Re: [CTRL] Sayaret Matkal-Israel's Death Squad

2000-10-18 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


I don't think this group has anything to do with the "Sakari"(sp)
that I recently mentioned to you in private email (I think it is
pronounced: sack-ar-rye), but I could be wrong.

I think the group you are writing of here is the same group that
assassinated that "big gun" scientist...the one that was helping
Saddam build his "super gun," as well as COUNTLESS other "hits"
over the last 60-100 years.

The secret ancient Hebrew assassins I was referring to are the
same ones described in biblical texts, and the same ones I WOULD
THINK may be working for the "Evilarchy" today, i.e., they may have
once been TOTALLY "righteous Son's of The Light," but I get the
impression that they TODAY (IF they indeed still exist) work for
the "REAL World Order," i.e., the 200 EVIL Jewish MO-FO families
that have run the world for at least 2 K years.

I don't have my copy of "The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception," by
Michael Baigent, et al., with me [ISBN: 0552138789, available at USED for half of the price of $14BTW,
never buy a book without comparing prices and delivery times at], but that is where I first learned of the
the Sakari (sp?).  They were supposedly running around with their
assassination daggers, trying frantically to assassinate Paul
when he was going all over the place trying to turn all the
different Hebrew factions against each other, as well as
generally inciting riot among ALL of the different races,
political groups, and religious groups in-and-around the holy
land, circa 30 A.D.  It seems to Baigent, et al., that Paul's
secret Roman plain-clothed body guards were ALWAYS a step up on
the Sakari, et al., whisking him away from the crowds he was
inciting, OFTEN TIMES, according to the above ref, "SECONDS

Just before Paul "vanished" from sight [and texts] forever,
according to "The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception" (and most of the
other ex-students and NON-secular biblical scholars that studied
under Prof. Robert Eisenman), it is thought that Paul's life
wasn't worth a shit any more...that his constant attempts to
incite rioting via lying and saying ANYTHING to piss-off ANY
crowds that would listen to him (ALL other inciting of rioting in
the Roman Empire was met with a swift crucifixion!), finally
made him a marked man ALL OVER THE HOLY LAND, not just among the
Jews.  Despite his secret Roman body-guards that ALWAYS
surrounded him, it was to the point that he was no longer safe,

[Btw, these "implements of death" that the Sakari carried, were
referred to in the bible by the same name, "sakari(sp?)"...In
fact, the group may have gotten its name FROM THE NAME OF THE
KNIFE THEY USED?  These daggers were SMALL, easily concealable,
and CASE-HARDENED STEAL...and remember, the line towed by
mainstream "science" STILL TODAY was that heat-treated steal was
500 years more advanced than what Rome, the most advanced war
machine on the planet, had at the beginning of the Common Era
(artifacts of these 2 K year old metallurgical feats are supposedly
possessed by the Vatican and "The Evilarchy").  According to
Baigent, et al., the FACT that certain Hebrew sects DID INDEED
POSSESS knowledge of tempering steal was CONCLUSIVELY evidenced by
the THREE MILITARY FORGES that were found by the Vatican's
"International Group of [so-called] Scientists/Archeologists" in
1926 at Qumran (the Vatican has always LIED, holding that what
they found were NOT military forges, that these forges were just
to make cooking and farm implements.  What's more, the Vatican
has ALWAYS claimed that the walls of Qumran were only a ft. or two
thick, less than the individual dwellings' wall thicknesses
within, whereas, IN FACT, the walls of Qumran (and other secret
thus the ONLY reason for the "current paradigm" regarding the
REAL state-of-the-art of metallurgy at that time).  For the last
10 years, I have PERSONALLY suspected that, JUST MAYBE, this
ADVANCED "science" of heat-treating STEAL was REALLY part of the
"REAL Sacred Sciences," as may very well have REALLY been
supplied to the Essenes, Sakari, et al., by God/s?]

It seems, from biblical and historical accounts of what happened
following his "disappearance," that Paul's REAL JOB was to give
the Roman Gov't justification to eliminate Jesus' and Jame's
Essenes (as well as the other militant Hebrew groups).  It seems
that the Roman Citizenry were always affectionate to the
"harmless, yet odd, Hebrews," thus the reason for Paul and his
Roman Gov't trying to FABRICATE reason FOR THE ROMAN PUBLIC to
justify persecution/death of the Jews).  OBVIOUSLY, Paul did his
job WELL!.  When he had finally succeeded in getting ALL groups
[including the Roman citizenry!) to hate him and wish him dead
(most of whom would 

[CTRL] The Last Indian Fighter

2000-10-18 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-



For years, environmentalists in the Pacific Northwest have referred
to Sen. Slade Gorton, the Republican from Washington, as "Senator
Skeletor." But in Indian Country he's known as the "Custer of the
Senate." And with reason. For the past 25 years, Gorton has been
bashing Indians as relentlessly and ruthlessly as Strom Thurmond and Jesse
Helms have race-baited blacks.

Gorton's noxious rhetoric often turned out to be just that--rhetoric.   For
much of his career, he has lacked the influence to back up his   overheated
chest-pounding. But as chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee's
powerful sub-committee on  Interior and Related Agencies

Washington   Sen. Slade Gorton has emerged as a true visigoth.
Credit: Ken Lambert/Washington Times via Newsmakers.
(including the Bureau of Indian Affairs), Gorton is now in a position of
tremendous power over the more than 550 federally recognized Indian tribes,
fully capable of turning into legislation his perverse obsession with punishing
some of the poorest people on the continent.

Since he became chairman in 1995, Gorton has moved against Native   Americans
on a myriad of fronts by attempting to slash federal support   for Indian
health care and schools, restrict salmon fishing rights,   exert control over
tribal housing developments and tax casino profits. In 1998, Gorton led the
ultimately unsuccessful fight to strip Indian reservations of their sovereignty
and institute means-testing for   federal aid to tribes.

Tribes across the country are now fighting back, vowing to help defeat Gorton
in November as he runs for his fourth Senate term. A tribal PAC has already
begun running ads against Gorton throughout Washington, attacking the senator
not only for his record on Indians, but on the environment as well. "If you ask
Indian leaders who is the enemy," says Ron Allen, a member of the Jamestown
S'Klallam tribe of Washington and vice president of the National Congress
of American Indians, "Gorton's would be the first name and the last

Back in the Reagan years, the vile James Watt, the Gipper's hapless   Interior
Secretary, grabbed headlines by denouncing Indian reservations   as "the last
bastion of Communism." Watt was rebuked for his impertinence and ridiculed by
political pundits as a right-wing, born-again-Christian bigot. But over the
past couple of decades, Watt's cause has been   sedulously carried on by

While the press savaged Watt, Gorton has been treated by the media   as a more
serious character, often described as "studious," "brilliant"   and
"mercurial." There are better descriptions of Gorton: cranky,   peevish,
rueful, petulant and vindictive. "He has a brusque, prosecutorial manner and
the demeanor of a coroner," says a longtime staffer for a Republican senator.
"He likes to bully people, even fellow senators,   into taking his side."

Part of Gorton's animus toward Indians appears to be personal. In the early
'70s, the Lummi Nation won a landmark court case, known as the Boldt decision,
giving tribes the rights to half of the steelhead and salmon returning to their
spawning grounds in the Puget Sound basin. Gorton, then Washington State
attorney general, was outraged by the decision and mounted two appeals to the
Supreme Court. He suffered stinging rebukes in both cases and has been on a
vendetta ever since.

Gorton rode into the Senate in 1980 on the heels of the Reagan landslide,
defeating old liberal warhorse Warren Magnuson. It was a nasty campaign,
highlighted by Gorton's smearing Magnuson as being too enfeebled to be re-
elected. Upon taking office, Gorton moved swiftly to settle his old scores with
the tribes. In 1981, he introduced a bill that would have overturned Indian
treaty rights to steelhead trout fisheries in Washington. Gorton's first term
in the Senate was by all accounts uninspired, and in 1986 he lost his seat to
Brock Adams, who enjoyed the support of Washington's growing environmental
vote. Embittered, Gorton vowed revenge.

After working as a lobbyist for the Non-Indian Negotiating Group,   a coalition
of corporations and white landowners seeking to weaken   the sovereignty of the
tribes, Gorton was back on the political   scene in 1998. Campaigning as a full-
fledged right-winger, Gorton   was narrowly elected again to the Senate. But it
wasn't until 1994--after   the two moderate, senior Republicans from the
Northwest who held Gorton on a tight leash, Mark Hatfield and Bob Packwood, had
left   the Senate--that Gorton emerged from the shadows as a true Visigoth,
   nearly indistinguishable from Idaho's Larry Craig or that grim duo
 from Alaska, Frank Murkowski and Ted Stevens.

The only groups to rank near Indians on Gorton's hate list are
environmentalists. Upon his return to the Senate, Gorton, backed by timber
industry cash, immediately went to work to unravel the Endangered Species Act
(ESA). He 

[CTRL] RadTimes # 73

2000-10-18 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

RadTimes # 73 - October, 2000

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
  "A criminal is a person with predatory instincts who has not
sufficient capital to form a corporation."
--Howard Scott
--Activist leader held on felonies for convention protests
--The Antiglobalization Movement Gets Global
--Interpol looks for new directions in fighting cybercrime
--School shooters: Secret service findings
--The choice: Arm all or arm none
--Israeli-U.S. Agreement Near For Spy-Planes Procurement
Linked stories:
*US Election Fraud  Scams
*Anti-Olympics Protests 2000
Begin stories:
Activist leader held on felonies for convention protests

AP Wire Service
Oct 14, 2000

PHILADELPHIA (AP) _ A Philadelphia judge has upheld four felony charges
against a nationally known activist accused of directing demonstrations and
inciting vandalism by protesters during the Republican National Convention.

Kate Sorensen, 38, of the Direct Action Network, was ordered held Friday
for trial on charges of riot, causing or risking a catastrophe, criminal
mischief and conspiracy to commit all three crimes.
She initially faced 20 charges including 10  felonies, which were later
reduced. She also was initially held on $1 million bail;
she is out on $100,000 bail.

A trial date has not been set.

Nearly 400 demonstrators were arrested during sometimes violent clashes
with police and street-blocking protests coinciding with the GOP convention
this summer. Fifteen police officers were injured and more than 20 city
vehicles damaged during the mayhem.

Assistant District Attorney David E. Desiderio said Sorensen should be held
responsible for vandalism caused by members of the group that she led. He
said Sorensen directed people in the crowds to move to block streets.

``When you run with the crowd you are liable for the acts of the crowd,''
Desiderio said.

Defense attorney Lawrence Krasner said Sorensen merely was a participant.
He said all the evidence pointed to one thing: ``It's a description of a
walk around the city. She's not telling people to block the road,'' Krasner

Sorensen is one of three high-profile activists accused of leading
disruptive demonstrations. Also charged with more serious offenses as
activist leaders were John Sellers, director of the Ruckus Society of
Berkeley, Calif., and Paul Davis, leader of Philadelphia ACT-UP.
All three groups _ Ruckus, DAN, and ACT-UP _ were key organizers
of recent mass demonstrations, including the 50,000-person protests in
Seattle during the World Trade Organization meetings last fall.

The Antiglobalization Movement Gets Global

Tamara Straus, AlterNet
October 3, 2000

If you were watching news coverage of the protests in Prague the other
week, then what you probably saw were bleeding cops, Molotov
cocktail-throwing anarchists and thousands of youthful radicals in a
disorganized protest. But the truth was far from those images. Although
violence did break out among some demonstrators and up to 55 Czech cops did
get injured, the protests organized by the Initiative against Economic
Globalization in Prague (INPEG) were largely nonviolent and successful.
Come September 26, 10,000 protesters from practically every major city in
Europe and North America gathered in the city of spires. Black-clad
anarchists from Bristol could be seen rubbing shoulders with Slovak
environmentalists. Members of the Italian group Ya Basta!, which takes its
name from its support of the Zapatista revolutionaries, could be found
marching in matching white fire suits, followed by Greek workers in red
bandanas carrying flags with the hammer and sickle.  There were Canadians
and Americans, Swedes and Poles. And their target was the World Bank and
the International Monetary Fund, the two international lending institutions
which were holding their 55th annual meetings in Prague and which
protesters insist have increased world poverty, wrought environmental
damage and sought to make the world over in terms that best suit the United
Franz Kafka was the true host of last week's events. His ghostly presence
loomed over the sea of 12,000 dark-suited bureaucrats, bankers and
politicians who had gathered in a meeting hall intended for apparatchiks of
the Communist Party. Surely the author of The Castle would have appreciated

[CTRL] The Politics of Tryptophan (and Prozac)

2000-10-18 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:

From: "Alex Constantine" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: The Politics of Tryptophan (and Prozac)
Date: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 5:12 AM


The FDA Ban of L-Tryptophan: Politics, Profits and Prozac

© Dean Wolfe Manders, Ph.D., All Rights Reserved

Note: Deep Times attempted to track down Dr. Manders, without success.
Therefore, this article is published from a Listserv without permission.
This is contrary to Deep Times policy, but we felt the information was too
important to keep from our readers under the circumstances.  If you know
where we can reach Dr. Manders to obtain Permission, please let us know.
This article first appeared in "Social Policy", Vol. 26, No. 2 Winter 1995.
Dr. Manders has lectured and done extensive research on the medical politics
of L-Tryptophan. The article also appeared in "Blazing Tattles".

In the fall of 1989, the FDA recalled L-Tryptophan, an amino acid
nutritional supplement, stating that it caused a rare and deadly flu-like
condition (Eosinophilia-Myalgia Syndrome / EMS). On March 22, 1990, the FDA
banned the public sale dietary of L-Tryptophan completely. This ban
continues today. On March 26, 1990, "Newsweek" featured a lead article
praising the virtues of the anti-depressant drug Prozac. Its multi-color
cover displayed a floating, gigantic green and white capsule of Prozac with
the caption: "Prozac: A Breakthrough drug for Depression."
The fact that the FDA ban of L-Tryptophan and the Newsweek Prozac cover
story occurred within four days of each other went unnoticed by both the
media and the public. Yet, to those who understand the effective properties
of L- Tryptophan and Prozac, the concurrence seems "unbelievably
coincidental." The link here is the brain neurotransmitter serotonin---a
biochemical nerve signal conductor. The action of Prozac and L-Tryptophan
are both involved with serotonin, but in totally different ways.
Elevated levels of serotonin in the body often result in the relief of
depression, as well as substantial reduction in pain sensitivity, anxiety
and stress. Prozac, as well as other new anti-depressant drugs such as Paxil
and Zoloft, attempt to enhance levels of serotonin by working on whatever
amounts of it already exists in the body (these drugs are known as selective
serotonin reuptake inhibitors). None of these drugs, however produce
serotonin. In contrast, ingested L-Tryptophan acts to produce serotonin,
even in individuals who generate little serotonin of their own. The most
effective way to elevate serotonin would be to use a serotonin producer
rather than a serotonin enhancer.
The continuing FDA public ban of L-Tryptophan prevents popular access to
this most effective serotonin producer. The millions of Americans who for
decades safely have relied upon L-Tryptophan to relieve depression, anxiety
and PMS, as well as to control pain and induce natural sleep, have been
forced elsewhere for solutions.
Routinely, such solutions are pharmaceutical in nature: people are forced to
use either often highly addictive, expensive, and sometimes dangerous drugs
like Xanax, Valium, Halcion, Dalmane, Codeine, Anafranil, Prozac, and
others, or simply suffer. Present FDA public policy maintains that
L-Tryptophan is an untested, unapproved and hazardous drug. The analytical
work done a few years ago by the Centers for Disease Control and the Mayo
Clinic, research which traced the fall of the serious flu-like condition to
contaminants found in batches of L-Tryptophan made by the Japanese company
Showa Denko, has not convinced the FDA to allow L-Tryptophan back on the
market. This decision is based primarily on the research of FDA and NIMH
scientists who state that L- Tryptophan itself, irrespective of
contaminants, is a dangerous substance. Other university-based research
scientists disagree with these findings.
The public availability of L-Tryptophan is too important an issue only to be
argued and shrouded within scientific debate that remains, ultimately,
mystifying to the vast majority of Americans. There are many obvious facts
worthy of public attention, and concern.
For example, consider the following: On February 9, 1993, a United States
government patent (#5185157) was issued to use L-Tryptophan to treat, and
cure EMS, the very same deadly flu-like condition which prompted the FDA to
take L-Tryptophan off the market in 1989.
Notwithstanding its public ban and import alert on L-Tryptophan, the FDA
today allows Ajinomoto U.S.A. the right to import from Japan human-use L-
Tryptophan. Distributed from the Ajinomoto in Raleigh, North Carolina, the
L- Tryptophan is then sold to, and through, a network of compounding

Re: [CTRL] The Politics of Tryptophan (and Prozac)

2000-10-18 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/18/00 4:15:15 AM Central Daylight Time,

 The fact that the FDA ban of L-Tryptophan and the Newsweek Prozac cover
  story occurred within four days of each other went unnoticed by both the
  media and the public.

  It reminds me of the ban on the natural sweetener, stevia, at the same time
 Monsanto was beginning to shove Nutrasweet down our throats.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] AOL Poll slanted

2000-10-18 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

  These were the answers to an AOL debate poll.  Can you tell by the answers
how the whole poll thing was geared in favor of GW?

Grade Bush's final debate peformance:
  A: Scored by painting Gore as a big $pender. 76351   74.8%

  B: Stayed charmingly above the fray. 9334   9.1%

  C: That suit had more wrinkles than a GOP elephant. 5723   5.6%

  D: Did he take a valium? 4815   4.7%

  F: Sent an SOS to Jim Lehrer when Gore took him on. 5834   5.7%

Total votes:  102057

Grade Gore's final debate peformance:
  A: Finally asked voters if they are better off than 8 years ago. 11085

  B: Pointed out clear differences between himself and Bush. 9336   22.0%

  C: The ''with all my heart'' line got old, fast. 9143   21.6%

  D: Committed cardinal sin: didn't answer the audience questions directly.
7146   16.9%

  F: His vision sounds like bullet points on a civics quiz. 5679   13.4%

Total votes:  42389

Who won overall?
  George W. Bush 25313   55.3%

  Al Gore 18074   39.5%

  It was a tie 2353   5.1%

Total votes:  45740

How many debates did you watch?
  4 10045   22.0%

  3 24349   53.3%

  2 7437   16.3%

  1 2465   5.4%

  None 1417   3.1%

Total votes:  45713


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Troop movements (fwd)

2000-10-18 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[The following is from another list.  Can anyone confirm or add
to this?  --MS]

 The reservists have been called up to go to Fort Hood and San
 Antone. They are scheduled to depart for Israel within days.
 This is not a rumor. I have confirmed this with three
 knowlegeale ex-military in San Antonio.

 This is my fourth confirmation.

 Yep. They have been clogging up traffic for over a week now.
 There has been a steady stream of military traffic, heading south on 281
 towards San Antonio (cnh: from Fort Hood).
 All painted desert brown, mostly engineering equipment, some personnel
 carriers.  Staging area is at Round Mountain, (between Marble Falls and
 Johnson City), from there they head on to San Antonio.
 very interesting.


From: X
Subject: Troop movements
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 12:07:54 -0500

 Thanks.  In the same vein, last Wednesday, the 11th, I ran
 into a Marine Corps reserve colonel who told me that all
 reserve Marine officers in the Houston area had been put on
 alert for the mideast.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] OT?: Egyptians, Jews Save Burial Site

2000-10-18 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

BASATIN, Egypt (AP) - Wearing a Foreign Legion-style sun hat over
his yarmulke, the rabbi stretched a tape measure across the
stones of a bridge embankment. Nearby, Egyptians hauled stones on
a donkey cart to build a wall for the bridge.

Rabbi Schlomo Ziffer and consulting engineer Arieh Klein,
visiting from Israel, were trying to reconcile neat measurements
on paper with the rough reality of squeezing several hundred
gravestones back into a cramped corner of a millennium-old Jewish

They were also engaged in an act of reconciliation in its broader
sense last month, demonstrating that while Israelis and
Palestinians were heading toward a new spasm of violence, Jews
and Muslims could work together to save a piece of shared

To build a modern highway through the final resting place of
countless Jews took international diplomacy, exacting care and
hard physical labor. Now, with the effort in its final phase,
Klein was using a handheld computer to plot the coordinates of
gravesites, conferring with Ziffer in Hebrew and with an Egyptian
foreman in a mixture of English and Arabic.

Two girls from a nearby slum turned up selling flat Egyptian
bread from trays balanced on their heads.

``Joseph Mitrah. Died 17-9-1959 at the age of 74 years. Pray for
him,'' read a legend carved in French on one tombstone. Another
stone's Hebrew letters and Star of David had been mostly worn
away by desert wind and sand.

Egypt today is home to only a few hundred Jews, but the cemetery
is proof of a larger Jewish past, and given the players and
themes involved, its rescue has been surprisingly free of drama.

