Re: [CTRL] OPEN POLLINATED Seed sources,

1999-09-03 Thread Lyn

 -Caveat Lector-

To Dave Hartley:


Thank you.   What a great list you have compiled.   I live in New Zealand.
In this country we have a few of our own heritage seed sources, and I try
to save some.   The future is frightening, with the unknown-composition GE
seeds and the ones you have to buy afresh each year.   When there are no
real jobs left, and a small rich class owns all the assets and resources,
how do people plan to eat and feed their families?

The prospect of no more free seeds is also a whole new tax system advancing
on us.   A tax on backyard gardens and farms.   Which could, remember, mean
most of us.

This sort of list is very precious - it is a survival tool.   I hope
everybody saved it.

Best wishes,

>  OHJ Online, the Restoration Directory: D.  Landreth Seed Co.
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> The Virtual Gardener
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>all your home gardening  needs. Archived information on proper tree
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> Re: Seeds - Many heirloom seeds - Free  Seeds
>Re: Seeds - Many heirloom seeds - Free Seeds [ Follow Ups ] [  Post
>Followup ] [ EXOTIC_SEEDS Newsgroup ] Posted by marlene Bocash  on
>October 06, 1998 at 09:44:45: In Reply to: Re: Seeds - Many  heirloom
>seeds - Free Seeds posted by Donna E. Trainor.
> Growing Heirloom Seeds
>Growing  Heirloom Seed Heirloom seed is simply Non-Hybrid seed. That
>means that you  can expect to plant these seeds, harvest the mature
>seed that the vegetables  and fruit produce, and re-plant those seeds to
>get another plant that is  going to be..
> CuisineNet Digest: Heirloom  Seeds
>Heirloom Seeds
> Hirt's Greenhouse & Flowers : Home  Page
>Burpee Seeds 25% off plus thousands of other gardening items  including
>spring bulbs, fall bulbs, repellants, flower seeds, vegetable  seeds,
>perennial seeds, herb seeds, and plants
> MetroActive Menu | Heir Heads
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>Growth  Opportunities Your field of dreams is just a stamp or a page
>away By  Christina Waters To begin collecting and growing your own
>heirloom seeds,  contact the following companies
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>  East

[CTRL] Ste Diana of Bathos

1999-09-03 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

>From Slate.CoM

"" And since by the ironclad laws of yellow journalism the famous have to be
famous for something, Diana became the universal symbol of individual
suffering, the victim of unfeeling institutions everywhere. ""

> Diana, You Ignorant Slut
> By Judith Shulevitz
> Posted Thursday, September 2, 1999, at 2:52 p.m. PT
> E-Mail This Article
> Sign Up for the Culture E-mail Auto-Delivery
> Culturebox's first thought on reading Diana: In Search of Herself, Sally Bedell
> Smith's deliriously mean-spirited (though boringly written) catalogue of all the
> ways the late fairy-tale princess turns out to have been troubled, trite, and
> exasperating, is that the British public didn't get its money's worth from the
> girl. During her marriage, according to The New York Times , Diana cost her
> subjects $3,287 a day ($1.2 million a year). Much of that paid for clothing,
> cosmetics, hair styling, physical and speech training, health care, beauty
> treatments, fancy vacations, and a private staff--all legitimate expenses for a
> state official whose job it is to be a professional celebrity. (Why the British
> would pay their royals to do such a job is another question.)
> If you go by Smith's account, the rest must have gone to: 1) a surprisingly
> large number of cell-phone calls--up to 20 a day per person--to a surprisingly
> large number of lovers; 2) alternative therapists--astrologists (three),
> spiritualists (including a clairvoyant who put her in touch with her
> grandmother), a tarot card reader, an energy healer, a hypnotherapist, an
> "anger-release" therapist, colonic irrigationists, osteopaths, chiropractors,
> reflexologists, aromatherapists, shiatsu and tai chi chuan experts,
> acupuncturists, and a "mind-body" therapist, the last a former tax accountant
> who gave her massages and diet advice; 3) more conventional forms of treatment
> for sleeplessness, eating disorders, paranoia, and self-mutilation, including an
> episode in which she slashed her arms and smeared the blood all over the walls
> of an airplane; 4) lunch at fancy restaurants to which she secretly invited
> tabloid reporters so she could drop by their tables and leak whatever she wanted
> to appear in their publications the next day.
> When you think about it, Item 4 probably is in the job description for an
> official celebrity, which brings us to Culturebox's second reaction to this
> book: that the British got everything they paid for and more. Smith's Diana was
> an ill-educated, impulsive woman who spent her adult life reeling from what
> Smith dubiously diagnoses as a borderline personality disorder. (Culturebox
> knows as little about psychiatry as Smith does, but she knows wild analysis when
> she sees it.) Whatever the cause, Diana was depressed, secretive, paranoid,
> dissembling, self-loathing, desperately needy, and unable to sustain close
> relationships.
> Yet she was also the century's most popular royal personage, a fact that now
> seems not at all unrelated. When you know how unstable Diana was, you grasp that
> it was her lack of self-control that fueled the media's obsession. She got our
> attention because she was cute, but she held it because she gave the paparazzi
> so much to work with--all those unchecked expressions of slyness or shyness or
> vulnerability or boredom, all that Sturm und Drang about needing her privacy.
> Tabloid editors put her on the cover day in and day out because eating disorders
> and fainting fits made good copy, not out of sympathy with her charities. And
> since by the ironclad laws of yellow journalism the famous have to be famous for
> something, Diana became the universal symbol of individual suffering, the victim
> of unfeeling institutions everywhere. Others might have found the attention
> devastating, but Diana must have been relieved to find in the public eye the
> unflagging concern, pity, and sense of drama Smith says the princess demanded,
> and failed to get, from Charles. Diana only ever had one loyal suitor--the
> public--and she quickly figured out how to win its favor, cultivating tabloid
> reporters while complaining about their impertinences, figuring out more often
> than not what to wear and say and how to upstage the other royals.
> It was strangely easy for her to outfox the palace. No rational being, no one
> concerned about shoring up a marriage or maintaining a position in society,
> could have predicted what move Diana would make next. She leaked stories that
> put her in a questionable light. She collaborated with a tabloid reporter,
> Andrew Morton, on a royals-bashing biography that made divorce Charles' only
> option. She defied everyone she knew, including her own press secretary, to go
> on television for a notorious 1995 interview in which she came off as wildly
> self-pitying and un-self-aware. She flaunted her relationship with Dodi, the
> no-good son of a corrupt and authoritarian father. But Diana never cared

[CTRL] Medieval Midwest

1999-09-03 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

> The Principle Group -- Des Moines, Iowa
> August 9, 1999
> Patrick J. Buchanan
> For many Americans, these are the best of times.  Unemployment and
> interest rates are low, prices are stable, and on Wall Street the bulls
> have been running wild.  But not everyone is marching in the great parade
> of American prosperity.
> Look past those brimming silos and fields of corn, and you'll see a
> harvest of heartache in the heartland of America.  Those silos store last
> year's crop that was packed in because prices were too low to turn a
> profit.  As for those full fields, some of that crop may rot on the ground
> because farmers can't afford to harvest it.
> This year, the price of cotton is down 46%; wheat prices are off 61%.
> Corn has reached the lowest price in two decades, and soybeans that sold
> for $8 a bushel three years ago bring just $3.50.
> The specter of depression haunts the farmlands of America.  But this
> crisis is different.
>  It has struck Iowa when the growing conditions are good and farmers
>  anticipate a
> record soybean harvest and the third greatest corn crop ever.  The problem
> is price.
> The Asian economic disaster that spread to Russia and Latin America sent
> foreign demand for U.S. farm products crashing 40%.  Desperate to offload
> their own subsidized oversupply, countries began dumping into the U.S.
> market.  Invoking the Global Economy, Mr. Clinton refused to take action.
> America's farmers are paying the price, as are implement companies and
> hardware stores, coffee shops and car dealerships across the great
> American breadbasket.
> Washington and Wall Street may believe it inevitable that the family farm
> must pass away.   But, as a conservative, I believe that family farms and
> rural towns must be conserved.  So, today, I offer this ten-point pact, a
> Bill of Rights for the Family Farm: First, I will, as President, abolish
> all inheritance and capital gains taxes on family farms.  Americans over
> the age of 55 own half of our farmland.  But inheritance taxes prevent
> these farmers from bequeathing a birthright to their children.
> When I was here in Iowa in 1995, I visited a farm in Ida County where the
> Paulsrud family had lived nearly a century.  Like many of their neighbors,
> their grandparents had started with a small plot, farmed it, added
> buildings, and bought nearby land.  Their son did the same, building up
> and adding on.  By 1995, the Paulsrud family had 2,000 acres worth about
> $1,500 an acre.  When I spoke to that elderly farmer, he told me he
> dreamed of passing the farm on to his son.  But his son couldn't buy it
> because of the capital gains taxes.  And if he died, his son would have to
> pay a federal inheritance tax of 55% -- a million dollars.  Where would an
> Iowa farmer get that kind of money?  Only by selling that family farm that
> had been cobbled together over a century.  It shouldn't work this way in
> America.
> Second, we must repeal NAFTA.  Since NAFTA passed, U.S. agriculture
> imports from Canada and Mexico have increased 57%, and our agriculture
> trade surplus with the two countries has shrunk by two-thirds.  Stand on
> our northern border and you'll see four times as many head of imported
> cattle heading south as you did a decade ago.  2000% more spring wheat.
> Seven times as many hogs.
> Move to the southern border and you'll see Mexican trucks hauling the
> tomatoes that have cost Florida farmers $1 billion in lost revenue, or the
> strawberries that infected 270 Americans with Hepatitis A in 1997.  This
> is the fruit of a NAFTA trade deal that failed to consider the possibility
> that our neighbors would cheapen their currencies to take unfair advantage
> of American farmers.
> Now, make no mistake: I am not against trade.  I believe we must take
> aggressive action to open overseas markets to U.S. farm products.  But we
> must stop unilaterally throwing open our markets to Japan, China, the
> Pacific Rim and the EU, when they deny us free and fair access to their
> markets.  Over the past decade, we've courted the Chinese with trade
> privileges and unrestricted imports at the cost of a $60 billion annual
> trade deficit.  Meanwhile, Beijing has slashed U.S. farm imports by $100
> million, and slapped 40% tariffs on U.S. agricultural products.
> Why do not Republicans stand up to the Beijing regime, and stand up for
> the American farmer?  Those Republicans, like Mr. Bush and Mr. Forbes, who
> have embraced the Clinton-Gore policy of appeasing China with Most Favored
> Nation trade privileges bear equal responsibility for the Iowa farms that
> today hover on the brink of bankruptcy.
> Mr. Bush, Mr. Forbes and Mrs. Dole now say we must open foreign markets.
> But when you have unilaterally given up total access to your own market,
> what leverage do you have left to pry open the protected markets of
> Europe, Asia and Latin America

[CTRL] (Fwd) Budget Priorities, East Timor

1999-09-03 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date sent:  Fri, 03 Sep 1999 15:28:40 -0600
From:   Progressive Response <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:Budget Priorities, East Timor

--- The Progressive Response   3 September 1999   Vol. 3, No.
32 Editor: Tom Barry
--- The Progressive Response (PR) is a weekly service of
Foreign Policy in Focus (FPIF), a joint project of the Interhemispheric
Resource Center and the Institute for Policy Studies. We encourage
responses to the opinions expressed in PR.

Table of Contents

By Robert Borosage

By John Gershman

By Robert Borosage

(Editor's Note: The following analysis of the U.S. budget and
international programs is excerpted from a timely FPIF Special Report
entitled  "Money Talks: The Implications of U.S. Budget Priorities."
Written by Robert Borosage of the Campaign for America's Future, the
report is intended to place the current budget wrangles in Washington into
the larger perspective of how budget priorities reflect the role of U.S.
in global affairs. The Special Report, which contains numerous helpful
tables and charts, is posted on the FPIF website at:

In sharp contrast to its military spending, the U.S. devotes comparatively
few dollars to foreign diplomacy, international assistance, and support
for international institutions. The total net outlays in FY 1999 will be
around $15 billion, less than 1% of the $1.66 trillion federal budget.
This budget pays for the vast majority of the U.S. civilian role abroad.
It includes 150 different account funds, ranging from food aid to the
State Department's antiterrorism programs to the U.S. contributions to
multilateral financial institutions like the World Bank and its affiliated
regional banks. Major items include the State Department, with its
worldwide infrastructure of embassies, missions, consulates, and an
overseas staff of more than 35,000. Also included are the Agency for
International Development (AID) and bilateral assistance programs, the
United States Information Agency (USIA) and a range of activities called
"public diplomacy," the Commerce Department's trade offices, as well as
the Peace Corps and other humanitarian programs. The funding encompasses
assistance to the Newly Independent States (once part of the Soviet
Union), U.S. non-military aid commitments to Bosnia, security aid to
Israel and the Middle East, and support for the Export-Import Bank and the
Overseas Private Investment Corporation. (The figure does not include the
$14.5 billion U.S. quota increase for the International Monetary Fund
(IMF) nor the $3.4 billion credit commitment to the IMF's New Arrangements
to Borrow program, still pending before Congress. IMF appropriations are
considered monetary exchanges--with the IMF providing the U.S. with
Special Drawing Rights--and thus are not considered budget outlays.)

Secretary Albright is surely right to suggest that this total is
shamefully inadequate. The U.S. is the world's wealthiest nation--and its
largest scofflaw. As of mid-1999, our debt to the United Nations totals
over $1.6 billion in back dues, and we owe more than $600 million to the
international financial institutions (including the Global Environmental
Facility). The U.S. provides less of its wealth to support the
impoverished abroad than any other industrial country. U.S. spends less
than one tenth of 1% of its GDP on official development assistance, and
about the same amount on other aid related activities (including
peacekeeping). The Organization for Economic Cooperation's Development's
Development Assistance Committee (DAC) average is about four times as much
or four-tenths of 1%. (And the official target of the United Nations is
that donors provide seven-tenths of 1% in aid.)

Despite having by far the world's largest economy, the U.S. is no longer
the world's largest aid provider. Economically troubled Japan provides
more aid in absolute dollar terms, giving $9 billion in 1997; the U.S.,
Germany and France each provided around $6.5 billion. These numbers are
falling rapidly: since 1995 aid from these four countries has dropped 6%
in real dollars and total DAC support has dropped 18%.

Moreover, U.S. spending on international affairs when measured in constant
dollars has been declining steadily since 1980. From 1992 through 1998,
funding dropped an average of about 6% annually. Under the projected

[CTRL] Missiles for Nike

1999-09-03 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
From:   "Michael Albert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:ZNet Commentary / Sept 4 / Vijay Prashad / Red Salute, comrade 
Uncle Ho
Date sent:  Fri, 3 Sep 1999 21:05:06 +0100

Red Salute, Comrade Uncle Ho!
By Vijay Prashad

In the late 1960s, the communists in Bengal allied with the left Congress
to form a United Front government in the state. These were heady times for
a region buffeted by two drought years, by the cataclysmic pressures of
international finance, and down-wind from the U. S. bombardment of
Vietnam. Nevertheless, the resoluteness of the Vietnamese struggle under
the able leadership of Ho Chi Minh and his comrades (most famously General
Vo Nguyen Giap) demanded solidarity from progressive forces around the
world. The reds in Calcutta obliged. Since the U. S. and British
consulates sat on the same street in the city, the red government gave the
street Ho Chi Minh's name and placed his statue at its entry. The act was
subversive, surrealistic, and also deeply conscious of the real power
relations that govern the world (the consulates remain despite their new
address). The reds did not blow-up the consulate, a quixotic and
anti-people act that would not have changed much. Instead, they offered
solidarity, they joined in a community of hard worn struggle against an
adversary that cannot easily be thwarted.

I'm thinking of Ho Chi Minh today, because he died three decades ago on 4
September, six years before the U. S. withdrawal from Vietnam. He left the
world as the U. S. dropped fifteen million tons of explosives from 1964 to
1972 (twice what was expended in World War II in all sectors). This act
may not have broken the will of the Vietnamese fighters, but it certainly
set back the possibility of Vietnam's rapid transition to socialism. I'm
thinking of Ho Chi Minh today, because I feel frustrated by my comrades
and friends in the U. S. who reserve a particular tone for their criticism
of the attempt to build socialism within the formerly colonized world,
regions that linger still in the realm of necessity. In the U.S. we allow
ourselves to make sophisticated arguments based on the narrow terrain of
maneuver -- even to champion someone so detached from political
organization as Michael Moore or Warren Beatty! When it comes to Cuba,
Vietnam, and West Bengal, we have no patience with the manifold difficulty
faced by the communist movement. I agree with Amilcar Cabral who warned us
in 1965 to 'tell no lies. Mask no difficulties, mistakes, failures. Claim
no easy victories.' Nevertheless, we should also not frown too earnestly
when faced with the barren fields of formerly colonized countries, whose
wealth allows us to be so genteel now.

Vietnam is a small independent country that ploughs the tough terrain of
human society toward socialism. Within the country fierce debate continues
over the nature of the path, particularly of the highly controversial Doi
Moi (market socialism) regime enacted under IMF pressure in 1986. In a
1924 article, Ho Chi Minh noted that 'colonialism is a leech with two
suckers, one of which sucks the metropolitan proletariat and the other
that of the colonies. If we want to kill this monster, we must cut off
both suckers at the same time. If only one is cut off, the other will
continue to suck the blood of the proletariat, the animal will continue to
live, and the cut-off sucker will grow again.' When we regard the Vietnam
Revolution, perhaps we should tend to these words and recognize that the
trials of the socialist experiment in places such as Vietnam have
something to do with errors there, but also, and decisively, to do with
our own inability to strike at capitalism's core.

Born in 1890, Ho Chi Minh left his country at age 21 to become a
revolutionary. He traveled through Garvey's Harlem, Lenin's Moscow and
Clara Zetkin's Paris. At the Fifth Congress of the Comintern (1924), Ho
Chi Minh foreshadowed his role in South East Asia. 'The revolt of the
colonial peasants is imminent. They have already risen in several
colonies, but each time their rebellions have been drowned in blood. If
they now seem resigned, that is solely for lack of organization and
leadership. It is the duty of the Communist International to work toward
that union.' Ho Chi Minh exercised a major role in uniting the left
fractions in Vietnam and forging the party that would lead the liberation
movement in the region. While he was not much of a theoretician, Ho Chi
Minh certainly left a major anti-bureaucratic legacy in Vietnam. The
theory of 'collective mastery' (lam chu tap the) was presented in his 1961
speech to the Second Congress of the Vietnam Workers' Party, a theory that
urged people to 'work on their own initiative and own accord,' to take
control of social relations. The 7th National Congress of the Communist
Party of Vietnam (1991) reiterated its faith


1999-09-03 Thread Cropolis

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
Date: Friday, September 03, 1999 11:08 PM

> -Caveat Lector-
>In a message dated 9/2/99 7:06:12 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Koresh WAS a pedophile, no question about that, but WHY didn't he and the
>>  rest of his "Branch DavIdiots" comply with the fed's???
>>  Why barricade yourself inside a "compound"
>>  If any of us refused a lawful request and instead holed up in our homes (or
>>  compounds, if we're "landed" enough) we'd be run through too...big shock!

so you  admit that our government has declared war upon the people it is sworn to 
protect?  interesting.

>>  If everything was so legit (not his offspring though) why not air these
>>  things in public??? In a court where reporters would be there, maybe even
>>  CourtTV!
>>  'Tis REALLY hard to give a  about a pedophile who seems to have been
>>  breaking other laws too!!!
>>  And PRUDY, you're correct, the kids DIDN'T deserve their fate...blame their
>>  daddy and screwed up mommies though...

so you are willing to belive the party line without looking at it through the prism of 
logic?  these crimes he is stated as having
broken have not been proved.  unfortunately, the childern are dead so we can only go 
by the report that was filed by the Waco
Childerns Protective Service, which found no evidence of pedophiliai.  so that is 
another lie that has been offered upon the
scacrifical alter of Waco.  you seem to be so quick to condem, why is this are you 
afraid your government can not stand up to an
open door investigation?  if so you must be awfully insecure.  i will pray for you and 
your loved ones that you dont find out first

In Love and Light
I Am Tim
Unconditional Love is attainable for all that quest for it.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Moroccan Straits

1999-09-03 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

><><  Seems like another character from "Casablanca" {"White House"} has been
recently active in Morocco ... all the while Senor Solana has been at it in the
Balkans.  Grass be greener in other climes?  A<>E<>R ><><

"" The partial support of Moroccan demands by the Catalan nationalists, and the
growing influence of regionalist forces in Aragon, the Balearic Islands and the
Basque Region, show that it will become increasingly difficult for the PP and
PSOE establishment to retain the unity of the Spanish nation-state. ""

> WSWS : News & Analysis : Africa
> Morocco claims Ceuta and Melilla
> By Peter Norden
> 4 September 1999
> Back to screen version
> Moroccan Prime Minister Abderraman Yusufi has questioned the status of the two
> Spanish enclaves Ceuta and Mellila and claimed them for Morocco.
> He made this claim following regional elections on June 19 marked by vigorous
> political disputes. On August 13 Yusufi explained to the Spanish radio station
> Cadena SER that he would conduct bilateral negotiations in a relaxed and
> friendly atmosphere, with the aim of achieving a more flexible status for the
> two cities. He cited as a model the "de-colonisation" of Hong Kong and Macao. At
> the same time he said the present state of affairs could not be allowed to
> continue.
> Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar, who arrived in Rabbat on August 16 for
> a state visit, replied that that Ceuta and Melilla were not colonies, were in
> the best of health now and would remain so in the future. He said a discussion
> over the two cities was not at all called for.
> The stance of Aznar, who is the leader of the conservative Peoples Party (PP),
> is supported by his rival Joaquin Almunia of the Socialist Party (PSOE).
> Almunia supported Aznar's visit to Morocco and praised his "political
> astuteness". Declaring the visit must lead to an improvement in economic
> co-operation, he said Morocco's decision to restrict Spanish fishing rights in
> Morocco's territorial waters had to be revised. He added that efforts of
> Morocco's social democratic prime minister and newly crowned head of state
> Mohamed VI to democratise the North African country also had to be supported.
> As to the status of Ceutas and Melilla, Almunia said there was nothing to
> discuss. Disputes over this issue, he continued, should be conducted in a spirit
> of dialogue, not confrontation.
> While representatives of the PP and the PSOE indulge in diplomatic semantics in
> order to defend Spanish interests in North Africa, the left-wing alliance
> Izquerda Unida (IU) has intervened in the debate with a considerable dose of
> patriotism. It declared that Aznar should have called off the visit to Rabbat
> because of "massive interference" by Yusufi. The parliamentary spokesman of this
> coalition, Felipe Alcaraz, called the politics of Aznar unworldly and added,
> “The relationship with Morocco has to be clarified and the trip is taking place
> at an inappropriate time".
> While the political establishment in Spain agrees there is nothing to negotiate
> concerning Ceuta and Mellila, the issue dominates the Moroccan press. A leading
> article in the paper Le Matin, which sympathises with the government, said the
> essence of the matter is the initiation of a new stage in the bilateral
> relationship of the two countries. It described the status of the two cities as
> a colonial anachronism and said one should expect Spain to acknowledge the
> occupied cities of Ceuta and Melilla, as well as the Moroccan islands in the
> Mediterranean, to be colonies, which should be de-colonised. Sooner or later, it
> declared, they must be reintegrated with the Moroccan motherland.
> The paper L'Opinion, which is close to the party of Yusufi, pointed to a
> parliamentary question that is to be raised in the Spanish legislature by the
> Iniciativa per Catalunya-Els Verds (IC) (Catalan Greens) in September,
> supporting the transfer of all rights on Ceutas and Melilla to Morocco.
> On this issue the Catalan Greens are in agreement with Jordi Pujol, the leader
> of the nationalist-Catalan party Convergencia i Unio (CIU), which support
> Aznar's government. The CIU is in favour of a debate on the status of the two
> Moroccan cities, and Pujol himself had called for a "fundamental re-thinking" of
> the question.
> The Catalan regional party Esquerra Republicana (Republican Left) declares that
> the Spanish state must begin the process of de-colonising Ceuta and Melilla,
> and, following a period of mutual Hispano-Moroccan sovereignty, allow them to be
> reintegrated into the Moroccan state.
> What is the significance of these two enclaves?
> Ceuta and Melilla each have a population of about 70,000 of which 85 percent are
> of Spanish origin and 10 percent are Muslim. A harbour, a considerable fish
> processing industry and

[CTRL] Drugs 'tried by a quarter of 13-year-olds' [London Telegraph]

1999-09-03 Thread Bard

 -Caveat Lector-

ISSUE 1562 Saturday 4 September 1999

Drugs 'tried by a quarter of 13-year-olds'
By Philip Johnston, Home Affairs Editor

Drugs are here to stay - so make them legal

ONE in four 13-year-olds at schools taking part in a government-backed drugs
survey had taken illegal substances, mostly cannabis, according to
researchers. By the age of 15, more than half had tried at least one drug.
The three-year study has so alarmed ministers that a survey of schools
throughout England is to be conducted to see if the figures are the same
elsewhere. It coincided with research showing that cocaine is replacing
ecstasy as the fashionable drug among young people. Figures published
yesterday showed a significant increase in the drug's use in the 16 to 29
age group.

The school project covered 2,500 children aged 13 to 16 in a dozen secondary
and middle schools in four towns in Northumbria and West Yorkshire. On
average, the younger children were given £13 a week pocket money and the
older childen £20, supplemented by earnings from part-time jobs.

The survey showed that by the age of 13, 26 per cent of the children had
tried at least one drug, rising to 51 per cent at 15 and 56 per cent at 16.
Although cannabis and amphetamines were easily the most common drugs, there
were also higher-than-expected rates of heroin use.

More children were being exposed to drugs at a much earlier age than before.
By 13, 40 per cent had been in situations where drugs were offered or
available. These included solvents, "magic mushrooms", LSD and nitrites as
well as cannabis.

By the age of 16, 14 per cent of young people had been in situations where
heroin was available or offered. In one area of Northumbria, 33 per cent of
13-year-olds had tried drugs. The research also found that children in
one-parent households were more likely to use drugs.

Officials said it was impossible to say whether the findings were nationally
representative before the national survey later this year. Paul Wiles,
director of the Home Office Research Development and Statistics Directorate,
said: "This should help to put the findings from Northumbria and West
Yorkshire in better perspective. We know that drug use in the North of
England could be especially high."

The authors of the study say drug taking is no longer a minority pastime but
involves millions of "ordinary" young people who are not from
underprivileged backgrounds. The marked fall in the age at which drugs were
being tried suggested regular drug use was likely in later life.

Mike O'Brien, Home Office minister, said the figures showed the importance
of informing young people about the dangers of drugs. But Andrew Lansley,
Conservative spokesman, accused the Government of "complacency" and said
there was no evidence of progress in cutting drug misuse by young people.

A separate study based on the findings of the 1998 British Crime Survey
showed that increasing numbers of young people were trying cocaine. Experts
said that falling prices and cocaine's association with the wealthy and
famous were helping fuel the boom. Fears over the safety of the "dance drug"
ecstasy may also be responsible for the rise.

However, the increase appears to be largely confined to London and
Merseyside. A feared heroin epidemic among the young had not materialised.

29 August 1999: Taking cocaine linked to hepatitis
20 August 1999: Cannabis no more harmful than alcohol, says churchman
8 July 1999: Billionaire addict died eating cocaine
28 January 1999: Trade in illegal drugs 'worth up to £8.5bn a year'
28 April 1998: Drugs war must be won 'for sake of our children'
22 April 1998: British drug-user crime outstrips offences in US
19 September 1997: Study challenges myth of Britain's rising drug crisis
28 July 1997: Drugs part of many young teenagers' lives
9 May 1996: Drug taking has become 'teenage rite of passage'


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

[CTRL] Truth From Feds Is Hard to Find [Waco]

1999-09-03 Thread Bard

 -Caveat Lector-

Vol. 15, No. 36 -- September 27, 1999

Published Date September 3, 1999, in Washington, D.C.

Truth From Feds Is Hard to Find

By Jennifer G. Hickey

After years of denials, the FBI has said it used flammable tear gas during
the siege of the Branch Davidian compound. What does that say about
government by the people, for the people?

