeTypeObj.status;
result.message = ckMimeTypeObj.message;
abortObj = createObject(component, cfc.utilities).abort();
} else {
result.status = ckMimeTypeObj.status;
result.message = ckMimeTypeObj.message;

if(ckMimeTypeObj.status == 0: im my method if there is an error I set 
result.status to 0, if it's ok I set it to 1. So this code says that it the 
result.status variable passed back is 0 then add the status  error message 
back to the script by outputting the results back to the script and then the 
abort is in a custom cf. I have that makes it so I can use abort in cfscript 
which will be in cf9.

if the results came back as

if(ckMimeTypeObj.status == 1

then the script would set the variables it got back and move on to the next 
step. It will eventually have an output to report this step back though and all 
I need for that is to add a writeoutput

} else {
result.status = ckMimeTypeObj.status;
result.message = ckMimeTypeObj.message;

would become

} else {
result.status = ckMimeTypeObj.status;
result.message = ckMimeTypeObj.message;

Just so you can see what's all going on here is the ckMimeType method from 


get and check files mime type

Re: Is this possible with component methods in cf8?

2009-09-14 Thread Dave l

You can't send back multiple returns in same method but you can just output the 
data which is what the flash part is looking for and it reports it back to ajax 
script as many times as you need, doesn't matter if it is once or 1000.

Or you can loop over the method and grab each return and send it back which is 
what he wants.

The uploaders are fairly simple how they work but 99% of the people that use 
them don't understand what they are doing.
Basically the flash file grabs the upload and pipes it to the temp upload 
folder it uses and then it calls your processing page to come get it (doesn't 
matter how or what language so long as you get it), then your scipt uploads it 
from the flash temp file to your temp file (in this case cfm's) so really the 
cfm isn't uploading at all it is just moving the file from 1 temp folder to 
another. After that you can do whatever you want the flash file doesn't care, 
it just waits for data to push out which is just outputted data and then it 
just sits there even if you are done and the script should close down the flash 
connection when it gets it's data it needs and is done with the flash part.

 uploadify and swfupload though uploadify looks easier
to implement i
I have a port of swfupload to jquery but I believe the isse I had was sending 
back correct error messages.

No, your cfc method won't be able to send back multiple returns. Instead,
the flash uploader will upload the files one at a time to your CFC but your
user will have the experience of sending them all at once. You will be able
to customize progress reports as the flash object will publish javascript
events notifying progress of each upload.

This is true of both uploadify and swfupload though uploadify looks easier
to implement if you are at all familiar with jQuery (and probably even if
you are not).


2009/9/14 Rick Faircloth 

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Re: Is this possible with component methods in cf8?

2009-09-14 Thread Dave l

What if the images have other data that go with them like descriptions?
Just as easily you could first make a temp folder with a uuid or session as the 
name and dump them in there without having to zip them.

If you have more than just the picture such as a description or other data then 
multi uploading isn't a good way to go.

 Another option is to use a zip utility to handle more than one image. 
 This can allow for as many files as you want. Simply upload one zipped 
 folder and then do a recursive loop inside of the zipped folder to 
 grab all of the images. 

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Re: How to handle CF variables in JS (jQuery) external files...

2009-09-10 Thread Dave l

Now there you go again, Dave...disrupting... :o)
Well you guys named me so I gotta live up to it now! Although I don't get many 
chances these days unless your name is don and then i'm all in!

I just use cfinvoke when I need to
That's ok but IMO calling objects opens up a cleaner style especially when you 
can do it in a cfscript block at start of page and do all the processing 
there.. makes it much cleaner. Plus then you know how to easily call java and a 
lot of times it's just as easy to call java but with major speed improvements. 
But you are doing ok especially since you just got off cf 2.5 ;)~

but almost all of my calls these days are ajax.
me too, you just gotta remember not have any sensitive data in those calls 
since it is open to the world, look in firebug and you can see the pages they 
go to the variables sent etc..

Using transfer has cut my obj calls down a ton which is super nice, I know cf9 
will have orm but I have given up on adobe at this point and gone to railo.

Anyway...I must confess...I don't use (shhh) cfc objects.

I've never quite gotten into that part.  I just use cfinvoke when I need to,
but almost all of my calls these days are ajax.

So...I've never starting instantiating objects (or whatever that's
I've never even written createObject... in any of my code. (wha!!!)

You are trying to make 1 thing better at the expense of making another thing
worse.(you really are wills brother!) 

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Re: How to handle CF variables in JS (jQuery) external files...

2009-09-09 Thread Dave l

You are trying to make 1 thing better at the expense of making another thing 
worse.(you really are wills brother!)

I know what you are talking about by passing in dsn to cfc but that really is a 
bigger issue on large apps with multiple dsn's, if you only have 1 dsn and if 
you only change it in 1 place (application.dsn) then there is no real benefit 
of doing it that way. SO if your dsn is always going to be application.dsn then 
you could just put in it the init function in every cfc or pass it in the cfc 
object call and hard code application.dsn in there which is the same thing as 
you are trying to do but without exposing it. 

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Re: How to handle CF variables in JS (jQuery) external files...

2009-09-08 Thread Dave l

values = { dsn: 'cfoutput#application.dsn#/cfoutput' } 

So lemme get this straight... you are going to put your dsn into a js var?
You might as well just output it on the page for all to see ;)

You can change extension or output the cfm into a dummy container and then have 
jquery pick it up after it loads. If you change extension and it loads before 
document ready and you have code dependent on that then you are gunna be SOL. 
Now a good js programmer might get around this but if you are asking then you 
ain't one of them! ;)

However the best way would probably be to use jquery to load the cfm code 
after it loads.

say I have a cfm page called data.cfm that has a table that has user info and a 
cfc call. I want this to load after dom sometimes because say I 
add/update/delete a user without leaving page but want the table to update.. I 
just run the ajax call and then reload the data,cfm page to fill it back in 
like so:

$(document).ready(function() {

Hi, all.


I've decided to try to use some external .js files for a login routine for a
site management area

instead of repeating the jQuery code on every page checking for login status
and running ajax

login routines.


I just realized, however, that when I put my jQuery code into an external
.js file, that CF will no longer

process the CF variables I use in the jQuery code, typically for the
#application.dsn# variable, as in:


$(document).ready(function() {


values = { dsn: 'cfoutput#application.dsn#/cfoutput' }


When that code is part of a .cfm file, of course the #application.dsn# is

but in the external .js file, it's not.


Other than hard-coding the dsn name into the value for the js, what
alternative is there

for this situation?


Thanks for any suggestions.





Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not.  -
Thomas Jefferson 

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Re: url-write and global error handling

2009-09-05 Thread Dave l

 I've REPEATEDLY asked this scumbag, to f off!
LOL, everyone is in the wrong but you aren't they? So why is it that you are 
the one who continually gets banned from lists?

fact that this note has to be public. 
you seem to do that a lot just about as much as your (OT) posts

The scumbag's intention is obviously evil, that is, to try to make me look bad 
by twisting facts and what not. 
No, more like everyone including me is just tired of your continuous crap.

Gerald Guido, it's totally inappropriate of you to make such speculation. 
He's probably right and I'm willing to put $$$ on it.

I don't believe in your intention at this point. 
Well what are your intentions? You continue to come on these lists and ask the 
dumbest questions that nobody can even understand and then good people give you 
good advise and you refuse to take it because it means you will actually have 
to it yourself. Instead you beg around waiting for a hand out of code... and 
then you bitch about it.

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Re: url-write and global error handling

2009-09-05 Thread Dave l

btw, his speculation is false.

Oh is it? Lets look at what you said on the same subject on railo list right 
before your whoopin took place.

This is what YOU wrote.
It would be very helpful to have a way to simply disable public admin access, 
that is, admin via or localhost only.   Because some app may run 
locally like mine.

lol, I guess you think that someone will be on your site (I wouldn't worry to 
much about that one) and if they have a local server that they can get into 
your site? Are you serious? 10 yrs you been doing this? Does the state 
compensate you every month?

Ok how about some more things YOU wrote from that same thread.

I begin to suspect url re-write is a double-edged sword which could be 
exploited by ill-intentioned being to create problem.
LMFAO. SO now you think they can do url rewriting in the browser? Yeah that's 
how it works. Why do you think this is a double edged sword? If I gave you a 
dollar for every brain cell you had you'd owe me money!

and some more
Is there a way to disable it in railo with resin?
Yes turn the web server off. You do realize this is all done in the server 
files that theoretically only you should have access to. And what would they do 
even if they did get access it would sure be a shame if they gave you 
friendly urls! lol
Even if they did find the admin login they would still need the password. Plus 
god forbid you actually figure out how to do it anyways.

See even me beating you up here and I still give you all the answers and yet 
you won't listen to anything from anyone. I counted 6 good answers on the railo 
thread and you wouldn’t accept one of them. 

Let me tell you something dimly-lit... These are good people giving you good 
answers and your blatant disrespect  of their help has really pissed a lot of 
people off. And going around telling people to f*ck off all the time for 
helping you has landed you right were you are now. If you aren't going to take 
anyone's advise then don't be here at all. And write your questions so that we 
all don't have to be on acid to understand wtf you are asking.

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Re: url-write and global error handling

2009-09-04 Thread Dave l

He did ask this on the railo list, and then got his ass handed to him 

Einstein's ? isn't about url rewriting at all which I told him before but since 
we all know how well he listens, I guess when you get stomped on so many times 
this happens.

His ? is how to change/hide the railo admin url location so the public can't 
get to it. The only part of this that's url re-wrting is that's what people 
suggest to do to hide the admin. 

If I was him I would probably want to hide the admin as well since his password 
is probably either duck duck or goose.

1) disable url-write across board for Resin web server
Why on frickin gods green earth would this be a good idea?
Again what you are asking for REQUIRES URL RE-WRITING you twit

2) global error handling
Well it works for the rest of us, maybe you just don't know wtf you are doing.

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2009-09-04 Thread Dave l

what's the file name?

Seems like I had this one time and the issue was the user was uploading images 
named like: bill's big day.jpg
And the ' was terminated it and giving that error.

