Re: s/valid? does not tell me if the data is valid as supplied

2018-02-22 Thread Jan Rychter

On Thursday, February 22, 2018 at 12:58:00 AM UTC+1, Sean Corfield wrote:
> Looking around I see lots of cases where people do use conformers for 
> coercion. 
> That doesn’t make them right 

Oh, I agree, I'm just being realistic. The cat is out of the bag. I just 
googled for 's/conformer' and found an entire library of conformers that do 
various data conversions.

> At a first glance it seems very natural, and warnings not to do it are not 
> easily found.
> Every single time coercion comes up anywhere in the context of spec, 
> someone says “don’t do that”, and they’ve been saying it since the earliest 
> alpha versions of spec. You would be correct to point out that nothing in 
> the spec overview or spec guide on carries this caution, 
> however (and I think it’s a reasonable “ask” for the guide to be updated to 
> include such a caution).
> My recommendation is to have a strictly non-coercive spec for the target 
> data “type” / shape you want, and to have a second spec that combines the 
> coercion you want with that spec. That way you have a way to tell if your 
> uncoerced data conforms to the spec, as well as a way to do coercion in 
> s/conform. They are – and should be – two separate specs and two separate 
> operations. They represent different layers of abstraction inside your 
> application (so “of course” they should be two separate specs, one built on 
> top of the other).

Also agree. I think coercion and conformance verification are two separate 
concepts and should not be conflated. I like the idea with two specs, as 
this lets me get some reuse.

> Given that the overview and the guide don’t even mention s/conformer, I’m 
> not sure where that recommendation should live. Alex, any thoughts on this, 
> since you seem to be the one most often making the recommendation?

As a spec user, I would expect to learn about this from the spec guide.

Also, I still believe that in the short term a function that validates a 
spec without calling conformers would be useful.

best regards,

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Re: s/valid? does not tell me if the data is valid as supplied

2018-02-21 Thread Jan Rychter
On Tuesday, February 20, 2018 at 4:53:33 PM UTC+1, Alex Miller wrote:
> This is exactly why we recommend that you not use conformers for coercion. 
> Conformers were added primarily as a tool for building custom composite 
> spec types (for example, we used it to build keys* from keys).

I am afraid that ship has sailed. Looking around I see lots of cases where 
people do use conformers for coercion. At a first glance it seems very 
natural, and warnings not to do it are not easily found.

> This is a common need though and I would be happier if spec did more to 
> help you solve it in a way that minimized repetition and maximized the use 
> of existing specs. I'm still thinking through what that would mean exactly. 
> It's challenging right now to plug externally without rebuilding a 
> significant part of spec, so that's obviously not ideal.
> Ideally, you would be able to say the things that are important here:
> - the spec of the incoming data (strings or whatever - JSON sourced is the 
> major use case)
> - the spec of the data I desire
> - the coercion functions that can move from one to the other (there are 
> probably a small number of these that are widely reused)
> - some way to coerce+validate or coerce+conform
> Building coercion into a single spec itself instead leads to the problem 
> of not being able to know what the source data actually was, and that's 
> really at odds with the spec philosophy and the notion of bidirectional 
> conforming.

I'm glad you see the need, highlighting it was largely the point of my 
post. As for these requirements, I agree, although I'm not sure about the 
need to know about the source.

Regardless of larger future plans, I think my original suggestion still 
stands: it would be nice to have a function that would tell me if the data 
is valid as supplied.

And another minor point: when I call a validation function (as part of 
contract checking), I do not necessarily expect to deal with all kinds of 
exceptions that coercion functions might throw.


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s/valid? does not tell me if the data is valid as supplied

2018-02-20 Thread Jan Rychter
I've been using spec for a while now, in a reasonably large code base (>30k 
lines of Clojure and ClojureScript) and there is an issue that bit me 
several times.

I use conformers for coercing data that is *almost* what I need, usually 
when reading from JSON (RethinkDB). Common conformers are keyword and set. 
And it works really well, except for one problem: there is no way to know 
if data has been conformed or not.

Calling s/valid? will tell me if the data is valid *if it has been 
conformed*. But what if it hasn't? Can I use the data? Is it "valid" 
according to the spec I wrote?

This is a very real problem: I've spent considerable time chasing bugs 
where there was a code path which did not call s/conform. The data passed 
all validations done with valid? and the bug manifested itself far down the 
road, where something expected a keyword instead of a string, or a set 
instead of a vector.

Here is a specific minimal example demonstrating what I'm talking about:

(ns spectest
  (:require [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]))

(s/def ::test-spec (s/and (s/conformer keyword) keyword?))

(s/conform ::test-spec "a") ;; :a
(s/valid? ::test-spec "a") ;; true

I expected the last valid? to return false, because my code does not expect 
a string, it expects a keyword, according to the spec.

I might be missing something, but I would much rather see valid? tell me if 
the data is valid for use (as supplied) and have a separate 
valid-when-conformed? which tells me if the data is, well, valid when 
conformed. It seems to me that the current valid? that does two things is 
confusing and not very useful for contracts.

At the very least I'd really like to see a function that tells me if the 
data is valid *as supplied*, as this is the function that I'd want to use 
when enforcing contracts everywhere in my code.

Alternatively, I could stop using conformers altogether, and write explicit 
data conversion functions. That might not be a bad idea, but it seems other 
people started using conformers, too, so eventually I'll hit the same 
problem again.


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Re: An Annotation within an Annotation

2017-11-01 Thread Jan Stavel
I have forgetten an error that 'lein compile' gives.

  java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Metadata can only be applied to 
IMetas, compiling:(rhsm/cockpit/tests/register_tests.clj:88:35)
  Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Metadata 
can only be applied to IMetas, 

Have a good day,
Jan Stavel

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An Annotation within an Annotation

2017-11-01 Thread Jan Stavel
Hello everybody,

I am trying to annotate a method in clojure where annotation type is made 
up of nested annotations.

Example of similar java code:

I want to do the same in clojure.

This is my attempt to do that:

A definition of the TestType interface:

Any hint welcome.

Have a good day,
Jan Stavel

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Parsing and querying binary .fit files in Clojure

2017-04-05 Thread Jan Herich
As an active cyclist, I always wanted to do power-data analysis in my 
favourite language, so I finally put together this little tool:
I hope it will be useful for someone else as well, what it does & how to 
use it is pretty well documented in the readme 
<>(and of 
course code as well).

There are still many things I want to implement there, for example another 
weighted average algorithm (x-power used by golden-cheetah and strava), 
filtering input .fit
files by date and date ranges and also virtual elevation profile for 
accurate Cda estimations by Robert Chung's method 

If you have any suggestions or ideas for improvement, just write me here, 
or open a PR.


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Re: [ANN] data.avl 0.0.13 – fast sorted collections with O(log n) slices and nth

2015-12-09 Thread 'Jan-Paul Bultmann' via Clojure
Very awesome :D!

Cheers, Jan

> On 09 Dec 2015, at 10:39, Michał Marczyk <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am pleased to announce the 0.0.13 release of data.avl, a Clojure
> Contrib library providing highly performant drop-in replacements for
> Clojure(Script)'s built-in sorted maps and sets with the following
> headline features:
>  0. performance often superior to the built-ins (owing to the smaller
> height of AVL trees), see end of this email for some benchmarks
>  1. logarithmic-time slicing and splits:
> (avl/split-key 3 (avl/sorted-set 0 1 2 3 4 5))
> ;= [#{0 1 2} 3 #{4 5 6}]
> (avl/split-at 2 (avl/sorted-set 0 1 2 3 4 5))
> ;= [#{0 1} #{2 3 4 5}]
> (avl/subrange (avl/sorted-set 0 1 2 3 4 5) >= 2 < 5)
> ;= #{2 3 4}
> All returned collections are independent from the originals for GC
> purposes (no holding on to out-of-range keys present in the
> original collections), all operations run in O(log n) time in
> asymptotic terms, and actually fast in real-world terms.
>  2. logarithmic-time access by rank and rank queries:
> (nth (avl/sorted-set 0 1 2) 1)
> ;= 1
> (avl/rank-of (avl/sorted-map-by > 0 0 1 1 2 2) 0)
> ;= 2
>  3. nearest-neighbour lookups:
> (avl/nearest (avl/sorted-set 0 1 2) < 1)
> ;= 0
> The complete clojure.core sorted collections API is also supported, as
> is the transient API. See the README for more detailed examples and
> feature descriptions.
> Fixed in this release:
>  1. IMeta and IFn implementations now use correct method names in the
> ClojureScript version.
>  2. sorted-map/sorted-map-by now throw exceptions if no value is
> provided for the final key (in other words, if an odd number of
> arguments is passed in) – patch by Andy Fingerhut, thanks!
> Changed in this release:
>  1. Seqs over data.avl maps now use node objects themselves as map
> entries. This is in line with the behaviour of Clojure's built-in
> sorted maps. Previously seqs over data.avl maps used
> freshly-allocated map entry objects; this had the benefit of not
> holding on to subtrees in some scenarios, however not without some
> performance and GC pressure cost to regular traversals. Note that
> the new behaviour allows the user to rewrap key/value pairs as map
> entries if they so choose in a separate map step.
>  2. Because of 1., AVL nodes now implement vector and map entry
> interfaces.
> Cheers,
> Michał
> ;;; A handful of benchmarks
> ; CIDER 0.9.1 (Java 1.8.0_45-internal, Clojure 1.8.0-RC2, nREPL 0.2.10)
> user> (def ks (range 1))
> #'user/ks
> user> (def ksks (doall (interleave ks ks)))
> #'user/ksks
> user> (def m1 (apply sorted-map ksks))
> #'user/m1
> user> (def m2 (apply avl/sorted-map ksks))
> #'user/m2
> user> (.tree m1)
> [4095 4095]
> user> (.getTree m2)
> [4095 4095]
> user> (let []
> (prn :>>>>>>>>> 0)
> (c/quick-bench (get m1 0))
> (c/quick-bench (get m2 0))
> (prn :>>>>>>>>> 4095)
> (c/quick-bench (get m1 4095))
> (c/quick-bench (get m2 4095))
> (prn :>>>>>>>>> )
> (c/quick-bench (get m1 ))
> (c/quick-bench (get m2 )))
> :>>>>>>>>> 0
> WARNING: Final GC required 9.525315094951035 % of runtime
> WARNING: Final GC required 88.3127760569387 % of runtime
> Evaluation count : 2280474 in 6 samples of 380079 calls.
>  Execution time mean : 262.138936 ns
> Execution time std-deviation : 56.938518 ns
>Execution time lower quantile : 237.779848 ns ( 2.5%)
>Execution time upper quantile : 360.756510 ns (97.5%)
>Overhead used : 20.503990 ns
> Found 1 outliers in 6 samples (16.6667 %)
>   low-severe   1 (16.6667 %)
>  Variance from outliers : 64.2134 % Variance is severely inflated by outliers
> WARNING: Final GC required 78.56747149813818 % of runtime
> Evaluation count : 2280498 in 6 samples of 380083 calls.
>  Execution time mean : 261.626921 ns
> Execution time std-deviation : 42.454179 ns
>Execution time lower quantile : 241.444705 ns ( 2.5%)
>Execution time upper quantile : 335.120524 ns (97.5%)
>Overhead used : 20.503990 ns
> Found 1 outliers in 6 samples (16.6667 %)
>   low-severe   1 (16.6667 %)
>  Variance from outliers : 47.5275 % Variance is moderately inflated by 
> outliers
> :&

Re: Awesome Clojure Engineer Opportunity

2015-10-12 Thread 'Jan-Paul Bultmann' via Clojure
Hey Rameen,

Cool, I didn’t know that Apple was using Clojure internally.

Cheers, Jan

> On 12 Oct 2015, at 22:00, Rameen Fattahi <> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> My name is Rameen and I'm looking for a passionate Clojure engineer for a 
> very confidential project at one of the biggest companies in the world 
> (cannot name it here for privacy reasons).
> This is a full time role on our Applied Machine Learning team. If you're 
> interested, please send me your resume and I'd be happy to chat with you.
> Thanks a lot,
> Rameen Fattahi, Technical Recruiter
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Re: rand-nth on empty collections

2015-09-30 Thread 'Jan-Paul Bultmann' via Clojure
Throwing an exception is probably the right thing to do if it's supposed to 
closely model the behavior of `nth`, but it wonder if it's the most usefull 
behavior in practice.
I would guess that it introduces `not-empty` checks everywhere, instead of only 
for the cases where you want to be shure that the nil returned is actually an 
element of the collection.

cheers Jan

> On 30 Sep 2015, at 20:18, Mark Engelberg <> wrote:
>> On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 12:14 PM, Mark Engelberg <> 
>> wrote:
>> I also think it makes perfect sense for rand-nth to throw an error on an 
>> empty collection.  That's because the first step is it needs to generate a 
>> random number between 0 and the length of the collection (0), which is 
>> impossible.  So it should throw an error.  Note that it is the *random 
>> generation of the index*, not the nth that conceptually is throwing the 
>> error.
> To be clear, when I say that nth "conceptually is throwing the error", I just 
> mean that's how I rationalize Clojure's behavior.  That's not really what's 
> going on.  (rand-int 0) returns 0 (which it probably shouldn't, given that 
> the input is meant to be an exclusive upper bound).  So in fact, the error is 
> thrown by clojure.lang.RT.nthFrom, which is surprising.
> -- 
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Clojure Jobs Available

2015-03-30 Thread Jan Drake

We're a stealth startup in the fintech space building consumer-scale, fully 
distributed systems in Clojure along with cutting edge data storage and 
transaction technologies.  We're Clojure all the way to the edge.

We have teams in Seattle, Sydney, and Costa Rica and are looking to hire 
senior engineers with Clojure/Lisp experience.  Many of our engineers come 
from a CL background and we also have senior engineers who have recently 
switched to functional programming and LISP.

If you're looking for an excellent team and awesome product to work on, 
then here at SecureOne™ is the best place to be.  

We care about solid engineering, reliable and resilient systems, low 
latency distributed processing, streaming analytics, high scalability, and 
extreme performance… and we're doing all of them.

If you're interested, please deliver a resume to jobs at and 
Jan Drake ( will get back to you.

We hope to hear from you.

Jan Drake

VP of Engineering  Operations

SecureOne Corporation

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Re: Is this the good way to write get-percentage

2015-02-13 Thread Jan-Paul Bultmann
I really don't think that calculating percentages warrants a DSL.
(I'm not even sure if percent warrants a function ;} )

`(round (percent ...))
 (round-up (percent ...))
 (round-down (percent ...))`

Seems far more readable to me than having a function that does many things at 
once, be it higher order, keyword configured or pre `comp`ed.

Cheers Jan

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Re: Architectural doubts

2015-01-31 Thread Jan-Paul Bultmann
Why not stream frames directly into the datomic db as they fall out of gloss?
This should be faster at query time anyhow due to indexes,
and let's datomic handle the memory management.

cheers Jan

 On 31 Jan 2015, at 11:39, Milton Silva wrote:
 While using wireshark to analyse libpcap files (= 200 MB) I routinely think 
 that it would be great to preform relational queries but, wireshark only 
 supports search. 
 I thought I would decode the entire file, hold it in memory as clojure data 
 structures and use datomic's datalog.
 Besides relational queries, a requirement is for the file to be decoded 
 (libpcap, ethernet-II, IP, TCP, diameter) in less then a minute(for a 200MB) 
 and the typical queries should also be less than a minute.
 I thought the frames could be represented like this:
 {:frame-id 1
 :timestamp java's instant-object
 :src-mac string
 :dest-mac string
 :dest-ip ...
 {:frame-ids [1 3]
 :diameter-session-id ...}
 So, I started by using gloss to decode a 200MB file. Gloss is fantastic to 
 specify frames  but, it is not meeting the time requirements. It appear the 
 problem has to do with the creation of a lot of objects. Even with 3G of ram 
 for the heap, it still crawls to a halt.
 I could try to perform some experiments to determine approximate answers but, 
 I think it is better to talk with people with more experience in order to 
 avoid common pitfalls..
 My questions are:
 Will the JVM (with 3G) support a million hashmaps like the above?
 Is Buffy able to do something like what I want? 
 Will datomic be able to handle this use case? 
 What would you suggest to solve this(e.g. don't use clojure data structures.. 
 but then datomic's datalog is not available to query?)?
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Re: When to use metadata

2015-01-29 Thread Jan Herich
Solussd is absolutely correct, but maybe even more simplistic (or easier to 
grasp) explanation would be to use metadata if you don't want the 
additional (meta)data to change the equality semantics of the map, for 

(def test-desc1 {:number-of-threads 10})
(def test-desc2 ^{:integration true} {:number-of-threads 10})
(def test-desc3 {:number-of-threads 10 :integration true})

(= test-desc1 test-desc2) ;; returns true
(= test-desc1 test-desc2 test-desc3) ;; returns false, because while the 
first two vars reference equal values, the third one doesn't

Dňa štvrtok, 29. januára 2015 16:10:34 UTC+1 Jonathon McKitrick napísal(-a):

 Is there a rule of thumb or set of use cases when metadata is a more 
 elegant solution than simply adding more entries to a map or record?

