1999-01-25 Thread Teo1000

 -Caveat Lector-

I recently recieved from the FBI the "summary" report on the Foster death, in
which the entire thing (virtually) is redacted, most of which was done at the
request of Kenneth Starr in relation to his "ongoing investigation".  Attached
to the end of the report were a couple of memoranda which referred to possible
obstruction of justice in the matter, which might prove intriguing, if only I
knew who did what, and when, but alas all I have is big black rectangles.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] China condemns U.S. anti-missile project

1999-01-25 Thread Teo1000

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/24/99 8:25:19 PM Eastern Standard Time,

<< BEIJING (January 24, 1999 9:18 a.m. EST - A
 U.S. proposal to deploy an anti-missile system will thwart world security by
 spreading military technology and spurring an arms race, a Chinese army
 newspaper said Sunday.

Gee, the Chinese are against our defending ourselves.  What a surprise.  Well,
what with all the technology that we gave them you'd think they have nothing
to fear by this anti-missile system.  Of course the Chinese are not our
enemies are they?  They are a Most Favored Nation and valued trading partner,
aren't they?  Yeah right.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Re: Whitewater and Cocaine Money

1999-01-25 Thread RoadsEnd

From: Daniel Hopsicker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

David Goldman wrote:
> From: David Goldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Gary Webb mentions something about the fact that the cocaine money trail
> ties in with Whitewater (the "failed land deal")in addition to Mena.
> What is supposed to be the intersection of these two things, who is
> pursuing that angle, and what hard info is there?
> David Goldman

barry seal worked with dan lasater worked with bill clinton worked
with george bush worked with jackson stephens.

dear god, i'm beginning to sound like larry-jennie!

Barry Seal and the Colombian Air Force

First, this story from Reuters yesterday...

Sunday November 15 2:06 PM ET

Colombia Air Force ``Infiltrated'' By Drug Mobs

BOGOTA (Reuters) - Colombia's air force has been ``seriously
infiltrated'' by drug traffickers and is rife with corruption, Defense
Minister Rodrigo Lloreda said in
an interview published Sunday.

His comments came four days after a Colombian air force Hercules C-130
transport plane was seized by U.S. authorities in Fort Lauderdale,
Florida, with 1,639
pounds (743 kg) of cocaine and 13 pounds (6 kg) of heroin aboard.

Colombian officials in the past have sought to play down frequent rumors
that a full-blown drug cartel was operating within the air force and
blamed a small number
of individuals for a string of embarrassing drug finds on military

``Drug cartels have infiltrated this institution (the air force) in a
serious and dangerous fashion,'' Lloreda, one of the few plain-speakers
in President Andres
Pastrana's cabinet, told the leading El Tiempo newspaper.

``The incident of the Hercules has shown there is an organization within
the air force that supports drug trafficking and that is unacceptable
and inconceivable in a
state organization, even less in the armed forces,'' he added.

Air force commander Sen. Jose Manuel Sandoval resigned in disgrace the
day after the huge drug shipment was found in the cargo bay of the
Hercules. He blamed
the incident on a ``small number of people committing crimes in the air

Colombia is the source of an estimated 80 percent of the world's cocaine
and has become one of the top suppliers of high-grade heroin sold on
U.S. streets.

The military has frequently blamed the country's 20,000 Marxist rebels
for close ties to the drug trade but has rarely admitted its own role in
the multibillion dollar

here's something nobody wants you to know...

Incredibly, in 1985 a 3-star general in the Colombian Air Force was
arrested in a drug raid at Barry Seal's Commications Center.

>From an interview with the arresting officer:

Colombian Three-Star General Arrested at Barry Seal's Camp

"And we took the camp by storm, and we took it hard, because we didn’t
know what we were going into.

This sounds like a bad movie, but it happened, its in the search warrant
affadavit filed in court.

"Inside Seal's camp we find two extremely immaculately groomed Colombian
nationals-- two really polished guys. One of them turned out to be a
3-star General in
the Colombian Air Force (Ramos), and the other WAS HIS AIDE-DE-CAMP.

We brought them all in...then had to release them when threatened by

An anonymous bureaurcrat in an unnamed federal agency screamed over the
phone, "Release them or I will have the FBI surround your headquarters
in an hour!"

> To unsubscribe from this mailing list, or to change your subscription
> to digest, go to the ONElist web site, at and
> select the User Center link from the menu bar on the left.

Daniel Hopsicker
The DrugMoney Times

"And it came to pass that idiots roamed the earth,
and morons ruled the masses."

To unsubscribe from this mailing list, or to change your subscription
to digest, go to the ONElist web site, at and
select the User Center link from the menu bar on the left.

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: GOP's Endless End Game

1999-01-25 Thread RoadsEnd

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

From:  Ifmagazine
Subj:  GOP's Endless End Game

President Clinton's impeachment is looking more and more like a political
Vietnam War for the Republicans. Instead of finding a graceful way out of an
unpopular quagmire, the GOP continues to lurch forward, hoping against hope
that one more allegation, one more sortie of political carpet-bombing can
snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.

There's also the temptation for the equivalent of a Cambodian invasion. With
little attention in the past several days, the Republicans have opened up a
new legal front against Clinton in the friendlier terrain of Virginia. And
some right-wing extremists have been toying with charges against Senate
Democrats for allegedly violating their oaths of impartiality.

The next possible exchanges in the impeachment war are examined in the new
issue of the online magazine, The Consortium, at

The Consortium is a free Web site, though we urge those who wish to support
our investigative journalism to subscribe to our bi-monthly print publication,
iF Magazine, which features many of the best stories from The Consortium.

iF Magazine is only $25 a year and can be obtained with Visa/Mastercard by e-
mail or by calling 1-800-738-1812 or 703-920-1802. Or by check to The Media
Consortium, Suite 102-231, 2200 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22201.

If you are interested in a free subscription to The Konformist Newswire,
please visit and sign up. Or, e-mail
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[CTRL] The Electronic Concentration Camp

1999-01-25 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

By way of Konformist. -reformatted.
published in "Paronoia" magazine

It is written by a real sweet guy in NY that i have talked to with email and
on the telephone

Date: Wed, 5 Aug 1998 14:04:05 -0700 (PDT) From: steven deleno
Subject: High-Technology

The Electronic Concentration Camp

An overview of the New Mind Control Sciences and devices and their reported
trials on the citizens of Totalitaria

by Steven DeLeno

It has been many years since journalists, educators, and professionals in
industry and academia have been writing and producing media on the topic of
advanced technologies and how some of these advancements are going to improve
our life styles both at home, at work and in our leisure time. This sounds all
well and good, yet there is more than meets the eye at first glance. The
United States has enjoyed many improvements from everything small right up to
our automobiles that we drive today. Although there has been discrepancies
both large and small.

The passage of time along with education and awareness has bestowed attention
upon a dangerous situation in regard to the use and containment of the more
higher and esoteric technologies that go beyond the consumer level towards
industrial and laboratory domains. Here is were the utilization, testing, and
secretive uncontrolled experimentation can, has, and is taking place to the
chagrin of some and at the whim of others.

Does anyone think that for one minute the inventive process or the tinkering
with the unknown has stopped since the development of the electric can opener.
I don't think so. Just as competitive as a football game can be, we have all
seen with the passing of time the many Wars that America has toiled in, along
with those efforts of overpowering the adversaries. Yes, big business also
applies its competitive marketing strategies; but upon a peaceful populace,
and they are subject to regulatory review and accountability to at least some
degree that provides for remedy and redress. Where the concern grows is with
the less understood technologies and adverse techniques that go with their
development. These actions I am referring to is the somewhat obscure
application of hi-tech level electromagnetic devices in the nature of being
lethal and non-lethal weapons and devices that operate from a distance to do
their harm or less rarely good. The focus of this is the combined testing and
experimentation of such machinery along with psychological and physiological
objectives, which becomes the culmination of mind control and electronic
harassment as opposed to the corridor of legitimate uses for such equipment.

The functions of the human body has in part been a mystery to the medical and
science community for centuries as well as being unraveled everyday with new
discoveries. The brain, of all other parts, has been held to be one of the
most vital and most powerful influences over our functions. When the brain and
it's accompanying functions are inhibited or altered as to it's normal
interfaced environment, there will be adverse and negative changes that will
be perceptive not only to the brain itself but to the entire body. This can
partially develop from our everyday common environment. However, what is much
more paramount is the influences upon the brain and the human body by
concealed activities of a remote and external nature.

It is very apparent how the misguided use of this technology, which can
interact with and disturb basic human functioning, is possible. Even in
elementary science we all know that particles such as electrons do exist in
the absence of observers. Obviously things take place in the field of science
that are invisible to our human perception, yet nevertheless occur. It has
been academically noted that since the late 1980's researchers in West Germany
have developed a computer system that uses an opto-electric scanner to take a
digitized photo of a patient's hand. It then compares the hand to thousands of
other prints in the computers memory and scans for distinctive patterns known
to be associated with various hereditary disabilities and can rate the
patient's risk factors.

Like the scanning of the hand or with todays common x-ray, waves or
frequencies can interact with the body. To understand further, neuro-science
has shown that the brain itself emits an energy field in relation to the
components of its neuron and synaptic nerve system. In particular, everyone's
brain has a distinctive set of bioelectric resonating frequencies. If one
where to consider extensive studies relating to brain activity or processes
you may realize the concept that our brains have patterns of electrical energy
(the firing of the neurons) in part made up of linguistic and grammatical
programs unique to each of us besides other vita

[CTRL] Clinton to be trusted ?

1999-01-25 Thread Harry Hendrickson

 -Caveat Lector-

Submitted to the newspaper..

Do You Trust Clinton ?

One of the most important questions which seems scarcely to be
whispered throughout the impeachment trial is the matter of trust in the
man who represents and steers our country.
   A recent book “ Year of the Rat : How Bill Clinton Compromised U.S.
security for Chinese cash “, has been raising many questions as well as
eyebrows. The authors, Edward Timperlake and William C. Triplett , have
done an excellent job detailing the Clinton administration’s links to Red
   So far, Mr. Timperlake has only encountered minor threats, such as
having a Chinese newspaper delivered  to his front porch and coming home to
an unlocked house which he is positive he locked. He is working closely
with the House Government and Oversight Committee, chaired by Rep. Dan
Burton. Rep. Burton is most concerned with a quid pro quo, in which
President Clinton and V.P. Gore received campaign funds (approx. two
million dollars), in return for the sale of missile guidance technology to
China. U.S. firms, (Loral Space and Communications, and Hughes
Electronics), also donated millions dollars to the Clinton campaign and
received a waiver so they could sell the missile technology. General
Habiger of strategic Air Command said “ Now China has a missile capacity
which can reach most of the U.S.”
   Senator James Inhofe and Rep. Duncan Hunter are also actively protesting
the sale, to China, of a California Naval base. Chinese illegal assault
weapons and aliens have already been flowing through this base while the
actual sale was being negotiated. Do we need a wall, (Chinese), to fall on
us ?
   Nearly one hundred potential witnesses concerning the Clinton-Chicom
connections have fled the U.S., (many to China), or have pleaded the fifth
amendment before congressional probes. Attorney General Janet Reno refused
to appoint an independent investigating council, ( I wonder why ?).
President Clinton will stop at nothing to repay the Chinese for their
generous campaign funds. Senate bill # 1306 and House bill # 2715 will help
stop the sale of this Naval base to China if interested citizens want to
remind their representatives who America really belongs to.
   If our representatives allow such “deals” to pass right by them, I
believe the security and sovereignty of our nation will do the same. If you
do contact your representatives, you might also ask them why we need
hundreds of thousands of U.N. troops training on our military bases. Rather
than the word “ paranoia “, perhaps “pattern” would be a better thought
here. Just ask yourself one simple question, do you trust America in the
hands of President Clinton ?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] "Osiris's Grave" Detected Near The Sphinx By Hawas

1999-01-25 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date sent:  Mon, 25 Jan 1999 05:25:06 +0100 (MET)
Subject:IUFO: "Osiris's Grave" Detected Near The Sphinx By Hawass Team
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

->  IUFO  Mailing List

Source: EkstraBladet (Danish daily), in my own




Sunday, January 24, 1999.

Freja Ludvigsen


Queen Margrethe has been briefed, being one of the first, on a new,
sensational grave find in the area between two of the pyramids of Egypt.

It happened when, as a private individual, she appeared in Dansk Industri's
pyramid-shaped glass hall, at a lecture held by Dr. Zahi Hawass, the
world's leading egyptologist and head of the Giza excavations.

Zahi Hawass is on a Scandinavian tour and was so inspired by
Margrethe's presence that he revealed a sensational archaeological find
which will be published in the Egyptian press no sooner than in a couple of

Between the Sphinx and the Khefren pyramid Hawass and his staff have
discovered a hitherto unknown subterranean shaft, reaching a depth of 29
meters [96 feet, approximately]. In the bottom of the shaft they found a
stone sarcophagus surrounded by water. If Hawass's theory holds, he has
found the grave of Osiris, the god of death.

Amateur Archaeologist

The Queen was listening enthusiastically from the first row. Since 1962,
when she was a young crown princess and tried her hand in Egypt as an
amateur archaeologist, she has had an ardent interest in the pyramids of

"The finds he was describing were so great that his voice was almost
tearful," one listener said.

Inviting the Queen

Zahi Hawass ended his lecture by discreetly inviting the Queen to visit his
excavations in Giza, as Prince Henrik did last year.

"I hope he'll bring his wife next time," he said.

Søren Haslund-Christensen, the Lord Chamberlain, tells EkstraBladet, that
the Queen is not on her way to Egypt, though.

"Not for the time being. The Queen has a lot of other things to do. His
invitation was an instance of courtesy," the Queen's spokesman said.

-> Send "subscribe   iufo " to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
->  Posted by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Steve Wingate
California Director

Today's Midi
Anomalous Images Bulletin Board
Anomalous Images and UFO Files

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Brits to eat GM food - or else ???

1999-01-25 Thread L. Shipton

 -Caveat Lector-

 Persistent Organic Pollutants

 Global Distalation - How Fats can protect (organophosphate)

 The American Farmer up a Creek - without the paddle

 Terminator Seed Technology

This also has a link to a potato that is registered as a pesticide with the
(EPA) Environmental Protection Administration but the (FDA) Food and Drug
Administration has no regs so it is currently in the stores without
labeling.  Wonder if this person that you are referring to has his hand in
someone's pocket.
Of course if they can make the consumer afraid of the natural food supply
then everything will have to be cloned.  In the future who will need the
supermarket or the farmer.  Think of all that land that they could
eventually pave over if they take over to this extent.  All those wasted
taxes that they are not getting.

A surplus of people - only currently - they will allow another boom after
shafting social security and other programs.  But to do that, they would
have to have control over what is taught, because if you have that many
people you would also have a potential for rebellion.

The Pied Piper of Waco, Texas

-Original Message-
From: Andrew Hennessey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sunday, January 24, 1999 7:37 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Brits to eat GM food - or else ???

> -Caveat Lector-
>British Government is planning to analyse supermarket smartcards to enable
>them to encourage more shoppers to buy Genetically Modified Foods.
>The Government Minister involved also has a Monopoly on private Supermarket
>and investment.
>Says an article in the UK Mail on Sunday 24/1/99
>Concern from pressure groups indicates that the real interests and privacy
>of the consumer and taxpayer are not being served.
>Andrew Hennessey
>Transformation Studies Group
>Edinburgh  Scotland

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Clinton to be trusted ?

1999-01-25 Thread BStokes45

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-01-25 00:35:24 EST, you write:

<< Just ask yourself one simple question, do you trust America in the
 hands of President Clinton ? >>

Only the Red Chinese, Russians, and other communist countries that support the
UN can trust Clinton because those are the people he works for, not citizens
of the US.  Oh! I forgot, I'm sure the CFR, Tri-lateral commission,
Bildeburgs, etc.  support him and trust him along with Rockefeller.  I doubt
that even the Clintonites could really trust him.

Bob Stokes

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Videos - $3 each - Updated List

1999-01-25 Thread Harry Hendrickson
Video library (copies) available for $3 each from a friendly patriot who just wants to get the info to those who care.To order, send title of videos and corresponding video # to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Your request will be sent to you (include address) After you receive videos, just send $3 X number of videos plus $1.40 per video (postage), send to address supplied with your videosI just updated the list ( Fred has the videos, I have the computer)!!
Suppressed Videos
    Revised 1/21/991. American perspective-- Jeff Baker  2. Day 51 (Waco)--UTV    3. Waco/Oklahoma City Connection--Brubaker, GNBN4. Overview of our world and one dozen candles-- J. McManus/J. Birch5. Death of Vince Foster--Citizens for Honest Government6. Clinton Chronicles--Citizens for Honest Government7. Waco, The Big Lie, part one-Linda Thompson8. Waco, The Big Lie, part two-Linda Thompson9.Helicopter attack (black halo fire bombs Dallas home whose home heads up impeachment   movement which has 12 million signatures )10. America under siege--Linda Thompson11. The Panama Deception--Empowerment12. Home video of Branch Davideans13. Freemasonry/from darkness to light--Jeremiah films14. Gay agenda in public education- Important!!! see tape # 205 (sexually explicit material)15. Satin is idolatry--John Weaver16. Slave mentality--John Weaver17. Watchman--John Lewis18. Christian and Civil law--John Weaver and Jim Grove19. Violence in rock music--Benoit20. Satanism in rock music--Benoit21. Aids and what you haven’t been told--Jeremiah films22. Hard truth ( explicit material ) 9 minute abortion video23. Gay agenda exposed ( sexually explicit material )important!!!-see tape # 20524. Concentration camps in America--Texe Marrs25. Fascist terror stalking America--Texe Marrs26. Treaty from hell--Texe Marrs27. The bomb in Oklahoma--Star investigative reports28. Reichstag: an American holocaust, pretext for tyranny29. America’s secret destiny--Ralph Epperson30. U.S.S. Liberty survivors, our story--Silgo productions31. Atrocities at Ruby Ridge-R. Weaver story--KPOC-TV32. L. A. Lawman, fully informed jury--Proclaim liberty Min.33. Mena connection(Arkansas drug traffic)--for the people34. Death and taxes(Gordon Kahl)--Country people productions35. The two Kennedy’s European prod. ( banned 76-92 in U.S.)36. Seven days in May(Hollywood production asking when is a traitor not a traitor)37. Taking back our country--Gunderson/Koernke (Oklahoma City bombing )38. Oklahoma City, 6 pack ( the bombing, a closer look )--for the people39. Breaking the law in the name of the law--Proclaim liberty Min.40. The mark of the new world--Mark V prod.41. America’s back to God--Liberty Alliance, Jerry Falwell42. Janet “-” Reno--Jack Thompson at unregistered church convention43. Waco incident--KPOC-TV44. Ruby creek massacre45. The pestilence ( aids ) Global 200046. Anguish in Oklahoma(actual live feeds recorded off CNN--A.Sgarlatte production ( paperwork shows actual seismograph surface readings of 2 blasts )47. Waco: Triumph or treason--Jeff Baker48. Government gone mad--Jeff Baker49. The Crash: The coming economic crash--Jeremiah films50. Is Caesar sovereign over church?51. C-span coverage of senate subcommittee on militia52. “ Amerika “ the movie ( eleven hours in length )53. War powers act ( see also # 186 )54. The secrets of the federal reserve55. The new world order/ big business-big banking-big government56. A nation betrayed-let’s take America back--Bo Gritz57. Challenging the holocaust museum58. Out based education debate- Elizabeth Town College59. Murder by injection60. Questions and answers--Linda Thompson on Waco61. NAFTA/ treaty or treason?62. Satan’s new age plan for a new world order63. The birth of a nation ( made in 1915 )64. GATT/ friend or foe?65. Keys to good government and foundation of American government66. The house of Rothchild67. Big sister is Hillary Hellcats68. The new money system-global 200069. On masters of America70. The Gulf war overview71. Clinton-the next four years72. Mysterious monuments to the beast73. The spirit of American revolution74. Education and the founding fathers75. A call to arms76. Alien encounters?-UFO phenomenon77. Alien autopsy?(Roswell, New Mexico )78. Hoagland’s Mars- NASA Cydonia briefings79. Flying saucers are real80. UFO’S The best evidence-tape 1-the visitor81. UFO’S The best evidence-tape 2-strange encounters82. UFO’S The best evidence-tape 3-Government cover-up83. Are we alone in the universe?84. The Montel Williams show challenging the holocaust85. John the Baptist Lewis ACNC conference86. Heirs of the promise- the lost tribes87. The other Israel88. UFO update- fall of 1995- for the people network89. Battle preparations now-- Mark Koernke90. A Christian manifesto91. An American patriot in the kings court92. What’s happening to America ?--John the Baptist93. Bloodstained hands of big brother--Texe Marrs94. The constitution of the 

Re: [CTRL] Clinton to be trusted ?