Throughout the course of American history, many worthy individuals have
spoken eloquently and wisely on the importance of public trust in a
democratic republic. Indeed, it was Al Gore who, not renowned for his
stirring oratory, addressed the concept with clarity in a 1994 commencement
speech at Harvard University. "Democracy stands or falls upon a mutual
trust -- government's trust of the people and the people's trust of the
government they elect," he said. But in this age of 30-second sound bites
and trendy catchphrases, perhaps it is best to take the path of least mental
resistance and express it as James Carville might have said in George
Washington's 1789 campaign: "It's the cherry tree, stupid."
. . . . As the firestorm about Waco flared again, America learned two
things: How the government can take a chain saw to the cherry tree and
maintain an "inaccurate" story for six years, and how corrosive the effect
can be of consistently clouding the truth. Since April 19, 1993, the FBI has
clung to the claim that no pyrotechnic devices were used in the federal
storming of the Branch Davidian compound, an assault which resulted in a
conflagration that killed more than 80 people, including women and children
(for more on Waco, see "When Truth Deferred Is Truth Denied," p. 44).
. . . . Reporting by the Dallas Morning News forced the FBI to admit on Aug.
25 that "a further search of their files" indicated that federal law
enforcement "may have used a very limited number of military-type CS gas
canisters," which are designed to disperse gas using a pyrotechnic mixture.
. . . . Attorney General Janet Reno reacted to the revelations with
restrained shock. "I'm not embarrassed; I'm very, very upset," she said. And
she quickly passed the buck back to the FBI. "If anybody says they've never
relied on information that proves to be inaccurate, I'd like to meet them."
. . . . "She said she was responsible and that the buck stopped with her,"
said House Government Reform and Oversight Committee spokesman Mark Corallo.
"The Justice Department has lost all credibility when it comes to this
investigation. And Janet Reno is the chief over there." Several members of
Congress, such as Texas Republican Sen. Phil Gramm, since have called for
Reno's resignation. Democrats also had doubts, resulting in bipartisan calls
for an investigation. New York Democratic Sen. Charles Schumer, no less,
said, "The FBI had its chance to do this investigation on its own and they
clearly muffed it." Texas Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee said, "We must
bring Americans the truth."
. . . . The network-TV talk shows and the cable airwaves were filled with
statements of disbelief, outrage at the apparent duplicity of the FBI and
calls for an investigation. By the end of the first week of September, House
Government Reform Committee Chairman Dan Burton of Indiana had fired off
more than 20 subpoenas to the Clinton-Gore White House, the Justice
Department, the Texas Rangers, the CIA and the Department of Defense. The
Defense Department is being asked for information about the presence of
members of the Army's elite Delta Force and possible violations of the Posse
Comitatus Act of 1878, which forbids the use of the military in domestic
. . . . By the Labor Day weekend, yet more details emerged. On orders of
Justice, the U.S. Marshals Service had taken custody of new information
found in the FBI's hostage-rescue-team files at Quantico, Va. -- further
complicating the already-tense relationship between Justice and the FBI.
Subsequently, the Dallas Morning News and the New York Times reported that
the search unearthed Forward-Looking Infrared Radar, or FLIR, tapes which
picked up the voice of an agent asking for permission to launch incendiary
tear-gas grenades at the Davidians' bunker on the morning of April 19, 1993.
. . . . This discovery pushed Reno into announcing just before the holiday
that she was looking for an independent investigator who "has the confidence
and faith of the American people."
. . . . There certainly is no need to adopt the proviso of TV's X-Files,
namely, "Trust no one." A healthy dose of skepticism is one requirement for
a thriving democracy. Everyone got the point when Mark Twain wrote that
Congress is the only native American criminal class.
. . . . Now the latest revelations have prompted a new skepticism about the
government's actions at Waco -- one that was absent within week

[CTRL] Gore's Embrace [Money-laundering]

1999-09-03 Thread Bard

 -Caveat Lector-

Vol. 15, No. 36 -- September 27, 1999

Published Date September 3, 1999, in Washington, D.C.

Gore's Embrace

By J. Michael Waller

Money-laundering charges have raised questions about the vice president's
warm relationship with Russian President Boris Yeltsin's corrupt, inept

ice President Al Gore is in the doghouse over his no-holds-barred support
for Russian President Boris Yeltsin, and it isn't just his Republican
critics who are pointing the fingers. One of the Democrats' shining stars,
former New Jersey senator Bill Bradley, who is challenging Gore for the
presidential nomination, blasted the administration's Russia policy after
reports that Russian gangsters, possibly in league with top Russian
officials, laundered billions of dollars of U.S.-backed loans through New
York banks.
. . . . "Our assistance and lending policies," said Bradley, "have done very
little to further our strategic goal, the needs of the Russian people or the
cause of Russian reform. Billions of dollars have been promised to Russians,
but far too much money has been siphoned off by untrustworthy Russian
'capitalists.'" It was an implicit swipe at Gore, who was one of the main
champions of the taxpayer-subsidized loans to the Russian Central Bank
believed to have been laundered through the Bank of New York, which happens
to be in the state that first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton wants to represent
in the Senate.
. . . . No one is rushing to Gore's defense. With most of official
Washington out of town for the Labor Day holiday, few were available for
comment. But a spokesman for retiring New York Democratic Sen. Daniel
Patrick Moynihan, the influential foreign-policy voice whose seat Hillary
Clinton hopes to take next year, tells Insight, "He's following the issue
but we have not made any statement." The Democratic Leadership Council,
which President Clinton headed when he was governor of Arkansas, said it had
no one qualified to comment. And a spokeswoman for Mrs. Clinton, when asked
for comment, said, "Ugh. I don't know about that one."
. . . . Painting Gore further into the corner are revelations from the U.S.
intelligence community that while the vice president was pushing for more
cash to Russia, he was rejecting CIA reports that his Russian interlocutors
were crooked or involved with organized crime.
. . . . "Though no one has charged that Gore knew of the financial
diversions," reported the Washington Post, "the still emerging
money-laundering scandal has tendrils that could run close to the vice
president." Newsweek opined, "It may be Al Gore who pays for the sins of the
Russian elite." In a Washington Post op-ed, David Ignatius asked, "What did
the vice president know about the looting of Russia by organized crime, and
why didn't he do more to stop it?"
. . . . Gore finds himself in the hot seat because of his unique
relationship with certain Russian leaders alleged to have participated in
some of the looting. Unlike any vice president in U.S. history, he has taken
a lead strategic foreign-policy role. The first Clinton administration was
just three months old in April 1993 when, in partnership with then-Prime
Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin, Gore headed the U.S.-Russian Commission on
Economic and Technological Cooperation, popularly known as the
Gore-Chernomyrdin commission.
. . . . The commission was designed to work on a range of energy,
industrial, technological and economic issues and to cut through
bureaucracy. Supporters say that in the course of the often rocky
U.S.-Russian relationship, the commission provided an even keel for
conducting bilateral relations on a daily basis. Critics argue that it was a
funnel for U.S. cash and technology into Russia's corrupt bureaucracy and
banking sectors.
. . . . Gore won bipartisan accolades for his commission work, gaining
himself statesmanlike status. But Chernomyrdin, ousted last year, lost his
luster amid reports he had privatized a nine-figure portion of Gazprom, the
Russian natural-gas monopoly he once headed, to himself. With the latest
reports that the U.S.-backed International Monetary Fund, or IMF, loans
which Gore helped engineer to prop up Yeltsin may have been diverted and
laundered through the Bank of New York, Gore's relationship with
Chernomyrdin suddenly threatened his undoing as a world statesman.
. . . . Surveying the ruins of the administration's Russia policy that in
the end failed to foster permanent pro-Western, free-market reforms, the New
York Times Magazine reported, "When this checkered record is eventually held
up to the light during a presidential campaign, Gore will have much to
answer for."
. . . . The Gore-Chernomyrdin commission, whose informal name has changed
with each new Russian premier, has operated as part of the Russia policy

[CTRL] Fwd: FC: Microsoft gave NSA a back door into Windows? (maybe not)

1999-09-03 Thread Kris Millegan

I am away in Australia for a while and typing this from LAX.

Many alert politech readers have forwarded me info on this (thanks, all of
you). Here are the URLs:

And a heavily-fowarded note below.


> > >From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fri Sep  3 16:01:34 1999
> > Date: Fri, 3 Sep 1999 15:57:43 -0400
> > From: Russ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Alert: CryptoAPI and _NSAKey issue
> >
> >
> >
> > This is also available at
> >
> > Whoa horsie...
> >
> > I had a long chat with Andrew Fernandes this morning, as well as
> > another chat with others, and of course I've had a ton of messages
> > sent my way with various links to various stories about the issue.
> >
> > I wanted to get a few things straight before I sent this message, but
> > given how quickly things are spreading it makes sent to send something
> > interim.
> >
> > Ok, so here's what I can tell you.
> >
> > 1. Andrew's speculation about the _NSAKEY being a backdoor for the NSA
> > is based on;
> >
> > a) The variable is called "NSA".
> >
> > b) Its a second key, not known to exist in Windows previously.
> >
> > c) What possible purpose would a second key serve?
> >
> > d) Its presence, arguably, weakens CryptoAPI (Andrew explains this on
> > his website at ,
> > I'll elaborate more later.
> >
> > 2. Sources close to Microsoft say that the key is a "Backup" key. It
> > is owned by Microsoft, and only Microsoft have the private key to it.
> > The key was named "_NSAKEY" because the NSA insisted that Microsoft
> > include a backup key in their CryptoAPI before the Commerce Department
> > would approve its inclusion in NT 4.0.
> >
> > Editorial
> > - -
> >
> > There's a bunch of somewhat understandable furor going on over the
> > idea that the NSA might have a backdoor to Windows. Unfortunately,
> > however, all of this is based on a variable name. Anyone who programs
> > knows that variables might get named anything for a variety of
> > reasons. One would expect that they would be named descriptively, but
> > alas, not everyone follows such stringent conventions (can you spell
> > "Easter Egg"?).
> >
> > The Conspiracy Theorist's theory goes;
> > - -
> >
> > - - The NSA has a signing key on your box.
> >
> > - - The NSA can implant a Trojan to replace the module which performs
> > encryption on your box with one that doesn't perform encryption, and
> > because the failure of signature verification against Microsoft's key
> > is silent, they can get their trojan'd app up and running without you
> > being any the wiser.
> >
> > - - The NSA can then sniff your traffic, now being conducted in
> > plain-text.
> >
> > There's obviously a ton of variations possible on this theory, they
> > take your private key, they replace your key with another, etc...
> >
> > They only have to get a Trojan to you and get you to run it, and as
> > those same Conspiracy Theorists always say, there's
> > likely bugs in the OS designed to allow them to do
> > this...
> >
> > Yeah, could be true.
> >
> > My take from Microsoft's Perspective;
> > - 
> >
> > - - We want to have one build of our products that simultaneously
> > supports weak or strong encryption functionality.
> >
> > - - We want to be able to ship this one product world-wide, changing as
> > few bits as possible for those that are being shipped outside the U.S.
> > and Canada.
> >
> > - - We'll build an API (good, bad, or otherwise) that allows the
> > controlled bits to be inserted into an infrastructure, then get the
> > infrastructure approved, and all will be good.
> >
> > - - Commerce (with advice from lots of people including the NSA),
> > agrees, and tells Microsoft they have to sign everything that can use
> > the infrastructure. That way, Microsoft can ship its product anywhere,
> > and Commerce will know that only those products that have been signed
> > by Microsoft will be able to run on the OS.
> >
> > - - You want to build a Cryptographic Service Provider (CSP), the module
> > that performs the encryption, you gotta get Microsoft to sign it for
> > it to run. Microsoft doesn't sign anything that doesn't have the
> > appropriate Commerce Department Export approvals first.
> >
> > Wonderful, life's good, Microsoft doesn't have to manage multiple
> > versions based on Crypto-strength, folks can implement whatever crypto
> > they want (assuming its Commerce approved).
> >
> > Oh, the second key, I almost forgot;
> > - ---
> >
> > I'm told the NSA insisted there had to be a backup. No explanation as
> > to why yet,

[CTRL] [Fwd: IUFO: NSA crypto key on your windows computer... (fwd)]

1999-09-03 Thread Nicola Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

Neoplanet kids version is the solution.

Francisco Lopez wrote:
> ->  IUFO  Mailing List
> From: Andrew Gingery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> IUFO  Mailing List
> MS Refutes Windows 'Spy Key'
> by Steve Kettmann and James Glave
> 10:20 a.m.  3.Sep.99.PDT Microsoft is vehemently denying allegations by a
> leading cryptographer that its Windows platform contains a backdoor
> designed to give a US intelligence agency access to personal computers.
> Andrew Fernandes, chief scientist for security software company Cryptonym
> in North Carolina, claimed on his Web site early Friday that the National
> Security Agency may have access to the core security of most major Windows
> operating systems.
> "By adding the NSA's key, they have made it easier -- not easy, but easier
> -- for the NSA to install security components on your computer without
> your authorization or approval," Fernandes said.
> But Microsoft denied that the NSA has anything to do with the key.
> "The key is a Microsoft key -- it is not shared with any party including
> the NSA," said Windows NT security product manager Scott Culp. "We don't
> leave backdoors in any products."
> Culp said the key was added to signify that it had passed NSA encryption
> standards.
> Fernandes also simultaneously released a program on his site that will
> disable the key.
> The key exists in all recent versions of the Windows operating systems,
> including Windows 95, 98, 2000, and NT.
> The issue centers around two keys that ship with all copies of Windows.
> The keys grant an outside party the access it needs to install security
> components without user authorization.
> The first key is used by Microsoft to sign its own security service
> modules. Until late Thursday, the identity and holder of the second key
> had remained a mystery.
> In previous versions of Windows, Fernandes said Microsoft had disguised
> the holder of the second key by removing identifying symbols. But while
> reverse-engineering Windows NT Service Pack 5, Fernandes discovered that
> Microsoft left the identifying information intact.
> He discovered that the second secret key is labeled "_NSAKEY."
> Fernandes and many other security experts take that to stand for the
> National Security Agency -- the nation's most powerful intelligence
> agency.
> Microsoft said _NSAKEY signifies that it satisfies security standards.
> Through its "signals intelligence" division, the NSA listens in on the
> communications of other nations.
> The NSA did not immediately respond to a request for comment via fax, the
> only way the agency communicates with inquiries from the media.
> The agency also operates Echelon, a global eavesdropping network that is
> reportedly able to intercept just about any form of electronic
> communications anywhere in the world.
> The agency is forbidden by law from eavesdropping on American citizens.
> Marc Briceno, director of the Smartcard Developer Association, said the
> inclusion of the key could represent a serious threat to e-commerce.
> "The Windows operating-system-security compromise installed by Microsoft
> on behalf of the NSA in every copy of Windows 95, 98, and NT represents a
> serious financial risk to any company using MS Windows in e-commerce
> applications," Briceno wrote in an email.
> "With the discovery of an NSA backdoor in every copy of the Windows
> operating systems sold worldwide, both US and especially non-US users of
> Microsoft Windows must assume that the confidentiality of their business
> communications has been compromised by the US spy agency," Briceno said.
> Briceno coordinated the team that broke the security in GSM cell phones,
> demonstrating that the phones are subject to cloning -- a feat the
> cellular industry had thought impossible.
> In making the discovery, Fernandes said he did not know why the key was
> there.
> "It could be for espionage. It may not be," he said. "It does not totally
> compromise Windows, it only weakens it The only real reason I can see
> is for them to be able to install their own security providers."
> But Microsoft's Culp said all cyrptographic software intended for export
> must be submitted to a National Security Agency review process. He said
> that the key was so named to indicate that it had completed that process
> and that it complied with export regulations.
> "The only thing that this key is used for is to ensure that only those
> products that meet US export control regulations and have been checked can
> run under our crypto API (application programming interface)," Culp said.
> "It does not allow anyone to start things, stop services, or allow
> anything [to be executed] remotely," he said.
> "It is used to ensure that we and our cryptographic partners comply with
> United States crypto export regulations. We are the only ones who have
> access to it."
> Fernandes made the discovery in early Au

Re: [CTRL] Fw: Should we trust the government?

1999-09-03 Thread TenebrousT

 -Caveat Lector-

The short answer to this is; "Fuck no."
Having said that, a bigger question begs to be asked.  How can anyone even
ask the question in the first place?
How many times do you have to be lied to, beaten, have your rights violated,
be taxed to death, be consigned to prison for using your constitutional
rights, be set up, have your door busted in at 2:00 AM to take your "drugs",
have pyrotechnic grenades thrown at you and your family and friends, be
denied the exercise of your religious rights, be stopped and searched just
'cause your black, be subject to police beatings, and etc., before you
finally have to say enough is enough, point made?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] When GPS meets cell phones

1999-09-03 Thread Sno0wl

 -Caveat Lector-

On 3 Sep 99, , Kris wrote:

>  -Caveat Lector-
> from:
>">When GPS meets cell phones
> -
> When GPS meets cell phonesPolice will know exactly where those 911 calls
> are made,
> and a host of other fun services will followBy Bob Sullivan
> Sept. 1 — Shalene Wilson was in big trouble. Two men had overpowered
> her, stabbed her, thrown her in a car trunk and driven away. But in a
> stroke of what might seem like amazing luck, they did not realize she
> had a mobile phone. She called local police in Albany, Ore., begging for
> help — but they were helpless. In this case, 911 proved just about
> useless: The police had no idea where Wilson was calling from, and
> neither did she. They spent the better part of the next 24 hours
> searching in vain, combing the town block by block while precious time
> ticked away. A new technology which would have told police precisely
> where Wilson was hadn’t arrived in time to help.

Several years ago, Dean Koontz wrote a novel where the hero is tracked by GPS by
through the deserts of the SW by the evil gummint that wants to stop him.
"Dark Rivers of the Heart"?


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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1999-09-03 Thread TenebrousT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/2/99 7:06:12 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Koresh WAS a pedophile, no question about that, but WHY didn't he and the
>  rest of his "Branch DavIdiots" comply with the fed's???
>  Why barricade yourself inside a "compound"
>  If any of us refused a lawful request and instead holed up in our homes (or
>  compounds, if we're "landed" enough) we'd be run through too...big shock!
>  If everything was so legit (not his offspring though) why not air these
>  things in public??? In a court where reporters would be there, maybe even
>  CourtTV!
>  'Tis REALLY hard to give a  about a pedophile who seems to have been
>  breaking other laws too!!!
>  And PRUDY, you're correct, the kids DIDN'T deserve their fate...blame their
>  daddy and screwed up mommies though...
>  Bill.

There is no doubt that the man was deluded but I've seen little evidence that
makes him a pedophile.  All I have heard on the matter is conjecture, nothing
more.  Same goes for the gun dealing some have alleged.  Now as to why he
should have just complied with the Fed's, one must ask oneself if he ever had
the chance.  It has been noted that the Fed's could have picked him up many
times and charged him with God knows what, outside the compound and NO DOUBT
the rest would have capitulated without a fight (with no leader).  Why didn't
the government do that?  Maybe it is because they WANTED a bloody showdown,
knowing (or suspecting) that Koresh was unstable and could do anything.  The
next point is that the Davidians were tipped to the Fed's approach by a law
officer I think.  This was probably done by the Fed's themselves to instigate
fear.  Now what do you suppose that man said to the people at the "compound"?
 Probably something like; "Dave, they got a WHOLE SHITLOAD of weapons and
agents AND THEY MEAN SOME SERIOUS BUSINESS.  They are ready to CRUSH you."
Now having heard that is it possible that Koresh, quite rightly, feared for
his life and those of the other members of the "cult," because with so much
firepower they could only mean to storm the place and kill them.  That could
be why he chose to fight, until the media came and had an eye on it.  But
hey!  Guess what?  The media was kept miles away so that nothing done could
be observed, and the Fed's could do as they please.
Mind you I'm not defending Koresh or his twisted beliefs (though he had a
right to have them), and especially not endorsing his behavior IF there was
any pedophilia going on.  This is more along the lines of excoriating the
FASCIST THUGS in the Federal Law Enforcement Agencies.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Skeptic News - Friday #3

1999-09-03 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Not all were prime shooters nor were all at dealy plaza.

In a message dated 9/3/99 5:03:50 PM, you wrote:

>> From: Kris Millegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> > ># JFK Dallas Fatal Shot From Storm Drain? [photo]
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >: Where were you when you shot JFK? How have you managed to shake
>> > >  all your pursuers? Were you killed afterward to keep you from
>> > >  revealing the truth??
>> >
>> > Yes, there was a shooter in the drain, there were at least 26
>> > shooters on site that day.
>And only 3 bullets made it to the car.  Man, that's some piss-poor

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-09-03 Thread Smart News

 -Caveat Lector-

The entire document is now available on-line at :

Sincerely,  Neil Brick




August 15, 1999


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] On Kansas

1999-09-03 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

Weird Science
My first thought upon hearing that the Kansas state education board had
removed evolution from its mandatory curriculum was: Go ahead! Be like that!
Handicap your kids for life. Let the "secular humanists" have all the good
colleges and get all the good jobs. I know this was an unworthy
thought--Darwin's demotion was a political maneuver by Christian conservative
politicians, not a grassroots effort by Kansas parents, much less their
unfortunate children--but there you are. As a rootless cosmopolitan, I get
tired of being expected to pay homage to "the heartland" as the moral center
of the universe.

And creationism, honestly! In 1999! All summer, serious newspapers have felt
it necessary to publish casuistical Op-Eds by apologists for "creation
science"--and the Old Testament is the only biology textbook you really need,
these clever fellows forgot to add. What's going on? As Stephen Jay Gould
pointed out in Time, in no other Western country is the teaching of evolution
regarded as controversial. Throughout the world, one way or another, most
Christian denominations have managed to reconcile belief in God with belief
in the mechanisms of natural selection. A French or German or Scandinavian
politician who called for students to entertain as a reasonable deduction
from existing evidence the proposition that Earth is at most 10,000 years old
would be bundled off to a mental hospital.

Creation science is religion, no matter what its apologists say; let's start
from there. No one looking at the physical record would determine that
dinosaurs and humans coexisted, that fossils represent the creatures drowned
in Noah's flood and so on. The only way those notions would even occur to you
is if you considered the Bible an unerring historical document--but why would
you think that unless you accepted the Bible as divine revelation of factual
truth? The Topeka Capital-Journal asserted that "creationism is as good a
hypothesis as any." Because no human witnessed the beginning of life on
Earth, one guess is as good as another. Of course, a great deal of science
involves making inferences about phenomena no human has witnessed--the birth
of stars, the interior of the sun, subatomic particles. And, as one wag asked
in a letter to the New York Times, would creationists argue that the vast
majority of crimes, which occur unwitnessed, should not be prosecuted?

As Theodore Schick Jr. and Lewis Vaughn explain in their wonderful book How
to Think About Weird Things, the theory of evolution fulfills all the
scientific criteria of adequacy: It is falsifiable, it predicts, it leads to
further discoveries, it is conservative, and it fits what we already know.
That isn't to say a better theory might not come along someday, but it won't
be creationism, which fails all those tests in spades. To call creationism
science (or to call evolution religion, as National Review seemed to be doing
when it recently said Darwinism and creationism are equally "fundamentalist")
is to destroy the whole concept of science. After all, if the creationists
are right, not just biology must go but also geology, archeology,
astrophysics, physics; so must radiometric and carbon-14 dating. Indeed,
creationists should be protesting every natural history museum in the country
that uses public funds to promulgate the "secular humanist" doctrine of
geological time.

In a better world, science teachers would teach creationism along with
evolution as an exercise in critical thinking. But critical thinking is not
what creationists are interested in. Nor, so far, are the usual people who
love to weigh in on educational scandals. In fact, that's one of the most
interesting aspects of the creationism flap. Al Gore, who bills himself as
Mr. Science, finds himself unable to speak out on Kansas, saying that the
decision to teach evolution should be left to local school boards (the same
position taken by George W. Bush). And where are the doughty soldiers in the
science and education wars who profess to uphold standards and truth against
the irrationalist hordes? Where are the customary bemoaners of educational
"fads" and politicized curriculums--Michael Kelly, William Buckley, Bill
Bennett, Maureen Dowd? Sparring on ABC with a refreshingly rational George
Will, William Kristol said teaching creationism was understandable enough.

If, as so many commentators maintain, it's good for black students to read
Huckleberry Finn even if its use of the n-word in dialogue hurts their
feelings (and I would say it is good), why isn't it good for the children of
fundamentalists to study modern biology even if that unsettles their faith?
If standard biology is adequate to show that breast implants don't cause
autoimmune diseases, why is it useless to help us decide if eohippus is the
ancestor of the modern horse? The ferocious defenders of the scientific
method were quick to take to the word processor to congratulate Alan Sokal
when he 

Re: [CTRL] Waco Spin

1999-09-03 Thread K

 -Caveat Lector-

On 3 Sep 99, at 20:41, William Shannon wrote:

>  -Caveat Lector-
> You want WACO SPIN???
> How about Koresh was a pedophile, a Christian KOOK, and a fella' who
> REFUSED a lawful inquiry...Some spin!! Had this short-eyed christer
> simply COMPLIED with the request of the people none of this would have
> happened...PERIOD! Yes, it's a shame that Koresh SACRIFICED his spawn
> for no good reason...but let us not deify this douche-bag...he's not
> worthy!
> Bill.
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
> propagandic screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These
> are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths,
> misdirections and outright frauds is used politically  by different
> groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of
> time and thought. That being said, CTRL gives no endorsement to the
> validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you
> read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not
> apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> ==
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> ==
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> Om

Text book example of hate speech.

Pay your electric bill in pennies.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Skeptic News - Friday #3

1999-09-03 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

> From: Ric Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [CTRL] Skeptic News - Friday #3
> Date: Friday, September 03, 1999 4:04 PM
>  -Caveat Lector-
> - Original Message -
> From: Kris Millegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > ># JFK Dallas Fatal Shot From Storm Drain? [photo]
> > >
> > >
> > >: Where were you when you shot JFK? How have you managed to shake
> > >  all your pursuers? Were you killed afterward to keep you from
> > >  revealing the truth??
> >
> > Yes, there was a shooter in the drain, there were at least 26
> > shooters on site that day.

And only 3 bullets made it to the car.  Man, that's some piss-poor


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] FW: Homeopathy

1999-09-03 Thread Sno0wl

 -Caveat Lector-

On 3 Sep 99, , William wrote:

>  -Caveat Lector-
> Homeopathy: The Ultimate Fake
> Stephen Barrett, M.D.
> Homeopathic "remedies" enjoy a unique status in the health marketplace: They
> are the only category of quack products legally marketable as drugs. This
> situation is the result of two circumstances. First, the 1938 Federal Food,
> Drug, and Cosmetic Act, which was shepherded through Congress by a
> homeopathic physician who was a senator, recognizes as drugs all substances
> included in the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States. Second, the
> FDA has not held homeopathic products to the same standards as other drugs.
> Today they are marketed in health-food stores, in pharmacies, in practitioner
> offices, by multilevel distributors [A], through the mail, and on the
> Internet.

I really don't want to poke my nose into your debate, but when you find the right
homeopathic remedy for a symptom, it seems to work right away. I have found
homeopathic remedies exceedingly helpful for both myself and my pets. And I really
have no idea why they should work--but it appears to me, pragmatically, that they do,
when other more "traditional" alternatives" have failed me.

So far, I have used homeopathic remedies successfully for arthritic-like conditons,
colds, flues, and allergies and have found them remarkably effective. You do have to
experiment because they don't work until you find the "right" remedy. Then it works
almost instantly to relieve the conditon. My pharmacist is Indian, and while he spends
all day filling medical prescriptions, he carries a full line of herbal and homeopathic
remedies. For which I am very grateful.

I can't really argue with something that works. And no--I am not anti-science, although
I do believe the medical establishment is more involved with its own egos and profits
than with actually healing folks.

Latest word on the cutting edge--HIV has little or nothing to do with AIDS. It's HHV-6,
related to the herpes virus, which most of us carry, and which is usually dormant
within our systems, that is doing the real damage. HHV-6 is suspected of being the
active agent in MS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome too. Virologists who are working on
this theory have been fighting the AIDS establishment for years to have their case
heard--while folks keep on dying. As Vonnegut said so pithily: So it goes.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] (Fwd) NCPA Policy Digest 9-3-99

1999-09-03 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date sent:  Fri, 03 Sep 1999 09:35:38 -0500
From:   "John C. Goodman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:NCPA Policy Digest 9-3-99

National Center For Policy Analysis
Friday, September 3, 1999

PointCast can automatically load NCPA's Policy Digest summaries
on your desktop for easy reading.  For information go to


   teachers are on strike over reforms...INVESTOR'S BUSINESS

   fail, say observersWALL STREET JOURNAL

   owners have average annual incomes of $57,242, including
   taxpayer subsidiesHERITAGE FOUNDATION

   negotiated in the first half of 1999, as labor seeks
   higher wagesWALL STREET JOURNAL

   o   SOFTWARE MARKETS ARE COMPETITIVE, says a new study, and
   Microsoft isn't a monopolyINDEPENDENT INSTITUTE

   1997, say analysts, since they received state payments for
   students in private schoolsBUCKEYE INSTITUTE




On Monday, the day before classes were scheduled to start, public
school teachers in Detroit voted to strike.  They are incensed by
what others describe as moderate reforms initiated by the city's
new school board.

