[Cooker] IceWM <> KDE desktop error

2003-03-31 Thread Brent Hasty

On a freashly minimal/router/firewall installation of mdk 9.1 when running
IceWM and Mandrake Controll Center, an error keeps poping on the screen every
couple of minuits, then dissapearing before it displays its message.  The
titlebar says "Error - KDesktop"

Is there supposed to be a problem with using mcc in icewm?

It just finished its blinking and posted this as its error message:
"could not start process unable to start io-slave. Too many open files.

I can get more detail if someone tells me whear to look for it.
As we enjoy great advantages from inventions of others, we should be
glad of an opportunity to serve others by any invention of ours; and
this we should do freely and generously.
- Benjamin Franklin


As we enjoy great advantages from inventions of others, we should be 
glad of an opportunity to serve others by any invention of ours; and
this we should do freely and generously.
- Benjamin Franklin

[Cooker] set kde to single click but somtimes it makes me doubleclick

2003-03-11 Thread Brent Hasty
in testing 9.1
I set kde to single click but somtimes it makes me doubleclick, like when the 
little micro konqueror box opens up to safe a file off the web, to traverse 
the folders and directory in this little save window I have to doubleclick to 
get where I am trying to go.
I did set in Kcontrol my preference for singleclick but to no avail, how do I 
get singleclick to function globally through my profile?
How do I set gnome to singleclick, so my gnome apps will function properly?
As we enjoy great advantages from inventions of others, we should be 
glad of an opportunity to serve others by any invention of ours; and
this we should do freely and generously.
- Benjamin Franklin

[Cooker] drakconnect and dialup

2003-03-11 Thread Brent Hasty
to get things how I want them I have been running drakeconnect to adjust my 
conifuration.  It has autodetected my modem and nic just fine, but my gripe 
is with the modem config, it shure would be nice if it remembered the values 
entered, for name number, uid and passwd.  This should be simple to 
accomplish by having it parse the existing system wide kppp setup made during 
a previous run of drakeconnect.
Would this be possiable in 9.1?
As we enjoy great advantages from inventions of others, we should be 
glad of an opportunity to serve others by any invention of ours; and
this we should do freely and generously.
- Benjamin Franklin

Re: [Cooker] Re: whose bright idea?

2003-03-10 Thread Brent Hasty
On Sunday 09 March 2003 07:41 pm, D F wrote:
perfict, I will second this comment.
> Hash: SHA1
> On March 09, 2003 21:22, Jean-Michel Dault wrote:
> > Single/Double-click is an option that can be easily changed by
> > the user, and once it's changed, urpmi, updates, even a full
> > reinstall will not change that setting, unless you reformat the
> > partitions.
> >
> > But in conclusion, what's really funny: people who complain about
> > that option are the ones who *are* going to roll out their own
> > CDs anyway ;-)
> In my mind, what's important is the ergonomics of the thing. You
> must admit, Jean-Michel, that your laptop situation is not the
> general case. In my field, we have people dropping like flies of
> repetitive strain disorders associated with using the mouse. If you
> can do it with a single click, that should be the default. If it's
> as easy to change the behaviour as you say, then changing TO double
> click FROM single click should not be an issue for anyone, should
> it? :-)
> - --
> Dave Fluri
> PGP Public Key-ID 3F64B9AC
> Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)
> iD8DBQE+bAlvo1mPmT9kuawRAgogAJsFMYq2WmlBcP0UpHLpYhdnfWvLcQCfeB6p
> 45/0tTVe/zekgQ2hZmqZaYg=
> =yGE4

As we enjoy great advantages from inventions of others, we should be 
glad of an opportunity to serve others by any invention of ours; and
this we should do freely and generously.
- Benjamin Franklin

[Cooker] drakeTermserv Thin clinets local devices.

2003-03-09 Thread Brent Hasty
will drakeTermserv suppoort local devices on Thin clinets in mdk 9.1?

As we enjoy great advantages from inventions of others, we should be 
glad of an opportunity to serve others by any invention of ours; and
this we should do freely and generously.
- Benjamin Franklin

[Cooker] whose bright idea?

2003-03-09 Thread Brent Hasty
whose un-bright idea was it to make double click default in mdk 9.1 rc2?`
Forever it has been a single click enviroment in KDE, this change is really 
throughing a wrench at users who are familiar with and prefer a single click 
enviroment, makes it a real pain to have to go through and adjust the mouse 
clicks fore each useser on the network.
I hope by the time 9.1 goes full release, single clik will again be the 
default for KDE
As we enjoy great advantages from inventions of others, we should be 
glad of an opportunity to serve others by any invention of ours; and
this we should do freely and generously.
- Benjamin Franklin

[Cooker] Opening *.wpd files in OpenOffice 1.0.2

2003-03-09 Thread Brent Hasty
Will we be able to Open *.wpd files in OpenOffice 1.0.2?
There is a writerfilter that is supposed to enable this feature in OpenOffice, 
shure would be nice to have it included.
As we enjoy great advantages from inventions of others, we should be 
glad of an opportunity to serve others by any invention of ours; and
this we should do freely and generously.
- Benjamin Franklin

Re: [Cooker] Am now experiencing random lockups...

2003-03-09 Thread Brent Hasty
On Sunday 09 March 2003 08:29 am, jokerman64 wrote:
remember this to save your butt and your data
if ctrl alt backspace and delete fail to function try the following.

For those who dont know it already, before hitting the reset button, execute 
the alt sysrequest shutdown procedure, press the following key commands in 
sequence, even if no changes appear on the screen.  This key command will put 
away your files, kill running programs, unmount filesystems, and reboot your 
machine in a gracefull linux fashion (99% of the time).

  raw keyboard acess to the kernel
  sink data to disk
  end unfinished tasks
  kill running processes
  unmount filesstems

this is a jem to keep on a postit note on your monitor, hope it helps.

> ...and have no idea why. The mouse stops moving, the keyborad stops
> responding and its reset button time. My system was running solid (with the
> exception of a couple bugs of course) up to yesterday after the whole thing
> went down the sh*tter. I'd been on for about three days straight till
> yesterday with no major probs so it must have been something i installed
> yesterday. The only things I can think of installing are UT2003 it's
> definitely not that because i haven't started it since the first lockup and
> I've had three more since. I installed kpackage agin to see if the
> dependency problem had been fixed (it hasn't) but that's probably not it. I
> haven't installed/upgraded any X related files. The only other kdepackage i
> can remeber installing are the mandrake galaxy starter box and the (new,
> fixed) mandrake galxy theme. Since it's caused other problems I'm leaning
> towards mandrake-galaxy theme as my prob, but realsitically how much
> problems can a theme cause. I've also been building an rpm for mandrake and
> the lockups only seem to happen *while* building it (actually two of the
> times the screensaver was on when the lockup occured so I'm not terribly
> sure about that). Xchat 2 was also in use during (as well as konqueror,
> konsole) for all the crashes. My vid card may just have decided to go
> schizo, but that's unlikely because I've been having absolutely NO problems
> with it since I upgraded to RC2. It was actaully working better in RC2 (no
> lockups when playing UT2003). Yes i have the nvidia proprietary drivers
> (4191) but I'm sure this isn't it. Skepticism aside I'm going to test my
> mandrake galxy theory but i doubt it'll solve anything. I also installed a 
> howto and mandrake docs. Doubt that did it :-) If you have any idea of what
> may be wrong puh-lease write me (or this thread). And since I'm pretty sure
> it's a recent package causing the problem could any of you mdk devs out
> there tell me if there is any way (package, utility) to find out which rpms
> got installed in the past few days. Thanks. Laterz

As we enjoy great advantages from inventions of others, we should be 
glad of an opportunity to serve others by any invention of ours; and
this we should do freely and generously.
- Benjamin Franklin

[Cooker] mdk 9.1 beta and terminal services

2003-02-20 Thread Brent Hasty
I was wondering if mdk 9.1 beta and terminal services for thin clients?

If so are local devices like fd0 and cdrom on the clients functioning yet?

What if anything has been worked on or added since mdk 9.0 terminal services?
Linus' Law -- "Given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow," according to 
Linux creator Linus Torvalds.  The sheer size of Linux's distributed 
development team means that somewhere there is someone who can glance at a 
module and detect an error that other programmers find elusive.  Somewhere 
there is a programmer for whom fixing such a bug is a simple matter.  The 
more developers there are on the project, the more likely it is that the team 
will include these programmers.  Given enough developers, the existence of 
one who is exactly the right fellow for the job also approaches a certainty.
Computerworld August 12, 2002

[Cooker] DrakTermServ Thin Client Removeable Media Please.

2003-01-14 Thread Brent Hasty
Will we have ready acess to removeable media, usb, sound, etc in the next 
distroversion for those of us running Terminal Services and using Thin 

I also have issues with client computers / users crashing the server, would it 
be any advantage to have each thin client be a sepirate running instance of 

For those of you using win4lin, works slick with Terminal Service, just one 
request would be to get "fwin" working where on a thin terminal it will 
launch your windows session in a sepirater console like F8.  It will do this 
on the server, but not on the clients.
  7:09pm  up  9:44,  7 users,  load average: 5.81, 5.22, 5.06

Re: [Cooker] Dumping of installation media contents to HDD

2003-01-14 Thread Brent Hasty
On Tuesday 14 January 2003 03:46 am, Robert martin wrote:
> But this is definitely a nice to have feature for
> newbies/converts..
> BTW:WinMe does this CD copying to HD for it's users,
> as this was a major complaint with Win95/98.
> Cheers.,
> Prabu
> ---
> and i would add since by that step we have the partitions setup we could
> do a copy and then do the install from the hard drive ie
> 1 install base system (file tree)
> 2 ask "Would you like to copy the install files to disk?"
> 3 later if a newbie selects a function on the "what would you like to
> do?" menu that needs an rpm pop a message
> "This function is not currently installed please hold while i install
> this function"
I like this idea, for some time I have been copying the cd's to drive for the 
computers I build, and generating a HD.IMG installation/reinstallation 
floppy, which I put in an envelope taped to the computer case.
And yes it is very hand to never have to run around looking for the cd's to 
install a new application.
the above suggestions would be ecclent to add to the next distro release.
  6:59pm  up  9:34,  7 users,  load average: 5.02, 5.02, 5.00

[Cooker] rosegarden-4-0.82mdk.rpm midi notation package

2002-12-16 Thread Brent Hasty
I am attempting to install rosegarden-4 midi notation package and am running 
into a dependancy problem, I have checked rpm-find and others for mandrake 
versions of these without luick, maby someone out there can help, maby even 
proviede a more mdk 9.0 friendly version of this package.

The failed dependancys are:
alsa-driver >= 0.9.0 beta12

 12:18am  up 4 days, 48 min,  7 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

Re: [Cooker] clearing stale lockfile for postgresql

2002-11-30 Thread Brent Hasty
On Saturday 30 November 2002 01:19 pm, Guillaume Rousse wrote:
ahhh, thanks, working now ;-)

> Le Samedi 30 Novembre 2002 21:40, Brent Hasty a écrit :
> > I was attempting to use usb on a smp machine, wich promptly locked up.
> > upon reboot, the postgresql server that was running will not restart. I
> > checked /var/lock/subsys and found no file related to postgresql.  where
> > do I go to unlock the postgresql server to get this service up and
> > running again?
> postmaster has its own lock file: /var/lib/pgsql/data/postmaster.pid

  1:39pm  up 2 days, 15:25, 11 users,  load average: 0.12, 0.16, 0.27

[Cooker] clearing stale lockfile for postgresql

2002-11-30 Thread Brent Hasty
I was attempting to use usb on a smp machine, wich promptly locked up.
upon reboot, the postgresql server that was running will not restart. I 
checked /var/lock/subsys and found no file related to postgresql.  where do I 
go to unlock the postgresql server to get this service up and running again?
 12:38pm  up 2 days, 14:23,  9 users,  load average: 1.29, 1.17, 0.80

[Cooker] stoping drakbackup

2002-11-30 Thread Brent Hasty
I setup a daily drakbackup job, how do you stop it?
 12:26pm  up 2 days, 14:12,  8 users,  load average: 1.31, 0.78, 0.40

Re: [Cooker] Athelon 64 (Clawhammer) vs. Intel 3.06 w/HT

2002-11-29 Thread Brent Hasty
On Wednesday 27 November 2002 12:06 pm, Bruno Thomsen wrote:
> On Mon, 2002-11-25 at 13:40, Gwenole Beauchesne wrote:
> > On 25 Nov 2002, Robert Fox wrote:
> > > Anyone try Mandrake Cooker with an Intel 3.06 with Hyper Threading?
> > > Any tests with the AMD Athelon 64 (formerly known as Clawhammer)?
> >
> > No, no.
> >
> > > I'm in the market for a new machine and not sure if I should wait for
> > > the Athelon 64 (next three months)
> >
> > Athlon 64 are to be released in first half of 2003. I am personally
> > waiting for it. ;-)
> >
> > Bye,
> > Gwenole.
> Whats the price tag on a 64bit amd processor?
> Bruno.
you could get dual 64 bit processors now in a Mac G4 system, as far as 
processing power it stomps its x86 counterparts.
  1:03pm  up 1 day, 14:49,  7 users,  load average: 0.10, 0.07, 0.07

[Cooker] stopping a drakbackup daemon

2002-11-28 Thread Brent Hasty
I set up drakbackup to run an incrimental backup every evening using a daemon, 
now I have to empty space every morning out of an over filled partition, How 
do I stop this daily backup job?
 11:00pm  up 1 day, 46 min,  5 users,  load average: 0.22, 0.09, 0.02

Re: [Cooker] want to inovate ?

2002-11-24 Thread Brent Hasty
On Sunday 24 November 2002 11:01 am, Brent Hasty wrote:
when I tried installing thier rpm on mandrake 9, urpmi told me I needed 
several dependency libarays, I sarched my 9.0 DVD edition for the lib's it 
was asking about and was unable to locate them. Any one had sucess installing 
this on 9.0?

> On Saturday 23 November 2002 10:30 am, Florent BERANGER wrote:
> very cool, trying it now, as
> Michael Scherer stated, it may help the less aware better understand the
> cool feature that having multiple desktops is. Never having never
> experienced such things on that other operating system...
> > Take a look to 3ddesktop : http://desk3d.sourceforge.net/
> >
> > RPMS & SRC.RPMS are availables (
> > http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=59688  -
> > http://www.rpmfind.net/linux/rpm2html/search.php?query=3ddesktop&system=&;
> >ar ch= )
> >
> > Florent

  4:55pm  up 4 days,  6:00, 10 users,  load average: 2.67, 2.72, 2.75

Re: [Cooker] want to inovate ?

2002-11-24 Thread Brent Hasty
On Saturday 23 November 2002 10:30 am, Florent BERANGER wrote:
very cool, trying it now, as  
Michael Scherer stated, it may help the less aware better understand the cool 
feature that having multiple desktops is. Never having never experienced such 
things on that other operating system...

