[cfaussie] Re: Using CFHTTP

2011-04-03 Thread Matthew
Hi Claude

I'm guessing that you need to maintain the session. It works in the
browser because the browser maintains the sesison but CFHTTP
terminates the session after the 1st call. You probably need to pass
the CFID/TOKEN to maintain the session. Good luck!


On Apr 3, 5:55 pm, rai...@ozemail.com.au wrote:

 I am trying to dynamically submit data to an external website that required
 me to log into the admin of the site to manually submit data

 I am able to successfully create a form page and submit the form to the path
 of the external site and the form data submits successfully with the form
 data being submitted  being added to the external sites database as required

 When I try and e cfhttp so the posting of the form data occurs in the
 background without the screen loading the external sites page does not work
 however the cfhttp code passes successfully naturally I am using the same
 url in the form page as I am in the cfhttp tag.

 Any suggests why this would not work would be appreciated


 Claude Raiola (B.Econ Acc; B.Hot. Mngt)
 Samaris Software
 Email:  mailto:i...@trackingcentral.om.au i...@samaris.net
 Website:  http://www.TrackingCentral.com.auwww.SAMARIS.net
 Mobile: 0414 228 948

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[cfaussie] Can ColdFusion talk to AXIS 2 web services

2010-12-20 Thread Matthew
Hi all

Our web service provider has switched from AXIS 1 to AXIS 2. Can
ColdFusion still talk/connect with this?


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[cfaussie] Re: exit a cfc function call from a long polling request

2010-10-17 Thread Matthew
Hi Steve

I would suggest cfsetting requestTimeOut = value in seconds but I
find it doesn't always time out as you would want. I had an issue once
with an external web service where there was no timeout on the hosts
end. I tried the cfsetting tag but found it didn't appear to work,
however hopefully it will work for you.


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[cfaussie] Re: CFUG Melbourne November and December

2010-10-12 Thread Matthew
Hi Peter

Bear in mind that people will be going to Day 0 pre-conference
workshops (CF911 for me). I'm not sure how many would be up for a day
of learning and then a CFUG evening. However it does seem a waste not
to run a CFUG night with an out of town presenter. Just food for


On Oct 13, 12:44 pm, Peter Robertson pe...@p-robertson.com wrote:

 As you will all be aware, next month is CFObjective.

 Hopefully most of the Melbourne CFUG folk will be attending, and in
 any case the normal CFUG evening would fall on Day 1 of the event, so
 we will be moving the CFUG to Wed 17 November, to coincide with
 CFObjective Day 0.  Phil Haeusler and Rocket Boots are setting up a
 CodeWars event for the Wednesday.  If this goes ahead, as seems
 likely, then we're suggesting that we roll CFUG into that event.

 For those unfamiliar with Code Wars, go to the Rocket Boots blog and
 drill on the Code War link at the 

 If, for any reason Code Wars or a similar Day 0 event isn't held, then
 we'll hold the CFUG as normal, but on the Wed evening, and will try to
 get one or two of the out-of-town folk to do a presentation.


 As people are busy and starting to leave town by about mid December,
 we'll be organising a dinner for those of us left.  Given the
 distractions around CFObjective in November, we'll also be drawing the
 software prize at the dinner in December.  Your name will be entered
 in the draw once for each attendance at the CFUG from July, so the
 more times you attended, the better your chances.  We won't be
 counting attendance at CodeWars, (too hard), nor attendance at the
 dinner.  If you are not at the dinner and your name is drawn, you will
 still be eligible, and we will contact you with the details of your

 By all means send us any feedback on this year's CFUG Melbourne.  Let
 us know what you liked, what you didn't and what you'd like to see
 next year.

 Many thanks

 Peter Robertson
 Melbourne CFUG

 Steve Onnis
 Melbourne CFUG

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[cfaussie] Re: Generating PDF from HTML

2010-10-07 Thread Matthew
Hi Steve

I tried a few tricks but I can't work it out either. I'm sure you
worked out if you remove the float it works and if you use padding
instead of margin it works but other than that not sure. Good luck and
let us know if you find a fix?


On Oct 7, 2:47 pm, Steve Onnis st...@cfcentral.com.au wrote:
 I have some pretty basic code for generating a PDF from HTML and the
 question is, does anyone know of any issues with using inline styles in the

 I have an image with some margin around it with some text wrapping around it
 which displays fine in the browser but in the PDF there is no margin and the
 text is hard up against the image.

 img style=margin:0px 10px 10px 0px; float:left; height=230 alt=
 src=someImage.jpg width=280  /This is some text

 Can anyone suggest a way to correct this?


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[cfaussie] Re: Really strange WebService issue.

2010-10-07 Thread Matthew
Hi Gavin

I've only skim read the thread but you shouldn't need to restart CF.
You just need to refresh the WSDL reference in CFADMIN. CF caches or
reads the WSDL and stores it somehow. I'm sure of it because I've had
similar issues. My code only picks up the modified WSDL once I refresh
it in CFADMIN. It makes sense because request and response definitions
can be complex so if CF had to work this out each time you make a call
it would be a big overhead. Hope that helps.


On Oct 8, 1:21 pm, MrBuzzy mrbu...@gmail.com wrote:
 Gav, it depends on your code, but generally the wsdl is not hit on every 

 Wsdl = web service description language.

 When you invoke a method your calling code is passing XML to the web service 
 endpoint that is described in the wsdl. Look for soap:address ... / in the 
 wsdl that's the actual URL that does all the work.

 As discussed earlier there are ways and means or re-reading the wsdl 
 programmatically and interactively.

 But depending on how you write your cf application it may appear that the 
 calling code is not seeing the new wsdl when it changes (hence your need to 

 It's actually possible to publish a web service without wsdl, in other 
 development environments ie traditional java the wsdl is only useful during 
 development to generate java objects. The wsdl need not exist at run time.

 I hope this helps in some way. I guess you will come back to your original 
 question - why did you need to restart?

 Hard to say but there are a few reasons this can occur.

 Sent from my iPhone

 On 08/10/2010, at 12:42, Gavin Beau Baumanis b...@palcare.com.au wrote:

  Hi Again everyone,

  I just had a chat with Chris Velevitch and he asked me something that 
  neither of us knew the answer to - but actually made clear to me what he 
  was writing in his original reply.

  Lets just assume that the service is on a completely different box / 
  perhaps even written in some other language.

  I have a CFML application consuming that service.
  Does my CFML application (or perhaps the underlying CFML engine) cache the 
  WSDL at all? or is it completely re-read by the consumer every request?

  And neither of us know the answer - but if there is any consumer caching - 
  could that be the cause of things not behaving?
  Could the underlying JVM (JRun?) be doing anything - Afterall I restarted 
  the CF service but not the JRun service during my testing?

  if it mis-behaves again - I'll try restarting the JVM service too - and see 
  if that makes any differences and write back here with any further news...
  But for the time being seems like I have more questions and still no 

  Thanks again to everyone for their help


  On 08/10/2010, at 11:50 AM, Gavin Beau Baumanis wrote:

  Hi Chris,

  I  must be wearing my fogged up glasses because I'm not sure I'm 
  understanding you correctly / or perhaps its the way I have written it?

  We have multiple clients who currently have their own URL and their own 
  source code.
  They are all physically on the same server using the same instance of 

  The staging server and the production server are all set up the same.
  Clients log into both  - using the staging server for UAT and staff 

  The Login service lives at a URL that resides on the staging server / 
  staging cf instance.
  And basically returns a true / false for a username / password match.
  And also returns a struct of relevant user information (username / surname 
  / fullname / phone / etc.

  Restarting Apache / CF Service / manually refreshing the WSDL / clearing 
  the CFC and template caches (via CFAdmin) effects the service and the 
  calling code.
  Thus my confusion with why that process didn't work - but completely 
  restarting the Staging server did work.

  So, I suppose my confusion is - how will programatically refreshing the 
  WSDL be any different to using the CF Admin and furthermore - why would 
  restarting the box wholly be any different?

  As always, please contact me if I can be of any futher assistance.

  Gavin Beau Baumanis
  Senior Application Developer
  PalCare Pty. Ltd.

  P: +61 -3 9380 3513
  M: +61 -438 545 586
  E: b...@palcare.com.au

  On 08/10/2010, at 11:15 AM, Chris Velevitch wrote:

  The service is indeed called by CFML code and is also on the same box as 
  the code that is calling it.
  It is being used as a webservice, not a CFC call from another server.

  Are the production systems the same as this, i.e. the service server
  is on the same machine as the calling server?

  You say the calling server is CFML, are you planning to change the
  cfinvoke on the calling server to include 'refreshWSDL=yes'? The
  reason I ask this as it sounds like the machine restart caused the
  calling server to clear it's WSDL cache which in effect is the
  equivalent of 'refreshWSDL=yes'.

  Chris Velevitch

[cfaussie] Re: CFUG Melbourne August 2010: New features in Adobe ColdFusion Server 9 by Steve Onnis

2010-08-17 Thread Matthew
Only in Australia would stubby holders be offered as a draw card :)

I'd love to come but my 3 month old has decided to start teething so
won't oblige me a night off.

Let us know if it's recorded or there are any slides?


On Aug 17, 12:21 pm, Peter Robertson pe...@p-robertson.com wrote:
 This presentation will cover some of the new functionality introduced
 in the new version of the Adobe ColdFusion Server 9

 - ColdFusion 9 Goodies include:
 - CFSCRIPT enhancements
 - ColdFusion Component enhancements
 - UI Components
 - New Tags
 - Lucene Solr (Verity Replacement)

 Also we will be handing out bags of goodies with t-shirts, stubby
 holders, stickers, note pads and other stuff and of course pizzas.

 I think all of the Melbourne regulars will know Steve as our UG
 manager and provider of fine pizzas.  Anyone who frequents CFAussie
 will also be aware of his regular contributions to the list.  As a
 developer and CF hosting provider, Steve has spent years exploring
 ColdFusion Server and CFML, so don't miss this opportunity for a deep
 dive into all that is new and good in CF9.

 Date: Thursday 19 August 2010
 Time: 6:30 PM
     Level 2
     255 Bourke Street
     Melbourne, VIC, 3000
     A note on the door will provide a number to ring for access.

 RSVP:  Please reply to this post if you are planning to attend so we
 know how many pizzas to order.

 As always, many thanks to Dale Fraser and CogState for their
 hospitality.  We look forward to seeing you all there.

 Peter Robertson
 Melbourne CFUG

 Steve Onnis
 Melbourne CFUG

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[cfaussie] Re: WYSIWYG editors

2010-08-03 Thread Matthew
Hi Steve

I use XStandard and find it to be very good! It's pretty web standards
compliant (sometime too much but it forces you to be good which isn't
a bad thing). Also, the file / document upload is fantastic once you
hook it up. You can use the built in ASP.NET web service but I
utilised Ben Nadel's version and found integrating it a breeze.

The Lite (FREE) version is pretty good but I found we need the full
version (but it's pretty cheap from memory).


On Aug 3, 5:12 pm, Steve Onnis st...@cfcentral.com.au wrote:
 What are people using these days?

 I have been playing with CKEditor and i must say it is a pain in the
 be-hind to configure for a start and then the costs for licenses are a bit
 rich alsoso what else? TinyMC? Anything else?


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[cfaussie] Re: Coding Standards

2010-08-03 Thread Matthew
Hi Brett

It would be great to see your updated version if you can publish it
once your done!


On Aug 3, 3:22 pm, Brett Payne-Rhodes bret...@gmail.com wrote:
 I've been looking at published CF coding standards and guidelines and just
 thought I would share this gem...

 Which do you think came first?




 Blatant plagarism like this makes me wonder what else they might be

 If you have a public coding standard that you would like to share I'd been
 to hear about it. So far Sean Corfield's old CFMX coding standard 
 like the best place to start...


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[cfaussie] Re: WYSIWYG editors

2010-08-03 Thread Matthew
I've been using Pro version for so long I can't remember but I'm
pretty sure it's the web service extensions (for file/doc upload) and
other toolbar buttons I needed.

On Aug 4, 1:28 pm, Steve Onnis st...@cfcentral.com.au wrote:
 Whats the difference between the free and paid versions that made you have
 to upgrade?

 -Original Message-
 From: Matthew [mailto:matthewbchamb...@gmail.com]
 Sent: Wednesday, 4 August 2010 1:26 PM
 To: cfaussie
 Subject: [cfaussie] Re: WYSIWYG editors

 Hi Steve

 I use XStandard and find it to be very good! It's pretty web standards
 compliant (sometime too much but it forces you to be good which isn't
 a bad thing). Also, the file / document upload is fantastic once you
 hook it up. You can use the built in ASP.NET web service but I
 utilised Ben Nadel's version and found integrating it a breeze.

 The Lite (FREE) version is pretty good but I found we need the full
 version (but it's pretty cheap from memory).


 On Aug 3, 5:12 pm, Steve Onnis st...@cfcentral.com.au wrote:
  What are people using these days?

  I have been playing with CKEditor and i must say it is a pain in the
  be-hind to configure for a start and then the costs for licenses are a
  rich alsoso what else? TinyMC? Anything else?


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[cfaussie] Re: CF Query Timeout

2010-06-14 Thread Matthew
@Claude: I know I'm a little late to help but just thought I'd mention
experiences. Once I found the the CFQUERY timeout error was mis-
leading. I had a web-service call prior to a CFQUERY and for some
reason CF was blaming the query. I proved this by pulling the query
out and putting some other action in and it blamed that. All I'm
saying is, look at the code before the query such as you Excel/XML
read. Looks like Steve's extended timeout sort you out anyway.


On Jun 9, 10:43 pm, rai...@ozemail.com.au wrote:

 Is there a way that I have prevent the cfquery from timing out

 The sit is running on cf8 server in a shared hosting environment

 I am creating a complex excel spreadsheet using cfxml variable=varname
 that holds the xml for up to 20 different worksheets created on the fly.

 Given the volume of records in each worksheet often I generate the error

 Error Occurred While Processing Request

 The request has exceeded the allowable time limit Tag: CFQUERY

 I have tried to specify the timeout value in each query to a large amount of
 time however the timeout error still generates within 1 minute of the page
 starting to process the data.

 I have ensured that I am running queries of queries where possible to
 prevent unnecessary queries to the sql database however this seems not to
 have had any effect.

 If anyone has some suggestion I would be grateful.


 Claude Raiola (B.Econ Acc; B.Hot. Mngt)
 Samaris Software
 Email:  mailto:i...@trackingcentral.om.au i...@samaris.net
 Website:  http://www.TrackingCentral.com.auwww.SAMARIS.net
 Mobile: 0414 228 948

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[cfaussie] Re: CFUG Melbourne for 2010 (Post CFDrinks 3 Feb)

2010-02-04 Thread Matthew
Hi Peter / Dale

Peter: Thanks for taking over the reins and good luck with running
CFUG Melbourne. Thanks to Mark for all your efforts in the Melbourne
(Oz) community.

Not wanting to be negative but Dale has asked for feedback so here's
mine (hopefully it is constructive). I've only attended a few times
and the main reason I haven't made the effort to come back is because
the running of the session was disorganised. On one occasion I turned
up and no one appeared to know if a session was on (yet it was
broadcast on this list). Eventually people turned up and finally at 8
or 8.30 it kicked off and I think we finished at 10 or later. I was a
new dad at the time and depraved of sleep so didn't absorb a lot that
late at night.

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate that CFUG is voluntarily run and it
takes up a lot of time organising meetings however for me to attend
I'd like to see it run on time, have a clear topic and aim to finish
on time. So those who came for info get what they're after and the
rest can hang around for a drink.

As for topics, I'd like to see more advanced topics covered. Even
beginners can take a lot from an advanced subject. At worst it all
goes over their head but you'd be surprised how much rings a bell when
you go learn it on your own.

Subjects I'd love to see covered would be:
1. CF Admin / JVM optimisation / tunning
2. Crash/timeout/hang diagnosis and repair with FusionReactor/
SeeFusion/MAT, analysing heap dumps, stack traces etc.
3. CF OOP (I'm thinking more architecture then frameworks i.e. “How to
avoid an anaemic domain model”, writing code to unit tests)
4. Software development (version control, bug management, Ant)

As for Flex: it may be a good idea for boosting numbers but if I'm
completely selfish I'd much rather have advance CF stuff covered.

That's my 2c, I hope it helps.


On Feb 4, 4:04 pm, Dale Fraser d...@fraser.id.au wrote:
 Good summary Peter,

 I would like to hear from people on this list who either have never attend
 the user group or rarely attend.

 What would it take to get you to a user group, or why don't you attend.

 Is it location, time, content, other?

 Dale Fraser


 -Original Message-
 From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:cfaus...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf

 Of Peter Robertson
 Sent: Thursday, 4 February 2010 3:06 PM
 To: cfaussie
 Subject: [cfaussie] CFUG Melbourne for 2010 (Post CFDrinks 3 Feb)

 As planned (9 of us if I can count) gathered last night for CFDrinks
 at Fad Gallery in Melbourne.
 Thanks to all who attended and to Rocket Boots for picking up the bar

 By the way, for those of you who missed this piece of news, Mark
 Mandel has stepped down from co-managing the Melbourne CFUG and I have
 stepped in to work with Steve Onnis for this year.  Mark, thanks for
 all your hard work, and we look forward to seeing you as often as
 you're able to make it to the CFUGs.

 Steve and my roles will be very roughly divided between communication,
 booking speakers, etc (me) and general logistics and sponsorship

 Aside from drinking, we discussed where the Melbourne CFUG might go
 this year and resolved that there will not be a formal CFUG this
 month, and that we'll kick off in earnest for March.
 Other than that, no hard-and-fast decisions were made as we'd like to
 involve as many of you as possible in shaping the group.
 Included in the things we tossed around were:

              Dale on behalf of Cog State once again generously offered
 their board room.
              Cog State will be moving into the CBD later in the year,
 so this would satisfy centrality.
              Would people prefer a room at a bar (provided noise
 levels, suitable projection, etc could be managed)?

              Given the demise of both the Adobe and Flex UGs here in
 Melbourne, should we provide coverage across the Adobe dev space and
 incorporate at least Flex?
              There was a general feeling that this would bring
 benefits to both camps.

              Various formats were kicked around, including 1 main
 presentation plus discussion, 2 presentations, 1 main plus 1 small
 presentation, etc.
              Some of us would also like a casual, social opportunity
 to have a drink and talk afterward.

              As always, we'll be looking for people prepared to
 present on a topic of interest.  Please put yourself forward if you'd
 like to offer.
              We'll also be asking you what sorts of topics you'd all
 like covered.

 Steve Onnis and I will be organising a survey shortly to get a clear
 handle on what people want.  In the meantime, your input here would be
 very welcome.



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[cfaussie] Re: CFUG Melbourne for 2010 (Post CFDrinks 3 Feb)

2010-02-04 Thread Matthew
Hi Dale

I personally feel that 7pm is too late. 6pm would be too earlier for
some people so I'd go for 6.30. But lets see what others have to say.
Perhaps the best way to get feedback would be to run a survey? The
survey could include questions on Time, Location, Topics, Should we
merge with Flex, Who should supply the beer etc


On Feb 5, 3:06 pm, Steve Onnis st...@cfcentral.com.au wrote:

 Thanks for the feedback.  I don’t think I have been to a meeting that kicked
 off that late.but anyways...

 We will certainly take your feedback on board and appreciate you taking the
 time to write all that


 -Original Message-
 From: Matthew [mailto:matthewbchamb...@gmail.com]
 Sent: Friday, 5 February 2010 2:56 PM
 To: cfaussie
 Subject: [cfaussie] Re: CFUG Melbourne for 2010 (Post CFDrinks 3 Feb)

 Hi Peter / Dale

 Peter: Thanks for taking over the reins and good luck with running
 CFUG Melbourne. Thanks to Mark for all your efforts in the Melbourne
 (Oz) community.

 Not wanting to be negative but Dale has asked for feedback so here's
 mine (hopefully it is constructive). I've only attended a few times
 and the main reason I haven't made the effort to come back is because
 the running of the session was disorganised. On one occasion I turned
 up and no one appeared to know if a session was on (yet it was
 broadcast on this list). Eventually people turned up and finally at 8
 or 8.30 it kicked off and I think we finished at 10 or later. I was a
 new dad at the time and depraved of sleep so didn't absorb a lot that
 late at night.

