Re: [CGUYS] Redefining history [was: Taxes and good life]

2009-02-12 Thread Chris Dunford
If you are so limiting your news source I can understand how you come by
your viewpoints.

 If you read on the left blogosphere, Media Matters, TPM Muckraker, and 
 Huffington Post you'll typically see links to legitimate researched 

Didn't notice him saying that he limited his sources to these, did you?

The conservatives love to refer to Media Matters as a left wing smear
site. The problem with this is, MM documents *everything* it says with
links to external materials, often to original sources. It's pretty hard to
call something a smear when it uses original documents to prove that what
you said was wrong. Well, I guess it's not *that* hard, since O'Reilly and
others do it constantly.  Repetition-makes-truth in action.

The conservative commentators keep talking about how the rescue bill
includes $4.something billion for ACORN; MM documents the falsity of this
using links to the bill itself. Bernie Goldberg butchers the Brokaw/Rose
interview; MM provides links to the actual interview so you can see what
Brokaw really said. Limbaugh keeps saying that Obama favors infanticide
(seriously); MM provides links to the original Illinois bill, Obama's
comments, and the recorded vote showing that many Republicans took the same
position. It goes on and on and on.

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Re: [CGUYS] Redefining history [was: Taxes and good life]

2009-02-12 Thread Matthew Taylor
Every source I can recall him mentioning has been a left wing ax  
grinder.  I did not say he reads nothing else, I said IF.

I have not seen MM's take on Obama's support of infaticide, but it is  
real.  I have read the original bill.  I have read the final bill  
after it was modified to meet Obama's and other's objections.  At the  
end of the day it was legal in Illinois for living infants to be  
allowed to die with no medical or pallitive assistance and that was a  
position Obama preferred as a matter of law.  In what way is that not  
support for at least passive Infanticide?  It matters not at all to  
the question of O's views that some R's also supported it.


On Feb 12, 2009, at 7:32 AM, Chris Dunford wrote:

If you are so limiting your news source I can understand how you  
come by

your viewpoints.

If you read on the left blogosphere, Media Matters, TPM Muckraker,  

Huffington Post you'll typically see links to legitimate researched

Didn't notice him saying that he limited his sources to these, did  

The conservatives love to refer to Media Matters as a left wing smear
site. The problem with this is, MM documents *everything* it says  
links to external materials, often to original sources. It's pretty  
hard to
call something a smear when it uses original documents to prove  
that what
you said was wrong. Well, I guess it's not *that* hard, since  
O'Reilly and

others do it constantly.  Repetition-makes-truth in action.

The conservative commentators keep talking about how the rescue bill
includes $4.something billion for ACORN; MM documents the falsity of  
using links to the bill itself. Bernie Goldberg butchers the Brokaw/ 
interview; MM provides links to the actual interview so you can see  
Brokaw really said. Limbaugh keeps saying that Obama favors  

(seriously); MM provides links to the original Illinois bill, Obama's
comments, and the recorded vote showing that many Republicans took  
the same

position. It goes on and on and on.

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privacy  **
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Re: [CGUYS] Redefining history [was: Taxes and good life]

2009-02-12 Thread mike
Sorry Chris but you are wrong on this one, MM is a left wing/progressive
site, it does NOT monitor all news, only what it considers as 'right wing'

This from their site verbatim.

*Media Matters for America* is a Web-based, not-for-profit, 501(c)(3)
progressive research and information center dedicated to comprehensively
monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the
U.S. media.

On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 5:32 AM, Chris Dunford ch...@covesoftware.comwrote:

 The conservatives love to refer to Media Matters as a left wing smear
 site. The problem with this is, MM documents *everything* it says with
 links to external materials, often to original sources. It's pretty hard to
 call something a smear when it uses original documents to prove that what
 you said was wrong. Well, I guess it's not *that* hard, since O'Reilly and
 others do it constantly.  Repetition-makes-truth in action.

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Re: [CGUYS] Redefining history [was: Taxes and good life]

2009-02-12 Thread Jordan

Thank you Chris,
Unless a person is actually broadminded, curious, or both, they won't 
look at a site like MM and see for them selves what we are talking 
about. If they are not broadminded or curious they'll resort to knee 
jerk responses and never look or understand, no matter how many times 
you tell them.

By the way, there's a new article on Kos documenting how the right 
manipulates the media and scares the public in just the way we are 
talking about here.

Chris Dunford wrote:

Didn't notice him saying that he limited his sources to these, did you?

The conservatives love to refer to Media Matters as a left wing smear
site. The problem with this is, MM documents *everything* it says with
links to external materials, often to original sources. It's pretty hard to
call something a smear when it uses original documents to prove that what
you said was wrong. Well, I guess it's not *that* hard, since O'Reilly and
others do it constantly.  Repetition-makes-truth in action.