> Take a look to 3ddesktop : http://desk3d.sourceforge.net/
> RPMS & SRC.RPMS are availables (
> http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=59688  -
> http://www.rpmfind.net/linux/rpm2html/search.php?query=3ddesktop&system=&ar
>ch= )
> Florent

 10:59am  up 4 days, 4 min, 11 users,  load average: 2.80, 2.78, 2.79

[Cooker] Does MDK PPC Edition Include OOo?

2002-11-23 Thread Brent Hasty
I was wondering if the download Mandrake Power Pc edition included a 
functioning Open Office 1.01?
  6:50pm  up 3 days,  7:55, 12 users,  load average: 2.55, 2.47, 2.27

Re: [Cooker] kernel and gcc3.2, a good match?

2002-11-20 Thread Brent Hasty
On Wednesday 20 November 2002 03:14 pm, Lonnie Borntreger wrote:
> On Wed, 2002-11-20 at 16:30, Lonnie Borntreger wrote:
> > On Wed, 2002-11-20 at 16:00, Edward Tandi wrote:
> > > On Wed, 2002-11-20 at 21:42, Lonnie Borntreger wrote:
> > > > On Wed, 2002-11-20 at 14:55, Edward Tandi wrote:
> > > > > I too had problems with gcc3.2 on my twin Athlon MP system. The
> > > > > kernel warns about:
> > > > >
> > > > > kernel: Advanced speculative caching feature present
> > > > > kernel: Disabling advanced speculative caching
> > > >
> > > > I'm running kernel-2.4.19-16 on a dual XP box, compiled with gcc3.2
> > > > with total stability.  Of course, I always grab the kernel src.rpm
> > > > and recompile it for athlon.
> > >
> > > This is good to know. Of course, the problems might be driver specific.
> > > What motherboard are you using? Any additional I/O cards?
> >
> > Details:
> > ASUS A7M266-D
> > on board ATA-100 controller
> > on board CM8738 audio (no mic in - alsa driver related)
> > USB2.0 card (no USB devices)
> > nVidia TNT2 AGP (nVidia drivers)
> > Hauppage WinTV/Radio/IR
> Boy, I'm dense.  I also have:
> Adaptec AHA2910 (Future Domain) SCSI controller with two DATs
> 10/100 ethernet controller (I think a Netgear) using the natsemi driver.
> I used to have a tulip based network card, but that kept locking up in
> SMP mode.
> Lonnie Borntreger
Find a usb device and give it a whirl on the stock and your custom compiled 
kernels, I am finding some serious issues with usb and smp on the 
2.4.19-16mdksmp kernel. I would interested to konw if you run into similar 

[Cooker] Unable to compile libwpd on mdk 9

2002-11-20 Thread Brent Hasty
[root@h2o applications]# cd libwpd-0.1
[root@h2o libwpd-0.1]# ls
autogen.sh*  configure.in  COPYING  CREDITS.TXT  Makefile.am  README  src/
[root@h2o libwpd-0.1]# ./autogen.sh
error: aclocal not found
[root@h2o libwpd-0.1]#

[root@h2o libwpd-0.1]# locate aclocal
[root@h2o libwpd-0.1]#

above you see I cd'd inot the directory containing the extracted source, as 
specified in the readme I execute ./autogen.sh it complains of aclocal, I 
located ac local in /usr/share

Why is this not compiling?

[Cooker] serious kernel bug in 2.4.19-16mdksmp with module usb-ohci

2002-11-20 Thread Brent Hasty
I have traced my system Instabilitys to the SMP Kernel and the USB-OHCI 
module, use of any usb device from a microsoft explorer mouse, hp 6350 
scanner, to hp g85 office jet; results in random reboots, hard lockups, and 
other undesirable effects.

The attached file is a Digi cam shot I took of a crashed kernel:
Basically the following puked to screen, the numlock light on the keyboard 
went out, the caps lock and the scroll lock lights on the keyboard lit up 
(strange, what could this mean?) at that point not even the reset key 
commands like ctrl alt del worked:

kernel bug at usb-ohci.h:464
invalid operand: 

It would be nice to make effective use of the 4 usb 2.0 and 4 usb 1.1 ports 
available on my MSI K7D-Master motherboard.

Please let me know where the best forum might be for discussing and developing 
the resolution to this problem.


Re: [Cooker] Obtained Star Office from Mandrake, whear is the advertized Word Perfect filter?

2002-11-13 Thread Brent Hasty
On Tuesday 12 November 2002 08:28 am, SI Reasoning wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Tuesday 12 November 2002 10:16 am, scott chevalley wrote:
> > Philip Webb wrote:
> > >02 Brent Hasty wrote:
> > >>The office network I manage has several useres who were word perfect
> > >> users, and have a large resource of *.wpd documents.  We researched
> > >> into staroffice and what we found is that it advertised being able to
> > >> import *.wpd files, ecclent.  We then placed our order for mdk 9 for
> > >> upgrade purposes and because it had star office bundled with it.
> > >>Well I got the staroffice rpms installed and tried opening a
> > >> wordperfect document, well nothing :-(
> > >>I then checked the documentation, and tried a custom install for the
> > >> purpose of selecting the filters I wanted installed.  Unfortunately it
> > >> seems the advertised *.wpd filter was not included.
> > >
> > >just a workaround: can't you copy .wpd -> .doc -> .sxw ?
> >
> > just a thought... current version of Abiword read .wpd files.  I'm not
> > sure how good it does, but it does support it.  perhaps, at the very
> > least, open them in Abiword and save them out at RTF to open in star
> > office... just a thought...
I will agree hear, they are whining bad enough at having to learn a new word 
prosessor with more features than thier wp8 annyway.  waaa the icons have 
different colors I am lost...
I have obtained libwpd and am working on compiling it on my system and 
integrating it into OO, I will probably also give abiword a try to see jsut 
how well it does.  We are trying to standardize our office suite on OO or SO, 
due to thier being avaliable for a wider variety of operating systems, and 
the free avaliability of OO means our documents are portable to customers 
outside of our office without requiring them to go out and pirate or purchase 
a $400 office suite, like MS or Corel, rather they can simply download OO.  
We have a minidisk buisness card, and on it we include OO for our customers 

Thanks for the advice all, I lookforward to in time the improvement of 
Mandrake, and associated apps and thier ability to import and convert WP 
documents into a more open and standard format.
> The greater question is did StarOffice come with the .wpd filters and
> if not how does one get them? It is challenging in an office situation to
> have to bounce between software designed to do the same thing. The
> resistance and whining factors increase exponentially
> Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org
> xSr2EdwX/tSMMzVh7wHLJRg=
> =bxas

[Cooker] Obtained Star Office from Mandrake, whear is the advertized Word Perfect filter?

2002-11-11 Thread Brent Hasty
Drooling over the arrival of my MDK 9.0 DVD edition, I quickly found the rpm 
corresponding to a long awaited application.  Only to be soon disapointed.  
The office network I manage has several useres who were word perfect users, 
and have a large resource of *.wpd documents.  We researched into staroffice 
and what we found is that it advertized being able to import *.wpd files, 
ecclent.  We then placed our order for mdk 9 for upgrade purposes and because 
it had star office bundled with it.

Well I got the staroffice rpms installed and tried opening a wordperfect 
document, well nothing :-(

I then checked the documentation, and tried a custom install for the purpose 
of selecting the filters I wanted installed.  Unfortunatly it seems the 
advertized *.wpd filter was not included.

I would very much like to obtain it, is there a sight from wich it can be 
downloaded, patched or purchased.  We are trying to migrate our files to the 
more compact xml filetype that openoffice, staroffice, and other multii 
Operating System word processors are now using.  It is important that a way 
of filtering or importing *.wpd documents be made avaliable on our system.

If anyone knows where I can obtain such a filter for staroffice or other 
please send me the nessicary information.

I thank you for your help.

[Cooker] drakperm bug, msec, crontab, custom directory permissions, and personalized groups.

2002-11-08 Thread Brent Hasty
I am looking for the best place to set custom directory permissions, specific 
to groups added to the system.

In controll center I , went into security, security permissions, and toggled 
to editable.

I then added a rule, selected my path, set the user and permissions, then I 
tried setting the group and the group I had added did not appear in the list.
Drakeperm will not let me type the group in either. I verified in userdrake 
that my group was created, I then created an additonal group (all lowercase), 
still did not appear in drakperm under group.

It seems I may have to use a different tool to set the user/group permission 
granularity I need.  Which tool would be best?

I have workgroup specific directorys that I need the permissions set hourly or 
half hourly so files generated by users will be changed to be editable by 
those in the workgroup.

Re: [Cooker] kernel-enterprise hard lock on 9.0rc2

2002-11-08 Thread Brent Hasty
On Friday 08 November 2002 05:03 pm, Per Øyvind Karlsen wrote:
can you download MDK 9.0 full release, it has updates that might help your 
problems with the RC-2 you are using.

> Per Øyvind Karlsen wrote:
> > Brad Felmey wrote:
> >> On Wed, 2002-09-18 at 13:22, Bryan Whitehead wrote:
> >>> Testing one of our 2GB Dual-Pentium III (1ghz) machines we get a
> >>> hard lock with kernel enterprise.
> >>> kernel-enterprise-
> >>>
> >>> The lock up seems to be related to the scsi driver. aic7xxx. The
> >>> last message that is echoed to the syslog consol is:
> >>> kernel: (scsi0:A:0:0): Locking max tag count at 64
> >>>
> >>> after that the machine is dead. No ping, but keyboard works enough
> >>> for Alt-SysRq stuff. Only problem is Alt-SysRq keys won't work. :(
> >>> syncing the disk results in the machine "trying" (It starts to sync
> >>> the disk) but will never finish, there is no HD activity. Then the
> >>> keyboard will not respond anymore.
> >>>
> >>> Trying to get a process list, or memory stats will finish off the
> >>> lock also. (as in it will become so useless that reset button is
> >>> only thing working).
> >>>
> >>> If my first sysrq key is to reboot it will.
> >>>
> >>> I ran memtest yesterday and all memory is ok. Mandrake 8.1 has no
> >>> problems on this machine.
> >>>
> >>> Heavy disk activity triggers the lock, like installing an RPM. :)
> >>>
> >>> It will always hard lock when installing the "FlashPlayer-5.0-8mdk"
> >>> RPM.
> >>>
> >>> any suggestions? or specific sysrq keys you'd like me to try in
> >>> locked up state? (there is no oops or anything like that on the
> >>> consol window)
> >>
> >> I have a dual-1GHz PIII Coppermine system with 2GB on a Supermicro
> >> Serverworks board and Adaptec 3200S that has this exact problem. Only
> >> with highmem/kernel-enterprise after 2.4.8. RPM will kill the box
> >> exactly as you've described. I've had to retrograde the box and stay
> >> away from current kernels.
> >
> > I reported a bug some days earlier about problems with the enterprise
> > kernel, but not the same scsi driver(mine is sym53c8xx)
> > And as I said this did'nt happen with the old 2.4.5 kernel(from
> > mdk-cooker) it was running for almost a year, but now it's had a mem
> > upgrade and is running the kernel-enterprise kernel, and we've
> > experienced lockups with 2.4.18 and 2.4.19.
> > But this does'nt happen when using rpm, and the machine is alive,
> > responding to ping etc. but could'nt read from the disks, and happens
> > under high load(not very high, just compiling something could trigger
> > it ), at first I thought it was a gcc-3.2 issue, but when trying with
> > kernel-enterprise- this also happened, so I'll guess
> > this might be related
> Has this been fixed yet?
> We never got any feedback from Juan..
> Don't mean to nag, but this one is a pretty critical one, and when fixed
> maybe a MDKA update is in place..?
> oh well, I'll just continue to run kernel-smp meanwhile, although lesser
> ram available:\

Re: [Cooker] enterprise kernel lockup - with trace

2002-11-08 Thread Brent Hasty
On Friday 08 November 2002 03:53 pm, Bryan Whitehead wrote:
what is the key sequence to show "Memory" "ShowReg" "Show State"?

> huey.jpl.nasa.gov/~driver/crash.txt
> This has the full kernel boot sequence upto and including the hard lock.
> After the machine locked up I Alt-SysRq'ed "Memory" "ShowReg" and "Show
> State".
> Sync will not work, it will just be stuck.
> This is on a machine running 2.4.19-16mdkenterprise with 2GB of RAM.
> Memtest shows all memory is good.
> This is the best I can do for logs... If this can't find the problem
> Me and Todd tried many differnt options being passsed to the kernel...
> and nothing worked.
> Any idea's?

[Cooker] smp kernel instabilities

2002-11-07 Thread Brent Hasty
I am having some seriously unwelcom smp kernel instabilities using MDK 9.0, 
using a msi k7d-m motherboard and dual athlon mp processors.  I have a hp 
office jet g85 printer/fax/scanner, that will crash the kernel hard shortly 
after xdm loads.  Though it works in uni-processor mode fine.  Running in smp 
mode crunching seti or using a java based distributed processing program, I 
wake to find my machine hard locked.  When I say hard locked means no telnet, 
no ctrl alt del, no ctrl alt backspace, no ctrl alt f1-f6, not even the L-alt 
sysrequest r-s-e-i-u-b, is working to unlock the kernel.  I am having to 
resort to the reset button, K.  Good thing for jerneled filesystems 
(ext3, and ReiserFS) (and my intel raid controller with 256mb cashe).

I have almost never seen where the L-alt sysrequest key sequence would not 
shut the machine down semi gracefully.

