Re: [CTRL] [Fwd: FDA conflicts of interest (USA Today)]

2000-09-30 Thread tenebroust

-Caveat Lector-

I think just about everyone on this list knew this already but it is good and about 
time that this has made it into national news.  How about we talk now about conflict 
of interest in the judicial system as well?

On Tue, 26 September 2000, Nurev Ind Research wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

  Original Message 
 Subject: FDA conflicts of interest (USA Today)
 Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 23:36:02 -0500 (CDT)
 Organization: ?
 To: undisclosed-recipients:;

09/25/00- Updated 12:24 AM ET

 FDA advisers tied to industry
 By Dennis Cauchon, USA TODAY

 More than half of the experts hired to advise the
 government on the safety and effectiveness of medicine
 have financial relationships with the pharmaceutical
 companies that will be helped or hurt by their
 decisions, a USA TODAY study found.

 These experts are hired to advise the Food and Drug
 Administration on which medicines should be approved
 for sale, what the warning labels should say and how
 studies of drugs should be designed.

 The experts are supposed to be
 independent, but USA TODAY found
 that 54% of the time, they have a direct
 financial interest in the drug or topic
 they are asked to evaluate. These
 conflicts include helping a pharmaceutical company
 develop a medicine, then serving on an FDA advisory
 committee that judges the drug.

 The conflicts typically include stock ownership,
 consulting fees or research grants.

 Federal law generally prohibits the FDA from using
 experts with financial conflicts of interest, but the
 FDA has waived the restriction more than 800 times
 since 1998.

 These pharmaceutical experts, about 300 on 18 advisory
 committees, make decisions that affect the health of
 millions of Americans and billions of dollars in drugs
 sales. With few exceptions, the FDA follows the
 committees' advice.

 The FDA reveals when financial conflicts exist, but it
 has kept details secret since 1992, so it is not
 possible to determine the amount of money or the drug
 company involved.

 A USA TODAY analysis of financial conflicts at 159 FDA
 advisory committee meetings from Jan. 1, 1998, through
 last June 30 found:

  At 92% of the meetings, at least one member had a
 financial conflict of interest.

  At 55% of meetings, half or more of the FDA advisers
 had conflicts of interest.

  Conflicts were most frequent at the 57 meetings when
 broader issues were discussed: 92% of members had

  At the 102 meetings dealing with the fate of a
 drug, 33% of the experts had a financial conflict.

 "The best experts for the FDA are often the best
 experts to consult with industry," says FDA senior
 associate commissioner Linda Suydam, who is in charge
 of waiving conflict-of-interest restrictions.

 But Larry Sasich of Public Citizen , an advocacy
 group, says, "The industry has more influence on the
 process than people realize."


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 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] Concerned Citizens Opposed to Police States

2000-09-30 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:

Subject: Concerned Citizens Opposed to Police States

Hash: SHA1

America's Aggressive Civil Rights Organization

September 7, 2000

Alert:  New Group Targets Police State Policies in America

Totally new and ready to go - the organization dedicated to
stopping and reversing America's steady drift toward a police
state. It's Concerned Citizens Opposed to Police States - we
call it CCOPS.

What is a police state? Basically, you have a police state when
you have a large central government power structure that tells
the people what to do. In a police state, you are required to
do certain things - and you are prohibited from doing most
anything else. You live in fear of failing to do what's
required, and of being caught for doing something that's not

Aren't all governments like that? No. The Founders' vision was
a government that protected the rights of individual citizens
to life, liberty and property. They built a nation of laws that
established the rules of the game in which free people function
and interact voluntarily. That means freedom in the home,
freedom in the marketplace, freedom in your backyard. A society
with a limited government, whose job is to keep the peace among
free people, is not a police state.

What does CCOPS do? CCOPS has one broad purpose: to oppose the
formation of police states anywhere in the world. It especially
focuses on the United States and North America, because that is
where CCOPS is based.  Opposing police states and preventing
them from arising are powerful ways to protect every
individual's rights to life, liberty, property and the pursuit
of happiness.

Why was CCOPS formed? CCOPS is not limited to charitable or
educational functions, so CCOPS can advocate or criticize
legislation and political candidates. While JPFO remains
dedicated by law to its vital educational purpose, CCOPS can
charge onto the battlefield on many issues without legal
concerns forced upon us by the government.

CCOPS bought its freedom from government control by giving up
the tax exempt charitable/educational status. People have
clamored for JPFO to take positions on political issues and
candidates, but JPFO must not do that. CCOPS can - CCOPS will.

Does America need CCOPS? Absolutely yes. At this moment CCOPS
is gathering together the data showing how America's society
and government are taking on the qualities of a police state.

Speech codes. Political correctness. Persecution of disfavored
minorities. Central government dictating the details of the
lives and conduct of private citizens. Agencies developing
technology and arming agents to track, snoop, restrict, license,
tax, regulate, register and harass the citizens. Campaigns of
coordinated disinformation. Destruction of core values that
support individual liberty by engines of the state.

CCOPS changes the way people see the problem. Most Americans
don't know anything about the Bill of Rights. Showing that
government edict or program violates the Bill of Rights doesn't
seem to excite too many Americans. But whether they consider
themselves leftist or rightist, nearly all Americans will
understand when CCOPS unmasks a "police state policy." And
that's exactly how CCOPS can generate public outrage - and

Does CCOPS attack police officers? No. CCOPS applauds the
police officers who carry out their vital duties to keep
the peace in our society. CCOPS welcomes and actively seeks
members from the ranks of the police and military services.
When necessary, CCOPS will not hesitate to expose individuals
who trample our Bill of Rights.

Most of the men and women who serve as peace officers and in
the armed forces understand their key role in our society, and
they respect the limits of their duties. The more these people
understand how a free society operates and the dangers of a
police state, the safer we all become with their help.

Why should people join CCOPS? To take a stand against police
state policies. To stop Big Brother before he moves in
permanently. To combat the fascist and socialist ideas that
underlie the seemingly endless expansion of big government.
To protect ourselves, our children and our nation from the
horrors that befall a land that allows itself to become a
police state.

If you are against Sarah Brady, Charlie Schumer and other
freedom-haters, then you are for CCOPS. You must choose:
Will it be a police state? Or will it be an America run
for and by the Bill of Rights?

Join us. Sign up today. Click on

Thank you,

Aaron Zelman

P.S.: Be sure to sign up for the CCOPS internet e-mail alerts.
Many CCOPS messages will be too political for JPFO to send.
The only source of all CCOPS 

[CTRL] False Memory Foundation.Michael Aquino and other

2000-09-30 Thread Birds

-Caveat Lector-

Stalking Curio Jones -
An Open Letter to the San Diego Union-Tribune

By Alex Constantine

 The stalkers have arrived with bells on. "Armed with a telephoto lens
and a laptop computer with a hidden camera," San Diego Union-Tribune
reporter Mark Sauer informs us, "Michelle Devereaux headed south from San
Francisco on a mission to find Curio."1 Ms. Devereaux, a vociferous  member
of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF), and Barry, a friend, "camped
out for hours at the computer lab in San Diego State University's Love
Library," patiently waiting for Curio to arrive and log on at the library's
computer lab.  Devereaux, 43, has, according to Sauer, "a plethora of
tattoos and body piercings and an extraordinary knowledge of cyberspace
after 20 years in the computer business." She and her fellow "cyber-sleuth"
hoped to catch "Curio" in the act - not of a crime, mind, not even a
misdemeanor, but of posting documentation on organized child molestation and
expressing opinions on the same in the Internet's Usenet newsgroups, a
public forum.
 What's up with that? "In her zeal to protect 'young victims,'" Sauer
explains, "Curio has posted extensive information about notable individuals
who worked hard over the years to debunk the notion of satanic-ritual
 Among the "notables" targeted by Curio, count ...

· DR. RALPH C. UNDERWAGER - Former director of the FMSF, forced to
resign in 1993 after it was widely reported that he'd opined in Paidika
(³Darling,² in Greek), a journal published by and for pedophiles, that they
should proclaim it "God's will" that adults engage in sex acts with
children. Nevertheless, he is often quoted in the media and has appeared as
an "expert" in over 100 child abuse trials. In 1988, a New York State court
decision held that Underwager was "not qualified to render any opinion as to
whether or not [a child] was sexually molested." This was painfully clear on
December 19, 1993, when the London Times reported his reference to
unspecified ³scientific evidence² that demonstrated ³60% of women sexually
abused as children reported that the experience had been GOOD for them. He
contended the same should be true for boys involved with pedophiles.²
Underwager blames feminists for the current climate of rancor toward
pedophiles because they are ³jealous² of ³men¹s ability to love other men or
children and have stirred up hysteria over pedophilia.²2

 · MICHAEL AQUINO - A former military intelligence officer with
top-security clearance at the Pentagon and the disgraced high priest of the
Temple of Set in San Francisco, a quasi-Satanic sect that dabbles in Nazi
occultism and "invisibility," among other quack pursuits.
 In 1984-85, Curio wrote in one of her Internet postings, "there were
reports of sexual-ritual abuse at Jubilation Daycare, operated by Barbara
and Sharon Orr in Fort Bragg, Northern California. This case was
investigated by Mendocino County Sheriff deputies. Eventually some 400 pages
of reports were submitted, but the DA declined to prosecute, resulting in no
criminal charges filed against the Orrs. Due to the fact they had a history
of complaints against their daycare center, some of which were upheld and
one cited a child experiencing unusual punishment, the Orrs ultimately
surrendered their childcare license in 1984." (The case is detailed in
Treating Survivors of Satanist Abuse, by Pamela Hudson, a therapist who
provided counseling to children allegedly abused at the daycare center.)
Aquino was implicated in a related scandal at the Presidio Army base, but
the SFPD abandoned the probe in August 1988. Michael Aquino insists there
was no substance to the charges, and the Pentagon dropped them. However,
says Curio, the Army's public position "is in stark contrast to their actual
stated position as described in a transcript of the hearing on the motion to
dismiss dated May 31, 1991. He sued the Army in part because they refused to
remove his name from the titling block or amend their report stating he was
the subject of an investigation for sexual abuse and related crimes. The
court document notes that several members of the Army thought there was
probable cause to 'Title' Aquino with offenses of indecent acts with a
child, sodomy, conspiracy, kidnapping, and false swearing."3
 Aquino has twice attempted to sue ElectriCity, Curio's ISP server, and
twice the case was tossed out of court, "with prejudice."

 ELIZABETH LOFTUS - Another board member of the FMSF. Loftus's academic
interests have long fueled suspicions that the organization, which defends
accused child abusers and pedophiles in the courtroom and the press, is more
concerned with supporting the accused than ferreting out the facts. Before
she joined the FMSF, Loftus testified in 150 criminal cases, always on
behalf of defendants. Critics, she concedes, find her "research" to be
"highly prejudicial."  (Mark Sauer, however, claims that Loftus is "an

[CTRL] In praise of Bayes - more a religion than a science

2000-09-30 Thread Kelly

-Caveat Lector-

In praise of Bayes

Bayesianism is a controversial but increasingly popular approach to
statistics that offers many benefits—although not everyone is persuaded
of its validity

It is not often that a man born 300 years ago suddenly springs back to

But that is what has happened to the Reverend Thomas Bayes, an
18th-century Presbyterian minister and mathematician—in spirit, at
least, if not in body. Over the past decade the value of a statistical
method outlined by Bayes in a paper first published in 1763 has become
increasingly apparent and has resulted in a blossoming of “Bayesian”
methods in scientific fields ranging from archaeology to computing.
Bayes’s fans have restored his tomb and posted pictures of it on the
Internet, and a celebratory bash is planned for next year to mark the
300th anniversary of his birth. There is even a Bayes songbook—though,
since Bayesians are an academic bunch, it is available only in the
obscure file formats that are used for scientific papers.

Proponents of the Bayesian approach argue that it has many advantages
over traditional, “frequentist” statistical methods. Expressing
scientific results in Bayesian terms, they suggest, makes them easier to
understand and makes borderline or inconclusive results less prone to
misinterpretation. Bayesians claim that their methods could make
clinical trials of drugs faster and fairer, and computers easier to use.
There are even suggestions that Bayes’s ideas could prompt a
re-evaluation of fundamental scientific concepts of evidence and
causality. Not bad for an old dead white male.

Previous convictions

The essence of the Bayesian approach is to provide a mathematical rule
explaining how you should change your existing beliefs in the light of
new evidence. In other words, it allows scientists to combine new data
with their existing knowledge or expertise. The canonical example is to
imagine that a precocious newborn observes his first sunset, and wonders
whether the sun will rise again or not. He assigns equal prior
probabilities to both possible outcomes, and represents this by
placing one white and one black marble into a bag. The following day,
when the sun rises, the child places another white marble in the bag.
The probability that a marble plucked randomly from the bag will be
white (ie, the child’s degree of belief in future sunrises) has thus
gone from a half to two-thirds. After sunrise the next day, the child
adds another white marble, and the probability (and thus the degree of
belief) goes from two-thirds to three-quarters. And so on. Gradually,
the initial belief that the sun is just as likely as not to rise each
morning is modified to become a near-certainty that the sun will always

In a Bayesian analysis, in other words, a set of observations should be
seen as something that changes opinion, rather than as a means of
determining ultimate truth. In the case of a drug trial, for example, it
is possible to evaluate and compare the degree to which a sceptic and an
enthusiast would be convinced by a particular set of results. Only if
the sceptic can be convinced should a drug be licensed for use.

This is far more subtle than the traditional way of presenting results,
in which an outcome is deemed statistically significant only if there is
a better than 95% chance that it could not have occurred by chance. The
problem, according to Robert Matthews, a mathematician at Aston
University in Birmingham, is that medical researchers have failed to
understand that subtlety. In a paper to be published shortly in the
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, he sets out to demystify
the Bayesian approach, and explains how to apply it after the event to
existing data.

Patients in clinical trials will soon benefit. Bayesian methods offer
the possibility of modifying a trial while it is being conducted,
something that is impossible with traditional statistics. Andy Grieve
and his colleagues at Pfizer, a drug firm, are intending to do just

Traditionally, dose-allocation trials—in which the aim is to establish
the most effective dose of a new drug—involve giving different groups of
patients different doses and evaluating the results once the trial has
finished. This is fine from a statistical point of view, but unfair on
those patients who turn out to have been given non-optimal doses. Rather
than analysing the results at the end of a trial, Dr Grieve’s method
will evaluate patients’ responses during it, and adjust the doses
accordingly. The advantage of this over the traditional approach that it
maximises the medical benefit to all participants. It also means that
fewer people are needed to conduct a trial, because participants on
non-optimal doses can have those doses changed to
increase the amount of data collected near the optimal dose.

Pfizer is intending to conduct a trial using this new method, and the
plan is to 

[CTRL] The Star Children

2000-09-30 Thread Kelly

-Caveat Lector-

 The Star Children
 By Mary Rodwell

In this article the Australian Close Encounter Resource
Network (ACERN) open its files on research into 'the New Humans', Homo
noeticus, 'the Star Children', or 'the new kids on the block', and
compares that Australian evidence with the latest research from America
and the United Kingdom. There is a quote from the last chapter of the
book The Aliens and the Scalpel (1999) by surgeon Dr Roger Leir who
writes, "I believe that any mother that looks at her recently-born child
in comparison with children born twenty years ago, will testify that
there is a tremendous difference. Some look upon the differences in the
'new humans' and say the reasons for this have to do with better
prenatal care etc.  In my opinion this supposition is nonsense, and in
light of my more recent studies and exposure to the alien abduction
phenomenon, I have come to the conclusion that the rapid advancement of
the human species is due to alien intervention in our bodies and minds.
UFO researcher Bob Dean has spoken many times of the development of a
new humanity called Homo noeticus.  This is a term coined by noted
author John White who has been doing research into parapsychology and
noetics (the study of consciousness) for many years" (Leir, p.191).
Some of the unusual qualities Leir is referring to are:

1)  The ability of babies to read written print.
2)  Sign language being used to communicate with toddlers
not old enough to speak.
3)  Advancements in crawling or age of speech.

"The question is why?  I suggest the answer involves alien manipulation
of human genetics" (Leir, p.192).  More research will obviously be
needed to conform these claims before the scientific and medical
world will accept them.  We first need to establish whether more gifted
children than normal are being born and what their range of abilities
are, and then we would need to eliminate other causes for such abilities
such as better nutrition and parenting.  Unfortunately, proving that an
increased incidence of genius-level children is the result of alien
intervention is made even more difficult in a society that denies that
UFOs, aliens, and paranormal abilities even exist.

Another respected researcher, Colin Wilson, in his book Alien Dawn
(1998, p.309) writes, "Not long before Andrija Puharich's death,
I was asked to write an article about him, and rang his home in America.
When I asked him about what he was working on, he told me he was working
on the study of supernormal children.  'You wouldn't believe how many of
these kids are out there.  They seem to be on genius level.  I know
dozens, and there are probably thousands'."  Wilson ends his book by
writing, "And this, I suspect is the beginning of the change that the
UFOs are working on" (p.309).

Richard Boylan, psychologist, clinical hypnotherapist, and secretary of
the Academy of Clinical Close Encounter Therapists (ACCET) in
America, not only acknowledges the evidence for Homo noeticus, but has a
name for them.  He calls them 'Star Kids'.  He believes they exist in
sufficient numbers to run workshops for both them and their parents.
These workshops are called 'Helping Children Explore their ET
Encounters' and are designed for those: "special children, and their
parents, who have been touched by a heritage from the Stars.  They often
seem like little adults in children's bodies. They often have a gaze, a
knowingness that belies their years.  Telepathic
down-loading, often during the night, in what are made to seem like
'dreams' increases the range and perspective in which these children
operate.  The children seem at home with complex devices, which their
parents struggle to master.  Some of these children are what I call Star
Kids.  Defined as a child with both human and extraterrestrial origin.
The extraterrestrial contribution to the child's make-up may
come from reproductive material, from genetic engineering, from
biomedical technology, and telepathic consciousness linking, as well
as from directed incarnation of an ET into a human body" (Boylan, 1999).

He continues: "The child is conceived from parents who are themselves
'experiencers'.  And the genetic material is in part extraterrestrial,
or they have at least had their human genome altered by ET
bio-engineering to bring out abilities beyond the average.  These
children are either much brighter, more cosmically minded, more psychic,
or all three, than their human peers.  Some invariably remember a
previous life in which they have lived with their ET family. I have
found they have volunteered for a round of incarnation as a human on
Earth, particularly at this pivotal time. These kids are often confused
at first by the primitiveness of Earth, their dense physical bodies, and
often witless thinking and behaviour of their age mates, not to mention
the adults they observe.  These children really
unnerve their parents when they talk about where they came from, or
their 'real' ET parents 'up 

[CTRL] More than 200 Olympic threats

2000-09-30 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-

From the SMH website

More than 200 Olympic threats

2:14PM, Sep 30

Police had received more than 200 threats against the Sydney Olympic Games, New South 
Wales Police Commissioner Peter Ryan said today.

All of the threats had been checked and most were determined to be hoaxes, said 
Commissioner Ryan, who heads security for the Games.

No explosive devices had been found.

''We received somewhere on average of about 12 different threats a day,'' he said.

''Many of them were hoaxes, others it was difficult to say, but remedial action was 
taken by the police and by the defence force working with the police in terms of the 
bomb disposal and search teams to make sure any threat was thoroughly analysed and 
neutralised before it became a reality.

''We did in fact respond with bomb search teams to the venues and the places where 
those threats were made against.

''There were no explosive devices found or dealt with - there were no explosive 

Several people had been interviewed about the threats but no charges had been laid, 
Commissioner Ryan said.

Olympic Security Commander Paul McKinnon said a typical case involved an extortion and 
bomb threat against Stadium Australia where the perpetrator was caught quickly after a 
detective traced the call to the north coast of NSW.

''He rang the local cops at Casino, they drove around and the silly bugger was still 
in the phone-box,'' he told reporters.

''Mainly that was the sorts of things we dealt with.

''The person was taken into custody about a week ago and we were advised by the locals 
that he had a long history of psychiatric care and it would have been inappropriate to 
proceed with the matter.''

Commissioner Ryan said that some of the threats had been delivered via the internet.

''We have received threats by the internet which we have traced back to source despite 
that fact that one of them tried very hard to disguise its source of origin by hiding 
it through different countries, but we are good enough to be able to track that 
down,'' he said.

''It turned out it was sourced back to Australia but it bounced all over the world to 
get here, trying to hide to footprints in the sand, but we got there before the tide 
came in and that person is helping us with our inquires into that matter.''

Commander McKinnon later said the level of threat received had been comparable to the 
number usually received during university or HSC exams and had been mainly made by 
''fruit loops''.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] More on smear in anthropology

2000-09-30 Thread J Taylor

-Caveat Lector-

Copied from another list:
This is an open email from Dr. Samuel Katz, sent to numerous
individuals, including the original recipients of the Turner/Sponsel

Because I was the co-developer (with John F. Enders, Nobel laureate)
of measles vaccine, I have been the recipient over the past 10 days
of numerous phone calls and e-mails regarding the Yanomami and
Patrick Tierney's accusations (Darkness in El Dorado). I am neither
an anthropologist nor a geneticist. I am a pediatrician-vaccinologist
who has spent the past 44 years in studies of various vaccines,
especially measles.

Among the materials sent me is a memo (undated) from Terry Turner and
Leslie Sponsel to Louise Lamphere and Don Brenneis. Their comments
regarding Neel's use of measles vaccine are totally incorrect.
Edmonston B vaccine which Neel administered at a time when an
epidemic of measles was already underway (Amer J Epidemiology, 1970,
91:418-429, Neel et al) was a scientifically established and proven
method of attempting to interrupt an outbreak. Nearly 19 million
infants and children between 1963 and 1975 in the US and
internationally received this licensed (by FDA) vaccine with or
without immune globulin. Vaccine virus has never been transmitted to
susceptible contacts and cannot cause measles even in intimate
contacts. Drs. Turner's and Sponsel's memo indulges in hyperbole as
well as errors ("virulent vaccine", "counterindicated by medical
experts", "greatly exacerbated and probably started the epidemic of
measles", etc.). Who are the unnamed "medical experts" they cite?

Once again, I cannot comment on Neel's style, goals or objectives,
but the use of Edmonston B vaccine in an attempt to halt an epidemic
was a justifiable, proven and valid approach. In no way could it
initiate or exacerbate an epidemic. Continued circulation of these
charges is not only unwarranted, but truly egregious.

