[CTRL] The Double-Talk Express

2000-03-03 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


--Original Message--

This is a hoot!!


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] UK Hacker Says He Found Anti-Gravity Engine File At W/P AFB

2000-03-03 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


This is the part where he discusses breaking into the Wright-Patterson
AFB computer and discovers plans for an antigravity engine:

MW: Where does the story take a turn to where you started hacking military
sites for UFO information?

MB: In a hacker magazine called PHRACK, it gave a list of sites that
people who said they were interested in UFOs would like to see hacked
and that hackers should check these out. Allegedly there were forty people
who were trying to penetrate these sites and they got into some of them but
they all went missing?

MW: A group of forty people went missing?

MB: Apparently so. They said in the magazine that if you were going to do it
then do it carefully and printed a list of the sites. I used that list and used it
and I also used some of the folklore of UFOs like "Roswell wreckage taken
to Wright field", "Lockheed space missile company have connection to
Area 51" etc. It is then just a case then of picking up the addresses and
names of these computers. They are quite easy to find as the military
provide you with as much information on their computers as you could ever

It was a case of "go for it", "lets have a look". As far as I was concerned I
was not traceable and not causing any harm to anybody. If I couldn't get in
then no big deal, if I could then I was not going to screw the system up.

MW: You did gain access to some interesting UFO type files - what were

MB: The information was obtained through the Wright Patterson Air Base
computer system. I was looking for information on the Roswell crash. On
one of the computers at Wright Patterson the systems administrator was
very un-secured. Captain Beth Long was the system administrator she is
supposedly working in a pumping station in Alaska now instead of working
at Wright Patterson - the reason being, because she had no password so
this meant that anyone logging in as her meant they had the highest level of
access on the system with no password needed!

Wright Pattersons' computers were strange because unlike all other
computers I had hacked which had clear warnings to hackers and people
using the system regarding the classified information, their system had a
banner which read in flashing red letters that no classified information is to
be stored on the computer system. This throws you a bit. I was unsure if it
was a real banner or if it was to put off people who had got that far.

In getting into that there was one machine on the network where I read
current files and future project proposals. I read documents which gave me
the impression that they had an anti-gravity engine which was capable of at
least Mach 12 to Mach 15. I don't know how exactly how fast that is but I
think that is faster than most aircraft we know of today. Supposedly the
aircraft which employs this engine uses a reactor to which there were a lot
of detailed numbers and figures for, but I have no idea what all this meant. I
can remember that the documents referred to a super heavy element,
whatever that means. The element is the main fuel for the reactor. The
engine worked by making a disturbance of molecules at the front of the
craft so that it was able to stop the inertia or G-force inside the craft. I got
the impression that this information was the type of material I was looking
for because it was far in advance of our current technology and could be
something to do with the Roswell UFO. Finding this threw me ecause I
didn't know if this information was a disinformation exercise and that
people were meant to get in and find this stuff or if it was real. I can't be
sure and this is the one annoying thing.

In the interviews that were carried out with the police Wright Patterson was
mentioned. Officer D S Janes asked me, had I been in there and I said that
I had. He then asked me if I had got any information from this computer and
I said that I had found details of an anti-gravity propulsion system. He asked
if I downloaded any files from this project and I said no and I had only read
the files online. As I said earlier I admitted to this but no charges were
brought against me on this matter which is a bit odd. Then the interviewing
officer asked me if I knew what Hanger 18 meant. I said "well if you are
thinking of a building where they store extraterrestrial aircraft then this is
what you might mean but perhaps you mean it is a computer or a bulletin
board -is this what you mean?". He replied that this could be the place that
he was thinking of. This was the only time that Hanger 18 was mentioned in
the interview.

In one of the hearings at magistrates' court there was a special agent who
came over called Jim Hanson. When asked what did he feel I was trying to
achieve by my hacking he said that he believed I was not trying to do any
harm but was just looking for information on Hanger 18. The prosecution
then asked Jim Hanson in a


2000-03-03 Thread Kris Millegan


By Virginia McCullough. All Rights Reserved. Use 
only with written  permission.  

Read the telexes for the 

President Ronald Reagan's first executive order, 
Operation Exodus,  extended the stringent requirements of the Export 
Administration Act of 1979 and added strict enforcement for violations of the 
Act.  The choke hold would effectively strangle the vibrant economy created 
by the West Coast's high tech industry.
When it became apparent  that the order 
would  severely limit their marketing ability, the newly rich of Silicon 
Valley made their voices heard all the way to Washington D.C.  They were 
shouting, "We have the products.  Let us sell them in an unrestricted world 
Quietly the giant corporations whispered in the ears 
of politicians, "Remember us -- we support the old slow technology used by the 
Pentagon.  The defense of the United States is at stake.  We have 
faithfully supported you; don't abandon us now.  Without government 
contracts,  these upstarts can't last; their technology can be 
acquired.  Just give us time.  We will catch up". 
From the west came the siren song of Silicon Valley 
seducing the bureaucrats.  Like the thunderous waves of the Pacific Ocean 
breaking on the rocks of Big Sur, the tempting beauty of a new dawn relentlessly 
wore away the resistance of politicians sunning themselves on the sandy beaches 
of the Atlantic Ocean.  The magic of  Initial Public Offerings  
(IPOs) rocked the tranquility of the New York Stock Exchange, creating thousands 
of instant millionaires attired like the rebels of the '60s.  A new, 
militant voice, not belonging to the military, emphatically 
told the entrenched government officials, "Give our industry our freedom and we 
will give you a new, vital economy". 
The United States Congress listened.  The 
Congress would not approve Operation Exodus.  It is obvious that newly 
elected President Reagan knew of their decision.  Within days of taking the 
Presidential oath,  Ronald Reagan circumvented the will of Congress and 
issued his first executive order, Operation Exodus. 
Who, then, had this President's ear?  The history 
of the 1980s tells the story.  Reagan's ear was owned by the military 
industrial complex.  Promoting myths such as Star Wars, scientists like 
Edward Teller appealed to Reagan's belief in the Apocalypse.  Rabid 
anti-communists convinced the executive branch of government that Russian 
missiles would soon rain from the skies over America.  The President's 
fears assured a  massive national debt in future years as the country spent 
billions for fanciful weapons to defeat a mythical enemies.  That debt 
would guarantee that Reagan's Vice-President, former CIA Director George W. Bush 
Sr.,  would be a one term president.  The battle cry now became "It's 
the economy, stupid!" 
Has any citizen wondered how their newly elected 
President "gets up to speed" so rapidly  that he is able to take over the 
most important job in the world without missing a heartbeat?  The United 
States allegedly has an unrestrained media - why haven't they ever asked that 
question?  Why doesn't CNN do a twenty minute piece exploring that 
question?  Shouldn't A&E do a one or two hour special to explore that 
never addressed question?  Shouldn't every American want to know how these 
extraordinary men who are our presidents learn their job so quickly? 
If the question is never asked, it is possible the 
answer might be that we do not have a democracy after all.  We might have a 
form of government that simply submits to the dictates of world politics by 
placing a different figurehead on America's throne as events dictate.  In 
the year 2000, as Bush Jr. seeks to be elected to Bush Sr's former position, it 
is time to ask the question, "Is the keeper of the flame  -- the gatekeeper 
of the secret government?" 
President Kennedy's bloody assassination on the 
streets of Dallas in November of 1963 proved to the majority of Americans that 
no president is safe from the very agents and agencies sworn to protect 
him.  Presidents are isolated from the citizens that elect them and 
"protected" by people with their own agendas.  The President of the United 
States is probably the most venerable of all America's citizens.  
Individuals who seek that position do so because they passionately want power 
and control.  If  they disclose the gatekeeper's secrets when elected, 
they find they have neither. 
Assuming the keeper and the gatekeeper share and 
protect the same horrible truths, one must ask, "What was happening in the world 
in the 1970s that persuaded newly elected President Ronald Reagan to endanger 
the economy and well being of the nation he swore to protect and 
Read the entire article and see the GOLD TELEX'S 

[CTRL] Thatcher linked to spy order on ministers

2000-03-03 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.html

From: Paul Wolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Thatcher linked to spy order on ministers
Date: Sunday, February 27, 2000 12:02 PM

Thatcher linked to spy order on ministers

Updated 5:24 PM ET February 24, 2000

NEW YORK, Feb 24 (Reuters) - Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher
used a global surveillance network to spy on two cabinet ministers in 1983, former
Canadian agent Mike Frost was quoted on Thursday as saying.

The two unnamed ministers were not suspected of being traitors but Thatcher felt
they disagreed with her over certain policy matters, Frost said. He said they were
spied on by a Canadian agent.

Frost made his allegations to the CBS-TV programme "60 Minutes," according to
released excerpts.

In London, no comment was immediately available from Thatcher but Prime
Minister Tony Blair's office said the government would draw the allegations to
her attention.

"We will make sure Baroness Thatcher is aware of these allegations so she
can judge whether they merit a response," a spokeswoman told Reuters.

Frost's allegations came in the same week that a European Parliament
report said the Echelon surveillance network, a series of listening posts
around the world run by the United States, Canada, Britain, Australia and
New Zealand, was used for industrial espionage.

The British government denied on Wednesday that it used Echelon for
industrial spying in Europe that could help U.S. corporations win contracts
ahead of European companies. Echelon was designed to eavesdrop on
suspected terrorists, drug lords and other governments hostile to the five

"(Thatcher) had two ministers that she said, 'they weren't on side,'...so my
boss went to London and did intercept traffic from those two ministers,"
Frost was quoted as saying in the excerpts released by "60 Minutes."

His comments are due to be broadcast on Sunday.

Frost, who said he worked for Canadian intelligence from 1972 until 1992,
alleged the five countries could circumvent domestic laws against spying
on citizens by asking another Echelon member to do it for them.

"The British Parliament now have total deniability," Frost said, referring to
the alleged spying on the two ministers, whom he did not identify. "They
didn't do anything... We did it for them."

A senior British Foreign Office official said in response to the European
Parliament report that "any surveillance that there is in Britain has to be
authorised in accordance with the law as does any American activity here."

Echelon was capable of intercepting phone conversations, faxes and
e-mail messages around the world but sometimes the communications of
ordinary, innocent civilians were also monitored, Frost told "60 Minutes."

He cited a woman whose name and telephone number went into the
network's database as a possible terrorist because she had told a friend
on the phone that her son had "bombed" in a school play.

"The computer spit that conversation out," Frost was quoted as saying.
"The analyst ... was not too sure what the conversation was referring to,
so, erring on the side of caution, he listed that lady."

Shop for Cars On-Line:  http://a-albionic.com/ads/srch.html

Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
not necessarily endorsed by:
Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research (POB 20273,
Ferndale, MI 48220), a ruling class/conspiracy research resource for the
entire political-ideological spectrum.  Quarterly journal, book sales,
rare/out-of-print searches, New Paradigms Discussion List, Weekly Up-date
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validit

Re: [CTRL] Scheflin article

2000-03-03 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Hi !

Below please find an excerpt from an article by Alan Scheflin.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

excerpts from http://www.mhsource.com/pt/p991137.html

Ground Lost: The False Memory/Recovered Memory Therapy Debate
by Alan W. Scheflin
Psychiatric Times  November 1999  Vol. XVI  Issue 11

"Does repressed memory exist? Although courts and legislatures use the term
repressed memory, the proper term is dissociative amnesia. This is the
definition that appears in the DSM-IV, section 300.12: "Dissociative amnesia
is characterized by an inability to recall important personal information,
usually of a traumatic or stressful nature, that is too extensive to be
explained by ordinary forgetfulness."

The appearance in the DSM-IV indicates that the concept of repressed memory
is generally accepted in the relevant scientific community. This satisfies
courts following the Frye v United States, 293 F.1013 (1923) or Daubert v
Merrell Dow Pharmaceutical, 113 S. Ct. 2786 (1993) rules regarding the
admissibility of scientific testimony into evidence in court."

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Friday #3

2000-03-03 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

SkeptiNews 000303c - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* Portal to notices, excuses, overflow, links: http://skepticon.pitas.com
* No space craft/stations/brothers were offed to produce of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Good Dykes: http://www.washblade.com/forum/cartoons/dykes/000303a.htm
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Boeing accidentally tosses part of the International Space Station into
  a landfill. Where on earth? Space station parts missing, and public might
  foot the bill for Boeing's mistake. Or was it really a mistake? Who gains?

# Navy airmen sentenced for cow killings - dodged stiff prison sentences
  after ranchers urged leniency. Urging by cattle for harsh punishment was
  ignored: http://www.latimes.com/news/state/2302/t20436.html

: Have you mutilated any cattle lately? Did your alien masters direct/assist
you, or did you do it on your own? Have you sabotaged any space stations in
the past few weeks? What technological/historical objects have you trashed?

# Ancient art scrubbed out? Scientists Scrap Over Destroyed Ancient Sign.
  PARIS — Two eminent French scientists traded insults after a judicial
  report highlighted the disappearance of prehistoric symbols at the center
  of their long dispute. Twelve red rings that may have held the key to
  understanding one of Europe's first religions have been scrubbed out.
  Signs or lichens? http://www.foxnews.com/science/022800/times_signs.sml
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# How to spot a Martian. Could Martians be alive and well, but just hiding?
  It is unlikely, but not impossible, new evidence suggests. Digging into
  the regolith: http://helix.nature.com/nsu/000302/000302-9.html

# Is Mars Facing A Comet Hit In May? Or is it just bad math and morbid
  curiosity? http://www.millenngroup.com/repository/cometary/marshit.html
# Heard It on the Radio -  strange barrage of high-energy photons even more
  intense: http://sigmaxi.org/amsci/issues/Sciobs00/sciobs00-03radio.html

: Have cosmic rays wiped out the Martians? Have they taken shelter? Have hi-
energy particles ruined your evolution? D'ya blame it all on heedless gods?
Are gods monstrous? Are you? Will they strike your planet soon? Do you care?

# A TIME OF GIANTS AND MONSTERS. The discovery of huge bones in antiquity
  spawned vivid and imaginative myths. Or were the monsters and gods all
  real? Beware... http://www.archaeology.org/0003/abstracts/monsters.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# New Airship Design Close to Completion. [EXN] Lockheed Martin is on its
  way to propelling a giant airship into the sky. The blimp-like lighter-
  than-air (LTA) vehicle would operate above the jet stream out of the way
  of severe weather, hovering above the Earth while it could act as a tele-
  communications station, a weather observatory or even as a massive surv-
  eillance unit. http://www.exn.net/FlightDeck/News/story.cfm?ID=2229-54

# Japan - Reusable Spaceplane: http://www.spaceviews.com/2000/02/27b.html
# Experiment Could Lead to Spacecraft Design Breakthrough - or could be a
  waste: http://www1.msfc.nasa.gov/NEWSROOM/news/releases/2000/00-047.html

: D'ya fret about more airborne surveillance systems? Are they even more
dangerous/vulnerable than satellites? Have you designed appropriate weapons
yet? Would you rather shoot down blimps, spacecraft, aircraft, condors, me?

# Missiles that Choose Their Own Targets Are Big Money-Savers - humans not
  necessary anymore: http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns222828
# NASA & Navy Explore Magnetic Fields for Quicker, Smoother, and Cheaper
  Launches: http://memagazine.org/contents/current/features/birds/birds.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# VINTAGE ALTAR OF HEAVEN - The Xian Altar of Heaven is the oldest of
  its kind found in China to date. It was reburied shortly after its
  excavation.It is estimated that 17 Chinese emperors conducted religious
  rites here. http://www.archaeology.org/0003/newsbriefs/altar.html
# Human Sacrifice In The US: http://www.sightings.com/ufo6/HUMSAC.htm

# The Search for History in the Bible. Does the Bible preserve a
  reliable historical memory or is it an ideological document with-
  out historical value? http://www.bib-arch.org/barma00/search.html
  PLEASURES: http://www.archaeology.org/0003/abstracts/archaeology.html

: Have you sacrificed any humans/animals/aliens/principles/lawyers lately?
D'ya use a really sharp knife? What're your favorite sacrificial guidebook/
altar/techniques? Do you sacrifice historical authenticity for orthodoxy?

# Portuguese Petroglyphs: www.archaeology.org/0003/newsbriefs/portugal.html
# Contactee Van Tassel's 'Gi

Re: [CTRL] Omega Agency 3/6

2000-03-03 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Nicky, Part 2 never arrived.

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Why It's Important

2000-03-03 Thread Kris Millegan

"Dan Russell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]On the heals of 
Ruby Ridge, the World Trade Center was bombed (Feb. 23, > 1993), and the 
Branch Davidians were raided by the ATF (Feb. 28, 1993), and > finally 
destroyed by the FBI HRT and the U.S. Military (April 19, 1993). Add > to 
this, the Unabomber, the Montana Freemen, the Republic of Texas incident, 
> and the Oklahoma City bombing, and you have just the right mix.> 
> Note who the players were in these incidents: 
Ruby Ridge (Christian > fundamentalist home schoolers), Trade Center 
(fundamentalist Muslims led by > Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman), Unabomber 
(well, that's an aberration; I guess > could just have to say he was 
anti-industry), the Freemen and the Republic of > Tex. (more 
fundamentalists), the Branch D's (more fundamentalists), and OKC > (who 
knows, but there were definite connections to Elohim City -- more > 
fundamentalists).> > What does this tell 
you? Well, for one thing, if I were in the ruling > class (the Council of 
300, the Illuminati, the Fat Cats, the Big Shots, or > whatever the hell 
else you want to call them) I might want as much unity as I > could get 
my hands on, because it's those pesky little groups of > 
"fundamentalists" that screw things up for the rest of us.> 
> Add to that, Clinton's statement on Air Force 
One, the night after he and > Gore's re-election ("If it hadn't been for 
the OKC bombing, we wouldn't have > made it"), in which he alluded to the 
fact that the bombing gave him the fuel > to unshelf his anti-terrorism 
package, and galvanize sentiment on the Hill. > He believed (if the 
statement is true) that without the bombing he wouldn't > have been 
I think Rich is pointing to tried and true black ops doctrine. 

John Hull himself was identified by a very experienced military 
intelligence operative, Robert Hayes, in a sworn affidavit in Florida, 1/8/88, 
as a CIA black ops specialist with whom he had worked throughout the 70’s:
"After working for a Brazilian engineering company, I eventually formed 
Hayes-Bosworth, a Brazilian company engaged in heavy engineering and 
construction projects for Brazilian and foreign clients. Between 1972 and 1976, 
the company’s success provided me with the funds, 
contacts and time to indulge my lifelong interest in Latin American 
" After Ryan left the room, Sibley informed me that his 
‘real’ name was John Joseph Michaels and produced corroborating identification 
that I recognized from previous experience as genuine CIA credentials. He then 
recited in great detail and accuracy my previous connections with and service 
for various U.S. intelligence organizations, including the agency. He also 
recited details of my work for Israeli and West German intelligence."
"Michaels then requested my assistance in illegal clandestine 
operations[that] ranged from routine intelligence gathering to kidnapping, 
interrogation and assassination."
" My relationship with Michaels ended abruptly in 1976 
after Michaels proposed an operation that I considered not only absurd, but also 
contrary to the best interests of the U.S. government."
"In the Spring of 1976, Michaels proposed that I arrange to 
‘simulate terrorism.’ I responded that there was no way to ‘simulate’ terrorism. 
I insisted that an act is either terrorist or not, and anyone knowingly engaging 
in a violent act against civilians is in fact a terrorist and beyond 
" When I asked what the target of this ‘simulated’ act was 
to be, he proposed three: A large Catholic cathedral in Sao Paulo, a twin 
theatre complex near the U.S. consulate in Sao Paulo and the U.S. consulate 
"Although I refused the operation in unmistakable terms, 
Michaels insisted that I reconsider and said two of his agents would contact me 
for further discussion."
"In late June or early July of 1976, I was approached at my 
office by two Americans I knew to be subordinates of Michaels. They once again 
proposed a bombing attack of one of three targets originally proposed by 
"The meeting resulted in two other meetings. The third and 
final meeting ended in an angry exchange in which I rejected both the operation 
and the concept and told Michaels’ subordinates that I never wanted to see him 
or them again."
"The following week, the two Americans were found dead in a 
downtown Sao Paulo park with their hands and feet bound by wire. Each had been 
shot in the back of the head. No arrests were made in connection with their 
"Reliable contacts in the Brazilian government and military and contacts in 
other circles warned me that my own death was imminent if I did not flee Brazil."
" I was met at Miami airport by agents from the local CIA 
office. Although they denied any specific knowledge of me or my activities, they 
asked me what my plans were. Upon telling them that I planned to fly to 
Albuquerque, New Mexico to join my wife, w

[CTRL] Phelps Dodge Corporation: History and Culture

2000-03-03 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: http://www.phelpsdodge.com/index-history.html">Phelps
Dodge Corporation: History and Culture

In 1834, Anson Greene Phelps founded our company on the principles of strong
leadership, superior quality, a keen competitive sense and the highest
ethical standards in dealing with our business partners, customers, neighbors
and employees. Throughout the long and diverse history of Phelps Dodge
Corporation, those fundamental ideas have continued to guide us. Today, we
are building on the traditions of Anson Phelps to ensure our modern company
can continue to rise above the competition.

In this site, you'll find details about the company's rich and fascinating
history, and learn about the culture in which we create value for our
customers, shareholders, employees, and communities.
Since its founding as a trading company in 1834, Phelps Dodge has played an
important role in helping our communities, our nation and our global economy
grow. The company provided many of the raw materials that fueled America's
early industrial expansion, helped build frontier communities of the American
West, and manufactured many elements of the modern infrastructure that links
together people and businesses and across the globe.
Early History
The roots of Phelps Dodge run deep. Founded as a trading company in 1834,
Phelps Dodge has thrived because of a pioneering philosophy and a dedication
to excellence. The company was founded by Anson Greene Phelps and William E.
Dodge, who operated an import-export trade business that shipped U.S.-grown
cotton to England in exchange for tin, iron, copper and other metals that
were needed to support the ongoing development of the new American nation.

In the true spirit of free enterprise, Phelps Dodge used the imported copper
to produce thousands of miles of copper wire, including the wire used in the
first transcontinental telegraph line. As our company diversified, we
invested in new railroads, and by the late 1800s, Phelps Dodge had become one
of the largest manufacturers of lumber and lumber products in the United
Copper Mining
Many of our company's early business successes were the result of carefully
developed plans, but we owe our introduction to copper mining more to
serendipity than to strategy. In 1881, our founders were approached by a
stranger named William Church who, having just returned from the rugged
Arizona territory, wanted Phelps Dodge to invest in his copper mining
company. After careful investigation, we made the investment. Our company has
been mining those claims for more than 115 years. Today, they are known as
Phelps Dodge Morenci, which has since become the largest copper mine in North
America. More than any other transaction in our history, the investment we
made in 1881 has played a significant role in determining the direction and
future of our company.

Today, Phelps Dodge Mining Company is one of the world's leading producers of
copper. Throughout the 20th century, Phelps Dodge and the copper we produce
have been instrumental in the development of many countries. Copper wiring
and plumbing, telephones, automobiles and much of the technology that brings
convenience to our lives rely on copper. During the 21st century, Phelps
Dodge innovations will continue to improve the standard of living of people
Phelps Dodge Industries traces its heritage to the early 1930s, when Phelps
Dodge Corporation established a new enterprise to serve as a guaranteed
market for the raw copper produced at the company's mining operations. In
time, the division diversified to meet new demands. During the last decade,
this evolution has accelerated as Phelps Dodge Industries has expanded around
the world, establishing a significant global presence.
At Phelps Dodge, being an innovative pioneer has always been the key to our
success. Throughout our history, employees have seized opportunities to
ensure the company's continuing growth and prosperity. Our mission, values
and code of ethics are important resources – providing employees with goals
to work toward and a map to get there. And as our competitive environment
continues to intensify, Phelps Dodge is looking at new ways to do business
and providing our employees with new tools to maximize the company's
resources. This is our commitment to 'Pioneering the Creation of Value' – a
focus on building exceptional individual and company performance.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and ou

[CTRL] Omega Agency 6/6

2000-03-03 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Omega Agency 6/6

"Omega Agency: Final Words"
by Anonymous

November 1997

This will be my final posting on the information I have on that group of
people, that entity known as the Omega Agency. I will no longer be
communicating with my source person, known in these postings as "Robert". A
perplexing set of circumstances, almost a comedy of errors, if you will, has
led to this breakdown in communication. And after careful thought and soul
searching, I have reached the reluctant conclusion that I can no longer be
the outlet to the Internet for information on Omega. Robert has been my sole
face-to-face contact within the ranks of Omega. But the price of continued
personal association with Robert is too high.

In the beginning, almost a year ago, my understanding was that Robert told
me the things he did, showed me the things he did, for the purpose of
setting to rest doubts and confusion within my own mind. He not only fed the
obsession within me to know the truth to this whole ufo/alien phenomenon,
but he took an emotionally battered, psychologically abused, frightened
woman and befriended her. He gave to me what I needed at that time - someone
who cared, and who showed that in his actions. I gave him what he needed -
someone to alleviate his loneliness and get him back out into the world,
showing him how to take joy in something as simple as digging in the dirt to
find pretty rocks. A very close personal relationship developed, with Robert
and I spending virtually all of our free time together. We got to know each
other extremely well. Because of this relationship, I overlooked certain
things that didn't add up in the information he gave me on Omega. I allowed
my emotional attachment to my friend to blind me to the "glitches" in the
information he passed to me. In the past month, our relationship has
deteriorated rapidly, and these same inconsistencies have cropped up again.
They have not been overlooked this time, and therein lies the "rub", as best
I can tell.

I do not think that Robert lied to me about the existance of Omega. I have
found and witnessed too much that verifies its existance. I do, however,
think he "sugar-coated" the nature of the organization. I will state, for
the record here, that I do agree with the ideals on which Omega appears to
be founded - the unification of the people of this Earth as a global
society, with each culture supporting the other in an atmosphere of
acceptance of us all as humans first. I do agree that a global governing
system is what is needed to move us as a race, the human race, out into the
universal neighborhood that awaits us. I do agree that the negativity that
pulses through the minds of so many needs to change. What I don't agree
with, and have always questioned, is the method that is being used to bring
about these changes.

Much to Robert's consternation, I continually asked him this question: "What
gives you the right?" He has never answered that question fully or

I have had no direct, face-to-face contact with any of the other members of
the 15, that group of which Robert is a part. I have had no face-to- face
contact with anyone else who admits to being involved with Omega or has
knowledge of its existance and workings. I have had telephone conversations
and mail exchanges with others that I believe have at least a working
knowledge of this organization. The majority of my experience with Omega has
been through Robert, and thus, he is the only example I have as to what type
of person is chosen or recruited to participate at such a high level within
the Omega power structure. As it was explained to me, there will be no
direct voting by the populous as to who sits on the Ruling Council for
Omega's global governing body. These people will be selected by those
already seated on the Council.

Robert has often told me that Omega, put simply, adheres to the principle of
the "needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one." Omega
seems to interpret that philosophy to mean that the majority of the
population of this world is insignificant, categorizing them as "sheep" that
will follow where they are led. This may be a true statement, but that does
not make it right to perpetuate that mind set. He advised me on more than
one occasion to focus my attention on reaching the 1% of the population that
Omega considered important. I found this impossible for me to do, because I
consider all people to be of value. I cannot write off such a large portion
of the population, regardless of Omega's wishes in that area.

