Re: [POLL] JDK 1.2 Support

2003-02-03 Thread Berin Loritsch
1.4.1 myself

Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

Hi all:

To better understand how you are using Cocoon product and serve your 
needs better ;-)
Cocoon developers would like to know how many of our currect users are 
deploying Cocoon on JDK 1.2 and why they did not switch to JDK1.3 (or 

This information will help Cocoon developers community to decide on 
wether we should switch to JDK1.3 or continue JDK1.2 support for some 
more time. Thanks for the feedback :)


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Re: Cocoon Connection Pooling and Database Shutdown

2002-10-16 Thread Berin Loritsch

Michael Edge wrote:
 Could anyone shed some light on what happens to the Cocoon connection pool when the 
database it depends on is shutdown and then restarted. I expect an exception to be 
thrown as the connections are invalid, and though I don't explicitly catch it using 
esql:error-results in my XSP page, I expect that this exception should appear 
somewhere; perhaps in a log file or returned as part of the XML generated by the XSP. 
However, if my database has been shutdown and then restarted, the XSP below returns 
tradingbookSorry, no trading book results!/tradingbook. I have to restart Tomcat 
to get it working again.

ot please use carriage returns in your messages /ot

The way the connection pooling works is that when the connections are set
with a specific Keep-Alive query that works, the connection will try to
be reestablished when the Keep-Alive fails.  If the Pool cannot return
a valid connection, then it will throw an exception.  You may experience
a long timeout while it is waiting to get a valid connection.

The ESQL logicsheet swollows *alot* of error messages.  It is very possible
that ESQL is your problem.


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Re: Cocoon Connection Pooling and Database Shutdown

2002-10-16 Thread Berin Loritsch

Michael Edge wrote:
 Why should I use carriage returns in my messages, Berin?

So that we don't have to scroll on forever in one direction, and it makes it
alot easier to interpose comments throughout your message--adding context to
other people's response.


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Re: Cocoon Connection Pooling and Database Shutdown

2002-10-16 Thread Berin Loritsch

Hunsberger, Peter wrote:
Why should I use carriage returns in my messages, Berin?

So that we don't have to scroll on forever in one direction, and it makes
alot easier to interpose comments throughout your message--adding context
other people's response.
 Berin, what mail client are you using?  Most have a configurable setting to
 tell them when to wrap long lines.  I for one only put in CR/LF when
 starting new paragraphs; I've been using e-mail for some 20 years now
 (showing my age! ;-) and never had anyone complain...

I've had other people complain to me about the same thing.

When you *respond* using Mozilla, what was once a auto-wrapped line is now
one long line that goes on forever.


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Re: Pool statistics

2002-09-24 Thread Berin Loritsch

Artur Bialecki wrote:
 Is there any way to obtain statistics on component pools
 used by cocoon (2.0.3). Also, are component pools soft or
 hard limit by default?

Instrumentation is slated for a future release.  When that
happens, you will be able to look inside any part of Cocoon
you want.

Component pools are soft limiting by default.  When I first
added support for the pools, I attempted hard limiting, but
if the pool was not correctly sized Cocoon would deadlock.


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RE: negative time with Profiling on 2.1-Dev (was NPE withProfiling on 2.1-Dev)

2002-06-25 Thread Berin Loritsch

 From: Bruce Krautbauer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Hi Carsten, thanks for the fix, it works now.  This is a very 
 nice feature!
 Now for the next issue.  For some reason I am getting 
 negative time for the i18n transformer in my pipeline.  Here 
 is the xml that is returned:

What if you changed the position of the i18n transformer with one
of the subsequent XSLT positions?  I just want to see if the
negative value is for the third position or if it follows the
i18n transformer.

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RE: PostgreSQL won't work - any ideas appreciated

2002-05-30 Thread Berin Loritsch

 From: Skip Carter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
  Once I get this figured out I PROMISE TO CREATE DOCUMENTATION :)
   I have PostgreSQL working just fine here.  I had to add the
 location of postgres.jar to the classpath in
 since it is not normally in the default classpath on 
 my system.
 The line in
 was changed to:
The dburl element of cocoon.xconf is just a reference to 
 the database URL for that particular data source:

Having written the datasource pooling code, I am aware of what the
dburl/ entry is supposed to be.  I was saying that you might want
to include the driver/ element with the classname to that entry
in cocoon.xconf.

Regarding the location of the Driver jars, there are three solutions:

1) Include it in the WEB-INF/lib directory in your webapp
   * It is always included with the webapp
   * No additional install step is necessary
   * Not all servlet containers respect the WEB-INF/lib contract
 (IBM WebSPhere moves the libs, but most current containers
 work properly now).

2) Include it in the $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext directory
   * It is available to all Java applications on the machine
   * It is an additional install step, but simple to do.
   * If the webapp is moved, you have to make sure the driver
 exists on the new machine or new JVM.

3) Do what you did and alter the Servlet Container's default
   * It is available to all webapps in the contianer
   * It is an additional install step, and in some cases not trivial
   * Each servlet container has a different method of doing this,
 and some don't allow it at all.

Of the three, 1 or 2 is preferred.  2 should only be considered for
jars that are not likely to cause a conflict like a database driver.
While the first option works 90% of the time, you do end up with
duplicate drivers.  It is not the end of the world though.

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RE: hsqldb - how do I get rid of this error message (and turn off hsqldb)

2002-05-29 Thread Berin Loritsch

 From: daniel robinson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 I commented out the hsqldb stuff and this error has gone away 
 - but I can't get PostgreSQL to work correctly.
 I've created the sample DB and modified cocoon.xconf:
 jdbc name=personnel
   pool-controller min=5 max=10/
 and Web.xml contains:
 and pgjdbc1.jar (containing org.postresql.Driver) is in 
 Tomcat/common/lib and I have created the sample tables in 
 testdb within PostgreSQL.

What you have *should* work, however there are a couple of things
to try.

* Add a driverorg.postgresql.Driver/driver element into your jdbc/
config (under the dburl/ element is good).

* Move the library to ${webapp}/WEB-INF/libs

When you look at the logs, what do you see (usually you will see a
as to why something in the load-class initial parameter did not get

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RE: Access97 - Cocoon2

2002-05-22 Thread Berin Loritsch

Please use plain text when posting to the list, it just makes things

Basically the issue is that the last checked in version of Avalon
DataSource management had a problem with JDK 1.4.  This has since been
Someone has compiled a new version of the DataSourceComponent, and has
available (I don't have a link right now, but look for it in the
archives for
this list--it was within the past week).

-Original Message-
From: zze-STIENNE Nicolas FTRD/DMI/CAE
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2002 7:21 AM
Subject: Access97 - Cocoon2

Hi !! 
 I've got a problem to access to my database Access97 under w2000. I
work with Tomcat3.3.2, Java 2 SDK 1.4  and Cocoon2.
 I made an odbc link (outils d'administration/Sources de donnees
odbc/Sources de donnees systemes/Ajouter/AccessDriver/Base de donnees).

 I test it with a Java program: it works well, I can read my data. 
But the problem comes with cocoon : 
org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Exception in
ServerPagesGenerator.generate(): java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not
get the datasource
org.apache.avalon.excalibur.datasource.NoValidConnectionException: No
valid JdbcConnection class available
The files I use: 
base.xsp : 
?xml version=1.0 encoding=iso-8859-1? 
xsp:page language=java 
web.xml : 
cocoon.xconf : 
jdbc name=pool 
pool-controller min=5 max=10/ 
In my Java, I made the test with: 
db = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbc:odbc:bdaccess); 
Does really the sitemap generate a sever page ? 
sitemap.xmap : 
map:match pattern=spain/*.xsp 
map:generate type=serverpages
map:serialize / 

I don't see what is bad... 
Thanks for all, 
Nicolas !! 

--- Version francaise --- 
J'ai un probleme pour acceder a ma base Access97 sous
Windows2000. J'utilise Tomcat3.3.2, Java 2 SDK 1.4  et Cocoon2.
  J'ai cree un lien odbc (outils d'administration/Sources de donnees
odbc/Sources de donnees systemes/Ajouter/AccessDriver/Base de donnees).
  J'ai verifie que mon lien odbc fonctionnait avec un petit programme
java : impecable, je peux lire les donnees enregistree dans la bd.
  En revanche, ca coince au moment de l'utilisation de cocoon : 
org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Exception in
ServerPagesGenerator.generate(): java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not
get the datasource
org.apache.avalon.excalibur.datasource.NoValidConnectionException: No
valid JdbcConnection class available
!-- les fichiers sont les meme -- 
Dans mon fichier Java, je faisais le test avec : 
db = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbc:odbc:bdaccess); 
Faut-il bien que le sitemap genere une page serveur ? 
 !-- idem sitemap.xmap -- 
Je ne vois pas ce que je fais mal... 
Nicolas !! 

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Re: Session does not persist

2002-05-03 Thread Berin Loritsch

Alexander Smirnoff wrote:
 If I turning off cookies from the browser, Session does not persist.
 I'm using Cocoon 2.0rc2 and as of my understanding it wraps the
 javax.servlet.http.HttpSession, As I know when cookies are
 disabled it should use URL rewriting with jsessionid. I can see that
 Cocoon rewrites URL for subsequent request when session is created,
 even when cookies actully on, but when I turn them off, I still can see
 URL rewriting, but session does NOT persist:
 request.getSession(false); returns null.
 Is this a bug?

What servlet engine are you running?  It would help to determine if
the problem is with the servlet engine instead of Cocoon.


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Re: Is there any performance monitoring tool?

2002-05-02 Thread Berin Loritsch

Steven Punte wrote:
 Dear Cocoon User Group:
   Does anyone know if there is any performance
   monitoring tool built into Cocoon2?  Something
   that would report the number of ms 
   consumed by each component for a particular
   Thanks in advance:

Not yet.

Excalibur has a new Instrumentation package that will be
good for this and other jobs.  Unfortunately, it is not yet
integrated into Cocoon.

The documenation is not up on the site yet :(
But hopefully soon.


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Re: URL Factory vs Source Handler

2002-04-25 Thread Berin Loritsch

TREGAN Fabien wrote:
From cocoon.xconf :
   !-- URL Factory:
 The url factory adds special url protocols to the system, they are then
 available inside Cocoon, e.g. as a source argument for one of the
   !-- Source Handler:
 The source handler adds special url protocols to the system, they are
 then available inside Cocoon, e.g. as a source argument for one of the
 sitemap components.
 ok, so how do I choose between URL Factory and Source Handler ? Is the only
 difference that SourceS are dom/sax compliants when resources can be
 anything ?

Use the SourceHandler.  Cocoon has donated the Source resolving code to
Avalon Excalibur, and they have cleaned it up and made it more general
purpose.  Cocoon will be using the Excalibur version of source
resolving, and URL Factory will go away.

 Is it only possible to use a Source via SourceFactory registered with its
 protocol in the SourceHandler or are there other ways ? (and if
 answer==yes, how come that there is no SitemapSourceFactory ? special case
 due to SitemapSource loaded to early and then using a default protocol ?)
 Is there any other starting point for coding my first Source than cocoon
 SourceS' sources ?
 thx, fabien.
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Re: Serving static XML files a la Cocoon-1

2002-04-25 Thread Berin Loritsch

Peter Flynn wrote:
Of course you don't have to put an entry for each new doc : 
 That is not at all obvious from the doc.
you simpl=
need the most common C2 pipeline:

map:match pattern=3D**.xml
  map:generate src=3D{1}.xml/
  map:generate src=3Dstylesheet.xsl/

This pipeline will process all the .xml files on your server. Does it=
match your needs?
 Very close, except that all the XML files already identify their
 stylesheet in an xml-stylesheet PI, so Cocoon would need to honor

Not necessarily.  PIs are nice, but they are not standard accross
all files.  One thing that PIs don't allow is to easily retheme the
entire site without changing the existing template.

Assuming you want to change the XSLT from oldsite.xsl to newsite.xsl
and still keep the old XSL file for archives--or to switch back to it.

PIs force you to place the information for oldsite.xsl in every XML
file.  If you forget to change one file, it will stick out like a sore

The new way allows you to change all files in one place.  If you have a
chain of XSLT transformations--you can easily apply it and *KNOW* the
chain.  You don't have to generate PIs in subsequent XSLT layers.


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Re: Serving static XML files a la Cocoon-1

2002-04-25 Thread Berin Loritsch

Peter Flynn wrote:
You don't understand the Cocoon2 concepts at all.
 I think you are deeply mistaken :-)
It is nonsense to serve XML files with their XSL files : 
 This is rubbish. Leave aside non-valid XML, as I don't use it.
 All valid XML documents adhere to a DTD by definition (omit
 Schemas, they're not relevant here). Each DTD has a stylesheet
 to render documents of its class. I require to serve the XML
 documents processed with the relevant XSL stylesheet into HTML.
 Each XSL stylesheet belongs to a DTD: that is, it is written
 to render documents written to that DTD.

