Re: [CTRL] Old reply- OPERATION CLYDESDALE Paedophilia vs other crimes

2000-12-07 Thread Tsadowq

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/07/2000 12:29:12 AM Mountain
Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Murder is the only crime that is worse than paedophilia 

Send both the murderer and the paedophile to meet the Maker.

Case after case of clinical/criminal study proves that child
molesters do not change their predatory schemes; they
move on to violate more innocent children until they are
reported-- and finally caught again.

Don't waste the electricity on the electric chair.
And why buy the drugs to inject them with? No
gas chambers, and no more firing squads either.

Hang them with the same rope, over, and over, and over, and..

Or, bring back stonings. Yes, this is a true saying; that if there
were more public stonings, movies wouldn't be so terribly violent.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] School of the Americas

2000-12-07 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

I got the following last month but have heard nothing from any other quarter.
 Does anyone else remember hearing about this protest?  It seems to me that
1700 people protesting should get a mention, but nothing more has been
forthcoming.   Prudy

Subject: 1,700 arrested at Georgia soldier-training school

1,700 arrested at Georgia soldier-training school

School of the Americas

School of the Americas Watch - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  By ELLIOTT MINOR, Associated Press

  COLUMBUS, Ga. (November 19, 2000 8:57 p.m. EST - Civilian and military police arrested
  1,700 protesters who had marched into Fort Benning on Sunday demanding
  the closing of the Army's School ofthe Americas, a training center for
  Latin American soldiers.

  About twice that number, including actor Martin Sheen, had entered the
  west-central Georgia post, chanting and carrying cardboard coffins and
  crosses, while others continued the protest outside the gates.

  The demonstrations have been spearheaded for 11 years by Roy Bourgeois,
  a Catholic priest who served in Bolivia. Bourgeois blames the school
  for human rights abuses committed by some of the school's former

  Army officials termed the charge absurd.

  "I'd characterize it as false and as propaganda," Maj. Gen. John
  LeMoyne, the post commander, said at a news conference Sunday. "Roy's
  thesis is based on emotion and falsehood."

  Wearing plastic parkas, many of the protesters shivered in near-freezing
  temperatures and occasional rain as they marched to a point where they
  were halted by military and civilian police.

  Police officials estimated 6,500 people gathered outside the gate for
  the protest, about half the number that appeared last year. The group
  School of Americas Watch organizes the demonstrations each year near the
  anniversary of the Nov. 16, 1989, killings in El Salvador of six Jesuit
  priests. A United Nations panel found 19 Salvadoran officers involved
  in the slayings had been trained at the school, the group said.

  Col. G.T. Myers, Fort Benning's provost marshal, said most of the
  protesters arrested Sunday were charged with trespassing, given a warning
  and released. Some who poured fake blood on the street were charged with
  damaging government property, he said. A few of those charged may be
  prosecuted by the U.S. attorney's office, Myers said.

  Sheen, who plays the nation's president in the television show West
  Wing, was arrested, Myers said, but the colonel said he did not know
  what laws the actor was accused of breaking. Sheen has joined the
  protests for the past three years.

  All those arrested were given letters barring them from visiting Fort
  Benning for five years. Those barred from the post who are charged with
  trespassing there again within that period could be subject to a year
  in prison.

  Bougeois and Sheen gave brief pep talks before the march.

  "I have a directive I mean to share with you," Sheen said. "To the
  secretary of Defense: Dear Mr. Cohen, as the acting president of the
  United States, I want you to declare the School of the Americas closed."
  Although it is still unclear who will become the next president,
  President Clinton's term has not concluded.

  The School of the Americas is scheduled to close on Dec. 15 and be
  replaced by the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation.
  The new school will be run by the Defense Department, under guiding
  principles of the Organization of American States. Bourgeois has said
  the name change is just cosmetic and his group will continue to protest
  against the school.

  Shortly after Sheen's speech Sunday, he joined a procession that marched
  slowly through the post's main gate. At the front of the procession were
  demonstrators wearing white death masks, black robes and carrying coffins.

  After they had advanced about one-quarter mile, they poured fake blood
  on themselves and "died" in the street.

  Police rushed in to tag them, photograph them and cart them off on
  stretchers to waiting buses.

  Sister Mary Johnalyn, 68, of West Allis, Wis., said she was
  photographed, fingerprinted and given a "ban and bar" letter, meaning
  she is barred from Fort Benning for five years. She said she was charged
  with damaging U.S. property for spilling fake blood.

  "I was a missionary in Mexico and I found those people so loving," she
  said. "I don't want them to come up here and learn to be ugly murderers.
  I'm also here to honor those who suffered and died."

  Processing the large number of demonstrators could take until early
  Monday, Myers said.

  That wasn't good news for John Dunn, 27, of Cleveland.

  Dunn said he drove a charter bus with 50 passengers to Fort Benning and
  was expected to drive them back on Sunday night. He joined the

[CTRL] [Fwd: Jobs Threatened by Downturn]

2000-12-07 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Jobs Threatened by Downturn
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2000 22:59:12 -0600 (CST)
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Dec. 14, 2000
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Gary Wilson

The U.S. economy has entered a rapid decline. Workers have
been feeling it for months. Now the capitalist economists
are admitting that it is happening.

Liberal economist Paul Krugman, an adviser to the Clinton
administration and ardent supporter of Al Gore, said in his
column in the New York Times Dec. 5 that the economy has not
only gone into a slowdown, but that a recession is
"certainly possible."

George W. Bush, the heir apparent to the presidential
throne, acknowledges that the economy appears to be headed
into a recession.

Alan Greenspan, the unelected banking boss, would never call
a recession a recession, at least not until after it's over.
Instead, on Dec. 6, he cautiously said that this is "an
economy that already has lost some momentum."

The National Association of Manufacturers says that the
manufacturing sector of the economy is in a full recession.
For the fourth straight month, manufacturing has contracted.

The president of the NAM said at a Washington news
conference Dec. 1, "This economy is not as healthy as people


What has hit is a capitalist crisis of overproduction. The
"new economy," it turns out, is the same old capitalist

The phenomenon of capitalist overproduction happens
periodically. Although a crisis of overproduction can't be
stopped, the usual answer to it is to make credit more
easily available. This can sometimes lessen the impact of
the crisis, but it drives the problems deeper into the
economy. The only "solution" that will protect the profit-
system is to shut down plants and lay off workers, sending
the economy into a depression.

As the bankers and big capitalists already know, any
loosening of credit right now probably won't "soften" the
downturn. That's because consumer debt is already high and
corporate debt is even higher. Add onto this the record
level of the U.S. trade deficit.

Japan is still in a recession and the European capitalist
economies are sluggish. So U.S. businesses won't be able to
increase exports.

This is a combination that could send the economy into an
even deeper tailspin, of the kind that causes great social
dislocation and political crisis.


The high-tech stock market, NASDAQ, has practically crashed.
The NASDAQ has dropped 40 percent from its all-time high
earlier this year.

Layoffs and shutdowns are rampant in the high-tech
industries. Every Internet company is cutting back and
laying off. Almost every Internet stock is down by at least
75 percent from its 52-week high, according to a
report on Nov. 9. Only five of the top 280 Internet stocks
are down less than 5 percent. None are up for the year.

The stock market value of the top 280 Internet stocks has
lost $1.755 trillion over the last year, with most of the
loss taking place between March and September of this year, reports.


A recession hits the working class the hardest. It can also
devastate small businesses. The rich, the big businesses and
big bankers can wait out a recession and will even find a
way to make profits from it. That's what often happens in a
recession. That's why Paul Krugman, the liberal economist,
can glibly say, "Even if we do have a recession, so what."

With every severe downturn comes the capitalist propaganda
meant to convince the people of this country that it is
necessary for them to make sacrifices. The facts are
falsified to support this propaganda and new enemies are
created to divert attention from the rich capitalists in the
U.S. who are responsible.

Take the case of DaimlerChrysler. Already the Germans who
bought Chrysler are being blamed while plant closings and
layoffs are being proposed. Never mind that exactly the same
plant closings and layoffs are being considered at Ford,
another auto manufacturer that is owned by "Americans." The
problem is not the Germans or any other foreign entity. The
problem is right here in the United States. The problem is

- END -

(Copyleft Workers World Service: Everyone is permitted to
copy and distribute verbatim copies of this document, but
changing it is not allowed. For more information contact
Workers World, 55 W. 17 St., NY, NY 10011; via e-mail:
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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[CTRL] Rhonda Schlepper interviews Heidi

2000-12-07 Thread PM Kansan1225
  It has been a very good year for CNN's roving correspondent
Rhonda Schlepper. Her big break came late last year when she
used her clandestine Luciferian Masonic (CLuM) connections to
substitute for Christiane "A Man" Amanpour, who was then in the
family way.

Since that time Ms. Schlepper has succeeded in interviewing the
aging Adolf Schicklgruber over in Tierra del Fuego, the Land of
Fire, as well as the little alien Elian when he still was in Mayami.
Rhonda has just achieved another coup by being the first to
interview international supermodel/actress Heidi Klum after her
selection to play the young ingenue role in the major new motion
picture "Fight all CLuMs and especially P.  U.K.E.", as Miss
Jildau Van Nuys, Kansan1225's West Coast associate.

Following are some excerpts from this interview.

Rhonda Schlepper: Heidi, you have a great modeling career,
you have been on the cover of the "Sports Illustrated" swimsuit
issue. Why bother with acting in a movie?

Heidi Klum: Vy bozzer? As an artiste I need to keep
expanding my range. It is an artistic necessity.

R.S.: What attracted you to this project?

H.K.: Last January I saw an Internet message titled "Klum a
CLuM?". You see, Claudia Shapiro, Laetitia Casta, and myself
have a contest going, who vill get ze most mentions in ze

R.S.: Claudia Shapiro? Who is that? Do you mean Claudia

H.K.: Ja, ja, Schiffer, zat is vat zey call her now. But People
back in Duesseldorf remember her Grandmother on Friday
Evenings Candles to be lighting.

R.S. Now, now, Heidi, that is a little catty. How could you say
such things about your colleague and compatriot?

H.K. Vell, how could you explain all zat funny business
betveen Claudia and David Copperfield, whose real name is David Kotkin?

R.S.: OK, so what happened after you found that Newsgroup
message with your name?

H.K.: I read more and more of Kansan1225's messages and
finally saw ze Truth. I have now become a committed Christian
and my first action vas to dedicate my cover photo on ze June issue
of ze Victoria's Secret catalog to all zose who unceasingly verk for
Truth, Justice and ze Christian Vay.

R.S.: But, after that change, you still allowed yourself to be
selected as this year's "Queen of Halloween" by the Coors Brewing

H.K.: Vell, yes. You see, ze "Qveen of Halloveen" program is
tied to a fundraising drive for St. Jude's children's hospitals. I vas
very proud to participate in zis Christian charity activity.

R.S.: OK, what other changes have come to your life since
becoming acquainted with Kansan's writings? 

H.K.: Vell, ve Dschermans, as cultural Leaders, for ze
European Christian Civilization a much greater Responsibility to
assume have. 

R.S.: Have you ever met Kansan? What is he like?

H.K. No, he is very reclusive. He hardly ventures outside
Mosquitoes anymore. Some people say he is working for ze
Jesuits. Ozzers say he is an agent of ze Okhrana, ze Czar's secret

R.S.: He is sort of an international man of mystery. Some
people say he has infiltrated major international petrochemical
corporations to discover their assets and report them to the Czar.

H.K. I don't know much about zat, but he speaks several
languages, all of zem, however, vit a terrible accent. Can you
imagine Saudi Arabic, the language of al-Qur'an al-Kareem, ze so-
called Noble Qur'an, vit a Vichita, Kansas, accent?

R.S.: Most people say that Kansan is not all there lately. What
do you think?

H.K.: Vell, I can understand vy zey might sink zat vey. But I
sink zat Kansan has ze seal of ze Holy Spirit. Es ist geschrieben,
"but ven it pleased God, who separated me from my mozzer's
vomb, and called me by His Grace...", Paul's Letter to the
Galatians, 1:15. I feel zat Kansan vas selected by God ven still in
his mozzer's vomb.

R.S.: Heidi, I am really surprised by your in-depth knowledge
of Scripture.

H.K. Ze Holy Bible is much better zan Prozac. Much, much

[CTRL] H.I.M. Nicholas III

2000-12-07 Thread PM Kansan1225
  Always on the lookout for a good story, CNN's roving
correspondent Rhonda Schlepper was fast on the tracks of Nikolai
Alexandrovich, the pretender to the vacant Imperial throne of the

As an added bonus, Nikolai lives in Mosquitoes, Ms.
Schlepper's own hometown. She used this interview trip to come
home and visit with her family over this Thanksgiving weekend.

On Friday evening Ms. Schlepper and her family went to shul at
Congregation B'nai Tubal-Cain in the fashionable western suburbs
of Mosquitoes. Saturday morning she was back to business. After
a few phone calls, she arranged to be received to an audience by the
pretender, who styles himself His Imperial Majesty Nicholas III,
Czar of All the Russias.

She was driven to the gate of the Catholic Protest compound at
3 Blessed Virgin Mary Boulevard and was immediately whisked in
by one of Abu Yahya's deputies. She was taken to a modest house
on the grounds and knocked on the door.

A well-preserved middle-aged woman answered the door and a
man's voice was heard from the inside. "Your Majesty, please let
Ms. Schlepper come in for her audience." The woman answered
back, "Stop calling me 'Your Majesty', you nincompoop!"

Rhonda walked in and was met by a strikingly handsome
middle-aged man. "He looks more like Elvis, or Roger Moore,
than Mel Gibson", she thought to herself.

"Your Imperial Majesty?", Rhonda said tentatively.

"You can call me Little Father", answered Nikolai. "Please
excuse the Czarina. Her Imperial Majesty is not used to courtly
protocol yet. All this has been too much for her."

"I see", said Rhonda. "Is it OK if I use a tape recorder during
the audience.

"By all means", answered the Czar of All the Russias.

Rhonda Schlepper: "How come you think you are the lawful
heir of the Romanovs, Little Father? You are not even Russian."

His Imperial Majesty: "True, but look at the Windsors of Great
Britain. They are not British, they are Dschermans, and nobody
thinks twice about it."

R.S.: "When did you decide that you were entitled to rule over
Moscow, the Third Rome?"

H.I.M.: "Just last summer, when we were on vacation in
Wichita. I had the epiphany there."

R.S.: "What precipitated this momentous event?"

H.I.M. "Last July 31, a Monday, was the beginning of the
Republican National Convention in Philadelphia. It was also a Blue
New Moon. As I was watching the Convention on TV at La
Quinta Inn in Wichita, I was struck by the realization that my
father's name was Alexander. Therefore, I was Nikolai
Alexandrovich. The last Czar, Nicholas II, was also Nikolai
Alexandrovich, since his father was Czar Alexander II. Moreover, I
am the third Nikolai in my branch of my extended family.
Therefore, not only am I Nikolai Alexandrovich, I am Nicholas III."

R.S.: "I see. How has this sensational realization affected the
other members of your family?"

H.I.M.: "As you have seen, the Czarina, my wife, Her Imperial
Majesty Olga Nikolayevna, has not taken it very well. The same is
true of my youngest daughter, Her Imperial Highness Princess
Fyodora Nikolayevna. However, my oldest daughter, Her Imperial
Highness Princess Yefrosyni Nikolayevna, is ready to accept the
solemn duties of our destiny."

"And stop calling me Olga, you ne'er-do-well! You know very
well my name is Olivia. And keep Dora and Effie out of this!",
interjected the reluctant Czarina.

H.I.M.: "Her Imperial Majesty has been especially upset
recently because the movie producers were about to have Glenn
Close portray her in the screen version of 'Fight all CLuMs and
especially P.  U.K.E.'. I share her concern and have managed to
persuade them to give the part to Michelle Pfeiffer instead. What is
an extra million or two, if we are to do justice to the Czarina's

R.S.: "What about JoBeth Williams? Her beauty type is closer
to that of the Czarina's."

H.I.M.: "That is true, but JoBeth is a little too old. So it has to
be Michelle Pfeiffer. Nothing but the best for Her Imperial

Czarina Olga: "Sure, but now he even forgets to take out the

H.I.M.: "That is something for the servants."

C.O.: "But we don't have any servants."

H.I.M.: "You have to thank the Bolsheviks for that."

Rhonda noticed a book in a foreign language on top of Nikolai's
desk and asked about it.

H.I.M.: "Oh, that? It is my personal copy of Nilus's
'Protocols'. I never go anywhere without it. If my sainted
predecessor, may God rest his soul, had paid greater attention to
this prophetic work, he may have been able to prevent the

R.S.: "Little Father, how do you propose to finance your claim
on the Third Rome?"

H.I.M.: "We will use the treasures of the Romanovs.
Metropolitan Abdullah is organizing a bond offering for our
supporters. They will be repaid by the Romanov treasury when I
come into my kingdom."

R.S.: "How can you, an ordinary citizen of Mosquitoes, Texas,
be successful in beating out the claims of the existing Romanov
family members?"

H.I.M.: "There you go 

[CTRL] Election closure : )

2000-12-07 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

 /* For those seeking some kinda of finality in this political
 mess... */

 TALLAHASSEE, FL-A third recount by Florida election officials has
 "definitively determined" that Green Party candidate, Ralph Nader,
 was defeated in the state.

 "There was a very significant 25,603-vote discrepancy between the
 first two counts, with Nader losing by respective margins of
 2,812,339 and 2,837,942, so we decided to conduct a hand recount,"
 Florida Attorney General Jim Smith said.

 "We now know that Nader lost by precisely 2,821,278 votes." It is
 not yet known whether Nader lost to Gore or Bush.

 Received from AllWorld Internet Services.

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Old reply- OPERATION CLYDESDALE Paedophilia vs other crimes

2000-12-07 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

  Murder is the only crime that is worse than paedophilia 

Murder kills the body; the victims of pedophilia suffer a living death
for as long as their bodies are alive.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Or, bring back stonings.

Better yet, cut the pedophile's thing off and make him eat it.

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Striking Back: What An Independent Activist Is Doing! (fwd)

2000-12-07 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2000 09:56:43 -0600
Subject: Striking Back: What An Independent Activist Is Doing!

I did a similar tactic some years back to my old high school. Some of the teaching 
staff took a dislike to my outspokenness and crazy ideas (like the essay I wrote in 
1991, and failed, where I predicted Yugoslavia would disintegrate into civil war). The 
staff in question  entering a conspiracy against me in year 12, where I scored 51% for 
both my history subjects (despite scoring over 90% in external examinations), cleverly 
ensuring I couldn't appeal failing my subject as I hadn't failed,  and not 
surprisingly the only University course I was offered was a Batchelor of Education 
(teaching), which I declined to waste my time with.

A few years later they must have remembered who I was, or gotten very desperate or 
money, as they started bombarding me with begging letters. I eventaull ysent them a 
money order for 5 cents, bearing in mind that the money orders cost $2.50.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Limbacher: Ray Moving on Clinton Indictment - Seeks Flowers' Tapes

2000-12-07 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/06/2000 6:31:20 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 The office of Independent Counsel Robert Ray has asked longtime
 Clinton paramour Gennifer Flowers for original copies of her
 famous taped phone calls with President Clinton, has
 learned exclusively.

 "They didn't tell me what he wants them for," Flowers said,
 noting that while Independent Counsel Ken Starr was in charge of
 the president's prosecution, investigators never asked to talk to
 her and showed no interest in her Clinton recordings. 

This may turn out to be really funny if the book, THE HUNTING OF THE
PRESIDENT, by Conason and Lyons has it right.  They say something to the
effect that consultants hired by a tabloid said the tapes had not been
tampered with, but a specialist for KCBS-TV in LA determined they had been
selectively edited and some of her remarks dubbed in later.  The book reads
in one spot as follows:

"Flowers never produced a single photograph, valentine or birthday card as
evidence of her twelve-year affair with Clinton; no witness ever came forward
who had seen them together."   The book continues that in spite of her claim
that she and Clinton enjoyed numerous trysts between 1978 and 1980 at Little
Rock's Excelsior Hotel, the fact remains that the Excelsior Hotel wasn't
built until 1983.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Secret plan for EU ‘superstate’

2000-12-07 Thread Ethan T. Matthews

-Caveat Lector-

William Shannon wrote:


 Secret plan for EU "superstate"


 Berlin and Rome expose Blair to new line of attack

 GERMANY and Italy delivered a serious blow to Tony Blair on the eve of
 Nice summit yesterday by calling for yet another round of negotiations
 achieve an even closer European Union. In a confidential joint paper
 sent to
 France, which holds the EU’s rotating Presidency, Berlin and Rome said
 summit should agree to hold an inter-governmental conference (IGC) in
 “with a view to the further development of European integration”.
 The Times

Jack van Impe has been saying on his weekly program that the one to watch
is the European Union, not the United Nations.  IIRC, van Impe thinks that
the EU is the new Babylon who will create the "new leader" -- the one
prophesied in the Bible.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Love First Time? Golden Triangle Role for U.S. Army -Thai-Bu...

2000-12-07 Thread Kris Millegan

HI Everyone,
Again, I must take a moment to suggest looking for the book, "Capital
Crimes," by George Winslow. (1999, Monthly Review Press, NYC, 122 West 27th

"Despite massive dam projects, the heavy use of water in industry and in
government promoted agribusiness projects with major multinational
corporations had reduced teh amount of drinking water available for
Thailand's rapidly growing population, and electricity needs were increasing
at about 1,000 megawatts per year. Thailand was desperate for ways to build
new dams  for energy and water, reported the Nation, a Thai paper, in 1994."

Does the above remind anyone else of Bolivia, and Becthel?

"In 1989, as the (Burmese) junta was jailing and torturing thousands of
dissidents, 8 major oil companies signed agreements with SLORC to explore for
natural gas and oil, deals that gave the cash strapped junta $40 million to
buy arms to repress the democratic opposition."

"US Intelligence Agencies spent $35 million to establish Sea Spray, which
ferried guns and supplies to KMT rebels in Burma. Sea Supply trained 300
members of Thailand's Police Aerial Unti and worked closely with the BPP,
which had grown to 4,230 members by late 1953. By the mid-50s there were 76
covert US intelligence advisors and perhaps as many as 300 American spies
working at Sea Spray."

Does Sea Spray sound anything like Sea Crest to anyone else?

"But Khun Sa's real role in the heroin trade is harder to define than his
legend. He is half-Chinese by birth, but near the end of his career he was
trying to pass himself off as a Shan nationalist who was simply protecting
that minority from massive human rights violations of the Burmese military.
The US has described him as the mastermind of a sophisticated multinational
empire that produced $100 to $200 million in annual revenues, yet Khun Sa
was, by all accounts, virtually illiterate until very late in life. He was
supposedly responsible for much of the heroin that reached the United States,
yet he had little control over the crime syndicates that imported the drug,
and he lacked the education and financial expertise to launder his huge
profits. For most of his career he was heavilly backed by both the Burmese
and Thai military, both of whom recieved large bribes from his operations.
Yet in 1993 the Burmese launched a massive military campaign against him and
his longtime supporters in Thailand suddenly cut off the supplies of food and
weapons that he had once easily purchased there.
There answer to many of these riddles can be found in the working of the
global economy. After the Second World War, American corporations were able
to expand their operations by working closely with local dictatorships, many
of whom used US aid and military support to saty in power. Unfortunately,
some of these dictatorships were also heavily involved in a variety of
criminal activities, which US officials, more interested in fighting
Communism than corruption and crime, ignroed.
The subsequent alliance of political leaders, legitiamate capital,a nd
criminal money is a crucial feature of the political economy of crime."

ON the Philipines: "Rather than turn the country over to the rebels, who
planned to set up a US-style democracy- The US embarked on a brutal campaign
of repression that featured concentration camps and mass murder. 'Kill and
burn, kill and burn,' General Jacob F Smith told his troops. 'the more you
burn, the more you please me. This is no time to take prisoners.' Historian
D.R. SarDesai estimates that a million people, about 1/7th of the population,
died before the country was 'pacified.'"

And for this note's finale:

"Contrary to the usual explainations, the modern heroin trade illustrates
some basic political and economic problems: Abusive corporate power, unequal
distribution of wealth, corrupt local elites who have close ties to organized
crime groups, and right-wing American politicians who have protected the
power of these various interests. The connections can be seen by simply
taking a look at the flow of drugs from places like Burma to heroin addicts
in the United States. At the bottom of the trade, organized crime lords, like
Khun Sa, require a large pool of impoverished peasants who are willing to
work for extremely low wages. Not surprisingly, the drug trade has taken root
in countries such as Burma, Colombia, Peru, Boliva, and Mexico where economic
conditions have produced massive poverty. Once harvested and processed,
however, the narcotics must be transported across borders, which reqires the
help of local elites who can protect the cartels from prosecution and launder
their revenues. Then the cartels must find another group of impoverished
people to sell the drugs once they reach the US- a labor pool created by
rapid changes in the global economy and the movement of low-skill
manufacturing jobs out of the country- a process that has been aided by the
rise of a deregulated global financial system- in 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Re: Chinese - Traids - target Canada (TOTAL's linked Canada Power Corp et al.)

2000-12-07 Thread Kris Millegan

Some of you know I specialise in Burma. Oil. And the French state. That
includes TOTAL, now the world's fifth largest gasoil energy consortium,
with direct and deep links to the French secret service. The current
FRench ambassador is an ex Elf (as in Total Fina Elf - TOT on the stock
exchange, the companies merged this year). You ought to know this means
the drug pipeline too.

Therefore, check this out. Below, Canada Power Corp is on the board of
Total, from the Fina angle, as in Belgium, and Baron Frères. The
interconnecting links of oil companies is global.

Drug traffic is global.

And now we go back to the Triads, and their vengence from the days when
over a hundred years ago, more like 150 years, the British Opium ships
blew the Triad pirates out of the junks.

Any links with the CIA and the Triads. I'm told they are virtually

The Chinese are the major backers of the Burmese military army, all 450
000 of them...

Talk about money laundering, you got it here. Also in TOTAL, the major
board partners are banks and insurance...

 "In Canada, it is estimated that CITIC has invested nearly $500
  million to buy Canadian businesses in strategic areas, such as Celgar
 Pulp Mill in British Columbia, Nova Corp. Petrochemical in Alberta and
 selected prestigious hotels and other real estate. Eventually, CITIC
 also developed close business links with Power Corp., which grabbed
 attention in Canada, in part, because Chrétien’s son-in-law, André
 DESMARAIS, is the company’s  president and shares the role of chief
 executive officer. Desmarais also is president of the Canada-China
 Business Council, whose directors include the president of CITIC Canada.