``We've had good cooperation from Egyptians,'' Klein said. ``We
suggested the solution and they adopted it. It's their

Predominantly Muslim Egypt has a peace treaty with Israel, and
its Jewish minority is usually left alone. Anti-Israeli or
anti-Jewish sentiment simmers, yet so sensitive is the cemetery
issue that Egyptian authorities were willing to live with a delay
of several years in the construction of the 60-mile Cairo ring
road, an ambitious attempt to ease congestion in the Egyptian

Ziffer's New York-based Athra Kadisha Society works to preserve
Jewish sites around the world. In 1992 it fought against
construction of a shopping mall over a Jewish burial site in
Hamburg, Germany. In Israel too, it frequently runs afoul of the
secular public for trying to protect ancient cemeteries from

While Christian and Muslim graves have been shifted from the ring
road's path, the Jewish ones could not be moved without gravely
offending Jewish law, according to Athra Kadisha.

``According to Jewish law, a cemetery is the holiest place for
Jews, holier even than a synagogue,'' explains Lazar Stern, an
Athra Kadisha rabbi.

Stern said Athra Kadisha learned through newspaper reports in
1989 that Basatin, just south of Cairo, was in the ring road's
way. The rabbis enlisted Rep. Benjamin Gilman, R-N.Y. The
influential chairman of the House International Relations
Committee raised the matter with Egyptian officials.  U.S.
Embassy officials have kept close watch over the project.

Eventually a compromise was reached: Though the graves could not
be moved, the rabbis ruled that their markers could be pushed
aside to make way for construction, provided they were put back

The two ends of the highway, long poised like two hands kept
apart by Basatin, could finally come together.

Klein and Israel Klar, Israeli consultants brought in by Athra
Kadisha, proposed covering the graves with earth and layers of
tough woven plastic known as geotextile - humble dirt and
high-tech plastic protecting the fragile bones and bearing the
weight of the highway bridge on its concrete supports.

``The Egyptian government is to be commended for its ongoing
commitment to completing this difficult project with the
sensitivity necessary to ensure that Jewish religious sentiments
and strictures were not violated,'' Gilman said in a statement to
The Associated Press.

Carmen Weinstein, one of the few remaining Jews of Cairo, is
Basatin's self-appointed guardian. Over the years she has used
her own money to buy out poor families squatting in the
graveyard, to hire guards and to discourage neighbors from using
Basatin as a trash heap.

On her Web site, Weinstein says: ``To keep this cemetery is to
keep alive the Jewish presence in Egypt.''

On the Net:

Weinstein's Web site:

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

Re: [CTRL] Reu: Plane Carrying Missouri Governor Crashes

2000-10-18 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/17/2000 7:02:21 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Is that "luck" in quotation marks? 

If you like.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Military won't miss Clinton

2000-10-18 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/17/2000 7:27:26 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Overdeployment, underfunding, arrogance and a lack of respect for military
 ways and traditions have led some of our best officers and senior enlisted
 personnel out the door since 1993. This is talent we cannot replace simply by
 signing up new bodies; the level of experience these men and women have taken
 with them was hard-fought and won and cannot be taught in officer's training
 school or advanced non-commissioned officer training. 

Good lord, this was the way it was in the 70's and 80's.  Nothing has
changed.  So if you want to blame Clinton for something, blame him for not
correcting the mess that we suffered with then.  Perhaps some of the
long-serving members of Congress should have spoken to him about our
problems.   Prudy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Clinton Administration in Hot Seat Over Oil;

2000-10-18 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/17/2000 7:33:34 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 In announcing the hearing Monday, Senate Energy Chairman Frank Murkowski,
 R-Alaska, says he is alarmed over reports that the Energy Department failed
 to make even rudimentary checks on some of the successful bidders, including
 one that operates out of an apartment in New York City's Harlem, that were
 having trouble raising money to complete the deals. 

Isn't this funny?  Old Murkowski is torqued because I'm sure a lot of his big
oil business buddies and campaign contributors want these contracts.  I don't
know why loans aren't available to the successful bidders.  After all
businesses all operate on borrowed money.  None of them ever use their own
capital to back their projects.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Army's New Uniform Code Intended to Boost Morale

2000-10-18 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/17/2000 7:35:13 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 All U.S. Army soldiers – including the clerks and the cooks and not just
 Special Forces commandos and Rangers – will get to wear berets under a
 morale-building moved to be announced by the Army command today.

 In a speech set to be delivered this afternoon, Gen. Eric K. Shinseki, the
 Army chief of staff, will tell an Army convention that this "symbol of
 excellence" once reserved for members of elite units will be made available
 to all soldiers as "a signal to the young that we are moving, we are

Yes, of course, removing any way of showing honor is the best way to signal
to the young that we are moving.  I think it will do well.  We're all used to
"social promotions" aren't we.  But no matter, what it really is boosting is
the amount of money that some  contractor will make selling the hats.  I can
assure you they will not be an issued item.  The military will have to buy
them, and even if they were issued, the contractor would be making it off the
taxpayer.  Does anyone besides me think that the Army (with ALL those
generals) should be able to come up with a better idea for improving morale.
I used to hear that if women were depressed, they should go out and buy a new
hat.  Maybe that's where this logic comes from.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Bush's Bloodline More Pure Than Gore's

2000-10-18 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/17/2000 8:15:25 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 LONDON (Reuters) - If royal genes have anything to do with electoral
 then Republican U.S. presidential candidate George W. Bush will be the next
 man in the White House, Britain's blue blood bible said Tuesday.
 Burke's Peerage, a revered guide to the breeding of the aristocracy, said
 both Bush and his rival Al Gore are of royal descent, but investigations deep
 into their heritage show Bush has far more noble and royal connections. 

Maybe that's the problem.  It's all that inbreeding.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Experts arrive in Uganda to fight Ebola

2000-10-18 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 10/18/00 9:26:42 AM Central Daylight Time, AOL News writes:

 Subj:Experts arrive in Uganda to fight Ebola
 Date:  10/18/00 9:26:42 AM Central Daylight Time
 From:  AOL News
 BCC:   Ahab42

 Experts arrive in Uganda to fight Ebola

 GULU, Uganda, Oct 18 (Reuters) - An international team of health experts
arrived in northern Uganda on Wednesday to help contain an outbreak of the
deadly Ebola virus which has already killed 39 people

 For the full text of this story, A
HREF="aol://4344:30.L100Qlse.354110.656062826"click here/A.

 To edit your profile, go to keyword A HREF="aol://1722:NewsProfiles"
 For all of today's news, go to keyword A HREF="aol://1722:News"News/A. 

Experts arrive in Uganda to fight Ebola

GULU, Uganda, Oct 18 (Reuters) - An international team of health experts arrived in 
northern Uganda on Wednesday to help contain an outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus 
which has already killed 39 people

For the full text of this story, A 
HREF="aol://4344:30.L100Qlse.354110.656062826"click here/A.

To edit your profile, go to keyword A HREF="aol://1722:NewsProfiles"NewsProfiles/A.
For all of today's news, go to keyword A HREF="aol://1722:News"News/A.

[CTRL] False memory Syndrome leads to acquital

2000-10-18 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-

Hope no one else has posted this, I'm way behind again.

Man cleared in 'false memory' sex charge case

A jury took five minutes to clear a retired farmer of sexually assaulting a young girl 
after hearing she suffered false memory syndrome.

Edward Williams, 72, declined to comment as he left Chester Crown Court. But his 
solicitor said he was "devastated" that the case had been brought to trial.

The woman, now a 30-year-old solicitor, who cannot be named for legal reasons, claimed 
she had suffered psychological problems after being repeatedly abused by Mr Williams, 
who the jury was told was a family friend.

But Mr Justice Poole said the woman "genuinely believed in memories that were entirely 
false" and that Mr Williams could leave court "without a stain on his character".

Mr Williams, of Lloc, near Holywell, north Wales, denied eight charges of indecent 
assault spanning an eight-year-period from 1977 to 1985.

During the three-day trial, the jury was told how the woman - who was then aged seven 
- went with her parents to live in Holywell, near to where Mr Williams owned a 

Steven Everett, prosecuting, alleged Mr Williams behaved in a "sexually inappropriate" 
way, kissing and touching the youngster when she started visiting his farm alone.

The woman claimed she had suffered anorexia, depression, insomnia and panic attacks as 
a result of "flashbacks". She told people of her ordeal before going for therapy and 
confronted the defendant in 1996, finally telling the police, Mr Everett said.

The woman told the jury she first realised she had been sexually abused when she was 
18, as she watched a TV programme about ChildLine presented by Esther Rantzen.

But Gordon Cole, defending, said Mr Williams never indecently assaulted the girl who, 
although not deliberately lying, was suffering from a condition known as "false memory 
syndrome", in which her mind "played tricks", triggered by therapy and counselling 

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Rocks Versus Rifles

2000-10-18 Thread Kris Millegan

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How the Basic Weapons of Israelis and Palestinians Stack Up
by Gary Aagaard

This one's a graphic, so you'll have to go to the Village Voice's site to
check it out:


2000-10-18 Thread Kris Millegan

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E - V E N T H O R I Z O N . N E T   A R T I C L E S
global political/socio-cultural commentary and analyses

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
October, 2000 - g l o b a l   g o v e r n m e n t
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Containing the Top Ten Most Intractable World Crises
by Brett Daniel Wills
October 16, 2000 PDT

"Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of drunkenness to all
the surrounding peoples, when they lay siege against it.
I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples;
all who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces,
though all nations of the earth are gathered against it."
- Zechariah 12: 2-4

 As we enter the closing season of the 20th century, nearly a dozen regional
crises still burn across the globe. In order to convey the semblance of
international peace and stability, these firestorms must be restrained. Some
crises have long plagued the nations with repeated flair ups; others are too
recent to determine their potential for long-term volatility. Nonetheless,
they all have reached breadths of intractability that, in the eyes of the
world community, demand concerted, multinational efforts to extinguish if
trans-institutional mandates for socio-political integration are to be
effectively implemented worldwide.

In the dawning days of the official millennium, 2001, the top ten most
intractable issues that threaten to overturn the precarious balance of
global stability today, in order of importance, are:

1.The imminent founding of a Jewish Temple in Israel

2.The possible creation of an American anti-missile
   defense shield

3.Terrorist organizations acquiring "mini nucs"

4.The danger of the collapse of world stock markets,
   a la the depression era

5.A global outbreak of new, antibiotic-resistant strains
   of disease

6.Global superstorms, creating a new meteorological
   category: the F6

7.The civilizational clash between the Industrial Era and
   its multifaceted successor

8.Worldwide famine hastened by topsoil erosion and a
   population explosion

9.A re-ignited Korean War sparked by the collapse of
   unification procedures

10.   Nuclear war between India and Pakistan over the
   disputed Kashmir enclave

The crisis in Yugoslavia, now in its tenth year, could justifiably claim a
position among the top two or three major issues in the list above between
1991-1998, when the scourges of genocide and civil war erupted. American
warships were drawn to the Aegean sea in preparation for a regional outbreak
of war and the possibility of a massive exodus of refugees from Croatia and

The danger of drawing in Macedonia, Albania and Greece, causing a domino
effect that could have spilled across the rest of Eastern Europe, stirred
the Western Alliance into gradual but continued maneuvering for eventual
military intervention. And the catalyst that kindled the move, of course,
was Serbian aggression against Kosovo.

Yet in the ashes of that assault in the Spring of 1999, the Yugoslav crisis
downshifted, the media's attention turned elsewhere, and the power of
Serbian President Milosevic, while remaining steadfast and tenacious, ebbed.

The current radical changes now in play in Belgrade have significantly
altered the prospects for spreading into a Balkan War, and thus bump it
entirely from consideration as a current global crisis point. The crushing
defeat of the Serbs by NATO's airforce has substantially decreased the
potential for Milosevic to rattle the region with further instability. As
tens of thousands of protesters marched on the Capitol in Belgrade and
stormed the Parliament Oct 4, the prospect of either a nationally contained
civil war, or Milosevic's long-anticipated dethronement, is now much more

The scenes of mass rallying, black and gray smoke streaming from buildings,
riot police resolute to defend legislative grounds, yet hesitant to fire on
the people - all is reminiscent of the fall of the Berlin Wall in '89, and
as such, bodes well for democratization in Yugoslavia. The preliminary
electoral results, which showed a 10% percent edge given to opposition
candidate Kostunica, were rescinded by Milosevic, sparking the present
revolt. Endorsed by V. Putin of the Russian Federation, a Contact Member
with considerable influence and ethnic camaraderie with the Serbs,
Kostunica's swift resurrection from sudden political demise cast the final

Not to be outdone, some 200 of 

[CTRL] Fwd: DPFOR: Why Barry Bailed: US: Drug Czar Target Of Fraud Probe

2000-10-18 Thread Kris Millegan

Wonder why Barry McCaffrey quit? Could it be...

Newshawk: Irate Taxpayer
Pubdate: Thu, 05 Oct 2000
Source: Atlanta Journal-Constitution (GA)
Copyright: 2000 Cox Interactive Media.
Contact: Journal: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Constitution: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Author: Lance Gay, Scripps Howard News Service


Auditors Claim Ad Costs Inflated

Washington --- Congressional investigators opened a criminal investigation
of the White House drug czar's office this spring after uncovering evidence
that contractors improperly inflated advertising costs for the $1 billion
national anti-drug campaign.

Robert Hast, head of the congressional General Accounting Office's elite
criminal fraud unit, told the House Government Reform criminal justice
subcommittee Wednesday that GAO auditors uncovered evidence involving an
estimated $8 million in inflated charges submitted in 1999 involving
government advertising contracts.

The charges involve inflated billing for work done on the anti-drug
contracts, payments of bonuses to executives, and improper travel charges.
Hast said a former employee of the giant New York advertising agency Ogilvy
 Mather also gave investigators testimony of other improprieties.

"We are looking at the fraud," he said.

Hast said that the progress of the investigation has been hampered since
April by Barry McCaffrey, the White House drug policy director, who has
refused to allow Department of Health and Human Services auditors to
complete an audit of the drug office contracts. That department oversees
government drug programs.

Aides to the retired Army general say McCaffrey wants to transfer the
auditing responsibilities for his office to the Navy, but has not yet
received approval for the Navy to do the work.

Hast also recounted how McCaffrey was involved in several other curious
activities in the case. Although McCaffrey was told of the contracting
irregularities in a two-page staff memo dated April 13, Hast said McCaffrey
initially denied to his investigators that he knew anything about the matter.

He then changed his testimony after the investigators showed McCaffrey a
copy of the April 13 memo, which contains McCaffrey's own handwritten
comments in the margin.

Hast also testified that in June, McCaffrey met privately with an Ogilvy 
Mather representative, and told drug office subordinates after the meeting
that he was "satisfied with the contractor's costs."

Howard Pleffner, the drug office's project officer supervising the
contracts, said the audit is needed to close the books on a backlog of more
than $13 million in pending bills from Ogilvy, and $5 million from other
contractors. Some of the bills are a year overdue, he said.

Pleffner, who authored the April 13 memo to McCaffrey detailing the
contract irregularities, found that some vouchers submitted for payment
were 33 percent higher than those submitted earlier for the same services.
- ---
MAP posted-by: Larry Stevens

[CTRL] Fwd: DPFOR: Record Number of Marijuana Arrests in 1999!

2000-10-18 Thread Kris Millegan

NORML Foundation
1001 Connecticut Ave., NW
Ste. 710
Washington, DC 20036

Record Number of Marijuana Arrests in 1999!

According to the FBI's Crime in the United States 1999 Uniform Crime
There were 704,812 marijuana arrests total
Of those arrests: 84,271 were for sales/cultivation.
and 620,541 were for simple marijuana possession.

These are the 1998 UCR numbers:
682,885 total marijuana arrests.
81,947 were for sales/cultivation.
600,938 were for possession.

* 1997 UCR had the previous record for marijuana arrests in a year

* 4,175,357 Americans have been arrested during the Clinton

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration's 1999 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse
76,428,000 Americans have used marijuana in their lifetime.
19,573,000 Americans have used marijuana within the past year.
11,177,000 Americans have used marijuana within the past month.

-NORML Foundation
1001 Connecticut Ave., NW
Ste. 710
Washington, DC 20036

Forwarded by:
Arthur Livermore, Director
Falcon Cove Biology Laboratory
44500 Tide Avenue
Arch Cape, OR  97102

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] fun in the sun -the monster road

2000-10-18 Thread Kris Millegan

Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 08:56:17 +0200
From: Denis Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: 101500 Trans Asia Expected to Start in Year 2002

101500 Trans Asia Expected to Start in Year 2002

  BANGKOK (Oct. 15) XINHUA - Trans Asia linking railroads of Singapore,
Malaysia, Thailand, Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia, Vietnam and Kunming in
southern China -- would be completed within year 2002, the Thai News Agency
(TNA reported Monday.
  Chief of the State Railway of Thailand Saravuth Thammasir was quoted as
saying that the state-owned company had been approved to help its Cambodian
counterpart study a feasibility of repairing 48- kilometer Poipet-Sisophon
railway which was a part of a 5,500- kilometer main route of the region
rail link.
  Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore are already linked by rail. Laos has a
plan to build a railway connecting China's southern province, Loas's
Vientiane through Thailand's northeastern province of Nong Khai.
  It is expected that the Kunming-Singapore rail link will boost trade and
tourism among ten members of the Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), plus
southern Chinese provinces.
  ASEAN transport minister, met in Brunei recently, approved a feasibility
of the 5,500-kilometer links. Branches of the main route, will connect
through Vietnam's central province, Bangkok and Burmese capital Rangoon.
  Main route of Trans Asia will run through Singapore, Thailand, Cambodia,
Vietnam and Kunming.
  The Trans Asia project will cost about 2.5 billion U.S. dollars. Asian
Development Bank is the major capital provider of the project.

Copyright 2000

Denis Johnson
Minneapolis, MN, USA
--News articles are passed on from the original sources, unedited except
for formatting, and do not necessarily reflect my personal opinions.--


At 12:33 AM 10/17/00 +0700, you wrote:
Well, it looks like the old Wa and Thai border area is cooking up to
something.  Was on my way down to Chiangrai last week and noticed some
brand new personell track carriers on big trucks moving north.  With gun
turrets.  Then the next trucks had small short barreled tanks, like what
could make it up a goat track here.  Several. Well I was suspicious and
then tonight confirmed it, found them parked out by Haen Taek at a tiny
army base there, ready to do a little back side border patrol it looks
like.  Haentaek is the last town before the border with the Wa.

A pre Cobra Gold stomp about here in a few weeks for the US staff
advance people.

Then Cobra Gold in Feb?

Yeah, the yanks want into this one big time.  Not building the monster
road for nothing.



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[CTRL] OEN 10/18/00

2000-10-18 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=""The Home Page of J. Orlin
Spy vs. Spy

Enigma Machine Comes Home

Good thing there wasn't a bomb in the package.

JEREMY PAXMAN opened a mystery parcel yesterday and found the missing Enigma
cipher machine, stolen six months ago from Bletchley Park, the home of
Britain's wartime codebreakers.

However, the presenter of Newsnight and University Challenge did not at first
realise the bonus that was waiting for him in the BBC offices. The hefty
cardboard package, sent by Royal Mail special delivery, had been lying
unopened for days before a colleague pointed out it was addressed to him.

Paxman said: "As soon as I opened it I realised what it was. It looks as
though it is authentic. It's got the G312 code on the back. I haven't a clue
why they sent it to me. As far as I know I haven't got a reputation as a
receiver of stolen goods. I'm delighted to be able to return it to its
rightful owner. They are very poignant machines. I think what they did at
Bletchley Park during the war was quite outstanding."

The device, which was posted in a wooden box with a leather handle and
wrapped in three layers of packing and bubble wrapping, has yet to be
authenticated by Bletchley Park. It was sent without its three main rotors,
the key enciphering component, and the Bletchley Park Trust was told these
would only be handed over in return for £25,000 compensation. The rare,
four-rotor version of the wartime machine used by German military
intelligence is worth £100,000 intact but much less without its rotors.

Christine Large, the trust's chief executive, said that the "new owner" had
contacted her yesterday to give his instructions for a handover of £25,000,
which he claims was paid for the machine, in exchange for the rotors.

The trust agreed to pay the ransom following a threat from a "middle-man",
claiming to act for someone who bought the machine, that it would be
destroyed. A British company is understood to have come forward to offer the

Mrs Large said: "Following this act of faith by the new owner of G312, we are
now attempting to put him in touch with representatives of the benefactor who
has come forward with the £25,000 ransom."

