Re: [CinCV] Celluloid and bits - a love story

2012-03-12 Thread leandro ribeiro
It's perfect for me, and only as far as the actual editing is concerned. I
struggle with proper import formats as much as the next fellow man (my
current project uses videos from at least 5 different sources, and yes,
it's a pain), but once the track opens, I feel at ease with it, with the
keyframes, with the curves, with pushing and pulling each reel in different
ways with different mouse buttons, etc.

2012/3/12 Murray Strome 

> i wonder if you could share your "perfect workflow". I have been trying
> for quite some time to figure out how to use Cinelarra, but have not found
> a workflow that I could use effectively.
> --- On *Sat, 3/10/12, leandro ribeiro * wrote:
> From: leandro ribeiro 
> Subject: [CinCV] Celluloid and bits - a love story
> To:
> Received: Saturday, March 10, 2012, 9:06 AM
> .When I'm with Cinelerra, everything just flows. I never find it odd,
> hard or unintuitive. I do what I want, when I want, with the results I
> want. It's like writing with a fountain pen!
> And then, yesterday, it hit me: the very first time I installed Linux on
> my computer (it was 2006 or something), I did it because of Cinelerra.
> Everything on my PC (except for Windows) already was opensource, I just
> needed a good video editor to replace Adobe Premiere. I read about
> Cinelerra and that made me try Linux - and I never went back to Windows
> since.
> Cinelerra's workflow is perfect for the way I "think" the editing process,
> and it's responsible for me being a full time Linuxian.

[CinCV] Celluloid and bits - a love story

2012-03-10 Thread leandro ribeiro
After a tremendous amount of time without editing a single frame of video,
I found myself with time to plunge into a private project of mine. I tried
different editors: I hated Kdenlive, Openshot was ok, Blender's built in
editor was, well, weird, but I ended up back on Cinelerra.

Hell yes: it crashes sometimes, it has an "ugly"* UI, it needs pipes to get
decent rendering going on, etc, but the truth is there's no place I feel
better editing video. When I'm with Cinelerra, everything just flows. I
never find it odd, hard or unintuitive. I do what I want, when I want, with
the results I want. It's like writing with a fountain pen, and It's
f$%&#$%$# great!

And then, yesterday, it hit me: the very first time I installed Linux on my
computer (it was 2006 or something), I did it because of Cinelerra.
Everything on my PC (except for Windows) already was opensource, I just
needed a good video editor to replace Adobe Premiere. I read about
Cinelerra and that made me try Linux - and I never went back to Windows

Cinelerra's workflow is perfect for the way I "think" the editing process,
and it's responsible for me being a full time Linuxian. Lumiera is being
done? Great. Lightworks is going opensource? Amazing. But with Cinelerra,
well, It's a love story, and for some reason I felt like sharing it today.

Kind kisses to you all, 99% of which I don't even know the name :)

Re: [CinCV] Lightworks Open Source beta is out!

2010-12-04 Thread leandro ribeiro
Right up in the front page:

«Some time in the middle of 2011, we hope to reach our next milestone --
releasing the source code to any developer who wants to build upon what we
started. We wish we were ready to do that now. However, before we can
release any source, we have several hundred thousand lines of code to review
to make sure it's all cleared for opening up. We are making progress but we
are not there yet.»

So stop whining...

2010/12/1 Gour 

> On Wed, 01 Dec 2010 06:31:15 +0100
> >> "Ichthyostega" == Ichthyostega wrote:
> Ichthyostega> especially nice is that term from the license:
> [...]
> No, thank you.
> Sincerely,
> Gour
> --
> Gour  | Hlapicina, Croatia  | GPG key: CDBF17CA

[CinCV] Celtx - PreProduction Tool

2009-01-24 Thread leandro ribeiro
I've thought of it today: is it possible that no one ever mentioned Celtx in
Cinelerra mailing list?

So I've decided to search - only to find no reference to this great tool!

Here it is:

Is a complete pre-production tool. It allows you to scheadule every detail
of your production, to have a list of all the people (actors, tecnicians,
animals, etc) involved, and write your screenplay and format it according to
rules from various working places.

It's OpenSource, so go check it out!


[CinCV] Realtime or Low Latency Ker-what? - help in choosing a distro

2008-09-03 Thread leandro ribeiro
Hi there!

When I switched to Linux I dedicated myself a little bit to knowing
the OS. At the present moment, I just want to use it to get some work
done and stop tweeking with config files. I was installing Linux Mint
in my wife's computer (she still lived in a Windows box) and kind of
fell in love with it: it's easy, clean and out-of-the-box functional.
OpenSuse 11.0 is a bit over the top and was getting me tired, so I
thought I would change myself to Linux Mint also.

But then I read a forum about Linux Mint not having a Realtime or Low
Latency kernel, and that such thing would be of interest to any
video/audio editor. It seams Ubuntu Studio comes compiled with such

So my questions are: is Linux Mint a bad choice to run Cinelerra (and
other video editing software)? Is Ubuntu Studio a good choice? What on
earth is a Low Latency or Realtime kernel and why should I cross the
street to say hello to it?

Thanks :)

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] Colour correction

2008-08-31 Thread leandro ribeiro
Hi there!

I was wondering about this subject because up until now I used to
export my final video in raw DV and then do the color corrections to
that track only, using keyframes -- it worked for me since I only
color correct the final "product" (unless it's a "special effect"
kind-of correction). But how do I add the same corrections to, lets
say, five tracks? You add an empty track with the effects on top of
the others?

Note: I sure hope Lumiera brings an easier way to apply "global"
effects, like color correction :)

2008/8/29 Raffaella Traniello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi Hermann!
> Thanks for your help. Even if it is a little hard to digest.
> I have still to decide which labour I like best.
> Well... at least I have two consolations:
> 1. Cin4 has new timeline controls to move to the next/previous edit.
> 2. You are a Lumiera developer.
> Ciao!
> Raffaella
> ___
> Cinelerra mailing list

leandro ribeiro
viajador.fotolog >

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] Patch: Fixed multiple track bugs (Deals with fader)

2008-08-03 Thread leandro ribeiro
there is more accuracy in pixel_transparency when assuming 8-bit
> values. Pixel_transparency already uses upto 2x the number of bits
> than the currrent format, and doing (pixel_transparency * output4)
> will use 3x the number of bits in the worst case. For 8-bit values,
> thats fine if you use at least 24 bits, and for 16-bit values, thats
> fine if you have at least 48 bits. If I'm reading the code correctly,
> there shouldn't be any issues (temp_type is int32_t with 8-bit values,
> and temp_type is int64_t with 16-bit values), but it is something to
> keep in mind.
> I am having problems with svn diff  again, so I did a "svn diff"
> inside the cinelerra/ directory. Apply the patch there.
> --Percival "Dragontamer" Tiglao

leandro ribeiro
viajador.fotolog >

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] Vimeo Group

2008-07-20 Thread leandro ribeiro
There is another sad note: vimeo's HD flash videos with the non-free
flash plugin are sometimes very slow :(

They know about it and are trying to fix the problem - how hard, I
don't know, but vimeo is still a great place to post original work.