 The Sidewinder report also uncovered Chinese control of major
  businesses in Canada’s technology sector, entertainment and media,
  food-services industry and banking and financial institutions. Li Ka-shing
  owns 10 percent of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Canada and is the bank’s
  largest individual shareholder.
 While the spiked report says the banking industry is one of China’s
  most important economic leverages in Canada, it identifies high technology
  as the area most at risk. It cites cases of theft of Canadian proprietary
  information and/or technology, including the theft of information concerning
  nuclear technology.
 The Chinese intelligence services do not hesitate to expend great
  energy on pursuing their activities. “They have established companies on
  Canadian soil for traditional and economic espionage purposes. These
  companies are used as cover for Chinese agents to help them gain entrée into
  Canadian business circles. These front companies have been observed to have
  contacts with the triads in Canada,” says the Sidewinder report.

  Canada Targeted by China Agents
  By James D. Harder
  A Canadian intelligence-service report reveals the People’s Republic of
  China has infiltrated Canadian society with a network of agents, operatives
  and organized-crime figures.
  A controversial classified document that labels the People’s Republic of
  China (PRC) as Canada’s greatest national-security threat has grabbed
  headlines and national exposure as Canadians prepared to head to the polls
  on Nov. 27 in a federal election. With billions of dollars and thousands of
  operatives and sympathizers in Canada backing them up, says the report, a
  dangerous consortium of Chinese triads, PRC agents and Hong Kong tycoons has
  infiltrated Canadian society. While weapons and heroin are being smuggled
  into Canada, high-tech secrets, ownership of key companies and large sums of
  money are being procured by China, according to the classified report.
 The report — officially titled Chinese Intelligence Services and
  Triads Financial Links in Canada and code-named “Sidewinder” — has been at
  the center of a heated debate for 16 months as the Canadian Security
  Intelligence Service (CSIS) has tried to explain why it buried the carefully
  documented analysis in 1997.
 Brian McAdam, a former Canadian immigration-control officer in Hong
  Kong, is an internationally renowned expert on the Chinese triads — networks
  of professional criminals dating back to imperial times — and has written
  scores of sensitive reports on their organization and activities. He watched
  with alarm as they wove their way into the fabric of the Canadian economy
  and he played a key role in getting the triad investigation under way.
 McAdam first became involved in identifying triad leaders while in
  Hong Kong. “It was an unexpected part of the job. I didn’t realize how many
  were coming to Canada,” says McAdam. He began asking questions when he
  noticed the size of the investment portfolios of the triad leaders headed
  for Vancouver. Soon he discovered that an alliance had been formed in 1984

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Fwd: - new website ---

2000-12-07 Thread Kris Millegan

I told John that I'd pass this on to the list... so here it is.

Have a great day everyone!  : )

- Cat

  Date:  12/6/00 8:00:07 AM Eastern Standard Time
  From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Carman)
  Dear Friend(s):
  For better efficiency and more recent "updates", I have decided to rename
 my web site
  This site has been moved from and will be totally
  under the control of my own web master.
  This should increase the ability and exposure of my web site and the
important information that needs to be public. I hope to expose more current
examples of Customs Corruption as I am allowed to post multiple articles.
  ALL articles are based on actual Customs reports from current/former
Customs agents and "other" U.S. Government personnel that have "first hand"
knowledge of illegal acts by corrupt Customs managers and agents.
  The web site should be fully functional within
 the next 24 hours.
  Please make any changes to your address book. Please pass it along too.
  Best regards,
  John Carman

-- eGroups Sponsor -~-~
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It's Easy. It's Fun. Best of All, it's Free!

[CTRL] OEN 12/7/00

2000-12-07 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=""The Home Page of J. Orlin

Spy vs. Spy

DARPA Leaking Secrets?

Or maybe someone's paranoid.

Many Americans may not know what the Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency (DARPA) is or does, and thats probably just as well as far as the
Pentagon auxiliary agency is concerned. But you can bet that potential U.S.
adversaries, who one day may wind up on the business end of one of the exotic
new weapons that DARPA is charged with conceptualizing, not only know what it
is, but would die to get a sneak peek behind the veil of secrecy surrounding

That might be easier than it ought to be, according to a recent security
critique by the Department of Defenses Office of the Inspector General (IG),
which found that DARPA controls over foreign visitors were weak and may have
led to the disclosure of sensitive technical information that the United
States would rather not spread around.

The Pentagon has rules for clearing foreign nationals visiting its research
facilities and explicit protocols concerning when and what kind of sensitive
or classified information can be shared with them, according to the IG. But
DARPA hosted foreign visitors without understanding or following those
guidelines in 208 of 270 instances reviewed by the IG, possibly resulting in
the release of sensitive, and even classified, information.
In several instances cited by the IG, visiting foreign military personnel may
have been briefed at higher security-clearance levels than authorized because
guidance from above either was not passed on to the U.S. officials hosting
the visit or disregarded by them. Although DARPA also has rules controlling
access to noncitizens who work for U.S. corporations, universities or
research laboratories, it infrequently abides by them, according to the
report, and its Security Information Management System database often
contains incomplete or inaccurate information about the hundreds of foreign
visitors it is supposed to track. The IG found that about 30 percent of the
individuals listed in the database had incorrect security-clearance ratings
assigned to them, meaning they mistakenly could be granted access to
materials which should be denied them.

To illustrate the possible security problems that result, the IG cites
numerous instances in which DARPA officials only belatedly learned or
realized that they had been meeting with nationals from countries of concern,
including China and Syria, because of inadequate advance notice or inaccurate
database information. Because foreign nationals can claim to represent a U.S.
entity and visit DARPA with almost no control, warns the IG, foreign
nationals may be gathering sensitive information without DARPAs knowledge.
Insight, December 18, 2000
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Comments on the Carnivore System Technical Review

2000-12-07 Thread Kris Millegan

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Click Here: A
on the Carnivore System Technical Revi…/A
Comments on the Carnivore System Technical Review

Steven M Bellovin
ATT Laboratories
Matt Blaze
ATT Laboratories
David Farber
University of Pennsylvania
Peter Neumann
SRI International
Eugene Spafford
Purdue University CERIAS

3 December 2000

I Introduction

In September, 2000, we were asked by the Chief Scientist of the US Department
of Justice to identify technical issues with the FBI's Carnivore Internet
wiretap system that should be addressed by an independent review. On October
2, we met with Justice officials in Washington, DC, where we identified
various areas of concern and issues that we believed must be addressed by any
meaningful review process.
The contractor chosen by the Government to conduct this review, IIT Research
Institute, recently released a draft report of its findings ("Independent
Technical Review of the Carnivore System", dated 17 November 2000). We have
studied that report and we continue to have serious concerns relating to the
Carnivore system.
Although the IITRI study appears to represent a good-faith effort at
independent review, the limited nature of the analysis described in the draft
report simply cannot support a conclusion that Carnivore is correct, safe, or
always consistent with legal limitations. Those who are concerned that the
system produces correct evidence, represents no threat to the networks on
which it is installed, or complies with the scope of court orders should not
take much comfort from the analysis described in the report or its
We are especially concerned with several serious limitations of the analysis
as presented:

*   There is a lack of analysis of operational and "systems" issues,
including interactions between the Carnivore code and its host environment
and operating system. Many potential security flaws and collection errors are
likely to be found in this area.

*   There is no evidence of a systematic search for bugs, not even such
common (and serious) errors as string buffer overflows or URL or header
parsing problems, although these are listed as potential issues.

*   The exclusion from analysis or testing of RADIUS is a very serious
omission; RADIUS is especially difficult to interpret in a vendor-independent
fashion, and has been cited as a source of Carnivore problems in media

*   There is inadequate discussion of audit and logging (both of logs
maintained by Carnivore itself and of logs maintained by the host operating
system and supporting tools). This is especially serious in light of the use
of "PC Anywhere" and "Administrator" logins for remote access, which permits
any files to be uploaded or changed, including the logs and audit trails.

II Conclusions and Recommendations

Unfortunately, serious technical questions remain about the ability of
Carnivore to satisfy its requirements for security, safety, and soundness.
While the IITRI report does represent a good starting point for answering
these questions, we were disappointed that more attention was not paid to
operational and "systems" issues. It is simply not possible to draw
meaningful conclusions about isolated pieces of software without also
considering the computing, networking, and user environment under which they
are running. These and other areas must be examined further if the legal
community, ISPs, and the public are to have confidence that Carnivore works
as it is supposed to.
We also urge that the report's recommendations with regard to logging and
audit be considered carefully and made a high priority. The Carnivore system
does not produce meaningful or secure audit trails. This is obviously a very
serious deficiency.
We applaud the DoJ and IITRI for their openness in the Carnivore review
process, especially in light of the time constraints under which the review
was conducted and the extraordinary sensitivity of critical law-enforcement
surveillance technology. Nonetheless, we must emphasize that no single review
can ever capture every potential problem with critical software of this
complexity, especially when it must be run under a wide range of operational
environments. Furthermore, as the software is enhanced and the environment
under which it runs evolves, existing reviews may well be rendered obsolete.
As such, the Department of Justice must consider an on-going process to
maintain confidence in the system. One such approach is to publish the
Carnivore source code for public review. Although an extraordinary step, we
urge the DoJ to consider it seriously.

III Itemized Comments

Following is a list of comments keyed to the roman page numbers or symbolic
section numbers in the draft report.
p. xiii
There is a statement that 

[CTRL] Ex-SAS man wins court fight over memoirs

2000-12-07 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-


Click Here: A

rrqpg=/et/00/12/7/wsas07.html"Ex-SAS man wins court fight over memoirs
SSUE 2022   Thursday 7 December 2000

Ex-SAS man wins court fight over memoirs
By Paul Chapman and Michael Smith

THE New Zealand High Court has dealt a blow to British attempts to prevent
former members of the intelligence and security services from revealing top
secret information by allowing a former SAS soldier to publish his memoirs.

The court upheld the right of the New Zealander, known as Mike Coburn, to
publish Soldier Five, an account of his experiences with the ill-fated Bravo
Two Zero patrol which was captured by Iraqi forces during the 1991 Gulf war.
It merely ordered that two minor passages in the book, which contained
confidential information, be amended. Mr Coburn was awarded costs, which the
defence said were "substantial".

The Ministry of Defence said it was "disappointed" with the judgment and was
considering whether to appeal. But one Government official described the
ruling as "another crack in the armour" of the intelligence and security
services. The ruling is most damaging to the SAS since Mr Coburn had signed
the confidentiality agreement introduced after the spate of SAS books in the
early Nineties to prevent former soldiers from publishing their memoirs.

During Mr Coburn's case, the MoD lined up high-level officers who were
allowed to give evidence anonymously from behind security screens. In his
written judgment, Justice Salmon rejected their contention that Mr Coburn,
36, was under a lifelong obligation of non-disclosure.

His defence had argued that enforcing the confidentiality contract would
conflict with the requirements of the Human Rights Act which Britain has
recently adopted.

Justice Salmon ruled that the agreement was invalid, as was an order Coburn
maintained he had been given to sign it, because he was under economic
pressure which was "illegitimate and so constituted duress".

© Copyright of Telegraph Group Limited 2000.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The awesome satellite espionage series is now published here on the Web!

2000-12-07 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=""Feature Stories/A
The awesome satellite espionage series is now published here on the Web!

You will find the true stories about the satellite signal reception of hidden
signals, such as secret services and governments. Sorry, you won't find any
hints about simply hacking Pay-TV here. Crime Research Digital television in Eastern
Europe Funerals in Space Feature Stories Sandblasted Satellites? The making
of DrDish@TV Mesh or not, the truth behind the 0.8-factor S-band mysteries
CommunicAsia98 Satellite spotting without a dish Space Shuttle instead of
ASTRA SDRN, US confidential material on Russian satellite CIA On A Budget:
Spotting aircraft over the CIS Sat-Espionage for the Common Man COSMOS spy
satellites over the counter The practicalities of Do-It-Yourself Espionage
Drugs Via Satellite: The Cartel Prefers INMARSAT Telephone from Baghdad The
secret of Groom Lake The Nigerian Connection Signal from nowhere Zaire
Connection Big Brother is watching Fax via satellite - the mini Echelon system
 Digital data from the sky Inmarsat zapping Swiss cheese in space Let's do
it, part I Let's do it, part II The U.S. Internal Revenue Service: a
help-yourself institution? Little brother is listening DLR - Tubsat

©1999 by Dr.Dish
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] My experience with DoJ and PGP passphrases; more on FBI mob case

2000-12-07 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=""  My experience with DoJ and PG…/A
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My experience with DoJ and PGP passphrases; more on FBI mob case

*   Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 12:21:52 -0500
*   Subject: FC: My experience with DoJ and PGP passphrases; more on FBI mob
*   From: Declan McCullagh [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Below is my take on the Scarfo case (which I think is fascinating). The
indictment is now online at:

In addition to being the first case testing the legality of black bag
passphrase snatching, this could be the first case to test compelled
disclosure of a passphrase. That is, if prosecutors try to secure a court
order instructing Scarfo to reveal his PGP passphrase, perhaps because they
didn't manage to successfully snatch it. Lawyers have speculated about this
for the better part of a decade: Is this self-incrimination in violation of
the Fifth Amendment or not?

I ran into this problem myself last year when the Justice Department wanted
me to decrypt messages in a prosecution of Carl Johnson, a cypherpunk who
had occasionally sent me an email message encrypted to my PGP key. I turned
over the two or three PGP-encrypted messages to DoJ, but since prosecutors
couldn't read them DoJ tried to force me to decrypt them. My lawyer (Time
Warner counsel) eventually concluded that because I was not the subject of
the prosecution, I could be compelled to turn over the passphrase, and the
Fifth Amendment didn't apply. Because I never offered Johnson confidential
source status or wrote an article about him -- he was just a Net-denizen
who emailed me a few times -- the relevant journalist shield laws did not

After months of wrangling, I decrypted the messages. I think I should have
held out longer. The messages weren't incriminating, but if it happened
today I'd want to force DoJ to litigate that point.

Here's some background in the case:



FBI Hacks Alleged Mobster
by Declan McCullagh
2:00 a.m. Dec. 6, 2000 PST

WASHINGTON -- Nicodemo S. Scarfo, the son of Philadelphia's former mob
boss, was almost paranoid enough.

Scarfo, who has been charged with masterminding a mob-linked loan
sharking operation in New Jersey, reportedly used the popular PGP
encryption software to shield his computer's secrets from prying eyes.

But when the feds learned of Scarfo's security measures, they decided
to do something that would bypass even the best encryption software:
FBI agents sneaked into Scarfo's office in Belleville, New Jersey, on
May 10, 1999, and installed a keyboard-sniffing device to record his
password when he typed it in.

A seven-page court order authorized the FBI and cooperating local
police to break into Scarfo's first-floor "Merchant Services of Essex
County" office as many times as necessary to deploy, maintain, and
then remove "recovery methods which will capture the necessary
key-related information and encrypted files."

The case, which is awaiting trial, appears to be the first in which
the U.S. government used such aggressive surveillance techniques
during an investigation, and some legal observers say the FBI's
breaking-and-entering procedures go too far.

The spring 1999 investigation of the younger Scarfo, who is 35 years
old, may be what prompted the Clinton administration to recommend
changing federal law to allow police to conduct electronic "black bag"

The idea first publicly surfaced in mid-1999, when the Justice
Department proposed legislation that would let police obtain
surreptitious warrants and "postpone" notifying the person whose
property they entered for 30 days.

After vocal objections from civil liberties groups, the administration
backed away from the controversial bill. In the final draft of the
Cyberspace Electronic Security Act submitted to Congress, the
secret-search portions had disappeared.

In January 2000, the Clinton administration seemed to change its mind.
"When criminals like drug dealers and terrorists use encryption to
conceal their communications, law enforcement must be able to respond
in a manner that will not thwart an investigation or tip off a
suspect," Attorney General Janet Reno and Deputy Defense Secretary
John Hamre wrote in a seven-page letter to Congress.

That letter, however, suggested the feds didn't need a new law -- and

[CTRL] Fwd: The Satanic Andrew Crispo

2000-12-07 Thread Kris Millegan

The Satanic Andrew Crispo

 New York art gallery owner Andrew Crispo ‹ a well-connected socialite
linked by author Maury Terry to the Son of Sam satanic cult ‹ is the prodigy
and a key American agent of Fritz Thyssen: the German industrialist who
joined the Nazi Party in 1923, contributed generously to the Nazi
remilitarization effort and introduced Allen Dulles to Adolph Hitler.
 For more on Crispo's fascinating patrons, see David France¹s Bag of
Toys (synopsis below). ‹ AC
Bag of Toys
Synopsis (Back Cover of Book)

On a balmy Frebruary evening in 1985, three men -- one rich, one poor
and one unsuspecting -- came together. When the sun rose over Manhattan, one
of the three was dead, his body mutilated and burned, a black leather mask
pulled over his head.
Bag of Toys tells the story of Andrew Crispo, one of the wealthiest
power brokers in the New York art scene...and Bernard LeGeros, the
street-wise tough who became Crispo's partner in sex and depravity. And it
is the chilling tale of an orgiastic night of sadomasochism and violence
that ended in the brutal death of Norwegian fashion student Eigil Vesti.
Written by award-winning journalist David France, Bag of Toys rips the veil
of secrecy off a celebrity-studded world where every sexual urge could be
satisfied...and murder was the ultimate thrill.
First Pinnacle Printing: August, 1994
Published by Windsor Publishing Corp.,
850 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10022
Law News Network ‹ 

Crispo Threatened Lawyer Who Saved His Business
Anna Snider 
New York Law Journal
May 27, 1999 

New York art dealer Andrew Crispo's alleged plot to kidnap a bankruptcy
attorney's child is bizarre on its face, but is stranger still considering
the scheme threatened the lawyer who helped rescue his business empire from
In her work for the court-appointed bankruptcy trustee, the former
McDermott, Will  Emery lawyer, whose identity is being withheld to protect
her child, marshalled so many of Mr. Crispo's assets and resolved so many
disputes that he was set to receive several million dollars even after all
creditors were paid, a rare outcome in any bankruptcy.
Despite the success of the case, Mr. Crispo, who ran one of New York's
priciest art galleries, has been at odds with the McDermott Will lawyers
several times over the three-year span of the proceedings. He has complained
that the attorneys were controlling the bankruptcy estate's purse strings
too tightly.
Last Friday, when Mr. Crispo was told that the estate's trustee, Robert
Weiner, a McDermott Will partner, had not approved a $2,000 check for him,
he became hostile to a paralegal on the phone.
According to a criminal complaint filed in U.S. District Court in Manhattan,
Mr. Crispo told the paralegal he had photographs of the 4-year-old daughter
of an attorney who had worked on the case, knew where she played and would
kidnap her unless he was paid the $2,000 immediately.
Mr. Crispo, who has served three years in prison for tax evasion, was
arrested at home on Monday and charged with threatening a kidnapping on
Southern District Magistrate Judge Michael Dolinger denied bail after a
federal prosecutor, David Greenwald, noted that Mr. Crispo had a history of
arrests, including one case in which he was acquitted of kidnapping and
torturing a man during a 1984 party at his gallery. Mr. Greenwald described
Friday's outburst as part of "a two-year campaign of threats directed
against the mother."
The woman told investigators that Mr. Crispo had threatened to kill her
several times and, in 1997, two adults grabbed her daughter in a Central
Park playground, photographed her and then let her go.
Mr. Crispo, who was carrying crack cocaine when he was arrested, is being
held at the Metropolitan Correctional Center, according to his criminal
defense lawyer, Gerald M. Labush.
Mr. Weiner, in a prepared statement, said his firm will continue to assist
the U.S. Attorney's office as it investigates. "We are obviously concerned
about the welfare and safety of everyone concerned," he wrote. "Because this
matter is under active investigation, we are unable to comment further."

Before the case took this nightmarish turn, it was among the most glamorous
on the bankruptcy docket, taking the McDermott Will lawyers to Sotheby's,
where they organized three auctions to sell off a cache of Mr. Crispo's
paintings and sculptures in order to repay his creditors.
The lawyers helped write the glossy catalogs printed to advertise Mr.
Crispo's collection and assisted in setting the so-called "reserve" prices
below which the works would not be sold.
The auctions raised $14 million -- $4 to $6 million more than expected --
and set record prices for the works of two painters, Georgia O'Keefe and
Stuart Davis.
The McDermott team also succeeded in stopping foreclosure on a Colonial-era
house Mr. Crispo owned in Charleston, S.C., known as the Pineapple 

[CTRL] Fwd: USS Cole ‹ An American is the Prime Suspect

2000-12-07 Thread Kris Millegan

USS Cole ‹ An American is the Prime Suspect

Boston Globe

Ex-Everett man reportedly eyed in attack on USS Cole
By Judy Rakowsky, Globe Staff, 12/6/2000
US citizen who is a former resident of Everett and drove a taxi in Boston is
reportedly considered to be a prime suspect in the Oct. 12 attack on the USS
NBC quoted a US source as saying that Raed M. Hijazi has been the top
suspect for some time in the blast that killed 17 sailors in the Yemeni port
of Aden.
Hijazi was last known to have lived in Everett three years ago, and still
has a valid Massachusetts driver's license. Last year, the FBI's
counterterrorism squad was on alert for any signs that he might have
returned to the Boston area.
Hijazi was taken into custody by the Syrian government in September, before
the Cole bombing. The Syrians turned him over to Jordan, where he had
already been tried, convicted and sentenced to death in absentia. His crime:
plotting to attack US and Israeli targets during millennium celebrations.
Jordan now plans to retry him.
Sources told NBC that Hijazi ''personally trained and supported'' the people
responsible for the Cole attack. US officials had been tracking Hijazi for
at least eight months.
Hijazi also is said to have direct ties to Osama bin Laden, the Americans'
top suspect in the bombing of the Cole. Thirty-nine US sailors were also
injured in the attack.
No one has been charged in the bombing of the Cole, although Yemeni
authorities have indicated they are poised to indict at least two people.
US officials have already visited Hijazi in jail in Amman and US officials
plan to seek his extradition to US soil to be tried in connection with the
Cole attack, a bid they expect to be made easier by Hijazi's American
Hijazi was implicated last year in the plots to disrupt millennium
celebrations. But while 13 other alleged members of a terrorist ring were
arrested last December on Christmas Eve, Hijazi escaped.
Agents went door to door in Everett last December showing neighbors pictures
of Hijazi to see if anyone recognized him.
There was confusion at the time on his exact age. His Massachusetts driver's
license indicates he is 22 years old, but a former neighbor of Hijazi's said
last year that he thought he was considerably older.
Joseph Li said at the time that Hijazi had lived downstairs with two younger
men and that he frequently saw his taxicab in front of the two-family house
on Appleton street.
When Hijazi and the other two men left abruptly in 1997, Li said, they left
no forwarding address.
This story ran on page A9 of the Boston Globe on 12/6/2000. 

[CTRL] Fwd: The Music Code in Ancient Myth (1/2)

2000-12-07 Thread Kris Millegan

First published in "The World and I," February 1994 (pp.
371-391). Copyright 1994. All rights reserved. Posted with
permission. Permission granted to distribute ONLY in its
entirety, including this notice.

Ernest G. McClain, former member of the music department at
Brooklyn College of the City University of New York, is the
author of "The Pythagorean Plato" and "The Myth of Invariance."

  Musical Theory and Ancient Cosmology
  by Ernest G. McClain

 In ancient Mesopotamia, music, mathematics, art, science,
religion, and poetic fantasy were fused. Around 3000 B.C., the
Sumerians simultaneously developed cuneiform writing, in which
they recorded their pantheon, and a base-60 number system. Their
gods were assigned numbers that encoded the primary ratios of
music, with the gods' functions corresponding to their numbers in
acoustical theory. Thus the Sumerians created an extensive
tonal/arithmetical model for the cosmos. In this far-reaching
allegory, the physical world is known by analogy, and the gods
give divinity not only to natural forces but also to a
"supernatural," intuitive understanding of mathematical patterns
and psychological forces.
 The cuneiform mathematical notation, invented by Sumer, was
fully exploited by the virtuoso arithmetical calculations of
Babylon, politically ascendant in the second millennium. The
notation employs few symbols, which are distributed in patterns
easily understood by the eye. Thus, few demands are made on
memory. In Mesopotamia, mythology took concrete form; for
example, important activities of the gods can be read as
"events" in a multiplication table notated as a matrix of
Sumerian bricks.
 Classical Greece abstracted all of the rational tonal
concepts embedded in this Sumerian/Babylonian allegory for two
thousand years, simply waiting to be demythologized.  Moreover,
because the religious mythologies of India, China, Babylon,
Greece, Israel, and Europe use Sumerian sources and numerology,
theology needs to be studied from a musicological perspective.