The machine, which had been loaned to the trust by GCHQ, Britain's modern-day
codebreaking organisation, was in a wooden box the size of a typewriter. It
disappeared on an open day in April shortly before the trust's display of
three Enigma machines was to be fitted with infra-red alarms.
The London Telegraph, October 17, 2000
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [1] NSA External Team Report on Reorganization

2000-10-18 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=""NSA External Team
Report on Reorganization/A
17 October 2000
Source: (27 pages;
This is one of two reports released 17 October by the National Security
Agency on recommendations for its reorganization (after releasing them to
Inside Defense under FOIA request):
The second is a 76-page report, "New Enterprise Team (NETeam)
Recommendations: The Director's Work Plan for Change," 1 October 1999:

[27 pages; undated, probably 1999, released 17 October 2000]

When I arrived at the National Security Agency/Central Security Service
(NSA/CSS) over a year ago, I was told by many people within the Intelligence
Community -- and by lifelong NSA employees -- that in order to meet the
challenges of the new millennium, the Agency must undergo a deep, purposeful
The evolution of technology dictated change within the Agency and was the
impetus for self-examination and introspection. More importantly, our
customers and Congress, along, with other external groups, were pointing to
much inefficiency in the way we manage our assets, our leadership, and our
approach to technology.
To that end, I commissioned two teams of experts to assess NSA's personnel.
culture. organization and processes and to present detailed recommendations
for improvement. To ensure that the teams were diverse and well represented,
I mandated that one team would comprise Agency employees; the other team
would comprise representatives from industry. Both studies have been
declassified and are enclosed for your information,
Though the teams attacked the study from diverse perspectives and approaches.
their conclusions and recommendations were remarkably similar. Both teams
agreed that NSA needed to make many difficult, essential changes in order to
continue to maintain its place on the cutting edge of technology. Both teams
agreed that NSA needed to improve in the following areas: governance,
culture, vision/mission/corporate strategy, resource management,
communicating with our customers/partners/stakeholders and business planning.
I listened to both teams and I have taken important pieces of each report to
heart. Some of the recommendations in the reports were adopted immediately;
others are still being considered. To gain the momentum for significant
change, I initiated a period called. "100 Days of Change," which lasted from
15 November 1999 to 30 March 2000. From the onset, I stated that "100 Days,"
was just a beginning -- a starting line from which NSA can begin to transform
into a first-class, 21st Century agency. We have begun
to change our ethos, which is more than changing our culture because we must
change the way we think, feel and act. We have begun the difficult tasks of
eliminating non-essential activities, introducing disciplined decision-making
into our processes, and holding our leadership accountable. We have improved
the ways we communicate within the Agency and to the public. Where we need
help and new perspectives, we have selected outside talent in key positions.
Our goal is an Agency that is more aware of
itself and its role in national security, more agile in its ability to
respond to challenges and opportunities, and more collaborative with its
partners, customers and stakeholders.
Transformation is never easy, but for NSA it is compulsory. We have moved out
and have created the momentum for change. Further changes will come in the
future as we strive to make progress and reach our goals. We are making the
needed course corrections to ensure that NSA meets new challenges and is true
to its mission in providing and protecting information essential to the
national security of our nation.

Lieutenant General, USAF
Director, NSA/Chief, CSS
 As Stated


A Management Review
for the
Director, NSA

October 22, 1999
List of Acronyms
CBJB - Congressional Budget Justification Book
CIA - Central Intelligence Agency
CINC - Commander-in-Chief
CFO - Chief Financial Officer
COO - Chief Operating Officer
COS - Chief of Staff
DCI - Director of Central Intelligence
DDCM - Deputy Director for Corporate Management
DDI - Deputy Director for Information Assurance
DDO - Deputy Director for Operations
DDS - Deputy Director for Support Services
DoD - Department of Defense
EPA - Employee Promotion Assessment
ETR - Engineering, Technology and Research
IAM - Information Assurance Mission
IG - Inspector General
InfoSec - 

[CTRL] Ritual Abuse Cover-Up in San Diego

2000-10-18 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:

From: "Alex Constantine" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Ritual Abuse Cover-Up in San Diego
Date: Sunday, October 01, 2000 3:30 PM


Opinion Piece Submitted to the San Diego Union-Tribune,
by Ellen Lacter, Ph.D. on 9-29-2000

Mark Sauer's 9-24-00 article, "A Web of Intrigue", in the
San Diego Union-Tribune is his most recent in a series of
articles misrepresenting the facts on the subject of child
ritual abuse and attacking advocates for ritual abuse victims.
His articles have, over the past 10 years, contributed to
convincing a good portion of the San Diego community that
ritual abuse does not exist. This has had a devastating
impact on victimized children and adults, resulting in their
not being believed and reduced protection by law enforcement
and the courts.

Sauer's factual misrepresentations of 9-24-00 are as follows:

1. Sauer claims the debate over satanic ritual abuse ended
in the mid-1990's when it was "discredited by mental-health
experts and the courts". The truth is that psychological and
legal evidence of the existence of satanic ritual abuse is
substantial and that the debate is alive and well.

A review of the empirical evidence of ritual abuse can be found
in a book by James Randolph Noblitt and Pamela Sue Perskin
(Cult and Ritual Abuse, 2000, Chapter 6). One national survey
of 2709 clinical psychologists showed that 30% claimed to have
seen at least one case of "ritualistic or religion-based
abuse" and 93% of these psychologists believed the harm actually
occurred (Reference: Goodman, Qin, Bottoms, and Shaver, 1994,
"Characteristics and Sources of Allegations of Ritualistic
Child Abuse: Final Report to the National Center on Child
Abuse and Neglect").

The American Psychiatric Press published a text in 1997
explaining the importance of correct assessment and treatment
of ritualistic abuse survivors (The Dilemma of Ritual Abuse:
Cautions and Guides for Therapists, edited by G.A. Fraser).

Numerous court decisions (criminal, family, juvenile, and
civil) have been based on findings of ritual abuse. For
example, on February 27, 1999, the Honorable Warren K. Urbom,
Senior United States District Judge, Omaha, Nebraska, awarded
a million dollar civil judgement to Paul Bonacci against
Larry King (not the well-known talk-show host, Larry King),
based on King's sexual abuse (including pornography and
orgies) and false imprisonment, of Bonacci as a child, in
the infamous Franklin satanic cult/sex/drug ring case. Further
information on this case can be found in the book, "The
Franklin Cover-Up", by John De Camp, and on the Internet at:

The court finding list is archived, periodically updated,
and published on the world-wide web by "Karen Curio Jones".
Under this pseudonym, "Jones" has devoted herself to raising
public awareness of child ritual abuse on the Internet for
the past five years. Sauer claims to expose "Jones'" identity
in his 9-24-00 article.

Sauer globally denies the existence of satanic ritual abuse
while our recent history is marred with undeniable cases of
mass suicide/homicide by other kinds of cults and underground
groups. This past summer, almost 1000 people were found
murdered by an underground cult in Uganda, "Movement for the
Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God". Last year, in
Rancho Sante Fe, 39 people suicided from the cult, "Heaven's
Gate". In Jonestown, 22 years ago, more than 900 people
mass-suicided and were murdered of "The People's Temple".
Devastating world events originate in underground groups,
such as the Third Reich and Ku Klux Klan. High school students
are taught to remember the Nazi death camps lest such atrocities
repeat themselves. Given these examples, why does Sauer turn
a blind eye to the evidence of satanic cult abuse?

2. Sauer cites the McMartin Pre-school acquittals as evidence
that ritual abuse does not exist. He omits any mention of the
post-trial geological survey under the school's foundation that
yielded convincing corroboration of  the children's reports
of being taken through underground tunnels (See "The Dark
Tunnels of McMartin", by  Summit, R.C., 1994, The Journal of
Psychohistory, 21(4), 397-416.)

3. Sauer cites the "10-year investigation" by Special FBI
Agent Ken Lanning that concluded that satanic ritual abuse
does not exist. Sauer fails to mention that Lanning is a very
controversial figure. Noblitt and Perskin (2000, see above)
state: "In reality, there is no such study... my office
contacted the FBI and requested a copy of the alleged study.
The bureau responded in writing indicating that no such study
existed." (See page 179 

[CTRL] [2] NSA External Team Report on Reorganization

2000-10-18 Thread Kris Millegan

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Click Here: A HREF=""NSA External Team
Report on Reorganization/A
Business Model and Resource Management

The effectiveness of an organization is influenced greatly by its processes.
Key to the operation of any business is the management of resources, people,
equipment, knowledge, cash or capital. In the end, most resource issues can
be reduced to financial ones, and that is the focus of this discussion.
Currently, NSA does not manage its financial resources consistent with
current business practices. It separates expense budgeting from headcount
budgeting, it has less than state of the art cost management tools and
processes, and it does not afford mission managers or oversight managers with
sufficient information to understand what is being invested where. Couple
this with the widely held belief that the decision making process within the
Agency is not responsive and one arrives at a situation where sufficient
authority, or empowerment, to cause events to happen and the resulting
accountability for these actions do not exist.

Our fundamental recommendation is to change the organization and underlying
funding model in order to enable the accountability and empowerment of
individuals closest to mission execution.
In a business environment, such managers are called "product managers." They
control the key variables of a product, its functionality, price,
distribution and how it is promoted to its customers. Through control of
these variables, they exercise authority over, and are responsible for, the
product's profit and loss.
We call the equivalent managers in the Agency "Mission Managers." They exist
in the mission operations organizations (the SIM and IAM). A Mission
Manager's role is to determine the mission requirements from the perspective
of the customers for whom the mission is created and develop plans for
causing the mission to be realized physically and operated in steady state.
They have to create a financial plan that identifies the resources required
over a specific time period and the deliverables created with associated
The basic premise is that NSA should build its operating processes around
these Mission Managers, empowering them to develop plans to create and
operate missions, providing them resources to succeed, and holding them
accountable for the success and failure of these missions. Individuals who
succeed in small efforts are promoted to larger and larger ones, those who
fail after repeated attempts and appropriate training, are removed from such
responsibility. Decision making is pushed onto them and oversight is focused
at supporting the team of day-to-day managers rather than second guessing
For Mission Managers to succeed, they must have complete control of all
resources required to realize and operate the mission. This includes
expenses, people, facilities, and capital. Thus, at the end, all supporting
organizations have to subordinate their individual judgments to those of the
Mission Manager, and this individual has to control their budgets in order to
insure compliance with the mission plans. Therefore, a Mission Manager will
work out implementation plans with supporting organizations, such as
technology development ones or systems integration ones, and close with them
on budgets, deliverables and timelines along with acceptance criteria.
The total budget of an operations organization is the sum of the budgets of
the Mission Managers in it. The total budget of a supporting organization
(such as ETR) is the sum of the budgets allocated to it by the individual
Mission Managers. All costs are to be included in these budgets, for example,
personnel salaries and benefits, costs of facilities, travel, professional
development and equipment purchases. The present practice of separating
headcount, or "billets," from financial budgets should end.
For Mission Managers to have real control over their programs, they require a
feedback loop to insure that performance of the organization matches the
plan. This is done with a cost accounting system that matches expenditures to
specific missions, programs and projects. The government, particularly DoD,
is well acquainted with such processes.
There is a class of work that has to be done within NSA that does not lend
itself to sponsorship by Mission Managers, at least not the conventional ones
to be found in an operating organization. This class of work can be
considered corporate work. Research is a significant example, but there are
others (such as Y2K work). Budgets for these organizations and functions, and
for leadership offices should be driven corporately. Thus the overall budget
for the entire Agency would be the sum of these corporate activities and the
mission activities. Also, there are common support functions, such as human
resources or financial management, that could either be supported by
corporate funding 

[CTRL] I Visit Conspiracy Rat

2000-10-18 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=""I Visit
Conspiracy Rat/A
I Visit Conspiracy Rat

by King Rat

Some people wonder where I've been. I've been keeping my ass out of the line
of fire, that's where. Last February I thought D.C. was going to turn into a
war zone. Demos vs. Repubs and a lot of extracurricular activity. Usually
such games are just meant to entertain the voters back home while the more
serious work of dividing up the cheese takes place behind closed doors. So
with real bullets flying, I went underground. I left it to the clueless to go
out and get their tails shot off. Myself, I'm a master of survival. That's
why they call me King Rat. One bright and sunny day in November, I suddenly
realized there was no war. It was all lovey-dovey between Repubs and Demos.
The voters have spoken, they were whispering. They want us all to get along
and work together to amass the maximum amount of cheese possible to divvy up
among us rats! It was astonishing. Some politician one time had described
voters as rat bait, but I had to see it to believe it. Moreover, the Chinese
cheese pipeline appeared intact, which meant I could get back to the task of
getting my fair share. Like they say, don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

It was a fine day and I went over to Lafayette Park to dance a rat jig I do
to the God of Government when times are especially good. But the park was
kind of crowded with imbeciles carrying signs like "Impeach the Lying
Bastard" and "This man leaves a bad taste in our mouths." I had no idea who
they were talking about. Although one sign referred to "Wolf Blitzer, White
House Whore," so I decided it was probably a rival news organization. I
walked over to the Mall for some privacy, and danced my jig there. That's
when I decided to visit Conspiracy Rat. I knew he showed up every noon at the
Smithsonian to check on Foucault's pendulum. Foucault's pendulum is a Big
Swinging Mass. Because of inertia, it tries to stay swinging back and forth
in the same plane. But because the earth is rotating, it knocks over a circle
of markers placed around it over a 24-hour period. I like the exhibit, but
have never figured out how to earn any cheese from the idea.

Conspiracy Rat wasn't like that. He thought you were supposed to know things
for their own sake. It was quite a stupid notion. What was the point if there
was no cheese involved? That undoubtedly was the reason Conspiracy Rat was
always hard up for cheese. But I perceived the current moment as a time of
transition. Demos and Repubs united to rip off the voters. It was one of
those pivotal moments when I was prone to consult astrologers, read tarot
cards, and think about my future. Rats also believe.

Conspiracy Rat had his notebook out, taking down observations on the
pendulum. He was trying to detect anomalies. He thought something was
occurring with respect to the earth's rotation. Something bad, naturally. And
the North and South magnetic poles were about to shift polarity. But I wanted
to talk about politics. Maybe Conspiracy Rat had his finger on what was
happening, and I would get it for free.

I mustered my warmest greeting: "Why, hello Conspiracy Rat!" I smiled
enthusiastically at this chance encounter.

Conspiracy Rat looked up from his notebook. "Um," he said, noncommittally. He
sat down in front of one of the markers and looked around. When he thought no
one was watching, he made a small pencil mark on the floor. Then he got up,
snapped his notebook shut, and started to leave. He almost ran into me. "Oh!"
he said in surprise, his tail bobbing straight up into the air. Then: "Oh.
Hello your highness." That was his way of putting me down by mocking at my
title. But I was used to it and didn't pay any attention.

"Well, Conspiracy Rat," I said. "How are you? What do you think of all this
camaraderie between Demos and Repubs?" I smiled at him encouragingly, eager
to receive his occult wisdom. I almost wished I was a girl rat so I could bat
my eyelashes at him. But no matter, he took the bait.
"Bob Livingston is the compromise president," Conspiracy Rat said firmly.

"Oh, how is that?" I asked eagerly. My mouth was salivating, and I was afraid
it might start foaming.

"Obviously, if Clinton goes, Gore will go shortly thereafter. That makes
Livingston president. Unless, of course, Gore has time to appoint a
vice-president in the meantime. Which is quite possible. But what has been
eliminated is the possibility of Gingrich becoming president. With Gingrich
gone, it means the way is paved to kick out Clinton and Gore."

This took me back somewhat. Maybe Conspiracy Rat, always on the edge anyway,
had finally gone off his rocker. "Who wants to kick out Clinton and Gore? The
voters have spoken. We all love one another now. We're back to collecting
cheese as normal," I said.

Conspiracy Rate waved his hand dismissively. "You know about the three

[CTRL] Horror Story: King Doubles Cost

2000-10-18 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=",1284,39470,00.html"
Horror Story: King Doubles Cost/A
Horror Story: King Doubles Cost
by M.J. Rose
3:00 a.m. Oct. 17, 2000 PDT

The fourth installment of Stephen King's online serial, The Plant, is a go.
King had said that as long as at least 75 percent of readers pay, he'll
continue writing. Well, the latest figures show that 75.61 percent of all
downloads for the third chapter were accompanied by payment of his
$1-per-chapter fee.

The fourth installment will post on Oct. 23, barring technical difficulties,
according to his assistant. But unlike previous installments, part four will
cost $2. It also will be three times as long.
"We're doing it this way so that the total price for the serial will not
exceed $13," said King's assistant, Marsha DeFillippo.
The plan, she said, is that the paying percentage of readers would be
reviewed again before part five is posted. After part eight, the installments
will be free.
E-books go to the Vatican: Dick Brass, vice president of technology
development at Microsoft, was at the Vatican on Oct. 16 to announce the
release of a new e-book, Christian Bioethics, by H.E Cardinal Dionigi
Tettamanzi, archbishop of Genoa.
In addition to the e-book which is being released in the Microsoft® Reader
format, Cardinal Tettamanzi and his team have created a website where they'll
receive questions via email that will be addressed by an expert panel
including physicians, theologians, legal experts and the Cardinal himself.
These replies will be incorporated into future editions of the text, so the
e-book will be continually updated to offer advice on developments in the
biotechnologies and their ethical and moral impact.
The e-book version of "Christian Bioethics" is available for download to PCs,
laptops and Pocket PCs.
"When Gutenberg created the first printed Bible, it began a bountiful
tradition that linked religion with literacy and learning, a tradition in
which the Catholic Church has long been the standard-bearer. Countless people
throughout history have benefited from the Church's work, and this will
continue thanks to the cardinal's decision to embrace e-books. We are honored
to be a part of it," Brass said.
Support for ebrary: Random House, Pearson and McGraw-Hill have each made an
investment in ebrary, the online research service scheduled to launch this
Ebrary is the process of collecting and digitizing content from books,
journals, maps, periodicals and digitally archived material, most of which
has not previously been accessible on the Web.
Users will pay a fee only when they print material. There is no subscription
fee such as that proposed by another such service, Questia, set to launch in
"The fact that this is the first-ever co-investment by three major publishers
in this space demonstrates the broad range of support for ebrary's model and
philosophy," said Christopher Warnock, chief executive officer of ebrary.
Warnock said that this model will benefit publishers, libraries, booksellers,
and Internet users, while protecting the authors' copyrights.
If you e-give it, will they read? The University of Virginia Library's
Electronic Text Center made 1,200 of its 55,000 online texts available on
Aug. 6 as free e-books that can be downloaded and read using free Microsoft
Reader software.
"We wanted to see what would happen if we put e-books up without any
barriers," said David Seaman, the center's director.
In two months, 753,922 copies of those e-books have been downloaded.
"And none of our titles were bestsellers. In fact, many were texts published
by the university," Seaman said.
Some of the most popular titles have been Aesop's Fables, War of the Worlds,
by H.G. Wells, and Darwin's Origin of Species.
Alice in Wonderland has been downloaded over 4,000 times in September alone.
Readers have come from more than 100 countries, with a significant numbers
from Asia, Africa, and the Russian Federation. The audience has included the
general reading public, high school and college students, teachers and
"It was fairly easy for us to set up this experiment and get it going because
we build our documents once in a standard format such as XML and then let the
market dictate which way to express it," Seaman said. "This runs counter to
what the publishing industry is doing by creating content in a priority
format all and winding up with just that one document."
Everyone knows what happens when you sell a paper book for $25 and what
happens when you give away e-books, but what is not yet known, said Seaman,
is what options will work in between those two points.

"This is not business as usual anymore. You have to be open to letting the
markets teach you. We're curious about subscription services, lending fees,
and prices of, say, a penny, or a dime, or even a dollar," he said.
Seaman does not think that the current 

[CTRL] Election 2000: Map

2000-10-18 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=""
Election 2000: Map/A

Final Election Forecast

The Dismal Scientist's exclusive economic model predicts the outcome of
November's Presidential election. The accompanying map gives a state-by-state
breakdown of electoral college votes, and our discussion of the most recent
results begins immediately below. You can also view the methodology behind
our forecast.

Final Discussion: Updated October 2000
With less than a month to go until the election, the final electoral vote
tally is unchanged. Gore's electoral vote total remains at 356 to Bush's 182.
The only change is that Louisiana's nine electoral votes shift from solid
Gore to leaning Gore. A rough estimate of the share of the two-party national
popular vote (weighting the individual state estimates by that state's
Electoral College votes) yields a popular vote of approximately 52.6% for

There has been little in the past few months on the economic landscape to
significantly shake Gore's chances. Higher oil prices have made inflation
tick up, but it has remained quite tame. And while the stock market has had a
very bad month, the SP 500 was still up year-over-year through the third
quarter (the model takes a two-year moving average of growth rates from the
third quarter of 1998 to the third quarter of this year).
But of course, Gore and Bush are now deadlocked in the opinion polls. Gore
has been unable to make the dual case that he should get credit for the
economy (polls show voters give him little) and that Bush threatens the
current prosperity. Gore has attempted over and over to link Bush's tax cut
to higher deficits and weaker longer-term growth. To date, his criticisms
have not been effective.
Gore may yet lose the election, confounding the prediction of our model (and
all similar ones published). All such models can claim is that given
historical patterns and the current economic environment, there is no reason
to expect Bush to win. If Bush succeeds in ousting an administration in the
most prosperous times in US history, he will have made some history of his
Various models have been devised to account for the effect of economic
conditions on electoral outcomes. The general form of these models regresses
the share of the national vote won on sundry economic variables. Some variant
of GDP growth and inflation are the most common explanatory measures used.
These models have generally worked well, but there have been failures, most
notably some incorrect predictions of a Bush win in 1992.
The model estimated by The Dismal Scientist seeks to increase predictive
power by taking into account variation in economic performance around the
nation. The 1992 election year, for example, was particularly noteworthy in
that regional economic conditions were as varied as they had been at any time
in the postwar era. Estimation using solely national-level data misses such
variation and thus can lead to significant prediction errors. Additionally,
since winning the presidency is based upon winning in the electoral college
rather than the popular vote, a model that forecasts victory state by state
is more in keeping with the spirit of the actual electoral process.
Accordingly, the model estimated in this analysis is a fixed effects
state-level model, estimated over the past six presidential elections. The
dependent variable is the share of the two-party presidential vote won by the
incumbent party in a given state. On the state level, the key explanatory
economic variable is the growth in real per capita personal income over the
two years preceding the election. On the national level, average growth in
the CPI and average growth in the SP 500 over the preceding two years are
used as explanatory variables. Values for all of the economic variables are
The Dismal Scientist's forecasts through the third quarter. In addition to
economic variables, the share of the two-party vote won by the incumbent
presidential party in the previous election is included to account for
historical party affiliation in a given state.
The accuracy of the model is demonstrated by its ability to predict election
outcomes. Over the past five elections, the model has successfully predicted
nearly 90% of electoral votes on average, never predicting less than 75% of
the electoral votes. The strong conclusion for a Democrat win in the 2000
election must be tempered both by the fact that there have been not
insignificant inaccuracies in the past, however, and much more by the fact
that other factors may prove more important than those included in the model.
One obvious example is the extent to which so-called Clinton fatigue hurts
the eventual Democratic nominee.
Moreover, the model does not explicitly take social issues into account. The
election, at least in some states, could turn on noneconomic issues. Indeed,

[CTRL] The Ingredients of a Bear Market

2000-10-18 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=""The
Ingredients of a Bear Market/A

View print friendly format
The Ingredients of a Bear Market
By Dan Green
10/17/00 8:30 AM ET

The economy is humming along in an expansion of unprecedented length.
Unemployment is at its second-lowest level ever and seems to be holding
steady. The stock market has had a stellar decade, and connections between
nations are increasing rapidly. There is a new faith in the power of the
economy to grow indefinitely and to raise living standards for everyone.
Sound familiar? Those words could describe 1968 or 2000.
The year 1968 marked the beginning of financial markets' worst decade since
the Great Depression. Stock prices, as approximated by the SP 500 Index,
languished in a broad trading range for ten years. Admittedly, the chart
below ignores dividends paid, but the point remains that, given the high
inflation of the period, investors lost money in real terms.