The conservative commentators keep talking about how the rescue bill
includes $4.something billion for ACORN; MM documents the falsity of this
using links to the bill itself. Bernie Goldberg butchers the Brokaw/Rose
interview; MM provides links to the actual interview so you can see what
Brokaw really said. Limbaugh keeps saying that Obama favors infanticide
(seriously); MM provides links to the original Illinois bill, Obama's
comments, and the recorded vote showing that many Republicans took the same
position. It goes on and on and on.


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Re: [CGUYS] router security

2009-02-12 Thread Jordan

Thanks for all the input.
The problems I have experienced are of little or no consequence so far. 
I was just tinkering with router security to gain a better understanding 
of it. Now it seems likely that the problem was not with the router at all.
If indeed the problem is totally with gmail, it is still of little 
consequence, since it is isolated to a short period of time on 2 days. 
Yesterday when I had the problem, I went to a gmail help page and there 
was a message apologizing and explaining the problem. I'll see if there 
is a problem again today.

Thanks again.

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Re: [CGUYS] Redefining history [was: Taxes and good life]

2009-02-12 Thread Jeff Wright
I've stayed out of this thread until now, because over the years I have
learned the utter futility in having political discussions with hardcore
liberals.  It's simply not worth it.  Conservatives sometimes have a
somewhat better grip on reality and can actually have a discussion where it
doesn't immediately devolve into a puddle of histrionics, but not always.  

If you are actually interested in learning what libertarians believe, there
are many fine and reliable sources all over the internet.  RTFM.

David Bergland's Libertarianism in One Lesson is an excellent primer, but
it isn't free.  Liberals  Libertarians, even though it hasn't been updated
in years, is a good starting place for its FAQs, including one from open
source maven Eric Raymond:  Take the
world's smallest political quiz, tho' the site is a bit cluttered:  If you find the female form
interesting and need further persuasion to join Team Purple, Libertarian
Hotties is a fun site:   I'll, of course, plug
Reason magazine too.  Plenty of sites out there. 

I'm happy to answer any actual factual inquiries about libertarianism, and
I'm sure Matthew is too, but no, I won't be dragged into a pointless,
partisan, bickering, political argument.  If anyone actually wants to learn,
rather than wallow in self-rationalizing ignorance, please do ask questions,
but otherwise, don't bother with a response.

 -Original Message-
 To me the cutting tax (ad nauseum...), small hands off government,
 free trade concepts are just me me me first types trying to make
 sure nobody gets in the way of them getting theirs and they have been
 increasingly motivated in the last 25 years or so to come strongly and
 selfishly forward by a trend of increasing American scarcity and
 diminishing prospects.
 I wouldn't want to be standing in line for the lifeboats on a sinking
 ship with any of these types around.
 That they argue that such policy is best for all of us is just
 superficial and insincere BS propaganda ... a slim cover for an
 otherwise socially unacceptable self serving philosophy. I'm convinced
 that by nature they subjectively don't really give a functional damn
 about the good of the whole so debating the economic and governance
 points with them makes about as much sense as trying to talk a wolf out
 of eating meat.
 If the last decade didn't prove out the bankruptcy of their theories of
 governance, I don't know what ever will.
 But I do learn a lot from other types in discussing such matters so I
 guess our string is worthwhile.
 Betty. for one... you are a treasure trove of information and reason!

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Re: [CGUYS] Redefining history [was: Taxes and good life]

2009-02-12 Thread mike
Well this can be said in both directions, I don't see many of my liberal
friends who populate the Kos and MM and Huffington post spending much time
at conservative blogs...these blogs are just lying liars who lie.  Very open
minded.  Generally speaking most people gavitate towards views they already
hold, it's disconcerting to spend time challanging ones own views, this is a
human trait, not a left or right wing one.

On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 7:47 AM, Jordan wrote:

 Thank you Chris,
 Unless a person is actually broadminded, curious, or both, they won't look
 at a site like MM and see for them selves what we are talking about. If they
 are not broadminded or curious they'll resort to knee jerk responses and
 never look or understand, no matter how many times you tell them.

 By the way, there's a new article on Kos documenting how the right
 manipulates the media and scares the public in just the way we are talking
 about here.

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Re: [CGUYS] Redefining history [was: Taxes and good life]

2009-02-12 Thread Jordan

Matthew Taylor wrote:

I have not seen MM's take on Obama's support of infaticide, but it is 
real.  I have read the original bill.  I have read the final bill 
after it was modified to meet Obama's and other's objections.  At the 
end of the day it was legal in Illinois for living infants to be 
allowed to die with no medical or pallitive assistance and that was a 
position Obama preferred as a matter of law.  In what way is that not 
support for at least passive Infanticide?  It matters not at all to 
the question of O's views that some R's also supported it.
Obama and other opponents said the bills posed a threat to abortion 
rights and were unnecessary because, they said, Illinois law already 
prohibited the conduct that these bills purported to address.