[Main Article]

 If science is conceived of as knowledge and philosophy as
love of wisdom, then the invention of musical theory clearly is
one of the greatest scientific and philosophical achievements of
the ancient world. When, where, and how did it happen?
 Assuming that Cro-Magnon man processed sound with the same
biology we possess, humans have shared some fifty thousand years
of similar auditory experiences. Musical theory as an acoustical
science begins with the definition of intervals, the distance
between pitches, by ratios of integers, or counting numbers, a
discovery traditionally credited to Pythagoras in the sixth
century B.C.
 Not until the sixteenth century A.D., when Vincenzo Galilei
(Galileo's father, an accomplished musician) tried to repeat some
of the experiments attributed to Pythagoras, was it learned that
they were apocryphal, giving either the wrong answers or none at
all.  Today, as the gift of modem archaeological and linguistic
studies, our awareness of cultures much older than that of Greece
has been phenomenally increased; this permits us to set aside the
tired inventions about Pythagoras and tell a more likely story,
involving anonymous heroes in other lands.
 My story is centered in Mesopotamia. It demonstrates how
every element of Pythagorean tuning theory was implicit in the
mathematics and mythology of that land for at least a thousand
years, and perhaps two thousand, before Greek rationalists
finally abstracted what we are willing to recognize as science
from its long incubation within mythology.
 What seems most astounding in ancient Mesopotamia is the
total fusion of what we separate into subjects: music,
mathematics, art, science, religion, and poetic fantasy. Such a
fusion has never been equaled except by Plato, who inherited its
forms. Socrates' statement about the general principles of
scientific studies in book 7 of Plato's "Republic," with the
harmonical allegories that follow directly in books 8 and 9,
guides my exposition here. The Mesopotamian prototypes to which
they lead us fully justify Socrates' treatment of his own tale as
an "ancient Muses' jest," inherited from a glorious, lost
civilization. Scholars who have become too unmusical to
understand mankind's share in divinity, as Plato feared might
happen, still can lean on him for understanding, for all of his
many writings about harmonics and music have survived. (I must
suppress here, for reasons of space, the extensive harmonical
allegories of the Jews, whose parallel forms infuse the Bible
with related musical implication from the first page of Genesis
to the last page of Revelation.)
 Music was as important in ancient India, Egypt, and China as
it was in Mesopotamia and Greece. All these cultures had similar
mythic imagery emphasizing the same numbers, which are so
important in defining musical intervals; this raises doubts about
whether any people ever 

[CTRL] Fwd: The Music Code in Ancient Myth (2/2)

2000-12-07 Thread Kris Millegan

 All pitch classes generated by the prime numbers 2, 3, and
5, up to the index of 60, are represented here (fig. 9). Remember
that all doubles are equivalent, so that 3, 6, 12, and 24 define
the same pitch as 48, for example.
 a. Tones are defined by numbers.
 b. The significance of a number lies only in its ratio with
other numbers.
 c. Numerosity is governed by strict arithmetic economy.
Because Sumerian double meanings were assumed, the numbers 30,
32, 36,... are in smallest integers for this context. This
economy is obscured somewhat by writing ratios as fractions;
mentally eliminate the superfluous reference 60s.
 d. Every number is employed in two senses, as great and
small, displayed here as reciprocal fractions.
 e. The double meanings of great and small require the basic
model octave to be extended across a double octave from 30/60 =
1/2 to 60/30 = 2.
 f. Tones are grouped by tetrachords (that is, in groups of
fours) whose fixed boundaries always show the musical proportion
6:8 = 9:12, defining the octave (6:12 = 1:2), the fifth (2:3,
that is, 6:9 and 8:12), and the fourth (3:4 or 6:8 and 9:12).
 Notice how the arithmetic mean 9 and the harmonic mean 8
establish perfect inverse symmetry (see fig. 10) and define the
standard whole tone as 8:9. These ratios define the only fixed
tones in Pythagorean tuning theory, and they are invariant.
Pythagoras reputedly and plausibly brought this proportion home
from Babylon in the sixth century B.C. In base 60, these
"framing" numbers necessarily are multiplied by 5 into
30:40 = 45:60.
 Notice that Ea/Enki, god 40, defines these frames (DA
falling and G:D rising) in his double role as 40:60 and 60:40 and
thus literally "organizes the earth" (as represented by the
string) into do, fa, sol, do, harmonic foundations of the modern
 g. The Enlil = 50 tones of pitch classes b and f always
belong to the opposite scale, for the god shares these tones with
36 (that is, 30:36 = 50:60 and 30 and 60, "beginning and end,"
coincide); thus, Enlil is free to supervise the system by
reminding us of the symmetry of opposites.
 Enlil's promotion to head the pantheon possibly symbolizes
this insight. He plays a very active role, also generating
several intervals that actually reduce numerosity, whereas
the primal procreator, Anu/An = 60, a do-nothing deity of little
account in Sumer and Babylon, remains purely passive.
 Platonic dialectics, however, emphasize anew the importance
of an invariant t4 seat in the mean, "thus turning Anu/An's
passiveness as geometric mean into the greatest possible
Socratic virtue as quot;the One Itself."
 h. The falling or descending version of this scale, as
notated [in Figure 9], is in our own familiar major mode. It is
more commonly notated one tone lower, on the white keys of the C
octave. The rising scale on the right, its symmetric opposite, is
the basic scale of ancient Greece, India, and Babylon. It is more
simply notated one tone higher, on the white keys in the E
 My choice of D as reference pitch is dictated by the
necessity of showing opposites simultaneously, in the Sumerian
normative arithmetical habit that Plato later required of his
students in dialectic. Future philosopher-guardians in idealized
cities needed to become expert in weighing the merits of
contradictory claims, requiring the ability to see opposites
simultaneously. Music provided the opportunity to do this, par
excellence, and so childhood training began with it.


  To coalesce the musical opposites shown above into one
Sumerian/Platonic overview, eliminating all octave replication
and laying bare the irreducible structure ("God's only model"),
we need only project these tones into the same tone circle.
 From Plato's mythology (in the "Critias") come "Poseidon and
his five pairs of twin sons" (see fig. 11), aligned in perfect
inverse Sumerian symmetry across the central vertical plane of
reflection. (Poseidon, at twelve o'clock, Greek successor to the
water god Ea/Enki, is self-symmetric, being both beginning and
end of the octave no matter whether we traverse it upward or
downward.) These eleven tones constitute the only pitch class
symmetries up to an index of 60.
 But to coalesce opposite fractions so that the numbers--like
the tones--show the same ratios when read in either direction, we
must expand the numerical double 1:2 into 360:720 (see fig. 12).
If we confine ourselves to three-digit numbers, there is, in
addition to Poseidon's ten sons, only one other pair of symmetric
numbers, namely, 405 and 640 (since 405:720 = 360:640). These are
notated here as C and E to indicate their very slight and
melodically insignificant difference from c and e. This
microtonal "comma" difference of 80:81, barely perceptible in the
laboratory and then only by a good ear, was taken by the Greeks
as the smallest theoretically useful unit of pitch measure and is

[CTRL] Fwd: The 20-Year Cycle of Presidential Deaths ....

2000-12-07 Thread Kris Millegan


 "As a parting shot, [Prudence] Calabrese* gives [her trainee
"remote viewers'] a blind target -- "winner of the 2000
presidential election" -- to half of the class. (It's summer,
months before our current electoral nightmare began.)
 "The phrases that come up: U.S. national anthem, death,
cemetery, no hope, depression, regret, tragedy, loss, religion,
disaster, devastation, proud, failure, sadness, living under
ground, sacrifice, victims, mass migration, people fleeing, large
flying craft.
 "{Trainee remote viewer] Ocean comes up with the message, "I
am sacrificed. I do not deserve this, but it needed to be this
way. I am helpless."
 "Calabrese says this is the most disturbing data she has
seen from such a target and promises to have her professional
viewers look into it.

 "The e-mail message that I received from Calabrese back on
June 13 read: "Darn. So much for redecorating my bomb shelter...
OK, guys and girls, the results are IN! And the professional data
indicates a high probability that Bush is going to carry the
election with no bombs or ecological monstrosities in the
background (other than the usual stuff going on in the world)."

 "I still don't know."

 --"The View From Here" by Silke Tudor in The San Francisco
Weekly, December 6-12 2000.  ("In the Cold War, the US and the
USSR saw 'remote viewing' as a weapon.  What about now?")


*Calabrese is "a scientist who was studying nuclear physics and
working at a cyclotron facility designing magnets when she 'had a
moment of self realization' ... Fascinated with remote viewing,
Calabrese signed up to be trained by civilian remote viewer and
Emory University professor of political science Courtney Brown.
Brown had studied under [Ed] Dames and founded the Farsight
Institute ... Calabrese was a quick study.  She found herself
acting as vice president of Farsight for two years until,
disillusioned with what she deemed to be non-scientific
protocols, she quit Farsight to start her own company,
TransDimensional Systems."

[CTRL] Fwd: [NA] The Stupidest Thing They’re Saying

2000-12-07 Thread Kris Millegan

"Those who cast the votes decide nothing.
Those who count the votes decide everything."
attributed to Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin

December 1, 2000 NA (Network America) e-wire

The Stupidest Thing They’re Saying

The very “stupidest” thing that big time Media Front Men and politicians
are saying is: “A voting machine isn’t Republican or Democratic. A
voting machine is unbiased.”

This absurdity has been a mantra of Bill O’Reilly of the O’Reilly Factor
on Fox News; it has been repeated by Sean Hannity of Hannity  Colmes,
and numerous establishment commentators, lawyers, and politicians during
the last several weeks.

This is a prime example of how Big Media Commentators and Big Party
Politicians and Spokesmen are paid and put where they are PRECISELY
because they never quite get to the bottom of anything; they never seem
to get to first causes and first principles.

The unspoken assumption of the “voting machines aren’t biased” statement
is this: “No one would ever THINK of programming a computer dishonestly”
— or — “No one would ever THINK of trying to steal an election via
computer fraud” — or “It is not possible for a human being to
accidentally misprogram a voting computer or a voting machine.”

In the article by Dr. Susan L.M. Huck, “How Elections are Stolen” which
appeared in the October 1977 issue of American Opinion magazine, she
told of a series of 35 “election computer war games” which the Los
Angeles Times sponsored in 1967. In these war games, there were two sets
of experts. One set of experts would try to fix the vote counting
computer to count the votes fraudulently, and the other team had to try
to catch how they did it. Then Team Two would go on the offensive and
try to fix the vote counting computer so that Team One couldn’t detect
how it was done. And guess what?

The computer expert team that was fixing the voting computer — WON EVERY
TIME! The Election Computer Fixers, whether is be Team One or Team Two,

Enough said. Thankfully, the generations under 40 are not in such awe of
computers as those of us who are over 40. The younger generation guffaws
at any suggestion that election computers can’t be fixed.

Election computers are unbiased, Mr. O’Reilly? Sorry.

Election computers are as biased or unbiased as the person or persons
who program them. And two and two are four, and the sun rises in the
east, and . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Jim Condit Jr.,
Director, Citizens for a Fair Vote Count

The "Ruling Elite", through their five Big TV Networks, AP wire service, and two major 
papers, the New York Times and Washington Post, are making peaceful change impossible 
at the ballot box, --  via Vote Fraud, Media Censorship, and Poll Fraud, and the flood 
of illegal aliens who are becoming registered voters . . . President Kennedy talked 
about this:

"If you make peaceful change impossible. you make violent revolution inevitable." 
President John F Kennedy

Go to to hear (or read the text) of the Radio Ads which are now 
airing over WLW Radio (which reaches into 38 states at night)and other stations -- 
exposing the easily rigged computerized elections which are about to "elect" the next 
President, and also exposing the coordinated news and censorship of the 5 Big TV 
Networks. Thanks to Ken Lowndes for Congress, the radio stations MUST air these ads. 
They're tough. They're "outrageous" -- and you've never heard anyting like it on TV or 

The three prongs of Big Media election manipulation are: Massive coverage of favored 
Candidates, and Censorship of all other candidates -- including warped Public Opinion 
Polls for months before the election; phony exit polls done by joint effort of the Big 
TV Networks on Election Day, and easily rigged computerized vote counting on election 
day -- which make the polls and exit polls come true. (On election day, the people are 
barred from touching or counting their ballots, the election officials are barred from 
knowing what is in the software program that instructs the computers how to count the 
votes.) (you can subscribe to this list by going to this website and 
signing in at the top near the topica logo, then answer confirming message) for a report about the recent Citizens for a Fair Vote Count 
Convention which took place Aug 25-27, 2000 and Action Steps. The Citizens for a Fair 
Vote Count Convention was a great success in launching the beginning of a nationwide 
network to restore honest elections. See special report at updated and improved 
website. Go to:

go to to read archived messages from this Network America e-wire in the 
"news" section under "news by month"

Read "Best of" Archives at at "Citizens for a Fair Vote Count" 
section accessed in left hand column of home page. Or see the end of the message to 
read all archives at

(RADIO SHOW ON LINE ALL THE TIME. Listen anytime to 

Re: [CTRL] Konformist: The CIA Florida Absentee Ballots

2000-12-07 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] eBay item 517126709 Bilderberg document 1957 conspiracy

2000-12-07 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A
item 517126709 (Ends Dec-09-00 21:33:28 PS…/A
Bilderberg document 1957 conspiracy
Item #517126709Collectibles:Militaria: US:WW II:General

Currently   $500.00 First bid   $500.00
Quantity1   # of bids   0 bid history
Time left   2 days, 12 hours +  LocationLexington, Virginia
Country USA
Started Dec-02-00 21:33:28 PST   mail this auction to a friend
EndsDec-09-00 21:33:28 PST   watch this item
Seller (Rating) mattflusk (2031)
view comments in seller's Feedback Profile | view seller's other auctions |
ask seller a question
High bid--
Payment Money Order/Cashiers Checks, Personal Checks, See item description
for payment methods accepted
ShippingBuyer pays fixed shipping charges, Will ship to United States
only, See item description for shipping charges
Update item Seller:  If this item has received no bids, you may revise it.
Seller assumes all responsibility for listing this item. You should contact
the seller to resolve any questions before bidding. Auction currency is U.S.
dollars ($) unless otherwise noted.Description

Letter is from C. D. Jackson executive Time Life and Fortune to William
Jackson G-2 under Bradley during WWII, former CIA deputy chief, assistant to
President Eisenhower, The Bilderberg Group (named after their 1st meeting at
the Bilderberg resort in 1954) not commonly known to average americans meets
every year at a plush resort somewhere around world, this group is the
plutocracy of present day globalization, central bank chairs, intelligence
chiefs, heads of states, up and comming politicians of the West commonly go
to these secret meetings, would make a great addition to your conspiracy
library, winning bid to add $3.20 shipping. Good Luck! *U.S. Sales Only. U.S.
Sales Only. U.S. Only.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: The Music Code in Ancient Myth (1/2)

2000-12-07 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

This is the stuff of which neutron bombs are made?

Vibrations?  This is one of the most interesting articles I have ever
read - and of course it must be read and read in my case.

The poem We Are the Music Makers, We Are the Dreamers of Dreams - tells
a lot about use of music - and the Irish Harp of David who used it to
sooth Saul

It is said Mozart was murdered because he revealed masonic secrets in
The Magic Flute, but masonry is only for the curious to explore and one
can learn much  and that is all you get in most instances - an

So Joshua (and not that Jaws 2 on this list) did he use music and
vibrations to bring down the walls?   The Irish did - today listen to
the rap music and wonder the intent of same when it programs to kill

So once you sent our boys to war with a song, and Glen Miller was just
another trumpet player during WWII or was it trombone...these music
makers take a lot of credit for things do they notlike Alex Baldwin
marking Heston for murder knowing a thought becomes the wish, becomes a
fact and a song or word once spoken...

So thanks Das Goat..wonderful item.   Plato even knew of the two
underground currents, El Nino and La Nina which some thing just hot, one cold...linked to jet streams and how the
turtles, the voice of silence, travels with lemmings presumably
throughout the world

So if the fat lady hits High C - do good crystal glasses still break?


And Jimmy Carter's bomb where you kill all the people, but the buildings
will remain?   More bad vibes?

Like music makers - they do leave a paper trailJude in the bible
very important  to Beattles who claimed to have bigger following than
Jesus Christnot much of a claim, for only the women remained to the

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Rahab and the Music Makers

2000-12-07 Thread Aleisha Saba

Rahab was a harlot - but it the interpretation of a harlot is what - for
supposedly Rahab and the Red Cord (or is that Chord)  she saved the
lives of the spies and in so doing saved herself..

A psalm is a song is it not and I always found this psalm of particular
interest - in particular the reference to the Music Makers.

During WWII we had songs like In the Cool Cool Cool of the Evening, and
Don't Sit Under the Apple Tree - to the beautiful songs of birds,
Skylark and Bluebirds sybolizing wings of our eagles..

This psalm I have always wondered what it really meantbut as usual,
the earth movers and world shakers, or whatever, claim to be
there..maybe time we got new song books?


So much for music in the air.

The King James Bible
at the Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia

Psalms, psalm 87

"1": His foundation is in the holy mountains.

"2": The LORD loveth the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of

"3": Glorious things are spoken of thee, O city of God. Selah.

"4": I will make mention of Rahab and Babylon to them that know me:
behold Philistia, and Tyre, with Ethiopia; this man was born there.

"5": And of Zion it shall be said, This and that man was born in her:
and the highest himself shall establish her.

"6": The LORD shall count, when he writeth up the people, that this man
was born there. Selah.

"7": As well the singers as the players on instruments shall be there:
all my springs are in thee.

Re: [CTRL] eBay item 517126709 Bilderberg document 1957 conspiracy

2000-12-07 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Might add here Kris - my 1954 Gideon Bible with calendar/code.big
link here and if I had more time would sure do a lot more investigative
work here.

My sister once sat at same banquet table with Prince Berhnard - who is
so old now doubt he has much intellect left - he looked like a real
Prussian Prince type..but does Bilderberg - how does it connect to
Geneva Conference of that year - for the individual who had this bible
also attended one conference, worked under man who once headed up CIA
and Joint Chief.and I never knew it.

1954 was a very strange year was it not?   Mafia interests always get
into the hotel business first, like in Cuba?   As around the
world..and of course in most hotels, it is said when the Mafia held
a meetiang, they always had the bible open before conducting same.

Wonder to what?   Song of Solomon - Voice of Turtle, or Lilies and Roses
for all was sub rosa.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Charles Manson Tidbit

2000-12-07 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-

It sounds like something out of a fortune cookie. And why does the author keep 
referring to Manson as a mass murderer? He's never been charged or convicted with 
murdering anyone.

On Wed, 6 Dec 2000 08:31:24 -0500 Ynr Chyldz Wyld [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
-Caveat Lector-

From: "Damaeus" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Picked this up off a Bizarre Newsletter I get in e-mail from time to
 time.  It's about Charles Manson and some things he's said.  In
 particular I find his comment "In the world of the blind, the one-eyed
 man is king" to be quite interesting.  I think he's saying that blind
 people have a more active third eye than one who is not blind.

No, it means exactly what it says, namely something that is a handicap in a world of 
people who have sight
with 2 eyes (having sight in only one eye), would be considered beneficial if the 
world were made up of people
who are blind in both eyes.  Nothing to do with the 3rd eye.  It means basically that 
a person who is only
partially aware has an advantage over those -- the majority -- who are totally 
unaware.  In other words, if
you recognize that some sort of conspiracy is afoot in orchestrating our lives, but 
aren't able to articulate
the exact nature of that conspiracy, you are still less blind than those who don't 
recognize that there is a
conspiracy at all...

And the quote is not a Manson original, altho I couldn't tell you who first coined 


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Re: [CTRL] Charles Manson Tidbit

2000-12-07 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

It sounds like something out of a fortune cookie. 

It's from a short story by H.G. Wells.

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[CTRL] Check out Electrocuted Man Rises From the Dead

2000-12-07 Thread Carl Amedio

-Caveat Lector-

Click here: Electrocuted Man Rises From the Dead/A

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Striking Back: What An Independent Activist Is Doing! (fwd)

2000-12-07 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

--- Johannes Schmidt III [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I did a similar tactic some years back to my old high school. Some of
 the teaching staff took a dislike to my outspokenness and crazy ideas
 (like the essay I wrote in 1991, and failed, where I predicted
 Yugoslavia would disintegrate into civil war). The staff in question
 entering a conspiracy against me in year 12, where I scored 51% for
 both my history subjects (despite scoring over 90% in external
 examinations), cleverly ensuring I couldn't appeal failing my subject
 as I hadn't failed,  and not surprisingly the only University course
 I was offered was a Batchelor of Education (teaching), which I
 declined to waste my time with.

In graduate school, C = F. Professors, therefore, like to give B
minuses to students who don't parrot back the PC BS on the tests.

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] a ''sinister'' conspiracy to aid George W. Bush

2000-12-07 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

AP Top News - 12/07/2000

• Regional Florida Official Admits Helping GOP

 by VICKIE CHACHERE Associated Press Writer

 TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) -- One attorney charged
there was a ''sinister'' conspiracy to aid George W. Bush. A
former CIA agent said he was just trying to help GOP voters. A
county elections official said she let Republican operatives
correct absentee ballot applications.

 Two trials that could affect tens of thousands
of presidential votes played out just blocks from where Florida's
highest court was set to hear legal arguments Thursday in the
contested presidential election.

 In Leon County Circuit Court, attorneys
representing voters who alleged Republicans tampered with
absentee ballot application forms asked judges to throw out as
many as 25,000 absentee ballots from Seminole and Martin

 At issue in both cases is whether mistakes on
absentee ballot request forms sent out by the Florida Republican
Party in the waning days of the election were illegally corrected
by state GOP officials when the mistakes were discovered.

 ''It was a sinister underground conspiracy'' to
help Bush, said Edward Stafman, attorney for the Martin County

 But Republican activists testified they did
nothing wrong, saying they just were trying to correct mistakes
their party made on the forms.

 Attorneys for the counties and the Republicans
are pleading with the judges to not throw out absentee votes.
They argue that voters had no control over what was done and
shouldn't be disenfranchised.

 In the Seminole County case, Leon County Circuit
Judge Nikki Clark was to hear closing arguments Thursday
afternoon. In Martin County, Judge Terry Lewis took nearly four
hours of testimony Wednesday before recessing. The trial resumed
at 8 a.m. EST Thursday.

 The Seminole and Martin county trials were held
back-to-back in the same courtroom. Testimony in the Seminole
case finished after 13 hours Wednesday, then the Martin case

 Bush won the absentee balloting by 4,797 votes
in Seminole and by 2,815 votes in Martin, so throwing them out
could place his 537-vote certified statewide lead in jeopardy.

 Voter ID numbers were left off many applications
through computer errors in Seminole County and incorrect numbers
were placed on the forms in Martin County. Florida law says
ballot applications may not be mailed out without the correct
identification numbers.

 In the Seminole County case, elections
supervisor Sandra Goard admitted she allowed Republican officials
to fill in the numbers and said it was the first time she had
done so. ''I had never received a request for that to be done,''
she said. Democrats did not ask for the same accommodation, she

 Goard also testified that Florida law did not
give her the authority to allow party officials to fill in the
numbers. But she said she allowed GOP official Michael Leach and
a second man she has been unable to identify to fill in the
numbers at the party's request. Democratic Party state chairman
Bob Poe later called to protest her actions, but Poe did not
request the same opportunity to correct applications for
Democrats, she said.

 Goard did not appear in court Wednesday. Her
previous deposition testimony was read aloud instead.

 In the Martin County case, county GOP official
Tom Hauck was asked on the stand whether he would acknowledge
''walking out of the office'' of Republican elections supervisor
Peggy Robbins ''with a stack of applications for absentee

 ''On one occasion, that's right,'' Hauck
replied, adding that he took the ballots to county Republican
headquarters to fill in the numbers.

 Thursday morning, Robbins started the day on the
witness stand, testifying she thought she was doing the sensible
thing when she let the Republicans fill in the numbers on the
ballot applications.

 ''They had put the information on these cards.
It seemed logical to let the people who had done it incorrectly
to correct the problem,'' she said.

 On Wednesday, Charles Kane, who testified he
worked for the FBI and retired from the CIA in 1975, said nothing
secretive nor sinister occurred.

 ''We had an obligation to them,'' he said of
Republicans who had received the inaccurate ballot document. ''We
had filled out their forms. We did not see this as altering. All
we saw this as was correcting a problem caused by the Republican
Party of Florida.''

 Todd Schnick, the state Republican party's
political director, testified that he did not remember key
elements of the ballot form glitches, which occurred in the 

[CTRL] Golden Triangle Role for U.S. Army -Thai-Bu...

2000-12-07 Thread Jayson R. Jones

-Caveat Lector-

On Thu, 7 Dec 2000 11:00:41 EST Kris Millegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
-Caveat Lector-

Does the above remind anyone else of Bolivia, and Becthel?

Does Sea Spray sound anything like Sea Crest to anyone else?

Why should this surprise anyone?  After all Air America morphed into
Southern Air Transport which morphed into Evergreen Air.   The ONLY
EFFECTIVE way to put a stop to the Drug War that is financed by the
taxpayers (and where the profits go to Corporate America) is for the
people to vote to decrimminalize (or better yet legalize) drugs.  Nothing
else will put a stop to it.  Even the new California law that takes
nonviolent people who are only in possession of illegal drugs out of the
crimminal justice system and puts them in treatment is a sham for the
huge and growing "Treatment Industry" which has had tremendous growth
over the past 10 years.  No matter how you personally feel about drugs or
their cost to society, legalization would be cheaper both in real dollars
and in reduction of harm across the spectrum.  The truth is that the only
effective brake on this nonsense is to take control of the purse strings.
 If the people take the profit out of the drug business for the
corporates, the politicians, and the big crooks, much of the "drug crime"
will dissappear overnight.  Not only that but it will allow us to treat
drug addiction the same way we treat all other addictions (for the very
small number who are truly addicted and need help).  Most drug users are
your neighbors, who use drugs occasionally and responsibly (like
Jayson R. Jones

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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2000-12-07 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Thursday,December 7,2000

HOW loony can this endless election get?  Well, Jeb Bush may yet
get to go to jail - to make sure brother George W. becomes

The Jeb-goes-to-jail scenario got a tad more likely yesterday
when the GOP-controlled Florida Legislature decided to start a
special session tomorrow with an eye toward picking its own Bush
electors, just in case.

Here's how it could happen.  Suppose the Florida Supreme Court -
seven Democratic appointees - again rules for Al Gore and orders
the certification of 25 Gore electors.

But the court can't certify the electors on its own - presumably,
it would require the executive branch, Florida Secretary of State
Katherine Harris, to do so, and Gov.  Jeb Bush to sign the Gore

It's a good guess that Jeb, and possibly Harris, would think the
court was way out of line and feel there was a constitutional
duty to refuse. That could put Jeb in contempt of court - and in
theory, at risk of jail.

"Maybe he'll get to go to jail - but for us to reach that
nightmare scenario would be an awful thing," says Northwestern
University constitutional law professor Stephen Presser.

Sure, Jeb says he'll do what the courts tell him.  But when push
comes to shove, would he be the one to sign the decree for his
brother's defeat?

And there's more.  If Congress has to choose between competing
Florida elector slates, federal law suggests priority goes to the
slate signed and certified by the governor - Jeb.

As it happens, such a slate already exists for George W.  -
Jeb-signed and filed with the National Archives when Harris
certified Bush as the winner Nov.  26.

Harris carefully set up that certification as self-adjusting in
hopes it will stand even if Bush's victory margin changes because
the hand-counts are thrown out (his margin would rise from 537 to
930 votes).

Some scholars claim a later court-ordered slate (if it comes
before Dec.  12) could take precedence over the Jeb-Harris slate.
Republicans say no.  But either way, why would Jeb sign a Gore

Besides, if the Florida state Legislature goes ahead and picks
its own set of Bush electors, Jeb would want to certify that
slate instead of a possible court-ordered Gore slate.