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Re: if-not implementation

2015-01-22 Thread Jan-Paul Bultmann
Even with inlining the code is rather silly ;)

[x] (if x false true)

so you'd get,

   (if (if test false true) then else)

Which relies a bit too much on the JVM's JIT for my taste :D

I've always wondered what the reason for the original implementation is.
Keep closer to the implementation of not, so that no incompatibilities arise
should not become a protocol one day?

Cheers Jan

 On 22 Jan 2015, at 01:32, Mikera wrote:
 Interesting -  there seems to be a very slight performance advantage to your 
 version on my machine (consistently about 25% faster for if-nots in a tight 
 I think the problem is actually with not - which isn't getting inlined 
 currently. If I patch not so that it is inlined, the difference disappears.
 Worth a quick patch maybe?
 On Thursday, 22 January 2015 03:51:37 UTC+8, Leon Grapenthin wrote:
 I am surprised to find the two branch implementation of if-not as follows:
 ([test then else]
`(if (not ~test) ~then ~else))
 What I expected was:
 ([test then else]
`(if ~test ~else ~then))
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Re: DSL in RTL (Right to Left) languages.

2015-01-13 Thread Jan-Paul Bultmann
I would wrap everything in a tree walking macro that first reverses all lists 
and then starts evaluating other macros.

I'd love to see an Arabic clojure file btw :D
But non English source always makes me shudder a bit, one of the great things 
about programming is that everybody speaks English ;)

cheers Jan

 On 14 Jan 2015, at 05:52, wrote:
 I need to write a dsl in Arabic which is a RTL. I am not sure how to get 
 started with such a dsl in clojure. Any pointers with be really appreciated.
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Re: Author a Book on Clojure - Packt Publishing

2014-12-22 Thread Jan-Paul Bultmann
Just my 50 cent.

I was asked to do a technical review on a Clojure podcasts by packtpub once.

The storyboard they send me consisted of a word file containing a huge table 
with text and source code.

Why would anybody send a technical reviewer source code in a word document, yet 
alone in a table column that has a width of 50 characters which causes it to 
line-wrap everywhere?!

It feels to me that this publisher is just a book mill that goes for quantity 
and not quality.
I couldn't make it thought a single book I bought from them because reading 
them felt like a waste of time.

Of course things might have changed by now and your mileage may vary.
I'm just thinking that if somebody takes the time of writing a book on Clojure,
it should at least be worthwhile.

All the best, Jan

 On 20 Dec 2014, at 09:07, Tushar Gupta wrote:
 I am Tushar Gupta, an Acquisition Editor at Packt Publishing. We specialise 
 in publishing books, eBooks, video tutorials and articles for IT developers, 
 administrators and users. 
 We are currently planning to develop a book on Clojure Data structures and 
 We are looking for an expert to author this book and share their knowledge 
 and skills with our readers.
 For more information you can mail me on
 Looking forward to have some legit responses. :)
 Tushar Gupta
 Acquisition Editor
 Packt Publishing
 Skype: packt.tusharg x-msg://4/
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Re: [ANN] stateful-check 0.1.0 - test stateful systems with test.check

2014-11-28 Thread Jan Stępień
Hi Carlo,

Thanks for sharing! I see that generative testing of statful computations 
is a popular topic in the Clojure world these days; I think we've started 
working on our libraries nearly the same day :)

All the best,

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Re: If code is data why do we use text editors?

2014-11-14 Thread Jan-Paul Bultmann
Yeah this would be awesome, but sadly representing Clojure code as data is as 
hard as representing Java.
All the reader macros make it a nightmare, and the closest thing you'll get is 
tools.analyzer AST nodes.

Session is certainly a step in the right direction, and I wish more people 
would embrace it,
but it works on text as well. Same pretty much goes for codeq, if that is not 

One could define a Clojure subset that is valid EDN though,
which would make everything from serialisable functions to a nano-pass compiler 
a lot easier.
This has to be the first step imho.

Cheers Jan

 On 14 Nov 2014, at 17:09, atucker wrote:
 As I understand it, Session and codeq are tools that somehow keep your code in a 
 database instead of plain text.
 On Friday, 14 November 2014 12:42:57 UTC, Thomas Huber wrote:
 Hi, here is an idea that has been in my mind for a while. I wonder what you 
 think about it.
 In Clojure code is data, right? But when we program we manipulate flat text 
 files, not the data directly.
 Imagine your source code where a data structure (in memory). And programming 
 is done by manipulating this data structure. No text editor and text files 
 Your editor directly manipulates the source data and later saves it on disk 
 (maybe as a text file). 
 These are the benefits I can think of:
  - It enables you to use any Clojure function to manipulate your source 
 „code“. Giving you hole new opportunities for refactoring.This functions can 
 be provides as library. 
 - Really nice auto complete. 
 - Visual programming. Source code can be represented in many different ways 
 (not just text) . The easiest example I can think of is color. It can be 
 represented as text of course (#23FF02)
 but that’s a quite bad interface for humans. Why not display the actual color 
 and provide a color picker? Or what about music notes? Or Math formulars? Or 
 what about a tree view to move and rename functions like files? 
 This could all be implemented in a way that every library can ship there own 
 „views“. I think this „views“ are basically macros that are not limited to 
 - You don’t have to worry that you text files are in the same state as your 
 JVM (when developing interactive). You only work on your sourcedata and it 
 gets loaded into the JVM automatically.
 - Answer questions about your source code. What is the most called function? 
 Who depends on this namespace? Where is this function used? What is the 
 biggest function? Thinks like that become easy. Again you can ship this 
 queries as a library.
 The drawback is you can’t simply program using any text editor. You need a 
 special tool. But we have that anyway (syntax highlighting, paredit etc.). 
 Nobody programs using a bare text editor. 
 Maybe this idea is not new? What do you think?
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Re: better way to group consecutive numbers in a vector?

2014-11-07 Thread Jan-Paul Bultmann
I think what you want is `partition-between` as implemented by amalloys useful 

`(partition-between (fn [x y]
(not= (inc x) y))

Why this isn’t in the standard library is beyond me tbh,
as `partition-by` is a special case for `partition-between`.

`(def partition-by (partial partition-between not=))`

Maybe adding it to clojure.core should be considered?
Also I’d be intrigued to know the rationale behind `partition-by`.

Cheers, Jan

 On 07 Nov 2014, at 18:56, Alex Hammel wrote:
 Here's my take on the 'add delimiters and split' approach. Bonus `congeal 
 function, which chunks collections on any condition you like:
 (defn- insert-gaps
   [coll pred gap-symbol]
   (reduce (fn [acc x]
 (if (pred (peek acc) x)
 (conj acc x)
 (conj acc gap-symbol x)))
   [(first coll)]
   (rest coll)))
 (defn split-coll
   [coll delimiter]
   (- coll
(partition-by (partial = delimiter))
(remove (partial = (list delimiter)
 (defn congeal
   [pred coll]
   (let [gap-symbol (gensym)]
 (- coll
 (insert-gaps pred gap-symbol)
 (split-coll gap-symbol
 (defn consecutive? [p q]
   (= (inc p) q))
 (println (congeal consecutive? [1 3 4 5 7 9 10 11 12]))
 #= ((1) (3 4 5) (7) (9 10 11 12))
 (println (congeal  [1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3]))
 #= ((1 2 3) (1 2 3) (1 2 3))
 (println (congeal not= [:foo :foo :bar :bar :foo :bar]))
 #= ((:foo) (:foo :bar) (:bar :foo :bar))
 On Fri, Nov 7, 2014 at 4:09 AM, Paweł Rozynek wrote:
 (def data '(1 3 4 5 7 9 10 11 12))
 (map #(map last %) (partition-by #(apply - %) (map-indexed vector data))) = 
 ((1) (3 4 5) (7) (9 10 11 12))
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Re: Question about test.check, and knossos

2014-10-23 Thread Jan Stępień
Hi Andy,

Lately I've been exploring the world introduced to me by watching the John 
 Hughes' quickcheck video from
 clojure west. Awesome stuff!

 Eventually I found the testing for fun and profit[1] paper which left me 
 wanting to test my apps using
 a model based system like the paper describes. It looks like 
 test-check-knossos[2] takes a stab at applying
 knossos[3] to this problem.

 However the examples in that repo don't capture the the aspect of using 
 state to generate test commands to be
 executed against the system. It's just a random stream of :take/:reset 
 operations whereas the registry example
 in the paper seems to require that the function which generates the 
 sequence of test commands has access to
 the state of the system under test at the start of each command.

 So is there a missing clojure library here? Is anybody working on 
 something that allows this style of model
 testing? If not, would it make sense for someone writing one to leverage 
 knossos in any way?



I've begun to work on such a tool not long ago. Thomas Arts, who gave a 
talk at
our local FP user group meetup [mλ], inspired me to try out the approach 
describing in Clojure. After some experiments I got the library to a state 
it could generate test cases for java.util.HashSet. I looked for prior art 
the area of concurrency and detection of race conditions. That's when I
discovered Philip Potter's Knossos-based approach [pp]. I find it very
interesting but I haven't yet had time to try it out. It'd be great to have 
integrated, though.

I demonstrated the tentative API in [gist], where some simple properties of
HashSet and Clojure vector are checked. The gist also shows how an exemplary
failure looks, including shrinking. I'll try to get the implementation to a
reasonable state and push it to GitHub soon.

Feedback is very welcome!

Jan Stępień


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Re: Schrodinger's cat in clojure?

2014-10-11 Thread Jan-Paul Bultmann
Transducers build up transformation steps, with new generic operations like  
single arg `map` and `filter`, and then apply these transformations to a 
collection using an evaluation function.
This function decides if operations are done lazily, eagerly, or on a channel.

Note that while this makes the place where laziness occurs more obvious, it is 
not really new.
You can currently infer as well that `map` `filter` `concat` e.t.c are lazy. 
While `mapv` or `filterv` are not.

On 11 Oct 2014, at 00:28, Mars0i wrote:

 On Friday, October 10, 2014 5:20:30 PM UTC-5, Mars0i wrote:
  Maybe an ideal world would be one in which there was a global setting to 
 turn laziness on and off.  When you want it, have it, and know your risks.  
 After looking at the source for some of the lazy functions, I've come to 
 suspect that such a feature would be completely nontrivial.
 Oh, wait, Rich Hickey's blog post about transducers says:
 But transducers can also be used for:
 a la carte laziness
 collection/iteration/laziness-free transforming reductions 
 Not certain what this means.  Haven't fully grokked reducers.
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Re: Schrodinger's cat in clojure?

2014-10-11 Thread Jan-Paul Bultmann
I feel that there are some misconceptions here,
Clojure is not a language that has lazy evaluation,
but is instead completely eager.
Macros are the closest thing that come to laziness, but they are still 
However, Clojure has a data structure, that also serves as an abstraction layer,
that implements laziness, called a sequence or seq.

Therefor turning of laziness makes no real sense. You could say disable the 
laziness of seqs,
but that doesn't really make sense either. It's like disabling the FIFO nature 
of a queue or a channel.
If you don't want the properties of a seq, then use another data structure, 
like a vector.

On 11 Oct 2014, at 18:14, Mars0i wrote:

 Thanks Jan-Paul.  That's helpful.  I wonder whether, if all lazy functions 
 were rewritten in terms of transducers, it would then be easy to turn 
 laziness on and off.  (I am not suggesting that this should be done.  No 
 doubt it would entail a lot of work, and performance tradeoffs.  I'm quite 
 happy with Clojure as it is, despite anything negative I might say about 
 impacts of laziness in some circumstances.)
 On Saturday, October 11, 2014 5:00:36 AM UTC-5, Jan-Paul Bultmann wrote:
 Transducers build up transformation steps, with new generic operations like  
 single arg `map` and `filter`, and then apply these transformations to a 
 collection using an evaluation function.
 This function decides if operations are done lazily, eagerly, or on a channel.
 Note that while this makes the place where laziness occurs more obvious, it 
 is not really new.
 You can currently infer as well that `map` `filter` `concat` e.t.c are lazy. 
 While `mapv` or `filterv` are not.
 On 11 Oct 2014, at 00:28, Mars0i wrote:
 On Friday, October 10, 2014 5:20:30 PM UTC-5, Mars0i wrote:
  Maybe an ideal world would be one in which there was a global setting to 
 turn laziness on and off.  When you want it, have it, and know your risks.  
 After looking at the source for some of the lazy functions, I've come to 
 suspect that such a feature would be completely nontrivial.
 Oh, wait, Rich Hickey's blog post about transducers says:
 But transducers can also be used for:
 a la carte laziness
 collection/iteration/laziness-free transforming reductions 
 Not certain what this means.  Haven't fully grokked reducers.
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Re: Schrodinger's cat in clojure?

2014-10-11 Thread Jan-Paul Bultmann
Yes you are right, currently a lot of stuff is seq only.
I think that reducers provide a lot of eager operations, but not everything.

So yeah, transducers are exactly what you are looking for.

If you call `sequence` with the transducer you get laziness, if you call `into` 
with a collection and a transducer, you get eagerness :).
No decision about the evaluation strategy has to be made up until that point, 
and afaik transducers implement most classical seq constructs.

On 11 Oct 2014, at 21:09, Mars0i wrote:

 I don't think I have any misconceptions.  I probably haven't expressed myself 
 clearly.  Clojure has many very useful functions that return lazy sequences.  
 Analogous functions in other languages perform what are exactly the same 
 operations, except for the fact that what's returned is not a lazy sequence, 
 but instead is a different kind of sequential structure.  For example, Common 
 Lisp'smapcar is very much like Clojure's map, but mapcar returns a (non-lazy) 
 singly-linked list.  As you point out, there are also functions in Clojure 
 that return sequential structures that are not lazy.  Moreover, it's easy to 
 convert a lazy sequence into a non-lazy sequence through use of, for example, 
 doall or vec.
 However, writing code in Clojure that only used non-lazy sequences would be 
 unnatural and verbose, as Lee points out.  No one would bother doing that.  
 Part of what's great about Clojure is the convenience of its set of sequence 
 operations.  If you're not using those, you're not getting full benefit from 
 Clojure.  So as a practical matter, one must deal with laziness in Clojure.  
 However, almost the same language could be constructed without any laziness, 
 just by replacing lazy functions such as map with non-lazy analogues.  In 
 that case, you could do all of the same things in those situations that don't 
 require laziness.  (You couldn't use lazy infinite sequences, and you'd have 
 to worry about keeping large data structures in memory, etc.  But in many 
 situations, those features aren't needed.)  
 That's what I mean by turning off laziness: Replacing every function that 
 returns a lazy sequence with its closest non-lazy analogue.
 On Saturday, October 11, 2014 12:01:34 PM UTC-5, Jan-Paul Bultmann wrote:
 I feel that there are some misconceptions here,
 Clojure is not a language that has lazy evaluation,
 but is instead completely eager.
 Macros are the closest thing that come to laziness, but they are still 
 However, Clojure has a data structure, that also serves as an abstraction 
 that implements laziness, called a sequence or seq.
 Therefor turning of laziness makes no real sense. You could say disable 
 the laziness of seqs,
 but that doesn't really make sense either. It's like disabling the FIFO 
 nature of a queue or a channel.
 If you don't want the properties of a seq, then use another data structure, 
 like a vector.
 On 11 Oct 2014, at 18:14, Mars0i wrote:
 Thanks Jan-Paul.  That's helpful.  I wonder whether, if all lazy functions 
 were rewritten in terms of transducers, it would then be easy to turn 
 laziness on and off.  (I am not suggesting that this should be done.  No 
 doubt it would entail a lot of work, and performance tradeoffs.  I'm quite 
 happy with Clojure as it is, despite anything negative I might say about 
 impacts of laziness in some circumstances.)
 On Saturday, October 11, 2014 5:00:36 AM UTC-5, Jan-Paul Bultmann wrote:
 Transducers build up transformation steps, with new generic operations like  
 single arg `map` and `filter`, and then apply these transformations to a 
 collection using an evaluation function.
 This function decides if operations are done lazily, eagerly, or on a 
 Note that while this makes the place where laziness occurs more obvious, it 
 is not really new.
 You can currently infer as well that `map` `filter` `concat` e.t.c are lazy. 
 While `mapv` or `filterv` are not.
 On 11 Oct 2014, at 00:28, Mars0i wrote:
 On Friday, October 10, 2014 5:20:30 PM UTC-5, Mars0i wrote:
  Maybe an ideal world would be one in which there was a global setting to 
 turn laziness on and off.  When you want it, have it, and know your risks.  
 After looking at the source for some of the lazy functions, I've come to 
 suspect that such a feature would be completely nontrivial.
 Oh, wait, Rich Hickey's blog post about transducers says:
 But transducers can also be used for:
 a la carte laziness
 collection/iteration/laziness-free transforming reductions 
 Not certain what this means.  Haven't fully grokked reducers.
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Seeking Large Companies That Employ Clojure

2014-10-09 Thread Jan Drake

You can learn a bit about me here

I am looking to connect with engineering teams and managers of those teams 
that are using Clojure in enterprise and/or web scale scenarios to discuss 
various topics important to users of Clojure at scale, in production, etc. 
 If you are one, please contact me directly; if you know of one, please 
make me an introduction.