Key distinction:

DTDs are used to *VALIDATE*, not render.

the principle 
is to separe data and presentation, ie XML source and XSL.
 Absolutely correct. This is what I do. I have a large number of XML
 files and a very small number of XSL files (one stylesheet per
 document type, modulo development).
 Each document type (in effect, DTD) has one stylesheet at any given
 point in time, so that all documents written to that DTD are served
 in a uniform format.
 Over time, a new format may be developed, at which stage it will be
 useful to be able to edit the sitemap to make all XML documents of a
 given type to use a new stylesheet. But this is a once-every-few-years
 task, not something I change every five minutes.

True, but it is not uncomon to have a working stylsheet in applications,
and before release the web monkeys are let loose to make it look nice.
Of course both these developments can be happening simultaneously.  THe
doc writer should not care how the info is presented, that isn't their

So you have to write a pipeline (or to copy/paste one from an existing 
sitemap) to generate HTML stuff from XML by transforming it through XSL.

The sample sitemap bundled with Cocoon offers these 'defaults' already.
 If that is so, why does it not transform my sample XML document with
 its accompanying XSL stylesheet?

Are you volunteering to write something that reacts to PIs?

It's not really a trivial task, and considering the amount of work
involved in it, for something we really don't want to encourage,
its not a likely thing to happen soon.

Going back to your associated XSL document, and distributing the files
w/o a server: you can still do that with your PIs.  A browser that knows
how to treat the PIs will do so correctly.  However, for serving up to
older browsers, you should use the preferred method.  Your Sitemap won't
change much.  You stated something like every few years.  When you
change your site, you only need to update the sitemap to point to the
new stylesheet--even if you have hundreds of documents by then.


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Re: Antwort: Problem with special german characters and LDAP -Transformer

2002-04-23 Thread Berin Loritsch

I use the LDAP-Transformer. It's works fine. But I have a Problem with
special german characters. I must use the character set ISO-8859-1.
The Problem occurs only on LDAP-Transformer-Datas. On the normal conversion
from xml to html using xslt occurs no Problems with special german
What can I do?
 We had a similar problem with our Oracle database when we used html forms.
 Everything worked fine, when we typed data in the form and sent it to the xsp
 page for processing.
 But when we read data from the database and used it to initialize the form data,
 it got encrypted.
 Our solution - which, in my opinion, is not really good - is to tell the html
 serializer to generate output in the ISO-8859-1 character set instead of the
 normal UTF-8 character set. Then all the data, which is serialized to html
 stays in the ISO-8859-1 character set, which has been read from the database.

This is an issue with your database vendor not supporting other encoding
standards.  Bear in mind that old Netscape 4.x browsers do not handle
UTF-8 encodings well at all.  The newer browsers all do support it.

That said, Readers are supposed to make the conversions for you...


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Re: Problem with special german characters and LDAP -Transformer

2002-04-23 Thread Berin Loritsch

 I have still Problems with the special german characters and the
 When I write
 map:serializer name=html mime-type=text/html src
 doctype-public-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN/doctype-public
 nothing happens.
 When I make in the xsp-page  between xsp:logic a ldap-query, the
 characters return fine. Why return the LDAP-Transformer false characters?
 Thank you in advance
 Katrin Seiffert


Unfortunately I can't hope to tell you.  I looked at the LDAPTransformer
code, and it is a royal mess.  It is difficult to figure out what is
going on, and where the real pulling of the information is done.


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Re: MS Access Driver!!!

2002-04-16 Thread Berin Loritsch

Faulkner, Perry wrote:
 Your original post was that you had jdbc:odbc: - not jdbc.odbc., so your
 missing more than just sun. in the web.xml! It is a java package and class
 In coccon.xconf you should have something similar to:
 jdbc name=mydb
 Note: that this needs the : and is NOT a class reference!

Rewrite that to:

jdbc name=mydb
   auto-commitfalse/auto-commit !-- may fail with some drivers --
   !-- username/password is not necessary with MS Access --

Ladies in gentlemen, I provided this so you can see the proper markup
for the jdbc entry.  I do not advocate the use of the Jdbc/Odbc
bridge driver at all--esp. in regards to MS Access.

You can install MySQL on windows for a real database that does not
cost any money for development.


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Re: MS Access on Cocoon2???

2002-04-11 Thread Berin Loritsch

Sean Malone wrote:
 You should be able to use JDBC:ODBC bridge to connect to the datasource

You can do it, but it is not recommended.  Access allows you to do too
many broken things, and forces you to use nonstandard SQL joins for
anything else.

There are other alternatives.  Just be warned that M$ Access is
something that has burned a number of developers.

 -Original Message-
 From: Rajput, Ashish S [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 11 April 2002 20:38
 Subject: MS Access on Cocoon2???
 Is it possible to hook Cocoon upto a test MS Access DB?  I'd like to install
 MySQL, but downloading that runs me into red tape with my IS Dept.
 I'm running Windows 2000; JDK1.3.1; Tomcat4.0.1; Cocoon2.0
 Ashish Rajput
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Interesting read for those doing DB bound apps

2002-04-11 Thread Berin Loritsch,3668,a=23115,00.asp

It's a Database shootout, and lists troubles with Database
drivers under load.  Pretty interesting.


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RE: HELP PLEASE, HELP with Piece of code.

2002-03-21 Thread Berin Loritsch

Can you please convert this into text and use proper indenting?

It would make it easier to help you.

For instance, it is hard to see the structure of your XML with
everything on the
left margin:

tituloSobre Libros:/titulo
opcionDe Internet/opcion

You only need two spaces to indent to make XML readable.

Another thing:  keep in mind that XML is case sensitive.  That means

Seleccion is not the same as seleccion

That will affect your stylesheets as well!
-Original Message-
From: Ivan Manuel Andrade Muñoz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2002 10:14 AM
Subject: HELP PLEASE, HELP with Piece of code. 

Hello to all.
It wanted to request aid, to solve to this error when executing my page
My arhivo XML:Seleccion.xml
?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-1 standalone=no?
?xml-stylesheet href=Seleccion.xsl type=text/xsl?
?cocoon-process type=xslt?
Sobre Libros:
De Internet.
De Base de Datos.
Un Formulario:
De Futbol.
My archivo XSL:Seleccion.xsl
?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-1?
xsl:stylesheet version=1.0
xsl:template match=/

xsl:processing-instruction name=cocoon-format
xsl:for-each select=Seleccion/Texto
link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=Seleccion.css
BODY background=Arena.gif aLink=#ff bgColor=#ff
link=#213d89 text=#00 vLink=#a15b2a 
IMG src=Linea.gif/
IMG src=Linea.gif/
xsl:value-of select=titulo/ 
A HREF=Libros.xml 
xsl:apply-templates select='opcion'/
IMG src=Linea.gif/
IMG src=Linea.gif/
xsl:template match='opcion'
xsl:value-of select=./

My error:

Error found handling the request.

org.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLProcessorException: Can't have more than one
root on a DOM!
at org.apache.cocoon.Engine.handle(
at org.apache.cocoon.Cocoon.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( 5)
at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.service(
   nbs p;at
org.xml.sax.SAXException: Can't have more than one root on a DOM!
at org.apache.xalan.xslt.ElemLiteralResult.execute(

RE: Oracle jdbc thin driver

2002-03-18 Thread Berin Loritsch

Check your JDBC driver documentation.  It should have all the
Answers you need.

 -Original Message-
 From: ITANI Mohamed (LB Soft) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Sent: Monday, March 18, 2002 5:07 AM
 Subject: Oracle jdbc thin driver
 I'm using Cocoon 2.0 and tomcat 4.0 under win2000.
 I'm having an encoding problem, the database I'm connected to 
 though my oracle thin driver ( of oracle 8.1.7) 
 is hungarian. The data coming from the database through the 
 jdbc driver contains question marks and rubbish characters??
 Anybody knows how to solve this problem, or how to set the 
 charset for my  jdbc connection??
 Thanks in advance
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Re: db connection pool

2002-03-15 Thread Berin Loritsch

Sozonnik Andrew wrote:
  Moved back to JDK 1.3.1 - all works fine.

In JDK 1.4, the classes for JDBC access were changed.  As a result,
the DB connection code *must* be compiled with a JDK 1.4 compiler.

I have tested the database connection code under JDK 1.4, though I
admit that I did not test it against the Oracle database.  It is
*possible* that the Oracle driver does not work under JDK 1.4, though
if you used the old style ESQL values and got things working I suspect
it is the fact that the pooling code needed to be recompiled.

  With respect,
  Sozonnik Andrew.
  -Original Message-
  From: Sozonnik Andrew [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Friday, March 15, 2002 12:36 PM
  Subject: db connection pool
  Hello !
  I have trying to work with Cocoon 2 db connections pool
  Cocoon2 2.0.2-dev  JDK 1.4 Oracle8i
  jdbc name=MyConnectionName
pool-controller min=5 max=10/
  After loading Cocoon, database connections are initiated, but in log I
  see this :
  DEBUG   (2002-03-15) 09:31.33:956   [] (Unknown-URI)
  Unknown-thread/LogKitLogger: factory created class was null so a new
  instance could not be created.
  org.apache.avalon.excalibur.datasource.NoValidConnectionException: No
  valid Jdbc Connection class available
  FATAL_E (2002-03-15) 09:31.33:956   [] (Unknown-URI)
  Unknown-thread/LogKitLogger: Excalibur could not create any connections.
  Examine your settings to make sure they are correct.  Make sure you can
  connect with the same settings  on your machine.
  But connections are present in database.
  The settings are correct, because I can acces database from xsp ...
  And so on.
  Can anybody help me, please ?
  With respect,
  Sozonnik Andrew.
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Re: cocoon 1.8 and jre 1.4

2002-03-04 Thread Berin Loritsch

Marcel Stoer wrote:
 hi all
 is it possible to run cocoon with jre 1.4? the cocoon version is the one
 shipped with jbuilder 6 (comes with tomcat 4.0.1, too). on the index.html
 claims to be version 1.8.
 what steps do i have to take to configure my system? do i maybe have to
 download/use the most recent binaries available?

There aren't any more recent binaries.

There are some issues with API changes that make Cocoon 1.8.x
incompatible with JDK 1.4.  The first that comes to mind are the
JDBC 3.0 changes.


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Re: C2 too slow

2002-02-14 Thread Berin Loritsch

 Hi everybody.
 I am a newbie. My problem is compiling and executing time. 
 Compiling takes 30 min for the first time , and executing also takes 7-9 min for  
first time.
 What is the prob.?
 My system is p3 750 64 mb ram
 Thanks in advance

What's the OS?

I have found that for Java based apps, Win 9x series operating systems are horrendous.
If you upgrade to at least WinNT/Win2000/WinXP you will see much better results.  Who
knows, you may see even *better* results with Linux or some other UNIX.


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Re: Object X is not a component error

2002-01-29 Thread Berin Loritsch

Ivan Rubin Ayma wrote:

 So the problem should be my environment, which is not the best, but is
 I'm using JBuilder to run Tomcat and Cocoon with jars.
 I've included on the project all the tomcat jars and the
 web-apps/cocoon/WEB-INF/lib/*.jar, where the avalon framework is
 I think the compilation of my component can't be the cause. I'm
 compiling it with JBuilder's compiler.

I would not recommend that.  JBuilder's compiler has native hooks for its debugger.
Unfortunately, the binaries it has produced or run from its JVM have been
known to be flaky.  (The VM will crash if any significant load is placed on
the system).

 More than one Component class? from where? I'm just using tomcat 4 jars
 and cocoon 2 jars...

Where are they installed?

 Different ClassLoaders? I don't quietly understand that, doesn't Cocoon
 use the Java ClassLoader of the virtual machine running it? I see a
 components.classloader package in cocoon, that's the class loader it
 uses? Can the cause be that that classloader is not compatible with the
 class loader of the virtual machine (JBuilder's VM) running it?

There is a whole ClassLoader heirarchy.  Tomcat 4 has all the server libraries

loaded in a classloader that is separate from the servlet libraries.  Internally,
Cocoon creates a classloader and has the parent point back to the servlet


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Re: JDK 1.4 pre

2002-01-25 Thread Berin Loritsch

David Rosenstrauch wrote:

 At 11:22 AM 1/24/02 -0500, Berin Loritsch wrote:
 Until that time, and the time when XSP is no longer needed, tools.jar needs
to go in WEB-INF/lib.

 Not sure what you mean by that.  When won't XSP be needed any longer?  Is it being 

We haven't come up with a better replacement yet.
However, it is clear that for *performance* reasons, simple
Transformers work much quicker than XSP.

It is not being deprecated any time soon.  We are looking for an elegant
solution that would help us to not have to compile pages.


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Re: JDK 1.4 pre

2002-01-25 Thread Berin Loritsch

Alex Kachanov wrote:

 Guys, I think the problem is that JDK1.4 includes Xerces parser now.
 So there are conflicting versions when you install JDK 1.4 and cocoon on the same 

You can get around that easily enough.  Cocoon uses JAXP, and
you can override the specific class that is used.