1999-01-25 Thread Harry Hendrickson

 -Caveat Lector-

Wouldn't it be something if the computer became a tool that unites America
against the tide of globalism ! Imagine a sophisicated network of web sites
which could produce NEW LEADERS in Wash, D.C. It would take some brain
storming, but with enough exposure, it would be feasible. The problems we
faced before, were the "localization" of candidates, and they were
controlled through the globalist media. With the advent of computer and
cross checking for moles within the system, an elaborate and powerful
network could be formed to enlighten the masses to REAL American servents.
That would sure knock the stuffing out of the enemies agenda for awhile
anyway !
   I suppose it sounds too good to be true 

> Subject: Re: [CTRL] Clinton to be trusted ?
> Date: Monday, January 25, 1999 1:49 AM
>  -Caveat Lector-
> In a message dated 99-01-25 00:35:24 EST, you write:
> << Just ask yourself one simple question, do you trust America in the
>  hands of President Clinton ? >>
> Only the Red Chinese, Russians, and other communist countries that
support the
> UN can trust Clinton because those are the people he works for, not
> of the US.  Oh! I forgot, I'm sure the CFR, Tri-lateral commission,
> Bildeburgs, etc.  support him and trust him along with Rockefeller.  I
> that even the Clintonites could really trust him.
> Regards,
> Bob Stokes
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
> screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid
> and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
> frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Official Secrets:

1999-01-25 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-

Official Secrets:
What the Nazis Planned, What the British and Americans Knew
by Richard Breitman
Allen Lane £20 pp325

Norman Stone
In Auschwitz: The Myth of Rescue, the historian William Rubinstein argued
last year against a swelling tide of opinion. What could the Allies in the
second world war have done to save the Jews? Should they have told the Nazis
that they would accept hundreds of thousands in Palestine? Or done a deal,
giving food and transport to the stricken German war machine in return for
Jewish lives? Or bombed Auschwitz, to stop the death-transports and the
None of these things, said Rubinstein: the Nazis were determined to wipe out
the Jews, and the Allies could not have done much about this. They did what
they could, and it was much more than had ever been done in the past for a
large, persecuted group. The British were extremely good after 1938 about
accepting refugees. And it was technically very difficult indeed to bomb
Auschwitz. Could they have done more? Richard Breitman does not much care
for Rubinstein's book - not much archival work, he sniffs, although the rest
of us might think that there is not much point in amassing so many PhDs in
historical subjects unless someone, somewhere, takes common-sense stock of
the information.
As to the Allies' handling of persecuted Jews, much depends upon what they
actually knew for a fact, and when. The standard British defence was, first,
that nobody could quite know what was going on, and then that the Holocaust
was incredible as a concept, a matter of hysterical exaggeration. Foreign
Office minutes, sometimes insensitively phrased, recorded this, and the BBC
was told not to lay too much stress on the sufferings of Jews, as distinct
from anyone else in occupied Europe. There were fears that anti-semitism
might be aroused in privation-beset war-time Britain There were also fears
of a huge wave of refugees in Palestine, upsetting the delicate balance
there between Jews and Arabs. So how much did the British know?
Breitman himself is an archive man, and has unearthed an interesting source:
the records of the German police troops on the eastern Front in 1941 and
1942. Under their general, Kurt Daluege, they were engaged in shooting Jews
in large numbers. We have known since the Nuremberg trials that SS troops
were involved in this business, but the role of the ordinary police was not
as well documented, and Daluege himself even managed for years to avoid
arrest and imprisonment because he had turned prosecution evidence. The
Holocaust historian Christopher Browning achieved a remarkable feat in
finding documents about one of these police-battalions which showed how
these fairly ordinary German husbands and fathers became involved in
shooting small children; the decent and thoughtful ones among them were even
invited to drop out if they did not wish to take part.
Now, through Breitman, we see that the British actually knew what these
police battalions were doing, at least until someone in Berlin took the
point that the police, like others, should be encoding their messages more
carefully. Breitman says, probably rightly, that a Churchill speech about
Nazi atrocities in October 1941 revealed that someone from the Bletchley
organisation must have told him what these police-messages were saying.
In other words, the British knew that massacres of Jews were under way in
the East. However, there was not much initial response. In America there was
even less. People doubted the reports, did not know how to cover
anti-semitism in their war-time propaganda, and otherwise doubted the facts.
In spring 1942, it became clear (we know the channels now: they included a
highly respected German industrialist, who passed on warnings through a
Swiss businessman) that the Nazi plan was to eliminate all Jews in occupied
Europe, not just those in the occupied Soviet territories. Breitman makes
rather a song-and-dance about this, and takes John Keegan and others to task
for saying that everyone in Europe knew, in 1942, that Jews were being
deported en masse: is that not just the truth? In hinting, as he seems to be
doing, that the police-decrypts were not properly evaluated because of
anti-semitism, Breitman is rather straining belief. When news of the
Holocaust did break, there was, at first, incredulity (some of it
insensitively expressed by various bureaucrats) but then there were great
public demonstrations and, behind the scenes, efforts to save Jews through
neutral countries or by threats. Could more have been done? Breitman says
probably not, but if the police reports had been properly evaluated, then
the protests could have been started earlier.
Breitman is good at making life difficult for archivists, and eventually
caused great mounds of documentation to be declassified in Washington, which
could be checked against the British equivalents. In 1941, th

[CTRL] Young Americans

1999-01-25 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-
[Archive: 17 October 1998]

Young Americans
Illustration: John Millar

Europeans may have roamed the New World thousands of years before the Santa
Maria made land. Roger Lewin describes a radical rethink of how  the
Americas were settled.  WHEN Colombus "discovered" the Americas half a
millennium ago, it was a profound shock for European intellectuals. As well
as redrawing their maps of the world, they were forced to reassess their
place in it. And native Americans were equally stunned by the unexpected
arrival of people from unknown shores. Both groups struggled to adapt their
world view to incorporate the other's existence, often through wild
speculation and mythology.  This century, anthropologists wondering when and
how the first humans set foot on the vast continent, came up with a more
prosaic explanation. Diverse as Native Americans are, they all seemed to
originate from eastern Asia. Their pioneering ancestors supposedly arrived
in the New World little more than 11 300 years ago on foot, in three waves
of migration over the Bering land bridge that used to link Siberia with
Alaska.  Evidence for this view started accumulating in the 1920s and went
unchallenged for decades. But anthropologists have now been forced to
reassess their ideas. "We are in the middle of a paradigm in the process of
shifting," says Richard Jantz, an anthropologist at the University of
Tennessee at Knoxville. Driving this shift is a confection of evidence,
including powerful new genetic data and dogged analysis of a once highly
controversial palaeoindian settlement in South America. And there are
tantalising hints in the anatomy of a 9300-year-old skeleton that was found
in Oregon two years ago. "We are looking at a much more complex scenario
emerging," says Jantz. The picture is of the first settlers reaching the
Americas at least 25 000 years ago. It seems likely that people arrived by
boat as well as on foot, and, most intriguing of all, east Asians may have
had European companions on the virgin continent.  Early this century,
anthropological dogma had it that the New World had been inhabited for only
a short time, perhaps a couple of millennia, and by technologically naive
foragers. But a discovery in 1927 at Folsom, New Mexico, exploded that view.
A stone projectile point was found embedded between the ribs of a bison that
had become extinct at the end of the last ice age, 10 000 years ago. Five
years later, archaeologists working in a gravel pit near the town of Clovis,
again in New Mexico, unearthed more primitive stone points, this time
alongside the bones of mammoths. The image of the first Americans as simple
foragers quickly gave way to one of a people who were big game hunters par
excellence, sweeping down from Alaska to the far reaches of South America,
leaving a trail of carnage as they went. When radiocarbon dating showed that
these colonisers arrived more than 11 000 years ago, when the Earth was
still in the frigid grip of an ice age, the image of a heroic, pioneering
people was further enhanced.  A way through the ice  As it has turned out,
big game hunting was only one of the ways that palaeoindians got by. Some
were simple foragers. However, they did indeed have to struggle with the
challenge of making their way from the Old World to the New while much of
North America was buried under ice sheets almost two kilometres thick. For
periods from 75 000 to 10 000 years ago, during the last throes of the
Pleistocene ice age, the oceans were at least 50 metres lower than they are
today, low enough to expose the Bering land bridge. Nevertheless, this
wasn't a continuous green light for entry into the Americas, because the
fluctuating size of the eastern and western ice sheets of North America left
only two windows of opportunity for safe passage through an ice-free
corridor between them: before 20 000 and after 12 000 years ago. The age of
the many Clovis sites--all clustering around 11 000 years--encouraged the
widespread conviction that the first Americans had entered through the
second window. And the paradigm for the event was "Clovis first".  However,
this paradigm did not discourage a blizzard of claims for archaeological
sites predating Clovis, some by as much as 200 000 years. But, as David
Meltzer, of Southern Methodist University, Dallas, pointed out recently, "Of
the scores of pre-Clovis archaeological finds made in the last sixty years,
none so far has withstood the harsh glare of critical scrutiny." The claims
have been rejected on various grounds including erroneously old dates and
naturally shaped stones mistaken as human handiwork. "So many pre-Clovis
claims have failed that the archaeological community grew sceptical of any
and all pre-Clovis claims," says Meltzer. Until Monte Verde, that is.
Between 1977 and 1985, Thomas Dillehay of the University of Kentucky led an

Re: [CTRL] Dictatorship?

1999-01-25 Thread M.A. Johnson

 -Caveat Lector-

In regards to America as the constitution plainly states ...
[followed by our current bastardized system of statism]

J FROST wrote:
 This is supposed to be a republic so quote all the
 happy horse shit until you are blue in the face and
 when you are done, tell me who's will is enacted in
 a republic:

   #1 Some minority
To PROTECT from FORCE and FRAUD an individual's RIGHT to
his OWN life is the ONLY legitimate function of Government
as the individual is the smallest of ALL minorities -- see
article I, section 8, clauses 2 through 18.
[whomever (group or individual) can buy the legislation of hi

   #2 Politicians should decide what laws the nation should
 have based on their own agendas...
The Constitution enumerates specific areas in which legislation
may be enacted -- ALL of these serve to protect ALL individuals
from FORCE and FRAUD.
[Politicians decide based upon the votes they can buy]

#3 The politicians should represent those who bribe them,
   in which this nation is a political bribery form of

Close to 90% of the current budget serves to finance schemes which
find no legitimacy within the Constitution and are placed their
at the insistence of 'interests' and their money AND to sway voters
so officials can maintain power.
[this nation DOES work on bribery]

   #4 Politicians should implement the will of their party bosses

There are no 'parties' within the US Constitution.
[Apparently this has some reality to it.]

#5 The politicians should implement the will of God as
  preachers tell them what God really wants.

The constitution separates religion and government.
[Politicians regularly implement the agenda of whatever group it
hopes to garnish the favor of votes.]

   #6 The politicians should represent the will of the majority

The Constitution prevents such a Tyranny.
[Politicians often provide such though certainly AND by no means
exclusively OR in great measure]

J FROST wrote:
No matter what you call a government, politicians enact
the will of a segment of people and in that same act
they transgress the will of those who have opposing

No matter what you call it, in the end results which
of the above 6 segments of society get to impose their
will on all others?

There is little difference in your six examples in the way they are
handled today.

The society with the MOST liberty upholds an individual's RIGHT to
his OWN life as supreme.


Property is prior to law; the sole function of the law
is to safeguard the right to property wherever it exists,
wherever it is formed, in whatever manner the worker
produces it, whether individually or in association,
provided that he respects the rights of others.
-- Frederic Bastiat

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Earth First Group and NWO

1999-01-25 Thread Kenn Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

Head's up!

The new issue of Jim Martin's Flatland Magazine, at the rpinter now and on the
stands in about a month or so, will have some interesting new information about
Earth First.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Surplus, What Surplus?

1999-01-25 Thread M. A. Johnson

 -Caveat Lector-


THERE is no federal budget surplus.

I'll say it again. There is no budget surplus.

Before you even get to the issue of whether the
'budget surplus' should be given back to
taxpayers as the wishful Republicans suggest,
or used to prop up Social Security, as the
desperately-impeached President Clinton said
in his State of the Union speech on Tuesday,
there is a small issue that needs to be taken
care of - there really is no budget surplus.

Issue No. 2. There is no way people can be
allowed to invest their Social Security money
in the stock market. That's because the
'money' -- as in cash you, I or the government
would turn over to a stockbroker -- also
doesn't exist.

All right, here I go again trying to explain
how our elected officials in Washington are
perpetrating a fraud by proclaiming that there
is a budget surplus.

Over the past year, the federal deficit -- which
is money owed by our government -- rose from
$5.486 trillion to $5.618 trillion.  Those are
government numbers right out of Barron's.

That means the federal debt climbed by $132
billion. Which means the federal budget DEFICIT
last year was $132 billion.  There was no surplus
of $70 billion, or any other amount, as
Washington is claiming.

When the economy weakens -- as it always
does -- the true deficit numbers will increase.

The surplus claim is wrong. It's a fraud.

Washington is able to pretend there is a surplus
because it has been raiding the Social Security
trust fund, which, you have to understand, isn't
a pile a cash sitting somewhere in the Treasury.
It's really a pile of government IOUs (Treasury
bills, really) Washington puts into Social Security
in exchange for the cash it steals.

And it is our cash that is being stolen. Anyone
who pays into Social Security is really unwittingly
buying IOUs from a government that might not be
able to pay in decades to come.

Right now the Social Security system is running
a surplus because more money coming in than
going out. It's demographics at work -- more
employees than retirees. That pleasant situation,
however, will not last long.

But this surplus belongs to people like me and
you, who'll need it to retire someday. So
Washington shouldn't pretend that it belongs to
the country and part of the budget.

The president wants this non-existent 'budget
surplus' pumped back into Social Security.

What does that mean?

Washington will steal $200 billion from Social
Security (turning a real $132 billion deficit
into a $70 billion surplus), so that it can
proclaim a budget surplus, then it will return
the excess money to Social Security from where
it was stolen in the first place.

Oddly, that's actually a preferable charade to
what the Republicans suggest. At least under
the president's plan the 'surplus' comes full
circle and ends up back in Social Security.

Under the Republican plan, you would give away
the 'surplus' and the money will disappear from
the Social Security circle all together.

The president, however, is wrong in backing a
plan to allow people -- in some form or
another -- to invest their money in the stock
market. But the endorsement is a shrewd maneuver
by a president in trouble.

Bill Clinton knew back in 1992 what voters cared
about -- the economy and jobs.

And it is the worst kept secret in American economic
history that the only thing keeping this country's
marvelous economy going is the stock market bubble.
It's just like Japan's wonderful economy before the
bubble burst a few years back.

Americans -- like the Japanese -- feel rich because
of the stock market. And even though companies are
laying off workers faster than they were during the
hard times of the early 1990s, Wall Street is keeping
people content.

I estimate that President Clinton has no better
than a 50-50 chance of remaining in office. Those
odds go down to 60-40 against his presidency once
witnesses are called before the impeachment trial
(some day I'll be able to tell you why.)

The president can maintain his high rating if the
stock market keeps the economy rolling along. But
like any other Ponzi scheme, the Wall Street bubble
can't continue unless fresh money keeps coming
into the market.

President Clinton's Social Security proposal would
provide a lot of fresh money to keep the market
going, which'll keep the economy perking, which
will keep Clinton's rating high.

It all works quite nicely -- except that the proposal
to allow people to invest their Social Security money
in the market is impossible to enact. Here's why.

As I said, there is no cash in Social Security.

So if I am allowed to, say, put $10,000 of my
Social Security money into the stock market, where
is the cash going to come from? Washington doesn't
have the cash.

And if it does raise cash that'll be put in the
market, who is going to supply the cash to pay

Plus, liquidating Social Security's bonds would
send interest rates skyrocketing.


[CTRL] Nominee for envoy bowed out after reports of link to Cuba

1999-01-25 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-

Nominee for envoy bowed out after reports of link to Cuba

By Bill Gertz

resident Clinton's nominee for ambassador to the Dominican
Republic quietly withdrew last fall amid questions about a Cuban intelligence
scheme to recruit her as a spy within the White House.
 Mari Carmen Aponte, a Hispanic community activist who helped raise funds
for Mr. Clinton and the Democratic National Committee in 1996, withdrew her
nomination in October after problems surfaced relating to her past
relationship with a Cuban-American who the FBI said had close ties to Cuba's
intelligence service.
 The president is still considering Miss Aponte for a position on the
Federal Housing Finance Board, a regulatory agency. The post also requires
Senate confirmation.
-- Continued from Front Page --

 While working as a volunteer in the White House Personnel Office in
November 1993, Miss Aponte was questioned by FBI agents about a plot by agents
of the Cuban intelligence service, known as the DGI, to recruit her as a spy,
according to officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity.
 One State Department official said Miss Aponte had trouble receiving a
top-secret security clearance required for the diplomatic post because of
questions about her reliability. But a department spokesman said she
eventually received the clearance as part of the nomination screening process.
 Miss Aponte has denied knowing about the recruitment effort. However, in
April 1994 she refused FBI requests to take a polygraph test after some of her
answers to the FBI's questions showed minor inconsistencies, the officials
 The FBI questioning began a short time after a 1993 story in Miami's
Diario Las Americas newspaper reported that a Cuban intelligence officer had
defected and revealed how the DGI was planning to target Miss Aponte at the
White House for recruitment.
 The FBI believed Miss Aponte was targeted because of her close personal
relationship from 1986 to 1994 with Roberto Tamayo, a Cuban-American with
close ties to Cuban government and intelligence officials. Miss Aponte broke
off her relationship with Mr. Tamayo after he traveled to Cuba in 1994.
 White House National Security Council spokesman David Leavy said Miss
Aponte withdrew her nomination Oct. 25, six months after the president
nominated her, for "personal reasons." He declined to comment when asked about
any Cuban spying scheme.
 "There is still a strong belief within the administration that she could
be an asset and a productive public servant in the future," Mr. Leavy said.
 Miss Aponte, a lawyer who helped raise funds in the Hispanic community
for the Clinton campaign in 1996, could not be reached for comment. A woman
who answered the telephone at her residence said Miss Aponte was in Argentina
and could not be reached.
 Mr. Tamayo also could not be reached for comment.
 Miss Aponte's withdrawal from consideration for the Dominican Republic
post came after she was questioned by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
about her contacts with Cuban government employees or agents.
 She told the panel that her experience with Mr. Tamayo and Cuban agents
had sensitized her to future contacts that might involve Cuban influence.
 According to the officials, Miss Aponte said she had no evidence Mr.
Tamayo was a Cuban agent, but told him after the FBI inquiries that she wanted
no further contacts with his "friends" in the Cuban Interests Section in
 Mr. Tamayo's regular contacts with the FBI apparently allayed Miss
Aponte's concerns about any ties to Cuban intelligence. However, Miss Aponte
said she had suspicions about Mr. Tamayo's intelligence connections after she
was contacted by the FBI in late 1993. She arranged a meeting between Mr.
Tamayo and FBI agents investigating the spy recruitment effort, the officials
 Miss Aponte said she confronted Mr. Tamayo about the ties to Cuban
intelligence and he denied any relationship with the Castro government, the
officials said.
 Retired FBI Agent Ed Joyce said that while working as a counterspy he
questioned Mr. Tamayo regularly about his contacts with Cuban officials in
Cuba and at Havana's Interests Section in Washington during the late 1980s.
But he said he did not believe Mr. Tamayo was a professionally trained
intelligence officer working for the DGI.
 "Roberto was a fellow who had interests in all camps," Mr. Joyce said.
Mr. Joyce said "the Cubans knew Roberto was talking to me" and he was wary of
doing anything that would anger the Cuban government and prevent him from
making visits to the island.
 The former FBI agent said Mr. Tamayo was a valuable source of information
about some of the personalities within the Cuban Interests Section in
Washington and that he assu

[CTRL] Fwd: Testing on Civilians LEGAL!

1999-01-25 Thread RoadsEnd

U.S. Code 50 (Chapter 32, Section 1520(b)1)) states
that the Department of Defence MAY "conduct any test
or experiment involving the use of any chemical or
biological agent on civilian populations" only if the
DoD notifies "local civilian officials" 30 days before
testing chemical or biological agents on U.S. civilians.

So you have the right to have some "civilian officials"
notified before you're used in bio-war experiments.
So we all have the legal right to be a Guinea pig
without knowing, so long as some officials know.

Read this law at the Cornell University library:

This law was added to the U.S. Code in 1996. Why would
federal law define a right for the DoD to "conduct any
test or experiment involving the use of any chemical
or biological agent on civilian populations" (granted
a few officials know) if no such tests and experiments
were planned? It stands to reason that they are planned!
Is this connected to reports of sickening USAF-jet-spray?

USAF Jets Said To Be Spraying Something That Sickens:

Visit Ian Williams Goddard  >


[CTRL] Fwd: The Mechanics of the White House Dredge

1999-01-25 Thread RoadsEnd

Drip, drip, drip . . .

Clinton Responsible for Blood Scandal, Author Claims

Interview with "Blood Trail" Author Michael Galster


"If they have blood, we'll get it."

--Dr. Francis "Bud" Henderson on the disease screening procedures
employed in the Arkansas prison blood program.

Few Americans took note of the small 1995 Associated Press story that
linked tainted blood responsible for the death of hundreds of Canadians
to Arkansas prisons. In Arkansas, however, a medical practitioner who
had worked inside the prison system for years realized the horrible
implications. The only way he could tell the story was to write a
fictionalized account under a pseudonym. When it was published last
year, the story still did not make much of an impact. It was not until
he revealed his name and his first-hand knowledge of what had happened
in Arkansas prisons more than a decade ago that the story hit the
Internet in full force.

What has led the recent interest is the potential involvement of
then-Governor Bill Clinton. "His name will come into it and the truth is
that without his support this group would have been shut down in 1982
when the FDA first came down on them," Michael Galster, author of "Blood
Trail [1]" says on Clinton's involvement. "And if that had happened, if
they had ceased operation in '82 thousands and thousands of people would
have been spared. Now that is the truth. So is he responsible? Yes. Yes
he's responsible and so are a lot of other people."

Why hasn't this story been investigated long ago? Galster offers a
possible explanation: "There are just as many Republicans involved in it
as Democrats and that's one of the reasons why the Republicans haven't
picked up the story because they don't know what their involvement might

In an interview with the Washington Weekly, Galster gives the most
detailed, penetrating description to date of the events in Arkansas that
led to the unfolding contaminated blood disaster:

GALSTER: My initial inspiration to do something was May 12 -- I know the
exact date -- May 12 of 1995. A very small Associated Press wire story
appeared in several newspapers, which I'll summarize briefly. It said:
"Tainted blood responsible for the death of hundreds of Canadians linked
to Arkansas prison." This single story really changed my life, because
my background was as a medical practitioner years ago in the Arkansas

During those years in the early 1980s, even though I was doing
orthopedic work -- so I was totally uninvolved, I didn't have anything
to do with the plasma program -- I was seeing more and more sick men for
orthopedic problems. And they were also exhibiting signs of other
diseases, venereal diseases, tuberculosis, but more especially hepatitis
and the precursors to AIDS. And these very same people who were very
sick were also telling me that they just donated plasma. Not being in
that line of work, unfortunately I assumed that the people in the prison
drawing the blood had some technique for cleaning it up. I didn't know
enough about plasmapheresis or the plasma program to know the
particulars of it. Now, years later, I wish I had investigated it more
closely at the time.

That's the way the story started for me. When I read this, years later
in 1995, I anticipated immediately that there would be a fire storm of
articles appearing and investigations undertaken to expose this thing.
But there was not one single column inch of editorial or investigative
reporting done concerning this story. That was the first and only
article that ever appeared. So in the days following, when I finally
realized that nothing was going to be done, I told my wife that I really
needed to do something and she said, "You know it will be really
dangerous to undertake an investigation the way things are in Arkansas,"
and I said "Yes."

QUESTION: In what way dangerous?

GALSTER: Well, without getting into a lot of conspiracy theories...
there have been a lot of people associated with the Clinton
administration who have tried to speak out and they have been
eliminated. They've suffered unfortunate death, let's put it that way.
Many of these people I knew quite well. And that was obviously a concern
of mine. My wife said: "Mike, what would you do if one of our sons were
infected with that plasma knowing what you know about it, what would you
do?" And I said, just kind of off hand, "Well, I know what I would do,"
and she said, "Well, write it."

That's the way "Blood Trail" came about. I wrote it as a novel, knowing
at that point in time actually very little about the story, but knowing
very well how things operate in Arkansas. I'm the son of a state
trooper, I've been intimately involved with that portion of the state
government, in and out of the p

[CTRL] Senior Spy Penetrated Oval Office in 1996 - Interview with Edward Timperlake

1999-01-25 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

from:">Top Story
More drip, drip drip . . .
Edward Timperlake, William C. Triplett II:
The Year of the Rat: How Bill Clinton Compromised U.S. Security for
Chinese Cash
In these pages we will show that, in order to gain and hold onto power,
the Clinton administration has acted recklessly, allowing the wrong
people to gain access to our most important political and economic
secrets. Any number of Chinese arms dealers, spies, narcotics
traffickers, gangsters, pimps, accomplishes to mass murder, communist
agents, and other undesirables will appear in these pages, all
associated in one way or another with the White House and money...
(Regnery publ. 256 pages. October 1998) Read more about this book.
See other books/videos for sale.
Senior Spy Penetrated Oval Office in 1996

Interview with Edward Timperlake


"You can't characterize it in any other way," says Edward Timperlake,
co-author of "Year of the Rat: How Bill Clinton Compromised U.S.
Security for Chinese Cash. [1]"

"Johnny Chung, who was paid by Colonel Liu, penetrated to the oval
office," Timperlake tells the Washington Weekly. "Colonel Liu is a
senior spy. She went to the spy academy."