Onward in the great Clojure Adventure!



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Re: `as-` does not work with `recur`.

2014-10-05 Thread Jan-Paul Bultmann
Ah thanks, I did a JIRA search for `as-`  before but nothing had popped up.

On 05 Oct 2014, at 03:06, Sunil S Nandihalli wrote:

 This issue has been reported
 May be you should upvote this..
 On Sun, Oct 5, 2014 at 4:56 AM, Leon Grapenthin 
 (defmacro as-
 [expr name  forms]
 `(let [~name ~expr
~@(interleave (repeat name) (butlast forms))]
~(last forms)))
 On Sunday, October 5, 2014 1:02:50 AM UTC+2, Jan-Paul Bultmann wrote:
 I just noticed that while recur can be the last statement in most threading 
 it can't be used within an `as-` macro. 
   user= (macroexpand '(- x (recur))) 
   (recur x) 
   user= (macroexpand '(as- x % (recur %))) 
   (let* [% x % (recur %)] %) 
 This means that a recur within a `as-` will cause a CompilerException, 
 because it is not at the tail position. 
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`as-` does not work with `recur`.

2014-10-04 Thread Jan-Paul Bultmann
I just noticed that while recur can be the last statement in most threading 
it can't be used within an `as-` macro.

  user= (macroexpand '(- x (recur)))
  (recur x)

  user= (macroexpand '(as- x % (recur %)))
  (let* [% x % (recur %)] %)

This means that a recur within a `as-` will cause a CompilerException, because 
it is not at the tail position.



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Re: Is Clojure a language for growth?

2014-08-21 Thread Jan Ziniewicz

 If a company wants to be able to hire staff and get them up to speed, as 
 well as have options for bringing in contractors and outsourcing some work, 
 is Clojure a good choice?

My friend works in a project which is being rewritten from Rails to Clojure 
(due to usual scaling problems with Rails). They don't have hiring 
problems. However, they are not looking for Clojure devs but devs who want 
to learn Clojure - and they don't have any problems with that. Usually, 
each new developer is able to code in Clojure after one month. Of course, 
every new team member has to read a book or two after hours and requires 
some mentoring from other members in a team. 

 We've had trouble finding Clojure devs, and others have complained of how 
 hard it is to learn Clojure and read the code from open source projects, 
 especially for those with backgrounds in languages like C++.

Clojure is as hard to learn as any other language. People who complain 
about strange grammar (those bloody brackets) or a few new concepts in the 
language won't be a good buy for a fast-growing company.


 I'm really looking for arguments that will help me persuade my boss that 
 the risk of starting our next project in Clojure is one worth taking.

I had the same problem with Scala a few years ago. Persuade you boss to 
start with very small project. Make it awesome, show it to your team and 
remember - you 'll have only one chance. If you fail - they won't allow you 
to use Clojure again :)

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Re: complex numbers in clojure

2014-08-16 Thread Jan-Paul Bultmann
I agree that Clojure could really use an imaginary number type.

The best place to start with this might be `clojure.math.numeric-tower` because 
it already provides a
`MathFunctions` protocol that defines a square root operation.

Cheers Jan

On 15 Aug 2014, at 19:54, Maik Schünemann wrote:

 On Fri, Aug 15, 2014 at 7:00 PM, Reid McKenzie wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 The best way to build a complex arithmetic package is probably to work atop 
 `clojure.algo.generic`. I've done a pair of libraries 
 based around extending algo.generic with custom datatypes and they've both 
 worked out well
 I'll look at these. 
 Building complex arithmetic atop algo.generic wouldn't bring the desired 
 unification, because for example core.matrix doesn't use algo.generic ... 
 Clojure in general seems pretty loath to package traditional numerics 
 facilities... note that we don't even have a built in square root operator 
 and the common practice is to use java.lang.Math through interop so I 
 wouldn't go holding your breath over adding irrational numbers to the 
 language core. Also clojure.contrib is abandoned and deprecated in favor of 
 real community maintained standalone libraries. The most likely place for 
 an irrational type is probably either a user library like both of the above 
 or possibly algo.generic itself.
 Yeah, I meant 'as a contrib library' when I wrote clojure.contrib. Sorry for 
 the confusion. 
 As for the other part, let me elaborate a bit:
 As it is true that clojure doesn't have much numeric functions in core (like 
 the square root example), it doesn't eschew numeric /types/ like BigInt and 
 Rationals, and you obviously can't pass  to java.lang.Math via interop 
 Take rationals as example. I really like them and use them often in my 
 clojure code because they give you exact arithmetic basically for free 
 because they are part of the core language and you can use them anywhere (in 
 pure clojure). They even have a convenient literal syntax (but that is not 
 that inportant). 
 We had a discussion a while ago on the clojure-numerics mailing list on how 
 we could open core.matrix for arbitrary scalar types, like complex numbers or 
 symbolic expressions. I'll link this here as it could be of interest:!topic/numerical-clojure/Ze7lNjXJeQc/discussion
 I think a reason that held the discussion back was missing standard types to 
 experiment with. 
 I don't argue that clojure should provide complex types as part of 
 clojure.core and can understand the reasons not to (while I think it would be 
 the same reason as including rationals in clojure.core) but as a clojure 
 contrib library that other clojure math libraries build ontop of (including 
 core.matrix and algo.generic).
 The tricky part would then be figuring out how to nicely interop with the 
 other clojure types without incuring too much overhead to be used in serious 
 scientific computing (I think algo.generic uses multimethods for dispatch, 
 which is definitly too slow in highly stressed inner loops of heavy matrix 
 manipulations for example).
 On 08/15/2014 10:24 AM, Maik Schünemann wrote:
is there a recommended way to do complex arithmetic in
   clojure ? 
I am interested to see clojure going forward for scientific
   computing purposes. 
There is already considerable effort going on with
   core.matrix, incanter, expresso etc.
But something thad is oddly lacking is support for complex
   numbers. For some areas, this is
a show stopper and it is very basic stuff in other languages
   and systems: 
- common-lisp, python etc all have a standard complex type as
   part of the language/standard library
- see language support here
In Java, there are multiple incompatible complex number
   classes and I don't want that incompatibilities 
in clojure libraries that provide complex number
In my opinion we should strive as a community for a standard
   complex number datatype, that is agreed on by clojure libraries, 
and plays nicely with clojures other numeric types.
Ideally, this would be provided as part of clojure.contrib or
   even clojure itself - like rationals are!
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Re: Idiomatic clojure on building a sequence

2014-05-21 Thread Jan Herich
Hi Colin,

Have a look at the 'as-' macro, its very helpful in some cases, as:

(- []
 (conj some-element)
 (as- some-seq 
 (if some-condition? (conj some-seq some-element) some-seq)
 (if some-other-condition? (conj some-seq some-other-element) 
 (take some-number-of-elements))

Dňa streda, 21. mája 2014 18:23:06 UTC+2 Colin Yates napísal(-a):

 I often find myself doing the following:

 (let [some-seq []
   some_seq (if some-condition? (conj some-seq some-element) some-seq)
   some_seq (if some-other-condition? (conj some-seq 
 some-other-element) some-seq)
   some_seq etc.])

 In other words building up a sequence which contains the results of 
 predicated elements.  Building up a where clause in SQL for example.

 I experimented with the - and - but that didn't help and just looked 

 How do you handle this pretty common use case?



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Re: Comparing classes in case statement

2014-02-27 Thread Jan Herich
From official clojure documentation:

The test-constants are not evaluated. They must be compile-time

Dňa štvrtok, 27. februára 2014 14:03:04 UTC+1 Markus Bader napísal(-a):


 if I am not too dumb, it seems that comparing for classes does not work in 
 case statements, like:

 = (class '(1 2 3))

 = (case (class '(1 2 3))
 clojure.lang.PersistentList :amazing

 I do not need a workaround - that is already done - and using the List is 
 just for providing a simple example. It originally occurred while comparing 
 Java classes.

 I am just interested if this behavior is intended or a bug.


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Re: Comparing Regular Expression pattens for equality?

2014-02-26 Thread Jan Herich
Clojure re-uses java.util.regex.Pattern objects. This object doesn't 
override equals method, 
so object references are always compared. But you can easily get pattern 
string from compiled
pattern and then compare just them: 

user= (= (.pattern #test) (.pattern #test))

Dňa streda, 26. februára 2014 12:55:17 UTC+1 Thomas napísal(-a):

 Hi Everyone,

 I am creating some regular expressions programmatically with re-pattern. 
 In order to avoid creating the same regex pattern again I want to check if 
 it already exists. But comparing regex pattern doesn't seem to be work:

 user= (= #test #test)
 user= (identical? #test #test)

 Not surprised that identical? doesn't work to be honest, but = should 
 have worked IMHO

 Is there a way to do this?



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Re: Latest web framework for clojure

2014-02-25 Thread Jan Herich
It depends also on your requirements. For example if you want your app to 
work in many 
deployment scenarios (standalone Jetty  or Tomcat, J2EE web containers...) 
and you may 
have to use servlet 3.0 API asynchronous features, nothing beats pedestal 

The concept of interceptors is little harder to grok then simple ring 
handlers (which are reused
to the greatest possible extent anyway), but they really make sense and 
truly decomplect
execution order, unlike traditional ring wrapping handlers.

The routing systems is also more transparent (data based) then Compojure 
macro routing
and the url generation facility is nice.

Sometimes i hear people say that pedestal is unclojurish and complex, but 
i think they
just don't get the difference between complex and easy. Overall, i think 
that pedestal 
represents core clojure philosophy better then any other clojure server 
side framework.

Dňa streda, 26. februára 2014 2:13:30 UTC+1 Aravindh S napísal(-a):

 Hi All,
I have been reading clojure for sometime now. I am at a point where I 
 want to learn a web framework. I see many options available for clojure 
 where few are built upon others. So if I am to learn one, which framework 
 does the community recommend? 


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Shutting down core.async executors threadpool

2014-02-24 Thread Jan Herich
Hi Folks,

I developed an pedestal application which uses core.async for real-time 
server push.
Everything works fine, except little problem when i run the application as 
the Servlet
in Tomcat (7.0.52).

The problem is, that if i shutdown the tomcat instance with shutdown script 
(default bin/, it won't quit.

I can see with VisualVM that it is because of the core.async executors 
used to dispatch go blocks which is not properly teared down. 

Any ideas how to solve this ?



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Re: Shutting down core.async executors threadpool

2014-02-24 Thread Jan Herich
Thank you much for the hint Jozef, you pointed mi in the right direction.

As you wrote, all core.async thread are daemon threads, but i was using 
another clojure library (pedestal) which uses executors threadpool for SSE
heartbeat functionality, and this was indeed the problem.

I already submitted an pull request to library maintainers:

Dňa pondelok, 24. februára 2014 19:18:42 UTC+1 Jozef Wagner napísal(-a):

 All threads in default core.async threadpool should be daemon, so they 
 should not block when JVM is about to exit. Maybe it is a tomcat issue.

 On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 7:06 PM, Jan Herich jan.h...@gmail.comjavascript:

 Hi Folks,

 I developed an pedestal application which uses core.async for real-time 
 server push.
 Everything works fine, except little problem when i run the application 
 as the Servlet
 in Tomcat (7.0.52).

 The problem is, that if i shutdown the tomcat instance with shutdown 
 (default bin/, it won't quit.

 I can see with VisualVM that it is because of the core.async executors 
 used to dispatch go blocks which is not properly teared down. 

 Any ideas how to solve this ?



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Re: (series of swap! on atom) == single swap!

2014-02-16 Thread Jan Herich
I'm afraid your understanding of atom swap! operations is not quite correct 
- update function must (or should) be pure as well.
See the 
documentation!for swap!, 
update function could be potentially called multiple times if 
there are more threads of execution
updating one atomic reference - there is simple compare and 
involved, which compares the old value of the atom
(input for the update function) and sets the atom to new value (return 
value from the update function) only value of the atom reference
was not changed in between, if yes the compare and set is retried until ti 

Dňa nedeľa, 16. februára 2014 23:35:24 UTC+1 t x napísal(-a):

 I believe that's the STM approach, which has the advanrtage of: 

   * can synchronize across multiple pieces of data 

 but has the disadvantage of: 

   * work must be pure since it can be retried 

   * possibly less efficient due to possibility of retrying 

 In the example I posted above, I only need to: 

   * modify a single atom 

 and the approach I presented above: 

   * can be impure, since it is guaranteed to only run once 

   * is guaranteed to succeed (without retrys) 

 On Sun, Feb 16, 2014 at 2:25 PM, Ramesh ramesh1...@gmail.comjavascript: 
  You can use a ref instead of an atom. And use dosync with multiple 
 alter, so 
  everything is safely inside a transaction. 
  On Feb 16, 2014 2:04 PM, t x javascript: wrote: 
  Hi John, 
Your solution is perfectly valid and optimal for the problem I 
  described above. 
Unfortunately, I forgot to mention an additional constraint: 
 sometimes I 
  (let [ foo (:some-selector @data-atom) ] 
(swap! data-atom update-in [:other-selector] ... )) 
  which the - doesn't quite work on, but my ugly hack above does 
The problem being -- I want to update one part of the atom, but it 
  depends on another part of the atom. 
I ended up with the following hack: 
  (defn tswap! [atm func] 
(swap! atm 
   (fn [old] 
 (let [natm (atom old)] 
   (func natm) 
  On Sat, Feb 15, 2014 at 4:09 PM, John D. Hume 

   On Sat, Feb 15, 2014 at 6:04 PM, t x javascript: 
   (defn what-I-want [] 
 (with-atom some-atom 
   assoc-in ... 
   assoc-in ... 
   update-in ...)) 
   I often do something like this and don't find it too ugly: 
   (swap! my-atom #(- % 
 (assoc-in [:k] v) 
 (update-in [:k2] inc) 
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Re: (series of swap! on atom) == single swap!

2014-02-16 Thread Jan Herich
Hi t x,

I think, that lock-free approach an it's semantics is more in line with 
other Clojure reference types such as refs.
It also encourages you to only use pure functions for state transitions, 
among other things, such as significant
performance benefits in comparison with lock based approaches, see for 
example this 
If you really want to update some reference with function which will also 
perform impure actions such as file I/O,
consider using agents and 
 latter in case of I/O blocking actions), functions given to send 
and send-off are guaranteed to run only once.

