[CTRL] Gary Condit: gay love affairs and the murder of Chandra Levy

2001-07-17 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
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From: Mr. Chronicle [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Gary Condit: gay love affairs and the murder of Chandra Levy
Date: Monday, July 16, 2001 6:15 PM



By: John LeBoutillier

Editor's note: The following article appeared Friday, July 13, 2001 on
NewsMax.com. After being a headliner for most of the day, the article was
mysteriously pulled without explanation. For the benefit of our readers who
have inquired on this matter, here is the article in its entirety.

Yesterday I spoke to RJ - an inside-the-Beltway source who, over the
years, has never steered me wrong. RJ said, John, do you know the true
story of Gary Condit?
RJ continued then proceeeded to outline a scenario for what happened in this
case:Condit has been known inside the gay community here in DC for being a
big, big user of gay male prostitutes - especially blacks from the Caribbean
who ride motorcycles and love to wear black leather.

Condit lives in Adams Morgan - a terrible commute to and from the Hill -
and it is a notorious neighborhood for gays and bisexuals.

Now, here is the dirty little secret behind the disappearance of Chandra
Levy: Condit goes both ways. He likes to get sodomized by male prostitutes
before having sex with women. The gay sex turns him on and he can then
perform with women.

Condit had one particular Caribbean male prostitute that he frequented.
When it was determined that Chandra had to go, this guy was given the
assignment. He picked her up on his motorcycle, took off some where, killed
her, and dumped her body. Then, on orders from Condit and with money from
Condit, he headed back to Haiti or wherever he came from - far, far away
from investigators and the Feds.

The media has heard all of this - but has yet to report it. The other night,
both Michael Issikoff of Newsweek and Tom Squitieri of USA TODAY referred to
dark aspects of this story that we can't report yet.

Other media players are aware of all of this - and more: apparently Condit
liked three-ways and even four-ways with himself, the male gay prostitute
and two women.

Some of his girlfriends obviously knew of this over the years; some
participated in the three-way sex. This explains his absolute paranoia over
any of the girls ever talking about their relationships with him. And it
explains the fear we are now hearing about from not just the flight
attendant, Anne Marie Smith, but others, too.

This also explains why Abbe Lowell only wants one or two questions asked on
the lie detector, such as, Do you know what happened to Chandra? Condit
probably does not know - on purpose - what the gay male prostitute did with
her - so he might very well successfully pass that question on a lie
detector test.

No wonder Lowell doesn't want wide-ranging questions. All of this horrible
mess would soon be revealed and confirmed.

As for Chandra leaving her apartment with only her keys? As RJ put it,
Perhaps the only time a woman would leave her purse behind would be to ride
on the back of a motorcycle.

Now, the big questions are these:

1) Is the FBI honestly investigating this absolutely perverted behavior and
this scenario?

2) Do the Feds have the guts to pursue such a sick scenario?

3) Does the media - many of who already know much of this - report it - and
expose this sick bisexual and gay behavior? Recently the Mainstream Media
loves to portray gay victims of violent crime but often ignores gay
perpetrators of violent crime. Will the media put aside their Politically
Correct view of bi-sexualism and prostitution and tell the truth here?

4) Will the Feds track down this gay male black prostitute - or multiple gay
prostitutes - who have had dealings with Condit?

If RJ's scenario if accurate then poor Chandra - and other Condit
girlfriends - have fallen into the sickest group of perverts imaginable.

No wonder Condit, representing a conservative district, went bananas every
time one of his girlfriends talked.

Buckle your seatbelts: things are going to explode soon.

John LeBoutillier is a former U.S. Congressman and a nationally recognized
political commentator. He has been a frequent guest on many national talk
show programs, including the Today show, ABC's 20/20, Nightline and CNN's

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spectrum. **FREE 

[CTRL] The Liberty Committee

2001-07-17 Thread Tito Hammond

-Caveat Lector-

Meet the Liberty Committee
Current, former members of Congress, citizens join forces



By Julie Foster
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

A group dedicated to the Declaration of Independence clause that all men are
endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these
are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, has grown to include more
than 60,000 citizen activists in its two short years of existence.

