[CTRL] Back Pay Back?

2001-02-07 Thread Euphorix

-Caveat Lector-


This is an issue that should be directed to those who initiated the practice in
the first place.  AER 

Popularity of Reparations for Slavery Growing

NewsMax.com Wires
Tuesday, Feb. 6, 2001
CHICAGO (UPI) – The sign in front of Christ Apostolic Church reads: "Black
Reparations Now."
The church is in Woodlawn, a neighborhood on the South Side where you don't want to
be after the sun sets. Woodlawn is littered by vacant lots and pockets of poverty,
crime, unemployment and despair decades after the hopeful optimism of the '60s civil
rights era faded into broken dreams in this part of town.
"It's starting here," said Dr. Leon Finney, national co-chair of the National
Reparations Convention, which met Feb. 1-4 at the McCormick Place Exposition Center.
The veteran community organizer and other leaders want to see the reparations issue
become more mainstream.
"This movement is a worldwide movement. It is not a new movement. This is an old
movement. It is as old as slavery," Finney said.
Chicago Alderman Dorothy Tillman, organizer of the weekend convention, said 
reparations for slavery is the movement of the millennium.
Tillman, who marched with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., sponsored City Council hearings 
last year that led Chicago in May to pass a resolution supporting reparations for the 
descendants of black slaves. Mayor Richard M. Dal
ey gave the issue his support.
"It's not becoming a movement. It is a movement," Tillman told United Press 
International. "It is all over this country and the shocking thing about it is it is 
not just a black movement. She said white students at the Un
iversity of Illinois-Chicago were doing research for reparations groups.
"It's a movement that's much greater. It's going to surprise some folks. … We have 
representation from all over this country."
Saturday morning's opening convention session was broadcast live on WVON-AM, a 
black-oriented talk radio station.
LeGrand Cleggh, city attorney for Compton, Calif., said he and Chicago attorney Lewis 
Meyers were doing legal research on every aspect of reparations.
"Large numbers of white men impregnated black women during slavery and abandoned their 
children. Now that's child support," said Cleggh, "whole generations who were never 
cared for." Compton last year passed a reparations
 resolution patterned after Chicago's.
About 80 organizers from around the nation met in closed session Sunday to develop 
plans to mobilize black communities and to forge a common reparations agenda.
Advocates, notably NCOBRA, the National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in 
America, the National Black United Front and the Republic of New Afrika, want 
trillions of dollars for the hundreds of years of free labor the
ir ancestors provided and degradation they suffered. Some favor a lump-sum, while 
others say reparations are about more than money and should be part of initiatives to 
improve education, economic development, employment a
nd housing.
"Reparations have got to mean we take responsibility for ourselves," Finney said.
Tillman did not discuss what form reparations should take or put a dollar figure on 
the cost.
"We have every region represented here," Tillman said. "We think we will be able to 
present to this government, to this country, a plan for reparations.
"There several schools of thought out here. There are people like [historian] Dr. 
Lerone Bennett who think we should have a Marshall Plan … and there others who think 
maybe we need money, others who think land, others say
 education, others who say 'give us a ticket out of here.' So there's all kind of 
thought. When you deal with a Marshall Plan you almost deal with all those things 
people are talking about."
Gen. George Marshall became U.S. secretary of state and in 1947 put together an 
economic plan to rebuild a Europe devastated by World War II. The United States sent 
about $13 billion in development aid, food and machinery
 to Europe before the plan ended in 1952.
Tillman said the free labor of blacks had built America.
"Had it not been for slaves, had it not been for my ancestors, people would not be 
coming to America," she said. "Black labor, white wealth."
She said the conference also discussed the whole psychological effect of slavery – 
"post-traumatic slavery syndrome" – affecting both blacks and whites.
"We can move this issue of reparations to the forefront," said Rep. Bobby Rush, 
D-Ill., a former Black Panther leader and now a Baptist minister and U.S. congressman. 
"The reparations movement is a campaign for African-Am
ericans that emerged 100 years ago when the newly freed slaves cried out for 
restitution for centuries of stolen labor, cultural degradation and dehumanization."
Rush said there are precedents for reparations, citing Germany's restitution to Jewish 
victims of the Nazi Holocaust and to slave laborers, and Australia's land grants to 
indigenous aborigines in 

[CTRL] Cell phone study finds no cancer link --MSNBC

2001-02-07 Thread Agent Starling

Cell phone study finds no cancer link 
 But results unlikely to end the 
debate The Denmark study did not look into whether 
cell phones are linked to other conditions such as migraine headaches or skin 

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[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: BushKreep Update

2001-02-07 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

My Groups |
konformist Main Page

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Rehnquist -- Political Puppeteer

consortiumnews.com - http://www.consortiumnews.com

Behind the scenes of George W. Bush's swearing in on Jan. 20 was a
troubling new political reality in the United States. Though largely
missed by the national press corps, the conservative-dominated federal
judiciary was marking its success in changing the rules of American

At the center of this remarkable power grab was U.S. Supreme Court Chief
Justice William Rehnquist, who has worked over the past decade to
transform the federal judiciary into the ultimate political weapon.

The coup de grace was the court's 5-4 decision to enforce legal mumbo
jumbo to overturn the will of the American voters in the presidential
election. But the process has been under way since at least the early

For the full story, go to Consortiumnews.com at


OpposeAshcroft Update: Pass the Petition Along!
Oppose Ashcroft Update http://www.opposeashcroft.com

Alert Date: January 26, 2001 -- Circulate Until: February 3, 2001



(1) Pass the Petition Along!
(2) Take Action Now!
(3) About Us / Subscription Information
(4) Please Support Our Efforts


You amaze us once again! On January 23rd we delivered more than
130,000 petitions to Capitol Hill, and we plan to make a follow-up
delivery next week of new signatures. Now is the time to pass on the
petition to your friends, family and colleagues. It is important
that Senators hear from their constituents. Senator Feinstein (D-CA)
received more than 28,000 petitions on the day that she announced her
opposition to John Ashcroft's confirmation. We would like to be able
to deliver similar numbers to the other Senators on the Committee who
have yet to take a position. Please ask everyone you know who cares
about civil rights and equal opportunity to sign the petition by

To see pictures of last week's delivery, visit:
Ashcroft lied in his hearings to the Senators!

Hormel stated:

1)That he never has met Ashcroft nor did he recruit him to come to the
university, while he was assistant dean of law.
2) The Ambassador truly believed that Ashcroft purposely prevented his vote
for Ambassador to Luxembourg solely because of his (Hormel's) sexual
3) Judge Brown believes that Ashcroft did stop his vote to the Court of
Appeal -- not on his record -- but an agenda that had to do with his race/and
personal interpretation of the law. That it was a campaign of lies that
stopped his election to this court.
4) Another man that had an interview with Ashcroft for a job asked him only
two question, one was about his sexual orientation, the other if he had in
his life time, tried or experimented with illegal drugs. 

You still have time to make a difference! The Judiciary Committee

Vote will not take place before the last week in January. Please
take time to call the members of the Committee and voice your
opposition to the John Ashcroft confirmation.


If you know of a rally in your area or would like to organize an
event, please contact us so we can add it to our calendar.



(2) TAKE ACTION NOW! Call or Email the following Senators using this syntax
or just cut and paste into the send to box



Sen. Orrin Hatch (UT) Sen. Patrick Leahy (VT)
Chairman Ranking Member
202/224-5251 202/224-4242

Sen. Strom Thurmond (SC) Sen. Edward Kennedy (MA)
202/224-5972 202/224-4543

Sen. Charles Grassley (IA) Sen. Joseph Biden, Jr. (DE)
202/224-3744 202/224-5042

Sen. Arlen Specter (PA) Sen. Herb Kohl (WI)
202/224-4254 202/224-5653

Sen. Jon Kyl (AZ) Sen. Dianne Feinstein (CA)
202/224-4521 202/224-3841

Sen. Mike DeWine (OH) Sen. Russell Feingold (WI)
202/224-2315 202/224-5323

Sen. Jeff Sessions (AL) Sen. Charles Schumer (NY)
202/224-4124 202/224-6542

Sen. Bob Smith (NH) Sen. Richard Durbin (IL)

[CTRL] [Fwd: Poll shows public rejects Oslo, wantsharder line in talks - PEACE PROJECTJANUARY 2001 SURVEY]

2001-02-07 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Poll shows public rejects Oslo, wantsharder line in talks - PEACE
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2001 05:38:25 -0500

Poll shows public rejects Oslo, wants harder line in talks - PEACE PROJECT

[IMRA note: in light of claims by many commentators that Ehud Barak's defeat
was a matter of personality rather than policy, IMRA is distributing again
the latest Peace Index poll.  The poll shows that  while the Israeli public
supports talking with the Palestinians only a majority support Oslo.  The
public also wants a harder position in the talks and believes that a deal
was not reached because the Palestinians thought they could squeeze more out
of Israel.]

The Peace Index Project is conducted by the Tami Steinmetz Center
for Peace Research at Tel Aviv University, headed by Prof. Ephraim
Yaar and Dr. Tamar Hermann and executed by Machshov. Results are
shown for the January 30, 2001.

This survey was expanded to include Israeli Arabs and tables are
available with breakdown for total population and Jewish
population.  The survey details below, however, are, as previous
surveys, limited to the adult Jewish population. Margin of error
is about 4.5%.

January 2001

1. Do you believe or not believe that in the coming years there will
be peace between Israel and the Arabs?
Certain there will be peace 6.6% Think there will be peace 21.9%
In the middle 8.5% Think there will not be peace 28.8%
Certain there will not be peace 32.0% Do not know/no opinion 2.2%

2. In general, do you consider yourself a supporter or opponent of
the peace process between Israel and the Arabs?
Greatly opposed 10.7% Considerably opposed 6.2%
In the middle 8.5% Considerably supportive 37.2%
Greatly supportive 35.2% Do not know/no opinion 2.2 %

3. What is your opinion on the agreement that was signed in Oslo
between Israel and the PLO (Agreement of Principles)?
Heavily in favor 8.3% Considerably in favor 19.5%
In the middle 17.1%
Considerably opposed 15.7% Heavily opposed 27.2%
Do not know/no opinion 12.1%

4. Do you believe or not believe that the Oslo Agreement between
Israel and the PLO will bring about peace between Israel and the
Palestinians in the coming years?
Greatly believe 6.0% Considerably believe 18.7% Middle 12.9%
Considerably do not believe 18.3% Certainly do not believe 36.0%
Do not know/no opinion 8.1%

5. Do you believe or not believe that in the coming years there will
be peace between Israel and Syria?
Certain there will be peace 4.0% Think there will be peace 21.9%
In the middle 17.7%
Think there will not be peace 27.8%
Certain there will not be peace 22.5%
Don't know/have no opinion 6.2%

6. What is your position regarding support for a full peace treaty
between Israel and Syria in exchange for full withdrawal from the
Golan Heights?
Greatly in favor 9.5% Considerably in favor 12.7%
In the middle 8.3%
Considerably opposed 11.9% Greatly opposed 50.5%
Do not know/have no opinion 7.0%

Should there be a special ballot, for example a blank ballot, that
would allow people to express their protest against all the
candidates, and the count of these ballots be announced?
Yes 50.5% No 45.3% Do not know 4.2%

To your best estimation, will Sharon be willing to evacuate some of
the settlements and the Arab neighborhoods in eastern Jerusalem in
order to reach a peace agreement with the Palestinians?
Certain yes 12.7% Think yes 31.0%
Think no 30.8% Certain no 14.5% Do not know/maybe 10.9%

Who, in your opinion, can best advance the peace process with the
Palestinians while protecting the State of Israel's vital interests?
Barak 27.0% Sharon 53.1% Same 3.2% Neither 10.7%
Will not be peace/Does not depend on us 1.2%
Do not know 4.8%

Summarizing the reign of Ehud Barak, how would you evaluate his
policy in the negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians?
Too hard 3.4% Appropriate 20.3%
Too conciliatory 70.4% Do not know 6.0%

What position should Israel take in the negotiations in order to
reach a peace agreement with the Palestinians?
67.8% Harder than Barak
18.5% Same as Barak
02.4% More conciliatory than Barak
07.4% Regardless of Israel's positions, it is impossible to reach a
peace agreement with the Palestinians
04.0% Do not know

Why, in your opinion, didn't the Palestinians sign a peace agreement
and on an end to the conflict, despite Barak's concessions?
24.3% They do not want to reach peace with Israel
70.4% They are trying to get more concessions in return for a peace
05.4% Do not know

Of the following two possibilities, which government would you prefer
be established after the elections if Sharon is elected prime
26.4% Government headed by the Likud with the religious, Shas, and
right wing parties led by Gandhi (Ze'evi) and Lieberman.
62.0% Unity government including the Likud, Labor, religious and Shas
without right wing parties led by Gandhi and Lieberman.

Re: [CTRL] API: Ginsburg: Election Storm on Court

2001-02-07 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 02/04/2001 10:44:53 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 "Whatever final judgment awaits 'Bush v. Gore' in the annals of
 history, I am certain that the good work and good faith of the
 U.S. federal judiciary as a whole will continue to sustain public
 confidence at a level never beyond repair," the justice said.

 Ginsburg's topic was judicial independence, and she had some
 sharp words about House Republican Whip Tom DeLay's 1997 proposal
 to impeach federal judges whose rulings he believed did not
 follow the law.

 DeLay "is not a lawyer but, I'm told, an exterminator by
 profession," she said. DeLay once ran an exterminating business
 in Texas. 

The lady may have her opinion of Tom Delay and even an opinion of public
opinion, but Mr. Delay also has a right to his opinion.  As for public
confidence in the judiciary, I haven't heard any people express an positive
view of the Supreme Court for quite a long time.  Things went to hell in a
handbasket back when Judge Rehnquist first announced that "innocence was no
bar to carrying out a conviction."  If he added, "Particularly when the
individual involved is black," but he well might have.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] (CTRL) Judicial Watch Will Work Closely with Attorney General

2001-02-07 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 02/04/2001 9:37:25 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 "Now that Attorney General Ashcroft has been confirmed, Judicial Watch will
 work closely with him. It is clear that Judicial Watch will no longer
 experience the obstruction in obtaining the evidence it needs to prosecute
 public and government officials, particularly those who have gone unpunished
 during the Clinton-Gore years," stated Judicial Watch Chairman and General
 Counsel Larry Klayman. 

Does Judicial Watch have some kind of mandate with our Government?  Are they
volunteers?  Does the Justice Department need additional people, and can
anyone who wants to do so start their own mini Justice Department?  Who pays
Mr. Klayman?  Prudy

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] (CTRL) Clinton's travel left militry overextended

2001-02-07 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 02/05/2001 9:53:36 AM Eastern Standard Time,

   I take this less as fact and more as propaganda.  As mixed as my feelings
 are about Clinton, what is clear to me is that the barrage of hate-press will
 never stop.  Just like JFK, it's not enough that a president is dead or
 otherwise out of power.  They keep pounding and pounding with the slander and
 innuendo because these men did the one unforgivable thing:  they secured the
 admiration and affection of a large number of people. 

I think you're probably right.  When I actually looked into the life of Eva
Peron, it worked out to the same thing.  Even the attitude of the British
royal family toward her could be classed as that same kind of envy.  When I
was young and stupid, I though it was because she might at one time have been
(well to be nice about it) a courtesan.  But when I matured a bit, I realized
that no one has ever (what the GIs used to say) whored around more than the
British royal family, so it had to be that the real problem was "popular
acclaim."  Prudy

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Even Clinton Apologists are Beginning to Reject the Clintons

2001-02-07 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 02/05/2001 9:58:09 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 "The kerfuffle about Hillary Clinton's great White House gift heist had a
 serious subtext.

 "We found ourselves grappling with the same nettlesome issue we have been
 dealing with for the last decade, and we will have to deal with for the
 indefinite future. 

Yeah, it's that "kerfuffle" that has me wondering.  If Nancy took so much she
owed a million in taxes, it seems that she was furnishing her trailer first.
No one minded at all.  I think Hilary should get an astrologer.  Prudy

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Despite Rumors, IBT Vigil Continues

2001-02-07 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

From the Sierra Times


 Despite Rumors, IBT Vigil Continues
 By Wayne Hicks - Posted: 02.06.01

 Despite rumors that Pastor Greg Dixon and supporters have called off
 vigil at the Indianapolis Baptist Temple, the watch continues and the
 are still locked.

 There are unofficial indications that Marshall Anderson has been
 until Attorney General John Ashcroft could be sworn in, hoping that
 he will
 call off the entire action; now that the new Attorney General is in
 the church is hoping for a decisive move.

 Ed Chandler, church member and spokesman for the Indianapolis Baptist
 told the Sierra Times Monday, "There's some reason to hope for this.
 had some indication that this is the reason the raid has been delayed
 long. But for now, the doors are still locked, and we continue to
 wait and

 Mr. Ashcroft's Christian views may well lead him to conclude the
 matter peacefully and politically, without police action or Reno-type
 gestapo tactics.

 In 1993, Janet Reno ordered the massacre of over 80 men, women and
 at Mt. Carmel, a church in Waco, Texas.

 From: http://www.indianapolisbaptisttemple.com
 (317) 787- 0830 or
 (317) 783-6753

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] BATF Kills Husband: Widow Claims Threats Follow Pursuit for Justice

2001-02-07 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Carl Wilson's Widow Threatened
 By Wayne Hicks (with Henrietta Bowman) - Published: 02.05.01

 Tammy Wilson, widow of the man killed in the latest Bill Buford-led
 "Raid" has been threatened with dire consequences if she continues
 her fight
 to bring Carl's killers to justice.

 Wilson was killed when BATF agents and police officers opened fire on
 while he lay in his bed, stirking him seven times. Many of the shots
 fired blindly through a wall, and agents were surprised when Mrs.
 appeared, unhurt, from a separate bedroom. They greeted her by
 demanding to
 know why she had not been in bed with her husband during the

 Statements by the BATF after the raid said the raid was the result of
 a two
 month investigation into "drugs and explosives," but the actual
 warrant that
 authorized the search was only for a single deer rifle and its
 which amounted to four rounds. Wilson had long been known as a man
 cooperated with police and law enforcement, even when it meant his
 arrest and incarceration, making the grounds for a no-knock warrant

 Speaking with a family member on Saturday, Ms. Wilson reportedly said
 she believes she is "being listened to all the time," adding that she
 believes her home and telephone contain listening devices. She said
 that she
 could not "go into detail," but when asked specifically if she had
 threatened, she replied firmly, "Yes."

 The family member who provided this information to SierraTimes says
 Wilson is a "strong person, and stubborn! She wouldn't even think of
 down if the threats were against her alone. But she said there's a
 lot at
 stake if she continues." She expressed the concern that if she does
 down, she knows her husband will never be vindicated nor will his
 killers be
 brought to justice.

 SierraTimes has made arrangements for continued contact with the
 family, and
 will report any actions taken against them, or any situations
 intimidation of the widow or her family.

 An Internet Publication for Real Americans © 2000 SierraTimes.com -
 rights Reserved

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Tensions high as U.S. Patriot missiles arrive in Israel

2001-02-07 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

 The U.S. brigade from the 69th Air Defense Artillery arrived in Haifa and is
 preparing for an exercise, called Juniper Cobra. The exercise - beginning
 Thursday and lasting 14 days - is one component of plans to increase
 U.S.-Israeli defense coordination amid threats of regional war that could
 involve Iraq and Syria.

Does anyone know if the U.S. has ever conducted military exercises in Israel before?  
I for one don't seem to
remember this ever having occured before, but I could be wrong...

Unfortunately, I don't think placing the troops there on exercise will do anything in 
the way of protecting
Israel or in garnering any worthwhile experience against terroristism for our 
troops...but I DO think that it
puts our soldiers in the position of being 'sitting ducks', and for a possible repeat 
of Yeman...

 Israeli military source said the arrival of the Patriot battery does not
 effectively strengthen defense capabilities. The Patriot was developed as an
 anti-aircraft missile. But since the Gulf war, Raytheon has improved the
 missile so that it can intercept enemy projectiles.

 But defense sources said the Patriot is simply too slow to intercept the more
 advanced missiles being developed by Egypt, Syria and Iran.

Which begs the question as to why Egypt, Syria, and Iran seemingly have more advanced 
weaponry than we do...


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Back Pay Back?

2001-02-07 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well I say this, only the low life whites ever mixed with the low live
slave blacks, for none of my ancestors would have touched a slave with a
ten foot pole.

Reparations?   Fine with me on condition anyone receiving same use a
portion thereof, to return to Africa - keeping in mind, these "slaves"
were of no value to the Africans who sold them to Jewish primarily,
slave ship owners.

I still remember what American was like when I was young - no locked
doors, white people did not steal as the blacks do, just because they
were poor.look at the ghettos and then look at Jesse Jackson and Al
Sharpton, two of the most evil disgusting men in America - threatening
to turn loose animals in streets if Bush won?   No wonder, a little
investigation into this fraud and you will see a lot of these self
ordained preachers on he run and in the slammer.

So Africa now wants the white people to stay - their own newspapers
speak of othe "brain drain" from south Africa where the white farmers
were mudered - 1 in 3 black men in American, the "gays" as they prefer
to call themselves, I call them sodomists - oh 1 in 3 have
Aids..Africa is so infested with disease there will be nothing of
value in a few years, exception please - diamonds only are forever?

Reparations for blacks - pardon again, negros?  Now do you know what the
UN Secretary and Castro were doing during the weeks the little
redherring Elian was in our country - savied by dolphins?   Excuse for
Clinton and Castro to mee to discuss briinging in more immigrants, only
those of "color" of course, into this country and it has begun.

1 in 3 black male queers has AIDShow nice how many on welfare.

But don't hand me that crap about all these illegitimate blacks having
white fathers - today you see the same stories re Thomas Jefferson being
floated about when DNA proved this was a lie..

So all these "lust children"..no doubt many white women were raped
by blacks for there was an old story about one of my great Uncles who
was in on a lynching of a negro who had raped this woman - and believe
me they all were proud of knowing nothing, when  the Yankee carpet
baggers did the investigations.

Reparations?  Sure, when do I sue them for the attempted murder of
America and those who sold them and the slave ship owners who brought
these people that NOBODY wanted to our shores.

I keep thinking of the kid who murdered the little white girl age 6 and
we were told to hug him.try a boa constrictor.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] (CTRL) Judicial Watch Will Work Closely with Attorney General

2001-02-07 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well who pays the Anti Defamation League and the Southern Poverty
Stricken Law Center (worth over 100 million now)..ADL came in with
the Income Tax in 1913 - always wondered about that.

But I also wonder why the FBI permited the ADL and Morris Dees of the
Southern Poverty Stricken Law Center to place Christians, Moslems, and
Milian and then Islam on FBI Hate List?   They forgot someone here
didn't they?

Looks like someone ihas gotten an equalizer out of self
preservation.now I would still like to know why Barney Franks was
not sent to prison for hiring male prostitutes for which we paid - oh
but his coming out of the closet put him on a special "wish list".

Now Jesse Jackson and Sharpton threated to turn loose the animals in the
streets - let us pray that someone investigates this matter further -
maybe they will all go to Russia and live for you see David Duke, was no
Klansman and any real Klansman knew it.

By the way we have another diary with swatastikas by another
killer..oh how these people love to leave little clues..

More neo nazis, like Littleton - you know, the Klebold kid was called
neo nazi until it was discovered he was jewish and oh his grandfather
had hand in jewish moband they kept big heap supply of neo nazi
literature in the basement of a restaurant where the Democrats used to
meet ...now what would a bunch of Jewish Mafia members with links to
Meyer Lansky be doing with "neo nazi" literature and I bet they had a
lot of little diaries all made up in advance..leading to wrong side
of horse.

So Remember the USS Liberty, you all.and then wonder why we now need
such watchmen to keep our government on the straight and narrow?

Long Live Eric Rudolph - another Patsy for FBI under Reno.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] FEAR: NY Law Journal on the Castro Decision

2001-02-07 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

Reply-to:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Brenda Grantland)

Interesting reading.  Prudy


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Excitement at Whitehouse

2001-02-07 Thread Agent Starling

-Caveat Lector-

Man Shot Outside White House; Bush Safe

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A man carrying a gun just outside the White House
(news - web sites) grounds was shot in the leg by security personnel on
Wednesday, U.S. Park Police said.

``There is a subject outside the fence on E Street side (the south side) of
the White House, (it is) a possible suicide attempt,'' said Sgt. Michael
Smith of the Park Police. ``Shots have been fired, the subject has been shot
in the leg, (he has) non-life threatening injuries and medics are on the

News reports identified the man as being 17 years old and showed pictures of
him arriving at George Washington University Hospital by ambulance. It was
not immediately clear what the man's motives were.

The incident which occurred at 11:36 a.m. EST, prompted a security alert at
the White House in the center of Washington, where President George W. Bush
(news - web sites) was working.

CNN quoted a Secret Service officials as saying they were confident only one
man was involved in the incident and that the president, who was in the
residence, was never at risk.

Dozens of officers, some carrying automatic weapons, fanned out around the
building with others positioning themselves on the roof of the Executive

John Piana, a tourist from Phoenix, Arizona, said he had just emerged from a
White House tour and was walking along the west side of the building when
the police started pushing people back, saying that there was ``a

He said police cars drove up, officers got out and stationed themselves
behind their cars, drawing their guns.

After a few minutes, Piana said he heard ``one loud bang'' south of the
White House and at that point officials started running toward the noise.

``All I heard was one loud bang, then right after the bang everybody started
running to where the noise came from,'' Piana said.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Back Pay Back?

2001-02-07 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: "Aleisha Saba" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2001 1:37 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Back Pay Back?

 I still remember what American was like when I was young - no locked
 doors, white people did not steal as the blacks do, just because they
 were poor.

you are as white trash as they come saba- your tone betrays your breeding.

it is all very well "knowing" that saba is a fucking loon when she posts
this hatemongering shit

but, kris, what about the newbies to the list- how do they know which
context to take her in?
eccentric is cool- but hate fuels hate.

and on a related subject- i am sure i care a lot more than the rest of you-
but june's insinuation that i am one of saba'a multiple personalities is
unkind in the extreme. that is the difficult thing about slander- the onus
is on the slandered to contest the claim, practically if not legally.
so if anyone read junes comment and actually gives a toss (i am sure no-one
cares, except anyone that ever agreed with me about something) about my
integrity then each time they read one of my mails they will be dismissing
it as saba's drivel and not my own (higher quality of course) drivel. ;)
thanks, june, for that. cause if anyne did give a toss- then there doesn't
seem anyway to rectify it.
so i am (even more) fucked on the list.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Strange Things Happening In Arizona

2001-02-07 Thread M. F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

The "mind controllers" in Arizona must be working overtime !
There are plenty of *strange* incidents happening there. Here
are a few :




Page 21

TUCSON - A Pima County Superior Court judge said he was forced to
sentence a man who suffers from schizophrenia to prison because the
state has no long-term treatment facility. Superior Court Judge Lawrence
Fleischman on Nov. 13 criticized the state for having no place to lock
up and treat a man who pleaded guilty to manslaughter.

Philip Carolin III, 30, was sentenced to 10 years in prison. He was
convicted after he admitted killing the victim saying he did so on
orders from a statue of the Virgin Mary. Mr. Carolin, who suffers from
hallucinations and delusions, will be eligible for parole in about three
years, because he has received almost two years' credit for time already

Judge Fleischman said he would like to have sent Carolin to a mental
health treatment facility instead of to prison. Last December Mr.
Carolin pleaded guilty to manslaughter for the March 1989 shooting death
of Neil Mylo Thormodsgard, who was killed as he climbed a ladder to the
roof of a shed, where the two men lived. Mr. Carolin said he thought Mr.
Thormodsgard was going to get an automatic rifle he kept on the roof and
that a statue of the Virgin Mary in the church he went to daily told him
to kill Mr. Thormodsgard.

After Mr. Carolin was placed on medication at the state hospital, he
reported that he no longer heard voices and had stopped announcing the
second coming of Jesus, as he had done before.



by Peter Aleshire- The Arizona Republic

Page number  A1

With the voice of the Virgin Mary echoing in his tormented mind, Philip
Leonard Carolin III crouched over the bullet-riddled body of Neil "The
Nudist" Thormodsgaard. Four bullets from Carolin's $69 .22-caliber
handgun were lodged in Thormodsgaard's body. One had neatly pierced an

Carolin, an untreated schizophrenic, beaten child, wife beater, Chosen
of God, Keeper of Law and Order, and homeless crazy person, finally had
crossed the line. He had killed a man only slightly less deranged than
himself: Thormodsgaard, also a schizophrenic, had a long history of
arrests for running naked through his neighborhood and brandishing
firearms. Carolin, 30, told police he had killed the former merchant
seaman on March 6, 1989, because he feared Thormodsgaard was going to
get his semiautomatic rifle and shoot Carolin.

