[cfaussie] Web on the Piste 08 - FREE Cairngorm

2008-06-05 Thread grant straker
Just to follow up we have confirmed Thomas Burleson to take a Cairngorm
course on the day before the conference starts. Thomas has written the
official Cairngorm course for Adobe and is also the Chief Flex architect for
Universal Mind and developed the open source  UM Cairngorm extensions.

In conjunction with Gruden we'll be giving away some free tickets to WOTP 08
at Webdu so visit the Gruden or  ShadoCMS stands at  Webdu to enter the

In reference to Dales comments earlier Microsoft did sponsor WOTP last year
and were actually really good value, and to be fair to them were simply
driving awareness of their offerings and certainly not doing a hard sell.
It's obviously good to know what the other side are doing and I found
sessions where both Adobe and MS staff were in the same room great value for
production evaluations. Last year Adobe were the clear winners and it will
be interesting to see how far MS have come in past 12 months.

Any questions about the conference then both Straker and Gruden are
sponsoring Webdu so visit our stands to find out more. Alternatively catch
myself or Todd at the bar anytime between 5pm -  5am!


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[cfaussie] Web on the Piste 08

2008-06-04 Thread Grant Straker
Hi All,

Just to let you all know Web on the Piste 08 is all go and we have
just signed Microsoft and Cynergy Systems as Gold sponsors which is
great news and helps pay the beer bills!

For those of you that didn't make it last year it's a very intimate
conference and a great venue for learning, networking and having the odd
adventure or two!.

We have the draft agenda up
and we still have a couple of big name US based Flex gurus to put in
once we have them confirmed up.

The theme this year is around usability and how you use the rich
technologies from Adobe and MS to build better web applications along
with a splattering of general web stuff. We have Robert Hoekman Jr
who's book, "Designing the Obvious" is one the best usability books
out there, coming as a keynote speaker to kick things off.

Both Adobe and Microsoft are sending top international speakers and
we're flying down some top Flex gurus from the US. This is on top of
the best local talent around.

The snow has been ordered and was due to arrive this week so it will be a
great weekend as well. Last years event really went well and this year
should be even better.

We've stopped the early bird rate but if you email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
she may be able to do a deal if you are on this list!

Word on the street is that we may also offer the Cairngorm intro
course (delivered by Thomas Burleson who has written the official
Cairngorm course for Adobe) for FREE the day before the conference but
I'll confirm that up later this week.

I've also heard that Geoff Bowers is going to use all the money he's making
from the Farcry commercial licenses to run an open bar tab on the Thursday
evening. He said something like "you guys couldn't drink it , faster than
I'm making it!!".



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[cfaussie] Re: JVM Heap Size

2008-05-14 Thread Grant Straker
Hey Guys,

If you're JVM is running out of memory then there are 3 main reasons in my

1. You are putting too much stuff into memory, normal cause is that you are
running a lot of queries.
2. You have unvar'd variables in a CFC
3. Perm size too small

The size of the heap is a function of tuning the JVM based on how your
specific application uses memory. Quick rule would be to give it as much as
you can.  There are other factors such as garbage collection and Perm
memory. You might find upping the perm size can fix things, the perm is like
an index of stuff in the heap and can also run out of memory, early version
of CF came with a silly perm size which was way too small.

In the days of CF6 we were plagued by performance issues which drove me to
invest a huge amount of time to figure out why and then have enough material
to write a book on the subject. Since then the following have resolved most

1. We addressed the issues in our code base causing the issues ( many of
which we didn't know would cause us an issue at the time of writing them)
2. We tuned servers based on a simple profiler
3. Got our customers to read my book and figure out site specific issues

On top of this other major factors that have helped :

1. New versions of Java (1.4,1.5 and 1.6 all had big performance
2. New versions of CF (CF8 rocks for performance)
3. Memory and CPU power of servers increasing

We very seldom have to deal with performance issues these days and have much
larger applications running and a lot more clients so one or all of the
above helped for sure.

As a few people a month still purchase my book (and the Mrs lets me have it
as my beer money) I'm not feeling charitable enough to give out to the
community just yet but should maybe blog a few pointers.


On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 7:40 PM, Kai Koenig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Heya,
> I've given a MXDU presentation on that stuff in 2005
> () - Slide 34
> actually has a few good references to read up on the topic if
> you like.
> Basically - I can't agree more to Stephen - JVM settings can
> ruin your performance if done wrongly and they can improve
> your performance as soon as your systems architecture derives
> from the standard environment.
> Not sure which JVM you're on, here's another good read for
> 1.4.2: 
> Cheers
> Kai
> >On May 12, 12:07 pm, "Steve Onnis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Can someone shed some light on what the JVM Heap Size is actually meant
> to
> >> do?  For example, if I set it to the max heap size of 512mb, does that
> mean
> >> that the actual memory consumed by the jrun.exe should not exceed 512mb
> ?
> >>
> >> I have an issue where if the jrun.exe memory usage goes over say 600mb
> the
> >> cf server just dies and stops responding unless I restart the cf server
> and
> >> its driving me bananas.
> >>
> >> Anyone got any ideas?
> >
> >Is this single-processor, multi-processor?  Have you got any settings
> >for Garbage Collection (concurrent,parallel copying, parallel
> >scaveging?)
> >I got a copy of "CFMX troubleshooting and Optimization" by some Nu
> >Zeelun dude (hello Grant) and it says
> >"If you are using more than one processor than the selecting the
> >correct collector can have a major impact on JVM"
> >
> >regards,
> >Stephen
> >>
> >> Steve
> >>
> >

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[cfaussie] Re: Parallels or Bootcamp?

2007-10-08 Thread Grant Straker

vmware Fusion , I just switched from Paralles and find it has better
performance but the bottom line is you need a mac with a lot of RAM if
you want to run virtual windows.

On Oct 8, 5:20 pm, Ryan Sabir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> We want to run a CF Server, IIS, and MS SQL Server 2005 on a Mac Laptop under 
> a virtual environment. Does Parallels have enough grunt to achieve this? Or 
> should I look at Bootcamp.. is Bootcamp stable enough?
> thanks
> Ryan Sabir
> Technical Director
> p: (02) 9274 8030
> f: (02) 9274 8099
> m: 0411 512 454
> w:www.newgency.comNewgencyPty Ltd
> Web | Multimedia | eMarketing
> 115 Cooper St
> Surry Hills NSW 2010
> Sydney, Australia

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[cfaussie] Re: CFMX 6.1 Admin

2007-09-13 Thread Grant Straker

Hi Stephen,

I have written a PDF book on optimizing CF performance which covers
off the optimum settings for the JVM and JRUN so I'll send you a copy
as I recall promising Douglas this at some point in the past. You
should also adjust your maxpermsize (to 128m) as this was a frequent
cause of out of memory exceptions in CF 6.1.

Other than that you are on an old build of Shado (and CF) which can
have a few memory issues (the reason I wrote the book ;-) ) if you are
running very large queries.



On Sep 14, 1:34 pm, Stephen M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've got a  6.1MX system that is crashing way too often.  It might be
> the Shado content management setup, but I'm asking that question on
> another forum.
> Ithought I should try to tweak the admin settings.   I have just found
> a few java.lang.OutOfMemoryError errors in the exception log so that
> means I should increase the JVM Max Heap size doesn't it?
> Although the OutOfMemoryError doesn't always correspond to the crashes
> so there is probably something else going on as well.
>  At the moment the JVM Max Heap size is set to 512MB, there is no Min
> size set.  A bit of googling through various java mailing list
> archives suggests I should set Min to the same as Max for improved
> performance.
> Any suggestions?  Its way too late for load testing.  I've just got to
> stick something in to see if it works better.  I'm aware that
> increasing the Max heap setting makes for more work for the Garbage
> Collector and could therefore result in decreased performance.  Are
> there any other potential problems?
> To complicate thing I have the following startup string set.  Again,
> my search of the archives suggests that MaxpermSize is a different
> parameter not related to Max or Min Heap size.  Should I be adjusting
> this string as well.?
> -server -Dsun.io.useCanonCaches=false -Xbootclasspath/
> a:"{application.home}/../lib/webchartsJava2D.jar" -XX:MaxPermSize=128m
> -XX:+UseParallelGC

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[cfaussie] Re: ShadoMX content management

2007-09-12 Thread Grant Straker

Hi Stephen,

You are probably better posting this on the Shado mailing list
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and we can help you out.