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Re: JDK 1.4 pre - once again

2002-01-25 Thread Berin Loritsch

Alex Kachanov wrote:

 I've downloaded the latest release of Cocoon2
 I've installed JDK1.4
 JSP pages examples are NOT WORKING
 I get the follwoing exception:
 java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl
 Rge whole tomcat is working except these JSP examples.

And hence Cocoon and XSP is more resilient than JSP!


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Re: JDK 1.4 pre

2002-01-25 Thread Berin Loritsch

Alex Kachanov wrote:


check the config files and the web.xml file.   You have to set a
property for Cocoon, and change the Component for the Parser.

 -Original Message-
 From: Berin Loritsch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 26 „‘„~„r„p„‚„‘ 2002 „s. 0:52
 Subject: Re: JDK 1.4 pre
 Alex Kachanov wrote:
Guys, I think the problem is that JDK1.4 includes Xerces parser now.

So there are conflicting versions when you install JDK 1.4 and cocoon on the same 

 You can get around that easily enough.  Cocoon uses JAXP, and
 you can override the specific class that is used.


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Re: JDK 1.4 pre

2002-01-24 Thread Berin Loritsch

Alex Kachanov wrote:

 It looks like smth. is wrong.
 Cocoon cannot run with the latest release of JDK 1.4 Pre from Sun.
 I get such messages like:
 Invalid class file format in F:\jdk\jre\lib\rt.jar(java/io/OutputStream.class). 
 The major.minor version '48.0' is too recent for this tool to understand.

If you compile Cocoon with JDK 1.4, you have to do the following:

1) run the servlet container with JDK 1.4
2) use JDK 1.4's tools.jar file

If you want to use the same cocoon.jar file in any installation, then set the
version=1.2 attribute on the javac tag that compiles Cocoon.  That way
the classes are binary compatible with the previous versions of JDK.

Bear in mind this LAW:

Your tools.jar MUST be from the SAME JDK as you  are RUNNING.


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Re: JDK 1.4 pre

2002-01-24 Thread Berin Loritsch

Lauren Commons wrote:

 So If I'm using JDK1.4 (which I want, since it fixes a
 Linux problem) I can't download the Cocoon binaries; I
 need to compile myself?  Not a big deal, I just want
 to know.


But more importantly, if you run it as JDK 1.4, then that
JDK's tools.jar MUST be in the WEB-INF/lib directory.


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Re: JDK 1.4 pre

2002-01-24 Thread Berin Loritsch

Lewis, Andrew J wrote:

 tools.jar must be in the WEB-INF/lib?
 is that only if you use existing binaries instead of compiling yourself? 

No, that is so that Cocoon can compile the Sitemap and any XSPs properly.

Remember that Cocoon does alot under the hood.  While there is an effort

to convert the sitemap to an interpreted file instead of compiled class,
it is not *quite* done yet.  The initial reports are encouraging.  It beats
out the compiled sitemap in some tests, but their performances are fairly
comparable overall.

Until that time, and the time when XSP is no longer needed, tools.jar needs
to go in WEB-INF/lib.


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Re: JDK 1.4 pre

2002-01-24 Thread Berin Loritsch

Lewis, Andrew J wrote:

 ouch...that sounds like a serious deployment problem
 so the need for tools.jar is for the compiler then? I'm sure I'm rehashing
 old topics (so feel free to tell me so), but what about things like Jikes?

Cocoon can be configured to work with Jikes as well.  You need to make sure
that it is on the PATH though.  In fact, Jikes is quicker in most cases.

I personally would compile the jars with the version=1.2 attribute, that way
you are free to use any compiler you like.  The biggest issues surface when you
use classes that were compiled for a later JVM than you are using.


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Re: Can't change log levels - grrrrr

2002-01-17 Thread Berin Loritsch


 I've changed log levels to ERROR in logkit.xconf and in web.xml. Still
 getting debug messages (Generated a 1 gig+ log yesterday).

Make sure your components (as declared) have category names like this:


If no attributes exist on the components (Cocoon.xconf
and sitemap components section), then the log messages go to the default
logger category of .

Another alternative is to get the latest CVS--as it has done the mapping
for you.


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Re: cocoon processing time

2002-01-17 Thread Berin Loritsch

Nick Fingerhut [New Identity AG] wrote:

 Hi Cocooners,
 is there an easy way to count the cocoon processing time from the browser
 request till the request is finished?

Add the magic URL parameter:


There are two modes for the cocoon-showtime parameter:

true and hide.

The difference is that hide will add the information as a comment at the
end of the generated source, and true will add the information as a
p element so it is immediately visible.


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Re: Install Question

2002-01-11 Thread Berin Loritsch

David McInnis wrote:

 Can anyone explain this to me.  I have set the JAVA_HOME variable but it
 is not working.   It is making me crazy.

This is an issue with JDK 1.4.  I can't remember how I got around it,
but using other JDKs works better.

 Here is my JAVA_HOME info (This is the path to my sun java2 sdk)
 echo $JAVA_HOME
 When I run this:
 ./ -Dinclude.webapp.libs=yes webapp
 I get this:
 Apache Cocoon 2 Build System
 Warning: JAVA_HOME environment variable is not set.
   If build fails because sun.* classes could not be found
   you will need to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable
   to the installation directory of java.
 /usr/xml-cocoon2/bin/and: java: command not found
 David McInnis
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Re: include xsp in other xsp? (logicsheets?)

2002-01-02 Thread Berin Loritsch


 Happy new year,
 I have multiple xsp files which are then chewed and styled to produce
 html. Unfortunately a lot of the XSP files have repeat code in them. Is
 it possible for me to store this repeating code separately and then call
 it when needed. I have been told that logic sheets maybe the answer but
 I don't know how to implement it? Do create a separate xsp file with the
 code in and use a namespace in the calling xsp file??

That's what a logicsheet is!

You have to write it in a stylesheet (because the generator is created by
applying a succession of stylesheets for all the logicsheets), and add the
entry to the cocoon.xconf.

 Any help and simple to follow instructions would be much appreciated. 

Sorry, I don't have enough time to write one out for you.  Check the docs
for how to write logicsheets, and that should get you started.


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Re: using Cocoon WITH Cold Fusion

2001-12-31 Thread Berin Loritsch

Lisa Bos wrote:

 Have read a lot comparing CF to Cocoon, but I have a different need:
 I have a client who is using Cold Fusion. Client wants to start using 
 XML + RDBMS for content management. Wants to continue using CF for Web. 
 We have no control over this decision. Their content today doesn't 
 change frequently. Overnight updates are fine for most data-driven pages 
 for now. (In other words, performance isn't yet a big deal for them.) 
 Some text content would need to be updated more quickly. BTW - They do 
 publish rather large, structured docs to their site, which is the 
 primary justification for the use of XML.

I feel your pain.  I hate CF for it's inelegance, nad have been the source
of most of the comparisons.

 My broad question is: What's the best way to manage the delivery of XML 
 content to Cold Fusion (in combo with data from Oracle)? Need to 
 generate CF and plain HTML pages (we are talking simplistic use of CF 
 here). Definitely want to use XSLT, but its the larger management issue 
 that concerns me.

If your team is amenable to overnight updates, you would have to use
Cocoon at the command line.  You can use a cron job to invoke it, but
basically, that is what you would have to do.

CF would access the static files.

To allay management's fears, if you have *any* spare time, write up the
stylesheets to display the XML just like the current site.  Set up a Tomcat
server on your local machine, and give a demonstration.  If your management
is technically inclined (as mine is), show how much more elegant the code
looks compared to CF.

Here is the real kicker:  compare the install times of a CF based application
and a Cocoon based application on comparable hardware!  ColdFusion forces you
to enable options on your server that make it vulnerable to certain attacks.
Most Servlet Containers like Tomcat and Resin do not force you into the same
position.  Furthermore, in a DMZ, all communications accross boxes must be
encrypted.  In CF you are limited to an easily crackable 56 bit encryption,
while most J2EE solutions give you 128 bit or better encryption.

Just a few points that will help convincing management.

 More specifically for this list: Is Cocoon a reasonable choice for this 
 application (knowing ahead of time that this might be a somewhat goofy, 
 redundant approach)?

It depends on the long term goal of the project.  If your bosses are more
like the Pointy Haired Boss in Dilbert, then just stick with CF, because
you can't convince them.

If your boss is concerned with security, ease of installation, and cross
platform stability, you have no choice but to use something based in Java--
so why not Cocoon?  Trust me, I went through a nightmare install of CF on
a hardened Solaris box.  It took roughly six months--and once the thing was
finally working, the project was dropped.

That is _bad_ for business.

 One goal is to choose an approach that will make it easy for CF to go 
 away at the right time, and that is straightforward in its handling of 
 XML/XSLT/etc. Might still be a limited number of CF pages that pull data 
 directly from database, but those could be transitioned over time as the 
 client is convinced.


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Re: Getting an image out of a BLOB field

2001-12-21 Thread Berin Loritsch

Bert Van Kets wrote:

 Hi Guys,
 if I have images stored in BLOB fields in a database, how do I get them 
 out of there and to the browser?
 If I use the SQL generator/transformer in the sitemap I would get XML 
 containing the binary data.  Can this data be sent to the browser as a 
 image/jpg mime type?
 Is this the way to go, or do I need some other way.
 I'm using Win2K server, Apache 1.3, Tomcat 4, Cocoon v2.

Try using the DatabaseReader!


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Re: Can a Transformer include multiple HTML documents?

2001-12-20 Thread Berin Loritsch

Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:

 On Thursday 20 December 2001 08:05, Bartomeu Adrover wrote:
Hello, my idea is: create n pipelines that acces to the url's and get
html documents into xhtml. After that create an pipeline that include all
this sources:

 Thanks for the idea - it will work if you have a known set of HTML URLs to 
 access, but in my case it's dynamic: the HTML URLs  are computed based on the 
 initial request, and their number and form can vary.
 What I'm missing is something like dynamic sitemap aggregation, but maybe 
 there is another way?

What about using the XInclude or CInclude transformers?  You can incorporate
XML from other sources like this:

xi:include href=cocoon://resource/
xi:include href=foo.xml?xpath(foo/bar[@baz='huh'])/


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Re: C2 MYSQL woes

2001-12-18 Thread Berin Loritsch

Sharat Koya wrote:

 Hi, I have been trying for the past few days to setup MySQL with C2 in
 order to use ESQL in my application. Unfortunately I can't get past the
 configuration problems.
 I have installed MySQL and C2 on my WinXP machine. Do I need to setup a
 driver for tomcat so that C2 can access MySQL on local host or can I get
 away with just declaring it in my ESQL code. If I don't need to setup
 the driver I tried the following code but C2 keeps returning the error
 Resource Not Found (404). 
 Any help would be much appreciated.

You do have to make sure the JDBC driver for MySQL is in the classpath.
If you include it in your ${webapp}/WEB-INF/lib directory, make sure
the jar file ends in .jar because many servlet containers will not load
.zip files.  If you include it in the ${java.home}/jre/lib/ext/ directory,
it will be available as well.  I would highly recommend *not* placing it
in the ServletContainer's lib directory, because the current Servlet
Containers separate the classes used for the server from the ones used
in the webapp context.

 Sharat Koya

If you create your ESQL code so that it uses a Connection pool, you will
notice your code being more performant:


In the Cocoon.xconf file, you would add the following entry:

jdbc name=foo
  pool-controller min=5 max=10
!-- quick query used as a ping to the server to ensure
 the connection is alive.  If it doesn't work, set it
 to something that is app specific --
keepaliveSELECT 1;/keepalive

   !-- In your example these are not needed



 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-1?
titleA Database Driven XSP Page/title
  esql:queryselect * from planet_data/esql:query
  sectionRecord not found/section
  sectionDatabase error: esql:get-message/


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Re: How to offer cocoon virtual hosting?

2001-12-18 Thread Berin Loritsch

Larkin Cunningham wrote:

 My query relates to how one goes about offering Cocoon through virtual 
 hosting. I have Cocoon 2.0 installed on one of our live web servers 
 alongside Apache and Tomcat 4.0.1. I have Apache talking to Tomcat 
 talking to Cocoon. I have mounted the installed cocoon webapp under 
 $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/cocoon to a context for a single domain (say for 
 now I can now access and I see the usual welcome page and I 
 can look at various XML, XSP, FOP pages, etc.
 So far so good, but how do I go about offering this on a virtual basis?  
 The documentation for cocoon is fine, but doesn't really address virtual 
 hosting (at least I don't think it does). If its there then I wasn't 
 able to understand it. This list and the archives tend to be geared 
 towards single site web applications. And there are very few web hosting 
 companies offering cocoon so there hasn't been much from that direction 
 on this list.

Are you referring to multiple hosts like this:

or are you referring to getting rid of the /cocoon/ in front of the URL?