I'm using cffile to upload .mp3 files (among others).

An error is thrown:
String index out of range: -1

All other file formats I have tried work fine, does anyone know why mp3
would fail?


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Re: (ot) automatical re-diretion from youtube

2009-09-02 Thread Dave l

3 FRICKING MINUTES to find the answer... 3 FRICKIN MINUTES

In the 10 years you have been doing this you have probably never actually coded 
1 lick of it yourself.

Am I going to give the code to you?
Umm  no
You know how you send everyone those oh-so lame off-list vulgar filled messages 
.. including me...
oops.. now no code for for the PITA.

However, I did give the code to someone and told them that if they felt you 
should have it then they will post it  if not then oh well, at least I have it.

and another (ot).. priceless

 Dominic, have you implemented the API for this purpose?  If so I'd 
 like to steal a few lines to save some time?  Thanks. 

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Re: (ot) automatical re-diretion from youtube

2009-09-01 Thread Dave l

I certainly wouldn't worry about redirecting them at the end of the video.. I 
have seen the said video and you are better off figuring out how to capture a 
browser close during the first 10 seconds if you plan on getting any of those 

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Re: (ot) automatical re-diretion from youtube

2009-09-01 Thread Dave l

Come on now, we know that's not gunna happen.

Just put a frame at the end that says free naked chix click here, would get a 
better conversion rate.

I have to think that with all of the time you're wasting trying to figure 

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Re: issues with the list

2009-08-31 Thread Dave l

sadly I can't argue with that!

you on the other hand.

now that don l has taken such a humiliating beating on the railo list and 
thankfully stopped asking the most retarded, idiotic questions ever seen it 
will be a breeze to recognize your topics again without getting mixed up with 
his!! BOY!

btw~ wtf ever happened to


  The session logout time is fairly short and everytime you write a 
  post you got to copy and paste to save your work and relogin to post, 
 I would just stop posting if I were you. I'm sure everyone would agree 
 this is the best solution.  :)

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issues with the list

2009-08-30 Thread Dave l

The session logout time is fairly short and everytime you write a long post you 
got to copy and paste to save your work and relogin to post, arg

also every time I submit a post I get this message

No subject was sent for this post 

And if I resend it goes through, is this just me or a common thing now?


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Re: jvm.config and Mac OS X

2009-08-29 Thread Dave l

I seem to recall that you can do something similar. I rn into an issue where I 
have 1.6 active and cfbuilder wouldn't start and turned out eclipse needs 1.5 
to run and there were some articles on using whichever one you needed but I 
forget how it did it.
I guess I would setup an tomcat/apache for one. Sean just told me cf9 isn't 
working in snow leopard, I would tell you for sure but my copy didn't arrive 
yesterday!! dammit

Did you try running 2 jruns?


What I was trying to do was start CF8 with one JVM and CF9 with
another.  However, I have since discovered that on OS X, this won't
work.  JRun will always use the default JVM, regardless of what value
is used for java.home.

I am hoping that Snow Leopard will solve the issue I was having where,
when using Java 6, I could not use cfhttp or web services when hitting


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Re: jvm.config and Mac OS X

2009-08-28 Thread Dave l

yeah that won't quite do the trick, you still need to change a file, i blogged 
it here

This has been driving me batty for quite a while

A few months back, Appel released an update to Java.  After installing
this update, I was unable to use cfhttp or hit web services that
used SSL.  Typically this would not be a huge deal, but the main
project I am on right now needs to make calls to SkipJack for payment
processing - which uses SSL (big surprise, huh).

Anyway, it was a pretty simple fix to get this resolved, I simply set
the 'default' java version to Java 5 in the 'Java Preferences' 'app'
in OS X and all was right with the world.

Fast forward a few months and now I want to play with CF9 (which I
have deployed as a WAR file to my JRun instance).  I want CF9 to use
Java 6 (I am not sure why...I just do). I thought this would be a
quick fix:

Copy jvm.config to cf9jvm.config
Set the java.home
Make other changes to point to right CF instance
Change debugging port (so I can run CF9 and CF8 at the same time)

Then, I simply start CF9 using /Applications/JRun4/bin/jrun -config
/Applications/JRun4/bin/cf9jvm.config start cf9

When I fire up CF9 cf admin, it shows that it is still using Java 5.
No matter what I have tried, it still starts with Java 5.

can anyone shed some light on this?  Am I pointing to the wrong
directory in java.home?

Scott Stroz
The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who
are willing to work and give to those who would not. - Thomas

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Re: Help with creating a filename field

2009-08-24 Thread Dave l

I'm in the middle of remaking a decent jquery uploader for my admin sites and 
here is what i do ( for the whole upload):

1. photo uploaded via jquery  flash and sent to a cfc, I send a long with the 
file variables for file size, mime  whether or not I want to run the virus 
scanner. I do not try and rename yet.

2. File is run through cffile to upload and I have set up a small partition on 
another hd on the same server thats only purpose is to have a safe place for 
uploading and processing before delivery to final folder.

2a. runs antivirus check if it is selected with clamav. If it reports as a 
virus it is renamed with the site it came from(this uploader is for server), 
clamps permissions down on it and moves it to quarantine folder and emails me a 
message with all the info.

3. after uploading it runs a java mime check

4. then runs a file size check

5. if it passed those it moves the file to a processing folder and then renames 
the file with a uuid for a temp file name.

6. run a scan of upload folders and delete any orphaned files over 1 hr old.

7. pass the temp uuid back to the upload script which inserts it into a hidden 
form field, it also gets additional variables for the image processing at this 
time and inserts them into form as well. These are for things like final img 
size, thumb size, dest folder name, conver image, convert to, etc..

8 user fills out rest of form and submits via ajax to cfc again and final 
processing starts.

9. checks the destination folder to make sure it exists if not create it and 
any additional folders needed (large, thumbs, additional, files)

10. gets image info for height and width

11. create new name... either use part of the form that was submitted if it has 
any seo worth, like if it's an employee profile then I would use their first 
and last name then company name then just to be extra special(not like Don 
special) I will add the date at the end so would end up like: 
john-doe-acme-drugs-09212009.jpg, of course if they are adding more images then 
put a counter on it.

12. if it's just a file them move it now and add info to db

13. if its an image then I convert it to a png and then back to whatever format 
you passed in. I do this to strip jpg exif data out without loosing quality.

14. then i check the height and with against the uploaded imag height and width 
against the size of the large img var that was passed in and if bigger than 
resize down

15. sharpen it and copy it to the final folder

16. do the same with thumbs

17. if additional image is set do that here now as well

18. if all is ok then enter it all into db and send back ok message to upload 
script, if not ok then it rolls back and fetches imgages and deletes them.

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Re: How to Make Layers Visible with OnMouseOver

2009-08-24 Thread Dave l

holy cr*p Frontpage 2! damn that rocks!! haha

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Re: Help with creating a filename field

2009-08-24 Thread Dave l

it does check.. well it runs a java check then compares that with list of 
acceptable ones and then with the file.

Unfortunately both can be spoofed and haven't seen a real good solid solution 
yet. It's hard to believe there isn't a real good solid way yet.

And if it did get by and it was set to be resized the image checker would puke 
on a code file. It's also uploading on a separate partition of a separate hd 
outside the root and running on a mac server so it would be pretty tough to get 
that to work.

Would be a good idea to also check the file extension of the uploaded file,
otherwise you may get a .cfm file uploaded with a spoofed mime type of
image/jpg for example.
2009/8/24 Dave l


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Re: ajax cfc not working for Access DB -- odd stuff

2009-08-19 Thread Dave l

After looking at this code I am suddenly hungry for pound cake... dunno why???

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Re: .NET or JAVA? Which is a more natural step for a CF Developer

2009-08-12 Thread Dave l

Lots of jobs doesn't = good paying jobs.

Markets flooded with .net  php devers don't pay crap and why should they when 
they have plenty of people who will take next to nothing.

I was talking the other day with the head of a php shop and I think he sh*t 
himself when he looked through a few cfm jobs online and saw what they pay 
compared to php ones. 40-50k for av php and 80K+ for cfm ones. 

I'd go with java since there aren't as many out there to drive the price down. 
There is no way in hell I would take half the money and have to work with 

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Re: jQuery question

2009-08-12 Thread Dave l

you can hit the cfc directly just fine and you did the right thing by setting 
the returntype in the call instead of in the cfc so you can reuse the cfc 
without returning just json.

Are you sending a form or hard coded info?

BTW~ jquery doesn't handle json very much, they have a getJson tag which is 
useless if you want to gather info back from an ajax call since it asks for the 

if you are sending a form then serialize it and it gathers the fields and sends 
it which will be a struct the same as a reg form

type: 'post',
url: '/cfc/users.cfc?method=addUserreturnFormat=json',
data: $(form).serialize(),

or with vars

var password = $('input[name=password]');
var password2 = $('input[name=password2]');
var data = 'password=' + password.val() + 'password2=' + 

type: post,   
data: data, 

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Re: cftable query

2009-08-12 Thread Dave l

The only person I could think of to help you out here would be Will T. 

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Re: How to prevent JSON data Yes and No being returned to calling page as true and false...

2009-08-08 Thread Dave l

I wish I was asleep!
More like been awake too damn long.
Schedule is more like work 2-3 days/sleep 6 hrs, work 2-3 days/sleep 6 hrs, 
work 24 hrs/sleep 12 hrs.. rinse  repeat. 

Oh, well Dave!  I'm glad you could wake up from your nap and join us!  :o)

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Re: How to prevent JSON data Yes and No being returned to calling page as true and false...

2009-08-08 Thread Dave l

Well Mr. kool-aid guzzelin fanboy,  if you had some hair you would ;)

... I don't get the rinse  repeat reference.

I have failed as much as I have succeeded. But I love my life. I love my
wife. And I wish you my kind of success. 

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Re: How to prevent JSON data Yes and No being returned to calling page as true and false...

2009-08-08 Thread Dave l

And this comes from Mr. I'm still on cf 2 himself ;)
Your bother told me the other day you at least finally upgraded to windows 95.