On Sep 13, 5:32 pm, Stephen M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've just started managing this system that runs ShadoMX content
> management on CFMX6.1
> But its falling over on a daily basis.
> The only thing I can get out of the logs is
> "A timeout occurred while attempting to lock the APPLICATION scope. "
> I don't know whether Shado is the victim or the cause, we are also
> running a few Mach-II apps on the same server, but the logs only point
> to the above error in the Shado index.cfm
> anyone else out running Shado
> regards,
> Stephen

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[cfaussie] Re: Web on the Piste animations

2007-08-26 Thread Grant Straker

Good to hear Scott's a father again and all is well.

There was never any doubt that he would make it ;-), he was actually
very well behaved although I didn't see his credit card out once
during the event, so he might be under a tighter raine these days. The
bar we used for the end of conference party had never seen such a
large bar tab which basically used a complete roll of till paper so
there was a few sore heads on the Friday. What was even funnier was
that certain male attendees were letting in groups of single females
into the event and Merryn was going around and throwing them out

The web jam and panel discussions were great and we'll have to get Tom
Link from Universal Mind to blog his winning application in the web
jam as it was pretty neat.

On Aug 27, 11:17 am, "Barry Beattie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> re: the Nectarine animations:
> the jokes involving Scott Barnes would have fallen a bit flat if he
> couldn't have made it ... and he almost didn't
> Scott became a father for the second time yesterday. Reports so far
> indicate all are well...

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[cfaussie] Web on the Piste animations

2007-08-26 Thread Grant Straker

For those of you that didn't make it you missed a great time in
Queenstown and the conference was a huge success.  Nectarine  produced
outstanding animations for the keynotes and I've stuck them up on the
site - www.webonthepiste.com

They are under the blog section and you will need to click on the
flash movie for them to start. We'll get all the photos up once we
have them vetted.


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[cfaussie] Web on the Piste update

2007-07-17 Thread Grant Straker
Hi All,

Just over 30 days until the conference which is the most fun you can have
with your pants on (flying down a mountain on a plank to boot).

The link below is to the latest newsletter on what is happening. The agenda
is up and we still have a few adjustments to make  as the last
speakers/topics are confirmed. Deal is that there  are a lot of very high
quality speakers including from the US; Ray Camden(knows a bit about CF) and
Thomas Burleson (This guy is as good as it gets with Flex), the usual
suspects from AP including Robin Hilliard, Geoff Bowers, Mark Stanton etc.,
and a few other foreigners that know what they are talking about. Not to
mention a few Kiwi's to add a bit of cream on the cake ;-). For the business
minded we also have some excellent business speakers including Rod Dury who
has made around 120 Million in the last year from selling and creating  a
couple of software companies.

On/Off the Piste special events - all I can say if you are musical then
bring your instrument along.

We're aiming to get 150 attendees and we are on target for this with us just
getting over the ton at the moment.

You'll learn lots, have fun, maybe fit in a bit of board time and meet a
heap of cool people.

If you have a funny credit card we don't accept then let me now as we can
invoice you.


Any questions let me know.


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[cfaussie] Web on the Piste Agenda

2007-05-30 Thread Grant Straker

Hi All,

A quick update on the Web on the Piste conference. We've put up the
draft agenda (link below) and sessions for those of you looking to
come along. It's still in "draft" as we still finalizing who is
speaking on what and which speakers sponsors are sending etc. We have
some great speakers coming and we are basically defining the
sessions / topics based on attendee input and then asking speakers to
pick topics they can deliver on. The agenda obviously points towards
the main themes of the topics.

The theme of the conference is RIA tehcnologies so we have signed up
Microsoft as well as Adobe as sponsors and are chasing Sun with their
JavaFX (especially in the mobile space) technology as well. The upshot
being that you can come to the conference and get sessions that inform
and up skill on the various RIA server and client technologies to
allow you to make informed decisions on  where they fit in your
business / technical projects. We feel that having a multi-vendor show
will be far more useful and fits in nicely with what Webdu offers in
terms of an Adobe driven event.

There is obviously an upside to also getting along portions of the
MS .Net community and showing them the light in terms of what the
Adobe product set can offer (I"m sure the reverse applies in the MS
camp) and may the best man(person if I'm being PC about it) win!

Due to us taking a bit of time to organise ourselves around the
sessions we're extending the early bird rates until the end of June
but do book early as we do have limited spaces and have had a steady
stream of sign ups (I'm a saleman but that's actually true;-) ).

Apparently it's meant to be one of the best ski seasons on record this
year so the option of hard,thin ice in the Blue Mountains or Free
flowing powder in the Souther Alps may assist with the decision (told
you I was a salesman)!




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[cfaussie] Re: Scott and Andrew have driven me away

2007-04-27 Thread Grant Straker


I have no idea of the agenda for being so active on the various Adobe
product lists you are posting to. All I can say is that if it is
anyway to make people want to start using MS products then it isn't
working for me ( and a large number of other people on this list I
have spoken too). If anything it is actively turning us away from
anything to do with it.

With every post now I cringe as do others. I know your having fun and
all and to not expect a passionate response by a lot of people who
have build their companies and reputations on the software base is
naive at best.

Right now if i was given a sales pitch on the opposing technologies by
yourself or Mike I would believe Mikes was sincere and your one was
coming out of a MS marketing brochure.

Carry on posting the way you are but I can tell you that you will win
a few  battles but you'll lose the war.

My $0.2 worth.


On Apr 27, 7:52 pm, "Scott Barnes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> *rolls eyes* let it go Mike :) (4 months of this online
> scratchmatch/nit picking at everything I do & say? I'm over it to be
> honest) heh.
> As for Tom,
> *shrug* yeah fair point, I guess it can be easy to get carried away
> sometimes, i'll take it on board and endeavor to reign it in :)
> On 4/27/07, Mike Chambers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Tom,
> > I wouldn't leave the list just because of all of the trolling. We have
> > had the same trolling issues (with some of the same people) recently on
> > the Flex coders list, as well as Adobe blogs.
> > This list and other can be a really good resource, so instead of leaving
> > I suggest you just set up mail filters to automatically delete the
> > offending posters. I know it is not idea, but I think it is better than
> > dropping out of what is otherwise a great resource and community.
> > mike chambers
> > Tom MacKean wrote:
> > > OK. Had enough. I'm unsubscribing from cfaussie as of now.
> > > Let me make this perfectly clear. I am dropping off this list for one
> > > reason only, and that is that every time someone comes up with a
> > > sensible post about something Scott and Andrew turn it into a flame war.
> > > Scott - this is a list for people who have problems or questions about
> > > all things COLDFUSION - it is not a forum for "Well you could do it with
> > > CF but look at this alternative from MS".
> > > Andrew - To quote from Bambi "If ya can't say nuffin' nice, don't say
> > > nuffin' at all." Have a look through your posts and see how many have
> > > ADDED to people's knowledge of a subject and how many have just been
> > > having a dig at something someone (usually Scott) has said.
> > > They went and set up a whole new watercooler newsgroup for you guys so
> > > you could take your crap off cfaussie but your egos keep you posting in
> > > other people's topics.
> > > What a couple of pricks.
> > > Don't bother replying, I'm gone.
> > > Tom MacKean
> --
> Regards,
> Scott Barneshttp://www.mossyblog.com

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[cfaussie] Re: Java inner classes

2007-04-26 Thread Grant Straker

yeah, sorry Adam my example earlier should have been a $ not : between
the classes.

