[CTRL] Mind Control Murder ?-- Maryland

2001-01-28 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-


Schizophrenic Baby Killer Goes on the Lam
Police Fear Maryland Man is Dangerous
Oct. 11, 1999

By Pete Brush

SILVER SPRING, Md. (APBnews.com) -- Police are searching for a
schizophrenic cocaine addict who got arrested for drunken driving and
went on the lam from a low-security psychiatric home where he was sent
for smothering his son in 1993, authorities said.

Michael A. Lazas is still on the loose more than a week after being
charged with DWI and failing to return to the Parkwood House in Silver
Spring -- an affluent suburb of Washington -- where he was assigned to
live after being released from a state mental hospital in 1998.

A nationwide manhunt is under way to find the 32-year-old, who police
say should be considered dangerous.

Said Voices Told Him To Kill :

Lazas, who was found guilty but not criminally responsible for
smothering his 23-month-old son in 1993 -- and of a 1991 stabbing in a
park in Olney, another town in Montgomery County -- is considered
unstable. He told the court in 1993 that he heard voices telling him to
kill his crying son.

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2001-01-28 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

by Jim Redden, author, SNITCH CULTURE

Activists are alarmed by a recent federal court ruling which eases
restrictions against political surveillance by law enforcement agencies.

The ruling was issued on January 11, 2001 by the 7th Circuit Court of
Appeals. It relaxed restrictions intended to prevent the Chicago Police
Department from spying on law-abiding political dissidents. The
restrictions were included in a 1981 consent decree stemming from a 1974
lawsuit by the Alliance to End Repression. The suit charged that the FBIs
Chicago office and the Chicago police routinely violated First Amendment
rights when investigating dissidents. The suit particularly targeted the
police department Intelligence Division, dubbed the 'Red Squad' because of
its infiltration on communist, socialist and other left-wing organizations.

In its ruling, the court said todays political climate is so different
from the 1960s and 1970s that the rules need to be changed.

"The era in which the Red Squad flourished is history, along with the Red
Squad itself," the court said. "The instabilities of that era have largely
disappeared. Fear of communist subversion, so strong a motivator of
constitutional infringement in those days, has disappeared.

"Today, the concern, prudent and not paranoid, is with ideologically
motivated terrorism," the ruling continued. "The city does not want to
resurrect the Red Squad. It wants to be able to keep tabs on incipient
terrorist groups. And if the ... investigation cannot begin until the group
is well on its way toward the commission of terrorist acts, the
investigation may come too late to prevent the acts or identify the

Douglas Lee, a lawyer and legal correspondent for the First Amendment
Center, says the ruling is based on faulty reasoning.

"From a First Amendment perspective, no distinction exists between
'communist subversion' and 'ideologically motivated terrorism'," Lee wrote
in the January 1, 2001 edition of The Freedom Forum Online. "As long as
First Amendment conduct does not directly incite imminent illegal action,
it is protected, whether it advocates communism or some other
anti-democratic message. Conduct falling outside the freedoms of speech and
assembly never has been protected by the First Amendment and was not
protected by the decree. The effect of modifying the decree, therefore, can
only be to permit investigation of pure First Amendment conduct."

Lee is correct. And because the ruling came from a federal court, it
potentially applies to all police intelligence divisions. So political
activists across the country have a right to be concerned.

But the truth is, federal, state and local law enforcement agencies never
stopped spying on law-abiding political dissidents. That why the Washington
DC police department is able to boast that it successfully infiltrated the
protesters who demonstrated against the inauguration of George W. Bush on
January 20.

Confused? You should be. The corporate press has long pushed the myth that
political spying in this country was substantially curtailed in the wake of
the Watergate Scandal. Many aging liberals have embraced this myth as proof
that they helped drive Richard Nixon out of office.

Reality is a little different, as I documented in my recently-released
STATE (Feral House, 2000).

Heres what happened.

Despite all the press coverage it received, Watergate was not the biggest
political scandal of the early 1970s. A U.S. Senate subcommittee chaired by
Frank Church discovered far more serious examples of illegal government
surveillance than the botched break-in at the Democratic National Committee
headquarters and subsequent cover-up. Formally called the Select Committee
to Study Government Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activity, the
committee documented such infamous surveillance operations as the FBIs
Counter Intelligence Programs (COINTELPRO), the CIAs Operation Chaos, and
the NSAs Watch List.

The corporate media was so busy patting itself on the back over Nixons
resignation that it hardly covered the Church Committees final report,
which was released in April 1976. But the revelations were so shocking that
the Department of Justice adopted new guidelines aimed at curtailing
political surveillance. State legislatures and city councils passed similar
restrictions, usually under threat of lawsuits by the ACLU.

But these victories were short-lived. For starters, the DOJ guidelines only
applied to the FBI. They did not cover such federal law enforcement
agencies as the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, which is part of
the Treasury Department.

And federal, state and local law enforcement agencies quickly found ways
around the restrictions. Among other things, they established
information-sharing relationships with private organizations which spied on
political dissidents. The best example is 

Re: [CTRL] George Bush's vandalism of the White House computers

2001-01-28 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-


Date: Thu, 24 Jun 93 03:37:40 -0400
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED](Jack McNeeley)
Subject: File 6--Virus Hits White House

((MODERATORS' NOTE: The following was excerpted from a longer
article from The Washington Post)).

 The following article moved on the Washington Post news wire
March 13.  I confess that I expected some other CuD reader to go to
the trouble of passing the thing along, with enough comment and
criticism to pass muster with the fair-use copyright gods, so I
neglected to toss the thing your way.

 Since no one else has done so, and since the on-line shriek
community has inexplicably let George Bush's vandalism of the White
House computers pass virtually unnoticed, I must submit the following
for your perusal.  Readers who want the complete article will have to
visit their local (paper) library, armed with a dime to plug into the
photocopying machine, so that the Post's copyright may be properly
violated.  Those of you with a social conscience will send some spare
change to Katy Graham to buy a legal copy of the newspaper.

11th-Hour Covenant: Lost Memory Computers to Gain for Bush
By George Lardner Jr.
(c) 1993, The Washington Post

 WASHINGTON -- When President Clinton's top aides moved
 into the White House in January, many of them had trouble
 getting their computers to work.

 That's because during the night of Jan. 19 and into the
 next morning -- President Bush's last hours in office --
 officials wiped out the computerized memory of the White House

 The hurried operation was made possible only by an
 agreement signed close to midnight by the archivist of the
 United States, Don W.  Wilson. The ensuing controversy has
 added to allegations that the archives, beset for years by
 political pressures and slim resources, is prone to
 mismanagement and ineptitude in its mission of preserving for
 the public the nation's documentary history.

 It also has raised strong doubts about the efficacy of a
 15-year-old law that says a former president's records belong
 to the people.

 Just what information was purged remains unknown, but it
 probably ranged from reports on the situation in
 Bosnia-Herzegovina to details about Bush's Iran-Contra pardons
 to evidence concerning the pre-election search of Clinton's
 passport files. In the warrens of the secretive National
 Security Council, only a month's worth of foreign cable
 traffic was retained to help enlighten the incoming

[At this point we must pause for fair-use commentary:  It's
obvious from merely the first five paragraphs of this article that a
crime of historic proportions has been committed.  If some
cyber-rambling teenager had wiped the hard disks of the White House
computers, you can bet that legions of doomed SS agents would spare no
expense to run the scoundrel to ground.  The article continues:]

 Bush and his lawyers had wanted to leave no trace of the
 electronic files, arguing they were part of an internal
 communications system, not a records system. But court orders
 issued a few days earlier required that the information be
 preserved if removed from the White House.

 So backup tapes were made of the data on mainframe
 computers and carted off to the National Archives by a special
 task force.  Hard disk drives were plucked out of personal
 computers and loosely stacked into boxes for the trip. Despite
 such measures, there are indications some material may have
 been lost.

 [Indications?  Tell me more, tell me more!  As in "General
Failure Reading Drive C: (A)bort (R)etry (I)gnore"?  Oh, I get it:
Somebody must have accidentally entered "wipefile *.*".
 [The article continues:]

 The transfer had been authorized by Wilson, who at 11:30
 p.m. on Jan. 19 put his signature on what would prove to be a
 highly controversial "memorandum of agreement.' It gave Bush
 "exclusive legal control' over the computerized records of his
 presidency as well as "all derivative information.'

 Critics have denounced Wilson's agreement with Bush as a
 clear violation of a post-Watergate law that made presidential
 records public property. And they fear that the authority
 granted Bush is far broader than officials so far have

 For their part, archives officials say they did the best
 they could under difficult circumstances and contend they
 deserve some credit for getting physical custody of the
 electronic material.  Chided days later about the broad scope
 of the agreement in a meeting with outside historians, Wilson
 protested that they just did not appreciate "the political
 environment in which I was 

[CTRL] Mind Control Murder ?-- Minnesota

2001-01-28 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-



Ramsey County Blatz, C.J.

Larry Dewayne Davis, Appellant,

vs. State of Minnesota, Respondent.

Filed: June 10, 1999
Office of Appellate Courts


The evidence presented at trial was sufficient to support appellant's
conviction of attempted first-degree murder. Further, the evidence was
sufficient to support the trial court's determination that appellant
knew the nature of his acts and that they were wrong so that appellant
was not relieved of criminal liability by his mental illness.


Heard, considered, and decided by the court en banc.


BLATZ, Chief Justice.

Appellant Larry Dewayne Davis was found guilty of first-degree and
second-degree murder, and attempted first-degree and second-degree
murder. Although appellant pled not guilty by reason of insanity, the
trial court rejected his insanity defense. Appellant was sentenced to
life imprisonment for first-degree murder and to a consecutive 180-month
term for attempted first-degree murder. On appeal, he argues that the
evidence was insufficient to support his conviction for attempted
first-degree murder, and that the trial court erred in rejecting his
insanity defense. We affirm.

At about 10:45 p.m. on Saturday, May 24, 1997, appellant broke a window
and entered the duplex apartment Joanne Kinne and Dolores Fensky shared
at 729 Edmund in St. Paul. Kinne was showering in the bathroom next to
the kitchen. Brian and Theresa Allen, who lived in the upstairs
apartment, heard the sound of breaking glass coming from the front of
the duplex. After looking outside and seeing nothing unusual, Theresa
telephoned Fenske. Fenske also noticed nothing unusual. Theresa called
the police while Fenske, based on Theresa's phone call, warned Kinne to
get out of the shower and dress.

Kinne got out of the shower and went to the bathroom door. She saw
appellant standing behind Fenske near the kitchen sink. As Kinne reached
behind the bathroom door to get her robe, appellant grabbed Fenske and
wrapped a telephone cord around her. Fenske protested the appellant's
actions, and Kinne shouted, “[w]hat do you want? Leave us alone.”
Appellant remained silent.

Fenske then fell or was pushed to the floor, blocking the bathroom
doorway and Kinne's exit. Appellant grabbed a knife from the dish
drainer in the sink and began stabbing Fenske in the head. He said
nothing and stared directly at Kinne. When the blade of the knife broke
off in Fenske's neck, appellant reached back into the dish drainer,
grabbed another knife, and continued stabbing Fenske. Kinne lunged at
appellant to stop him from stabbing Fenske. Appellant made an overhand
stabbing motion toward Kinne before realizing that the second knife
blade had also broken off. He fumbled in the dish drainer apparently
looking for a third knife, but none were left.

Upstairs, Theresa Allen heard Kinne yelling, “[l]eave us alone. What do
you want? Just leave us alone.” Theresa rushed down the apartment's back
steps and toward Kinne's apartment while Brian called 911. As Kinne
heard Theresa coming down the back steps, appellant jumped up and ran
toward the living room. Kinne ran to her apartment's back door. Before
Theresa reached Kinne's apartment, a hysterical Kinne flew out of her
apartment. They went upstairs, and Brian relayed the information to 911.

Officer David Titus arrived at 10:55 p.m. and noticed a broken window.
Inside the apartment, the officer found Fenske on the kitchen floor but
did not find appellant. A canine unit was called to the scene. Although
the dog picked up a scent at the rear of the duplex, the dog lost the
scent a block from the crime scene.

Approximately ten minutes later, police responded to a call reporting a
suspicious person in an alley three blocks from the crime scene. Ian
Hedberg was visiting friends in the area, and he reported to police that
he saw a man standing at the end of an alley and looking around as if he
wanted to hide while police sirens wailed nearby. Police could not
locate the unidentified man reported by Hedberg.

At 12:10 a.m., Officer Catherine Pavlak saw a man walking about seven
blocks from the crime scene. After reviewing the description of the
stabbing suspect, Pavlak stopped appellant. Appellant told Pavlak that
he was coming from his girlfriend's house and going to White Castle.
Pavlak continued talking to appellant until Officers Thomas Arnold and
Patrick Scott arrived. Upon arriving, both officers noticed dirt, sand,
and leaves on appellant's arms and clothes, and blood on appellant's
jeans. DNA testing later showed that samples of the blood matched
Fenske's blood. Appellant initially was compliant as Pavlak guided him
to the squad car, but he tried to grab Arnold's gun when Scott tried to
handcuff him. A struggle ensued, with appellant trying to grab the
officers' guns. After 

Re: [CTRL] UFO Shuts Down Russian Airport

2001-01-28 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

UFO Shuts Down Russian Airport


MOSCOW, Jan 27, 2001 -- (Agence France Presse) An airport in southern Siberia
was shut down for an hour and a half on Friday when an unidentified flying
object (UFO) was detected hovering above its runway, the Interfax news agency

The crew of an Il-76 cargo aircraft refused to take off, claiming they saw a
luminescent object hovering above the runway of the Siberia's Barnaul
airport, local aviation company director Ivan Komarov was quoted as saying.

The crew of another cargo plane, refusing to use the runway for the same
reason, landed their jet at another airport, Komarov said.

The UFO took off and vanished from the airport 90 minutes later, according to
the report. ((c) 2001 Agence France Presse)

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Re: [CTRL] Disclaimers and Men who think they have a right to hurt Women

2001-01-28 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

 -Caveat Lector-

 From: "Amelia" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   I am not saying this is true or not true. Just
   The Real Story of Rosa Parks
  I have been out most of this week so today is the first
  chance I have had to go over this situation with the alleged
  failure to use a disclaimer.  The above was at the beginning
  of the post by Kindred Spirit in addition to the "FYI" in
  the subject matter.  I believe this was far more than
  adequate as a disclaimer.

 The hell it is.  Stating that one doesn't know whether the contents of
 one's post is true or not does NOT say anything about if one ENDORSES
 the contents of the post.  One can post something that one doesn't
 know is true or not -- or perhaps even knows is a lie -- and still
 endorse the opinions expressed in the post.

Who the hell cares?


The underlying principle behind today's government is guys with guns.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Ex-First Lady Hillary Keeps No-Eye-Contact Rule

2001-01-28 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-

Perhaps she doesn't want her reptoid eyes setting people on fire?

On Wed, 24 Jan 2001 11:07:34 -0500 Kelly [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
-Caveat Lector-

This sounds exactly like a story I read years ago about Diana Ross of
the Supremes.


kl wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-



 Monday, Jan. 22, 2001 12:18 p.m. EST

 Ex-First Lady Hillary Keeps No-Eye-Contact Rule

 She may no longer be first lady. But even as a senator, Hillary
 Clinton is apparently determined to keep her royal distance from us

 A leading conservative columnist has now corroborated earlier
 reports of Mrs. Clinton's reluctance to make eye contact with her
 associates - and reveals that the behavior is ongoing. In October
 NewsMax.com cited a report from WABC Talk Radio's Steve
 Malzberg, who said a friend at another New York radio station
 claimed that when Hillary dropped by for an interview, strict orders
 were issued.

 "No one is to make eye contact with the first lady," the source said
 station employees were told.

 In his book "Unlimited Access," former White House FBI agent
 Gary Aldrich reported that a similar edict had been issued to White
 House staff.

 When one admiring aide who didn't get the word rushed up to meet
 her Hillaryness, he was immediately rebuffed with an ice-cold stare
 that let him know he was way out of line.

 A friend, says Aldrich, explained the new rule to the crestfallen

 "When 'Queen Hillary' walks down the hall, you're not supposed to
 look at her. You're actually supposed to go into an office if there is
 one nearby. She doesn't want staff 'seeing' her."

 Now, renowned conservative columnist Robert Novak reports that
 Queen Hillary's Senate colleagues are getting the same treatment.
 "At the first session of the Senate Environment and Public Works
 Committee attended by Sen. Hillary Clinton, a senior Republican
 senator Wednesday tested the report that it is impossible to make
 eye contact with her."

 "He said the report turned out to be true," Novak wrote in his
 Sunday column.

 The real argument against aristocracy is that it
 always means the rule of the ignorant. For the most
 dangerous of all forms of ignorance is ignorance of
 work. - G. K. Chesterton, NY Sun 11-3-18

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[CTRL] Mandela rejects claim of MI6 link - smh.com.au - World

2001-01-28 Thread Dale Stonehouse

 Mandela rejects claim of MI6 link - smh.com.au - World.url


 Mandela rejects claim of MI6 link - smh.com.au - World.url

[CTRL] Fw: Madalyn Murray O'Hair remains found?

2001-01-28 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

 JANUARY 27, 23:25 EST

 Bones Found During FBI O'Hair Probe

 Associated Press Writer

 CAMP WOOD, Texas (AP) - Federal agents unearthed human bones Saturday
 during a search of the ranch where missing atheist leader Madalyn
 Murray O'Hair and her family are believed to have been buried more
 than five years ago, the FBI said.

 Full story:

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Re: [CTRL] George Bush's vandalism of the White House computers

2001-01-28 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

  WASHINGTON -- When President Clinton's top aides moved
  into the White House in January, many of them had trouble
  getting their computers to work.

  That's because during the night of Jan. 19 and into the
  next morning -- President Bush's last hours in office --
  officials wiped out the computerized memory of the White House

That was reprehensible, too.  It doesn't excuse the Clinton/Gore administration for 
doing the same, and worse.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Disclaimers and Men who think they have a right to hurt Women

2001-01-28 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

  The hell it is.  Stating that one doesn't know whether the contents of
  one's post is true or not does NOT say anything about if one ENDORSES
  the contents of the post.  One can post something that one doesn't
  know is true or not -- or perhaps even knows is a lie -- and still
  endorse the opinions expressed in the post.

 Who the hell cares?

'Kindred Spirit' does, because it is he/she who started whining and has continued to 
bitch and moan about it
all week...


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Other uses for the White House was Leahy -- Reply to Nessie

2001-01-28 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

--- Nessie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Personally, I think the White House ought to be used for a homeless

This reminds me of an article I read 10 years ago, about how to, in 30
days, get the government off your back and out of your wallet. The
article is buried in my files, but I will dig it out later in the week
and post it to the list.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-28 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

This is false. Many good quality private Catholic schools charge less
then $3000 per year. Many new start up inner city private schools now
charge less then $2500. Of course most Govt Schools now charge about
$10,000  per year.

Sources, please.

This is basic information available in any public library (or basic Net Search).

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] SPAM-Anyone else getting this?

2001-01-28 Thread Birds

-Caveat Lector-

I am getting tons and tons of messages likes this.  Is anybody else?  This person is 
doing it to a lot of people and all of them are
coming on my e-mail.


From: Thomas  Marlene Coates [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Casselman, Dale [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 26, 2001 9:39 PM
Subject: Re: very important petition

"Casselman, Dale" wrote:

 Yes, let's vote for Gore and the Psychiatric Drugging of our children.  Just
 ask the Gores what they want.
 Mr. Kelty.  Is this what you want or are you in it for the killing of

 Dale Casselman

 -Original Message-
 From: nirsingh khlasa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, January 26, 2001 2:31 PM
 Cc: "recipient.list.not.shown"; @amgen.com
 Subject: Fwd: very important petition

 From: "sam Kelty" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: very important petition
 Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 17:05:36 -0500
 Dear Friends,
 This is a petition.
 Please take a minute to read this and join the millions of Democrats in
 supporting Al Gore for President in the Year 2004.  Rumor has it that he is

 thinking of not running again.  The situation is that we NEED him to run
 Do you know what Bush did the first day he was in office?  He spent the
 entire day banning abortion!  If this is the way he is going to act on his
 first day on the job, imagine what FOUR YEARS of this could do to our
 county, better yet, imagine EIGHT YEARS of this.  Tell me my friends, have
 we gone back to the middle ages, to where evil crawls the earth and
 innocent woman are being burnt for witch craft?  Of course that sounds a
 little extreme, but where is our freedom going? Who is going to look out
 for the lower class?  Who is going to clean up the environment? And who is
 going to take care of our youth?
 This past election has been one of the biggest SCAMS in United States
 History.  There is not much we can do about that right now, unless we start

 a revolution and run out the royals, like the French did in the 1700s. I
 doubt you are interested in doing that, so let us save our future.  Please
 let Al Gore know that you support him.
 Sign the petition!
 Be a good Democrat!
 When this list reaches 100 names, please send it back to
 your names will be mailed directly to Al Gore, thank you for your support!
 Send this petition to as many democrats as you can, we can make a
 1. Suzy Parker LA, CA
 2. Leah Mayfield  LA, CA
 3. Dan  Smith  LA, Ca
 4. William  Travez  Trenton, NJ
 5. Pat Mc Arthur  Trenton, NJ
 6. Bill Marks Trenton, NJ
 7. May Pines  Morrisville, NJ
 8. Carol Limburg Troy, MI
 9. Ren Martin  Troy, MI
 10 Kimberly Morris Troy, MI
 May God bless this earth with PEACE
 ATTN: if you are the 100th signer, please send this list back to

 Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-28 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

dumber than ever

Says who? By what standards? Cite your sources.

By all State / National / International comparative achievement tests
performed over the past 30 years.

For every kid that leaves Government School to attend private school,
it costs the Government School System that much less.

For every kid that leaves Government School to attend private school,
the public school (s)he left gets that much less money from the

Again you make no sense. For every kid no longer attending Govt School
LESS public money is spent. Obviously if it costs $10,000 taxpayer dollars to
pay for one kid for one year of Govt School...it saves the taxpayers $10,000 if
that kid stops attending Govt School. If the kid costing the public $10,000 per
year to attend Govt School gets a $5000 voucher to attend a private school of
his/her choice - then it saves the taxpayers $5000. (This is simple math - easy
to understand - unless you attended Govt School).

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] SPAM-Anyone else getting this?

2001-01-28 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

Nope, I haven't gotten any of this spam. But I did buy a can of turkey spam


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] SPAM-Anyone else getting this?

2001-01-28 Thread Birds

-Caveat Lector-

Okay Bill, Funny funny.  Anyway, this guy keeps sending everything.  When people tell 
him to stop, it comes again!!!  Too sleepy
this morning to deal with it.  Been up all night.
Just perplexing how they get certain e-mails.  I knew none of those people either.

Have a glorious day :)

Private Mail Welcome

- Original Message -
From: Bill Howard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, January 28, 2001 7:00 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] SPAM-Anyone else getting this?

-Caveat Lector-

Nope, I haven't gotten any of this spam. But I did buy a can of turkey spam


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Mandela rejects claim of MI6 link - smh.com.au - World

2001-01-28 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Dale Stonehouse wrote:

  Mandela rejects claim of MI6 link - smh.com.au - World.url



Mandela rejects claim of MI6 link - smh.com.au - World.urlName: Mandela rejects 
claim of MI6 link - smh.com.au - World.url
  Type: Internet Shortcut 

I believe that Mandella has important ties to the West. He would not
have been allowed to run South Africa if he would not have these ties.
He would have been assassinated a long time ago.

Mandella wiped out the Communist faction of the ANC years ago even though
it was the Commies who were the driving force towards resistance and freedom
for SA's Blacks.

Today, SA is a corporate capitalist state. Uncle Tom Mandella did his job.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-28 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

Taking even more money out of public education is not the answer. Taking
money out of the public education system can only make education more
iniquitous than it already is. This is the apparent, but hidden, agenda
of those who propose to do so. They are conspiring behind our backs to
widen the gap between the rich and the rest of us. The only reason this
conspiracy is not generally considered illegal is because they write the
laws. But that doesn’t mean it’s not a conspiracy.

Guess it depends on how you define "public education."
If you define it as continuing the taxpayer subsidized boondoggle
known as "public schools" - then it would be impossible to make
Govt Schools anymore "iniquitous" then the are today.

To claim that a voucher system supports a "class system" defies reality.

Nothing is more "classist" then the present Govt School System. The children
of the Elite attend excellent private schools. The children of the middle class
generally attend mediocre Govt Schools that are continually declining in the
quality of the eduation offered - at an increasing higher cost per pupil.

The children of the poor attend atrocious Govt Schools - at increasingly
higher per pupil costs. Many of the poor urban areas (Wash. D.C.) have
the HIGHEST per pupil cost then anywhere else in the country.

If you provide public funds to provide private alternatives to the
failing Govt Schools, (at less cost per pupil then Govt Schools)
you provide an opportunity for the poorest kids to have some
hope of escaping the life time sentence of underachievment.

Why do you suppose that the biggest supporters for vouchers
come from the Inner Cities? Generations of kids from the Inner
Cities have been destroyed by Govt Schools.

   But then again the Govt School System is a creation of the Corporate State.
   The supporters of the Corporate State will fight to the death to preserve it.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] LAT: The Conscience of a Pentecostal

2001-01-28 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Sunday, January 28, 2001


The Conscience of a Pentecostal


CHICAGO--Some defenders of former Missouri Sen. John
Ashcroft, President George W. Bush's nominee to be attorney
general, say he is attacked because he is a person of religious
faith. That is not accurate. Most citizens are religious, and
most public officials profess a faith. What critics have
questioned is whether the specific content of Ashcroft's faith,
and his manner of expressing it, might compli- cate his work as
attorney general.

 During his confirmation hearings, he told the Senate
Judiciary Committee that "as a man of faith, I take my word and
my integrity seriously." That stance, Ashcroft said, means that
he will enforce the laws "as they are written" and not enforce
his "personal preferences." Also, it "means advancing the
national interest, not advocating my personal interest."

 The words "preferences" and "interest" are terribly weak. A
man of faith like Ashcroft is guided by convictions grounded in
profound belief, not preferences. His commitments go far beyond
"personal interest." By choosing softer words, Ashcroft hoped to
make himself more salable to skeptical senators and the American

 But Ashcroft's "preferences" are not what led Bush to
nominate him to be attorney general. The new administration
needed someone unassailably acceptable to the far-right
Republican constituency, notably conservative evangelical
Christians. That constituency does not regard Ashcroft's
positions on abortion, gun possession, homosexuality, and the
size and scope of the federal government as mere preferences.
They represent God's will and way.

 Ashcroft's posture represents an extreme version of a
familiar American dilemma. For example, if, on religious grounds,
he thinks that abortion is murder, can he with integrity enforce
laws that permit such murder?

 Public officials, including Cabinet members, have often
faced such a dilemma. In 1915, Woodrow Wilson's secretary of
state, William Jennings Bryan, then an avowed pacifist, followed
his conscience and resigned when he saw the president drawing the
nation into World War I.

 Resigning is not the only way some officials face issues
where private faith and public duty clash. In 1984, former New
York Gov. Mario Cuomo delivered a classic speech at Notre Dame
that disturbed anti-abortion foes. He drew on a version of
Catholic teaching that made it possible for him to claim that a
Catholic could oppose abortion in private life but be called in
public to support laws that permit it.

 C. Everett Koop, a physician with deep evangelical
convictions, had to remind the Christian right, whenever it
disapproved of his policies and administration, that he was
"called"--good Calvinist language--to be the nation's surgeon
general, not chaplain general.

 Now comes Ashcroft, a firm and proud member of the
Assemblies of God, the largest Pentecostal denomination in the
world. Pentecostals are new to high government posts. According
to historian Edith L. Blumhofer and sociologist Margaret M.
Poloma, Pentecostals tend to be "apolitical." Yet, many have
recently been drawn into politics because of their opposition to

 The American public, according to polls, consistently favor
public servants who have "integrity" and promote morality. They
go on to say that, ordinarily, such morality is grounded in
religion. Ashcroft, in speeches to Christian conservative groups,
has suggested that the grounding must be in religion, an
affirmation appealing to fewer, but still not widely disfavored.