The rinse is Dave's bird-bath in his rain-water barrel.
He doesn't have running water... :o)

calling page as true and false...

 I wish I was asleep!
 More like been awake too damn long.
 Schedule is more like work 2-3 days/sleep 6 hrs, work 2-3 days/sleep 6
 work 24 hrs/sleep 12 hrs.. rinse  repeat.

... I don't get the rinse  repeat reference.

I have failed as much as I have succeeded. But I love my life. I love my
wife. And I wish you my kind of success. 

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Re: How to prevent JSON data Yes and No being returned to calling page as true and false...

2009-08-07 Thread Dave l

One thing is for certain, if it is you or your brother Will it is guaranteed a 

Another gotcha when using returnType=json is that it will wrap your info in 
double quotes and that could be your issue.

I would do this instead
result.status = 1;
result.message = Upload is good!;
result.tempFileName = tempFileName;
return SerializeJSON(result);

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Re: CF and Java

2009-08-07 Thread Dave l

you could always hit it with cfdirectory and look at dateLastModified

  However, it may still be possible that there are other
  classes and packages
  out the in CF that CAN pull assets from SWF files... Seems
  unlikely, but who
  knows, there are sooo many of them.
 I have never used it. But if you are curious, open the jar and look 
 inside ;-) That class is from the 

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Re: Open Source Store?

2009-07-22 Thread Dave l

only free one i can recall

I recall awhile back when there was a discussion about a year or 2 ago
on this list about free web ecommerce stores and it led me to a really
fantastic application that handled all my needs. It had a menu on the
left side, full ecommerce, customizable web pages, ran on MySQL, etc.
It was everything I could ask for in an open source app.

1 hard disk crash later and loss of email and no real need (until now)
to retrack it down (I since gave out the FTP access to the client and
no longer was part of the project), I find myself in need of it again
but I can't REMEMBER THE NAME!!!

So I will ask again and hopefully, I'll find my oasis again. :) Does
anyone know of such an app that is fully open source? I looked on RIA
Forge which is where I thought I found it before (or was led to), but
the only 3 ecommerce apps were all pre-beta.

Can anyone help a brotha out? :) 

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Re: New CF8 vulnerability

2009-07-07 Thread Dave l

Well, CF contains TONS of bundled items
I've switched to railo now which doesn't have some of that stuff but it might 
be a good idea for adobe to implement some admin controls to be able to turn 
that stuff on or off. 

here is the video 

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Re: New CF8 vulnerability

2009-07-06 Thread Dave l

Thats the trouble with bundling things. I used to think it was nice but really 
it creates these types of things.

Have you seen the video of the guy hacking sites with this?

 It's not a CF-only issue. However, CF comes bundled with FCKEditor and 
 other scripting languages don't.
 If you don't allow uploads to web accessible directories, you don't 
 have anything to worry about. However, the default install of CF 8.0.1 
 on Windows does allow uploads to web accessible directories.
 Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software 
 -Original Message-
 From: Dave l
 Sent: Sunday, 05 July, 2009 13:37
 To: cf-talk
 Subject: Re: New CF8 vulnerability
 If there's a default web accessible URL path for uploaded files
 Well that's why you don't do it. I have done it but I don't anymore.
 That's true with any server, any platform, any scripting language, I 
 don't know why they are making this out to be a cf only issue.
 I have 3 hd's, 
 #1 is the os and apps, 
 #2 is partitioned with 99.9% of it beingbu stuff and the rest is just 
 few folders that the uploads go into and run thru doing what needs to 
 be done with them. 
 #3 is web server.
 So cfm files an only be run out of the #3 hd. So if I upload the files 
 to an isolated partition with min permissions how who they run that cf 
 file? That drive isn't accessible from the web  I have no ftps or any 
 incoming connections to that drive. They could of course hack into the 
 server itself and then move the file manually to the web server drive 
 then go get it ;)
  If there's a default web accessible URL path for uploaded files, , 
  that directory is configured to execute CF files, an attacker can 
  simply upload a .cfm file, and run it to do anything CF can do: 
  CFEXECUTE, access databases, connect to outbound FTP servers, etc. 
  may not allow the first of those, but it's far less likely you're 
  blocking the others.
  Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software 
  -Original Message-
  From: Dave l
  Sent: Sunday, 05 July, 2009 09:46
  To: cf-talk
  Subject: Re: New CF8 vulnerability
  There's nothing OS-specific about the vulnerability, as far as I 
  I'm sure it more about a location that is easy to guess.. maybe 
  default fk one.
  Although them exe's are gunna have a bitch of a time running on a lt 
  1gb sectioned partition with no rights on my  xserver.
  To many people probably upload to /uploads (i'm guilty) so it 
  shouldn't be to difficult. 

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Re: New CF8 vulnerability

2009-07-05 Thread Dave l

There's nothing OS-specific about the vulnerability, as far as I can see. 
I'm sure it more about a location that is easy to guess.. maybe the default 
fk one.
Although them exe's are gunna have a bitch of a time running on a lt 1gb 
sectioned partition with no rights on my  xserver.

To many people probably upload to /uploads (i'm guilty) so it shouldn't be to 

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Easily Scan uploaded files with Coldfusion and ClamAv

2009-07-05 Thread Dave l

I didn't have much time to do this but seemed important to do right now so I 
slapped together a lil diddy on doing a quick file upload virus check with cfm 
 clamav. It's not much more than the code to invoke clamav but it is simple 
enough that we all should be doing it, well those who aren't on shared servers.

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Re: How to clean out HTML from a CFDIV?

2009-07-05 Thread Dave l

did you try

 I have a CFDIV which is filled up with an error message issued by an 
 Ajax routine.
 The only problem is that under certain circumstances, when I open the 
 window that it appears on, the leftover error message from the last 
 invocation is still sitting there.
 Much of what I am doing is initiated thru Javascript, so I need to 
 find a way to clean out the message from Javascript too (if the 
 message exists).
 The cfdiv looks like this: cfdiv ID=UserNameDiv 
 cfm?NewUserName={oUserName}OldUserName={OldUserName} /
 The following result code is placed into the cfdiv when the error 
 occurs: div style=color:red; Your Preferred UserName is already 
 in use. Please choose another./div
 Can anyone suggest how I can clear this out, using Javascript, before 
 I start up? 

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Re: New CF8 vulnerability

2009-07-05 Thread Dave l

If there's a default web accessible URL path for uploaded files
Well that's why you don't do it. I have done it but I don't anymore.

That's true with any server, any platform, any scripting language, I don't know 
why they are making this out to be a cf only issue.

I have 3 hd's, 
#1 is the os and apps, 
#2 is partitioned with 99.9% of it beingbu stuff and the rest is just few 
folders that the uploads go into and run thru doing what needs to be done with 
#3 is web server.

So cfm files an only be run out of the #3 hd. So if I upload the files to an 
isolated partition with min permissions how who they run that cf file? That 
drive isn't accessible from the web  I have no ftps or any incoming 
connections to that drive. They could of course hack into the server itself and 
then move the file manually to the web server drive then go get it ;)

 If there's a default web accessible URL path for uploaded files, , and 
 that directory is configured to execute CF files, an attacker can 
 simply upload a .cfm file, and run it to do anything CF can do: 
 CFEXECUTE, access databases, connect to outbound FTP servers, etc. You 
 may not allow the first of those, but it's far less likely you're 
 blocking the others.
 Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software 
 -Original Message-
 From: Dave l
 Sent: Sunday, 05 July, 2009 09:46
 To: cf-talk
 Subject: Re: New CF8 vulnerability
 There's nothing OS-specific about the vulnerability, as far as I can 
 I'm sure it more about a location that is easy to guess.. maybe the 
 default fk one.
 Although them exe's are gunna have a bitch of a time running on a lt 
 1gb sectioned partition with no rights on my  xserver.
 To many people probably upload to /uploads (i'm guilty) so it 
 shouldn't be to difficult. 

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Re: AW: railo getting started 3

2009-06-24 Thread Dave l

THANK YOU GERT! I thought you'd never offer!


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Re: File upload with cffile errors with Mac OSX

2009-06-20 Thread Dave l

The flash player on a mac sometimes needs an output to work right especially on 
file uploads.

How you do this depends on how you are doing the upload... basically if you are 
doing it newbyish or in a cfc or custom tag.. Either show some code or just 
output something like one of these:



There's a lot of different browsers you can use on a mac, might need  
more information than that.  I use Safari and Firefox, and regularly  
upload using cffile with no problems.

On Jun 20, 2009, at 1:13 PM, ColdFusi


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Re: CFC and jQuery

2009-06-17 Thread Dave l

depends on what you have in cfc as well, are you seeing the response in firebug?

shouldn't this:
 var resp = jQuery.trim(response); 

be this:
 var resp = $.trim(response); 

are you on adobe or railo?
railo this wont work yet:

where you getting datastring from?

 I am trying to call a query from a CFC using jQuery with the following 
 function () {
   type: GET,
   url: SpellChecker.cfc?method=getTextMemoFieldsreturnformat=json

   data: datastring,
   function(response) {
   var resp = jQuery.trim(response);
 When I look at the data inside an alert it looks exactly like it 
 should.  However, when I try to get to the values inside of it (e.g. 
 resp.DATA) it is always undefined. Do I need to perform an extra step?  
 I appreciate any advice I can get on this.

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2009-05-29 Thread Dave l

Can anyone recommend a good MySQL IDE on OS X? So far I've been using
Navicat but it's kind of a joke.

Anyone have one they actually like? 

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2009-05-29 Thread Dave l

Personally I went with Querious, defiantly worth the small cost of it, granted 
I got in on it at the start but more features that sequal pro and still only $25

some others 

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Re: Dreamweaver CRASHES!!!

2009-01-26 Thread Dave l
surely it couldn't be vista! ;)

cfeclipse isn't difficult and there are plenty of blogs that show you how.