Dňa pondelok, 17. februára 2014 2:36:59 UTC+1 t x napísal(-a):

 Hi Jan, 

   You're right. I'm wrong. 

   I'm grateful you pointed this out -- this would have otherwise been 
 impossible to debug. 


 To everyone: 

   Why can swap! be retried? This confuses me -- to implement swap!, why 
 can't we 

   * have a lock 

   * ensure that only one swap! is in session at any given time 

   * have the given swap! complete before running the next swap! 


 On Sun, Feb 16, 2014 at 3:51 PM, Jan Herich jan.h...@gmail.comjavascript: 
  I'm afraid your understanding of atom swap! operations is not quite 
  - update function must (or should) be pure as well. 
  See the documentation for swap!, update function could be potentially 
  multiple times if there are more threads of execution 
  updating one atomic reference - there is simple compare and set 
  involved, which compares the old value of the atom 
  (input for the update function) and sets the atom to new value (return 
  from the update function) only value of the atom reference 
  was not changed in between, if yes the compare and set is retried until 
  Dňa nedeľa, 16. februára 2014 23:35:24 UTC+1 t x napísal(-a): 
  I believe that's the STM approach, which has the advanrtage of: 
* can synchronize across multiple pieces of data 
  but has the disadvantage of: 
* work must be pure since it can be retried 
* possibly less efficient due to possibility of retrying 
  In the example I posted above, I only need to: 
* modify a single atom 
  and the approach I presented above: 
* can be impure, since it is guaranteed to only run once 
* is guaranteed to succeed (without retrys) 
  On Sun, Feb 16, 2014 at 2:25 PM, Ramesh wrote: 
   You can use a ref instead of an atom. And use dosync with multiple 
   alter, so 
   everything is safely inside a transaction. 
   On Feb 16, 2014 2:04 PM, t x wrote: 
   Hi John, 
 Your solution is perfectly valid and optimal for the problem I 
   described above. 
 Unfortunately, I forgot to mention an additional constraint: 
   sometimes I 
   (let [ foo (:some-selector @data-atom) ] 
 (swap! data-atom update-in [:other-selector] ... )) 
   which the - doesn't quite work on, but my ugly hack above does 
 The problem being -- I want to update one part of the atom, but it 
   depends on another part of the atom. 
 I ended up with the following hack: 
   (defn tswap! [atm func] 
 (swap! atm 
(fn [old] 
  (let [natm (atom old)] 
(func natm) 
   On Sat, Feb 15, 2014 at 4:09 PM, John D. Hume 

On Sat, Feb 15, 2014 at 6:04 PM, t x wrote: 

(defn what-I-want [] 
  (with-atom some-atom 
assoc-in ... 
assoc-in ... 
update-in ...)) 

I often do something like this and don't find it too ugly: 
(swap! my-atom #(- % 
  (assoc-in [:k] v) 
  (update-in [:k2] inc) 

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Re: Example in Joy of Clojure, 2nd edition (MEAP)

2014-02-15 Thread Jan Herich
Hello Eric,

You can rewrite this functionality with key# and r# instead of ~'key and 
~'r and it would work just as well, 
it's only not necessary to use unique symbols here, because you are not 
using them in the function body
anyway, so there is no danger of accidental var capture. 

To be honest, i would rather use underscore symbols (written as ~'_ inside 
macro definition) to indicate 
that i won't use any of the first two parameters in the function body. 

Dňa sobota, 15. februára 2014 9:32:48 UTC+1 Eric napísal(-a):


 I'm reading the second edition of Joy of Clojure (the MEAP), and there is 
 an example that I don't quite get, and I was hoping someone here could help 
 me. It's in chapter 8, talking about macros. There is an example of a macro 
 called def-watched, which prints a message each time the root binding of a 
 var changes:

 (defmacro def-watched [name  value]
 (def ~name ~@value)
 (add-watch (var ~name)
 (fn [~'key ~'r old# new#]
   (println old#  -  new#)

 I understand almost everything, but I don't see why we have to use ~'keyand 
 ~'r rather than simply key# and r#. As I understand it, the first option (
 ~'var-name) would be useful to capture an external var inside the macro, 
 but I don't see the point of doing it here, especially since ~'key is 
 defined in the parameter list, so that it would anyway hide any external 
 var. Could someone please help me understand this?

 Thank you in advance,


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Re: Handy clojure function to transform prepared statement queries

2014-02-10 Thread Jan Herich
The problem with libraries you mentioned is that those are fully featured 
DSLs for embedding SQL queries
as clojure macros/function calls in your program. 

However, i like the philosophy of Yesql 
which leverages clojure/java.jdbc library but encourages you 
to keep SQL queries in .sql files for many different reasons (all stated in of 
this library). 

There is a whole class of real-world environments, where this approach is 
preferable to full-power DSLs.
My problem is, that i'm forced to abadon Yesql approach whenever my query 
has IN () clause within and
i have to write the query as a String in clojure program (or use some DSLs, 
but that's what i'm trying to avoid).
If there would be some hook to attach in my proposed behavior to either 
clojure/java.jdbc or Yesql, i would
be able to continue writing all of my queries as plain .sql files.

Of course you can argue that whenever someone needs to do this, it's the 
right time to start using DSLs,
i'm not sure on this, that's why i want to discuss this topic.  

Dňa pondelok, 10. februára 2014 0:16:01 UTC+1 Sean Corfield napísal(-a):

 As maintainer of java.jdbc I'd say this is a more appropriate feature 
 for a DSL library like SQLingvo or HoneySQL (which may already support 
 something like this - I haven't checked). 


 On Sun, Feb 9, 2014 at 12:40 PM, Jan Herich jan.h...@gmail.comjavascript: 
  Hello folks, 
  In the last days, i was working with clojure/java.jdbc and yesql 
  (which are both great piece of work), 
  the experience was overall very positive, but one thing bothered me, 
 that i 
  was unable to use plain prepared 
  statements (and sadly, yesql) when working with IN clauses and 
  values as arguments for prepared 
  statements. So i created following helper function to help with 
  correct prepared statements: 
  (ns db-util 
(:require [clojure.string :as str])) 
  (def ^:private placeholders-for (comp (partial str/join ,) #(repeat % 
  (defn in-statement 
Takes a prepared SQL statement and variable number of arguments, 
  may be 
 also collection values. Replace all occurences of IN (?) with spliced 
 such as IN (?,?,?) where number of placeholder characters is the same 
 of elements in corresponding argument which is assumed to be a 
 In case that collection argument has only one element, IN (?) is 
 into more effective = ? form. Placeholders in query which don't 
  corresponds to 
 collection arguments are unnafected. Returns vector, with first item 
 vector as transformed prepared SQL statement and rest as spliced out 
[statement  args] 
(let [in-placeholders-positions (- (re-seq #\?|IN \(\?\) 
 (map vector (iterate inc 0)) 
 (filter #(= (second %) IN (?))) 
 (map first) 
  in-placeholders-args (- args 
(map vector (iterate inc 0)) 
(filter #(contains? 
  in-placeholders-positions (first %))) 
(map second)) 
  expanded-statement (reduce (fn [acc arg] 
   (str/replace-first acc #IN \(\?\) 
  (if ( (count 
(str IN ( 
  (placeholders-for arg) )) 
= ?))) 
 statement in-placeholders-args) 
  unspliced-args (- args 
  (map #(if (coll? %) (seq %) %)) 
  (into [] (cons expanded-statement unspliced-args 
  ;; following holds true 
  (= (in-statement id = ? AND user_id IN (?) AND msg_id IN (?) 1 #{2 3 
 [id = ? AND user_id IN (?,?,?) AND msg_id = ? 1 2 3 4 5]) 
  Now my question is, do you think that something in this flavor would be 
  addition to clojure/java.jdbc 
  or yesql libraries (the latter one is probably more appropriate for 
  inclusion) ? If so, i will try to refine and 
  generalize my solution, think about how to integrate it and then issue 
  pull request. 
  Cheers Jan 
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Re: Handy clojure function to transform prepared statement queries

2014-02-10 Thread Jan Herich
Thank you for your explanation Kris, i will test this functionality in 

Dňa pondelok, 10. februára 2014 14:40:18 UTC+1 Kris Jenkins napísal(-a):

 Actually, Yesql already supports this, albeit unofficially. Here's an 
 example, but please read the caveat at the end before you use it...

 Define an IN-query with one parameter:

 -- name: find-by-age
 FROM person
 WHERE age IN (:age)

 Call it, supplying a vector for age:

 (find-by-age db-spec [18 21 35])

 The query will get expanded to

 [SELECT * FROM person WHERE age IN (?,?,?) 18 21 35]

 ...for the underlying jdbc call, and behave as you hope.

 So what's the caveat? I haven't tested it 
 And until I do, I'm not going to document it, or make it official. But it's 
 there in v0.3.0, so if you want to field-test it, do let me know your 
 experiences. :-)

 (And, FWIW, I completely agree with Sean. This kind of thing definitely 
 belongs in a layer above

 On Monday, 10 February 2014 10:41:55 UTC, Jan Herich wrote:

 The problem with libraries you mentioned is that those are fully 
 featured DSLs for embedding SQL queries
 as clojure macros/function calls in your program. 

 However, i like the philosophy of Yesql 
 which leverages clojure/java.jdbc library but encourages you 
 to keep SQL queries in .sql files for many different reasons (all stated 
 in README.md 
 this library). 

 There is a whole class of real-world environments, where this approach is 
 preferable to full-power DSLs.
 My problem is, that i'm forced to abadon Yesql approach whenever my query 
 has IN () clause within and
 i have to write the query as a String in clojure program (or use some 
 DSLs, but that's what i'm trying to avoid).
 If there would be some hook to attach in my proposed behavior to either 
 clojure/java.jdbc or Yesql, i would
 be able to continue writing all of my queries as plain .sql files.

 Of course you can argue that whenever someone needs to do this, it's the 
 right time to start using DSLs,
 i'm not sure on this, that's why i want to discuss this topic.  

 Dňa pondelok, 10. februára 2014 0:16:01 UTC+1 Sean Corfield napísal(-a):

 As maintainer of java.jdbc I'd say this is a more appropriate feature 
 for a DSL library like SQLingvo or HoneySQL (which may already support 
 something like this - I haven't checked). 


 On Sun, Feb 9, 2014 at 12:40 PM, Jan Herich wrote: 
  Hello folks, 
  In the last days, i was working with clojure/java.jdbc and yesql 
  (which are both great piece of work), 
  the experience was overall very positive, but one thing bothered me, 
 that i 
  was unable to use plain prepared 
  statements (and sadly, yesql) when working with IN clauses and 
  values as arguments for prepared 
  statements. So i created following helper function to help with 
  correct prepared statements: 
  (ns db-util 
(:require [clojure.string :as str])) 
  (def ^:private placeholders-for (comp (partial str/join ,) #(repeat 
 % '?) 
  (defn in-statement 
Takes a prepared SQL statement and variable number of arguments, 
  may be 
 also collection values. Replace all occurences of IN (?) with 
 spliced out 
 such as IN (?,?,?) where number of placeholder characters is the 
 same as 
 of elements in corresponding argument which is assumed to be a 
 In case that collection argument has only one element, IN (?) is 
 into more effective = ? form. Placeholders in query which don't 
  corresponds to 
 collection arguments are unnafected. Returns vector, with first 
 item of 
 vector as transformed prepared SQL statement and rest as spliced 
[statement  args] 
(let [in-placeholders-positions (- (re-seq #\?|IN \(\?\) 
 (map vector (iterate inc 0)) 
 (filter #(= (second %) IN 
 (map first) 
  in-placeholders-args (- args 
(map vector (iterate inc 0)) 
(filter #(contains? 
  in-placeholders-positions (first %))) 
(map second)) 
  expanded-statement (reduce (fn [acc arg] 
   (str/replace-first acc #IN 
  (if ( (count 
(str IN ( 
  (placeholders-for arg

Handy clojure function to transform prepared statement queries

2014-02-09 Thread Jan Herich
Hello folks,

In the last days, i was working with clojure/java.jdbc and yesql libraries 
(which are both great piece of work), 
the experience was overall very positive, but one thing bothered me, that i 
was unable to use plain prepared 
statements (and sadly, yesql) when working with IN clauses and collection 
values as arguments for prepared
statements. So i created following helper function to help with generating 
correct prepared statements:

(ns db-util
  (:require [clojure.string :as str]))
(def ^:private placeholders-for (comp (partial str/join ,) #(repeat % '?) 
(defn in-statement
  Takes a prepared SQL statement and variable number of arguments, which may be
   also collection values. Replace all occurences of IN (?) with spliced out 
   such as IN (?,?,?) where number of placeholder characters is the same as 
   of elements in corresponding argument which is assumed to be a collection.
   In case that collection argument has only one element, IN (?) is transformed
   into more effective = ? form. Placeholders in query which don't corresponds 
   collection arguments are unnafected. Returns vector, with first item of the
   vector as transformed prepared SQL statement and rest as spliced out 
  [statement  args]
  (let [in-placeholders-positions (- (re-seq #\?|IN \(\?\) statement)
   (map vector (iterate inc 0))
   (filter #(= (second %) IN (?)))
   (map first)
in-placeholders-args (- args
  (map vector (iterate inc 0))
  (filter #(contains? in-placeholders-positions 
(first %)))
  (map second))
expanded-statement (reduce (fn [acc arg]
 (str/replace-first acc #IN \(\?\)
(if ( (count arg) 1)
  (str IN ( 
(placeholders-for arg) ))
  = ?)))
   statement in-placeholders-args)
unspliced-args (- args
(map #(if (coll? %) (seq %) %))
(into [] (cons expanded-statement unspliced-args
;; following holds true
(= (in-statement id = ? AND user_id IN (?) AND msg_id IN (?) 1 #{2 3 4} #{5})
   [id = ? AND user_id IN (?,?,?) AND msg_id = ? 1 2 3 4 5])

Now my question is, do you think that something in this flavor would be good 
addition to clojure/java.jdbc
or yesql libraries (the latter one is probably more appropriate for inclusion) 
? If so, i will try to refine and 
generalize my solution, think about how to integrate it and then issue an pull 

Cheers Jan  

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Re: Idiomatic way to construct potentially time bound target channel in core.async

2014-02-03 Thread Jan Herich
Ok, so i'm thinking about such one-shot detachable input pipe channels...

(ns async-util.input-pipe
  (:require [clojure.core.async.impl.protocols :as impl]
[clojure.core.async :refer [! close! go-loop]]))
(defprotocol InputPipe
  (detach* [p]))
(defn input-pipe
  Creates and return input pipe of supplied channel with attached input 
  [ch ch-i]
  (let [i (atom ch-i)
p (reify
(close! [_] (impl/close! ch))
(closed? [_] (impl/closed? ch))
(take! [_ fn1] (impl/take! ch fn1))
(put! [_ val fn1] (impl/put! ch val fn1))
(detach* [_]  (if (impl/closed? ch)
(do (reset! i nil) true]
(go-loop [val (! @i)]
  (if-let [i-c @i]
(if (nil? val)
  (close! p)
  (recur (! i-c)))
(reset! i nil)))
(defn detach-input
  Detaches input from input-pipe channel, returns false
   if input-pipe channel is closed, true otherwise
  (detach* p))

Dňa piatok, 31. januára 2014 19:18:37 UTC+1 Jan Herich napísal(-a):

 Hello Folks,

 I need to construct core.async channel with following semantics:

 1. When the channel is created, timeout is attached to channel
 2. After timeout passes out, channel is closed
 3. It's possible to detach timeout from the channel before it passes out

 Now i implemented it with something like this:

 (defn create-cancel-channel
   [channel-to-notify timeout-ms]
 (let [cancel-channel (async/chan)
   timeout-channel (async/timeout timeout-ms)]
 (let [[_ c] (async/alts! [cancel-channel timeout-channel])]
   (when (= c timeout-channel)
 (async/close! cancel-channel)
 (async/close! channel-to-notify
 ;; transport channel
 (def transport-channel (async/chan))
 ;; cancel-channel
 (def cancel-channel (create-cancel-channel transport-channel 2000))
 ;; to cancel the transport channel timeout, just close the cancel-channel
 (async/close! cancel-channel)

 But i'm rather unsatisfied with this solution because it seems little bit 
 clunky and what's worse, 
 i need to explicitly keep track of those cancel channels. 
 Obviously core.async pipe would greatly simplify this, but it seems, that 
 there's no way to disconnect
 piped channels. Maybe mult/tap/untap, even if i won't use broadcasting 
 semantic of those constructs.
 Any other ideas ?  

