[CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-26 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

You might want to do a bit more research on vouchers before
getting so upset.  That is not the way they work and they
WILL have the money to use to educate their children in the
school of their choice. It will not require anybody to be
wealthy to educate their children as the vouchers are issued
based on the child, not income with a set amount per child.
This amount will fully cover the cost of the education of
that child and will be sufficient for that at a number of
schools.  Most blacks are for the idea as they can then send
their children to schools outside the black neighborhoods.
It will give parents a choice and they will not be forced to
use a particular school that  is now assigned to them.  The
schools will then compete to become more what the parents
instead of the almighty government want.  Hopefully, less
indoctrination and more education.
- Original Message -
From: "inri" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2001 8:27 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School

 -Caveat Lector-

 because, otherwise, those who can't afford to pay for
their education won't
 get one. you can afford to pay for multiple educations
while not
 jeopordizing your high standard of living. therefore, it
is your
 responsibility. do you want to live in a society where the
vast majority of
 people cannot afford to educate themselves? well, george
bush DOES - and if
 you do not voice the other opinion (my opinion) and
continue to contribute
 to public education, this WILL be the outcome. forget
about yourself for a
 moment and think of the welfare of others less fortunate
than yourself - and
 fortunate is it, man - you're where you are by chance and
if you deny that
 you're daft.

  once again, this is their responsibility as it does not
jeopordize their
 high standard of living. even the poorest in america have
more than the
 lower classes in india.

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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-26 Thread inri

-Caveat Lector-

 would you care to describe to me the high standard of living I had as a
 Did you know me?

i don't need to. you were regularly fed and you recieved an education.
therefore, you had a much higher standard of living than most people on the
planet. you may take those two things for granted, and all people SHOULD
have the right to them, but the reality is that most don't.
the fact that you are able to wear clean underpants every day gives you an
extremely high standard of living.

 We do have people in this country that can not afford to educate
 Currently, we take money sometimes $1+ per student per year
 send them to a place where there is strong possiblity that at the end of
 years we'll have, as a result of the $4 spent, a person that cannot
read a
 job application or a childrens's novel and can't figure out change on a
 dollar bill if a transaction costs $8.25. Would you care to cite for me
 private schools where this is the case?

i disagree with the 'strong possibility' designation and if you want me to
take you seriously you're going to have to cite me statistics from a
reliable source. yes, there are some people that have problems with this. in
canada, anyways, they have programs for these people - they are put into
special classes [put may be a strong word; we have seperate academic levels
that students follow within the same school. in order to stay in, for
example, the 'advanced' program one would need to maintain a certain
average. otherwise, they are refused entry and put in a general program. if
they don't meet the general program requirements, which is where the kids
you are speaking of would fall in, they are put in the 'basic' program. this
is what i am speaking of in the next few lines. some schools, like the one i
was at, also have 'enriched' programs for the really bright kids.] where
they are taught essential life skills instead of academics. the same
curriculum, with very subtle changes, is retaught over again throughout the
5 years - this way the kids get it straight. instead of doing book reports
in senior english, they take spelling courses. some even make it to college.
others drop out, but that's their choice - a choice that is usually based on
outside influences. if a kid can't cut it in the special programs, they are
put into the 'alternate' program - where they are taught almost one-on-one
the VERY basics that they need in order to get by. some kids can't, or
choose not to, excel even in these programs - there's not much else you can
do for them, but their numbers are extraordinarily low.

remember that most of the western world shares literacy rates of higher than
95%, most are at 97, 98, 99 and some even boast of being at 100!

students in private schools just get booted out if they can't follow the
material. that way the statistics are more favourable. by getting money
involved, yes, SOME people will benefit but the vast majority will suffer.
competition will skyrocket, and so will prices.

but let me get this straight: i don't doubt that your school system needs an
overhaul, most americans i speak to online are uneducated gun-crazy
lunatics, but privatizing schools is a completely ass-backwards way to go
about it.

 We provide various forms of assistance to poor people in this country. We
 provide food stamps, yet you don't have to spend them at a government food
 store. We provide some medical coverage, which many private doctors will
 In some cases, we send a check which can be cashed and spent on whatever
 hell the recipient would like to buy. Why not give poor people another
 and say "here, find yourself a good school for your child. One that
provides as
 much or as little academic rigor, structure, and moral training as you

because, as i said earlier, this will lead to segregation in schools. do you
think that middle class kids are going to get to go to schools as  good as
extremely wealthy kids? do you think that poor kids will get to go to
schools as good as the middle class kids? what 'class' do most minorities
fall into? supply and demand will set in, schools will raise
prices...universities will cut deals with high schools.HIGH SCHOOLS WILL
elementary schools will become corporate brainwashing centers.
god, could you imagine what would happen if aol or microsoft or exxon or
dupont got into the business of running elementary schools?
the rockefellars and the harriman's will have the minorities EXACTLY where
they want them - subject to everything from vaccine testing to just plain
out purposely bad schooling with awful teachers. propaganda through films
will skyrocket. guess what will happen to the heroin usage rate/distribution
and if they don't fall into the bell curve that george w. bush speaks so
highly of?

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Freeman,

i'm sorry but your son Johnny, (13), has 

[CTRL] what the...

2001-01-26 Thread inri

-Caveat Lector-


i don't know what to think of this..
any ideas?
extortion? propaganda?

brain damage?

np: nirvana - nevermind

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-26 Thread inri

-Caveat Lector-

 You might want to do a bit more research on vouchers before
 getting so upset.  That is not the way they work and they
 WILL have the money to use to educate their children in the
 school of their choice. It will not require anybody to be
 wealthy to educate their children as the vouchers are issued
 based on the child, not income with a set amount per child.
 This amount will fully cover the cost of the education of
 that child and will be sufficient for that at a number of

until the schools start raising prices as the market dictates, of course.
surely the tuition will not be REQUIRED to be the amount handed out as a
voucher - otherwise, what would the purpose of privatizing be? do you
suggest that the government should regulate the prices? in that case, why
bother with the whole thing at all? surely not to make the insignificant
portion of the population that goes to private schools nowadays more happy.
if the issue is getting out of the ghetto, i have a story for you: i
attended a school outside of my district simply because i applied to and
because my marks in jr. high were good enough to justify it. if this
loophole is not available in the US perhaps this is something you should
look into as it would save a lot of time, effort and dangerous circumstances
for the future of your country.

this is definately an attempt at segregation.

now, of course, certain schools will be set up as 'voucher schools'.
but i wouldn't want to send my kids to one of those.
as they will simply replace the inner city schools of today.

Most blacks are for the idea as they can then send
 their children to schools outside the black neighborhoods.

assuming they get accepted [remember - these are private schools. acceptance
is not guaranteed].
once these schools start getting run by people with bad race
recordswhich is, of course, inevitable as they're the ones with all of
the capital..

i'm sorry amelia, but you've gotta look deeper than what they're telling you
on the surface.
you're regurgitating *exactly* what they're trying to cram down your throat.
please read my other reply for a better argument..


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2001-01-26 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "New Paradigms Posts" at:

From: "Lloyd Miller" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sunday, January 21, 2001 7:19 AM


by David Icke

Saturday, January 20th, 2001, will be remembered as a dark day for human freedom - the 
day that George W. Bush took the oath on the same Freemasonic Bible used by George 
Washington and became the 43rd President of the United States.

It is not George W. Bush that is truly the problem, it is all that he represents. Bush 
("Shrub") is president in name only, of course. The real power is with others behind 
the scenes, like his father George Bush and those of even greater authority than he, 
like Henry Kissinger and other leg-men for the Illuminati.

We can see this clearly in the people the Shrub has appointed to "his" cabinet. It is 
like a roll call of Illuminati placemen that served under his father and other child 
abusers, rapists, and serial killers like Gerald Ford. Alongside them are a stream of 
Illuminati operatives from corporate America, including ALCOA, the Aluminum cartel 
controlled by the infamous Mellon family, those close friends of the British royal 
family. It is ALCOA and the Mellons who gave us fluoride, a poison and mind 
suppressant, in public drinking water.

Shrub's vice-president, Dick Cheney, was his father's Defence Secretary and together 
they launched the "NATO" (British-American) war on Iraq in 1991. Cheney, as exposed by 
Cathy O'Brien in Trance-Formation of America, is yet another mind controller, child 
abuser, and serial killer. Colin Powell, the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was 
America's highest military commander during the Gulf War and you do not get to that 
level unless you know what people like Father George and Cheney are involved in. 
Powell, like the Bushes and Cheney, is bloodline and that's why he is to be the new 
Secretary of State. Given that line-up and their mentality and agenda, don't be at all 
surprised if the United States finds itself in another manipulated war during this 
administration. You will see "monsters" being created in the public mind to justify 
such action.

The Bush inauguration marks the start of the massive push by the Illuminati to further 
their agenda for a global fascist state. You will see this clearly unfolding in the 
next 24 months and, as usual, watch what they do, not what they say. The Bush 
administration will be a cold, calculating, vicious, period of human history. I know 
people who have met the Shrub during his period as Governor of Texas and cold, 
calculating, and vicious, as well as staggeringly unintelligent, are words they chose 
to describe him. But those who will be dictating the actions of his presidency make 
him look like a puppy dog. Or maybe lapdog would be more appropriate.

Even many of those who still deny any evidence of a global fascist state emerging 
before our eyes will be shocked out of their comatose state by the time the Shrub 
leaves office. Indeed, probably long before.

Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
not necessarily endorsed by:

Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research a ruling
class/conspiracy research resource for the entire political-ideological
   Explore Our Archive:  http://a-albionic.com/a-albionic.html

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Re: [CTRL] VulgarKlintoonAdmin Vandalizes Air Force One White House

2001-01-26 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 01/25/2001 8:29:48 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 quietly ??  I've heard about it on the net and at least three TV
news stations.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] WP: Deutch Had Signed Plea Agreement, Sources Say

2001-01-26 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 01/25/2001 8:41:54 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 But Clinton's pardon of Deutch rendered the issue moot.
 Phillips declined further comment. 

This was the unforgivable pardon.  You'll notice there's little about it in
the general news.  There's all that blatherskite about some stupid
millionaire on that.  This pardon outweighs any other, and Clinton should be
ashamed of it.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-26 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

I live in a primarily white suburb;  most of the people I know moved
here and paid for good schools, highe taxes than most suburban cities,
but it was to escape this black plague in the schools.

In other words, most whites fled from the cities to get away from these
people.and we had a right to so do.   I believe in segregation by
choice, but if it would be done by law or any other way, I would be in
complete approval.

We were warned not to buy a house in Columbus, Ohio because blacks
carried knives and little guns, and I got a good example of black life
in Columbus in particular when I remember a beautiful little blonde girl
who worked for a living in a covenient store - three ugly blacks came
into the store, and for no reason the 14 year old black girl with sawed
off shotgun, shot her in the face and tore half her face off.

You think I would want any of my family to be around such garbage?
Shootings and shoot bys for no reason..ever look into the face of
some of these animals?   Working in a Court I saw them and what I saw I
did not like.

Generalization of a race - well maybe,  but in the suburbs such animals
should tread softlyand if it takes vouchers to segregae the animals
from our kids, I am all for it.

So if any whites out there want to send their kids to these black
schools I do not care.if they want to intermarry with blacks, I do
not care.

But a 100 years from now, my grandchildren will still be blonde haired
and blue or gray eyes - and above all white.do not want any Al
Sharptons or Whoopie Goldbergs in my family.

So more power to you George Bush.separating wheat from chaff?   Did
you get a load of those two animals who murdered five white people -
sodomized the women, raped and tortured them?   Did they get the idea to
so do when Jesse Jackson told them to take to the streets?

Do I want to live around these people?   Well to each his
own...guess AIDS has been chosen as the final solution - so do not
get caught in this trap.

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Re: [CTRL] VulgarKlintoonAdmin Vandalizes Air Force One White House

2001-01-26 Thread Carl Amedio
In a message dated 1/26/01 5:08:13 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 quietly ?? I've heard about it on the net and at least three TV
news stations. Prudy

its on all the wires. 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: {slick-d} CNN Fires Hundreds of Staffers!!!

2001-01-26 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

 Shocked employees are being told to pack it up and get out in hours as
 layoffs hit the once-mighty allnews network CNN this week.

 Hundreds of fired staffers are forced to sign papers agreeing to release
 and severance pay.

 Security card-keys and IDs are confiscated, but not before passwords on
 their work computers are changed, preventing them from retrieving personal
 files and cutting them off from their e-mail. Some are returning to their
 desks to find their telephones disconnected.

 The NEW YORK POST's Adam Buckman reports that uniformed security guards
 stand and watch as the dismissed - some crying - clean out their desks. The
 guards then escort them like common criminals to the exits.

There's nothing different here than has happened in any number of other companies who 
have also had layoffs
over the past decade...

It SOP to have those laid off sign severance agreements, and to deactivate their card 
keys and computer
logons; it is also not uncommon to have security guards on hand.  Hey, if you were an 
employee who was NOT
laid off, wouldn't you want some measures taken to make sure that your coworkers who 
did get laid off didn't
at the very least vandalize property, including computer systems, or at worst 'go 

 "I felt like a criminal, a crook, a loser," one fired on-air talent told
 the DRUDGE REPORT late Tuesday. "Maybe I am all those and more, I worked
 here for so many years. I'll never be able to log on to AOL again, without
 feeling blind rage."

Hey, when I used to have an AOHell account, I almost always felt blind rage when I 
logged in -- or more
accurately, attempted to log in to a system that more often than not has all access 
lines busy...

I really experienced blind rage once I was able to get in, and was constantly 
confronted with evidence that my
emails were being censored by AOHell, and that they were in bed with the fedspooks, 
who took inordinate
interest in some very innocuous private chat rooms


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Barr introduces bill to repeal US Gov sanctioned assassinati...

2001-01-26 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mike Ruppert)

To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (From The Wilderness)



Armitage The Executioner

FTW 1/24/01 - HR 19, Introduced by Republican Georgia Congressman Bob Barr

on January 3, 2001, the first day of the new 107th Congress, would

legislatively repeal sections of three Executive Orders specifically

prohibiting assassinations by the United States Government.

Entitled the "Terrorist Elimination Act of 2001", the bill, submitted to the

House International Relations Committee, would specifically nullify sections

of three previous Executive Orders including one initiated by Ronald Reagan

in 1981. It is interesting to note that acts of Congress are not required to

nullify previous Executive Orders (EOs) which are, by definition, orders

issued by the President and Commander in Chief to all federal employees

(including military) under his authority. All that is necessary to reverse

one EO is another EO. This is exactly what President George W. Bush did with

respect to EOs issued by President Clinton on the environment in the last

days of his administration.

Section 3 of HR 19 specifically states:

"The following provisions of Executive orders shall have no further force or


(1) Section 5(g) of Executive Order 11905.

(2) Section 2-305 of Executive Order 12306.

(3) Section 2.11 of Executive Order 12333." [By Ronald Reagan]

Section 5 (g) of Executive Order 11905, signed by Gerald Ford on 2/18/76

specifically prohibited "political" assassination. Section 2-305 of

Executive Order 12036, signed 1/24/78 by Jimmy Carter renewed the ban.

Section 2.11 of Executive Order 12333, signed by Ronald Reagan on 12/4/81

renewed the ban on assassinations, or conspiracy to commit assassinations,

as part of a broader package which gave virtually complete control of the

American National Security apparatus to then Vice President George H.W.


The full text of HR 19 may be viewed at http://thomas.loc.gov. Enter a

search in the 107th Congress for 19 and it will take you straight to the


The bold move, unreported and ignored by any major media, offers a chance

for an early referendum on the new administration's full-speed run at a more

violent and brutish foreign policy.

The current bill, introduced by staunch Bush supporter and Clinton

impeachment leader Barr, indicates that the Bush administration is seeking

to add legitimacy to the move by implying that Congress and the American

people support the action. This can only mean that there is quite likely a

list of people the Bush Administration wants to start killing fairly

quickly. The appointment of career covert operative and Annapolis graduate

Richard Armitage as Deputy Secretary of State under Colin Powell only

underscores the clear message that the Bush Administration is sending to the


Armitage, who was denied a 1989 appointment as Assistant Secretary of State

because of links to Iran-Contra and other scandals, served as Assistant

Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs in the Reagan years.

U.S. Government stipulations in the Oliver North trial specifically named

Armitage as one of the DoD officials responsible for illegal transfers of

weapons to Iran and the Contras. But Armitage's dirty past goes much deeper.

A Vietnam veteran and graduate of Annapolis, Armitage's roots have been

thoroughly intertwined with the likes of CIA veteran Ted Shackley, Richard

Secord, Heine Aderholt, Elliot Abrams, Dewey Clarridge, Edwin Wilson and Tom

Clines. All of these men have been directly linked to CIA covert operations,

the drug trade, the abandonment of U.S. prisoners of War after Vietnam

and/or Iran-Contra. Armitage has also been routinely discussed in FTW as a

Bush-era covert functionary who has been linked to covert operations, drug

smuggling and the expansion of organized crime operations in Russia, Central

Asia and the Far East.

In 1986 a private dispute between POW activist Ross Perot and Armitage went

public as photos of Armitage with a topless Vietnamese nightclub owner

Nguyen O'Rourke brought allegations of gambling and prostitution very close

to Armitage's doorstep. The stories went public when TIME and "The Boston

Globe" wrote lengthy stories on the feud in 1986 and 1987. That scandal

arose as a result of 1984 investigations by President Reagan's Commission on

Organized Crime in which the photo and documentation of gambling charges and

prostitution led directly to Armitage's close association with O'Rourke.

Then LAPD Assistant Chief Jesse Brewer, a former Commanding Officer of this

writer, served on the Reagan Commission.

The 1992 best-seller "Kiss The Boys Goodbye" by former "60 MINUTES" producer

Monika Jensen-Stevenson details Armitage's role as Reagan point man on

Vietnam POW-MIA issues and describes why 

Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-26 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

I live in a state (New Jersey) where schools are funded by PROPERTY
taxes, not income or sales taxes, so those who own homes are
subsidizing renters (businesses, which include apartment buildings, are
taxed differently than residential properties, and businesses pay very
little school tax). Our property taxes are the highest in the nation.

The biggest cry for vouchers in this state is in the primarily black
districts of Newark and Elizabeth. I'd have to dig up the source, it's
been a while, but it's interesting that the number 1 parental
occupation of PRIVATE school students in New Jersey is.. PUBLIC
SCHOOL TEACHERS! If the teachers, who are in the middle of the action,
have no confidence in the public schools, why should I trust my
precious children to them? Oh, I forgot, I'm not one of the elites.


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[CTRL] [TAS] GSA will seek repayment from Clinton/Gore staffers for $250,000 damage to White House for vandalism

2001-01-26 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

 American Spectator

 Facilities managers at the Old Executive Office Building and the
 Services Administration estimate it will cost as much as $250,000 to
 up the mess left by outgoing Clinton and Gore staff in the Old
 Office Building.
 The Washington Post thought it funny that the outgoing crew left
 for the new Bushies: prying the "W" from computer keyboards, shifting
 signs on the Men's and Ladies' rooms.  But according to an inspector
 at the
 GSA who was called in to inspect the vandalism, several executive
 were damaged to the point that they must be replaced, several more
 must be repainted due to graffiti.  Entire computer keyboards will
 have to
 be replaced because the damage to them is more extensive than simply
 missing keys.
 "The place was a pigsty," says a new OEOB resident.  "The Gore and
 people didn't 'clean out' the place because there was nothing clean
 what they did before they left." The GSA has told the Bush
 that it will seek reimbursement for some of the expenses.  That's
 the GSA and maintenance office of the OEOB still has records of who
 inhabited the vandalized offices in the Clinton administration's
 final days
 and can collect damage costs from these former government employees.

 Out of the Loop

 It appears that the vast left-wing conspiracy that directed Clinton
 employees to remove "W" keys from White House-OEOB computers and
 trash the place neglected to include everyone in its scheme.  Late
 Wednesday two former staffers, one of whom worked in Hillary
 office, were spotted near Dupont Circle laughing and giggling about
 mess their former colleagues left behind.  "I wish someone had told
 about it," one said.
 The other agreed: "I would have gone through all 12 computers in our
 office.  All I did was leave a nasty cartoon for the Bush people to
 and I thought I was being funny.  But I didn't know about the W's."

 Read more from the Washington Prowler

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Re: [CTRL] 2 Klinton articles

2001-01-26 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Funny, I've never seen any indication of tnohava's gender in any of
his/her posts. Wouldn't it be a hoot if Bill Shannon's "real wussy lil'
fella' " turns out to be a lady?

LOL at the links

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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2001-01-26 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Samantha L." [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   My oh my.  Yes, I think the perpetrators of a coup de etat should be
 frothing in righteous indignation over vandalism.  It is perfectly

Bush and Clinton are racehorses from the same stable.

I can't believe anyone with half a brain or a modicum of ethics can CONDONE the 
vandalism and theft conducted
not only in the White House but on Air Force One.  In the business world if a 
departing executive and his or
her staff did what the Clintons and their staff did, the cops would be involved and 
arrests would be
immediately forthcoming.

It's disappointing that Bush has indicated he is going to sweep this under the rug, 
but as I said, he's from
the same stable as Clinton.  The White House and Air Force One are maintained by our 
tax dollars, so every
American citizen should be outraged, if not over the blatant display of sophomoric 
vindictiveness of the
outgoing administration, then over the blatant distruction and theft of public 


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Re: [CTRL] In a First Act, Bush Blocks Clinton Orders

2001-01-26 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Kindred Spirit" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 It has always been my understanding that "Caveat
 Lector" was there for a reason before each post and
 that a person could post something and not expect to
 be attacked personally because of the content of the

Then you really are the idiot you come off as being...

 If an articel


 calls somebody a name that is not
 the same as the person who posted it doing so, unless
 they are also the author of the article.

Yes, you are an idiot.

Unless someone specifically puts a disclaimer of "Forwarded Without Endorsement", then 
it is to be expected
that the person forwarding the post agrees with the sentiments expressed therein.

"Caveat Lector" has nothing to do with whether the person sending the post actually 
agrees with the opinions
expressed within the post.  It just warns the reader to not necessarily accept what is 
posted at face value,
it says nothing regarding what the person sending the post actually feels or believes 
about the post.

 So everybody endorese every article


 they post 100% or issue an elaborate explanation.

No explanation is necessary, unless the person forwarding the post does not agree with 
the sentiments
expressed therein and is only forwarding it for information purposes only...then it is 
up to the person doing
the forwarding to clearly state that they do not endorse what is in the post and are 
forwarding for
information purposes only.  And if they don't, they have no business wasting bandwidth 
on the list by whining
for days that they were misunderstood.

  And it is very impractical because a person might
 endorse paragraphs 3, 5 and 7 but not 2 and 4.

Then it is up to you to specifically spell out what you DO endorse, and what you do 
not.  And failing that,
you have no business bitching and moaning over the fact that people presumed you 
endorsed the opinions
expressed in the post you forwarded.

 I can change my name if you do not like it.

You do it all the time, Colleen, whether we like it or not...

 It was
 changed twice for me already by people just like you,
 once when I started to school and again to give me an
 anglo name.  My anglo name is Abbey. I hate it. But
 this time I think I will cahnge it to Prudy June.
 Anglo names are better, aren't they?

I wouldn't know.  I'm not even sure what an 'Anglo name' really is...

"June" comes from the latin "Juno"...

Why not just stick with Colleen, Colleen?

 We are
 band and you are good.

"We are band"?  Is that anything like "We are Borg"?

 As for you, June, telling me to get a skin (scalp) on
 ebay, you are just too funny for words and your ethnic
 slur is not wasted on me.

There was nothing ethnic about it, idiot.  First off, I never used the word 'scalp' 
(and by your referencing
it, I presume you are claiming to be of Native American extraction?)...I specifically 
told you to get a
thicker skin, if you want to play with us big kids.

Your continual whining, bitching, and moaning proves my point -- you are extremely 
thinned-skinned, and if you
can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.

 I wonder why posting an
 article containing an ethnic or racial slur written by
 somebody else (and containing other more important
 information)is so evil but yours to me is not.

Because you are an idiot, who sees ethnic slurs when the slur has nothing to do with 
your ethnicity, but with
your tiny, pea-sized brain.

Until this post of yours, I had no idea what ethnicity you claimed for yourself.  And 
it matters not a whit
what your ancestors were, it doesn't change the fact that you are still an idiot.

 You cannot
 tolerate people who do not agree with you.

There are many people on this list who disagree with me...Prudy is one of them.