Yours very truly,

Samuel L. Katz, MD Wilburt C. Davison Professor  Chairman Emeritus
Department of Pediatrics


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The professor of lies

2000-09-30 Thread J Taylor

-Caveat Lector-

By Jeff Jacoby

September 28, 2000

Edward Said, the world's most renowned Palestinian intellectual, was
as a fraud last summer. The experience apparently taught him nothing.
For decades Said had passed himself off as an exile-an Arab born and raised
in Jerusalem only to be driven out by the Jews in the runup to the
Arab-Israeli war of 1948. He had told the story often, lacing his narrative
with poignant detail.
"I feel even more depressed," he reminisced in March 1998, "when I remember
my beautiful old house surrounded by pine and orange trees in Al-Talbiyeh
east Jerusalem." In a BBC documentary he recalled his years at St.
an Anglican prep school in Jerusalem; he and a boy named David Ezra, Said
recollected, used to sit together in the back of the classroom. He told
another interviewer in 1997 that he could still identify the rooms in his
family's former house "where as a boy he read 'Sherlock Holmes' and
'Tarzan,' and where he and his mother read Shakespeare to each other." All
this was lost when his family fled from Talbiyeh in December 1947, driven
out, as he explained, by the "Jewish-forces sound truck [that] warned Arabs
to leave the neighborhood."
But as Justus Reid Weiner showed in Commentary, the influential journal of
opinion, Said's tragic tale was largely a fabrication. The Saids, it turned
out, had lived in Egypt, not Palestine. Edward Said grew up and went to
school in a posh neighborhood in Cairo, where his father had a thriving
business. Now and then the family would visit cousins in Jerusalem; Edward
was born during one such visit in 1935. But on his birth certificate, the
Saids' place of residence was listed as Cairo; the space for indicating a
local address in Palestine was left blank.
Weiner looked into the expulsion of Talbiyeh's Arabs in 1947. It never
happened. He checked the student registries at St. George's. There was no
mention of Edward Said. He even interviewed David Ezra, the student with
whom Said sat in the back of the room. Because of his bad eyesight, Ezra
told Weiner, he had always sat up front.
Said occupies a lofty perch in the world of letters: He holds an endowed
chair in English and literature at Columbia University, he is a highly
sought-after lecturer, and he has served, at various times, as president of
the Modern Language Association, a member of the Council on Foreign
Relations, and a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
But he is known above all as a zealous champion of the Palestinian cause.
For many years he sat on the Palestine National Council, the PLO's
"parliament in exile," and was a close advisor to Yasser Arafat. He has
savaged Israel and pressed the Palestinians' case in every forum
from op-ed columns to radio broadcasts to congressional testimony. And his
words were accorded great moral force, for wasn't Said himself a victim of
Zionist usurpation? Hadn't he himself suffered displacement and exile?
When the world learned that he wasn't and he hadn't, his moral authority
shriveled. It was as if, one observer put it, "we found out that Elie
spent the war in Geneva, not Auschwitz."
One might have thought that the embarrassment of it all would convince Said
to stop lying about himself. And yet his fabrications continue.
During a visit to Lebanon in July, Said was seen hurling rocks over the
border into Israel. Throwing stones at Israelis has been a popular pastime
among Arab tourists in southern Lebanon ever since Israel withdrew in May.
This stoning has drawn little international attention, even though several
Israelis have been wounded, some permanently. But when Agence France Press
released a photo of the world's most famous Palestinian intellectual
in the violence, it made the papers everywhere. Said was sharply condemned,
even in quarters where he is normally only praised. The Beirut Daily Star
was appalled that a man "who has labored . . . to dispel stereotypes about
Arabs being 'violent'" would let himself "be swayed by a crowd into picking
up a stone and lofting it across the international border." On Said's own
campus, the Columbia Daily Spectator blasted his "hypocritical violent
action" as "alien to this or any other institution of learning."
His response was to shrug off the incident as merely "a symbolic gesture of
joy"-and to lie. His rock, he said, had been "tossed into an empty place."
Witnesses told a different story. London's Daily Telegraph reported that
Said "stood less than 10 yards from Israeli soldiers in a two-story,
blue-and-white watchtower from which flew five Israeli flags."
As for the damning AFP photograph, Said professed surprise: "I had no idea
that media people were there, or that I was the object of attention." But
AFP had a very different explanation-as two Columbia professors, Awi
Federgruen and Robert Pollack, found out when they contacted the press
agency. What they learned, they wrote in the Spectator, was 

[CTRL] Fwd: [The_Spike] Texaco agrees to settle oil royalty suit for $43 million

2000-09-30 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

   A funny thing happened to me on the way to the
Kristeen Young show Thursday night.  On my way to CB's
313 Gallery, somebody drove right up my rear bumper
and kept flashing his lights like a maniac.  I
signaled  him to keep off my rear and he just kept
driving up my rear bumper and flashing his brights.
Finally, I flipped him the bird.  He turned out to be
a cop.  He gave me a ticket for improper hand signal.

   Before I continue- Wow!!!  Su'mer speaks six
languages!  Which ones?  I learned Spanish as a second
language back in the day, but every time I used it,
everyone answered me in English.  Very frustrating.

 The settlements stem from charges made by two
 whistleblowers in a 1996
 lawsuit against 18 large oil companies.

   I don't know if this is news to anyone, but a few
years ago, an effort was made to repeal the
Whistleblowers Act on the claim that it was unfair to
businesses.  I wouldn't be surprised if there was an
effort made against the Whistleblowers Act again in
the future.  Or tie it in with the label of
"government waste" or the slogan of "downsizing big
government".  I remember a few years ago on Nightline
Sen. Al D'Amato and a few other Republicans were asked
what they meant by downsizing big government.  The
first answers they all gave was getting rid of
"unnecessary environmental regulations".  They also
mentioned either decreasing the role of or the getting
rid of government regulatory agencies like the EPA and
one or two of the Republicans in the interview made
the comment that the businesses have been around long
enough to know what's safe and what isn't and should
be given the right to regulate themselves.
   When I was an environmental manager for Clean Water
of New York, Inc., I used to receive newsletters that
were always talking about the "oppressive Big Brother"
environmental regulations that all the "little
businessmen" had to abide by and was always mentioning
phrases like "less government" and "more freedom".
Today, whenever I hear people use terms like
"government waste" and "excess regulatory measures", I
become suspicious that they must be in the same league
as the writers of the newsletters that were delivered
to Clean Water of New York, Inc.
   For those who might be wondering about my scenario
and stay at Clean Water of New York, Inc., I was hired
to be the environmental manager of a barge facility
that would clean out vessels and reclaim the oil from
the sediment and sell it.  They chose to do everything
from a barge predominantly so that they would be
regulated by the Coast Guard, which, at least at the
time, had less demanding standards to abide by when
compared with other regulatory agencies.  The state of
New York did start to include passages in their
environmental law books that would make mention of
docked off shore facilities in their rules and
regulations to include them in the laws laid out for
everyone else "on land", probably as a result of the
existence of this barge facility.  My stay there went
sour when the Coast Guard visited the facility and
asked me questions regarding the facility.  It really
turned out to be nothing; they were confused about the
change of the names of the barges there and were
wondering if a few barges had turned up overnight.
What I didn't like was that my direct supervisor, who
was the head of the facility, practically ducked and
took cover under his desk during the coast guard
visit.  He had once made the comment to me that not
everyone would take a position where "their neck could
be on a chopping block" and after the Coast Guard
visit I found out that there were things going on
behind my back that I was not aware of and did not
approve of, ranging from nobody performing enough or
any sample testing to the facility itself running
without a required permit.  At that point I felt like
a turkey about to be introduced to the chopping block
and relations between myself and my supervisor quickly
grew hostile and in the end I was no longer with the
   This actually turned out to be a good thing.  Six
months after I was no longer there, the parent
company, Eklof Marine, wanted one of their barges to
be sent to Rhode Island.  On the way to Rhode Island,
the barge and the accompanying tugboat encountered a
storm.  Instead of waiting the storm out, they decided
to go ahead and travel through the storm.  The end
result created the largest oil spill in the history of
Rhode Island.  Eklof Marine was fined seven million
dollars.  From what I understand, their insurance paid
for the fine.
   If anyone was curious and wanted to know more about
this incident, here's a few pages that have the story:
  Look under the criminal liability section for
the story.
 Yep.  This attracted the FBI's attention.
It's #39 on this list.  I think 

[CTRL] NW: The Bush Family and the Medicine Man

2000-09-30 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

"Federal and state campaign records show that, as his troubles
escalated, so too have Braswell¹s campaign contributions. "

- - -

The Bush Family and the Medicine Man

A Florida ³natural remedies² magnate and convicted felon is now a
big financial supporter of the GOP

By Michael Isikoff

September 29 ‹  As Florida Gov. Jeb Bush mobilizes for an
all-out push to carry his state for brother George W.¹s
presidential bid, his cause has gotten a big financial boost‹from
a controversial direct-mail promoter of ³alternative² health care
products whose business practices are under scrutiny by federal
law-enforcement officials.A. GLENN BRASWELL, a
Florida-based mail-order magnate who once served seven months in
federal prison for perjury and mail fraud, has contributed
$220,000 to Republican causes during the past two years‹including
$25,000 to George W. Bush¹s gubernatorial re-election campaign in
1998 and another $125,000 in ³soft money² donations to the
Florida Republican Party, federal and state records show.

   During the same period of time, Braswell has gotten some
unusual promotional help for his health care business-from Jeb
Bush. A recent edition of the Journal of Longevity‹a monthly
magazine that serves as an advertising vehicle for anti-aging
formulas, sex-drive enhancers and other Braswell health
products‹featured an article that ran under the byline of the
Florida governor.

Moving quickly to quell any controversy about the
relationship between Braswell and the Bush family, a spokesman
for Texas Gov. Bush told NEWSWEEK today that Bush¹s gubernatorial
campaign is returning the $25,000 contribution that Braswell made
in 1998. The spokesman, Dan Bartlett, said Bush had a standing
policy of refusing campaign contributions from ³convicted

  In the July, 2000 article in the Journal of Longevity, Jeb
Bush touts his commitment, and that of George W. Bush, to new
health-care approaches that meet the needs of senior citizens.
One of the most important, he writes, is greater emphasis on
³alternative² medical treatments, citing the ³growing popular
demand² for natural ³therapies and nutrients²‹the same sort of
products that Braswell markets in his direct-mail business. The
article is accompanied by a color photo of the Florida governor
standing side by side with a beaming George W. Bush.

³This is unfortunate‹it¹s endorsement by association,²
said Dr. Stephen Barrett, the chairman of Quackwatch, a group
that monitors health industry claims. Barrett noted that, over
the past two decades, Braswell¹s companies have been repeatedly
chastised by federal regulators for their advertising and
labeling practices. By agreeing to appear in Braswell¹s magazine,
the Florida governor was implicitly lending his name and prestige
to his companies¹ product lines, Barrett said. ³Here you have a
prominent and popular governor who is appearing to endorse these
products,² said Barrett.

 But Katie Baur, Jeb Bush¹s communications secretary,
said that the Florida governor hadn¹t done any special favors for
Braswell‹and may even have been misled himself by the GOP
campaign donor. ³This office receives hundreds of requests for
articles like that and we attempt to answer all of them,² said
Baur. ³This request was like every other.²

Baur said that after the article appeared, Bush¹s office
complained that the Journal of Longevity had altered the version
approved by the governor¹s staff and inserted passages that
seemed to more directly promote some of Braswell¹s health
products. ³We were very disappointed that they would take liberty
with the article we sent them,² she said. ³There was an implied
endorsement of products that in no way shape or form was

But exactly when, and why, Bush¹s office complained about
the alterations is unclear. Asked for a copy of any letter of
protest the governor¹s office sent the Journal of Longevity, Baur
instead faxed NEWSWEEK a copy of a brief memo that was written by
Ron Tepper, editor of the Journal of Longevity. In the memo,
Tepper apologized for an ³editing error² that resulted in the
magazine publishing a version of the article ³that was not the
version approved by Governor Bush.²

   The letter was dated August 23, 2000, the day after a
NEWSWEEK reporter showed up in the offices of the Journal of
Longevity in Marina Del Ray, Calif. and inquired about Braswell¹s
ties to Jeb Bush and George W. Bush. Tepper said he had not
received any complaints from Bush¹s office prior to that. He also
described the changes as small, involving the insertion of one
paragraph. Bush¹s reference to ³therapies and nutrients²‹the
kinds of products offered by Braswell‹was contained in the
original version of the article supplied to Newsweek by Jeb
Bush¹s office.

The Jeb Bush article ran under the heading ³Health Care
Reform.² But the story of how it came about appears to say as
much about 

Re: [CTRL] Turks and Armenians corner Jews in debate over genocide

2000-09-30 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 09/28/2000 6:01:36 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 : The bill was endorsed a week ago by a subcommittee of the House
 : of Representatives, and is expected to be debated in the committee
 : plenum. The law calls upon the president to "define as genocide the
 : systematic and intentional murder of a million-and-a-half Armenians,"
 : and asks the State Department to pass on this material to American
 : diplomats. The Armenians are of course seeking to obtain American
 : recognition for the genocide committed by Ottoman Turkey in 1915.

 : The Armenian initiative did not make waves in the American media,
 : and has little chance of passing the coming stages of legislation.
 : The
 : State Department even published a condemnation of the decision in
 : the House of Representatives. "Historians, not lawmakers, are the
 : ones who should be concerned with this matter," explained the State
 : Department spokesman. "We are prepared to assist the efforts of the
 : Turkish and Armenian experts, together with academics from other
 : countries, to study their joint history." 

The State Department is right.  I've no idea why this has become a matter
constantly brought up in Congress.  I don't think they made a fuss in 1915,
but they've been carping on it for at least the last ten years.  The Turks
and Armenians truly understand the issue.  It has been a kind of magnified
blood feud ever since it happened.  When I looked into the matter some years
ago, it seemed that this all came up when Russia and Turkey were fighting.
At that time, the Armenians were a fairly large population in Eastern Turkey,
where even today many Armenians are to be found.  At that time, they had
magnificent churches, monestaries, and they were especially noted for their
skill as silversmiths.  They did fine work in other metals as well, and were
excellent businessmen.  They wanted their own country, and the Russians said
that if they would fight on the side of Russia, that when Russia won the war,
they would be given their own country.  Unfortunately for the Armenians, the
Russians lost and went home, leaving the Armenians to reap the wrath of the
Turks who to this day consider treason the worst sin there is.  A similar
state of affairs happened in VietNam when the Americans took to their heels
and left the South Vietnamese to face the wrath of the North.  We have not
yet taken the North Vietnamese to task for their treatment of the South
Vietnamese, and yet we had much more to do with that matter.  The Government
of the United States should keep its nose out of the business between the
Turks and Armenians.  Our voiced opinions (whatever they may be) will add
nothing positive to this problem.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] A Man's Home is his Castle and he is the King

2000-09-30 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well Kris I think the "elites" are the peons most of whom through
criminal conduct have made a fortune.So I send this as a reminder
that they are the peons and an albatross on the back of every citizen in
this country.when you see how Hollywood and Clinton work together,
and see these people buying up America and hogging land intended for
people, not parasites
- I always remember the Barons who put the King in his proper place, or
it would have been off with his head...this little item by Senator Byrd
is a nice item.and as for going through the eye of the needle - the
eye is beginning to close now...Huzzah.


National Society Magna Charta Dames and Barons Electronic Newsletter,
August, 2000


Information - June 11 - 20, 2001 Lost Charta Dames and Barons
[Congressional Record: June 15, 2000 (Senate), Page S5182, From the
Congressional Record Online via GPO Access []



Mr. President, today is a very special anniversary. One will not find it
noted on most calendars. Although it lacks the familiarity of the
anniversary of the writing of the Constitution, for example, it is a day
well worth remembering.

The 15th day of this month deserves our attention for one very
fundamental reason which is quite important to this Republic and to
those of us in this Chamber. It marks the birth of the idea that ours is
a government of laws and not of men, and that no man, no man is above
the law.

Seven hundred and eighty-five years ago, on June 15, 1215, English
barons met on the plains of Runnymede, on the Thames River near Windsor
Castle, to present a list of demands to their king. King John had
recently engaged in a series of costly and disastrous military
adventures against France. These operations had drained the royal
treasury and forced King John to receive the barons' list of demands.

These demands--known as the Articles of the Barons--were intended as a
restatement of ancient baronial liberties, as a limitation on the king's
power to raise funds, and as a reassertion of the principle of due
process under law, at that time referred to in these words, ``law of the

Under great pressure, King John accepted the barons´ demands on June
15 and set his royal seal to their set of stipulations. Four days later,
the king and barons agreed on a formal version of that document. It is
that version that we know today as Magna Carta. Thirteen copies were
made and distributed to every English county to be read to all freemen.
Four of those copies survive today.

Several of this ancient document's sixty-three clauses are of towering
importance to our system of government. The thirty-ninth clause, evident
in the U.S. Constitution's Fifth and Fourteenth amendments, underscores
the vital importance of the rule of law and due process of law.

It reads ``No freeman shall be captured or imprisoned . . . except by
lawful judgment of his peers or by the law of the land.´´

Beginning with Henry III, the nine-year-old who succeeded King John in
1216, English kings reaffirmed Magna Carta many times, and in 1297 under
Edward I it became a fundamental part of English law in the confirmation
of the charters. (An original of the 1297 edition is on indefinite loan
from the Perot Foundation and is displayed in the rotunda of the
National Archives.)

In 1368, that would have been under the reign of Edward III, a statute
of Edward III established the supremacy of Magna Carta by requiring that
it ``be holden and kept in all Points; and if there be any Statute made
to the contrary, it shall be holden for none.´´

 In the early 1600s, the jurist and parliamentary leader Sir Edward Coke
interpreted Magna Carta as an instrument of human liberty, and in doing
so, made it a weapon in the parliamentary struggle against the gathering
absolutism of the Stuart monarchy.

  As he proclaimed to Parliament in 1628, ``Magna Carta will have no
sovereign.´´ Unless Englishmen insist on their rights, another
observed, ``then farewell Parliaments and farewell England.´´

By the end of that century, through the course of civil war and the
Glorious Revolution, the rights of self-government, first acknowledged
in 1215, became firmly secured.

As settlers began their migration to England's colonies throughout the
seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, they took with them an
understanding of their laws and liberties as Englishmen. Magna Carta
inspired William Penn as he shaped Pennsylvania's charter of government.
Members of the colonial Stamp Act Congress in 1765 interpreted Magna
Carta to secure the right to jury trials.

After the colonies declared their independence of Great Britain, many of
their new state constitutions carried bills of rights derived from the
1215 charter, Magna Carta. As University of Virginia law professor A.E.
Dick Howard notes in his classic study of the 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: HoffmanWire: 9 Days to Lieberman's Kol Nidrei

2000-09-30 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

William Shannon wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 9/29/00 7:30:37 PM Central Daylight Time,

   "All vows, prohibitions, oaths, consecrations or equivalent terms that we
   may vow, swear, consecrate, or prohibit upon ourselves from this Yom Kippur
   until the next Yom Kippur, may it come upon us for good - regarding them
   all, we repudiate them henceforth. They all will be abandoned, cancelled,
   null and void; they will be without power and without standing. Our vows
   shall not be valid vows; our prohibitions shall not be valid prohibitions;
   and our oaths shall not be valid oaths."

  I don't know what he thinks this means, do any of you?

   Now here's the clincher: we have from today until Oct. 8 to take this
   information and hector the media, the clergy, the professors and the
   Democrats (and even revisionist publications and allies who thus far have
   been silent).
   Keep the message pithy and brutally direct. Ask a simple question which
   Michael A. Hoffman II has thus far dared to ask, and the media --including
   the kosher-conservative media -- refuse to ask:
   How can a man who performs the Kol Nidrei rite and recites the words of the
   preceding text - invalidating all the oaths he will make in the coming year
   -- be trusted to uphold the oath he will make to the Constitution should he
   be elected Vice-President of the US?

  Oh I get it now. Lieberman has found a Jewish legalistic way out of a secular
  oath which means he can't be trusted. This presumes that Jewish law overrides
  secular law. This presumes wrong. But what can one expect from the idiot who
  brought the " Khazar " theory to half baked bigots? 

 So you DO get it...and this sums up the entire jist of this
 Hoffman or not this is a valid and interesting point!

 Bill. (NOT an Xian either!)

No it's not Bill. He's an ignorant prick who hates Jews and looks for ways to
demonize them for profit.

His whole idea here is wrong. He doesn't understand what he is saying. His
presentation is superficial and he has concocted this silly conspiracy to hook
his audience of Christian bigots who will gladly pay for his " materials."

I don't want to explain the details of what the Kol Nidre is saying. But
you people must understand that Jews have lived in foreign countries for a
long time. The primary directive of Jewish law is to comply with the laws
phrases in the vastness of the literature to prove anything can be easily
done when taken out of context. The case he makes for Kol Nidre's negation of
oaths was taken out of context and actually means the opposite of what Hoffman
says it means.

Because Hoffman is an idiot with a truly ignorant audience, he can tell them
any kind of nonsense and they are happy to believe it. That he claims to have
" unearthed " the Kol Nidre is so absurd that it's quite funny. It's like
saying Columbus discovered a land where people came out to greet him. It's like
discovering the name Jesus in a Christian hymnal.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: ISRAELI ARMY TARGETS PALESTINIANS throughout occupied territories and Jerusalem

2000-09-30 Thread Aleisha Saba

Sounds just like home..soon will it be our police vs. the guestapo?

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

   ___      __
  /  |/  /  /___/  / /_ //M I D - E A S T   R E A L I T I E S
 / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East

  News, Information,  Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
 and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know!
  - - - - - - - - - -
   To receive MER regularly email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


MID-EAST REALITIES - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 30 September 2000:
   Throughout the occupied territories, including Gaza, the Israeli army remains
present and in charge.  In recent days the army even entered the limited areas
supposedly under the complete control of the "Palestinian Authority" under the
guise of "chasing terrorists".  This summary of what took place yesterday in
Jerusalem comes from The Union of Palestinian Medical Relief Committees.  Today,
Saturday, reports are coming in of Israeli Army shootings of Palestinians throughout
the occupied territories as well as in Gaza and Jerusalem.


JERUSALEM - September 29, 2000, 9:30 PM - Following yesterday's provocative
visit to the Haram Al-Sharif (Dome of the Rock complex) by former defense
minister and Member of Knesset Ariel Sharon, the Israeli Defense Forces
and police increased armed presence in and around Al-Aqsa mosque and
throughout the Old City of Jerusalem.

Today, as worshippers exited Al-Aqsa mosque after the Friday noon prayer,
they were confronted by Israeli police officers and soldiers who refused to
allow them to exit peacefully.  Instead, many worshippers were stopped,
searched and humiliated at the gates of the complex.

As a result of this further provocation by the Israeli authorities, clashes
erupted between the civilians and army and police personnel.  Soldiers and
police fired high-velocity ammunition, rubber bullets and tear gas
indiscriminately at the worshippers for more than two hours.  Some
worshippers were shot while still inside the mosque.  Snipers with live
ammunition fired directly into the crowd.

Over two hundred civilians were injured, and of those, six were shot in the
head.  As of now, five Palestinians have died from injuries sustained at
the hands of the Israeli forces.