2008/7/19  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Ciao Leandro!
>> I've just created a Vimeo Cinelerra group
> I've just updated the production page on
> I added a note on the news too.
> The address for the cinelerra group on Vimeo is
> Note: non-free Flash Player required.
> Thanks
> Raffaella
> -
> LIVECOM: il primo operatore telefonico non profit!
> Visita il nostro sito e scopri l'alternativa per la 
> telefonia e l'ADSL
> ___
> Cinelerra mailing list

viajador.fotolog >

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] Vimeo Group

2008-07-19 Thread leandro ribeiro
Yes there is!

First join the group. Then go to your video. At the right side you
have two tabs: MORE and ADD. Choose the ADD one you'll have the option
to add the movie to any of your groups. Choose the Cinelerra one.

Showcase away :)

2008/7/19 Norval Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Good idea Leandro!
> Is there any way to link an existing Vimeo video to the group without 
> re-uploading?
> Norv
>  Start at the new Yahoo!7 for a better online experience. 
> ___
> Cinelerra mailing list

viajador.fotolog >

Cinelerra mailing list

[CinCV] Vimeo Group

2008-07-18 Thread leandro ribeiro
Hi there!

I've just created a Vimeo Cinelerra group, so that cinelerra users who
have a Vimeo account can showcase their material there. It also works
as a forum.


I was surprised to see that a cinelerra group didn't exist in the first place :)

Best regards,


viajador.fotolog >

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: Re: [CinCV] Re: Cinelerra hangs loading projects (was openSUSE 11)

2008-06-29 Thread leandro ribeiro
Marcus, before you try anything that requires writing random stuff in
config files, try this:

Go to Settings -> Preferences -> Playback

Do 3 things:

1) choose ALSA driver for Audio
2) check "Stop Playback Locks Up"
3) uncheck "Play Every Frame"

I know, I know, I'm replacing "writing random stuff" with "clicking in
random places" :)

2008/6/27 Marcus Gould <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> Oddly, since just loading everything as "create resources only" and *then* 
> doing "replace current project" it has worked fine ever since.  Got back to 
> rendering my work of art (ha!) again last night.
> It seemed to be hanging on the create .bcast/blah_blah_.toc files for some 
> reason.
> Hopefully any new stuff I create will be OK.
> Thanks again for your help.
> Marcus.
> -Original Message-
> From: E Chalaron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:
> Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2008 15:43:08 +1200
> Subject: Re: [CinCV] Re: Cinelerra hangs loading projects (was openSUSE 11)
> Marcus Gould wrote:
>> I spoke too soon!
> Marcus
> Read the thread from my first post on SUSE. I thought as well that the
> problem was a simple mmx thing. In fact I think I had to modify
> something on the internal ffmpeg configure script. There should be more
> about that in the thread
> Now does it apply to your specific problem, I am not sure.
> Cheers
> E
> ___
> Cinelerra mailing list
> --- AV & Spam Filtering by M+Guardian - Risk Free Email (TM) ---
> ___
> Cinelerra mailing list

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] openSUSE 11

2008-06-24 Thread leandro ribeiro
Hi there, Marcus!

I've dealed with the same issue today, and i've decided to compile
cinelerra myself. I never compile stuff, so I kind of suck at it, but
I got cinelerra up and running. Believe me: if I did it, you can do it

So, how do you compile cinelerra?

Please read this part of the manual (I kind of skipped that part,
which gave me alot of headaches!!!) and try it yourself:

I blocked with some error messages mainly because of this two points:

«You probably want to enable MMX support. To do that, run ./configure
with the `--enable-mmx32' option. If you do that, you may have to use
the `--without-pic' option too, otherwise, compilation may fail.»


«Finally run as root (for first time compilation only):

Don't skip those two steps, please :)

About dependencies: what I did (and I must enfathize that I'm not that
good at this compiling stuff, so there must be a better way!!!) was:

After "./configure" a lot of "missing" flags showed up. I went to Yast
and I searched for those missing files. Sometimes you will not find
exactly the same file, so search for the most similiar ones and
install the ones that have a "-devel" thing. Repeat "./configure"
until no "missing" flags pop up. That was clumbsy, I know, but it
worked :)

Try it and tell us how it went.
Good luck,

2008/6/23 Marcus Gould <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello World.
> I'm a SUSE user and recently upgraded to openSUSE 11 and, oh no, Cinelerra no 
> longer works!
> Does anyone know if a package will be available from Packman 
> ( or somewhere similar any 
> time soon?
> There's nothing at the openSUSE community site 
> ( either.  :-(
> Any help appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Marcus.
> ___
> Cinelerra mailing list

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] MIDI control for cinelerra / patch for the first stage

2008-03-26 Thread Leandro Ribeiro
I don't own a DM2, but I must say you are doing a hell of a job, mate :)

A Tuesday 25 March 2008 10:07:41, Jan Jockusch escreveu:
> Hi list!
> More than a week ago I boldly stated that I would send you a patch for
> MIDI input in cinelerra soon. I'm a little late, but here it is. And, as
> everyone here knows, a small video shows more than words can tell. You
> can see the patch in action here:
> Remember this is a first attempt, so don't expect anything too grand.
> The patch allows scrolling through assets, using jogwheels to move
> through the viewer and the compositor, and various MIDI key bindings for
> cinelerra functions.
> All MIDI assignments are static at the time, and most of the functions
> have only been superficially tested.
> Basic technical description:
> - I added a new class, MidiControl, in the same fashion as other
> features are factored in Cinelerra.
> - I hooked that class into the automake configuration and into the main
> window startup code.
> - The constructor opens an ALSA sequencer device, which has to be
> connected by an outside app (jack patchbay, for instance).
> - The class inherits Thread and is able to run a MIDI polling loop in
> the background.
> - Inside the MIDI event handling loop, there are switch-case-statements
> which handle individual MIDI commands.
> - The code called there is taken from various key handlers in cinelerra,
> with minor parameterization changes.
> My next step: understand how preferences are saved and provide a
> preferences pane or a new config window for the MIDI section.
> I'm having special difficulty in extracting the code for automation
> control and for drag-editing, which would both be fantastic to have on
> the MIDI control surface. Because the original code needs to handle
> mouse press, drag, and release events separately, collecting the
> corresponding code is a bit painful... So I'll defer that to a later stage.
> The patch is relative to revision 1055, so everyone should be able to
> apply it without trouble.
> Any comments are welcome!
> - Ján

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] Transparency gone wild!