Omega has claimed to be the "good guys" in this silent war for the people of
and the planet we call Earth. Many of the OA ideals are, indeed, very
"good". Crime must stop. War must stop. Child abuse, rape, murder all of
these must stop. We cannot continue to prey upon each other and hope to
survive in the galactic neighborhood. Inflationary taxation, destruction of

[CTRL] Omega Agency 5/6

2000-03-03 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Omega Agency 5/6

"Omega Agency: The Secret That Is No More"

by Anonymous

Tuesday, September 23, 1997

"When everything is secret, nothing is secret."

- Justice Potter Stewart in his opinion on the Pentagon Papers case

I continue my contact with "Robert", the man who is one of the 15, a member
in high standing in the group known as the Omega Agency. At this point in
time, Robert and the others of the 15 are basically in control of the Omega
agenda. Those who will make up the Ruling Council of the global governing
body are basically "waiting in the wings". They are consulted as needed by
the 15, but the day to day running of Omega's plan for planet Earth lies in
the hands of these few men.

My understanding of the situation is that it was the Visitors who desired
that these 15 men control the re-education process currently underway. Each
of these men has a history of military type service, mostly in the fields of
covert and black ops, including assassination on demand and manipulation of
the war in Viet Nam. The logic behind the choice of these men is this: One
must know how to make war in order to prevent it. One must know how
incredibly cruel man can be to his fellow man in order to prevent it in
others. And if the way of life that the Visitors enjoy on their homeworlds,
which all of the 15 have experienced first-hand, can change the hearts of
men such as these, it can change the heart of any man.

And that is the basis of the Visitor agenda, and thus the Omega Agency's
agenda. In its bare form, the Visitor mission can be stated simply as they
work to "clean up" the universe so that people of all races, from all
worlds, can live in peace on a galactic scale. That includes the people
Earth. We are in our infancy as a race compared to many of the Visitors, but
we have advanced technologically to the point that we pose a danger to their
society and their way of life. Our social, emotional, and psychological
development has not kept pace with our technological strides. Humans have an
innate fear of the unknown, and it is that fear that keeps us from
questioning, from questing toward what should be our goals. We prefer to
become "comfortably numb" rather than face the reality that our history has
been warped to meet the goals of certain individuals, our religions have
been used as a method of mass control and social manipulation, and certain
factions of our society as a whole, on a world-wide basis, have been
manipulated to the advantage of those opposing a global, unified governing
body and a transformation of our way of life from one of separationism and
isolationism to one of global and universal acceptance of those who are

A world living in peace on a global scale is something that many profess to
desire. They teach their children to pray for world peace. Yet there are
those who profit from the misery of those around them. Consider for a
moment. What type of reaction would you expect from pharmaceutical companies
if it were known that there is a cure for every form of cancer known? Would
these companies, that now receive thousands of dolllars per treatment for
chemotherapy, be happy to know that there is a way to cure cancer that
requires but one injection? What if there was a cure for AIDS that required
only a series of three injections? How would an oil company react to the
knowledge that there was a power source, one that was abundant,
non-polluting, totally efficient? And that conversion of an automobile to
this power source could be done at a cost of approximately $20.00? Would
such a revelation be welcomed by those sitting on the Board of Directors of
a major oil company? Somehow, I think not.

Yet, this is the way of the Visitors. It is their way to share their
technology. They do not try to hide it from others in their intergalactic
neighborhood. They do not understand our tradition of hiding our
technological advancements in fear that someone else will develop it to its
fullest potential first. Nor do they understand the need to withhold
beneficial technology, such as could be used to reverse the pollution level
of the planet or cure the diseases of humans, merely for monetary gain of a

Under Omega global rule, intergalactic commerce and trade will become the
norm. There are products we manufacture that ET races wish to import to
their homeworlds. They likewise have manufactured products that they feel
could be marketable to the people of Earth. Individual companies will be
allowed to negotiate trade agreements with Visitors, but all will fall under
Omega guidelines. There will be fairness to all, with no one company
monopolizing the market. Fossil fuel will be a thing of the past. In the
educational system, the "mistakes in accuracy" that is taught now to our
children in history class will be corrected. The World Health Organization,
as well as the United Nations, will be disbanded. The cures for diseases, as

[CTRL] Omega Agency 4/6

2000-03-03 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Omega Agency 4/6

"Omega Agency: The Truth is Out There"

by Anonymous

Friday, August 08, 1997

This is the fourth installment in my essays on the Omega Agency. There has
been much discussion of the material contained in these files. Those who
know me personally have asked me questions about it, and I think it time
that I address some of the most prevalent ones.

First of all, why am I being given this information? Isn't this in conflict
to what is generally accepted as the nature of the ufo field? People who
know of these things don't talk about them. That's the general assumption.
Isn't the goal of the coverup conspiracy to keep such knowledge OUT of the
public's hands and minds? I will address these questions with a question of
my own. Is it not generally taken as a "given" that there is some sort of
plan in action worldwide, some sort of agenda utilizing the media, radio,
television, movies, books, etc., aimed at preparing the people of the world
for some big event? There doesn't seem to be a lot of dissention on that
point. So what is the prime goal of any plan? Is not the goal to see that
plan through to its successful completion? Given that fact, why is it so
hard to accept that as a part of the completion of this plan, disclosure of
secrets long held will have to be made? It appears that there is a general
assumption that when such disclosure is made, it will come through either a
known, credentialed news media source, or a respected and credible
researcher in the ufo field. But this is merely an assumption. Without the
full details of the plans known, is it safe to assume that full disclosure
will be made as it seems to be expected? Those who study the ufo field and
its related topics should know that rarely is the expected the true nature
of the way things are.

Second, I'm asked why I should expect anyone to believe these things to be
fact. To that, I can only reply thusly: I don't expect anyone to believe it
based solely on these writings. I would hope these writings would peak the
curiosity of others, and they would, in turn, begin investigating these
matters on their own. All I ask of anyone reading these files is that they
consider the possibilities. I can say that I no longer have doubts as to the
existance of Omega, the connection to the Visitors that Agency has, the
agenda that they have planned, their connection to the military, etc. While
I know that I'm not being given the whole truth at this point, I do know
that the person telling me these things is not lying about his connection to
Omega and the Visitors. I asked for proof of this, and received it. The
experience shattered my concept of the world and the universe we live in,
destroying all I have been taught throughout my lifetime in a matter of 20
minutes. Though I still don't know a lot about what is going on with Omega,
and where this is all leading, I do know this: we are not alone in the
universe, and there are people of this world who have known this for a very
long time. And they are now working to bring that knowledge to the public at
large in a way that will be as least disruptive as possible.

Omega is not about mass control, it is not about mind control or forcing the
world to bend to its will. Omega is about bringing the people of planet
Earth into a universal forum, where we humans can begin to enjoy the wonders
of space travel openly, can mingle with races from other worlds, and learn
from their cultures, their art, their science, their philosophy. The men of
Omega, especially the group known as the 15, have dedicated their lives to
this purpose. And they will see it through. Omega has the power, the
technology, the military might at its disposal right now to force the world
to its rule. But they will not do that. Though I do not agree with some of
the tactics they have used and are planning to use, I can see the reasoning
behind it.

The Omega plan calls for the re-education of the world, of all the world's
peoples, not just the citizens of the United States. Their plan is based on
similar plans that have been implemented and have worked well on other
planets, other cultures and civilizations that were in much the same shape
as the people of Earth today. The plan was first hinted at by the Visitors
during the time of first contact early in this century. According to Omega,
it is a method of re-education that has worked on many, many worlds, and
they are confident that it will work here.

This re-education program is far-reaching and in-depth. It will reveal the
truths so long kept in secret from the people of this world. And this is not
merely the truth to the "ufo phenomenon". It reaches to the core of our
society...from our erroneous views on the true nature of the Creator to our
concept of the space/time continuum. And Omega does not expect to be able to
re-educate the entire population of the planet. They are targetting the
approximately 1% of the popul

[CTRL] Omega Agency 3/6

2000-03-03 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

The Shape of Things to Come?

by Anonymous

Wednesday, May 07, 1997

Omega is a multi-level, multi-structured organization of secrets upon
secrets. The organization was not thrown together overnight, and they did
not, at the time of their creation as a group, expect to bring about the
culmination of their plans in a matter of a couple of days. These plans for
a unified governmental system that oversees the whole of planet Earth
started years ago, near the turn of the century. The plans "jelled" and
escalated in the early 1930's, when first contact with an other-wordly race
was made. These extraterrestrials are not referred to as "aliens" by those
in the inner circles of Omega. They refer to them simply as "visitors". And
they look at them as people.. not "aliens" in the Hollywood sense of the
word or in a derogatory manner in any way. The Visitors are merely people of
a different nature than we humans.

There is within the inner ranks of Omega, a group known only as the "15".
This group is "supervised" by a man known to me only by the name The Zodiac.
Often, in conversation, Zodiac is referred to as "Mr. Z." At one time, Mr. Z
used the alias Mr. Hallaran. This is but one of many aliases this man has
used over the years. Mr. Z is what is known as a "freelance assassin",
having done work of that nature for the CIA, among other agencies and
individuals. He is described as a "chameleon" of sorts, able to blend in to
the local populus in just about any country in this world.

Mr. Z either formed or came into control of the 15 during the later years of
the Viet Nam war. At the time, Mr. Z was in Nam to work with the CIA and
their assassination jobs and drug running. The 15 originally did
assassination work into Laos and Cambodia for the CIA. Their work was known
as "Project Phoenix". The group was formed to escalate the Nam war through
selective assassinations of key figures. At times they even wiped out entire
units of our own men, making it appear as though the Viet Namese were at
fault. And their particular brand of work - assassination on demand -
continued after the end of the Nam war.

The 15 are now in the service of the Omega Agency. They will, after the
planned world government is in place, become "sector chiefs" of sorts. Omega
seems to be set up on a heirarchial platform, with those in authority under
the sector chiefs reporting directly to them. From that level, any
information deemed worthy of calling it to the attention of the Ruling
Council will be passed up the chain of command. The Public Safety Officers -
those given the authority to act as judge, jury and executioner, if the
crime warrants that punishment, fall under the authority of the sector
chiefs...the 15.

>From Omega's point of view, their plans are not for world domination. They
believe they are working toward world betterment. Domination denotes
control, and betterment merely sets the world to rights, so to speak. It
intends to see the world living as one people, not as segregated countries
with segregated peoples, each following their own agenda. Omega would see
the world as one race - the human race - with all of its people working to
contribute to the betterment and advancement of the human race as a whole.
Omega would see the Earth take its place in a universal society, with the
members of the Omega Ruling Council speaking for the Earth in that universal

Omega's plans for the future of the world are based on the history of the
Visitors. As the person who tells me these things said, "It worked for them,
it will work for us." The Visitors (all races of them) each come from a
world that is unified under one system of government. Each had a history
similar to ours, with a multitude of countries on their worlds, each with
its own system of government. The people of their worlds were united as a
race, under one governing flag, prior to their moving out into the universe
and openly interacting with other worlds. Omega intends to see the Earth do
the same. The world will be organized as a unified planet under Omega's
flag, and inter-galactic trade will begin, with Omega as the sole body
empowered to negotiate trade agreements for the planet Earth.

Omega does not intend to "take over" by force. They plan to be welcomed with
open arms by the people of the world. Look around you at the condition of
the world now. Crime is out of control in most major cities. People live
behind closed, locked doors with elaborate security systems. Third World
countries depend on hand-outs from other countries (in particular the United
States) for the very food they put in their mouths. Racial hatred continues
to raise its ugly head all over the world. Religious tolerance is
non-existant in some parts of the world. One of the first things we teach
our children is to not talk to strangers. We are doing this to ourselves,
teaching our children from 

[CTRL] BATF/SWAT to attack Baptist Church on April 10-19 WACOstyle?????????

2000-03-03 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.html

Subject: BATF/SWAT to attack Baptist Church on April 10-19 WACOstyle?
Date: Thursday, February 24, 2000 3:57 AM

(sent to USCMike1's 35,839+ readers - please repost to your own mailing lists
and newsgroups - IF WE DON'T RESIST on this one you can KISS America GOODBYE!)

 Thanks to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for forwarding this post about the exposure
of trouble brewing heard on the Alex Jones radio show.

Will this be the incident that finally draws all the Constitutionally
provided for Unorganized Civilian Militias to work together in harmony and

To all USCMike1's readers:  Please contact all the civilian militias
members that you know to inform them of what is beginning to shape up re: the
feds violating our U.S. Constitution.  Can all the militias converge on
Indianapolis to protect this church and show the feds that WE the PEOPLE MEAN

Thanks for "listening," USCMike1

Subj:[ThePentagonGuru] Fwd:Another Church That Is Not "ATF
 Date:  2/23/00 10:51:17 PM Pacific Standard Time
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (sentinel4)
 Reply-to:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">thepentagonguru@egrou

 Source: Alex Jones radio show

 A Confrontation is shaping up in Indianapolis as Temple Baptist Church of
 Indianapolis prepares to defy a court order to vacate. The 7th Circuit
 Court has order the church to vacate and allow the government to confiscate
 the church on April 10, as a result of failure to pay/withhold taxes. The
 church is not a 501c3 and has not registered as a church or school, but has
 continued to operate as a free and independent church and school.

 Upon receiving the court order, the Indiana militia began to look into the
 matter. Last night, it was announced that the Kentucky and Ohio militia
 will join with Indiana to defend the church. Today, on the Alex Jones radio
 show, there were suggestions that the Tennessee and Michigan militias would
 also join the effort.

 The Baptist Temple Church, 19 Judicial District 2711 SE, Indianapolis, has
 a Sunday attendance of about 1000. The former pastor of 50 years, Pastor
 Greg Dixon, was on the Alex Jones show today to discuss the matter. His son
 is currently the pastor of the church. Pastor Dixon said that this is a
 free country, with free speech and freedom of religion. He said the people
 of the congregation do not plan to leave their church. He also said that
 Janet Reno is actually Johnny Reno, that anyone can see that she is a man.

 Most likely, it's such remarks that have failed to endear the Pastor to the
 feds who have obviously targeted this church for an April, 2000
 confrontation - yes, it's April once again.

 I don't have any additional information on this matter. If you want more
 information, you can call the church at 317-783-6753.
 "..it does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate,
 tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.."
 Samuel Adams
 ** >>

The latest rumor going around on the talk radio shows in the Los Angeles area
(KIEV AM 870) is the answer to the question as to why Chelsea Clinton is so
ugly . . . that's cuz Janet Reno is her father.

Shop for Cars On-Line:  http://a-albionic.com/ads/srch.html

Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
not necessarily endorsed by:
Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research (POB 20273,
Ferndale, MI 48220), a ruling class/conspiracy research resource for the
entire political-ideological spectrum.  Quarterly journal, book sales,
rare/out-of-print searches, New Paradigms Discussion List, Weekly Up-date
Lists & E-text Archive of research, intelligence, catalogs, & resources.
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Click Below to "Ask Dr. Kathleen"!

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half

Re: [CTRL] S(tupid) U(seless) V(ehicles)

2000-03-03 Thread Damian B. Cooper

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

At 06:30 PM 3/3/00 -0600, Alamaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
> -Cui Bono?-
>>From USA Today
>03/02/00- Updated 11:14 PM ET
>SUVs bleeding at the gas pump
>And small-car drivers are laughing all the way to the station
>Sound off on rising gas prices
>By Gary Strauss, USA TODAY
>For anyone ever tormented by sport-utility vehicles that hog highways, swallow
>parking spaces and guzzle gas, the sharp recent rise in gas prices is payback
>Revenge of the car nerds? Maybe.

Marxist class-warfare blather.

You can more more easily carry your guns in an SUV than you can riding
public transit.  And the irony is, you really need the guns MORE when you're
riding public transit.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] The new Calvinism: "everyone is guilty"

2000-03-03 Thread Damian B. Cooper

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

At 09:36 AM 2/29/00 -0800, nessie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
> -Cui Bono?-
>> Killing Nazis is not quite the same on the morality scale.
>The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi.  Y/N?

You're advocating that people should be killed for their political beliefs?
There's a difference between a war criminal and a "Nazi", you know.

How about those people that the ADL maliciously lablels as "Nazis"?
Do you want them killed too?

How about "Germans"?  Daniel Goldhagen says that "ordinary Germans"
were "Hitler's willing executioners".  Kill all Germans?

How about children of Germans?  They've all been infected with
"Germanism". Kill them, too.  They could grow up to be "Nazis".

How about Lutherans?  How about Catholics?  Most Germans are
either Lutheran or Catholic, and Christian Scripture says that Jews
accepted responsibility for the execution of Christ?  Kill all Christians?

And we needn't stop there.  There are many other people that you
can "link" to "Nazism".  Why wouldn't you want to just kill 'em all?


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Texas Bush donors responsible for mysterious GOP ads

2000-03-03 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

(More dirty politics from evil reptilian Bush and Co. --SW)

Texas Bush donors responsible for mysterious GOP ads

 Copyright © 2000 Nando Media
 Copyright © 2000 Associated Press

McCain attacks mysterious TV ads


WASHINGTON (March 3, 2000 9:25 p.m. EST
http://www.nandotimes.com) - A pair of brothers from Texas who have
donated and raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for George W. Bush
are behind more than $2 million in ads touting Bush's record on the
environment and attacking John McCain.

Sam and Charles Wyly have donated $210,273 to Bush's gubernatorial
campaigns. Charles has raised more than $100,000 for the Bush
presidential effort, and the Wyly family has contributed tens of thousands of
dollars to GOP candidates across the country.

"We have had a lot to do with building the Republican party in Texas and
nationally," Sam Wyly said Friday. "And we'd appreciate it if the elected
Republicans would look at our cause."

The Wylys' group, Republicans for Clean Air, said it purchased close to
$2.5 million in ads in three crucial states holding primaries Tuesday. The
ads were running in San Francisco, Columbus, Ohio, and across New York
state, including Burlington, Vt., whose TV stations reach homes in New
York. But some stations were jittery about running the ads, given questions
about whether the group, which did not exist a week ago, is legitimate.

Republicans for Clean Air began airing its ads Thursday but did not publicly
identify itself until Friday.

The ads would amount to an illegal donation if the Bush campaign were
involved with them, but Wyly and Bush both said Friday that there was no

"There is no connection between my campaign and this ad," Bush said in
New York.

McCain cried foul, and his campaign filed a complaint with the Federal
Communications Commission and asked TV stations to pull them from the

"It's everything I've been fighting against," said McCain. "Two million dollars
in the last few days in this campaign can make a difference in a race that is
a statistical dead heat."

McCain also struck back in new radio ad for New York, noting Texas' low-
ranking on environmental measures and touting McCain's record. "George
Bush has got to be kidding," an announcer says. "Now he's attacking John
McCain on the environment? In New York, we call this chutzpah."

There were other connections between the Bush campaign and clean air
group. The woman who bought the time for the ads also works for a
political action committee led by Republican Rep. Henry Bonilla of Texas, a
longtime Bush backer. The ads were placed by Multimedia, which has
done work in the past for Bush supporters. And Jeb Hensarling, who is
close to some on the Bush campaign, is a consultant for Wyly who helped
connect him to the admaker.

FCC attorney Bobby Baker said he has advised stations to be sure that the
group claiming credit for the ads really exists and is not just a front for
someone else.

The group was informally put together last week by the Wyly brothers -
Dallas entrepreneurs who have made tens of millions of dollars in computer
software and other businesses. Sam Wyly also owns a company that
produces environmentally friendly power, GreenMountain.com, and he says
Bush has worked hard to cut pollution from coal-burning plants.

Their only motive is promoting the environment, Wyly said. He added that
his interest has nothing to do his with the prospect of electing a man who
may feel indebted to him.

"I doubt I'd have any access I wouldn't have had anyway," he said.

The Wylys may have already benefited from their connections to the Texas
governor. One of the brothers' businesses, Maverick Capital Fund of
Dallas, won a state contract to invest $96 million of the University of Texas'
endowment. Under standard fees, the fund would receive some $960,000
each year for managing the money, plus 20 percent of profits it produces
for the university.

The Wylys, who last month sold their company, Sterling Software, for $4
billion in stock, have been active donors to GOP candidates, contributing to
Republicans across the country. That includes Arizona Sen. John McCain,
who got $1,000 from each Wyly brother and $1,000 from Sam Wyly's wife
in 1997.

"We think he's a good Republican senator," Sam Wyly said.

But the Sierra Club complained that the Wylys have given money to more
than a dozen members of Congress who have regularly voted against
environmental bills.

"So what? So what?" Sam Wyly responded, saying he hopes to educate
them about the environment. "I think they're likely to listen."

Environmental groups criticize Bush's record on the environment,
particularly air pollution.

Republicans for Environmental Protection has endorsed the Arizona
senator. And the Sierra Club has spent nearly $100,000 attacking Bush's
record on the environment as governor of Texas.

In their ad, the Wylys charge that McCain voted against more mo

[CTRL] UK: 'Holes in Sun cause global warming'

2000-03-03 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

London Telegraph: 3/4/00-
This is an article by the Science Editor of the London Telegraph, reporting
a scientific article in New Astronomy.  The findings tend to confirm what
we've been posting to Infoterra for some time now, at times a noisy reception.

Implications: The conventional greenhouse gas-fossil fuel strategies must be
rethought. Free energy strategies look promising, but the solar strategy is
just beginning to dawn on everyone, and has yet to be developed.  Comments?
Alfred Webre

'Holes in Sun cause global warming'
By Roger Highfield, Science Editor

  "CHANGES in the Sun could make a significant contribution to the recent
global warming, according to evidence published yesterday.
A study by astronomers and climatologists has found a striking correlation
between "holes" in the outermost layer of the Sun - or the corona - and the
globally averaged temperature of the Earth.

They say that this suggests the Earth's temperature may be strongly linked to
solar changes that take place over periods of months or years.

In a paper in the journal New Astronomy, climatologist Prof Eric Posmentier,
of Long Island University's Brooklyn Campus, solar physicists Dr Willie Soon
and Dr Sallie Baliunas, of the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics,
and physicist Dr Pius Okeke, of the University of Nigeria, used weather
satellites to chart temperature anomalies.

This could explain rising temperatures in recent years, said Dr Soon."

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] 'Holes in Sun cause global warming'

2000-03-03 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

'Holes in Sun cause global warming'
By Roger Highfield, Science Editor

CHANGES in the Sun could make a significant contribution to the recent global warming, 
according to
evidence published yesterday.
A study by astronomers and climatologists has found a striking correlation between 
"holes" in the
outermost layer of the Sun - or the corona - and the globally averaged temperature of 
the Earth.

They say that this suggests the Earth's temperature may be strongly linked to solar 
changes that
take place over periods of months or years.

In a paper in the journal New Astronomy, climatologist Prof Eric Posmentier, of Long 
University's Brooklyn Campus, solar physicists Dr Willie Soon and Dr Sallie Baliunas, 
of the
Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics, and physicist Dr Pius Okeke, of the 
University of
Nigeria, used weather satellites to chart temperature anomalies.

This could explain rising temperatures in recent years, said Dr Soon

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] FW: DrugSense Weekly, March 3, 2000, #139

2000-03-03 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley




DrugSense Weekly,March 3, 2000#139

A DrugSense publication  http://www.drugsense.org/

Read This Publication On-line at: http://www.drugsense.org/current.htm


* Feature Article

The DrugSense Weekly; Evolution & Hints for Easy Reading
 by Tom O'Connell M.D.

* Weekly News in Review

Drug Policy-

(1) Ecstasy Seizures Soar as Use Increases
(2) Meth Labs an Increasingly Common Problem in Area
(3) More Pre Schoolers on Psychiatric Drugs
(4) MI: D.A.R.E. Doesn't Work
(5) Drug Tests on Pregnant Women Studied
(6) Benedictine to Test for Drugs
(7) Students Skip Drug Question on Federal Form

Law Enforcement & Prisons-

(8) Many Snitches Still Doing Crime
(9) FBI Launches Probe into Rampart Scandal
(10) CA: Guards Accused of Arranging Attacks
(11) Column: Plan for Police Falls Short

Cannabis & Hemp-

(12) IL: U.S. Drug Czar Opposes Plan in Illinois
(13) Hemp Growers Reluctant To Abandon Their Dream
(14) CA: Pair Guilty of Conspiracy
(15) CA: Most Doctors Reluctant to Recommend Marijuana
(16) Pot Farms Invade National Parks

International News-

(17) Australia: $5 M Ecstasy Scam
(18) RCMP Want Nude-Cam for Toronto's Airport
(19) UK: Drug Abuse Deaths Among Young Men Double in 4 Years
(20) Scotland: Row Over 'Benign' Drug Use Report
(21) Colombia: Contractors Playing Increasing Role in U.S. Drug War
(22) Entering Colombia's Civil War Won't Solve the U.S. Problem
(23) Mexico: Tijuana Official Says Slaying Shows Traffickers' Power

* Hot Off The 'Net

Great Web Site for Contacting Congress
DPF Conference Deadlines Nearing
NetZero Offers FREE Internet access

* Quote of the Week

William Lloyd Garrison


The DrugSense Weekly; Evolution & Hints for Easy Reading
by Tom O'Connell M.D.

The DrugSense News Archive is now just three years old and the Weekly,
which attempts a comprehensive review of the latest trends in drug
policy, is half-way through its third year. With that in mind I thought
it might be useful to review their origins and explain how the current
format of the newsletter evolved.

Shortly after MAP began, the News Archive- almost an afterthought to
the main goal of encouraging letters to editors (LTEs)- grew quickly
and was soon recognized as an asset in its own right. Kevin Zeese and
Mark Greer decided a newsletter focused on the latest additions would
help advertise the archive. It was our good fortune that webmaster Matt
Elrod was both librarian and computer genius; thus, our database has
always been well organized, searchable, and expandable; qualities which
later proved indispensable.

Also indispensable was Richard Lake; he recruited and organized a corps
of volunteer NewsHawks to find and transmit pertinent material from
around the world; he also recruited editors to follow high standards in
rapidly formatting and archiving submitted items. The bedrock of the
newsletter has thus always been a timely, reliable, and ever more
inclusive database representing (for the past year or more) most of the
drug policy material published in English by the popular press.

At first, newsletters were just lists of excerpted articles and URLs
deemed by informal consensus to be the more interesting- with no effort
to determine significance or relate them to reform efforts or media

I first became involved when the newsletter was about 6 months old;
since I'd never done anything similar before and was also a computer
novice, it was very much a learning experience. I had to struggle just
to track the constant (and ever-growing) stream of submitted items; let
alone make some sense of them and communicate that sense to a busy,
informed, and growing readership.

Trial and error eventually produced the four durable categories now in
use: policy, law enforcement, cannabis and international. I gradually
learned to use the briefest possible excerpts of each item in order to
cover the most policy ground in the fewest words (4000, plus a short
feature is ideal). In that sense, HTML links are invaluable; readers
with a good Internet connection can go directly to the text of articles
which interest them; they can still get a useful gist of other items
from the combination of headline, COMMENT, and excerpt.

Since most of the words in each issue are either boilerplate or were
written by others, developing a style was a challenge. The guiding
principle turned out to be Joe McNamara's observation that "the drug
war can't stand scrutiny." Thi

[CTRL] FW: Alert: National Organic Standards Second Proposed Rule being issued next week

2000-03-03 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

I wonder why I should be surprised:
"There will be no USDA public hearings on the Proposed Rule."