 Carolin said he was acting on behalf of the police and the Virgin Mary.
The killing focused the attention of an until-then indifferent judicial
system on Carolin's 15-year descent into madness. But, even then,
experts could not figure out how to help or punish this tormented
schizophrenic. A frustrated judge ultimately sentenced Carolin to
prison, knowing that he won't get the treatment he needs before he is
eligible for parole in 1994. "I believe you're going to do it again. And
then who are we going to look to?" Judge Lawrence Fleischman of Pima
County Superior Court asked Nov. 13 as he sentenced Carolin for



Phoenix Gazette, THURSDAY, February 23, 1995
by Richard Ruelas, THE PHOENIX GAZETTE  Page number  B1

Mesa - He was convinced they were listening -- taping his conversations
to spread rumors that he was gay and to get him fired from the
elementary school. John Ferguson banged on a back door and broke out a
window of a condo he was convinced housed the ultrasound equipment that
recorded his every move and utterance. Ferguson, 36, was shot to death
Wednesday by a Mesa police officer who claimed the third-grade teacher
threatened him with a knife. Ferguson apparently refused friends' advice
to get psychological help, said Kim Moody, a close friend since 1989.

Ferguson had been on medical leave from Jefferson Elementary School
since January. Officials wouldn't comment. But Moody, executive director
of an art gallery, said Ferguson asked for the leave, saying he didn't
feel he was fit to be in the classroom. Ferguson spent most of his leave
at home, weaving paranoid fantasies, Moody said. "He stayed at home and
fixated. He'd mull it over and build the picture up," Moody said. "He
said he was being bombarded by ultrasounds, that they were listening in
on him -- they being some sort of . . . police listening in on him."


Arizona Republic, Thursday, February 27, 1997
by Jim Walsh, The Arizona Republic Page number  B1

A man accused of trashing a Tempe abortion clinic used his trial as a
platform to 

[CTRL] Arizona Mind Control?

2001-02-07 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

*Strange* things are happening in Arizona




Page 21

TUCSON - A Pima County Superior Court judge said he was forced to sentence a
man who suffers from schizophrenia to prison because the state has no
long-term treatment facility. Superior Court Judge Lawrence Fleischman on
Nov. 13 criticized the state for having no place to lock up and treat a man
who pleaded guilty to manslaughter.

Philip Carolin III, 30, was sentenced to 10 years in prison. He was convicted
after he admitted killing the victim saying he did so on orders from a statue
of the Virgin Mary. Mr. Carolin, who suffers from hallucinations and
delusions, will be eligible for parole in about three years, because he has
received almost two years' credit for time already served.

Judge Fleischman said he would like to have sent Carolin to a mental health
treatment facility instead of to prison. Last December Mr. Carolin pleaded
guilty to manslaughter for the March 1989 shooting death of Neil Mylo
Thormodsgard, who was killed as he climbed a ladder to the roof of a shed,
where the two men lived. Mr. Carolin said he thought Mr. Thormodsgard was
going to get an automatic rifle he kept on the roof and that a statue of the
Virgin Mary in the church he went to daily told him to kill Mr. Thormodsgard.

After Mr. Carolin was placed on medication at the state hospital, he reported
that he no longer heard voices and had stopped announcing the second coming
of Jesus, as he had done before.



by Peter Aleshire- The Arizona Republic

Page number  A1

With the voice of the Virgin Mary echoing in his tormented mind, Philip
Leonard Carolin III crouched over the bullet-riddled body of Neil "The
Nudist" Thormodsgaard. Four bullets from Carolin's $69 .22-caliber handgun
were lodged in Thormodsgaard's body. One had neatly pierced an eye.

Carolin, an untreated schizophrenic, beaten child, wife beater, Chosen of
God, Keeper of Law and Order, and homeless crazy person, finally had crossed
the line. He had killed a man only slightly less deranged than himself:
Thormodsgaard, also a schizophrenic, had a long history of arrests for
running naked through his neighborhood and brandishing firearms. Carolin, 30,
told police he had killed the former merchant seaman on March 6, 1989,
because he feared Thormodsgaard was going to get his semiautomatic rifle and
shoot Carolin.

 Carolin said he was acting on behalf of the police and the Virgin Mary. The
killing focused the attention of an until-then indifferent judicial system on
Carolin's 15-year descent into madness. But, even then, experts could not
figure out how to help or punish this tormented schizophrenic. A frustrated
judge ultimately sentenced Carolin to prison, knowing that he won't get the
treatment he needs before he is eligible for parole in 1994. "I believe
you're going to do it again. And then who are we going to look to?" Judge
Lawrence Fleischman of Pima County Superior Court asked Nov. 13 as he
sentenced Carolin for manslaughter.



Phoenix Gazette, THURSDAY, February 23, 1995
by Richard Ruelas, THE PHOENIX GAZETTE  Page number  B1

Mesa - He was convinced they were listening -- taping his conversations to
spread rumors that he was gay and to get him fired from the elementary
school. John Ferguson banged on a back door and broke out a window of a condo
he was convinced housed the ultrasound equipment that recorded his every move
and utterance. Ferguson, 36, was shot to death Wednesday by a Mesa police
officer who claimed the third-grade teacher threatened him with a knife.
Ferguson apparently refused friends' advice to get psychological help, said
Kim Moody, a close friend since 1989.

Ferguson had been on medical leave from Jefferson Elementary School since
January. Officials wouldn't comment. But Moody, executive director of an art
gallery, said Ferguson asked for the leave, saying he didn't feel he was fit
to be in the classroom. Ferguson spent most of his leave at home, weaving
paranoid fantasies, Moody said. "He stayed at home and fixated. He'd mull it
over and build the picture up," Moody said. "He said he was being bombarded
by ultrasounds, that they were listening in on him -- they being some sort of
. . . police listening in on him."


Arizona Republic, Thursday, February 27, 1997
by Jim Walsh, The Arizona Republic Page number  B1

A man accused of trashing a Tempe abortion clinic used his trial as a
platform to liken the medical procedure to Nazi Germany's genocide against
Jews during World War II. 

Re: [CTRL] Back Pay Back?

2001-02-07 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

  I doubt that people who have been on this list for any length of time trust
June's intuition on the Saba multiple personality matter.  I know I don't.
One of these days, she'll probably get one right, just on the probability


In a message dated 2/7/01 12:04:06 PM Central Standard Time,

 and on a related subject- i am sure i care a lot more than the rest of you-
  but june's insinuation that i am one of saba'a multiple personalities is
  unkind in the extreme. that is the difficult thing about slander- the onus
  is on the slandered to contest the claim, practically if not legally.
  so if anyone read junes comment and actually gives a toss (i am sure no-one
  cares, except anyone that ever agreed with me about something) about my
  integrity then each time they read one of my mails they will be dismissing
  it as saba's drivel and not my own (higher quality of course) drivel. ;)
  thanks, june, for that. cause if anyne did give a toss- then there doesn't
  seem anyway to rectify it.
  so i am (even more) fucked on the list.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-02-07 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

This incident fits many of the profiles of a Mind Control teleguided
"Manchurian candidate" straight out of CIA's mind control programs.  The
would-be assassin is described as a "loner".  Wash Post: Two law enforcement
officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, identified the wounded man as
Robert Pickett, of Evansville, Ind.

Interestingly the Washington Post tells us that "President Bush was reported
safe in his residence, exercising, at the time. Vice President Dick Cheney
was working in his office. " Cui bono? Mind control teleguided assassination
is an easy way to fulfill the 20 year US Presidential death cycle, and
install a
total covert intel government.

Alfred Webre, Vancouver, BC
EcoNews Service


A gunman has been shot in the leg after opening fire outside the White House.

The man, aged 47, was spotted outside the perimeter fence brandishing a
handgun while US President W George Bush worked inside.

Sky News's US correspondent Keith Graves, who witnessed the whole drama, said
the man fired three shots at the White House before security staff cornered

The man sat on the floor and talked to security staff for about 15 minutes
before he was shot, other witnesses said.

 Sky's US correspondent Keith Graves shows how the gunman opened fire


Mr Graves had just left the White House when his cab passed the man as he
opened fire.

"I had just glancing up at the White House when there was one and shot and
then two more. There was a man holding a pistol. The security men did not
realise what had happened.

"I understand the man sat down and talking to security service men and was
threatening to shoot himself. He was overpowered after several minutes. At
that point he shot in the leg by secret service men."

Another witness said the man was about to commit suicide.

"He was just standing in the street and randomly firing a few shots. I heard
three shots and there were no officers on the scene," he said.

Police arrived on the scene about a minute later, and the gunman jumped into
a bush. "Police were telling him 'It does not have to be this way'."

Later the man, named as Robert Pickett of Indiana, was taken to George
Washington University Hospital.

 Security staff take positions at the White House

President safe

President George W Bush was taken to a secure location in the White House as
armed Swat teams combed the area. Security staff said his life was not at

"There is a subject outside the fence on E Street side of the White House,
(it is) a possible suicide attempt," said Sgt Michael Smith of the US Park
Police, who have jurisdiction over the area.

"Shots have been fired, the subject has been shot in the leg, (he has)
non-life threatening injuries and medics are on the scene."

The incident came hours after President Bush held an event promoting his
tax-cut plans on the south lawn, some 200 yards from the fence, but a secret
service source said he was never thought in danger.

Dozens of officers, some carrying automatic weapons, fanned out around the
building with others positioning themselves on the roof of the Executive

EcoNews Service - Always online for Ecology, Consciousness  Universe
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [radtimes] # 149

2001-02-07 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

[radtimes] # 149

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
How to assist RadTimes-- (See ** at end.)

--Florida recounts make Gore winner
--May 1st Is Shut Down Corporate Melbourne Day
--Children of The World Unite!
--Public Statement by the Rev. Jesse Jackson
--Curry Duty: Food Not Bombs cooks up a revolution
--US will not prosecute New York police in Diallo killing
--Mass layoffs rose 54 percent last quarter
--U.S. Air Force Special Operations School


Florida 'recounts' make Gore winner


Martin Kettle in Washington
Monday January 29, 2001

Al Gore, not George Bush, should be sitting in the White House today as the
newly elected president of the United States, two new independent probes of
the disputed Florida election contest have confirmed.
The first survey, conducted on behalf of the Washington Post, shows that Mr
Gore had a nearly three-to-one majority among 56,000 Florida voters whose
November 7 ballot papers were discounted because they contained more than
one punched hole.
The second and separate survey, conducted on behalf of the Palm Beach Post,
shows that Mr Gore had a majority of 682 votes among the discounted
"dimpled" ballots in Palm Beach county.
In each case, if the newly examined votes had been allowed to count in the
November election, Mr Gore would have won Florida's 21 electoral college
votes by a narrow majority and he, not Mr Bush, would be the president.
Instead, Mr Bush officially carried Florida by 537 votes after recounts
were stopped.
In spite of the findings, no legal challenge to the Florida result is
possible in the light of the US supreme court's 5-4 ruling in December to
hand the state to Mr Bush.  But the revelations will continue to cast a
cloud, to put it mildly, over the democratic legitimacy of Mr Bush's election.
Some 56,000 so-called "overvotes" were examined in the Washington Post
survey.  All of these ballot papers were ruled to be invalid votes on
November 7 because they contained two or more punched holes in the
presidential section of the ballot.  Twelve Florida counties used voting
machines where voting was by punch cards in this way, and eight of them
participated in the survey: Broward, Highlands, Hillsborough, Marion,
Miami-Dade, Palm Beach, Pasco and Pinellas. None of the ballot papers in
the survey formed part of any official count or recount.
The research shows that 45,608 of the 56,000 ballot papers (87% of the
total) contained votes for Mr Gore, compared with 17,098 containing votes
for Mr Bush (33%). In 1,367 cases, voters punched every hole except that
for Mr Bush.
In cases where the voters cast invalid "overvotes" in the presidential
election, but then cast valid votes in the US senate contest lower down on
the same ballot, 70% voted Democrat, Mr Gore's party, and only 24% voted
The disproportion was especially dramatic in Palm Beach, whose butterfly
ballot paper interleaved two lists of candidates in such a way as to show
Mr Gore's name second on the ballot paper, but to require the voter to
punch the third hole to record a vote for him.
Though no absolute conclusions can be drawn from the overvotes, the
implication that many thousands more invalidated Floridians intended to
vote for Mr Gore than for Mr Bush seems hard to resist.  The survey also
clearly implies that some of Florida's voting machines were inadequate and
that many voters were confused by the procedure.
In the second survey, the Palm Beach Post examined 4,513 dimpled
"undervotes" - so named because no hole was punched in the ballot paper -
and which were excluded from the November and December manual recount
process.  In each case, the Palm Beach county canvassing board ruled that
no vote had been cast on these ballots but Democratic or Republican
observers disputed the ruling. The ballots in the survey had been set aside
for a possible court-ordered review that never took place.
Of the disputed ballots, some 2,500 had dimples for Mr Gore, while 1,818
had similar marks for Mr Bush. If they had been counted, Mr Gore would have
had a net gain of 682 votes. This would have been in addition to a separate
net gain of 174 votes from Palm Beach which was disallowed by Florida's
secretary of state.


  May 1st Is Shut Down Corporate Melbourne Day

  by Martin Pretty, australian correspondent

  "May 1, 2001, has been decreed 'Shut Down Corporate
  Melbourne Day' by an anarchic group called M1 (formerly
  S11). The motto for the day is: "Choose your own target.


2001-02-07 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 2/7/01 1:17:55 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Mind control teleguided assassination
  is an easy way to fulfill the 20 year US Presidential death cycle, and
  install a
  total covert intel government.

  But they don't need one, Alfred, they have an overt one.  Maybe they're
pushing for sympathy to solidify a sense of legitimacy.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Bush Lies

2001-02-07 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

 Inside Bush Watch - http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/3750/bush.htm

 Bush lies so often and in so many different ways that I've never had the
 patience to keep a list of them. However, when I write something and
 include the generalization that Bush lies, some readers will write in and
 say, "Oh, yeh? What did he lie about? I don't believe it." What follows,
 then, begans an informal listing of just some of the lies he typically
 tells, starting from Feb. '01. Now, of course, we all know that Gore lies,
 Lott lies, Cheney lies, and Clinton sure lies. But the difference between
 those liars and Bush is the Resident, like Clinton re Monica, tells us
 that he is telling the truth when he is lying, but, unlike Clinton,
 appears to be lying all the time. (Please don't e-mail us with the
 assertion that Clinton is a bigger liar than Bush. We don't think that's
 true, but even if it were, the fact is Bush is now our lying Resident, so
 get over it.) Bush sees any lies having to do with government as politics,
 and he believes he and his spinners can say whatever they want because
 that's the way it is with politics. In fact, he's often bragged about his
 brand of lying politics, saying he learned it in Texas. This may be true,
 but we believe he's being modest. After all, Bush comes from a family of
 political liars, including his grandfather, his father, and his brother.
 Hence, Bush will tell us what he is going to do, like get his proposed tax
 cut funds from the projected surplus, then try to get as much as possible
 from military and medicare funds, instead. Or, once he has actually begun
 a program, tell us lies about how or why the program has begun, like his
 claim that Alaskan oil will somehow solve the California energy crisis. Or
 tell a closed-door Dem meeting something and then swear up and down the
 next day that he didn't say it. Or saying, "Yes" and meaning "No." Or
 having a spinner say the opposite the next day. Or, or...you get the idea.
 Some Bush backers claim he's not a liar, he's just not very bright and
 doesn't remember things very well. That may be true, but we're sure Bush
 would not allow such an excuse in his "responsibility era." We're sure
 Bush would agree that if he's that dumb, he shouldn't be Resident. In sum,
 what really bothers us about Bush's lies is that he is also a hypocrite
 and pretends he's above lying. As a liar, he reinforces our assumptions
 about politicians. As a hypocrite, he reinforces our assumptions about his
 character. --Politex, 2/7/01

 specific lies...http://www.bushwatch.com/bushlies.htm

EcoNews Service - Always online for Ecology, Consciousness  Universe
EcoNews http://www.ecologynews.com/
Prague  http://mujweb.cz/www/ecologynews/
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/Vancouver, BC V6M 1V8

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-02-07 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 01-02-07 14:44:59 EST, you write:

 But they don't need one, Alfred, they have an overt one.  Maybe they're
 pushing for sympathy to solidify a sense of legitimacy.


Destabilization is the name of the future game...A.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] American Gulag: USA Prisons

2001-02-07 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

  American Gulag

   Jerome G. Miller, YES! Magazine
   February 6, 2001

   Viewed on February 7, 2001


   The figures are startling. In the last year of the Carter
administration (1979), our
   nation's federal prisons held about 20,000 inmates. By contrast,
as the Clinton
   administration draws to a close we will have 135,000 inmates in
federal prisons;
   projecting an annual growth of 10 percent the number will reach a
quarter million in five
   years. In 1979, there were 268,000 inmates in the prisons of all
50 states. Today, they
   hold almost 1.3 million. In 1979, there were 150,000 in local
jails and lockups. Today,
   local jail facilities hold nearly 700,000. This year, we will
exceed 2 million inmates in
   our prisons and jails. As we enter the millennium, the nation has
about 6.5 million of its
   citizens under some form of correctional supervision.

   And a new twist has been added: the "supermax" prison composed
exclusively of cells
   used for solitary confinement. A place of studied sensual
deprivation and
   psychological torture, it was designed by correctional managers to
control their
   populations as privileges in routine prisons were diminished and
sentences were
   lengthened. A product less of management necessity than of a
twisted psyche, these
   temples to sado-masochism now dot the American landscape,
presently containing
   20,000 mostly minority inmates.

   Spurred on by a "drug war" that focuses inordinately upon the poor
and minorities, we
   have seen astonishing patterns of incarceration among young black
men vis à vis
   similarly accused white men. Although the rates of drug
consumption are roughly equal
   among white and black populations, blacks are imprisoned for drug
offenses at 14
   times the rate of whites.

   The patterns in some states are truly astonishing. Between 1986
and 1996 for
   example, the rate of incarceration for drug offenses among African
   increased by 10,102 percent in Louisiana; in Georgia, by 5,499
percent; in Arkansas
   5,033 percent; in Iowa 4,284 percent; and in Tennessee 1,473

   There are currently more than 50 million criminal records on file
in the US, with at least
   4 to 5 million "new" adults acquiring such a record annually. This
record sticks with a
   person, whether or not charges are dropped or there is a
subsequent conviction. A
   notorious example occurred in the recent police killing of Patrick
Dorismond, an
   unarmed young Haitian immigrant. In an attempt to rationalize the
police behavior,
   Mayor Rudolph Giuliani characterized the deceased as "no altar
boy" and released a
   "criminal record" that included two past convictions for
"disorderly conduct" and a
   juvenile charge that had been dismissed over two decades earlier
when Dorismond
   was 13 years old.

   For certain racial and ethnic groups, being arrested and locked up
is a given.
   Beginning in adolescence, we have established a warped "rite of
passage" for young
   African Americans and Hispanics; only by a fluke will they avoid
acquiring a "criminal
   record" -- the result of an arrest.

   In 1990, the nonprofit Washington, DC–based Sentencing Project
found that on an
   average day, one in every four African-American men ages 20–29 was
either in
   prison, in jail, or on probation/parole. Ten years later, the
ratio had shrunk to one in

   Research conducted by the National Center on Institutions and
Alternatives revealed
   that more than half of young black males living in Washington, DC,
and Baltimore are
   caught up in the criminal justice system on an average day --
either in prison, jail, on
   probation or parole, out on bond, or being sought on a warrant.

   Three of every four (76 percent) 18-year-old African-American
males living in urban
   areas can now anticipate being arrested and jailed before age 36.
In the process,
   each young man will acquire a "criminal record." By the late
1990s, federal
   statisticians were predicting that nearly one of every three adult
black men in the nation
   could anticipate being sentenced to a federal or state prison at
some time during his

   The most telling numbers of all are contained in a US Justice
Department historical
   breakdown of admissions to state and federal prisons over the past
century. Although
   African Americans were always 

[CTRL] NYT: Federal Inquiry on Fund-Raising Turns to New Jersey Senator

2001-02-07 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

February 7, 2001

Federal Inquiry on Fund-Raising Turns to New Jersey Senator


NEWARK, Feb.  6 — A federal investigation that began by looking
into illegal contributions to Robert G.  Torricelli's Senate
campaign in 1996 is now focused in large part on Mr.  Torricelli
himself, lawyers and others familiar with the case said.

The wide-ranging inquiry, by the Justice Department's Campaign
Financing Task Force, is examining whether Senator Torricelli,
Democrat of New Jersey, and several former campaign aides played
any role in a series of improper donations or conspired to evade
laws governing the use of campaign and public funds, these people

The prosecutors are also investigating whether Mr.  Torricelli or
others close to him acted to impede the inquiry by dissuading a
major political contributor who has become a key witness in the
case from cooperating with the government, lawyers and others

In an interview last week, Mr.  Torricelli denied any wrongdoing.
He called the inquiry a "frightening" instance of overzealous law
enforcement and "the worst experience of my life."

"This is the ultimate example," he said, "of attempting to find
something — anything — on somebody of significance."

Lawyers for Mr.  Torricelli said they were told by the Justice
Department early last month that he was not then a "target" of
the investigation, the formal term it uses to advise a person who
faces the imminent possibility of criminal indictment.

But three former campaign aides were notified two weeks ago that
they were targets of the inquiry, a move that defense lawyers
criticized as a crude attempt to press the subordinates for
information about their boss. A Justice Department spokeswoman,
Chris Watney, said she would not comment on the inquiry.

An examination of the federal case, based on interviews with
lawyers, grand jury witnesses and others, as well as a review of
internal campaign documents, indicates that what began in 1997 as
a relatively modest look at some questionable contributions to
the $12 million Torricelli campaign has expanded over the last
two years into an exhaustive audit of its fund-raising and

Since last year, dozens of Mr.  Torricelli's fund-raisers, former
aides and other associates have been questioned by federal agents
or called before a federal grand jury in Newark that has been
examining the case. In response to broad government subpoenas,
the campaign has handed over 70,000 pages of documents, lawyers
said, and Mr.  Torricelli and his former aides have spent nearly
$600,000 on legal bills, much of it raised from wealthy

Yet what may be the most significant evidence against the senator
— and the most problematic for the government — has emerged from
the testimony of a single witness: David Chang, a New Jersey
businessman who raised funds for Mr.  Torricelli, chartered a
plane for his travels and pleaded guilty last year to making
$53,700 in illegal donations to his 1996 campaign.

Since agreeing to cooperate with the prosecutors for a lighter
sentence, Mr.  Chang, 57, has described a close and opportunistic
political friendship, one in which he lavished contributions and
gifts on Mr. Torricelli in return for his promise to help Mr.
Chang recover $71 million that the North Korean government owed
him for grain shipments he had brokered in the early 1990's.

By Mr.  Chang's account, several people familiar with his
debriefings said, Mr.  Torricelli was not only aware of some of
his illegal donations but also encouraged them.  These included
contributions like the plane charters as well as others he made
directly or funneled through third parties.

Lawyers familiar with the inquiry said the prosecutors were also
pursuing claims by Mr.  Chang that Mr. Torricelli and a few of
his allies had discouraged Mr.  Chang from cooperating with the
government and had even suggested that he flee the country until
the federal investigation ended.

But in the thick file of their earlier effort to prosecute Mr.
Chang on charges of conspiracy and obstruction of justice,
government lawyers left little of Mr.  Chang's reputation intact.
There, the man who dined at the White House and was courted in
Washington as a dynamic international businessman is portrayed as
a phony who falsified documents and pressured associates to lie
on his behalf.

The lead lawyer for Mr.  Torricelli's campaign, Robert F.
Bauer, dismissed Mr.  Chang's reported statements to
investigators as the "fevered imaginings" of a "pathological
liar," and said he would not dignify them with specific denials.
"Almost anything of consequence that passes through David Chang's
lips is wrong, is false," Mr.  Bauer said.

Mr.  Chang's lawyer, Bradley D.  Simon, demurred.

"Obviously, Senator Torricelli and his subordinates feel that
it's now in their interest to try to discredit David Chang at any
cost," he said.  "Over the course of several years, 

[CTRL] Spacelift Washington

2001-02-07 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Spacelift Washington: National Security Space Needs May Drive
Bush Space Policy - A Special White Paper Background Report

Frank Sietzen, Jr.
Sunday, January 28, 2001

  Everybody interested in U.S. space policy these days is
salivating over the prospect that new president George W. Bush
will institute some form of a National Space Council. Such a
council -or some centralized management structure for overarching
space goals- was strongly proposed by some who advised the Bush
campaign on space matters last summer. These concepts and
comments were widely interpreted as focused on U.S. civil space

But with NASA clearly on the back burner on the administration's
current menu of political choices and reforms (given the Goldin
'temporary extension' stance), it would at least appear that
civil space might not be the sector of space that is given strong
early attention by the Bush team. In fact, it might be National
Security Space needs that are addressed first. That this might be
more than just idle speculation is based on two facts.

First, one of the strongest players in the new Bush team is
Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld. And the second is that
Rumsfeld was the head of a recent commission report that
recommended a whole new reorganization of how space is
managed-with emphasis on defense space needs. For those
interested in gleaning a clue as to the thinking of Bush's team
on space issues, it might be wise to look at the detailed fine
print of the commission's full report. For the Rumsfeld report
did not call for a space council at all. Instead it called for
reinstitution of a Senior Interagency Group (SIG) for space akin
to that employed during the Reagan administration. And some of
the tasks proposed for the SIG-Space group might be well worth
examining for their possible impact on civil space (*editor's
note: this column reported in error the commission supporting a
space council in the days prior to the release of the report.
What we saw was a preliminary version of a proposal made to the
commission last summer. We were regrettably wrong in our
reporting-and hereby admit it).

The structure of 'SIG-Space' II

Rumsfeld's report blasted the Clinton administration's management
of military space issues. "The current interagency process is
inadequate to address the number, range, and complexity of
today's space issues", the report says. It recommends the
president establish what is termed a "standing interagency
coordination process" to focus on policy formulation and
coordination of space activities pertinent to national security
"and to assure that representation in domestic, and international
fora effectively reflects U.S. national security and other space

The report goes on to recommend that a Senior Interagency Group
for space be established "within the National Security Council
structure". While the central thrust of the SIG Space group would
be national security, the report suggests that its scope could be
expanded "to include officials from other departments and
agencies as issues warrant". What would SIG Space's mandate be?
According to the report: * Leverage the collective investments in
the commercial, civil, defense, and intelligence sectors to
advance U.S. capabilities in each.

* Advance initiatives in domestic and international fora that
preserve and enhance U.S. use of and access to space.

According to the report, the group's agenda should include:

a.. Space control
b.. Military missions in space
c.. Space Transportation
d.. Space utilities
e.. Earth remote sensing
f.. A deliberate, coherent approach to the implementation of
space policy. Staff support should come, the report suggests,
through the National Security Council, "with experience across
the four space sectors (civil, commercial, military, and

Of course, this does not preclude establishment of a space
council, nor does it assure that civil space policy will be
either diminished or overlooked in the new administration. What
it does suggest, however, is that National Security Space needs
are more thought through and more clearly defined than those of
the civil space arena at this early stage. Why? Well, in part,
because there is a strong military space advocate in place in the

At the same time, civil space is being 'addressed' only by
keeping Daniel S. Goldin in place as NASA administrator
indefinitely. During the Clinton administration, Goldin was the
major player in space policy. Clinton Defense Secretary William
Cohen abolished the centralized defense space office in the
Pentagon- the DUSD-Space- in what was euphemistically termed a
"cost-saving" move in 1997. Goldin emerged as the single figure
most identified with Clinton space goals, such as they were.

With Rumsfeld bringing a cogent military space policy- and
possibly a program to go with it- to the new administration's
highest ranks, it will take a strong NASA administrator to defend

[CTRL] Janet Reno Talks To Eyewitness News

2001-02-07 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Channel 10, Miami, Florida

Janet Reno Talks To Eyewitness News

Reno Back Home After Eight Years

MIAMI, 6:45 p.m.  EST February 5, 2001 -- Former U.S.  Attorney
General Janet Reno is back at her Kendall home after nearly eight
years as the nation's top cop.

Reno, 62, moved back to her hometown last month.  That's when
Eyewitness News reporter Connie Hicks sat down with Reno for a
one-on-one interview.  The entire interview is posted below.

Hicks: How do you spend your time now?

Reno: Unpacking and seeing friends.

Hicks: But you don't have 16 hours a day of unpacking and seeing
friends. Has it been a big adjustment?

Reno: Cleaning the house, unpacking and seeing friends has taken
pleasant hours of the day.

Hicks: Even the unpacking?

Reno: It's fascinating, because you have missed a book for eight
years, and you've wanted that book and you couldn't find it, and
suddenly you find it right there, aha, and you find so many
familiar things, and you put it all together, and you kind of
blend all the eight years into what you've known all your life,
and it's wonderful.

Hicks: And what is it like, literally and figuratively, going
back home?

Reno: When you fly in, it's so beautiful, that white city spread
out in front of the bay, you walk on the grass in your bare feet
and it's just wonderful … On a day like today, the sky is so blue
and everything is so green compared to the north, you wonder why
anyone would want to live anyplace else, and the people, who have
been wonderful.  I just came from visiting the homeless shelter
that's been established since I left, and I'm just so impressed.
It's one of the models for the whole country and it was just such
a marvelous consolidation of facility and people and networks
that make such a difference for the homeless … I've learned how
to run the gas pump -- it's easier to start driving again than
learn how to run the gas pump … I've seen a lot of people glaring
at me -- but I don't know whether they're glaring at me for one
reason or another, maybe I got in their way.  But people have
been just as kind and thoughtful as they can be … One of the
things I thought that I would miss when I went to Washington was
my sense of community.  I had been all over this country from
Homestead to North Miami Beach for so long, for 15 years, I had
seen so many programs established and I feared I would lose my
sense of community.  In fact, I gained a sense of other
communities around the nation, but this is the one I love.  And I
want to be a part of it … I've got to get everything pulled
together, because I've got a file this thick of 'Can you do this,
can you do that' across the nation.  I want to apportion my time
the right way, and I want to use whatever time I have to pursue
the initiatives that were important to me and not stop my
advocacy.  Hicks: What are you likely to do after your trips?