 Don't get me wrong, I appreciate that CFUG is voluntarily run and it
 takes up a lot of time organising meetings however for me to attend
 I'd like to see it run on time, have a clear topic and aim to finish
 on time. So those who came for info get what they're after and the
 rest can hang around for a drink.

 As for topics, I'd like to see more advanced topics covered. Even
 beginners can take a lot from an advanced subject. At worst it all
 goes over their head but you'd be surprised how much rings a bell when
 you go learn it on your own.

 Subjects I'd love to see covered would be:
 1. CF Admin / JVM optimisation / tunning
 2. Crash/timeout/hang diagnosis and repair with FusionReactor/
 SeeFusion/MAT, analysing heap dumps, stack traces etc.
 3. CF OOP (I'm thinking more architecture then frameworks i.e. “How to
 avoid an anaemic domain model”, writing code to unit tests)
 4. Software development (version control, bug management, Ant)

 As for Flex: it may be a good idea for boosting numbers but if I'm
 completely selfish I'd much rather have advance CF stuff covered.

 That's my 2c, I hope it helps.


 On Feb 4, 4:04 pm, Dale Fraser d...@fraser.id.au wrote:
  Good summary Peter,

  I would like to hear from people on this list who either have never attend
  the user group or rarely attend.

  What would it take to get you to a user group, or why don't you attend.

  Is it location, time, content, other?

  Dale Fraser


  -Original Message-
  From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:cfaus...@googlegroups.com] On

  Of Peter Robertson
  Sent: Thursday, 4 February 2010 3:06 PM
  To: cfaussie
  Subject: [cfaussie] CFUG Melbourne for 2010 (Post CFDrinks 3 Feb)

  As planned (9 of us if I can count) gathered last night for CFDrinks
  at Fad Gallery in Melbourne.
  Thanks to all who attended and to Rocket Boots for picking up the bar

  By the way, for those of you who missed this piece of news, Mark
  Mandel has stepped down from co-managing the Melbourne CFUG and I have
  stepped in to work with Steve Onnis for this year.  Mark, thanks for
  all your hard work, and we look forward to seeing you as often as
  you're able to make it to the CFUGs.

  Steve and my roles will be very roughly divided between communication,
  booking speakers, etc (me) and general logistics and sponsorship

  Aside from drinking, we discussed where the Melbourne CFUG might go
  this year and resolved that there will not be a formal CFUG this
  month, and that we'll kick off in earnest for March.
  Other than that, no hard-and-fast decisions were made as we'd like to
  involve as many of you as possible in shaping the group.
  Included in the things we tossed around were:

  - VENUE:
               Dale on behalf of Cog State once again generously offered
  their board room.
               Cog State will be moving into the CBD later in the year,
  so this would satisfy centrality.
               Would people prefer a room at a bar (provided noise
  levels, suitable projection, etc could be managed)?

  - SCOPE:
               Given the demise of both the Adobe and Flex UGs here in
  Melbourne, should we provide coverage across the Adobe dev space and
  incorporate at least Flex?
               There was a general feeling that this would bring

[cfaussie] CF8 with Crystal reports

2009-09-15 Thread Matthew

Hi guys

Has anyone used Crystal reports with CF? I've developed several
Crystal reports which I want to distribute to various stack holders
easily each month. I'm aware of Crystal Enterprise package but I'm
looking for alternate options due the the $5K+ cost of this package.

I've searched and searched an all I seem to find is basic
documentation on the Adobe live docs (or similar) showing;
cfreport report = '/reports/monthlysales.rpt'
 {Departments.Department} = 'International'

But when I do this I get nothing. As a test I populated that report
with CurrentDate and it works in Crystal but when called through the
browser it's just a blank page. I had a play around in Crystal with
the HTML Preview option but it needs an RSA server to be setup. What's

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[cfaussie] Re: Development application running painfully slow

2009-07-26 Thread Matthew

Thanks for the help Andrew. It turned out to be an IIS issue as per my
suspicions. Somehow the IIS database became corrupted. A re-install
has fixed it.


On Jul 24, 9:52 am, Andrew Myers am2...@gmail.com wrote:
 This may not be the solution, but here are a couple of things you can check.

 1. Are the pages calling any external resources that might be offline or are
 being blocked by a firewall, etc.?

 2. Not sure if this is applicable because you're on IIS, but I've known
 apache to run very slowly if I have something like Tomcat plugged into it
 using mod_jk and tomcat is not started.  So you might want to check all the
 other web server dependencies / plugins are also running.

 Like I said, it might not be the issue, but worth a try...

 2009/7/24 Matthew matthewbchamb...@gmail.com

  Hi guys

  All of a sudden my development application is running painfully slow.
  When I try to call up the application in the browser it takes 2-5
  minutes to bring up the most basic of pages. I'm pretty sure CF isn't
  guilty because I've got FusionReactor running and I can see that CF is
  processing it at its normal quick speed so it must me something else
  in the HTTP delivery procedure (to confirm this when I try to bring up
  a htm page it's same problem). I've switched on LiveHTTPHeaders in
  Firefox and I can see each HTTP elements coming through one at a time
  very slowly until finally everything arrives and I get the page. Does
  anyone have any ideas?

  Environment: CF8, IIS 5.1, SQL Server 2005.

  I'm not sure if it's related but the application is a SubVersion (SVN)
  project and the only thing I did different recently was copy in
  folders but not make them part of the project.

  I'll keep trying to solve it but I thought someone might have an idea
  or two?

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[cfaussie] Development application running painfully slow

2009-07-23 Thread Matthew

Hi guys

All of a sudden my development application is running painfully slow.
When I try to call up the application in the browser it takes 2-5
minutes to bring up the most basic of pages. I'm pretty sure CF isn't
guilty because I've got FusionReactor running and I can see that CF is
processing it at its normal quick speed so it must me something else
in the HTTP delivery procedure (to confirm this when I try to bring up
a htm page it's same problem). I've switched on LiveHTTPHeaders in
Firefox and I can see each HTTP elements coming through one at a time
very slowly until finally everything arrives and I get the page. Does
anyone have any ideas?

Environment: CF8, IIS 5.1, SQL Server 2005.

I'm not sure if it's related but the application is a SubVersion (SVN)
project and the only thing I did different recently was copy in
folders but not make them part of the project.

I'll keep trying to solve it but I thought someone might have an idea
or two?

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[cfaussie] Web service not working after CF8 upgrade

2009-06-22 Thread Matthew


We've recently upgraded from CF7 to CF8 and our web service (published
web service) no longer works. I've done some really basic tests such
as create a new CFC with 1 remote method but I still get a blank
screen. The HTML shows about 18--20 empty lines. Totally weird. Can
someone please confirm that I'm not crazy and try the following in a
CFC called test.cfc and call it via the browser e.g. 

cffunction name=echoString returnType=string output=no
cfargument name=input type=string /
cfreturn Arguments.input /

Is there a setting in the admin which I need to flick? Any suggestions
would be great.

Environment: CF8, WinXP, IIS 5.

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[cfaussie] Re: Web service not working after CF8 upgrade

2009-06-22 Thread Matthew

@Steve: do you mean make a call to the web service from a cfm either
via cfinvoke, CreateObject etc. This doesn't work either. Here's an


**Unable to parse WSDL as an XML document.**
Parsing error: Fatal Error: URI=null Line=-1: Premature end of file.
It is recommended that you use a web browser to retrieve and examine
the requested WSDL document to ensure it is correct.


On Jun 23, 12:24 pm, Steve Onnis st...@cfcentral.com.au wrote:
 Can you call it as a CFMCFC call?

 -Original Message-
 From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:cfaus...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf

 Of Matthew
 Sent: Tuesday, 23 June 2009 12:18 PM
 To: cfaussie
 Subject: [cfaussie] Web service not working after CF8 upgrade


 We've recently upgraded from CF7 to CF8 and our web service (published
 web service) no longer works. I've done some really basic tests such
 as create a new CFC with 1 remote method but I still get a blank
 screen. The HTML shows about 18--20 empty lines. Totally weird. Can
 someone please confirm that I'm not crazy and try the following in a
 CFC called test.cfc and call it via the browser 

     cffunction name=echoString returnType=string output=no
         cfargument name=input type=string /
         cfreturn Arguments.input /

 Is there a setting in the admin which I need to flick? Any suggestions
 would be great.

 Environment: CF8, WinXP, IIS 5.

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cfaussie group.
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[cfaussie] Re: Web service not working after CF8 upgrade

2009-06-22 Thread Matthew

@Steve: I get you now. Yes, I can invoke the component e.g.

@Kai: I don't think that issue is applicable because you're talking
about consuming a web service. I'm talking about publishing one.
Regardless of this the WSDL isn't being registered in the admin
because it's not even getting to that point because it's not even
resolving due to the error so it must be something else.

@Charlie: yes I'm expecting to get the WSDL. When I view the source I
just see 18-20 blank lines (in CF7 I used to get the XML/SOAP dumped
to the browser as you'd expect). Calling the method via the browser
had same effect. Calling the CFC via the browser had the same effect.

I think you might be onto something Charlie because I just isolated
the CFC in a new folder with it's own App.cfc and it worked. You must
be right. The parent App.cfc is guilty. I need to investigate. Thanks
a million.


On Jun 23, 1:04 pm, charlie arehart charlie_li...@carehart.org
 Matthew, in your example you're just expecting to get the WSDL back, right?
 When you do a view source, what do you see? It should be a lot of SOAP
 XML. If it's anything else, it could give you clues as to an error in the
 code (Even as simpler as the CFC is, and it did work for me.) But do note
 that a web service CFC invocation also runs the application.cfc/cfm, if any,
 so you may have an error in there instead.

 But if that's not it, did you try running the CFC as a web service from
 within the browser?  You can do that, as in:


 Note the addition of the method= which points to the method you created, and
 the use of input, which you named as the input argument. That worked for
 me, with your code.

 You could also just call it not as a web service, but simply as a CFC, via a
 browser (without the ?wsdl):.


 Does that echo the same result?

 This calling a CFC via a URL but not as a web service is another thing (like
 calling a method and passing args to a web service) that many don't know
 exist. (Not saying you didn't know either of these things, Matthew, just
 saying this if others read this and are surprised.)

 Now, if you run either of these, I'll also note that again if you do a view
 source of the result, you'll see that what you get back is not just the
 string, but really a WDDX packet, which is what you get when you call a CFC
 method either as a web service or as a CFC on the URL, CF returns the result
 as a WDDXPacket (even a simple string). There are ways to influence that
 return format, and some are new in CF8. But that simple test code returns
 the same wddxpacket in 7.02 (I did test your example against both).

 Now, if you do a view source on either just the request for the WSDL, or
 calling the method either as a web service or a CFC, and there's something
 else shown, then there may be some other problem which you see in that view

 BTW, when you sent in your next note (which arrived while I wrote this)
 saying that trying to invoke the web service from CFML code (with
 createobject) also seemed to fail for you. That would suggest something may
 indeed be wrong that may be identified in my first test above, viewing the
 WSDL that's supposed to be returned.  If it's not WSDL, something's wrong in
 the code, whether your file or the application.cfm/cfc.

 Let us know. I'm off to bed real soon. :-)


 PS If anyone ever wants help off-list, I'm happy to help (even remotely)

 -Original Message-
 From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:cfaus...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf

 Of Steve Onnis
 Sent: Monday, June 22, 2009 10:24 PM
 To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Web service not working after CF8 upgrade

 Can you call it as a CFMCFC call?

 -Original Message-
 From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:cfaus...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf
 Of Matthew
 Sent: Tuesday, 23 June 2009 12:18 PM
 To: cfaussie
 Subject: [cfaussie] Web service not working after CF8 upgrade


 We've recently upgraded from CF7 to CF8 and our web service (published
 web service) no longer works. I've done some really basic tests such
 as create a new CFC with 1 remote method but I still get a blank
 screen. The HTML shows about 18--20 empty lines. Totally weird. Can
 someone please confirm that I'm not crazy and try the following in a
 CFC called test.cfc and call it via the browser 

     cffunction name=echoString returnType=string output=no
         cfargument name=input type=string /
         cfreturn Arguments.input /

 Is there a setting in the admin which I need to flick? Any suggestions
 would be great.

 Environment: CF8, WinXP, IIS 5.


[cfaussie] Re: Web service not working after CF8 upgrade

2009-06-22 Thread Matthew

@Charlie: yep, that App.cfc issue was definetly guilty. I should have
thought of that - sorry to waste ppl's time. At least I learned that
you can pass in the arguments via that URL. Have a good sleep :)


On Jun 23, 1:21 pm, charlie arehart charlie_li...@carehart.org
 Fair point, Kai.

 And in case one can't use the servicefactory approach described there (which
 is technically unsupported and often disabled by the Admin's on a shared
 host), here are a couple other solutions.

 The first is how one can do it with the Admin API (as of 7), but it does
 require knowing the Admin password:


 The second is a far simpler way that can be done from code, without Admin
 rights, which would serve like Matthew on his CF 8 hosted server:


 Hope that helps, if the earlier note's ideas don't prove to find the source
 of the problem.


 From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:cfaus...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf
 Of Kai Koenig
 Sent: Monday, June 22, 2009 11:01 PM
 To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Web service not working after CF8 upgrade


 CF caches stub and skeleton Java classes generated from a published web

 I can't say for sure but it wouldn't surprise me at all if those are just
 kept during an

 server upgrade from CF 7 to CF 8 and now trigger the behaviour you're

 Here's a link of how to clear the WS cache programmatically:



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[cfaussie] Re: Web service not working after CF8 upgrade

2009-06-22 Thread Matthew

SOLUTION: If anyone is interested I discovered that the onRequest
method in App.cfc was guilty. If you're familiar with this method
you'll know that if you choose to use it you need to include a
cfargument called targetPage and then you need to have a cfinclude
template=#Arguments.targetPage# /. So the reason my web service
wasn't working because this was returning cfinclude template=/
test.cfc / which does nothing.

So it would appear that you can't use onRequest when you publish a web
service I'd almost call this a bug really.

After reading various articles it appears that there are hack work
arounds (e.g. 
or ) and it sounds like you run into the same problem when trying to
do Flash Remoting and using CFSELECT (http://www.scratty.com/
coldfusion-8-cfselect-bind-ajax/). Here's another useful article

The best solution (hack) I've found was to include the following code
in onRequestStart();
if (ListLast(Arguments.targetPage, .) EQ cfc) {
StructDelete(this, onRequest);

Hopefully this helps someone in the future.

On Jun 23, 1:30 pm, charlie arehart charlie_li...@carehart.org
 Great to hear. I'll check for more details in my morning. 'night all. :-)


 -Original Message-
 From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:cfaus...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf

 Of Matthew
 Sent: Monday, June 22, 2009 11:21 PM
 To: cfaussie
 Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Web service not working after CF8 upgrade

 @Steve: I get you now. Yes, I can invoke the component e.g.

 @Kai: I don't think that issue is applicable because you're talking
 about consuming a web service. I'm talking about publishing one.
 Regardless of this the WSDL isn't being registered in the admin
 because it's not even getting to that point because it's not even
 resolving due to the error so it must be something else.

 @Charlie: yes I'm expecting to get the WSDL. When I view the source I
 just see 18-20 blank lines (in CF7 I used to get the XML/SOAP dumped
 to the browser as you'd expect). Calling the method via the browser
 had same effect. Calling the CFC via the browser had the same effect.

 I think you might be onto something Charlie because I just isolated
 the CFC in a new folder with it's own App.cfc and it worked. You must
 be right. The parent App.cfc is guilty. I need to investigate. Thanks
 a million.

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[cfaussie] Re: THIS WEDNESDAY : Coldfusion 9 and FLEX 4 Product Preview Presentation

2009-06-17 Thread Matthew

Thanks Mark and Steve for putting last night together. Thanks also to
whoever sponsered the food / venue.

It's a shame it ran behind schedule because I had to leave at 9pm and
miss the 2nd half of the CF9 presentation. Is the slide show available

I did have a question I wanted to ask: how are Adobe handling the pre-
release of CF9 and Bolt. I've registered on the Labs website but no
response from Adobe yet. I guess they are just hand picking testers at
this stage. Perhaps I'll have to wait for the Beta - any idea when
this will be out?


On Jun 17, 9:45 am, Mark Mandel mark.man...@gmail.com wrote:
 See you all tonight!!!


 On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 11:14 AM, Steve Onnis st...@cfcentral.com.auwrote:

   Reminding everyone that on June 17th, which is *THIS WEDNESDAY*, Adobe is
  demonstrating the new release of Coldfusion codenamed *Centaur* along with
  the next release of Adobes rich internet application development platform,

  The presentation is being conducted as part of the monthly usergroup
  meetings and will be attended by technical and sales members of Adobe.
  Presentations will also be conducted by Adobe team members.

   *Tour Event:* Coldfusion 9 and FLEX 4 Usergroup Tour
   *Date and Time:* June 17, 2009 from 6:00pm - 9:00pm
   *Address:* CQ Functions
  113 Queen Street
  Melbourne, Victoria 3000

    Adobe ColdFusion 9

  The Adobe ColdFusion team is hitting the road to discuss Centaur, the next
  version of ColdFusion, and Bolt - code name for the highly anticipated first
  ColdFusion IDE from Adobe.  Learn about exciting new features and discover
  how Centaur and Bolt will accelerate your ColdFusion application
  Flex 4 / Flash Catalyst

  Come learn about the newest features in the Flex 4 framework, Flex Builder
  4 and the newest Adobe product -- Flash Catalyst. See product feature demos,
  and learn how the new Flex framework powers both Flash Catalyst and Flex
  Builder to speed the development and testing of rich Internet applications
  and content.

  There will be pre drinks and food platters which will give you a great
  opportunity to network and mingle with the other people attending.
  Go tohttp://groups.adobe.com/posts/081e9d435fform more information and
  to register, or you can email st...@inevative.com.au and provide your
  registration directly to me.  If you would like to bring other people from
  your workplace or clients along you can do so.  Just let me know the names
  of the people that would like to attend.

  Places are limited and they are filling up quickly so register now so you
  don't miss out.

  Steve Onnis

 E: mark.man...@gmail.com
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[cfaussie] Re: PHP to CF help

2009-06-16 Thread Matthew

Hi Ben

I've not read the post in any detail but at a quick glance maybe the
cffile is throwing an error due to a name conflict so perhaps add the
nameConflict = MakeUnique attribute/value to the cffile tag.


On Jun 17, 12:59 pm, phad...@formstar.com wrote:
 On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 12:45:21PM +1000, Ben Lowndes wrote:
  I've got the cocoa app posting to a simple debug script (see below) and on
  checking the resulting file there's no form or url data being sent.. Very
  frustrating!I can't see how the php script can be handling it, so I think
  all I'm left with is finding a method to inspect the HTTP data.

 As has been mentioned:


 For Windows, Mac  Linux. Sits between your browser  the web and shows
 you pretty much everything possible about what's going on. Reqest
 headers, cookies, form data, raw data; response data up to  including
 decoding AMF packets etc etc.

 Pretty much as must-have tool, afaik.


 Paul Haddon
 Technical Services Manager
 Formstar Print Technologies
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[cfaussie] Re: CFDOCUMENT hanging server!?!?!

2009-02-26 Thread Matthew

Hi everyone

A full system restart finally solved it. Thanks for all the help!

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[cfaussie] Re: CFDOCUMENT hanging server!?!?!

2009-02-25 Thread Matthew

Hi Mark

Thanks for the response. Not sure what you mean? What do I need to do
with the DNS? I really need to solve this!


On Feb 26, 3:45 pm, Mark Mandel mark.man...@gmail.com wrote:
 I've had similar things happen when the DNS has changes, and the
 server can't resolve it's own name.

 A quick fix to the hosts file can usually solve this one.


 On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 9:27 AM, Matthew matthewbchamb...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi everyone

  Suddenly I'm having a problem with CFDOCUMENT hanging the server. The
  code has been working fine for years, mind you I did play around with
  the layout a little recently but it was fine when I put the changes
  live and now several days later it just get hung threads. I've rolled
  back the code and still it hangs. If I monitor the thread in Fusion
  Reactor it just sits there and doesn't resolve. When the crash first
  happened I had 4 threads sitting there fore 1,900,000ms!