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
From: by way of Debbie Ortman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 03, 2000 10:39 AM
To: Recipient list suppressed
Subject: Alert: National Organic Standards Second Proposed Rule being
issued next week

OCA will be sending out an action alert once the NOS rule is out and we,
along with other
groups, have reviewed it.
Debbie Ortman

This is from Eric Kindberg an activist, organic farmer that has been
following this
A communication from the organic4um:
Facilitated by Eric Kindberg, certified organic farmer

Good morning,

In a telephone conversation with Keith Jones, USDA/NOP, he indicated the
second Proposed Organic Rule would be placed in the Federal Register for
public comment this coming week of March 6-10, 2000.

The Organic 4um will issue a side by side comparison of the Proposed Rule
with the Organic Foods Production Act of 1990 very shortly thereafter.
Recommendations of the National Organic Standards Board, CODEX Guidelines
Organic Farming and Handling and consumer expectations will be noted in the
Side by Side Comparison where appropriate.  Everyone is asked to critique
Proposed Rule and the Side by Side as well.

A report follows by a participant at a meeting held last week with Keith
Jones, staff director of the USDA National Organic Program.  It should be
noted there were no certified farmers or handlers in attendance.  Without
someone circulating the information of such meetings and the information
supplied at such meetings to certified organic farmers and handlers, we are
becoming more and more spoken for rather than spoken to.  We suggest that
information flow and transparency, that statements that impact on the
community at such "organic community meetings" with federal government
representatives, need to be posted on the USDA Agricultural Marketing
website the following day.
(The ph # for Keith Jones,National Organic Standards,USDA is 202-720-3252
and Fax: 202-690-3924) (Keith Jones,Program Manager,USDA-AMS-TM-NOP,Room
2510 South Building,P.O. Box 96456,Washington,DC 20090-6456)

Monday, February 28 - Briefing with Keith Jones

Representatives of the Organic Committee, Campaign for Sustainable
Agriculture, met with Keith who updated us about the rule and program news.
Attending were Michael Sligh, Liana Hoode, Mardi Mellon, Joe Mendelson,
Clary (CASWAG), Barbara Robinson (the USDA Secretary's legislative liaison),
Diane Goodman and two or three others.

Keith announced that the rule would be out within 10 days.  The Secretary
will hold a press conference announcing it and Keith will initiate
calls to constituents on the same day.  Kathleen will do a briefing for the
Hill and with mainstream agriculture.

The rule includes a user-friendly index so if you wanted direction to a
subject like livestock, a find or search for that subject will turn up each
time the word is used in the rule.  It's 676 pages, double-spaced, single
sided and the web site has been redesigned to handle it, as well as a
capacity for 400,000 comments.

The Preamble includes a question and answer section, a section of changes
requested by those that commented and made by USDA, changes requested and
made and changes made by USDA on their own.

There is not a side by side comparison of the rule, NOSB Final
Recommendations, American Organic Standards, European Union Guidelines nor

There will be no USDA public hearings on the Proposed Rule.

NEXT National Organic Standards Board Meeting Scheduled:
The NOSB will meet in Buena Park, California March 21 and 22.
--Day 1, first half will be NOSB Committee Reports, Materials will address
ethylene, second half will be USDA briefing the Board about the Rule,
--Day 2, first half will continue USDA briefing and second half for public

New NOSB appointments will not be announced before the second Proposed Rule
is issued.  They will be in place before the Board meets in June.

Dates for public input regarding certification of the production and
of organic seafood meetings have been set.

--April 7   Seattle Workshop formats with State of Washington and Alaska
--April 10  Mobile, AL  with EPA Gulf Coast Conference
--April 11  Anchorage   with Pacific Council of Fisheries
--May 3 Providence, RI  with Atlantic Council of Fisheries
--June 23-24University of Minnesota Independent conference

NEW, UPDATED WEBSITE: http://members.aol.com/organic4um/info

Written contributions and comments are sought.
If you desire your email address to be removed from our circulation list,
please inform us.  To be added to this email circulation request to


[CTRL] "Char" And Disinfo.com

2000-03-03 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Acharya S & The Christ Conspiracy
"The Christ Conspiracy may well be the most dangerous and important book of
our time."
~ ~ Adam Parfrey.

'The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold' (Adventures Unlimited
Press, 1999) is an explosive book which dares to scholarly analyze the
Gospels' depiction of Jesus Christ with pre-existing religious rituals and
mystery schools. Comparing Christ to Mithras, Heracles/Hercules, Dionysus,
Krishna and Horus (The Younger), Acharya reveals the mythopoeic 'cultural
scripts' at the heart of the world's major monotheistic religions. She
publicly reveals information that radically undermines unquestioning faith
and institutionalized mythic-membership structures (churches, clerical
priesthoods, and religious orders) that have censored dissent and stifled
individuality. This goal has been a perennial favourite amongst
sensationalistic and cabal-obsessed conspiriologists, but what sets Acharya's
research apart is her attention to detail and footnoting; the result is a
book that has attracted praise from Adam Parfrey, Kenn Thomas and Robert
Sterling amongst others.

Acharya draws upon wide-ranging material, notably the wealth of
archeaological, anthropological and ethneographic data unearthed by the
'History of Religions' School which flourished during the late Nineteenth and
early Twentieth centuries, alongside theorists who dared to suggest that
Jesus Christ was never an historical figure, but rather a propaganda device
for the Roman Empire's ruling elites to control dissenting Hebrew/Israelite

Much of this material was originally suppressed, ignored or dismissed as the
work of amateurs. The most influential scholar who pre-configures Acharya's
worldview was Gerald Massey, whose epic Egyptian hieroglyph/Sanskrit
cross-referencing influenced a generation of scholars, most notably Alvin
Boyd Khun. Now rarely found outside the innermost depths of university
research libraries, Massey's thorough research disclosed physiological and
'deep brain' influences on primitive psychology and animistic/mythical belief
systems. Massey's research is collected in the seminal trilogy 'A Book of the
Beginnings' (Seacaucus NJ: University Books, 1974); 'The Natural Genesis'
(New York: Samuel Weiser, 1976); 'Ancient Egypt, the Light of the World' (New
York: Samuel Weiser, 1976); and 'Gerald Massey's Lectures' (New York: Samuel
Weiser, 1974).

Acharya's book, interviews and lectures brings Massey's research and others
to a far wider audience at a time when the dissolution of traditional belief
systems is readily apparent in the Global Theater. Amongst her material is
evidence for Old Testament mythological symbolism and the Egyptian mystery
school roots for the majority of Hebrew myths.

In the neon-glare of the Twenty-first Century, the Judeo-Christian espoused
values of Faith, Hope, and Love appear to no longer be enough. Memetic
propagation of Freedom, Sovereignty, and [Objective] Conscience may be the
necessary worldview corrective for the disruptive social 'life conditions'
now coming into being.

This means a trans-valuation of all previous values, belief systems, and
group structures. Not simply an exercise in 'de-virusing the emergent mind',
Acharya's neuro-political research helps to awaken and liberate the necessary
'core intelligences' for this to occur.

Tune out self-enslaving memeplexes. Drop out of your religious institution
and dare to explore alternatives . . .but first leave a few copies of
Acharya's book for others to read! Turn on to Higher Revolutionary Mutations.
Start your own savior god/goddess Conspiracy. Find the Others.

Research by Alex Burns

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [turmel] TURMEL: WTO-Gates LETS Report #2

2000-03-03 Thread lorne iggulden

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

And just where did all those fancy plastic riot suits come from?

at  $2,200 EACH!

...and the "paintball" rubber bullet guns?

...and HOW MANY cans of tear gas?

what were they ready for?


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] S(tupid) U(seless) V(ehicles)

2000-03-03 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 3/3/00 6:32:28 PM Central Standard Time,

<< Huntley, Ill., a subu
 rb of Chicago where premium gas costs about $1.85 a >>

A suburb???
Hardly...it's the boondocks, dead, rural..."downtown" looks like Mayberry for
christ's sake...I live in the suburbs...where you can get to the Loop in a
few minutes but you don't have to be afraid to walk around the block at
night...if Huntley is a suburb, it's a suburb of Schaumburg (or Milwaukee).

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] S(tupid) U(seless) V(ehicles)

2000-03-03 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

>From USA Today


03/02/00- Updated 11:14 PM ET

SUVs bleeding at the gas pump
And small-car drivers are laughing all the way to the station

Sound off on rising gas prices
By Gary Strauss, USA TODAY
For anyone ever tormented by sport-utility vehicles that hog highways, swallow
parking spaces and guzzle gas, the sharp recent rise in gas prices is payback
Revenge of the car nerds? Maybe.
"It's kind of nice to see that people who have no use for an SUV other than as
a commuting vehicle are getting stung," says John Ojalehto, an e-commerce
banking employee in Arlington, Va., who owns a gas-sipping Honda Prelude (22
mpg city/27 highway). "I can't remember a worse fad the past 10 years than this
gas-guzzling SUV frenzy."
The frenzy isn't likely to stop soon. For most consumers, the combination of a
strong economy and resilient stock market has cushioned the effect of higher
gas prices. Prices have risen 56% to a national average of $1.42
per gallon of regular vs. 90.7 cents a year ago. SUV lust among well-heeled soccer 
moms, suburbanites and soft-collar workers remains as strong as the tough-sounding 
nameplates they support.
Sales of SUVs in the United States rose 17% last month over February 1999 and also 
outpaced the 12% gain in overall auto sales. This comes despite the fact that some of 
the biggest SUVs get as little as 10 miles a gallon
in city driving.
The Ford Explorer (16 /21 mpg), long the top-selling sport-utility vehicle, outsold 
all car brands. "You'd never know that gas prices were going up," says Frank McGovern, 
salesman at Tom Peck Ford in Huntley, Ill., a subu
rb of Chicago where premium gas costs about $1.85 a gallon and $2 in the city.
Some SUV owners, however, have been driven to stealing gas. Shreveport, La., gas 
station owner Al Carroll says two people in large SUVs drove off without paying for 
$22 and $28 worth of gas.
Price be damned, the Walter Mitty in most of us appears to prefer machismo over mini. 
So although most SUVs are used as little more than glorified stations wagons that 
seldom tackle anything rougher than speed bumps, for
plenty of consumers just knowing that they can handle any Road Warrior situation can 
be rationale for owning one.
But as the tab to fill up the largest SUVs climbs to $50 or more, consumers with 
long-simmering SUV resentment are relishing the moment.
"Hopefully the gas prices will lessen the enthusiasm for those things," laughs 
physicist John Mergenthaler, eyeing a Ford Explorer at a Shell station in Palo Alto, 
Says Louisville restaurateur Lynn Winter, who detests SUVs because their
elevated headlights are blinding: "All my friends have gone out and gotten
them. As far as I'm concerned, they can have them. The little guys are laughing
now." Winter drives a Toyota Avalon (21/29 mpg).
Little sympathy for the SUV driver
Among those also amused:
Paul Coss of Groton, Mass. "These Stupid Useless Vehicles are finally annoying
their owners as much as they've annoyed us," Coss says via cell phone as he
tools around in his Ford Taurus (20/28 mpg). "They're big and obnoxious, and a
lot of the people don't have a clue on how to drive them.
"We had a big snowstorm a week ago, and I was surprised at the number of SUVs
that were off the road."
Susan Romeo of Pasadena, Calif. "I drive a Honda Accord (22/31 mpg) and thank
God," says Romeo, marketing director for WestStart/CALSTART, a clean-air
technologies consortium. "I live in an area where there are a lot of SUVs, and
I hate them because there isn't any place to park.
"I'm going to smirk because now that you have to pay more, maybe you shouldn't
have these vehicles in the first place."
Michael Feinstein of Santa Monica, Calif. "People who think about environmental
and social values were laughed at for doing so in the past. Now they are the
ones who get the last laugh," says Feinstein, one of two Green Party members on
the Santa Monica City Council. He is called by cell phone from the 1970 VW bus
(mpg: who cares?) kept tuned for peak efficiency and driven just 2,500 miles a
"I guess it's kind of fun for them to think they're getting revenge on us,"
says Quinn Thomas of Westminster, Calif., president of the 56-member Dirt
Devils four-wheel drive club. "But it would make me crazy being boxed in with a
little car."
Whatever the stance, talk of SUVs is no longer isolated cocktail party banter.
As one might expect, the Internet now is a clearinghouse for anti-SUV
sentiment. Jay Karolyi's parody Web site, The Ultimate Poseur Sport Utility
Page (http:/poseur.4x4.org), gets more than 15,000 hits a month.
"When you see one person driving a big one on the highway, it's rude, and
driving it is inefficient and just wasteful," says Karolyi, a high school
teacher in Chattanooga, Tenn., who drives a BMW 2002 (20/30 mpg).
Karolyi is convinced that Madison Avenue is the impetus behind the SUV craze.
"The advertisements are all about adventure and 

[CTRL] 7 Paradoxes

2000-03-03 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-



Advertise Your Banner Here
Gun Control: The Seventh Paradox
Dr. Michael S. Brown
March 3, 2000 Few public policy discussions have become so bitter and divisive
as the endless debate over guns. None is so burdened with contradictions and
misinformation. The dictionary defines a paradox as, "something or someone with
seemingly contradictory qualities or phases." Here are seven paradoxes that
have developed during the course of this conflict:
1. Women are usually at a physical disadvantage when confronted by a male
attacker and violence against women has been a major societal issue. Some women
know that a firearm combined with training is a true equalizer. They have taken
steps to educate themselves and safely provide for their own security. However,
many women reject this opportunity. They seem to accept the concept that guns
are evil and promote violence. Thus, those who could benefit most from gun
ownership are least likely to own one.
2. Police chiefs are famous for blaming crime on "guns flooding the streets",
and generally support more gun control. However, rank and file police officers
are overwhelmingly opposed to stricter laws. Why the disagreement? Most police
chiefs are political appointees selected by the Mayor. Most Mayors favor
stricter gun laws and would be unlikely to choose or keep a chief who
disagreed. Officers who work on the streets are much more practical. They know
they can't be everywhere at once and are usually limited to processing crimes
after they have occurred. Unlike the chiefs who are surrounded by tight
security and influential people, officers who work on the streets know all too
well what the world is like for the rest of us.
3. Celebrities and politicians who promote gun control are the ones who don't
need to protect themselves. They have access to the best bodyguards that money
can buy. Even if the strictest imaginable gun laws are enacted, armed men will
still protect them.
4. As a result of state laws passed in recent decades, citizens in 31 states
are now entitled to concealed weapons permits if they have a clean record and
fulfill various requirements. Data gained from this change has provided
important new knowledge for gun law discussions. To the great surprise of anti-
gun groups, it turns out that permit holders are far less violent than the
general population. Even more significant is the fact that crime decreased in
the areas where permits were made available. As one researcher put it, "more
guns, less crime".
5. Criminals victimize minorities at a much higher rate than the general
population, yet many gun control efforts such as buy-backs and neighborhood
sweeps of low income areas are aimed at reducing gun ownership by minorities.
This paradox has operated as long as human history. Immigrants, political
dissenters and ethnic minorities have been disarmed many times by governments
seeking to bring them under tighter control. They are always told that it’s for
their own good.
6. The position that gun issues have assumed in the political spectrum is very
interesting. Liberals, who defend the right of a woman to have an abortion,
would generally deny her the use of a firearm to protect herself and her
family. Conservatives, who typically feel that the government should allow
people to make their own important decisions, want more government control of
personal reproductive choices. Since these are both matters of life and death,
one might expect more consistency, but somehow the positions have become
7. The seventh paradox is the most profound. The conventional wisdom is wrong.
Gun control simply does not work as crime control. Case after case shows that
when cities, states and nations implement gun control, crime goes up.
Washington, Chicago, New York, Australia, Britain; the list is long and getting
longer as the seductive appeal of gun control spreads. Criminologists explain
that disarming the law-abiding population makes life easier for criminals who
are going to ignore the law anyway.
No other major political issue is so plagued by paradoxes. They arise from a
variety of sources that could serve as a list of societal ailments; racism,
sexism, classism, political corruption, excessive media influence, fear of the
unknown and honest disagreement.
Whichever side you choose to support, it is fascinating to observe the debate.
The author is an optometrist who moderates an email list for discussion of gun
issues in Washington State. He may be contacted by email at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Copyright: Michael S. Brown, 2-27-2000

All Rights Reserved © NewsMax.com


Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

[CTRL] Kosovaria, Deja Vu All Over Again ???

2000-03-03 Thread Alamaine

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 -Cui Bono?-

>From http://www.originalsources.com/OS2-00MQC/2-24-2000.1.html

Is Another Outbreak of War Looming in Kosovo?
The Battle of Mitrovica is Not About Visiting Cousins - its About the Trepca
By Mary Mostert, Analyst, Original Sources (www.originalsources.com>
February 24, 2000
The lead Associated Press and CNN stories Monday reported that 25,000 ethnic
Albanians have marched for miles through the snow to attempt to force their way
into Mitrovica, where the last few Serbs in Kosovo are living. All the Serbs in
other parts of Kosovo, including the capitol Pristina, have been driven out or
killed. Now the Albanians are challenging the KFOR troops who are guarding
Mitrovica to force their way in. Eleven people have been killed in this effort
in the past week or so, and KFOR soldiers have been wounded.

Why, do you suppose, 25,000 city dwellers would march 25-30 miles through the
snow in the middle of winter to try to get across the bridge into Mitrovica?
Carlotta Gall, a New York Times reporter covering the story in Kosovo must have
asked the question. "We want to liberate the other side," said Shyrete Gela, a
35 year old optician who lives in Mitrovica, as she took shelter in a shop from
the clouds of tear gas. "I have cousins who live over there. My friend has her
flat there too but Serbs are living there now. Serbs killed my brother, you
know. And now people came from Pristina to help us liberate the city, so we
must run with them."

An MSNBC report quoted a similar comment from another Albanian marcher: "With
this peaceful march, we want to make it clear to the whole world that
(Kosovska) Mitrovica cannot be partitioned, because it means very much for all
the people of Kosovo," said Jeton Balaj, 24, a student participating in the

So, according to all these reports from top world news sources,all the poor
Albanians want is to be able to visit their kinfolk on the other side of the
river and it just means so much to them and the unreasonable KFOR troops are
preventing them from doing that.

Really? How come none of these reports are mentioning another minor little fact
concerning Mitrovica - the Trepca Mine? The mine is owned by the Serbs and a
Greek mining firm, Mytilinaios SA who signed a contract with Serbian agency of
foreign trade in 1998 to invest $519 Billion in the mine. It was part of a deal
in which one third of the mineral production of the mine would belong to the
Greeks who would sell the minerals in the international market and would also
upgrade mining equipment and facilities. "Trepca mines are on the list of
companies soon to be privatised, thus allowing the Greek company to buy stock,"
the report said. (See Athens News Agency Report at

We are getting another dose of Albanian propaganda designed to lull an
uninformed American electorate into believing that the bombing of Kosovo was
all about "humanitarianism." The Trepca mine explains why KFOR troops have been
determined to keep the KLA terrorists, their former allies, from seizing
Mitrovica. NATO has no desire to see the KLA control the minerals in that mine.
It would appear that NATO wants the mine for its own use, not that of the
unstable Albanians.

So, what to do? Blame it on Milosevic, of course! U.S. Ambassador to the UN,
William Holbrooke, was the key figure in developing the so-called "humanitarian
crisis" following the death of 43 ethnic Albanians at Racak. He accepted, and
broadcast the KLA story that the Albanians were innocent civilians
"slaughtered" by the Serb forces. French news reports have cast considerable
doubt on that story. Half the dead Albanians were killed KLA soldiers killed in
a gun battle with Serb forces. The other half were killed at short range after
the Serbs had withdrawn. The French reporter believed they were moderates who
did not support the KLA and were executed in time to show the bodies to
Holbrooke. Yesterday Holbrooke was reported as saying the turmoil at Mitrovica
was Milosevic's fault! Supposedly Milosevic is inciting the a few thousand
remaining Serbs in Mitrovica to take on the burgeoning Albanian population,
which UN figures show has grown from 1.8 million before the bombing started in
March 1999 to 2.3 million by December 1999.

On July 8, 1998, the New York Times outlined the Trepca Mine situation in an
article by Chris Hedges entitled: "Below It All in Kosovo, A War's Glittering
Prize." Describing a trip into the mine he said, in part: "As the iron box
rattled and squealed on the ear-popping journey, dropping at 18 feet a second,
it left behind the potent symbols of nationalism and ethnic identity scattered
in disarray on the ground above. Instead, in the shrill cacophony, it exposed
the real worth of Kosovo.

The medieval Serbian monasteries and churches, crumbling mosques with silver
domes and spindly minarets and a dark stone tower brooding over the Field of
Blackbirds, whe

[CTRL] McCain-Bush Split

2000-03-03 Thread Alamaine

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 -Cui Bono?-



The real Bush-McCain split

What's really important in the Bush-McCain war is not religion, taxes, or
campaign finance reform. The crucial issue, though it is hardly mentioned at
all, concerns the use of the military in foreign policy. Neither Bush nor
McCain are pure exemplars of the two sides struggling for control of the GOP
and U.S. foreign policy. But they still nicely represent the opposing camps
that have been at each other's throats at least two times since World War II:
1952 and 1989.

More than a half century ago, at the end of the war, America could have
restored the original ideal of constitutional foreign policy, with no
entangling alliances, no presidential overreach, no foreign aid, and leadership
by example through trade and freedom. This view was the mainstream position
within the Republican Party, which was still very bitter that FDR had not only
nationalized the economy during the New Deal, but then dragged the U.S. into
war against his own campaign pledge. This position was well represented by the
great Sen. Robert Taft, the last constitutionalist in the Senate.

The other side favored continued military expansion, the Bretton Woods
institution of the World Bank and the IMF, foreign aid and postwar occupation
of Europe in the name of restraining Russia (which the U.S. had just helped
conquer East Germany, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Rumania, and
Bulgaria). This was the official position of the Truman administration,
beginning with its promotion of the Marshall Plan and its subsequent scheme to
keep U.S. troops in Europe by raising the specter of communism.

Neither Truman nor Taft were against free trade with the world, though Truman
made it clear that he favored using the power of the federal government to
manage international trade, while Taft was more skeptical of the role of
international institutions. The deliberately nebulous terms "isolationist" and
"internationalist" were tossed around as descriptions of their respective
positions. A better way to delineate the difference is that one believed that
the U.S. state should possess and exercise messianic power while the other was
happy with the old Republic envisioned by Jefferson and Madison.

Each position had a domestic agenda that roughly paralleled the foreign one.
Taft and the Taftians were small-government conservatives: against the New
Deal, in favor of free enterprise, and suspicious of social engineering. The
Truman forces, of course, favored the New Deal revolution and the
nationalization of industry that took place during the war and were loathe to
preside over any pullbacks. Social engineering in the form of federal
intervention in schools (both public schools and universities) was in the

The GOP might have represented a united front against the Democrats' statist
plans, both domestic and foreign, but for an emerging fifth column within the
party itself. It paraded around as anti-establishment but in fact was beloved
by the media and the party that controlled the White House. Its standard bearer
was Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower. Though he was largely a dupe for the interest
groups that backed him, his agenda was only slightly and irrelevantly to the
right of the Truman administration.

The nomination process for the 1952 presidential race pitted Eisenhower against
Taft, with the main issue being foreign policy. The two sides slugged it out,
and though Taft more clearly represented the GOP mainstream, the Eisenhower
forces eventually prevailed through a very slick use of free media and
underhanded credentials fights at the Republican convention. The Old Right
represented by Taft was defeated, and the ideological position it represented
lay largely dormant for 40 years.

At the end of the Cold War, history repeated itself with a titanic struggle for
the heart and soul of the GOP. Though the party had moved far to the left from
its position in the late 1940s (Reagan had by now trained party regulars to
like FDR, for example), there was still the matter of foreign policy. A group
of dissident voices on the right worked to resurrect the Taft movement from
days gone by, and demanded that the U.S. curb its world empire, leave Europe,
and focus on cutting the military leviathan down to size.

On the opposing side was the tiny but ubiquitous group of neoconservatives, who
had left the Democratic party precisely because the Republican Party, since
1972, was seen as the preferred vehicle for the promotion of U.S. international
military ambition. After the fall of communism, the moment presented itself to
restore George Washington's policy of trade with all and conflict with none,
but the neoconservatives dedicated themselves to ensuring that this would not
happen (just as the Trumanites had after WWII).

The soul searching began in 1989, as leading neocon intellectua

[CTRL] Pays Ta' Have Wealthy Friends, I S'pose...

2000-03-03 Thread William Shannon

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 -Cui Bono?-

Bush: Mansion Guests Are Friends
By Jonathan D. Salant
Associated Press Writer
Friday, March 3, 2000; 4:13 p.m. EST

WASHINGTON –– Trying to deflect criticism from rival John McCain, George W.
Bush said Friday that he opened the Texas governor's mansion to friends and
relatives, not campaign fund-raisers.

Bush's response came after The Associated Press reported that eight of 31
overnight guests in the mansion had helped him raise a record $70 million for
his presidential campaign. One was his national finance chairman, Don Evans.
The other seven had raised at least $100,000 apiece for the campaign –
fund-raisers Bush has dubbed "pioneers."

"These people are relatives and friends who were welcome in my home before I
was governor, they are welcome in our home while I am governor, and they will
always be welcome in our home after I am governor," Bush said.

McCain has likened the practice to President Clinton's use of the Lincoln
Bedroom in the White House to reward big donors to the Democratic Party.

"There's no doubt that the Bushes have a large family and many friends,"
McCain spokesman Dan McLagan said. "But it seems that it takes friendship
plus $100,000 to rate a sleepover at the governor's mansion.

"Having these pioneers who are funneling $100,000 each to the governor, many
of whom have business before the state, creates the appearance of

McCain raised the issue Thursday night in the Republican debate in Los

"Gov. Bush just said that he wants unlimited contributions from individuals,"
McCain said in his call to overhaul campaign finance laws. "Maybe that
explains why there have been the sleepovers in Austin at the governor's
mansion by the pioneers."

But the Bush campaign noted that one guest was a cousin, Craig Stapleton; two
were public officials and friends of the governor, Michigan Gov. John Engler
and Indianapolis Mayor Steve Goldsmith; and the other five were longtime

The campaign said Evans has known Bush for 25 years and went to elementary
school with the governor; Texas Public Safety Commissioner Jim Francis has
known Bush for 30 years; investor Brad Freeman is one of Bush's best friends;
developer Ronald Betts was Bush's roommate at Yale University; and
businessman Joe O'Neill and wife, Jan, introduced Bush to his wife, Laura.

