Re: [Cooker] User says MDK 9.2 is a backward step and requests features

2003-11-18 Thread Robert L Martin

In MCC -> System,  the icon near "Choose the display manager" is traffic light 
device with red, yellow and green lights all off.  What have traffic lights 
in common with choosing type of login window, is again beyond my 
understanding, but if red light would be shining bright _on_  it could make 
somebody feel there is danger to go furtherMuch better would be, of 
course, to draw small login box there so to give some notion what it is 
really all about.

Me i think this sort of stuff should be blocked off by OSHA type 
Hazardous Material signs
(maybe level 4 explosives?) Possibly a good idea to ask the superuser to 
give the correct password before messing with
the boot process

Re: [Cooker] [PROPOSAL] Show windows drives on desktop

2003-11-16 Thread Robert L Martin

I would like to see this one also. But, will there be any risk, such as, users 
could accidently delete stuff from their winbloze partition? 

No greater than the risk native to Windows
can i patch this idea a bit??
run the links to a folder on the desktop (bonus points if you can create 
a "toolbar" on the desktop)
and be a little more obvious with the icons like have a "jail door" or 
ghost out on nonmounted drives

Re: [Cooker] User says MDK 9.2 is a backward step and requests features

2003-11-16 Thread Robert L Martin
I have reloaded the packages for KPPP 1 and KAddressBook 2
to my system. KAddressBook did find all my e-mail
addresses. Incidently, I also lost the game Freecell. 3 

My bigger problem is I can't connect to my ISP through
my modem. The connections got lost when I upgraded. I
did use the config tool to setup the internet
connection, but none of my programs (Kmail, pan,
galleon, mozilla, opera, etc.) can connect, and all
report that they are unable to connect to the
requested host.  4
Finally, my SCSI devices have disappeared. My swap
file is on the SCSI drive, so this is a potential
problem. At least I have 512 meg of memory. 5
addressing the issues 
1 package not installed old package removed during upgrade
2 see 1
3 Freecell  (another package removed?)
4 auto connect does not work (on my system the setup wizard nukes the /dev/ttyS1 node and does nothing else)
so yes you would need to do a forced dial to make things work {unless AnyDrakes have a few ideas not to include the wizard}
5 moved node/ not installed node problem check the /dev chain ie is the scsi card installed??

Re: [Cooker] [PROPOSAL] clean /usr/share/icons

2003-11-15 Thread Robert L Martin
I third the clean /usr/share/icons idea and suggest that a general 
"document and repair" job be done on  the whole filesystem ie
between the WM and Xcore where is what found.

Re: [Cooker] Danger: Magazine with 9.2 with problematic kernel

2003-11-12 Thread Robert L Martin
Buchan Milne wrote:

And  where on the mandrake site is a listing of exactly what is on the
commercial cds


"Additional drivers for NVIDIA-based and ATI videocards are available in
Mandrake packs."

or less than a week old list of whats on the club site?? (which is where you get if you click on the
big "downloads" link at the top of the page)
- --


im going to assume that neither list is complete (the cd list only gives 
the download edition files and the club area doesn't seem to have any files
(for 9.2))
the questions stand

Re: [Cooker] Danger: Magazine with 9.2 with problematic kernel

2003-11-10 Thread Robert L Martin
Buchan Milne wrote:

XFree86 doesn't support these cards yet AFAIK. You have to have the
non-free ATI driver. Fedora won't ship it, and the drivers are:
- -on the commercial CDs
- -on the Club.

And  where on the mandrake site is a listing of exactly what is on the 
commercial cds or less than a week old list of whats on the club site??

Re: [Cooker] Danger: Magazine with 9.2 with problematic kernel

2003-11-09 Thread Robert L Martin

If you are talking about only the LG issue, I think your point is moot.

1)LG will replace or repair the devices
2)An exploit of this is possible on Windows, and I am sure we will see one
soon, and then I guess people will say "Windows isn't ready for the
If you have any *real* reasons why your claim that 9.2 was not in a fit
state to be released, please give me your bug numbers.
AFAIK, the only major as-yet unfixed problem on 9.2 is the disappearing
menus issue.

1) And how many folks know the part numbers for everything in their 
computer? How about the person that has a Dell
and is now explaining to Dell tech support that "I tried to install 
Linux and my cd doesn't work"? Any Bets on wether the subject of the 
drive OEM
will even come up???

2) Non issue besides to many folks are paid to push Windows (If you had 
a country would you be concerned that a group of day school crossing guards
or the US Army showed up??)

Re: [Cooker] Danger: Magazine with 9.2 with problematic kernel

2003-11-09 Thread Robert L Martin
Bruno Prior wrote:

For those who think that 9.2 was in a fit state to be released and 
that those who have criticised were over-reacting - have a look at 
Linux Format's Help forum. It is being swamped with installation 
support requests for 9.2. It is _very_ bad news for linux (and 
Mandrake) that the latest release of the distro that has the best 
reputation for being user-friendly is going to leave so many people 
stranded or even damaged at install time. We are already seeing 
sweeping generalisations along the lines of "linux isn't ready for 
primetime", because people assume Mandrake = linux. This sort of 
damage to reputations could take years to undo.


I think that the person(s) that changed the kernel in a To BE RELEASED 
FOR PAY version and caused this bug should have his/their wine allowance 
cut to 1/10.

[Cooker] LG safe 9.2 isos?

2003-11-07 Thread Robert L Martin
Just for reference
1 how can you tell the LG safe isos from the older ones?  (file date 
/name or...)
2 any other fixes

And please tell me if i buy a dvd copy that it is the latest version

Re: [Cooker] Danger: Magazine with 9.2 with problematic kernel

2003-11-07 Thread Robert L Martin
Francisco Alcaraz wrote:

I just have bought a linux magazine (Todo Linux) that comes 
with the two first Mandrake 9.2 and, of course, with the 
old kernel. Nothing in the magazine warn about the possible 
problem with LG cdrom drivers.

It could be problematic have lot of people having their LG 
cdrom-drivers broken. At least a note about the danger 
should be put. :-(

Mandrake should be more carefull with this, shouldn't it?



You may have done this but CALL THE MAGAZINE  and report this since they 
may be getting calls
(okay so they aren't really liable but  )  The problem only showed 
up in the release kernel so given that the roms had to be pressed
a couple months ago /dev/oops

Re: [Cooker] New ISO with updates

2003-11-01 Thread Robert L Martin
Greg Meyer wrote:

"Dude, My cd drive is dead" is going to be heard here in the US  (Dell
uses LG cdroms in some systems)



and i would be very upset if i PAID for an OS and had this kind of "Issue".


I'd be more upset about getting a CDROM drive that was so obviously 
handicapped.  Dell should replace it.

Not being Stupid Dell is replacing the drives (Somebody needs to make 
sure that Linux is not blamed
for the "issue")

Re: [Cooker] New ISO with updates

2003-10-31 Thread Robert L Martin
Daouda LO wrote:

Really funny :))
Nice catch about the translation, Jan! 

Roger, "Arreter la presse (des CDS)" is a better translation  for
I just hope that somebody did yell whatever is correct or else

"Dude, My cd drive is dead" is going to be heard here in the US  (Dell 
uses LG cdroms in some systems)
and i would be very upset if i PAID for an OS and had this kind of "Issue".

Re: [Cooker] New ISO with updates

2003-10-31 Thread Robert L Martin
Jan Ciger wrote:

Hash: SHA1
Robert L Martin wrote:
| SomeDrake needs to post when the official "LG-SAFE" isos are ready (im
| going to assume that
| somebody yelled "STOP THE PRESSES" (aka via BF "ARRÊTEZ LES PRESSIONS")
| when
My French is poor, but as far as I know, "pression" in French means also
"beer" (the one you get in pub, from the keg, not the bottled/canned
variety). "Stop the beer!" would be also fitting for this mess, though 


- --

to be honest my french is nonexistant (i used BabelFish to get the 
french version)

Re: [Cooker] When can we finally get X to fall back to XFdrake??

2003-10-30 Thread Robert L Martin
Greg Meyer wrote:

I think Buchan's point is that if one tries to start X and it fails, XFdrake 
should be launched automatically to try and help the user fix the problem.

how about this in the init 3 scripts have one that pipes "X start 
%datetime%" or something to /var/log/Xmark then at
some point during each of the WM load (when it does do so) remove the 
file (this signals that X did in fact start)
Then in the init 1 scripts have a script check for Xmark and START 
XFdrake (perhaps with a message like
"Xwindows seems to have failed to start please press Y within # seconds 
to reconfigure Xwindows")

Re: [Cooker] New ISO with updates

2003-10-30 Thread Robert L Martin

Yeah, but I am trying to figure it all out right now.  I am having a terrible 
time getting MakeCD to run in anything other than auto mode.  If I use the 
config file, it won't build the iso.  

The scripts are not well documented and everyone else that talks about doing 
this skips so many details in their descriptions, assuming everyone knows it 
all, that it is nearly impossible to figure out.  So I'll be happy to update 
it once I figure out WTF to do.

SomeDrake needs to post when the official "LG-SAFE" isos are ready (im 
going to assume that
somebody yelled "STOP THE PRESSES" (aka via BF "ARRÊTEZ LES PRESSIONS") when
this bug was found so i couldn't buy a nonLG-SAFE set)
btw you might want to include how to tell the difference (like maybe the 
win32 auto run reads linux-Mandrake 9.2a?)

Re: [Cooker] Mandrake uses Photoshop... What a pity!

2003-10-26 Thread Robert L Martin
Pierre Jarillon wrote:

Le Dimanche 26 Octobre 2003 22:55, Giuseppe Ghibò a écrit :


IMHO the main obstable is the Pantone proprietary system.

