1998-12-09 Thread dduckquack

 -Caveat Lector-


In this thread we have presented the case that words are
In response one states these words
I hate this fascist bullshit.

I think that you and people like you should be rounded up and sent to
places where you would be set straight.

 your families should be held until you get your ugly fascist
heads straight.

all you bastards should be deported or hanged.

(below our writer exposes himself to be a homosexual)
Just because you conservative right wing nuts are

Keep your stupid opinions to yourself or get the f*** out of this
*  Name calling
*  Kidnapped and "held" until we think like they do.
*  We are ugly
*  We are bastards who should be deported or hanged.
*  Shut up or get out of this country.

Note, if anyone would say such a thing about homosexuals,
that would be HATE SPEECH, but when homos use the very
same speech about others ... why that is freedom of expression.

You see in the hate speech game, the very same type of speech
is freedom of expression when you are giving large contribution
to grease ball politicians and that same speech is hate speech
politicians use to shut you up when anyone angers their crack

One of the persons here hit the nail on the head when they
posted a list of spin words that have been fabricated in the last
30 years.
Words that have a specific meaning have now been perverted into
take on abstract meanings.
bashing, bigot, hate speech, inflammatory, democracy .

In their attempts to use their mind control tactics on the village idiots
the politician hired brain burners have made good use of the art
of confusion and perversion of meanings.
Before the 60s one group of people who engaged is a weird behavior
was determined to be mentally unbalanced by all of medical science.
After this group began to pour millions of dollars into the pockets
of politicians, all of medical science discovered they were mistaken.

Truth, right and justice in America is a variable which is determined
by who is greasing the pockets of the politicians.
I will comment no more on this topic, but note as our hero replies
that all the type speech he is about to use about us (if it were used
against his kind) is nothing less than what they call hate speech.

quack, quack

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Apples and Oranges: REDEFINING Capitalism

1998-12-09 Thread Che

 -Caveat Lector-

At 08:16 PM 12/6/98 -0500, M. A. Johnson wrote:

Several major turning points mark the reversal of this [Constitutional
enumerated powers] ethic.  The first was the passage in 1913 of the
Sixteenth Amendment, which permitted a federal income tax.  This was
the first major tax that was not levied on a proportional or uniform
basis.  Hence, it allowed Congress a political free ride:  It could
provide government benefits to many by imposing a disproportionately
heavy tax burden on the wealthy.  ...
 -- Stephen Moore, _Between Power and Liberty_

But that's not the way it works.  If you look at the ratio between people's
disposable income (what's left after paying for necessities like food,
clothing, and shelter) and the income tax they pay, the wealthy have a far
lower RELATIVE tax burden.  Besides, most of the non-working rich use tax
shelters to almost totally avoid paying income tax.

There is NOTHING in the nature of a free-market economy to cause
such an event.  The popular explanations of depression as caused
by  'over-production', 'under-consumption', monopolies, labor-saving
devices, maldistribution, excessive accumulations of wealth, etc.,
have been exploded as fallacies many times.  (refer to _Capitalism
the Creator_ by Carl Snyder, The Macmillan Company 1940)

Since this was written after 1929, it's hard to believe that this guy
didn't know what an Asset Price Bubble is.  To understand capitalism, you
have to understand mob behavior.  Assets such as stocks, property, and
beanie babies are priced based on what other investors are willing to pay.
The problem is, investors act like a herd of cows.  Where one goes, the
rest follow.  When asset values start to move up, investors begin paying
more and more for assets, reinforcing each others' increasingly irrational
exuberance.  Eventually though, one of the herd is spooked by the total
disconnection between asset prices and real worth, and the rest stampede,
causing asset prices to plummet.  This tends to have numerous collateral
effects which if extreme enough can cause a depression.  Some of these
effects include lack of consumer spending due to loss of consumer
confidence, constraint on business growth due to lack of investment capital
and lack of demand, and bank failures due to failure of loans based on
unrealistically valued asset prices.  This has been seen time and time
again, most recently in numerous countries in Asia.

Government regulation attempts to put limits on the collateral damage that
can occur, for instance by keeping banks out of investment banking and
limiting how they value collateral.  Increasingly there is a call to limit
asset price inflation along with the already regulated wage and consumer
goods price inflations.  This is because economists are beginning to wake
up to the hazards caused by Asset Price Bubbles, especially as electronic
trading and lack of capital flow controls cause money to move in and out of
markets at incomprehensible rates.

Even Adam Smith understood the need for "the invisible hand of government"
in controlling capitalism.  If you look at the economic history of the US,
you'll see that in the 19th century the booms and busts tended to be equal
in length.  Since the "Great Depression", booms have gotten longer and
busts shorter, as government regulation has become increasingly
sophisticated in preventing the economy from overheating in booms and
crashing in busts.

You don't have to take my word for it, just read the article by George
Soros posted to this list a few days ago.  I think his billions suggest
some understanding of capitalism (FWIW, he seems to be a wolf compared to
other investors).  I also recommend reading The Economist magazine.  As
Noam Chomsky likes to point out, business magazines tend to give a slightly
less filtered version of the news, as sophisticated investors demand to
know what's really going on in the world.  You still have to read between
the lines, but the gaps aren't quite as large.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Reply to List Manager on rules

1998-12-09 Thread Jim Condit Jr.

 -Caveat Lector-

Roadsend  --

I must say, while I don't see eye to eye with the rationale behind your
rule on restricting one side of that one subject, I am impressed with your
judicial temperment in dealing with someone like myself who (somewhat
inadvertantly) opened up old wounds regarding a bad experience this list
obviously went through a while back. (I appreciate judicial temperment
because I was kicked off of one list, the only one I was ever kicked off
of, for posting two items about possibilities of widespread votescam on the
night of election 98 -- and this was a Clinton Scandals list!) Not that you
asked me, but I recognize you as intellectually honest and I find your
"challenge" to look behind the "shills" very interesting. I still can't get
through to the website you recommended (is it down for a few days?) but I
look forward to when I can.

Anyway, lists are somewhat fragile, voluntary things and depend on courtesy
and respect for those putting in the work, so it is only fair to abide or
leave. If I learn anything through your info referrals which reverse my
current leanings on that one subject, I'll gladly fess up immediately. If
not, I'll respect your wishes on that one subject, and if I ever leave, I'm
still greatful for all the info that the hard of work of yourself and
others have made possible through the maintaining of this list. Best
Regards, Jim Condit Jr.

On Tuesday, December 08, 1998 12:29 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  -Caveat Lector-

 Howdy Jim,

 So sorry that you feel the term irrational is name-calling.  Irrational
is a
 descriptive adjective that denotes something not based on reason, more on
 unfounded fears.

 The Leuchter report is not based on factual material, it is irrational.
It has
 been debunked entirely. There is much on the net, do a little research.

 And, yes, I am the list manager, for what it is worth. It sure don't pay

 It seems you are inexperienced in propaganda and its uses.

 I would suggest that many of the deniers are shills shouting, so that
 reactionary shills will try and find 'grounds' for restricting liberty.
 read Machiavelli.

 Look behind the 'offered' proxy.

 Yes, I do not care for the restrictive laws in those countries, but then
 might understand that those countries are not republics under the US
 Constitution and the governments, there, routinely, as a matter of

 Refutation does not automatically stop propaganda. The news media, the
ads and
 most of the invested culture are a coccon of politick directed at our

 So if you care to get lost into the directed hate and become one with the
 'directed' mob, be my guest, but the whole non-issue has already been
 discussed ad naseum.

 And the discussion does not attract the best scholars. So stick and stay
 play by the rules(you may learn something), start your own or go, I
 dunna care.


 In a message dated 12/8/98 2:54:21 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey, Roadsend, you're "refutation" of the Leuchter report site is
 inaccessible as of this moment. Maybe it will open up later and I'll
 definitely look at it. But your mindset is showing, my friend, when you
 resort to calling my post irrational. I'm changed by evidence (of which
 noticed you included none in your post), not intimidated by name
 Does it all disturb you that it is a potential "crime" to pass out the
 Leuchter Report in Canada, Germany, France, and numerous other
 If it had been refuted, I just don't think it would be banned in these
 I'm waiting for my answer from the list manager, but I don't think this
 list is going to attract the best scholars and discussion if you allow
 issue to be discussed, and then only allow one position to be defended.
 recommendation would be to ban an issue altogether, or allow reasonable
 discussion of that issue. Jim Condit Jr.
 Aloha, He'Ping,
 Om, Shalom, Salaam.
 Em Hotep, Peace Be,
 Omnia Bona Bonis,
 All My Relations.
 Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
 Roads End

 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
 screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soapboxing!  These are sordid
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Careening towards Jana-speech

1998-12-09 Thread Jim Condit Jr.

 -Caveat Lector-

Hey, Josh2, you're careening a little more towards Jana-speech yourself
with every successive post on this subject. What in the world did you find
wrong with Mike's post? Can't be a Wasp-boy when  you're Catholic like I'm
am, 3 and 4 generations removed from Irish and Italian immigrants; also,
I'm not for unlimited free market, as it plants the seeds for Communist and
Socialist swindles on the masses (see Pope Pius XI's Quadragesimo Anno
encyclical, 1931); and I'm anti-abortion and anti-eugenics, not pro-medical
experiments on children. . . . . Are you sure you're not just an agent
provacteur whose mission in life is to say outrageous things that keep the
list lively? Jim Condit Jr.

On Wednesday, December 09, 1998 2:09 AM, nurev [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  -Caveat Lector-

 "Jim Condit Jr." wrote:
   -Caveat Lector-
  Reply: This is one of the very best posts I've ever seen on the
internet. Thanks, Mike. Jim Condit Jr.
  On Monday, December 07, 1998 11:33 PM, Mike Moxley
-Caveat Lector-
   At 02:36 PM 12/7/98 -0500, you wrote:
   Subject: 010.000 HATE SPEECH
   The government is gonna crack down on hate speech?
   Just what is hate speech?
   Is it not that which is said (or written) that enrages or
   suggest punishment for people doing something
   disapproved of?
   When politicians come on tv and tell us "what the
   American people want", that enrages me, so is
   that hate speech?
   Every time someone makes any statement that
   others perceived as a threat, isn't that hate speech?
   "men who have sex with other men should be ..."
   In this example there are two factors.
   a) the hated act
   b) and the prescribed punishment for such act.
   The greatest publishers of hate speech in any
   nation is governments.
   Hate Speech is a term defined by the extreme left.  It is only
   recognized and used by the left. It means generally any speech that
   disagrees with the far-left national socialist agenda.  Since this is
   definition, it is impossible for the left to be guilty of hate
   Therefore, only those that disagree with the left can be guilty of
   speech or hate crimes.  How convenient.
   It is the same old "redefining of words, phrases, and meanings"
   to leftist totalitarian regimes, to wit; Stalin and Hitler on the
   and to socialism in general.  It is used to stifle legitimate debate.

 Yeah I bet you like this. You're the fool who studies philosophy at
 of that loonytwat JanaButterfly. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. I'm sure you two
 much in common. At least she is up front about being a racist. You
 don't even
 have the guts to " come out " like gays do. Typical bourgeois white
 ass punk.

 You think that spouting Libertarian tripe makes you political? Getting
 people into government is being political. Minorities and Jews know
 how to do
 it. You guys are pathetic. You have much more than you deserve. And
 you have
 too much time on your hands if you are getting your education from
 psycho mentor. You could do with some vacation time at hard labor.
 That would
 straighten you out for sure.

 If you actually had to do some real work instead of your typical
 paper pushing, you wouldn't have the shpritkas to be an armchair

 Your days of white middle class oppression are numbered Wasp Boy. Wait
 and see
 what happens after the next serious market down turn. You bourgeois
 will never be allowed to control the economy again. You free market
 types will
 probably sell your children for medical experiments. It's in the

 Have a nice day.


 PS: More in next post.

 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
 screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soapboxing!  These are sordid
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is 

Re: [CTRL] Question about list Rules

1998-12-09 Thread Jim Condit Jr.

 -Caveat Lector-

Please see my post on List Rules to Roadsend if you get a chance --- for
heaven's sakes, there's plenty of URL's, but I dare not list them lest I
get break list rules! Best Wishes. Jim Condit Jr.

On Tuesday, December 08, 1998 12:48 PM, Laura Shipton
  -Caveat Lector-

 Talks of the Holocaust from those that do not want
 to do their research and check out the time before
 WW1 - that just want to try to do it from a propoganda
 view point and prey on emotions without listing urls and
 the research and documentation that was used is as bad
 as Japan trying to re-write their history.

 Maybe I have something there!  By using the term "politically
 correct" could people take issue with the American Goverment
 in that it is trying to re-write history.  That would also mean that
 the fact that they want to go after the encription laws would mean
 that they can make history by making it very hard for us to get on
 any other countries web pages.  To find out what is happening in
 other countries by checking their comments and news.  To edit
 our very posts and e-mails when they go to other countries.

 So are some people in America not only trying to re-write history
 (and the way it is taught in school) but to make history into the
 version that they want?
 aka The Pied Piper

 my ICQ# 14484977
 Education: A House of Mirrors
 Legislation and what we are allowing by Letting our
 children be labeled as only ADD or ADHD
 http://www.cec.sped.org/faq/gt-ld.htm (New 16 Oct 98)

 3) Uncover Myths in Education
 Myth 1 That Home Schoolers Need to be under the
 Umbrella of a Church or Religious Group.
 1. Take the 60-day No Aspartame Test and send us your case history.
 Mission Possible International
 5950-H State Bridge Rd. #215
 Duluth, GA 30097 USA
 2. Tell your doctor and all of your friends!
 3. Return Asparcidal food to the store.
 (anything with Monsanto's NutraSweet/Equal/Spoonful/Benevia/NatraTaste)
 VISIT http://www.dorway.com/possible.html Get links to over 30 sites
 VISIT http://www.holisticmed.com/aspartame/   ..FAQs  Cases
 VISIT http://www.notmilk.com Exposing Bovine Growth Hormone
 Disability and Death are not acceptable costs of business!