2008-03-20 Thread Leandro Ribeiro
Hi there!

The fader of video 2 is not fully at zero because it is still fading out.

But the problem is with video 1: this one is fully at zero at the showed point 
in the timeline, and it shouldn't bee seen, but I can see it for a brief 
moment (as you can see in the picture).

Everything then goes to black as expected and video 1 fades in as I wanted.

I'll try to render and post the effect somewhere, because I can't explain it 

A Tuesday 18 March 2008 21:55:52, Scott C. Frase escreveu:
> On Mon, 2008-03-17 at 20:24 +0000, Leandro Ribeiro wrote:
> > Hello again!
> >
> > It seams I'm bumping into more problems with my current project then with
> > all other before :)
> >
> > Please take a look at this picture:
> >
> >_03.png
> >
> > A is "video 1" and B is "video 2". They are, at that moment in the
> > timeline, both visible, but as you can see in C, the fader in video 1 is
> > at Zero! This only happens with colorspaces with Alpha channel. Any idea
> > why? :(
> >
> > I need an alpha channel in this one, since I'm using PNG's to add titles
> > to the songs.
> Leandro,
> If you look closely at the handle to the fader on the Video 2 track
> (below the play/record/gang/mute toggles), you can see that the fader is
> not fully at zero.  Perhaps because the range of the fader scale (known
> as Automation Type if you hover over the control) is set to Audio Fade
> below the timeline.  You can set that to Video Fade so that the fade
> range will be correct (0-100).
> scott
> ___
> Cinelerra mailing list

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] Transparency gone wild!

2008-03-20 Thread Leandro Ribeiro
Here's the problem:¤t=credits_iso.flv

Credits are PNG's and are in video track 2. Musichian is in  video track 1. 
Remember: video 1 is appearing two times - when credits fade in and fade 
out -, but in the timeline the fader is constantly at zero until I fade it in 
later on.

This only happens when I use an alpha channel. If I use color space RGB, it 
doesn't happen. 

As a recall, here's the snapshot of the timeline:

Any help will be appreciated :)

A Tuesday 18 March 2008 21:55:52, Scott C. Frase escreveu:
> On Mon, 2008-03-17 at 20:24 +, Leandro Ribeiro wrote:
> > Hello again!
> >
> > It seams I'm bumping into more problems with my current project then with
> > all other before :)
> >
> > Please take a look at this picture:
> >
> >_03.png
> >
> > A is "video 1" and B is "video 2". They are, at that moment in the
> > timeline, both visible, but as you can see in C, the fader in video 1 is
> > at Zero! This only happens with colorspaces with Alpha channel. Any idea
> > why? :(
> >
> > I need an alpha channel in this one, since I'm using PNG's to add titles
> > to the songs.
> Leandro,
> If you look closely at the handle to the fader on the Video 2 track
> (below the play/record/gang/mute toggles), you can see that the fader is
> not fully at zero.  Perhaps because the range of the fader scale (known
> as Automation Type if you hover over the control) is set to Audio Fade
> below the timeline.  You can set that to Video Fade so that the fade
> range will be correct (0-100).
> scott
> ___
> Cinelerra mailing list

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] More logos for Lumiera

2008-03-19 Thread leandro ribeiro
Personally, I wouldn't go in that direction. It becomes too obvious.
But I like the "L" centered!

I've also tried that :) I thought about it for a while and then
decided to separate the word and the icon, because with this font type
the word alone has strength and opens more possibilities of usage.

Going into new directions and thinking of more logos! That's the spirit!  :D
About this one: I wouldn't overimpose the word and the drawing. It
makes it more difficult to "see".

I understand what you mean. The community didn't like those much, but
we should try and work out more possbilities, some of them with a more
modern approach.

Thanks everyone for all the feedback on this subject, but I think we
should try to come up with more options, even if we think this is a
good one. Let's not close the topic yet, shall we? ;)

Hugs and kisses,

2008/3/18, Sebastian Lopez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi! I'm new on the list, but I wanted to give my contribution...
> Be free to say what you think about it...
> Bye!
> --
> Sebastian Lopez Pascual

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] More logos for Lumiera

2008-03-18 Thread leandro ribeiro
I also don't know :(

I've read this in Larabie's site:

«Q: Can I use your fonts in my graphic design?

A: Yes. Yes. Yes. Use Larabie Fonts for logos, stationery, menus,
advertising, posters, signage, banners, movie credits, billboards,
anything! We love to see our fonts everywhere which is why we made
them free. We get email every day about with this same question. Yes,
it's true, you can really use Larabie Fonts typefaces for commercial

How this conflicts with a GPL license, I have no idea.

2008/3/18, Graham Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> leandro ribeiro wrote:
>  > The font is called "Shifty chica"
>  >
>  > The author is this guy:
>  >
> Here are the relevant license links:
>  For the Windows/Mac OSX ttf version of Shifty Chica a 'freeware' license
>  allowing commercial use:
>  For the Opentype otf version of Shifty Chica require purchase of font
>  under a commercial license/EULA:
>  I don't know enough about licenses and fonts to know how GPL issues
>  would interact with those licenses.  To me it sounds like we would need
>  an agreement from Ray Larabie to release under GPL but perhaps someone
>  with more knowledge of this topic knows better.
>  btw I looked into this because I really like that logo and that font.
>  Graham
>  ___
>  Cinelerra mailing list

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] More logos for Lumiera

2008-03-18 Thread leandro ribeiro
The font is called "Shifty chica"

The author is this guy:

That is a great list of some great logos! Ideal to get everyone inspired.

2008/3/18, Roland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi Leandro,
>  1) What is the font you used for the first logo?
>  2) A link with a lot of logos (via ==>
> some of them can bring inspiration)
>  Roland (wildhostile)
>   >
>   > Now, one by one!
>   >
>   > 1) The small "L" in the font type used motivated this logo, because
>  it looks
>   > so much like a piece of film. I've tried with different colors, but I
>  only
>   > liked it with the red one. The idea is to create a classic (both in
>  font type
>   > and logo) feel, using a more old fashioned, yet elegant, approach.
>   >
> ___
> Cinelerra mailing list

Cinelerra mailing list

[CinCV] Transparency gone wild!