Have there been any major kernel revisions that might help to alliviate these 

Re: [Cooker] Simple Mandrake Terminal Server question

2002-11-07 Thread Brent Hasty
On Wednesday 06 November 2002 09:37 pm, Leon Brooks wrote:
> On Thursday 07 November 2002 11:01 am, Stew Benedict wrote:
> > You should be able to drop [Cooker] drakTermServ into 9.0 with no
> > issues. It's really the only thing that changed to support the thin
> > client approach.
> Thanks++
> Cheers; Leon
yea thanks Stew, your awsome ;+)

[Cooker] trouble starting postgresql

2002-11-06 Thread Brent Hasty
I jsut installed the postgesql package, and it will not start.  Is it 
possiable MySql is conflicting with it?

hear is a debug:

[root@h2o brent]# service -d postgresql start
+ debug=/bin/bash -x
+ [[ postgresql = --* ]]
+ [[ postgresql = -* ]]
+ service=postgresql
+ shift
+ options=start
+ :
+ [[ -z postgresql ]]
+ [[ -z postgresql ]]
+ [[ -n postgresql ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n postgresql ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -z postgresql ]]
+ [[ -n postgresql ]]
+ break
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -z start ]]
+ check_if_inetd postgresql
+ local serv=postgresql
+ [[ ! -f /etc/init.d/postgresql ]]
+ return
+ [[ -z postgresql ]]
+ [[ -x /etc/init.d/postgresql ]]
+ /bin/bash -x /etc/init.d/postgresql start
+ INITD=/etc/rc.d/init.d
+ . /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
++ TEXTDOMAIN=initscripts
++ TEXTDOMAINDIR=/etc/locale
++ LOCPATH=/etc/locale
++ umask 022
++ PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin
++ export PATH
++ '[' -z '' ']'
+++ /sbin/consoletype
++ '[' -z '' ']'
++ '[' -z '' -a -z en_US:en -a -f /etc/sysconfig/i18n -a -z '' ']'
++ '[' -z '' ']'
++ '[' -f /etc/sysconfig/init ']'
++ . /etc/sysconfig/init
+++ BOOTUP=color
+++ RES_COL=65
+++ MOVE_TO_COL=echo -en \033[65G
+++ SETCOLOR_SUCCESS=echo -en \033[1;32m
+++ SETCOLOR_FAILURE=echo -en \033[1;31m
+++ SETCOLOR_WARNING=echo -en \033[1;33m
+++ SETCOLOR_NORMAL=echo -en \033[0;39m
+++ PROMPT=yes
++ '[' pty = serial ']'
++ '[' color '!=' verbose ']'
++ typeset -f
++ grep declare
+ TYPESET=declare -fx mc
+ . /etc/sysconfig/network
++ FORWARD_IPV4=false
++ HOSTNAME=h2o.hasty-solutions.com
++ DOMAINNAME=hasty-solutions.com
+ '[' yes = no ']'
+ '[' -f /usr/bin/postmaster ']'
+ start
+ PSQL_START=Starting postgresql service:
+ '[' -f /var/lib/pgsql/PG_VERSION ']'
+ export PGDATA=/var/lib/pgsql/data
+ PGDATA=/var/lib/pgsql/data
+ '[' -f /var/lib/pgsql/data/PG_VERSION ']'
+ '[' -d /var/lib/pgsql/data/base ']'
++ cat /var/lib/pgsql/data/PG_VERSION
+ '[' 7.2 '!=' 7.2 ']'
++ pidof -s postmaster
+ pid=
+ '[' ']'
+ rm -f '/tmp/.s.PGSQL.*'
+ gprintf %s 'Starting postgresql service: '
+ '[' -x /bin/gettext -a -n %s ']'
++ gettext -e --domain=initscripts %s
+ local TEXT=%s
+ '[' %s ']'
+ shift
+ printf %s 'Starting postgresql service: '
Starting postgresql service: + su -l postgres -s /bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/pg_ctl  
-D /var/lib/pgsql/data -p /usr/bin/postmaster start  > /dev/null 2>&1'
+ sleep 1
++ pidof -s postmaster
+ pid=
+ '[' ']'
+ failure %s 'Starting postgresql service: '
+ rc=1
+ gprintf_msg_rest %s 'Starting postgresql service: '
++ gprintf %s 'Starting postgresql service: '
++ '[' -x /bin/gettext -a -n %s ']'
+++ gettext -e --domain=initscripts %s
++ local TEXT=%s
++ '[' %s ']'
++ shift
++ printf %s 'Starting postgresql service: '
+ GPRINTF_MSG=Starting postgresql service:
+ shift 2
+ '[' -z '' ']'
+ initlog -q -n /etc/init.d/postgresql -s 'Starting postgresql service: ' -e 2
+ '[' color '!=' verbose -a -z '' ']'
+ echo_failure
+ '[' color = color ']'
+ echo -en '\033[65G'
+ echo -n '['
[+ '[' color = color ']'
+ echo -en '\033[1;31m'
+ gprintf FAILED
+ '[' -x /bin/gettext -a -n FAILED ']'
++ gettext -e --domain=initscripts FAILED
+ '[' FAILED ']'
+ shift
+ printf FAILED
FAILED+ '[' color = color ']'
+ echo -en '\033[0;39m'
+ echo -n ']'
]+ echo -ne '\r'
+ return 1
+ return 1
+ exit 0
+ exit 0
[root@h2o brent]#

Re: [Cooker] sshd fails to generate DSA host key

2002-11-06 Thread Brent Hasty
On Wednesday 06 November 2002 04:32 pm, Brent Hasty wrote:
> On Thursday 31 October 2002 12:31 pm, Brent Hasty wrote:
> > [root@h2o cups]# service sshd restart
> > Stopping sshd:  [  OK  ]
> > Generating SSH2 DSA host key:
> >
> > It has been sitting hear for about an hour. I have tried re-installing
> > related packages.  I am unable login remotly to this server using ssh in
> > gnome telnit.
> >
> > Anyone else experiencing problems like this...
> When restarting this service using drakconf, this is what I get back
> Stopping sshd:[FAILED](because it was not running)
> Generating SSH2 DSA host key: /sbin/service: line 148: 6249 Terminated
> $debug
> How can I regenerate the DSA key so SSH2 will work properly?
this is what the debug looks like

[root@h2o brent]# service -d sshd start
+ debug=/bin/bash -x
+ [[ sshd = --* ]]
+ [[ sshd = -* ]]
+ service=sshd
+ shift
+ options=start
+ :
+ [[ -z sshd ]]
+ [[ -z sshd ]]
+ [[ -n sshd ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n sshd ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -z sshd ]]
+ [[ -n sshd ]]
+ break
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -z start ]]
+ check_if_inetd sshd
+ local serv=sshd
+ [[ ! -f /etc/init.d/sshd ]]
+ return
+ [[ -z sshd ]]
+ [[ -x /etc/init.d/sshd ]]
+ /bin/bash -x /etc/init.d/sshd start
+ . /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
++ TEXTDOMAIN=initscripts
++ TEXTDOMAINDIR=/etc/locale
++ LOCPATH=/etc/locale
++ umask 022
++ PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin
++ export PATH
++ '[' -z '' ']'
+++ /sbin/consoletype
++ '[' -z '' ']'
++ '[' -z '' -a -z en_US:en -a -f /etc/sysconfig/i18n -a -z '' ']'
++ '[' -z '' ']'
++ '[' -f /etc/sysconfig/init ']'
++ . /etc/sysconfig/init
+++ BOOTUP=color
+++ RES_COL=65
+++ MOVE_TO_COL=echo -en \033[65G
+++ SETCOLOR_SUCCESS=echo -en \033[1;32m
+++ SETCOLOR_FAILURE=echo -en \033[1;31m
+++ SETCOLOR_WARNING=echo -en \033[1;33m
+++ SETCOLOR_NORMAL=echo -en \033[0;39m
+++ PROMPT=yes
++ '[' pty = serial ']'
++ '[' color '!=' verbose ']'
+ '[' -f /etc/sysconfig/sshd ']'
+ prog=sshd
+ KEYGEN=/usr/bin/ssh-keygen
+ SSHD=/usr/sbin/sshd
+ RSA1_KEY=/etc/ssh/ssh_host_key
+ RSA_KEY=/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
+ DSA_KEY=/etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key
+ PID_FILE=/var/run/sshd.pid
+ start
+ do_rsa1_keygen
+ '[' '!' -s /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key ']'
+ do_rsa_keygen
+ '[' '!' -s /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key ']'
+ do_dsa_keygen
+ '[' '!' -s /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key ']'
+ gprintf 'Generating SSH2 DSA host key: '
+ '[' -x /bin/gettext -a -n 'Generating SSH2 DSA host key: ' ']'
++ gettext -e --domain=initscripts 'Generating SSH2 DSA host key: '
+ local 'TEXT=Generating SSH2 DSA host key: '
+ '[' 'Generating SSH2 DSA host key: ' ']'
+ shift
+ printf 'Generating SSH2 DSA host key: '
Generating SSH2 DSA host key: + /usr/bin/ssh-keygen -q -t dsa -f 
/etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key -C '' -N ''

+ failure 'DSA key generation'
+ rc=1
+ gprintf_msg_rest 'DSA key generation'
++ gprintf 'DSA key generation'
++ '[' -x /bin/gettext -a -n 'DSA key generation' ']'
+++ gettext -e --domain=initscripts 'DSA key generation'
++ local 'TEXT=DSA key generation'
++ '[' 'DSA key generation' ']'
++ shift
++ printf 'DSA key generation'
+ GPRINTF_MSG=DSA key generation
+ shift
+ '[' -z '' ']'
+ initlog -q -n /etc/init.d/sshd -s 'DSA key generation' -e 2
+ '[' color '!=' verbose -a -z '' ']'
+ echo_failure
+ '[' color = color ']'
+ echo -en '\033[65G'
+ echo -n '['
[+ '[' color = color ']'
+ echo -en '\033[1;31m'
+ gprintf FAILED
+ '[' -x /bin/gettext -a -n FAILED ']'
++ gettext -e --domain=initscripts FAILED
+ '[' FAILED ']'
+ shift
+ printf FAILED
FAILED+ '[' color = color ']'
+ echo -en '\033[0;39m'
+ echo -n ']'
]+ echo -ne '\r'
+ return 1
+ return 1
+ echo

+ exit 1
+ exit 1
[root@h2o brent]#

Re: [Cooker] sshd fails to generate DSA host key

2002-11-06 Thread Brent Hasty
On Thursday 31 October 2002 12:31 pm, Brent Hasty wrote:
> [root@h2o cups]# service sshd restart
> Stopping sshd:  [  OK  ]
> Generating SSH2 DSA host key:
> It has been sitting hear for about an hour. I have tried re-installing
> related packages.  I am unable login remotly to this server using ssh in
> gnome telnit.
> Anyone else experiencing problems like this...
When restarting this service using drakconf, this is what I get back

Stopping sshd:[FAILED](because it was not running)
Generating SSH2 DSA host key: /sbin/service: line 148: 6249 Terminated 

How can I regenerate the DSA key so SSH2 will work properly?

Re: [Cooker] Changing display mode

2002-11-05 Thread Brent Hasty
On Sunday 03 November 2002 06:43 pm, Alex Horvath wrote:
have you tried running XFdrake in a terminal?
make shure it detects your vid card right, and try picking different monitors 
under generic that fit the capabilities of what you have.
this will also offer a chance see what messages are printed to the terminal 
while setting things up, might help give you a better idea of what is going 

> Hi All
> I have a Supermac j900 running Mandrake 8.2PPC.
> I've got an ATI Xclaim VR (Rage II) and an Apple 17" Monitor.
> The current display mode is 800x600 (i think the refresh is 75).
> I'd like to change the display mode to 1024x768 @75 or 85, but I can't seem
> to do it.
> I figured out that X is using the /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file for the
> configs, but if I add 1024x768 to the Screen section, X errors out with a
> signal 11.
> I know that the monitor and card can do 1024x768@75 because I use this on
> the MacOS.
> I've tried the default 1024x768 settings, plus my own that I generated at
> http://xtiming.sourceforge.net
> Thanks in advance!!!
> AH tm.

[Cooker] Using ClusterNFS to enable thin clients to use local cdrom drive

2002-11-05 Thread Brent Hasty
I am using ClusterNFS to enable thin clients to use local cdrom drives.  
Working with Mandrake Linux 9.0 to set up the thin client terminals, and 
setting up files and directories per client as per the clusternfs way.  
cdrom$$hostname=workstation1$$ however the workstation is attempting to acess 
the cdrom on the server, not the cdrom locally installed in the terminals 
computer case.

Is there documentation specific to thin clients avaliable??
Can a thin client acess its cdrom n floppy via clusternfs, while all apps are 
running on the server using xdmcmp?

Re: [Cooker] Using clusterNFS to mount terminal cdroms locally

2002-11-05 Thread Brent Hasty
On Tuesday 05 November 2002 01:08 pm, Brent Hasty wrote:
The problem herin is with the mounting of local devices on thin client 

I am attempting to Use clusterNFS to mount terminal cdroms locally, upon
booting I see a faild and echoed back on the terminal is this comment:
mount: fs mount supermount not supported by kernel  [FAILED]

Will I need to recompile a kernel supporting supermount to get the
functionality of supermount on the terminals acessing local devices like

What files need to be edited to enable local devices using clusternfs, on

[Cooker] Using clusterNFS to mount terminal cdroms locally

2002-11-05 Thread Brent Hasty
I am attempting to Use clusterNFS to mount terminal cdroms locally, upon 
booting I see a faild and echoed back on the terminal is this comment:

mount: fs mount supermount not supported by kernel  [FAILED]

Will I need to recompile a kernel supporting supermount to get the 
functionality of supermount on the terminals acessing local devices like 

What files need to be edited to enable local devices using clusternfs, on 

[Cooker] sshd fails to generate DSA host key

2002-10-31 Thread Brent Hasty
[root@h2o cups]# service sshd restart
Stopping sshd:  [  OK  ]
Generating SSH2 DSA host key:

It has been sitting hear for about an hour. I have tried re-installing related 
packages.  I am unable login remotly to this server using ssh in gnome 

Anyone else experiencing problems like this...

Re: [Cooker] HP Deskjet 820cse broken on mdk 9.0

2002-10-31 Thread Brent Hasty
On Thursday 31 October 2002 09:48 am, Brent Hasty wrote:
I also tried using the www. cups admin tool, to setup this printer, in the 
drivers list under HP there was no 820 to select, it went from a 812 to an 
840.  I tried setting it up as a raw printer, NO test page or paper advance.
I then tried setting it up as a xerox 4900 post script printer (a driver I 
used to use for this printer under windows)
again No test page or paper advance.

Under windows this printer required a special hp driver, because of its 
bidirectional functions, the driver had utilitys for cartridge alingment and 
such. not that it matters much.

For the last several versions of MDK there was no special driver, just the one 
included nessicarry to get this printer functioning.

I am not shure what the changes might have been for 9.0, but with a little 
help I am confident they could be resolved.

I noticed that theres was also created a erros.log.O that contained some 
different log information. Would it be helpfull to see this log as well?

> On Wednesday 30 October 2002 03:49 am, Till Kamppeter wrote:
> I have tried setting this HP 820c printer up on a whole different computer,
> Uniprocessor, with similar results.
> I editied my cupsd.conf to debug mode, cleared the log, and launched
> printer drake.  I then proceeded to set up the 820 on my smp machine, and
> submited a test page.  As before the test page loaded half way, and nothing
> more occoured.  I then launched konqueror and went to localhost:631,
> administration module, therein it stated that the test print job was
> cancled for no value?
> I hope this log will help to illustrate the problem I am running into.
> > Can you follow the instructions on
> >
> > http://www.cups.org/cups-help.html
> >
> > to get a debug log? Then one can perhaps see where it hangs.
> >
> > Have you already tried to boot a standard (non-SMP) kernel to see
> > whether you can print then?
> >
> > Till
> >
> > Brent Hasty wrote:
> > > I have a HP Deskjet 820cse, and the driver seems to be broken on mdk
> > > 9.0, running a smp kernel.
> > >
> > > The printer test page when using drakconf and cups to set it up, loads
> > > halfway into the machine where the print head alignes with the top of
> > > the paper then it just sits there the light blinking (means recieving
> > > print job) and never prints.   the testprint job just sits there in the
> > > cups print que: Processing Since XXX I have tried setting the printer
> > > port to standard, ecp, epp, spp and all other options in the bios and
> > > the error appears to be the same.  It never starts putting the ink to
> > > paper.
> > >
> > > Had no problem in version 8 through 8.2, seems to me to be a driver
> > > issue.