  Here is a sample stack trace if anyone can help?

  jrpp-2725 prio=5 tid=0x050e1578 nid=0x1020 in Object.wait()
         at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
         - waiting on 0x141f92c8 (a coldfusion.util.Semaphore)
         at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:429)
         at coldfusion.util.Semaphore.acquire(Semaphore.java:31)
         - locked 0x141f92c8 (a coldfusion.util.Semaphore)
         at coldfusion.tagext.lang.DocumentTag.doAfterBody(DocumentTag.java:
         at cfpass2ecfc602386039$funcCREATEPRODUCTFACTSHEET.runFunction(C:
         at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod.invoke(UDFMethod.java:344)
         at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod$ReturnTypeFilter.invoke
         at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod$ArgumentCollectionFilter.invoke
         at coldfusion.filter.FunctionAccessFilter.invoke
         at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod.runFilterChain(UDFMethod.java:207)
         at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod.invoke(UDFMethod.java:169)
         at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateProxy.invoke(TemplateProxy.java:194)
         at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateProxy.invoke(TemplateProxy.java:146)
         at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage._invoke(CfJspPage.java:1634)
         at cfpass2ecfm652413036._factor2(C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\project\pass.cfm:
         at cfpass2ecfm652413036._factor3(C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\project\pass.cfm:
         at cfpass2ecfm652413036.runPage(C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\project\pass.cfm:
         at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage.invoke(CfJspPage.java:152)
         at coldfusion.tagext.lang.IncludeTag.doStartTag(IncludeTag.java:349)
         at coldfusion.filter.CfincludeFilter.invoke(CfincludeFilter.java:65)
         at coldfusion.filter.ApplicationFilter.invoke(ApplicationFilter.java:
         at coldfusion.filter.RequestMonitorFilter.invoke
         at coldfusion.filter.PathFilter.invoke(PathFilter.java:86)
         at coldfusion.filter.ExceptionFilter.invoke(ExceptionFilter.java:69)
         at coldfusion.filter.ClientScopePersistenceFilter.invoke
         at coldfusion.filter.BrowserFilter.invoke(BrowserFilter.java:38)
         at coldfusion.filter.GlobalsFilter.invoke(GlobalsFilter.java:38)
         at coldfusion.filter.DatasourceFilter.invoke(DatasourceFilter.java:
         at coldfusion.filter.RequestThrottleFilter.invoke
         at coldfusion.CfmServlet.service(CfmServlet.java:107)
         at coldfusion.bootstrap.BootstrapServlet.service
         at jrun.servlet.FilterChain.doFilter(FilterChain.java:86)
         at com.intergral.fusionreactor.filter.FusionReactorFilter.B(Unknown
         at com.intergral.fusionreactor.filter.FusionReactorFilter.A(Unknown
         at com.intergral.fusionreactor.filter.FusionReactorFilter.doFilter
  (Unknown Source)
         at jrun.servlet.FilterChain.doFilter(FilterChain.java:94)
         at jrun.servlet.FilterChain.service(FilterChain.java:101)
         at jrun.servlet.ServletInvoker.invoke(ServletInvoker.java:91)
         at jrun.servlet.JRunInvokerChain.invokeNext(JRunInvokerChain.java:42)
         at jrun.servlet.JRunRequestDispatcher.invoke
         at jrun.servlet.ServletEngineService.dispatch
         at jrun.servlet.jrpp.JRunProxyService.invokeRunnable
         at jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$DownstreamMetrics.invokeRunnable
         at jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$ThreadThrottle.invokeRunnable
         at jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$UpstreamMetrics.invokeRunnable
         at jrunx.scheduler.WorkerThread.run(WorkerThread.java:66)

 E: mark.man...@gmail.com

[cfaussie] Re: CFDOCUMENT hanging server!?!?!

2009-02-25 Thread Matthew

Hi again Mark

I just figured out what you meant write after responding. I check if I
can call the website up from on the web server and I can so I don't
think this is the issue. I assume you meant for me to add a host
record to point the domain back at the server but this would only be
required if it couldn't be browsed to right?


On Feb 26, 4:02 pm, Matthew matthewbchamb...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Mark

 Thanks for the response. Not sure what you mean? What do I need to do
 with the DNS? I really need to solve this!


 On Feb 26, 3:45 pm, Mark Mandel mark.man...@gmail.com wrote:

  I've had similar things happen when the DNS has changes, and the
  server can't resolve it's own name.

  A quick fix to the hosts file can usually solve this one.


  On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 9:27 AM, Matthew matthewbchamb...@gmail.com wrote:

   Hi everyone

   Suddenly I'm having a problem with CFDOCUMENT hanging the server. The
   code has been working fine for years, mind you I did play around with
   the layout a little recently but it was fine when I put the changes
   live and now several days later it just get hung threads. I've rolled
   back the code and still it hangs. If I monitor the thread in Fusion
   Reactor it just sits there and doesn't resolve. When the crash first
   happened I had 4 threads sitting there fore 1,900,000ms!

   Here is a sample stack trace if anyone can help?

   jrpp-2725 prio=5 tid=0x050e1578 nid=0x1020 in Object.wait()
          at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
          - waiting on 0x141f92c8 (a coldfusion.util.Semaphore)
          at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:429)
          at coldfusion.util.Semaphore.acquire(Semaphore.java:31)
          - locked 0x141f92c8 (a coldfusion.util.Semaphore)
          at coldfusion.tagext.lang.DocumentTag.doAfterBody(DocumentTag.java:
          at cfpass2ecfc602386039$funcCREATEPRODUCTFACTSHEET.runFunction(C:
          at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod.invoke(UDFMethod.java:344)
          at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod$ReturnTypeFilter.invoke
          at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod$ArgumentCollectionFilter.invoke
          at coldfusion.filter.FunctionAccessFilter.invoke
          at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod.runFilterChain(UDFMethod.java:207)
          at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod.invoke(UDFMethod.java:169)
          at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateProxy.invoke(TemplateProxy.java:194)
          at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateProxy.invoke(TemplateProxy.java:146)
          at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage._invoke(CfJspPage.java:1634)
          at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage.invoke(CfJspPage.java:152)
          at coldfusion.filter.RequestMonitorFilter.invoke
          at coldfusion.filter.PathFilter.invoke(PathFilter.java:86)
          at coldfusion.filter.ClientScopePersistenceFilter.invoke
          at coldfusion.filter.BrowserFilter.invoke(BrowserFilter.java:38)
          at coldfusion.filter.GlobalsFilter.invoke(GlobalsFilter.java:38)
          at coldfusion.filter.DatasourceFilter.invoke(DatasourceFilter.java:
          at coldfusion.filter.RequestThrottleFilter.invoke
          at coldfusion.CfmServlet.service(CfmServlet.java:107)
          at coldfusion.bootstrap.BootstrapServlet.service
          at jrun.servlet.FilterChain.doFilter(FilterChain.java:86)
          at com.intergral.fusionreactor.filter.FusionReactorFilter.B(Unknown
          at com.intergral.fusionreactor.filter.FusionReactorFilter.A(Unknown
          at com.intergral.fusionreactor.filter.FusionReactorFilter.doFilter
   (Unknown Source)
          at jrun.servlet.FilterChain.doFilter(FilterChain.java:94)
          at jrun.servlet.FilterChain.service(FilterChain.java:101)
          at jrun.servlet.ServletInvoker.invoke(ServletInvoker.java:91)
          at jrun.servlet.JRunRequestDispatcher.invoke
          at jrun.servlet.ServletEngineService.dispatch

[cfaussie] Re: CFDOCUMENT hanging server!?!?!

2009-02-25 Thread Matthew

Hi Mark

I think you replied to my first email. What you are saying sounds like
what I described in my second post i.e. I can browse to the website
from a browser on the web server. You said ping the computer name so
do you mean something else?


On Feb 26, 4:07 pm, Mark Mandel mark.man...@gmail.com wrote:
 Basically, to do cfdocument, CF has a sort of internal browser, that
 it uses to capture the screen contents, and then render it out to PDF.

 If the DNS server that the server is using, can't resolve the name of
 the computer to an IP address, the whole thing tends to hand pretty

 Get on the box, and try and ping the computer name... if it can't work
 out what it is, then this will be the issue.


 On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 4:02 PM, Matthew matthewbchamb...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi Mark

  Thanks for the response. Not sure what you mean? What do I need to do
  with the DNS? I really need to solve this!


  On Feb 26, 3:45 pm, Mark Mandel mark.man...@gmail.com wrote:
  I've had similar things happen when the DNS has changes, and the
  server can't resolve it's own name.

  A quick fix to the hosts file can usually solve this one.


  On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 9:27 AM, Matthew matthewbchamb...@gmail.com 

   Hi everyone

   Suddenly I'm having a problem with CFDOCUMENT hanging the server. The
   code has been working fine for years, mind you I did play around with
   the layout a little recently but it was fine when I put the changes
   live and now several days later it just get hung threads. I've rolled
   back the code and still it hangs. If I monitor the thread in Fusion
   Reactor it just sits there and doesn't resolve. When the crash first
   happened I had 4 threads sitting there fore 1,900,000ms!

   Here is a sample stack trace if anyone can help?

   jrpp-2725 prio=5 tid=0x050e1578 nid=0x1020 in Object.wait()
          at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
          - waiting on 0x141f92c8 (a coldfusion.util.Semaphore)
          at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:429)
          at coldfusion.util.Semaphore.acquire(Semaphore.java:31)
          - locked 0x141f92c8 (a coldfusion.util.Semaphore)
          at cfpass2ecfc602386039$funcCREATEPRODUCTFACTSHEET.runFunction(C:
          at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod.invoke(UDFMethod.java:344)
          at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod$ReturnTypeFilter.invoke
          at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod$ArgumentCollectionFilter.invoke
          at coldfusion.filter.FunctionAccessFilter.invoke
          at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod.runFilterChain(UDFMethod.java:207)
          at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod.invoke(UDFMethod.java:169)
          at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateProxy.invoke(TemplateProxy.java:194)
          at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateProxy.invoke(TemplateProxy.java:146)
          at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage._invoke(CfJspPage.java:1634)
          at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage.invoke(CfJspPage.java:152)
          at coldfusion.filter.RequestMonitorFilter.invoke
          at coldfusion.filter.PathFilter.invoke(PathFilter.java:86)
          at coldfusion.filter.ClientScopePersistenceFilter.invoke
          at coldfusion.filter.BrowserFilter.invoke(BrowserFilter.java:38)
          at coldfusion.filter.GlobalsFilter.invoke(GlobalsFilter.java:38)
          at coldfusion.filter.RequestThrottleFilter.invoke
          at coldfusion.CfmServlet.service(CfmServlet.java:107)
          at coldfusion.bootstrap.BootstrapServlet.service
          at jrun.servlet.FilterChain.doFilter(FilterChain.java:86)
          at com.intergral.fusionreactor.filter.FusionReactorFilter.doFilter
   (Unknown Source

[cfaussie] Re: CF8 bug with CFDOCUMENT

2009-02-19 Thread Matthew

@Ray: sorry for the slow reply. I just tested it again and the var
works fine. However bizarely if you call the local variable temp (as
in you example) the string gets changed to C:\Windows\Temp!
Truly odd!

I'll leave it for the Adobe guys to sort it out. Hopefully they'll
respond to my bug error log.

On Feb 19, 12:17 am, Raymond Camden rcam...@gmail.com wrote:
 So wait, you said you copied the arg. So I assume you did

 cfset var temp = arguments.strA

 Is that what you did? I'm asking because you say at the end I don't
 think you can VAR the local variable.

 On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 9:34 PM, Matthew matthewbchamb...@gmail.com wrote:

  Thanks Ryan and Ray for the responses. The code worked perfectly fine
  in CF7. I've just logged the bug with Adobe.

  By the way: the simple fix is just to create a new local variable in
  the function and assign the argument variable to the local variable
  (it's a waste but at least it gets my code working again) - NOTE: I
  don't think you can VAR the local variable so it's still really a bug.


 Raymond Camden, VP of Software Dev, Broadchoice

 Email    : r...@camdenfamily.com
 Blog      :www.coldfusionjedi.com
 AOL IM : cfjedimaster

 Keep up to date with the community:http://www.coldfusionbloggers.org
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[cfaussie] Re: CF8 bug with CFDOCUMENT

2009-02-17 Thread Matthew

Someone must be running CF8 and can try the code? Anyone?
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[cfaussie] Re: CF8 bug with CFDOCUMENT

2009-02-17 Thread Matthew

Thanks Ryan and Ray for the responses. The code worked perfectly fine
in CF7. I've just logged the bug with Adobe.

By the way: the simple fix is just to create a new local variable in
the function and assign the argument variable to the local variable
(it's a waste but at least it gets my code working again) - NOTE: I
don't think you can VAR the local variable so it's still really a bug.

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[cfaussie] Upgrading to CF8 advice?

2009-02-16 Thread Matthew

Hi everyone

We are finally upgrading to CF8 from CF7 (Standard). I'm looking
forward to playing around with all the image manipulation features,
CFTEXTAREA, and all the AJAX stuff (even if it is using old YUI
libraries and doesn't have the scope of jQuery).

I just wanted to see if anyone had any issues with upgrading so that I
can avoid any issues?

I'm aware that I need to upgrade to JVM 1.6.0_10

Current setup: IIS, CF7.0.2, MySql 4 (soon to be SQL Server 2005).

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[cfaussie] URL variable error when an anchor is included

2009-01-28 Thread Matthew

Hi everyone

I'm trying to solve a problem where my CF code throws an error because
it thinks that an anchor in the URL is part of a URL variable. It
works fine in most browsers it's just IE 6 that spits the dummy. The
odd thing is that if you type the URL straight into IE6 it's fine and
even if you refresh the page which threw the error it's fine. It seems
to only happen when you redirect to the page (I initially got the
error from a re-direction off a 3rd party website but I can replicate
it with CFLOCATION)!!

So here's an example /test.cfm?page=about_us#phone where usually
when you call url.page it would return about_us but it is returning

This must be a bug in IE6.

I've read a few posts where others have come across this and one
solution was to insert an  character before the anchor i.e. /
test.cfm?page=about_us#phone but this will be a big job because
there are quite a few links that would need to be changed on the 3rd
party website.

I know I could write my own URL variable extractor (by analysing
CGI.query_string) but that would be crazy.

Has anyone else come across this and found an easy solution? Is there
a patch to CF to fix this perhaps?

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[cfaussie] Re: URL variable error when an anchor is included

2009-01-28 Thread Matthew

Yeah, but that would mean that I have to edit 1000s of references to
URL variables across the site.

Bloody IE6
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[cfaussie] Re: Is XML bigger before or after XmlParse

2009-01-21 Thread Matthew

@charlie: sorry, I think I lead you a little astray with my response.
You are right I did want to know both if the output of parsed XML and
the amount of memory it takes up is large than un-parsed. Your comment
about all the extra CSS / HTML etc makes sense.

@everyone: I ommited one point from my original post. The reason I'm
interested in how much bigger parsed XML is is because the error
emails I was getting were huge (some were 13Mb!!!). I assume that if
the are big when being outputted in email than perhaps they are large
when held in memory. The answer may be that the are only large when
outputted due to all the HTML/CSS etc where as in memory they are
still quite small because it's just struct/arrays etc.

@barry: don't worry I'm not stuppid enough to do what your predecesor
did. My data is customer specific!

I'm on CF7 by the way so I can't use the new CF8 feature to work out
the size of a vaiable.

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[cfaussie] Re: Is XML bigger before or after XmlParse

2009-01-21 Thread Matthew

@Ross: great, thanks for running the test. As you say it could vary
based on a number of varients (such as Ross's comment). If your quick
test is a good guide than it would make a big difference if the parsed
version is double the size.

Thanks everyone.

On Jan 22, 9:31 am, Simon Haddon simon.had...@gmail.com wrote:
 It could very well be true for unicode text which would align with your
 discovery but I would say that if there was numeric data it would be stored
 more efficiently as binary than as text which would occur when you parsed
 the xml.  4 bytes for a large float where as  the text equivilent could be 8
 or more (in fact 16 since it would probbly use 2 bytes per character).

 Might be worth running a few more tests.

 2009/1/22 Ross Phillips r...@fingersdancing.com

  I did a quick test using the CF8 monitor tool to figure out if XML is
  larger when stored as a String or a XML object.  As suspected the XML
  object is larger but only by about 80 bytes.  I was only using a
  simple XML structure and I would expect this to change when the XML
  gets more complex.

  myXML = nodedata/node;
  Application.before_myXML = myXML;                       // 72 bytes
  Application.after_myXML = XMLParse(myXML);      // 152 bytes

  On 22/01/2009, at 10:13 AM, Matthew wrote:

   @charlie: sorry, I think I lead you a little astray with my response.
   You are right I did want to know both if the output of parsed XML and
   the amount of memory it takes up is large than un-parsed. Your comment
   about all the extra CSS / HTML etc makes sense.

   @everyone: I ommited one point from my original post. The reason I'm
   interested in how much bigger parsed XML is is because the error
   emails I was getting were huge (some were 13Mb!!!). I assume that if
   the are big when being outputted in email than perhaps they are large
   when held in memory. The answer may be that the are only large when
   outputted due to all the HTML/CSS etc where as in memory they are
   still quite small because it's just struct/arrays etc.

   @barry: don't worry I'm not stuppid enough to do what your predecesor
   did. My data is customer specific!

   I'm on CF7 by the way so I can't use the new CF8 feature to work out
   the size of a vaiable.


 Simon Haddon

 Woman loves feeling danger and speed. That is why woman wants man.  They get
 a speed rush that is the most dangerous of all.
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[cfaussie] Is XML bigger before or after XmlParse

2009-01-20 Thread Matthew

Hi guys

Is XML bigger or smaller after XmlParse? I would guess that it is
bigger because CF has had to convert it into struct/array type objects
within objects etc etc.

The reason I ask is because recently my inbox exploded due to an error
on the server which resulted in error emails being send out and the
error just so happened to be on a page where there was a large XML
object (I output all available variables/scopes to the error email in
order to have the best chance of diagnosing / repeating errors). I was
just wondering was the email so big because the XML had be parsed?

I'm now going to have to find some way of removing all XML objects
from each scope before dispatching an error email... any ideas?

I was trying to work out the answer to my first question by looking
for ways to establish the size of a variable before and after XmlParse
however I haven't yet found a way to find out a variables size. Does
anyone know how to do this? e.g. foo.howBigAmI()

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[cfaussie] Re: JRUN hanging

2009-01-13 Thread Matthew
at coldfusion.bootstrap.BootstrapServlet.service
at jrun.servlet.FilterChain.doFilter(FilterChain.java:86)
at com.intergral.fusionreactor.filter.FusionReactorFilter.B(Unknown
at com.intergral.fusionreactor.filter.FusionReactorFilter.A(Unknown
at com.intergral.fusionreactor.filter.FusionReactorFilter.doFilter
(Unknown Source)
at jrun.servlet.FilterChain.doFilter(FilterChain.java:94)
at jrun.servlet.FilterChain.service(FilterChain.java:101)
at jrun.servlet.ServletInvoker.invoke(ServletInvoker.java:91)
at jrun.servlet.JRunInvokerChain.invokeNext(JRunInvokerChain.java:42)
at jrun.servlet.JRunRequestDispatcher.invoke
at jrun.servlet.ServletEngineService.dispatch
at jrun.servlet.jrpp.JRunProxyService.invokeRunnable
at jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$DownstreamMetrics.invokeRunnable
at jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$ThreadThrottle.invokeRunnable
at jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$UpstreamMetrics.invokeRunnable
at jrunx.scheduler.WorkerThread.run(WorkerThread.java:66)

By the way: this doesn't really reflect what I raised in my first
thread because this shows what happen straight after a CF restart
where as the original issue happens when everything is stable and then
suddenly CF hangs. I'm still waiting for that to happen.


On Jan 8, 6:27 pm, charlie arehart charlie_li...@carehart.org
 Well, before you get too excited, be careful that you're not
 misunderstanding the report. The memory reported there is NOT for the
 current request, but rather for the entire CF server. So that number alone
 isn't too meaningful. But if it ROSE by 32 meg when you ran a request, that
 would be different (but even then you can't be positive that a given request
 caused the rise. Other things can be running to increase memory besides the
 request you're running.)

 Rather than view the memory in the stack trace, to observe how it's changing
 over time, I'd recommend instead you watch either the graphical interface
 they offer for the memory graph, or view the info in the resource-x.log
 file, both of which report it at 5 second intervals.

 But if that indeed is a stack trace of the call to the web service, notice
 the top line which says:

 java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0(Native Method)

 That would be the kind of thing (a native method) that CF's request timeout
 feature can't interrupt normally, but again I have confirmed that in my test
 where the TIMEOUT of a CFINVOKE webservice call works, it is indeed timing
 out while sitting in that same state. My assertion is that CF has added some
 additional timeout callback mechanism in such a case, which it doesn't do as
 a matter of course on other code. Makes sense to me.