Liutenant Colonel Liu Chaoying began her military intelligence career
with Chinese navy intelligence. She made illegal campaign contributions
to the Clinton Campaign through Johnny Chung in 1996. And she met Bill
Clinton in person at a dinner at the private Brentwood, California home
of Clinton supporter Eli Broad on July 22, 1996. Liu's main interest is
satellites for military purposes. Several subsequent decisions by the
Clinton administration were favorable to the transfer of technology for
the development of the military satellite program of the People's
Liberation Army for which Liu works.

This is just one of the mindboggling revelations in the bestselling book
[1] by Timperlake and Triplett. We interviewed Timperlake last week
about the success of the book, how its message has been received, and
what we can expect in the future from Chinagate.

QUESTION: What made you write this book?

TIMPERLAKE: Bill and I have combined over 50 years of experience in
national security. I was on the House side he was on the Senate side. In
January a year ago, when the Monica Lewinsky story broke, we realized
that the complete story hadn't been told at all. The White House had
been compartmentalizing it into very small pieces and we were very much
afraid that the Monica story would dominate the headlines. We, as
national security experts, thought that we would write a national
security book that would at least put a coherent picture in front of the
American people to tell them how much this administration put them in
jeopardy. And as we got into it, the book just expanded. We originally
thought that the book was going to be pretty narrow, but the more we
looked, the more we found.

QUESTION: And what has been the response to it?

TIMPERLAKE: Excellent! We are near past best sellers - on the extended
list on the New York Times bestseller list.

QUESTION: Has there been any negative response?

TIMPERLAKE: We have been bumping into some benign neglect, if you will,
hoping we will just go away, if no one fights with us eventually it will
fade away. But you have to remember that we have 647 endnotes, so the
book is very solid. And we wrote it with an eye to understanding that it
had to be very accurate because The White House is brilliant at--if they
find a single mistake--to try and trash the whole work. And because of
that, we sourced every which way we could.

QUESTION: Yes it looks like there is a lot of research behind it.

TIMPERLAKE: Yes very much so. We are experts, so we know what we are

QUESTION: And you also went to China.

TIMPERLAKE: Yes I went to mainland China and Bill went to Hong Kong,
Macao and Taiwan twice.

QUESTION: And in what way did that influence your research?

TIMPERLAKE: Well, Bill found the gangster Triad connection [1]. That was
very, very telling. We found the kind of a network for the payoff in
China for people that penetrated our system, Bill found that, searching
in Macao. I found in Shanghai a very strange stock market that everybody
claimed, when the president was there, was like the New York big board,
and actually it is not. It's much more a computer trading operation. By
that I mean computers and trading, not trader or trading operation. The
building was owned by one Wang Jun of Polytechnologies, the guy who the
president met with at the White House coffee, whose firm
Polytechnologies was indicted for smuggling automatic weapons into
America. I found that on site in Shanghai.

QUESTION: How did you get in contact with the people that 

[CTRL] OEN 1/25/98

1999-01-25 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

from:">The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe
Impeached POTUS

Monica's Guide to Y'know, I mean, Like, Wisdom

by Mark Steyn

THE Intern Has Landed. She had, as is her wont, been keeping her head
down, but on Saturday, at the behest of a federal judge, Monica Lewinsky
returned to Washington to see House managers for a "debriefing" (that
means an interview, not that her thong's been subpoenaed).
I left the vast open prairies of the Senate press gallery, grabbed a
taxi and, as we pulled up back at my hotel, found the sidewalk jammed
with a heaving mob of reporters and cameramen. I raised my hand. "Boys,
please," I said. "You know I won't do cable." But they trampled me into
the dust and stampeded after a shapeless figure in baseball cap and
baggy coat.

Of all the hotels in all the towns in all the world, Monica had walked
into mine. The cocktail pianist played As Time Goes By: You must
remember this / A kiss is still a kiss / Oral sex isn't necessarily sex
. . .

Like 99.99 per cent of Americans I'd never seen The Lips That Launched A
Thousand Subpoenas in the flesh. They say the camera adds 10lb, so,
given that there were 38 cameras around, Monica looked pretty much as
you'd expect. I struggled to overhear any penetrating insights she might
have. As far as I could tell, she said: "It was so, like, y'know, I mean
. . ." Those gravitas guys in the Senate are going to love her.

Monica's minders didn't seem eager to have me join their elevator and,
as I was heading to the basement gym, I waited for the next one. "Going
down?" I asked the lady. "I beg your pardon?" she said indignantly.

You have to sympathise. Now whenever an 87-year-old white-haired dowager
with a Zimmer frame totters out to the street, the media scrum yell
"Monica!" just on the off-chance. They did it to me on Saturday evening,
which, even though I'm not exactly cadaverous, I found frankly
insulting. Besides, Monica stayed in that night, dining at the hotel's
Café Promenade and ordering, according to my source, the Maryland
Crabcakes. But you understand now why the White House doesn't want
witnesses, especially this witness.

The contrast between the frenzy at my hotel and the circular torpor back
at the Senate is very telling. "This trial's going nowhere," scoffs
Vermont Democrat and leading impeachment saboteur Patrick Leahy. "It's
like the opera, when the tenor's been stabbed and he staggers back and
forth for half-an-hour and everyone just wants him to die." He has a
point. The Senate trial is, as theatricals say, Hamlet without the
Prince - or, more accurately, Leer without the King. This case needs a
star, and that's the threat Monica represents to the White House.

No wonder the Clinton cheerleaders are rattled. Iowa Senator Tom Harkin
whipped out his pocket edition of the Constitution. Article One, Section
Three, he said, reserves "the sole power to try impeachment" to the
Senate. The House Republicans, he fumed, shouldn't be "interviewing
witnesses unilaterally". Judge Norma Holloway Johnson, he snapped, had
acted unconstitutionally and he would ask the Chief Justice, as
presiding justice of the Supreme Court of Impeachment, to stay the
judge's order. "Maybe you could impeach her," I suggested. But he wasn't

Out in the corridor, Minnesota Democrat Paul Wellstone was also
fulminating, this time against Trent Lott's proposal to cut off debate
on today's motion to dismiss. In other words, he's filing a motion to
dismiss all debate on the motion to dismiss. Sounds fair enough: if the
case isn't worth discussing, then why discuss why it isn't worth

Lacking 60 votes on any issue, pretty well everything in the Senate
winds up getting filibustered. So Senators are mostly experts in how to
stop things happening. After a week and a half of straining to do
"impartial justice", their natural tendency to vote everything to a
standstill has begun to assert itself. Today they could well vote down
both the motion to dismiss and the motion to depose witnesses.
Additionally, they might vote down both the motion to open up debate and
the motion to close down debate.

"Bipartisanship" in the Senate usually boils down to "neither of the
above". But I suspect the impeachment process - the world's longest long
goodbye - will find a way through the senators' impenetrable procedures.
Monica's right: it's so like, well, y'know, I mean . . .

The London Telegraph, Jan. 25, 1999

Middle East

US Jets Bomb Iraqi Dirt

WASHINGTON: Four US jets launched an attack on Saturday on two mounds of
Iraqi dirt, US officials said.
US warplanes patrolling the southern "no-fly zone" area dropped insect
repellent on two Iraqi hills "that posed a threat to open-air meat
markets in the area," the US Central Command at Tampa, Florida, said.

All coalition aircraft returned safely, officials said. There were no
immediate reports of damage to Iraqi dirt from the attack, which t

[CTRL] World Of The Strange 1/25/99 Part 1 of 2

1999-01-25 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
World Of The Strange 1/25/99
Part 1 of 2
Subject: World Of The Strange 1/25/99 Part 1 of 2
Date: Sun, Jan 24, 1999 11:40 AM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

EDITOR"S NOTE: Only 2 more weeks till the end of the Writers Contest, please
get your articles in, if you need the information about the contest please
contact me and I will send them out to you ASAP...I will probably have to push
the WINNERS Edition back to February 22nd, this way it will give me a bit more
time to set the winners articles up and getting in contact with the winners...

Part 1 of 2
Copyright © 1998   John A. Quinn/NewsHawk Inc  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  A. Mind Control Victims-Personal Testimony  {Continuation}
  B. Haarp-Son Of Phoenix
  C. Postscript - What's To Come
#2 Poem> The Lucifer Curve  © copyright 1999   By Terry Kimbrell
#3. Synchronicity? Coincidences? or Just Plain Fate?  By Louise A. Lowry
#4. ON THE ROAD TO UFOville:  By: -- Michael Precker
#5 A Tribute to Skycloud (Forever Friend) By Terry Kimbrell

#1.THE MONTAUK PROJECT AND CAMP HERO TODAY: Part 2 Series 10 of 10 Copyright ©
1998   John A. Quinn/NewsHawk Inc  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

All rights reserved

All text within this document not quoted from other sources is the sole
property of John A. Quinn/Newshawk Inc. No reproduction without permission.
WOTS was granted permission in using this article.

Series 10 of 10 {Last Part}


"Memory Regression Technique (MRT) Aaron M.  Memory Regression
Technique (MRT), involves the process of retrieving past memories, and can
assist in the retrieval of repressed material (memories) from the unconscious.
MRT understands the process of association in relation to memory and strongly
believes that specific memories can be brought to consciousness. Furthermore,
MRT assumes to seize (particularly regarding the repressed patient) deep-
memories and experiences through the aid of association using music.


Memory Regression Technique (MRT), involves the process of retrieving past
memories. Memories that are either general or specific in nature.

What the technique consists of is regressing one's mind (through age and
By having individuals retrieve information (memories) from their past using a
systematical process, they begin to develop an adaptation to this process. A
"familiarity" of retrieving past memories and as this process continues,
releasing stored material is made easier by the individual.

Memory Regression Technique can assist in the retrieval of repressed material
(memories) from the individual's unconscious. Repressed material or pieces of
information can be brought to consciousness through the aid of association. It
is certainly probable that specific individual experiences / events were
recorded in one's memory through association, particularly with music during a
specific "time" or period in one's life. Accordingly, MRT can assist the
individual in locating a desired "time episode" of when certain specific
(memories) transpired, that may have been repressed through time.

Why is MRT so unique? MRT understands the process of association in relation
memory. When memory is stored it is essentially always stored in relation to
the attainability of one's senses via smell, taste, touch, visual, and through
auditory processes.

When individuals tend to remember past experiences it is usually retrieved
through related associations (whether it was induced by the color red or from
personal meaningful experience). MRT parallels with that of state-dependent
memory. State-dependent memory is an extension of context-dependent memory
(information that is better retrieved in the "context" in which it was encoded
and stored or learned). It sometimes happens that we retrieve information
better when we are in a physiological or emotional state that is similar to
one in which we encoded and stored the information. Our moods may also serve
cues that aid in the retrieval of memories. Emotion influences not only what
stored in memory, but also how easily records can be accessed from memory.
Individuals can best retrieve emotional memories by reinstating
the emotion they were experiencing at the time they originally stored it,
especially if the memory is associated with music.

The objective is to increase the process of retrieval. Knowing that music (a
specific song) can elicit a past memory for an individual, MRT realizes this
principle: more songs may elicit more memories. MRT is an extensive collection
of condensed mu

[CTRL] World Of The Strange 1/25/99 Part 2 of 2

1999-01-25 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
World Of The Strange 1/25/99
Part 2 of 2
Subject: World Of The Strange 1/25/99 Part 2 of 2
Date: Sun, Jan 24, 1999 11:46 AM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Part 2 of 2
Copyright © 1998   John A. Quinn/NewsHawk Inc  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  B. Haarp-Son Of Phoenix
  C. Postscript - What's To Come
#2 Poem> The Lucifer Curve  © copyright 1999   By Terry Kimbrell
#3. Synchronicity? Coincidences? or Just Plain Fate?  By Louise A. Lowry
#4. ON THE ROAD TO UFOville:  By: -- Michael Precker
#5 A Tribute to Skycloud (Forever Friend) By Terry Kimbrell

#1.THE MONTAUK PROJECT AND CAMP HERO TODAY: Part 2 Series 10 of 10 Copyright ©
1998   John A. Quinn/NewsHawk Inc  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


The HAARP Project gives every indication of being the successor to certain
aspects of the Montauk Project--particularly the interdimensional and time
operations, and to a number of other EM/RF mind control/ manipulation
operations as well.

One of the most significant pieces of official, internal covert military
documentation regarding HAARP brought to light by Begich and Manning, the
authors of Angels Don't Play This HAARP, specifically and precisely described
HAARP's ability to actually scan and "INTERROGATE" the minds of targeted
individuals by means of certain EM/RF technologies /applications. This is just
another way of saying that their minds can be read through "artificial
telepathy" or "techno-psychic"(psychotronic) systems.

This is from the military's own internal documents, referring to many years of
empirical research and development into these types of "weapons", (in total
unconstitutional secrecy, of course!) and the validated, verified,
tried-and-tested results of all these covert endeavors. Naturally, within many
of these same internal documents, the main focus of how these weapons would
likely be used focused excessively upon domestic uses; again, a concept which
right off the bat by it's very definition is absolutely unconstitutional!

Begich and Manning's book makes repeated references to the ubiquitous John
Alexander as well; one admittedly small point which kind of made my blood run
cold was the fact that this guy is one of the few people in the country
who have a doctorate in "thanatology". That is; study and knowledge of
...death. Nice guy.

What jumps out at me from a look at recent history is the fact that the CIA
their spook colleagues in NSA, DIA and other members of the intelligence
"alphabet soup" officially farmed out psychic/telekinetic/ telepathic/remote
viewing research to the "private sector", a sure sign that the whole shebang
has gone completely underground (in one or more possible ways!), and also has
been completely shielded from any possibility of (legitimate) governmental
review, oversight, interference and what have you. Once it's gone private,
anything can "go down".

Which leads to Alexander's domination of the creation of Psy-Tech, the
institute" made (in)famous by Ed Dames, especially via Art Bell's radio
programs. I have really never trusted Dames nor anything he said, nor anything
any of these avowedly ex-spooky characters will ever utter. I have since noted
that most of Dames' utterances have turned out to be hogwash. The cliche "once
an agent, always an agent" is in fact very often very true.

Here is the proof, now, that Psy-Tech and other such "private-sector" entities
like The Farsight Institute, are in fact creations of the covert intelligence
agencies and with certainty are fulfilling certain functions and implementing
agendas for said agencies. Such as spewing malicious disinformation and
on the "New Age" sensibilities of many people by averring that the information
being put forth is being received through higher psychic abilities and is
literally "infallible" (has Dames considered taking the job of Pope?);
guaranteed to be 100 per cent correct (as Dames often referred to his own
"predictions" and prognostications--most or all of which have failed to
materialize!) What was the agenda for putting out certain concepts and
declaring that they are absolutely going to come to pass? An example of this
would be Dames' Number 1 biggie--that a plant pathogen from the comet Hale-
would completely devastate all plant life on earth beginning in Africa, as of
last fall? Dames stated that this would lead to massive devastation of
on an unprecedented scale. (We should all be very badly off right now in
scenario). Dames said over and over, via the mouthpiece of ally Art Bell, that
this was absolutely, positively going to happen.No way in hell it was not

Re: [CTRL] fw: 10 Facts in Respect to Alien Abductions:

1999-01-25 Thread Teo1000

 -Caveat Lector-

My comments interspersed below.

In a message dated 1/24/99 7:37:19 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<< Karla Turner's 10 Facts in Respect to Alien Abductions:

 1) We don't know with any certainty  exactly what these entities may be;
 they may be extraterrestrial, inter-dimensional, earthly or some combination
 of the above.
((Teo1000 comments:  I would say that most evidence points to earthly or
natural sources for the phenomenon, but do not discount the others presented
here as well.)

 2) At least some of the aliens lie. [Predictions, warnings, promises, and
((Teo1000:  This is where the psy-op and disinformation is it's thickest.
There is no evidence that we are dealing with intelligences from the stars,
and as is rightly pointed out they give us no superior knowledge or future
revelations.  This is just mind control plain and simple.  You may want to
contend that it is alien intelligences doing the mind control, but I would
dispute that point.))

 3)  During encounters, the human's perceptions are controlled as are the
 conscious memories of the encounters.
((Teo1000:  Absolutely agree.  But who is controlling and what is the desired
effect of the control.  If it is to hide their existence it is a miserable
failure, so that can be ruled out.  If it is to cause societal change or
effect mass consciousness, that is working perfectly.  Mass psy-op to prepare
the people for some revelation, that in MO has nothing to do with aliens from

 4) False memories can overlay and disguise the actual events of an
((Teo1000:  True, again though, with what purpose and goal.))

 5) Abductees report alien controlled information to the  research
 community.  While reporting their experiences honestly and sincerely,
 abductees are really reporting alien-controlled data.
((Teo1000:  There are too many controlled people in the movement and that is
why it is doomed for useful information.))

 6)  There is a serious element of human involvement in the abduction
 phenomenon, in addition to the very real alien participation.  Many
 abductees are monitored and harassed by human agents of some sort and the
 cases involving phone and mail interference, helicopter surveillance are
 only part of the story.
((Teo1000:  Human involvement, absolutely.  I have a problem with "very real
alien participation".  Psy-op and cover for illegal human experimentation with
mind control devices and classes of "less than lethal" weapons, in real world
situations, is the more probable solution.  Aliens are the bugaboo for illegal
governmental experimentation.  There may be aliens but I've seen no good proof

 7)  The abduction agenda involves quite physical aims and procedures that
 belie the idea of a primary spiritual motivation on the aliens part, as well
 as refuting the notion that all they're doing in their agenda is
 crossbreeding. There are physical procedures and aims that have nothing to
 do with reproduction.  These include:

   various types of implants in parts of the body;
   insertion of wires and tubes into the chest, kidneys wrist and knees;
   brain operations, deliberate pain experiments (ouch!);
   abductees immersed in water, forced ingestion eating or drinking of
 unknown fluids, cloning of humans
((Teo1000:  This supports the notion of illegal experimentation.  They need
tissue samples and the like to effectively gauge the tested devices on the
human body, no mystery here.  The spiritual angle in this scenario is also a
cover for much more
mundane and sinister designs.))

 8) The agenda involves long-term mental and psychological programming of the
 abductee, it targets among other concepts: our social and personal
 relationships, our sexuality, our political ideas, and our religious and
 spiritual concerns.  These are targets of programming that begin in almost
 every instance, with the abductee in early childhood.
((Teo1000:  All can be explained by implants or remote mind control
methodologies.  They are designed to influence and catalogue behavior, and
would touch on all of these areas of our lives.  No aliens needed.  I have
always wondered why would aliens care one whit about us, especially our
beliefs, sexuality and political ideas?  Makes no sense to me.))

 9) Aliens through technology create virtual reality scenarios that are
 absolutely real to the perceptions of the targeted person.  All five senses
 are involved.
((Teo1000:  Virtual reality is used, but again, there is no need for alien
involvement here.))

 10) The aliens show an extraordinary interest in human souls and in using
 those souls.  [Soul recycling centers, black boxes, etc.]
((Teo1000:  No objective truth of this statement, just hearsay of those
involved in the phenomenon.))

Mind you I'm ready and willing to revise my opinion on alien life and
intervention on earth, just show me some evidence and I will be happy to do
so.  Until then it i

Re: [CTRL] Earth First Group and NWO

1999-01-25 Thread Agent Smiley

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/24/99 3:31:02 AM Eastern Standard Time,

>   What it boils down to is "old growth" is your interest and while you
>  can clearly see the land grab issue as being NWO, you don't make the same
>  connection to the logging side because it happens to be a personal issue
>  with you.  I would point out that the people on the land
>  grab issue would probably see "old growth" as being NWO while their
>  pet, prized issue would be ranked in the "not the same" catagory.

I am sure you have already been taught in school that oxygen is necessary to
OUR survival as a species.  If this is not an issue with you then I suggest
you work on developing your survival instinct and quit pushing paradigms that
are not consistent with survival.  That will make YOU complicit a conspiracy
of unexamined thinking and behavior, our greatest enemy.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Rediscovering America

1999-01-25 Thread Agent Smiley

>  Original Article:
>  Cover Story 10/12/98   U.S. News and World Report
>Rediscovering America
>The New World may be 20,000 years older than experts thought
> Late in the afternoon last May 17, a tired archaeological team
>  the end of a 14-hour day winching muck to the deck of a Canadian Coast
>  vessel.  It was in water 170 feet deep in Juan Perez Sound, half a mile
>  offshore among British Columbia's Queen Charlotte Islands.  For four days,
>  team members had fruitlessly sieved undersea mud and gravel.  Then, in the
>  slanting light of sunset, a deckhand drew from the goop a triangular blade
>  of dark basalt.  Its sharp edge and flaked surface said this was no
>  rock.  Someone long ago sculpted it into a knife or other cutting tool.
> When Daryl Fedje, an archaeologist for Canada's national parks
>  system, saw the 4-inch artifact, his jaw dropped in amazement:  "I
>  immediately recognized it as made by humans."  For years Fedje has led
>  efforts to find prehistoric evidence of human occupation in the misty,
>  fiord-laced archipelago.  This stone meant that people lived at a spot
>  directly under the ship well before the end of the Ice Age, at a time when
>  the sea level was far lower than today.
>   The bit of basalt is just one stone.  But from Alaska to near the tip
>  of South America, bits of just such intriguing evidence are emerging that
>  suggest the standard textbook story--that humans first settled the Americas
>  by pouring down from Alaska about 12,000 years ago--is wrong, perhaps very
>  wrong.  People may have gotten here thousands to tens of thousands of years
>  sooner, over a longer period of time, by a wider variety of routes, and
>  a more diverse ancestry.  If this proves true, it will force a rethinking
>  the whole concept of America: a land whose human history may be three times
>  longer than imagined, and one where Columbus would have been just one of
>  last of many waves of
>  "discoverers."
>   "The bottom line is that people could have reached here a long, long
>  time ago," says Dennis Stanford, chairman of the anthropology department at
>  the Smithsonian Institution.  Stanford is among a growing number of
>  scientists advancing the still heretical belief that the first North
>  Americans did not walk over in one main migration but came much earlier,
>  by boat.  Under fire is the time-honored "Clovis-first" theory, named after
>  a site in New Mexico where big, stone spear points were found in the 1930s.
>  The artifacts were left by a mammoth-hunting culture that appeared in North
>  America a little more than 11,000 years ago.  The Clovis people were real,
>  but the standard textbook lessons about them may well be wrong. It now
>  appears that they were not the first in the New World.  "I think we're in a
>  whole new ballgame of discovery about who the first Americans were and when
>  they got here," Stanford says.
>That would spell the end of the heroic saga generations of
>  schoolchildren have learned--of a great invasion of big-game hunters
>  up on a virgin landscape.  The peopling of the Americas is beginning to
>  more like a continuation of another, even grander, saga: the human
>  occupation of the Old World that started perhaps 100,000 years ago.  The
>  peopling of Europe and Asia was an expansion featuring multiple migrations
>  and an ebb and flow of cultures that, it now appears, may have washed into
>  the Americas in a series of waves starting well before Clovis times,
>  as early as 30,000 years ago.
>Despite the primacy of the Clovis-first tale, some scientists never
>  could quite embrace it.  Over the years, hundreds of sites have been touted
>  as older than the 11,200-year-old early Clovis sites, including Calico in
>  San Bernardino County, Calif., endorsed in the 1960s by famed African
>  anthropologist Louis Leakey as possibly more than 200,000 years old.  But
>  each time, at Calico and elsewhere, parades of outside experts said the
>  "tools" were natural stones, or the dates were wrong, or supposedly human
>  bones weren't human, or the charcoal was from a naturally caused wildfire,
>  not a man-made hearth, or all that and more.  The sites "have gotten their
>  15 minutes of fame, then disappeared into obscurity," said James Adovasio,
>  professor of archaeology at Mercyhurst College in Erie, Pa.
>   Adovasio has his own tale of scholarly rejection.   Since 1973 he has
>  led excavation of the Meadowcroft Rockshelter, a 43-foot-high jutting cliff
>  that provides protection from rain along its base.  It looks out on Cross
>  Creek, in rugged country 30 miles southwest of Pittsburgh.  The landowner,
>  Albert Miller, whose family has had the property since 1795 and operates a
>  colonial-era museum there, 

Re: [CTRL] Young Americans

1999-01-25 Thread Agent Smiley

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/25/99 7:09:36 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> Their pioneering ancestors supposedly arrived
>  in the New World little more than 11 300 years ago on foot, in three waves
>  of migration over the Bering land bridge that used to link Siberia with

You're behind IMHO.  Look for my coming post entitled Rediscovering America.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Dictatorship?