Following the violence in the Old City of Jerusalem, demonstrations and
clashes broke out in other parts of East Jerusalem, as well as in the West
Bank cities of Bethlehem, Ramallah, Ar-Ram, Hebron, and the Qalandia
refugee camp.  At these locations, Israeli soldiers used severe force in an
attempt to disperse the civilian demonstrators.  As of 6 P.M., over 400
Palestinians throughout the West Bank and East Jerusalem have been injured.
 Many received on-site first aid treatment from fellow Palestinians.  The
most severely injured were transferred to area hospitals.

Our teams in the hospitals examined victims wounded by both rubber bullets
and high-velocity ammunition.  Among the wounded are elderly men like
Mohammed Abu-Libdi, age 68, Issa Zawahneh, age 70, and many older women
including Noha Khader, age 49.  Some of the injured received multiple
gunshot wounds, including Adel Hussein Odeh, age 25, who was hit by three
bullets in the wrist and both legs.  Our teams also report that six people
lost eyes.

The army has surrounded Al-Maqassed and Augusta Victoria hospitals and is
preventing the injured and their family members from accessing the facilities.



JERUSALEM (Sept. 30), Reuters, by Wafa Amr - Israeli troops and Palestinian police
exchanged fire in a third day of clashes on Saturday, further damaging chances
of securing an Arab-Israeli peace deal.

About 200 Palestinians were wounded in the violence sweeping the West Bank and
Gaza Strip, and the death toll rose to at least seven from violence earlier this

It started after right-wing Israeli politician Ariel Sharon -- a figure of hatred
for Palestinians -- visited a site in Jerusalem's Old City on Thursday that is
sacred to both Jews and Muslims.

Witnesses said Palestinian police and Israeli soldiers opened fire during clashes
near a Jewish settlement in Gaza on Saturday, and medical sources said more than
70 Palestinians had been injured in the violence there.

Israeli security forces also opened fire in the West Bank city of Nablus when
hundreds of Palestinians marched towards an army checkpoint. Witnesses reported
three people hurt.

Thousands of demonstrators gathered in the divided West Bank city of Hebron.
Some threw stones and others hurled petrol bombs at Israeli soldiers and at least
60 people were injured.

In Jerusalem, Israeli police said Palestinians threw stones at cars and buses
and, as a security 

[CTRL] Digital Angel, Spying on Salmon-Scan this News 9/30/00

2000-09-30 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: "ScanThisNews" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "ScanThisNews Recipients List" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, September 30, 2000 8:32 AM
Subject: [FP] FW: Digital Angel


 -Original Message-
 From: phillip hudok [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Saturday, September 30, 2000 7:13 AM
 Subject: Fwd: Digital Angel

Digital Angel
  Microchip implants for humans may eliminate autonomy any day
- - - - - - - - - - - -
by Katherine Mieszkowski and staff reporters
 Worry no more, doting parents! Whether it's your little pumpkin's
 first day walking home from school by herself or the millionth time
 lost her at the mall, the Babysitterª will track your sweetpea's location
 using a jellybean-sized microchip implant, discreetly tucked under the
 of her collarbone. You'll be able to chart her every move. What better
 to give her independence, and put your mind at ease?
Also available: The Constant Companionª lets you keep a watchful
 on grandma and grandpa, even when you can't be by their side; The
 Bodyguardª offers freedom from fear so you can enjoy the fauna and
 when eco-tourism takes you to kidnapping-hot spots around the globe.
 soon: The INS Border Patrollerª; the Maximum Security Guardª; the
 Private Eyeª; the Micro-Managerª.
Alas, this is not as far-fetched or as futuristic as it sounds.
 whoa-dude notion of surveillance chips being installed in human beings is
 poised to cross over from the realm of science fiction into everyday
 reality, and soon. One technology with the deliciously sci-fi name of the
 "Digital Angel," a prototype of which will be unveiled next month, could
 implanted under the skin and used to monitor not only the chip-wearer's
 location, but vital signs like heart rate and body temperature. Other
 devices, worn externally like bracelets or pagers, are already in use and
 invite us to embrace electronic monitoring in specific environments like
 theme park, college campus or construction site for our fun, health or
The technology was born in Boulder, where Destron Corporation
 invented the microchip implant for pet and livestock identification.
 the Digital Angel, which evolved from animal implant technology, the
 Destron chips are designed transmit only a few feet to a scanner.

Spying on salmon
Today, the chips and a variety of imitations, are in millions of
 American dogs and cats. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service implants them
 salmon to track their migration habits and survival trends in the Snake
 Columbia Rivers. Ducts that bypass hydro-electric dams have been
 with scanners that collect data as the fish swim by.
Although Destron never intended for chips to be implanted in
 the company's technology led to it.
"On one hand, society has a tremendous need for a practical
 identification system for humans," says Bob Stewart, of Boulder, who was
 the head of engineering for Destron before the company moved to
 in 1992. "More than a half million Americans have their identities stolen
 every year. On the other hand, implanting chips into humans brings up
 serious issues of privacy and Big Brother. It conjures images of Nazis
 branding Jews for easy identification."
What's also disturbing is just how quickly these devices, which
 recently would have been laughed off as a cyborg fantasy, are becoming
 accepted. Amazingly, it was but two years ago that a British cybernetics
 professor pulled what then seemed like a futuristic stunt: temporarily
 installing electronics in his arm to control his computer remotely.
Now having a personal chip is becoming, well, not quite the norm
 a ready possibility. Kevin Warwick, the cybernetics prof, says, "As the
 topic becomes more accessible in the media, people get used to the idea;
 it's not such a frightening thing...If it's not there this year, it's
 a year or two downstream." A Japanese firm is already testing chips to
 track lost relatives. And the New York Times, in a nod to what its
 imagine the future might hold now that the human genome project is
 complete, asked several designers to suggest how we might carry around a
 chip encoded with our unique genetic sequence "for perfect identification
 in matters medical, official, criminal or otherwise." Some of the
 possibilities portrayed in the July 9 Sunday magazine: a "decoder" ring,
 implant in the human iris to be read with a retinal scanner, even an
 oval-shaped "genegg" for the belly button.
Stewart agrees that implant 


2000-09-30 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 09/29/2000 7:50:33 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

  This is a step forward away from sheer
 : genocide. The Security Council's conception of Iraqis is
 : nevertheless that they are not human beings but a herd of
 : 20 million sheep whose minimal needs are reduced to
 : foodstuffs, medicines and some undefined 'essential
 : civilian needs' to be determined at a closed committee
 : meetings by well-groomed gentlemen in New York. 

Not a pretty picture, but it shows what happens when you interfere with the
Bush family oil interests.   Two other countries Cuba and Libya had the
temerity to take over the possessions of wealthy individuals and
corporations.  Seems they don't do too well either.  Such an interesting
measure of diplomatic allies, isn't it?  Any country worthy of friendship
should learn how to purse its lips whenever those with more power and wealth
bend over.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Violence Casts Shadow on Jewish New Year

2000-09-30 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 09/29/2000 7:50:36 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 JERUSALEM (AP) -- Israelis marked the Jewish new year at sundown Friday
 festive family meals, dipping apples in honey to usher in a sweet year, but
 the celebrations were marred by deadly Israeli-Palestinian clashes.

 In Jerusalem, the Western Wall, Judaism's holiest shrine, normally packed
 with worshippers during high holidays, stood deserted Friday after
 confrontations erupted between Palestinian stone throwers and Israeli riot
 police at the adjacent mosque compound. The rioting left four Palestinians
 dead, 175 injured, and 44 Israeli policemen hurt. 

Well, when one sews the wind, one reaps the whirlwind.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fujimori Confident Stability will be Preserved

2000-09-30 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 09/29/2000 7:50:36 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Fujimori made the comment to reporters after Secretary of State Madeleine
 Albright told him she supported his decision to convene early elections and
 urged him to use his remaining months in office to promote democratic

What he really meant was that it would be a cold day in Hell before he
intended to promote democratic reform.  What a creep.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] How it's done: Elites protect each other.

2000-09-30 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

The Duvaliers, Ferdie Marcos, Boris Yeltsin, Idi Amin, the Shah of Iran,
Pinochet, and now Suharto will get away with massive theft and mass murder.

How can this be?

The Elites have decided that no *effective* law applies to a head of state.
Since any country's legal system is often and integral part of elite political
control, they always get off.

At the highest levels power and wealth are interchangeable. If you attain one,
you use it to get the other. All elites understand and admire this. Elites would
not punish other elites for doing their job properly. Their job is to keep
wealth and power in the hands of the elites. The system employed is irellevant.

Screw the people, they are a means to an end. This is why democracy does not, and
can not exist in conjunction with elitism. Ordinary people hold ALL people to
the common laws.

You MUST control your elites. The solution is democracy. If democracy is negated,
then hisory shows that either some form of slavery, or violent revolt against
the elites have been the result.



Suharto Ruling Prompts Protests

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP)--Hours after a court dismissed corruption charges
against former President Suharto, thousands of students battled Indonesian
police Thursday in a swirl of tear gas, rocks and gasoline bombs.

At least one person was killed and dozens injured in battles on Jakarta's
rain-swept streets after five judges ruled Suharto's health was too frail
for him to face trial on charges of stealing at least $583 million from the

Mobs, indignant Suharto never set foot in court, set fire to cars, buses and
an office belonging to the former leader's old political party, Golkar.

Police, carrying Plexiglas shields and wielding bamboo staves, charged
several hundred students who pelted them with stones and at least one
gasoline bomb, TV footage showed.

At one point, an officer shot a tear gas launcher into the face of a man
crouching on the side of a road and covering his head with his hands. The
round burst in yellowish white flash.

The blast pitched the young man over his side, and 10 other officers began
kicking and beating the prostrate protester. One officer tried to smash the
man with another grenade launcher, which discharged covering the group in a
cloud of gas. Bleeding and semiconscious, the man was hospitalized.

Scores of riot police guarded the 79-year-old Suharto's central Jakarta home
while about 800 protesters and 200 Suharto supporters threw rocks and
bottles at one another. As motorcycles burned, demonstrators threw rocks and
gasoline bombs at officers.

Bloody protests by students pushed Suharto from power in 1998, but with his
trial abandoned, students fear he will never face a court for abuses during
his more than three decades in power.

``Suharto ruined this country. Now he is going to get away with it. If we
don't stop him, who will? This is not democracy,'' protester Siong Dede

The court accepted the findings of a 23-doctor medical team that brain
damage from three strokes reduced Suharto's intelligence to that of a third

The court also ignored demands by prosecutors that Suharto be tried in
absentia--an alternative favored by the government.

The court freed Suharto from house arrest and lifted other travel

Suharto's corruption trial had been regarded as central to efforts by the
year-old government to clean up endemic graft and make amends for past human
rights abuses.

Attorney General Marzuki Darusman said prosecutors would appeal the court's

``There is no real will to give justice to the people,'' Darusman said.

Thursday's decision came as President Abdurrahman Wahid, Indonesia's first
democratically elected head of state in 44 years, was on an official visit
to South America.

Disappointment with the failed attempt to try Suharto could further erode
Wahid's strength, already weakened by scandals and infighting as well as
outbreaks of religious and ethnic violence across the sprawling nation of
17,000 islands.

The proceedings against Suharto cast a shadow over Jakarta, which has been
rocked by a series of deadly blasts, including a Sept. 13 explosion at its
stock exchange that killed 15 people.

Speculation is rife that the explosions were the work of Suharto supporters
and elements of the security forces opposed to Wahid's democratic reforms.
At least 30 people have been arrested.

sum malus tuus genius.
 - videbo -

 Attitudes of the Rich and Famous...

 The American system of ours, call it Americanism, call it Capitalism,
 call it what you 

[CTRL] NAFTA at work

2000-09-30 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

The NAFTA ruling on Metalclad vs. Mexico
- - The Broader Context -

Gerard Greenfield

Two weeks ago (August 25) the NAFTA Tribunal for the case of Metalclad Corp
vs. Mexico ruled in favour of Metalclad, ordering the Mexican government to
pay US$16.7 million in compensation.

It is the first ruling in an investor-to-state lawsuit under NAFTA.

BOX 1: Metalclad vs. Mexico

In October 1996, Metalclad Corporation, a US waste-disposal company, accused
the Mexican government of violating Chapter 11 of NAFTA when the state of
San Luis Potosi refused it permission to re-open a waste disposal facility.
The State Governor ordered the site closed down after a geological audit
showed the facility would contaminate the local water supply. The Governor
then declared the site part of a 600,000 acre ecological  zone. Metalclad
claimed that this constituted an act of expropriation and sought US$90
million in compensation.

An earlier suit against the Canadian government by US-based Ethyl Corp. was
settled before a ruling was made.

BOX 2: Ethyl Corp vs. Canada

In 1997 the US chemicals giant, Ethyl Corp, used NAFTA Chapter 11 to sue the
Canadian government for a ban imposed on MMT, a gasoline additive produced
by Ethyl which is toxic and hazardous to public health. Ethyl claimed that
the ban "expropriated" its assets in Canada and that "legislative debate
itself constituted an expropriation of its assets because public criticism
of MMT damaged the company's reputation." Ethyl sued the Canadian government
for US$250 million. A year later, in June 1998, the Canadian government
withdrew environmental legislation banning MMT, and paid Ethyl Corp US$13
million to settle the case.

Three more suits are outstanding against the Canadian government, three
against the Mexican government and two against the US government.

The case against the US by a Canadian corporation, Mexthanex, also gained
attention on the weekend, with an article in The National Post (September 5)
announcing that Methanex will seek US$970 million in compensation from the
US government for environmental laws in Califorina which are "tantamount to

All of these cases are based on the "rights" of investors guaranteed in
NAFTA's Chapter 11, where a broad definition of "expropriation" is combined
with the right of investors to directly sue governments for compensation
(under 'investor-to-state' dispute resolution).

An article in the The Globe  Mail (September 1) on the Metalclad ruling
(again) drew attention to the threat posed by NAFTA Chapter 11 to government
regulations protecting the environment and public health. Similar articles
will be published in the coming weeks. This may even add to the ongoing
(though low-key) debate on whether the wording of investment rules under
Chapter 11 should be revised.

However, it is important to understand the Metalclad ruling in its wider
context. It is not only significant in terms of the assault on environmental
regulation, but in the politics of government regulation as a whole.

Local struggle as the root of the 'problem'

In most reports on the Metalclad vs. Mexico case the 'problem' was that
state legislation caused Metalclad to lose the value of its investment. The
debate is then carried out in terms of the validity of the legislation in
protecting the environment and public health.

However, we should remind ourselves that this kind of legislation does not
just appear out of thin air. Nor is it the result of the kindness of
government officials or 'common sense.' As with most social and
environmental regulation protecting the rights and interests of working
people, it was the result of sustained local struggle.

BOX 3: "Metalclad wants to re-open and expand a toxic dump site in
Guadalcazar County in the northern part of the north-central state of San
Luis Potosí. That the company might succeed in doing so - despite the
opposition of many local officials and citizens - has kept Guadalcazar
residents on edge. Residents do not trust the federal government to enforce
environmental laws. When the Mexican company that Metalclad bought its toxic
dump from refused to obey federal orders to close down in 1991, local
residents - brandishing machetes - enforced the order themselves."
Multinational Monitor (October 1995)

BOX 4: "When local authorities ignored the complaints of outraged community
members, citizens brandishing machetes mobilized in September 1991,
preventing tractor trailers from unloading more toxic wastes."
Multinational Monitor (October 1995)

From this perspective it is clear that the 'problem' began not with the
environmental regulations banning the toxic waste disposal plant planned by
Metalclad, but with a well-organised protest by the local community. This
struggle from below forced the municipal government of Guadalcazar to impose
the ban, which in turn forced the state governor to respond.

What this means is that the NAFTA ruling in favour of 

[CTRL] [Fwd: Peru - Fujimori]

2000-09-30 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Peru - Fujimori
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2000 21:41:13 -0500 (CDT)
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s Global Intelligence Update - 19 September 2000

Know your world

Uneasy Partners: China and Russia

Russia: Military Quiet as Leaders Wrangle over Balanced Budget

South Africa Looks for More Lucrative Arms Market

Fujimori Capitulates - Washington Exhales


Last week, a videotape was released showing Vladimiro Montesinos,
head of Peru's National Intelligence Service (SIN), bribing an
opposition congressman. The release of the video is most likely
connected to the delivery of arms to a Colombian guerrilla group
one year ago. The disclosure of the videotape was likely an inside
job by a highly placed mole who may have been working for a U.S.
intelligence agency. Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori has
dissolved the SIN and announced new presidential elections. The
unexpected decision has diverted public interest from an arms
scandal that could potentially embarrass the United States, as
Montesinos' SIN and military intelligence services had been
cooperating with the United States in the drug war.


On Sept. 16, President Alberto Fujimori announced new general
elections, in which he will not be a candidate, and dissolved the
feared National Intelligence Service (SIN) headed by his longtime
political associate Vladimiro Montesinos.

Fujimori's bombshell announcement came 48 hours after Fernando
Olivera of the opposition political party Frente Independiente
Moralizador (FIM) released a videotape of Montesinos handing
$15,000 in cash on May 5 to congressman Alberto Kouri of the
opposition Peru Posible party. Kouri was one of 17 opposition
legislators who switched parties after the April 9 elections in
which Fujimori's party won only 52 of 120 congressional seats.
Olivera claimed he has five more tapes that show Montesinos paying
cash bribes to four more congressmen who switched parties and to a
television media owner.

Promote global intelligence. Forward this newsletter to your
colleagues and friends!

Fujimori blamed the release of the videotape on forces opposed to
his policies. Olivera said he received the six tapes directly from
"patriotic" army intelligence officials. The tapes, however, were
probably given to him by a civilian official of the SIN and not by
army intelligence officers. The Peruvian military does not have a
tradition of loyalty to democracy. In fact, the country's top
generals, all of whom are intelligence veterans hand-picked by
Montesinos for their loyalty, were clearly stunned by the release
of the videotapes. Further, the Peruvian military did not have
direct access to the videotapes.

Someone with top-security clearance within the SIN, and with direct
access to Montesinos, likely gave Olivera the tape. The six
videotapes were originals taken from a library of more than 2,500
tightly-guarded, clandestine videotapes made by the SIN that
reportedly compromise Peruvian and foreign diplomats, politicians,
businessmen and journalists.

Olivera's party, the party of opposition presidential candidate
Alejandro Toledo, made the videotapes public three weeks after an
Aug. 21 press conference given by Fujimori and Montesinos. Fujimori
announced that the SIN had smashed an international gang that
fraudulently purchased 10,000 AK-47 rifles from the Jordanian army
by posing as Peruvian military officers. The weapons were later
air-dropped to the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) in
southern Colombia. Fujimori said the gang planned to sell
the FARC another 40,000 rifles. He also charged that Jordan's
former military chief, Abdul Hafez Mureji Kaabneh, and two other
Jordanian generals were involved.

For more on Colombia, see:

Montesinos, who had never before appeared at a press conference,
added that senior Peruvian military officials must have been
involved and that the SIN tipped off the Colombian government about
the arms smuggling. In fact, the press conference was a staged
attempt by Montesinos to cover up the fact that individuals close
to him had carried out the arms deal with the FARC.

But the cover-up attempt unraveled quickly. The arms smuggling ring
was detected at the end of 1999 by Colombia and the United States
after the CIA traced the serial numbers of AK-47 rifles captured
from the FARC by Colombian army forces in 

[CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Fwd: HoffmanWire: 9 Days to Lieberman's Kol Nidrei

2000-09-30 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Well said, J2.  I doubt those seeking a demonization of the text will listen
but you have put this simply enough for anybody to understand.  This country
has existed on Judeao-Christian beliefs this long (albeit questionably at
times) and demonization of a candidate's religion right before the election
is certainly a cheap shot. Interesting how this supposed religious scholar
has a whole two files on the subject.  Compare and contrast that to those
who have devoted their entire lives to this study and not come to this
conclusion. The original post sounds like a religious "screed' to me.
Kennedy had some of this as the first Catholic presidential candidate.  Now
tell us more of LeDuke if you have the information since there is virtually
NO media coverage of her.

- Original Message -
From: "Nurev Ind Research" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, September 30, 2000 9:33 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fwd: HoffmanWire: 9 Days to Lieberman's Kol Nidrei

 -Caveat Lector-

 William Shannon wrote:
"All vows, prohibitions, oaths, consecrations or equivalent terms
that we
may vow, swear, consecrate, or prohibit upon ourselves from this Yom
until the next Yom Kippur, may it come upon us for good - regarding
all, we repudiate them henceforth. They all will be abandoned,
null and void; they will be without power and without standing. Our
shall not be valid vows; our prohibitions shall not be valid
and our oaths shall not be valid oaths."
Keep the message pithy and brutally direct. Ask a simple question
Michael A. Hoffman II has thus far dared to ask, and the
media --including
the kosher-conservative media -- refuse to ask:
How can a man who performs the Kol Nidrei rite and recites the words
of the
preceding text - invalidating all the oaths he will make in the
coming year
-- be trusted to uphold the oath he will make to the Constitution
should he
be elected Vice-President of the US?
   Oh I get it now. Lieberman has found a Jewish legalistic way out of a
   oath which means he can't be trusted. This presumes that Jewish law
   secular law. This presumes wrong. But what can one expect from the
idiot who
   brought the " Khazar " theory to half baked bigots? 
  So you DO get it...and this sums up the entire jist of this
  Hoffman or not this is a valid and interesting point!
  Bill. (NOT an Xian either!)

 No it's not Bill. He's an ignorant prick who hates Jews and looks for ways
 demonize them for profit.

 His whole idea here is wrong. He doesn't understand what he is saying. His
 presentation is superficial and he has concocted this silly conspiracy to
 his audience of Christian bigots who will gladly pay for his " materials."

The primary directive of Jewish law is to comply with the laws
 phrases in the vastness of the literature to prove anything can be easily
 done when taken out of context. The case he makes for Kol Nidre's negation
 oaths was taken out of context and actually means the opposite of what
 says it means.

 Because Hoffman is an idiot with a truly ignorant audience, he can tell
 any kind of nonsense and they are happy to believe it. That he claims to
 " unearthed " the Kol Nidre is so absurd that it's quite funny. It's like
 saying Columbus discovered a land where people came out to greet him. It's
 discovering the name Jesus in a Christian hymnal.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Toys Of The Super-Rich

2000-09-30 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

  Toys Of The Super-Rich

  By Arik Hesseldahl and Charles Dubow

  This year there are 32 new entrants on the Forbes 400
  list, which means there are 32 new billionaires in the world
  with the ability to buy almost anything they want. And, like
  everybody else, they like to buy toys.

  The main difference is that they can afford to buy really,
  really expensive toys.

  By "toy" we mean nonessential objects that give pleasure
  to the owner. No one truly needs a yacht, a private island,
  polo ponies or a 10,000-bottle wine cellar. However, when
  one has over a billion dollars in the bank, one no longer
  has to worry about need; all that matters is what one

  Most of the people included in the Forbes 400 list this
  week earned their wealth and, being smart businessmen
  and women, are likely to spend their money on things that
  will enhance, not detract from, their wealth. So, while
  what they buy may seem to the rest of us to be "toys," to
  the super-rich these possessions may actually be rather

  What they are really buying is convenience. Many very
  wealthy people are also very busy people. They don't
  want to waste time flying commercial airlines or being
  stuck in traffic. Owning a helicopter or private jet makes
  for good business. Seen in this light, having homes around
  the world is also practical. What executive doesn't tire of
  staying in hotels all the time, no matter how luxurious they
  may be? Even a billionaire likes to sleep in his own bed.