2008-03-17 Thread Leandro Ribeiro
Hello again!

It seams I'm bumping into more problems with my current project then with all 
other before :)

Please take a look at this picture:

A is "video 1" and B is "video 2". They are, at that moment in the timeline, 
both visible, but as you can see in C, the fader in video 1 is at Zero! This 
only happens with colorspaces with Alpha channel. Any idea why? :(

I need an alpha channel in this one, since I'm using PNG's to add titles to 
the songs.


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] More logos for Lumiera

2008-03-17 Thread Leandro Ribeiro

> yes, I like that too, the best one so far, great work.


> Some suggestions (dunno how it looks, just ideas):
>  * make the 'l' in the logo little bit smaller (or the box biggier) so
>that the red color flows around it.
>  * experiment with different sizes of the dot in the logo (biggier)

I'll do that. I even considered removing the dot and just leave the "l". I'll 
work on such variations.

>  * correct the kerning between the m and the i, move them little closer
>  * is the font designed by you?

No :'( It's called "Shifty Chica". But we could try to do small changes to it, 
in order to work better.

> (well this are already suggestions about fine tuning if we
>decide on this logo, we are not that far yet, aren't we?)

I hope we are :) I would like to see more proposals. I would even like to have 
more ideas :D

Anyway, number 1 is also my favorite of this set.

>  * in a huge (poster version) the logo 'l' might contain transport/
>perforation marks, like a film. maybe not just interested how that
>would look like.

I thought of that, but gave up on the idea before trying because I thought it 
would be too obvious. But I'll give it a try and post the results.

Thanks for the tips,

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] Idea for logo try 2

2008-03-16 Thread Leandro Ribeiro
> A contest usually means that everyone feels the need to submit already
> refined work (because others do ...). But starting with sketches and
> going through several iterations with feedback is more efficient.

I've been thinking about this and I got myself agreeing with you before I read 
your email. I decided to abandon the contest idea and embrace the brainstorm 
one. That's why I decided to work on a set of logos I got in my mind, and 
send them so that others can see and send theirs or use mine to create new 

But I don't think that we should just try to work on the first "logo concept" 
that appears. A logo is something that either clicks or it doesn't, so we 
should have alot of people just submiting different shapes, typesets, etc, 
until one of those... clicks :)

> A contest often leads to a decision between different designs where more
> variation of one design might yield a better result.

I agree. When a friend of mine, who is a designer, is hired to work on a 
company logo he thinks of many shapes and works on many variations of the 
same shape: a dot here instead of there, many colors, etc. He isn't the one 
who picks the final product: he presents everything to the client and then 
the client chooses.

Here, the client and the designer are the community.

> How about anyone who likes submits proposals and we discuss them. Once
> something satisfies enough of the right people, it is adopted. It still
> can be replaced if something better comes up, especially as the project
> will not need or have broad public exposure for quite a while.


> I wonder if you have any idea of what you are asking for here. One step
> at a time, you just can't jump to the top of a mountain. A good logo
> will be a nice starting point for the rest, but there's no need to
> define all that in advance. "Submit several months worth of work or
> don't bother at all" is nothing you should ask from volunteers in
> open-source projects.

I didn't explained myself here. My fault :)

I don't want people submiting websites, of course. My idea was: please think 
of the usability of your proposals before you submit them. For example: you 
can have a great image, with a lot of detail, but will that work as an icon? 
The idea is not to have a compatible website ready, but to ask yourself: will 
this work in a given website?

Sorry for the mess in going into this subject :)

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] Idea for logo try 2

2008-03-14 Thread leandro ribeiro
> This is not a problem for Lumiera. We´ve got many advanced amateurs
>  and professionals in the team. The whole development model is revolved
>  around openness and "doers". Contributions is made as easy as
>  possible, this is why Webgit was made. The easy-to-contribute is *not*
>  only limited to coders.

That is great to read :)

>  We´re really lucky in that the core developers as of now really
>  understand what a professional video editor needs - I suspect (and
>  know for some) they are really advanced users of video editing
>  software. Anyway, there is room for us non-coders in the Lumiera
>  project. But there is a difference in saying "I want this, I want
>  this, I want this" and coming up with a great idea and documentation
>  of how this should work and why it is good (and needed).

I agree! Here lies the diference between "feature request" and
"working together".

>  I made logos for a few of the names I really
>  liked in the name voting process, one of those was Lumiera.

Please post it! :)

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] Idea for logo try 2

2008-03-14 Thread leandro ribeiro
I agree with you 100%. A lot of is powerless frustration.

Unfortunely, I add the following: if a video-editing (or
photo-editing) software is not good enough for the necessities of
video-editors (or photo-editors), what's the point in making it in the
first place?

I believe the problem comes because the development core team usually
consists ONLY of coders - who do video or photography in their spare
spare time and think they know what's needed. The feature requests
become overwelming because the usual course of action is "coders
develop, they upload the product, and then the community tells them
what they think". This is, I think, a paradigm mistake - we are
confusing "community feature requests" with "working together with

The development team should have professional (or advanced amateur)
users, so they can really work directly with coders to get a tool that
really answers the necessities of a given group.

More thoughts? :)

P.s.: and we should also not let coders draw icons and buttons for the
software: they suck at it :P