Based in Falls Church, Va., the Liberty Committee brings together members of
Congress and American citizens in a grass-roots effort to reduce the size and
scope of government. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, is honorary chair of the group,
which partners with the congressional Liberty Caucus. The latter boasts both
current and former congressional representatives as its members, while the
former is made of ordinary citizens.

The Liberty Committee has seen tremendous growth since it was founded
concurrently with the congressional Liberty Caucus.

During the last two years, Liberty Committee activists and Liberty Caucus
members joined forces to defend and advance liberty by being actively
involved in our national legislative process. Executive orders, national
sovereignty, and privacy were the issues that called for our greatest efforts
during these last two years. I am pleased to tell you that our efforts met
with success, wrote Paul in an open letter to current and prospective
Liberty Committee members.

From the Liberty Committee's website, members have the opportunity to keep
abreast of current legislative proposals key to the cause of liberty. They
can also electronically sign and send letters to representatives, lobbying
their causes.

This year, those causes included the repeal of the 16th Amendment, which
authorized income taxes in 1913. Members are also advocating a repeal of
withholdings taxes. If successful, employers will no longer be required to
confiscate taxes from employees' paychecks and route the funds to the IRS.
Citizens would have to pay their total tax liability without intervention by
employers – a move that would create renewed awareness of dollar amounts
individuals pay to their government, proponents say.

Liberty Committee members are also asking President George W. Bush to
rescind the signature of the United States of America to the International
Criminal Court Treaty that former President Clinton authorized on December
31, 2000. The ICC has been ratified by 36 countries so far. Once 60
countries have ratified the treaty creating the court, the new judicial body
will formally be established. Clinton claimed he signed the treaty to ensure
the United States is included in formation of the court's procedures. But
Republican leadership in Congress has vowed not to ratify the treaty,
however, should Bush submit the proposal for legislators' consideration.

In response to growing worldwide support for the ICC – Canada ratified the
treaty last July – and to the increasing role of the United Nations in
American policy, Liberty Committee members have banded together to support
H.R. 1146, the American Sovereignty Restoration Act. The bill would withdraw
the United States from the United Nations and prohibit U.S. armed forces from
serving under U.N. command.

Liberty Committee Executive Director Kent Snyder summed up the phenomenon
that drives the group in a letter he wrote Wednesday.

One thing politicians will fight to keep is power, whether that power is
stolen from the people or not. As long as the people are asleep, politicians
get away with their illicit power grabs. One power grab leads to another, and
too soon, the people are without liberty because piece by piece, they let
their political power slip away, he wrote Wednesday.

The letter continues with an explanation of the constitutional limits of
campaign-finance reform measures. Paul believes opponents to proposals such
as the McCain-Feingold campaign-finance reform measure are correct when they
say such measures are unconstitutional. The bills violate the First
Amendment, says Snyder, making them illegal.

The Constitution specifically does not give to representatives and senators
the power to make laws affecting campaigns so they cannot control the outcome
of their own re-elections (and for good reason!). But how many Washington
politicians will stand on the floor of the House or Senate and admit the
truth ... that the only power they have is that limited, specific power
granted by the Constitution? he wrote.

In addition to the Liberty Committee's congressional membership, the group's
senior legal adviser is attorney Herb Titus, who holds a Harvard law degree.
Titus taught constitutional law, common law and other subjects for nearly 30
years at five different American Bar Association-approved law schools. He
also served as the founding dean of the College of Law and Government at
Regent University in Virginia. 