 The question is why it doesn't timeout for you--but that will be the thing
 to confirm now. When you have a request that you see runs long, and you KNOW
 it has a timeout, if you sit there refreshing the stack trace, does it
 remain in this socketread0 method beyond that timeout time? It doesn't for
 me. :-)


 -Original Message-
 From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:cfaus...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf

 Of Matthew
 Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2009 11:32 PM
 To: cfaussie
 Subject: [cfaussie] Re: JRUN hanging

 Hi Charlie,

 Out of interest (while I await a hung server) I've configured FR 2.0.4
 on my dev PC and run a couple of calls to the web service whilst I
 watch them in FR. I was alarmed to see that my single request was
 costing 32MB of memory (32,438KB) This snapshot was taken at about
 the 30th second (the whole request finished after 55s).

 Here is the top part of the Thread Stack Trace:

 Thread Stack Trace
 Trace Time:   15:26:34.224 08-Jan-2009
 Request ID:   25
 Script Name:  http://foo
 Started:      15:26:04.177 08-Jan-2009
 Exec Time:    30047ms
 Memory Used:  (6%)32,438KB
 Memory Free:  472,457KB
 Thread ID:    jrpp-8
 Priority:     5
 Hashcode:     30900283

 jrpp-8 prio=5 tid=0x03c5f468 nid=0x3c4 runnable [559d000..559fd90]
         at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0(Native Method)
         at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:129)
         at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.InputRecord.a(DashoA12275)
         at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.InputRecord.a(DashoA12275)
         at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.InputRecord.read(DashoA12275)
         at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.a(DashoA12275)
         - locked 0x158afd20 (a java.lang.Object)
         at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.a(DashoA12275)
         at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.AppInputStream.read(DashoA12275)
         - locked 0x158afc88 (a
         at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read1

[cfaussie] Re: Timeout not working on CFINVOKE?

2009-01-08 Thread Matthew
at coldfusion.filter.CfincludeFilter.invoke(CfincludeFilter.java:65)
at coldfusion.filter.ApplicationFilter.invoke(ApplicationFilter.java:
at coldfusion.filter.RequestMonitorFilter.invoke
at coldfusion.filter.PathFilter.invoke(PathFilter.java:86)
at coldfusion.filter.LicenseFilter.invoke(LicenseFilter.java:27)
at coldfusion.filter.ExceptionFilter.invoke(ExceptionFilter.java:69)
at coldfusion.filter.BrowserDebugFilter.invoke
at coldfusion.filter.ClientScopePersistenceFilter.invoke
at coldfusion.filter.BrowserFilter.invoke(BrowserFilter.java:38)
at coldfusion.filter.GlobalsFilter.invoke(GlobalsFilter.java:38)
at coldfusion.filter.DatasourceFilter.invoke(DatasourceFilter.java:
at coldfusion.filter.RequestThrottleFilter.invoke
at coldfusion.CfmServlet.service(CfmServlet.java:107)
at coldfusion.bootstrap.BootstrapServlet.service
at jrun.servlet.FilterChain.doFilter(FilterChain.java:86)
at com.intergral.fusionreactor.filter.FusionReactorFilter.B(Unknown
at com.intergral.fusionreactor.filter.FusionReactorFilter.A(Unknown
at com.intergral.fusionreactor.filter.FusionReactorFilter.doFilter
(Unknown Source)
at jrun.servlet.FilterChain.doFilter(FilterChain.java:94)
at jrun.servlet.FilterChain.service(FilterChain.java:101)
at jrun.servlet.ServletInvoker.invoke(ServletInvoker.java:91)
at jrun.servlet.JRunInvokerChain.invokeNext(JRunInvokerChain.java:42)
at jrun.servlet.JRunRequestDispatcher.invoke
at jrun.servlet.ServletEngineService.dispatch
at jrun.servlet.jrpp.JRunProxyService.invokeRunnable
at jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$DownstreamMetrics.invokeRunnable
at jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$ThreadThrottle.invokeRunnable
at jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$UpstreamMetrics.invokeRunnable
at jrunx.scheduler.WorkerThread.run(WorkerThread.java:66)


On Jan 8, 6:45 pm, charlie arehart charlie_li...@carehart.org
 OK, so I just looked a little closer, and I see that while both our stack
 traces show being in a socketread0, there's more to the story. When my code
 is stuck on the CFINVOKE, I see something different from you.

 For one thing, notice that at the bottom of my stack trace (below), I see
 the line of CFML that's executing (in my case, line 14 of
 invoke_web_service_that_waits.cfm). That's what's so great about FR's making
 these stack traces so easy. I can see exactly what line of code I'm
 executing when I ask for the stack trace. And it's what I'd expect, waiting
 for the invoked web service to respond.  This is what it shows as I refresh
 the stack trace prior to the timeout I set.

 But I don't see any CF line number in your stack trace. It just ends with
 (Unknown Source). Did you not provide it all? Or is there no more? If
 there is no more, that may be  interesting itself.

 More important, though, is that you'll notice our stack traces show
 different java methods being called. You read these from bottom up, from the
 source line of CFML to the various java methods it led to, which are often
 very deep. Mine reflects what happens when the CFINVOKE first leads to a
 coldfusion.tagext.lang.InvokeTag.doEndTag (2 lines above it, which shows CF
 was processing the end tag of the cfinvoke), and then ultimately a bunch
 of methods in the apache axis client, then ultimately some java network IO:

         at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0(Native Method)
         at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:129)
         at java.io.BufferedInputStream.fill(BufferedInputStream.java:183)
         at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read(BufferedInputStream.java:201)
         - locked 0x14236310 (a java.io.BufferedInputStream)
         at org.apache.axis.SimpleChain.doVisiting(SimpleChain.java:118)
         at org.apache.axis.SimpleChain.invoke(SimpleChain.java:83)
         at org.apache.axis.client.AxisClient.invoke(AxisClient.java:165)
         at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invokeEngine(Call.java:2765)
         at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(Call.java:2748)
         at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(Call.java:2424)
         at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(Call.java:2347)
         at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke

[cfaussie] Re: Timeout not working on CFINVOKE?

2009-01-08 Thread Matthew

P.S. CFHTTP doesn't obey the timeout either! Here's the stack trace at
the 15th second (I told it to timeout after 5s):

jrpp-1 prio=5 tid=0x03fdbc00 nid=0x14c4 runnable [a7de000..a7dfd90]
at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0(Native Method)
at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:129)
at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.InputRecord.a(DashoA12275)
at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.InputRecord.a(DashoA12275)
at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.InputRecord.read(DashoA12275)
at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.a(DashoA12275)
- locked 0x14d1e0b8 (a java.lang.Object)
at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.a(DashoA12275)
at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.AppInputStream.read(DashoA12275)
- locked 0x14d1e170 (a com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.AppInputStream)
at HTTPClient.BufferedInputStream.fillBuff(BufferedInputStream.java:
at HTTPClient.BufferedInputStream.read(BufferedInputStream.java:110)
at HTTPClient.StreamDemultiplexor.read(StreamDemultiplexor.java:310)
- locked 0x14d281e8 (a HTTPClient.StreamDemultiplexor)
at HTTPClient.RespInputStream.read(RespInputStream.java:155)
- locked 0x14d28238 (a HTTPClient.RespInputStream)
at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read1(BufferedInputStream.java:220)
at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read(BufferedInputStream.java:277)
- locked 0x105c2648 (a java.io.BufferedInputStream)
at coldfusion.tagext.net.HttpTag.getUrlContents(HttpTag.java:1777)
at coldfusion.tagext.net.HttpTag.connHelper(HttpTag.java:877)
at coldfusion.tagext.net.HttpTag.doEndTag(HttpTag.java:1014)
at cfuntitled2ecfm1694986060.runPage(C:\Program Files\Apache Group
at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage.invoke(CfJspPage.java:152)
at coldfusion.tagext.lang.IncludeTag.doStartTag(IncludeTag.java:349)
at coldfusion.filter.CfincludeFilter.invoke(CfincludeFilter.java:65)
at coldfusion.filter.ApplicationFilter.invoke(ApplicationFilter.java:
at coldfusion.filter.RequestMonitorFilter.invoke
at coldfusion.filter.PathFilter.invoke(PathFilter.java:86)
at coldfusion.filter.LicenseFilter.invoke(LicenseFilter.java:27)
at coldfusion.filter.ExceptionFilter.invoke(ExceptionFilter.java:69)
at coldfusion.filter.BrowserDebugFilter.invoke
at coldfusion.filter.ClientScopePersistenceFilter.invoke
at coldfusion.filter.BrowserFilter.invoke(BrowserFilter.java:38)
at coldfusion.filter.GlobalsFilter.invoke(GlobalsFilter.java:38)
at coldfusion.filter.DatasourceFilter.invoke(DatasourceFilter.java:
at coldfusion.filter.RequestThrottleFilter.invoke
at coldfusion.CfmServlet.service(CfmServlet.java:107)
at coldfusion.bootstrap.BootstrapServlet.service
at jrun.servlet.FilterChain.doFilter(FilterChain.java:86)
at com.intergral.fusionreactor.filter.FusionReactorFilter.B(Unknown
at com.intergral.fusionreactor.filter.FusionReactorFilter.A(Unknown
at com.intergral.fusionreactor.filter.FusionReactorFilter.doFilter
(Unknown Source)
at jrun.servlet.FilterChain.doFilter(FilterChain.java:94)
at jrun.servlet.FilterChain.service(FilterChain.java:101)
at jrun.servlet.ServletInvoker.invoke(ServletInvoker.java:91)
at jrun.servlet.JRunInvokerChain.invokeNext(JRunInvokerChain.java:42)
at jrun.servlet.JRunRequestDispatcher.invoke
at jrun.servlet.ServletEngineService.dispatch
at jrun.servlet.jrpp.JRunProxyService.invokeRunnable
at jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$DownstreamMetrics.invokeRunnable
at jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$ThreadThrottle.invokeRunnable
at jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$UpstreamMetrics.invokeRunnable
at jrunx.scheduler.WorkerThread.run(WorkerThread.java:66)

On Jan 9, 1:48 pm, Matthew matthewbchamb...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Charlie

 Sorry to have wasted your time because I should have included the full
 stack trace - I only included the top half. Mine does infact have a
 line number (by the way there was lots under the line number as well
 so I've included the full thing however I'm guessing all the stuff
 prior to the line number is CF getting itself ready to start
 processing e.g. getting a worker thread etc). Anyway, I've re-run the
 test with a 15s timeout this time but still it went for 55s. Below is
 the stack trace at the 46th second. I've noted that my web service is
 a https URL i.e. it's using SSL. I'm not sure if this may

[cfaussie] Re: Timeout not working on CFINVOKE?

2009-01-07 Thread Matthew

@MrBuzzy, thanks for making the effort to reply. I thought there were
fires near Goulburn? You've explained precisely what I've always
thought has been the problem but as Charlie has rightly suggested I
should get the proof via a monitoring tool to be sure. I'm trying to
get Fusion Reactor installed (we've got the licence for v2.0.0 so I
hope that still does the job), it'll probably be a few days before we
get a hang scenario again but once it happens I'll report back. I
appreciate your help.

@Charlie, thanks to MrB you now understand my issue however I will get
the evidence for further discussion. By the way, this is a little OT
but thanks a million for the huge effort of running UGTV. I rarely
make a live session (usually due to the time difference) however I
often go to the site and view the recordings. Please keep it up and
please do your best to catch the recordings from the start plus make
sure the speakers talk clearly into the mike. Thanks a million


On Jan 8, 5:31 am, charlie arehart charlie_li...@carehart.org
 Wow, all that on a mobile. What a trooper. :-) Must be that clean NSW air 
 there in Goulburn.

 Fair enough on the confirmation of another instance of CFINVOKE of a 
 webservice with a timeout not doing so. Would love to get to the bottom of 
 things I really do wonder if the hangup's in the waiting (which my test seems 
 to suggest it's not) or in some processing. I realize you say it was  
 waiting for the java.net class, so maybe you're really saying you saw that. 
 I just wonder if necessarily that's the case for Matthew. The beauty of the 
 stack trace is that it will tell us, exactly, without guesses. That will be 
 good to hear.

 Enjoy the holiday.


 -Original Message-
 From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:cfaus...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf 
 Of MrBuzzy
 Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2009 10:42 AM
 To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Timeout not working on CFINVOKE?

 Oh man why do the good conversations always happen when I'm
 holidaying. I've just driven 700kms up to Golburn and it's about

 These quick words aren't well thouht through so I sooologise in
 advance for that. And I'm on a mobile phone. I don't really have time
 to back track, so please allow me to just append my opinions and hit
 the hey :)

 My experience has been as follows;

 1. To agree with Charlie, cfinvoke timeout will and can time out. It's
 not broken.

 However this is not always the case.

 2. There are definitely situations where it WILL NOT do so. I've seen
 it with my own eyes, and I have used FusionReactor to provide the
 proof, which Charlie suggested Matthew does and I think that's an
 excellent suggestion.

 To summarize my 'proof'
 - I have seen cold fusion PAGE requests that are still 'running' after
 300,000+ seconds. Yep in CFB.0.1
 - do a stack trace on one of these running pages and the page thread
 is clearly stuck waiting in the guts of a cfinvoke, waiting for a
 websevice request to complete. (Charlie, if I read you correctly, you
 are asserting that this is not possible because the cfinvoke timeout
 WILL save the day. I wish that was the case!)

 (To be clear, I'm not bagging CF, in my case I am quite sure the
 non-cf webservice is to blame).

 In a nut shell this is what occurs;
 We call a web service which knowingly takes a while to run (could be
 minutes and varies).
 For what ever reason the Web Service does not complete it's work or
 maybe it does.
 Not another single packet is sent back to CF and CF is left hanging,
 waiting for the java.net class to give us a sign of what's happening.
 So why does the WS send nothing back? Not sure maybe apache timed it
 out. Maybe a firewall did something to the long running request. Many
 (I've heard grumbles that CF is not using http 1.1 and it might all
 work better if it used that keepalive thingy. And might be totally
 wrong info too)

 Zackster, I have implemented almost exactly what you suggested using
 cfthread and it can work, but just shifts the problem (with minor
 The net effect is that the end user may be shielded from a hung
 browser request, but instead the hung thread will be there in a
 cfthread. Eventually the cfthread pool will run out of available
 threads I guess.

 When I'm back in Melbourne I'd be happy to provide more info on this
 one if the conversation is still alive :)

 Ouchies sore thumbs now.

 Ps: don't even get me started on timeouts and parsing of the wsdl.
 Whole different problem.

 Pps: there is also a KB article about setting the timeouts directly on
 the underlying Axis objects. But I can't remener what problem that


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cfaussie group.
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[cfaussie] Re: JRUN hanging

2009-01-07 Thread Matthew

I've got Fusion Reactor 2.0.0 (this is the only licence we have) up
and running and am looking at the Request History. We've not had a
hang yet but I just wanted to get familiar with the tool. I'm looking
at the requests which are taking 45+ seconds and they are all pages
which involve a call to the web service. The pages are not timing out
so I'm not getting error logs showing where the timeout occured
however is there anyway to see which lines of code are the slow bits?
I'm trying to work out if the call to the web service is the slow bit
or if it's the unpacking and trying to display the data which may be

I'll report back what I'm seeing when the next hang happens.

@Charlie: I've tried your idea of browsing to the WSDL while a hang is
occuring and I've had mixed scenerios. Sometimes it won't come up,
sometimes it comes up but when I try to submit to a method it times
out, sometimes it doesn't time out but it does take ages.

Anyway, once I get the next hang I'll be able to report back on what I


On Jan 7, 2:48 pm, charlie arehart charlie_li...@carehart.org
 Yes, Mark makes a good point. You are saying these are the same problems,
 right? I didn't pick up on it earlier, but when you said that when things
 hang, there's high cpu, that really does seem to point to a very different

 I'll go back to my previous point: I'd be VERY interested if you can confirm
 that when things hang, whether the stack traces for running requests really
 are doing the webservice call you say, because as Mark says, if CF's just
 waiting for them to come back, that shouldn't take up much CPU.

 Or, thinking outside the box, maybe in fact this IS where CPU time is being
 spent (and it may explain why the TIMEOUT isn't working). What if you find
 that indeed CF is in fact running the CFINVOKE when things hang, but instead
 of just waiting for the webservice result, what if the problem is that the
 web service returns a HUGE amount of data for some reason. Perhaps there's
 an error in the web service, or perhaps the variation depends on the kind of
 data users request.  Just as a CFQUERY could be written to bring back a
 million records from a database (and user input might vary that result from
 1 to a million), so too could a web service call that basically returns
 query-driven data that varies with user input.

 Or maybe it's not so much huge, but it's complex, and CF is spending time in
 the Axis java code called by CFINVOKE trying to render the result,
 converting it from whatever format it's served in to a form that CF can
 process. That would reflect in it being hung on the CFINVOKE, and possibly
 not interruptible because it's processing file system I/O. That's just a

 But all this again speaks to the value of logging the web service calls.  If
 you add in logging the input being passed, you may find that there's a
 pattern where the requests that hang up pass in some value. That's just a
 guess. I realize you may content that you know that there are times when it
 hangs on something you think should bring back one record.

 But here's another idea: if you do log it, and you do get a situation where
 CF hangs up that you think is due to the web service calls (indeed, even if
 you get the stack trace and prove it),  then I would recommend you go try to
 browse the web service yourself, separately from that CF server. Some web
 services can be called entirely in a browser, if the input arguments are
 simple (as inhttp://url/service.wsdl?method=somemethodinputarg1=value1).
 Or if that can't work, setup a CF page that you run on a different server
 (not the one that's hung), such as your laptop, and run the request there.
 See if you  get any back any input, to see what it looks like.

 Again, all just some ideas to consider.


 -Original Message-
 From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:cfaus...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf

 Of Mark Mandel
 Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 10:29 PM
 To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [cfaussie] Re: JRUN hanging

 Honestly, I'd be surprised if it was the problem you described
 (although I could be wrong), simply because it's maxing out the CPU,
 which tends to lean towards and infinite loop.

 If it was simply locking at the point of the webservice, then there
 would be no (or very little) CPU activity, but JRUN just wouldn't do


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To post to this group, send email to cfaussie@googlegroups.com
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For more options, visit this group at 

[cfaussie] Re: Timeout not working on CFINVOKE?

2009-01-07 Thread Matthew

1. Sorry I did miss your joke.
2. I'll aim to type FusionReactor correctly from now (these things
annoy me as well especially when you're looking for a CF job and you
have to type Cold Fusion and you end up with jobs like Cold
calling :)).
3. I've already updated to v.2.0.4 (thanks for the pointer anyway).
4. I will turn on Crash Protection Alert.
5. Sorry about blaming you for bad recordings. Perhaps it's just
that I listen to a lot of the ones you introduce. I should have
clarified that it is rare that the recording misses the start and to
be honest I think it was only once that the speaker wasn't talking
into the mike properly (I think it was the Design Patterns from 2nd
Oct 08). Anyway, forget the negative comment, the recordings are great
and thanks for collating them so cleanly.

I continue to eagerly await a hang.


On Jan 8, 12:02 pm, charlie arehart charlie_li...@carehart.org
 So my quip about clean NSW air was made without any knowledge of fires.
 Bummer. I wasn't being sarcastic. :-(

 As for FusionReactor (it's spelled without a space, like CF), the 2.0
 version will work. But you can upgrade to 2.04 to get all the fixes and
 enhancements. More, including the steps and the update file itself, at:


 You can also learn what changed since 2.0 at:

 2.04 release noteshttp://www.fusion-reactor.com/support/kb/FRS-162.cfm

 2.03 release noteshttp://www.fusion-reactor.com/support/kb/FRS-159.cfm

 As for the challenge that it'll probably be a few days before we get a hang
 scenario again, be sure to consider the Crash Protection Alert notification
 feature, so you get sent the email when too many threads hang up. It will
 have the thread dump in the email, which is great, so at least you don't
 have to be there when it happens. :-)

 Finally, about the UGTV, thanks for the kind regards. But you say, please
 do your best to catch the recordings from the start plus make sure the
 speakers talk clearly into the mike.  I'm wondering: if you're referring to
 recordings on the UGTV site, I don't control those at all. I created it
 (carehart.org/ugtv/) simply as a repository to provide a place to point to
 (and search for/browse) presentations that others have made.