 I am using mod_jk (ajp 1.3) for getting apache to talk to 
 tomcat/catalina. I have included JkMount /cocoon/* ajp13 as part of 
 httpd.conf. As part of server.xml under the Host entry for I have:
 Context path=/cocoon
 docBase=/opt/jakarta-tomcat-4.0.1/webapps/cocoon debug=0/
 This is fine for getting the samples to work, but where do I go next for 
 virtual hosting of customer web applications?  Can I change the docBase 
 to a directory within the virtual site space and get XML processed by 
 Cocoon by having the correct web.xml within WEB-INF?

When you say Virtual hosting, you are mixing what a webapp is for and
what a web server is for.

You follow your web server's instructions for virtual hosting, and then
place the directive for mapping requests to the webapp from there.

 Any help appreciated. Once I am fully happy with this I will get the 
 site added to the cocoon hosting page.
 Larkin Cunningham
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Re: performance

2001-12-10 Thread Berin Loritsch

arjen stolk wrote:

 - Original Message -
 From: arjen stolk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, December 10, 2001 3:22 PM
 Subject: Re: performance
, but performance is still the same.

 oke finally connected to other dbserver instead of server running on my
 local machine.
 that made a huge difference in performance...


This is probably due to the resource contention for the CPU.  Your database
server and Cocoon are not playing nicely (and Cocoon is waiting impatiently
for the DBserver).


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Re: performance

2001-12-07 Thread Berin Loritsch

arjen stolk wrote:

 - Original Message -
 From: Berin Loritsch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, December 07, 2001 4:29 PM
 Subject: Re: performance
arjen stolk wrote:

hello all,

 well indeed memory is thight.
 but i don't here the disk scratcing like hell. according to taskmanager some
 physical mem is left all the time (anywhere between 64k and 32k)
 i am checking the logs. what is not clear to me is what to expect in which
 i guess i could look that up somewhere...
 ok i checked the components.log
 and this is what i found:
 (a lot of times)
 DEBUG   (2001-12-07) 16:52.03:607   [root.sto] (Unknown-URI)
 Unknown-thread/StoreJanitorImpl: getHeapsize()=6000
 DEBUG   (2001-12-07) 16:52.03:607   [root.sto] (Unknown-URI)
 Unknown-thread/StoreJanitorImpl: getJVM().freeMemory()=3816
 DEBUG   (2001-12-07) 16:52.03:607   [root.sto] (Unknown-URI)
 Unknown-thread/StoreJanitorImpl: getFreememory()=100
 i guess i can turn logging debug info off.
 but then what is wrong with the janitor?

The Janitor is used to check the Cache and the memory to remove things from
cache if necessary.  You can get rid of DEBUG messages and gain an appreciable
differece in performance, however you may want to try a couple of other things

Is your JVM set with the following params:

java -Xms64M -Mmx128M?

This keeps the JVM from using more than your physical memory.  Remember, it is
cheaper for your JVM to manage your memory than for your OS to cache to disk.

Also, do a search for the word Exception in the contents of the files in the log
directory (I think you said you were on windows).  If you see any concerning
your database connection, that can hurt performance.

Play with your cache settings.  If you have your cache set at 512M when you only
have 128M available, your cache might try to use too many resources--slowing
the garbage collection cycle.

Also, you didn't answer my first question:

Is this 45 second access only for the first time you access the page, or _every_
time you access the page.  Remember that the sitemap and the XSP pages must be
compiled before they can be used.  This means the XML is converted to a Java
source file, and then compiled with javac.  It is not uncommon for it to take
as long as 45 seconds on a resource constrained machine (these days 450MHz and
128MB are considered small) to compile.  However, after the first access the
page loads are lightening quick.  Another thing to examine is if the timestamps
are being altered during regular serving.  If so, the page might be compiled
every time the page is requested.


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Re: cocoon and .swf (flash files)

2001-11-29 Thread Berin Loritsch

Cocoon User wrote:

 i want to serve xml pages tha have .swf files inside (macromedia flash
 for .gif file i use
 map:match pattern=*.gif
  map:read src=img/{1}.gif mime-type=image/gif/
 but i dont know what map is needing for .swf
 i try to use something just like gif's
 but dosent work

As per the Flash specifications the correct mimetype mappings for Flash

.swf = application/x-shockwave-flash
.spl = application/futuresplash


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Re: Transaction

2001-11-20 Thread Berin Loritsch

Gustavo Fernandes wrote:

   Does C2 Support transactions ?

by default--yes!

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Re: Headless Server and jdk 1.4

2001-11-09 Thread Berin Loritsch

 Robert J. Lebowitz wrote:
 I've read in past notes that it should be possible to eliminate the need for running 
an Xserver or Xvfb on one's cocoon 2.0 server
 if you are using jdk1.4.

Keep in mind that JDK 1.4 is not officially released yet.  I wouldn't trust it for
a live site.

 I thought I'd test this out on a new server that I was able to run using the 
following combination of software:
 RedHat Linux 7.2
 Sun's J2SDK 1.4.0 beta 3 for Linux
 Cocoon 2 rc2
 Tomcat 4.0.1
 I had no success whatsoever in pulling up any of the cocoon pages.  This combination 
worked fine if I ran Xvfb.  However, I noted
 that some of the examples don't work quite right; some of the SVG examples appear 
differently than they do when I substitute the
 Sun jdk1.3.1 for Linux for jdk 1.4.

OK.  You will have to recompile Avalon and Cocoon using JDK 1.4's compiler.  Reason 
being is that they
make special consessions for the JDK.

 I'm curious how other people have managed to use jdk 1.4 on their systems.  Can any 
of you provide the actual startup scripts you
 use to make this work?

BTW Rob,

It is a curtesy to send text only in your messages to the list.
Please turn off the HTML/RTF formatting in you mail client.



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Re: New Cocoon 2B1 powerred website

2001-11-01 Thread Berin Loritsch

 Dear Cocoon users
 We would like to invite you to view our newly released website based on cocoon2 and
 turbine at the URL below.
 A brief about the web site and CMS system.
 We have built a Content Management System(CMS) for over 60++ content publishers using
 Jakarta Turbine for the admin module to organise/manage their web pages. Turbine also
 provide the access control portion. Velocity was used to develop the screens for CMS.
 Users use MS Word to prepare their documents/content. These pages are then uploaded
 by CMS from the desktop to the server. At the server we use logitran to translate the
 MS Word document into a temp XML format. We then use Cocoon to translate it into a
 predefined XML format. Display templates are then used to generate HTML pages for the
 browser under Cocoon.
 The configuration is such that the CMS system is sitting on one server where all the
 publisher will use it to prepare and preview their web pages. Once confirmed/approved
 the approved pages would then be replicated to the producton/live server.
 The CMS system is running on a Win2000 adv svr,logitran 5.4.5, apache web svr, tomcat
 3.2.2 and mysql, turbine 2.0, velocity and Cocoon 2 beta 1. The live system is
 running on a Win2000 Adv server(Compaq 1GHZ twin CPU server w/1GB RAM), on Apache web
 svr, Tomcat 3.2.2, MySQL, Cocoon 2 beta 1 and Turbine 2.0.
 We have had many challenges in getting the system up and would like to Thank the many
 people in this newsgroup and Turbine who have been helping me and Kok Choon. Many
 Thanks also to David from Logitran. We hope that this announcement would inspire
 others to have the confidence to use Cocoon under a live environment.(our website
 currently have 400 pagesnot bad for a start)  The real benefit is that the
 lecturers now can conveniently use MS Word to prepare the content and our system
 using CocoonTurbine takes care of the rest. No more HTML or waiting for the web
 programer to punch out the code. A big Thank You to the Cocoon and Turbine Gang.
 The workis not over yet. Other than enhancements we are having some problems. Any
 assistance would be much appreciated of course:-
 1)Netscape support for Cocoon. Kok Choon is having problem getting his java script to
 work with his Cocoon generated code.
 The sympton is as follows. point your netscape to
 1. First time connection to the website using netscape 4.78, sidebar function does
 not work. You will have to reload the frame.

In this case the JVM is out of memmory

 2. After refreshing, the sidebar appears, but the content window will be filled with
 funny chars shaped like little square boxes replacing the text content. Of course, if
 you copy these square boxes and paste into notepad, the actual text does appear!

Don't use UTF8 encoding.  Use an older/more traditional ISO-8859-1 encoding.
Netscape doesn't play nice with UTF8

 According to our programmer, Kok Choon , the web pages rendered in Cocoon is not
 supported by Netscape 4.78.

That would be more of a function of the end markup used.  If the markup is not
friendly, and the encoding is not friendly (both can be controlled by Cocoon),
then thre result won't be what you expect.

 2)we are encountering some performance issue due the model of elements used in
 Turbine. (Turbine groups are used to model the folder, web pages hierarchy) Any Gurus
 out there who would like to discuss this plse contact me.

Check the RAM resource requirements--Your servlet engine is overloaded.

 Any assistance on how to fix issue this would be much appreciated.
 Thanks in advanced for all your kind help... Attached are the 2 style sheets used in
 the aggregation of the web page.
 Jessica Kung   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Brel Software Pte Ltd  Tel: 65-272-6800
 Blk 1003 Bukit Merah Central   Fax: 65-272-2811
 Singapore 159836   11/01/01 22:14:02
Pls call us for the following services
  Web Creation, Web, Email  Domain Hosting
  B2B B2C ASP CMS E-Commerce

 ?xml version=1.0?
 xsl:stylesheet version=1.0 xmlns:xsl=;
 xsl:output method=html/
 xsl:template match=dummy
 TD width=131 BGCOLOR=#2653a6
IMG border=0 width=131 height=22 src=pic/sidemenu/leftbar1.gif/
TABLE border=0 cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=0 width=131 vAlign=top
TR vAlign=top
  TDA href=# onmouseout=popDown('elMenu1');MM_swapImgRestore() 
 border=0 name=Image1 

Re: [C2] problem with adding of my action into cocoon

2001-10-26 Thread Berin Loritsch

sergi wrote:
 hi everyone,
 i've added my own action in pacage of all cocoon actions
 'org.apache.cocoon.acting', in propper sub-folder... after that i rebuild my
 cocoon, and my class has appeared in 'build' sub-folder... so i've thought,
 everything's all right, but i got internal server error, after i call my
 and now, in cocoon.log i'm having this message:
 WARN10040   [cocoon  ] (Thread-32):
 java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.cocoon.acting.ReqValidator
 and that class (org.apache.cocoon.acting.ReqValidator) is my added class :(
 if anyone know what to do, please tell!!!


Is your class in the compiled jar?
Is the compiled jar in your WEB-INF/lib?
Are you trying to provide an Action for the Cocoon distribution?

The last question is for the package you chose.

If you are writing an action for your own app, don't use the org.apache.cocoon
packaging.  Use your own package--its better in the long run.  In the Sitemap,
you have to put the fully qualified ClassName to use your Action--so feel free
to use any package that makes sense.

If you place all your application's actions in org.apache.cocoon.acting, you
are going to experience maintenance problems when someone else upgrades Cocoon
and wonders why the webapp is broken.  For your own stuff, either use the
WEB-INF/classes (prefered while you are developing), or place it in your
own jar in WEB-INF/lib (preferred for deployment).  In either place, Cocoon
will be able to find it.

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Re: Fastest Platform (softwarewise)?

2001-10-23 Thread Berin Loritsch

Phil Blake wrote:
 We run apache/tomcat/cocoon on 3 server platforms, Linux, AIX and MacOS
 Linux on a dual PIII 550, OSX on a PPC-G4 450 and AIX on a 4x250MHz
 Bang for buck, a G4 running OSX wins hands down. However, believe it or
 not, the dual PIII comes in second (AIX don't come close... too
 expensive for real consideration and Windows is not a server operating
 system in practice, only in marketing).

That's interesting, I didn't think OSX would come out on top--maybe second
though.  As to AIX, and this goes for Solaris as well, they are very
expensive--so bang for the buck goes down.  How about raw performance
though?  Which comes out on top?

 The Dual PIII was about 10% more than the G4 (after adding SCSI) and
 about 70-80% the performance.

So for 10% more cost you gain 70-80% more speed.  That is a reasonable
tradeoff.  What kinds of tests did you run?  How does each one scale
(as you add more clients).  How many simultaneous connections can each
platform handle before you reach saturation?

 Although theory has it that a G4 500MHz has about the same performance
 as a PIII 1.5GHz (ie triple the performance), I've found that it's
 really more like double the performance, not triple.

Careful there.  Clockrate != performance.  When all things are equal
(i.e. chip architecture, design, etc.), then clockrate is effective
to determine relative performance increases.  However, the G4 and the
PIII have very different architectures.  This is true of the PIII and
the P4, and the P4 and the K7.  In that case 1.5GHz in all three
processors would have very different performance results.  As far as
I know, the G4 is not capable of the high clockrates, so it makes up
for it with an efficient pipeline.  The pentium series was designed
for high clockrates.

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Re: Fastest Platform (softwarewise)?

2001-10-23 Thread Berin Loritsch

Konstantin Agouros wrote:
 Like I said I was thinking more in Terms of which JDK (IBM, Blackdown,...)
 and which Java-Version. I can not move away from Linux.