2001-07-17 Thread Tito Hammond

 Forwarded Message: 
 Subj:   AFL-CIO and Sierra Agree: ALL CALL TOMORROW
 Date:  7/16/01 1:33:13 PM Mountain Daylight Time
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Dolan)
 To:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Action-LA List), 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (BA-FairTrade List), 
(Stop-FTAA List), [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tradefield List), 
 The AFL-CIO paid for your toll-free call to your congress member.
 1-800-393-1082  It works!  It's easy!
 July 17th: all-call day to STOP Fast Track  *** July 17th: all-call day to 
STOP Fast Track  **  July 17th: all-call day to STOP Fast Track **  July 
17th: all-call day to STOP Fast TrackMake sure YOUR Member of Congress hears 
the message loud  clear: trade deals like NAFTA and the WTO have hurt 
workers, the environment, consumers, family farmers and must be stopped! On 
Tuesday July 17th call Congress at 1800-393-1082 and tell your Representative 
to oppose Fast Track. Then get all your friends and family to do the same.
 If everybody does this one simple thing, we can beat Fast 
Track.=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=The AFL-CIO and their 
various international unions are part of a massive campaign against Fast 
Track all over the U.S., united with environmentalists, consumer advocates, 
family farmers and students to name a few. This is the coalition that 
defeated Fast Track in 1997, the Multilateral Agreement on Investment in 1998 
and the launch of a new round of multilateral trade talks at the World Trade 
Organization's Ministerial meeting in Seattle in 1999. Now it's time to gear 
up for another win in 2001 - we must kill Fast Track! Fast Track could come 
up for a vote before August Recess. The GOP House leadership has introduced 
H.R. 2149, a Fast Track which does not address the need to include strong  
enforceable provisions on labor or the environment in trade and investment 
agreements. They have teamed up with the corporate lobby group US Trade and 
are actively lobbying Members of Congress on Capitol Hill and around the 
country. Of course they have lots of money to spend, something we do not - 
BUT we have the workers, family farmers, environmentalists, consumers, fair 
trade activists, students, people of faith and YOU to help us defeat this 
retrograde trade legislation.We are happy to join the AFL-CIO in their call 
for a national all-call day on Congress on July 17th, and urge you to mark 
your calendar for this important opportunity to tell your Member of Congress 
to stand up for working families and the environment by saying NO to Fast 
Track. Tell your Representative that labor and environmental provisions MUST 
be included in the core text of any trade agreement, and have the same kind 
of enforcement mechanisms as commercial provisions.You can find more 
information  ways to take action against Fast Track on our web-page: 
http://www.tradewatch.org/FastTrack/fastrac.htm, as well as on the AFL-CIO's 
Fast Track: http://www.aflcio.org/globaleconomy/index.htm Share this alert 
with friends  family!=-=-=-=-=-!
 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Working Families e-Activist 
Network--  www.aflcio.org 
Stop Fast Track---Don't Export More Jobs!Your action is needed now to derail 
Fast Track. President George W. Bush and giant corporations want a special 
bill that will let them rush trade agreements through Congress with no 
changes and minimal review.If Congress gives Bush Fast Track, we'll see:+ 
More and faster trade deals like NAFTA,+ More U.S. job losses and smaller 
wages,+ More attacks on workers' rights across the globe,+ And more 
devastating pollution of our air and water.You can help stop Fast Track in 
its tracks. Congress is expected to decide in July on giving President Bush 
Fast Track trade negotiating authority.Here is what you can do.Call your 
members of Congress on Tuesday, July 17---the Fast Tracke-Activist National 
Call-in Day.Call them toll-free at 1-800-393-1082.Tell your members of 
Congress: Working families need fair and balancedtrade that protects people 
and the environment---NOT Fast Track.Forward this message to friends, family 
and co-workers who might beinterested. You can start calling Congress today, 
but remember to call on Tuesday, July 
 Stop Fast Track Call-In Day,this Tuesday, July 17Urgent Action AlertSierra 
Club's Responsible Trade ProgramPresident Bush wants Congress to give him 
fast track trade authority toexpand environmentally destructive trade deals 
such as NAFTA to morecountries.  The Sierra Club is joining with the AFL-CIO 
to declare Tuesday,July 17 a Stop Fast Track Call-In Day to the US House of 
Representatives.Fast Track 

Re: [CTRL] [OT] Report: President Bush Has Lowest IQ ofallPresidentsofPast ...

2001-07-17 Thread BB

-Caveat Lector-

And are you going to whine for that same very long, long time?
Is this the first time in history that a President was elected by a
majority of the electoral vote, but not the popular?