Read something other than right wing smear sites.

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Re: [CGUYS] Redefining history [was: Taxes and good life]

2009-02-12 Thread Jordan

mike wrote:

Well this can be said in both directions, I don't see many of my liberal
friends who populate the Kos and MM and Huffington post spending much time
at conservative blogs...these blogs are just lying liars who lie.  Very open
minded.  Generally speaking most people gavitate towards views they already
hold, it's disconcerting to spend time challanging ones own views, this is a
human trait, not a left or right wing one.

On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 7:47 AM, Jordan wrote:


Thank you Chris,
Unless a person is actually broadminded, curious, or both, they won't look
at a site like MM and see for them selves what we are talking about. If they
are not broadminded or curious they'll resort to knee jerk responses and
never look or understand, no matter how many times you tell them.

By the way, there's a new article on Kos documenting how the right
manipulates the media and scares the public in just the way we are talking
about here.

Perhaps you missed the post below. Try actually going to and reading 
left and right sites and see if and how they back up what they say. Then 
decide who is more legitimate.

The way things work on the right blogosphere, some radical winger will 
say something twisted or half true or just fabricated. Then 3 other 
right wing sites will repeat the lie and site each other as sources. 
Then this lie will appear in the mainstream press as if it were an 
established fact. Check former conservative David Brock's web site Media 
Matters to see occurrences of this and lots of other shenanigans that 
are going on.

The legendary example is Chalabi and the White House Iraq group telling 
Judy Miller that there were WMDs, she puts a story about it in the NY 
Times, and Chaney sites it as fact.
Rush Limbaugh, Drudge, and Fox News do this all the time. It's called 
the echo chamber.
If you do any reading at these places, try to check their sources down 
to verifiable research, studies, or reports.

If you read on the left blogosphere, Media Matters, TPM Muckraker, and 
Huffington Post you'll typically see links to legitimate researched 

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Re: [CGUYS] Why Apple Will Prevail

2009-02-12 Thread John DeCarlo
Tony, Tony, Tony,

I have tried to ignore your useless rants, but this one caught me.

If you don't understand how going from 8% to 10% is a 25% increase, I am
even sadder.  I thought you had some small amount of technical knowledge.

This is basic elementary school stuff.

The market is divided into 100 shares, each 1% of the total.  Stevie started
with 8 of them, and now has 10 of them.  What was the percentage increase in
Stevie's market share?

On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 7:39 PM, Tony B wrote:

 Ah. So a 2% increase in share is a 25% increase in your fantasy world?

  On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 1:03 PM, Tom Piwowar wrote:
  So you are bad at math too?
  8 -- 10 is a 25% increase. 2 is 25% of 8. 8 + 2 = 10.

 John DeCarlo, My Views Are My Own

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Re: [CGUYS] Redefining history [was: Taxes and good life]

2009-02-12 Thread Jordan

Jeff Wright wrote:


There are many fine elements to the libertarian point of view.
They are also the party of I've got mine, screw you way of thinking. 
That is not what this country should be about and it would be disastrous 
in our current economic situation.

Maybe you've forgotten how this topic started:
I've mentioned before, the common knowledge that the people in countries 
there the taxes are high tend to feel more satisfied with life. So I dug 
up an article and a study with charts and graphs that show this. One 
talks about measures of well being, and is a pdf from Deutche Bank: 
The other is an article from MSN Money that lists tax burdens of 
industrialized countries. (I know, it might be another Microsoft plot)

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Re: [CGUYS] Redefining history [was: Taxes and good life]

2009-02-12 Thread Chris Dunford
 Sorry Chris but you are wrong on this one, MM is a left
 wing/progressive site, it does NOT monitor all news, 
 only what it considers as 'right wing' disinformation.

Mike, of course it is a left wing site. It does not pretend to be anything
else. That does not, however, make it a *smear* site, which is what I was
complaining about. Everything they say is scrupulously documented. Stating
facts is not smearing.

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Re: [CGUYS] Redefining history [was: Taxes and good life]

2009-02-12 Thread Steve at Verizon
What makes you think that libertarians aren't generous? The difference 
is that they are generous with their own money. Liberals are generous 
with other peoples money.

Jordan wrote:

Jeff Wright wrote:


There are many fine elements to the libertarian point of view.
They are also the party of I've got mine, screw you way of thinking. 
That is not what this country should be about and it would be 
disastrous in our current economic situation.