 The public, however, is uneasy when personal faith is too
closely applied to specific legislation and policies. Ashcroft
may ground his views in his reading of the Bible, his grasp of
Pentecostal faith, his loyalty to his Assemblies of God roots.
But the public knows that other people of faith and integrity
have come to opposite views on the basis of the same Bible and
similar religious traditions.

 How will Ashcroft reconcile his conviction that abortion is
"murder" with his duty to enforce laws that permit such "murder"?

 Public officials as "persons of faith" approach such
conflicts in a variety of ways. Ashcroft's religious tradition is
"literalist" about the Bible, ready to refer to "absolutes" and
intent on using biblical teaching to fashion civil law.
Literalists and absolutists--and staunch Assemblies of God
members say they are both--cite biblical passages against
homosexual acts and find passages to support their "abortion is
murder" claim. Senators who pressed Ashcroft on his views did not
learn how, they only learned that he had worked all this out and
that his oath of office would dictate his responses.

 Conscience has come into play in a different way for
Ashcroft the lawmaker. Lawmaking is easier on the conscience: One
fights for what is 

[CTRL] LAT: Why Jackson Won't Quit

2001-01-28 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Sunday, January 28, 2001

Why Jackson Won't Quit


NEWARK, N.J. -- Apparently, he's back.

After revelations that an extra-marital relationship had produced
a child, the Rev. Jesse Jackson acknowledged the affair on Jan.
18 and said he would withdraw temporarily from public life.
Following the inauguration of a conservative president and a
well-attended support rally sponsored by the Rev. Al Sharpton in
a Harlem church last Sunday, Jackson changed his mind.

His quick retraction raises the question: Would civil rights
leadership have suffered a vacuum without Jackson? The question
is loaded, especially for many blacks, but the answer is probably
the same, for different reasons: No, it would not have.

Imagine the reasons on a continuum, beginning with those who
could care less about Jackson. Despite the
leader-of-the-black-masses image projected by the media, there is
considerable antipathy toward Jackson in some quarters, based on
everything from rumors to rhyming to backlash to overexposure.
Both the revelations of his extramarital affair and his sudden
return to public life probably won't endear him any more. Then
there's youth and the psychological distance many of them hold
toward the civil rights era, in general.

But many wouldn't worry because their concept of civil rights is
primarily secular. That Jackson is a Baptist minister is only
remotely relevant to the pursuit of principles such as racial
equality. The clear moral undertones to those principles have,
over time, become manifest in laws whose language eschews moral
rationales. Nor are those laws concerned with the content of
privacy, only its protection. The private morality of their
leading advocates is fairly irrelevant. To make private conduct a
measure of ability is to miss the whole point in the service of

A related reason sounds in the mainly localized, grass-roots
nature of most civil rights work. In the trenches of
employment-discrimination lawsuits, racial-profiling
investigations or access-to-education controversies, leaders are
not national. They need not be male or black, and there is never
just one who can overcome more powerful adversaries.
Organizations committed to civil rights will do their work,
regardless. As a spokesman for larger issues, Jackson helps shape
public consciousness. But he is not "the man," because civil
rights don't rely on one.

On the other hand, the notion of civil rights is viewed by many
through a bifocal Christian lens. It's no coincidence that the
civil rights movement began with ministers such as Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr. and finds continued force in Sharpton. The
relationship between Christian morality and civil rights precepts
is cross-referential and mutually reinforcing. They finish each
other's sentences.

This relationship between Christian morality and civil rights is
more revealing than the customary visits of liberal white
politicians to black churches during political campaigns. It is
an aspirational model of living through articles of faith,
expressed in a fluid language of allegory and surrender, protest
and redemption. African American Christianity can bridge the
theoretical gulf in civil rights doctrine between individual
rights and group identity. Few do it better than Jackson. However
one might condemn Jackson's loss of control and disloyalty to his
wife, he unequivocally owned his transgressions. For those who
agree, the ultimate message-- even for leaders--is pretty clear:
Judge not, lest ye be judged.

So, the question of Jackson's initial withdrawal from leadership
is complicated and loaded. So is his retraction.

Recall that much of Jackson's prominence occurred amid the
policies and court appointments of Presidents Ronald Reagan and
George Bush. Then much changed. Indeed, the whole question of
civil rights leadership changed dramatically during Bill
Clinton's eight years as president. Threats to civil rights gains
did not subside, particularly with regard to affirmative action.
Yet, a legacy of Clinton's presidency is reflected in Jackson's
diminished role.

Our famous dialogue on race relations, the one we were encouraged
to think would widen and deepen in the midst of Clinton's
dedication to core values and his establishment of a traveling
advisory panel, was severely diluted by contradictions at the
political center. "Mend it, don't end it," the Lani Guinier
"dis-appointment," welfare reform and the slavery apology were
all the product of appeasement politics that, whatever their
intentions, addressed civil rights priorities with a confusing
murkiness. Clinton, who could have been the nation's strongest
civil rights leader, backed off. Jackson, a friend and advisor to
the president, lost his edge.

Few others in the top circles of civil rights leadership
commanded the new language well for the rest of us. This may now
change. Not only are civil rights at further 

Re: [CTRL] NM: Top Judiciary Dem Leahy Defends White House Trashing

2001-01-28 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

Personally, I think the White House ought to be used for a homeless
shelter. As long as anybody has to sleep in the street, no politician,
particularly the president, deserves a roof over his head. Neither do

What sophomoric nonsense.

In the '60's "De-Institutionalization" became all the rage among "reformers."
Over the years millions of mentally ill folks were thrown into the streets.
Politicians loved it. State Hospitals for the mentally ill were some of the
most expensive state budget items. "Close 'em down, give 'em pills" became
the catch word of "reformers."

OTOH, when you complain about subsidizing politicians, you make more

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] NYT: Castro: Hopes [Bush] is not as stupid as he seems; Says He'll Keep Eye on Bush

2001-01-28 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


January 27, 2001

Castro Says He'll Keep Eye on Bush

Filed at 9:13 p.m. ET

HAVANA (AP) -- Fidel Castro said Saturday that his government
will keep a close eye on the new Bush administration, insisting
that he will not judge it beforehand but noting that millions of
Cubans are trained to handle firearms.

``A new administration of a very irregular form has just been
installed in the United States,'' Castro told more than 200,000
people gathered in San Jose de Las Lajas, about 30 miles
southeast of the capital.

``We are not in a hurry to judge it beforehand ... We will not
throw the first stone,'' Castro said during his half-hour speech,
televised live on state television. But, he said, ``we will
carefully watch every step it makes and every word it

``Absolutely nothing will take us by surprise,'' Castro added.

Castro noted that ``the Cuba of today is not the Cuba of 1959''
-- the year of the revolution triumphed.

Then, he said, Cuban citizens were unarmed and practically
illiterate. Now, ``there is not a single illiterate person'' on
the island, the Cuban leader declared. ``Millions of men and
women have learned how to handle weapons.''

He said his government would continue the ``battle of ideas''
launched 14 months ago against U.S. policies toward Cuba,
referring to mass rallies held regularly on Saturdays in
different parts of the island.

Last weekend, Castro made his first public comments about Bush
after the Jan. 20 inauguration, saying he hoped his new adversary
in the White House -- the 10th American president to serve since
Castro came to power -- is ``not as stupid as he seems.''

The White House declined to comment on most of the earlier

Bush has expressed support for the four-decade American trade
embargo on Cuba. He has said he envisions no change in U.S.
policy toward the communist island unless free elections are held
and political prisoners are freed.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Disclaimers and Men who think they have a right to hurt Women

2001-01-28 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

I also moderate a support list for these
 women.  I have nothing but the greatest contempt for men who
 treat women this way even if it is just in a threat over the

Violence against anyone is bad.

For too long, so called "women's groups" support policies that promote
a societal mindset that considers women "weak"; "helpless" and "victims."

So called "women's rights" groups act in contradiction. On one hand they
claim "women are equal - women are capable of anything" They argue women
can be fighter pilots and combat soldiers. On the other hand they also complain
that women are helpless victims...they must be protected from the mean men.
They are too helpless to escape abusive relationships.

This insidious and destructive mindset encourages women to be victims, to
rely on "Orders of Protection", "Shelters", etc.

Women must be encouraged to empower themselves and to take responsibility
for their actions and relationships. Too many times I have witnessed women
who intentionally have relationships with dysfunctional men - over and over.
They go from one "abusive" relationship to another.

The best advice for women: "Stop having children with abusive, immature
men." Stop relying on "Orders of Protection" and "Shelters."

Instead take a course on self defense and buy a gun.

If he stalks you or breaks into your house - shot'em in the balls.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] =?x-unknown?q?_WP=3A_Candidates_Sensed_Defeat_=97_Then_Mobi?==?x-unknown?q?lized_for_Recount?=

2001-01-28 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Part 1 of a 5 part series

Candidates Sensed Defeat — Then Mobilized for Recount

By David Von Drehle, Dan Balz, Ellen Nakashima and Jo Becker
Washington Post Staff Writers
Sunday, January 28, 2001 ; Page A01

George W.  Bush was headed for a workout at the University of
Texas gym in the early afternoon of Election Day when his phone
rang.  Karl Rove, his chief election strategist, had the first
wave of exit polls in hand.  The news, stunningly, was that Bush
might lose.

"I got the smell," Bush recalled, the smell of defeat.  Rove was
full of "all the cautionary notes" about margins of error and
possibilities. But Bush instantly knew "it could be trouble."

His workout mates #150; Brad Freeman, Craig Stapleton, a cousin
by marriage, and Stapleton's son, Walker #150; noticed that Bush
had become suddenly distracted.  Bush finished exercising and
stayed quiet on the ride back.  At the mansion, he didn't bother
to ask his friends to stay for lunch.  "Thanks for coming" was
all he said before retreating upstairs to the private residence.

There he told his wife, Laura, what the exit polls showed.
Together husband and wife replayed the race.  In Bush's mind, he
had done everything he could, given that he was running into the
headwinds of a strong economy and contented electorate.  He
believed he had targeted the right states.  He sensed great
intensity among his own troops on the campaign trail.  Now he
realized that Vice President Gore had done perhaps an even better
job of targeting states and firing up his forces.

Bush told his daughters Jenna and Barbara: "Girls, it could be a
long night.  Your dad may lose the presidency and the numbers
don't look so good now."

On the way to a family dinner at the Shoreline Grill in Austin,
he told his parents, "It could be a long night." At the
restaurant, after the networks gave first Florida to Gore and
then Pennsylvania and Michigan, Bush turned to his father and
whispered in his ear, "I'm not going to stay around, I want to go
back to the mansion."

When communications director Karen P.  Hughes joined him there a
half hour later, Hughes found Bush standing in front of a
television, his father seated on a couch nearby.  "How are you,
Mr.  President?" Hughes asked the elder Bush.  Not so good right
now, the former president replied.

"Defeat," said Bush, "was settling in."


Half a dozen hours later, in a seventh-floor suite at the Loew's
Hotel in Nashville, Al Gore decided that he had lost.  He had
watched with his family and closest aides as his victory in
Florida was pulled off the board by the television networks,
which were now calling the state and the election for Bush in one
of the most stunning turnarounds in American history.

"No," said his daughter Kristin as Bush was declared the winner.
"That's not right.  That's not what happened."

But at 2:30 a.m., Gore's campaign chairman, William Daley,
telephoned Bush campaign chairman Donald L.  Evans to alert him
that the vice president would soon concede.  Evans wanted to know
how quickly Gore would make a public statement.

"Don, it's probably going to take half an hour," said Daley, the
Gore campaign chairman.  "His kids are getting dressed, they're
all crying."

"A half an hour?" Evans seemed incredulous, as Daley recalled it.

"Yes," Daley replied.  "We have to travel up there, but we're
getting there as fast as we can."

Gore's decision to end it had been quick and businesslike.  He
had retreated with Daley and senior adviser Carter Eskew into an
aide's bedroom, and they had concluded that with the grand prize
of Florida now in Bush's column, his lead was insurmountable.
It was time to surrender.

After conferring with Daley, Gore ran into Eli Attie, the young
writer who drafted the candidate's speeches.  "Do you have an
alternate statement?" Gore asked.  Meaning, an alternate to the
victory speech.

Attie nodded.  He had found some down time a few days earlier to
prepare a concession speech.  Someone had told him once that the
way to guarantee victory is to prepare for defeat.

"Why don't you meet me in my room?" the candidate said, moving
toward the elevators.  Attie walked to the speech prep room,
where his laptop was humming lightly on a corner table.  He
pulled up the concession speech and hit the print button, then
went to Gore's room.

"Is this the number?" Gore asked Daley, waving a slip of paper.
Attie realized: The number!  It must be the direct line to Bush.
The number to call to concede.

After Gore made the call to Bush #150; brief, gracious, to the
point #150; the candidate and his wife climbed into a limousine
for the motorcade to the War Memorial, where a large but subdued
crowd stood waiting in the pouring rain.

In the boiler room, the cramped space at campaign headquarters
nearby where the Gore field operations were based, Michael
Whouley, who had pushed Gore to make a fight in Florida and
focused on it with single-minded purpose, was shouting urgently
across a phone 

[CTRL] WP: Fugitive's Pardon Ended 17-Year Effort

2001-01-28 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Fugitive's Pardon Ended 17-Year Effort

By James V.  Grimaldi and Robert O'Harrow Jr.
Washington Post Staff Writers
Sunday, January 28, 2001 ; Page A01

Standing backstage at a rally in Belfast last month, waiting for
President Bill Clinton to give a speech about the Northern
Ireland peace process to an adoring crowd, former White House
counsel Jack Quinn buttonholed presidential aide Bruce Lindsey.

Quinn had been waiting for a moment to press his case for a new
client: Marc Rich, a wealthy commodities trader who fled the
United States in 1983, renouncing his citizenship, rather than
face federal charges that he evaded $48 million in taxes and
traded with Iran during the hostage crisis.

So as Irish politicians and celebrities in the crowd did the wave
to recordings of Van Morrison's "Brown Eyed Girl" and U2 tunes,
Quinn seized the moment.  Would Lindsey take a look at a pardon
application Quinn had delivered to the White House two days
before?  Would he take it to the president?

That brief exchange on Dec.  13 was part of the final push in
Rich's 17-year global effort to avoid going to prison.  It was a
campaign that involved a parade of high-priced legal talent
trying to negotiate a deal with federal prosecutor Rudolph
Giuliani and his successors; Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak,
who called Clinton at least twice this month to urge him to
pardon Rich; Nobel Peace Prize winner Shimon Peres; and the
unwitting help of some charity leaders whose groups accepted what
the pardon application said was $100 million in Rich's largess
over the years.

Through it all, Rich, now 66, maintained his luxurious lifestyle,
with homes in Switzerland and Spain.  He occasionally appeared at
the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland, a
high-level international economic summit attended by business and
government leaders.  Little else is known about his private life
in Meggen, Switzerland.  He declined requests for a comment
through his lawyers.

Rich has remained an active trader.  According to published
reports, his companies courted business in boycotted South
Africa, post-Soviet Russia, the Nigerian oilfields of strongman
Sani Abacha, and -- despite his close ties to Israel -- Saddam
Hussein's Iraq.

Clinton's advisers were deeply divided over a Rich pardon, former
officials said, with some cautioning that it could create a
political and public relations nightmare.

On Jan.  20, with just hours left in his eight-year tenure,
Clinton gave Rich and his business partner Pincus Green exactly
what they were seeking: absolution from the criminal charges.

The pardon provoked a fury.  Some outraged prosecutors in New
York complained that they were blindsided, that Quinn sidestepped
normal procedures for pardons by going straight to the White

Other critics accused Clinton of kowtowing to big campaign
donors, such as Rich's former wife, Denise, an Grammy-nominated
songwriter who gave the Democrats more than $1 million and hosted
a fundraiser for the president at the height of the Monica
Lewinsky scandal in 1998.

An old Clinton enemy in Congress promised hearings on the pardon
and former Clinton White House officials acknowledged they may be
"back in investigation land."

To his many supporters, the outcome of Rich's case is an example
of how a good man can prevail against an overzealous prosecutor
and an unfair press.  To his detractors, the pardon shows how
Rich and his hired allies used political and financial influence
to absolve a man who had thumbed his nose at the U.S.  legal
system instead of making his case in court.

The Charges

In 1982, Bill Clinton was making the first of several political
comebacks, winning a second term as Arkansas governor after being
defeated for re-election two years earlier.  Marc Rich, a native
of Belgium who emigrated to the United States in 1941, was
already a player in international trade and attracting the
attention of the law.

Prosecutors in the office of New York's aggressive U.S.
attorney, Giuliani, were investigating Rich, Green and Marc Rich
 Co., for illegally buying more than $200 million worth of oil
from Iran after President Jimmy Carter banned trade with that
nation during the hostage crisis.

At the time, Rich's companies were buying and selling crude oil
on the world market.  In some cases, prosecutors charged, Rich's
companies claimed to be paying higher prices than they actually
paid, secretly kicking back the profits to co-conspirators.
They hid money in foreign accounts, legal papers say, and
routinely reported phony losses to reduce their taxes.

Representing Rich at the time was legendary Washington attorney
Edward Bennett Williams.  Before the indictment, Williams met
with prosecutor Morris Weinberg Jr., offering a deal: Rich would
pay a $100 million fine with no jail time, Weinberg recalled.
Williams also promised that his client wouldn't flee.

Williams was mortified when Rich disappeared in mid-1983, telling
him, according to 

Re: [CTRL] Disclaimers and Men who think they have a right to hurt Women

2001-01-28 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

Men I cut even  less slack. If you're a man, don't even look like you're
thinking about hurting me. It's the wrong move. It will precipitate a
preemptive strike. And if you pull a gun, I'll kill you on the spot.
Promise.  Insult me to my face, insult my friends in front of me,
especially with a racial slur, and I WILL kick your butt into the middle
of next week.  Promise. And you’ll make a very satisfying thump when you
hit the floor.

Ha Ha, another Silly Geek ToughGuy!!
Just one more mouth breathing girlie boy.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-28 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

 in closing, i'd like to offer my apologies for bringing these arguments
 (which i tend to view similarly to an argument with a member of the flat
 earth society - i was not expecting this to be an issue here) to the list
 and my condolences for all of you unfortunate enough to live in a country
 that is backwards enough to continue to promote racism.


Anyone who doesn't know enough to capitalize "I"
cannot be taken seriously.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Del Ponte illness

2001-01-28 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, Belgrade, YU

  Immediate Release: From William Spring CANA: Christians Against 
  |NatoAggressionTel: 0208802214483 Black Boy Lane London N15 3AP UK 
  Jan 28th 2001composed 2.30 am[EMAIL PROTECTED]Just before 
  signing off I've picked up today's (now yesterday's) copy ofThe 
  Times  came across a remarkable story by John Phillips."The 
  former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic should be investigated forthe 
  deaths of 16 Serbian state television employees killed by NATO bombs 
  inBelgrade in 1999..."Carla del Ponte made the request from Davos, 
  Switzerland to PresidentKostunica of Yugoslavia, tribunal officials 
  said."She claimed Mr Milosevic had been warned of the air strike 
  on thetelevision station but he had chosen to disregard the 
  information..."I'm finding it hard to concentrate. I couldn't possibly 
  have readthis, could I, but there it is  I've just read it 
  again. It is a new worldorder. The inmates have taken over the 
  asylum.But I wonder: is Milosevic to be blamed for all the deaths 
  caused by NATObombs, for example the burning of train number 393 at the 
  Sarajevo Bridgenear Grdelica on April 12th 1999 ( - Ivan  Ana 
  Markovic died on that train,young newly weds. The e mail from 
  theirBaptist pastor announcing this went all over the world.)I 
  find Europe these days a very odd place. It's because I'm getting onI 
  guess- but something is seriously screwy - either her or me.In the 
  tough old world of terrorism  counterterrorism the fact a bunch of 
  bombers send a warning before they blowsomeone up doesn't mean that they 
  are extenuated fromresponsibility for the murder.(The warning may 
  not have been received, or it may have been misunderstood,or there was no 
  warning  the terrorists simply said there was one, in orderto cover 
  their tracks. Whatever the status of a warning,  even if therewasn't 
  one, it doesn't make the slightest scrap of difference in terms ofmoral 
   legal culpability.)Basically people until I read this newspaper 
  report I thought I'd seeneverything. I thought the worst was reached when 
  Jamie Shea came to theLondon School of Economics - to be dutifully 
  applauded by the Good Germansthere, the student body.We would have 
  given him a bad time, the soixante huiteards..But insanity, once 
  it gets a grip, grows.Is she now certifiable? If so, so is Tony 
  Blair, who first put thisbrilliant idea forward in an Alan Little 
  BBC TV documentary in March 2000- words to the effect "we told them to get 
  out the building  they didn't,so it's all 
  hisfault."Talk about spin.Maybe it's me - am I a 
  target for a Blairite historical re-education. "Oncethere was anasty 
  little man in Belgrade who NATO didn't like, so NATO threw loads ofbombs 
  at this nasty little man,  he still wasn't killed,  do you 
  know hewouldn't then admit itwas all his fault - that everybody else 
  was dead..."How do you defeat this particular type of intellectual 
  selfmanipulation/stimulation carried on for our benefit on a world 
  stage.(It was the same unctuous littleprick/ war criminal 
  who took the podium at the Central Hall London lastnight to celebrate 
  Holocaust Memorial Day.)Pity the nation.I'm signing off, 
  definitely. It isn't round anymore. It's definitely flat.Yeats  
  all that, centres don't hold. It used to be different. Come backEngland of 
  the 1950's. I want to get out of this end of century 
  version.Who's got the keys?endsContinued: 10:30 am that's 
  it folks. It's still here, the newspaper, I meanshedid say 
  that.It 's struck me, Shakespeare has a passage on the Del Ponte 
  illness:"Can'st thou not minister to a mind diseased...And with 
  some oblivious antidote cleanse the charged bosom of that perilousstuff 
  which weighs upon the heart?"There the patient must minister to 
  himself."Throw physic to the dogs. I'll have none of 
  EUSTON RD LONDONMrs Jela Jovanovic, art historian 

Re: [CTRL] Murderer as peacemaker?

2001-01-28 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

goolie smith wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 what ?
 the UN found him DIRECTLY responsible
 Israel had found him INDIRECTLY responsible

Yes, you are right about the UN. Israelis don't pay much attention to the UN.
And for good reason too. The UN has MANY Muslim states as members, and has many
other states which need Muslim oil. I wouldn't exactly call it an unbiassed

But the point is that the massacre was carried
out AGAINST his direct orders according to a Phalangist participant in the

 and i dont think the country that he fights for is gonna punish him either.

No they will not. He saved Israel from military destruction in the Yom Kippur
War. Instead he will probably be the next Prime Minister. That will be

 just look at the way the guy that killed that 10 year old got away with it.

Killers should fry.


 From: Nurev Ind Research [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Murderer as peacemaker?
 Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2001 10:20:04 -0500
 -Caveat Lector-
 goolie smith wrote:
   -Caveat Lector-
   What are you on man ?
   Ariel Sharon, was found directly responsible for massacres of
   in UN shelters.
 Actally, he was found INDIRECTLY responsible. The killings were done
 his direct orders by a Syrian opperative who was a Christian Phalangist.
 If you want to know more about this, see... *From Israel to Damascus* on
 Net. A book written by one of the Phalangist militiamen who actually did
   Mere civilans just trying to survive in UN encampments,
   when along comes 'the buldozer'.  It wasnt even 2 or 20 people that he
   responsible for killing, the total tally reached the hundreds.
   The next time you see Yasser Arafat/Ariel Sharon talking politely to
   Koppel on "Nightline," I want you to remember that behind
   that phony smile is the conscience of a killer. He's the
   premeditated murderer of U.S. diplomats/hundreds of humans.
   The next time you hear about the need for a Palestinian
   state/security, I want you to remember that the leader for life of
   that nation will be Yasser Arafat/Ariel Sharon.
   Does that really sound like the foundation for a permanent
   See it works both ways
   From: Amelia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Subject: [CTRL] Murderer as peacemaker?
   Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 01:01:26 -0600
   -Caveat Lector-
   Murderer as peacemaker?
2001 WorldNetDaily.com
   How would you like it if millions of your hard-earned tax
   dollars were sent to a little foreign dictator who murdered
   two American diplomats and got away with it?
   I'm sure you would not be a happy camper. Well, as much as I
   hate to upset you, dear readers, that is precisely what is
   happening with the millions of dollars the U.S. is
   transferring in foreign aid to Yasser Arafat and his
   Palestine Authority.
   Maybe you didn't know about Arafat's murderous record
   before. For that you can be excused, because the
   establishment press has not done much to expose this petty
   tyrant -- this killer of unarmed, innocent Americans simply
   doing their country's diplomatic duty.
   But once I tell you the details of this heinous crime --
   this unforgivable act of bloodlust -- you won't have any
   excuses, anymore. If you don't act -- if you don't scream
   about it to your elected officials in Washington -- then
   you, too, will be tacitly guilty of rewarding a cowardly
   killer for his evil deeds.
   Here are the facts, as I revealed in a news story in
   WorldNetDaily last week:
   On Feb. 28, 1973, Yasser Arafat was overheard by Israeli and
   U.S. intelligence operatives planning a Black September
   terrorist operation in Khartoum, Sudan. His transmissions
   were tape-recorded. They were transcribed, and warnings were
   issued by National Security Agency personnel to the U.S.
   Embassy in Sudan.
   Unfortunately, the alert was delayed because of a
   bureaucratic snafu. A day later, eight Black September
   terrorists stormed the Saudi Arabian embassy in Khartoum and
   grabbed U.S. Ambassador Cleo Noel, Charge d'Affaires George
   Curtis Moore and others hostage. On March 2, 1973, after the
   terrorists' demands for the release of Sirhan Sirhan, Robert
   F. Kennedy's assassin, were rebuffed by President Nixon,
   Arafat was heard and recorded, once again, providing the
   code words for the execution of Noel, Moore and Belgian
   diplomat Guy Eid. They were machine-gunned to death.
   Until last week, no American involved in this tragedy had
   spoken out on the details of that tragedy. But 28 years
   later, James Welsh, the Palestinian analyst for the NSA who
   issued the first alert on the incident, went public with

Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-28 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

 This is basic information available in any public library (or basic
Net Search).

That's an extremely lame excuse for having posted something porported to
be fact, but  not proven. The burden of proof is on the person who
states an alleged fact. If you can't prove something, don't expect
people to believe it.

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ÝÝÝCTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-28 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

By all State / National / International comparative achievement tests
performed over the past 30 years.

Which ones? Be specific or we may justifiably assume that you are making
it up.

Again you make no sense. For every kid no longer attending Govt School
LESS public money is spent.

That’s exactly what I said.  Each school gets its allotment of funds
based on the number of students enrolled. Every time one leaves, the
school gets less money. 

You don't seem to be comprehending what I'm saying. Perhaps you should
learn how to parse text better. A refresher course would apparently do
you good.

Obviously if it costs $10,000 taxpayer dollars to  pay for one kid for
one year of Govt School...

Does it? Or did you make that figure up?

And what do you mean by “Govt”? Do you mean federal, local or a
combination? This is crucial, because without federal money, kids in
poor school districts are condemned to an education inferior to kids in
rich school districts. Is that what you are proposing?

If the kid costing the public $10,000 per  year to attend Govt School
gets a $5000 voucher to attend a private school of  his/her choice - 

And if pigs had wings, they fly. When, where and by whom has that figure
been proposed? Be specific.

then it saves the taxpayers $5000. (This is simple math - easy  to
understand - unless you attended Govt School).

Which taxes are you talking about, local, federal or a combination
thereof? Be specific. 

Are you factoring in the loss of tax money incurred when even more
poorly educated citizens find themselves able to earn even less taxable
income? You should, because that’s what is going to happen if even more
money is withdrawn from “failing” schools. It makes about as much sense
as the long discredited medical practice of bleeding a sick person to
make them well, and is based on precisely the same principles, ignorance
and stupidity.