If you STILL do not understand the purpose and design of the
Electoral College, and are STILL outraged that a huge mob of
folks all jammed together in one area still did not prevail with their
block voting, then we have very little common ground for
a reasonable discussion.

The Electoral College may seem unwieldy NOW, but there was a
definite wise PURPOSE for its design and inclusion in our

Just like the current wisdom of the intellectuals and sheeple in 1913,
who decided it ever so much more desirable to have direct election
of Senators by the people, it seems clever now to abolish this
so unwieldy and cumbersome Electoral College, not realizing that it was

Prudence L. Kuhn wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 07/16/2001 1:22:37 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

  He won ...Get over it. 

 No, he didn't win.  He got over that necessity quite nicely.  He has the
 presidency.  We do have to adjust to the Republican way of taking over the
 country.  Most of us have resigned ourselves to having a Bush Boob in office
 who is making sure that his corporate benefactors get to rape and exploit us.
  It will take this country a long, long time to get over it.  Prudy

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[CTRL] Fwd: Condit Is Conservative by Day, Liberal at Night

2001-07-17 Thread Aleisha Saba

Find this item interesting - Condit lives in this Bohemian Adams Morgan
District and little Chandra had out her map on TV of this Klingle
Mansion and if you note this Adams Morgan District and Klingon Mansion
district are next door neighbors.

Could it be a meeting was to take place;  Chandra is alleged to have
visited that guy's apartment, but when - maybe that night?
Seems strange he would permit her to meet in his apartment in this
rather naughty area when he traveled in such secrecy and by the way,
these pictures of him on his web site are 20 years old an do over and
over people write how young he is?   He looks 20 years older han his

So his is one item re this location and then an interesting item re
Klingle Mansion area where Chandra took the time to target on her


...Around the World in a Flash!

Condit Is Conservative by Day, Liberal at Night
New York Post | May 18, 2001

He's so conservative he voted to quash flag burning. Yet he once moshed
at a Pearl Jam concert and posed astride a Harley Davidson motorcycle
for a raunchy biker mag.

The life of Congressman Gary Condit - whose relationship to missing
intern Chandra Levy is under question after she disappeared - seems
marked by contradictions.

Among Capitol Hill regulars, the conservative son of a Baptist minister
is described as a smooth talker and a sharp dresser. Detractors call
him Mr. Blow-Dry.
Condit eschews the Washington suburbs to live among the young, hip
college crowd in the bohemian Adams Morgan, a Washington, D.C.,
neighborhood that is the district's answer to the East Village.

But unlike many congressmen who bring their families to Washington, his
wife, Carolyn, whom he married at 19, lives full time back in the
strait-laced rural environs of Ceres in Northern California. [Saba Note:
She lives with her children and he does the traveling back and forth
with exception of this visit right during Chandra's disappearance]

A source close to the congressman says health problems kept her at home,
although Condit frequently flies to see her on weekends.

Condit began his career in Ceres at 24 as a city councilman. A political
prodigy with burning ambition, he was a state assemblyman at 28.

Even then, he ran with the in-crowd and had his share of female fans.
When he was in the state legislature, he and fellow state Democrats
frequented a bar, Pargary's, one high-ranking California Democrat, who
remembered Condit's younger days, told The Post.

He was pretty social when he was in Sacramento. He got around and he
was popular with women.

When Condit won his seat on Capitol Hill in 1989, he earned a reputation
as the most conservative Democrat in the Golden State's congressional
delegation. Several years later, he helped found the Blue Dog
Democrats - a group that backs GOP issues and is helping President

Because of this maverick role, MSNBC named Condit one of the eight top
Democratic Power Brokers. He's a good congressman, said California
agricultural lobbyist Julian Heron. He works hard. He looks after his
constituents' interests, and he takes his job very seriously.

Though he leans right on the Hill by day, he's a liberal free spirit at
night. Choosing a condo in Adams Morgan - which Condit admitted Levy
once visited - is a strong statement because
[Saba note:  When, the night she targeted the area in which she looked
up Klingle Mansion]

Congress members normally choose the Virginia or Maryland suburbs.