This year's hemorrhaging in the Dow and the Nasdaq has caused many investors
to lose the hubris that led to expectations of enormous profit growth over
infinite timeframes. Now that it is widely accepted that the bull market
party is over, does it follow that investors are destined to suffer through a
prolonged bear market?

There are three worrisome parallels with the conditions that drove real share
and bond values lower in the 1970s.
Oil. Rising tensions in the Middle East bring the most obvious parallel to
mind. In the 1970s, OPEC supply curtailments, both politically and
economically motivated, drove real oil prices (in today's dollars) from $15
to more than $40 per barrel (they doubled again in the early 1980s).
Real oil prices have risen from close to $12 per barrel to over $30 per
barrel in just the past two years. If the situation in the Middle East
deteriorates or the winter is colder than expected, the price of oil could
jump dramatically. Although oil is less significant to the economy than it
was 20 years ago, the Dow lost close to 400 points as oil prices rose,
reminding everyone that oil is still the single most important commodity in
the economy and the most feared source of inflation.
Labor. The greatest achievement of this economic expansion is the 23.7
million net new jobs created since the last recession ended. This great
expansion of opportunity has invited many underrepresented groups into the
labor force and has even begun to lift real incomes at the bottom of the
economic ladder. The worry, however, is that further improvement is harder to
achieve. The unemployment rate is once again below 4%, where it hasn't held
since-guess when-the end of the 1960s.
The Phillips Curve is a hard theory to prove, and is certainly not
universally accepted, but it is clearly more difficult to rapidly expand
employment from a 4% unemployment rate than from the 7.5% that prevailed in
Besides its extraordinary tightness, another characteristic of the labor
market may perhaps bode ill for investors over this decade. After years of
decline, the youngest cohort of workers is expanding in numbers and
importance. While these new workers provide a measure of surety against
overly tight labor markets, they are (with the notable exception of high-tech
skills) considerably less productive than the older workers who are moving
into retirement. This may constrain labor productivity growth, a hallmark of
the new economy.
Government spending. 1969 was the last year before 1998 that the federal
government ran a surplus. A major cause of the debacle of the 1970s was
massive federal spending on antipoverty programs and on the Vietnam War.
Conversely, fiscal discipline has been one of the major underpinnings of the
current expansion.
The upcoming presidential and congressional elections threaten to upset this
discipline. Both candidates have made promises that appear to doom the
surplus and could lead to fiscal profligacy of the sort that overheated the
economy at the end of the 1960s.
Despite these parallels, there are three major differences that should shield
investors and the economy from the travails of the 1970s. Stock markets may
not recover the go-go enthusiasm of the past few years, but there is little
to suggest that a prolonged and significant decline, as opposed to a period
of stagnation, in financial asset values is in order.
Monetary discipline. Loose monetary policy accommodated ambitious federal
spending into the 1970s. The consensus among Fed policymakers to squelch any
renaissance of inflation provides the best surety against a return of high
inflation and retrenchment in the real economy. While stockholders have often
been angry with Alan Greenspan over the past year, the policies he represents
should themselves provide a reasonable guarantee of positive real returns on
most investments over the coming decade.
Institutional strength. Sophisticated financial 

[CTRL] Market jittery as dollar dives nearer 50¢ …

2000-10-18 Thread Kris Millegan

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Click Here: A
jittery as  dollar dives nearer 50¢…/A
Market jittery as dollar dives nearer 50¢

By TOM ALLARD, Economics Correspondent
The Treasurer, Mr Costello, will fly to the United States tomorrow to begin a
roadshow selling the strengths of the economy to the powerful investors who
have been driving the Australian dollar down to damaging levels.

With the dollar hitting another low of US52.12¢ yesterday - in early trading
in London last night it fell to US51.87¢ - Mr Costello will leave growing
anxiety - and a feeling of impotence - about the dollar's effect on rising
petrol prices, import costs and interest rates.

The Reserve Bank revealed yesterday that it spent $506 million of its foreign
reserves last month in a relatively modest but unsuccessful attempt to prop
up the currency. "It's sinking and there's no lifeboat to save it," a
Commonwealth Securities economist, Ms Besa Deda, said. "Fifty cents is
certainly a level that could be tested."

Efforts to talk up the dollar, including a public defence of the currency by
the Reserve Bank Governor, Mr Ian Macfarlane, at the World Economic Forum
last month, have failed spectacularly to convince currency traders that the
dollar is worth supporting. As one government adviser put it yesterday: "The
figures [showing Australia's impressive economic performance compared with
the US] are there for anyone who's interested in looking. Maybe we're too
small and too far away for them to notice."

Mr Costello will spend four days in New York from Friday, briefing "key
corporate and financial investors" on "Australia's strong fundamentals" and
"excellent outlook".

He will then attend a G20 finance ministers' meeting in Montreal, where
global currency instability is certain to be a topic for discussion.

Traders attributed the weakness in the dollar to the continued strength of
the US greenback, growing pessimism about the stability of the Asia-Pacific
and relatively poor investment returns here.

But most are mystified as to why the Australian dollar has fallen further
than almost any other currency. Apart from share prices, Australia has
broadly matched or outperformed the US on key economic indicators over the
past five years.

During the past two years, Australia has done even better, prompting the US
Federal Reserve to acknowledge our superior productivity rate in a recent

Beyond Mr Costello's trip to New York and Montreal, the Government was
promising little yesterday to ease the burden of the low dollar and rising
petrol prices on consumers.

Petrol prices could rise as much as 5¢ a litre in the next week due to the
low dollar and rising world oil prices.

But the Prime Minister yesterday again ruled out freezing the petrol excise
to ease the pressure on motorists.

Copyright © 2000. The Sydney Morning Herald
All rights reserved.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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2000-10-18 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=""
Sherman Skolnick's Report/A

by Sherman H. Skolnick

A good handle on a number of details is necessary to understand this subject.

1. In 1953, British and U.S. oil interests were upset with the popular head
of Iran, Premier Mossadegh, who demanded a bigger cut for his countrymen of
Iran's exploited oilfields. With an elite unit of U.S. Military Intelligence,
(mostly Afro-Americans from Chicago who seemed to fit in good with the people
of color in Iran) together with the money and plans of British Intelligence,
Mossadegh was overthrown, and Shah Pahlavi was restored to his "Peacock
Throne". [The coup facilitators later became part of a Chicago law firm that
included George Leighton, a dark-skinned Portugeuse, who went on in later
years to be a federal district judge and then mob-mouthpiece off the bench.
We have the documents from the National Archives showing this group of former
assassins/government overthrowers, were the secret attorneys in 1963 for CIA
patsy falsely blamed for the murder of JFK, Lee Harvey Oswald.]

The press-fakers told us little of what was involved. Such as that the Shah
and his elders had been pro-Nazi and caused quite a problem for the Allies in
World War 2. Former intelligence spook, Kermit Roosevelt, wrote a book,
"Counter Coup", about it, letting slip the involvement of British spies in
the overthrow of Mossadegh. His book was withdrawn from U.S. bookstores
before distribution. Only 8 copies were left and we have several of those
suppressed books. Later, a sanitized version was issued.

2. The British purpose On behalf of the British Monarchy, under the Palestine
Mandate, British Intelligence planned for a Jewish-dominated Palestine, to be
put in position to irritate the surrounding Arab countries soaked with oil.
It was the British historical method Divide and Conquer. That is, use the new
State of Israel to keep the oily Arabs off-balance. A British-owned
newspaper, the Jerusalem Post, steers the pot repeatedly fomenting troubles,
between the Jews and the Arabs.

3. The British Monarchy financed the oil endeavors of George Herbert Walker
Bush, which later became the firm of which he owns a great part, Pennzoil.
See our website series, "Greenspan Aids and Bribes the Bush Family," as to
how Bush used crooked high court judges in Texas to grab onto their
competitor, Texaco, whose major source of oil is Iraq. When the Queen of
England visits America, she stays at the home in Texas of Bush the Elder's
trusted secret money handler, William Stamps Farish III, who owns and boards
the studs that mate with the Queen's mares. Also on our website are the
secret documents of Federal Reserve wire transfer records, showing the joint
account of George Herbert Walker Bush and the Queen of England, at the bank
owned by the Monarchy, Coutts Bank, London. Billions and billions of dollars
from the dope trafficking trade, go through that joint account, with the aid
and blessing of the Czar of the Federal Reserve.

As to the Bush family and the British Monarchy, see "George Bush, the
Unauthorized Biography" by Webster Griffin Tarpley and Anton Chaikin.

4. For well over a hundred years, J.P. Morgan  Co. have been the Queen's
agents headquartered in New York. In its simplest form, how the U.S. was
lured into Europe's War in 1917, involved huge loans for munitions to Britain
from Morgan. When England could not pay back, Morgan arranged to instigate
events falsely dragging America into the war. This whole situation was
planned prior to the war's onset in 1914. The foisting of the conspiratorial
Federal Reserve onto the docile and innocent American people in 1912, was
part of the scheme to consolidate America as the money cow for Great
Britain's bloody adventures.[In 1934, the Federal Reserve connived in seizing
the gold of ordinary Americans who were not legally permitted to own gold
again until 1975.]

To show their loyalty, J.P. Morgan  Co. traditionally have flown the Britsh
flag at their Wall Street location.

5. J.P. Morgan  Co. and their affiliates, such as Morgan Stanley brokerage,
together with the parent holding companies of 18 money center banks have been
part of a scheme to artificially force up the price of oil, starting just
prior to the year 2000 Presidential election. The press whores do not mention
that there is, in fact, a worldwide glut of oil. Remember the key event in
December, 1998, was NOT the impeachment resolutions just on sex charges
against Clinton. It was that the price of crude oil had settled down to about
ten dollars per barrel.

Through cryptic and little-understood derivatives, through oil futures, and
other exotic gambling instruments, the Morgan interests and the linked banks
and their holding firms, bet hundreds of billions of dollars that they could
force up the price of oil, to their mutual 

[CTRL] Carnivore: a toe in the door

2000-10-18 Thread nessie

-Caveat Lector-

FBI's Carnivore Just the First Step in Internet Surveillance

Monday, October 16 2000

by Patrick Riley FOX News

Amid  all the hubub over whether its Carnivore e-mail surveillance system
violates privacy rights, the FBI has quietly been working to develop an
sharper-toothed information chomper

The FBI says its controversial Carnivore system is just "the tip of the
iceberg" when it comes to Internet surveillance because an even
sharper-toothed information chomper is now in development.

Amid all the hubbub over whether the current system violates privacy
the agency has been quietly working on both "Carnivore 2.0" and "Carnivore
according to FBI documents released this month under a Freedom of
Act claim filed by the Electronic Privacy Information Center. The current
Carnivore is
version 1.3.4, according to the documents.

An "Enhanced Carnivore" program has been under development since last
#151; under a $650,000 contract scheduled to end in January 2001. Most of
details on the souped-up snoopers were blacked out in heavy black marker
before the papers were released.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation makes no bones about its plans for the
system, which sifts an Internet Service Provider's transmissions to track
suspects' online  activity.

"As it looks today, it could be completely different a year from now,"
FBI spokesman Paul Bresson. "Really, we've only seen the tip of the
in terms of the change in technology."

He said improving Carnivore is vital for keeping pace with criminal

"This is going to continue to be a cat-and-mouse game," he said.
"There's always going to be software and other encryption technology that
render a system less useful."

He declined to give specific details. But privacy experts say an evolving
Carnivore presents a problem for those trying to keep an eye on it.

"It's a moving target," said David Banisar, a senior fellow at EPIC. "It
means there needs to be continual oversight, not just onetime oversight.
means that if we get the source code we'll have to get the source code as
changes also, and do a re-analysis as the functions of the software

The program's source code, the piece of information most sought after by
activists trying to figure out if Carnivore reads the e-mail of more than
just those targeted by a court order,  was omitted from the 600-plus pages
given to EPIC in the first of several planned releases. But the
has vowed to continue fighting for it.

Despite the incomplete technical blueprint, the newly public papers do
some light on what sequels to Carnivore might look like.

Three jargon-heavy lines of text that survived the FBI censor reveal that
Version 2.0 will be capable of  "built-in data analysis that Carnivore
doesn't appear to do now," Banisar said.

That means being able to display captured Internet data as soon as
intercepts it. The current system merely stores the data and two other
programs #151; "Packeteer" and "Coolminer" #151; must be used to process

No information was released from the Version 3.0 section but research
mentioned elsewhere in the unclassified papers involves an aspect of the
technology dubbed "Dragon Net" that captures telephone conversations held
the Web #151; a process known as "voice over IP" technology.

Banisar suspects the FBI might also want its future sniffers to have the
ability to track multiple targets simultaneously. That wouldn't bode well,
he said. "The more capability it has to intercept more than one target,
more likely it is to be abused."

While the current Carnivore is purely monogamous, it casts a wider net
commonly thought, according to an analysis of the FBI documents by
anti-computer crime site

Carnivore can "be programmed to watch for all the Internet activities of a
particular person," said Kevin Poulson, editorial director at
and a former hacker. The system can even reconstruct Web pages
viewed by a suspect. "All that's been talked about is its ability to

C Associated Press. All rights reserved.
 This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or
 C Reuters Ltd. All rights reserved.
In light of this, said EPIC's Banisar: "It makes you wonder what else they
could possibly want."

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2000-10-18 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-

X DRUDGE REPORT X TUE OCT 17, 2000 20:03:41 ET

The United States State Department believes the "17 or so dead
sailors" on the U.S.S. Cole "does not compare to the 100+
Palestinians who have died in recent weeks" in Mideast violence, a
stunning government memo reveals.


The Clinton/Gore Administration disapproved a VOICE OF
AMERICA broadcast condemning the attack on the Cole. A memo
from the Executive Secretariat Staff at the State Department stated:
"The Department of State does not clear on the referenced VOA
"This editorial will reach an audience that is caught up in the
violence in Israel and the Occupied Territories.  The 17 or so dead
sailors does not compare to the 100+ Palestinians who have died
in recent weeks where we have remained silent.  The people that
hear this will not see the separation we are trying to make and
relate it directly to the violence.
"Either VOA adds something in there to take the edge off and
mention the Palestinians or we should kill this editorial until the
violence has calmed for a while.
"S/CT [Secy. for counterterrorism] concurred with this.  If you have
questions concerning this editorial, please contact NEA/P

FROM:  Swadia Sarkis, Interagency Coordinator
TO:  Voice of America (VOA), Office of Policy
RE:  VOA Editorial: Terrorism Will Fail
OCTOBER 16, 2000


Filed by Matt Drudge
Reports are moved when circumstances warrant  for updates
Not for reproduction without permission of the author


Here's your enemy for this week, the government
says.  And some gullible Americans click their
heels and salute - often without knowing who or
even where the enemy of the week is.
- Charley Reese (1998)

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Man gets 24 years for satanic-ritual rape of 10-year-old girl

2000-10-18 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:

From: "Alex Constantine" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: "Kate" [EMAIL PROTECTED]; "Lloyd" [EMAIL PROTECTED]; "Lynn" 
Subject: Man gets 24 years for satanic-ritual rape of 10-year-old girl
Date: Sunday, October 01, 2000 8:03 PM

Thanks to Neil Brick of S.M.A.R.T.
The Tennessean
Saturday, 9/30/2000

Man gets 24 years for satanic-ritual rape of 10-year-old girl

By Lisa Roose Church / Staff Writer
MURFREESBORO -- A man who told authorities he raped a 10-year-old girl
during satanic rituals has received a 24-year prison sentence.
Alonzo South, 31, of Rutherford County, pleaded guilty Wednesday to three
counts of aggravated sexual battery. He was sentenced to 24 years in prison,
of which he will be required to serve 100%.
South was also fined $3,000. In addition, when South is eventually released,
he will be placed on "community supervision" for life and be required to
register on the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation's sexual offenders list.
Assistant District Attorney General Paul Holcombe, who prosecuted the case,
declined to comment.
According to the plea agreement, South admitted that on at least three
occasions over the last two years he participated in satanic rituals in
which a nude girl under the age of 10 was touched in the vagina. Court
records say the child, who was the daughter of a woman involved in the
satanic group, was raped in a home, the nearby woods, a shed, a pickup truck
and a car. The girl came forward after South was arrested on an unrelated

Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
not necessarily endorsed by:

Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research a ruling
class/conspiracy research resource for the entire political-ideological
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[CTRL] Gore Bush debate ;-)

2000-10-18 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

 Jim Lehrer: Welcome to the second presidential debate between Vice
 Al Gore and Gov. George W. Bush. The candidates have agreed on these

 I will ask a question. The candidate will ignore the question and
 rehearsed remarks designed to appeal to undecided women voters. The
 will then have one minute to respond by trying to frighten senior
 into voting for him. When a speaker's time has expired, will whimper
 while he continues to spew incomprehensible statistics for three more

 Let's start with the vice president. Mr. Gore, can you give us the
 name of a
 downtrodden citizen and then tell us his or her story in a way that
 the bounds of common sense?

 Gore: As I was saying to Tipper last night after we tenderly made
 love the
 way we have so often during the 30 years of our rock-solid marriage,
 downtrodden have a clear choice in this election. My opponent wants
 to cut
 taxes for the richest 1 percent of Americans. I, on the other hand,
 want to
 put the richest 1 percent in an iron clad lockbox so they can't hurt
 people like Roberta Frampinhamper, who is here tonight. Mrs.
 has been selling her internal organs, one by one, to pay for gas so
 that she
 can travel to these debates and personify problems for me. Also, her
 has arthritis.

 Lehrer: Gov. Bush, your rebuttal.

 Bush: Governors are on the front lines every day, hugging people,
 with them, relieving suffering anywhere a photo opportunity exists. I
 to empower those crying people to make their own decisions, unlike my
 opponent, whose mother is not Barbara Bush.

 Lehrer: Let's turn to foreign affairs. Gov. Bush, if Slobodan
 Milosevic were
 to launch a bid to return to power in Yugoslavia, would you be able
 pronounce his name?

 Bush: The current administration had eight years to deal with that
 guy and
 didn't get it done. If I'm elected, the first thing I would do about
 guy is have Dick Cheney confer with our allies. And then Dick would
 me several options for dealing with that guy. And then Dick would
 tell me
 which one to choose. You know, as governor of Texas, I have to make
 foreign policy decisions every day about how we're going to deal with

 Lehrer: Mr. Gore, your rebuttal.

 Gore: Foreign policy is something I've always been keenly interested
 in. I
 served my country in Vietnam. I had an uncle who was a victim of
 poison gas
 in World War I. I myself lost a leg in the Franco-Prussian War. And
 that war was over, I came home and tenderly made love to Tipper in a
 that any undecided woman voter would find romantic. If I'm entrusted
 the office of president, I pledge to deal knowledgeably with any
 foreign or domestic, by putting it in an iron clad lockbox. Because
 American people deserve a president who can comfort them with simple

 Lehrer: Vice President Gore, how would you reform the Social Security

 Gore: It's a vital issue, Jim. That's why Joe Lieberman and I have
 changing the laws of mathematics to allow us to give $50,000 to every
 citizen without having it cost the federal treasury a single penny
 until the
 year 2250. In addition, my budget commits $60 trillion over the next
 years to guarantee that all senior citizens can have drugs delivered
 free to
 their homes every Monday by a federal employee who will also help
 them with
 the child-proof cap.

 Lehrer: Gov. Bush?