Now it's true that Florida Republicans may vote a Bush slate by
proclamation to spare Jeb the need to sign it.  But still, Jeb
would surely balk at certifying a Gore slate and thus giving it
preference over the Legislature's Bush slate.

Sound nutty?  Yup.  But the prospect of a jailed Jeb isn't much
nuttier than a lot of the post-election mess that has already
come to be.


Assuming there is a Bush White House, word is he'll name a
high-tech exec to a high-up post - maybe a new post as tech czar
- as a symbol of concern with the new economy.

Leading prospects: Cisco CEO John Chambers, Netscape co-founder
James Barksdale and high-tech venture capitalist Floyd Kvamme.

New name on the Bush rumor mill for U.S.  attorney general:
soon-to-be ex-Sen.  John Ashcroft (R-Mo.) - he lost to a dead man
(Gov. Mel Carnahan) whose widow Jean will take his seat.

Ashcroft graciously refused to contest the election (it's
questionable whether a dead man can legally win a U.S. Senate
seat) so some argue tapping him as AG would signal bipartisan
reconciliation, and offer a nice contrast with Gore's
sue-to-the-max approach.

Also in the AG mix - Oklahoma Gov.  Frank Keating and Montana
Gov.  Marc Racicot.  Given the close splits in House and Senate,
Bush isn't likely to tap any sitting GOP members of Congress for
posts.  Only losers need apply.


No surprise that Sen.  Joe Biden (D-Del.) was the first big
Democratic name to predict Gore will lose.  Biden is no Gore fan
and besides, it's no secret he plans to run for president in
2004, assuming Gore does lose.

So do Sen.  John Kerry (Mass.) and soon-to-be-ex-Sen.  Bob Kerrey
(Neb.) and maybe House Democratic leader Dick Gephardt.  But
they're staying super-loyal to Gore.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives 

[CTRL] FSS: Overseas ballots move to next step

2000-12-07 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Overseas ballots move to next step

By Karla Schuster
Tallahassee Bureau
Florida Sun Sentinel
Posted December 7, 2000

TALLAHASSEE -- Attorneys for Gov.  Jeb Bush on Wednesday won a
bid to move into federal court a lawsuit that could disqualify
thousands of overseas ballots.  The move keeps the case away from
a state judge who questioned the legality of overseas ballots in
another case.

The lawsuit, filed last week by several South Florida Democrats
in Leon Circuit Court, seeks to toss out overseas absentee
ballots in 10 counties because they were received after Election

Florida law states only those ballots received by Election Day
can be counted in the final results.  But in a 1984 consent
decree with the U.S.  Department of Justice, Florida agreed to
accept overseas absentee ballots for up to 10 days after an
election -- if postmarked by Election Day.

As a result, lawyers for Gov.  Jeb Bush convinced U.S. District
Court Judge Maurice M.  Paul that the case should be heard in
federal court because it involves a federal consent order as well
as the governor`s duty to certify presidential electors, which is
part of the U.S. Constitution.

Paul will hold a hearing on the lawsuit, and a similar one filed
Tuesday, at 1 p.m.  today.

"Not only is it [the lawsuit] entirely controlled by federal law,
the specific relief requested is available, if at all, under
federal statutes and the United States Constitution," according
to a brief filed by lawyers for the Florida governor.

Jeb Bush was one of several defendants, including his brother,
Republican presidential hopeful George W. Bush, and Secretary of
State Katherine Harris.  The first case had been assigned to Leon
Circuit Court Judge Ralph Smith.  The second had not been
assigned to a state judge, and attorneys for Harris were expected
to file motions to transfer it to federal court by this morning.

If successful, the lawsuits would disqualify several thousand
overseas absentee ballots, most of which were cast for Texas Gov.
Bush, and give Florida`s 25 electoral votes -- and the presidency
-- to Vice President Al Gore.

However, that scenario is considered unlikely.  The first
overseas lawsuit was randomly assigned by the circuit court to
Judge Smith, who commented in an earlier case that he could find
no law supporting the practice of accepting late ballots.

"Where did the 10 days come from?" Smith asked during a Nov.  24
hearing at which GOP attorneys were seeking a court order to
force several counties to include more overseas ballots in their
final election tallies.  "There is no state or federal law that
provides for a 10-day extension.  We`re not in a time of war

Attorney Bruce Terris, who is representing the plaintiffs in the
second overseas-ballot case, argues that Florida should have
codified the federal consent decree in state law.  Instead, the
state adopted the agreement as an administrative rule.

"A statute normally takes precedent over a state regulation, and
the state law is very clear that all ballots must be in by
Election Day," said Terris, a Washington, D.C.-based attorney who
was the district`s Democratic Party chairman from 1968 to 1972.

"And it`s particularly interesting," Terris said, "at the moment
when the Bush campaign is arguing in other cases that state
statutes of Florida must be literally construed that they would
be arguing the opposite in this case."

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] The Disappearing Male Student

2000-12-07 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-

University women in a class of their own
By Philip Delves Broughton in New York

Decline in male students redefines gender gap [19 Oct '00] -

THIRTY years of effort by America's universities to attract more
women have left them with a new problem, a shortage of men.
Only 44 per cent of this year's admissions are men and academics
now wonder whether their encouragement and preference for
women may have gone too far. This year, several colleges have
instituted new policies of giving preference to male candidates
when their achievements are equal to those of female candidates.
Others, such as the University of North Carolina DePaul University
in Chicago, have begun actively pursuing male candidates by
sending out extra mailings to men and touting their more
masculine courses, such as science and engineering. In July, a
group of female applicants to the University of Georgia lost a
lawsuit in which they argued that the university's admissions policy
favoured men.
The pattern of declining male applications and rising female
university attendance was established in the 1970s. During the
past decade, however, it has worsened drastically. The figures have
been further skewed by a boom in older women attending
university, many after their children have left home. Government
estimates forecast that men will make up only 42 per cent of
university students by 2010.
One theory about the decline in men going to university lays the
blame on Bill Gates. The richest man in the world dropped out of
Harvard before earning a degree, setting a standard in the
technology industry for ambitious young men.
University, for many in the computer or internet business, is seen
as little more than a rest stop for the less capable. Overall, men
see less value in a university degree and are more reluctant to take
on the financial demands required to earn one.


The free man owns himself. He can damage himself
with either eating or drinking; he can ruin himself
with gambling. If he does he is certainly a damn
fool, and he might possibly be a damned soul; but
if he may not, he is not a free man any more than
a dog. - G. K. Chesterton, Broadcast talk 6-11-35

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Nation -- Seminole Bomb Hasn't Gone Off Yet (

2000-12-07 Thread Kris Millegan

Title: Nation -- Seminole Bomb Hasn't Gone Off Yet





December 7, 2000
Top Searches 
 Covers MP3 Mideast Election  

Bomb Hasn't Gone Off Yet
The one-day trial is now two, 
and will resume Thursday. The Democrats haven't 
raised any heart rates so farBY FRANK PELLEGRINI 

TIM SLOAN/AFP Judge Nikki Clark listens to 
arguments in the Seminole County case 


Related: Election 

Magazine: GOP Vote Tampering in 

Poll: Will the Dems be successful in the 
Seminole County 
Tick. Tick. Tick. 
As Al Gore's Seminole County nuclear bomb 
rolled into the witness phase Wednesday of what 
Judge Nikki Clark says will be a one-day trial, 
the basic facts were not in dispute. 
County Elections Supervisor Sandy Goard, a 
Republican, allowed Republican staffers to add 
voter ID numbers to some 2,130 absentee ballot 
applications, most from registered Republicans, 
and 1,932 of those resulted in a vote. A state 
anti-fraud law requires that absentee ballot 
applications include nine pieces of information 
from voters, including voter ID numbers. 
Technically, then, 1,932 votes  most of 
them presumably cast for George W. Bush  
are invalid. 
Only a hypertechnicality? 
The question for Judge Clark, then, is 
whether the punishment that the 
Democratic-activist plaintiff wants  
either toss out all 15,000 of the county's 
absentee ballots or come up with some 
statistically derived alternative in that 1,900 
neighborhood  fits the crime. 
Republicans, with Terry C. Young defending 
Goard and Barry Richard and Daryl Bristow 
representing Bush (while 

[CTRL] Fwd: Barbara Hartwell Report/Fwd

2000-12-07 Thread Kris Millegan

Barbara Hartwell Report/Fwd

After having been stomped by the Brave New World Order cyber-goons even
worse than NewsHawk has been, it's very good to have Barbara Hartwell
back in the action. Her work is always enlightening and challenging.

Here's Ms. Hartwell's latest Intelligence Report.

NewsHawk® Inc.

Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2000 18:06:59 -0500
From: "Barbara Hartwell" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Barbara Hartwell" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Barbara Hartwell
PO Box 832
Woodstock NY 12498

Sponsored by

Permission to post ONLY if document is published in its ENTIRETY...Thank
you !


As a survivor of CIA mind control and gov't black programs, I am
committed to exposing and more importantly -STOPPING- the massive
violations of human rights which are an integral part of these
illegal/unconstitutional covert operations. As an American citizen I am
exercising my constitutional rights and I have every right to demand
JUSTICE. For this purpose I started my Legal Defense and Research Fund
in 1997, roughly one year after I made the decision to go public. During
the course of my own research and long before I went public with my own
case, I had previously learned that there are -at least- hundreds of
individuals who are survivors/victims of various black programs. And
these are only the ones I KNOW about. How many more are out there ? It's
anyone's guess. Many of these people contacted me after reading my
published material or hearing my testimony on radio, TV or in lectures
at conferences around the country.

Like myself, many of these persons have been targeted for harassment
tactics and political persecution. Unlike myself, most of these people
have NOT made their cases public. They understand, as I do, how very
difficult -and often impossible- it is to prove our allegations, as well
as the security risks involved in going public. The standard M.O. of the
perpetrators of these abuses, including mind control and -sometimes
life-threatening- harassment, is "PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY". And tragically
for those of us who have been targeted, the perps' strategy has shown
itself to be all too effective. Unfortunately for us, the perps are
flush with all the money, resources and advanced technology they need to
continue their reign of terror on innocent American citizens. Let's face
it, any ONE of us -when standing against these perps alone- is
figuratively speaking, outmanned and outgunned. And so -day in, day out-
they continue these flagrant abuses- WITH IMPUNITY. However, I think
it's important to document and to SPEAK OUT about these abuses, whether
or not we are able to obtain conclusive proof and whether or not we
decide to make a public disclosure using our real names. If WE - the
targeted individuals- don't make it our business to collect the
evidence, WHO WILL ? If WE don't speak out, WHO WILL ? Because I
personally have chosen to go public using my real name, I continue to
document the events as they happen and to try to keep my case as public
as I can, in the hope of gaining the support I need to continue my work
as a researcher; an investigative journalist operating independently
outside the mainstream media; a whistleblower exposing black operations
and a survivor documenting my own testimony. But more importantly, I
need this support to stay alive.

I have been financially ruined by the persecution directed at me. As the
result of a downward spiral -financially and otherwise- over the past 7
years, I am now living in abject poverty. I also am disabled by serious
chronic illness as a result of the abuses committed against me for the
many years I was still inside the black projects, as well as since I
have broken out. For these compelling reasons, in the past few years, I
have been faced with a brutal struggle for the most basic survival. Only
someone who has experienced such a journey through what I can only call
a LIVING HELL can truly understand how life-shattering this can be. As
for those who have NOT been targeted, I don't expect them to understand.
The best I can hope for is that they might listen to my testimony -as
well as that of other targeted individuals- with an open mind and at the
very least suspend judgment until they are able to make an INFORMED
decision as to what they believe the truth to be.

most recent circumstances involving the escalating harassment and
sabotage directed against me I feel it is important to acknowledge
certain individuals who have offered the necessary 

[CTRL] Fwd: L.A. New Times Discredits Brice Taylor

2000-12-07 Thread Kris Millegan

Sex, Spies and VideoTape
Even tabloid TV didn't buy Brice Taylor's claims of being a CIA sex slave.
But Channel 13 saw higher ratings in her ravings.

Originally published by New Times Los Angeles
December 7, 2000
©2000 New Times, Inc.

 [NOTE: Dr. John Hochman, a cult and mind control ³expert² cited in the
text below, is a practicing psychiatrist in Encino, California, and a
³consultant² in courtroom cases involving abuse allegations, coercive
persuasion and psychotherapy cult involvement. Dr. Hochman is also Assistant
Clinical Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the UCLA School of
Medicine (formerly headed by the CIA¹s Dr. Louis Jolyon West) and serves on
the editorial and advisory boards of the Cultic Studies Journal (a
publication with CIA ties), the American Family Foundation (a CIA front),
and the False Memory Syndrome Foundation (the FMSF, another CIA front). In
1990 he won the John C. Clark Award for ³Distinguished Scholarship in Cultic
Studies² from the American Family Foundation (yet another CIA front). ‹ AC]

{ }

Sex, Spies and VideoTape

For several days running, KCOP-TV Channel 13 had been promoting its
blockbuster investigation. Radio spots touting the special report had aired
repeatedly, teasing listeners with salacious but vague details.
Finally, in the middle of the UPN affiliate's ten o'clock news program on
November 2, which followed an offering of professional wrestling, the big
story was ready to roll.
After a commercial break, anchors Rick Chambers and Lauren Sanchez appeared
on-screen, materializing out of a graphic signifying that the forthcoming
story was a production of a special investigative crew.
Chambers had become KCOP's male anchor 13 months earlier. Previously, he had
been a weekend anchor with KNBC after moving from a Miami station in 1992.
Sanchez started at KCOP as an unpaid intern after receiving a communications
degree at USC. She managed to secure a paying job as a producer, then moved
to Phoenix to get her first on-air experience at an independent station
there. Sanchez then became a national correspondent for the magazine program
EXTRA, prompting the Albuquerque Journal to predict that the New Mexico
native was on her way to becoming one of the most influential Hispanic women
in broadcasting. 
Sanchez begins the segment's brief introduction.
Sanchez: Now to a spy thriller unfolding in the heart of suburban Los
Angeles. The CIA allegedly brainwashes a woman and turns her into a sex
slave to the rich and famous.
Chambers: It does sound bizarre. Jodi Baskerville is here with our Unit 13
exclusive investigation.
Baskerville's voice can then be heard as aging photographs of a young woman
-- Brice Taylor, the subject of the special report -- float across the
Baskerville began her television news career in the South, reporting in
Greenwood and then Jackson, Mississippi, in the mid 1980s. After a stop in
Cincinnati, she moved to Los Angeles in 1990 and spent four years reporting
and anchoring at KCBS. The L.A. Times questioned the wisdom of her
subsequent decision to accept a position with the national show Hard Copy, a
program subject to harsh criticism by the journalism community for its focus
on celebrity foibles. But Baskerville explained that after losing her
position at KCBS, the prospect of greater exposure and more than double the
salary of typical local reporters made her decision an easy one.
Baskerville: Brice Taylor used to be your typical soccer mom, with a
successful husband, three kids, and a beautiful home in the San Fernando
Valley. That is, until she started telling of the secret double life as a
mind-controlled sex slave for the CIA.
A glimpse of Taylor driving an automobile is replaced with what appears to
be a pornographic film. An actress clad in a tight-fitting corset and
fishnet stockings has apparently been hired by KCOP to display herself as if
preparing to engage in sexual intercourse. She removes a gauzy, transparent
robe while beginning to mount a bed, all the while facing away from the
camera to conceal her identity. The soft-focus vignette is intended to
provide a visual illustration of the news story. The actress has no lines to
deliver. We hear Taylor instead, and then see the former housewife sitting
in her home. 
Taylor: I would have sex with him and deliver whatever messages that I was
programmed to deliver.
The actress in the tight corset reappears, this time positioning herself so
a generous view of her breasts fills the screen. The camera also lingers on
the inside of her thighs as Baskerville introduces the rest of the story's
Baskerville: Now, this onetime suburban housewife finds herself the unlikely
leading lady in a real-life psychosexual spy thriller costarring a former
Los Angeles FBI chief...
The former FBI chief: Brice Taylor is absolutely telling the truth. I would
stake my name and reputation of 50 years 


2000-12-07 Thread Kris Millegan,5,00.htm

OFFICIALS AND AGENCIES. The Florida Connection.

Drug Trafficking Involving CIA , Mossad, U.S. Presidents Exposed

Exclusive Interview SPOTLIGHT © December 11, 2000

They Stand Accused

Here are the defendants named by attorney Anita Belle in her lawsuit
alleging U.S. government complicity in the importation of illicit drugs: .
Three U.S. federal agencies, the Central Intelligence Agency, the U.S.
Department of Justice, and National Security Council; . Former CIA
directors: William Webster, Robert Gates, John Deutsch and
the estate of former CIA Director William Casey and sitting CIA director
George Tenet; . Former Attorneys General: Edwin Meese and Richard Thornburgh
and the estate of former Attorney General William French Smith and sitting
Attorney General Janet Reno; . Former Presidents: George H.W. Bush and
Ronald Wilson Regan; and . Former CIA and/or intelligence community
officials (linked to the Iran contra affair): Col. Oliver North; Ambassador
Donald Gregg, Felix Rodriguez, Admiral John Poindexter, Duane Claridge,
General Richard Secord, General John Singlaub and the estate of Albert
Vincent Carone.

Attorney Anita Belle had filed (or otherwise attempted to file) a series of
major racketeering lawsuits against the CIA and a host of former public
officials, including presidents, attorneys general and former CIA directors.

Like many others investigating this controversy, Miss Belle has concluded
that the CIA has participated in the importation of illicit drugs such as
heroin and cocaine into the United States and that federal law enforcement
officials conspired with the CIA to look the other way and allow the
importation of those drugs.

For her efforts, Miss Belle has been subjected to repeated abuse by the
court system and two attempts on her life. Miss Belle also charges that
Israel's Mossad collaborated with the CIA in the drug racket and that the
Federal Reserve System has enabled CIA-MOSSAD drug enterprises by laundering
their drug money and profits.

Miss Belle visited The SPOTLIGHT editorial offices in Washington where she
told of her efforts in an exclusive interview. An edited transcript of the
interview with Miss Belle follows. The SPOTLIGHT's questions are in
boldface. Miss Belle's responses are in
regular text.

Your lawsuit against the CIA is filed on behalf of victims of drug abuse and
their families. But you contend that every person in the country is affected
by the importation of drugs.

There are named plaintiffs in the lawsuit who are victims, but the
importation of drugs potentially affects everyone in this country. My case
is not just for blacks, but for whites, too. Although blacks are the primary
victims of drugs, all of this impacts on the white community as well. It's
not just happening in the ghetto. . My lawsuit is not motivated by any
loyalty to any political party or political persuasion. Although I'm a
democrat, I realize that my lawsuit has negative connotations for Democratic
politicians as well as
Republican politicians-including both Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.

How did you get involved in this lawsuit in the first place?

. Back in 1989 when I was in graduate school for clinical psychology I was
very interested in drug rehabilitation and I wandered off into the side
subject of where the supply of drugs actually came from. The department kept
trying to pull me back, saying, "study the demand, study the demand" and I
said, "No, there's a big racial impact in the
area of drugs. Most of the people in drug rehabilitation seem to be black
and I want to find out why." I figured if the substances were imported, it
just couldn't have been a
matter of demand, a natural demand or biological craving. You don't
naturally crave something that isn't native to your environment. So that had
to be something that was being created.
I wrote a letter to every ambassador to the United Nations, suggesting that
the American Government was putting drugs into the black community and
creating a demand. I thought that was genocide even before I started law
school and I felt that it was a conspiracy, even in the legal definition of
the word.

An FBI agent came to my house and asked me: "What is this research that you
plan on sharing with the United Nations? We're concerned that it's somehow
going to impact on national security."

When you are in clinical psychology and you talk about "conspiracy," you are
labeled as schizophrenic and paranoid. So they eventually put me out of the

Did somebody from the FBI go to my department and talk to them?

Whatever happened, it cost me a Ph.D. I was naive then. I had a choice of
suing or going to where "conspiracy" is a legitimate term, so I registered
for law school.
Now that I'm an attorney and pursuing this line, the judge is 

[CTRL] Fwd: Haiti and Cocaine

2000-12-07 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-


Located Midway Between The U.S. And Colombia, Haiti Has Become A Post Office
For Coke Dealers

By Tim Padgett

Marnet would rather be a fork-lift driver than a cocaine trafficker. But
Haiti has a lot more demand for the latter - especially in the northern port
of Cap-Haitien, where Marnet, 29, watched this fall as his one honest meal
ticket, the U.S. Army, shipped home the last of its intervention forces. "I
may have to join my friends and be a welder," he said - not just any welder
but a narco welder, who refits ships to hide drugs. Marnet walked to a cargo
vessel, where two large generators powered the torches he said his pals were
using to solder double hulls and other secret  compartments.  On a matchbox,
he drew the designs they were following. He then pointed to their nearby
bosses, who were opening Samsonite suitcases stuffed with cash in full view
of police on the dock. "The sun is very bright in Haiti,:" Marnet said
sarcastically. "It makes it hard for the police to see these things."

U.S. politicians can see them from Washington. They just can't do much about
the situation. When the Americans ousted Haiti's brutal military regime in
1994, they aimed to bring order and normality to the impoverished Caribbean
state. U.S. peacekeeping forces restored Jean-Bertrand Aristide to the
presidency to which he had been freely elected in 1990. They sank almost $100
million into Haiti's police and judiciary. But today Haiti is as lawless as
it is destitute. A breakdown in America's alliance with Aristide, who left
office in 1996, helped create the kind of power vacuum drug lords love to
fill. Now, after easily winning the presidency again last week, can Aristide
do much about the problem?

It may be too late. Haiti, perfectly situated between Colombia and Miami, has
become the Yankee-proof drug-trafficking nexus the Colombian cartels have
long dreamed of, a place whose police corruption and judicial void make U.S.
interdiction efforts all but futile. "There is no institutional [structure]
there for us to work with," says U.S. Customs Service commissioner Raymond
Kelly. "Everything is broken."

Drug trafficking is hardly new to Haiti. But in the past few years, say U.S.
officials, the cocaine cruising through the country has leaped from less than
5% of the total bound for the U.S. to more than 15% - amounting to almost six
tons a month. When U.S. forces entered Haiti six years ago, they helped
create a new civilian police force and coast guard. But the fledgling,
threadbare agencies are a laugh to the cartels. U.S. officials, citing
Haitian inspector general reports on officer misconduct, estimate that 85% of
police supervisors - including four in Cap-Haitien who were recently caught
with their own bulging satchels of dope cash - are in the pockets of
traffickers. The Haitian coast guard has made a few impressive busts in
recent years, but it has fewer than 100 men and about 10 ships - some of the
best of which are fast Colombian cigarette boats that agents have seized from

The crisis casts doubt on whether U.S. efforts to build democratic
institutions in Haiti were serious - or just the latest of Washington's
half-hearted repair jobs in its own hemisphere. "This sort of reform carries
a time span of 20 years minimum, not six," says Haitian national police
director Pierre Denize, who has fewer than 50 drug agents, no radar to detect
smuggling boats or planes and often stingy intelligence from U.S. agents
still wary of him and his force. "If the U.S. spent as much on Haitian police
as it does stopping Haitian boat people, we could build some trust." Says
prominent business consultant Lionel Delatour: "It looks very unlikely that
the U.S. will invest enough here to avert disaster."

Washington complains in turn that it is seeing too little return and too much
dirt on its investment. "No amount of U.S. assistance will restore
credibility" to Haiti's cops, says Representative Benjamin Gillman, chairman
of the House International Relations Committee. His views are echoed by the
nonpartisan U.S. General Accounting Office, which recently concluded that
"the key factor" in the failure of U.S. antidrug efforts in Haiti has been
the government's "lack of commitment."

Both the Clinton Administration and U.S. congressional leaders blame
Aristide. His relations with Washington soured in 1996 when the U.S. insisted
his first term had expired, even though he had spent most of it in exile.
(Haitian law prohibits consecutive presidential terms.) Many Western
diplomats in Haiti's capital, Port-au-Prince, say that was a mistake, since
Aristide, despite his volatility, could have lent his immense popularity
among Haitians to the police-building effort. His critics charge that
Aristide's powerful Fanmi Lavalas Party is gripped by narco pols, which
Aristide denies. They accuse Dany Toussaint, head of the Haitian Senate's

[CTRL] - December 7, 1941 . . . a Day of Deceit

2000-12-07 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Robert B. Stinnett - December 7, 1941 . . . a Day of Deceit
=== + 
December 7, 2000

December 7, 1941 . . . a Day of Deceit
By Robert B. Stinnett

As Americans honor those 2403 men, women, and children killed -- and
1178 wounded -- in the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on
December 7, 1941, recently released government documents concerning that
"surprise" raid compel us to revisit some troubling questions.

At issue is American foreknowledge of Japanese military plans to attack
Hawaii by a submarine and carrier force 59 years ago. There are two
questions at the top of the foreknowledge list: (1) whether President
Franklin D. Roosevelt and his top military chieftains provoked Japan
into an "overt act of war" directed at Hawaii, and (2) whether Japan's
military plans were obtained in advance by the United States but
concealed from the Hawaiian military commanders, Admiral Husband E.
Kimmel and Lieutenant General Walter Short so they would not interfere
with the overt act.

The latter question was answered in the affirmative on October 30, 2000,
when President Bill Clinton signed into law, with the support of a
bipartisan Congress, the National Defense Authorization Act. Amidst its
omnibus provisions, the Act reverses the findings of nine previous Pearl
Harbor investigations and finds that both Kimmel and Short were denied
crucial military intelligence that tracked the Japanese forces toward
Hawaii and obtained by the Roosevelt Administration in the weeks before
the attack.

Congress was specific in its finding against the 1941 White House:
Kimmel and Short were cut off from the intelligence pipeline that
located Japanese forces advancing on Hawaii. Then, after the successful
Japanese raid, both commanders were relieved of their commands, blamed
for failing to ward off the attack, and demoted in rank.

President Clinton must now decide whether to grant the request by
Congress to restore the commanders to their 1941 ranks. Regardless of
what the Commander-in-Chief does in the remaining months of his term,
these congressional findings should be widely seen as an exoneration of
59 years of blame assigned to Kimmel and Short.

But one important question remains: Does the blame for the Pearl Harbor
disaster revert to President Roosevelt?

A major motion picture based on the attack is currently under production
by Walt Disney Studios and scheduled for release in May 2001. The
producer, Jerry Bruckheimer, refuses to include America's foreknowledge
in the script. When Bruckheimer commented on FDR's foreknowledge in an
interview published earlier this year, he said "That's all b___s___."