On Apr 26, 8:15 pm, MrBuzzy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Howdy,
> There's an old article here on inner 
> classes;http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/knowledgebase/index.cfm?id=tn_19580
> Also I have seen syntax something like this, but I haven't ever tried it;
>   name="xxx"
>   class="OuterThing$InnerThing">
> Also, if you're interested I can provide you with a java wrapper class to
> create Lucene Fields as I've already been down that road.
> Cheers.
> On 4/26/07, Grant Straker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > You do it the same way you do in Java
> >  > createobject("component","org.apache.lucene.document.Field:Index")>
> > I pretty sure you'll still have some problems though as CF won't
> > recognise the static value of the Field. My experience is that with
> > Lucene 2 you need to write a complete java wrapper and not try and do
> > it all in CF.
> > Grant
> > On Apr 26, 5:34 am, "Andrew Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hmmm,
> > > Actually a good point, but as they are not inner classes and are
> > > constructors / methods have you tried
> > > myClass.Field(arg1);
> > > myClass.Field(arg1,arg2);
> > > ??
> > > On 4/26/07, Adam Cameron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > G'day
> > > > How does one - in CF - refer to an inner class (ClassFoo.Bar) of a
> > > > given
> > > > class (ClassFoo), when the constructor of ClassFoo takes an argument
> > > > of
> > > > type ClassFoo.Bar?
> > > > For example the first, third,fourth and fifth constructors shown here:
> > > >http://tinyurl.com/hfg9s(org.apache.lucene.document.Field).
> > > > Any ideas?
> > > > --
> > > > Adam
> > > > (PS: first posted to the Adobe CF forums:http://tinyurl.com/2r3w84)
> > > --
> > > Senior Coldfusion Developer
> > > Aegeon Pty. Ltd.www.aegeon.com.au
> > > Phone: +613  8676 4223
> > > Mobile: 0404 998 273

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[cfaussie] Re: Java inner classes

2007-04-25 Thread Grant Straker

You do it the same way you do in Java

I pretty sure you'll still have some problems though as CF won't
recognise the static value of the Field. My experience is that with
Lucene 2 you need to write a complete java wrapper and not try and do
it all in CF.


On Apr 26, 5:34 am, "Andrew Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hmmm,
> Actually a good point, but as they are not inner classes and are
> constructors / methods have you tried
> myClass.Field(arg1);
> myClass.Field(arg1,arg2);
> ??
> On 4/26/07, Adam Cameron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > G'day
> > How does one - in CF - refer to an inner class (ClassFoo.Bar) of a
> > given
> > class (ClassFoo), when the constructor of ClassFoo takes an argument
> > of
> > type ClassFoo.Bar?
> > For example the first, third,fourth and fifth constructors shown here:
> >http://tinyurl.com/hfg9s(org.apache.lucene.document.Field).
> > Any ideas?
> > --
> > Adam
> > (PS: first posted to the Adobe CF forums:http://tinyurl.com/2r3w84)
> --
> Senior Coldfusion Developer
> Aegeon Pty. Ltd.www.aegeon.com.au
> Phone: +613  8676 4223
> Mobile: 0404 998 273

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[cfaussie] Re: TinyMCE HTML Editor

2007-04-12 Thread Grant Straker

We have one but is customised for our CMS so wont really port.

On Apr 13, 12:11 pm, "Steve Onnis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Grant
> Do you guys have a FileManager plugin for TinyMCE I could use?
> Steve-Original Message-
> Of Grant Straker
> Sent: Friday, 13 April 2007 5:40 AM
> To: cfaussie
> Subject: [cfaussie] Re: TinyMCE HTML Editor
> We use it extensively and having trailed and tested a lot of different
> WYSIWYG editors find it the best one out there.
> We have many 1000's of end users (as in contributors/editors) using our CMS
> and find that with TinyMCE the number of support / end user issues decreases
> significantly. One of the big factors in this is that the table support in
> Tiny is excellent.
> You can also write your own plugins and easily extend it.
> Grant
> On Apr 12, 8:21 pm, "Justin Carter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Apr 12, 4:27 pm, "Steve Onnis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Anyone using this editor for their applications?
> > I'm only using it with FarCry, I haven't used it with a custom built
> > app before. And regarding your other thread, I don't have a file
> > upload plugin for TinyMCE as FarCry has it's own file upload tools.
> > Can't help much, sorry :P
> > --
> > Justinhttp://www.madfellas.com/blog

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[cfaussie] Re: TinyMCE HTML Editor

2007-04-12 Thread Grant Straker

We use it extensively and having trailed and tested a lot of different
WYSIWYG editors find it the best one out there.

We have many 1000's of end users (as in contributors/editors) using
our CMS and find that with TinyMCE the number of support / end user
issues decreases significantly. One of the big factors in this is that
the table support in Tiny is excellent.

You can also write your own plugins and easily extend it.


On Apr 12, 8:21 pm, "Justin Carter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Apr 12, 4:27 pm, "Steve Onnis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Anyone using this editor for their applications?
> I'm only using it with FarCry, I haven't used it with a custom built
> app before. And regarding your other thread, I don't have a file
> upload plugin for TinyMCE as FarCry has it's own file upload tools.
> Can't help much, sorry :P
> --
> Justinhttp://www.madfellas.com/blog

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[cfaussie] Re: Affordable Flex Training

2007-04-04 Thread Grant Straker

I've had a quick catch up with Indy and we could do 26/27th April in
Brisbane for Flex training with the same details as the Sydney course.
Can you email me off list if you are interested and I'll see if we can
get something sorted.



On Apr 5, 2:30 pm, Haikal Saadh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I put my hands up for Brisbane... a lovely city ; )
> (That's an 'interested' hand, though, not a 'commited' hand).Allan Browning 
> wrote:
> > Getting away from the certificate discussion, is there any show of
> > hands from Brisbane that would be interested in the flex training. My
> > hand is up.
> > Having come from primarily an ASP background with  some self taught
> > coldfusion I am interested in learning a framework that will help me
> > deliver clear reuseable code.
> > The learning curve is steep and I need some help.
> > Allan
> > On Apr 4, 11:29 pm, "M@ Bourke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote:
> >>> No offense and it sounds anti-Adobe but Certifications aren't that 
> >>> exciting
> >> these days, Macromedia ones were kind of worthwhile but bit >fragmented
> >> nowdays (sorry).
> >> I'd disagree strongly.
> >> every job I've gotten since my certification, my certification has been
> >> brought up by the employer.
> >> they *many* do notice it.
> >> I personally wouldn't think just cos someone has a cert they are good, but 
> >> I
> >> would see it as an example of there initiative.
> >> Also if your resume goes to a recruiter who knows nothing about CF and the
> >> recruiter gets 10 resumes and 2 of them are MM/Adobe CF certified, odds are
> >> those 2 will get placed to the top of the list.
> >> I remember when I sat the brain bench exam (cost me $20) a few other devs I
> >> knew laughed at me and said it was worthless, it was that certificate and
> >> that certificate solely that enabled my employer to find me and relocate me
> >> to the other side of the world all expenses paid, so that $20USD paid for
> >> it's self quite quick.
> >> certs are just pieces of paper but different employers view them in
> >> different ways, so you can never have to much paper if ya ask me.
> >> well to be technical there should be no paper involved all evidence of
> >> certification should be stored on solar powered servers :P
> >> M@

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[cfaussie] Web on the Piste Registration open

2007-04-04 Thread Grant Straker

Hi All,

We are now taking registrations for Web on the Piste through the site

It only cost AU $395 (NZ $450) on the earlybird pricing plan and we
are trying to package in a day or two complementary ski pass into the
price but will keep you posted on that.

The conference is going to be very focused on RIA / web 2.0 technology
and we running both Developer/Design and Business streams so you can
learn the latest technologies being used to build RIA/Web 2.0 sites as
well as how they changing the market and generating new business
opportunities. There is an awesome list of speakers/presenters and a
few more to be announced and this conference is very much about having
a quality experience.

Check out Air New Zealand's www.grabaseat.co.nz site on a weekly basis
as it has specials on flights to and from NZ.


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[cfaussie] Re: Affordable Flex Training

2007-04-04 Thread Grant Straker

Hi Darren,

ZoomFlex is an application that brings together server and client side
development when building Flex applications. It includes a
comprehensive client side Flex framewok as well as a server-side
object framework. It does cost and also requires ColdFusion (which we
package in through our OEM agreement with Adobe).

The training itself is 95% generic Flex training and we cover off
other Flex frameworks such as Cairngorm in equal measure. The last
module of the course is to build a Flex store using ZoomFlex but the
problems you will overcome in building the store and methods used will
be generic for any Flex application.

Clearly we see the training as a opportunity to showcase some of the
ZoomFlex features but whether someone who attends the course decides
to use our product or use the skills they get on the course to roll
their own is up to them. We have spent a huge amount of time and
resources in trying to simplify Flex development and the course is all
about teaching others some of the issues we have come across and how
to solve them.