Reno: It's been mentioned practice law, teach, speak, write --
all of the above.  Or none of the above.

Hicks: Might you just retire?

Reno: I can't see myself just retiring.  I just want to look at
my options and make a judgment after thoughtful consideration.

I made a decision that I wasn't going to be involved in that --
the assistant AG in management and the director of the FBI would
make those decisions, and so I just defer those decisions to

Hicks: Do you feel you need protection?

Reno: I was state attorney here for 15 years in somewhat
tumultuous times, and I trust the community but I defer to
Director Freeh and Mr. Colgate.

I think I can blend the trips with doing what I want to do, and
I'm just exploring the variety of things there is to do … I've
got the red truck.

Hicks: And you drive it pretty well, I understand.

Reno: So far, I haven't had anybody holler at me.

Hicks: You didn't drive in Washington, D.C., though, you didn't
drive yourself?

Reno: No.

Hicks: You didn't drive when you traveled?

Reno: No, but when I came home, I would drive up and down the
driveway and practice.

Hicks: Well, that's not a bad driveway, but that's not exactly
I-95 in rush hour, by any stretch of the imagination.

Reno: No, but the red truck seems to be doing well.

Hicks: Do you think that is a bridge that needs to be built, and
if you do, how would you go about doing that?

Reno: I think the Cuban community is a wonderful part of Miami,
and if you care about a place, as I do Miami, then you want it to
be a place that is united, not in the same, not everyone thinking
the same, but united in spirit, united in its dedication to
giving everyone an opportunity to do what they want to do, to
think what they want to think, to speak … but, as I say, the
Cuban community has given this area so much, and I want to make
sure people understand how much they have given, how dedicated
they are, how much they have contributed to so many initiatives
to this community … It's touching, because so many people have
come up to and they almost whisper, "I'm glad you're 

[CTRL] Bush Never Won Florida.com

2001-02-07 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.bushneverwonflorida.com/"Bush Never Won
Much more at site.

Everybody knows Al Gore won Florida.
"But the media tells me Bush won," you protest.
Well, all I can tell you is the overwhelming pattern of evidence suggests
Bush "won" only through irregularities, strategic voting hindrances, illegal
ballots, intimidation, collusion, obstruction, and a little help from five
pals on the Supreme Court.
I am in the process of updating this site for you, and hope to have the full
story finalized soon, with broken links restored. In the meantime, please
click the headings to the left to learn the story thus far...
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-02-07 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

What no diary or little arrows pointing to neo-nazi literature in a
parked car.

Oh that is right - the Davidians murdered themselves according to
Clinton, and Vince Foster murdered himselfand he last assassin who
attempted his butchery sure enought, a swatstika and little arrows
pointing to neo nazi literature - like Littletonton only - well that
story is know now, that Klebold was not a little neo nazi even though
they would have you believe so.

Now remember the USS Liberty and remember JFK and see all the little
arrows pointing to the former Egypt which they attempted to lay, and the
latter to the neo nazis..

Remember the USS Cole but people are a little too sophisticated these
days - our CIA murdered nobody and further Meyer Lansky was not CIA was
he?   You remember, the guy who got his son into West Point, Russian
Jewish Mafia, who had big hand in murder of JFK and RFK.how was that
- they said  kill the head of the dog, not the tail but then they got
Bobby too.

So follow the little arrows to the neo nazi killers and you find out
they lead to KGB - Russian Jewish KGB where David Duke, alleged KKK
member now seeks his homeland - keeping in mind of course, the Walker
spies formed their own little KKK with the KGB - and used KKK literature
and got caught?

So where do these tracks all lead - well see Clinton and Gore and
Albright and Code Name Bor, Henry Kissinger for the little arrows though
not obviousl lead to their door.

Now who do you think caused the murder of little John John - it is
alleged his chaufer worked for the Mossad - would not be surpised there
for Clinton loved to go to these funerals...thank God the Kennedys had
the good taste and smarts to avoid that one.

The word is Kennedy is so afraid of his family being killed - he remains
silent and willl forever be a Senator, nothing more, nothing less.

And how do I know this - just follow the little arrows to the KGB and

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Fwd: Arnold Schwarzenegger honored by Simon Wiesenthal Center

2001-02-07 Thread Aleisha Saba

Found this interesting - Wiesenthall Center with ADL are forming their
own  hate lists along with ADlnote Arnold Schwartzenegger and
Wisenthal are both Austrial and so was Adolph Hidler  Schichlegrubber
Hittler and my oh my, some say Hitler was Jewish according to Wild Bill
Donavan of the OSS and Churchill this story was to be believed.

Now I am wondering we had little Madeline Albright who escaped with a
lot of jewellry and paintings now in her possession that were stole and
Kissinger escaped - and it seems a lot of wealth and stolen treasures
pop up now and then at Park Bernet and Sothebys and Christies -
according to the Art Museum in Columbusand then Schwartznegger pops
up and wants to run for Govenor and it looks like Weisenthal Center,
attempts the first step in making this moron political fodder.

Now in early 90 period Arnold made this stupid movie, Kindergarten Kop
and of course with his mentality he would make a good kindergarten kop
but he was the first to make the picture - showing litle kindergarten
kids victims of killers dream?   Like the little FBI son and Klebold and
Harris - remember they made the tape and movie of Littleton before it
happened?   This is how it works of course, paint the picture =- why
Alex BAldwin marked Heston for murder, etc., hoping it would catch on.

Like Jean Dixon - another escaped gypsy from somewhere, real name Lydia
Pinckert - and with her nose for news, she was no Catholic - but then
did did use the hated King James Bible, not the Catholic Douhey
Biblebut like Jean Dixon who was permitted to pain pictures of JFK
with blood running down his head, and then Bobbyand then King but of
course, mountain climbing has always been dangerous more so than being
the President of the United States, if the wrong Democrat gets elected
and I say, the Wrong democrat.

So "get the picture" - write the vision upon the tables so he that
readeth it may runfor the vision is set at the appointed time and
though it tarry, hey someone marked for murder over and over - like
Harry Houdini said he couldno longer  fight off the psychics who marked
him for death over and over..and he died a strange death -

So much for premeditated murder by prophecy or is that propaganda.

Many Manchurian Candidates out there, but the have Made In Russia
stamped on their asses, now USA.ask Mark Lane about some of that
stuff, for he was at Jonestown, he was with Dorothy Kilgallon night or
night before she died, he was hooked up to Rick Strawcutter with that
old hat JFK stuff blaiming neo nazis (and by the way that is not his
name, Mark Lane - think it was Levy or something).and Rick
Strawcuttr why did Heaven's Gate send him all their tapes?

And Land is always there to write the book, like a Judas Sheep - he
alone escapes to write the books .

Manchurian Candidates?   Paint little red arrows to Moscow - not our


[CTRL] Da President Busch is the good guy. IRC

2001-02-07 Thread Steve Wilson

-Caveat Lector-

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] First Eagle continues lawsuit against BIS

2001-02-07 Thread Kris Millegan

8:59p ET Monday, February 5, 2001

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Thanks to GATA member J.M. for calling my attention
to the following Reuters story today about one of
the lawsuits against the Bank for International
Settlements. GATA and Reg Howe aren't the only ones
to think that something is wrong here. Some very big
people do too.

An hour ago I spoke with GATA Chairman Bill Murphy,
who is in Cape Town, South Africa, continuing his
meetings with gold industry people on the eve of the
Indaba 2001 Africa mining conference. Howe arrived
there over the weekend, and GATA continues to receive
great publicity and support. We're sure to have more
on that later in the week.

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

* * *

U.S. lawsuit seeks higher price for BIS shareholders

By Cal Mankowski

NEW YORK, Feb 5 (Reuters) -- A U.S. mutual fund group is joining in
an international legal fray over the terms of a compulsory buyout of
shareholders in the Bank for International Settlements.

Basel, Switzerland-based BIS, often described as the bank for the
world's central banks, voted on Jan. 8 to buy back all the shares
that had been in public hands since the 1930s, representing about
13.73 percent of the total capital.

First Eagle SoGen Inc., which holds 9,085 BIS shares, claims
shareholders have been subjected to a "squeeze-out'' at a price that
is unfairly low and is turning to the courts to try to force a higher
price.The shares were valued at $90 million based on the price, set
by the BIS, of 16,000 Swiss francs per share.

But New York-based First Eagle, with 130,000 investors in three funds
that own the shares, says they may be worth twice that amount and has
not surrendered its shares.First Eagle's stake represents about 12.5
percent of the total public shares of BIS, which together are worth
about $700 million using the price of 16,000 Swiss francs.

"We have not surrendered our shares and we are urging every other
shareholder in the world not to surrender their shares,'' Charles de
Vaulx, co-manager of the First Eagle SoGen Funds, said in an

The BIS, which is owned mostly by central banks, says the public
shares were canceled last month and the BIS refers in court papers to
its adversaries as "former" shareholders.

"The transaction was completed Jan. 8," said a source familiar with
the BIS position who requested anonymity. "What is left to be done is
simply to pay people the amount of money to which they are entitled.''

But First Eagle alleges BIS has not made required disclosures under
U.S. securities laws and is fighting back.

A U.S. District Court judge in New York last month denied First
Eagle's request for a temporary restraining order, observing that the
BIS shares are "quite unusual" and the rights of shareholders
are "severely limited."

First Eagle has appealed the ruling and a hearing before the U.S.
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in New York is scheduled for
early March. The appeals court recently denied a request for an
injunction pending the appeal.

The terms of the buyout also are being fought in Europe, where
Deminor, a French corporate governance consultancy firm, last month
said it had started court action against BIS advisers J.P. Morgan and
auditors Arthur Andersen. The 16,000 Swiss francs price was based on
a J.P. Morgan evaluation reviewed and approved by the Andersen
firm.Deminor said it was taking the U.S. investment bank and the
audit firm to court in Paris in a bid to get the terms of the
controversial buyback reassessed independently.

Unlike European lawsuits, however, the First Eagle suit names the BIS
as a defendant.

First Eagle also takes issue with an arbitration procedure that the
BIS says is available."

What the bank is saying is that you have to go to an arbitration
panel tribunal where all five members of the tribunal are chosen by
the national governments of the central banks,'' said a source
familiar with the First Eagle case.

De Vaulx said First Eagle would welcome an appraiser it considers to
be neutral.

The 9,085 BIS shares in question are held in various amounts in the
First Eagle SoGen Global Fund, the First Eagle SoGen Overseas Fund,
and the First Eagle SoGen Gold Fund. The investment firm said it has
been buying the BIS stock for the funds since the mid-1980's and
shows a compounded annual return on the investment of about 15
percent, including the buyout price and the dividends paid over the
years. The shares represent about 4 percent of the Global Fund, 6
percent for the Overseas Fund, and 7 percent for the Gold Fund.

The 16,000 Swiss francs price for each share determined by BIS is
equivalent to about $9,773 per share based on Monday's exchange rate.

The First Eagle SoGen Funds have been part of New York investment
managers Arnhold and S. Bleichroeder Advisers Inc. since January


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[CTRL] Fwd: That Time (The New Millennium) Again?

2001-02-07 Thread Kris Millegan

 The Pope at Malta (HQ of the Church's "Crusaders"), Sharon at Temple
Mount ...
 Are we heading toward a confrontation between the Vatican and
super-Orthodox Jewry over who shall possess the legal title to (the ruins of)
Solomon's Temple?

Pope To Visit Syria, Malta in May

VATICAN CITY (AP) - Pope John Paul II will visit Syria and the Mediterranean
island of Malta in early May as part of his trips to Biblical sites, the
Vatican said Monday.

It did not give the exact dates of the pilgrimage. In Syria, Archbishop
Isidore Battikha said the pope would visit that country on May 5, discussing
the Middle East peace process with President Bashar Assad.

John Paul has long said that he wanted to stop in Syria as part of a Middle
East pilgrimage to places associated with the start of Christianity. St.
Paul's travels took him to both Malta and Syria.

Last year, the pope's quest, part of Holy Year activities to mark the start
of Christianity's third millennium, took him to Egypt on one trip and to
Jordan, Israel and the Palestinian territories.

"Sharon Poised for Win in Israel"

1982: As defense minister, engineers Israel's invasion of Lebanon. It is
portrayed as quick, limited strike to drive Palestinian fighters from
Israel's northern border. However, Israeli troops advance to outskirts of
Beirut and war escalates. Israeli-allied Christian militia kill hundreds of
Palestinians at refugee camps in west Beirut, sparking international outrage
that leads to Sharon losing his job. Fighting in Lebanon lasts 18 years,
until Barak unilaterally withdraws Israeli troops in May 2000.

2000: Sharon visits the disputed TEMPLE MOUNT Sept. 28 to emphasize Israel's
claim of sovereignty. Muslims, who call the site the Noble Sanctuary, are
outraged, and widespread violence breaks out a day later. The bloodshed
sparks a political crisis in Israel, leading to Barak's resignation.

2001: Sharon is heavily favored Feb. 6 election.

[CTRL] We Hear Criminals Use Cell Phones, Too (+ links)

2001-02-07 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

  M E D I A  G R O K
A Commentary on What the Press Is Reporting and Why
| http://www.thestandard.com |

Wednesday, February  7, 2001

We Hear Criminals Use Cell Phones, Too

Terrorists use Internet to plan attacks! Hidden messages in porn
sites! Loch Ness monster captured! Oops, sorry. That last one was from
the current Weekly World News, but the first two were roughly
translated from some USA Today articles. The paper broke the story of
"Muslim extremists," including boogeyman Osama bin Laden, using the
Net to plan terrorist attacks. It didn't take long for the New York
Daily News Express to follow up with the sensationalistic lede,
"Noticed any plots to bomb the Statue of Liberty on your Web browser

The Feds blame encryption. A terrorist can encrypt a map in a naughty
picture, for instance, and upload it to a porn site. The bad guy on
the other end finds the image, downloads it, and decrypts it. That's
the new "dead drop," defined by USA Today's Jack Kelley as "a Cold
War-era term for where spies left information." Reuters added that the
dead drop of choice used to be newspaper classified ads. Yet, "Spies
place ads in newspaper" doesn't have quite the hysterical ring of the
USA Today headline, "Terror groups hide behind Web encryption."

"Once the exclusive domain of the National Security Agency, the
super-secret U.S. agency responsible for developing and cracking
electronic codes, encryption has become the everyday tool of Muslim
extremists," said USA Today. The implication that the NSA should have
kept encryption under wraps is enough to get Slashdotters angry - then
again, what isn't? - but here's the line that must have really blown
PGP users' minds: "It's no wonder the FBI wants all encryption
programs to file what amounts to a 'master key' with a federal
authority that would allow them, with a judge's permission, to decrypt
a code in a case of national security." Privacy was mentioned
tangentially in both articles, but mainly to credit (blame?) privacy
groups with making the encryption technology freely available.

TheRegister.co.uk, doing a bit of Media Grok's job for us, claimed
that USA Today "extends the argument that in the fight against
terrorism, the right to privacy on the Internet is secondary to the
needs of law enforcement." Good point, but giving writer John Leyden
the not-funny byline of "John bin Leyden" doesn't make privacy
advocates look any saner. - Jen Muehlbauer

Terrorist Instructions Hidden Online

Terror Groups Hide Behind Web Encryption

Web Sites Act As Host for Extremist Plots (Reuters)

Bin Laden's Using the Web

Militants Plan Terror in Chat Rooms Shocker

Nasty Bad Men Are Using Encryption

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] WT: Army running out of bullets

2001-02-07 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Army running out of bullets

By Rowan Scarborough

 A memo sent this week by Fort Hood, Texas, the Army
installation with the largest population, says soldiers are
suffering a worldwide shortage of 9 mm ammunition.

 The 9 mm Beretta pistol is standard issue for many officers
and certain enlisted ratings, such as military police (MPs) and
tank crews.

 The memo, a copy of which was obtained by The Washington
Times, said range marksmanship training was being canceled except
for police and soldiers about to deploy overseas from Fort Hood.

 The memo is one of the clearest signs to date, Army sources
said, that the military needs a quick infusion of cash to reverse
a downward trend in combat readiness.

 "Due to an Army worldwide 9 mm ammo shortage, all Fort Hood
9 mm ranges have been canceled except for 89th MPs and special
deployment needs," says the memo circulated Monday among Army III
Corps units. "This shortage is expected to last until something
this fall. . . . Until further notice no units (active, reserve,
National Guard) will get [9 mm bullets] based on their normal
forecast except [MPs]."

 Calling the situation a "critical shortage," the memo states
that those units that still have 9 mm shells "should ensure they
get maximum training benefit from it. . . . Units should
micromanage [9 mm ammo] already in the hands of units."

 "There's still an option. Personnel in the units that are
deploying will be able to fire and train in the 9 mm," said Cecil
Green, a spokesman at Fort Hood, home to the 1st Cavalry and 4th
Infantry divisions. He declined further comment.

 Army sources said the bullet shortages are another bad sign
for a branch that was stretched thin this decade on global
peacekeeping missions.

 "This is indicative of a lot of other problems," said an
Army source who asked not to be named. "We've been robbing Peter
to pay Paul for years. What does this tell you? We don't have
enough ammo to shoot. They keep demanding we do more with less.
The situation is not healthy."

 Maj. Tom Artis, an Army spokesman at the Pentagon, said the
shortage stems from budget shortfalls as opposed to production

 He said decisions on whether to cancel Beretta firings are
up to each base. He said the Army is fixing the shortage by
reprogramming budget dollars into ammunition accounts.

 "The guys who really need the ammunition are getting it," he

 Col. Guy Shields, a spokesman for Army Forces Command in
Georgia, said the command has passed the word to the 197,000
troops it oversees that a shortage exists for training rounds and
to deal with it unit by unit.

 An Army officer stationed at a base overseas said personnel
have been warned of shortages of another bullet — that for the
M16. He said Army regulations call for specified amounts of
training ammo to be issued to each soldier.

 A Senate Armed Services Committee report on this year's
defense budget said the Army is short $242 million in its
ammunition procurement account.

 "For the past several years, field commanders have expressed
concern regarding the inadequate stocks of ammunition to support
their training and war reserve requirements," the committee said.

 One Army official commented: "I wonder why they can't go
down to WalMart and make a local purchase. Last I checked, they
had plenty of 9 mm ammo." A box of 9 mm shells at WalMart costs
about $7.

 Congressional sources said yesterday the Army shortages of
such a basic combat tool as bullets is evidence that Congress
needs to pass a defense bill this spring to supplement the
current Pentagon budget. The Army has submitted a $2.9 billion

 The sources say the Bush White House is cool toward
additional defense spending this year. But the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, who already have sent a supplemental spending request to
Congress, are adamant in saying the services need emergency money
to shore up readiness accounts for spare parts, fuel, building
repairs and ammunition.

 Some staffers are working to keep the bill no higher than $7
billion. But they fear a rush by lawmakers to add "pork" projects
would prompt the White House and congressional leaders to kill
the legislation.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with 

[CTRL] WHO IS ARIEL SHARON? The rise of Israeli anti-Americanism

2001-02-07 Thread William Shannon

The rise of Israeli anti-Americanism

When Ariel Sharon visited an agricultural high school outside Beersheva in 
the final phase of his campaign to become Israel's Prime Minister, he was met 
by 16-year-old Ilil Komey, whose father has suffered from shellshock in the 
wake of Israel's illegal 1984 invasion of Lebanon. In a scene recorded by 
Israeli national television , Ms. Komey pointed her finger at Israel's 
premier warhawk, and said:
"I think you sent my father into Lebanon. Ariel Sharon, I accuse you of 
having made me suffer for 16 some odd years. I accuse you of having made my 
father suffer for over 16 years. I accuse you of a lot of things that made a 
lot of people suffer in this country. I don't think that you can now be 
elected as prime minister." 


While Ms. Komey's outrage may be righteous, her future as a political pundit 
seems cloudy, at best: if the polls are correct, it looks like Sharon – known 
as "the Bulldozer" for his policy (while minister of "infrastructure") of 
destroying Palestinian homes to make way for Israeli "settlements" – will 
flatten Ehud Barak and emerge at the head of the Israeli government at a 
crucial time in his nation's history. They tell a story about Sharon's early 
career that helps to put his expected election victory in perspective, and 
gives us an idea of what makes the incoming Prime Minister of Israel tick: As 
the head of "Unit 101," the notorious terrorist squad, Sharon and his fellow 
thugs were camped out on a kibbutz near the Syrian border, having been 
ordered not to make a move unless provoked. One day, Sharon ran into the 
headquarters, yelling "Great news! They've just killed the guard!"


The history of this man as a moral monster – as the mass murderer of 
Palestinians while a Haganah terrorist in the 1950s, as the man who presided 
over the massacres at Shatilla and Sabra, as the ethnic cleanser who forced 
the resettlement of 160,000 Palestinians from East Jerusalem – is already 
well-documented, and I won't belabor the point here: Alexander Cockburn's 
recent article in the New York Press, spotlighted on Antiwar.com last week, 
covers those bases quite well. In any case, the crimes of Ariel Sharon are 
well-documented on the Internet, and I want to make a different though 
related point about the man they are calling "Arik, King of the Jews" – that 
his triumph represents a growing Israeli anti-Americanism.


Having reached the apex of his military career after the Yom Kippur War of 
1973 – after having been disgraced in high military and political circles for 
refusing to follow orders and continually placing his soldiers in danger for 
his own glory – Sharon joined Menachem Begin's Gahal coalition, a merger of 
the old Herut with the Liberal party, and with three smaller rightist parties 
later merged to form the Likud bloc. The party traces its origins back to the 
radical Revisionist Zionist movement of Ze'ev Jabotinsky, founded in 1925. In 
opposition to the secular and universalist conception of a Zionist state 
envisioned by the Labor left, Jabotinsky and his right-wing followers upheld 
a more down-to-earth philosophy of blood and soil clearly influenced by the 
rise of European fascism. Jabotinsky sang the praises of Mussolini, as did 
other Revisionist leaders: the Revisionist, as one writer put it, "maintains 
that the state is the highest expression of a people." 


Jabotinsky regarded Palestinians as "alien minorities" who, in a future 
Jewish state, "would weaken national unity." Their transfer, if not 
accomplished voluntarily, would "have to be achieved against the will of the 
country's Arab majority. An 'iron wall' of a Jewish armed force would have to 
protect the process of achieving a majority," according to the Revisionist 
leader. To Jabotinsky, the Palestinian Arabs were a subhuman people who had 
contributed nothing to civilization: it was up to the Zionists to "push the 
moral frontiers of Europe to the Euphrates," he wrote. The ethnic cleansing 
of Palestine was a precondition for the success of the Zionist project, and 
the difference between the Israeli right and its Laborite-socialist utopian 
adversaries was that the former did not mince words or in any way shrink from 
this task. While the other Zionist leaders dithered and tried to conciliate 
their opponents, both in Israel and the West, Jabotinsky disdained 
incrementalism and boldly maintained that the Jews had the right to take the 
land of Israel, granted to them, of course, by G-d. In 1923, he summed up the 
Revisionist ideology and program succinctly and presciently: "Zionism is a 
colonizing adventure and therefore it stands or falls by the question of 
armed force. It is important to build, it is important to speak Hebrew, but, 
unfortunately, it is even more important to be able to shoot – or else 

[CTRL] NR: Inside the Pardon Probe

2001-02-07 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

National Review

Inside the Pardon Probe

Byron York

Jack Quinn gets ready to tell his story.

February 7, 2001 12:00 p.m.

Other than Bill Clinton himself, the person who has taken the
most flak for the pardon of fugitive tax-evader Marc Rich is Jack
Quinn, the former White House counsel who is now Rich's lawyer.
Quinn will no doubt face more criticism when he appears before
chairman Dan Burton's House Government Reform Committee on
Thursday.  But it now appears likely that the most damaging
accusations will be directed not at Quinn but at Eric Holder, the
former deputy attorney general who has tried to downplay his role
in the deal.

Quinn has made an all-out effort to make the best possible
impression before the committee.  He has hired the Republican
husband-and-wife team of Joseph diGenova and Victoria Toensing —
Burton's personal lawyers — to represent him.  He's also retained
the services of David Bossie, a former top investigator with the
committee (and a man who had many run-ins with the White House
counsel's office during the Clinton years).

Quinn's main defense: Think what you will about the merits of
Rich's case, but I was just a lawyer doing my job.  "Jack Quinn
did what a good lawyer is supposed to do, which is vigorously
represent your client," diGenova says.  "Lawyers represent people
that people don't like all the time.  They have to do that." The
unspoken part of the argument: I didn't grant a pardon to anybody
— they did.

Quinn's testimony will demolish any notion that Holder was
somehow blind-sided or out of the loop on the Rich deal. Quinn
plans to tell the committee that his contacts with Holder on the
subject of Rich go back farther than has previously been
reported. According to diGenova, Quinn and Holder discussed Rich
as early as October 1999.  The discussion was not about a pardon
but rather Rich's desire to settle the case.  Quinn also
approached federal prosecutors in New York with Rich's settlement
request, but they refused to deal with him while he was a
fugitive.  He would have to come home before any negotiations
could take place.

That was a risk Rich was not prepared to take.  So Quinn, in
addition to keeping in touch with the New York prosecutors,
worked on Holder in an attempt to persuade Justice Department
headquarters in Washington to pressure New York to make a deal.
Quinn and Rich bombarded the Justice Department with legal
arguments, analyses, and tax studies. But the prosecutors in New
York would not budge, and Washington did not overrule them.  In
February 2000, the New York office gave Rich a final thumbs-down.

Still, Rich didn't give up.  According to diGenova, Quinn and
Holder talked in February and again in March in an effort to find
some way to resolve the situation.  Those talks ended with no
action, and that is where the matter stood until November 2000,
when Quinn told Holder about the pardon plan.  At that point,
Quinn maintains, he kept everybody informed of what was going on.
"When the record is laid out fully," diGenova says, "it will show
that Jack Quinn was in communication with the Department of
Justice, was in communication with the White House, and that he
urged both the White House and the Department of Justice to
communicate with one another."

There is some evidence that Quinn's story will get a relatively
friendly reception on Capitol Hill.  "It's obvious from the
documents Quinn turned over that he had established some sort of
communication with Holder regarding the Rich pardon," says one
congressional insider. "It's pretty obvious that Holder was in
the loop." The Burton committee, this insider predicts, will ask
Quinn tough questions for a while before finally concluding that
he was just a lawyer doing his job.  Holder will be another
story; the accusation will be that he didn't do his job, which
was to guard the integrity of the process.

That is not to say that Quinn — who notoriously stonewalled the
committee during his days in the White House — is now a good guy.
"Jack Quinn is the whore here," says a well-connected Republican,
in an indelicate expression of an opinion that is shared by
others both inside and outside the GOP hierarchy.  "The johns and
the pimps are Bill Clinton and Eric Holder, and I don't blame the
whore for the sins of the johns and pimps."

Although that's not a sound bite you'll hear at the hearings, it
does suggest that Holder's standing among Republicans is
considerably worse than Quinn's.  Over the last several years,
the deputy attorney general was in the middle of several bitter
battles between the committee and the Justice Department, most
notably over the campaign-finance scandal. It is not an
exaggeration to say that there was no trust — or love lost —
between the two institutions during the time Holder and his boss
Janet Reno were in power.