 Bush: That's fuzzy math. I know, because as governor of Texas, I have
 to do
 math every day. I have to add up the numbers and decide whether I'm
 going to
 fill potholes out on Rt. 36 east of Abilene or commit funds to reroof
 sheep barn at the Texas state fairgrounds.

 Lehrer: It's time for closing statements.

 Gore: I'm my own man. I may not be the most exciting politician, but
 I will
 fight for the working families of America, in addition to turning the
 House into a lusty pit of marital love for Tipper and me.

 Bush: It's time to put aside the partisanship of the past by electing
 no one
 but Republicans.

 Lehrer: Good night.

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[CTRL] test

2000-10-18 Thread Mark McHugh

-Caveat Lector-


Mark McHugh

Sapere aude!

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] test2 - Sorry, my ISP got gobbled up by another and I'm testing settings!

2000-10-18 Thread Mark McHugh

-Caveat Lector-

Eshche proverka.

Mark McHugh

Sapere aude!

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Isreal vs. Palestine Go Israel!

2000-10-18 Thread Stopforth, Jamie
Title: Isreal vs. Palestine  Go Israel!

Hal Lindsey
© 2000

The considerable outrage being expressed by the uninformed on the daily talk shows is getting plenty of attention. Everyone, it seems, feels that the Palestinians are the injured party in the current explosion of violence.

For those blinded by the current wave of misplaced political correctness, it would be hard to imagine a scenario in which Palestinians might seek protection in an Israeli police station and be turned over to a waiting Jewish mob to be brutally beaten to death. Yet, in the Ramallah situation, two Israelis did exactly that -- they sought protection and refuge from the Palestinian police. Instead of protection, the police looked the other way as the mob seized the two Israeli reservists, stabbed them repeatedly and threw at least one of the soldiers out a second floor window into the arms of the waiting mob.

The scenes were horrific, yet in some people's minds, justified, since the plight of the Palestinians is hopeless -- victims of Israeli oppression -- economically, politically and socially. What nobody seems to understand is that the Palestinian people have their own government to blame.

Yasser Arafat and his cronies live in fine villas, drive expensive German automobiles, wear Armani suits to the various summit meetings, and wax eloquently about the plight of their oppressed constituency at Israeli hands. It is quite a contrast to the image projected by the Israeli negotiating teams who arrive in four-door Chevys wearing suits with shiny elbows and fraying shirt collars. And none of the Israeli leaders live in Mediterranean villas. Who's the oppressor here?

Two days after the murder of the two Israeli soldiers at the hands of a blood-crazed mob, Palestinian state TV broadcast the comments of a Muslim cleric. The cleric exhorted his flock to kill the Jews and to kill the Americans, wherever they may be found. This is the true nature of the Israeli peace partnership as envisioned by Yasser Arafat. Again, the question: who is the oppressor, here?

Palestinians who hold Israeli citizenship do not share the hopeless condition of their brothers living under the tender mercies of the Arafat government. Indeed, life for an Israeli Arab is so much better than for their Palestinian counterparts that a majority of Arabs in a recent poll indicated that, given the choice between
living under an Arab administration or under Israeli rule, they would prefer the Israeli brand of oppression.

The Arab position appears to be that it's all Israel's fault because they are using bullets to respond to rocks. But nobody, not even the most articulate apologists for the Arab side, has any reasonable alternative to suggest. Should the Israelis throw rocks back? Or maybe they should just go home? Yasser Arafat, at the summit on Monday, insisted the Israelis withdraw first, and then the violence would stop. Who in their right mind is going to believe that, given the number of broken promises charged to his account in just the last three weeks?

Any argument that advances the case that the Israelis are to blame for the violence in the Middle East ignores the salient truth that it is the Palestinians who are behind the unrest -- not the Israelis. If the Palestinians stopped throwing rocks, the IDF would go home. Simple. The PA claims it has legitimate reasons for the violence. Fine. Then why deny that they are the authors of the violence in the first place? Ehud Barak offered a settlement more generous than anybody ever expected. He offered them all that they demanded, including the division of Jerusalem. His offer was so generous that, had it been accepted, it is unlikely Barak could have survived politically anyway. But still it was rejected out of hand. Yasser Arafat is a man who can't take yes for an answer.

Anybody with one eye and half a brain can see that the moment the rocks stop flying, so will the bullets. Yet, in order to accept the oppressor argument, one must pretend that the violence just happened and that it is Israel who is keeping it alive by shooting the rioting Palestinians. Just what do you think would happen if the Palestinians stopped rioting? Does anybody seriously believe that the Israelis would just keep shooting them without provocation? The media would have you believe that the Israelis are in control of the violence and that they should stop. How does one quell a riot by ignoring it? And how does one not quell a riot?

The situation remains in the hands of the only one who could have ended the violence -- Yasser Arafat. Sadly, his desperate, last-ditch effort to create an image of himself and his government as victims of an oppressive Israeli government ended as quickly as the lives of those unfortunate Israeli soldiers. He's created a bloodlust among his people that even he can no longer control. In 1993, Yitzhak Rabin was reluctant to shake Arafat's bloodstained hand, but did so out of love for 

[CTRL] ConAgra stops producing corn flour at Kansas mill

2000-10-18 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

ConAgra stops producing corn flour at Kansas mill

By JOE RUFF, Associated Press

OMAHA, Neb. (October 17, 2000 11:20 a.m. EDT - ConAgra Foods Inc. has stopped making
corn flour at a Kansas mill because it may have received genetically
modified corn that sparked a nationwide recall of some taco shell brands.

ConAgra is one of the nation's biggest food makers.

Tests for the corn variety called Starlink were being conducted and
equipment at the plant in Atchison, Kan., was being cleaned, ConAgra
spokeswoman Karen Savinski said Tuesday.

The mill, ConAgra's only corn flour plant, stopped processing corn on
Wednesday. ConAgra told its customers, a variety of food manufacturers,
about the potential problem and asked them not to use the corn flour.
Savinski declined to name the companies involved.

How much corn flour might be involved was not immediately known, and
Savinski declined to say how ConAgra found out Starlink may have been
delivered to the plant.

The Starlink yellow corn contains a bacterium that makes it toxic to insects.
Federal officials say the health risk is remote, but it is approved by the
Environmental Protection Agency only for use in animal feed. The EPA's
scientific advisers have been divided over whether it could cause allergic
reactions in people.

The nation's largest manufacturer of tortilla products, Mission Foods Co.,
on Friday recalled all its tortillas, taco shells and snack chips made with
yellow corn because the flour might contain Starlink.

The move by Mission Foods of Irving, Texas, followed a decision earlier
last week by Safeway Inc. to remove all of Mission's taco shells from its
stores and an earlier recall of taco shells by Kraft Foods.

The corn that was detected in the Kraft and Mission taco shells is believed
to have originated at an Azteca Milling plant in Plainview, Texas.

Mission Foods is a subsidiary of Gruma SA of Monterrey, Mexico. Azteca
Milling is a partnership of Gruma and Archer Daniels Midland Co., based in
Decatur, Ill.

Mission said it also would switch from yellow to white corn in all its
products, and Azteca Milling said it was recalling all its flour made from
yellow corn.

The EPA said the seed's developer, Aventis CropScience, has agreed to
cancel its license to sell the corn. Government officials have said Aventis
was supposed to ensure that farmers kept Starlink corn separate from
other varieties but failed to do so.

Omaha-based ConAgra is nation's second-largest food company behind
Philip Morris' Kraft Foods, and it is the nation's largest food-service
manufacturer. It sells products ranging from fertilizer and flour to brand-
name products such as Healthy Choice frozen dinners, Orville
Redenbacher popcorn and Butterball turkeys.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] What you get is what you see.

2000-10-18 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Monday (16.10.2000) edition of Al Hayat al Jedida
(the official PLO-daily)

Special Clarification by the Italian Representative of RAI, the Official
Italian Television Station
My dear friends in Palestine. We congratulate you and think that it is our
duty to put you in the picture (of the events) of what happened on October
12 in Ramallah. One of the private Italian television stations which
competes with us (and not the official Italian television station RAI)
filmed the events; that station filmed the events. Afterwards Israeli
Television broadcast the pictures, as taken from one of the Italian
stations, and thus the public impression was created as if we (RAI) took
these pictures.
We emphasize to all of you that the events did not happen this way, because
we always respect (will continue to respect) the journalistic procedures
with the Palestinian Authority for (journalistic) work in Palestine and we
are credible in our precise work.
We thank you for your trust, and you can be sure that this is not our way of
acting. We do not (will not) do such a thing.
Please accept our dear blessings.
Ricardo Christiano
Representative of RAI in the Palestinian Authority
(the official Italian station)

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] articles on csa and psychogenic amnesia

2000-10-18 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

Below please find two articles on csa and psychogenic amnesia.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

This may be triggering for survivors.

   "Overall, the relationship [between CSA and psychiatric disorders]
  was robust," Dr. Kendler said. "I was a bit surprised how strong the
  relationship remained and the strength of the evidence -- always
  impossible to know for sure in this kind of research -- that the
  relationship was truly causal." 


  Sexual Abuse of Girls Causally Related to Adult Psychopathology

  WESTPORT, CT (Reuters Health) Oct 13 -- The previously reported
  relationship between childhood sexual abuse (CSA) and psychiatric
  illness in women appears to be at least in part causal, according to a
  report in the October Archives of General Psychiatry.

  Dr. Kenneth S. Kendler, from the Medical College of Virginia
  Commonwealth University, in Richmond, and colleagues examined possible
  links between CSA before age 16 and adult psychiatric and substance use
  disorders in 1411 female adult twins, categorizing CSA into nongenital,
  genital, and intercourse.

  "We tried to determine if the relationship was non-causal by controlling
  for family dysfunction, parental psychopathology, reporting bias, and,
  finally, by the co-twin control method," Dr. Kendler told Reuters

  The rates of abuse varied, the authors report, ranging from 8.4% for
  intercourse to 21% for fondling. CSA significantly increased the risk of
  major depression, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, alcohol
  dependence, and drug dependence, the researchers note, with the odds
  ratios generally increasing with the degree of abuse (ie, from
  nongenital to genital to intercourse).

  Psychiatric disorders were from 2.6 to 3.3 times more common among women
  whose CSA included intercourse, and the risk of substance abuse was
  increased more than fourfold, according to the results.

  Family factors -- parental education, parenting behavior, family
  financial status, church attendance -- had little impact on the
  prevalence of psychiatric or substance abuse disorders among these
  women, the investigators observe. Similarly, parental psychopathology
  did not predict the association between CSA and later psychopathology.

  Women who reported intercourse were four to six times likelier than
  their nonabused twins to experience at least two psychiatric disorders
  in adulthood, the results indicated.

  "Overall, the relationship [between CSA and psychiatric disorders] was
  robust," Dr. Kendler said. "I was a bit surprised how strong the
  relationship remained and the strength of the evidence -- always
  impossible to know for sure in this kind of research -- that the
  relationship was truly causal."

  Arch Gen Psychiatry 2000;57:953-959.

  Yasuno F, Nishikawa T, Nakagawa Y, et al: Functional anatomical study of
  psychogenic amnesia. Psychiatry Res 2000 Jul 10 99:1 43-57.

  Psychogenic amnesia is characterized by an inability to recall
  information already stored in the patient's memory. It is usually
  related to a stressful or traumatic event that cannot be explained by
  manifest brain damage. To examine the underlying functional disturbance
  of brain areas in this condition, we performed a positron emission
  tomography (PET) activation study on a psychogenic amnesic patient and
  on 12 normal control subjects. A task requiring explicit retrograde
  memory of faces was compared with a control task. To assess functional
  modi?cations associated with the processes of recovery, a second PET
  study was performed on the patient 12 months after onset. During the
  task, activation of the right anterior medial temporal region including
  the amygdala was increased in the psychogenic amnesic patient.
  Activation of the bilateral hippocampal regions increased only in the
  control subjects. During recovery, the right anterior medial temporal
  region became less active while the right hippocampal region became more
  active. Activation levels also differed in the anterior cingulate
  cortex, prefrontal cortex and some other cortical regions between
  control subjects and the patient. These findings suggest that the
  changes in these limbic and limbic-cortical functions are related to
  symptoms of the psychogenic amnesia.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not 

[CTRL] Texas ... Drugs?

2000-10-18 Thread Bob Stokes

-Caveat Lector-

The Heat Is on a Texas Town After the Arrests of 40 Blacks

ULIA, Tex., Oct. 4 — On the morning of July 23, 1999, Billy Wafer, a
forklift driver, was swept up in the biggest drug sting in local history: In
this town of only 4,500 people, 43 suspects were arrested on charges of
selling small amounts of cocaine. In some cases, hometown juries later meted
out sentences ranging from 20 years to more than 300 years.
In Tulia, an isolated place ringed by cotton farms and cattle ranches on the
high plains of the Texas panhandle, local officials declared the operation a
stunning success. In all, 22 of the defendants were sent to prison while
others received probation. The undercover agent at the center of the
operation, Tom Coleman, was even named by the state as lawman of the year.
But more than a year later, an operation once hailed as a victory in the war
on drugs now has civil rights groups and local minorities asking whether it
was really a war on blacks. All but three of the 43 defendants were black,
an enormous percentage considering blacks make up less than 10 percent of
the town's population. In fact, roughly 12 percent of the town's black
population was arrested.
The doubts raised about the racial makeup of the group arrested are
compounded by contentions that the investigation was flimsy at best. The
sole evidence in nearly every case was the word of Mr. Coleman, whose own
character had come under criticism in the past. There were no videotapes or
wiretaps or, in most cases, any corroborating witnesses.
"They declared war on this community," said Sammy Barrow, a black resident
with four relatives who were arrested. "You either were going to get a long
term in the penitentiary or you were going to get enough of a deterrent to
get out of here."
So now Tulia itself is on trial: last week, the American Civil Liberties
Union filed a lawsuit on behalf of a defendant whose case was dismissed in
February, apparently because of a false identification. The suit accuses
local officials of singling out blacks to run them out of town. Next week,
the A.C.L.U. plans to file a civil rights complaint with the Justice
Department seeking to revoke financing for the agencies that ran the sting.
The reaction among most whites here has been unflinching support of the
operation and local officials. Public intolerance for drugs is unquestioned
in Tulia; the local school system is one of a handful in the area that
mandate random drug testing for students, a policy that is being challenged
in court. The sheriff and the district attorney, who defend Mr. Coleman's
credibility, also deny that the sting was racially motivated or that the
town is biased.
"This is a good community, and I care a lot about everybody here," said
Swisher County's sheriff, Larry Stewart, who was reluctant to speak in much
detail because of the lawsuit. "There has been a lot more made of this than
is true."
Like many places, Tulia is not immune to drugs. In 1997 and 1998, a total of
nine people were arrested on felony drug charges here. In the previous two
years, 32 were arrested in another sting by the Tulia police.
Some black residents say the town does have a cluster of crack cocaine users
who buy their drugs in larger cities like Amarillo or Plainview. And several
of the defendants had prior drug arrests, including Donald Smith, who
admitted on the stand that he had sold crack to the undercover agent but who
vehemently denied using or selling the more expensive powdered cocaine.
But Mr. Wafer, the forklift driver, contends, "there's no big drug problem
"Can you see 43 dealers surviving in this small town?" he said. "There would
be murders and everything. Everybody would have to be doing it."
Mr. Coleman said Mr. Wafer, 42, sold him cocaine at a local convenience
store. But Mr. Wafer's employer testified that Mr. Wafer was at work at the
time Mr. Coleman said the drug deal took place. Mr. Wafer produced his
timecards. A judge refused to dismiss the cocaine charges but decided there
was insufficient evidence to revoke Mr. Wafer's probation on a 1990
marijuana charge. His trial is pending.
The drug sting began in 1998 when Mr. Coleman, the son of a Texas ranger,
was hired by Sheriff Stewart to run an undercover operation in Tulia under
the supervision of the Panhandle Regional Narcotics Trafficking Task Force
in Amarillo. Mr. Coleman had been a sheriff's deputy and a jailer in other
Texas counties but was working as a welder when he got the job here.
Mr. Coleman underwent training with the Drug Enforcement Administration then
spent more than a year undercover in Tulia, the largest town in Swisher
County. Officials said Mr. Coleman, who is white, got to know many of
Tulia's blacks with the help of a black co-worker at a cattle auction where
he had gotten a job.
Both Sheriff Stewart and the local district attorney, Terry McEachern, agree
that drugs are sold and consumed by whites and Hispanics in Tulia. But, they

[CTRL] Fwd: Fighting the \wasted vote\ syndrome

2000-10-18 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-

From:   Libertarian Party Announcements [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]



Here is an article by Harry Browne to forward to
friends and family members who are concerned about
"wasting their vote" by voting Libertarian. Enjoy.

Steve Dasbach
National Director
Libertarian Party

Do You Want Smaller Government?

by Harry Browne
Libertarian Candidate for President

The most important political question you can ask
yourself is simply this:

Do you want smaller government?

Do you want an end to the welfare state, to
government destroying our health-care system, to
government at all levels taking 47% of the
national income in taxes, to government intrusions
into your life and your business?

Do you want smaller government?

  Stop Supporting Big Government

If you do, the first step toward getting it is

You must stop supporting those who are making
government bigger.

You can't go east by moving west. It's a physical

You can't make government smaller by rewarding
those who make government bigger. It's a political

Only when you begin asking for what you really
want do you have any chance of getting it.

Al Gore wants to make government bigger. He's
proposed a long list of new government programs.

George W. Bush wants to make government bigger.
He's proposed an equally long list of new
government programs to show that he's as
compassionate as Mr. Gore -- as though having
government spend your money somehow demonstrates

Pat Buchanan says he wants a return to
constitutional government. But he's made no
specific proposals to reduce government, while
proposing to have government fix what he thinks is
wrong with America. For one thing, he wants to
tell you what kind of car you can drive.

And Ralph Nader wants to tell you whether you can
drive a car at all. But that's the least of his
many plans to make government much bigger.

  What Smaller Government Means

I am the only presidential candidate offering
specific proposals to make government smaller --
much smaller:

* I want to get the federal government
_completely_ out of every area where it's made
such a mess -- health care, education, law
enforcement, welfare, foreign aid, corporate
welfare, highway boondoggles, farm subsidies. Not
only are these programs unconstitutional, they do
tremendous damage to our lives.

* I want to make the federal government so small
you won't pay _any_ income tax. (The tariffs and
excise taxes already being collected are enough to
finance the constitutional functions of

* I want to free you immediately and completely
from the Social Security system. I want to sell
off government assets to finance private
retirement accounts for anyone now dependent on
Social Security -- so you and I and every other
American can immediately stop paying the 15%
Social Security tax.

* I want to end the nightmare of Prohibition by
stopping the insane War on Drugs. At least 90% of
the invasions of your civil liberties over the
last 30 years have been justified by the Drug War.
You may have no interest in drugs, but the
government still snoops in your bank account,
monitors your email, and claims the power to
search and seize your property without due

* I want to restore completely your unconditional
right to keep and bear any weapon necessary to
defend yourself and your family. We can't end gun
violence with new laws or by enforcing the laws on
the books now. The gun laws are the principal
_cause_ of gun violence, so we must repeal those

* I _don't_ want to appoint Supreme Court judges
who are "strict constructionists" or who divine
"original intent." I want to appoint judges who
can read the plain language of the Constitution --
who understand that when the Constitution says
"Congress shall make no law," it means _Congress
shall make no law_. I want judges who will strike
down government programs that are not authorized
by the Constitution.

In short, I don't want to slow the growth of
government. I don't even want to stop the growth
of government. I want to _reduce_ government
dramatically -- to the limits imposed by the

  What Freedom Means

I want you to be free to live your life as _you_
want to live it -- not as Al Gore or George Bush
thinks you should.

You're the one who gets up every morning and goes
to work for 8, 10, or 12 hours a day. How dare
politicians like George Bush or Al Gore presume to
decide how much of what you earn you should be
allowed to keep?

I want you to be able to keep _every_ dollar you
earn -- to spend it, save it, give it away as
_you_ think best -- not just the crumbs the
politicians leave for you.

I want you to be able to use your own money to put
your children in a school of your choice --
private, religious, or home school -- without

[CTRL] RadTimes # 74

2000-10-18 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

RadTimes # 74 - October, 2000

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
--Police, Protests, and People's Power
--Eating The Greens [Sony v. environmentalists]
--Update on Josh Harper [was: FBI nabs 'anarchist' fugitive--RT #57]
Begin stories:
Police, Protests, and People's Power

Building Communities of Resistance

 From Turning the Tide v13 n3

by Michael Novick [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The smoke has cleared, figuratively speaking, from the Republican and
Democratic Party conventions in Philadelphia and Los Angeles. With, if not
the whole world, then at least a substantial audience watching, major
demonstrations were held on successive days at both venues; both cities
were subjected to a virtual state of siege by local and state police
forces. Philadelphia and even more so Los Angeles were marked by
significant participation in the protests by local people, young people and
people of color, especially as compared with the prior Seattle and DC
protests targeting corporate globalization.

In Philadelphia, more so than L.A., police resorted to pre-emptive raids,
mass arrests and violence. However, a massive legal unity march in
Philadelphia was unmolested, and the Kensington Welfare Rights Union led a
second, non-permitted march which defied police pressure and threats to
carry out its protest rally successfully. However, for the August 1 RNC
actions targeting the criminal justice system, including police brutality,
the death penalty and the case of Mumia Abu-Jamal, the Philly cops took the
gloves off.