If you have played with Flex, maybe built some small apps and want to
get to the next level then the course is for you, and I am sure will
save attendees a lot of pain going forward and give them a lot of
shortcuts for very little cost.



On Apr 4, 7:35 pm, "Darren Tracey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Grant
> I'm sorry, but I'm not entirely up on what ZoomFlex is, does and
> costs.
> Is this training of use if, for some reason, you choose not to
> implement the ZoomFlex framework? (ie is it generic Flex training or
> specifically ZoomFlex training?)
> Are there any costs associated with using this framework?
> Thanks
> Darren

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[cfaussie] Re: Affordable Flex Training

2007-04-03 Thread Grant Straker

It won't come with any Adobe certification but we will have our own
certificate to hand out at the end.

We have been working with and training Flex since Flex 1.0, so feel we
know enough about it to get out a certificate with some meaning.


On Apr 4, 4:12 pm, "Barry Beattie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> because you (your company) have been a respected Macromedia Alliance partner
> for a while now, does this training come with any recognition/magic pieces
> of paper/certification?
> On 4/4/07, Grant Straker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Yep, if people are interested.
> > We have a number of clients in Queensland so Brisbane is certainly an
> > option as is Melbourne. I'll have a chat with the guys and see if we
> > can get some provisional dates for both locations and see if we have
> > enough interest to run one.
> > It is being offered in Auckland on the 17-18th April for those
> > interested.
> >http://www.straker.co.nz/shadozoom//events/events/2007/en/auckland-2-...
> > Grant
> > On Apr 4, 3:41 pm, "KNOTT, Brian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Grant,
> > >  Can this course be offered in other locatons.
> > > Brian-Original Message-
> > > From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> > > Behalf Of Grant Straker
> > > Sent: Wednesday, 4 April 2007 1:36 PM
> > > To: cfaussie
> > > Subject: [cfaussie] Affordable Flex Training
> > > Hi All,
> > > Many people we meet at Webdu talked to us about Flex training in general
> > > and also learning a bit more about ZoomFlex . Due to the demand we have
> > > put together a low cost Flex training course to be held in Sydney on the
> > > 23-24 April. At only $295 the course is an absolute bargin for those of
> > > you looking to upskill in Flex.
> > > Course Agenda:
> > > The course is designed for developers who have had some exposure to Flex
> > > and understand the basics but want to get to the next level. At the end
> > > of the course attendees will build a working e-commerce Flex store using
> > > the ZoomFlex framework.
> > > Day 1
> > > * Understanding the Flex paradigm
> > > * Flex Frameworks and why you need them (Covers MVC,Cairgorm and
> > > ZoomFlex)
> > > * Best practice CFC architecture
> > > * Error handling and debugging
> > > * Building for performance
> > > Day 2
> > > * Making Flex applications SEO friendly
> > > * Securing Flex applications
> > > * Flex tips and tricks
> > > * Building a Flex e-commerce store
> > > The Tutor
> > > Senior Shado developer and course presenter Indy Nagpal has conducted
> > > training on different versions of ColdFusion since 1999 and is Adobe
> > > certified to teach Flex as well as Fast Track and Advanced ColdFusion
> > > courses. Indy was formerly a teacher of web programming at Humber
> > > College, Toronto and has conducted numerous training events for Straker
> > > Interactive.
> > > * Cost: : $295+GST
> > > * Duration: 2 Days
> > > * Venue: Sydney CBD - TBC
> > > * Date: 23-24th April 2007
> > > Limited to 20 participants Lunch Provided
> > > You can book on the course here
> > >http://www.straker.co.nz/events/events/2007/en/sydney-2-day-flex-trainin
> > > g--course.cfm
> > > Cheers
> > > Grant
> > ---
> > > This e-mail is sent by Suncorp-Metway Limited ABN 66 010 831 722 or one
> > of its related entities "Suncorp".
> > > Suncorp may be contacted at Level 18, 36 Wickham Terrace, Brisbane or on
> > 13 11 55  or at suncorp.com.au.
> > > The content of this e-mail is the view of the sender or stated author
> > and does not necessarily reflect the view of Suncorp. The content, including
> > attachments, is a confidential communication between Suncorp and the
> > intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient, any use,
> > interference with, disclosure or copying of this e-mail, including
> > attachments, is unauthorised and expressly prohibited. If you have received
> > this e-mail in error please contact the sender immediately and delete the
> > e-mail and any attachments from your system.
> > > If this e-mail constitutes a commercial message of a type that you no
> > longer wish to receive please reply to this e-mail by typing Unsubscribe in
> > the subject line.

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[cfaussie] Re: Affordable Flex Training

2007-04-03 Thread Grant Straker

Yep, if people are interested.

We have a number of clients in Queensland so Brisbane is certainly an
option as is Melbourne. I'll have a chat with the guys and see if we
can get some provisional dates for both locations and see if we have
enough interest to run one.

It is being offered in Auckland on the 17-18th April for those



On Apr 4, 3:41 pm, "KNOTT, Brian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Grant,
>  Can this course be offered in other locatons.
> Brian-Original Message-
> From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of Grant Straker
> Sent: Wednesday, 4 April 2007 1:36 PM
> To: cfaussie
> Subject: [cfaussie] Affordable Flex Training
> Hi All,
> Many people we meet at Webdu talked to us about Flex training in general
> and also learning a bit more about ZoomFlex . Due to the demand we have
> put together a low cost Flex training course to be held in Sydney on the
> 23-24 April. At only $295 the course is an absolute bargin for those of
> you looking to upskill in Flex.
> Course Agenda:
> The course is designed for developers who have had some exposure to Flex
> and understand the basics but want to get to the next level. At the end
> of the course attendees will build a working e-commerce Flex store using
> the ZoomFlex framework.
> Day 1
> * Understanding the Flex paradigm
> * Flex Frameworks and why you need them (Covers MVC,Cairgorm and
> ZoomFlex)
> * Best practice CFC architecture
> * Error handling and debugging
> * Building for performance
> Day 2
> * Making Flex applications SEO friendly
> * Securing Flex applications
> * Flex tips and tricks
> * Building a Flex e-commerce store
> The Tutor
> Senior Shado developer and course presenter Indy Nagpal has conducted
> training on different versions of ColdFusion since 1999 and is Adobe
> certified to teach Flex as well as Fast Track and Advanced ColdFusion
> courses. Indy was formerly a teacher of web programming at Humber
> College, Toronto and has conducted numerous training events for Straker
> Interactive.
> * Cost: : $295+GST
> * Duration: 2 Days
> * Venue: Sydney CBD - TBC
> * Date: 23-24th April 2007
> Limited to 20 participants Lunch Provided
> You can book on the course here
> http://www.straker.co.nz/events/events/2007/en/sydney-2-day-flex-trainin
> g--course.cfm
> Cheers
> Grant
> ---
> This e-mail is sent by Suncorp-Metway Limited ABN 66 010 831 722 or one of 
> its related entities "Suncorp".
> Suncorp may be contacted at Level 18, 36 Wickham Terrace, Brisbane or on 13 
> 11 55  or at suncorp.com.au.
> The content of this e-mail is the view of the sender or stated author and 
> does not necessarily reflect the view of Suncorp. The content, including 
> attachments, is a confidential communication between Suncorp and the intended 
> recipient. If you are not the intended recipient, any use, interference with, 
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> If this e-mail constitutes a commercial message of a type that you no longer 
> wish to receive please reply to this e-mail by typing Unsubscribe in the 
> subject line.

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[cfaussie] Affordable Flex Training

2007-04-03 Thread Grant Straker

Hi All,

Many people we meet at Webdu talked to us about Flex training in
general and also learning a bit more about ZoomFlex . Due to the
demand we have put together a low cost Flex training course to be held
in Sydney on the 23-24 April. At only $295 the course is an absolute
bargin for those of you looking to upskill in Flex.

Course Agenda:

The course is designed for developers who have had some exposure to
Flex and understand the basics but want to get to the next level. At
the end of the course attendees will build a working e-commerce Flex
store using the ZoomFlex framework.