The city's education system had failed so miserably that the
Michigan legislature ousted the city's elected school board last
March and empowered Mayor Dennis Archer to appoint a new board.

Here's how bad things had gotten:

   o   The graduation rate from Detroit's public schools had sunk
   to 29.7 percent -- compared to a statewide average of 76

   o   Detroit students averaged 923 on the SAT -- whereas the
   Michigan average is 1,122, and the national average is

   o   The Detroit Free Press found that one in every seven of
   the city's teachers calls in sick on any given school day
   -- forcing the system to spend an extra $40 million a year
   on substitute teachers.

Here are the proposed reforms that have the teachers so upset:

   o   A longer school day and a longer school year.

   o   Changes in rules governing sick days -- which formerly saw
   the average Detroit teacher taking 10 of the 15 sick days
   they are allowed in the academic year.

   o   Merit pay which would give teachers up to $3,000 extra per
   year -- providing their attendance was good, they put in
   three years of merely satisfactory performance, they
   improved their own education and acquired national

Observers say that the teachers also need a lesson in
competition, by initiating a voucher system there.

Source: Editorial, "The Lesson From Detroit," Investor's Business
Daily, September 3, 1999.

For more on Local & State Control of Schools


So far, 28 cities and counties have filed lawsuits against gun
manufacturers.  The gun industry is trying to have the suits
dismissed because manufacturers have rarely been found liable for
what criminals do with their products.

Local governments are hoping for a repeat of the states'
lucrative legal battle over tobacco.  So if gun makers go down to
defeat, lawyers are expected to haul manufacturers of other
products into court.

   o   The next targets could be manufacturers of sports cars
   which are capable of attaining unlawful and unsafe speeds,
   as well as distillers of alcohol who would be blamed for
   inciting criminal behavior.

   o   Experts say that the gun cases are based on the theory
   that the product was defective because someone used it to
   commit wrongful acts -- which would be stretching product
   liability beyond limits which have been accepted up to
   this time.

   o   Plaintiffs have sued the makers of air guns, carbon-
   dioxide cartridges, glue and even slingshots on criminal-
   misuse grounds -- without much success.

   o   Just weeks ago, the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals
   ruled that fertilizer makers couldn't be blamed for the
   World Trade Center bombing.

Some legal observers find it ironic that mayors of some cities
with high crime rates are seeking to avoid their own
responsibility for having their police departments maintain law
and safety by blaming the instrument instead.

"No industry can properly or legally have its own police force,"

[CTRL] Waco Spin

1999-09-03 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

You want WACO SPIN???
How about Koresh was a pedophile, a Christian KOOK, and a fella' who REFUSED
a lawful inquiry...Some spin!!
Had this short-eyed christer simply COMPLIED with the request of the people
none of this would have happened...PERIOD!
Yes, it's a shame that Koresh SACRIFICED his spawn for no good reason...but
let us not deify this douche-bag...he's not worthy!


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: What's New for Sep 03, 1999

1999-09-03 Thread CobolMage

 -Caveat Lector-

WHAT'S NEW   Robert L. Park   Friday, 3 Sep 99   Washington, DC

"Safe sex" takes on an entirely different meaning under a new DOE
policy requiring employees who hold security clearances to report
any "close and continuing contacts" with foreigners from a list
of 25 sensitive countries.  In response to employee requests for
clarification of "close and continuing," one-night stands were
specifically exempted from the reporting requirements.  This
could be the biggest romantic turn-off since nipple piercing.

surprised that White House Chief of Staff John Podesta would use
a slow news week to promise a veto of Republican spending plans
and tax cut proposals.  The White House is spoiling for a fight.
What was remarkable was that, of all the issues he could have
used to justify a veto, he chose to devote his speech to the
impact on science funding. He quoted Allan Bromley's op-ed in
last week's Washington Post (WN 27 Aug 99): "Congress has lost
sight of the critical role science plays in American life." He
also lashed Congress for diverting almost $1B to earmarked
projects, "undermining the discipline of competition and peer
review and slashing funds for higher priority projects."  Even
James Sensenbrenner (R-WI), House Science Committee chair, while
charging the Administration with significantly overstating the
amount of money that can be made available for science, welcomed
the Administration to the cause of increased science funding.

DOE was undertaking a complete review of the National Ignition
Facility at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, the director
of the $1.2B project, Mike Campbell, resigned for "personal
reasons."  The announcement followed a blitz of anonymous faxes
revealing that Campbell had misrepresented himself as a PhD.  His
bio in the '95-'96 edition of American Men and Women of Science
claims a PhD in Applied Physics from Princeton in '77, but he had
no bio in earlier editions.  He is expected to lose his security
clearance.  He was named a Fellow of the APS in '88 and received
the APS Excellence in Plasma physics award in '90. The DOE review
of NIF is focusing on the causes of a rumored $300M cost overrun.

Grace Dangberg Foundation was created in 1982 "to improve the
quality of history education."  Eight months ago, it proudly
announced that it was developing a new textbook on the history of
Kansas for seventh and eighth graders.  The book was to begin
with the rich fossil record of the inland sea that once covered
the state. That was before the Kansas School Board deleted Darwin
from the curriculum.  "You don't want to offend any group in
Kansas," the foundation's director said, explaining why the book
will now start with the arrival of native Americans.

THE AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY (Note: Opinions are the author's
and are not necessarily shared by the APS, but they should be.)

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Waco Way Back When

1999-09-03 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-


><>< This is a Table of Contents, each numbered line of which is a
hot linque ><><

> by the
> prepared in conjunction with the
> together with
> additional and dissenting views
> August 2, 1996.--Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of
> the Union and ordered to be printed
> Front Matter
> Executive Summary
> 1.Introduction 2.The ATF Investigation 3.Planning and Approval of the Raid
> 4.Raid Execution 5.Military Involvement in the Government Operations at Waco
> 6.Negotiations To End the Standoff With the Davidians 7.The Attorney General's
> Decision to End the Stand-off 8.The Fire ADDITIONAL VIEWS OF HON. ILEANA

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said
it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your
own reason and your common sense." --Buddha
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
   German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Everyone has the seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers."
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut."
--- Ernest Hemingway
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Waco's Little Rock Connection

1999-09-03 Thread Jean Staffen

 -Caveat Lector-

There is a complete description of the warrant (but not a reproduction) in a
very poorly written, self-published book by Ron Cole of Longmont, Colorado
named "Sinister Twilight". The book, however, does have some good
information in it. E-Mail me privately and I'll give you two address to
write for copies of the book, if anyone is interested. Second edition came
out in 1994.


At 07:35 PM 9/3/99 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
>Has anyone seen the original  search warrant?
>Ive been asking this for five years with no answers.
>CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
>screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
>and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
>frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
>spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
>gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
>be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
>nazi's need not apply.
>Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
>Archives Available at:
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Ban Aid

1999-09-03 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

... or if you don't have (m)any friends, well, just buy them!!!


> August 25, 1999
> Foreign Waste Disguised as Aid
> by Doug Bandow
> Doug Bandow is a senior fellow at the Cato Institute.
> The closer his term comes to an end, the more leftward President Clinton seems
> to move. In a speech before the Veterans of Foreign Wars, he urged Congress to
> approve his bloated foreign aid budget. Yet no one would benefit from throwing
> more money at programs which have consistently failed.
> Foreign assistance has always had strong defenders. They believed fistfuls of
> cash could buy political stability, spur social progress and eliminate poverty
> in the Third World.
> Alas, this strategy, backed by more than $1 trillion (adjusted for inflation)
> from the United States alone, has crashed and burned. In 1996, the UN declared
> that 70 countries, aid recipients all, were poorer than in 1980. An incredible
> 43 were worse off than in 1970. Chaos, slaughter, poverty and ruin stalked Third
> World states, irrespective of how much foreign assistance they received.
> But aid advocates haven't given up. Mr. Clinton told the VFW that current
> programs are "designed to keep our soldiers out of war in the first place."
> Without money for the Balkans, he warned: "Make no mistake - there will be
> another bloody war." It's a superficially appealing argument. Alas, it simply
> isn't true.
> Between 1971 and 1994, Haiti received $3.1 billion and Somalia collected $6.2
> billion. Both nations ended up in chaos and under U.S. military occupation. In
> fact, most every country in crisis in recent years banked abundant "aid" over
> the same period. Sierra Leone received $1.8 billion, Liberia $1.8 billion,
> Angola $2.9 billion, Chad $3.3 billion, Burundi $3.4 billion, Rwanda $4.7
> billion, Uganda $5.8 billion, Zaire $8.4 billion, Mozambique $10.5 billion,
> Ethiopia $11.5 billion, and Sudan $13.4 billion.
> In no case did peace result. To the contrary, aid often fostered conflict,
> underwriting autocratic, venal dictators who impoverished their nations.
> Then there's Bosnia. President Clinton's speech was reported on the same day
> that the New York Times reported the results of an exhaustive international
> investigation of the $5.1 billion in aid provided to that nation since 1995.
> This money, too, was intended to prevent the resumption of conflict. Alas,
> reports Chris Hedges: "As much as a billion dollars has disappeared from public
> funds or been stolen from international aid projects through fraud."
> Western officials fear even discussing the problem lest it frighten away
> "international donors." As well it should. For instance, in 1999 $200 million
> has simply disappeared from the city of Tuzla's budget, on top of $300 million
> missing over the past two years. Aid agencies and foreign embassies lost $20
> million deposited in one Bosnian bank.
> The U.S. Agency for International Development established a $278 million
> revolving fund to jump-start local businesses. Hidrogradnja, one of Bosnia's
> largest firms, failed to repay $1 million in loans. The agency has sued 19
> companies that failed to repay more than $10 million worth of loans.
> The investigation was conducted by the anti-fraud unit of the Office of the High
> Representative - essentially the West's dictator in Bosnia. Officials have
> reportedly compiled a 4,000-page report and are investigating 220 cases of
> alleged corruption and fraud.
> Not surprisingly, the recipients of aid seem uninterested in prosecuting
> wrongdoers. The High Representative has formally barred 15 miscreants from
> office, but most, reports the Times, retain their influence. Bosnian President
> Alija Izetbegovic dismisses the High Representative's allegations.
> Of course, President Izetbegovic's son, Bakir, is reputed to be one of the
> richest men in Bosnia. Bakir Izetbegovic controls Sarajevo's City Development
> Institute, which determines who gets to occupy 80,000 public apartments. Members
> of the ruling party get preferential access, while average Bosnians complain
> they have to pay a $2,000 kickback.
> Western officials report that the younger Mr. Izetbegovic shares the extortion
> money extracted by Sarajevo gangsters from local businessmen. He also owns 15
> percent of state-controlled Bosnia Air.
> The problem is not just those who are stealing, but those who are paying. James
> Lyon, director of the Crisis Group, complains: "The international administrators
> beg, plead, cajole and in some cases engage in what looks like bribery,
> promising cities infrastructure projects if they allow some refugees to return."
> It should surprise no one if what looks like bribery ends up being treated like
> bribery.
> Alas, the experience of Bosnia is all too common. The venality of aid recipients
> such as the Philippines and Zaire was legendary. A new study from the 

[CTRL] Fwd: Re: Fwd: [CTRL] Waco, Vince Foster, and the Secret War 2/2

1999-09-03 Thread Kris Millegan

> This money had come to Foster due to his involvement in what is now known
> as the October Surprise. Allegedly, Foster, acting under the auspices of
> George Bush and Casper Weinberger, had arranged for the transfer of nuclear
> launch codes to Israel, in return for their role in mediating the delayed
> release of the hostages in Iran.

This is starting to sound like deliberate disinformation.  Or else
somebody's been reading too much Sherman Skolnick.


[CTRL] Fwd: Re: Fwd: [CTRL] Waco, Vince Foster, and the Secret War 1/2

1999-09-03 Thread Kris Millegan

> It has also been alleged by internet writers such as J. Orlin Grabbe that
> Vince Foster, the late White House Special Counsel, was involved in this

See the original Fostergate article by Jim Norman.

> scheme.  Supposedly Foster, a law partner of Hillary Clinton's, had for
> many years been an operative of the National Security Agency, and it had
> been under his supervision that PROMIS was modified for use by banks.

This is manifestly untrue.  PROMIS was modified by a team lead by
Michael Riconosciuto.  This modification took place in Maryland,
Arkansas, and California. I have never said Foster was involved in
the modification.


Re: [CTRL] Fw: Waco's Little Rock Connection

1999-09-03 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Theodor Parada, MD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> When it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's a duck!!

Or it's an alien in a duck suit.

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] Earthquake In Illinois

1999-09-03 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: William Shannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> << Great.  Another upstate, Chicagoland hoosier opinion.  I wish
>  Chicago would secede and get it's tax burden off our backs. >>
> Hey friend, we agree! Take a 30 mile chunk of land from the lake
> out call US Illinois, and the rest of the crud can argue boundries...
> North Kentucky, East Iowa and West Indiana...BIG LOSS! Please just
> do it, and take you're backwards ways w/ ya'!!!  We'll be A-OK
> with our healthy tax base and intelligencia! Keep your damn farm
> reports off OUR airwaves though...Jamming ALWAYS an option

What if Chicago seceded and nobody noticed?

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Waco's Little Rock Connection

1999-09-03 Thread ASu2431426

 -Caveat Lector-

Has anyone seen the original  search warrant?

Ive been asking this for five years with no answers.


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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Waco's Little Rock Connection

1999-09-03 Thread Theodor Parada, MD

 -Caveat Lector-

Does anyone recall that 3 of the 4 ATF agents that were assigned to Billie
Boy Clinton during his presidential campaign in 92, died in the waco
raid!!! what a coincidence! When it walks like a duck, and quacks like
a duck, it's a duck!!

 Waco's Little Rock connection
> > September 3, 1999
> > Joseph Farah
> >
> > Finally, there's some finger-pointing going on in the executive branch of the
> > federal government over the exterminations of more than 70 men, women
> > and children at the Branch Davidian church in Waco in 1993.
> >
> > It's about time. This is progress. But we won't be any closer to holding the
> > guilty accountable until the White House connections are fully explored.
> > There's ample reason to believe Bill Clinton was working behind the scenes
> > on engineering the initial Waco raid even before he became president.
> >
> > One of the original witnesses against the Branch Davidians was Bill Buford,
> > the agent in charge of the Little Rock, Ark., branch of the Bureau of Alcohol,
> > Tobacco and Firearms. Buford was, also, according to Arkansas sources,
> > a friend of Bill. The Waco case was apparently very important to Buford as
> > an affidavit states he was working on New Year's Day calling former Branch
> > Davidians seeking to find evidence of sexual abuse.
> >
> > My friend and colleague, Andy Beal, who first explored the Little Rock
> > connection to Waco, asks a good question: What was the resident agent
> > in charge of the Little Rock office of the BATF doing investigating a sex abuse
> > case in Texas? Is sex abuse BATF's jurisdiction? Is Texas under the jurisdiction
> > of the BATF's Arkansas office?
> >
> > Documents show Buford is noted as one of two "senior raid planners." He
> > was also one of the BATF agents wounded during the Feb. 28 assault, but
> > he is perhaps the only BATF agent to be visited in the hospital by none other
> > than top Treasury Department official Roger Altman.
> >
> > Altman was the long-time "Friend of Bill" appointed to be deputy secretary
> > of the Treasury and chief executive officer of the Resolution Trust Corporation.
> > He resigned in August 1994 due to his interference in the Whitewater investigation.
> > At the time of the Waco raid, Roger Altman was the second highest-ranking
> > official at the Department of the Treasury. The BATF is a bureau within the
> > Treasury Department.
> >
> > Is it not possible -- is it not likely, knowing what we know about the character
> > of the Clinton administration today -- that the Clinton transition team was
> > involved in the planning of the initial raid on Waco even before taking power?
> > Remember, Vincent Foster's wife claimed he blamed himself for the deaths
> > in Waco. Webster Hubbell, who became the point man between the Justice
> > Department and White House during the siege, was also instrumental in
> > that transition to power. Then there's Altman and Buford.
> >
> > Foster, Hubbell, Altman and Buford were all in Little Rock leading up to the
> > inauguration. Clinton takes power Jan. 20, 1993. One month later, the BATF
> > stages the largest and most dramatic raid in its history -- videotaped in living
> > color in anticipation of its success in subduing religious non-conformists in
> > possession of illegal guns.
> >
> > The injustice and illegality of the initial raid has still never been fully 
> > Today the focus is on how and why the remaining occupants of the church
> > building were exterminated in a fire. Yet, the equally puzzling question of why
> > a dynamic and violent entry was necessary to serve a search warrant on
> > David Koresh shortly after he went target shooting with officers of the BATF.
> > The local sheriff offered to serve the warrant at the general store to avoid any
> > confrontation. There was simply no need for all the deadly theatrics of the
> > initial raid.
> >
> > The only reasonable explanation seems to be the one proffered by the
> > documentary, "Waco: Rules of Engagement," which postulates that the
> > raid was intended as a public relations effort by the BATF and a commercial
> > for stricter gun control enforcement.
> >
> > There are many unanswered questions when it comes to Waco. But maybe
> > now it's time to start asking some of the unasked questions.
> >
> > What was the involvement in Waco planning of key Clinton White House
> > officials even before they took power? Was the Waco raid, in fact, cooked
> > up as a publicity and political stunt by an incoming administration itching for
> > drama and action? Is it possible that Clinton and his cronies bear even more
> > responsibility than any of us imagine for this deadly escapade?

Theodor S.Parada, MD
PGP Key ID 0x537C4815

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot
survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less for

[CTRL] : Homeopathy

1999-09-03 Thread ASu2431426

 -Caveat Lector-

Read  Michel Schiff  THE MEMORY OF WATER   (Homeopathy and the battle of
ideas in the new science)Published by Thorsons in England   1994.

You may have trouble buying it in the US.  Harper Collins told FTIR THE BOOK

On page 26 you will find the "second curve" based on the work of Dr Jacques
Benveniste. in Paris

fFffuture .

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Re: [CTRL] FW: Homeopathy

1999-09-03 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/3/99 3:36:39 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

<< ug.   your mind control programming is showing.

 If you actually possess independant thinking capability, try using it
 instead of knee-jerking with establishment science-to-order fallacies.

 What doesn't "test out" is the entire pharmaceutical medical paradigm. >>

It's pretty clear, oh (he thinks he's a) sage one, that homeopathy is in the
same urinal as chiropractic "care"and not EVERYTHING that science debunks
has merit.
Give it a rest...most people aren't THAT least not north of


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Re: [CTRL] Toward the Total State

1999-09-03 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 09/03/1999 5:56:58 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<< Has the left won America’s culture war? Some observers, including
 organizer Paul Weyrich (who coined the term "moral majority"), appear to
 think so. For many Americans who cherish our nation’s traditions of
 individual freedom, limited government, and personal moral responsibility,
 the Clinton impeachment melodrama abounded in evidence that America has
 undergone a dramatic transformation. >>

Is it me, or have I read this material a dozen times in another life?  I
wouldn't mind, but there's lots of stuff to read, and I hate to spend all my
time on the same thing.  Perhaps a condensed version could be made available.

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[CTRL] FW: FREEDOM Watch: Waco's smoking gun : 090399

1999-09-03 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-


Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
From: Freedom Watch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 03, 1999 3:04 PM
To: Freedom Watch
Subject: FREEDOM Watch: Waco's smoking gun : 090399

A look at what's new on "Project FREEDOM."
( )
Issued: Friday, September 3, 1999

The smoking gun
Waco revelations show true face of federal police
By US Rep. Ron Paul

For years the Clinton Administration, with their willing allies in Congress
and the mainstream press, have parroted the line that federal law
enforcement officials did nothing wrong in the Branch Davidian stand-off at
Waco. Anyone who questioned the government's official position was relegated
to being either a far-right extremist, a militia kook, or a follower of the
undeniably peculiar David Koresh.

It was just weeks after coming to Congress in 1997, while on a national
television program, that I was asked about the then-four-year-old case. I
responded with the position that the evidence was overwhelmingly strong that
everything was not as bureaucrats in the Clinton Administration claimed. I
cited recent polling data that indicated that most Americans simply did not
trust the government, and that a goodly number feared the increasingly
commonplace occurrence of federal agents taking violent action against
American citizens.

Almost immediately the defenders of big government, the administration and
the war on civil liberties launched into wild hysterics. I had committed the
unpardonable sin of believing the facts rather than the government spin,
which attempted to justify the murder of innocent children and untried,
uncharged adults.

The Attorney General and her minions in Congress maintained that the
conflagration had been a rash act of mass suicide, ignoring that just hours
before the raid those same people had requested their phone lines be
reconnected. They also ignored the infrared evidence that government agents,
as the fire was raging on one side of the house, were entering the home
through the back, and that tanks were injecting gases banned under
international treaties.

Now, though, even the most blind followers of the administration and its
policies are left stunned with revelations that high-ranking FBI officials
and others lied to Congress, hid evidence, broke the law and knowingly
subverted justice

Read the rest of this COLUMN at:

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recipients are requesting to be notified when new items are posted to US
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site postings.

To be removed from this list, send a reply e-mail with the word
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Re: [CTRL] FW: Homeopathy

1999-09-03 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

Homeopathy: The Ultimate Fake
Stephen Barrett, M.D.
Homeopathic "remedies" enjoy a unique status in the health marketplace: They
are the only category of quack products legally marketable as drugs. This
situation is the result of two circumstances. First, the 1938 Federal Food,
Drug, and Cosmetic Act, which was shepherded through Congress by a
homeopathic physician who was a senator, recognizes as drugs all substances
included in the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States. Second, the
FDA has not held homeopathic products to the same standards as other drugs.
Today they are marketed in health-food stores, in pharmacies, in practitioner
offices, by multilevel distributors [A], through the mail, and on the

Basic Misbeliefs
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), a German physician, began formulating
homeopathy's basic principles in the late 1700s. Hahnemann was justifiably
distressed about bloodletting, leeching, purging, and other medical
procedures of his day that did far more harm than good. Thinking that these
treatments were intended to "balance the body's 'humors' by opposite
effects," he developed his "law of similars" -- a notion that symptoms of
disease can be cured by extremely small amounts of substances that produce
similar symptoms in healthy people when administered in large amounts. The
word "homeopathy" is derived from the Greek words homoios (similar) and
pathos (suffering or disease).

Hahnemann and his early followers conducted "provings" in which they
administered herbs, minerals, and other substances to healthy people,
including themselves, and kept detailed records of what they observed. Later
these records were compiled into lengthy reference books called materia
medica, which are used to match a patient's symptoms with a "corresponding"

Hahnemann declared that diseases represent a disturbance in the body's
ability to heal itself and that only a small stimulus is needed to begin the
healing process. He also claimed that chronic diseases were manifestations of
a suppressed itch (psora), a kind of miasma or evil sprit. At first he used
small doses of accepted medications. But later he used enormous dilutions and
theorized that the smaller the dose, the more powerful the effect -- a notion
commonly referred to as the "law of infinitesimals." That, of course, is just
the opposite of the dose-response relationship that pharmacologists have

The basis for inclusion in the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia is not modern
scientific testing, but homeopathic "provings" conducted during the 1800s and
early 1900s. The current (ninth) edition describes how more than a thousand
substances are prepared for homeopathic use. It does not identify the
symptoms or diseases for which homeopathic products should be used; that is
decided by the practitioner (or manufacturer). The fact that substances
listed in the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia are legally recognized as "drugs" does
not mean that either the law or the FDA recognizes them as effective.

Because homeopathic remedies were actually less dangerous than those of
nineteenth-century medical orthodoxy, many medical practitioners began using
them. At the turn of the twentieth century, homeopathy had about 14,000
practitioners and 22 schools in the United States. But as medical science and
medical education advanced, homeopathy declined sharply in America, where its
schools either closed or converted to modern methods. The last pure
homeopathic school in this country closed during the 1920s [1].

Many homeopaths maintain that certain people have a special affinity to a
particular remedy (their "constitutional remedy") and will respond to it for
a variety of ailments. Such remedies can be prescribed according to the
person's "constitutional type" -- named after the corresponding remedy in a
manner resembling astrologic typing. The "Ignatia Type," for example, is said
to be nervous and often tearful, and to dislike tobacco smoke. The typical
"Pulsatilla" is a young woman, with blond or light-brown hair, blue eyes, and
a delicate complexion, who is gentle, fearful, romantic, emotional, and
friendly but shy. The "Nux Vomica Type" is said to be aggressive, bellicose,
ambitious, and hyperactive. The "Sulfur Type" likes to be independent. And so
on. Does this sound to you like a rational basis for diagnosis and treatment?

The "Remedies" Are Placebos
Homeopathic products are made from minerals, botanical substances, and
several other sources. If the original substance is soluble, one part is
diluted with either nine or ninety-nine parts of distilled water and/or
alcohol and shaken vigorously (succussed); if insoluble, it is finely ground
and pulverized in similar proportions with powdered lactose (milk sugar). One
part of the diluted medicine is then further diluted, and the process is
repeated until the desired concentration is reached. Dilutions of 1 to 10 are
designated by the Roman numeral X (1X = 1/10, 3X = 1/1,000, 6X =

[CTRL] Earthquake In Illinois

1999-09-03 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/2/99 4:06:09 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<< Great.  Another upstate, Chicagoland hoosier opinion.  I wish Chicago would
 secede and get it's tax burden off our backs.

 Mark McHugh

 One Step Beyond! >>

Hey friend, we agree! Take a 30 mile chunk of land from the lake out call US
Illinois, and the rest of the crud can argue boundries...North Kentucky, East
Iowa and West Indiana...BIG LOSS!
Please just do it, and take you're backwards ways w/ ya'!!!  We'll be A-OK
with our healthy tax base and intelligencia!
Keep your damn farm reports off OUR airwaves though...Jamming ALWAYS an

Thanks to YOU people we have a BUMPKIN as a Senator! You take him!

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] Why the Canisters surfaced NOW after six years.

1999-09-03 Thread ASu2431426

 -Caveat Lector-

Danforth ?

The same old gamea Blue Ribbon Committee cover up.

Can you post more information on Danforth ?

Waco murdered everyday citizens ..(plus  26 kids)lets have a couple of
everyday citizens on the Committee..

This is supposed to be "government by the people".

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] Spider Warning - cannot confirm

1999-09-03 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/3/99 2:14:47 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<<  I'm told this isn't a joke.  Take it or leave it!: >>

It might not be a joke but it's BS, and nothing more

 According to an article by Dr. Beverly Clark, in the Journal of the
Medical Association (JUMA)>>>

No such Journal OR association...

> 3 women in Chicago, turned up at hospitals over a 5 day period, all
with the
same symptoms.
 Fever, chills, and vomiting, followed by muscular collapse, paralysis,
finally, death. There were no outward signs of trauma.  Autopsy results
showed toxicity in the blood.

I'm in Chicago, this hasn't been reported

>>It was discovered, however, that they had all visited the same
(Big Chappies, at Blare Airport), within days of their deaths.

Blare Airport??? Where the  is that???

Another internet urban legend.


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[CTRL] FW: FCC Mandates New Telephone Surveillance Features

1999-09-03 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-


Dave Hartley

 (1) FCC Mandates New Telephone Surveillance Features
 (2) Turning Cell Phones Into Tracking Devices; Other Features
 (3) Packet Switching - CALEA's Sleeper Issue
 (4) CDT Examines Appeal
 (5) Subscription Information
 (6) About the Center for Democracy and Technology

 ** This document may be redistributed freely with this banner intact **
 Excerpts may be re-posted with permission of [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 On Friday, August 27, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
 the nation's telephone companies to modify their switching equipment to
 provide more information to government agencies conducting electronic
 surveillance.  The Commission largely rejected privacy concerns and
 with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which had sought the enhanced
 monitoring capabilities under the 1994 Communications Assistance for
 Enforcement Act (CALEA).