  But most billionaires also have their toys. They wouldn't be
  human if they didn't. But very few of them acquired their
  money in order to buy bigger, better, more expensive toys
  than everyone else. With great wealth also comes great
  responsibility, as well as great headaches. If they want to
  fly their private helicopters to their private islands, watch
  their own sports team on television, do a little sailing and
  unwind in their 50-room mansions after an exquisite meal
  prepared by their private chefs, that's fine. They've earned

  Here's what billionaires spend their money on:

  Private Planes
  Private planes are to billionaires what Ferraris are to
  programmers who have cashed in their stock options: The
  thing they've always wanted and now can finally afford.
  The Gulfstream-V (G-V), which retails for around $40
  million, is among the most popular models. Satisfied
  customers include Apple Computer (nasdaq: AAPL) CEO
  Steve Jobs and Yahoo! (nasdaq: YHOO) unit founder Mark Cuban, who both own G-Vs.
  Cuban is said to have purchased his through the Internet,
  which would make him the biggest e-commerce customer
  of all time.

  Sports Team
  Call it repressed adolescent fantasies when rich guys who
  could never play sports in high school can now afford to
  buy the whole team. Several members of the Forbes 400
  now own their own professional sports club. Microsoft
  (nasdaq: MSFT) co-founder Paul Allen owns two
  teams--the Seattle Seahawks and the Portland
  Trailblazers. Mark Cuban reappears thanks to his recent
  purchase of his hometown roundball team, the Dallas
  Mavericks. And fellow Texan Robert C. McNair paid $700
  million for an expansion team to bring football back to
  Houston in 1999.

  Many of the veterans of the Forbes 400 list--such as the
  Rockefellers, Gunds and Gettys--have been collecting for
  years, but for the more arriviste high-tech billionaires, it's
  a more recent passion. Bill Gates, co-founder and chairman
  of Microsoft, was one of the first and has made several
  headlines through his purchase of celebrated works of art,
  the most important of which was when he paid
  approximately $30 million in 1994 for Leonardo Da Vinci's

[CTRL] SlickMisc: Rep. Traficant-Allowing Janet Reno to Get Away With Treason

2000-09-30 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:

From: "Rich Martin" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: SlickMisc:  Rep. Traficant-Allowing Janet Reno to Get Away With Treason
Date: Wednesday, September 20, 2000 8:17 PM

   From the Home of Rich  Peggy Martin

 Grand Prairie, TX 75050   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 It's nice to be important, but it's important to be nice.


 Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

 Rep. Traficant-Allowing Janet Reno to Get Away With Treason

 "The Only Time She Said 'Yes' Was to Helping Communist China
 House of Representatives

 September 18, 2000

 [Page: H7655]  GPO's PDF
 (Mr. TRAFICANT asked and was given permission to address the House for 1
 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)

 Mr. TRAFICANT. Mr. Speaker, when faced with solid evidence that China
 funneled cash illegally to the Democrat party, Janet Reno turned her back.
 When 100 witnesses took the fifth amendment before Congress, Janet Reno said
 no to the independent counsel.

 Janet Reno, as reports now say, even said no to an FBI request to wire-tap a
 suspected Chinese spy. Now, if that is not enough to prop up Communism, even
 when the CIA told Janet Reno China had missiles pointed at us, Janet Reno
 said no. Beam me up, Congress. We are allowing Janet Reno to get away with
 treason. She has betrayed America before our very own eyes.

 The only time she has said yes was to helping Communist China. I urge
 Congress to pass H.R. 5161, mandating a thorough investigation into this
 Chinese communist business.

 Mr. Speaker, I yield back the treason with reason I believe I can prove of
 Janet Reno.

 *COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
 any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
 without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
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[CTRL] [Fwd: Shielding Children]

2000-09-30 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Shielding Children
Date: Sun, 24 Sep 2000 00:29:34 -0500 (CDT)
From: Gary Ruskin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

Commercial AlertSeptember 23, 2000

Following is a op-ed by Susan Linn and Diane Levin about the commercial
assault on children, in the Sept. 22 edition of the Christian Science

Shielding Children
By Susan Linn and Diane E. Levin

It's rare that an award ceremony should be cause for alarm. But the
third annual Golden Marble Awards, the advertising industry's
celebration of successful marketing to children, ought to worry anyone
concerned about our children's well-being. This year the ceremony was
held in New York on Sept. 14 – the same day the federal government
published a report documenting the rapid growth of marketing in schools,
and four days after the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) released its
findings that media companies deliberately market violence to children.

Marketing to children has become so pervasive that the ad world
apparently thinks it warrants a separate awards ceremony. These awards
honor artistry without questioning the ethics of marketing to children.
The annointed commercials may be brilliantly designed and executed, but
the praise is bestowed without regard for the way ads manipulate
children or for how the products affect children and families.

Kids are barraged with advertising from the moment they wake up until
bedtime. Corporations spent more than $12 billion in 1999 marketing to
children. They're bombarded with products linked to TV characters, toy
giveaways at fast-food chains, and product placements in movies and
television. Children see 30,000 commercials annually on television
alone. And there's growing evidence that it's harmful to them.

Last month, after reviewing 1,000 studies conducted over 30 years, a
coalition of professional organizations, including the American Academy
of Pediatrics, linked violent media to aggressive behavior. Yet
professional wrestling programs, which are rated TV-14, and violent
movies such as "X-Men" (rated PG-13) peddle violent action figures to
preschoolers. As the recent FTC report confirms, the entertainment
industry intentionally markets violent content to children through
products it officially rates as unsuitable.

At a time when childhood obesity has become a major public health
problem, the fast-food industry is the biggest advertiser on television.
McDonald's alone spends $6 million a year on advertising. Studies show
that obese children are more susceptible to the "feel good" messages
embedded in advertising.

At the same time, advertisers present children with models who are
impossibly slim. Over one-third of girls in grades 5 to 8 report dieting
in the last year, and studies document that discontent with body images
rises with exposure to fashion magazines.

Advertising even affects the way children play. The most advertised,
bestselling toys are linked to media programs. Yet children often play
less creatively with toys based on characters from television and film.

Young children are vulnerable to marketing exploitation. They tend to
believe what they see, they don't understand that ads are meant to sell
them something, and they have trouble differentiating between
commercials and programming.

The deregulation of children's television in 1984 made it possible to
use programs to promote toys, further blurring the line between ads and
shows. In addition, companies now wield increasingly sophisticated
technology, extensive market research, and the expertise of child
psychologists. Today, children influence purchases totaling about $500
billion a year – a sure sign of corporations' success.

The ubiquitous media, combined with virtually unrestricted marketing
practices, makes obsolete the conventional wisdom that parents can
protect their children from commercial culture. To some extent, parents
can mitigate the effects of marketing, but unless families retreat to
the woods, children are exposed at friends' houses, on the street, the
playground, supermarkets, and even in school.

That companies get awards for doing the best job of manipulating
children into buying things is emblematic of a consumer culture that is
out of control. Parents need help from policymakers to protect children
from this unprecedented assault. The White House should lead the way by
convening a conference on corporate marketing and its effects on
children to serve as a springboard for national dialogue and lay the
groundwork for creating appropriate policy. The National Institutes of
Health should fund research on the psychosocial and health consequences
of intensive marketing to children.

Children pay for advertising. They pay with their safety, their health,
and their creativity. Why should the industry reward itself for

[CTRL] OEN 9/30/00

2000-09-30 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=""The Home Page of J. Orlin
US Stocks

Apple's Stock Price Falls 50% in One Day

And that's the good news . . .

CUPERTINO, Calif. (CBS.MW) -- Apple Computer shares plunged 52 percent Friday
after the company issued a quarterly earnings warning that cast a shadow over
the broader computer industry.

"This is a further erosion of confidence that the PC market is healthy and
growing," said Bill Meehan, investment strategist at Cantor Fitzgerald. "It
is very hard to believe -- given Intel's comments and other signs that demand
for handheld devices and computers is decelerating -- that this is

Analysts reverse field

Apple's warning, issued after the market closed on Thursday, prompted some
backpedaling by analysts.

The stock was cut to "neutral" from "attractive" at PaineWebber and was
slashed to "neutral" from "buy" at Salomon Smith Barney. Both firms cut their
12-month price targets to $35.

Apple shares were also lowered at Merrill Lynch, SG Cowen, Bear Stearns and
Banc of America. Merrill's take was that this warning was just the beginning
of more bad news to come from Apple, based in Cupertino, Calif.

The analysts' recommendation changes were cold comfort for many investors who
wondered about their tardiness.

"If the stock is a 'buy' at $50 a share and it plunges to $25 a share, it
should be a screaming buy now, shouldn't it?" asked John Kinsey, a portfolio
manager at Toronto-based Caldwell Securities. "A downgrade after the fact
doesn't help anyone."

The shares (AAPL: news, msgs) plunged $27.75 to $25.75 on trading of 132
million shares compared with an average daily trading volume of 5 million
shares. The stock had dropped as low as $23.19 at the opening bell. Friday's
slide wiped out about $9 billion of Apple's market cap.
Apple said it expects to earn between 30 and 33 cents a share in the quarter
ending Sept. 30. Apple was expected to earn 45 cents a share, according to
the average estimate of analysts surveyed by First Call.

Apple earned 31 cents a share in the same period a year earlier and 55 cents
a share in the third quarter. The company said revenue would range from $1.85
billion to $1.90 billion. Apple made $1.34 billion in the fourth quarter of
last year.

Growth targets cut

In light of the slowdown, the company said it would cut growth targets for
the next fiscal quarter and the year. Apple said it would provide new
earnings estimates when it reports fourth-quarter results on Oct. 18.

Apple's chief financial officer, Fred Anderson, pointed to
lower-than-expected back-to-school sales, while receipts for the company's
Mac G4 Cube have gotten off to "a slower-than-expected start."

Apple's warning comes amid a torrent of earnings and revenue warnings in
recent days that have pummeled the tech sector, sending the Nasdaq Composite
Index down 13 percent in the last month.
Intel, the world's largest maker of computer chips, warned last week that its
revenue would slow due to sluggish European markets.

Apple's warning "plays into what we've been looking at for a while," said Rob
Schumacher, chief investment strategist at Van Kampen Funds, which oversees
about $80 billion in assets. "We believed that as economic activity slows, we
would see PC sales slowing down."

"Overall, while back-to-school sales are still growing, they are not growing
as quickly as was built into share prices" across the computer-maker
industry, Schumacher said.

Interest rates

Apple's warning seemed to ratify expectations among some analysts and
investors that rising interest rates and raging oil prices have sapped the
economy of some of its strength.

Higher rates deter consumers and companies from taking out loans for large
purchases. Oil prices at 10-year highs mean more money leaving consumers'
pockets for gas tanks and home heating, with less money left over for

It also means higher production costs for companies, regardless of the
"Oil is squeezing profit margins everywhere," Meehan said. "Even companies
that don't use a lot of energy sell to companies that do."

"People believed that technology stocks were impervious to a slowdown in the
economy, impervious to everything," Meehan added. "But that holds true only
if they sell their products to each other."
CBS Market Watch, September 29, 2000
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time 

[CTRL] Tight Supply, Logistical Bottlenecks to Push Oil Prices Higher

2000-09-30 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=""
Tight Supply, Logistical Bottlenecks to Push Oi…/A

Send this page to your friend
Tight Supply, Logistical Bottlenecks to Push Oil Prices Higher
1050 GMT, 000920
Rising energy consumption, stagnant production of crude oil, low reserves and
capacity constraints along the supply chain will combine to keep crude prices
at current high levels, $35 to $40 per barrel, at the very least until
spring, even if Saudi Arabia increases production as much as possible and
nothing disrupts the supply chain. Any disruption will immediately spike
prices higher, and without any slack in the system they will be very slow to
come off new highs. The world will soon have to accept $45 as the bottom-end
price for a barrel of oil.
Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Abdullah bin Abdel Aziz, the country’s heir
apparent and de facto leader, stated on Sept. 18 that Saudi Arabia could
increase oil production immediately to bring down oil prices. But any Saudi
production increase could only keep pace with surging demand. The stage is
set for a very tight oil market for at least the next year.
Of all of the world’s oil-producing states, only Saudi Arabia – currently
producing 8.5 million barrels per day (bpd) – has any meaningful extra
capacity. Kuwait, Indonesia, Iran and Nigeria cannot even meet the new quotas
allotted to them at OPEC’s Sept. 10 meeting. Iran’s production actually
dropped slightly last month. Algeria, Libya, Qatar and the United Arab
Emirates, while meeting their new quotas, have now essentially maximized
production, as has Iraq.
That leaves Venezuela. While insisting the country has spare capacity,
Venezuelan Oil Minister Ali Rodriguez stated on Sept. 13 that OPEC’s total
spare capacity was 2 million bpd – almost exactly the spare capacity for
Saudi Arabia alone. Clearly, Saudi Arabia will have to pump most of the
820,000 extra barrels a day.
While this will still leave Saudi Arabia with approximately 2 million bpd of
reserve capacity, that amount will be just enough to meet expected demand
growth. Global oil consumption is increasing by roughly 1 million bpd a year.
The Northern Hemisphere winter usually boosts consumption by at least another
1 million bpd, and so far that trend continues this year. Combine that with
the fact that current consumption is already outpacing production, and it
looks as if the production-consumption ratio will remain unchanged during the
depths of the 2000-2001 winter – and that’s assuming Saudi Arabia opens the
taps all the way.
Normally, new fields would come on stream to alleviate any shortage of oil.
But the 1998 oil crash deterred petroleum firms from new capital investments,
and oilfields take years to develop. Many projects are underway – including
deepwater wells off the west African coast and in the Gulf of Mexico, as well
as new fields in Central Asia and the Russian Arctic – but only the Central
Asian fields will start producing before 2002. And because of congested
shipping lanes through the Bosporus, most of this oil will be trapped in the
Black Sea, unable to reach world markets.
Production is not the only step in the supply chain under stress. Global
stocks of crude oil are critically low – the U.S. reserve amounts to less
than 60 days’ consumption. Stocks of refined products are even scarcer.
American outrage at high gasoline prices this summer led refineries to favor
fuel production over heating oil. Consequently, despite government attempts
to establish a 2 million gallon heating oil reserve, stocks are still 20
percent lower than they were a year ago – and last year they were at a
10-year low.
Complicating matters, oil tanker transport rates have roughly doubled in the
past two years, reflecting the scrapping of aging fleets. Tanker rates
typically add another $1 to $2 per barrel to the cost of oil in major Western
markets. The crude carrier market will remain very tight as the dismantling
of old ships outpaces new supply over the next two years. This will push up
transport rates and make oil markets even more susceptible to disruption.
Furthermore, use of global refining capacity  is running close to flat-out.
The United States, the largest refining nation, has been working its
refineries at over 90 percent since 1995. Other states face similar shortages
in refining capacity. As a result, even if a glut of crude oil suddenly
appears on world markets, prices for refined products would stay high.
Unlike the shipping shortage, the refinery shortage will stay with us for
years. It takes several years to add significant refinery capacity. The 1998
oil crash dissuaded investment in refineries as well as new fields. Most
projects begun this year will not operate until 2002.
Compounding that transport crunch, most of the West relies on overseas
refining for 10 to 25 percent of petroleum products. Any 

[CTRL] Napster's D-Day Approaches

2000-09-30 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=",1367,39146,00.html"
Napster's D-Day Approaches/A
Napster's D-Day Approaches
by Brad King
3:00 a.m. Sep. 29, 2000 PDT

SAN FRANCISCO -- Napster heads back to a federal appeals court here on Monday
in an attempt to save the company from extinction.

The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals will hear oral arguments from lawyers
representing Napster and the Recording Industry Association of America. The
case continues just two months after those same judges stopped a district
court from shutting down the controversial file-trading service.

The court will likely address whether U.S. District Court Judge Marilyn Patel
correctly applied the 1984 Betamax decision, the Audio Home Recording Act of
1992, and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act when she issued a temporary
injunction to shut down Napster.

The Betamax case is the most important legal decision the court faces, said
Fred von Lohmann, an associate with San Francisco's Morrison  Foerster.

In that case, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that as long as a new technology
had substantial, non-infringing uses, it could not be held accountable for
illicit uses. Since Napster isn't a manufactured product such as a VCR, Patel
ruled that the software application isn't protected under the law.

Patel also rejected Napster's claim that it had substantial, non-infringing

"(Patel's) ruling has the potential to affect a lot of technology companies,"
von Lohmann said.
"The idea that you can distribute a technology with a substantial
non-infringing use depends on some extent to the Betamax decision."

The appellate judges will also determine whether Patel correctly ruled that
the safe harbor provisions in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act do not
apply to companies that commit contributory copyright infringement.

When the DMCA was drafted, von Lohmann said, the technology and content
companies compromised on several key issues that give certain protections to
Internet service providers and search engines.

The "safe harbor" protections allow companies like AOL and Yahoo to operate
without fear of being slapped with copyright-infringement lawsuits. Patel's
ruling could undermine those clauses in the DMCA.

"Patel's ruling says the Internet players didn't get as good a deal as they
had thought," von Lohmann said. "Even though the safe harbor protections
probably don't apply to Napster, the appellate court could narrow the safe
harbor decision Patel made and allow other Internet players to breathe much

The third issue facing the court is whether the Audio Home Recording Act
applies to the Napster case, said Whitney Broussard, entertainment lawyer at
New York's Selverne, Mandelbaum  Mintz.

That section of the U.S. Copyright Act states that manufacturers are not
liable for the making and distribution of analog recording devices like a
tape recorder or digital recording devices such as portable digital music
players that are made with serial copy management systems.

A serial copy management system prohibits people from making a digital copy
of a file from another digital file copy.

"The RIAA has argued that consumers and manufacturers are liable if they are
making non-commercial copies on devices other than SCMS-compliant digital
hardware or analog tape records, such as their computer," Broussard said. "If
the courts find that the RIAA's position is correct, it would put companies
like Dell, which make computers, at serious legal risk from the recording

It would also put consumers at risk as well, as they would be liable for
$150,000 per infringement. Broussard said that would be a misinterpretation
of copyright law.

"Copyright law is a trade regulation law. It was never meant to be used
against consumers," Broussard said.

More likely, Broussard said, the court will try to determine whether using a
computer to make digital copies falls under the "fair use" doctrine.

Once Monday's proceedings are completed, one judge will be assigned the duty
of writing the court's opinion. The decision will be circulated among the
entire panel, allowing the option for either a unanimous decision or a
dissenting opinion filed by one of the judges.

Sources from both sides, along with many in the legal community, believe this
case will end up before the U.S. Supreme Court.

The RIAA originally filed its lawsuit against Napster in December 1999, on
the grounds that the Napster application had created a safe haven for
Internet music piracy.

The application was scheduled to go offline July 26, after Patel ruled that
the company was likely to lose its copyright infringement case against the
music industry's top record labels.
However, two days later, the 9th Circuit granted the company a stay
Monday's arguments are expected to start at 9 a.m. PDT, with each side
allotted 20 minutes.

Copyright © 2000 Wired Digital Inc., a 


2000-09-30 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


With the presidential elections just around the
 corner, rumors are running rampant in Washington that the Clinton
 White House is contemplating an "October Surprise" to enhance the
 flailing candidacy of Al Gore.  Kenneth R. Timmerman of the Western
 Journalism Center suggested this week that the Clinton administration
 is hoping to negotiate a "package deal" with the government of Iran
 in time for the elections that would lead to renewed diplomatic
 relations, and give President Clinton a much sought-after "legacy" in
 foreign affairs.  "If successful," Mr. Timmerman reported, "the deal
 would restore complete commercial ties between the two countries,
 allowing U.S. oil companies to invest in Iran and to buy Iranian
 crude oil while allowing President Clinton and Vice President Gore to
 claim credit for "resolving" the current oil crisis, all in time for
 the elections."

 He added, "To win the approval of the Iranian government - the main
 sticking point for the scheme - the Clinton administration has taken
 extraordinary steps to protect Iranian government assets in the
 United States from being used to compensate the families of victims
 of Iranian-backed terrorist attacks.  In a series of successful
 lawsuits brought under a 1996 anti-terrorism law, the families have
 won awards totaling more than $1.6 billion against the Iranian

 Another October Surprise could involve the release of Israeli spy
 Jonathan Pollard.

 "Nowhere is Pollard's freedom a more sensitive issue than in New
 York, where prominent Jewish leaders have called for his immediate
 release," Mr. Timmerman reported.  "They argue that Pollard was
 sentenced to life for a crime he was never accused of committing -
 and they are right. Pollard was indicted for illegally divulging
 classified documents to a U.S. ally, but at the last minute, the
 government introduced a still-classified damage assessment written by
 then Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger, which accused him of
 treason.  President Clinton has twice reviewed Pollard's case and
 refused to grant him clemency, at the urging of successive CIA
 directors.  But Hillary Rodham Clinton, now a candidate for the U.S.
 Senate in New York, has called on the government to reopen his file
 and make public the charges against him."

 Of course, the timing of a potential Pollard release could seriously
 impact the New York Senate race.

 A third potential October Surprise, which was reported to me by a
 veteran Washington insider, suggests that President Clinton may feign
 an illness with only days to go prior to the election.  This
 contrived sickness would permit Al Gore to sit in the Oval Office,
 allowing him to appear to be serious, solemn and the calming force of
 stability during such a rare crisis - just before the consequential
 election. (This is admittedly far-fetch and even I doubt Mr. Clinton
 would stoop this low.)

 Since this is the most unscrupulous White House in history, we should
 expect virtually anything from them as Mr. Clinton attempts to
 prolong his alleged legacy through the candidacies of Mrs. Clinton
 and Mr. Gore.  I hope if the White House is foolish enough to enact
 one of these October Surprises that our fellow Americans will be able
 to see it for what it is - a desperate act by immoral and power-
 hungry leaders.