Day 1

* Understanding the Flex paradigm
* Flex Frameworks and why you need them (Covers MVC,Cairgorm and
* Best practice CFC architecture
* Error handling and debugging
* Building for performance

Day 2

* Making Flex applications SEO friendly
* Securing Flex applications
* Flex tips and tricks
* Building a Flex e-commerce store

The Tutor

Senior Shado developer and course presenter Indy Nagpal has conducted
training on different versions of ColdFusion since 1999 and is Adobe
certified to teach Flex as well as Fast Track and Advanced ColdFusion
courses. Indy was formerly a teacher of web programming at Humber
College, Toronto and has conducted numerous training events for
Straker Interactive.

* Cost: : $295+GST
* Duration: 2 Days
* Venue: Sydney CBD - TBC
* Date: 23-24th April 2007

Limited to 20 participants Lunch Provided

You can book on the course here




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[cfaussie] Re: QLD CFUG March meeting announcement.

2007-03-12 Thread Grant Straker

I actually think that it is a reasonably brave move on the part MS.

By trying to engage the Adobe community they are showing it a lot of
respect (normally when you're ignored it caus nobody cares 'bout ya)
which is not something we have seen in the past. Outside of some
initial reservations about the gray line around when something becomes
a sales pitch or not and the forum for presenting them, I do see some
benefits from the MS interactions. For me it means when some people
(IT people who argue that "its not MS so we wont use it") ask about CF
or Flex or Adobe we can at least point them to the fact that MS
believe the technology to be really good and have a lot of synergy
with  .Net etc., so much so they even hold the usergroups meetings
might have some value.

We hold the NZ usergroup meetings in our offices and if we tried to
push our products on anyone attending we wouldn't get too many the
next time and I'm sure MS recognise this and would act accordingly.


On Mar 13, 4:28 pm, "Mark Stanton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > If the agenda is to push competing products then I think
> > it's not appropriate and Adobe would be silly to allow this.
> Hold on - Adobe don't run the user groups so they are not really in
> any position to allow or disallow anything. Gruden is an Abobe
> partner, but I still think that Scott's suggestion *in this case* has
> merit and should be appreciated.
> If MS turned this CFUG meeting into a MSathon then I don't think
> anyone would go back. But if they just provide the facilities - good
> for them. If they get some good will out of it - so what.
> In Sydney Red Square, one of our competitors, used to provide the
> venue for the CFUG - I had nothing but respect for them doing this.
> Daemon, another competitor ran CFAussie and a number of other lists
> for years. I imagine they were doing this stuff for two reasons - to
> promote their businesses and to help foster the community. Good for
> them - I respect their motives and which that I had more time and
> energy to do similar.
> At the end of the day the community won - and that's a good thing.
> As for the argument that MS might learn something at the meeting and
> get some unfair commercial advantage - it's a public meeting. Anyone
> can go no matter where it is held. Despite Barry's gushing words at
> the start of this thread you're not about to hear Adobe's deepest
> darkest secrets at this meeting.
> Cheers
> Mark
> --
> Mark Stanton
> Gruden Pty Ltdhttp://www.gruden.com

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[cfaussie] RIA Conference announcement , Queenstown NZ

2007-03-11 Thread Grant Straker

Hi All,

Just to let you all know Straker  are running a conference "Web on the
Piste", which will based on Rich Internet technologies at Queenstown
in late August (incidentally the best week for lots of snow on the
slopes) for anyone interested. The idea is that it is 6 months between
WebDU's and will catch newly released products such as Apollo and CF8
(thinking they might be released by then) and give everyone a chance
to network in an awesome location. The aim is to cover Flex, Apollo,
AJAX, SPRY and all the various back end systems including CF, .Net,
PHP etc. The conference is for designers, developers and anyone
looking at utilizing RI technologies in their applications, it has an
Adobe base but we will try and cover a wide range of RI and back end

We are bringing down a few guests from the US who have been very
active in implementing RI solutions so we can learn from them as well
as a number of well known regional speakers. Sessions will be a couple
of hours long and attendees will need to bring a laptop to a lot of
the sessions as they will be interactive learning sessions so that you
can interact and learn from the presenters.

It's currently a 2 day conf but may push out to 3 if people are
interested in more sessions. The schedule and topics are still in
development but should be finalised in the next month or two.

If anyone is interested in being a speaker or a sponsor then let me

Here's the URL




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[cfaussie] Re: OT: webdu birds of a feather

2007-03-07 Thread Grant Straker

I'm currently at the 360Flex conference in San Jose and have to say
the Apollo stuff I have seen here is awesome. Ted Patrick is coming to
WebDU so maybe worth getting him to demo some of the Apollo stuff at
the BOF if he's available.

On Mar 8, 12:51 pm, "Andrew Muller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Flex is def. in the Apollo mix...
> On 08/03/07, Bjorn Schultheiss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > If you want to add flex into the mix i'm in as well.
> > oh yeah, Apollo, Apollo, Apollo ;)
> > Bjorn
> > On 08/03/2007, at 10:01 AM, Mark Mandel wrote:
> > If anyone wants to talk OO or anything related to that nature I'm up for
> > it (the chatting, or the organising)
> > That is, if people want to.
> > Mark
> > On 3/8/07, Andrew Muller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Apollo, Apollo, Apollo, Apollo
> > > Developers, developers, developers...
> > > On 08/03/07, Nathan Drury < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> > > > Great idea Andrew.
> > > > Chant with me now . Apollo, Apollo, Apollo, Apollo
> > > > Andrew Muller
> > > >http://www.webqem.com
> > --
> > W:www.compoundtheory.com
> --
> ---
> Andrew Mullerhttp://www.webqem.com

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[cfaussie] Re: OT: Translation services

2007-02-05 Thread Grant Straker

Etranslate - www.etranslate.com.au

We have used them on several projects and they are very competitive on

On Feb 5, 1:29 pm, "Dale Fraser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Angus,
> We do this regularly (too regularly) we have tried several; including SBS
> and overseas ones, but now use and strongly recommend.
> www.ctc.com.au
> They also have offices in both Melbourne & Sydney which is good for us.
> If you want more specifics, contact me off list.
> Regards
> Dale Fraser
>   _
> From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
> Of Angus Johnson
> Sent: Monday, 5 February 2007 11:18 AM
> To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
> Subject: [cfaussie] OT: Translation services
> Hi Guys,
> Has anyone had any dealings with a company that specialises in translation
> services?
> I need to to translate some content and UI resource bundles into a bunch of
> European languages as well as Chinese. I'm looking for a one stop shop that
> will do the lot with QA handled by them. Not looking for individuals to do
> the work, I need the complete package.
> I have googled a few but hoping for a personal recommendation.
> Thanks
> Angus

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[cfaussie] Re: Coldfusion and Micrsoft Love.

2007-01-31 Thread Grant Straker

Scott, I'm sure we can host a salesman anonymous meeting at WebDU and
you can join the group and say "Hi, My name is Scott... and I'm a
salesman" once you've done it you'll feel much better I'm sure.

Afterwards you can get out your diamond plated company credit card and
we will give you free rein to tell us the wonders of MS whilst it
stays on the bar - I'll be good to give you hours and hours of
attentive listening ;-)


On Jan 30, 9:12 pm, "Scott Barnes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Heh, the old MS buys Adobe rumour. I'm no legal eagle, but I'd wager that
> the Department Of Justice and the Consent Decree would have a thing or two
> to say about that idea, so fear not Peter :0
> On 1/30/07, Peter Tilbrook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I was for a time concerned about Microsoft "acquiring" Macromedia
> > (MM). By then MM had done some smart things with Flash, moved CF to
> > the J2EE platform, etc. But Microsoft have, even since Allaire days,
> > been if not a competitor then at least MM was an acquisition target.
> > All of us old-timers remember the threat year after year (Microsoft
> > acquires Allaire/MM etc). I've been with Allaire, MM and now Adobe for
> > over 11.5 years now (or close enough to it).
> > The Adobe acquisition came out of the blue. And I hated the idea. Am
> > still not convinced (entirely). MM made great guns in involving the
> > developer and end-user community in the pushing forward of the new
> > tech. So far Adobe (with a lot of MM employees) are doing OK. I mean
> > look at the LABS site - a great initiative started by MM.
> > Microsoft is more jam it down your throat. Take it or leave it.
> > Dreamweaver 8 and FlexBuilder 2 are now my primary IDE's. Microsoft's
> > effort take up too much space, too much OS control, and too damn slow.
> > I have enormous respect for ScottyB, yes he is now employed by the
> > enemy, but as far as pushing the conversation to a degree that things
> > will actually happen - best job ever.
> > Microsoft and Adobe are now true competitors in almost every space bar
> > the OS (operating system).
> > Both companies employ some of the smartest and dedicated people on the
> > planet. However they should remain competitors. My heart would stop
> > beating if M$ ever acquired Adobe. If that happens - find a buyer for
> > ColdFusion alone (not easy I realise).
> --
> Regards,
> Scott Barneshttp://www.mossyblog.com

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[cfaussie] Re: Coldfusion and Micrsoft Love.