Yet, Roosevelt believed that provoking Japan into an attack on Hawaii
was the only option he had in 1941 to overcome the powerful America
First non-interventionist movement led by aviation hero Charles
Lindbergh. These anti-war views were shared by 80 percent of the
American public from 1940 to 1941.
Though Germany had conquered most of Europe, and her U-Boats were
sinking American ships in the Atlantic Ocean – including warships –
Americans wanted nothing to do with "Europe's War."

However, Germany made a strategic error. She, along with her Axis
partner, Italy, signed the mutual assistance treaty with Japan, the
Tripartite Pact, on September 27, 1940. Ten days later, Lieutenant
Commander Arthur McCollum, a U.S. Naval officer in the Office of Naval
Intelligence (ONI), saw an opportunity to counter the U.S. isolationist
movement by provoking Japan into a state of war with the U.S.,
triggering the mutual assistance provisions of the Tripartite Pact, and
bringing America into World War II.

Memorialized in McCollum's secret memo dated October 7, 1940, and
recently obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, the ONI
proposal called for eight provocations aimed at Japan. Its centerpiece
was keeping the might of the U.S. Fleet based in the Territory of Hawaii
as a lure for a Japanese attack.

President Roosevelt acted swiftly. The very next day, October 8, 1940,
the Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Fleet, Admiral James O. Richardson,
was summoned to the Oval Office and told of the provocative plan by the
President. In a heated argument with FDR, the admiral objected to
placing his sailors and ships in harm's way. Richardson was then fired
and in his place FDR selected an obscure naval officer, Rear Admiral
Husband E. Kimmel, to command the fleet in Hawaii.

Kimmel was promoted to a four-star admiral and took command on February
1, 1941. In a related appointment, Walter Short was promoted from Major
General to a three-star Lieutenant General and given command of U.S.
Army troops in Hawaii.

Throughout 1941, FDR implemented the remaining seven provocations. He
then gauged Japanese reaction through intercepted and decoded
communications intelligence originated by Japan's diplomatic and
military leaders.

The island nation's 

Re: [CTRL] Rhonda Schlepper interviews Heidi

2000-12-07 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Holy shit!!! Another lunatic for Colleen / Saba to mentate with.


PM Kansan1225 wrote:

 It has been a very good year for CNN's roving correspondent
 Rhonda Schlepper.  Her big break came late last year when she
 used her clandestine Luciferian Masonic (CLuM) connections to
 substitute for Christiane "A Man" Amanpour, who was then in the
 family way.

 Since that time Ms. Schlepper has succeeded in interviewing the
 aging Adolf Schicklgruber over in Tierra del Fuego, the Land of
 Fire, as well as the little alien Elian when he still was in Mayami.
 Rhonda has just achieved another coup by being the first to
 interview international supermodel/actress Heidi Klum after her
 selection to play the young ingenue role in the major new motion
 picture "Fight all CLuMs and especially P.  U.K.E.", as Miss
 Jildau Van Nuys, Kansan1225's West Coast associate.

 Following are some excerpts from this interview.

 Rhonda Schlepper:  Heidi, you have a great modeling career,
 you have been on the cover of the "Sports Illustrated" swimsuit
 issue.  Why bother with acting in a movie?

 Heidi Klum:  Vy bozzer?  As an artiste I need to keep
 expanding my range.  It is an artistic necessity.

 R.S.:  What attracted you to this project?

 H.K.:  Last January I saw an Internet message titled "Klum a
 CLuM?".  You see, Claudia Shapiro, Laetitia Casta, and myself
 have a contest going, who vill get ze most mentions in ze

 R.S.:  Claudia Shapiro?  Who is that?  Do you mean Claudia

 H.K.:  Ja, ja, Schiffer, zat is vat zey call her now.  But People
 back in Duesseldorf remember her Grandmother on Friday
 Evenings Candles to be lighting.

 R.S.  Now, now, Heidi, that is a little catty.  How could you say
 such things about your colleague and compatriot?

 H.K.  Vell, how could you explain all zat funny business
 betveen Claudia and David Copperfield, whose real name is David Kotkin?

 R.S.:  OK, so what happened after you found that Newsgroup
 message with your name?

 H.K.:  I read more and more of Kansan1225's messages and
 finally saw ze Truth.  I have now become a committed Christian
 and my first action vas to dedicate my cover photo on ze June issue
 of ze Victoria's Secret catalog to all zose who unceasingly verk for
 Truth, Justice and ze Christian Vay.

 R.S.:  But, after that change, you still allowed yourself to be
 selected as this year's "Queen of Halloween" by the Coors Brewing

 H.K.:  Vell, yes.  You see, ze "Qveen of Halloveen" program is
 tied to a fundraising drive for St. Jude's children's hospitals.  I vas
 very proud to participate in zis Christian charity activity.

 R.S.:  OK, what other changes have come to your life since
 becoming acquainted with Kansan's writings?

 H.K.:  Vell, ve Dschermans, as cultural Leaders, for ze
 European Christian Civilization a much greater Responsibility to
 assume have.

 R.S.:  Have you ever met Kansan?  What is he like?

 H.K.  No, he is very reclusive.  He hardly ventures outside
 Mosquitoes anymore.  Some people say he is working for ze
 Jesuits.  Ozzers say he is an agent of ze Okhrana, ze Czar's secret

 R.S.:  He is sort of an international man of mystery.  Some
 people say he has infiltrated major international petrochemical
 corporations to discover their assets and report them to the Czar.

 H.K.  I don't know much about zat, but he speaks several
 languages, all of zem, however, vit a terrible accent.  Can you
 imagine Saudi Arabic, the language of al-Qur'an al-Kareem, ze so-
 called Noble Qur'an, vit a Vichita, Kansas, accent?

 R.S.:  Most people say that Kansan is not all there lately.  What
 do you think?

 H.K.:  Vell, I can understand vy zey might sink zat vey.  But I
 sink zat Kansan has ze seal of ze Holy Spirit.  Es ist geschrieben,
 "but ven it pleased God, who separated me from my mozzer's
 vomb, and called me by His Grace...", Paul's Letter to the
 Galatians, 1:15.  I feel zat Kansan vas selected by God ven still in
 his mozzer's vomb.

 R.S.:  Heidi, I am really surprised by your in-depth knowledge
 of Scripture.

 H.K.  Ze Holy Bible is much better zan Prozac.  Much, much

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available 

[CTRL] Oh how sad, the United States of Europe can't get its shit together.

2000-12-07 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Prodi Warns of EU Deadlock.

By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in Brussels and George Jones

Romano Prodi:
said it was 'absolutely necessary'
for the major powers to cede ground
before enlargement could go ahead

DEADLOCK on major issues of policy threatens the signing of a new EU treaty
at next week's Nice summit, Romano Prodi, the president of the European
Commission, said yesterday.

The stumbling block is member states' refusal to give up their national
veto. His gloomy assessment reflected growing frustration in Brussels at the
way Britain and other leading countries are holding out against substantial
moves to more qualified majority voting.

Mr Prodi said that EU states had made scant progress on the "hot issue": the
abolition of the national veto in the areas of taxation, social security,
border controls, external trade and the EU budget.

Agreement was needed so that the EU's decision-making machinery could still
function in an enlarged union of 25 or even 30 states. Asked to gauge the
risk of breakdown, he said: "Let's say half and half, if you want to put a
figure on it."

EU delegations have been told that the summit, which opens next Thursday,
could drag on through the weekend because of arguments over the veto.
Joschka Fischer, the German foreign minister, added a warning that collapse
could put further pressure on the struggling euro.

Mr Prodi said he hoped the summit would not degenerate like the United
Nations climate talks in The Hague, which collapsed in the early hours last
weekend after John Prescott fell out with his French counterpart, Dominique
Voynet. Mr Prodi said: "This time, we have had months and months of
negotiation. We have examined every single detail."

Most of the leading EU states are fighting to hold on to the veto in one
area or another. The French are blocking moves to qualified majority voting
on foreign trade in the service sector, fearing that French culture would be
swamped by Hollywood films.

Michel Barnier, the commissioner in charge of the treaty negotiations, said
that this would paralyse the EU's negotiating position in the next round of
World Trade Organisation talks, which will focus on the liberalisation of

He said: "Our trading partners, or rivals, are delighted. If you ask the
Americans or the Japanese, they say go ahead, make sure you keep your veto
rights in Europe, with 30 countries, because they know it is a source of
collective impotence."

Spain is blocking qualified majority voting on regional aid, fearing that it
would lose billions in subsidies. The Germans are worried about asylum and
immigration, while the British Government has a series of "red lines",
stemming from the Labour manifesto in 1997, covering tax, social security,
immigration and defence.

Britain has indicated that it is prepared to accept majority voting on about
17 areas of EU decision-making when it is in the country's interest. That is
about a third of the areas proposed by the draft treaty.

Mr Prodi said it was "absolutely necessary" for the major powers to cede
ground before enlargement could go ahead successfully. He said: "The
mathematics are beyond doubt: in a union of 27 or more member states, the
unanimity requirement will quite simply paralyse progress in every area
where it is maintained."

The European Parliament has said that it would not endorse the treaty unless
there was a real breakthrough on reform. Mr Prodi accepted that some key
issues would have to wait until after Nice, including "the incorporation of
the charter of fundamental rights into the community legal order".

This comment will irritate the British Government, which insists that the
charter is merely a showcase of rights that would never have legal status.
It has said that it would never allow the European Court of Justice to
become the arbiter of Britons' rights.

The prospects for the summit were the main topic Tony Blair and President
Chirac of France discussed over dinner at the Prime Minister's Sedgefield
constituency last night. Mr Blair made clear that Britain would not back
down on maintaining the veto on tax, social security and border controls -
areas vital to Britain's national identity.

Robin Cook, the Foreign Secretary, indicated earlier that the arguments over
the veto could result in a failure at Nice. He said: "The great majority of
the 50 points are not going to be agreed at Nice, because one country or
another actually objects to pretty well all of the list currently on the
presidency's shopping list. This includes France, which objects to as many
as we do."

William Hague, the Conservative leader, said that Mr Blair would have quite
a lot of "mending of fences" to do at his talks with Mr Chirac after Mr
Prescott's run-in with the French environment minister at the climate

He said: "John Prescott clearly lost his cool and created quite a diplomatic
incident. I hope we are not 

[CTRL] The Living Constitution - Manifesto for the total State

2000-12-07 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-

The Living Constitution
by David Dieteman
One of the most nefarious influences in the minds of Americans is
the notion that the federal constitution of 1787 (the "U.S.
Constitution") is a "living" document.
What exactly does this mean?
It is supposed to mean that, rather than having the meaning of the
words on the paper, the federal constitution means whatever it
ought to mean at a given time. It necessarily follows from this that
it will not mean the same thing at different times.
Thus, despite the fact that the Fifth Amendment states that "No
man shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due
process of law," the United States Supreme Court once found it
"unconstitutional" for states to have capital punishment. It is
beyond rational dispute that a document which states that a man
may be "deprived of life" following the "due process of law" does
not itself outlaw executions.
  Yet the Supreme Court thought so.
The reason for this is that a "living" constitution is no constitution
at all – it is in fact nothing. Imagine for a moment that the
speed limit was a "living" speed limit. Rather than be bound by
the posted 65 (in Pennsylvania) or 70 (in Michigan), you could tell
the officer who pulls you over that the traffic law is "a living
thing," and that for your high-performance car, on this flat, straight,
dry road, such a law drawn up by dead white males (who probably
smoked tobacco and were heterosexuals, and were at least related
by skin color to persons who might have owned slaves) can have
no application to you.
Imagine that the laws against rape are "living," and this game is no
longer funny.
I do not contend that it is the role of citizens to sheepishly slave
under whatever tyrannical dictates are handed down from above. A
sustained gripe campaign ultimately ended Richard Nixon's "gas-
saving" 55 mile per hour speed limit (yes, it was originally enacted
in response to an "energy crisis," but hung on so long in part
because of "safety" concerns).
It is of the utmost importance, however, for citizens of a republic
such as the United States, and for citizens of the states and cities,
to realize that when you do not like the law, the way to change
it is not to pretend that it is not the law.
The concept of a constitution is of a document (or a group of
unwritten concepts and some written documents, as in the English
constitution) which serves as a skeletal structure for the body
politic. Rather than being a functional law which sets the speed
limit, for example, a constitution sets the shape of the regime
which will then make the laws which help us get through everyday
life. (Stop laughing – that is the theory. Anarcho-capitalism, i.e. a
purely private social order, is the subject of another essay.)
The trouble in the United States is that certain Americans, in their
super-hero like zeal to "make things right," lost patience with
the law. They chose to operate outside the legal process "to get
results." Guess what: your mother was right. This choice has
Whereas American law in the 1950s and early 1960s may have
been too slow to adapt to social changes, the pendulum has now
swung fully to the other side. Today, no change can come fast
enough, and the notion that the law presents any real limits on
political action is nearly lost.
One notable example of American disrespect for the law is the
Clinton administration's response to court rulings over the powers
of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development – HUD,
for short. After HUD overstepped its bounds, a federal district judge
issued a ruling to that effect. In reply, the Clinton administration
instructed the regional HUD offices to ignore opinions of U.S.
Circuit Courts – the federal appeals courts which are one step
below the Supreme Court. The HUD offices were told only to abide
by a U.S. Supreme Court ruling.
This course of action shows a complete lack of respect for the law
(it may also show that Clinton has not fulfilled his oath – not
surprising for a perjurer – to uphold the Constitution and
execute the laws of the United States).
To be fair, the American disrespect for the law is not only the
product of zealous do-gooders striving to overturn unjust laws. It is
also the product of misguided legislators and citizens – who, to
be fair, are zealous do-gooders as well – who have given America
a severe case of hyperlexis (that's Latin for "too much law").
St. Thomas Aquinas famously writes in his Summa Theologica that
the law should not require more of a people than they are able to
do, as they will lose respect for the law. Despite the fact that St.
Thomas lived from 1225 to 1274, our "experts" in Washington (who
would be ousted by term limits) have not learned this lesson. Thus,
the Congress passes its share of burdensome laws – the tax
code, for one – while spawning other federal agencies with
 "rule-making" powers that are effectively legislative powers.
Between EPA and OSHA, try 

Re: [CTRL] American like Stern?

2000-12-07 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 12/7/00 2:05:05 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Well actually Stern is a genius. He got rich in whatever he does. That does take a genius. When you are rich, one can act anyway they want. 

Stern RULES!
F-Jackie though!!


[CTRL] Re: [CTRL] Secret plan for EU superstate

2000-12-07 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 12/7/00 9:01:25 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Jack van Impe has been saying on his weekly program that the one to watch
is the European Union, not the United Nations. IIRC, van Impe thinks that
the EU is the new Babylon who will create the "new leader" -- the one
prophesied in the Bible.

If Van Impe is using the bible as his guide in these matters his opinion is worthless IMHO.


[CTRL] Fwd: CC Joins Forces with Moon Front Group; AU Advises PA Education Board

2000-12-07 Thread William Shannon

NOTE: I apologize for getting these to you so late, I've been out with the

 -- Christian Coalition Joins Forces with Moon Front Group
 -- AU Advises PA Board of Education to Reject Creationist Science

December 5, 2000

Americans United for Separation of Church and State
Contact: Rob Boston or Steve Benen
202-466-2587 fax


Pat Robertson Statement At Moon Press Conference Came One Day After TV
Preacher's Criticism Of Moon As 'Cult Leader'

Christian Coalition President Pat Robertson may think the Rev. Sun Myung Moon
is a "cult leader," but he apparently doesn't mind joining forces with him to
achieve common political goals.

On Dec. 1, Moon's American Clergy Leadership Conference sponsored a press
conference in front of the Supreme Court to coincide with legal arguments at
the high court over the Florida election results. The event was billed as a
nonpartisan, interfaith call to "unite upon the common ground of America's
tradition of faith in God to prevent the continued partisan struggle over the
election results in Florida from further polarizing the nation."

Among the speakers was Dr. Daniel Perkins, a representative of Robertson's
Christian Coalition who read a formal statement from the TV preacher.

Robertson's participation in the event is especially ironic given his attack
on Moon the day before. In a Nov. 30 essay called "How to Recognize a Cult"
-- posted on Robertson's Christian Broadcasting Network website -- the TV
preacher said one hallmark of a cult is the "exaltation of the leader of the

"Cults," said Robertson, "often center around a man or woman who is trying to
gain power, money or influence from manipulating people. This appears to be
the case in the Unification church with Sun Myung Moon."

Moon, a controversial Korean evangelist, has made repeated efforts to reach
out to evangelical Christians, and he has succeeded in establishing a cordial
working relationship with TV preacher Jerry Falwell and several other
Religious Right leaders.

The ties exist despite a Moon theology that differs sharply from orthodox
Christianity. Moon claims he is a new messiah who has been sent by God to
complete the failed mission of Jesus. Moon and his wife, Hak Ja Han, who call
themselves "True Parents," want all Christians to unite under their divine

The American Clergy Leadership Conference (ACLC), which sponsored the Supreme
Court event, was founded in May of this year at Moon's behest. According to
the Rev. Michael Jenkins, a top Moon official (who presided at the Supreme
Court press conference), the ACLC is part of Moon's plan to melt down all
denominational barriers to form one body of Christ.

In a May 21 sermon, Moon said, "America is founded based on Christianity..No
one denominational leader can make unity; unity can come only by the guidance
of True Parents. And by uniting they can save America and have an impact to
create unity in the world."

The ACLC received its greatest press attention this year when it helped
cosponsor Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan's Oct. 16 Million Family
March in Washington, D.C. The Moon relationship with Farrakhan apparently
remains strong. Minister Benjamin Muhammed of the Million Family March was
one of the speakers at the ACLC press conference at the Supreme Court.

Robertson's contribution to the press conference is only one small part of
his all-out drive to put Republican George W. Bush in the White House.
Robertson and his Christian Coalition worked for Bush's election in the GOP
primary and the general election, distributing millions of voter guides.
Since Nov. 7, Robertson's legal group has intervened in the courts on Bush's

Observers of the Religious Right say the budding Robertson-Moon relationship
is a remarkable development on the religious and political scene. The Moon
alliance suggests Robertson is willing to put aside fundamental religious
differences to achieve a political objective.

"They say politics makes strange bedfellows," said Barry Lynn of Americans
United for Separation of Church and State. "But the Moon-Robertson marriage
of convenience is a new height of absurdity. I wonder if the Christian
Coalition rank-and-file will approve of Robertson's new ties to a man
Robertson himself regards as a cult leader.

"Moon and Robertson have a lot in common," continued Lynn. "Both have built
billion-dollar religious empires, and both have run into trouble with the
Internal Revenue Service. But I don't believe the Moon-Robertson marriage
will last. Both men think they're destined to run America -- if not the world
-- and they can't both be right."

Americans United is a church-state watchdog group based in Washington, D.C.

Re: [CTRL] San Francisco Implant Victim

2000-12-07 Thread craig

-Caveat Lector-

yadda yadda yadda- i was meaning the foreign masters, bird, i have smelled
illuminati and it smells of flax and gruyere- and i don't reckon saba was
meaning anything as vague as the illuminati

- Original Message -
Sent: 07 December 2000 07:40
Subject: [CTRL] San Francisco Implant Victim

 -Caveat Lector-

 The good ole Illuminati.  Once again coming in through Bush.  Mind
controlled puppet like his daddy wants...Wake up and
 smell the Illuminati.

 Private Mail Welcome

 - Original Message -
 From: craig [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2000 11:34 AM
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] San Francisco Implant Victim

 -Caveat Lector-

 who are the clinton's masters?

 - Original Message -
 From: "Aleisha Saba" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 06 December 2000 15:13
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] San Francisco Implant Victim

  say beauty is skin deep and I agree, but when I look at the Clintons I
  think they are trained flunkees serving foreign masters and little
  Chelsie is just another one on the way..

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2000-12-07 Thread William Shannon
December 6, 2000


What the attempted coup d'etat now in progress illustrates, aside from the personal ambition of Al Gore, is how and why a nation makes the transition from a republic to an empire. I look at Al Gore, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton and see Pompey, Crassus, and Caesar. People ask me: "How did this happen?" They cry out: "Have we really come to this?" and I can only think of Garet Garrett, the Old Right author and prophet who foretold the coming of the American Imperium half a century ago. His 1952 polemic, Rise of Empire, begins with the observation that 

"We have crossed the boundary that lies between Republic and Empire. If you ask when, the answer is that you cannot make a single stroke between day and night: the precise moment does not matter. There was no painted sign to say: 'You are now entering Imperium.' Yet it was a very old road and the voice of history was saying: 'Whether you know it or not, the act of crossing may be irreversible.' And now, not far ahead, is a sign that reads: 'No U-turns.'"
But the precise moment does matter, at least to those who live through it, and I believe we have arrived at just such a juncture. It was a long time coming. Garrett saw that the transformation of the old Republic into an Empire in everything but name was a "revolution within the form." That is, the founding documents and traditions of the old Republic were kept around, for old time's sake, but they were either reinterpreted out of existence (the Constitution), or else completely ignored. In the formal sense, the chief executive officer was only the First Citizen of a republic; but, over time – after two world wars and a fifty-year "cold" war – the American President became an Emperor in all but name. It is easy to speak of "imperialism" – a favorite catchword of the Marxists, who use it as a synonym for capitalism – but what, really, is an empire? Garrett addressed this question, and decided that you could, indeed, have an empire "with or without a constitution, even with the form of a republican constitution," and "also you may have Empire with or without an emperor." Colonies were not a prerequisite, either: look at Athens, which planted colonies as a tree drops its seeds. Nor was war, or even territorial expansion the mark of Empire: these, after all, characterize "the history of any kind of state that was ever known." No, an empire, as a system of organizing and perpetuating the State, has characteristics peculiar to itself, and the first one is: "The executive power of government shall be dominant." [emphasis in original]. A republican form of government, with a carefully balanced division of powers, could generate a military power sufficient to acquire an empire: Napoleonic France, and the history of the US in modern times, are proof enough of that. But in making this tremendous effort, a republic would be transformed into something else: in the case of the US, no longer the limited government envisioned by the Founders, but an imperial Leviathan whose domain extends from sea to shining sea: that is, from the Red Sea to the Caspian Sea to the South China Sea – and beyond. 
The constitutional system devised by the Founders "worked," wrote Garrett, 
"and worked extremely well, for the Republic. It would not work for Empire, because what Empire needs above all in government is an executive power that can make immediate decisions, such as a decision in the middle of the night by the President to declare war on the aggressor in Korea, or, on the opposite side, a decision by the Politburo in the Kremlin, perhaps also in the middle of the night, to move a piece on the chess board of cold war." 


Before Harry Truman sent Americans into battle and only consulted Congress after the fact, the power to declare war had rested solely with the elected representatives of the people. It was a precedent that appalled Garrett, and his fellow Old Rightists, but by that time they were old men on the knife-edge of mortality, living ghosts haunting the world of the living with their prophecies of usurpation and American decline. A few years after the publication of Garrett's pamphlet, the "New" Right of William F. Buckley, Jr., and a coven of ex-Communists, arose to endorse and even accelerate the taxes, the expenditures, the centralization of power required to fight the cold war. Conservatives who had once agitated for the abolition of the income tax became, instead, advocates of a less onerous tax increase in comparison to their liberal opponents. And so the terms of the debate shifted inevitably in the direction of big government, sometimes faster, sometimes slower, but always the movement was in the same direction. Conservatives, in any case a pessimistic lot, were reinforced in their inclinations, and they accepted their fate, which was to stave off the worst – and, also, to expect the worst.


[CTRL] VASCO Data Security

2000-12-07 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-


Click Here: A

A Forrest D. Laidley  is on the board of directors. A Forrest D. Laidley  is
also SB 1966.


VASCO is a global provider of security solutions for over 5 million users
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*   Customers: Over 500 corporations and government agencies including many
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above Digipass logo.
© VASCO 2000
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-12-07 Thread William Shannon

Below the following abstract may be found a selection of papers about the Dark Star Theory.  In a nut-shell, this theory postulates that the Sumerian civilisation's description of a planet in an elliptical orbit around the Sun has a basis in reality.  Certain astronomical papers have been published pin-pointing its presence in the Oort Cloud.  Contrary to the previously held beliefs that Nibiru is a terrestrial world, it can be shown that it is, in fact, a failed star, known as a brown dwarf.  This Dark Companion of the Sun has its own planetary system, home to the 'gods' of the ancient world.  Building upon the scientific and mythological foundations of the Dark Star Theory, I have offered detailed, and radical, new evidence that its last appearance in the planetary solar system was in the guise of the Messianic Star, heralding the advent of Christ. 
Although the mythologies of Greece and Egypt are well known to most, the remarkable level of scientific understanding of the world's first civilisation, in Sumer, is less well appreciated.  Their scientific knowledge of astronomy, cloaked in the language of myth, included testimony of a celestial entity orbiting the Sun which still remains unknown to our astronomers.  Until recently.  The Sumerians described a fiery 'planet' which follows an elliptical orbit around the Sun, remaining hidden to observers on Earth for millennia at a time.  It is currently at its furthest point from us but, even at the incredible distances involved, our scientists are now capable of detecting its presence.  Its vast size causes comet orbit perturbations which have been analysed thoroughly by two independent astronomers, Drs. Murray and Matese.  Its approximate location, size and distance are now known, yet it has eluded our telescopes.  But it is being hunted down, and it may simply be a matter of time before the theoretical basis for its existence is confirmed.  Unbelievably, we appear to be living in a bizarre binary star system. The data provided by the astronomers matches the mythology handed down to us from the Sumerians exactly.  But this has been missed by many because of their incorrect understanding of Nibiru's nature. The case for the 12th Planet has been made through the remarkable scholarship of Zecharia Sitchin, but our understanding of the nature of stars and planets, and what lies in between, has changed greatly since publication of his thesis in 1976.  He could not have realised that the Sumerians were correct when describing a 'planet' which had many star-like properties.  This mythical entity isn't a planet in the conventional sense, but a failed star known as a 'brown dwarf'. Further widely-held assumptions about the timing of Nibiru's occasional perihelion passages between Mars and Jupiter are erroneous.  Its orbital period is variable, with the periodicity of 3600 years serving only as a mathematical and religious archetypal fit.  Nibiru did not appear at the time of the Exodus, but in 3760 BC, at the start of the Nippurian calendar and Hebrew count of years, as Sitchin initially argued.  I can now show that Nibiru last appeared in 25 AD. The 12th Planet is the Messianic Star, and its appearance was noted by the famous Roman writer, Seneca.  Astronomers, anxious to resolve the mystery of Seneca's anomalous description of this star, have taken on face value his assumption that this 'piercing red' star was Sirius itself.  Yet it couldn't have been, as Sirius is white.  However, his testimony fits the predictions of the Dark Star Theory precisely.  The brightness of Nibiru at perihelion in Canis Major outshone the brightest star in our skies.  Its bright red countenance spurred Seneca to write his treatise on celestial fiery phenomena, which in turn led to an ancient astronomical tradition known as the 'red' Sirius anomaly. The appearance of the Dark Star near Sirius occurred prior to the disappearance of the Duat below the horizon.  As such, most of Nibiru's short perihelion passage went unseen on Earth.  But its initial birth in the sky, as Horus born from Isis, was symbolically enacted by the baptism of the Christ Figure on the 'Day of Lights'.  This event was celebrated by Early Christians as the Epiphany, on 6th January.  The significance of this date would later be replaced by the fabled visit of the Magi to Bethlehem.  The Messianic Star is the common root of these two, seemingly unrelated, events, and reveals the Church's discomfort with the prominence of John the Baptist in the story of the Messiah.  Gnostic Christianity, as well as the re-emergence of Roman Mithraism, were the direct result of the appearance of the Messianic Star.  Egyptian religions enjoyed a revival, as John's Isian mission undoubtedly shows.  Yet, all these 'cults' were later persecuted and reformed, to the point where their celestial origins have almost been lost.  Such is the historical controversy surrounding the Winged Disc. 