Condit's love of motorcycles and rock is unusual in congressional
circles. When Condit went to a concert by the grunge group Pearl Jam
with friend Republican Rep. John Kasich of Ohio, he didn't hold back.

He got himself in a mosh pit, Kasich told The Modesto Bee in a 1996
interview. He thought people were trying to fight him.

© NEWS-MINUTE.COM All Rights Reserved
Doin' the News Since May of '98
In Memory Of: Steve and Diane, Two Americans

Might add the Klingle Mansion area - a guy named JJ Canela who was
friend to Congressman Traficanta and almost went to slammer - donated
$500,000 dollars to have a building named after his daughter whom he
wanted to or did run for congress and who was involved with the
Streisand fund raiserlater he pled guilty to a bribe, etc.

So here is an item and I have deleted information that was not relavant
but it appears Condit lived near Klingle Mansion area?   Klingle Mansion
has been used for think tank
sessions in the past and has an Old Mill Stream for this Mansion once
was a Mill



Saba Note -  Reference to Adam Morgan area, this Bohemian district in
which Condit lived?  The area sounds like an area one would not want to
be in streets after twilight timeSaba Note. 

East of the Park for Klingle Valley
April 2, 2001
Contact: Vicki Linton, (202) 232-0921
East of the Park Group Exceeds Goal with 1,200

Signatures to Save Klingle Valley Park
East of the Park for Klingle Valley, a group of Mount Pleasant and

Re: [CTRL] Agriculture After Global Warming

2001-07-17 Thread Nakano Nakamura

-Caveat Lector-

--- William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Most scientists agree that the levels of the
 greenhouse gas CO2 in the atmosphere are rising
 due to the burning of coal, oil, and natural gas.

Nakano comments:
This report is intended to be alarming.
Let's look at the facts another way.
How much carbon dioxide are we talking about?
1. Only 0.03 percent of the earth's atmosphere is
   carbon dioxide (CO2).
2. CO2 from the burning of fossil fuels account for
   only a small portion of the .03% of CO2 in the
   total atmosphere.
3. All greenhouse gases combined make up only 2
   percent of the atmosphere.
4. Over 90% of that 2% of greenhouse gases are from
   natural causes (not man made).
5. Less than 5% of the 2% are man made.
6. If there were zero greenhouse gases in the
   atmosphere, the earth would be a cold and
   inhospitable place...we need them.

Is this confusing?
The point is, only a tiny fraction of one percent
of the atmosphere is carbon dioxide and most of
that is not manmade.
Even if the burning of all fossil fuels were to be
completely stopped today, this whould not have a
major effect on Global Climate.

The Global Warming - Greenhouse Gas scare story is
designed to justify the placing of strict
taxes and controls on the use of energy. One result
will be that electricity, gasoline, coal, and fuel oil
will have far higher prices. The standard of living
will plunge in the weathier industrialized countries.
Underlying all of this will be the establishment of
international authority over national sovereignty and
authority.  International laws and rules will
supercede national laws.

There are some questions you should be asking
Are you ready to pay international taxes?
Are you ready to pay tremendously higher energy
Are you ready for America to start giving up its
national sovereignty in large chunks?
Do you think that a tiny fraction of 1 percent of
the atmosphere is reason enough to answer yes
to all of the above?
Do you think that possibly you have not been told
the truth about all of this?
Do you think that it's possible this entire
Global Warming thing has been concocted to stampede
the people into accepting serious international
authority over their lives?

The greatest fears are born in the imagination.
The powers behind the Global Warming scare know this.

 Regards to All

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Re: [CTRL] [OT] Report: President Bush Has Lowest IQ ofallPresidentsofPast 50 Years

2001-07-17 Thread BB

-Caveat Lector-

No, it doesn't mean that.
But will exposing it, complaining about it, delighting in it
raise his IQ even one point?
Will it help our country one bit?

Rejoice folks,  gw is only doing those things which ag would have.
You've basically won.  Not a Constitutionalist in sight.

Steve wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 On 15 Jul 01, at 23:22, BB wrote:

  He won ...Get over it.