2007-01-29 Thread Grant Straker


I am a salesman and totally believe in sales pitches - how else would 
I sell my own products. As I general rule sales people don't trawl 
lists pushing products, if this is a standard practice it would save 
me a lot of marketing money, if you're saying that community lists are 
happy for this to happen then I'm out of touch and need to reassess 
our marketing strategy. In my experience people generally react badly 
to this strategy but maybe I'm not bold enough and don't have a big 
enough brand to pull it off.

I don't hate Microsoft at all and use their products 
extensively,ultimately they are a one platform product which means we 
primarily use the Adobe product set as we need to support multiple 
clients / server platforms. ( I won't be drawn into a MS v Adobe 
thread as this would see Scotts KPI's sky rocket I'm sure).


Actually, its more about Technology Adoption LifeCycle then awareness. 
prefer you do your homework some more on what Evangelists do to be 
honest :)
(It took me a while to get my head around it).

I'm sorry but the Technology Adoption LifeCycle is all about selling 
the next generation of your product, nothing more , nothing less - 
Sales,Sales and more Sales!!!.
Evangelist is a fancy word for a technical sales person and it makes 
people coming from a technology background into sales feel better 
about it.

There are I'm sure, a lot of people on this list who need to interact 
with MS technologies and that is one of the key reasons for adding 
better .Net support to CF8 as it was based on community feedback. When 
Straker, as a small company based on the bottom of the planet want to 
market to developers to PAY for advertising on CF/Felx sites and 
forums, I'm sure MS with their  $$ budgets could advertise directly to 
developers rather than starting a trend where by every vendor out 
their will now be turning technical lists into mass marketing tools.

I actually think Daemon should look at offering sponsorship on the 
list to make things clear.


On Jan 30, 4:56 am, "Scott Barnes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 1/29/07, Matt Voerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hey Guys,
> > I just thought i'd chuck in my 2 cents worth here...Only 2c's? :P
> > For a start, I don't think this is about Microsoft bashing. I think
> > the main issue here is, that whilst i'm sure Scott has the best of
> > (personal) intentions in educating the masses about "the best tools
> > for the job'. At the end of the day (or is that sales chain) what he's
> > ultimately offering, amounts to nothing more than a Microsoft sales
> > pitch (targeted towards Adobe customers (hence it appearing in this CFThink 
> > being the keyword. I again draw you back to the original post, whereby
> I am "asking" (permission based marketing if you will) whether anyone on the
> list be interested in getting an expansion on how some of the Microsoft
> products maybe be of interest to the CF developer here. I've gotten quite a
> lot of responses as being yes. Its not a pitch, its a question.
> I clearly stated my "intent", "reason" and proposed "outcome" in a
> transparent manner. Keep it context is all I ask, and so far both you and
> Grant haven't :) (which I can understand how easy it can be to do so, but in
> reality you're kind of putting words and assumptions on my behalf without
> actually consulting me first before hand - so its kind of unfair?)
> I also clearly stated its a show & tell, which is the exact same format as
> what we are all used to with existing User Group Presentations (they aren't
> sales pitches are they? so what gives, and don't play the MSFTE card as its
> getting old).
> forum)). Having said that (Mike), I don't think anyone is against
> > hearing sales pitches per se' - but lets be up front about them. Don't
> > wrap them up in rhetoric about 'best tool for the job' or 'show and
> > tell' sessions.You're entitled to your opinion, but I wouldn't assume its 
> > right :). It is a
> show and tell, its not a sales pitch. There is no call to action post its
> session. It's "here is the tools, this is what they can do, heres an example
> of some code, any questions?"
> Pretty much the same format given in again, most User Groups we have all
> attended monthly? (So do you feel Apollo presentations are sales pitches or
> informative sessions? Does that also mean Adobe must also abide by the same
> rules? what are the rules? Point is you're playing the MSFTE card again
> stating the above. If you harbour distrust towards the company thats cool,
> sorry to hear that, but it would be a personal issue outside of the context
> of this discussion).
> Scott also mentions that he couldn't care one way or another if we
> > bought into what he's talking about - but i'd hazard a guess his
> > employer definitely does! And i'm sorry to be the one to break the
> > news to you mate, but Microsoft didn't employ you for your whit, charm
> > and good looks ;-) Your official m

[cfaussie] Re: Coldfusion and Micrsoft Love.

2007-01-28 Thread Grant Straker


Product evangelist is basically a fancy name for technical sales 
person, I've never meet an Adobe evangelist who wasn't trying to sell 
me something and I'm sure Microsoft evangelists are the same. I guess 
my issue is that reading when Scott is saying (I have no issues with 
Scott as a person, respect his technical ability and have known him 
several years) he is not interested in selling anything, has no sales 
bent and is impartial on technology  I don't think this is the case. 
For example Scott says it's not a sales pitch but will have a pre-
sales team on hand, off course it's a sales pitch!. Even if Scott is 
not directly measured on sales he will be part of a team that is and 
the cost of the events will, for sure be coming from a sales and 
marketing budget. He is also measured for getting awareness of xyz 
products so the more he posts links and info on this to the mailing 
list the more he is hitting his KPI's.

I guess my issue is that Scott is in a technical sales role and is on 
the list trying his hardest to appear as an impartial technologist 
which he is not, he gave up that right when he joined Microsoft, in 
the same way that I gave up being impartial to CF and Flex when we 
build our products on those platforms.

As I said, I have no problem with Scott or with Microsoft (around 60% 
of our clients deploy that that platform and half our internal servers 
run the OS) but I do have an issues with the marketing technique as if 
we tried it (posting about our technology on a competitors community 
list) we would get hammered for it.


On Jan 29, 2:16 pm, "Mike Kear" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Grant, we often get led off into concerns that arent anything to do with
> us.   If you work for Adobe, and your job is to promote ColdFusion over
> competing products,  then you would be watching anything Microsoft does and
> would want to one-up them whenever you can.   Great.  That's now the
> capitalist system works, and it encourages innovation.
> For the vast majority of us on this list however, we DON'T work for Adobe,
> we work as web developers for a whole variety of organisations, or for
> ourselves,  and it's our job as developers to learn as much as possible
> about the things available to us to do our job better.   We shouldn't get
> blinded by Adobe's goals.
> If Scott wants to give us some information about what Micosoft has to
> offer,  I say that's a terrific thing.  He has good experience of ColdFusion
> and could put a perspective on it that few others would or could.  Grant,
> what if Scott could tell you about some little-known aspect of a Microsoft
> product that could revolutionise your development life?  You'd be a mug not
> to listen, just because it might offend Adobe? They're big grown up boys
> now, they can look after themselves.  It's our job to get ourselves across
> as many of the internet disciplines as possible.
> Count me in Scott.  Sounds like a bloody good thing to me!
> Cheers
> Mike Kear
> Windsor, NSW, Australia
> Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
> AFP Webworkshttp://afpwebworks.com
> ColdFusion, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month

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[cfaussie] Re: Coldfusion and Micrsoft Love.

2007-01-25 Thread Grant Straker


I can understand Adobe's view in terms of WebDU and they are calling a
spade a spade and saying they don't want their biggest competitor at a
conference where they are the primary sponsors. I know you are trying
to portray Microsoft as altruistic good guys who only have the greater
good but I seriously can't believe it would "rock the people who pay
your wages boat" if  MS developers moved off ASP  to CF.

You say MS wouldn't want sessions at TechEd were they to push alternate
products yet this is exactly what MS would want to do to Adobe at WebDU
and what they have employed you to do on this list and you seem to be
dissing Adobe for this?

I'll email you off list re TechED as it would be interesting to see if
MS would allow one to present CF / .Net integration at the conference.