© Copyright 2000 The Associated Press

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [InTheShadows] Skeptic News - Friday #2

2000-03-03 Thread Ric Carter

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 -Cui Bono?-

Gentle Readers:

My ISP's MajorDomo elist software seems to have sent a munged edition
of SkeptiChat-Digest to some recipients, rather than SkeptiNews 000303b.
Bother.  Rather than fill your inbox with more stuff, I'll point you to
the new online presence of SkeptiNews:  http://skeptinews.pitas.com/

I'm sorry for any inconvenience you may have experienced. Really. --Ric

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-03-03 Thread Nicky Molloy

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{the Andy Pero story, aka Mr.X... Nazi Mind control and the Montauk


[IMPORTANT NOTE: I recently heard from the women {E.L.} who originally
forwarded Andy Pero's story to me, which was sent to her in confidence by
Andy himself. She exchanged correspondence with him for some time, however
the communications suddenly ceased. After inquiring of some other mutual
friends who also knew Andy on a casual level, they reported that he has
apparently lost the battle within against his mind-control programmers. They
reported that now something about him has changed, he appears distant,
programmed, as if he is not all there... as if something else is in control
of his waking life as well as his subconscious life. One of these people
even reported that one of Andy's eyes now seems to have been implanted with
an electronic device/camera. Yes people, the electro-hypnotic ASSIMILATION
of mankind is well under way, it is NOT science fiction! Andy has apparently
fallen much deeper under their control than every before. We can only hope
that part of Andy's essential being was able to escape into and find refuge
within the "secret place" that he speaks of in his manuscript. PLEASE PAY
FOR ANDY, because God is the only one who can save him now. - Alan deWalton]

Excerpt from last chaper 25:

My mind has been split six times. Each time they would split my mind, they
would insert the appropriate programming and that would be that. However,
because my will is so strong, the programming would not hold. I kept
breaking out of it, and they could not control me. Every time I would break
their hold on me, they would have to re-split my mind in order to re-insert
the programming. This is why my mind is split six times. Normally, when the
mind is split once, is all the mind can take. Somehow, my mind was split six
times and I survived, I don't know how.

The small lab where they did their experiments on me as I have mentioned
earlier is the secret laboratory attic in the roof of the University of
Rochester library. The BIG lab where I had most of work done to me was done
at THE ROME NATIONAL AIR BASE. Located in Rome NY. To maintain security and
for discretion they dug an underground tunnel going directly from the
Rochester facility (located under the Andrews Street bridge) going to the
facility in Rome, where the other "Montauk chair" is located. They use
electric cars (as not to create any undo suspicion from ground vibrations)
to travel between the two facilities.

Rome National Air Base (located in Rome NY)... Where another "Montauk Chair"
is located underground. The reason they went through so much trouble with me
is because I have the ability to concentrate and focus on one thought and
one thought only. Because I can do this, they used me to operate the
"Montauk Chair" and open time portals going to different points in time.
What they do is have the "chair operator" focus on ANY point in time in ANY
part of the Universe and the thoughts are then amplified and a time portal
is opened. A computer then records these thoughts and the time portal is
then stored in a computer (on a storage disk). As the work progresses a
library of time portals is then created {{note: al bielek has mentioned
something called the m.a.l.t.a. base, the "montauk alsace-lorraine time
archives" underground base, which is located in germany near the french
border in the alsace-lorraine region which has been a disputed territory
between germany and france for centuries - branton}}. When they want to
access that particular moment in time, they insert the storage disk of the
time portal and they are off and running. The only complication is that the
computer must readjust the time portal for the starting point as the "Earth"
and our "time" has since moved since the portal was recorded. So once the
new calculations are entered as the starting point the portal is then

I have sat in "the chair" several hundred times and they used me to open
several hundred portals and make several hundred recordings. The earlier
time travel project was the one called project "Southern Cross". Time
portals have always been here on Earth (at least as long as modern man). The
oldest version of the time portal is an older system in which a huge crystal
which has been here since the time of Atlantis is activated by emitting
sound frequencies while over the crystal. There are supposedly 8 crystals
hidden around the world. Only one has been located, and it is at the corner
of what makes up one of the corners of the Bermuda Triangle. Project
"Southern Cross" was used to win world war II in the favor to the allies.
What the U.S. government did was using this old time machine they
effectively went back in time and delivered future technologies to the
1940's to help 

[CTRL] Blackmail and the Clintons' pervasive corruption (fwd)

2000-03-03 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

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 -Cui Bono?-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 03 Mar 2000 12:17:56 -0500
From: Toni Howard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Perhaps more efficiently, Clinton used Echelon to get the goods
on his opposition. Witness Newt Gingrinch’s sorry demise. – Toni
(It may be that the following article should be taken with a
grain of salt.)

Ekstra Bladet




Ekstra Bladet meets former Echelon spy. In spite of illness and
angst, she now reveals how illegal political surveillance was
carried out

 LAS VEGAS (Ekstra Bladet): "Even though I felt bad about what we
were doing, I was very pleased with the professional part of my
job. I don’t mean to brag, but I was very good at what I did, and
I actually felt like Echelon was my baby."

Printed in Ekstra Bladet nov. 17. 1999

Ekstra Bladet meets Margaret Newsham in her home in a sleepy Las
Vegas suburb. For obvious reasons we are omitting the name of the
town where Margaret Newsham is trying to lead a normal life. She
has never mentioned her past to her neighbors.

A past in which Margaret Newsham has been in close contact with
the very core of the most secretive world of all worlds. Margaret
Newsham helped build the electronic surveillance system known as

Today she has broken off connection with the world of espionage
and lives in constant fear that ‘certain elements’ in the NSA or
CIA will try to silence her. As a result, she sleeps with a
loaded pistol under her mattress, and her best friend is Mr.
Gunther - a 120-pound German shepherd that was trained to be a
guard and attack dog by a good friend in the Nevada State Police.

She sent the dog to a ‘babysitter’ before we arrived, since "he
doesn’t let strangers come in to my house," she says with a faint

Only once before has Newsham told anybody about her work as an
Echelon spy: during closed, top-secret hearings held by the US
Congress in 1988. Today, Margaret breaks eleven years of silence
by telling the press for the very first time about her work for
the most extensive espionage network in the world. Margaret
Newsham decided to talk with Ekstra Bladet even though her doctor
advised her not to meet with us. "Since I have high blood
pressure, my doctor thinks it’s risky for me to talk with you,
but it’s a chance I ’m willing to take."


Newsham has gone through hell ever since she was fired from her
job at Lockheed Martin where she designed programs for Echelon’s
global surveillance network. When asked to work on a project in
1984, she refused because she believed it could harm the US
government. Shortly after, Echelon’s wirepullers in the National
Security Agency (NSA) made sure that she was fired by Lockheed
Martin. Immediately afterward, she sued her former employer for
wrongful dismissal and contacted the internal security
commission, DCAA, which arranged the closed hearings.

"Ever since, I have felt like I was under so much pressure that
it has had a fatal influence on my health," says Margaret
Newsham, who up to now has survived a seizure which left her
totally paralyzed. All she had left was her sense of hearing when
she was admitted to the hospital.

"I could hear the doctor pronouncing my death sentence, while my
husband and three children stood by my side. The only thing that
kept me going was the thought that if I died, I would lose my
case. That thought was what brought me back to life."

After regaining her mobility, Newsham suffered a cardiac arrest,
and two years ago she underwent surgery for a malignant tumor.
Today, she dryly states that she is living on borrowed time,
which perhaps explains why she chooses to stand forward at this


"To me, there are only two issues at stake here: right or wrong.
And the longer I worked on the clandestine surveillance projects,
the more I could see that they were not only illegal, but also

Margaret Newsham is not pleased with herself for participating in
spying on ordinary people, politicians, interest groups and
private companies, which is exactly what she did for 10 years,
from 1974 to 1984. Both the satellites and the computer programs
were developed at Lockheed’s headquarters in Sunnyvale
California, and in 1977, she was stationed at the largest
listening post in the world at Menwith Hill, England.

"On the day at Menwith Hill when I realized in earnest how
utterly wrong it was, I was sitting with one of the many
“translators”. He was an expert in languages like Russian,
Chinese and Japanese. Suddenly he asked me if I wanted to listen
in on a conversation taking place in the US at an office in the
US Senate Building. Then I clearly heard a southern American
dialect I thought I had heard before."

"Who is that?" I asked the translator who told me that it was
Republican senator Strom Thurmond. ‘Oh my gos

[CTRL] Scandal link to masons in NHS

2000-03-03 Thread William Shannon

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 -Cui Bono?-


Scandal link to masons in NHS

By Colin Brown

27 February 2000

Leaders of Britain's ruling medical body, the General Medical Council, will
be questioned by MPs about possible links between Freemasons in the medical
profession and a series of medical scandals.

There are concerns within Whitehall that the GMC may have been slow to act
against doctors because of a Freemason network within the NHS.

The GMC, which came under fire for its failure to clamp down on failing
doctors after the Bristol baby deaths and the Shipman serial killings, will
be asked to disclose details of its own voluntary register, when its leaders
go before the Commons select committee on health this week.

Rumours about Freemasonry in the medical profession have been circulating in
Whitehall since the Bristol baby deaths scandal, and ministers are anxious to
ensure there has been no cover-up.

There are an estimated 8,000 masonic lodges in England and Wales. A number of
leading hospitals, including the Royal London, have lodges, but exact figures
are elusive and few doctors openly admit to being masons.

MPs were astonished to discover that the GMC had a voluntary register for
"conflicts of interest" which has not been made public. Howard Stoate, the
Labour MP and GP, said he would be challenging the GMC to disclose the

He said: "It should be made public. It's entirely a matter for doctors to
decide what to declare on the register. It's secretive; that's outrageous."

Alan Milburn, the Health Secretary, has privately made plain he wants the GMC
to carry out a shake-up of its disciplinary procedures to regain the public
confidence that was shattered by the disclosures in the Shipman case.

He was furious that Shipman was allowed to continue as a GP throughout the
trial and was only struck off by the GMC after the guilty verdict of the
jury. Mr Milburn has told the GMC it has the power to suspend GPs when they
are under police investigation, but the GMC is prevaricating.

"Ministers are losing patience with the GMC," said a Whitehall source. The
health committee, chaired by Labour MP David Hinchliffe, has called GMC
leaders to give evidence at an emergency hearing on its plans for reform.

The GMC announced it would be carrying out its own review, leading to
possible reforms in the wake of the Shipman case. Ministers demanded that as
a minimum they wanted a majority of laymen on the Council, but its president,
Sir Donald Irvine, a retired family doctor, said he was against such a move.

David Mellor, the former Tory health minister, called for the whole GMC to be
sacked. The Council has 54 seats for doctors who are elected for a five-year
term by doctors. There are 25 lay members appointed by the Department of
Health, and 25 by the universities and royal colleges.

The British Medical Association said ministers should fully consult the
medical profession before moving towards political overseeing of the GMC.

In its statement, the GMC accepted the need for reform. "We know that to
maintain public trust and guarantee that the GMC is doing the best job
possible of protecting patients, changes need to be made to the way in which
we operate. We have already identified some of those changes and are working
urgently to put them in place."

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Army 'psyops' at CNN: News giant employed military 'psychological operations' personnel (fwd)

2000-03-03 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

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 -Cui Bono?-

Army 'psyops' at CNN: News giant employed military 'psychological
operations' personnel

By Geoff Metcalf
© 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

CNN employed active duty U.S. Army psychological operations
personnel last year, WorldNetDaily has confirmed through several
sources at Fort Bragg and elsewhere.

Maj. Thomas Collins, U.S. Information Service has confirmed that
"psyops" (psychological operations) personnel, soldiers and
officers, have worked in the CNN headquarters in Atlanta. The
lend/lease exercise was part of an Army program called "Training
With Industry." According to Collins, the soldiers and officers,
"... worked as regular employees of CNN. Conceivably, they would
have worked on stories during the Kosovo war. They helped in the
production of news."

When asked if the introduction of military personnel into a
civilian news organization was standard operating procedure, one
source said, "That question is above my pay grade ... but I hope
so. It's what we do."

The CNN military personnel were members of the Airmobile Fourth
Psychological Operations Group, stationed at Fort Bragg, North
Carolina. One of the main tasks of this group of almost 1200
soldiers and officers is to spread 'selected information.'
Critics say that means dissemination of propaganda.

Cable News Network suffered a major embarrassment in the wake of
the 'Tailwind' story it aired, alleging the U.S. government used
lethal sarin gas to kill suspected defectors during the Vietnam
war. After WorldNetDaily was the first news organization to
expose the fraudulent news production, two CNN producers were
fired and, eventually, CNN veteran reporter Peter Arnett also was
ousted. In that case, Retired Air Force Maj. Gen. Perry Smith
quit his long-time job as a military adviser to CNN.

What about now? Has the U.S. military been in a position to have
influenced directly CNN's news reports about the crisis in

Collins claims a "handful" of military assets were assigned to
CNN for weeks "to get to know the company and to broaden their
horizons." The Major asserts "they didn't work under the control
of the army."

Several sources have confirmed the temporary outplacement of U.S.
Army psyops personnel started two or three years ago, and they
have been integrated into "various sectors of society." The
assignment durations have been short-term up to one full year,
depending on the mission. When asked, "What were the missions?"
responses to WND varied from "No comment.", "... need to know,"
to smiles, and, in one case, an obscene recommendation.

CNN is the most watched and widely viewed news outlet in the
world. During Operation Desert Storm, Saddam Hussein regularly
watched CNN for battlefield intelligence. The symbiotic, intimate
relationship between CNN and army psyops specialists has raised
many eyebrows, with critics saying it raises doubts about CNN's
journalistic integrity and independence.

The Fourth Psyop Group has been involved in the Gulf War, the
Bosnian War and the Kosovo crisis. American psyops troops attempt
to influence media and public opinion in armed conflicts in which
American state interests are said to be at stake.

News coverage of the war in Kosovo, by CNN and other media, has
been criticized as "one-sided, overly emotional, over-simplified
and relying too heavily on NATO officials," observed a report
from the Netherlands.

CNN has not thus far commented officially on the allegations.
Megan Mahoney, a CNN spokeswoman recently said, "I don't believe
that we would employ military personnel; it doesn't seem like
something we would normally do." However, now that the U.S. Army
Information Service has confirmed the news, Mahoney said she
would have to contact CNN's senior officials.


 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] Hsia Shunned; "Gun Control Roaring Back" (fwd)

2000-03-03 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-



Media Research Center CyberAlert
Friday March 3, 2000 (Vol. Five; No. 38)

Hsia Shunned; "Gun Control Roaring Back"; Jay Nicer Than Dave?

1) Democratic fundraiser and Al Gore friend Maria Hsia was found
guilty of funneling money through straw donors, but NBC and MSNBC
ignored the verdict; ABC and CBS gave it only a few seconds.

2) Fresh shootings are bringing "gun control roaring back as a
big issue in this country," insisted NBC anchor Brian Williams.
Andrea Mitchell pointed out: "Among the states with the most
lenient gun laws...George Bush's Texas and John McCain's
Arizona." CBS's Dan Rather held the "gun lobby" accountable for
the latest deaths.

3) Good Morning America commiserated with Congresswoman Carolyn
McCarthy about the failure of Congress to pass more gun laws.

NBC's Today gave Bill Clinton a live forum to push his gun
agenda, but Katie Couric challenged him several times from the

4) A reporter suggested to Eric Holder that the Clinton team
could pass gun control if they took "pictures of these kids who
are killed every day" to Congress to show "exactly what's

5) "John McCain and George W. Bush are practically trying to
morph themselves into Ronald Reagan," observed ABC's Peter
Jennings, because in California "riding the Reagan legacy can be

6) Al Sharpton got the first question at a Democratic debate.
"What would the press do if there were a debate at Bob Jones
University, and Bob Jones III...got the first question?" Fred
Barnes answered: "They'd riot."

7) Did John McCain get softer treatment from Jay Leno than George
Bush got from David Letterman? FNC compared the video.

> 1) A federal jury convicted Maria Hsia on Thursday on five
counts related to the illegal funneling of over $100,000 to
Democrats and the 1996 Clinton-Gore campaign. Recalling how she
directed the infamous Buddhist temple money laundering event
featuring Al Gore, CNN's Charles Bierbauer suggested that "may be
an albatross on" Gore's "campaign neck." Well, if it does become
one it won't be because of network TV news.

While CNN's The World Today ran a story and a half of Hsia
and her ties to Gore and FNC's Fox Report gave it half a story,
following a full one on Special Report with Brit Hume, ABC's
World News Tonight allocated a piddling 19 seconds and the CBS
Evening News devoted a mere 23 seconds to the story. But at least
ABC and CBS noticed the verdict. Not a syllable about it appeared
Thursday night on the NBC Nightly News or MSNBC's The News with
Brian Williams.

Instead, NBC's newscast ran full stories pushing gun control,
on flooding in Mozambique and explaining "phased retirement" in
which workers toil part time and simultaneously get a pension and
a paycheck. MSNBC's hour featured six minutes of the "God Squad,"
and full stories on the late night appearances by McCain and Bush
and John Rocker's return. Plus, an eleven minute re-run of a
Dateline story on how two murderers were inspired by hate Web

Here's the totality of March 2 broadcast network coverage:

-- ABC's World News Tonight. Peter Jennings took 19 seconds
to tell viewers: "In Washington today, Maria Hsia, a key figure
in the fundraising abuses in the 1996 Democratic campaign, has
been found guilty of lying to prosecutors about more than
$100,000 in illegal campaign contributions. Much of it came from
the famous campaign event which Al Gore attended at a Buddhist
temple in 1996."

-- CBS Evening News anchor Dan Rather consumed 23 seconds in
relaying: "A federal court jury in Washington today convicted
Democratic Party fundraiser Maria Hsia on all five felony counts
of funneling illegal donations to Democrats, including the 1996
Clinton-Gore campaign. Hsia is a long-time friend and political
supporter of Al Gore. Asked for comment the Vice President said
it was, and I quote, ‘A sad day' for his friend and supporter."

> 2) Another shooting, another media effort to push gun
control without regard to whether any of the proposed new
regulations would have had any impact on preventing the latest
tragedies. On Thursday morning and evening the broadcast networks
promoted the cause high on the liberal agenda, though ABC's
evening story approached balance. (See item #3 below for details
about the morning shows.)

Picking up on how Clinton "blamed the current stalemate on
heat from the NRA," CBS's Dan Rather blamed the NRA for three
shootings, asserting "the heat being reflected back on the gun
lobby now includes" three killers he cited. CBS reporter Jim
Stewart highlighted the idea of banning handguns before lamenting
that like after past shootings, there will be a close vote in
Congress, "but there won't be any new gun control laws passed."
CBS played a taped interview with Clinton in which Rather painted
the NRA and gun owners as the impediment to rational action.

NBC anchor Brian Williams

[CTRL] Israeli Minister Leads Trade Mission to China (fwd)

2000-03-03 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


China News Digest, March 3, 2000:

...Israeli Minister Leads Trade Mission to China

[CND, 03/02/00] Israeli Trade Minister Ran Cohen began a six-day
visit in Beijing on Tuesday, leading a delegation of businessmen,
entrepreneurs, and officials, announced the Israel Embassy in
Beijing, AFP reported.

In addition to talks about improving trade relations, Cohen is to
sign an agreement that establishes a framework for cooperation in
research and development of technology, including
telecommunication, agricultural and medical equipment.

China and Israel formally established diplomatic relationship in
1992. Their military cooperation is suspected to have gone back
more than 10 years before the diplomatic tie, according to the
report. The estimated trade value in the military area now is up
to hundreds of millions of dollars annually. According to AFP,
the air force commander of Israel was in Beijing in early
February for the sale of an advance radar system. (CUI Ying, YIN
De An)

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The apple doesn't fall far from the Bush.

2000-03-03 Thread Alamaine
-Caveat Lector- -Cui Bono?-
In West Tejas, where JR "was coming up", there's a whole 'nother ethic involved.  I was living in Lubbock about the time JR was running for his losing race for an area congressman.  Although his Dadda was running for President just before he became Vice President, I don't remember JR's name at all.

Anyway, in Lubbock, they have a street called "Avenue Q" which serves as the DMZ (DeMarcationZone) between "good" and "bad" sides of town.

I knew a fellow who lived just this (on the "good") side of Avenue Q who, when having a restless sleep and would awaken in the middle of the night, could hear the gunfights going on in the garbage truck alleys between the houses (on the back yard sides).  Once, he had to leave town for a while and upon his return found his house had been burgled.  A day or so later, he kept getting 'phone calls, probably from the perps, harrassing him (obviously, they got his number during the burgling).  He moved further west ("west" and "south" were "good" in Lubbock).

Another fellow I knew had an uncle who, upon preparing to retire from a night of drinking and carousing, stopped at the I-HOP on Ave Q for a bit of breakfast.  While eating same, another fellow walked into the restaurant and unloaded a round or more into the uncle who shortly thereafter became dead. The police showed the uncle to the shooter to make sure he knew who he shot. The future inmate intimated at that point he had shot the wrong guy.  The fellow I knew still had a funeral to go to.

I also knew a young woman who became maritally involved with someone not of her ethnic origins.  Shortly after they moved into an in-town apartment, shortly before they both left town, their car was set ablaze.  One long-time resident confided to me that in them olden days, some of the selected residents would have made sure, due to the supposed incongruence of the couple's backgrounds, that they left town -- for good.  Anyway, they both left -- for good, for better or for worse.  I handled the insurance claim.

I left shortly thereafter, recalling the words to the then-popular Mac Davis tune, "Lubbock in My Rear-View Mirror".

JR was living at the time about 117 miles south of Lubbock, in Midland, I seem to recall.  So, he's correct in asserting:

> "When I was coming up, it was a dangerous world and you knew
>   exactly who they were. It was us versus them and it was
>   clear who them was. Today we are not so sure who the they
>   are, but we know they're there."
>   -- Texas Gov. George W. Bush, presidential candidate.

But is this the proper growing and nurturing environment we want for a(n) (inter)national leader ?


Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Waco tester is tied to feds (fwd)

2000-03-03 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

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 -Cui Bono?-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 03 Mar 2000 00:23:03 -0600
From: Brenda C. Jinkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: SAE: Waco tester is tied to feds

Waco tester is tied to feds

(Last updated Monday, Feb 28, 2000)

By Dick J. Reavis
San Antonio Express-News Staff Writer

A technology firm hired to re-create scenes from the 1993 FBI
assault on the Branch Davidian compound in Waco has links to the
federal government, critics of the government's role in the siege

The British firm, Vector Data Systems, was selected to oversee
the re-enactment, which will seek to determine whether federal
agents fired on Davidians on April 19, 1993. Survivors of those
who died in the fire that ended the siege have filed a wrongful
death suit against the federal government, slated for a May trial
in Waco.

Attorneys for the plaintiffs and the government agreed to
Vector's appointment to the case, at the suggestion of former
U.S. Sen. John Danforth, R-Mo., who is investigating the Mount
Carmel events on behalf of the Justice Department.

Danforth's office declined comment on the selection.

The company will supervise the filming of a scene in which U.S.
Army personnel will discharge firearms at a Fort Hood range,
while two aircraft - one American, one British - will film the
scene using FLIR, or forward-looking-infrared, cameras. The
exercise will determine whether FLIR equipment is capable of
registering images of gun blasts.

Plaintiffs' attorneys allege flashes seen on a FLIR tape made by
the FBI on the day of the Mount Carmel fire show flashes of

Roger Charles, a Washington intelligence affairs expert, and
sierratimes.com, a Webzine published by Nevada conspiracy buff J.
J. Johnson, claimed last weekend that Vector is too tied to
government interests to be objective.

"These guys can show you video, FLIR or otherwise, of a cow
jumping over the moon and you'll swear it's what the camera is
seeing," Charles said.

Vector is a subsidiary of the Anteon Corp., an American firm and
a major defense contractor, with more than $300 million in
federal contracts, most of them for military projects.

Vector's American office in Virginia developed "Topscene," or the
Tactical Operations Preview Scene, a computer combat-simulation
program that American military forces have used since the Persian
Gulf War.

In 1998, the Washington Post reported a sister company of Vector
"performed secret tasks for the CIA and the U.S. military."

Spokesmen for Anteon, Vector and the Justice Department didn't
return phone calls Monday.

Vector's job in the Waco re-enactment, set for March 18, will be
to see that procedures for conducting the test fairly are carried

Joining Charles in raising doubt about Vector's role in the test
is Gordon Novel, a New Orleans electronics expert and private
detective responsible for the allegation that the FBI's FLIR tape
shows gunfire.

James Brannon, attorney for David Koresh's survivors, says
reports of Vector's defense connections "causes me deep concern."
But the lead attorney for the plaintiffs, Michael Caddell of
Houston, says he expected as much.

"My assessment," he said, "is that in this area, you've not going
to get anybody who is really expert who isn't connected to the

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Dems Fund-Raiser Hsia Found Guilty (fwd)

2000-03-03 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

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 -Cui Bono?-

Dems Fund-Raiser Hsia Found Guilty

By Pete Yost
Associated Press Writer
Thursday, March 2, 2000; 12:19 p.m. EST

WASHINGTON –– A federal jury today found former Democratic
fund-raiser Maria Hsia guilty of arranging more than $100,000 in
illegal contributions during the 1996 presidential campaign.

Prosecutors alleged that Hsia, a Los Angeles immigration
consultant, tapped a Buddhist temple and some of her well-to-do
business clients for money to reimburse straw donors or
"conduits" who were listed as the contributors on federal
election reports.

Hsia was charged with five felony counts of causing false
statements to be filed with the Federal Election Commission
regarding fund raising at the Buddhist temple in Hacienda
Heights, Calif., the Hay-Adams Hotel in Washington and the
Century Plaza Hotel in Los Angeles.

Prosecutors presented evidence that a total of $109,000 in
reimbursed donations went to Clinton-Gore '96, the Democratic
Party and the campaign of Rep. Patrick Kennedy, D-R.I.

Hsia, who began raising money for Vice President Al Gore more
than a decade ago, showed no emotion as the U.S. District Judge
Paul Friedman read the verdict.

Testimony in the three-week trial revolved around an April 29,
1996, fund-raiser that Gore attended at the Buddhist temple.
Prosecutors said Hsia helped arrange $65,000 in illegal
reimbursements to donors, using temple funds.

When controversy erupted after the event about illegal
reimbursements to some of the contributors, the vice president
said he hadn't known he was attending a fund-raiser, that he
thought it was community outreach.

After documents turned up referring to the event in advance as a
fund-raiser, Gore modified his characterization, saying he had
thought it was a finance-related event.

At the trial, former Democratic Party fund-raiser John Huang, the
central figure in the campaign fund-raising scandal, testified
that Hsia handed him an envelope containing $100,000 the day
after Gore attended the temple event. Most of the donations in
the envelope were reimbursed by the temple.

Hsia's lawyers pointed out there was no evidence that Hsia was
aware of the reimbursements from the Gore fund-raiser, but
prosecutors introduced canceled checks suggesting that on three
instances from 1993 to 1996 Hsia used temple funds to reimburse
her own political donations. Hsia did not testify at the trial,
but her lawyers said the money was for public relations work Hsia
had done for the temple.

Hsia's lawyers said she thought the temple was gathering checks
from its followers, many of them wealthy and eligible to

Through Huang's testimony, prosecutors showed only $30,000 to
$40,000 had been raised from the Gore temple event and that Hsia
came up with the envelope containing an additional $100,000 less
than 24 hours later.

"Hsia had to have known what the temple was doing," prosecutor
John McEnany said.

Prosecutors also introduced copies of the reimbursed checks that
were found in Hsia's office.

Hsia's lawyers portrayed her as a community activist trying to
involve Asian-Americans in the U.S. political process.
Prosecutors depicted Hsia as a schemer trying to promote her
immigration business through her political fund raising.

Huang testified that Hsia recommended that she be seated next to
Immigration and Naturalization Service Commissioner Doris
Meissner at a Democratic Party fund-raiser at the Hay-Adams Hotel
attended by President Clinton on Feb. 19, 1996.

Prosecutors introduced a photograph of Hsia standing next to
Meissner at the event.

Huang said Hsia handed him $25,000 in checks that were reimbursed
by the temple. Huang said he was unaware of the reimbursements. A
Buddhist nun testified that Hsia had picked up some of the checks
from the temple.