 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
 screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soapboxing!  These are sordid
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] 010.000 HATE SPEECH

1998-12-09 Thread KA

 -Caveat Lector-

On Tue, 8 Dec 1998, nurev wrote:

I hate this fascist bullshit. I think that you and people like you should
be rounded up and sent to places where you would be set straight. If you
refuse your families should be held until you get your ugly fascist heads
straight. I f none of this works, all you bastards should be deported or

And what is NOT fascist regarding the above philosophy you espouse?

What is it about the Constitution and the writ of habeas corpus you don't

We have a world on the edge of catastrophe here and there is no place for
people like you holding back the progress necessary to save us all.

Legislating Orwellian double-speak is NOT progress...

Just because you conservative right wing nuts are sexually repressed and
defective, doesn't mean the rest of us should suffer.

Why do you feel a Constitutionalist is:

a)  conservative
b)  right wing
c)  sexually repressed
d)  'defective' (whatever that means)

FWIW, I also object to Liberals (capital "L") legislating speech in the
name of 'political correctness' and 'hate speech', and I am:

a)  liberal (small "L")
b)  a supporter of gay rights
c)  a supporter of a woman's right to an abortion
d)  a supporter of the ORIGINAL intention of Affirmative
Action (but not what Liberals -- capital "L" -- have
turned it into)

As for being repressed, sexually or otherwise, you need look no further
than your own mirror, since you seem to be the biggest proponent of

Keep your stupid opinions to yourself or get the fuck out of this

What is it about freedom of speech that you have a problem with?

Since it is YOU who seems to desire a political and social system
diametrically opposed to what the U.S. Constitution specifies, then it
would seem that it is YOU who should be finding another country to
emigrate to...

I think the Taliban would welcome you to Afghanistan with open arms.


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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] 010.000 HATE SPEECH

1998-12-09 Thread KA

 -Caveat Lector-

On Tue, 8 Dec 1998, nurev wrote:
I don't work for the guvment and I hate semi-educated white morons
like you.

As opposed to a totally ignorant (presumably) white moron like you...

You are a paranoid idiot and shouldn't be living amidst
decent people trying to make the world a better place for all the
different kinds of people who make up this country.

Gee, this doesn't sound too fascist...

Sounds like the 'hate speech' you seem so willing to have legislated into

Someday we'll take the bunch of you and ship you off to Idaho where
you can be with the rest of your bullet headed neo-nazi pig fuckin
brothers. Then while you moroons argue about whether the Fuhrer had
only one or maybe two balls, we will be free of you and able to build
the socialist paradise this country is waiting for.

I'd rather deal with 'neo-nazi pig fuckin brothers', than white Liberal
males like you, who are the worst racists and worst sexists I've ever

After the revolution, comrade, how many women and people of color will
have positions of power in your regime?

And don't give me your platitudes and promises, tell me the TRUTH, how
many women and people of color are going to have active roles?


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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] 010.000 HATE SPEECH

1998-12-09 Thread KA

 -Caveat Lector-

On Tue, 8 Dec 1998, Mike Moxley wrote:
 and shouldn't be living amidst
decent people trying to make the world a better place for all the
different kinds of people who make up this country.

Translation: All these "different kinds of people" who are socialists and
make up this country.  All others should not be living amongst us elitist

Including women and people of color.  The worst racists and worst sexists
are white males who consider themselves (or at least publicly state that
they are) Liberal...take a close look at their associations, and
especially who is in the role of organizing/leading...except for a
handful of public figureheads, the real power lies with those same white
male Liberals...who are very good at giving lip service to 'empowering'
women and people of color, but have a very poor track record in actually
following thru...

So if Joshua and his bunch DO take over, look for a lot of white males
running the show, with women making the coffee and people of color taking
care of their children and their landscaping...

Who is "we'll"???  Socialists?
Who is "bunch of you"?  Non-socialists?  Those whom don't agree with you?

The rest of the human race...   ;-)

/'  '\

revcoal AT connix DOT com
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] 010.000 HATE SPEECH

1998-12-09 Thread KA

 -Caveat Lector-

On Tue, 8 Dec 1998, nurev wrote:
Yeah I bet you like this. You're the fool who studies philosophy at feet
of that loonytwat JanaButterfly.

With the above statement, Joshua proves my point regarding the typical
white male Liberal's attitude towards women...

He is unable to objectively, rationally, and unemotionally discuss
whatever philosophy 'JanaButterfly' espouses, but can only refer to her
in gross, pornographic terms.

You think that spouting Libertarian tripe makes you political? Getting
key people into government is being political. Minorities and Jews know
how to do it.

And by the above statement, he makes my point regarding the typical white
male Liberal's attitude towards 'minorities', as he displays their
typical view of 'minorities' as separate from themselves, and not as part
of 'the movement' these white male Liberals espouse...

You guys are pathetic. You have much more than you deserve.

And how do YOU presume to know how much anyone on this list has, let
alone what they 'deserve'?

What does ANYONE 'deserve'?

As a woman, I'm SURE [sputter, cough] that you will agree that I
represent a community which has been oppressed and victimized by you
white males for centuries (if not millenia), and therefore I DESERVE more
than you, who represents a class of humanity which has benefitted from
the labor of women and people of color without giving anything back in
return...therefore, I have the right to take away everything you have,
since I DESERVE it more...

[Now removing tongue from cheek]

PS: More in next post.

Spare us.


revcoal AT connix DOT com
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1998-12-09 Thread American Patriot Friends Network

 -Caveat Lector-


Subject: Two Clinton Witnesses Part Of Waco Cover-Up
   Date: Mon, 07 Dec 1998 22:41:56 -0500
   From: Carol Moore [EMAIL PROTECTED]Add to Address Book
 Bill Clinton [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Hillary Clinton [EMAIL PROTECTED]


According to press reports, the White House has
chosen Ronald K. Noble and Edward S.G.
Dennis, Jr. to participate in the Wednesday,
December 9th morning panel on  "Prosecutorial
Standards for Obstruction of Justice and Perjury."
It can hardly be a coincidence that these two
men oversaw the Treasury and Justice Department
reports on the BATF and FBI actions against
the Branch Davidians outside of Waco Texas in
1993 that led to the deaths of 82 civilians and
four federal agents.  Is Clinton telling Congress
that it let these agents get away with mass
murder-so it can surely let him get away with a
little lying under oath?  Of course, Clinton himself
was deeply involved in promoting prosecutorial
conduct against the Davidian defendants and
the cover-up of federal agents' crimes against
the Davidians.

Ronald Noble was described as "associate professor
of law at New York University Law School
and former undersecretary of the Treasury for
enforcement."  On February 26, 1998 the not-yet-
confirmed Noble participated in the decision to
allow BATF agents to attack Davidians two days
later.  In late April, 1993 Treasury Secretary Lloyd
Bentsen selected Noble to head the Treasury
Department investigation, an investigation which
ignored evidence of serious BATF crimes,
including lying to the military and shooting from
helicopters that killed four Davidians.  The
results of his "investigation" are contained in
the September, 1993 "Report of the Department of
the Treasury on the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,
and Firearms Investigation of Vernon Wayne
Howell also known as David Koresh."

Edward S.G. Dennis, Jr., was described as
"Partner with Morgan, Lewis  Bockius in
Philadelphia and co-chairman of the Corporate
Investigations and Criminal Defense Practice
Group."  The Justice Department appointed
Dennis, himself a former head of the Justice
Department's Criminal Division to be the chief
reviewer of the government's procedures, decisions
and actions in Waco.  Dennis, whose investigations
of the Philadelphia police department's
bombing of the MOVE group and of Banca
Lavoro have bee criticized by the press, did not
complain when the Justice Department review
team withheld damaging information from the
Justice Department's panel of ten outside experts
and even from its chief overseer, including
missing physical evidence, withheld audio and
video tapes, letters, memorandum, etc.  The results
of his "investigation" are contained in his October,
1993 "Evaluation of the Handling of the
Branch Davidian Stand-off in Waco, Texas,"
an evaluation of the larger Justice Department to the
Attorney General.

Author, The Davidian Massacre
Box 65518
Washington, DC 20035

[APFN NOTE] Treasury Secretary Lloyd Bentsen (Former longtime Senator form
Texas) - During the Waco hearings had to take the "OATH of TESTIMONY" before
the committee after a heated discussion. The first video about Waco provided
by Dr. Gregg Sali  Ken Fawcett had a researcher providing documented proof
that the Secretary of the Treasury did not take the "OATH OF OFFICE" to the
United States of America. He takes an "Oath of Officer" to the "International
Monetary Fund" (IMF). This researcher further states that all Treasury
takes that Oath. This would include the BATF and the IRS. Thousands of people
seen that video. I have not seen any follow-up to the fact or fiction to the


 American Patriot Friends Network
 To post a new message, click here.

  Subject: "Know Your Customer" (Larry Becraft)

  Message: writes: December 8, 1998 --
  "Know Your Customer"

  From: Larry Becraft

  Dear Friends,

  Both Scott McDonald at the "Fight the Fingerprint" webpage and the
  principals at The Wallace Institute have been awaiting the
  publication in the Federal Register of several govt agencies "Know Your
  Customer" regulations, which promise bank spying on customers. When those
  regs came out yesterday morning, I downloaded them and proceeded to draft
  letters to object to them. My first letter was to the FDIC and Scott posted
  that letter to his page last 

[CTRL] Asiana: 12-09

1998-12-09 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

Could it be possible that should the president decide that he's nothing
left to lose (or gain), he might act on "core security concerns" ?

From wsws.org

WSWS : News  Analysis : North America

Pentagon report calls Asia a "core security concern"

By James Brookfield
9 December 1998

A report issued in late November by the Pentagon indicates that US military
strategists expect the financial meltdown in Asia to unleash further social
upheavals and regional conflicts. The report, titled: "US Security Strategy
for the East Asia-Pacific Region 1998," cites the Asian financial crisis as
a "core security concern," one that has "shaken the region's assumptions
about uninterrupted economic development and is testing regional economic
cooperation, globalization, and the livelihood of two billion Asians."

This report is the fourth produced by the Pentagon on East Asia. The first
two, published in 1990 and 1992, suggested that US forces in the region
would be reduced in number. A third, issued in 1995, reversed this
position, noting, in the words of the present report, that "continuing
areas of uncertainty and tension would require an affirmation of [US]
security commitments to the region," i.e., the ongoing maintenance of
100,000 US troops there.

The 1998 report adds, "While our policies since the 1995 EASR [East Asian
Strategy Report] have confirmed US commitment to the region and
strengthened bilateral relationships, areas of uncertainty remain and new
challenges have emerged." According to the report, these "challenges"
include the nuclear missile testing by India and Pakistan earlier this year
and US disputes with North Korea over its nuclear energy and satellite
programs. These are, however, not the only potential sources of conflict.

"Indonesia's economic and political difficulties will pose challenges to
the established order both internally and in the region. In Cambodia and
Burma, domestic crises threaten the region's progress toward stable
political cooperation. Historical mistrust and territorial disputes,
including those in the South China Sea and elsewhere, remain unresolved,
providing potential flashpoints over issues of sovereignty and nationalism.
Crises outside the region, particularly in the Arabian Gulf, increasingly
affect regional security, as Asia becomes more dependent on oil supplies
for economic growth," the report states.

The publication of the 1998 EASR follows a series of public disputes
between the US government and several Asian countries over trade questions
exacerbated by the economic crisis and US efforts to gain greater access to
regional markets. At last month's Asian Pacific Economic Co-operation
(APEC) meeting, rancor erupted as Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir
denounced currency speculators and the international monetary system while
US Vice President Gore attacked Mahathir for the arrest and trial of his
former Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim and for the "cronyism" of the
regime in Kuala Lumpur. This was followed by Clinton's trip to Tokyo where
he insisted to Japanese officials that they carry out measures to further
open the economy to US goods.

In these conflicts military might serves to bolster the position of US
economic interests. "US engagement in Asia," the report notes
euphemistically, "provides an opportunity to help shape the region's
future, prevent conflict and provide the stability and access that allows
us to conduct approximately $500 billion a year in trans-Pacific trade,"
The report later cites the $150 billion in US investment in Asia in a
similar vein.

A number of passages suggest that the report is a document published for
the purpose of intimidating US rivals. It summarizes, for example, the
development of new US military technology as follows: "Advances in command,
control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance and
reconnaissance will combine with the introduction of new weapons systems to
revolutionize US ability to respond rapidly to any conflict and dominate
any battlefield situation."

A related statement, "Joint Vision 2010," prepared in 1997 by the Joint
Chiefs of Staff and mentioned in this report, notes that the introduction
of new weapons technology "will provide an order of magnitude improvement
in lethality." In a section on "Weapons of Mass Destruction" the 1998 EASR
declares: "The United States will retain the capacity to respond to who
might contemplate the use of WMD and to prevail in any conflict in which
these weapons are used, so that the costs of using WMD will be seen as
outweighing any possible gains." It does not explain how a military strike
following an opponent's "contemplation" of using a weapon can be properly
defined as a "response."

The Pentagon foresees conflicts with China, though the report takes a
somewhat careful tone in light of the growth of US business interest in the
country. "Many of China's neighbors," one paragraph states obliquely, "are
closely monitoring China's 

[CTRL] Old Habits ...

1998-12-09 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From wsws.org
... are hard to break ...