On Jan 26, 5:06 pm, "Scott Barnes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I also need to clarify time: I figure what, about 2hrs max in total for this
> show & tell session?  Unless all would like to take a day off or something?
> On 1/26/07, Scott Barnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Grant,
> > Nothing would rock my boat more than to have that, but that would turn
> > that into a WebDU :) At this point, time is something I just don't have, at
> > best to get a session under way for just the "show & tell" under one night,
> > is quite a leap.
> > If Microsoftee's wanted to get more perspective on the matter of Adobians
> > camp (heh) then its fair to say that WebDU would be that place, and i'd
> > rather work with the Daemon guys then against them to make this happen.
> > I had high hopes for WebDU this year being that forum, but since the
> > invite isn't there, I thought this at least may an alternative for folks to
> > see the parts of the conference they would of missed.
> > That being said, the developers within the ASP.NET <http://asp.net/> ranks
> > do play with FLASH/FLEX (Remoting) etc, so it wouldn't be a conflict of
> > interest (sure, nothing would please the Microsoft share price if you all
> > abandened Adobe and ran with us, but in reality - i've said this before -
> > that just won't happen).
> > We are still organsing TechEd 07 (Australia) so if you have any
> > suggestions for how technologies like CF/.NET could play a role in the world
> > of Microsoft Community, send them through as we are still organising
> > sessions for it (The Australian version isn't a conference where you have to
> > show off your MS decoder ring to participate, its open ended, provided its
> > relevant to the attendee's whom attend - ie walking into a conference like
> > that and preeching the gospel of how OSX rox vs Vista obviously would have
> > negative effects given majority of the attendee's rely on Windows Platforms
> > for their bread and butter - so within reason).
> >  On 1/26/07, Grant Straker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Scott,
> > > Given your connections the MS Network and to prove your independence on
> > > this matter would it not make sense to do a joint show and tell and to
> > > get some MS development companies along and we show them what Flex and
> > > CF can do for them whilst you show the .Net stuff? presumably if there
> > > is real value in a .Net / CF partnership then it would also add value
> > > to them.
> > > Whilst some CF guys are very much in one camp it would be fair to say I
> > > have meet a great many of MS developers who strongly believe it's the
> > > only technology out there and maybe it would be good to open their eyes
> > > to the possibilities and benefits of the Adobe product set? As you say,
> > > it wouldn't be a sales pitch but a show and tell that doesn't map
> > > technologies.
> > > It would be really interesting to see hear what your team thinks of
> > > this idea.
> > > Grant
> > > On Jan 25, 11:33 pm, "Allan Browning" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Scott,
> > > > As with Dale, always willing to look at what else it out there. If I
> > > > didn't try new thing how would I have made it to play(work) with CF.
> > > > Allan Browninghttp://www.inov8design.com.au
> > > > On Jan 25, 8:05 pm, "Dale Fraser" < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> Yeah,
> > > > > Regards
> > > > > Dale Fraser
> > > > >   _
> > > > > From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [

[cfaussie] Re: Coldfusion and Micrsoft Love.

2007-01-25 Thread Grant Straker


Given your connections the MS Network and to prove your independence on
this matter would it not make sense to do a joint show and tell and to
get some MS development companies along and we show them what Flex and
CF can do for them whilst you show the .Net stuff? presumably if there
is real value in a .Net / CF partnership then it would also add value
to them.

Whilst some CF guys are very much in one camp it would be fair to say I
have meet a great many of MS developers who strongly believe it's the
only technology out there and maybe it would be good to open their eyes
to the possibilities and benefits of the Adobe product set? As you say,
it wouldn't be a sales pitch but a show and tell that doesn't map

It would be really interesting to see hear what your team thinks of
this idea.


On Jan 25, 11:33 pm, "Allan Browning" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Scott,
> As with Dale, always willing to look at what else it out there. If I
> didn't try new thing how would I have made it to play(work) with CF.
> Allan Browninghttp://www.inov8design.com.au
> On Jan 25, 8:05 pm, "Dale Fraser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> Yeah,
> > Regards
> > Dale Fraser
> >   _
> > From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
> > Of M@ Bourke
> > Sent: Thursday, 25 January 2007 8:58 PM
> > To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
> > Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Coldfusion and Micrsoft Love.
> > Think the "Matt" was meant to be "Scott" (just incase anyone was confused)
> > On 1/25/07, Dale Fraser < [EMAIL PROTECTED]  >
> > wrote:
> > Matt,
> > If you do something at the VIC UG I'll come, always interested in looking at
> > new technologies.
> > Regards
> > Dale Fraser
> >   _
> > From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto: 
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of M@ Bourke
> > Sent: Thursday, 25 January 2007 8:52 PM
> > To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
> > Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Coldfusion and Micrsoft Love.
> > Adobe do sales pitches for there other products at CF user groups
> > If it was simply titled "how to move from CF to Dot net" it would be a bit
> > whacked
> > even though thats probably there secret agenda lol
> > if it's how to use there new technologies with CF I think it would (could)
> > be a good thing for CF devs to attend.
> > M@
> > On 1/25/07, Andrew Muller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm sorry Scott but how is this not a sales pitch, this is what you
> > were hired by Microsoft to do...
> > On 25/01/07, Scott Barnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hey Kids,
> > > Since the Ted vs Barnes blog thing, I've been getting a lot of emails from
> > > CF`ers of old, who are looking to broaden their horizons somewhat. So with
> > > that in mind, I thought It may be worthwhile to float an idea past you all
> > > and see if it's got legs (since Microsoft haven't been invited to WebDU,
> > > this maybe an alternative approach).
> > > I'm thinking of doing a bit of a national tour (need to work out how I can
> > > hide that in terms of expense report(s) heh) but, I'm willing to showcase
> > > some of the new Microsoft goodness that will compliment the average
> > > Coldfusion Developer out there (so make sure its relevant to you guys and
> > > not try and turn you into hardcore ASP.NET developers overnight), while at
> > > the same time answer any questions you might have and debunk a myth or
> > two.
> > > Essentially, bring some context back to the conversation that may
> > compliment
> > > the average CF Developer out there as I know it's somewhat confusing as to
> > > how all the Microsoft pieces fit and whether or not they are relevant.
> > > Given that Coldfusion 8, is going to have native .NET 
> > > support(http://ray.camdenfamily.com/index.cfm/2006/10/24/ColdFusion-Net-Integ...
> > > ) (cfObject type=".NET" is freakin sexy), this could also be an advantage
> > to
> > > folks who have to play with both .NET and JAVA daily. (So bring an open
> > > mind).
> > > I promise, it's not a sales pitch, but a show & tell - that doesn't
> > involve
> > > mapping technology or flicker - that i'll promise ;)
> > > Let me know if you're keen (either here or offline, if you fear being
> > labled
> > > a MS Fanboi) and I'll organise some of the MS HQ's (free beer + pizza) and
> > > see if i can bust open the schwag basement and get some give-aways in the
> > > room. It's likely to happen various times in the next two months (Sydney +
> > > BNE in March, and will see if I can find an excuse to be in Melbourne
> > around
> > > then, but won't be in Perth until June - unless I can find another excuse
> > > before hand).
> > > I'll also ping some of the other of the MS Team to come along aswell. It's
> > > just an idea at this point, so let me know (seriously) if folks would be
> > > keen.
> > > (scbarnes at microsoft.com)
> > > --
> > > Regards,
> > > Scott Barnes
> > > Developer E

[cfaussie] Re: ms-access table definitions

2006-12-09 Thread Grant Straker

This gets you all the tables

FROM MSysObjects
WHERE Type = 1
AND LEFT(Name, 4) <> 'MSys';

You can use the getmetadata() function in cf to get all the fields
(this works for any db)

 FROM #arguments.table#
 Where 1=2

You also need to setup permissions inside access to allow you to read
the table info.

1. open the database in Microsoft Access.
2. Go to Tools > Options > View tab > Check the box against "System
Objects" to make system objects visible.
3.Go to Tools > Security > User and Group Permissions. Select
"MSysObjects" in the Object Name box. Assign Read, Modify and
Administer permissions to the user account that is used as part of the
ColdFusion DSN setting (usually this is "Admin"). Save the changes.


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[cfaussie] Re: Maximum number of simultaneous requests

2006-10-17 Thread Grant Straker

8 is too low, a default recommendation would be 25 per processor - so
50 if a dual CPU machine.

This setting is really something that needs to be tuned on larger sites
and relates to the way your site works and the power of your machine.