2008/3/14, Thomas King <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> The issue is are there enough coders with enough spare time to take care of 
> all
>  the feature requests? Since generally they aren't being paid for it (except
>  perhaps those lucky enough to work in a company that encourages them to), 
> they
>  must work on it during their spare time. If they have a family, especially
>  younger kids, that means they may only have a couple of hours after work. In 
> the
>  meantime, feature requests may take a back seat to securing the code or 
> making
>  the existing base more efficient.
>  Granted, the ideal situation is where the developers have all the time and
>  resources they need to implement those requests, but after a while they 
> begin to
>  get frustrated with endless feature requests they cannot fulfill. Hence, for
>  those looking in from the outside, an attitude of "If you can't code it
>  yourself, don't bug us!" comes across.
>  Dunno ... there may be other issues lurking. There may be genuine bad 
> attitudes
>  as well but I'm betting a lot of it is frustration.
>  Thoughts?
>  Tom K.
>  > I don't agree: it's an attitude issue.
>  >
>  > We don't need money to LISTEN what professional users have to say. If
>  > the problem was "We don't have photographers come here and work with
>  > us for free" I would agree with you, but the problem is "They come
>  > here and want to be part of it, but they are rushed out because they
>  > don't want or know how to program".
>  >
>  > If there are coders willing to work for free, what makes you think
>  > that there are no users willing to create a focus group for free?
>  >
>  > 2008/3/14, Thomas King <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>  >> > Last point I want to make: one of the HUGE problems with free software
>  >>  > is the fact that it doesn't care much for some "details" as
>  >>  > proprietary software. Take Adobe Photoshop as an example: they don't
>  >>  > just have people who programs in their teams, they have photographers
>  >>  > that just sit there and say "this is important, this is irrelevant,
>  >>  > photographers work this way, photographers work that way". I've been
>  >>  > for a while in The Gimp forums, where the ruling philosophy is "If you
>  >>  > can't contribute with code, don't bug us with Gimp should have this
>  >>  > and Gimp should have that" - and that explains why so few
>  >>  > photographers use The Gimp.
>  >>
>  >>
>  >> Good point but be aware Photoshop gets a paycheck regularly. GIMP gets
>  >>  donations. The disparity between the two amounts is HUGE, so Photoshop 
> does
>  >> have
>  >>  the "luxury" (albeit a business requirement) to have focus groups and 
> such.
>  >>  Projects like the GIMP have no such and have a majority of volunteers 
> coding
>  >>  with professionals that drop in code on occasion. True, GIMP did have a 
> big
>  >>  boost a few years ago when some companies took interest and funded some
>  >>  features, but overall that tends to be the exception.
>  >>
>  >>  So, are you saying you are ready to bankroll the features requested and 
> pay
>  >> for
>  >>  hosting the focus groups? ;)
>  >>
>  >>
>  >>  ___
>  >>  Cinelerra mailing list
>  >>
>  >>
>  >>
>  >
>  > ___
>  > Cinelerra mailing list
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  ___
>  Cinelerra mailing list

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] Idea for logo try 2

2008-03-14 Thread leandro ribeiro
I don't agree: it's an attitude issue.

We don't need money to LISTEN what professional users have to say. If
the problem was "We don't have photographers come here and work with
us for free" I would agree with you, but the problem is "They come
here and want to be part of it, but they are rushed out because they
don't want or know how to program".

If there are coders willing to work for free, what makes you think
that there are no users willing to create a focus group for free?

2008/3/14, Thomas King <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Last point I want to make: one of the HUGE problems with free software
>  > is the fact that it doesn't care much for some "details" as
>  > proprietary software. Take Adobe Photoshop as an example: they don't
>  > just have people who programs in their teams, they have photographers
>  > that just sit there and say "this is important, this is irrelevant,
>  > photographers work this way, photographers work that way". I've been
>  > for a while in The Gimp forums, where the ruling philosophy is "If you
>  > can't contribute with code, don't bug us with Gimp should have this
>  > and Gimp should have that" - and that explains why so few
>  > photographers use The Gimp.
> Good point but be aware Photoshop gets a paycheck regularly. GIMP gets
>  donations. The disparity between the two amounts is HUGE, so Photoshop does 
> have
>  the "luxury" (albeit a business requirement) to have focus groups and such.
>  Projects like the GIMP have no such and have a majority of volunteers coding
>  with professionals that drop in code on occasion. True, GIMP did have a big
>  boost a few years ago when some companies took interest and funded some
>  features, but overall that tends to be the exception.
>  So, are you saying you are ready to bankroll the features requested and pay 
> for
>  hosting the focus groups? ;)
>  ___
>  Cinelerra mailing list

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] Idea for logo try 2

2008-03-14 Thread leandro ribeiro
Personally, I don't like the old one or this one. I also don't think
we should hang at the first "logo paradigm" someone offers and try to
improve it untill it's "ok".

How about an open contest with professional-reviews? I'll explain it
better: anyone who wants makes a logo and submits it to the contest.
We obviously have some people on the mailing list that "knows about
logos", their rules, the good design tricks, etc, so all these formal
designers would write some reviews about the entries and only after
that the voting would take place.

Another thing: I'm not a designer (in the sense I didn't had any
formal learning of the subject), but I do know that the logo does not
come alone, it comes with everything else: the font type used, the
visual aspect of the website, the flash-screen of the software... So
the people who submit the logos to this contest should also submit
their logo's consequence in everything else: what font will it be used
with this logo? What color? What kind of website? Etc.

Last point I want to make: one of the HUGE problems with free software
is the fact that it doesn't care much for some "details" as
proprietary software. Take Adobe Photoshop as an example: they don't
just have people who programs in their teams, they have photographers
that just sit there and say "this is important, this is irrelevant,
photographers work this way, photographers work that way". I've been
for a while in The Gimp forums, where the ruling philosophy is "If you
can't contribute with code, don't bug us with Gimp should have this
and Gimp should have that" - and that explains why so few
photographers use The Gimp.

Lumiera must avoid this, Lumiera should work the same way Blender
worked: with people who don't know how to program but are pros in the
3D modeling and animation area, who can contribute to the project just
by using the software.

There are alot of people out there wiling to do, for free, stuff that
free-software so sadly disregards, like the quest for a good name, or
a good graphic interface and a good layout for websites, or just plain
using it and posting not just software bugs, but stuff like "I, as a
professional film-maker, wouldn't use Lumiera because it lacks this
and that".

And for now, have a nice weekend :)

Leandro Ribeiro

2008/3/13, Ichthyostega <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>  Hash: SHA1
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb:
> > Thanks a lot for suggestions!
>  >
>  > I try to redraw logo with more motion and new ideas. Basically, I want
>  > to use the modern camera lens colors, anyway mind that this logo is only
>  > a draft!
> Hi Paolo,
>  good Idea, seems better than the fist one.
>  One point -- please try to avoid any colours as much as you can (exception is
>  one single "signal" colour). And please, don't use gradients, transparency 
> etc.
>  The art of designing a logo is about creating a simple, recognisable shape
>  which expresses some idea. If a logo is only cool if it is rendered with 
> funny
>  colours, transparency and shiny gradients, it's worthless.
>  As some others pointed out already, the round shape could be a lens or could
>  be a DVD. This sort of aproach is definitively good, because it can be made
>  incisive, bringing several related ideas into one single symbol.
>  thanks again for you contribution,
>  Cheers,
>  Hermann V.
>  Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
>  Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
>  xrICAcXv2HT/0iJQskVxabI=
>  =QF9v
>  ___
>  Cinelerra mailing list

Cinelerra mailing list

[CinCV] Sync (weird) issue

2008-03-14 Thread leandro ribeiro
Hi there!

I'm having a weird out-o-sync problem.