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Re: Idiomatic way to construct potentially time bound target channel in core.async

2014-02-02 Thread Jan Herich
If anyone is interested, that's roughly what i'm currently thinking about...

(ns async-util.input-pipe
  (:require [clojure.core.async.impl.protocols :as impl]
[clojure.core.async :refer [! close! go-loop]]))
(defprotocol InputPipe
  (attach* [p ch])
  (detach* [p]))
(defn input-pipe
  Creates and return input pipe of supplied channel.
  (let [i (atom nil)
p (reify
(close! [_] (impl/close! ch))
(closed? [_] (impl/closed? ch))
(take! [_ fn1] (impl/take! ch fn1))
(put! [_ val fn1] (impl/put! ch val fn1))
(attach* [_ ch-i] (if (impl/closed? ch)
(do (reset! i ch-i) true)))
(detach* [_]  (if (impl/closed? ch)
(do (reset! i nil) true]
(go-loop []
  (when-let [i-v @i]
(let [val (! i-v)]
  (if (nil? val)
(close! p)
(defn attach-input
  Attaches channel to input-pipe channel, returns false
   if input-pipe channel is closed, true otherwise.
  [p ch]
  (attach* p ch))
(defn detach-input
  Detaches input from input-pipe channel, returns false
   if input-pipe channel is closed, true otherwise
  (detach* p))

Dňa piatok, 31. januára 2014 19:18:37 UTC+1 Jan Herich napísal(-a):

 Hello Folks,

 I need to construct core.async channel with following semantics:

 1. When the channel is created, timeout is attached to channel
 2. After timeout passes out, channel is closed
 3. It's possible to detach timeout from the channel before it passes out

 Now i implemented it with something like this:

 (defn create-cancel-channel
   [channel-to-notify timeout-ms]
 (let [cancel-channel (async/chan)
   timeout-channel (async/timeout timeout-ms)]
 (let [[_ c] (async/alts! [cancel-channel timeout-channel])]
   (when (= c timeout-channel)
 (async/close! cancel-channel)
 (async/close! channel-to-notify
 ;; transport channel
 (def transport-channel (async/chan))
 ;; cancel-channel
 (def cancel-channel (create-cancel-channel transport-channel 2000))
 ;; to cancel the transport channel timeout, just close the cancel-channel
 (async/close! cancel-channel)

 But i'm rather unsatisfied with this solution because it seems little bit 
 clunky and what's worse, 
 i need to explicitly keep track of those cancel channels. 
 Obviously core.async pipe would greatly simplify this, but it seems, that 
 there's no way to disconnect
 piped channels. Maybe mult/tap/untap, even if i won't use broadcasting 
 semantic of those constructs.
 Any other ideas ?  

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Idiomatic way to construct potentially time bound target channel in core.async

2014-01-31 Thread Jan Herich
Hello Folks,

I need to construct core.async channel with following semantics:

1. When the channel is created, timeout is attached to channel
2. After timeout passes out, channel is closed
3. It's possible to detach timeout from the channel before it passes out

Now i implemented it with something like this:

(defn create-cancel-channel
  [channel-to-notify timeout-ms]
(let [cancel-channel (async/chan)
  timeout-channel (async/timeout timeout-ms)]
(let [[_ c] (async/alts! [cancel-channel timeout-channel])]
  (when (= c timeout-channel)
(async/close! cancel-channel)
(async/close! channel-to-notify
;; transport channel
(def transport-channel (async/chan))
;; cancel-channel
(def cancel-channel (create-cancel-channel transport-channel 2000))
;; to cancel the transport channel timeout, just close the cancel-channel
(async/close! cancel-channel)

But i'm rather unsatisfied with this solution because it seems little bit 
clunky and what's worse, 
i need to explicitly keep track of those cancel channels. 
Obviously core.async pipe would greatly simplify this, but it seems, that 
there's no way to disconnect
piped channels. Maybe mult/tap/untap, even if i won't use broadcasting 
semantic of those constructs.
Any other ideas ?  

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Re: side-effect only function with map-like syntax (again)

2014-01-27 Thread Jan Herich
How about doseq ? 

Dňa utorok, 28. januára 2014 5:28:04 UTC+1 Mars0i napísal(-a):

 Back in 2007 (!searchin/clojure/mapc/clojure/x0PDu_D6mP0/3A7CZe-ZDWAJ),
 Henk Boom raised the possibility of including in Clojure a function with 
 syntax like map, but semantics more like Common Lisp's mapc (or Scheme's 
 for-each, I believe).  It works just like Clojure map, but applies the 
 function to items in a sequence (sequences) only for side-effects.  A 
 sequence of results isn't generated, so there's no need for laziness.  
 There was discussion, and at one point Rich Hickey seemed to say that he 
 had added this kind of function, under the name 'scan'.  It looks like scan 
 was subsequently renamed to 'dorun' (, but 
 dorun doesn't do what mapc does.  As far as I can tell, there is no such 
 function at present in Clojure.  Is that correct?

 There are other ways to get the same functionality, and it's easy to 
 define a simple version of mapc (or whatever it should be called).  
 However, I like the map syntax, even for side-effects, and don't want to 
 reinvent the wheel.  Even for small sequences, in which producing a 
 sequence as output isn't costly, using mapc tells readers of your code that 
 you're iterating over the list solely for side-effects.

 (defn mapc [f coll] (doseq [x coll] (f x)))

 For example, creating a mutable vector using core.matrix:

 = (def a (zero-vector :ndarray 5))
 = a
 #NDArray [0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0]
 = (mapc #(mset! a % -1) [0 2 4])
 = a
 #NDArray [-1 0.0 -1 0.0 -1]

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Re: Read file contents as map

2014-01-26 Thread Jan Herich
And if you are not sure about that, just use edn-only reader:

(require '[ :as edn])

(edn/read-string (slurp file))

Dňa nedeľa, 26. januára 2014 17:12:32 UTC+1 mynomoto napísal(-a):

 If you are sure that the file doesn't contain malicious code you can use:

 (read-string (slurp file))

 On Sunday, January 26, 2014 11:24:30 AM UTC-2, Paul Smith wrote:


 I have a config file that contains a Clojure map. If I slurp that file it 
 obviously returns a string. 

 Is it possible to return that read file as a map (its original data 
 structure) and not a string?



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Re: core.async count in a channel

2014-01-21 Thread Jan Herich
Hello Paul,

Why not just adjust the number of workers based on actual workload instead 
of monitoring the source channel for average depth ?

Have a look at this 
 clojure-conj presentation about core.async, it's just a simple 
thread-pool service, where you can
specify source-channel, maximal number of threads (workers), function to be 
performed by each worker and timeout. Timeout 
means, for how long each thread will be waiting if there is no data on 
input before it will shut-down. 

The service starts with minimal amount of threads able to handle the 
workload and then progressively scales up to max specified
number of threads if there are no free threads able to take items from 
the source channel. 

Maybe i misunderstood your description of the problem, but for me, it seems 
like a perfect fit.


Dňa utorok, 21. januára 2014 17:56:56 UTC+1 Paul Viola napísal(-a):

 I think this is all well and good for a particular use of channel.

 So perhaps I am misusing channels??  

 To repeat: in one case I have workers pulling from a channel of *real 
 work*. For various reasons this channel might get filled rather deeply. 
 In this case I would want to add additional workers or get a bigger 
 machine. I was wondering if monitoring the channel for things like average 
 depth (or 99 percentile) would give me the information I needed.

 I could of course just skip the channel business, and use a java queue 
 is a fine proposal.  

 But since the producers of this work are truly asynchronous (attached to 
 the real world) I thought it best to keep the channel methodology.

 On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 5:11 AM, Aaron France 

 On 21/01/14 14:09, Moritz Ulrich wrote:

 On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 9:43 AM, Aaron France 

 Since channels yield nil when they are devoid of items, surely this is 
 enough to know when the channel is empty?

 That's not correct. Take-Operations block on empty channels. They
 yield nil when they're closed. You could add a timeout to the take
 operation to see if no item arrived in a specific time.

  Much appreciated for the clarification. It's the same in Go.

 I can imagine this pattern (take on a possibly closed channel being 
 useful) being useful but I'm not convinced knowing the count of channel is 
 a safe thing to know/care about.

 My $0.02, perhaps Clojure does this differently.

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Servlet adapter for ring handlers with support for asynchronous processing

2014-01-18 Thread Jan Herich
Hi Folks,

Is someone aware of servlet adapter (other then pedestal-service) for ring 
based handlers with support for 
asynchronous processing as specified in Servlet 3.0+ api ?

Given that ring core was already refactored to support such solutions 
(middleware had been split into wrapping 
and request modifying functions) it should be not so hard to combine it 
with core.async go macros to assemble 
handler chain which supporting async processing and write an adapter to 
connect it with Servler 3.0+ API -
HttpServletRequest.startAsync(), AsyncContext.complete() and so on... 

If you assembled something similar yourself, or you now about such project 
(even in development, immature, alpha),
please let me know, thank you very much.


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Re: Servlet adapter for ring handlers with support for asynchronous processing

2014-01-18 Thread Jan Herich
Hello Shantanu,

Thank you for this hint, i will definitely look at your lein-servlet 
In the meantime, i'm taking inspiration from prototype of pedestal 
core.async based interceptor 
looks very interesting.


Dňa sobota, 18. januára 2014 20:32:19 UTC+1 Shantanu Kumar napísal(-a):

 Hi Jan,

 This not directly related, but i thought it might be useful in some way. 
 In case you do the java interop stuff on your own to implement the servlet 
 3.0 methods, you might want to use lein-servlet to run the servlet using 
 Jetty 9 maybe.


 On Saturday, 18 January 2014 16:01:02 UTC+5:30, Jan Herich wrote:

 Hi Folks,

 Is someone aware of servlet adapter (other then pedestal-service) for 
 ring based handlers with support for 
 asynchronous processing as specified in Servlet 3.0+ api ?

 Given that ring core was already refactored to support such solutions 
 (middleware had been split into wrapping 
 and request modifying functions) it should be not so hard to combine it 
 with core.async go macros to assemble 
 handler chain which supporting async processing and write an adapter to 
 connect it with Servler 3.0+ API -
 HttpServletRequest.startAsync(), AsyncContext.complete() and so on... 

 If you assembled something similar yourself, or you now about such 
 project (even in development, immature, alpha),
 please let me know, thank you very much.


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Re: Grouping and nested keys in a hash

2014-01-16 Thread Jan Herich
Another way of doing that:

(def data {:b--name B, :a--id 1, :b--id 2, :a--name A})
(defn transform [data delimiter]
  (reduce (fn [acc [k v]]
(let [[f-k s-k] (- k (name) (str/split delimiter))]
  (assoc-in acc [(keyword f-k) (keyword s-k)] v))) {} s))
(transform data #--) ;; {:a {:name A, :id 1}, :b {:id 2, :name B}}

Dňa štvrtok, 16. januára 2014 14:46:46 UTC+1 James Conroy-Finn napísal(-a):

 Hello all,

 I've found myself stuck trying to move matching keys in a hash into a 
 nested hash.

 For example,:

 {:a--id 1 :a--name A :b--id 2 :b--name B} ;= {:a {:id 1 :name A} :b 
 {:id 2 :name B}}

 I've tried `clojure.walk`, I've tried building the args to `assoc-in`, and 
 using `apply`. I honestly feel like I'm missing something really obvious, 
 like something with group-by.

 Any tips would be greatly appreciated. I'll keep hammering away.

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Re: Grouping and nested keys in a hash

2014-01-16 Thread Jan Herich
My solution would work only for fixed 2 level deep maps, but it would be 
not so hard to modify it that it will be much more generic :)

Dňa štvrtok, 16. januára 2014 14:46:46 UTC+1 James napísal(-a):

 Hello all,

 I've found myself stuck trying to move matching keys in a hash into a 
 nested hash.

 For example,:

 {:a--id 1 :a--name A :b--id 2 :b--name B} ;= {:a {:id 1 :name A} :b 
 {:id 2 :name B}}

 I've tried `clojure.walk`, I've tried building the args to `assoc-in`, and 
 using `apply`. I honestly feel like I'm missing something really obvious, 
 like something with group-by.

 Any tips would be greatly appreciated. I'll keep hammering away.

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Re: Grouping and nested keys in a hash

2014-01-16 Thread Jan Herich
Here we go, more generic solution:

(defn transform [data delimiter]
  (reduce (fn [acc [k v]]
(let [key-strs (- k (name) (str/split delimiter))]
  (assoc-in acc (mapv keyword key-strs) v))) {} s))

Dňa štvrtok, 16. januára 2014 14:46:46 UTC+1 James napísal(-a):

 Hello all,

 I've found myself stuck trying to move matching keys in a hash into a 
 nested hash.

 For example,:

 {:a--id 1 :a--name A :b--id 2 :b--name B} ;= {:a {:id 1 :name A} :b 
 {:id 2 :name B}}

 I've tried `clojure.walk`, I've tried building the args to `assoc-in`, and 
 using `apply`. I honestly feel like I'm missing something really obvious, 
 like something with group-by.

 Any tips would be greatly appreciated. I'll keep hammering away.

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Re: Grouping and nested keys in a hash

2014-01-16 Thread Jan Herich
Oh, yes, my mistake, it should be data instead of s

Dňa štvrtok, 16. januára 2014 15:56:18 UTC+1 James napísal(-a):

 Thank you for sharing.

 I think the final `s` needs to be `data`, right?

 On 16 Jan 2014, at 14:53, Jan Herich javascript: 

 Here we go, more generic solution:

 (defn transform [data delimiter]
   (reduce (fn [acc [k v]]
 (let [key-strs (- k (name) (str/split delimiter))]
   (assoc-in acc (mapv keyword key-strs) v))) {} s))

 Dňa štvrtok, 16. januára 2014 14:46:46 UTC+1 James napísal(-a):

 Hello all,

 I've found myself stuck trying to move matching keys in a hash into a 
 nested hash.

 For example,:

 {:a--id 1 :a--name A :b--id 2 :b--name B} ;= {:a {:id 1 :name A} 
 :b {:id 2 :name B}}

 I've tried `clojure.walk`, I've tried building the args to `assoc-in`, 
 and using `apply`. I honestly feel like I'm missing something really 
 obvious, like something with group-by.

 Any tips would be greatly appreciated. I'll keep hammering away.

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Re: Grouping and nested keys in a hash

2014-01-16 Thread Jan Herich
I have been using Clojure for something more then 2 years, something more 
then 1 year intensive... 
But i think those feelings of frustration are absolutely OK, when i started 
with Clojure for the very first
time, i was so frustrated (years of OOP mind-bending...) that i gave up for 
some time and only later
i collected my courage and approached Clojure again. Determination and 
patience is very important.

Dňa štvrtok, 16. januára 2014 15:54:47 UTC+1 James napísal(-a):

 Wow, I feel like a clumsy fool bashing parens together.

 Have you been using Clojure for a long time Jan? I ask because I often 
 don't know where to begin when approaching a problem with Clojure, and it 
 can be quite frustrating.

 On Thursday, January 16, 2014 2:45:48 PM UTC, Jan Herich wrote:

 Another way of doing that:

 (def data {:b--name B, :a--id 1, :b--id 2, :a--name A})
 (defn transform [data delimiter]
   (reduce (fn [acc [k v]]
 (let [[f-k s-k] (- k (name) (str/split delimiter))]
   (assoc-in acc [(keyword f-k) (keyword s-k)] v))) {} s))
 (transform data #--) ;; {:a {:name A, :id 1}, :b {:id 2, :name B}}

 Dňa štvrtok, 16. januára 2014 14:46:46 UTC+1 James Conroy-Finn 

 Hello all,

 I've found myself stuck trying to move matching keys in a hash into a 
 nested hash.