Are you also factoring in the cost to the taxpayers of warehousing
people in prison when they turn to crime because they didn’t get a good
enough education to make a decent honest living.

For someone who claims to be educated, you certainly are making a
simplistic analysis. What’s the matter, didn't anybody ever teach you
how to think things through?

A HREF!ttp://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
ÝÝÝCTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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Re: [CTRL] Disclaimers and Men who think they have a right to hurt Women

2001-01-28 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

Violence against anyone is bad.

If he stalks you or breaks into your house - shot'em in the balls.

Make up your mind.

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ÝÝÝCTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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[CTRL] More politically correct censorship

2001-01-28 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

To view this item online, visit

Sunday, January 28, 2001
Pro-marriage book Harvard dumped does well
Author sees 'political agenda' in university press decision
By Julie Foster
 2001 WorldNetDaily.com
Why did Harvard University Press contract with a sociologist to
write a book based on her studies showing married people live
happier, healthier, more financially secure lives -- and then decide
at the last minute not to publish the book?

One Harvard Press reviewer said she didn't like the book's "tone."
That's about as close to an answer as the public can get since the
Press did not return several calls by WorldNetDaily and refused to
release a list of board members, declining further comment to other
media outlets, citing confidentiality concerns.  The Board of
Syndics gives a book final approval for publishing after it has been
reviewed by two anonymous scholars.

"The Case for Marriage: Why Married People are Happier, Healthier
and Better Off Financially" was written by professor Linda Waite of
the University of Chicago. An expert in sociology, Waite joined
forces with writer Maggie Gallagher to create a manuscript after a
Press editor heard her speech on the same subject to a
professional association. She was given a contract -- and an
advance -- and work began on what would become a critically
acclaimed book.

"It was really late in the process when the deal with Harvard was
canceled," Waite said.

After the manuscript was finished, it was reviewed and sent back
for revisions. The authors made the adjustments and returned the
manuscript to Harvard University Press in June, 1999.  At that
time, one review was extremely positive and the other, though
critiquing a few areas, concluded the book should be published.
The next step is usually a formality: The Board of Syndics gives its
stamp of approval and the book goes to print.

But that's not what happened with "The Case for Marriage."

According to Waite, a board member said she didn't like the book's
tone and objected to some of the research in the book as not being
"scientific" enough.

"I fail to see the validity of that criticism," Waite remarked.

In purely scientific circumstances, a control group is established
and subjected to certain stimuli.  But in the case of sociology --
specifically a study of marriage -- scientists cannot gather a group
of people, tell some to get married, tell others to remain single and
then analyze the results. In his column for the Wall Street Journal,
Stanley Kurtz examines the charge of weak evidence.

"The press board seized upon the failure of Ms. Waite and Ms.
Gallagher to prove causal connections, rather than mere
correlations. But virtually no sociological study can do that," he
wrote. "Proof that marriage increases a man's earning power would
require the random assignment of a group of men to marriage and
bachelorhood, and then a calculation of their earnings. In a review,
the social scientist James Q. Wilson concluded that, despite the
impossibility of running controlled experiments with human beings,
Ms. Waite and Ms. Gallagher's evidence strongly suggests the
benefits of marriage are real."

Nevertheless, Harvard University Press cancelled publication of
Waite's book in early November 1999, for what Kurtz calls
"political" reasons.

"It's hard not to suspect politics at play here, especially
considering the tone of other books to which the Harvard board was
pleased to give its imprimatur," he observes.

Kurtz points to other books published by Harvard University Press
that go far beyond assertions that married people have more and
better sex than singles and tend to be more financially stable.
Feminist Catharine MacKinnon argues that male sexual desire can
be compared to rape -- whether women consent to sex or not. In
his review of  MacKinnon's last Harvard Press book, political
theorist Walter Berns remarked that MacKinnon's argument
expresses a whole-hog hatred of men.

"If scholarly tone is the issue, compare Ms. MacKinnon's rhetoric
on sex to Ms. Waite and Ms. Gallagher's:

Ms. MacKinnon:
What in the liberal view looks like love and romance looks a lot like
hatred and torture to the feminist.

Ms. Waite and Ms. Gallagher: What these prominent researchers
found may shock you: Married people have both more and better
sex than singles do ... The answer, both theory and evidence
suggest, is that the secret ingredient marriage adds is commitment.

"Which sounds to you more like unscientific extremism?" Kurtz

Nevertheless, Waite's book was denied publication in early
November 1999.  But, by the end of that week, the author said she
had the book out to nearly a dozen trade publishers with offers
pouring in.  In the end, Doubleday submitted the winning offer,
which "was really a blessing," said Waite, who noted the
mainstream publisher ensured the book would be seen by more
than just trade professionals.

While the author said she 

Re: [CTRL] Unnatural disaster: Deregulated California utilities

2001-01-28 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

"Theodor Parada, MD" wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

  Unnatural disaster
  Deregulated California utilities are electrocuting the public.
  Ohio is next
  by Harvey Wasserman
  Electric utility deregulation has become a spectacular catastrophe,
  starting in California and stretching deep into our economic and
  ecological future, here in Ohio and nationwide.
  To keep it simple, we'll start with the top 10 truths about this unnatural
  1. There is no electric supply shortage threatening California (or the
  nation), only a series of complex, cynical manipulations that have ramped
  prices sky high, yielding enormous profits for a few distributors and
 Get a grip on reality.
 The problem, is that no new sources of electricity have been
 developed in CA and this state continues to grow.

I guess you don't know how to read eh? How did you get that MD?
Unless MD stands for mighty dumb.

Here let's try again...
  1. There is no electric supply shortage threatening California (or the
  nation), only a series of complex, cynical manipulations that have ramped
  prices sky high, yielding enormous profits for a few distributors and

 I was just at a
 conference in Phoenix, while there I was told that they're building
 4(four) NEW power planets to provide for their anticipated population
 Nuclear is clean and safe.

Yah definately. I wouldn't mind nuke power, but only with certain conditions.
One of those conditions is that the nuke waste be buried under YOUR home.
Another is that  all the families of the plant's managers and major
stockholders live within two miles of the Plants, and they too should have
the " clean " nuclear wastes buried under their houses.

 It doesn't matter who runs the utilities, if you don't have a source
 generating the power, there will not be any power.

I guess you ARE dumb. Didn't the article say that these greedy corporate
oinkers took several key plants OFFLINE?

Jeez! You're not a human doctor are you?

 Maybe here in CA
 they can gather up all the endangered desert rats and place them on a
 wheel and have them run! and voila they'll have cheap energy!
 LOL. Or, maybe they could put a few windmills at the doors and
 windows of the CA legislature and continue to blow themselves out of
 a crisis that they made with their insane eco/epa policies.
 Technology has advanced but the mentality and mindset of the
 politician and neo-nazi environmentalist hasn't.

There, there doc. Prescribe yourself a large dose of sedatives and watch
what happensto the energy biz in California. And since I don't like you,
I urge you to go with your beliefs and buy up all the ' nuke ' stocks you
can get your hands on.


PS: Health care is next. Are you ready for socialized medicine?

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] About Face: Far from Unifying, Bush Coddles the Christian Right

2001-01-28 Thread William Shannon

About Face: Far from Unifying, Bush Coddles the Christian Right
by Lindsay Sobel

When George W. Bush nominated John Ashcroft for attorney general,
commentators portrayed it as the one bone that George W. Bush would throw to
the religious right -- a way of shutting up the Jerry Falwells and Pat
Robertsons so he could ignore them henceforth. Oops. Instead of settling for
Ashcroft and moving center, Bush spent his first week in office
systematically fulfilling the Christian right's To Do list -- and adopting
its (often-exclusionary) rhetoric. No end is in sight. Witness: To control
the spin, presidents often choose a theme of the week on which they and their
flacks hammer. Does President Bush start with the tax cut on which he ran so
hard? No. On prescription drug benefits? No. On military readiness? No.
Bush's theme next week will be "Faith-Based Initiatives." In fact, President
Bush will announce the Office of Faith-Based Action that he proposed during
the campaign (though the name may be changed). As Bush's Web site boasts, the
office "in the Executive Office of the President . . . will identify and
remove federal regulations that bar faith-based organizations from
participating in federal programs, and encourage the 50 states to establish
their own offices of Faith-Based Action." Recall that the welfare reform-era
provision "Charitable Choice" (sponsored by then-Senator Ashcroft) already
permits faith-based organizations to get federal funding to provide social
services. So what federal regulations will the office axe? According to
Marvin Olasky -- the evangelical Christian father of the term "compassionate
conservatism" and a Bush mentor -- the offending regulations are those that
deter groups receiving federal funds from evangelizing to recipients. Olasky
criticizes the government for denying funds to organizations that "offer
spiritual as well as actual food." And he praises President Bush for
establishing such an office, even though he acknowledges it will be extremely
controversial. The proposal Bush pushed his first week in office was also a
plum for religious righties: his education plan. Though the papers made much
of Bush's downplaying his private and religious school voucher proposal, it
is right there on page two. Bush seems to think that if he says his plan is
palatable to everyone, then it will be. But even though Bush doesn't call his
vouchers "vouchers," the unpopular proposal remains: Give federal vouchers
for private school or tutoring to parents of children in failing schools. A
voucher by another name is still a voucher, and Christian conservatives --
who have long made government funding of religious school tuition a high
priority -- are delighted. That's not all. After spending the campaign
hedging on abortion, Bush proved that not only will he fight abortion rights,
but that his opposition is strong enough that he is willing to scuttle family
planning and reproductive health in the process. On his first work day as
president (the 28th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade)
Bush reinstated the policy that blocks all federal money from going to
international family planning organizations that provide abortions or
abortion counseling with their own money. There has long been a prohibition
in place on federal money going to abortions overseas. So all this policy
would do is cut U.S. funding that helps experienced organizations provide
condoms to couples in AIDS-plagued Africa, pre-natal nutritional information
to expectant mothers in poverty-stricken parts of India, and birth control to
desperate and overburdened parents in Latin America. Christian conservatives
have long pushed the policy -- and they got it on day one. On the same day
President Bush blocked family planning funds, he thrilled right-wingers by
sending a written statement to protesters marching in front of the Supreme
Court to dispute the Roe v. Wade decision. He wrote,
We share a great goal: to work toward a day when every child is welcomed in
life and protected in law. . . But the goal leads us onward: to build a
culture of life, affirming that every person, at every stage and season of
life, is created equal in God's image.

Further, a Bush spokesperson announced that the president would ask the Food
and Drug Administration to reevaluate the safety of the abortion pill RU-486
that the FDA approved in September (and has been safe and legal in France for
more than a decade). If the FDA deems it unsafe, RU-486 would be illegal
again in the United States -- just the way the Christian right wants it.

Bush even catered to religious conservatives on Inauguration Day. In the
midst of a platitudinous speech about unity, Bush slipped in a paragraph
promising to give "Church and charity, synagogue and mosque . . . an honored
place in our plans and laws (my emphasis)."

Minutes later, Rev. Kirbyjon Caldwell -- Bush's choice to give the


2001-01-28 Thread William Shannon

By David Guyatt 
It is the number that carries the most occult significance.  Throughout 
Europe it has historically been regarded as an ill omen.  In Norse mythology, 
the number 13 often signifies death.  Today, in the United Kingdom, there 
exists a paramilitary unit called Group 13.  The sole purpose of this ultra 
secretive unit is deniable assassination and it operates in the world of 
shadows.  So little is known about them, that it is exceptionally hard to 
document its activities with any certainty.  
One individual - a former civilian undercover agent for the security services 
- contacted by The X Factor, recounted his story of a encounter with Group 
13.  Gary Murray, author of “Enemies of the State” had decided to research 
Group 13 to write a book on them.  He soon changed his mind.  One day during 
his research phase he was forcibly dragged in to the back of a Transit van 
and had a gun stuck to his head.  A voice told him it would be unwise to 
continue his project.  Sensibly, he decided to abandon the project and 
instead write a book on an altogether different subject. 
Group 13 is generally believed to have evolved from former SAS soldiers and 
Security and Intelligence operatives who were once active in Northern Ireland 
during the mid to late nineteen seventies when a Labour Government was still 
in power.  Fred Holroyd, a Captain in British Army Intelligence, served in 
Northern Ireland during this period.  Holroyd was tasked with developing 
informers and other human intelligence sources connected to the IRA.  It was 
inherently dangerous work, made a lot worse by a viscous turf battle between 
MI5 and MI6 for control of the Northern Ireland “patch.”  
Matters grew increasingly nasty as “assets” for each of the two contending 
groups were tossed to the wolves.  Holroyd, when interviewed by The X Factor, 
outlined some details of this dirty war, recalled incidents where bombs were 
placed by one of these factions and then roundly blamed on the IRA.  
Holroyd’s story and later disgraceful treatment at the hands of the British 
Army are recounted in his book War without Dishonour.”  Holroyd’s account 
sheds light on the so called “Shoot to Kill” policy in Northern Ireland that 
resulted in the dysfunctional investigation of former senior police officer, 
John Stalker.  This investigation ultimately resulted in the gripping feature 
film: Hidden Agenda. 
The Special Air Service was formed during WW11 by David Stirling with the 
intention to operate behind enemy lines and to perform acts of sabotage and 
assassination.  By 1969, the SAS had been sent to Northern Ireland to perform 
covert operations against the IRA - which included assassination.  To cover 
their deployment to this politically sensitive area they chose the guise of 
“training teams.”  A succession of cover names was used over the next few 
years; these included the Military Reconnaissance Force (MRF), the 14th 
Intelligence unit, and the Four Field Survey Troop, Royal Engineers.  Fred 
Holroyd states that the latter was very definitely a SAS undercover unit 
stationed at the Royal Engineers base at Castiledillon, Armagh. 
1974 was a critical year in British politics.  It saw the election victory of 
the Labour Party in February and was soon followed by rumours of an impending 
coup d’etat.  Right wing groups operating in the shadows of power began to 
form themselves.  These groups saw Premier Harold Wilson and certain members 
of his Cabinet, as no holds barred communists taking orders from Moscow.  The 
idea that Wilson was a communist mole is, even by today’s paranoid delusions, 
a farcical belief.  At that time, however, planning for a right wing coup was 
seen by these extremists as the only alternative to keeping Britain from the 
wily grasp of Moscow.  One of these groups was named GB75, and was organised 
by David Sterling, founder of the SAS.  Significantly, GB75 and the other 
groups had close contacts to the British security and intelligence community, 
from which they probably received some form of unofficial succour. 
Founded in 1970 was another mysterious group which called itself Resistance 
and Psychological Operations Committee (RPOC).  RPOC was established in line 
with the Reserve Forces Association and was said to be a reflection of the 
Special Operations Executive (SOE) - a WW11 dirty tricks operation.  
According to one former member, RPOC had a clandestine section which formed 
an underground resistance movement in the event Russia invaded the United 
Kingdom.  With a nod and a wink of the Conservative government of the day, it 
forged close links to the British security and intelligence apparatus, and 
“…formed close links with the SAS…own secret intelligence network.” 
Little is known of the SAS’s secret intelligence network, apart from one 
enlightening publication.  Ranulf Fiennes, the Artic trekker was a one time 
member of the SAS.  In 


2001-01-28 Thread William Shannon


By David Guyatt

Albert Vincent Carone is one of those people who spent his life dancing 
between raindrops and turning invisible wherever a shadow lingered.  He 
existed and also didn’t exist.  Al Carone - unlike his near namesake, Al 
Capone – truly was a paradox wrapped in a mystery concealed behind an 
Carone was a detective in the New York Police Department, but this didn’t 
stop him from becoming a “made” man in the Genovese crime family.  He knew 
all the leading Mafiosa of his day, including Vito Genovese, Sam Giancana, 
Santos Trafficante, Joe Colombo and Pauley Castellano amongst others.  To 
Carone’s daughter, Dee, they were all known as “Uncle.”  When she got 
married, her father arranged two different reception rooms to separate the 
“mob” guests, from the NYPD guests.   But this was more window-dressing than 
anything else.  One of Carone’s principal functions in the NYPD was to act as 
the “bagman” in protecting shipments of CIA drugs to the various Mafia 
Carone died in 1990 under mysterious circumstances.  This followed a period 
of great personal disenchantment with his life following a secretive mission 
to Mexico in 1985 when a large number of innocent women and children died 
unnecessarily.  His death was horrific, reports Mike Ruppert, editor of “From 
The Wilderness” newsletter, who has investigated Carone’s life story and 
written a special report on it (see acknowledgements).
Meanwhile, another “Uncle” was Bill Casey, the former Director of the CIA 
during the Reagan administration.  Casey had been with the OSS during WW11.  
During the “seventies” he became Chairman of the Securities  Exchange 
Commission (SEC) that regulates the US investment industry.  During his tenor 
in that role, Casey used Carone as a “cut-out” to pass sensitive insider 
information to mob Capo, Pauley Castellano, says his daughter, Dee. 
Carone was also a full Colonel in the US Army where he had operated in the 
Army’s Counter Intelligence Corp (CIC).  Unsurprisingly, in view of his close 
friendship with Bill Casey, he was also a covert operative for the CIA.   But 
that wasn’t half of it.  Carone was also a Grand Knight of the Sovereign 
Military Order of Malta (SMOM) – which historically has been the military arm 
of the Vatican and is regarded as separate “state” with full powers of 
statehood including issuing its own diplomatic passports.  
In more recent decades SMOM has acted as a funding conduit, a black market 
gold channel and money-laundry for the CIA, amongst others – and is known to 
act as the Vatican’s intelligence arm.  It was, for example, alleged to be 
involved in the disappearance of Russia’s gold reserves – over 2000 metric 
tonnes - that vanished during 1991, around the time that Soviet Premier 
Mikhail Gorbachev was ousted from office.  
Malta knighthoods are awarded to many leading individuals who are part of the 
military and intelligence community.  The CIA’s Bill Casey, for example, was 
Knight of Malta.  Former NATO General (and later US Secretary of State) 
Alexander Haig is also a Malta Knight.  Another is General Vernon Walters, 
the former Deputy Director of the CIA under DCI George Bush and later 
appointed a roving Ambassador during the Reagan administration.  The 
legendary head of the OSS – the WW11 precursor of the CIA – was “Wild” Bill 
Donovan, who was made a Knight along with his wartime compatriot and later 
CIA chief of counter-intelligence, James Jesus Angleton.  And John McCone, 
another prominent member of the US “spook” agency was also distinguished 
with a Malta knighthood.  The list goes on.  Most interesting was Reinhard 
Gehlen the former Nazi intelligence expert recruited by the US in 1945-46 to 
head the “Gehlen Org” – a secret German-based intelligence arm of the United 
States that was composed of former SS  Gestapo agents – many of whom, 
including Klaus Barbie, were wanted Nazi war criminals.  The foregoing names 
amount to a listing of some of the most powerful and influential members of 
the western intelligence community over the last five decades. 
One Vatican group that has extremely close ties to the Knights of Malta is 
the ultra right wing Opus Dei.  This is an immensely powerful faction in the 
Vatican today, whose public “do good” activities eclipse a plethora of the 
darkest political and financial machinations known to man.  It will not come 
as a surprise, perhaps, that Carone was closely associated with Opus Dei and, 
in particular, a covert operation that had its origin back in 1944.   This 
was Operation Amadeus.   
THE DULLES FACTORThis highly secretive operation was part of the Operation 
Sunrise negotiations conducted between Allen Dulles – the then senior wartime 
OSS officer in Switzerland, but later to become the Director of the CIA – and 
SS General Karl Wolff.  This debonair and well-connected SS officer commanded 
the SS and 


2001-01-28 Thread William Shannon



Armitage The Executioner
FTW 1/24/01 - HR 19, Introduced by Republican Georgia Congressman Bob Barr on 
January 3, 2001, the first day of the new 107th Congress, would legislatively 
repeal sections of three Executive Orders specifically prohibiting 
assassinations by the United States Government.
Entitled the "Terrorist Elimination Act of 2001", the bill, submitted to the 
House International Relations Committee, would specifically nullify sections 
of three previous Executive Orders including one initiated by Ronald Reagan 
in 1981. It is interesting to note that acts of Congress are not required to 
nullify previous Executive Orders (EOs) which are, by definition, orders 
issued by the President and Commander in Chief to all federal employees 
(including military) under his authority. All that is necessary to reverse 
one EO is another EO. This is exactly what President George W. Bush did with 
respect to EOs issued by President Clinton on the environment in the last 
days of his administration.
Section 3 of HR 19 specifically states:
"The following provisions of Executive orders shall have no further force or 
(1) Section 5(g) of Executive Order 11905. 
(2) Section 2-305 of Executive Order 12306. 
(3) Section 2.11 of Executive Order 12333." [By Ronald Reagan]
Section 5 (g) of Executive Order 11905, signed by Gerald Ford on 2/18/76 
specifically prohibited "political" assassination. Section 2-305 of Executive 
Order 12036, signed 1/24/78 by Jimmy Carter renewed the ban. Section 2.11 of 
Executive Order 12333, signed by Ronald Reagan on 12/4/81 renewed the ban on 
assassinations, or conspiracy to commit assassinations, as part of a broader 
package which gave virtually complete control of the American National 
Security apparatus to then Vice President George H.W. Bush.
The full text of HR 19 may be viewed at http://thomas.loc.gov. Enter a search 
in the 107th Congress for 19 and it will take you straight to the bill
The bold move, unreported and ignored by any major media, offers a chance for 
an early referendum on the new administration's full-speed run at a more 
violent and brutish foreign policy.
The current bill, introduced by staunch Bush supporter and Clinton 
impeachment leader Barr, indicates that the Bush administration is seeking to 
add legitimacy to the move by implying that Congress and the American people 
support the action. This can only mean that there is quite likely a list of 
people the Bush Administration wants to start killing fairly quickly. The 
appointment of career covert operative and Annapolis graduate Richard 
Armitage as Deputy Secretary of State under Colin Powell only underscores the 
clear message that the Bush Administration is sending to the world.
Armitage, who was denied a 1989 appointment as Assistant Secretary of State 
because of links to Iran-Contra and other scandals, served as Assistant 
Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs in the Reagan years. 
U.S. Government stipulations in the Oliver North trial specifically named 
Armitage as one of the DoD officials responsible for illegal transfers of 
weapons to Iran and the Contras. But Armitage's dirty past goes much deeper.
A Vietnam veteran and graduate of Annapolis, Armitage's roots have been 
thoroughly intertwined with the likes of CIA veteran Ted Shackley, Richard 
Secord, Heine Aderholt, Elliot Abrams, Dewey Clarridge, Edwin Wilson and Tom 
Clines. All of these men have been directly linked to CIA covert operations, 
the drug trade, the abandonment of U.S. prisoners of War after Vietnam and/or 
Iran-Contra. Armitage has also been routinely discussed in FTW as a Bush-era 
covert functionary who has been linked to covert operations, drug smuggling 
and the expansion of organized crime operations in Russia, Central Asia and 
the Far East.
In 1986 a private dispute between POW activist Ross Perot and Armitage went 
public as photos of Armitage with a topless Vietnamese nightclub owner Nguyet 
O'Rourke brought allegations of gambling and prostitution very close to 
Armitage's doorstep. The stories went public when TIME and "The Boston Globe" 
wrote lengthy stories on the feud in 1986 and 1987. That scandal arose as a 
result of 1984 investigations by President Reagan's Commission on Organized 
Crime in which the photo and documentation of gambling charges and 
prostitution led directly to Armitage's close association with O'Rourke. Then 
LAPD Assistant Chief Jesse Brewer, a former Commanding Officer of this 
writer, served on the Reagan Commission.
The 1992 best-seller "Kiss The Boys Goodbye" by former "60 MINUTES" producer 
Monika Jensen-Stevenson details Armitage's role as Reagan point man on 
Vietnam POW-MIA issues and describes why Armitage has earned the enmity of 
many POW activists. However, in a 1995 interview with 

Re: [CTRL] Disclaimers and Men who think they have a right to hurt Women

2001-01-28 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

Ha Ha, another Silly Geek ToughGuy!!
  Just one more mouth breathing girlie boy.

You're just another internet coward, mouthing off from a safe distance.
How come none of you guys ever mouth off to my face? I'm not THAT hard
to track down. Bring it on.

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ÝÝÝCTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-28 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

Nothing is more "classist" then the present Govt School System. The
children  of the Elite attend excellent private schools. The children of
the middle class generally attend mediocre Govt Schools that are
continually declining in the  quality of the eduation offered - at an
increasing higher cost per pupil.

As you have just illustrated, America’s school system is classist, not
because it is a “Government School System,” but because it is a
combination of public and private. The classism results, not from the
public, but from the private component. The rich get better education
because they can afford to pay more.  Vouchers will not change this. The
commodification of education will not change this. If anything, it will
make it worse. Private education sells the same way any commodity sells.
Some people shop at K-Mart and some people shop at Sharper Image. This
is not a free choice on their parts. It dictated by economic reality.
Should some kids get a K-Mart education while other kids get a Sharper
Image education? That’s the issue here.

By your logic, if it is alright for government to give vouchers to buy
one commodity it should be alright to give vouchers to buy any
commodity. Where’s my Sharper Image shopping voucher? Why aren’t you
agitating for that?

Cost per pupil should not even be considered. Education is a right. It
should not matter what it costs. Whatever it costs is worth it. This is
the philosophy applied to “defense” spending. Why not apply it to
education? What’s good for America is good for America, right? Or are
you saying that quality education is not as good for America as a
bloated and redundant military?

We have the the resources to make public schools be better than even the
very best private schools. Instead we squander them on providing the
corporations, especially the oil companies, with a private army with
which to enforce their predation.

If you provide public funds to provide private alternatives to the
failing Govt Schools, (at less cost per pupil then Govt Schools)  you
provide an opportunity for the poorest kids to have some  hope of
escaping the life time sentence of underachievment.

Even with vouchers, the poorest kids would not be able to afford private
school. You obviously have no understanding of poverty, probably because
you’ve  never been poor or spent very much time around poor people. I
suggest that you educate yourself a little about the subject before you
make an even bigger fool of yourself spouting off about things you know
nothing about. Do a field study. Do some community service. Volunteer at
a homeless shelter or a soup kitchen. Get to know some of these people.
Get to know what their lives are like. Then come back here and talk
about poverty. In the meantime, quite frankly, you’re just blowing hot

Not only that, but if you have never done any community service, it is
extremely likely that you don’t really care about poor people. Yet now
you suddenly profess great concern with the education of their kids. I
strongly suspect that you don’t give a flying rat’s *ss about poor
people or their kids, except as pawns in the promotion of your own
agenda.  If you really cared so much about poor kids’ education you’d be
volunteering as an after school tutor. All you seem to really care about
is your own wallet. Anything that might save you a buck is a good thing.
Selfishness is a social disease. Its carriers should be quarantined.

Why do you suppose that the biggest supporters for vouchers  come from
the Inner Cities? 

Oh really? Do you know these people personally? Name ten of them. Tell
us how to get in touch with them so we can  contact them and find out if
they exist or if you just made them up. 

And what -exactly- do you mean by “biggest”? Do you mean loudest? Or do
you mean most widely reported by the corporate media?

And what do you mean “supporters”? it seems to me that if anybody is
going to wind up supporting vouchers it’s we taxpayers. That means that
some of my money will effectively be taken from my by threat of force
and given to religious schools. This in intolerable.

Generations of kids from the Inner  Cities have been destroyed by Govt

Generations of kids from the Inner  Cities, and from rural America, have
been destroyed by poverty. Blaming it on the schools is a distraction
from the real source of the problem.

But then again the Govt School System is a creation of the Corporate
State. The supporters of the Corporate State will fight to the death to
preserve it.