[CTRL] Israel hints it may consider peace-keeping force in Palestine

2000-12-07 Thread William Shannon

Israel hints it may consider peace-keeping force in Palestine

UNITED NATIONS—Israel may be changing its mind about an observer force that would serve as a buffer in the Palestinian occupied territories according to its UN ambassador. Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Yehuda Lancry told the press on Nov. 28 that an observer force was "possible," if the parties returned to the peace talks.
Mr. Lancry had told an emergency Security Council meeting on Nov. 22 that Israel would not even consider conversation concerning an observer force. After the Nov. 27 emergency meeting Ambassador Lancry said, "maybe some possibilities will emerge which must be agreed upon by the Palestinians and Israelis, but first I reiterate the need for all parties to return to the peace table."
Again a reporter asked the Israeli Ambassador, had Israel softened their position? He said Israel is not changing its position at this time, "but a change in position is our option."
Arab nations, led by Libya, requested an emergency Security Council meeting on Nov. 22 to spotlight the Palestinian death toll and rally support for a 2,000 strong UN military observer force to protect civilians.
Speaking first in a debate, which involved representatives of over 20 countries, the Permanent Observer of Palestine to the UN, Dr. Nasser Al-Kidwa, stressed that the meeting had been requested in response to the intensified violence on the part of Israel.
"While we abhor the loss of over 250 lives, mostly Palestinians, since the fighting began in September, we must call attention to the 10,000 Palestinians who have been injured. Many of them have permanent disabilities," he said.
"The two parties can not put an end to this situation, a third party is needed. We fail to understand why anybody is objecting to this," Dr. Al-Kidwa said. He questioned why there had been procrastination in response to the request for the establishment of the observer force, stressing that as an occupying power Israel’s approval could not be a requisite condition for the Council to act.
"The Security Council must assure necessary international protection for Palestinians under Israeli occupation," Dr. Al-Kidwa added.
Israel repeated its objection at that time to any kind of outside observers. "We are not convinced of the usefulness of these observers," Israeli Ambassador Yehuda Lancry said. He said Palestinian lives were endangered only when they violently attacked Israeli soldiers, while Israelis were targeted "for the simple fact that they are Israeli."
There is no call for an inquiring commission to investigate Palestinian wrongdoing, he said. "There are no resolutions passed in condemnation of Palestinian violations or even a clear call for the Palestinians to relinquish the path of violence," the Israeli representative charged.
U.S. Ambassador Richard Holbrooke, speaking after the Israeli representative, said the Nov. 22 emergency Council meeting should not have been held in the first place because it was "designed only as a place to exchange verbal barbs, which are best left to different forums." Nonetheless, the United States participated in the meeting because the UN is the central organization of the world and the Security Council is its most important committee, he said.
Mr. Holbrooke stressed that the United States continued to support the work of the international fact-finding committee, which was proposed and agreed upon at the Sharm el-Sheikh conference in Egypt, held in October. Israel reportedly does not want the fact-finding committee to begin its work until the level of violence subsides. The United States says the committee "could help reduce the violence."
While there seems to be an impasse on this issue between the United States and Israel, UN observers believe that the U.S. will not buck Israel. They point to the rhetoric during the presidential election as President Bill Clinton, Vice President Al Gore and Texas Gov. George W. Bush, which repeatedly emphasized the point that the U.S. would never pressure Israel to do anything against Israel’s interest.
"That is the American double standard," Cuban Ambassador Bruno Rodriguez said. "Cuba calls on the Security Council to take action without delay, and Israel must withdraw to the borders prior to June 4, 1967," he said. This was agreed upon in the Oslo Accords.
Agreeing with Cuba was the representative of Malaysia: "Israel is the occupying force and must remove all military forces and settlers to the pre-1967 border."
Egypt, which in 1979 became the first Arab country to sign a peace treaty with Israel, recalled its ambassador from Tel Aviv after the Israeli escalation of retaliatory violence, explained its position through the statement of Ambassador Ahmed Aboulgheit: "We recalled the ambassador in hopes that Israel would hear this message that we cannot remain silent on the issue of military occupation. Israel represents an unlawful and illicit presence."
But, perhaps the strongest condemnation 

[CTRL] Psychological Strategy Board Files

2000-12-07 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Harry S. Truman Papers
White House Central Files:
Psychological Strategy Board Files

Dates: 1951-53

The Psychological Strategy Board Files comprise documentation of the work of
that agency from its founding on April 4, 1951 until the end of the Truman
administration. The documents are filed according to the War Department
decimal file system.
The two most important series are Class 000--General, and Class
300--Administration. These series together contain files on Government
agencies; private societies and associations; boards, commissions, committees
and councils; individual people, including PSB staff members; and PSB
programs and procedures.
A second segment of PSB files, documenting the period January 20 to September
3, 1953, are in the holdings of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Library.
[ Administrative Information | Collection Description | Series Descriptions |
Folder Title List | Appendix ]

Size: 19.3 linear feet (ca. 33,000 pages)
Access: Open, with the exception that some documents are temporarily
restricted in accordance with President Truman's letter of gift of February
12, 1957, his will dated January 14, 1959, and the requirements of the
Executive Order governing the administration of classified information.
Copyright: Documents prepared by United States Government employees in the
course of their official duties are in the public domain. Copyright interest
in documents outside of this category are presumed to remain with the writers
of the documents.
Processed by: Carol A. Briley, Raymond H. Geselbracht, Dennis E. Bilger and
Erwin J. Mueller (1989)
[ Top of the page | Administrative Information | Collection Description |
Series Descriptions | Folder Title List | Appendix ]

The Psychological Strategy Board (PSB) was established by Presidential
Directive of April 4, 1951 "to authorize and provide for the more effective
planning, coordination, and conduct within the framework of approved national
policies, of psychological operations."
The PSB was composed of the Undersecretary of State, the Deputy Secretary of
Defense and the Director of Central Intelligence, or their designated
representatives. The founding Presidential Directive instructed the PSB to
report to the National Security Council "on the Board's activities on the
evaluation of the national psychological operations, including implementation
of approved objectives, policies, and programs by the departments and
agencies concerned."
The Psychological Strategy Board succeeded the State-War-Navy Coordinating
Committee, which had been established during World War II to coordinate the
Government's psychological warfare efforts. During the Truman Presidency, the
PSB, in addition to its inherited coordination role, conducted planning for
psychological operations undertaken by its constituent agencies. It did not
conduct operations of its own.
According to Edward P. Lilly, the PSB's historian, the Board's basic function
was to prevent interagency rivalries from developing among the agencies
involved in psychological operations. Seventeen meetings of the PSB's
constituent agency representatives were held during the last year and a half
of Truman's administration.
During the Eisenhower presidency, the PSB became purely a coordinating body;
all planning was discontinued. The Board was terminated by Executive Order
10483 of September 3, 1953, and its functions were transferred to the
Operations Coordinating Board.
The Psychological Strategy Board had three directors during Truman's
presidency. Gordon Gray was the first director, serving from June 1951 to May
1952. Raymond H. Allen, the second director, served from May to September
1952. Third was Admiral Alan Kirk, who served the remainder of Truman's term.
Charles E. Johnson was the Board's executive officer. Besides the office of
the Director, the staff of the Psychological Strategy Board included the
following offices: the Executive; Plans and Policy; Coordination; and
Evaluation and Review.
The files of the Psychological Strategy Board were in the physical custody of
the Central Intelligence Agency until they were turned over to the National
Archives in about 1980. They were then divided chronologically into Truman
and Eisenhower administration periods, and transferred to the appropriate
Presidential Libraries.
The Truman Library's portion was opened for research in 1981. In December
1988, the PSB files were temporarily closed and were subsequently reviewed by
the Central Intelligence Agency. Several hundred formerly open documents were
restricted because of security classified content as a result of this review.
The files were reopened for research in October 1989.
The PSB files, with the exception of a single folder of material 

[CTRL] Just Discovered: Minor Planet Brighter than All Others

2000-12-07 Thread DIG Anonymous

-Caveat Lector-

Just Discovered: Minor Planet Brighter than All Others

By Robert Roy Britt,Senior Science Writer
posted: 09:36 am ET, 04 December 2000

A space rock about one-fourth to one-half the size of Pluto and roughly the
same distance from Earth has been found, and astronomers Friday called it
the brightest "minor planet" in our solar system.

The new object has been named 2000 WR106. Its diameter is estimated at
between 330 and 750 miles (531 to 1,207 kilometers). Pluto is 1,470 miles
(2,365 kilometers) in diameter. The largest known asteroid, Ceres, is 570
miles (917 kilometers) across.

A three-panel animation shows the newly found TNO moving in the sky. Source

The object has been classified as a Trans-Neptunian Object, or TNO -- a
class of icy rocks that orbit the Sun out beyond Neptune's orbit.
Scientists refer to TNOs, along with other asteroids and comets, as minor planets.

Researchers have counted 346 TNOs since they were first recognized in the
early 1990s, but they estimate there are at least 70,000 of them with
diameters larger than 60 miles (100 kilometers). TNOs orbit the Sun at a
distance of between 30 and 50 AU (1 AU, or astronomical unit, is the
distance between the Sun and Earth).

How could something so bright have escaped detection until now?

"Perhaps because the object is in a fairly rich star
field, not far from the galactic equator" where
there is a heavy concentration of stars crowding
the sky, said Robert McMillan, who found 2000
WR106. "Normally, other search groups look for
TNOs in less crowded backgrounds."

McMillan said finding such an object provides further motivation for
researchers to continue searching for other large objects. Other
astronomers say it's likely that another minor planet as big as Pluto, or
possibly larger, will be found.

McMillan, of the University of Arizona's Lunar and Planetary Laboratory,
first spotted the moving target November 28, with a 36-inch (1-meter)
telescope on Kitt Peak. A total of 12 observations were made over three
days by McMillan and a colleague. The researchers were conducting routine
surveys as part of the 20-year-old Spacewatch effort to catalogue solar
system objects.

Determining size

The newly found TNO has an apparent magnitude of 20. On this scale,
larger positive numbers represent fainter objects. The faintest star or
other object that can be seen under dark skies with the naked eye, for
example, has an apparent magnitude of about 6. The extremely bright Venus,
on the other hand, is at minus 4 on the scale.

The International Astronomical Union's Minor Planet Center calculated a
preliminary orbit for 2000 WR106 by assuming it carves a circular path
around the Sun. The organization said the TNO is 43 times farther from the
Sun than Earth. But more observations will be needed to determine if the
orbit is in fact circular, or if it is more elongated, like Pluto's.

The exact diameter will take some more sleuthing, too.

Researchers said it will be weeks or months before the orbit's shape and
distance from the Sun is pinned down. Only then can astronomers use the
TNO's apparent brightness -- the reflected sunlight that is seen from Earth
-- to determine the its "absolute magnitude," a standard measure of how
bright an object would appear if it were 32.6 light-years away. This, along
with studies of the composition of 2000 WR106, will reveal the TNO's diameter.

The process, which will involve other researchers and telescopes, could
take a year or more, McMillan told

Click here for more news and information on asteroids and TNOs.


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[CTRL] U.S. Covert Actions and Counter-Insurgency Programs

2000-12-07 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

1964-1968, Volume XXVII
Mainland Southeast Asia; Regional Affairs
Department of State
Washington, DC

U.S. Covert Actions and Counter-Insurgency Programs
In compliance with the Foreign Relations of the United States statute to
include in the Foreign Relations series comprehensive documentation on major
foreign policy decisions and actions, the editors have sought to present
essential documents regarding major covert actions and intelligence
activities. In order to provide readers with some organizational context on
how covert actions and special intelligence operations in support of U.S.
foreign policy were planned and approved within the U.S. Government, the
following note is offered. It describes, on the basis of
previously-declassified documents, the changing and developing procedures
during the Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson Presidencies.
Management of Covert Actions in the Truman Presidency
The Truman administration's concern over Soviet "psychological warfare"
prompted the new National Security Council to authorize, in NSC 4-A of
December 1947, the launching of peacetime covert action operations. NSC 4-A
made the Director of Central Intelligence responsible for psychological
warfare, establishing at the same time the principle that covert action was
an exclusively Executive Branch function. The Central Intelligence Agency
(CIA) certainly was a natural choice but it was assigned this function at
least in part because the Agency controlled unvouchered funds, by which
operations could be funded with minimal risk of exposure in Washington. /1/
/1/NSC 4-A, December 17, 1947, printed in Foreign Relations, 1945-1950,
Emergence of the Intelligence Establishment, Document 257.
CIA's early use of its new covert action mandate dissatisfied officials at
the Departments of State and Defense. The Department of State, believing this
role too important to be left to the CIA alone and concerned that the
military might create a new rival covert action office in the Pentagon,
pressed to reopen the issue of where responsibility for covert action
activities should reside. Consequently, on June 18, 1948, a new NSC
directive, NSC 10/2, superseded NSC 4-A.
NSC 10/2 directed CIA to conduct "covert" rather than merely "psychological"
operations, defining them as all activities "which are conducted or sponsored
by this Government against hostile foreign states or groups or in support of
friendly foreign states or groups but which are so planned and executed that
any US Government responsibility for them is not evident to unauthorized
persons and that if uncovered the US Government can plausibly disclaim any
responsibility for them."
The type of clandestine activities enumerated under the new directive
included: "propaganda; economic warfare; preventive direct action, including
sabotage, demolition and evacuation measures; subversion against hostile
states, including assistance to underground resistance movements, guerrillas
and refugee liberations [sic] groups, and support of indigenous
anti-Communist elements in threatened countries of the free world. Such
operations should not include armed conflict by recognized military forces,
espionage, counter-espionage, and cover and deception for military
operations." /2/
/2/NSC 10/2, June 18, 1948, printed ibid., Document 292.
The Office of Policy Coordination (OPC), newly established in the CIA on
September 1, 1948, in accordance with NSC 10/2, assumed responsibility for
organizing and managing covert actions. OPC, which was to take its guidance
from the Department of State in peacetime and from the military in wartime,
initially had direct access to the State Department and to the military
without having to proceed through CIA's administrative hierarchy, provided
the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) was informed of all important
projects and decisions. /3/ In 1950 this arrangement was modified to ensure
that policy guidance came to OPC through the DCI.
/3/Memorandum of conversation by Frank G. Wisner, "Implementation of
NSC-10/2," August 12, 1948, printed ibid., Document 298.
During the Korean conflict the OPC grew quickly. Wartime commitments and
other missions soon made covert action the most expensive and
bureaucratically prominent of CIA's activities. Concerned about this
situation, DCI Walter Bedell Smith in early 1951 asked the NSC for enhanced
policy guidance and a ruling on the proper "scope and magnitude" of CIA
operations. The White House responded with two initiatives. In April 1951
President Truman created the Psychological Strategy Board (PSB) under the NSC
to coordinate government-wide psychological warfare strategy. NSC 10/5,
issued in October 1951, reaffirmed the covert action mandate given in NSC
10/2 and expanded CIA's authority over guerrilla warfare. /4/ The PSB was
soon abolished by the incoming Eisenhower 

[CTRL] [1] Boundary Displacement: Area Studies and International Studies during and after the Cold War

2000-12-07 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

The following article is provided courtesy of the Bulletin of Concerned Asian
Scholars. You may copy and distribute this article freely online, but please
leave this header attached. For information on subscriptions or back issues,
please contact:

Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars

3693 South Bay Bluffs Drive

Cedar, MI 49621 USA

Phone/fax: 231-228-7116


Boundary Displacement: Area Studies and International Studies during and
after the Cold War

It is a curious fact of academic history that the first great center of area
studies . . . [was] in the Office of Strategic Services. . . . It is still
true today, and I hope it always will be, that there is a high measure of
interpenetration between universities with area programs and the
information-gathering agencies of the government. McGeorge Bundy, 19641

by Bruce Cumings*

In this article I propose to examine the displacement and reordering of the
boundaries of scholarly inquiry in the postwar period in two phases: the
first, the determining burst of academic work that began during World War II
but vastly expanded in the early years of the Soviet-U.S. confrontation,
which is the necessary prelude to understanding the second phase, namely the
contemporary revaluation of American studies of the rest of the world
occasioned by the end of the Cold War and the collapse of Western communism.
My position is that the ultimate force shaping scholarly studies of what used
to be called "the non-Western world" is economic and political power, but the
most interesting effects of such power are often the least observed, taking
place" at those local points or "ultimate destinations" (in Foucault's
phrase) where power "becomes capillary,"2 like universities and academic
departments, and the organizations that mediate between academe and the
foundations -- for example, the Social Science Research Council (SSRC). In
this process of power-becoming-capillary but in newly rearranged rivulets, we
can discern both the original strengths and weaknesses of the "area"
boundaries, the disordering occasioned by watershed changes in power politics
and the world economy, and emergent new relationships between power and

If the first phase has been much studied, it is still rare to find an
acknowledgment of the often astonishing levels of collaboration between the
universities, the foundations, and the intelligence arms of the U.S. state
that accompanied this phase.3 If the second phase unfolds intermittently
before our eyes (and with only partial information, much as in the late
1940s), it is remarkable how central the intelligence function has been to
it. Since I propose to offer an assessment of such relationships, among
others, let me say that in this article I do not assume a moral position, nor
do I wish to indict individual academics or take to task the foundations or
SSRC, nor am I involved in conspiracy theory. In earlier public presentations
of versions of this article4 such comments have predictably come up: I must
be trying to single out and blame scholars who worked at some point in their
careers for the government, and in so doing I must be asserting an evil
conspiracy. Rather, what I wish to do is evaluate contemporary boundary
displacements in the unblinkered light of what we now know about the early
years of area and international studies.

Perhaps I should also make clear my position on academics in government
service. In an earlier draft of this paper I stated that working for the
government against Hitler was different from doing the same type of thing
during the Cold War: the difference, it seems to me, is that between a crisis
that drew nearly every American to the effort against the Nazis and Japan in
conditions of total war, to Washington and overseas posts distinct from
campus positions, and the very different requirements placed upon scholars
and universities in peacetime: to uphold their independence and academic
freedom, and to make full disclosure of possible biases deriving from
clandestine sponsorship and privileged access to research funds. To join,
say, an Office of Strategic Services (OSS) inhabited by Paul Baran, Cora
DuBois, John King Fairbank, Hajo Halborn, Charles Kindleberger, Wassily
Leontif, Herbert Marcuse, Barrington Moore Jr., Franz Neumann, and Paul Sweezy
5 was almost to be asked to join the best faculty the United States could
assemble to defeat Hitler. (The luminous names do not provide their own
justification for such service, of course; Charles Beard set a different sort
of example when he resigned from Columbia University in protest of Woodrow
Wilson's drafting of college students in World War I, and then interrogated
Franklin Roosevelt's prowar policies in publications written both before and
after World War II.)


[CTRL] [2] Boundary Displacement: Area Studies and International Studies during and after the Cold War

2000-12-07 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Area and International Studies after the Cold War

Perhaps there is enough detail above to convince independent observers that
several major U.S. centers of area and international studies research came
precisely from the state/intelligence/foundation nexus that critics said they
did in the late 1960s, always to a hailstorm of denial then, always to a
farrago of "why does this surprise you?" today. CIA-connected faculty were so
influential in the 1960s that they made critics who stood for academic
principle look like wild-eyed radicals, if today critics merely appear to
have been naifs who didn't know what was going on.60

If we now fast forward to the 1990s we find that the first proponents of the
state's need for area training and expertise (thus to meet the challenges of
the post-Cold War era, and so on) decided to put the intelligence function
front and center, with a requirement that recipients of government
fellowships consult with the national security agencies of the same
government as a quid pro quo for their funding. I refer, of course, to the
National Security Education Act (NSEA, also known as the Boren Bill, after
former senator David Boren). Several area associations went on record in
opposition to this program, and it nearly fell beneath Newt Gingrich's
budget-cutting ax in 1995.

In a useful summary61 of the issues that scholars raised about the NSEA, the
administrator in charge of the program in 1992, Martin Hurwitz (whose
background is in the Defense Intelligence Agency, an outfit that makes the
CIA look liberal by contrast) suggested that everyone should be open about
the intelligence aspects of the program: "the buffer approach is `traditional
clandestine tradecraft,'" Hurwitz wrote (and as we saw in the CENIS
transcript), but "aboveboard is the way to go" for the NSEA.

The NSEA was not completely "aboveboard," however, since its public board was
supplemented by a "shadow board," and some complained that "aboveboard" was
not quite descriptive of the Defense Intelligence College that was to house
the NSEA. They thus hoped to find non-Pentagon housing and call the new
office "The David L. Boren Center for International Studies," but with no
substantive changes otherwise. On 14 February 1992 three area associations
(not including the Association for Asian Studies) wrote to Senator Boren
expressing worries about "even indirect links to U.S. national security
agencies." Each of those three organizations had extant resolutions on their
books urging members not to participate in defense-related research programs.

The secretary-treasurer of the AAS, L. A. Peter Gosling, introduced the issue
to the membership as follows: "The goal of our continued discussions about
and with the NSEA [sic -- he refers to discussions with Martin Hurwitz] has
been to make it as useful and acceptable to the scholarly community as
possible, which in turn involves insulating it as much as possible from the
Department of Defense where it is funded and located" [my emphasis].62

Gosling went on to fret that "there are no [sic] other sources now, nor in
the immediate future" for funding international or area studies, and that
although the NSEA only supplemented Title VI funding, "there are those who
fear that the traditional Defense Department/intelligence community whose
support has so often saved Title VI funding from extinction may [now] be less
motivated to do so." Gosling thought the program would benefit Asian studies
at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, and noted that all Asian
languages were included in the NSEA's list of priority languages (and isn't
that wonderful, and so on). Even though the NSE Board "sets the priorities
for the program," this can be mitigated by "the use of re-grant
organizations" in administering parts of the program, such as perhaps the
Fulbright program; such modalities might enable an escape from Defense
Department control. Gosling closed his statement by saying that the AAS has
"made clear the desirability of distancing this program from Department of
Defense design and control."

At least three major area associations (for the Middle East, Latin America,
and Africa) refused participation in this program, as we have seen. Anne
Betteridge, an officer of the Middle East Studies Association, argued that
"academic representatives do not wish to obscure the source of funding, but
do wish to assure the integrity of academic processes." Others commented that
some academics worry that students in the program "may appear to be
spies-in-training," and that the program would compromise field research in
many countries around the world: "Area scholars are extremely sensitive to
the damage that can be done to their personal reputations and to their
ability to conduct scholarship abroad when they come to be perceived as
involved with intelligence or defense agencies of the U.S. government."6263

A fair 

[CTRL] Those WTO Protests

2000-12-07 Thread M.A. Johnson

-Caveat Lector-

~~for educational purposes only~~
[Title 17 U.S.C. section 107]

Those WTO Protests
By Ilana Mercer

With the anniversary of the WTO protest, the protesters
once again descended on the city of Seattle. Like a
troop of primates, they hooted, threw rocks and bottles
of gasoline, even pelleted a police officer's eye out.
Those who weren't dragged off, left, knuckles still
trailing the pavement, and the debate not much more

The WTO must, of course, be opposed with vigor, but not
for the reasons the protesters trot out. As an organ of
the United Nations, the WTO should strike terror in the
heart of any true free trader. The organization is the
concoction of international statists; it's a powerful
bureaucracy concerned with managing trade not freeing
it; a central planner whose goal it is to "harmonize"
labour, health and environmental laws throughout the

Wrote commentator Lew Rockwell before the charter was
ratified: "The WTO will convert peaceful trade into
policy imperialism. It will allow economic exchange
with some countries under approved conditions, and
impose a variety of sanctions on others. The conditions
will include all the legislation beloved to the U.S.
left-liberals..." In short, a mercantilist takeover
that bears little resemblance to free trade.

Every nation produces and exports what it can generate
most efficiently. It imports the products it cannot
generate efficiently. The same division of labour and
barter occurs between individuals. The top-notch lawyer
may be perfectly capable of repairing his car, but
his time is more productively spent in counsel. It
pays him to hire a mechanic. It is precisely this
inequality of human and natural resources that impels
nations -- rich and poor, developed and undeveloped -- to
co-operate and trade to mutual advantage.

All of which trade barriers obstruct.

Poor nations must be able to use their labour leverage, and
they should have free entry into our markets. This means
abolishing malevolent quotas and anti-dumping regulations,
and allowing developing -- and all other -- nations to
flood our markets, or sell to us below cost to their
heart's content.

To duck prosecution under our protectionist laws, a
foreign trader must raise his prices. And from who is
this duty confiscated? From the consumer, naturally.
"Trade with this foreign price-cutter," governments
effectively tell the consumer, "and we'll seize an extra
$10 from you." Is this not naked theft that our execrable
anti-free traders are cheering? Tell me this isn't a rank
violation of the right to contract freely.