 The decision was the latest step in a long-running struggle over the
 surveillance potential of communications technology. CALEA was enacted
 1994 after the FBI complained to Congress that new digital technology
 other advanced services would soon make it impossible to carry out
 and other electronic surveillance.  The FBI originally sought direct
 control over phone system design.  Congress refused to grant the Bureau
 that kind of power, but adopted CALEA with the intent of balancing law
 enforcement, privacy and industry interests.  Congress made it clear
 CALEA was intended to preserve but not enhance government monitoring
 capabilities.  The Act left design decisions to the telephone
 subject to FCC review.

 However, soon after CALEA was enacted, the FBI began insisting on very
 specific surveillance features, including some never before available
 the government.  After industry worked with law enforcement agencies to
 draft technical standards to put CALEA into effect, the FBI claimed the
 industry plans did not go far enough and petitioned the FCC to order
 additional, specific surveillance features.  CDT claimed that the
 plan failed to protect privacy and opposed the FBI's add-ons.


 The most immediately disturbing element of the FCC's ruling was its
 requirement that cellular and other wireless phone companies provide
 capability to identify where their customers are at the beginning and
 of every call, effectively turning wireless phones into tracking
 In 1994, FBI Director Louis Freeh testified twice before Congress that
 CALEA did not cover this kind of location information.  While many
 systems already have some ability to locate callers, CDT argued to the
 that this should not be a mandatory element of system design.  CDT was
 concerned that, as the technology evolves, the FBI is likely to seek
 and more precise location information.  The FCC ignored the legislative
 history and rejected CDT's concerns

 In addition, for both wireline and wireless systems, the FCC ruled that
 six other specific surveillance features sought by the FBI were
required by
 CALEA. One of the six requires carriers to ensure that the government
 be able to continue listening to those on a conference call after the
 criminal suspect has dropped off the call. Another add-on guarantees
 government access to credit card numbers and bank account data
 when a user punches numbers on a telephone. Other add-ons ensure
 access to the detailed signaling information generated in connection
 calls, information that law enforcement would obtain under a legal
 lower than the one required to conduct a wiretap. CDT and the telephone
 industry had argued that none of these items was required by CALEA.

 Carriers are currently required to comply with most aspects of CALEA,
 including the location mandate, by June 30, 2000.  The other features
 required by the FCC last week must be available to the government by
 September 30, 2001.



 One CALEA issue of immense importance has received little press
 how to conduct electronic surveillance in packet environments.  Packet
 technology, until recently used mainly on the Internet, breaks
 communication into many small packets, each consisting of some
 information and some content.  For efficiency's sake, the packets may
 transported by various routes, and are reassembled at their intended
 destination to create a cohe

Re: [CTRL] FW: Homeopathy

1999-09-03 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

ug.   your mind control programming is showing.

If you actually possess independant thinking capability, try using it
instead of knee-jerking with establishment science-to-order fallacies.

What doesn't "test out" is the entire pharmaceutical medical paradigm.
The whole structure is designed to extract maximum dollars from minimally
functional overmedicated worker-drones.

If you won't bother to do any research- and have only your immediate
reactionary programmed response- why bother posting it to a list where
people are using their minds to explore all the possibilities?

You're just using up bandwidth.

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
Behalf Of Ric Carter
Sent: Friday, September 03, 1999 11:51 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] FW: Homeopathy

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
> Subject: Homeopathy

Unfortunately, homeopathy doesn't "test-out", ie, it doesn't work.
Lots of marketing, lots of theory, no substance.  Bother.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] FW: [RKBA!] offer of assistance re. homeschooling

1999-09-03 Thread Bard

 -Caveat Lector-


-Original Message-
From: Craig M & Ronda K. Foster [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 03, 1999 2:54 PM
Subject: Re: [RKBA!] PARENTS! Remove your child from public
schools-Don't re-enroll in Fall.

From: "Craig M & Ronda K. Foster" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To All:
This Mom And Dad did check it out,  after sending 2 children through the
school system a few years back and finding out(mostly after the fact ) that
this and more is actually going on in the school systems We are now
are 2 younger children.  It is a wonderful and enjoyable experience,  I
spend anymore time teaching than I use to spend aiding with homework and
have to spend the time "UNteaching" the garbage they would have learned in
I can assist in links on Homeschooling and would gladly answer any questions
anyone has that is considering it.
 (altough I will be gone away from the computor a couple of days.)

Bard wrote:

> From: "Bard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Folks, Don't have your Children accuse you of not providing them with the
> best Education available.
> Our public schools breed violence, crime, and sexual dysfunction.
> Do what is best for your child and start the process of finding out about
> HomeSchooling
> by checking out some of these Sites:
> (have you checked with your child to see if the public school is doping
> child
> and/or forcing them to attend classes wherein alternative lifestyles are
> taught
> without your consent?)
> Do you feel you can't afford HomeSchooling?
> Get busy and search for a Site which will answer your concern.
> Provable Accusations against American Public Schools
> GO TO:
> rch
> for Links to Homeschooling.
> More Links to Homeschooling:
> HomeSchool Association of California
> "..both the NEA and the AFT promote policies that protect the jobs of
> incompetent or poor teachers at the expense of those who would improve the
> system."
> -Original Message-
> From: Andre Traversa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, September 02, 1999 11:22 PM
> Subject: Re: [conservative] "Gay [homosexual] Awareness Film Sparks
> Debate" [1stGraders]
> From: Andre Traversa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Rhianwen,
> Many people in america are doing precisely that. Home-schooling has grown
> by leaps and bounds. To answer your question, I don't know how common this
> kind of endorement is in public schools here, since I don't think there
> are available stats on what goes on in every classroom, there's so mch
> that goes unreported, so much that parents don't know. Man parents don't
> even know what cirricula are being used in their classrooms, but this is
> gtheir own fault, and they should take the tme to find out.
> Andre
> On Thu, 2 Sep 1999, [iso-8859-1] Rhianwen wrote:
> > From: =?iso-8859-1?q?Rhianwen?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >
> > As you guys may know, I don't live in the US, so I am
> > a little concerned. Is this endorsement of homosexual
> > ideals very common in schools there? 3rd grade seems a
> > little young to be talking about that sort of thing :(
> >
> > If this happened here, I would home school.
> >
> > Rhianwen
> > ===
> From: "Bard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Gay Awareness Film Sparks Debate
> By Martha Irvine
> Associated Press Writer
> Tuesday, August 31, 1999; 12:30 p.m. EDT
> CHICAGO (AP) -- Third-graders in New York are seen debating the idea of
> marriage. Eighth-graders in San Francisco are heard firing questions at a
> gay man and a lesbian who visit their classroom.
> Storytime for first- and second-graders at a school in Cambridge, Mass.,
> shown to include the book ``Asha's Mums'' about a little girl who has two
> lesbian mothers.
> All are excerpts from a controversial documentary, ``It's Elementary:
> Talking About Gay Issues in School,'' which first caused a stir when
> public television stations decided to air it this summer.
> Now it's being used by many school districts nationwide as a training tool
> for teachers -- unifying what some say is a growing move to incorporate
> and lesbian issues into school curriculums.
> Critics say talk about such issues belongs at home. But others argue it's
> matter of dealing with issues that students already see every day in
> newspapers, on television, in movies -- and maybe even in their own
> communities or classrooms.
> ``Both schools and families have to address the issue somehow because it's
> there -- and it's not going back into the closet,'' said Tony D'Augelli, a
> psychologist at Penn State's College of Health and Human Development.
> Chicago school officials -- who stress th

Re: [CTRL] Skeptic News - Friday #3

1999-09-03 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Kris Millegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> ># JFK Dallas Fatal Shot From Storm Drain? [photo]
> >
> >
> >: Where were you when you shot JFK? How have you managed to shake
> >  all your pursuers? Were you killed afterward to keep you from
> >  revealing the truth??
> Yes, there was a shooter in the drain, there were at least 26
> shooters on site that day.

Think: preparedness.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Friday #4

1999-09-03 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990903d - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No Reptilioids fornicated here during the production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Brazil fires spread south. (BBC) Forest fires in Brazil are still raging
  out of control, and have spread further south, following little or no
  recent rainfall & low humidity in the area. Severe atmospheric pollution:

: Which forest fires result from weather-control experiments gone bad? Which
are deliberately set from orbital power stations? Which are terrorism? Why?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ THE PINEAL GLAND OF THE BRAIN. Have you ever heard the story in the Book
  of Daniel of Daniel in the Lions Den, and Shedrach, Mesach and Abednigo in
  the furnace? Daniel was delivered by the Lion. Shedrach Mesach & Abednigo
  were joined by the fourth person (God /Spirit) through the fire of the
  furnace. In your body the Pineal Gland is Leo or the Lion, and the Fornix
  of the brain is the vault or furnace. In the universe the Pineal Gland is
  now displayed by Supernova 1987a which is presently on fire. If you will
  look at a picture of it you will clearly see the center green single eye
  which is on fire.

: Is your brain afire? Does it smoke with desire? Is that why you perspire?
Is your pineal gland an alien implant? Is Supernova 1987a an alien implant?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Francophone leaders in human rights row. (BBC) The biennial summit of
  the community of French-speaking nations, La Francophonie, is being
  overshadowed by a row concerning human rights abuses. Froggishness:

# Also: French's battle for Web space - lacking critical mass:
@ Links - Amnesty International (in English):
@ La Francophonie (in French):

: Is French conducive to human-rights violations? Was French engineered for
atrocities? What other languages, if any, are more appropriate for mayhem?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ NAZI-UFOs-NWO-ANTI-CHRIST - What about UFOs? Are UFOs from another planet?
  Are we being visited by Aliens from another planet? Are they manifested
  demons? Could it be that they are just products of hidden technology much
  like the stealth bomber and the U-2 spy jet? Could it be part of a grand
  plan for a New World Order? See: aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:545132

: Do you work for the NWO? Have you built/piloted/stolen any UFOs? Are you
demonic, alien, intelligent, good-looking, lonely? Will you harvest us soon?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


@ Pole Shift links:

% Triggers and Precursors:
@ Star of Bethlehem: 5-5-2000
@ Antarctic Almanac:
@ 1998: Hottest Year on Record:

% The Theory:
@ Gravity Wave Phenomena:
@ Punctuated versus Gradual:
@ The Creation Concept:

% Survival:
@ A Guide for Surviving the Millennium:

% The Alternatives:
@ Global Warming:
@ Illuminati News:
@ Online Illuminati Mind Control Book:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


@ Royal Rife Research Society: HIV, CancerCure, AlternativeHealthCare, Aids,
  Rife, Generator, Arthritis, Diabetes, Pain, Disease:

@ Royal Rife Index: Royal Rife, Royal Raymond Rife, Rife frequency instrum-
  ent, Rife beam ray, Rife frequency generator, R.R. Rife, radient beam ray,
  EMEM2 units, Enhancer units, zapper, and other kinds of bio-electronic
  equipment, BX virus:

@ Dr. Royal Rife Home Page Index:
@ Rife Technology Conference:
@ Links to Rife and Rife-Bare sites:

@ Royal Raymond Rife links: Jim Bare's Rife Technologies Homepage - Robert
  Cathey Research Source Horizon Technology - RoyalRaymondRife - Royal Rife
  Research Society - The Batyah Project - The Internation Rife Conference -
  Left Coast Radiostocks:

@ Magnetic Therapy: MT has been used for centuries. What is modern day MT?
  The Diapulse machine uses pulsed, high-frequency electromagnetic waves
  and has greatl

[CTRL] Why the Canisters surfaced NOW after six years.

1999-09-03 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 -Caveat Lector-


It's a rear guard defense to prevent this federal judge from getting
his hands on the evidence for the lawyers in the upcoming trial.

The canisters don't actually prove anything other than that there
was some sort of cover-up. Enough for an investigation by reliable
flunkies to tie up the real evidence at least until after the next

The " neutral " party the DOJ wants to turn the evidence over to for
investigation is the ex-Senator from Missouri, Danforth. One of the
corporate ruling elite through his family who own(ed?) Ralston Purina.

Danforth is an ordained minister, and will be presented as squeaky
clean. He is ( was?) CFR and a member of the Trilateral Commission
when that was an important organization.

This tactic is standard operating procedure for a cover-up that only
has the appearance of a public inquiry. Here are some of the most
recent successes.

Clinton/ Lewinsky Scandal - Successfully distracted the public and a
cowardly corporate Press from a serious investigation of high governmental
treason by BOTH parties in the transfer of high tech weaponry information
to the Chinese.

Iran/ Contra Scandal - Successfully distracted the public and an overly
compliant Press from focussing on the secret movement of drugs, money, and
arms by America's covert operators and war industry.

" Once a Joke,
  Twice a Dope."



A federal judge Thursday ordered government lawyers to turn over all
evidence from the Branch Davidian compound siege to his court by Oct. 1 or
face contempt charges.

The order issued by Judge Walter Smith of Waco comes in response to a U.S.
Justice Department motion this week challenging his authority to take
control of evidence.

Smith next month is scheduled to begin hearing a wrongful death lawsuit
filed against the government by Branch Davidians who survived the April 1993
federal raid on their compound.

The Texas Department of Public Safety had requested that Smith take control
of Davidian evidence it was holding for the Justice Department, saying it
thought the agency was being used by the federal government to keep evidence
from public scrutiny.

Smith said U.S. Attorney Bill Blagg, whose jurisdiction includes Waco, must
appear before him on Oct. 1 to explain why the government should not be held
in contempt if it doesn't comply with his order.


Transcript of radio traffic intercepted by FBI surveillance aircraft on
April 19, 1993, above the Branch Davidian compound near Waco, Texas,
reflecting the request for and approval of military tear-gas canisters.

Stephen P. McGavin, Supervisory Special Agent, Hostage Rescue Team (HR2):
(unintelligible) supplying Charlie 1 (unintelligible) with relative safety
utilizing the vehicle for cover and attempt to get (unintelligible)
penetrate the construction project.

Richard M. Rogers, Assistant Special Agent in Charge, Hostage Rescue Team
(HR1): You're talking about the block over top the construction?

McGavin: Say again, HR 1.

Rogers: Are you saying he can penetrate the block covering over the
construction on the green side?

McGavin: Ten-four. He thinks he can get into position with relative safety
utilizing the track for cover and attempt to penetrate it with military

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Toward the Total State

1999-09-03 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Toward the Total State
by William Norman Grigg

Has the left won America’s culture war? Some observers, including political
organizer Paul Weyrich (who coined the term "moral majority"), appear to
think so. For many Americans who cherish our nation’s traditions of
individual freedom, limited government, and personal moral responsibility,
the Clinton impeachment melodrama abounded in evidence that America has
undergone a dramatic transformation.

If one were to credit the ubiquitous opinion polls and the outpourings of
the "mainstream" media, the American people were nearly unanimous in their
support for President Clinton, despite his ongoing personal depravity and
his willingness to abuse both the powers of his office and the institutions
of our judicial system in order to retain his position as the nation’s chief
executive. The only holdouts were to be found among the "religious right,"
which — according to the custodians of "respectable" opinion — is a
marginalized group unworthy of political influence.

While the outcome of impeachment was largely a product of the gangland
tactics (including blackmail and character assassination) employed by the
Clinton Administration against its opponents, as well as the institutional
cowardice of the Senate, there is no doubt that America’s culture has
undergone a dramatic transformation — a transformation engineered by the
radical left. Writing in the Winter 1996 issue of the Marxist journal
Dissent, Michael Walzer enumerated some of the cultural victories won by the
left since the 1960s:

• "The visible impact of feminism."

• "The effects of affirmative action."

• "The emergence of gay rights politics, and … the attention paid to it in
the media."

• "The acceptance of cultural pluralism."

• "The transformation of family life," including "rising divorce rates,
changing sexual mores, new household arrangements — and, again, the
portrayal of all this in the media."

• "The progress of secularization; the fading of religion in general and
Christianity in particular from the public sphere — classrooms, textbooks,
legal codes, holidays, and so on."

• "The virtual abolition of capital punishment."

• "The legalization of abortion."

• "The first successes in the effort to regulate and limit the private
ownership of guns."

Significantly, Walzer admitted that these victories were imposed upon our
society by "liberal elites," rather than being driven "by the pressure of a
mass movement or a majoritarian party." These changes "reflect the leftism
or liberalism of lawyers, judges, federal bureaucrats, professors, school
teachers, social workers, journalists, television and screen writers — not
the population at large," noted Walzer. Rather than building "stable or
lasting movements or creat[ing] coherent constituencies," the left focused
on "winning the Gramscian war of position."

While most Americans would be mystified by Walzer’s reference to Italian
Communist theoretician Antonio Gramsci, those who wish to understand the
ongoing culture war must first have some understanding of the Gramscian
concept of the "long march through the institutions." The process described
by Walzer, in which the cultural and bureaucratic organs of our society have
fallen under the influence of "progressive" forces devoted to transforming
our nation, is derived directly from Gramsci’s blueprint for Marxist
subversion. Gramsci’s distinctive insight, as we will shortly see, was that
the construction of the total state requires the seizure of the "mediating
institutions" that insulate the individual from the power of the
government — the family, organized religion, and so forth — and a systematic
redefinition of the culture in order to sustain the new political order.

That process is well underway in our nation — and if it is consummated,
Americans will learn that the culture war is a deadly serious effort to
destroy the institutions and traditions that have protected Americans from
the horrors of the total state.

"The scientific concept of dictatorship," wrote Soviet dictator Vladimir
Lenin, "means nothing else but this: power without limit, resting directly
upon force, restrained by no laws, absolutely unrestricted by rules." Benito
Mussolini’s totalitarian formula was even more concise: "Everything within
the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state." Whatever
its specific configuration or ideological pretext, the total state always
requires that all human activities be made subject to its power. But to
exercise that power, the total state relies, to a remarkable extent, on the
cooperation of its victims.

No matter how vast the instrumentality of coercion or how vicious the
intentions of the ruling elite, the masters of the total state are always
dramatically outnumbered by their victims. No army of occupation is large
enough to exercise total control over a tyrannized population; no secret

Re: [CTRL] The Australian

1999-09-03 Thread K

 -Caveat Lector-

On 3 Sep 99, at 17:06, Bill Richer wrote:

>  -Caveat Lector-
> Dear Friends:
>   Has The australian web page moved or has it been removed?  I get
> following message:
> Directory Listing Denied
> This Virtual Directory does not allow contents to be listed.
> At

Try this one:

or just


"Don't join the book burners. Don't think you are going to conceal thoughts by 
concealing evidence that they ever existed." --
Dwight David Eisenhower

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Skeptic News - Friday #3

1999-09-03 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/3/99 12:57:42 PM, you wrote:

># JFK Dallas Fatal Shot From Storm Drain? [photo] "While standing on the 'X'
>  which marks JFK's position at the time of the fatal head shot, my associ-
>  ate was also 'stooping down' to the approximate height of JFK's eye level
>  while riding in the limousine."
>: Where were you when you shot JFK? How have you managed to shake all your
>pursuers? Were you killed afterward to keep you from revealing the truth??

 Yes, there was a shooter in the drain, there were at least 26 shooters on
site that day.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] "President Clinton is a total supporter of the (porn) industry, .."

1999-09-03 Thread Bard

 -Caveat Lector-

"President Clinton is a total supporter of the (porn) industry, and he's
always been on our team," David Schlessinger of the adult-oriented Vivid
Videos told TV Guide. "It's not that Clinton has been outwardly supportive
of the adult industry, but rather that he hasn't tried to quash it the way
republicans did in the 1980s."



December 25, 1998 Tom Flocco



While it is not quite so obvious to most Americans, those who are familiar
with the modus operandi of the rogue president will not be surprised to hear
that the financing of pornographer Larry Flynt's investigation of Clinton
congressional enemies was possibly a disguised political contribution to
encourage White House support and influence regarding the upcoming
multiple-count interstate pornography indictments facing Flynt and his
brother, Jimmy, in Cincinnati.

The influence is possible as Clinton fired EVERY U.S. attorney and replaced
them with HIS people at the outset of his administration, just as he
politicized the Reno Justice Department in a effort to CONTROL the justice
system in America. Flynt refused to deny MSNBC/ABC questions as to whether
he had a relationship to Lenzner, Paladino or Carville--or why he is not
'outing' democrats.

Larry and Jimmy Flynt were indicted in April, 1998 on 15 counts of obscenity
violations, including the pandering of the video, "Pam and Tommy
Lee--Hard-core and Uncensored" to a 14 year old boy at their downtown
Cincinnati store and the interstate transportation of obscenity via a common
carrier (Federal Express), according to a November Washington Times piece.
The United States Criminal Code forbids obscenity to be mailed, transported
or sold. Coincidently, the Flynt brothers porn trial and the Clinton Senate
trial BOTH begin in January, 1999.

The are a number of other potential areas of recent implied influence
involving the pornography industry and the Clinton Administration. The Times
also reported that porn prosecutions of obscenity violations plummeted
during Mr. Clinton's first term. And while Janet Reno fights "kiddie porn"
on the internet, the adult hard-core and illegal porn is left UNPROSECUTED.
Justice Department spokesman John Russell said the emphasis is on child
exploitation "because Attorney General Janet Reno wants it there. That is
where our money and manpower are directed."

"President Clinton is a total supporter of the (porn) industry, and he's
always been on our team," David Schlessinger of the adult-oriented Vivid
Videos told TV Guide. "It's not that Clinton has been outwardly supportive
of the adult industry, but rather that he hasn't tried to quash it the way
republicans did in the 1980s." The Times said that Clinton UNEXPECTEDLY
OPPOSED the Child On-Line Protection Act (giving children some protection
from Internet smut) during September and early October, 1998, but finally
did sign the Act into law as one of the LAST items agreed to in the recent
omnibus spending bill that passed at the end of the 105th Congress.

And since Flynt markets porn videos, he would have interest in the Free
Speech Coalition desire to mainstream the multi-billion-dollar adult
entertainment industry. The Los Angeles Times reported that the Coalition
also filed suit against the Reno Justice Department, CHALLENGING a law that
prohibits the production of simulated child pornography. For they felt the
Child Pornography Prevention Act could brand even R-rated films as obscene.
The L.A. Times cited a California legislator who branded the suit as
"turning perversion into politics."

Is Mr. Flynt blackmailing United States congressmen in order to force a
censure/adjournment? Is he bribing Mr. Clinton to avert a prison sentence
from his porn trial? Will the Senate permit Mr. Clinton to offer
"information" provided by taxpayer-funded lawyers/private investigators and
undisclosed illegal possession of confiscated FBI files? And is "senatorial
fear" a factor facing our sanctimonious symbols of sagacity as they
contemplate possible individual "indiscretions" and why it might be better
to bring the boy-president's trial to a speedy conclusion with
censure--presidential felonies or not.

Democrats will have a choice between facing voters in 2000 as the
pro-perjury party if they choose to acquit; but worse, a conviction risks
liberal wrath at the polls. Republicans have relatively little to fear
unless they have majority moderate-liberal constituencies, have presidential
aspirations OR 

[CTRL] Jiang Struggles to Maintain Grip on PLA

1999-09-03 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Global Intelligence Update
September 3, 1999

Jiang Struggles to Maintain Grip on PLA


In an attempt to consolidate control over the People's Liberation
Army (PLA) by enhancing its dependence on Beijing, Chinese
President Jiang Zemin, in July 1998, ordered the PLA to divest
itself of its many businesses.  This plan has backfired, with
officers looting the businesses before turning the indebted and
overstaffed shells over to the government.  Now with the PLA
demanding the compensation it was promised for divestiture, Jiang
is struggling to maintain control of a brewing crisis fraught with
both domestic and international implications.


China's Central Military Commission (CMC), headed by President
Jiang Zemin, issued a directive on September 1 reasserting the
Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) leadership over the People's
Liberation Army (PLA).  The directive insisted that the PLA "is the
people's army under the absolute leadership of the party, and
embodies an important force of the political superiority of the
party and state government."  The directive outlined how the PLA
had adapted to the past 20 years of reform and "opening up," but
urged the PLA leadership to develop an ideology that allowed
modernization within a socialist market economy and complete
obedience to the CCP.

Jiang's insistence on strengthening the PLA's obedience to the CCP
begs the question, "Wasn't it already obedient?"  And the dictum,
"If it isn't broken, don't fix it," applies here doubly, as Jiang
is focusing first and foremost on domestic political stability in
the run-up to the October 1 celebrations of the 50th anniversary of
communist China.  One month from the anniversary, with tensions
brewing across the Taiwan Strait, the Chinese economy quietly
melting down and security forces rounding up everyone who could
vaguely be described as dissident, Jiang has very publicly
suggested that the PLA could be a bit more loyal.

A serious rift has surfaced between the military and Jiang, sparked
by the backfire of his 1998 initiative to bring it under his
control.  In July 1998, Jiang ordered the PLA to divest itself of
its business empire, estimated to number some 15,000 enterprises
with estimated combined annual revenues of $25 billion - well in
excess of the official US$9.7 billion annual military budget.
Under Chairman Mao, the PLA had orders to establish its own farms
and textile mills so as not to burden the government budget and, by
extension, the peasantry.  Under the economic reforms of Deng
Xiaoping, the PLA was allowed to expand even further to relieve the
national budget, increase employment and speed industrial growth
and business development.  The trouble is, as the PLA's business
empire grew, so did corruption in the ranks and, more ominously,
independence from Beijing's control.

With economic trouble - and the inevitable accompanying unrest - on
China's horizon, Jiang wanted to strip the regional military
commanders of their financial independence.  The roughly 3 million-
strong PLA would be dependent on Beijing for its budget -
supposedly bolstered by revenues from the PLA's former enterprises
- thereby avoiding the rise of powerful, regional generals.
China's history is a series of central administrations asserting
power only to have it ripped away by regional warlords.

The plan backfired.  Jiang underestimated the corruption and
avarice that had permeated the PLA.  He was rudely made aware of
the extent of the problem when, in early April of this year, the
CCP and PLA commissions, tasked with auditing PLA enterprises,
reported wanton and systematic embezzlement, false accounting and
bad debts. Moreover, since receiving the divestiture order, the PLA
engaged in full scale asset-stripping, hiding the proceeds abroad
and extensively borrowing on the expectation that they would never
have to repay the debts.  The government was left with deeply
indebted, overstaffed shells of businesses, many committed to
extensive and costly social welfare programs.  The PLA, having
relinquished its business empire as ordered, then had the gall to
demand compensation for the businesses as well as the promised, and
now necessary, increases in the defense budget.

Jiang's attempt to gain control fell victim to the PLA's corruption
and decay, and he is now faced with a worse situation than before
he ordered the divestiture.  Jiang must now pay off the commanders
for their "losses," while funding the PLA at a higher level and
injecting funds into remaining enterprises in order to stave off
massive unemployment.  It is no wonder Jiang is concerned about PLA

Jiang's first response has been to hand over the problem and a fair
share of the blame to Prime Minister Zhu Rongji.  Ironically,
according to diplomatic and military sources cited by the South
China Morning Post in July 1998, Zhu adamantly opposed Jiang's
decision to strip the PLA of its businesses.  Zhu had reportedly

[CTRL] Spider Warning - cannot confirm

1999-09-03 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

 FW:  Warning! Spider in the toilet!]
 > > Importance:

 I'm told this isn't a joke.  Take it or leave it!:  Friends,
 Please pass this on to everyone on your email list:
 According to an article by Dr. Beverly Clark, in the Journal of the
Medical Association (JUMA), the mystery behind a recent spate of deaths
 been solved.
 > > >
 If you haven't already heard about it in the news, here is what
 3 women in Chicago, turned up at hospitals over a 5 day period, all
with the
same symptoms.
 Fever, chills, and vomiting, followed by muscular collapse, paralysis,
finally, death. There were no outward signs of trauma.  Autopsy results
showed toxicity in the blood.
 > > >
 These women did not know each other, and seemed to have nothing in
It was discovered, however, that they had all visited the same
(Big Chappies, at Blare Airport), within days of their deaths.
 > > >
 The health department descended on the restaurant, shutting it down.
food, water, and air conditioning were all inspected and tested, to no
 > > >
 The big break came when a waitress at the restaurant was rushed to the
hospital with similar symptoms. She told doctors that she had been on
vacation, and had only went to the restaurant to pick up her check. She
not eat or drink while she was there, but had used the restroom.
 > > >
 That is when one toxicologist,  remembering an article he had read,
out to the restaurant, went into the restroom, and lifted the toilet
Under the seat, out of normal view, was small spider.
 > > >
 The spider was captured and brought back to the lab, where it was
to be the South American Blush Spider (arachnius gluteus), so named
of its reddened flesh color. This spider's venom is extremely toxic, but
take several days to take effect.  They live in cold, dark, damp,
and toilet rims provide just the right atmosphere.
 > > >
 Several days later a lawyer from Los Angeles showed up at a hospital
emergency room. Before his death, he told the doctor, that he had been
on business, had taken a flight from New York, changing planes in
before returning home. He did not visit Big Chappies while there. He
did, as
did all of the other victims, have what was determined to be a puncture
wound, on his right buttock.
 > > >
 Investigators discovered that the flight he was on had originated in
America. The Civilian Aeronautics Board (CAB) ordered an immediate
of the toilets of all flights from South America, and discovered the
spider's nests on 4 different planes!
 > > >
 It is now beleived that these spiders can be anywhere in  the country.
please, before you use a public toilet, lift the seat to check for
It can save your life!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] The Australian

1999-09-03 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Dear Friends:
  Has The australian web page moved or has it been removed?  I get
following message:

Directory Listing Denied
This Virtual Directory does not allow contents to be listed.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Friday #3

1999-09-03 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990903c - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No factory workers were irradiated during the production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Sex with spies worries US. (BBC) Sexual affairs with people from countries
  suspected of having nuclear weapons must be reported, says a memo from the
  US Department of Energy to its staff. Sexual affairs with animals are OK.