Two of Hsia's immigration clients testified that at Hsia's
direction, they bankrolled thousands of dollars in reimbursed
donations for a fund-raiser that Clinton attended at the Century
Plaza Hotel in Los Angeles.

Hsia "wanted me to exchange some checks," testified one witness,
a businesswoman recently arrived from China. The businesswoman
was a foreign national and ineligible to contribute money to a
U.S. election.

Prosecutors presented evidence that the alleged reimbursement
scheme extended to contributions for Kennedy's congressional
campaign. Witnesses testified that Hsia got five blank checks
from the Buddhist temple and reimbursed five donors, including
herself, in connection with a temple fund-raiser that Kennedy

© Copyright 2000 The Associated Press

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Friday #2

2000-03-03 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

SkeptiNews 000303b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* Portal to notices, excuses, overflow, links: http://skepticon.pitas.com
* No Masonic elders were harmed to produce of this bulletin. They're wily.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ http://www.3quarks.com/GIF-Animations/Figurines/Figurine03-animated.gif
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Four UFOs Sighted in New Jersey: http://www.caus.org/mu030300.htm
# Professor States UFOs "Out There": http://www.caus.org/pn030300.htm
@ CODE ZONE - "Is synchronicity contagious?" Can you catch it from others?
  Coincidence, conspiracy or consciousness? http://caus.org/cz030300.htm

# THE UNIFIED ALIEN THEORY: No other way to explain it, really. After
  watching last week's Grammy Awards, one critic has figured it out.
  Mariah Carey and Celine Dionne? Nothing human about them. THEY'RE
  ALIENS! http://www.theage.com.au/news/2303/A51770-2000Mar2.html

: Who are your favorite aliens? Do you feel strangely compelled to have sex
[rishathra] with aliens and/or other non-human entities? Do they sometimes
seem remarkably humanoid? Do you give them gifts? Are gifts appreciated??

# Some men send flowers, but that's a little too humdrum for pioneering
  space cowboy Bob Farquhar. He got his wife an asteroid. Just a little
  one: http://washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A41761-2000Feb27.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# More women contract AI disease. (AP) - Autoimmune diseases caused when the
  body starts attacking itself overwhelmingly strike women & are often mis-
  diagnosed: http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2564706785-f31
@ Milk Is A Bad-News Substance! http://www.notmilk.com/

# Ebola cure possible. (BBC) Ebola, one of the most terrifying diseases in
  the world, may be treatable according to a new study, suggesting that an
  effective vaccine could be developed in the future. Send doctors, drugs &
  money: http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_664000/664300.stm
@ WHO Ebola factsheet: http://www.who.int/emc/diseases/ebola/index.html

: What's your favorite disease? Have you engineered/produced/promulgated any
new diseases lately? D'ya prefer diseases that consume human bodies, leaving
little evidence? Are'ya constantly having to counter treatments? Frustrated?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Scientists: Herbal research needed. CHAPEL HILL, N.C. (AP) - Herbal
  remedies generally are safe, but at least one can cause severe liver
  damage - evidence that much more research into the popular products is
  needed. Nearly a third of the adult U.S. population spends $4 billion a
  year on herbs, which are sold as food rather than regulated drugs. "Is
  it a waste of money? Is it dangerous? We don't have enough data to know."
  See http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2564696526-074
  Update: http://infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2564706838-94f

# Marijuana raises heart risks - legal problems bothersome too:

: What are your favorite herbs? Are they (il)legal? Is legality irrelevant?
Have you re-engineered y'r endocrine system to produce all the organic chem-
icals you want? So ancient secret societies support your research? Happily?

# NHS Scandal Link To UK Masons. Leaders of Britain's ruling medical body,
  the General Medical Council, will be questioned by MPs about possible
  links between Freemasons in the medical profession & a series of medical
  scandals. www.independent.co.uk/news/UK/Health/2000-02/mason270200.shtml
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Ancient tools found in China: http://newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9466022
# Asia's oldest axe tools discovered - axe-murder victims found nearby:
# World's oldest building discovered - code violations force demolition:
# Ancient 'tool factory' uncovered - unions protest working conditions:

@ <http://www.dgp.toronto.edu/people/GeorgeFitzmaurice/papers/gwf_bdy.html>
  Graspable User Interfaces is an interesting idea -- using physical objects
  and artifacts to manipulate virtual objects via a sensitive desktop. Real?
@ TheBrain <http://www.thebrain.com/> is nifty software that tries to help
  you index things like bookmarks, files, & other electronic content along
  the lines of how you think. Via http://www.memepool.com/Subject/Computing/

: D'ya prefer physical/virtual/moral tools? Have you designed/build/used any
new tools lately? Can tools help you explore the spirit wo

[CTRL] S.L.E.E.P.: This time, a spying scandal ... (fwd)

2000-03-03 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

The following passages are taken from an article written by Diane
Alden entitled:

Spies, Lies, Echelon, Economics, & People: S.L.E.E.P.

While not a scandal entirely of this administration, " ... this
administration has raised commercial intelligence gathering to "a
high art form."

>From the article:

... Many of the companies that receive the most important
commercial intercepts are Lockheed, Boeing, Loral, TRW, and
Raytheon who are actively involved in the development of Echelon.
The collusion between the intelligence agencies and their
contractors is frightening…it is a gross misuse of taxpayer
resources and the intelligence agencies." As the recent Chinese
security scandal indicates, companies such as Loral seem to have
no qualms about "sharing" sensitive information which have dual
uses-one military and one economic technology intelligence, with
sworn enemies of the United States.

To accommodate the need for economic intelligence, the Office of
Intelligence Liaison was set up in the Commerce Department.
Shortly after taking office in 1993, Clinton ratcheted up the
corporate espionage by funding the National Economic Council
which Poole alleges, "feeds intelligence" to "select" companies
friendly to the administration."

In an extensive investigation, Poole cites numerous egregious
cases of intelligence being turned over to corporations. The
intelligence community denies it and often times hides behind a
shadow of the truth better known as plausible deniability. They
stretch the truth or bend the truth through manipulation and
channeling their information through international allies or
non-intelligence government agencies such as the Commerce

Administrations since Truman have used NSA for other than
straight up intelligence gathering. That includes Truman,
Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Reagan and Bush. It was at
the end of the Bush administration that mission creep for all
alphabet agencies began. But Poole states that the Clinton
administration has raised commercial intelligence gathering to "a
high art form."

He also maintains that, "No free society has ever been able to
survive the rapid expansion of government power seen in our
current political atmosphere…the pattern of secret power…quickly
finds replication as can be seen the 1995 establishment of
another secret court by Congress and the Clinton administration -
the Alien Terrorist Removal Court. Just like it's brother court
the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court it is based on a
statist political philosophy which creates the climate for secret
courts, illegal surveillance, and prosecution flying in the face
of the 4th Amendment. Part of the Bill of Rights, which
guarantees that citizens will not be subject to government abuse
even in the name of a cause deemed worthy by said government."

Complete article available at:


 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NATO wants to destabilise Serbia

2000-03-03 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic, Secretary General

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU

   BELGRADE, March 2 (AFP) - A Yugoslav general accused NATO on
Thursday of trying to destabilise the tense demilitarised zone
between southern Serbia and its province of Kosovo.
   In an interview with Belgrade's independent Beta news agency,
Vladimir Lazarevic, the commander of the 3rd Yugoslav army in charge
of southern Serbia, rejected NATO reports of Yugoslav troop
reinforcements in the region.
   He said the the NATO claims were an attempt to "hide their
intentions to destabilise" the region, dismissing the reports as a
"notorious lie."
   Tension rose over the weekend in the region after a Serbian
police officer was killed and three injured in an attack blamed by
Belgrade on "Albanian terrorists". An ethnic Albanian also died in
the attack which took place near Bujanovac on Saturday.
   Part of the southern Serbian region is a five kilometre (three
mile) wide demilitarized zone closed to all forces except local
police under a so-called military technical agreement signed last
June between NATO and the Yugoslav army.
   Lazarevic said: "We are performing regular duties and we are
observing what is happening in Kosovo and in the five-kilometer
   Lazarevic took command of the Yugoslav Third Army last month. He
was a former commander of the Pristina corps during the NATO air
strikes against Yugoslavia in 1999.
   Yugoslav Army and Serb police units withdrew from Kosovo in June
1999. The province has been administered since then by the United
Nations, while security is provided by the NATO-led multinational
KFOR troops and UN police.

Secretary General
Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
Art  historian

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] :State Terror and the "Free Market"

2000-03-03 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic, Secretary General

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU

State terror and the "free market"

Opening Kosovo to foreign capital

by Michel Chossudovsky (3-3-00)

www.tenc.net [emperors-clothes]

In occupied Kosovo under the mandate of UN peace-keeping, State terror
and the "free market" go hand in hand. The concurrent criminalisation of
State institutions is not incompatible with the West's economic and
strategic objectives in the Balkans. Notwithstanding the massacres of
civilians, the self-proclaimed KLA administration has committed itself
to establishing a "secure and stable environment" for foreign investors
and international financial institutions.

The Minister of Finance Adem Grobozci and other representatives of the
provisional government invited to the various donor conferences are all
KLA appointees. In contrast, members of the KDL of Ibrahim Rugova (in
duly elected parliamentary elections) were not even invited to attend
the Stabilization Summit in Sarajevo in July 1999. More recently UNMIK
Head Bernanrd Kouchner has called for the dissolution of Rugaova's

"Free market reforms" have been envisaged for Kosovo under the
supervision of the Bretton Woods institutions largely replicating the
structures of the Rambouillet agreement. Article I (Chapter 4a) of the
Rambouillet Agreement stipulated that: "The economy of Kosovo shall
function in accordance with free market principles". The KLA government
will largely be responsible for implementing these reforms and ensuring
that loan conditionalities are met.

In close liaison with NATO, the Washington based financial institutions
had already analyzed the consequences of an eventual military
intervention leading to the occupation of Kosovo: almost a year prior to
the beginning of the War, the World Bank conducted "simulations" which
"anticipated the possibility of an emergency scenario arising out of the
tensions in Kosovo". 1

While the bombing was still ongoing, the World Bank and the European
Commission were given a special mandate for "coordinating donors'
economic assistance in the Balkans"2. The underlying terms of reference
did not exclude Yugoslavia from receiving donor support. It was,
however, clearly stipulated that Belgrade would be eligible for
reconstruction loans "once political conditions there change".3.

With regard to Kosovo, the World Bank rather than providing loans to
rebuild the province's infrastructure has focussed its intervention on
providing "assistance in designing the reconstruction and recovery
program" as well as so-called "policy advice in economic management" and
"institution building" namely "governance" 4. In other words, an army of
lawyers and consultants have been sent in to ensure Kosovo's transition
to a "thriving, open and transparent market economy." 5

Support granted to the KLA provisional government would be geared
towards "the establish[ment] [of] transparent, effective and sustainable
institutions" 6. An "enabling environment" for foreign capital is to be
established alongside suitably devised "social safety nets" and "poverty
alleviation programs".

Meanwhile, Yugoslav State banks operating in Pristina have been closed
down. The Deutschmark has been adopted as legal tender and the banking
system has been handed over to Germany's Commerzbank A.G which is the
sole private shareholder in Micro Enterprise Bank (MEB) formed in early
2000 at the initiative of the World Bank's International Finance
Corporation (IFC), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
(EBRD) together with the Nederlandse Financierings-Maatschappij voor
Ontwikkelingslanden (FMO), Germany's Internationale Micro Investitionen
(IMI) and Kreditanstalt f?r Wiederaufbau (KfW). Commerzbank AG will
gain control over commercial banking functions for the province
including money transfers and foreign exchange transactions.7

The Trebca Mines

The "reconstruction" of Kosovo financed by international debt largely
purports to transfer Kosovo's extensive wealth in mineral resources and
coal to multinational capital. In this regard, the KLA had already
occupied (pending their privatization) the largest coal mine at
Belacevac in Dobro Selo northwest of Pristina. In turn, foreign capital
had its eyes riveted on the massive Trepca mining complex which
constitutes "the most valuable piece of real estate in the Balkans,
worth at least $5 billion." 8 The Trebca complex not only includes
copper and large reserves of zinc but also cadmium, gold, and silver. It
has several smelting plants, 17 metal treatment sites, a power plant and
Yugoslavia's largest battery plant. Northern Kosovo also has estimated
reserves of 17 billion tons of coal and lignite.

The management of some of the State owned enterprises and public
utilities were taken over by KLA appointees. In turn, the leaders of the
Provisional Government of Kosovo (PGK) have become "the bro

[CTRL] Toledo Gun Confiscation & Call Congress Prevent Registration

2000-03-03 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.html

From: Weldon Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Toledo Gun Confiscation & Call Congress Prevent Registration
Date: Tuesday, February 22, 2000 11:49 PM

Toledo Gun Confiscation & Call Congress Prevent

By Neal Knox -- Senate Judiciary Chairman Orrin Hatch held
quiet discussions last week with House Judiciary Chairman
Henry Hyde about moving a Senate Juvenile Justice bill
stripped of its controversial gun provisions.

Speaker Dennis Hastert is opposed to removing the gun
provisions, according to Roll Call, the Capitol Hill newspaper.

Majority Leader Dick Armey and Whip Tom Delay don't think
it's a good idea to kick a presently sleeping dog.  But all
parties agree that "guns" will be an issue during the year, if
not throughout the year, particularly as amendments to the
13 appropriations bills.

Never mind the rules against legislating on appropriations
bills, that's the way most new gun laws have been passed in
recent years.

Speaker of the US House of Representatives
Rep. J. Dennis Hastert (R-IL-14th)

Washington DC Address
2263 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC   20515
Phone: 202-225-2976
Fax: 202-225-0694

District Address – Batavia
27 N. River St.
Batavia, IL 60510
Phone: 630-879-1114


Confiscation in Toledo Below lines
The Juvenile Justice Bill (Senate Bill S254) contains
provisions to follow private sales at gun shown.  This
produces record that can be used against you in the future.  It
is a registration of sale of a firearm.  Registration is the one
thing that makes confiscation possible.  The only reason the
anti gun politicians can steal the guns is that they have a
record of firearms ownership.  GET BETWEEN THESE

Write the SPEAKER OF THE US HOUSE & your
be accomplished at the speed of light, thanks to
WorldNetDaily's new Legislative Action Center.
You can call your two Senators at (202) 224-3121 and your
Representative at (202) 225-3121 at the Capitol Switchboard.
Here is the URL for Congressional Telephone Directory:
Here's an e-mail link to Congress. http://in-search-of.org/

What To Do If The Police Come To Confiscate Your Militia
Weapons see  www.2ndamendment.net
For legislative updates contact www.nealknox.com and go to
"Scripts from the Firearms Coalition Legislative Update Line"
To spread the word call Rush Limbaugh at 800-282-2882 and
callers may call in from 12 noon to 3PM EST,   M-F

The Toledo Blade
Handgun owners confused by law
February 7, 2000

The lists of outlawed handguns were introduced last month.
Then the calls started coming in.

Is my gun legal? How do I prove I've owned my weapon for
years?  The Toledo police department has received hundreds
of phone calls from the city's registered gun owners who
have been trying to figure out whether their weapons are
illegal under a handgun ban that took effect last week - and
what to do if they are.  "It's very difficult for them to decipher
what's what from the ordinance," said Officer Roger White,
the Toledo police weapon expert who helped members of
Mayor Carty Finkbeiner's administration draft the law.  "It's
very confusing. What can I tell you? I don't think [the law] was
very well-made."

The law, which bans the possession and sale of some small,
easily concealed handguns, met with similar criticism when
city council considered it in the fall. It was introduced by Mr.
Finkbeiner, an ardent gun-control advocate, and provoked
extensive lobbying from pro- and anti-gun camps. Council
approved it by a narrow margin.

About Jan. 10, the police department mailed copies of the
law and lists of legal and illegal guns to more than 6,000
registered handgun owners. Included in the mailings were
blank documents known as handgun acknowledgement
forms - and those forms have been a source of confusion,
Officer White said.

The law contains a grandfather clause that protects people
who owned their guns before the ban took effect. To prove
prior ownership, residents had to list their guns on a handgun
acknowledgement form - before Feb. 1. Then they had to get
the form notarized.

Gun owners are supposed to keep the forms in case they are
charged with owning a banned gun. They could then use the
documents to defend themselves in court.

"The biggest question they have is, 'What do we do with
these forms?' " Officer White said. He said many gun owners
thought they

Re: [CTRL] [SC] Skeptic News - Thursday #3

2000-03-03 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

- Original Message -
From: "Tom Keller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [SC] Skeptic News - Thursday #3

> On Fri, 3 Mar 2000, Gerardo E. Arceri wrote:
> > It´s amazing how NASA can manouver a 28 year old probe and at the
> > same time, manage to mis-manouver 2 brand new probes into Mars. Old
> > stuff always work beter than the newer..like the ol´ fridge or cars.
> Nothing funny about it.  28 years ago, NASA had the luxury of building
> everything with multiply redundant systems, using the highest quality
> materials available, with little concern over cost.  In order to build
> anything now, they have to shop at K-Mart and forego redundancy.
> When bean-counters, especilly ignorant bean-counters, make the decisions
> on how to build and run technical programs, failure becomes a foregone
> conclusion.

Those who can, do.  Those who can't, account.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Friday #1

2000-03-03 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

SkeptiNews 000303a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* Portal to notices, excuses, overflow, links: http://skepticon.pitas.com
* No ancient linguists were harmed during the production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ ROBOT! http://news.excite.com/photo/img/ap/japan/ibm/fair/2302/tok109
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# The Sun's show hots up. (BBC) Stand back and watch - the Sun will put on a
  magnificent show this summer. Hopefully the solar flares will miss Earth.
  Pant. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_665000/665099.stm

@ Links - Current Solar Data: http://www.maj.com/sun/
@ NASA: SpaceWeather.com: http://spaceweather.com/
@ Sunspots and the Solar Cycle: http://www.sunspotcycle.com/
@ Sun-Earth Alert: http://www.spacew.com/astroalert.html

: Do you expect the current solar storm season to end Terrestrial life as we
know it? Will Terra be scrubbed clean? Do warming/chemtrails/flares prepare
Earth's surface for new lifeforms? Where are they from? Will they eat us??

# UFO or Military Aircraft? Videotaped shows electronic interference, possi-
  ble camouflaged UFO aerial dock: http://www.abduct.com/gr2/gr328.htm
# A Beautiful Day In The Ozarks... Except For The Chemtrails Cris-Crossing
  Overhead, Spewing Toxins: http://www.sightings.com/politics6/chemoz.htm
@ Scalar Electromagnetics and Weather Control. The anomalous weather world-
  wide is not accidental. http://www.anomalous-images.com/text/weather.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# The secret of squares revealed. (BBC) Mathematicians have solved a number
  mystery that has been puzzling them for hundreds of years. They say it is
  a major breakthrough in our understanding of numbers & their properties -
  but it may take a bit of explaining. So settle in, or go on to next item:
# Also - Mathematicians crack big puzzle - big puzzle crackles back:

# Mysterious Ancient Language Deciphered. -- An Italian Etruscologist has
  partly cracked the intractable code of the Etruscan language -- one of the
  hot mysteries of the ancient world -- by studying a 12- by 18-inch bronze
  tablet broken into 8 pieces. http://www.newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9470305
# Scan Ancient Worlds: http://www.discovery.com/guides/history/history.html

: Have you deciphered/cracked/penetrated any ancient/middling/recent myster-
ies/puzzles/codes lately? Is reality the greatest mystery of all? Have you
made any progress at cracking reality? Can you take it apart, reassemble it?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Confab On Tattooing/Piercing Subculture. (U-WIRE) STORRS, Conn. - A panel
  of experts on tattoos and body modifiction talked about tattooing and its
  history and meaning. Wow. http://news.excite.com/news/uw/000301/odd-72
# Gun Culture: http://cbsnews.cbs.com/now/story/0,1597,167091-412,00.shtml
# Living The W@P Life (BBC): http://www.newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9469717

# NewAgeCities.Com. Names Flack. BOCA RATON, Fla. NewAgeCities.com, Inc.
  (OTCBB:NACT), said today that the Company has signed well known psychic
  Jill Dahne to be a spokesperson for their Mind, Body & Soul Network(TM)
  of Web Sites. http://news.excite.com/news/bw/000302/fl-newagecities.com

: What's your favorite subculture? D'ya prefer sculpted humanoids, gun nuts,
webheads, NewAge crystal-suckers, all the above combined into one entity? Do
proliferating subcultures leave you stressed? Are you out of Prozac yet??

  any angels? http://www.healthcentral.com/news/newsfulltext.cfm?ID=27036
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Britain Sheds Inhibitions -- And Clothes. LONDON (Reuters) Bashful
  Britain is shedding its inhibitions and Londoners are stripping naked
  to prove it. http://news.excite.com/news/r/000303/12/odd-clothes
# Dressing Up Pets: http://news.excite.com/news/r/000302/12/odd-pets

  Spanish Fly: http://www.healthcentral.com/news/newsfulltext.cfm?ID=28231
# Group urges students to exchange Bibles for pornography - motels report
  all Gideon editions stolen: http://news.excite.com/news/uw/000301/odd-200
# Wrestlers Accused of Hogtying & Sodomy - Boys Took Hazing Rituals Too Far:
# Hazing or Initiation Ritual? http://www.newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9467351

: What's your favorite sexual activity? What are the consequences? Are sex &
faith comparable? Are their literatures interchangable? D'ya pilgrimize for
sex, faith, music/art, UFOs? Are your pets better-dressed than you? How??


[CTRL] Hoffman harrassed (fwd)

2000-03-03 Thread nessie

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

>>Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2000 22:24:45 -0600

>>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Hoffman/Haight Ashbury Free Press)

>>Subject: Notice: My Phone is Hot


>>To all: it is confirmed. My computer and e-mail have been compromised. My

>>phone is "hot". Mail is being tampered with, blocked and altered. A draft

>>chapter I wrote about E-Systems sent to an E-Systems source was

>>by E-Systems, possibly working in tandem with the NSA, and rewritten to

>>make it look like a 12 year-old wrote it. Since I am working on other

>>sensitive murder cases involving other government and military agencies,

>>there may be multiple monitoring.


>>Other things have been happening. An American/Israeli spook friend of

>>with connections at E-Systems told me and my attorney that it is

>>our phones are hot. He announced this without us even inquiring.


>>So if you're planning the revolution, don't talk about it on my line. Of

>>you do, download and use PGP (Pretty Good Privacy). It's an encryption

>>program and it's free ware. You can get it off the web.


>>David Hoffman, Publisher

>>Haight Ashbury Free Press

>>Americans for Responsible Media

>>4668 West Gaylord, Unit C

>>Oklahoma City, OK 73162

>>(405) 748-6467 phone/fax

>>(405) 821-7172 Cell Phone


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: [sn-vesti 2765] AP: Up to $5M Offered for Milosevic

2000-03-03 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic, Secretary General

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

-Original Message-
From: stephanie niketic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Kosovo Daily News <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, March 03, 2000 1:38 PM
Subject: [sn-vesti 2765] AP: Up to $5M Offered for Milosevic

>Up To $5M Offered for Milosevic
>By George Gedda
>Associated Press Writer
>Thursday, March 2, 2000; 6:08 p.m. EST
>WASHINGTON -- The State Department said Thursday it will begin distributing
>throughout Bosnia and Serbia posters announcing rewards of up to $5 million
>information leading to the capture of Yugoslavia President Slobodan
>Milosevic and
>two Bosnian Serb leaders.
>The rewards have been in place for all 30 indictees wanted by the
>Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia but the administration decided that
>Milosevic and
>his two fellow Serbs deserved special attention.
>"We are putting a sharp focus on these three indictees because it is time
>should face justice for the heinous crimes for which they are charged," the
>Ambassador-at-Large for War Crimes Issues David Scheffer said.
>Besides Milosevic, the two other indictees featured on the poster are
>Karadzic, a Bosnian Serb political leader; and Ratko Mladic, a Bosnian Serb
>Milosevic was indicted in May 1999, two months after the United States and
>NATO allies launched their air war against Yugoslavia in response to
>systematic abuse of the ethnic Albanian population in Kosovo.
>Karadzic and Ratko were indicted near the end of the Bosnian war. Some of
>charges against them date from a massacre of Muslims at Srebrenica in 1995.
>Asked why a military team is not sent to Belgrade to arrest Milosevic,
>Scheffer said
>the NATO-led force in the region operates in Bosnia, not Yugoslavia, and
>does not
>have to authority to carry out such action.
>He said Mladic is in the Belgrade area of Serbia while Karadzic is in the
>town of Pale, in the Serb-dominated sector the country.
>Scheffer said the administration hopes the poster campaign will encourage
>those in
>close proximity to any of the three to provide information on how they may
>be taken
>into custody or on ways that would facilitate prosecution efforts to
>In addition to the 30 individuals who have been publicly indicted by the
>and who remain at large, an undisclosed number have been indicted without
>The rewards program, in effect for 13 years, began as an effort to bring to
>American victims of terrorist acts overseas, and subsequently was expanded
>facilitate the capture of indicted war criminals.
>The program protects the identity of anyone who has information, and the
>confidentiality of the information also is preserved.
>   Љ Copyright 2000 The Associated Press

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] New Atlantis Revisited : Akademgorodok, the Siberian City of Science

2000-03-03 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: http://www.bookfinder.com/search/?st=rs&ac=dp&qi=OXdp5EHd55CZN59ajguO6Lo
os%2FASIN%2F0691044546%2Fbookfindercom0e&oh=1">Book Information from
New Atlantis Revisited : Akademgorodok, the Siberian City of Science
by Paul R. Josephson

Our Price: $42.50

Hardcover - 351 pages (August 1997)
Princeton Univ Pr; ISBN: 0691044546 ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.17 x 9.57 x
Amazon.com Sales Rank:  272,730

The New York Review of Books, Robert Cottrell
The history of Akademgorodok provides Mr. Josephson with the basis for a
study of Soviet science that is marvelously well judged in its scope. He is
able to capture in persuasive detail not only the qualities of Soviet science
at some of its greatest moments, involving some of its greatest
practitioners, but also the material, social, political, and financial
conditions in which an evolving group of Soviet scientists lived and worked.
His travels through these hinterlands tell much about the Soviet way of doing
more things than science alone.

In 1958 construction began on Akademgorodok, a scientific utopian community
modeled after Francis Bacon's vision of a "New Atlantis." The city, carved
out of a Siberian forest, 2,500 miles east of Moscow, was formed by Soviet
scientists with the full support of Nikita Khrushchev. They believed that
their rational science, liberated from ideological and economic constraints,
would help their country surpass the West in all fields. In a lively history
of this city, itself a symbol of de-Stalinization, Paul Josephson offers the
most complete analysis available of the reasons behind the successes and
failures of Soviet science - from advances in nuclear physics to politically
induced setbacks in research on recombinant DNA.

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Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: Clinton tells federal agencies to protect against DoS attacks

2000-03-03 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

- Original Message -
From: "Declan McCullagh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 03, 2000 8:13 AM
Subject: FC: Clinton tells federal agencies to protect against DoS attacks


 Office of the Press Secretary

   For Immediate Release March 3, 2000

   March 3, 2000


   SUBJECT:   Action by Federal Agencies to Safeguard Against Internet

   America and the world have benefited tremendously from the amazing
   advances we have seen with the Internet and computer technology.  But
   with every new technological advance there are new challenges, and we
   must meet them -- both Government and the private sector -- in

   Following recent Internet disruptions, I met with experts and leaders of
   the information technology industry so we could work together to maximize
   the promise of the Internet, while minimizing the risks.  These Internet
   disruptions high-light how important computer networks have become to our
   daily lives; and how vulnerabilities can create risks for all --
   including the Federal Government.