WSWS : News  Analysis : Europe : Ireland

As negotiations for new Northern Ireland Assembly break down

Violence erupts again in Drumcree

By Richard Tyler
9 December 1998

Mutual recriminations have accompanied the breakdown of the present
negotiations to set up the new Northern Ireland Assembly and joint
cross-border bodies with the Irish Republic.

At its only meeting so far, the Assembly met on July 1 to appoint Ulster
Unionist Party leader David Trimble as First Minister, with Seamus Mallon
from the Social Democratic and Labour Party as his deputy. The Assembly
then adjourned for negotiations between the UUP, SDLP and Sinn Fein to
discuss the setting up of an executive and to reach agreement on the
composition of various cross-border bodies.

However, these talks have proved so difficult that the February deadline
for the start of the Assembly is in danger. In an effort to break the
impasse, British Prime Minister Tony Blair cancelled all his other
engagements last Wednesday and flew to Belfast to hold talks with the party
leaders. Following seven hours of late-night discussions the press was
reporting that "significant progress" had been made. But then on Friday,
after Blair had returned to England, Trimble claimed the nationalists had
made "unreasonable demands", pointing the finger at the SDLP. "We thought
we had broken the back of it--and then we were to sort out the details--and
found fresh obstacles being created," he said.

For the SDLP, Seamus Mallon said, "People did not honour their word. That's
putting it as mildly as I possibly can."

He continued, "Apart from myself, there is a very substantial anger among
the other political parties at the way in which the Ulster Unionist Party
seems to have walked away from an arrangement it had made I can see it
even already beginning to erode the credibility that the peace process in
the Assembly has had within the community."

Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams said: "There was a deal done this week and it
was undone by Unionist bad faith."

The talks are now on hold as the leaders of the main nationalist and
Unionist parties in Northern Ireland flew off to America last Friday to
receive various awards. They are en route to Oslo to receive their Nobel
Peace Prize. David Trimble and SDLP leader John Hume were nominated for the
award for their part in brokering the Northern Ireland Agreement.

Two issues have lead to the current crisis in negotiations. According to
the Financial Times, "The real crunch was over the SDLP's insistence on
including a body for foreign investment promotion, after the UUP had
expressly opposed the idea during the multi-party talks Trimble argued
it would imply a single exchequer, a single fiscal system and one granting
body, 'It's a matter of amazement that nationalists want all the economic
functions to be extracted from the assembly before it's even started,' he

The Sunday Observer claimed that a meeting of the Ulster Unionist Assembly
members "went almost ballistic" following Trimble's report back from the
talks with Blair. "The main sticking point was the SDLP wish for a body to
govern inward investment into the whole of Ireland, treating the island as
an economic unit."

The paper wrote, "Trimble will be ousted by his backbenchers in the
Northern Ireland Assembly unless he can scrap plans for a cross-border body
on trade. The hard-liners were poised to bring down the Assembly if Sinn
Fein is admitted to the executive without the IRA decommissioning weapons."

This is the second issue. Unionists insist that there can be no place for
Sinn Fein on the executive before the IRA begins to hand over its weapons.
Pauline Armitage, a UUP Assembly member for East Londonderry, told the
press, "I want decommissioning and I want a resolution to the Drumcree
problem I would prefer to see the whole package together, and I would
prefer not to have any bodies set up because the pressure should remain on

This latest impasse once more highlights the deep divisions that exist in
the Unionist camp. Trimble's nominally pro-Agreement UUP won 28 seats in
the Assembly and the Progressive Unionist Party of David Irvine have 2,
making 30 in total. Unionist parties opposed to the Agreement, including
Ian Paisley's Democratic Unionists, command 28 seats.

In November the anti-Agreement pressure group "Union First" held their
first public meeting in Belfast. In attendance were Martin Smyth and Willie
Ross, UUP Members of Parliament. Jeffrey Donaldson, the most vocal UUP MP
opposing the Agreement, and former Unionist leader Lord Molyneaux sent
their apologies. Other opponents of the Agreement in attendance were Ian
Paisley and UK Unionist Party leader Bob McCartney.

The loss of just two assemblymen from the pro-Agreement side would
jeopardise not only Trimble's position, but the Assembly itself. The
establishment of a cross-border body to co-ordinate bids 

[CTRL] Tripp Trap

1998-12-09 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

There's a link from Drudge to a message board at the Free Repbulic site
showing messages in support of Linda Tripp's courage and entreaties for her
to not "lurk" and talk (post messages) to the readers.

Problem is I tried to send this link but my mail locked up in the process.

I don't know if this is kismet, fate, karma, or just coincidence.  Or, it
could be a sign.

Anyway, it's there, should anyone want to take the "Tripp" ...


The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes
but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] New Y2K Study On Dr. Ed's EcoNet

1998-12-09 Thread Danny Cox

 -Caveat Lector-

 Begin Forwarded Message
Date: Tue, 08 Dec 1998 22:23:57 -0500
From: Ed Yardeni [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: New Y2K Study On Dr. Ed's EcoNet

In my latest Y2K REPORTER (http://www.yardeni.com/y2kreporter.html), I
examine corporate progress by studying Y2K budget data available in some of
the third quarter SEC filings. I found 315 of the 415 SP 500 companies
currently showing a third quarter report on the SEC’s Edgar database, which
reported the total estimated cost of the Y2K project and also how much has
been spent so far.

I believe that there must be a good direct correlation between the
percentage of budget spent and progress in Y2K remediation. If this
assumption is correct, then many companies have a great deal of work to do
in a very short period of time before the Y2K “dreadline.” Indeed, all
told, the companies in my sample collectively have spent only 42% of their
budgets as of the end of the third quarter. Here are some of my other

1) On average, the SP 500 industry that is at the top of the
spending-to-budget progress list is the financial sector, with a ratio of
53.3%. It is followed by capital goods (45.6%), health care (42.2%),
consumer cyclicals (41.8%), consumer staples (41.5%), transports (40.0%),
energy (39.9%), technology (36.9%), basic materials (36.0%), communications
(35.3%), and utilities (31.4%). Utilities are at the bottom of the list of
SP industry sectors! If they don’t work, nothing else will.

2) No industry is uniformly ahead of the others. There are laggards in
every major industry. Even in the leading financial sector, 36% of the
sample has spent less than half of their Y2K budget through the third
quarter of 1998.

3) There are a disturbing number of laggards. Fully 33% of the
companies I
surveyed spent less than one-third of their budgets so far. And 14% of
companies spent less than 20% of their projected Y2K budget through the
third quarter of 1998.

4) Only 8 companies claim that they are nearly finished, having
spending-to-budget ratios of 80% or more.

5) In the utility sector, only five of the 34 companies in my survey
to have spent more than 50% of their budget. And 10 of these have spent
less than 20%!

Dr. Ed

Please forward as appropriate. To unsubscribe, reply with REMOVE in the
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Y2K Home: http://www.yardeni.com/cyber.html
Y2K Reporter: http://www.yardeni.com/y2kreporter.html
Y2K Netbook: http://www.yardeni.com/y2kbook.html
Y2K News Fax: http://www.yardeni.com/y2knews.html
Y2K Action Day Conferences: http://www.y2kactionday.com
Y2K Corporate Disclosure: http://www.progsys.com/yardeni/y2kfind.asp

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Ohio: The Pot Nazis Strike Again

1998-12-09 Thread Lyn McCloskey

 -Caveat Lector-

Source: Columbus Dispatch (OH)
 Website: http://www.dispatch.com/
 Copyright: 1998, The Columbus Dispatch
 Author: UPI


BELPRE, Ohio, Dec.  7 (UPI) - A controversy has erupted in southeast
Ohio concerning a marijuana drug raid in  which law enforcement
officers shot a man eight times. There is little agreement why the
57-year old janitor died in a hail of gunfire during a raid to shut
down a suspected marijuana sales operation.

And there are questions about why deputies, who were seeking
Bonar's adult son, a suspected small time dealer, used such force in
an attempt to arrest someone with NO prior arrest record.

A public hearing was scheduled today in Belpre to allow citizens to
question Washington County officials about the death of Delbert Bonar.

The victim's family contends Bonar was unarmed when he was shot.
Sheriff's deputies say the family is lying and the 57-year-old man had
refused to put down an unloaded shotgun during the October incident.

Bonar's daughter-in-law, Carolyn Bonar, told the Columbus Dispatch
Delbert Bonar was putting down a water bottle and reaching for the
telephone when he was shot.

Sheriff Robert Schlicher told the newspaper Carolyn Bonar is
lying.  He said Bonar confronted Sgt.  William Wilson and Capt.
Chris Forshey and they protected themselves.  ``This is something
none of us feels good about but there isn't much more you can expect
a law enforcement officer to do.''

The deputies had a search warrant when they raided the Bonar home at
9 p.m. Oct.  15.  They suspected Bonar's son,  Albert, was growing and
selling marijuana.  They found a small amount of the illegal weed,
enough for personal  consumption, but they did not find the
salable quantities, growing plants, or stolen guns an INFORMANT said
were on the property, Washington County Prosecutor Michael Spahr said.
Two months after the raid and Albert Bonar has not been charged with a

Albert Bonar admits to smoking marijuana, but having a few
plants did not justify the raid that left his father dead.  Albert
Bonar said in a recent interview, that he remains stunned by the
speed and violence of the raid.  "Every night at 9 p.m., the
nightmares start," he said. "We jump with every little creak in
the house."

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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[CTRL] Latest Article On TWA 800

1998-12-09 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-

 TWA Flight 800 Missile Cover-up Suspicions Renewed
 David J. Hale Jr.
  December 9, 1998

   Suspicions of a government cover-up of the TWA Flight 800 tragedy have
   been fueled by the unexplained appearance of three fast-moving ships
   and another unidentified radar target off Long Island at the same time
   as the jets explosion over the cold Atlantic in July 1996.

   More interest was sparked in July 1998 when former FBI assistant
   director James Kallstrom, who headed the bureau's investigation of the
   incident, claimed in a taped interview that the ships were, in fact,
   U.S. Navy vessels on "classified" maneuvers.

   Since that interview, Kallstrom says his answers were misinterpreted.

   According to the Islip, New York, FAA, three radar targets were
   detected moving at about 15 knots in an undefined direction about five
   miles from fight 800. One radar target was detected moving at 30 knots
   about two miles from the crash in a southeasterly direction.

   One vessel was caught on radar because its structure was at least six
   stories high, a moving object consistent with a large naval vessel.

   Some theories, buttressed by an ample amount of eyewitness and
   physical evidence, suggest that a missile was fired from sea,
   destroying the plane, in either a Navy accident or an attack by a
   terrorist group or foreign nation.

   Soon after the tragedy, ABC correspondent Pierre Salinger claimed that
   a U.S. Navy ship on maneuvers accidentally fired on the civilian
   airliner. Other experts like investigative reporter David Hendrix,
   claim that numerous U.S. Navy vessels were within a 50- to
   290-nautical-mile radius of the crash site. He obtained the data
   through a Freedom of Information Act request.

   Also, private investigator James Sanders has argued that a U.S. Navy
   ship fired a missile that downed Flight 800.

   These claims took on new credibility when Kallstrom admitted to
   Accuracy in Media's Reed Irvine that the ships picked up on radar were
   indeed naval vessels.

   An excerpt of his July 1998 interview follows:

   IRVINE: Let's open up the report, lets open up the record, lets take
   out the secrecy. That's the point.

   KALLSTROM: Yeah, I think it would be good to do that at this point now
   that the criminal case is not open. But it's in the hands of NTSB. ...

   IRVINE: Hey, the bureau [FBI] just sent [Congressman] Trafficant a
   letter saying they couldn't identify three vessels that were in the
   vicinity, for privacy reasons -- come on!

   KALLSTROM: Well, yeah. Well, we all know what those were. In fact, I
   even spoke about those publicly.

   IRVINE: What were they?

   KALLSTROM: They were Navy vessels that were on classified maneuvers.

   IRVINE: What about the one that went racing out to sea at 30 knots?

   KALLSTROM: That was a helicopter.

   IRVINE: On the surface?...

   KALLSTROM: Well, between you and I, the conventional wisdom was,
   although it's probably not totally provable, was that it was a

   In a recent interview with NewsMax.com, Kallstrom, now a vice
   president at a major credit card company, later amended his statement
   to Irvine.

   "When Reed Irvine asked me that question, I thought he meant in the
   vicinity, which to me means within a 200-nautical-mile radius of the
   crash," said Kallstrom.

   "The closest ship was the USS Normandy about 180 nautical miles from
   the crash. Those radar blips, I do believe we did know what they were.
   They were boats and one was a low-flying helicopter traveling at 30
   knots, which was initially of great concern."

   Kallstrom vehemently denies claims that the plane crashed as a result
   of a missile firing.

   One person not buying Kallstrom's claims is William Donaldson.

   Donaldson retired in 1991 from the Navy after a career as a decorated
   fighter pilot and Navy accident investigator.

   In July 1998, Donaldson's organization, Associated Retired Aviation
   Professionals (ARAP), issued a report detailing the case that one or
   more missiles struck TWA 800. Donaldson has claimed that as many as
   two foreign missiles exploded near the plane.

   He says that Navy vessels were in the area close to the crash on
   "top-secret" maneuvers. "They had a good reason to be there," he says.

   "There were Navy ships where they weren't supposed to be, and it
   appears they were actually in a defensive mode, trying to catch

   Donaldson discusses the Navy presence in his report and bases his
   information on his own eyewitness interviews, Navy records, and radar
   images. The Navy acknowledged that an aircraft carrier and its
   aircraft, a submarine, and a P-3 plane were active in military
   exercises 200 miles south of the crash.