You may have to make your choice on which is the most stable for your platform.
To that end, I recommend the Blackdown JDK.

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Re: Using Custom Component in Cocoon2

2001-10-22 Thread Berin Loritsch

Alexander Smirnoff wrote:
 I have made custom Component and trying to access it from XSP file. It seems
 that it passes OK all main steps of
 composition/configuration/initialization, but somehow at the end I getting
 the next exception:

The most basic reason of all.  Your component must implement Component.  Otherwise
it cannot possibly return it to you.  The return type for the lookup() command
is a Component.  Component is a marker interface (no methods):


 org.apache.avalon.framework.component.ComponentException: Could not access
 the Component
 wn Source) -- Why ? It seems that it found it ?
 thats the way how I look for it in XSP file:
 com.gwvas.manager.Manager myComponent = (com.gwvas.manager.Manager)
 thats the way how I defined it in cocoon.xconf
 component role=com.gwvas.manager.Manager
 Component itself is attached to this email... Any ideas?

DBCoreManager.javaType: Java Class (java/*)
  Encoding: quoted-printable

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Re: Help! Cocoon 2: Problem with connection to remote Oracle DB

2001-10-22 Thread Berin Loritsch

Skladov, Victor wrote:
 I tried the connection also with Java-Application on the same server and
 it runs!
 I don't know what else I must do. Has anyone already experienced this or
 has any idea or suggestions?
 I would be very grateful for your help!

When I originally wrote the connection pooling code, I tested against a
remote JDBC connection.  There is probably something wrong in the setup.
Please verify all your settings, and test a simple connection to the
server until you find what is wrong.  Everything looks ok in your config
files, and the fact that it runs when the server is on the same machine
points to a larger error.

Ensure that the username/password exists on the remote server, that the
DSN entry for the machine is correct (i.e., that the
connection port is correct, etc.

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Re: Using Custom Component in Cocoon2

2001-10-22 Thread Berin Loritsch

Alexander Smirnoff wrote:
 O-o, I've missed the wall... Sorry for stupid question...
 But I have possible candidate for another one:
 In my application I have  heavily relly on database connection pool. I've
 look into xsp esql file and see that the way you get Database Connection is
 via DataSourceComponent select method. So I don't have to use
 JdbcConnectionPool directly? How all working behind JdbcDataSource? Are any
 monitoring options exist?

Correct.  The Cocoon.xconf file has an entry to describe multiple datasources,
and get the pool of connections by name.  Once your Component is Composed
(i.e. implements Composable and receives the ComponentManager), you can lookup
the following role:

ComponentSelector selector =
(ComponentSelector) manager.lookup(DataSourceComponent.ROLE + Selector);

DataSourceComponent datasource = (DataSourceComponent);
Connection conn = datasource.getConnection();

// ... do your stuff


As to monitoring options, there is a keepalive query that happens behind the scenes.
It performs a quick query to see if the connection is still open.  Beyond that, there
isn't anything else at this point.

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Re: AW: Help! Cocoon 2: Problem with connection to remote Oracle DB

2001-10-22 Thread Berin Loritsch

Skladov, Victor wrote:
 Thanks Berin!
 But why does it run with Java-Application?
 If there had been something wrong with the username,password, port etc,
 it would not have run with Java too or am I wrong? Do I have to install
 the Oracle-Client on the Server?

The Java Application is a test to make sure your connection properties are
correct.  Depending on the driver type (like the non-thin driver), you may
have to make more entries to map database names with the server.  For instance,
in my installation, even though the default name for the Oracle database is
ORADB, on the server it's name was BORG.  That required a change in the
connection string.

 -Ursprungliche Nachricht-
 Von: Berin Loritsch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Gesendet: Montag, 22. Oktober 2001 18:23
 Betreff: Re: Help! Cocoon 2: Problem with connection to remote Oracle DB
 Skladov, Victor wrote:
  I tried the connection also with Java-Application on the same server
  it runs!
  I don't know what else I must do. Has anyone already experienced this
  has any idea or suggestions?
  I would be very grateful for your help!
 When I originally wrote the connection pooling code, I tested against a
 remote JDBC connection.  There is probably something wrong in the setup.
 Please verify all your settings, and test a simple connection to the
 server until you find what is wrong.  Everything looks ok in your config
 files, and the fact that it runs when the server is on the same machine
 points to a larger error.
 Ensure that the username/password exists on the remote server, that the
 DSN entry for the machine is correct (i.e., that the
 connection port is correct, etc.
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Re: [C2RC1a] Serious (maybeupload.jar) problem with Windows XP / JDK 1.3.1_01

2001-10-18 Thread Berin Loritsch

Jörn Heid wrote:
 When trying to start Cocoon (Resin 2.0.2) on XP I get
 java.lang.ClassFormatError: uk/co/weft/maybeupload/MaybeUploadRequestWrapper
 (Code of a method longer than 65535 bytes)
 at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method)
 On my Windows 2000 machine the same configuration seems to work fine (same
 JDK, same Resin installation).

I believe that this may be a ClassLoader issue with Resin.  They already
have a synchronization error in their ClassLoader code.  It is very possible
to reason that M$ changed the native API that Resin was using and no longer
performs the unzip operation correctly.

Resin uses JNI to speed up sections of the servlet container.

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Re: Embedding esql:query within logic sheets.

2001-10-18 Thread Berin Loritsch

Colm O'Riordan wrote:
 Is this possible ? I have tried the code below but it seems to concat the
 two options rather than choose one.
 Do I need to have the logic outside the execute query tag ? I was hoping to
 avoid this as the results format is the same and I dont want to have to put
 it in twice in the same file.
 Suggestions appreciated,
  if(getJock == null)
  DJName, Intro, News, SlotDay, SlotTime, ImagePath
  DJINFO where ID =xsp:exprgetstatus/xsp:expr
 DJName, Intro, News, SlotDay, SlotTime, ImagePath
 DJINFO where DJName likexsp:exprgetJock/xsp:expr

In this case, I would rather see something like this:

DJName, Intro, News, SlotDay, SlotTime, ImagePath
DJINFO where DJName like xsp:expr(getJock == null) ? getstatus : 

See how much less typing there is, and you get predictable results.
Otherwise, you would have to place the whole esql:execute-query/
block within the if/else statements.

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Re: Strange C2 behaviour with Navigator 4.7

2001-10-18 Thread Berin Loritsch

Alexander Schatten wrote:
 I tried to use C2 for publishing XML through XSLT
 basically this works when connecting with IE5 or Opera 5, but not with
 Netscape 4.7
 the behaviour is very strange: Netscape displays nothing (white page),
 but when I go to show source it displays the html code correctly.
 again more strage: when I try: Save as... and save this html page,
 netscape does not render to disc, then load it with the same netscape
 browser window, it is displayed correctly???

Try serializing it as the mime-type text/html.  This allows Netscape
to treat it like HTML--even if it is XML.  Netscape does not natively
handle XML, so it does not even try.  When you reload the page from
the filesystem, the OS is telling netscape that all .html files are
using the mime-type text/html.

While netscape does have many faults, it is one of the few browsers that
properly respect the mime-type headers that are set by the server.  IE
does not, causing many issues with PDF files.

 any ideas??
 thank you
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Re: [C2.0b2] - ComponentManager

2001-10-04 Thread Berin Loritsch

Adrian Geissel wrote:
 We looking at migrating our application from C1.8.2 over to C2.
 In C1.x, we used Turbine for connection pooling, and we need to move over to
 the Avalon CoponentManager framework.
 There was one real advantage in using Turbine, where there is a
 singleton-access to the connection-pool, thereby allowing it to be easily
 integrated with external code. Basically, we have a tried-and-tested
 database access library that takes utilises an internal ConnectionFactory
 that calls into Turbine for its connections.
 I have not found a similar factory method for accessing either the Cocoon
 object, its ComponentManager, or any managed components. Have I missed
 something, or is there a preferred approach? A non-singleton access to the
 connection pool will require a potentially reasonable coding change.
 Also, having a little difficulty in configuring a pooled connection to
 PostgreSQL - I've followed the instructions in the 'datasources' document,
 but the ComponentManager complains that the named component cannot be found.
 I've included the relevant bits from both cocoon.xconf, the calling code
 (from within an Action) and log-file extract.
 Any and all help will be greatly appreciated,
 Many thanks
 == cocoon.xconf extract ==
 !-- Removed for clarity --

  jdbc name=zdam
pool-controller min=2 max=10/
!-- Supply the correct class name.  The instructions
 tell you to place this in web.xml, but this is
 now possible --

 !-- Data source details for the ZDAM database --
 component-instance name=zdam
   pool-controller min=2 max=10/
 == cocoon.xconf extract ==
 == calling code extract ==
 ComponentSelector selector = (ComponentSelector)
 ConnectionFactory.dataSource = (DataSourceComponent);
 == calling code extract ==
 == log-file extract ==
 org.apache.avalon.framework.component.ComponentException: UnnamedSelector:
 ComponentSelector could not find the component for hint: zdam
  at org.apache.cocoon.www.sitemap_xmap.configure(
 == log-file extract ==
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Re: Redirecting *.xml to cocoon2 but keep static content served by apache

2001-10-02 Thread Berin Loritsch

Michael Bierenfeld wrote:
 Hi there,
 :-) I am getting closer. JBOSS integrated. Still not finished but there
 is some light on the horizon. I habe created a logicsheet ejblogic.xsl,
 modified cocoon.xconf, created my own sitemap and using a specific
 stylesheet together with the content files - works fine.
 When I use the following xml content :
 img height=1 src=../../images/else/clearpixel.gif width=5/
 When I transform this to html and access it with
 http://localhost:8080/cocoon/Projekts/content.xml; the image
 ../../images/else/clearpixel.gif is evenso served by tomcat/cocoon.
 Does anybody know how I can get rid of that. Of course without the need
 of using http://localhost/path_to_image/clearpixel.gif I have approx
 150 pages.

In your WEB-INF/web.xml file, change the mapping from / to the various
things you want mapped to Cocoon.  In your example you would use *.xml.
I personally use the correct extension for the resource type generated.
If I am generating HTML from my XML, I would map *.html and have cocoon
server the resource.

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Re: jikes compiler

2001-09-25 Thread Berin Loritsch

Andrew Answer wrote:
 Hello cocoon-users,
   how to use IBM jikes compiler instead of javac?
 parameter name=compiler
 parameter name=compiler value=Jikes/ not work.
 [ java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Jikes ]

Try the wrapper class in the same format as above:

parameter name=compiler

The value is a fully qualified class name that implements the Compiler
interface.  Jikes is not an existing class name.

 Best regards,
  Andrew  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Documentation / API - Doc

2001-09-25 Thread Berin Loritsch

Arno Illmann wrote:

Try here:

 Dear Cocooners!
 Where can I find the API-Docs for C2? Could it be a part in the answers for my 
questions in thread Documentation of sitemap syntax, XSP-Logicsheets and configuring 
for actions two threads before?
 I know, the Cocoon developers are commenting there code like in 
\src\org\apache\cocoon\acting\ like below. How can I translate any 
comments and syntax or description in API-Doc in appropriate syntax for i.e the 
 Thanks in advance, Arno
 And apologize for probably posting this a second time, I got  problems with my 
  * A simple Action that tracks if a codeSession/code object
  * has been created or not.
  * @author a href=mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED];Giacomo Pati/a
  * @version CVS $Revision: 1.5 $ $Date: 2001/08/22 12:03:32 $
 public class HelloAction extends ComposerAction implements ThreadSafe {
  * A simple Action that logs if the codeSession/code object
  * has been created
 public Map act (Redirector redirector, SourceResolver resolver, Map objectModel, 
String src, Parameters par) throws Exception {
 Request request = (Request) objectModel.get(Constants.REQUEST_OBJECT);
 if (request != null) {
 Session session = request.getSession (false);
 if (session != null) {
 if (session.isNew()) {
 getLogger().debug(Session is new);
 } else {
 getLogger().debug(Session is old);
 } else {
 getLogger().debug(A session object was not created);
 return null;
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Re: secure cocoon and tomcat application

2001-09-18 Thread Berin Loritsch

YANLIAN wrote:
 I have a application using BOTH cocoon1.8.2 and tomcat3.2.3. Based on the
 cocoon installation guide for tomcat,  I have a subdir1 for tomcat jsp and
 subdir2 for cocoon under tomcat's webapps directory. I want the whole
 application to be secure. I have setup user authentication for both subdir1
 and subdir2, but this requires 2 times of login. I want user login once and
 can access all the pages in the application. Anyone has idea how to solve this
 problem? thanks.

Use the same roles to authenticate for both webapps.  If the webapp expects
different names, use role-aliases.  Any time the user login traverses a role
barrier, they are required to log back in.

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Re: cocoon 2 tutorial

2001-09-17 Thread Berin Loritsch

Jeremy Crosbie wrote:
 One of the Cocoon developers has already begun this effort, at least with
 Cocoon2. To my knowledge there is not a link available so I have attached
 the last update that I know of.