What I really cannot tolerate is the idiocy and stupidity such as you constantly 

 And for your edification, June, the People of the
 Hills North American Natives did not traditionally
 take scalps any more than your own ancestors probably

Again, where do you get anything regarding scalps?  I never once said anything about 
scalps, and had no idea
you claim to be a Native American.

 Maybe you and Prudy and Nessie could go to
 ebay yourselves and get something to make you less
 hypercritical and some manners and a new decency as
 yours is seriously flawed.  None of you contribute
 very much to this list

And what do you define as contributing 'very much to this list'?


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the 

Re: [CTRL] Hilliary and her Eye Contact

2001-01-26 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

So my present dog,  kind and gentle, but if someone tries to get too
close to me that she does not know - she smiles and it is enough to ward
off many demons.

Never heard of the alpha beta state in dogsthis K 9 training is
usually kept rather secret but to program a dog to kill with a word, is
no different than programming an assassin to kill with a word or phrase
under hypnotic control.

You hypnotize with eyes normally and drugs induce hypnotic states.

Anyone who tries to hypnotize my pit bull, is in for a jolt.

Thank you for the information.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] In a First Act, Bush Blocks Clinton Orders

2001-01-26 Thread Kindred Spirit

-Caveat Lector-

I am NOT and have never claimed to be a "Native
American."  I AM a North American Native.  You have
called many people Colleen.  I think you and Prudy are
the same person but I do not care for you are full of
shit as both people.  According to you, who seem to
make the rules now, everybody on the list is Colleen.
Scalps and skins are close enough to make your slur,
much closer and directly from your mouth, unlike the
one you liars accused me of making.  You never post
anything and like Prudy your sole function is to argue
and be rude to people who do try to
post.PrudyJune(formerly Kindred Spirit)--- Ynr Chyldz
Wyld [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: -Caveat Lector- 
From: "Kindred Spirit" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 It has always been my understanding that "Caveat 
Lector" was there for a reason before each post and
 that a person could post something and not expect
to  be attacked personally because of the content
of the  post.  Then you really are the idiot you
come off as being...If an articel 
"Articel"?calls somebody a name that is not 
the same as the person who posted it doing so,
unless  they are also the author of the article. 
Yes, you are an idiot.  Unless someone specifically
puts a disclaimer of "Forwarded Without Endorsement",
then it is to be expected that the person forwarding
the post agrees with the sentiments expressed
therein.  "Caveat Lector" has nothing to do with
whether the person sending the post actually agrees
with the opinions expressed within the post.  It
just warns the reader to not necessarily accept what
is posted at face value, it says nothing regarding
what the person sending the post actually feels or
believes about the post.So everybody endorese
every article  "Endorese"?they post 100% or
issue an elaborate explanation.  No explanation is
necessary, unless the person forwarding the post does
not agree with the sentiments expressed therein and
is only forwarding it for information purposes
only...then it is up to the person doing the
forwarding to clearly state that they do not endorse
what is in the post and are forwarding for
information purposes only.  And if they don't, they
have no business wasting bandwidth on the list by
whining for days that they were misunderstood.   
 And it is very impractical because a person might 
endorse paragraphs 3, 5 and 7 but not 2 and 4.  Then
it is up to you to specifically spell out what you DO
endorse, and what you do not.  And failing that, you
have no business bitching and moaning over the fact
that people presumed you endorsed the opinions
expressed in the post you forwarded.I can
change my name if you do not like it.  You do it all
the time, Colleen, whether we like it or not...  
 It was  changed twice for me already by people
just like you,  once when I started to school and
again to give me an  anglo name.  My anglo name is
Abbey. I hate it. But  this time I think I will
cahnge it to Prudy June.  Anglo names are better,
aren't they?  I wouldn't know.  I'm not even sure
what an 'Anglo name' really is...  "June" comes
from the latin "Juno"...  Why not just stick with
Colleen, Colleen?We are  band and you are
good.  "We are band"?  Is that anything like "We are
Borg"?As for you, June, telling me to get a
skin (scalp) on  ebay, you are just too funny for
words and your ethnic  slur is not wasted on me. 
There was nothing ethnic about it, idiot.  First off,
I never used the word 'scalp' (and by your
referencing it, I presume you are claiming to be of
Native American extraction?)...I specifically told
you to get a thicker skin, if you want to play with
us big kids.  Your continual whining, bitching, and
moaning proves my point -- you are extremely
thinned-skinned, and if you can't take the heat, get
out of the kitchen.I wonder why posting an 
article containing an ethnic or racial slur written
by  somebody else (and containing other more
important  information)is so evil but yours to me is
not.  Because you are an idiot, who sees ethnic
slurs when the slur has nothing to do with your
ethnicity, but with your tiny, pea-sized brain. 
Until this post of yours, I had no idea what
ethnicity you claimed for yourself.  And it matters
not a whit what your ancestors were, it doesn't
change the fact that you are still an idiot.   
You cannot  tolerate people who do not agree with
you.  There are many people on this list who
disagree with me...Prudy is one of them.  What I
really cannot tolerate is the idiocy and stupidity
such as you constantly display.And for your
edification, June, the People of the  Hills North
American Natives did not traditionally  take scalps
any more than your own ancestors probably  did. 
Again, where do you get anything regarding scalps?  I
never once said anything about scalps, and had no
idea you claim to be a Native American.Maybe
you and Prudy and Nessie could go to  ebay
yourselves and get something to make you less 
hypercritical and some manners and a new decency as

Re: [CTRL] A Question.....

2001-01-26 Thread Marilyn Wright

-Caveat Lector-

On 25 Jan 01, at 17:58, Arthur Hickman wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Sounds like a job for you, Prudy. You have all the answers don't you?

You know what. I think she does

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Hackers

2001-01-26 Thread ifoxter

Under what circumstances do you say the 
death penalty?

Hacking into pc's/programs containing 
state secrets?
For me death would be cruel and unusual 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, January 26, 2001 12:54 
  Subject: [CTRL] Hackers
  -Caveat Lector-I think hackers should be punished 
  severely, including, in the most extremecases, the Death 
  Penalty.SteveANOMALOUS IMAGES AND UFO FILEShttp://www.anomalous-images.comA 
   DISCLAIMER==CTRL is a discussion  informational 
  exchange list. Proselytizing propagandicscreeds are unwelcomed. 
  Substance-not soap-boxing-please! These aresordid matters and 
  'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-directions and outright 
  frauds-is used politically by different groups withmajor and minor effects 
  spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.That being said, 
  CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, andalways suggests to 
  readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives nocredence to Holocaust 
  denial and nazi's need not apply.Let us please be civil and as always, 
  Available at:http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.htmlA 
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[CTRL] Was Confucius a Jesuit Priest?

2001-01-26 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-




Democracy is a form of religion; it is the worship of
jackals by jackasses. -- H. L. Mencken

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Sudan: Oil for the Taking

2001-01-26 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "New Paradigms Posts" at:

Subject: Sudan: Oil for the Taking
Date: Thursday, September 14, 2000 7:48 PM

Part I
Baroness Cox and the Chinese Connection

The August 27th unsubstantiated story emanating from the London Telegraph, flashed 
around the internet at light speed.  It alleged that 700,000 Chinese troops had 
amassed in Sudan, ready to slaughter the alleged Christian rebels in Southern Sudan.   
Within 24 hours the story was debunked as preposterous.   But that does not prevent it 
from being repeated and even exaggerated further. Like most lies that kill, the China 
tale contains a grain of truth expanded to bizarre proportions.

What is the truth about war, oil and Christianity in Sudan?

The US press and thousands of church journals and newsletters pass along reports like 
the China tale as fact.  But under the light of logic and experience, both the story 
of 700,000 Chinese and the tale of a "Christian" army in southern Sudan are about 
equally false.  Both appear to be figments of a well-oiled and financed propaganda 
organization, started by House of Lords member Baroness Caroline Cox.  She has now 
tipped her hand that her quest, like that of the Chinese, is for the oil fields of 
Sudan.  It seems likely someone is financing her to this end.

Over a year ago, We Hold These Truths published MISSIONARIES, MERCENARIES, MISSILES 
AND MONEY which stated that we believe that the oil-starved State of Israel is behind 
Ms. Cox's campaign. (http://www.whtt.org/990927cc.htm)   In order to understand the 
fever for an international war against the government of Sudan and its coveted oil 
field, a brief look at Sudan's past is of value.

Historians are fond of saying, "History repeats itself." In fact, just as winning 
football teams repeat the plays that work, powerful men repeat in the present, those 
acts that brought success in the past. History is just the result of these repeated 
acts. Today, the third battle of Khartoum is on the drawing board.  The booty today is 
not the vast cotton plantations in the crescent of the White and Blue Nile rivers, as 
it was at the turn of the 20th century -- it is Sudan's oil!  But the "plays" of those 
that would steal oil from the Sudanese are much the same as the plays used a century 

Let us see how these men will do their best to make history repeat itself in Sudan.

It was at dawn in Sudan on a warm September morning in 1898 when the British, with a 
huge force of more than 20,000 men, 100 guns, and gunboats of the Royal navy. began 
their attack on the native army that guarded the open south front to the city of 
Khartoum. Youthful journalist Winston Churchill was there, and British war 
correspondent, G.W. Stevens, wrote, "It was not a battle, but an execution."

British General Kirchner suspended the battle for lunch. After eating lightly, he rode 
his white charger leisurely across the plain that had once held an opposing army. 
Mangled black bodies of about 10,000 men and numerous animals lay in heaps. None were 
alive by this time, as the General's policy was to take no Muslim prisoners, and the 
expert mounted Royal Lancers had shot or impaled the wounded and prisoners on the 
blades of their feared eight-foot lancers.

Most of the 50,000 Khalifa warriors who attempted to defend the 34,000 inhabitants of 
Khartoum were armed with spears and obsolete guns.  General Kirchner continued the 
"execution" of remaining tribes and caravans for several months.  In one documented 
and embarrassing case, he dragged a captured and chained black Muslim leader through 
the city behind a horse, to the horror of the English people back home.  England had 
once more colonized Sudan as a giant cotton farm.  The "Muslim Revolt" was over.

According to English Historian Alan Moorehead's, "The White Nile" the population of 
Sudan was reduced by 50%--to barely two million-- during the terrible years of British 
conquest and rule in the last-half of the 19th century.  Sudan was only target 
practice for the brutality of the conquest of the African Gold mines four years later, 
commonly known as the Boer War, only four years later.

English Army applied some of the brutality learned in Sudan to commandeer the world's 
greatest gold camps in South Africa.  The British applied similar tactics to the white 
Dutch farmers of the Veld. Its army captured and interned the wives and children of 
almost every Boer farmer who was not at home to protect them, and burned their farms 
to the ground.  By English records, more than half of the 25,000 Boers killed in the 
war were women and children deliberately starved and unprotected.

The British came to Sudan for cotton and sweet revenge.  Now another of 

Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Fw: Ted Kennedy is wrong person to judge Ashcroft

2001-01-26 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

I am a little surprised, but not much, to see  you defending this
notorious drunk driver. 

I'm not defending Kennedy or drink driving. I'm merely pointing out that
if you objectively investigate the impirical data in the Chappaquidick
case, rather than just taking his enemies' word for what happened, you
will conclude that Kennedy was framed. 

Kennedy has many faults. Having killed Mary Jo is not one of them.

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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2001-01-26 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

The White House and Air Force One are maintained by our tax dollars, so
every  American citizen should be outraged, if not over the blatant
display of sophomoric vindictiveness of the  outgoing administration,
then over the blatant distruction and theft of public property.

With those same tax dollars the democrats killed at least a half a
million Iraqi women and children. To ignore that, but get upset over a
couple computer keys, is sick, evil, or both.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Fw: Ted Kennedy is wrong person to judge Ashcr...

2001-01-26 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/26/01 1:08:42 AM Central Standard Time,

 Well, he has been
  involved in drunk driving incidents for years and in several
  states.  Remember the police in the West Palm Beach Rape
  Case and his driving record in Florida that came out at that

  I did a search and could only come up with reckless driving/speeding in his
record.  Do you have info on his history of alleged drunken driving?  I
watched his nephew's trial.  I don't recall allegations or evidence of Ted's
DUI's in several states, but then I don't recall all the details of the trial.


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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] FW: Republican Party Racists

2001-01-26 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
Sent:   Fri 1/26/2001 6:58 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients
Subject:[CIA-DRUGS] Republican Party Racists


 The Two Faces of the Republican Party

 Presented by the Religious Freedom Coalition of the Southeast


Neo-Confederate Nazi Racial Bigots of the GOP rise to the Top

Excerpts from a news story by Stanley Crouch



Somewhere in the material of the Council of Conservative Citizens, the
statement is made that one should be a Nazi — but never use the word.

That seems to be the approach the council is taking now that more and
light is being cast on its white supremacist doctrine, its vision of
as "monkeys," its belief there was no such thing as the Holocaust and so

This exposure would not be happening if some of us in the media hadn't
focused on the fact that Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, R-Miss., and
Bob Barr, R-Ga., have associated with the council.  In the Washington
the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times, the heat has been turned

The question that is beginning to spread is one that I believe I first
in this column: Why is there less coverage of this story — which has
political import — than of sex, lies, soiled dresses and Hustler

What appears before us now is clear: Neo-Confederates with a disguised
policy have risen to the top of the GOP.

But this rise is something that has to remain under wraps, because in
the era
of Michael Jordan, one cannot just come out and be a hard-core racist.
would be impolitic.   Be a Nazi, but never use the word.  That is why
and Barr have repudiated the council's philosophy.  That is why the
denies its own identity and, in the words of its CEO, Gene Lee Baum,
that it is primarily a conservative organization focused on the rights
culture of Euro-Americans.

The material on this organization keeps stacking up, however, and the
Lott and Barr have made about not knowing what the council is about
really hold water.

Lott has spoken to the organization a number of times, has written a
for its publication and, according to his uncle, has had ties to it for
long time.

In 1992, he praised the council for its philosophy. In 1997, council
met with the Mississippi senator in his Washington office.

In June, when Barr appeared as the keynote speaker at a council meeting
South Carolina, the atmosphere was clearly that of a racist

There was plenty of material on sale about "Nordic" superiority and
inferiority, plus revisionist Holocaust documents and pro-Confederacy
about "the lost cause." Barr, supposedly, didn't notice any of it.

This is part of something that has recently taken place in our society.
racist of old would come right out and call an insulting name at those
raised his paranoia.   But these guys are cagier.  Or more cowardly.

Abraham Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League says it this way: "I get
racist and anti-Semitic mail with names and return addresses these days
ever.  That's one side; these people are not afraid of being known for
they are.  On the other hand, there is a very sophisticated kind of
among us who doesn't want to be stopped along the way by his opinions.
one wants power. He is far more dangerous."

Could this be true of Lott and Barr?

We have called Lott's office to get his statement on these matters and
messages but have not heard back.  Barr's office immediately faxed us
congressman's letter of attack on the council and his repudiation of its

racial philosophy.

Not good enough.  Let's have pointed questions asked by reporters not
only of
Lott and Barr, but powerful Republicans such as Reps. Henry Hyde, Dick
and Tom DeLay.   Then we will find out just what this party is made of.



To write a letter to Congressman Bob Barr, click on his photo and send
to the following address:

Congressman Bob Barr's Guestbook

 For information on all individuals and organizations listed in this
or the name of a contact person in your area that can give you further
information on the Religious Freedom Coalition of the Southeast, or the
Amendment Coalition, contact us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] Let us hear
You may call also call us at (770) 516-8500 If you access our voice
mail, we
will call you back collect if long distance.

Or, you can write to us at: RFCSE, P.O. Box 674884, 

[CTRL] FW: [CIA-DRUGS] Trent Lott and white supremacy

2001-01-26 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
Sent:   Fri 1/26/2001 6:52 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients
Subject:[CIA-DRUGS] Trent Lott and white supremacy

Trent Lott’s History on
Issues of Race and Sexual Orientation
Trent Lott hails from the old segregationist school that opposed
court-ordered desegregation in the South in the 1950s and 1960s. As a
man, he supported Mississippi Governor Ross Barnett’s segregationist
movement, and when he first entered Congress, one of the first bills he
was designed to halt school desegregation.

As the years wore on, the segregationist movement began to wilt. But Mr.
clung to its ideals. In 1981, he lobbied President Reagan to protect the

federal tax exemption for segregated educational institutions in the
such as Bob Jones University in South Carolina, and the all-white
schools - or "seg" academies - that were cropping up in Mississippi at
time. As late as 1983, he still argued for states’ rights under the
Amendment - echoing the rallying call of the old segregationists - and
still opposed a national holiday to honor Martin Luther King, Jr.

After the early 80s, Mr. Lott moderated his public stance on racial
but he continued to appeal to the racist elements of his constituency.
recent stories in The Washington Post, The New York Times, and Newsweek
revealed, Mr. Lott has maintained a close relationship, in recent years,
a racist and anti-Semitic group called the Council of Conservative
Since 1992, Mr. Lott has appeared as the keynote speaker at a CCC event,

received the organization’s leadership in his Washington D.C. office,
for photographs with that leadership, sent his regular column to CCC
publications, and appeared at the group’s rallies for the "seg"
that he supported in the early-80s.

At one speech before the Council’s membership, Trent Lott told the
that "the people in this room stand for the right principles and the
philosophy." A review of CCC publications and the organization’s web
reveals that the group’s "philosophy" is one of intolerance. The CCC has

argued for apartheid in South Africa, complained that minorities are
the US population into "a slimy brown mass of glop," and asserted that
have "turned spite into welfare billions for themselves."

But Mr. Lott’s positions on racial issues are not the only cause for
Just last year, on June 15, 1998, Mr. Lott said on a radio show that
homosexuality is a sin, and that gay people should be assisted in
with their ‘problem’ just as we might assist people who have a problem
"alcohol…or sex addiction," and just as we might assist "kleptomaniacs."




In December of 1998, a racist and anti-Semitic organization called the
Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC) made headlines. Immediately
thereafter, Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott’s name arose in connection
the group. Mr. Lott said through a spokesman that he had "no firsthand
knowledge" of the group’s beliefs. But, subsequent reports by The
Post and The New York Times suggested that the Senate Majority Leader
being less than truthful. These reports revealed that Mr. Lott had
CCC leaders in his office, posed for photographs with those leaders,
sent his
column to CCC publications, appeared at the organization’s rallies and
as a speaker at the group’s events - declaring at one such event that
people in this room stand for the right principles and the right

The United States Senate has known about the disturbing relationship
Trent Lott and the CCC since December of 1998, but the body has taken no

action. If you find this situation unacceptable, please join us in
filing a
complaint against Mr. Lott with the Senate Select Committee on Ethics.
join us in telling the Senate that we cannot tolerate a Senate Majority
Leader with close ties to a white supremacist organization.


CAMBRIDGE, MA (May 10, 1999) - Today, Citizens for Tolerance sent
letters to
the CEOs of MCI Worldcom Inc., ATT and Lockheed Martin Corporation,
them to reconsider their sponsorship of the proposed Trent Lott
Institute at the University of Mississippi. "Over the course of the last
months, the national press has documented a long-term relationship
Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott and a white supremacist group called
Council of Conservative Citizens," said Tom Cosgrove, chairman of
for Tolerance. "In the wake of this story, it is not appropriate for
corporations to endorse, and institutionalize, Trent Lott’s model of

[CTRL] FW: [RWWATCH] Missouri Official Denied Holocaust (Under Ashcroft Tenure)

2001-01-26 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From:   Rich Cowan
Sent:   Fri 1/26/2001 7:11 AM
Subject:[RWWATCH]  Missouri Official Denied Holocaust (Under
Ashcroft Tenure)

Here is a tidbit sent to me when I was down in DC for the
inauguration.  It might be worth looking into these articles
from the Star and Post Dispatch.

If anyone can help dig them up, please email the text of
the stories to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  thanks Jan!

Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2001 09:46:53 -0500
From: "Jan B. Tucker" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [RWWATCH]  Good Luck!

People who know me know that I rarely -- if ever -- forget anything.

This is when this trait comes in handy.

John Ashcroft was Governor of Missouri in from January 1985 to January

During his tenure, William Armentrout III was Warden of the State
Penitentiary and Chief Executioner of the State of Missouri.

In 1985, Ernst Zundel -- infamous Holocaust Denier (just put in the
name in
any search engine and see what you find) -- was on trial in Canada for
promoting hate in violation of the Canadian anti-hate law.

Guess who testified for the defense?  William Armentrout, Chief
of the State of Missouri, who got up and claimed that it was impossible
gas all those millions of people.

I got it exposed around that time period in the state of Missouri.  If
recall correctly, I got the story on page one of the Kansas City Star
the St. Louis Post Dispatch.

What exactly did Governor Ashcroft do about this?  Armentrout should
been fired.  He wasn't.  Was he disciplinedI don't think so.

Spread the word about this.  People in the Senate need to start asking
Ashcroft what he did about the Armentrout-Zundel affair.

Jan Tucker

Organizers' Collaborative  PO Box 400897, Cambridge MA  02140
[EMAIL PROTECTED] www.organizenow.net

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-26 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

 Why do people equate "[educating] every single member to the greatest
extent of their ability" with maintaining the current public school
fiasco in many cities?

I don't. I do, however, recognize that taking money away from an already
cash strapped system will only make it worse.

Why should I be happy about my tax dollars supporting such an

What you should be unhappy about is that the tax money that could fix
the schools is being spent by the Pentagon on weapons for a war that
ended ten years ago.

I'm sure the government does many things with your tax money that you
consider criminal or immoral; I find the perpetuation and protection of
failing tax-funded schools to be one of these things. We're depriving
many, many people of the basic level of literacy needed to function.

What, and spending even less money on their education will make it
better!?! Gimme a break.

So when you have an idea on how the public schools can educate people
to the fullest extent of their ability in Detroit, and Philly, and
Oakland, and
  Atlanta, and Baltimore, and Newark, and many other places, you let us

Hire more, better teachers. Buy better books and equipment. Build new
school buildings. Stop wasting the money on weapons for a war that's
been over ten years.

 We've tried showering them with money and that does not work. 

No, we have not. The buildings are crumbling, the books out of date and
the classes are crowded. Meanwhile, we spend money on weapons for a war
that's been over for ten years. The pentagon sucks on this country's
neck. Spend half the Pentagon budget on education and we'll see an end
to the education crisis. Spend the other half on infrastructure. We
don't NEED and army. We ARE an army. There are eighty million armed
Americans. If anybody invades, we can kill them ourselves. The military
we have now is not for defense of the American people or of American
soil; it's for advancing the overseas interests of the corporations. To
make the corporations even richer, we are robbing our children of their

I know that not from reading Ayn Rand but from looking at the schools
where I greu up. 

The ones who taught you to spell?

I don't think I'm selfish, shortsighted, or brainwashed (well how would
I know  if I was brainwashed?) 

That's the real problem. Selfishness is not a natural part of the human
condition. It's an aberration that has been nurtured, fostered and
promoted by our rulers, in part through their control of the educational
process. You went to a private school. Of course they taught you to look
down on public schools. That’s how they make their living.

I'm simply observing a disaster, expressing how I think it's robbing
and cheating so many people, and also voicing my opposition to  funding
such a thing.

It is not funding, but lack of funding, that is at the root of the

Let me give but a single example. My son graduated in 1986 from one of
the better public high schools in the Bay Area. My SO taught biology at
the same school that year, so I spent a lot of time at the place and got
to know it pretty well. I read my son’s text books. The geography books
were from 1961, before the era of decolonization. Dozens of countries
weren’t even listed. His American history book was from 1976. It
contained two (count ‘em, TWO) sentences on Viet Nam. They were both
lies. My SO regularly spent from her own meager salary to buy necessary
supplies for her class. I personally bought supplies for her class. The
ceiling tiles were hanging loose and you could see the asbestos
particles floating in the air when the sun came through the window at
the right angle. Half of the science department had active cases of
cancer that year.

Meanwhile, back in Washington, those tax-and-spend Democrats were
sitting on their hands while the borrow-and-spend Republicans were
putting my as yet unborn great grand children into debt to buy Cruise
missiles. For the cost of a single B-2 they could have rebuilt every
school building in the Bay Area.

and what does this have to do with consipiracy

Our rulers want us to be uneducated because an uneducated people are
easier to manipulate.  When I was a kid, Sputnik went up and the
American establishment got scared. All of a sudden there was a ton of
money for education. Anybody who wanted to could go to college. What did
they get for their money? A whole generation of over-educated,
under-employed kids out in the street throwing rocks at them, that’s
what they got. They’ll never make that mistake again, rest assured. But
they can’t tell us that to our faces because if they did, we'd be right
back out there in the street with the rocks again. So they dumb us down
behind our backs. That's a conspiracy.