   The missile theory is supported by more than 115 eyewitnesses who
   reported seeing a light 

Re: [CTRL] Question about list Rules

1998-12-09 Thread Laura Shipton

 -Caveat Lector-

Jim Condit Jr. wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 Please see my post on List Rules to Roadsend if you get a chance --- for
 heaven's sakes, there's plenty of URL's, but I dare not list them lest I
 get break list rules! Best Wishes. Jim Condit Jr.

 On Tuesday, December 08, 1998 12:48 PM, Laura Shipton
   -Caveat Lector-
  Talks of the Holocaust from those that do not want
  to do their research and check out the time before
  WW1 - that just want to try to do it from a propoganda
  view point and prey on emotions without listing urls and
  the research and documentation that was used is as bad
  as Japan trying to re-write their history.
  Maybe I have something there!  By using the term "politically
  correct" could people take issue with the American Goverment
  in that it is trying to re-write history.  That would also mean that
  the fact that they want to go after the encription laws would mean
  that they can make history by making it very hard for us to get on
  any other countries web pages.  To find out what is happening in
  other countries by checking their comments and news.  To edit
  our very posts and e-mails when they go to other countries.
  So are some people in America not only trying to re-write history
  (and the way it is taught in school) but to make history into the
  version that they want?
  aka The Pied Piper

Hey you,
We are limited to 100 posts a day on this list!  To try to use it as a
emotional sounding post with out urls is boring and frustrating.  Now
if you want to try to say that the gas that they used was something
other that Zoron or that what they called Zoron had a different
composition then - that would be a conspiracy.  If you want to try
to find out what company provided that gas and what their name
is now days - or do you work for that company?

another thought - if you are trying to say that you can not do
decent research because of the hate laws!  That is a conspiracy.
Hope who ever kept Japan from re-writing their history takes
notice of what is actually happening.  Still and all if they believe the
study history should be kept from the people - like Canada seems to
believe - Well.

Now this is from another thread and does seem to show a conspiracy,
is well researched With URLS that allow others to research as well.
See if you can rise up to this standard and keep your un-researched
emotions to yourself.  Another thought.  If Bush Sr. can get a higher
level education in Two years (because of daddy's money) What of
our "Professionals?"  How many of them have been slid through
school so that they will play someone's tune when they have that
Title??  Who has tested them?  What of our educators, what real
training, education have they had?  But they have a degree!  Get real
who were their teachers, professors, instructors?  Can they pass a
test that a independent organization would give?
And People Like That May Be Teaching Your Children,
May Have Taught You!
 The Unauthorized Biography of George Bush
They will not release his grades, Wonder Why?

From another thread*Well researched!*
Franklin Wayne Poley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tue 18:16

[CTRL] [UA-C] FC: Canada loves its "hate crime" legislation (fwd)

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 8 Dec 1998 19:41:54 -0400
From: Michael Gurstein [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [UA-C] FC: Canada loves its "hate crime" legislation (fwd)

Date: Tue, 08 Dec 1998 18:21:38 -0500
From: Declan McCullagh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: FC: Canada loves its "hate crime" legislation

From: "Lisa S. Dean" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Canada loves their hate crime legislation!

Date: Tue, 8 Dec 1998 14:04:19 -0500

Speech Cops of the Great White North
Dateline: 12/6/98
Every political system has its eccentricities - oddities that become so
much a part of the landscape that people living within the system lose
track of the weirdness. In the case of Canada, it sometimes seems that
the country's political elite is made up of the stiff-necked faculty of
a second-tier liberal arts college, and every session of the legislature
is a meeting of some uptight academic discipline board out to teach
those naughty frat boys a lesson.
The latest emanation from Canada's disciplinarians is a "hate speech
http://www.wired.com/news/news/politics/story/16525.html" bill that
might well have been pulled from the University of Wisconsin's
politically correct student handbook. The proposal would amend the
Criminal Code of Canada to make it illegal to possess material "for the
purpose of distribution to promote hate." It would also broaden existing
"hate crimes" law so that it 

[CTRL] America: Running on Empty and Heading for Recession

1998-12-09 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-

Subj:[FTC] USA: Running on Empty and Heading for Recession
Date:   12/9/98 8:30:45 AM Central Standard Time
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Linda Muller)

Dear Friends,

"Unable to free themselves of Keynesian thinking, the failure of the Dow
drop to check consumption was interpreted as meaning that consumers
are convinced that the good times will keep on rolling and so maintained
their optimism and spending. Consumers never even noticed the Dow.
So long as their incomes appear secure they will just keep on

From "The New Austrailian" web site:


From:   "Nelson,Damian A." [EMAIL PROTECTED]

America: Running on Empty and Heading for Recession

By Gerard Jackson No. 99,   7-13 Dec. 1998

First the bad news: America will go into recession. Now for the good
news: I expect this to happen under Clinton. (I don't hold him
responsible, I just consider it ironic justice.) The editorial in issue No. 92
(19-25 October 1998) predicted, using Austrian analysis, that the US
economy would slide into recession and that the symptoms were
already emerging. Despite claims to the contrary Greenspan's rate cuts
can do nothing to reverse the situation.

Let us first take a look at received economic wisdom (otherwise known
as Keynesian fallacies). According to this Greenspan's interest rate
cuts will stimulate the economy by increasing the level of spending
through credit expansion. That the US has been on a spending binge
which has helped fuel the stock market is certainly clear. What is not
clear to these economists is that this policy laid the foundations for the
coming recession. That most economists are unable to detect the true
link between the stock market and consumer spending was made
apparent when they expected the 20 per cent drop in the Dow between
July and December to curb consumer spending. The reason it did not is
because both are fuelled by the same source — the Fed. Consumer
spending is not, never has been and never will be, a function of stock
market prices.

Unable to free themselves of Keynesian thinking, the failure of the Dow
drop to check consumption was interpreted as meaning that consumers
are convinced that the good times will keep on rolling and so maintained
their optimism and spending. Consumers never even noticed the Dow.
So long as their incomes appear secure they will just keep on spending.
In fact, American consumers are spending so much the savings ratio
has turned negative, something that has not happened since the depths
of the Great Depression: for this you can thank Lord Keynes and his
disciples. Without savings the American economy — or any other
economy, for that matter — cannot accumulate capital. And it is capital
that raises living standards, not Federal manipulation of interest rates. In
other words, the American economy is running on empty. Concentrating
on consumption spending is a fatal mistake. Consumption does not
drive economies and is only a small part of total economic activity.* This
gross error has led some economic observers to speculate that the
booming service sector will be the "powerhouse" that will offset
slowdowns in any other part of the economy. Austrian analysis
comletely explodes this myth and we shall now see why.

The Austrians show that by forcing down the rate of interest the Federal
Reserve misleads businesses, especially in the higher stages of
production, into thinking that the fund of real capital has expanded. They
therefore embark on projects for which the capital goods necessary for
their completion do not exist. This makes itself felt through various
shortages and bottlenecks. As these start to appear many businesses
begin suffer a cost-price squeeze as prices are no longer sufficient to
maintain expansion or even cover factor costs. Nevertheless, the so-
called service sector, the one closest to consumption, undergoes a
boom with rising demand and employment. There is no paradox here.

Factors must be paid. Companies that responded to the low interest
rates used the addtional funds to bid up the prices of capital goods and
specific types of labor, which obviously raised their costs of production.
This additional expenditure translated into factor incomes which were
then spent on consumption goods. This in turn raised demand at the
consumption end of the production structure. The increased demand
made itself felt throughout the structure by bidding factors away from
the higher stages. To aggravate the situation savings actually became
negative, meaning that the social rate of time preference was leaving
nothing for investment. The pool of real funds had run dry. These higher-
stage investments will now turn out to be malinvestments, unsound
investments that will have to be liquidated. But before these 

Re: [CTRL] Did You Know 9 pt1

1998-12-09 Thread Gerald Harp

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/8/98 5:43:02 PM Eastern Standard Time,

Contrary to popular belief, the Nazis did not "take" Germany through
  arms or brute force. There was no need to: they were welcomed with cheers
  and open arms as their economic savior - by a thoroughly brain-washed and
  unquestioning populace! [Just like Clinton and the Liberals are today!]

Talk about getting it backwards!

I will say this in terms of the right-wing takeover of pre WWII Germany to
today's situation in America:

Hitler never won a popular election.   He was stymied by democracy but the
confused Hindenburg gave it to him on a platter.  He "legitimized" himself to
the main street Germans by media propaganda but also, on the streets, by force
of bluster, pageantry, threats, and thuggery.  The right-wing reserved murder,
torture, medical experiments, starvation, and false imprisonment in general
for those most hated, numerous though they were.

Today in America, the right-wing Republicans and the news media are in the
hands of some extremely wealthy willful men who are determined to run America
without obstacle.  They have not been able to achieve their desire in full
even with the eager help of the news media and so they have turned to an
impeachment campaign.  This has involved several people (including Starr,
Tripp, Goldberg, and the respectable portion of the news media) but it is
orchestrated by creatures like Richard Scaife.  One can only hope that the
coup which was only partially successful in 1963 will not now fully succeed.

Jerry Harp

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] OEN 12/9/98

1998-12-09 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe/A

Japanese Financial Crisis

Government Urged to Buy 10% of Stock Market

Leveraged buyout of Japan, Inc.

An influential Japanese business group has called on the government to
issue up to ¥30,000bn ($250bn) of bonds to purchase corporate shares and
stave off a further decline in the stock market.

These plans, which have been drawn up by a think tank affiliated to the
Keidanren, Japan's main business federation, would potentially leave the
government holding up to 10 per cent of the shares on the stock market.

The proposals, by the respected 21st-Century Public Policy Institute,
have triggered strong opposition from officials at the ministry of
finance and the Bank of Japan, who fear that it could put more pressure
on the government bond market.

However, the idea is supported by some members of the ruling Liberal
Democratic party, whose politicians have often used respected business
groups such as the Keidanren to float radical new policy ideas. Although
the LDP leadership has shown little willingness yet to adopt the scheme,
the proposals highlight the degree of unease felt in the government
about the weakness of the stock market.

Government officials admit that the proposals could influence policy in
coming months if Japan's economic problems worsen. One senior bureaucrat
said: "If the stock market falls again, there may be more support from
politicians for something like this."

Mayasa Miyoshi, a senior adviser to the Keidanren, said: "We urgently
need to take measures."

The debate about the stock market has been triggered by the recent sharp
fall in the Nikkei 225, the key stock market indicator, which fell below
13,000 in October. This threatens to hurt many companies, since banks
and their clients have traditionally held huge equity stakes in each

The Nikkei 225 has since rebounded, closing at 14,808.2 yesterday.
However, some officials fear the market will remain weak, since many
companies are trying to unwind these cross-shareholdings, further
depressing prices.

In recent months, the Keidanren has called on the government to offset
this problem by creating a special institution to unravel unwind
cross-shareholdings without selling shares them in the open market.
However, this proposal has now been partly abandoned since it would
reduce the banks' capital base under current Bank for International
Settlements guidelines.

The think tank has now proposed a separate scheme according to which the
government would purchase shares to offset the impact of companies
unwinding cross-shareholdings. These purchases would be managed by
independent financial companies, and conducted for a limited period.

The Financial Times, Dec. 9, 1998

Chinese Missiles

Secret Pentagon Report Faults Hughes Assistance to China

by Jeff Gerth

WASHINGTON -- A secret Pentagon report concludes that Hughes Space and
Communications, without proper authorization, gave China technological
insights that are crucial to the successful launchings of satellites and
ballistic missiles.
According to the report, completed on Monday, Hughes scientists helped
Chinese engineers in 1995 to improve the sophisticated mathematical
models necessary to predict the effects of wind, high-atmosphere
buffeting and other natural forces on a rocket launching.

These formulas are important to designing nuclear missiles and launching
satellites that do not explode or break apart. They help technicians
calculate the appropriate angle of launch, the shape of the nose cone of
the rocket, the tolerable limits of weather and other factors.

The Chinese, the Pentagon said, had been using an "oversimplified"
mathematical analysis, resulting in a series of failed satellite
launchings. Hughes pointed out that shortcoming to the Chinese in 1995,
when its scientists helped investigate the failed launching of a Hughes
commercial communication satellite atop a Chinese rocket.

The report concluded that Hughes had provided a "defense service" to
China that violated American standards against helping Beijing make
better satellites and missiles and required a State Department review.

The company's assistance to China "raises national security concerns
both with regard to violating those standards and to potentially
contributing to China's missile capabilities," the report said.

The company, and other American aerospace concerns, were eager to use
Chinese rockets because they are cheaper than American or European
competitors, but only if they could be made reliable. The Pentagon
report said that contact between Hughes engineers and Chinese scientists
allowed the Chinese to gain "specific insight into specific launch
vehicle design and operational problems and corrective actions."

The report also says Hughes showed Chinese scientists flaws in the 


1998-12-09 Thread Gerald Harp

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/9/98 10:14:39 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Mr. Freedman's information contains suppressed facts, including
   exactly how the US was tricked into WW-I -- due to Zionist fraud:

If this isn't the official anti-Semite list of the US, why does this sort of
mindless hate based baloney keep appearing?  What is it about this list that
attracts the darker elements?  Don't get me wrong.  I don't think this
character hates the Jews.  He just hates.  The Jews and blacks are both
preferred targets by these types since they are few in number and because it
becomes tiresome, to healthy people, to continually answer baseless charges
and suppositions.

One encounters many interesting and provocative notions but it also requires
one to comb thru a certain amount of psychic decay.  This deterioration is not
good, it is especially not good because it is obvious that RoadsEnd puts an
enormous amount of work into keeping it lively and interesting.

I have an idea.  Why don't you out there who like to think of yourself as neo-
fascists hold your lying scheming tongues for a few millennia?