There is also a personal dimension to the Department's relations
with Burton.  In 1997, at the height of the campaign-fundraising

[CTRL] Check out Army running out of bullets -- The Washington Times

2001-02-07 Thread Carl Amedio
 Click here: Army running out of bullets -- The Washington Times 

[CTRL] Fwd: England's Refusal to Extradite Nazi War Criminals

2001-02-07 Thread Kris Millegan


Revealed: Britain's refusal to extradite 'Nazi war criminals'
By Paul Lashmar
7 January 2001

Britain's hostility to eastern bloc governments meant that for decades it
refused to investigate allegations against probable Nazi war criminals said
to be responsible for mass killings of Jews and Russians.
According to Foreign Office files seen by the Independent on Sunday,
successive British governments dismissed all requests for cooperation from
Russia during the Cold War despite eyewitness accounts of the horrors
perpetrated by British citizens. In 1970, the Soviet Union requested the
extradition of a Bournemouth guesthouse owner called George Chappell over
the extermination of 5000 Jews in the Ukraine during the German occupation.
But documents released under the 30-year rule by the Public Record Office
show that Foreign Office officials dismissed the allegations against
Chappell as propaganda, and turned down similar requests in a peremptory
manner. It failed to instigate any police inquiries despite the fact that
other countries, including Switzerland and Holland, handed over a number of
Nazi war criminals to communist countries.
Born in 1913 in Georgia as Yuri Chapodze, George Chappell was captured by
the Allies and came to Britain in 1947. He anglicised his name and became a
British citizen in 1956.
The Soviet request says that Chappell defected from the Red Army to the
Germans in 1942. According to Soviet claims he joined the notorious
Caucasian Company, a police unit that helped the Germans in killing
civilians. The Soviets said Chappell had served as a squad commander and had
been involved in "mass annihilation".
"According to eyewitnesses Chapodze personally took part in gunning down
2000 people in Jewish ghettoes near the city of Ternapol. He personally shot
at close range a large number of women, children and other prisoners at the
Yanovsky camp on the outskirts of Lvov," the Russian request said. "In
October 1943 Chapodze directed the massacre of 3,000 Jews, and this is a far
from complete list of the many atrocities perpetrated by this zealous
executor of the Nazi policy of genocide."
In a confidential memo, one Foreign Office official wrote: "We would have
little confidence in the ability of the Soviets to carry out a proper
The British rejected the extradition request. However, there was no move by
the British authorities to establish whether there was any truth in the
allegations against Chappell. A police constable was sent to tell him of the
extradition request and Mr Chappell, then 58, denied the allegations.
The Foreign Office files show that West Germany also wanted to interview
Chappell about an SS sergeant, Walter Kehrer, who ran a mobile gas chamber
used to kill Jews, Russians, prisoners and children identified as mentally
West Germany said members of the Caucasian Company had helped Kehrer's unit.
A Foreign Official legal adviser wrote to mandarin Sir Thomas Brimelow: "As
far as I am aware we are under no legal obligation to assist the Germans to
track down and punish war criminals although we might be under a moral
obligation to do so."
The Foreign Office papers reveal that Chappell admitted a connection to
Kehrer but again denied atrocities. He continued to live in Britain. The
West Germans tried Kehrer in 1975 and he was convicted.
According to the author Tom Bower, Chappell would have been among 10,000
Ukrainian PoWs captured in Italy who settled in the UK after the Second
World War. He says the British authorities knew that many of the PoWs had
been members of the 14th Waffen SS "Galician" Division, which had committed
many atrocities. Mr Bower said: "It was a terrible scandal which has never
been explained. Unfortunately no one has ever tried to properly remedy the
existence in Britain of these horrendous murderers."
It was not until the War Crimes Act came into force in 1991 that the British
Government instituted full police inquiries into anyone suspected of war

[CTRL] The Jews Of Russia And Palestine - A Comparison

2001-02-07 Thread William Shannon

The Jews Of Russia And 
Palestine - A Comparison
By Israel Shamir

Excerpted from the Russian newspaper Zavtra (10-31-00)

From http://www.hoffman-info.com/



"One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail."

-- Rabbi Yaacov Perrin, Feb. 27, 1994

(NY Times, Feb. 28, 1994, p.1)

Black days have descended upon the Israeli people; black because everything 
that our fathers and ourselves have said, bewailed, and complained about has 
been as genuine as a three-dollar bill. Back in 1968 I painted on a wall in 
the USSR: "Hands off Czechoslovakia."   Russian-Jewish poet Alexander Galich 
sang in his beautiful, deep voice: "Citizens, our Fatherland is in danger! 
Our tanks are rolling through a foreign land!" Bearing such a slogan, several 
Jews stepped out onto Red Square, and were roughed up by the police. As 
Russian citizens who cherish honor even when this contradicts 
falsely-understood patriotism, we protested against Russian tanks in 
Budapest, Prague, and Kabul. Many years have passed. Now it is Jewish tanks 
that are rolling through a foreign land. They are not just rolling -- they 
are killing peaceful civilians, destroying houses, keeping millions of 
Palestinians emaciated and blockaded. One might expect that many Jewish 
intellectuals have rushed into our Israeli squares and public places to 
protest this?   Absolutely nothing of the kind. Our intellectuals just 
celebrate our "valiant Jewish fighters," the steady hands and the sharp eyes 
of our Jewish snipers, and the unlimited humanism of the Jewish people, who 
could turn all Palestinian goys into mincemeat, but limit themselves to 
wounding several hundred each day.   "Human rights" activists, such as 
Sharansky, have opposed the propiska [registration of residence] laws, just 
the way our grandfathers fought the Pale of Settlement under the Czar. But 
after our grandfathers won their battle, they herded the Palestinian goys 
into reservations, compared to which the Pale of Settlement looks like an 
open society: a Palestinian may not visit a village next to his without 
requesting permission of the Israelis, without being searched and having his 
documents checked. Of course, he would not even dream of visiting the sea, 
just a few kilometers from his house.   Jews have protested against 
discrimination at work and in high schools. But now we have created a system 
of total national discrimination. Out of 13,000 workers at the Israeli State 
Electrical Company, only six are goyim. That's 0.0004%!   Goyim comprise 40% 
of the population from Jordan to the sea, but only one quarter of them are 
allowed to vote. There is not a single goy on the Israeli Supreme court, in 
the executive branch of government, among the generals, in aviation, or in 
the secret services. There is not a single goy working even in the leading 
Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz.   That is why everything that Jews have been 
saying in Russia should be rewritten in view of recent events. We have fought 
not for human rights, but only for Jewish rights. We have been advocating 
freedom of movement and occupational choice only for Jews. We are not against 
our own tanks rolling through foreign lands, we were only against Russian 
tanks.   Upon seeing an unhappy child holding his hands up in front of a 
machine gunner, we are sorry only if this child is Jewish. The goy's child 
can be shot as one wishes.   When Byalik wrote "the devil has not invented a 
suitable punishment for killing a child," he apparently visualized only a 
Jewish child. When he was terrified by visions of pogroms, he was terrified 
of pogroms against Jews. A pogrom by itself is a usual and even a normal 
occurrence. Recently the Jews of Upper Nazareth conducted a pogrom against 
the Arabs of Lower Nazareth, but none of the pogromists were prosecuted. 
Rather, the police shot dead several of those who were victims of the pogrom. 
Yet another pogrom on a mass scale was perpetrated against the peaceful and 
innocent Palestinian town of Beth Jallah.   In Czarist Russia - which our 
grandparents cursed in every way they could and ruined - pogroms killed fewer 
people over one hundred years than we kill in a week in Palestine. The most 
terrible Kishinev pogroms in Russia, took the lives of 45 people, with 600 
wounded. The total number of recent Arab victims of the Israelis from 
September to now (October 31, 2000), is 150 killed and 4,000 wounded.   After 
a pogrom in Russia, hundreds of honest goyim, the Russian writers and the 
entire intelligentsia, raised their voices against the pogromists who 
participated in the violence. But in Israel, there have been merely a handful 
who protested, while the Union of Jewish writers supported the Israeli 
murderers.   When in 1991 Jews in Russia advocated private property rights in 
defiance of Communism, they meant only Jewish private property rights, 
because the private property of the goyim we confiscate 

[CTRL] Fwd: the sergeants' scandal, heroin 1969, vietnam

2001-02-07 Thread Kris Millegan

   My immediate superior Col William Bruce Arnold AFSS was the
investigator for US SENATE/NSA (both).  What he found caused him to make
a firm decision to quit the Air Force.
  Nixon , Haig didnt know . Sullivan knew.  Komer probably knew.
Theres no question on that.
   The thing that Col Arnold was shook about was that it was all
connected to the B 57 scandal (Green beret murders, Col Rheault )  Col
Arnold said he had to bury the whole thing because of that. It involved
air strikes on Red Chinese ships in NV harbors.  SECORDS #2 would REMOVE
pentagon that peace would break out and they were desperate for war with
China . Rev Moon, Ms Chenault, ms Chiang (nixons girlfriend and
co-saBATOUR of 1968 peace talks) were also involved .  Theres much more
and it gets sicker.
I might have th two Ms reversed. I cant remember for sure.
Sullivan killed Hoover. Angleton burned the evidence.



profile at AskMe

  my website


[CTRL] Japan 'covered up' germ warfare

2001-02-07 Thread William Shannon

Tuesday, 6 February, 2001, 00:35 GMT

Japan 'covered up' germ warfare

Japanese military leaders tried to cover up germ warfare attacks on China
during Second World War because they were afraid then Emperor Hirohito would
be held responsible, Japanese historians have claimed.

The historians were testifying before the Tokyo District Court as witnesses
for a group of Chinese people demanding reparations for the deaths of
relatives. The Chinese plaintiffs claimed their relatives were killed in
biological experiments and other acts of brutality carried out by Japan
during World War II.

The court heard last month how the military ''bombed'' a Chinese city with
bubonic plague-carrying fleas, triggering a serious outbreak of the disease.

The lawsuit claims at least 2,100 people were killed in biological
experiments by Japan's notorious Unit 731.

 Although some Japanese veterans have confessed to war crimes, the Japanese
government has refused to make a written apology to China for atrocities
committed before and during the war.

'Deal with US'
The Japanese historians testified that the full extent of the germ attacks
remained unknown partly because the United States made a deal with the
Japanese not to prosecute those involved in exchange for the scientific data.

According to the historians, the US was concerned that the information might
fall into the hands of Russia.

The witnesses said Japan's military headquarters ordered the Unit 731 to
destroy evidence when the United States dropped the second atomic bomb on

Unit leaders later landed top jobs at universities and pharmaceutical
companies, keeping their identities secret.

 Japan acknowledges that Unit 731 existed, but has refused to confirm its

The trial in Tokyo District Court is expected to continue for several months.

Hirohito died in 1989 and was succeeded by his son, the current Emperor

[CTRL] WSJ: Connected Democrats Won Pardons From Clinton

2001-02-07 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

February 7, 2001

Politics  Policy

Connected Democrats Won Pardons From Clinton; Hearings Gear Up

Staff Reporters

One of the people pardoned by Bill Clinton before he left office
was a convicted drug conspirator whose family knows the former
president, donated more than $40,000 to Democrats and hired a
former White House lawyer to lobby for the pardon because they
wanted "entree."

Charles Wilfred Morgan III of Little Rock, Ark., spent three
years in prison for conspiracy to distribute cocaine in the
1980s.  His lawyer, former associate White House counsel William
H.  Kennedy III, is the latest example in a growing list of
well-connected Democrats who successfully sought pardons and
sentence commutations on behalf of others from Mr.  Clinton.
Among the successful advocates are another former White House
lawyer, a former attorney general, a top House Democrat and
former Vice President Al Gore's Miami point man in the Florida
recount.  Mr.  Kennedy, after leaving the White House in the
mid-1990s, returned to his former employment at the Rose Law Firm
in Little Rock, where former first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton
had worked before coming to Washington.

Mr.  Morgan's stepfather, George Billingsley, is a longtime
Clinton supporter whose family has contributed $42,200 to
Democrats in the past decade.

He says Mr.  Clinton once stayed at his home years ago, and Mr.
Billingsley once attended a Christmas party at the White House.
Mr. Billingsley said he never approached Mr.  Clinton about
pardoning his stepson and doesn't know if Mr.  Kennedy approached
the president directly, though he added that Mr.  Kennedy
traveled to Washington while working on the case.  Mr. Kennedy
declined to comment on his activities until he could get
permission from his client, who couldn't be reached.

Mr.  Morgan's pardon also was supported by two
Republican-appointed federal judges, including the one who
sentenced him, H.  Franklin Waters, and a local deputy sheriff.
But Mr.  Billingsley said Mr. Kennedy was hired for the case
because "it's always important to have ...  somebody who knows
somebody" and the family wanted someone with "entree" to the
White House.

"We got the pardon, and I give Mr.  Kennedy a lot of credit," Mr.
Billingsley says, adding that the lawyer was paid $25,000 over
four years for his work.  As for the family's contributions to
Democrats, he adds: "You'd like to think ...  that it had some

Pardon recipient Salim "Sandy" Lewis, a takeover speculator who
pleaded guilty to stock-price manipulation in the late 1980s,
also had well-connected lawyers: Nicholas Katzenbach, attorney
general in the Johnson administration, and New Jersey lawyer
Douglas Eakeley, an old classmate of Mr.  Clinton's at Oxford and
Yale Law School.  "It may be that [the application] got to the
White House sooner than others, but I think that the merits of
the case made it," said Mr.  Eakeley, citing controversy at the
time of the original indictment over whether Mr. Lewis should
have been prosecuted.

House and Senate investigators are gearing up for hearings
starting Thursday on Mr.  Clinton's most controversial pardon
recipient -- financier Marc Rich, who was represented by former
White House counsel Jack Quinn.  "You don't want the perception
out there that if you have the right friends and the right
connections you can get a pardon," said Mark Corallo, House
Government Reform Committee spokesman.

Clinton spokesman Jake Siewert said the principal considerations
for the president were the facts of each case, not the lawyers:
"We tried to review as many [pardon applications] as we could,
and we tried to judge them on the merits."

Another prominent attorney involved in helping clients win the
11th-hour reprieves was Reid Weingarten.  The Washington-based
lawyer ran the Justice Department's Public Integrity Division in
the mid-1980s and is a close friend of Eric Holder, deputy
attorney general during the Clinton administration.  Mr.
Weingarten helped persuade former President Clinton to cut in
half the 11-year prison sentence of Harvey Weinig, a lawyer who
was convicted of money laundering in a conspiracy involving the
Cali drug cartel in the mid-1990s -- over the objections of Mary
Jo White, U.S.  attorney in New York.  Mr. Weingarten couldn't be

William Fugazy, a former New York limousine-company executive who
pleaded guilty to perjury in a bankruptcy proceeding in 1997,
also had powerful allies.  He says the "main person" helping him
gain a pardon was Rep.  Charles Rangel of New York, the House
Ways and Means Committee's top Democrat.  Mr.  Rangel confirmed
speaking to Mr. Clinton about the pardon application, which had
encountered resistance at the Justice Department.

"The number of people you can get to support your pardon
application does make a difference," Mr. Rangel said.

Among Mr.  Fugazy's friends is 

[CTRL] InsightMag: Electric Crisis Shocks California

2001-02-07 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Electric Crisis Shocks California


By John Elvin


   At any rate, Brower, Foreman and even the ELF gang give
you an idea of the sort of folks who helped precipitate today’s
energy crises through their opposition to conventional energy.
And what drives them? Love of the land, they would likely say.
But let’s get back to this Club of Rome for the real story. What
sort of model did it provide for the Sierra Club?

   The Club of Rome is an elite international group of 100
select Marxists, socialists and other leftist academics,
policymakers, scientists and national leaders now headquartered
in Hamburg, Germany, with regional support centers and national
associations around the world. While the core group is restricted
to 100, during its prime an association membership list for the
United States contained about 1,500 names, many of them quite

   The Club of Rome’s reputation is built on the doomsday
report Limits to Growth published in 1972. The report predicted
imminent global disaster due to out-of-control population growth,
industrial expansion, depletion of natural resources, food
shortages and environmental degradation. And here’s the kicker:
These catastrophic results might be avoided through creation of a
collectivist world government and through a “global society” to
replace “sterile nationalism” with its evil emphasis on
competition and consumption.

   Most of the club’s predictions —paralleling those of
guru-of-doom Paul Ehrlich, whose more radical followers favor
voluntary extinction of the human race — were so far off base as
to be laughable. Curiously, its prominence began to fade almost
coincident with the demise of the Soviet Union. In terms of
impact and influence, though, the Club of Rome still is riding
high. Its predictions were incorporated into numerous textbooks
that remain standard fare for environmental education. The
group’s report is credited with shaping the thinking, if that is
the word, of environmental evangelists such as Ted Turner and Al
Gore and even of entire bureaucracies such as the Environmental
Protection Agency. The club’s current interests include pushing
energy credits for underdeveloped countries which could sell them
to “polluting” countries, as well as some form of global taxation
to assist further in the redistribution of wealth.

   So when the Sierra Club says that it is following in the
footsteps of the Club of Rome, it is talking about a no-growth,
one-world, collectivist agenda. As many observers have pointed
out, the environmental movement is the new refuge of Marxists and
socialists who have found themselves homeless with the fall of
the Soviet Union and communism. What is the big attraction? The
meeting between Gould and the Sierra delegation would seem to
make it quite clear: They are, begging the spotted owl’s pardon,
birds of a feather.

   “Like socialism, environmentalism combines an atheistic
religion with virulent statism,” writes free-market columnist Lew
Rockwell. “But it ups the ante. Marxism at least professed a
concern with human beings; environmentalism harks back to a
godless, manless and mindless Garden of Eden.” Rockwell
continues: “And like Marx and Lenin, they are heirs to
Jean-Jacques Rousseau. His paeans to statism, egalitarianism and
totalitarian democracy have shaped the left for 200 years, and as
a nature worshipper and exalter of the primitive, he was also the
father of environmentalism.”


 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] InsightMag: For friend Sam Smith- Global-Warming Theory Steams Ahead

2001-02-07 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Global-Warming Theory Steams Ahead Despite Conflicting Evidence

By S. Fred Singer

   With Al Gore’s defeat in the presidential election, global
warming has lost its most dedicated governmental sponsor. Gore
may not have invented climate change ,but he certainly has been
its most zealous advocate. He repeatedly proclaimed a nonexistent
scientific consensus, labeling skeptical scientists as naysayers
who view global warming, in his words, as the equivalent of the
Easter Bunny.

   Now that he has retreated to the Columbia University
School of Journalism in New York City, will the global-warming
scare fade from the scene? Don’t bet on it. There are too many
now whose perks, power and prestige depend on keeping the myth
alive — not to mention the billions of governmental dollars
flowing out to these eager recipients. Annual conferences in
attractive cities around the world involving some 180 national
delegations with committee meetings in high-priced resort hotels
in between: It’s a great lifestyle and a full-time career for a
growing number of scientists, bureaucrats and politicians — paid
for by the hapless taxpayers.

   Don’t expect these folks to pay any attention to climate
science. For them, it is “settled” and “compelling,” to use Bill
Clinton’s words. Yet, the U.N. Environment Program (UNEP) science
panel keeps coming up with ever more fantastic predictions of
coming disasters.

   Last fall, this group leaked a summary of their findings
to influential newspapers, hoping to boost Gore’s chances of
being elected and also providing added urgency to negotiations at
The Hague on how to put teeth into the Kyoto Protocol on Global
Warming. This international accord has not been ratified by any
of the industrialized nations; if adopted, it would restrict
their energy use by some 30 to 40 percent within the next decade.
So, if you like the California power crisis, you’ll love the
Kyoto Protocol.

   The Hague talks last November collapsed over relatively
minor disagreements, but Kyoto is not yet dead. Its proponents
are not giving up just yet. What will finally stamp out the Kyoto
Protocol? The U.S. Senate, which would reject such a treaty once
President Bush submits it for ratification. Senators of both
parties recognize the economic danger of energy restrictions and
are becoming aware of the shakiness of the alleged science that
purports to back the Kyoto Protocol.

   To counteract this trend, the UNEP science panel has
rehashed its same old tired predictions of last fall. They
managed to get front-page attention from the Washington Post on
Jan. 23, which accepted uncritically the not-yet-approved summary
of the U.N. climate report. It claimed that the climate had
warmed in the last 50 years and that computer models predict an
increase of more than 10 degrees Fahrenheit in the next 100
years, with all sorts of dire consequences. Other scientists
(including myself) see little or no warming since about 1940 and
therefore do not put much faith in these theoretical forecasts.

   Laymen understandably are confused when scientists
disagree. The explanation is simple: The U.N. group gets a
warming trend by averaging data from all surface thermometers,
including poorly characterized measurements of the sea surface.
The so-called skeptics point to the absence of a temperature rise
from well-controlled weather stations in the United States and
Europe, where the local heating from urban effects can be
eliminated. More important, the truly global data from weather
satellites show no appreciable warming trend since 1979, and
these results are independently confirmed by instruments carried
in weather balloons.

   Finally, we have additional temperature data that don’t
rely on instruments at all but come from “proxies” such as tree
rings, ice cores and ocean sediment. While they all show evidence
of a pre-1940 warming trend — starting in the 19th century, when
human influences were minor — they do not show a trend since
about 1940. (Melting glaciers, shrinking Arctic sea ice and
sea-level rise — while real — are likely the delayed result of an
earlier, pre-1940 warming of the world climate that has little to
do with human activity.)

   Hence our conclusion: The balance of evidence suggests
that the climate has not warmed appreciably in the last 60 years.
We expect future climate effects from human activities to be
barely detectable and certainly inconsequential. Let’s see if
Gore and the Columbia School of Journalism pick up on this. I am
taking bets.

   S. Fred Singer is professor emeritus of environmental
sciences at the University of Virginia and was director of the
U.S. Weather Satellite Service (now part of NOAA).

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL 

[CTRL] Study Says Disabled Would Lose Benefits Under New Social Security Plan

2001-02-07 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

February 7, 2001

Study Says Disabled Would Lose Benefits Under New Social Security

New York Times

ASHINGTON, Feb. 6 — People with disabilities would lose income and
benefits under the major proposals to revamp Social Security by creating
individual investment accounts, a new government study said today.

The disabled account for 17 percent of Social Security beneficiaries —
about 7.5 million of the 45 million recipients — but have received little
attention in the national debate over the future of the program.

President Bush has said he wants to let workers put some of their Social
Security payroll taxes into personal investment accounts, but at the same
time he has championed the rights of people with disabilities.

The new study, by the General Accounting Office, an investigative arm of
Congress, concludes that "even under the best of circumstances, Social
Security reform proposals would reduce benefits" for people with

For a worker with average earnings who first receives disability benefits at
the age of 45, the report said, the reduction in lifetime benefits would be in
the range of 4 percent to 18 percent. The average benefit for disabled
workers is now $786 a month.

"Most disability insurance beneficiaries would be adversely affected by the
reform proposals," the office said in a report to Senator Tom Harkin,
Democrat of Iowa.

Proposals for individual investment accounts are often paired with
proposals that would reduce Social Security benefits, compared with the
amounts payable under existing laws. Advocates of such private accounts
say the income from investing in stocks and bonds would largely offset the
reductions in benefits.

That might be true for some or even many retirees. But the General
Accounting Office said, "Income from the individual accounts was not
sufficient to compensate for the decline in the insurance benefits that
disabled beneficiaries would receive" under the major proposals.

Under many of the proposals, the study said, disabled workers would
receive less income from individual accounts than retirees because the
disabled typically have shorter work histories and would have less time to
accumulate money in their accounts.

In an interview, Mr. Harkin, the chief sponsor of the Americans With
Disabilities Act of 1990, said: "This report is a wake-up call to policy
makers, to all of us in Congress. Social Security is not just about
retirement. It's also about protecting people who are wiped out by accident
or illness that leaves them disabled. You can plan your retirement, but you
can't plan for disability. It can happen to anyone at any time.

"Before we reform Social Security," Mr. Harkin said, "we better stop and
think about people with disabilities because they are among the most
vulnerable in society."

Michael Tanner of the Cato Institute, a major advocate of individual
investment accounts, said he had not closely analyzed the effects on
people with disabilities.

One of the proposals for individual accounts was offered in 1999 by
Representatives Jim Kolbe, Republican of Arizona, and Charles W.
Stenholm, Democrat of Texas. An aide to Mr. Kolbe said today that the
congressman was revising his bill to address concerns about the reduction
in benefits for people with disabilities.

"We realize that a person who is permanently disabled at the age of 25
may have only five or six years to accumulate money in a personal
account," the aide said.

The General Accounting Office said the major proposals for Social
Security, by reducing benefits, would probably increase the costs of a
separate program that provides cash assistance to low-income people
with disabilities — Supplemental Security Income.

More than 30 percent of the people receiving disability benefits have
mental impairments. Such impairments could, in some cases, limit their
ability to make wise investment decisions.

Quincy S. Abbot of West Hartford, Conn., said, "Take the case of my
daughter, Rebecca," who is 38 years old and has an I.Q. of 40 to 50. "I
can't imagine someone like her making the investment choices she'd have
to make if she had a separate investment account," Mr. Abbot said.

Most disabled people on Social Security, including disabled workers,
receive cash benefits from the disability insurance program. But some in
their 20's and 30's, who have been disabled since childhood, receive
assistance through the old-age and survivors insurance program, as
dependents of retired workers.


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[CTRL] Bush Lies

2001-02-07 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-



A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] InsigntMag: Miscellaneous legacy matters

2001-02-07 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

By Jamie Dettmer, Timothy W. Maier and Sheila R. Cherry

The Fox Is in the Hen House

The diplomatic dance is on and, for veterans of the arms-control
battles of the 1980s, it comes with a sense of déjà vu and grim

Two decades ago, Moscow blended threats and entreaties to try to
split NATO on the issue of the deployment of cruise and Pershing
missiles; now the Russian effort is focused on encouraging the
Europeans to oppose President Bush’s proposal for a national
missile defense (NMD) system.

Since Bush’s election, the Kremlin has stepped up its criticism
of the new president’s plan for a ballistic-missile shield that
would protect the U.S. and its allies from nuclear attack,
arguing that it will trigger a new arms race and tear apart the
fabric of international arms control.

While offering “active dialogue” with Washington about NMD and
proposing an “alternative” that would preserve the Anti-Ballistic
Missile (ABM) Treaty of 1972, the Kremlin has been searching for
support from European governments in an apparent bid to foment
division within NATO, say Western diplomats. Moscow now seems to
be concentrating on Germany as the most susceptible to anti-NMD

While the U.S. media reported Russian Foreign Minister Igor
Ivanov’s call on Feb. 1 for talks with the Bush administration,
there was scant coverage of a German call the day before for the
preservation of long-standing nuclear-arms agreements.

That call came on a trip to Moscow by German Defense Minister
Rudolf Scharping. Following talks with his Russian counterpart,
Igor Sergeyev, Scharping echoed the thrust of Russian criticism
of NMD and he warned Washington against letting NMD endanger the
ABM treaty. He added that negotiations in this area are not the
sole province of Washington, saying that Germany and Europe had
helped to build the existing international security system.

Scharping’s remarks highlight how problematic NMD could prove to
be for the Western alliance — and how the Bush administration
will have its work cut out for it to keep the European members of
NATO on its side.

Microsoft Judge May Recuse Himself After Appeal

The federal judge who ordered that Microsoft Corp. be split in
two appears none too keen to handle the antitrust case again if
his ruling is reversed by the U.S. Court of Appeals and sent back
to him.

U.S. District Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson’s controversial
Microsoft ruling has been stayed pending a judgment on appeal
later this spring. Meanwhile, Jackson has come under fire for
speaking publicly about the case prior to the appeals court’s
final judgment.

If the appeals court’s decision on Microsoft is excessively
critical of his ruling or upbraids him for speaking publicly
about the case, he “will voluntarily recuse” himself, he told a
Rotarians meeting.

The judge insisted that splitting Microsoft “was never my remedy
of choice,” and he said that he never intended to put himself in
a position to be a federal regulator of private industry. His
stated objective simply was to determine whether the market in a
particular segment of commerce was operating as it should. Still,
he acknowledged, “essentially, everything I’ ve done may be
vulnerable on appeal.”

Although Jackson strove to keep his opinions private until the
case was out of his courtroom, he pointed out that he still has
made no public statements on the actual merits of the case.

A good deal of the Microsoft evidence was wanting in persuasive
force, he said. With that, he invited his fellow jurists in the
audience to review the deposition of the star defendant,
Microsoft Chief Executive Officer Bill Gates, for themselves.

And it’s entirely possible, Jackson admitted, that the new
administration will have less interest in pursuing the case than
its predecessor or that a settlement could be reached at any

Red Chinese Spies Fill Hong Kong

The People’s Republic of China has dispatched more than 1,000
intelligence agents to Hong Kong to keep tabs on political
dissidents, according to the Information Center for Human Rights
and Democracy.

Since the 1997 handover of the former British colony, Chinese
security activities in Hong Kong steadily have increased, the
center claims.

While China has denied such activities, the center’s director,
Frank Lu, said at least 1,000 surveillance officers are settling
in the territory. The Chinese Legal Daily reported that, in the
year 2000, 148 public-security officers came to Hong Kong to
carry out investigations into 57 different groups.

The Hong Kong government is aware of Beijing’s secret spying but
has maintained an attitude of “one eye open and one shut,” Lu
claims. The recent deployment of these spies comes on the heels
of the deportation from Hong Kong of members of the Falun Gong
spiritual group.

Beijing claimed Falun Gong members were deported for offensive
political comments, which deviated from the 

[CTRL] companies in INDIA selling anti-AIDS drugs at cost

2001-02-07 Thread Jenny Decker

-Caveat Lector-

Okay. Let's see if the pharmaceutical companies gouging all customers for
supposed AIDS drugs REALLY are concerned or are just "concerned" about their
wallets. Watch closely what happens after this announcement:


NEW DELHI, India (AP) -- In a challenge to big drug manufacturers, an Indian
company is offering to supply AIDS drugs to a medical relief agency at 3.5
percent of the cost charged in Western countries, as long as they are
distributed for free.

Bombay-based Cipla Ltd. will sell the three-drug, anti-retroviral cocktail
to Doctors Without Borders for $350 a year per patient, instead of the
$10,000 to $15,000 charged in the United States and Europe, Cipla chairman
Yusuf Hamied told The Associated Press on Wednesday.

The decision could revolutionize the treatment of HIV patients in developing
countries, where the virus is most rampant -- but it's unclear if the
companies holding patents on the drugs will go along.

[continued on AP website.]

Jenny Decker

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[CTRL] Equal Protection Run Amok

2001-02-07 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Here's what the shrub's hand-picked head of the Faith Based
Organization office has to say about how his boss got his job.

Equal Protection Run Amok


Conservatives will come to regret the Court's rationale for Bush v. Gore.

By John J. DiIulio Jr.