 For example,:

 {:a--id 1 :a--name A :b--id 2 :b--name B} ;= {:a {:id 1 :name A} 
 :b {:id 2 :name B}}

 I've tried `clojure.walk`, I've tried building the args to `assoc-in`, 
 and using `apply`. I honestly feel like I'm missing something really 
 obvious, like something with group-by.

 Any tips would be greatly appreciated. I'll keep hammering away.

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Re: [ANN] incise 0.1.0 - An extensible static site generator

2014-01-14 Thread Jan Herich
Hello Ryan,

Thank you for the project, i was always missing a good static site 
generator written in clojure ! 
You took some interesting design decisions with extensibility. I'm 
currently working on the 
similar project, even if my design 
is very different, because my needs are different - i want to 
have templates in pure html and be able to declaratively specify specific 
areas, because of that
my project is based on enlive html library.

Dňa utorok, 14. januára 2014 8:35:33 UTC+1 Ryan McGowan napísal(-a):

 Hi all!

 After consuming quite a bit of my spare time for the past several months, 
 I have finally released version 0.1.0 of 
 incise. It is a static site generator written in Clojure (of course). I 
 like it quite a bit and I think others might benefit from it too.  I am 
 very open to contributions, suggestions or criticisms (just open an 

 Necessary links:

- - README generated into website using 
itself (it's called being meta).
- - Yes there is a plugin
- - 
Very short post about it. Basically points to the README and makes the 
disclaimer that it's not a big deal.
- - super simple 
example project
- - and its generated 


 Ryan McGowan

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Re: A question about lazy seq with io

2014-01-13 Thread Jan Herich
As Mauricio already mentioned, map is not meant to be used for 
side-effects, if you want to need to evaluate a sequence for side-effects, 
use doseq instead.
Regarding your first question about explicit loop-recur, i think it's 
reasonable way to write the functionality you want to achieve, even if the 
for macro is maybe
little more idiomatic and shorter/more concise, here is the comparison:

(def url-sequence (map #(str; %) 
(def download
  (loop [urls url-sequence lst []]
(let [u (first urls)
  r (rest urls)
  resp (client/get u)
  next (re-find #(s?)title=\next page\Next gt;gt; (:body resp))
  segments ((html2data (:body resp)) :segment)
  data (map segment2data segments)]
  (if next 
(recur r (conj lst data))
(conj lst data)
(def download
  (- (for [url url-sequence
 :let [body (:body (client/get url))
   next-pages (re-find #(s?)title=\next page\Next gt;gt; 
 :while next-pages]
 (map segment2data (- body (html2data) :segment
   (into []))

Also note that i didn't use local binding named next, but instead i named it 
next-pages, because next
local name could lead to surprise if you forget that you aliased something to 
next and try to use clojure
core next function :)

Dňa pondelok, 13. januára 2014 15:49:50 UTC+1 Kashyap CK napísal(-a):

 I've been dabbling with Clojure for a bit and I am really loving it!!!

 I am trying to write a clojure program to download a bunch of URLs and I 
 was wondering what is the right way to do it - 
 My current implementation is as follows

 (def url-sequence (map #(str; %) 

 (def download
   (loop [urls url-sequence lst []]
  u (first urls)
  r (rest urls)
  resp (client/get u)
  next (re-find #(s?)title=\next page\Next gt;gt; (:body 
  segments ((html2data (:body resp)) :segment)
  data (map segment2data segments)
   (if next 
 (recur r (conj lst data))
 (conj lst data)

 I was wondering if I could replace the loop thingy with a map - that is 
 when I experimented with a simple piece of code and found something that 
 was not intuitive.
 I'd really appreciate it if someone could tell me what's going on when I 
 do the following -

 user (defn xx [] (map println [1 2 3 4 5 6]))
 user (take 2 (xx))
 nil nil)


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Re: Adding query customization to Ring-based REST APIs

2014-01-12 Thread Jan Herich
Hello Alexander,

I did some work in this area some time ago, and the result was service-hub 
library - created to simplify basic 
CRUD services. 
It's designed to allow more then one type of data-store, currently it 
supports SQL databases (i use my own fork of korma here), 
simple in-memory data-stores and datomic. 
I built it around a set of handler protocols which define what basic and 
more advanced data-store implementations can do, 
you can see those 
Furthermore, the library tries to also simplify validations, authorizations 
and wrapping those ready-to-be-exposed-to-outer-world
services behind another set of services protocols, see 
You can then simply use library web layer to automatically expose those 
instances over web via ring  compojure libraries.
Regarding translating requests maps to data-structures for data-store 
implementations, see for example korma util 
or datomic util 
There are also some examples of such CRUD based web-services in project 

I hope it will help you, or at least provides some clues

Dňa pondelok, 13. januára 2014 3:25:40 UTC+1 Alexandr Kurilin napísal(-a):

 I'm investigating adding query options to my Ring app's GET requests for 
 the more boring CRUD routes.

 I'd like to allow the caller to specify a set of SQL-level query 
 customizations such as sorting, paging, counting, distinct ons, limits, 
 some basic constraints etc. across all of my resources, ideally in such a 
 way that I only have to write this once and it will magically just work 
 across the board.

 First of all, there's the hard question of elegantly designing the API 
 itself and how a caller will be able to specify query details. I have some 
 experience with how does this with their JSON requests (they 
 pretty much allow you to specify the whole query in there), but I've heard 
 Stack Overflow's and Elastic Search's APIs mentioned as good examples as 
 well. Any other ones you'd recommend?

 Second, there's the whole business of translating those maps into 
 requests. As far as I can tell, Korma is the right fit here, but I might be 
 also missing out on another good SQL-generation library that I should know 
 of, something I might integrate directly with clojure.jdbc. This doesn't 
 sound like an unsolved problem.

 Folks, I could use words of wisdom on the subject. Have you done this kind 
 of work on your APIs before? What did you use for reference? Anything 
 clojure-specific I could leverage here to make it as elegant and concise as 


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Re: HttpKit, Enlive (html retrieval and parsing)

2014-01-11 Thread Jan Herich
I don't recommend using java's built in HTTP retrieval (by passing object to enlive html-resource function).
Not only is it significantly slower then using clj-http (which uses 
apache-http client under the hood), but it's also unreliable
when issuing more parallel requests. 
Current enlive library supports plug-able parsers, the default one is 
TagSoup, but you can switch it very easily for example
for JSoup by setting *parser* dynamic var. 
You can have a look at one of my little projects where i used enlive for 
html scraping 
in this case, i used clj-http as 
http client:

(ns lazada-quest.scrapper
  (:require [clojure.string :as string]
[clj-http.client :as client]
[net.cgrand.enlive-html :as html]))

(defn fetch-url
  Given some url string, fetch html content of the resource served under url 
adress and return
   it in the form of enlive nodes

  (html/html-resource (:body (client/get url {:as :stream}

It would be straightforward to replace use of clj-http with http-kit 
synchronous api, or asynchronous api with some changes

Dňa nedeľa, 12. januára 2014 0:24:48 UTC+1 Dave Tenny napísal(-a):

 I'm just playing around with tool kits to retrieve and parse html from web 
 pages and files that I already have on disk (such as JDK API documentation).

 Based on too little time, it looks like [http-kit 2.1.16] will retrieve 
 but not parse html, and [enlive 1.1.5] will retrieve AND parse html.

 Or is there a whole built-in parse capability I'm missing in http-kiit?

 Also, http-kit doesn't seem to want to retrieve content from a file:/// 
 url, whereas enlive is happy with both local and remote content.

 I'm just messing around, I wanted to have some REPL javadoc logic that 
 didn't fire up a browser or use the swing app (whose fonts are unreadable 
 for me, and half a day spent trying to change it was not fruitful).

 Any tips or suggestions?  Just don't want to make sure I'm missing obvious 


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Re: Sorting Nested Vectors and filter out some

2014-01-04 Thread Jan Herich
Hello Jeff,

This should 
do the trick, at least it worked with data set you provided :)

Dňa sobota, 4. januára 2014 11:31:07 UTC+1 Jeff Angle napísal(-a):

 Hi...I get my nested vector from a database, then map a function that 
 formats it and computes the deviation, actual data looks like 
 I don't have any keys within the the vector, ..would like to sort by 
 index 5 in in each vector descending and if index 5 is N/A (not e.g a 
 percentage)remove it from the list
 [[151819 ANTI HUMAN GLOBULIN SERUM 5ML  6.0 0 0 N/A N/A] 
 [151090 ANTI SERUM A 10ML  6.0 0 0 N/A N/A] [151094 ANTI SERUM 
 AB 10ML  6.0 0 0 N/A N/A] [151092 ANTI SERUM B 10ML  6.0 0 0 
 N/A N/A] [151095 ANTI SERUM D 10ML  6.0 0 0 N/A N/A] 
 [151825 BLOOD GLUCOSE GLUCOMETER-CONTOUR  0 0 0 N/A N/A] [151829 
 BLOOD GLUCOSE STRIPS(50 STRIPS)-CONTOUR  12.0 360.0 0 3000.00 % 
 Thanks again

 On Friday, January 3, 2014 9:33:42 PM UTC+3, john walker wrote:

 You can do something like this.

 On Friday, January 3, 2014 12:37:07 PM UTC-5, Jeff Angle wrote:

 Hi guys! this has made me pull quite a load of hair new to clojure..

 have a nested vector say [[salt 0 0  %deviation 00] [sugar 5 10 
 %deviation 5$10] [milk 1 2 %deviation 12 ] [bread] ...] where % 
 deviation is the actual figure of evaluting the deviation between e.g 5 and 
 10 for sugar, I want to sort using % deviation and also filter out those 
 with deviations of 0. Please help, will revenge when I master functional 
 programing with clojure

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Re: Parallel http requests

2013-12-31 Thread Jan Herich
Maybe it's not exactly what you need, but i did similar thing once - i 
needed to scrape many linked html resources to extract tree data structure, 
each request/parse operation took considerable time - around 2 seconds - i 
was using clj-http/enlive combo (which is actualy Apache HttpClient/ 
TagSoup under the hood). Therefore i needed to parallelize this operations 
as much as possible and clojure pmap function provides exactly that (with 
futures and threads under the hood). Many times i stumbled upon people 
complaining that use of the pmap actually sloves down rather then speeds 
the code, but this is because the coordination overhead for managing 
threads is substantional, so it's probably not useful for tasks where the 
actual mapping function runs very fast, but in my case, the speedup in 
comparison to normal map function was massive - here is the 
 talking about.

Dňa utorok, 31. decembra 2013 9:46:53 UTC+1 chinmoy debnath napísal(-a):

 I am a newbie in clojure. I need to send multiple http requests in 
 parallel and need to have a call back when response for each request come 
 back. What will be the idiomatic way of doing it in clojure?
 Thanks in advacne

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Re: Akka-like framework in Clojure ?

2013-12-27 Thread Jan Herich
Hi Eric,

Maybe pulsar is what you are looking 
for, but i recommend you to also discover the other way of doing 
concurrency in clojure instead of the actor model - have a look at 
CSP and 
its clojure implementation the the form of the core library called 

Dňa piatok, 27. decembra 2013 9:54:16 UTC+1 Eric Le Goff napísal(-a):


 After a long background with imperative languages such as Java, I recently 
 spent some time learning functionnal programming, starting with Scala. I 
 had the opporrtunity to build a demo project based on the Akka framework.

 Now I am starting learning Clojure, and would be curious to know if there 
 was some clojure based framework available which could implement rather 
 similar features to Akka. 

 In particular, I would be interested in an implementation of the Actor 
 Model [1]




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Re: [ANN] Component: dependency injection and state management

2013-11-21 Thread Jan Herich
This is simple brilliant... The approach proposed and the component 
framework implementing it finally solves the issue with the necessary 
evil (start/stop interactions with statefull components in any bigger 
Clojure app) by cleverly taking only the best ideas (like using inferred 
dependency graph to automatically start/stop components in the correct 
order) from Java DI frameworks like Spring, which i have a lot of 
experience with. Thank you very much for this work.

Dňa štvrtok, 21. novembra 2013 3:01:19 UTC+1 Stuart Sierra napísal(-a):

 This is a small library/framework I've been working on for a few months.

 I use this to manage runtime state in combination with my reloaded 
 workflow using tools.namespace.[1]

 I've started using this on some personal and professional projects and it 
 seems to be working fairly well.


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[ANN] Service-hub - Library for building service-oriented applications

2013-11-11 Thread Jan Herich

Service-hub is a modular library for building service-oriented applications 
with fine grained authentication, authorization and validation rules.
The library is centered around idea of handlers as light-weight 
abstractions to CRUD interactions and services as something exposed to 
the outer world,
which is authenticated, authorized and validated - one service could be 
composed of many handlers if needed. 

The core library containing abstractions of handlers, services, 
authorizators, validators and convertors along with some util namespaces and
simple in-memory implementation is packaged in the sub-project core:

When you need to implement sql-handlers, Service-hub provides the 
sub-project persistence-korma, which depends on library korma-enhanced 

For datomic-handlers, just use the sub-project persistence-datomic:

And finally to expose your service-oriented application through http, use 
sub-project http-ring, which depends on ring and compojure libraries:

I also created some simple examples showing how to use service-hub:

Note that i designed and implemented the library a while ago (even if it 
was constantly upgraded and most dependencies are not obsolete), 
when i needed a tool to prototype and create relatively simple data 
exposing services in the most declarative and easy way possible, 
so it's probably not the best tool to build services requiring the data to 
be persisted with complicated transaction strategies, or to implement
asynchronous communication in the effective fashion out of the box, 
libraries like pedestal-service are much better at those kind of tasks.

I still think it could be useful to people, so i decided to announce it.

Feedback welcomed,

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Re: Clojure in production

2013-06-13 Thread jan

Hi Plínio,

at gateprotect, we use clojure in our firewall product for model  
representation and doing all the hard/logic work.

Some stats:
~ 370 namespaces
~ 25000 sloc

A great part of that is written in our model DSL.


We are hiring!

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[ANN] Himilsbach 0.1.0 is released

2013-05-14 Thread Jan Stępień
Dear Clojurians,

I'm very happy to announce Himilsbach 0.1.0. Get it from Clojars:

  [himilsbach 0.1.0]

Himilsbach is a tiny actor library for intra-process messaging inspired by 

The main highlight of this release is a considerable performance 
improvement achieved by adoption of a new message queueing mechanism. The 
benchmark based on a graph of 1000 actors sending messages to each other 
shows a nearly fourfold improvement since version 0.0.1. The new version is 
capable of sending 1M messages per second on an Intel Core i7 quad-core 

The API has not been changed since version 0.0.1. Differences are summed up 

Documentation generated using Marginalia is available at

Your feedback, pull requests and bug reports are very much appreciated!

All the best,
Jan Stępień

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Re: [ANN] Himilsbach 0.0.1 is released

2013-05-10 Thread Jan Stępień
W dniu poniedziałek, 6 maja 2013 05:12:37 UTC+2 użytkownik Ben Mabey 

 On Sun May  5 18:31:59 2013, Mikera wrote: 
  On Tuesday, 30 April 2013 04:12:14 UTC+8, Jan Stępień wrote: 
  Dear Clojurians, 
  I'm very happy to announce Himilsbach 0.0.1. 
  Himilsbach is a tiny actor library for intra-process messaging inspired 
  Find it at 
  Your feedback is very much appreciated! 
  Nice - been looking for some Erlang-style features in Clojure for a 
  How does this compare with Pulsar? 

 Looking at the source of Himilsbach it seems to be using java (OS) 
 threads where as Pulsar allows for light weight threads and regular JVM 

Thanks for pointing me to Pulsar; I find it very interesting. From
what I've learned reading Pulsar's announcement blog post,
Himilsbach differs from Pulsar in a number of ways.

Himilsbach is a very simple library focusing solely on concurrent
message passing. Unlike Pulsar, Himilsbach doesn't offer
abstractions over IO, fibers, nor channels inspired by Go. Local
actor's state is also absent in Himilsbach, since users of the
library can easily add it themselves using refs or agents.
Minimalism of the offered API has been one of my goals.