 STANDING WITH 'DR. LAURA': The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against
 Defamation (GLAAD) is continuing their assault on Dr. Laura
 Schlessinger.  Sadly, GLAAD and other homosexual-rights groups have
 convinced a host of advertisers to withdraw sponsorship of Dr.
 Schlessinger's new television show, "Dr. Laura," as well as her
 popular radio broadcast.  The reason Dr. Schlessinger has been
 targeted by these groups is simply because she advocates Judeo-
 Christian values and is vocally outspoken against all sexual activity
 outside the bonds of traditional marriage.  Presently, Dr.
 Schlessinger's television show is on hiatus while producers reformat
 it.  GLAAD Executive Director Joan M. Garry said, "GLAAD hopes that
 the "Dr. Laura" hiatus is a permanent one, and that Paramount will
 disassociate itself from Schlessinger's messages of hurt and
 intolerance. Hiatus or not, GLAAD will remain vigilant in monitoring
 the program and working across the country with advertisers who are
 supporting the program.  Schlessinger should not have been given a
 new platform for her campaign of misinformation and defamation of our
 community."  GLAAD is presently seeking out two major advertisers -
 Pillsbury and International Home Foods (maker of Chef Boyardee foods,
 Gulden's Mustard, Pam Cooking Spray, and many other products) -
 urging them to drop sponsorship of "Dr. Laura."  Both companies
 recently began advertising on the television show after Paramount
 lowered advertising rates to enlist new advertisers.  Ms. Garry

[CTRL] AF News 30 Sep 00

2000-09-30 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

001497.  Now showing: Oct. 2 edition of Air Force Television News

SAN ANTONIO (AFPN) -- The Air Force mission on a tiny island in the Pacific
Ocean, and the island's role in the development of nuclear weapons,
highlights the latest edition of Air Force Television News.

In a special "Eye on the Air Force," Senior Airman Israel Aviles visits
Johnston Island, one of four that make up Johnston Atoll, to chronicle the
island's history. The Air Force will soon turn the island over to the
Interior Department, which will manage the area as a bird refuge.

Tech Sgt. Dean Padgett and Senior Airman Marty Rush team up to show the
expanded use of "smart bombs" on the Air Force's B-2 Spirit and F-16 Falcon

Staff Sgt. Rolla Suttmiller and Senior Airman Matt Lomba go to the former
eastern block republic of Moldova to spotlight an Air Force-led delivery of
medical supplies and equipment.

Senior Airman Eric Kerr talks to one of three Air Force surgeons capable of
using a unique new treatment for skin cancer, and Army Sgt. Ken Robinson
goes along with a Texas Army and Air National Guard group helping the city
of Corpus Christi get rid of its crack houses.

Customers receiving a VHS version of this program will also receive on their
tapes the new Air Force television commercials, as well as an eight-minute
production showing how the new commercials were made. Customers receiving
Beta copies of the program will now be getting a 30-second promotional
announcement for each program.

Air Force Television News, now available in closed captioning, is a biweekly
production of Air Force News Service. It is distributed on videotape to more
than 3,000 military and civilian outlets worldwide, and is seen on more than
700 cable outlets worldwide. The program can also be accessed on the
Internet at either or Viewers can
comment on the program by sending e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

001504.  Mission critical, high-risk people first in line for flu shots

by Leigh Anne Redovian
Air Force Surgeon General Public Affairs

BOLLING AIR FORCE BASE, D.C. (AFPN) -- The Department of Defense has
announced its plan to prioritize influenza immunizations in response to the
national delay in the availability of the vaccine for the upcoming influenza
season.  Mission critical military personnel and high-risk medical
individuals will be vaccinated first in an effort to maintain optimal
military readiness and protect the military's most vulnerable populations.

"We encourage others to be patient and wait to get vaccinated until those at
highest risk can be protected," said Col. Dana Bradshaw, chief of preventive
medicine at the Air Force Medical Operations Agency.

Currently available supplies will be administered first to operational
military personnel, health-care workers with direct patient contact, and
defense enrollment eligibility reporting system enrollees (both active duty
and non-active duty) who have high-risk medical conditions.  To the extent
possible, these groups will be done simultaneously.

Next in order of priority will be military trainees, groups in close contact
with high-risk personnel, all other military members in priority for
deployment, other active-duty members and mission critical DOD civilians at
overseas facilities, and all other beneficiaries.

Individuals with high-risk medical conditions, including the elderly and
women in their second or third trimester pregnancy, should contact their
health care provider for more information on how to obtain the shots.

According to Bradshaw, pneumococcal vaccination is also indicated for many
of the same high-risk persons for whom influenza vaccine is recommended.
Individuals with an indication for pneumoccocal vaccine should be sure they
are up to date for this shot, although it is not a replacement for the
influenza vaccine.

The delay has been created by two factors -- a slow-growing component of
this year's vaccine formulation, along with production problems at two of
the four pharmaceutical companies licensed to produce influenza vaccine in
the United States.

DOD will delay organized influenza vaccination campaigns until early to
mid-November, pending receipt of adequate supplies of vaccine.  As
additional doses become available later in the fall, regular influenza
vaccine campaigns will resume.  The Centers for Disease Control and the Food
and Drug Administration estimate the full amount of vaccine required
nationwide should be available no later than December.

"Influenza epidemics in the United States typically occur in winter to early
spring," Bradshaw said.  "We expect that even with the delay, we will have
time to adequately protect all of the beneficiaries for whom we are

"While influenza can cause mild to moderate illness lasting two to seven
days in otherwise healthy individuals, by far the greatest number of

[CTRL] Fwd: Jonathan Pollard Was No Jewish Patriot

2000-09-30 Thread Aleisha Saba

Well Bill Richer:  This is interesting item re Pollard where it is
alleged he caused the death of CIA agents overseas as the death of Welch
was blamed on Henry Kissinger, KGB Agent Code Name Bor.

Don't you think everything should be brought to the light about this
case?   Was Pollard really selling secrets to KGB as the Walker spies
had so done?   Joseph Lieberman in the past has always protested release
of this man.

It is said by certain people Pollard held dual citizenship;  he was
charged but not convicted of treason, if this is correct - but he caused
a lot of trouble and evidenly a lot of lives.

Big question is how in the world did this guy ever get into the
intelligence fieldwasn't too smart for he also got caught.

If they loose him, send him back to Israel and let the Israelies deal
with him.


[Email Reply to Eric Margolis]
Jonathan Pollard Was No Jewish Patriot
by Eric Margolis

The Toronto Sun, Jan. 14, 1999

The case of convicted Israeli spy Jonathan Jay Pollard has again reared
its ugly head. American Jewish groups, Hollywood celebrities and Israel
have renewed pressure on the besieged Clinton administration to free the
man they call "the Jewish Dreyfus." Pollard has served 13 years of a
life sentence.

President Bill Clinton is loath to antagonize America's politically
powerful Jewish community, which strongly supports the Democratic party.
But the president is also under intense pressure from the national
security community not to free the Israeli spy. CIA director George
Tenent has threatened to resign if Pollard is pardoned. Seven former
U.S. secretaries of defence, some of whom are Jewish, also demanded
Pollard remain in prison for life.

After years of denials, Israel finally admitted Pollard, a U.S. Navy
civilian analyst, was not a "rogue agent," as it originally claimed, but
a spy for Israeli intelligence.

Pollard caused enormous damage to U.S. national security. He gave Israel
top-secret U.S. military intelligence and diplomatic codes; names of
nearly 100 U.S. agents in the Mideast, who were then "turned" by Israel;
NSA code-breaking techniques and targets; intercepts of foreign
communications; and U.S. war-fighting plans for the Mideast.

According to CIA sources, Pollard provided Israeli intelligence with
names of important American agents inside the former
Soviet Union and Russia who had supplied information on East Bloc
weapons and war plans. How the agents' names were linked to the secrets
they supplied - a major breach of basic intelligence security - remains
a mystery.

Some of the enormously sensitive secrets stolen by Pollard may have been
either sold, or bartered, by Israel to the Soviet Union.

A number of key CIA agents in the East Bloc were allegedly executed as a
result of Pollard's spying. The KGB likely gained access to top-secret
U.S. codes - either directly from Israel, or through spies in Israel's
government. In short, Pollard's treachery caused one of the worst
security disasters in modern U.S. history.

FBI investigators discovered Pollard was being directed to steal
specific secret data by a senior administration official, known as "Mr.
X." But the White House, unwilling to stir up a domestic political
storm, quashed the investigation.

To my knowledge, three previous cases of high-ranking U.S. government
officials caught passing top-secret information to Israel have been
similarly hushed up. Two were senior defence department officials under
Ronald Reagan, one a top state department official in a previous

None was prosecuted.
Pollard's defenders claim he, like French Capt. Alfred Dreyfus in 1894,
is a victim of anti-Semitism in the military. They maintain Pollard was
"only" spying for a friendly country, motivated solely by concern for
Israel's security.
These assertions are patently false. Pollard was suspected for some time
of spying. Investigation was held off precisely because of fears of
raising cries of anti-Semitism. Pollard took large sums of money and
jewelry from Israeli agents in payment for spying.

With remarkable chutzpah, Israel, which receives up to $5 billion in
U.S. aid annually, refuses to return documents stolen by Pollard, or
allow U.S. intelligence to debrief Mossad agents who ran Pollard in
order to learn the full extent of the disaster.

While Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu kept calling for Pollard's release
on "humanitarian" grounds, he refused to free prisoner of conscience
Mordechai Vanunu, now serving 18 years in solitary confinement in Israel
for telling a British newspaper about Israel's nuclear arsenal.

Pollard is no Jewish patriot. He is a traitor who sold out his country,
and fellow intelligence officers, for money, then claimed he was being
persecuted by anti-Semites.

Victim he is not. To the contrary, Pollard is a poster boy for
anti-Semitism. His treason unfairly exposes all American Jews to hate,
and accusations of doubtful loyalty.

Jonathan Pollard is a traitor of the worst kind - not a 

[CTRL] [BRIGADE] CC: Bush Weasels Out - Pat Stands Strong

2000-09-30 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Dear Brigade,

Today, while GW Bush was weaseling out of speaking up for
Life,  Pat Buchanan was praying at an Abortion Mill in
Metairie, Louisiana.

Since my email last night I have not had a confirmation that
Pat and Ezola will be at the Christian Coalition convention this
Saturday.  But, the article below says they will be there.

Even though they have told Pat he is not welcome, I hope he
will go anyway.  The members of the Christian Coalition love
Pat and this will give them an opportunity to see and hear him
and know that he stands 100% with them on Life and all our

I'm planning on going and hope every Brigader in the
DC-MD-VA-PA-DE-WV area will join me.

Saturday Sept. 30 - 1:00 PM - til??
Washington Hilton
1919 Connecticut Avenue, NW


Thursday September 28 6:09 PM ET
Bush, Buchanan to Miss Christian Coalition Event

By Michael Carney

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Some familiar faces will be missing
when the Christian Coalition, a leading U.S. conservative
group, gathers on Friday for its preelection convention.

Republican presidential nominee George W. Bush (news - web
sites) will not come, and Reform Party candidate Pat
Buchanan (news - web sites) was not invited.

``Bay Buchanan called (Christian Coalition founder) Pat
Robertson three times in the last couple of weeks,'' a senior
Buchanan aide told Reuters on condition of anonymity. ``She
was led to believe that the situation would be resolved.''

Buchanan, who was a candidate for the Republican
presidential nomination in 1992 and 1996 before switching to
the Reform Party this year, has booked a hospitality suite at
the coalition's hotel, where he and running mate Ezola Foster
plan to fete members on Saturday.

In past years, the coalition has given Buchanan a warm
welcome. Though not a member of the group, Buchanan's
conservative stance on social issues and opposition to abortion
had been welcomed by leading members of the religious right.

An aide told Reuters, ``This is the first time we have not had a
formal invitation.''

One critic said this is further evidence that the coalition favors

``The Christian Coalition proves itself to be just an arm of the
Republican Party by denying a popular speaker who happens
to be running for president the opportunity to speak,'' said
Barry Lynn of Americans United, which opposes the religious
right. ``This is more evidence that this is a Bush rally.''

If the weekend gathering is a Bush rally, it is one the
Republican candidate will not attend. In past years the
Christian Coalition convention has been a must-stop for
Republican presidential candidates, including Bush's father
President George Bush in 1992 and 1996 candidate Bob Dole.

This year however, Bush has decided not to address the group.
His spokeswoman Mindy Tucker said he will be at his Texas
ranch preparing for his Tuesday debate with Democrat Al Gore
(news - web sites), the first of three such televised events.

Americans United's Lynn said, ``I think that Governor Bush is
concerned that he could give the appearance of being in the
pocket of the religious right if he shows up at this event.''

Lynne Cheney, wife of Republican vice presidential nominee
Dick Cheney  and former chair of the National Endowment for
the Humanities, will represent Bush at the coalition convention.

In past years, the Coalition has mounted vigorous get-out-the-
vote efforts on behalf of Republican presidential tickets. The
New York Times quoted Coalition Chairman and founder Pat
Robertson as saying his group would be even more active
helping the Republican ticket this year.

Lynn's group announced on Thursday that it was sending
letters to 285,000 religious groups, warning the nation's
churches, synagogues and mosques not to distribute the
Coalition's voter guides.

``Any strength the Christian Coalition has is in those voter
guides,'' said Lynn. ``If they can't distribute the famed 75
million voter guides then they will not have an influence on the
election in November.''

The Coalition convention agenda reads like a conservative
''Who's Who,'' with congressional Republicans like House
Speaker Dennis Hastert and Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott
joining firebrands like Phyllis Schlafly and radio host Oliver

Alan Keyes and Steve Forbes, unsuccessful candidates for the
Republican presidential nomination, are also scheduled to
address the ``Road to Victory 2000.''

---  end  -


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[CTRL] Buchanan Denounces RU-486 Decision

2000-09-30 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Buchanan Denounces RU-486 Decision

NEW ORLEANS, LA - Reform Candidate Patrick J. Buchanan
released the following statement in response to the FDA's
decision to approve RU-486:

"Today, our government certified the culture of death in an easy
to swallow tablet. No moral country should ever make killing a
child as casual as curing a headache, but the FDA's approval
of RU-486 turns a new page in America's national tragedy.
Millions more will perish, and their blood will stain our nation's

"The best George W. Bush can do is admit that the decision
was 'wrong.' I say it is an affront to all that is right in America
and an abomination before the God who authored these unborn
lives. As President, I will wage all-out political warfare on behalf
of the unborn child, and no Buchanan agency or appointee will
compromise the right to life."

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. ]

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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Navy, Air Force spare-parts crisis

2000-09-30 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Navy, Air Force
spare-parts crisis
Pentagon says new procedures
'eliminated war reserve levels'



By Jon E. Dougherty
© 2000

An internal Pentagon report says that Clinton-era changes to the Department
of Defense accounting and inventory procedures have "virtually eliminated war
reserve levels of spare parts for both the Navy and the Air Force," reversing
a decade-long effort of steady investment in vital military components.

The report, dated May 11, says "despite ... current initiatives" that were
only implemented last budget year to remedy the Pentagon's spare parts
problems, "the [Defense Department] is likely to face parts challenges for
the foreseeable future."

Released from the office of the director for Readiness Programming and
Assessment, the eight-page report said "spare parts shortages have been a
major factor in lower reported equipment levels, particularly in ... aviation
communities, for the last five to seven years."

A high-level Pentagon source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told
WorldNetDaily that though other "peace dividend reductions" were originally
implemented in 1989, "from then until 1991, readiness was not affected."

The report said that while more money has been added to the Defense budget to
resolve the spare parts problem, the "funds have not added to the overall
stockage level, but rather prevented the inventory from shrinking further. In
effect, we are purchasing more parts in order to maintain the current
inventory level," which has shrunk.

"New [military] missions added are now part of the baseline requirement," the
Pentagon official said, "but there is no room to fund real readiness
improvements unless the top line is increased or the missions decrease."

The report "documents large reductions in [the Pentagon's] overall spare
parts inventory since the early '90s," as well as "a number of business
practice changes that ... reduced our ability to monitor spare parts
inventories and forecast problems."

Spare parts problems will continue, the report said, because "many of the
root causes of the current situation have not been remedied."

The report said the Defense Department's current spare parts inventory is
valued at $64 billion, up from its 1980 level of $43.4 billion -- the final
budget year of the Carter administration's "hollow military" years, analysts

By 1989, however, the Pentagon's spare parts inventory had climbed to $109.4
billion "primarily due to an expanded force structure and a concerted effort
to increase spare parts." After the department initiated "a series of
business and financial management reforms" to comply with the Pentagon's
"Base Force" restructuring plan, "the Department established a plan to reduce
'excess' inventories."

"In the early '90s, Congress quickly added to this movement by imposing
legislative constraints on what the Department could purchase for its
wholesale inventory," the report said.

In 1990, Congress imposed a 90 percent material replacement limitation,
followed by an 80 percent limitation in 1991. But from 1992 to 1995, Congress
imposed a 65 percent material replacement level.

At the same time, throughout the Clinton-Gore administration, military
deployments and missions have more than doubled from deployment levels seen
in the 15 years between the U.S. exit from South Vietnam and the end of the
Cold War 11 years ago.

"Because of these initiatives, the DOD spare parts inventory, when adjusted
for price changes, has been reduced in the last decade by approximately 50
percent for both wholesale (depot level) and retail (held at the local base)
levels," said the report.

"The reduction virtually eliminated war reserve levels of spare parts for
both the Navy and Air Force and lowered the amount (retention levels) for
slow moving or inactive inventory," the report said.

"There were $7 billion in 'peace dividend' savings generated from 1992 to
1994," the Pentagon official said, "and about $9 billion since then from
operation purposes, including drug-war missions, increases in peacekeeping,
counterintelligence" and other frontline and combat-oriented missions.

"The administration has ordered all these new missions without increasing the
'top line' of the DOD's budget."

The root causes of the Pentagon's spare parts and readiness problems "were
generally good ideas," the official said, "but they were used to justify
taking far more funding than they saved."

The report said Clinton administration officials at the Pentagon changed the
re-supply and spare parts inventory systems from one of actively keeping
necessary stockpiles of highly used spare parts to a "just-in-time" delivery
system used by corporate America to keep its inventories low.

But as parts suppliers go out of business or stop manufacturing spare 

[CTRL] ts Time to Re-think Americas War on Drugs

2000-09-30 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

It’s Time to Re-think America’s "War on Drugs"
By Chuck Baldwin

September 29, 2000

America is fighting its "war on drugs" the way it fought the Vietnam War: as
a deliberate no-win war. Not only are we not winning the war on drugs, we are
surrendering our constitutional liberties in the process.

Like any war, the only way to win is to want to win. Our government has no
intention of winning the war on drugs. The reason? Too much of our economy
and too many "big shots" are profiting from the trafficking of illegal drugs.

I’ve talked with several Vietnam veterans that have said they personally saw
our government dealing drugs in Southeast Asia. Men like L.D. Brown have
testified to having personally observed our government run drugs out of
places like Mena, Arkansas. Powerful, influential businessmen all over
America are enjoying the financial and political fruits of this corrupt
industry. In fact, there is significant evidence to support the proposition
that one of the chief reasons America’s military was used to bomb Yugoslavia
into the stone age was to provide open corridors for Albanian drug lords to
transport their illegal wares into Europe.

Furthermore, in the name of fighting drugs, America is sacrificing its
constitutional liberties at a pace never seen before. Since President Reagan
signed the National Security Decision Directive in 1986, the Fourth Amendment
guarantee against "unreasonable searches and seizures" and The Posse
Comitatus Act of 1878 (which prevents the use of U.S. military forces being
used against American citizens) have been practically eviscerated.

You will recall that our government manufactured a non-existent
methamphytamine plant in the Branch Davidian communal home that served as the
facade for U.S. military forces (including tanks) being used in the assault
that killed over 80 American citizens, most of whom were old men, women and
children. Using the magic "war on drugs," government agents have kicked down
the doors of untold numbers of innocent, unsuspecting Americans leaving
hundreds of honest, law-abiding folks traumatized, or dead.

Pat Buchanan and Howard Phillips know what needs to be done, but few people
are paying attention to them. There is only one solution and it’s not that
difficult to figure out. We must close that border with Mexico because that
is where most illegal drugs are coming from.

However, neither Bush nor Gore wants to close our southern border. In the
name of "free trade" and "immigration" they desire to keep a wide-open,
unrestricted border. So, drugs keep streaming across that border at a rate
impossible for American law enforcement to restrain. Corrupt politicians and
businessmen continue to bask in the luxury of drug-inspired wealth and
prosperity. American citizens continue to see their constitutional liberties
obliterated. And, the "war on drugs" drags on.


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Want to be on our lists?  Write at [EMAIL PROTECTED] for a menu of our lists!

A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-09-30 Thread Kris Millegan

By now, even the most obtuse in many of our networks of friends,
acquaintances  colleagues are realizing that the globalization of
capitalism is economic warfare (sometimes carried out with soldiers,
bombers, and tanks) organized by and for the growth, protection and profit
of the soul-less "legal entities" known as corporations, which have acted
over the past 150 years+ to compromise and completely dominate world
governments, abridging "human rights" in favor of "free" (depraved, amoral,
unethical, and outright criminal) "enterprise."

In the window of time where the science of controlling dissent is not-quite
perfected and absolute, there is opportunity for a critical mass of aware
individuals to effect some changes in the order of "business as usual."

In the U.S., home to many of the most virulent examples of the plague of the
Corporation, the letter and the intent of U.S. Constitutional Law has been
ignored, subverted (subversion: criminal  treasonous acts), and hacked at
by corporate owners, lawyers, and judges bribed in various fashions.

Simply enforcing the Law of the Land, the U.S. Constitution, would make an
end of the monster that eats it's young: the corporation; the killer of
species, the pillager of forests, the horizon of doomsday: the corporation;
that which must die; the legal fiction with the knife to the throat of the
world; the MegaCorporation.

Dave Hartley, Pres
Asheville Computer  Tri-Cities Computer
86 N. Lexington Ave.200 W. Oakland Ave.
Asheville, NC 28801 Johnson City, TN 37604
(828) 285-0240  (423) 952-0983
Senior VP

Walden Bello

TNI Fellow

Talk delivered at a series of engagements on the occasion of
demonstrations against the World Economic Forum (Davos) in Melbourne,
Australia, 6-10 September 2000


We are, here in Melbourne in the next few days and in Prague in two weeks'
time, participating in an historic enterprise: that of creating a critical
mass to turn the tide against corporate-driven globalization.

For years, we were told that globalization was benign, that it was a
process that brought about the greatest good for the greatest number, that
good citizenship lay in accepting the impersonal rule of the market and
good governance meant governments getting out of the way of market forces
and letting the most effective incarnation of market freedom, the
transnational corporation, go about its task of bringing about the most
efficient mix of capital, land, technology and labor.

The unrestricted flow of goods and capital in a world without borders was
said to be the best of all possible worlds, though when some observers
pointed out that to be consistent with the precepts of their 18th century
prophet, Adam Smith, proponents of the neoliberal doctrine would also have
to allow the unrestricted flow of labor to create this best of all
possible worlds, they were, quite simply, ignored.

Such inconsistencies could be overlooked since for over two decades,
neoliberalism or, as it was grandiosely styled, the 'Washington Consensus'
had carried all before it. As one of its key partisans has nostalgically
remarked recently, 'the Washington Consensus seemed to gain near-universal
approval and provided a guiding ideology and underlying intellectual
consensus for the world economy, which was quite new in modern history.'