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2001-01-26 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

On 26 Jan 2001, at 8:29, Nessie wrote:

 With those same tax dollars the democrats killed at least a half a
 million Iraqi women and children. To ignore that, but get upset over a
 couple computer keys, is sick, evil, or both.

So you think it isn't possible for one person to be upset about both

Best wishes

The supposed quietude of a good man allures the ruffian;
while on the other hand, arms like laws discourage and
keep the invader and the plunderer in awe, and preserve
order in the world as well as property.  The same balance
would be preserved were all the world destitute of arms,
for all would be alike; but since some will not, others
dare not lay them aside...Horrid mischief would ensue
were one half the world deprived the use of them.
--Thomas Paine,
"Thoughts on Defensive War," Pennsylvania Magazine, July, 1775.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] FW: Republican Party Racists

2001-01-26 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

So Nessie - I pulled up the website of these people, and I must be
visitor number 4 - for this is a new site

Now ADL, Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton - probably founded this
site..they just pick on Republicans 

While I am a segregationist by choice it seems for years white people
just quietly move to the suburbs to get away from the big cities, often
too polite to say away from the "racial" problems.

Now where I am people are already moving further out.even Lex Wexner
moved here.   He must be sick of it too - and hey that guy got tax

So I reproduce this for you as visitor number 4 of this site.

Now I have an idea - Columbus is attempting to woo whites back to the
city - now let us see how succesful this will be with shoot bys, rapes,
murders, and I say;, at twilight time its time to vacate this once great
city where people used to love to go shopping, look into the Lazaras
window and the beautiful mechanical Christmas decorations, etc.

So..maybe I am a racist - I do not care what anybody calls
it..but what happens when old whitey has nowhere to run?

Civility will cease...a well armed militia and well armed public
at least in the suburbs, we do not mess around.

Saba   -

Wonder how much this crap will cost Al Gore and Clinton..and ADL I
say, now are on endangered species list?

The Two Faces of the Republican Party
Presented by the Religious Freedom Coalition of the Southeast

Neo-Confederate Nazi Racial Bigots of the GOP rise to the Top
Excerpts from a news story by Stanley Crouch
Somewhere in the material of the Council of Conservative Citizens, the
statement is made that one should be a Nazi — but never use the word.
That seems to be the approach the council is taking now that more and
more light is being cast on its white supremacist doctrine, its vision
of Negroes as "monkeys," its belief there was no such thing as the
Holocaust and so on.
This exposure would not be happening if some of us in the media hadn't
focused on the fact that Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, R-Miss., and
Rep. Bob Barr, R-Ga., have associated with the council.  In the
Washington Post, the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times, the heat
has been turned up.
The question that is beginning to spread is one that I believe I first
raised in this column: Why is there less coverage of this story —
which has real political import — than of sex, lies, soiled dresses
and Hustler magazine?
What appears before us now is clear: Neo-Confederates with a disguised
racial policy have risen to the top of the GOP.
But this rise is something that has to remain under wraps, because in
the era of Michael Jordan, one cannot just come out and be a hard-core
racist.  That would be impolitic.   Be a Nazi, but never use the
word.  That is why Lott and Barr have repudiated the council's
philosophy.  That is why the council denies its own identity and, in
the words of its CEO, Gene Lee Baum, says that it is primarily a
conservative organization focused on the rights and culture of
The material on this organization keeps stacking up, however, and the
claims Lott and Barr have made about not knowing what the council is
about don't really hold water.
Lott has spoken to the organization a number of times, has written a
column for its publication and, according to his uncle, has had ties to
it for a long time. In 1992, he praised the council for its philosophy.
In 1997, council leaders met with the Mississippi senator in his
Washington office.
In June, when Barr appeared as the keynote speaker at a council meeting
in South Carolina, the atmosphere was clearly that of a racist
There was plenty of material on sale about "Nordic" superiority and
black inferiority, plus revisionist Holocaust documents and
pro-Confederacy tracts about "the lost cause." Barr, supposedly, didn't
notice any of it.
This is part of something that has recently taken place in our society.
The racist of old would come right out and call an insulting name at
those who raised his paranoia.   But these guys are cagier.  Or more
Abraham Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League says it this way: "I get
more racist and anti-Semitic mail with names and return addresses these
days than ever.  That's one side; these people are not afraid of being
known for what they are.  On the other hand, there is a very
sophisticated kind of bigot among us who doesn't want to be stopped
along the way by his opinions.   This one wants power. He is far
more dangerous."
Could this be true of Lott and Barr?
We have called Lott's office to get his statement on these matters and
left messages but have not heard back.  Barr's office immediately
faxed us the congressman's letter of attack on the council and his
repudiation of its racial 

Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-26 Thread Jeff Russo

-Caveat Lector-

 Why should I be happy about my tax dollars supporting such an

 What you should be unhappy about is that the tax money that could fix
 the schools is being spent by the Pentagon on weapons for a war that
 ended ten years ago.

I'm as unhappy about the Pentagon spending as you are. Actually, we could also
ask some Serbians if they think we stopped fighting ten years ago. We could ask
some Iraqis if we suspended hostilities ten years ago. Our friends at the
Pentagon will always find somewhere to drop their load.

  We've tried showering them with money and that does not work.

 No, we have not. The buildings are crumbling, the books out of date and
 the classes are crowded. Meanwhile, we spend money on weapons for a war
 that's been over for ten years.

My Catholic grade school (which has since closed) and many others in the
country (especially in cities) have poor facilities and books that you could
carbon date. Yet people voluntarily use their own money to send their kids

I have personally witnessed one public school district, and I know there are
others, where money sent for books and buildings has a spectacular way of
simply disappearing without a trace.

 I know that not from reading Ayn Rand but from looking at the schools
 where I greu up.

 The ones who taught you to spell?

Well, a typo. The U and W are so close together on the keyboard it's easy to
make a mistake.

 and what does this have to do with consipiracy

 Our rulers want us to be uneducated because an uneducated people are
 easier to manipulate.  When I was a kid, Sputnik went up and the
 American establishment got scared. All of a sudden there was a ton of
 money for education. Anybody who wanted to could go to college. What did
 they get for their money? A whole generation of over-educated,
 under-employed kids out in the street throwing rocks at them, that’s
 what they got. They’ll never make that mistake again, rest assured. But
 they can’t tell us that to our faces because if they did, we'd be right
 back out there in the street with the rocks again. So they dumb us down
 behind our backs. That's a conspiracy.

I agree. It's also why I don't want to hear any of their current "solutions."
If you believe the above paragraph, if you believe the gov't wants an
uneducated people, then you shouldn't have the government in control of
education. They will take the money, get rid of the old crumbling building
where they dumb down the kids, and buy a shiny new building in which to dumb
down the kids.

But it's not just the kids, the rest of us are getting our own dumbing down via
CNN, Dan Rather, etc..

And dammit, I ran spell check on this email. "Dumbing" is not an approved word
(perhaps a conspiracy in and of itself.) You missed my misspelling of
"conspiracy" above. And I apologize if I ended any sentences with prepositions
or dangled any participles.


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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: CyberArmy declares war on govt regulation

2001-01-26 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

CyberArmy declares war on govt regulation
By Megan McAuliffe,
January 19, 2001

With a member base of 35,000, CyberArmy may have the biggest armament the
Net has ever seen, rallying to take down Web sites that 'abuse' the World
Wide Web - and removing power from governments.

AUSTRALIA (ZDNet Australia) - "We want to self-regulate the Internet so
that the government doesn't come in and regulate it," Marshal Yowler told
ZDNet Australia.

CyberArmy started off as a small group of advocates promoting free speech
and Internet deregulation. Growing to a full size army of 'Netizens', the
group has since shifted its views - due to privacy issues and government

"Now we believe in Internet self-regulation. If you deregulate you end up
with anarchy," Yowler said.

According to the organisation's founder, 'Overlord' - the Commander in
Chief - CyberArmy is set up just like a game. Members have to solve
puzzles - which is usually breaking codes and encryption - to move on to
the next commanding level.

Missions possible
Commanding ranks give a member more power and involvement in the
organisation's missions. Some missions include hunting for, and taking
down, child pornography Web sites.

"We're trying to get rid of child pornography on the Internet," Overlord

The commanding structure begins at the bottom with troopers, rising
through the ranks of 2nd Lieutenant, Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Lt.
Kernal, Kernal, General and Marshal.

Each division within CyberArmy has its own job to complete, with one of
the divisions devoted solely to child pornography Web sites.

"[The division] has taken down around two dozen child porn sites in the
last few weeks, and was also instrumental in bringing down the Wonderland
Club child porn ring last week," Overlord said.

He told ZDNet the group is an advocate of ordinary citizens policing the

Due to the Internet being global, "governments aren't the right authority
to police it."

In defending the 'hacktivist' title that the group has been branded with,
Overlord says it doesn't believe in defacing a Web site just for the fun
of it. If a site is defaced it's usually in the form of protest.

"The group was a bit more 'hackerish' about a year ago however, we're
moving away from that. There are more social minded people on the Net now,
which I think is good," he said.

Lt. Kernal thepr0digy - responsible for the defacement of the Australian
National Library's Web site last year - told ZDNet the reason for being in
CyberArmy is because he is "sick and tired of child pornography and Net

"Our mission is to prove that there are good hackers not just Script
Kiddies out there," he said.

The CyberArmy site also posts discussion boards and Internet tools for
users, and has a section dedicated to teaching network security.

This story was printed from ZDNetAsia,
located at

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[CTRL] Franken Shrub

2001-01-26 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Bush Ties to Monsanto
((Village Voice 17-20 Jan 2001))  Text:
http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0104/ridgeway.shtml#monsanto   .
One way conspiracy buffs can get a handle on the new Bush administration is by
examining the many ties between the president's team and Monsanto, the big
Missouri chemical company that promotes genetically engineered foods. For
starters, consider the fact that Bush Sr. appointed Clarence Thomas, a
Monsanto attorney, to the Supreme Court. Thomas cast a key vote in the
decision that handed the White House to George Jr. In addition, John
Ashcroft, Dubya's choice for attorney general, was the top recipient of
Monsanto contributions during his losing reelection campaign for the U.S.
Senate. While he was in the Senate, Ashcroft fought hard for Monsanto. He
was active abroad in convincing hesitant nations to accept genetically
engineered crops and is credited with persuading the British to push for
European Union acceptance of Monsanto's Roundup Ready corn.  Other links
include Donald Rumsfeld, the new secretary of defense, who was president of
Searle Pharmaceuticals, now owned by Monsanto, and Secretary of Agriculture
Ann Veneman, who was on the board of directors of Calgene Pharmaceuticals,
another Monsanto affiliate.   Over at HHS, there's new secretary Tommy
Thompson. While he was governor of Wisconsin, Thompson was a good friend to
Monsanto and other biotech firms. He received $50,000 from biotech companies
in his election campaign, and got the state to set up a $37 million biotech
zone in Wisconsin.

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: DU/ Brussels international meeting: victims speak

2001-01-26 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic

Please distribute widely.
- Original Message - 
From: Michel 
To: undisclosed-recipients:; 
Sent: Friday, January 26, 2001 12:56 AM
Subject: DU/ Brussels international meeting: victims 

  Dear friends,The Belgian Coalition for Abolition of Depleted 
Uranium Weapons invites you to give your help, your suggestions and, if 
possible, to participate to a big international debate in Brussels, on the 
1st of March. Please fin below:1. Announcement of the meeting:2. 
Calendar of the three days activities in Brussels3. Call for your help 
and suggestions4. Contacts.5. Platform of the 
University of Brussels, 1st of 
March 2001URANIUM : The 
victims speakNato and the Western armies tried long to hide the 
truth about Depleted Uranium and to isolate the victims. It is now time to 
bring all these victims together, and demand justice.In the very capital 
of the Nato, Brussels, an exceptional debate will give the word to 
BELGIUM :Guido FLEURACKERS, contaminated 
soldierMarc DE CEULAER, contaminated soldier and leader of military 
trade unionMarleen TEUGELS, investigation journalist (Knack) 
(invited)Frédéric LOORE, investigation journalist (Journal du Samedi), 
author of La Guerre invisible Pierre PIERART, professor (Association 
of Doctors against Nuclear War)FRANCE :Hervé DESPLAT, 
contaminated soldier, founder of Association AvigolfeChristine 
ABDELKRIM-DELANNE : investigation journalist, author of La Sale Guerre 
propreIRAK : (Names will follow)BOSNIA : Dr Bojidar 
STAVROVIC (Sarajevo)Dr ILICContact taken for one 
victimYUGOSLAVIA : (Names will follow)KOSOVO : (Contact 
taken)NETHERLANDS :XXX, victim of the 1992 catastrophe in 
Amsterdam (Bijlmermeer)Louis BERTHOLLET, association of victims of 
BijlmermeerGREAT-BRITAIN :(Invited : National Gulf Veterans and 
Families Association)GREECE ? (Contact taken for one soldier, 
representative of the association demanding to cancel the presence of Greek 
troops in Kosovo)OTHERS ? We are waiting for other 
answers.2. Full program of three 
daysWe propose to those who can to stay a few days more in 
Brussels. It seems to us very important to organize a high level 
activity in the capital of Natgo, at this present time. Also We can provide 
you accomodation and transport in Belgium, and also contacts with the 
press.This is our full program:Tuesday 27 evening or Wednesday 
28 morning: arrivalWednesday 28 : interviews, contacts with the press, 
contacts (following your wishes) with Belgian medical institutions, experts 
and activists.Thursday 1 (9 - 17) academic symposium in Brussels (Place 
will follow)Thursday evening : Great public 
debateFriday 2 : non public exchange of views between victims, 
associations and activists, measures for future cooperationFriday 2 
evening or Saturday 3: departure.3. How can you 
help?1° Making suggestions to complete (very soon) this 
program)2° Participating3° Helping for the cost: preparing the 
possibility of some small donations to cover the costs of some trips and 
some material expenses. Which are limited since every is benevolent 
but4. ContactsThe representatives of the 
Coalition are:- Marcel Poznansky 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Pierre Piérart (Association of Doctors 
against Nuclear War): mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Michel 
Collon is helping for the preparation of these three days: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]E-mails can be 
sent, for the next days, to these mail-address. Afterwards, a specific 
secretariat will come.5. Our platform: 
WEAPONSDepleted Uranium Weapons (D.U.) have been used during the wars in the 
Gulf, in Bosnia, in Yugoslavia by the Americans and the British or by Nato. 
D.U. weapons have been tested secretly since dozens of years in many army 
manoeuvres in the US, Great-Britain, France, Germany, Central America and 
Pacific. More than forty countries possess them.D.U. is producing 
alpha radiations. When inhaled in the form of small particles, it becomes a 
factor of cancer and the risk is aggravated by different pollutions 
(tobacco, motor gas, industrial pollutions)The general secretary 
of the Nato, George Robertson, supported by most of the national authorities 
of the member countries, is maintaining a complement incoherent position to 
exonerate the political and military leaders.These weapons, 
chemical, radiological and non-discriminatory are polluting many places in 
the world. They are subject to the rule of law of armed conflicts 
(Declarations of St Petersburg 1868, The Hague 1899, Protocol of Geneva 
1925, Declaration of the Conference in Paris 1989, U.N. Conventions 
concerning environment 1976)In front of aggressions, often 

[CTRL] Inauguration 2001: Watching The Media Watch The News

2001-01-26 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Inauguration 2001: Watching The Media Watch The News

By Dimitri Devyatkin
January 21, 2001

After watching a day of solemn proceedings marking the handing over of
power from Bill Clinton to George W. Bush, instead of feeling confidence
and reassurance, I feel a wave of dismay, discomfort and distaste, with a
sense of coming disaster.
W. was able to move through the ceremony without misstep, delivering a
cold, not particularly compassionate conservative speech and shaking all
the right hands. After watching him so long on screen, I get a sense of his
arrogance and feeling of entitlement to privilege. He seemed nervous to me,
in a sort of unspoken hurry to get it all over with so he could get back to
his comfortable slippers and bathrobe, warm milk and cookies.

Last Saturday I watched the peaceful transition on TV. There were about
350,000 spectators. About 30,000  almost 10 percent  were demonstrators,
having traveled to the nation's capital from all over America. There was
almost no violence, despite police preparations for potential disturbances,
and the heaviest security ever at an inauguration, with 10 checkpoints
through which everyone had to pass to get to the parade route, a first in
inauguration history. "The police can spin it however they want," said Adam
Eidinger, an organizer with the D.C.based Justice Action Movement, "but the
reason why this demonstration was by and large peaceful was because we were
peaceful, not because the police kept us from doing anything."

Demonstrators stood at nearly every block of the parade route except the
very end, where the president and his wife got out of the car to walk. Some
of the protesters were obvious by their colorful dress and placards. Others
were stealth demonstrators, dressed inconspicuously, who whipped out
placards and banners a moment before the motorcade arrived to add their
voice to the loud chanting and booing. At the swearing-in ceremony, a man
and woman close to the main podium stood up and stripped to the waist,
revealing protest slogans written on their bodies. None of this was shown
on television.

The mainstream commentators deftly footnoted the protesters as fringe
elements. The New York Times barely mentioned the demonstrators, only
quoting one, the comedian Dick Gregory, at a rally: "If you stole my car,
I'm never going to accept that it's your car." In any other country, there
would have been mass demonstrations and troop movements on the day that the
man who did not win the popular vote took power. But in America a bona fide
coup d'tat has happened, and our national press is doing everything to
make us "accept" it as a done deal. The television networks devoted no more
than 10 minutes combined to the demonstrators. And The New York Times
placed a single story about the protesters on Page 17 and left readers with
the impression that the dominant themes of the day were "unity,"
"tradition" and, above all, "legitimacy," according to the media watch
group FAIR.

Activists Weigh In

The Independent Media Center (IMC), a nonprofit group of media activists
using mini video cameras, cell phones and the Internet, organized
alternative coverage of the Inauguration on their Web site as an audio
stream. Over 310,000 hits were recorded to the main site over the day.
Listeners were very generous, contributing more than enough funds to cover
the entire production budget.

I tuned in at 8:30 a.m. to hear the indomitable Amy Goodman, the
prize-winning host of Pacifica Radio's "Democracy Now". She is Pacifica's
leading light, and her program is carried nationally. In what is perhaps a
related development, the Pacifica board in a "Christmas Coup" has sharply
curtailed WBAI's freedom, forced a number of staffers to leave and limited
what Amy can say on the air.

Amy had two hours on IMC, from 8 to 10 a.m. She called her show "Plutocracy
Now," and it covered a wide array of issues related to the power shift from
Clinton to Bush. Amy's professionalism and skill and her producer's made
hers the best IMC coverage. She kept the listeners well-informed and used
every moment of airtime judiciously. Free of the newly imposed WBAI
censorship, the program was carried nationally on many radio stations  in
Santa Cruz, Seattle, Hawaii, even the Netherlands. At one point she patched
in a representative from "Billionaires for Bush," who proffered: "People
don't matter  money does."

In the most emotional moment of Amy's coverage, President Clinton used the
last hours of his presidency to announce whom he would and would not
pardon, intruding into Bush's media day with the surprise announcements. To
the shock and disappointment of thousands of activists through the country,
Clinton decided not to pardon Native American activist Leonard Peltier.

She called Dennis Moynihan of www.FreePeltier.org in Lawrence, Kansas, to
learn that Peltier comes up for parole only in 2008. You can bet no one
listening to CNN heard the instant analysis 

[CTRL] Fwd: Left Coast dissent: Notes from the front line

2001-01-26 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Online Journal - http://www.onlinejournal.com

01-26-01: Left Coast dissent: Notes from the front line

By Larry Chin

January 26, 2001 | On Saturday, January 20, I took to the streets to
welcome the criminal son, George W. Bush, with a heaping dish of dissent,
served very cold. In San Francisco, between 15,000 and 20,000 men, women
and children-of all ages, races, occupations, sexual orientations and
social classes, and in every shape and size-gathered in front of City Hall
in opposition to a common enemy. We marched. We discussed Ashcroft, Mumia,
the CIA, the devastation of Iraq, the coming 'Star Wars'-inspired arms
race. We were one with those in Washington, DC, who staged the largest
inaugural protest since Nixon.

On this day, as veteran activists joined with those who had never attended
a demonstration in their lives to oppose Bush the Fraudulent and all of
the demons of the right wing, I saw hope for a new coalition, a new
national opposition unified and galvanized by Bush the right wing
extremist. In San Francisco, George W. Bush is public enemy number one.

It was inspiring, save for one sobering thought: San Francisco is not

San Francisco is a progressive stronghold, a Green and Democratic fortress
on (appropriately) the far left of the map. San Francisco is a haven of
diversity, led by an African-American mayor and a board of supervisors
that include gays and women and people of color. In San Francisco, we can
turn on the radio and listen to Bernie Ward and Ray Taliaferro on KGO-AM
810, two powerful liberal talk show hosts. We click the dial to FM and
listen to discussions of the progressive literature of Upton Sinclair, and
hear commentary by Norman Solomon on KPFA. We can find progressive
publications on our newsstands and in our bookstores.

San Francisco is not America.

America is the land of right wing radio. America is the World Wrestling
Federation and shopping malls. America is a willfully ignorant nation held
hostage, absolutely manipulated and controlled by a corporate media that
disseminates, repeats and realizes the lies of its corrupt rulers-but kept
happy and stupid with hundreds of cable TV channels, plenty of junk food,
and long days full of distractions and mindless "productivity."

It is in this vast middle of America that we find those who still believe,
to this day, that George W. Bush is a "nice man to have a beer with."

In San Francisco, none of Bush's lies have any traction. Here, Bush is
viewed as what he is: a right wing extremist CIA son, hell bent on the
raping, pillaging and exploitation of democracy for personal enrichment,
power and family cronies who run corporations.

In just two ruthless days, Bush has more than demonstrated what his
definitions of "compassion" and "uniting" entail. He has declared war
against women, reproductive freedom and family planning. He has spitefully
reversed Clinton's environmental protection orders. He wants to gut the
public school system and shove vouchers. All this on top of appointing the
most extreme right wing cabinet since the Third Reich.

The wolf in wolf's clothing has exposed himself.

Will America see what San Francisco has known all along?

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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-26 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

   What I see out there are scores and hundreds of committed teachers and
 administrators doing the best they can with what they have.  I also see
 truckloads of propaganda attempting to undermine the very fine work these
 people do day after day and year after year.

   I got a helluva lot more brainwashing in private religious school than I
 did in public school.  But I guess that's what all this propaganda crap is
 about.  The goal is to fry kids' brains and make them better worker drones.
 Public education avoids most of that baloney, and MUST BE STOPPED!

The above sets reality and history on its head.

Today's Government School Model was developed 100 years ago.
At the turn of the century, many of the Government School Advocates traveled
to Prussia to study the Prussian Government School model. That system was
designed to produce obedient workers who were subservient to the State.
The Prussian Model has long served as the model for US Government Schools.

That is what we now have in the US. The purpose of Government Schools is
to further the Interests of the Corporate / State Establishment. So called 
educators" were originally funded by the leading Corporate Foundations... need
I say anymore?