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[cfaussie] Re: CFECLIPSE search

2006-08-17 Thread Grant Straker

I use pspad which is great and very light weight.

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[cfaussie] ZoomFlex Launch

2006-07-25 Thread Grant Straker

Hi All

Just reminder for anybody interested that we are holding a launch
seminar in Sydney tomorrow evening for our new product which makes
developing CF based Flex apps easier and quicker. Details below and you
can register on our site.

We have 2 copies of Flex Builder to give away at the event.


Agenda for Thursday 27 July
5.30 - Drinks and nibbles on arrival
6.00 - Presentation by Grant Straker
7.00 - Q & A & Close

The Adelaide Room, The Menzies Hotel
14 Carrington St, Sydney.



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[cfaussie] Re: SOT: CF Intranet System

2006-07-23 Thread Grant Straker

You can try ShadoCMS
Is a commercial product but we do have an OEM agreement for CF and Flex
with Adobe so can do some very good pricing as a bundle.

We now also have a very powerful Flex presentation layer on top of
Shado which means you can be up and running with Flex applications out
of the box with very little upskilling.

On top of that we have modules such as word import engine, form
builders, event calendars and the like. Not to mention a fully
extendable object orientated framework underpinning it all.

Disclaimer: I make my living out of selling it ;-) , but there is a
downloadable trial which costs nothing and takes about 10 minutes to
setup and deploy a site.

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[cfaussie] Free Beer and Flex Builders

2006-07-17 Thread Grant Straker

Hi All

We are holding a launch in Sydney next Thursday for a new Flex based
product we have created that speeds up developing CF / Flex based
applications. We launched the product a couple of weeks ago in the USA
at CFUnited and got a great response from everyone there so if you're
looking at doing any CF / Flex development then please come along.

Anyone on this list is welcome and we're providing drinks and some
nibbles.  We are also holding a draw for a couple of copies of
Flex-Builder for those that attend.

Details are:
Agenda for Thursday 27 July
5.30 - Drinks and nibbles on arrival
6.00 - Presentation by Grant Straker
7.00 - Q & A & Close

The Adelaide Room, The Menzies Hotel
14 Carrington St, Sydney.

If you're coming it would be much appreciated if you could register on
our site so we have an idea of numbers attending.




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[cfaussie] Re: MAX US tour - interested?

2006-04-06 Thread Grant Straker

I've gone the last few years and is really good value so will be heading
up again this year.

-Original Message-
From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Robin Hilliard
Sent: Friday, April 07, 2006 1:04 AM
To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: MAX US tour - interested?

October 22 to 26.


Robin Hilliard

On 06/04/2006, at 11:00 PM, Gavin Cooney wrote:

> what's the dates?

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[cfaussie] Re: RAM sizing on production servers

2006-03-28 Thread Grant Straker

I would say the most common is 512 allocated as this is the default but
doesn't mean it is right for your application.

If you have an -xms setting in your jvm config then this will also mean
that the jvm will take all the memory allocated at start up.

Really, it's a tuning process - load test the app, review the GC, Mem
stats and jrun threads and then adjust your JVM (and Jrun Threads)


-Original Message-
From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Scott Thornton
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 11:04 AM
Subject: [cfaussie] RAM sizing on production servers


Ive got two zeon processors, but only 1 gig of ram.

This morning, RAM usage is running at 400 meg or so, of an allocated
512... with spikes of nearly 500 meg.

Just wondering what is common...

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 29/03/2006 9:52 am >>>

Hi Scott,

This is all down to how your application handles it memory. If you
allocate the full amount possible (approx 1GB) then you may have long
garbage collection cycles - too little and you can get out of memory

Dual processor machines will handle GC much better so you can afford to
up the JMV memory the more processors you have.

I would not like to run a windows server with less than 2GB total RAM on
the server so that you have the flexibility to go to the full 1GB JVM
memory if required.


-Original Message-
From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Scott Thornton
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 10:32 AM
To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com 
Subject: [cfaussie] RAM sizing on production servers


What is the average amount of RAM do you guys have on your production
coldfusion servers?

How much do you allocate to coldfusion (I think I mean allocated to
jrun?) ?

I assume the machine has nothing on it except for coldfusion and an OS
like windows 2003.


Scott Thornton, Programmer
Application Development
Information Services and Telecommunications
Hunter-New England Area Health Service
p: +61 2 49813589
m: 0413800242
e: scott.thornton  hnehealth.nsw.gov.au


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[cfaussie] Re: RAM sizing on production servers

2006-03-28 Thread Grant Straker

Hi Scott,

This is all down to how your application handles it memory. If you
allocate the full amount possible (approx 1GB) then you may have long
garbage collection cycles - too little and you can get out of memory

Dual processor machines will handle GC much better so you can afford to
up the JMV memory the more processors you have.

I would not like to run a windows server with less than 2GB total RAM on
the server so that you have the flexibility to go to the full 1GB JVM
memory if required.


-Original Message-
From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Scott Thornton
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 10:32 AM
To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
Subject: [cfaussie] RAM sizing on production servers


What is the average amount of RAM do you guys have on your production
coldfusion servers?

How much do you allocate to coldfusion (I think I mean allocated to
jrun?) ?

I assume the machine has nothing on it except for coldfusion and an OS
like windows 2003.


Scott Thornton, Programmer
Application Development
Information Services and Telecommunications
Hunter-New England Area Health Service
p: +61 2 49813589
m: 0413800242
e: scott.thornton  hnehealth.nsw.gov.au


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[cfaussie] Re: ColdFusion Performance Book

2006-03-20 Thread Grant Straker

Thanks Lucas, just looking into it now. I’m
using a remote web service for the exchange rate and looks like its not happy.


-Original Message-
From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Lucas
Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2006 4:07
To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: ColdFusion
Performance Book


Hey Grant,
looks like it is broken :(
on http://www.cfperformance.com/dps/request.cfm
i got...

The web site you are
accessing has experienced an unexpected error.
Please contact the website administrator. 

  The following
  information is meant for the website developer for debugging purposes. 
  Error Occurred While
  Processing Request 

not perform web service invocation "getRate". 


Here is the fault
returned when invoking the web service operation:



On 3/21/06, Grant Straker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi All,

I was asked to let people know after my session at Webdu where they
could get a book I was writing on ColdFusion Performance Troubleshooting
and Tuning, I've setup a site where it can be purchased as a PDF for 

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[cfaussie] Re: ColdFusion Performance Book

2006-03-20 Thread Grant Straker

Not currently, I was working with Tim Buntel on getting it published
through Macromedia press but with him departing I haven't followed up
with the new guys yet. Currently I have published myself and registered
my own ISBN etc. 

To be honest I will be doing several updates through the year so figure
the PDF format might be the better option. It's the type of book that
when you need the information you generally need it in a hurry.

I'll let you know if I make any progress on this.

-Original Message-
From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of KNOTT, Brian
Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2006 4:01 PM
To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: ColdFusion Performance Book

Thanks Grant.  Any idea when it will be published in print?

Brian Knott

-Original Message-
From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, 21 March 2006 1:52 PM
To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
Subject: [cfaussie] ColdFusion Performance Book

Hi All,
I was asked to let people know after my session at Webdu where they
could get a book I was writing on ColdFusion Performance Troubleshooting
and Tuning, I've setup a site where it can be purchased as a PDF for
anyone interested www.cfperformance.com 

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[cfaussie] ColdFusion Performance Book

2006-03-20 Thread Grant Straker
Hi All,
I was asked to let people know after my session at Webdu where they
could get a book I was writing on ColdFusion Performance Troubleshooting
and Tuning, I've setup a site where it can be purchased as a PDF for
anyone interested www.cfperformance.com 

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[cfaussie] Re: Instance Manager

2006-02-28 Thread Grant Straker

I've seen it do this before when you already have a version of cf standalone 
running on the server. Verity gets a bit confused on install of multi-server 
instance and references everything to the standalone install of verity.

From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com on behalf of 
Sent: Wed 01-Mar-06 12:10 PM
To: cfaussie
Subject: [cfaussie] Instance Manager

Hi everyone,

I have been experimenting with Multi-server instances. I have found
that its very powerful. However, I noticed that when you create a
collection in ANY of the administrations that it puts the same verity
collection in every CF administration. Is this normal behavior?



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