1999-01-25 Thread J FROST

 -Caveat Lector-

You have made all kinds of replies to questions I didn't ask.

Any constitution is just the process of enacting laws. Brainwashed
people almost think of our constitution of some great holy book
of wisdom and justice.
  A book to ensure rights?  What a hoax.

Law is not a means to grant rights but to take them away.
If people agreed on all things, politicians nor law would exist.

Laws ... constitution or what ever you want to call them are
processes to force people to
*  Do something they don't want to  or
*  To force them to stop doing something they want to.

#1  (No blibber blabber) True or false?
*  By threats, arrest, taking our money by force or putting us
   in jail, the politician force us to pay them protection money
   that they label taxes.
   If we pay their protection money they protect us from themselves
   arresting us or putting us in prison.

#2  (No blibber blabber) True or false?
* With the money they extort from us they create courts, judges, laws
and hire thugs/cops to enforce their will/laws.

#3  (No blibber blabber) True or false?
No matter what that law is about
*  What project the government is going to force you top pay for.
*  What the government is going to force you to do.
*  What the government is not going to allow you to do.

Laws are made to force people to do something do bow to the will
of the government.

#4  (No blibber blabber) True or false?
*  The ability of someone to do something they want
*  The ability of someone to refuse something they don't want to do.

Rights, liberty, freedom ... by any adjective they are the rights of
to have their way.

#5  (No blibber blabber) True or false?
By their very nature laws are to settle disputes of controversy between
people of conflicting wills.
 All laws are a device of controversy.
If you make the tree huggers happy with your laws you piss off
the money grubbers.
If you make the money grubbers happy, you piss off the tree huggers.

Every law signed ... in the same stroke "rights" are given to one segment
of society, they are taken away from another.

#6  (No blibber blabber) True or false?

The constitution (which politicians mock) is but a statement of
and a procedures reference on how laws are to be created.

You can pray to it like some holy book, you can quote it, put fender
and squirrel tails on it ... but after all the blibber blabber it does
ONE thing
  (By intimidation, assault, arrest, imprisonment or death)
The constitution/laws take away the rights/liberties/freedoms of one
of the people to give to another !

 They tell us this is a republic
a) A political order in which the supreme
who are entitled to vote for officers and
representatives responsible to them.
b) A nation that has such a political order.
[French rpublique, from Old French, from Latin rspblica : rs,
thing + pblica, feminine of pblicus, of the people. See PUBLIC]

Because there is a conflict of wills between people, politicians
laws, constitutions exist.
Because there is a conflict of wills between people the giving of
rights to one segment of society is the denial of rights to the segment
of society with opposing wills.

In any decisions made as to who gets to impose their laws/will
on others there are 6 possibilities.

Do not write under each possibility, do not answer questions I
did not ask. Do not rephrase my questions.

Just give me the letter ( a  to  f)  of which segment gets to impose
it's will/laws in the end results of your holy constitution?

a)  Some minority
b)  Politicians should decide what laws the nation should have
based on their own agendas...
c)   The politicians should represent those who bribe them, in which
this nation is a political bribery form of government.
d)   Politicians should implement the will of their party bosses
e)   The politicians should implement the will of God as preachers
tell them what God really wants.
f)  The politicians should represent the will of the majority

Brainwashed eggheads babble on and on like politicians. They
try to make it confusing so people do not understand... but after all
their hog wash one of these segments of society will have their
rights imposed by that constitution, while the rest of society will
have their rights taken away by that constitution.

#6  (No blibber blabber)  a  b  c   d  e  f
Under your holy constitution tell us which "PEOPLE" get to impose
their rights?


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propa

Re: [CTRL] fw: 10 Facts in Respect to Alien Abductions:

1999-01-25 Thread Jeff Hearon

 -Caveat Lector-

They are demon manifestations, who work lying wonders as spoke of in

e.g.: And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from
heaven on the earth in the sight of men, And deceiveth them that dwell on
the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the
sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should
make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
Rev 13:13-14
And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the
dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false
prophet. 016:014 For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which
go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them
to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.
Rev 16:13-14

Jeff Hearon

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Monday, January 25, 1999 11:20 AM
> Subject:  Re: [CTRL] fw: 10 Facts in Respect to Alien Abductions:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> My comments interspersed below.
> Teo1000
> In a message dated 1/24/99 7:37:19 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> writes:
> << Karla Turner's 10 Facts in Respect to Alien Abductions:
>  1) We don't know with any certainty  exactly what these entities may be;
>  they may be extraterrestrial, inter-dimensional, earthly or some
> combination
>  of the above.
> ((Teo1000 comments:  I would say that most evidence points to earthly or
> natural sources for the phenomenon, but do not discount the others
> presented
> here as well.)
>  2) At least some of the aliens lie. [Predictions, warnings, promises, and
>  contradictions.]
> ((Teo1000:  This is where the psy-op and disinformation is it's thickest.
> There is no evidence that we are dealing with intelligences from the
> stars,
> and as is rightly pointed out they give us no superior knowledge or future
> revelations.  This is just mind control plain and simple.  You may want to
> contend that it is alien intelligences doing the mind control, but I would
> dispute that point.))
>  3)  During encounters, the human's perceptions are controlled as are the
>  conscious memories of the encounters.
> ((Teo1000:  Absolutely agree.  But who is controlling and what is the
> desired
> effect of the control.  If it is to hide their existence it is a miserable
> failure, so that can be ruled out.  If it is to cause societal change or
> effect mass consciousness, that is working perfectly.  Mass psy-op to
> prepare
> the people for some revelation, that in MO has nothing to do with aliens
> from
> space.))
>  4) False memories can overlay and disguise the actual events of an
>  encounter.
> ((Teo1000:  True, again though, with what purpose and goal.))
>  5) Abductees report alien controlled information to the  research
>  community.  While reporting their experiences honestly and sincerely,
>  abductees are really reporting alien-controlled data.
> ((Teo1000:  There are too many controlled people in the movement and that
> is
> why it is doomed for useful information.))
>  6)  There is a serious element of human involvement in the abduction
>  phenomenon, in addition to the very real alien participation.  Many
>  abductees are monitored and harassed by human agents of some sort and the
>  cases involving phone and mail interference, helicopter surveillance are
>  only part of the story.
> ((Teo1000:  Human involvement, absolutely.  I have a problem with "very
> real
> alien participation".  Psy-op and cover for illegal human experimentation
> with
> mind control devices and classes of "less than lethal" weapons, in real
> world
> situations, is the more probable solution.  Aliens are the bugaboo for
> illegal
> governmental experimentation.  There may be aliens but I've seen no good
> proof
> yet.))
>  7)  The abduction agenda involves quite physical aims and procedures that
>  belie the idea of a primary spiritual motivation on the aliens part, as
> well
>  as refuting the notion that all they're doing in their agenda is
>  crossbreeding. There are physical procedures and aims that have nothing
> to
>  do with reproduction.  These include:
>various types of implants in parts of the body;
>insertion of wires and tubes into the chest, kidneys wrist and knees;
>brain operations, deliberate pain experiments (ouch!);
>abductees immersed in water, forced ingestion eating or drinking of
>  unknown fluids, cloning of humans
> ((Teo1000:  This supports the notion of illegal experimentation.  They
> need
> tissue samples and the like to effectively gauge the tested devices on the
> human body, no mystery here.  The spiritual angle in this scenario is also
> a
> cover for much more
> mundane and sinister designs.))
>  8) The agenda involves long-term mental and psychological programming of
> the
>  abductee, it targets among other 


1999-01-25 Thread RGates8254

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/24/99 8:49:26 PM Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 While the rest of us chuckled loudly,  I am sure that had this been seen by
David Kendall or Charles Ruff, they would have immediatly latched on to it
as *THE* explaination.


>  The President absolutely did not engage in any sexual conduct with Miss
>  Lewinsky and will vigorously defend himself against such claims. However
>  President would like to state that it is possible that a perfectly
>  innocent incident has been twisted by right wing Republicans in order to
>  undermine his administration.
>  Mr. Clinton has said that there was an occasion when it was necessary for
>  him to adjust his clothing he noticed with some embarrassment that his fly
>  was undone. The President said that he unfortunately had some difficulty
>  with his clothing as his zipper got stuck.
>  Because Mr. Clinton has slight arthritis in his hands he found he could not
>  get the zipper up. He therefore, for medical reasons, was forced to enlist
>  the assistance of one of his staffers, who was Miss Lewinsky.
>  In the course of assisting Mr. Clinton, Miss Lewinsky had to kneel in front
>  of him to facilitate the operation of the zipper. For medical reasons Mr.
>  Clinton has been advised to wear no undergarments and it so happened, that
>  in their anxiety to end the embarrassment and rectify the
>  fly problem, that Mr. Clinton's penis may have fallen out of his trousers.
>  As Miss Lewinsky was grappling with his fly and felt sure that she nearly
>  had it, and did not want Mr. Clinton to be seen with his penis hanging out,
>  she took the presidential penis into her mouth so that it would
>  not be visible should anyone enter the room. Mr. Clinton was unable to use
>  his own hands for this purpose as he was assisting Miss Lewinsky by holding
>  her hair out of her face so she could properly visualize his fly.
>  It took some minutes for Miss Lewinsky to fix Mr. Clinton's fly, and it was
>  during this time that another staff member entered the room and apparently
>  completely misconstrued the situation.
>  Mr. Clinton would like to reiterate that there was nothing unusual about
>  working relationship with Miss Lewinsky. He did say however that as he had
>  trouble with his fly on a number of occasions, necessitating Miss
>  Lewinsky's repeated assistance, he was considering changing his tailor.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: GOP's Endless End Game

1999-01-25 Thread RGates8254

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/24/99 10:19:00 PM Mountain Standard Time,

>  From:  Ifmagazine
>  Subj:  GOP's Endless End Game
>  President Clinton's impeachment is looking more and more like a political
>  Vietnam War for the Republicans. Instead of finding a graceful way out of
>  unpopular quagmire, the GOP continues to lurch forward, hoping against hope
>  that one more allegation, one more sortie of political carpet-bombing can
>  snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.
  So if anything is considered "unpopular" the people involved should
find some kind of graceful way out?  The prosocuters of the OJ simpson case
should have not even prosocuted him...after all...prosocution was considered
to be wrong by 90 percent of the African American community in LA.
>  There's also the temptation for the equivalent of a Cambodian invasion.
>  little attention in the past several days, the Republicans have opened up a
>  new legal front against Clinton in the friendlier terrain of Virginia. And
>  some right-wing extremists have been toying with charges against Senate
>  Democrats for allegedly violating their oaths of impartiality.
  Apparently consortium would have us believe that is is OK for jurors to go
to dinner partys and other gatherings put on by defendants in a case.
So OJ simpson could have had all the jurors over to his house while
the case was being tried, had a big dinner party, played golf together, smoked
cigars and by the consortiums logic they would still be considered impartial.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Sexual Relations

1999-01-25 Thread Agent Smiley

 -Caveat Lector-

##This was posted on another list.  If someone asked me if I had sex with
someone, I would understand what they meant.  If someone asked me if I had a
sexual relationship with someone, I would know what they meant.  Until this
whole fiasco, I had never heard the term 'sexual relations.'  Why was that
phrase chosen instead of one more familiar?  One could argue that it was an
elaborate scheme to let the president off the hook by giving him something he
could weasel out of.  One could also argue that it was a perjury trap.  I
guess it all depends on your perspective.

Hi Gang,
At the deposition, the Paula Jones Inc. attorneys presented a broad,
three-part definition of the term "sexual relations" to be used by them in the
questioning. Judge Wright ruled that two parts of the definition  were "too
broad" and eliminated them. (2 & 3, as well as the definition of "Contact"
were struck. Only Number 1 was used. The definitions still appeared on the
document, but they had a line drawn through them. Clinton could see what had
been struck.) The President, therefore, was presented with the following
definition (as he understood it to have been amended by the Court):

Definition of Sexual Relations

For the purposes of this deposition, a person engages in "sexual
relations" when the person knowingly engages in or causes -

(1) contact with the genitalia, anus, groin, breast, inner thigh, or
buttocks of any person with an intent to arouse or gratify the sexual
desire of any person;

(2) contact between any part of the person's body or an object and
the genitals and anus of another person; or

(3) contact between the genitals or anus of the person and any part of
another person's body.

"Contact" means intentional touching, either directly or through

This is what is know as a Perjury Trap. If the President would have
referred to sexual relations outside of this definition, he would have been
guilty of perjury before the court, but seen as honest before the public. By
staying within this definition, he was honest before the court, but seen as
guilty before the public.  What pisses off the GOFP is that by the phrase in
Number 1, "with an intent to arouse or gratify the sexual desire of any
person", the lawyerly wordsmith Clinton saw a way to deny even this. He could
say, "I didn't intend to gratify her. I was merely holding her breast for
balance." (c;  Ok, maybe he wouldn't use the balance part, but you get the
idea. Regardless, by this definition, he did not commit Perjury. Legally, he
beat them with their own definition. But with this "testimony", the GOFP was
free to run before any and every camera to show "Proof" that the President
lied and committed Perjury. And did they ever.

The GOFP was not originally concerned with an actual conviction. They were
quite happy to keep Clinton hamstrung from actually implementing any of his
policies, while lining their own pockets, and the pockets of their
contributors, without the watchful eye of a scandal-crazed media paying much
attention to anything else. The Rich were getting Richer quickly. In fact Newt
would have never allowed this to go this far. Kind of hard to say you "miss
Newt", isn't it? Newt may be many things, but he is not a political fool. The
GOFP, now running a wild Jihad without an Ayatollah, has actually convinced
itself it can and should convict. Thankfully, the public knows better. And
with the actions of the Taliban-prosecutors interrogating Lewinsky today, now
so do many members of the Senate.

Hopefully enough of them to dismiss these charges tomorrow.


BTW, the entire Senate Trial Memoranda can be seen at http://www.american-

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] EIR vs. Al Gore

1999-01-25 Thread RGates8254

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/24/99 9:33:34 AM Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>  EIR Talks Interview 01/20/99
>  Author:   John Covici <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Date:   1999/01/22
>  Forums:   alt.politics.usa.newt-gingrich, alt.activism,
>  alt.politics.british, alt.politics.democrats.d, alt.current-events.russia,
>  alt.current-events.bosnia, talk.politics.mideast, talk.politics.china
>  Please note this is a rough transcript -- I am sending it out without
>  proofreading because of its urgency.
>   EIR Talks
>   January 20, 1999
>   Interviewer: Tony Papert
>   "EIR Talks" can now be heard on the Internet. Tune in on
>  the EIR website, On Sundays, "EIR Talks"
>  airs on shortwave, on WWCR, at 5 PM Eastern, at frequency 5.065
>  megahertz. On Saturdays, "EIR Talks" airs on satellite at 5 PM
>  Eastern, on G-7, Transponder 14, 91 Degrees West. For further
>  details call Frank Bell, 703-777-9451, ext. 252.
>  PAPERT: Welcome to EIR Talks. It's Wednesday, January 20, 1999.
>  My name is Tony Papert, and with us in the studio today is
>  Jeffrey Steinberg, EIR's Counterintelligence editor.
>   Jeff, on two previous shows, we've spoken about the terrible
>  danger to the United States if President Clinton should be
>  convicted, and now Vice-President Al Gore become President. But I
>  know that more recently, since those shows, EIR intelligence has
>  accumulated hard evidence which actually closes the circle, and
>  makes the case indisputable, to say the least.
>  STEINBERG: Well, the fact is that, as we've been saying for many
>  years, the now-impeachment process playing out before the United
>  States Senate against President Clinton, has been from the outset
>  a foreign intelligence-directed assault on the U.S. Presidency,
>  which has no basis in law whatsoever. In other words, in the case
>  of President Clinton, there are no impeachable offenses, and in
>  fact, to the extent that any kind of "high crimes and
>  misdemeanors" were committed by anyone, those crimes were
>  committed by the people who have been working round the clock
  This reminds me of the VP of the Intl Olympic Committee yesterday claiming
that their was no bribary, corruption, or illegal acts committed by their
when in fact that is exactly how the games are bribary,
and otherwise.  If Steinberg believes the info he puts out then I have a
bridge in
Brooklyn for sale if steinberg want to cut a check.
  The next reminder I get was from the days of Nixon when some of the
Nixon defenders were howling how he did nothing wrong, BUT even if he did
every other President did it etc  etc.
  If Clinton violated the law and committed perjury and other
illegal acts, then he should be convicted and removed from office.
  The founders gave the Senate two choices.  Either to remove from office
or not to remove from office (acquit).
   Unfortunatly an acquital  will send a message that lying under oath is OK;
1)  if it involves your personal life,
2)  if it involves your sex life or otherwise,
likewise it will send the clear message that BEFORE any person in America can
tried and convicted of any crime, we first need to
3) consult the local, state or national  opinion polls to see if we should.
Had we run
an opinion poll in LA during the OJ simpson case we probably would not have
had a trial.
4) permit the jurors of any trial in America to have personal involvement with
defendant during the trial.  If the defendant happens to be wealthy or well
the jurors could go to partys and dinners sponsored by the defendant...all the
claiming to be fair and impartial.  The OJ simpson criminal jury
would have to be considered the leading example of how a fair and impartial
should work.

5) Prosocuters would have to take into account the liberal/Democratic
definition of morality.  Which in essence is  any person who is "true" to
is to be considered a moral man.  What he does in his private life doesn't
So as long as he is true to issues, then he can cheat on his/her wife/husband,
or be a rapist, child molester and so on, all the while being a "moral man."

6) If the person  is true to issues and makes "contributions" to
society/people as a whole then no charges would "rise to the level of

7) Under the new feminist definition of sexual harrassment, if your a man, its
to expose yourself to a female staffer or otherwise, AS LONG as you stop/pull
your pants up if she says she is not interested.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectr

[CTRL] SkepticNews Monday #1

1999-01-25 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990125a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with : are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Aliens R Us Discussion Forum. This weeks topic:
"To what lengths are alien sightings connected with the government?"
'If they come, i will harm them' -
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

for a new millenium -

: Christianity schismed around CE 500 [Orthodoxy], 1000 [Catholicism] and
1500 [Protestantism]. Will it fracture again around 2000? In what ways?

*** Pope celebrates mass in Mexico. Face challenge of Protestant evangelism,
*** Also: Pope criticizes some U.S. policies, see
*** Also: Pope's North American schedule, see
*** And: Pope prods church on fighting evil, see

: What's your favorite church/state fight? Can a church fight evil? Can a
state? What's your favorite evil? Would you rather fight church or state?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

*** Anti-abortion leader seeks new era. Operation Rescue actions are over,
*** Anti-abortion activists deny inciting violence. Free speech never kills,

: Does incitement kill? What action would you like to incite? Against who?

*** Baptist leader gets day in court. Admitted mistakes and asked for mercy,
*** Canadian judge reviled for child-porn rule. Denunciations, deaththreats;

: Do church and state, morality and law, mix like oil and water? Why not?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

*** Indonesian riots force evacuations. Christian and Muslim gangs kill 49,
*** Also: Indonesian gov't appeals for peace,
*** And: Indonesia may shoot rioters,

: Are all religious fights just gang wars? Who's your favorite gang? Why?

*** Missionary, 2 sons burned to death in India. Hindu gang fires sleepers,
*** Also: Missionary mourned in India for work with lepers,
*** And: India rights abuses, U.S. firm linked,

: Are missionaries cultural imperialists? Is incineration over-reaction?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

*** China to lure Tibetans into atheism. BEIJING (AP) Chinese authorities
launched a campaign to lure Tibet's fervently Buddhist people to atheism
to undermine support for the Dalai Lama, a human rights group reported.
The campaign is the first to promote atheism among ordinary Tibetans since
disastrous efforts to wipe out religion during China's radical Cultural
Revolution 30 years ago. Launched early this month, the campaign is
supposed to show Tibetans the practical benefits atheism has for economic
development. Many Tibetans remain loyal to the Dalai Lama, who fled Tibet
in 1959 following a failed uprising against Chinese rule.
*** Also: China family values debate heats up,

: Can states waging genocide have "family values"? Does yours? Do atheism or
religion have economic advantages? Does economics have spiritual value? How?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

*** New microbes pose health risks. ANAHEIM, Calif. (AP) Previously unknown
bacteria and viruses blooming in the Earth's warming oceans are killing some
marine life and threatening human health, researchers say.  About 10% of the
coral worldwide has died; if present trends and conditions continue, another
20% to 30% of the coral could be lost. What's next - see

: How much ecocide is too much? Do ETs want us to sterilize Earth for them?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

*** 'Master cell' research questioned. If cells taken from aborted fetuses
or discarded embryos are used in research to create a cure for Parkinson's
disease and an abortion opponent who opposed the research gets Parkinson's,
should treatment be withheld? Ethics experts are grappling with these kinds
of questions as medical science moves toward a new frontier: research using
master cells that are the root of human life. Cost/benefit analysis - see

[CTRL] Enviros support removal of 8000 trees

1999-01-25 Thread RGates8254

 -Caveat Lector-

Ain't it *rich* so to speak.  The enviros don't have a problem in the world
with removing 8000 trees from Grand Canyon Park but they are concerned
about the "means"   Apparently it was suggested using horses instead of
 trucks to haul the cut down trees.
  Sec of Interior Babbitt (who is consided to be a God by some enviros)
claims this so called experiment is "necessary."I would point out that
if some logging company had made the suggestion, the enviros as a whole
would have been foaming out the mouth, but when it comes from their own,
and from "god" Bruce, then its ok.
Apparently  while the enviros still worship "old growth"  we are to realize
that growth less then 15 inches is considered expendible.
 Never mind the fact that those trees are the "old growth" of the future.