That would have been me.  I posted the file to the list in hopes that someone
would convert it into the xdocs format.  I have been very busy lately on a
number of things.  There is no public link, because the docs were supposed
to make it into the Cocoon distro.

  -Original Message-
  From: Marty McClelland [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 9:20 AM
  Subject: RE: cocoon 2 tutorial
  I have been working with 1.8.2 for about 6 months and I have considered
  putting the material into a tutorial.  What suggestions do folks have
  for the format for a tutorial?  Is there a suggested journal or magazine
  for publication?  or is there a site for tutorials?
  -Original Message-
  From: Jesper Rasmussen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 11:22 AM
  Subject: cocoon 2 tutorial
  Does anyone know if anyone is working on making one or has done one?
  I'm thinking about doing one.
  Like one of thouse first pick up the spoon, then you ...
  I allways find thouse very helpfull get get some hands-on expirence
  diving in to the theory. And when i started with cocoon i could not find
  one, so i had to do it the hard way :)
  HOWEVER im a newbie in cocoon, so what i probably would do is write what
  believe to be the truth, and how i can make it work, and let you COCOON
  GURU's out there give me hell with all the mistakes :) and the vola we
  have a good tutorial :)
  - May the source be with you, Linux -
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Re: SAXParseException in C1.8.2 using Websphere 3.5.4

2001-09-07 Thread Berin Loritsch

Jack Hirasawa wrote:
 Hi cocoon-users!
 I recently installed cocoon 1.8.2 on Websphere 3.5.4 using the install
 script.  I had to fix so it would get the file
 instead of a resource.  I was able to successfully get the Cocoon.xml page
 to display.  When I tried to display the index.xml page, I got the exception
 below.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!!! Thanks in advance...

The only time I have received this message is when the source XML was not
well formed.  It is possible that Websphere is still referencing an older
XML parser that doesn't accept namespaces.  In that case, you must make sure
that Xerces is before all other jars (including the WebSphere jars).

You may have to edit your websphere property files that specify classpath
information (you know the one where they tell you to edit for hot fixes?).
I have examined the contents of the websphere jars trying to figure out why
I was having issues with Cocoon 2 a few months ago.  The embed class files
for Xerces in there.

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Re: Error Message Installing Cocoon 1.8.2

2001-09-07 Thread Berin Loritsch

Anthony Diodato wrote:
 Hi Cocoon Users. I need a little help. Im installing Cocoon 1.8.2 with JRun
 I have everything set up I THINK, and I get the following error message
 Cocoon 1.8.2
 Publishing Engine could not be initialized. java.lang.RuntimeException:
 Error creating org.apache.cocoon.transformer.XalanTransformer: make sure the
 needed classes can be found in the classpath

It looks like Xalan is not in the same ClassPath as Cocoon.

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Re: Docbook and Cocoon?

2001-09-06 Thread Berin Loritsch

Konstantin Agouros wrote:
 anybody tried the docbook-dtd with cocoon? Are there stylesheets available?
 Sorry if this is in the FAQ.

The Avalon documentation is built using DocBook DTD and Cocoon.


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Re: C2 slow?

2001-08-30 Thread Berin Loritsch

Bernie Lee wrote:
 i was just wondering (newbie question). C2 seems slow loading a page. on my
 p2-500, 192MB RAM, running w2kpro, T4b7 and C2b2, it takes about 3 secs to
 load dynamic content. i'd imagine from the net, it might take 4-5 secs.
 doesnt that seem a tad slow?

Assuming the page isn't measured in megabytes or hundreds of killobytes, I would
say that is extremely slow.  Are you using the stock samples shipped with Cocoon 2?
Also, is this on the first access only (i.e. all other requests for the same
page are fast)?

Keep in mind that Cocoon has to compile its Sitemap and its XSP pages the first
time they are accessed--which can account for up to half a minute on the first
access.  The rest of your accesses should be ~70-100 ms or less.

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Re: [c2] jdbc connection problem

2001-08-28 Thread Berin Loritsch

Christoph Kliemt wrote:
  I still have problems connecting a postgres database.
  (Could not get the datasource java.sql.SQLException: You cannot get
  a Poolable before the pool is initialized)
  Driver is loaded ok; database is connectable (tested with a small
  java-program without the use of cocoon), config should be ok... i
  So i hacked the java-file ( and compiled it behind
  cocoons back:

Check out the FAQ!  I have put ample information in there.  The next
version of Avalon Excalibur (home of the connection code) will have
much better debug messages.

  (line 319)
  System.out.println(DataSourceComponent : 
 + _esql_connection.datasource.toString() );
  _esql_connection.connection =
  This tells me:
  DataSourceComponent :
  Hmpf.. not that much information. Any hints?
  Is there another way to get more information?
  \\// christoph
  btw : is the cvs-server down?
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Re: mod_rewrite

2001-08-23 Thread Berin Loritsch

Liam Morley wrote:
 Can anybody who has successfully used mod_rewrite for Cocoon2 please
 contact me, or send me your full configuration (apache, tomcat if used,
 cocoon)? if you're using mod_jk, that'd be yet another plus. Or if not
 full configuration, as much as you can spare...
 Here's what's happening to me: I'm checking the rewrite log, and it seems
 to be working correctly- it will say that the user is being redirected to
 the proper page. However, this never happens when I'm actually using the
 browser, though. Let's say / is redirecting to /cocoon/my_proj/ (I'll
 leave the actual regexp stuff out for purposes of brevity). If I type in
 http://localhost/;, I get a 404 (yet the rewrite.log says that I've been
 redirected to /cocoon/myproj). if I type out
 http://localhost/cocoon/myproj/;, then I actually see what I want to see
 - however, rewrite.log says I'm being redirected to
 http://localhost/cocoon/myproj/cocoon/myproj, so I'm not sure what's going
 Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

In order to use mod_rewrite, you have to change the way Cocoon reacts to the
uri space.  Instead of mapping / to Cocoon, map the extensions of all the
individual types of files you use cocoon to render (i.e *.html, *.pdf, etc).

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Re: separation of content and logic

2001-08-23 Thread Berin Loritsch

java guru wrote:
I appreciate if anyone is generous enough to share
 xsl code for building collapsing menu structure for my
 sample project...

Alot of the collapsable menues are done in javascript on
the client side.  Your solution will have to be a combination
of XSLT and JavaScript.  XSLT to create the hooks and other
things, and JavaScript to do the logic.

The nice thing about Cocoon is that you can have a different
simplified script for IE and Netscape (chosen by the
BrowserSelector).  You can also generate your javascript
on the fly.

For the details of how to implement collapsing menus for
your site, check out any of the large number of javascript
areas (like

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Re: [C2.1] You can only select one Generator (file)

2001-08-23 Thread Berin Loritsch

java guru wrote:
   I have just used the following successfully..
map:match pattern=welcome2
 map:act type=session-isvalid
 map:generate src=docs/samples/samples.xml/
 map:generate src=docs/samples/hello-page.xml/
 As u can see., i am using two generators...

Actually, The sitemap only uses the first one set.  What will happen
with this construct is this:

If the Action returns null, the second generate/serialize pair will
be executed.

If the Action returns a Map, the first generate/serialize pair will
be executed.

As u can see, You are really only using 1 (one) generator...

  --- Philipp Schmidt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hi
   why does something like this
   map:match pattern=navigation.xml
map:act type=session-validator
  map:parameter name=descriptor
 map:parameter name=validate
map:generate src=myNavigation.xml/
map:transform src=myNavigation.xsl/
 map:generate src=anotherNavigation.xml/
  generate a  org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException:
  Generator already
  set. You can only select one Generator (file)
  I can't switch to  map:redirect-to
  beacuse navigation.xml will be aggregated and this
  gives me no result .
  Any clues how to fix this or is there any reason why
  i can't do two
  map:generate ?
  Thanks advance
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Re: performance tuning...

2001-08-22 Thread Berin Loritsch

Karl Øie wrote:
 Hi, I have a very standard pipeline for my project. The file
 oversikten.xml is filtered through the stylesheet
 oversikten.xsl which uses parameters sent to it to filter/rearrange the
 map:match pattern=page.html
 map:generate src=sources/oversikten.xml/
 map:transform src=oversikten.xsl
 map:parameter name=use-request-parameters value=true/
 map:serialize type=html/
 The file oversikten.xml is about 4mb large, and the site performs quite
 badly. Is there any tips for improving the performance short of splitting
 the file into smaller parts as this I am not allowed to do that.

What are the numbers your are targeting?  (i.e. how fast do you need it?)
What kind of hardware are you using?
What are the current numbers you are getting? (i.e. how slow is it now?)

To really help you, we need these questions answered.

If you are using the Caching Pipeline, you should be able to experience better
performance each time you request it.  However, if your cache is set too small
to keep the entire XML in memory, the cache will be of no benefit.

How complicated are the XSLT stylesheets?  If you are not using global variables
or parameters, that speeds things up.

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Re: C2 SQL-server 7 : webbrowser keeps on loading

2001-08-21 Thread Berin Loritsch

florent barbare wrote:

 - Installed C2a5 (Redhat 7.0, Tomcat 3.2.1)

I would seriously consider upgrading Cocoon to something
more recent.  There are a _lot_ of bug fixes, and better
reporting for the developer.

I would also suggest looking in the cocoon.log file
located in ${context}/WEB-INF/logs/cocoon.log as that
almost always gives more information.

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Re: Cannot get a Poolable before pool initialized

2001-08-17 Thread Berin Loritsch

florent barbare wrote:
 I have the same errors. i'm looking for a solution too...

Read the FAQ, and try the solutions there.  Read the list,
and check the list archives--the solutions have been discussed
many times already.

 -Original Message-
 From: Sergio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: jeudi 16 août 2001 21:23
 Subject: Cannot get a Poolable before pool initialized
 I'm working with Cocoon 2
 I receive this message when I try to create a connection with a datasource.
 The configuration of datasource in cocoon.xconf is:
 jdbc name=dbpccom
   pool-controller min=5 max=10/
 When I try to access to DB without any datasource it works fine:
 But if I try to use the datasource:
 that is the error:
 org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Exception in
 ServerPagesGenerator.generate():java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not get
 the datasource java.sql.SQLException: You cannot get a Poolable before the
 pool is initialized
 ¿how can I initialize the pool?
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Re: datebaseselectaction

2001-08-17 Thread Berin Loritsch

java guru wrote:
   Anyone got the xml descriptor sample for
 DatebaseSelectionAction?..i wanted to specify some
 where conditions in descriptor..
 And also according to the code, keys and values are
 extracted using separate queries..but doesnt it raise
 data sync issues if the db gets updated between the
 queries?..correct me if i am wrong...
 Or did i miss it somewhere in documentation?..

All database actions are done in transactions.  So each
transaction is all or nothing.

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Re: Getting read of the X server dependency

2001-08-16 Thread Berin Loritsch

Jon Peterson wrote:
 Xvfb is what you need.  If you're running Linux, you may already have it
 available (do which Xvfb or slocate Xvfb to check).  If not, go to and download either the Xvfb component of X (if you have XServer
 installed) or grab the entire X Server and run  If you're
 running Solaris, go to for the

That takes care of part of the problem.  Please, I highly recommend stress
testing that setup.  Any time you are dependant on the interactions between
two highly complex beasts (JVM and X windows server), there are bound to be
synchronization issues and other bugs that are beyond the control of Cocoon!

Consider the load you are expecting, and test for twice that number.  It is
more important that you test for concurrency than for sequential access.  If
you expect 100 simultaneous users during peek time, test for 200 users.  Use
realistic settings, but test nonetheless.

Keep in mind that any time you incorporate SVG using FOP or Batik, then you
are going to use the X windows server.

If you have _any_ serializers that use Batik (i.e. svg2png, svg2jpg), you are
going to require the use of Batik.

In some instances the setup will be perfectly stable--but some platforms will
prove unstable.  It all depends on the implementation of X Windows and the
implementation of the JVM.

When JDK 1.4 becomes stable, the promise of Headless servers will be realized,
and Batik can be used without precaution.

 Once installed, on the command-line run
 /usr/X11R6/bin/Xvfb :1 -screen 0 1152x900x8 
 and then set the DISPLAY variable to :1.0
 This should take care of your problem and allow you to keep batik's
 - Original Message -
 To: cocoon users [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2001 4:49 PM
 Subject: Getting read of the X server dependency
  A while back some people gave solutions as to how to remove the dependency
  on a running X server. Some of them included removing all the references
  Batik from the site map, others included downloading a library that would
  make X unnecessary, what's the name of the library and where can I
  it from?
  P  |Carlos Araya
  _  |WebCT Administrator/Trainer
  G  |California Virtual Campus, Region 1
   C/O De Anza College
  10650 Bubb Road
  Cupertino, CA 95014
  web: (work) (personal)
  PGP Fingerprint: E629 5DFD 7EAE 4995 E9D7  3D2F 5A9F 0CE7 DFE7 1756
  Don't let the fact that you can't do all you want to do Keep you from
  doing what you can do.
  And oftentimes, excusing of a fault doth make the fault the worse by the
  excuse; As patches set upon a little breach discredit more in
  hiding of the fault than did the fault before it was so patched.
  --Wm. Shakespeare
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Re: Cannot get a Poolable before pool initialized

2001-08-16 Thread Berin Loritsch

If you have a version of Cocoon that is compiled with the latest
Avalon jars (Excalibur/Framework/LogKit), you can add in the element and have it loaded
that way.  Otherwise, you _must_ load your driver with the load-class
initial parameter specified in web.xml.