1. dl  install eclipse
2. install cfeclipse, follow instructions on

   1.  Select the Help-Software Updates-Find and install menu option.
   2. On the screen that is displayed, select 'Search for new features to 
install' and click the 'Next' button. Now click the 'New Remote Site' button.
   3. Enter a name for the update site, for example CFEclipse. In the URL 
box, enter; and click the OK button.
   4. You should now have a 'CFEclipse' node in the 'Sites to include in 
search' box.
   5. Tick the 'Stable CFEclipse' box and click 'Next'.
   6. Eclipse will contact the CFEclipse site and retrieve the list of 
available plugins. Tick the plugin with the highest version number and click 
   7. The next instructions are self-explanatory, agree to the license, install 
the software and restart Eclipse
   8. Once Eclipse has restarted CFEclipse should have been successfully 

3. open eclipse and right click in navigator panel and choose new  project
4. that brings up a window called select wizard, open up the cfeclipse folder 
and choose cfml project
5. new window called cfeclipse project: type in your project (or sites name), 
next if it is a new empty site and you want to use the default location hit 
next, if you want to use your own location uncheck the use default location 
box and choose your location. For example since I am on a mac I keep my web 
site folders in a directory called sites, so I brouse to that folder and go 
in and select my projects folder and hit next and you should be done.

6. open up the project in navigator pane and go to work.

Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
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Re: Dreamweaver CRASHES!!!

2009-01-26 Thread Dave l


ummm, any of them... classic is fine 

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Re: ColdFusion Express?

2009-01-02 Thread Dave l
cf express... isn't that what rick uses?

@mysql gui tools
if you're on a mac I ran across a new one that is pretty good if you need a 
freebie one 

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Re: Adobe's CF IDE, Bolt

2008-12-05 Thread Dave l
I have started using Coda (  friggin love it! 
Probably the first IDE I have actually ever liked. 

Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
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Re: Open BlueDragon and Railo - ready?

2008-12-05 Thread Dave l
I am chompin to try railo on my xserve but the one thing they don't really have 
yet is decent install docs. I heard an installer for os x is coming  they do 
have some linux things but with all the dev'rs on macs these days it would be 
nice to know how to install it right.

Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
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Re: Adobe's CF IDE, Bolt

2008-12-05 Thread Dave l
Mac only, right?

Is there anything else? ;)~ 

Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
Get the Free Trial;207172674;29440083;f


Re: Open BlueDragon and Railo - ready?

2008-12-05 Thread Dave l
I don't want to use the jetty bundle, etc.. I want to put it on a server and 
run some of my own sites on it to see how it is in real world environment and 
not much info on that.

I just did a search again and Luis (aka mr coldbox) just put up a blog entry 
today about it.

I did try openBD awhile back but had some issues.. the first was no admin, the 
second was that when I hooked tomcat into apache it was fine but if myself or 
the guy I let use the server would go into the xserve tools and do anything in 
site admin it would go through all the sites and recompile the vh directories 
and take my tomcat hooks out. The xserve admin tools are of course beautiful 
and so simple to use but when you start going outside of what it is set up to 
do it blows. Even weirder is that tomcat comes pre-installed but not running or 
hooked to apache.

Since then dillhole started running his sites with wordpress and immediately 
got sql injection (rock on php), so I had hms wipe the server and just install 
reg leopard so I could have more control.

Its just a war. There really isn't much of an install.  I wrote a blog entry
about getting things running for BlueDragon JEE it is the same stuff for
OpenBD or Railo etc. Heck for local dev and tinkering Railo and OpenBD both
come with a jetty and click start. Easy as pie.


Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
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Re: Open BlueDragon and Railo - ready?

2008-12-05 Thread Dave l
btw~ thanks for the link

I would like to keep it apache based so tomcat is probably my answer.

My thing is that I just want to try the options before cf9 comes out, I was 
going to buy a cf8 license but since it's fairly close to the new one I am 
waiting. But if one of these works then hey why not!

I should probably add that there is really nothing wrong with running the
Jetty/OpenBD(Railo) bundle on production. I personally favor Tomcat but
Jetty is good as well.



Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
Get the Free Trial;207172674;29440083;f


Re: Where cf would be tomorrow?

2008-12-03 Thread Dave l
I'm the first to admit that sometimes(ok most times) I just ain't right..
But dude, I swear that crack you are smoking is laced with draino!!

What's the point? Or what are you going to do with a light version?
If Adobe makes a light version then people will bitch because it doesn't have 
all the bells and whistles of the full version. And of course you will want it 
for free which of course Adobe can do because they don't actually pay their 
employees they just give them a tootsie pop and a good job slap upon the ass 
(Sean quit smiling!).

Why does this weigh so upon your chest? Are you jealous that we don't have a cf 
light since of course there is php light  .net light  ruby on light, etc 
and we are being left out, must be a conspiracy(of course led by friggin M$).

You don't have to use Adobe's version which I know is sometimes hard because 
you want to use the real deal but Railo is looking pretty sweet  I am either 
buying cf9 for my apple serve that I haven't used yet or putting Railo on it 
and I am a die hard adobe cf guy but hey if Railo does the job.

Now with Railo  openBD there is absolutely really no real plausible reason for 
a cf light.

If you have to have cf light then I will send you a flashlight with a Ben 
sticker on it.

I see only 2 real reasons for a light version:
1. To expect it to be free 
2. For portability 

And we basically already have both now.

I'm not too sure the motivation is strong  enough to push that worthy effort 
forward speedily.
What worthy effort? If you haven't seen or noticed the worthy effort  
motivation that Railo is generating then you need to check it out. Ummm 
actually on second thought no you don't, actually you should go check out php 

And Charlie.. Will said he's gunna jack you up!

 I resisted the attemptation of voicing my opinion on the current CF 
 but I feel probably it's sensible to get it out of my chest.  Came 
 cross a thread either on digg or reddit about a week ago asking Adobe 
 to Lose Weight on CF and the like.  Today I ran into the following 
 URL,, I concur with the 
 author's key point, that is, a lot of times, less is more.  Having 
 said that, I should say I can understand Adobe's rationale for making 
 CF so BIG, in the meantime, I would venture to say, making a light 
 version CF shouldn't take a lot of effort considering the fact that 
 Source Code is ALREADY there.  Yes, I'm aware of the existence of CF 
 open source effort, however, I'm not too sure the motivation is strong 
 enough to push that worthy effort forward speedily.
 Chunshen Li 

Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
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Re: Where cf would be tomorrow?

2008-12-03 Thread Dave l
I guess mike moved this already... sorry
we all know whom it's for.

 I'm the first to admit that sometimes(ok most times) I just ain't 
 But dude, I swear that crack you are smoking is laced with draino!!
 What's the point? Or what are you going to do with a light version?
 If Adobe makes a light version then people will bitch because it 
 doesn't have all the bells and whistles of the full version. And of 
 course you will want it for free which of course Adobe can do because 
 they don't actually pay their employees they just give them a tootsie 
 pop and a good job slap upon the ass (Sean quit smiling!).
 Why does this weigh so upon your chest? Are you jealous that we don't 
 have a cf light since of course there is php light  .net light  ruby 
 on light, etc and we are being left out, must be a conspiracy(of 
 course led by friggin M$).
 You don't have to use Adobe's version which I know is sometimes hard 
 because you want to use the real deal but Railo is looking pretty 
 sweet  I am either buying cf9 for my apple serve that I haven't used 
 yet or putting Railo on it and I am a die hard adobe cf guy but hey if 
 Railo does the job.
 Now with Railo  openBD there is absolutely really no real plausible 
 reason for a cf light.
 If you have to have cf light then I will send you a flashlight with a 
 Ben sticker on it.
 I see only 2 real reasons for a light version:
 1. To expect it to be free 
 2. For portability 
 And we basically already have both now.
 I'm not too sure the motivation is strong  enough to push that worthy 
 effort forward speedily.
 What worthy effort? If you haven't seen or noticed the worthy effort 
  motivation that Railo is generating then you need to check it out. 
 Ummm actually on second thought no you don't, actually you should go 
 check out php lol.
 And Charlie.. Will said he's gunna jack you up!
  I resisted the attemptation of voicing my opinion on the current CF 
  but I feel probably it's sensible to get it out of my chest.  Came 
  cross a thread either on digg or reddit about a week ago asking 
  to Lose Weight on CF and the like.  Today I ran into the following 
  URL,, I concur with the 
  author's key point, that is, a lot of times, less is more.  Having 
  said that, I should say I can understand Adobe's rationale for 
  CF so BIG, in the meantime, I would venture to say, making a light 
  version CF shouldn't take a lot of effort considering the fact that 
  Source Code is ALREADY there.  Yes, I'm aware of the existence of CF 
  open source effort, however, I'm not too sure the motivation is 
  enough to push that worthy effort forward speedily.
  Chunshen Li 

Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
Get the Free Trial;207172674;29440083;f


Re: Getting cfimage to read .eps file

2008-10-15 Thread Dave l
Sure.. It is very very easy.
1. Convert the eps file to one of the formats that is supported.
2. upload it 


 Does anyone know how to get CF to support reading a .eps file with 
 I ran the function GetReadableImageFormats() on my server to what 
 the server could read and .eps file format was not listed.
 This is what my server can read:  BMP,GIF,JFIF,JPEG,JPEG 2000,
 My Sever is Windows 2003 R2 running CF 8,0,1,195765 Enterprise.

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Re: Image display issue

2008-10-15 Thread Dave l
first of all you should close the image tag
secondly you need to properly write your image tag

bad = cfset imgVar = img src=/images/myimage.jpg 
better (yet still ugly)= cfset imgVar = img src=/images/myimage.jpg /

 outside query out: img src='/images/myimage.jpg' br -- displayed
 cfset imgVar = img src=/images/myimage.jpg
 output var value of image: cfoutput#imgVar#/cfoutput -- displayed
 db column named myData of varchar|nvarchar (5000), one row's data 
 stream reads
 bla ksk kak alkd sk skd img src=/images/myimage.jpg sjd ksd fksdf
 query the above table and column (resultsets could be numerous rows)
 cfoutput query=getData
 #myData# -- the image is not rendered, why not?
 I even tried HTMLCodeFormat to see what's there, here's its output
 show: lt;img src=/images/myimage.jpggt;BR
 Hmm, what could prevent the image reference from within a text string 
 being rendered by browser?
 Looks like simple but I'm stumbled by it.  Thanks.