 Now, among those pointed to are the CF Meetup recorded presos
 (coldfusionmeetup.com), and I do run that (though again it's other speakers
 generally),but I do always start the recording at the point I introduce the
 speaker, so I'm really thinking you're referring to other UGTV talks created
 by others. I'm afraid I really can't control them. :-(


 -Original Message-
 From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:cfaus...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf

 Of Matthew
 Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2009 5:12 PM
 To: cfaussie
 Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Timeout not working on CFINVOKE?

 @MrBuzzy, thanks for making the effort to reply. I thought there were
 fires near Goulburn? You've explained precisely what I've always
 thought has been the problem but as Charlie has rightly suggested I
 should get the proof via a monitoring tool to be sure. I'm trying to
 get Fusion Reactor installed (we've got the licence for v2.0.0 so I
 hope that still does the job), it'll probably be a few days before we
 get a hang scenario again but once it happens I'll report back. I
 appreciate your help.

 @Charlie, thanks to MrB you now understand my issue however I will get
 the evidence for further discussion. By the way, this is a little OT
 but thanks a million for the huge effort of running UGTV. I rarely
 make a live session (usually due to the time difference) however I
 often go to the site and view the recordings. Please keep it up and
 please do your best to catch the recordings from the start plus make
 sure the speakers talk clearly into the mike. Thanks a million


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cfaussie group.
To post to this group, send email to cfaussie@googlegroups.com
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For more options, visit this group at 

[cfaussie] Re: JRUN hanging

2009-01-07 Thread Matthew

Hi Charlie,

Out of interest (while I await a hung server) I've configured FR 2.0.4
on my dev PC and run a couple of calls to the web service whilst I
watch them in FR. I was alarmed to see that my single request was
costing 32MB of memory (32,438KB) This snapshot was taken at about
the 30th second (the whole request finished after 55s).

Here is the top part of the Thread Stack Trace:

Thread Stack Trace
Trace Time:   15:26:34.224 08-Jan-2009
Request ID:   25
Script Name:  http://foo
Started:  15:26:04.177 08-Jan-2009
Exec Time:30047ms
Memory Used:  (6%)32,438KB
Memory Free:  472,457KB
Thread ID:jrpp-8
Priority: 5
Hashcode: 30900283

jrpp-8 prio=5 tid=0x03c5f468 nid=0x3c4 runnable [559d000..559fd90]
at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0(Native Method)
at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:129)
at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.InputRecord.a(DashoA12275)
at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.InputRecord.a(DashoA12275)
at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.InputRecord.read(DashoA12275)
at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.a(DashoA12275)
- locked 0x158afd20 (a java.lang.Object)
at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.a(DashoA12275)
at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.AppInputStream.read(DashoA12275)
- locked 0x158afc88 (a com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.AppInputStream)
at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read1(BufferedInputStream.java:220)
at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read(BufferedInputStream.java:277)
- locked 0x158afad8 (a java.io.BufferedInputStream)
at java.io.FilterInputStream.read(FilterInputStream.java:111)
at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLEntityManager$RewindableInputStream.read
(Unknown Source)


On Jan 8, 12:33 pm, charlie arehart charlie_li...@carehart.org
 No, you can't with FR get any sort of profile of what lines were slowest
 within a request. Only the CF8 Server monitor has the depth of insight to
 report that. What I had been referring to is if you can catch the request
 WHILE it's running, in which case you can get a stack trace by clicking a
 button to the left of the request, while you see it running.

 One other thing: you refer to my earlier suggestion as browsing to the
 WSDL, but to be clear, I wasn't proposing that (though not a bad idea). I
 was proposing actually running the web service, by adding the method
 attribute and passing in any needed simple arguments. But the fact that you
 sometimes can't even get back the WSDL alone is certainly worrisome, and
 something to bring to the attention of whoever runs the server being called.
 This is just like how an end user would call any of us if our servers
 weren't responding to their requests. :-)


 -Original Message-
 From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:cfaus...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf

 Of Matthew
 Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2009 8:04 PM
 To: cfaussie
 Subject: [cfaussie] Re: JRUN hanging

 I've got Fusion Reactor 2.0.0 (this is the only licence we have) up
 and running and am looking at the Request History. We've not had a
 hang yet but I just wanted to get familiar with the tool. I'm looking
 at the requests which are taking 45+ seconds and they are all pages
 which involve a call to the web service. The pages are not timing out
 so I'm not getting error logs showing where the timeout occured
 however is there anyway to see which lines of code are the slow bits?

 I'm trying to work out if the call to the web service is the slow bit
 or if it's the unpacking and trying to display the data which may be

 I'll report back what I'm seeing when the next hang happens.

 @Charlie: I've tried your idea of browsing to the WSDL while a hang is
 occuring and I've had mixed scenerios. Sometimes it won't come up,
 sometimes it comes up but when I try to submit to a method it times
 out, sometimes it doesn't time out but it does take ages.

 Anyway, once I get the next hang I'll be able to report back on what I


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cfaussie group.
To post to this group, send email to cfaussie@googlegroups.com
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For more options, visit this group at 

[cfaussie] Re: Timeout not working on CFINVOKE?

2009-01-07 Thread Matthew

Hi guys,

I've installed FR 2.0.4 on my dev machine to show you how the
CFINVOIKE will not time out. I ran the sample code in my original post
(this time with a 6 sec timeout just to be different) but it ran for
57s. Here is the Thread Stack Trace taken at about 25th second:

Thread Stack Trace
Trace Time:   15:36:18.993 08-Jan-2009
Request ID:   27
Script Name:  http://dev/untitled.cfm
Started:  15:35:54.353 08-Jan-2009
Exec Time:24640ms
Memory Used:  (7%)36,032KB
Memory Free:  468,863KB
Thread ID:jrpp-9
Priority: 5
Hashcode: 18823801

jrpp-9 prio=5 tid=0x08dbc860 nid=0xef8 runnable [a69e000..a69fd90]
at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0(Native Method)
at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:129)
at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.InputRecord.a(DashoA12275)
at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.InputRecord.a(DashoA12275)
at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.InputRecord.read(DashoA12275)
at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.a(DashoA12275)
- locked 0x14be2d18 (a java.lang.Object)
at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.a(DashoA12275)
at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.AppInputStream.read(DashoA12275)
- locked 0x14be2db8 (a com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.AppInputStream)
at java.io.BufferedInputStream.fill(BufferedInputStream.java:183)
at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read1(BufferedInputStream.java:222)
at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read(BufferedInputStream.java:277)
- locked 0x14c10a90 (a java.io.BufferedInputStream)
at java.io.FilterInputStream.read(FilterInputStream.java:111)
at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLEntityManager$RewindableInputStream.read
(Unknown Source)


On Jan 8, 12:55 pm, charlie arehart charlie_li...@carehart.org
 No worries. Just a couple of quick replies:

  1. Sorry I did miss your joke.

 No, no. The point was I wasn't making a joke (in my reference to clean air
 in Goulburn for Matt). When you said to MrB that there were fires, I wanted
 to clarify that my earlier comment wasn't a joke. I lived in Canberra and
 really to recall fondly the clean air in rural NSW.

  2. I'll aim to type FusionReactor correctly from now (these things
  annoy me as well especially when you're looking for a CF job and you
  have to type Cold Fusion and you end up with jobs like Cold
  calling :)).

 Yeah, wasn't being pedantic. More that if one doesn't spell it right,
 sometimes it affects the results of searches, so was just pointing out the

  3. I've already updated to v.2.0.4 (thanks for the pointer anyway).


  4. I will turn on Crash Protection Alert.

 Very cool: and don't do abort and notify. Just notify. I persuaded to
 change that in 3.01 to make notify the default/first listed item in the

  5. Sorry about blaming you for bad recordings. Perhaps it's just
  that I listen to a lot of the ones you introduce. I should have
  clarified that it is rare that the recording misses the start and to
  be honest I think it was only once that the speaker wasn't talking
  into the mike properly (I think it was the Design Patterns from 2nd
  Oct 08). Anyway, forget the negative comment, the recordings are great
  and thanks for collating them so cleanly.

 OK, so just wanted to be clear, since the CF meetup recordings are just a
 subset of all the UGTV. But if you mean the CFmeetup meetings, yes, some
 speakers aren't as clear as others. I meet them before the meeting to check
 that, and if they lapse again during the talk people will complain.
 Sometimes, though, it just can't be helped if there's either a network or
 mic issue on their end. If I detect that during the advanced prep with them,
 I would strive to get them to fix it before the meeting, for sure.

 But no problem offering the feedback. Always welcome.

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To post to this group, send email to cfaussie@googlegroups.com
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For more options, visit this group at 

[cfaussie] Re: Timeout not working on CFINVOKE?

2009-01-06 Thread Matthew

Hi everyone,

Thanks for the responses.

@MrBuzzy: I feared this was the problem.

@Charlie: No, the web service is not on the same machine. I'm pretty
sure it's not written in CF either. It's from a 3rd party. It is a
core part of the website (used by many users) however I still don't
want it to bring the website down. Especially because even when the
web service is back up the website is still hung (it doesn't recover).
We setup Fusion Reactor once before but it chewed up so much disk
space logging everything that we had to kill it (the problem is so
intermitent that we need to leave Fusion Reactor running all the time
until a hang occurs however the logs expand too quickly). Sometimes we
get the AxisFault: Read Timeout message but this is fine because it
doesn't crash the server. I think this happens when the 3rd party
provided correctly disables there web service, where as when the hand
occurs I think it's some other part of there system which has crashed
i.e. perhaps their web service system is up but the underlying
business servers are down and they don't have timeouts in place (or
perhaps there timeout is longer than my 60s). By the way: it wouldn't
be possible to cache the results because the data is different each
time. Each user requests different data.

It sounds like there is no easy solution to this because CF simply
won't timeout correctly - bummer.

Perhaps I could write a Java class which does the liasing with this
3rd party web service however I guess this would still have the same
problem because the Java class would be called by CF so the request
not timing out issue would still happen anyway?


On Jan 7, 8:15 am, charlie arehart charlie_li...@carehart.org
 Zac, your idea is interesting, but the short timeout would not be helpful.
 The lock timeout only says how long a contending lock request would be
 willing to wait. In the case Matthew describes, if he was going to use a
 lock to prevent concurrent execution of the code, he'd really want a very
 long lock, to preclude other requests trying to execute it.

 But it really wouldn't be the solution to the problem, as now the request
 threads would tie up with people waiting on the lock. :-)

 No, what's really needed is to stop the long-running pages (the web service
 being called, assuming as I asserted in the last note that these are running
 on the same server that's calling them.)  That's down to determining what
 they're doing that's taking so long.

 And while I wanted to say this in reply to Matthew's other thread, I don't
 want you guys seeing 4 messages from me popping up, so I'll say it here:
 Matthew, it would seem one solution for you (assuming you can't control how
 long the called web service takes to run) would be to cache the web service
 result so that you don't call it so often. There's no built-in support for
 caching web service calls (like we have with CFQUERY), but it's easy enough
 to save it into a shared scope (session, application, or server, depending
 on the nature of the data being returned and how you use it), and write some
 code that watches for when to refresh or purge the cached result. Not
 trivial, but perhaps the idea is enough to get you started.

 If not, let us know other challenges that preclude it.


 -Original Message-
 From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:cfaus...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf

 Of Zac Spitzer
 Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 4:27 AM
 To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Timeout not working on CFINVOKE?

 there's nothing funky that could be doe here using cfthread?

 try putting an exclusive lock around it with a short timeout ie 4s will stop
 other connections also getting stuck.. all depends on the app and scale...

 but if it keeps the app up...

 On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 5:36 PM, MrBuzzy mrbu...@gmail.com wrote:
  Oh this old chestnut :)

  What you are doing is correct, but the timeout can not be enforced by
  ColdFusion until AFTER the external net connection has completed.

  I realise I'm not describing it very well. Basically it's an inherrent
  problem with the java class that handles http connections. ColdFusion can
  not respond until the network connection 'gives back'.

  It can also occur with CFHTTP and others.

  If your service is genuninely 'hung' and gives nothing back, that
  will remain open for a long time. Not even FusionReactor can kill it :)

  (I'm guessing the 60 second time out you are experiencing is on the web
  service itself).

  On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 4:57 PM, Matthew matthewbchamb...@gmail.com

  Hi all

  I'm using CFINVOKE to make a web service call and I've added the
  timeout attribute but it's not timing out. I've set it to 5 secounds
  and wrapped the block in a CFTIMER tag (to confirm the duration) but
  it's still hanging on for 60 seconds (I'm guessing the 60s is the
  default timeout setting in CF). I need to override the default timeout
  for this specific

[cfaussie] Re: JRUN hanging

2009-01-06 Thread Matthew

Hi Kai

Thanks for the tip. I have already tried connecting the JConsole from
my local dev machine to the live server but can't get it to connect.
Perhaps I've got the port wrong. How do you work out which port the CF
JVM is listening on?

I'm looking into the Thread Dump idea (I've just finished reading the
Adobe article you spoke of) however there is a lot to understand.
Anyway, I've switched everything on so I can take a Thread Dump next
time the server appears to hang (or what is really called SPINNING)
however I don't think this will help in any great way.

I'm pretty certain that whatever monitoring solution I find it will
tell me what I already know, which is that because a big part of the
website relies on a web service call to a 3rd party which goes down
sometimes and because CFINVOKE won't obey the timeout parameter then
I'll always have this problem. I need to work out a way to detect that
the web service is out and disable it before too many users on the
website instantiate a connection which won't timeout properly and
cause the server to go into a spin.

I will continue to investigate. If anyone else wants to chime in
please feel free!

By the way; is there anyway to get a report/graph which shows how much
memory each variable is taking up i.e. can you take a snapshot at a
moment in time to show all the session variables and how much memory
they are costing?


On Jan 7, 11:10 am, Kai Koenig k...@bloginblack.de wrote:
 As far as I can remember JConsole will just run on Java5+. That being  
 you should be able to run it on a Java 5 JVM and hook it remotely to  
 an app on 1.4 - I'm pretty sure though that you'd be limited in which  
 you can get.

 There's also a knowledgebase article somewhere on Adobe.com how to
 create a thread dump.


  I don't believe JConsole will natively hook into Java 1.4.

  Sounds like you're going to doing thread dumps.

  Do a google search for them, and you will find several articles.


  On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 9:24 AM, Matthew matthewbchamb...@gmail.com  

  Hi guys,

  Sorry, I should have given more info.

  @Steve: I'm not sure if it's a CF web service but I'm pretty sure it
  isn't. I think it may be Java.

  @Mark: not sure which point you were refering to with your first
  question? It's running on a CF7 server. So I'm guessing I'll need to
  use JConsole. Where do I start?


  On Jan 7, 7:42 am, Mark Mandel mark.man...@gmail.com wrote:
  What makes you think this is the case?

  What version of CF are you on?

  If you are on CF8, you can use either - snapshots via the server
  monitor, a tool like JConsole, or thread dumps to find out exactly
  what is causing the infinite loop.


  On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 5:20 PM, Matthew  
  matthewbchamb...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi everyone

  From time to time our website appears to hand. I believe it is CF  
  JRun) chocking because each time it happens I can still connect  
  to the
  web server via FTP, RDP, DB access. When I look at the Task Manager
  jrun.exe is using max CPU. If I restart the CF service or End  
  on jrun.exe everything recovers.

  I'm pretty sure I know which bit of code is causing the problem.  
  a web service call to a 3rd party (used quite a lot by users on the
  website). Most of the time when the website hangs I can't browse to
  the 3rd party's web service. I've tried setting timeouts on the web
  service call by using CFINVOKE, CreateObject, CFOBJECT etc but no
  improvement. I need to allow for up to 60s because some of the  
  are quite complex.

  I'm trying to work out why it's hanging. I suspect that because  
  CF is
  allowing 8 simaltaneous requests and each gets 60 seconds then once
  all these slots are taken up everyone else goes on a queue and with
  all that load the server appears to hang because it's in constant  
  i.e. after 60 seconds user 1 gets his timeout so user 9 takes  
  8 and round and round it goes and it never stops because with  
  traffic taking up 8 request slots and all taking up resources for  
  seconds it appears to hang. Does this make sense?

  So the question is: how do I save the server from getting into this
  state. I'm thinking I need some sort of scheduled task which probes
  the web service every 10 seconds to work out if it's up. Perhaps  
  if it
  times out (3 times just to be sure) I shut of the web service  
  means the rest of the website is still up). The scheduled task  
  running until no timeout occurs and then it re-activates the web
  service for everyone else. Has anyone been through something like  
  before? How did you work around it?


 Kai Koenig - Ventego Creative Ltd
 ph: +64 4 476 6781 - mob: +64 21 928 365 /  +61 450 132 117

[cfaussie] Re: Timeout not working on CFINVOKE?

2009-01-06 Thread Matthew

Hi Charlie

Thanks for taking the time to respond and by the way I don't think
you're a tall poppy at all.

I'm running CF7. I know you've run tests to prove to yourself that a
CFINVOKE web service call will timeout but it's not the case for me
(nor MrBuzzy). Perhaps you ran the test to call another CF web service
(even a local CF web service) but the WS I'm calling is remote and run
by a 3rd party and would not be in CF. Even so, as per the simple
example in my original post the 5 second timeout simply does not work.
I tested it when the 3rd party WS was up numerous times and it never
timed out (in fact I just tried it again and as always it ignored the
timeout attribute and ran for about 60s - the CFTIMER wrapper reads
63927ms). Just to confirm, the WS is returning data however it took
63927ms however it should have timed out after 5s as per the timeout

To be honest I didn't give Fusion Reactor a fair go. It was well over
a year ago and it was the sys-admin guy who installed it and it was
him who complained about it chewing up disk space. He wouldn't let me
have a look at it so I never got to try and solve it myself. I've got
access now so I'll re-install and play around with it some more. As
you say, I need to confirm which line of code is causing the hang.

Appreciate the comment about caching but believe me there would be no
point caching the WS call/data in this situation. Once the call is
made and data is returned the user will either make a choice and move
on or they will re-run a query with different criteria hence a new WS
call needs to be made.


On Jan 7, 12:41 pm, charlie arehart charlie_li...@carehart.org
 Matthew, what version of CF are you running? I said I've demonstrated that
 CF 7 and 8 WILL timeout a CFINVOKE webservice call. I showed the error
 message I get when it does that.

 As for FusionReactor chewing up disk space, I have to ask what you mean.
 It has a fixed default max file size of 10 meg for logs, time 5 rotations.
 With 5 logs, that means the most it would use would be 250 mb. :-) Now, you
 could have cranked that up, but even making it 100 meg as the max size would
 be no more than 2.5 GB. I doubt that would constitute chewing up disk

 Rather, I could see a problem if you enabled a feature called request
 capture (on the Request Settings page). That instead has no limit and it
 logs every page request and response. But it has bold warnings on the page
 and even offers a pop up as a last ditch to warn of the disk space it will
 use. IF you turned that on by mistake, somehow, I could see it being a cause
 of disk space use, but I hope this explanation will allow you (or others) to
 reconsider the assertion that fusionreactor chews up disk space. On the
 contrary, the logs (the other ones, not the request capture) are to me one
 of the most valuable part of the tool, something that neither CF 8 monitor
 nor SeeFusion do. And if nothing else, you could use its crash protection
 notification feature to tell you when the situation is arising. But note
 that you can turn off even the other forms of logging entirely, so don't let
 that stop you from using the tool.

 You say, Sometimes we get the AxisFault: Read Timeout message but this is
 fine. Well, that's (nearly) the text of error message I quoted you when CF
 does timeout a CFINVOKE of a webservice. Are you sure that you're not in
 fact successfully stopping the web service call after all? You started the
 discussion by saying that the server seems to hang. Have you or have you
 not used some tool to tell you what requests are in fact running at the time
 of this seeming hang? It need not be a black box, though naturally for most
 CFers it can feel that way. Again, if one has the CF 8 monitor, SeeFusion,
 or FusionReactor, they can see exactly what requests are running. It seems
 that's the first thing you need to confirm.

 Then you said, I'm pretty sure I know which bit of code is causing the
 problem. Well, here's another valuable feature of all 3 tools: they can
 show you exactly what line of code a seemingly hung request is running.
 Called the stack trace feature in all 3 tools, it allows you to see down
 to the live of CFML code what a request is doing when you request the stack
 trace. Then it's no longer a guess. If you view the stack trace for a given
 request over 2 or 3 intervals (a few seconds apart) and it's stuck on the
 same line of code, well then you can know precisely what the problem is. No
 more guessing.