This protectionism, the kind the protesting monolith
advocates, is to the detriment of third world nations.
It also forces consumers to subsidize less efficient local
industries, making them the poorer for it. To keep
inefficient industries in the lap of luxury, hundreds of
others are doomed to shrink or go under.

While they loitered about the streets, our cherubs chomped
on their dirt-cheap tofu and big Mac burgers. The cheap
transportation that got them there, and the technology
that disseminates their sub-intelligent messages, were
once luxuries reserved for few. Thanks to mass production
and economic freedom these are now staples for the masses.
Our humanitarians suffer no shortages, yet they would
prevent third world nations from aspiring to this plenty.

And so they vilify Kathy Lee Gifford or Nike for having
created jobs where few likely existed.

But let us deconstruct a little: Nike is either offering
higher, the same or lower wages than the wages workers
were earning before its arrival. This franchise would
find it hard to attract workers if the case was that it
was offering less, or the same as other companies. It
must be then that Nike, and Starbucks are benefactors
that offer the kind of wage unavailable prior to their

Moreover, economies where child labor is a sad fact are
best compared to medieval England or Europe. Child labor
is not the problem in Chad or Bhutan, poverty is. Child
labor is merely a solution to this problem. Had a
government in England of the 1500s outlawed child labor,
the death of millions of children would have followed.
Children, very plainly, must work to survive in these

Wages in the US and Canada are high not because of any
intrinsic quality of the workers, but because labor is
highly productive, which is due to the degree of capital
invested in it. The Canadian and American work force is
infinitely more productive than that of developing
countries, hence it is more expensive. The entrepreneur
who is forced to pay third world workers in excess of
their productivity will simply go bankrupt.

Alas, these realities are not for our street fighting
dilettantes to fathom or consider. These protesters
are, after all, paternalistic westerners who need to
preserve their Hollywood image of the authentic -- if
starving -- foreigner.



2000-12-07 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Volume 4, Number 13



In all of world history, it would be difficult to link as much mischief to
any one name as can be traced to the Rockefeller family over the past
century. From the ruthless monopoly capitalism that characterized the early
industrial era to the building of an investment empire that spans the globe,
the name of Rockefeller is usually the first that comes to mind. The
slaughter of union organizers, blackmail of competitors, industrial and
political espionage, ruthless population control schemes, and plots to
overthrow governments are all part of the Rockefeller legacy.

It was John Davison Rockefeller, the patriarch of the Rockefeller dynasty,
who built the family fortune with the Standard Oil Company he founded in 1870
at the age of 31. Within ten years, Rockefeller's new firm had gained a
stranglehold on oil refining in America, controlling such a huge share of
production and shipping that he was able to undermine competitors by
extracting from the railroads a private "tax" for every non-Standard Oil
petroleum shipment they accepted.

By the mid 1880s, John D. Rockefeller had become a millionaire many times
over. He had also become what one historian calls the most hated man in
America, if not the world. Several state attorneys tried in vain to have him
jailed for his corrupt business practices. And by the turn of the century,
Rockefeller's widely-criticised financial dealings prompted the passage of
federal regulatory legislation to curb the power of monopolies. Even these
anti-trust laws, however, were insufficient to limit the expansion of the
vast Standard Oil empire.

Rockefeller himself was an austere, humourless Baptist, with an annoying
habit of proclaiming that his wealth came from God. In reality, however, his
fortune was amassed not only by extortion tactics against the railroads and
the systematic sabotage of potential competition, but also through some of
the most oppressive labour practices imaginable.

The Devil's Money

Numerous published accounts of the labour movement in the early 20th century
confirm that workers at that time were often subjected to barbaric, slave
labour-type conditions. And the situation at the Rockefeller-owned Colorado
Fuel and Iron Company in Ludlow, Colorado was among the worst. Labourers
worked scandalously long hours under extraordinarily risky conditions. They
were physically disciplined by company thugs and paid with vouchers that
could only be exchanged for company housing or for food and other commodities
dispensed by management. For all practical purposes, in other words,
Rockefeller mine workers received substandard family housing and food, but no
expendable wages whatever.

In 1913, when the United Mine Workers began organising, management responded
by bringing in a battalion of private union busters. The miners promptly
walked off the job and evacuated the company premises. The hired enforcers
then retaliated by invading a tent city set up by the strikers. Two women and
eleven children were killed in that first confrontation, and more than 75
minors lost their lives in a series of bloody battles that followed.

The so-called Ludlow massacre, as the Colorado incident was known, was just
one in a series of events that kept the Rockefeller name constantly before
the public and prompted the family to launch a then-unprecedented propaganda
drive to improve its image. At the time of the Colorado mine revolt, the
Rockefeller fortune was in the hands of John D. and his son, John D., Jr.
Under the guidance of a clever public relations agent, films and press
releases were distributed nationwide portraying the Rockefellers in a
favourable light. One of the best-remembered gimmicks of this period was the
legendary dime give-away. As the Rockefeller holdings soared more than a
billion dollars, John D. Sr., over a period of years, presented shiny new
dimes to an estimated 30,000 citizens -- always with cameras present to
record his "generosity."

But serious philanthropy was the more durable part of the effort to redeem
the Rockefeller name. In 1901, the family launched the Rockefeller Institute
for Medical Research, which later became Rockefeller University. Two years
afterward, they established the General Education Board. And a Rockefeller
Sanitary Commission was created with family money in 1909.

Then, in 1913, the year of the bloodbath in Colorado, the Rockefeller
foundation was launched with $50 million worth of Standard Oil assets. Its
charter described the foundation's goal as the advancement of "the
civilization of the peoples of the United States and its territories and
possessions and of foreign lands..."

But the foundation's "philanthropic" activities more often than not
conveniently served the Rockefeller corporate interest, a pattern that
continues to this day.

Industrial Colonisation


Re: [CTRL] Van Impe and Sitchin

2000-12-07 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 12/7/00 7:55:54 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Thanks you for providing us a good laugh at the
expense of your own hypocrisy being exposed.

Again, at LEAST I post MY REAL NAME as opposed to your little pseudonym...and though I post pieces from other sources I don't claim to agree with 100% of their contents.
Sitchin has problems, but Van Impe is a total dolt.



2000-12-07 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-


Henry Alfred Kissinger, of the District of Columbia, was sworn in September
22, 1973 at the White House as the 56th Secretary of State. He will continue
to hold the position of Assistant to the President for National Security
Affairs which he first assumed in 1969.

Secretary Kissinger was born in Fuerth, Germany, on May 27, 1923, came to the
United States in 1938, and was naturalized a United States citizen on June
19, 1943. He received the BA Degree Summa Cum Laude at Harvard College in
1950 and the MA and PhD Degrees at Harvard University in 1952 and 1954

From 1954 until 1971 he was a member of the Faculty of Harvard University,
both in the Department of Government and at the Center for International
Affairs. He was Associate Director of the Center from 1957 to 1960. He served
as Study Director, Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy, for the Council of
Foreign Relations from 1955 to 1956; Director of the Special Studies Project
for the Rockefeller Brothers Fund from 1956 to 1958; Director of the Harvard
International Seminar from 1951 to 1971, and Director of the Harvard Defense
Studies Program from 1958 to 1971. (He was on leave of absence from Harvard
from January 1969 to January 1971.)

Secretary Kissinger has written six books and more than forty articles on
United States foreign policy, international affairs, and diplomatic history.
Among the awards he has received are the Guggenheim Fellowship (1965-66), the
Woodrow Wilson Prize for the best book in the fields of government, politics
and international affairs (1958), the American Institute for Public Service
Award (1973), the International Platform Association Theodore Roosevelt Award
(1973), the Veterans of Foreign Wars Dwight D. Eisenhower Distinguished
Service Medal (1973), and the Hope Award for International Understanding

He has served as a consultant to the Department of State (1965-68), United
States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (1961-68), Rand Corporation
(1961-68), National Security Council (1961-62), Weapons Systems Evaluation
Group of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (1959-60), Operations Coordinating Board
(1955), Director of the Psychological Strategy Board (1952), and Operations
Research Office (1951).

From 1943 to 1946 Dr. Kissinger served in the U.S. Army Counter-Intelligence
Corps and from 1946 to 1949 was a Captain in the Military Intelligence
Reserve. He speaks French and German.

Secretary Kissinger is the father of two children, Elizabeth and David.
From Les Prix Nobel 1973.
 1972  1974
The Nobel Peace Prize 1973

Presentation Speech

Henry, A. Kissinger


Le Duc Tho
Last modified June 16, 2000
© Copyright The Nobel Foundation
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Columbia University and the U.S. Intelligence Community

2000-12-07 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Columbia University and the U.S. Intelligence Community

Excerpted from: North American Congress on Latin America, Who Rules Columbia?
-- Original 1968 Strike Edition (New York: NACLA, 1970), pages 13-17 of 40
The very nature of the Cold War struggle against Communism and the drive for
empire require extensive non-military resources. The U.S. intelligence
community, under the direction of the Central Intelligence Agency, is in
charge of enlisting the expertise and the cover of non-governmental
organizations. Through covert penetration of civilian branches of the
government, voluntary groups, corporations, law firms, research centers,
cultural projects, foundations and universities, the CIA is able to mobilize
and coordinate for government service much of the seemingly a-political work
of U.S. civilian society.
The primary tasks of the U.S. intelligence community are gathering and
analyzing strategic information for decision-makers and positioning trained
personnel in key locations to manipulate the course of events. (For a history
and discussion of the CIA see, Wise and Ross, The Invisible Government.) Like
several large universities, Columbia offers excellent opportunities for
achieving these goals. Most of the evidence points to indirect relationships,
but because the CIA is closed and secret and because the Columbia
Administration refuses to discuss its CIA relations, it is quite possible
that CIA-CU ties are far more direct and pervasive than the public data now
indicates. In fact, our own information indicates that these ties are so
direct as to involve a highly influential group of men in dual positions of
leadership -- inside Columbia and in the CIA itself.
One level of association involves individuals connected with Columbia who are
also affiliated with CIA-related organizations. Three types of
CIA-relationships are identified in the following table.

CIA-Related Organization
   (Position in CIA-Related Organization)Name and Columbia Position
Asia Foundation
   (Tr)   Grayson Kirk, President
African-American Institute
   (Tr)   Arthur Krim, Trustee
   (Tr)   L. Gray Cowan, Dir. SIA African Institute
   (Tr)   Louis G. Cowan, Dir. Special Prog. Grad. School of Journalism
American Society of African Culture
   (Ed.Bd.)   L. Gray Cowan, Dir. SIA African Institute
Committee of Correspondence
   (former Pres)   Anna Lord Strauss, SIA contributor
   (Mem)   Alice Stetten, SIA Adv.
Free Europe Committee
   (Mem)   Frank Altschul, SIA Adv.
   (Mem)   Adolf A. Berle, Prof., SIA Adv.
   (Mem)   Ernest A. Gross, SIA Adv., Past Trustee, Barnard College

Institute for International Education
   (Tr)   Grayson Kirk, President
   (Tr)   Lawrence Wien, Trustee
   (Pres)   Kenneth Holland, SIA Adv.
John H. Whitney Trust
   (Tr)   Walter N. Thayer, Trustee
American Council for Emigres in the Professions
   (Pres)   Harry J. Carman, Dn. Emer.
   (Dr)   Horace L. Friess, Prof.
   (Dr)   Wesley J. Hennessy, Assoc. Dn. School of Engineering
   (Dr)   Frank Tannenbaum, Prof. Emer.
   (Dr)   Rosemary Parks, Former Pres, Barnard College
   (Exec. Dr)   Joe Jefferson, former Dean of Administration
   (Adv)   Millicent C. McIntosh, Pres. Emer., Barnard College

Farfield Foundation
   (Dr)   William A.M. Burden, Trustee
   (Dr)   Gardner Cowles, SIA Adv., Trustee Teachers College
Foundation for Youth and Student Affairs
   (Dr)   Francis T.P. Plimpton, Trustee Barnard College
Cleveland H. Dodge Foundation
   (Pres)   Cleveland E. Dodge, Trustee, Teachers College
Edward John Noble Foundation
   (Dr)   Eugene C. Bewkes, SIA Adv.
   (Dr)   Alger B. Chapman, SIA Adv.
   (Dr)   David S. Smith, SIA Assoc. Dean
David, Josephine and Winfield Baird Foundation, Inc.
 financial contributor to Columbia
William Benton Foundation
 financial contributor to Columbia
Catherwood Foundation
 financial contributor to Columbia
W. Alton Jones Foundation
 financial contributor to Columbia
J.M. Kaplan Fund, Inc.
 financial contributor to Columbia
Lucius N. Littauer Foundation
 financial contributor to Columbia
Aaron E. Norman Fund, Inc.
 financial contributor to Columbia
Rubicon Foundation
 financial contributor to Columbia
Legend: (Dr)=Director; (Tr)=Trustee; (Dn)=Dean; (Ed.Bd.)=Editorial Board; (Ad)
=Advisor; (Emer)=Emeritus; SIA = School of International Affairs; (Mem)

Another indirect connection between the CIA and the School of International
Affairs (SIA) is demonstrated by the presence of Eugene C. Bewkes and Alger
B. Chapman, as advisory council members of SIA, and David S. Smith, Associate
Dean of SIA, Director of the International Fellows Program and a member of
the Administrative Board of the Research Institute on Communist Affairs. All
three men are directors 

[CTRL] Rex William Cowdry

2000-12-07 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Is this the same  Rex William Cowdry who was dubya's SB mate in '68?

Dr. Rex William Cowdry, former Acting NIMH Director from 1994-1996, retired
from the Federal Government after 22 years of service. He will become the
Medical Director and Executive Director for Research at NAMI. Dr. Cowdry
joined the NIMH intramural program as a staff psychiatrist in 1976. From
1987-1997, he was Chief Executive Officer of the Neuropsychiatric Research
Hospital at Saint Elizabeths. Dr. Cowdry served as Acting Deputy Director of
NIMH from 1986-1988 and again from 1996-1997. The Institute is indebted to
Dr. Cowdry for his dedication and commitment to advancing mental health

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Howard Stern's Radio Show Might End - Conspiracy against him?

2000-12-07 Thread Birds
Title: My AOL | Today's News










  More News


sensible take on hard rock
1-Napster hires congressional aide for copyright fight
Director Ritchie To Marry
Howard Stern's Radio Show Might End
Fondly Remembering Lennon
Lennon Writes About His Dad
Slam offers another side of Joe Lovano
Turner wraps farewell tour in California
expects to unveil pact with music distributor
To Take Stage in Vegas







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us feedback




  Howard Stern's Radio Show Might 
EndThe Associated 
PressDec 7 2000 2:20PMNEW YORK (AP) - Howard 
Stern, unplugged? 
After nearly a quarter-century on the air, the founding father of 
shock radio has stunned his legion of listeners again - this time 
with word that his radio career could end on Dec. 15. 
Stern's current five-year contract expires at the end of this 
year, and the self-proclaimed King of All Media says negotiations 
for a new deal have sputtered. While interviewing Arnold 
Schwarzenegger in mid-November, Stern told the mega-star that the 
December date could be his broadcast finale. 
``This is not a disc jockey stunt,'' promised Stern, the creator 
of Lesbian Dial-A-Date and the Homeless Hollywood Squares. ``I don't 
do disc jockey stunts.'' 
Stern's nationally syndicated show remains the No. 1-rated 
morning show in New York City by a wide margin despite a sharp dip 
in spring 2000. 
Outside New York, his numbers are not as strong. In several 
markets, Arbitron figures have shown his audience eroding - 
particularly in Los Angeles, where Stern lost 20 percent of his 
listeners over the last two years. 
Stern's program, which airs on more than three dozen stations in 
North America, has long reflected his personal life - including his 
split last year from his wife of 21 years. 
Stern, typically, has used the contract talks to hype his show. 
``Howard says good-bye,'' one show promo blared. ``You won't want to 
miss the King of All Media's fond farewells.'' 
It's likely that the Dec. 15 ``last show'' will air before 
there's a resolution of the contract negotiations. Stern  Co. 
go on vacation for the rest of the year after that show, and any 
decision would likely occur closer to the expiration date. 
``I don't want to leave,'' Stern said last Friday after a 
listener called in to ask about his plans. ``I want to re-sign.'' 
This week, Stern estimated his chances of returning at 60 
A spokesman for Stern's employer, Infinity Broadcasting, declined 
to discuss the talks. 
Stern has advised members of his twisted radio family - sidekick 
Robin Quivers, producer Gary Dell'Abate, celebrity stalker 
Stuttering John - to start looking for new work. 
Quivers, speaking on the air, said she had delivered a farewell 
to her WXRK-FM boss - just in case. Stern and his crew joined the 
station in 1985, shortly after he was fired from WNBC-AM in 
Manhattan over his show's content. 
Deal or not, Stern won't lack for work. His Howard Stern 
Productions has started work on 22 new episodes of his ``Baywatch'' 
parody, ``Son of the Beach,'' for the FX cable network. 
His syndicated weekly TV program, ``The Howard Stern Radio 
Program,'' has not fared as well. While its ratings have held 
steady, it never challenged ``Saturday Night Live'' for weekend 
Stern has told his audience he would like the opportunity to 
``totally reinvent'' himself, and mentioned there's a movie he would 
like to pursue. 
His first movie, the autobiographical ``Private Parts,'' grossed 
more than $40 million in its first 

[CTRL] Napster Fighting for Their Copyright fight.

2000-12-07 Thread Birds
Title: My AOL | Today's News










  More News


sensible take on hard rock
UPDATE 1-Napster hires congressional aide for copyright fight
Director Ritchie To Marry
Stern's Radio Show Might End
Fondly Remembering Lennon
Lennon Writes About His Dad
Slam offers another side of Joe Lovano
Turner wraps farewell tour in California
expects to unveil pact with music distributor
To Take Stage in Vegas







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us feedback




  UPDATE 1-Napster hires congressional aide 
for copyright fightReutersDec 7 2000 
5:53PMLOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Gearing up for a hot 
debate over copyrights in cyberspace, Napster Inc. Thursday said it 
hired a top aide to the congressional committee that held hearings 
this year on the popular song-swap service. 
Manus Cooney, the chief counsel and staff director of the Senate 
Judiciary Committee, will join Napster in January as vice president 
for corporate and policy development, setting Napster's legislative 
Cooney's boss, committee Chairman Sen. Orrin Hatch, a Utah 
Republican, has been supportive of Napster in its battle with big 
music companies, which sued Napster a year ago for copyright 
infringement. While the court case has proceeded, Napster, which 
enables users to swap music for free on the Internet, has attracted 
over 40 million users. 
Hatch wrote to a federal appeals court in September saying that a 
brief filed by the Department of Justice and the Copyright Office 
siding with the recording industry did not represent the opinion of 
the full U.S. government. 
Over a month ago, Bertelsmann AG, the parent of BMG -- one of the 
companies suing Napster -- broke ranks with its rivals and announced 
it formed a partnership with Napster. It said it would drop its 
lawsuit once Napster was transformed into a secure, paid service and 
invited other labels to join. 
No other labels have yet committed, but they all are looking at 
subscription models as a way of wringing revenues from the Internet. 

"Entertainment remains one of the most vexing issues for the 
Internet, yet the idea of providing content on the Web remains 
tantalizing," said Adam Schoenfeld, vice president of Jupiter 
Research at Jupiter's Entertainment Forum in Los Angeles on 
Larry Kenswil, president of Universal Music's Universal eLabs 
Internet division, said at the conference he expects the $40 billion 
global music industry to expand via the Internet. 
"Subscription is a great model. The question is what people want 
and are willing to pay for," he said. 
Universal Music, a unit of Seagram Co., in October became the 
first major record label to distribute songs online via subscription 
in a closed trial run of its Internet music service. 
On Wednesday, Seagram President and Chief Executive Officer Edgar 
Bronfman Jr. said Universal would ramp up the test of the service to 
20,000 users next week. 
Currently, the service only offers music from Universal. 
The Napster legal battle has come to be viewed as a landmark case 
for copyrights on the Internet, which will affect how music as well 
as films, books and all forms of entertainment can be distributed 
and protected in cyberspace. Meanwhile, several proponents of 
Napster and members of the digital media industry are urging federal 
officials to revisit copyright law to address some of the issues 
that have arisen as a result of this case and this new medium. 
"Manus Cooney joining our team ensures that Napster's more than 
44 million users will be well represented in the coming 

Re: [CTRL] Rhonda Schlepper interviews Heidi

2000-12-07 Thread PM Kansan1225
In a message dated 12/7/00 4:44:26 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Subj: Re: [CTRL] Rhonda Schlepper interviews Heidi
Date: 12/7/00 4:44:26 PM Central Standard Time
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Nurev Ind Research)
Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Conspiracy Theory Research List)
Reply-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Conspiracy Theory Research List)

-Caveat Lector-

Holy s**t!!! Another lunatic for Colleen / Saba to mentate with.


PM Kansan1225 wrote:

 It has been a very good year for CNN's roving correspondent
 Rhonda Schlepper. Her big break came late last year when she
 used her clandestine Luciferian Masonic (CLuM) connections to
 substitute for Christiane "A Man" Amanpour, who was then in the
 family way.

 Since that time Ms. Schlepper has succeeded in interviewing the
 aging Adolf Schicklgruber over in Tierra del Fuego, the Land of
 Fire, as well as the little alien Elian when he still was in Mayami.
 Rhonda has just achieved another coup by being the first to
 interview international supermodel/actress Heidi Klum after her
 selection to play the young ingenue role in the major new motion
 picture "Fight all CLuMs and especially P.  U.K.E.", as Miss
 Jildau Van Nuys, Kansan1225's West Coast associate.

 Following are some excerpts from this interview.

 Rhonda Schlepper: Heidi, you have a great modeling career,
 you have been on the cover of the "Sports Illustrated" swimsuit
 issue. Why bother with acting in a movie?

 Heidi Klum: Vy bozzer? As an artiste I need to keep
 expanding my range. It is an artistic necessity.

 Truth is stranger than fiction, but the Truth shall make you free.

Re: [CTRL] Van Impe and Sitchin.

2000-12-07 Thread Tsadowq

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/07/2000 7:00:56 PM Mountain
Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Not only is this a laughable parry, it is completely irrelevant.

In a message dated 12/07/2000 7:00:56 PM Mountain
Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
and though I post pieces from other sources I don't
claim to agree with 100% of their contents.

This is a nice try, but there is no white-washing the fact
that Wes posted back-to-back posts -- which included
both contradicting and hypocritical statements.

In a message dated 12/07/2000 7:00:56 PM Mountain
Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Sitchin has problems, but Van Impe is a total dolt. 

What is the difference between the theologies of these two men?

Sitchin says the Annunaki are the extra-TERRESTRIAL
PROGENITORS of the human race, and ties these beings
into passages from the Bible including Genesis 6.

Van Impe says these same beings are extra-DIMENSIONAL
ANTAGONIZERS of the human race, and ties these beings
into passages Genesis 6 also, except for the fact that
Van Impe identifies these beings as fallen angels.

Funny thing, that the NECRONOMICON tells us that
the Annunaki are the dreaded Lords of the Underworld.

The Necronomicon and the Bible are clearly written from
the perspective of two opposing forces. These opposing
forces strangely agree that the "Annunaki" are fallen angels
of one rank or another.

Calling either one of these men a "total dolt" is as
subjective as the judgment call between the two
men and their paradigms.

Wes, I am sorry that you didn't have
a better relationship with your father.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: The Music Code in Ancient Myth (1/2)

2000-12-07 Thread Gutiar Virtuoso

-Caveat Lector-

Too much can be extrapolated and made of supposed "codes" - whether in music
or otherwise, and one can easily become over-obsessive about such things,
much like whacko Christians who went berserk over "backward-masking" in Rock
lyrics, spinning records and running tapes backwards, trying to find some
sinister satanic word in the most obscure bits of audio garble, when one
only need only look at the covers, and in-your-face printed lyrics, to
understand that what was being portrayed by Rock music was in in bald-faced
contradistinction to their religious sensibilities.  The "hidden mystery"
and "conspiracy" bug seems to bite everyone.

With regard to music, in Bach for example, there are abundant 'codes' by way
of 'numbers' in his works.   Many of his musical scores simply total the
numeric value of the great composers name, or contain some allusion of
religious significance, since Bach, of course, was a great Reformation
composer.  There is little "mystery,"  or grand significance in this,
because simply, and fundamentally, it was a just mere fun, cleverness, and
it added an extra dimension of amusement by way of intellectual challenge
for the man to compose his music in this manner.   It was also the societal
influence of the age upon the man, as much of the then Western culture was
driven by superstitious notions and intrigue with "numbers" and the like.

Parts of the bible, for example, were also written in what some might term
"code" at times, to be understood by believers alone, who were being hunted,
persecuted and killed by the Roman State, and many Jewish authorities.
Coded numbers were used but also took on real meanings because they had
reference to some real and physical reality, and were not mere abstractions,
nor did they hold some esoteric magical significance in and of themselves in

One example is the book of Revelation, which one could suggest is full of
all sorts of weird "code" and illusive messages.

But what distances this supposed "code," from the lunatic fringe, and the
sophists who merely want to generate false hype and fiction in order to
self-promote and sell their books, tapes and videos, is the fact that IT IS
OBVIOUS and OVERT "CODE" and everybody knew that it was.

It was and is not, some waffly gobble-de-gook, after the event SUPERIMPOSED
fictitious creation, that only some guru with the right "key" (IF you buy
their book, tape, video or attend their Seminar) possessed to unlock its
SUPPOSED mysteries.

Texts and music ought to be primarily considered in their first context as
dictated by the author or composer. I think one cannot simply go about
SUPERIMPOSING ones own preconceived notions upon such things, it seems
improper for the sake of the authors original intent, and ones also own
credibility, if one claims to be in pursuit of evidence-backed truth.

- Original Message -
From: "Aleisha Saba" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 3:59 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fwd: The Music "Code" in Ancient Myth (1/2)

 -Caveat Lector-

 This is the stuff of which neutron bombs are made?

 Vibrations?  This is one of the most interesting articles I have ever
 read - and of course it must be read and read in my case.

 The poem We Are the Music Makers, We Are the Dreamers of Dreams - tells
 a lot about use of music - and the Irish Harp of David who used it to
 sooth Saul

 It is said Mozart was murdered because he revealed masonic secrets in
 The Magic Flute, but masonry is only for the curious to explore and one
 can learn much  and that is all you get in most instances - an

 So Joshua (and not that Jaws 2 on this list) did he use music and
 vibrations to bring down the walls?   The Irish did - today listen to
 the rap music and wonder the intent of same when it programs to kill

 So once you sent our boys to war with a song, and Glen Miller was just
 another trumpet player during WWII or was it trombone...these music
 makers take a lot of credit for things do they notlike Alex Baldwin
 marking Heston for murder knowing a thought becomes the wish, becomes a
 fact and a song or word once spoken...