Grand Canyon Plans Experiment and the Removal of 8,000 Trees


   PHOENIX -- A proposed experiment in Grand Canyon National Park would mean
cutting down about 8,000 trees, and though environmentalists support the
project's ends, they are concerned about the means.

   If allowed this summer, it would apparently be the first time one of
America's 52 national parks had been logged. But park officials said the
experiment would not be a timber operation.

   The experiment is intended to find the most effective way to improve the
overall health of the forest by creating restoration areas for cutting and
controlled burning. Park officials released a draft environmental assessment
this week indicating that about 8,000 trees would be removed in the project.
They also scheduled public hearings for next month in Arizona and Utah.

   Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt said the experiment was necessary because
"for many years we suppressed naturally occurring fire and, without meaning
to, created artificial, unhealthy and dangerous forests."

   The Sierra Club and the Grand Canyon Trust agree that something must be
done about years of fuel buildup in the park, which they say could cause
fires, insect and disease outbreaks. But some environmentalists fear too many
trees will be cut down.

   "You can always cut down more trees, but you can't put them back," said a
Sierra Club forest specialist, Sharon Galbreath. "Should we be experimenting
in a national park, with a method that resembles full-scale logging?"

   R. V. Ward, a Grand Canyon Park biologist, says trees are cut all the
time," like in road-widening projects.

   He said the experiment must be conducted in the park because no place else
could duplicate the conditions.

   Ward said every effort will be made to prevent damage to the forest,
including the possibility of using horses instead of trucks to haul cut trees.

   According to the plan for the Grand Canyon, none of the trees cut will
exceed 15 inches in diameter and none will be sold commercially, a park
spokeswoman, Maureen Oltrogge, said on Friday.

Sunday, January 24, 1999
Copyright 1999 The New York

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[CTRL] Fw: UFOMIND: Skeptic's News Review (SkeptiNews 990122a)

1999-01-25 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
Date: Monday, January 25, 1999 10:04 AM
Subject: Re: UFOMIND: Skeptic's News Review (SkeptiNews 990122a 1-day trial)

>You are one of the bigger losers I have come across in a long time.
>Suggestion - find something productive to do with your time. Help
>society, for instance, instead of attacking itsheesh.

Ah, Gentle Readers, am I attacking society by posting theses
bulletins?  Is ceaseless questioning an attack?  On what?

Is a fascination with UFOlogy, conspiratoralism, the cutting
edges of real & weird science, real & weird philosophy, real
& weird thinking, belief, cultism, a huge waste of time?  Is
questioning the precepts and preconceptions and conclusions
that people live by, evidence of being a loser?  Why?

Will the world be better off when the weather warms up and I
get out from behind this keyboard and bicycle more?  Should I
work up a sweat?  Right now?  Will the Reptilioids let me?

  Ric "always open to constructive criticism" Carter

* [EMAIL PROTECTED] * * ICQ# 19633976 *

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Earth First Group and NWO

1999-01-25 Thread RGates8254

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/25/99 9:36:37 AM Mountain Standard Time,

>  In a message dated 1/24/99 3:31:02 AM Eastern Standard Time,
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
>  >   What it boils down to is "old growth" is your interest and while you
>  >  can clearly see the land grab issue as being NWO, you don't make the
>  >  connection to the logging side because it happens to be a personal issue
>  >  with you.  I would point out that the people on the land
>  >  grab issue would probably see "old growth" as being NWO while their
>  >  pet, prized issue would be ranked in the "not the same" catagory.
>  I am sure you have already been taught in school that oxygen is necessary
>  OUR survival as a species.  If this is not an issue with you then I suggest
>  you work on developing your survival instinct and quit pushing paradigms
> that
>  are not consistent with survival.  That will make YOU complicit a
>  of unexamined thinking and behavior, our greatest enemy

  As I pointed out your tripwire, pet issue happens to be "old growth"   To
of the people, land grab is the pet issue, to others its the turtles, and the
All done in the name of terms like "sustainable growth", biodiversity," and
such terms being peddled by the NWO/UN.
  People involved in those projects wax eloquent about how their one issue(s)
is the one thats crucial to the survival of humanity and the planet.
 Of no matter, its all parts and pieces of the same NWO plans whether
folks like it or not.
Jet airplanes aren't built in one day, but requre that many parts and pieces
assembled to achieve the final product.  The NWO is exactly the same.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [SC] SkepticNews Monday #1

1999-01-25 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Chuck Steel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: SkeptiChat list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, January 25, 1999 10:31 AM
Subject: Re: [SC] SkepticNews Monday #1

>> for a new millenium -
>> : Christianity schismed around CE 500 [Orthodoxy], 1000 [Catholicism] and
>> 1500 [Protestantism]. Will it fracture again around 2000? In what ways?
>At least in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America a big deal right
>now is whether gays can be preachers. The church says that they're cool
>with it, as long as said preacher doesn't practice his/her sexuality.
>Some churches have been expelled from the organization because they
>stood by their pastors when they opened up about their relationships.

American Methodists are tussling too - a lesbian wedding was just
officiated by 95(!!) California/Nevada ministers, who stand to be
expelled for this.  And sexuality in many aspects is a wedge issue
in many xian factions.  But is this the Next Big Schism?  Will most
of xianity divide into pro- and anti-  blocs?
Or is the schism happening on a Mainline vs. Fundamentalist line?
Will Roman Catholicism itself split-off a new church supporting gay
rights, ordained women, reproductive freedom, etc?  And if our new
technologies merge all humanity into a hive-mind, or the Eva-Borg
ETs take us over, or the Illuminati exercise god-like powers to
turn us into lizards, will we care?  Curious minds wanna know...

  Ric "familiarity breeds" Carter

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Propagnda, Inc., Selling America's Culture to the World

1999-01-25 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

An excerpt from:
Propagnda, Inc., Selling America's Culture to the World
Nancy Snow©1998
Foreward©1998 by Herbert I. Schiller
Introduction©1998 by Michael Parenti
Seven Sister Press
ISBN 1-888363-74-6
Open Media Pamphlet Series
I can not recommend enough this essay by Nancy Snow. Another technocrat gone
awol. This is just a taste, Call or ask for it at your local bookstore. And
remember where the new head of NPR came from.

by Herbert I. Schiller

One of the unique talents of American capitalism has been its mastery of
salesmanship. This should not be surprising given that marketing has been an
indispensable and pervasive feature of the economy since at least the Civil

Still, selling a deeply flawed economic system to the people with the same
enthusiasm and success devoted to advertising a bar of soap is a challenging
assignment. just as dentifrices and deodorants are extolled as matchless and
wondrous, capitalism receives equally rapturous promotion, beginning in
children's primers and continuing through succeeding educational and cultural
channels across the social order.

One of the tricks of effective advertising is to identify the product with a
highly desirable quality that has widespread appeal. A certain toothpaste, for
instance, claims to offer a feeling of freshness. In selling the private
ownership system to the public, this first principle of hucksterism has been
applied with remarkable effectiveness.

In a nation whose origins began with an anti-colonial revolution, freedom and
liberty are powerful words. Fully aware of this, generations of systemic
hucksters have appropriated these words on behalf of profits and class-
dominated governance. This has been the national experience since the First
World War.

This cataclysmic event, along with its profound effects on the distribution of
world power, has transformed and exponentially increased American propaganda-
salesmanship for political goals-domestically and globally.

It ushered in an era of far-reaching American power-economically, politically,
and culturallywhich produced a giant global shift in influence from the old,
worn-out European empires, to the new financialcultural domain being created
by American capital.

To make the emerging American system of domination palatable at home and
acceptable abroad to nations which had struggled for centuries against
colonialism, a new dimension of propaganda was a necessity.

As Dr. Snow perceptively points out in her text, two overriding objectives
comprised the agenda for U. S. propaganda in the postwar period: the defense
of the existing capitalist world against threatened social change-socialism in
Western Europe and elsewhereand the capture of the ex-colonial world for
private enterprise and foreign capital.

Anti-communism was the instrument that served both objectives as well as the
means of gaining domestic support, or at least toleration, for American global
interventions and takeovers. Anti-communism turned attention away from
pressing problems at home and abroad by focusing hysterically on fabricated
external threats. At the same time, it enabled a continually expanding U.S.
world presence to be explained as offering protection against communism.

For nearly half a century, the United States Information Agency (USIA) waged
ideological war against communism in its worldwide broadcasts. Using the
rhetoric of freedom and liberty-the CIA-operated stations in Europe were named
Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty-American propaganda dwelled on the ominous
and imminent threat of communism, while U.S. corporations moved into one
global space after another.

The influence of the USIA in this period cannot be over-exaggerated.
Certainly, the commercial flood of U.S. cultural products that engulfed the
world in the last fifty years-movies, TV programs, recordings, publications,
student exchanges, theme parks, data bases et al—was, by far, the most
important means in transmitting ideology, anti-communism and American socio-
economic institutions. Yet the USIA did its bit to target those government
bureaucrats, intellectuals, local managers, etc., who may have disdained U. S.
popular culture.

Once the Soviet system collapsed, however, the propaganda war took a new turn.
Again, Dr. Snow is right on target as she charts the shift in the USIAs
efforts, away from anti-communism to full devotion to U. S. corporate
initiatives, to extend the latter's influence in what Wall Street designated
as "emerging market" states, mostly former colonial territories.

Snow makes amply clear that, in this latest propaganda campaign, the use of
student and academic exchange programs, and the Agency's mandate to work for
mutual understanding between nations, have been perverted into crass missions
to assist American companies in finding profitable business overseas.

Yet propaganda has its limits. Reality, at some point, always intrudes. As
this is written, 

[CTRL] Navy Trains Killers - Recruited from Prisons

1999-01-25 Thread Agent Smiley

 -Caveat Lector-

(FWD) From: alt.activism
C'mon Hank, we had the Phoenix program in 'Nam..taking out uppre level
known VC and NVA sympathizers and actual 'plants' from the north, in
south vietnam. They weren't all 'spooks' (CIA). There were military
trained assassins, no? Hope you and Janey are Well.
Bob Goldstein  (away out here in Phoenix)
  " London Sunday Times
Navy Commander Thomas Narut, stationed in Naples, admitted at a NATO
conference to a training program for killers.
According to Harry Martin and David Caul:
A U.S. Navy psychologist, who claims that the Office of Naval
Intelligence had taken convicted murderers from military prisons, used
behavior modification techniques on them, and then relocated them in
American embassies throughout the world. Just prior to that time, the
U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee had censured the CIA for its global
political assassination plots, including plots against Fidel Castro.
The Navy psychologist was Lt. Commander Thomas Narut of the U.S.
Regional Medical Center in Naples, Italy. The information was divulged
at an Oslo NATO conference of 120 psychologists from the eleven nation
alliance. According to Dr. Narut, the U.S. Navy was an excellent place
for a researcher to find "captive personnel" whom they could could use
as guinea pigs in experiments. The Navy provided all the funding
necessary, according to Narut.
Dr. Narut, in a question and answer session with reporters from many
nations, revealed how the Navy was secretly programming large numbers
of assassins.  He said that the men he had worked with for the Navy
were being prepared for commando-type operations, as well as covert
operations in U.S. embassies worldwide. He described the men who went
through his program as "hit men and assassins" who could kill oncommand.
Careful screening of the subjects was accomplished by Navy
psychologists through the military records, and those who actually
received assignments where their training could be utilized, were
drawn mainly from submarine crews, the paratroops, and many were
convicted murderers serving military prison sentences. Several men who
had been awarded medals for bravery were drafted into the program.
The assassins were conditioned through "audio-visual desensitization".
The process involved the showing of films of people being injured or
killed in a variety of ways, starting with very mild depictions,
leading up to the more extreme forms of mayhem. Eventually, the
subjects would be able to detach their feelings even when viewing the
most horrible of films. The conditioning was most successful when
applied to "passive-aggressive" types, and most of these ended up
being able to kill without any regrets. The prime indicator of violent
tendencies was the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory. Dr.
Narut knew of two Navy programming centers, the neuropsychiatric
laboratory in San Diego and the U.S. Regional Medical Center in Italy,
where he worked.
During the audio-visual desensitization programming, restraints were
used to force the subject to view the films. A device was used on the
subjects eyelids to prevent him from blinking. Typically, the
preliminary film was on an African youth being ritualistically
circumcised with a dull knife and without any anesthetic. The second
film showed a sawmill scene in which a man accidentally cut off hisfingers.
In addition to the desensitization films, the potential assassins
underwent programming to create prejudicial attitude in the men, to
think of their future enemies, especially the leaders of these
countries, as sub-human. Films and lectures were presented demeaning
the culture and habits of the people of the countries where it had
been decided they would be sent.
After his NATO lecture, Dr. Narut disappeared. He could not be
located. Within a week of so after the lecture, the Pentagon issued an
emphatic denial that the U.S. Navy had "engaged in psychological
training or other types of training of personnel as assassins." They
disavowed the programming centers in San Diego and Naples and stated
they were unable to locate Narut, but did provide confirmation that he
was a staff member of the U.S. Regional Medical Center in Naples.
Dr. Alfred Zitani, an American delegate to the Oslo conference, did
verify Narut's remarks and they were published in the Sunday Times.
Sometime later, Dr. Narut surfaced again in London and recanted his
remarks, stating that he was "talking in theoretical and not practical
terms." Shortly thereafter, the U.S. Naval headquarters in London
issued a statement indicating that Dr. Narut's remarks at the NATO
conference should be discounted because he had "personal problems".
Dr. Narut never made any further public statements about the program.
During the NATO conference in Oslo, Dr. Narut had remarked that the
reason he was divulging the information was because he believed that
the information was coming out an

Re: [CTRL] What's Wrong with Chief Justice Renquist?

1999-01-25 Thread Joe Hova

 -Caveat Lector-

>The second clue, which went oddly unpublicized by the major news
>media and could only be seen by those who watched the full, live
>proceedings on C-SPAN, was when he arrived at his station on the
>floor of the U.S. Senate, stood up, and said in a nasally,
>voice (evidently an impression of Bette Davis), "Fasten your
>gentlemen -- it's going to be a bumpy ride!"  The gallery erupted
>laughter, and I suppose it was amusing, but then, is this really the
>venue for vaudeville?

>Toward the end of the day, evidently overcome with ennui, Justice
>Renquist saw fit to remove a pocket comb and, holding up the first
>inch or so of its teeth beneath his nose, he turned, first this
>way and then that, giving the Nazi salute to the assembly.  It was
>without doubt the most remarkable spectacle I have ever seen, and

Did this really happen, or is this just a put-on.  Either way it's good
reading.  Cspan ( has most of the proceedings in realaudio,
but I'll be damned if I'm going to go through the entire thing.

If Rehnquist does believe himself to be Bette Davis, maybe he could step
aside so Clarence Thomas can preside over the hearing.  Imagine him
glowering at Joe Biden, actually having to say something (Thomas is
notoriously quiet during the Court's oral arguments) or asking for an In
Camera inspection of Monica.  He's the perfect man for this.

Joe Hova

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] Earth First Group and NWO]

1999-01-25 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

Agent Smiley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> In a message dated 1/23/99 1:02:27 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> > The NWO/UN/Global government crowds ultimate goal is to stop all
> >  logging/mining
> >  and other things and allow the land to go back to nature.
> >Whether knowing, or unknowing the enviro's as a whole are supporting
> >  NWO/
> >  global government plans.  While some of the rank-in-file enviro group
> member
> If environmentalism is the gist of the NWO's plot, then we have no case
> against this 'movement.'  If Earth First! was involved in such a complicity
> then they would not be spending so much time in jail, getting beat up (by
> cops, etc.), getting blown up by the FBI on the way to testifying against
> very agency, not to mention all the bad press, i.e. terrorism labelling,
> blah blah.
> This is among the lamest conspiratorial claims that I have ever seen.

OTOH, the conservation movement has deep roots (pun intended) in social
conservatism. Environmentalism has often been used as an excuse to ignore
social problems, and can even lead to a kind of pastoral fascism--cp. the Nazi
concept of *Blut und Boden* ("Blood and Soil"). The idea of setting aside
"nature reserves" as, essentially, playgrounds for the super-elite (and I
think you'll find that it will be the hoi polloi who are moved out, not the
Ted Turners) fits quite well into the vision of a NWO.

Now, even given that, I still support Earth First!--they are one of the very
few groups doing *anything* to block the logging companies, and their tactics
are resolutely nonviolent. It's just that environmental activism can all too
easily be redirected to channels controlled by the NWO. Earth First! and Sea
Shepherds are not likely to be coopted; but the Sierra Club has undoubtedly
been part of the NWO from the start. (Check out some of John Muir's writings;
sure, they put out cool calendars, but if you really *read* the stuff beneath
the pictures, you'll never look at a redwood again without shuddering...)


Robert F. Tatman
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Enviros support removal of 8000 trees

1999-01-25 Thread Agent Smiley

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/25/99 1:14:57 PM Eastern Standard Time,

>  The enviros

A blanket term used to discredit.  What are you up to here?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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1999-01-25 Thread Agent Smiley

>  Activist Mailing List -
>  Volume 353, Number 9149  23 January 1999
>  The longest toxicology study--a 90-day rat study submitted by
>  manufacturer Monsanto--indicated that rbST was absorbed intact from the
>  gut at high doses and elicited "a primary antigenic response".
>  The FDA did not consider the 90-day rat study pivotal...
>  ***
>  Dear Friends,
>  Let us place this all in its proper perspective.  That 90 day study,
>  authored by Richard, Odaglia and Deslex was actually a study lasting for
>  180 days.  When I met with FDA scientists in a formal meeting on
>  April 21, 1995, I learned that the raw data from the study was never
>  actually reviewed.
>  What was reviewed was a summary prepared by a MONSANTO scientist who was
>  mysteriously hired by FDA.  Her name:  Margaret Miller, Ph.D.
>  Four months later the rigorous statistical analyses of these data took
>  place and that is when the BS(T) "hit the fan!"  Pivotal study?  FDA
>  published a review of all of the research in the August 24, 1990 issue
>  of the Journal SCIENCE. (SCIENCE is a journal started by Thomas
>  Edison---an opportunity for studies to be read by scientists all over
>  the world).  Today SCIENCE is read by an estimated 500,000 people every
>  week making it the most-read scientific journal in the world.
>  There were seven tables and charts in this study.  Tables number one and
>  two were built from data contained in this study.  OF COURSE IT WAS
>  "PIVOTAL."  Had FDA designated it pivotal, all of the data would have
>  had to have been released, BY LAW!
>  In 1992 the Inspector General, Richard Kusserow said that ALL of the
>  data from the study would be released "if and when the hormone is
>  approved."  I am still waiting.
>  The data could not be released, and never will, because ALL of the lab
>  animals got cancer.  In order to insure that I do not release the study,
>  AMERICA passed the ECONOMIC ESPIONAGE ACT, right in the middle of my
>  lawsuit in federal court.  Should I release the actual data and proof
>  that ALL OF THE ANIMALS GOT CANCER, I will be fined $10 million dollars
>  and go to jail for 15 years.
>  Read the details of my suit and a timeline of events:
>  Robert Cohen
>  __
>  To unsubscribe, write to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  Start Your Own FREE Email List at

Activist Mailing List -


Volume 353, Number 9149  23 January 1999
The longest toxicology study--a 90-day rat study submitted by
manufacturer Monsanto--indicated that rbST was absorbed intact from the
gut at high doses and elicited "a primary antigenic response".

The FDA did not consider the 90-day rat study pivotal...


Dear Friends,

Let us place this all in its proper perspective.  That 90 day study,
authored by Richard, Odaglia and Deslex was actually a study lasting for
180 days.  When I met with FDA scientists in a formal meeting on
April 21, 1995, I learned that the raw data from the study was never
actually reviewed.

What was reviewed was a summary prepared by a MONSANTO scientist who was
mysteriously hired by FDA.  Her name:  Margaret Miller, Ph.D.

Four months later the rigorous statistical analyses of these data took
place and that is when the BS(T) "hit the fan!"  Pivotal study?  FDA
published a review of all of the research in the August 24, 1990 issue
of the Journal SCIENCE. (SCIENCE is a journal started by Thomas
Edison---an opportunity for studies to be read by scientists all over
the world).  Today SCIENCE is read by an estimated 500,000 people every
week making it the most-read scientific journal in the world.

There were seven tables and charts in this study.  Tables number one and
two were built from data contained in this study.  OF COURSE IT WAS
"PIVOTAL."  Had FDA designated it pivotal, all of the data would have
had to have been released, BY LAW!

In 1992 the Inspector General, Richard Kusserow said that ALL of the
data from the study would be released "if and when the hormone is
approved."  I am still waiting.

The data could not be released, and never will, because ALL of the lab
animals got cancer.  In order to insure that I do not release the study,
AMERICA passed the ECONOMIC ESPIONAGE ACT, right in the middle of my
lawsuit in federal court.  Should I release the actual data and proof
that ALL OF THE ANIMALS GOT CANCER, I will be fined $10 million dollars

[CTRL] Books for Sale

1999-01-25 Thread Lyn McCloskey

 -Caveat Lector-

I'm paring down my book collection which is becoming a bit overwhelming, so
here's a list of items I have for sale.  This entire first batch is 100%
hardbacks; most are out of print.  Many have the original dust jackets, are
in at least "good" condition and usually better, and are available for
below current market prices.  I love my books, so if it's listed as having
a dust jacket, it also has the mylar cover.  I'll be following up with
another list of additional hardbacks and paperbacks at a future date.

TERMS & CONDITIONS:  Blank postal money order or cash only.  No refunds.
Prices include mailing via Book Rate.  I can also ship via first-class or
Federal Express for an additional cost.  Please contact me directly at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with your interests or questions.

NOTES:  "dj" = original dust jacket.  "ex lib" = ex-library; includes a
bookplate and/or a stamped name inside front cover.