Jerry Harp

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] Shakespeare]

1998-12-09 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

John Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A new computer analysis of stylistic features provides fresh testimony that
all but the more obscure Shakespeare plays (Merry Wives of Windsor, etc.) were
written by Edward de Vere, the 17th Earl of Oxford (1550-1604).

This reminds me of the old story of the German scholar who spent fifty years
proving that the *Iliad* and the *Odyssey* were not written by Homer -- *but
by another Greek of the same name*. What does it matter *who* wrote the plays?
They are the crowning glory of the English language, and they transcend the
centuries so magnificently that I don't give a tinker's damn whether they were
written by Shakespeare, Oxford, Bacon, Marlowe, Queen Elizabeth, or Attila the
Hun! I thank God that we have them at all.


Robert F. Tatman
Remove "nospam" from the address to reply.

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information for research and educational purposes. For
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Bald face liars testify to congress

1998-12-09 Thread H Samuels

 -Caveat Lector-

Fax to your congressman, senators and news papers
Henry Hyde's fax number is: 202-225-7682


   Microsoft CD encyclopedia, sexual relations plural noun
1. Sexual intercourse.
2. Sexual activity between individuals.
 What do these words mean?
Relations or relationships are some kind of interaction between
two or more people.
*  If you are involved in a romance, that is a romantic relation.
*  If you are involved with someone at work, that is a work
Relations: notes something that two or more people do together.
Sex relations involve any act done to arouse and/or reach a sexual
Visual ... stripping, specific movements ...
Verbal ... "dirty"/sex talk
Hand touch ... legs, breast, button ... what ever causing or
stimulating an erection.
Sex organ touch ... by another sex organ, hand or mouth.
  In SEXUAL RELATIONS, the interaction between two people is SEX.

If a strange man called a woman and talked about poetry, vacuum
cleaners or mushrooms, he would not be guilty of any crime, but if
he began to talk about oral sex, he could be convicted of a crime.
If the other party has no wish to hear it, it is an illegal sex
act and if the other party wants to hear it, it is a legal sex
When this verbal interaction takes place between two people it is
a sexual relationship.

Under the laws an adult male having an under age girl give him
oral sex, would be convicted of a sex act with an under age girl.
He would not be arrested for patting her on the head or holding
her hand. The charge involving oral sex would be made BECAUSE IT
Thinking about sex is not a relation, but when people interact
together for the purpose of arousal and/or a climax, it is a
Sex=act done for the purpose of sexual arousal and/or
Relations =   interaction between two or more people.
If oral sex is not sex, then why do I see prostitutes being
arrested on the show "COPS" for selling oral sex?
In every court in the United States for the last 200 years, every
case involving any physical touch of a sex organ (hand or mouth)
has been put in the category of a sex act.
First Clinton had the gull to lie in the face of a grand jury and
now Clinton's lawyer (and crack lickers) have come before congress
under oath and committed perjury !
In the court case against one woman, she did not have intercourse
in her office, she only had ORAL SEX.
If oral SEX is not sex, then how did the court convict the woman
of perjury when she did not have intercourse, she just denied
having sex?
No wonder politicians and lawyers are so hated. They are just a
bunch of lying crooks covering up for the corruption of each
other. The pathetic part is that "justice" in America is just a
hoax which applies only to those who can not afford to buy it.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] 010.000 HATE SPEECH

1998-12-09 Thread William Hugh Tunstall

 -Caveat Lector-

What is your basic gripe about "white liberals"?  I'm curious. I'm a
Native American (of European-Native American ancestry)...and I don't
remember "white conservatives" or "white libertarians," for that matter,
risking their lives on freedom rides to the south to end segregation in
the southor running the risk of ending up in a Mississippi swamp (the
fate of a young Jewish boy and a black boy), because they believed that
Americans of all colors should have civil liberties.

I don't remember masses of "white conservatives" making any effort to help
out in the inner citiesto try to put an end to the hate and racism
that seems to be endemic in our republic.

Instead, whenever "white liberals" tried to use the power of government to
put an end to social inequalities in the country, "white conservatives"
opposed them every step of the way, using states rights arguments..now,
the arguments have changed Judging from some of the postings on
this list, the new smokescreen for racists, facists,
hate-mongers and anti-semites among us is the Constitution!!!

And, not surprisingly, the same individuals who find nothing wrong with
the institution of slavery are mouthing Jefferson, Madison, et al.
If that is "libertarianism," I think I'll pass..

I guess I must be one of the deluded masses... I have two daughters of
my own... I want them to be strong feminists...to hear just as much about
"the founding mothers" as they hear about "the fathers." The last thing I
want for them is to marry some chauvinistic bozo.. who views a woman as
his property.  So, I'm one hundred percent for women being free of the
kind of crap they had to put up with back in the pre-60s era I'm old
enough to remember those days...  Since I was raised in that period, I
remember how women were treated... They weren't highly valued..  Whatever
you want to say about "feminnazis" (well...ditto heads love these terms,
don't they?)generally, women are better off now thanks to the efforts
of "liberals" and "feminists."  Of course, I won't defend all of the
mistakes and blunders made along the way  But I don't see
"conservatives" caring much about anything, except maintaining the
status quokeep the power in the hands of the same old white males who
make up the good old boy networks...(the same jerks who love to go
adventuring overseas...looking for loot and third world women to play

Every progressive movement in this
country has been fought tooth and nail by people who just want to hang on
to their power and privileges...  And when anyone has the courage to point
out the inequities..the gross abuses... they are usually slapped down by
various means.  The treaties of my Native American ancestors were never
respected...Their lands were seized by the very same people who crafted
such marvelous documents as the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
So, a lot of us out here are not impressed with these rhetorical exercises
on the glories of the Constitution.

So, I am one hundred percent for "white liberals" and their effort to join
the rest of the human race.  I applaud the fact that, at least, they want
to be fair-minded and decent. ... That's more than I can say for the
On Wed, 9 Dec 1998, KA wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 On Tue, 8 Dec 1998, nurev wrote:
 Yeah I bet you like this. You're the fool who studies philosophy at feet
 of that loonytwat JanaButterfly.

 With the above statement, Joshua proves my point regarding the typical
 white male Liberal's attitude towards women...

 He is unable to objectively, rationally, and unemotionally discuss
 whatever philosophy 'JanaButterfly' espouses, but can only refer to her
 in gross, pornographic terms.

 You think that spouting Libertarian tripe makes you political? Getting
 key people into government is being political. Minorities and Jews know
 how to do it.

 And by the above statement, he makes my point regarding the typical white
 male Liberal's attitude towards 'minorities', as he displays their
 typical view of 'minorities' as separate from themselves, and not as part
 of 'the movement' these white male Liberals espouse...

 You guys are pathetic. You have much more than you deserve.

 And how do YOU presume to know how much anyone on this list has, let
 alone what they 'deserve'?

 What does ANYONE 'deserve'?

 As a woman, I'm SURE [sputter, cough] that you will agree that I
 represent a community which has been oppressed and victimized by you
 white males for centuries (if not millenia), and therefore I DESERVE more
 than you, who represents a class of humanity which has benefitted from
 the labor of women and people of color without giving anything back in
 return...therefore, I have the right to take away everything you have,
 since I DESERVE it more...

 [Now removing tongue from cheek]

 PS: More in next post.

 Spare us.



Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] Old Habits ...]

1998-12-09 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

Alamaine Ratliff [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
 WSWS : News  Analysis : Europe : Ireland

 As negotiations for new Northern Ireland Assembly break down

 Violence erupts again in Drumcree

 By Richard Tyler
 9 December 1998

 Mutual recriminations have accompanied the breakdown of the present
 negotiations to set up the new Northern Ireland Assembly and joint
 cross-border bodies with the Irish Republic.

Not for nothing, it seems, is the heraldic emblem of Ulster a bloody hand...

Bob (descended from a long line of Ulstermen)

Robert F. Tatman
Remove "nospam" from the address to reply.

NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed 
without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included 
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [MC] CIA Media Coverage

1998-12-09 Thread RoadsEnd


I am not sure others saw this or the web URL, however, the NY Times has
been running a number of articles on the CIA since Nov 28th or so.  See
below the URL and info about these -- you may need to "register" with
NYT, login, password, to get into the articles and special CIA
discussion groups.  Judith

This special report is based on the New York Times Television
documentary, "The Real C.I.A.: Enemies, Secrets and Spies." With text by

Tim Weiner, the Times Washington correspondent who narrated the
report, it includes video clips from the documentary and articles from
the New York Times archives.


Dining With the Devil
The Future of the C.I.A.

 Issue in Depth:
 U.S. Offensive
 Against Terrorism

 Issue in Depth:
 Bombings in East

 Congress Decides
 to Conduct Study
 of Need for C.I.A.
 (Sept. 28, 1994)

 Looking for the
 Enemy; For C.I.A.,
 History Is the Big
 (Jan. 1, 1995)

 C.I.A. Says Agents
 Deceived Superiors
 On Guatemala Role
 (July 26, 1995)

 Re-examines Hiring
 of Ex-Terrorist as
 (Aug. 21, 1995)

 The C.I.A.'s most
 Important Mission:
 (Dec. 10, 1995)

 Report Faults
 C.I.A. on Hiring of
 Informers in
 (Dec. 10, 1995)

 The C.I.A. Seeks
 Out Informers On
 Terrorism, and
 Finds Them
 (Dec. 10, 1995)

 In the 1990's, with the cold
 war ended, the C.I.A. faces
 different enemies -- terrorists,
 criminal gangs, and rogue
 nations trying to build nuclear,
 biological and chemical
 weapons. To know these
 enemies, the C.I.A. must try to
 recruit terrorists and criminals
 and weapons dealers. It's like
 dining with the devil -- and to
 do that, you'd better bring a
 very long spoon, as the
 C.I.A.'s former in-house
 inspector general, Fred Hitz,
 tells us.

 The current chief of intelligence
 at the C.I.A., John
 McLaughlin, says the agency is
 hot on the trail of Osama bin
 Laden, the suspected
 mastermind of the bombing of
 two American embassies in
 Africa last August -- and a
 veteran of the Afghan war. But
 without a spy in bin Laden's
 camp, that search will be a
 long one.

 Spies have been with us ever
 since Joshua took Jericho, and
 they are likely to be around for
 millennia to come. But many
 Americans wonder whether
 we need a C.I.A. at all.

 The fact is that secrecy and
 deception are central to what
 the C.I.A. is and does. They
 are essential to running an
 overseas intelligence service.
 But secrecy and deception are
 powerful tools -- and, in the
 wrong hands, dangerous
 weapons. The challenge for
 the C.I.A. after the cold war is
 trying to promote American
 interests -- secretly,
 deceptively -- without abusing
 American values.

   Join a Discussion on The
 Future of the C.I.A. hosted by
 Tim Weiner.

  Dining With the Devil

  Aldrich Ames is

  President Bush talks
  about the future of the

  Osama bin Laden

  Spying on
 the Enemy:
  The Invisible
 Dining With
 the Devil:

MINDCONTROL-L Mind Control and Psyops Mailing List
To unsubscribe or subscribe: send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
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 Wes Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED], list moderator

[CTRL] Fwd: FEMA: Behind Closed Doors

1998-12-09 Thread RoadsEnd

Report 1 of 3

The Federal Emergency Managment Agency
"Behind Closed Doors"

There exists in our government an entity with the power to take over the
United States. This entity is known as the Federal Emergency Managment Agency
(FEMA). Not only is FEMA the most powerful agency in the US, it was not
created under Constitutional Law by Congress. It was created by a Presidential
Executive Order, which bypasses the Congress's vote. Originally concieved
during the Nixon administration FEMA's main goal was to assure the stability
of the United States in the event of  a nuclear attack. However over the years
FEMA dissapeared into the secret world of the "black" government. During this
time FEMA was also given teeth. Powers such as the power to move entire
populations without notice (Executive Order #11004) and the power to take
controll of all airports, seaports, both private and public (Executive Order
#11003). And so FEMA sits, ever gaining more power, waiting for the time when
a simple decleration of marshall law will be issued and FEMA will come into

Sound like a fictional movie? That's probably because FEMA was used as
the basis for a major conspiracy in the summer hit "The X-Files: Fight The
Future" in
which FEMA was used in the exact context I have just talked about. But this
isn't a
Hollywood creation. It's not something that was imagined, it's real. All of
it. Including
FEMA's relentless powers to litterally take over the United States. As I
mentioned before FEMA was first thought up during the Nixon administration,
but it wasn't really given it's powers untill a few years later during the
Regan administration. This is where FEMA got it's teeth. Executive Order
Number 12148 created FEMA and intercased it with the Department of Defence for
civil defense planning. That ment that FEMA's secret billion dollar black
budget could be given without anyone knowing where it was going. The term
"black" which I have used before referes to something that is top secret, and
even above
that. Black projects are things that are untalked about, undiscussed, ext.
Black agencies such as FEMA are groups which are not supposed to be publicly
talked about. So what does any of this have to do with Civil Rights?

Well, FEMA has been granted a number of powers which go absolutly against all
things that we thought were Civil Rights. Infact, the entire Constitution of
the United States can be ignored by FEMA. Imagine, an agency with the power to
restrict US citizen movement within the US, isolate large groups of people,
close off all borders,
airports, seaports, and controll everything and anything that goes on within
the US. If you can imagine that, then you can see FEMA's powers. You might
think that it will take a long time for all these powers to ever go into
effect, and that there must be some point in which they can not be used but
that's wrong. FEMA can have all these powers used with a simple decleration of
marshall law. Something that can be declared by any president at any time.
Even the recent erruption in US military activity in the mid-east could be a
basis for a decleration of marshall law to be signed.