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [0] The Devil's Chemists

2001-01-26 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

An excerpt from:
Josiah E. DuBois, Jr.  Edward Johnson (collaborator)
First Edition - 374pps - Only edition


1. Easter Hats and Wild Horses  3
2. Anything Intact Was Beautiful .  8
3. Before Armies March  14
4. "If We Lose the Next War —   23
5. Furth Airport31
6. Digging -January 194737
7. The Address That Wasn't There44
8. American Addresses   48
9. "They Will Not Dare Go on With This" 71
10. "Simply a Big Business Concern" 76
11. How Can You Call It Murder? .   97
12. A Sojourner of Four Countries . 107
13. Without Armies Marching 115
14. A Nobel Prizewinner 122
15. "The Fellows Have Let the Rats Loose"   132
16. Gasoline and Rubber Mix 158
17. Some Purely Personal Notes  163
18. The Plain Chemist   169
19. "I'd Be Sure This Is True If I Were You" .  182
20. Everybody Knows, Nobody Knows   193
21. Silver Thickets 207
22. Monowitz219
23. A Loud Voice227


24. International Co-operation  234
25. Like a Stroke of Lightning  252
26. The Short Thrust258
27. An "Invasion in Peacetime"  275
28. "The European States Should Get Together"   282
29. "For in the Woods There Are the Robbers"287
30. The Final Battle in Sight . 298


31. September 1, 1939   307


32. Generals in Gray Suits  321
33. How Sorry We Are .  338
34. An Extraordinary Standard   348
35. The "Bulwark" Foreign Policy .  357


Organization Chart of I.G. Farbenindustrie A.G. 364
List of I.G. Farben Defendants  365


INDEX   370

The illustrations are grouped together following page 78

To UNDERSTAND THE FULL SIGNIFICANCE of this story, bear in mind that today
the main characters — defendants in the most farreaching criminal trial in
history -are all alive and free to work against the way of life you and I

Today a great struggle is being waged for the political allegiance of men.
The United States of America has been steadily -losing in that struggle since
the end of World War 11. In seven years the free world has lost to Communism
half of Europe and large areas of Asia. This amounts to the loss of over
eight hundred million people who once regarded themselves as our friends and

The foreign policy of the United States demonstrates that most of our leaders
understand little of what has happened in Europe and Asia during the last
generation. We have challenged disillusioned hearts with only a hodgepodge of
defensive tactics. It is my belief that we lost the support of most of these
people because we appealed to them almost entirely through our own fears,
with little regard for their real hopes, dreams, and needs. To replace
Communist bread, often we have spread our own table reluctantly and too late.
Often we have countered the vicious Communist evangelism only by negative
argument. Most important, we have poured salt on the ugly wounds which
certain hated industrialists have cut into four continents.

For ten years the average European and Asian has understood my story better
than our leaders yet understand it. I believe also that the average American,
should he read this book, will have a better understanding than his
government of how Europeans and Asians feel about the facts. To those who
sickened in the 1930's at the news that American scrap iron was being sold to
Japan; to those who later observed with disgust the failure of the League of
Nations to put teeth into its economic "sanctions" against Italy when she
invaded Abyssinia; to those who recently cried shame On the shipment of
British war-potential goods through Hong Kong to the Chinese Red Army; to
those who are flatly opposed to doing strategic business with any
totalitarian institution, whether by direct sales or outright political
subsidy -to all those, this book is recommended.

The full story of all the industrial groups that have deliberately bred war,
or have deliberately shut their eyes to the breeding of war, could not be
contained in ten books. I have limited my story to the single group of men
whose vast influence epitomizes all the others — a group that is still many

[CTRL] [1a] The Devil's Chemists

2001-01-26 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

An excerpt from:
Josiah E. DuBois, Jr.  Edward Johnson (collaborator)
First Edition - 374pps - Only edition


1. Easier Hats and Wild Horses

THIS IS THE STORY of twenty-four geniuses who changed the face of the earth.
The most brilliant men in Europe, they headed the industry known to the
newspaper reader as "I. G. Farben."

I. G. Farben first subdued nature in ten thousand ways, then shipped the
marvelous products of that victory across the seven seas. Its business has
touched the life of every man and woman in the world. Often an unrecognized
guest, it has visited every American home, with dyes, plastics, fabrics. If
Farben did not make your bathroom fixtures, your shaving mug, or even your
razor, your wife surely owes much of her prettification — from Easter hat to
synthetic stockings — to I. G. Farben.

Long before the age of plastics and nylons, I. G. Farbenindustrie was known
to many Americans as simply the world's best druggist. Every reputable
pharmacy, every physician's bag, every good family medicine cabinet, stocks
some of Farben's 6000 medicines. The firm invented a drug that is still the
best cure for epilepsy. They made atabrine, the quinine-substitute for
treating malaria. And from the aspirin tablet alone, I. G. Farben made a vast

But the founders were not concerned merely with balance sheets. They drew
their inspiration from the gurgling of water, the perfume of damp earth, and
every vegetable and mineral in the earth. Could health, personal beauty —
yes, even universal brotherhood — be created by two dozen men of dynamic
chemical genius? They believed it could. By 1925, they had nursed food from
and lands, made fats and fuels from coal and water, and were dreaming of
making copper out of clay.

A few years later, their talents crowned a combine that overshadowed even the
giant United States corporations. From the sun — a competitor in nurturing
such things as cotton — they had learned many economies of mass production.
Now the sun shone with subservient benevolence on a fabulous industrial
empire, from the Rhineland to the Hudson Valley to the muddy Yangtze River.
I. G. Farben's holding companies and plants then blanketed Europe, its house
banks and research firms and patent firms clustered around every important
commercial center in both hemispheres.

This success did not curb their seemingly strange vision. The Farben
"president" transferred millions of dollars into other hands on faith alone.
On faith he transferred the legal ownership of a $100,000,000 U. S. combine
to a friend in Switzerland.

This combine was the old American I. G. Chemical Corporation. From 230 Park
Avenue, New York City, its main office governed five subsidiaries, all
producing marvels of modem chemistry. They were the Ozalid Corporation of
Johnson City, the General Dyestuffs Company, the old Hudson River Color
Works, the Agfa-Ansco factory which manufactured cameras and films, and a
research plant in Pennsylvania.

Dyes were the basis of American I. G. Chemical's entire business, just as
dyes were the financial and scientific wellspring of all the Farben
companies. Yet in a brief memo Farben's president let the American I. G. go.
This poetic magnanimity — unless it concealed a desperate gamble of some kind
— was more typical of an artist- scientist than of a financial wizard. One
might not have been surprised at a show of generosity from, say, the Farben
director who founded the photo-chemistry whose cameras were sold around the
world under the Agfa-Ansco trademark. He had helped to develop color
photography, too. At the trial, he testified:

"I did not like to see beauty just in a dark room somewhere. I wanted to see
my child, or some fish or game I had caught, in color -to see it in all its
beauty. And we succeeded."

So, even at their trial, these men did not think as robber barons are
supposed to think. Exclaimed another of the directors on the witness stand:

Chemistry is a dynamic science. Thank goodness, every people is inventive.
The effects of everyday life are noticed in everything we see — fibers,
everything that is dyed, plastic articles, and parts of automobiles and
radios. It was the climax of my life when Dr. ter Meer sent me to the forests
of Ceylon and the Malay States, to study how nature produces rubber. These
studies were so enlightening that Dr. ter Meer entrusted me with the
on-the-spot management of synthetic rubber development. We were dealing with
the unknown

That was Dr. Otto Ambros -a member of I. G. Farben's florstand, or board of
directors — speaking. To his mentor, Dr. Friedrich ter Meer, all the natural
substances like rubber were "wild horses that must be broken to the reins."
But mankind was no wild horse to him, if Dr. ter Meer's witnesses were
telling the truth. 

[CTRL] [1b] The Devil's Chemists

2001-01-26 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

An excerpt from:
Josiah E. DuBois, Jr.  Edward Johnson (collaborator)
First Edition - 374pps - Only edition
3. Before Armies March

A FEW DAYS BEFORE THAT CHRISTMAS Of 1946, I caught the Washingtonian out of
Philadelphia. That was the week the United States called on the United
Nations to urge the Spanish people to get rid of Franco, and a Senate
committee had gone down to Jackson, Mississippi, to look into the campaign
practices of Senator Bilbo. Some time during that week I must have wondered
wearily why the State Department had abetted Franco to power in the first
place, and why the upper chamber had ever seated the Senator from
Mississippi. Throwing the New York Times onto the rack above my seat, I
zipped open my briefcase and pulled out my file on the tax matter.

No use trying to concentrate! Frost bit the window, designing it into two
uneven panes. Winter in Washington was usually a comfortable prospect, after
the miserably humid summers; but this time I would feel alone even if
comfortable. The man who had introduced me to I.G. Farbenindustrie would not
be there. He was Bernard Bernstein, Assistant General Counsel of the Treasury
Department during the years before Pearl Harbor. Early in 1941 Bernstein had
wired me in Camden to come down and help out for the "short while" that had
lasted over six years.

As Bernstein's Chief Counsel of Foreign Funds Control, I had helped to freeze
I.G. Farben's assets in the Western Hemisphere. Bernstein and I had worked on
the executive order which placed under the vigilant eye of the Treasury
Department Farben's main holdings in the United States — the companies of the
old American I. G. Chemical Corporation, which was renamed "General Aniline
and Film Corporation."

Then the Treasury had sent me on a journey through a dozen Latin American
countries, to try to get their co-operation in defending the whole hemisphere
economically. I found that I.G. Farben dominated the political and economic
life of many small countries. Guatemala was practically a Farben subsidiary.
In June 1942 I was secretary of a conference in which twenty American
republics finally agreed to do battle against Farben, the Japanese Zaibatsu,
and similar interrelated interests. According to the exact words of the
conference, as I remembered them, these interests had "been plotting the
downfall of the free peoples who gave them an opportunity to prosper and grow
rich by honest trade. "

This agreement had not been easily reached. To an extent unknown even by the
presidents of the Latin American republics, Farben had so extended its
influence in synthetics, and had gained control of so many banks, that to
close down or boycott their interests would have led to serious economic
depressions. The United States had urged the taking over of General Aniline
as an example to the other American governments; we offered to start a school
to show them how to do it. But the Latin American representatives had
tactfully pointed out how naive the United States was. "A school! It's all
right for you in the United States to close down one big company. That has
perhaps a small effect on your economy. But a move like this would wreck us.
Can you tell us how to replace the employees that I.G. Farben would take out
of the country? Can you replace their scientific knowledge? Have you got the
people to send us from the United States?"

But now, on the eve of 1947, although the current activities of General
Aniline and Film were still extremely important, few people in Washington
cared any longer what General Aniline did.

After taking care of my tax case at the Treasury, I wandered around to F
Street, where the Capitol Theater was playing "The Best Years of Our Lives."
Remembering the picture, I envied the veterans — not the wounds of battle,
nor, later, their trying to find homes and jobs, but the fact that they had
won somethingWhen a battalion captures a town, foreign policy cannot take
away the victory. When the Allied troops were splashing onto the Normandy
beachhead, I was preparing to go to London to work out France's makeshift
money system. Already we had closed down factories by financial blockade, had
frozen the enemies' assets. These measures, as well as tactics and medicines,
had saved some lives. But our battle was now a stalemate, and the men who
believed that economic warfare never ended had left the government, feeling
so out of line with the new policy that it would be useless to stay.

Again I thought of Bernard Bernstein. General Eisenhower had appointed him
his financial advisor, on recommendation of Secretary Morgenthau, when the
prospective invasion of Africa was still a well-guarded secret. Although
Bernstein was a colonel, he carried the war of money personally to the front
lines. The North African invasion took place in November 1942, and I joined

[CTRL] Ugly Again

2001-01-26 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-



Ugly Again
by Scott McConnell
New York Press

In a few days, my eldest daughter will board a plane at Kennedy and fly off
to a spring semester's study in Europe. Besides the normal parental fears, I
have other worries as well.

Americans of each generation travel abroad in different contexts, the way
they are viewed colored by their country's place and standing in the world.
Despite America's dominant global role in popular culture, technology and
business, the reception of them today may be the coldest ever.

When I spent months in France in my 20s, the Cold War was the backdrop to
nearly everything. I read the French political press, liked to talk
politics. But even had I not, the French would have taken me, for better or
worse, as a representative of a country perceived as big and rich,
simpleminded in its culture, unsophisticated in its diplomacy. But also as
stalwart in the great political battle of the time-over whether the future
would belong to capitalist democracy, or some form, more likely than not
dictatorial, of Marxism. The outcome then seemed much in doubt, and most
Frenchmen, beneath layers of reservation, were on the same side.

Well, the West, the capitalist West, has won. America has won. The Soviet
Union, home base to the Marxist coalition, sworn enemy of freedom, collapsed
and left the field. In Europe, the Communist parties have shrunk, changed
their names and often outlooks. American military and financial
power-guarantor of the international system the Beltway pundits hail as
"benevolent global hegemony"-for the moment has no real match.

But that power now represents something ugly and threatening, at least so it
seems to a growing number of the world's peoples.

Europe's press buzzes with stories about depleted uranium weapons, used
heavily in Washington's air war against the Serbs. The projectiles,
effective because uranium is heavy and able to penetrate tank armor, are
officially deemed not radioactive-no more dangerous than the background
radon often found in American homes, according to one apologist quoted in
The Wall Street Journal. Such assurances are belied by the internal NATO
"hazard awareness" document issued after the bombing, advising that soldiers
patrolling where DU weapons have landed be given warnings; that those
entering vehicles hit by DU shells should wear masks, cover exposed skin and
receive follow-up monitoring for radiation exposure. Clusters of leukemia
and lymphoma have sprung up among NATO troops stationed in areas of intense
DU bombardment.

This sudden uproar over America's use of these semi-nonconventional weapons
in the Balkans represents an awakening of Europe's guilty conscience-as if
to say to Washington, "When you bombed Serbia, we kept silent, even went
along as you smashed churches, destroyed bridges, bombed hospitals, poisoned
the Danube, all the while reluctant to put at risk a single one of your own
soldiers in the battlefield. You have left behind a toxic wasteland. It won'
t happen again."

Ten years ago, Iraq received an American DU bombardment far more intense
than Yugoslavia. In Europe at least, recognition of the long-term cost of
that bombardment is beginning to emerge. In London's The Independent, Robert
Fisk describes the horrible toll of cancers and birth defects around Basra,
subject to heavy U.S. shelling in the last days of the war. A decade of
sanctions has created more misery. Four years ago, Madeleine Albright was
asked on 60 Minutes whether she was troubled by the estimate that half a
million Iraqi children had perished as a result of the sanctions. "We think
the price is worth it," she cheerfully replied. That toll is growing still.

Against the backdrop of America as a superpower whose bomb-bay doors are
always open, lesser questions fester. Trade disagreements turn into
rancorous accusations of protectionism. Few in Europe admire the campaign of
Sen. D'Amato and others to demonize and harass Switzerland for its wartime
neutrality. The indictment against the Swiss (over policies the Allies much
appreciated during the war itself) is masterfully dissected by Angelo
Codevilla in his eye-opening Between the Alps and a Hard Place, an important
work that portrays the levers of American diplomacy rented out to campaign
contributors and groups pursuing private agendas. Polls in Europe now show
60 to 70 percent of the populace feels that America is unfriendly to their
interests. What a turnabout since the Cold War. What a change since V-E Day!

Of course it's not just Europe. Harvard Prof. Samuel Huntington reports in
Foreign Affairs that surveys of elite opinion in two thirds of the world's
societies, including Chinese, Russians, Indians, Arabs, Muslims and
Africans, show that the United States is now regarded as the greatest single
external threat.

Bombardment with depleted uranium weapons; murderous economic sanctions;
moralistic preachments about democracy 

[CTRL] Fw: ANTIWAR: Belarus: Oasis In The Heart Of Europe

2001-01-26 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic

 Sent: Friday, January 26, 2001 12:32 AM Subject: [KDN] 
ANTIWAR: Belarus: Oasis In The Heart Of Europe  http://www.antiwar.com/nagle/pf/p-n012601.html 
  ANTIWAR, Friday, January 26, 2001   At 
The End of History  by Chad Nagle  Antiwar.com 
  Belarus: Oasis In The Heart Of Europe  
 The independent "Nasha svaboda" on 12 January published a "medical 
 conclusion" by Belorussian psychiatrist Dzmitry Shchyhelski stating 
that  Belorussian President Lukashenka is suffering from a 
"moderately  pronounced psychopathy with the prevalence of traits of 
a paranoid and  distractive personality disorder.". Shchyhelski, who 
is currently on a  trip in the U.S., told RFE/RL's Belorussian 
Service that since 1996  doctors in virtually all psychiatric 
clinics in Belarus have been  discussing symptoms of Lukashenka's 
psychopathic "deviations."   ~ Radio Free Europe/Radio 
Liberty Newsline 15 January 2001   [Lukashenka] 
has.amassed near absolute powers, permitting little dissent  or 
private enterprise. He openly admires Hitler and has said that  
Belorussians want him to bring back a Stalinist state.   
~ "A Dictator in Belarus" (Editorial) International Herald Tribune, 3 
 November 2000   In a state where the president has 
amassed "near absolute powers,"  doctors in nuthouses all across the 
country are chatting endlessly about  their chief executive's 
sanity. I had no idea this sort of thing  happened under Stalin or 
any other tyrannical despot. I guess I'm going  to have to go back 
into my history books. There must be a case somewhere  of a Soviet 
shrink libeling Stalin in a nationwide newspaper and then  being 
allowed to jet off to America to spread the news. Now, if I can  
only find it.   DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE 
  Speaking from experience, Belarus is a refreshing change for 
someone  who's traveled extensively in the old Evil Empire. The 
streets of the  cities are clean and peaceful, the stores are full 
of inexpensive goods,  and the only beggars visible are small 
handfuls of gypsies and other  nomads outside the churches (a common 
feature throughout central  Europe). The Mafia omnipresence of other 
ex-Soviet capitals is  strikingly absent, and the people still seem 
to have a spring in their  step - an air of dignity as they go about 
their day-to-day affairs.   An American would never know 
this from reading the mainstream press,  which has loyally toed the 
New World Order's PC line for twelve years.  It's easy, safe, and 
probably fun for the "experts" to perpetuate the  demonization of 
Belarus, evidently because America needs enemies, and -  as Hitler 
said - people are more likely to believe a big lie than a  small 
one.   Editorials like the IHT's catch the average 
American eye, but who's  going to refute the content? Whenever 
Imperial America's opinion-makers  go anywhere, all they do is stay 
in Western hotels, keep lesser mortals  at a distance, and attend 
triumphalist conferences where they're told  what they want to hear. 
Non-opinion-making Americans swallow the line  with hook and sinker 
attached while they vacation in Florida and leave  Belorussian 
reality in the hands of government mediocrities, NGO  hirelings, and 
stringer journalists desperate to get in print. So what  if NATO 
ally Poland has called for Kosovo-style bombing of peaceful  
neighbor Belarus? I'm all right, Jack, and those places are a long way 
 from home. Besides, where exactly is Belarus anyway?  
 Even Westerners who do see that swathes of international reporting 
are  essentially lies nevertheless accept other reports - from the 
same news  agencies - as basically true. If someone were to point 
out that  Lukashenka visited Belgrade during NATO's bombing to show 
solidarity  with the Serbs, many who opposed the war would likely 
respond: "Yeah,  but he's a Communist" (the Belorussian Red Cross 
also sent Serbia  several truckloads of humanitarian aid, which was 
held up by our trusty  allies the Hungarians). And many would 
"tsk-tsk" reports that Lukashenka  was a "dictator" or hadn't 
enacted "necessary reforms."   Oh, before I get accused 
of being a latter-day George Bernard Shaw or  other Stalinist fellow 
traveler, let's remember that no one has made a  serious accusation 
that Lukashenka is operating gulags in Belarus, not  even the lying 
Western media - not yet anyway. However, I would like to  take this 
opportunity to accuse the Americans and other Westerners  who've 
been to Belarus and reported on the "repressive" regime there of  
something else: Leninism - of viewing Belarus through the kind of warped 
 spectacles that Bolsheviks Leon Trotsky and Nikolai Bukharin wore 
when  they came to New York in 1916-17 and condemned early 
20th-century  America as evil. Like Trotsky and Bukharin, you see 
only what your  "scientific" (i.e., "politically correct") ideology 
allows you to see.  In your Western compulsion to find the "enemy" 
on whose face you can  hatefully stamp forever, you 

[CTRL] Scenes from an Inauguration Day protest

2001-01-26 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Scenes from an Inauguration Day protest

The Fire This Time


By Lori Kurtzman

WASHINGTON  On this blustery winter day, with misty rain gently collecting
on his hat and the crowd around us engaged in furious chanting, Jerry tells
me that his plan was to become a priest.
That was years ago, though, and now Jerry lives in our country's least holy
place and has six children, and 17-year-old James  don't call him Jimmy,
his father warns  is standing to his right.
James clicks his retainer into place and points to the bumper sticker on
his back. "Green Day," it says, and Jerry is a bit confused. He expected
something more along the lines of "Not my president!"
We are, after all, at the inaugural parade for the nation's 43rd president,
and Jerry and James are two of the many protesters who have come to declare
that today is "the day democracy died." I'm about four blocks and three
hours from the parade's start, in a line loaded with religious fanatics,
man-haters, fur foes and pro-choicers.  They've all come out
today  everyone except the Bush supporters, who seem to be hiding in the
street's wet corners, support buttons sitting deep in their pockets.
I jump in this line somewhere near the end, and Jerry and James are right
behind me. Over the chants of the protesters lining the street and the
booming sermon from the "born-again preacher," (that's what he calls
himself) on the corner, Jerry has decided to tell me his life story. It
starts with the priesthood plan and keeps going, but it's raining and it's
cold and I can't bother myself to pay attention. Jerry saw my notebook
poking out of my black wool coat and thought I'd be a natural listener, but
he was wrong.
I've been in Washington for two weeks. I ride the Metro like a pro and have
the D.C. yuppie look down. I've tried not to be a tourist, but at the top
of my to-do list during my three-week stay here was a stop by the inaugural
mess. Now I'm not so sure this was a good idea. As soon as I stepped onto
the train today, I saw my first goateed protester, a pseudo-hippie with a
black backpack and an embarrassed girlfriend. "Hail to the Thief," read his
sign, an original slogan I'd see hundreds of times in the next four hours.
He hid it behind the backs of his legs while we waited for our stop to
I pass through the gates, wave farewell to Jerry and James (who, as it
turns out, aren't bad line company) and assess this lugubrious
celebration.  The rain comes down harder, the sky grows grayer, and the
temperature seems to suddenly drop. I wish for gloves and a hat and shoes
without holes. The parade is scheduled to start in two hours, and I have
nowhere to go and I can still hear the vendors outside of blocked-off
Pennsylvania Avenue with their teasing call:
"Um-ba-rellas-um-ba-rellas-um-ba-rellas!" I pick my spot, a few feet from
the street and a few more from the tickets-only bleachers. There are
"hundreds of thousands" of people here, as the next day's paper reads, and
most of them are already yelling.
Before the day is over, I'll see a near-riot break out, hear a choir of a
hundred voices join in the chanting of "fuck you" and have a William
McKinley-obsessed smoking fiend bum two of my cigarettes and stare at me
for an uncomfortably long time.

The parade starts an hour and a half late, and tensions are soaring. A man
behind me yells something profane, his brow tightly knitted, and the
spittle soars a good foot from his mouth. A man next to me is poked by an
umbrella several times and finally gives the nylon canopy a good shove.
This, I tell myself, is a celebration that happens only once every four
years. A marching band toots its way bravely by the crowd and is greeted
with several hundred turned-down thumbs and one unanimous "Boo!"
Today, the sidewalks of Pennsylvania Avenue are the Great American
Platform, and if one thing is clear, it is that we are doomed. Trash bins
are overflowing, chaos is reigning and hate, well, hate seems to be the
theme of Inauguration 2001. There is a hatred for the president, the
Supreme Court, the electoral college. But where it's aimed at doesn't seem
to matter. This crowd is young, and it is raging.
As we wait for the president's motorcade, choppers cut through the air
overhead. Snipers atop buildings peer down at the masses, and a man up
front offers middle fingers to the chanters.  The bleachers fill up, and
blue ticket-holders are not happy. "I paid 200 dollars and I don't even get
a seat?" one woman wrapped in fur asks. No worries. Her husband, a pudgy
man with a brown fedora, pulls her to the front of the crowd, butting and
bumping and ignoring those of us who've been holding our spots for three
hours. A few people swear at him, but most don't mind.  Nobody's really
here to see a parade, anyway.
I'm told President George W. Bush's weak inaugural address centered on
civility and unity, and I have to wonder if he's witnessing 

[CTRL] CDC: Diabetes, Obesity Becoming Epidemic

2001-01-26 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

CDC: Diabetes, Obesity Becoming Epidemic


Diabetes in the United States rose by about 6 percent in 1999 in what the
government called dramatic evidence of an unfolding epidemic.
Cases rose sharply across almost every demographic category, the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention said. The rise is blamed largely on
obesity, which was up a startling 57 percent from 1991.
"The message is out there _ lose weight by increasing your physical activity
and changing your diet," CDC epidemiologist Ali Mokdar said. "But nobody is
doing it."
The share of the adult population diagnosed with diabetes jumped from about
6.5 percent in 1998 to 6.9 percent in 1999, the CDC said. The obesity rate
increased to nearly one in five Americans _ up from just 12 percent in 1991.
The rise in diabetes crossed age groups but was sharpest among people ages
30 to 39. The CDC reported an especially large rise in 1999 among blacks _
more than 10 percent in just one year.
CDC director Jeffrey Koplan said the effect on the nation's health-care
costs will be overwhelming if the trends continue. "This dramatic new
evidence signals the unfolding of an epidemic in the United States," he said.
The statistics, released Friday by the CDC, appear in the February issue of
the journal Diabetes Care. The report is based on a telephone survey of
150,000 Americans.
At least 16 million Americans have diabetes, which prevents the body from
regulating blood sugar. The number is expected to rise to 22 million by 2025.
Diabetes is a leading cause of blindness, kidney failure and amputations;
it dramatically raises the risk of heart attacks.
Experts have blamed America's inactive culture for the obesity that leads
to diabetes. Computer-centered lifestyles, easy fast food and disappearing
space for outdoor exercise all have been cited.
In many cases, Mokdar said, Americans who do exercise don't do it often
enough, and many cut fat from their diets without paying attention to
crucial calories.
"This used to be a disease that came late in life," he said. "Now it's
coming in kids as young as the early 20s. That's alarming."