 I apologize to you, Matthew, or anyone else reading this, if it all comes
 off as too tall poppy. I just spend my days solving these kind of problems
 for people, using all the tools I've mentioned. I just want to share my
 impassioned plea for you and others to take advantage of them when you have
 a problem. You've had concerns, and I've tried to counter them. I'm not
 doing it to take the piss. I'm just pleading that you don't stop where you

[cfaussie] Timeout not working on CFINVOKE?

2009-01-05 Thread Matthew

Hi all

I'm using CFINVOKE to make a web service call and I've added the
timeout attribute but it's not timing out. I've set it to 5 secounds
and wrapped the block in a CFTIMER tag (to confirm the duration) but
it's still hanging on for 60 seconds (I'm guessing the 60s is the
default timeout setting in CF). I need to override the default timeout
for this specific web service call only. Any ideas?

cftimer label=Web service call type=inline
  cfinvoke webservice=#WSDL# method=doSearch
returnvariable=SearchResult timeout=5
cfinvokeargument name=in0 value=foo /

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[cfaussie] JRUN hanging

2009-01-05 Thread Matthew

Hi everyone

From time to time our website appears to hand. I believe it is CF (or
JRun) chocking because each time it happens I can still connect to the
web server via FTP, RDP, DB access. When I look at the Task Manager
jrun.exe is using max CPU. If I restart the CF service or End Process
on jrun.exe everything recovers.

I'm pretty sure I know which bit of code is causing the problem. It's
a web service call to a 3rd party (used quite a lot by users on the
website). Most of the time when the website hangs I can't browse to
the 3rd party's web service. I've tried setting timeouts on the web
service call by using CFINVOKE, CreateObject, CFOBJECT etc but no
improvement. I need to allow for up to 60s because some of the calls
are quite complex.

I'm trying to work out why it's hanging. I suspect that because CF is
allowing 8 simaltaneous requests and each gets 60 seconds then once
all these slots are taken up everyone else goes on a queue and with
all that load the server appears to hang because it's in constant use
i.e. after 60 seconds user 1 gets his timeout so user 9 takes position
8 and round and round it goes and it never stops because with constant
traffic taking up 8 request slots and all taking up resources for 60
seconds it appears to hang. Does this make sense?

So the question is: how do I save the server from getting into this
state. I'm thinking I need some sort of scheduled task which probes
the web service every 10 seconds to work out if it's up. Perhaps if it
times out (3 times just to be sure) I shut of the web service (which
means the rest of the website is still up). The scheduled task keeps
running until no timeout occurs and then it re-activates the web
service for everyone else. Has anyone been through something like this
before? How did you work around it?

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[cfaussie] Re: Building a web service - can you pass in XML or should the arguments be data typed

2008-11-10 Thread Matthew

@Steve, Thanks for the response but I don't think you've understood me
correctly. I'll try to explain myself again.

Perhaps there is a CF web service guru out there that can help?

When building a web service, should the input arguments be a single
XML document (which defines the input parameters) or should you just
have an argument for each parameter. Or are both options acceptable?
It makes more sense to me to have a argument for each parameter
otherwise if you have an XML doc as the input you have to write your
own XML parser / validator. This is all built right into CF when you
choose access=remote.

I've been doing a little more reading and noted that you can
distribute your web service as an RPC (default in CF) or as document-
literal style. I think the RPC system is the way I've been discussing
and the document-literal style option is the alternative where you
pass in a full XML document. Is RPC easier but compatible with fewer

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[cfaussie] Re: Building a web service - can you pass in XML or should the arguments be data typed

2008-11-10 Thread Matthew

Further to the previous question: when you prepare the return data for
a function where access=remote would you build an XML document and
return it or would you just return the data in whatever datatype is
required e.g. string, numeric, array, struct etc. Then the underlying
CF builds it into an XML soap packet to send it back to the caller/
client? It just seems crazy to me to do all the dusiness work of your
function and then have to additionally build an XML packet for
returning. The whole point of CF is to make life easy so you just
return the array or whatever and CF converts it into XML.

Are both options correct?

NOTE: I'm aware that in some scenarios you would want to return an XML
document as part of the return package but lets keep it to returning
simple strings, numbers, arrarys for now.


On Nov 11, 1:41 pm, Matthew [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 @Steve, Thanks for the response but I don't think you've understood me
 correctly. I'll try to explain myself again.

 Perhaps there is a CF web service guru out there that can help?

 When building a web service, should the input arguments be a single
 XML document (which defines the input parameters) or should you just
 have an argument for each parameter. Or are both options acceptable?
 It makes more sense to me to have a argument for each parameter
 otherwise if you have an XML doc as the input you have to write your
 own XML parser / validator. This is all built right into CF when you
 choose access=remote.

 I've been doing a little more reading and noted that you can
 distribute your web service as an RPC (default in CF) or as document-
 literal style. I think the RPC system is the way I've been discussing
 and the document-literal style option is the alternative where you
 pass in a full XML document. Is RPC easier but compatible with fewer

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[cfaussie] Re: Building a web service - can you pass in XML or should the arguments be data typed

2008-11-10 Thread Matthew

@steve + @adam; thanks for that advice. I'm glad I asked before I went
and refactored all the code. Thanks a million. I'll be interested to
see what others have to say.

On Nov 11, 2:32 pm, Adam Chapman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Matthew,

 I second Steve on the point below.. I have pulled out many a hair trying to 
 complex datatypes to send/parse correctly between different platforms. They 
 nicely between CF and CF, but try with CF and .NET and the 'fun' begins.


 -Original Message-
 From: Steve Onnis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2008 2:07 PM
 To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Building a web service - can you pass in XML or 
 should the arguments be data typed

 All CF datatypes are converted to SOAP equivalents

 So it says but i have seen time and time again issues with the soap
 conversion and datatyping issues, especially with .NET

 Using XML you know exactly what you are getting.  Thats my reason.

 -Original Message-
 From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
 Of Matthew
 Sent: Tuesday, 11 November 2008 2:04 PM
 To: cfaussie
 Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Building a web service - can you pass in XML or
 should the arguments be data typed

 @Steve, thanks again for replying. CF can handle complex data types no
 problem. All CF datatypes are converted to SOAP equivalents (http://

 As per my latest post it just seems crazy to have to write an
 additional XML parser to deciffer the XML submitted by the client
 (you'd need a whole lot of validation logic as well). Same goes for
 sending the data back - why not just let CF covert the objects into
 their equivalent SOAP datatypes.

 I can't see any benefit for receiving XML packets and returning XML
 packets!?!?!? Can anyone comment on reasons to do this?


 On Nov 11, 1:55 pm, Steve Onnis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Its either/or.  I preferred the XML way so that's the way it was built.  I
  guess what I was trying to say in my last email is there isn't a
  way, just what ever fits better with what you are trying to do.  Its
  to search xml than it is to try and parse arguments if some arguments are
  not required to be passed in.  Also I don't know if you will have issues
  with things like passing in arrays and stuff into the web service because
  the data types possibly not being maintained in the request.  This is
  XML is better as you don't need to worry about it and you can handle it
  in your web service.


  -Original Message-
  From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On

  Of Matthew
  Sent: Tuesday, 11 November 2008 1:41 PM
  To: cfaussie
  Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Building a web service - can you pass in XML or
  should the arguments be data typed

  @Steve, Thanks for the response but I don't think you've understood me
  correctly. I'll try to explain myself again.

  Perhaps there is a CF web service guru out there that can help?

  When building a web service, should the input arguments be a single
  XML document (which defines the input parameters) or should you just
  have an argument for each parameter. Or are both options acceptable?
  It makes more sense to me to have a argument for each parameter
  otherwise if you have an XML doc as the input you have to write your
  own XML parser / validator. This is all built right into CF when you
  choose access=remote.

  I've been doing a little more reading and noted that you can
  distribute your web service as an RPC (default in CF) or as document-
  literal style. I think the RPC system is the way I've been discussing
  and the document-literal style option is the alternative where you
  pass in a full XML document. Is RPC easier but compatible with fewer


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[cfaussie] Re: Building a web service - can you pass in XML or should the arguments be data typed

2008-11-10 Thread Matthew

Perhaps the answer is to provide 2 web service interfaces - one for
XML consumers and the other for SOAP consumers. If you build the XML
version first it shouldn't be that hard to build a SOAP version as
well... as long as the web service's have absolutely no business logic
in them. The SOAP web service CFC would have inputs parameters and
forward everything onto a service object. The XML web service CFC
would be a little more complicated because it would have all the XML
parsing, validating etc and then forward the request onto the same
service object.


On Nov 11, 3:55 pm, Matthew [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 One potential argument against XML in and XML out is that this is
 more work for the consumer / client. They have to covert build an XML
 packet to submit to the web service and then they have to parse /
 validate / pull apart the XML packet which I return to them. Where as
 if I was to use the scenario where your input and output parameters
 are strings, numbers, arrays, objects etc (and let CF covert them to
 their SOAP equivalents - which Kai obviously hates) then surely it
 would be easier for the consumer.

 From experience with web services that I've consumed in the past the
 web service must be returning SOAP data types to CF because I end up
 with a object which as you unpack it you get objects within objects
 and eventually you get down to the string, numbers, arrays etc. This
 makes sense to me because otherwise I'd have to parse the returned XML
 and then convert it all into CF data types before I could do anything
 with it (i.e. store some of it in the DB and display some of it to the

 What have other people experienced?


 On Nov 11, 2:41 pm, Kai Koenig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Yeah, Dream on! :-)

  Well - they are coverted to SOAP equivalents, nothing wrong so far.

  As Steve has pointed out - there are various complex issues when it
  comes to complex data types cross-platform interoperability - converting
  types to .NET is one of the easier tasks. Start about including proper
  webservice security, authentication etc. and you're totally lost with  

  CF's Axis-integration follows the code-first principle, i.e. you write  
  and all the magic (WSDL) is done for you. Unfortunately that's one
  of the worst approaches one could follow when it comes to web services,
  it should always be contract first and the implementations should be
  derived from a shared interface in WSDL.

  CF to CF webservices though are expected to work fine. When it comes
  to any serious webservice integration with CF though (WS-*, complex
  types to .NET etc.) I'd not use it or rather go with a custom XML API.


   All CF datatypes are converted to SOAP equivalents

  Kai Koenig - Ventego Creative Ltd
  ph: +64 4 476 6781 - mob: +64 21 928 365 /  +61 450 132 117

  Kai Koenig - Ventego Creative Ltd
  ph: +64 4 476 6781 - mob: +64 21 928 365 /  +61 450 132 117

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[cfaussie] Re: Building a web service - can you pass in XML or should the arguments be data typed

2008-11-10 Thread Matthew

@Steve, true but if you are trying to minimise work for the consumer /
client and they preferred SOAP than all I'm pointing out is that it
shouldn't be too hard to accommodate this. Going for the XML method as
the main web service interface make sense. Thanks everyone for your


On Nov 11, 5:06 pm, Steve Onnis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 And why would you do that?  All you are doing is creating more work for

 When it comes down to it, you need to make it as easy to manage and use as
 possible.  With consideration for the level of compatibility with
 ColdFusion's web service implementation and how it handles soap requests, I
 and a number of other people have already recommended to avoid using the
 native soap data types and use an xml method.  in the end, xml is xml and
 that's it.  No data type problems or anything.  If you need to check the
 data, check it and throw the error with cf.

 -Original Message-
 From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf

 Of Matthew
 Sent: Tuesday, 11 November 2008 5:02 PM
 To: cfaussie
 Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Building a web service - can you pass in XML or
 should the arguments be data typed

 Perhaps the answer is to provide 2 web service interfaces - one for
 XML consumers and the other for SOAP consumers. If you build the XML
 version first it shouldn't be that hard to build a SOAP version as
 well... as long as the web service's have absolutely no business logic
 in them. The SOAP web service CFC would have inputs parameters and
 forward everything onto a service object. The XML web service CFC
 would be a little more complicated because it would have all the XML
 parsing, validating etc and then forward the request onto the same
 service object.


 On Nov 11, 3:55 pm, Matthew [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  One potential argument against XML in and XML out is that this is
  more work for the consumer / client. They have to covert build an XML
  packet to submit to the web service and then they have to parse /
  validate / pull apart the XML packet which I return to them. Where as
  if I was to use the scenario where your input and output parameters
  are strings, numbers, arrays, objects etc (and let CF covert them to
  their SOAP equivalents - which Kai obviously hates) then surely it
  would be easier for the consumer.

  From experience with web services that I've consumed in the past the
  web service must be returning SOAP data types to CF because I end up
  with a object which as you unpack it you get objects within objects
  and eventually you get down to the string, numbers, arrays etc. This
  makes sense to me because otherwise I'd have to parse the returned XML
  and then convert it all into CF data types before I could do anything
  with it (i.e. store some of it in the DB and display some of it to the

  What have other people experienced?


  On Nov 11, 2:41 pm, Kai Koenig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Yeah, Dream on! :-)

   Well - they are coverted to SOAP equivalents, nothing wrong so far.

   As Steve has pointed out - there are various complex issues when it
   comes to complex data types cross-platform interoperability - converting
   types to .NET is one of the easier tasks. Start about including proper
   webservice security, authentication etc. and you're totally lost with  

   CF's Axis-integration follows the code-first principle, i.e. you write  
   and all the magic (WSDL) is done for you. Unfortunately that's one
   of the worst approaches one could follow when it comes to web services,
   it should always be contract first and the implementations should be
   derived from a shared interface in WSDL.

   CF to CF webservices though are expected to work fine. When it comes
   to any serious webservice integration with CF though (WS-*, complex
   types to .NET etc.) I'd not use it or rather go with a custom XML API.


All CF datatypes are converted to SOAP equivalents

   Kai Koenig - Ventego Creative Ltd
   ph: +64 4 476 6781 - mob: +64 21 928 365 /  +61 450 132 117

   Kai Koenig - Ventego Creative Ltd
   ph: +64 4 476 6781 - mob: +64 21 928 365 /  +61 450 132 117

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[cfaussie] cfdocument issue - header / footer cutting off content

2008-10-30 Thread Matthew


I'm using cfdocument format=pdf to create a pdf version of a web
page. I'm using cfdocumentitem type=header (as well as the footer)
to show the logo, copyright etc. However when the content includes a
table and the table wraps over 2 pages the table is being cropped by
the header. It's as if when the table content is continued on the next
page it is being started at the very top of the page rather than after
the header!

Does anyone know how to fix this?

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[cfaussie] Re: cfdocument issue - header / footer cutting off content

2008-10-30 Thread Matthew

@Chris; you're a star! That worked a treat.

On Oct 31, 12:56 pm, Chris Velevitch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Do you have your page size, top and bottom margins set correctly?

 Chris Velevitch
 Manager - Adobe Platform Users Group, Sydney
 m: 0415 469 095www.apugs.org.au

 Adobe Platform Users Group, Sydney
 November meeting: TBD
 Date: Mon 24th November 6pm for 6:30 start
 Details and RSVP to follow
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[cfaussie] Version control + ColdFusion development

2008-09-25 Thread Matthew

Hi everyone,

Setup: Windows environment, IIS, CF7, Eclipse

I'm looking to apply version control to a website I'm working on and
would appreciate any recommendations on how best to set everything up
in regards to version control + CF coding.

If you can't be bothered to ready the long winded post below than a
snapshot of your version control + CF dev setup would be helpful e.g.
when do you tag, branch etc and how do you get versions live to

Question: I've install Subversion etc and am at the point where I've
got a repository setup on a shared server with a fresh copy of the
website code as of today in the trunk and I've tagged it as version
1.0. I've then checked it out (should I checkout the tag or the trunk
by the way?) and all works perfectly ready to start / edit code.
However I'm looking for advice on when to branch / tag? The added
complication is that I'm often working on multiple projects involving
this one website (e.g. whilst waiting for QA testing on one project or
waiting on resources etc) so how do you tackle this?

Perhaps some examples will help:
One of my current tasks is to migrate the website from MySql to Sql
Server. All the database work has been done so all I need to do now is
modify several queries throughout the website. In this instance would
you create a branch (v1.0.1) from the tag (v1.0) and checkout this new
branch? I've tried this and checkout out branch 1.0.1 into a new
Eclipse project but this of course has created a new directory and
therefore my development environment doesn't point at this project
folder. So would you reconfigure CF, IIS etc to all point to this new
folder whilst working on this branch?
Lets say in a few days time this branch is ready to go and is with the
QA department and I want to crack on with another project for this
website so would I create branch v1.0.2 and check this out into
another Eclipse project and therefore have to reconfigure all my dev
environment settings? Lets say v1.0.2 is approved before v1.0.1 so
would you pust v1.0.2 live to production server and the merge v1.0.1
and v1.0.2 into v1.0.3 in order to get v1.0.1 changes live?

Perhaps this example of working on 2 or more projects is a little
unusual so lets try a more common scenario: lets say you've got a team
of 3 developers. Each developer is assigned a project so would you
create 3 branches (one for each)? They go off and program away
(checking in their code to the trunk each night) and the first one
comes back and is finished. So you test etc and then are ready to live
so would you tag his branched version as v1.0.1 at this point? Then
developer 2 finishes so you test etc and are ready to go live so would
you checkout the tagged version v1.0.1, merge in his branch, test
again and than tag the combined version as v1.0.2?

A few other questions;
- I assume that the Repo administrator would be in charge of creating
branches / tags etc? The developers are just told the name of the
branch that they should checkout and instruct them to checkin their
changes to the trunk each night?
- How do you get a stable version (or tagged version) live to the
production server?!?!? Do you simple checkout a tagged version and
then FTP it up to the production server?

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[cfaussie] Re: SQL INJECTION

2008-09-25 Thread Matthew

Hi Claude

As you pointed out the cfqueryparam is the best bet however even
though we had cfqueryparam and weren't affected it was still anyoying
getting all the errors on the logs so we added the following to
cfif reFindNocase(declare,cgi.query_string)cfcontent
reset=Yescfheader statuscode=403 statustext=Access


On Sep 26, 10:13 am, Claude Raiola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 We have just had an SQL injection attack.
 Given we have several hundred cold fusion pages and the sql database as 
 several hundred tables has anyone found a reliable solution where why script 
 can be placed in the application.cfm page that will prevent code being 
 appended to queries as a viable alternative to having to edit every query  
 across the 100's of pages use the appropriate cfqueryparam .
 Claude Raiola
 B.Econ (Acc), B.Hot.Mngt.
 Mobile: 0414 228 948
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[cfaussie] Re: Version control + ColdFusion development

2008-09-25 Thread Matthew

Hi Kym

Thanks very much for such a detailed response. So just to be 100% sure
of what you're saying:
1. You should only ever one version of the code on your dev machine
i.e. if you're working on one branch (Branch A) but need to swap to
another branch (Branch B) than you should check in Branch A and
checkout Branch B i.e. Branch B overrides Branch A in your working
copy. This makes sense because you wouldn't want to have more than one
project checked out at anyone time. Would you recommend checking in
daily work to the branch, trunk or both?
2. Once you've completed a branch, check it back in, copy it to a tag
(i.e. latest version ready for production), and perhaps delete the
Branch to clean things up. Then export the tagged version for
Production via SVN or FTP or whatever you prefer. So essentially the
production server could have Subversion installed and it's working
copy is the code which is live. So all you are doing is checking out
a tagged version from shared server to production server when you
upgrade to new version. Makes sense!
3. All I've got to work out now is how to override my dev working copy
in Eclipse because so far I've only worked out how to checkout a
version into a new project... I'll keep playing around. I guess the
other option is to try Tortoise as per your switching suggestion.

Thanks a million again!

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[cfaussie] Re: Version control + ColdFusion development

2008-09-25 Thread Matthew

Hi Kym

Thanks once again for taking the time to respond (and for clarifying
various points). I've had a quick look at Eclipse and hunted around
and finally found the Switching thing you've been talking about...
if anyone else is looking for it it you just right click on your
project (or Working Copy) in the Navigator and then choose
Replace With, then choose Tag / Branch, then the popup screen
finally says Switching :):)

Sorry for the confusion when I said Check In - I did mean Commit
as per your correction.