 So thanks Das Goat..wonderful item.   Plato even knew of the two
 underground currents, El Nino and La Nina which some thing just hot, one cold...linked to jet streams and how the
 turtles, the voice of silence, travels with lemmings presumably
 throughout the world

 So if the fat lady hits High C - do good crystal glasses still break?


 And Jimmy Carter's bomb where you kill all the people, but the buildings
 will remain?   More bad vibes?

 Like music makers - they do leave a paper trailJude in the bible
 very important  to Beattles who claimed to have bigger following than
 Jesus Christnot much of a claim, for only the women remained to the

 A HREF=""
 CTRL is 

[CTRL] Check out Russian Planes Flew Near US Carrier

2000-12-07 Thread Carl Amedio

-Caveat Lector-

Click here: Russian Planes Flew Near US Carrier/A

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: The Music Code in Ancient Myth (1/2)

2000-12-07 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well my brother in law was under Vandenberg when he headed CIA and under
Vandenberg when he was Joint Chief - he submitted his name for
considerawtion for Vandenberg AFB in Gideon Bible
with the strange calendar/code, was his property.

He warned me what would happen if I pursued the calendar/code - for he
was extremely upset when I said Apollo sabotaged - he said it was
dangerous, I would be ridiculed, and subject to close
sister was forbidden to even discuss it with me - so, he wanted me to be

Always wondered why someone like him, who ended up working with von
Braun, would be intrested in the Unicorn, Ira Einhorn (one
horn)..this man had connections to Colonel Beardon who got into
weather control stuff, a nuclear engineer..he was Lt. Colonel.I
was told to read this book, before I got into the weather stuff and that
was in 1987 when I rote to see who this man was.

So code of silence.more silence.and more silence.

I know what my bible calendar code is and who does what...set it
aside some years ago for the safety of my children who were then
small..some of the people who would squelch the truth - they are the
dangerous ones.

This one idiot once asked me "AYAK" shirt Mason with buddy who
headed up intelligence at OSP.wore red shirts to look aggressive,
but as I understand it the Govenor of Ohio was disturbed because of the
story re Yonnie Licovoli called The Govenor and the Mobster.for
Licovoli of the old Jewish Mafia Purple Gang was released from prison
and the word was it cost $350,000..I got blamed for the story in
Life because I had called it in with wrong people with big mouths.

So believe as you will..I discount nothing
and remember the famous Beethovan

Dot Dot Dot - dash is it?   V, for Victory.  Might add Beethovan was
supposedly deaf - but have you ever heard two mourning doves chirping
this famous song?   It does and if he was deaf, he had to hear the song
in the forest before he lost his hearing.


As they say, Go Tell it to the Mountain and We Shall Overthrow

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Colombian police spray herbicide on coca, - US Sen. Wellstone

2000-12-07 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Excerpted from Jean Hudon's Cybernaute newsletter - Miscellaneous Subjects #49;
Thu, 7 Dec 2000

From: "Dave Hartley" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Colombian police spray herbicide on coca, US Sen. Wellstone
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2000

From:  Sanho Tree [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Last Friday I had the opportunity to debate the Colombian Ambassador and
Amb. James Mack (the State Department's interagency coordinator for Plan
Colombia) at Yale Law School.  Ambassador Mack berated opponents of Plan
Colombia for distorting the facts about aerial fumigation.  He claimed it
was totally safe and sprayed with "GPS guided precision."  Ironically, the
following story broke that very morning.  Senator Wellstone was observing a
demonstration flight when his delegation accidentally got doused with the
broad-spectrum herbicide called glyphosate.  So much for precision.  For
more information on the devastating health and environmental impact of
aerial fumigation in the drug war check out

Published Friday, December 1, 2000

Colombian police spray herbicide on coca, Wellstone

Rob Hotakainen / Star Tribune

TARASA, COLOMBIA -- Standing next to 10-foot coca bushes in a remote
mountain region near the Tarasa River on Thursday, Sen. Paul Wellstone was
ready to watch the Colombian National Police demonstrate its new approach
to fumigating coca, the raw product used to produce cocaine.

But then something odd happened: Wellstone got sprayed, along with
surprised members of his delegation, including his press secretary and
foreign policy adviser.

Police officials said it was a mistake, blaming the wind for blowing the
chemical -- known as glysophate -- from its intended path.

Moments earlier, Lt. Col. Marcos Pedreros, the police official in charge of
the spraying mission, had assured Wellstone that the spray posed no risk to
humans, animals or the environment. Officials said it's similar to Roundup,
a commonly used herbicide.

"I am Colombian," said Pedreros, who communicated through an interpreter
with Wellstone, D-Minn. "I love my motherland, and with my men I couldn't
destroy my own homeland. I know that what I'm doing is under the law, and
that's why I do it with love and devotion."

Ironically, the U.S. Embassy in Colombia had just circulated materials to
reporters, noting the "precise geographical coordinates" used to spray coca
fields. According to embassy officials, a computer program sets precise
flight lines with a 170-foot width, leaving little room for error.

But Wellstone was hit with a fine mist of the herbicide from a helicopter
flying less than 200 feet above him. He winced and rubbed his eyes later,
but he managed a joke, saying he could become a case study on possible
dangers linked to the chemical.

Asked whether he was stunned to get hit, Wellstone said: "Oh, yeah, and I'm
imagining that I'm itching a lot, too."

One of the members of Wellstone's delegation was particularly irked after
she was sprayed.

"I really resented it," said Pamela Costain, executive director of the
Minneapolis-based Resource Center of the Americas, who thinks the
fumigation of coca fields could result in long-term environmental damage.
"I'm fearful about what they're using, and I really didn't want to get it
on me."

Colombian officials sought to downplay the incident.

"We did not spray on the people or on the senator," said Gen. Gustavo
Socha, anti-narcotics director for the Colombian National Police, speaking
through an interpreter. But when told that a reporter witnessed the
incident, Socha said: "What hit him was because of the wind, not because
they had the intention."

Wellstone, one of the few senators to oppose a $1.3 billion U.S. aid plan
to help Colombia fight its drug war, drew much attention from the Colombian
press. The plan is a pet project for Colombian President Andres Pastrana,
but Wellstone said that peasant farmers will continue growing coca as long
as few jobs exist in a country where unemployment hovers at 20 percent.

Using an interpreter to speak to Colombian reporters, Wellstone said: "I
believe they are very honestly committed to this fight, but I have to
wonder whether or not we will be able to win this fight against this
narcotics trade as long as the people in Colombia and the countryside do
not have other alternatives to enable them to be able to make a living and
as long as in my country -- the United States of America -- there is such
demand. ... I will remain a critic, but with respect."

Colombian police used Wellstone's visit to announce plans to spray 17,290
acres of coca as part of its new Operation "Paramillo." Police said 300 men
will be involved in the effort, using Black Hawk helicopters sent by the
United States. Police are targeting a region where violence is high as
paramilitary groups clash with guerrilla groups over who will control the
nation's drug trade.

After receiving the U.S. aid, 

Re: [CTRL] Check out Russian Planes Flew Near US Carrier

2000-12-07 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Might add here, the USS Cole was rather off guard having just re-fueled
and this ship buzzed by Russians was re-fueling and our planes could not
get up there first time round.

So re-fueling in air and in water can be a dangerous situation.Maybe
it is time for us to remember the USS Liberty and USS Cole along with
the USS Arizona..While USA sleeps, a lot of dirty work being
done.and remember Henry Kissinger, Code Name Bor.

Little Monica - her line was tapped and she would call the President of
the United Henry Kissinger, his line was tapped by
Mossad and KGB and he would call a lot of important people and it was
almost a party line and do not think he did not know it.

What I loved about Bob Pope, CIA former National Enquirer head...he
caught Kissinger on camera with list of CIA operatives lying open on a
table before him while it was photographed - Pope had it blurred and
printed in NE...but within week or so, Welch was brought home in

So an American is alleged to have been involved in Cole bombing?
Remember Free Jamal?   Better check out these connecions, and then
remember the Black Panthers with Uzzis stalking Mrs. Bush at a
dinner.nice people?

Then remember murder of King Faisal of Saudi Arabia in
black from Berkley?
Black Moslems - are they for real or are they like black House of

In Brooklyn now special days in schools set for Ramadanyet little
Christian children cannot say a simple prayer in silence?

Who the hell are these people?We know they follow astrology.Gad
is the Overcomers in the Bibleand I always remember the song We
Shall Overcome..

Or is it We Shall Overthrow?


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[CTRL] READ THIS: Human Genome project leaves much of human variation unsampled

2000-12-07 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 12:51:37 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Human Genome project leaves much of human variation unsampled

The first draft of the Human Genome, due to be published early next year,
represents only a fraction of the world’s human genetic diversity because the
sample used for the project does not include adequate representation from
sub-Saharan Africa. With more genetic variation occurring within human races,
rather than between them, the project’s exclusion of individuals from the
most variable human populations on the planet ignores the worldwide genetic
diversity of the human species and our evolutionary history, according to
Todd R Disotell an anthropologist from New York University writing in Genome
Biology. Despite our visual perception of the variation between races,
studies have shown that as much as 85% of all human variation occurs between
individuals of the same population while less than 10% of the variation was
between the major races – represented in the broadest sense by Africans,
Asians and Europeans. This pattern of diversity is largely accounted for by
human evolutionary history. Studies of human DNA from populations around the
world suggests a common African ancestry living some 200,000 years ago.
Modern theories of human evolution suggest that expansion of populations from
Africa began 100,000 years ago - giving nearly twice as much time for
variation to accumulate in sub-Saharan Africa as in the rest of the world,
writes Disotell. The announcement by Craig Venter, President and Chief
Scientific Officer of Celera Genomics, on June 26 2000 that his research
group had assembled the complete human genome should, Disotell argues, "be
viewed only as the first step in characterizing human diversity". The Celera
research group did not sample a complete human genome, rather they generated
a composite genome made up of three females and two males identifying
themselves as African-American, Asian, Caucasian and Hispanic. From these
data, Celera scientists concluded that, "the concept of race has no genetic
or scientific basis" - a quote that was widely cited. These conclusions,
while valid, cannot be deduced from the Celera data. "A scientifically more
viable strategy would be to examine many more sub-Saharan Africans than
non-Africans," writes Disotell, "because sub-Saharan African populations can
be expected to represent the majority of all human variation." In addition,
Disotell suggests that rather than sampling individuals from a mixed
population such as the USA – where household data surveys show that about 20%
of the population have close relatives from a racial group different from
their own – samples should be gathered from the regions themselves. The
genomes of the African-American population, for instance, have a distinct
European influence comprising about 7% of the gene pool in Jamaica and as
high as 26% of the African-American gene pool in some North American cities.
A controversial project to survey human genetic diversity, the Human Genome
Diversity Project, has been proposed in order to represent worldwide genetic
diversity. The proposal, still being modified to take into account ethical
and legal concerns, would collect together samples from a wide range of
populations from throughout the world thought best to represent human
diversity and would take into account our evolutionary history and known
patterns of variation among current human populations. "A human diversity
project has been made far more tractable by the work laid by Celera and the
publicly funded Human Genome Organisation’s impressive accomplishments, not
only in sequencing ‘the’ human genome but also in beginning to use it as a
map to discover the full extent of human genetic diversity," writes Disotell.
The electronic version of this article is the complete one and can be found
online at: A 

A HREF=",51-103,8243093"Click here: Human Genome 
project leaves much of human variation unsampled/A
Does anyone know where the love of G-d goes
 When the waves turn the minutes to hours?
 --Gordon Lightfoot, "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald"

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[CTRL] HebronNews: 3 days of quiet (fwd)

2000-12-07 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 21:29:31 +0200
Subject: News from Hebron: 3 days of quiet

News from Hebron
The Hebron Press Office
December 7, 2000

1. Three days of quiet

The last three nights were quiet, with no shooting attacks
reported. As a result the curfew in Hebron was fully lifted
Wednesday and Thursday. Early tonight shooting was reported from
the Harat al-Shech hills in the direction of Tel Rumeida. There
were no injuries.

2. Ma'arat HaMachpela closed to Jews tomorrow

Tomorrow, because of the Muslim Ramaddan holiday, Ma'arat
HaMachpela will be closed to Jewish visitors and open only to
Moslems. The Hebron Council issued the following statement: We
protest the decision closing Ma'arat HaMachpela to Jewish
visitors and worshipers tomorrow. Following over two months of
shooting attacks, the Arabs do not deserve any rewards. In
addition, our bitter experiences from the recent past raise
suspicions that holy objects and books may be in danger of being
desecrated. The Arabs should not be allowed access to the
synagogues in Ma'arat HaMachpela.

3. New Web Site for Gush Katif

A new web site is under construction for the Gush Katif
communities in Gazza. It presently contains pictures of Kfar
Darom and the communtiy Katif. More information will be added.
The web address is:

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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2000-12-07 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/5/00 12:00:20 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Breyer stunned watchers inside of the courtroom as he grilled Joseph Klock,
  lawyer for Republican Secretary of State Katherine Harris. Justice Breyer
  framed the debate by stating: Whether we win, whether your side wins.

  It could just as easily have meant he was on their side - "we" + "your
side."  Give it a rest, Drudge, it's a stupid issue.


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] WP: Cheney's State Residency Qualified

2000-12-07 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Cheney's State Residency Qualified

The Associated Press
Thursday, Dec. 7, 2000; 1:33 p.m. EST

NEW ORLEANS –– Dick Cheney is a Wyoming resident and therefore is
constitutionally qualified to serve as George W. Bush's vice
president, a federal appeals court ruled Thursday.

The ruling came from the bench after an hour-long hearing in
which lawyers for three Texas residents argued that Cheney had
moved to Bush's home state of Texas when he took a job there in

The three-judge appellate panel took a short recess after the
arguments, then Judge Patrick Higginbotham returned to say
without elaboration that the panel was in agreement that Cheney
clearly is a Wyoming resident.

Higginbotham was appointed by former President Bush. The others –
Rhesa H. Barksdale and Jacques L. Wiener Jr. – were Reagan

The three plaintiffs were prepared to appeal to the U.S. Supreme
Court if the appeals court sides with a lower court judge, one of
their lawyers said before the ruling.

Cheney, a former Wyoming congressman, lived in Dallas while he
was chairman of Halliburton Co. until he changed his voting
registration to Teton County, Wyo., on July 21 – four days before
becoming Bush's running mate.

He or his wife have owned a home in Dallas since 1993, but have
entered into a contract to sell the property, which was listed
for $3.1 million. Cheney, defense secretary under former
President Bush, also owns property in McLean, Va.

The plaintiffs are Dallas-area residents Stephen E. Jones, a
Texas Wesleyan University law student, and Linda D. Lydia and
Caroline Franco, both housewives.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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[CTRL] NR: God Save This Honorable Court (fwd)

2000-12-07 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[And now for some more HIGHLY sophisticated disinfo...  -MS]

12/07/00 2:00 p.m.
God Save This Honorable Court

Yet another hearing.

By Mark R.  Levin
President of Landmark Legal Foundation

National Review

Well, the Florida supreme court held another hearing today, this
time to figure out how to reverse Judge Sanders Sauls and order
him to order the county canvassing boards to conduct another

Al Gore's lawyer, David Boies, insisted today that Judge Sauls
failed to examine the thousands of ballots brought to his
courthouse by Ryder truck.  The insightful justices never did ask
Boies what, exactly, Judge Sauls was supposed to see on those
ballots, what he was to make of them, or why any of this

A couple of the justices struggled with the injustice of their
own burdensome November 26th (or was it November 27th?) deadline,
which, after all, was extended for the purpose of enabling Gore's
favorite Democratic counties to complete their recounts.  But
neither Miami-Dade nor Palm Beach Counties could make the
deadline.  That's not fair, is it? There must be a way, some way,
to count these dimpled and hanging chads.

Then another justice got to thinking: "Gee, even if we defy our
own deadline and find a way to order the recounts, we're running
out of time." Yes, your multiple honors, at some point this
litigation hell must come to an end.  And it's difficult to see
how recounts — and subsequent contest and protest periods — can
be completed when final electors must be selected by December
12th, and they must cast their votes for president by December

But here's the little secret no one has whispered into the 14
ears on the Florida supreme court: On November 26th, upon
receiving the certified election results from Florida Secretary
of State Katherine Harris, Florida Gov.  Jeb Bush, carrying out
the will of the state legislature, signed a "certification of
ascertainment" appointing George W.  Bush's slate of electors to
the Electoral College.  On November 27th, he forwarded the slate
to the Archivist of the United States.  In fact, the certified
document appears on the National Archives' website (look under
Florida).  The election is over.  Rosie O'Donnell has sung. Case

Well, you might ask, can the Florida supreme court order Jeb Bush
to certify a second slate of electors — Gore electors?  Not
according to an

1870s Florida supreme court decision, State of Florida v.  Drew.

Since Jeb Bush didn't wait for a contest period before certifying
the slate of electors, doesn't that violate state law?  No,
because state law allows contest and protest periods in elections
for public office. Electors are not running for public office.

If two slates of electors somehow wind up with Congress, what
then? On the four occasions in American history when states sent
two slates of electors to Congress, the slate certified by the
governor always prevailed.  Indeed, federal law requires it.

If you're wondering, therefore, why the Florida supreme court
held a hearing today, given that there's no case or controversy,
I must confess — so am I.  Oh well.  As they say: "God save this
honorable court."

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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Re: [CTRL] Van Impe and Sitchin.

2000-12-07 Thread Gutiar Virtuoso

-Caveat Lector-

Personally, I think both Sitchin and Van Impe are a pair of ridiculous and
idiotic twats whose ideas essentially lead to the same end.

Furthermore, Willie Shannon "Wes" is a bigoted fruitcake and most of the
time he hasn't a clue what he's posting up, he is a common sort, that
benignly professes and touts the usual cliché-ridden nonsense that he
"discounts nothing," meaning essentially, that he is opened-minded on
everything and empty-headed by the same token.

Hmmm ... and what of "Tsadowq" ... eh?

06659 Tsadowq {tsaw-doke'}
from 06663 ; n pr m
AV - Zadok 53; 53

Zadok = "righteous"

1) the high priest, son of Ahitub of the house of Eleazar the son of Aaron,
and 11th in descent from Aaron; joined David after Saul's death and
supported him against Absalom and Adonijah; anointed Solomon as king
2) a priest, son of Meraioth, father of Meshullam of the house of Ahitub;
apparently a nephew of 1
3) father of Jerusha, the wife of king Uzziah and mother of king Jotham of
4) son of Baana and repairer of the wall of Jerusalem in the time of
5) son of Immer and repairer of the wall of Jerusalem in the time of
6) a leader of the people in the time of Nehemiah
7) a scribe appointed by Nehemiah as one of the treasurers over the
8) a valiant warrior of the tribe of Benjamin who joined David at Hebron.
Same as 1?

REALLY ...???

If I had tits ... I think I'd be laughing them off right now!

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 3:24 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Van Impe and Sitchin.

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 12/07/2000 7:00:56 PM Mountain
 Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Not only is this a laughable parry, it is completely irrelevant.

 In a message dated 12/07/2000 7:00:56 PM Mountain
 Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 and though I post pieces from other sources I don't
 claim to agree with 100% of their contents.

 This is a nice try, but there is no white-washing the fact
 that Wes posted back-to-back posts -- which included
 both contradicting and hypocritical statements.

 In a message dated 12/07/2000 7:00:56 PM Mountain
 Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Sitchin has problems, but Van Impe is a total dolt. 

 What is the difference between the theologies of these two men?

 Sitchin says the Annunaki are the extra-TERRESTRIAL
 PROGENITORS of the human race, and ties these beings
 into passages from the Bible including Genesis 6.

 Van Impe says these same beings are extra-DIMENSIONAL
 ANTAGONIZERS of the human race, and ties these beings
 into passages Genesis 6 also, except for the fact that
 Van Impe identifies these beings as fallen angels.

 Funny thing, that the NECRONOMICON tells us that
 the Annunaki are the dreaded Lords of the Underworld.

 The Necronomicon and the Bible are clearly written from
 the perspective of two opposing forces. These opposing
 forces strangely agree that the "Annunaki" are fallen angels
 of one rank or another.

 Calling either one of these men a "total dolt" is as
 subjective as the judgment call between the two
 men and their paradigms.

 Wes, I am sorry that you didn't have
 a better relationship with your father.


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 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor 

Re: [CTRL] WSJ: An Election Judge on Fraud

2000-12-07 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/6/00 1:09:14 AM Central Standard Time,

  Bush ballot would have been double punched with Gore votes too,
  and possibly even straight-Republican ballots would have been
  punched with straight-Democratic holes too.

  To test this theory, I would want to know how many votes traditionally go
to the Republican candidate for president in inner-city precincts.  I think
the premise for these assertions is really thin.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] ABC: Jackson Files Suit in Florida

2000-12-07 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Jackson Files Suit in Florida

Joins Florida Black Caucus, NAACP in Minority Bias Allegations

Dec. 6 — Black Florida state legislators joined the Rev. Jesse
Jackson today in charging the voting rights of Florida blacks
were violated in the presidential election.

 At a press conference in Tallahassee, Jackson said 27,000
votes in Duval County were not counted on Election Night,
including 16,000 in black inner city neighborhoods and 6,000
so-called undervotes — where voters were not registered as
selecting a candidate for president, though they voted elsewhere
on the ballot.

 Jackson said Monday more than 22,000 of those ballots were
thrown out because of undervotes, where no vote is read by vote
counting machines, or overvotes, where more than one vote is

 Florida Black Caucus members and Jackson jointly filed a
civil rights suit Tuesday charging minorities in Duval County
were discarded at higher rates than those of whites and possibly
contributing to Democratic candidate Al Gore’s possible loss of
Florida’s 25 electoral votes and the presidential election.

 The Republican Party of Florida today had no comment on the

 Jackson also took issue with Miami-Dade’s decision last
month to abandon its manual recount after its canvassing board
determined the county could not complete the recount by a
deadline set by the Florida Supreme Court.

 “Our case remains clear. We want to win by the count, not by
the clock,” Jackson said.

 When the Miami-Dade recount was discontinued, it showed Gore
gaining 157 votes on George W. Bush. Also, Democrats have said
10,700 Miami-Dade ballots that didn’t register a vote for
president in previous counts should be hand counted.

 Jackson called for a full federal investigation into alleged
minority voter disenfranchisement across the state.

 “The Department of Justice has a duty to protect the
protected vote, and they must do their job and they have not,” he

 The Justice Department on Monday sent two investigators to
Florida to gather information to see whether a federal
investigation is warranted.

Intentional Disenfranchisement?

Since Election Day, hundreds of voters have claimed they were
unfairly turned away from polling places or were so confused by
ballot instructions that they voted incorrectly.

 The NAACP has compiled 300 pages of such testimony,
including accusations of voter intimidation, polling sites being
closed without notice and interpreters being barred from helping
non-English speaking voters.

 Last month, the civil rights group announced plans to sue
the state of Florida and several of its counties over the alleged
irregularities and urged federal authorities to investigate.

 Executive leader of Florida’s black caucus, Frederica Wilson
said it will act to make sure that minority voters are not
disenfranchised in the future.

 “We will propose legislation to study the election process
and establish concrete reform that standardizes voting in Florida
to ensure we will never leave another vote behind,” she said.

 Wilson charged that some people were “deliberately”
discouraged from voting in the state.

 “We saw officials in this state build dams and build
roadblocks of hostility to disenfranchise voters across Florida,”
she said.

 “People of goodwill know that there’s a major injustice
that’s being carried out here,” said Kinder Meeks, a black caucus

Urging Votes Be Counted

Jackson criticized Bush for opposing a manual recount of the
county’s ballots and including the results in the state’s
certified totals.

 “If Mr. Bush’s premise is [to] leave no American behind,
then count the votes in Miami-Dade,” he said.

 With the Texas governor leading the vice president in the
state’s official count by a mere 537 votes, the allegedly missed
votes could have a potentially decisive margin.

 Jackson went on to criticize Bush’s brother, Jeb Bush, the
governor of Florida, for not “monitoring the process” in the

 “If we were in Yugoslavia, and Milosevic was losing a race,
and there was one contested state and his brother, [was] the
governor [of] … that state, and the machinery of state broke
down, and he became the winner by a virtue of the breakdown of
that machinery, we would say that race does not pass a smell test
of transparency,” he said.

Copyright ©2000 ABC News Internet Ventures

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a 

[CTRL] Joe Firmage: Holiday Message

2000-12-07 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

From: Paul LeBreton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Joe Firmage -Holiday Message !

Hello friend,

20 years ago, a television series was introduced that changed our
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In early 2000, we co-founded a company to carry forward Carl
Sagan's vision into a new millennium. In the past nine months, we
have organized a team of scientists, artists, engineers, and
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of awakening that comes from understanding our relationship with
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Working in collaboration with leading institutions of science,
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Join us in celebrating the dawn of a new millennium? and stay
tuned for some amazing adventures in 2001!


Joe Firmage Ann Druyan

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] AP: Rolling Stone Retracts Clinton Quote

2000-12-07 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Rolling Stone Retracts Clinton Quote

The Associated Press
Thursday, Dec. 7, 2000; 6:49 p.m. EST

WASHINGTON –– Rolling Stone now says President Clinton didn't use
offensive language to describe the military's "don't ask, don't
tell" policy for homosexuals.

The misquote, printed in Rolling Stone's latest issue, lent humor
to the White House briefing Thursday when a reporter asked: "When
did the president decide that 'don't ask, don't tell' was a
dumbass thing to do?"

White House press secretary Jake Siewert reassured reporters that
the president didn't use the unsavory language when discussing
the policy allowing gays to serve in uniform as long as they
don't reveal their sexual orientation.

The Rolling Stone article based on interviews with Clinton by the
magazine's founder, Jann Wenner, quoted Clinton as saying: "And
it was only then that I worked out with (former Joint Chiefs of
Staff) Colin Powell this dumbass 'don't ask, don't tell' thing

Robert Love, managing editor of Rolling Stone, said it was a

"Due to a transcription error, the words "don't ask" were printed
as "dumb ass" in our interview with President Clinton. We regret
the error," Love said in a statement.

© Copyright 2000 The Associated Press

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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