This problem must be solved to allow free software used by 
professional printers. But I can't imagine free inks :-(

If ever you have only a shadow of a solution, tell us, please !


Scribus has found some way to "handwave" the issue (supposedly it can be 
used to create shop ready pdf files)

Re: [Cooker] New ISO with updates

2003-10-26 Thread Robert L Martin
On Saturday 25 October 2003 01:53 pm, Francisco Alcaraz wrote:
> I am absolutely according with this; I am introducing lot of
> people to use Mandrake and installing it in his computers,
> but everythime we have to spend lot of time donwloading
> updates; if every time updated isos were avalaible for the
> last distribution we could had a great and almost perfect
> distributions to take people to Mandrake.
> To wonderfull to be true?; I hope not :-)

being able to remaster the cds and or remaster to DVD would be cool but His 
Gatesness had a long list of updates for XP Day of Release
(don't even get me started on the POTW/SEOTW problem) 

Re: [Cooker] Mandrake uses Photoshop... What a pity!

2003-10-22 Thread Robert L Martin
On Wednesday 22 October 2003 12:31 pm, Thierry Vignaud wrote:
> > hostile interface but also because the two most common cultural
> > references to the word "gimp" in the US (and maybe other English
> > speaking countries) are very, very negative and one could very
> > well get you sued if the wrong person heard you utter the word.  
> > Some of us *are* using and promoting Linux in business.  I'm glad
> > cinepaint is at least in contrib.
> uh?
> what're the offenses ?

gimp = cripple = "otherwise enabled" is one 
Since i can't afford US$295 to get into OED i can't give you the other one

Re: [Cooker] Mandrake uses Photoshop... What a pity!

2003-10-22 Thread Robert L Martin
On Wednesday 22 October 2003 09:56 am, Mike wrote:
> Mandrake is a professional company, and therefore should use the best
> tool for the job... besides it might have just been contributed by a
> professional designer... they laugh at gimp (im afraid)
> Graphics programs take a lot of time to develop and are collossal, open
> source just hasnt had enough time yet

Time <> Money <>Talent <>Time  this would be the problem 
If you have enough of 2 of the 3 you can do ANYTHING but

Re: [Cooker] [IMPORTANT] 9.2 install potentially frying some LG cdrom drives

2003-10-22 Thread Robert L Martin
On Wednesday 22 October 2003 09:45 am, Leon Brooks wrote:
> Might help to also report the breed of IDE controller involved, and/or
> the CPU brand and speed since it sounds like a combination of factors
> is necessary to fry a drive.

it may be a bit of a darwin problem does the installer try to pull the rpms 
very quickly?

A coroners report on the drive might be helpful

Les coroners rendent compte de la commande pourraient être utiles (used 
babelfish to get the french)

Re: [Cooker] 9.2 cannot produce a floppy boot disk.

2003-10-22 Thread Robert L Martin
On Wednesday 22 October 2003 08:25 am, Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:
> If we want to go with larger floppies with 1.44 MBytes drives, we
> need serious testing. I'm afraid this brings lots of hardware
> problems (and floppies already have much hardware problems).

This would be a good thing for a "FlashDrake" version
a floppy would only need to boot the key (usb vfat cloop) and then spin the 
boot to the key for the install (of course the key can have a whole 

Re: [Cooker] Re: 9.2 disasters list (continuing)

2003-10-19 Thread Robert L Martin
On Sunday 19 October 2003 12:23 pm, Götz Waschk wrote:
> Who's more important, the stupid windows convert, or the developer? If
> you remove emacs from the CD, you'll scare of the developers. No
> developers means no new software. BTW it's not emacs that is growing
> and growing and taking away the CD space but the new generations of
> GUI software, especially KDE.

Oh i would say the stupid Windows converts as far as The Big I$$ue goes
besides most developers if they found something "missing" they would 
1 compile it from source
2 have an older version lying about
3 download the package from an ftp server

Re: [Cooker] Re: 9.2 disasters list (continuing)

2003-10-19 Thread Robert L Martin
On Sunday 19 October 2003 10:59 am, guran wrote:
> Very maturely written, and this points to an estimate for what a newbie
> wants to function in a testing of Mdk. AFAIK it ought to be:
> 1)  drivers for graphics
> 2)  drivers for sound
> 3)  drivers for java
> 4)  drivers for realplayer
> 5)  drivers for flash
> To my understanding Mdk has decided that these services should only be at
> grip for users that buy packs from Mdk. So any user testing Mdk by
> downloading the installation will only find obstacles forced on them by the
> economic situation not because Mdk is difficult to use.
> I think you may have a problem here.

1- 3 MUST WORK 99.999 of the time. if somebody makes a MONEY decision on the 
download ed then  how are "we" going to confince them that they should buy 
the power pack when we don't happen to mention what is on what cd?

(this is defined as 
1 X works in at least 640x480 K colors
2 anything Soundblaster 16->Live compatible works
3 the JIT must function )

Re: [Cooker] Re: 9.2 disasters list (continuing)

2003-10-19 Thread Robert L Martin
On Sunday 19 October 2003 11:36 am, LE BERRE Daniel wrote:
> Java, RealPlayer, flash, Nvidia drivers/plugins etc are not open source
> software, so one just cannot distribute them on freely available isos,
> while Mandrakesoft can sign an agreement with their vendor to distribute
> them in their distribution. And this is true for any Linux distribution.
> Daniel

Was not aware that Java didn't have a FSpackage okay.
Can Nvidia chips use the FB Xserver or something as a "get crawling to the web 
to get a download copy" stopgap measure?

Does the installer flag Nvidia chips so that Gnubies will know that 
"performance with this configuration may be impared until OEM issued closed 
source software has been installed or a properly supported video card has 
been installed"

Re: [Cooker] errata: kernel-source not on 9.2 CDs?

2003-10-18 Thread Robert L Martin
On Wednesday 15 October 2003 10:27 am, Guillaume Rousse wrote:
> Which remember me that if we were able to split headers from real sources,
> you won't need to install 30Mo package to build those additional kernel
> modules.
> Maybe there are technical arguments i didn't caught however, as it seems we
> already had this discussion.

It may be time for a Cut of the packages then.  Its almost LAW that you need 
to have the source for all packages used easily availible.   Speaking of 
which is there a listing of what files are on what set? ie
file  short description  Pro   D/L Disc

just as a what exactly do i get not get by getting say the prosuite dvd  only

Re: [Cooker] [Mandrake 10] Ideas for RpmDrake [long]

2003-10-13 Thread Robert L Martin
On Monday 13 October 2003 04:51 am, Kevin Perros wrote:
> 1. The packages are a good thing but there should be a frontend to the
> package systems where we talk about apps and plugins. The apps should be
> organized in a tree that should be understood by the end-user. A typical
> end-user doesn't know what the "graphical environment" category could
> contain, as an exemple. Even "desktop" or "Bureautique" or "Network"
> should not be seen. More over, only major apps should be shown, with a
> comment that only says something like "Open Office is the leading text
> writer, spreadsheet tool under Linux", or "Abiword is a text writer that
> is lighter than Open Office"...
> 2. The menues should be nearly empty, with only newbie oriented apps in
> it. A First level should only contain the labels "Internet" (netwok
> doesn't mean much for a user, and less correctness on language is
> sometime a good thing), "Programs", "Multimedia, Sound" (A newbie
> doesn't think about sound being multimedia), "Close The System" (session
> is har to understand too). Typically a user only needs a multimedia
> player, a sound player, a desktop suite, a web browser, a mail reader,
> tools for burning CDs and rip CDs.

1 as part of this in "newbie" mode hide the libs all together and have the 
most common "options" included by default

2 i would say put the following on the desktop (maybe as a killable service)
  1 icons for the most common tasks (DTP Net and MM)
   2 icons for the currently mounted drives (note no icons for unmounted 
drives or "invisible" ones)
  3 a trio of SUID ROOT scripts to : a shutdown the system b reboot 
Xwindows only (user switch) c do a full system reboot || note on systems with 
a Real Live BOFH admin this trio would be yanked ||

This is just a bit that we can do better than Gates

Re: [Cooker] Re: mail preprocessors SysV start numbers

2003-10-13 Thread Martin Fahrendorf
Am Montag, 13. Oktober 2003 14:21 schrieb Tibor Pittich:
> on 13. oct 2003 on 07:53, Giuseppe Ghib? wrote:
> > Tibor Pittich ha scritto:
> > >today, i instaled postfix with amavis-new, spamassassin and clamav
> > >support. postfix have number 80 as starting reference, same as
> > >spamassassin and clamav. amavis-new have 79.
> > >imho, it will be more clean if all mail preprocessors are started before
> > >starting mta and optionally before amavis.
> > >
> > >what are you think about this?
> >
> > IMHO it is right to have amavisd-new started before postfix, because
> > postfix will open later it opens content filters scanners pipes, AFAIK.
> yes, you are right, but amavis-new is ok in this case. i talking about
> other utils which amavis-new uses (spamassassin, clamav, etc.) which are
> currently started after amavis-new. imho, if more services started in
> runlevel with same starting reference, these services started in
> alphabetical order, e.g. spamassassin is started after postfix or
> sendmail.

You do not nead spamassassin started before amavisd-new. amavisd-new loads a 
installed spamassassin perl module by his own. A running spamassassin is only 
useful for interactive checks.



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Re: [Cooker] [Mandrake 10] Ideas for RpmDrake [long]

2003-10-08 Thread Robert L martin
Olivier Thauvin's easy-urpmi should be integrated in the media
configuration tool, when I have time :/ however I'm not very much
in favor of pushing newbies to use external packages (at the time
cooker was easily addable graphically, so many people broke their
system by trying to install "programs ugrades").