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Re: : Re: Getting cfimage to read .eps file

2008-10-15 Thread Dave l
So I'm just fishing to see anyone has use the cfimage tag to pull info on
a .eps file

@Dave - That is an option to not allow our users upload that format, but the
my Client would like to allow the .eps format to be uploaded.  If that
format is allowed to be uploaded, I need to be able to pull the information
of the file out, like height, width, etc...

So I'm just fishing to see anyone has use the cfimage tag to pull info on
a .eps file.  If so, how did they do it.


Sure.. It is very very easy.
1. Convert the eps file to one of the formats that is supported.
2. upload it 


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Re: : Re: Getting cfimage to read .eps file

2008-10-15 Thread Dave l
maybe.. but cfimage won't

There has to be a Java lib that will do it...


On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 11:36 AM, Chuck Weidler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

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Re: : Re: Getting cfimage to read .eps file

2008-10-15 Thread Dave l
dammit wrote a long answer and it cut it off.

bottom line is this...
An eps file is not an image file, it's an encapsulated postscript file or 
something but it's technically not an image just like a pdf isn't an image or a 
psd isn't an image and ai isn't an image, they aren't supported types either. 

If the file types isn't in the supported types then it isn't supported, it is 
pretty clear cut.

You can upload any type of file you want but cfimage isn't going to give you 
the results you want because the file type isn't supported. cffile can give you 
some of what you might need but cfimage won't.

@Dave - That is an option to not allow our users upload that format, but the
my Client would like to allow the .eps format to be uploaded.  If that
format is allowed to be uploaded, I need to be able to pull the information
of the file out, like height, width, etc...

So I'm just fishing to see anyone has use the cfimage tag to pull info on
a .eps file.  If so, how did they do it.


Sure.. It is very very easy.
1. Convert the eps file to one of the formats that is supported.
2. upload it 


Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
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Re: : Re: Getting cfimage to read .eps file

2008-10-15 Thread Dave l

You guys need to understand that that cfimage is meant to work with images, 
hence the image part of the name and and eps IS NOT an image, so if it is not 
an image how can it read it? You'll have just as much luck uploading a zip file 
and trying to use cfimage to get it's info.

Unless you are saying to just physically change the the eps to an image file 
and the answer would still be no, changing the postfix doesn't change the file 
type. Try to use an eps in a reg html img tag and see if it displays on web... 
it won't because IT IS NOT an image format.

You know how on your car right by the gas cap it says unleaded fuel only?
So if the fuel is the format then they are telling you that it will only work 
with unleaded fuel. So would you hook up your garden hose and fill your tank 
with water and expect it run? After all they are both liquid but does that mean 
they are the same?

You could hook into command line and run it against a conversion program or 
like Mark said maybe a java class and return it but if you have a hard time 
understanding that if it isn't on the supported formats then it isn't going to 
be supported then I would assume you won't be doing any java programming.

I have been watching an I am curious.  I don't have a ton of experience with
the cfimage tag, just simple implementations, so maybe some of you might
know this.

In regards to this question, would it be possible to have cfimage change the
'image' type from .eps to .gif or .jpg?

If it is possible, then he could do a conversion and then read the converted
file for the required data.

Any thoughts?


William Seiter
IT Web Developer / Consultant
Is your income limited by the red tape and paperwork?  Let SoftEx BackOffice
help you.  They know how to take care of the 'busy work' of your contracts
and let you focus on the 'WOW' factor.

::-Original Message-
::Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2008 6:18 PM
::To: cf-talk
::Subject: Re: : Re: Getting cfimage to read .eps file
::dammit wrote a long answer and it cut it off.
::bottom line is this...
::An eps file is not an image file, it's an encapsulated postscript file or
::something but it's technically not an image just like a pdf isn't an image
::or a psd isn't an image and ai isn't an image, they aren't supported types
::If the file types isn't in the supported types then it isn't supported, it
::is pretty clear cut.
::You can upload any type of file you want but cfimage isn't going to give
::you the results you want because the file type isn't supported. cffile can
::give you some of what you might need but cfimage won't.
::@Dave - That is an option to not allow our users upload that format, but
::my Client would like to allow the .eps format to be uploaded.  If that
::format is allowed to be uploaded, I need to be able to pull the
::of the file out, like height, width, etc...
::So I'm just fishing to see anyone has use the cfimage tag to pull info
::a .eps file.  If so, how did they do it.

Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
Get the Free Trial;207172674;29440083;f


Re: : Re: : Re: Getting cfimage to read .eps file

2008-10-15 Thread Dave l
The part that it wasnt posted online before I posted it, I am sorry that I 
don't stay glued to every second of the list. And I guess I am sorry for being 
the only one willing to reply to such a self-explanatory question.

And your response to this below hasn't even posted to the web list as of yet, 
so don't assume it's instant.

As far as my research.. no, it is just common knowledge. But if the tag would 
have supported it don't you think it would be listed?

MIME type of image/eps or image/x-eps
yes and have you ever seen one of these files displayed as an image without a 
And that vector plugin is just oh-so popular.

Hey ya know what.. at least I answered your question, everyone else ignored 
you, I was just telling you the reason why.

So Dave tell me.  What part of the below response I sent out before you sent
out your reply, about 10 minutes before,  didn't you understand?

--- Begin Prior Posting ---

@All Respondents - Thanks for everything.  I think my best course of action
is to explain to my Client about .eps files and have them make the decision
to not allow that file type to be uploaded for what I have to do with
uploaded images.

--- End Prior Posting ---

And since you seemed to do you research.  Did you know that an .eps file can
also be a Vector Graphic File, hence an image with the MIME type of
image/eps or image/x-eps.  But I'm sure you already knew that, right?

Knowing this is what spawned my question about it about possibly finding out
how CF might support such a file using cfimage.  And come on lighten up, it
was just a question about an supporting and image. 

Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
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Re: : Re: Getting cfimage to read .eps file

2008-10-15 Thread Dave l
isn't that for making eps not converting or in the case of Einstein on this one 
wanted the image info.. i guess who knows what he was after.

How about:

*Ryan J. Heldt*, Senior Web Developer
Global Reach Internet Productions
Phone: 515-296-0792, Fax: 515-296-3748

Mark Mandel wrote:

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Re: : Re: Getting cfimage to read .eps file

2008-10-15 Thread Dave l
Ah, so eps is more like a 'psd' file rather than a 'png' file.
yes.. you can export an image file from it but it is more of a graphics file 
than an image. Even if you could display it there is no reason to actually do 
so since the files are huge.

Now don't be rude
I wasn't actually trying to.. that is just the way it comes out.

I had thought that maybe 'eps' was a proprietary format similar to 'gif' is
It is mostly made for print work using vector drawings and since printing takes 
a lot higher quality the file size isn't optimized for a smaller foot print. 
And really the resulting image needs to be flattened for web work. 
It like a psd is a layer format which makes it more difficult for the web, 
although png  tiff can be layered.

Don't get me wrong I wasn't saying it was impossible to do anything with the 
file, I was just saying cfimage won't do it and that is why it isn't listed 
under the supported formats.

You could always upload it and run a command line to open it in illustrator, 
convert it and then have cfm do whatever with it.

Try to use an eps in a reg html img tag and see if it displays on web...
it won't because IT IS NOT an image format.
Ah, so eps is more like a 'psd' file rather than a 'png' file.

 So would you hook up your garden hose and fill your tank with water and
expect it run?
That would be pretty cool though, wouldn't it?  I don't think that will be
too far off in the future...  maybe a few decades?

 time understanding that if it isn't on the supported formats then it
isn't going to be supported then I would assume you won't be doing any java
Now don't be rude.  

Recently I was reading the blog of my webhost where they announced that they
would be supporting .dwt as a text/html delivered file.  They rationalized
that since it was possible to do it, that they would support the customer
who requested it.  Personally I prefer to teach the uninitiated rather than
divert the river for them, but its not my company or my call.  

I had thought that maybe 'eps' was a proprietary format similar to 'gif' is
(was?). Hence the reason why I requested more information on the topic.

After doing a (very) brief review of the google 'coldfusion convert .eps to
.jpg', it appears that there was a tag available in the cf5 - cf6 days that
was capable of doing the conversion:
CFXImage tag from Gafware

William Seiter
IT Web Developer / Consultant

::-Original Message-
::Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2008 7:46 PM
::To: cf-talk
::Subject: Re: : Re: Getting cfimage to read .eps file
::You guys need to understand that that cfimage is meant to work with
::images, hence the image part of the name and and eps IS NOT an image, so
::if it is not an image how can it read it? You'll have just as much luck
::uploading a zip file and trying to use cfimage to get it's info.
::Unless you are saying to just physically change the the eps to an image
::file and the answer would still be no, changing the postfix doesn't change
::the file type. Try to use an eps in a reg html img tag and see if it
::displays on web... it won't because IT IS NOT an image format.
::You know how on your car right by the gas cap it says unleaded fuel
::So if the fuel is the format then they are telling you that it will only
::work with unleaded fuel. So would you hook up your garden hose and fill
::your tank with water and expect it run? After all they are both liquid but
::does that mean they are the same?
::You could hook into command line and run it against a conversion program
::or like Mark said maybe a java class and return it but if you have a hard
::time understanding that if it isn't on the supported formats then it isn't
::going to be supported then I would assume you won't be doing any java
::I have been watching an I am curious.  I don't have a ton of experience
::the cfimage tag, just simple implementations, so maybe some of you might
::know this.
::In regards to this question, would it be possible to have cfimage change
::'image' type from .eps to .gif or .jpg?
::If it is possible, then he could do a conversion and then read the
::file for the required data.
::Any thoughts?
::William Seiter
::IT Web Developer / Consultant
::Is your income limited by the red tape and paperwork?  Let SoftEx
::help you.  They know how to take care of the 'busy work' of your
::and let you focus on the 'WOW' factor.
-Original Message-

Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2008 6:18 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: : Re: Getting cfimage to read .eps file

dammit wrote a long answer and it cut it off.

bottom line is this...
An eps file is not an image file, it's an encapsulated postscript file

Re: verity cfscript

2008-10-08 Thread Dave l
I get that when I tell it to index a cfm page that it indexes the page, I 
just think it would make more sense to index the resulting output and not the 
code. When google indexes the pages it doesn't index the source code per-say. 
With it setup like it is now it would seem to say that the majority of the 
users would want it to index and display source code which I would have a hard 
time believing that is the case.