GLOBALIZATION UNRAVELS I: The Asian Financial Collapse

The unrestricted flow of speculative capital in accordance with Washington
Consensus doctrine was what our governments in East Asia institutionalized
in the early 1990s, under the strong urging of the International Monetary
Fund and the US Treasury Department. The result: the $100 billion that
flowed in between 1993 and 1997 flowed out in the bat of an eyelash during
the Great Panic of the summer of 1997, bringing about the collapse of our
economies and spinning them into a mire of recession and massive
unemployment from which most still have to recover. Since 1997, financial
instability or the constant erosion of our currencies has become a way of
life under IMF- imposed monetary regimes that leave the value of our money
to be determined day-to-day by the changing whims, moods, and preferences
of foreign investors and currency speculators.

GLOBALIZATION UNRAVELS II: The Failure of Structural Adjustment

The Asian financial crisis put the International Monetary Fund on the
hotseat, leading to a widespread popular reappraisal of its role in the
Third World in the 1980s and early 1990s, when structural adjustment
programs were imposed on over 70 developing countries. After over 15
years, there were hardly any cases of successful adjustment programs. What
structural adjustment had done, instead, was to institutionalize

[CTRL] HoffmanWire: 9 Days to Lieberman's Kol Nidrei

2000-09-30 Thread Justine Blake

-Caveat Lector-

But what about the jew Josephus? I read his book years ago, and in it I was
quite surprised to read his teachings about the Gentiles, that they are
dogs, that it's not a sin for a jew to kill a Gentile, and other similar
things like this.

I think it's because of these types of orthodox jewish teachings why
Hoffman, and so many others, have a problem with the jews. I understand, of
course, there are different grades of jewishness, like reformed,
conservative, orthodox, and one or two others. But aren't all jews basically
taught the same thing anyway about Gentiles, to begin with?

I've heard and read things also about how  most
marxist/leninists/communists/socialists are mostly jews, if not all of them.
They could even be atheistic marxist/leninist/etc. jews, but jews
nonetheless. Of course, in conspiracy theory, all these
marxists/leninists/communists/socialists are out to destroy Amerika, hence
it's the jews who are out to destroy Amerika. Karl Marx was a jew, for one.
Also, a person might say they are marxist/leninist/etc., but the religious
connection is usually hidden behind the political label.

I'm only asking these questions because this jewish thing keeps cropping up
and I don't know what to think about it. I read Hoffman's Wire too, just as
part of my interest in conspiracy theory. However, I think he certainly
brings up valid points about what the Talmud, not to mention early jewish
commentary, teaches the jews about Gentiles, and the reprehensible names
that are given to Gentiles, and how to treat Gentiles. Hoffman goes into
more detail than I can, but I too have always been curious what today's jews
have to say about what the Talmud teaches, and what historical jewish
commentators like Josephus teaches.

I'd also like to know the religion of people who are
marxist/leninist/socialist/communist. I suspect they are mostly jews myself.
The jews do seem to have a background in these political theories, more so
than any other group, I think.

For the longest time, too, jews have been the biggest racists going by not
allowing any intermarriage with the mud races, I think Gentiles are, or
were, called.

So, no offense to any jews on the list. I'm just trying to understand.

No it's not Bill. He's an ignorant prick who hates Jews and looks for
ways to
demonize them for profit.

His whole idea here is wrong. He doesn't understand what he is saying. His
presentation is superficial and he has concocted this silly conspiracy to
his audience of Christian bigots who will gladly pay for his " materials."

I don't want to explain the details of what the Kol Nidre is saying. But
you people must understand that Jews have lived in foreign countries for a
long time. The primary directive of Jewish law is to comply with the laws
phrases in the vastness of the literature to prove anything can be easily
done when taken out of context. The case he makes for Kol Nidre's negation
oaths was taken out of context and actually means the opposite of what
says it means.

Because Hoffman is an idiot with a truly ignorant audience, he can tell them
any kind of nonsense and they are happy to believe it. That he claims to
" unearthed " the Kol Nidre is so absurd that it's quite funny. It's like
saying Columbus discovered a land where people came out to greet him. It's
discovering the name Jesus in a Christian hymnal.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] A Funny Thing Happened on the way to the Regulatory State

2000-09-30 Thread nessie

-Caveat Lector-

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:

Our republic though battered still stands and as more and more of us
understand and stand-up and encourage others, change will happen  . . .
for the better.

This goes WAY beyone any single country, even ours.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: Is Aspartame Making Young People More Violent?

2000-09-30 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

***   Is Aspartame Making Young People More Violent?  **
(An article by Michael Goodspeed.  This content has been provided by Dr. Lendon Smith 
and edited by Dorothy

**  Is There Any Evidence That Aspartame Causes Physical Health Problems?  **

NutraSweet is one form in which we  consume aspartame.   Over the past 15 years, 
dozens of independent
researchers have compiled anecdotal evidence linking aspartame (aspartame) to a 
variety of devastating
physical ailments -- tinnitus, glaucoma, migraines, short-term memory loss, even brain 
tumors are thought by
many doctors to be directly caused by NutraSweet consumption.  This has been a matter 
of public record for
three decades.

**  How Does Aspartame Intake Affect Our Levels of Serotonin?  **

One of the more serious effects thought to be caused by aspartame is the lowering of 
serotonin levels in the
brain.  In the foreword to Mary Nash Stoddard's book, Deadly Deception-Story of 
Aspartame, Dr. Lendon Smith,
one of the country's most respected doctors, outlines the devastating impact this can 
have on a person's state
of mind:

It is interesting to note that the serotonin levels in hyperactive children are 
inherently lower than in
normal kids.  Their hyperactivity is lessened when their serotonin levels rise.

**  Does Aspartame Consumption Also Cause Mental Disorders?   **

Less widely-known, however, are the data suggesting that aspartame may have caused an 
exponential increase in
both mental illness and violence, particularly in young people.  The MENTAL SYMPTOMS 
that aspartame can
produce in a person is thought to be related to the increase in violence and suicides 
in our population.
aspartame causes a blockage of the formation of serotonin in the brain.  Since 
tryptophan has been taken off
the market by the FDA, there are many people who cannot make enough serotonin from 
their food, and they are
more susceptible to insomnia, depression, and/or PMS.

If these genetically deficient people are also swallowing aspartame, they will more 
readily have headaches,
insomnia, depression, hostility, anxiety, and a host of other negative symptoms.

"When you see someone sitting on the sidewalk, tired, alone and depressed, ask him if 
he is drinking soft
drinks.  Chances are, aspartame IS RESPONSIBLE FOR A LOT OF SICKNESS AND CRIME.  It is 
not what Mother Nature
wants us to eat. "

One has to wonder about the epidemic of tragic school shootings and other youth 
violence currently ravaging
our country.  Young people consume far more soft drinks and sugarless chewing gum than 
the adult population.

(Permission to reprint given if the following resource box is included.)

Dr. Lendon Smith of television fame provides the content for Alternative Health Tips 
ezine.  To get your FREE
subscription to AAA Alternative Health Tips put SUBSCRIBE in the BODY of an email to:

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Bolivia Soldiers Disobey Order to Shoot Journos

2000-09-30 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: "Al Giordano" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, September 30, 2000 2:44 PM
Subject: [narconews] Bolivia Soldiers Disobey Order to Shoot Journos

 Today's Press Briefing
 September 30, 2000

 "Filming is Prohibited!" "Soldiers, Shoot Them!"

 Read the translated account from today's Los Tiempos
 in Cochabamba, Bolivia, along with other stories about
 how the Bolivian and US governments have "Narco-tized"
 the social conflict that has that country paralyzed:

 When the US Media sleeps, we stand alert,

 The Narco News Bulletin

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Who was Jesus ? A conspiracy in Jerusalem

2000-09-30 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

: Christ came from Arabia?
:  By Khaled Ahmed
: Book Reviews
:  by Kamal Salibi
:  I.B. Tauris; Distributed by Vanguard Books Lahore;
:  Pp200; Original Price £12.95; Special Price £6.50
: Kamal Salibi is a Lebanese-Christian scholar who first became known for his book The 
: Came from Arabia in 1985. His expertise lies in knowing the towns and villages of 
: Arabia and Yemen closely enough to equate them with the place-names featuring in the
: Bible. He repeats his claim once again in the present book based on St Paul's 
:Epistle to
: the Galatians in which Paul writes that, after converting miraculously from a
: Christian-baiting Jew, the first place he visited was Arabia and not Jerusalem. 
: claims that he went to Hijaz in Saudi Arabia to consult the single Aramaic injil 
: mentioned in the Quran and noted by Hadith as being in the possession of Varaqah bin
: Nawfal in the times of Muhammad PBUH 500 years later.

: This happened 500 years before the advent of Islam. It is known that the language 
: by Christ was Aramaic which was the idiom then current in Arabia. The Bible says that
: Jesus or Jeshu came from Galilee (al-Jalil in Arabic) which is located by the Jews in
: Israel. According to Salibi, al-Jalil is a town in present-day Taif in Hijaz, and 
:this is
: where Jeshu was born as a Jew. From here he went to Jerusalem to announce his 
: among the Jewish nation awaiting their Messiah. Salibi examines the verses of the 
:Quran to
: conclude that the prophet Issa mentioned in the Quran was not Jeshu of the Bible but
: another prophet who proclaimed himself 400 years earlier than Jeshu. The Quran 
: Issa as a virgin-born prophet who liberalised the strict faith of the Torah and fell 
: of the Jews. It was Issa who also predicted the coming of Ahmad, the other name of
: Muhammad PBUH.

: The book is a fascinating examination of the four Gospels of the New Testament. It 
: on modern Christian scholarship to point out the contradictions contained in them. It
: analyses the contents of the Acts of the Apostles and Epistles of Paul to conclude 
: the New Testament 'joined' the two narratives of Jeshu and Issa for reasons of 
: among the disciples of Christ. It is well known that the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, 
: and John are not compatible in their detail and that the first three are called 
: because of their minimal concordance while the Gospel of John is treated separately
: because of its radical departure. The Gospels mix Jeshu, who has a father and 
: with Issa, who has no father and no brothers. John goes so far as to not even 
:mention the
: name of Maryam as Jeshu's mother while others admit his carpenter father while 
:bowing to
: the Quranic version of the virgin birth.

: The Issa of Varaqah bin Nawfal was the one known to Muhammad PBUH, and the injil 
: in the Quran was a single document. The other source confirming the presence of this 
: was the Negus of Ethiopia who recognised Muhammad as the new Prophet on the basis of 
: text. The reference in the Quran to the changing of injil by Christians is actually a
: reference to the fusion of Jeshu and Issa in the four Gospels of the New Testament. 
: has resulted in the Muslim faith in the one injil (no longer extant) mentioned in the
: Quran and narrated to Muhammad PBUH by Varaqah bin Nawfal, a close relative of his 
: Khadija. This injil was written in Aramaic, the mother tongue of Christ, and was 
: upon by Varaqah in lieu of the four originally Greek injils then followed in Hijaz 
: orthodox Christians. Salibi thinks that unless one separates the two persons known as
: Jeshu and Issa the problem of the double narrative in the Gospels cannot be resolved.

: Christ is also called Nazarene connecting him to Nazereth in present-day Israel. 
: thinks that Issa and his followers were called Nazerenes because of the town in 
:Hijaz they
: came from, al-Nasira, which still exists in Saudi Arabia. Jeshu is claimed to be 
:from the
: line of David and therefore entitled to be the king-prophet of Israel. Internal 
: also suggests that he was from the tribe of Levi. In the post-crucifixion politics 
: developed between Paul on the one hand and James the brother of Jeshu and the 
:disciples on
: the other, royal descent became an important factor. Since Paul was spreading the 
: among the Gentiles of the West, his thinking was different from James and the 
:apostles of
: Jerusalem. One difference that became marked in later times was Paul's refusal to 
: circumcision for his Western converts insisted upon by James. Paul states in Epistle 
: the Galatians that the apostles in Jerusalem composed their differences with him only
: after he offered them the much-needed 

[CTRL] World's most expensive Kabuki show

2000-09-30 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

: Camp David II: World's most expensive Kabuki show
: By Eric S. Margolis 23 July 2000

: WASHINGTON - Last week's supposed cliffhanger negotiations at Camp David between 
: and the Palestinians remind this old, cynical Mideast hand of Japan's highly stylized
: kabuki drama. Lots of yelling, arm-waving and theatrics, but a predictable outcome. 
: the cost of Camp David II remains unknown. American taxpayers should pray Clinton's 
: show flops.

: The two main issues confronting Israel and Palestine - to use the name of the new 
: that will inevitably come into being - are Jerusalem and Arab refugees. Neither is 
: to be resolved at Camp David II. At best, these two extraordinarily difficult issues 
: be finessed, deferred, or paper-over with sham compromises.

: Israel vows it will never give back the Old City of Jerusalem, which it conquered in 
: 1967 Arab-Israeli War. Palestinians, the 1.2 billion-strong Muslim world, the 
: Europe, and the UN insist the Old City return to Muslim-Christian rule as capital of
: Palestine. Pope John Paul II reiterated this point over the weekend, calling for the
: internationalization of the holy city.

: Israel refuses any right of return to Palestinian refugees expelled from their homes 
: 1948 and 1967, though it welcomed one million Russians and still keeps its doors 
:open for
: new immigrants. The original Palestinian refugees and their descendants now total 
:nearly 4
: million. Israel says it will never force 140,000 Jewish settlers on the West Bank, 
: and Golan to leave.

: End of story? Not necessarily. The president of the United States has the power to 
: this impasse. In 1956, Israel, in collusion with France and Britain, invaded Egypt 
: seized Sinai. When Israel refused to withdraw at war's end, President Dwight 
: and Secretary of State John Foster Dulles ordered Israel to vacate Sinai or face 
: of all US aid and an end to the tax-deductible status of contributions to Israel. 
: vacated Sinai.

: What the Palestinians and Jews needs right now is a strong, courageous American 
: who will force Israel into the necessary concession it cannot now make: granting 
:some form
: of tangible and/or shared sovereignty over the Old City to Palestinian Muslims and
: Christians.

: Without a fair deal over Jerusalem, and at least some Palestinian refugees returned 
: Israel, there will be no permanent Mideast peace. Israel's embattled PM Ehud Barak 
: want to do just this, but his coalition is near collapse. Israel's powerful right, 
: by hard-line Zionists in the US and Britain, refuses to concede an inch and is busy
: undermining Barak with hysterical and preposterous claims that Israel's very 
:existence is
: in peril.

: He who pays the piper should call the tune. Israel has received $100 billion in aid 
: the US since 1948. Every year, US taxpayers give Israel $5 billion in open and 
:hidden aid.
: Egypt is paid $2 billion annually not to confront Israel. Half of all US foreign aid 
: to Israel and Egypt. Israel's military is dependant on US equipment and technology. 
: the oft-used US veto prevents Israel from facing UN sanctions over its refusal to 
: form the West Bank and the Old City.

: Now should be the time for Washington to press Israel to accept a deal that would be 
: for Jews, Arabs and US Mideast interests. Instead, what we have is a flabby Bill 
: who is thinking more about November elections, Democratic campaign financing, and 
:his next
: career move to Hollywood than America's strategic position.

: There will be no real pressure on Israel to compromise. Every senior position in the 
: Department and National Security Council responsible for Mideast policy has been 
: with strong American supporters of Israel who are virtually part of Israel's 
: establishment.

: The three senior American diplomats at Camp David II have all been involved with the 
: Israel lobby; two were Israeli residents. It's as if the entire US delegation at
: American-brokered talks on northern Ireland were militant Catholic-Americans and IRA
: backers. The powerful Israel lobby has warned Congress, `no pressure on Israel.'
: Politicians recall that President George Bush's attempts to press Israel into halting
: settlements brought charges of `anti-semitism' that contributed to his failure to get
: re-elected and to Clinton's upset victory.

: The only `pressure' the US will exert is offering Israel more money. Camp David I 
:has cost
: US taxpayers $160 billion - the price of nine complete aircraft carrier battle 
:groups. The
: recent, never fully implemented Wye River agreements engineered by Clinton cost 
: nearly $2 billion.

: Israel is reportedly asking Washington for US $15-27 billion to relocate military
: facilities from the 

[CTRL] Iran seizes drugs, arrests 25 smugglers

2000-09-30 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

: Iran seizes drugs, arrests 25 smugglers

: TEHRAN, Sept 30 (Reuters) - Iranian police have seized more than 600kg
: (1,320-lb) of opium and arrested 25 smugglers and dealers in raids
: across the country, the official IRNA news agency said on Saturday.
: Some 500 kg of the haul were found and 20 drug dealers detained in
: four separate busts across the capital Tehran. Another 128 kg were
: confiscated in the central province of Yazd and five traffickers were
: arrested. Iran lies on the main drugs transit route from Afghanistan
: and Pakistan, the so-called "Golden Crescent," to the lucrative
: markets of Europe and oil-rich Arab states. The country also faces a
: domestic drugs problem with around two million addicts and casual
: users in a population of around 63 million. The United Nations has
: recently increased its aid programmes to Iran in an effort to help
: police patrol the county"s eastern borders. But officials say the
: foreign assistance is not enough to help keep thousands of
: combat-ready police troops permanently on the long and porous
: frontiers. More than 170 policemen were killed in gun battles with
: drug traffickers in the year to March 2000.

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[CTRL] Alleged Putin Assassination Bid Foiled

2000-09-30 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-

Bid to assassinate Putin at summit 'was foiled by agents'

By Patrick Cockburn in Moscow
13 September 2000

An attempt to kill the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, during a conference
in the Crimea last month was foiled by security agents tipped off by foreign
secret services, the head of Ukraine's security service said yesterday.

Leonid Derkach, the head of the Ukrainian service, gave few details of the
assassination plan but the Russian leader's bodyguards confirmed that they
knew about a would-be attempt on his life while he was attending a summit of
former Soviet states in the Crimea, which is part of Ukraine. Mr Derkach said
earlier that four people from Chechnya and several others from the Middle
East had been involved in the plot.

Mr Putin was able to attend only the first day of the summit on 18 August
before he had to return to Moscow in the aftermath of the sinking of the
Kursk nuclear-powered submarine in the Barents Sea.

As with the sinking of the Kursk, the Russian government was unable yesterday
to give a clear picture of what had happened. Both Russian and Ukrainian
security services would only confirm there had been a plot, which they had
dealt with effectively. Mr Putin is an obvious target for Chechen separatists
because he is the architect of the year-old war in Chechnya.

The Russian security agencies have had singularly little success in bringing
to book those responsible for many acts of violence across the country,
including the bomb explosions in Moscow and other Russian cities, which
killed more than 300 people a year ago. Federal prosecutors now say that a
bomb placed in an underpass near Pushkin square in Moscow, which exploded on
8 August killing 12 people and injuring 108, was probably planted by somebody
settling a business dispute. At the time it was widely assumed the bomb had
been planted by Chechens.

Vladimir Zinchenko, the deputy head of the Interior Ministry's department for
economic crimes, was quoted as saying that evidence was accumulating against
businessmen "whose interests are concentrated at Pushkin square". He was
presumably referring to gang wars between the different groups that control
stallholders selling cheap goods in the underpasses.

The sheer number of state security agencies in Russia also makes it easy for
them to deny knowledge of or responsibility for any particular event. Three
months ago, for instance, Russian forces in Chechnya sent in helicopters and
armoured vehicles to arrest Ruslan Alikhadziyev, the moderate speaker of the
Chechen parliament, but now deny they ever held him or know where he is.
Chechen rebels claim he has been tortured to death.

In a separate development, Yevgeny Adamov, Russia's Minister for Atomic
Energy, said yesterday there was no reason to raise to the surface the Kursk

The Kursk has two nuclear reactors, which shut down automatically when the
front end was ripped apart by an explosion. Immediately after the disaster,
the navy said it would raise the Kursk, which is in 350 feet of water. Mr
Adamov said that might be more dangerous than leaving it where it was.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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[CTRL] Ecstacy blamed for 6 new deaths in Florida

2000-09-30 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

 ‘PMA/PMMA burns out the central nervous system by raising the user’s body
temperature to nearly 108 degrees.’
Florida police commissioner  THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT of Law
Enforcement issued a statewide warning that no tests could reliably
determine the presence of the highly toxic additives in pills sold as the
illegal stimulant ecstasy, or MDMA.
   The deaths were attributed to tablets that in addition to the usual
ecstasy ingredients also contained either PMA (paramethoxyamphetamine) or
PMMA (paramethoxymethamphetamine).
   Both are powerful stimulants that cause the user to sweat profusely
and the body temperature to soar. PMA was blamed for three deaths in the
Chicago area in May, Florida police said.
   “PMA/PMMA burns out the central nervous system by raising the user’s
body temperature to nearly 108 degrees,” Florida police Commissioner Tim
Moore said in a news release.

   Five of the Florida victims died in the Orlando area, where the
Orange County Medical examiner recorded their temperatures at 106 to 108
degrees at the time of death.

  Quick Gifts Swimwear Books Music  Video Computing Electronics Toys 
Games More . . .

 A 19-year-old woman who died in nearby Lake County in August after
taking the drug had a temperature of 104 degrees five hours after she died,
the medical examiner said.
   Two of the Florida deaths were attributed to toxicity from the drug
alone, while the others involved multiple drugs.
   Investigators have not determined where the pills were made or how
the victims got them. They said the dead users apparently believed they were
taking ecstasy or ecstasy laced with heroin or cocaine.
   Ecstasy is popular at music and dance parties known as ”raves.”
   “People that normally take two pills, if they take two of these
ecstasies it could kill them,” a spokeswoman for the Orange County medical
examiner said.

   © 2000 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved. Republication or
redistribution of Reuters content is expressly prohibited without the prior
written consent of Reuters.

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[CTRL] Darker Mr. Potato Head draws complaints of racism

2000-09-30 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

: Darker Mr. Potato Head draws complaints of racism

: September 29, 2000

: WARWICK, Rhode Island (AP) -- A 6-foot Mr. Potato Head statue, one of
: dozens dotting Rhode Island as part of a tourism campaign, will be
: taken down because of complaints that the grinning, brown-skinned
: figure appeared racist.

: The "Tourist Tater" was painted dark brown to appear suntanned and
: wore an ill-fitting Hawaiian shirt, glasses and a hat.

: The fiberglass figure had been on display since May, but no one had
: complained until its photo appeared Thursday in a newspaper.

: Tourism officials decided Friday to take it away from outside City
: Hall.

: "The whole Potato Head campaign is supposed to encourage people to
: visit. Obviously, we did not intend to offend anyone," Mayor Scott
: Avedisian said.

: East Providence affirmative action officer Onna Moniz-John said she
: thought the statue resembled the antique figurines she collects that
: portray blacks as buffoons, such as Little Black Sambo.

: "If you look at this potato head, the only thing missing is a
: watermelon," Moniz-John said.

: Tom Schumpert, head of the state Economic Development Corp., which is
: directing the Mr. Potato Head campaign, said the statue seemed more
: offensive in the photo.

: "If I saw it first, I would have said, 'We need to correct this,"'
: said Schumpert, who is black.

: Kathy Szarko, the artist who designed "Tourist Tater," said that she
: meant no offense and that several other spud statues are a similar
: color.