Maybe you've forgotten how this topic started:
I've mentioned before, the common knowledge that the people in 
countries there the taxes are high tend to feel more satisfied with 
life. So I dug up an article and a study with charts and graphs that 
show this. One talks about measures of well being, and is a pdf from 
Deutche Bank: 
The other is an article from MSN Money that lists tax burdens of 
industrialized countries. (I know, it might be another Microsoft plot)

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Re: [CGUYS] Redefining history [was: Taxes and good life]

2009-02-12 Thread mike
I am corrrected, I took your statement about MM documenting everything
as meaning they document both the right and left disinformation.  They
take no pains at all to check left wing disinformation.

On 2/12/09, Chris Dunford wrote:
 Sorry Chris but you are wrong on this one, MM is a left
 wing/progressive site, it does NOT monitor all news,
 only what it considers as 'right wing' disinformation.

 Mike, of course it is a left wing site. It does not pretend to be anything
 else. That does not, however, make it a *smear* site, which is what I was
 complaining about. Everything they say is scrupulously documented. Stating
 facts is not smearing.

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Make sure you support your local CarbonONset programs!

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Re: [CGUYS] Redefining history [was: Taxes and good life]

2009-02-12 Thread Matthew Taylor
Actually one of the time honored smear tactics is to stick to the  
facts, meticulously, but SELECTIVELY reported, and devoid of important  
context.   In my experience both the left and right excel at this, of  
late the left more consistently.


On Feb 12, 2009, at 11:56 AM, Chris Dunford wrote:

Sorry Chris but you are wrong on this one, MM is a left
wing/progressive site, it does NOT monitor all news,
only what it considers as 'right wing' disinformation.

Mike, of course it is a left wing site. It does not pretend to be  
else. That does not, however, make it a *smear* site, which is what  
I was
complaining about. Everything they say is scrupulously documented.  

facts is not smearing.

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Re: [CGUYS] Redefining history [was: Taxes and good life]

2009-02-12 Thread Matthew Taylor


One of the consistent trends of our recent political history is that  
the broadly conservative and libertarian thinks the left is badly  
misguided but educable, while the left thinks conservatives and  
libertarians are evil and selfish.

On Feb 12, 2009, at 12:06 PM, Jeff Wright wrote:

If you just want to be a political bigot and jawbone about how  
those people are just shiftless and no good, good for target  
practice but not much else, then have a nice day.

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[CGUYS] Dem goes after net neutrality

2009-02-12 Thread mike

I had hoped, apparently in vain, that with guys like Ted Stevens being
caught and the Dems being in power that the big money from cable/media
interests would go unheard from significant members of congress.  Looks like
the dems are just as willing to be beholden to comcast morons as anyone
else.  And of course it's 'all for the children'.  So much for hope.

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Re: [CGUYS] Redefining history [was: Taxes and good life]

2009-02-12 Thread Chris Dunford
 Actually one of the time honored smear tactics is to stick to the
 facts, meticulously, but SELECTIVELY reported, and devoid of important
 context.   In my experience both the left and right excel at this, of
 late the left more consistently.

It doesn't sound like you've spent much quality time at the MM site.

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Re: [CGUYS] Redefining history [was: Taxes and good life]

2009-02-12 Thread Chris Dunford
 At the end of the day it was legal in Illinois for living 
 infants to be allowed to die with no medical or pallitive 

See, this is wrong.

I guess you are saying this because the final bill did not contain language
making this practice illegal. You're right; it did not. But neither did it
have any language making drunk driving, embezzlement, or kidnapping
illegal--does that make them legal? Of course not. The fact is, this
practice was -already- illegal; it is homicide according to existing
Illinois law.

So, the statement that it's legal is just plain wrong.

 In what way is that not support for at least passive Infanticide?  

Well, in the way that it is not support for infanticide at all.

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Re: [CGUYS] Redefining history [was: Taxes and good life]

2009-02-12 Thread Chris Dunford
 I am corrrected, I took your statement about MM documenting everything
 as meaning they document both the right and left disinformation.  They
 take no pains at all to check left wing disinformation.

No, they don't, but why should they? That's like saying that firefighters
never check for embezzlement schemes at the local bank. It's true that they
don't; but it's also not their job.

MM's stated purpose is to expose conservative media misinformation. There
are plenty of others who cover both sides.

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Re: [CGUYS] Redefining history [was: Taxes and good life]

2009-02-12 Thread b_s-wilk

Well this can be said in both directions, I don't see many of my liberal
friends who populate the Kos and MM and Huffington post spending much time
at conservative blogs...these blogs are just lying liars who lie.  Very open
minded.  Generally speaking most people gavitate towards views they already
hold, it's disconcerting to spend time challanging ones own views, this is a
human trait, not a left or right wing one.

No. There's an excess of political opinion, with roadblocks to finding 
accurate objective information. How many times do you seek something in 
a search engine and find the top results are not for data, but for 
opinion? Blogs may be entertaining, but you can do better when you have 
facts and can form your own opinions instead of bloggers yelling from 
all sides.