By custom, U.S. Supreme Court justices end even impassioned
dissenting opinions collegially with the words "I respectfully
dissent." That's how three dissenters, Justices Breyer, Stevens, and
Souter, all signed off in Bush v. Gore. But the fourth, Justice
Ginsburg, closed her opinion with a cold two-word punch at the
majority: "I dissent."

Cold but correct, because Justice Ginsburg's dissent is resoundingly
right on law and precedent.

Yes, on criminal law and other matters, Florida's supreme court
judges too often act as ultra-liberal, activist, self-appointed
legislators. They did so in their initial, disgraceful 7-0 groupthink
ruling on the state's presidential vote-count controversy. No, I
wouldn't rather still be listening to people debating dimpled chads.
Sure, I'm glad the Court ended the Florida follies, and doubly glad
that—cued by Vice President Al Gore, who was supremely patriotic and
gracious in defeat—most Americans, including most of my fellow
Democrats, now call George W. Bush our forty-third president-elect.

But still, to any conservative who truly respects federalism, the
majority's opinion is hard to respect, and the concurring opinion,
penned by Chief Justice Rehnquist and joined by Justices Scalia and
Thomas, should be rejected in its entirety. The arguments that ended
the battle and "gave" Bush the presidency are constitutionally
disingenuous at best. They will come back to haunt conservatives and
confuse, if they do not cripple, the principled conservative case for
limited government, legislative supremacy, and universal civic
deference to legitimate, duly constituted state and local public

"In most cases," acknowledge Rehnquist, Scalia, and Thomas, "comity
and respect for federalism compel us to defer to the decisions of
state courts on issues of state law." There are, however, "a few
exceptional cases," and "this is one." Why?

Why, suddenly, do inter-county and intra-county differences in
election procedures, which are quite common in every state, rise in
the Florida case to the level of "equal protection" problems solvable
only by uniform standards (by implication, uniform national
standards) and strict scrutiny from federal courts?

How can the conservative jurists on the Court find prima facie fault
with what the Bush legal team disparaged as "crazy quilt" local laws
and procedures? Why, in any case, weigh the alleged problem in
Florida without taking cognizance of how election procedures vary
from polling station to polling station and from county to county in,
say, Pennsylvania? And why, in reversing a state's highest court for
not following the U.S. Constitution, and for infringing upon the
state legislature's authority, does the nation's highest court
substitute its own resolution of the ultimate "political question"
for the Constitution's explicit, black-letter reliance on state
legislatures and, if need be, the U.S. Congress?

Satisfactory answers are nowhere to be found either in the majority's
opinion or in the concurring opinion. As each dissenting justice
stressed, the federal questions that emerged from the Florida Supreme
Court's 4-3 decision were simply not substantial enough, and the
Florida majority's opinion by no reasonable interpretation renegade
or recalcitrant enough, to warrant anything like Rehnquist et al.'s
outright, roughshod reversal.

As Justice Ginsburg noted, the Court "more than occasionally affirms
statutory, and even constitutional, interpretations with which it
disagrees," even with respect to administrative agencies. "Surely,"
she continued, "the Constitution does not call upon us to pay more
respect to a federal administrative agency's construction of federal
law than to a state high-court's interpretation of its own state's
law. And not uncommonly, we let stand state-court interpretations of
federal law with which we might disagree." "The extraordinary setting
of this case has obscured the ordinary principle that dictates its
proper resolution: Federal courts defer to state courts'
interpretations of their state's own law." And, even if this were
truly an equal protection case, the Court's majority opinion
needlessly substitutes "its own judgment about the practical
realities of implementing a recount" for the "judgment of those much
closer to the process."

I would like to believe there was a time when conservatives would
have instinctively recoiled at the way we have all now fallen into
thinking of and battling for the presidency as if it, rather than the
Congress, were constitutionally the first branch of our national
government. There was a 

[CTRL] California police don't want to be 'power cops'

2001-02-07 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

February 7, 2001

California officers say prospects dim on policing of power


Difficulties foreseen in enforcing conservation

 From wire reports

REDDING, Calif. - California law enforcement officials say they don't want
to be "power cops."
But they fear that's exactly what will happen now that Gov. Gray Davis has
signed an emergency measure allowing the state to buy its own energy and
launch a $404 million conservation campaign.
As part of the campaign, California retailers  including restaurants,
shopping malls, car dealerships and other establishments  must reduce
outdoor lighting to 20 percent or less of capacity during nonbusiness
hours, according to the governor's order.
After one warning, if they fail to comply, businesses could be slapped with
a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine up to $1,000.
Local law enforcement agencies are being told to begin enforcing those
rules March 15.
But authorities said that enforcement may be impossible.
Police officers and sheriff's deputies on patrol have neither the time nor
the means to chide watt-wasting businesses, said Shasta County Undersheriff
Larry Schaller.
"You cannot distinguish a day watt from a night watt from an indoor watt
from an outdoor watt," Undersheriff Schaller said. "You just can't do
it.  You've got to have something to gauge it against.
"Law enforcement is not going to allow itself to be power cops."
More disturbing, Undersheriff Schaller said, is the public safety hazard
that might be faced should lights go down at night. The governor's measure
requires conservation "except as necessary for the health and safety of the
public, employees, or property."
Indeed, darkening auto dealerships and store parking lots could "be a help
for the criminal element," said Lt. Jim Peery of the Police Department in
Tustin, south of Los Angeles.
Lt. Peery said his department's 95 officers might have to do extra policing
if businesses darken their outdoor signs and lights.
The governor's order won support from the California Retailers Association,
which represents 55 companies, including Sears and Target.
The order is one piece of a plan to solve the power crunch that has left
California's electrical grid on high alert for three weeks.
Also on Monday, Mr. Davis used his emergency authority to seize long-term
power contracts held by Pacific Gas and Electric Co., one of the state's
financially strapped utilities, just before the assets could have been
seized by creditors. On Friday, he snapped up long-term power contracts
owned by Southern California Edison. That followed approval of legislation
allowing the state to spend $10 billion to buy power.

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2001-02-07 Thread William Bacon

-Caveat Lector-

visit my web site at  http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon
My ICQ# is 79071904

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 07 Feb 2001 11:20:24 -0800
 Cosmic Comentary [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

This incident fits many of the profiles of a Mind Control teleguided
"Manchurian candidate" straight out of CIA's mind control programs.  The
would-be assassin is described as a "loner".  Wash Post: Two law enforcement
officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, identified the wounded man as
Robert Pickett, of Evansville, Ind.

Interestingly the Washington Post tells us that "President Bush was reported
safe in his residence, exercising, at the time. Vice President Dick Cheney
was working in his office. " Cui bono? Mind control teleguided assassination
is an easy way to fulfill the 20 year US Presidential death cycle, and
install a
total covert intel government.

Alfred Webre, Vancouver, BC
EcoNews Service


A gunman has been shot in the leg after opening fire outside the White House.

The man, aged 47, was spotted outside the perimeter fence brandishing a
handgun while US President W George Bush worked inside.

Sky News's US correspondent Keith Graves, who witnessed the whole drama, said
the man fired three shots at the White House before security staff cornered

The man sat on the floor and talked to security staff for about 15 minutes
before he was shot, other witnesses said.

 Sky's US correspondent Keith Graves shows how the gunman opened fire


Mr Graves had just left the White House when his cab passed the man as he
opened fire.

"I had just glancing up at the White House when there was one and shot and
then two more. There was a man holding a pistol. The security men did not
realise what had happened.

"I understand the man sat down and talking to security service men and was
threatening to shoot himself. He was overpowered after several minutes. At
that point he shot in the leg by secret service men."

Another witness said the man was about to commit suicide.

"He was just standing in the street and randomly firing a few shots. I heard
three shots and there were no officers on the scene," he said.

Police arrived on the scene about a minute later, and the gunman jumped into
a bush. "Police were telling him 'It does not have to be this way'."

Later the man, named as Robert Pickett of Indiana, was taken to George
Washington University Hospital.

 Security staff take positions at the White House

President safe

President George W Bush was taken to a secure location in the White House as
armed Swat teams combed the area. Security staff said his life was not at

"There is a subject outside the fence on E Street side of the White House,
(it is) a possible suicide attempt," said Sgt Michael Smith of the US Park
Police, who have jurisdiction over the area.

"Shots have been fired, the subject has been shot in the leg, (he has)
non-life threatening injuries and medics are on the scene."

The incident came hours after President Bush held an event promoting his
tax-cut plans on the south lawn, some 200 yards from the fence, but a secret
service source said he was never thought in danger.

Dozens of officers, some carrying automatic weapons, fanned out around the
building with others positioning themselves on the roof of the Executive

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] California Dreaming

2001-02-07 Thread M.A. Johnson

-Caveat Lector-

~~for educational purposes only~~
[Title 17 U.S.C. section 107]

California Dreaming
by William Anderson

When we last left the Socialist Republic of California,
someone had switched off the lights.  According to the
latest news, someone has switched them on again as
the Democrat-dominated California State Assembly has
supposedly "solved" the state's electricity
problems.  Like so many other "solutions" that come
from government, this one further promotes the fiction
that government solves problems that private
businesses create.  Furthermore, this plan also
encourages the belief that tax increases are justified
in the face of higher costs, but private price increases
are evil.

These pages and numerous other publications have explained
why the nation's wealthiest state recently has experienced
rolling blackouts more identified with Third World banana
republics.  Politicians and their environmentalist allies
have kept new power generating facilities from being
constructed in California, which means electric utilities
must purchase power from out of state producers to satisfy
the demand for electricity.  Furthermore, legislators
capped the price utilities could charge California residents
at levels well below what utilities must pay electricity
wholesalers for out of state power.  The whole scheme
was a recipe for disaster.

While California's governor Gray Davis and the legislature
are being praised for "solving" this problem, the
government "solution" needs to be scrutinized.  Even a
cursory glance at what the legislature did finds that
California politicians have committed fraud on a massive
level.  Furthermore, we can easily deduce that the power
crisis was created not by private enterprise, but by the
politicians in Sacramento.  It is also clear that this
$10 billion "plan" also extends the tentacles of state
power even farther.

The legislation permits the state to sell bonds in order
to pay for long-term contracts with outside power
producers -- the very thing that the legislature forbade
private utilities to do.  Furthermore, now that the state
is financing this "bailout," residents will now see rate
hikes and higher taxes, of course, to pay for the bonds.
What is most telling here is that the rate increases are
being pushed through not to compensate the private
utilities which have been driven to near bankruptcy by
the legislatures policies, but rather to repay the state
government for power purchases.

The arrogance here is breathtaking.  Gov. Davis and
other California politicians, along with the "consumer
groups" that make up part of the Democratic coalition,
are insisting that the state be compensated for its
electricity purchases.  Fair enough, but these same
folks are the ones who demonized private utilities for
wanting to do the same -- and pushed through legislation
that prevented them from doing so.

Of course, Davis and the politicians do not stop here.
Consumers who use more electricity than a state-approved
baseline will be penalized to the tune of 30 percent.
Again, this is something private companies are prohibited
by law from doing.

Furthermore, until further notice California retailers
who do not reduce outdoor lighting during nonbusiness
hours will be committing a crime and will face penalties
of $1,000 a day.  On top of that outrage, the state will
spend nearly $200 of taxpayer funds to provide financial
incentives to individuals and businesses that buy
"energy-efficient" appliances, equipment, and lighting

There is no word yet on whether or not the state will
compensate the private utilities that went nearly $13
billion in debt to finance the legislature's Rube Goldberg
electricity scheme that caused this crisis in the first
place.  The present rhetoric coming from the legislature
and governor is that state funds should not be used to
"bail out" the "mistakes" of private companies, even
when the state government was directly responsible for
the utilities' plight.

While this package seems quite logical to the political
classes of California and beyond, not to mention their
media allies, in actuality it is an admission of
government failure on a massive scale.  First and most
important, price controls in the face of high demand
will always lead to shortages.  The laws of the State
of California could not supercede the laws of economics.
By lifting price controls in order to compensate state
government, the legislature was implicitly acknowledging
that price controls are intellectually and morally

Second, once again we see the state attempting to force
something upon citizens that they would not want
themselves.  Furthermore, the legislators assume that
the only way that individuals will cut back on electricity
use (at a market price) is for the state to force them
to do so.  Indeed, individuals may not actually cut
back on using electricity even when prices rise, but
they will compensate by cutting back on other things.
The legislature 


2001-02-07 Thread William Shannon


Art is either plagiarism or revolution - Paul Gauguin


1804 John Deere is born. In 1837 he would introduce the steel plow, a major
improvement for mid-western farmers still using cast iron plows they had
brought from New England. These plows had been designed for light, sandy
soil. The rich,  mid-western soil clung to the plow bottoms and every few
steps it was necessary to scrape the soil from the plow. Using steel from a
broken saw blade, Deere produced a highly polished device that scoured
itself as it turned the furrow slice. From this success grew the largest
agricultural implement company in the world . . . 1812 Charles Dickens  is
born . . . 1882 John L. Sullivan defeats Patty Ryan to become the last
heavyweight world champion bare-fisted fighter . . . 1885 Sinclair Lewis is
born. His novel about a banal businessman, "Babbit," helped Americans take
capitalism with a grain of salt - at least until the 1980s came along . . .
1964 The Beatles are greeted by 25,000 fans as they arrive in America at JFK
Airport. Their music helped Americans take everything with a grain of salt -
at least until the 1980s came along.

ANTIQUE JOHN DEERE TRACTORS http://shaysnet.com/~rainbow/
HISTORY NET http://www.thehistorynet.com/today/today.htm
ROTTEN HISTORY http://www.rotten.com/today/
WRITER'S ALMANAC http://writersalmanac.org/docs/01_01_29.htm


[NAFTA and other recent trade agreements represent the largest surrender of
national, state, and local sovereignty in America's history - all with but
the most cursory debate. Today such anti-constitutional, anti-democratic and
anti-national agreements are treated as just business as usual by an elite
and media that increasingly views America more as a mail drop than as a
homeland. The Washington Post, for example, buried this major story on its
business page]

PAUL BLUSTEIN WASHINGTON POST: The Bush administration signaled that it will
open the US border at least partially to Mexican trucks, after an
arbitration panel ruled that Washington's ban on such vehicles violates the
terms of the North American Free Trade Agreement. The administration's
stance marks a sharp departure from that of the Clinton White House
concerning one of the most controversial aspects of NAFTA. And although
administration officials declined to say how or when the border might be
opened, the prospect of Mexican trucks rolling onto US highways triggered an
outpouring of warnings from the Teamsters union and other groups that argue
that public safety would be endangered. The 1993 free-trade agreement, which
reduced or eliminated barriers to US-Mexico trade in a host of sectors,
contained a phased-in provision allowing Mexican trucks to haul goods
directly into the United States provided they meet US safety standards.
While President Bill Clinton championed NAFTA, he bowed to pressure from the
Teamsters by refusing to open the border, asserting that Mexican trucks
couldn't be adequately monitored for safety problems.


PUBLIC CITIZEN: Fewer than 1 percent of Mexican trucks entering the US are
inspected. The US has neither the facilities nor the personnel to inspect
every truck. Although Mexico pledged to institute a comprehensive truck
safety program when NAFTA went into effect, seven years later, that country
still has not instituted an effective system. Mexico does not limit the time
drivers spend behind the wheel. Some drivers report being required to drive
36 hours straight with just a six-hour break before returning to the road.
Mexico's hazardous materials control system is much more lax than the US
system. Mexican truck carriers last year were more than three times as
likely to have safety deficiencies as US carriers.

MEXICAN TRUCK REPORT http://www.tradewatch.org/nafta/naftapg.html.


ENS: One of the world's largest re-insurance firms is warning that climate
change could cost the world more than three hundred billion dollars each year.
Only "urgent efforts" to curb emissions of carbon dioxide and the other
gases linked with the greenhouse effect, can avert this outcome, says the
new report from Munich Re, which has been monitoring the cost of natural
disasters since the 1960s . . . Dr. Gerhard Berz, head of Munich Re's
Geoscience Research group, says, "there is reason to fear that climatic
change will lead to natural catastrophes of hitherto unknown force and



EDMONTON, CANADA: Warmest summer on record, 1998. Temperatures were more
than 5.4 degrees Fahrenheit higher than the 116-year average.

EARLY WARNING SIGNS MAP http://www.climatehotmap.org/namerica.html


RICHARD WALTON IN PROVIDENCE JOURNAL: [Under sanctions against Iraq] deaths
of children under five caused by respiratory infection, diarrhea and
gastroenteritis and malnutrition grew 


2001-02-07 Thread William Shannon

West blamed for terrorist attacks

Something really strange is going on in Saudi Arabia, but you wouldn't know 
it if your primary source of news is the "mainstream" American media. It is 
only just now that they are getting around to reporting the facts, and even 
then, as we shall see, only to a limited extent and without bothering to fit 
the pieces together. The Associated Press is reporting that the Saudi Arabian 
interior minister, Prince Nayef, has blamed "foreign parties" for a series of 
bombings in the Saudi capital that killed a British man and injured four 
others. The London-based Asharq al-Awsat quoted the Prince as saying: "We 
know that foreign parties gave the orders to carry out the blasts. We still 
need to find out more about these foreign parties that are behind'" the 
suspects. These "foreign parties" were not identified, except that the 
culprits are "not from Muslim or Arab countries." Furthermore, says Prince 
Nayef, the explosive devices used in the bombings were "state manufactured" 
or else built under the supervision of some state authority, because "whoever 
manufactured them had great knowledge and experience." 


Of course, a lot of people in the Middle East have a great deal of knowledge 
and experience in how to make and plant a bomb, a fact of which His Highness 
cannot be unaware. In the context of the October bombing of the USS Cole, and 
the whole history of the ongoing terrorist campaign against Western 
"infidels" sullying the sacred territory of Islam's holiest sites, the Riyadh 
incident angered but hardly surprised Western governments. A terrorist 
campaign seemingly directed at British expatriates in the Saudi kingdom has 
been going on since the middle of November 2000. On November 18, the first 
bomb blast went off in the Saudi capital, where a British man – Christopher 
Rodway, 47, an engineer working at the Saudi military hospital – was killed 
by a bomb planted on his automobile. The Saudi authorities reacted by 
dismissing an offer from Britain for aid in solving the case. A few days later
, four more Brits – two of them nurses who worked at the same hospital as 
Rodway – were injured in a similar bomb blast: this time, the reaction came 
from British as well as Saudi officials. The latter assured reporters that 
the "the incident is a rare case" – say what? – and authoritatively declared 
that it "had no political dimension and was primarily a personal affair," 
while the British Foreign Office chimed in with a similarly lame theory: "The 
first thing you think of is a terrorist attack," an anonymous British 
diplomat told the London Telegraph, "but the fact that the attacks have both 
taken place at the Saudi weekend, and both involved British nationals who 
worked in the same hospital, may steer us towards the theory that it may be 
some kind of personal motive."


Well, yes, the first thing you think is indeed a terrorist attack, but 
apparently the Saudis weren't buying it. The next thing we knew, an American 
was being held in connection with the bombings: one Michael Sedlak, an 
employee of the Vinnell Corporation – more on them later – had been arrested 
and was suspected of ordering the bombings. An American? What's up with that? 
As Lewis Carroll put it: "'Curiouser and curiouser!' cried Alice (she was so 
much surprised, that for the moment she quite forgot how to speak good 


The authorities (both Saudi and British) were still pushing the "personal 
grudge" theory hard, at this point, with one Saudi princeling averring that 
Sedlak "had some problems" with one of the victims: at the same time, a 
number of foreigners were rounded up and arrested on some vague 
alcohol-related charges, among them Alexander "Sandy" Mitchell, 44, chief 
anesthesiologist at a military hospital in Riyadh. The story was put out that 
some kind of falling out over money related to smuggling was the motive for 
the murders. When the third bomb blast went off, however, the expatriate 
community began to suspect that things weren't quite what they seemed: with 
Sedlak, the alleged mastermind, in custody, the bomb – a seemingly harmless 
fruit juice can placed on the windshield of a car – blinded David Brown, a 
British employee of Coca Cola, in one eye and blew off several of his 
fingers. Mr. Brown's wife was cited in al-Watan as noting that, immediately 
prior to the attack, a man in Arab dress had followed them: another man, she 
claimed, had given them "suspicious looks" while they had been shopping in a 
market that morning. 


But the Saudis were not about to give up on their personal grudge theory: 
instead, without notice to anyone, they paraded Sandy Mitchell and two others 
– William Sampson, a Canadian, and Raaf Schifter, a Belgian – in front of 


2001-02-07 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2001 11:39 PM

 The URL for his article is http://emperors-clothes.com/docs/dem.htm
 [Emperor's Clothes]

 Don't entertain him - arrest him!
 Javier Solana's Belgrade Visit is an Outrage!  [2-7-2001]

 Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, Jared Israel (editor, Emperor's Clothes) and
 Varkevisser (President, Global Reflexion)

 Today several thousand Yugoslavs of varying political beliefs passionately
 protested against Javier Solana's visit to Belgrade. This protest, loud
 spirited, was held in the center of Belgrade, on Knez Milosh Street,
 the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It represents a most important act of
 defiance, held in the face of widespread violence and intimidation
 the U.S-backed coup in Belgrade, Oct. 5th.

 Javier Solana was head of NATO during and after NATO’s 78 day bombing
 campaign. He was convicted of mass murder by a Yugoslav court and
 in absentia, to 20 years hard labor. The court that made that decision
 has jurisdiction under Kostunica, who insists that he stands for the rule

 Yet today Solana is in Belgrade. And the Kostunica/Djindjic regime is not
 arresting him.

 Now, all the media lies that were used as a pretext to bomb Yugoslavia –
 the lies about mass graves to the lies about the phony Racak massacre -
 been refuted by NATO’s own data as well as by official organizations such
 the FBI, Europol, the OSCE, the UNHCR and Finish Forensic experts. And yet
 is now, mocking Yugoslav justice, that the new Belgrade regime, backed by
 NATO and the International Monetary Fund, invites Solana to Belgrade. Not
 arrest him, but to meet with him and to celebrate, while at the same time
 they are hunting down those who resisted NATO and indicting them for NATO

 Solana is a criminal. He is guilty of:

 Crimes against humanity – Javier Solana was head of NATO when, in
 of its charter and all international law, it launched the bombing war
 Yugoslavia, including the use of nuclear-sheathed weapons. It was Solana
 was responsible for the destruction of the homes and lives of Kosovo
 residents of all nationalities. It was Solana’s NATO that has put 25
 people in the Balkans at risk by bombing the area with low level nuclear
 weapons. Solana’s NATO oversaw the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of
 Yugoslavs from Kosovo after the bombing.

 Crimes against the truth - Solana was not only an organizer he was a
 apologist for the war and the subsequent violent expulsions from Kosovo.
 example, after NATO bombed a group of returning Albanian refugees in the
 of Korisa, Solana went on TV declaring that the Serbs were at fault for
 deaths although in fact the killing was done by NATO bombs.

 This truly insane argument was invoked recently by Carla Del Ponte of the
 kangaroo-court War Crimes Tribunal, who accused Milosevich of being
 responsible for the deaths of 16 people when NATO bombed Serbian
 Following Del Ponte’s lead, the Belgrade government has threatened to
 Dragoljub Milanovic, director of Serbian TV at that time, for the NATO
 bombing. Thus the Kostunica/Djindjic government invites Javier Solana, a
 convicted war criminal, to be wined and dined in Belgrade while trying to
 jail Yugoslav leaders for the bombs that NATO dropped.

 Many Yugoslavs voted for Vojislav Kostunica because they saw in him a hope
 peace with justice. But where is the justice when murderers are
 and the innocent are accused of their crimes? Now, when the horrors of
 use of depleted uranium are coming out, it is incumbent on those who
 supported this regime to join with all others in Yugoslavia and around the
 world to condemn the real criminals: Solana, Clinton, Blair, Schroeder,
 Chretien and all other NATO heads of state and heads of government and
 Yugoslav political puppets.

 - February 7, 2001

 Further Reading

 1) On NATO's carefully orchestrated campaign to turn neighbor against
 neighbor before and during the bombing of Kosovo in 1999, see 'Why
 Fled Kosovo During NATO Bombing' at

 2) On NATO's involvement in expelling hundreds of thousands from Kosovo
 the bombing, see 'Driven from Kosovo: Jewish Leader Blames NATO -
 Interview With Cedda Prlincevic' at

 3) On NATO's conscious effort to punish Yugoslavia by creating
 disasters, see 'NATO Willfully Triggered Environmental Catastrophe In
 Yugoslavia' by Michel Chossudovsky at
 http://emperors-clothes.com/articles/chuss/willful.htm and
 Warfare in Bosnia: Eyewitness To Hell' at

[CTRL] On The California Energy Crisis: As Seen and Said By the Salton Sea

2001-02-07 Thread William Shannon

LaRouche is brilliant...following is the introduction, for the rest of the 
piece go to- http://larouchein2004.net/saltensea/seacover.htm


On The California Energy Crisis:
As Seen and Said By the Salton Sea

by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

Sunday, February 4, 2001

Looking at the California energy-crisis from where some of us were 
gathered, yesterday, at a place near the Salton Sea, I can tell you this. If 
you can afford the gasoline and the repair bills, most among you can, by free 
will, take a detour that might bring you a bit later, or quicker, to whatever 
your chosen destination might be; but, sooner or later, if you survive the 
journey, you will usually probably arrive at the place you have chosen, 
whether you later wish you had, or not.      Soon, unless President George W. 
Bush abandons his present ways, his policies are now going to lead his 
Administration toward a point, in the rapid unfolding of the current 
California energy-crisis, at which Bush will be confronted with a global 
crisis so horrifying, that most of you would not now even try to imagine it. 
The exact time that point will be reached, may vary slightly, according to 
which detours are tried; but, nonetheless, it will be reached very soon.
    For your own good, you, and President Bush, had better find the courage 
to face up to that reality, now, before it is too late. For the sake of all 
of us, please permit me to lead you, step by step, into discovering for 
yourselves, what it is that you need to know, if we all are to work our way 
out of this mess. 
    The most important political issue now confronting all of the most 
intelligent and moral citizens of the United States, today, is: How could we 
prevent that terrible thing from happening? The only available, intelligent 
answer to that question, has two parts to it. First, speaking from a strictly 
technical, administrative standpoint, what kind of U.S. policy would bring 
this crisis quickly under control? Second, to speak politically, what are the 
chances, given President Bush's presently stubborn attitude on the subject, 
of bringing his Administration around to accepting the needed, drastic 
changes in U.S. economic policy before it is too late to do so?
    Competent answers to important questions, are never found without giving 
the matter serious thought. Don't expect answers to be cooked up in a minute 
or less in your microwave. You must accept the fact that the time has come 
for you to stop looking for simple-minded, snappy slogans, and do some 
careful thinking, which includes a considerable amount of re-thinking, 

    To find the answers to the combination of those two questions, there are 
six distinct, leading points which must we take under consideration. 

    1. What are the policies which have led into the crisis presently 
centered in California? Why did this crisis become more or less inevitable? 

    2. What practical measures by the Federal and state governments, would 
quickly bring this crisis under control, and gradually solve it? 

    3. What are the proven precedents from past experience, which show that 
the solution I propose will work?
    4. What would happen if the measures which I propose, were not adopted?
    5. All things considered, what are the methods to be used, by relevant 
Democrats and others, in working to persuade the Bush Administration to adopt 
those needed policies, even in spite of his Administration's presently more 
or less hysterical opposition to every step needed to bring this crisis under 
    6. Finally, apart from the kind of the reluctance we must expect from 
among the experts in the new Administration, such as Vice-President Cheney 
and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, how shall we overcome the 
fanatically irrational objections we must expect from the numerous, Elmer 
Gantry-style, true believers, among Senators Phil Gramm's and Trent Lott's, 
or Representative Tom DeLay's political followers, within Republican Party's 
popular "Southern Strategy'' base?


[CTRL] Moon Conspiracy Theory on Fox

2001-02-07 Thread Kelly

-Caveat Lector-


9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) In Stereo-CC


NASA put a man on the Moon for the first time in 1969 -- or did it?
Could the entire Moon program have been an elaborate deception staged
to fool the public?

The conspiracy theories are investigated in the all-new one-hour
15 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT). (SP-0139) (TV-PG)

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[CTRL] Computers that hunt as a pack

2001-02-07 Thread Kelly

-Caveat Lector-

From UPI,

Computers learn to talk and "hunt" as a pack
Tuesday, 6 February 2001 22:00 (ET)

Computers learn to talk and "hunt" as a pack
By UPI Science News

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa., Feb 6 (UPI) -- Researchers at Penn State
University say their computers learned to talk to one another in a
self-developed language as they cooperated to "hunt" computerized prey.

Experts say the innovation could have profound implications for the
future of robotics and artificial intelligence.

"I could see this having military applications or applications in the
space program," said Dr. Lee Giles, a professor of information
technology at Penn State. "I think you could see practical applications
in hostile environments in the next three to five years, just because we
will have so much computer power available to us by then."

Giles and study co-author Kam-Chuen Jim essentially asked a group of
computer programs to play hide and seek. These self-directed programs
(called "autonomous agents" because of their ability to actively sense
and respond to external conditions) were able to "talk" to one another
via a message board.

In the course of tracking a computerized "prey," the autonomous agents
hunted as a group, developing a common language that enabled them to
work together more effectively than has any similar group in the past.