Fisher, Paul A. (c) 1988.  Ex lib in orig. dust jacket.  $30

Goodrich, Leland and Hambro, Edvard (c) 1950 dj slightly
chipped.  $8

Keys, Donald (c) 1982.  First edition in dj.  $8

Mackey, Albert G. (c) 1889.  Excellent condition; rebound
1984 in heavy cloth w/ leather labels.  $45

Trotter, W. circa 1920.  Ex lib; stamped on spine.  Spine
cloth slightly torn on upper and lower edges.  $8

6.  ISIS UNVEILED (2 vols.)
Blavatsky, H. P.  1972 reprints of the originals.  Excellent
condition w/ dj.  $45

Mackey, Albert G. (c) 1910.  Cloth binding w/ leather trim.
Spine chipped upper and lower edges; front endpaper slightly
separated, else very clean.  $45

Claudy, Carl H. (c) 1948.  First edition, ex lib.  Large chip
in top spine of dj.  $15

Pike, Albert.  1947 reprint in very good condition.  Includes
a free copy of Ralph Epperson's 1996 booklet, "A Review of
the Book Entitled 'Morals and Dogma'".  $30

McGavin, E. Cecil (c) 1947.  Fourth edition; 1956 reprint.
Ex lib in dj.  $12

White, Amber Blanco (c) 1939.  "Left Book Club Edition - Not
for Sale to the Public".  Cloth cover slightly stained and
worn; else good.  $8

Wells, H.G. (c) 1940.  First edition.  Clean copy in strong
binding; dj slightly worn.  $35

Howard, Michael (c) 1989.  Almost new in dj.  $12

Roscoe, Hugh.  English import; no copyright.  Appears to be
circa 1940.  dj slightly chipped and spotted; else
clean.  $35

Wells, H.G. (c) 1928.  First edition.  Clean copy in strong
binding; dj slightly chipped at spine and corners.  $35

Roberts, Archibald Lt. Col. AUS (Ret.) (c) 1972.  dj slightly
marked.  Some underlining and margin notes in pencil.  $15

Roder, Dr. Thomas; Kubillus, Volker; Burwelll, Anthony (c) 1995).
Very clean in dj.  $20

Corti, Count Egan Caesar (c) 1928.  Endpapers spotted, else
clean.  $20

Hall, Manly P. (c) 1958.  Third edition in dj.  $20

20. SECRET DOCTRINE, THE (2 vols.)
Blavatsky, H. P. 1977 reprints of the originals.  Excellent
condition w/ dj.  $45

Manhattan, Avro (c) 1949.  Clean in orig. dj.  $15

Glossop, Ronald J. (c) 1993.  Small stains on cloth cover;
inscribed in pencil on front endpaper, else clean.  $8


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Testing on Civilians LEGAL!

1999-01-25 Thread CrimmSun

 -Caveat Lector-

Fucking hell!

In a message dated 1/25/99 10:47:56 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> U.S. Code 50 (Chapter 32, Section 1520(b)1)) states
>  that the Department of Defence MAY "conduct any test
>  or experiment involving the use of any chemical or
>  biological agent on civilian populations" only if the
>  DoD notifies "local civilian officials" 30 days before
>  testing chemical or biological agents on U.S. civilians.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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1999-01-25 Thread Harry Hendrickson

 -Caveat Lector-

Video library (copies) available for $3 each from a friendly patriot who
just wants to get the info to those who care.

NEW  E-MAIL  ADDRESS  ( add york to worldlynx ) I will still receive e-mail
under the old address without the (york), but my server said it will only
work for another week.

To order, send title of videos and corresponding video # to:
Your request will be sent to you (include address) After you receive
videos, just send $3 X number of videos plus $1.40 per video (postage),
send to address supplied with your videos( can also use book rate @
$1.00 per video for postage ) Takes about three weeks and may be damaged.
The post office does not suggest anything be sent book rate unless it can
take a good bouncing around !!

I just updated the list ( Fred has the videos, I have the computer)!!

Suppressed Videos
   Revised 1/21/99

1. American perspective-- Jeff Baker
2. Day 51 (Waco)--UTV
3. Waco/Oklahoma City Connection--Brubaker, GNBN
4. Overview of our world and one dozen candles-- J. McManus/J. Birch
5. Death of Vince Foster--Citizens for Honest Government
6. Clinton Chronicles--Citizens for Honest Government
7. Waco, The Big Lie, part one-Linda Thompson
8. Waco, The Big Lie, part two-Linda Thompson
9.Helicopter attack (black halo fire bombs Dallas home whose home heads up
impeachment   movement which has 12 million signatures )
10. America under siege--Linda Thompson
11. The Panama Deception--Empowerment
12. Home video of Branch Davideans
13. Freemasonry/from darkness to light--Jeremiah films
14. Gay agenda in public education- Important!!! see tape # 205 (sexually
explicit material)
15. Satin is idolatry--John Weaver
16. Slave mentality--John Weaver
17. Watchman--John Lewis
18. Christian and Civil law--John Weaver and Jim Grove
19. Violence in rock music--Benoit
20. Satanism in rock music--Benoit
21. Aids and what you haven't been told--Jeremiah films
22. Hard truth ( explicit material ) 9 minute abortion video
23. Gay agenda exposed ( sexually explicit material )important!!!-see tape
# 205
24. Concentration camps in America--Texe Marrs
25. Fascist terror stalking America--Texe Marrs
26. Treaty from hell--Texe Marrs
27. The bomb in Oklahoma--Star investigative reports
28. Reichstag: an American holocaust, pretext for tyranny
29. America's secret destiny--Ralph Epperson
30. U.S.S. Liberty survivors, our story--Silgo productions
31. Atrocities at Ruby Ridge-R. Weaver story--KPOC-TV
32. L. A. Lawman, fully informed jury--Proclaim liberty Min.
33. Mena connection(Arkansas drug traffic)--for the people
34. Death and taxes(Gordon Kahl)--Country people productions
35. The two Kennedy's European prod. ( banned 76-92 in U.S.)
36. Seven days in May(Hollywood production asking when is a traitor not a
37. Taking back our country--Gunderson/Koernke (Oklahoma City bombing )
38. Oklahoma City, 6 pack ( the bombing, a closer look )--for the people
39. Breaking the law in the name of the law--Proclaim liberty Min.
40. The mark of the new world--Mark V prod.
41. America's back to God--Liberty Alliance, Jerry Falwell
42. Janet "-" Reno--Jack Thompson at unregistered church convention
43. Waco incident--KPOC-TV
44. Ruby creek massacre
45. The pestilence ( aids ) Global 2000
46. Anguish in Oklahoma(actual live feeds recorded off CNN--A.Sgarlatte
( paperwork shows actual seismograph surface readings of 2 blasts )
47. Waco: Triumph or treason--Jeff Baker
48. Government gone mad--Jeff Baker
49. The Crash: The coming economic crash--Jeremiah films
50. Is Caesar sovereign over church?
51. C-span coverage of senate subcommittee on militia
52. " Amerika " the movie ( eleven hours in length )
53. War powers act ( see also # 186 )
54. The secrets of the federal reserve
55. The new world order/ big business-big banking-big government
56. A nation betrayed-let's take America back--Bo Gritz
57. Challenging the holocaust museum
58. Out based education debate- Elizabeth Town College
59. Murder by injection
60. Questions and answers--Linda Thompson on Waco
61. NAFTA/ treaty or treason?
62. Satan's new age plan for a new world order
63. The birth of a nation ( made in 1915 )
64. GATT/ friend or foe?
65. Keys to good government and foundation of American government
66. The house of Rothchild
67. Big sister is Hillary Hellcats
68. The new money system-global 2000
69. On masters of America
70. The Gulf war overview
71. Clinton-the next four years
72. Mysterious monuments to the beast
73. The spirit of American revolution
74. Education and the founding fathers
75. A call to arms
76. Alien encounters?-UFO phenomenon
77. Alien autopsy?(Roswell, New Mexico )
78. Hoagland's Mars- NASA Cydonia briefings
79. Flying saucers are real
80. UFO'S The best evidence-tape 1-the visitor

Re: [CTRL] Steamshovel update

1999-01-25 Thread Kenn Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

A feast at Steamshovel this week: a long interview with the late, great Kerry
Thornley and a new issue of Roy's Lisker's Ferment, "Life and Life Energy."


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Constitution

1999-01-25 Thread J FROST

 -Caveat Lector-

To PROTECT from FORCE and FRAUD an individual's RIGHT to
his OWN life is the ONLY legitimate function of Government
Then why does the government protect whores, homosexuals
dope users, drunks "rights"

If the Constitution protect's an individual's right to his OWN life
then why does the government engage in the contrary and
sacrifice the lives/rights of some so perverts can have their "rights"


The Constitution enumerates specific areas in which legislation
may be enacted -- ALL of these serve to protect ALL individuals
from FORCE and FRAUD.
Then why doesn't the Constitution protect us from government's
force of taxes, the draft and all other government mandates?

If the Constitution protects us from fraud, then why isn't the
Constitution protecting us from the fraud of every lying politician
who calls this a democracy.
Why doesn't the Constitution protect us from the fraud of paying
taxes for the express of ss and then using that money for other

Close to 90% of the current budget serves to finance schemes which
find no legitimacy within the Constitution and are placed their
at the insistence of 'interests' and their money AND to sway voters
so officials can maintain power.
[this nation DOES work on bribery]
You hit the nail on the head.
There are no 'parties' within the US Constitution.
[Apparently this has some reality to it.]

The constitution separates religion and government.
[Politicians regularly implement the agenda of whatever group it
hopes to garnish the favor of votes.]
The word "separation" is no where to be found in that part of
the Constitution... this is more politician fraud that the Constitution
does not protect us from.
The Constitution states that the government shall make no laws
to establish religion or such things concerning laws.
The politicians have mocked the Constitution and have enacted
laws concerning the Constitution.

If there is a "separation of church and state" then tell me why in
the transcripts of presidents, congress, governors ... while in official
capacity ... in public buildings they speak of God, prayer and quote
the bible thousands of times every year?

I have no desire to push religion, I only expose the bastard hypocrite
politicians who use religion to control the idiots.
The politicians should represent the will of the majority
The Constitution prevents such a Tyranny.
[Politicians often provide such though certainly AND by no means
exclusively OR in great measure]
A republic is defined as a government in which the people control
the government through representatives.
The Constitution speaks of the laws of the people, for the people by
the people.
Because what the people have a conflict of wills, which segment of
people are in control of the government in your dream of a
Of or relating to a tyrant or tyranny

tyrant  noun
1.  An absolute ruler who governs without restrictions.
2.  A ruler who exercises power in a harsh, cruel manner.
3.  An oppressive, harsh, arbitrary person.

Do you mean like a government that sacrifices the lives
of innocent victims so whores, homosexuals, dope
users and drunks can have their "rights"

Do you mean like a government that will track you down
beat you, arrest you, fine you and/or imprison you if you
would dare to refuse to pay taxes to keep these perverts
alive after they have brought the disease on themselves?
The society with the MOST liberty upholds an individual's RIGHT to
his OWN life as supreme.
That is unless you have voting power and politician bribing power
then the "rights" of perverts to endanger and/or kill others is
greater than other's right to life.
In America supreme rights are held by those who have the
power to bribe politicians.

Rights, freedom, liberty is not fairy dust granted all by the
Constitution or laws.
These are only means used to grant which segment will
get their rights and which segment will be stripped of them.

The Constitution is no holy book which sprinkles rights,
when the wind blows the fart away, behind it there is nothing
but another @$$ in your face.

America is just another dictatorship in which the dictator's
decisions are bought and paid for by the bribe givers.
Like in all dictatorships, the people have their will imposed
when they happen to want the things that benefit the dictators
in power.

To force "representatives" to enact the will of the people of
their districts (instead of the bribe givers), all political parties
must be crushed !


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allo

Re: [CTRL] Propaganda, Inc., Selling America's Culture to the World

1999-01-25 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

 -Caveat Lector-

I propose yo'all package that American Culture and put it on Norman
Nixon's Freedom Ship which he wants to send around the world with 100,000
people on board. Whenever it gets to a foreign destination which might
want to buy it an order will go back to the "Mother of all Shipyards"
to replicate Freedom Ship and send it to the foreign buyers.

*** [EMAIL PROTECTED] Send "Subscribe Future-Cities" to

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Americanisation

1999-01-25 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

>From Mother Jones

The World Gets in Touch with Its Inner American

Globalization was supposed to have give-and-take. But free market
capitalism and high-tech communications have, for better or worse, turned
the world on to just one culture -- ours.

by G. Pascal Zachary
Jan./Feb. 1999

The woman sitting across from me in Bangkok's swank Dusit Thani hotel is
one of Thailand's best and brightest. Educated in the U.S., she's a
computer whiz at a prominent local company. She wears a basic business suit
and impresses me with talk of "TCP/IP" and other Internet protocols. But
when our conversation comes around to her romantic life, her fiancé—a New
Yorker seated next to her—squirms. She admits it's a little odd not to be
marrying a Thai. Still, she says in a low, conspiratorial voice, "Many Thai
women dream of having an American's baby."

My jaw drops. I expect her to give her boyfriend, who works for a U.S.
corporation here, a reassuring smile, as if to say that she isn't one of
them. But she goes right on talking. "Thai people think these babies are
more beautiful, better endowed," she says. "They're all the rage."

The Thai passion for Americana doesn't stop with babies. Thai consumers
learned the concept of "nutritional value" labeling from Frito-Lay
packages, the first in the nation to carry an analysis of potato chip
ingredients. The government's response to its financial collapse, which
triggered the Asian economic meltdown,'draws from the United States'
handling of its S&L crisis in the 1980s. Thailand's largest private
employer, Seagate Technology, is a U.S. high-tech company. And the
country's new constitution retreats from Asian communalism by emphasizing a
core American value: individual rights.

Others countries are following Thailand's lead. A few days before arriving
in Bangkok, I listen to Ella Fitzgerald piped over a stereo system in a
restaurant in Kuala Lumpur's trendy Bangsar district. I am eating a bowl of
laksa, a traditional stew. My lunch companion is Karim Raslan, a lawyer and
leading Malaysian social critic. Notoriously prickly about their own
culture, Malaysians have criticized Americans for our unbridled
individualism. Yet in the face of the country's economic contraction, the
unthinkable suddenly makes sense. "Can we develop beyond this point without
importing American ideas about the conception of the individual?" Raslan
asks. "Probably not." Fascinated by what he calls "the imagined communities
of the American West," he believes Malaysians can reinvent themselves in
much the way Americans do: by asserting a new identity that works.

Two months before, halfway around the globe in Provence, France, I meet
another enthusiast of all things American, Marc Lassus. He is the chief of
Gemplus, a manufacturer of "smart cards," which can be used as electronic
money to purchase telephone time or to store information such as medical
records. It's nearly midnight, and I watch him exhort his factory workers
to act more American. The typical French executive treats manual laborers
with veiled contempt, but Lassus revels in them, working the factory floor
like a politician. He betrays his nationality only when it comes to
greeting the female machine operators: He kisses them lustily.

Lassus fights the impulse to be, in his words, "too Frenchie." Incredibly,
he often speaks English on the job and encourages his co-workers to do the
same. The company's marketing materials are expressly written in American
English, by writers imported from California's Silicon Valley. Lassus has
hired an American number-cruncher to push the idea that the bottom line
matters as much in France as it does in the States. Because the French are
famously chauvinistic, I am astonished by Lassus' frank admiration of
American ways. His e-mail handle says it all: John Wayne.

Thailand, Malaysia, and France aren't unique in their emulation of the
United States. "Americanization" is a more apt term than "globalization"
for the increasing concentration of U.S.-based multinational companies
operating worldwide. Pundits glibly assert that different societies in the
world are becoming more alike as if all were influencing and being
influenced in equal measure, creating a kind of global melting pot. I don't
see it that way. In the 1990s, the world has Americanized at an
unprecedented rate, reaching as far as Borneo (see "A Horatio Alger Tale").

Of course, Levi's, Nike, and Hollywood have long held international sway.
But American influence goes deeper than pop culture. Technology—especially
computers, software, and the Internet—is seen as quintessentially American.
And the way we do business is now also admired worldwide. Once believed to
be in permanent decline, the strongest U.S. companies again dominate global
markets. Their stress on profits, efficiency, innovation, and "shareholder
value" is the envy of capitalists from Tokyo to Buenos Aires

Re: [CTRL] Constitution

1999-01-25 Thread L. Shipton

 -Caveat Lector-

Read this essay - and realize that it does not say separation of Religion
and State.
Religion was suppose to be education.

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Iraqiana: 01-25 (The Fuse?)

1999-01-25 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

>From ArabicNews.CoM

Arab Foreign Ministers conclude their Cairo meeting
Regional, Politics, 1/25/99

Arab foreign ministers on Sunday concluded their one-day meetings at the
headquarters of the Arab League in Cairo. The Arab ministers released a
final statement in which they condemned the US-British aggression on Iraq
and the Iraqi people, calling for not resorting to the use of military
force against Iraq.

They stressed the unity and territorial integrity of Iraq and the need to
lift the sanctions imposed on the people of Iraq and the embargoes imposed
on the people of Libya and Sudan.

The Arab FM s condemned the double-standard policy pursued by Israel. The
statement reads as follows:

At the invitation of the Secretary General of the Arab League, the Arab
foreign ministers held a meeting to hold consultations in light of current
developments at a call advocated by the Yemeni President to convene an
urgent Arab summit to discuss current Arab issues, current developments on
Iraq and to achieve Arab solidarity concerning challenges facing the Arab
nation; in protection of Arab interests and rights and in order to avoid
dangers besieging Iraq following the recent military operations, which the
Arab FM s council demands not to be repeated"

The Arab foreign ministers:

1- expressed their deep concern and regret over resorting to the military
option against Iraq and its consequences in claiming the lives of innocent
Iraqi people. The Arab FM s demand resorting to the diplomatic solution in
implementing all UN Security Council resolutions concerned and called upon
the Iraqi government to cooperate with the UN Security council in
implementing these resolutions. The Arab FM s also call upon the UN
Security Council to rebuild the relation between the UN and the Iraqi
government, in assertion to the UN's credibility in implementing UN
Security Council resolutions, correctly and objectively.

2- They expressed full solidarity with the people of Iraq in their
sufferings as a result of the embargo imposed on them and stressed the need
for collective international efforts for lifting this siege very soon.

3- As an expression of the legitimate security fears of Arab countries
neighboring Iraq, according to the resolution adopted by the extraordinary
Arab summit conference of June 1996, which demanded that the Iraqi
government abide by not pursuing any policies aiming at provoking its
neighbors, the Arab FMs opposed the stances recently expressed by certain
Iraqi officials which are in contradiction with the resolution of the said
summit and to good neighborly relations and called on the Iraqi government
to immediately stop these stances. They also called upon the Iraqi
government to take necessary steps which prove its peaceful intentions
toward the state of Kuwait and other neighboring countries.

4- The foreign ministers also decided the following:

-The Arab governments are collectively to exert necessary efforts and in
the course of cooperation with the UN to lift the economic sanctions
imposed on Iraq, according to a set program which coincides with the full
comprehensive operation and according to UN Security Council resolutions
concerned with Iraq.

-Forming a follow up committee to actually move toward this end including
Syria, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Jordan, one or two
Arab Maghreb states and the state of Bahrain, in its capacity as a member
of the UN Security Council.

-Asserting the Arab countries' stand against any violation of Iraq's
sovereignty over its own territories, its national unity and
non-interference in its internal affairs and demanding the international
community to honor this stand.

-Asking Iraq to cooperate with and respond to item 30 of the UN Security
Council resolution 687 which calls for cooperation with the International
Red Cross according to its mechanisms.

5- After the Foreign ministers reviewed the Iraqi question and its
consequences, they stressed the need of not pursuing a double-standard
policy, especially when the matter is relevance to Israel which still
occupies the Arab lands and refuses to implement its obligations and
violates UN Security Council resolutions. They stressed that eliminating
all weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East, foremost the Israeli
nuclear weapons, is a necessary step toward ensuring security in the

6- The ministers reviewed what the people of Libya and Sudan have been
exposed to and stressed their rejection of the policy of embargo imposed on
the two countries and the need to lift these sanctions

7- The Arab foreign ministers voiced appreciation for the call advocated by
his excellency Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al-Nahyan, President of the United
Arab Emirates, and to Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh for convening an
Arab summit and stressed the importance of holding such a summit and
recommend continued consultations to convene it as soon as possible. The
ministers also stressed the ne

[CTRL] Reported Blackmails May Lead To Cold Feet (fwd)

1999-01-25 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-


(CNNS, 01/25/99) --  Republican  senators pushing the impeachment
trial of Bill Clinton may be getting "cold  feet,"  according  to
Sherman  H.  Skolnick,  chairman  of the public interest research
group, Citizens' Committee To Clean Up The Courts (CCCUC).

In  an  alarming  development,  several  Republican  senators are
secretly being blackmailed to back down from a  vigorous  pursuit
of justice in the impeachment trial, according to Skolnick.

Several  sources  have contacted the Chicago-based head of CCCUC.
Based on their information, Skolnick reports that

Senator  Orrin  Hatch  (R.,  Utah)  reportedly  is  under
investigation in  connection  with  the  developing International
Olympic  Committee  (IOC)  scandal.   The  IOC  scandal  recently
erupted in Salt Lake City, Utah, and is burgeoning out from  that
locale.   Hatch,  himself  from  Utah,  has reportedly been under
investigation by the IRS Criminal Investigation Division (CID) in
relation to the Olympic scandal.  According to Skolnick, "The IRS
Criminal Investigation Division has  uncovered details tending to
show involvement by Hatch with bribery in the IOC scandal in Salt
Lake City, Utah."  The IRS's CID has reportedly made  a  referral
to  the  U.S.  Justice  Department in which they are recommending
further  investigation   and/or   prosecution   by   the  Justice
Department of Senator Hatch.  Based on reports from his  sources,
Skolnick  believes that Hatch and/or his staff have recently been
made aware of this new problem facing the senator.

  Senator John McCain  (R.,  Arizona)  is  also,  reportedly,
being  influenced  by  the  possibility  of  an  erupting scandal
connected  to  him.   Hustler  magazine  publisher  Larry  Flynt,
Skolnick  believes,  has  evidence  showing  that  McCain,  after
returning from a  harsh  P.O.W.  experience  in  Vietnam, raped a
female  soldier.   Although  McCain  was  recovering   from   his
traumatic  P.O.W.  experience and was therefore, arguably, not in
full possession of his best  senses,  such evidence of rape, were
it to surface, would greatly damage McCain's career in  politics.
Furthermore,  according  to  Skolnick's sources, McCain's father,
then an  Admiral,  paid  for  a  subsequent  abortion provided to
McCain's alleged rape victim.

   Senator  Robert Byrd (D., West Virginia) may also be under
the   secret   influence   of   potential   blackmail.Michael
Riconosciuto, interviewed extensively by Skolnick in the past, at
that time contended that  Byrd's  chief-of-staff and someone else
connected to Byrd's office were in some way involved in the death
of Danny Casolaro.  Casolaro, a journalist and author, died under
suspicious  circumstances  in  Martinsburg,  West  Virginia,   in
1991.   Casolaro  had  been  investigating  what  he called, "The
Octopus":   a  vast,  secret  network  involving  banks, computer
espionage, spy agencies and major political figures.

  As previously  reported  by  this  news  service,  Skolnick
charges  that  First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton has caused faxes
and memos to be sent  to  some  members of Congress, letting them
know that the Clinton team is  aware  of  unflattering  financial
details to which some in Congress are connected.

  As previously reported by this news service, intriguing and
tantalizing connections exist between the  Clinton  White  House,
private  investigator  Terry Lenzner, and Hustler publisher Larry
Flynt. ["Dots Connected Between Clinton, Flynt," CNNS, 1/22/99.]