 So does that mean we should not examine the President critically?

 Not even a Bush?



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 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Confiscation of Registered Guns Begins in Illinois

2001-07-17 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Confiscation of Registered Guns Begins in Illinois

The Chicago Police Department and the Illinois State Police have teamed up
to make good on Mayor Daley's pledge that, if it were up to him, nobody would
have a gun. Daley and his elite CAGE unit are apparently taking advantage
of gun privacy loopholes to pinpoint certain individuals for inclusion in
the confiscation program.

The ISRA is following up on leads in one case that has distrubing
implications. An elderly first-generation Chicago resident was recently paid
a visit by an Illinois State Police trooper. After asking to come inside the
man's home, the trooper asked if the man owned a gun - to which he replied
yes. The trooper then directed the individual to surrender the firearm. The
man complied with the officer's demand and the trooper left with the gun.
And the story gets better...

The gun in question was purchased legally by the man in the 1970s shortly
after he became a U.S. citizen. When Chicago's infamous gun registration
scheme went into effect in the early 1980s, the man registered the firearm
as per the requirement. However, over the years, the fellow apparenlty forgot
to re-register the firearm, and forgot to renew his Illinois FOID Card.

So...what does this all mean?

In the last edition of The Illinois Shooter, we reported on the activities
of a shady taskforce known as the Chicago Anti Gun Efforcement (CAGE) unit.
This elite squad, operated jointly by the Illinois State Police, the
Chicago Police Department, and the Cook County State's Attorney's Office,
supposedly exists to identify illegal gunrunners. However, information
gained by the ISRA makes it clear that the CAGE unit is targeting law-abiding
citizens, not criminal gunrunners.

Thanks to a ruling by a liberal federal judge, the CAGE unit now has the
name of every single person in the United States who, since 1992, lawfully
purchased more than one handgun in the period of a week. The CAGE unit
also has all the makes, models and serial numbers of those guns. In essence,
the Chicago Police Department is now registering guns and gun owners

The ISRA has also learned that the CAGE unit has compiled a list of families
where more than one person in that family holds a FOID card. Acting on that
information, the CAGE unit is now contacting gun shops where those families
have shopped, and is illegally registering all guns purchased by those

Now, it appears that the CAGE unit is scrubbing Chicago's gun registration
list against the list of FOID card holders. Indications are that folks who
have let their registrations and FOIDs lapse will have their guns
confiscated. We have to wonder how long it will be until state troopers
show up at the doors to confiscate the guns of non-Chicago residents who
have let their FOIDs expire.

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Re: [CTRL] [OT] Report: President Bush Has Lowest IQ of all Presidentsof Past 50 Years

2001-07-17 Thread BB

-Caveat Lector-

Ah, YES  -- The  Lovenstein Institute of Scranton, Pennsylvania

EVERYONE knows of them  MORE paragons of truth!!

Dale Stonehouse wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

  If late night TV comedy is an indicator, then there has never been as
  widespread a perception that a president is not
  intellectually qualified
  for the position he holds as there is with President GW Bush.
  In a report published Monday, the Lovenstein Institute of Scranton,
  Pennsylvania detailed its findings of a four month study of the
  intelligence quotient of President George W. Bush.

 People who found it a good idea to vote for a borderline intellect must like
 the idea of having a president who is as dumb or dumber than they are. This
 is one of the drawbacks of letting everyone vote; they don't have to pick
 the best or smartest candidate. Maybe we need an IQ qualification for the
 right to vote. I think the Third Reich may have considered doing just that.

 The image of the USA will suffer during the Bush administration, but the
 American people will survive it, just as we survived other
 less-than-brilliant presidents. And if Nixon is an indication, intellect
 isn't always used to the country's benefit. And the brains of Jimmy Carter
 that we loved so much didn't make him a great leader.

 Maybe intellect is overrated.

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Re: [CTRL] [OT] Report: President Bush Has Lowest IQ ofallPresidentsofPast 50 Years

2001-07-17 Thread BB

-Caveat Lector-

STOLED?  DUH?  Perhaps you will ponder this:
Your precious press now alleges that SIX MILLION
votes nation wide were improperly counted or discounted.
Could you suppose that ANY of them just might possible
have been cast for non-democrats??