Re: [Cooker] HP Deskjet 820cse broken on mdk 9.0

2002-10-31 Thread Brent Hasty
On Thursday 31 October 2002 10:20 am, Till Kamppeter wrote:
made the testfile as my normal user, su root, cd to user directory and 
executed at the command line:  cat testfile > /dev/lp0

it came back to the command line without error, yet no printing going on, not 
event the 1/2 sheet of paper fed.  Checked cups logs no error messages there.

checked tty1 no error messages printed to there.

> Can you try the following command lines (second one as root):
> cat /usr/share/cups/data/testprint.ps | gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dSAFER -dBATCH\
> -r600 -sDEVICE=ppmraw -sPAPERSIZE=letter -sOutputFile=- - | pnm2ppa -v \
> 820 -f /etc/pnm2ppa.conf  -B 2 -t 10 -b 150 -l 10 -r 10 -x 160 -y 50 -i\
> - -o - > testfile
> cat testfile > /dev/lp0
> Do you get any error messages? Do you get a complete page?
> Till
> Brent Hasty wrote:
> > On Wednesday 30 October 2002 03:49 am, Till Kamppeter wrote:
> > I have tried setting this HP 820c printer up on a whole different
> > computer, Uniprocessor, with similar results.
> >
> > I editied my cupsd.conf to debug mode, cleared the log, and launched
> > printer drake.  I then proceeded to set up the 820 on my smp machine, and
> > submited a test page.  As before the test page loaded half way, and
> > nothing more occoured.  I then launched konqueror and went to
> > localhost:631,
> > administration module, therein it stated that the test print job was
> > cancled for no value?

Re: [Cooker] HP Deskjet 820cse broken on mdk 9.0

2002-10-31 Thread Brent Hasty
On Wednesday 30 October 2002 03:49 am, Till Kamppeter wrote:
I have tried setting this HP 820c printer up on a whole different computer, 
Uniprocessor, with similar results.

I editied my cupsd.conf to debug mode, cleared the log, and launched printer 
drake.  I then proceeded to set up the 820 on my smp machine, and submited a 
test page.  As before the test page loaded half way, and nothing more 
occoured.  I then launched konqueror and went to localhost:631, 
administration module, therein it stated that the test print job was cancled 
for no value?

I hope this log will help to illustrate the problem I am running into.

> Can you follow the instructions on
> http://www.cups.org/cups-help.html
> to get a debug log? Then one can perhaps see where it hangs.
> Have you already tried to boot a standard (non-SMP) kernel to see
> whether you can print then?
> Till
> Brent Hasty wrote:
> > I have a HP Deskjet 820cse, and the driver seems to be broken on mdk 9.0,
> > running a smp kernel.
> >
> > The printer test page when using drakconf and cups to set it up, loads
> > halfway into the machine where the print head alignes with the top of the
> > paper then it just sits there the light blinking (means recieving print
> > job) and never prints.   the testprint job just sits there in the cups
> > print que: Processing Since XXX I have tried setting the printer port to
> > standard, ecp, epp, spp and all other options in the bios and the error
> > appears to be the same.  It never starts putting the ink to paper.
> >
> > Had no problem in version 8 through 8.2, seems to me to be a driver
> > issue.

D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:20 -0800] AcceptClient() 4 from localhost:631.
D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:20 -0800] ReadClient() 4 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:20 -0800] ReadClient() 4 GET /printers/tmp_ptr.ppd HTTP/1.1
D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:20 -0800] SendFile() 4 file=6
D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:20 -0800] CloseClient() 4
D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:21 -0800] AcceptClient() 4 from localhost:631.
D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:21 -0800] ReadClient() 4 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:21 -0800] CloseClient() 4
D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:21 -0800] AcceptClient() 4 from localhost:631.
D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:21 -0800] ReadClient() 4 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:21 -0800] CloseClient() 4
D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:21 -0800] AcceptClient() 4 from localhost:631.
D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:21 -0800] ReadClient() 4 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:21 -0800] CloseClient() 4
D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:22 -0800] AcceptClient() 4 from localhost:631.
D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:22 -0800] ReadClient() 4 POST /admin/ HTTP/1.1
D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:22 -0800] SendError() 4 code=401
D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:22 -0800] CloseClient() 4
D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:22 -0800] AcceptClient() 4 from localhost:631.
D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:22 -0800] ReadClient() 4 POST /admin/ HTTP/1.1
I [31/Oct/2002:09:28:22 -0800] Saving printers.conf...
I [31/Oct/2002:09:28:22 -0800] Saving classes.conf...
I [31/Oct/2002:09:28:22 -0800] Default destination set to 'tmp_ptr' by 'root'.
D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:22 -0800] CloseClient() 4
D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:22 -0800] AcceptClient() 4 from localhost:631.
D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:22 -0800] ReadClient() 4 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:22 -0800] CloseClient() 4
D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:22 -0800] AcceptClient() 4 from localhost:631.
D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:22 -0800] ReadClient() 4 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:22 -0800] CloseClient() 4
D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:22 -0800] AcceptClient() 4 from localhost:631.
D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:22 -0800] ReadClient() 4 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:22 -0800] AcceptClient() 6 from localhost:631.
D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:22 -0800] ReadClient() 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:22 -0800] CloseClient() 6
D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:22 -0800] AcceptClient() 6 from localhost:631.
D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:22 -0800] ReadClient() 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:22 -0800] CloseClient() 6
D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:22 -0800] CloseClient() 4
D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:22 -0800] AcceptClient() 4 from localhost:631.
D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:22 -0800] AcceptClient() 6 from localhost:631.
D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:22 -0800] ReadClient() 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:22 -0800] CloseClient() 6
D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:22 -0800] AcceptClient() 6 from localhost:631.
D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:22 -0800] ReadClient() 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:22 -0800] CloseClient() 6
D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:22 -0800] AcceptClient() 6 from localhost:631.
D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:22 -0800] ReadClient() 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:22 -0800] ReadClient() 4 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:22 -0800] CloseClient() 4
D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:22 -0800] CloseClient() 6
D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:34 -0800] StopListening: closing all listen sockets.
D [31/Oct/2002:09:28:34 -0800] PauseListening: clearing input bits...
I [31/Oct/2002:09:28:34 -0800] Listenin

[Cooker] HP Deskjet 820cse broken on mdk 9.0

2002-10-29 Thread Brent Hasty
I have a HP Deskjet 820cse, and the driver seems to be broken on mdk 9.0, 
running a smp kernel.

The printer test page when using drakconf and cups to set it up, loads halfway 
into the machine where the print head alignes with the top of the paper then 
it just sits there the light blinking (means recieving print job) and never 
prints.   the testprint job just sits there in the cups print que: Processing 
Since XXX I have tried setting the printer port to standard, ecp, epp, spp 
and all other options in the bios and the error appears to be the same.  It 
never starts putting the ink to paper.

Had no problem in version 8 through 8.2, seems to me to be a driver issue.

[Cooker] smp usb and hp office jet g85 not a good combination

2002-10-28 Thread Brent Hasty
I have went throught quite a bit of grief trying to get a  hp office jet g85 
running on usb on my dual athlon liquid cooled terminal server.  Causes real 
erratic stability issues.  Most of the time when booting into smp mode with 
the g85 plugged into usb, the machine will lock just after having finished 
loading KDM. In fact this is about the worse lock I have ever had, not even 
the   , , , , ,  works to safely 
shutdown unmount and reboot the system.  It has been a long time since I have 
had to use the reset button. (ecept on a windows box)

A little research has revield that the smp usb problem is a known kernel 
issue. I hope things are made to work better in the 2.5 seriese kernels.

I will be building a uniprossesor print server to handle this g85 printer on 
our network for the above mentioned reasons.

Unfortunate because the g85 is a multifunction device and i really wanted to 
handle the scanning locally on the higher power machine.  the smp is a lot 
better at converting images from the raw format the scanner puts out.

I am open to suggestions if anyone has a solution.

[Cooker] Fwd: time to upgrade

2002-10-28 Thread Brent Hasty
I just upgraded my terminal server, was wondering if you were interested, or
know anyone who might be interested in my old iron.

It is a HP Kayak XU with dual 450MHz Intel Xeon (server processors) each has
512K L2 cashes, 512 MB of ECC sdram, a 9gig SCSI Seagate cheta hard drive
spinning at 10,000 RPM, Dual network cards, sound, CD, USB, raidport card,
dual channel SCSI (~30 devices), and more; (for this I am asking $400)

I can deliver this server as a preconfigured terminal server or other
(depending on how you would like me to program is for you $50 to $150), with
these options;  8 gig DAT tape backup + around 20 tapes (asking $65), a 21"
monitor .26 dot pitch and Permedia II AGP card (asking $200), additional
ultrafast SCSI harddrives (I have 3 9gig 1 rpm segate chetas I would like
$40 each for them (these drives scream performance)), win4lin, CD burner, and
other custom configurations and hardware (simply ask for a quote).

This is a real serious computer, a real fast computer, capeable of running
hundred(s) of users at once on inexpensive diskless terminals. It crunches
seti packets 2 every 14 hours. It has recorded uptime on the scale of months.
I can recommend this to anny one in search of power with reliability.

This is an upgrade opportunity not to be missed, let me know if you are

[Cooker] mdk 9.0 not able to format usb ide drive?

2002-10-23 Thread Brent Hasty
I have made several unsucessful attempts at setting up an external 30 gig usb 
ide hard drive.  When using drakconf it is recognized, and I am cautioned;

I can't read the partition table of device sdc, it's too corrupted for me :(
I can try to go on, erasing over bad partitions (ALL DATA will be lost!).
The other solution is to not allow DrakX to modify the partition table.
(the error is unknown partition table format on disk /dev/sdc.

Do you agree to loose all the partitions?

I agree, and am presented with a bar representing  /dev/sdc.  I click to make 
one large partition out of this drive. Define my mount point, hit the format 
button and get this error message:

writing partition table failed

I have tried smaller partions, and differing file systems, to no avail.
Does anyone have tips on setting up an external usb drive?

Re: [Cooker] LTSP vs. MDK Terminal Server

2002-10-19 Thread Brent Hasty
On Saturday 19 October 2002 15:29, Stew Benedict wrote:
> On Sat, 19 Oct 2002, Brent Hasty wrote:
> > When they talk about scp'ing the config file back over to the server,
> > what do they mean by scp?
> Do I really need to explain what scp is?  It's sort of assumed you have
> some knowledge of networking to be able to setup a network of machines.
> http://www.google.com/linux?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=scp&btnG=Google+Searc
> gives about 16,000 hits, or you could do:
> "man scp"
> Again, this is not really cooker discussion. Take it to newbie or expert.
> Stew Benedict
A,, thanks for the links, just somthing I have not run across or had to 
make use of.  Reading the docs to learn the syntax and how scp works

Re: [Cooker] setting up terminal server, client not booting X

2002-10-19 Thread Brent Hasty
On Saturday 19 October 2002 15:26, you wrote:
> On Sat, 19 Oct 2002, Brent Hasty wrote:
> > I have a working configuration of mdk9 terminal server, the clients are
> > booting fast and proper, however I get an x respawning too fast will
> > retry in 5 minuits error on the terminals.
> >
> > How do I go about configuring the x on the terminals, with terminal
> > services?
> It becomes a little interesting, as "/" is read only.  You would need to
> su - at the client console and run XFdrake, and try to save the config
> elsewhere than /etc/X11.  Otherwise, you'd need to open up rw to /etc and
> make sure clusternfs is configured such that new files are created with
> the syntax XF86Config-4$$IP=x.x.x.x$$.  This is covered in the clusternfs
> docs.
> Stew Benedict
I tried loging in as a user and then su to root, however i kept getting told 
I whas inputing the wrong passwd for root.  I am certain I had the passwd 
right, but I still cannot login?

[Cooker] enabeling root login on terminal

2002-10-19 Thread Brent Hasty
"Should X fail, you'll fall back to a console login. The neat thing here, 
with ClusterNFS, is that it you enable the root account, you could run 
XFdrake from the client machine, creating a client specific configuration 
that can be scp'd back to the server for the next session."

How does one enable root or su root logins on the terminals?

Re: [Cooker] LTSP vs. MDK Terminal Server

2002-10-19 Thread Brent Hasty
On Monday 07 October 2002 06:53, Buchan Milne wrote:
> Stew Benedict wrote:
> > On Mon, 7 Oct 2002, Buchan Milne wrote:
> >>>The server is providing nfs services only.  The other side of the coin
> >>> is running the apps on the server side generates quite a bit of network
> >>> traffic.
> >>
> >>New 24-port 100mb switch is much cheaper than replacing the 22 desktops
> >>that could run on such a network ...
> >>
> >>And I think starting up OpenOffice over NFS would be much more traffic
> >>than via X.
> >>
> >>Surely it can't take too much to change this. The ?dm client
> >>configurations just need to be changed to use query, and the server just
> >>needs to allow XDMCP requests?
> >
> > Sure, anything is possible.  The problem is you're beta testing it now,
> > post 9.0 release, when the package has been available since July. This
> > whole discussion doesn't even really belong on cooker now.
> Assuming Mandrakesoft wants to leave it as is, rather than make a few
> changes now, leaving a bit longer to test the setup, so that both setups
> work in 9.1.
> Things like this aren't the easiest to test, since you need more than
> one machine, and you need to make changes to an existing network (if you
>   don't have spare network hardware or virtualising software) to test
> it. When I did try and test it, I didn't have much time, and that was
> all taken up by broken init scripts. I don't know if anyone else had the
> chance.
> But, I was under the impression that it was a Terminal Server (a la
> LTSP), not a diskless machine boot server. Nothing in any of emails
> regarding this led me to believe that it was not aimed at terminals on
> low-end boxes with the majority of the software running on the terminal
> server itself, which is exactly what LTSP does.
> So, I will have to hack this, or use LTSP, but I can only do that once I
> have played with winbind (which I couldn't do recently since my laptop
> is in for repairs).
> Buchan
I would like to do similar, have the hardware, just not a real intimate 
knowledger (yet), would be willing to work on this with you and other to make 
it happen for mdk.

Whear does one begin?

Re: [Cooker] LTSP vs. MDK Terminal Server

2002-10-19 Thread Brent Hasty
On Monday 07 October 2002 10:07, Buchan Milne wrote:
since it sounds as though you have some understanding of just how to do this, 
what would it take to get you to help me in setting up mdk9 terminal services 
to run thin clients?