I was wondering something down the line of what Ray said and that it has rules 
 I would assume that one of its rules might be to do something when it finds 
the word script in between tags which might explain why it is happening with 
cfscript but not cfset.

Verity works well for document searching but I still am a little puzzled about 

Anyways... just talked with client and we are pulling it and looking at just 
putting all the info into a db and making it just a db search.

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Re: Best free ColdFusion server?

2008-10-08 Thread Dave l
I tried openBD on my xserve and really had a hard time getting it to run right 
and was a bit of a pita...

Soon as I have some spare time I am going to try to get railo up and running on 
it and see how it goes. There isn't much out there on getting it to run on os x 
yet so might take a bit to get it rollin. If it is to difficult I will be 
ordering a new cfm license for that server... Really sucks to have this 8 core 
monster server sitting there doing nothing.

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verity cfscript

2008-10-07 Thread Dave l
I have a verity collection and it is picking up some cfm code. Now of course i 
can take out the .cfm  .cfml in the collection code but then it doesn't index 
actual .cfm pages which is needed (Like this-page.cfm)

The only cfm code it seams to be picking up is inside of cfscript blocks and so 
in the results you get something like:

page link
transfer = application.transferFactory.getTransfer(); qRecords = 
transfer.list(Admin.Press, date, false); strTitle = site title; strDesc = 
site desc;

anyone got any ideas of getting rid of that source code? 

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Re: Sorta OT: Setting up CF on a MacBook

2008-10-07 Thread Dave l
If you will be working with photos then get the mbp for the extra horsepower  
larger screens.

I am very much not a windows fan so my opinion is biased but I don't think 
there is a better dev machine than a mbp, you can do everything from one 

I am in the market for a new laptop and am thinking abot grabbing a MacBook,
more for my photography business and editing, than anything else. But Isaw
the recommendation of a MacBook Pro for a development work station and was
intrigued. I have been away from the development world for a while and am
now back full time so I know I have missed some things.

What would I need to make a MacBook (or MB Pro if that is the better choice)
into a decent development machine?

Thanks in advance!

Tiffany Trott

Coldfusion Developer

American Residential Communities

Phone: 303-383-7532

Efax: 303-749-3005


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Re: verity cfscript

2008-10-07 Thread Dave l
I have seen the vspider but there is too many ?'s and not enough time to figure 
out all i need for that.

It's just seems odd that in all the books and examples that it doesn't mention 
this and the default files include .cfml  .cfm but who would actually want it 
to search the actually source code? I can see searching the resulting output 
since that is what you think it actually should be searching. It is also weird 
that it is just picking out things inside of cfscript, so if it was actually 
grabbing all the source code then you would see more code but there isnt. If 
this is how it really works then it is pretty worthless IMO.

If you tell verity to index .cfm files it'll read the source.

As far as I know you can't stop that (I know less and less about Verity
these day!).

Look into using the vspider. Google will throw up some answers but the short
of it is, it'll crawl your site via the web so you'll end up indexing it as
a user sees it.

Let us know if you find out different.

Building a DB of errors at

I have a verity collection and it is picking up some cfm code. Now of course
i can take out the .cfm  .cfml in the collection code but then it doesn't
index actual .cfm pages which is needed (Like this-page.cfm)

The only cfm code it seams to be picking up is inside of cfscript blocks and
so in the results you get something like:

page link
transfer = application.transferFactory.getTransfer(); qRecords =
transfer.list(Admin.Press, date, false); strTitle = site title;
strDesc = site desc;

anyone got any ideas of getting rid of that source code? 

Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
Get the Free Trial;207172674;29440083;f


Re: verity cfscript

2008-10-07 Thread Dave l
No there is no cfsets in there.
Whats even weirder is that on some pages it indexes everything in the top 
cfscript and other times it only indexes a part of it.

Ok now the weirder part is that if I take out the cfscript and put the vars in 
cfsets it works fine. But of course that really isn't an optimal way for me to 
do things and I don't really want to go back and rewrite all that code in 
cumbersome cfsets . 

Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
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Re: verity cfscript

2008-10-07 Thread Dave l
some pages have the exact same script and they don't show but other pages do.. 
very weird

 No there is no cfsets in there.
 Whats even weirder is that on some pages it indexes everything in the 
 top cfscript and other times it only indexes a part of it.
 Ok now the weirder part is that if I take out the cfscript and put the 
 vars in cfsets it works fine. But of course that really isn't an 
 optimal way for me to do things and I don't really want to go back and 
 rewrite all that code in cumbersome cfsets . 

Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
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Re: verity cfscript

2008-10-07 Thread Dave l
Yes and no dave..

I figured as much when I was doing it but if it does index the source code then 
why wouldn't it index all of the source code and not just whats inside a 
cfscript tag?
Or why would it not index the source code when moved inside a cfset tag instead 
of cfscript? Or why would I have the EXACT same code on other pages and they 
don't show it the results? 

the output is:

a href=index.cfmindex.cfm.cfm/abr /
div style=font-size:12pxstrTitle = title blah blah blah; strDesc = desc 
blah blah blah; some reg generated page content here./div

I will look at the google mini but I guess I just thought that cfm including 
verity could actually do the job. The defaults are set to index coldfusion 
pages and if they expect them not to have any cfm code then they would just be 
reg html pages..

I guess I will look at Lucene as well

  I have a verity collection and it is picking up some cfm code. Now 
 of course i can take out  the .cfm  .cfml in the collection code but 
 then it doesn't index actual .cfm pages which is  needed (Like 
  The only cfm code it seams to be picking up is inside of cfscript 
 blocks and so in the
  results you get something like:
  page linktransfer = application.transferFactory.getTransfer();
  qRecords = transfer.list(Admin.Press, date, false); strTitle = 
 site title;
  strDesc = site desc;
  anyone got any ideas of getting rid of that source code?
 As Adrian mentioned, if you index .cfm files directly, you're 
 source code, not generated output. CFML tags won't show as readily
 because the browser will ignore them, but I'm betting they're there.
 To index generated output, you have to crawl HTTP URLs. The vspider
 utility will let you do this, but the bundled version of vspider has
 some significant limitations.
 If crawling HTTP content is important, you might take a look at the
 Google Mini, which is an appliance that does exactly this.
 Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
 Fig Leaf Software provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
 instruction at our training centers in Washington DC, Atlanta,
 Chicago, Baltimore, Northern Virginia, or on-site at your location.
 Visit for more 

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Re: Learning advanced Coldfusion - ideas??

2008-08-12 Thread Dave l
a new book

it's fairly good, cuts out the bs and hits the code running a lot more than the 
wack books. Chapter 2 is cfcs, it puts you in there that fast and has a bit 
more advanced feel to it than the the others. 

Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
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Re: Extending Application.cfc

2008-06-13 Thread Dave l
ok now you have frickin done it!!! lol

ok this is cf talk so i will be good.. as much as it actually pains me to do 

a few days ago had something on this subject

Who is Dave the Disruptor?

Oops, did I wake him up?


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Re: Extending Application.cfc

2008-06-13 Thread Dave l
yes Will but he might actually have more than 1 site to move so it could be an 
issue (couldn't resist!)

I do agree though that you should mirror your sites with production  just 
because you use apache locally and iis in production doesn't really matter, the 
goal is to make each one a root. You could make mappings as well but if you are 
on shared hosting that can be a pain, it's easier to just do one in app.cfc and 
then can change it once for all of them if need be.

 So, basically, if I don't want to rethink and rebuild my whole 
 environment, I should stick with good 'ol Application.CFM?
 There you could simply do cfinclude template=../Application.cfm.
 Dude, I went through this same exact issue. I fought and fought myself 
 over changing my development environment. 
 Do what I didinstall apache, change a few simple settings in 
 apache's httpd config file, add a few dev domains in your windows 
 hosts file, and presto, you have an easy fix. We're talkin' an hour or 
 less. Bam - done. 
 Now, I have dev url's like so:
 It's sweet!

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Re: Windows CF8 VPS?

2008-03-31 Thread Dave l
Calling a hosting provider to set a mapping on YOUR box should cost you. 
Having that host install CF ON HIS BOX should cost him.  IT'S HIS BOX.

ok so they should have charged him $300 or whatever it was for what should have 
been 1 minute of their time... yeah thats a great deal jim!! SIGN ME UP!
Coldfusion was already installed, they just didn't apparently read that 1 page 
in the manual either and since they didn't know how to do it they blamed it on 
And they couldn't even do the mapping right and THEY (as in ct) said cf needed 
to be re-installed (which of course it didn't) because they didn't know how to 
do it.. so I guess THEY should be reading that 1 page of the manual which you 
would assume they should already know but instead they took his money and the 
simple job still didnt get done, pretty damn ridiculous if you ask me. But then 
again any given person can have a problem with any host.

If you're that fundamentally illiterate about the technologies involved you've 
no business running a server.
You are right jim and he shouldn't be running a server. His old partner ran the 
server before and left him hanging with it. But he understands that and doesn't 
mind paying for something to get done but consistently ct does just what it did 
in the previous example and take his money and not get the request done. In the 
meantime when his contract with them is up he is leaving and going to a managed 
server which is where he should be.

That's an outright lie. CT servers are behind very good, industrial HARDWARE 
That's NOT what they told me and thats NOT what they told him. Actually they 
told him that there is ZERO protection and that his server was full of Trojans 
and all that crap and so he called me on other line and we 3 way called and he 
flat out told me there is no protection whatsoever on their system and of 
course they talked him into letting them clean his server for $500 (which was 
probably a scam). But again he shouldn't be on his own server but what you are 
saying and what they said are 2 different things. So if that is the case then 
they purposely duped him outta $500 and I dunno which way is worse.