Personally i would have a poorly documented cli method of creating an 
"unlock file" that would ensure that a Cooker 
source/media/channel/dataglyph can not be successfully added unless the 
file was present (you know one of those things that uses grep cat and vi 
with two different full paths to root only areas)

what i would like to see is a way to right click on a loose rpm and see 
whats inside (isn't there someway to do this with the rpm cli??)

Re: [Cooker] Re: Mandrake 9.2 update policy

2003-10-05 Thread Robert L martin
BTW, most (ie >95% of) internet subscribers in South Africa are on dialup.
We have about 3000 DSL lines total available in the country ... and I
expect there are many countries in a similar situation, where just adding to updates would require users to run a > 6 hour update ...
and even in the US its not like you can just pop into RadioShack and get 
broadband service (yet). most of the time its a matter of wading past 
ads by the meter to get to the truth (and you may not find it even then)

Re: [Cooker] Re: Mandrake 9.2 update policy

2003-10-05 Thread Robert L martin
OTOH many of the users of Download Edition does not ever buy a package or 
become a club member anyway, wich means it does not generate any income there 

And this is where you need to mkae sure that 99.999% of the packages (by 
useage) work the first time.

Speaking as one of those D/l users i say
Speaking of which will the dvd make christmas?

Re: [Cooker] opengroupware

2003-10-05 Thread Robert L martin
Ha ha ha!!!, urpmi is round-robin!!!

[EMAIL PROTECTED] samba]# urpmi
One of the following packages is needed:
 1- opengroupware-sope-4.2-20030721.1mdk.i586
 2- opengroupware-sope-devel-4.2-20030721.1mdk.i586
What is your choice? (1-2) [EMAIL PROTECTED] samba]#
[EMAIL PROTECTED] samba]# urpmi
One of the following packages is needed:
 1- opengroupware-logic-1.0-20030721.1mdk.i586
 2- opengroupware-logic-devel-1.0-20030721.1mdk.i586
What is your choice? (1-2) [EMAIL PROTECTED] samba]#
[EMAIL PROTECTED] samba]# urpmi
One of the following packages is needed:
 1- opengroupware-webui-libs-1.0-20030721.1mdk.i586
 2- opengroupware-webui-libs-devel-1.0-20030721.1mdk.i586
What is your choice? (1-2) [EMAIL PROTECTED] samba]#

What this looks like is just like the commities this is for you need 
about half the list (if you note that one of the packages each pair has 
|| devel ||in it you may see the illogic of it all)
is there some sort of " not with %this string% in the name" switch?

Re: [Cooker] gaim 0.69 and 0.70 are out ...

2003-10-05 Thread Robert L martin
Making your way trough 
sourceforge to find the correct update is not done for newbies that try 
Mandrake as Redmond OS replacement, and Mandrake attracts a lot of those.

Just for this reason alone I think there should be a 
that a newbie could go to and get the correct list of update servers
(maybe include a copy of the PLF tool also)

Oh btw the mnadrake update thing seems to be a bit broken for 9.1 (no US 
mirrors are valid)

Re: [Cooker] OpenOffice has been released

2003-10-04 Thread Robert L martin
Allas. CD's are read-only.

assuming that the PHB even looks at the program that closely its a 
fairly easy handwave since if you are on the OO.o list the community 
manager said and i quote
"> Hi
In my enthusiasm for 1.1, I neglected to clarify a point 1.1.0  is *identical* to the recently released RC5.

Therefore, if you have downloaded RC5, there is no need to download 1.1.

Louis Suárez-Potts
Community Manager 
so since RC5 was more or less a "hammer this and see if anything breaks" 
copy we should be clear even if we have rc4 on disc

Re: [Cooker] Encrypted partitions with Mandrake?

2003-09-30 Thread Robert L martin
The nice thing about this is I can put it on a DVD, and not worry about
mis-placing the DVD.  Can mount it anyplace with the loop AES stuff.

well lets just say if you ever need to worry about the DVD then you have
bigger problems also (of the acronym kind ie NSA FBI GRU KGB CIA ...)

Re: [Cooker] And next ?

2003-09-28 Thread Robert L martin
Doing Knoppix MIB with Mandrake files would KILL.

I am looking at doing something like this now ... but I'm not sure if I 
have access to such a version of Knoppix (is it in standard knoppix yet, 
or still a remastered version?).

(this project boots from cd and then mounts a flash memory key with an 
encrypted loopback filesystem that is used for the user home)

Ideally, it would be compatible with the pam_mount method so you can use 
the same $HOME on non-livecd machines.

I think MIB is a remaster still but most of the diff is in the crypto

don't know about pam_mount but it could be done if the machine had ELBfs 
and usb disk support.

part of MIB is the "Im not using Windows?? Could you say that again and

Re: [Cooker] And next ?

2003-09-28 Thread Robert L martin
No. I don't need ISO's at all during development. 'rsync'ing to a local
server and installing via net from there is cheap, fast and reliable.

This is not my opinion. Some problems are only found with a fresh install
or an upgrade of a previous stable distribution.
and lets not forget the problems with

1 time is money | data is more important than money

2 not if you have sub megabit access ON THE MACHINE YOU ARE UPGRADING

3 and how many bugs have been around the network install? (total and 
just the 9.* series) And what if the bug is in the cdrom installer?

Re: [Cooker] And next ?

2003-09-28 Thread Robert L martin
What about a "metadistro" with a cdrom (in the future a dvdrom) runing 
Mandrake from the cd-driver? similar to Knoppix but with all the Mandrake 

there are a couple mandrake related projects to do exactly that. Maybe 
Mandrakesoft could "adopt" one of them and or start a wiki node with the 
needed info?

Doing Knoppix MIB with Mandrake files would KILL.

(this project boots from cd and then mounts a flash memory key with an 
encrypted loopback filesystem that is used for the user home)

Re: [Cooker] And next ?

2003-09-28 Thread Robert L martin
- What was wrong in 9.2 development process?

- We though a bit late in the 9.2 developement process to split cooker ml, we
should do it now.
- What could we do to improve 9.3/10.0 development.

- What should we do to improve the Wiki.

- Should we have cooker snapshot ISOs?

- What could we do, as a community, to increase the acceptance of mandrakelinux?

- How to have more contributors?

And anything related to the mandrakelinux distro.
Way to much make it preety and not enough make it work. there should be 
a Wiki section on bugs for when bugzilla goes down

Split into ?   ( programs - bugzilla output - mandrake as a whole?)

More documentation at each stage

Expand it so that it becomes the Mandrake Bible/Grimore


Make the distro better improve/ build current loopback distros

Re: [Cooker] 9.2 ISOs has been sent

2003-09-24 Thread Robert L martin
If you don't want Mandrakesoft to survive, why do you bother running 
I for one don't want MandrakeSoft to become another Microsoft

I think that one of the guides for the next release should be
EVERTHING works. stop dinking about with the splash screens and the 
themes and just make it work.   who cares if some ap is the absolute 
lastest version (unless its a security issue) DOES IT WORK??

Speaking of the DVD when abouts will they be ready?? (US release)

Re: [Cooker] ALSA fix

2003-09-23 Thread Robert L martin
Add OSS is likely to die soon, so why waste effort to support it ?
do you happen to have a list of cards NOT supported by ALSA but 
supported by OSS?
remove any isa cards (wouldn't run current mandrake)
if the number of cards is more than a dozen that would be why

likely to die soon is not DEAD (companies survive Chapter 11 you know)

[Cooker] compressed loopback supported?

2003-09-21 Thread Robert L martin
Is there any chance that cloop support is in /can be added to 9.2?

Im pondering doing a memory key version of Mandrake and it seems that 
this is just about the only piece missing.

Re: [Cooker] Why Is My Update Broken?

2003-09-20 Thread Robert L martin
 Packages tend to be propagated to mirrors before the hdlists,
so if you happen to catch a mirror while it's busy updating, you may
well find a situation where the hdlist it has no longer reflects the
packages it has. Thus the missing packages (these would be ones that had
been updated twice since your rsync; the hdlist would contain version
X+1, which the actual file on the mirror would be X+2) and the
non-updated kernel (which had presumably only been updated once; you
have 9mdk, the hdlist lists 9mdk so urpmi thinks there is no update
available, even though 10mdk was actually on the mirror by that point).

And this is why somebody should start using an .!UNSAFE flag on servers 
example session
1 upload a file named .!UNSAFE to the server
2 start rsync
3 successfully complete rsync
4 delete .!UNSAFE

this way a script or person or whatever can check for the .!UNSAFE file 
and then if it is found wait for a semirandom time and restart
if this is started all the way at the top (mandrakesoft) then huge 
amounts of time/bandwidth can be saved.