There are plenty of good factual news sources across the spectrum. I 
subscribe to the Financial Times of London because it has detailed news 
that I rarely see in any US-based media. I read the Wall Street Journal. 
FT has an interesting cross-section of writers on the editorial pages, 
but it's generally quite conservative [small 'c']. WSJ has excellent 
news reporters, but the editorial page, especially since Alexander 
Cockburn's column ended, continues to decline into the depths of greed.

I also read/subscribe to The Economist, The Atlantic Monthly, Time, 
Newsweek, Wired, Conde Nast Traveler, Make, and anything I can get my 
hands on in the library. My main concern is the media consolidation by 
large corporations, the near death of local media, and the fractured 
nature of news on the Internet. I generally gravitate to the more 
liberal sources because they first provide news with facts, and then 
opinions. My friend keeps sending me links to articles at 
and similar sites, and I see a lot of opinion but with a dearth of 

I want news and information. I can decide which is useful to me, and can 
decide what makes sense for me, only when I can get facts. We need news 
organizations that we can trust to give accurate news, then we supply 
the opinions ourselves. However, it helps to read/hear/see many sides. 
Can't do that with radio most of the time, and television isn't much 
better. We need a path to all points of view on the Internet, without 
being hindered by corporate owners, or broadband providers that limit 
access to information by price or by censorship.


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Re: [CGUYS] Redefining history [was: Taxes and good life]

2009-02-12 Thread Jeff Wright
 One of the consistent trends of our recent political history is that
 the broadly conservative and libertarian thinks the left is badly
 misguided but educable, while the left thinks conservatives and
 libertarians are evil and selfish.

IME, what most non-libertarians seem to think is that libertarians are born
as libertarians.  From my own observations, most people start out as
liberals and a good many stay that way for the rest of their life, never
re-evaluating their beliefs.  Some do, and turn into conservatives and the
truly reformed turn into libertarians.  I think that this is where the above
dynamic comes from.

Throughout my youth and well into college, I was a solid Kennedy Democrat.
I barely missed voting in 1980 and would have voted for Anderson; I never
even heard of Ed Clark.  Later on, I worked with hard-line conservatives for
years (doing their IT).  So, I'm very familiar with the arguments from both
the left and right.  A former list member (old listers may remember JB) is
the one who turned me onto libertarianism many years ago (and after years of
arguments) when we worked together.

This is to say that I've re-evaluated my beliefs many times over the years.
When I started having doubts about the correctness of libertarianism, I
would look at what the 2 dominant political powers were doing and my
admittedly non-conformist beliefs were quickly reaffirmed.  

That someone would start as a libertarian first and then morph into either a
liberal or conservative, well, that person is the proverbial unicorn.

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Re: [CGUYS] Redefining history [was: Taxes and good life]

2009-02-12 Thread Matthew Taylor
It is not illegal at the present time  is the problem.  The bill was  
in part an attempt to make it illegal, as the practice was ongoing in  
Illinois hospitals.  Can you point to a single case of prosecution  
that would indicate the state thought it to be illegal?

On Feb 12, 2009, at 12:47 PM, Chris Dunford wrote:

At the end of the day it was legal in Illinois for living
infants to be allowed to die with no medical or palliative

See, this is wrong.

I guess you are saying this because the final bill did not contain  
making this practice illegal. You're right; it did not. But neither  
did it

have any language making drunk driving, embezzlement, or kidnapping
illegal--does that make them legal? Of course not. The fact is, this
practice was -already- illegal; it is homicide according to existing
Illinois law.

So, the statement that it's legal is just plain wrong.

In what way is that not support for at least passive Infanticide?

Well, in the way that it is not support for infanticide at all.

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Re: [CGUYS] Redefining history [was: Taxes and good life]

2009-02-12 Thread Matthew Taylor
It does sound as if time spent there is quality time.  That is besides  
the point was making though.  It is possible to convey misinformation  
without uttering a single thing that is not true.


On Feb 12, 2009, at 12:47 PM, Chris Dunford wrote:

Actually one of the time honored smear tactics is to stick to the
facts, meticulously, but SELECTIVELY reported, and devoid of  

context.   In my experience both the left and right excel at this, of
late the left more consistently.

It doesn't sound like you've spent much quality time at the MM site.

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Re: [CGUYS] Redefining history [was: Taxes and good life]

2009-02-12 Thread Roy A. Ackerman, Ph.D., E.A.
Not clear that Huffington is liberal or Liberal.  Read all her works.  