FEMA's deseptive role really didn't come into the publics eyes until Harricane
Andres hit the US. At that point FEMA became a convinent target for media and
Congressman alike. The discovery that FEMA was spending 12 times more for
black projects then it was for disaster reliefe startled the researchers.
Finding out that is spent $1.3 billion building a secret facility in Verginia
didn't make the onlookers and researchers too happy iether. There are a few
things that would easily bring FEMA into power. The
main thing that is being watched right now is terrorism. One of the Executive
states that should any of these things occur, "threat of imminent nuclear
attack, massive rioting, national disasters that affect widespread danger,
massive terrorist attacks, a massive depression, or a major enviornmental
disaster," FEMA will be granted power under marshall law. Well, as we all know
the one that would be most likely to occur would be the terrorism.

The thing that frightens conspiracy theorists such as myself is not the
overwhelming power which FEMA has, aulthough that is obviously a large part of
it. But the fact that with something like the terrorist threat, that could
easily be acted out. Many believe that the Oklahoma bombing, however
horrifying, was infact cause by the US military. And some pictures which have
recently been discovered show evidance of this. But it is all too much to
proove. What is known is that despite what is said FEMA has power that no
agency should have. And an entity with that much power may not be able to be
stopped now. The hope is that enough people that count will bring it up, and
FEMA will be stripped of some of it's powers.

(C) SGRA 1998
All Right Reserved By Jon Nowinski, SGRA
(((For more information on the SGRA, or any other available reports contact
Jon Nowinski 

Re: [CTRL] Bald face liars testify to congress

1998-12-09 Thread PRUDYL

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/9/98 12:51:29 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Microsoft CD encyclopedia, sexual relations plural noun 

Gee, thanks for the roadmap, Sport.  I couldn't have figured it out without
you.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Conspiracy Theories

1998-12-09 Thread PrKara

 -Caveat Lector-

A web site that supports the thoughts expressed by [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jim
Kinney), and perhaps much more is:
 A HREF="http://www.masonicinfo.com/contents.htm"Contents of masonicinfo.com

An easy wan to first explore this site is:
 A HREF="http://www.masonicinfo.com/sitemap.htm"Site Map/A

Have fun.  Enjoy.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Nuke Waste Dump in Australia

1998-12-09 Thread MShrum

Yahoo News

Tuesday December 8, 1:12 PM

Clinton adviser urges Australia to consider being world's nuclear dump.

 SYDNEY, Dec 8 (AFP) - Australia should consider an international plan to become a
dumping ground for the world's nuclear waste, a top adviser to US President Bill
Clinton said
Tuesday, drawing immediate protests from environmentalists.

Australia is in a unique position because of its geography and political stability to
help the world
solve the problem of where to store nuclear waste from bombs dismantled at the end
of the Cold
War, according to Clinton's special envoy on weapons of mass distruction, Robert

"If Australia could appreciate the concept and decide it was in the national interest
there would be
enormous benefits for the world," he told The Australian newspaper.

Australia was one of the few places in the world with the political and geological
stability necessary
for such a sensitive gatekeeping job, Galluci said.

But environmentalists objected Tuesday, saying saddling Australia with the world's
nuclear waste
was short-sighted.

"The government of Australia has only been around for 99 years," Larry O'Loughin,
a campaigner
for the Australian Conservation Foundation, told AFP.

"It's a very optimistic outlook to say Australia's going to have a stable political
outlook for 200,000
years. That's just farcical."

Galluci, dean of the prestigious Georgetown University school of foreign service,
said he had met
Australian prime minister John Howard earlier this year but said they had not
discussed the issue of
nuclear waste.

The Australian government has denied holding ministerial talks with the US on a
possible waste
dump and has offered no public support for the plan, a move that would draw the
immediate ire of

But the Clinton adviser said the White House had been briefed on an US company's
proposal to
establish a massive nuclear waste dump in remote parts of Australia's west and
south, a plan he

"I don't think the US government is officially aware but there have been informal
discussions about
an approach to the Australian government at various levels," he told the newspaper.

"Australia could play a pretty unique role if Australia was willing to do it."

A video tape issued by Seattle-based Pangea promoting the idea of a massive
Australian dump was
leaked to Australian environmentalists last week, forcing the company to go public
with its plans.

According to the company, only two countries in the world -- Argentina and Australia
-- have the
needed stable geography and political systems for a nuclear dump like the one it is


1998-12-09 Thread JYester

Original message
Date: Wed, 09 Dec 98 04:36:45 EST
From: Spirit Of Truth Page http://www.ucc.uconn.edu/~jpa94001/


  By J. Adams
  December 8th, 1998

   The Spirit Of Truth Page

Monday's  White  House  Press  Briefing  was   opened   with   the
announcement  that President Clinton would give his State of the Union
Address on Jan 19, 1999 - unusually early.

January 20th is a key date if the president chooses to  resign  on
this date because,  as of the 20th,  Al Gore will be eligible to serve
two full terms as President on top of serving out the final two  years
of Clinton's presidency.  Therefore, if Clinton were to resign the day
after  his State of the Union address,  Al will effectively be able to
serve up to ten years as President.

When Nixon resigned  in  1974,  he  did  so  after  the  Judiciary
Committee  voted  for  articles  of  impeachment  but before the House
actually voted for impeachment.  The reason  he  timed  his  announced
resignation  at  this  point is most likely because,  according to the
U.S.  Constitution (Article II Section 2):  "The President  shall  ...
have  Power  to  grant  Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the
United States,  except in Cases of Impeachment."  Thus,  in  order  to
preserve  Vice  President  Ford's  ability to pardon President Nixon's
criminal offenses,  Nixon had to announce his resignation *before* the
House  voted  for  his  formal impeachment.  And this,  of course,  is
precisely what happened.  Nixon resigned before the  House  voted  for
impeachment and later,  since no formal impeachment occurred, Ford was
able to pardon him.

The odds are that Clinton wants to avoid criminal prosecution  and
going  to  jail for his felonies more so than he wants to cling to the
Presidency and try and ride out impeachment proceedings.

Even if Clinton succeeds in not being removed from office for  his
crimes, he can, after his term ends after the year 2000, be criminally
prosecuted  and  incarcerated  for his crimes.  If the House votes for
his impeachment, the next president, and there's no guarantee the next
president  will  be  a  Democrat,   can  NOT  pardon  him  since   the
Constitution forbids pardons in cases of impeachment.

Hence,   if  it  looks  like  the  House  is  going  to  vote  for
impeachment,  it behooves Clinton to announce his resignation in order
to  stave-off  such  a vote.  In this way,  Gore will still be able to
pardon Clinton for his crimes since Clinton was not formally impeached
by the  House  of  Representatives.  Although  it  is  still  an  open
question  in Constitutional Law debate,  the odds are that Clinton can
not hold-off announcing his resignation until after the House votes if
he wants to preserve a possible pardon by Gore.  If it looks like  the
House  is going to vote for impeachment,  it appears that Clinton MUST
announce his resignation  beforehand  in  order  to  stop  his  formal
impeachment from taking place.

If  Clinton  is going to announce his resignation in order to stop
the House of Representatives from voting for his  formal  impeachment,
it  would  be  most strategic to announce that his resignation will be
effective January 20th, 1999.  As noted above, this will allow Gore to
serve out the last two years of Clinton's presidential term and  still
be able to serve two additional full terms, i.e., Gore will be able to
be President for up to ten years.

Thus, the reason that the White House has announced an early State
of  the  Union address is because,  contrary to his stated promises to
never resign,  Clinton is  planning  to  announce  his  resignation  -
effective  January  20th,  1999,  the day after his final State of the
Union address - sometime during the next couple of weeks in  order  to
stave-off a vote for formal impeachment by the House. (And yesthis
would mean Clinton has told yet another lie!)

Further  indicating  that  resignation  may  be  on  the  mind  of
President Clinton,  a leading Democratic Senator,  Joseph Lieberman of
Connecticut,  has  reportedly agreed to receive Ross Perot's petitions
calling on the President to resign "for the good of the  country,  for
the sake of our children".

According to Robert Hillman of the Dallas Morning News (12/8/98):

"Petition  signatures  sought  by  Ross  Perot   to   persuade
President  Clinton  to  resign  will be sent to the Democratic
Connecticut senator who was an early critic of the president's
relationship with Monica Lewinsky.  Russell  Verney,  chairman
of  the  Perot-founded  Reform Party who helped coordinate the
petition drive,  said Sen.  Joseph 

[CTRL] Y2K threatens rural counties

1998-12-09 Thread Danny Cox

 -Caveat Lector-

 Begin Forwarded Message

Source: Reuters
December 8, 1998

Y2K threatens rural counties
Survey shows half of U.S. counties have no strategic plans to tackle
Y2K problems.
By Vicky Stamas

Half of the United States' counties have no strategic plans to tackle
millennium bug computer problems that could snarl everything from
ambulances to railroad signal lights to drinking water supplies, the
National Association of Counties said Tuesday.

In the first survey of its size at the local level, the group, which
represents the nation's 3,069 counties, said only 50 percent of the
500 counties it surveyed last month are ready for potentially
disastrous computer snafus on January 1, 2000. Sparsely populated
rural counties are lagging most.

'To ignore the Y2K problem is to walk barefoot through a Nebraska
pasture infested with rattlesnakes.' -- Tim Lowenstein, supervisor of
Buffalo County, Neb.

With only 13 months left before Year 2000, "urgency is the name of
the game," said Terry Wood, who handles such problems for Montgomery
County, Maryland.

"It is a critical problem that has the potential for disaster," Betty
Lou Ward, president of the group said.

Rural counties fatalistic

The Year 2000 problem stems from the early days of computers when
memory was a precious commodity. Programmers used only two digits to
indicate the year, and this may now cause computers to recognize 2000
as 1900 and crash or give inaccurate data.

Most vulnerable are the thousands of small, rural counties dotting
the nation, officials said.

Of the 119 counties surveyed with less than 10,000 people, 74 have no
countywide plans to prevent possible chaos.

"They look at the problem as beyond their ability to solve," Tim
Lowenstein, supervisor of Buffalo County, Neb., said of rural

"(But) to ignore the problem is to walk barefoot through a Nebraska
pasture infested with rattlesnakes," he said, stressing the problem
is "fixable" by even the tiniest localities.

Girding for gridlock

By contrast, all but one of the 16 counties surveyed with
half-a-million or more people said they had countywide plans, the
survey found.

Asked for worst-case scenarios, officials described cities with
elevators marooned on 30th floors, traffic grids paralyzed by dark
traffic signals, and 911 emergency response systems thrown into

But officials said many counties are making progress. While some have
no strategic plan, 91 percent have hired someone to handle the
problem and officials in 77 percent of those counties have already
begun working on the issue.

As for the pricetag, Los Angeles County, the largest in the survey,
said it will cost $155 million to fix the problem. By contrast, tiny
Ohio County, Indiana, with a population of 5,458, expected $400,000
in costs.

Other findings

In other findings, less than half of counties have tackled the
stickiest Year 2000 problem -- searching systems for embedded
computer chips that must be checked.

And less than one third those surveyed plan to test their systems
countywide, even though such systems often are linked.

Nearly three quarters have no stopgap plans if the emergency systems
they put in place fail, added the survey, prepared for the group by
National Research, Inc.

Overall, 23 percent of counties said they will spend the most to fix
computers involved in general government administration while 16
percent said fixing tax and finance systems will be the costliest,
the study said.

Eleven percent said modifying emergency response systems will cost
the most while nine percent cited fixing court related programs.

Copyright (c) 1998 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved.
Republication or redistribution of Reuters content is expressly
prohibited without the prior written consent of Reuters. Reuters
shall not be liable for any errors or delays in the content, or for
any actions taken in reliance thereon.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] 010.000 HATE SPEECH

1998-12-09 Thread KA

 -Caveat Lector-

On Wed, 9 Dec 1998, William Hugh Tunstall wrote:
What is your basic gripe about "white liberals"?

My 'gripe' as you put it is not with white liberals, but white

The 'capital L' variety are big on mouthing platitudes, but are the worst
racists and sexists around...

They talk the talk, but don't walk the walk...

I'm curious. I'm a
Native American (of European-Native American ancestry)...and I don't
remember "white conservatives" or "white libertarians," for that matter,
risking their lives on freedom rides to the south to end segregation in

That is because you remember liberals of the 'small L' variety...

BTW, I consider myself a white liberal (small L)...

I guess I must be one of the deluded masses... I have two daughters of
my own... I want them to be strong feminists...

I consider myself a feminist too...but not a Feminist, and I hope you're
not raising your daughters to be the 'capital F' variety...

okay, what's the difference between the 'capital' and 'small letter'
variety?  the 'capital' variety wear their designation like jewelry, an
adornment for show which is not an integral part of their being...

the 'small letter' variety just ARE...their philosophies are such an
integral part of their being, they just live it without thinking about it
(or feeling the need to crow about it and call attention to it)...

this applies to Conservatives/conservatives, too...

his property.  So, I'm one hundred percent for women being free of the
kind of crap they had to put up with back in the pre-60s era

Then you don't want them to marry a white male Liberal, who are worst
sexists than any conservative or Conservative I've ever met...

 On Tue, 8 Dec 1998, nurev wrote:
 Yeah I bet you like this. You're the fool who studies philosophy at feet
 of that loonytwat JanaButterfly.

 With the above statement, Joshua proves my point regarding the typical
 white male Liberal's attitude towards women...

I notice you don't take exception to Joshua, good Liberal that he is,
referring to women by a pornographic term for the female sex organ...

I guess you don't mind if your daughters, of Native American descent, are
called squaws then...even tho the term 'squaw' means female genitalia...

/'  '\

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Please help locked out union guys get thru this holiday season.