While autonomous agents have been linked together before, they typically
have communicated through a pre-set language created by their
programmers. In this case the computers generated their own
communications protocol -- a unique language that was specific to the
task at hand.

That specificity could be the key to enhanced performance in the field,
Giles said, "because such a language would be more representative of the
environment they were in."

With their own language, he suggested, robots driven by autonomous-agent
programs could take the predator-prey scenario out of the lab and into
the real world.

Say for example a space probe went astray. "You want to find it, and you
know it is somewhere, but you don't know exactly where," said Giles.
Given sufficient time, it's possible that a team of autonomous agents
could find it.

In a military context, "you could see these predators being robots that
are trying to capture another 'prey' robot," he said. "That is quite

Giles' team has not yet partnered with any government agency or
corporation that might bring those dreams to fruition, and some experts
in the field express skepticism about the possible applications of
Giles' findings.

"This work was done in the lab, in a controlled environment, and there
is a real question as to whether that kind of thing can be scaled up" to
handle the demands of a larger or more complex system, said Stan
Franklin, a professor in the math sciences department at the University
of Memphis and author of the book "Artificial Minds."

Franklin nonetheless said the findings could bode well for the long-term
future of robotics.

"A major issue with multi-agent systems is who does what, and if they
could talk to one another in their own [situation-specific] language,
they could probably do that a little better," he said. "I can easily
imagine that there may be good applications of this work, but there is
still a ways to go."

(Reported by Adam Katz-Stone in Annapolis, Md.)
Copyright 2001 by United Press International.
All rights reserved.

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Re: [CTRL] (CTRL) Clinton's travel left militry overextended

2001-02-07 Thread Marilyn Wright

-Caveat Lector-

On 7 Feb 01, at 6:50, Prudence L. Kuhn wrote:

 In a message dated 02/05/2001 9:53:36 AM Eastern Standard Time,

I take this less as fact and more as propaganda.  As mixed as my
  are about Clinton, what is clear to me is that the barrage of
  hate-press will never stop.  Just like JFK, it's not enough that a
  president is dead or otherwise out of power.  They keep pounding and
  pounding with the slander and innuendo because these men did the one
  unforgivable thing: they secured the admiration and affection of a
  large number of people. 

 I think you're probably right.  When I actually looked into the life
 of Eva Peron, it worked out to the same thing.  Even the attitude of
 the British royal family toward her could be classed as that same kind
 of envy.  When I was young and stupid, I though it was because she
 might at one time have been (well to be nice about it) a courtesan.
 But when I matured a bit, I realized that no one has ever (what the
 GIs used to say) whored around more than the British royal family, so
 it had to be that the real problem was "popular acclaim."  Prudy

I find something far more ominous in all this. JFK, MLK, Marilyn
Monroe, JFK, Jr--even Larry Flynt, and then, of course, Diana
Doesn't matter how popular you are, how many people "love" you in
the public sense, if the folks with Real Power think you're in the
way, they can get rid of you...and do it right in front of  your adoring
publicand get away with it too.  What's curious is that they just
want to keep harassing and humiliating Clinton, which probably
means that they're not finished with him, that they need him as a
scapegoatthat they're probably not going to off himthat he's
performing some kind of function in the larger picture. Which, of
course is hard to see (the larger picture, that is.)


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Re: [CTRL] Newspaper studies confirm Democrat Gore won Florida vote

2001-02-07 Thread lassey

-Caveat Lector-

How dare you!!!
The WASHINGTON POST says Gore won. Now we know that only the
true gospel comes from the Washington Post. Right?

Of  course they think he won. All those gems of honesty and integrity
participated in the illegal stuff
to 'rig' the election just CANNOT believe that their deeds were
Read VoteSCAM. Florida was hand picked to lend a hand in November. They
thought they had all the legal offices 'covered'.  BUT, it


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Re: [CTRL] Democrats Expose Themselves

2001-02-07 Thread Marilyn Wright

-Caveat Lector-

On 7 Feb 01, at 0:17, Bill Richer wrote:

 Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

 Democrats Expose Themselves
 Linda Bowles
 Feb. 6, 2001

 The horrendous fight over the nomination of John Ashcroft to become
 attorney general of the United States was a good thing. It was an
 important victory over the forces of radical liberalism.

RADICAL LIBERALSIM???!--what a hoot

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[CTRL] China predicts war in 5 years

2001-02-07 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

China predicts war in 5 years
Effort to conquer cross-strait neighbor may come by 2006, say military chiefs



By Jon Dougherty
 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

Senior Chinese leaders in the Central Military Command -- second in power
only to President Jiang Zemin -- have predicted war with Taiwan within the
next five years.

According to Taiwan Defense Review, which quoted Chinese press sources,
People's Liberation Army Gen. Zhang Wannian, vice chairman of China's Central
Military Command, told attendees at the Year 2000 PLA Equipment Conference in
Guangzhou in December that "during the period of [China's] 10th five-year
plan, it is certain that war will break out in the Taiwan Strait."

Beijing's next five-year economic plan began this year, meaning Zhang's
threat falls within the plan's 2001-2006 time frame.

Specifically, Zhang said China would strike Taiwan first, as is typical for
the Chinese military, and would seek to cripple Taiwan's electrical supply
system and destroy Taipei's ability to launch combat aircraft that are
currently stored in protective shelters.

The Central Military Command vice chairman also urged Beijing to step up its
military modernization plans and said the Guangzhou military district could
be used to "spearhead" China's attack.

Overseas sources say Zhang is an extremely powerful figure, second only to
Jiang in authority.

Meanwhile, Bush administration officials have made it clear to China that the
U.S. would push ahead with a national missile defense shield that could be
expanded to incorporate Taiwan, despite vigorous Chinese opposition to the

Yesterday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Sun Yuxi warned that U.S.
missile defenses ''will have a far-reaching and extensive negative impact on
the global and regional strategic balance and stability."

He added that the U.S. shield ''goes against the trend of the times'' and was
"detrimental to international disarmament and arms control efforts" -- a
statement that is increasingly ironic to U.S. intelligence and defense
experts who have questioned China's ongoing military build-up and
modernization programs.

Even as Bush administration officials consider various deployment options for
a defense shield, the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization -- the group
managing development of the project -- is planning to conduct another
missile-defense test in May or June, which will involve shooting down a mock
nuclear missile in space, reports said yesterday.

BMDO officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said preparations for
the next test are moving ahead because they were pre-planned anyway, and so
far, officials have not been asked by Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to
forego the next test.

Officials added, however, that Rumsfeld had been briefed in recent days by
Gen. Ronald Kadish, the Air Force general who managed the BMDO's missile
defense project office.

The summer test will feature the first flight test of a prototype rocket
booster of the type that would eventually be based in Alaska. Those rockets
will carry the "kill vehicles" that -- at least theoretically -- would
destroy incoming ballistic missiles.

Earlier attempts to test the destructive capabilities of the national missile
defense system have failed, but Kadish has said those tests were being
conducted with an older booster rocket while the new one, being built by
Alliant Techsystems and Orbus, was being developed.

U.S. officials have also hinted that they would consider a new request by
Taiwan to sell the island nation advanced Aegis-class destroyers, equipped
with better air defense assets than the World War II-era warships currently
employed by Taipei or the Kidd-class destroyers Pentagon officials offered to
sell Taiwan during the Clinton administration.

Two weeks ago, Taiwanese officials said they had asked the Bush
administration to consider requests for more advanced arms, even before the
president was inaugurated Jan. 20.

Senior Taiwanese defense officials have said they are interested in the Aegis
ships because of the high-technology battle management systems onboard. Such
systems would form the basis of Taiwan's air- and sea-based anti-missile
defense shield.

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[CTRL] McVeigh...Another Patsie

2001-02-07 Thread John Cone

-Caveat Lector-

--- Aleisha Saba [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

"For McVeigh somehow I believe, thought he was working
for official intelligence source..."

Nakano comments:  Yes, McVeigh was working for an
"official intelligence source."  During the peak
of the Desert Storm airwar, several hundred Iraqi
troops called "Republic Guards" surrendered in
Kuwait. They were keep in a prison compound in Saudi
Arabia for about a year.  These Iraqis appealed to
Bill Clinton for "political asylum".
He gave it to them and issued an order to allow them
to come and live in the United States.
They settled in groups in several U.S. cities.
(CBS 60 Minutes did a report about this).

One group of former Iraqi soldiers settled in..
are you ready for this...Oklahoma City.
Tim McVeigh was an undercover intelligence agent
assigned to keep tabs on this group. Several eye
witnesses in Oklahoma City reported seeing McVeigh
in the company of several of the Iraqis in the
days before the bombing.
The Federal Judge you mentioned was warned of the
bombing a week before it happened.
BTAF Office also had advance notice.
Several eyewitnesses reported seeing the
Oklahoma City Fire Dept. Bomb Squad and BATF agents
deployed in the area of the Murrah Building as much
as 3 hours before the explosion.
Aleisha Saba:
"McVeigh, who was not too bright face it, with a chin
like Jay Leno was easy target to find maybe?   Or
maybe to draw picture for a wanted ad?"


You are almost right on this one too.
McVeigh was chosen to be the "Patsy" because
there was a "McVeigh double" in the BATF.
This BATF agent and McVeigh looked almost like
twin brothers.  It was the McVeigh "double"
who was speeding 85 MPH in a car with no license
plates to purposely get pulled over and arrested.
That's why the FBI confiscated the mugshots, the
fingerprints records and even the bed sheets and
blankets from the jail where the McVeigh double
had been held for three days.  They removed all
evidence that might prove that the man who had
been arrested wasn't McVeigh.

One more thing.  McVeigh isn't a dummy.
He was an outstanding soldier.
Unfortunately, he is also a victim of
"mind control programming", and they put
a chip implant in him to control him.

I know this sounds like bizarre science fiction.
But have you noticed there have been only one or
two very carefully controlled interviews by
reporters with him?  No writer has come forward
to do interviews with McVeigh and write a book?
In fact, since the trial, there has been almost
nothing in the media about him.
WHY Not?

 Regards to All

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[CTRL] Powell: China poses no danger in canal - Is he Blind?

2001-02-07 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Powell: China poses no danger in canal
By Bill Gertz

 Secretary of State Colin Powell said yesterday he is not concerned about
China's influence in the Panama Canal but warned Colombia's president to be
cautious about inviting Chinese agricultural assistance.

 "The Chinese presence in the Panama Canal has been written about and
spoken of, but it isn't . . . I have not found that the so-called 'presence'
in the form of shipping companies and the like have created any danger to the
Panamanian people, the Panamanian government, or to the canal itself," Mr.
Powell said at a press conference.
 Mr. Powell added: "Our interests are served. . . . I don't see anything
that should cause me any great distress."
 The secretary of state was asked about a recent visit to Beijing by a
senior Colombian government official who was seeking Chinese assistance in
agricultural development aid for northeastern Colombia. Mr. Powell said he
was unaware of the request.
 Mr. Powell offered this advice to Colombia's president: "President
[Andres] Pastrana is free to seek advice where he finds it most useful. One
always has to be careful that you're getting the advice you sought and
nothing more, and I'm sure he will be careful."
 He spoke to reporters following a meeting with British Foreign Secretary
Robin Cook.
 Concerns about Chinese influence in Panama were raised by the leasing of
two ports near both ends of the canal by a Hong Kong-based conglomerate
Hutchison Whampoa in 1997.
 The company's chairman, Li Ka-Shing, has close ties to the Chinese
government, according to declassified U.S. military intelligence documents.
 A 1998 Army intelligence report stated that Mr. Li "is planning to take
control of Panama Canal operations when the U.S. transfers it to Panama in
Dec. 99."
 "Li is directly connected to Beijing and is willing to use his business
influence to further the aims of the Chinese government," one of the
documents stated.
 A U.S. Southern Command intelligence report from October 1999 called the
leases of Balboa and Cristobal by Panama Ports Co., a subsidiary of Hutchison
Whampoa, "a potential threat."
 The Southern Command report stated that China is not likely to sabotage
the Panama Canal but could use the port facilities as "a conduit for illegal
shipments of technology" to China, or to "facilitate the movement of arms and
other prohibited items into the Americas."
 Pentagon officials have said China could use its access to the ports to
disrupt shipping if a conflict erupts between China and Taiwan, and the U.S.
military was called in to defend the island.
 Organized Chinese crime groups are also using Panama as a base for the
smuggling of narcotics, illegal aliens and arms, according to a U.S. Customs
Service intelligence report.
 China also has increased military ties with Cuba and has begun
developing closer relations with the leftist government of Venezuela.
 The issue of Chinese influence in Panama was raised in an August 1999
letter from Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott to the Pentagon. Mr. Lott,
Mississippi Republican, stated that it appears that "we have given away the
farm without a shot being fired."
 The Pentagon dismissed his concerns about China's access to the
strategic waterway and said there are no U.S. national security interests
threatened by Hutchison Whampoa's ports. Other ports in Panama are operated
by U.S. and Taiwanese companies.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Clients call $100,000 Clinton fee outrageous -- The Washington Times

2001-02-07 Thread Aleisha Saba

I just closed my Discover Accounty; however I prefer Citibank anyway -
while Chase Manhattan Toys R Us - my son keeps getting these $10 gift
certificates he passes on to me to save for my grandson.

No way any part of my money will ever go to this big crook - understand
several lawsuits already in the making against the Clintons - one source
reported Hubbell to write tell all book
so much for a Rose by any other name would be as crooked.

Nice story here - now let us hope the IRS keeps very close count of all
this money - I know lots of interested citizens are.


Front Page
February 7, 2001
Clients call $100,000 Clinton fee outrageous
By Joseph Curl
Bill Clinton's $100,000 speech to junk-bond traders at a
Morgan Stanley Dean Witter  Co. conference in Boca Raton, Fla., has
enraged some of the investment firm's shareholders and clients. Top
Stories•Israelis elect Sharon in a landslide
•Failed bids for peace cost Barak the election
•Congress making alterations on $1.6 trillion tax cut
•Army running out of bullets

•NAACP to call for sanctions on Sudan
"People are calling and saying, 'How could you pay him?'
" said a company figure who spoke to The Washington Times yesterday on
condition of anonymity.
Others, however, are doing much more.
Craig Carroll of Gainesville, Fla., and his girlfriend
both closed their Discover card accounts yesterday because of its ties
with the investment firm.
"It's time we started holding companies accountable for
what they do," said Mr. Carroll, a member of a conservative group called
FreeRepublic.com .
Elizabeth Sands, who didn't want her place of residence
published, said she decided against investing "a substantial sum" of
money with the firm solely because of the Clinton speech. She also
e-mailed her complaint to the company.
"Apparently [Morgan Stanley Dean Witter] — which
presumes to handle other people's money —does not see anything wrong
with paying off an impeached president who lied to the nation, to a
grand jury and to his family . . . who is now accused of 'converting
government property' (that's stealing to us commoners) by U-Hauling
furniture out of the White House," she wrote.
Officials with Morgan Stanley Dean Witter acknowledged
yesterday that angry investors and shareholders have called, but they
would not say how many. They did, however, say some shareholders wanted
to know how they would be affected.
"If you're a shareholder in the company and the company
is paying someone to give a speech, then that's money from the company
in which you own shares," said company spokesman Brett Galloway.
But he said it's impossible to tell if the Clinton speech
has an effect on the shareholder's bottom line —the stock price.
The company's shares on the New York Stock Exchange
dropped $1.55 yesterday to $84.95.
Still, he said, "If you own stock in Morgan Stanley Dean
Witter, however the company operates in any aspect of its business could
affect that stock price."
The investment firm said in a statement that Mr. Clinton
was hired by its institutional division, which handles large investors
such as pension plans, and not by its retail division, which handles
"Our clients didn't pay for Bill Clinton," the unnamed
company figure told The Times. "People that may go to an individual
branch, their dollars are not spent on the institutional side of the
firm. The institutional business generates its fees from its own
separate — totally separate — clients."
Asked whether that meant no individual investor money was
used to pay the speaking fee, the person said, "I can't guarantee that."
The first paid speech by the former president drew dozens
of protesters Monday night to the Boca Raton Resort and Club in Florida,
the state that decided the latest presidential election by fewer than
400 votes.
"Hide the women and the silverware. Bill Clinton is in
town," Jack Furnari, 43, of Boca Raton shouted as honking cars roared
past. "You belong in jail, not in Boca."
Demonstrator Gene McDonald, referring to Mr. Clinton's
last-minute immunity deal over the Monica Lewinsky scandal, said: "This
is a total travesty. Two weeks ago, he just copped a plea to a felony.
Now he's getting $100,000 from Morgan Stanley."
Mr. McDonald, organizer of the protest and president of
the Florida chapter of www.FreeRepublic.com, a conservative news Web
site, condemned the investment firm for "bringing new meaning to the
phrase 'crime pays.' "
"If you corporations want to continue to give big bucks
to Bill Clinton . . . you do that at your own risk with your
shareholders," he told the South Florida Sun-Sentinel.
The brokerage firm apparently took seriously the calls
from investors. The company's 13,000 brokers were given "talking points"
on how to deal with complaints from clients, according to the Wall
Street Journal.
If investors threatened to close their accounts, the
talking points instructed the broker to say, "Please don't make
emotional decisions on your finances 

[CTRL] Armed man shot near White House

2001-02-07 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Armed man shot near White House

Robert Pickett of Evansville, Ind., was brought to George Washington
University Hospital Wednesday after being shot in the leg by Secret Service

Feb. 7 —White House press secretary Ari Fleischer describes what happened in
the shooting incident.


  WASHINGTON, Feb. 7 —   Officials were searching for answers Wednesday
on why a 47-year-old accountant from Indiana would pull a gun near the White
House and refuse to drop his weapon until he was shot in the leg by a Secret
Service officer. The suspect, who was arrested after the 10-minute standoff,
was possibly suicidal, officials said.

 February 7 — Dan Halpert, a New Yorker visiting Washington, D.C, describes
what he saw as shots were fired near the White House.

 AS THE suspect, Robert Pickett, was wheeled into George Washington
University Hospital Wednesday, doctors described his mental state as unusual.
   “Usually patients who are shot are in pain. They’re writhing. They’re
talking. They’re agitated,” Dr. John F. Williams, dean of the George
Washington University School of Medicine, said. Instead, doctors said Pickett
was not talking and completely motionless.
   Doctors operated to remove bone fragments and a bullet from Pickett’s
leg. They also performed a psychological evaluation.
   Bush, who was exercising at the time behind bulletproof glass, “was
never in any danger,” White House press secretary Ari Fleischer said.
Informed of the incident, Bush resumed his workout, Fleischer said. The first
lady was in Texas. Vice President Dick Cheney was in his office at the time
but then left the White House to attend a previously scheduled lunch.
   As events unfolded, there were conflicting reports about what
happened, including whether the gunman actually fired any rounds. Park police
said the man could have been trying to commit suicide when he was found with
the gun.

   Officials said the episode began when police heard shots around 11:30
a.m. and approached a man with a handgun on the sidewalk outside the fence on
the south side of the White House.
   “He was waving it in the air — it was pointed at the White House at
one point — and pointing it in all directions,” said Park Police spokesman
Rob MacLean. At one point, the suspect placed the gun in his mouth, MacLean

 Fleischer said officers on regular patrol “heard shots fired and
proceeded to surround the subject.”
   “A 10-minute standoff ensued upon which time the Secret Service fired
a shot into the suspect’s leg,” Fleischer said. Asked why officers fired on
the suspect, Fleischer said they “felt it was necessary. ... He was armed
with a weapon that he had discharged.”
   The confrontation occurred on a street frequented by tourists, within
sight of the fountain on the South Lawn of the White House.
   Secret Service spokesman Marc Connolly said an officer fired one shot,
which struck the gunman in the right knee.

   Pickett was not listed in Secret Service files as a known threat to
the president, law enforcement officials said. Evansville police said he did
not have a criminal record. But Secret Service agents searched his home for
firearms, threatening letters and evidence of involvement with militia
groups. Before entering Pickett’s home, officers from the Evansville police
bomb squad joined Secret Service agents in scouting outside for booby traps
or bombs.
   The search warrant obtained by the Secret Service said agents were
looking for computer equipment which might contain letters to President Bush,
Rep. John Hostettler, R-Ind., or other government agencies or officials.
   In the search warrant, Hostettler aides indicated that Pickett sent
letters to the congressman’s offices in Indiana and Washington in the past
year about grievances Pickett had with the Internal Revenue Service.
   Pickett had been fired by the Internal Revenue Service in the mid
1980s. Neighbors said Pickett kept to himself and resented the IRS. In court
records, Pickett had acknowledged suffering from mental illness and trying to
commit suicide after his dismissal.

   Neighbors in Evansville described Pickett as a friendly man, an
accountant who took over his father’s general accounting business. They said
Pickett never married and lived in his parent’s modest home after they both
died. Neighbors said he kept a neat lawn and frequently jogged.
   “I was really surprised. As far as I knew, he was an outstanding
neighbor,” said Lewis Gates.
   Beverly Buck, who said she was neighbor of Pickett’s for 23 years
before her family moved, told NBC News that she never knew Pickett to be
violent. She said the last time she saw 

[CTRL] Investigate Reno

2001-02-07 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!




Investigate Reno



 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

You may think Bill Clinton didn't leave anyone off his pardon list but
Webster Hubbell.

Think again.

There are at least two other key players in eight years of criminal
corruption not issued pardons -- Bill Clinton himself and Janet Reno.

I want to second Bill O'Reilly's motion for new Attorney General John
Ashcroft to open a full-scale probe into Janet Reno's criminal cover-up
crusade the day he takes office. O'Reilly, the top-rated host for the Fox
News Channel, author of a new best-selling book and WorldNetDaily columnist,
is the only newsman I know who has been relentless in demanding an
investigation of Reno.

As with her co-conspirator, Clinton, the only problem with investigating Reno
is figuring out where to start. There are so many avenues of official
corruption that narrowing the search to only a half-dozen or so indictable
offenses would be the challenge.

That is, if, of course, there were someone in Washington willing to take this
probe on. Most everyone -- the new Bush administration included -- would like
to see Reno simply fade away into the sunset.

The place to begin digging is in the area of obstruction of justice. I don't
just believe there is enough prima facie evidence against Reno for an
indictment, I believe there is enough anecdotal, publicly available evidence
out there right now to convict her.

Who knows where such an investigation and indictment might lead. Maybe Janet
Reno would choose to turn state's evidence against the man she spent the last
eight years protecting from harm. It's possible. And that is precisely why
there is no will in the Congress, nor in the new administration, to expose
the pattern of obstruction that occurred in the Justice Department under
Reno's watch.

The Republicans won a narrow Electoral College victory to secure the
executive branch of government for the next four years and maintained a tiny
majority in the Congress. They don't want to rock the boat. They don't want
to be partisan. They don't want to battle the spinmeisters again. They don't
want to look mean. They have adopted the mantra of their opponents about
"moving on."

Heck, the new administration doesn't even want to investigate the vandalism
that reportedly occurred in the White House transition. In other words,
Democrats can do anything they want to Republicans, and Republicans will just
take it and walk away.

We witnessed this effect through the Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation
hearings on Reno's successor, John Ashcroft. Did you hear the mean-spirited
tone of the questions posed to Ashcroft by the Democrats? Did you hear the
nature of those questions from his former colleagues in the Senate? Did you
hear what Hillary Clinton said about Ashcroft after the committee had
approved the nomination?

She not only impugned Ashcroft's record, she attacked his motivations as
well. Whatever happened to that collegial, old Senate decorum I've heard so
much about?

The truth is, it doesn't exist any more -- at least for one of the political
parties. The other one, sad to say, is still playing by the old rules -- and
getting its political head handed to it on a regular basis.

Collegiality and the desire for political consensus -- no matter how sincere
-- must take a backseat to accountability. Politicians who misuse and abuse
their high offices must be punished. By not punishing obviously corrupt
officials, the U.S. will be opening itself to a pandemic of official abuse in
the future.

That's why, I believe, it is imperative to start looking into Reno's
misconduct in office. It's the best starting place. Somebody's got to do it
-- not because it is the politically smart thing to do, but because it is
simply the right thing to do.

Maybe John Ashcroft has had enough of the phony collegiality after his Senate
confirmation ordeal. Maybe he's ready to show the naysayers that he will,
indeed, enforce the law. Maybe he will take wise counsel from people like
Mark Levin, Larry Klayman and David Schippers, who have spent years studying
and investigating Clinton administration corruption -- all of which has been
covered up by Reno.

I know many people out there in America share my passion for justice. I hear
from them every day. Perhaps if they directed that passion toward the key
players in the new administration, maybe, just maybe, we'd have a chance to
begin cleaning up Washington.



Joseph Farah is editor and chief executive officer of WorldNetDaily.com and
writes a daily column.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance 

[CTRL] [radtimes] # 150

2001-02-07 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

[radtimes] # 150

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
How to assist RadTimes-- (See ** at end.)

--Boy George and the making of an American coup
--Welcome to Wonderland!
--The Spread of News by E-Mail Is Becoming News Itself
--Campuses to acquire automatic weapons
--Phil Ochs updated
--National Security Commission Issues Final Report
--Fur coats  purple hair, Stetsons  ragged jeans
--Study Casts Doubt on Gateway Theory


Boy George and the making of an American coup

Online Journal - http://www.onlinejournal.com

. . . And Another Thing
By James Hatfield

February 2, 2001-Let's cut to the chase: I don't believe Al Gore lost the
presidential election. He did, however, lose a court battle. But with all
due respect to the former vice-president, there is a lot more at stake
here than the defeat of one man's lifelong political aspirations.

The more articulate talking heads for the Commander-in-Thief (which means
they can string a halfway intelligent sentence together) have repeatedly
claimed in the wake of the stolen election that Gore's winning popular
vote count (over a half million more than Boy George's) didn't matter-only
those 271 electoral numbers that officially put him and Dick Cheney in the
White House mattered.

Wrong, folks. On Election Day, 100 million Americans went to the polls to
make their voices heard, but the only numbers that counted were the 5-4
conservative majority of the U.S. Supreme Court. Boy George was not
elected president of the United States. He was selected by Scalia, Thomas,
O'Connor, Rehnquist  Kennedy, who contend politics played no role in
their court decisions, yet O'Connor and Rehnquist have been quoted as
saying that they would prefer a Republican president to name their
successors. The arch conservative, Ol' Scary Scalia (he'd make a great bad
guy as one of those power hungry megalomaniacs in a James Bond movie),
also has never bridled his desire to be appointed Chief Justice when
Rehnquist eventually steps down. And, of course, let's not forget that Boy
George stated time and time again during the campaign that he would
appoint justices "in the mold of Scalia and Thomas." Now that's really

Am I missing something or does the Supreme Court's ruling stink worse than
dead mice behind a baseboard? It's fairly obvious now that the
conservative faction thought more of making sure their Stepford Candidate
won the presidency than in upholding the "Equal Justice Under Law"
inscription above the great bronze doors at the entrance to the Supreme
Court building. Sadly, the justices acted neither properly nor honorably
in their partisan political ruling. But it is also not surprising.

I'm not professing to be any type of a legal sage, but in this history and
civics junkie's opinion, the involvement of the Supreme Court in the 2000
presidential election violated the 10th Amendment in the Bills of Rights,
which plainly states that "the powers not delegated to the United States
by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to
the States respectively, or to the People."

The framers of the Constitution didn't address presidential elections
(except for how electors were chosen), so that power was reserved for the
states. In fact, the Founding Fathers were not even sure what role the
Supreme Court was going to play in our government when the Constitution
was written in 1787. It wasn't until the famous case of Marbury vs.
Madison in 1803 that the principle of judicial review was established.
It's clearer than an Alaska stream (well, at least until Boy George "eases
environmental regulations" and allows drilling) that the first Congress of
the United States of America did not intend for the Supreme Court to be
involved in presidential elections when it passed the Bill of Rights.

At the end of their 13-page ruling on Bush vs. Gore (take note of who was
doing the suing), the Supremes indicated that they were uncomfortable with
having to resolve a presidential election. "None are more conscious of the
vital limits on judicial authority than are the members of this Court, and
none stand in more admiration of the Constitution's design to leave the
selection of the President to the people, through their legislatures, and
to the political sphere," the ruling said.

Justice Breyer wrote in his dissension that the case should have been
rejected out of hand. "The Court was wrong to take this case," he stated
unequivocally. "The political implications of this case are momentous."
Now there's an understatement.

Denouncing the conservative majority for overturning the Florida Supreme
Court's decision 


2001-02-07 Thread Mark McHugh

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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist


 This is a place of filth and blood which will forever
 be associated with Ariel Sharon. In Israel today, he
 may well be elected prime minister. Then he will be
 master of the most powerful nation in the Middle
 East; he will travel to America, he will visit the
 White House and shake hands with President
 George W Bush. But for everyone who stood in the
 Sabra and Chatila refugee camps in Beirut on 18
 September 1982, his name is synonymous with
 butchery; with bloated corpses and disembowelled
 women and dead babies, with rape and pillage and

   By Robert Fisk

[The Independent, UK, 6 February 2001]:

Even when I walk these fetid streets today, more than 18 years after
what was - by Israel's own definition of that much-misused phrase -
the worst single act of terrorism in modern Middle East history, the
ghosts haunt me still. Over there, on the side of the road leading to the
Sabra mosque, lay Mr Nouri, 90 years old, grey-bearded, in pyjamas
with a small woollen hat still on his head and a stick by his side. I
found him on a pile of garbage, on his back, fly-encrusted eyes staring
at the blazing sun. Just up the lane, I came across two women sitting
upright with their brains blown out, next to a cooking pot and a dead
horse. One of the women appeared to have had her stomach slit open.
A few metres away, I discovered the first babies, already black with
decomposition, scattered across the road like rubbish.