Armed with fraudulent "intelligence" from private right wing
counter-insurgency guru John Rees, the police raided the puppet-making
center. They picked up people on the street, such as an organizer with the
Ruckus Society, whose crime was talking on a cell phone, and held them for
astronomical bails. They made mass arrests and held people under inhumane
conditions, and resisted campaigns to drop or lower the charges.

By comparison, in Los Angeles, the police concentrated on a show of force,
making relatively few arrests. The L.A. cops maintained hands off a large,
spirited rally for Mumia Abu-Jamal the day before the Democratic Convention
opened, but pulled the plug on a legal, permitted evening unity rally the
first night that featured Rage Against the Machine and Ozomatli. On the
pretext of some Black Bloc-ers tossing empty water bottles over the 14-foot
fence that surrounded Staples Center, the cops issued an order to 15,000
people to disperse, then with horses drove back into the protest area those
who actually tried to leave.

The cops unleashed a barrage of flash-bangs, pepper spray and 'rubber'
bullets, shooting people in the head, the back and the chest, sending
homeless organizer Ted Hayes to the hospital, shooting up numerous
clearly-marked legal observers, and both on that first night and in
subsequent confrontations, targeting media personnel. The police attempted
to cover this action up by simultaneously shutting down the nearby
Independent Media Center, which was scheduled to uplink its uncensored
coverage to a satellite, on the flimsy pretext of a (non-existent) bomb threat.

A number of law suits resulted, but more significantly, two major actions
were carried out on Wednesday August 16 despite the police effort to
intimidate protestors. One, a civil disobedience action directed at police
brutality, briefly shut the scandal-ridden LAPD Rampart Division station.
The second, a march and rally opposing police brutality, mass incarceration
and the death penalty, and calling for freedom for all political prisoners,
drew thousands to Pershing Square and marched on Parker Center, LAPD
headquarters, flanked by as many thousands of cops.

People around downtown, especially those from Latin American countries that
had lived under police states, watched with looks of shame, fear and
amazement at this domestic recreation of a state of siege. But
demonstrators refused to be intimidated. A youth march headed back through
downtown to Staples Center, where the police tried to split the
demonstrators up, trapping some inside the expanded protest pit where the
police attack had taken place on Monday night.

A televised stand-off ensued, from which the cops eventually stood down.
The protesters got their comrades back from behind the police lines. Some
marched off to MacArthur Park, near the Direct Action Network Convergence
Center; others marched back to Pershing Square for an impromptu wrap-up
open mike gathering.

On the final night, protesters again defied police orders to stage an
unpermitted march 

Re: [CTRL] Vices are not Crimes

2000-10-18 Thread tenebroust

-Caveat Lector-

I guess some would call it a Libertarian viewpoint.  But in my opinion it is just 
common sense.  If I want to do harm to me, and it does not harm you or your property 
then how can any external agency (ie; Government) legislate against it, or even label 
it a crime?

On Tue, 17 October 2000, Mark McHugh wrote:

"Welcome to the desert of the real."  Morpheus, in The Matrix

"My God it's full of stars!"  Dave Bowman, in 2001: A Space

Free Unlimited Internet Access! Try it now!


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Chcken Hawks

2000-10-18 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-


   There are  literally tens of thousands of dishonest, hypocritical,
cowardly conservatives who supported the Vietnam War while refusing to
personally participate.
   George W. Bush, who rode out Vietnam in the Air National Guard his daddy
got him in. Lt Col Reese R. Bricken, commanding officer of Bush's unit, said
Bush "asked to transfer to a postal unit that met one weekend night per
month, with no other training, no pay, his request was denied."  Hiding out
in the Air National Guard the Bush record shows that in his last 18 months
of service, he failed to show up for a single drill, performing absolutely
no duties."
   Vice-President Gore served his country in uniform from 1969-71, including
a tour in Vietnam.
   House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt served his country in uniform,
   House Minority Whip David Bonior served his country in uniform, 1968-72.
   U.S. Senate Minority Leader  Tom Daschle served his country in uniform,
Compare the Democratic patriots to the armchair cowards in the Republican
   Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert avoided the draft, did not serve.
   Majority Leader Dick Armey avoided the draft, did not serve.
   Majority Whip Tom DeLay avoided the draft, did not serve.
   Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott avoided the draft, did not serve.
   Dick Cheney got a graduate school deferment.
   Pat Buchanon won a deferment for a bad knee.
   Phil Gramm won a marriage deferment.
   Bill Bennett won a graduate school deferment.
   Newt Gingrich won a graduate school deferment. Gingrich sought and won
graduate school deferment, explaining that people on his intelligence level
should not be wasted in war.
   Jack Kemp won a medical deferment for a football injury while  in the
NFL, yet kept on playing while other men were dying.
   Rush Limbaugh won a deferment for an ingrown hair follicle on his butt.
(true story)
   Dan Quayle's family pulled strings to get him in the reserves.
   Pat Robertson was en route to Korea with a combat unit when his U.S.
Senator father detoured him out of harm's way.
   Kenneth Starr won a deferment for psoriasis.
   J.C. Watts  was nowhere in sight when he became draft elgible.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Chcken Hawks

2000-10-18 Thread M.A. Johnson

-Caveat Lector-

Wow ... and with this silly attempt at equivocation NONE
of those purported 'avoiders' wrote their congresscritter
explaining how he LOATHED the military.

Go Figure.


Where is it written in the Constitution, in what section or clause
is it contained, that you may take children from their parents and
parents from their children, and compel them to fight the battle
in any war in which the folly or the wickedness of government may
engage it? -- Daniel Webster

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Interesting, but not yet verified. - Never trust your elites. -

2000-10-18 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-


I have not seen verification of this claim by Chamish, but in situations
like this, one only finds out later.

I would not be surprised if it is true. Barak seems to care more about
the US State Dept. than about his own country. NEVER trust your elites.

-- Nurev
 YOU HEARD IT FIRST by Barry Chamish

 My sources tell me that high ranking IDF officers are seriously
considering the overthrow of Barak. The scenario described to me is the
 When the PLO first ordered its police and peasants to attack IDF
soldiers, Barak issued a command unheard of in any army: soldiers were to
wait until fired on to retaliate. Despite years of politically obedient
appointments, many in the IDF's high command were highly unhappy with
Barak's policy, believing it would lead to Israeli casualties and a
prolonging of the conflict.
 These officers became increasingly frustrated when forbidden to use
force to save a soldier slowly bleeding to death at Joseph's Tomb and later
when the shrine was abandoned. The refusal to react to the kidnapping of
three soldiers on the Lebanese border by Hizbullah turned the frustration
into anger.
 The turning point was the sadistic lynching of two soldiers in
Ramallah. The IDF high command issued the following operational request to
the Defence Minister, Ehud Barak:
 In retaliation for attacks against IDF soldiers by members of Hamas,
Islamic Jihad, the Tanzim, or Fatah, the Israeli Air Force would use 2000
pound bombs to turn their headquarters and other facilities into rubble.
Second, the IDF had filmed Fatah policemen sniping at their soldiers and an
Italian television crew had captured the murderers of the lynched soldiers
on film. The IDF had identified the murderers and wanted them hunted down
and killed immediately.
  Barak turned the recommendation down and instead issued a directive
sending helicopters against insignificant targets only after the PLO had
been given ample warning to abandon them.
  Certain officers now understood that Barak was under international
orders not to utililize the IDF to defend the nation or avenge the murders
of its citizens. The first grumblings of "coup" were heard.
  The final straw was Hizbullah's kidnapping of Colonel Tannenbaum. The
officers knew that he was being tortured and forced to reveal the names,
addresses and all details of IDF staff, strategy, equipment and facilities.
They summoned Barak to mount an operation inside Lebanon involving mass
hostage taking to secure the release of Tannenbaum but were again rebuffed
by Barak.
  Not knowing which demoralizing IDF fiasco was next and fearing that
Israelis would take to the streets to secure the protection their army was
forbidden to provide, high level but still informal discussions to plan a
Barak overthrow gained momentum.
   You heard it first here.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Cults And Mind Control Programming -- Pt. 1 of 8

2000-10-18 Thread Martin F. Abernathy




Subject: Cults And Mind Control Programming -- Pt. 1
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Abemarf)
Date: 10/18/00 9:54 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Svali Speaks

Appendix Equipment Used By Trainers 

Chapter One: 

1)An overview of the Illuminati  
2.)Hierarchy of the Illuminati  
3.)How the Illuminati Make Money 

Chapter Two: Jobs in the Illuminati (Or Why They Spend All That Time Training

Chapter Three: Conspiracy Theory Two, or The Illuminati Plan to Rule The 
(Also know as "Novus Ordem Seclorum)  

Chapter 4:How the Illuminati Program People  

Chapter Five: Colors, Metals and Jewel Programming  

Chapter Six: Brain Wave Programming  

Chapter Seven: Military Programming  

Chapter Eight: CIA , Governmental, and Scholarship programming  

Chapter Nine Programming Linked to Stories, Movies, Cartoons, or Role Play

Chapter Ten: The Sixth Step of Discipline: Betrayal; twinning; internal walls,
structures, geometry  

Chapter Eleven: Suicidal Programming  

Chapter Twelve: Preventing Reaccessing of the Survivor  

Chapter Thirteen: Shell programming, Internal Councils, Human Experimentation,
Function Codes  

Chapter Fourteen: Spiritual Programming  

Chapter Fifteen: Core Splits, Denial Programming, the last Five Steps of
Discipline Virtual Reality Programming  


Svali Speaks

About the author: 

Hi, my name is Svali. Both I and my entire family were involved in a cult 
until several years ago, when we broke free. I used to be a programmer in the
cult, and now I want to share the knowledge that I have to help others.

It is possible to break free of cult abuse if a person is involved. It is a
long, heart-breaking process, but well worth it. In the articles that I will 
providing, I hope to help the survivor of cult abuse find tools to help in
their journey towards freedom. 
I have been a consultant to an on-line survivors group that helps people
dealing with issues related to cult programming and becoming free, for the 
year and a half. I myself have been in therapy for ritual abuse and DID for
nine years, with the last five being aware of the recent cult abuse. 

I am also a writer, and a registered nurse. I currently work as a diabetic
educator in Texas 20 hours a week. 
I have also self-published a book on breaking free of cult programming, which
several experts in the field have said has "invaluable information" for the
survivor of ritual abuse. 
Both my ex-husband and my two children broke free of cult abuse last year. My
children are living with me while my husband is working on healing. They all
have DID (dissociative identity disorder, formerly known as multiple
personality disorder) as well, which makes life at home interesting! I am
currently married to my second husband, who is also a recovered DID and who 
out of the cult five years ago.

Other articles by Svali:

Ritual Abuse @ Suite 101
7 September 2000

On Having Need
Guest article on the struggles survivors of ritual abuse have in learning to
trust and to feel that they deserve to exist and have needs.

Complex poly-fragmentation: a coping mechanism for the Survivor

12 Aug 2000
Therapists Speak out on Healing
Article discusses topic of what helps in healing from ritual abuse, from the
perspective of therapists in the field. *Important note: this article is not
meant to be therapy, and only offers general opinions

28 Jul 2000
Therapists Speak Out on Ritual Abuse
Therapists discuss: is ritual abuse real? And some of their opinions on this

16 Jul 2000
A Survivor's Testimony: article by Kim Campbell
Description of one survivor's healing from ritual abuse, and the process of
deliverance, from a Christian perspective.

2 July 2000 Breaking Free of the Cult An article that
addresses issues facing the person who wishes to leave a transgenerational
cult, including safety  

16 June 2000 How the Cult Programs People: Part Two Second half of 
on cult programming  

15 June 2000 How the Cult Programs People Brief description of
some of the ways the Illuminati program their members. Warning: may be
triggering to survivors, please use caution and stay safe.  

3 June 2000 How the Cult Makes Money Describes activities
the cult is engaged in to make money  

21 May 2000 

[CTRL] Fwd: Cults And Mind Control Programming -- Pt. 2 of 8

2000-10-18 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

Subject: Cults And Mind Control Programming -- Pt. 2
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Abemarf)
Date: 10/18/00 9:56 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Next there will be a military takeover, region by region, as the government
declares a state of emergency and martial law. People will have panicked,
will be an anarchical state in most localities, and the government will
its move as being necessary to control panicked citizens. The cult trained
military leaders and people under their direction will use arms as well as
crowd control techniques to implement this new state of affairs. This is why
many survivors under 36 years of age report having military programming.
who are not Illuminists or who are not sympathetic to their cause, will
The Illuminists expect this and will be (and are BEING) trained in how to deal
with this eventuality. They are training their people in hand-to- hand combat,
crowd control, and, if necessary, will kill to control crowds. The Illuminati
is training their people to be prepared for every possible reaction to the
takeover. Many mind control victims will also be called into duty with preset
command codes. These codes are meant to call out a new, completely cult loyal
presenting system. Shatter codes programmed under trauma will be used to
destroy or bury non-cult loyal alters.

Military bases will be set up, in each locality (actually, they are already
here, but are covert). In the next few years, they will go above ground and be
revealed. Each locality will have regional bases and leaders to which they are
accountable. The hierarchy will closely reflect the current covert hierarchy.

About five years ago, when I left the Illuminati, approximately 1% of the US
population was either part of the Illuminati, sympathetic to it, or a victim
Mind Control (and therefore considered useable). While this may not sound like
many, imagine 1% of the population highly trained in the use of armaments,
crowd control, psychological and behavioral techniques, armed with weapons and
linked to paramilitary groups.

These people will also be completely dedicated to their cause. The Illuminati
firmly believes that it can easily overcome the other 99% of the population,
most of whom are untrained, or poorly trained, such as "weekend hunters." Even
the local military will be overcome as the Illuminati will have regional cell
groups with highly trained leaders. They also count on the element of surprise
helping them during their takeover. Many of the highest leaders in the militia
branch of the Illuminati are or have been officers in the military, and so
already have a good knowledge of which techniques will work best to overcome a
region's or locality's defenses.

After the military takeover, the general population will be given a chance to
either espouse the Illuminati's cause, or reject it (with imprisonment, pain,
even death being possible punishments). These people very much believe that
intelligent, or "enlightened" or Illuminated, were born to rule. They are
arrogant, and consider the general population as "dumb sheep" who will be
easily led if offered strong leadership, financial help in an unstable world
economy, and dire consequences if the person rebels. Their utter ruthlessness,
and ability to implement this agenda, should not be minimized.

The Illuminati banking leaders, such as the Rothschilds, the Van derBilts, the
Rockefellers, the Carnegies, and the Mellons, as examples, will reveal
themselves, and offer to "save" the floundering world economy. A new system of
monetary exchange, based on an international monetary system, and based
Cairo, Egypt, and Brussels, Belgium, will be set up. A true "one world
economy", creating the longed for "one world order", will become reality.

There is more to the Illuminist agenda, but these are the basics of it. This
agenda is what the Illuminati really, truly, believe, teach, and train for.
They are willing to give their lives up in this cause, in order to teach the
next generation, as they believe that their children are their legacy. I was
told that my children's generation would see this takeover, sometime in the
21st century. At present, the Illuminati have quietly and covertly fostered
their takeover plan by their goals of the infiltration of:

1.The media
2.The banking system
3.The educational system
4.The government, both local and federal
5.The sciences
6.The churches

They are currently, and have been working the last several hundred years, on
taking over these 6 areas. They do NOT go to an institution, and say "hi, I'm
local Illuminist, and I'd like to take over your bank. Instead, they begin by
having several people quietly invest funds over several years, gradually
more and more shares in the bank (or other institution that they wish to
control), until they have a financial controlling interest in it. They never
openly disclose their agenda, or their cult activities, 

[CTRL] Fwd: Cults And Mind Control Programming -- Pt. 3 of 8

2000-10-18 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

Subject: Cults And Mind Control Programming -- Pt. 3
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Abemarf)
Date: 10/18/00 9:58 PM Eastern Daylight Time

First step: to not need

The small toddler/child is placed in a room without any sensory stimulus,
usually a training room with gray, white, or beige walls. The adult leaves and
the child is left alone, for periods of time: these may vary from hours, to an
entire day as the child grows older. If the child begs the adult to stay, and
not leave, or screams, the child is beaten, and told that the periods of
isolation will increase until they learn to stop being weak. The ostensible
purpose of this discipline is to teach the child to rely on its own internal
resources, and not on outside people ("strengthen it"). What it actually does
is create a huge terror of abandonment within the child. When the adult, or
trainer, returns to the room, the child is often found rocking itself, or
hugging itself in a corner, occasionally almost catatonic from fear. The
trainer will then "rescue" the child, feed and give it something to drink and
bond with the child as their "savior". The trainer will tell them the "family"
told the trainer to rescue the child, because its family "loves" it. The
trainer will instill cult teachings, at this point, into the helpless,
and almost insanely grateful child who has just been "rescued" from isolation.
The trainer will reinforce in the child over and over how much it "needs " its
family, who just rescued it from death by starvation or abandonment. This will
teach the very young toddler to associate comfort and security with bonding
with its trainer, who may be one of its parents, and being with "family"
members. The cult is very aware of child developmental principles, and has
developed exercises like the above after hundreds of years of teaching very
young children.

Second step: to not want

This step is very similar to the first step, and actually reinforces it. It
will be done intermittently with the first step over the next few years of the
child's life. Again, the child is left alone in a training room, or isolated
room, without food or water for a long period of time. An adult will enter the
room, with a large pitcher of ice water, or food. If the child asks for
as the adult is eating or drinking in front of the child, he/she is severely
punished for being weak and needy. This step is reinforced, until the child
learns not to ask for food or water unless it is offered first. The ostensible
reason the cult gives for this step is that it creates a child who is strong,
and can go without food and water for longer and longer periods of time. The
real reason this is done is that it creates a child who is completely
dissociated from its own needs for food, water, or other comforts, who becomes
afraid to ask outside adults for help. This creates in the child a
hyper-vigilance as she/he learns to look for outside adults for cues on when
is okay to fulfill needs, and not to trust her/his own body signals. The child
is already learning to look outside itself to others to learn how it should
think or feel, instead of trusting its own feelings. The cult now becomes the
locus of control for the child.

Third step: to not wish

The child is placed in a room with favorite toys, or objects. A kind adult
comes into the room and engages the child in play. This adult my be a friend,
aunt, parent, or trainer. The child and adult may engage in fantasy play about
the child's secret wishes, dreams, or wants. This will occur on several
occasions, and the child's trust is slowly gained. At some later point, the
child is severely punished for any aspect of wishing or fantasy shared with
adult, including the destruction of favorite toys, going in and undoing or
destroying secret safe places the child may have created, or even destroying
non cult protectors. This step is repeated, with variations, many times over
the ensuing years. Occasionally, the child's siblings, parents, or friends
be used to reveal inside fantasies the child has revealed to them during the
daytime, or in unguarded moments. The ostensible reason the cult gives for
step is to create a child who doesn't fantasize, who is more outwardly
directed, less inwardly directed. In other words, the child is to look to
adults for permission in all aspects of its life, including internal. The
reality is that this step destroys all safe places the child has created
internally, to retreat from the horrors it is experiencing. This step creates
in the child the feeling that there is no true safety, that the cult will find
out everything it thinks. Exercises like this are also used to create young
alters in the child who will self report to the cult trainers any secret safe
places, or covert wishes against the cult, that other alters have. This will
then begin to set up intersystem hostility and divisiveness, which the cult
will manipulate throughout 

[CTRL] Fwd: Cults And Mind Control Programming -- Pt. 4 of 8

2000-10-18 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

Subject: Cults And Mind Control Programming -- Pt. 4
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Abemarf)
Date: 10/18/00 10:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Suggestions that may help with these forms of programming :

Color programming: it is important to have good internal communication with
both internal alters and an outside therapist while working on color
programming. If an individual finds that certain parts believe that they are a
certain color, or if this comes up in therapy, they will want to find out if
possible how they came to have this belief system. Slowly discovering how the
colors were put in will help. Grieving for the vast amount of deception, the
amount of abuse heaped on the child, and the very young alters who were the
original templates may occur. These parts may be barely verbal, and may want
draw their experiences, or use colors in collages (with the help of older
inside), to describe to a safe outside person what their reality has been.
Validating to them that they are NOT just a color, that they are part of a
whole person, may help. The survivor may see colored overlays for awhile, as
they are undoing this programming, as parts inside share their memories. This
is normal, although it may feel uncomfortable to see objects as yellow or
green, for example. Grounding oneself, having cognitives do reality
orientation, and patience will help the survivor work through this time.

Jewel programming and metals may be more complex, since the child's sense of
special ness, pride and status may be bound up in these alters. Rubies,
emeralds and diamonds are considered "high alters" inside and are used to
leadership roles, both internally and externally. Acknowledging their
importance to the system; listening to them grieve at leaving the cult, which
meant giving up their status externally, and giving them new positions inside
that are important can help. They can become system leaders in helping the
person stay safe, once they make the decision to leave the cult, and become
strong allies. But they will often be among the most resistant, and even
hostile, to the idea of leaving the cult at first, since they have only known
and remembered being rewarded for jobs well done, and have learned to "pass
down" the traumas to "lower parts" inside. They will often honestly not
they have been abused, and will only remember being petted or allowed to lead,
or being told they were special, valued. Listening to how they feel;
acknowledging that leaving means giving up things that were important to them,
finding out what needs motivated them, and trying to find healthy outlets for
them to get their needs met outside of cult meetings will help. Letting a
have leadership within, or chair internal meetings may make up for loss of
external leadership when the survivor leaves the cult.