I heard nothing from your side when the entire 18,000
military ballots were challenged from our overseas

Let me say this softly, so as not to blast ears  ---
ghwb's Supreme Court (I guess he appointed them all) --

One can only ask then, what about the REGULAR election?

You're so ignorant that you cannot see that the same agenda
which would have been followed by ag is now being followed
by the inheritor of the father's Supreme Court, gwb.

If you'd be so kind, would you please give an estimate of just how
LONG you are going to whine about an election which took place
8 months ago, and as you might have heard in whatever metropolis
you inhabit, is now over. Six more months?  A year?  Two years?
I'd like to know, so I can ignore your snipings for that length of time.

You lefties have WON, EINSTEIN, and you haven't been able to
figure it out yet!!!


And your memory's not too hot either, if you can't remember who
posted an article, even as you snipe a reply to it!!

And YES, you are DUH!   Good signature for you.


 -Caveat Lector-

 - Original Message -
 Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2001 10:33 PM
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] [OT] Report: President Bush Has Lowest IQ of
 allPresidents ofPast 50 Years

 On 15 Jul 01, at 23:22, BB wrote:

   He won ...Get over it.

 Steve, who was it that wrote the above, I forgot?

 Here's what I have to say to whomever it was: Man, if you would have been
 reading the posts regarding the FINAL FINDINGS regarding the FL ballot
 miscounting and theft that has appeared in the main stream media over the
 last several days, ... well, it is beyond me how anyone that has been on
 this list, AND READ THE STUFF POSTED ON IT, could even POSSIBLY have any
 doubt as to who REALLY WON!

 Can you read lips, Einstein?

 Here, let me speak louder, for the benefit of the hearing impaired:


 I mean, DUH!

  So does that mean we should not examine the President critically?
  Not even a Bush?

  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


*Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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[CTRL] Judge: Abortion Opponents Can March

2001-07-17 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Monday July 16 4:58 PM ET
Judge: Abortion Opponents Can March
By ROXANA HEGEMAN, Associated Press Writer

WICHITA, Kan. (AP) - A judge overruled the city Monday and said abortion
opponents can hold marches this week outside the clinic of one of the few
doctors in the nation to perform late-term abortions.

The ruling came as hundreds of demonstrators, in town for a renewal of the
Summer of Mercy anti-abortion protests that crippled Wichita a decade ago,
took to the streets to demand an end to abortion. They read Bible verses over
a loudspeaker as they marched through downtown with a police escort.

Judge Thomas Marten ruled that the city improperly denied the demonstrators'
group, Operation Save America, a parade permit for marches near the clinic of
Dr. George Tiller.

Tiller's clinic was bombed in 1985 and he was shot and wounded in 1993, two
years after the first Summer of Mercy in Wichita. During those 1991 protests,
anti-abortion demonstrators besieged Tiller's clinic.

Marten said the group would be allowed to parade for one hour twice a day
during this week's demonstrations.

City officials said the group was denied a parade permit for safety reasons,
but Marten said the move violated the demonstrators' First Amendment rights.

The abortion opponents also challenged the constitutionality of a municipal
court order imposing stiffer bail of $2,000 for nonresidents arrested at the
clinic this week. But Marten ruled that the higher bail is not a problem
since it applies to people on both sides of the abortion debate.

In 1991, the first Summer of Mercy - led by firebrand Randall Terry and
Operation Rescue - ended with 2,700 people arrested in more than 45 days of
protests. The group has since distanced itself from Terry and calls itself
Operation Save America.