Yes, those of us who got into Sabra and Chatila before the murderers
left have our memories. The flies racing between the reeking bodies and
our faces, between dried blood and reporter's notebook, the hands of
watches still ticking on dead wrists. I clambered up a rampart of earth
- an abandoned bulldozer stood guiltily nearby - only to find, once I
was atop the mound, that it swayed beneath me. And I looked down
to find faces, elbows, mouths, a woman's legs protruding through the
soil. I had to hold on to these body parts to climb down the other side.
Then there was the pretty girl, her head surrounded by a halo of
clothes pegs, her blood still running from a hole in her back. We had
burst into the yard of her home, desperate to avoid the Israeli-uniformed
militiamen who still roamed the camp; coming in by the back door, we
had found her body as the murderers left by the front door.

And as I walked through the carnage on 18 September - the last day of
the three-day massacre - with Loren Jenkins of The Washington Post,
a fierce, tough, Colorado reporter, I remember how he stopped in
shock and disgust. And then, with as much energy as his lungs could
summon in the sweet, foul air, he shouted, "SHARON!" so loudly that
the name echoed off the crumpled walls above the bodies. "He's
responsible for this fucking mess," Jenkins roared. And that, just over
four months later - in more diplomatic words and in a report in which
the murderers were called "soldiers" - was what the Israeli commission
of enquiry decided. Sharon, who was minister of defence, bore "personal
responsibility", the Kahan commission stated, and recommended his
removal from office. Sharon resigned.

And so today, in this fetid, awful place, where Lebanese Muslim
militiamen were - three years later - to kill hundreds more Palestinians
in a war which produced no official inquiries, where scarcely 20 per
cent of the survivors still live, where brown mud and rubbish now
covers the mass grave of 600 of the 1982 victims, the Palestinians wait
to see if their tormentor will hold the highest office in the state of

"Ariel Sharon was responsible," a well-dressed young man shouted at
us from an apartment balcony yesterday morning. And who could
disagree? Israel had invaded Lebanon on 6 June 1982 with a plan -
known to Sharon but not vouchsafed to his Likud prime minister,
Menachem Begin - to advance all the way to Beirut and surround
Yasser Arafat's Palestine Liberation Organisation guerrillas in the
Lebanese capital. Officially named "Operation Peace for Galilee" (the
real Israeli military codename was "Snowball"), the invasion was
supposedly a response to PLO rocket attacks across the Israeli border.

But the rocket attacks had followed a series of Israeli air-raids on
Lebanon which had ended a UN-brokered ceasefire and which were
supposedly in "retaliation" for the attempted murder of the Israeli
ambassador to London - though his would-be killers came from the
Abu Nidal group which had 

[CTRL] Wired [On Encription]: Bin Laden: Steganography Master?

2001-02-07 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Bin Laden: Steganography Master?

by Declan McCullagh
2:00 a.m. Feb. 7, 2001 PST

WASHINGTON -- If there's one thing the FBI hates more than Osama
bin Laden, it's when Osama bin Laden starts using the Internet.

So it should be no surprise that the feds are getting unusually
jittery about what they claim is evidence that bin Laden and his
terrorist allies are using message-scrambling techniques to evade
law enforcement.

USA Today reported on Tuesday that bin Laden and others "are
hiding maps and photographs of terrorist targets and posting
instructions for terrorist activities on sports chat rooms,
pornographic bulletin boards and other websites, U.S. and foreign
officials say."

The technique, known as steganography, is the practice of
embedding secret messages in other messages -- in a way that
prevents an observer from learning that anything unusual is
taking place. Encryption, by contrast, relies on ciphers or codes
to scramble a message.

The practice of steganography has a distinguished history: The
Greek historian Herodotus describes how one of his cunning
countrymen sent a secret message warning of an invasion by
scrawling it on the wood underneath a wax tablet. To casual
observers, the tablet appeared blank.

Both Axis and Allied spies during World War II used such measures
as invisible inks -- using milk, fruit juice or urine which
darken when heated, or tiny punctures above key characters in a
document that form a message when combined.

Modern steganographers have far-more-powerful tools. Software
like White Noise Storm and S-Tools allow a paranoid sender to
embed messages in digitized information, typically audio, video
or still image files, that are sent to a recipient.

The software usually works by storing information in the least
significant bits of a digitized file -- those bits can be changed
without in ways that aren't dramatic enough for a human eye or
ear to detect. One review, of a graphical image of Shakespeare
before and after a message was inserted, showed JPEG files that
appeared to have no substantial differences.

Steghide embeds a message in .bmp, .wav and .au files, and
MP3Stego does it for MP3 files. One program, called snow, hides a
message by adding extra whitespace at the end of each line of a
text file or e-mail message.

Perhaps the strangest example of steganography is a program
called Spam Mimic, based on a set of rules, called a mimic
engine, by Disappearing Cryptography author Peter Wayner. It
encodes your message into -- no kidding -- what looks just like
your typical, quickly deleted spam message.

So if steganography is so popular, is there anything the feds can
do about it?

Some administration critics think the FBI and CIA are using
potential terrorist attacks as an attempt to justify expensive
new proposals such as the National Homeland Security Agency -- or
further restrictions on encryption and steganography programs.

The Clinton administration substantially relaxed -- but did not
remove -- regulations controlling the overseas shipments of
encryption hardware and software, such as Web browsers or Eudora
PGP plug-ins.

One thing's for certain: All of a sudden, the debate in
Washington seems to be heading back to where it was in 1998,
before the liberalization.

"I think it's baloney," says Wayne Madsen, a former NSA analyst
and author. "They come out with this stuff. I think it's all
contrived -- it's perception management."

Three years ago, FBI Director Louis Freeh spent much of his time
telling anyone who would listen that terrorists were using
encryption -- and Congress should approve restrictions on
domestic use.

"We are very concerned, as this committee is, about the
encryption situation, particularly as it relates to fighting
crime and fighting terrorism," Freeh said to the Senate Judiciary
committee in September 1998. "Not just bin Laden, but many other
people who work against us in the area of terrorism, are becoming
sophisticated enough to equip themselves with encryption

He added: "We believe that an unrestricted proliferation of
products without any kind of court access and law enforcement
access, will harm us, and make the fight against terrorism much
more difficult."

But Freeh never complained about steganography -- at least when
the committee met in open session.

Some of the more hawkish senators seemed to agree with the FBI
director, a former field agent. "I think the terrorist attacks
against United States citizens really heighten your concern that
commercial encryption products will be misused for terrorist
purposes," said Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif).

Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Ariz) added he was concerned about "the
sophistication of the terrorists, the amount of money they have
available (and) their use of technology like encryption."

In March 2000, Freeh said much the same thing to a Senate
Judiciary subcommittee headed by Kyl. He echoed CIA Director

Re: [CTRL] Powell: China poses no danger in canal - Is he Blind?

2001-02-07 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

Organized Chinese crime groups are also using Panama as a base for the
smuggling of narcotics, illegal aliens and arms, according to a U.S.
Customs Service intelligence report.

Which report was that? Is it online anywhere?

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Re: [CTRL] Newspaper studies confirm Democrat Gore won Florida vote

2001-02-07 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

What Lassey - Gore Won?   I demand a recount.

Bet Polls today would show Bush a winner by a landside if the elections
would be held today.

Never underestimate the Gentlemen C's, Lassey..remember the Scarlet


Can't believe it - Washington Post said Gore Won?   That means the Holy
Man is Vice President and Gore will be executed in office?

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[CTRL] FR/AP: White House Gunman Was Fired by IRS

2001-02-07 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


White House Gunman Was Fired by IRS

WASHINGTON (AP) - Robert Pickett, who was shot outside the White
House gates Wednesday after brandishing a handgun, is an
Evansville, Ind., accountant who sued the government after being
fired from his IRS job.

Neighbors said he kept to himself and resented the tax agency.
Police said Pickett had no criminal record but was once reported
missing by his father in 1993 - an investigation that was
suspended when Pickett resurfaced. Neighbors said the 47-year-old
man was quiet, friendly and lived alone in the home his parents
once owned before their deaths.

"I don't recall that there were ever any cars coming in to visit
or any people associating with him. He was really always by
himself," said Marwan Wafa of Racine, Wis., who lived across the
street from Pickett for seven years before moving last summer.

An unopened newspaper from Sunday was on the front porch
Wednesday of Pickett's modest two-story white house in a
middle-class neighborhood in Evansville. Neighbors reacted with

"I was really surprised. As far as I knew, he was an outstanding
neighbor," said Lewis Gates, who last saw Pickett in December.

Joseph Yocum, the Evansville attorney who represented Pickett in
his case against the Internal Revenue Service, said his former
client was fired in the mid-1980s from a job with the tax agency.
"They said he wasn't doing his job properly and having trouble
with attendance," Yocum told The Associated Press in an
interview. Yocum added "I understand he did" have mental problems
as well.

Pickett lost the appeal of his firing and later acted as his own
attorney and filed a federal lawsuit in 1994 against the agency
and several other federal officials, Yocum said. That lawsuit
claimed, among other things, that the firing violated Pickett's
constitutional rights, Yocum said.

Records show a judge dismissed the lawsuit at the IRS' request
and that Pickett had four other lawsuits in federal court.

Mike Jewel, who lives next door to Pickett, said the accountant
continued to be angry with the IRS after the litigation. "I could
tell he was aggravated by the tax system and the IRS sometimes,"
Jewel told AP.

Jewel said his florist shop had hired Pickett to do their payroll
accounting work. He echoed the observations of several neighbors,
saying Pickett "never talked about a personal life and I never
saw him with anybody. I think he lived a very secluded and lonely

Pickett lives in the same home where his parents did before they
died. His mother died in 1987; his father in 1995, according to
death records.

Pickett kept his house and lawn neat and frequently jogged at
night, Gates said.

Evansville police said Pickett had no criminal record and that
Secret Service agents were seeking a search warrant for his home.

Betty Perry, who works for an Indiana child advocate service that
is in the same building where Pickett worked recently, said an
attorney came by Tuesday to ask about Pickett, fearing he had
disappeared. "I'm so stunned because he's a really nice man,"
Perry said. She described him as "a very gentle, quiet man." Dana
Northington, a neighbor, said he saw Pickett Tuesday as he pulled
out of his garage about 4:30 p.m.

Evansville Police Capt. Bill Welcher said police looked for
Pickett's car at Evansville airport, but didn't find it. He said
police were looking for car in Washington.

Alvin Hayes, spokesman for the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles,
said Pickett had no violations listed on his driver's license.
Doug Davidoff, spokesman for the Indiana Democratic Party, said
public election records showed Pickett registered to vote in 1992
but did not cast a ballot and has not voted since.

Wafa, the former neighbor, said he frequently talked with Pickett
when both were outside working in their yards but never heard him
express any political opinions. "He was very quiet very
reserved," said Wafa. "He was a hard working person."
 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

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[CTRL] NR: Inside the Pardon Probe

2001-02-07 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Inside the Pardon Probe

Jack Quinn gets ready to tell his story.

National Review Online-February 7, 2001 12:00 p.m

By Byron York

Other than Bill Clinton himself, the person who has taken the
most flak for the pardon of fugitive tax-evader Marc Rich is Jack
Quinn, the former White House counsel who is now ich's lawyer.
Quinn will no doubt face more criticism when he appears before
chairman Dan Burton's House Government Reform Committee on
Thursday. But it now appears likely that the most damaging
accusations will be directed not at Quinn but at Eric Holder, the
former deputy attorney general who has tried to downplay his role
in the deal.

Quinn has made an all-out effort to make the best possible
impression before the committee. He has hired the Republican
husband-and-wife team of Joseph diGenova and Victoria Toensing —
Burton's personal lawyers — to represent him. He's also retained
the services of David Bossie, a former top investigator with the
committee (and a man who had many run-ins with the White House
counsel's office during the Clinton years).

Quinn's main defense: Think what you will about the merits of
Rich's case, but I was just a lawyer doing my job. "Jack Quinn
did what a good lawyer is supposed to do, which is vigorously
represent your client," diGenova says. "Lawyers represent people
that people don't like all the time. They have to do that." The
unspoken part of the argument: I didn't grant a pardon to anybody
— they did.

Quinn's testimony will demolish any notion that Holder was
somehow blind-sided or out of the loop on the Rich deal. Quinn
plans to tell the committee that his contacts with Holder on the
subject of Rich go back farther than has previously been
reported. According to diGenova, Quinn and Holder discussed Rich
as early as October 1999. The discussion was not about a pardon
but rather Rich's desire to settle the case. Quinn also
approached federal prosecutors in New York with Rich's settlement
request, but they refused to deal with him while he was a
fugitive. He would have to come home before any negotiations
could take place.

That was a risk Rich was not prepared to take. So Quinn, in
addition to keeping in touch with the New York prosecutors,
worked on Holder in an attempt to persuade Justice Department
headquarters in Washington to pressure New York to make a deal.
Quinn and Rich bombarded the Justice Department with legal
arguments, analyses, and tax studies. But the prosecutors in New
York would not budge, and Washington did not overrule them. In
February 2000, the New York office gave Rich a final thumbs-down.

Still, Rich didn't give up. According to diGenova, Quinn and
Holder talked in February and again in March in an effort to find
some way to resolve the situation. Those talks ended with no
action, and that is where the matter stood until November 2000,
when Quinn told Holder about the pardon plan. At that point,
Quinn maintains, he kept everybody informed of what was going on.
"When the record is laid out fully," diGenova says, "it will show
that Jack Quinn was in communication with the Department of
Justice, was in communication with the White House, and that he
urged both the White House and the Department of Justice to
communicate with one another."

There is some evidence that Quinn's story will get a relatively
friendly reception on Capitol Hill. "It's obvious from the
documents Quinn turned over that he had established some sort of
communication with Holder regarding the Rich pardon," says one
congressional insider. "It's pretty obvious that Holder was in
the loop." The Burton committee, this insider predicts, will ask
Quinn tough questions for a while before finally concluding that
he was just a lawyer doing his job. Holder will be another story;
the accusation will be that he didn't do his job, which was to
guard the integrity of the process.

That is not to say that Quinn — who notoriously stonewalled the
committee during his days in the White House — is now a good guy.
"Jack Quinn is the whore here," says a well-connected Republican,
in an indelicate expression of an opinion that is shared by
others both inside and outside the GOP hierarchy. "The johns and
the pimps are Bill Clinton and Eric Holder, and I don't blame the
whore for the sins of the johns and pimps."

Although that's not a sound bite you'll hear at the hearings, it
does suggest that Holder's standing among Republicans is
considerably worse than Quinn's. Over the last several years, the
deputy attorney general was in the middle of several bitter
battles between the committee and the Justice Department, most
notably over the campaign-finance scandal. It is not an
exaggeration to say that there was no trust — or love lost —
between the two institutions during the time Holder and his boss
Janet Reno were in power.

There is also a personal dimension to the Department's relations
with Burton. In 1997, at the height of the campaign-fundraising
controversy, when Burton 

Re: [CTRL] China predicts war in 5 years

2001-02-07 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Hi there Bill - you are miltary or were, were you not?

Now my brother in law spent man years setting up BMEWS and Missile sites
about the world - he also worked with von Braun - the man who got us to
the moon, contrary to propaganda put out by the communists who said
"Russia Would Beat Us to the Moon"always loved that the astronauts
Neil Armstrong in particular from Ohio,  took the astrological
predicitons of Jean Dixon to the moon with them - this political
propagandist on the payroll of Guess Who - her biggest "divine

So Bill, BMEWS is old hat - by the time they got the old stuff put up,
it was obsoletewe are a hundred years ahead of anyone else in the
world...think of America as one big Noah's Arkthe listen to Africa
dying and NAACP now wants the Sudan to get out of the slavery
business..can't have that, can they and get reparations for how many
years of slavery when blacks are still being sold by Africans as slaves?

As for BMEWS and whatever, thought it was odd that Madeline Albright
would go a begging to Putin for permission to beef up our defenses - do
we need that bastard's permission to so do?

Russia better worry about Red China because between the two, I would
take Red China any day based on their art and culture - a country so
full of natural resources and gold and oil and you name it - why would
they want to bother with Russia?

So BMEWS are old hat - we gave that stuff to Saudi Arabia and they are
mad at us now - maybe they found out it was old hat and USA has
capability to send back any missiles sent our way to sender unopened?

So missiles are aimed at California?  Or maybe New York City?   Hey
Arnold Schwatzenegger, Austrian bone head is going to run for Govenor of
California, as if they did not have problems enough - and let this
terminator worry about California.

And we got Hill and Bill in New York?   So it falls into the drink and
West Nile Encephalitis and AIDS running amuck in the streets - that will
be problem for Hill -

USA can virtually wipe any country in the world off the map with a
tornado or hurricane..USA can from a tiny little Satellite burn out
any country in the world - or maybe they could even warm up Siberia and
melt down polar caps?  Imagine that.

So Bill - like new airplanes, stealth bomber was it - by the time it got
off the drawing board, it was already obsolete.

And if I were some of the loud mouths I wouldnot mess with George Bush -
again Gentleman C's can be very - well very, very low profile but when
the lower the boom - watch out.

And always remember the Scarlet Pimpernell - so much for Liberty,
Fraternity, and Equality French Revolution style

What do you think Bill...Remember the WAlker spies and KGB who
formed their own little KKK - printed lots of neo nazi literature and
had KKK stationary and used their logo and got caught...understand a few
Grand Dragons have been on to David Duke for a long time and now he is
in Russia and wants to make his home there?   Maybe someone put out the

Turkies going home to roost?   So Gore is really President?

Does anybody believe anything on the web these days?

Will Hill and Bill get a divorce, and was Chelsie voted the ugliest man
on campus?

Tune in tomorrow -


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2001-02-07 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Aleisha Saba" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 What no diary or little arrows pointing to neo-nazi literature in a
 parked car.

Or a copy of "Catcher In The Rye"?   ;-)


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[CTRL] WP: Interrogation of Lee Raises New Questions [FBI wants more questioning]

2001-02-07 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Interrogation of Lee Raises New Questions, Sources Say

By Walter Pincus
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, February 4, 2001; Page A02

The FBI and Justice Department prosecutors are considering
seeking court approval to further question former Los Alamos
scientist Wen Ho Lee under oath because they are not satisfied
with the answers he gave during 60 hours of questioning last
November and December, according to sources close to the

During the interrogation by FBI agents, Lee's answers raised new
questions about his relationships with nuclear scientists from
China and Taiwan, the sources said. He also has yet to provide a
verifiable explanation of why he downloaded U.S. nuclear weapons
secrets to portable computer tapes while working at the Los
Alamos National Laboratory and what he did with the tapes, the
sources said.

Sources last week offered some new wrinkles about that
questioning, including a disclosure by Lee of additional dinner
meetings he had with Chinese and Taiwanese nuclear weapons
scientists. He also acknowledged that he has a modest bank
account in Taiwan into which he put part of a $5,000 fee he
received in 1998 from that country's leading military research
center, the sources said.

Lee made the disclosures during 10 days of closed-door
questioning under oath by the FBI that ended Dec. 12 as part of a
plea bargain reached in September. Under the deal, Lee pleaded
guilty to a single felony count of mishandling classified
information. In return, he was released from jail after nine
months in solitary confinement and given immunity from further
prosecution as long as he tells the truth.

Many of the details revealed by Lee were not known to prosecutors
at the time they arranged the immunity deal. Most prominent among
them was his disclosure that in 1998 he received $5,000 from the
Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology, located about 25
miles southwest of the Taiwanese capital of Taipei. The institute
allegedly was involved in past efforts by Taiwan to develop
nuclear weapons.

Because of these disclosures, the government has been looking
into the possibility that Lee may have accumulated numerous
nuclear weapons secrets from computers at Los Alamos with the
intention of aiding Taiwan, the country of his birth, which has
long feared an attack from the communist mainland.

Further fueling the U.S. government's suspicions, Lee also said
he had reviewed on his office computer classified data about the
three newest U.S. nuclear warheads: the W-87 warhead used on the
Peacekeeper ICBM, the W-88, used on the submarine-launched
Trident missile, and the W-80, used on the Tomahawk cruise
missile, the sources said.

Fear that China had obtained classified information about the
W-88 triggered investigations at Los Alamos that led to tighter
security and a reorganization of the nuclear weapons complex in
the Energy Department.

Lee never reported the fee from the Taiwanese weapons institute,
which was for a six-week consultancy, to his superiors at Los
Alamos. The additional disclosure that he had a bank account in
Taiwan has led to an intensive new investigation into his
finances, according to sources.

Sources close to Lee said that despite the new information about
Taiwan, they believe nothing new emerged in his questioning to
challenge his insistence that he never knowingly showed or gave
classified information to any foreign individuals. In any event,
one source close to Lee said, "his statements all came under
immunity and can't be used against him to build a [criminal]

Lee, 61, a naturalized U.S. citizen who worked at Los Alamos from
1979 through 1999, has never been charged with espionage and
adamantly denies passing classified information to any foreign

Nonetheless, FBI investigators and Justice Department prosecutors
are trying to decide whether to request U.S. District Judge James
A. Parker in Albuquerque, N.M., to authorize additional time to
question Lee under oath, the sources said. They said the FBI and
Justice Department may be waiting to make the request until
Attorney General John D. Ashcroft assembles his team and reviews
the case.

If the government decides not to seek further questioning of Lee,
or if Parker denies a request, the government is expected to give
Lee a polygraph test on the responses he has made, the next step
authorized by the plea agreement. If Lee registers a deception,
there is little prosecutors can do unless they have evidence
admissible in court that he has perjured himself, the sources

Lee initially had been targeted in 1996 by FBI agents and Energy
Department investigators looking into alleged espionage by China.
The focus at first centered on two trips he took to Beijing in
1986 and 1988, and meetings he held with Chinese nuclear
scientists in the Chinese capital and during exchange visits to
Los Alamos.

Lee reportedly 

[CTRL] CNS: Clinton Denies Rich Pardon Was Political

2001-02-07 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Clinton Denies Rich Pardon Was Political

Saturday, Feb. 3, 2001

Former President Bill Clinton in New York Friday said there was
"absolutely nothing political" about the recent pardon of
fugitive Marc Rich.

Rich was pardoned by Clinton just hours before he relinquished
the presidency to George W. Bush.

Speaking on Fox News Channel, Clinton said: "On the Rich pardon,
what happened was that I was asked by my former counsel Jack
Quinn to look at it. He had originally refused to take the case
because he believed all the criticisms about it, and when he
looked at it he concluded that he [Rich] was wrongly charged.

"I agreed to do it only on the condition that Mr. Rich would
waive all his offenses. If I'm wrong and he shouldn't have been
pardoned, then the government can go against him, like they could
everybody else. Otherwise, they would never have a chance to do
that. But there was actually nothing political about it."

Rich's ex-wife, Denise, raised huge amounts of money for
Clinton's presidential campaigns and Hillary Clinton's New York
Senate campaign. Rich himself has been living overseas since

 Clinton also defended his other last-minute pardons. "I pardoned
about as many people, I think, as President Reagan did. And far
fewer than President Ford or President Carter.

 "And most of them, the reasons are self-evident, most of them
are people that no one knows. I wish I could have found more
people like that, that we could have gotten up through the

Copyright CNSNews.com

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[CTRL] NM: FBI: Freeh's Recommendation to Probe Chinagate Stands

2001-02-07 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Newsmax-Inside Cover

Friday, Feb. 2, 2001 12:29 p.m. EST

FBI: Freeh's Recommendation to Probe Chinagate Stands

FBI Director Louis Freeh has no plans to publicly alter his 1998
recommendation for a thorough investigation into the Clinton-Gore
Asian money scandal now that John Ashcroft has been sworn in as
attorney general, a bureau spokesman said Friday.

 "The director made his recommendation at the time," FBI
spokesman Bill Carter told NewsMax.com. "And that pretty much - I
would refer you to the attorney general's people on whether
there's going to be a request for any further recommendations in
that regard."

 Carter said Freeh confirmed his advice to former Attorney
General Janet Reno to appoint a Chinagate independent counsel
only because the news had leaked to the press.

 "The director did make a recommendation to [Reno]. We're not
disputing what is out there." But if Freeh has any further advice
on the scandal for Attorney General Ashcroft, it would remain
confidential, Carter said.

 On Thursday former Justice Department campaign finance task
force chief Charles LaBella told NewsMax.com that further
investigation of the Asian money scandal would be "irrelevant."

 "I think the decision has already been made and everybody's
moved on," LaBella added.

 LaBella's comments represented something of a reversal of his
previous advice to Reno backing the appointment of an independent
counsel to thoroughly probe Chinagate.

 Reno overruled both LaBella and Freeh, declining to appoint an
outside investigator despite what legal experts said was a
mountain of evidence justifying such a probe.

 In what sounded a slap at Reno's stonewalling on the Asian money
scandal, Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott praised Ashcroft late
Thursday, saying, "He will enforce the laws, some laws that have
been ignored the last eight years."

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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Re: [CTRL] InsightMag: For friend Sam Smith- Global-Warming Theory Steams Ahead

2001-02-07 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

(Sorry, but this is Bullsh*t. You should check your sources. Bush and Co will
be proud that their disinformation is being widely perpetuated by Nader
supporters. Shame on those who  promote fossile fuels at the expense of
free energy! --SW

On 7 Feb 01, at 14:02, MICHAEL SPITZER wrote:

 -  IUFO  Mailing List


 Global-Warming Theory Steams Ahead Despite Conflicting Evidence

 By S. Fred Singer

With Al Gore’s defeat in the presidential election, global
 warming has lost its most dedicated governmental sponsor. Gore
 may not have invented climate change ,but he certainly has been
 its most zealous advocate. He repeatedly proclaimed a nonexistent
 scientific consensus, labeling skeptical scientists as naysayers
 who view global warming, in his words, as the equivalent of the
 Easter Bunny.

Now that he has retreated to the Columbia University
 School of Journalism in New York City, will the global-warming
 scare fade from the scene? Don’t bet on it. There are too many
 now whose perks, power and prestige depend on keeping the myth
 alive — not to mention the billions of governmental dollars
 flowing out to these eager recipients. Annual conferences in
 attractive cities around the world involving some 180 national
 delegations with committee meetings in high-priced resort hotels
 in between: It’s a great lifestyle and a full-time career for a
 growing number of scientists, bureaucrats and politicians — paid
 for by the hapless taxpayers.

Don’t expect these folks to pay any attention to climate
 science. For them, it is “settled” and “compelling,” to use Bill
 Clinton’s words. Yet, the U.N. Environment Program (UNEP) science
 panel keeps coming up with ever more fantastic predictions of
 coming disasters.

Last fall, this group leaked a summary of their findings
 to influential newspapers, hoping to boost Gore’s chances of
 being elected and also providing added urgency to negotiations at
 The Hague on how to put teeth into the Kyoto Protocol on Global
 Warming. This international accord has not been ratified by any
 of the industrialized nations; if adopted, it would restrict
 their energy use by some 30 to 40 percent within the next decade.
 So, if you like the California power crisis, you’ll love the
 Kyoto Protocol.

The Hague talks last November collapsed over relatively
 minor disagreements, but Kyoto is not yet dead. Its proponents
 are not giving up just yet. What will finally stamp out the Kyoto
 Protocol? The U.S. Senate, which would reject such a treaty once
 President Bush submits it for ratification. Senators of both
 parties recognize the economic danger of energy restrictions and
 are becoming aware of the shakiness of the alleged science that
 purports to back the Kyoto Protocol.

To counteract this trend, the UNEP science panel has
 rehashed its same old tired predictions of last fall. They
 managed to get front-page attention from the Washington Post on
 Jan. 23, which accepted uncritically the not-yet-approved summary
 of the U.N. climate report. It claimed that the climate had
 warmed in the last 50 years and that computer models predict an
 increase of more than 10 degrees Fahrenheit in the next 100
 years, with all sorts of dire consequences. Other scientists
 (including myself) see little or no warming since about 1940 and
 therefore do not put much faith in these theoretical forecasts.

Laymen understandably are confused when scientists
 disagree. The explanation is simple: The U.N. group gets a
 warming trend by averaging data from all surface thermometers,
 including poorly characterized measurements of the sea surface.
 The so-called skeptics point to the absence of a temperature rise
 from well-controlled weather stations in the United States and
 Europe, where the local heating from urban effects can be
 eliminated. More important, the truly global data from weather
 satellites show no appreciable warming trend since 1979, and
 these results are independently confirmed by instruments carried
 in weather balloons.

Finally, we have additional temperature data that don’t
 rely on instruments at all but come from “proxies” such as tree
 rings, ice cores and ocean sediment. While they all show evidence
 of a pre-1940 warming trend — starting in the 19th century, when
 human influences were minor — they do not show a trend since
 about 1940. (Melting glaciers, shrinking Arctic sea ice and
 sea-level rise — while real — are likely the delayed result of an
 earlier, pre-1940 warming of the world climate that has little to
 do with human activity.)