Everything else sounds fine. I promise that I will read that book, but
as with everything these days we never have enough time for everything
(or anything for that matter) so we (or perhaps I) try to speed
learn everything. Thanks everyone for accommodating my laziness :)

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[cfaussie] Constant query injection attacks

2008-08-26 Thread Matthew

Hi guys

Over the past few months we've been getting 1000s of errors from some
idiot trying to hit us with a query injection attack (I've read on
several forums that these hackers have given up on ASP sites and are
now targeting CF site). Fortunately we didn't get stung because of
good queryparaming however it's just annoying getting 100s of errors
each day!! I very carefully unpacked the string and as per my guess it
was setup to modify every record in every DB table and populate it
with a reference back to a supposed .js file on a server in China.
The .js file tries to download a .exe which would probably be a virus.

There's no point trying to block their IP because they IP jump across
100s of addresses.

I'm going to build in a fix to block the errors i.e. scan the query
string for a 'declare' reference and kill it however does anyone know
where I can report these guys to? The .js file lives at www.ppexe.com,
which when I do a whois lookup there are minimal details and they're
all in Chinese.

Word of advice to all: DON'T FORGET TO CFQUERYPARM/

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[cfaussie] Re: Constant query injection attacks

2008-08-26 Thread Matthew

Hi Kevin: Just what I was thinking - thanks!
Hi Andrew: we are co-located so do you mean go to the ISP of the nocs
center provider? Anyway, I doubt the AFP would even lift a pen/batton.
I was hoping that there'd be some sort of international internet body
that investigates complaints. Oh well, I'll just have to block the

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[cfaussie] Re: Constant query injection attacks

2008-08-26 Thread Matthew

I like that idea Seona. We need some sort of go and sit in the
corner place on the WWW :)
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[cfaussie] Re: is there a more efficent way of finding keys in FORM scope?

2008-05-04 Thread Matthew

Hi Barry,
I use a similar method to what Kevan has suggested.
On the original form page I have a hidden form element which stores a
list of all the form names which I want to look over on the action
page. It works a treat. All you have to do is as you're building the
original form page you dynamically create a string which you keep
appending all the form field names to. Then you just shove this string
into your hidden field. This means that on the action page you just
loop through the list stored in the hidden field. You obviously have
to write validation code in case you are dealing with checkboxes
(because checkboxes wont be Defined if un-checked). The brilliance of
this solution is that when you loop through that hidden field list you
can be confident that you created all those fields on the previous
page, where as with your current solution you are looping
unnecessarily and doing a lot of guess work.
Buy the way; to use this solution you'll need to familiarise yourself
with the Evaluate() and DE functions for usage on the action page to
test and extract the values from these dynamically named field names
e.g. Evaluate(form.hdnPersPBA_X).
Hope this helps!

On May 3, 12:47 pm, Barry Beattie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Not sure you need this any more

 I'm always up for learning better ways, so your ideas/help aren't
 wasted (thanx). Besides, finishing at 3:00am this morning gives me the
 nagging feeling I'll be doing a Schwarzenegger [1]

   In your original form add another field called something like
   hdnPersPBA_fields (and perhaps selPersTit_fields) which contains a
   dynamically built list of the fields you need:


   Then when the form is posted, you have a known set of fields to extract 
   the form scope.

 u mean: keep a record of what was created ( via the JS that's used to
 clone new form elements and inject them into the DOM) and submit that
 list as  hdnPersPBA_fields.value? Yeah, that'd work, although I'd
 also have to remove them from that list when the user hits the I
 don't want those new text boxes anymore buttons.

 [1] ...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I'll_be_back
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[cfaussie] Re: is there a more efficent way of finding keys in FORM scope?

2008-05-04 Thread Matthew

Why do you say that Zac?
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[cfaussie] Re: Who is working for whom in Sydney, and are they looking for new people?

2008-04-22 Thread Matthew

So what entails a good developer?

I thought Sydney was the hot spot for CF jobs, Melbourne less so and
Adelaide would be near impossible. So does this mean that Sydney is
slowing down on CF jobs now? Are all these CF is on the way out
comments becoming true? I wonder if Daemon dabble outside of CF?

On Apr 22, 6:30 pm, Steve Onnis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I think its more its hard to get GOOD developers

 -Original Message-
 From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf

 Of Dale Fraser
 Sent: Tuesday, 22 April 2008 6:11 PM
 To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Who is working for whom in Sydney, and are they
 looking for new people?

 Isn't it funny employers say its hard to get developers and developers say
 its hard to get work.

 On 4/22/08, Eliseo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  Already tried that... Seek have recycled through multiple recruiters
  the same jobs over the last 3 months. I know because I had applied for
  most of these roles not long after being made redundant by Commander
  in late January... ;) LOL

  I say most as the remaining roles are interstate... and I doubt my
  wife could handle me being away, not to mention it would also mean
  having to arrange accommodation etc...

  But I'll give another crack at Gruden though...

  ~ Eliseo

  On Apr 22, 4:30 pm, Dale Fraser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Have you tried seek?

   Seem to be a lot of jobs in there?


   Dale Fraser



   From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Of Rae Buerckner
   Sent: Tuesday, 22 April 2008 4:02 PM
   To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
   Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Who is working for whom in Sydney, and are
   they looking for new people?


   On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 3:49 PM, barry.b [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   I'm in Brisbane so the jobs I know of will be no use to you...

I'd post on CFJobs, but the activity is so slow there, responses
from there is unlikely...

   I'm not so sure about that. I wonder how many cfaussie ppl are NOT
   on cfjobs as well? if ppl are long term employees then perhaps not,
   although all it takes is the boss to ask them to throw a job up and
   they sign up.

   I know that cfjobs is just for announcing positions vacant - I
   wonder if cfjobs would have more value to be the discussion about
   jobs going, working conditions, remuneration, recruiters and
   recruting, training and upskilling, qualifications and
   certification, etc (some of these topics have appeared here by
   default - I wonder if they might be best served on a revamped cfjobs
   list instead of this list?)

   talked to any recruiters about short-term contracts? sometimes you
   can get offered a permanant position because of this (see how well
   you work, get used to the place, etc).
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[cfaussie] Re: 301 redirect based on Query String

2007-12-19 Thread Matthew

Hi Sean,

Thanks for the interesting history!

In regards to using ISAPI ReWrite; I thought of using this (in fact I
will be on a new project) however I don't think that it would still
solve my problem, because to create a 301 in IIS it is my
understanding that you open up IIS, right click on the file you wish
to 301 and change the properties etc. However with your example there
is no abc.htm, therefore you couldn't right click on this file, right?
You'd have to right click on index.cfm but you'd end up with the same
problem. Perhaps I'm missing something? My thinking is that ISAPI
ReWrite sits in front of IIS (I know it's part of it but just for
painting a picture bare with me), so esentially IIS never sees /
product/abc.htm because it sees index.cfm?product=abc

Am I right?

I'll go and read Sarah's article now.


On Dec 19, 2:07 pm, Sean Bucklar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Matthew - The relevant RFC (1738) was written in '94 and includes a
 whole bunch of specifications for gopher. Nobody was really doing what
 your doing on the web in 94.

 RFC 2616 defines 301's and was written in 99 - and even then, the sort
 of complex data display that you're dealing with was pretty uncommon.

 The specs were written with the expectation that you would have
 /product/abc.htm, /product/def.htm. Ideally, use URL rewrites to present
 search engines with what the RFC's tell them to expect, but keep your
 application developer friendly in the background. If you can't do that
 you have to weight up developer time vs search engine impact.

 Matthew wrote:
  Hi everyone,

  Thanks for the feedback.
  BRETT/ANDREW: you're right, my problem is that SE's are trying to
  spider to this page (and cloging up my inbox with errors) hence why I
  want to 301 so that the SE's learn about the new page.
  SEAN: what you've said makes sense but out of interest how else would
  you build a website without re-using a page? That's the point of URL
  parameters isn't it?

  Cheers again everyone.

  On Dec 19, 12:30 pm, Brett Payne-Rhodes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'd be wondering whether this is really a 301 problem though. Isn't it 
  just that the product no longer exists? index.cfm still exists. Is there 
  some danger that search engines will start to drop indexes for your 
  index.cfm urls?

  Like I said... just wondering out loud really...


  Matthew wrote:

  Hi guys,

  I've renamed several pages on a website and I'd like to setup 301
  redirects, however I can't find out a way to do this based on the
  query string. Here's an example to explain:
  OLD URL: index.cfm?product=abc
  NEW URL: index.cfm?product=def

  Everything I've ready on IIS 301 redirects seems to imply that you can
  only have a 301 per file and not take into account a query string
  attribute. Therefore in the example above all calls to index.cfm would
  be redirected!

  So am I right in say that I'll have to do the 301 in my CF code i.e.
  withing index.cfm have the following:
  cfif url.product eq abc
  cfheader statuscode=301 statustext=Moved permanently
  cfheader name=Location value=http://www.new-url.com/index.cfm?


  Brett Payne-Rhodes
  Eaglehawk Computing
  t: +61 (0)8 9371-0471
  m: +61 (0)414 371 047
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[cfaussie] Re: 301 redirect based on Query String

2007-12-19 Thread Matthew

SOLVED: It looks like the best way to setup 301's is in ISAPI ReWrite.
This tool allows you to re-write any URL and therefore in my example I
can easily map index.cfm?product=abc to index.cfm?product=def

The downfall of setting up 301's directly in the IIS manager is that
you have to keep the files on the server which is messy. So say if you
had 100 pages named 1.htm - 100.htm and you wanted to get rid of them,
well in IIS you'd have to keep all of them in your website and create
301's for all of them (what a mess). Whereas with ISAPI ReWrite
you can easily setup a rule (something like:  RewriteRule ^/([1-100])
\.htm$ /foor.cfm?$1 [L,I,RP]
NOTE: I've not tested the RULE above, it's just an example.
NOTE2: The RP in the [L,I,RP]] is a Permanant Redirect, which is
the same as a 301, which means all SE's should be happy.

So in conclusion: if you are making pages redundant on a website
install ISAPI ReWrite and write a rule to redirect all those pages!

FYI: I have no ties with ISAPI ReWrite, just thought I'd share my


On Dec 20, 9:33 am, Sean Bucklar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Matthew,

 I'm guessing a bit about how your app works, but I'd think,  the code
 snippet listed earlier should work fine if you use URL rewrites-

 cfif productidentifier eq abc
 cfheader statuscode=301 statustext=Moved permanently
 cfheader name=Location value=http://www.new-url.com/blah/products/def

  From the perspective of the search engine - their crawler sends a get
 towww.domain.com/blah/products/abc- and assumes that it's gotten to a
 default document. It then gets back a response that contains moved
 permanently headers, so it will update it's record set and everything
 will be as happy as it's going to get.

 Matthew wrote:
  Hi Sean,

  Thanks for the interesting history!

  In regards to using ISAPI ReWrite; I thought of using this (in fact I
  will be on a new project) however I don't think that it would still
  solve my problem, because to create a 301 in IIS it is my
  understanding that you open up IIS, right click on the file you wish
  to 301 and change the properties etc. However with your example there
  is no abc.htm, therefore you couldn't right click on this file, right?
  You'd have to right click on index.cfm but you'd end up with the same
  problem. Perhaps I'm missing something? My thinking is that ISAPI
  ReWrite sits in front of IIS (I know it's part of it but just for
  painting a picture bare with me), so esentially IIS never sees /
  product/abc.htm because it sees index.cfm?product=abc

  Am I right?

  I'll go and read Sarah's article now.


  On Dec 19, 2:07 pm, Sean Bucklar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Matthew - The relevant RFC (1738) was written in '94 and includes a
  whole bunch of specifications for gopher. Nobody was really doing what
  your doing on the web in 94.

  RFC 2616 defines 301's and was written in 99 - and even then, the sort
  of complex data display that you're dealing with was pretty uncommon.

  The specs were written with the expectation that you would have
  /product/abc.htm, /product/def.htm. Ideally, use URL rewrites to present
  search engines with what the RFC's tell them to expect, but keep your
  application developer friendly in the background. If you can't do that
  you have to weight up developer time vs search engine impact.

  Matthew wrote:

  Hi everyone,

  Thanks for the feedback.
  BRETT/ANDREW: you're right, my problem is that SE's are trying to
  spider to this page (and cloging up my inbox with errors) hence why I
  want to 301 so that the SE's learn about the new page.
  SEAN: what you've said makes sense but out of interest how else would
  you build a website without re-using a page? That's the point of URL
  parameters isn't it?

  Cheers again everyone.

  On Dec 19, 12:30 pm, Brett Payne-Rhodes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'd be wondering whether this is really a 301 problem though. Isn't it 
  just that the product no longer exists? index.cfm still exists. Is there 
  some danger that search engines will start to drop indexes for your 
  index.cfm urls?

  Like I said... just wondering out loud really...


  Matthew wrote:

  Hi guys,

  I've renamed several pages on a website and I'd like to setup 301
  redirects, however I can't find out a way to do this based on the
  query string. Here's an example to explain:
  OLD URL: index.cfm?product=abc
  NEW URL: index.cfm?product=def

  Everything I've ready on IIS 301 redirects seems to imply that you can
  only have a 301 per file and not take into account a query string
  attribute. Therefore in the example above all calls to index.cfm would
  be redirected!

  So am I right in say that I'll have to do the 301 in my CF code i.e.
  withing index.cfm have the following:
  cfif url.product eq abc
  cfheader statuscode=301 statustext=Moved permanently
  cfheader name=Location value=http://www.new-url.com/index.cfm?

[cfaussie] 301 redirect based on Query String

2007-12-18 Thread Matthew

Hi guys,

I've renamed several pages on a website and I'd like to setup 301
redirects, however I can't find out a way to do this based on the
query string. Here's an example to explain:
OLD URL: index.cfm?product=abc
NEW URL: index.cfm?product=def

Everything I've ready on IIS 301 redirects seems to imply that you can
only have a 301 per file and not take into account a query string
attribute. Therefore in the example above all calls to index.cfm would
be redirected!

So am I right in say that I'll have to do the 301 in my CF code i.e.
withing index.cfm have the following:
cfif url.product eq abc
cfheader statuscode=301 statustext=Moved permanently
cfheader name=Location value=http://www.new-url.com/index.cfm?

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[cfaussie] Re: 301 redirect based on Query String

2007-12-18 Thread Matthew

Hi everyone,

Thanks for the feedback.
BRETT/ANDREW: you're right, my problem is that SE's are trying to
spider to this page (and cloging up my inbox with errors) hence why I
want to 301 so that the SE's learn about the new page.
SEAN: what you've said makes sense but out of interest how else would
you build a website without re-using a page? That's the point of URL
parameters isn't it?

Cheers again everyone.

On Dec 19, 12:30 pm, Brett Payne-Rhodes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'd be wondering whether this is really a 301 problem though. Isn't it just 
 that the product no longer exists? index.cfm still exists. Is there some 
 danger that search engines will start to drop indexes for your index.cfm urls?

 Like I said... just wondering out loud really...


 Matthew wrote:
  Hi guys,

  I've renamed several pages on a website and I'd like to setup 301
  redirects, however I can't find out a way to do this based on the
  query string. Here's an example to explain:
  OLD URL: index.cfm?product=abc
  NEW URL: index.cfm?product=def

  Everything I've ready on IIS 301 redirects seems to imply that you can
  only have a 301 per file and not take into account a query string
  attribute. Therefore in the example above all calls to index.cfm would
  be redirected!

  So am I right in say that I'll have to do the 301 in my CF code i.e.
  withing index.cfm have the following:
  cfif url.product eq abc
  cfheader statuscode=301 statustext=Moved permanently
  cfheader name=Location value=http://www.new-url.com/index.cfm?


 Brett Payne-Rhodes
 Eaglehawk Computing
 t: +61 (0)8 9371-0471
 m: +61 (0)414 371 047
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[cfaussie] Re: CFCAMP Melbourne Wrapup

2007-11-22 Thread Matthew

Thanks to all those involved in organising CFCAMP in Melbourne
yesterday. I could only spare time to come to 3 of the sessions and
found them all very informative! I'm sure a lot of work goes into
organising an event like this, as well as speakers sacrificing their
own time to prepare and give and talk. I'm inspired to talk my boss
into getting CF8 ASAP!

On Nov 23, 8:45 am, silverbeetle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This was the first Melbourne CF event that I've attended and i must
 say i really enjoyed the day.

 Can't talk long right now but i just wanted to say a big thanks to all
 those involved for making this day happen and of course the fantastic
 presenters. And thanks to the people i did get to speak to for being
 very welcoming and friendly.

 Looking forward to future CF events and making my way (finally) to
 some user group meetings!


 Chris Silwedel
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[cfaussie] Re: CFCAMP Melbourne Wrapup

2007-11-22 Thread Matthew

Hi KC Kuok,

I have disagree that the 2 conference should become one. I know for me
personally that the cost of attending MAX and being to busy was why I
didn't go. The fact that CFCAMP was free and just around the corner
meant that I could pop in and out for the session I wanted. If I had
to pay for it I wouldn't have been able to justify only attending half
of the day.

Anyway, that's just my 2 cents worth. I hope that CFCAMP will run
every year!

BTW: perhaps Adobe could take a leaf out of MS book and market CF
differently to grow the community (easy to say, hard to do). But this
could be a double edged sword; because if there were more CF
developers out there than we'd be worth less $$$... we just need to
keep it balanced between a mature decent sized community VS every man
and his dog claiming that he can program in CF and diluting the

I'm off to have a look at TransferORM now.


On Nov 23, 11:25 am, KC Kuok [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 All the speakers were much appreciated, but especially those from
 overseas... can't wait for the slides from the talks to be put up, I
 will probably most need the one where CF is a platform that can sit
 and speak to the other technologies (like .Net, MS Exchange, etc)
 and adobes own Flash/Flex, Acrobat generation stuff. To show my
 management that CF has more depth and advantages then what .Net will
 offer. (TBH i never thought of CF that way, as a platform rather than
 a web language, abit of marketing there but it is true)

 I think many businesses will move to an all windows platform because
 most of management are not involved in the day to day development
 processes, and because of the marketing dollars MS puts in this part
 of the world, comparatively people will start believing MS is the best
 option (and sometimes the only option). CF is too good to be our
 dirty little secret. Such events will help to grow the community in
 this part of the world, and also the visibility to the decision

 Though I do reckon the events should be planned a little more in
 advanced and have a bigger profile. E.g. the MAX refresh(?) and CFCAMP
 this year were fairly good this year, but would have been better if
 both were held together across 2 days? I understand that it was abit
 of a rush this year, but it could be a mainstay annual event for the
 major cities. WebDU is good, but not everyone can make it every year,
 due to monetary and scheduling reasons, it may scavenger WebDU in the
 short run, but in the long run, a bigger CF community can't hurt.

 In the years to come, CF and Flex developers will be the one, Adobe
 RIA developer ? (any such combination title yet?, via adobe
 certification of course) It seems there are certifications for being
 an instructor only for Flex and CF, that the only way to go now? Does
 anyone know when the CF8 certification is out? And is there any for
 Flex in aus yet?

 On Nov 23, 10:28 am, Barry Beattie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  George, the best bit is the breath and depth of Adobe technology.

  as the guys at the camp said (esp at the start with Adam) is how
  ColdFusion is part of a whole lot of Adobe stuff... Flex integration,
  LiveCycle Data Services is only the start.

  Don't just look at ColdFusion, look at the Adobe Technology stack,
  of which ColdFusion is right in the middle of.

  On Nov 23, 2007 9:23 AM, George Lu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Thank you everyone who organised this great event. I was very enjoy it :).

   My management wants to move our IT environment to Microsoft platform. I'll
   convince my manager ColdFusion is still a decent and edge technology.

   PS. I'm still waiting for CF8 (we have subscribed)

   On 23/11/2007, Matthew [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:

Thanks to all those involved in organising CFCAMP in Melbourne
yesterday. I could only spare time to come to 3 of the sessions and
found them all very informative! I'm sure a lot of work goes into
organising an event like this, as well as speakers sacrificing their
own time to prepare and give and talk. I'm inspired to talk my boss
into getting CF8 ASAP!

On Nov 23, 8:45 am, silverbeetle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This was the first Melbourne CF event that I've attended and i must
 say i really enjoyed the day.

 Can't talk long right now but i just wanted to say a big thanks to all
 those involved for making this day happen and of course the fantastic
 presenters. And thanks to the people i did get to speak to for being
 very welcoming and friendly.

 Looking forward to future CF events and making my way (finally) to
 some user group meetings!