Acknowledging their importance to the survivor is also important. Recognize
that these parts are EXTREMELY dissociated from their own abuse/trauma, and
in no hurry to remember. But both the survivor and a good therapist can bring
reality gently to them, as they let them know that they were abused; that they
are actually part of the "lower emotional parts" who were abused, and will
eventually need to acknowledge this. This task takes time and good outside
support to accomplish. Allow them to vent their feelings. They will often be
highly cognitive at first, but feelings will come, especially grieving, then
pain at having been deceived by the cult, then the anguish of realizing that
the abuse they passed down to others inside was actually happening to them.
They may become quite depressed at this stage, but will also lend tremendous
stability and strength to the system, in staying safe and cult free, once they
have reached this stage.

These are some thoughts on color, metals, and jewel programming. Other types
programming will be addressed in the next chapter.

Chapter Six: Brain Wave Programming

In this chapter I will address brain wave programming. Brain wave programming,
like any other programming, will depend on several factors.

These include: the child's ability to dissociate; the region of the country or
which country the child grows up in; the level of ability of the trainers the
child has contact with; physical resources and equipment available. There is
one "recipe" that fits every person and it would be ridiculous to state that
all people who go through brain wave programming have it done the same way.
More and more, programmers are talking, sharing knowledge over the net, both
nationally and internationally, and sharing both successes and failures. But
there is no one standardized methodology for brain wave programming. It will
often be influenced by the child herself, as well as the trainer's whims.
Different groups may organize the systems differently, or try to achieve
different effects.

All of this said, what is brain wave programming? Simply put, brain wave

[CTRL] Quigley's CLASSIC TRAGEDY AND HOPE Online!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2000-10-18 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Cults And Mind Control Programming -- Pt. 6 of 8

2000-10-18 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

Subject: Cults And Mind Control Programming -- Pt. 6
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Abemarf)
Date: 10/18/00 10:04 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Chapter Ten: The Sixth step of Discipline: Betrayal; Twinning, Internal walls,
Structures, Geometry

This chapter will address the sixth step of discipline in the Illuminati:
Betrayal programming.

Betrayal programming will begin in infancy, but will be formalized at around
ages six to seven, and continue on into adulthood. The sixth step can be
summarized as : "betrayal is the greatest good." The Illuminists teach this to
their children as a very important spiritual principle. They idealize betrayal
as being the true state of man. The quick witted, the adept, learns this
quickly and learns to manipulate it.

The child will learn this principle through set up after set up. The child
be placed in situations where an adult who is kindly, and in set up after set
up "rescues" the child, gains its trust. The child looks up to the adult as a
"savior" after the adult intervenes and protects the child several times.
months or even a year of bonding, one day in a set up the child will turn to
the adult for help. The adult will back away, mocking the child, and begin
abusing it. This sets in place the programming: adults will always betray a
child and other adults.

Another set up will involve twinning, which deserves special mention here. The
Illuminati will often create twin bonds in their children. The ideal is to
a set of real twins, but of course this is not always possible. So, the child
is allowed to play with, and become close to, another child in the cult from
earliest childhood. At some point early on, the child will be told that the
other child is actually their "twin", and that they were separated at birth.
They are told that this is a great secret and not to tell anyone, on pain of
punishment. The child, who is often lonely and isolated, is overjoyed. It has
twin, someone who has a special bond to them by birth.

The children do everything together. They are taught together, do military
training together. They tell each other secrets. They are also frequently
friends in the daytime as well. They are taught to cross access each other
as real siblings would be.

But at some point, they will be forced to hurt each other. If one "twin" is
considered expendable, the ultimate set up will be one in which one twin is
forced to die while the other watches. One twin may gather secrets from the
other twin, be forced to disclose them to a trainer or cult leader, then may
forced to kill the other. One twin may be forced to hit, or hurt the other. If
they refuse, the other twin will be brutalized by the trainer, and the
twin told that the child was hurt because of their refusal to comply. Many
setups will involve one twin being forced to betray the other, turning on the
other child after intense programming. This betrayal set up will devastate
children, and they will learn the true lesson: trust no one. Betray, or be

The children will also have adult role models on every hand, since the cult is
a very political, hierarchical, back stabbing society. Adults are constantly
betraying each other, stepping over each other to move up. The children will
watch one adult being praised, advanced, because they betrayed others below
them, or set them up to fail. The children will learn quickly to mimic the
adults around them, and both adults and children can become quite cynical as
human nature. They will have seen it at its worst, whether in training
sessions, the brutality of a C.O. in military, or the gossip and back stabbing
that occurs before and after rituals. They also incorporate the message
internally: play the game, or be run over. Even the youngest children learn to
manipulate others adeptly, at a very young age, while the adults laugh at how
quickly they are learning adult ways. People manipulation is considered a fine
art in the cult, and those who do it best, as in any group, often win out.

Betrayal programming may have totally shattered the survivor's trust in
people. It will take a therapist a long, long time to gain the survivor's
trust. These are people who were taught over and over again that talking,
sharing one's secrets, would be punished harshly. Inside littles will be very
cautious at first, not trusting that the therapist is not just another trainer
who will one day shout "aha!" and betray them if they begin to trust. This
trust building takes time and patience, and must be earned through session
after session where the therapist shows trustworthiness and non abusiveness.
Survivors will test therapists over and over again, to see if they really are
what they say they are. This is a normal part of the therapy process.
may even try to back away from therapy, or outside support, as true caring
support will "wig them out", i.e. conflict incredibly with 

[CTRL] Fwd: Cults And Mind Control Programming -- Pt. 5 of 8

2000-10-18 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

Subject: Cults And Mind Control Programming -- Pt. 5
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Abemarf)
Date: 10/18/00 10:03 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Chapter Eight: CIA , Governmental, and Scholarship programming.

Some systems will have internal CIA programming. Some of the methods mentioned
in earlier chapters, such as brain wave programming and color coding were
developed in part through funding by the CIA in the 1950's and 1960's.
intelligence officers working in Langley, Virginia, used these government
to conduct research on human subjects. They reported what they were learning
trainers throughout the U.S. and Europe.

CIA programming can include having alters in a system trained in different
techniques of both finding a target, and studying the target without being
detected. The end result of tagging the victim can include having a sexual
assignation with the target, or may involve having people inside trained to
assassinate a target.

These are complex programming sequences, and are put in over years of
with periodic reinforcement. Alters may be trained to become hyper aware of
their environment, and able to overhear conversations that are whispered.
Internal recorders are taught to download these conversations, as well as
info. Photographic recall is emphasized, as the person will be hypnotized or
put into a delta state for "downloading" information to the trainer or CIA

The survivor with CIA programming will have been taught extensively how to
"drop a tag" (detect anyone following them, and ditch them). This training
be begun in early childhood and built upon as the child grows older. They will
often be taken into a neutral colored training room. They may be drugged, or
hypnotized, usually a combination of both.

They will be shown training films of how a CIA operative works. They will be
told that they are "special", "chosen", "one in a thousand" who is the only
who can do this special work. They are told that they get to be a secret agent
for the CIA. The young child, having no idea who the CIA is, focuses on the
fact that they have been chosen because they are special, needed, and will be
eager to please. The child will be taken to a dinner party, or a drama set up
by the trainer. There will be a group, anywhere from ten to sixteen people at
the "party". Afterwards, the child will be questioned by the trainer
extensively. Who was sitting where? What were they wearing? What color were
their eyes? Their hair? Who gave the speech? What did they say? The child will
be praised for correct answers, but punished, shocked if unable to recall
details. This is to reinforce natural photographic memory, and assist the
with recording details. The next few times, the child's abilities will
as it wants to avoid punishment.

In the next level of training the child will be asked to observe, and figure
out: who is the most important person in the room? Why? They will be taught
body movements, and mannerisms, that give nonverbal clues away. The child may
be taught to approach important adults, or an assigned target, first in role
play, later in real life, and engage them in innocuous conversation while
looking for information they have been clued to get. They may be taught to be
innocently seductive, and will be dressed for the part. They will frequently
taught to lure the target into having intercourse with them.

An older youth, or adult, will also be taught not only how to lure a target
into bed, but later how to kill them, if they are an assassination target,
while they are asleep or relaxing after sexual relations. They will be taught
to go through the target's belongings for any information needed by the
or cult leader. Often, before an assignment for an assassination, the cult
member will be indoctrinated with reasons why killing the victim is a service
to humanity. They will be lied to and told that they are the head of a porno
ring, a pedophile, or a brutal villain. This will engage the assassin's
anger towards the person, and will motivate them, while helping to overcome
their natural moral reluctance and guilt at killing a human being.

They will be taught how to disguise themselves, with change of clothing, sex
(masquerading as the opposite sex), makeup, contact lenses, and get out of the
situation safely. They will be taught how to overcome interrogation techniques
with extensive training and hypnosis, in case they are ever caught. They will
be taught to self suicide with a pill or dagger, if they are ever apprehended,
in most cases.


CIA programming will involve the use of sophisticated technology to reinforce
its effectiveness, and can be difficult to break. It may involve the person
being traumatized in isolation tanks (this will also be done with brain wave
programming). It may involve sensory deprivation, sensory overload, isolation,
sleep deprivation. It may involve hours 

[CTRL] What a tangled web.

2000-10-18 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject:  Govern Without Lies? No Way, says Gov't
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 12:33:51 -0500
From: Jim Hardin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

U.S. News

Federally speaking, a fine kettle of fish. A new law is tying
prosecutors in knots.

By Chitra Ragavan

Two Octobers ago, Congress passed a funny little law.
It was named after its  sponsor, Pennsylvania Republican
Joseph McDade, but for the congressman, there  was
nothing funny about it. The Justice Department had spent
eight years  investigating McDade on racketeering charges.
He was finally acquitted by a jury  in 1996, but by then
McDade's health and spirits were broken. The McDade bill
 was his payback to Justice. It simply requires federal
prosecutors to comply  with state ethics laws.

No big deal? Not quite. In August, the Oregon Supreme
Court forbade all lawyers in the state to lie, or encourage
others to lie, cheat, or misrepresent  themselves. Under
McDade, the ruling now applies to Oregon's federal
prosecutors. "We've handcuffed the agents," says senior
FBI official David  Knowlton, "not the criminals."
The U.S. attorney for the Oregon district,  Kristine Olson,
has informed the FBI and other federal investigative agencies
that she cannot OK agents or informants to assume false
identities, wear body  wires, or engage in undercover activities. 

Federal prosecutors despise the McDade law.
David Margolis,  a senior Justice  Department official and a
veteran organized-crime prosecutor, says McDade has  had
a major chilling effect. "Even I wouldn't go out on a limb,"
he says.  Justice officials are trying to gut the law before
Congress goes out of session  this week. The department
warned lawmakers in 1998 that prosecutors would be  lost
in a morass of quirky state ethics laws;especially during
complicated  multistate investigations. But defense lawyers
won the day. "Why should  prosecutors be exempt from
rules that apply to all other lawyers in that state?" says
Mark Holscher, lawyer for former Los Alamos scientist Wen
Ho Lee. So far, no court has dismissed a case or excluded
evidence on the basis of McDade.  "These are crocodile
tears," says veteran defense lawyer Irv Nathan.

Major headache. The biggest headache for prosecutors is
the American Bar Association's controversial Model Rule
4.2, adopted by many states. It prohibits  prosecutors from
contacting people represented by lawyers without first talking
to the attorneys. Remember when Kenneth Starr's prosecutors
ignored Monica  Lewinsky's tearful entreaties to call her lawyer?
They got away with it because,  since 1989, Justice has defied
Rule 4.2.

No more. Prosecutors now say adhering to 4.2 has hurt
white-collar probes, where securing the cooperation of informers
is often vital. In an investigation  of Alaska Airlines last year,
company lawyers barred federal agents from  questioning
employees. Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont says, "The pendulum
has  swung too far in the other direction." But House Judiciary
Committee Chairman  Henry Hyde of Illinois says he's not
inclined to repeal McDade. "That doesn't  mean I'm for crooks,"
Hyde says. "I'm for ethical behavior both by law  enforcement
and by defense counsel." Watching the fight from the sidelines
is  Joe McDade, now 69. "I didn't read about it. I lived it," he says,
of  prosecutorial zealotry. "The effort is not justice. The effort is
to break a  citizen."

Sent to J.A.I.L. by Larry Bolin, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

J.A.I.L. is an acronym for (Judicial Accountability Initiative  Law)
JAIL's very informative website is found at



CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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2000-10-18 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

SFTT Survey: Money Wasters
Ed.: A few examples of the waste and deception categories...
Ed.: Rank oftentimes has very expensive privileges...

B.B. writes:

Thought this was interesting: The CG of 4ID has a sleep van, from what I have
been told by a member of the 704th DSB. It's a 20ft expandable MILVAN that
has sleep compartments for the CG, the Assistant Division Commanders for
maneuver and support and the Command Sergeant Major.

I heard that from one of the HEMMT drivers who hauls the thing around. He
said it was a pretty nice to stay in when in the field...

Whatever happened to sleeping, eating, and taking only what the lowest level
soldier has? Basic leadership 101. Just my opinion! But what do I know? I am
only a junior leader who was trying to do his job.

Now I'm off of active duty and it's because of that sort of conduct!


In my 10 years in the military I have found that the largest group of money
wasters are the supply people.

Ever notice how their uniforms, boots, battle gear and any other issued items
look brand new. That's because it's usually no more than a few weeks old.
Thank you for asking -- I have always wanted to tell someone that.
Ed.: Maybe not a money waster but a Grand Deception...
An Old Vet

My son enlisted in the Army and reported to Fort Jackson, SC 3 weeks ago. He
still has not started his training. He tells me there have been "thousands"
of new recruits sitting around the reception barracks since before 1 October
2000. Appears like the Army wanted to make sure it met the FY 2000 recruiting
goals and pushed recruits in, regardless of it's ability to process them.

Originally, my son had asked for a reporting date of October 15. He was told
that was impossible, as he had to be in basic by October 1st.
Ed.: Glad to hear some units get it right - CONGRATS!
A Lieutenant:

Our BDE XO (an Armor Guy), MAJ Wyrick, did things right. He had XO/S4
meetings beginning in July to work up an end of year order of merit spending
list. We tracked the budget weekly with a goal for every unit to spend money
by Sep 15, the funding cutoff date.

As far as I could tell, all monies were spent on good items such as new
tentage for subordinate units and a few smaller purchases.


Voices from the Frontlines

Talk the Talk but Walk the Walk

By a future Officer:

The article you wrote in SFTT about the military leaders is so true.

Granted, I am just at a service academy right now, but it is awfully
disillusioning to see the seemingly non-warrior types get the brass.

I'm not someone who aspires for great rank and reputation - just want to blow
stuff up pretty much- thought I joined the right organization, but I was
wrong. You should at least be enthusiastic about getting your commission at
an academy, but I don't even know that many people are. Once you get out and
discover that combat positions take more out of you than is necessary for the
service of your nation (you're doing far more work to defend against the
human relations dep. than your country).

You know even if I don't get to do that, I should at least be working with
and for some of the most loyal people around. I don't like to act like I'm
the meanest dude around, but you gotta have the meanest dudes in leadership,
the ones with the enthusiasm that can carry a group of men to do incredible
feats, and I fail to find that now...

Message to the Politicians

A senior Army NCO:

Do the blind politicians really believe we are anywhere close to the force we
where in 1990.

We are not even close -- training is a joke, just check the block. Having
been in the infantry for 13 years, I'm not sure it's worth it anymore. They
won't take care of my family now. I can imagine what they will get when I am

I am sick of all the politicians getting on TV and pretending their prayers
go out to the servicemen killed or injured. Hell, they can't even take care
of us now -- broken gear, broken housing half of my soldiers on WIC or
welfare. We can't even get a decent raise.

They should try living on my check for a couple of months. Someone should
come and talk to the troops because morale really sucks. Thanks for the vent
-- Hooahh!!

[CTRL] THE NATION- The End Of Oslo

2000-10-18 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-

COMMENT | October 30, 2000

The End of Oslo

 Misreported and flawed from the start, the Oslo peace process has entered
its terminal phase of violent confrontation, disproportionately massive
Israeli repression, widespread Palestinian rebellion and great loss of life,
mainly Palestinian. Ariel Sharon's September 28 visit to Haram al Sharif
could not have occurred without Ehud Barak's concurrence; how else could
Sharon have appeared there with at least a thousand soldiers guarding him?
Barak's approval rating rose from 20 to 50 percent after the visit, and the
stage seems set for a national unity government ready to be still more
violent and repressive.

The portents of this disarray, however, were there from the 1993 start, as I
duly noted in The Nation (September 20, 1993). Labor and Likud leaders alike
made no secret of the fact that Oslo was designed to segregate the
Palestinians in noncontiguous, economically unviable enclaves, surrounded by
Israeli-controlled borders, with settlements and settlement roads punctuating
and essentially violating the territories' integrity. Expropriations and
house demolitions proceeded inexorably through the Rabin, Peres, Netanyahu
and Barak administrations, along with the expansion and multiplication of
settlements (200,000 Israeli Jews added to Jerusalem, 200,000 more in Gaza
and the West Bank), military occupation continuing and every tiny step taken
toward Palestinian sovereignty--including agreements to withdraw in
minuscule, agreed-upon phases--stymied, delayed, canceled at Israel's will.

This method was politically and strategically absurd. Occupied East Jerusalem
was placed out of bounds by a bellicose Israeli campaign to decree the
intractably divided city off-limits to West Bank and Gaza Palestinians and to
claim it as Israel's "eternal, undivided capital." The 4 million Palestinian
refugees--now the largest and longest existing such population anywhere--were
told that they could forget about return or compensation. With his own
corrupt and repressive regime supported by both Israel's Mossad and the CIA,
Yasir Arafat continued to rely on US mediation, even though the US
negotiating team was dominated by former Israeli lobby officials and a
President whose ideas about the Middle East showed no understanding of the
Arab-Islamic world. Compliant but isolated and unpopular Arab chiefs
(especially Egypt's Hosni Mubarak) were humiliatingly compelled to toe the
American line, thereby further diminishing their eroded credibility at home.
Israel's priorities were always put first. No attempt was made to address the
injustice done when the Palestinians were dispossessed in 1948.

Back of the peace process were two unchanging Israeli/American
presuppositions, both of them derived from a startling incomprehension of
reality. The first was that after enough punishment and beating, Palestinians
would give up, accept the compromises Arafat did in fact accept and call the
whole Palestinian cause off, thereafter excusing Israel for everything it has
done. Thus, the "peace process" gave no considered attention to immense
Palestinian losses of land and goods, or to the links between past
dislocation and present statelessness, while as a nuclear power with a
formidable military, Israel continued to claim the status of victim and
demand restitution for genocidal anti-Semitism in Europe. There has still
been no official acknowledgment of Israel's (by now amply documented)
responsibility for the tragedy of 1948. But one can't force people to forget,
especially when the daily reality is seen by all Arabs as reproducing the
original injustice.

Second, after seven years of steadily worsening economic and social
conditions for Palestinians everywhere, Israeli and US policy-makers
persisted in trumpeting their successes, excluding the United Nations and
other interested parties, bending the partisan media to their wills,
distorting the actuality into ephemeral victories for "peace." With the
entire Arab world up in arms over Israeli helicopter gunships and tanks
demolishing Palestinian civilian buildings, with almost 100 fatalities and
almost 2,000 wounded, including many children, and with Palestinian Israelis
rising up against their treatment as third-class citizens, the misaligned and
skewed status quo is falling apart. Isolated in the UN and unloved everywhere
in the Arab world as Israel's unconditional champion, the United States and
its lame-duck President have little to contribute.

Neither does the Arab and Israeli leadership, even though they are likely to
cobble up another interim agreement. Extraordinary has been the virtual
silence of the Zionist peace camp in the United States, Europe and Israel.
The slaughter of Palestinian youths goes on while they back Israeli brutality
or express disappointment at Palestinian ingratitude. Worst of all are the US
media, cowed by the fearsome Israeli lobby, with commentators and anchors


2000-10-18 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


18 October 2000 - "USS Cole and American Vulnerabilities"

"When we assumed the Soldier, we did not lay aside the Citizen."
General George Washington, New York Legislature, 1775

"Our militia will be heroes, if we have heroes to lead them."
Thomas Jefferson

Soldiers For The Truth Foundation, PO Box 63840, Colorado Springs, CO

SITREP from the President

Hack's Column
No More Coles and No More Snow Jobs

"Through the Primary Gun Sight"
Article 1 - Remember the USS Cole

The Big Picture:
Article 2 - Anthrax Shots Cause Military Exodus
Article 3 - Officer calls refueling stop at Aden port 'buffoonery'

Voice of the Grunt:
Article 4 - SITREP: SNAFU in Kuwait
Article 5 -- Navy: Former Radford Commander Battles to Save Reputation
Article 6 - Navy: The Reduction of US Navy Repair Capabilities
Article 7 -- USMC: Life in the Mass Production Scheme
Article 8 - USMC: Marine Warriors treated like Children
Article 9 -- SFTT Survey: Money Wasters
Article 10 - Comments from the Frontlines
Article 11 - Army: Thin out the Officer Ranks and Rebuild the NCO Corps
Article 12 - Come Talk to Us!
Article 13 -- Quality of Life Update

G.I Humor:
Article 14 -- GI HUMOR - Joint Rules for Army-Navy Game

Medal of Honor:
Article 15 -- GARY, DONALD ARTHUR, WWII - Pacific


1. Main topics: 1) The USS Cole 2) US Vulnerabilities 3) Military waste 4)
Morale and discipline 5) Voices from the Frontlines 6) Quality of

2. Hot Buttons:

A. I am interested in the following feedback:

* Do you think the USS Cole bombing could have been prevented?
* Are our forces vulnerable to sabotage and terrorism by political neglect?