Hence our conclusion: The balance of evidence suggests
 that the climate has not warmed appreciably in the last 60 years.
 We expect future climate effects from human activities to be
 barely detectable and certainly inconsequential. Let’s see if
 Gore and the Columbia School of Journalism pick up on 

[CTRL]  Insurance firm admits using genetic screening

2001-02-07 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-



Insurance firm admits using genetic screening

ONE of Britain’s biggest insurance companies admitted yesterday
using unapproved genetic tests for potentially fatal diseases when
assessing whether to offer life cover.

Norwich Union Life was forced to admit that it had been using
experimental tests for breast and ovarian cancer and for
Alzheimer’s disease when underwriting some insurance
applications. The disclosure came as three insurance firms were
questioned by members of the House of Commons Science and
Technology Select Committee.

It prompted cross-party calls for urgent government action further to
regulate the insurance industry. MPs complained of a serious
abuse by the company and expressed fears that many more firms
might be doing the same.

Dr Ian Gibson, a member of the committee, accused Norwich
Union of trying to set up a “genetic ghetto”. He called on the
Government to stem the tide of genetic testing by insurance

“Self-regulation is clearly not working. These companies are
attempting to identify a genetic underclass which can only lead to
them profiting and individuals being discrimminated against.”

The test for Huntingdon’s disease is the only genetic test that has
been passed by the independent Genetics and Insurance
Committee, part of the Government’s Human Genetics
Commission. Questioned by the committee, representatives for
Norwich Union, Prudential and Co-operative Insurance all said that
they used the test for Huntingdon’s disease. They emphasised that
the tests were not compulsory.

The use of such tests established a crucial precedent. Norwich
Union’s use of tests for cancer and Alzheimer’s also violates the
Association of British Insurers’ code of conduct, which states that
only tests approved by the committee are permissible.

In a memorandum to the parliamentary committee Norwich Union
Life, which comprises CGU and Norwich Union, proclaimed that it
strictly adhered to the insurer’s code of conduct of genetic tests,
saying: “We are committed to using only those test results which
gain the approval of the GAIC committee.”

But during questioning, Mike Urmston, chief actuary at Norwich
Union, was forced to explain that breast and ovarian cancer tests
were also being used. He said that the company had decided to
use the tests on the advice of Professor Sandy Raeburn, the
Association of British Insurers’ genetics adviser. Professor Raeburn
is also a member of the committee, which Dr Gibson claimed
produced a serious conflict of interest.

Alan Williams, Labour MP for Swansea West, said that the firm
had been acting highly improperly. “This is shooting first and
asking questions later. You are using the tests as if they had been

Desmond Turner, Labour MP for Brighton Kemptown, said: “This
does nothing to increase public confidence in the insurance

Norwich Union agreed to the MPs demands that if the tests were
not passed, it rewrite the claims involved and reimburse the amount
by which the premium had been inflated by the positive result.

Copyright 2001 Times Newspapers Ltd.


All extremists should be taken out and shot.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Clinton Lies

2001-02-07 Thread tnohava

 The Bill Clinton video that Al Gore does not want you to see! Snake Oil!.url

[CTRL] Hillary Clinton Lies

2001-02-07 Thread tnohava


Re: [CTRL] Bush Lies

2001-02-07 Thread lassey

-Caveat Lector-

You are wasting your breath. LYING IS OKAY!!!
After 8 years how come you have not yet learned?
Everything is okay: filthy behavior, treason, corruption, perjury,
stealing, ETCCC

On Wed, 7 Feb 2001 14:43:14 EST DIG alfred webre [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 -Caveat Lector-

  Inside Bush Watch -

  Bush lies so often and in so many different ways that I've never
 had the
  patience to keep a list of them. However, when I write something
  include the generalization that Bush lies, some readers will write
 in and
  say, "Oh, yeh? What did he lie about? I don't believe it." What
  then, begans an informal listing of just some of the lies he
  tells, starting from Feb. '01. Now, of course, we all know that
 Gore lies,
  Lott lies, Cheney lies, and Clinton sure lies. But the difference
  those liars and Bush is the Resident, like Clinton re Monica, tells
  that he is telling the truth when he is lying, but, unlike Clinton,
  appears to be lying all the time. (Please don't e-mail us with the
  assertion that Clinton is a bigger liar than Bush. We don't think
  true, but even if it were, the fact is Bush is now our lying
 Resident, so
  get over it.) Bush sees any lies having to do with government as
  and he believes he and his spinners can say whatever they want
  that's the way it is with politics. In fact, he's often bragged
 about his
  brand of lying politics, saying he learned it in Texas. This may be
  but we believe he's being modest. After all, Bush comes from a
 family of
  political liars, including his grandfather, his father, and his
  Hence, Bush will tell us what he is going to do, like get his
 proposed tax
  cut funds from the projected surplus, then try to get as much as
  from military and medicare funds, instead. Or, once he has actually
  a program, tell us lies about how or why the program has begun,
 like his
  claim that Alaskan oil will somehow solve the California energy
 crisis. Or
  tell a closed-door Dem meeting something and then swear up and down
  next day that he didn't say it. Or saying, "Yes" and meaning "No."
  having a spinner say the opposite the next day. Or, or...you get
 the idea.
  Some Bush backers claim he's not a liar, he's just not very bright
  doesn't remember things very well. That may be true, but we're sure
  would not allow such an excuse in his "responsibility era." We're
  Bush would agree that if he's that dumb, he shouldn't be Resident.
 In sum,
  what really bothers us about Bush's lies is that he is also a
  and pretends he's above lying. As a liar, he reinforces our
  about politicians. As a hypocrite, he reinforces our assumptions
 about his
  character. --Politex, 2/7/01

  specific lies...http://www.bushwatch.com/bushlies.htm

 EcoNews Service - Always online for Ecology, Consciousness 
 EcoNews http://www.ecologynews.com/
 Prague  http://mujweb.cz/www/ecologynews/
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 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different
 groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts,
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

 Archives Available at:
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A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, 

[CTRL] Fw: Fw: Hackers breached Davos security.htm

2001-02-07 Thread lassey

-Caveat Lector-

 Hackers breached Davos security

 Hackers breached Davos security

 Credit card, cell phone numbers obtained from guests


 GENEVA, Feb. 5 — Hackers appear to have stolen data on thousands of
 and business leaders, including former President Clinton, organizers of
 World Economic Forum said Monday.

 The material — including the credit card numbers of some 1,400
 people — had been collected by anti-globalization protesters.

THE WEEKLY SonntagsZeitung of Zurich reported Sunday that
 have produced a CD-ROM containing secured information on 27,000 people
 have attended the global forum in recent years, including Clinton,
 Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and Microsoft founder Bill Gates.
Lawyers for the World Economic Forum, held annually in Davos,
 Switzerland, were filing for an injunction to stop further
 the data, the forum’s chief spokesman, Charles McLean, said Monday. The
 perpetrators are unknown.
“We regard this as a serious crime, not as a prank,” he said.
  Newsweek reports on Davos

The newspaper said the material - including the credit card
 of some 1,400 prominent people - had been collected by
 protesters. Opponents who have mounted demonstrations against the forum
 maintain that it is an exclusive club acting in the interests of big
 business and against the world’s poor.

The data also included the numbers to passports and personal
 phones of many of the government and business leaders who have attend
 annual gathering in Davos in recent years.
Details published in the SonntagsZeitung report appeared to be
 largely correct, McLean said, but nothing sensitive on Clinton had been
 obtained, he said. Clinton was the featured speaker at Davos a year
A preliminary investigation indicated that the security breach
 “a remnant database that contained information about participants at
 our regional meetings” held last year,” McLean told The Associated
“They did not penetrate our main data base; they did not
 the Davos data base, apparently,” he said.

Swiss authorities said they were investigating to determine
 the government should prosecute the hackers on grounds of invasion of
The forum is e-mailing those on the list and setting up a hot
 for executives. “We’re making a great effort today to make sure every
 those people has been contacted and made aware of the problem,” McLean
Some 3,200 people attend the six-day meeting to exchange ideas
 world economy and problems, make deals and enjoy the Alps. Regional
 are held in varying locations around the world. They also draw
 and business leaders, but on a smaller scale than Davos.

  The terrific Tech array

 •Hacks, Attacks  Scams: The latest on Web attacks, hacks, online scams
 credit card fraud

 •Viruses  Vulnerabilities: Bug of the Day, Bug Alerts, viruses,
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sordid matters and 

[CTRL] Fw: HOTT - Biography of William Cooper.htm

2001-02-07 Thread lassey

-Caveat Lector-

Biography of William Cooper
William Cooper
A Short Biography
William Cooper was reared in an Air Force family. As a child he lived in
many different countries, graduating from Yamato High School in Japan.
he has traveled through or lived in many different foreign countries Mr.
Cooper has a world view much different than most Americans.

William served with the Strategic Air Command, United States Air Force.
held a secret clearance working on B-52 bombers, KC-135 refueling
and Minuteman missiles. William received his Honorable Discharge from the
United States Air Force in 1965.

William joined the United States Navy fulfilling a dream previously
frustrated by chronic motion sickness. He served aboard the submarine USS
Tiru (SS-416), USS Tombigbee (AOG-11), Naval Support Activity Danang RVN,
Naval Security and Intelligence Camp Carter RVN, Danang Harbor Patrol
Dong Ha River Security Group RVN, USS Charles Berry (DE-1035),
Commander in Chief Pacific Fleet, USS Oriskany (CVA-34).

Cooper was a member of the Office of Naval Security and Intelligence
as a Harbor and River Patrol Boat Captain at Danang and the Dong Ha River
Security Group, Cua Viet, Republic of Vietnam. William Cooper was awarded
several medals for his leadership and heroism during combat including two
with "V" for Valor.

He served on the Intelligence Briefing Team for the Commander In Chief of
the Pacific Fleet. William was the Petty Officer of the Watch and
KL-47 SPECAT operator in the CINCPACFLT Command Center at Makalapa
There he held a Top Secret, Q, SI, security clearance.

William Cooper achieved the rank of First Class Petty Officer, QM1, E-6
after only 8 years of Naval service, a difficult task in any branch of
United States military. William Cooper received an Honorable Discharge
the United States Navy on December 11, 1975.

William attended Long Beach City College where he picked up an Associate
Science Degree in Photography. He founded the Absolute Image Studio and
Gallery of Fine Art Photography in Long Beach, California.

William held the position of Executive Director of Adelphi Business
Pacific Coast Technical Institute, and National Technical College. Mr.
Cooper was the National Marketing Coordinator for National Education and

He produced several documentaries covering subjects such as the Kennedy
assassination and secret black projects that have built flying disk
craft. William is an internationally acclaimed radio personality
broadcasting the Hour Of The Time on WBCQ worldwide short-wave 7.415 MHz
from 10 PM until 11 PM Eastern Standard Time (0300 to 0400 UTC) Monday
through Thursday nights.

William Cooper is the author of Behold A Pale Horse. The book has become
best selling underground book of all time. It is read and promoted by
of mouth by People of all races, religions, and nationalities.
Mr. Cooper is a world class lecturer, one of the few other than
monarchs, and Popes who have appeared at Wembly in London. William Cooper
has lectured for 10 years in every State.

William Cooper, Trustee, has founded for Harvest Trust, the CAJI News
Service, VERITAS national full size newspaper, The Intelligence Service,
Harvest Publications, and has helped over 700 low power FM affiliate
stations get equipped and on the air... including the station he manages
Trustee for the Independence Foundation Trust, 101.1 FM Eagar, Arizona,
broadcasting to 7,000 people.

Under his leadership Harvest Trust ventured into the publishing trade.
first book under the Harvest Trust imprint was Oklahoma City: Day One by
Michele Marie Moore... the definitive classic on the Oklahoma City
of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building on April 19, 1995.

Shortly after the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah federal building Rush
Limbaugh read a White House memo on the air during his broadcast which
William Cooper, "...the most dangerous radio host in America". Mr. Cooper
considers William Clinton's pronouncement the greatest compliment that he
has ever received.

William Cooper's FBI file, promulgated by the investigation required by
security clearances while in military service, was one of those
in possession of the White House in what has become known as, "Filegate".
Shortly after this discovery President Clinton ordered all federal
to begin investigation, persecution, and prosecution of Mr. Cooper to
him up.

After years of filing FOIA requests and researching the IRS William
brought suit against the IRS in Federal District Court in Phoenix Arizona
force the IRS to produce proof of jurisdiction and delegation of
which the IRS was unable to do. To short circuit Mr. Cooper's attempt to
reveal the true nature of the criminal IRS, and to carry out the orders
the White House, the agency lied to a Grand Jury, not allowing William
Cooper to testify, and 

[CTRL] HistoryoftheSupremeCourt.html

2001-02-07 Thread Kris Millegan

Title: an excerpt from:

an excerpt from:
History of the Supreme Court
Gustav Myers1911-1912
Charles H. Kerr  Company 
First Edition -  823 pps - two editions/three printings

To a work such as this, avoiding as it does both theories and conclusions, and confining itself strictly to ascertainable facts, little or no prefatory note is required. Neither is any explanation necessary as to why the author chose to write the historical narrative of the Supreme Court of the United States. All departments of human activity are subject, or should be, to scrutiny and investigation, and the series of facts discovered become a definite part of knowledge to be explored, assembled and disseminated.

Quite true, while research has hitherto penetrated into all other branches of historical development, the courts have been singularly exempt. That they have been immune from searching inquiry; that around them has been created a myth, a fiction of supermundane superiority, is no reason why the case should continue so. On the contrary, the more their history and course have been shrouded in tradition and mystery, the more pressing is the necessity for learning and describing the actual facts. Only those who for sentimental or ulterior purposes would seek to disseminate fiction rather than facts can object to a serious inquiry into any institution and the collocation of verified facts. Such an objection at once discredits and disposes of itself in its obvious attack upon an attempt to bring out the truth, and in its aim to suppress the facts from becoming public information.

The long roll of facts herein set forth have not, it is needless to say, been created by the author. Good, bad or indifferent, they are all matters of record; there they lie in the archives awaiting the patient and sincere research of the historical delver; and if nearly all of them are now presented for the first time that is not the fault of the facts but constitutes a standing exposure of the superficial, if not designedly partial character, of much of the extant work passed off as historical writing. Spurious as most of these writings are, destitute of the merit of even a disposition to plumb the truth, characterized by a desire to glorify the basest passions and gloze over the true causes and development of events, they have unfortunately had their influence in propagating confusion, falsehood, and, worst of all, popular submission to the ideas and conceptions demanded by the dominant class. But the day has even now dawned when such works are going to the rubbish heaps or perhaps being regarded as singular curiosities of " intellectual " vassalage.

For nearly a century and a quarter the Supreme Court of the United States has towered aloft in omnipotent sway over all other institutions. Absolute and final, its decrees have gone deep into the history of the nation, and have had their mighty effect upon those wars of classes and subdivisions of classes which it was once (and to some extent still is) the fashion to ignore in theory while asserting the fact in deed. During its whole existence the Supreme Court of the United States has been overwhelmed with laudation, although not at all times free from criticism.

But generalities do not concern us, nor do mere gilded words or fine assumptions have weight. What we do care about is to know the facts, so far as the annals can give them, of this all-powerful institution. We seek to learn its antecedents, its establishment, its development, its successive personnel, and its course, and what relation the whole bore to the great questions and interests of each associated era. This is the information supplied in the following pages; and if the facts presented are striking, original and voluminous, it should be remembered that they are only such as are in the records; without doubt many more underlying facts have never been introduced into the accessible archives, and these are lost to the authentic search of the historian.
As will be seen, this work is not one of a routine biographical or descriptive character, dependent upon injections of fanciful matter or dramatic coloring. It seeks to go to the basic depths, and in doing so it becomes far more than a narrative of a single institution. It carries with a comprehensive history of the development of capitalist resources, power and tactics, and of the great and continuing conflict of classes. It reveals the true sources of the primitive accumulation of wealth which necessarily beginning with the appropriation of land and the dispossession of the workers, have extended to the elaborate and conjointed forms of capitalist power subsisting to-day. 

Palpably, a dominant class must have some supreme institution through which it can express its consecutive demands and enforce its will, whether that institution be a king, a Parliament, a Congress, a Court or an army. In the United States, the one all-potent institution automatically responding 

[CTRL] Drudge ReTort

2001-02-07 Thread Agent Starling

For Grins and Giggles check outwww.drudge.com (Drudge Retort)
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~My Chat Addresses: 
ICQ: 103814927 Y! Messenger: Kazzmir MS Messenger: Kazzmir AOL 
Messenger: xmulvax

[CTRL] Anagrammy Award: America's Secret Police

2001-02-07 Thread Kelly

-Caveat Lector-


Richard Grantham with:


America's Secret Police

Harassment groups in the United States have obtained advanced
surveillance equipment and non-lethal weapons. These groups do illegal
surveillance of the person they target and then attack that person with
non-lethal weapons.

Men, women, and children with mental conditions are primary targets for
these groups but a person's past history, current behavior, race, and
sexual orientation could also qualify them as a target. Please read
about these groups at the URL listed below. Nothing is for sale. If you
have trouble accessing the web site please email me. Sorry if you
receive this message more than once.
  URL: http://ourworld.cs.com/soundweapon/
  Thank you, [EMAIL PROTECTED] =


We believe that you are all out to get us.
We believe God has granted us the right to possess quick-load automatic
firearms and shoot proper cyanide-laden armour-piercing bullets as part
of normal life.
We believe in Roswell and the total documentary truth of The X-Files;
that nasty communists are under the bed; Democrats are a tool of Satan;
the U.N. controls the puppet U.S. Congress and that President Clinton's
an alien with three million squashy penises; the Net's a CIA plot, as
were Vietnam, Lee Harvey Oswald, the men on the Moon, women's rights,
Waco, 'race hate', Princess Diana, AOL, nuns, photocopiers...
We believe only God's help (or perhaps carrying a huge gun) can save us.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Efforts toward human cloning mount

2001-02-07 Thread Agent Starling

Efforts toward human cloning mount Copyright © 
2001 Nando MediaCopyright © 2001 Christian Science Monitor 

By PETER N. SPOTTS, Christian Science Monitor 

(February 7, 2001 3:35 p.m. EST http://www.nandotimes.com) - Panayiotis 
Zavos and Severino Antinori are looking for a few talented scientists. 

Next month, the University of Kentucky professor 
and the Italian fertility clinic doctor plan to hold a meeting in Rome to 
jump-start one of the most controversial projects researchers have ever 
proposed: to clone whole human beings as a way to help infertile couples have 

 Need a Daily Pep Talk? Subscribe 
at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/dpt 
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Events, Politics, News, Issues, Views  Opinion... A 
Wholelottaotherlinx in your inbox daily subscribe at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
~My Chat Addresses: 
ICQ: 103814927 Y! Messenger: Kazzmir MS Messenger: Kazzmir AOL 
Messenger: xmulvax


2001-02-07 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

'Well lets see June, wasn't it Bremer who said in his diary, first line
"Call Me Ishmael"and Hinckley who saw the movie "Taxi" where it was
suggested he shoot Reagan..and John Wilkes Booth quoted virtually
from the bible and like Ishmael in the bible he said "every hand was
againt him"...

Then we had Sirhan who wrote in his diary looking into Dark Mirrors "RFK
must die and I will receive money as per instructions in the bible"

We could almost call these Book of the Month Club murders - big sale.

Now this guy today aimed for the Hill..shot in the knee, he
seemingly felt no pain.worked for the IRS and police were looking
for someone in the militia.

Now little Buford ran home like a pigeon to the FBI.we have all the
programmed killers running around - well the Unibomber - can see him yet
in his little orange jump suit and they say he acted alone?   All
through his manifesto which was so dull I could hardly get through it,
he wrote "we' this and "we" that..and forced the FBI to read all
that stuff for spite...but boy oh boy when a million dollar reward
was offered, his own brother turned him in, for it seems he was,  his
brother's keeper.

Catcher in the Rye - have never read this book...

But the movie Taxi and the film made about Litttleton like a year or so
before it happened..all drug connected?

So the name was Picket and the police were looking for connections to
the "militia" and it turns up the guy was former IRS - so the job drove
him nutz?

Keep thinking of Manson in prison with Jimmy Carter's nephew who said he
was giong to hae Ms. Lilliam killed when they had a falling out, but
Gerald Ford almost killed by little Red Riding Hood at Manson's alleged
command to save the Redwoods.now the Evergreen would symbolize the
President, right?

Manchurian Candidates   Timothy McVeigh read what was it, the Turner
Diaries they tried to say this gave him idea to blow up Oklahoma

My my - if this is true, I wonder why somebody hasn't done something
about all the violence on TV and in the movies and the hypnotic drugs
which the feed the kids like MM's - and as Shakespeare said All The
World, is a Stage and Clinton sure enjoyed all those funerals - he and
Gore were at their best  thenand then we had the stage play the kids
and their teachers put on for the funeral of the victims of Littleton -
but then, that's show biz.

Ever notice that Gerald Ford whose real name was Leslie King, had a
Manchurian Candidate look like John Wayne - and his brother was named
Leslie King - two Leslie Kings?   and Clinton that is not his real name,
and Jesse Jackson that is not his real name, and Martin Luther King,
that was not his real name and Barak and Sharon, those are not their
real names..and Jesse Ventura - that is not his real name.]

And Arnold Schwartzenegger - that is his real name and he might be the
next governor of California..wonder if any of these other people had
their names legally changed and if Arnold is American Citizen.

Larry Flynt - bet that is not his real name.always think of this guy
named Joe Boob who went to court to have his name hanged, and the Judge
said I do not blame you sir you are to be commended for changing that
name and to what do you want your name hanged?   The guy said "George

Such is a day in the life of the Illuminati - making mountains out of

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Jammed

2001-02-07 Thread Euphorix

-Caveat Lector-

From www.wsws.org
WSWS : Arts
Review : Film
The official version
Traffic, directed by Steven Soderbergh, written by
Stephen Gaghan
By Joanne Laurier
8 February 2001
to screen version| Send this
link by email
Steven Soderbergh's latest film, Traffic, inspired by
a British television miniseries, is set in the world of drug trafficking.
There are three intertwined strands to the narrative. In a Mexican
border town, two slightly jaded policemen (Benicio Del Toro and
Jacob Vargas) are pursuing drug smugglers. The bust brings the
street cops, whose normal activities involve small-time schemes
to rip off American tourists, inexplicably into a confrontation
with the military. A leading general, who is aggressively hunting
down members of the Obregon drug cartel, subsequently induces
one of the policeman to join his team. The general, in fact, turns out to be
connected to a rival cartel.
In San Diego two Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) undercover
agents (Don Cheadle and Luis Guzman) have apprehended a mid-level
trafficker of the Obregon cartel (Miguel Ferrer), who has agreed
to testify against his Mexican-born boss (Steven Bauer), a respectable
businessman living in a wealthy suburb. The cartel penetrates
DEA security and kills the witness. The drug baron and his wife
(Catherine Zeta-Jones), once innocent but now complicit in her
husband's dirty business, are again free to oversee the all-powerful
drug empire.
Meanwhile, the Ohio State Supreme Court Justice Robert Wakefield
(Michael Douglas) has just been named by the president to head
up the anti-drug offensive. As the dedicated, uncompromising Wakefield
prepares to supervise the country's anti-drug task force, he is
oblivious to his 16-year-old daughter's (Erika Christensen) increasing
heroin addiction. In the end, Wakefield walks away from his new
position to support his daughter's rehabilitation efforts.
The film is not uninteresting to watch. Soderbergh, who shot
the film himself, has an undeniable flair. And some of the interconnections
and transformations—for example, the Zeta-Jones character—have
a certain dramatic appeal. So too the upper middle class ennui
of Wakefield's daughter and her friends. (Although the film unpleasantly
implies that while the addiction of wealthy teenagers is a terrible
shame, nothing can be done about the wretched fate of poor kids.
The black neighborhood portrayed is virtually nothing more than a drug distribution 
The performances in general and Del Toro in particular are
convincing. As is almost inevitable in a work that is the product
of “investigative reporting,” however, the characters
tend to be the mere fleshing out of certain recognizable types:
the crusading reformer, the hard-working, rough-edged “street”
cop, the sleazy drug lord. At times the characterizations teeter
on the verge of ethnic stereotype. All in all, the drama is muted and flat. The 
Douglas character embodies the Hollywood fantasy
of modern-day liberalism; the only problem is that such figures
hardly exist today, if they ever did. His Olympian incorruptibility
never rings true.
The issue of drugs is not a small one in the US today, and
in many countries. It impacts on the lives of millions and millions
of people—those addicted, those in prison on drug charges,
those in neighborhoods where drug dealers operate and so forth.
It contributes to the social and psychological misery of many. Soderbergh points out 
the extent of the problem, noting that “everyone
knows someone who has been touched by it, whether it's a friend
or family member.”
If the problem is so pervasive in society, if drugs, as the
director suggests, is one of the “key social issues in our
culture today,” then it would appear to follow logically
that one should examine the society that produces such a plague
in order to locate the latter's causes. For all its pyrotechnics
and for all the fanfare that has surrounded the movie, Traffic,
disappointingly, doesn't carry out any such investigation. The
viewer may know more about the details of police work and the
operations of drug cartels by the end of the film, but is he or
she any closer to grasping the essence of the social problem?
Taking on such an indisputably critical issue and dealing with
it honestly would require a different approach than the one taken
by the filmmakers. Is it in fact possible, in the first place,
to deal honestly with the drug issue if one accepts wholly and
uncritically the official version, i.e., more or less, the policeman's
view of things? Traffic is a breathtakingly establishment
In the production notes, screenwriter Stephen Gaghan declares:
“I went all over the country to research the story. In Washington,
D.C., meeting with the policymakers—the Deputy Secretary
of Defense, the Office of National Drug Control Policy, the head
of the Association of Police Chiefs, the DEA, members of think
tanks from the right and the left, journalists at The Washington

[CTRL] Jack Ruby Cocktail

2001-02-07 Thread Ted Saari
-Caveat Lector-

Since the controlled jackal media only publish the old triggering photos of McVeigh in the original orange jump suit, (hear the mighty Wurlitzer drone) and no primary source material is ever cited in the unsigned media accounts of McVeigh's alleged "waiver of appeal", and no one appears to be getting a direct interview with McVeigh for corroboration of the unusual alleged waiver of appeal, and his uncorroborated and alleged desire to die, it is a fairly blatant smoking gun that the "perpetraitors" of the OK bomb disaster/cover-up areabout toassassinate McVeigh under the guise of a staged execution before the world (an insider joke over "coketails" and martinis?) 
Perhaps those with resources could check it out. It appears a key witness(maybe the key witness?) to the OK bomb affair is about to be terminated with malice, probably against his will, center world stage. McVeigh's lethal injection scheduledfor May 2001 mayultimately be exposed as the "Jack Ruby" cocktail of which many others have forcibly imbibed.It seems McVeigh is

From: John Cone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Subject: [CTRL] McVeigh...Another "Patsie"

Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2001 18:19:24 -0800

-Caveat Lector-

--- Aleisha Saba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

"For McVeigh somehow I believe, thought he was working

for official intelligence source..."


Nakano comments: Yes, McVeigh was working for an

"official intelligence source." During the peak

of the Desert Storm airwar, several hundred Iraqi

troops called "Republic Guards" surrendered in

Kuwait. They were keep in a prison compound in Saudi

Arabia for about a year. These Iraqis appealed to

Bill Clinton for "political asylum".

He gave it to them and issued an order to allow them

to come and live in the United States.

They settled in groups in several U.S. cities.

(CBS 60 Minutes did a report about this).

One group of former Iraqi soldiers settled in..

are you ready for this...Oklahoma City.

Tim McVeigh was an undercover intelligence agent

assigned to keep tabs on this group. Several eye

witnesses in Oklahoma City reported seeing McVeigh

in the company of several of the Iraqis in the

days before the bombing.

The Federal Judge you mentioned was warned of the

bombing a week before it happened.

BTAF Office also had advance notice.

Several eyewitnesses reported seeing the

Oklahoma City Fire Dept. Bomb Squad and BATF agents

deployed in the area of the Murrah Building as much

as 3 hours before the explosion.


Aleisha Saba:

"McVeigh, who was not too bright face it, with a chin

like Jay Leno was easy target to find maybe? Or

maybe to draw picture for a wanted ad?"



You are almost right on this one too.

McVeigh was chosen to be the "Patsy" because

there was a "McVeigh double" in the BATF.

This BATF agent and McVeigh looked almost like

twin brothers. It was the McVeigh "double"

who was speeding 85 MPH in a car with no license

plates to purposely get pulled over and arrested.

That's why the FBI confiscated the mugshots, the

fingerprints records and even the bed sheets and

blankets from the jail where the McVeigh double

had been held for three days. They removed all

evidence that might prove that the man who had

been arrested wasn't McVeigh.

One more thing. McVeigh isn't a dummy.

He was an outstanding soldier.

Unfortunately, he is also a victim of

"mind control programming", and they put

a chip implant in him to control him.

I know this sounds like bizarre science fiction.

But have you noticed there have been only one or

two very carefully controlled interviews by

reporters with him? No writer has come forward

to do interviews with McVeigh and write a book?

In fact, since the trial, there has been almost

nothing in the media about him.

WHY Not?

 Regards to All



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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic

screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are

sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-

directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with

major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.

That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and

always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no

credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.