Check the FAQ.

Also, with the next version of Excalibur, you will get better error
reporting so that it will tell you what to do.

Sergio wrote:
 I'm working with Cocoon 2
 I receive this message when I try to create a connection with a datasource.
 The configuration of datasource in cocoon.xconf is:
 jdbc name=dbpccom
   pool-controller min=5 max=10/
 When I try to access to DB without any datasource it works fine:
 But if I try to use the datasource:
 that is the error:
 org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Exception in
 ServerPagesGenerator.generate():java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not get
 the datasource java.sql.SQLException: You cannot get a Poolable before the
 pool is initialized
 ¿how can I initialize the pool?
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Re: Cocoon2 with OrionServer

2001-08-08 Thread Berin Loritsch

Rajkumar, Joseph wrote:
 Hi Folks
 I would like to know if anybody is using Cocoon2
 with the OrionServer ( see ).
 I have had OrionServer working with Cocoon-1.8.2, but have
 not yet tried using Cocoon2.

I've got someone working on that.  You should be able to do it

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Re: jdbc.odbc No suitable driver

2001-08-08 Thread Berin Loritsch

cib wrote:
 Hi all;
 I'm still stuck with esql, but as a really beginner, I just start to read
 the logs files.
 Here is what I get
 java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver
 I'm trying to access a microsoft Access97 database, (just to understand how
 all this works, before moving to mysql)
 I've declared: sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver
 in web.xml
 !-- For IBM WebSphere: --
 !-- For Database Driver: --
  !-- For Odbc Access Driver: --
 But in fact, the system doesn't even find the driver.
 Where should there be?

It only exists for WebSphere.  If you remove it, you won't see any change in

 I've found a jdbcodbc.dll, in my jdk and copied it in windows system, but it
 doesn't help.

That shouldn't.  Your dll only needs to be in the path, or magic locations that
the JDK knows about.  I wouldn't move any of it's dlls around.

 Can someone help me?
 Why does the system is hanging on for hours when the browser calls the xsp
 page calling the driver?
 (running C2 with Tomcat4  and G:\jdk1.3.1 on win95)
 Really thanks to any helper.

There are alot of issues with the JdbcOdbcDriver bridge.
If you search the list archives for that topic, you will come up with a wealth
of information.

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Re: Fully exploiting Cocoon

2001-08-06 Thread Berin Loritsch

Why do you feel you have to keep them synchronised.

If you have a number of resumes that all conform to
your resume.xsd markup, then they can all work through
the same stylesheets.  If your stylesheets are written
to accept the same markup, they can be used
interchangeably for whatever your desired result is.

That means that if you have the source files:

* siegried.xml
* roy.xml

That conform to the resume.xsd schema (which does
not have to be used at runtime BTW).

Then both stylesheets below will be able to process
both xml files above:

* resume2xhtml.xsl
* resume2fo.xsl

That means that you can have two outputs for every one
input.  If you had 20 resumes, you only have to keep
the one source file for each managed, and the two
stylesheets managed.  Now, instead of having to manage
40 different files (1 PDF and 1 HTML for each person),
you only have to manage 22 files.

The trick is be smart about how you set things up.

If there is some extra information that you want to
show up for PDFs and not for HTML, then you design
the resume2xhtml.xsl file to ignore the elements that
you want ignored.

--- Richard Heintze [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  As a sample I'm trying to use cocoon for my resume.
 To fully exploit cocoon/xml/xsl/fo and schemas I
 to keep 5 files synchronized:
   (1) siegfriedXSD.xml
   (2) resume.xsd
   (3) plain.xsl
   (4) plain-fo.xsl
   (5) siegfriedXSD-FO.xml (almost identical to
 Whew! that is a lot of work. Is there not some tool
 that will help?
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Re: SV: Repost of JDBC ODBC problem

2001-07-31 Thread Berin Loritsch

Rune Sandnes wrote:
  From: Berin Loritsch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  If you are trying to connect to MS SQL Server, there are a
  number of third party JDBC drivers that I would highly recommend you
 Any partical JDBC drivers you would recommend?
 We have tried Merant's driver, which works nicely, but seems a bit...

With Microsoft, you should be used to expensive ;)

Honestly though, in house we have used Informix and Oracle in our projects.
Informix is pretty nice and the JDBC driver is blazingly fast.  The Oracle
driver is slower and does not handle BLOBs and CLOBs in a JDBC2.0 compatible

I haven't had the time or pleasure to mess with any of the other databases.

I really don't have a recommendation for you other than Merant--unless it
is possible to change database vendors.  Informix is on the affordable side,
but is a PITA to install correctly (esp. on NT).  PostgreSQL is also available
(for free I might add) and has a JDBC driver.

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Re: Cocoon and Databases

2001-07-31 Thread Berin Loritsch

Hewko, Doug wrote:
 Hi! I would like to try the database example on the Cocoon2 default page. I
 have MS Access 2000 (standalone) installed. Where do I get an interpretter
 to communicate between my database and Cocoon2? I looked on Apache's Cocoon
 web site without any luck. I checked Microsoft but could find nothing to
 link to MS Access.
 Any other suggestions?

Please don't use MS Access.

Microsoft will never lift a finger to support Java--so none of their databases
will have a JDBC driver.  The Cocoon website is not a place to find information
on drivers, so you are on your own to find a decent JDBC compliant driver for
MS Access.

There was also a recent discussion on this list regarding the JdbcOdbcBridge
driver that Sun provides in its JREs.  You can't really use that for technical
reasons that I really don't want to get into right now.

Here is my experience with Access in general, and why you should never develop
with it for serious solutions:

* MS Access allows you to be lazy, and will keep working even when the database
  is not set up correctly.  This means when you plan to move the database to a
  real RDBMS you will have to rework your database and ultimately your code.

* MS Access SQL is not standard--esp. concerning dates.  If you access custom
  code (aka modules) from Access SQL statements--you have to rewrite the query
  when you migrate.

* MS Access table structure is to easy to manipulate.  Many fledgling companies
  think that this is an asset--as did mine before I joined.  What this results
  in is each developer with a slightly different schema and code that won't work

* MS Access has no security.  Anyone can access the data and manipulate it.  It's
  so called security layer is easy to circumvent and only serves to lend a false
  sense of security.

* MS Access cannot be centrally managed in an effective manner.  It is true that
  you can send out replicated databases--but in practice replecation has proven
  to be both unweildy and still does not address central management of the database.
  Central management is essential to web-based access.

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Re: SV: Repost of JDBC ODBC problem

2001-07-31 Thread Berin Loritsch

Berin Loritsch wrote:
 To give an overall example of what I mean, I have a program called DataXfer
 that manipulates data and moves it between the filesystem and the database
 or between databases.  When I was using the JDBC-ODBC bridge, the transfer
 took over an hour.  When I switched to the Informix JDBC driver, the transfer
 took less than 5 minutes.  The ODBC driver has much more latency, and the
 overhead of the JDBC-ODBC driver adds that much more to the query.

Oh, I thought it was only fair to mention that the ODBC version went to Access
which is a poor performer anyway.  The combination of the ODBC Layer and the
slower database caused such a large difference in performance times.

ODBC access with Informix is still slower--adding a couple minutes to the Informix
transfer time.

When the application was refactored to take advantage of PreparedStatements,
the transfer was done in half the time.

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Re: Repost of JDBC ODBC problem

2001-07-30 Thread Berin Loritsch

Dinkar Ganti wrote:
 I checked my application and it is able to connect to using JDBC-ODBC driver
 on Java command line. However, when I use Cocoon, I get the following
 exception trace. Any pointers to this type of error will be greatly

Short answer: don't use JDBC-ODBC bridge.
Long answer:

Cocoon uses Avalon's connection pooling which keeps connections open until you
need them.  This greatly helps in the scalability of web sites, however the
JdbcOdbcBridge is neither fully JDBC Compliant, nor threadsafe.  Many times
it chokes up on more than one open JDBC connection.  There are a number of
anomalees with the JdbcOdbcBridge, so you can NEVER do connection pooling.

Your ONLY option (if you use the bridge) is to create and destroy your connections
as you need them--which precludes you from using the actions included with Cocoon
because they require you to use connection pooling.

If you are trying to connect to MS SQL Server, there are a number of third
party JDBC drivers that I would highly recommend you use.

 The problem I am facing is to connect to an SQL Database using Cocoon. I am
 able to establish connection in a stand-alone Java application. However,
 when I connect using Cocoon, I get the following exception:
 Exception _
 DEBUG   26250   [cocoon  ] (Thread-8): Connection established
 DEBUG   26500   [cocoon  ] (Thread-8): Create Statement
 DEBUG   26781   [cocoon  ] (Thread-8): [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server
 Driver]Connection is busy with results for another hstmt
 ___ End of Exception
 The data source setup in cocoon.xconf file is as follows:
 jdbc name=ESDMConnection
 pool-controller min=5 max=10/
 ---End of cocoon.xconf-
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Re: Cocoon2 getting error: /usr/cocoon/bin/ant line111: 5218 Segmentation fault

2001-07-26 Thread Berin Loritsch

Igor Bejenar wrote:

A Segmentation fault looks like a problem with your JVM.
Perhaps there was a problem installing it, or the download
may have been corrupted.

 Under Linux Red Hat 7.0/jdk1.3.1/Apache WEB Server/Tomcat-4.0-b5 ... Ant as
 Getting the same error. Look like its does not care if I execute as
 su or nobody. If anyone know where problem is - please let me know
 Any help will be appreciated...
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Re: cocoon comparison with dom4j

2001-07-26 Thread Berin Loritsch

In one word: flexibility.

Cocoon is an incredibly fine piece of work, and it allows you
to do things that you would otherwise have to write yourself.

It comes down to maintainability.  If you have a small site,
taking care of transformations yourself is probable the
quickest way to go.  However, if you have to do anything remotely
complex (like backing to a database or other external resource),
then you will appreciate all that Cocoon can offer you.

You have database connection pooling, caching, multiple
transformation pipelines, successful separation of concerns.

All of these things only scratch the surface.

Bala Sadras wrote:
  What is advantage of using a publishing framework like cocoon as opposed to
 using xalan to transform xml to HTML?.  What are the pros and cons?  Thanks.
 -Original Message-
 From: Berin Loritsch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2001 10:47 AM
 Subject: Re: cocoon comparison with dom4j
 Bala Sadras wrote:
  Does cocoon support following features?
  Support Java 2 Collections
 Sure--its all in the JVM
  Convert to and from DOM trees
 Yes--though for performance reasons I don't know why you would
 want to.  We do it for small DOM fragments that we need to
 reference later.
  Can implement DOM interfaces natively
 What purpose does this support?
  Integrated XPath API support
 This is part of Xalan
  Bundled XPath implementation
 Same thing.
  Support for JAXP/TrAX for XSLT integration
 Absolutely--it is at the core.
  Event based procerssing support
 Absolutely this is the core feature of Cocoon 2
  Capable of processing continuous XML streams
  Capable of processing massive documents
  Your response is much appreciated.
 Cocoon version 2.0+ is an incredible beast that does your little
 laundry list and more.  But keep in mind Cocoon is a framework.
 If you need a library's functionality, then include the library.
 Cocoon is not a DOM implementation, it is not a Parser, it is
 not an XPath API.  It USES those things, but Cocoon is a publishing
 framework--pure and simple.
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Re: Must be logged on the Solaris Server to run C2 ?

2001-07-25 Thread Berin Loritsch

Marcus Crafter wrote:
 On Wed, 25 Jul 2001, Christophe de Kerviler wrote:
  I am running C2 with Tomcat 3.2 on Solaris 2.7. Cocoon doesn't work if I
  am not
  logged on the server running Tomcat. If I am logged and have a DISPLAY
  variable set to localhost:0.0, it works.
  The production server is hosted by an ISP, so it's not possible to be
  logged on. I can only
  telnet this server to start/stop Tomcat.
  Is there a specific solution on solaris to avoid this problem?]

Have the startup script explicitly set $DISPLAY to localhost:0.0

The other alternative is get rid of any reference to the Batik libs
(i.e. no svg2png or svg2jpg).
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Re: Problems with C2 beta 2

2001-07-25 Thread Berin Loritsch

Dave Smith wrote:
 Ok now I am getting ...
 Error compiling sitemap
 + javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactoryConfigurationError:
 +   at
 +   at
 +   at
 +   at
 +   at
 +   at
 +   at
 +   at
 +   at
 +   at
 +   at
 Now according the the FAQ it means it can not find the xalan parser...
 but is it not in the war file? How do I tell jetty to look at it?