I'm editing a continous 44 minute shot. The first thing to do was to
sync audio and video. I don't have a very powerfull machine, so that
alone was nightmarish, since I had some difficulties in playback
everything smoothly. But after some tries, I got it right.

Then I just color corrected the entire track and added an extra video
track for png beggining titles and ending credits. I rendered two
segments of the film to test it and... I get audio and video out of
sync in the first seconds, but not in the middle seconds. I didn't
render the entire video to check when does the problem disappears.

I've tried rendering in two ways, all resulting in the same situation:
a direct .mov file AND m2v+ac3 "mplexed" .mpeg file.

Any ideas? :|


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] LPCM audio doesn't load

2008-02-15 Thread Leandro Ribeiro
In the same project, no. But I have created other projects with audio tracks 
without any problem.


A Thursday 14 February 2008 16:23:36, Kurt Georg Hooss escreveu:
> Did you have some audio tracks created before you tried to load?
> Georg
> On Wednesday, 13. February 2008 23:05:39 Leandro Ribeiro wrote:
> > HI there!
> >
> > I've grabbed some footage from a DVD to a mpeg file using mencoder. I
> > want to edit it in Cinelerra. The problem is Cinelerra ins't able to
> > "see" the audio of this file. When I load it to the timeline I get no
> > audio.
> >
> > The file details follows:
> >
> > Codec: MPEG
> > 720x576
> > 25 FPS
> >
> > Codec: LPCM
> > Bitrate: 192kbps
> > Freq: 48000Hz
> >
> > Any help?
> >
> > ___
> > Cinelerra mailing list
> >
> >

Cinelerra mailing list

[CinCVS] LPCM audio doesn't load

2008-02-13 Thread Leandro Ribeiro
HI there!

I've grabbed some footage from a DVD to a mpeg file using mencoder. I want to 
edit it in Cinelerra. The problem is Cinelerra ins't able to "see" the audio 
of this file. When I load it to the timeline I get no audio.

The file details follows:

Codec: MPEG
25 FPS

Codec: LPCM
Bitrate: 192kbps
Freq: 48000Hz

Any help?

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] GUI hangs - XCB problem, I heard.

2008-02-08 Thread Leandro Ribeiro
Dan, thanks for the warning, but you got to me a bit late :)

I spent some time in IRC last night and someone guided me through the process 
of compiling libx11. As far as I can tell, everything went well and I'm able 
to use Cinelerra once more.

A Friday 08 February 2008 00:27:34, Dan Weatherill escreveu:
> hi leandro!
> Compiling libx11 is not something anyone wants to undertake lightly, it
> being a huge cornerstone of your entire ditro. If it's your first time
> with compiling on linux, I'm sorry but I can't recommend you attempt it.
> First of all try the following:
> cinelerra on a 64 bit distro (if possible). I have found these
> work better (I also use suse 10.3)
> 2. disable any opengl enhanced desktop effects (compiz etc), also
> disable any binary nvidia/ati driver for the time being
> 3. if this doesn't work, run cinelerra from within strace. Run the
> following from command line - strace cinelerra
> 4.Also try running it in gdb. Type gdb cinelerra, then run
> 5. finally (this is well off the wall, but for some inexplicable reason
> it worked for me on one particular system), install the suse realtime
> kernel (the package named kernel-rt) then run cinelerra in strace
> weird I know
> Dan
> leandro ribeiro wrote:
> > Hi there!
> >
> > At the moment I cannot use Cinelerra because the GUI just hangs right
> > after start. I've googled it and found out it is a XCB issue (a bug
> > has already been filed).
> >
> > The solution (or better - the workaround) is compiling libx11 without
> > xcb.
> >
> > So I need your help: how do I do this? I have the tarballs, so how do
> > I compile it without xcb? I've never compiled anything in my linux
> > short life and I have some urgency in using Cinelerra.
> >
> > I'm using openSuse 10.3.
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > P.S.: has someone else got around this issue?
> >
> > ___
> > Cinelerra mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> Cinelerra mailing list

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] Vote for a Name for a new NLE

2008-02-07 Thread Leandro Ribeiro
Errr... as Gasten told:

-is filmmaking related and instantly recognized as something
to do with cinema-verite (the style of documentary)


A Thursday 07 February 2008 19:21:55, Luis de Bethencourt escreveu:
> Verite seams to be the majorities choice :)
> So... besides meaning truth in french, what does it mean in the film world?
> Luis
> On Feb 7, 2008 8:13 PM, Martin Ahnelöv <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > tor 2008-02-07 klockan 07:43 + skrev Jonas Kivi:
> > > Verite
> > >
> > > ...has all the things you want.
> > > -simple, catchy, like "Blender"
> > > -means "truth"
> > > -is filmmaking related and instantly recognized as something
> > > to do with cinema-verite (the style of documentary)
> > >
> > > -googling means nothing: think about Blender again
> > > -one short word without any strange letters (like CV or such)
> > > -"I'm doing all my editing on Verite now."
> >
> >  +1
> >
> > Gasten
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Cinelerra mailing list
> >
> >

Cinelerra mailing list

[CinCVS] GUI hangs - XCB problem, I heard.

2008-02-07 Thread leandro ribeiro
Hi there!

At the moment I cannot use Cinelerra because the GUI just hangs right
after start. I've googled it and found out it is a XCB issue (a bug
has already been filed).

The solution (or better - the workaround) is compiling libx11 without xcb.

So I need your help: how do I do this? I have the tarballs, so how do
I compile it without xcb? I've never compiled anything in my linux
short life and I have some urgency in using Cinelerra.

I'm using openSuse 10.3.


P.S.: has someone else got around this issue?

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] Vote for a Name for a new NLE

2008-02-06 Thread Leandro Ribeiro
Some thoughts about the future name:

:: availability ::

I don't think that we should drop a name just because it generates many Google 
results, unless it's the name of another software. Imagine a world where 
Blender - the 3D software - does not exist. Then imagine you google the 
word "blender". The result is consulting groups, art groups and - go figure - 
home compliences. Yet, Blender is a strong name.

:: focus ::

My personal view is that the name should not focus on the "free" side of the 
software. When we call something FreeX or OpenX we are emphasizing the fact 
that it is free, and some professionals run from that like the devil from a 
cross. I think it is better to emphasize the fact that it is GOOD, and a GOOD 
name is part of it. Again: Blender is my "look at this great example". People 
only get to know that it is free when they already know that it is good.