Eschew Obfuscation

This is a reply from: 
Roy A. Ackerman, Ph.D., E.A. 
  Financial, Managerial, and Technical Services
for the Professional, Non-Profit, and the Entrepreneurial Organization

  703.548.1343 voice 
  703.783.1340 fax 

From thinking to doing, from sales to profits, from tax to investments- we
are YOUR adjuvancy

-Original Message-
From: Computer Guys Discussion List []
On Behalf Of mike
Sent: 02/12/2009 10:11 AM
Subject: Re: [CGUYS] Redefining history [was: Taxes and good life]

Well this can be said in both directions, I don't see many of my liberal
friends who populate the Kos and MM and Huffington post spending much time
at conservative blogs...these blogs are just lying liars who lie.  Very open
minded.  Generally speaking most people gavitate towards views they already
hold, it's disconcerting to spend time challanging ones own views, this is a
human trait, not a left or right wing one.

On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 7:47 AM, Jordan wrote:

 Thank you Chris,
 Unless a person is actually broadminded, curious, or both, they won't look
 at a site like MM and see for them selves what we are talking about. If
 are not broadminded or curious they'll resort to knee jerk responses and
 never look or understand, no matter how many times you tell them.

 By the way, there's a new article on Kos documenting how the right
 manipulates the media and scares the public in just the way we are talking
 about here.

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Re: [CGUYS] Redefining history [was: Taxes and good life]

2009-02-12 Thread Roy A. Ackerman, Ph.D., E.A.
I do not know which conservatives you have in mind, but once you are done
with William Buckley, who unfortunately is no longer around to keep
Conservatism honest and clean, the fold is mostly histrionic beyond all pale
(starting with the current darling- Hannity, Palin, and Coulter).
Amazing how when you inject invective and hyperbole, it's acceptable. When
others use the same terminology, it's offensive.

Eschew Obfuscation

This is a reply from: 
Roy A. Ackerman, Ph.D., E.A. 
  Financial, Managerial, and Technical Services
for the Professional, Non-Profit, and the Entrepreneurial Organization

  703.548.1343 voice 
  703.783.1340 fax 

From thinking to doing, from sales to profits, from tax to investments- we
are YOUR adjuvancy

-Original Message-
From: Computer Guys Discussion List []
On Behalf Of Jeff Wright
Sent: 02/12/2009 9:58 AM
Subject: Re: [CGUYS] Redefining history [was: Taxes and good life]

I've stayed out of this thread until now, because over the years I have
learned the utter futility in having political discussions with hardcore
liberals.  It's simply not worth it.  Conservatives sometimes have a
somewhat better grip on reality and can actually have a discussion where it
doesn't immediately devolve into a puddle of histrionics, but not always.  

If you are actually interested in learning what libertarians believe, there
are many fine and reliable sources all over the internet.  RTFM.

David Bergland's Libertarianism in One Lesson is an excellent primer, but
it isn't free.  Liberals  Libertarians, even though it hasn't been updated
in years, is a good starting place for its FAQs, including one from open
source maven Eric Raymond:  Take the
world's smallest political quiz, tho' the site is a bit cluttered:  If you find the female form
interesting and need further persuasion to join Team Purple, Libertarian
Hotties is a fun site:   I'll, of course, plug
Reason magazine too.  Plenty of sites out there. 

I'm happy to answer any actual factual inquiries about libertarianism, and
I'm sure Matthew is too, but no, I won't be dragged into a pointless,
partisan, bickering, political argument.  If anyone actually wants to learn,
rather than wallow in self-rationalizing ignorance, please do ask questions,
but otherwise, don't bother with a response.

 -Original Message-
 To me the cutting tax (ad nauseum...), small hands off government,
 free trade concepts are just me me me first types trying to make
 sure nobody gets in the way of them getting theirs and they have been
 increasingly motivated in the last 25 years or so to come strongly and
 selfishly forward by a trend of increasing American scarcity and
 diminishing prospects.
 I wouldn't want to be standing in line for the lifeboats on a sinking
 ship with any of these types around.
 That they argue that such policy is best for all of us is just
 superficial and insincere BS propaganda ... a slim cover for an
 otherwise socially unacceptable self serving philosophy. I'm convinced
 that by nature they subjectively don't really give a functional damn
 about the good of the whole so debating the economic and governance
 points with them makes about as much sense as trying to talk a wolf out
 of eating meat.
 If the last decade didn't prove out the bankruptcy of their theories of
 governance, I don't know what ever will.
 But I do learn a lot from other types in discussing such matters so I
 guess our string is worthwhile.
 Betty. for one... you are a treasure trove of information and reason!

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Re: [CGUYS] Redefining history [was: Taxes and good life]

2009-02-12 Thread Chris Dunford
 It is not illegal at the present time is the problem. 

No, it is homicide. Homicide is illegal.

 The bill was in part an attempt to make it illegal, as 
 the practice was ongoing in Illinois hospitals. 

This is an overstatement of Homeric proportion.