1998-12-09 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

~~~  A PLEA FOR HELP!!!  ~~~

With the Christmas season approaching, please look into your
heart to help those in need.

Hundreds of National Basketball Association basketball players
in our very own country are living at or just below the seven-figure
salary level!   And, as if that weren't bad enough, they
will be deprived of pay for several weeks-possibly a whole year-as
a result of the current lock-out situation.  But now, you can help!

For only $20,835 a month, about $694.50 a day (that's less than the
cost of a large screen projection TV) you can help a basketball
player remain economically viable during his time of need.  This
contribution by no means solves the problem, as it barely covers
the yearly league minimum, ...but it's a start!

Almost $700 may not seem like a lot of money to you, but to a
basketball player it could mean the difference between a vacation
spent golfing in Florida or a Mediterranean cruise.  For you, seven
hundred dollars is nothing more than two months rent or mortgage
payments.  But to a basketball player, $700 will almost replace his
daily salary.

Your commitment of less than $700 a day will enable a player to
buy that home entertainment center, trade in the year-old Lexus for
a new Ferrari, or enjoy a weekend in Rio.


Each month, you will receive a complete financial report on the
player you sponsor.  Detailed information about his stocks, bonds,
401(k), real estate, and other investment holdings will be mailed
to your home.  You'll also get information on how he plans to invest
the $5 million lump sum he will receive upon retirement.  Plus upon
signing up for this program, you will receive a photo of the player
(unsigned-for a signed photo, please include an additional $50.00).

Put the photo on your refrigerator to remind you of other peoples'


Your basketball player will be told that he has a SPECIAL FRIEND who
wants to help in a time of need.  Although the player won't know your
name, he will be able to make collect calls to your home via a special
operator just in case additional funds are needed for unexpected


I would like to sponsor a striking NBA basketball player.  My
preference is checked below:

[ ] Starter
[ ] Reserve
[ ] Star(Higher cost)
[ ] Superstar   (Much higher cost)
[ ] Entire team (Please call our 900 number to ask for the cost )  
  of a specific team (Cheerleaders not included.))
[ ] I'll sponsor a player most in need. Please select one for me.

Please charge the account listed below $694.50 per day for a
reserve player or starter for the duration of the strike.  Please
send me a picture of the player I have sponsored, along with a team
logo and my very own NBA Players Association badge to wear proudly
on my lapel.

Your Name:___
Telephone Number: ___
Account Number:   ___  Exp.Date:___
[ ] MasterCard [ ] Visa [ ] American Express [ ] Discover

Mail completed form to NBA Players Association or call
1-900-2MUCH now to enroll by phone.

Note: Sponsors are not permitted to contact the player they have
sponsored, either in person or by other means including, but not
limited to, telephone calls, letters, e-mail, or third parties.
Keep in mind that the basketball player you have sponsored will be much
too busy enjoying his free time, thanks to your generous donations.

Contributions are not tax-deductible.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Holiday praise for Alan.

1998-12-09 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

   Praise to Alan Greenspan, for Protecting the Rich

   by Michael M. Thomas

   This column is being written in advance of the Great American Holiday
   of Thanksgiving, but won't appear until afterward. Still, the sentiment
   is there. Herewith, a few chestnuts which, in a just world, would be
   stuffed up the orifices of the turkeys concerned.

   Let us give thanks for the good fortune that enabled (so reports a
   well-placed Greenwich, Conn., source in disgust) various, perhaps most
   partners of Long-Term Capital Management to move key assets into their
   wives' names before the firm's collapse. The sort of assets that keep a
   lad and lady climbing in and out of limousines, the funds necessary to
   call for the check opening night at Daniel, the golf club
   subscriptions paid up, the Costa Ricans assiduously clipping the
   manicured hedges and lawns, the money that lets the partners' wives
   keep shopping without missing a beat. For His bounties to such as
   these, thanks be to God.

   Let us also give thanks for the New Deal, which set the precedent for
   the Welfare and Family Assistance programs to which the immediate
   victims of Long-Term Capitals failure can thankfully turn this holiday
   season: the firms secretaries, its clerks and back-office help,
   including the boy who made sure the caviar in the executive
   refrigerator was the proper temperature (before the sturgeon eggs were
   hastily redistributed along Round Hill Road, that is). For His mercy
   in looking out for the little people, thanks be to God.

   Let us raise our voices to give thanks on behalf of these people, and
   their families, and the banks that hold the mortgages on their modest
   houses in Pelham and Stamford, and the issuers of their credit cards.
   They are probably in no mood to celebrate Thanksgiving themselves, in
   no mood to rejoice that through the miracle of sheer good timing, the
   children of John Meriwether's partners will still get their holiday ski
   trips and BMWs while their own will go toyless (try explaining to a
   7-year-old that food stamps under the tree is the way Christmas is
   supposed to work in a proper postmodern capitalist economy). But it is
   the will of God, as we have been told since 1982, that the rich set a
   motivating example to the less fortunate. Such is the gospel of
   Comparative Advantage. For giving even to the least among us the eyes
   to see that it must be so, thanks be to God.

   Let us give thanks for a system that permits the fat cats to strut in
   Armani after failed trillion-dollar desperation bets on
   mortgage-backed securities, and the bankers who financed those bets
   with money backed by the taxpayers to get in their Thanksgiving paddle
   tennis in Locust Valley, while the little people who availed
   themselves of the mortgages that back those securities may lose their
   houses, along with the (Van Heusen) shirts off their backs. No risk,
   no reward: ah, yes, thanks be to God.

   Let us give thanks that we don't have to trouble our own digestions by
   demanding certain knowledge that we ought to have. Such as (this time
   I'm going to put it in capital letters): WHAT DID GREENSPAN KNOW AND
   WHEN DID HE KNOW IT? Or this one: Why has no list of the investors in
   Long-Term Capital, the true beneficiaries of the bailout, been
   published? Might anyone or any institution affiliated with The New
   York Times or other major media have been an investor in Long-Term
   Capital? For seeing that our minds not be clouded with such questions
   (let alone the answers), or by silly, misleading terms like
   "fraudulent conveyance," thanks be to God.

   Let us give thanks indeed for our great media. An uninformed polity is
   the key to global capitalism and those who pluck the sweetest
   harmonies from its strings. People who know nothing can be made to
   believe anything. The mystic chords of memory must be raised to a
   frequency only dogs can hear. Such is the gospel of postmodern
   capitalism, its Beatitudes and Commandments, as vouchsafed to Alfred
   E. Newman as he slouched toward Bethlehem on his skateboard to be
   born, unworried to the very last. Such is the gospel our media go
   forth to spread; Such is the work of the Lord--apparently. There is not
   one among us who should not daily kneel and say: For Barbara Walters
   and our anchor people and our talking heads, for Peter and Tom and Dan
   and Jerry (as in Springer), for newspapers that give us the skinny on
   the latest in vulval depilatory fashions while children grow hungry
   and white-collar criminals gorge, thanks be to God.

   Let us indeed give thanks for the wisdom and vision of Alan Greenspan.
   Is it thanks to Thy enlightenment, perhaps visited upon him in a
   moment of awful clarity, as he paused from licking the boots of Wall
   Street and raised his face to heaven, that he alone was vouchsafed to
   gaze upon the 

Re: [CTRL] Jews use Christian blood for matzoh.

1998-12-09 Thread PrKara

 -Caveat Lector-

How hokey can you get!?!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: More M. Brussell Quotes/Psychosurgery

1998-12-09 Thread RoadsEnd

Judith ABR


 Here are a few of Mae Brussell's salient quotes from her article, "Why
Was Patricia Hearst Kidnapped?,"1974, The Realist's Conspiracy
Newsletter, which may have a bearing upon larger conspiracy issues and
government black projects.  Brussell's published works, in compilations,
are available through conspiracy magazine Prevailing Winds (Box 23511,
Santa Barbara, CA 93121 (805) 899-3433.(805) 899-4773 F, subscription
rate $20/four issues) and original copies of The Realist can be found
through bookstores nationally that advertise http://www.interloc.com.
Especially see the last quote included in this review by Dr. J. Delgado
as part of Congressional testimony about psychosurgery.

 According to James McCord's book, A Piece of Tape, the question, "why
was Patricia Hearst kidnapped?" was the question asked by John Dean of
L. Patrick Gray, who was in charge of handling the Watergate
investigation.  Gray's answer was "Charles Bates -- the same FBI
official in charge of handling the SLA investigation."  Mae Brussell's
main theory about who was responsible for handling the kidnapping of
Patty Hearst was that it was an FBI undercover operation, the SLA were
prisoners and political dissidents turned FBI agents, and Heart was
brainwashed and mind controlled by the FBI.  This is complex thinking on
Brussell's part, however, her notion that the FBI were intentionally
staging community crimes for the purposes of controlling the fears and
thoughts of an nation is a notion which underlies all significant
conspiracy work.  And these theories are proving true to many who
research conspiracy themes.  The next logical jump is to assume that a
larger power source is, through psychosurgery and psychochemicals and
biochemicals, intentionally controlling all aspects of what is rapidly
becoming a dysfunctional society in the United States.  The FBI uses and
forces the "best and brightest" political dissidents, then, to stage
crimes.  The kidnapping of Hearst, therefore, could have been an
abduction effort, very possibly orchestrated to convert her into an
agent by someone else who wanted this to occur.

 Pervading Mae Brussell's in depth article are her overall theories
about the FBI's role in controlling the country and it is these quotes
from this article which are included below to aid researchers who may
want to use these in their writings.

 ""You only need to have a tape recorder to set up a revolutionary
movement today."  FBI Director, Charles Bates, San Francisco." [pre-1974
quote] p. 1 (...)

 "SLA-BC (Before Cremation)

 A small band if people brought together in the San Francisco Bay Area,
California.  Through various manipulations, military intelligence
infiltrated radical groups, specifically the prison's Black Guerilla
Family, Vietnam Veterans Against the War, United Farm Workers, China
Defense Fund, Venceremos and the Women's Movement.  These targets of the
FBI and police were to be associated with the importation of persons
from out of state.  Some local women were incorporated in the group to
lend authenticity."  p. 1 (...)


 More "liberation armies," fictitious messages, forged documents,
infiltrators and spies will surface.  Legitimate reform groups will
continue to be discredited by acts of violence committed in their
names.  Peaceful rallies will be destroyed by intelligence agents.  The
organized disruption of the anti-war movement and rock concerts that
took place during the 60s will escalate.  The kidnappings and bombings
will be blamed on the SLA, or "dedicated to the memory of the six slain
SLA members."  These planned acts of violence will include chemical
warfare.  (p.1) (...)

 [Brussell saw the Hearst kidnapping as hearlding a whole new era in
U.S. history, that of an interior guerilla war handled and maintained by
the FBI for the express purpose of controlling the U.S. public and

 "The kidnapping of Patricia Campbell Hearst was as vital to the
creation of the Symbionese Liberation Army as the murder of Austrian
Archduke Franz Ferdinand was to the beginning of WWI.  Both the
kidnapping and the murder were used as an excuse to declare war.  The
ensuing battles had been carefully prepared and anticipated by the
merchants of death.

 The end goal of the SLAl - WWIII - is to plunge the Third World masses
into starvation and slavery.  We have accomplished this through the CIA
in 77 countries.  The Third World inside the United States is the next
selected victim.

 The SLA was nurtured inside the American prison system.  This will
provide the excuse to isolate prisons from future visitors, creating
private Dachaus and another Auschwitz.

 The SLA was created in order to spread terror and fear across the
country.  There will be a forced response upon existing radicals.
Domestic chaos will result. "  p. 2 (...)

 "Under the guise of 

[CTRL] Fwd: HAARP Report (1)

1998-12-09 Thread RoadsEnd

*** HAARP ***
High-frequency Active Auroral Research Project

(View From Atop HAARP's Antenna. Not The White Building In The Distance Is OP

A military base outside of Fairbanks Alaska is the site of a massive
construction project. This site, called Gakona, has been picked as the setup
place for the HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Project).  This
project's goal is to build a huge ionospheric heater. Nearly five years about
environmental activists got word of this construction and HAARP came into
public view.  This location was probably a bit farther away then researcher
would have wanted it to be, but the site was freed up after a cold war project
was canceled there. All this provoked near-hysteria among a few radio hams and
environmentalists in Alaska. Several unsettling articles and books were
written. When these were completely dismissed by mainstream media in the
contiguous 48 states, HAARP made the Most Censored News Stories list for 1994.
It was not to be talked about. But the problem is not going away, it's

The HAARP project is something like the Tesla deathray. In fact, that's
almost exactly what it is. It's main purpose is to be used as some form of
defense probably in connection with Reagan's SDI, the ultimate militarization
of space, and the most disproportionately expensive research program in the
history of the human race.  The main worry over HAARP is the environmental
effect. Alaska is one of the last places where we have not ruined yet, but
that's quickly changing with the oil spills and other things that are going on
there. So how is HAARP going to affect the Alaskan wilderness? Unfortunately
as well as frighteningly there is no answer for those questions. Another
question that cannot be answered is the question of what HAARP's purpose
really is.

HAARP beams a small "ray" of energy up into the atmosphere, and the reason
it's been called a death ray is because if anything is in it's way it would be
instantly destroyed. Hum ... so that means that if the small ray is bounced
off satellites in orbit around earth it could hit anywhere in the world
causing mass destruction. Gee, this reminds me of 1908 when Nikola Tesla
tested a device in Long Island, New York and half way around the world a
massive explosion destroyed Tunguska, a part of Russia's Siberia.  Other
research, especially in Alaska, seemed to demonstrate that the ionosphere has
a greater connection to thunderstorms than once believed. This gave increased
credibility to claims that the Eastlund supermachine
could modify the weather, anywhere in the hemisphere, at will, for better or

On the subject of weather, have you noticed the strange developments in
weather lately? Warm where it should be snowing ... snowing where it should be
mild... Tornados in California ... what's next? Something that could modify
weather could be a cause of this ... couldn't it? Well, it gets better so if
you're not in for some really interesting connections turn back now.