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Re: [CTRL] (en) Protesters resist inauguration Anarchists destroy inaugural checkpoi...

2001-01-26 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

   A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E

 Protesters resist inauguration Anarchists
 destroy inaugural checkpoint, hoist flag: media
 Source: www.agrnews.org

 Partially written, partially compiled by Eamon

  Washington, DC, Jan. 20=D1 As the pomp and
 circumstance of President George W. Bush=D5s
 inauguration attempted to forcibly transcend the
 domestic instability left in the wake of what
 may be the most contentious election in US
 history, approximately 20,000 people gathered in
 the nation=D5s capital to protest. Bush, the first
 President in more than a century to lose the
 national popular vote, took the oath of office
 as president of the United States, pledging to
 "unite" the country which the November elections
 showed to be deeply divided, along cultural,
 geographic, and ethnic lines. For a large
 percentage of the US public, the presidency is
 deeply mired in a crisis of legitimacy by
 numerous allegations of vote fraud, voter
 disenfranchisement, and the controversial
 Supreme Court decision that halted the vote
 count on a legal technicality. For the many who
 came to demonstrate from as many as forty US
 states, a Bush/Cheney White House represents
 nothing less than a debasement of democracy, a
 Republican coup d=D5etat with a suitably
 incompetent figurehead for a puppet regime.

  Despite a relentless, cold rain and
 unprecedented security restrictions for
 demonstrators, widespread feelings of outrage
 and contempt for the incoming administration
 were literally overwhelming for many of those in
 attendance. The day saw numerous marches,
 assemblies, street theater performances, and
 confrontations between police and protesters
 that have since drawn concern from media
 analysts, given the dramatic scope of the
 activities and - in many cases - their
 subsequent, mysterious absence from most news

  Demonstrators were evident on every block of
 the 1.6-mile inaugural parade route, and on some
 blocks on the north side of Pennsylvania Avenue,
 they outnumbered other paradegoers. The day
 began early for protesters, who were in the
 streets well before Bush supporters. At 8:30am,
 a few hundred met at 12th and G streets NW, then
 marched to 14th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue,
 to the beat of homemade drums.

  A boisterous crowd of more than 1,000 assembled
 at Dupont Circle just before 10 am, chastising
 Bush for "stealing" the election. At 10:30, city
 crews arrived to cut an effigy of Bush from a
 tree. Speaker Patricia Ireland, president of the
 National Organization for Women, told the crowd:
 "Let them have the tree. We have all of Dupont
 Circle and we have the whole country. They just
 have the White House."

  Meanwhile, near the Supreme Court, Al Sharpton,
 Walter E. Fauntroy and other civil rights
 activists were holding a "shadow" inauguration
 and parade, attended by over 2,000 people. Laura
 Brightman of Brooklyn, NY commented, "We were
 sold out," as others around her chanted, "No
 justice, no peace."

  "And when we tried to get justice [from the
 Supreme Court] we were sold again," said
 Brightman. "The election was stolen." At the
 Supreme Court building, Rudy Arredondo of Takoma
 Park, Md., put it this way: "Bush is a Supreme
 Court appointee. In my eyes, and in my
 children=D5s eyes, he will never be a legitimate

  Anarchists destroy inaugural checkpoint, hoist
 flag: media blackout Notably ignored by the
 mainstream press, radical activists made
 anarchist history during George W. Bush=D5s
 inaugural parade when one of nine police
 checkpoints to the celebration was battered down
 and overrun with thousands of protesters. Not
 long after, protesters -- led by the masked,
 black-clad, anarchist collective known as the
 "Black Bloc" -- seized the Naval Memorial on
 Pennsylvania Ave. and raised anarchist flags up
 the monument=D5s flagpole. Overwhelmed by the
 security breach, DC police and Secret Service
 appeared confused, powerless, and embarrassed as
 they tried to contain, arrest, or disperse the
 demonstrators, only to fail time and time again
 when Black Bloc members physically fought back
 and successfully prevented almost any such
 police retaliation from happening.

  In the weeks leading up to Bush=D5s inaugural
 moment, the "historically unprecedented"
 security measures being undertaken by the
 Republican Party in tandem with DC police and
 the US Secret Service received extensive
 attention in the news media. For the first time
 ever, anyone wishing to attend the inaugural
 parade was required to pass through one of nine
 police checkpoints, have their bags searched,
 and in some cases be frisked and have protest
 signs confiscated. "He stole the vote," said
 Ethyl Tobch, 79, of New York City. "The fact
 that the people=D5s votes were absolutely stolen

[CTRL] Health regulators investigating cattle quarantined in Texas

2001-01-26 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Health regulators investigating cattle quarantined in Texas

By PHILIP BRASHER, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (January 26, 2001 7:23 a.m. EST
http://www.nandotimes.com) - Federal health regulators are investigating
1,000 cattle that were quarantined in Texas after a feed mill disclosed it
may have violated rules designed to prevent mad-cow disease.

Mad-cow disease - or bovine spongiform encephalopathy - has never been
found in any U.S. cattle. However, as a precautionary measure, the
government has banned cows and sheep from being given feed made from
animal parts.

The feed maker notified the Food and Drug Administration that it may have
mixed up ingredients, letting some cattle eat bone meal made from other
U.S. cattle, FDA spokesman Lawrence Bachorik said Thursday.

"No cattle that might have received the feed will enter the food chain unless
FDA decides there is no problem," he said.

A feed lot has quarantined the cattle while FDA investigators determine if
any did eat banned feed, Bachorik said. While he wouldn't identify the feed
maker, he stressed any risk is theoretical because U.S. cattle haven't been
found carrying BSE.

Mad-cow disease has so far been confined to Europe. The feed ban is
designed to keep mad cow from spreading through animal feed if the
disease does get into the United States.

A recent FDA report found that hundreds of feed makers were violating
labeling requirements and other rules associated with the ban. The
National Cattlemen's Beef Association has organized a private meeting
Monday involving representatives of the industry and officials from the FDA
and the Agriculture Department to press for better compliance.

"We decided that, given the situation in Europe, that we wanted to bring all
the key players together to achieve 100 percent compliance with the FDA
feed prohibitions," Gary Weber, who oversees regulatory issues for the
rancher's group, said Thursday.

The disease first appeared in 1984 in a cow in Britain thought to have
eaten feed that included offal from sheep that harbored scrapie, a similar

The FDA has warned U.S. feed makers that continued violations will
prompt seizures of feed, company closures, even prosecution. Some
companies have received warning letters, and some feed has been
recalled, the agency said.

"We're prepared to go to the meeting and let them know we are doing or
are willing to do our part to ensure that we don't get BSE into this country,"
said Tom Cook, president of the National Renderers Association, which
represents plants that process animal parts for feed and other products.

"We want the FDA to enforce the feed ban and take what resources it
needs to make sure it is enforced."

Americans are aware of the problem in Europe, but so far they are not
overly worried, according to a recent ABC-Washington Post poll. One in
five of those surveyed said they were very concerned about the problem,
and fewer than half said they were at least somewhat concerned.

The U.S. livestock industry in 1996 voluntarily banned sheep and certain
other animal parts from U.S. feed, in which they were included as a protein
supplement. The following year, FDA formally banned any proteins from
cows, sheep, goats, deer or elk - animals that get similar brain-wasting
diseases - from feed for cows, sheep or goats. Poultry or pigs can still eat
those proteins because they cannot contract the disease, but feed must be
labeled "do not feed to cows or other ruminants" and companies must have
systems to prevent accidentally mixing up the feeds.


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Massive earthquake kills thousands in India

2001-01-26 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Massive earthquake kills thousands in India

By NIRMALA GEORGE, Associated Press

AHMEDABAD, India (January 26, 2001 3:55 p.m. EST
http://www.nandotimes.com) - The most powerful earthquake to strike India
in more than a half-century shook the subcontinent Friday, killing more than
2,000 people, injuring 3,000 and leaving survivors spending the night by
campfires near the rubble of their homes.

The 7.9 magnitude temblor in western Gujarat state, close to the border
with Pakistan, caused high-rise buildings to sway 600 miles away in the
capital, New Delhi, and was felt 800 miles away in Nepal and 1,200 miles
away in Bangladesh.

All the deaths in India were recorded in Gujarat state, where buildings
shook for more than two minutes. The quake struck at 8:50 a.m. as many
cities were celebrating India's 51st Republic Day, which commemorates
the adoption of the constitution.

In Ahmedabad, Gujarat's commercial capital and a city of 4.5 million, as
many as 50 multistory buildings collapsed and at least 270 people were
killed. Hundreds of people besieged the fire station asking for help to dig
out their relatives, fire chief Rajesh Bhat said.

"This is an emergency. We are facing a riotous crowd," Bhat said. "A fear
psychosis is developing in the city. People have fled their homes and are
taking refuge in open fields."

Helmeted rescue workers used iron rods to pry up slabs of concrete and
metal, searching for survivors. Women wept and rocked back and forth,
watching anxiously as the few available bulldozers and cranes pushed
through the piles of stone that once had housed families and shops. Beds,
children's toys and clothes lay abandoned in the debris.

Lamp posts and electric pylons were twisted and many buildings were left
leaning precariously.

Rescuers stood atop the rubble of collapsed buildings, digging for

Corpses were piled up on the verandah of the N.S. Hospital, while patients
overflowing into the hallways wailed and screamed with broken limbs and
bleeding wounds. Press Trust of India reported 70 people died while
waiting to be treated.

Bruised and bleeding bodies were laid in rows, covered with blankets as
relatives sat by mourning.

The death toll in India was 860 and was expected to climb, authorities said.
Six people died in Pakistan when two houses collapsed, bringing the
overall toll to 866.

The epicenter was near Bhuj, a desert town of 150,000 people in Gujarat
where authorities said 200 people were killed and 90 percent of the
houses were damaged.

Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee held an emergency meeting and
called on "all people to rally together at this time of national calamity." He
made no appeal for international aid, saying the needs were still being

Vajpayee sent federal Home Minister Lal Advani to Gujarat, where Advani
said the death figure "could be 1,000 or more."

Cabinet minister Pramod Mahajan said the government was flying 10,000
tents, 10,000 tons of grain, 20 doctors and surgeons, communications and
seismology experts to Gujarat. The air force said it had landed two
helicopters at its base in Bhuj and the government said the runway would
be able to handle small planes by Saturday.

The temblor caused high-rise buildings to sway from New Delhi in the north,
to Bombay and Madras in the south and Calcutta in the west, many
hundreds of miles from the epicenter. Reports of aftershocks came in from
around the country.

An apparent aftershock hit Bangladesh, where hundreds of panicked
residents flooded into the streets of Satkhira, on the border with India.

The quake was the most powerful to strike India since Aug. 15, 1950, when
an 8.5 magnitude temblor killed 1,538 people in northeastern Assam state.
On June 16, 1819, a quake in western India killed between 1,500 and
2,000 people.

Mahajan insisted that Friday's quake measured 6.9, according to a
preliminary figure given by the Indian Meteorological Institute.

However, the U.S. Geological Survey in Golden, Colo., taking an average
of seismograph measurements from around the world, said it was 7.9.

There was no damage to the two 220-megawatt nuclear plants in Gujarat,
authorities said. But gas pipelines, most power supply stations, phone lines
and water service were knocked out in the arid state, which is prone to

"The whole state has been affected. Communications have been disrupted
all over the state," said Gujarat's home minister, Haren Pandya.

In Ahmedabad, a center of India's textile industry, about 70 children and
some teachers were feared dead in the debris of their school building,
while 19 engineering students were believed trapped in a collapsed
college elsewhere in the city.

Baijubahi, an Ahmedabad man who uses only one name, said his wife was
killed in the earthquake and six members of his family were still trapped in
their building.

"The police are trying to persuade me to go to the hospital for my wife's
post-mortem," he said. "I'm more concerned about the 

[CTRL] What the Men Who Run the World Are Thinking

2001-01-26 Thread William Shannon

Friday, January 26, 2001 

What the Men Who Run the World Are Thinking 

Fears of a global slump may dominate the Davos gathering of the world's 
economic and political heavyweights


The straphanger standing on the bus because he couldn't get a seat is George 
Soros, the global financier who has the power to destroy a whole Asian 
economy with the click of a mouse. That guy in the pizza parlor who looks 
like Bill Gates — chances are it in fact is the world's richest man. The 
bearded guy who just skidded awkwardly by on the icy sidewalk — Saudi oil 
minister Ali Bin Ibrahim Al-Naimi, who with a couple of words into his a cell 
phone could drive up the price of gasoline at your local pump by 20 cents 
within a month. 

There's something more than a little surreal about the World Economic Forum's 
annual get-together in the Swiss ski resort of Davos, which opened on 
Thursday. Davos is a conspiracy theorist's dream. Its participants — scores 
of heads of state and senior ministers, representatives of 1,000 of the 
world's biggest corporations and an eclectic assortment of economists, social 
critics, writers, artists and thinkers — may reflect an unparalleled 
concentration of political and economic power, and yet the event has no 
formal mandate or decision-making power. In fact, it's not even strictly a 
conference, by the organizers' definition, but rather a more informal 
gathering of the people who run the world to discuss the big picture — the 
really, really big picture, about where the world is headed. And attendance 
is strictly by invitation only, a fact underlined by the largest deployment 
in decades of the traditionally neutral Swiss army, to keep at bay the 
thousands of anti-globalization protesters who would dearly love to spoil the 

Organizers this year are making a concerted effort to focus on some of the 
concerns of the demonstrators they're working so hard to keep away. The focus 
is on bridging the gap between rich and poor, addressing the debt burden on 
developing countries and engaging critics of globalization. Representatives 
of African governments are expected to promote their development plans and 
make a pitch for investment. Many of those topics may have been conceived 
after last year's event, which was dogged by protesters and at which 
President Clinton sounded a note of caution amid a celebration of the wonders 
of the New Economy. Clinton had been burned only months earlier by the World 
Trade Organization debacle in Seattle, in which the combination of 
anti-globalization street protests and discord among the member states had 
prevented any progress in negotiating a new round of trade liberalization 
measures. He devoted his acclaimed speech to the need to ensure that the 
world's impoverished majority benefited from the promise of globalization. 

The minds of the participants may be even more acutely focused this year, on 
the anticipated slowdown in the U.S. economy and its global implications. 
And, of course, the veterans of those failed WTO trade talks will be inclined 
to use the demonstration-free environment to huddle over ways of resolving 
the disputes that divide the world's two biggest trading blocs, the U.S. and 
the E.U. The Europeans are concerned that the incoming Bush administration — 
which won't have a high-profile presence at Davos — plans to prioritize trade 
agreements with Latin America, and they fear that a U.S. economic slowdown 
may increase pressure on the White House to play hardball in future trade 

The conference's program may be structured to help focus the minds of the men 
who run the world (and yes, it is run mostly by men) on the problems of 
poverty, the digital divide, environmental challenges and other challenges of 
the future. But the organizers may find that such concerns are more easily 
dealt with at moments when the power brokers are feeling flush and confident. 
This time around, most of their attention may be focused on trying to read 
the message in the clouds gathering on the horizon of the world economy.   


[CTRL] Kissinger urges Bush to shore up NATO

2001-01-26 Thread William Shannon

Kissinger urges Bush to shore up Nato

By Toby Harnden in Washington

FEARS that the European defence force could undermine Nato are growing in
America with senior Republicans advising President Bush to act swiftly to
shore up the transatlantic alliance.Although Mr Bush has been in office for
just five days and Gen Colin Powell, the new Secretary of State, and
Condoleezza Rice, National Security Adviser, have yet to appoint senior
staff, the US response to European integration is already emerging as a key

In an article in the Washington Post, Henry Kissinger, Secretary of State
under President Nixon, said: "The European Union is in the process of
creating a military force institutionally distinct from Nato." The force, he
said, "could produce the worst of all worlds: disruption of Nato procedures
and impairment of allied co-operation without enhanced allied military
capability or meaningful European autonomy".

There has been a weakening of the "emotional bond" between Americans and
Europe, he argued, with many EU countries seeking their own "special
relationship" with Moscow and viewing Nato as a relic of the Cold War. The
Clinton administration had left a "legacy of unanswered questions" about
European integration but "the advent of Republican administration will
inevitably change America's focus of consultation with Europe's leaders".

According to Mr Kissinger, Mr Clinton had put "the prestige of the American
presidency behind one side" in many European countries. Under Mr Bush, US
policy would be "less geared to personalities and more designed to bring
about a meaningful transatlantic dialogue" based on permanent national
interests. The backgrounds of Gen Powell and Miss Rice made it "very likely
that the task of revitalising the alliance will be given high priority" in
the Bush administration.

European countries needed to reassess their opposition to America's National
Missile Defence (NMD) programme and "ask themselves whether any American
president can seriously be asked to leave his people permanently vulnerable"
to countries such as North Korea and Iraq.In yesterday's New York Times,
William Safire, a leading conservative commentator, was scathing in his
criticism of European defence force plans, which represented a
"Euro-isolationism" that was "led by French chauvinists and Brussels
bureaucrats". He said that only "the bold" William Hague was "resisting this
slow dissolution" of Nato and had given a "Churchillian speech" defending the
US-European strategic relationship.

Mr Hague's support for NMD and his proposal that its umbrella be extended to
cover European allies "revives the original idea behind Nato" and would
counter the threat from "blackmailers with deliverable weapons of mass
destruction", Mr Safire said. Mr Safire also urged Mr Bush to resist a
"pre-election photo op" with "the agile Blair, Clinton's buddy".

In a 10-minute conversation on Tuesday, Mr Bush and Mr Blair agreed that they
should meet soon and officials are finalising arrangements for the Prime
Minister to visit Washington next month. Mr Bush's inexperience in world
affairs means that he is likely to rely heavily on his advisers during the
early months of his presidency.

As well as Gen Powell, Miss Rice and Donald Rumsfeld, his Defence Secretary,
these will include Vice President Dick Cheney, who ran the Pentagon during
the Gulf war. Mr Cheney has appointed his own foreign policy advisers,
indicating he will be an influential figure in international security matters.

Although Gen Powell and Miss Rice are strongly pro-Nato, they are seen as
likely to be less worried about the ramifications of European integration
than Mr Cheney and Mr Rumsfeld. Under Gen Powell, many senior posts will be
filled by career diplomats rather than political appointees, making it more
possible that elements of what Mr Safire described as Mr Clinton's
"wishy-washy US response to Euro-isolationism" will continue.

[CTRL] The Narrow Separation of Press and State

2001-01-26 Thread William Shannon

The Narrow Separation of Press and State

By Norman Solomon

It was a remarkable comment that passed without notice. After interviewing
the new White House chief of staff, a network anchor bade him farewell. "All
right, Andy Card," said CNN's Judy Woodruff, "we look forward to working with
you, to covering your administration." If major news outlets were committed
to independent journalism, Woodruff's statement on national television Jan.19
would have caused quite a media stir -- as a sign of undue coziness with
power brokers in Washington. But it was far from conspicuous. Woodruff's
remark was matter-of-fact. Warm collaboration is routine. Many reporters work
closely with each new crew of top government officials. Leading journalists
and spinners in high places are accustomed to mutual reliance. That's good
for professional advancement. But the public's right to know is another
matter. "The first fact of American journalism is its overwhelming dependence
on sources, mostly official, usually powerful," Walter Karp pointed out in
Harper's Magazine a dozen years ago. Since then, the problem has grown even
more acute. A multitude of journalists advance their careers by (in
Woodruff's words) "working with" movers and shakers in government. Reporters
with outsized reputations for investigative vigor -- Bob Woodward, for
example -- may be the most compromised. Behind the scenes, the tacitly
understood tradeoffs amount to quid pro quos. Officials dispense leaks to
reporters with track records of proven willingness to stay within bounds. "It
is a bitter irony of source journalism," Karp observed, "that the most
esteemed journalists are precisely the most servile. For it is by making
themselves useful to the powerful that they gain access to the 'best'
sources." While some fine journalism, assertive and carefully researched,
gets into print and onto airwaves every day, the islands of such reporting
are drowned in oceans of glorified leaks and institutional handouts. But
democracy is only served when journalists keep searching for information that
officials hide. On the surface, concerns about scant separation of press and
state might seem to be misplaced. After all, don't we see network
correspondents firing tough questions at politicians? Isn't the press filled
with criticism of policymakers? Well, kind of. We're encouraged to confuse
partisan wrangles with ample debate, or -- in the case of certain TV shows --
high decibels with wide diversity. To a great extent, mainstream media
outlets provide big megaphones for those who already have plenty of clout.
That suits wealthy owners and large advertisers. But what about democratic
discourse? In general, news coverage of political issues is about as varied
as the array of views propounded by the hierarchies of the Democratic and
Republican parties. When there's bipartisan agreement on particular topics --
such as the wisdom of keeping 2 million Americans behind bars or the value of
corporate globalization -- the media space for debate tends to be very
limited. Consensus among major-party leaders has a way of circumscribing the
mass-media arena. With huge conglomerates more enmeshed in media ownership
and advertising than ever, news operations are under heightened pressure to
promote corporate outlooks, dovetailing with rightward trends in governance.
It's true that business has always dominated government policymaking. But in
recent times, mitigating interests -- often known in mediaspeak as "special
interests" -- have been increasingly expunged from serious consideration.
"What is new about the situation today is that a seemingly irreversible
mutation in the American system has occurred," syndicated columnist William
Pfaff wrote in mid-January. "At some point, quantitative change does become
qualitative change. The point when that change took place was probably 1976,
when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that money spent in support of a political
candidate is a form of constitutionally protected free speech. Moneyed
interests now finance not only the winners of national elections but also
most of the losers." Pfaff's column appears most prominently in the
International Herald Tribune. Based in Paris, he has a clear-eyed view of big
money's leverage over U.S. politics: "This is part of the enlarging
domination of American life by business corporations and their values, which
are those of material aggrandizement, a phenomenon accompanied and promoted
by the circuses and gladiatorial contests provided by the most important U.S.
industry of all, entertainment, which now showcases elections and even wars
as entertainments." We need wide-ranging news media. And that's unlikely as
long as most "journalism" resembles stenography for the powerful -- and very
few eyebrows get raised when a network anchor tells a key official of an
incoming administration that "we look forward to working with you." 

[CTRL] Deja vu all over again: The Green Berets are 18 miles away.

2001-01-26 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

   [houstonpeaceroundtable] AP: As warring sides
   mobilize in Colombia, archbishop warns of
   Fri, 26 Jan 2001 10:07:32 -0600
   "Ken Freeland" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   "texassoa-watch" [EMAIL PROTECTED],

 [NOTE: Time to wake up, folks! The Green Berets  are
just 18 miles  away
from the front, "training" the Colombians.  -DG]


 Just 18 miles from Doncello, one of the towns  where
the army was
deploying troops and tanks, some 85  U.S.  special
forces troops were
training Colombian  anti-narcotics army troops, the
U.S. Embassy said.

 Wednesday, 24 January 2001

 As warring sides mobilize in Colombia,  archbishop
warns of
pocalypse   --

 By Cesar Garcia

 SAN VICENTE DEL CAGUAN, Colombia -- Colombia  deployed
more troops
Wednesday toward the borders of a huge
rebel-controlled swath of
territory. With rebel forces also mobilizing, an
archbishop predicted a
blood bath if peace efforts collapse.

 "There won't be combat between the two sides, but a
dirty war," said
Francisco Javier Munera, archbishop of San Vicente  del
Caguan, the main
town in the zone the rebels control. "If the peace
process is interrupted,
we will have an apocalypse."