But if the U.S. Senate does,  due to potential blackmail or other
reasons,  send  the  Clinton  impeachment  trial  to  a  "burying
ground," the damage already inflicted on the  Clinton  presidency
is irreparable.  A weakened president is apparently not palatable
to  many members of Clinton's own party, the Democrats.  For that
reason, contrary to  perception,  some  Democrats may be secretly
working to undermine the Clinton presidency and  force  him  from
office.   Research and paperwork in the Paula Jones case may have
been  secretly  handled  by  a  tight-knit  group  of  high-power
attorneys in Philadelphia, The  Federalist Society.  Belonging to
the  Federalist  Society  are  Ken   Starr   and   Robert   Bork,
Republicans.  But many Democrats also belong to that elite lawyer

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Re: [CTRL] Clinton to be trusted ?

1999-01-25 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

You're right.  I guess I'm what you would call a "Clintonite," and I don't
trust him.  But then, I don't trust anybody anymore.


-Original Message-
Date: Monday, January 25, 1999 12:50 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Clinton to be trusted ?

> -Caveat Lector-
>In a message dated 99-01-25 00:35:24 EST, you write:
><< Just ask yourself one simple question, do you trust America in the
> hands of President Clinton ? >>
>Only the Red Chinese, Russians, and other communist countries that support
>UN can trust Clinton because those are the people he works for, not
>of the US.  Oh! I forgot, I'm sure the CFR, Tri-lateral commission,
>Bildeburgs, etc.  support him and trust him along with Rockefeller.  I
>that even the Clintonites could really trust him.
>Bob Stokes
>CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
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>and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
>frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
>spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
>gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
>be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
>nazi's need not apply.
>Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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[CTRL] Constitution / religion

1999-01-25 Thread J FROST

 -Caveat Lector-

Kind of funny modern "constutionalist" telling
the founding fathers intended separation
between church and state when the mc guffy
readers ... school books and even the bible
was used as doctrine and teaching tools
in schools.
Imagine that the founding fathers, their children
and grand children having the bible taught to them
in schools along with daily prayers.

Here the founding fathers "who intended separation
between church & state" didn't notice or say a word
against the bible and reading books packed with
religious teachings.
Here the founding fathers "who intended separation
between church & state", using government tax money
to purchace bibles and mcguffy readers.

No, I do not push religion in schools, I only point out
that everyone who asserts the constitution declares
such separation, is ignorant or a liar.

The constitution states: Congress shall make no laws respecting
the establishment of religion, OR PROHIBIT THE FREE EXERCISE
THEREOF. After madam O'Harah started her stink, the politicians
did make laws that prohibited the free exercise of religion.

"Separation"? When any words are added to or taken away from the
original text, that is not interpretation but perversion of the
original meaning. Our "judges" have not enforced the constitution
but they have indeed flipped it the bird.

No religious songs, no speaking about God or the bible ...
no religious material allowed ... PROHIBIT THE FREE
EXERCISE OF RELIGION ... contrary to the command
of the Constitution?
Every public school across America is in violation to the

Imagine that the "American civil liberty union" using the
constitution to rob citizens of the civil liberties granted
 in the Constitution.


They tell us religion is nothing but superstition...
Superstition is but the belief in something that has
no proofs.
People believe in leprechauns, flying saucers, the lock nest
monster, witch craft  and all kinds of goofy things, but even though
people actually believe in these unfounded things, school
libraries are packed with stupid superstitions.
There is even a religion called wicca where people believe
in witches and magic. Some years back I cut out a newspaper
clipping where the government declared witch craft to be a
legitimate tax free religion.
Yet school libraries have books on witch craft, wicca and other
pagan religions?

If the government is going to remove the bible because it
is a superstition that people actually believe in, then let the

If there is no God, then the bible and all religious references
are nothing but fiction no different than any other.
Is the libraries gonna remove all books of fiction from their

If the bible is the word of God, then what kind of man dare
conceal his word ... what kind of man mock the constitution
declaration that the government SHALL NOT PROHIBIT THE

... Bastards who belong to the aclu, homosexual licking
atheist. Lawyers who watch politicians use the bible, God
and prayer in office every day and never file a suite.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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Re: [CTRL] MICROWAVE MADNESS - Conspiracy Today

1999-01-25 Thread Andrew Hennessey

 -Caveat Lector-

sorry but I beg to differ with your criticism of this article
on the early Russian and German Studies
A very recent study was prepared in Switzerland in the late 90's by a
modern Scientific Institute with EXACTLY SIMILAR CONCLUSIONS
However, An International Electronic Household Appliance Authority
along with the heresay of a lackey crackpot professor from Zurich
closed the lab down before they could publish and go on TV.
The scientist involved tested on himself  and now has no career.
Corroboration of the study was verified by an Independent Scientist.

- part of the culling process - it isn't too obvious if you have
an eclectic and varied diet that microwaves are unhealthy -
we are old and biologically developed - but a new generation of
growing Children may have a negative cumulative reaction to Microwave cooking

Andrew Hennessey
Transformation Studies Group

>Not a word of the article is believeable, to me, since we have cooked
>virtually all our meals since 1984 by microwave and microwave
>convection.  In fact, we don't even own a stove anymore.  Healthwise,
>other than 2 or 3 colds in  those l5 years, we are in perfect health,
>while those around us that we know have all manner of illnesses.

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
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Re: [CTRL] Constitution / religion

1999-01-25 Thread L. Shipton

 -Caveat Lector-

Study education - for (at least) the first 100 years of this country the
only schools were religious.  Why?  How many books were there?  What was one
book that almost everyone could learn to read from?  Do you realized how
rare a book was even during Lincoln's time?  Yet, the one book in almost
every house hold was the Bible.  No matter what your religion, that book was
about history, interpersonal communications - Hum, think about the different
grades and what subjects are taught and see if you can find a corresponding
one in the Bible?!

The Constitution was to be the next evolution.  A religion or way of life
that everyone, of every belief could live with.  Check out the religions of
the original Presidents - could be their main religion was the Constitution?
Another hint.  Check out when "One Nation Under God" was added to the Pledge
of Allegiance.  That Pledge was to this country - Not to God.  Yes, the
constitution does show belief in God - A honest higher deity, but I believe
that they thought of the United States of America more as "The United
Nations of America"  Each state seemed to be settled by a different
AKA The Pied Piper

-Original Message-
Date: Monday, January 25, 1999 6:45 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Constitution / religion

> -Caveat Lector-
>Kind of funny modern "constutionalist" telling
>the founding fathers intended separation
>between church and state when the mc guffy
>readers ... school books and even the bible
>was used as doctrine and teaching tools
>in schools.
>Imagine that the founding fathers, their children
>and grand children having the bible taught to them
>in schools along with daily prayers.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Constitution / religion

1999-01-25 Thread M.A. Johnson

 -Caveat Lector-

J FROST wrote:
   Kind of funny modern "constutionalist" telling
   the founding fathers intended separation
   between church and state when the mc guffy
   readers ... school books and even the bible
   was used as doctrine and teaching tools
   in schools.

   Imagine that the founding fathers, their children
   and grand children having the bible taught to them
   in schools along with daily prayers.

When do you imagine the Government involved itself in
education on a 'larger' scale?  NOT 1789.


Our schools have been scientifically designed to prevent overeducation
from happening.  The average American (should be) content with their
humble role in life, because they're not tempted to think about any
other role. -- U.S. Commissioner of Education, William T. Harris, 1889

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
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frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] Dictatorship?

1999-01-25 Thread M.A. Johnson

 -Caveat Lector-

J FROST wrote:

> You have made all kinds of replies to questions I didn't ask.

Perhaps we can cut to the chase ... describe what *YOU* believe
to be the 'legitimate' form/function of government and WHY (what
derivation you reach your conclusion).


I have never let my schooling interfere with my
education. -- Mark Twain

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Constitution

1999-01-25 Thread M.A. Johnson

 -Caveat Lector-

To PROTECT from FORCE and FRAUD an individual's RIGHT to
his OWN life is the ONLY legitimate function of Government
J FROST wrote:
   Then why does the government protect whores, homosexuals
   dope users, drunks "rights"

   If the Constitution protect's an individual's right to
   his OWN life then why does the government engage in the
   contrary and sacrifice the lives/rights of some so
   perverts can have their "rights"

READ again the statement above attributed to me.

The Constitution enumerates specific areas in which
legislation may be enacted -- ALL of these serve to
protect ALL individuals from FORCE and FRAUD.
J FROST wrote:
   Then why doesn't the Constitution protect us from
   government's force of taxes, the draft and all other
   government mandates?

Article I, section 8, clause 1 and its complement amendment
16 permit taxation for the expressed purposes so enumerated
within ...

J FROST wrote:
   If the Constitution protects us from fraud, then why
   isn't the Constitution protecting us from the fraud
   of every lying politician who calls this a democracy.
   Why doesn't the Constitution protect us from the fraud
   of paying taxes for the express of ss and then using
   that money for other things?

Because the electorate is ignorant and prefers to be cared for
to freedom.  Government is FORCE ... unless this force is held
in check (voters?) what can one doto stop it?  Hence my
comparison to a gang.

Keep in mind there is a difference between the reality of
what is plainly written within the Constitution AND what
the Government of the United States perpetrates on its people.

The constitution separates religion and government.
[Politicians regularly implement the agenda of
 whatever group it hopes to garnish the favor of

J FROST wrote:
   The word "separation" is no where to be found in that
   part of the Constitution... this is more politician
   fraud that the Constitution does not protect us from.
   The Constitution states that the government shall
   make no laws to establish religion or such things
   concerning laws. The politicians have mocked the
   Constitution and have enacted laws concerning the

You lost me here ... if one 'shall make no law respecting
an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free
exercise thereof', such is pretty much 'separated'.

J FROST wrote:
   If there is a "separation of church and state" then
   tell me why in the transcripts of presidents, congress,
   governors ... while in official capacity ... in public
   buildings they speak of God, prayer and quote the bible
   thousands of times every year?
Strawman.  I stated nothing in regards to 'separation of
church and state'.

J FROST wrote:
A republic is defined as a government in which the
people control the government through representatives.
The Constitution speaks of the laws of the people,
for the people by the people.
Because what the people have a conflict of wills,
which segment of people are in control of the government
in your dream of a "republic"?
By whose definition?
The founders most certainly set up no such system as is evident
by the 'leadership' selection AND the limitations upon WHAT may
be accomplished by such a government.


Pragmatism is the convenient conclusion reached by those who lack
the patience or intelligence to formulate a consistant ideology.
-- Mark G. Hanley

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: Testing on Civilians LEGAL!

1999-01-25 Thread Lloyd Miller

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Ian Goddard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, January 25, 1999 6:47 AM
Subject: Testing on Civilians LEGAL!

U.S. Code 50 (Chapter 32, Section 1520(b)1)) states
that the Department of Defence MAY "conduct any test
or experiment involving the use of any chemical or
biological agent on civilian populations" only if the
DoD notifies "local civilian officials" 30 days before
testing chemical or biological agents on U.S. civilians.

So you have the right to have some "civilian officials"
notified before you're used in bio-war experiments.
So we all have the legal right to be a Guinea pig
without knowing, so long as some officials know.

Read this law at the Cornell University library:

This law was added to the U.S. Code in 1996. Why would
federal law define a right for the DoD to "conduct any
test or experiment involving the use of any chemical
or biological agent on civilian populations" (granted
a few officials know) if no such tests and experiments
were planned? It stands to reason that they are planned!
Is this connected to reports of sickening USAF-jet-spray?

USAF Jets Said To Be Spraying Something That Sickens:

Visit Ian Williams Goddard  >


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Re: [CTRL] Constitution

1999-01-25 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

 -Caveat Lector-

On Mon, 25 Jan 1999, J FROST wrote:

>  -Caveat Lector-
> To PROTECT from FORCE and FRAUD an individual's RIGHT to
> his OWN life is the ONLY legitimate function of Government
> ///
> Then why does the government protect whores, homosexuals
> dope users, drunks "rights"

It doesn't protect them. It puts them on pedestals.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Pope on Evils of Capitalism

1999-01-25 Thread RoadsEnd

Pope Prods Church on Fighting Evil

.c The Associated Press

MEXICO CITY (AP) -- Pope John Paul II on Saturday turned his church's
attention to the evils of exploitative capitalism, issuing a major statement
that also called upon the church to reach out to society's movers and shakers.

In a document intended to change the direction of the Roman Catholic church in
the autumn of his papacy and the final days of the millennium, John Paul said
pastors must preach the Christian message to the rich and the powerful, not
just the poor.

The pope also pushed his church to battle ``social sins which cry to heaven,''
such as drug trafficking and corruption. But more generally, the missive
reflects the pope's concerns about unfettered capitalism, moving the church
away from its earlier worries about Marxism and liberation theology in the

The pope lamented that in the Americas as elsewhere ``a model of society
appears to be emerging in which the powerful predominate, setting aside and
even eliminating the powerless.''

He called for the church to speak out more against ``the culture of death''
that kills through abortion, euthanasia and the ``unnecessary recourse to the
death penalty.''

And he saw danger in the what he called the spread of ``neoliberalism'' in the
Americas, describing it as system ``based on a purely economic conception of
man'' with ``profit and law of the markets as its only parameters.''

The 24-page message was written in response to suggestions from bishops in
both North and South America, called to the Vatican in 1997 to agree on joint
strategy to win back disenchanted Catholics and promote a genuine ``Christian

The document acknowledged the success Protestant evangelicals have had in
winning over converts in the traditional Catholic bastion of Latin America,
home to nearly half the world's 1 billion Catholics.

It also criticized the proselytizing activity by the evangelicals, suggesting
coercion was involved.

It noted the bishops themselves had questioned whether emphasis on meeting
people's material needs ``has not in the end left their hunger for God

In a sharp turn from the emphasis of the church since the 1960s, the pope
called for a new activism to reach out to the leaders of society.

He noted that ``love for the poor must be preferential but not exclusive.''

``If this evangelization of the leadership sector is neglected, it should not
come as a surprise that many who are a part of it will be guided by criteria
alien to the Gospel and at times openly contrary to it.''

The Rev. Daniel Lopez, who helps run a prep school attended by the children of
Mexico City, agreed. ``The church needs to educate these groups. They are the
future leaders of the country.''

Since the start of his papacy 20 years ago, John Paul has expressed his
concern over unfettered capitalism and lately has been worrying about the
effects of globalization on weaker economies, an issue of serious concern in
the Americas because of the economic might of the United States.

Margaret Steinfels, editor of the lay magazine Commonweal, called it a
``welcome restatement of the economic and political issues that need to be
attended to.''

The pope repeated in the document that the globalized economy must be examined
in the ``light of the principles of social justice.''

Although the pope did not mention individual countries by name, it was clear
where some of his criticism was directed.

Corruption is rife in many Latin American countries, and John Paul
acknowledged it played a role in the huge debt burden facing the region.

He called for help for poor farmers ``tempted by the easy money'' gained by
growing drug crops, and urged the church to cooperate with governments and
international agencies fighting the drug trade.

Only the United States and a few other countries in the Americas execute
criminals, and the pope has appealed directly for clemency in several cases in
the United States.

In an apparent reference to Cuba, he said a state monopoly in education ``must
be condemned as a form of totalitarianism.'' During his historic trip to the
island one year ago, he called for the reopening of Catholic schools, closed
in the communist revolution.

John Paul called for greater efforts to foster priestly vocations, but stood
his ground against dropping the celibacy requirement that some hold
responsible for shortages.

He said women should be given a greater role in decision-making in the church,
but made no mention of calls to allow them to become priests.

[CTRL] Fwd: [MC] Re: Joe Firmage: TechWeek article

1999-01-25 Thread RoadsEnd

True Believer: Joe Firmage breaks from  USWeb/CKS to fund fringe projects and
launch EarthCity

   by Amara D. Angelica

We’ve all heard the story: Whiz kid
multimillionaire launches hot new $2
billion Internet services company,
acquires 44 Fortune 100 clients, takes
it public, tunes into the universe and
drops out to write a book on space
aliens. "The Fox Mulder of Silicon
Valley," "UFO CEO," yada, yada.

Joe Firmage, 28, founder and former CEO
of Santa Clara-based USWeb/CKS, is not
the first earthling to speak of
unearthly visitations, UFOs or Roswell,
N.M. But he is perhaps the first to
have made such a public and dramatic
break from his past as the rich founder
of a successful high-tech venture to
pursue his new calling unencumbered by
heckling from corporate directors and
stock analysts.

To serious UFOnauts,
there’s no real news
in the book. It is
precisely because
Firmage epitomizes
The Silicon Valley Success Story that
the press has clamored to broadcast his
theories, which immediately sets him
apart from other "believers." Imagine
if Bill Gates woke up one day and said
he believed in the theory of a second
gunman on the grassy knoll. You’d be
getting a steady dose of Gates and
Zapruder highlights on all forms of
mainstream media.

"My agenda is to introduce the public
to this body of knowledge," Firmage
says, referring to his Web-based
"living book," The Truth (the condensed
edition is downloadable as a 1.1
megabyte Microsoft Word document on his
Web site, The
600-page book presents the thesis that
"modern leading-edge science is
compatible with ancient traditions."

So how does Firmage plan to parlay the
media attention, his sizable wad of
cash and his business acumen to further
his cause?

First, he is trying to distance himself
from some of the most sensational media
reports. "I don’t believe modern
technology comes from aliens," he says,
referring to a dubious notion advanced
by former Army colonel Philip Corso in
his book The Day After Roswell.

But in his manifesto he does mention
Corso’s belief that lasers, integrated
circuits, fiber optics and other exotic
technologies were reverse-engineered
from a crashed spaceship. However, "the
jury is still out," says Firmage.

Firmage also denies that he was visited
by an alien.

However, in a chapter from his
manifesto titled "My Contact," Firmage
writes about a 1997 incident that
occurred in his Los Gatos home after he
pressed the snooze button on his alarm

"A remarkable being, clothed in
brilliant white light, appeared
hovering over my bed in my room,"
Firmage writes.

"He looked rather annoyed and asked:
‘Why have you called me here?’

"I answered with a moment’s pause: ‘I
want to travel in space.’ This was
always my lifelong dream, and it
naturally came out in a state of
semi-waking thought.

"He chuckled skeptically, paused, and
asked: ‘Why should you be granted such
an opportunity?’ "

He didn’t beam Firmage up into space,
but Firmage writes that an "electric
blue sphere" floated down from the
visitor’s body and entered him. "I have
no idea what entered me that morning,"
he writes, "but I know that I went to
work feeling as light as a feather, and
my life since has seemed to be
influenced by the most remarkable

Firmage is promoting his ideas with the
same religious zeal that he brought to
the formation of USWeb/CKS. He’s spent
$3 million so far and will spend
"several more million" in the next 18
months, he says, through his
International Space Sciences
Organization, bolstered by his
approximately $26 million in USWeb/CKS

Firmage says he’s planning a "live,
real-time Internet radio show on UFOs
and other subjects," but with credible
scientists that serious-minded people
might listen to, "unlike programs like
the Art Bell show, where there’s little
distinction between fantasy and fact."

Among the planned guests is Jack
Sarfatti of San Francisco, a visionary
Ph.D. physicist working on the "physics


1999-01-25 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

from personal archives:
Interesting players.
MindNet Journal is not extant.

MindNet Journal - Vol. 2, No. 2A * [Part 1 of 2 parts]

V E R I C O M M sm "Quid veritas est?"

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views and opinions of VERICOMM or the editors, unless otherwise

The following is reproduced here with the express permission of
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noncommercial purposes only, provided this information and the
copy remain intact and unaltered.

Copy formatted in ASCII. Netscape mail reader format:
"Options/Mail & News Preferences/Appearance" = Fixed Width Font.

Editor's Note:

The author of the following article, physicist Jack Sarfatti,
lives in the San Francisco Bay Area.



By Jack Sarfatti

Copyright (c) Jack Sarfatti, 1992, 1995

Update from Jan. 29, 1996

Jim Garrison and Tom Jenkins from Gorbachev Foundation hosted a
fun-filled birthday party for Nina Kucharev on this past Saturday
night on the third floor of my office at 3220 Sacramento Street
in San Francisco. Tom Jenkins is a former physicist who arranges
much of the logistics for Jim Garrison, such as Boris Yeltsin's
visit to the USA before he became President of Russia. Tom and I
had an interesting conversation in which we both noted the
amazing patterns of synchronicity linking physicists interested
in consciousness, extra-terrestrial intelligence, remote-viewing
and other fringe areas with the pivotal events that ended the
Cold War. Danny Sheehan, who also visits our office, was
co-founder with Garrison, of the now defunct Christic Institute,
a casualty of the Iran-Contra operation. Sheehan, has had
childhood "close encounter experiences" analogous to the one I
reported in "The Parsifal Effect." Evidently, it might appear
that Dan Sheehan, was also part of the "400" contactees mentioned
to me on the phone in 1952 by the alleged "conscious computer" on
the spacecraft from the future. Harvard Professor John Mack,
influential in the Esalen-Soviet Exchange Program, and under fire
from Harvard for his bold study of UFO abductees, is also, it
might appear, part of the "400."

Curiously, my writings influenced, in a sort of Forrest Gump way,
forces on the opposing side to Garrison and Sheehan. Now we are
all partying together like Tim Leary and Gordon Liddy appearing
on the same stage in their intellectual vaudeville act. It is as
if Umberto Ecco's _Foucault's Pendulum_ has passed from fiction
to fact in this latest version of Balzac's Human Comedy
orchestrated by John Lilly's "Cosmic Coincidence Control" from
the future. This is more than the random "Butterfly Effect" of
classical chaos theory. It suggests Fred Hoyle's idea that the
initial quantum fluctuation amplified by classical chaos is
intelligently manipulated and shaped by advanced starwaves from
the future. Indeed, Tom's role with the Gorbachev-Yeltsin
circles paralleled mine with the Reagan Administration via  Lawry
Chickering's Institute for Contemporary Studies and the  second
channel of influence opened by Cap Weinberger's son.

Michael and Dulce Murphy came to the party and I was impressed
with Michael's description to me of Dulce's recent efforts to
narrow the growing rift between Russian and US foreign policy by
catalyzing communication and dialogue between the future leaders
of both countries. Michael is the author of _The End To Ordinary_
History which covers some events similar to those described here.
As Jim Garrison accurately said, stabilizing Russia today is not
as "sexy" as it was a few years ago and, as Michael Murphy
pointed out "Russia still has 20,000 nuclear warheads." The
influence of former KGB in the new Russian Mafia is of course a
major fact to be reckoned with.

Update from Sept 25, 1995 San Francisco Chronicle, pp.A, 15-17.

By Edward Epstein

"... Gorbachev Foundation USA has organized the 'State of the
World Forum' ... a five year process of consultation that will
meet annually until the year 2000 ... About 500 people are
expected to attend  these will include ... Milton Friedman,
... David Packard and Ted Turner... Jane Fonda... Jane
Goodall,... Carl Sagan ... princes from Saudi Arabia ... Deepak
Chopra Gorbachev will be joined by ... George Bush 
Margaret Thatcher ... 'Gorbachev believes we are giving birth to
a new global civilization,' said Jim Garrison, executive director
of the Gorbachev Foundation which occupies waterfront offices in
San Francisco's Presidio.