So let's create a deadline and get this over with! :)

A Wednesday 06 February 2008 17:53:15, Mikko Huhtala escreveu:
> Herman Robak writes:
>  >   There are several concerns that are not necessarly
>  > measured by popularity:
>  >
>  > * Does it lend itself to high search scores?
>  > * Will it suggest what it is about?
>  > * Easy to remember, spell and pronounce?
>  >
>  >   This is not an invitation to further debate.  Just keep voting for
>  > the name you like.  We need to know which names are the most popular.
> At the risk of being uninvited, quick googling shows:
> - Freecine: no hits
> - Cinchrony: a few websites with this name, but nothing related to
> video
> - Verite: obviously lots and lots of French language sites, many of
> them related to film and video
> Mikko
> ___
> Cinelerra mailing list

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] Vote for a Name for a new NLE

2008-02-06 Thread leandro ribeiro
How about a poll in a blog or forum with a two week deadline?

2008/2/6, Burkhard Plaum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> Luis de Bethencourt schrieb:
> > Shouldn't you guys starting to pull away the less popular so
> > eventually one outdoes the rest... it seams this votings can go for
> > ever.
> maybe an official deadline would be good. Even if it sounds impossible
> for most of you, but some people might be away from their email for
> a few days ;)
> Burkhard
> ___
> Cinelerra mailing list

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] Vote for a Name for a new NLE

2008-02-06 Thread leandro ribeiro
Verite is strange, yet compelling!

> > How to vote? Make an "X" in the Box before the name, and send this
> > mail back to the list.
> >
> >
> > [ ] Cinchrony
> > [ ] CinNG
> > [ ] StCinner
> > [ ] Freecine
> > [ ] Video Edith
> > [x] VeriteCV
> > [ ] CineCV
> > [ ] Free Cut Pro
> > [ ] CiNLEss
> > [ ] cinleia
> > [ ] CineTris
> > [ ] LerraCine
> --
> Claude Jones
> Brunswick, MD, USA
> ___
> Cinelerra mailing list

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] Test files - where to download?

2008-01-20 Thread Leandro Ribeiro
Hi again

I've had some time this weekend to have a look at your file. It is far better 
material then my own. Thanks alot.

A Friday 11 January 2008 16:01:27, Aaron Newcomb escreveu:
> If you find the file doesn't work as expected let me know and I will
> post another.
> On Jan 11, 2008 8:51 AM, leandro ribeiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'll check it once I'm home!
> >
> > Thank you so much.
> >
> > 2008/1/11, Aaron Newcomb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > > This file is just some outtake stuff from one on my podcast episodes.
> > > It is about 115MB.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > On Jan 10, 2008 6:54 AM, leandro ribeiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > > > Thanks for your answer! 1 minute is more than enough! I have an old
> > > > miniDV camera and the definition isn't the best. I would like to try
> > > > out with better sources.
> > > >
> > > > Where would you post the files?
> > > >
> > > > 2008/1/10, Aaron Newcomb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > > > > It depends what you mean by good quality. I can give you some of my
> > > > > raw captures from my DV camera if you would like. I think they are
> > > > > about 1G each though. I might be able to find a smaller one. How
> > > > > much do you need? 1 minute worth?
> > > > >
> > > > > On Jan 8, 2008 2:52 PM, leandro ribeiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > > > > > Does someone knows of a place where to download good quality
> > > > > > miniDV test files?
> > > > > >
> > > > > > I would like to test cinelerra with good definition sources.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Thanks,
> > > > > > Leandro
> > > > > >
> > > > > > ___
> > > > > > Cinelerra mailing list
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > --
> > > > > Thanks,
> > > > > Aaron Newcomb
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > ___
> > > > > Cinelerra mailing list
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > > ___
> > > > Cinelerra mailing list
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > Thanks,
> > > Aaron Newcomb
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ___
> > > Cinelerra mailing list
> > >
> > >
> >
> > ___
> > Cinelerra mailing list
> >
> >

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] Test files - where to download?

2008-01-11 Thread leandro ribeiro
I'll check it once I'm home!

Thank you so much.

2008/1/11, Aaron Newcomb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> This file is just some outtake stuff from one on my podcast episodes.
> It is about 115MB.
> On Jan 10, 2008 6:54 AM, leandro ribeiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Thanks for your answer! 1 minute is more than enough! I have an old
> > miniDV camera and the definition isn't the best. I would like to try
> > out with better sources.
> >
> > Where would you post the files?
> >
> > 2008/1/10, Aaron Newcomb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> > > It depends what you mean by good quality. I can give you some of my
> > > raw captures from my DV camera if you would like. I think they are
> > > about 1G each though. I might be able to find a smaller one. How much
> > > do you need? 1 minute worth?
> > >
> > > On Jan 8, 2008 2:52 PM, leandro ribeiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Does someone knows of a place where to download good quality miniDV 
> > > > test files?
> > > >
> > > > I would like to test cinelerra with good definition sources.
> > > >
> > > > Thanks,
> > > > Leandro
> > > >
> > > > ___
> > > > Cinelerra mailing list
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > Thanks,
> > > Aaron Newcomb
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ___
> > > Cinelerra mailing list
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> > ___
> > Cinelerra mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Thanks,
> Aaron Newcomb
> ___
> Cinelerra mailing list

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] Test files - where to download?

2008-01-10 Thread leandro ribeiro
Thanks for your answer! 1 minute is more than enough! I have an old
miniDV camera and the definition isn't the best. I would like to try
out with better sources.

Where would you post the files?

2008/1/10, Aaron Newcomb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> It depends what you mean by good quality. I can give you some of my
> raw captures from my DV camera if you would like. I think they are
> about 1G each though. I might be able to find a smaller one. How much
> do you need? 1 minute worth?
> On Jan 8, 2008 2:52 PM, leandro ribeiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Does someone knows of a place where to download good quality miniDV test 
> > files?
> >
> > I would like to test cinelerra with good definition sources.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Leandro
> >
> > ___
> > Cinelerra mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Thanks,
> Aaron Newcomb
> ___
> Cinelerra mailing list

Cinelerra mailing list

[CinCVS] Test files - where to download?

2008-01-08 Thread leandro ribeiro
Does someone knows of a place where to download good quality miniDV test files?

I would like to test cinelerra with good definition sources.


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] Best render possible?