Are you even aware that you are contradicting yourself when you blame
what’s wrong with education on the “Corporate State” and then propose
that we turn to corporate schools to fix it? If not, you really ought to
go back to school and take Logic 101, because your reasoning abilities
appear to be severely impaired.  If you are aware of this contradiction,
and continue to profess it, you are a hypocrite. So tell us, which is
it? Are 


2001-01-28 Thread John Cone

-Caveat Lector-

On June 17, 1995, The Executive Committee of the
Republican Party of Texas adopted by unanimous vote
RESOLUTION #5 entitled:
"Restoration of the United States Constitution".

I quote the very first paragraph of this Resolution:

   "Whereas, The Republican Party of Texas recognizes
that acts of the Congressional body and the Office of
the President of the United States of America created
an emergency condition, and that on and after March 6,
1933 and March 9, 1933 the same said Public Offices
effectively impaired and suspended the Constitution
the United States of America under pretense
of these same created emergency conditions, and that
the impairments and disabilities yet exist and are in
full force and effect throughout the Nation and
several States of the Union as of the date of this
resolution; and
 Whereas, there has occurred continuous breach of
trust, duty and obligation imposed under authority of
the Constitution for the United States of America,
resulting in a continued abridgment
of the Rights, Privileges, Immunities, and Liberties
of Citizens and others, all committed under pretense
of a continuing national crisis and furtherance of
emergency conditons..."

The Resolution concludes by demanding "the rescinding
of the state of national emergency declared on March
9, 1933...thereby returning the United States of
America to its original peacetime Constitutional

A complete copy of this Resolution is
available from:
The Republican Party of Texas
211 East 7th St
Suite 620 Austin, TX 78701

Someone should ask President Bush if he will
terminate this phony "National Emergency".
Because until it is terminated, we are living
under a dictatorship.

   Regards to All

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Re: [CTRL] NM: Top Judiciary Dem Leahy Defends White House Trashing

2001-01-28 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

You are equating homelessness with mental illness. If you had ever spent
any time around homeless people you would know better. Some mentally ill
people are homeless. Others are not. Some mentally ill people not only
live indoors, they even hold political office.

Some homeless people are, in fact,  mentally ill. Most homeless people
are merely broke. A significant proportion are women and children,
refugees from battering and abandonment.

You really, really ought to do some research into the field before you
pontificate. You’re making a major fool of yourself by betraying such

Besides, I never said anything about “institutionalizing” the White
House as a homeless shelter. I propose we throw out the people who live
there and leave the doors unlocked. The homeless people can manage the
rest by themselves. They don’t need institutions. They need a roof over
their heads. America’s greatest shame is that paper sleeps in a palace
while people sleep in the street. 

Any night of the week you can literally see people huddled against the
cold in the doorways of bank buildings that are locked shut. This is
unconscionable. Any society that allows human beings to suffer
needlessly is a sick society. Our institutions should serve us, not the
other way around. America needs it’s reset button hit.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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2001-01-28 Thread John Cone

-Caveat Lector-

--- William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 By David Guyatt
The sole purpose of this ultra secretive unit
is deniable assassination and it operates in
the world of shadows.

The Special Air Service was formed during WW11 by
David Stirling with the intention to operate behind
enemy lines and to perform acts of sabotage and

Nakano comments:
The British Special Air Service [S.A.S] participated
in the strange and maccabre events in Waco, Texas
in 1993.  You'll recall that David Koresh and the
Branch Davidians were attacked and kept under seige
for 51 days and then burned alive in their church.
You may also recall the recent Official Investigation
conducted by Janet Reno's appointee, former U.S.
Senator Danforth.  Most of that "investigation"
centered on the famous "F.L.I.R. videotape pictures
which were taken of the fatal fire.
"FLIR" is Forward Looking Infrared.
The secret cameras used to take these pictures
belonged to the British SAS.  The aircraft from
which the pictures were taken was an SAS plane.
You may also recall the government finally admitted
that U.S. "DELTA FORCE" personnel were involved
at Waco.
Does anyone have any ideas on why such secretive
"Elite" military units were involved?
Why was the SAS involved in a purely U.S. domestic
There was obviously something going on at Waco
that went far beyond the alleged possession of
illegal automatic weapons by the Davidians.

 Regards to All

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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2001-01-28 Thread John Cone

-Caveat Lector-

--- William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



 By David Guyatt

 Albert Vincent Carone is one of those people who
 spent his life dancing
 between raindrops and turning invisible wherever a
 shadow lingered.  He
 existed and also didn’t exist.  Al Carone -
 unlike his near namesake, Al
 Capone – truly was a paradox wrapped in a mystery
 concealed behind an
 enigma.  Â
 Carone was a detective in the New York Police
 Department, but this didn’t
 stop him from becoming a “made” man in the
 Genovese crime family.  He knew
 all the leading Mafiosa of his day, including Vito
 Genovese, Sam Giancana,
 Santos Trafficante, Joe Colombo and Pauley
 Castellano amongst others.  To
 Carone’s daughter, Dee, they were all known as
 “Uncle.”  When she got
 married, her father arranged two different reception
 rooms to separate the
 “mob” guests, from the NYPD guests.   But this
 was more window-dressing than
 anything else.  One of Carone’s principal
 functions in the NYPD was to act as
 the “bagman” in protecting shipments of CIA
 drugs to the various Mafia
 Carone died in 1990 under mysterious
 circumstances.  This followed a period
 of great personal disenchantment with his life
 following a secretive mission
 to Mexico in 1985 when a large number of innocent
 women and children died
 unnecessarily.  His death was horrific, reports
 Mike Ruppert, editor of “From
 The Wilderness” newsletter, who has investigated
 Carone’s life story and
 written a special report on it (see
 Meanwhile, another “Uncle” was Bill Casey, the
 former Director of the CIA
 during the Reagan administration.  Casey had been
 with the OSS during WW11.Â
 During the “seventies” he became Chairman of the
 Securities  Exchange
 Commission (SEC) that regulates the US investment
 industry.  During his tenor
 in that role, Casey used Carone as a “cut-out”
 to pass sensitive insider
 information to mob Capo, Pauley Castellano, says his
 daughter, Dee.
 Carone was also a full Colonel in the US Army where
 he had operated in the
 Army’s Counter Intelligence Corp (CIC).Â
 Unsurprisingly, in view of his close
 friendship with Bill Casey, he was also a covert
 operative for the CIA.   But
 that wasn’t half of it.  Carone was also a Grand
 Knight of the Sovereign
 Military Order of Malta (SMOM) – which
 historically has been the military arm
 of the Vatican and is regarded as separate
 “state” with full powers of
 statehood including issuing its own diplomatic
 In more recent decades SMOM has acted as a funding
 conduit, a black market
 gold channel and money-laundry for the CIA, amongst
 others – and is known to
 act as the Vatican’s intelligence arm.  It was,
 for example, alleged to be
 involved in the disappearance of Russia’s gold
 reserves – over 2000 metric
 tonnes - that vanished during 1991, around the time
 that Soviet Premier
 Mikhail Gorbachev was ousted from office.Â
 Malta knighthoods are awarded to many leading
 individuals who are part of the
 military and intelligence community.  The CIA’s
 Bill Casey, for example, was
 Knight of Malta.  Former NATO General (and later US
 Secretary of State)
 Alexander Haig is also a Malta Knight.  Another is
 General Vernon Walters,
 the former Deputy Director of the CIA under DCI
 George Bush and later
 appointed a roving Ambassador during the Reagan
 administration.  The
 legendary head of the OSS – the WW11 precursor of
 the CIA – was “Wild” Bill
 Donovan, who was made a Knight along with his
 wartime compatriot and later
 CIA chief of counter-intelligence, James Jesus
 Angleton.  And John McCone,
 another prominent member of the US “spook”
 agency was also distinguished
 with a Malta knighthood.  The list goes on.  Most
 interesting was Reinhard
 Gehlen the former Nazi intelligence expert recruited
 by the US in 1945-46 to
 head the “Gehlen Org” – a secret German-based
 intelligence arm of the United
 States that was composed of former SS  Gestapo
 agents – many of whom,
 including Klaus Barbie, were wanted Nazi war
 criminals.  The foregoing names
 amount to a listing of some of the most powerful and
 influential members of
 the western intelligence community over the last
 five decades.
 One Vatican group that has extremely close ties to
 the Knights of Malta is
 the ultra right wing Opus Dei.  This is an
 immensely powerful faction in the
 Vatican today, whose public “do good” activities
 eclipse a plethora of the
 darkest political and financial machinations known
 to man.  It will not come
 as a surprise, perhaps, that Carone was closely
 associated with Opus Dei and,
 in particular, a covert operation that had its
 origin back in 1944.   This
 was Operation Amadeus. Â
 THE DULLES FACTORThis highly secretive operation was
 part of the 

Re: [CTRL] NM: Top Judiciary Dem Leahy Defends White House Trashing

2001-01-28 Thread John Cone

-Caveat Lector-

--- Nessie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

 You are equating homelessness with mental illness.
 If you had ever spent
 any time around homeless people you would know
 better. Some mentally ill
 people are homeless. Others are not. Some mentally
 ill people not only
 live indoors, they even hold political office.

 Some homeless people are, in fact,  mentally ill.
 Most homeless people
 are merely broke. A significant proportion are women
 and children,
 refugees from battering and abandonment.

 You really, really ought to do some research into
 the field before you
 pontificate. You’re making a major fool of yourself
 by betraying such

 Besides, I never said anything about
 “institutionalizing” the White
 House as a homeless shelter. I propose we throw out
 the people who live
 there and leave the doors unlocked. The homeless
 people can manage the
 rest by themselves. They don’t need institutions.
 They need a roof over
 their heads. America’s greatest shame is that paper
 sleeps in a palace
 while people sleep in the street.

 Any night of the week you can literally see people
 huddled against the
 cold in the doorways of bank buildings that are
 locked shut. This is
 unconscionable. Any society that allows human beings
 to suffer
 needlessly is a sick society. Our institutions
 should serve us, not the
 other way around. America needs it’s reset button

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 =CTRL is a discussion  informational
 exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not
 soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many
 half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically
 by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the
 spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the
 validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Mind Control Murder In Oregon ?

2001-01-28 Thread John Cone

-Caveat Lector-

--- "Martin F. Abernathy" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-


 Teen accused in death seeks tips from 'Happy Face'

 Friday, March 10, 2000


 By Michael Wilson of The Oregonian staff

 An Astoria teen who has said voices told him to kill
 a 7-year-old girl
 whose body was found under his parents' floorboards
 wrote a letter to
 Oregon serial killer Keith "Happy Face" Jesperson
 seeking advice on his
 defense strategy, prison life and girls.

 Harned, 17, wrote the letter from the Clatsop County
 Jail in Astoria,
 where he awaits a court ruling on whether he is
 competent to stand
 trial. A hearing that included testimony that he
 heard voices telling
 him to "kill, kill, kill" ended Tuesday, and a
 decision from Clatsop
 County Circuit Judge Philip Nelson is expected next
 week. Harned's
 lawyers say the teen is incapable of aiding in his

 About 135 miles away from Harned's coastal jail
 cell, Jesperson is
 serving a life sentence in the Oregon State
 Penitentiary in Salem for
 the murders of three young women in Oregon and

 Harned faces two counts of aggravated murder in
 connection with the Feb.
 11, 1999, slaying of 7-year-old Ashley Ann Carlson.
 Police say Harned
 strangled the girl and buried her under the
 floorboards of his parents'

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Re: [CTRL] Telepathic Messages And Murder

2001-01-28 Thread John Cone

-Caveat Lector-

--- "Martin F. Abernathy" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-


 Suspect May Be Schizophrenic
 By Emily Adams
 Staff Writer, The Daily Tar Heel

 Thursday, September 10, 1998

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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-28 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Burden of Proof Nessie?

This is a Conspiracy Theory list...the Pope still believes the sun
travels about the earth - in the circuit of othe heavens.

This is a Conspiracy Theory List.speculation, based on facts, is
still theory.

As of late Einstein's "theory" is being challenged which original idea
was credited to Newton, but nobody cares about that.and further it
is said Einstein stole his theory in part from an Italian?

I have a conspiracy theory and in fact, on my copyright when asked for
new material, I stated it was the conspiracy theory that was new and
copyrighted my bible calendar code way back in late 60 period but I
copyrighted the theory.

You ask people to prove everything they say?   My work according to
Henry Regnary, a man named Domick Abel, was extremely provocative, and
highly original.for I claimed the Mafia got JFK, RFK, and tried to
get Teddy based on a bible code used as communications which also was
linked to sabotage and KGB.

Poked a little fun at the masons - but then so did Charles Manson in

Haven't you ever figured out yet what the Masons really are other than
patriots in this country who serve one master, now two and that is why
Bnai Brith a masonic order not affiliated with American Masonic order
unless they arenot accepted, and black masons - some think are not to be
trusted, for they serve foreign masters such as Zionism and KGB?

Refer to KGB founding their own KKK while people like the Walker spies
and Pollard took money to sell out this country and the name of the game
is treason.

Want a patriot, find an American Mason - and you do find bad lower
degree Masons and moles for this order at the top you will find the

So losers who have nothing want communism or nationalism - yet all have
chance to improve themselves with or without school vouchers.

A good IQ helps, but it does not take a nucleara physicist to build a
cathedral or sewage system or lay the foundation of a home..it takes
real men for after all, we cannot all be computer "geniuses" can we?
Have to learn to type first.


As George Washington said when he needed someone he could trust - find
me a Mason.
but watch out for those English Masons or Mossad Bnai Brith and ADl
Masons or KGB Masons who are on to the fact that KKK uses Masonic
Rituals as did King - who was a Black Mason in cahoots with communists.

Would prefer to be ruled by a King or Queen than have a Jessie Jackson
or a Lieberman or a Gore attemp to "rule" over me, which they could
never do for only thing I respect, is intelligence acd the higher up the
ladder you find it, well America was made great by the Giants not the
Zionists for you see what Zionism has done to this country.

Can I prove all this?   Why the hell should I for this is a conspiracy
list, but I have plenty of documentation to prove that under Clinton and
Gore, this country was being taken for a ride.so all you pore folk
out there who want a communist in office, had already had one - Clinton
= only he stole from the poor and gave to himself, like his ole buddies
Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

And toss in Waco for entertainment for that is show biz.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] So We All Have Written What We Have Written.......

2001-01-28 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Meaning of INRIfirst time I ever saw this was when Jean Dixon
sent me her two books, which she autogrpaphed only she mailed to my
boss, for me and in the one book, Gift of Propaganda (pardon, prophecy
straight out of Romans 12) she had a prayer card and on it the piciture
of Christ with INRI...

I have written what I have written, as she had written what she had
written only I backed up my words by filing a criminal charge against
her for soothsaying without a licenseand it was Goodbye Columbus,
for over 10 years she dare not come back or she thought she would be
thrown in the slammer ..

Now INRI - my family all were Greek, Latin Scholars and knew Hebrew as
well for it was for some reason part of their trainingonce the
Catholic Church Latin was a chosen language, and you could communicate
with a catholic in any country in the world - using a dead language.
Made nice code in a sense.

So this item I thought someone might enjoy .and inri on the list,
wonder what his INRI stands for - or is he what you call ehalted
paranoid type?


What do the letters "INRI" on the crucifix mean?

 The letters "INRI" are initials for the Latin title that Pontius Pilate
had written over the head of Jesus Christ on the cross (John 19:19).
Latin was the official language of the Roman Empire.

The words were "Iesus Nazarenvs Rex Ivdaeorvm." Latin uses "I" instead
of the English "J", and "V" instead of "U" (i.e., Jesus Nazarenus Rex
Judaeorum). The English translation is "Jesus of Nazareth, the King of
the Jews."
 The Early Church adopted the first letters of each word of this
inscription "INRI" as a symbol. Throughout the centuries INRI has
appeared in many paintings of the crucifixion.
By the way, Pilate's title for Christ was actually written in three

And Pilate wrote a title, and put it on the cross.
And the writing was, JESUS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS. This title
then read many of the Jews: for the place where Jesus was crucified was
nigh to the city: and it was written in Hebrew, and Greek, and Latin.
Then said the chief priests of the Jews to Pilate, "Write not, 'The King
of the Jews;' but that he said, 'I am King of the Jews'." Pilate

"What I have written I have written."
 -John 19:19-22 (KJV)

SABA Note:   as I recall Jesus replied "you said it", not I.

Author: Paul S. Taylor of Eden Communications

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noted on attached "Usage and Copyright" page that grants
ChristianAnswers.Net users generous rights for putting this page to work
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[CTRL] Proof

2001-01-28 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

On Sun, 28 Jan 2001 08:29:25 -0800
  Nessie [EMAIL PROTECTED] says

 The burden of proof is on the person who states an alleged fact. If
you can't prove something, don't expect people to believe it.

   On  Tue, 23 Jan 2001 15:38:34 EST
   "Prudence L. Kuhn" [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

  Mature people don't ask for proof.  They find out the truth for
themselves.  Prudy

"I am a jelly donut." - John F. Kennedy ("Ich bin ein

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Re: [CTRL] Proof

2001-01-28 Thread Carl Amedio
In a message dated 1/28/01 1:04:50 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mature people don't ask for proof. They find out the truth for
themselves. Prudy

A nice comeback. Typical of the journeyman prevaricator.

Re: [CTRL] Telepathic Messages And Murder

2001-01-28 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Always wondered Mr. Cone - these neurotransmitters in the brain -
electricity..and if a person is overcharged as some are, do they
pick up messages or can they be sent messages and be receiving without
knowing it?

For it has always been my theory that Prayer is nothing other than
telepathis communication with God.

Some have it and some do not..but if man can create a television to
see and hear, and a radio to listen and a camera to take pictures all
based on his own image - who created what?

So when you feel a little depressed or paranoid, eat a potato or banana
- serotonin - why pay a couplel hundred dollars or a pill?

Need vitamin Cdoctors now are getting old fashioned = some now say,
eat an orange no need to take expensive vitamin?

Want amnesia?   Want to end up in a strange hotel or run an airplane
into a mountain - take some of this jet lag crap.

So Melatonin is a natural substance and no patent can be awarded but oh
boy, wait till they emake synthetic coal tar melatonin.then you can
go to pharmicist and pay $120 for 30 pillsyet all you have to do is
maintan proper diet.

Want to lose some lard off a fat ass?   Lay off the beer and pepsi and
coke...you will also cut down on dental bills.

So when I saw the light I went once to a Food Health Store, named Spring
Wheat and what did they sell there - apple, and oranges, and chili
without meat - wonderful creme cheese and anothre cheese sandwich with
something on it that looked like grass on raisin nut bread.and all
natural vitamins..beautiful face cremes made of apricots and all

Then it occured to me, since when was apples and oranges labeled a
"health food" as thought it was something unusual?

Whatever will be, will be.now we find in Ohio two different schools
in different areas, kids getting cancer and luekemia.

well I have a little map here showing a transmitter and receiver to do
with weather modification program and oh the laser light shows they had
and all weather hell broke loosewe have silos buried in the ground
and dump sites once owned by feds.

So what happened when the kids became ill.suddenly now we find land
was sold for $1.00 to schools by the feds and they say at the time they
did not know that some of othe stuff dumped on land was a carcinogen.

That was in the 60 period; well, I knew it was carcinogen just like the
Toluene in air plane and model car glue that killed a lot of little kids
- and they use that garbage in dry cleaning and it also can cause
cataracts - excessive heat does too, but ever see a person ironing
clothese in a dry cleaners with the steam filled Tolune escaping into
their eyes?

Health Food - plant an apple tree, or pear tree or apricot tree - it is
said apricots have anti cancer attributes.

So today in the schools Pepsi is given to kids for lunch = rather sold,
and the schools take a kick back, for that is what it is...

So supercharge with banana or potato - for alla this stuff effects the
neurotransmitters to the pineal gland and that pineal gland I believe,
is the key to time itself.

Down with Pepsi Colalook what it did to Michael Jackson - he
looks like something out of Tales from the Darkside only he keeps
getting grayer, and grayerand you know once they put some melatonin
in a tank with tadpoles and they all turned virtually transparant..

So they still investigate all the mutations of frogs lately but oh how
they forget that stuff that causes little babies to be born without arms
and legs and little hands sometimes coming from the shoulders?   Yet
today these bastards are still marketing that crap under a different

None dare call it murder .or maybe maiming of little unborn

So keep that Pepsi coming and someday we will be a nation of lardos with
neurotransmitters receiving messages from satan.

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Re: [CTRL] Proof

2001-01-28 Thread Jenny Decker

-Caveat Lector-

Dear Prudy,
I understand the spirit of what you say, but in truth, plenty of mature
individuals DO ask for proof. It doesn't mean that they won't confirm
through their own research, but it helps to filter out those who have
consciously checked their sources from those others who merely trustfully
recite hearsay.
Each of us hears thousands of second-hand reports daily; no-one has the
reasonable opportunity to confirm each one personally. Asking the immediate
reporter for source citations is one of the chief methods each of us has for
verification, and serves to weed out the obviously untrustworthy from the
Jenny Decker
- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, January 28, 2001 11:05 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Proof

 -Caveat Lector-

 On Sun, 28 Jan 2001 08:29:25 -0800
   Nessie [EMAIL PROTECTED] says

  The burden of proof is on the person who states an alleged fact. If
 you can't prove something, don't expect people to believe it.

On  Tue, 23 Jan 2001 15:38:34 EST
"Prudence L. Kuhn" [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

   Mature people don't ask for proof.  They find out the truth for
 themselves.  Prudy

 "I am a jelly donut." - John F. Kennedy ("Ich bin ein

 A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Fwd: Nuclear Bomb Iraq

2001-01-28 Thread Aleisha Saba

Oh but do not hurt the corn and oil and wine?

So they go ahead and blow up all the oil wells anhey all they will have
is a pile of old rocks which they call "sacred"...

But then why did Israelies want to build tunnels under this one old
Rock..maybe looking for King Solomons Mines?

So if there must be war, let the go to war..but leave me and mine
out of it.

   ___      __
  /  |/  /  /___/  / /_ //M I D - E A S T   R E A L I T I E S
 / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East
/_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\http://www.MiddleEast.Org

  News, Information,  Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
 and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know!
  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
 To receive MER regularly email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


MID-EAST REALITIES  - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 1/28:
   As war clouds gather in the Middle East public opinion is being prepared
for a possible regional war that could likely include a combined Western/Israeli
effort to take out the weapons of mass destruction in Syria, Iraq and Iran.
 There are some credible analysts who believe the plot might be even thicker,
including some kind of secret plan not only to finally topple Saddam but
to use the moment of Middle East restructing to forceably "resettle" large
numbers of Palestinian refugees in Iraq -- as fanciful as this idea seems
to many others.
   The Telegraph in London is one of the newspapers leading the charge.
 Over the weekend the newspaper headlined a story that Iraq now has two
functional nuclear bombs with more on the way.  With the right-wing nationalists
already in power in the U.S., and Sharon and the racists coming to power
in Israel, the year just begun may be one for the military history books
as were '48, '56, '67, '73, and '82 in the past.
   These three articles from The Telegraph in the week past.

   By Jessica Berry

The Telegraph, UK -28 January:  SADDAM HUSSEIN has two fully operational
nuclear bombs and is working to construct others, an Iraqi defector has
told The Telegraph.

The defector, a military engineer who fled Iraq a year after United Nations
arms inspectors left the country, says that he helped to oversee the completion
of the weapons programme. He is currently in hiding in Europe. International
nuclear officials are investigating his evidence, which contradicts recent
reports that the Iraqi dictator's plans were still at a preparatory stage.

Saddam's efforts to build atomic weapons were delayed by the UN Special
Commission (Unscom) inspectors who were forced to leave in November 1998,
but scientists resumed the work immediately after their departure.

According to the defector, who cannot be named for security reasons, bombs
are being built in Hemrin in north-eastern Iraq, near the Iranian border.
Last week, the defector said: "There are at least two nuclear bombs which
are ready for use. Before the UN inspectors came, there were 47 factories
involved in the project. Now there are 64." The information has alarmed
security experts, who were aware only that the area around Hemrin was well-guarded.

The defector said: "The area is restricted to the Special Security Organisation.
Some of it is under the control of the military industrialisation ministry
which is in charge of building up Saddam's weapons arsenal, but one area
is entirely under the control of the nuclear energy organisation. They
are digging shelters there."

The nuclear programme is shrouded in secrecy. The chain of command leads
directly to the presidential palace and Saddam's closest aide, Abed Hmoud,
a Baath Party stalwart who runs the Iraqi dictator's private office. According
to the defector, General Raad Ismail, the head of the Committee for the
Use of Nuclear Weapons, answers directly to a Dr Khaled, the director-general
of the al-Athir factory, who oversees the final stages of construction
of weapons.

The factory was attacked in air raids by Britain and the United States
in 1998, but has since been rebuilt. Also involved is Awad al-Benck, who
is responsible for procurement in the presidential office. Involvement
of such senior men means that the programme is top secret. The defector
says that apart from the scientists, only four or five people know what
is happening. One security expert said: "This is vital information. The
fact that General Ismail is involved can only mean that the programme is

Melissa Fleming, a spokeswoman for the UN-founded International Atomic
Energy Agency in Vienna, said that the IAEA was unable to confirm that
the Iraqi dictator was complying with Unscom resolutions. Mrs Fleming said:
"I will bring this to the attention of the members of the agency immediately.
We want to investigate this 

[CTRL] Fw: [piml] The American dialectic

2001-01-28 Thread Arthur Hickman

-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Howard Rothenburg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sunday, January 28, 2001 12:19 AM
Subject: [piml] The American dialectic

By Dr. Samuel L. Blumenfeld

 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

The dialectic that drives American politics was quite visible on the
inauguration platform. To the left of the Bushes sat the socialists
and Gramscian commies: Bill, who burned 80-or-so men, women and
children at Waco and handed Elian over to Castro; his sulking partner,
Al Gore, whose family owes much of its wealth to Kremlin agent Armand
Hammer; and Chris Dodd, senator from Connecticut who spent years
defending the Sandinista communists of Nicaragua. They held the White
House for eight years, and now their reign was over. Just to have
survived them is an achievement.

On their right was George W. Bush, born-again Christian, basically
conservative; Dick Cheney, one of the most conservative men who ever
sat in Congress; and a whole lot of other people on the side of the
Angels. Both ministers, Billy Graham who gave the invocation and the
black minister from Houston who gave the benediction, invoked the name
of Jesus Christ at the close of their prayers. President Bush took the
oath of office with his hand on the Bible. His address had the
spiritual tone associated with our religious heritage. After eight
years of Clinton debauchery, it was quite a change. Even the presence
of the chief justice of the Supreme Court administering the oath had
symbolic meaning. It was he who brought the dispute over the vote
count in Florida to an end, thus confirming Bush's victory.

This was a peaceful moment for the dialectic, a brief moment of rest.
The system demands it. Although the dialectic is the ongoing, endless
conflict between the two philosophies of life and government, there
are rules whereby the two sides conduct themselves. Clinton is always
trying to stretch the rules, thus his farewell speech was really a
critique of the new Bush administration. He's a dialectician down to
his fingernails.

The new president didn't spend his time criticizing the Clinton
administration. He thanked Clinton for his service to the nation. Bush
plays by the rules, and he does so graciously. He won in Florida even
though the mobs shouting insults at him during the parade didn't think
so. They are also part of the dialectic, the more ugly part.
Conservative citizens act differently. They brush up on their Second
Amendment rights.

What is the dialectic? It is the means by which the far left moves our
society slowly but inexorably in its direction -- toward socialism.
The dialectical process was conceived in the early 19th century by
German philosopher, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831), a
pantheist, who believed in a world soul that was using the dialectic
process to achieve its own perfection. Since the human race was part
of the world soul, our history was also part of this ongoing
dialectical process, or conflict, between the thesis and the
antithesis to form a new synthesis, which then becomes the new thesis.
Karl Marx (1818-1883) junked the spiritual aspect of Hegel's
dialectic, and attached it to a purely materialistic, godless view of
the universe -- hence the creation of "dialectical materialism," the
process whereby the human race inches toward communism.