When they talk about scp'ing the config file back over to the server, what do 
they mean by scp?

Is there an example dm$$$CLIENT$$$ init script I can look at to learn from?

What is required to turn on XDCMP?
waht does XDCMP stand for?
> Brent Hasty wrote:
> > On Monday 07 October 2002 03:42, Buchan Milne wrote:
> >
> > I would agree here, and a drak tool to accomplish it with a two buttons
> > shoud do.  One for thick, and one for thin client.
> >
> > what would be the difficulty in changing this?
> It should be fairly trivial. Make a new dm$$$CLIENT$$$ init script which
> uses -query when starting up a X, and a new ?dm config file for the
> server which enables XDCMP.
> Of course, everything is easier said than done ...
> > if it is a couple weeks to a month away I may need to start working on
> > implementing LTSP rather.  If us mdk'ers can acomplish this I would
> > prefer to use my Flavor of choice, mdk, implementation of terminal
> > services.  I like how it appears the clusternfs should work with terminal
> > services.
> >
> > if there were annything I wanted to run on my terminals it would be
> > mosix, for the purpose of handing thier unused cycles over for the server
> > to allocate thier use.
> Mosix+terminal server would rock ...

[Cooker] setting up terminal server, client not booting X

2002-10-19 Thread Brent Hasty
I have a working configuration of mdk9 terminal server, the clients are 
booting fast and proper, however I get an x respawning too fast will retry in 
5 minuits error on the terminals.

How do I go about configuring the x on the terminals, with terminal services?

[Cooker] permanently mounting mdk 9.0 cd iso images

2002-10-11 Thread Brent Hasty
I am interested in permanently mounting mdk 9.0 cd iso images so I could 
add/remove/update rpms in the iso images, and add them to urpmi sources 
without copying them into the filesystem.

Would I do this in the fstab?
and what would the entry look like to enable the above to be presistent 
through reboots?

Re: [Cooker] Why ext3fs is a default fs, not ReiserFS?

2002-10-11 Thread Brent Hasty
On Thursday 10 October 2002 04:42, Buchan Milne wrote:
> Aleksander Adamowski wrote:
> > In the 9.0 installer, during the "Setup filesystem" stage, when you
> > create a new partition, by default its filesystem type is tset to ext3fs.
> >
> > Now I have to tell all the newbie converts that  install Linux to
> > manually change it to ReiserFS, because it is a more advanced filesystem.
> > After all, ext3 is just ext2 with a journal strapped-on. ReiserFS is a
> > new vision to filesystem design. And it is faster.
> Besides all the other arguments:
> ext3 has quotas (ok, non-root users can't check them, but they are
> enforced), and ACLs (when mounted with the 'acl' option).
> XFS is probably the only other FS I would consider, mainly since it has
> a working dump, which also preserves metadata (like acls).
> > If they just used the defaults, they'd probably be disappointed with
> > Linux "because it it slower than my Windows". Yes, ext2 and ext3 are
> > slower than FAT16/32.
> Corporate users will miss features that have been available since
> Windows NT (ACLs) and Windows 2000 finally supports quotas. The only two
> filesystems that can compare with NTFS5 are XFS and ext3.
> The OS to beat isn't win9x anymore, and hasn't been for a long time ...
> the OSs to beat are win2k Server, winxp pro and the upcoming Windows.net
> > So what do you think about changing the default FS type to Reiser in
> > mdk9.1?
> IMHO, when it works, has quotas and acl support, and performs better in
> most or all areas then ext3.
> Buchan
so how about ext3 vs XFS wich would you prefer?
and why?

The advantages vs. disadvantages?

[Cooker] ext3 vs XFS wich would you prefer?

2002-10-11 Thread Brent Hasty
so how about ext3 vs XFS wich would you prefer?
and why?

The advantages vs. disadvantages?

[Cooker] difficulty getting tftp running

2002-10-07 Thread Brent Hasty

I am having difficulty getting tftp running.  It is not handing files out to 
etherboot clients.

xinetd is running, what is tftp's problem?

[Cooker] tftp not starting

2002-10-07 Thread Brent Hasty

In setting up tftpd on mdk 9.0 it does not seem to be starting. Xinetd is 
installed and running, but when terminal trys to acess a tftp shared 
directory it gets nothing from the server.  services show it is not running.

whats the trick?

[Cooker] minor wish for rpmdrake utils.

2002-10-07 Thread Brent Hasty

when completed loading packaged the confirmation window pops up with a button 
wich must be pressed to make it go away.  at it currently is there is no 
focus on this button and one must point and click with the mouse to depress 
the button.

It would be nice to have the focus on this button by default so one can 
simply hit the spacebar or enter to close the window.

Re: [Cooker] LTSP vs. MDK Terminal Server

2002-10-07 Thread Brent Hasty

On Monday 07 October 2002 03:42, Buchan Milne wrote:
> Stew Benedict wrote:
> > On Mon, 7 Oct 2002, Brent Hasty wrote:
> >
> > Correct, you are booting the kernel and running all apps locally on the
> > client machine.
> But that kind of defeats the purpose?
> >>Using MDK Terminal Server, do the users on the terminals work at that
> >>terminals native speed?
> >>
> >>Or do they get to do thier work with the muscle of the server?
> >
> > The server is providing nfs services only.  The other side of the coin is
> > running the apps on the server side generates quite a bit of network
> > traffic.
> New 24-port 100mb switch is much cheaper than replacing the 22 desktops
> that could run on such a network ...
> And I think starting up OpenOffice over NFS would be much more traffic
> than via X.
> Surely it can't take too much to change this. The ?dm client
> configurations just need to be changed to use query, and the server just
> needs to allow XDMCP requests?
> Can we have a gui option for this?
> Buchan
I would agree here, and a drak tool to accomplish it with a two buttons shoud 
do.  One for thick, and one for thin client.

what would be the difficulty in changing this?
if it is a couple weeks to a month away I may need to start working on 
implementing LTSP rather.  If us mdk'ers can acomplish this I would prefer to 
use my Flavor of choice, mdk, implementation of terminal services.  I like 
how it appears the clusternfs should work with terminal services.

if there were annything I wanted to run on my terminals it would be mosix, 
for the purpose of handing thier unused cycles over for the server to 
allocate thier use.

Re: [Cooker] LTSP vs. MDK Terminal Server

2002-10-07 Thread Brent Hasty

On Monday 07 October 2002 03:08, Stew Benedict wrote:
> On Mon, 7 Oct 2002, Brent Hasty wrote:
> > One of the first things I have noticed after logging my user in on a
> > terminal into KDE is that the terminal under MDK Terminal Server shows
> > and runs with the resources of the terminal.  The terminal being a
> > P166mmx with a meer 72MB of ram is a real dog to load and run KDE 3.
> >
> > On the contrary
> >
> > This same terminal using LTSP runs at the speed of and shows the hardware
> > resources of the server.  (that is one of the most endeering
> > characteristics of using a terminal server IMO).  The ability to use
> > retired systems as displays yet the user gets to work at and with the
> > muscle of the server.
> >
> > It seems this may not be the case in the way that the MDK Terminal Server
> > is implemented.  Is this true?
> Correct, you are booting the kernel and running all apps locally on the
> client machine.
> > Using MDK Terminal Server, do the users on the terminals work at that
> > terminals native speed?
> >
> > Or do they get to do thier work with the muscle of the server?
> The server is providing nfs services only.  The other side of the coin is
> running the apps on the server side generates quite a bit of network
> traffic.
> Stew Benedict
well that is unfortunate :(

Network traffic is not a problem here for me, high end hardware expense at 
the workstation is.

I have gigabit on the server broken down to 100 per client through a 
gigabit/100tx switch this subnetwork in our office is dedicated to the 
purpose of the terminal server.  Fro Total Cost of Ownership it is important 
that we run, i guess it is called, fat clients where the apps run on the big 
iron in the server room, allowing us to leverage our antique hardware into 
somthing usefull...  I would dread approaching the board and asking we 
upgrade 200 workstations to 750 mhz plus systems to get the performance our 
users have become accustomed to...

Sounds like, unless there is any other way to get things running on the 
server using MDK 9's implementation of terminal services?
I will have to go back to LTSP for my needs.

At least that is the nice thing about Linux, choices

Thanks for putting the terminals services together for mdk 9 regardless, as 
to be expected it setup with reasonable mdk ease ;-)

[Cooker] LTSP vs. MDK Terminal Server

2002-10-06 Thread Brent Hasty

One of the first things I have noticed after logging my user in on a terminal 
into KDE is that the terminal under MDK Terminal Server shows and runs with 
the resources of the terminal.  The terminal being a P166mmx with a meer 72MB 
of ram is a real dog to load and run KDE 3.

On the contrary

This same terminal using LTSP runs at the speed of and shows the hardware 
resources of the server.  (that is one of the most endeering characteristics 
of using a terminal server IMO).  The ability to use retired systems as 
displays yet the user gets to work at and with the muscle of the server.

It seems this may not be the case in the way that the MDK Terminal Server is 
implemented.  Is this true?

Using MDK Terminal Server, do the users on the terminals work at that 
terminals native speed?

Or do they get to do thier work with the muscle of the server?

Re: [Cooker] setting up terminal server

2002-10-06 Thread Brent Hasty

On Saturday 05 October 2002 16:56, Todd Lyons wrote:
> Brent Hasty wrote on Sat, Oct 05, 2002 at 01:29:32AM -0700 :
> > 2 issues
> >
> > fist all my terminals are using the eepro100 ic with pxe.  how do I set
> > the server up to boot the terminals using these nics with pxe?
> What do you want to know.  I have PXE setup at the office serving 8.2,
> 9.0, and Cooker net installs.  I used Erwan's pxe server rpms and
> whatever else it pulled in, then configured them.  The config files are
> very well documented.
> The only gotcha I came across is that the tftp server is set to use
> /var/lib/tftpboot instead of /tftpboot.  And since it's chrooted, you
> can't symlink to the network.img, you have to put a copy of it.  A
> simple oneline command in my rsync script (for cooker) took care of
> keeping it current.
> Blue skies... Todd
where did you get erwan's rpms for pxe?

Re: [Cooker] terminal server setup (ALMOST)

2002-10-06 Thread Brent Hasty

On Sunday 06 October 2002 22:45, Brent Hasty wrote:
> All is good on the server, service stop and start properly, made a net-boot
> flopy.  Terminal boots, finds dhcp, loads kernel, inits kernel, grabs
> moduled from clusternfs shared / directory on terminal server.  Obtains IP
> and lease for 17000 duration.
> At this point things start not working so well:
>   SCIODDART: Network is unreachable
>   Mounting root filesystem / at /sysroot
>   If this file appears to hand check that the server of / is
>   able to reverse-map my IP address to obtain my hostname
>   client_192_168_1_11
> And then it hangs.
> So I guess I need help getting the server to reverse map the ip and obtain
> the hostname properly.
> Whear and how, to set this up?
> documentation?
odd, I pinged the terminal from the server while it was hung, and viola it 
started loading the rest of the processes (like right around where you can 
hit i for interactive boot)

Ping response is under .2 millisecond

shut down rebooted, didnt seem to work this way a second time, maby more 
likley was the 10 -15 minuits the terminal was sitting there hung, then began 

K, problem still not solved but interesting curiosity.

[Cooker] just thought you would like to know

2002-10-06 Thread Brent Hasty

this is related to running linux mandrake 9.0 kernel 2.4.19 on the mobo 
specified above.

if you can provide any suggestions on getting ECC with your mobo working 
under this Linux Kernel running in SMP mode it would be highly appriciated.

ecc will run under single processor mode, but when smp is booted it fails.

Re: [Cooker] BIOS RELATED - booting smp kernel on dual athlon mp
From: Brent Hasty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Date: Sun, 6 Oct 2002 22:23:38 -0700

> > On Sun, 2002-10-06 at 23:01, Brent Hasty wrote:
> > > well the lowdown is this the problem was related to enabeling the ECC
> > > ddr ram I have in this system.  When I disable ecc in the bios the
> > > kernel boots without a hitch, if I turn on ecc ram the kernel crashes
> > > :(
> > >
> > > a big bummer since I paid premium for ECC for the obvious bennifit it
> > > offers a server.  Why is it that ecc would cause the kernel init to
> > > hang and reboot in smp mode, but not in single processor mode?
> > >
> > > I would really like to have my ecc ram funcitioning.
> >
> > Odd.  I have ECC in mine (ASUS A7M266-D).  It's been enabled and running
> > since day one.  You've stumped me on this one.
> >
> >
> > TTFN,
> > Lonnie Borntreger
> Yeah,  very odd.   I've got 9.0 up on an A7M266-D  and a
> Tyan ThunderK7 both  with ECC and both run like a charm
> ...

[Cooker] terminal server setup (ALMOST)

2002-10-06 Thread Brent Hasty

All is good on the server, service stop and start properly, made a net-boot 
flopy.  Terminal boots, finds dhcp, loads kernel, inits kernel, grabs moduled 
from clusternfs shared / directory on terminal server.  Obtains IP and lease 
for 17000 duration.

At this point things start not working so well:

SCIODDART: Network is unreachable
Mounting root filesystem / at /sysroot
If this file appears to hand check that the server of / is
able to reverse-map my IP address to obtain my hostname

And then it hangs.
So I guess I need help getting the server to reverse map the ip and obtain 
the hostname properly.

Whear and how, to set this up?

Re: [Cooker] BIOS RELATED - booting smp kernel on dual athlon mp

2002-10-06 Thread Brent Hasty

On Sunday 06 October 2002 21:58, Lissimore wrote:
> On October 6, 2002 09:09 pm, Lonnie Borntreger wrote:
> > On Sun, 2002-10-06 at 23:01, Brent Hasty wrote:
> > > well the lowdown is this the problem was related to enabeling the ECC
> > > ddr ram I have in this system.  When I disable ecc in the bios the
> > > kernel boots without a hitch, if I turn on ecc ram the kernel crashes
> > > :(
> > >
> > > a big bummer since I paid premium for ECC for the obvious bennifit it
> > > offers a server.  Why is it that ecc would cause the kernel init to
> > > hang and reboot in smp mode, but not in single processor mode?
> > >
> > > I would really like to have my ecc ram funcitioning.
> >
> > Odd.  I have ECC in mine (ASUS A7M266-D).  It's been enabled and running
> > since day one.  You've stumped me on this one.
> >
> >
> > TTFN,
> > Lonnie Borntreger
> Yeah,  very odd.   I've got 9.0 up on an A7M266-D  and a
> Tyan ThunderK7 both  with ECC and both run like a charm
> ...
I am running the msi k7d-master-L, it will boot with ecc enabled but only in 
single processor mode. the crashing with ecc enabled is related to smp mode.

I will have to share this with MSI.