: "He's a potato. That's why he's brown," Szarko said.

: The statues for the "Birthplace of Fun" campaign are based on the toy
: created by Hasbro Inc., which is based in Pawtucket.

: Other figures include the "Salty Spud," dressed in bright orange rain
: gear and carrying a fishing net, and "Edgar Allen Poe-tato," honoring
: the writer, who lived in the state for a short time.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Girl, age 10, files for divorce

2000-09-30 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

: Iran 10-year-old files for divorce from her 15-year-old husband

:Tue, 26 Sep 2000 5:20:19 PDT : ClariNet Communications Corp.

:TEHRAN, Sept 26 (AFP) - A 10-year-old Iranian girl has filed for
:divorce from her 15-year-old husband after only eight days of
: marriage
:on grounds of mistreatment, the government-run Iran paper said
:It quoted the boy as saying that the day after the wedding they had
:had a fight because she wanted to play with her dolls.

:"On the last day, I beat my wife and my mother-in-law and ran off to
:my mother's house," the paper quoted him saying, while the girl said:
:"I was married before, but not any more."
:Iran's reformist-dominated parliament last month approved a motion to
:allow the judiciary and not parents to decide whether boys under 17
:and girls under 14 years of age can marry.
:Several religious MPs belonging to parliament's conservative minority
:expressed their disapproval with the motion, saying that Islam's
:sharia law which sets the marriage age at nine for girls and 14 for
:boys should apply.

:Before the 1979 Islamic revolution, the age of majority for both
: sexes
:was 16 years.
:Iranian officials regularly propagate marriage as a means to prevent
:"social corruption" among young people.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] A Funny Thing Happened on the way to the Regulatory State

2000-09-30 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/30/00 11:32:13 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

This goes WAY beyone any single country, even ours.

Yes, so true. But as an American, that is my frame of reference and the only
political unit I have any real exposure to. How I see it is that the US has
been set-up as a caricature of capitalism and the USSR was set up as a
caricature of communism/socialism set in place for control of the natural
resources of the world. The human population included. All "leads" point to
an european controlled conspiracy playing many varying levels of  the
Hegelian playbook. There have been many generations of hoodwinks, it varies
per discipline and field but most of our "culture-building" mechanisms have
been co-opted in one form or another. Some is just organic change that comes
with time - that just happens, but much of our waking world is spent living
within a falsely contstructed dialectic. The paradigm of oil energy is a
controlled system, keeping us peons in tow.

A funny thing is, that if ya follow the ships, first, slaves, sugar and rum
then some ships did duty in  opium, then coolies, and last as oil tankers.

some ramblings.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Fwd: Michael Aquino

2000-09-30 Thread Kris Millegan

Latest News

Satanic subversion of the U.S. Military
by Jeffrey Steinberg

On February 5, 1999, in U.S. District Court in Lincoln, Nebraska, an
extraordinary hearing occurred in Paul A. Bonacci v. Lawrence E. King, a
civil action in which the plaintiff charged that he had been ritualistically
abused by the defendant, as part of a nationwide pedophile ring liked to
powerful political figures in Washington and to elements of the U.S.
and intelligence establishment. Three weeks later, on February 27, Judge
Warren K. Urbom ordered King, who is currently in Federal prison, to pay $1
million in damages to Bonacci, in what Bonacci's attorney John DeCamp said
was a clear signal that "the evidence presented was credible."

During the February 5 hearing, Noreen Gosch stunned the court with sworn
testimony linking U.S. Army Lt. Col. Michael Aquino (ret.) to the nationwide
pedophile ring. Her son, Johnny, then 12 years old, was kidnapped off the
streets of West Des Moines, Iowa on September 5, 1982, while he was doing
early-morning newspaper deliveries. Since his kidnapping, she has devoted
of her time and resources to finding her son, and to exposing the dangers
that millions of children in American face from this hideous, literally
Satanic underground of ritualistic deviants.

"We have investigated, we have talked to so far 35 victims of this said
organization that took my son and is responsible for what happened to Paul,
and they can verify everything that has happened," she told the court.

"What this story involves is an elaborate function, I will say, that was an
offshoot of a government program. The MK-Ultra program was developed in the
1950s by the CIA. It was used to help spy on other countries during the Cold
ar because they felt that the other countries were spying on us.

"It was very successful. They could do it very well."

Then, the Aquino bombshell: "Well, then there was a man by the name of
Michael Aquino. He was in the military. He had top Pentagon clearances. He
was a pedophile. He was a Satanist. He's founded the Temple of Set. And he
was a close friend of Anton LaVey. The two of them were very active in
ritualist sexual abuse. And they deferred funding from this government
program to use [in] this experimentation on children.

"Where they deliberately split off the personalities of these children into
multiples, so that when they're questioned or put under oath or questioned
under lie detector, that unless the operator knows how to question a
multiple-personality disorder, they turn up with no evidence."

She continued: "They used these kids to sexually compromise politicians or
anyone else they wish to have control of. This sounds so far out and so
bizarre I had trouble accepting it in the beginning myself until I was
presented with the data. We have the proof. In black and white."

Under questioning from DeCamp, Gosch reported: "I know that Michael Aquino
has been in Iowa. I know that Michael Aquino has been to Offutt Air Force
Base [a Strategic Air Command base, near Omaha, which was linked to King's
activities]. I know that he has had contact with many of these children."

Paul Bonacci, who was simultaneously a victim and a member of the nationwide
pedophile crime syndicate, has subsequently identified Aquino as the man who
ordered the kidnapping of Johnny Gosch. In his February 5 testimony, Bonacci
referred to the mastermind of the Gosch abduction as "the Colonel."

A second witness who testified at the February 5 hearing, Rusty Nelson, was
King's personal photographer. He later described to EIR another incident
which linked King to Aquino, while the Army special forces officer was still
on active reserve duty. Some time in the late 1980s, Nelson was with King at
a posh hotel in downtown Minneapolis, when he personally saw King turn over
suitcase full of cash and bearer-bonds to "the Colonel," who he later
positively identified as Aquino. According to Nelson, King told him that the
suitcase of cash and bonds was earmarked for the Nicaraguan Contras, and
"the Colonel" was part of the covert Contra support apparatus, otherwise
associated with Lt. Col. Oliver North, Vice President George Bush, and the
"secret parallel government" that they ran from the White House.

Just who is Lt. Col. Michael Aquino (ret.), and what does the evidence
revealed in a Nebraska court hearing say about the current state of affairs
inside the U.S. military? Is the Aquino case some kind of weird aberration
that slipped off the Pentagon radar screen?

Not in the least.

Aquino, Satan and the U.S. military

Throughout much of the 1980s, Aquino was at the center of a controversy
involving the Pentagon's acquiescence to outright Satanic practices inside

Re: [CTRL] A Funny Thing Happened on the way to the Regulatory State

2000-09-30 Thread nessie

-Caveat Lector-

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
Yes, so true. But as an American, that is my frame of reference and the
only political unit I have any real exposure to.

Then allow me to suggest that you expose yourself to the other 94% of
humanity. A good place to start is:

How I see it is that the US has

been set-up as a caricature of capitalism and the USSR was set up as a

caricature of communism/socialism set in place for control of the natural

resources of the world.

As I see it they are both capitalism. One is private monopoly capitalism.
The other is state monopoly capitalism. But a boss is a boss is a boss. In
neither case do ordinary people like you and I have real power over
everyday life. In both cases the few control the many, and exploit us to
their own advantage.

The human population included.

We're livestock. Nations are just glorified livestock paddocks. Borders
are fences that our owners use to keep us separated into managable sized
herds. Our rulers themselves care not a fig for nationalism, except as a
tool to manipulate us. Capital has no borders.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-09-30 Thread Donald Park

-Caveat Lector-

COMRADES:  cory hamasaki's
DC Weather Report

 September 30, 2000 - Y2K plus 272 days.
- WRP140 - Final - $5.00 Cover Price.

(c) 1999, 2000 Cory Hamasaki - I grant permission to distribute and
reproduce this newsletter as long as this entire document is reproduced in
its entirety. You may optionally quote
an individual article but you should include this header down to the
tearline or provide a link to the header. I do not grant permission to a
commercial publisher to reprint this in print
media. This entire document is a Year 2000 Information Disclosure as defined
in the Year 2000 Information and Readiness Disclosure Act, S2392.

tearline -

In this issue:

0. WRP information
1. The Bully of the Bay
2. Winter's Here
3. Intel
4. So what's the deal with the market

--WRP Information--

Most of the WRP material is now flowing through our listserv.  It's still
open to all and subsidized by the members.  I'm cutting back
on the web WRPs and concentrating on the listserv.

Join the open Weather Report  mailing list,

Click to subscribe to dc-y2k-WRP  When you get there, you should select the
digest option. At some point, we might close the list but for now it's
still open.

--The Bully of the Bay--

There's a major threat to the ecology of the Chesapeake Bay.  This living
disaster  is ripping  the eco system, digging  the sea grass,
and beating up on the ducks and other birds.   What is this horrible savage
beast, an alligator?  A giant rodent?  A toothy sea going
gar?  No. The name of this monster is the Mute Swan.

The Mute Swan, graceful, silent, poetry in motion but  not a native to the
Chesapeake, it's crowding its way into the ecology, eating
everything in sight,  pushing aside smaller sea birds, and they're all
smaller than the Swan.

Two local  environmental groups have gone public about the Mute Swan, kill
it, KILL THE BEAST, get rid of it, we don't want its
kind in our neighborhood.

The solution is simple.  I have pals who'll hunt anything that moves,
autoloading shotguns, radio controlled dogs, jet propelled boats,
just declare open season on the Mute Swan and the ecology will be saved.
They'll want a BIG deep fryer and what, three pounds of
corn meal and five gallons of peanut oil?

Things are not always what they appear to be.

--Winter's Here--

Winter's starting right on schedule.  Massive snow drifts out west,  rain
where it's warmer.   We've got night time temps in the 40's in
DeeCee.  The TeeVee news reported upper 30's in September!  Meanwhile,
Prince Albert trying to get out of the can, begged
Maximum-Bill to release the emergency oil from the Strategic Reserves.

And amazingly, he's doing it.

Makes sense to me.  No problems with oil, gas was plentiful all year, no
inflation but as the election gets closer, the possibility that you
might be inconvenienced slightly becomes a National Emergency!   You mean, I
might have to pay an extra 20 cents!  Shocking.

Did you have trouble buying oil or gas?  I didn't.  Well, I did goggle at
the pump numbers.  For a few weeks, I drove a truckasaurus,
a Dodge Ram 1500 4X4, 4 door, Magnum V-8.  I drove it down to Paul Milne's
place, it was fun.  The truckasaurus took $38 to fill
up and I was using the cheapest regular that I could find.

Big difference between the truckasaurus and the cory-mobile, an economical 4
cylinder sedan with a 5 speed transaxle.   The
cory-mobile gets 30+ mpg and it takes about $18.00 to fill the 13 gallon
tank.   The Baron's Jetta TDI gets 45 mpg on Diesel.

But winter's here.  If this is a half-way exceptional winter, I'll see my
monthly heating bill triple and so will everyone else.   Our
Yuppie pals with their 5 bedroom tract mansions and inefficient all electric
heat will drop into "resistive back-up mode" when the air
temps fall.  They'll see their bills quadruple, quintuple, or n-tuple as we
say in the computer science business.

Some of them could see one month's heating bill exceed one thousand dollars.

Here's the reason.   DeeCee in recent times has had fairly warm winters.  In
the 1970's, I saw the Potomac River freeze solid and that
winter, a pal with a gas heated mega-size townhouse had a $600 heating bill.
In historic times, DeeCee was much colder.  There's an
ice house under Monticello, Jefferson's mansion south of here in Virginia.
Where did he get the ice from?  He got it from ponds. It
used to be colder.

If the temperatures stay above 40, a heat pump is a pretty good compromise
heating system.   Our winters have been above 40 for
decades, there were one or two exceptions but they were brief.

The indications are that this coming winter will be colder than normal.
This is not scientific.  This is just my weather sense. It's little
clues like, August  temps in the 50's, September temps in the upper 30's,
the snowstorm out West.  I call this a 

[CTRL] Fw: Dick Cheney resigns???

2000-09-30 Thread Robert F. Tatman

-Caveat Lector-

FWIW...  And of course, caveat lector.

- Original Message -
From: "Joan Norman" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, September 30, 2000 2:57 PM
Subject: [July30] Dick Cheney resigns???

 July 30 in Philly -

   We've all been waiting breathlessly for the usual October Surprise
 that the Republicans are famous for,  two weeks before a
 Presidential election.  I've received several emails to the effect
 that this year's October Surprise is going to happen on October
 15!!!  Dick Cheney's "history" is no longer going to be a liability
 to the ticket...because he is going to resign ...with a trumped up
 "threat to his health" or a "dire heart problem" that will take him
 out of the race!!  Colin Powell or John McCain is going to rush in a
 "save the ticket"!! Evidently, this has been in the works since  the
 high oil prices began to get our attention.  Two oil barons on one
 ticket didn't look so cool.  Do you have any information on this
 latest rumor??

 Joan Norman

 To unsubscribe, write to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Start Your Own FREE Email List at

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] CommentMax: Tyranny Is Here

2000-09-30 Thread Donald Park

-Caveat Lector-



Tyranny Is Here

Paul Craig Roberts Sept. 27, 2000

Tyranny is creeping up on us. If you don't believe it, consider the most
prominent hallmarks of the Nazi and Communist regimes, which sought to
supplant democracy in the 20th century.

In National Socialist Germany and the Soviet Union, there were no First
Amendment rights. No one could voice an opinion contrary to the politically
correct views enforced by the Gestapo and the KGB. Media and education were
used to instill politically correct thinking and bring denunciation upon
anyone who departed from politically correct thinking.

This is precisely the situation that exists today in the vast majority of
American colleges and universities. Verbal and facial expressions that are
contrary to political correctness result in sensitivity training (a form of
brainwashing) or expulsion for the offender, who may have done nothing more
than laugh. If the source of mirth is an ethnic joke, a blonde joke or a
hilarious claim by a multiculturalist, the hapless offender discovers that
his constitutional protections do not exist.

In Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, there were victim groups that were
championed and oppressor groups that were suppressed. In Germany, the
"victims" were Aryans, who were said to be under the financial hegemony of
Jews. In the Soviet Union, the hegemonic group was the bourgeoisie, who
allegedly held sway over an oppressed proletariat. In both countries,
victims were permitted to exercise violent language and actions against

In the United States today, white heterosexual able-bodied males constitute
the hegemonic group. Everyone else is a member of a victim group.

In Germany and the Soviet Union, the abstract and imaginary group roles of
oppressor and victim were given a frightful reality by ideologues. Race and
class categories became the basis for discrimination and new legal systems
that favored victims' groups with preferences.

On American campuses, multicultural ideology has revived the concepts of
race and class oppression, and added new ones based on gender and sexual
orientation. Men oppress women, and heterosexuals oppress homosexuals.

According to multiculturalists, our culture and values reflect nothing but
the arbitrary domination of society by white heterosexual males. University
of Pennsylvania professor Alan Kors says that, thanks to multiculturalism,
"half a century after the defeat of Nazism, we distinguish by blood and we
equate blood with culture." We now think like Nazis and explain our society
and culture in terms of race (and gender) hegemony.

Tyrannical states attack the family. Both the Nazis and Communists are
infamous for state intrusions in family affairs. In the United States,
similar bureaucratic and political intrusions come from family courts. Most
Americans are unaware of the existence of these relatively new "courts."
Howard University professor Stephen Baskerville is the leading authority on
these courts. He says family courts are "the most dangerous institution
posing a threat to constitutional rights in our society. The only parallels
are the ideological-bureaucratic dictatorships of the last century."

Family courts claim immunity from the Constitution and from scrutiny by
federal courts. Baskerville describes them as follows:

"Their proceedings are secret and unrecorded. Their orders are enforced by
bureaucratic police who do not wear uniforms and whose sole responsibility
is to conduct surveillance over families and private lives. As such, these
police are akin to secret police. By the very nature of their jurisdiction,
these courts and police are the most intrusive and invasive arm of
government, and yet they are accountable to virtually no one. Such an
institution is intolerable in a free society."

Recently a family court judge ordered the parents of a 7-year-old boy in
Berne, N.Y., to put their child on Ritalin, a behavior-control drug. The
alternative was to be found guilty of "educational neglect," an offense that
would open the possibility of their child being seized by Child Protective
Services - a Hillary Clinton "village" institution straight from the pages
of the Gestapo. The child suffered serious side effects from the drug, but
parents no longer have the right to decide what is best for their children.

Tyrannical states assault the individual in the inner recesses of his
consciousness. He is not permitted to think certain thoughts or to express a
prohibited thought privately to anyone.

Recently, Janice Barton encountered a Spanish-speaking couple while leaving
a restaurant in Manistee, Mich. She turned to her mother and said, "I wish
these (ethnic slur) would learn to speak English." An off-duty deputy
sheriff overheard the private remark, followed the woman to her car and
noted her tag number. Janice Barton was sentenced to 45 days in jail for her
thought crime.

This couldn't happen in a free country.

Dr. Roberts' latest 

[CTRL] [21] Treason's Peace

2000-09-30 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Treason's Peace
Howard Watson Armbruster©1947
A Crossroads Press Book
Beechurst Press
New York
438 pps.  -- First/Only Edition -- Out-of Print


Another Farben Peace

SENATOR KILGORE in October, 1945, publicly expressed his concern at reports
that high officials were planning a revival of I.G. Farben's export trade
instead of dismantling its facilities.

In December, after his committee bad assembled and made public voluminous
records extracted from the I.G. Fa'rben files in Germany which proved its war
guilt beyond question, the Senator called as a witness Col. Bernard
Bernstein, formerly Treasury Counsel, who, as Director of the Division of
Investigation of Cartels and External Assets in the O. M. G., had recently
returned to the United States, having been sent back, according to report,
because he was too insistent in his efforts to uncover the part Farben played
in the war and in searching for the accomplices through whom its assets were
still hidden.

Colonel Bernstein, in a lengthy statement prepared from original documents
with meticulous care, brought out the startling fact that 87 percent of
Farben's industrial war machine was ready to operate, and instead of being
destroyed as required by the Yalta and Potsdam Agreements, was actually being
put back into operation. His testimony showed conclusively that the German
war machine could not have functioned without Farben, and that Dr. Carl
Krauch, pre-war Nazi Chief of Germanys entire chemical industry, and chairman
of Farben's board of directors, along with the other Farben leaders, bad long
known of the Nazi plan of aggression. The witness expressed the hope that the
criminal role played by Farben's officials would result in their indictment
and .conviction as war criminals. Vain Hope.

Shortly after this, Col. Bernstein resigned from the Government service. His
successor in the O. M. G. set-up in Germany, Russell A. Nixon, a former
member of the Harvard faculty, let loose a blast in Berlin, saying that
Farben's high officials who had been arrested were being released, their
plants were not being destroyed, and the uncovering of their hidden assets
abroad was being hindered by State Department officials.

So Mr. Nixon was also returned to the United States and he, too, gave his
testimony before the Kilgore Committee.

Mr. Nixon was now out of the Government service and was free of official
restraints. He minced no words in stating that O. M. G. officials directly
engaged in carrying out Order No. 2 of July 5. 1945, were deliberately
violating it, and that the I.G. Farben war potential was being actually
rebuilt and reintegrated instead of being destroyed. Among high points of Mr.
Nixon's testimony were detailed charges that: no I.G. Farben plants bad been
destroyed, those widely heralded as having been blown up were in, reality
government-owned plants. No law to destroy cartels in Germany bad been
promulgated and no policy existed in this respect. Farben officials and
employes who had been arrested had then been released from custody-in some
cases were actually assisting in the activities of the 0. M. G. The
instructions for a complete mobilization of Farben's external assets had not
been earned out.

Farben's stock had gone up and up on the Munich and Frankfurt Stock Exchanges
(from 68 to 142-1/2) because the German people on the spot knew what was
going on.

The State Department and the British Foreign Office had acted together in
preventing the seizure of Farben's foreign assets.

Possibly the most significant item in Mr. Nixon's story was his statement
that Farben's re-growth followed closely the expectations which had been
expressed by the notorious Max Ilgner, in a letter discovered by the 0. M.
G., which Ilgner wrote in 1944 to several of his associates and in which this
Farben foreign-espionage head confidently advised his pals to stick together
because he, Ilgner, could assure them that the American authorities would
eventually came to their rescue and permit I.G. Farben to resume business as

Mr. Nixon not only minced no words in denouncing the official malpractice by
which every order to destroy Farben was being aborted, but named some of
those individuals in the O. M. G. set-up in Germany whom he believed to be
responsible for this ghastly repetition of the sabotage of Allied control of
this same German dye trust in the years following World War I.

Among those Mr. Nixon indicated had taken the attitude that the Morgenthau
plan was hysterical or impracticable were Ambassador Robert D. Murphy,
representing the State Department; General William H. Draper, Director of the
Economics Division; Col. E. G. Pillsbury, control officer; Major Petroff,
former attorney for General Motors; Laird Bell, Chicago attorney who had been
outspoken in his disagreement with Potsdam and J. C. S. 1067; and Col. Joe
Starnes, former member of the noxious Dies Committee of the House of

[CTRL] CommentMax: Tyranny Is Here

2000-09-30 Thread Justine Blake

-Caveat Lector-

I know this is going to sound a bit confused, but I find what is happening
today with politikal korrektness and activists going at it every which way
to be konfusing as to who is behind it all mostly. So bear with me, and any
insights are greatly appreciated.

Studying, as much as possible, all sides of the spectrum, from the left to
the right, and the middle classes in between (otherwise known as the
"Sheeples"), from what I see the "left" consists of liberals, well-meaning
some, but behind the liberals seem to be mostly
jewish/marxist/leninist/communist/socialists. I listen to WBAI-FM on the
East Coast, and I saw on Channel 13 an hour documentary on the history of
the flagship station called Pacifica. These two stations are the only two on
the radio which promote all of the activist agendas. I thought at first this
was great, because corporations were merging left and right and getting way
too big and having way too much power. I think Eutrice Leeds (not sure if
that's the correct spelling) is brilliant in explaining "The Man" and "The

However, of late I've noticed that she, and all the other activists on the
other programs seem to all for minority rights only. All the activists on
WBAI, although I cannot see what race they are, most sound like young white
females and males (mostly females). So, what are white activists so
concerned about nothing but minority rights, here and all around the world?
There are white people suffering too. I'm a tax slave, and who is talking
for me?

So, as I wonder just who these young white activists are, it seems now
probably they are jewish/marxist/leninist/communist/socialists. The things
they say are most certainly of a socialist-type bent, and how many times
have I heard about the jews who pit one segment of society against the
other, and after things have reached a pitch, they, the jewish
marxists/leninists, etc., just step in. Look at how media, like Jerry
Springer, a jew, caters to the worst elements of society. You don't see ANY
jews on his show as guests.