(Over Head View Of HAARP)

So, now we are up for looking into the connections between the HAARP and some
of the strange project which Nikola Tesla devoted most of this life to.  While
Tesla is viewed with other great inventors of our time he's visions were years
ahead of theirs. Thought Tesla died broke his inventions were being used all
over the world. Some of his ideas were so advanced that they were taken for
back magic, or at least mad science. Tesla's later years are still
unexplained. Much of what he did is not known. His "death ray" may have been a
particle beam that he tried to sell to the US Military as an antiaircraft
weapon. And conspiracy buffs will never let us forget that after his death in
1943 much of Tesla's papers were taken by the US military!

The real idea for the HAARP/Tesla connection doesn't come from any death ray
machine, but rather from Tesla's idea to provide free power to the world via
the "Tesla Coil." Although the evidence for the HAARP being connected with
either Tesla's "death ray" or his "Tesla coil" is high many still believe that
HAARP is just a radio transmitter. Truth or not the HAARP project has gone
down in the history of conspiracies. Weather it is a huge death ray, or just a
large transmitter the project is now gaining the attention of not only the
public, but many people in Washington. So now all that's left to do is sit
back and watch the reactions. Our job here is done. We have provided to you
with information, now it's time to make your own decision. Go in peace.
(C) SGRA 1998
this is journalism -
mention does not imply agreement
no opinions are Primenet's
not all are mine

[CTRL] Loop hole?

1998-12-09 Thread H Samuels

 -Caveat Lector-

"Please note:  the 'definition' was offered by the Jones' lawyers and
modified by the judge.  I am not sure WHAT source any of the above used
a defining and definitive definition with any definiteness.  The crux of
the argument is whether one OR two people have to be so engaged as to
whatever happened qualifying as fitting the definition."
Baloney, the defination included any touching of sex organs
also ... breast, penis, ...

Clinton touched her breast, the cigar trick, oral sex with his
penis... Clinton and every one who testified that he did not
have sex under that defination are bald face liars.
On top of these lies
He didn't remember who she was
He was never alone with her
About 30 bald face lies

Mislead? When asked if clinton lied, clinton's liars keept
on rephrasing it to mislead.
Take a look at your dictionary and under lie and liar you
will find that one who knowlingly misleads others is


Not worth going to prison over?
If a politician does the very same thing as someone else
who is branded a criminal, that politician is a criminal.

No politician felon should be able to hold their office
when it is proven they are CRIMINIALS just like
non politicians who are fined, and/or imprisoned
for the very same act.

Perjury is a felony, Clinton is a felon.
Now they want to let their criminal partner keep
the job of the president?


If perjury is not a criminal act, then ask those democrats
if they are going to take the crime specifications out
of the law books ... or if perjury is a felony only for
non politicians?

The best question I have seen to ask clinton and the witch
What do you think should happen to someone who grabbed
your daughter (chelsie) by the croch and pulled out his ...
for her to suck.

What is good for every other American is good for the

Purjury is a crime when you don't belong to one of the
party mob families.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Jews use Christian blood for matzoh.

1998-12-09 Thread Edward Britton

 -Caveat Lector-

Just when you think the world is drowning in a sea of idiots, along comes
confirmation in the form of the Nazi PRICK who forwarded this BULLSHIT!!! I
don't know who the list owner is, but if you are content with your list
becoming a haven for bigoted scum, do me a favor and unsub me.

And as for the aforementioned PRICK, how may this kind of trash be
considered any type of "proof" of the charges mentioned, when it is issued
from an, apparent, ARAB periodical?

  "If you think they're out to get you, you're right." Edward Britton
Talk to the planet. Subscribe to Reality Pump:

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Nurev: Jews use Christian blood for matzoh.

1998-12-09 Thread Edward Britton

 -Caveat Lector-

Never mind, Nurev. I have decided to call my local synagogue and ask them
to change their practice of butchering Christians to butchering brain-dead
Neo-Nazis. Would you like to volunteer to be their first entree? There
certainly wouldn't be any waste to humanity.

  "If you think they're out to get you, you're right." Edward Britton
Talk to the planet. Subscribe to Reality Pump:

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [25c]George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography / THYROID STORM

1998-12-09 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.radix.net/~tarpley/bush25.htm"Bush book: Chapter -25-/A
August 14: Bush's rage profile was once more on display as he called for
an extension of the federal death penalty in a Pittsburgh speech that
was also full of racist overtones. Addressing the National Convention of
the Fraternal Order of Police, Bush ranted that "the time has come to
show less compassion for the architects of crime and more compassion for
its victims. Our citizens want and deserve to feel safe." "We must
remember that the first obligation of a penal system is to punish those
who break our lawsYou can't turn bad people into saints." Bush
wanted courts to be able to use evidence that had been seized illegally:
"There's no reason -- none at all-- that good police officers should be
penalized and criminals freed because a judge or a lawyer bungled a
search warrant." Journalists noted that the speech and the setting were
typical of the standard campaign event of 1988, which was often a police
group endorsing Bush, courtesy of the CIA Office of Security. The photo
of Bush in the Washington Post is expressive of Bush's anger when making
the speech. [fn 57]

August 21: The Soviet putsch was a trying time for Bush, who staked a
great deal on his deal with Gorbachov. A remarkable flare- up by Bush
came in response to the opinion expressed by Zviad Gamsakhurdia, the
president of the Republic of Georgia, that Gorbachov was part of the
conspiracy behind the coup. Bush, asked for a reaction, was incensed:

Bush: --say to him he needs to get a little work done on the kind of
statements he's making. I mean that's ridiculous. There's a man who has
been also swimming against the tide, it seems to me, a little bit. And I
don't want to go overboard on this, but he ought to get with it and
understand what's happening around the world.

Q: Are you saying that--

Bush: To suggest that President Gorbachov would plot to put the people
of the Soviet Union through this kind of trauma and the rest of the
world through it just makes absolutely no sense at all. Now, I haven't
heard him say that, so I want to hedge it. You've told me he said it; I
haven't heard it. So, I've got to be very careful I don't react to
something that may not be true. I learned that one a long time ago.

Here we can see that Bush pulled himself together just enough to leave
himself an escape hatch after he had blown his top.

September 11: In a photo opportunity with Congressmen in which he was
asked about his demand that the Congress postpone a vote on loan
guarantees for Israel until January, 1992, so as to permit a Middle East
peace conference to take place in the meantime, Bush showed flareups of
rage. Bush's ploy was widely thought to be part of the preparation of an
Israeli "breakaway ally" scenario, in which Israel, defying the wishes
of Washington, would wage war against Jordan, mass-deport the
Palestinians, and possibly attack other Arab states. Bush had been
accused of anti-semitism by a minority member of the Israeli cabinet.
Was he going to lose a confrontation with the formidable Zionist lobby?
This issue was Bush's obsession of the moment; his reply was testy and
full of veiled threats: "Well, I don't know what you mean by lose on it.
What I'm for is the peace process to be successful, and we're working
diligently for that. [...] And so, what I'm suggesting is a simple delay
here, in my view and in the view of all of us in the administration, is
the best way to set the proper tone for these talks to start. And I feel
very strongly about it. So, it's not a question of winning or losing in
my view. Strong-willed people look at these matters differently. My view
is that a delay is in the interest, and I'm going to fight for it. And I
think the American people will back me on it if we take the case to the
people. But what we're really trying to do is work it out without
getting into a lot of confrontation." Was a confrontation not already
taking place ? Bush answered, with his rage quotient rising: "I can take
quite a few punches. We're talking about working harmoniously together
in the spirit of cooperation. And I've seen comments from abroad that I
didn't particularly appreciate. But we're the United States of America,
and we have a leadership role around the world that has to be fulfilled.
And I'm calling the shots in this question in the way that I think is
best. And I've got some selling to do with certain Members of Congress,
and that's understandable to me. So, we'll see how it comes out. But I'm
not approaching this in the spirit of confrontation if that's the
question. You haven't seen any real controversial statements coming out
of here up till now."

September 12: At a press conference, the issue of the Israeli loan
guarantee postponement was once again the central theme. Bush was in a
controlled rage state during his opening statement, and went ballistic
during the 

[CTRL] [25b]George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography / THYROID STORM

1998-12-09 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.radix.net/~tarpley/bush25.htm"Bush book: Chapter -25-/A
As will shortly become clear, there would have been good reason to
investigate Bush's frequent episodes of apoplectic rage as a causal
factor in the autoimmune disorders of his immediate family circle. The
most likely explanation for the afflictions of Millie and Barbara is
that they were both driven frantic by George's obsessive and rage-filled
outbursts in the White House family quarters. This may have included
various forms of mental and even physical abuse. The emotional trauma of
living with George would be more than enough to produce autoimmune
problems in those around him. Perhaps in an attempt to distract
attention from this highly plausible path of investigation, Marilyn
Quayle was sent forward to tell CNN of a plan to test the water at the
vice president's residence at the Naval Observatory, where George and
Barbara had lived for eight years before moving to the White House. Mrs.
Quayle told the media that Bush's White House physicians had "ordered
all sorts of tests" on the water in the vice president's residence,
which is over a century old. "Obviously there is a little bit of
concern," said Mrs. Quayle. "It seems a little bit much of a
coincidence. I don't worry overmuch about it, but I think it's something
that does bear looking into." Mrs. Quayle added that she hoped the
results of the tests "relieve a lot of people's minds-- definitely, I
hope they relieve mine."

What Marilyn Quayle was referring to was part of a program to test the
water at the White House, the Naval Observatory, Camp David, and
Kennebunkport. Sanitary engineers were said to be looking for
concentrations of iodine and lithium, two chemicals which had been
linked to thyroid disorders. Bush's doctors later said that they had
ordered the tests in the hopes of uncovering clues to the remarkable
coincidence of three autoimmune disorders in the Bush household,
including the dog Millie. Bush's pose was one of studied skepticism:
"You're kidding," he told reporters. "I'm not going to lose confidence
in the water at the White House until we know a little more about this,"
Bush said. In any case, the water at the White House "tasted fine to
me." [fn 33]

During the visit of Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, Bush
described himself as "dead tired" on one occasion during the visit.
During a May 20 press conference with Chancellor Helmut Kohl of Germany,
Bush spoke with a raspy voice, and his attention seemed to wander. When
asked about his poor performance with Kohl, Bush conceded that he had
experienced "slowing down on the mental processes." On more than one
occasion, he seemed to lose his train of thought during answers to the
questions of the journalists. The raspy voice was still noticeable in a
press conference on May 21. On that same day, the White House announced
the results of what was billed as Bush's first complete checkup since
the day he swallowed radioactive iodine. The White House said that Bush
had lost a total of 13 pounds since the onset of the crisis, but had
managed to gain back a pound and a half. Tests showed that Bush's
thyroid functions were now in the low-normal range, it was further
alleged. Doctors tried to explain away Bush's fatigue by saying that it
reflected the body's adjustment to a thyroid gland which was overactive
less than two weeks before, but had now possibly become underactive as a
result of the radioactive iodine therapy, which had destroyed many
thyroxin-producing cells. By this point, Bush was still taking digoxin,
procainamide, Coumadin, aspirin, and non-radioactive iodine drops. These
last, it was said, were designed to reduce the amounts of thyroxin
entering the bloodstream. [fn 34]

Bush was in Kennebunkport for Memorial Day, and the White House
propaganda machine was churning out the line was that he was now well on
his way to complete recovery. "I'm sleeping much better and I really do
feel good and I wish I had about four more days here," Bush told the
press. "Been taking a little sleep after lunch here, which is good. Been
sleeping very well." During this weekend, Bush tried fishing at nine of
his favorite locations. On Sunday, May 26, Bush played a total of 27
holes of golf. Reporters found that he was back to his old ways as he
"circled the golf course like a man on a merry-go-round." When he
"passed the 18th hole once again on this vacation, he exuberantly flung
a golf club at his cart and looked horrified when it nearly hit one of
his Secret Service guards." According to press reports, Bush was still
suffering from dryness of mouth. He had reduced his intake of caffeine,
and of alcohol. On Monday, May 27, Bush traveled to New Haven to speak
at the Yale commencement, and lost three pounds due to the rigors of the
trip. On Tuesday, after he had returned to Kennebunkport, he told
reporters: "Yesterday I got a little tired at 

Re: [CTRL] 010.000 HATE SPEECH

1998-12-09 Thread Sno0wl

 -Caveat Lector-

Hey, June--
I admit Joshua2 has gone overboard but in the past two decades, it
seems to me that it hasn't been "liberal white males" but
conservatives--mostly Republicans, but conservatives of every stripe
who have fought against ERA, against abortion and a woman's right to
choose, and done everything in their power to keep women in the
kitchen.  The corporate wife  and the gracious hostess is the
conservative model.

Even today most women in public roles are praised for beautification
projects, interior decorating, hospital visits and involvement with
children--even Princess Di fits this bill.

Admittedly, most men have had trouble grasping what it is that "women
want", but it seems to me that those who define themselves as
"liberal" have made more of an effort to understand than most.

Sounds like you have had a bad experience and have your own axe to


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Did You Know 9 pt1

1998-12-09 Thread E Mael

 -Caveat Lector-

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
I read many pleas from strange people on this list that liberals like me
should read the oceans of material that they eagerly recommend.  Like most
people, i am highly selective about what i read - no human can possibly
it all.  Perhaps you have surrounded your time, thoughts, and person with
much rubbish and you need to go for more quality.

Jerry Harp

have you read anything outside of the party line on waco, speaking of


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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