Re: [Cooker] BIOS RELATED - booting smp kernel on dual athlon mp

2002-10-06 Thread Brent Hasty

On Sunday 06 October 2002 21:09, Lonnie Borntreger wrote:
> On Sun, 2002-10-06 at 23:01, Brent Hasty wrote:
> > well the lowdown is this the problem was related to enabeling the ECC ddr
> > ram I have in this system.  When I disable ecc in the bios the kernel
> > boots without a hitch, if I turn on ecc ram the kernel crashes :(
> >
> > a big bummer since I paid premium for ECC for the obvious bennifit it
> > offers a server.  Why is it that ecc would cause the kernel init to hang
> > and reboot in smp mode, but not in single processor mode?
> >
> > I would really like to have my ecc ram funcitioning.
> Odd.  I have ECC in mine (ASUS A7M266-D).  It's been enabled and running
> since day one.  You've stumped me on this one.
> Lonnie Borntreger
my mobo is the msi k7d-master+L the spec for the 512 ddr 266 I have is:

Samsung m081l64208t1-ca2 part #: n381l6423bt1-c(l)a2

when I get a chance I will have to try a different type and see if it cures 
the problem.

Re: [Cooker] BIOS RELATED - booting smp kernel on dual athlon mp

2002-10-06 Thread Brent Hasty

On Sunday 06 October 2002 20:41, Brent Hasty wrote:
> it seems all the trouble I was having with booting my smp kernel on dual
> athlon mp, wer bios related.  I set the bios on the msi k7d master to
> failsafe defaults and wal la la... it now boots the smp kernel.  Next I
> tried the bios optimized defaults and tried booting the smp kernel, it
> again booted withiout issue.
> I will now go through step by step setting my bios preferences and try to
> locate the item that was causing the boot failure.
> More will be posted if the specific item is discovered.
well the lowdown is this the problem was related to enabeling the ECC ddr ram 
I have in this system.  When I disable ecc in the bios the kernel boots 
without a hitch, if I turn on ecc ram the kernel crashes :(

a big bummer since I paid premium for ECC for the obvious bennifit it offers 
a server.  Why is it that ecc would cause the kernel init to hang and reboot 
in smp mode, but not in single processor mode?

I would really like to have my ecc ram funcitioning.

[Cooker] BIOS RELATED - booting smp kernel on dual athlon mp

2002-10-06 Thread Brent Hasty

it seems all the trouble I was having with booting my smp kernel on dual 
athlon mp, wer bios related.  I set the bios on the msi k7d master to 
failsafe defaults and wal la la... it now boots the smp kernel.  Next I tried 
the bios optimized defaults and tried booting the smp kernel, it again booted 
withiout issue.

I will now go through step by step setting my bios preferences and try to 
locate the item that was causing the boot failure.

More will be posted if the specific item is discovered.

Re: [Cooker] debugging boot time init on smp

2002-10-06 Thread Brent Hasty

On Sunday 06 October 2002 01:10, Lonnie Borntreger wrote:
> On Sun, 2002-10-06 at 01:57, Brent Hasty wrote:
> > Attempted a dozen different things from grub to fdisk reinstall, still
> > is being a brat about booting into smp mode.
> >
> > What is the best way to get debugging information from so short into
> > the init process?
> >
> > Is there a way to make it go step by step, so I can at least read what
> > is blasting by?
> If you're not booting in "quiet" mode, watch for the kernel to finish
> loading.  At that time you should see something like "press I to go into
> interactive".  Hit "i" (sometimes you need to start hitting it early,
> and keep it up until it registers).  Then you will be prompted for each
> init script.
> Lonnie Borntreger
hmmm, it does not even get that far in the bootstrapping process.
Seems it reboots when the kernel is loading, specificaly when the smp kernel 
is attempting to load modules / drivers / or whatever around the power 
managment apm/apic and isa pnp stuff.

I tried building a custom kernel without the apic stuff and it looped even 
sooner, more like right after lilo handed over the hardware to the kernel.

Some on this list have had trouble building kernels with the included 
sources, so I wonder if the kernel I built was suffering from a related issue.

really a bummer to not be able to use my 2nd gigahertz athlon

Re: [Cooker] mdk 9.0 will not run in smp mode.

2002-10-05 Thread Brent Hasty

On Saturday 05 October 2002 10:08, Lonnie Borntreger wrote:
> On Sat, 2002-10-05 at 11:23, Brent Hasty wrote:
> > On Friday 04 October 2002 14:55, Lonnie Borntreger wrote:
> > well I thought it had worked, booted once last night into smp mode,
> > however it will not boot smp this morning.  I double checked the noapic i
> > appended to the lilo entry for linux-smp (my default boot image) it is
> > still there, but it fails to boot into smp mode this morning :-(
> > the append line of my lilo.conf for this entry looks like this:
> >
> > append=:devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi noapic"
> >
> > is this the right place and have I done it the right way to add "noapic"
> > to the boot line?
> Is that really : ?
> I use grub now, but my lilo line was:
> append = "devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi noapic"
> So other than spaces around the = and a " instead of :, it looks ok to
> me.
> Lonnie Borntreger
Attempted a dozen different things from grub to fdisk reinstall, still is 
being a brat about booting into smp mode.

What is the best way to get debugging information from so short into the init 

Is there a way to make it go step by step, so I can at least read what is 
blasting by?

[Cooker] debugging boot time init on smp

2002-10-05 Thread Brent Hasty

On Saturday 05 October 2002 10:08, Lonnie Borntreger wrote:
> On Sat, 2002-10-05 at 11:23, Brent Hasty wrote:
> > On Friday 04 October 2002 14:55, Lonnie Borntreger wrote:
> > well I thought it had worked, booted once last night into smp mode,
> > however it will not boot smp this morning.  I double checked the noapic i
> > appended to the lilo entry for linux-smp (my default boot image) it is
> > still there, but it fails to boot into smp mode this morning :-(
> > the append line of my lilo.conf for this entry looks like this:
> >
> > append=:devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi noapic"
> >
> > is this the right place and have I done it the right way to add "noapic"
> > to the boot line?
> Is that really : ?
> I use grub now, but my lilo line was:
> append = "devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi noapic"
> So other than spaces around the = and a " instead of :, it looks ok to
> me.
> Lonnie Borntreger
Attempted a dozen different things from grub to fdisk reinstall, still is 
being a brat about booting into smp mode.

What is the best way to get debugging information from so short into the init 

Is there a way to make it go step by step, so I can at least read what is 
blasting by?

Re: [Cooker] setting up terminal server

2002-10-05 Thread Brent Hasty

On Saturday 05 October 2002 01:29, Brent Hasty wrote:
is there more documentation lurking about somewhere other than the help 
button in drakTermServ?

> 2 issues
> fist all my terminals are using the eepro100 ic with pxe.  how do I set the
> server up to boot the terminals using these nics with pxe?
> second is when booting the terminals (using a boot flopy) it fails at
> mounting the root filesystem.  I have 5 partitions /, /usr, /var, /home,
> /tmp
> my exports lists the
> / (ro,all_squash)
> /home, root_squash)
> do i need to modify my exports to reflect all system partitions?
> am i overlooking a step to give the terminals permission to mount the
> shared resources?

Re: [Cooker] setting up terminal server

2002-10-05 Thread Brent Hasty

On Saturday 05 October 2002 06:53, Larry Nguyen wrote:
> On Sat, 2002-10-05 at 13:21, Brent Hasty wrote:
> > > > I am using a drakTermServ created boot floppy to get this far with
> > > > tthe eepro100
> > > >
> > > > when I #] service clusternfs start  I get
> > > > Starting ClusterNFS (rpc.mountd):   [  OK
> > > >  ] Starting ClusterNFS (rpc.nfsd): [ 
> > > > FAILED ]
> > > >
> > > > so i guess now the question is how do I get rpc.nfsd working?
> > >
> > > Stop and restart the service.
> > >
> > > Stew Benedict
> >
> > that worked but the terminal still does not mount its root filesystem.
> Well, below is how I got mine to work.
> 1. I *do not* use .255 because it is a broadcast address.
> 2. I *do* have portmap service started because nfs needs it AFAIK.
> -Larry
I moved to .254 that is ok
I turned off portmap, terminal still not mounting its root filesystem
I went into a terminal and set msec 2, still not mounting /

Re: [Cooker] setting up terminal server

2002-10-05 Thread Brent Hasty

On Saturday 05 October 2002 11:06, Stew Benedict wrote:
> On Sat, 5 Oct 2002, Brent Hasty wrote:
> > try hitting reply all
> I know how to reply, I was just commenting that your return address seems
> to be different than almost every other message I see on the list, where
> "Reply To:" points to the list. Nevermind, it's no big deal.
> > I am using a drakTermServ created boot floppy to get this far with tthe
> > eepro100
> >
> > when I #] service clusternfs start  I get
> > Starting ClusterNFS (rpc.mountd):   [  OK  ]
> > Starting ClusterNFS (rpc.nfsd): [  FAILED
> >  ]
> >
> > so i guess now the question is how do I get rpc.nfsd working?
> Stop and restart the service.
> Stew Benedict
that worked but the terminal still does not mount its root filesystem.

Re: [Cooker] setting up terminal server

2002-10-05 Thread Brent Hasty

On Saturday 05 October 2002 09:29, Stew Benedict wrote:
> On Sat, 5 Oct 2002, Brent Hasty wrote:
> > On Saturday 05 October 2002 05:40, Stew Benedict wrote:
> > > On Sat, 5 Oct 2002, Brent Hasty wrote:
> > > > 2 issues
> > >
> > > 1 issue - your mailer borks the "Reply To:" :)
> > >
> > > > fist all my terminals are using the eepro100 ic with pxe.  how do I
> > > > set the server up to boot the terminals using these nics with pxe?
> > >
> > > Sorry.  Several people have asked about PXE.  I know Erwan did some PXE
> > > work for the clustering project, and I read the docs, but I don't have
> > > PXE capable hardware to implement/test.  Patches welcome :)
> > >
> > > > second is when booting the terminals (using a boot flopy) it fails at
> > > > mounting the root filesystem.  I have 5 partitions /, /usr, /var,
> > > > /home, /tmp
> > > >
> > > > my exports lists the
> > > >
> > > > /   (ro,all_squash)
> > > > /home, root_squash)
> > > >
> > > > do i need to modify my exports to reflect all system partitions?
> > > > am i overlooking a step to give the terminals permission to mount the
> > > > shared resources?
> > >
> > > That should be OK as you list.  I'm assuming the subnet is correct for
> > > you network.  Any messages at the client or server end? Is clusternfs
> > > running on the server?  You shouldn't have to mount all the partitions
> > > specifically, it's only done for /home for rw access.
> > >
> > > Stew Benedict
> >
> > in the control center under services it shows that clusternfs is running
> > (started at boot)
> >
> > the dmesg printed to screen on a terminal as booting ends with these
> > errors:
> >
> > SIOCADDRT: Network is unreachable
> > Mounting root filesystem at /sysroot
> > If this appears to hang, check that the server of is able
> > to reverse map my IP address to obtain my hostname
> > client_192_168_1_12
> > mount: nfsmount filed: Bad file number
> > nfs: mount program didn't pass remote address!
> > mount: mounting  on sysroot failed: Invalid argument
> > sucessfully obtained IP address via wired link [eth0]
> > FATAL ERROR: failed to mount root filesystem
> > ~reboot~
> >
> > so it sounds like the terminal is not getting told whear to acess its
> > /sysroot on the server, the ip address of the server, and is not being
> > given permission to mount it.
> >
> > So where do I go to begin to make this work?
> Your server is at
> Stew Benedict
yes is there anything wrong with this ip (

Re: [Cooker] setting up terminal server

2002-10-05 Thread Brent Hasty

On Saturday 05 October 2002 09:23, Stew Benedict wrote:
> On Sat, 5 Oct 2002, Brent Hasty wrote:
> > On Saturday 05 October 2002 05:40, Stew Benedict wrote:
> > > On Sat, 5 Oct 2002, Brent Hasty wrote:
> > > > 2 issues
> > >
> > > 1 issue - your mailer borks the "Reply To:" :)
> > >
> > > > fist all my terminals are using the eepro100 ic with pxe.  how do I
> > > > set the server up to boot the terminals using these nics with pxe?
> > >
> > > Sorry.  Several people have asked about PXE.  I know Erwan did some PXE
> > > work for the clustering project, and I read the docs, but I don't have
> > > PXE capable hardware to implement/test.  Patches welcome :)
> > >
> > > > second is when booting the terminals (using a boot flopy) it fails at
> > > > mounting the root filesystem.  I have 5 partitions /, /usr, /var,
> > > > /home, /tmp
> > > >
> > > > my exports lists the
> > > >
> > > > /   (ro,all_squash)
> > > > /home, root_squash)
> > > >
> > > > do i need to modify my exports to reflect all system partitions?
> > > > am i overlooking a step to give the terminals permission to mount the
> > > > shared resources?
> > >
> > > That should be OK as you list.  I'm assuming the subnet is correct for
> > > you network.  Any messages at the client or server end? Is clusternfs
> > > running on the server?  You shouldn't have to mount all the partitions
> > > specifically, it's only done for /home for rw access.
> > >
> > > Stew Benedict
> >
> > well hopefully I will soon be retiring this old hp kyak terminal server
> > based on 8.2 and ltsp.  I will then be running under mdk9.0 and kde3 with
> > all its new goodies.  what do you mean by borks and how do I fix it?
> Your email doesn't have the cooker list "Reply To:" that most of the posts
> do.  I guess it depends on your mail client.  Generally you just leave the
> "Reply To:" setting alone.
> > is it possiable to get the eepro100 to net boot off of the terminal
> > server, as though using a boot rom rather than pxe?
> If you're getting to the point of nfs mounting, it sounds like you are
> able to boot the eepro100, or you're using a different card for that?
> I had one 3com card here that would do the initial boot, but then would
> fail asking for the IP a second time.  Erwan told me that it was because
> it was trying to talk to a pxe server, which didn't exist. (I may not have
> the terminology exactly right here).
> > I will see about the possiability of patches, but it would be a learning
> > project for me to do.
> >
> > how do i check the status of cluseter-nfs?
> It's started by a normal initscript, just like nfs-server.  Should be 2
> processes running:
> [root@larry root]# service clusternfs start
> Starting ClusterNFS (rpc.mountd):   [  OK  ]
> Starting ClusterNFS (rpc.nfsd): [  OK  ]
> On occasion rpc.nfsd doesn't start the first try.
> Stew Benedict
try hitting reply all

I am using a drakTermServ created boot floppy to get this far with tthe 

when I #] service clusternfs start  I get
Starting ClusterNFS (rpc.mountd):   [  OK  ]
Starting ClusterNFS (rpc.nfsd): [  FAILED  ]

so i guess now the question is how do I get rpc.nfsd working?

Re: [Cooker] mdk 9.0 will not run in smp mode.