In American politics, the dialecticians of the left view the thesis as
the conservative status quo, the antithesis as the socialists and
communists opposing the status quo, and the synthesis as the new
status quo after the conservatives have compromised and moved toward
the left. That is why no conservative administration has been able to
undo any of the liberal programs and why our federal and state
governments keep growing in power and scope, imposing more and more
restrictions on American freedom.

A case in point is the Department of Education, which was established
by liberals in the Carter administration. Attempts by conservatives to
close it down have been thwarted time and again until conservatives
have become resigned to its continued existence. What prevents
Republicans from breaking the dialectical cycle is their lack of
understanding of how it works and their lack of courage. Politics is
supposed to be the art of compromise. But with the dialectic at work,
compromise means surrender on the installment plan.

The Bible, of course, teaches absolutes, for there are no dialectical
compromises possible with God's law. You may disobey His law, but you
can't change it. That is also true of our Declaration of Independence
and the U.S. Constitution. Although the left would like to get rid of
them, the best they can do is dialectically tear them apart. It is
only the vigilance of patriotic gun owners who have 

Re: [CTRL] George Bush's vandalism of the White House computers

2001-01-28 Thread BB

-Caveat Lector-

No excuse whatever for a second crime to be perpetrated on his son.

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[CTRL] Fw: NBC's Mitchell Disputes Charge That Bushies Also Trashed White House

2001-01-28 Thread Arthur Hickman

-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Reagan D. Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sunday, January 28, 2001 2:07 AM
Subject: WND: NBC's Mitchell Disputes Charge That Bushies Also Trashed White House

A top Democrat's charge that aides to former president George Bush trashed the White 
House before
leaving in 1993, much the same way Clinton administration
staff did last Saturday, was contradicted Friday morning by NBC reporter Andrea 

"I covered the Clintons coming in," Mitchell told radioman Don Imus. "There was a lot 
of bitterness
because the hard drives were missing from some of the

On Thursday, ranking Senate Judiciary Committee Democrat Pat Leahy alleged that aides 
to Bush Sr.
"changed a number of the computers around so that it would
take them a long time to have them reconfigured." (

"I think it was wrong when the Bush people did it," added Leahy. "I think it's wrong 
when the
Clinton people did it."

But Mitchell went on to dispel any notion that former Bush aides had deliberately 
tampered with
White House computers to sabotage the incoming Clinton administration.

"It turned out that the missing hard drives were taken by special prosecutors who 
were looking into
a Bush campaign, a Bush White House issue," Mitchell
told Imus.

In contrast, the NBC newswoman said that White House trashing by Clinton aides was 

"You know, pranks and stuff, but also some stuff that was quite vicious," Mitchell 

Clinton aides reportedly cut several computer cables and phone lines, overturned 
furniture and
sprayed hallways with graffiti.

Leahy also alleged that aides to Bush Sr. had "laminated" his photo to a number of 
White House

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Re: [CTRL] Unnatural disaster: Deregulated California utilities

2001-01-28 Thread Theodor Parada, MD

-Caveat Lector-

Joshua2 wrote:

 Yah definately. I wouldn't mind nuke power, but only with certain conditions.
 One of those conditions is that the nuke waste be buried under YOUR home.

 I guess you ARE dumb. Didn't the article say that these greedy corporate
 oinkers took several key plants OFFLINE?

Regardless of the fact, that those four plants, went offline for
routine scheduled maintenance, there remains the issue; that no new
plants have been developed in over 10 years here in CA! The
population has continued to grow in this state at a rate of ~4%/year.
Simple math reveals that, unless you increase production there will
be less. So pay through the nose for what is left!!
As far as socialized medicine, its already here in the form of
Medicaid and HMO, ultimately you get what you pay for,rationed care.
I feel sorry for you.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Woman of the Century

2001-01-28 Thread BB

Note: forwarded message attached.

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Auctions - Buy the things you want at great prices.

Subject: Jane Fonda

  Jane Fonda is being honored as one of the "100 Women of the

  Unfortunately many have forgotten and still countless others have never
 known how Ms. Fonda betrayed not only the idea of our country but
 specific men who served and sacrificed during Vietnam.
Part of my conviction comes from personal exposure to those who
 suffered her attentions. The first part of this is from an F-4E pilot.
The pilot's name is Jerry Driscoll, a River Rat. In 1968, the former
 Commandant of the USAF Survival School was a POW in Ho Lo Prison - the
 "Hanoi Hilton."
Dragged from a stinking cesspit of a cell, cleaned, fed, and
 dressed in clean PJs, he was ordered to describe for a visiting American
 "Peace Activist" the "lenient and humane treatment" he'd received. He
 at Ms. Fonda, was clubbed, and dragged away. He fell to and touched the
 Commandant's feet, which sent that officer
 berserk. In '78, the AF Col.still suffered from double vision (which
 permanently ended his flying days) from the Vietnamese Col.'s frenzied
 application of a wooden  baton.
   From 1973-75, Col. Larry Carrigan was in the 47FW/DO (F-4Es).
 He spent 6 years in the "Hilton"- the first three of which he was
 "missing in action". His wife lived on faith that he was still alive. His
 group,too, got the cleaned/fed/clothed routine in preparation for a
 delegation" visit. They, however, had time and devised a plan to get word
 the world that they still survived. Each man secreted a tiny piece of
 with his SSN on it, in the palm of his hand. When paraded before Ms.Fonda
 and a cameraman, she walked the line, shaking each man's hand and asking
 little encouraging snippets like: "Aren't you sorry you bombed babies?"
 "Are you grateful for the humane treatment from your benevolent captors?"
Believing this HAD to be an act, they each palmed her their sliver
 of paper.
   She took them all without missing a beat. At the end of the line and
 once the camera stopped rolling, to the shocked disbelief of the POWs,
 she turned to the officer in charge ... and handed him the little pile
 of papers. Three men died from the subsequent beatings. Col.Carrigan was
 almost number four but he survived, which is the only reason we know
 her actions that day.
I was a civilian economic development advisor in Vietnam, and was
 captured by the North Vietnamese communists in South Vietnam in 1968,and
 held for over 5 years. I spent 27 months in solitary confinement, one
 in a cage in Cambodia, and one year in a black box" in Hanoi. My North
 Vietnamese captors deliberately poisoned and murdered a female
missionary, a
 nurse in a leprosarium in Ban me Thuot, South Vietnam, whom I buried in
 jungle near the Cambodian border. At one time, I was weighing
 90 lbs. (My normal weight is 170 lbs.) We were Jane Fonda's "war
   When Jane Fonda was in Hanoi, I was asked by the camp communist
 political officer if I would be willing to meet with Jane Fonda. I said
 yes, for I would like to tell her about the real treatment we POWs were
 receiving, which was far different from the treatment purported by the
 North Vietnamese, and parroted by Jane Fonda, as humane and lenient."
Because of this, I spent three days on a rocky floor on my knees
 with outstretched arms with a large amount of steel placed on my hands,
 and beaten with a bamboo cane till my arms dipped. I had the opportunity
 meet with Jane Fonda for a couple of hours after I was released. I asked
 if she would be willing to debate me on TV. She did not answer me.
This does not exemplify someone who should be honored as part of
 "100 Years of Great Women."  Lest we forget..."100 years of great women"
 should never include a traitor whose hands are covered with the blood of
 many patriots.  There are few things I have strong visceral reactions to,
 but Hanoi Jane's participation in blatant treason, is one of them.
Please take the time to forward to as many people as you possibly
 can. It will eventually end up on her computer and she needs to know
 that we will never forget.

 Charles (Skip) Klingman
 Asst. Professor of Music
 Southwestern Oklahoma State University
 Weatherford, OK
 (580) 774-3219 FAX: (580) 774-3795

 If having Jane Fonda named one of the woman of the century bothers you
 as much as it does me, then mail this to everyone on your list.

[CTRL] Sorry ...

2001-01-28 Thread BB

-Caveat Lector-

For all the forwarding addresses - I would have removed them
if I had been paying attention.

Regards to all.


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Bush may cut a deal with Iran

2001-01-28 Thread William Shannon


Bush may cut a deal with Iran 

Monday, January 22, 2001

WASHINGTON — As Russia advances its own strategic ties with Iran, the Bush 
administration wants to encourage a dialogue with Teheran on trade and 
regional security while cracking down on neighboring Iraq.Administration 
officials said President George Bush will quietly launch an effort to improve 
relations with the Islamic republic. But they said Bush will make it clear 
that this is dependent on Teheran scaling down its missile and 
nonconventional programs and ending support for terrorism.The officials said 
Bush will require Iran in any effort to crack down on Iraq, Middle East 
Newsline reported. This would include Iranian help for opposition activities 
as well increased supervision of the Gulf waters to prevent Iraqi oil 
smuggling.Meanwhile, leading strategists say Moscow will no longer pay much 
attention to U.S. concerns regarding Russia's military relationship with 
Iran.Russian strategists predict that after years of coordinating policy with 
Washington, Russia will restore its military ties with Iran regardless of 
U.S. objections. They said the Russian goal will be to advance its national 
interests rather than confront the United States.Alexander Konovalov, 
president of the Institute of Strategic Assessments, said Russia is prepared 
to pay the price of U.S. sanctions in advancing military ties with Iran. "It 
can be said the transaction with Iran has been restored, the transaction to 
sell arms," Konovalov told a Moscow news conference. "Our desire will be not 
to do something pleasant for the United States but to pursue our national 
interest as our leadership understands it."Konovalov, who is also a professor 
at Moscow State University, envisioned the prospect that the United States 
would end commercial space cooperation with Russia. But he said Washington 
has few pressure points on Moscow."True, there are many risks because we may 
be thrown out of the International Space Station, it may be decided not to 
use our Proton missiles to deliver payloads," Konovalov said. "Of course the 
Americans have more possibilities to exert economic influence on us than vice 
versa. But these possibilities, really, are not so numerous. You see, many of 
the channels linking us were destroyed in recent times."Strategists said 
Russia will join with other countries that object to U.S. policy. Moscow's 
major ally in this effort will be China.Konstantinovich Oznobishchev, 
director of the Institute of Strategic Assessments, said Russia will have to 
choose between close relations with Washington or those with Teheran. 
Oznobishchev said the choice will be whether Moscow wants Western financial 
and technological aid or Iranian arms sales."We simply have to choose what is 
more important to us," he said, "the several billion that we will get from 
the sale of weapons or cooperation in the field of high technology we can 
well count on or the prospect of easier access to loans without which we 
cannot run our budget." Secretary of State Colin Powell said the 
administration will be reviewing policy toward Iran. Powell said he envisions 
changes in policy that will serve U.S. interests in the Middle East."We have 
serious problems in our relationship with Iran, I'm not going to minimize 
that," Powell said. "But, at the same time, we can see in recent years that 
there is change happening."Iranian officials said they will be carefully 
monitoring changes in U.S. policy. 
Monday, January 22, 2001

[CTRL] California's Deregulation Disaster

2001-01-28 Thread William Shannon

California's Deregulation Disaster


Blackouts, brownouts and soaring electricity rates have defined the political
landscape of California since last spring. They've transformed the phrase
"utility deregulation" into a household epithet. They've stopped in its
tracks a nationwide wave of electricity restructuring that has already
claimed two dozen states and was about to sweep the rest. And they've helped
create a crisis whose economic and ecological shock waves will carry deep
into the new century.

The roots of this unnatural disaster lie in the corporate boardrooms of the
utility companies now on the brink of bankruptcy. It was their mismanagement
and greed that led directly to some of the greatest miscalculations in US
business history. Those missteps, and their impact, were clearly predicted by
consumer and environmental activists, who fought to prevent them. "This was a
catastrophe we all saw coming," says Dan Berman, co-author of Who Owns the
Sun? "But the power companies had an agenda to push and the money to foist it
on the public. Now we all reap the whirlwind."

California's dereg disaster began in 1996, when the state's three dominant
utilities banded together to force on their ratepayers "the largest corporate
ripoff in American business history," as Ralph Nader has put it [see
Wasserman, "The Last Energy War," March 16, 1998]. At the time, Pacific Gas 
Electric (then the nation's largest privately owned utility), San Diego Gas 
Electric and Southern California Edison were caught in a squeeze between
their big industrial customers, who were threatening to generate power on
their own, and the burden of their own bad investments in obsolete
generators, mainly nuclear power plants. They were also tired of having their
rates regulated by the state's ninety-year-old Public Utility Commission.
What they wanted was to cash out of those bad investments, keep their big
customers and make profits at will, without regulation.

So they proposed the following: Regulation of distribution lines will stay
intact. We will separate the business of generating power from the business
of distributing it to the public. We will spin off much if not all of our
generating capacity (though in fact much of this was done only on paper, with
power plants merely being transferred to the distribution companies' parent
corporations). Then, as pure distribution companies, we will compete with
other resellers for customers, who can choose their suppliers and even
purchase "green" energy from companies selling wind and solar. Competition
will rule. Prices will go down.

The price tag for Californians? Somewhere between $20 billion and $28.5
billion in upfront "stranded costs," i.e., direct paybacks to the utilities
for their bad generating plants. These charges would be levied through
"transition fees" and other surcharges, buried in customers' bills but adding
up to as much as 30 percent of monthly payments. During the time it would
take to pay back those bad investments, retail prices would be frozen. The
California Public Utility Commission would also get $89 million in ratepayer
money to promote the new scheme, giving utilities a leg up on whatever
competition might materialize.

A bill, AB 1890, was drafted in SoCalEd's offices. After a few perfunctory
hearings, the legislature passed it unanimously and Governor Pete Wilson,
then a presidential candidate, eagerly signed it. Some consumer and
environmental groups were furious about a wide range of issues, most notably
the reactor bailouts, which they worried (correctly) would prolong the
operating life of deteriorating nukes and other polluters. So in 1998, as the
bill was taking effect, a broad coalition put a repeal on the ballot.
Surmounting virtually impossible odds, the coalition gathered more than
700,000 signatures in less than five months. Initial polls indicated the
measure would be a close call, but the utilities spent $40 million, calling
in their chits with labor, ethnic and other organizations around the state.
The repeal went down, getting 27 percent of the vote.

But in their haste to cash out, SoCalEd and PGE made some critical
miscalculations. Most important was their assumption that there would always
be a surplus of cheap wholesale electricity. So they sold off too much of
their generating capacity and had too little of their own supply at a time
when rates were still frozen. Then came a hot summer and a cold winter.
Natural-gas prices shot up. Some key generators went down. Storms knocked out
transmission lines. The nukes had problems. The utilities found themselves at
the mercy of independent producers who'd snapped up generating capacity and
could manipulate the wholesale market. Having dismantled key efficiency
programs, the utilities now realized that their customers, buying power at
fixed costs, had little incentive to conserve. So demand quickly outstripped

[CTRL] NW: Can Bush Undo a Pardon?

2001-01-28 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Can Bush Undo a Pardon?

Rollback: The new team eyes ways to keep the heat on Marc Rich

By Daniel Klaidman and Mark Hosenball

Feb.  5 issue — Bill Clinton had done it one last time: left the
GOP hopping mad.  When the exiting president issued his
eleventh-hour pardon of Marc Rich, the fugitive financier living
in Switzerland, Republicans immediately went on the attack,
accusing Clinton of abusing power and once again diminishing the
dignity of the Oval Office.

EVEN MORE FRUSTRATING: there was nothing they could do about it.
The pardon was a done deal the moment Clinton signed it.

Or so it appeared.  Just days after the pardon was announced,
NEWSWEEK has learned, a handful of Bush Justice Department
lawyers began searching for a way to block it.  Young and
zealous, they hit the law books, convinced they could find
something that would give their new boss the power to undo the
damage.  They found what they were looking for in a series of
obscure, 19th-century court cases.  According to the Bush
lawyers’ interpretation, a pardon is much like a warrant—it must
be served on the person or his lawyer to be valid.  Some of
Clinton’s pardons, though signed by the president, hadn’t been
processed at the Justice Department and awaited delivery. Rich’s
was among them. The discovery touched off a weekend debate among
Justice lawyers. Could—or should—Bush order the department not to
deliver Rich’s pardon to his lawyer, thereby invalidating it?
It was more than just an academic debate.  What would the
political fallout be if the new president simply brushed aside
the judgment of his predecessor?  Some argued Bush shouldn’t even
try, since it would inevitably touch off a media and legal
hailstorm that would distract the president from his agenda.
Then again, the move might enjoy bipartisan support—and could
endear Bush to prosecutors.  By Saturday night, sources told
NEWSWEEK, the lawyers were still hunkered down, arguing the pros
and cons.


It was the latest twist in a week during which the Clinton
hangover competed hard for attention with Bush’s first days.
The former president may have retired to New York, but he left
behind enough controversy and ill will to keep him front and
center on talk TV—and Capitol Hill—for weeks.

Rep.  Dan Burton, the conservative Indiana Republican who made a
career of investigating Clinton’s questionable behavior, fueled
the controversy, announcing he would begin an official inquiry of
the Rich pardon.  The facts of the case certainly provoked
questions.  Why would Clinton want to help an indicted tax
swindler living on the lam?  It probably didn’t hurt that Rich’s
ex-wife had given generously to Bill and Hillary Clinton’s
campaigns.  But according to Clinton aides, it was former White
House counsel Jack Quinn, hired by Rich, who persuaded the
president to give Rich the nod—despite opposition from Justice
Department officials.  Now Burton and other Republicans want to
know why he made the list.  Burton has already sent a letter to
the Justice Department asking for documents on the case, and has
requested copies of Quinn’s billing records.

Quinn says he’ll cooperate with any investigation.  A spokesman
added Quinn was so moved by Rich’s arguments that he did not
charge him for his work over the last several months.

Clinton is also taking heat for shortening the prison sentences
of four men convicted of swindling the government out of millions
of dollars. The men, Hasidic Jews from New Square, a small
village outside New York City, had set up a phony religious
school and used it to steal federal grants.  Republicans now
accuse Hillary of buying the town’s votes with promises of
shortened jail time for their brethren.  In November, New Square
had voted overwhelmingly for Hillary, while surrounding Hasidic
towns voted 20 to 1 for her opponent.  Last August, Mrs.
Clinton visited New Square and met with its spiritual leader,
Rabbi David Twersky.  But her spokesman, Howard Wolfson, insists
she first heard about the imprisoned men after the election, when
Twersky visited the Oval Office shortly before Christmas to push
the president for clemency.


There was one small consolation for Clinton: his staff may not
have trashed the White House quite as badly as the Bushies
claimed earlier in the week.  They said they found the place in
ruins, with power cords ripped from machines and furniture
destroyed. In fact, aside from a few lame attempts at humor—W’s
were removed from some computer keyboards—the offices were
intact, as Clinton transition staff hastened to announce.  The
specter of scandalous behavior, the justifications and spin—maybe
private life won’t be all that different for Clinton after all.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [CTRL] Fw: NBC's Mitchell Disputes Charge That Bushies Also TrashedWhite House

2001-01-28 Thread Michael Pugliese

-Caveat Lector-

She married Alan Greenspan a few years ago. Wadda expect?
Michael Pugliese
-Original Message-
From: Arthur Hickman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sunday, January 28, 2001 12:57 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Fw: NBC's Mitchell Disputes Charge That Bushies Also
TrashedWhite House

-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Reagan D. Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sunday, January 28, 2001 2:07 AM
Subject: WND: NBC's Mitchell Disputes Charge That Bushies Also Trashed White

A top Democrat's charge that aides to former president George Bush trashed
the White House before
leaving in 1993, much the same way Clinton administration
staff did last Saturday, was contradicted Friday morning by NBC reporter
Andrea Mitchell.

"I covered the Clintons coming in," Mitchell told radioman Don Imus. "There
was a lot of bitterness
because the hard drives were missing from some of the

On Thursday, ranking Senate Judiciary Committee Democrat Pat Leahy alleged
that aides to Bush Sr.
"changed a number of the computers around so that it would
take them a long time to have them reconfigured." (

"I think it was wrong when the Bush people did it," added Leahy. "I think
it's wrong when the
Clinton people did it."

But Mitchell went on to dispel any notion that former Bush aides had
deliberately tampered with
White House computers to sabotage the incoming Clinton administration.

"It turned out that the missing hard drives were taken by special
prosecutors who were looking into
a Bush campaign, a Bush White House issue," Mitchell
told Imus.

In contrast, the NBC newswoman said that White House trashing by Clinton
aides was "apparently

"You know, pranks and stuff, but also some stuff that was quite vicious,"
Mitchell said.

Clinton aides reportedly cut several computer cables and phone lines,
overturned furniture and
sprayed hallways with graffiti.

Leahy also alleged that aides to Bush Sr. had "laminated" his photo to a
number of White House

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[CTRL] Sierra Times: World's Leading Jackbooted Thug

2001-01-28 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


World's Leading Jack-Booted Thug!

by Wayne Hicks, with Henrietta Bowman
Published: 01.21.01

The death of an Arkansas man may be only the latest in a long
line of eliminations performed by a rogue BATF Agent. Carl Ray
Wilson, who was sixty years old at the time of his death on
January 12th, was a known felon. He had been sentenced to prison
twice - once in Oklahoma, and once in Arkansas. He was paroled in

Carl had been known in his younger days as something of an
outlaw, "the dynamite man," and was thought of by some as a white
supremacist. He was once a suspect in a murder case, although he
was never charged due to the fact that he had a realistic and
apparently honest alibi.  He'd even been accused of being an
accomplice in another murder because he had provided a small
bottle of explosive to a man, and later learned that the man and
a woman who had been with him used it to try to kill a woman. He
wound up as a prosecution witness, but was not charged - neither
the prosecutors, nor the court believed he was guilty of a
willful participation in the crime.

But apparently one man did.

Very early on Friday, January 12th of this year, BATF Agent Bill
Buford led local police and sheriff's deputies to Wilson's rural
home. He had obtained a search warrant, apparently authorizing a
"no-knock" search of Wilson's property. A "no-knock" search means
that officers are authorized to enter the home by surprise or
stealth, but must still announce themselves and their lawful
intent to execute the warrant. Buford and his team, which
included SWAT Team members from the local Sheriff's office
entered by stealth. They were already inside the house at 6:30
that morning when Carl Wilson's alarm clock went off. Until that
moment, no one inside the home knew they were there.

According to Wilson's wife and a niece who was staying with them,
shots were fired immediately after an alarm clock rang. Mrs.
Wilson, who was sleeping in another room, and the niece ran to
Carl's room and were thrown to the floor by the officers, guns
shoved forcibly against their heads, while other agents shouted
at Wilson - who had been shot seven times - to "Get up!"

Mrs. Wilson could only see her husband's arm from where she lay
on the floor, and agents repeatedly shouted at her, "Don't look
at us!" and "Don't you look around here!" She saw Carl try to
raise himself from the bed, fall back, and heard him say weakly,
"I can't"

No attempt was made to get medical attention for Carl. The agents
stood and watched as he bled to death in his own bed, wearing
only his underwear as they joked about what to have for lunch.
After Carl had ceased moving and no sign of life could be found,
a call was finally made for someone to remove his body.

Less than two hours after the raid began, Mrs. Wilson and her
niece were alone in the house. There was no "crime scene" tape
warning people to stay clear of the area - no attempt had been
made to recover the spent shell casings, or any of the dozens of
bullets that littered the place. Even the 44 caliber slug that
allegedly bounced off the Kevlar vest of a local deputy was left
behind for Mrs. Wilson to clean up. Apparently someone decided
there would be no need to analyze the crime scene, do ballistics
tests or conduct a fatal police shooting incident investigation.

As far as the family knows, no photos were taken, and the bed
where Carl died lay as it was when his body was removed from it,
with a perfect outline of the upper half of a man's body, drawn
in blood.

Agent Buford made a public statement that same day. In it, he
said that Wilson began shooting at his team as they approached
the house, and that while he was constrained from revealing the
nature of the search, it involved drugs and explosives. He also
stated that he was certain that Carl "knew we were officers."

All of these statements were apparently false - and Buford would
have known that when he made them.

Let's take them one by one.

First, Buford said Wilson fired at the officers as they
approached the house. This is obviously a bald-faced lie because
we now know without doubt that Carl died in his bed - he never
got near a door or window. In fact, the five shots that were
fatal to Carl were not fired at point blank range, from within
his bedroom - they were fired through a wall that divided his
bedroom from the kitchen, and when Mrs. Wilson came running,
officers actually demanded to know why she wasn't in the bed with
him. They thought she was, you see.

Second: Buford said the search involved drugs. Well, in the first
place, drugs had never figured very big in Carl's life. He'd
never had a drug charge, nor had any of his friends or family
ever known him to be interested. And in the second place, a copy
of the warrant was left with members of his family and
specifically did NOT mention drugs. In fact, the only thing it
mentioned, according to 

Re: [CTRL] LAT: The Conscience of a Pentecostal

2001-01-28 Thread Arthur Hickman

-Caveat Lector-

Perhaps the Democrats and all the who oppose Ashcroft for AG should take a look at 
what the
Constitution says about what there doing to Ashcroft because of his religious beliefs.

Article VI
All debts contracted and engagements entered into, before the adoption of this 
Constitution, shall
be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the 

This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance 
thereof; and
all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, 
shall be the
supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, 
anything in the
Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several state
legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and 
of the several
states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no 
religious test
shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the 
United States.

-Original Message-
Date: Sunday, January 28, 2001 10:26 AM
Subject: [CTRL] LAT: The Conscience of a Pentecostal

-Caveat Lector-

Sunday, January 28, 2001


The Conscience of a Pentecostal


CHICAGO--Some defenders of former Missouri Sen. John
Ashcroft, President George W. Bush's nominee to be attorney
general, say he is attacked because he is a person of religious
faith. That is not accurate. Most citizens are religious, and
most public officials profess a faith. What critics have
questioned is whether the specific content of Ashcroft's faith,
and his manner of expressing it, might compli- cate his work as
attorney general.

 During his confirmation hearings, he told the Senate
Judiciary Committee that "as a man of faith, I take my word and
my integrity seriously." That stance, Ashcroft said, means that
he will enforce the laws "as they are written" and not enforce
his "personal preferences." Also, it "means advancing the
national interest, not advocating my personal interest."

 The words "preferences" and "interest" are terribly weak. A
man of faith like Ashcroft is guided by convictions grounded in
profound belief, not preferences. His commitments go far beyond
"personal interest." By choosing softer words, Ashcroft hoped to
make himself more salable to skeptical senators and the American

 But Ashcroft's "preferences" are not what led Bush to
nominate him to be attorney general. The new administration
needed someone unassailably acceptable to the far-right
Republican constituency, notably conservative evangelical
Christians. That constituency does not regard Ashcroft's
positions on abortion, gun possession, homosexuality, and the
size and scope of the federal government as mere preferences.
They represent God's will and way.

 Ashcroft's posture represents an extreme version of a
familiar American dilemma. For example, if, on religious grounds,
he thinks that abortion is murder, can he with integrity enforce
laws that permit such murder?

 Public officials, including Cabinet members, have often
faced such a dilemma. In 1915, Woodrow Wilson's secretary of
state, William Jennings Bryan, then an avowed pacifist, followed
his conscience and resigned when he saw the president drawing the
nation into World War I.

 Resigning is not the only way some officials face issues
where private faith and public duty clash. In 1984, former New
York Gov. Mario Cuomo delivered a classic speech at Notre Dame
that disturbed anti-abortion foes. He drew on a version of
Catholic teaching that made it possible for him to claim that a
Catholic could oppose abortion in private life but be called in
public to support laws that permit it.

 C. Everett Koop, a physician with deep evangelical
convictions, had to remind the Christian right, whenever it
disapproved of his policies and administration, that he was
"called"--good Calvinist language--to be the nation's surgeon
general, not chaplain general.

 Now comes Ashcroft, a firm and proud member of the
Assemblies of God, the largest Pentecostal denomination in the
world. Pentecostals are new to high government posts. According
to historian Edith L. Blumhofer and sociologist Margaret M.
Poloma, Pentecostals tend to be "apolitical." Yet, many have
recently been drawn into politics because of their opposition to

 The American public, according to polls, consistently favor
public servants who have "integrity" and promote morality. They
go on to say that, ordinarily, such morality is grounded in
religion. Ashcroft, in speeches to Christian conservative groups,
has suggested that the grounding must be in religion, an

Re: [CTRL] Unnatural disaster: Deregulated California utilities

2001-01-28 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

"Theodor Parada, MD" wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Joshua2 wrote:

  Yah definately. I wouldn't mind nuke power, but only with certain conditions.
  One of those conditions is that the nuke waste be buried under YOUR home.
  I guess you ARE dumb. Didn't the article say that these greedy corporate
  oinkers took several key plants OFFLINE?