 Light tanks rumbled Wednesday toward the so-called
demilitarized zone,
where Army Col. Romulo Vasquez said hundreds of  rebel
soldiers were

 "We're in a state of alert," he said.

 The demilitarized zone is an area twice the size of
New Jersey in
Colombia's south. President Andres Pastrana ceded it
to the country's main
leftist rebel group - the Revolutionary Armed Forces
of Colombia, or
ARC  - two years ago to kick-start peace talks and to
have a site where
talks  could take place.

 Pastrana must decide by Jan. 31 whether to renew the
FARC's control over
the zone. He has done so several times in the past.
But with the FARC
suspending peace talks in November and no sign that
either side will make
concessions, Colombia's military is preparing for a
possible escalation in
the country's now 37-year-old civil war.

 "We are deploying troops where they can be most
effective regarding the
situation that can come up on Jan. 31," army Gen.
Arcensio Barrero said.

 The 15,000-strong FARC is deeply entrenched in the
zone. A decision to
take it back could spark heavy fighting and would
effectively end the
peace process, a top priority of Pastrana's

 Munera urged Pastrana and FARC leader Manuel
"Sureshot" Marulanda to meet.
Pastrana cut short a trip to Europe because of the
crisis and was due to
return to Colombia on Sunday.

 Residents, meanwhile, were bracing for the worst.
Most of the 3,000 people
killed each year in the war are civilians attacked  by
paramilitary gunmen or by leftist rebels for  allegedly
supporting the
opposing side.

 If the government does not renew the rebel zone, it
must protect its
civilians, said Nestor Ramirez, mayor of San  Vicente.

 Pope John Paul II decried the rising violence
Wednesday, appealing for end
to kidnappings, bombings and attacks linked to drug

 "I am also asking all parties to promote an  effective
and honest
dialogue," he said in a special appeal during his
weekly general audience.
"It is time to return to the Lord of Life, so that  he
moves the hearts of
Colombians and makes them understand that they are  one
large family."

 Just 18 miles from Doncello, one of the towns where
the army was deploying
troops and tanks, some 85 U.S. special forces troops
were training
Colombian anti-narcotics army troops, the U.S.  Embassy

 The training is part of Washington's $1.3 billion  aid
initiative aimed at
stamping out drug trafficking, which yields the
leftist rebels and
right-wing paramilitary groups huge profits. After  the
training, Colombian
soldiers will be sent to battle rebels engaged in
cocaine production
further south.

 In October, a FARC commander warned that "all
Colombian or foreign
military personnel who are in the combat zones will  be
military targets."
However, rebels have never penetrated the U.S.
encampment in the middle of
the sprawling Larandia army base, a spokeswoman for
the Colombian army

 Copyright 2001 Associated Press

is brought to you by the COLOMBIAN LABOR  MONITOR at *
http://www.prairienet.org/clm  *  * and the CHICAGO
Email us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or  *  * Dennis Grammenos at

"NATO is an evil force of arms traffickers, fascists,
charlatans, murderers

Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-26 Thread inri

-Caveat Lector-

  I know that not from reading Ayn Rand but from looking at the schools
  where I greu up.
  The ones who taught you to spell?

 Well, a typo. The U and W are so close together on the keyboard it's easy
 make a mistake.

they are? my keyboard says:

q W e r t y U i o p

not that i'm trying to pick on spelling (that's just silly).
i just don't like getting lied to, 'sall.

np: sonic youth - daydream nation

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-26 Thread Jeff Russo

-Caveat Lector-

  Well, a typo. The U and W are so close together on the keyboard it's easy
  make a mistake.

 they are? my keyboard says:

 q W e r t y U i o p

 not that i'm trying to pick on spelling (that's just silly).
 i just don't like getting lied to, 'sall.

You've seen through my deception!


Jeff Russo
"Everything our parents said was good is
 bad. Sun, milk, red meat, college"
-- Woody Allen

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A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-26 Thread inri

-Caveat Lector-

 I live in a primarily white suburb;  most of the people I know moved
 here and paid for good schools, highe taxes than most suburban cities,
 but it was to escape this black plague in the schools.

snip pathetic racist garbage

i don't know whether to feel sorry for you or to hope that you get hit by a
i do know, however, that this is proof that the american education system
really does need an overhaul.

np: sonic youth - daydream nation

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-26 Thread Jeff Russo

-Caveat Lector-

--- inri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

  I live in a primarily white suburb;  most of the people I know moved
  here and paid for good schools, highe taxes than most suburban cities,
  but it was to escape this black plague in the schools.

 snip pathetic racist garbage

 i don't know whether to feel sorry for you or to hope that you get hit by a
 i do know, however, that this is proof that the american education system
 really does need an overhaul.

The train situation in the US is similar to the education situation. I wouldn't
count on a train here for anything, including hitting an enemy.


Jeff Russo
"Everything our parents said was good is
 bad. Sun, milk, red meat, college"
-- Woody Allen

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Auctions - Buy the things you want at great prices.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Rehnquist-Bigot???

2001-01-26 Thread William Shannon

July 29, 30, 31, and August 1, 1986 

Statement of James J. Brosnahan to the United States Senate Judiciary 
August 1, 1986 
My name is James J. Brosnahan. I was born and raised in Massachusetts, 
graduating from Boston College in 1956. After my wife and I graduated from 
the Harvard Law School in 1959, we moved to Phoenix, Arizona. Between April 
10, 1961, and February of 1963, I served as an assistant United States 
attorney, prosecuting federal criminal cases in Phoenix. In 1963 I left 
Arizona and moved to San Francisco, California, where I also served as an 
assistant United States attorney prosecuting criminal cases. I am now in 
private practice in San Francisco.
I am appearing today at the request of the Committee. I have never 
volunteered any information about the events of 1962. My position is that 
those who are interested in those events are entitled to accurate answers 
from me as to what I know and specifically the members of this Committee are 
entitled to the testimony of any witness if they request it.
On Election Day in November 1962, in Phoenix, Arizona, several assistant U.S. 
attorneys were assigned the task of receiving complaints alleging illegal 
interference with the voting process. As complaints came in, an assistant 
U.S. attorney accompanied by an FBI agent would be dispatched to the precinct 
involved. On that day the United States Attorney's Office in Phoenix received 
numerous complaints from persons attempting to vote in precincts in South 
Phoenix. At that time the population of south Phoenix was predominantly black 
and Hispanic and voted overwhelmingly Democratic. The Office of United States 
Senator Hayden also received complaints on that day. The complaints we 
received alleged in various forms that the Republican challengers were 
aggressively challenging many voters without having a basis for that 
challenge. One of the complaints frequently voiced on that day was that 
Republican challengers would point out a black or Hispanic person in the 
voting line and question whether he or she could read. (At this time it was 
my understanding that Arizona law required that a voter be able to vote in 
English.) According to the complaints received at the U.S. Attorney's Office, 
these challenges were confrontational and made without a factual basis to 
believe the person challenged had any problem reading. The U.S. Attorney's 
Office was advised that because the challenges were so numerous, the line of 
voters in several precincts grew long and some black and Hispanic voters were 
discouraged from joining or staying in the voters' line. It was also reported 
that at one of the precincts there was a fist fight as a result of a 
confrontation between a Republican challenger and another person.
Based on interviews with voters, polling officials, and my fellow assistant 
U.S. attorneys, it was my opinion in 1962 that the challenging effort was 
designed to reduce the number of black and Hispanic voters by confrontation 
and intimidation.
I received a complaint on Election Day and went with an agent of the Federal 
Bureau of Investigation to a polling place in south Phoenix. The polling 
place had a long line of voters, several tables at which sat challengers from 
both parties, and an official whose job was to preside over allowing people 
to vote. There may have been one or two other officials or clerks. When we 
arrived, the situation was tense. At that precinct I saw William Rehnquist, 
who was serving as the only Republican challenger. The FBI agent and I both 
showed our identifications to those concerned, including Mr. Rehnquist. We 
both talked to persons involved and the FBI agent interviewed anyone having 
information about what had occurred at the polling place. In fairness to 
Justice Rehnquist, I cannot tell the Committee in detail what specific 
complaints there were or how Mr. Rehnquist responded to them. The complaints 
did involve Mr. Rehnquist's conduct. Our arrival and the showing of our 
identifications had a quieting effect on the situation and after interviewing 
several witnesses, we left. Criminal prosecution was declined as to all 
participants in the incidents at various precincts that day. Prosecution was 
declined as a matter of prosecutorial discretion. Our investigation was 
pursuant to the following criminal statutes:
18 U.S.C. § 594, which made it a misdemeanor to intimidate, threaten, 
coerce...or attempt to intimidate, threaten, or coerce...any other person for 
the purpose of interfering with the right of such other person to vote.
18 U.S.C. § 241, which made it a felony for two or more persons to conspire 
to injure, oppress, threaten, or 

Re: [CTRL] McVeigh's execution date

2001-01-26 Thread Ted Saari

-Caveat Lector-

Is anyone aware of any primary source corroboration (i.e. McVeigh)that
McVeigh actually waived his appeal?

Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [CTRL] McVeigh's execution date
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 20:43:43 -0800

-Caveat Lector-

--- Aleisha Saba [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

"For McVeigh somehow I believe, thought he was working
for official intelligence source..."

Nakano comments:  Yes, McVeigh was working for an
"official intelligence source."  During the peak
of the Desert Storm airwar, several hundred Iraqi
troops called "Republic Guards" surrendered in
Kuwait. They were keep in a prison compound in Saudi
Arabia for about a year.  These Iraqis appealed to
Bill Clinton for "political asylum".
He gave it to them and issued an order to allow them
to come and live in the United States.
They settled in groups in several U.S. cities.
(CBS 60 Minutes did a report about this).

One group of former Iraqi soldiers settled in..
are you ready for this...Oklahoma City.
Tim McVeigh was an undercover intelligence agent
assigned to keep tabs on this group. Several eye
witnesses in Oklahoma City reported seeing McVeigh
in the company of several of the Iraqis in the
days before the bombing.
The Federal Judge you mentioned was warned of the
bombing a week before it happened.
BTAF Office also had advance notice.
Several eyewitnesses reported seeing the
Oklahoma City Fire Dept. Bomb Squad and BATF agents
deployed in the area of the Murrah Building as much
as 3 hours before the explosion.
Aleisha Saba:
"McVeigh, who was not too bright face it, with a chin
like Jay Leno was easy target to find maybe?   Or
maybe to draw picture for a wanted ad?"


You are almost right on this one too.
McVeigh was chosen to be the "Patsy" because
there was a "McVeigh double" in the BATF.
This BATF agent and McVeigh looked almost like
twin brothers.  It was the McVeigh "double"
who was speeding 85 MPH in a car with no license
plates to purposely get pulled over and arrested.
That's why the FBI confiscated the mugshots, the
fingerprints records and even the bed sheets and
blankets from the jail where the McVeigh double
had been held for three days.  They removed all
evidence that might prove that the man who had
been arrested wasn't McVeigh.

One more thing.  McVeigh isn't a dummy.
He was an outstanding soldier.
Unfortunately, he is also a victim of
"mind control programming", and they put
a chip implant in him to control him.

I know this sounds like bizarre science fiction.
But have you noticed there have been only one or
two very carefully controlled interviews by
reporters with him?  No writer has come forward
to do interviews with McVeigh and write a book?
In fact, since the trial, there has been almost
nothing in the media about him.
WHY Not?

  Regards to All

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[CTRL] Fw: Madam Kangaroo Mutates to Madam Halfbright (TiM GW Bulletin 2001/1-3, Jan. 26, 2001)

2001-01-26 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: TiM Publisher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 26, 2001 11:35 PM
Subject: "Madam Kangaroo" Mutates to "Madam Halfbright" (TiM GW Bulletin
2001/1-3, Jan. 26, 2001)


 Here is another UPDATE to our latest Balkans Affairs TiM Bulletin:

 Belgrade 12. "Madam Kangaroo" Mutates to "Madam

 To read the latest update and all the LINKS to the above stories, just
 click (or double-click, depending on your computer) on the following Web
 address, and you'll be able to see it in full color, along with
 accompanying images:


 NOTE: To cancel the e-mail editions of our reports, just reply REMOVE or
 UNSUBSCRIBE, followed by your e-mail address.
 12. "Madam Kangaroo" Mutates to "Madam Halfbright"

 BELGRADE, Jan. 26 - Madeleine Albright may be gone from her State Dept.'s
 seat of power, but a European imitation of this former would-be ruler of
 the world has sprung up in Europe.  It comes in the form of one Carla del
 Ponte, the chief prosecutor of the UN War Crimes Tribunal.  In a style
 reminiscent of Madam Halfbright's pompous arrogance, Del Ponte insisted
 Jan. 26 that Slobodan Milosevic must be tried at The Hague, and warned
 failure by Belgrade to co-operate with the court could lead to the
 imposition of new sanctions.

 A mere prosecutor of a kangaroo court telling the world's heads of state,
 including the new White House occupant who pays most of her salary, what
 they must do.  Perhaps the George W. Bush administration should reply
 the same tactics that Congress sometimes uses against petulant
presidents -
 cut off the funding to this sham of a court in the Hague.  And then sit
 back and watch Madam Kangaroo-cum-Madam Halfbright's ego wither and dry up
 like a fall leaf.

 If in doubt about Del Ponte's arrogance and inflated grandeur, check out
 the following excerpts from the London Independent's report from Del
 Ponte's Jan. 25 news conference in Belgrade:

 "We [the tribunal] are the first who must have Milosevic on trial," the
 chief prosecutor said. She argued that it would take too long for Serbia
 try Mr Milosevic and later hand him over to The Hague. "I cannot wait for
 years until the fugitives are transferred."

 Ms Del Ponte said she had the impression that the Yugoslav President, a
 lawyer, was "not properly informed" about the tribunal. "Dialogue [with Mr
 Kostunica] was not possible. I tried for half-an-hour to explain about the
 tribunal. I had to sit and listen to his long complaints," she said.

 "He [Mr Kostunica] can and must change his mind," she added. "Full
 co-operation with my office cannot be avoided if Yugoslavia wants full
 membership in the international community. If there is no cooperation, new
 sanctions can be imposed."

 TiM Ed.: See what we mean?  Here's an administrative UN appointee telling
 an elected head of state what he MUST do!?  Or else.

 "Ms Del Ponte predicted better co-operation with the tribunal as the new
 Serbian government, which was inaugurated yesterday, takes over. In her
 talks with the new Serbian Prime Minister, Zoran Djindjic, a time span of
 two to three months to begin the co-operation was mentioned.

 In his maiden speech yesterday, Mr Djindjic said that bringing all those
 who committed war crimes to justice would be one of the priorities of his
 government  ahead of confronting the dire economic situation in Serbia."

 TiM Ed.: No surprise there. a proven western quisling (Djindjic) kissing
 to the new Madam Halfbright, as he had done to the old one (see "Cavorting
 with the Enemy," Dec. 1999).  Which sets up a possible showdown between
 Kostunica and Djindjic, something that many analysts have been predicting
 all along.

 For the rest of the Independent report, check out.

 NOTE: To cancel the e-mail editions of our reports, just reply REMOVE or
 UNSUBSCRIBE, followed by your e-mail address.
 Phoenix, Arizona

 Visit the Truth in Media Web site http://www.truthinmedia.org/ for
 on geopolitical affairs.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust 

[CTRL] Fwd: NewsMax.com: Inside Cover Story

2001-01-26 Thread Aleisha Saba

LOVELY story on "senator" Hilliary Clinton who now is dodging the press
- when caught off guard, she is almost speechless and I wonder who
writes her speeches these day.

Now she had to cancel her speaking engagement with Jesse Jackson - and
now we find he has 2 illegitimate children and who pays for the other
one?   Any taxpayers or UA money involved in that Rainbow ripoff?

$10,000 a month child support would feed a lot of hungry children and
now it is the Jackson 7 it seems, no longer Jackson 5, or Jackson

So New York welcomes Hilliary - not exactly a breath of fresh air for
she brings more stench with her than your local sewage lines.


Advertise Your Banner Here

January 26, 2001
Michael Reagan:: Recommends new book on Clinton's Bitter Legacy


For the story behind the story...

Friday, Jan. 26, 2000 9:59 a.m. EST

Hillary on the Lam From Pardongate Heat
Scandal-scarred Sen. Hillary Clinton was reported to be hiding out in
her Chappaqua, N.Y., mansion on Friday, canceling all public
appearances, including one with new daddy Jesse Jackson - as outrage
grew over charges she conspired to sell presidential pardons for
campaign cash.

The New York Post reports that Clinton has canceled all public
appearances for the day, including her address to Jackson's Rainbow/PUSH
Coalition's Wall Street Project, announced only yesterday.

Clinton also will pass up previously scheduled meetings with two top New
York City Democrats, Public Advocate Mark Green and Comptroller Alan

New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani saved the new senator the trouble of
canceling his meeting with her. He did that himself late Thursday,
saying he was outraged over the Clinton pardon of Marc Rich, the
tax-dodging fugitive whom Giuliani had indicted in 1983 when the mayor
was U.S. attorney for New York's Southern District.

Rich's ex-wife Denise has donated over $1 million to the Clintons and
other Democrats since 1993.

"I'm very upset about this," Giuliani told reporters yesterday. "I think
what the president did is an absolute outrage."

Mrs. Clinton may be able to dodge Pardongate questions for now, but both
Clintons could wind up trying to explain the cash-for-clemency scandal
to Congress before too long.

Yesterday House Government Reform and Oversight Committee chief Dan
Burton launched a preliminary investigation, saying,

"When a pardon appears questionable on the merits, the American people
have a right to know why the president made his decision, so that the
constitutional power to grant pardons will not be abused in the future."

Finis  -30-

So the pigs have gone home to roost and left a pig stye for others to
clean (no insult to the pigs intended).now that the power is
gone, let us see how friends stick to these Teflon Kidsremember John
Gotti - he was a piker compared to the Clintons..Remember Waco,
Remember Ruby Ridge, Remember the Balkans and above all Remember Janet
Reno, the one that walked with her left hand.

Inside Cover Stories
 Tiny TV Camera Produces Guided Tours Of Body's Byways
 NBC's Mitchell Disputes Charge That Bushies Also Trashed White House
 Hillary on the Lam From Pardongate Heat
 British Spy: Mandela Worked for Us
 A Second Jesse Jackson 'Love Child'?
 CIA Morale Woes Over Tenet, Deutch
 Top Judiciary Dem Leahy Defends White House Trashing
 Air Force One Looted on Last Clinton Trip As Aides Trash White House
 Greenspan Gives Boost to Bush Tax Cuts
 Hillary to Address Jesse Jackson Group
 Dale, Hale, Chung, Aldrich, Tripp – What's Bush Waiting For?
 More Inside Cover Stories

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[CTRL] 'No king but Jesus' (http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=

2001-01-26 Thread Arthur Hickman

 'No king but Jesus'.url


2001-01-26 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Nessie" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
With those same tax dollars the democrats killed at least a half a
million Iraqi women and children. To ignore that, but get upset over a
couple computer keys, is sick, evil, or both.

Why should both issues be mutually exclusive?  I'm pissed off over both...

And BTW, it seems to be much more than just a few missing keyboard keys.  I say spray 
painting graffiti in the
hallways of a national monument is a pretty serious matter...

I would be just as upset at vandalism done to the Jefferson or Lincoln Memorials, the 
Washington Monument,
Statue of Liberty, etc.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Ashcroft Sings!!!!!!!

2001-01-26 Thread William Shannon
And whatta' voice!!! Not
Yikes...and YUCK!


[CTRL] Pravda On Castro On Bush

2001-01-26 Thread William Shannon

Pravda.RU:Main:More in detail


15:59 2001-01-26


True to form, President Fidel Castro of Cuba launched his first verbal
missile across the Straits of Florida yesterday with a venomous speech
against his counterpart in the USA. "Someone very strange, who promises very
little, took over the great empire that we have as a neighbour. This
gentleman arrived and we hope he isn't as stupid as he looks, nor a mafia
man, like his predecessors."
Since Fidel Castro came to power in 1959, he has seen ten presidents come and
go, from Eisenhower to Bush Junior, passing by Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson,
Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush Senior and Clinton. President George Bush
(Junior) has stated that his administration does not intend to change US
official policy towards Cuba, and that the embargo will remain until the
"political prisoners" are released and free elections are held. Maybe Fidel
Castro could ask the Americans for a blueprint for an election process, since
they are such experts at it. He could also ask for some advice from President
Bush about how to get elected by the courts after getting less votes than his
opponent and by excluding undesirable votes from being counted, our
correspondent Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey reports from Lisbon. 



2001-01-26 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

Why should both issues be mutually exclusive?  

They're not, but to listen to the right, you'd think they were. I can
understand the rightist politicos making a big deal out of sex, out
vandalism, out of anything in the world except Clinton's war crimes
because they share his guilt. They probably share the bribes, too. But
what about the grassroots conservatives? Where is their outrage? Even
the ones with the common human decency to speak out against America's
war of aggression against Yugoslavia are strangely silent about Iraq.
Could it be because most Serbians are Christians and ninety percent of
Iraqis are Muslim? Or is it because Yugoslavs are white and cheap
gasoline is worth any number of Arab deaths, because after all they are
“only” Arabs?

Just look at CTRL for example. Count how many times you hear somebody
here complain about Monica or Travelgate or some such petty distraction.
Then count how many times you hear somebody here complain about the
genocide being waged against Iraqi civilians. Then count how many times
you hear somebody here complain about the genocide being waged against
Iraqi civilians and it wasn’t me doing the complaining. 

It’s a very short list.  Read some right wing boards and you’ll find the
list is even shorter. The right wing should be ashamed of itself over
this. Consider the stream of venom they (justly) spew over the left’s
unconscionable absence from the protests about Waco.  Less than a
hundred people died at Waco. At least a half million have died as a
direct result of the blockade of Iraq. Do the math.

I'm pissed off over both...

That appears to put you on a very short list. Welcome aboard.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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[CTRL] Fwd: ALERT: # 196 Boston Globe: Drug Warriors Fabricate Budget Numbers Too

2001-01-26 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-


Boston Globe: Drug Warriors Fabricate
Budget Numbers Too


DrugSense FOCUS Alert #196 Friday January
26, 2001

Drug war supporters frequently pull
"facts" out of thin air. These alleged
facts (circulated most prominently by
former Drug Czar Barry McCaffrey) are
designed to show that drug war isn't
really a disaster. Now it seems some have
also been creating false budgets to
suggest that the drug war is more humane
than it really is.

As the Boston Globe reported this week, a
new study indicates that some drug law
enforcers have greatly overstated the
percentage of money being spent on
treatment. McCaffrey and his apologists
made much of the general's supposed
support for a kinder and gentler drug war
that was based on treatment and
prevention. But, this study proves that
it's all just more disinformation, and
that nobody really knows exactly how much
money is being wasted on anti-drug efforts
in general.

Please write a letter to the Boston Globe
to say drug warriors have to fudge their
facts, or everyone would know just how
counterproductive the drug war is.


It's not what others do it's what YOU do


Phone, fax etc.)

Please post a copy your letter or report
your action to the sent letter
list ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) if you are
subscribed, or by E-mailing a copy
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will then be forwarded to the
list with so others can learn from your
efforts and be motivated to follow

This is VERY IMPORTANT as it is the only
way we have of gauging our impact and



Source: Boston Globe (MA)



US: US Is Said To Overstate Spending On
Drug Care
Newshawk: Kim Hanna, Sledhead, FoM,
Richard Evans and Mark Greer
Pubdate: Wed, 24 Jan 2001
Source: Boston Globe (MA)
Copyright: 2001 Globe Newspaper Company
Address: P.O. Box 2378, Boston, MA 02107-
Website: http://www.boston.com/globe/
Author: John Donnelly

Report Cites $1b In Discrepancies

WASHINGTON - Promising to further stoke
the debate over America's controversial
war against drugs, a Rand Corporation
study has found that three federal
agencies overstated their spending on drug
treatment by $1 billion, and that the
reported costs of some law enforcement
efforts are no more than "educated

"I tracked down one budget guy for the
Border Patrol and asked how they
figured out the drug budget and he told
me, 'We made it up,"' said Patrick
J.  Murphy, one of the study's authors and
an assistant professor of politics at the
University of San Francisco.  "He said 10
percent of their budget seemed too low, 20
percent too high, so they settled on 15

The report, a copy of which was obtained
by the Globe, was requested by Barry R.
McCaffrey, who stepped down last month as
director of the Office of National Drug
Control Policy.  It examined 10 agencies
that report their drug budgets to the drug
policy office.