2002-10-05 Thread Brent Hasty

On Friday 04 October 2002 14:55, Lonnie Borntreger wrote:
well I thought it had worked, booted once last night into smp mode, however 
it will not boot smp this morning.  I double checked the noapic i appended to 
the lilo entry for linux-smp (my default boot image) it is still there, but 
it fails to boot into smp mode this morning :-(
the append line of my lilo.conf for this entry looks like this:

append=:devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi noapic"

is this the right place and have I done it the right way to add "noapic" to 
the boot line?

> I had to add "noapic" to the boot line to get my dual athlon to work.  I
> also have "mem=nopentium", but I think that is video related, not smp.
> Lonnie Borntreger
> On Fri, 2002-10-04 at 15:09, Brent Hasty wrote:
> > I have a msi k7d-master mobo and dual athlon 1ghz mp processors, I have
> > installed the full release (pending the arrival of my preordered dvd
> > powerpack) things went smoothly, untill it booted for the first time. 
> > while initilazing the kernel around the acpi functions the bootstrapping
> > process loops and the computer resets. I have tried stripping it down to
> > the base of components, just mobo, ram and vid card.  still no smp boot. 
> > I have tried playing with the acpi settings in the bios still no smp
> > boot.  It will boot in single processor mode, how and where can I chek
> > the log to see exactly what it going on when trying to boot in smp mode
> > and the computer resets. how do I get dual processor mode working?

Re: [Cooker] setting up terminal server

2002-10-05 Thread Brent Hasty

On Saturday 05 October 2002 05:40, Stew Benedict wrote:
> On Sat, 5 Oct 2002, Brent Hasty wrote:
> > 2 issues
> 1 issue - your mailer borks the "Reply To:" :)
> > fist all my terminals are using the eepro100 ic with pxe.  how do I set
> > the server up to boot the terminals using these nics with pxe?
> Sorry.  Several people have asked about PXE.  I know Erwan did some PXE
> work for the clustering project, and I read the docs, but I don't have PXE
> capable hardware to implement/test.  Patches welcome :)
> > second is when booting the terminals (using a boot flopy) it fails at
> > mounting the root filesystem.  I have 5 partitions /, /usr, /var, /home,
> > /tmp
> >
> > my exports lists the
> >
> > /   (ro,all_squash)
> > /home, root_squash)
> >
> > do i need to modify my exports to reflect all system partitions?
> > am i overlooking a step to give the terminals permission to mount the
> > shared resources?
> That should be OK as you list.  I'm assuming the subnet is correct for you
> network.  Any messages at the client or server end? Is clusternfs running
> on the server?  You shouldn't have to mount all the partitions
> specifically, it's only done for /home for rw access.
> Stew Benedict
in the control center under services it shows that clusternfs is running 
(started at boot)

the dmesg printed to screen on a terminal as booting ends with these errors:

SIOCADDRT: Network is unreachable
Mounting root filesystem at /sysroot
If this appears to hang, check that the server of is able to 
reverse map my IP address to obtain my hostname 
mount: nfsmount filed: Bad file number
nfs: mount program didn't pass remote address!
mount: mounting  on sysroot failed: Invalid argument
sucessfully obtained IP address via wired link [eth0]
FATAL ERROR: failed to mount root filesystem

so it sounds like the terminal is not getting told whear to acess its 
/sysroot on the server, the ip address of the server, and is not being given 
permission to mount it.

So where do I go to begin to make this work?

Re: [Cooker] setting up terminal server

2002-10-05 Thread Brent Hasty

On Saturday 05 October 2002 05:40, Stew Benedict wrote:
> On Sat, 5 Oct 2002, Brent Hasty wrote:
> > 2 issues
> 1 issue - your mailer borks the "Reply To:" :)
> > fist all my terminals are using the eepro100 ic with pxe.  how do I set
> > the server up to boot the terminals using these nics with pxe?
> Sorry.  Several people have asked about PXE.  I know Erwan did some PXE
> work for the clustering project, and I read the docs, but I don't have PXE
> capable hardware to implement/test.  Patches welcome :)
> > second is when booting the terminals (using a boot flopy) it fails at
> > mounting the root filesystem.  I have 5 partitions /, /usr, /var, /home,
> > /tmp
> >
> > my exports lists the
> >
> > /   (ro,all_squash)
> > /home, root_squash)
> >
> > do i need to modify my exports to reflect all system partitions?
> > am i overlooking a step to give the terminals permission to mount the
> > shared resources?
> That should be OK as you list.  I'm assuming the subnet is correct for you
> network.  Any messages at the client or server end? Is clusternfs running
> on the server?  You shouldn't have to mount all the partitions
> specifically, it's only done for /home for rw access.
> Stew Benedict

well hopefully I will soon be retiring this old hp kyak terminal server based 
on 8.2 and ltsp.  I will then be running under mdk9.0 and kde3 with all its 
new goodies.  what do you mean by borks and how do I fix it?

is it possiable to get the eepro100 to net boot off of the terminal server, 
as though using a boot rom rather than pxe?

I will see about the possiability of patches, but it would be a learning 
project for me to do.

how do i check the status of cluseter-nfs?

[Cooker] setting up terminal server

2002-10-05 Thread Brent Hasty

2 issues 

fist all my terminals are using the eepro100 ic with pxe.  how do I set the 
server up to boot the terminals using these nics with pxe?

second is when booting the terminals (using a boot flopy) it fails at 
mounting the root filesystem.  I have 5 partitions /, /usr, /var, /home, /tmp

my exports lists the 

/   (ro,all_squash)
/home, root_squash)

do i need to modify my exports to reflect all system partitions?
am i overlooking a step to give the terminals permission to mount the shared 

Re: [Cooker] mdk 9.0 will not run in smp mode.

2002-10-05 Thread Brent Hasty

On Friday 04 October 2002 14:55, Lonnie Borntreger wrote:
good tip, seems to be working great now, thanks ;-)

> I had to add "noapic" to the boot line to get my dual athlon to work.  I
> also have "mem=nopentium", but I think that is video related, not smp.
> Lonnie Borntreger
> On Fri, 2002-10-04 at 15:09, Brent Hasty wrote:
> > I have a msi k7d-master mobo and dual athlon 1ghz mp processors, I have
> > installed the full release (pending the arrival of my preordered dvd
> > powerpack) things went smoothly, untill it booted for the first time. 
> > while initilazing the kernel around the acpi functions the bootstrapping
> > process loops and the computer resets. I have tried stripping it down to
> > the base of components, just mobo, ram and vid card.  still no smp boot. 
> > I have tried playing with the acpi settings in the bios still no smp
> > boot.  It will boot in single processor mode, how and where can I chek
> > the log to see exactly what it going on when trying to boot in smp mode
> > and the computer resets. how do I get dual processor mode working?

[Cooker] mdk 9.0 will not run in smp mode.

2002-10-04 Thread Brent Hasty

I have a msi k7d-master mobo and dual athlon 1ghz mp processors, I have 
installed the full release (pending the arrival of my preordered dvd 
powerpack) things went smoothly, untill it booted for the first time.  while 
initilazing the kernel around the acpi functions the bootstrapping process 
loops and the computer resets. I have tried stripping it down to the base of 
components, just mobo, ram and vid card.  still no smp boot.  I have tried 
playing with the acpi settings in the bios still no smp boot.  It will boot 
in single processor mode, how and where can I chek the log to see exactly 
what it going on when trying to boot in smp mode and the computer resets.  
how do I get dual processor mode working?

Re: [Cooker] kernel-enterprise hard lock on 9.0rc2

2002-09-20 Thread Brent Hasty

On Thursday 19 September 2002 20:59, Bjarne Thomsen wrote:
> On Fri, 2002-09-20 at 01:52, Bryan Whitehead wrote:
> > Randy wrote:
> > > Bryan Whitehead wrote:
> > >> Randy wrote:
> > >> [snip]
> > >>
> > >>> Works just fine on my dual Athlon MP system running *fresh* B4:
> > >>>
> > >>> Kernel 2.4.19-5mdkenterprise on a Dual-processor i686 / \l
> > >>>
> > >>> Tiger MPX, IDE based, with Promise 133 as well.
> > >>>
> > >>> -Rand E
> > >>
> > >> Do you NFS allot?
> > >
> > > No, I havn't used NFS on this machine (at least not serving).
> > > I am able to do intense hard drive activity which I thought
> > > was related.  BTW I have a 1024MB stick in it.
> > >
> > > I'll give RC3 a try as soon as I can.
> > >
> > > -Rand
> >
> > I think the lock is nfs/rpc related, so that's why your not getting the
> > lock-up.
> >
> > I'm building a new kernel to test... I'm probably wrong.
> >
> > --
> > Bryan Whitehead
> > SysAdmin - JPL - Interferometry Systems and Technology
> > Phone: 818 354 2903
> It is clearly NFS/FTP + disk(IDE or SCSI) + HIGHMEM related,
> under heavy load.
> It never happens without highmem.
> It only happens with 2.4.18 and 2.4.19 (maybe 2.4.17) kernels.
> It never happens with the 2.4.8 kernel.
> It is easy to produce with both P4 and Athlon processors.
> You cannot produce it with heavy disk load alone.
>  -- Bjarne
remember you always have options, please print and keep handy.  This is a jem 
of a tip.  (use konqueror to open the attached file), or use the link and get 
it from the source


When stuck in a "freeze", your computer will not respond to commands anymore 
and input devices like keyboard and mouse seem to be blocked. This is a worst 
case scenario and could mean that you have a very severe error in either your 
configuration, your software or your hardware. Here we will show you to deal 
with this annoying situation. 

In the case of a system freeze, your top priority should be trying to 
shutdown your system properly. Let's assume you are under X, if so, try these 
steps consecutively: 
 Try to kill the X server by pressing ALT+CTRL+BACKSPACE simultaneously. 
 Try to switch to another console with ALT+CTRL+F2. If you succeed, login as 
root and issue the command: kill -15 $(pidof X) or the command kill -9 
$(pidof X), if the first command shows no effect. (Check with top to see if X 
is still running). 
 If you are part of a local network, try to ssh into your machine from 
another box. It is advisable to ssh into the remote machine as an 
unprivileged user and then use su to become root. 
 If the system does not respond to any of these steps, you have to go through 
the "SysRq" ("System Request") sequence. The "SysRq" sequence involves 
pressing three keys at once, the left ALT key, the SysRq key (labeled 
PrintScreen on older keyboards) and a letter key. 
 Left ALT+SysRq+r puts the keyboard in "raw" mode. Now try the pressing 
ALT+CTRL+BACKSPACE again, to kill the X. If that does not work, carry on. 
 Left ALT+SysRq+s attempts to write all unsaved data to disk ("sync" the 
 Left ALT+SysRq+e sends a termination signal to all processes, except for 
 Left ALT+SysRq+i sends a kill signal to all processes, except for init. 
 Left ALT+SysRq+u attempts to remount all mounted filesystems read-only. This 
removes the "dirty flag" and will avoid a file system check upon reboot. 
 Left ALT+SysRq+b reboots the system. You might just as well press the 
"reset" button on your machine. 

 Remember that this is a sequence, i.e. you have to press one combination 
after the other in the right order: Raw, Sync, tErm, kIll, Umount, reBoot[1]. 
You will find more on this feature in /usr/src/linux/Documentation/sysrq.txt. 
 If none of the above helps, cross fingers and press the "reset" switch on 
your machine. If you are lucky, GNU/Linux will just run a disk check upon 
By all means, try to find out what causes these lockups because they can do 
severe damage to the file system. You might also want to consider using 
ReiserFS, a journaling file system included in Mandrake Linux since 7.0, 
which handles such failures more gracefully. However, replacing ext2fs with 
ReiserFS requires reformatting your partitions. 

Re: [Cooker] wine success stories

2002-09-17 Thread Brent Hasty

On Wednesday 04 September 2002 00:15, Leon Brooks wrote:
would it be possiable to direct wine to the /home/user/win directory created 
when using win4lin to link to all the dll's one needs?

> On Tue, 3 Sep 2002 22:59, Thierry Vignaud wrote:
> > "Florent BERANGER" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> I hope Lotus Notes, Half Life and Warcraft3 will works fine by std.
> >
> > a friend of mine reported that warcraft3 works under wine
> MSAccess works, but you need a fair few DLLs and registry entries (for the
> licence, for example, and oleaut32.dll needs to be native rather than
> builtin) from a working Windows installation to do it. Sigh.
> In theory, it should even be able to do an ODBC connection to MS SQL Server
> via unixODBC and FreeTDS, I'll find out tomorrow.
> Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Fwd: Liquid Cooled Terminal Server

2002-09-12 Thread Brent Hasty

On Thursday 12 September 2002 13:07, Todd Lyons wrote:
it is difficult to tell for shure why and whear it is in the init that the 
dual processor mode flakes and reeboots the system.  the initilazition 
messages fly by real quick on this system.

Is there a way when a boot fails like this to boot into the falesafe mode and 
view. save or copy the initilization message from the failed boot.  So I can 
get a better idea or handle on where this thing is flaking on me in smp mode?