Pulsar seems to be a more faithful adaptation of Erlangs approach.
Both Himilsbach and Pulsar cover the basic principles of message
passing and linking processes, but, for example, only the latter
supports selective receive. There's nothing preventing this feature
being implemented in Himilsbach though and I think it would be a
good addition to the API.

As noted by Ben, actors in Himilsbach are run in futures, and
consequently they are executed in regular JVM threads. This results
in worse performance in case of workload with many context switches.
I did some benchmarks using OpenJDK 1.7.0-u21-b12.

I ported the full graph benchmark from Himilsbach to Pulsar. I ran
it for 1k actors exchanging 1M messages in total. Results for 75
executions are following. Time measurements are given in ms.

Mean  551   1151
Median526   1041
St. dev.  144   399

To make the comparison fair I implemented the ring benchmark
discussed in Pulsar's announcement blog post using Himilsbach's
actors. Again, I ran it for 1k actors exchanging 1M messages in
total. Results for 75 executions indicate that Pulsar excels in
this benchmark.

Mean  722   12311
Median714   12312
St. dev.  57333

Tests were run against commits e3c208e in case of Pulsar and b2b44e1
in case of Himilsbach. I've attached code of two adapted benchmarks.

Finally, Himilsbach currently works on JVM 6/7/8. As I've learned
from Ron Pressler, the Pulsar's author, his library requires JVM 7
due to dependence on the Fork/Join framework. JVM 8 support is on
Pulsar's to-do list.

I'm adding Ron Pressler to CC in case he'd like to clarify something
or comment on this comparison.

All the best,
Jan Stępień

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[ANN] Himilsbach 0.0.1 is released

2013-04-29 Thread Jan Stępień
Dear Clojurians,

I'm very happy to announce Himilsbach 0.0.1.

Himilsbach is a tiny actor library for intra-process messaging inspired by 

Find it at

Your feedback is very much appreciated!

All the best,
Jan Stępień

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Re: Are futures garbage-collected?

2011-09-29 Thread Jan Rychter
Thanks to everyone for the helpful replies. I've been using futures in this 
manner for a long time now and they work fine, but I wanted to make sure 
this is the specified behavior.


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Are futures garbage-collected?

2011-09-28 Thread Jan Rychter
If I create a future but do not hold on to it anywhere and never dereference 
it, is the thread guaranteed to run until successful completion?

In other words, if I create futures entirely for side effects, should I 
worry about them getting terminated and GCd?

I looked for an answer but could not find anything relevant. Any hints 


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Re: Migration to 1.3 for mortals

2011-09-13 Thread Jan Rychter
On Sep 13, 1:44 am, Stuart Sierra wrote:
  Since the new, separated contrib libraries are supposed to be
  compatible with Clojure 1.2, you could perhaps also start migrating
  one lib at a time at your leisure.  This might even enable you to
  contribute to a migration document.

 Yes, this is what I am hoping people will do. Move to the new libraries
 first, then switch over to Clojure 1.3.

That is exactly our plan, except we probably won't start immediately,
as the word leisure in the paragraph above doesn't quite apply to
our current situation :-)


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Re: Migration to 1.3 for mortals

2011-09-12 Thread Jan Rychter
On Sep 10, 9:31 pm, Sean Corfield wrote:
 On Sat, Sep 10, 2011 at 9:46 AM, Jan Rychter wrote:
  If you use Clojure to build an application that you subsequently
  launch and maintain, it is pretty much a given that you use contrib.
  Lots of it, in fact.

 I think that depends on when you started building stuff with Clojure.
 I get the impression quite a bit of old contrib grew up to provide
 functionality not in Clojure's core and I see quite a few pieces of
 old contrib that are explicitly deprecated because functions moved to
 Clojure 1.2 (c.c.string, for example, mostly moved to clojure.string
 long before Clojure 1.3 got under way). I suspect that folks who
 started with Clojure long ago and are relying heavily on old contrib,
 are probably relying on those old deprecated namespaces and functions
 and have simply avoided updating their code to use the newer,
 supported namespaces. I think the break in contrib coming with 1.3
 will be good for the Clojure ecosystem overall because it will force a
 lot of folks to clean up their code :)

Just to clarify, I am not against change, quite the opposite — I'd
much rather see a quickly evolving Clojure ecosystem than one mired in
legacy code. I will gladly rework my code regularly so that it works
with newer releases. I'd just like to see the process somewhat

I think I've said all there was to be said in this discussion, so I'll
shut up now and wait for better documentation or a migration guide. In
the meantime, we'll stick to Clojure 1.2 together with our patched-up
monolithic contrib.


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Re: Migration to 1.3 for mortals

2011-09-10 Thread Jan Rychter
On Sep 9, 8:04 pm, Sean Corfield wrote:
 On Fri, Sep 9, 2011 at 1:09 AM, Jan Rychter wrote:
  I think issues like that are fundamentally important if Clojure is to
  be adopted for production work.

 I agree - which is why I'm pushing on clojure-dev for some serious
 attention to be paid to the contrib migration issue.

Thanks for the explanations. I'll summarize: clojure-contrib is being
reorganized. There is no clear migration path for applications that
use the monolithic 1.2 contrib. Not all of 1.2 contrib code made its
way into new modules yet. There is no migration guide for existing

Unless clojure 1.3 can be used with 1.2 monolithic contrib, I'd
strongly suggest that the release of clojure 1.3 should wait until the
contrib situation is resolved. I'd much rather see an announcement of
production-ready Clojure 1.3 than an announcement of very cool core
code that can't really be used in production systems.

Much as it sounds boring, it's the libraries that define the
applicability and usability of a programming language.


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Re: Migration to 1.3 for mortals

2011-09-10 Thread Jan Rychter
On Sep 10, 5:20 pm, Steve Purcell wrote:
 David Nolen writes:
  Waiting for contrib authors to sort out their libraries seems
  unrelated as to whether 1.3 should or should not be released. That's
  like delaying Python 3 because libraries don't support it yet. It
  still wouldn't be released.

 Except that Python 3 comes bundled with many more libraries than
 Clojure. I think the issue is that Clojure started off in the Python
 mold as Batteries Included in the form of a coordinated Core +
 Contrib, and has since transitioned to Some Batteries Included,
 jettisoning much of Contrib to fend for itself.

 I respect the wisdom of those who've made the decision to decouple Core
 and Contrib, so I'm not about to question that decision, but I guess I'm
 not alone in having viewed Contrib + Core as Clojure up to this

If you use Clojure to build an application that you subsequently
launch and maintain, it is pretty much a given that you use contrib.
Lots of it, in fact. This might be different for people who hack on
Clojure itself, write libraries, or work on small (and fun) projects.
There is a disconnect that is very risky -- witness Common Lisp, where
for many years people would hack on nothing but language
implementations and library situation was abysmal. It's gotten much
better in recent years, but still isn't anywhere near languages like
Python or Ruby.

My worry is that the decoupling of core Clojure from contrib will
result in contrib authors not caring too much about sorting out the
current situation. Also, I think much of the fanfare of the 1.3
release will be shadowed by the contrib situation. And perhaps most
importantly, I worry that I won't be able to take advantage of Clojure
1.3 in any of my applications anytime soon.

I think contrib modularization should either be carried all the way in
time for 1.3, or stopped altogether (meaning I could continue to use
the same old monolithic contrib code with Clojure 1.3).


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Re: Migration to 1.3 for mortals

2011-09-09 Thread Jan Rychter
On Sep 8, 10:36 pm, Armando Blancas wrote:
 There's this page:

 Here's the main page for the new repos:

Problem is, none of those pages help with my problem: how do I go from
a list of 1.2 clojure-contrib modules to a list of dependencies in the
new contrib. Plus the resources above are incomplete.

Take an example -- even in the relatively simple case of
clojure.contrib.combinatorics: note that it is NOT listed on, and if I follow
the github repos I'll end up in
which tells me nothing about what I should add to project.clj (what is
the latest released version, for instance).

I have to say that from the point of view of application developers
the current state of contrib likely means I won't be migrating to 1.3
anytime soon. What's worse, I'll be left in a situation where there
are bugs in 1.2 contrib which only get fixed in the 1.3 version, which
I won't be able to use. I already have one such bug that I reported
(and provided a fix) for clojure.contrib.json. It never made it into
any contrib release, which means we have to use a locally-modified

I think issues like that are fundamentally important if Clojure is to
be adopted for production work.


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Migration to 1.3 for mortals

2011-09-08 Thread Jan Rychter
How do we mere mortals (that develop and maintain large apps) migrate
to 1.3?

I thought I'd be able to at least estimate the effort involved for our
application in about an hour today, but failed. In spite of searching,
looking through various repos, reading the wiki and in general
googling around I was unable to find a migration path for the
clojure.contrib code we currently use. As a first step I thought I'd
fix project.clj so that it correctly points to newer clojure.contrib
library or modules.

A quick grep through our code shows we depend on:


How do I go from this list to a list of new project.clj lines? After
an hour of poking and probing I only got to:

 [org.clojure/data.json 0.1.1]
 [org.clojure/tools.cli 0.1.0]
 [org.clojure/tools.logging 0.2.0]

I got some version numbers from github repo READMEs, some from
manually listing directories under

There must surely be a better way — any hints would be very much
appreciated. Also, a suggestion for documentation maintainers: please
think about people who have code based on 1.2 and haven't followed
Clojure closely for the past 2 years or so — we lack a lot of context
information that might be obvious to you. As an example, I managed to
list lots of clojure.contrib modules before realizing that this
particular modularization is obsolete and has already been abandoned
in one of the alphas.


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Re: Indexing a nested sequence

2011-08-12 Thread Jan

 I'm trying to find an elegant way of indexing a two-dimensional sequence 
 with the coordinates as keys. 

If you know width and height you can generate the pattern of coordinates instead
of calculating it:

 (map vector (for [y (range height) x (range width)] y)
 (cycle (range width)))

= ([0 0] [0 1] [0 2] [1 0] [1 1] [1 2]) ; for height 2, width 3

or if you don't like 'for':

 (map vector (mapcat #(repeat width %) (range height))
 (cycle (range width)))

now combine with a one-dimensional input string:

(zipmap (map vector (for [y (range height) x (range width)] y)
(cycle (range width)))

= {[1 2] \#, [1 1] \O, [1 0] \#, [0 2] \#, [0 1] \I, [0 0] \#}



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Re: group tag for clojure newsgroup

2010-03-04 Thread Jan Rychter
Rich Hickey writes:

 On Mar 4, 2:56 am, TimDaly wrote:
 For the other groups that I subscribe to, the email subjects are
 always prefixed with the group name, e.g.

 Re: [sage-devel] This is the mail subject

 This makes it possible to reliably group the emails into folders.
 Is it possible to do the same for Clojure and Clojure-dev?

 It is possible for me to put a [Clojure] prefix on the emails. Does
 anyone have any objections to that?

It pollutes the Subject line for no good reason, anyone can filter based
on headers anyway. This is useful only for people who don't filter their
mail and drop everything into one huge inbox.


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Re: variation of time macro

2009-12-14 Thread jan
Shawn Hoover writes:
 I see usages of the time macro that wrap the expression of interest in a call
 to dotimes. Is there any interest in an overload of time that takes an
 additional parameter for a number of iterations, evaluates the expression that
 many times, and prints the average time in the report?

 user (time 10 (* 21 2))
 Elapsed time: 0.201 msecs, Average: 0.0201 msecs

I think this is a bad idea, read this article for reasons why


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Re: Code improvement: incrementing a meta val

2009-11-18 Thread jan
samppi writes:

 Is there a more elegant way to phrase this?

 (defn- inc-index
   Increments the :index val in the givens state's metadata.
   (vary-meta state assoc :index (inc (:index ^state

This is slightly cleaner

(defn- inc-index
  Increments the :index val in the givens state's metadata.
  (vary-meta state update-in [:index] inc))


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Re: newbie question

2009-11-11 Thread jan
Warren Wood writes:
 Thought of this, which I like better.  Again, I'm surprised if
 conjunction is not already a standard function, but I can't find it.
 I'm still a bit tempted to call it AND for readabilty of code.  (I
 spent some time studying combinatory logic back in the day.  (I even
 had a Curry Fellowship at Penn State where Haskell Curry used to
 work.)  Can't remember what combinator letter my dual function is.)

 (defn dual [x] (fn [f] (f x)))

 (defn conjunction [ preds]
  (fn [x] (every? (dual x) preds)))

   (conjunction even? (partial = 16) (partial = 9))
   (range 1 20))

for cases like this you can also leverage reader macros

  #(and (even? %) (= 16 %) (= 9 %))
  (range 1 20))


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Re: Topological sort

2009-11-11 Thread jan
Nick Day writes:
 I've been trying to implement a topological sort and have been
 struggling a bit. I have a map of symbol vs collection of symbols

 {a [b c], b [c], c [nil]}

 which can be read as 'a' depends on 'b' and 'c', 'b' depends on 'c'
 and 'c' doesn't depend on anything.  I've been trying to write
 something that returns a collection of the dependencies in order (c,
 b, a) but so far I've only been able to do it using a ref to store
 intermediate output of the sorting.  I was wondering if anyone has
 already done something similar?

clojure.contrib.graph/dependency-list might be close enough for you

(use 'clojure.contrib.graph)

(dependency-list {:nodes [:a :b :c]
  :neighbors {:a [:b :c]
  :b [:c]}})
=[#{:c} #{:b} #{:a}]


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Re: Code formatter

2009-11-05 Thread jan

John Harrop writes:

 The following, which I relinquish into the public domain and certify is
 original to me, takes a string and reformats it as Clojure code, returning a
 string. It behaves similarly to the Enclojure reformatter, but:
 1. Outside string literals and comments, it will take care of all
 2. Comments get one space before and one after the ; before the
    comment text. If the comment text originally started with a space
    none is inserted after the ;.
 3. If two comments are on successive lines and the second can be
    aligned with the first by inserting additional spaces before the
    ;, the comments are aligned in this manner; exception to item 2.

it doesn't handle these comments gracefully

 ;;; header comment
  (defn test-comments []
;; whole line comment


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Re: Baffled by NPE

2009-11-03 Thread jan

Brian Hurt writes:

 Of course, you don't have tail call optimization in Clojure (dang jvm).  So
 this is probably better:
 (defn for-each [f items]
 (loop [ curr items ]
 (if (empty? curr)
 (f (first curr))
 (recur (rest curr))

When you only have a single branch in `if' it is more conventional to
use `when', or in this case `when-not'. And defn sets up a recur point
so there's no need for the explicit loop either.

(defn for-each [f items]
  (when-not (empty? items)
(f (first items))
(recur f (rest items


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Re: Printing to *out* in another thread

2009-10-17 Thread jan

Gorsal writes:
 How am i supposed to print to the output from another thread?
 I want, for example,
 (future (println HI)) to print hi. It doesn't.

If you are using slime the default behaviour will be to print HI to
the *inferior-lisp* buffer. You can redirect output to the repl with

M-x slime-redirect-inferior-output

or place this line in your .emacs file

(add-hook 'slime-connected-hook 'slime-redirect-inferior-output)


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Re: Clojure/EPL and the GPL

2009-08-30 Thread Jan Rychter

Tassilo Horn writes:
 BTW: What's the reason that Clojure is licensed under the EPL and the
 contrib stuff under CPL?  Since clojure is not really eclipse-related, I
 don't see a good rationale.  IMHO, the Lesser GPL would be a much better
 fit.  Then you can use clojure also in commercial apps (I guess that was
 the rationale behind EPL), but still you can use it in projects with any
 other free-software license, may it be EPL, GPL or whatever...

The GPL and LGPL are very restrictive licenses. While most people only
focus on the source code availability issue, the real show-stopper for
most commercial usage is the anti-patent clause that exists in both the
GPL and LGPL. This clause is a potential landmine, even though little
attention is paid to it. It exists in the same form in both the GPL and


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Re: replace-subtree for zippers?