There were no allegations of misspending
in the report, but the survey said
"flawed" reporting techniques made it
impossible to know how much money was
actually spent on the battle against
illicit drug use.  Critics of US drug
policy have long argued that it gives
short shrift to treatment programs
designed to help addicts overcome their

McCaffrey, who did not return telephone
calls seeking comment, insisted on
completing the potentially embarrassing
report because he wanted a better
accounting of the drug war, the authors
said.  They noted that he had long been
bothered by seemingly soft figures in
agencies' budgets, even though he
continued to cite the inflated treatment
numbers in his defense of drug-control

The drug policy office said in a statement
that it "asked for the Rand reports
because we want the most reliable data"
and that it has "used the Rand findings,
and will continue to do so, to improve the
way drug budgets are presented to the
Congress and the public." Rand is a
consulting and research firm known for its
work on complex subjects.

The statement said that the FBI drug
methodology has been corrected and
that the Veterans Affairs and Education
departments changed their data collection
so as to "substantially address Rand's
findings." It gave no specifics.

The most politically sensitive aspect of
the Rand study, which for more than a year
examined the 1998 federal drug 

[CTRL] Nader's Untold Story

2001-01-26 Thread William Shannon


February 2001
My Untold Story
What if we threw a presidential campaign and nobody came? The Green Party's 
candidate explains how he tried to engage the press, and why it didn't work. 

By Ralph Nader 

On the afternoon of February 21, 2000, I declared my candidacy for the Green 
Party presidential nomination at The Madison Hotel in Washington, D.C., 
before an impressive assemblage of media. All the major television networks, 
including CNN and PBS, were on hand, as were radio and print reporters. My 
announcement speech focused on the "democracy gap" in our country, which 
helps explain the gap between many systemic injustices and lost 
opportunities, on the one hand, and the solutions that are ignored because of 
an excessive concentration of power and wealth. 

That evening, none of the broadcast networks reported that I had entered the 
race. The next morning The New York Times ran a short article, and the day 
after that The Washington Post carried a squib. 

Challenging the entrenched two-party system under a winner-take-all rule is 
akin to climbing a sheer cliff with a slippery rope. Without instant runoff 
voting or proportional representation -- voting mechanisms that can allow 
smaller political parties to share in government -- it is a task far more 
difficult than in any other Western democracy. The Republican and Democratic 
parties command the money and wield the power to exclude other candidates 
from the presidential debates, and to erect formidable statutory barriers 
against competitors trying to get on the ballot in many states. But perhaps 
the most insurmountable obstacle of all is the virtual lock enjoyed by the 
two major parties on coverage in the national media. 

The national press's insistence on focusing its attention on the horse race 
between the two major-party candidates creates a catch-22 for any third-party 
candidate who wants to inject previously ignored issues into the campaign 
dialogue: Without coverage, you can't make headway in the polls. And a poor 
showing in the polls in turn distances the media from the campaign. 
Meanwhile, the issues your campaign seeks to address remain below the radar 
of the major candidates and the campaign press. Having worked with the print 
and broadcast media throughout my career as a consumer advocate, I had no 
illusions when I launched my campaign about the difficulties I would face in 
convincing reporters, editors, and producers for the major news outlets that 
my candidacy deserved their coverage. 

As it turns out, the major media organizations did cover our campaign. But 
they consistently viewed it as an occasional feature story -- a colorful, 
narrative dispatch from the trail with a marginal candidate -- rather than a 
news story about my proposals or campaign events designed to focus attention 
on our agenda. During the months when I was traveling through the 50 states, 
the local press usually reported on the visits, but the national print and 
electronic media didn't. Instead, they'd parachute in a reporter to travel 
with us for a few days and file a profile of our campaign that focused on 
personality and the so-called spoiler issue rather than on substance. We were 
never a news beat, even when the margins narrowed between Al Gore and George 
W. Bush during the last month and made our voters more consequential. 

Back in the spring, however, hope sprung eternal. In April, a Zogby America 
poll put us at 5 percent nationwide. Our audiences were growing, and we had 
an exhaustive agenda that was of compelling concern to millions of Americans. 
We supported a living wage; stronger trade-union organization laws; universal 
health insurance; strong environmental measures; redirection of public 
budgets from corporate welfare to neighborhood and community needs; a 
crackdown on corporate crime against consumers, especially those in ghettos; 
public funding of election campaigns; protection of the small-farm economy 
from giant agribusiness abuses; abolition of the death penalty; an 
alternative to the failed war on drugs; and a military and foreign policy 
that wages peace, justice, and democracy instead of preparing for war against 
no known major enemies. 

These were issues that, over the years, many news outlets had reported on, 
investigated, and editorialized about. Bush and Gore were either ignoring the 
subjects altogether or taking positions opposite mine, and their respective 
records of failing to address them -- well known to the media for years -- 
gave further credibility to our agenda. We had a long track record, and we 
weren't offering easy rhetoric. Finally, as the weeks unfolded, the 
Nader/LaDuke ticket was qualifying on 44 state ballots, far exceeding any 
potential Electoral College majority. 

Equipped with these arguments, I paid a visit in May to Jim Roberts, the 
political editor of The New York Times. Unlike some reporters and 

[CTRL] TNA: Bush did not accelerate recession

2001-01-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Return to The New Australian

Bush did not accelerate recession

by Gerard Jackson
TNA News with Commentary
Thursday 25 January 2001

"New presidents almost always want to take over in recession and
leave in a boom, so they almost always bad-mouth the economy when
they come in. Maybe Bush has gone a little bit farther in wishing
for a recession than others have." So said Barry P. Bosworth, a
senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, a Keynesian think

There is probably a certain truth in what Bosworth said but to
suggest that Bush's public utterances on the economy may have
contributed to recession is just Democratic hogwash. The
recession was clearly underway before the election and that means
it started under the Clinton Administration. That President Bush
should endeavour to remind the public of that fact is not only to
be expected it also makes good political and economic sense. If
the Democrats could pin the recession on him they would paralyse
his economic policies. But I suspect that that wouldn't cause Mr
Bosworth too much concern. Democrats can be amazingly blasé about
the American economy when it serves their electoral interests.

As I have pointed out a number of times, the true nature of
recessions always confounds the prevailing economic orthodoxy.
Highly paid economists are sitting in their Wall Street offices
trying to figure out what's up. It's almost an Alice-Wonderland
situation where nothing is what it seems. Steve Slifer, chief
economist at Lehman Brothers called the slide in economic
activity "an odd-looking slowdown".

Of course it's odd if your thinking has been muddied by the
Keynesian approach. In its January outlook for regional
manufacturing, the Philadelphia Fed, posted the second severest
month-to-month fall since the survey began in 1968. What make
this odd to the likes of Slifer is that employment is still at 4
per cent while the service sectors and housing are still holding
up even though car manufacturing is obviously in trouble. It's
this situation that causes them to claim that overall economy is
not in recession but manufacturing is. If a ship was slowly
taking on water no one would claim it was basically OK because
only the engine room and the bulkheads had been flooded so far.

There is a lesson here from the Great Depression if only some of
these analysts were prepared to look, learn and think. It was
certainly observed at the time that the retail trade, the final
stage of the production structure, was the least affected by the
depression where as the manufacturing stages suffered greatly,
with the financial pain increasing as the distance from the point
of consumption increased.

The process, to a much lesser degree, fortunately, is occurring
now. This is why the 4 per cent unemployment figure is deceptive.
It's because demand in those areas closest to consumption is
holding up that the unemployment rate hasn't risen. A closer look
at the figures shows that unemployment in manufacturing has been
rising. How else could it be when manufacturing output has been

Returning to events that took place just before the Great
Depression we find that December 1928 is a key month. It was then
that the Fed slammed on the monetary breaks and froze the money
supply. Six months later manufacturing output began to slide,
which is what one would expect. The stock market felt the blow
some three months later and shortly afterwards America was in
depression. The sequence of events is clear and beyond dispute.
But only the Austrians have accounted for them - and certainly
not the Keynesians.

What is now accelerating under the Bush administration and was
well established under Clinton is nothing new, odd or

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[CTRL] AP: Rich's Wife Denies Money-Pardon Link

2001-01-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Rich's Wife Denies Money-Pardon Link

Associated Press Writer

 WASHINGTON (AP) -- The ex-wife of pardoned financier Marc Rich
said Wednesday her political donations of more than $1 million to
Democrats since 1993 were unrelated to President Clinton's grant
of clemency during his last few hours in office.

 Denise Rich said it was ''entirely appropriate'' for her to be
among those who petitioned Clinton to pardon the indicted
financier who has been living in Switzerland, where he fled in
the 1980s.

 ''The pardon given to Marc Rich will give him the opportunity to
visit his daughter's grave for the first time,'' Denise Rich said
in a statement through a spokesman, New York publicist Howard J.

 ''Her political fund-raising and charitable activities have
absolutely nothing to do with the pardon granted to her former
husband,'' the statement added.

 The Riches' daughter, Gabrielle, was 27 when she died from
cancer in 1996, and ''Mr. Rich was unable to be with her during
her illness as well as when she died,'' the statement concluded.

 ''That was his choice'' not to return to the United States,
replied Marvin Smilon of the U.S. attorney's office in the
southern district of Manhattan, which obtained the indictment
against Rich in 1983, shortly after he fled the country. He was
accused of tax fraud and illegally buying oil from Iran during
the 1979 hostage crisis.

 ''That has been a controversial case because he was a fugitive,
never did go to trial, and so there are some questions about
that,'' Vice President Dick Cheney said on the Fox News Channel.
''I haven't personally looked at the case. ... The fact is, the
president does have that authority, and Bill Clinton exercised

 In seeking the pardon, Rich's lawyers argued that the case
against him could not be brought now because of changes in the
law and that similar cases have been handled as regulatory

 Prior to 1991, Denise Rich, a successful songwriter, made no
political donations to federal candidates for office, according
to Federal Election Commission records.

 In 1991 and 1992, her political donations were just $3,000, most
of it given to Republican Sen. Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania.

 But she donated over $1.1 million to the Democratic Party from
1993 through September; $7,000 to Hillary Rodham Clinton's Senate
campaign committee and $20,000 to other Democratic candidates for
Congress, according to the FEC database.

 She also donated a thousand dollars to Republican New York Mayor
Rudolph Giuliani's exploratory Senate campaign committee in 1999
and $2,000 to Sen. Alfonse D'Amato, another Republican, following
his Whitewater congressional investigation of the Clintons.

 The pardon has drawn strong criticism.

 Giuliani, a former Justice Department official and federal
prosecutor who withdrew from his Senate race against the first
lady, urged Congress this week to look into Clinton's pardon of

 Former New York City police commissioner Howard Safir told Gear
magazine that his office had been frustrated by Swiss authorities
in its pursuit of Rich.

 ''The Swiss police told me that if we did anything to try to
snatch Marc Rich from Switzerland, they'd arrest us,'' said

 U.S. Attorney Mary Jo White said her office had been
''bypassed'' by the Clinton White House as the president's aides
considered the arguments of Rich, his indicted business partner
and several other defendants charged in White's jurisdiction, the
southern district of Manhattan.

 ''We were totally unaware that pardons for Marc Rich'' and his
business partner ''were even under consideration,'' said White.

 Rich was a fugitive and ''I have a hard time seeing how he
qualifies for a pardon,'' said Dick Thornburgh, who served as
attorney general during the Reagan and Bush administrations.

 Thornburgh also objected because Clinton administration
officials ''bypassed the normal process and kept the application
secret from the law enforcement officials who brought the

 AP-NY-01-24-01 1939EST

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[CTRL] AP: U.S. Attorney's Office Wrote Letter Opposing Pardons

2001-01-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Jan 24, 2001 - 09:25 PM

U.S. Attorney's Office Wrote Letter Opposing Pardons

By Shannon McCaffrey
Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - Just days before President Clinton commuted the
sentences of four Hasidic men convicted of stealing $40 million
in government funds, the prosecutor in the case urged the White
House not to reduce their prison time.

In a strongly worded letter to White House counsel Beth Nolan,
Assistant U.S. Attorney Deborah Landis said the case was being
watched closely by the ultra-orthodox Jewish community.

"Were the president to pardon or commute the sentences of these
defendants he would send a message to that worldwide community
that its pursuit of its own religious customs justifies fraud
against the government regardless of its magnitude," she said.

The Associated Press obtained a copy of the letter Wednesday.

Landis said the fraud scheme in New Square, a Hasidic enclave 20
miles north of New York City, was tied into larger scheme in
other ultra-Orthodox communities in Brooklyn and throughout the

The letter was dated Jan. 16, four days before Clinton reduced
the sentences of Kalmen Stern, David Goldstein, Benjamin Berger
and Jacob Elbaum. The commutations were among 176 pardons and
clemencies issued by Clinton just hours before leaving office.
The men are still in prison.

First lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, then New York's senator-elect,
sat in on the White House meeting between her husband and
supporters of clemency for the men. But she said that she played
no role in the president's decision and had no opinion about the
case. Her spokesmen said she was there because the New Square
supporters were now constituents.

Hillary Clinton traveled to New Square during her Senate campaign
and met Grand Rabbi David Twersky. Hasidic communities typically
vote in blocs and Clinton received New Square's 1,400 votes; her
Republican rival Rick Lazio received only 12 votes.

After the election, Twersky and New Square's deputy mayor, Izzy
Spitzer, were invited to the White House, where they raised the
issue of the clemency with the president while the first lady was
in the room.

Supporters of the four men have not denied their guilt but said
they did not keep the money for themselves, and gave it instead
to a school and residents of the village. The men are accused of
created a fictitious religious school to receive government

In her six-page letter to Nolan, Landis outlined evidence that
was used against the men during the three-month trial.

"That evidence overwhelmingly proved that for almost 20 years,
the members of this conspiracy successfully corrupted every
federal government grant program available to them so that they
their families and their friends could maintain a community
subsidized almost entirely by the taxpaying public," she wrote.

She also noted that community had resisted the investigation and
that on one occasion, a mob surrounded federal agents trying to
serve subpoenas.

AP-ES-01-24-01 2126EST

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[CTRL] Fw: Liberals are trying to railroad Ashcroft nomination!

2001-01-26 Thread Arthur Hickman

-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: BackBush.com [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thursday, January 25, 2001 12:06 AM
Subject: Liberals are trying to railroad Ashcroft nomination!

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Radical left-wing groups are trying everything they can to stop Ashcroft's
appointment by President Bush -- and now Ted Kennedy is threatening to
filibuster the nomination when it comes up before the full Senate for a

This means at least TEN DEMOCRATS will be needed to stop the filibuster,
in addition to the 50 Republicans voting for Ashcroft.

And YOU can help convince those Democratic Senators! Send a "Faxgram" to
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2001-01-26 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Nessie" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Why should both issues be mutually exclusive?

They're not, but to listen to the right, you'd think they were.

I consider myself neither 'left' nor 'right'...on some issues I tend to be liberal, on 
still others I tend to
be conservative...


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[CTRL] NYDN: Cash Bid for Freedom Rudy says fugitive offered Ed Bd. aid

2001-01-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Cash Bid for Freedom Rudy says fugitive offered Ed Bd.  aid

New YorkDaily News Staff Writers

Fugitive financier Marc Rich was so desperate to get a pardon
that he offered to donate "an enormous amount of money" to the
Board of Education in return for leniency.

Mayor Giuliani, who brought the Rich indictment in 1983, when he
was U.S. attorney in Manhattan, said yesterday that the charity
offer was made through an emissary of Rich.

"I thought that he wanted to buy his way out of the case," the
mayor recalled.  "I'd say, 'Marc Rich should come back here, he
should stand trial, he should get convicted or acquitted, and
then he should do all the charitable work he wants to do.'"

Rich fled to Switzerland rather than face charges he evaded $48
million in taxes, and accusations of fraud and illegal
commodities trading.

Giuliani said there had been "numerous overtures" through the
years in which "lawyers and political figures ...  offered all
kinds of deals for the purpose of Marc Rich coming back, merely
paying money and not having to go to jail."

The mayor said the offers were "not in the nature of campaign
contributions.  [They were] in the nature of charitable
contributions to organizations the U.S.  attorney's office would
designate, the Department of Justice would designate, I would
designate, somebody else would designate."

"There was once an offer to give an enormous amount of money to
the Board of Education, for example, in return for the federal
government promising that he wouldn't go to jail," the mayor

Because he was the original prosecutor, Giuliani's backing would
have been important because Rich's lawyers would have cited it
when soliciting support from Mary Jo White, the present Manhattan
U.S. attorney.

Without White's knowledge, President Bill Clinton pardoned Rich
on Saturday.

As part of the Rich pardon application, his ex-wife, Denise,
wrote a letter Dec.  6 to Clinton accusing Giuliani of having
"unjustly alleged and so aggressively pursued" Rich.

Denise Rich's spokesman, Howard Rubenstein, said yesterday that
she wrote her letter at the suggestion of lawyer Robert Fink, who
worked on the pardon application with John Quinn, former White
House counsel.

Through Rubenstein, Denise Rich said, "her political fund-raising
and activity have absolutely nothing to do with the pardon
granted to her former husband." She also said she had not
solicited support letters from anyone else.

Rubenstein began speaking for Denise Rich on the pardon matter
two days after she falsely implied through another flack that she
had done nothing on behalf of the pardon plea.  The first flack,
Bobby Zarem, said yesterday that he had assumed his client had
not known about the pardon request.

Besides Denise Rich, the fugitive received letters of support
from several major international players.

They included the king of Spain, Juan Carlos; the mayor of
Zurich, Josef Estermann; 1989 Nobel laureate Camilo Jose Cela;
the mayor of Jerusalem, Ehud Olmert, and Abraham Burg, speaker of
Israel's parliament.

Marc Rich even offered himself as an international spy for the
U.S. government.

"There was questions of whether he could provide intelligence,
given his international business ties," ex-prosecutor Martin
Auerbach told the Daily News.

Auerbach said Rich made it clear he had connections in Nigeria,
South Africa, Israel, Iran and other countries that could have
been useful to American intelligence.

He said Rich made several offers to pay millions of dollars in
restitution and fines to settle the indictment, but always
without prison time.  Prosecutors refused, insisting that any
deal include a stretch behind bars.

As the scandal escalated yesterday afternoon, the mayor canceled
a meeting scheduled for tomorrow at City Hall with New York's new
senator, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Her spokesman Howard Wolfson said did not know why the sitdown
was nixed, adding, "Now that the campaign is long over, Sen.
Clinton looks forward to meeting with the mayor and working with
him on behalf of the people of New York."

Last night, Giuliani spokeswoman Sunny Mindel said the meeting
was canceled because of "scheduling conflicts" but provided no
other details.  She said it would be rescheduled.

Original Publication Date: 1/25/01

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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[CTRL] NYDN: Pal Sought Gifts for Hil: NBC

2001-01-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Pal Sought Gifts for Hil: NBC

New York Daily News Washington Bureau

WASHINGTON friend of Sen.  Hillary Rodham Clinton helped solicit
donors to buy the pricey gifts that the former First Family took
with them as they exited the White House, NBC News said last

Clinton had registered her choices for gifts in November, just
like a bride.

NBC said Clinton contributor Rita Pynoos of Beverly Hills,
Calif., then urged potential contributors to send a $5,000 check
to the store quickly, before a Senate ethics deadline that bans
senators from receiving gifts.

The donors had no idea what their money bought, according to the

But Pynoos, a longtime Clinton friend who lives in Marina Del
Ray, Calif., insisted to the Daily News last night: "None of it's
true.  ... Whatever they are talking about, it's not true."

The Clintons received $190,027 in gifts, mostly home furnishings,
according to their financial disclosure statement released last

The former First Lady was registered at Omaha-based Borsheim's
Fine Jewelry and Gifts, a subsidiary of Warren Buffett's
Berkshire Hathaway, an aide confirmed earlier.

Supposedly, that was because friends wanted to give her special
farewell gifts, according to aides.

In addition to denying soliciting any gifts for the Clintons,
Pynoos told The News she gave the Clintons a single gift —

The Clintons' financial disclosure statement reported that Pynoos
also gave the First Lady an expensive cashmere shawl.  The
flatware and shawl were valued at $5,767.

"I don't know about the cashmere shawl.  I haven't given her a
cashmere shawl," said a distraught Pynoos.  "I have a friendship
with Hillary, and have for years, and that's it.  I'm not in the
political field at all."

Clinton's spokesman denied any wrongdoing.  "The Clintons
received gifts while in the White House, as did previous
Presidents.  All complied with relevant rules and ethics
regulations," said Howard Wolfson.

With Timothy J.  Burger and Shirley Wong

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

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[CTRL] [OT] UPS: Coulter: People united for swindles and hucksterism

2001-01-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Ann Coulter

January 25, 2001

People united for swindles and hucksterism

Jesse Jackson, the Baptist minister, apparently had no intention
of waiting for the afterlife to get his taste of the good life.
With his Rainbow/Push Coalition bringing in millions of dollars a
year at its peak, Mr.  Jackson indulged in expensive homes, cars
and companionship, mostly with his ministry's money.

That's a paraphrase of how The New York Times began a news item
about a fallen preacher -- not Jesse "Show Me the Money" Jackson,
but "televangelist" Jim Bakker, head of PTL ministries, swiftly
deposed after a sex scandal in the '80s.

Bakker's affair was evidently limited to a single night, there
was no "love child," and over the course of seven years Bakker
paid his lady friend about half ($265,000) of what Jackson admits
to paying his mistress in two years ($472,000) -- and about
one-third of what the National Enquirer reports Jackson has paid

Jackson's mistress probably needs the money more: Having had her
affair with a black liberal, she cannot expect lucrative offers
from smut magazines to pose nude.  The pornography industry is
primarily interested in prolonging the humiliation of

Indeed, the entire establishment is truly gleeful only when
discussing the sexual scandals of putative conservatives.  By
contrast, the Jackson "situation," as a New York Times column put
it, merely "illustrates the need to acknowledge that our leaders
will occasionally disappoint."

The Times column sneered at the idea of using a "test of sexual
propriety" as a basis for moral judgments.  Real moral lapse --
not to be confused with a 59-year-old man trying to derive sexual
satisfaction from a young female staffer -- is being a
Republican.  Immorality, it seems, can also be "cut(ting)
millions of the needy from welfare rolls," or firing Surgeon
General Joycelyn Elders because she had "suggested that
masturbation should be openly discussed with young people."

It takes a particularly fanatical socialist to believe the
government is required to teach adolescent boys to masturbate --
but this logic demonstrates: Disbelief in the ministrations of
the federal government is the only known liberal iniquity.
Immorality incarnate is either Perverts or People Who Believe in
Tax Cuts.  Take your pick.  Democrats are the proud party of

Over a decade ago, the same point was made during the media's
giddy celebration of the perfidy of televangelist Bakker.  Even
then, the left was careful to couch its sneers at Bakker in terms
that would not reflect badly on adultery per se.  New York Times
columnist Tom Wicker sniffed, for example, "Mr.  Bakker, whose
offense is not exactly unheard of ..."

Wicker then went on to pronounce that "the greatest offense" was
"the narrowness, exclusivity and lack of charity -- the bigotry
--" of Christian evangelism.  This "greatest offense" includes a
belief in "heterosexuality only, and only within marriage"(!), as
well as the "maintenance at all costs of the traditional family."
The "at all costs" in that last sentence is a nice touch.  It's
been about 15 years since Wicker wrote it.  How about we compare
"costs" of "not exactly unheard of" adultery with the "costs" of
traditional families?

The Times' more recent explication of what true sin is
(Republicanism) refers to society's "obsession with sexual sin"
as if we should really be concentrating on something else, like
self-immolation.  But there's a reason several millennia of
religious teaching share this unseemly "obsession with sexual
sin": It's apparently one of the more tempting transgressions.
People don't have to be exhorted constantly not to stick forks in
their eyes -- also a sin -- because it's not that big a

The dirty masses' "obsession with sexual sin" also operates to
protect what are normally two of the left's favorite victim
groups -- women and children.  Indeed, comparing the quantity of
love letters women write to mass murderers and serial killers
with the number of love letters women write to their adulterous
ex-husbands, women seem to find "sexual sin" uniquely

They're having a good laugh in Koreatown about the exposure of
Jesse Jackson (who further cemented the hatred between blacks and
Koreans when he minimized the violence against Koreans during the
Los Angeles riots with the dismissive remark, "Desperate people
do desperate things"): "Ha-ha, Jesse Jackson have love child --
more work, less babies." But they won't be able to laugh long.
Liberals always get a lot of credit for suffering, while never
actually being made to suffer.