(and yes the exact file name could be translated into whatever the 
native language of the server is (or just something like .!!! that just 
looks funny))

[Cooker] Dep Tree Info file

2003-09-12 Thread Robert L martin
Maybe this just makes to much sense to work but it would help if you 
could get a file (called distrodep.%version%.%arch%.tar.gz maybe?) that 
gives a human readable list of what each rpm needs/conflicts 
with/provides and what cd this rpm is on ie

RPM|needs   | conflicts with |provides |is on
foo  base system   bar foo   install #1
Gfoo foo / Gnome   XfooGui   install #2
Kfoo foo / KDE XfooGui   install #2
And yes if you have a running system you can use RPM tools but this 
could also be used with contribs and other alternate sources even if the
system grabbing the file is not the target system (or even a LINUX system)
Climbing the dep tree is not fun if you don't have highspeed

Re: [Cooker] Mandrake Web Site Fonts

2003-09-10 Thread Robert L martin
Then there's the DPI issue. Pt sizes depend on DPI as well as monitor
size and resolution, while px sizes only depend on monitor size and
resolution. Pt is not an appropriate way to size display fonts:

then there is the problem of folks that need to use high res desktops 
due to aps or wanting the space or  but have fair to worse eyesight
mines 40/200 (i start to get blurring at about 2 foot)
pleas let the user decide how big a "dinky" font should be

Re: [Cooker] Mandrake wesite fonts

2003-09-10 Thread Robert L martin
Okay, thanks to Frederic, we know it's Mr. Duval who should be I've sent him a mail summarising the thread so far and
quoting the more general CSS improvements that were suggested as well.
And while he is fixing the site he needs to remember that cute doesn't 
cut it if you are old enough to buy your own drinks. (i think on the M$ 
site you have to click past about 7 pages to get to a download and 
js/java everywhere)

Re: [Cooker] Missing side pane in latest Konqueror

2003-09-07 Thread Robert L martin
All I know is, since I have tried the latest Cooker KDE (3.14?)
I don't get the side pane (navigation) in Konqueror file browser (see
attached picture) - now all I get are the files themselves.
do you get the buttons on the rail to the left?  It seems to me that the 
only way to get the tree view is to hit either the root or the home button

Re: [Cooker] [Bug 4960] [xawtv] unable to unmute audio

2003-09-07 Thread Robert L martin
you are *NOT* currently
using. It never displays the currently used driver, which is very confusing. So
if you actually have a choice on the "recommended" list, that will be the OSS
driver if you're currently using the ALSA driver, and vice versa.
This is insane but sounds like a case of somebody "thinking" in the wine 
cellar i would think that you would show either ALL OSS or ALL ALSA or 
All and not filter for current

Re: [Cooker] [Bug 3431] [Installation] 9.1rc2 hard disk installation using iso images fails

2003-09-07 Thread Robert L martin
This is an argument for a "Create Local Copy" option
The best and simplest way to fix this type of error would be to (after 
diskdrake) Put an Option and ask "Would you like to copy your media to a 
Local Disk?" Options can be
1 No
2 Yes /usr/share/RPMStore
3 Yes %input box browse box%

Then in the case of cds have the user feed the cds as needed.  Then you 
could use the folder to do some Mandrake Magic when upgrade time comes

Re: [Cooker] Re: OT: Communism and authoritarianism

2003-09-07 Thread Robert L martin
Seems to work OK if the majority of participants are altruists. Mind 
you, so does any other political system.

I would put it that Communism is classic Prey ---> Predator where the 
Preds fool the prey into thinking they are "equal"

Pure Royal of course is Prey ->Predator where the Prey KNOWS its not 

Then we have the fun where one of the Prey lands up ruling the Predators
(in history this has required outside Predators to clean up)
Most democratic setups are the Predators getting bribed by Prey groups 
not to eat them

Re: [Cooker] rc1 the last rc before final ?

2003-09-01 Thread Martin Fahrendorf
Am Freitag, 29. August 2003 13:57 schrieb Buchan Milne:
> David Coe wrote:
> > Steffen Barszus wrote:
> >> pro-linux reports that rc1 nay be the last rc before final version.
> This is the same site that had the bad review of 9.1?

Jep, It is the same site. Only if you use debian or better gentoo and LFS you 
are a real linux geek in their eyes (ok, a little bit exaggerated).

But in my own expirience 9.1 was not as goog as 9.0. Most of the problems were 
solved with updates. But this problems was very different from the 9.1 test 
in the pro-linux site.


> Regards,
> Buchan


H E L I X Gesellschaft für Software & Engineering mbH

Hanauer Landstrasse 52  Telefon (069) 4789 35-30
D-60314 Frankfurt am Main   Telefax (069) 4789 35-44[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: signature

Re: [Cooker] How can we stop the virus flooding

2003-08-27 Thread Martin Fahrendorf
Am Mittwoch, 27. August 2003 10:00 schrieb Luca Berra:
> On Wed, Aug 27, 2003 at 09:29:20AM +0200, Martin Fahrendorf wrote:
> >> >check stuff can not be bypassed.
> >>
> >> what do you mean 'can not be bypassed', postconf is your friend.
> >
> >you can not define a user x for which postfix does not use the check_*
> > stuff. You can enable it for every user or not. That do i mean with
> > bypass.
> well, you culd probably with if constructs,

No, you cannot.

> but i believe this things
> are better done with amavisd-new that supports per user sql-based or
> ldap-based rules.

Amavisd-new with the current stable postfix does not support reject at 
postfix-level. In the test release there is a proxy system which holds the 
connection open until the mail is delivered. So a amavisd-new recection is 
passed back to postfix and postfix rejects the mail too.

> regards,
> L.


H E L I X Gesellschaft für Software & Engineering mbH

Hanauer Landstrasse 52  Telefon (069) 4789 35-30
D-60314 Frankfurt am Main   Telefax (069) 4789 35-44[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: signature

Re: [Cooker] How can we stop the virus flooding

2003-08-27 Thread Martin Fahrendorf
Am Mittwoch, 27. August 2003 08:09 schrieb Luca Berra:
> On Wed, Aug 27, 2003 at 07:26:40AM +0200, Martin Fahrendorf wrote:
> >Am Montag, 25. August 2003 22:20 schrieb Buchan Milne:
> >> /^Content-(Type|Disposition):.*(file)?name=.*\.(asd|bat|chm|cmd|dll|exe|
> >>hlp
> >>
> >>|hta|jse|lnk|ocx|pif|scr|shb|shm|shs|vb|vbe|vbs|vbx|vxd|wsf|wsh)/REJECT
> >>
> >> Sorry, we do not accept .${3} file types.
> >> (all on one line)
> >
> >With postfix this is not header_checks but mime_header_checks.
> mime_header_checks defaults to $header_checks in postfix 2.0
> and i still think is useful to have all those checks in one place.

jep, that's right. I have header and mime_header in different files.


> >And, like the chroot stuff, there are many users who will be lost, if they
> > do a little change and nothing is working any more. And the body_* and
> > header_
> dunno 'bout the chroot: it is well documented and if users do changes
> when they have no clue they will get it wrong with or without chroot.

Jeah, it is well documentated; but how many people do you know reading 
docimentations? They claim that this and that is not self-explaining and are 
lamment about the missing function (I read the postfix mailinglist since 
about four years and it is full of this and that does not work -- the answer 
often ist: disable chroot).

I can handle the chroot stuff very well, but I know (almost) how it works.

> >check stuff can not be bypassed.
> what do you mean 'can not be bypassed', postconf is your friend.

you can not define a user x for which postfix does not use the check_* stuff. 
You can enable it for every user or not. That do i mean with bypass.

> regards,
> L.


H E L I X Gesellschaft für Software & Engineering mbH

Hanauer Landstrasse 52  Telefon (069) 4789 35-30
D-60314 Frankfurt am Main   Telefax (069) 4789 35-44[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: signature

Re: [Cooker] How can we stop the virus flooding

2003-08-27 Thread Martin Fahrendorf
Am Montag, 25. August 2003 22:20 schrieb Buchan Milne:
> Keld Jørn Simonsen wrote:
> > How can you stop the virus flooding in cooker?
> >
> > I would like to just stop all mail with some selected
> > set of attachments like .pif and .exe - how is this doable, and is it
> > standard in the MTA?
> With header checks enabled in postfix (ie "header_checks =
> regexp:/etc/postfix/header_checks" in, something like this in
> the header checks file (in this case /etc/postfix/header_checks) should
> work (minimally tested, we had something similar in production, but this
> was fished off /. today):
> /^Content-(Type|Disposition):.*(file)?name=.*\.(asd|bat|chm|cmd|dll|exe|hlp
> Sorry, we do not accept .${3} file types.
> (all on one line)

With postfix this is not header_checks but mime_header_checks.

> > Would be nice to announce 9.2 with the ability to just ignore virus like
> > this.
> >
> > And the MTA should not snd any messages back when this is done, as the
> > sender most likely is not the real sender.
> This just gives an SMTP error message, which may result in the sending
> SMTP client to return the mail. But it's not good practise to return a
> good return code when not delivering mail, our users will ask why they
> send mail and it never arrives ...
> > And please, no mail to the root on the current mail system.
> > I had a system with 500 MB for /var but it was filled up in
> > less than a day with error messages on sobit.f to root.
> You should alias root to a real user, since postfix refuses to use
> procmail when delivering as root, and the default procmail setup will
> reject mail once 50MB is reached on the mail spool.

Btw: why does mandrake use procmail for local delivery. Most users don't use 
procmail (it is much to difficult to set up) and those who want to, can use 
the .forward file. There is no need to start a second program to deliver.

> > Could the standard MTA be set up to do something reasonable defaults
> > in 9.2?
> IMHO, intrusive defaults (like a default header check) should only be
> done if there is a config tool which can modify them.

And, like the chroot stuff, there are many users who will be lost, if they do 
a little change and nothing is working any more. And the body_* and header_ 
check stuff can not be bypassed.