"Leaders of mainline Western religions or philosophies are mostly

[CTRL] Fwd: [MC] (Fwd) Re: Triangle of Death

1999-01-25 Thread RoadsEnd

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date:  Mon, 18 Jan 1999 18:53:00 EST
Subject:   Re: Triangle of Death

The book can be ordered (for about $7) in any chain store or's
based on the true CIA protection of the organization named "Triangle of Death"
by a New York City prosecutor...

Be certain that the ISBN number ends in 7-9, or it will never come...When the
book came out it "developed" a mysterious ISBN number problem in all the
national bookselling computers...A fictitious ISBN number appeared in
computers that gobbled up orders like a pacman, never delivering..

 James Craven
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863

"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land
property shall never be taken from them without their consent."
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

"To speak of atrocious crimes in mild language is treason to virtue." (Edmund

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*
MINDCONTROL-L Mind Control and Psyops Mailing List
To unsubscribe or subscribe: send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
the following text: "unsubscribe MINDCONTROL-L" or "subscribe
 Wes Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, list moderator

Re: [CTRL] MICROWAVE MADNESS - Conspiracy Today

1999-01-25 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-

1-26-1999, Andrew wrote:
> sorry but I beg to differ with your criticism of this article
> on the early Russian and German Studies.
> A very recent study was prepared in Switzerland in the late 90's
> by a modern Scientific Institute with EXACTLY SIMILAR CONCLUSIONS.
> However, An International Electronic Household Appliance Authority
> along with the heresay of a lackey crackpot professor from Zurich
> closed the lab down before they could publish and go on TV.
> The scientist involved tested on himself  and now has no career.
> Corroboration of the study was verified by an Independent Scientist.

BK> Yes, there is definitely more to this story,
as Andrew indicates, judging from the following
report, which ends on a positive note:

 Date: Fri, 25 Dec 1998
 Subject:  [CTRL] Microwaved food, no good?

 From (Leading Edge International)

 Court Removes Gag Order
 from Swiss Scientist
 on Microwaved Food

 Hans Hertel is the first scientist to conceive of and carry out a
 quality study on the effects of microwaved nutrients on the blood
 and physiology of human beings.  This small but well-controlled
 study pointed the firm finger at a degenerative force of microwave
 ovens and the food produced in them.  The conclusion was clear:
 microwave cooking changed the nutrients so that changes took place
 in the participants' blood; these were not healthy changes but
 were changes that could cause deterioration in the human systems.
 Working with Bernard H. Blanc of the Swiss Federal Institute of
 Technology and the University Institute for Biochemistry, Hertel
 not only conceived of the study and carried it out, he was one of
 eight participants.  In 1991 Hans Ulrich Hertel and a Lausanne
 University professor published a research paper indicating that
 food cooked in microwave ovens could pose a greater risk to health
 than food cooked by conventional means.

 Significant changes were discovered in the blood of the volunteers
 who consumed foods cooked in the microwave oven.  These changes
 included a decrease in all haemoglobin values and cholesterol
 values, especially the HDL (good cholesterol) and LDL (bad
 cholesterol) values and ratio.  Lymphocytes (white blood cells)
 showed a more distinct short-term decrease following the intake of
 microwaved food than after the intake of all the other variants.
 Each of these indicators point in a direction away from robust
 health and toward degeneration.  Additionally, there was a highly
 significant association between the amount of microwave energy in
 the test foods and the luminous power of luminescent bacteria
 exposed to serum from test persons who ate that food.  This led
 Hertel to the conclusion that such technically derived energies
 may, indeed, be passed along to man inductively via consumption of
 microwaved food.

 An article appeared in issue number 19 of the Journal Franz Weber
 in which it was stated that the consumption of food cooked in
 microwave ovens had cancer- type effects on the blood.  The article
 was followed by the research paper itself.

 On 7 August 1992 the Swiss Association of Manufacturers and
 Suppliers of Household Appliances brought an action against the
 applicant in the Canton of Berne Commercial Court.  It produced
 an expert report by a professor at Zürich Federal Institute of
 Technology from which it appeared that the applicant's research
 was worthless and his findings untenable.

 As soon as Hertel and Blanc announced their results, the hammer of
 authority slammed down on them.  A powerful trade organisation, the
 Swiss Association of Dealers for Electroapparatuses for Households
 and Industry, known simply as FEA, struck swiftly.  They forced the
 President of the Court of Seftigen, Kanton Bern, to issue a 'gag
 order' against Hertel and Blanc.  The attack was so ferocious that
 Blanc quickly recanted his support-but it was too late.  He had
 already put into writing his views on the validity of the studies
 where he concurred with the opinion that microwaved food caused
 the blood abnormalities.  Hertel stood his ground, and today is
 steadfastly demanding his rights to a trial.  Preliminary hearings
 on the matter have been appealed to higher courts, and it's quite
 obvious the powers that be do not want a 'show trial' to erupt on
 this issue.

 In March 1993, the court handed down this decision based upon
 the complaint of the FEA:  "Consideration.  1. Request from the
 plaintiff (FEA) to prohibit the defendant (Dr Ing. Hans Hertel)
 from declaring that food prepared in the microwave oven shall be
 dangerous to health and lead to changes in the blood of consumers,
 giving reference to pathologic troubles as also indicative for
 the beginning of a cancerous process.  The defendant shall be
 prohibited from repeating such a statement in publications
 and in public talks by punishment laid 

[CTRL] Intel to change new technology over privacy concerns

1999-01-25 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

Intel to change new technology over privacy concerns

Copyright © 1999 Nando Media
Copyright © 1999 Associated Press


WASHINGTON (January 25, 1999 9:26 p.m. EST - Just hours after privacy groups organized a
boycott, Intel Corp. reversed itself Monday and said it would disable a new
technology that helps identify computer users as they move across the

Intel, the world's largest computer chipmaker with $26.2 billion in sales last
year, said it will include software that turns off the feature by default in future
copies of its Pentium III processors, not yet distributed to the world's
computer makers.

The company also promised to offer the software to owners of existing
Pentium III chips already in production, making it easy to permanently turn
off the technology.

Consumers can choose to activate the technology, which for security
reasons would require restarting their computers, Intel spokesman Chuck
Mulloy said Monday. Intel won't need to redesign its chips.

Intel's concession came only hours after a boycott was announced in
Washington by privacy groups, who launched a campaign complete with a
parody of the company's ubiquitous "Intel Inside" logo. Theirs features the
familiar swirl but with the words, "Big Brother Inside."

"This acknowledges that consumers want Intel inside their computer, not
inside their private lives," said Rep. Ed Markey, D-Mass., who urged Intel
last week to reconsider its plans. "It's a great victory for consumers and for
the privacy rights of all Americans."

Intel announced last week that its new Pentium III chip would by default
transmit its unique serial number internally and to Web sites that requested
it to help verify a user's identity.

Last week, Intel said the feature could be turned off but was reactivated
whenever the computer was restarted. But on Monday, the company said
that was a misunderstanding: The Pentium's ability to transmit its serial
number is, in fact, reactivated, but the software "switch" still disables the
feature until the consumer chooses to use the technology.

Among other things, the technology offers a boon for electronic commerce,
allowing companies and shoppers to feel more secure in the transmission
of sensitive data.

Privacy groups involved in the boycott said they were "delighted that Intel
has taken one small step toward respecting people's privacy," but they said
the concession was inadequate.

"You still have the problem of an ID number, and Web sites can force
people to disclose that ID number as a condition to get into the sites," said
David Banisar, an attorney with the Washington-based Electronic Privacy
Information Center. "Just having a software patch does not resolve the
underlying concerns."

The privacy information center organized the boycott with Junkbusters
Corp. of Green Brook, N.J., which lobbies on a range of high-tech issues.

The Federal Trade Commission, which last year pressed for a law that
prohibits Web sites from collecting personal information from children
without parental permission, said the Intel debate "highlights consumer
concerns about how confidential is various information for them."

"Every time one of these episodes occurs, it escalates," said Jodie
Bernstein, director of the FTC's consumer protection bureau. "This will
certainly resonate on Capitol Hill and with the administration."

Markey, senior Democrat on the House Commerce consumer protection
subcommittee, compared the technology's risks to a consumer browsing
through stores in a shopping mall, with the shopkeepers sharing details
about the consumer's purchases and tastes.

"With this decision, Intel limits the amount of information that a company
can gain access to," Markey said.

Advanced Micro Devices Inc., the second-largest chipmaker with roughly 8
percent of the market, said it doesn't plan to offer similar technology in its

"We're a market-driven company, and if consumers were to desire
something like this, we'd give it consideration," spokesman Scott Allen

In addition to making about 85 percent of the world's computer processors,
Intel also manufactures memory chips plus hardware for computer
networks, communications and graphics.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.


[CTRL] Saturday 12 September 1998 RCMP tracks HIV-tainted prison blood - National News

1999-01-25 Thread Peter L. Sroufe
 Saturday 12 September 1998 RCMP tracks HIV-tainted prison blood - National News - The Ottawa Citizen Online.url

Re: [CTRL] Constitution / religion

1999-01-25 Thread J FROST

 -Caveat Lector-

When do you imagine the Government involved itself in
education on a 'larger' scale?  NOT 1789.
Silly history books, why they tell about schools in
America when the british were still in control.
Large scale no, rual America had no schools
and schools only went to the 8th grade.

I just saw something on pbs about ged s and
they said even up to about 1940, less than 20%
of the population had graduated from high school.

It does not matter what the scale or how many grades
the fact is that public schools were around when
Washington was still a Brit and they have been around
after the American revolution until today.

The framers (those who went to school) were taught
the bible, they  prayed and did all that religious stuff,
so did their children and their grand children ...
and IF their intent was a separation of church & state
they would have noticed religion was being taught
in schools.
In higher education, religious studies were required
to get a diploma. Many of the modern universities
started out as religious (government sponsered)

Every time anyone repeats "separation between church
and state" from the constutition is another time they
compound themselves to be bald face liars.

Another wierd deal ... no bibles and religious books
in schools "because it is public funded"?
How come the public funded libraries ... have all kind
of bibles and religious books in em?


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Dictatorship?

1999-01-25 Thread J FROST

 -Caveat Lector-

Perhaps we can cut to the chase ... describe what *YOU* believe
to be the 'legitimate' form/function of government and WHY (what
derivation you reach your conclusion).

With majority rule 51% can force the rest of society to bend
to their will.
With any other form of government only 10% or less than 1%
can force the 99.9% to bend to their will.

Because people aren't going to force a law that they are not
willing to obey themselves, majority decided laws will put
less screws to us than those which can be decided by
less than 1%

i.e.   One multi million dollar lumber company gives
bribes/contributions to senators.

This multi million dollar lumber company already makes
vast profits of millions of dollars every year.
This company does not come close to making up 1% of
the population.

After politicians receive $182,000 in bribes/contributions
they give the lumber company $3,000,000 in "grants"
to build a road that ONLY THE LUMBER COMPANY USES.

$3,000,000 - $182,000 = $281,000,000

When it takes over half to but the shaft to us, it takes
51% in any other possible such as in this case, less
than 1% of the population has forced 99.999% of the
population to give them $281,000,000

Representatives are supposed to represent the will of
the people of their districts ... They are not supposed to
be a bunch of elite bastards who create mob party
families and rule the village idiots.

The present state of America is no different than the pre
French revolution when the rich ruled the village idiots
through bribery of the politicians.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-01-25 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
by Dr. Carroll Quigley
ISBN 0913022-14-4




Page 559
 The structure of collective security was destroyed completely
under the assaults of Japan, Italy and Germany who were attacking the
whole nineteenth century way of life and some of the most fundamental
attributes of Western Civilization itself. They were in revolt against
democracy, against the parliamentary system, against laissez-faire and
the liberal outlook, against nationalism (although in the name of
nationalism), against humanitarianism, against science and against all
respect for human dignity and human decency. It was recruited from the
dregs of society.

Page 560
 During the nineteenth century, goals were completely lost or were
reduced to the most primitive level of obtaining more power and more
wealth. But the constant acquisition of power or wealth, like a
narcotic for which the need grows as its use increases without in any
way satisfying the user, left man's "higher" nature unsatisfied.

Page 561
 Germany could have made no aggression without the acquiescence
and even in some cases the actual encouragement of the "satisfied"
Powers, especially Britain.

 The similarity between Germany and Japan was striking: each had a
completely cartelized industry, a militaristic tradition, a hard-
working population which respected authority and loved order, a facade
of parliamentary constitutionalism which barely concealed the reality
of power wielded by an alliance of army, landlords, and industry.

Page 562
 The steady rise in tariffs against Japanese manufactured goods
after 1897 led by America served to increase the difficulties of
Japan's position. The world depression and the financial crisis hit
Japan a terrible blow. Under this impact, the reactionary and
aggressive forces were able to solidify their control and embark on
that adventure of aggression and destruction that ultimately led to
the disasters of 1945.

Page 563
 Separate from the armed forces were the forces of monopoly
capitalism, the eight great economic complexes controlled as family
units knows as "zaibatsu" which controlled 75% of the nation's wealth.
By 1930, the militarists and zaibatsu came together in their last
fateful alliance.

Page 569
 Japan's unfavorable balance of trade was reflected in a heavy
outflow of gold in 1937-1938. It was clear that Japan was losing its
financial and commercial ability to buy necessary materials of foreign
origin. The steps taken by America, Australia, and others to restrict
export of strategic or military materials to Japan made this problem
even more acute. The attack on China had been intended to remedy this
situation by removing the Chinese boycott on Japanese goods.

Page 570
 Under the pressure of the growing reluctance of neutral countries
to supply Japan with necessary strategic goods, the most vital being
petroleum products and rubber, it seemed that the occupation of the
Dutch Indies and Malaya could do much to alleviate these shortages but
which would lead to an American war on Japan. They decided to attack
the United States first.


Page 571
 In 1922, the Fascists came to power in a parliamentary system; in
1925 it was replaced by a political dictatorship while the economic
system remained that of orthodox financial capitalism; in 1927 an
orthodox and restrictive stabilization of the lira on the
international gold standard led to such depressed economic conditions
that Mussolini adopted a much more active foreign policy; in 1934
Italy replaced orthodox economic measures by a totalitarian economy
functioning beneath a fraudulent corporate facade.
 Italy was dissatisfied over its lack of colonial gains at
Versailles and the refusal of the League to accede to Tittoni's
request for a redistribution of the world's resources in accordance
with population needs made in 1920.
 In a series of agreements wit

[CTRL] Subject: "=?x-user-defined?q?It=92s?= The Law!"

1999-01-25 Thread American Patriot Friends Network

   You have rights antecedent to all earthly governments;
rights that cannot be repealed or restrained by human laws;
rights derived from the Great Legislator of the Universe.
    John Adams, President of United States 1797 -- 1801

Subject: It's The Law!
Date: Jan. 25, 1999- Monday: 15:00 PST
From: American Patriot Friends Network <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

It's The Law!

Case Law:

"Silence can only be equated with fraud
when there is a legal or moral duty to
speak, or when an inquiry left unanswered
would be intentionally misleading... We
cannot condone this shocking conduct... If
that is the case we hope our message is clear.
This sort of deception will not be tolerated
and if this is routine it should be corrected
   U.S. v. Tweel 550 F2d 297, 299-300.

Criminal Procedure Page 392

2382 Misprision of treason

   Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States
and having knowledge of the commission of any
treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon
as may be disclose and make known the same to the
President or to some judge of the United States, or the
governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State,
it guilty of misprision of treason and shall
be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned not
more than seven years, or both.
(June 25, 1948, ch 645, 62 Stat. 807.)

1. The betrayal of a trust: TREACHERY
2.  The offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the
 government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance.

1.  a: to bring an accusation against b: to charge ( a public official)
before a competent tribunal with misconduct in office.

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of
the United States, shall be removed from Office on
impeachment for, and conviction of Treason, Bribery,
or other high crimes and Misdemeanors

Impeach him!  Jack DeVault
   To have sworn an oath of loyalty and to hold the highest office in the land,
and then to boldly and brazenly commit treason is beyond comprehension.
It is, in fact a crime so unthinkable that our congress will not contemplate it.
   Why is there no outcry from the Congress over Bill Clinton's brazen military
invasion of Bosnia? Why does Senator Dole confess that it is wrong, but decline
to take the action that is his responsibility to take?
  When a President exceeds his Constitutional authority in a matter which is
destructive to the nation and endangers its citizen, the Congressmen must not
just sit back and wring their hand and say, "We wish he had not done that."
   They may not say, "To interfere with his action now would cause us to lose
face in the world community."
   They must not say, "Now that he has executed his order there is nothing we
can do."
   The facts are that our President has ignored his oath; he has violated his trust;
he has exceeded his authority; he has desecrated the Constitution by making
commitments to foreign powers which he had no right to make. In s doing he
has endangered the freedom of every American by attacking the very constitutional
system which was set in place to guarantee our freedom. He, who was unwilling to
put his own life at risk in Viet Nam, has put American lives at risk in an unlawful
NATO action which is not permitted in the Treaty itself. And, there is something
that can be done!
   Maintaining an orderly government and safeguarding our Constitution from harm is a 
responsibility of the Congress. When an act of treason occurs in the
office of the President it is the Congress that must be responsible for confronting
it, indicting it, and insuring that the Office of the Presidency is returned to its
Constitutional limits. For a Congressman to remain silent and do nothing at
such a time as this is itself tantamount to treason.

Major Jack DeVault has been an APFN Advisor from 1993. Jack lives in San
Antonio, Texas and covered the trial of the Branch Davidians and author of
book about the trial. Major DeVault wrote the above article in late 1995.
 Fax: 210-653-1397

American Patriot Friends Network [APFN]
Kenneth L. Vardon, Founder
3342 S. Sandhill #9-233
Las Vegas, Nevada 89121   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Web Page:

Without Justice, there is JUST_US!


1999-01-25 Thread RoadsEnd

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Date:  Sunday, January 24, 1999 11:19:46 AM

by Jerry Schmidt

The Senate trial of President Clnton will undoubtedly be the greatest
diversion this century of public interest away from social issues that
should be the object of our major concern and action.

This Senate "show" will make the year long OJ trial look like a "B" movie.
To enhance this drama's audience "pull" they most likely will call
Lewinsky and other colorful witnesses. It's always been the job of the
elected politicians and their allies in the corporate controlled media to
keep the people's minds off of street organizing methods on social issues
most effecting our welfare now, like homelessness, age discrimination in
employment, police violence against people of color and poor people in
general, the fact that 40 million full-time workers have no health
insurance, and dozens of other issues of real and immediate interest to
all of us.

In order not to be diverted from our own organizing on daily issues that
effect us NOW we must recognize diversion programs immediately and counter
their propaganda with increased efforts on what WE want done.  By doing
this we can combat, to some degree, the elite's constant ability to
command a bigger piece of the pie while we do all the work producing the
goods and services of our society.

While the Senate's porno show continues, right here in Los Angeles, we are
being adversely affected by the economic crisis in Asia and Brazil. For
example, thousands of jobs in the export-import business have been lost in
the last 60-90 days in the LA area as a result of the financial crisis
that started in Asia over a year ago according to a recent statement by
Jack Kaiser, chief economist for the LA based Industrial Development

He states "Los Angeles is more involved in the Asia trade then any other
American city. Exports here are off substantially and imports are off
somewhat over last year."  It took about a year for the Asia crisis to
reach our shores. Now we can soon expect another hit coming from the
"Brazil Problem." LA commerce is very much involved in world trade and,
realistically, is effected, eventually, by economic conditions, good or
bad, wherever in the world they occur!

On January 13th the LOS ANGELES TIMES reported that the Bank of America
will terminate another 18,000 workers. Announcements of some corporate
"down-sizings" are made almost daily.  The U.S.government employment
figures covers up much of this by counting every worker who maybe works
only a few hours a week as "employed."  Also about once a year they
announce that there are X million workers who are no longer seeking
employment and are then categorized as "discouraged" workers and are,
therefor, not counted as unemployed!

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Re: [CTRL] 60 Minutes faked news broadcast/CIA Street Smart

1999-01-25 Thread Lloyd Miller

 -Caveat Lector-

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WBAI 99.5 FM,  New York City  (Tuesdays 7-8pm)
KPFK  90.7 FM, Los Angeles
(Wednesdays, midnight, on "Something's Happening show)

Host:  Michael Levine, author of New York Times bestseller "Deep cover"-"The
Big White Lie" and  "Triangle of Death."



Michael Levine
25 year, veteran,  DEA Agent

A barrage of news articles was unleashed on us recently telling us how—just
prior to the African Embassy bombing last year—the CIA had warned our State
Department and embassies that some evil terrorist plot was underway (as if
that isn't always true) and that their dire warnings had gone unheeded,
212 people were killed in the terrorist bombings in Nairobi and Dar es
Typical of this type of reporting was the massive NY Times article of
"Before Bombings Omens and Fears."  Unless you read this closely, and with
eyes of an expert in intelligence gathering, your impression has to be that
the all-seeing, all-knowing spooks had done their job, but the suits had
failed to take heed, or that, at best, everyone involved had an equal share
the screw-up.
Not so fast, this is not all the news that's fit to print in this case.
With all the spin doctoring going on, particularly by CIA, you've got to
the small print. Even this article, which is a master piece of spin in its
emphasis at finger pointing at everyone but CIA,   points out that a state
department report, signed by Admiral William J. Crowe, former chairman of
Joint Chiefs of Staff, indicated that "intelligence provided no immediate
tactical warning of the attacks."
How important is an immediate, tactical and specific warning?
Speaking as a court qualified expert, it means the difference between the
embassies taking real action instead of wringing their hands at yet another
vague terrorist warning added to the thousands they receive every year.
Such specific and "tactical" information may have saved 212 lives.
The key question is:  Was there such specific information available?
Apparently there was.
A  Time Magazine article, "Inside the Hunt for Osama" (12/21/98-3 weeks
before the Times article) pointed out that in November, 1997,  an "informant
walked into the Nairobi embassy" and "warned that unnamed terrorists planned
to car bomb the compound." According to the article, the informant "had
details about the planned attack—details that would end up being eerily
similar to what happened in the bombing nine months later."
So why didn't the CIA issue a specific "tactical warning of the attacks" as
Admiral Crowe so correctly pointed out?
Well, as the Time  article points out,  "CIA officers grilled [the
for days but finally concluded he was making up a tale."
I've served 25 years as a federal agent for four federal agencies during
which I have handled and supervised the handling of many thousands of
informants of every type, during every kind of investigation imaginable, on
every corner of this globe.  To this day I am still a court qualified expert
and lecture to many police agencies on the subjects of Informant Handling
Undercover tactics.  As such,  I am the first to recognize that knowing when
an informant is telling the truth is one of the most difficult arts in
intelligence gathering, but easily, when it comes to anti-terrorist
intelligence, the most critical.
Every expert I've ever spoken with agrees that whether the informant be
criminal or political, (with the explosion of drug trafficking both areas
commonly overlap, i.e.manuel Noriega) there is a commonality of handling
methods a