: Do you prefer sex with citizens of nuclear or non-nuclear powers? Who are
hotter? Do you prefer sex with spies, Reptilioids, Republicans, robots, me?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# JFK Dallas Fatal Shot From Storm Drain? [photo] "While standing on the 'X'
  which marks JFK's position at the time of the fatal head shot, my associ-
  ate was also 'stooping down' to the approximate height of JFK's eye level
  while riding in the limousine."

: Where were you when you shot JFK? How have you managed to shake all your
pursuers? Were you killed afterward to keep you from revealing the truth??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ ARMAGEDDON HAS COME, AND GONE. So many people are waiting for Armageddon.
  They hold on to the prophetic words of the Bible, anticipating the vicious
  conflicts on bloody battlefields worldwide. Revolutionary war, civil war,
  world wars I and II, Korean war, Viet Nam war. Hitler and his murder of
  millions, atomic bombs on Japan that incinerated people. We have already
  seen it folks. It's a lot quieter now. We have hit bottom and are on the
  way up. Yeah Aquarius.

: Did the apocalypse pass by while you were busy with phone sex, while you
were stoned/drunk, while you were being implanted by ETs, while you slept??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Catholic priest killing condemned. (BBC) Church leaders and political
  parties have condemned the murder of a Catholic priest in eastern India.

: Since Xianity promotes cultural genocide by destroying indigenous belief
systems, is killing priests/preachers/missionaries justifiable self-defense?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ HOW'RE THEY"RE DONE. Richard Roehm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in
  message news:7qmshg$nt6$[EMAIL PROTECTED] - Satellite technology
  has improved to the point [where] they're capable of altering the physical
  structure of the crops. They beam to the soil that causes the crop to bend
  in a particular direction. Computers have to be involved cause the circles
  are almost too perfect to be from a human nature. UFO folks are smarter
  than just coming down to earth just to leave graffiti. ###

: Do you create crop circles with tractor/pressor beams, structural-modifi-
cation rays, rakes, goats, mental exertion? Are you too smart for graffiti?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


# Savannah River workers contaminated with plutonium - oops:
# Swiss nuke protesters cleared - Greenpeace embargo failed:

@ Committee of 300 controls the world:
@ Documents Related to the Cold War:
@ American Dynasties:

# 'Thursday' Virus Outbreak Reported:,6061,2326906-2,00.html
# Teens Plead Innocent In Hacking Case:
# Technology Log: Hacker's Remorse:

# UK Targets Net Pedophiles:,6061,2326778-2,00.html
# Hackers Threat To Scottish Ministers' Website:

@ 25 NATO Aircraft Shot Down by Serbs; Chinese Embassy Deliberately Hit: 2:15:00 mark
@ Debunking the lies, denials and official apologies to the Chinese:
@ Chinese 'stealth' (aircraft) expert was targeted:

@ HackerNews:
@ Processor Guide:
@ Linuxes Tested:
@ E-commerce Issues:

# UFO REPORTS - Three Disc Reports:


1999-09-03 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

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[CTRL] Sheriff and Police Chief Survey Results

1999-09-03 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Results of the 12th annual survey of Chiefs of Police and Sheriffs: The
following survey questions were posed in the last 60 days by mail of 16,000
Chiefs of Police and Sheriffs that was recently completed. It represents a
cross section of professional officers involving every state with a 10%
response. The survey was conducted for the 12th consecutive year by the
National Association of Chiefs of Police. Washington, D.C., (202)293-9088.
Has some interesting results on the firearm questions. The survey covers a
lot of other questions as well -- check the response to question #29 about a
UN police force.

Pikes Peak Firearms Coalition

Sheriff and Police Chief Survey Results

Death Penalty

1. Do you believe the death penalty serves as a deterrent to certain types of

Yes 90.8% ... No 08.9%

2. Do you believe that when a law enforcement officer is feloniously killed
in the line of duty that the penalty upon conviction should be death?

Yes 97.6% ... No 01.7%


3. Do you believe any law-abiding citizen should be able to purchase a
firearm for sport or self-defense?

Yes 92.7% ... No 06.8%

4. Within the past year, has your agency been called upon to arrest anyone
who has made a false statement on an application to purchase a firearm?

Yes 06.2% ... No 93.3%

5. Do you believe anyone (such as a convicted felon) in violation of state or
federal firearm possession laws should be prosecuted by the U.S. Attorney
and, if convicted, receive a maximum prison term?

Yes 87.7% ... No 11.2%

6. Do you believe law-abiding citizens should be limited to purchase of no
more than one firearm per month?

Yes 32.7% ... No 65.8%

7. Do you believe local "gun shows" are a major source for sales of illegal
firearms to criminals?

Yes 40.7% ... No 55.8%

8. Do you believe criminals currently are able to obtain virtually any type
of firearm by illegal means?

Yes 97.9% ... No 01.8%

9. Do you believe any sworn peace officer or retired officer should be
permitted to carry a firearm from state to state?

Yes 93.6% ... No 05.8%


10. Do you believe the ethical standards of your department are upheld at a
higher level than those by elected officials in our nation's capital?

Yes 93.8% ... No 04.8%

11. Would off-duty, private sexual misconduct of an officer in your
department result in dismissal or penalty of any type?

Yes 78.1% ... No 15.7%


12. Do you believe the media (TV, radio and print) are fair and impartial in
reporting the news?

Yes 08.4% ... No 90.6%

13. Does your agency have one officer assigned to handle media requests?

Yes 56.3% ... No 42.9%


14. Has your agency been offered training in connection with the U.S.
Department of Justice "first responder" program to combat weapons of mass
destruction, biological warfare, etc.?

Yes 28.6% ... No 70.6%

15. Has your agency received special equipment to protect officers from such

Yes 07.1% ... No 92.4%

16. Do you believe the coming year will bring foreign or domestic terrorist
attacks that

threaten the public trust in our role as guardians of law and order?

Yes 77.7% ... No 18.7%


17. Do you believe arrestees should be required to provide DNA samples, in a
manner similar to current practices of fingerprinting?

Yes 79.9% ... No 18.0%

18. Were funds available, would you like to have videocameras available in
all police vehicles, holding cells, interrogation areas and anywhere public
may be in contact with officers?

Yes 94.9% ... No 04.9%

19. Were funds available, would you like a device that can emit a magnetic
ray to shut down the engine of a speeding car?

Yes 90.6% ... NO 08.5%

20. Were funds available, would you like a firearm that uses a microchip to
ensure only the officer can fire it, preventing a suspect from shooting it in
a struggle with the officer?

Yes 84.0% ... No 14.6%

21. Does your department require each officer to wear a bullet-resistant
jacket on duty?

Yes 59.5% ... No 40.2%

22. Does your department use CS or CN teargas as an option to force?

Yes 71.5% ... No 28.1%


23. Do you believe that marijuana should continue to be illegal for personal

Yes 90.1% ... No 09.2%

24. Do you believe a "zero tolerance" program testing prisoners and parolees
for drug use will reduce drug use among those people?

Yes 69.1% ... No 30.3%

25. Do you believe the national war on drugs that has been going on for more
than 15 years has been successful in reducing the use of illegal drugs?

Yes 21.6% ... No 77.7%

26. Do you believe abuse of illegal drugs has had a serious impact upon crime
in your community?

Yes 88.8% ... No 10.8%


27. If free brochures about "dos and don'ts" regarding driver actions
following a traffic accident were provided to your agency, would you consider
disseminating them to ci

[CTRL] [BRIGADE] NH Supporters Standing With Buchanan

1999-09-03 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Dear Brigade - from the Nashua Telegraph - fyi

PS - My mail is jam-packed with great comments about our Brigade emails.
Remember to include your name-city-state if you want your comments
added to our Message Boards - Thanks!!

Also read our Message Board FAQ at:


Date sent:  Fri, 03 Sep 1999 10:06:37 -0400
From:   Santelman Associates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Area Buchanan support holds firm
Rumors he’s leaving GOP don’t sway backers.
By JOSHUA TRUDELL, Telegraph Staff

Presidential candidate Patrick Buchanan may become the second
Republican to leave the party in recent months, and several
area supporters said that they would jump with him should he
move to the Reform Party.

"Wherever Pat goes, I will go," said Mark Santelman of Nashua,
a Buchanan activist. "I’m an unrepentant Pat Buchanan

Rumors have swirled for much of the summer about Buchanan
leaving the Republican Party. Earlier this week, campaign
adviser Bay Buchanan, the candidate’s sister, and several
other aides said that he is considering leaving to join the
Reform Party.

Reform Party officials said that they would welcome Buchanan.

James Fallon of Hampton, who has donated $750 to Buchanan’s
campaign and called himself a "very enthusiastic" supporter,
said that he doubted Buchanan would leave the Republican

"I’m not at all sure the Reform Party fits Pat," Fallon said.
"I know he and the governor of Minnesota" – Jesse Ventura of
the Reform Party – "don’t see eye-to-eye."

Santelman said he would tell Buchanan to go. "There’s nothing
of value in the Republican Party," he said. "There are good
Republicans, but the party as a whole is nothing to be proud

Mark E. Johnson of Hollis, a 20-year Republican supporter who
gave $500 to Buchanan in 1996, said he could easily follow
Buchanan to the Reform Party.

"It’s been more and more difficult to find out where the
Republican Party stands," Johnson said. "I have no problem
finding out where Pat Buchanan stands."

Johnson suggested that Buchanan could put former president
Ronald Reagan’s political coalition back together, merging
blue-collar Democrats, conservative Republicans, and the
voters that Ross Perot drew in 1996.

Paul Busta, a supporter from Windham who donated $250 earlier
this year, said that he was skeptical of initial rumors that
Buchanan was leaving, but has become more convinced in recent
days, with reports that Buchanan and campaign advisers are
huddling at his Virginia home.

"The rumors are going around, but they went around four years
ago, too," Busta said. "It seems a little more likely when you
throw in the nearly $13 million the Reform Party has."

Busta said that he would probably continue to support Buchanan
if he jumped to the Reform Party.

Buchanan’s campaign has struggled in New Hampshire after two
strong showings in the past two campaigns.

His campaign has drawn only seven contributions totaling
$3,050 so far, while his 1996 campaign, which won the New
Hampshire primary, had 86 contributions for $36,975. In 1992,
when he finished second in New Hampshire, he had 42
contributors who gave $22,000.

In early August, Buchanan issued a statement insisting that he
was running for the Republican nomination and calling reports
that he was leaving the party "unsubstantiated and untrue." In
the same statement, he said that his campaign would be
renewing efforts at an Aug. 14 straw poll in Ames, Iowa.

Buchanan spokesman Bob Adams said Wednesday that if the
statement were released today, it would still be accurate.

"He is a Republican candidate for president. That’s still
true," Adams said. He added, "That doesn’t mean he’s not
having impure thoughts, however."

Buchanan was fifth in the Iowa straw poll, which seemed to be
enough to sustain his campaign. However, on the day of the
poll, he already seemed to be hinting that he was leaving the
party on two nationally broadcast television shows.

"I’m going right now down this road" toward pursuing the

[CTRL] We may have to think the unthinkable about HIV and AIDS

1999-09-03 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

The cruellest irony
We may have to think the unthinkable about HIV and AIDS
COULD DOCTORS TESTING a polio vaccine in Africa in the late 1950s have
unintentionally started the AIDS epidemic?

Seven years after this conspiracy-style theory was first floated, the
publication of The River, a new book by the writer Edward Hooper, is forcing
scientists to take this disturbing possibility seriously again. Hooper spent
nine years researching the book and has paid great attention to detail. Few
experts doubt that he has done his homework. So how seriously should we take
the theory?

It's widely accepted that humans became infected with HIV-1, the main AIDS
virus, through contact with chimpanzees. When and how the chimp version of the
virus jumped into humans, however, is much less clear. Epidemiologists' best
guess is that hunters became infected with blood as they cut up chimp
carcasses for meat.

By contrast, Hooper's theory centres on a polio vaccine that was tested on
about a million people in central Africa between 1957 and 1960. Because the
vaccine was produced in cultures of kidney cells from various primate species,
Hooper argues that some of it could have been contaminated with the virus that
was later identified in humans as HIV-1. All that was needed to seed the AIDS
epidemic was a few contaminated batches.

If Hooper is right, it would mean 14 million people have so far died and 33
million been infected because of a well-intentioned--and ultimately
successful--attempt to stem the tide of polio. That's some tragic irony. But
discomfort is no reason to ignore the possibility.

When the vaccine theory of AIDS first surfaced, scientists could be
justifiably dismissive. The word then was that the kidney cells used to make
the polio vaccines came from macaque monkeys, not chimps. Also, scientists
believed that the first recognisable case of AIDS involved a British seaman
whose travels were over before the vaccinations began.

We now know that this was not a genuine HIV infection. More importantly,
Hooper provides the first evidence that chimp kidneys may have been used to
culture the vaccine and he identifies a geographic match between the vaccine
trial sites and what are now regarded as the first known cases of HIV
infection, including the earliest in 1959.

But if the vaccine theory has become less obviously far-fetched, it still has
problems. For example, the vaccine was also tested on thousands of individuals
in Poland but there's no evidence of early HIV infection there. Secondly,
different subspecies carry different forms of the chimp virus and, if current
research is correct, the subspecies of chimp from the Congo whose kidneys
might have been used is the "wrong" one: it harbours only a distant relative
of HIV-1.

And if vaccine trials were responsible for HIV-1 in central Africa, where does
that leave HIV-2, the sister virus that emerged in West Africa? HIV-2 seems to
have "jumped" species from the sooty mangabey in at least four separate
incidents. Were vaccines involved in these leaps too? Or did HIV-1 need help
to jump species even though HIV-2 didn't? Either version requires excessive
special pleading. Especially since biologists who have studied different
strains of HIV-1 are confident that they began to diverge from a single viral
ancestor no later than 1940.

But even if there is only the tiniest chance that Hooper is right, the
implications of his theory demand that it should be investigated. The obvious
next step is to test the remaining frozen stocks of the vaccine for the
presence of the chimp virus. Of course, negative results will not resolve the
controversy, because other batches, now used up or lost, might have been
contaminated. But this is no excuse for doing nothing.

So far, few of the players have shown any sense of urgency. An expert
committee that looked into the vaccine theory in 1992 called for tests on the
remaining stocks and an end to using monkey tissues to make vaccines. Well,
the stocks have still not been tested, and although most manufacturers have
switched to using human cells to culture the vaccine, some still have not.
Production methods are far more stringent than they were 40 years ago. But the
fact is that any vaccines cultured in monkey tissues could still carry a risk
of unknown primate viruses.

For this and other reasons, it is now up to the WHO to try to answer Hooper's
questions as quickly as possible. A refusal to test the leftover vaccine
stocks will simply fuel conspiracy theories everywhere.

>From New Scientist, 4 September 1999

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[CTRL] "..charter schools.. promises have not yet been met."

1999-09-03 Thread Bard

 -Caveat Lector-

Spring/Summer 1999
Charter Schools: Still a Work in Progress

by Elena Cabral

Charter schools emerged in the early 1990's as a bold experiment in school
reform. Established by communities through a sponsoring, or charter, agency,
these independent schools are designed to operate with public funds but
without the bureaucratic constraints of public school systems. They promise
more choices for families, greater efficiency and innovation through

But a Foundation-supported study of 17 charter schools in California
suggests that many of the promises have not yet been met.

The two-and-a-half-year project by the University of California at Los
Angeles was one of the first intensive studies on charter schools, which now
number about 1,100 nationwide. California was the second state to pass
legislation supporting these schools.

The grant supporting the study was part of the Foundation's
Constituency-Building for Public School Reform Initiative, a program of the
Education, Knowledge and Religion unit.

"Some of the claims and assumptions that are driving the way people
conceptualize charter school reform need to be rethought," says Amy Stuart
Wells, an associate professor of educational policy at UCLA and the director
of the study. Though the study acknowledges the benefits of giving educators
greater freedom in general, it notes several troubling aspects.

Among the 15 findings is that many schools have no formal way to know if
they are better than traditional public schools at helping students learn.
One reason is that it is difficult to measure performance in schools that
vary widely in theme, approach and design. Some focus on a "back to basics"
approach, while others use broader themes. A mitigating factor is that
California has been struggling in recent years to carry out an assessment of
all its schools. The study points out that some of the aims of charter
schools do not conform to traditional tests.

Though charter schools are designed to give families more choices in
education, the study says that the admissions criteria, recruiting tactics
and even special duties some schools require of students and parents - like
mandatory volunteerism - allow them to engineer the composition of their

Some schools are not delivering on their promise to reflect the racial or
ethnic profile of their districts, and there are few opportunities to share
information with public schools, for which charter schools claim to be
models. The study also found that charter schools rely heavily on private
resources, and that the ability to raise money varies greatly.

But teachers in charter schools gave very positive reports about their work.
They said that they felt more useful in their schools, which invigorate and
challenge them in ways that conventional school settings do not. "I like
starting out with something and feeling like I'm helping to build it," a
teacher said.

Support for charter schools remains strong nationwide, but Wells says the
report should serve as a call to re-examine some of the ideas behind them.

The report sparked a mixed response among educators when it was released in
December. Some dismissed it by saying it overlooked individual successes.
Others said it served as a warning to future charter schools.

"I don't think anybody, especially operators of charter schools, has ever
looked at ourselves or even the charter school movement as a silver bullet
that's going to fundamentally, on its own, change school systems," says Mark
Silverberg, a coordinator of the Hoboken (N.J.) Charter School. "Charter
schools are one small piece of a whole set of reform and renewal efforts. To
look at a movement in its infancy and say it hasn't changed the system is a
sort of narrow perspective."

But Wells says: "This report isn't designed to end charter schools. It is
designed to take stock and force the issues out on the table that have not
yet been discussed."

To obtain a copy of the report, send a mailing address to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or call (310) 825-9903. It is also available on line
at www.gseis/

Elena Cabral


Visit me at:
The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

Federal Government defined:
a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credee


1999-09-03 Thread Bard

 -Caveat Lector-

Dear Gennifer.

First of all I am broken hearted that you are married... you are fabulous
: )

Briefly, I am Military and been that for 17 years now and I've seen what
you said on the AH show of how we look to other people around the
world, next... if you can believe this We (the military) have received
a direct order not to quote or communicate in any way shape or form
anything about President Clinton I am ashamed to have to salute him as
my commander in chief, and then I have to say that I am proud to see that
you have the courage and dignity to stand up for what's right and
wrong everyone keeps sweeping his (the Pres) junk under the carpet
time and time again... WHEN WILL THIS COUNTRY WAKE UP???  well please
take care careful and I do salute you... thanks.


Dear Fritz,

I SALUTE your integrity!

As an individual that has a tremendous respect for the military, I have
great empathy for your position.

Hang in there Fritz...a new President and Administration could
mean renewed hope and respect!

Time will tell.



Visit me at:
The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

Federal Government defined:
a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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1999-09-03 Thread Kris Millegan

A question of ethics...


The Nuremberg Code was written to
protect All People from the types
of crimes against humanity committed
by the Nazi regime. The Nuremberg Code
states that in medical experimentation
"voluntary consent of the human subject
is absolutely essential." The Code also
states that such consent must be obtained
"without the intervention of any element
of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-
reaching, or other ulterior form of
constraint or coercion..." [1]

Let's observe how the long-term use of
Ritalin by children (given to millions
of kids to make them more obedient in
school) can violate the Nuremberg Code:


The manufacturer of Ritalin (Novartis)
states in their current package insert:

 "Sufficient data on safety and efficacy
 of long-term use of Ritalin in children
 are not yet available. ... Long-term
 effects of Ritalin in children have
 not been well established." (1998)

This means that long-term use of Ritalin in
children is still in the experimental stage
and conforms to the definition of "medical
experiment": a tentative medical procedure.
Furthermore, data is gathered by the FDA on
adverse effects of approved drugs in order
to monitor for potential health hazards,
which constitutes an ongoing drug experiment
in which all drug-using patients are subjects,
which is a major part of the long-term data.

Long-term use in children is also ALWAYS
a test, or experiment, per child to see
if Ritalin continues to suppress or begins
to cause other forms of harm to the child.
(Research suggests that long-term Ritalin
use could be associated with brain atrophy,
psychiatric disorders, and stunted growth.
It should also be noted that in medical
research the phrase "long-term" can mean
anywhere from three weeks to three years.)


As Peter Breggin, MD, has established, [2]
many-to-most children don't like and don't
want to take Ritalin. This indicates that
children are being coerced to take Ritalin.

Even if a child offers no resistance, the
conditions for obtaining consent stipulated
in the Nuremberg Code can still be violated
by the very nature of a child's powerless
subordination to the rule of adults, which
clearly constitutes an "element of force."
(An aside: the Nuremberg Code also states
that a subject must "have legal capacity
to give consent," which no child has).

ERGO: since long-term Ritalin use by children
is experimental, and since it always will be
experimental for each individual, if Ritalin
use by a child is coerced, however subtle that
coercion may be, this constitutes involuntary
human experimentation that is a violation of
the Nuremburg Code, and as such, it constitutes
a crime against humanity. Millions of children
in US schools are likely victims of such Nazism.
   [1] The Nuremberg Code (see requirement number 1):
   [2] "Talking Back To Ritalin," Peter Breggin, MD.
   See chapter 5 "'They Never Like The Medication'" or library
   Side Effects of Ritalin Everyone Should Know:
   This article on Ritalin will be posted here:

   -- copyright 1999 Ian Williams Goddard --


[CTRL] Skeptic News - Friday #2

1999-09-03 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990903b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No budget surpluses were spent during the production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Microsoft products leave door open to NSA. (CNN) A cryptography expert
  says Microsoft operating systems include a back door that allows the U.S.
  National Security Agency to enter systems using an MS OS. The chief scien-
  tist at an Internet security company reported the flaw at a recent confer-
  ence where he discussed a "key" entrance into the cryptographic standard
  used in Microsoft Windows products, including Windows 95, 98, NT4 and

: Do you mind if gov't spies search through your computer files? Do you work
for the NSA? Do you search thru personal files? Especially the sexy ones???
Are systems using Windows 3.x and earlier, MacOS, Linux, CP/M more secure??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ THE ANGLE OF LIGHT BECOMES A PERSON. Photons which are messenger light
  waves traveling through the universe can contact protons. When this occurs
  smaller energies inside of each called quarks cause a new particle to be
  formed. In other words light can change into matter and back into light
  again. The messenger particle which is light can become a person and then
  change back into light. That person that told you something important, and
  when you looked back to see him/her, they were gone. This is not something
  for your to believe. This is reality. Light can change into matter & back
  into light again.

: Have you changed into light and back lately? Was it difficult? Would you
rather be corporeal or luminescent? Do you use the opportunity to spy on
people, military installations, gov't operations, corporate meetings, me?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# 'Domino Effect' Could Threaten More Turkish Quakes. MENLO PARK, Calif.
  (Reuters) A scientist who two years ago predicted last month's devastating
  Turkish earthquake warned that a "domino effect" on the country's North
  Anatolian Fault could mean dangerous seismic stress is building up around

: Have you manipulated any earthquakes lately? How many Greeks need to jump
off ladders simultaneously to cause a major Turkish quake? Are there enough?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# SPACEVIEWS - Cosmonauts Leave Mir, Return to Earth - NASA, Orbital Revise
  X-34 Testing Schedule - First Chandra Images and Spectra Released - GAO
  Report Critical of X-33 - Mars Polar Lander Site Selected - More Changes
  in Store for Shuttle Schedule - NASA, Hughes Considering Satellite Rescue
  Mission - More Delays for Arianespace - Atlas Cleared for Three Launches -
  SpaceViews Event Horizon - Other News:

: Do you have an independent space program? How is it proceeding? Are aliens
helping you much? Have you visited The Mothership yet? Is it reely kewl? Eh?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# SEX-ENHANCEMENT DRUG KILLS - 31 deaths linked to Viagra. (BBC) Thirty-
  one people have died after taking Viagra in the first year of the anti-
  impotence drug being available in the UK, doctors have reported. OOPS:

: Would you rather fuck than live? Who would you poison with Viagra? Would
they mind much? Is Viagra a capitalist plot, an alien plot, a Satanist plot?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ FREEMASON WIT AND WISDOM. The Masons are a self-described fraternity of
  men that adhere to a code of conduct and living and have meetings, events,
  and traditions that sound a bit like church. This newsgroup offers bits of
  wit & wisdom, and a lot of flaming from the usual band of nutty conspiracy
  theorists. One nice quote (from Rev. Brother Jesse Jackson) reads, "Never
  look down on anybody unless you're helping them up." news:alt.freemasonry

: Are you a nutty conspiracy theorist? Are you a Freemason? Are you both? Do
you control the world? Do you want to? Have you tried? Is it worth it? Why?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# N.Z. Chicken Processing Plant Owner Fax-Bombed by U.S Security. WELLINGTON
  (Reuters) A chicken processing plant has been bombarded with stray faxes
  from U.S. security officials preparing for a visit to Auckland by Pres.
  Clinton.  photo:

: Whose security systems have you penetrated? Is it easy to hack systems so
that they propagate confidential communications across the Net? Is it fun??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ THE BODY KEEPS THE SCORE: Memory and the evolvin

[CTRL] Barry Chammish on: UFO Triangles in Israel (fwd)

1999-09-03 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 03 Sep 1999 19:51:49 +0300 (IDT)
From: barry chamish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Israel

by Barry Chamish

   The summer of 1999 saw the return of flying triangular
formations over Israel and as always, their appearance was
greeted with video cameras to solidly document them. With the
media uninterested in the phenomena, it is Israel's old guard of
skywatchers who made certain that the aerial invaders were
captured on film.

   Take July 22, as a case in point. This was the evening of
Tisha B'av, a sad Jewish fast day, recalling the destruction of
the Second Temple by the Romans. The triangular craft was first
spotted in the north of the country at 7:30 PM, sundown, in the
cities of Tsfat and Yokneam. It was videotaped in both places.
Then the phone network went to work. Rafi Malka, a professional
photographer who, in 1988, videotaped Israel's first UFO, over
Haifa, was told of the triangle. He managed to tape it from his
home in Ashdod and earned the distinction of being the first
Israeli to videotape two separate UFOs.

   He phoned his nephew Doron Cohen in Yavne who spread the word
in that city. Among those he contacted was professor Rami
Shkalim, who produced an absolutely brilliant videotape of the
craft. He was one of over two hundred people in three groups
viewed the craft in Yavne until it disappeared at approxomately
12:30 AM. But he was the only one to have just purchased a Sony
320 zoom video camera, essentially professional equipment.

   I drove to Professor Shkalim's home and watched his film. It
ranks as one of the most exciting in Israel's brief UFO history,
and that is no mean accomplishment. For ten minutes we see a
craft with two silvery lights, both surrrunded by a perfectly
circular red aura twice their size. Then the craft seems to turn
and we see a tiny third light to the left. Then it seems to turn
again and we have a triangle of lights. Then the craft becomes
two lights, which emit spirally turning lights, like twisting
fireworks, before the craft disappears to the west. During the
night the craft traversed an oval shaped path in the upper
northern sky.

   Dr. Shkalim is some witness! He has a PhD in both physics and
philosophy and is currently a professor of Kabbala at Bar Ilan
University. And he took the courageous step of going public with
his videotape. He called the popular television morning news
program, Goof Morning Israel, and volunteered to present his tape
on camera. He appeared with the Israeli establishment's prime
debunker, Prof. Ariel Cohen and tore him apart with the solidness
of his evidence. Cohen, meanwhile was more ignorant than usual.
In a classic statement of perverted misknowledge, he claimed
that, "In 1947, the first UFOs were seen by Arnold Palmer."