 Chris Silwedel
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[cfaussie] Re: Application Locking

2007-10-21 Thread Matthew

Hi Dale,

Surely you can just try it. Ad this lock code, run user 1 through IE
and then login as another user in FireFox and see what happens!

I'd be interested to know the result.


On Oct 19, 6:34 pm, Dale Fraser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Not sure would it? I guess that's what im asking.

 If I do a named lock of that sort.

 Then what happens if the next user gets to that code, does it sit and wait
 for the lock or error.


 Dale Fraser


 From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
 Of Gareth Edwards
 Sent: Friday, 19 October 2007 4:09 PM
 To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Application Locking

 Wouldn't a named lock do what you need?

 cflock name=_lucene type=exclusive timeout=30


 Could set the timeout in seconds to more if need be?


 Dale Fraser wrote:

 It is very unlikely that this operation is being run by more than one person
 at a time, but it is possible. So i'm happy to just make them wait, it's
 20-30 seconds.

 Dale Fraser


 -Original Message-
 From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf

 Of Haikal Saadh
 Sent: Friday, 19 October 2007 3:18 PM
 To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Application Locking

 Would a better way be to show a 'Joe Bloggs is running the payroll
 process, come back later' message when the second person tries to
 perform this task?

 Would having all these locks make the next person doing this task wait,
 or will it make everyone wait?

 Dale Fraser wrote:

 What happens if I lock an application scoped variable.

 I have an application that can perform a task, which would cause
 trouble if two people were doing that task at the same time.

 So I thought I could either do it using an application lock block, but
 i'm not really sure if that would work. The operation takes 30 seconds
 or less, so i'd be happy for the next person to just wait until the
 application was ready.

 The second method I had in mind would be to have

 cfloop expression=application.locked = true

  !--- Do nothing and just wait ---


 Not locked

 cfset application.locked = true /

  Do Task

 cfset application.locked = false /

 How would you do this.


 Dale Fraser


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[cfaussie] Re: webservice problem

2007-10-04 Thread Matthew

Hi Skateboard,

You will get this error if you are not passing the parameters
correctly. I spent hours tearing my hair out months ago when I was
consuming a web service I was trying to consume only to finally work
out that you need to pass every variable - for example if an array is
required than you need to pass x_variable = ArrayNew(1);

Hope this helps

On Oct 4, 3:53 pm, skateboard.com.au [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All

 I'm using CF 6.1 -  I can't seem to consume any webservices that have a
 binary argument. I am attempting to pass a file as one of the

 it keeps on throwing this error
 Web service operation load with parameters {theFile={},} could not be

 The webservice is there and the argument names are correct (eg..if I
 change the type to string it works fine)..

 any help, much appreciated



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[cfaussie] cfform stuck on loading 40%

2007-08-22 Thread Matthew

Hi guys,

Recently our flash forms stopped working, they keep getting stuck at
Loading 40%. I've reversed all updates / changes which were made to
the server when they stopped working. Anyone got any ideas?


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[cfaussie] Re: Memory leak??

2007-08-12 Thread Matthew

Hi Andrew,

Did you get an answer to your problem? I can't believe that no one out
there has an answer! Recently we had a similar problem with JRun using
up more and more memory until it would crashed. We played around with
all sorts of things to try to get it fixed. In the end we think it was
as simple as lowering out simultaneous requests from 20 down to 10.
Perhaps try that.

Please post your resolution if you find one.


On Aug 12, 9:33 am, Andrew Bateman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Yeah thanks Taco. I have load testing tools available but I was using this 
 approach to prove a point, ie that ColdFusion was not releasing memory. Not 
 so much load testing as death testing.

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[cfaussie] Re: How do you time out CFOBJECT?

2007-07-18 Thread Matthew

Haikal I think you figured it out! I've messed around with the
CFINVOKE tag (without using the CFOBJECT to initialise!) and think
it will work, however I'll have to wait until the next outage from the
web service source to test properly.

FYI: the cflock suggestion won't work because the timeout attribute
doesn't control how long to hold the lock for it actually controls how
long each queued request should wait to be the next to take the lock
i.e. timeout after X seconds of waiting for the request in front of
me to finish with the lock - hope that makes sense.

Thanks everyone for your help!

On Jul 18, 1:55 pm, Haikal Saadh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Here's another thought:

 If it actually is the cfobject call that's timing out, maybe you could
 save the WSDL file to your server, and have it hit that?
 That way you won't have to worry about it timing out, and you can
 happily use cfinvoke timeout= /

 Haikal Saadh wrote:
  So it's the actual cfobject tag that's timing out? Not the subsequent
  cfinvoke? cfinvoke seems to have a timeout parameter.

  (Excuse my ignorance, never actually used cfobject for a web service call)

  Matthew wrote:


  Our CF server keeps crashing whenever a web service we are consuming
  falls over (infrequent and random). I have no control over the web
  service, so I am trying to find a way that I can timeout a WS call
  from CF. I'm using the CreateObject(webservice) function (same as
  CFOBJECT) to invoke the web service, however I've just found out the
  CFOBJECT doesn't adhere to the timeout settings in CFADMIN or the
  cfsetting tag (http://kb.adobe.com/selfservice/viewContent.do?

  How can I timeout the call?

  Someone must have ran into this problem!


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[cfaussie] How do you time out CFOBJECT?

2007-07-17 Thread Matthew


Our CF server keeps crashing whenever a web service we are consuming
falls over (infrequent and random). I have no control over the web
service, so I am trying to find a way that I can timeout a WS call
from CF. I'm using the CreateObject(webservice) function (same as
CFOBJECT) to invoke the web service, however I've just found out the
CFOBJECT doesn't adhere to the timeout settings in CFADMIN or the
cfsetting tag (http://kb.adobe.com/selfservice/viewContent.do?

How can I timeout the call?

Someone must have ran into this problem!


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[cfaussie] Re: How do you time out CFOBJECT?

2007-07-17 Thread Matthew

Done that already. But there is nothing to catch because it's not
actually throwing an error because it's carrying on indefinitely and
hence once we get half a dozen of these it sends the server into a
loop so no one can access the website.
I understand that even if the user closes there browser the call to
the web service is still running which means the website will never
come back up.

On Jul 18, 12:28 pm, Mark Mandel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Maybe just a try / catch block around the webservice call?


 On 7/18/07, Matthew [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  Our CF server keeps crashing whenever a web service we are consuming
  falls over (infrequent and random). I have no control over the web
  service, so I am trying to find a way that I can timeout a WS call
  from CF. I'm using the CreateObject(webservice) function (same as
  CFOBJECT) to invoke the web service, however I've just found out the
  CFOBJECT doesn't adhere to the timeout settings in CFADMIN or the
  cfsetting tag (http://kb.adobe.com/selfservice/viewContent.do?

  How can I timeout the call?

  Someone must have ran into this problem!



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[cfaussie] Coldfusion Books

2007-07-17 Thread Matthew

Is it just me or is the only place to buy a CF book online? I live in
Melbourne (work in the CBD) and have visited 5 book shops in the past
few days in search of Ben Forta's Advance CF... (or any CF book) but
can't find one anywhere! In fact it seems that all book shop
computer sections have been reducing quite rapidly in the last year
- 9 months ago I was after a MySQL book and I'm sure the section was
twice as big!

Perhaps this means that everyone who tried to jump onto the IT wagon
realised that a book won't make you an expert in months!

Apologies if this is off-topic.

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[cfaussie] Re: Coldfusion Books

2007-07-17 Thread Matthew

Hi Andrew,

Those were the first 2 I went to. AR was were I went 9 months ago and
thought their selection was good but now it's disimal (especially
because half the section is taken up selling old IT books on sale -
whats the point?)! McGills has the best computer section out of the 5
I went to however no CF.

If you go at the weekend and discover I'm wrong please let me know
that I'm blind!


On Jul 18, 3:19 pm, Andrew Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There are 2 very good book stores in the CBD, Angus and Robertson and
 McGills both with 2 doors of each other. I haven't been to either for a few
 years, but both have separate areas for Computer related books. McGills is
 upstairs and is huge, and AR is on the corner virtually next door from
 memory and that shop was 100% computer books.

 I would be disappointed if this is no longer the case, I was planning to
 head in there this weekend.

 Andrew Scott
 Senior Coldfusion Developer
 Aegeon Pty. Ltd.www.aegeon.com.au
 Phone: +613  8676 4223
 Mobile: 0404 998 273

 -Original Message-
 From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf

 Of Matthew
 Sent: Wednesday, 18 July 2007 2:58 PM
 To: cfaussie
 Subject: [cfaussie] Coldfusion Books

 Is it just me or is the only place to buy a CF book online? I live in
 Melbourne (work in the CBD) and have visited 5 book shops in the past
 few days in search of Ben Forta's Advance CF... (or any CF book) but
 can't find one anywhere! In fact it seems that all book shop
 computer sections have been reducing quite rapidly in the last year
 - 9 months ago I was after a MySQL book and I'm sure the section was
 twice as big!

 Perhaps this means that everyone who tried to jump onto the IT wagon
 realised that a book won't make you an expert in months!

 Apologies if this is off-topic.

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[cfaussie] Re: SURVEY: Is ColdFusion OO?

2007-07-09 Thread Matthew

Hi Dale,

Perhaps you could leave the survey up for a little while longer, it
looks like you only had it up for 1/2 a day. I'd be interest to submit
my opinion and see the results.


On Jul 9, 1:19 pm, Dale Fraser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 @Mark S. No it is a gauge of how people perceive OO with CF.
 @Andrew S. I don't write surveys to serve your interests just ones where I
 am interested in peoples thoughts and where I think others will be
 interested in those thoughts.
 @Mark M. I would rather wait until I have some responses, as reading the
 blog might sway opinion. I'll make this a short one and close if off Today
 then post the Blog URL with the results also.

 Dale Fraser


 -Original Message-
 From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf

 Of Mark Mandel
 Sent: Monday, 9 July 2007 1:02 PM
 To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [cfaussie] Re: SURVEY: Is ColdFusion OO?

 which blog dale, I must have missed it?


 On 7/9/07, Dale Fraser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  After a discussion on a blog today, the question was asked if people
  consider that ColdFusion is OO and if it should be developed further.

  This has always been the cause of some debate, and rather than have lots
  off topic discussion here or on the blog, I thought id survey the



  Dale Fraser



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[cfaussie] Regular expressions - backreference as a number

2006-12-13 Thread Matthew

Hi guys,

I need to write a regex which can search through a paragraph of text
and replace any number written as a percentage with itself minus 25%
i.e. replace 100% with 75%, 90% with 65% etc etc.
Here is a sample paragraph:
Provides passengers with a cabin that contains a 3-berth sleeping
compartment in 2nd class. 100% exchangeable and refundable up to 3 days
before departure. 90% exchangeable and refundable from 3 days before
departure up to 60 days after departure. Can be exchanged in France
prior to the travel date.
I've writen a regex to find all strings where a number has a % symbol
after it and replace it with FOO:
cfdump var=#ReReplace(str_text,([0-9]+%)+,FOO,all)#
Now I want to use the backreference and subtract 25, but it seems the
backreference can only be treated as a string:
cfdump var=#ReReplace(str_text,([0-9]+%)+,\1-25,all)#
Which produces: 100%-25, wrong I know!!!

I'm guessing that I will have to be to write a REFind and do some
replaces etc, however it would be great if someone could write it all
in a regex.


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[cfaussie] Re: Regular expressions - backreference as a number

2006-12-13 Thread Matthew

Someone is a very cleaver cookie!!!
Although what is this line for?: str_text = replace(str_text, ##,
, all);

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[cfaussie] Application scope problem

2006-11-16 Thread Matthew

Hi guys,

I think I'm getting a corrupt application scope problem.
The CF error is:

The element at position 3 cannot be found. LINE 411

LINE 411 is:

#application.rews.timePeriods[X].name# (it's in a loop so X would have
been equal to 3).

Application.cfm code:

application.rews.locale = 
application.rews.timePeriods= ArrayNew(1);
application.rews.timePeriods[1] = StructNew();
application.rews.timePeriods[1].name= 00:00-06:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[1].period.low  = 00:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[1].period.high = 06:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[2] = StructNew();
application.rews.timePeriods[2].name= 06:00-08:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[2].period.low  = 06:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[2].period.high = 08:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[3] = StructNew();
application.rews.timePeriods[3].name= 08:00-10:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[3].period.low  = 08:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[3].period.high = 10:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[4] = StructNew();
application.rews.timePeriods[4].name= 10:00-13:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[4].period.low  = 10:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[4].period.high = 13:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[5] = StructNew();
application.rews.timePeriods[5].name= 13:00-17:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[5].period.low  = 13:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[5].period.high = 17:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[6] = StructNew();
application.rews.timePeriods[6].name= 17:00-21:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[6].period.low  = 17:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[6].period.high = 21:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[7] = StructNew();
application.rews.timePeriods[7].name= 21:00-24:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[7].period.low  = 21:00;
application.rews.timePeriods[7].period.high = 23:59;

application.rews.timePeriodsDefault.departOption  = 3;
application.rews.timePeriodsDefault.returnOption  = 6;
application.rews.paxMax = 9;

I've just read this article
on locking read/write to application scoop, however the article seems
old, is this still relevant? Note: the project I'm working on does not
use application.cfc.

Do I need to put application scope locking in place? There are 2650
refernece to this scope throughout the website!

Perhaps it's not a locking issue, can anyone see any probs with the


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[cfaussie] Re: Application scope problem

2006-11-16 Thread Matthew

So what scope would you use?

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[cfaussie] Re: OT: SEO

2006-11-05 Thread Matthew

We use Amplify.
Paul B wrote:
 Can anyone recommend a good SEO firm to work with?

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[cfaussie] Server performance

2006-11-05 Thread Matthew

Hi guys,

I am getting random errors from CF along the lines of The request has
exceeded the allowable time limit Tag: cfmail ... the error varies
from CFMAIL, CFOUTPUT and CFQUERY tags and different pages. The queries
are fine, because they work most of the time and I've run them through
a DB client which returns the result set very fast. CFMAIL is fine as
well. I think that there is something else going on because it's
random, therefore I'm thinking that it's timing out when the server is
overloaded. Can anyone suggest how I could find out more precisely why
pages are timing out (the pages vary as well)? I guess I need to look
at stress testing the server, so where on earth do I start? Also, is
there any good resources with suggestion on how the CFADMIN settings
can be optimised? At the moment CF is setup to receive 8 simultaneous

The server is Windows Server 2003, MySql 4.1, IIS


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[cfaussie] Re: Web service / Java experts help required.

2006-06-27 Thread Matthew

Hi Andrew,

I'm still not getting it?

Here are the options I've tried!

==1 CODE==
webservice = CreateObject(webservice,http://dummy?wsdl;);
==1 ERROR==
Could not perform web service invocation doBuildQuoteForItinerary.
Here is the fault returned when invoking the web service operation:br
preAxisFault faultCode:
faultSubcode: faultString:
com.raileurope.web.ngserver.InternalErrorException: Invalid key or You
are not a registered user faultActor: faultNode: faultDetail:
{http://xml.apache.org/axis/}hostname:regapp /pre

==2 CODE==
struct_foo.key  = 123456;
struct_foo.local= en_US;
struct_foo.style= ;
struct_foo.solutionId = 1113;
webservice = CreateObject(webservice,http://dummy?wsdl;);
==2 ERROR==
Web service operation doBuildQuoteForItinerary with parameters
{{STYLE={},KEY={123456},SOLUTIONID={1113},LOCAL={en_US}}} could not be

==3 CODE==
array_foo[1]= 123456;
array_foo[2]= en_US;
array_foo[3]= ;
array_foo[4] = 1113;
webservice = CreateObject(webservice,http://dummy?wsdl;);
==3 ERROR==
Web service operation doBuildQuoteForItinerary with parameters
{[123456, en_US, , 1113]} could not be found.

From what I can tell out of these 3 options, the first error tells me
that I'm on the right track but I've got 1 tiny little bit wrong.

Here is the WSDL code for the doBuildQuoteForItinerary function:
wsdl:message name=doBuildQuoteForItineraryRequest
wsdl:part name=key type=xsd:string/
wsdl:part name=locale type=xsd:string/
wsdl:part name=style type=xsd:string/
wsdl:part name=solutionId type=xsd:string/

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[cfaussie] Web service / Java experts help required.

2006-06-26 Thread Matthew

I've thought about writting a wrapper Java class which I could use
from my CF code to call the WS. Is this sensible? My thought was to
use the function supplied above and just add an additional function
which I would pass in the parameters from CF which would then convert
all variables to the correct types and call the WS. I've not actually
tested the supplied Java code yet so I'm not even sure it will work. I
was hoping to get it working directly from CF.
Would it be best to save this wrapper as a class or a jar or what?


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[cfaussie] Re: Dealing with the reg; symbol

2006-02-01 Thread Matthew Walker

I’d recommend not trying to solve it on a
case by case basis as there’ll always be another character that isn’t working. Generally,
the trick is to ensure everything is Unicode.  

 nvarchar fields instead of varchar (if it’s SQL Server)
 Unicode is enabled in your datasource
 the encoding of your scopes with cfset setEncoding(URL,
 UTF-8)cfset setEncoding(FORM,
 your page encoding cfcontent type = text/html;

Um… anything else?

  Cabbage Tree Creative
  Walker|web programmer
  Phone+64 3 377
  your own web site with Thrive - contact us to learn how!

cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:cfaussie@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Ryan Sabir
Sent: Wednesday, 1 February 2006
7:01 p.m.
To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
Subject: [cfaussie] Dealing with
the reg; symbol

Heya folks,

Does anyone have a good strategy for people who copy and
paste text from wherever and include funny characters like the copyright symbol
or the registered trademark symbol?

With the (r) symbol for example when it gets pasted into a
text field and inserted into the database it comes out as two strange
characters, I imagine that its a double byte ascii code thats getting munged up
along the way. I tried doing a Replace on it in CF, and changing the (r) to an
reg; code, but the replace doesn't work properly and I'm left with a
vertical pipe, followed by the (r) symbol.

Any ideas on this one?


  Technical Director
  (02) 9274 8030
  (02) 9274 8099
  0411 512 454
  Newgency Pty Ltd
  Web | Multimedia | eMarketing
224 Riley St
  Surry Hills NSW 2010
Sydney, Australia

[cfaussie] Re: What Defines an Application

2006-02-01 Thread Matthew Walker
I struggled with my first Application.cfc too. But once you've got one right 
you can just copy it ;-)

-Original Message-
From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dale 
Sent: Thursday, 2 February 2006 6:01 p.m.
To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: What Defines an Application


Thanks I was setting it in OnApplicationStart.

PS: That also fixed my problem of when dumping application scope it dumped
all sorts of ugly method references.


Dale Fraser

 -Original Message-
 From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of Matthew Walker
 Sent: Thursday, 2 February 2006 3:19 PM
 To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [cfaussie] Re: What Defines an Application
 In your two Application.cfcs have you set this.name? It should be set to
 two different values for the two different apps. Set it after the
 cfcomponent but before the first cffunction.
 Cabbage Tree Creative Ltd.
 Matthew Walker | web programmer
 Phone+64 3 377 7544
 Web  www.cabbagetree.co.nz
 manage your own web site with Thrive - contact us to learn how!
 -Original Message-
 From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of Dale Fraser
 Sent: Thursday, 2 February 2006 5:01 p.m.
 To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [cfaussie] What Defines an Application
 Importance: High
 Have a problem, have two apps.
 When I browse one it works fine, when I browse the second, it thinks it's
 the first one.
 This has happened since moving to application.cfc. What am I doing wrong?
 Dale Fraser

[cfaussie] Re: [OT] select

2006-01-30 Thread Matthew Walker
Actually I've seen this done many times including (some time back) on the 
Microsoft site. It's not so bad as you'd think as your eye tends to go to the 
thing that's appearing rather than the thing that's disappearing.

The iframe technique is of course much nicer. Wasn't aware of it.

-Original Message-
From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Taco 
Sent: Tuesday, 31 January 2006 4:16 p.m.
To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: [OT] select

Thats easy enough to do, but surely thats not the option. It would
look a bit weird having to hide all the selects on the page, and I
have seem it work where the select was still on the page, i.e. not

[cfaussie] Re: application.cfc prblems

2006-01-26 Thread Matthew Walker
You mean when you cfdump the application scope?

-Original Message-
From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dale 
Sent: Friday, 27 January 2006 4:46 p.m.
To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: application.cfc prblems


Also now find that when I dump application.cfm, I get heaps of crap,
function / object type references. Is this normal?