So maybe all these Amerikcan activists who headed for Prague to lend a hand
are these very jewish socialists, etc., who are attempting to topple
democracy and capitalism? Not to mention doing all possible for minority
rule over, most especially, whites?

On the other hand, maybe marxist/leninist/socialists/communists have a
point? Big government and big corporations, and IMF, WTC, etc., even
democracy, have done nothing for me as a tax slave living in Amerika.

So maybe all these socialists are right, and maybe politikal korrektness is
right, so that minorities get rule more around the world, including Amerika?
Or that the "People" rule?

Incidentally, the early Pacifica radio station gave voice to communists and
two of them even had programs on. Just the other day I was listening to
WBAI, and they were interviewing a communist politician, a homosexual too.

Just thoughts, because I sure wish I could figure all this out. So far, the
only activists from either spectrum I praise and pray for are the animal
rights activists. God Bless Them. Any person who feels for the suffering of
the Animal Kingdom, I KNOW they have a true HUMAN heart straight down the

So, is CTRL mostly made up of marxists/leninists, etc., or what?

In Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, there were victim groups that were
championed and oppressor groups that were suppressed. In Germany, the
"victims" were Aryans, who were said to be under the financial hegemony of
Jews. In the Soviet Union, the hegemonic group was the bourgeoisie, who
allegedly held sway over an oppressed proletariat. In both countries,
victims were permitted to exercise violent language and actions against

In the United States today, white heterosexual able-bodied males constitute
the hegemonic group. Everyone else is a member of a victim group.

FREE Personalized Email at
Sign up at

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=""Archives of


Re: [CTRL] information on Aquino

2000-09-30 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Hi !

Below please find legal information on Aquino.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

All accusations are alleged. This may be triggering for survivors of abuse

excerpts from


"This is an action brought pursuant to the Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. S
552a(g), in which plaintiff alleges that the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation
Command (CID) has refused to amend a Report of Investigation (ROI) which
states that plaintiff was the subject of an investigation for sexual child
abuse and related crimes."

"1. Plaintiff Michael A. Aquino is a Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) in the United
States Army Reserve. His name appears in the title block of a CID report of
investigation (ROI) for indecent acts with a child and related offenses.
Government Exhibit (G.E.) D at 1-4."

"5. FBI Agent Foreman interviewed Kinsey at 9 P.M. the next day, August 13th.
She told him that "Mikey wears Army clothes like my daddies [sic]", and that
"Mikey" put his penis into her mouth, bottom, and vagina just like "Mr.
Gary." Kinsey also told FBI Agent Foreman that she went with "Mr. Gary" to
his house and "Mikey" and "Shamby" were there. Id. at 9. Kinsey told her
mother that "Mikey" was the "blood man," because he had put blood on her and
licked it off."

"11. On January 3, 1988, plaintiff made a written sworn statement denying the
allegations against him and preferring sworn charges against CPT
Adams-Thompson for conduct unbecoming an officer."

"13. On August 12, 1988, the San Francisco district attorney's office closed
its investigation of child abuse at the Presidio CDC. It filed no charges
against plaintiff or anyone else."

"17. On May 15, 1989, CID agents and legal advisors met with LTC Craig
Schwender, Staff Judge Advocate for the Presidio, and viewed the
investigation and evidence with him. LTC Schwender opined that there was
probable cause to title LTC Aquino for the offenses of indecent acts with a
child, sodomy, conspiracy, kidnapping, and false swearing.(F3) G.E. D-16 at

"A. Plaintiff May Challenge Facts, But Not subjective Judgments Such As a
Titling Determination. Plaintiff is not entitled to relief because the
proposed amendment pertains to the accuracy of subjective judgments and
determinations, not to the accuracy of factual, historical data."

"After discussing the evidence and reviewing the investigation, the Presidio
staff judge advocate, LTC Craig Schwender, opined that probable cause existed
to place plaintiff's name in the title block of the ROA. G.E. D-16 at 113."

excerpts from :


PLAINTIFF, Civil Action
v. No 90-1547-A

Secretary of the Army
Department of the Army
Washington, D.C.,

Also Serve The Attorney General Of the United States
Department of Justice
Washington, D.C.
The United States Attorney
1101 King Street,Suite 502
Alexandria, Virginia


1. Plaintiff, then an active duty Lieutenant Colonel in the United States
Army, was titled by the U.S. Army CID, on August 11, 1989 for Conspiracy,
Kidnapping, Sodomy, Indecent Acts or Liberties With a Child, Indecent Acts,
False Swearing, Intentional Noncompliance With Article 30, Uniform Code of
Military Justice, Maltreatment of a Subordinate and Conduct Unbecoming an

2. Plaintiff sought to amend the titling action and requested that
Plaintiff's name be removed from the title block.

3. The CID granted relief in part and denied relief in part. Plaintiff
remains titled for Conspiracy, Kidnapping, Sodomy, Indecent Acts and False

"that "(t)here was sufficient evidence from which the Army decision maker
could determine that probable cause existed to believe that [Aquino]
committed the offenses" and that therefore the Army's decisions to create the
report and not amend it were not arbitrary or capricious."

"In its initial decision to include Aquino in the title block of the report
of investigation, the CID relied principally upon the testimony of CPT
Adams-Thompson's daughter that "Mikey" had sexually molested her, on her
identifications of Aquino as "Mikey" and of the Aquinos' apartment building
as the location of the alleged crime, and on other evidence from Aquino's
apartment partially matching the child's descriptions of the locale of the
crime. The Army denied Aquino's request to amend the report on the basis that
Aquino's "evidence of alibi," the testimony of the men working in the
Aquino's apartment at the time of the alleged offenses, was not persuasive.
The Army's considerations in both decisions clearly were relevant and their
factual bases not so wholly unreliable as to render either decision arbitrary
or capricious."

Re: [CTRL] lacter article on ritual abuse

2000-09-30 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

I received this letter recently and thought it important to forward. I have
edited it for length, but the full text is at the urls below.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

all accusations are alleged

"Problems for Victims of  Ritual Abuse in San Diego, California"

Link in upper right corner to "Problems for Victims of Ritual Abuse in San
Diego, California"

It's web-page is:


Opinion Piece Submitted to the San Diego Union-Tribune, by Ellen Lacter,
Ph.D. on 9-29-2000

Mark Sauer's 9-24-00 article, "A Web of Intrigue", in the San Diego
Union-Tribune is his most recent in a series of articles misrepresenting the
facts on the subject of child ritual abuse and attacking advocates for ritual
abuse victims

Sauer's factual misrepresentations of 9-24-00 are as follows:

1. Sauer claims the debate over satanic ritual abuse ended in the mid-1990's
when it was "discredited by mental- health experts and the courts". The truth
is that psychological and legal evidence of the existence of satanic ritual
abuse is substantial and that the debate is alive and well.

A review of the empirical evidence of ritual abuse can be found in a  book by
James Randolph Noblitt and Pamela Sue Perskin (Cult and Ritual Abuse, 2000,
Chapter 6). One national survey of 2709 clinical psychologists showed that
30% claimed to have seen at least one case of "ritualistic or religion-based
abuse" and 93% of these
psychologists believed the harm actually occurred (Reference: Goodman,
Qin, Bottoms, and Shaver, 1994,  "Characteristics and Sources of Allegations
of Ritualistic Child Abuse: Final Report to the National Center on Child
Abuse and Neglect").

The American Psychiatric Press published a text in 1997 explaining the
importance of correct assessment and treatment of ritualistic abuse survivors
(The Dilemma of Ritual Abuse: Cautions and Guides for Therapists, edited by
G.A. Fraser).

Numerous court decisions (criminal, family, juvenile, and civil) have been
based on findings of ritual abuse. For example, on February 27, 1999, the
Honorable Warren K. Urbom, Senior United States District Judge, Omaha,
Nebraska, awarded a million dollar civil judgement to Paul Bonacci against
Larry King (not the well-known talk-show host, Larry King), based on King's
sexual abuse (including pornography and orgies) and false imprisonment, of
Bonacci as a child, in the infamous Franklin satanic cult/sex/drug ring case.
Further information on this case can be found in the book, "The Franklin
Cover-Up", by John De Camp

The court finding list is archived, periodically updated, and published  on
the world-wide web by "Karen Curio Jones". Under this pseudonym, "Jones" has
devoted herself to raising public awareness of child ritual abuse on the
Internet for the past five years. Sauer claims to expose "Jones'" identity in
his 9-24-00 article.

Sauer globally denies the existence of satanic ritual abuse while our recent
history is marred with undeniable cases of mass suicide/homicide by other
kinds of cults and
underground groups. This past summer,  almost 1000 people were found murdered
by an underground cult in Uganda, "Movement for the Restoration of  the Ten
Commandments of God". Last year, in Rancho Sante Fe, 39 people
suicided from the cult, "Heaven's  Gate". In Jonestown, 22 years ago, more
than 900 people mass-suicided and were murdered of "The People's Temple".
Devastating world events originate in underground groups, such as the Third
Reich and Ku Klux Klan. High school students are taught to remember the Nazi
death camps lest
such atrocities repeat themselves

2. Sauer cites the McMartin Pre-school acquittals as evidence that  ritual
abuse does not exist. He omits any mention of the post-trial geological
survey under the school's foundation that yielded convincing corroboration of
the children's reports of being taken through underground tunnels (See "The
Dark Tunnels of McMartin", by  Summit, R.C., 1994, The Journal of
Psychohistory, 21(4), 397-416.)

3. Sauer cites the "10-year investigation" by Special FBI Agent Ken Lanning
that concluded that satanic ritual abuse does not exist. Sauer fails to
mention that Lanning is a very controversial figure. Noblitt and Perskin
(2000,  see above) state: "In reality, there is no such study... my office
contacted the FBI and requested a copy of the alleged study. The bureau
responded in writing indicating that no such  study existed." (See page 179
of their book).

4. Sauer refers to the 1991-1992 San Diego County Grand Jury "that  blasted
the child protection system after investigating wide-ranging allegations of
zealous social workers removing children from their homes without cause".
Sauer has widely publicized the findings of that Grand Jury over the years.
Sauer fails to mention the 1992-1993 San Diego 

Re: [CTRL] west and government projects

2000-09-30 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

I am sending this to the list because I was recently removed from another
list (an "anti-cult" list) on the web because I refused to stop sending data
to the list about Dr. West. IMO, I had broken no list rules, I sent
substantiated data, such as the data below.

The comoderators on the list compared my data and tactics (simply sending
urls and quotes) as similar to an alleged well known cult, simply because the
same data was used. They refused to acknowledge that the data could have and
probably did come from source material that the writers below and the alleged
cult probably researched. I explained this to the list that this was in
essence a logical fallacy, a type of propaganda.

In effect, I was censored by my removal from the list. I was asked several
times to back up my data with source documents and to even state in the post
whether I agreed with the url or not. No one else on this list was required
to do this. There were posters that post pro-false memory articles and they
were not asked to verify their data, neither was their data compared to any
alleged cults or other groups.

IMO, there was no "freedom of mind" nor speech on this list, at least for
those that take the position that mk-ultra existed and that West may have
been connected to it.  How can we empower people to think for themselves,
when we censor those we disagree with ?

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

Below please find urls with info on project monarch and Dr. West.
This may be triggering for survivors of abuse.

The following articles have proof showing the existence of Project Monarch.

CIA Experiments with Mind Control on Children by Jon Rappoport This article is extremely well
footnoted with government documents, hearing reports, etc.

""This review of the CIA's actions in the United States and Canada
demonstrates how completely unprincipled was the Agency's original
brainwashing program, as well as its course of legal manoeuvers years later
when it was required to answer for its misconduct. The story of the
brainwashing suit and the barriers that were overcome before the CIA's
victims were finally compensated, illustrates both the formidable hurdles
presented and the unique satisfactions gleaned in a public interest law suit."



On the MKULTRA institutional notification list attached to Brief for
Respondents In No. 83-1075 and Brief for Petitioners in No. 83-1249, pp.
1a-10a, Harvard University, Cambridge Massachusetts is listed next to
subprojects 84 and 92.
John Mark's states: "Martin Orne's work for the Agency was described in
Subproject 84. He contributed a chapter to the Society-funded book, The
Manipulation of Human Behavior, edited by Albert Biderman and Herbert Zimmer
(New York: John Wiley  Sons; 1961), pp. 169-215. Financial data on Orne's
Institute for Experimental Psychiatry came from a filing with the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Attachment to Form 1023". Other contributors
to this book include Lawrence Hinkle, M.D. of New York Hospital-Cornell
Medical Center. Hinkle was identified by the New York Times, together with
Dr. D. Ewen Cameron, Dr. Robert Hyde,

Dr. Louis Jolyon West,

Dr. Harris Isbell, Dr. Harold Abramson, Dr. Carl Pieiffer and Dr. Charles
Geschikter as all being involved in CIA backed research under Bluebird,
Artichoke and MKULTRA.

Described as a "Teaching Fellow, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard University
Medical School", Orne's chapter in The Manipulation of Human Behavior, is
entitled "The potential uses of hypnosis in interrogation" and indicates
"this paper is based in part upon work under a grant from the Society for the
Investigation of Human Ecology, Inc.", p. 169.

The Interim Report of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments
is available from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing
Office. The stock number is 061-000-00819-5, for $9.00. Telephone orders:
202-512-1800, fax 202-512-2250 (8-4 EST), mail orders US Gov't Printing
Office, P O Box 371954, Pitts., PA 15250-7954. Information from these
hearings alleged that members of the Advisory Board for the False Memory
Syndrome Foundation allegedly have CIA backgrounds, including Louis Jolyon
West and Martin Orne, many FMS board members allegedly have military
backgrounds and/or University ties where the CIA has funded drug and mind
control experiments.

It has been alleged that Louis Jolyon West has connections to CIA LSD
experiments  Further information on this can be found in "The Search for the
Manchurian Candidate: The CIA and Mind Control" page 63. 

[CTRL] Tax and Spend = Pack up and Leave

2000-09-30 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

ISSUE 1955 Sunday 1 October 2000

Ambitious Kiwis take flight to escape high tax
by Mark Chipperfield in Sydney
 The Press (New Zealand news)

  FEARS over New Zealand's economic and political future are driving record numbers of 
educated people abroad, despite government pleas for them to stay. In the past year 
71,600 have left
the country permanently.
A survey by TV New Zealand last week found increasing disenchantment with the 
high-taxing Labour government led by the Prime Minister, Helen Clark. One in five New 
Zealanders is
considering settling elsewhere. Most of the emigrants settle in Australia, to which 
New Zealanders
have unrestricted entry. A smaller number go to Britain.

A television presenter said: "If you're a Kiwi with any sort of ambition, having a 
crack at
Australia seems like a natural step." Richard Wilkins, one of 350,000 Kiwis now living 
in Australia
said "Australia lurks a three-hour flight away as the great land of opportunity."

The Prime Minister, who last year made an emotional plea for expatriate New Zealanders 
to return
home and rebuild the economy, has dismissed the latest emigration figures as a "blip" 
which will
soon correct itself. She said: "It's the middle of winter, people sometimes think 
about a warmer
climate, but if they're thinking of Australia I don't think the unemployment rate is 
any more
attractive there and, of course, the tax rate is considerably higher."

The Opposition claims that at least 10,000 professionals, mainly doctors, engineers, 
business managers and computer experts, have left New Zealand since Labour came to 
power last
November. It estimates that the brain drain has cost the New Zealand economy £1.1 
billion in wasted
education and training, and gave a warning that there is worse to come.

Penny Webster, an immigration spokesman for the Right-wing ACT Party, said thousands 
of new
university graduates have been fleeing the country without repaying their student 
loans. She said:
"Not only are they taking their skills with them, they're leaving New Zealand with a 
massive debt."
The latest estimates suggest that the government is owed £37 million in unpaid 
university loans to
students - double the previous year.

About one-fifth of all new migrants to Australia arrive from New Zealand.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] article on memory

2000-09-30 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

Below please find an article on memory.

Sincerely,  Neil

Toward Freedom Online Magazine - Editorial - The Politics of Memory by Greg
Discusses the Memory issue and West

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Kursk Update

2000-09-30 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:

From: "Ian Goddard" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Kursk Update
Date: Tuesday, September 12, 2000 11:49 AM

According the Russian media source Venik's Aviation,
Russian investigators are still claiming that the Kursk,
the Russian submarine that recently sank, was struck by
a US submarine, specifically, the USS Memphis. They are
said to claim the USS Memphis was tracked leaving the
area headed toward a Norwegian port where it has been
receiving repairs. Russian investigators have allegedly
asked to inspect the exterior of the USS Memphis but the
Pentagon will not allow them to even look at the Memphis,
the exterior of which apparently has become a top-secret
despite its having been openly photographed in the past.
Another Russian media source recently caste doubt on the
sub-collision theory:
Michael Rivero has a page devoted to the sub-collision

Here's a recent report (9/11/00) from Venik's Aviation:

As of Sept. 11, 2000, Russian investigators believe
that Kursk collided with the USS Memphis of the US Navy.
This submarine is an experimental platform used by the
US Navy to test new weapons and other systems. It was
manufactured in 1977 and modified for special-purpose
operation in 1989 and again in 1994.

The collision was registered by Norwegian and Russian
seismologists as a weak "seismic event," which was
followed by a powerful explosion 2 minutes 15 seconds
later. There is a number of scientifically-valid
explanations as to how a collision could have caused
an explosion aboard Kursk 135 seconds later. The exact
mechanism of such a process is now being studied.

The USS Memphis was detected by the Russian nuclear
cruiser Peter the Great at the bottom of the sea not
far from Kursk. The American submarine released a
rescue buoy and transmitted a coded emergency radio
signal on NATO frequencies, requesting an emergency
entry to a Norwegian naval base. The USS Memphis was
able to recover from the collision (it was not as
heavily damaged as Kursk, because the collision did
not result in any explosions aboard the American
submarine) and, after pulling down the rescue buoy,
left the scene of the accident. The submarine's
departure was also registered by the Russian cruiser.

The USS Memphis was initially tracked by a Kamov
antisubmarine helicopter based aboard Peter the Great.
Later, two Il-38 antisubmarine aircraft, piloted by Lt.
Col. Dergunov and Lt. Col. Dovzhenko, deployed hydro-
acoustic buoys and detected the USS Memphis traveling
at only 5 knots. The submarine was continuously tracked
by Russian vessels, aircraft and satellites until it
reached the Norwegian port in Bergen. During the last
reconnaissance flight of an Il-38 on August 18, the
aircraft's pilot - Lt. Col. Dergunov - was unable to
detect the submarine due to strong EM and hydro-acoustic
interference from NATO defenses. Later that day the USS
Memphis docked in Bergen.

The Russian Military Prosecutor General's office
announced that they are prepared to charge the senior
crew members of an unnamed vessel that collided with
Kursk in accordance with the Article 263 of the Russian
Criminal Code. The name of the vessel is know to the
investigators but has not been made public. It was
mentioned that the Pentagon has denied the official
request by the Russian government to inspect the outer
hull of the USS Memphis. After staying in Bergen in a
dock for a short period of time the USS Memphis left
for a British naval base. Again, the American submarine
was tracked by the Russian Navy and by satellites.

Even the most furious opponents of the collision
theory are bewildered by the Pentagon's refusal to
allow an external visual inspection of the USS Memphis.
This old submarine has been seen at public events,
photographed, videotaped and at least its external
features ceased to be a secret many years ago. Clearly,
if the USS Memphis did not collide with Kursk, even a
brief inspection of its hull would be quite enough to
lift any suspicions. Such an inspection could have been
carried out quickly and easily, because the USS Memphis
was sitting in a dock in Bergen. Americans refused a
simple and reasonable request from Russia. This is
viewed by many as a de facto admission of guilt. The
situation is aggravated by the fact, that the Pentagon
officials lied about the number of American submarines
observing the Russian Navy exercise in the Barents Sea:
the US military officials stated that there were two
submarines, while there were three submarines.

At this moment, Russian prosecutors base their conclusions
on four major facts:

1. The is a history of 

[CTRL] WP: FBI Looks at Bush Team in Widening Tape Probe

2000-09-30 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

FBI Looks at Bush Team in Widening Tape Probe

By Mike Allen and Dan Balz
Washington Post Staff Writers
Sunday , October 1, 2000 ; A08

AUSTIN, Sept. 30 – While continuing to investigate whether an
employee of Texas Gov. George W. Bush's ad firm mailed
confidential debate materials to Vice President Gore's camp, FBI
agents are looking at whether she was acting at the behest of
campaign superiors, an official involved in the case said today.

The FBI interviewed Bush's chief strategist, Karl Rove, here this
afternoon. Rove was the only member of Bush's inner circle who
was not questioned a week ago.

The interview came three days before the first presidential
debate—an indication of how the case has become a distraction at
a critical time.

A videotape of a Bush debate rehearsal was mailed from Austin to
the Washington office of a Gore debate coach. Investigators said
forensic evidence links the package to Juanita Yvette Lozano, an
assistant to Mark McKinnon, Bush's top media consultant.

Bush's campaign expressed full confidence in Lozano today.

"We have every reason to believe Ms. Lozano is telling the truth
and we stand by her," spokesman Dan Bartlett said. "She is a
longtime personal family friend of Mark's—even baby-sitting his
own children for years—and we believe she is supportive of
Governor Bush. She's worked for him for over a year and we
believe what she's saying—that she was mailing a pair of pants on
behalf of Mark."

Chris Gunter, an Austin lawyer retained by Lozano, said he
believes the FBI will go at a measured pace. He compared his
client with Richard Jewell, the security guard falsely accused of
planting a bomb during the Olympics in Atlanta in 1996.

"I think they've learned from past mistakes that it's not wise to
do things too fast and jump to conclusions," Gunter said.

Federal authorities acknowledge that even if the evidence links
Lozano to the package, many questions remain. Federal sources
said that even if Lozano's fingerprints are on the materials, it
would not necessarily prove she had mailed the package, because
she might have handled it earlier.

Top Bush officials, even though they are among those being
investigated, applaud the expanded investigation because they
believe it will force the FBI to look beyond the inside-job
theory and consider other possibilities, including the
involvement of Democrats, according to campaign aides.

Bush officials say the tape probably was copied from one kept at
Maverick Media, the Austin firm McKinnon heads. They remain
convinced that security could have been breached from the
outside. Although publicly the campaign has pointed to Gore
headquarters as a potential perpetrator, Bush officials privately
allow for the possibility that Democrats in Austin got hold of
the materials and mailed them to former House member Tom Downey,
who was Gore's sparring partner in practice debates.

The Gore campaign released new information received from Downey's
lawyer. A typed, unsigned message on plain paper that accompanied
the tape said something along the lines of: "Here's some material
that might be helpful to you. I'll call in a few days to see if
you need anything else."

Bush, at his ranch near Crawford, Tex., said today, "I'm
confident that nobody who supports my candidacy would have mailed
the tape. Somebody that thinks I ought to be president wouldn't
have done that."

Gore told reporters in Washington, "I have full confidence in the

© 2000 The Washington Post Company

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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