   Accordingly, I ask that each Cabinet Secretary and agency head renew
   their efforts to safeguard their department or agency's computer systems
   against denial-of-service attacks on the Internet.  Within legal and
   administrative limits, attention should also be paid to contrac-tors
   providing services.  The Federal Computer Incident Response Center
   (FEDCirc) and the National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC) have
   available software tools to assist you in these efforts.

   I have asked my Chief of Staff, John Podesta, to coordinate a review of
   Federal Government vulnerabilities in this regard and to report back to
   me by April 1.


   #  #  #

POLITECH -- the moderated mailing list of politics and technology
To subscribe: send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with this text:
subscribe politech
More information is at http://www.well.com/~declan/politech/

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Will ‘Ace’ McCain Flame Out Again?

2000-03-03 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: http://www.insightmag.com/archive/22276.shtml">Insigh
tMag.com - the last word
Insight is owned by  Washington Times. Which is owned by the Moonies and HAS
NEVER made money.  So as always, caveat lector.
the last word

By Kelly Patricia O’Meara

Will ‘Ace’ McCain Flame Out Again?
Over the years he’s played many roles and worn many titles, including Navy
aviator, prisoner of war, hero, congressman, U.S. senator, Washington
insider, maverick outsider and, now, presidential candidate. But the one
title of which few are aware is that of “service ace.”

   John Sidney McCain III is known among many of his Vietnam flight
buddies as “Ace” McCain. This title has not been bestowed upon McCain because
he destroyed five enemy aircraft. On the contrary: It was five on our side —
in fact, five of his own. Since throwing his hat into the presidential ring,
the fact that McCain was graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy nearly at the
bottom of his class has been publicized. His star-crossed flying, on the
other hand, remains unknown to most.

   Robert Timberg, author of The Nightingale’s Song, a book about
Annapolis graduates and their tours in Vietnam, wrote that McCain “learned to
fly at Pensacola, though his performance was below par, at best good enough
to get by. He liked flying, but didn’t love it.” Timberg counts himself a
friend of McCain and has written a McCain biography.

   It wasn’t long after arriving in Pensacola that McCain racked up the
first of his five crashes, beginning in 1958, on his way to becoming a
“reverse ace.” As told by Timberg, “McCain was practicing landings; his
engine quit and he plunged into Corpus Christi Bay. Knocked unconscious by
the impact, he came to as the plane settled to the bottom.”

   There was, however, no engine failure with the aircraft. According to
one of McCain’s former flight instructors, “The engine was removed from the
aircraft that afternoon, mounted on a test stand and a new propeller
installed. [It] was flushed with fresh water and started. It ran just fine.
So the theory of engine failure was proven false.”

   The instructor added that McCain was “positively one of the weakest
students to pass our way, and received consistently poor marks and a number
of Dangerous Down grades assigned by more than one instructor. He had no real
ability and was clearly out of his element in an airplane, and way over his
head even as a junior naval officer.”

   The second of McCain’s crashes occurred while he was deployed in the
Mediterranean. “Flying too low over the Iberian Peninsula,” reports Timberg,
“he took out some power lines [reminiscent of the 1998 incident in which a
Marine Corps jet sliced through the cables of a gondola at an Italian ski
resort, killing 20] which led to a spate of newspaper stories in which he was
predictably identified as the son of an admiral.”

   Crash three occurred when McCain was returning from flying a trainer
solo to Philadelphia for an Army-Navy football game. According to Timberg,
McCain radioed, “I’ve got a flameout.” He went through the standard relight
procedures three times. At one thousand feet, he ejected, landing on the
deserted beach moments before the plane slammed into a clump of trees.”
   By 1967, McCain was ready for battle and assigned to the USS Forrestal
as an A-4 Skyhawk pilot. While seated in the cockpit of his aircraft waiting
for takeoff, a freak accident occurred when a rocket slammed into the
exterior fuel tank of McCain’s plane. Miraculously, McCain escaped from the
burning aircraft, but dozens of his shipmates were killed and injured in the
explosions that followed.

   McCain’s final downing came just three months later when his A-4
Skyhawk was hit by antiaircraft artillery over Truc Bach Lake near Hanoi,
North Vietnam. McCain spent the next five-and-a-half years as a prisoner of
war and, upon return to the United States in 1973, like the other returning
POWs, McCain became an instant hero. The POWs had been treated abominably,
yet stood up to their torturers and were deserving of the accolades they
received. But some questioned the number and types of medals bestowed upon
“Ace” McCain, the son of the admiral commanding in the Pacific as well as the
grandson of another admiral.

   “McCain had roughly 20 hours in combat,” explains Bill Bell, a veteran
of Vietnam and chief of the U.S. Office for POW/MIA Affairs — the first
official U.S. representative in Vietnam since the 1973 fall of Saigon. “Since
McCain got 28 medals,” Bell continues, “that equals out to about a
medal-and-a-half for each hour he spent in combat. There were infantry guys —
grunts on the ground — who had m

[CTRL] Notes from the Underground:A serial killer unfit to be the next US President

2000-03-03 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

>From Abolish-l, 3/2/00:

I heard this story on NPR, too this afternoon. this story needs to be
to legislators, especially Democrats or the McCain campaign. As long as Bush
running, Odell 's story is a story. there was another question about
put to Bush in the debate - about defense lawyers who sleep during trial.

Anybody looking for something to do? Send this to campaign press, (numbers?
names?) CNN columnists especially, talking heads, especially the guy - I think
from the LA Times who i think sponsored this - and feed Odell information.

Hey, I'm writing an article about Bettie & found out that her lawyer used to
get drunk at his favorite watering hole before he went into court for her

This isn't over - we are just beginning.

Sissel wrote:

> Politics Headlines Add to My Yahoo!
>   Thursday March 2 7:14 AM ET
>   French Critics Slam Bush on Barnes Execution
>   By Tom Heneghan
>   PARIS (Reuters) - French human rights campaigners expressed disgust
> and anger Thursday at the ``assassination'' of a Texas prisoner and
> denounced Governor George W. Bush (news - web sites) as a serial killer
> unfit to be the next U.S. president.
>   Jack Lang, a leading Socialist party politician and rights campaigner,
> said in a statement that the execution of Odell Barnes late Wednesday
> amounted to an assassination and that he was ``revolted and indignant'' by
> this ``barbaric act.''
>   Pro-Barnes campaigners said Bush authorized the 122th execution in
> Texas since he became governor to boost his chances in this year's race for
> the U.S. presidency.
>   The execution made headline news in France, where President Jacques
> Chirac and Prime Minister Lionel Jospin intervened for Barnes, 31, who was
> sentenced to die for the 1989 robbery and murder of a neighbor who was
> raped, beaten, stabbed and shot.
>   ``The execution of Odell Barnes is an assassination,'' said Lang,
> chairman of the French National Assembly's foreign affairs committee. Lang
> flew to Texas last month to intervene on Barnes' behalf and met Barnes in
> his prison in Huntsville.
>   ``How can Governor Bush pretend to aspire to the presidency of the
> United States after having perpetrated such a crime?
>   ``What credit would he have to demand respect for human rights around
> the world when he was the instigator of such a barbaric act?''
>   Colette Berthes, head of a French citizens' group that collected money
> and hired lawyers to defend Barnes, said she was ``disgusted and very
> angry'' at the execution.
>   ``We call him a serial killer,'' she said of Bush.
>   Bush has presided over 122 executions since becoming governor in 1995,
> delayed none and commuted a death sentence to life in prison in one case.
>   The Movement against Racism and for Friendship among Peoples said the
> execution was a crime committed by the state.
>   ``This murder will stick like an indelible stain to the skin of George
> W. Bush, who has sacrificed the life of an innocent person for his
> election,'' it said in a statement.
>   Lang said Barnes ``has given us an extraordinary lesson of humanity
> and courage which contrasts with the savagery of the killing factory in
> Huntsville that executes humans one after another.''
>   European anti-death penalty groups believe Barnes was the innocent
> victim of a police frame-up.
>   They donated money to his defense and enlisted the aid of government
> officials to lobby for him.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Are We Becoming a Society of Snoops?

2000-03-03 Thread Tenorlove

Note: forwarded message attached.

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Are We Becoming a Society of  Snoops?

Concerns have faded about a Y2K breakdown of government
computers, but Americans should be worried about how computer
efficiency gives the federal government extraordinary powers to
monitor the daily activities of law-abiding Americans. Unknown to
most people, government databases are storing all kinds of personal
information about every American.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has mandated that
all wireless providers by 2001 be able to pinpoint the location of
wireless phone calls. Cell phones are becoming homing devices for
the government to track our whereabouts.

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) tried to impose a
regulation called Know Your Customer. It was a plan to require banks
to make a computer profile of all their customers' deposits and
withdrawals and report "inconsistent" transactions to a federal
database in Detroit called the Suspicious Activity Reporting System.
After the comment period produced more than 250,000 negative and
only 3,000 positive comments, the FDIC backed down and on March
23 abandoned its plan temporarily.

However, during congressional consideration of the big Financial
Modernization bill last year, we discovered that many banks are
already making customer profiles and selling them to telemarketers.
The banking lobby successfully blocked an amendment that would
have required banks to get the prior consent of customers before
selling private financial information.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has proposed a regulation
that would effectively give the government unlimited access to
everyone's personal travel records. The FAA gave $3.1 million to
Northwest Airlines to create software for a database of personal travel
records, plus $7.8 million to other airlines to assist in deploying it.

The 1996 Welfare Reform Act requires all employers to send the
name, address and Social Security number of every new worker, and
every employee who is promoted, to a new government database
called the Directory of New Hires. This is a massive database
tracking nearly every worker in America.

In 1999 Congress authorized the linkage of this database with the
Department of Education. Meanwhile, public schools are requiring
children to fill out nosy questionnaires revealing all sorts of
non-academic information about attitudes, behavior, health and family
privacy, which is then entered on databases.

The 1996 Kennedy-Kassebaum Act authorized the Department of
Health and Human Services (HHS) to assign a "unique health care
identifier" to every American so the government can enter and track
individual medical records on a government database. Public reaction
was so adverse that Congress put a moratorium on implementation.

The 1993 Comprehensive Childhood Immunization Act gave the
Department of Health and Human Services $400 million to induce
states to create databases of all children's vaccinations. By giving
"rewards" to the state of $50, $75 or $100 per fully vaccinated child,
states are financially motivated to make vaccines compulsory and to
produce the proof by storing the information on a state database.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is trying to link these state
databases into a federal database containing every child's medical
records. This will become a gatekeeper to deny admission to
daycare, kindergarten, school or college, or even access to medical
care for any child who has not had all government-mandated shots.

It will be easy to add all medical records to this database, which
would then become the key to the government's ability to dictate the
giving and rationing of health care. This would accomplish Bill
Clinton's original 1994 goal when he displayed his Health Security
Card to a national television audience.

Another plan to collect private information on a government database
involves sending "home visitors" into the homes of all first-time
parents in the project called Healthy Families America. Information is
entered on a nationwide computerized tracking system called the
Program Information Management System that can eventually be
combined with preschool and public school tracking systems.

The 1996 Immigration Act mandated that state driver's licenses
contain Social Security numbers as the unique numeric identifier so
the federal government could use driver's licenses (a state matter) as
a federal I.D. card. After public protest, this was repealed in 1999.

HHS is recruiting senior citizens to spy on their own physicians by
offering a reward of up to $1000 if they call the toll-free "Fraud
Hotline" and file a report that leads to a monetary "recovery" from
their doctor. The harassment potential is enormous when 39 million
seniors start trying to collect a bo


2000-03-03 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 3/3/00 7:59:15 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>===Jeb Bush (Governor of Florida) and his Colombia-born wife reportedly
>implicated in massive dope trafficking and money laundering Colombian cocaine
>through reputed Bush family accounts in Banco Exterior De Espana, Malaga,
>Spain. Ostensibly arranged through Bush family cocaine money laundry wizard
>Giogrio Pelossi.

Well, Sherman has part of this wrong.

Click Here: http://www.state.fl.us/eog/overview/cbushbio.html">Untitl
ed Document

First Lady of Florida
  Columba Bush, formerly Columba Garnica Gallo, was born in Leon, Guanajato,
Mexico in 1954. In February 1971, Governor Bush and Mrs. Bush met in Leon,
Mexico, while Jeb was teaching English in an exchange program for his school,
Phillips Academy, Andover. After Governor Bush graduated from the University
of Texas, he and Columba were married on February 23, 1974, in Austin, Texas.
In 1980, they moved to Miami, where they raised their three children, George,
Noelle and Jebby.

Mrs. Bush has been active in her community. She is currently a spokesperson
and a member of Informed Families of Florida, a non-profit organization which
is involved in educating families on the perils of drug abuse. She is also
the Co-Founder of the Children's Cultural Education Fund of the Ballet
Folklorico, which raises money for the national dance troupe of Mexico. The
Foundation sponsors free performances of the Ballet Folklorico so it can be
seen by school-age children across the United States. More than 250,000
children have seen the Ballet to date.

As Florida's First Lady, Mrs. Bush has chosen to dedicate her time and energy
to help promote art appreciation among Florida's young people, and to speak
out about the problems of drug abuse.
Governor and Mrs. Bush have been married for 25 years, and have three
children: George, 23, Noelle, 22, and Jebby, 15.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [5] He's a Bad Guy, But we can't Say Why -notes-

2000-03-03 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: http://www.larouchecampaign.com/pages/usvlarouchefootnotes.htm">http://w


1. During the 1974-76, the State Department circulated internationally, the
January 1974 New York Times attack on LaRouche, and other vilifications drawn
from both the FBI and private sources. For example, on March 18, 1976, a
cable was sent “To All American Diplomatic and Consular Posts,” describing
the National Caucus of Labor Committees (the philosophical association
founded by Lyndon LaRouche) as “a small, fanatical ... violence-oriented”
organization, and repeating other derogatory characterizations taken from the
FBI. After a Bangladesh government newspaper published an article by an EIR
correspondent, a March 24, 1976 cable was sent to the U.S. Embassy in Dacca,
over Kissinger’s signature, also quoting from the New York Times.
Declassified State Department documents also point to the involvement of
Kissinger’s State Department in the expulsion of EIR correspondents from the
Foreign Press Association in Germany in 1975, and in the arrest and detention
of an EIR correspondent in Lima, Peru in 1976.

2. Boston’s Federal Judge Keeton is among the notable exceptions. See his
review of the abortive trial over which he had presided: See Memorandum and
Order, August 10, 1988, U.S.A. v. The LaRouche Campaign, et al., United
States District Court District of Massachusetts CR. No. 86-323-K.

3. A fair, if incomplete view of the reasons why this characterization is
required, is to be obtained through study of the documentation supplied in
the 1989 publication, Railroad! See below.

4. Commission to Investigate Human Rights Violations (Washington, D.C.: 1989).

5. The belated release, in January 1992, of the official FBI document
exposing the FBI’s 1973 intent to bring about what the FBI described as the “e
limination” of Lyndon LaRouche, is typical of the way in which crucially
clarifying elements of evidence have turned up, sometimes decades after the
fact of the matter. See references to that “elimination” document, below.

6. In the August 16, 1999 oral argument before a three-judge panel in D.C.’s
Federal District Court, Keeney stated, “...The Dissent is going to put into
question the Constitutionality of the Act [the 1965 Voting Rights Act]. And
that’s a different question than the statutory interpretation of the act
itself.” The Dissent to which Keeney referred was authored by U.S. Supreme
Court Justice Scalia and endorsed by Chief Justice Rehnquist and Justice
Thomas in the 1996 case Morse v. Republican Party of Virginia, 116 S. CT.1186

7. The principal relevant U.S. Justice Department official, back in 1983, and
still today, is a top official of the permanent bureaucracy of the
Department, Deputy Assistant Attorney General John Keeney, the father of the
same John Keeney, Jr., who, as attorney for the Democratic National
Committee, moved in Federal Court for the nullification of the Voting Rights
Act of 1965. See “John Keeney, John Richard, and the DOJ Permanent
Bureaucracy,” EIR, June 30, 1995; “Justice Department: The Corruption Is in
the Permanent Bureaucracy,” EIR, April 25, 1997; and, Lyndon H. LaRouche,
Jr., “Lying and Racism inside the Democratic Party,” EIR, Dec. 17, 1999.

8. E.O. 12333 Section 2.7 reads, “Agencies within the Intelligence Community
are authorized to enter into contracts or arrangements for the provision of
goods or services with private companies or institutions in the United States
and need not reveal the sponsorship of such contracts or arrangements for
authorized intelligence purposes”

9. On March 27, 1973, various Philadelphia media, including Channel 3 TV’s 6
p.m. news and the Philadelphia Tribune, gave wide coverage to an announcement
by the FBI’s surrogate Communist Party U.S.A.-linked Ed Schwartz, head of the
Philadelphia Campaign for Adequate Welfare Reform (CAWRN), which demanded a
halt to the holding of the founding conference of the National Unemployed and
Welfare Rights Organization (NUWRO), an organization catalyzed by Lyndon
LaRouche and the National Caucus of Labor Committees (NCLC). Schwartz’s
statement also called for Left to stop the NUWRO conference, and following
its airing by the media, Communist Party hooligans deployed to mobilize
riotous assembly to prevent the conference from occurring.

10. The release of this document essentially did no more than confirm what we
knew and stated at various points during the course of December 1973 and
early January 1974. We had conclusive evidence of collaboration between
certain U.S. and foreign official agencies, including the United Kingdom and
the State Security agencies of East Germany, during the second half of 1973.
We also had repeated evidence of activity by known hit-squad capabilities
imported into New York City, and directly tar

[CTRL] The Rise of Global Governance

2000-03-03 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.html

From: Lynn Farrenkopf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: The Rise of Global Governance
Date: Tuesday, February 15, 2000 2:15 PM

PLEASE forward these links to everyone you know...
and spend some "quality time" educating yourself.
Environmentalism is a big part of the push for NWO.
to remove yourself from my list reply with "remove"
A quote for all Americans who think that Communism is
"dead". Taken from "The Rise of Global Governance"

Gorbachev told his Politburo in November, 1987:

   "Gentlemen, comrades, do not be concerned about all
you hear about Glasnost and Perestroika and democracy
in the coming years. They are primarily for outward
consumption. There will be no significant internal
changes in the Soviet Union, other than for cosmetic
purposes. Our purpose is to disarm the Americans and
let them fall asleep."

Must reading for all, may the sleeping awake, and may
the awake continue to shake them until they do awaken.
Henry Lamb's excellent pages concisely detailing the
Rise of Global Governance are here:

If you think Gorby is an ok guy, check out his Green
Cross International site:

There is a link there to his speeches, etc.
The following is a quote taken from his speech for The
State of the Planet Conference" held Nov. 15-16, 1999

"Let me wish to the participants of the State of the
Planet conference a great success, and Green Cross
International, the global environmental
non-governmental organization that I represent, is
always open for cooperation in the future."

  Mikhail Gorbachev

Notice that he represents the Global Environmentalists
and that much of the work done by the Gorbachev
Foundation and Green Cross International has
previously come out of his offices in The Presidio
located in San Francisco, USA.
Global Green USA is the US affiliate of GCI

from their site:

Green Cross International (GCI) was founded by Mikhail
Gorbachev in 1993, as prompted by the 1992 Earth
Summit in Rio de Janeiro and Agenda 21. GCI is
 headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland; the 21 GCI
affiliates are located in Argentina, Bolivia, Burkina
Faso, Cote d'Ivoire, the Czech Republic, Estonia,
France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Japan, South Korea,
the Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Swaziland, Sweden,
Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the United States,
and Venezuela. The mission of GCI is to create a
sustainable future by cultivating harmonious
relationships between humans and the environment. GCI
concentrates its efforts on five main programs to
promote a significant change in human values
toward greater respect for Earth's community of life
in all its diversity. The programs, stemming from the
initiatives of 21 National Organizations, seek to
combine global thinking and local action through the
vehicle of international programs tailored to local

The Earth Charter serves as a universal code of
conduct to guide people and nations towards a
sustainable future. In participation with the Earth
Council and
other like-minded organizations worldwide, GCI is
contributing to the further development of the Earth
Charter through a global participatory process. GCI is
working to have the Earth Charter endorsed by the
United Nations through regional seminars, national
hearings, and an interactive drafting effort.

For more information, contact Green Cross
International at 160a rte de Florissant, PO Box 80,
CH-1231 Conches  Geneva, Switzerland, (phone
+41-22-789-16-62) or <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  website:


Have YOU had enough of the UN meddling? The UN wants
your land, your guns, your money, your religion.

Sustainable development, greenpower, celebrate
diversity, etc. ad nauseum.

Here is a site I like with great t shirts to express
your views. 

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  a tender in payment of debts ..."
  Help me "Take Back America One Dollar At A Time".
  You can make a difference in your area!
 Nationwide "Community Currency"  redeemable in silver!
   Hit reply to ask me how you can get involved!
Or click <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to send an email.
Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Shop for Cars On-Line:  http://a-albionic.com/ads/srch.html

Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
not necessarily endorsed by:
Lloyd Miller, Research Director for

[CTRL] [4] He's a Bad Guy, But we can't Say Why

2000-03-03 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: http://www.larouchecampaign.com/pages/usvlarouche2.htm">h
2. The historical setting of the case

Since the final, 1848 stage of the fall from power of the decaying Habsburg
Empire’s Clement Prince Metternich, the conflict between two mutually
exclusive principles of government, has dominated the entirety of the
principal affairs of each and all nations of globally extended European
civilization. The LaRouche case, as summarized above, is no exception to that
rule. The presently leading conflict within the morally crisis-stricken U.S.
Democratic Party, is also no exception to that rule.

The early Nineteenth-Century decline and fall of the power of the old,
princely, feudal landed aristocracy, left European civilization under the
domination of a conflict between two contending social forces. On the one
side, there was the triumphant modern form of ruling financial oligarchy, a
form of society and state brought forth in the Netherlands and England under
the direct influence of those ruling sets of Venice’s financial-oligarchical
families which had been led, successively by figures such as Paolo Sarpi and A
bbot Antonio Conti. This was the financier oligarchy against which our
patriots opposed both the bloody tyranny of William of Orange and the new
British monarchy established with the accession of George I.

Our republic, created in such circumstances, was of a new form. It had its
ancient roots in such precedents as Solon’s reforms at Athens, in the
Classical Greek struggle for the establishment of republics, and in the
ecumenical conception of man brought to Classical Greek culture by such
Apostles of Jesus Christ as Peter, John, and Paul. The founders of our
constitutional republic followed the Fifteenth-Century precedents of
statecraft of France’s King Louis XI and England’s Henry VII.

When, during the course of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, the
conditions in Europe, became an unsuitable political climate for establishing
true republics consistent with the commonwealth principles of Louis XI and
Henry VII, Europeans committed to that cause, established colonies in the
Americas. These colonies, at least the best among them, such as the
Massachusetts Bay Colony of the Winthrops and Mathers, sought to build up
true commonwealths, otherwise to be known as republics, in the Americas. It
was their desire, that not only should these nascent republics prosper, but
that they become, in the later words of our friend the Marquis de Lafayette,
temples of liberty and beacons of hope, in the eyes of our strife-ridden
friends and political allies among the peoples of Europe and elsewhere. That
role and mission, the fostering of a community of principle among perfectly
sovereign such republics, has been crucial to the very continued existence of
our republic, a fact which has been recognized by all great patriots of our
republic as our nation’s true manifest destiny.

Unfortunately, even up to the present date, Europe has not yet succeeded in
establishing durable forms of true constitutional republics. Great reforms,
especially reforms inspired by our successful struggle for liberty against
our own British oligarchical oppressor, have occurred. For a time, some among
us had good reason to be hopeful that President Charles de Gaulle would lead
his nation into becoming a true republic. Unfortunately, despite the great
democratizing reforms which have occurred in the old world, the constitutions
of Europe are still but the reformed relics of feudal institutions of
government, under an arrangement in which parliaments are as often the
victims of a reigning financier oligarchy, operating like a puppet-master
from behind the scenes, as master of the nation’s affairs. Such was the
nature of the way in which Anglo-American oligarchical interest destroyed the
sovereign political system of Italy, beginning 1992, and the way in which
Anglo-American oligarchical agencies have prompted the eruption of a similar
destabilization of the representative political institutions of Germany, and
potentially also France, most recently.

Unfortunately, since the establishment of our own constitutional republic, we
as a people have often been betrayed by ourselves. Today, as often during the
past, our nation has been more often the victim of inherently wicked,
powerful forces living among us, than of any foreign power. Among us, there
are chiefly two powerful enemies, and yet a third powerful cause for our
recurring, self-inflicted sorrows.

Our republic’s two explicit internal enemies of note, are, first, a financier
oligarchy, which came to be centered in New York City’s Wall Street, around
the circles of British Foreign Office agent Aaron Burr; and, second, the
tradition of the slaveholding planter oligarchy, the tradition we associate
with the Con

[CTRL] [3] He's a Bad Guy, But we can't Say Why

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Crucial issues of the trial

It has been established, on the record, that the unlawful Federal bankrupting
of those entities had been undertaken for the aforethought purpose, of
crafting otherwise untenable Federal indictments on loan-fraud charges. That
had been the opinion shared among the members of the multi-jurisdictional
prosecutorial team, that loan-fraud charges could not be brought against
target LaRouche, unless the relevant entities were not only put into
bankruptcy, but forced to cease ongoing repayments of loans, by the
task-force’s shutting down the fraudulently bankrupted entities. That
evidence demonstrates that the bankruptcy-action was taken as an intended, as
well as merely objective fraud upon the bankruptcy court. Moreover, the
systematic recruitment of prospective trial witnesses for a loan-fraud case,
was not begun until after the bankruptcy proceeding launched fraudulently by
the Department of Justice.43 The pretext for the charge of loan-fraud, was
the use of the mails, by these firms, to send letters of confirmation of
loan-status to the lenders, both as a matter of good accounting practice, and
to reduce likelihood of misunderstanding in these matters. Hence, the
prosecution’s irrational logic argued, this was “mail fraud.”44 The
indictment, trial, and convictions in this case, hung entirely on the
convoluted sophistry used to craft a mail-fraud charge in that fashion.

The indictment in the latter case was handed down on October 14, 1988, two
days after I had delivered an historic, and also prophetic Presidential
candidate’s address in Berlin, Germany.45 The trial began on November 21,
1988; conviction was handed down on December 16, 1988.

In fact, as distinct from sophistries of mere legal fiction, the only reason
such a short trial on such complex issues could be arranged, was that none
among the defendants was able, in fact, to testify in his own defense,
although I, from the time of the indictment, had repeatedly instructed all
relevant parties, including all of the defense attorneys, of my intention to
do so. One of the co-defendants was also personally committed to testify, but
was effectively prevented from doing so by his attorney’s failure to prepare
him for trial. Since I was the person most frequently mentioned by the
prosecution, the one principally accused by the indictment and in other ways,
in a trial in which I was in fact innocent, but not permitted to respond to
the mass of charges presented in the indictment and prosecution’s proceeding,
that trial was, necessarily a farce in fact in its entirety. Indeed, it would
be fairly estimated that my testimony alone, taking into account direct,
cross, and redirect, would have required about two to three additional weeks
in itself.