None of these assertions can be backed up by the original request.  The 
requestor only said that he didn't like the performance or support.  No 
assumptions can be made about his skill level.
Ok so he says basically that he needs support, you don't need a zune manual to 
figure that part out. If he knew enough about running his own server then he 
could have tweaked the vps to increase the performance since he has quite a bit 
of control of the machine which is a pretty good indicator that he'd have a 
hard time with a self-serve ded box  if he didn't like the support he got then 
don't you think he just might need support on a ded box because he quite 
clearly states that support is one of the reasons he is leaving, which would 
mean he is needing it.

I assume that anybody looking for a VPS or dedicated box has the basic skills 
required to actually use that service.
Well that's cause you assume instead of actually reading what they ask or say. 
What is funny is that when someone who can run their own server posts this 
question you don't throw out your $85 server.. go figure

Yes I do BITCH Jim because every time someone comes on who say they NEED 
SUPPORT and COLDFUSION you throw out this $85 server which does NOT include 
neither SUPPORT OR COLDFUSION which very very much mis-leads the people into 
thinking it's an option when 98% of the time it ends up not being a real option 
for them. If you want to CONFER YOUR OPINION then at least state the facts that 
it does NOT include support or coldfusion so that the poster understands that 
there are different types of dedicated boxes and services offered because most 
people just don't know that a dedicated plan at host a is very different then 
dedicated plan at host b. I think it would be pretty rare for someone who is 
actually able or qualified to run their own server to come on here and ask for 
info on hosting. Would it be so hard for you just to say hey I got a ded box 
at ct for $85 a month and I love it but do understand that price does not 
include support or coldfusion. Because at least then it wouldn't get their 
hopes up.
If it was me and I listened to you and went and got the server and then found 
out there is no support, there is no coldfusion, there is no av, there is no 
backups and on and on... i'd be frickin pissed as hell and by the time i added 
all that I would be right back up to a managed server, lol

To the poster, IMO you should at first start with a managed dedicated box until 
you learn how to run and use it then go to unmanaged. I personally keep my 
dedicated box on a managed plan because I would rather have hms help deal with 
any issues or be there for my customers if there is a problem without getting 
reamed on a 

Re: Windows CF8 VPS?

2008-03-30 Thread Dave l
Yes Jim but if he is not satisfied  with the support then common logic would 
say that he DOES need support in which case he'd be SOL at crystal tech because 
that price comes with exactly 0 support and if you do need support they rape 
and pillage you there.

If you can afford the year in advance then why not buy your own server and 
co-lo it?

Opinions vary greatly (I love them, other hate them) but you can get a very
nice dedicated box (no VPS) for that price at CrystalTech.

I pay $89 for their entry-level box which happily supports my sites.  You
get a large allotment of a shared SQL Server or you can, of course, install
your own copy.

Jim Davis 

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Re: Windows CF8 VPS?

2008-03-30 Thread Dave l
Like I have said before.. I work with a guy who has a dedicated box at ct and 
it's a joke, i have never seen someone break more things (including a 3 day old 
loaded mbp) over their service.

As far as charging for PITA..

well my personal fav was when he needed at virtual mapping made to a folder 
outside the root. First they charged him $300 to try it and then an 
additional $750 to re-install cfm because they said it was the problem (of 
course it wasn't) and after all that they still couldn't get it done so he 
called HMS who helped him do it over the phone in 30 seconds.

The bottom line is that if you get a bare boned server like you do at ct then 
you better know WTF you are doing and if you are asking what you need to do 
or how hard it is then you shouldn't be even attempting to do it on your own. 
And if you don't know any of that stuff then you shouldn't be trying to do 
backups or any of that either.

CT servers also dont have ANY protection whatsoever on them, not even a decent 

Oddly enough I've NEVER seen a dedicate host that has offered any kind of 
Anti-Virus or protection software standard
Mine does jim, comes with norton anti-virus.

The other thing to look for or ask is how many coldfusion techs they have, i 
don't know about some of these other places people have mentioned but I know in 
several dealing with ct we had to wait until the next day or so for a cfm tech 
to come in.

I'm not saying that you don't get good service there Jim but these people that 
ask and then you say well i got a ded box for $85 a month and they don't 
realize that that comes with no support (aka unmanaged) it also doesn't come 
with cfm  so if you need support and cfm you are right back up to what a 
managed server is anyways.

Now this guy i am doing work for who has server there has no idea about running 
a server, his old partner did all that and so when his partner left he was left 
with this server. He also found out there was no firewall or av or any 
protection on there and the server was filled with malware and trojans. I spoke 
specifically with a HMS manager and was told the don't do bare servers just for 
that reason, they don't want that crap in their system and so they don't offer 
that service. So that is also something else to think about.

You're a smart guy jim and you can run the server but most people can't.

 Yes Jim but if he is not satisfied  with the support then common logic
 would say that he DOES need support in which case he'd be SOL at
 crystal tech because that price comes with exactly 0 support and if you
 do need support they rape and pillage you there.

Yet again: I've never been upset with the support I've gotten I've gotten at
Crystal Tech.

I've never been charged for it the few times I've needed to take advantage
of it.

Perhaps they only charge pains-in-the-ass?

Since no specifics were given I'm not sure if the original poster would fall
into the pain-in-the-ass category or not.  When running your own server I
honestly can't see why you'd need support for anything but the most basic
plumbing anyway.  Most everything is self-serviceable using the control
panel or management tools.  And most of that is well-documented in the
knowledge base and the little that isn't tends to be covered in the forums.

If you ignore those resources and just call support I see no reason NOT to
charge you.  

Jim Davis 

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Re: Coldfusion 8 on Leopard - all of a sudden stopped working

2008-03-24 Thread Dave l
I dont remember how you get back into the web connector but it should look like 

You can tell if default apache is running by going into your home folder then 
to sites and then run the html file in there or into your HD  library  
webserver  documents and run the index.html page 

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Re: Coldfusion 8 on Leopard - all of a sudden stopped working

2008-03-22 Thread Dave l
i did the update and mine is chugging away fine

check your web connector, the update might have changed it to point at 

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Re: Hosting Problems

2008-03-08 Thread Dave l
First of all if you need to install your own tags then you shouldn't be on 
shared hosting and if you do choose to use them and IF and I said IF the host 
will even let you install them at all but you shouldn't expect them to be an 
expert on every tag out there. I have had them install tags for me and it was a 
very good experience. Like sean says, everyone will have different experiences. 
But compared to everyone else I have tried they are by far the best.

I have a ded winblows box and a colo'd apple xserve there and when you do get 
up into the dedicated boxes you do get a special line in to either the 
dedicated team or to the senior most techs on duty, which does make a 

as for Mary's issues well, i know i have issues with her cart at hms and 
she is quick to blame hms but I just don't buy into it. All HMS does is run 
seefusion to limit long running processes and shuts them off after 50 seconds, 
which was one of the main problems with the cart but the queries shouldn't be 
taking 50 seconds to run anyways. And I know she has blamed their servers for 
slow dbs as well but all mine and everyone else's queries run great. This even 
continued when moved to ded boxes.. not so much but still does. And every time 
we go over this it is denied and implied no one else has had the problems but 
fyi~ my inbox usually gets around 20 ppl saying they have the same issues but 
they don't want to ay anything in public.. Sorry mary but client is bustin my 
balls over that damn cart again this weekend...

If your issue is as big as you say it is then email Neil (one of the owners) at 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will get it taken care of. But don't expect the world 
if you you aren't willing to pay for it.

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Re: Hosting Problems

2008-03-08 Thread Dave l
Thats just common sense, you should have already known that.

 Yes it was a cfx tag. i know they have to review them themselves for 
 malicious code especially on a shared server but we only know that now 
 because of the problems we went through. 
 if they had communicated effectively then this would not been a major 
 problem and caused us many hours and much money. unfortunately 
 communicating effectively has been the problem all along.
 thanks Adam

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Re: SOT: Holy Grail? Hosting?

2008-02-16 Thread Dave l
 They have an excellent customer knowledgebase and support information and 
support ticket system but would clearly rather limit human interaction to a 

Actually they don't, one of my partners still has a dedicated box there and I 
have to deal with them all the time and they are a complete nightmare. 
I would sure like to know what this excellent support system is Last week 
he had an issue and asked me to call them and see what the deal was but I 
didn't have the ticket # and their excellent support system couldn't even 
look it up by the customer account and after making it quite clear to me in a 
very unprofessional manner that I couldn't expect them to and I told him that 
HMS has no such problems and it is a rather easy thing for them to do and the 
idiot hung up on me... nice service. So 5 hours later when his plane landed and 
he got to his hotel and got into his email and got me the ticket # and another 
45 minutes on the phone with another idiot and a $150 charge to his account 
they were actually able to restart the server. Great service, I wish I had 

To this end they have a very feature-rich, constantly evolving control
panel, one that allows me to perform many tasks that I might otherwise have
to submit a request for.
I have been in that panel and its ok but still not as nice as others.

I honestly have no idea what you're talking about... one of the fundamental
aspects of CrystalTech (and many other hosts) is that YOU run your business.
They do everything they can to ensure that your customers are NOT aware that
you're hosting at CrystalTech.  They're customer control centers are
generically branded as all customer-facing services - they abstract
themselves out of the picture as a feature.

LOL, you don't know what I am talking about? 
Ok so lets say you get on a plane to hawaii and soon as you board the plane 
your server goes down, well guess what.. its down for for quite a long time 
before you have any idea and so your customers sites are down as well and 
nothing can be done until you land and someone tells you which could be 12 
hours later. Now that might be ok for you Jim, but its not ok for me!