2009-08-22 Thread Jan Rychter

Meikel Brandmeyer writes:


 On Aug 21, 12:05 pm, Jan Rychter wrote:

 It isn't what I want. But that's because I misspecified what I actually
 wanted. I didn't think about the problem enough. I need something more
 akin to a splice function:

 (splice tree1 index tree2)

 (splice '(1 2 (3 4 5) 6) 4 '(7 8 (9 10)))
 should produce = '(1 2 (3 7 8 (9 10) 6))

 (defn zip-splice
   [loc node new-node]
   (loop [loc loc]
   (zip/end? loc)
   (throw (Exception. Node not found))

   (= (zip/node loc) node)
   (let [childs (zip/children new-node)
 loc(reduce #(zip/insert-left %1 %2) loc
 (zip/remove loc))

   :else (recur (zip/next loc)

 user= (def z (zip/vector-zip [1 2 [3 4 5] 6]))
 user= (def s (zip/vector-zip [7 8 [9 10]]))
 user= (zip/root (zip-splice z 4 s))
 [1 2 [3 7 8 [9 10] 5] 6]

 Be aware of the '=' there. This you might want to replace with some
 smarter function to check for the identity of a node. I stumpled over
 that in this thread:
 I'm not really a tree expert. So if you have solved this problem,
 please let me know. I'm still interested in this.

Thanks -- this is good stuff. I appreciate the help.

I meant the index as a numeric index into the tree (depth-first
traversal), unrelated to the actual tree contents -- I used natural
numbers in the tree only as an example. My real trees contain mostly
symbols. So your function isn't applicable to my stuff.

In the meantime, I came up with this (nothing like a piece of paper and
some thinking to work things out):

(defn zip-splice [zipped-tree index loc2]
  (let [splice-site (goto-node zipped-tree index)]
 (zip/replace (zip/up splice-site)
  (concat (zip/lefts splice-site)
  (list (zip/node loc2))
  (zip/rights loc2))

where goto-node is defined as:

(defn goto-node [zipped-code n]
  (loop [counter 0
 loc (zip/next zipped-code)]
(if (or (= counter n) (zip/end? loc))
  (recur (inc counter) (zip/next loc)

This seems to do exactly what I wanted.


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Re: replace-subtree for zippers?

2009-08-22 Thread Jan Rychter

Stefan van der Meer writes:
 On Aug 21, 12:05 pm, Jan Rychter wrote:
 think crossover in genetic programming (this is actually what I need
 this for).
 I've written a genetic programming framework in Clojure, it might
 be of interest if you're looking for some inspiration:

I didn't know about this -- thanks, I will definitely check it out.

 Though I experimented with using zippers initially, I ended up
 not using them for the fundamental tree operations like the one
 discussed here. I found zippers to be quite a bit slower than
 more low level approaches for traversing trees, which becomes
 significant in typical GP experiments where things like subtree
 replacement are used a large number of times.

Interesting. I don't see why zippers would be much slower than other
approaches, unless manipulating metadata in Clojure is excessively slow.

In my case, I don't much care, because my program spends most of the time
in fitness evaluations. Actual code manipulation takes only a small
percentage of the time and isn't worth worrying about (so far).

 So that's one way of doing it. Not the prettiest, but it does
 what I need it to. I'm not sure it does exactly what you want
 though, because:
 user (tree-replace 3 '(7 8 (9 10)) '(1 2 (3 4 5) 6))
 (1 2 (3 (7 8 (9 10)) 5) 6)

 Compared to:
 should produce = '(1 2 (3 7 8 (9 10) 6))

 I'm kind of wondering why you want the replacement subtree (tree2
 if you will) to be spliced flat into the original tree like
 that. It seems to me that such an operation would not actually do
 a subtree replacement in the typical genetic programming sense.

Flat splicing-in makes sense, because my GP is a stack-based one (a
concatenative language, inspired by PushGP and Forth). Programs are
really flat sequences of instructions and constants. Trees arise only
because I want the language to have loops and function/code generation
facilities. A subtree is a piece of code that gets pushed onto the code
stack, to be executed later.

For simple tasks, flat sequences of instructions would be enough and
indeed this is the primary mechanism.

Here are three examples that hopefully illustrate the concept:

(1 2 int+) = 3
(2 (1 int+) exec) = 3
(2 (1 int+) 3 dotimes) = 5

As you can see, I really do want the crossover operator to splice code
flat into the original tree. Adding a subtree has an entirely different

You might want to look at stack-based GP. I think it is much more
flexible than code trees.


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Re: clojure success story ... hopefully :-)

2009-08-21 Thread Jan Rychter

bradford cross writes:
 Hi Chad, yep, that was me.  We do hope to open source some stuff soon.

 First will probably be our wrappers for cascading/hadoop and s3.

Those would be of great interest to many of us. Please do.


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Re: replace-subtree for zippers?

2009-08-21 Thread Jan Rychter

Meikel Brandmeyer writes:
 A transcript:

 ; Create trees...
 user= (def t1 [1 [[2 3] 4]])
 user= (def t2 [[[:a :b] :c] :d])

 ; Create zippers and navigate to subtrees...
 user= (def zt1 (- (zip/vector-zip t1) zip/down zip/right))
 user= (zip/node zt1)
 [[2 3] 4]
 user= (def zt2 (- (zip/vector-zip t2) zip/down))
 user= (zip/node zt2)
 [[:a :b] :c]

 ; Replace the subtree from first zipper with subtree from second
 user= (def zt1 (zip/replace zt1 (zip/node zt2)))
 user= (zip/root zt1)
 [1 [[:a :b] :c]]

 Isn't that what you want?

It isn't what I want. But that's because I misspecified what I actually
wanted. I didn't think about the problem enough. I need something more
akin to a splice function:

(splice tree1 index tree2)

(splice '(1 2 (3 4 5) 6) 4 '(7 8 (9 10)))
should produce = '(1 2 (3 7 8 (9 10) 6))

think crossover in genetic programming (this is actually what I need
this for).


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replace-subtree for zippers?

2009-08-20 Thread Jan Rychter

Has anyone written a replace-subtree for zippers?

I need to replace an entire subtree with another one (from another
zipped structure) and found out that zip/replace won't help me there.
Writing my own has proven remarkably difficult, or perhaps I'm missing
something obvious.

Any help appreciated.


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Re: Idiom for array slicing

2009-08-17 Thread jan

Mark Triggs writes:

 Is there an idiom for what I'm doing below, or does a function already

 (let [vowels (slice abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
  0 4 8 14 20)]
   = (\a \e \i \o \u)

Here's how I would do it:

(defn extract [coll  keys]
  (map #(get coll %) keys))


(defn slice [coll  keys]
  (remove nil? (map #(get coll %) keys)))


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Re: Idiom for array slicing

2009-08-17 Thread Jan Marecek

 (defn slice [coll  keys]
  (remove nil? (map #(get coll %) keys)))

this doesn't handle nils, here is a better definition

(defn slice [coll  keys]
  (let [not-found (Object.)]
(remove #(identical? % not-found) (map #(get coll % not-found) keys


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Re: ANN: Clojuratica -- A seamless interface to Mathematica for fast numerics and more

2009-07-27 Thread Jan Rychter

Garth Sheldon-Coulson writes:
 I would like to announce *Clojuratica,* a
 high-performance, seamless Clojure interface to Wolfram

Wow! This is exactly what I needed. I've been looking for interfaces to
Mathematica back when I was still using Common Lisp. Recently I do most
of my coding in Clojure and I'd eventually cook up something similar to
what you did, only with much less functionality. I've even been looking
at documentation for J/Link recently.

Thank you, this interface will be very useful.


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Re: sizeof in Clojure

2009-07-24 Thread Jan Rychter

 On Jul 21, 5:51 am, Jan Rychter wrote:
 Is there a way to get the size of a data structure in Clojure?

 I've been wondering how much more space-efficient vectors are than
 lists, but I don't know how to measure it.

Stuart Sierra writes:
 Short answer: no, because Java has no sizeof operator.

 You can use Java profiling tools to examine the memory usage of your
 app if needed.

 Since all of clojure's data structures are persistent (reusable), they
 won't necessarily meet your expectations for memory usage based on the
 standard definitions of vector/list/etc.  A clojure vector is *not*
 just an array.  A clojure list is *not* just a linked list.  The names
 refer to the performance characteristics (vectors allow random access,
 lists allow linear access) rather than the implementation.  In fact,
 most of Clojure's data structures are variants of trees, and they are
 quite efficient.

 If you are concerned about memory usage, I recommend you write a
 prototype of your app using Clojure's built-in structures first.  If
 that uses too much memory, try refactoring your code to use Java
 arrays or some other Java data structure optimized for your use case.

I should have described the problem better. In my case, I'm not
considering using native Java data structures. I have stacks implemented
on top of Clojure vectors and Clojure lists. I do not care that much
about random access, but I do care about O(1) count operation (which
both lists and vectors support). I measured the performance in a
real-life scenario and it is nearly identical for vectors and lists
(lists are actually slightly faster).

What I would like to know is given the same amount of data, which
structure will be more memory-efficient?

I realize this is not an obvious thing to measure, and I did look at the
article that describes a solution for Java
( I've
been wondering if something similar has been implemented for Clojure
data structures.


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Re: Risks of (over-)using destructuring?

2009-07-24 Thread jan

Laurent PETIT writes:


 On Jul 23, 10:15 pm, Richard Newman wrote:
   Coming from an OO background which puts a strong focus on data  
   this makes me a little nervous.
  The same problem exists with OO.

 Not to the same extent, unless you expose all the internals of your
 classes (including fields) as public.

 Java tries hard to hide the detail, yes, but it's still possible to use
 So it's just (as you stated) a fact of making it easy or difficult.

 But you should consider that everything you cannot find in the (doc) of
 functions is not public API.

While I agree with what you say, I have a couple of problems with
relying on doc strings to document private fields. Firstly, I don't
write docs while prototyping. Secondly, docs aren't visible when
browsing code.

I've been using the convention of naming private fields with a
trailing hyphen: {:foo public :bar- private}

Here's a patch that adds syntax highlighting for this to clojure-mode.

diff --git a/clojure-mode.el b/clojure-mode.el
index 2d82ab6..7f1c28f 100644
--- a/clojure-mode.el
+++ b/clojure-mode.el
@@ -374,6 +374,8 @@ elements of a def* forms.
 \\(\\sw+\\)? )
 (1 font-lock-keyword-face)
 (2 font-lock-function-name-face nil t))
+  ;; Private keywords :foo-
+  (\\:\\sw+-\\ 0 font-lock-constant-face)
   ;; Constant values.
   (\\:\\sw+\\ 0 font-lock-builtin-face)
   ;; Meta type annotation #^Type


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sizeof in Clojure

2009-07-21 Thread Jan Rychter

Is there a way to get the size of a data structure in Clojure?

I've been wondering how much more space-efficient vectors are than
lists, but I don't know how to measure it.


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Re: turn a seq into a list

2009-07-16 Thread Jan Rychter

Jarkko Oranen writes:
 On Jul 15, 1:54 pm, Jan Rychter wrote:
 I've been looking for a function that would take a seq and create a list
 (a real clojure.lang.PersistentList), but haven't found one. The closest
 I got was:

 (apply list my-seq)

 Essentially, I'm looking for something similar to (vec) that returns


 Why would you want to do this? Seqs are nearly identical to lists (The
 only difference I can think being that lists are Counted, while seqs
 are not). If it's about forcing strictness, You can use 'doall.

I rely heavily on count being O(1). I have stacks implemented on top of
lists and if those lists turn into seqs, the performance impact is huge.

 However, if you really do need a PersistentList, then (apply list the-
 seq) is what you need. The vec function is a shortcut for (apply
 vector the-seq), provided in the standard library because vectorising
 a seq is rather common.

Based on my (admittedly limited) experiments with a profiler, apply
seems to be a rather heavyweight tool. And vec doesn't seem to be a
shortcut for apply, it seems it creates the structure directly:

(defn vec
  Creates a new vector containing the contents of coll.
   (. clojure.lang.LazilyPersistentVector (createOwning (to-array coll)


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Re: Clojure vectors

2009-07-15 Thread Jan Rychter

Thanks to everyone who replied in this thread. I am impressed by the
signal-to-noise ration on this list and by the quality of replies. I
will try to reply to everyone in a single post, trying to summarize.

 On Jul 13, 11:15 am, Jan Rychter wrote:
 I've been trying to implement stacks using vectors in Clojure. In case
 you wonder why, it's because I need stacks with a fast item count

Rob writes:
 If that's the only reason, you don't have to use vectors.  The
 following page says that 'count' for lists is O(1)

Indeed -- I missed that, and my experiments seemed to indicate that
calling (count) really slows things down. It turns out it was because my
lists were turning into seqs behind my back.

Mark Engelberg writes:
 Using conj and pop on vectors for stack operations should work just
 fine.  Don't use subvec though; nested subvecs will really start to
 slow things down.

I went ahead and implemented my stacks using both lists and vectors,
then did some careful benchmarking. It turns out there is no discernible
performance difference.

I am not sure what you mean about subvecs, though -- I currently use
them for dropn and rot operations, and I don't know how to avoid using

(defmacro stack-dropn [stack n]
  `(let [stack# ~stack]
 (subvec stack# 0 (- (stack-count ~stack#) ~n

(defmacro stack-rot [stack]
  `(let [stack# ~stack]
 (if ( (stack-count stack#) 1)
   (apply conj (vector (peek stack#)) (subvec stack# 0 (dec (count 

(incidentally, if anyone can suggest a better rot implementation, I
would be very grateful -- rot rotates the stack, putting the last
element of the vector first)

So, to summarize -- my real performance problem is that my lists were
becoming lazy seqs without me knowing. It turns out you REALLY REALLY
have to know the difference between a list and a seq.

And, since performance of lists and vectors in my case is identical, I
don't know which one to choose now for my stacks?


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turn a seq into a list

2009-07-15 Thread Jan Rychter

I've been looking for a function that would take a seq and create a list
(a real clojure.lang.PersistentList), but haven't found one. The closest
I got was:

(apply list my-seq)

Essentially, I'm looking for something similar to (vec) that returns


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Clojure vectors

2009-07-13 Thread Jan Rychter

I've been trying to implement stacks using vectors in Clojure. In case
you wonder why, it's because I need stacks with a fast item count
operation. While experimenting I discovered some vector properties which
were unexpected.

conj adds at the end of the vector as expected:

user (conj [1 2 3] 4)
[1 2 3 4]

However, after reading Programming Clojure (page 114) I expected to be
able to use sequence functions, such as drop-last, without my vectors
changing representation. It seems this is not the case, as after calling
drop-last (or indeed any of the seq functions) conj no longer adds at
the end:

user (conj (drop-last 1 [1 2 3]) 4)
(4 1 2)

I don't know if it also has performance implications (does it turn my
vector into a list?). So it turns out that pretty much the only
operations I can use on my vectors are subvec and pop:

user (conj (subvec [1 2 3] 0 2) 4)
[1 2 4]
user (conj (pop [1 2 3]) 4)
[1 2 4]

I didn't expect this to happen. Most tutorials (and Stuart Halloway's
book) emphasize the generality of the sequence functions, only
mentioning that subvec is faster for vectors. I think the fact that they
also change subsequent behavior of conj is fundamental and should be
printed in bold type.

Am I missing something here?

And while we're on the subject -- any hints for implementing a stack
with a fast item count? (apart from a list with a separate counter)


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Re: Support for disabling forms (reader macro similar to CL's #-(and))

2009-02-22 Thread Jan Rychter

Following up on my own post:

Jan Rychter writes:
 Rich Hickey writes:
 On Jan 26, 11:15 am, Cosmin Stejerean wrote:
 On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 6:34 AM, Rich Hickey wrote:

  On Jan 25, 4:10 pm, Laurent PETIT wrote:
   #- makes sense (CL didn't always make things the wrong way :-)
   And indeed, #; *could* break a lot of already existing editors for a
  Yes, the issues are:

  #; is bad for editors

  #- would be incompatible with CL's #-, and couldn't be upgraded to
  compatibility without breakage.

  I'm not sure the latter is a big deal, as #-test ... in CL is just an
  alternative for #+(not test) ...

 Is ## an option?

 How about #_ ?

 I would prefer #-, but if you think you might want to have a reader
 conditional system similar to CL in the future, #_ is fine as well.

 Actually, any character is better than plucking out multi-line forms and
 commenting them out :-)


Any chance this could get implemented, Rich? I really miss that
functionality when developing with Clojure.


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