The problems were, first of all, the fact that many of the defendants were
not given sufficient time, at arraignment, to obtain attorneys to represent
them at trial before the trial date was set. Second, more significant, was
the fact that those attorneys, many hastily secured, were not in collective
agreement on having me testify in my own defense, lest, in their opinion,
that might pose an element of risk for some among the other defendants. Since
most among those attorneys refused to agree on preparing themselves
effectively for my testimony, I was, in point of fact, effectively denied the
right to testify. Motions for severance, although made, were summarily
denied. Otherwise, the trial would have had a different ultimate outcome.
Later, it turned out, this denial of the effective possibility of testifying
there, was largely the work of a relevant snake working from inside the
defense’s preparation of the case, who exposed his true role most blatantly,
on this and other counts, both during trial, and in post-trial developments.

Legal sophistries put aside, in reality, the importance of my testimony in
that case, is that there were numerous instances of crucial, blatantly false
statements made, under oath, by certain key witnesses for the prosecution.
These included many matters of which I had not only first-hand, but fully
corroboratable knowledge. These were of crucial relevance for the jury’s
hearing in that trial.

Admittedly, as a practical matter, some of these issues, even the most
important ones, were willfully, and wrongly precluded from trial by the
judge’s pre-trial in limine rulings. Nonetheless, there were many matters
which had been raised by the prosecution’s case, on which the facts, if
presented, would expose the massive degree of lying by many prosecution
witnesses, and willful fraud, in fact, in argument of the prosecutors. Unless
those issues were forced into consideration by my personal direct and cross
examination in court, those crucial issues would not be, in f

[CTRL] [2] He's a Bad Guy, But we can't Say Why

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Kissinger and the 12333 file

The 1983-2000 12333 operation against me and my associates, was set into
motion on the initiative of former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger
and Kissinger’s Washington, D.C. law firm, Arnold and Porter.

Formally, Kissinger’s and Arnold and Porter’s operation went into effect
beginning Kissinger’s August 19, 1982 “Dear Bill” letter to then FBI Director
William Webster. Through repeated efforts in this same campaign by Kissinger
and his attorneys,28 and with support from Edward Bennett Williams, an
attorney for the Katharine Meyer Graham of the LaRouche-hating Washington Post
, the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB), on January 12,
1983, adopted the proposal of Kissinger and of Kissinger’s attorneys, Arnold
and Porter. On that same day, FBI Director Webster ordered the FBI’s Oliver
“Buck” Revell to carry out the FBI’s own implementation of the PFIAB order of
David Abshire, Edward Bennett Williams, et al. On December 13, 1982, the head
of the permanent bureaucracy of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division,
Deputy Assistant Attorney General John Keeney, assigned his old Internal
Security office, now veiled under the name of General Litigation and Legal
Advice Section (GLLAS), to handle the matter.29 GLLAS remained on that
assignment, through the 1988 Alexandria Federal indictment and trial.30

As of August 19, 1982, the date of Kissinger’s letter to FBI Director
Webster, there were five publicly well known issues behind Kissinger’s
personal motives for targetting of me for Justice Department dirty
operations. All five were both political in nature, and involved my
associates’ ongoing journalistic investigations into matters of notable
public interest, respecting corrupt activities in which Kissinger was
personally involved.

First, was the continuing political controversy between Kissinger and me over
the issue of urgent reforms in the post-1971 international monetary system.
This personal controversy dated from the 1974-1976 interval, involving
Kissinger’s actions in his various capacities as U.S. Secretary of State and
National Security Advisor.31 Merely typical of Kissinger’s relevant state of
mind during that period, is his 1974 crafting, in his capacity as National
Security Advisor, of the subsequently declassified, pro-genocidal National
Security [Council] Study Memorandum 200.32

Second, was my launching of a public campaign, in February 1982, to overturn
Kissinger’s arms-control policies.33 This attack on existing, Kissingerian
arms-control policies, reflected my ongoing back-channel discussions with the
Soviet Government, discussions which led to the March 23, 1983 announcement
of a Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) proposal to the Soviet government, by
President Ronald Reagan.34 This ongoing work was well known to Kissinger’s
circles at that time.

Third, was our published attention to the contents of a public address which
Kissinger himself had delivered to a London Chatham House audience on May 10,
1982, in which Kissinger bragged that he had worked behind the back of his
President, under British direction, during the period he served as U.S.
Secretary of State and National Security Advisor. In that address, Kissinger
described himself as a follower of Winston Churchill and opponent of the
“American intellectual tradition” represented by Churchill’s political
opponent and war-time ally President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The report we
published was based on the transcript of that address issued by Kissinger’s
representatives themselves, including persons associated with the same PFIAB
organization which, in January 1983, set into motion the secret-intelligence
operations conducted under provisions of Executive Order 12333.35

The fourth issue was our news organization’s investigation of information
indicating Kissinger’s personal involvement, with Israel’s Ariel Sharon and
others, in a disgusting “West Bank land-scam” operation, which was one of the
world’s most notable, scurrilous, and profitable real estate swindles
occurring at that time.36

The fifth issue was my authorship of a special report, Operation Juarez,
published just a short time before Kissinger’s now-notorious “Dear Bill”
letter to FBI Director Webster.37 Operation Juarez set forth a proposed U.S.
policy for dealing with what I had foreseen, since Spring 1982, as an
impending Mexico debt-crisis, to be expected no later than September 1982.
The crisis exploded mere days following the initial publication of that
report. During the period immediately following, Kissinger was heavily
deployed into Mexico, with U.S. government backing, in the effort to prevent
Mexico’s government of President Lopez Portillo from continuing to respond to
the crisis in the manner outlined in Operat

[CTRL] [1] He's a Bad Guy, But we can't Say Why

2000-03-03 Thread Kris Millegan

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He's a Bad Guy, But we can't Say Why

U.S.A. vs. Lyndon LaRouche

‘He’s a bad guy but we can’t say why’

by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

February 15, 2000


The record shows, that for nearly thirty years, elements of the U.S.
Department of Justice have been engaged in world-wide political targetting of
me and my associates. This includes early 1970s operations run in conjunction
with Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger’s U.S. State Department.1 During
the last ten years or so of that period, some U.S. officials, and others,
have challenged the relevant agencies with some of the evidence which shows,
that those prosecutions and correlated harassment of me and my associates,
had been clearly fraudulent, politically motivated targetting.

The Justice Department has responded to that evidence, repeatedly, in
judicial proceedings and elsewhere, with statements to the effect: “You have
to understand why we had to do it that way. We couldn’t use our secret files
in court; so, we had to get him in other ways. Believe us; we can’t tell you
why, but, he is a very bad guy.” What is the evidence that I am that alleged
“bad guy”? The answer has been, repeatedly, to the effect: “We can’t tell
you. The evidence is secret.” The Department refuses to submit the putative
evidence to scrutiny. It is usually withheld, either on the pretext of
national security, or simply that of protecting the authorship of what both
known circumstances and other evidence have often shown to have been false

In brief, these attacks on me and my associates, which have been virtually
continuous over nearly thirty years, have been modelled on the government’s,
and a corrupt mass news media’s resort to those fraudulent, Star-Chamber
methods, which are notorious from the history of the practice of
Seventeenth-Century English law. These are the methods of ruling by aid of
the enforcement of official lies. Today, in that practice of tendentious
sophistry common to today’s U.S. government and its legal practice, lies are
not called “lies”; instead, they are called, “matters of policy.”

Crucial has been a barrage of ex parte, in camera, and similar sessions, in
which arguments based upon such fraudulently alleged evidence have been used,
to induce some Federal judges to ignore the law selectively in cases
involving me and my associates as “a matter of policy.”2 Prosecutions and
libels based upon the alleged authority of so-called secret evidence are
intrinsically fraudulent uses of the word “secrecy”; but, these continue to
be the principal tactics still used by corrupt U.S. Justice Department
officials, and their accomplices, to cover up a massive, decades-long “get
LaRouche” hoax, run jointly through the U.S. Department of Justice and the
mass media.

Despite that reliance upon so-called secret evidence, out of an approximately
thirty-year record of the Justice Department’s wrong-doing against me and my
associates, some crucial kinds of public evidence of the nature of those
so-called secret files has leaked out through the cracks in process and
procedure. What is known from the public record, is more than sufficient to
expose those elements of government, and their accomplices, as engaged in the
most massive, most long-running, shocking story of known politically
motivated corruption, by and in those and other niches of the Justice
Department and other agencies.3

Perhaps the most common question posed by those who have walked through some
of the crucial features of this decades-long government operation, is, “What
do you suggest as a plausible motive for the operation which you describe?”
The question has been posed repeatedly to me personally, as it has also been
reported to me by others, “What explanation do you have for why anyone would
have the motive for doing what you report they are continuing to do?”

The best short reply to the latter question is: “Do you remember Edgar Allan
Poe’s ‘The Purloined Letter’?” As I shall show here, the answer to such
questions lies, so to speak, right under your noses; the evidence is already
in plain sight, and it is simple, clear, and conclusive.

First, review the highlights of the case itself, and then turn your attention
to the evidence of the nature of those high-ranking, government perpetrators’
motives, the crucial political evidence which is sitting there in plain sight.

1. A case of prosecutorial and judicial fraud
Top of Document

Some who remember the richly documented account of the case published under
the title of Railroad!, in 1989, will recall a significant number of the
relevant facts reported there.4 Indeed, more than ten years later, Railroad!
remains a rich lode of relevant documentation, mandatory study for anyone
seriously studying the thirty-odd-year history of “the LaRo

[CTRL] Dorothy Proctor vs CSC LSD ECT experiments 1961-2

2000-03-03 Thread P Rehn

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Court File #98 CV 006618

SUPERIOR COURT OF JUSTICE   Tuesday, February 29, 2000
Case Management
Master Robert Beaudoin


Dorothy Mills Proctor  Plaintiff
Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, George Scott,
Institute of Psychotherapy Limited, and Mark Eveson


James Newland   for the plaintiff, Dorothy Proctor
Jeffrey Mutter  for the defendant, George Scott
Linda Wall  for the Attorney General of Canada and Mark Eveson


Master Robert Beaudoin:

Preliminary Matters:

This is a motion by the plaintiff for an order striking the statement of
defence of the Attorney General of Canada for failing to comply with this
courts' orders and for failure to produce all documents that are relevant
to matters in issue in this litigation. The motion seeks the production of
particular records, an order requiring the Attorney General of Canada to
deliver a sworn affidavit of documents and an order substituting Ole Ingstrup
for Liz Baylis as the designated representative of the Attorney General of
Canada on any examination for discovery.  The plaintiff also seeks a
re-attendance of the defendant Mark Eveson on his examination for discovery
at his own expense and an order complelling the Attorney General of Canada
to forthwith pay the plaintiff's costs thrown away.  This motion was
originally returnable on November 18, 1999.  The defendant, George Scott,
seeks similar relief.

In support of her pending motion, the plaintiff served summonses to examine
six witnesses including Ole Ingstrup the Commissioner of Correctional
Services of Canada. The plaintiff also sought to serve Lawrence MacAulay,
the Solicitor General of Canada, with a summons to witness by substituted
service. Ms. Wall, on behalf of the defendant the Attorney General of
Canada, brought a cross-motion returnable on November 10, 1999 to set aside
these summonses.  In support of that motion she filed two affidavits,
namely that of one Lynn Baylis and of one Janis Gardner.

In their respective affidavits, Ms. Baylis and Ms. Gardner attested to the
lack of knowledge of Messrs. MacAulay and Ingstrup and made reference to
numerous documents.  Ms. Baylis was cross-examined on November 12, 1999
although she failed to produce the documents referred to in her affidavit.
On November 18, 1999 as a result of motions brought by the plaintiff and
the defendant, Dr. Scott, this court ruled that Ms. Baylis would have to
re-attend to be cross examined on her affidavit and to produce the
documents in question subject to any claims of privilege.  This order is
also applied to the other affiant, Janis Gardner.  The motion was adjourned
to Monday, November 22, 1999 to address the privilege claims. At the same
time, the court ordered substituted service of the summons to the witness
Lawrence MacAulay by ordering that service could be affected on Ms. Wall.
After reviewing the documents all but two of these documents were produced.

As a result of the failure to produce these documents at the cross
examination, the court ordered this defendant to pay to the plaintiff her
costs, thrown away in the examination of Ms. Baylis as well as the costs of
the motion fixed in the amount of $3877.31 which sum was ordered payable
forthwith.  The court further ordered that counsel for the defendant Dr.
Scott also be awarded his costs, which were fixed in the amount of $500.00.
Cross examinations of Ms. Baylis and Ms. Gardner were ordered to take
place on November 25, 1999 and November 26, 1999 and the plaintiff's
original motion and the cross motion to quash the summonses were adjourned
to December 7, 1999 to be heard at 10.00 am.

On that date the court questiioned the parties as to the need to examine
the various witnesses on the pending motion. The court noted that there was
already a significant amount of evidence before the court that relevant
documents had not been produced.  The court indicated to the parties that
it was prepared to proceed with the disposition of the relief sought in the
plaintiff's original motion without the necessity of determining whether or
not these further witnesses ought to be examined.  The parties agreed to
proceed with the argument on that basis.


This is a claim for general, special punitive and aggravated damages
against the defendants arising from a period in the early 1960's when the
plaintiff was a seventeen year old inmate at the prison for women in
Kingston, Ontario.  At that time, she had been the subject of LSD and
electroshock experimentation. As a result of the said experimentation, the
plaintiff claims to have suffered serious, irreparable physical and
psychological damage which has rendered her incapable of experiencing any
enjoyment in life or at obtaining or keeping any gainful employment. This
action was commenced in July of 1998; over thirty-five years after the
initial events, which gave rise to this caus

[CTRL] Hack attacks v the bunker

2000-03-03 Thread Kris Millegan

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Click Here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/news/video/mn_000301_cyberbunker.shtml">BBC
Online - Radio 1 - News - Video reports

Hack attacks v the bunker
Shops on the internet are being advised to step up their security. They're
being told the biggest risk they face is not from hackers online, but
organised criminals stealing their mainframe computers. Now one firm is
offering to lock up the hardware in a secret nuclear bunker.

You won't find the bunker anywhere on a map. But when you get here, the
massive barbed wire and electric fences hint that something's going on, even
if you can't see it till you get inside.
Fifty foot underground, a series of blast proof doors protect the computer
systems of over 100 companies. "It's a purpose built government designed
secure data warehouse," says Dominic Hawken. His internet firm bought it when
it got sold off by the MOD. The RAF used it to watch the skies for incoming
nuclear missiles. "I can remain isolated from the rest of the world and still
function", says Dominic.

With it's maze of concrete corridors, it looks like something out of 'Doom'.
With a few James Bond style security gadgets thrown in. Paul Lightfoot is the
bunker's Operations Manager. "It's designed to take nuclear, chemical or
biological attack, so gas tight doors," he says. "The place is set on feet,
so if it takes a direct hit the place would vibrate and remain intact."

Now for upwards of £10,000 a year, firms are being offered the ultimate lock
up for their hard drives. Dominic Hawken says many companies who sell stuff
online aren't guarding their hardware from cyber criminals: "If you're
running your website in-house and you're quite happily storing credit card
records, and so forth, and someone breaks in with a gun and says, I'm going
into your server and stealing your server, then obviously you're incredibly
But is it a bit over the top?

Jungle.com is now one of the country's top internet stores, selling computer
hardware, videos and CDs. But boss Steve Bennett says you don't need an
underground bunker just to be secure: "It's a little bit excessive. I mean,
security is everything on the internet. We're paranoid about security, but
physical security is just one of the elements." He adds: "I mean, I'd never
run any of my file servers out of a bedroom, you have to have a real secure
site, but does the Queen live in a bunker? It's a little bit over the top."

But security is not only a headache for the online shops. Shoppers are also
worried about their credit card details being kept safe once they've typed
them in.

"I only usually use major sites like Amazon and BOL, that kind of thing,
because they basically guarantee that they're not going to lose any of your

"You don't have any control of the money they are taking out of your account,
or whatever."

"It's absolutely vital that these kind of things are covered and it's not
just the e-commerce side," says Dominic Hawken. "It's people's personal
information that's being stored on servers that you do not want getting into
the wrong hands."
Relevant links:
The Bunker

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Money Laundering

Summers Wants to Ban Offshore Transactions

We control the data and the capital, slave.

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Clinton administration, seeking to stem the flow of
billions of illegally obtained dollars through U.S. banks, wants broad new
powers from Congress to fight money laundering.

A new legislative proposal, outlined Thursday by Treasury Secretary Lawrence
Summers, would give the government the authority to ban financial
transactions between offshore financial havens and U.S. banks and brokerage

The leaders of the House Banking Committee liked the administration's
proposal so much they said they would co-sponsor it in Congress.

Money laundering came under the public spotlight last summer, when federal
authorities said the Bank of New York, one of the country's largest banks,
had served as a conduit for about $7 billion in Russian money, some of it
believed to be from criminal activities.

In a speech, Summers identified Russia, Colombia and Nigeria as among the
biggest sources of illicit money, and the Caribbean islands of Dominica and
Antigua, Nauru in the South Pacific and Liechtenstein in Europe as some of
the leading money-laundering centers.

''When dirty money finds its way into American banks, the reputations of all
involved suffer,'' Summers told an audience of bankers and securities
industry executives.

Money laundering is estimated to absorb nearly $600 billion annually, or up
to 5 percent of the world's gross domestic product. Profits from drug
trafficking, prostitution and other criminal activities are moved through a
series of bank or brokerage accounts to make them appear to be proceeds of
legitimate business activity.

In the proposal, the Treasury Department is seeking the power to ask U.S.
financial institutions to collect data on all kinds of transactions with an
offshore bank or financial company. In cases where foreign governments shield
banks from investigation, Treasury wants the authority to cut them off from
the U.S. financial system without seeking congressional approval.

Last fall, Committee Chairman Rep. Jim Leach, R-Iowa, and the panel's senior
Democrat, Rep. John LaFalce of New York, proposed a stricter measure that
would have required U.S. banks to collect detailed information on their
customers from countries considered to be money-laundering havens. The
administration's proposal would leave it up to Treasury to decide whether to
impose data-collecting requirements on banks.

The lawmakers' proposal had been opposed by the banking industry. Groups
representing the banking and securities industries applauded the
administration's plan Thursday.

Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., said the Clinton proposal ''doesn't go far
enough'' because it gives Treasury discretion to decide whether to take
action, rather than requiring it.

''Diplomacy usually prevails over the domestic need to curb money
laundering,'' Schumer said in a telephone interview. He and Sen. Paul
Coverdell, R-Ga., have proposed their own legislation.
Summers noted in his speech that Treasury officials already have begun
informing U.S. banks about foreign banks or nations that repeatedly refuse to
abide by generally accepted standards to protect against money laundering.

In September, Treasury unveiled its first national money-laundering strategy,
a package of proposed new laws and rules that include requirements that
storefront check cashers, brokerage firms and casinos notify authorities of
suspicious activities the way banks are required to do.

That package, and the new proposals outlined by Summers, will be submitted to
Congress in the coming weeks.
The Associated Press, March 3, 2000
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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 -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: http://www.skolnicksreport.com/greenspan3.html">Sherman
Skolnick's Report

by Sherman H. Skolnick

A senior U.S. Treasury Department official, in the Office of Internal
Affairs, in his own-hand-writing, reportedly analyzed more than twenty five
banks by which the Federal Reserve participated in facilitating the bribery
and corruption of former President George Herbert Walker Bush and his three
sons. The secret wire transfer records, some copies of which are attached to
Part One and Part Two of this series, show billions and billions of dollars
transferred to and from reported accounts of the Elder Bush and his sons.
Much of this directly authorized by the secret codes of Federal Reserve
dictator Alan Greenspan. Since he acts like a corrupt Soviet commissar, he is
called by us ALAN REDSPAN, acting as he is answerable to no one(except the
nameless, faceless ruling elite who own and operate America).

===to Neil Bush, who had been an official of the now defunct-by-fraud
Silverado Savings & Loan of Denver. Through corruption linked to the American
CIA and a major law firm in Chicago, Hopkins & Sutter, Neil Bush escaped
being properly prosecuted on federal criminal charges of causing the downfall
of this federally-insured thrift acting covertly for the espionage agency.
Hopkins & Sutter in the early 1990s had been the major outside counsel of the
S & L bail-out agency, Resolution Trust Corporation, like Silverado, also
themselves out of existence. There is an overlap to the corruption of Bush
family crony, William Rockefeller Clinton. [More on this in a later part of
this series.]

===Jeb Bush (Governor of Florida) and his Colombia-born wife reportedly
implicated in massive dope trafficking and money laundering Colombian cocaine
through reputed Bush family accounts in Banco Exterior De Espana, Malaga,
Spain. Ostensibly arranged through Bush family cocaine money laundry wizard
Giogrio Pelossi. For details, visit our website:
http://skolnicksreport.com ===George W. Bush (Governor of Texas) through huge
amounts in the Bush family reputed accounts, in and through NCNB of Texas,
Garland, Texas. See Parts One and Two of this series. And reportedly by and
through reputed Bush family accounts in Banco de Occidente, Panama City,
Panama and Banco de Panama, Panama City, Panama. To cover up such details,
the Bush family had to have Panama strongman, Manuel Noriega, grabbed by U.S.
military in an invasion and transported to Florida for supposed "trial". A
corrupt federal judge kept all Bush family corruption matters linked to
Noriega and the American CIA OUT OF THE COURT RECORD.

Who all are involved, and what is involved, in the massive river of
clandestine and illicit funds to and from the Elder Bush and his three sons?
It falls mainly into these categories:

[1] Super-courier of "dirty money", Vincent W. Foster, Jr., an espionage
kingpin jointly with Hillary Rodham Clinton and Webster Hubbell.

[2] The reported bribery of judges of the Texas Supreme Court to okay a
TWELVE BILLION DOLLAR lower court judgment in favor of the Elder Bush's firm,
PENNZOIL, against TEXACO, a major importer of oil from Iraq. Bush as well
strong-armed the U.S. Supreme Court judges in the Pennzoil-Texaco case. (More
in a further part of this series.)

[3] Reputed soybean speculator and money washer, Richard Dennis of Chicago,
in combination with Senator Fred Thompson (R., Tenn.) and major movie moguls
and sports celebrities. (More coming.)

[4] Extortion and kick-backs, extracted from the weak oil sheikdoms of the
Persian Gulf, done from the decade of 1980 to 1990, by the Elder Bush and his
then private business partner, Saddam Hussein, the Iraqi strongman.
Transactions through the Chicago branch of Italy's largest bank, Banca
Nazionale del Lavoro, owned in part by the Vatican. And arms deals for Saddam
through BNL-Atlanta with the connivance of Bush and Hillary Clinton. (More

[5] Political assassinations and other bloody dirty tricks by the Bush family
and others, through Bank of Credit and Commerce International, BCCI, and its
alter ego and successor, Pinnacle Banc Group, of the Chicago mafia enclave of
Cicero jointly with the head of the Vatican Bank. (More coming.)

[6] The Bush family and the Manuel Noriega Affair.(More coming.)

[7] The Red Chinese Secret Police, the Bush Family, Kenneth w. Starr, the
Japanese mafia (YAKUZA), and the Chicago markets. (More coming.)


The Clintons close crony, Vincent W. Foster, Jr., was being tracked as a
possible traitorous spy assisting Jonathan Pollard, long before Foster's
short term position as Deputy Counsel in the Clinton White House, a secret
government report states.

The de


2000-03-03 Thread Kris Millegan



Dateline: March 3, 2000




On March 1st, FOX talk show host Bill O'Reilly asked if we are heading for a
race war? This has been a question Rumor Mill News has asked many times.

Just look at some of the latest headlines and ask yourself the same question.

Police Kill Man Near Site of Diallo Shooting

NEW YORK (Reuters) - A plainclothes police officer shot and killed an unarmed
drug dealer in a struggle in the Bronx on Wednesday night, just three blocks
from last year's police shooting of an unarmed African immigrant.
snip... snip...
The dead man, identified by police as ex-convict Malcolm Ferguson, was black.
He died from a single bullet wound to the head fired from the gun of an
Hispanic police officer, Louis Rivera, during a struggle in an apartment

ousands March in Washington for Diallo Protest

``It doesn't matter what your title is in America. If you're black, brown or
yellow, you're still just another nigger,'' former Washington D.C. Mayor
Marion Barry said to shouts of approval.  RMNews -- At this same rally,
Black activist Dick Gregory stated, "What happened to this black man will
soon happen to you white folks." This was said before the black racist killed
the three white people.

th Carolina Republicans Block King Holiday

COLUMBIA, S.C. (Reuters) - South Carolina legislators blocked a bill on
Thursday establishing a holiday for Dr. Martin Luther King, leaving the state
the only one in the nation refusing to honor the slain U.S. civil rights

snip snip  RMNews-- Remember, less than two weeks ago the South Carolina
Republican Party locked out black voters from the primary by closing the
precincts in their areas. Remember also that South Carolina is the state that
flies the Stars and Bars and is being boycotted by the NAACP. Is South
Carolina being set up to repeat its infamous first step in racila division?
Remember your history, South Carolina was the first to declare itself free
from the Union. The Civil War started in South Carolina, will the second
American Civil War also start there?

302/ts/crime_gunman_16.html">Pennsylvania Gunman Acknowledges Mental

WILKINSBURG, Pa. (Reuters) - A black gunman accused of killing two white
people and critically wounding three others appeared to be motivated by
racial hatred, police said on Thursday.

Ronald Taylor, 39, who faces homicide and other charges, kept a notebook of
``anti-white'' and ``anti-Jewish'' writings at his apartment outside
Pittsburgh and confided to witnesses that he meant to shoot only whites
before unleashing his bloody rampage on Wednesday, police said.

snip snip 

RMNews--- FOX News reported that that this black man might be the first
minority to be charged with a "hate crime".  Regular readers of Rumor Mill
News have read of conversations between Rayelan Allan and the mysterious
Admiral from Faction Two who used to sit at her kitchen table and have tea
and cookies with her.

On one occasion Rayelan asked the Admiral if he was admitting that his group
also conducted mind control experiments. The Admiral replied, "You have to
fight fire with fire."

If these mass murders are committed by  mind controlled Manchurian
Candidates, who were created by evil forces in the NWO to bring about the
disarmament of the America people, then what is to be made of black people
killing white people in a fit of racial hatred?  After reading the stories of
the black six year old who killed a white girl, followed the next day by a
black racist who shot and killed three white people,  it appears that two
possibilities exist.