There was an allegation that this occurred at one hospital. Both the state
Attorney General's office and the  Illinois Department of Public Health
investigated; neither found any evidence for it. 

Q: Why would the IDPH and the AG investigate if it wasn't illegal?

A: They wouldn't. When asked by the Chicago Tribune why there was an
investigation, an IDPH spokesman said, Because what they were alleging were
violations of existing law.

 Can you point to a single case of prosecution
 that would indicate the state thought it to be illegal?

No, because in order for there to be a prosecution, there would have to have
been an occurrence of this. No one has found any evidence that there has

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Re: [CGUYS] Redefining history [was: Taxes and good life]

2009-02-12 Thread Jeff Wright
 I do not know which conservatives you have in mind, but once you are
 with William Buckley, who unfortunately is no longer around to keep
 Conservatism honest and clean, the fold is mostly histrionic beyond all
 (starting with the current darling- Hannity, Palin, and Coulter).

I'm not talking about public polemicists.  I was referring to personal
experience with everyday people.  But yeah, I miss Bill.

If you're going to use who appears on tee-vee as the standard on either Team
Red or Blue, then you're pretty much screwed.  I stopped watching broadcast
news for some of the reasons you mention.

 Amazing how when you inject invective and hyperbole, it's acceptable.
 others use the same terminology, it's offensive.

Very true, and also very normal.  I'll repost my rules of partisanship:

- Your side is brilliant, honest, forthright, righteous, of the highest
ethics and above reproach.
- The other side is evil, stupid and/or ignorant, dishonest, sleazy and
always up to something no good.
- And, above all, you are never a partisan, just the other guy.
- Most importantly though, if you don't believe in the same thing, you're
the other guy from the other side.

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[CGUYS] Charter to file for bankruptcy

2009-02-12 Thread David K Watson

This doesn't directly affect me, but I expect it will affect some
of you: 

 Cable operator Charter Communications, weighed down by huge
debt for many years, said Thursday that it will file for Chapter 11
bankruptcy protection by April 1 under the terms of an agreement
with some of its creditors.

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Re: [CGUYS] Why Apple Will Prevail

2009-02-12 Thread John Duncan Yoyo
On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 7:39 PM, Tony B wrote:

 Ah. So a 2% increase in share is a 25% increase in your fantasy world?
 Okay. I can _almost_ accept that twisted math, except if the whole pie
 is 10 instead of 100, then 2 is only 20% of it, not 25%. That 2 is 1/4
 of 8 means nothing, because you cannot define the whole market as
 being 8 percent.

He defined Apples share of the market as 8% of the whole market
increasing to 10% of the whole market which is a 25% increase in
Apples share of the whole market.

Simpler example: Steve and John have ten dollars between them.  John has $1
and Steve has $9.00 in quarters in his pocket for laundry. Steve drops a
quarter  and John picks it up.  John now has $1.25 which is a 25% increase
in his available cash and 12.5% of all the cash.  Steve has 97.2% of what he
had and 88.75% of the cash.

 On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 1:03 PM, Tom Piwowar wrote:
 No, that part is pure fantasy. Talk about misinterpreting!
  So you are bad at math too?
  8 -- 10 is a 25% increase. 2 is 25% of 8. 8 + 2 = 10.

John Duncan Yoyo

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Re: [CGUYS] Charter to file for bankruptcy

2009-02-12 Thread Rev. Stewart Marshall

Yeah our only option as a cable company.

Explains a lot on why their service is less than piss poor.


At 04:47 PM 2/12/2009, you wrote:

This doesn't directly affect me, but I expect it will affect some
of you:  

 Cable operator Charter Communications, weighed down by huge
debt for many years, said Thursday that it will file for Chapter 11
bankruptcy protection by April 1 under the terms of an agreement
with some of its creditors.

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Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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Re: [CGUYS] Dem goes after net neutrality

2009-02-12 Thread Tom Piwowar
The good news is that this provision has been defeated (for now).

I had hoped, apparently in vain, that with guys like Ted Stevens being
caught and the Dems being in power that the big money from cable/media
interests would go unheard from significant members of congress.  Looks like
the dems are just as willing to be beholden to comcast morons as anyone
else.  And of course it's 'all for the children'.  So much for hope.

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[CGUYS] need to find program to convert mpg file to still images

2009-02-12 Thread Elaine Zablocki
I have a camera that can take both JPEG's and short movies.  I now 
have a two-second video file, in mpg format, and I would like to get 
some of the individual images out of this file.  How can I do that?

Could anyone recommend a program that would change the video file 
into several jpegs?  I know programs like this must exist ... which 
one would you recommend?

I am using Windows XP Home on a computer that was built about four 
years ago and still works fine.  Pentium 4, 2 .8 Ghz,  two Gb RAM.