I make it a HUGE deal to my customers to let them know who and where is hosting 
their site and I make sure they have all the info they need in case they can't 
find me but can call the host to get something fixed. Personally, I want them 
them to know WTF is going on with their site and have abilities to get things 
fixed if something goes wrong and I can't be contacted. After all, it is THEIR 
web site and they are paying the bills. IMO, there is absolutely no reason in 
the world to not add that extra layer of protection. To me the way you do it is 
just another way for you to make money off of your clients, while that is good 
for you it's not so good for customers. I pay the extra money and pocket less 
out of the hosting to ensure things are going right. Now you might not have had 
any problems or maybe you have, i dunno but we just don't agree on biz models.

and criticizing them for it seems silly.
So for example last week derricks server goes down and since its at ct he cant 
get it restarted and it takes them several hours to get it back up and going, 
thats just damn silly aint it Jim. Not to mention all the damn hoops we had to 
jump through just to verify the account, now maybe it is just me but it 
shouldnt matter who the hell calls it in, if the damn server is down then get 
it back on, which was something that their techs just couldnt understand.

But problem is that when people on here ask for hosting opinions they dont 
usually ask if the plans are managed or unmanaged.

I know you love CT but I have yet to have a good experience with them, I havent 
dealt with them a lot but the 30 or so times I have were nightmarish.

I can only relay my personal experience... and my personal experience has been 

And I will respect that Jim.
And I can only relay my personal experience and that of approx 15 other ppl 
that I know who have used them and have had detailed conversations with me 
about them. And a lot of those were customers of their and everyone of them 
have thanked me time after time for taking them to HMS. 
And my personally experience with has been nothing less than pathetic. 

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Re: SOT: Holy Grail? Hosting?

2008-02-16 Thread Dave l
Well thank god Jim that I won't have to much longer!
He's had it with them and is moving over to my xserve at hms.

I think their charge of $950 to make a virtual mapping was the last straw, 
which btw~ they couldn't even do right after trying for 3 days(pathetic). I 
actually had him call up HMS and they walked him through how to do it himself 
in 3 minutes and he wasn't even their customer.

Some people just expect better better things

I wasn't saying you were incorrect just asking about things you mentioned as I 
have surely never seen the good aspects of them. Or when some asks about 
hosting and you go off on how cheap CT is compared to HMS and then the person 
thinks thats that wow they are this much cheaper but what they don't 
understand is that one is a managed server and one is not. Now if you had 
actually thought about that you'd realize that if someone is asking about 
hosting on here then chances are pretty damn good that they aren't qualified to 
be running a server themselves. And so when you tell them how cheap your server 
is and if they go get it then find themselves completely f*cked when they have 
signed a contract for the server but cant run it and then have to pay huge 
amounts of $$ to ct to get help which in the end costs them tons more.

And your lil quote below is exactly how you are as well

Well then they don't Dave.  As we've come to expect all other opinions are
incorrect because you're experience differs.  

Jim Davis 

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Re: SOT: Holy Grail? Hosting?

2008-02-16 Thread Dave l
I'm not trying to win jerry, just showing that myself along with lots of 
other people on here have had issues with them above and beyond what would be 
The only people I have seen who speak up for ct are on their own boxes, you 
don't see many people on their shared servers speak up at all.

And when people come on and ask for cheap hosting and people come on and give 
recommendations of cheap servers but don't give any info on that fact that yes 
they are cheap but they also don't include any support and really anyone who is 
looking for cheap hosting probably will need all the support that they can get 
in which case a cheap server really isn't in there best interest. you can get a 
plain jane cheap unmanaged server anywere, it's the support when you need it 
that in my book is where I prefer to be covered. Or like I said before... if i 
cant be reached and there is a problem I want my customers to know they are 

Now would you host with someone would tell you that they are running mysql 
server 2000 and not just once as in a oopsy but as in several times, even 
after informing them that no such product exists and all that after waiting 
over 45 minutes on hold to talk to them? Not too mention most of the actual 
coldfusion team will not host there, too me that says something.

While what Jim does is great for him I don't think it would be good for someone 
who needs hand holding on a server. Obviously, he can recommend whatever he 
wants but he should also add the facts to it because most people will assume 
that ct's ded boxes are comparable to hms ded boxes and they aren't, one 
includes support one doesn't but the average person asking doesn't know that. 
And personally, if i took jims recommendation and went to ct and signed a 
contract  and then found out I had no support I would be pissed as hell at jim.

So if by losing you mean that if someone reads this and has a boner over a 
$120 a month dedicated box (which I would also assume jim has a cfm license for 
which isnt included in that cost) and it helps keep them from getting into a 
major mess, then I am fine with that. I would rather have the facts out there 
to help them out see how has the cheapest server... and after all.. you get 
what what you pay for.

Dave, as a fairly impartial observer, talking general professional and
personal respect, you aren't going to win this one against Jim, I
don't think.


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Re: SOT: Holy Grail? Hosting?

2008-02-15 Thread Dave l
sure you can get a cheap server there and get 0 support. And when you do need 
support (talking about crystal tech) they will ream the crap out of you in 

The bottom line is that if you want or are gunna be cheap then you will not be 
getting the holy grail, you will simply be getting cheap hosting.

HMS techs are good but some are also new and of course they won't know 
everything yet and well that's part of your cheap hosting. CT techs are 
complete morons, havent talked to one yet who knew anything about anything. 

Now if you start paying for better hosting everything gets better, for example 
on my dedicated box at HMS I have a direct line # to the dedicated team and if 
none are there it gets picked up by the highest level tech there and it gets 
taken care of on the spot.

Of course I pay for this but to me it's worth it. For ex: if one of my 
customers needs help they can call anytime and get helped by HMS, Now say one 
of jims clients has problems and cant contact jim and hes on a $90 ded box at 
CT then that client is Sh*T Outta Luck! If thats not a concern for you then 
don't pay for the support. But myself when I got 60 something clients on a box 
and 20+ more on the way, I want to know that they will be taken care of, I 
don't care what the cost is.

The other option is to buy a server and send it in for co-lo. I just sent in an 
apple xserve to HMS and it will cost me less that $150 a month to be managed 
and for support. And im sure you could get a server fairly cheap.

Personally, I wouldn't go anywhere but HMS, they are far and away the best host 
I have ever dealt with.

Jim brings up a very good point and that is that cfm wasn't made for shared 
hosting and that really is IMO its only real drawback. If you got any of Wills 
sites on your server then it's gunna be crashing like crazy!! haha jk 

 Unfortunately Will, the $130+/month for VPS is not covered by my
 criteria of

Speaking of CrystalTech - you can get an actual dedicated server (not a VPS)
for $90 a month (even cheaper for Linux).

I've had one for years: I host something like 20 sites and have complete

I've actually never had a serious problem with CT and CF, but clearly others
have.  In my experience CF really isn't a good choice for shared hosting.
It's technically possible but there's a lot of technical limitations that
cause problems.

If you can afford it, dedicated is the way to go.

Jim Davis 

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Re: CFEclipse - mimic quot;automatically upload files to server on savequot;

2008-02-12 Thread Dave l
A lot of time I would LOVE for it to work this way! And that was one of my 
hangups moving to eclipse too. I also use skedit which will do that. I know a 
lot of ppl dont want to do it but it is very handy some times. Sometimes when I 
am working on a layout and I have lots of files open that all go into different 
directories I will open the pages in skedit as well as eclipse and when I save 
them in eclipse it changes the file in skedit and it asks me to save and when i 
do it uploads it.. Not real efficient but much faster than ftp'ing into all the 
different folders. 

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Re: CFEclipse - mimic amp;quot;automatically upload files to server on saveamp;quot;

2008-02-12 Thread Dave l
I looked at it awhile back but the sync was basically re-syncing everything, 
everytime, was pita

 Hello Al,
 Have you looked at Aptana Studio? Its a free downloadable plugin for 
 Eclipse. Not only do you get handy tools like CSS and JavaScript 
 syntax completion and highlighting but there's also a 'view' called 
 Sync Manager. There you set up a remote ftp connection to where you 
 want to connect to and list the project locally you'd like to keep 
 sync'ed up. 
 Matthew Reinbold
 Creative Principal, Vox Pop Design, 

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Re: Generating unique random numbers

2008-02-11 Thread Dave l
Bobby has a nice lil udf for that and yeah bobby I USE IT ALL THE DAMN TIME!! 

Is there a slick way to do this in CF?  Let's say I have a set of
records - one field of which is for a unique and random 6 digit
number.  When adding a new record, what the best way to assign its
random number that's not already assigned to another record?

Thanks in advance,

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Re: Printing mailing labels

2008-02-11 Thread Dave l
He's gunna have to shrink down the letters so he can fit a 4.5 on there

I may need to attack, what version of CF would the t-shirt be for?  :)

On Feb 11, 2008 10:09 PM, Will Tomlinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


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Re: Printing mailing labels

2008-02-10 Thread Dave l
if only you knew the problems he had trying to make it work!

There's Will, keepin' that stand-up comic routine sharp.  :o)



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Re: Email Verification Tool

2008-01-30 Thread Dave l
are you sending them all at once?
I would assume you are and thats why you are getting blacklisted. 
You can only send a few at a time or you will get the whip!

I have a client that sends out 30,000 at a time and we shoot them out every few 
seconds in batches of 25 and i havent been blacklisted yet.

You should do that and set up a failto email address and then you can grab and 
scrub the list. The problem with that is that cfpop is so slow that it takes 
forever so what we do now is a week after the email blast I check the email 
with and it checks the mail and spits out a list which 
I then upload and parse with cfm and remove all the bad emails. 

Now that I went on that site I see they have something else now, i might buy it 
and try it
eMail Verifier works on the same algorithm as ISP mail systems do. Addresses 
for email are extracted from a Domain Naming Server (DNS) and eMail Verifier 
tries to connect with SMTP-servers and simulates the sending of a message. It 
does not send the message though - eMail Verifier disconnects as soon as the 
mail server informs the program whether the address exists or not.

Okay, I'm looking at an interesting situation when it comes to sending
out mass emails.  We've got a client with about 9000 email addresses
on their list and some 2000 are invalid Yahoo and AOL accounts.

When they send, our mail server gets blacklisted.  Unacceptable.

My original though was to have a tool that used telnet and rcpt to
commands to validate the email addresses.  I've been asked to find out
if there is anything out there that will do this already.  I found the
HexGadget components at and wonder if it's as
simple as that (and if it's fast enough).  I've found
the Pivo validator as well.  These are COM objects that appear to
handle the tasks.

Any thoughts or suggestions?


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