1. This is the final act of the NWO's plan to disarm the American people. In
this act,  if everything goes according to the NWO's script, black people
will start killing white people. This will enrage many white supremists
(programmed supremists?) who will join together with like minded people and
start killing blacks. This will lead to more and more killings which will
eventually erupt into a race war, which will bring about martial law. (This
article from the RMNews archives spells out the Coming Revolution,

2. The other possibility, which is almost too difficult to im

[CTRL] Army 'psyops' at CNN

2000-03-03 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

I wonder if these guys were involved in the Larry King show
assassination attempt on the Serbian official - (I can't remember
his name or title)




Army 'psyops' at CNN
News giant employed military
'psychological operations' personnel

By Geoff Metcalf
© 2000 WorldNetDaily.com
CNN employed active duty U.S. Army psychological operations
personnel last year, WorldNetDaily has confirmed through several
sources at Fort Bragg and elsewhere.
Maj. Thomas Collins, U.S. Information Service has confirmed that
"psyops" (psychological operations) personnel, soldiers and
officers, have worked in the CNN headquarters in Atlanta. The
lend/lease exercise was part of an Army program called "Training
With Industry." According to Collins, the soldiers and officers, "...
worked as regular employees of CNN. Conceivably, they would
have worked on stories during the Kosovo war. They helped in the
production of news."
When asked if the introduction of military personnel into a civilian
news organization was standard operating procedure, one source
said, "That question is above my pay grade ... but I hope so. It's
what we do."
The CNN military personnel were members of the Airmobile Fourth
Psychological Operations Group, stationed at Fort Bragg, North
Carolina. One of the main tasks of this group of almost 1200
soldiers and officers is to spread 'selected information.' Critics say
that means dissemination of propaganda.
Cable News Network suffered a major embarrassment in the wake
of the 'Tailwind' story it aired, alleging the U.S. government used
lethal sarin gas to kill suspected defectors during the Vietnam war.
After WorldNetDaily was the first news organization to expose the
fraudulent news production, two CNN producers were fired and,
eventually, CNN veteran reporter Peter Arnett also was ousted. In
that case, Retired Air Force Maj. Gen. Perry Smith quit his long-
time job as a military adviser to CNN.
What about now? Has the U.S. military been in a position to have
influenced directly CNN's news reports about the crisis in Kosovo?
Collins claims a "handful" of military assets were assigned to CNN
for weeks "to get to know the company and to broaden their
horizons." The Major asserts "they didn't work under the control of
the army."
Several sources have confirmed the temporary outplacement of
U.S. Army psyops personnel started two or three years ago, and
they have been integrated into "various sectors of society." The
assignment durations have been short-term up to one full year,
depending on the mission. When asked, "What were the
missions?" responses to WND varied from "No comment.", "...
need to know," to smiles, and, in one case, an obscene
CNN is the most watched and widely viewed news outlet in the
world. During Operation Desert Storm, Saddam Hussein regularly
watched CNN for battlefield intelligence. The symbiotic, intimate
relationship between CNN and army psyops specialists has raised
many eyebrows, with critics saying it raises doubts about CNN's
journalistic integrity and independence.
The Fourth Psyop Group has been involved in the Gulf War, the
Bosnian War and the Kosovo crisis. American psyops troops
attempt to influence media and public opinion in armed conflicts in
which American state interests are said to be at stake.
News coverage of the war in Kosovo, by CNN and other media, has
been criticized as "one-sided, overly emotional, over-simplified and
relying too heavily on NATO officials," observed a report from the
CNN has not thus far commented officially on the allegations.
Megan Mahoney, a CNN spokeswoman recently said, "I don't
believe that we would employ military personnel; it doesn't seem
like something we would normally do." However, now that the U.S.
Army Information Service has confirmed the news, Mahoney said
she would have to contact CNN's senior officials.

Geoff Metcalf is a staff reporter for WorldNetDaily.


"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain
rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." 
--9th Amendment to
the United States Constitution.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Re: [CTRL] Religion and Mythology

2000-03-03 Thread blue honey

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

A bit of humor on the same subject:

Kissing Hank's Ass
by Jim Huber

 This morning there was a knock at my door. When I answered the door I found
a well-groomed, nicely dressed couple. The man spoke first:

John: "Hi! I'm John and this is Mary."
Mary: "Hi! We're here to invite you to come kiss Hank's ass with us."
Me: "Pardon me?! What are you talking about? Who's Hank, and why would I
want to kiss his ass?"
John: "If you kiss Hank's ass, he'll give you a million dollars; and if you
don't, he'll kick the shit out of you."
Me: "What? Is this some kind of bizarre mob shake-down?"
John: "Hank is a billionaire philanthropist. Hank built this town. Hank owns
this town. He can do anything he wants, and what he wants is to give you a
million dollars, but he can't until you kiss his ass."
Me: "That doesn't make any sense. Why..."
Mary: "Who are you to question Hank's gift? Don't you want a million
dollars? Isn't it worth a little kiss on the ass?"
Me: "Well maybe, if it's legit, but..."
John: "Then come kiss Hank's ass with us."
Me: "Do you kiss Hank's ass often?"
Mary: "Oh yes, all the time..."
Me: "And has he given you a million dollars?"
John: "Well no, you don't actually get the money until you leave town."
Me: "So why don't you just leave town now?"
Mary: "You can't leave until Hank tells you to, or you don't get the money
and he kicks the shit out of you."
Me: "Do you know anyone who kissed Hank's ass, left town, and got the
million dollars?"
John: "My mother kissed Hank's ass for years. She left town last year, and
I'm sure she got the money."
Me: "Haven't you talked to her since then?"
John: "Of course not, Hank doesn't allow it."
Me: "So what makes you think he'll actually give you the money if you've
never talked to anyone who got the money?"
Mary: "Well, he gives you a little bit before you leave. Maybe you'll get a
raise, maybe you'll win a small lotto, maybe you'll just find a twenty
dollar bill on the street."
Me: "What's that got to do with Hank?"
John: "Hank has certain 'connections'."
Me: "I'm sorry, but this sounds like some sort of bizarre con game."
John: "But it's a million dollars, can you really take the chance? And
remember, if you don't kiss Hank's ass he'll kick the shit out of you."
Me: "Maybe if I could see Hank, talk to him, get the details straight from
John: "No one sees Hank, no one talks to Hank."
Me: "Then how do you kiss his ass?"
John: "Sometimes we just blow him a kiss, and think of his ass. Other times
we kiss Karl's ass, and he passes it on."
Me: "Who's Karl?"
Mary: "A friend of ours. He's the one who taught us all about kissing Hank's
ass. All we had to do is take him out to dinner a few times."
Me: "And you just took his word for it when he said there was a Hank, that
Hank wanted you to kiss his ass, and that Hank would reward you?"
John: "Oh no! Karl's got a letter Hank sent him years ago explaining the
whole thing. Here's a copy; see for yourself."

>From the desk of Karl
Kiss Hank's ass and he'll give you a million dollars when you leave town.
Drink only in moderation.
Kick the shit out of people who aren't like you.
Eat right.
Hank dictated this list himself.
The Moon is made of green cheese.
Everything Hank says is right.
Wash your hands after going to the bathroom.
Don't use alcohol.
Eat your wieners on buns, no condiments.
Kiss Hank's ass or he'll kick the shit out of you.

Me: "This would appear to be written on Karl's letterhead."
Mary: "Hank didn't have any paper."
Me: "I have a hunch that if we checked, we'd find this is Karl's
John: "Of course, Hank dictated it."
Me: "I thought you said no one gets to see Hank?"
Mary: "Not now, but years ago he would talk to some people."
Me: "I thought you said Hank was a philanthropist. What sort of
philanthropist kicks the shit out of people just because they're different?"
Mary: "It's what Hank wants, and Hank's always right."
Me: "How do you figure that?"
Mary: "Item 7 says 'Everything Hank says is right.' That's good enough for
Me: "Maybe your friend Karl just made the whole thing up."
John: "No way! Item 5 says 'Hank dictated this list himself.' Besides, item
2 says 'Drink in moderation,' item 4 says 'Eat right,' and item 8 says 'Wash
your hands after going to the bathroom.' Everyone knows those things are
right, so the rest must be true, too."
Me: "But 9 says 'Don't use alcohol,' which doesn't quite go with item 2, and
6 says 'The Moon is made of green cheese,' which is just plain wrong."
John: "There's no contradiction between 9 and 2, 9 just clarifies 2. As far
as 6 goes, you've never been to the Moon, so you can't say for sure."
Me: "Scientists have pretty firmly established that the Moon is made of
Mary: "But they don't know if the rock came from the Earth, or from out of
space, so it could just as easily be green cheese."
Me: "I'm not really an 

Re: [CTRL] Fw: Reagan / McCain Exchange

2000-03-03 Thread Foxter

What behavior of McCain's do you 
have in mind that in your mind was rude?

  - Original Message - 
  A.C. Szul Jr. 
  Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2000 11:48 
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fw: Reagan / McCain 
  Kathleen makes a good point. Also, McCain doesn't seem to know how to 
  listen. He just kept ranting and raving about those non-issues that he wanted 
  to force down everyone's throat. Flashback, perhaps?
  -- Original Message - 

Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2000 09:20 
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fw: Reagan / McCain 

How was McCain rude to 
Can you specify 

  - Original Message - 
  A.C. Szul Jr. 
  Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2000 12:09 
  Subject: [CTRL] Fw: Reagan / McCain 
  -Caveat Lector-    -Cui 
  Bono?-Fascinating how someone who's claimed to be the "Reagan 
  Republican" can beso darn rude with Ronald Reagan's son. Go 
  figure!-A- Original Message ->> 
  TRANSCRIPT> McCain on Michael Reagan Show> Date: 
  2/29/2000>> Michael Reagan: ...This is an interview I tried 
  to do earlier today with> John McCain...It would be choosing the 
  judges. If John McCain becomes> President of the United States and 
  will they be liberal judges, or will> they be conservative judges. 
  That's an issue many people would like to get> an answer to. Is 
  Warren Rudman going to be the Attorney General? Thatwould> be a 
  good question to ask. Why don't we go now, Sen. John McCain. 
  Senator,> how are you?>> Sen. McCain: How are 
  you?>> Michael Reagan: I am just fine, thank you very much. 
  Where are you, areyou> in Fresno?>> Sen. McCain: 
  I'm on the bus, I'm on the way to Bakersfield, I'm headed> through 
  a lot of very beautiful fruit tree areas. It's very pretty here in> 
  the valley.>> Michael Reagan: Question I want to ask you, 
  first of all, have you decided> now to get into the debate that's 
  going to be taking place on Thursdaynight?>> Sen. 
  McCain: We're having the debate will be by satellite from, we'll 
  have> to stop on our trip back to New York and we had to cancel 
  some, some ah of> our New York schedule, but we'll be there by 
  satellite.>> Michael Reagan: All right, let me ask you this, 
  because I think it's an> issue, just, isn't being played out within 
  the campaign there's so many> other things that are being talked 
  about, but as President of the United> States one of the legacy's 
  you would leave would be the judges that you> would appoint as 
  President of the United States of America and there'ssome> 
  great concern if Warren Rudman, who is your overall campaign chair, 
  would> be in such a position in a McCain administration to appoint 
  judges like> Judge Souter to the bench as was done during the Bush 
  administration back> in the 1980's.>> Sen. McCain: 
  Ah, Warren Rudman did not appoint Judge Souter, PresidentBush> 
  did, remember he was the President.>> Michael Reagan: Yes, 
  but...>> Sen. McCain: Second of all, Warren Rudman is a 
  fine, decent man who served> his country in the Korean War, 
  Attorney General of his state, and aSenator> who was highly 
  respected. It was, It was President Bush that appointed> Justice 
  Souter.>> Michael Reagan: Right, but Warren 
  Rudman...>> Sen. McCain: Warren Rudman is seventy...let me 
  finish, please, could I> finish? Ja ah, ah, Warren Rudman is 70 
  years old, he's been, he had a> serious illness. He's not 
  interested in playing any active role in aMcCain> 
  administration and I resent enormously phone calls that were made by 
  Pat> Robertson saying that he was a vicious bigot. I think that one 
  might be> Michael Reagan: Senator, Senator, Senator, Senator, 
  Senator, McCainTalking> Over Michael Reagan: well worth talking 
  about as well...Senator, I'm not,> Senator>> Sen. 
  McCain: I asked you, Michael, if I could finish, can I 
  finish?>> Michael Reagan: But you did finish [McCain 
  Interrupt]>> Sen. McCain: Can I finish? Can I finish? Yes or 
  no?>> Michael Reagan: What else do you have to 
  say?>> Sen. McCain: Can I finish, or not, I mean 
  otherwise>> Michael Reagan: Go ahead>> Sen. 
  McCain: OK. I don't appreciate him being called a vicious bigot 
  byPat> Robertson in personal phone calls to hundreds of 
  thousands of Americans.He> is a fine and decent man and he will 
  play an advisory role to me becausehe> is a fine and decent man 
  who enjoyed a sterling reputation as UnitedStates> Senator and 
  Attorney General of the St

[CTRL] US Military fake rapture and genocide - Important

2000-03-03 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

"The objective is to advance USA and Canada technologically by 2,000 years
before the High Holy Days of the year 2003. At that time, many hundreds of
millions will simply vanish, presumably appearing in 2013, when this
"time-line" TERMINATES. The infantile use of time-machines by ourselves
human on this planet has allowed this deception. It is not possible to
perceive a divine event by means of such a device. Therefore, a beautiful
condition of spiritual evolution is misrepresented as a mass abduction. The
military calls the event a "mass evacuation". Bible-thumpers call this: "The

Much more on here plus Branton's files on zip and doc



© 1997, 1999 Sylvester H. Christie
(Last modified February 1, 1999)

  In-House Counter


(How this is germaine to physics is made clear in files clickable from the
orion.htm (/a>link, the Crimram files, Omega files, the Dulce Papers, the
Mojave files and orion.htm itself; especially by one's familiarity with the
Grand Unification; the GUF is not universally a mystery on this planet. The
social aspect of the Strategic Defense Initiative is often referred to as
The New World Order; however, this is NOT a conspiracy but a domestic
strategy for concerting the public for efficiencies required for fighting a
war, an intergalactic war other treacherous species communicating with major
nations have deceived us into expecting in fall 2003AD. NWO serves the
functions of OPA during World War Two, The Office of Public Affairs. It is
extremely important to you personally to find out about this. Seemingly
natural disasters (quakes, hurricans) and other destabilizing events (riots,
bank failures, stock market crash) justifying Emergency Powers are underway
and are being put into place to justify a condition which, when achieved,
will enable extraordinary brutality. The objective is to advance USA and
Canada technologically by 2,000 years before the High Holy Days of the year
2003. At that time, many hundreds of millions will simply vanish, presumably
appearing in 2013, when this "time-line" TERMINATES. The infantile use of
time-machines by ourselves human on this planet has allowed this deception.
It is not possible to perceive a divine event by means of such a device.
Therefore, a beautiful condition of spiritual evolution is misrepresented as
a mass abduction. The military calls the event a "mass evacuation".
Bible-thumpers call this: "The Rapture". It is all over but the whining. )

The explanations of the cosmos that accommodate the type of phenomenon we
see below are to be more readily found at this site, over time. The grasp of
the nature of Grand Unified Field allows one to conceive applications out of
an entirely fresh arena of physical laws (the Grand Unified Field) [700k
zipped word 6.0 document of 3 megs - pix embedded, only 69 pages] hitherto
relegated to being dissociated mathematical formulae or "hunches" and
"feelings". Our grasp is increasingly resolved in detail and teachability.
This page was purely technical at its inception, however the full scope of
applications and social effects are attended to, as you shall see below. The
explanation of charge separation, nuclear rotation, toroid formation
(electricity/current/space/time/matter), also the 45-degree tilting of the
rotational axis of atomic and celestial bodies with respect to the magnetic
axis, the subatomic particles (the items of the substructure which are
relationships or events or functions, not actual "particles"), the quantum
substructure of matter itself, as well as the relationships among,
magnetism, gravity, mind, and consciousness, also time and space or
electricity [matter], and especially the FIVE (not four) basic forces of
nature, are to be found at: this (in-house) site. A site making nearly fully
comprehensive explanations in terms of fractal geometry is now found.

If you have a serious question about your theory or project ask Sylvester
"zeropoint" Christie

"Learning blocks", i.e., assumptions, prejudices, and reflexive attitudes or
mindsets in particular comprise 110% of the obstacles to comprehension and
effective engineering. The operating paradigm actively displaces the truth
(it is time-bound, which reality is not

[CTRL] Denver Airport - where one trancends space and tim

2000-03-03 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

(Someone should ask Gee Dubya Bush about this. But he would probably
give some kind of double-tougue Reptilian response. ;-(

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Fri, 03 Mar 2000 23:01:43 +1300
From:   Nicky Molloy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:IUFO: Denver Airport - where one trancends space and time?
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], The Eagle Net 
Poleshift <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Alec Newald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Armageddon or New Age? <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This is some info channelled from some Cassiopaeans and very interesting.

Denver Airport


March of 1996
Q: (L) I recently received some information about the Denver Airport. It
seems that there is confirmation that this Airport does have some connection
to something very mysterious. And, you brought this up in the very first
contact. Is there something more on this?

A: Wait and see.

June, 1997

Q: Okay. Back to Mr. M__. He says that he has found, through applications of
"mystery" teachings, and certain personal enlightenments, as well as the
application of sacred geometry principles, the exact location on earth where
one can transcend space and time, as he puts it. Is there such a place?

A: There are "points" where this process is facilitated more easily, but it
is the process which is most key, not the locator. It has to do with
magnetic field meridian conjunctions.

Q: Okay, he suggested that I look at Pouisson's painting 'Winter,' for

A; Yes, go see the painting mentioned. There are strong connections between
this and both the Denver International Airport Murals, and the suggestions
we gave you for your inground pool design! [Figure 1]

Q: Well, he described it as a figure of Noah clinging to a horse between two
pillars. Other than the alchemical symbols I have discovered through
etymology for the horse, what other implications does this figure suggest?

A: Maybe it is something about either the notation of the "knight," or the
gas nebula in Orion. By the way, Laura, have you contemplated the life of
your father? H? Big clues to be found there?? And, if so, what? What

July, 1997

Q: Now, I noticed when looking at the map that there is a place called
"China Lake Naval Weapons Center" right next to Death Valley. I mean, aside
from the fact that it is a NAVAL station nowhere near water, is this
connected in anyway to these underground bases or cities?

A: In a circuitous way.

Q: I also notice that Edwards Air Force Base is a little to the South of
there, and my guess is that these bases are connected to this underground
tunnel system, these underground bases or cities. Am I going in the right

A: Draw a line on the map to connect Death Valley, Edwards, and the Antelope
Valley. Then connect with Mount Shasta, Mount Ranier, Back to Las Vegas, on
to Sedona, over to the Archuleta Mesa, then on up to the Denver Airport.

Q: Well, speaking of the Denver Airport, C__ may be going there soon. Any

A: Then have C__ go to that airport, observe carefully, then report back her
findings. Very important, because the murals there are directly connected to
what you are studying carefully right now. Superclues to be found there,
which can point to monstrous future plans of 4th density STS and much, much


Q: Just who are the good guys?

A: Airports are used by both.

Q: Well, what is THAT supposed to mean?

A: Transdimensional Atomic Remolecularizer.

Q: You mean there is a TDARM at the Denver Airport?

A: Not that simple... and much, much deeper meaning. Did you catch the
latest report about Neanderthals and DNA and how it relates to you?

November, 1997

Q: We have here the Denver Airport Pictures which C__ took on her trip and
perhaps we would like to have a little bit of an interpretation on this very
bizarre figure here. Is it supposed to be looked at this way or reversed?
[Figure 2]

A: Either.

Q: Could you give us a little interpretation on it? It's pretty strange.

A: It is a rectagon.

Q: What is a rectagon?

A: Picture uniting numerous rectangular principles of photo optic

Q: What's the point?

A: If one gazes at it long enough, they will involuntarily be placed into an
alpha state.

Q: Okay. If they go into an alpha state, is there some other kind of message
that the picture then conveys?

A: That is not the point!

Q: What is the point?

A: They then are open to programming of a level one order!

Q: (A) Does the scale of the picture matter?

A: It works better when one gazes at the mural itself, rather than a
photographic representation of same

[CTRL] [NA] Reform, Reform, Reformer, Reformer

2000-03-03 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.html

From: Jim Condit Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [NA] Reform, Reform, Reformer, Reformer
Date: Friday, February 11, 2000 3:19 AM


"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything."
Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin

February 10, 2000 NA (Network America) e-wire

Reform, Reform, Reformer, Reformer

“Reform.” “I’m a reformer.” I’m going to “reform education”, “reform
social security”, said Bush yesterday. And McCain is billing himself as
a “reformer”, as is the Big Media.

This is more “Stop Buchanan” talk — and it’s “Stop Buchanan” because
Buchanan is the only third Party candidate that, as of now, poses a
threat to those behind the political duopoly and the 5 big TV networks.

The major party Republican candidates are trying to co-opt the “reform”

BY THE WAY, has everyone taken note of the HUMONGOUS difference in the
way the Big Media treated Buchanan after his 1996 New Hampshire Primary
win, and the way the Big Media is treating McCain after his 2000 N.H.
Primary win ??? Buchanan was the target of the most concentrated smear
campaign in history against one man by ALL the major TV networks, the
NYT, the Washington Post, and the papers they feed. (This was the most
concentrated attack on one man because of the greatly increased reach
and omnipresence of the Big Media in 1996, which was not as developed in
decades past. Before 1950 and in centuries past, of course, the
technology did not exist for such concentrated attacks over the period
of a week on one individual.) Anyway, if one meditates on the difference
between the Big Media reaction to Buchanan’s NH win in 1996 vs. McCain’s
NH win in 2000 — it will become clear what an establishment creature
McCain is. The Establishment is thrashing around to find some way to
stem the insurgent Third Party challenge that is coming, and they think
they’ve found it in McCain.

It would be a little exaggeration to say that the two major parties and
the Big Media are on the run. But many things happening show they FEAR
being on the run sometime after Super Tuesday around March 7, —
including the sudden “in vogue” status of “reform”, “reformer”, etc.

Word now comes that Jesse Ventura is leaving the Reform Party. This is
good news for the Buchanan Brigades. But it points up a serious problem
in the Reform Party. It is built on a philosophical base of quicksand
and was built on the very questionable personality and purpose of Ross
Perot. Undoubtedly Ventura is going to complain about the way the Perot
crowd is able to whip the Party around, even after his faction
supposedly won “control” of the Party. More on this another time.

Reform Party meetings are held with an undercurrent of tension between
the Buchanan Brigades and those in charge of the Party organizations who
are generally indifferent or hostile to the so-called social issues.

Even worse, the Reform Party, for all of the national publicity it has
received, is no better organized — maybe not as well organized — as the
Constitution Party at the grassroots. The Reform Party was built around
the unstable personality of Ross Perot, and his “all over the lot”
views. In sharp contrast, the Constitution Party and its Presidential
Campaign (Phillips/Sobran) is built around a consistent constitutional,
natural law, pro-life, national sovereignty platform which gives a surge
of energy throughout the membership, even without national publicity.

The exodus of Ventura from the Reform Party means that it will be up to
Ross Perot to step in and try and stop Buchanan from getting the
nomination. (It appears nearly certain that Trump will not be able to do
derail Buchanan without Ventura’s help.)

Those of you who have read most of our e-wires since January 10, 2000
have probably picked up that we believe that the four major candidates
of the two major parties are complete fakes who will do whatever the
Permanent Revolution tells them to do once elected; that the only hope
for this year is a three pronged “happening” — 1) a candidate who can
articulate a message fundamentally different that the Monopoly
Capitalist (Trotsky Communist)/Free-Trade/Eugenics trajectory of the two
major parties (see “Motive, Opportunity, Votefraud” from January 17,
2000 if this terminology seems confusing or outlandish; instructions
below this e-wire tell you how to look these old e-wires up); 2) a large
body of the electorate to demand hand counted elections or make known
that they will refuse to accept the election results as valid; and 3) a
large body of the electorate to tear the mask off, and maybe the
candidate himself to run against, our main enemy: the 5 big TV networks.

With these three strategies in play, the t

[CTRL] It Show Time Again

2000-03-03 Thread ali andrew

Here is more government mind-screw put out but the two of the Bill Clinton 
Murderers of the Children of Waco.TOMMY WITHERSPOON and MARK ENGLAND 
Tribune-Herald staff writers. They were on the scene from the beginning. And are 
responsible for the Sinful messiah series that ran in the paper the day before 
the murdering began.
The show goes on! the Waco Suits are for Waco suckers. No one is being 
charge with these murders and the ones paying for the new church are the 
American people. Clinton must be having quite a laugh at the fools of this 
country. Why shouldn't he? Anybody that falls for this line of garbage is a 
fool. Read this article about the "show" being put on by this 
murderous Government.
Kathryn Schroeder and Rita Riddle are to of the most questionable people 
involved in this mass murder. It is Schroeder who put innocent men behind bars 
to save her our skin. And Riddle left her daughter Misty behind to die. Consider 
for a moment the unbelievable testimonies of the so called "fire 
survivors". And Rita Riddle.
We have got to take our heads out of the sand and look at the truth that 
this government is still very much in control of New Jerusalem,i.e. Mt.Carmel. 
Their agent Clive Doyle,who laid the foundation of the new church on the 
"Sabbath"! is doing all he can to suppress the teachings of David 
Koresh. This law suit is a joke. The show is being staged for those that love 
their sleep and sleep they will until it is their children that are mutilated 
and tortured. They must think that the Murderer of the Children of Waco, Bill 
Clinton, will not harm them. David taught that he, The King of the North,  
will make this world desolate!


Waco Suits for Waco Suckers

They Couldn't Even Get the Names Right!
by Carol A. Valentine

Judge Charlie McCarthy presiding ...

Hey, Wow!  They're finally doing something about Waco! That video showed 
how the government shot the Davidians as they were trying to escape the fire, 
and tough Davidian lawyers are suing the government because of what they did! 
The judge is the same judge who was real mean to the Davidians back in 1994 
and sent them to prison for 40 years, but don't worry, he is nice now--he had a 
change of heart!  Now he's going after the government, not the Davidians! 
The FBI has admitted it lied about stuff.  Janet Reno and Louis Freeh 
are real ANGRY!  There are Congressional investigations, too, complete with 
turf battles! 
The nation is coming together!  Folks are feeling sorry about what 
happened, and are helping the Davidians rebuild their church!  They've even 
had a ground breaking ceremony, with the American flag fluttering in the breeze! 
It was very nice! 
Truth!  Justice!  The American Way!  Yes, indeed, it's all 
just around the corner!   
*   *   *
Do you believe all this?  THEN YOU ARE A SUCKER. 
The lawsuits and attendant media hoopla are part of a tawdry, choreographed 
vaudeville show designed to cover up the Waco Holocaust yet again.  The bad 
actors include Kirk Lyons, Ramsey Clark, Gordon Novel, Brigadier General Benton 
Partin, Michael Caddell, Michael McNulty, and Judge Walter Smith. 
Before we get into details, allow us to pose a question. Imagine you are a 
surviving Branch Davidian or a family member of one of those killed.  
Suppose you had voluminous, incontestable, publicly available evidence that 
members of your family and your friends were murdered with malice aforethought 
and their bodies desecrated in an attempt to cover up the crime. 
Would you file a lawsuit claiming that your women folk and children (a) died 
by accident, (b) committed suicide, (c) were murdered by other Davidians? 
Would you claim your dead friends and relatives set Mt. Carmel on fire? 
Would you ask that Americans who had no part in the planning or performance 
of the murders pay millions of dollars to you while the murderers went free? 
Would you take part in the falsification of history and consider your loved 
ones were in any way avenged? 
Now you understand the Davidian civil suits.  They re-assert the 
government's most pernicious black propaganda against Davidians living and dead, 
make exotic claims against the US that are completely unsupported or supported 
by weak and contested evidence, and ignore the most powerful and convincing 
evidence against the US. 

Table of Contents1.  
Charlie McCarthy Presiding ... 2.  The 
Importance of Truth in Justice 
3.  Kirk 
Lyons     3a.  Startle 
Summers ... No Body to Speak Of ...     3b.  
IS Aisha Summers.  (Please Don't Read the Autopsy Report.) 
    3c.  Forget 