> Regards,
> Buchan
> (waiting for drakmailserver)


H E L I X Gesellschaft für Software & Engineering mbH

Hanauer Landstrasse 52  Telefon (069) 4789 35-30
D-60314 Frankfurt am Main   Telefax (069) 4789 35-44[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: signature

Re: [Cooker] OT: on current viruses

2003-08-24 Thread Robert L martin
very long story short
Bill Gates made computers "usable" for 99.44% of the non-geek population 
but this includes some very stupid people.
worry if Random co serves you will lawsuit papers otherwise mv %mail% 

Re: [Cooker] [RFD] supermount behaviour on empty drive

2003-08-18 Thread Robert L martin
here is poll - should this functionality

- be disabled
- made optional (mount option) that I do not like
- left as is.
i would say leave as-isish  but have "MountDrake" drop a file called 
"this is an empty mount point" into the point when is is made so
you have
1 directory is empty
2 directory is a mount point without a mounted FS
3mounted fs is blank
4 mounted fs has files in it
it might waste an inode but then again some utils are a waste of the 
inodes they use anyway (insmod antiholywar.o.gz)

Re: [Cooker] This is already one week the problem exist and it wasnotified but nobody fixed it

2003-08-16 Thread Robert L martin
Well, I'm sorry for my trollish way of saying it. The real point here is 
I'm just willing to expect more quality and more support as a club 
member and ans Mandrake Sustainer than from friendly geekish mirrors and 
contributions. If I can't get it work better with the club and with 
Mandrake I have less motivation in helping Mandrake by joining the club.

You want users tu help Mandrake existe and develop ?
Makes them happy with good packages, good support, good distros.

Just to make the point clear
The distro should if certain things are not true go to a FULL STOP on 
devel until a blank disk install boots correctly the first time
and the CORE SYSTEM is clean. item list:
1 base filesystem package/ boot < if it doesn't boot it needs to be 
2 cli utils  and /dev subtree <-- if bash or the basic utils are 
broken this gets fixed
3 HardDRAKE and related utils <- any time a user has to create 
dev nodes by hand is BAD
4 XWindows   and KDE  <-- if these don't work you might as 
well be running gentoo
5 Internet and Multimedia < most users run systems for these
6 Office stuff < this is most of the "other" users

Re: [Cooker] 9.2 "MEDIAS" -> MEDIA

2003-08-14 Thread Robert L martin
And then again, it can be an adjective, as in "I'll have a medium 
(-sized) coffee".

Now, if some kind Northern Irish person would care to discourse on the 
pronunciation of "How now, brown cow", we can put this thread to bed...
And to bring it to point since RED HAT wouldn't dare attempt to sell a 
distro with some french word misspelled
i think Mandrake should extend the same "curtesy".

(and as requested in 4/4 time no accents and all ows same (sort of slur 
into the N on browN)

Robert L Martin
Made in the USA with irish and other foriegn parts)

Re: [Cooker] Re: [Contrib-Rpm] starfighter-1.00-4mdk

2003-08-04 Thread Robert L Martin

uhr, not really, you've got dependencies for that one

dependencies don't work if you are looking at downloading the rpm to a 
Windows system (for later install on a disconnected Linux system)

Re: [Cooker] Re: [Contrib-Rpm] starfighter-1.00-4mdk

2003-08-03 Thread Robert L Martin
Because the fact that it use the SDL API gives an indication of the the
of "overall" level of performance which might be achieved as SDL
encompasses low-level access to a system's video framebuffer, sound
output, and input devices including keyboard, mouse, and joystick.
It is the GPL answer but superior API to DirectX.
It also serves as an flag that you would need the SDL libs installed to use the game
(useful if on your system SDL causes a scrambled filesystem hangovers and other 

Re: [Cooker] Rolling out the welcome mat

2003-08-03 Thread Robert L Martin
Well, why not just ask during install ? If you ask what you have suggested, 
you could as well ask, who will be responsible for this box.
and you could go a step further and during user creation ask
"What is the function of this User?"
Wheel > full or partial (full Wheel would be a Root Alias)
Special Server Admin ---> used to admin say a web server but locked out of wheel functions
Advanced User ---> Allows All of the user type things
Child User---> enables only "safe" areas (puts filters on web use ect??)
Manager   ---> locks settings and does auto backups (since most managers are worse than children)
and then figure out what groups this user needs to be in (and other settings as needed)

Re: [Cooker] dm - prefer kdm or gdm

2003-08-03 Thread Robert L Martin
Instead of emotional outbursts, please rather document the reasons you 
don't like mdkkdm, as others have done on the cooker wiki. Maybe the only 
reason you detest mdkkdm is that you can't log in as root by default, and 
if they change the default to be kdm, maybe they will disable root login 
there by default too (since it really is best to prevent this, and force 
users into good habits, although of course you can change this if you like 
your bad habits).

instead of trying to out handhold Gates why doesn't the login box have a Write-in box??
you know have the group of icons and then a box for other logins ie
icons for Bob George Fred Barney JeanValjeanbut Root BOFH and Javair would need to type their login (and password)

And personally i would strip all of the "You are logged in as Root You are a Bad and Foul Person" dialogs from the distro. (now i would not enable auto log in for Root like certain companies do)

Re: [Cooker] Re: [Contrib-Rpm] starfighter-1.00-4mdk

2003-08-03 Thread Robert L Martin
IMHO, this kind of description for a game is pretty useless. Sure it's
pretty, but it doesn't tell you anything like what type of game it is,
what hardware it uses etc. Maybe we should move to something like "This
is a 3D space action game based on the SDL libraries" as a description
for a game instead of a long summary of the plot?
esp since the plot summary has a bad word choice and in general sounds like japanese
translated to english by way of yiddish and a AD&D dice set.
what i would like to see is a "target distro" flag to clue on whether an rpm can safely be installed 
on "my setup"   (some of the good stuff seems to require a complete upgrade to +1 version due to glibc and base system problems)

Re: [Cooker] Will Open Office 1.1 be shipped with Mandrake 9.2?

2003-08-02 Thread Robert L Martin
I noticed that Open Office 1.0.3 is installed in 
Mandrake 9.2 beta 1.

If we are to shy away from 1.1 at lease should
be used.
-Joe Baker
i think that 1.1 being only an RC shoots it being on disc for main but it should be in 
(the pdf pdb and other new for .1 things are real killer features)

Re: [Cooker] OT: Evolution and IMAP support in cooker

2003-07-24 Thread Martin Fahrendorf
Am Donnerstag, 24. Juli 2003 23:36 schrieb Buchan Milne:
> On Thu, 24 Jul 2003, Jan Ciger wrote:
> I tried in Courier also, but have really had better success with Cyrus,
> but it's not really worth the effort for <20 users or so (which is where
> Courier is IMHO best choice).

I think courier is always a good choice even with a large user base. But if 
you need much shared folders there is no way than using cyrus imap. cyrus is 
a great imap server, but it needs sasl and the configuration is hmmm, lets 
say hard.

> Regards,
> Buchan


H E L I X Gesellschaft für Software & Engineering mbH

Hanauer Landstrasse 52  Telefon (069) 4789 35-30
D-60314 Frankfurt am Main   Telefax (069) 4789 35-44[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: signature

Re: [Cooker] OT: Evolution and IMAP support in cooker

2003-07-24 Thread Martin Fahrendorf
Am Donnerstag, 24. Juli 2003 22:03 schrieb Buchan Milne:
> On Thu, 24 Jul 2003, Jan Ciger wrote:
> I tried to set it up for someone else running cooker yesterday, and could
> not find it ... I had set it up in kmail about 6 weeks ago, and it was
> even (a bit slowly compared to Mozilla) completing in the To: field IIRC.
> Maybe we need to file a bug.

Hm, I don't know the cooker packages (I compile kde by myself since about two 
years from cvs) but I have the ldap stuff configure in the kde-component part 
of kconfig. And it works ok (but you have to type ctrl-t to search the ldap 

> BTW, KMail seems to be the most reliable client for shared folders in
> Cyrus so far, Mozilla will do it sometimes, Outlook Express never, and I
> gave up waiting for Evolution to connect to the IMAP server and read the
> folders (although I should try again).

Yes, I like kmail; most because the shortcuts. But mozilla is good, too. I use 
it on my windows boxes.

> Regards,
> Buchan


H E L I X Gesellschaft für Software & Engineering mbH

Hanauer Landstrasse 52  Telefon (069) 4789 35-30
D-60314 Frankfurt am Main   Telefax (069) 4789 35-44[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: signature

Re: [Cooker] Gendistrib reports several bad rpms in contrib

2003-07-16 Thread Robert L Martin
can somebody point me at a good (detailed) way to convert a folder of 
rpms (the ones from a cd set) to a usable
rpm store (bonus points for showing how to add a few random rpms to this 

(im thinking that gendistrib gets used as a finialish step but  what is 
step 1 , 2 ,3 )
( i want to be able to just pick an rpm and have the deps solved from 
the set not from the cds)

Re: [Cooker] Openldap 2.1.22

2003-07-15 Thread Martin Fahrendorf
Am Dienstag, 15. Juli 2003 21:00 schrieb magic:
> Hello all,
>I was just wondering what the status is of openldap. Openldap 2.1.x
> has been discussed for some time, and I know a few folks have even built
> rpms (2.1.22 was the last I saw). Any idea when we will see it hit cooker?
>I saw where openldap 2.0.27 is still being patched/updated - I think
> it would be better use of development time to work on the new version
> rather than patching & updating the old version (that will need to be
> replaced anyway).

It depends. If you want to be able of a clean upgrade from 9.* to the 
upcomming 9.2 a ldap 2.0.* based version is not so bad. ldap 2.1.* is much 
more strict in using the data. So youd database may not work after a update.

Don't get me wrong, I want 2.1.* in 9.2 version. But that is my oppinion. It 
is the same with the sasl stuff.