Many thanks,


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Re: [CGUYS] Redefining history [was: Taxes and good life]

2009-02-12 Thread Ray Rheault
-- Original message from Matthew Taylor 

 On Feb 11, 2009, at 2:33 PM, db wrote: 
  To me the cutting tax (ad nauseum...), small hands off government, 
  free trade concepts are just me me me first types trying to make 
  sure nobody gets in the way of them getting theirs 
 And you determine this how? 
  and they have been increasingly motivated in the last 25 years or so 
  to come strongly and selfishly forward by a trend of increasing 
  American scarcity and diminishing prospects. 
 What scarcity? What is America running out of in your view? In what 
 way are our prospects diminished? Most libertarians believe that if 
 there is a scarcity, it represents a market opportunity, and believe 
 that with the right choices made our prospects look good indeed. 
  I wouldn't want to be standing in line for the lifeboats on a 
  sinking ship with any of these types around. 
 Amazing how many military who might be coming to your rescue are of a 
 more conservative or libertarian bent though. 
I think you'll find rank and file military donations to Ron Paul, Obama and the 
Dems in general dwarfed those to McCain and the Repubs.

  That they argue that such policy is best for all of us is just 
  superficial and insincere BS propaganda 
 You have some secret inside source that tells you that libertarians do 
 no believe what they are saying? 
  ... a slim cover for an otherwise socially unacceptable self serving 
 Self reliance within a greater community, a long standing American 
 tradition, is now socially unacceptable? 
  I'm convinced that by nature they subjectively don't really give a 
  functional damn about the good of the whole 
 By nature? So you are saying there is a libertarian gene? 
  so debating the economic and governance points with them makes about 
  as much sense as trying to talk a wolf out of eating meat. 
 Or say vegetarians who feed their dogs and cats vegetable diets? 
  If the last decade didn't prove out the bankruptcy of their theories 
  of governance, I don't know what ever will. 
 The spendthrift Republican congress of 2001 - 2006 were hardly an 
 exemplar of libertarian fiscal policy. 
  But I do learn a lot from other types in discussing such matters so 
  I guess our string is worthwhile. 
 Other types. Do you mean types you already agree with? I find I 
 learn more from being challenged with demonstrable reason backed up by 
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Re: [CGUYS] Redefining history [was: Taxes and good life]

2009-02-12 Thread Ray Rheault
I've concluded after reading through this thread that you may be (and there are 
plenty of contenders) the winner of the Legend in His Own Mind award.  I 
congratulate you.
-- Original message from Jeff Wright 

  One of the consistent trends of our recent political history is that 
  the broadly conservative and libertarian thinks the left is badly 
  misguided but educable, while the left thinks conservatives and 
  libertarians are evil and selfish. 
 IME, what most non-libertarians seem to think is that libertarians are born 
 as libertarians. From my own observations, most people start out as 
 liberals and a good many stay that way for the rest of their life, never 
 re-evaluating their beliefs. Some do, and turn into conservatives and the 
 truly reformed turn into libertarians. I think that this is where the above 
 dynamic comes from. 
 Throughout my youth and well into college, I was a solid Kennedy Democrat. 
 I barely missed voting in 1980 and would have voted for Anderson; I never 
 even heard of Ed Clark. Later on, I worked with hard-line conservatives for 
 years (doing their IT). So, I'm very familiar with the arguments from both 
 the left and right. A former list member (old listers may remember JB) is 
 the one who turned me onto libertarianism many years ago (and after years of 
 arguments) when we worked together. 
 This is to say that I've re-evaluated my beliefs many times over the years. 
 When I started having doubts about the correctness of libertarianism, I 
 would look at what the 2 dominant political powers were doing and my 
 admittedly non-conformist beliefs were quickly reaffirmed. 
 That someone would start as a libertarian first and then morph into either a 
 liberal or conservative, well, that person is the proverbial unicorn. 
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Re: [CGUYS] need to find program to convert mpg file to still images

2009-02-12 Thread Tony B
Use Windows Movie Maker. ToolsTake Picture From Preview. You may find
the Timeline mode easier for this, but be sure to set ToolsPreview
Size to Large first.

Disclaimer: I'm in Vista right now, so this may be a different version
of WMM. If you can't figure it out, I can dig up a WinXP comp

On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 10:55 PM, Elaine Zablocki wrote:
 I have a camera that can take both JPEG's and short movies.  I now have a
 two-second video file, in mpg format, and I would like to get some of the
 individual images out of this file.  How can I do that?

 Could anyone recommend a program that would change the video file into
 several jpegs?  I know programs like this must exist ... which one would you

 I am using Windows XP Home on a computer that was built about four years ago
 and still works fine.  Pentium 4, 2 .8 Ghz,  two Gb RAM.

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