Feel free to send me hot topics directly if you can't get through the
admin/log net -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

B. The WEBPAGE. Webmaster, John Cloven is continually working on improving
the site. Thanks for your feedback.

C. DONATIONS. Thank you for your continuing support. Please continue you
donations to help the peasant Army grow. WE ARE making a difference! Thanks
for supporting an organization that stands for the Truth, even if it
questions every rule of political correctness.

D. Keep the mail coming!!! We won't reveal your true identity unless you give
us your approval. We know how vindictive the "system" is.

3. How to help:

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!!! If you think we HIT a target, forward the newsletter to TV, radio and
your local papers. YOU are the frontline recruiters and intel gatherers for

Check or Money order: Send to and make payable to: Soldiers For The Truth
Foundation, PO Box 63840, Colorado Springs, CO 80962-3840.

Your donation is tax deductible! SFTT is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit educational
foundation, IRS # 31-1592564.

If you send us an E-MAIL address with your donation we can immediately mail
you a RECEIPT.
Multiple contributions: Please remind us when you submit your donation. We
will send you a cumulative statement.

Prepare for Action -- "Crew Ready! -- LOAD SABOT - DRIVER MOVE OUT!"

R.W. Zimmermann
President SFTT

Hack's Column
No More Coles and No More Snow Jobs

By David Hackworth

Seventeen American sailors were killed last week. Did these young men and
women die because their seniors failed to do their duty?

That's the question Congress should ask President Bill Clinton, Defense
Secretary Bill Cohen and the uniformed brass from Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen.
Hugh Shelton to Navy Chief Adm. Vern Clark to the skipper of the destroyer
USS Cole.

Last month, U.S. intelligence warned that an attack on an American warship in
that dangerous region was in the wind. Simultaneously, superterrorist Osama
bin Laden and some like-minded rats ranted on Arab TV about making Americans

So why did the brass send sailors into the Port of Aden like grunts onto
Hamburger Hill, when only days before our State Department had closed its
embassies in that area because of terrorist threats?

If State was worried about the risk to embassy personnel in Aden -- long
known as a terrorist snake pit where only two days before thousands of
Yemenis took to the streets calling for a holy war -- why didn't the brass
show the same concern for our sailors? And why didn't the Cole refuel at sea
or at least in the outer harbor of Aden, where the ship could've been
protected by gun crews capable of blowing a suicide craft out of the water
before it got danger-close?

Almost before the smoke drifted away from the Cole, the White House launched
into its too familiar after-the-terrorist-attack damage control. First
Clinton addressed the nation using the 


2000-10-18 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Navy: Former Radford Commander Battles to Save Reputation
Ed.: CDR Chang continues to fight the military bureaucracy. Another commander
hung out to dry to cover for deeper readiness problems, similar to the case
of Airborne commander LTC Ellerbee.

By William H. McMichael, Navy Times

Cmdr. Daniel Chang is fighting back.

"It's a matter of honor," said his lawyer, Charles W. Gittins. "The Navy put
him in a bad position. And then when it blew up ... they basically cut Danny
loose. And then they rub his nose in it by releasing all this stuff that's
not supposed to be public, to make the Navy look good."

Chang was commander of the destroyer Radford when its bow was nearly sliced
off Feb. 4, 1999, by a Saudi container ship.

At the time, the Radford was circling a calibration buoy at night off the
Virginia coast. Chang had left the ship in the hands of his officer of the
deck and was in his sea cabin until seconds before the collision, which
injured at least eight sailors and caused $23 million in damage to the
Radford. Chang, who had been in command for about 100 days, testified during
a civil trial on the matter that he inherited a woefully under trained crew
with poor watch standing skills, and that he'd made this clear to the
commander of his destroyer squadron. Watch standers failed to inform him of
the approaching container ship, contrary to his standing orders.

The situation seemed indicative of readiness woes shared by other Navy ships.
But Chang was relieved of command. Ultimately, the court placed the bulk of
the blame for the collision on the Saudi ship. Now assigned to the Regional
Support Group, Norfolk Naval Station, Va., Chang has no shot at regaining
that command or reversing the punishment handed down in a non-judicial
hearing in April 1999.

But he's not going away quietly. Instead, Chang is suing the Navy and 26
members of Congress for violating his federal Privacy Act rights by allegedly
disclosing protected information about his punishment contained in his
Official Military Personnel File. NJP hearings are held behind closed doors.

In papers filed in U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., Chang claims the
disclosures damaged his reputation in the Navy and his community, causing him
"mental distress, loss of employment opportunity outside the Navy,
embarrassment and emotional trauma." He is seeking $1 million in actual
damages from the Navy and the congressmen, and $1.35 million from Rep. James
P. Moran, D-Va., for compensatory and punitive damages.

Chang, on the advice of Gittins, is not commenting on the matter. But Gittins
said that Chang has "an open-and-shut case."

"You're not reading about the NJPs of the other captains ," said Gittins, a
specialist in military law.

The Navy and the members of Congress have filed a motion to dismiss on
technical grounds. Chang's claim centers in part on a document titled "For
Response to Query Only" generated by Surface Forces Atlantic to allow public
affairs officers to respond to reporters' questions.

The document spelled out the specific articles Chang and three other officers
were guilty of violating as well as the type of administrative letter that
was placed in Chang's personnel file. Some of the information ended up in the

Chang did not give his permission "and would not have consented" to public
release of the information, according to court documents.

According to Gittins, constituents of Moran and other members of Congress
"presently unknown to plaintiff" wrote and asked about Chang's case. Moran
asked the Navy for more information. The Navy provided Moran with an
"Information Paper" that summarized the case and the punishment taken against

The U.S. government agrees that Moran requested the information but says it
released the Information Paper only to those lawfully entitled to see it and
seeks to have the lawsuit thrown out on those grounds.

Gittins argues, however, that such material can be released only with the
consent of the military member.

In a separate filing to the court, Chang also claims the Navy has continued
to violate his Privacy Act rights by way of an April 7, 2000, letter sent
from the Office of the Secretary of the Navy to a "member of the public" that
details the results of subsequent appeals of his NJP punishment.

When Chang learned that Vice Adm. Henry Giffin III, the now-retired SurfLant
commander, wanted to charge him with a violation of military law, he chose a
hearing before him instead of a court-martial.

"But that was with the proviso that ... it would be private," Gittins said.
"That was one of the selling points that Admiral Giffin personally jawboned
me about, sitting across his coffee table.

"It's smarmy and it lacks 

[CTRL] Suspected Mole Coaches Bush

2000-10-18 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:

From: "Lloyd Miller" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Suspected Mole Coaches Bush
Date: Sunday, October 08, 2000 5:34 PM

Suspected Mole Coaches Bush
News Analysis by Samuel L. Blumenfeld - Posted: 10.06.00
Question: Why was Bush so ill-prepared to challenge Gore's argument that the 
Republican tax cut would mostly benefit the richest one-percent in America? The 
argument was not new. Gore had been hammering away with the one-percent idea for quite 
some time. So the Republican campaign staff knew about it, but they didn't provide 
their candidate with a strong, effective argument against it. Why?

Maybe the reason has to do with mole suspect Mark McKinnon, whom the Republicans hired 
to be their top media advisor. According to the Drudge Report, McKinnon "got his 
political start by volunteering for a Texas Democrat's 1984 Senate campaign, where he 
worked with political operatives James Carville and Paul Begala."

Did anyone at Republican headquarters bother to check McKinnon's resume? Yvette 
Lozano, McKinnon's assistant who was filmed by a security camera at the Post Office 
sending an express package, graduated from a Democratic training program for activists 
in 1990. Speaking of moles, how McKinnon and Lozano managed to snooker the Bush people 
into hiring them is a question we'd all like an answer to. Believe it or not, the 
master copy of the video tape as well as a confidential briefing book were kept in 
McKinnon's office. Why didn't the Bush people hire some smart conservatives, like 
yours truly, for example, who know how to argue against the likes of Al Bore?

The label on the Express Mail package received in Washington by Tom Downey, a former 
Congressman and Gore supporter, corresponds to the time and date Lozano sent a package 
from the Austin post office. The package not only contained a video tape of Bush 
practicing for the debate, but also a half-inch stack of documents and an unsigned 
note on plain white paper saying, "Here's some material that might be helpful to you. 
I'll call in a few days to see if you need anything else." Was the note typed or 
handwritten? If it was the latter, it should be easy enough to check handwritings.

Lozano insists that she was returning a $19.99 pair of khaki pants McKinnon had bought 
and was returning to the Gap. But why would she send it by Express Mail at a cost of 
$11.75? And since she admits having sent an Express Mail package, she must have a 
receipt. McKinnon has also been spreading the idea that someone in the Bush camp 
deliberately sent the video as a dirty trick in order to embarrass the Gore campaign.

When Downey received the material, he called the FBI. Obviously he had to review the 
tape in order to know what was on it. So he knows its contents. He could have even 
made a copy of the tape as well as copied the documents in the package before turning 
them over to the FBI. Has he been in touch with Al Gore, or someone else on the 
campaign staff?

Remember the couple in Florida, driving their car and recording a phone conversation 
between conservative Republican Congressmen on cell phones? That tape also wound up in 
the hands of Democrats in Washington. This sort of spying seems to be routine among 
Democrats. But what this mole story tells us is that George W. Bush is surrounded by a 
bunch of amateurs who bring the enemy into the inner sanctum and actually pay him top 
money to advise the candidate. In fact, Newsweek of Oct. 9, has a picture of McKinnon 
coaching Bush as he was preparing for the debate. At least Gore can't accuse Bush of 
being surrounded by a bunch of right-wing conservatives!

Apparently, the mole did a great job of coaching Bush, who was totally unprepared for 
Gore's strongest and most repeated argument against the Bush tax plan. Where was the 
Bush research staff? Why didn't they check Gore's numbers. All Bush could say was that 
Gore was using "fuzzy" math. But it didn't sound fuzzy to the people watching the 
debate. Gore repeated his assertions in unequivocal, authoritative terms, and because 
Bush could not come back and challenge Gore with figures of his own, it looked like 
Gore was right. The mole must have laughed in delight.

In preparation for the debate, Bush should have found out how many taxpayers make up 
that now infamous one-percent, and how much they have all paid in taxes to the IRS. 
Then he should have spelled out how much lower everyone's taxes would be under his tax 
plan. Then Bush should have explained what rich people do with their money besides pay 
taxes: they create charitable foundations, they invest in companies, they buy big 
ticket items that create jobs and keep certain industries going. In 

[CTRL] NM: Communist China - Our Avowed Mortal Enemy - Endorses Gore

2000-10-18 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Communist China - Our Avowed  Mortal Enemy -
Endorses Gore


The leadership of Communist China, which threatened to launch a
nuclear strike on the U.S. in 1996 and again this spring, has
come out strongly against the presidential candidacy of Texas
governor George Bush - a tacit endorsement of Vice President Al

A commentary appearing Tuesday in the government-run newsmagazine
Beijing Review warned that Bush's China policies "would produce
grave results if he won the election and became master of the
White House." Beijing Review is published by the State Council,
the Chinese version of a presidential Cabinet.

The report, co-authored by a researcher from China's National
Defense University, said "war would be inevitable" if Bush tried
to intervene militarily in any attack by the People's Liberation
Army on Taiwan, a longtime U.S. ally.

Bush has in the past criticized the Clinton-Gore administration's
depiction of China as a "strategic partner," calling China an
"adversary" instead. Particularly troublesome for Beijing is
Bush's pledge to deploy missile defense systems that would
protect Taiwan as well as the U.S. from any missile attack.

In 1995 and 1996, Beijing lobbed unarmed nuclear capable missiles
across the Taiwan Straits, prompting the U.S. to dispatch the 6th
Fleet to the region. Defense officials later told the Washington
Post that tensions were much higher than the administration
publicly acknowledged at the time.

As the 6th Fleet steamed across the Pacific, longtime Clinton
friend Charlie Trie intervened on China's behalf, counseling the
president to avoid any further provocative action. Clinton
apparently took the advice.

Three years later Trie pleaded guilty to campaign finance
violations after several hundred thousand dollars he donated to
the Clinton Defense Fund and other Democratic causes was traced
to the Bank of China.

In 1996, Chinese military intelligence tried to recruit
Democratic fund-raiser Johnny Chung in a plot to funnel $300,000
to Clinton, Gore and the Democrats.

"We like your president, we want to see him re-elected," Chung
says Gen. Ji Shengde told him.

Gore's own political rise has been fueled by his longtime
association with Maria Hsia, who's been raising campaign cash for
the vice president since 1988 and who organized Gore's notorious
April 1996 Buddhist temple fund raiser. In May, Hsia pleaded
guilty to five felony counts related to the Buddhist temple

In 1997, the FBI identified Hsia as a "Chinese agent" who was
"doing the bidding of Beijing," according to a Washington Post
report by Watergate sleuth Bob Woodward.

Details from the Beijing Review editorial were first reported by
ABC News.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

*Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [LIFE-GAZETTE] Perestroika, Glasnost, Demokratisatsya... (fwd)

2000-10-18 Thread Party of Citizens

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 20:50:36 -0700 (PDT)
From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [LIFE-GAZETTE] Perestroika, Glasnost, Demokratisatsya...

toward a "Multi-Polar World". So far so good, Comrades. And the US is
playing the USEFUL IDIOT as expected!

Zandu Goldbar
(aka "Zandu the Magnificent")

* Party of Citizens is dedicated to leading the new CITIZENS' ASSEMBLY
which will hold the reins of power over the U.N. within 10 years *

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 19:31:19 -0700 (PDT)
From: Labour Welfare Party [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [BCPolitics] Indian Homelands in North America

The US wants Kosovo to be a "Republic" like Montenegro. That is its
official position in Yugoslavia. And the Montenegro Republic is a on the
threshold of total secession so this is knowingly a step toward full
sovereignty. Could the UN General Assembly go from 200 to 2,000 over this
century? Could Zulus and Boers and others develop Republics in South
Africa with US support? The steps would be I: Homeland; II: Republic; III:
Sovereign Nation and UN Member.

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 21:26:04 -0400
From: Sonja Keohane [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [NativeNews] House approves legislation creating Indian homeland

House approves legislation creating Indian homeland

Measure gives Timbisha Shoshone Tribe land in Nevada, California
Wednesday, October 18, 2000

WASHINGTON -- The House approved legislation Tuesday creating a
homeland in California and Nevada for the Timbisha Shoshone Tribe,
which once controlled vast portions of the Mojave Desert.

Introduced in late September by Rep. Jerry Lewis, R-Calif., the bill
matches legislation passed in July by the Senate. It is expected to
be signed into law by President Clinton.

The measure will turn over to the tribe 5,800 acres in Nevada and
1,900 acres in and around Death Valley National Park in California.

In Nevada, the tribe will be granted 2,800 acres of Bureau of Land
Management land at Scotty's Junction just west of Nellis Air Force
Bombing and Gunnery Range, and 2,800 acres near the town of Lida. In
addition, the bill authorizes the Interior Department to purchase
another 2,430 acres of private ranch land near Lida on behalf of the

In California, the tribe will receive 300 acres in Furnace Creek
inside the park, 1,000 acres at Death Valley Junction and 640 acres
in Centennial. The measure also establishes a 3,000-acre buffer zone
in the park for the tribe to use for traditional uses.

"This legislation keeps the promise we made to the Timbisha Shoshone
Tribe when Congress passed the California Desert Protection Act in
1994, and will create an exciting new recreation opportunity for
visitors to our largest national park, Death Valley," said Lewis,
whose district includes much of the land being given to the tribe.

The 1994 law required the Clinton administration to negotiate with
the tribe to acquire homelands.

The Timbisha Shoshone once occupied 15,000 square miles of what has
become Death Valley National Park and surrounding areas, from Ash
Meadows National Wildlife Refuge in Nevada to Owens Valley, Calif.,
and from Lida south to Shoshone, Calif.

Today the 280-member tribe operates out of two mobile homes near the
Furnace Creek Visitor's Center in Death Valley.

The bill allows the tribe to build 50 houses, a tribal community
center, a small inn and a tribal museum and gift shop in and around
Death Valley.

The bill prohibits gaming on the Furnace Creek parcel. The other
parcels are subject to the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act, which
requires tribes to reach compacts with state governments before
opening casinos.

Nevada lawmakers had raised concerns about whether the tribe would
try to build a casino in California, but were told there were no
plans to do so.

List info at:

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2000-10-18 Thread Alamaine

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WSWS : News  Analysis : Europe : Belgium
Belgium's extreme right Vlaams Blok increases vote in regional elections
By Richard Tyler
19 October 2000
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In recent regional and local elections, the xenophobic Vlaams Blok (VB) became
the strongest party in Antwerp. The VB advocates the separation of the northern
Flemish-speaking region of Flanders from French-speaking Wallonia, which
together with the bi-lingual capital Brussels and a small German-speaking area
comprise the modern Belgian state. Strongly anti-immigrant, it calls for the
immediate repatriation of all so-called illegal immigrants.

The party increased its share in Belgium's second city by five percent to take
one third of all votes cast, gaining twenty places on the 55-seat council.
As well as Antwerp, the October 8 poll also saw the VB emerge as strongest
party in Mechelen, and the third largest in Ghent. Overall its vote rose
Flanders to just under 10 percent.

The Vlaams Blok made a racist appeal to the wealthier layers of Antwerp,
playing up the issues of criminality and immigration. However, Antwerp bucks
the national trend on both counts. According to official statistics crime rates
in the city are falling and of the nearly half a million inhabitants under 10
percent are non-Belgians.

At election rallies VB party leader Filip Dewinter loudly proclaimed, “Our
people first” and that the Flemish should be “Masters of our own home.” He
admires Austria's far-right Freedom Party and says “Joerg Haider showed us that
the nationalists can make it into government... What happened in Austria was
important. The Belgians saw that a government alliance of nationalists and
conservatives is possible, and especially that the sanctions, the demonising of
a country, cannot last.”

The aim of the Vlaams Blok is a separate Flemish state, and Dewinter boasted,
“we already have a Flemish parliament and government. We will soon have a
Flemish taxation system and perhaps a Flemish social security system, the last
link which ties us to Wallonia.”

The northern region of Flanders, where much of Belgium's industry is based, is
far wealthier than Wallonia and its economy has performed relatively better in
recent years. The Flemish nationalists want to cut themselves free from what
they regard as Flanders subsidising the welfare state in the south:
unemployment in Antwerp fell in September to 6.9 percent, against 18 percent in

Dewinter and the VB espouse an odious form of Flemish chauvinism, and call for
all those foreigners who they claim have entered Belgium illegally since 1974
(some 300,000 they claim) to be repatriated. Dewinter told an election rally
that “All those who are not assimilated” should “get out”. How does the VB
propose to identify those that are not assimilated? “Those who wear an Islamic
scarf, who believe that the laws of Islam are more important than those of this
country, those who do not want to speak our language...”

Federal Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt described the results for the Vlaams
Blok as a “stain”, and pledged to continue the “cordon sanitaire” along with
the other establishment parties, and not allow the VB to participate in
government at any level. Belgian daily Le Soir criticised Verhofstadt's
response to the increased vote for the VB, saying, “There is no use minimising
the phenomena... It is not just a question of maintaining the ‘cordon
sanitaire'. It is also a matter of hearing the alarm bells that have resounded
in the ballot boxes. The success of the Vlaams Blok is the mark of deep
distress that has not been answered. The Verhofstadt government faces the
challenge of really integrating the population.”

The Vlaams Blok is now Flanders' fourth strongest party behind the Liberals
(whose vote increased marginally), the Christian Democrats (down 1.4 percent)
and the Socialist Party (the biggest losers, down 2.7 percent). It also
increased its vote to 9 percent in the federal capital Brussels, but lost all
its six seats in Wallonia.

The losses for the Christian and Social Democrats in the recent regional and
local elections continue a trend that saw the composition of the federal
government change significantly in last year's general election.
For most of its post-war history, the Dutch-speaking Christelijke Volkespartij
(CVP—Christian Peoples Party) formed the core of every coalition government,
both at the federal and state level. Together with their social democratic
coalition partners the CVP lost around a quarter of their seats.

The new federal government that was formed last year under Prime Minister Guy
Verhofstadt, is a coalition of the Flemish and French-speaking Liberal Parties,
together with the social democrats and the Greens. It has sought to preserve
the delicate political balance of Belgium's Flemish and French speaking
regions, mainly by making concessions to the wealthier Flanders. New fiscal
regulations introduced this week will grant