 Regardless of the fact, that those four plants, went offline for
 routine scheduled maintenance, there remains the issue; that no new
 plants have been developed in over 10 years here in CA! The
 population has continued to grow in this state at a rate of ~4%/year.
 Simple math reveals that, unless you increase production there will
 be less. So pay through the nose for what is left!!

Ah, now you get it. It's called manipulating demand. Extortion.

 As far as socialized medicine, its already here in the form of
 Medicaid and HMO, ultimately you get what you pay for,rationed care.

And if you can't pay, then you deserve to die.

 I feel sorry for you.

Thank you for feeling sorry for me. It makes a big difference in my life.


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[CTRL] Fw: How Ashcroft Poisoned his Son's Mind

2001-01-28 Thread Michael Pugliese

-Caveat Lector-


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] [BRC-NEWS] An Anarchist View of Bush, Jr.

2001-01-28 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

 January 27, 2001

 An Anarchist View of the Presidency of Bush, Jr.

 By Brian Oliver Sheppard [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Anarchists have a saying: "No matter who you vote for, the
 government will get in." For the 2000 Presidential Election
 this adage needs a little revision: "No matter who you voted
 for, Bush got in."

 It is true that anarchists have proclaimed, for centuries
 now, the folly of humans entrusting themselves into the
 guidance of nation-states. It is true that we see nation-
 states as no longer benefiting humanity in any meaningful
 way; we feel they serve, rather, to impede the free
 development of humanity's powers, corralling people into
 regimented lives of misspent energy in the service of more
 powerful humans. Nation-states are mazes of man-made laws
 that ensure some powerful people will be able to rule over
 others, and that an economic system that safely perpetuates
 this sort of hierarchy will function indefinitely, all at
 public expense.

 So it is that when George W. Bush assumed the mantle
 of President of the USA, to many anarchists it was the
 coronation of just another figurehead, replacing all the
 other figureheads of the past, who, like so many inter-
 changeable parts, simply ensure that the nation-state
 will lurch forward as a legitimate social phenomenon.

 What's so remarkable about George W. Bush, then, if he is
 merely the inheritor of an office that anarchists see as
 illegitimate no matter how it is won?

 What's remarkable is that, even by the standards of those
 who do accept states, and who think rulers are tolerable
 inasmuch as they are popularly chosen - even by these
 minimal standards, George W. Bush falls short of the
 mark of acceptability.

 With a disarmingly dopey, and even playful, demeanor, the
 unelected Bush waltzed into the highest political office
 in the land, serenaded by the vapidity of Ricky Martin, Lee
 Greenwood, and other symbols of cultural mediocrity, in a
 showbiz extravaganza inauguration. And while his outward
 appearances so far have been marked by speeches consisting
 largely of vague platitudes and vacuous, nice-sounding
 political buzz phrases, he has been hard at work behind
 closed doors, signing a flurry of executive orders and
 appointing reactionary cabinet members. These actions
 betray his true intentions more than any lip service
 he has paid to being a "uniter" and a "compassionate


 Even by the logic that allows American power to credibly
 refer to the country as a representative democracy - a
 republic - the Bush presidency represents a step backward.
 It represents a step backward to a time when coteries of
 aristocrats installed leaders into power openly, and the
 public accepted it because such was their lot in life.

 As people in history became more unmanageable, more "curious
 and arrogant" about the machinations of the State (to para-
 phrase a statement often quoted by Noam Chomsky), elites
 felt compelled to ensure that their representatives were
 chosen through more indirect, less noticeable means.
 Campaign finance, saturation of political ads across
 all kinds of media, control over the Federal Election
 Commission, the Electoral College - these are some of the
 indirect ways that elites ultimately retain their power over
 the country today. The placing of Bush and his big business
 administration into power shows that the business community
 feels confident enough to step out of the shadows and openly
 place into office one of their representatives, even without
 the public ratification that used to be, at least
 superficially, necessary.

 What are some of the reasons that the Bush presidency fails
 to carry any legitimacy, even given the criteria for assuming
 power that is inherent to a republic?

 * Shortly after the election in November, 2000, it was
 estimated by most that Al Gore, Bush's main opponent, had
 won the national popular vote by about 300,000 votes. In
 December the New York Times, Associated Press, and others
 came out with figures that revealed this to be short of the
 mark: Gore had actually won the national popular vote by at
 least 500,000, they reported, after all state returns had
 been certified.

 * Bush had the largest war chest of any presidential
 candidate in history. Wall Street and other sectors of the
 moneyed elite backed him overwhelmingly. His loss of the
 Presidency would have amounted to a failed investment for
 them. As the most well-connected of candidates, and with
 so much of an investment riding on his success, he had the
 benefit of society's most powerful as allies, able to pull
 strings to help him come through when things looked grim.

 To wit: Business Week's December 11 issue stated that "Bush
 has hooks everywhere. He has Florida Secretary of State
 Katherine Harris, who certified his election two weeks ago
 and who just happened to be his state campaign co-chairman.
 He has his brother, the 

Re: [CTRL] Jane Fonda canard

2001-01-28 Thread Michael Pugliese

-Caveat Lector-
Hanoi'd with Jane

Claim:   After a 1972 trip to North Vietnam, Jane Fonda declared that
American POWs were being treated humanely and later denounced them as liars
for claiming they had been tortured.
Status:   True.

Example:   [Collected on the Internet, 1999]

When I was at Camp Pendleton receiving combat corpsman training, I noticed
that the pickup truck belonging to the gunnery sergeant in charge of our
training was adorned with bumper stickers containing extremely unflattering
remarks about Jane Fonda. I also noticed a few referred to Ms. Fonda  and
Vietnam, but at the time I honestly had no idea why.
Being an E-5 and close to rank to our E-7 gunny, after a training rotation
one afternoon I decided to ask him about those stickers, and what they had
to do with Fonda.

He muttered a few obscenities and proceeded to tell me the story. Fonda, he
said, became a traitor during the Vietnam War -- a war in which "gunny" had
served two tours and for which he had received three Purple Hearts (which is
why he enjoyed training Navy corpsmen to be Marine Corps combat corpsmen --
they'd saved his life a time or two).

The following excerpts are not "gunny's" words, but when received them in an
e-mail recently, it reminded me of his story. And, as ABC's Barbara Walters
prepares to honor the traitorous Jane Fonda during Walters' "100 years of
great women" program soon, I thought the American people needed to hear this
story again. You see, Fonda isn't just exercise videos and the third wheel
in "Nine to Five" (the movie).

* * * * * * *
"There are few things I have strong visceral reactions to, but Jane Fonda's
participation in what I believe to be blatant treason, is one of them. Part
of my conviction comes from exposure to those who suffered her attentions.

"In 1978, the Commandant of the USAF Survival School, a colonel, was a
former POW in Ho Lo Prison -- the Hanoi Hilton. Dragged from a stinking
cesspit of a cell, cleaned, fed, and dressed in clean PJs, he was ordered to
describe for a visiting American 'Peace Activist' the 'lenient and humane
treatment' he'd received. He spat at Ms. Fonda, was clubbed, and dragged
away. During the subsequent beating, he fell forward upon the camp
Commandant's feet, accidentally pulling the man's shoe off -- which sent
that officer berserk.

"In '78, the AF colonel still suffered from double vision -- permanently
grounding him -- from the Vietnamese officer's frenzied application of a
wooden baton.

"From 1983-85, Col. Larry Carrigan was 347FW/DO (F-4Es). He'd spent 6
[product] years in the Hilton -- the first three of which he was listed as
MIA. His wife lived on faith that he was still alive. His group, too, got
the cleaned/fed/clothed routine in preparation for a 'peace delegation'

"They, however, had time and devised a plan to get word to the world that
they still survived. Each man secreted a tiny piece of paper, with his
Social Security number on it, in the palm of his hand. When paraded before
Ms. Fonda and a cameraman, she walked the line, shaking each man's hand and
asking little encouraging snippets like, 'Aren't you sorry you bombed
babies?' and, 'Are you grateful for the humane treatment from your
benevolent captors?'"

"Believing this HAD to be an act, they each palmed her their sliver of
paper. She took them all without missing a beat. At the end of the line and
once the camera stopped rolling, to the shocked disbelief of the POWs, she
turned to the officer in charge ... and handed him the little pile of notes.

"Three men died from the subsequent beatings. Col. Carrigan was almost
number four.

"For years after their release, a group of determined former POWs, including
Col. Carrigan, tried to bring Ms. Fonda and others up on charges of treason.
I don't know that they used it, but the charge of 'Negligent Homicide due to
Depraved Indifference' would also seem appropriate. Her obvious 'granting of
aid and comfort to the enemy' alone should've been sufficient for the
treason count. However, to date, Jane Fonda has never been formally charged
with anything and continues to enjoy the privileged life of the rich and

"I, personally, think that this is shame on us, the American Citizenry.

"Part of our shortfall is ignorance: Most don't know such actions ever took

"The only addition I might add to these sentiments is to remember the
satisfaction of relieving myself into the urinal at some air base or another
where 'zaps' of Hanoi Jane's face had been applied."

And there is this account:

"I was a civilian economic development advisor in Vietnam, and was captured
by the North Vietnamese communists in South Vietnam in 1968, and held for
over 5 years. I spent 27 months in solitary confinement, one year in a cage
in Cambodia, and one year in a 'black box' in Hanoi. My North Vietnamese
captors deliberately poisoned and murdered a female missionary, a nurse in a
leprosarium in Ban 

Re: [CTRL] NM: Top Judiciary Dem Leahy Defends White House Trashing

2001-01-28 Thread lassey

-Caveat Lector-

You are welcome to sleep on the street.

On Sat, 27 Jan 2001 11:55:50 -0800 Nessie [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 -Caveat Lector-

 Would Leahy be saying this if it were HIS house being trashed?

 He's just one more American. That means that it's exactly as much
 his as
 it is yours. His taxes, as well as your own, pay for the clean up.

 Personally, I think the White House ought to be used for a homeless
 shelter. As long as anybody has to sleep in the street, no
 particularly the president, deserves a roof over his head. Neither

 A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
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 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different
 groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts,
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Murderer as peacemaker?

2001-01-28 Thread goolie smith

-Caveat Lector-

Hold on a sec, are you saying that if you dont agree with the UN then you
shouldnt have to agree with them, and do what the world community says ?

The 5 major powers of the UN are USA, UK, FRANCE, RUSSIA, CHINA
you tell me which one of these countries is muslim ? in fact USA and its
puppy UK are more incilined to take the Israeli stand point.

I dont think Russia is muslim, their mainly christian and so is France.
china is a completly differnt ball game, but it still aint muslim.
So the notion that the UN is mainly muslim isnt correct. If the jews werent
running the White house then i bet Israel woulda been called a rouge state
ages ago.

From: Nurev Ind Research [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Murderer as peacemaker?
Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2001 11:31:09 -0500

-Caveat Lector-

goolie smith wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-
  what ?
  the UN found him DIRECTLY responsible
  Israel had found him INDIRECTLY responsible

Yes, you are right about the UN. Israelis don't pay much attention to the
And for good reason too. The UN has MANY Muslim states as members, and has
other states which need Muslim oil. I wouldn't exactly call it an unbiassed

But the point is that the massacre was carried
out AGAINST his direct orders according to a Phalangist participant in the

  and i dont think the country that he fights for is gonna punish him

No they will not. He saved Israel from military destruction in the Yom
War. Instead he will probably be the next Prime Minister. That will be

  just look at the way the guy that killed that 10 year old got away with

Killers should fry.


  From: Nurev Ind Research [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Murderer as peacemaker?
  Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2001 10:20:04 -0500
  -Caveat Lector-
  goolie smith wrote:
-Caveat Lector-
What are you on man ?
Ariel Sharon, was found directly responsible for massacres of
in UN shelters.
  Actally, he was found INDIRECTLY responsible. The killings were done
  his direct orders by a Syrian opperative who was a Christian
  If you want to know more about this, see... *From Israel to Damascus*
  Net. A book written by one of the Phalangist militiamen who actually
Mere civilans just trying to survive in UN encampments,
when along comes 'the buldozer'.  It wasnt even 2 or 20 people that
responsible for killing, the total tally reached the hundreds.
The next time you see Yasser Arafat/Ariel Sharon talking politely
Koppel on "Nightline," I want you to remember that behind
that phony smile is the conscience of a killer. He's the
premeditated murderer of U.S. diplomats/hundreds of humans.

The next time you hear about the need for a Palestinian
state/security, I want you to remember that the leader for life of
that nation will be Yasser Arafat/Ariel Sharon.

Does that really sound like the foundation for a permanent
See it works both ways
Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [CTRL] Murderer as peacemaker?
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 01:01:26 -0600

-Caveat Lector-

Murderer as peacemaker?

© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

How would you like it if millions of your hard-earned tax
dollars were sent to a little foreign dictator who murdered
two American diplomats and got away with it?

I'm sure you would not be a happy camper. Well, as much as I
hate to upset you, dear readers, that is precisely what is
happening with the millions of dollars the U.S. is
transferring in foreign aid to Yasser Arafat and his
Palestine Authority.

Maybe you didn't know about Arafat's murderous record
before. For that you can be excused, because the
establishment press has not done much to expose this petty
tyrant -- this killer of unarmed, innocent Americans simply
doing their country's diplomatic duty.

But once I tell you the details of this heinous crime --
this unforgivable act of bloodlust -- you won't have any
excuses, anymore. If you don't act -- if you don't scream
about it to your elected officials in Washington -- then
you, too, will be tacitly guilty of rewarding a cowardly
killer for his evil deeds.

Here are the facts, as I revealed in a news story in
WorldNetDaily last week:

On Feb. 28, 1973, Yasser Arafat was overheard by Israeli and
U.S. intelligence operatives planning a Black September
terrorist operation in Khartoum, Sudan. His transmissions
were tape-recorded. They 

[CTRL] Fwd: Barak's 3 No's + Bush's 7 Minute Call

2001-01-28 Thread William Shannon

   ___      __
  /  |/  /  /___/  / /_ //M I D - E A S T   R E A L I T I E S
 / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East
/_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\http://www.MiddleEast.Org

  News, Information,  Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
 and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know!
  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
 To receive MER regularly email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


MID-EAST REALITIES  - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 1/28:
The Americans leaked it, a 7-minute Saturday call from the new U.S.
Pres to the sinking Israeli PM -- leaked its brevity that is.  "The president
expressed a desire for a strong, close relationship with Israel and a desire
to see peace in the region based on a secure Israel," said Bush's weekend
National Security Council spokeswoman, Ellen Countryman, who added that
Bush made a dozen or so calls to foreign leaders that day.
Looks like the new right-wing American government -- with George W.
actually a personal friend of Ariel Sharon though he understandably prefers
to be discreet about this -- knows what is coming.  And as the Americans
get ready to "deal with Iraq" (a George W phrase for he is indeed a man
of few worthwhile words) the Israelis ready to install their bloodshedder-in-chief
preparing for more military rather than political battle.  Oh yes, by the
way, it's now "nuclear Iraq", for the Iraqis according to more timely leaked
reports, are said to have at least two primitive nuclear bombs with more
acoming.  And sure enough, even before taking the Prime Minister's office,
Sharon's people are already threatening striking Iran and Egypt!
While Barak was tossing out his three "No's" (see the article below),
Israel's Arabs (defying their own imposed leader Yasser Arafat), let it
be known they are going to sit out this Barak-Sharon contest and let fate
take it's course.  Not only have all the major Arab parties said so in
public, but assassination squads continue to warn Arafat to watch it.
Last week the head of Palestinian TV in Gaza and a close Arafat friend
-- he personally helped carry the coffin in fact -- was gunned down by
masked men.  Yesterday in Nablus, another corrupt Arafat official was dealt
with in similar manner while demonstrations took place condemning Arafat's
then current "Taba" negotiations.


 By Yossi Verter - Ha'aretz Political Correspondent

[Ha'aretz 28 January 2001]:  Prime Minister Ehud Barak said last night
for the first time that he would not join a national unity government led
by Ariel Sharon, since its policies would be too extremist. Speaking to
a group of writers and performing artists at his official Jerusalem residence,
Barak also reiterated that he would not step aside to allow Shimon Peres
to run and indicated that he would not leave politics if defeated on February
   Referring to belligerent statements made by Sharon's likely coalition
party, MK Avigdor Lieberman, Barak said that Sharon, if elected, would
form a "Tehran-Aswan government." (Lieberman has mentioned the Iranian
and Egyptian cities as potential targets for Israeli retaliatory attacks.)
   Barak expressed confidence that his campaign would coalesce during the
last five days before the elections and said that the current gap is really
less than the surveys indicate.

   By Ori Nir and Jalal Banna, Ha'aretz Correspondents

Ha'aretz (Bulletin) 27 January 2001:
The Arab Democratic Party decided Saturday to call on its voters to boycott
the upcoming prime ministerial election. In doing so, the Arab Democratic
Party joined the rest of the Arab parties calling on their constituents
to support Ehud Barak or Ariel Sharon.

Ten days before the election, all the Arab parties and non-parliamentary
political movements in the Arab sector have called on their supporters
abstain from the prime ministerial election. The only differences between
the parties lie in whether to boycott the election or to express their
protest against both candidates by submitting a blank ballot.

This united protest front by the Arab parties was reached after the Arab
Democratic Party followed in the footsteps of Hadash, the largest and most
diverse party in the Arab sector, which decided over the weekend to urge
supporters to submit a blank ballot.

In opposition to Hadash, whose call for a blank ballot leaves room for
change of mind if any sort of agreement is reached with the Palestinian
Authority before the election, the Arab Democratic Party called for an
absolute boycott of the election and did not acknowledge the possibility
an agreement with the Palestinians.


Re: [CTRL] Murderer as peacemaker?

2001-01-28 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

goolie smith wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Hold on a sec, are you saying that if you dont agree with the UN then you
 shouldnt have to agree with them, and do what the world community says ?

That's right.

 The 5 major powers of the UN are USA, UK, FRANCE, RUSSIA, CHINA

This is the security council. There are other parts to the UN.

 you tell me which one of these countries is muslim ? in fact USA and its
 puppy UK are more incilined to take the Israeli stand point.

Only if the Israelis toe the globalist line. Which they have up
to now. If Sharon wins, you'll see some interesting changes.

 I dont think Russia is muslim, their mainly christian and so is France.
 china is a completly differnt ball game, but it still aint muslim.

France gets its oil from the Mid East. Russia backs the Muslims in the Mid
East as a counter to the US backing Israel. China has good relations with

 So the notion that the UN is mainly muslim isnt correct.

I never said that. I said that there are many Muslim countries in the UN,
and many others beholding to Arab oil.

 If the jews werent
 running the White house then i bet Israel woulda been called a rouge state
 ages ago.

Jews running the White House? On which planet?


 From: Nurev Ind Research [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Murderer as peacemaker?
 Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2001 11:31:09 -0500
 -Caveat Lector-
 goolie smith wrote:
   -Caveat Lector-
   what ?
   the UN found him DIRECTLY responsible
   Israel had found him INDIRECTLY responsible
 Yes, you are right about the UN. Israelis don't pay much attention to the
 And for good reason too. The UN has MANY Muslim states as members, and has
 other states which need Muslim oil. I wouldn't exactly call it an unbiassed
 But the point is that the massacre was carried
 out AGAINST his direct orders according to a Phalangist participant in the
   and i dont think the country that he fights for is gonna punish him
 No they will not. He saved Israel from military destruction in the Yom
 War. Instead he will probably be the next Prime Minister. That will be
   just look at the way the guy that killed that 10 year old got away with
 Killers should fry.
   From: Nurev Ind Research [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Subject: Re: [CTRL] Murderer as peacemaker?
   Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2001 10:20:04 -0500
   -Caveat Lector-
   goolie smith wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 What are you on man ?
 Ariel Sharon, was found directly responsible for massacres of
 in UN shelters.
   Actally, he was found INDIRECTLY responsible. The killings were done
   his direct orders by a Syrian opperative who was a Christian
   If you want to know more about this, see... *From Israel to Damascus*
   Net. A book written by one of the Phalangist militiamen who actually
 Mere civilans just trying to survive in UN encampments,
 when along comes 'the buldozer'.  It wasnt even 2 or 20 people that
 responsible for killing, the total tally reached the hundreds.

 The next time you see Yasser Arafat/Ariel Sharon talking politely
 Koppel on "Nightline," I want you to remember that behind
 that phony smile is the conscience of a killer. He's the
 premeditated murderer of U.S. diplomats/hundreds of humans.
 The next time you hear about the need for a Palestinian
 state/security, I want you to remember that the leader for life of
 that nation will be Yasser Arafat/Ariel Sharon.
 Does that really sound like the foundation for a permanent

 See it works both ways

 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [CTRL] Murderer as peacemaker?
 Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 01:01:26 -0600
 -Caveat Lector-
 Murderer as peacemaker?
  2001 WorldNetDaily.com
 How would you like it if millions of your hard-earned tax
 dollars were sent to a little foreign dictator who murdered
 two American diplomats and got away with it?
 I'm sure you would not be a happy camper. Well, as much as I
 hate to upset you, dear readers, that is precisely what is
 happening with the millions of dollars the U.S. is
 transferring in foreign aid to Yasser Arafat and his
 Palestine Authority.
 Maybe you didn't know about Arafat's murderous record
 before. For that you can be excused, because the
 establishment press has not done much to expose this petty
 tyrant -- this killer of unarmed, innocent Americans 

[CTRL] Reno Admits She's Under FBI Guard

2001-01-28 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-


Reno Admits She's Under FBI Guard
Jack Thompson
Monday, Jan. 29, 2001

On April 30 of last year, at the height of the Elian Gonzalez matter,
The Miami Herald reported that three police squad cars were
"quietly keeping vigil"  over then Attorney General Janet Reno's
home in the 11200 block of Kendall Drive in suburban Miami.

Police sources recently informed me that even though the Elian
saga is long over and Reno is no longer a government official,
security personnel have remained at the Reno family residence.

Janet Reno this day sits inside the home her mother built illegally
without the required building permits.

Outside the home sits Reno's brand new red pick-up truck.  Sure
enough, roaming around the premises are security personnel you
can plainly see as you drive by.

My police sources suggested I file a Freedom of Information Act
request to determine who is paying for these security personnel for
a person who is a  private citizen.But FOIA requests can take a lot
of time.  I decided to call Janet myself, as I have in the past.

At 1:15 pm today, January 28, 2001--Super Bowl Sunday--I called
Janet and gave her my name.  I welcomed her back to Miami, and I
told her I was working on a story about her return to Miami.  I
asked her this question: "Madame Attorney General, who is
providing the security personnel at your home?"

She startled me by answering the question:  "They are provided by
the FBI.  I decided to leave that decision to Director Freeh. You'll
have to ask him for the details."

I thanked her and said good-bye.  So now the question for Director
Freeh:Why is the FBI providing a private citizen protection at
taxpayer expense?

Another question:  Why is it that Johhny Chung, the man who
testified about  the People's Republic of China's illegal campaign
contributions and was nearly killed by PRC operatives, is receiving
no FBI protection?

Further, is it a matter of national policy that we protect the woman
who used her office to thwart an independent counsel's
investigation of Chinagate while leaving open to assassination its
whistleblowers, of which Chung is only one?

Put another way, why is Janet Reno's life more valuable than
thousands of other men, women, and children who today are at
greater risk, and demonstrably so, than is hers?

The only good bureaucrat is one with a pistol at his
head. Put it in his hand and it's good-by to the Bill
of Rights.
--H.L. Mencken, A Carnival of Buncombe: Writings on
Politics [1956], edited by Malcolm Moos,p.273

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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[CTRL] Common Law Courts in the United States

2001-01-28 Thread Michael Pugliese

-Caveat Lector-

Ref. No. IS 96.0472
March 20, 1996
(revised April 30, 1996)
By: Gerald M. Nagle
Re: Common Law Courts in the United States

The Information Service was asked to provide information on the growth of
the Common Law Court (CLC) movement in the United States. The following is a
discussion of the history, philosophy, practices, activities in the states,
and responses by state officials to this growing movement.

The Common Law Court movement is a grass roots movement comprised of
individuals who seek an alternative venue for gaining redress for grievances
against the federal and state government and against individuals. Adherents
view the CLCs as the only legal court of justice recognized by their
interpretation of the U.S. Constitution and other legal documents such as
the Uniform Commercial Code and the Magna Carta. The Courts are established
on general principles and questionable interpretations of the common law
with the premise that the United States and the state governments have
become tyrannies that usurp constitutionally guaranteed freedoms of
citizens. Central to the philosophy of the CLC movement is the notion that
citizens embracing the common law doctrine as sovereign "free men" are
emancipated from the responsibilities that U. S. citizenship entails.

The primary goal of the CLC movement is "to restore a constitution for the
United States by identifying and removing from office those delinquent
perverts who would undermine the Constitution." Another is to reform federal
court proceedings by arguing and defending themselves without lawyers.

In furthering these goals, proponents of the CLC movement have established
more than 100 common law courts in at least twenty states; the number of
CLCs continues growing rapidly throughout the nation. As the movement
provides an increasingly popular venue for disillusioned and disaffected
citizens to seek justice for the wrongs they feel the government,
businesses, and private citizens have committed, the threat of social and
political upheaval and physical violence must be taken seriously. Already,
scores of judges, prosecutors, and government officials have been harassed
by CLC adherents filing liens and involuntary bankruptcies against them and
have been subjected to threats of physical harm. Many have been sentenced to
death by CLC juries.

With roots going back to the posse comitatus movement of the 1970s, the CLC
movement has ties to the militia and "free men" movements, according to
Morris Dees of the Southern Poverty Law Center. The movement seems to have
originated in the heartland of America, where economic hardship in the
agricultural communities has created a fertile ground for anti-government
factions extolling the virtues of a new justice system based on conservative
Christian ideology and white supremacy dogma, known collectively as the
Christian Identity movement. The movement has a strong attraction to
individuals who have run into tax problems or lost their farms and
possessions to loan foreclosures or who simply refuse to recognize the
authority of a judicial system they believe is corrupt and unfair.

The CLC movement is controlled by individuals who, among other motivations,
perceive that women and minorities have gained too much power. Not
surprisingly, the movement has, at the very least, loose ties to white
nationalist and white supremacist movements; many involved in the CLCs hold
active memberships in state militias organized as paramilitary groups
advocating the overthrow of the present government and the establishment of
a new form of government based on the laws of God and their own
interpretation of the Constitution.

While CLC followers tend to limit their activism to campaigns of paper
terrorism and veiled threats, in one instance in early 1994, a court clerk
in California was attacked and severely beaten by a thug hired by a group of
tax evaders with ties to the common law movement after she refused to file
common law liens against court officials. In Ohio, where CLCs are operating
in 66 of the state’s 88 counties, Chief Justice Moyer of the Ohio Supreme
Court has taken a pro-active stand in addressing the movement and has
attempted to educate and warn the state court judges and court officials
about the movement. He went so far as to meet with members of the so-called
"Our One Supreme Court" to learn more about their ideology and goals.

The philosophical underpinning of the CLC movement begins with the premise
that the American judicial system is a failure, according to Larry Russell,
a CLC activist in Montana, who argues that many laws "don’t serve the 

Re: [CTRL] Reno Admits She's Under FBI Guard

2001-01-28 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

I say maybe Janet Reno should be concerned for no doubt revenge from her
activity at Waco will never be forgotte; however, she would do well to
remember that Jock Yablotski had FBI watch on his house - the labor
leader, remember murdered when three journeymen visited him at midnight
- they murdered Jock, his wife and daughter - and for some strange
reason the dog did not bark at midnight?