Consult your Jetty documentation.  They may have a different location
than the servlet specified location.

Alternatively, try changing the initial property


To use the value true.  This will have Cocoon load up all the necessary
jars in it's own classloader (not required in all environments).

 Berin Loritsch wrote:
  Dave Smith wrote:
 When deploying the cocoon.war file I get the following error ...
  This is due to an incorrectly versioned JAXP parser (you want JAXP 1.1
  compliance).  You have two alternatives: get Jetty to use Xerces, or
  get Cocoon to use Xerces.
  There are instructions in the cocoon.xconf file to use Xerces directly.
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Re: Cocoon2 - bad performance with increasing amount of clients?!

2001-07-25 Thread Berin Loritsch

Andreas Engfer wrote:

First off, what are your typical response times on the server (recorded in cocoon.log
as INFO messages).

Also, for production, it is recommended to pregenerate your XSP files, and make
the appropriate settings in Cocoon.xconf so that the ProgramGenerator does not
try to compile your XSP and Sitemap.

How does this affect things?

For simple transformations I have seen response times of 20 ms or less
(if served from cache 0 ms) per page request.  I use Tomcat 3.3m4 because
it is better designed for speed.  You may get better results with Caucho's

My machine is an Athlon 750 (you never mentioned the speed of your processor)
with 256 MB RAM on Win2000 and Sun's JDK 1.3.0_02 HotSpot Server.

I have bombarded my machine with 20 users, and the response time stayed
around 60ms a request or less (the welcome page on C2 samples).

Also note: make sure you have the oradb attribute set to true in your
pool-controller/ element for your database settings.

 Hi all,
 I am testing Cocoon2 with the Distributed Application Tester of IBM and
 I made some surprising experiences!
 Start testing my whole application (XSP – Pages, connecting and using an
 Oracle DB - - - with connection pooling - , applying stylesheets -.xsl -
 for the rendering of html) with an increasing count of clients - the
 average response time grew up linearly with factor two.
 I assumed that working with the database causes the linear increase of
 response time. But neither testing the application without database
 connection, nor testing only the main page of the given examples of
 cocoon2 were different. Tthe result was the same:
 Client increase (+1) causes the double average response time. In
 addition to it even one client needs the whole CPU with a java –
 I guess, with these results Cocoon2 is not usable in a production
 environment with a large amount of users: the more users -  the longer
 the response time, starting allready with two users ???!!!
 Has anyone made the same experiences or can tell me what I made wrong? I
 would be pleased to hear from you.
 My system is constituted by Tomcat 3.2 with Cocoon2. My machine (Pentium
 III, 390 M RAM) is running with Win2000.
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Re: AW: anyone with resin and c2?

2001-07-25 Thread Berin Loritsch

java guru wrote:
 Thanks for the reply..
   But under same setup..resin is complaining about
 XSLTContext which is in dom.jar and someother class
 which is jaxp.jar .. so i am forced to keep them with
 name startring with (to make them endup at the end
 of classpath)..
 resin starts now..but upon xsp example, i get

It may be a long shot, but try declaring the initial parameter
named init-classloader to the value true.  This will load
all the WEB-INF/lib files into the classloader.

There is a chance that you may be forced to place Xalan into
the resin-2.0.x/lib directory

 Any idea?
 Thanks in advance..
  --- Gerhard Froehlich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
  yes I do:
  (taken from
  - Stop the server if it is running.
  - Remove the following files from the
  resin-2.0.x/lib directory:
  - Copy the xerces-XXX.jar JAR file from
  xml-cocoon2/lib to resin-2.0.x/lib
  - Copy the xml-cocoon2/build/cocoon/cocoon.war WAR
  file to
  resin-2.0.x/webapps directory
  - Start Resin as usual
  - Open the Apache Cocoon welcome page
  That's what I did and it's running fine...
  I'm using:
  -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
  Von: java guru [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Gesendet: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 8:24 PM
  An: cocoon users
  Betreff: anyone with resin and c2?
Anyone has success with latest resin and
  post some instructions(if possible) or redirct...
  I am having this..
  when i try to access the xsp stuff on examples...
  Thanks and have great day
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Re: pre compilation...

2001-07-25 Thread Berin Loritsch

java guru wrote:
   I know, i have posted this before..but anyone having
 success with xsp precompilation?..
 Latest snapshot(yesterday) creating funny packages
 when run with xsp precompile option at the build
 Any input is appreciated..

can you define funny packages?

please post a couple examples.
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Re: [C2] Webapp directory for development...

2001-07-25 Thread Berin Loritsch

Per Kreipke wrote:
 Should I simply extract the C2 WAR into a new directory, let Tomcat know
 about it and work there until the app is done, then build it into a new WAR
 and deploy it?

This is the prefered development method.  WAR files are for deployment.
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Re: 2.1? Stable Software Needed

2001-07-23 Thread Berin Loritsch

Steven Punte wrote:
 I too agree with Roys' statements.  Stable software is
 everything.  Otherwise Cocoon will just take it's
 place as some interesting RD project in the Software
 Halls of History while another project, another firm,
 deliveres a stable usable system to market that
 becomes the standard.

I think you also have missed my comments on the 2.0 vs. 2.1
releases.  Cocoon 2.0 beta 2 has been released--with many
bug fixes, and some usability enhancements.  The Cocoon 2.0
CVS repository is actively maintained.  We are actively pursuing
Cocoon 2.0 final.  The 2.1 release has a number of experimental
features that need to be tested and finalized--something that
the 2.0 branch did not want to be encumbered with.

You will find that Cocoon 2.0 beta 2 release a much smoother
and more stable product than the beta 1 release.

 Steve Punte
 On Thu, 19 Jul 2001 08:40:06 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   So here I've been waiting for a stable Cocoon 2, and I find that the
   development has blown past a stable 2.0 release, and now is working
   on 2.1. Is there any hope of a stable release anytime soon? I have
   production services running (shakily, unfortunately) on 1.8.3, and
   would appreciate having a stable version of 2.x, in the (perhaps
   forlorn) hope that my troubles may disappear. Can anyone give me a
   sense of the proposed development path? Please respond directly to me
   as well as the list, since I cannot deal with signing up to a list
   that gets the kind of traffic this list does. Thanks,
   Roy Tennant
   California Digital Library
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Re: Financial Business Model: Was Stable Software Needed

2001-07-23 Thread Berin Loritsch

Steven Punte wrote:
 My point is don't loose out and just become an interesting
 experimental academic project.

It helps if you pay attention to the whole thread.  Cocoon 2.0
is well on its way to a final release.  You have misconstrued
the existence of Cocoon 2.1 as the quest for the bleeding edge.
You will find that the only difference between the two really
is the existence of more Components for your use.

 There is HUGH INTEREST by the software industry in this
 type of architecture.  There are undoubted many commercial
 firms working on comparable frameworks. Sales of such
 XML framework technology will probably exceed $1B by 2005.

I think you are optimistic of sales numbers, however, there
is considerable interest.  People are more interested in
Quick and Dirty (QD) development, so technologies like
JSP, ASP, and PHP thrive.  When it comes to maintenance
of the site--well, that's when Cocoon shines.

 I was driven away from TOMCAT last year because of it lack
 of production worthiness'.  It looks like it is more mature
 now, and I may return.  It's sure costly to change back and

Cocoon needs formal testing--but you will find that Cocoon 2 beta 2
is MORE production worthy than Cocoon 1.x due to the fact that it
scales much better.
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Re: Using Actions in Sitemaps

2001-07-23 Thread Berin Loritsch

Max Larsson wrote:
 i have written my own Action for C2. It works fine.
 But somehow the C2 always report resource not found.
 With resource i think C2 means the file i am requesting,
 because i cannot find any ClassNotFoundExceptions in any logs.
 I have configure in my sitemap the following to use the action
 map:action name=login-request src=LoginAction/
 map:action name=lang-select
   map:action-set name=helpdesk
map:act type=login-request/
   map:match pattern=*.html
 map:act set=helpdesk
   map:generate type=serverpages src=helpdesk.xsp/
 The file helpdesk.xsp exists on my server. Because if i take the
 map:act element away like this it works fine:
   map:match pattern=*.html
  map:generate type=serverpages src=helpdesk.xsp/
 Another question, how is the syntax to use the action directly without
 an action set. If i take the example from the documentation C2 always
 reports incomplete pipeline.

Is your LoginAction 1) without any package, and 2) in the classpath?
Anytime you alter your classpath in ANY servlet, the servlet engine needs
to be restarted.  It's a fact of life.
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Re: AW: Using Actions in Sitemaps

2001-07-23 Thread Berin Loritsch

Max Larsson wrote:

 C2 delivers resource not found. It's not a problem with the LoginAction
 It gets loaded and executed without any problems. I can post the source if

Oh, quick question:

Does the Action return a Map?  If an action returns a null, it is concidered
to have failed processing, and nothing embedded in the action will execute.
This probably needs to be better documented.

An action must return a Map if successful--even if it is empty.
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Re: [C2]Cannot open display problem (No X-Server running)

2001-07-23 Thread Berin Loritsch

Mariano Kamp wrote:
 Hi there,
   after deploying it the first in production c2 is not working anymore. This
 due to the reason that on the production machine is no xserver running.
   I remember having seen this on the list already and that there is a
 workaroung, but after searching the mail archives for more then 15 minutes
 without any success I would appreciate if somebody can point me out to the
 right keywords to look for, or even more appreciated, tell me how I can run
 cocoon on a machine without X.

Either install a X server Virtual FrameBuffer, or do not include Batik (which
requires that the svg2png and svg2jpg serializers have to be removed from the
sitemap along with any resources that use them.
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Re: [C2]Cannot open display problem (No X-Server running)

2001-07-23 Thread Berin Loritsch

java guru wrote:
 1. Use jdk1.4 which ships with swing NOT requiring x

I highly do not recommend this approach.  JDK 1.4 Beta
has a number of surprises that hopefully will be taken
care of in JDK 1.4 Beta Refresh.

I also do not recommend Beta JDKs for production use--
though you should consider them for development.  It will
help you prepare for new APIs without breaking backwards
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Re: [C2.0b1] bug(?) in XSP

2001-07-20 Thread Berin Loritsch

Drasko Kokic wrote:
 Okay ... after a small (but very eficient) chat with
 javaguru ... I have identified background information
 about the way where the generated java file is being
 It seams that the informtion suplied in the src
 atribute of the generate element is used to define
 where (relative to .../org/apache/cocoon/www) the file
 will be created.
 There is a possibility in a multiple sub-sitemaps
 environment to have same relative paths for diferent
 XSP's in different sub-sitemaps.  This means that
 either the files will overwrite each other all the
 time or (even worse) be mistaken!!!

The generated class files are placed in a main package
which you can override in cocoon.xconf.  By default, it
is the package org.apache.cocoon.www.  From this point,
all class names and sub packages are generated from the
filename of the source document itself.  In fact, the
extension is made part of the class name.  For example,
the root sitemap.xmap file will be generated into:


If you have two other sitemaps that vary only by extension
(for instance .map, and .alt) they will have a unique file
and class name:


Also, since the actual class/filename is derived from the
context directory, the sub directories are treated as
sub-packages, and illegal characters are transformed into
an '_' character.

The only potential conflict that remains then is one where
you have two identically named files in the same directory
that differ by using a period (.) instead of a hyphen (-).
Niether of these characters are legal class name characters.
For example, we can have the following files: file-one.xsp
and; // docs/file-one.xsp; // docs/

It is theorhetically possible--however the circumstances to
create it would require a developer who doesn't give a flying
leap about maintainance.  Since Contexts cannot be written to
by an outside user, we are safe from this approach.

 Please, could somebody give some light on this
 --- Drasko Kokic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hello again,
  can anybody tell me what is the path/filename rule
  applied when a java file is being generated from the
  --- Drasko Kokic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I think I have found something very strange in the
   Java files are being generated from the XSP files.
   I have situation like described in the attached
There is a main sitemap and a sub-sitemap for the
   sub-URI LOOP.
   In the LOOP sub-sitemap I have the following code:
  map:match pattern=Index
   map:generate type=serverpages
   map:serialize type=html/
   I don't understand why is the Java file
   generated under the www directory and not under
   www/LOOP directory???
   Anybody care to explain how XSP and sitemap work
   --- Drasko Kokic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hello everybody,
this is already the second time I am getting
with this problem.  Unfortunately the first time
have solved the problem in untraceble way :-(
I am using submaps like following
context = KontoCheck
submap  = LOOP
this creates properly the in
as well as in the subdirectory LOOP.
Both get compiled and things work fine.
BUT ...
after I have configured the LOOP submap to serve
URI SingleLogin/CheckIn I am getting the
Looking into the work directory I can see that
the www directory there is SingleLogin
containing the java file generated thrue XSP.
How is it possible to fix this problem?  What is
causing this misbehaviour?
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