   It was a media triumph for Prof. Shkalim, and by its end the
program's host chided Cohen, telling him, "This film is too weird
to be written of as a planet or anything else we know."

   The fact that the UFO appeared nationwide on Tish B'av follows
the pattern of major incidents falling on Jewish holy days.
Without going into the details of each encounter, (they are
summarized with photos at,
the Shikmona Beach incident occured on Rosh Hashana evening, the
Kadima sightings were on the Sabbath, the crop formation at Tel
Adashim was also formed on Rosh Hashana evening, while an even
more spectacular formation at Bet Zarzir was formed on Passover
evening. Israel's most documented UFO incidents occur with
undeniable regularity on Jewish holy evenings and the latest
Tisha B'av sighting has convinced many local observors that this
can no longer be dismissed as accidental.

   On August 27, ufologist David Ronen was skywatching as usual
and spotted a triangular UFO over Tel Aviv. He quickly phoned Gil
Bar and told him, "The craft is heading towards Rishon Letzion.
Get your camera." Gil rushed to his roof and managed to film the
craft before his camera's batteries gave out. He only had two
minutes to work with but it was enough. Gil captured precisely
the same triangular UFO that Adrian Dvir and his group of "alien
healers" had filmed the October before over Rishon Letzion.

   In November 1997, fifteen year old Gil filmed a UFO over
downtown Rishon Letzion being chased by an earthly plane in broad
daylight. Now he, like Rafi Malka, joins the elite club of
Israeli skywatchers who have filmed two separate UFOs.


 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, an

[CTRL] "We (the military) received direct order not to communicate anything about Clinton.."

1999-09-03 Thread Bard

 -Caveat Lector-

Dear Gennifer -

"Dear Gennifer" Members,

Subject: Hair Color From Hell

Dear Gennifer:

Recently, I spent an evening at The Algonquin in NYC with two women
who have beautiful blonde hair.  My hair was grey.  I say "was" because,
with the encouragement of my friends, I finally decided to color it.
First I went blonde.  I knew I was in trouble when the colorist fainted.
I knew I was in BIG trouble when I looked in the mirror.  It looked just
like the wig on a Chatty Cathy Doll.

My friend, Lucianne Goldberg, who Mirabella magazine calls one of the 25
Smartest Women in its current issue, came to the salon.  She was very
brave -- she didn't scream.  She just got me into a cab so I could go home
before my knees buckled.

Part II:  The next day, I decided...maybe everyone was right. I knew I had
to go "red."  Well...I did.  Unfortunately, it came out a w bit
dark; sort of like having a dead monkey on top of my head.

So here's the thing:  You are very smart and really pretty and know a
thing or two about style, fashion, and how to hang in there through
adversity.  I wonder if you can tell me:

1)  Do I have to wear a paper bag over my head for the rest of my life?
2)  As the co-host of a Radio Show, do you think the audience knows
my hair came out too dark?
3)   Do you think it's just something I have to get used to?  (Like my
thighs in a bathing suit, a slot machine that never pays off, or that
miserable Hillary Clinton  never giving it a rest and going back into her

I think your advice column is sensational.

...Now if only I can figure out how to get my hair a little bit lighter...


Dear Ronni,

To answer your questions,

1)  It's possibleI have a favorite paper bag, if you would like to
borrow it!

2)  Oh Yes!I believe radio listeners have a sixth sense that allows
them to see what we look like while we are on the air.  Ugh!

3)  Yes.

Ronni, my husband and I are thinking about opening a Beauty Salon
named the "Blonde Bitch".surely, we could get your color right?!

Good luck,


Subject : Wake Up America

Dear Gennifer.

First of all I am broken hearted that you are married... you are fabulous
: )

Briefly, I am Military and been that for 17 years now and I've seen what
you said on the AH show of how we look to other people around the
world, next... if you can believe this We (the military) have received
a direct order not to quote or communicate in any way shape or form
anything about President Clinton I am ashamed to have to salute him as
my commander in chief, and then I have to say that I am proud to see that
you have the courage and dignity to stand up for what's right and
wrong everyone keeps sweeping his (the Pres) junk under the carpet
time and time again... WHEN WILL THIS COUNTRY WAKE UP???  well please
take care careful and I do salute you... thanks.


Dear Fritz,

I SALUTE your integrity!

As an individual that has a tremendous respect for the military, I have
great empathy for your position.

Hang in there Fritz...a new President and Administration could
mean renewed hope and respect!

Time will tell.


Subject : Twin Peaks

Dear Gennifer,

Hey ... I think you are beautiful!  I'll stand up for you any day.  I love
your ideas and courage.  I only wish I had as much inner strength.

I have found myself in a rather awkward situation.  I am married to a
twin.  Her sister lives with us also and I have a difficult time telling
them apart.  There are ways to tell, but after I have a drink or two, it
becomes even more difficult.

Two days ago, I accidentally seduced my wife's twin sister.  Her sister
never let me know that she wasn't my wife.  But she told my wife the next
day what happened and now my wife is threatening to divorce me, and is
demanding her twin sister move out.  Her sister now hates me because she
blames me for breaking up their family.  I never meant to create any
problem.  Things are really heating up around here and if I don't do
something quick, I'm afraid I'm gonna lose everything.  Please tell me
what you would do if you were in my shoes.


Dear Nigel,

You definitely have.DOUBLE TROUBLE!!!

The twin you slept with by mistake owes you and your wife (her sister) a
huge apology!

She is the "snake in the grass" and should be the one to make an
immediate EXIT!

In the meantime, I suggest you keep off the booze and avoid having
"double vision" in the future.

Good luck,


Thank you all again for your continued support!  I'm listening for your
comments and look forward to hearing from you.

My Best,


To unsubscribe, write to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Federal Government defined:
a benefit/subsidy protection 

[CTRL] "Lawyers still keep the poor in their place by jails and barbarous laws, .."

1999-09-03 Thread Bard

 -Caveat Lector-

"Doctors plied their trade through sorcery and sacred charms.
Lawyers helped keep the poor in subjection; the criminal code was long,
cruel and deadly.
The priest, the doctor and the lawyer lived for the rich and helped make
slaves of the poor.
Doctors still believe in sorcery, but they administer their faith cures
through a bottle instead of vulgar witchcraft. Lawyers still keep the poor
in their place by jails and barbarous laws, but the criminal code is shorter
and less severe."

For more:

Sound familiar, Folks?


Visit me at:
The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

Federal Government defined:
a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] PARENTS! Remove your child from public schools-Don't re-enroll in Fall.

1999-09-03 Thread Bard

 -Caveat Lector-

Folks, Don't have your Children accuse you of not providing them with the
best Education available.
Our public schools breed violence, crime, and sexual dysfunction.
Do what is best for your child and start the process of finding out about
by checking out some of these Sites:
(have you checked with your child to see if the public school is doping your
and/or forcing them to attend classes wherein alternative lifestyles are
without your consent?)
Do you feel you can't afford HomeSchooling?
Get busy and search for a Site which will answer your concern.

Provable Accusations against American Public Schools

for Links to Homeschooling.

More Links to Homeschooling:

HomeSchool Association of California

"..both the NEA and the AFT promote policies that protect the jobs of
incompetent or poor teachers at the expense of those who would improve the

-Original Message-
From: Andre Traversa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 1999 11:22 PM
Subject: Re: [conservative] "Gay [homosexual] Awareness Film Sparks
Debate" [1stGraders]

From: Andre Traversa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Many people in america are doing precisely that. Home-schooling has grown
by leaps and bounds. To answer your question, I don't know how common this
kind of endorement is in public schools here, since I don't think there
are available stats on what goes on in every classroom, there's so mch
that goes unreported, so much that parents don't know. Man parents don't
even know what cirricula are being used in their classrooms, but this is
gtheir own fault, and they should take the tme to find out.

On Thu, 2 Sep 1999, [iso-8859-1] Rhianwen wrote:

> From: =?iso-8859-1?q?Rhianwen?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> As you guys may know, I don't live in the US, so I am
> a little concerned. Is this endorsement of homosexual
> ideals very common in schools there? 3rd grade seems a
> little young to be talking about that sort of thing :(
> If this happened here, I would home school.
> Rhianwen
> ===
From: "Bard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Gay Awareness Film Sparks Debate
By Martha Irvine
Associated Press Writer
Tuesday, August 31, 1999; 12:30 p.m. EDT

CHICAGO (AP) -- Third-graders in New York are seen debating the idea of gay
marriage. Eighth-graders in San Francisco are heard firing questions at a
gay man and a lesbian who visit their classroom.

Storytime for first- and second-graders at a school in Cambridge, Mass., is
shown to include the book ``Asha's Mums'' about a little girl who has two
lesbian mothers.

All are excerpts from a controversial documentary, ``It's Elementary:
Talking About Gay Issues in School,'' which first caused a stir when several
public television stations decided to air it this summer.

Now it's being used by many school districts nationwide as a training tool
for teachers -- unifying what some say is a growing move to incorporate gay
and lesbian issues into school curriculums.

Critics say talk about such issues belongs at home. But others argue it's a
matter of dealing with issues that students already see every day in
newspapers, on television, in movies -- and maybe even in their own
communities or classrooms.

``Both schools and families have to address the issue somehow because it's
there -- and it's not going back into the closet,'' said Tony D'Augelli, a
psychologist at Penn State's College of Health and Human Development.

Chicago school officials -- who stress that ``It's Elementary'' will not be
shown to students -- said last week that the district's 589 principals would
view the film beginning in September and receive a copy for their schools
Today, however, officials said they have revised that plan, saying
principals will be told about the film during training sessions and can
request a copy for their schools.

A city official who helped get the film into the district and who will
conduct the training sessions said the decision to provide the film was
aimed at fostering tolerance and, in turn, preventing violence against gay
and lesbian students.

``It's practical. It makes good sense. It's about safety for children. I
don't think anybody, regardless of their religious background, can argue
with that,'' said Mary Morten, Mayor Richard Daley's liaison on gay and
lesbian issues.

School officials in San Francisco, who also are using ``It's Elementary,''
have gone as far as imposing a ban on anti-gay slurs.

``Go stand on a playground. I guarantee you that you will hear within
minutes kids saying, 'Oh, that's so gay. What are you, a fag?''' said Kevin
Gogin, who counsels kids at the San Francisco Unified School District.

Moves to address gay issues

Re: [CTRL] Waco, Vince Foster, and the Secret War 1/2

1999-09-03 Thread Mack White

 -Caveat Lector-

>Waco, Vince Foster, and the Secret War 1/2
>Copyright 1999 Mack White

An after-thought:  Recently, Rumor Mill News reported that the past few
weeks' revelations with regard to Waco (evidence of the FBI's firing of
incendiary devices, involvement of Delta Force, etc.) in the mainstream
media were the result of factional fighting at the highest levels of power.
According to this theory, the Bush family has been moving away from the New
World Order faction. Allegations with regard to Gov. George W. Bush's
cocaine usage are supposedly pressure tactics to bring the Bush family back
into the New World Order fold. However, Bush's counter-move has been to
reveal information on Waco, which would be damaging to the Clinton/New
World Order faction. This is an interesting possiblity, which, if true,
would seem to corroborate the theory in my article that Waco represented
the surface eruption of a covert civil war. It will be interesting to see
what develops in the weeks ahead.

Mack White

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] "the truth will set you free."

1999-09-03 Thread Kris Millegan

From: Daniel Hopsicker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

There is small satisfaction in being able to say
'i told you so;' nevertheless it gives me no joy to
report that Terry Reed called me last evening,
and confirmed what i had strongly suspected:
he was NOT present at the DEA sting of George W. Bush Jr(Dubya)
that took place at Tamiani Airport in Miami in 1985.

Based on his record as a true and genuine American hero,
I'm inclined to give Terry a 'pass' on this, and attribute it
to his desire to see the truth about Bush come out. He also
stated that he had devoted an entire chapter on this incident
in Compromised which was cut out by his publisher, and that this
incident will be a focus of the movie he is working on.

Mike Ruppert cannot be faulted for going with this,
especially as he has broadened his quest for sources in his
latest newsletter. I've been equally guilty of letting what is
our mutual eagerness to expose this issue lead me on
a step farther than current evidence warrants.
A year ago I reported that Ken Starr had actually
authored the deal memo allowing the CIA to 'turn a blind eye'
on drug smuggling, instead of merely being there at the time,
and in the office, where it was written. This remains unproven.

What seems clear at this time is that there IS a true and verifiable
story to be gotten here; the question is, will we be able to get it?

On that count, I admit to having doubts. The one person I am aware
of who WAS there, and who can be easily reached today, is as
dirty as they come, a man whom one high law enforcement source
accused--in my presence--of multiple murders. This man is,
not coincidentally, a 'friend' of Bill Bottoms.

But I will be working with Ruppert and Reed and anyone else
who thinks they can help find those tapes. If they didn't
exist, Barry Seal would likely still be around.

Daniel Hopsicker
The Drug Money Times
"All the news that's ripped from print!"

Scandal in contemporary U.S. life is an institutionalized sociological
It is not due primarily to psychopathological variables,  but is due to
the institutionalization of elite wrongdoing which has occcurred since

"Many of the scandals that have occurred in the U.S. since 1963 are
fundamentally interrelated: that is, the same people and institutions
have been involved."
 --Prof.David Simon, "Elite Deviance 6th edition

--- ONElist Sponsor 

ONElist:  your connection to like-minds and kindred spirits.

[CTRL] When GPS meets cell phones

1999-09-03 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from:">When GPS meets cell phones
When GPS meets cell phonesPolice will know exactly where those 911 calls
are made,
and a host of other fun services will followBy Bob Sullivan
Sept. 1 — Shalene Wilson was in big trouble. Two men had overpowered
her, stabbed her, thrown her in a car trunk and driven away. But in a
stroke of what might seem like amazing luck, they did not realize she
had a mobile phone. She called local police in Albany, Ore., begging for
help — but they were helpless. In this case, 911 proved just about
useless: The police had no idea where Wilson was calling from, and
neither did she. They spent the better part of the next 24 hours
searching in vain, combing the town block by block while precious time
ticked away. A new technology which would have told police precisely
where Wilson was hadn’t arrived in time to help.
Like car navigation systems, it could offer directions, even to walkers.
It could point out nearby restaurants, even offer up coupons for pizza
places down the block. But that’s just the beginning.
PLACE A 911 CALL from a land line, and authorities know exactly
where the call came from. But place an emergency call from a cell phone,
and wireless carriers can give police only the roughest idea where to
look. In Wilson’s case, Sprint was able to identify the cell tower that
relayed her first call at 9:20 p.m Aug. 4. That gave police a circle to
search that had a radius of one mile, according to Albany public
information officer Marilyn Smith. But Wilson said she was in a moving
car — so police within a 75-mile radius were alerted.
The police chief came in during the middle of the night. Officers
worked overtime looking for Wilson. Sprint technicians worked through
the night. Local TV stations broadcast the unfolding drama.
“We kept running into dead ends,” assistant chief of police Don
O’Malley said.

 When ‘911’ is just three more digits
As the night wore on, and Wilson kept calling, authorities became
suspicious. Seven calls and 15 hours later, Wilson’s drama was declared
a hoax. No cell phone — and certainly not her older model, as determined
by Sprint — could last that long without a recharge. And despite her
claims she was on the move, all the cell calls were routed from that
original tower. Bell Labs' Giovanni Vannucci describes how GPS works.
The woman identifying herself as Wilson was never found — though she
did break an Oregon law prohibiting illegal use of 911, and she did send
authorities on a wild goose chase.
Experts say similar, if less dramatic, searches are carried out
daily. Perhaps 100,000 people a day dial 911 from a wireless phone, with
that number on the rise, and 30 percent are unable to tell authorities
where they’re calling from.
But such confusion will end when a new technology called wireless
geolocation is in place. By marrying a Global Positioning System (GPS)
device with a wireless phone, authorities will be able to pinpoint
within about five meters where a wireless phone is when it’s turned on.
It’s a bit of a shotgun wedding. The Federal Communications
Commission has mandated that cell companies have such pinpoint accuracy
by October 2001. So a fleet of software and chip makers, including
Lucent Technologies Inc., are lining up to perform the ceremony. In the
meantime, wireless firms are discovering that a cell phone with GPS
attached can do a lot more than just dial 911.
Like car navigation systems, it could offer directions, even to
walkers. It could point out nearby restaurants, even offer up coupons
for pizza places down the block. But that’s just the beginning.
Researchers at Lucent’s Bell Labs foresee location units being handed to
children so parents always know where they are — or criminals, under
house arrest, for similar reasons. It could even be used to recover
stolen cars or laptop computers.
Steve Poizner, CEO of Snap-Track, which also makes the GPS-wireless
technology, said one of the more whimsical applications of such a
service might involve a family-and-friends circle.
“Imagine you walk into a shopping center — this could tell you which
of your friends are nearby and where they are,” he said.
Poizner’s company has been at it since 1995, and he says he’ll be
selling the product commercially in Japan through NTT’s Dokomo before
the year is out. U.S. sales are expected to start next year. That’s just
the first salvo in the coming battle to offer these wild personal
location services. Battle lines are already being drawn: Snap-Track also
has agreements with Motorola and Texas Instruments Inc. Lucent has a
deal with Qualcomm Inc. And another player in the space, SiRF Technology
Inc., has a deal with Ericsson.

Merely slapping a GPS receiver on the back of a cell phone wouldn’t
do the trick, for several reasons. Chief among them — it would double
the cost and rea

[CTRL] ATF agents Shooting with David Koresh 9 days before raid . . .

1999-09-03 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from:">Shooting with
David Koresh
ATF's official position is, of course, that David Koresh and the
Davidians were a bunch of reclusive, paranoid cop-killers who would not
approached by law enforcement save with overwhelming force and, when so
approached, deliberately planned an ambush and mass murder.

ATF had stationed several undercover agents, including Robert Rodriguez,
across the road from the Davidian residence, in what became known as the
"undercover house." The Davidians did not take long to figure out these
were undercover agents. When David Koresh called 911 in the middle of
the February 28 gunfight, at a point when he had no source of knowledge
save what he'de known before the raid, he casually told the Sheriff's
dispatcher that he had invited "Robert, you know, the guy you--your
agent" to talk with him. (Click here for the audio).

Fact: Koresh was understating the matter. On February 19, nine days
before the bloody raid, the ATF agents went over and asked David Koresh
to go shooting. He agreed. In fact, he provided the ammunition. And the
agents handed him their guns. Don't take my word for it. Here's the
agents' report.

Now, I don't want to be cynical. I'm sure there is some reason why
undercover agents investigating a fellow they think is a murderous
fanatic would go to his house, invite him to go shooting, and hand him
their guns. And there must be a reason why, if he really was a
cop-killer, he would shoot their guns, hand them back and wave good-bye.
Not to mention pay for their ammunition, knowing they were police. I
just can't think of these reasons at the moment.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Chiefs of Police and Sheriffs Survey

1999-09-03 Thread Bob Stokes

 -Caveat Lector-

Results of the 12th annual survey of Chiefs of Police and Sheriffs: The
following survey questions were posed in the last 60 days by mail of 16,000
Chiefs of Police and Sheriffs that was recently completed. It represents a
cross section of professional officers involving every state with a 10%
response. The survey was conducted for the 12th consecutive year by the
National Association of Chiefs of Police. Washington, D.C., (202)293-9088.
Has some interesting results on the firearm questions. The survey covers a
lot of other questions as well -- check the response to question #29 about a
UN police force.

Pikes Peak Firearms Coalition

Sheriff and Police Chief Survey Results

Death Penalty

1. Do you believe the death penalty serves as a deterrent to certain types of

Yes 90.8% ... No 08.9%

2. Do you believe that when a law enforcement officer is feloniously killed
in the line of duty that the penalty upon conviction should be death?

Yes 97.6% ... No 01.7%


3. Do you believe any law-abiding citizen should be able to purchase a
firearm for sport or self-defense?

Yes 92.7% ... No 06.8%

4. Within the past year, has your agency been called upon to arrest anyone
who has made a false statement on an application to purchase a firearm?

Yes 06.2% ... No 93.3%

5. Do you believe anyone (such as a convicted felon) in violation of state or
federal firearm possession laws should be prosecuted by the U.S. Attorney
and, if convicted, receive a maximum prison term?

Yes 87.7% ... No 11.2%

6. Do you believe law-abiding citizens should be limited to purchase of no
more than one firearm per month?

Yes 32.7% ... No 65.8%

7. Do you believe local "gun shows" are a major source for sales of illegal
firearms to criminals?

Yes 40.7% ... No 55.8%

8. Do you believe criminals currently are able to obtain virtually any type
of firearm by illegal means?

Yes 97.9% ... No 01.8%

9. Do you believe any sworn peace officer or retired officer should be
permitted to carry a firearm from state to state?

Yes 93.6% ... No 05.8%


10. Do you believe the ethical standards of your department are upheld at a
higher level than those by elected officials in our nation's capital?

Yes 93.8% ... No 04.8%

11. Would off-duty, private sexual misconduct of an officer in your
department result in dismissal or penalty of any type?

Yes 78.1% ... No 15.7%


12. Do you believe the media (TV, radio and print) are fair and impartial in
reporting the news?

Yes 08.4% ... No 90.6%

13. Does your agency have one officer assigned to handle media requests?

Yes 56.3% ... No 42.9%


14. Has your agency been offered training in connection with the U.S.
Department of Justice "first responder" program to combat weapons of mass
destruction, biological warfare, etc.?

Yes 28.6% ... No 70.6%

15. Has your agency received special equipment to protect officers from such

Yes 07.1% ... No 92.4%

16. Do you believe the coming year will bring foreign or domestic terrorist
attacks that

threaten the public trust in our role as guardians of law and order?

Yes 77.7% ... No 18.7%


17. Do you believe arrestees should be required to provide DNA samples, in a
manner similar to current practices of fingerprinting?

Yes 79.9% ... No 18.0%

18. Were funds available, would you like to have videocameras available in
all police vehicles, holding cells, interrogation areas and anywhere public
may be in contact with officers?

Yes 94.9% ... No 04.9%

19. Were funds available, would you like a device that can emit a magnetic
ray to shut down the engine of a speeding car?

Yes 90.6% ... NO 08.5%

20. Were funds available, would you like a firearm that uses a microchip to
ensure only the officer can fire it, preventing a suspect from shooting it in
a struggle with the officer?

Yes 84.0% ... No 14.6%

21. Does your department require each officer to wear a bullet-resistant
jacket on duty?

Yes 59.5% ... No 40.2%

22. Does your department use CS or CN teargas as an option to force?

Yes 71.5% ... No 28.1%


23. Do you believe that marijuana should continue to be illegal for personal

Yes 90.1% ... No 09.2%

24. Do you believe a "zero tolerance" program testing prisoners and parolees
for drug use will reduce drug use among those people?

Yes 69.1% ... No 30.3%

25. Do you believe the national war on drugs that has been going on for more
than 15 years has been successful in reducing the use of illegal drugs?

Yes 21.6% ... No 77.7%

26. Do you believe abuse of illegal drugs has had a serious impact upon crime
in your community?

Yes 88.8% ... No 10.8%


27. If free brochures about "dos and don'ts" regarding driver actions
following a traffic accident were provided to your agency, would you consider
disseminating them to ci

[CTRL] OEN 9/3/99

1999-09-03 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from:">The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe

Today's Lesson From The Tatum Chronicles

by D.G. "Chip" Tatum

We flew into several villages on the Nicaragua/Honduras border to recon
for a later mission. I recorded actual village locations for cargo drops
by CH-47's scheduled later in April. Three of the villages were Rus Rus,
Waspam and Santa Anna.

Mr. [Oliver] North was pleased with the operations. He stated that Vice
President Bush appreciated the extra effort I was giving. General
Alverez told Mr. North of my ability to sneak into his airfield under
their radar. He asked North if I could instruct some of his security
team and pilots for future use. North declined stating that I was a
national secret, laughing. We landed at Santa Anna and met with Enrique
Bermudez and other Contra leaders. We were then taken to a processing
area of some sort. As we approached, there was a strong smell of jet
fuel and acetone. There were several tactical bladders, used for
carrying fuels, sitting around the area. Six large fuel pods were on the
ground but had the tops torched off. Inside there was fuel and ground-up
coca leaves.

Mr. North stated the following to the other passengers, "One more year
of this and we'll all retire." He then made a remark concerning Barry
Seal and Governor Clinton. "If we can keep those Arkansas hicks in line,
that is," referring to the loss of monies as determined the week prior
during their meeting in Costa Rica. I stood silently by the vat of
leaves, listening to the conversation. General Alverez had gone with the
Contra leader to discuss logistics. The other three - North, Rodriguez,
and Ami Nir - continued through the wooden building, inspecting the
cocaine. North continued, "...but he (Vice President Bush) is very
concerned about those missing monies. I think he's going to have Jeb
(Bush) arrange something out of Columbia," he told his comrades, not t
hinking twice of my presence. What Mr. North was referring to ended up
being the assassination of Barry Seal by members of the Medellin Cartel
in early 1986.

"How about 'Pineapple'?" Rodriguez asked. (Speaking of General Noriega.)

"Naw," North answered, "something's up there." Bush later insured
Noriega was indicted and imprisoned for drug trafficking.

I recalled the mysterious army officers remarks in Ojo de Agua, "Tell no
one. There's no one big enough in your chain of command." I just heard
North tell Rodriguez that the Vice President, the Governor of Arkansas
and the three of them are manufacturing cocaine. I flew them back to La
Cieba and I continued back to Tela in time for drinks downtown with my
crew and friends. We returned the following day to Palmerola. I went to
Ops and put a few notes on the back of the flight plan.

Year 2000

Companies Scramble for Y2K Cash

Borrow, borrow, borrow, before the end

WASHINGTON - Major corporations, some foreign countries and even the
U.S. Treasury have begun to raise enormous amounts of cash just in case
something goes wrong somewhere as computer calendars flip over to 2000
from 1999 on Jan. 1.
These preparations already are increasing U.S. interest rates across the
board, analysts said.

The borrowers say they are rushing to sell many billions of dollars of
debt now, not because they fear a computer-glitch catastrophe but
because they fear that investors will worry such a catastrophe might
occur and therefore will not buy securities sold near the end of the

There is no panic in the market, as there was a year ago after the
Russian government defaulted on part of its debt. Instead, the markets
are functioning well, but with some participants acting as if they
expect a panic later.

This flood of debt is lifting the interest rates the issuers have to pay
to attract buyers. That, in turn, raises rates on many other types of
business and consumer loans. Meanwhile, many lenders and investors are
pulling their money out of developing-country markets, where significant
year-end computer problems are considered much more likely.

''When it comes to raising money in the capital markets, it's prudent to
avoid the last few weeks of this year and the first few weeks of next
year,'' said Thomas Capo, senior vice president and treasurer of
automaker DaimlerChrylser AG, which raised $4.5 billion through a bond
issue last month. ''Why take what is probably a very small amount of

''Corporations are striving to raise cash so they don't have to rely on
financial markets late in the year,'' said Mickey Levy, chief economist
at Bank of America in New York. ''It is across the spectrum'' in terms
of different types of securities and creditworthiness of the borrowers.

For example, GE Capital Corp., the financial services unit of General
Electric Co., said it had arranged special credit lines with its bankers
similar to a special borrowing 

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Friday #1

1999-09-03 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990903a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No old paradigms were shattered during the production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  frequent the Internet auction site eBay are used to seeing a wide variety
  of things for sale. On a given day, anything from a grandfather clock to
  40 acres of Wyoming ranch land can be found among the thousands of items
  up for bidding. Still, the notice of a "fully functional kidney" put up
  on the site last week created a stir. It also brought in bids of more than
  $5.7 million before the company intervened to block the sale. Trafficking
  in human organs is a federal felony. 'EBay has zero tolerance for illegal

: How much would you bid on a kidney, lung, pancreas, heart, brain, eye? Do
you have any extra organs for sale? Is your lab-grown replacement better??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Soon: Insects In Space? SANTA LUCIA OCOTLAN, Mexico (Reuters) Families in
  southern Mexico scour the fields in search of things that crawl, hop, fly
  and generally make for a crispy treat. Grasshoppers, ant and fly larvae,
  worms & assorted other bugs have been a staple for thousands of years and
  remain an important food source for poor Mexicans. After making the leap
  from field to kitchen, the insects' next step could be onto the plates of

: What's your tastiest arthropod treat? Do you like'em with legs? How many?
Would you rather eat arthropods, aliens, crops, humans, synthetics, robots?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ THE MOST LIKELY LOCATION OF ALIEN LIFE? SETI and others looking for extra
  terrestrial life should look to galaxy NGC 4555, in the constellation Coma
  and the Zodiacal sign Virgo. What we call alien life exists in intelligent
  abundance on 4555, and it is from there that the light beings who direct
  the fortunes or future of earthlings originate. You who are reading this
  also originated from 4555. These are not aliens at all, but neighbors who
  share with us this magnificent universe. Indeed they are far advanced,
  having discovered their light bulb 25,000 years ago, while we discovered
  ours only 100 years ago.