H E L I X Gesellschaft für Software & Engineering mbH

Hanauer Landstrasse 52  Telefon (069) 4789 35-30
D-60314 Frankfurt am Main   Telefax (069) 4789 35-44[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: signature

Re: [Cooker] cooker - state of play

2003-07-06 Thread Robert L Martin
probably because it's a bit of a pain to apply the patch and recompile
the there no easier way of testing?
Speaking as one of the "Hairy Knuckle/Kilingon" crowd
its not that bad if you know what options to set/module/unset
you can do the compile run in a few minutes (My Intel celeron 700 did a compile 
during a midshow commerical break)

Side note does the kernel source rpm have the matching .config file included?
ie if i install 2.4.21-3mdk.src.rpm does it have the .config used to build 

Re: [Cooker] Some advices on the desktop

2003-07-06 Thread Robert L martin
It may be feasible to have menudrake be able to import new menus, but this
really should be done with user interaction. A commandline version exists,
The big problem would be do the prompts read in %English 

like maybe
"Programs have been found in %menu_tree that are not in the Mandrake Menus which items 
would you like
to copy over?"  then give a check list adn a copy button

Re: [Cooker] Some advices on the desktop

2003-07-06 Thread Robert L Martin
This is a problem with the StarSuite packages and not Mandrake.  Apprently, 
StarSuite is updating the standard KDE and GNOME menus, which Mandrake does 
not use.  Mandrake uses the Debian menuing system, so there is a seperate 
menu structure that the package being installed needs to know about.  
StarSuite obviously doesn't know about it.  How about setting up a small 
little package that just contains the menu entries for StarSuite, so if it is 
installed, a user can install the starsuite-menu-entries package and get the 
menu entries.
Hows about this during a reboot have some script check the "standard" locations
and then if it finds entries copy them to the "correct" location. Or maybe have MenuDrake do this when it is used?

Re: [Cooker] Re: [CHRPM] icewm-1.2.9-2mdk

2003-07-04 Thread Robert L Martin
Most of the time, though, this is something that a person worries about when
writing links for within his own site. But since it's "good form", people
have gotten used to seeing directory resource requests terminated with a
slash and [b]it's become the Web equivalent of ensuring a sentence is
terminated with a period.[/b]
insmod blackhumour.o
as apposed to ensuring a sentence is terminated with a hanging???

Re: [Cooker] Mandrake mail server - Postfix, Spamassassin & Razor

2003-07-03 Thread Martin Fahrendorf
Am Donnerstag, 3. Juli 2003 13:39 schrieb Giuseppe Ghibò:
> Martin Fahrendorf ha scritto:
> > Am Donnerstag, 3. Juli 2003 08:18 schrieb Michael Scherer:
> >>>So you have to start a process for every single massage. That is wat
> >>>I want to avoid. It is no problem while you are receiving only few
> >>>messages per hour. But else, the overhead is to much. A daemon
> >>>talking smtp is prefered (and that is waht amavisd-new does).
> >>
> >>But, IIRC, amavis forks a new spamassasin in the backgroung for each
> >>message, so, this is almost the same ?
> >
> > No, amavisd-new runs as a daemon and is written in perl. It loads the
> > Mail::Spamassassin perl module at starttime. No external process is
> > started (besides the virus scanner not speaking smtp).
> >
> > Martin
> I've currently packaged that here:

looks nice. I will it test tomorrow.

> But, before posting to contrib, I'm currently trying to find how to modify
> amavisd.conf so that:
> - local "recipient" users is warned about receiving virus mail (with virus
> ID) - sender is warned about sending a mail with virus, but only if sender
> is relaying from LAN (it's a nonsense to warn non-local sender because
> 99.9% in case of virus, the sender is fake).

There is a flag called warnvirusrecip. But this will warn all recipients 
regardless of local user or not. So the easyest way is to use different 
mailserver for sending out and receiving in.

> - let spam pass to users (but with X-Spam-Status) and at the same time
> collect all the recognized spam to a repository for further bayes learning.

Tis is done by default if you configure final_spam_destiny as D_PASS. every 
spam mail over the sa_kill_level_deflt value will be copied to 

> Any quick hints welcome...
> Furthermore I still need to add a %post script so to set $mydomain in
> /etc/amavisd.conf.
> Bye.
> Giuseppe.


H E L I X Gesellschaft für Software & Engineering mbH

Hanauer Landstrasse 52  Telefon (069) 4789 35-30
D-60314 Frankfurt am Main   Telefax (069) 4789 35-44[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [Cooker] Mandrake mail server - Postfix, Spamassassin & Razor

2003-07-03 Thread Martin Fahrendorf
Am Donnerstag, 3. Juli 2003 08:18 schrieb Michael Scherer:
> > So you have to start a process for every single massage. That is wat
> > I want to avoid. It is no problem while you are receiving only few
> > messages per hour. But else, the overhead is to much. A daemon
> > talking smtp is prefered (and that is waht amavisd-new does).
> But, IIRC, amavis forks a new spamassasin in the backgroung for each
> message, so, this is almost the same ?

No, amavisd-new runs as a daemon and is written in perl. It loads the 
Mail::Spamassassin perl module at starttime. No external process is started 
(besides the virus scanner not speaking smtp).


H E L I X Gesellschaft für Software & Engineering mbH

Hanauer Landstrasse 52  Telefon (069) 4789 35-30
D-60314 Frankfurt am Main   Telefax (069) 4789 35-44[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: signature

Re: [Cooker] Mandrake mail server - Spamassassin & Razor

2003-07-02 Thread Martin Fahrendorf
Am Mittwoch, 2. Juli 2003 17:26 schrieb Guillaume Rousse:
> Ainsi parlait Martin Fahrendorf :
> > Am Mittwoch, 2. Juli 2003 14:33 schrieb magic:
> > ...
> >
> > >Actually, spamassassin as setup runs as a deamon (spamd), and hooks
> > > into Postfix as a filter.
> >
> > So how do you feed the mails from postfix into spamd and how does spamd
> > handles the mail back to postfix?
> Through a global procmail rule:
> :0fw
> * < 256000
> | spamc
> And there is no need to feed the message back to postfix, as it is
> delivered immediatly. This concerns only incoming message.

I dont't like procmail very much. To much trouble. And it does not run very 
well with my cyrus implementation.


H E L I X Gesellschaft für Software & Engineering mbH

Hanauer Landstrasse 52  Telefon (069) 4789 35-30
D-60314 Frankfurt am Main   Telefax (069) 4789 35-44[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: signature

Re: [Cooker] Mandrake mail server - Postfix, Spamassassin & Razor

2003-07-02 Thread Martin Fahrendorf
Am Mittwoch, 2. Juli 2003 16:13 schrieb magic:
> Martin Fahrendorf wrote:
> >>   Actually, spamassassin as setup runs as a deamon (spamd), and hooks
> >>into Postfix as a filter.
> >
> >So how do you feed the mails from postfix into spamd and how does spamd
> >handles the mail back to postfix?
> I am not going to pretend I understand everything, but he's my (over
> simplified) explaination:
>Postfix gets an email (inbound)
>Postfix content filter ( passes email to spamd, using
> spamc (spamc is a light-weight client for spamd).
>Upon completion, the processed email is reinjected into postfix
> (through another content filter) for delivery.
>The content filters are configured in /etc/postfix/
> # SpamAssassin-start
> spamfilter unix - n n - - pipe
> user=spamfilter argv=/etc/mail/ -f ${sender} -- ${recipient}
> smtp inet n - y - - smtpd
> -o content_filter=spamfilter:
> smtp unix - - y - - smtp
> -o content_filter=spamfilter:
> # SpamAssassin-end
>Hope this helps!

So you have to start a process for every single massage. That is wat I want to 
avoid. It is no problem while you are receiving only few messages per hour. 
But else, the overhead is to much. A daemon talking smtp is prefered (and 
that is waht amavisd-new does).


H E L I X Gesellschaft für Software & Engineering mbH

Hanauer Landstrasse 52  Telefon (069) 4789 35-30
D-60314 Frankfurt am Main   Telefax (069) 4789 35-44[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: signature

Re: [Cooker] Mandrake mail server - Spamassassin & Razor

2003-07-02 Thread Martin Fahrendorf
Am Mittwoch, 2. Juli 2003 14:33 schrieb magic:
>Actually, spamassassin as setup runs as a deamon (spamd), and hooks
> into Postfix as a filter.
So how do you feed the mails from postfix into spamd and how does spamd 
handles the mail back to postfix?



H E L I X Gesellschaft für Software & Engineering mbH

Hanauer Landstrasse 52  Telefon (069) 4789 35-30
D-60314 Frankfurt am Main   Telefax (069) 4789 35-44[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: signature

Re: [Cooker] Re: [CHRPM] postfix-2.0.12-1mdk

2003-07-02 Thread Martin Fahrendorf
Am Dienstag, 1. Juli 2003 22:05 schrieb Buchan Milne:
> Martin Fahrendorf wrote:
> OK, I have now added the ldapdb plugin from openldap-2.1.22 to cyrus-sasl2:
> But I am not sure if I have it configured right (in fact I suspect I
> don't). Not knowing too much about SASL myself, can you summarise what
> is needed?
> At present I have:
> -added a sasl-regexp to my slapd.conf on my ldap server
> -put the following in my /usr/lib/sasl2/smtpd.conf:
> pwcheck_method:  ldapdb
> ldapdb_uri: ldapi://
> ldapdb_mech: EXTERNAL

The pwcheck_method must be auxprop and the auxprop_plugin: ldapdb (as stated 
by Luca). attached you can see a mail from Howard Chu at the openldap 
mailinglist to this topic.


> I bumped up the log level on my slapd, and get no queries coming through
> when postfix tries authenticating.

Yes, thats the missing auxprop entry in the pwcheck_method.

> I guess I should have started off with a working configuration before
> updating so many packages ... but maybe I will try that at home ...
> OK, I tried with "pwcheck_method:  pam", and it doesn't work either ...
> time to go home ...
> BTW, I really think sasl has about the worst documentation of any of the
> server-side software ...