2007-10-20 Thread leandro ribeiro
Thanks to both of you. I'll do some testing now and try to get better

Best regards,

Dom, 2007-10-21 às 08:58 +1300, E Chalaron escreveu:
> Hello Leandro
> Everything I said below is from experience, sometimes limited, so make 
> sure to get a second advice
> For quality in mpeg2enc for the mjpegtools (use with y4mstream)
> This is what I am using (mind the caps)
> mpeg2enc -f 8 -g 6 -G 9 -R 0 -D 10 -E -10 -q 3 -K keep-hf -o %
> Now depending on your source : you may want to precise
>  -a p/n (pal/ntsc)
> -I integer (intreleaved or progressive)
> - M 2 (threads)
> Having said that you will need to export you audio separately then use 
> mplex to get you mpeg file
> such as
> mplex -f 8 -S 4400 -v -o video.mpeg video.mpv audio.mp2
> Then dvdauthor and mkisofs it
> ffmpeg is not (as far as I know) able to produce a mpeg file you can use 
> with  dvdauthor
> Unless of course you use something else
> other wise ffmpeg -i source -target pal-dvd -sameq output.mpeg
> Now mpeg2enc from cinelerra has the possibility to encode with 422 color 
> sampling (if you are using another source than a consumer camcorder).
> Hope this helps
> Cheers
> E
> leandro ribeiro wrote:
> > Hi there!
> >
> > How do I render my project to a DVD with the best possible quality? It's
> > a short film, so I have the space, but when I use the defaults in
> > cinelerra, I get so many compression artifacts!!! Is the compression
> > used to get mpegs to DVDs always the same or can I change something?
> >
> > And btw: is there any difference between using mpeg2enc or ffmpeg to do
> > the render?
> >   
> > Thanks,
> > Leandro
> >
> > Ps.: where can I find documentation regarding subjects such as the ones
> > I brought up?
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Cinelerra mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >   
> ___
> Cinelerra mailing list

Cinelerra mailing list

[CinCVS] Best render possible?

2007-10-20 Thread leandro ribeiro
Hi there!

How do I render my project to a DVD with the best possible quality? It's
a short film, so I have the space, but when I use the defaults in
cinelerra, I get so many compression artifacts!!! Is the compression
used to get mpegs to DVDs always the same or can I change something?

And btw: is there any difference between using mpeg2enc or ffmpeg to do
the render?


Ps.: where can I find documentation regarding subjects such as the ones
I brought up?

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] Relative Paths?

2007-08-18 Thread leandro ribeiro
Is this issue going to be adressed in recent times? It's kind of anoying
not to be able to keep a "tidy folder scheme" :\

Sáb, 2007-08-18 às 22:20 +0200, Johannes Sixt escreveu:
> On Saturday 18 August 2007 21:49, Raffaella Traniello wrote:
> > > > Can I change Cinelerra in order to use relative paths?
> >
> > Paths are recorded as absolute when the .xml file is not in the folder
> > that contains all the media and as relative when the project share the
> > folder with the media.
> >
> > If I "save as..." my absolute pathed project locating it in the media
> > folder, paths will be written in the EDL as relative.
> >
> > Similarly I can transform paths from relative to absolute by "saving
> > as..." my project in any location outside the media folder.
> You are right. Thanks for correcting me.
> -- Hannes
> ___
> Cinelerra mailing list

Cinelerra mailing list

[CinCVS] Relative Paths?

2007-08-18 Thread leandro ribeiro
Hi there!

I use Cinelerra CVS wich I got from the repositories for Ubuntu. I'm
having a problem that, although I can workaround it by editing the XML
file, I feel that it shouldn't be necessary.

Everytime I change the name of parent folders (like
home/user/movieprojects/projectX/projectX.xml >
home/user/movie_projects/projectX/projectX.xml ), and try to run
projectX in cinelerra, I get errors due to the fact that the software
doesn't find the movie files (wich are in
home/user/movieprojects/projectX/raw_material, as an example).

Can I change Cinelerra in order to use relative paths?
Like //raw_material or something?


Ps.: Cinelerra is a great product. Not perfect, not the best, but great.
I'm looking forward to see what will come out of the "WHERE IS CINELERRA
GOING?" debate! I can't contribute with code, since I don't know any,
but I'm working on some projects that, when they're done, will have a
"done with Cinelerra" logo of some sort - and will be free. Open
Software should be a compreensive work between coders and users! Most
users don't know how to code, but should be encouraged to use the
software, promote it and produce free contents with it.

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] Fader not working!

2007-02-21 Thread leandro ribeiro
Hi there!

Yes, I've been in IRC several times trying to get cinelerra working for
me, and that question has arrised there :)

I have the white line and I know how to work with keyframes. The problem
was the gray line, the one bellow the gang and draw icons. I couldn't
see a "dot" there to control the fade. But nevermind that for now :)
Right after sending the email with a "help wanted" sign, I got the
answer to my issue. I had tryed to find a way to set the fade values
between 0 and 100 in settings > preferences, and found nothing. But
yesterday I noticed, hidden bellow the bottom desktop bar, an icon
saying "audio fade". I clicked it and, eureka!, a "video fade" option :)
I set it to go between 0 and 100 and goodbye problem.

Sorry for all the trouble :)


> Hi Leandro,
> I think we talked about this on irc... sorry it's not working for you
> yet.
> I just tested the packman package (on x86_64) here and it seems to work
> for me with some local DV material.  Here's an example:
> After loading some material on the timeline, you see the horizontal
> white line, correct?
> The mouse cursor is normal an I-beam, but will become an upper-right
> pointing arrow when over the white line.  To fade, you need keyframes,
> so at the start of your fade, click once with the left button.  A small
> white box appears at this location.
> Release the button and now move to the right, to a location you want to
> fade to end. Left click again, while holding down on the white line
> (another small white square appears at the location.)  Drag down to your
> fade level.  This should generate a curve in the line that transitions
> from high to low.
> Does any part of that not work for you?  Are you running 32 or 64 bit
> SUSE 10.2?

Cinelerra mailing list

[CinCVS] Fader not working!

2007-02-20 Thread leandro ribeiro
Hi there!

First of, let me congratulate you for Cinelerra CV, the reason why I
installed Linux in the first place :) Next, let me tell you I'm new to
both cinelerra and Linux, so pardon me If any of my words seems extremly

Third, let me throw you some initial data: I'm using Suse 10.2 and I've
installed Cinelerra CV, through the Packman Repository, last week.

Now for my problem:
When I open any video (watever format it is) in Cinelerra, I don't get a
"dot" in the video track fade bar, as I do in the audio track: I just
get the "line". When I click on that Line, I finally get a dot that
glues either on the left edge of the bar, or the right one, showing the
numbers "1" and "0". As a result, the image in Compository disappears. I
cannot get the image back by moving the "dot" between 1 and 0, only by
Edit > Undo.

I've been searching the mailing list archives and reading the
documentation, but I found no reason for this to be happening. Can
anyone help me with this issue?

Thanks in advance,

Cinelerra mailing list