: Are you from NGC 4555? Is it overcrowded there? Are you here for our own
good? Do you have tax-exempt status? Do you make crop circles? Is that fun?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Early Mammals Lived Alongside Dinosaurs. LONDON(Reuters) Tiny teeth from a
  prehistoric animal found in a jawbone in Madagascar are proof that mammals
  and dinosaurs roamed the Earth together more than 100 million years ago.
  Until now scientists suspected mammals arose after dinosaurs went extinct.
  But the new finding shows that mammals lived much earlier than previously

# Hominid fossils found in Eritrea. TORONTO (UPI) Paleontologists have found
  well-preserved hominid fossils along with stone tools estimated to be more
  than 1 million years old in Eritrea. The team also found well-preserved
  fossils of elephants, hippos, horses and crocodiles from the same period,
  showing that Eritrea was a much wetter place in the middle Pleistocene era
  than now.

: How far can you trace your ancestry on Earth? Are you from elsewhere? How
did you get here? Have you consorted with dinosaurs? Do they stink? Do you?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Calif. minister sentenced for fraud. NEW YORK (AP)  A California clergyman
  who used scripture on the goodness of profit to take followers for $1.4
  million in a pyramid scheme was sentenced to nearly four years in prison.
  Charles Groeschel, who ran the Association of Individual Ministries under
  the name Pastor Chuck, pleaded guilty to mail and wire fraud. The flake
  ran pyramid scheme based in Palm Desert, Calif. in which he told followers
  they could make millions of dollars in a year. Bend over, Pastor Chuck -

: Who/what's your favorite religious fraud? Are all religions fraudulent? Do
you defraud suckers, er believers only for the holiest reasons? Is you rich?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  was a turn-of-the-century Russian anti-Semite, "Master of Theology and
  Professor of the Hebrew Language at the Imperial Ecclesiastical Academy of
  the Roman Catholic Church" in St.Petersburg,Russia. He also had a criminal
  record. In 1892, with the support of his Archbishop, he published an anti-
  Semitic trac

Re: [CTRL] Skeptic News - Thursday #4

1999-09-03 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Tenorlove <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> << World Biographical Index: online index of over 2 million short
> biographies for people who lived in North & South America, Western &
> Central Europe, Australia, Oceania, and New Zealand. You can search
> by name, occupation, year of birth, year of death, and year cited.
> You can also specify specific archives to search.>>
> I'm not in it. I don't know whether to feel insulted or relieved.

Post a Third Voice note with whatever details you wish to release, eh?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Scientific "Heresy"

1999-09-03 Thread Bob Stokes

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-09-03 12:00:39 EDT, Ric Carter writes:

<< Anti-evolutionism is a Chinese-sponsored plot to destroy US
 science education and productivity.  Creationists are dupes
 of a foreign power, pawns of Chinese agents, manipulated by
 forces beyond their control.  Bother.  >>

 You have mentioned this "Chinese Connection" before, but have, so far,
offered no supporting material or factors that connect China with
creationists.  Red China is anti-Christian/Moslem/Buddist/religion if
anything, Communism wants only one religion, that of the State as with any
Statist form of government.  Science does not work on Darwinism alone.
Pro-Evolutionists are knowwn for their humor (hoaxes) ... Is this a troll?

Bob Stokes

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] (Fwd) [PGP]: Re: NSA key in MSFT Crypto API

1999-09-03 Thread K
 -Caveat Lector-
--- Forwarded message follows ---
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:   "William H. Geiger III" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date sent:  Fri, 03 Sep 1999 11:04:16 -0500
Subject:  [PGP]: Re: NSA key in MSFT Crypto API

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Well I have written a considerable amount on the untrustworthiness of
Microsoft, mostly this was based on their incompetence when it came to
data security. Now we have evidence that they are in bed with the NSA
and likely the FBI also.

It's very simple folks, if you don't have the source code you can't
trust the software. It is unfortunate that NAI has chosen to make use
of crypto modules in their products that have not been peer reviewed
(CAPI & BSAFE) and in the case of CAPI, one that seems to be

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--- >From: "Lucky Green" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >Date: Fri, 3 Sep
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1.0 >Content-Type: text/plain; >charset="Windows-1252"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit >Subject:  NSA key in MSFT Crypto API

Andrew Fernandes tonight published the results of his reverse
engineering of Microsoft's Crypto API (CAPI). [This builds on work
done by Nicko van Someren from nCipher].

Background: MSFT CAPI comes pre-installed with two keys used to check
the validity of a Cryptographic Service Provider (CSP). The holder of
either key can install operating system security services without user
authorization. The first key is used by MSFT to sign their own
security services modules. The identity of the second key holder until
now been unknown. That is to say until MSFT forgot to strip the binary
of NT4 SP5 off debugging symbols.

Perhaps not surprisingly, the debugging symbol for the second key
is... _NSAKEY,

For more information and a program to remove the NSA's key from your
copy of Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000, see

Note that Windows 2000 includes not just two keys, but three keys that
can sign modules that will control security services on your copy of

Word has it that the third key belongs to the FBI. So far, there has
been no independent confirmation of this rumor.

--Lucky Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

-- End of forwarded message
William H. Geiger III
Geiger ConsultingCooking With Warp 4.0

Author of E-Secure - PGP Front End for MR/2 Ice
PGP & MR/2 the only way for secure e-mail.
OS/2 PGP 5.0 at:
Talk About PGP on IRC EFNet Channel: #pgp Nick: whgiii

Hi Jeff!! :)

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Bill and Hillary - at least their friends have convictions!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: Trend Virus Report

1999-09-03 Thread CobolMage

 -Caveat Lector-

   V I R U S  R E P O R T

  (by the Trend US Virus Research Group)
Date: 08.31.99  Issue: 8.6
Issue Preview: TOADIE (Variant 6810, 6585, 7800.A, and 7800.B)
   10 Most Prevalent In-The-Wild Viruses Surveyed by Trend US,
Top 10 Viruses Trend US Customers are Concerned About, W97M_OZWER


1. Beware Pegasus Mail Users - here comes TOADIE!
TOADIE is a new virus family, which spreads itself by attaching infected
files to outgoing email messages. While several other viruses do this,
including the infamous W97M_MELISSA virus, the TOADIE virus family is the
first one to use Pegasus Mail. All previous viruses used Microsoft Outlook
to spread via email. Besides spreading via email, TOADIE.6810, 7800.A and
7800.B also spread as a worm through Internet Relay Chat (IRC). While TOADIE
does not contain any harmful payload, we advise all customers to upgrade to
the latest Trend pattern file, which detects all four known variants of

To read more about the TOADIE virus family, please visit our website at:

2. 10 Most Prevalent In-The-Wild Viruses Surveyed by Trend US
   (week of: 08/23/99 to 08/29/99)
7.  W97M_ETHAN.A
8.  PE_CIH

For the most prevalent viruses for the month of July'99, please visit our
website at:

3.  Top 10 Viruses US Customers are Concerned About
 (where systems were not infected)
4.  PE_KRIZ.3740
7.  California/Wobbler Hoax
8.  W97M_GROOV.B
9.  Win a holiday Hoax
10. Join the Crew Hoax

4. W97M_OZWER - malicious code for Word 97
Also reported this week was W97M_OZWER, a macro virus with a destructive
payload. While W97M_OZWER does not delete any files, it moves the text
inside documents around. Microsoft Word users whose systems are infected by
this virus can easily end up with a document full of incorrect sentences. In
order to avoid getting infected with this virus (or any other virus), we
advise Trend customers scan all incoming files with the latest Trend pattern

W97M_OZWER is detected and cleaned with Trend pattern file 577 or later.

As a subscriber to this newsletter, Trend Micro would like to extend you a
10% discount on our top-rated desktop virus package, PC-cillin. Give your
desktop the best protection around, at a full 10% off either the
downloadable or the physical CD versions.

To buy PC-cillin at a discount, please visit our website at:
For Windows 95-98
For Windows NT

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fw: What's New for Aug 27, 1999

1999-09-03 Thread CobolMage

 -Caveat Lector-

WHAT'S NEW   Robert L. Park   Friday, 27 Aug 99   Washington, DC

fossils first appear in the Middle Ordovician some 500 million
years ago.  It's not clear just when the spine began to disappear
among presidential wannabes, but little trace seems to remain.
Last week, when WN asked Gore's campaign office for his reaction
to the Kansas School Board action, his spokesperson dodged behind
local control (WN 20 Aug 99).  This week, Reuters posed the same
question: "The Vice President favors the teaching of evolution in
public schools," a spokesperson replied.  He should have stopped
there.  "Obviously that decision should and will be made at the
local level, and localities should be free to teach creationism
as well."  Gasp!  The Supreme Court ruled that unconstitutional
in 1987.  Informed of that, the spokesperson called Reuters
several hours later with a clarification, "The Vice President
supports the right of school boards to teach creationism within
the context of religious courses and not science courses."

On Monday, Notra Trulock, who triggered the investigation into
suspected Chinese espionage, resigned amid charges that ethnicity
led to his singling out of Lee.  It has been clear for weeks that
there was insufficient evidence to charge Lee with espionage, now
it seems unlikely that he will be charged even with mishandling
classified information, particularly since the government has
decided not to prosecute former CIA director John Deutch for
similar violations.  Meanwhile, the Society of Professional
Scientists and Engineers, a 26-year old employee organization at
Lawrence Livermore, has called for reexamination of the decision
to impose widespread polygraph testing .

What is going on in the House of Representatives?  As former APS
President D. Allan Bromley pointed out in a Washington Post op-ed
on Thursday, House appropriators have slashed NASA science $678M;
science at DOE is cut by $116M; and the NSF budget is $275M below
the president's request.  As if that weren't enough, a front page
story in the New York Times on Tuesday, picking up on a WN story
(WN 6 Aug 99), points out that a lot of what remains is earmarked
for projects in the home districts of the appropriators without
benefit of proposal submission or peer review.

all the gloomy news of budget cuts and human foolishness, NASA
released the glorious first image from Chandra.  The picture of
Cassiopeia A supernova remnants may show not only that Chandra
works, but also the long-sought compact mass at the center.  As a
measure of confidence, Chandra is in a highly elliptical orbit to
avoid radiation from the magnetosphere and cannot be serviced.
Chandra images are posted at .

THE AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY (Note: Opinions are the author's
and are not necessarily shared by the APS, but they should be.)

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Yeltsin Discusses Banking Scandal

1999-09-03 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 9/3/99 7:42:59 AM Central Daylight Time, AOL News writes:

<< Subj:Yeltsin Discusses Banking Scandal
 Date:  9/3/99 7:42:59 AM Central Daylight Time
 From:  AOL News
 BCC:   Ahab42

 Yeltsin Discusses Banking Scandal

 .c The Associated Press


 MOSCOW (AP) - President Boris Yeltsin, who has remained silent on an alleged
money laundering scandal linked to Russia, summoned a top security officer to
the Kremlin today for private talks on the controversy.

 Yeltsin makes only occasional public remarks these days, and has left
Kremlin aides to respond to several corruption scandals swirling around his

 In the most serious case, U.S. investigators are trying to determine whether
Russian criminal groups laundered up to $10 billion through the Bank of New
York. No one has been charged with a crime, and the Russian government has
not been accused of any wrongdoing.

 Still, Russian officials believe the country's reputation is being harmed,
and the Federal Security Service is investigating the extent of Russian

 The head of the security service, Nikolai Patrushev, met Yeltsin in the
Kremlin, and told the president that the Bank of New York scandal was tied to
U.S. politics.

 ``I reported to the president that the case is political ... and linked to
the elections in the United States,'' Patrushev said. ``Of course, it's
absurd to talk about such a sum'' being diverted illegally.

 Russian and U.S. authorities have held several meetings on the case,
Patrushev noted, but said the FBI hasn't provided the Russians with any leads
for them to pursue.

 ``If they have some specific evidence, we will carefully consider that,'' he
said. ``As of today, they haven't provided us with any such materials.''

 U.S. newspapers have reported that the Russian government may have diverted
loan money from the International Monetary Fund, but the IMF and the U.S.
government say they have no evidence of this.

 The U.S. government - the IMF's largest member - said it won't decide
whether to approve new loans until a full accounting is made of the IMF money
Russia has already received.

 The IMF was expected to release a $640 million installment of a $4.5 billion
loan package this month. An IMF mission is currently in Moscow to review
Russia's compliance with conditions for the package.

 Meanwhile, Russia's Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov said the country ``does not
intend to defend itself in the wake of media publications.''

 ``We have no reason to explain ourselves. As for Russia's good name, it has
one,'' Ivanov told the Interfax news agency while on a trip to Armenia.

 The Russian press has denounced the Western reports in the Bank of New York
case, calling it an anti-Russian witch hunt and a return to the Cold War.

 The reaction reflects the recent decline in relations between the United
States and Russia. The two nations clashed over the Kosovo conflict and
Moscow is increasingly nationalistic, a stance welcomed by many Russians
nostalgic for the days of Soviet superpower status.

 AP-NY-09-03-99 0842EDT

  Copyright 1999 The Associated Press.  The information  contained in the AP
news report may not be published,  broadcast, rewritten or otherwise
distributed without  prior written authority of The Associated Press.

 Announcement: America Online has added Reuters newswires to News Profiles.
To add Reuters articles to your daily news delivery, go to KW: News Profiles and click on "Modify Your News
Profiles." Then click "Edit" and add Reuters from the list on the left.

 To edit your profile, go to keyword NewsProfiles.
 For all of today's news, go to keyword News. >>

Yeltsin Discusses Banking Scandal

.c The Associated Press


MOSCOW (AP) - President Boris Yeltsin, who has remained silent on an alleged money 
laundering scandal linked to Russia, summoned a top security officer to the Kremlin 
today for private talks on the controversy.

Yeltsin makes only occasional public remarks these days, and has left Kremlin aides to 
respond to several corruption scandals swirling around his administration.

In the most serious case, U.S. investigators are trying to determine whether Russian 
criminal groups laundered up to $10 billion through the Bank of New York. No one has 
been charged with a crime, and the Russian government has not been accused of any 

Still, Russian officials believe the country's reputation is being harmed, and the 
Federal Security Service is investigating the extent of Russian involvement.

The head of the security service, Nikolai Patrushev, met Yeltsin in the Kremlin, and 
told the president that the Bank of New York scandal was tied to U.S. politics.

``I reported to the president that the case is political ... and linked to the 
elections in the United States,'' Patrushev said. ``Of course, it's absurd to talk 
about such a sum'' being diverted illegally.

Russian and U.S. authorities have held several meeti

Re: [CTRL] [[SC] Skeptic News - Thursday #4]

1999-09-03 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Robert Tatman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > Dihydrogen Monoxide Research Division: access to Dihydrogen
> > Monoxide [DHMO] information, from current facts & research
> > results to contamination alerts and dangerous uses of DHMO.
> >
> >: Have you ever been exposed to DHMO? Have you suffered ill-
> >  effects? Should/can DHMO be subject to tighter federal
> >  regulation? Have you protested? How?
> Let's get something straight here: in *very small amounts*, DHMO
> is essential to life itself. However, higher levels of the sub-
> stance are extremely harmful or even fatal to most terrestrial
> lifeforms. In addition, admixture of DHMO with other substances,
> such as various of the alcohols, can alter its effect substantial-
> ly, rendering it toxic in even smaller amounts than are normally
> tolerated. It is on the basis of this latter finding that stringent
> regulations for the production and distribution of DHMO have been
> put in place at the Federal, state, and local level.

The anti-DHMO forces have successfully demagogued Congress and the
public into believing their smear of DHMO, but I can personally
testify that I've use DHMO all my life, sometimes in great amounts,
and it hasn't harmed me at all.There, I just drank a pint
of it, and I feel GREAT!!  Later today it'll get hot here, and I'll
immerse myself in it again, and I'll feel GREAT!!  The anti-DHMO
conspiracy is Chinese-controlled and insidious.  Don't be a dupe.

  Ric "taking another big slug of DHMO - but I can quit any time" Carter

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Stray U.S. security faxes fly at NZ chicken plant

1999-09-03 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

Stray U.S. security faxes fly at NZ chicken plant

Updated 10:34 PM ET September 2, 1999

WELLINGTON, Sept 3 (Reuters) - A chicken processing plant has been
bombarded with stray faxes from U.S. security officials preparing for a
visit to Auckland by President Bill Clinton, the New Zealand Herald
reported on Friday.

One fax detailed the installation of White House communications equipment
in the Auckland airport control tower ahead of the arrival Air Force One,
carrying Clinton to a summit of Asia Pacific leaders on September 12 and

"One of them had the name of a military officer with his code name and
security number," plant owner Saji Philips told the Herald.

"For us it doesn't really matter, but if this fell into the wrong hands,
who knows what could happen. It's really quite frightening," Philips said.

He said that several weeks ago he had asked the U.S. support office for the
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit to stop the faxes but they kept

A spokesman for the support office declined on Friday to comment on the
report, but a U.S. embassy official told Reuters: "We are looking into the

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] Fw: CAUSupdate: A Major Event?]

1999-09-03 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

earthman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-

>- Original Message -
>Sent: Friday, September 03, 1999 4:43 PM
>Subject: CAUSupdate: A Major Event?

Sixty Day Decay Forecast Report
1999/09/03 16:10:22 Session time remaining: 01:58:33


60-Day Decay Forecast Report


   From:  Goddard Space Flight Center
  Networks and Mission Services, Code 450
  Greenbelt, Maryland  20771

Subject:  Sixty Day Decay Forecast

   Date:  September 03, 1999

Effective September 02, 1999 the objects listed below are forecasted to
decay within the next 60 days on the date indicated:

International Catalog  Forecasted  RCS
DesignationName   Number   Decay Date  Value

1972-058AS DELTA 1 DEB07870September   03
1994-029KH PEGASUS DEB24206September   04
1999-012E  SOYUZ R/B(1)   25653September   04   12.06
1986-017NE MIR DEB25691September   05
1994-029GL PEGASUS DEB24137September   05
1977-065BA DELTA 1 DEB10223September   071.44
1994-029JJ PEGASUS DEB24183September   08
1993-068B  DELTA 2 R/B(1) 22878September   099.52
1977-065DN DELTA 1 DEB10339September   10
1994-029UQ PEGASUS DEB24491September   11
1989-100BH SL-14 DEB  25712September   14
1994-029AECPEGASUS DEB25447September   14
1994-029AEBPEGASUS DEB25446September   18
1986-019SZ ARIANE 1 DEB   18461September   23
1994-029FU PEGASUS DEB24121September   26
1999-019E  SOYUZ R/B(1)   25680September   28   18.30
1989-100BN SL-14 DEB  25717September   28
1994-029MK PEGASUS DEB24260September   28
1992-093C  SL-16 DEB  22288October 04
1994-029ACRPEGASUS DEB24983October 05
1998-069B  SAC A  25550October 050.00
1994-029LJ PEGASUS DEB24235October 08
1997-010A  ZEYA   24744October 100.00
1994-029HT PEGASUS DEB24168October 11
1997-057B  PSLV 1C R/B24972October 12   11.80
1987-068BF SL-14 DEB  25228October 20
1997-028E  SL-12 R/B(AUX MOTOR)   24832October 210.74
1993-011D  M-3S2 DEB  22534October 21
1994-029TB PEGASUS DEB24445October 22
1996-050A  MICROSAT   24291October 230.40
1994-029PA PEGASUS DEB24349October 28
1998-069C  MIGHTY SAT 1   25551October 290.80

The following are NASA spacecraft decaying within the time frame of this


© 1999 National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). All rights

Robert F. Tatman
Remove "nospam" from the address to reply.

NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.


Re: [CTRL] U.S APEC Security Data Sent To Chicken Factory

1999-09-03 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

Matt,  is there an article on this?  How did you find out about this?


> From: Matt.S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [CTRL] U.S APEC Security Data Sent To Chicken Factory
> Date: Friday, September 03, 1999 12:27 AM
>  -Caveat Lector-
> Yes the boys at the Whitehouse have done it again, a small chicken
> processing plant in Auckland had its fax machine spitting out
> security details of communication equipment, routes to be travelled,
> names & probably a lot more. It was all supposed to go to the APEC
> Control Office, but it looks like a case of, sorry wrong number. The
> plant workers said they would have rather had an order for chicken than
> Clintons security arrangements,
> what a joke, anyone for a chicken nibble, just contact the Whitehouse,
> have the fax number,
> Matt.S
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
> screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid
> and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
> frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] FW: Homeopathy

1999-09-03 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
> Subject: Homeopathy

Unfortunately, homeopathy doesn't "test-out", ie, it doesn't work.
Lots of marketing, lots of theory, no substance.  Bother.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Scientific "Heresy"

1999-09-03 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Sean McDougal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> << Not that Kansas has banned Darwin; only that other views of
>  human origins may be discussed in its schools, including so-
> called creationist theories. Aren't we all in favor of "diver-
> sity" in education? Not when it comes to the sacred doctrine
> of Darwinism! >>
> The difference is that evolution can be observed quantitatively,
> thus making it science.  Creationism has only been observed to
> be of the highest improbability.  Science and religion are two
> different pursuits.  Do we insist that English literature be
> taught in mathematics classes?  After all, who is to say which
> is the RIGHT language?  Right?

Anti-evolutionism is a Chinese-sponsored plot to destroy US
science education and productivity.  Creationists are dupes
of a foreign power, pawns of Chinese agents, manipulated by
forces beyond their control.  Bother.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Waco, Vince Foster, and the Secret War 2/2

1999-09-03 Thread Mack White

 -Caveat Lector-

Waco, Vince Foster, and the Secret War 2/2
Copyright 1999 Mack White

This money had come to Foster due to his involvement in what is now known
as the October Surprise. Allegedly, Foster, acting under the auspices of
George Bush and Casper Weinberger, had arranged for the transfer of nuclear
launch codes to Israel, in return for their role in mediating the delayed
release of the hostages in Iran.

Numerous parties, then, may have had reason to kill Foster, in order to
prevent the scandal that was about to break. Some say it was the Mossad,
and claim surveillance video exists which shows Mossad agents leaving
Foster's apartment on the day of his death.

Yet, officially, the explanation for Foster's death remains suicide. We are
asked to believe that this lawyer was a sensitive soul who, with the Travel
Office scandal and Whitewater threatening to engulf him, could no longer
endure the cruel world of politics and so bade farewell not only to
Washington, but to life itself.

Vince Foster's widow, however, has another explanation for his alleged
suicide. In an Associated Press story, she stated his death had something
to do with the Waco incident, which had occurred only a few months before.
According to her, he felt responsible for what happened in Waco, and that
is why he killed himself.

If it is true that Foster was involved in the modification of PROMIS, and
if it is true, as the surviving Branch Davidians claim, that Jeff Little
was involved in a government project which sounds suspiciously like the
modification of PROMIS, then it would seem we have found another, deeper
link between Foster and Waco.

Many have alleged that Mt. Carmel Center was an intelligence front of some
kind. For instance, the minister of a rival Davidian church in Waco told me
that, under Koresh, it had been a biowarfare factory. This view was shared
by lawyer and "Patriot" Linda Thompson, who in a Penthouse interview,
alleged it was a CIA facility, and that the ATF raid was orchestrated by
the FBI, acting in alliance with Israel's Mossad, to shut the factory.

At first I was inclined to dismiss this idea. However, since Waco, we have
seen evidence that a Japanese "cult" was involved in the manufacture and
terrorist use of deadly sarin gas. So this cannot be ruled out as the sort
of activity for which a church might be used as a front.

And yet, there is no evidence biological warfare agents were being
manufactured at Waco.  There is evidence, however, that an amphetamine
factory existed at Waco. This comes from the Davidians themselves.

After David Koresh took over leadership of the group in the 1980s, the
Davidians were renovating Mt. Carmel and found evidence of this factory.
They alleged it had been the work of former leader George Roden. Indeed, it
was well known throughout Texas in the early 1980s that the "best speed"
came from Waco.

Roden left after a power struggle with Koresh. At last report, he was
living in a mental   institution in Big Spring, Texas. On at least two
occasions he has escaped from this facility, and once managed to travel all
the way to the Israeli embassy in New York. He claims some sort of
connection with the Israeli government.

Israel figured prominently in Koresh's life, too. It was while on a trip to
Israel in the 1980s that he received a "vision" which started him on his
new career as spiritual leader. The book Why Waco? reports that
Koresh continued to receive visions after returning to the U.S., and that
the insights he used for his sermons always originated as pictures being
beamed into his head.

One is reminded here of the Gnostic imagery which the late science fiction
author Philip K. Dick claimed was beamed into his head by an external
entity. Perhaps Dick's and Koresh's "visions" originated from God, perhaps
from extraterrestrials, perhaps from their own minds, or perhaps they were
delivered by microwave. More than one person has suggested Dick might have
been a mind control victim, and the allegation has also been raised that
Waco might have been a Jonestown-style mind control facility.

Whatever the explanation for Koresh's visions, his leadership represented a
new era  for the church. There is no evidence speed, or sarin, or anything
of the kind,was manufactured during his tenure at Waco. What does seem to
have gone on, though, is computer espionage--if what the Davidians say
about their deceased brethren Jeff Little and Wayne Martin can be believed.

The question then becomes, if Little and Martin were engaged in such
activity, what could have been the nature of the information they were

In >Day 51<, Richard Mosley took a guess and suggested it might have had
something to do with ATF-sponsored illegal arms distributions to urban
street gangs.  However, he has since eliminated that suggestion from the
latest edition of the documentary, preferring to leave the question open.

The presence of a speed lab at Waco has led some to speculate on a
connection to

[CTRL] Waco, Vince Foster, and the Secret War 1/2

1999-09-03 Thread Mack White

 -Caveat Lector-

Waco, Vince Foster, and the Secret War 1/2
Copyright 1999 Mack White

In the year after the famous fire at Waco, I met the surviving Branch
Davidians. It was through a friend of mine, Richard Mosley, who produced
the documentary >Day 51: The True Story of Waco.<

I had done some research on Jonestown, the CIA mind control facility in
Guyana which had come to a spectular end in 1977. Officially, Jonestown was
a mass suicide, and when the Mt. Carmel complex in Waco caught on the fire,
the FBI immediately labeled it "another Jonestown." In reality, however,
Jonestown itself was not "another Jonestown." It has been established long
ago that most of the Jonestown dead did not voluntarily drink the Evil
Kool-Aid, but showed signs of having been either forcibly injected with
cyanide or killed by machine gun.

For his documentary on Waco, Richard needed a talking head to describe
Jonestown.  So I was pressed into service, and was interviewed for the
documentary. Then, the following April, one year after the fire, the
documentary was finished and he invited me to attend a screening in Waco
with the surviving Branch Davidians. This came at an opportune time, for I
had just been assigned by The Nose magazine to do a three-page piece of
comics journalism, "Waco: One Year Later" (later reprinted in Villa of the
Mysteries #2). I was eager to meet the surviving Davidians and hear
firsthand what had happened.

So I drove to Waco on a Wednesday night--the first anniversary date, April
19, was exactly one week away--and met them. There were about a dozen
Davidians in attendance, including Clive Doyle, Sheila Martin, and Wally

I found these people to be--well, just that--people, not the fiendish
"cultists" described by the mainstream media. They were a quiet lot, not at
all pushy with their religion, and seemed, more than anything else, sad and
puzzled by the way they had been demonized by the government and the
mainstream media.

They told me how, during the previous year, they had all been interviewed
by a woman reporter from ABC's >20/20<. They had told her many things, such
as how the Davidians who had run out the back of the flaming building--the
side not covered by television cameras--had been killed by FBI sniper fire.
The reporter had been excited by these revelations, and told them it was
going to be a powerful segment. "Be sure to watch," she told them. They
did, and were dismayed to find their interviews liberally edited. The
business about the snipers, among other things, had been left out. The
reporter called them the next day to apologize. It was not her fault, she
told them. It had been her producer in New York who had censored the story.