Yes, by far the worst documentation. The postfix guys recently discussed to 
replace the sasl stuff with something simple (a daemon like sasauthd but with 
all functionality of sasl; so a auth program only needs to pass the auth 
handshake through to the daemon).

> Regards,
> Buchan


H E L I X Gesellschaft für Software & Engineering mbH

Hanauer Landstrasse 52  Telefon (069) 4789 35-30
D-60314 Frankfurt am Main   Telefax (069) 4789 35-44[EMAIL PROTECTED]

By the way, if you upgrade to OpenLDAP 2.1.13 you can use SASL/EXTERNAL with
ldapi. This is much better than using SASL/PLAIN because you don't even need
to put a username or password into the config file:
ldapdb_uri: ldapi://
ldapdb_mech: EXTERNAL

This is the regexp mapping you need:
sasl-regexp uidNumber=(.*)\\+gidNumber=(.*),cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth

The SASL DN is "uidNumber=xx+gidNumber=yy,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth"
and you have to escape the "+" because it is a regexp metacharacter.

  -- Howard Chu
  Chief Architect, Symas Corp.   Director, Highland Sun
  Symas: Premier OpenSource Development and Support

> -Original Message-
> From: Alex Deiter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2003 7:12 AM
> Subject: ldapdb auxprop SASL plugin
> Hello!
> Help me please with ldapdb auxprop SASL plugin.
> I try to realize such circuit:
> service(smtp/imap/pop3) -> SASLv2 -> libldapdb -> LDAP
> directory (users with
> cleartext passwords)
> I compile openldap-2.1.12 + cyrus-sasl-2.1.12 + ldapdb.c on
> FreeBSD 4.7
> STABLE, also has setting them as follows:
> /usr/local/etc/openldap/slapd.conf:
> include /usr/local/etc/openldap/schema/core.schema
> include /usr/local/etc/openldap/schema/cosine.schema
> include /usr/local/etc/openldap/schema/nis.schema
> include /usr/local/etc/openldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema
> pidfile /var/run/
> argsfile/var/run/slapd.args
> databasebdb
> suffix  "dc=komi,dc=mts,dc=ru"
> rootdn  "cn=Manager,dc=komi,dc=mts,dc=ru"
> rootpw  secret
> directory   /var/db/openldap-data
> index   objectClass eq
> loglevel 256
> saslAuthzTo:cn=.*,dc=komi,dc=mts,dc=ru
> /usr/local/lib/sasl2/sample.conf:
> ldapdb_uri: ldapi://
> ldapdb_id: root
> ldapdb_pw: secret
> ldapdb_mech: PLAIN

Description: signature

Re: [Cooker] good default sudo config?

2003-07-02 Thread Martin Fahrendorf
Am Dienstag, 1. Juli 2003 22:27 schrieb Buchan Milne:
> Just thought of this now ... having had to restart xinetd on our mail
> server before I leave ...
> One thing that Windows has that most linux distro's lack is out-the-box
> rights management. Such as Power Users being able to install software
> and make shares, etc etc.
> Having just had a situation that has meant that only two people know the
> root passwords on our servers, we have configured a few things via sudo
> (such as that I can restart services via sudo). Also, for quite a while
> we have had permissions on log files more sensible.
> So, I was wondering if other people would consider it a good idea to
> have a decent default sudo config, such that for example members of
> (say) the adm group can start/stop/restart services?
> Any other examples (I would give some more but don't have read acess to
> our /etc/sudoers).

I have thoght about it too. For all Dialup users there is a need to handle the 
ppp dialout and hangup. I dont't like the suid root system to much.

> Of course, having sudo config in LDAP would really rock ...

yep, that would be great.

> Regards,
> Buchan


H E L I X Gesellschaft für Software & Engineering mbH

Hanauer Landstrasse 52  Telefon (069) 4789 35-30
D-60314 Frankfurt am Main   Telefax (069) 4789 35-44[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: signature

Re: [Cooker] Mandrake mail server - Spamassassin & Razor

2003-07-01 Thread Martin Fahrendorf
Am Mittwoch, 2. Juli 2003 05:48 schrieb magic:
> Clive Dove wrote:
> >I was thinking of adding configuration for it,
> From the looks of it I think that I will find it easier to download the
> >tarballs for SpamAssasin and MailScanner and set them up together as
> >shown in the mailscanner site.
> >
> >But for a distribution intended for general consumer use, it would be
> >great if the default install had a spam filter installed by default as
> >most people will want one but will not be willing to go to the trouble
> >of learning how to configure it.
> Here's what I've got (9.1 based):
> The rpms:
> perl-Mail-SpamAssassin
> spamassassin
> perl-Digest-Nilsimsa
> perl-Digest-SHA1
> perl-MailTools
> perl-Net-DNS
> perl-Razor-Agent

Isn't it just easyer to use amavisd-new? You don't need to start a bunch of 
programms for every mail and you can use a virus scanner too.

AFAIC amavisd-new is not in mdk (only amavis-ng, which does not run as a 
daemon). Put it is a simple perl script.


H E L I X Gesellschaft für Software & Engineering mbH

Hanauer Landstrasse 52  Telefon (069) 4789 35-30
D-60314 Frankfurt am Main   Telefax (069) 4789 35-44[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: signature

Re: [Cooker] TV drake and radeon AIW 7500

2003-06-28 Thread Robert L Martin
Does anybody know of documentation for how to get  My tv tuner working ?
(modules.conf lines and what rpms i need)
You need ati.2 and avview from 9.1 contrib

And how about a few hints as to loading the drivers?? (i would guess 
theatre_drv.o and fi1236.o they seem to not be kernel drivers
[insmod can't find version info in them])

[Cooker] TV drake and radeon AIW 7500

2003-06-28 Thread Robert L Martin
After finially getting a copy (dl) of 9.1 i started poking around and 
found the TV Drake ap.
Good that an ap is there bad that it does not see my Ati Radeon All In 
Wonder 7500.
Does anybody know of documentation for how to get  My tv tuner working ?
(modules.conf lines and what rpms i need)

Re: [Cooker] Re: [CHRPM] postfix-2.0.12-1mdk

2003-06-26 Thread Martin Fahrendorf
Am Donnerstag, 26. Juni 2003 11:14 schrieb Buchan Milne:
> Stefan van der Eijk wrote:
> > OK. Annother 11 days have passed and not much has happened... How shall
> > we move forward?
> >
> > Shall I upload db4.1  so we can start upgrading the rest?
> If it's not going to prevent some other large package from building, go
> for it.
> But, I still haven't managed to get postfix to auth against LDAP via
> saslauthd on our new 9.1 box, with all related bits compiled against
> db4.1, sasl2, openldap-2.1. Cyrus auth's fine against LDAP via
> saslauthd, so I am not sure where the problem is. I am not using the
> cooker postfix SRPM, since I didn't feel like tracking down the TLS
> patch for openssl-0.9.7a.

why are you using this crude saslauthd? There is a patch from Howard Chu (I 
think) which adds a sasl ldap auxprop to sasl. So you can direcly auth 
against ldap. No need to go the way over another server. The ldapdb auxprop 
is part of the ldap 2.1.1* version of ldap.

> Regards,
> Buchan


H E L I X Gesellschaft für Software & Engineering mbH

Hanauer Landstrasse 52  Telefon (069) 4789 35-30
D-60314 Frankfurt am Main   Telefax (069) 4789 35-44[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: signature

Re: [Cooker] An interesting comment

2003-06-19 Thread Robert L Martin
That is certainly true, but if I'm the French government, I'd certainly
consider Mandrake before Red Hat (definitely) and SuSE, as the money
stays in France.
and time/ travel problems are less if you want to strangle the guy responsible
for a package being broken (or buy him a good bottle)

Re: [Cooker] Knoppix-like CD based on Mandrake

2003-06-14 Thread Robert L Martin
I am not sure how to do this, but the thing I would like to see is a
package that *allows* you to create such a CD, not just a project that
creates 1 such CD. This way, it would allow people to easily create
different versions of the Mandrake bootable installation, depending on
what they want installed, and also it wouldn't be necessary to download a
large ISO image that contains mostly software you already have installed
or how about this have the installer rigged for a ExpertLFs type ie in the boot screen
have one of the documented but not menued options boot: ExpertLFs
just a check list of to do's
1 system files (needs to be keyed for hands off boot to %language)
2 readme and autorun for %M$ platforms (also in  %language)
3 compressed LFs loopback
4 installer needs to cover KDE/GNOME/console setups
5 have the core files/skeleton on cd ?
6 include drivers for ext* reiser fat32 ntfs ...

Re: [Cooker] Postfix auth using saslauthd -> pam

2003-06-13 Thread Martin Fahrendorf
Am Freitag, 13. Juni 2003 09:08 schrieb Luca Berra:
> On Thu, Jun 12, 2003 at 11:34:04PM +0200, Luca Olivetti wrote:
> >Postfix in 9.1 uses sasl v1, so it cannot use saslauthd. It can use
> >pwcheck but I doubt pwcheck can use ldap. Since sasl v1 can use pam
> >directly you can try to put in /etc/sasl/smtpd.conf (before 9.1 it would
> >have been /usr/lib/sasl/smtpd.conf) the line
> do you know why postfix in cooker still uses sasl v1?
> anyway i just took the sources for sasl v1 and rebuild saslauthd for
> sasl1 (changing the socket path) and it works like charm with postfix.
> regards,
> L.

because ldap uses sasl v1 and postfix is bind to ldap and it is not good to 
use sasl v1 libs and sasl v2 libs in one application.