So they knew the dog and the one killer wore golden ear ring long before
they were popular.

So if I would be Janet Reno - she would do well to remember while the
FBI had 24 hour watch on her house, it appears someone slept during the
midnight hours.for even with the FBI keeping watch over them at
night, the murderers accomplished their goal.

Reno and Clinton and Albright have done much evil - avengers of blood
are all about them without a doubt and the black hand of fate maybe
coming out of a cloud somewhere.

So let them spend the rest of their days looking over their
shoulders..all but Reno wanted as war criminal in Balkans..we
see why Osama bin Laden smilesoh what fools we mortals be...with
or without a watch over them - when the guard is down, that is when
assassins hit.

Who do you trust - FBI 

There is a secret society who follows the path of the rose dating back
to the pyramids and this secret society is alive and well..keepers
of the flame, so to put - the avengers.

So what will be, will be..and that is why Osama bin Laden smiles?

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Re: [CTRL] Carla Binion: A call for Democratic party reform

2001-01-28 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

A call for Democratic party reform
By Carla Binion

No other subjects in our current political life deserve as much thorough
scrutiny as (1) the stealing of presidential election 2000, and (2) the need
for reforming the Democratic party.  The theft of the election was a covert
political coup.  Rather than examine what this coup reveals about the
condition of democracy and our political system today, most TV talking heads
and mainstream politicians are in a big hurry to change the subject.

It was only six weeks ago that the Supreme Court stopped the vote count.
However, the subject-changers want to rush to bury the incident.  Their
efforts resemble book burning, in that they seek to obliterate the event from
the American memory.

Writer Robert Anton Wilson once said the book burning mentality and the
suppression of critical examination gave him "a mildly Orwellian suspicion
that [he] was not living in a totally free or rational world."  TV talking
heads and certain politicians use Orwellian Newspeak when they insist that
stealing an election is winning an election.

Television news organizations are in a hurry to forget historic events that
challenge the status quo, including an event as recent as the Supreme Court
ruling.  Media critic, author and educator Neil Postman says, "history is not
only a world but a living world."  TV news, however, is a present-centered
medium, says Postman, speeding from one news story to the next without
digesting any story.

In "The American Crisis, Number III," Thomas Paine said, "In the progress of
politics, as in the common occurrences of life, we are not only apt to forget
the ground we have travelled over, but frequently neglect to gather up
experience as we go."

Paine continued, "By comparing what is past with what is present, we
frequently hit on the true character of both, and become wise with very
little troubleA considerable space of time may lapse between, and unless
we continue our observations from the one to the other, the harmony of them
will pass away unnoticed."

Political analyst Gary Sick served on the National Security Council staff
under Presidents Ford, Carter and Reagan.  He has said, "A run-of-the-mill
political scandal can safely be exposed without affecting anyone other than
the culprits and their immediate circle.  A covert political coup,
however...challenges the legitimacy of the political order; it deliberately
exploits weaknesses in the political immune system and risks infecting the
entire organism of state and society." (Gary Sick, "October Surprise," I. B.
Tauris  Co Ltd, 1991.)

The talking heads now scramble to restore the mask of legitimacy to the
political order.  Some critics of the Supreme Court's December 12 decision
might say to the Newspeakers, "not so fast."

For example, in The Nation, 2/5/01, author and prosecuting attorney Vincent
Bugliosi points out the criminal nature of the Supreme Court's decision to
hand the presidential election to George W. Bush.  Bugliosi says:

"The stark reality, and I say this with every fiber of my being, is that the
institution Americans trust the most to protect its freedoms and principles
committed one of the biggest and most serious crimes this nation has ever
seen -- pure and simple, the theft of the presidency.  And by definition, the
perpetrators of this crime have to be denominated criminals."

Bugliosi laments the fact that most critics of the Supreme Court's behavior
have not shown outrage but mere disappointment.  He adds, "If what these
Justices did was not 'morally reprehensible' and a 'wrong against society,'
what would be?  In terms, then, of natural law and justice -- the protoplasm
of all eventual laws on the books -- these five Justices are criminals in
every true sense of the word, and in a fair and just world belong behind
prison bars as much as any American white-collar criminal who ever lived."

Why have so many of the Court's critics responded tepidly?  Bugliosi says,
"Since the notion of five Supreme Court Justices being criminals is so alien
to our sensibilities and previously held beliefs, and since, for the most
part, people see and hear, as Thoreau said, what they expect to see and hear,
most readers will find my characterization of these Justices to be
intellectually incongruous.  But make no mistake about it, I think my
background in the criminal law is sufficient to inform you that Scalia,
Thomas et al. are criminals in the very truest sense of the word."

Vincent Bugliosi is not the only prominent attorney voicing outrage.  Over
500 law professors around the country signed a petition giving similar
analyses of the five Supreme Court Justices; and, as Bugliosi mentions, even
judicial conservatives such as Terrance Sandalow, former dean of the
University of Michigan law school, have criticized the Court.

Sandalow, who supported the nomination to the Court of rightwing icon Robert
Bork and opposed Roe v. Wade, said the Court's staying the vote 

Re: [CTRL] NM: Top Judiciary Dem Leahy Defends White House Trashing

2001-01-28 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Nessie" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
You are equating homelessness with mental illness. If you had ever spent
any time around homeless people you would know better. Some mentally ill
people are homeless.

But not all homeless people are mentally ill.  Many are either laid off, or working at 
jobs that don't pay
enough for them to be able to afford to rent a place to stay...

I've worked with charities helping these people...many are families, living out of 
their cars...

Any night of the week you can literally see people huddled against the
cold in the doorways of bank buildings that are locked shut.

In NYC they used to sleep in the subway stations and Grand Central Terminal, but 
Guliani doesn't allow that
anymore...you'll get arrested for sleeping in the stations now...

So the great unwashed now sleep outside, out of sight of all the middle-class 


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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Nuclear Bomb Iraq

2001-01-28 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Aleisha Saba" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 But then why did Israelies want to build tunnels under this one old
 Rock..maybe looking for King Solomons Mines?

The mines known as King Solomon's Mines are in Africa...


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-28 Thread inri

-Caveat Lector-

  in closing, i'd like to offer my apologies for bringing these arguments
  (which i tend to view similarly to an argument with a member of the flat
  earth society - i was not expecting this to be an issue here) to the
  and my condolences for all of you unfortunate enough to live in a
  that is backwards enough to continue to promote racism.

 Anyone who doesn't know enough to capitalize "I"
 cannot be taken seriously.

oh.and those who promote segregation can?

a closer look at my past posts to this list will show that i also refuse to
capitalize the beginning of sentences, proper names, etc unless i happen to
have done so by accident or i am capitalizing an entire word. i apologize
for any unnecessary capitalization.

why? because i believe in a classless alphabet; or, at the very least,
completely classless words. those of the upper cases need to be scaled
down - their powers to speak before and stand taller than the others need to
be removed.

you could call me an alphabetical egalitarianist.

and, yes, i am a socialist.
the root of all conspiracy in the world for the last 100+ years has been
wall street.
nazism, communism, fascism are all products of capitalism - they were all
created to take over various parts of the world and funded by american
capitalist interests.
why hasn't there been major conflict since WWII?
because the major populations of the world - russia, america, europe, china,
etc - have all been under the control of the same murderering capitalist
wall street puppet- masters.

the cia would you like you to believe it's in the process of bringing
fascism to america and has been since paperclip.
the reality is that it's in the process of exporting american style
fascism/capitalism to the rest of the world and has been since at least
teddy roosevelt.

i'm working on a rather large book that will attempt to prove this.
i'll send all who are interested a free copy when i'm done.most likely
in 5-10 years or so.

np: [(deny - avoid) + expose]everything = enlightenment

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-28 Thread inri

-Caveat Lector-

 This is a Conspiracy Theory list...the Pope still believes the sun
 travels about the earth - in the circuit of othe heavens.

the pope also believes that some dude rose from the dead. talk about

 As of late Einstein's "theory" is being challenged which original idea
 was credited to Newton, but nobody cares about that.and further it
 is said Einstein stole his theory in part from an Italian?

i seem to have missed where this came from, but for your sake, i REALLY hope
you're not talking about gallileo.

so all you pore folk
 out there who want a communist in office, had already had one -

last time i checked, clinton was heavily funded by the harriman family:

heirs to the largest investment firm in the world
buddies of the bush's, rockefellers, etc from way back when

why would the richest people in the world build clinton up into a nice
puppet if he was a closet communist and out to get them the whole time?
better yet, why would they keep paying him?
this doesn't makes any sense, man.

but let's pretend it does.
if clinton is a commie then his puppet-masters must be right?
well, if the harrimans are such commies, why would they hang around with the
bush's.who everybody knows are either fascists or true americans
[synonymous] UNLESS

you voted for a commie!

inri (who realizes that none of them are communists but would really
appreciate it if y'all thought this shit through before you posted)

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[CTRL] Fwd: [news] Rehnquist -- Political Puppeteer

2001-01-28 Thread Kris Millegan

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Behind the scenes of George W. Bush's swearing in on Jan. 20 was a
troubling new political reality in the United States. Though largely
missed by the national press corps, the conservative-dominated federal
judiciary was marking its success in changing the rules of American

At the center of this remarkable power grab was U.S. Supreme Court Chief
Justice William Rehnquist, who has worked over the past decade to
transform the federal judiciary into the ultimate political weapon.

The coup de grace was the court's 5-4 decision to enforce legal mumbo
jumbo to overturn the will of the American voters in the presidential
election. But the process has been under way since at least the early

For the full story, go to Consortiumnews.com at

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-28 Thread inri

-Caveat Lector-

 Er, inri, my children are Hispanic.

assuming you are a real person and not a name created by the government [you
don't think they don't moniter these places and post their bullshit here do
i seem to have made an unfair assumption.
however, hispanics can still be racists...
and i do not apologize for slandering you as such.

They do not utter
 racial slurs nor do I nor does any member of my family.

i just can't argue this.

 blacks where I live often make more money than the whites.
 There are about five counties in my state with a Black
 MAJORITY population.


All major cities in the south have
 black mayors and chiefs of police as do many large cities in
 this country.

ALL major cities in the south have black mayors AND chiefs of police?
now this is an interesting statistic!

and you wonder why i'm skeptical about what you say.

Your "superior" education has enabled you to
 utter simplistic solutions to a very complex problem.

a complex problem is merely the sum of many simple problems.
simple problems have simple solutions.
this is the problem solving approach taught here.
so, yes, you are correct.

 the causation of problems in the US educational system, it
 is much more complex than those  to which you attribute it.
 I assure you if it were as simple and clear-cut as you seem
 to think, we could solve it.

is it really complex?
or is faux complexity a means to prevent solutions?
is complexity a reality or an illusion?

 As I said originally, you
 cannot grasp the situation from there.

that is one point of view.
i prefer to take the one that a step back puts things in proper perspective.

however, as a slightly different answer to this earlier reveals: this
really, really is a subjective point.

As a parent, I doubt
 you would be willing to 'sacrifice' your child in the causes
 you state.


I do not care if I am called a racist any more
 because of the ignorance of the people who use that as an
 excuse and refuse to place any of the blame on those causing
 the element of criminality to flourish in public schools.

i believe that my earlier response admitted that blacks do indeed commit
some crimes.
and i do not believe i ever stated that they were not responsible for their
i did, however, attenpt to attack a larger evil - the root of the problem.
in reality, you're the one using racism as an excuse not to look at the real

could i get a yea or nay from an iimpartial observer as to whether or not
this was what came out of the first email i sent through?

 P. S. With our inferior educational system I wonder why so
 many Canadians were enrolled in my older son's University,
 Georgetown, which is by the way both private and religiously

please think about this for a second.
what do you think?
if you're ready for the answer then scroll down..

university is not funded by the public  georgetown is a very well known

many, many highly intelligent canadians emigrate to the united states in
search of larger incomes, a better economy, less social responsibility and
lower taxes.
in other words? the answer is greed.
america IS the best place in the world to live if you're filthy rich or have
the potential to become so.

several canadian agencies have done multiple studies on this phenomenon -
they dub it the 'brain drain':


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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-28 Thread Jeff Russo

-Caveat Lector-

--- inri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 why? because i believe in a classless alphabet; or, at the very least,
 completely classless words. those of the upper cases need to be scaled
 down - their powers to speak before and stand taller than the others need to
 be removed.

 you could call me an alphabetical egalitarianist.

WOW! First, some feminists insisted on spelling woman "womyn" to get "man" out
of it now this! The things we can do with the written word.

 i'm working on a rather large book that will attempt to prove this.
 i'll send all who are interested a free copy when i'm done.most likely
 in 5-10 years or so.

Your publisher may insist on some capitalization. In any event, put me on the
free book list.


Jeff Russo
"Everything our parents said was good is
 bad. Sun, milk, red meat, college"
-- Woody Allen

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[CTRL] Ghosts of Xmas

2001-01-28 Thread Euphorix

-Caveat Lector-

The remainder  complete study can be found @

and an analytical article is @

}}Begin extract
Objectives: To compare the extent to which late 20th century patterns of mortality
in London are predicted by contemporary patterns of poverty and by late 19th century
patterns of poverty. To test the hypothesis that the pattern of mortality from
causes known to be related to deprivation in early life can be better predicted by
the distribution of poverty in the late 19th century than by that in the late 20th
Design: Data from Charles Booth's survey of inner London in 1896 were digitised and
matched to contemporary local government wards. Ward level indices of relative
poverty were derived from Booth's survey and the 1991 UK census of population. All
deaths which took place within the surveyed area between 1991 and 1995 were
identified and assigned to contemporary local government wards. Standardised
mortality ratios for various causes of death were calculated for each ward for all
ages, under age 65, and over age 65. Simple correlation and partial correlation
analysis were used to estimate the contribution of the indices of poverty from
1896 and 1991 in predicting ward level mortality ratios in the early 1990s.
Setting: Inner London.
Results: For many causes of death in London, measures of deprivation made around
1896 and 1991 both contributed strongly to predicting the current spatial
distribution. Contemporary mortality from diseases which are known to be related to
deprivation in early life (stomach cancer, stroke, lung cancer) is predicted more
strongly by the distribution of poverty in 1896 than that in 1991. In addition, all
cause mortality among people aged over 65 was slightly more strongly related to the
geography of poverty in the late 19th century than to its contemporary distribution.

Conclusions: Contemporary patterns of some diseases have their roots in the past.
The fundamental relation between spatial patterns of social deprivation and spatial
patterns of mortality is so robust that a century of change in inner London has
failed to disrupt it.

End extract{{
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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
"democratic" State has no clothes; that all governments subsist
by exploitive rule over the public; and that such rule is the reverse
of objective necessity.  He strives to show that the existence of
taxation and the State necessarily sets up a class division between
the exploiting rulers and the exploited ruled.  He seeks to show that
the task of the court intellectuals who have always supported the State
has ever been to weave mystification in order to induce the public to
accept State rule and that these intellectuals obtain, in return, a
share in the power and pelf extracted by the rulers from their deluded
[[For a New Liberty:  The Libertarian Manifesto, Murray N. Rothbard,
Fox  Wilkes, 1973, 1978, p. 25]]

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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2001-01-28 Thread Aleisha Saba

Remember Folks, YOU are responsible for educating your Children, not those
corrupt Day Care Centers known as Schools.
Archibald Bard
Pro Libertate - For Freedom
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 Ashcroft had good reason to oppose Hormel

 By David M. Bresnahan
 ? 2001 InvestigativeJournal.com

 Washington, DC - Senators can now see for themselves why
 Sen. John Ashcroft so strongly opposed the Clinton
 nomination of James Hormel as U.S. Ambassador in 1997 -
 Hormel is accused of distributing homosexual pornography
 to children.

 U.S. Senators were presented evidence that Ashcroft had good
 reason to oppose the Hormel nomination.

 Senators were shocked when they received copies of the "C__t
 Coloring Book," a homosexual coloring book for children that
 is part of the James Hormel Gay and Lesbian Reading Center
 at the San Francisco Public Library. It contains page after page
 of drawings of female genitalia for children to color.

 Ashcroft has been criticized for his belief that homosexuality is
 a sin. Despite such opposition, even Deomocrats say they expect
 him to be confirmed as Attorney General replacing Janet Reno.

 Andrea Lafferty, director of the Traditional Values Coalition,
 personally delivered the coloring books to every freshman
 Senator on Capitol Hill Thursday.

 Read the full details of this story at http://InvestigativeJournal.com.

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[CTRL] AP: Rich Ready To Face Civil Actions

2001-01-28 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Sunday January 28, 2001

Rich Ready To Face Civil Actions

Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - A lawyer for Marc Rich, the fugitive financier
whose pardon has clouded President Clinton (news - web sites)'s
exit from office, said Sunday his client is ready to return to
face possible civil penalties on charges he did not pay millions
in taxes.

Rich, indicted in 1983 by a federal grand jury on evading more
than $48 million in income taxes, has been living in Switzerland.
He is ex-husband of Denise Rich, a major financial contributor to
the Democratic Party.

Rich's lawyer, former Clinton administration White House counsel
Jack Quinn, said Rich would not invoke statute of limitation
allowances that could frustrate government efforts to force him
to face civil action.

``He will and should face any assertions that he owes civil
penalties,'' Quinn said on NBC's ``Meet The Press.''

Quinn said it was his understanding that Rich and his business
partner Pincus Green, also pardoned by Clinton, would be coming
back to the United States.

Quinn emphasized that Rich would continue to maintain his
innocence.  He contends the transactions in question were carried
out by Swiss companies associated with Rich, and were not subject
to the tax laws of the time.

Rich was indicted in Manhattan federal court in 1983, shortly
after he fled the country, on charges of tax fraud and illegally
buying oil from Iran during the 1979 hostage crisis.

President Clinton's pardon of Rich, among 176 pardons and
clemencies he issued Jan 20, his last day in office, has led to
allegations that it was tied to Denise Rich's political
contributions, including those to the New York Senate campaign of
Hillary Rodham Clinton (news - web sites).

Quinn and Denise Rich have strongly denied this.

New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, who as federal prosecutor
had pursued Rich in the early 1980s, said he supported the
congressional investigation announced last week by Rep.  Dan
Burton (news - bio - voting record), R-Ind., chairman of the
House Government Reform Committee.

``You have on the one side, a fugitive for many, many years, one
of the top six fugitives of the Justice Department (news - web
sites) ...  on the other side a lot of unanswered questions about
over a million dollars in campaign contributions,'' Giuliani said
on NBC.

Denise Rich has contributed more than $1 million to Democrats
since 1993, including Hillary Clinton (news - web sites).

The mayor, who canceled a routine meeting with the senator last
week in order to signal his anger with the pardon, said he was
especially outraged that Rich was never even tried before
receiving the pardon.

But that is not without precedent: In 1992, former President Bush
(news - web sites) ended his term in office by pardoning, before
trial, six Reagan administration officials indicted in the
Iran-Contra affair, including former Defense Secretary Caspar

Giuliani said that one sign that the pardon was inappropriate was
that Quinn bypassed consultations with New York prosecutors.
Quinn said he included all the prosecutors' stated objections to
any deal when he launched his efforts to obtain a pardon.

Burton wants to examine whether former President Clinton ``had an
improper motive'' for pardoning Rich.

Vice President Dick Cheney (news - web sites) suggested the
pardon ``pre-empted what had been a serious effort to bring him
to justice over the years on the charges that have been made
against him.''

Cheney would not count out the possibility that his
administration would seek to undo the pardon - but stressed that
his belief was that Clinton had broad discretion to issue the

``The power of a president to issue pardons is absolute,'' Cheney
said on NBC.  ``It's in the Constitution.  It's something that
has been traditionally granted from time to time at the end of

Senate Majority Leader Sen.  Trent Lott (news - bio - voting
record) suggested the Senate would review the president's
absolute power to pardon.

``Maybe we should have some basic parameters,'' Lott, R-Miss.,
said on ``Fox News Sunday.  ``Should we take some action to try
to prevent abuses that do occur?''

The Constitution gives the president power to grant ``Reprieves
and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in
Cases of Impeachment.''

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 

[CTRL] JWW: Anatomy Of A Pardon

2001-01-28 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Sunday, January 28, 2001 / 4 Shevat 5761
Jewish Week Wireless.

Anatomy Of A Pardon

How four New Square felons got their sentences commuted, and
what, if anything, Hillary had to do with it.

Staff Writer

  Several weeks after her historic victory in New Yorkís U.S.
Senate race, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton attended a meeting
at the White House with President Bill Clinton and the Skverer
rebbe ó Rabbi David Twersky, spiritual leader of the
scandal-scarred New Square chasidic sect in Rockland County.

But this was not the first meeting between New Yorkís new junior
senator and the 60-year-old grand rebbe of the 7,000-member
village ó the first incorporated Jewish community in the U.S.

Clinton first campaigned there last August. That visit launched a
series of events that last week culminated in a controversial
last-minute clemency action on behalf of New Square by outgoing
President Clinton.

His act came 10 weeks after New Square, breaking with most
Orthodox communities, heartily supported Clintonís Senate
campaign, delivered almost all of the villageís votes for her.

The decision by President Clinton to commute the sentences of
four prominent New Square men who stole tens of millions from the
federal government in a phony yeshiva scheme is being criticized
this week by law enforcement officials.

Questions are being raised about whether the first lady unduly
capitalized on her relationship with her husband, who had the
unregulated power to pardon or commute prison sentences.

New Square officials and a spokesman for Senator Clinton
emphatically deny that any "deal" was made before the election to
deliver votes for her in return for the commutations of the "New
Square Four." Both say the subject was never even raised until

Clinton said Wednesday she played "no role whatsoever" in the
commutation. "I had no opinion about it," she said.

But some critics donít believe it.

"Just look at the math," said a Republican operative familiar
with the Senate race. "She gets all of New Squareís votes and two
months later she [helps commute the sentences of] four people
from the village."

The New Square commutations came among a blizzard of last-minute
pardons and commutations ó many controversial ó directed by
President Clinton on his last day in office. But New Square seems
to be the only one connected to his wifeís unprecedented race for
the Senate.

New Square advocates argue the sentences were too harsh and that
the convicted men did not gain personal profit from ill-gotten
federal money ó a claim disputed by the federal judge during

New York law enforcement officials were irate over the New Square

Manhattan U.S. Attorney Mary Jo White said they bypassed Justice
Department procedures and did not give her office enough time to
prepare arguments against them.

Whiteís office learned of the New Square commutations on Jan 16 ó
four days before the decision to pardon ó and was given a one-day
deadline to reply. "We found out about the New Square virtually
at the last moment," said a law enforcement official.

In contrast to New Square, Clinton also publicly expressed
concern about the Jonathan Pollard case, but no action was taken
to commute Pollardís life sentence for spying on behalf of Israel
(see accompanying story).

On Aug. 8, Clinton visited New Square, about 40 miles north of
New York City. She visited the girls yeshiva and schmoozed with
Rabbi Twerskyís wife, Chana. She also had a private meeting with
the rebbe.

At the time, Clintonís campaign was desperately trying to boost
stagnant support for her among the stateís key Jewish voters. Her
opponent, former Long Island Republican Rep. Rick Lazio, seemed
to be gaining momentum.

For Clinton, it was already clear that New Yorkís Orthodox and
chasidic communities would be a hard sell, as they were
expressing their personal dislike for her and her positions,
particularly regarding Israel. She needed to show she could win
some support in Orthodox circles.

Meanwhile, New Square was coping with a series of scandals in
which top village officials were going to jail or fleeing the
country for swindling tens of millions of dollars in federal
education, housing and small-business subsidies in a decade-long

One widely publicized case included laundering money through a
phony yeshiva set up in Brooklyn.

Rabbi Twersky desperately wanted to win clemency for the four
noted New Square residents who on Jan. 25, 1999 were convicted of
21 charges including conspiracy, embezzlement, and wire and mail
fraud. Kalmen Stern, 42, was sentenced to 78 months; David
Goldstein, 54, of Brooklyn, 70 months; Jacob Elbaum 40, 57
months; and Benjamin Berger, 30 months. They were ordered to pay
back millions of dollars.

[In addition, two others fled the country: New Square founders
Chaim Berger, Benjaminís father, and Avraham David 

[CTRL] TL: Bill Clinton left land mines for George W. Bush

2001-01-28 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Dateline D.C.
Sunday, January 28, 2001

Bill Clinton left land mines for George W. Bush

WASHINGTON - Washingtonians have been mulling over the very
welcomed Texas invasion and inauguration of President George W.
Bush. Few among the young executives in Washington were born when
last so many well-mannered people took over the city.

So, Howdy y'all! Suddenly there is a need to learn a whole new
culture: the difference between Dallas wealth and the Houston
fortunes; why you don't decline a lady's offer of a Texas dime;
and the etiquette of cowboy hats, which you must learn to call
"lids." (Lids made of straw or gray are worn by Texan gentlemen
only from Easter to Labor Day, but black lids are de rigueur in
every season for formal wear, while white lids are unusual.)

Austin, the Texas capital since 1839, once was called Waterloo.
Texans being clever, once for all of 11 days they had a floating
capital. In that year, the steamboat Cayuga played host to the
president and Cabinet of the new republic so that they could
continue the business of government as they kept just ahead of an
enormous Mexican army, until Sam Houston's resounding victory in
San Jacinto.

President George W. Bush is now ensconced in the White House and
his "landing parties" have arrived in every federal agency, with
notebooks, cell phones and laptops at the ready. In contrast to
his predecessor, the man who would never apologize, President
Bush spoke of personal responsibility and his commitment to
"civility, courage, compassion and character."

Just minutes before President Bush spoke these words, Bill
Clinton, fresh from his taxpayer-funded "legacy lap" around the
country, continued to send yet another Democratic crowd into
ecstasy by taking vindictive shots at his successor.

At Andrews Air Force Base, where the Clinton departure from
Washington was timed by Clintonistas still in government to
coincide exactly with the start of the inaugural parade, the
former president pointed to a sign reading, "Please don't go."
Never one to ignore an opportunity, Clinton said, "You see that
sign. I left the White House, but I'm still here."

What that means is that there is an ex-prez, unfettered by
conscience or conventions, ready to roam the world looking for
opportunities to undermine the administration of President Bush.

A few days earlier in Chicago, the now ex-prez praised Al Gore's
sleazy campaign Chairman Bill Daley, saying he did a brilliant
job leading Al Gore to victory. "By the time it was over, our
candidate had won the popular vote and the only way they could
win the election was to stop the voting in Florida."

Then, speaking of Washington state, where a Democrat narrowly won
over the Republican incumbent, the ex-prez sniggered, "They have
this unusual system - they actually count all the votes."

After these and similar news bites had made the television shows,
night after night, ex-prez quietly said to a reporter, "I wasn't
trying to be sarcastic or hateful or even make any deliberate

Sure, Mr. Ex-Prez, just like you were never a draft-dodger, never
inhaled and never womanized. In fact, if the junior senator from
New York will permit, the name Monica will be like Gennifer,
Juanita, Catherine, Paula, Sally and so many others, expunged
from your memory banks - at least in public. Yet, while Bill
Clinton hopes to be out of the spotlight when he is in New York
or Georgetown (no one in Arkansas appears to care that the
favorite son is not coming home), some of us will always be in
his self-styled "zone of privacy" to report on his activities.

While George Bush is putting together an administration that
relies more on the sentiments of George Washington's farewell
address, the ex-prez shows every sign of attempting to create an
"alternative government," based on the bizarre values of the
grungy television show "Friends."

Suddenly, the ex-prez has become an authority on values. It is to
him (and his spin-doctors) plainly obvious that it's in his
interest if the country can be persuaded that the self-serving
values-without-morality of William Jefferson Clinton should be
accepted by all Americans.

"And why not," the ex-prez will ask. He certainly does not think
of himself as a mere mortal, but sees himself as a leader, a
messiah - though actually a false messiah!

Clinton equates his political trials and tribulations with Old
Testament ordeals. He has been heard equating himself with an
oppressed minority and his biblical quotations remind us that
even the devil can quote Scripture.