> Brent Hasty wrote on Wed, Sep 11, 2002 at 11:19:08PM -0700 :
> > Only ran across one major hitch when loading rc2, it will not run in smp
> >  mode. Seems to hang and reboot around the isapnp portion of init. This
> >  motherboard has no isapnp how can I turn it off?
> rpm -e isapnptools
> Blue skies... Todd

[Cooker] Unrecognized hardware using rc2

2002-09-12 Thread Brent Hasty

In MDK controll center, under hardware, There are a few things not detected 
fully or properly on my system

under bridges:
amd-768 pci to pci bridge
bus identification-1022:7448
location on the bus-0:10:0
mdeia class-bridge_pci

(e)ide/ata controllers
amd-768 eide contontroller
bus identification-1022:7441
location on the bus-0:7:0
mdeia class-storage_ide

usb controllers
amd-768 usb contontroller
bus identification-1022:7449
location on the bus-2:0:0
mdeia class-serial_usb

--  Forwarded Message  --

Subject: Re: [Cooker] Fwd: Liquid Cooled Terminal Server
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2002 13:07:18 -0700
From: Todd Lyons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: List Cookers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Brent Hasty wrote on Wed, Sep 11, 2002 at 11:19:08PM -0700 :
> Only ran across one major hitch when loading rc2, it will not run in smp
>  mode. Seems to hang and reboot around the isapnp portion of init. This
>  motherboard has no isapnp how can I turn it off?

rpm -e isapnptools

Blue skies...   Todd

| MandrakeSoft USA | Security is like an onion.  It's made |
| http://www.mandrakesoft.com  | made up of several layers and makes   |
| http://www.mandrakelinux.com | you cry.  --Howard Chu|

   Cooker Version mandrake-release-9.0-0.3mdk Kernel 2.4.19-9mdk


Description: PGP signature

Re: [Cooker] Fwd: Liquid Cooled Terminal Server

2002-09-12 Thread Brent Hasty

On Thursday 12 September 2002 13:07, Todd Lyons wrote:
> Brent Hasty wrote on Wed, Sep 11, 2002 at 11:19:08PM -0700 :
> > Only ran across one major hitch when loading rc2, it will not run in smp
> >  mode. Seems to hang and reboot around the isapnp portion of init. This
> >  motherboard has no isapnp how can I turn it off?
> rpm -e isapnptools
executing this command go this error:
isapnptools not installed

whare to next?
> Blue skies... Todd

Re: [Cooker] Fwd: Liquid Cooled Terminal Server

2002-09-12 Thread Brent Hasty

On Thursday 12 September 2002 01:54, James Sparenberg wrote:
> On Wed, 2002-09-11 at 23:19, Brent Hasty wrote:
> > --  Forwarded Message  --
> >
> > Subject: Liquid Cooled Terminal Server
> > Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2002 23:06:31 -0700
> > From: Brent Hasty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: List Cookers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > Lets start with the specs:
> >
> > Msi K7D-Master-L Motherboard.
> > Onboard 10/100 nic (for WAN)
> > 2 1GHZ AMD Athlon MP processors
> > Copper shimmed
> > Cold Spike All copper water blocks (avaliable from my websight
> > www.hasty-solutions.com)
> > 3 Enermax Ultra Cool temperature controlled fans.
> > 7" x 12" transmission oil cooler
> > 1 qt coolant with water wetter
> > coolant pump (all coolant components are internaly plumbed and
> > contained). 512 MB DDR 266 CL 2 Samsung ram
> > Usb 2.0
> > Usb 1.1
> > External Usb 2.0 30G ibm backup hard drive.
> > Broadcom bcm5701 64 bit 66 mhz copper gigabit nic (for terminals usning
> > eepro100 nics)
> > Intel SRCU32 2 channel u160 64 bit 66 mhz raid controller w/ 256 MB
> > pc-133 CL 2 micron/crucial ram
> > 6+1 Raid 5 Seagate cheta 10k rpm u160 4 MB cashe SCSI Drives, in
> > removable sca drive trays.
> > DVD-rom
> > Sony CDRW 24X
> > Int zip 250
> > 1.44 Floppy
> > Soundblaster Live
> > ATI Rage 128 Pro 32 MB
> > 21" ncd monitor
> > ATX Full Tower case with red racing stripes.
> > 350 Watt ATX Pentium 4/AMD approved powersupply.
> >
> > I will be trying over the next week to use MDK 9.0 rc2 to set up a small
> > office terminal server.  I will keep all posted as to how it goes.
> >
> > A question:
> > Is there any hardware on my list that may not have the nessicary software
> > developed to use it with Linux and MDK 9.0?
> >
> > broadcom gigabit nick works without a hitch.
> >
> > If any one has made use of any of these components and has tips to share
> > I would greatly appriciate the tips.
> >
> > Do you think this is enough to handle being at least a half decent
> > terminal server?
> >
> > Only ran across one major hitch when loading rc2, it will not run in smp
> >  mode. Seems to hang and reboot around the isapnp portion of init. This
> >  motherboard has no isapnp how can I turn it off?
> I solved this on my box by in BIOS chosing PNP Enabled OS, set to No
> Some have additional settings (redundancy actually) in the PCI section.
> Your millage may vary.
> James
> > ---
PnP was turned off, and acpi was turned off, still not booting into smp mode 

[Cooker] Diskdrake not recognizing usb 2.0 hd reiserfs partition

2002-09-11 Thread Brent Hasty

I have a external usb 2.0 30G ide drive. one large partition formated with 
reiserfs using mdk 8.0.  I plugged it in to the Water Cooled Terminal 
Server's usb 2.0 ports and launched disdrake to set my mount point.  I got an 
error from diskdrake warning the partition table was unreadable on the usb 
drive and that I would have to reformat it.
This I cannot do, it contains important backup data.
Why would diskdrake not recognize a ide drive in a external usb 2.0 enclosure?

[Cooker] Fwd: Liquid Cooled Terminal Server

2002-09-11 Thread Brent Hasty

--  Forwarded Message  --

Subject: Liquid Cooled Terminal Server
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2002 23:06:31 -0700
From: Brent Hasty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: List Cookers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Lets start with the specs:

Msi K7D-Master-L Motherboard.
Onboard 10/100 nic (for WAN)
2 1GHZ AMD Athlon MP processors
Copper shimmed
Cold Spike All copper water blocks (avaliable from my websight
3 Enermax Ultra Cool temperature controlled fans.
7" x 12" transmission oil cooler
1 qt coolant with water wetter
coolant pump (all coolant components are internaly plumbed and contained).
512 MB DDR 266 CL 2 Samsung ram
Usb 2.0
Usb 1.1
External Usb 2.0 30G ibm backup hard drive.
Broadcom bcm5701 64 bit 66 mhz copper gigabit nic (for terminals usning
eepro100 nics)
Intel SRCU32 2 channel u160 64 bit 66 mhz raid controller w/ 256 MB pc-133 CL
2 micron/crucial ram
6+1 Raid 5 Seagate cheta 10k rpm u160 4 MB cashe SCSI Drives, in removable
sca drive trays.
Sony CDRW 24X
Int zip 250
1.44 Floppy
Soundblaster Live
ATI Rage 128 Pro 32 MB
21" ncd monitor
ATX Full Tower case with red racing stripes.
350 Watt ATX Pentium 4/AMD approved powersupply.

I will be trying over the next week to use MDK 9.0 rc2 to set up a small
office terminal server.  I will keep all posted as to how it goes.

A question:
Is there any hardware on my list that may not have the nessicary software
developed to use it with Linux and MDK 9.0?

broadcom gigabit nick works without a hitch.

If any one has made use of any of these components and has tips to share I
would greatly appriciate the tips.

Do you think this is enough to handle being at least a half decent terminal

Only ran across one major hitch when loading rc2, it will not run in smp
 mode. Seems to hang and reboot around the isapnp portion of init. This
 motherboard has no isapnp how can I turn it off?


[Cooker] Water Cooled Terminal Server

2002-09-11 Thread Brent Hasty

Lets start with the specs:

Msi K7D-Master-L Motherboard.
Onboard 10/100 nic (for WAN)
2 1GHZ AMD Athlon MP processors
Copper shimmed
Cold Spike All copper water blocks (avaliable from my websight
3 Enermax Ultra Cool temperature controlled fans.
7" x 12" transmission oil cooler
1 qt coolant with water wetter
coolant pump (all coolant components are internaly plumbed and contained).
512 MB DDR 266 CL 2 Samsung ram
Usb 2.0
Usb 1.1
External Usb 2.0 30G ibm backup hard drive.
Broadcom bcm5701 64 bit 66 mhz copper gigabit nic (for terminals usning
eepro100 nics)
Intel SRCU32 2 channel u160 64 bit 66 mhz raid controller w/ 256 MB pc-133 CL
2 micron/crucial ram
6+1 Raid 5 Seagate cheta 10k rpm u160 4 MB cashe SCSI Drives, in removable
sca drive trays.
Sony CDRW 24X
Int zip 250
1.44 Floppy
Soundblaster Live
ATI Rage 128 Pro 32 MB
21" ncd monitor
ATX Full Tower case with red racing stripes.
350 Watt ATX Pentium 4/AMD approved powersupply.

I will be trying over the next week to use MDK 9.0 rc2 to set up a small
office terminal server.  I will keep all posted as to how it goes.

A question:
Is there any hardware on my list that may not have the nessicary software
developed to use it with Linux and MDK 9.0?

broadcom gigabit nick works without a hitch.

If any one has made use of any of these components and has tips to share I
would greatly appriciate the tips.

Do you think this is enough to handle being at least a half decent terminal

Only ran across one major hitch when loading rc2, it will not run in smp
 mode. Seems to hang and reboot around the isapnp portion of init. This
 motherboard has no isapnp how can I turn it off?


Re: [Cooker] terminal-server

2002-09-11 Thread Brent Hasty

On Tuesday 10 September 2002 01:13, Per Øyvind Karlsen wrote:
is this only if you are using kernel lever software raid?
What if one is using a nice intel scsi u160 dual channel raid controller card?

> the terminal-server has ALOT of issues with the init scripts, especially
> when you have a raidtab on the server
> *sigh*, I went back to ltsp

Re: [Cooker] Accessing removable media in KDE

2002-09-11 Thread Brent Hasty

On Wednesday 11 September 2002 15:53, you wrote:
I will agree with that, I administer a terminal server, and many of the users 
hear barley know how to type, if this message could be clarifyed they would 
understand a lot better that they first need to insert thier 1.44 flopy 
before saving to it.

> When I attempt to access my cdrom or internal zip when there is no media
> in the drive (by clicking on the icon on the KDE desktop), I get a
> dialog box that says that I do not have access rights to /mnt/cdrom (or
> /mnt/zip or /mnt/cdrom2).
> The message is incorrect and misleading and should state that the there
> is no disk in the drive(if that is possible.)
> Placing a disk in the drive and clicking on the icon works as expected.

[Cooker] RC2 not running smp on a Dual AMD MP on MSI K7-D Master

2002-09-11 Thread Brent Hasty

When trying to init with the smp kernel the system hangs and reboots shortly 
after calibrating the delay loops, while initalizing isapnp

This mobo has no Isa how do I turn this off?

Why would rc2 not boot into smp mode?

[Cooker] Liquid Cooled Terminal Server

2002-09-11 Thread Brent Hasty

Lets start with the specs:

Msi K7D-Master-L Motherboard.
Onboard 10/100 nic (for WAN)
2 1GHZ AMD Athlon MP processors
Copper shimmed
Cold Spike All copper water blocks (avaliable from my websight 
3 Enermax Ultra Cool temperature controlled fans.
7" x 12" transmission oil cooler
1 qt coolant with water wetter
coolant pump (all coolant components are internaly plumbed and contained).
512 MB DDR 266 CL 2 Samsung ram
Usb 2.0
Usb 1.1
External Usb 2.0 30G ibm backup hard drive.
Broadcom bcm5701 64 bit 66 mhz copper gigabit nic (for terminals usning 
eepro100 nics)
Intel SRCU32 2 channel u160 64 bit 66 mhz raid controller w/ 256 MB pc-133 CL 
2 micron/crucial ram
6+1 Raid 5 Seagate cheta 10k rpm u160 4 MB cashe SCSI Drives, in removable 
sca drive trays.
Sony CDRW 24X
Int zip 250
1.44 Floppy
Soundblaster Live
ATI Rage 128 Pro 32 MB
21" ncd monitor
ATX Full Tower case with red racing stripes.
350 Watt ATX Pentium 4/AMD approved powersupply.

I will be trying over the next week to use MDK 9.0 rc1 to set up a small 
office terminal server.  I will keep all posted as to how it goes.

A question:
Is there any hardware on my list that may not have the nessicary software 
developed to use it with Linux and MDK 9.0?

If any one has made use of any of these components and has tips to share I 
would greatly appriciate the tips.

Do you think this is enough to handle being at least a half decent terminal 

Re: [Cooker] Missing in contrib: xoscope

2002-09-06 Thread Brent Hasty

On Friday 06 September 2002 11:55, Warly wrote:
I will cast a vote for keeping xosview, I make use of it.
> Reinhard Katzmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Hi!
> >
> > I just found out that one of my preferred oscilloscope programs
> > is missing in contrib (I don't know when it was "dropped")
> > there is no new version of xoscope there but I saw at least
> > some fixes in the CVS (xoscope.sf.net). the last version in
> > contrib I found on rpmfind was dated juli 3-2001.
> Yes it was removed as nobody seemed to either use or want to
> take care of it.
> If you use it and want/are able to maintain it, we can reintroduce
> it into the distro.

Re: [Cooker] Ctrl-Alt-+ zooming broken in XFree86

2002-09-06 Thread Brent Hasty

On Friday 06 September 2002 12:18, Levi Ramsey wrote:
`> Using XFree86-4.2.0-26mdk and the nv driver included in the
> distribution.
> Ctrl-Alt-+ and Ctrl-Alt--  no longer zoom the X display.
When this feature is fixed, will the Ctrl-Alt-+ and Ctrl-Alt--  zooming work 
on the terminals using the new terminal server features of MDK 9.0?

Is it possiable to set a per user preference for the display resolution?

Re: [Cooker] Why 700MB CDs there is easyer to write to 650MB and less to download

2002-09-06 Thread Brent Hasty

On Friday 06 September 2002 11:49, Byron Poland wrote:
I dont mind the 700 meg cd's, they are not any more difficult to burn than 
650 mb cd's just a different pice of media.  I would prefer the 700 over the 
650 so more goodies can be included.

> On Fri, 2002-09-06 at 11:19, Vox wrote:
> > Warly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > Jason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > > I disagree, IMHO the download CD's should be as complete as
> > > > possible. For example, AFAIK the 3rd CD of the betas and RC1 has had
> > > > nearly 200MB of free space left on it while important contrib
> > > > packages have been left out. This should not be the case. If a 3rd CD
> > > > is available, it should be full.
> > >
> > > The 3 download CDs are the exact replication of the 3 standard or
> > > powerpack first CDs, except for the 150 MB of commercial apps on the
> > > disc 3.
> > >
> > > As a consequence the download edition will have a CD 3 of 560 MB.
> > >
> > > Contribs will not the present on the download edition, only main,
> > > contribs CD will be available in powerpack and prosuite only.
> > >
> > > All the packages will be available on the live tree, of course.
> >
> >   Will they be urpmi-able?  Contrib stuff has never been installable
> >   through urpmi except on the release CDs, and now that it won't be
> >   available in the dld edition would be a good time to add the
> >   hdlist.cz to it...right? :)
> >
> >   Vox
> If the symbolic link is set up correctly on the server you can do:
> uprmi.addmedia contrib ftp://PATH_TO/Mandrake/RPMS2 with
> ../base/hdlist2.cz

Re: [Cooker] special deal on mdk 9 dvd edition?

2002-09-05 Thread Brent Hasty

On Thursday 05 September 2002 20:47, Richard Houser wrote:
where does one go to place thier order?

> Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:
> | Brook Humphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> |>>this offer doesn't look like being "limited" to "registered"
> |>>betatesters..
> |>
> |>Hm I've been on this list since mandrake 5.3. I do believe thats
> longer than
> |>pixel. How do I make sure I'm registered?
> |
> | there's not even such "registration", at least to my knowledge.
> It's not limited to cooker members or such.  I think the comment about
> the testers came from the time it was originally offered.  Somtime
> around Beta 1 if I remember.  It's just a traditional pre-order setup
> with an added cap thrown in and now free shipping (I ordered mine last
> week with no problems).

[Cooker] kooka says no path to gocr, gocr not in rpm database.

2002-08-29 Thread Brent Hasty

kooka says no path to gocr, gocr not in rpm database.  Locate  gocr only finds
[root@Spool root]# locate gocr
[root@Spool root]# 

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