H E L I X Gesellschaft für Software & Engineering mbH

Hanauer Landstrasse 52  Telefon (069) 4789 35-30
D-60314 Frankfurt am Main   Telefax (069) 4789 35-44[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: signature

Re: [Cooker] Postfix auth using saslauthd -> pam

2003-06-12 Thread Martin Fahrendorf
Am Donnerstag, 12. Juni 2003 23:34 schrieb Luca Olivetti:
> En/na magic ha escrit:
> > I was just wondering if anyone has gotten postfix to work this way under
> > mdk 9.1.
> >
> >   I am getting error:
> >   postfix/smtpd[2693]: fatal: no SASL authentication mechanisms
> >
> >   I am successfully authenticating imap (cyrus), ssh, login against an
> > ldap backend using saslauthd & pam (just can't get Postfix going). I
> Postfix in 9.1 uses sasl v1, so it cannot use saslauthd. It can use
> pwcheck but I doubt pwcheck can use ldap. Since sasl v1 can use pam
> directly you can try to put in /etc/sasl/smtpd.conf (before 9.1 it would
> have been /usr/lib/sasl/smtpd.conf) the line
> pwcheck_method:pam
> but that's going to work only if postfix has enough privileges to access
> the required files (for example, it wouldn't work if it had to access
> /etc/shadow). Configure /etc/pam.d/smtp to use ldap and it should work.
> It does for me (under 8.2) with pam_smb. Oh, under 9.1 postfix is
> chrooted, so it's possible that the correct sasl configuration file is
> /var/spool/postfix/etc/sasl/smtpd.conf instead.
> Bye

And beware, if you want to use pam with the shadow password, you have to copy 
/etc/shadow in your chroot (to /var/spool/postfix/etc/shadow). And again, the 
nss stuff seems to be a little bit broken in the chroot environment of 
postfix. So if you use nss_ldap you possibly have to copy the nss lib files 
manualy to /var/spool/postfix.

So the best for testing is to disable the chroot stuff in postfix. If you 
don't run a mailserver on the internet you don't need chroot. The smtpd.conf 
file needs no copying to /var/spool/postfix. This file usualy is loaded 
before changing into the chroot dir.

Oh, and if you need (or want) to authenticate against ldap, I can give you a 
patch for sasl v1 with ldap and running ssl enabled.

BTW: you nee a sasl v1 mechanism to authenticate (all the libsasl7-plug-* 
rpms). without these you can not authenticate (the missing authentication 
mechanism error massage is from missing installed plugs).


H E L I X Gesellschaft für Software & Engineering mbH

Hanauer Landstrasse 52  Telefon (069) 4789 35-30
D-60314 Frankfurt am Main   Telefax (069) 4789 35-44[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: signature

Re: [Cooker] [Bug 4046] [kdebase] Taiwan's and Mainland China's flagsall are shown on the Country list.

2003-06-12 Thread Robert L Martin
I will not continue this conversation any further, if it's 
wished. However, I want the input of the cooker community about 

Until there is evidence that the country is GONE leave the Flag/ Settings in
(you do run into stuff made in Taiwan[ROC} so...).
As a Born and Bred American gimme a Hamburger with Swiss Cheese a side of French Fries
and a slice of German Chocolate cake and don't forget the toy stamped made in Taiwan 
either. Political Correctness is a Evil Bad and Wrong reason to Patch code.

Re: [Cooker] gaim 0.64 is out.

2003-06-02 Thread Robert L Martin
Vincent, I think in future could we avoid announcements like this on
cooker? If we were to have an announcement for every new release on this
list, it could get quite crowded.

True, except the current version in cooker is more than one release old.  If 
indeed the maintainer were getting clobbered by announces, etc, I'm pretty 
sure it would have been updated by now.  Previous posts like this to jog the 
elbow of the maintainer have yielded quick results, hence my post.  

i think that in a few cases you should assume the maintainer is "asleep at the wheel"
and post like the parent post

1 version is skewed by more than one release (ie 0.62 v 064)
2 a massive bug is fixed by the new release* (segfault or core function)
3 security bug fix**
4 compiler change*
5 beta to gamma upgrade*
*wait 3 business days
**wait 3 calendar days

Re: [Cooker] No DISK drive!

2003-04-03 Thread Robert L Martin
Can't say in make xconfig, but it is in .config here
confusion between CUI and GUI 
the option may not be in the GUI because somebody didn't do the correct set of clicks
to see it (dep tree problem) but if you grep the raw file from CUI then you have it
(note that the line is disabled) perhaps a dif of his .config is needed??

Re: [Cooker] system clock is quirky

2003-04-03 Thread Robert L Martin
I currently have no idea why, but about once per day my system's clock 
will suddenly lose an hour or so.  It can easily be reset, but I'd like 
to know why it's changing in the first place.
try running the box only Mandrake for a day (24 hour period) if it still 
does it then check back

Re: [Cooker] The Gathering, quite off topic but..

2003-04-02 Thread Robert L Martin
ha ha ha ha..., (långsökt) it's from the Highlander2 movie; "The

 I should really go to bed now...
hehe, probably, you still don't make much sense;)
in the Highlander world "The Gathering" is when all of the "immortals" got together
and had one on one fights (with swords btw) These fights ended with 1 and only one left
Zeist was the "home planet" in the "should have been left on the cutting room floor" 
second of the series of movies

Re: [Cooker] The Gathering, quite off topic but..

2003-04-02 Thread Robert L Martin
nah, while sitting with demoscene, I'm not gonna produce anything, at least 
not this year

there will be over 5000 participants this year, mostly gamers etc. of course, 
but with more focus on the demoscene last year it'll be more demosceners this 

be there or be square!
of course if you are there you may be munching squares and or smoking clovers
(any good FX for a no hands install of linux??)

Re: [Cooker] rebuild an initrd under rescue cdrom

2003-04-01 Thread Robert L Martin
something of a stupid question but

how would one make on a single non-networked box  have local-host show 
up as example
(but not make the real unavailible on that box) 
{ on the net}

Re: [Cooker] cyrus sasl source packages

2003-04-01 Thread Martin Fahrendorf
Am Dienstag, 1. April 2003 13:02 schrieb Florin:
> Hi there,
> I have done this mainly because of the naming issue ... it was more easy
> to be to upload the package in cooker using the same name ... and the idea
> is to get rid of sasl 1.* soon ... so it's a transition period ...
> cheers,


clear to understand, but there are some drawbacks. First, sasl1 can no longer 
use the password file (sasldb) from privious versions (now sasl1 uses gdbm, 
previous versions used db3.3) and there is no easy way to solve. To compile 
sasl2 you need db4.0 devel package, but sasl1 does not support db4.0. To 
solve this, I had to grab the SRPM from mdk9.0 and replaced the mdk9.1 sasl1 
packages. And there I can use my ldap patch for the sasl1 stuff.

By the way, ldap is using gdbm too, so you cann not upgrade from 9.0 to 9.1 by 
simply replacing the packages. What is even courious is the fact, that after 
a recompilation of the ldap srpm the ldap server uses db3. strange.


H E L I X Gesellschaft für Software & Engineering mbH

Hanauer Landstrasse 52  Telefon (069) 4789 35-30
60314 Frankfurt am Main Telefax (069) 4789 35-44[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: signature

[Cooker] wish list for 9.2 - joystick configuration

2003-03-31 Thread Elliott Martin
seeing the wishlist flyby got me thinking... would be really cool if there were a drak tool for joystick 

anyway, it's just an idea!


Re: [Cooker] wish list for 9.2

2003-03-31 Thread Robert L Martin
But how easy is it to set up MS-DOS

depends on how hard you want it to be IF you have the floppies/ or a partition handy

Re: [Cooker] new repository?

2003-03-31 Thread Robert L Martin
well, that was just a few of my ideas for this repository, I gotta go now:)

My suggestion
mantainer--- The Phantom

Re: [Cooker] GeForce2-Cards misconfigured when updating from 9.0to 9.1

2003-03-27 Thread Robert L Martin
serves those gawddamn punks right for not buying the boxed set :p
and what about those GPs that are also CEO types using the download version as a demo?
this is the kind of thing that could be $ignificant to Corporation$
(speaking of demos any plans to do a Live FileSystem CD version of Mandrake? Knoppix is cool!)

Re: [Cooker] cyrus sasl source packages

2003-03-25 Thread Martin Fahrendorf
Am Dienstag, 25. März 2003 12:30 schrieb Stefan van der Eijk:
> > Is there any reason, why the sasl packages version 1.5.28 and 2.1.12 are
> > stored together in one source rpm?
> 1/ RedHat also does it


> 2/ All packages (still) require sasl7

Ok, that is a reason to install libsasl7 but to bundle the source rpm with the 
2.1.12 version?

> 3/ sasl2 needs to be in the distro

OK, I don't want to say not to use sasl2, but why is it need to stick 
together? I usualy need to patch the libsasl7 package (I need ldap support in 
sasl) and it is easyer to use the rpm way. but now I have to change the whole 
sasl2.1.12 package (and need to compile all the stuff afterwards).

> Stefan


H E L I X Gesellschaft für Software & Engineering mbH

Hanauer Landstrasse 52  Telefon (069) 4789 35-30
60314 Frankfurt am Main Telefax (069) 4789 35-44[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: signature

[Cooker] cyrus sasl source packages

2003-03-25 Thread Martin Fahrendorf

Is there any reason, why the sasl packages version 1.5.28 and 2.1.12 are 
stored together in one source rpm?


H E L I X Gesellschaft für Software & Engineering mbH

Hanauer Landstrasse 52  Telefon (069) 4789 35-30
60314 Frankfurt am Main Telefax (069) 4789 35-44[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: signature

  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   >