Fortunately, >Day 51< was not subject to censorship. Among the things dealt
with in that documentary was the FBI sniper fire. Yet, at that early date,
there was no hard physical evidence for these shootings--only the testimony
of the surviving Davidians .Since then, however, another documentary has
appeared-->Waco: The Rules of Engagement<--in which infrared video taken by
a surveillance helicopter clearly shows sniper fire, as well as tanks
firing incendiary devices into the building.

One thing not dealt with in >Rules of Engagement<, however, is the cause of
the Waco massacre. Yes, we get an explanation, but it is the standard one:
It was funding time in Congress, the ATF wanted to put on a big show,
things got out of hand, mistakes were made, etc. etc. But is that really
all there is to say about the matter?

>Day 51< interviewed Davidian Wally Kennett, who stated the ATF was in
>actuality not looking for an illegal arsenal when they raided Mt. Carmel
>on February 28, 1993, but rather for information stored on a computer.
>This information, he alleged, had been compiled by two Davidians--Jeff
>Little and Wayne Martin--both of whom were killed in the final assault on
>April 19. Furthermore, Kennett states that it was this computer, not guns
>or anything else, that was kept in the room which the ATF attempted to
>enter the morning of the raid.

If this is so, then it explains why the ATF went ahead with the raid on
February 28, when they knew the bulk of the arsenal had been taken to
Austin for a gun show that morning.

Jeff Little was known by the Davidians to have been a "computer expert" who
had previously worked for the Yamaha Corporation, and had been involved in
a shady project to modify a law enforcement software to contain a "trap
door." At the time >Day 51< was produced, this tidbit of information meant
nothing. However, in the years that have followed, new information has
emerged which gives it a great deal of meaning.

>The Octopus: Secret Government and the Death of Danny Casalaro<, by Kenn
>Thomas and Jim Keith, is one of several books to emerge recently which
>detail how the Reagan Justice Department stole PROMIS, a law enforcement
>software, from the firm INSLAW, and modified it to contain a "trap door."
>PROMIS was then sold by 

[CTRL] Lewinsky tied to Taft?

1999-09-03 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

Another Ohio/Taft connection.  See below:

Kris wrote:
>> But Diana’s grandfather, Edmund Maurice Burke Roche, defied the will
and claimed his title, becoming the 4th Baron Fermoy.<<

There was a man named William T. Campbell who became one of the founders of
the Texas Company (Texaco) in about 1901.  Prior to that he had been in
Cincinnati, Ohio, and by 1885 was in Waxahachie, Texas, where his daughter
Sarah was born.  He was married to Sarah (Turnbull) Campbell.
Debrett’s Texas Peerage says:

"Mr. Campbell was a Scottish aristocrat, a member of the Campbell Clan of
Argyle.  Descended from a family of stockbrokers, he had genes of financial
genius.  (His great friend and fellow Briton-turned-oil-prospector, Burke
Roche, was the younger twin brother of the 3rd Baron of Fermoy, a direct
ancestor of Britain’s present Princess Di.  Since Roche and Campbell were
both ‘second sons,’ they came to America to seek their fortunes.)  At age
20, Campbell was working as a cub reporter for the Cincinnati Enquirer.  He
and a fellow cub, Henry Vuillard [sic], had their first scoop interviewing
William Howard Taft.  Vuillard went on to found the Great Northern Railroad.
His Madison Avenue mansion in New York is now the Palace Hotel.  Campbell
later named his third son, Henry Vuillard Campbell, for his old friend and
fellow journalist."

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Re: [CTRL] [[SC] Skeptic News - Thursday #4]

1999-09-03 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

"ric carter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Dihydrogen Monoxide Research Division: access to Dihydrogen Monoxide
>  [DHMO] information, from current facts & research results to >
contamination alerts and dangerous uses of DHMO. Controversy >  surrounding
DHMO has never been more widely debated; the goal of this >  site is to
provide an unbiased data clearinghouse and a forum for >  public discussion.
>: Have you ever been exposed to DHMO? Have you suffered ill-effects?
>Should/can DHMO be subject to tighter federal regulation? Have you
>protested? How?

Let's get something straight here: in *very small amounts*, DHMO is essential
to life itself. However, higher levels of the substance are extremely harmful
or even fatal to most terrestrial lifeforms. In addition, admixture of DHMO
with other substances, such as various of the alcohols, can alter its effect
substantially, rendering it toxic in even smaller amounts than are normally
tolerated. It is on the basis of this latter finding that stringent
regulations for the production and distribution of DHMO have been put in place
at the Federal, state, and local level.

Robert F. Tatman
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[CTRL] Give back the church bells

1999-09-03 Thread Bob Stokes

 -Caveat Lector-

Give back the church bells
Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

As long as we're on the subject, let's talk about another U.S. government
attack on a church.

One hundred years ago, during its war on Spain, the U.S. invaded the
Philippines, sprayed bullets far and wide, and put the entire country under
martial law. The result was costly for the U.S. -- it created a habit of
imperialist aggression that is still with us today. And it was also costly
for the Philippines: an entire generation suffered from the violence
associated with a brutal occupation, or the resulting disease and political

Now to the church. In Balangiga, the U.S. Army made slaves of the residents
and turned the place into a work camp. With indefatigable spirit, the local
residents decided not to take it anymore. Church bells of the local Catholic
parish began to ring, signaling a revolt, and 45 U.S. soldiers died. In
response, the American commander gave orders to murder "everyone in sight,"
which they promptly did. The result: as many as 50,000 dead Filipinos, among
whom were women and children.

A bit on the disproportionate side perhaps? Indeed, but like the FBI at
Waco, the U.S. military in the Philippines had only one end in mind: total
victory. Adding insult to massacre, the U.S. Army then stole the church
bells and took them to Warren Air Force base in Cheyenne, Wyo., where they
hang today. But now the parish in the Philippines wants them back, as a
symbol that all this is just ancient history. They even rebuilt the belfry
at the parish in anticipation of the bells' return.

But as we've seen in the Waco case, the U.S. government is notoriously
unwilling to admit error, particularly bloody, egregious error. Hence, so
far, the bells are not forthcoming, despite the attempt on the part of many
groups to intervene and put an end to the parading of religious objects as
war loot. No, instead Congress has passed a resolution forbidding the return
of war booty without its authorization.

In case you think the Filipinos are making an unjust demand, consider the
context. There was no justification for either the U.S. presence in the
Philippines or the violence with which the U.S. carried it out. At stake was
little more than a militarized trade dispute between Spain and the U.S.,
while Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines were caught in the

An American officer testified in a letter to the Philadelphia Ledger on Nov.
11, 1901: "Our men have been relentless, have killed to exterminate men,
women, and children, prisoners and captives, active insurgents and suspected
people, from lads of ten up, an idea prevailing that the Filipino was little
better than a dog."

And this gentlemen was writing in defense of the war!

Or consider this letter written before the invasion by another officer:
"There is no use in mincing words We exterminated the American Indians,
and I guess most of us are proud of it, or, at least believe that the end
justified the means; and we must have no scruples about exterminating this
other race standing in the way of progress and enlightenment, if it is

Neither was this merely the attitude of a few recalcitrant soldiers. Using
religion as his cover, President William McKinley later justified his
behavior in similar terms. As he told a delegation of Methodist clergymen:

"I went down on my knees and prayed to Almighty God for light and guidance
... and one night late it came to me this way We could not leave (the
Philippines) to themselves -- they were unfit for self-government -- and
they would soon have anarchy and misrule over there worse than Spain's was.
... There was nothing left for us to do but take them all and educate the
Filipinos, and uplift and Christianize them."

Recall that the Philippines was largely Catholic, which the Protestant
ruling elite in this country did not consider to be a Christian religion.
And what better way to treat these supposed non-Christians than to starve
and kill them? In a similar way, the Branch Davidians were considered to be
a dangerous and uncivilized cult that needed to be either mainstreamed or
exterminated. They resisted and suffered, as so many before them have

The costs to the Filipinos, reports Joseph Stromberg in his essay in the
collection, "The Costs of War," were immense. Fully 50,000 died in combat,
and another 220,000 civilians died from gunfire, starvation, and the effects
of concentration camps. The oppression continued for most of the first half
of the century, in which the U.S. continued to enforce its rule over the
country, at the behest of large U.S. corporations doing business there.

Why was the U.S. doing all this? The short answer is that the government
wanted to expand its power and that of its connected interests, regardless
of the costs. Why did the U.S. kill so many? The people resisted. Why did
the Army steal the bells? Arrogance: the sa

[CTRL] Snipped from "Peacefarce" 39

1999-09-03 Thread K

 -Caveat Lector-

> -
> September 3, 1999
> >
> 1. Texas Radio Buff: About Two Dozen NATO Aircraft Shot Down by the
> Serbs; Chinese Embassy Deliberately Hit
> PHOENIX, Sept. 3 - Many people would like to eavesdrop, but few know
> how to do it legally and professionally.  Steve Douglas of Ben Hur,
> Texas, is one of few.  Nor does he eavesdrop on something as trivial
> as domestic squabbles.  Unless, of course, they happen to take place
> on Air Force One (the U.S. President's official airplane).
> "It's amazing how many (U.S. government) communications are not
> encrypted, even on Air Force One," Douglas told Jeff Rense on Aug. 16,
> a host of a popular Internet Radio show which airs daily at the
> Sightings Radio Web site.
> What attracted our attention to Steve Douglas, however (thanks to a
> heads-up we got from a TiM reader in the U.K.), was that he also
> eavesdrops (literally and legally) to many unencrypted U.S. military
> messages.  Such as those exchanges during NATO's war on Serbia, for
> example, when many communications between the NATO pilots and command
> and control centers were not encrypted, due to a lack of sufficient
> number of encryption devices, according to Douglas.
> So what valuable "intel" did Douglas pick up from all this
> eavesdropping to be invited as a guest on the Jeff Rense radio show?
> How about that at least 22 NATO fixed wing air craft were shot down by
> the Serb defense, about 10 of those U.S. planes.  And that the bombing
> of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade was no accident, as the Clinton
> administration claimed.  News doesn't get more bombastic than that,
> does it, especially at a time of universal deceit which the
> Washington-Brussels-London "lie and deny" PR and military crowd
> practiced during the war.
> So now not only has the "Venik" Web site, and our other sources inside
> Serbia, corroborated some of the Yugoslav military claims about the
> large numbers of downed NATO aircraft (see S99-141, "Peacefarce" 35,
> Item 2, Aug. 26 and S99-139, "Peacefarce" 33, Item 2, Aug. 24) now we
> have someone right here in the United States, saying the Clinton's
> White House, the Pentagon's and NATO's claims about having lost only
> one (F-117A) "stealth" jet, are just plain bunk.
> But not only was Douglas careful not to use that term ("bunk"), he
> sounded downright nervous and reluctant to divulge much when
> questioned about the details by the radio show host, Jeff Rense.
> Having said that he realized the "caveat" (i.e., probably the pre-show
> agreement between the two?) - that Douglas wasn't going to disclose
> more than you feel is warranted" (to stay alive?) - Rense nevertheless
> pressed Douglas about the loss of American lives with all these lost
> aircraft.  Especially when NATO rescue helicopters were also shot down
> by the Yugoslav military, as some of our Serb sources had claimed
> throughout the war (see S99-08, Day 4, Update 2, Item 2, Mar. 27;
> S99-22, Day 10, Update 1, Apr. 2; and S99-29, Day 13, Update 2, Item
> 1, Apr. 5 for some such examples).
> Douglas said he'd heard the same "rumors," but did not know much more
> than that.  He sounded scared when he said that.  But he did say that
> he'd heard about a loss of at least one "Blackhawk" helicopter.
> But don't take our word for it.  Judge Steve Douglas' testimony for
> yourself at the Sightings Radio Web site -
>, or go
> directly to the audio file -
>, provided
> to us by our U.K. source.  The relevant discussion takes place at
> about the 2:15:00 mark of this audio file.
> As for the Chinese Embassy story, fast-forward to about 2:44:00 mark
> of the Jeff Rense show audio file.  "It was no accident.  They knew
> what they were hitting," Douglas said of the B-2 bomber strike just
> before midnight on May 7 (see S99-71, Day 47, Item 1, May 8).
> In other words, Douglas' eavesdropping seems to confirm what the
> Chinese have thought all along - that it was a deliberate strike.  And
> his listening in on the U.S. military communications debunks another
> set of lies, denials and official apologies to the Chinese by the
> Clinton administration officials, starting with the President (also
> see "Who Lost China?" - TiM GW Bulletin 98/8-3, Aug. 16 -
> Now, whichever side of this issue you've been on till now (we've been
> leaning, for example, toward the "accident" theory), see the key
> missing element was the motive.  Douglas provides it in the interview.
>  "The Chinese 'stealth' (aircraft) expert was in the country," he
> opined.  And as well all know, after one huge embarrassment of having
> one of its "untouchable" aircraft scattered all over Serb farmers'
> fields on Mar. 27 (see S99-143, "Peacefarce" 37, Item 1, Aug. 30 -

Re: [CTRL] The U.S. -- Violator of Human Rights

1999-09-03 Thread Nicola Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

If this helps I have read Amnesty International is run by MI6 and
Greenpeace by CIA. Not sure where I read this but possibly The
Conspirators Hierarchy by Dr John Coleman.The whole book is on this
site.It is the 1992 version, though he has updated it since. I'd say the
reason they haven't killed him yet is because he's too smart for them.I
have all his books and they seem pretty accurate.He's taking a big risk
with what he says naming everyone, but I think he is consistant and
isn't a disinfomation agent, but what/who for if he is? It dosn't show.
He says Red Cross is on the Committee of 300 too. I like what he says
about the Committee of 300 having hundreds of magazines - easy to see
many mags about nowdays slowly brainwashing people into globalism,
specially New Age, healthy lifestyle and technology ones.


Andrew Kieran wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> >
> >I don't believe that Amnesty International is a part of the UN. Am I
> >incorrect? It may perhaps be considered by the UN to be an NGO which may
> >have more power within the UN than other groups, but I don't know about
> >that. Anyone know?
> i'm pretty sure that Amnesty International is an independent organisation,
> i'd be surprised it was organised by the UN.
> I can't see how this could be the case, because i haven't noticed any bias
> in their reporting, they seem to be entirely independent, i remember
> reading an annual report on human rights abuse in different countries that
> reported on police brutality in western countries, as well as all the other
> saddam, kosova stuff we all hear about already from the entirely biased
> NATO reports which only a fool would trust.
> Mind, you can't trust anyone in a war, maybe not even Amnesty International.
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
> screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
> and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
> frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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Re: [CTRL] WACO- THE BIG QUESTION (Time For The Truth)

1999-09-03 Thread flw

 -Caveat Lector-

From: William Shannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Koresh WAS a pedophile, no question about that, but WHY didn't he and the
> rest of his "Branch DavIdiots" comply with the fed's???
> Why barricade yourself inside a "compound"
> If any of us refused a lawful request and instead holed up in our homes
> compounds, if we're "landed" enough) we'd be run through too...big shock!
> If everything was so legit (not his offspring though) why not air these
> things in public??? In a court where reporters would be there, maybe even
> CourtTV!
> Bill.

The above reads like Janet Reno's vodka induced babblings.

The truth is that the ATF staged a budget enhancing media event.

The truth is that the ATF shot first and asked questions later.

The truth is that within the first 2 minutes of the unprovoked shooting
attack of the Waco Church, Koresh had been gut shot through the front door
(which conveniently "disappeared" after the raid) and his 6 week old baby
been shot in the head by the ATF.(Kinda discourages one from peacefully
surrendering and having much confidence in getting "your day in court."

The truth is "pedophile" Koresh had several teenage "brides" (like
leaders tend to do from Isreal to China (and Mormons). Hardly the reason to
murder 80 men, women and children. {Yeah, lets burn the "abused" children
in order to protect them from Koresh).

The truth is that the murders of the women and children commenced when the
tanks began smashing the flimsly plywood building down on top of them and
squashing their bodies by repeatedly rolling over them - even before the
fire was
started by the FBI "flashbang" grenades setting off the propane tank at the
of origin.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Should we trust the government?

1999-09-03 Thread ASu2431426

 -Caveat Lector-

Thank you for the Waco posting/   Wake up people!.It is no longer "right"
and "left"
it is "us" versus "them".

We have a police  state gone crazy,.  with a bought Congress.

Waco was revived because of stubborn individuals looking for the truth.  Not
by either of the political parties.  Republican or Democrat.

Somebody has to stand trial for murder.And a gutless Congress has to open
up  the other coverups.. ...30 last time we counted

Washington has to be cleaned up once and for all..That includes the Bush

...   .

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-09-03 Thread day

 -Caveat Lector-

>No, blame those who did the killings and those, like you,
>who hide themselves from the truth and let evil persist.
> Howard Davis

Bravo Howard!   You've certainly put ignorance
in it's place!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: Waco's Little Rock Connection

1999-09-03 Thread day

 -Caveat Lector-

Let's see...The scumbag rapist's dead body count is at 50 and
counting.can we revise that now to 120?

Waco's Little Rock connection
> September 3, 1999
> Joseph Farah
> Finally, there's some finger-pointing going on in the executive branch of the
> federal government over the exterminations of more than 70 men, women
> and children at the Branch Davidian church in Waco in 1993.
> It's about time. This is progress. But we won't be any closer to holding the
> guilty accountable until the White House connections are fully explored.
> There's ample reason to believe Bill Clinton was working behind the scenes
> on engineering the initial Waco raid even before he became president.
> One of the original witnesses against the Branch Davidians was Bill Buford,
> the agent in charge of the Little Rock, Ark., branch of the Bureau of Alcohol,
> Tobacco and Firearms. Buford was, also, according to Arkansas sources,
> a friend of Bill. The Waco case was apparently very important to Buford as
> an affidavit states he was working on New Year's Day calling former Branch
> Davidians seeking to find evidence of sexual abuse.
> My friend and colleague, Andy Beal, who first explored the Little Rock
> connection to Waco, asks a good question: What was the resident agent
> in charge of the Little Rock office of the BATF doing investigating a sex abuse
> case in Texas? Is sex abuse BATF's jurisdiction? Is Texas under the jurisdiction
> of the BATF's Arkansas office?
> Documents show Buford is noted as one of two "senior raid planners." He
> was also one of the BATF agents wounded during the Feb. 28 assault, but
> he is perhaps the only BATF agent to be visited in the hospital by none other
> than top Treasury Department official Roger Altman.
> Altman was the long-time "Friend of Bill" appointed to be deputy secretary
> of the Treasury and chief executive officer of the Resolution Trust Corporation.
> He resigned in August 1994 due to his interference in the Whitewater investigation.
> At the time of the Waco raid, Roger Altman was the second highest-ranking
> official at the Department of the Treasury. The BATF is a bureau within the
> Treasury Department.
> Is it not possible -- is it not likely, knowing what we know about the character
> of the Clinton administration today -- that the Clinton transition team was
> involved in the planning of the initial raid on Waco even before taking power?
> Remember, Vincent Foster's wife claimed he blamed himself for the deaths
> in Waco. Webster Hubbell, who became the point man between the Justice
> Department and White House during the siege, was also instrumental in
> that transition to power. Then there's Altman and Buford.
> Foster, Hubbell, Altman and Buford were all in Little Rock leading up to the
> inauguration. Clinton takes power Jan. 20, 1993. One month later, the BATF
> stages the largest and most dramatic raid in its history -- videotaped in living
> color in anticipation of its success in subduing religious non-conformists in
> possession of illegal guns.
> The injustice and illegality of the initial raid has still never been fully examined.
> Today the focus is on how and why the remaining occupants of the church
> building were exterminated in a fire. Yet, the equally puzzling question of why
> a dynamic and violent entry was necessary to serve a search warrant on
> David Koresh shortly after he went target shooting with officers of the BATF.
> The local sheriff offered to serve the warrant at the general store to avoid any
> confrontation. There was simply no need for all the deadly theatrics of the
> initial raid.
> The only reasonable explanation seems to be the one proffered by the
> documentary, "Waco: Rules of Engagement," which postulates that the
> raid was intended as a public relations effort by the BATF and a commercial
> for stricter gun control enforcement.
> There are many unanswered questions when it comes to Waco. But maybe
> now it's time to start asking some of the unasked questions.
> What was the involvement in Waco planning of key Clinton White House
> officials even before they took power? Was the Waco raid, in fact, cooked
> up as a publicity and political stunt by an incoming administration itching for
> drama and action? Is it possible that Clinton and his cronies bear even more
> responsibility than any of us imagine for this deadly escapade?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no c

Re: [CTRL] Scientific "Heresy"

1999-09-03 Thread Sean McDougal

 -Caveat Lector-

<< Not that Kansas has banned Darwin; only that other views of human origins
may be discussed in its schools, including so-called creationist theories.
Aren't we all in favor of "diversity" in education? Not when it comes to the
sacred doctrine of Darwinism! >>

The difference is that evolution can be observed quantitatively, thus making
it science.  Creationism has only been observed to be of the highest
improbability.  Science and religion are two different pursuits.  Do we
insist that English literature be taught in mathematics classes?  After all,
who is to say which is the RIGHT language?  Right?

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: SNET: banking...

1999-09-03 Thread Kris Millegan

->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

Bankers are scared, and do you know why?  Do you understand fractional
reserve banking?  The banking system that is/has been used to
destroy/contol America?  Do you understand fraud?   Well, if you do not
understand fraud, just read what follows, and you will start to get a
much better picture.

But, while you are doing so, you had also better start paying
attention.  I said that bankers are scared.  What follows is not what
scares them (they are not aware enough to understand this is coming).
What scares the bankers is losing a portion of their deposits, which are
used to support their "credit."  Do you understand?

People are starting to pull cash out of the banks (smart people!).  If
the banks lose as little as 2% of their deposit base, they will need to
start calling in outstanding loans at the rate of about TEN TO ONE; for
every dollar going out the door, they have to call in ten dollars in
loans.  A mathmatical impossibility.  This is why every nation which has
permitted fractional reserve banking has self destructed.  Eventually,
the people always wise up enough to lose "faith" in the bankers credit.

But, those countries did not have the Declaration of Independence, and
the people had no recourse.  When the following info gets into enough
hands, do you suppose this may accelerate the bank's problems, just a

The American economy is a greatly expanded balloon.  It is going to
collaspe, or it is going to go boom.  What happens to you and your
family when the economy stops is strictly dependent on what you do to
prepare now.  Think about how bad it is going to be in the cities.  Then
read the following, and get involved.  There are solutions being found.
You can help, and by helping, you can gain a tremendous amout.  What
would it mean to your family to have no house payment when things get
tough?  And no need to pay the so-called property tax?  Would it be
easier to survive?

Your decision.  I have sent out enough info over the last several months
that you should be getting some clues as to how possible this is.  God
Bless, David

BANKING & CREDIT: There are some essentials relating to banking and
 credit that must be understood in order to come to terms with how
 successfully discharged bank-originated debt. The first matter is
 nature of "credit" extended by Federally chartered and/or Federal
 Reserve or FDIC-member financial institutions. The first is to
 what "credit" is, as defined at 15 U.S.C. 1602(e): "Credit" is a
 of authority to defer payment of debt, or create debt then defer

 For purposes of the Consumer Protection Act, the "creditor" is
 as the financial institution which provides credit, and the
merchant who
 provides goods and services. However, that definition is limited to
 Consumer Protection Act itself -- it does not have general
 Where there is a "credit" transaction under auspices of a Federal
 of authority, the financial institution is in all cases operating
 "fiscal agent" of the United States, and in most if not all cases,
as a
 "mixed-ownership" (hybrid) United States corporation. The United
 is always principal of interest -- the "debt" is ultimately an
 obligation to the United States, and the United States has the only

 right of action to recover the debt. The financial institution
 originates the "credit" merely services the debt, it is not the
 principal of interest.

 The financial institution, whether a national bank, credit union,
 whatever, is organized as an "association" to provide basic
 services for qualified association members. These entities deal
 exclusively in "public money" -- public money is hypothecated
"credit of
 the United States". Therefore, only people who are authorized by
law to
 receive and use "public money" are qualified to be association
 Those authorized by law to receive and use "public money" are
 and employees of the United States, territories and insular
 subject to sovereignty of the United States, and Indian tribes
 recognized by United States Government. See limiting provisions at
 CFR 202(a), and FDIC insurance solely of "public money" accounts at
 U.S.C. § 1821(a)(2)(A).

 This is where the Social Security number comes in -- the Social
 number creates a presumption that whoever applies for credit is one
 those entitled to custody and use of public money. However, that in
 of itself isn’t sufficient to sustain most foreclosures, etc., as
 financial institution has no right of action to foreclose consumer
 other "credit" obligations.

 A national banking association may sue and be sued in courts of the

 several States, but only so far as basic or

[CTRL] [2] Princess Diana Murder Conspiracy

1999-09-03 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from:">Princess Diana
Murder Conspiracy
Part Five

by David-Charles Hammonds

People have asked the inevitable. American conspiracy theorists have
asked, as they always do, 'is there a conspiracy'? You bet your life
there is. Let me fill in you in on how and why MI6 were able to
terminate Diana. and why they needed to.

Diana has always been a worry to the British Royal family. She was
selected by Buckingham Palace, to be little more than the 'surrogate
mother' to Prince Charles' role as constitutional 'stud'. Although she
undoubtedly cared for Charles, maybe even loved him, she knew at her
marriage that Charles' affections to her were eclipsed by his affections
for Camillia Parker-Bowles, a woman of a minor aristocratic family.
Camillia is two years older than Charles. A woman of Cammilla's age
would have been in her late thirties at the time that Charles married
Diana. A woman more of Charles' age would not have had bodily-clock with
the same ample mileage left that Diana's did. A marriage was forced
between Charles - a man selfishly pre-possessed with becoming King and
providing heirs - and Diana, a young bedazzled girl caught in the web of
one of the most devious women in Britain - The Queen Of England.

Charles was always far more unpopular with the British people than Diana
and he resented this, resented this a lot. Charles was the important
one, it was he who was to head the British State, and yet this shy,
inarticulate girl was beguiling to to the British people and later the
world. From the start of the marriage, Diana knew that she would have to
'make' Charles love her, she knew full-well that he didn't already. She
knew he still loved Camillia. 'There were always three of us in our
marriage', she said on BBC's Panorama. But throughout this unhappy time,
she'd managed to do her job - she'd provided two healthy boys, she'd
provided the all-important heirs.

Although the Queen's plan had been an immense success, she couldn't help
but be horribly cruel towards Diana. The Princess of Wales was not given
ladies in waiting - she was always a pseudo-Royal in the eyes of the
Queen. This, understandably, took it's toll on Diana. She descended into
bouts of bulimia, became psychologically scarred. Yet, even in her
frailty she was being a pain in the arse to the Queen and her darling
Charles. She was as popular as ever. While Charles played the
grouse-shooting Aristocrat and was alienating the British people from
the Monarchy, Diana was transcending such matters and was developing
herself into a formidable force. More and more the world saw her as the
House of Windsor's Cinderella, who was fighting her way to the ball.
Yet, Charles, the envious little creature that he is, could not take
pleasure in the asset of Diana. She outshone him and he hated it. He
didn't love her, resented her, maybe privately despised her - he really
wanted her out of his life. Throughout this time Charles was having a
relationship with Camilla. Diana had tried to make him love or even like
her. She had failed. She would have to start to live her own life. This
she did.

It was when she began to acknowledge that she had no real future with
Charles she inevitably looked for other love-interests. This she found
for a time with the swashbuckling Capt. James Hewitt. However, the
Establishment, sensing that Diana had given her first two-fingers to the
House of Windsor, she was in for trouble. Now not only a target of the
Queen, she was now a target of Britain's domestic intelligence agency -
MI5. Behind closed doors, the establishment of Aristocratic Elites and
related Conservative politicians (up to the moment of her death,
Conservative politicians were mounting a venomous assault of words,
accusing her of being party-political, 'A loose cannon') decided to
launch a campaign to discredit her in the eyes of Britain. The
unaccountable, secretive and often down-right evil MI5 were called in to
monitor Diana, tap-her phones, dig the dirt. This they did, and their
greatest triumph came with the 'Squidgy' tapes (intimate calls between
Diana and another male friend, 'Gilby', proving adultery) which were
leaked into the press by M15. And yet, British opinion was not as
conservative as the growing conspiracy had thought. People were not too
bothered, they saw Diana as a victim, they excused the affair, they were
more angry that someone had tapped the woman's phone. The establishment
plot was failing. The British Monarchy was looking bad, the future King
was looking bad, the whole British constitutional system was slowly
being viewed with resentment by a larger portion of the population than
ever before. Yet through all this Diana was shining, bringing a
fairy-tale magic in fleeting moments to AIDs victims, the homeless, the
war torn. If the British establishment was showing worrying su

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