Immediately after he was forced to own up to the love child (the
National Enquirer had DNA evidence), Jackson pledged to withdraw
from public life to "revive my spirit and reconnect with my
family." For a few days, the airwaves were bristling with
accounts of the Rev.  Jesse's Jackson's deep suffering and his
"trial of tears."



2001-01-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


New York Post-Thursday, January 25, 2001


Moral leader or political hack? WHEN he arrives on the floor of
the New York Stock Exchange for a lavish fund-raising gala
tonight, the Rev. Jesse Jackson could be partying on the deck of
his own personal Titanic.

Serious new questions are arising about the propriety and
legality of Jackson's role drumming up business for minority
allies on Wall Street - and that's making some financial bigs
nervous about the preacher man from Chicago.

On the surface, Jackson's pull with the financial titans appears

A $7.1 billion bond deal, one of the largest ever, was announced
yesterday at the Wall Street Project conference. Jackson's
cronies all got a cut of the action.

"Jesse is unrepentant, but his power is undiminished," fumed one

We shall see. An emboldened Jackson used the pulpit at the Canaan
Baptist Church on Tuesday night to launch another attack on
George W. Bush's legitimacy. I'm not sure that a man with
Jackson's peculiar financial arrangements is smart to call anyone
else a thief, particularly the man who controls the IRS and the
Securities and Exchange Commission.

But that's our Jesse, brazen to the last. It's costing him
elsewhere, though. The randy reverend's handling of his tawdry
personal life is losing him support in what has long been his
mainstay: the black church.

To the uninformed, Tuesday night's prayer meeting for Jesse at
Canaan Baptist must have looked good for Jackson.

Rep. Charlie Rangel, state Comptroller Carl McCall, McCall's city
counterpart Alan Hevesi and other Democratic bigs showed up to
back the embattled activist.

But others within African-American church circles were more
surprised by who wasn't there: powerful New York City black
clergymen like Calvin Butts, Floyd Flake, A.R. Bernard, Gary
Simpson, Franklin Richardson, and their followers.

"These are churchgoing people who are very offended by his
behavior and lack of remorse," said one observer. "The turnout
shows that Jesse has gone from being a moral leader to nothing
but a political hack."

"Jesse is not sorry at all," said another person at church.

The source reported that some members of the audience "looked at
each other and shook their heads" when Jackson showed up without
his wife, who was expected, but with a controversial woman in his
entourage, someone other than Karin Stanford, who he admits bore
his love child.

Chutzpah? You bet. But what do you expect from a man who sent out
a March 19, 1999, fax to Rainbow/PUSH Coalition supporters noting
that Stanford was taking maternity leave - and named someone else
as the father!

The one high-profile black minister who did make a big show at
Jesse-palooza was, of course, the Rev. Al Sharpton, who organized
the event.

Is Rev. Al really standing by Jackson? Don't be naive.

Sharpton is no dummy. He stands to gain the most if Jackson
should fall. His outward display of solidarity with Jackson
masked a deft assertion of power. Jesse, until last week the most
powerful politician in black America, is now beholden to Rev. Al.

"That was an in-your-face move. [Sharpton] was saying, ‘You can't
come to New York without coming through me first,'" said a
well-placed source.

"It was a real comeuppance for Jesse to have to do that after
he'd been having this well-publicized feud with Sharpton. The
truth is, Jesse is over. Sharpton's the one who can get people on
the street."

At Tuesday night's lovefest, Congressman Rangel railed against
the media for picking on poor Jesse.

"This is what I say to the press: Get over it!" Rangel bellowed.

What the congressman chooses not to notice is that much of the
heat being put on Jackson is coming from prominent liberal black
columnists like Clarence Page, Cynthia Tucker, E.R. Shipp and
Jack White.

Said one African-American close to the story: "The only media
people protecting Jesse are guilty white liberals."


 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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[CTRL] [OT] WT: Vandals loot Air Force One

2001-01-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Washington Times
January 25, 2001

Vandals loot Air Force One

Inside the Beltway
By John McCaslin

Political tidbits and other shenanigans from around the nation's

Stripped bare

 The curators were warned to count the silver when the
Clintons left the White House, and the Air Force, as it turns
out, should have listened, too. Now that Bill Clinton is gone —
after the longest goodbye anyone remembers — an Air Force steward
tells us about the former president's "official" farewell flight
to New York on Inaugural Day.

 The presidential plane was "stripped bare."

 Since Air Force One is the plane only of the president, the
designation of the Boeing 747 was changed from Air Force One to
"Special Air Mission" and by the time Mr. Clinton boarded he was
no longer the president.

 As a courtesy of President Bush, the plane was nevertheless
equipped with all the presidential amenities Mr. Clinton had
grown accustomed to during his two terms in office.

 But not for long. Missing from the plane on arrival in New
York, Inside the Beltway is told, was all the porcelain china,
silverware, salt and pepper shakers, blankets and pillow cases —
most of it bearing the presidential seal.

 What most astonished the military steward was that even a
cache of Colgate toothpaste, not stamped with the presidential
seal, was snatched from a compartment beneath the presidential
plane's sink. (The good news, we suppose, is that there was no
halitosis on the return flight to Washington.)


 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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2001-01-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[There's an interesting tidbit in the second item.]

Page Six
New York Post
January 25, 2001


AT least one person isn't happy that Ed Downe obtained a full
pardon from Bill Clinton - his ex-wife Charlotte Ford.

The auto heiress divorced Downe five years ago, shortly after he
copped a plea to insider trading. Most people assumed she was
dumping the mogul over that disgrace.

But Charlotte says the only reason she asked for a divorce was
his philandering - right under her nose in the Sutton Place
apartment below theirs he used for his office.

"A half-hour after I went to bed, the girl, who is now his wife,
would come over in a wig and sunglasses. She'd leave at 5 a.m.,"
Charlotte told one friend. "He'd paid off all the doormen and
elevator men to keep their mouths shut."

Downe married Mary Baker, the ex-wife of prominent plastic
surgeon Dr. Dan Baker, about three years ago. Charlotte had
introduced the divorcee to her husband. So it's painful for her
now to see Downe rehabilitating his image. "It's like a knife
when my name is associated with his," she told her pal.

Downe was championed in his bid for a pardon by his friend Sen.
Chris Dodd (D-Conn.), who often went clubbing with Downe at
Gotham's most glittering nightspots.

"Ed would tell Charlotte they were going out to dinner, and then
wouldn't come back until 2 a.m.," a friend of hers said.

Dodd's press secretary, Gabe Lam, provided PAGE SIX with a copy
of the Dec. 27 letter the senator sent to the ex-president urging
a pardon for Downe.

"Ed made a mistake a number of years ago, for which he has
accepted full responsibility," Dodd wrote. "He pled guilty and
was sentenced to 300 hours of community service. Over the years,
Ed has expressed to me, his family and friends his deep remorse
for his actions."

Downe, 71, who started out as a reporter, was a director at Bear
Stearns and Kidde Inc. when he was indicted. He also paid an $11
million fine to the SEC to avoid jail.

"Ed Downe is a good person, who is truly sorry for the hurt he
caused others, not to mention himself," Dodd wrote.

Some of his former friends who were innocently caught up in the
mess, such as Revlon founder Martin Revson and financier Steven
Greenberg, weren't quite as forgiving.

Charlotte isn't the only one who wonders why Downe even wanted a
pardon. "Everyone had forgotten about it," she told a friend.
"Now it stirs it up in everyone's mind."

Money talks

IF anyone launches an investigation into how billionaire tax
cheat Marc Rich got himself a presidential pardon, maybe they
should also look into how the fugitive, who fled to Switzerland
in 1983, was able to sneak in and out of the U.S. 10 years later.
Rich's ex-wife, Denise - who has lived lavishly on Fifth Avenue
while Rich was on the lam - has told people that Rich was able to
visit his daughter Gabrielle in 1996 as she lay dying of leukemia
in a California hospital. "I heard it from her own lips," said
our source. The pertinent question is: Did President Clinton
arrange for Rich to make the visit without fear of arrest?


CHELSEA: connected

WITH dad unemployed - and her taxpayer-provided cell phone
relinquished? - Chelsea Clinton had to get her own phone
yesterday. A blue van pulled up to the ATT Wireless store on
West 47th Street at lunch time, and Chelsea emerged in a black
overcoat with two Secret Service agents. Chelsea bought a gray
Nokia 8260 and signed up for the plan that gives her 900 minutes
a month for $99. The politely charming young lady - who is said
to look even better in person than in photos - paid with a credit

snip balance

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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[CTRL] [More re: Falun Gong] NYP: China has a red and blue map problem too.

2001-01-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

China has a "red and blue map" problem too.

In late afternoon, as a middle-aged man in a worn padded jacket
tried to unfurled a small yellow banner, only to be escorted away
by police officers, an onlooker said, "Another one from the

5 Protesters Set Fire to Themselves In Beijing

Elisabeth Rosenthal
New York Times Service
Wednesday, January 24, 2001

Falun Gong Member Dies in Immolations In Tiananmen Square

BEIJING Five members of the Falun Gong spiritual organization
doused themselves with gasoline and set themselves on fire
Tuesday afternoon in the middle of Tiananmen Square, a dramatic
act of protest on the eve of China's most joyous holiday, the
Spring Festival, or Chinese New Year.

One woman died and the four other people were severely burned "in
two suicidal blazes," according to a report by Xinhua, the
official press agency.

The self-immolation and very public suicide is the most dramatic
act so far in the escalating 18-month war of wills between the
Chinese government and members of Falun Gong, which the
government has labeled an "evil cult" and outlawed in July 1999.

While small acts of defiance by individual Falun Gong members
have become a daily occurrence in the square over the past year,
they have been mostly silent affairs that passed in the blink of
an eye as police officers snatched banners and hustled protesters
into vans.

Such protests pale in comparison to the chilling scene Tuesday,
in which witnesses described Falun Gong members staggering across
the vast expanse of the square, arms raised in the organization's
meditative pose and flames streaming from their bodies.

Police officers rushed to douse the flames and erected a shield
to keep onlookers from seeing the injured and dead protesters,
according to a CNN television crew that witnessed the event and
was detained. One man was seen being carried to a police van with
serious burns on his face.

Such scenes are certainly anathema to the Chinese leadership,
which is going all out to win the 2008 Summer Olympics for
Beijing, over the objections of human rights organizations;
Tiananmen Square, the political epicenter of Beijing, is expected
to be the setting for beach volleyball.

Falun Gong spokesmen in New York and Hong Kong immediately
distanced the organization from the self-immolation, expressing
skepticism and disbelief that the dead and injured were Falun
Gong adherents.

"In Chapter 7, the first sentence says it is forbidden to take a
life - that includes to take your own," said Gail Rachlin, a New
York-based spokeswoman for the organization, referring to the
writing of the organization's founder, Li Hongzhi. "So when the
Chinese government talks about all these people committing
suicide, it's not true. It's totally against what we believe."

The Chinese government had clearly been bracing itself for the
potential of intensified protests by Falun Gong, both during the
Chinese New Year celebration this week and again when the Olympic
Selection Committee visits Beijing at the end of February.

They had hoped to head off spectacles like those that took place
in the holiday period last year, when small organizations of
Falun Gong members were constantly popping up in Tiananmen
Square, unfurling small banners or adopting meditation poses.
Most protesters were poor middle-aged people from the

Hundreds, at least, were arrested during that period. And a
number were pushed and kicked as they were herded into police
vans, sometimes with foreign television cameras rolling. Some
were sent to labor camps, but most were sent back to their
provinces for "education," the policy at that early stage of the
government's battle with the organization.

Since then both sides have become more intransigent.

On Jan. 1, Mr. Li sent out a message on the organization's Web
site suggesting that the organization's cardinal principle of
"forbearance" might not be appropriate in all situations. And
protest activity has become increasingly defiant in the last few
months as members have started covertly pasting up the
organization's leaflets in subway stations and slipping them
under apartment doors.

Since late 2000, the numbers of protesters arrested in Tiananmen
Square have been rising, often dozens a day, and the government
has become increasingly frustrated with an organization that will
not give up. In addition, some protesters are arriving in Beijing
without identification papers and have refused to tell the police
where they are from, making their ready disposal a vexing

This month, a high-level circular instructed the leaders of
government work units that they would be held personally
responsible for employees who protested in Tiananmen. Since the
organization was banned in 1999, hundreds of thousands of
followers have been detained by police, at least briefly.
Thousands are in labor camps, according to human rights
organizations, which have confirmed that about 100 have died in

[CTRL] Fwd: Power and Profit

2001-01-26 Thread Kris Millegan

 Already setting the stage for the "recession," aka Great Depression, so
sagely "predicted" by Republican President George W. Bush.


 by Phillip Matier  Andrew Ross
 San Francisco Chronicle, 17 January 2001

 One powerful name to keep an eye on during this energy
crisis is Kenneth Lay, chairman and CEO of Texas-based Enron
Corp., and a close buddy and contributor to President-elect
George W. Bush.
 Enron has been one of the prime movers behind California's
energy deregulation and continues to be a significant player in
the state as an energy marketer.
 And Lay was on hand last week when Gov. Gray Davis met with
government regulators and energy providers to try to work out a
solution to the state's energy crisis. Billions of dollars are at
stake -- and consumers could end up holding the bag.
 All this comes amid speculation that Lay will serve as the
new president's key adviser on energy policy -- even being
described as a "shadow" energy secretary. In fact, Lay had been
widely mentioned as the possible energy chief until Bush's recent
nomination of Spencer Abraham.
 "The governor knows (Lay) has Bush's ear, and we know where
he's coming from," says Davis' press secretary, Steve Maviglio.
 "He's the head of a billion-dollar corporation that's owed a
significant amount of money (from the utilities) -- it's no
secret," Maviglio said.
 And how about Lay's long political and financial ties to
 For starters, Enron -- which posted revenues of more than
$40 billion in 1999 -- was the single largest contributor to
Bush's presidential campaign, giving no less than $555,000,
according to published reports.
 Lay even sent top executives a memo on his personal
stationery asking them to contribute $1,000 each to the Bush
campaign, says the New York Times.
 And according to the Washington-based Center for Responsive
Politics, Lay -- along with Enron President Jeffrey Skilling --
each contributed $100,000 to Bush's forthcoming inaugural.
 But the Lay-Bush connections run deeper than money.
 Lay hired two of Bush's father's Cabinet members and family
confidants -- James Baker and Robert Mosbacher -- after they left
 And just last April, Lay played host to George W. and his
dad at the Houston Astros' first home game at the team's new
stadium . . . Enron Field.
 Three weeks later, according to Tongue Magazine, Lay joined
George W. in Washington for a Republican fund-raiser that brought
in a staggering $21.3 million, easily the biggest one-night haul
for any political party in history.
 What's more, the magazine reports, the Bush campaign
borrowed Enron's corporate jets eight times last year to fly
aides around the country, although the cost of the trips was
later reimbursed as required by law.
 And what did Enron get out of the deal?
 Well, Lay has repeatedly asserted in interviews that there
is no quid pro quo in his relationship with Bush.
 "Ken Lay and Enron have consistently stood for open access
to energy ... markets," company spokesman Mark Palmer told us
yesterday. "What that means is for the marketplace to determine
how a scarce resource is allocated."
 So it was no surprise when Lay showed up for last week's
energy negotiations, first in Washington and then later in Los
Angeles, to push the energy marketers' case.
 "He's a skilled negotiator," said one source who followed
the debate. "He argued for the state to swallow the bitter pill
and pony up."
 How much money are we talking about?
 "Let's just say," says the source, "a calculator doesn't
have that many zeros."

 STATE OF SHOCK: Last week, Davis was working on his State of
the State address -- this week he's got his lawyers working on a
possible state of emergency.
 "It could range anywhere from an emergency appropriation to
buy power to moving to use eminent domain to take over power
plants," said spokesman Maviglio.
 And that's why lawyers over at the attorney general's office
have been going over contingency plans.
 It all comes down to this question: At what point is the
"public health and safety" at risk?
 "Clearly," Maviglio said, "blackouts would set those wheels
in motion."


 On Enron (above), that particular corporation has almost a monopoly not
on oil (Bush's OTHER friends have that) but on natural gas, which just
"coincidentally" fuels most of the plants that provide "wholesale"
electricity -- which in turn is sold at a profit --since deregulation of the
industry was approved (by a Republican governor), around a FIVE HUNDRED
PERCENT profit-- to California's electrical "retailers," big
multi-billion-dollar utilities like Pacific Gas  Electric -- which in turn
provides the general public with that electricity --at the very highest rate,
despite daily and seasonal fluctuations in what 

[CTRL] Fwd: The Power Conspiracy

2001-01-26 Thread Kris Millegan

  San Francisco Chronicle, Sunday January 21, 1999

 by Christian Bethelsen and Scott Winokur

 (Jan 14)  State regulators are investigating whether power
companies are engaged in a little-known, profit-making scheme to
sell off the natural gas supplies needed to operate their plants
-- and thus artificially worsening electricity shortages, the
Chronicle has learned.
 In recent weeks, state energy and utility company officials
have become suspicious that generators are shutting down power
plants statewide so that they can privately sell the high-value
natural gas that runs most of them.
 In doing so, sources said, the power companies end up
profiting on both sides of the equation: They get top prices for
their natural gas, and the resulting electricity shortage brings
a lucrative run-up in power prices.
 Such a scenario would go far toward explaining current
shortages and skyrocketing prices at a time of year when demand
normally is low.

 by Christian Bethelsen

 (Jan 15)  PGE Corp. has quietly won approval from federal
regulators to restructure itself in a way that shields the parent
company's profits, and shareholders, from the mounting debts of
the utility it owns.
 The move appears to allow Pacific Gas and Electric Co.'s
parent to record substantial profits while maintaining that its
subsidiary, which supplies power to 4.5 million customers, is
teetering on the edge of bankruptcy and trying to force rate-
payers to pick up the tab.
 The corporate restructuring, apprtoved by the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission, came as a surprise to consumer advocates
and state leaders dealing with the energy crisis -- including
Gov. Gray Davis.
 A spokesman for the governor said Davis was "disappointed
that FERC acted in the middle of the night without notice to all
 PGE spokesman Greg Pruett said the intent of the plan was
merely to allow another unit of the corporate parent, National
Energy Group, to receive its own credit rating that would be
weighed independently of the troubled utility.

 New York Times

 Growth slowed in Silicon Valley's job masrket last year,
even as housing shortages and transportation bottlenecks became
worse for the region that is often held out as the world's model
for economic development.
 At the same time, the gap widened between the region's
richest and poorest households, according to an annual economic
and environmental report released by Joint Venture Silicon Valley
Network, a nonprofit regional planning group.
 Silicon Valley --Santa Clara County and the adjacent parts
of Santa Cruz, San Mateo and Alameda counties-- added 39,000 jobs
last year, the report said, raising the region's workforce to
1.35 million.
 But the estimated growth rate of 3 percent was a full
percentage point below the 3.8 percent increase in 1999 and 3.9
percent in 1998.

 by Katherine Seligman

 (Jan 17)  The energy crisis is serious, but most
Californians see it as a plot by power companies seeking to jack
up utility bills, according to a poll by the Field Institute.
The poll found that Californians are growing more dubious about
the roots of the so-called crisis.  More than half of those
surveyed, 57 percent, said the shortage amounts to an attempt to
raise rates, rather than an emergency born purely from a lack of
generating sources or from increased demand.

 by Caroilyn Lockhead

 (Jan 18)  President-elect Bush bluntly rejected the
electricity price caps desperately sought by Gov. Gray Davis,
calling them "a short-term delay of a needed solution."
 Bush, in his first direct comments on California's rolling
blackouts, blamed the problem on California's "flawed"
deregulation legislation, which he said the state has to fix.
 "I have read where some propose price controls," Bush said.
"I'm against price controls."

 by David Larzarus and Lynda Gledhill

 While Pacific Gas and Electric Co. inched toward bankruptcy,
the state Legislature was poised to adopt an emergency plan to
bail out the utility with taxpayer money.
 Lawmakers stopped far short of handing over the blank check
that Gov. Gray Davis wanted, but the governor promised to sign
whatever rescue measure legislators approved.
 Meanwhile, 675,000 Northern Californians lost power for the
second time in as many days when regulators launched another
round of rolling blackouts to ease pressure on the state's
beleaguered electricity grid.

[CTRL] Fwd: SL Scandal Then, Utilities Bailout Now

2001-01-26 Thread Kris Millegan

 The network news is finally starting to shine the spotlight brightly on
Bush buddy and energy deregulation mastermind Ken Lay of Enron, publicly
pointing out that last year --just a few months before the so-called "energy
crisis"-- HIS multi-billion-dollar corporation (which sells the natural gas
that mostly fuels electrical power plants) reported a 500% profit -- which is
no longer that unusual, thanks to "deregulation."

Calif. Pols Avoiding 'Bailout' Term

.c The Associated Press

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) - No one trying to solve California's power crisis
wants to utter the b-word to describe the multibillion-dollar plan that would
keep the lights on while rescuing the state's two largest utilities.

``It's not a bailout,'' Gov. Gray Davis hastened to say after the proposal
emerged this week.

Assembly Speaker Robert Hertzberg said: ``It's not just a quick fix, a
Band-Aid. It's not a gift.''

Though the plan and its costs are still evolving, consumer advocates and
economists aren't so shy about calling it a bailout. They say utility
customers will bear the cost through rate hikes that will be in effect for a

``The utilities get bailed out and the consumers pay and pay,'' said Jamie
Briesemeister, senior policy analyst with Consumers Union. ``If this proposal
gets enacted, deregulation will go down as the biggest consumer rip-off in
California history.''

Whatever the terminology, the relief plan being forged for Southern
California Edison and Pacific Gas  Electric - who say that together they are
more than $12 billion in debt - would rank among the nation's biggest.

The deal would be dwarfed by the federal bailout of the savings and loan
industry, where cost estimates soared as high as $481 billion. But it would
be much bigger than the 1995 bailout of Orange County, which rolled up $819
million in debts, and the 1979 Chrysler bailout, even when inflation is
factored in.

Congress authorized $1.5 billion for the moribund automaker while it
reorganized under Lee Iaccoca. Chrysler used only $1.2 billion of the money.

California has been under a Stage 3 alert for nearly two weeks, meaning power
reserves are practically exhausted. Thousands of homes and businesses have
been hit by rolling blackouts in a crisis blamed in part on California's
deregulation of its electric industry.

Under the deregulation law, the utilities had to sell off their power plants
and buy electricity on the open market. But the two biggest utilities have
been sliding toward ruin because wholesale prices are soaring and the
companies are not allowed to pass the full cost on to their customers.

``The ratepayers' anger is understandable because that's the entity to which
they pay their bills,'' said Catherine Wolfram, a University of California
energy economist. ``But the utilities faced real regulatory hurdles. And the
power generators have been making out like bandits.''

Because the two utilities' credit is practically worthless, the state is
spending at least $400 million to buy power on their behalf on the expensive
spot market. At the same times, state officials are negotiating long-term
power contracts with suppliers of up to 10 years.

California lawmakers are also trying to put together a rescue plan under
which the state would issue bonds to cover SoCal Edison and PGE's debts.
Millions of the utilities' customers would pay back the bonds over several
years through an extension of recently approved rate increases. The exact
amount of the deal is uncertain.

As part of the deal, the state would get long-term options that would let it
buy utility stock at a low price. If stock prices rise, the state could sell
the stock and use any profits to pay off the bonds.

Investment analysts offered cautious praise for the rescue plan, which stops
far short of another option that has been on the table: a huge state takeover
of utilities' hydroelectric plants and other facilities.

``Bailout implies incompetence on the part of companies who don't deserve
help,'' said Susan Abbott, managing director of the public utilities group at
Moody's Investor Service. But ``the way the market was structured didn't
allow the companies to protect themselves from the volatility of electricity
pricing. We believe this is a step in the right direction, although a lot
more has to be done.''

Others weren't so generous.

``Any of these proposals has an element of bailout,'' said Richard Gilbert,
another economist at the University of California at Berkeley. ``They are
subsidizing companies that are running at a deficit.''

Gilbert said any state-sponsored solution needs to raise electricity rates to
a level that encourages conservation and allows utilities to buy power at
new, higher rates. Otherwise, ``they are trying to solve the problem by going
around it,'' he said.