With the kind help of his friends from Hollywood, the ex-prez
created a fantasy for himself, played out as "The Man from Hope."
He is looking for a role in Part II and can't imagine himself in
a supporting role to his spousal senator.

The ex-prez prepared a campaign, which our military friends
compare to "stay-behind" teams in 

[CTRL] - Five CME's Reported Since Friday

2001-01-28 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 01-01-28 23:30:50 EST, you write:

 Five CME's Reported Since Friday...01/29/01
 by Mitch Battros  (ECTV)

 NASA appears to be puzzled with the recent escalation of CME's. There is
 no explanation for the increases. Nasa does mention they are now aware
 there may be less of a connection between CME's (coronal mass ejections)
 and solar flares than previously considered.

 There is no question all scientific disciplines are scrabbling to grasp
 a better understanding of our Sun - Earth connection. Some would suggest
 our ancestors were well advanced of current science. As mentioned in my
 previous article, it will be when our present catches up to our past.
 That is to say when science (modern), understands history (ancient
 text). It is then, we shall move forward to an understanding of our
 present (current).

 Nasa seems to side step the question of CME's effect on our weather. I
 would suggest it plays a significant role. Perhaps less than the more
 directed solar flares, but we are still speaking of "charged particles".
 It is the geomagnetic waves which effects our weather patterns. I
 believe my equation remains intact regarding solar plasma, whether it be
 CME's or solar flares.

 Sunspots = Solar Flares (or CME's - Charged Particles) = Magnetic
 Shift = Shifting Ocean and Jet Stream Currents = Extreme Weather

 Nasa's bewilderment may suggest they are quit surprised to witness so
 many CME's and not have a clue as to the cause. My guess would be this
 current cycle is different than all those before it. The question
 remains...Why!  Could it be external celestial influences? Could this be
 just another indicator we are in a much larger cycle than Nasa's
 proclaiming of a regular 11 cycle? Is a shift occurring we simply don't
 understand?   Perhaps the answers lay within ancient text... Nasa are
 you listening!!!

 Watch for continued extreme weather for some time to come.

 NASA's article:
 "In terms of solar flares, the Sun has been relatively quiet for the
 past three days, but coronal mass ejections have been plentiful. Since
 Friday, five bright CMEs have billowed away from the Sun. The sequence
 of relatively few flares and many CMEs illustrates something that solar
 physicists have learned only recently. Solar flares do not (necessarily)
 trigger coronal mass ejections. The two types of eruptions can happen
 independently. None of the recent spate of CMEs appear to be
 Earth-directed."  Nasa Link: http://www.spaceweather.com/

 Mitch Battros
 Producer - Earth Changes TV
EcoNews Service - Always online for Ecology, Consciousness  Universe
EcoNews http://www.ecologynews.com/
Prague  http://mujweb.cz/www/ecologynews/
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/Vancouver, BC V6M 1V8

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] SMH: Hillary denies using presidential pardon to buy votes

2001-01-28 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Sydney Morning Herald


Hillary denies using presidential pardon to buy votes

New York: Hillary Rodham Clinton was forced to lie low at the
weekend amid a growing storm over allegations her campaign
"bought" Jewish votes in exchange for a White House pardon for
four Hasidic men convicted of fraud.

The former first lady, now a US senator, abruptly cancelled a
series of public appearances as details emerged of the deal
struck on the last day of her husband's presidency. She has
denied she played a role in any of the pardons.

Senator Clinton captured virtually 100 per cent of the votes in
the Hasidic community of New Square, 30 kilometres outside New
York, even though neighbouring areas went strongly for Rick
Lazio, her Republican opponent.

Mrs Clinton was given an enthusiastic reception at New Square
during the Senate race last summer, with promises that a street
would be named in her honour. Republican campaigning in the
village stopped after it became clear she had the 1,500 votes
locked up.

It emerged last week that representatives for the four men,
convicted in 1998 of a $US40million ($73million) fraud in which
government funds were channelled into a non-existent religious
school, met the Clintons in Washington only weeks before the
inauguration of George W. Bush as president.

Their names were subsequently added to a list of nearly 200
pardons and sentence commutations released by Bill Clinton in his
last hours as president.

The four Hasidic men, who are serving prison sentences from 30
months to seven years, had their jail terms cut by up to
two-thirds. They claimed that the money was used to fund other
community projects.

The Mayor of New York, Rudi Giuliani, has hinted he may push for
an investigation into the lobbying. It is claimed he had also
been approached for help in exchange for political support.

It is known that the district attorney's office became very
concerned that the White House would free the men. On January 16,
a member of the prosecution team wrote to then president Clinton,
saying a pardon would "send a message to the worldwide community
that its pursuit of its own religious customs justified fraud
against the government".

Meanwhile, Mr Clinton is offering to repay the cost of
"vandalism" by his staff when they left their offices, once he is
given a full reckoning from the Bush White House of the damage
allegedly done.

Mr Clinton's offer follows reports, initially confirmed by a
spokesman for Mr Bush, that officials vandalised the White House
before they departed, then stripped the Air Force One
presidential aircraft of anything that would serve as a souvenir.

Mr Bush has ordered no action be taken against former
administration officials in an attempt to calm an unprecedented
row over reported theft and damage that was beginning to
overshadow the opening days of his administration and sour
relations with his predecessor.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] JWW: U.S. Holocaust Museum May Be Dragged Into Controversy over Marc Rich Pardon

2001-01-28 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Sunday, January 28, 2001 / 4 Shevat 5761
Jewish Week Wireless.

U.S. Holocaust Museum May Be Dragged Into Controversy over Marc
Rich Pardon James D. Besser - Washington Correspondent   The
furor over President Bill Clintonís pardon of fugitive
commodities trader Marc Rich could entangle the U.S. Holocaust
Memorial Museum in new controversy as lawmakers probe what some
say was a politically motivated action by the outgoing president.

This week The Jewish Week learned that Rabbi Irving ìYitzî
Greenberg, chair of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council, wrote to
Clinton asking for a pardon for Rich. More important, Rabbi
Greenberg wrote his appeal on official council stationery.

A council source expressed concern that the letter, which Rabbi
Greenberg said was put on council stationery by mistake, could
further inflame congressional critics of the successful by
sometimes-controversial museum on the Mall in Washington.

In the letter, Rabbi Greenberg referred to the billionaireís
philanthropy. ìHe brought vision, generosity, a desire to do
good, a willingness to take a leadership role; most of all, I saw
that he did good in a situation where he would not get
recognition. I saw then that he really cares.î

Rabbi Greenberg also referred to Richís ìsadness, his pain and
suffering, his desire to do good and to make up by making a
better world. I believe that the time has come to give him a new
path and a new life.î

In a statement to The Jewish Week, Rabbi Greenberg, who also
serves as president of the Jewish Life Network, explained his
action by saying that Rich was ìan early and helpful major
partner with Jewish Life Networkî in Birthright Israel, a project
that brings thousands of young Jewish people to Israel for free,
10-day trips.

One source said that Rich has given ìmillionsî to Birthright ó
which Rabbi Greenberg helped found.

Rabbi Greenberg was out of the country and did not respond to
requests for an interview. His spokesman acknowledged that
ìputting the letter on council stationery was a mistake. It was
supposed to be on Jewish Life Network stationery.î

Congressional Republicans promised quick action to probe the

This week Rep Dan Burton (R-Ind.), chair of the House Government
Reform Committee, promised hearings on the circumstances of the
ìmotive, basis and timingî of the pardon.

Rich fled the United States in 1983 after he was indicted on
charges of racketeering, tax evasion and tax fraud. Federal
prosecutors charged that Richís companies violated U.S. sanctions
against Iran and evaded taxes on the profits.

A number of prominent businesspeople and Jewish leaders wrote to
Clinton supporting a pardon, including Israeli Prime Minister
Ehud Barak.

The Rich pardon was one of several issued in the last days of the
Clinton administration that ignited a firestorm of criticism and
calls for congressional investigations. Richís former wife,
Denise, is a friend of the former president and a large
Democratic contributor. This week Denise Rich denied that her
donations to Clinton, Vice President Al Gore, Sen. Hillary
Clinton (D-N.Y.) and other Democrats was connected to the
decision to issue the pardon.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fidel Bushito

2001-01-28 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

I think Castro - having survived multiple USA Presidents
- has in mind the Bushito-body-count as set out below.  Alfred Webre

If the Dead Could Speak

This is a list of bodies, a roster of the dead, who might have
been called Witnesses had they not met their untimely deaths. All
these people were associated with the name of Bush, and
aside, did not live to tell the tale. Some of the names on this list
will give you pause. Some are rumor. Some you may find
incredible, and
some ridiculous. Do your own research. You will draw your own
conclusions. I make no assertion but this:

If the dead could speak, perhaps the loudest and most tragic
voice would be that of Democracy, who died December 12, 2000,
when the Supreme Court of the United States stopped a legally
mandated count of ballots, votes that had never been counted,
effectively appointing Bush to the White House, even as it became
more clear that he was not the true winner. Subsequent media
have shown that Al Gore was indeed the winner of the popular vote
Florida and hence the Presidency of the United States, but it
as though the fix was in.

Ask yourself, can they get away with it? The answer - only if you let
them. Spread the word:

George W. Bush is not our President.


Paul Wilcher

His partially decomposed body was found in his home, still seated
the toilet. According to the Washington Times, "...he was
investigating the theory of an 'October Surprise' conspiracy during
the 1980 federal election campaign. He had been interviewing an
who claimed to have piloted George Bush to Paris so he could
seek to delay the release of 52 American hostages in Iran."

Sid Adger

Mr. Adger, a Houston oil supply company executive and Bush
friend, died in 1996 of unknown causes. Adger was the mysterious
businessman who approached General James Rose and asked
him to help
George W. Bush avoid Vietnam by recommending him for a pilot
with the National Guard.

General James Rose

General Rose recommended George W. Bush for a pilot position
with the
Texas National Guard. He died of unknown causes in 1993. He was
immediately buried and no autopsy was performed.

Orlando Letelier

He was torn to bits by a car bomb on the streets of Washington
DC just
before he was to testify against the Chilean dictator Pinochet. After
the bombing, CIA Director George H. W. Bush told the FBI that
had been no Chilean involvement whatsoever. In 1991 the post-
Chilean Supreme Court asked George H. W. Bush if he would
submit to
questioning. BUSH REFUSED.

Ronni Moffit

She was Letelier's assistant. She and her husband were riding in
the car with Letelier when the bomb exploded. Mr. Moffit
survived. Ronni didn't.

Amiram Nir

He was a former Israeli agent who was in Jerusalem with George
Bush during Iran Contra. He went under the assumed name of Pat
Weber. Nir was scheduled to testify to the Senate subcommittee
and it was feared he would reveal the truth. He perished when his
aircraft was shot down with missiles from the helicopter of a man
called Gene Tatum, 25-year CIA deep cover agent.

Senator John Tower

He was appointed by the Reagan/Bush Administration to chair the
bipartisan committee to investigate the Iran/Contra scandals. He
directed the Tower Report and had all the Iran Contra documents
that told the real story. He was killed in an airplane crash
later in Georgia in 1991. Also killed was his daughter, Marian.

Mario Ruiz Massieu

An apparent suicide, Massieu was facing charges that he laundered
money for the cocaine cartels. A Houston, Texas jury had found
that $8
million in his bank accounts was paid to him by cocaine cartels.

Steve Kangas

His web site, Liberalism Resurgent, was meticulously researched
and presented such a problem to the "real boss" of George Bush,
Richard Scaife, that he hired a private detective to look into
Kangas' past. Steve Kangas was found in a 39th-floor bathroom
outside of Scaife's offices at One Oxford Centre, in Pittsburgh,
an apparent suicide. Mr. Kangas, a very prolific writer, left no
note. He had brought a fully-packed suitcase of clothes with him
to Pittsburgh. He bought a burglar alarm shortly before he left
for Pittsburgh. Why did he need a burglar alarm if he was going
to commit suicide? An avowed advocate of gun control, he
nevertheless bought a gun. What was he afraid of? Why did he go
to Pittsburgh? After his death, his computer was sold for $150
and its hard drive wiped clean. Everything in his apartment was
thrown away.

Mohammed Zia al-huk

Dictator of Pakistan, and knew all about Iran/Contra, the
training, funding, and arming of narco-terrorists like Osama bin
Laden. In August 1988, the same day George Bush got the
Republican nomination, his plane crashed into the ground with all
engines running. The Pakistanis kept 

[CTRL] NYT: New Bush Office Seeks Closer Ties to Church Groups

2001-01-28 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


January 29, 2001

New Bush Office Seeks Closer Ties to Church Groups


WASHINGTON, Jan. 28 ó President Bush has selected a University of
Pennsylvania professor of political science to head the first
federal office intended to promote the integration of religious
groups into federally financed social services, several Bush
advisers said today.

The advisers said the opening of the office and the appointment
of John J. DiIulio Jr. to fill it would almost certainly be
announced at a White House event on Monday, and they acknowledged
that it would draw heated opposition from organizations and
religious groups that advocate a strict separation of church and

But the encouragement and government financing of faith-based
programs was a signature campaign issue for Mr. Bush, who has
said he reads the Bible every day. And the decision to entrust
the new federal office in charge of that effort to Mr. DiIulio, a
widely published expert on juvenile crime with impressive
academic credentials, is an example of the political caution with
which the Bush administration will proceed.

The choice of Mr. DiIulio, in fact, is only one of several ways
in which Mr. Bush and his aides are trying to blunt any
impression that what the president is doing amounts to an
evangelical endeavor.

"John is a social scientist who believes in empirical evidence,"
said one Bush adviser, stressing Mr. DiIulio's focus on provable
results from faith-based social programs that address problems
like substance abuse, youth violence and teenage pregnancy. The
adviser also emphasized that Mr. DiIulio does not see faith-based
programs "as a panacea," but rather as one arrow in a quiver with
plenty of others.

In addition to Mr. DiIulio, the other central figure in the
effort is Stephen Goldsmith, the former mayor of Indianapolis who
was the chief domestic policy adviser for Mr. Bush's presidential

Several Bush advisers said Mr. Goldsmith would be the chairman of
a new national advisory board whose work will complement that of
the new federal office. Mr. Goldsmith will also serve as an
official adviser to Mr. Bush on the issue.

Mr. Bush and his aides do not want the proposals related to
faith-based programs that they unveil to seem too driven by
religion. Indeed, the president's goal is to find new ways for
the federal government to encourage private charities ó including
but not limited to religious groups ó to provide more social

To that end, the title of the new federal office will allude not
just to faith-based programs but also to community initiatives,
although several advisers said the order in which the words
"faith" and "community" would be placed was under debate.

Additionally, Mr. Bush has invited not only leaders of
faith-based groups but also the heads of other not-for-profit
organizations to meet on Monday morning at the White House to
kick off a week of events intended to describe and promote the
president's vision.

The guest list, according to one of the people on it, includes
the Rev. Stephen E. Burger, executive director of the Association
of Gospel Rescue Missions; Sara E. Melendez, president and chief
executive officer of Independent Sector, a coalition of nonprofit
organizations and foundations; and Millard Fuller, founder and
president of Habitat for Humanity International, the ecumenical
house-building group.

"It is about faith-based institutions, but it's also about more
than that," said another Bush adviser, referring to Mr. Bush's
plan to encourage private groups to administer more of the kinds
of local programs often provided by government.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] UPI: Intelligence failures and the death of the 18 Rangers

2001-01-28 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Friday, 26 January 2001 21:12 (ET)

Intelligence failures and the death of the 18 Rangers

By Richard Sale, Terrorism Correspondent

 WASHINGTON, Jan. 26 (UPI) -- Osama bin Laden, the Saudi-born
Islamic terrorist suspect sought by the United States in
connection with the August 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in
Kenya and Tanzania, had months earlier been linked to the 1993
deaths of 18 U.S. Rangers in Somalia. A Justice Department
indictment of those responsible, however, was suppressed and no
action taken, U.S. intelligence sources revealed Friday.

 The Rangers were part of an abortive U.S. attempt on Oct. 3,
1993, to kidnap two top lieutenants of Somalia's strongman Gen.
Mohammed Farrah Aidid. The original CIA plan had been to use a
10-man force, but this was put off by the U.S. military
leadership, and the next day a larger force of 160 Delta
operators and Rangers was sent in its place.

 The task force was ambushed and 18 Rangers killed by militia
trained by bin Laden, according to former U.S. military and
intelligence sources with close knowledge of the incident.

 Postponement of the "snatch" of the two aides was a "major
blunder," according to a U.S. participant in the incident who
asked not to be named.

 According to former U.S. intelligence officials, bin Laden was
secretly indicted for the Ranger killings in 1997. "I personally
discussed the indictment with the FBI," one former U.S.
government source said. But the indictment was later "torn up"
and then made part of a public indictment of bin Laden and 17
co-defendants filed in 1998 by the Justice Department following
the bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in which 224
people died. The Ranger murders are mentioned specifically on
pages 18 and19 of that indictment.

 According to former U.S. military sources, the U.S. military
leadership, led by Adm. Jonathan Howe, senior officer of the U.N.
peacekeeping force in Somalia, believed that Aidid's Somalia
National Alliance forces were behind the July 12 murder of
Pakistani troops in the U.N. force, and that the warlord should
be captured and tried as a war criminal. Howe requested a Ranger
force to hunt Aidid down.

 By the early summer of 1993, Aidid began an escalation. There
were attacks by Islamic detachments operating out of Aidid-held
areas of Mogadishu on U.N. forces, and on June 5, 24 Pakistani
soldiers were ambushed and killed. The U.N. promptly declared the
SNA "an outlaw faction," according to one U.S. official.

 On June 12, Aidid and several of his aides left Mogadishu for
Khartoum where they attended a People's Arab and Islamic
Conference chaired by Hassan Abdallah al-Turabi, a Sudanese
leader who sponsored terrorism against the United States and
backed the spread of Islam throughout the Horn of Africa,
according to U.S. official who spoke to United Press
International on condition of not being named.

 This source said that Turabi had ties to Abdul-Rahman Ahmad
Ahmad Ali Tour who had proclaimed the Islamic code or Sharia as
the law of Somalia and had henceforth received financial and
military aid from Iran and Sudan. "Certainly Gen. Aidid was
receiving some technical and logistical aid from Sudan as part of
a fledgling military alliance in 1992," this source said.

 The decision to fight U.S. forces in Somalia was a direct result
of Sudan's strategy, according to a U.S. government analyst.
Robert Oakley, former U.S. ambassador to Somalia, disagrees, but
he concedes that Sudan was very nervous about U.S. intervention:
"The Sudanese thought that they were next, that after we were
finished in Somalia we would strike at Sudan."  The Hezbollah --
the fundamentalist Islamic militia -- for example, published
documents at the time alerting factions that Sudan was really the
next U.S. target. "It was a totally mistaken idea," he said.

 But whatever the reason, Aidid began amassing his assets, with
Turabi supplying weapons, men and military supplies, according to
U.S. officials.

 According to U.S. government sources there is general agreement
that bin Laden was not the master mind or the grand strategist
but rather the logistical officer. He had hidden Arab Afghans --
the Islamic volunteer fighters from all over the Middle East who
had fought against the Russians during the Soviet invasion of
Afghanistan -- on his "farms' in Sudan, and he had also smuggled
large amounts of money into Ethiopia and Eritrea for purchases of
supplies for "Afghan" forces.

 These sources said that bin Laden led a clandestine effort to
move militant "Afghans" into Somalia through third countries like
Ethiopia and Eritrea, providing lodging, trucks, fuel water,
weapons, ammunition, explosives and medical kits, and
establishing resupply points.

 According to current and former U.S. intelligence sources, the
on-site commander and field coordinator in Mogadishu, working
with Aidid, was Ayman al-Zawahiri, an Egyptian militant who is

[CTRL] Frayed Ends

2001-01-28 Thread Euphorix

-Caveat Lector-


Embedded linques at site

Behind the Headlines
by Justin Raimondo
January 29, 2000
About Kosovo
Kosovo war is over – or
is it? – yet the battle for the hearts and minds of world opinion
on the matter rages anew. As the West begins to confront the monster it created
in Kosovo – as well as the rising horror of the "depleted" uranium mass
poisoning in Bosnia, Kosovo, and Serbia – the UN's International Criminal
Tribunal on war crimes in the former Yugoslavia (ICTFY) has launched a ferocious

campaign to drag Slobodan Milosevic to The Hague, preferably in chains, to
be put on trial for war crimes. Like the Wicked Witch of the West, circling
the fabled city of Oz on her broomstick shrieking "Surrender Dorothy!," ICTFY
chief inquisitor Carla Del Ponte is demanding that the Yugoslav government
extradite the former Yugoslav strongman – and her amen corner in the
West, including the US State Department and the American and European media,
are baying for old Slobo's scalp. But is it really his scalp they're

The real objective
of all this caterwauling is the ritual humiliation and political marginalization

of Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica. For the demand to surrender Miloevic
is sure to cause fissures in the fragile pro-government coalition, and pose
a direct challenge to the authority of the new President, who has always spoken
out against the Tribunal as a "political instrument." If the NATO-crats thought
Kostunica was going to cave, they were bound to be sorely disappointed: as
Antiwar.com columnist Nebojsa Malic pointed out in his
last "Balkan Express" column, the occupiers of Kosovo don't seem to realize
whom they're up against. Kostunica turned the Spanish harridan out on her
ear, to the applause of his own people and the horrified exclamations of the
"international community." Retaliation was not long in coming.
After she picked
herself up off the floor, the Witch was alternately
whining and threatening, averring that President Kostunica was "not properly
informed" about her kangaroo court and saying that "dialogue [with him] was
not possible. I tried for half-an-hour to explain about the tribunal. I had
to sit and listen to his long complaints." The imperious Del Ponte usually
does not have to listen to anybody, and she clearly did not like it one bit,
quickly reverting to threat mode: "He can and must change his mind," she hissed.
"Full cooperation with my office cannot be avoided if Yugoslavia wants full
membership in the international community. If there is no cooperation, new 
sanctions can be imposed." Yes, but not without the cooperation of the United
States. Will Dubya, who campaigned on a promise to get us out of the Balkans
– and burbled about "humility" as a guiding principle of our foreign
policy – go along with the Witch's sanctions?
the answer appears to be yes. I'm not surprised, and if you were reading this
column during the recent election campaign, you
won't be too taken aback by the news either. As I pointed out at the time
Bush was flat-out lying to our faces: Dubya's
Kosovo deception was a ploy to lull conservative opponents of globalism
into believing that, on Election Day 2000, they could safely vote Republican
without having to worry about the foreign policy consequences all that much.
The Bushies made vague noises about getting out of Kosovo, and even now is
sending signals that Republicans have reason to hope for a less activist foreign
policy: the spinners never sleep and the lies never stop. For now that the
ICTFY and its media allies are launching a major propaganda blitz designed
to re-demonize the Serb – and, perhaps, set them up for another drubbing-Team
Bush is playing right along.
A recent
documdrama staged by the US government-owned-and-operated National Public
Radio alleges that the Serbs, in order to cover up their alleged war crimes
during the Kosovo civil war, had burned thousands of bodies in the Trepca
mines. The OSCE immediately denied that this was even a possibility, but that 
didn't stop a spokesman for Bush's
State Department from endorsing
NPR's unsourced and highly propagandistic report. The NPR piece had barely
hit the airwaves when US government spokesman Richard Boucher told the Associated
Press that "information obtained by the US government beginning in 1999 confirms
there were massive killings 'and there were attempts to burn bodies and otherwise
cover up evidence at places throughout Kosovo.'"
OSCE spokeswoman Claire Trevana was quite clear about the unreliability of
the NPR story: "Our people have 

Re: [CTRL] Fidel Bushito

2001-01-28 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Yes, forget about the Bush legacy and blame it on the commies.


On 29 Jan 01, at 1:58, DIG alfred webre wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 I think Castro - having survived multiple USA Presidents
 - has in mind the Bushito-body-count as set out below.  Alfred Webre

 If the Dead Could Speak

 This is a list of bodies, a roster of the dead, who might have
 been called Witnesses had they not met their untimely deaths. All
 these people were associated with the name of Bush, and
 aside, did not live to tell the tale. Some of the names on this list
 will give you pause. Some are rumor. Some you may find
 incredible, and
 some ridiculous. Do your own research. You will draw your own
 conclusions. I make no assertion but this:

 If the dead could speak, perhaps the loudest and most tragic
 voice would be that of Democracy, who died December 12, 2000,
 when the Supreme Court of the United States stopped a legally
 mandated count of ballots, votes that had never been counted,
 effectively appointing Bush to the White House, even as it became
 more clear that he was not the true winner. Subsequent media
 have shown that Al Gore was indeed the winner of the popular vote
 Florida and hence the Presidency of the United States, but it
 as though the fix was in.

 Ask yourself, can they get away with it? The answer - only if you let
 them. Spread the word:

 George W. Bush is not our President.


 Paul Wilcher

 His partially decomposed body was found in his home, still seated
 the toilet. According to the Washington Times, "...he was
 investigating the theory of an 'October Surprise' conspiracy during
 the 1980 federal election campaign. He had been interviewing an
 who claimed to have piloted George Bush to Paris so he could
 seek to delay the release of 52 American hostages in Iran."

 Sid Adger

 Mr. Adger, a Houston oil supply company executive and Bush
 friend, died in 1996 of unknown causes. Adger was the mysterious
 businessman who approached General James Rose and asked
 him to help
 George W. Bush avoid Vietnam by recommending him for a pilot
 with the National Guard.

 General James Rose

 General Rose recommended George W. Bush for a pilot position
 with the
 Texas National Guard. He died of unknown causes in 1993. He was
 immediately buried and no autopsy was performed.

 Orlando Letelier

 He was torn to bits by a car bomb on the streets of Washington
 DC just
 before he was to testify against the Chilean dictator Pinochet. After
 the bombing, CIA Director George H. W. Bush told the FBI that
 had been no Chilean involvement whatsoever. In 1991 the post-
 Chilean Supreme Court asked George H. W. Bush if he would
 submit to
 questioning. BUSH REFUSED.

 Ronni Moffit

 She was Letelier's assistant. She and her husband were riding in
 the car with Letelier when the bomb exploded. Mr. Moffit
 survived. Ronni didn't.

 Amiram Nir

 He was a former Israeli agent who was in Jerusalem with George
 Bush during Iran Contra. He went under the assumed name of Pat
 Weber. Nir was scheduled to testify to the Senate subcommittee
 and it was feared he would reveal the truth. He perished when his
 aircraft was shot down with missiles from the helicopter of a man
 called Gene Tatum, 25-year CIA deep cover agent.

 Senator John Tower

 He was appointed by the Reagan/Bush Administration to chair the
 bipartisan committee to investigate the Iran/Contra scandals. He
 directed the Tower Report and had all the Iran Contra documents
 that told the real story. He was killed in an airplane crash
 later in Georgia in 1991. Also killed was his daughter, Marian.

 Mario Ruiz Massieu

 An apparent suicide, Massieu was facing charges that he laundered
 money for the cocaine cartels. A Houston, Texas jury had found
 that $8
 million in his bank accounts was paid to him by cocaine cartels.

 Steve Kangas

 His web site, Liberalism Resurgent, was meticulously researched
 and presented such a problem to the "real boss" of George Bush,
 Richard Scaife, that he hired a private detective to look into
 Kangas' past. Steve Kangas was found in a 39th-floor bathroom
 outside of Scaife's offices at One Oxford Centre, in Pittsburgh,
 an apparent suicide. Mr. Kangas, a very prolific writer, left no
 note. He had brought a fully-packed suitcase of clothes with him
 to Pittsburgh. He bought a burglar alarm shortly before he left
 for Pittsburgh. Why did he need a burglar alarm if he was going
 to commit suicide? An avowed advocate of gun control, he
 nevertheless bought a gun. What was he afraid of? Why did he go
 to Pittsburgh? After his death, his computer was sold for $150
 and its hard drive wiped clean. Everything in his apartment was
 thrown away.

 Mohammed Zia al-huk

 Dictator of Pakistan, and knew all