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[CTRL] The real Elaine Chao

2001-07-17 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

The real Elaine Chao
'Walk Fire Enter Demon': Her interview with a Chinese newspaper



Editor's note: In the early days of George W. Bush's presidency, while
Attorney General-nominee John Ashcroft was battered and bruised in an ugly
confirmation gauntlet, Elaine Chao sailed through the same process
effortlessly to become labor secretary. This, despite in-depth reporting by
WorldNetDaily.com revealing Chao's and her father's close personal ties to
Chinese leader Jiang Zemin, as well as business ties to communist China.
The following report is based on a 5-part series of stories published from
July 3-7, 2000, in Sing Tao – one of Hong Kong's major newspapers, whose
American version is one of the major Chinese-language papers in the U.S. The
series was based on an in-depth interview with Elaine Chao by Sing Tao editor
Li Ge. They were published on the paper's U.S. website.

In that series, titled Washington Penetrating Inspection -- Exclusive
Interview (or visit) with Chao Hsiao-lan (Elaine Chao's Chinese name) -- Li
writes about having a conversation with Chao at a June 16, 2000, fund-raiser
in Kentucky during last summer's presidential campaign. Chao's husband is
Kentucky Sen. Mitch McConnell.

The provocative answers Chao gave reveal just how closely Bush's labor
secretary identifies with and supports the Chinese communist regime.

By Timothy Gallaher
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

In early July of 2000, the Chinese language newspaper Sing Tao published a
five-part feature on Elaine Chao, who has since become secretary of labor.
The articles covered a number of issues including Chao's views on China and
U.S.-China relations.

Among her comments were that she in no way agrees with the Cox Report, that
the U.S. media and Hollywood demonize China, that it is unfortunate the
Republican Party has Christian and religious critics of China and that China
should understand it is in a public relations war and should improve its PR
by cultivating contacts with Congress and journalists.

Chao also discussed differences between Democrat and Republican China
policies. Chao stated that, if elected, G.W. Bush's China policies would be
identical to the senior Bush's China policies and contended a new Bush
administration would be advantageous to U.S.-China relations.

She voiced her support for the Clinton administration's policies of
constructive engagement and strategic partnership with China and criticized
Clinton for not being able to see the policies through in the wake of the
campaign-finance scandals and the Cox Report.

The series of articles in the Chinese-language daily also covered Chao's
views on a number of domestic issues and she spoke about her conservative
political philosophy. Chao talked to the author, Li Ge (Mandarin pinyin
transliteration) at length on a number of occasions, including at a Kentucky
fundraiser for George Bush hosted by Chao and her husband, Sen. Mitch

This series in Sing Tao last year is noteworthy because it sheds light on
some issues that were brought up when Chao was first nominated for labor
secretary. After her nomination was announced, a number of news reports
appeared in the Chinese- and English-language presses – led by reports in
WorldNetDaily.com – that detailed her ties and friendships with high-level
Chinese Communist Party members, including a family friendship with Jiang
Zemin, China's president, whom she and her family have met various times in
the U.S. and in Beijing.

Also, in the wake of her nomination, her views on China-related issues were
reported to some degree. But no article delved into her views and positions
as deeply as the series of articles published over the week of July 3 to July
7, 2000, in the U.S. edition of Sing Tao.

There has been little public comment about Chao's ties to the Chinese
government, nor was the subject addressed at her confirmation hearing.

The following comes from this series of articles by Li Ge in Sing Tao and
presents Chao's views and opinions directly in her own words, translated to
English here. Quotes below are direct quotes attributed to Chao in the
original five-part series of last year.

At a June 16, 2000, fundraiser in Kentucky, hosted by Chao and McConnell and
attended by the Chao and Bush families and 400 others, Chao spoke with the
author, Li.

You know, former president Bush recently visited China [referring to an
early March 2000 visit]. President Bush and China's highest-level leaders met
face to face. He is a long time friend of China, said Chao.

Chao told the reporter she didn't want to go into detail, but explained that
President Bush is very much like a Chinese father. During the visit he
expounded his son's views to the Chinese leaders.

President Bush, Chao said, told the Chinese leadership that, concerning

[CTRL] Russia's friend China

2001-07-17 Thread BB

-Caveat Lector-

News reports of July 16 tell of a recently signed friendship pact
between Russia and China.

We are assured that it is not clear what this will mean for the
United States.

Well, the brilliant story writer might not be clear, but I'm pretty
I could figure it out, and I don't think it means more business and
repayments of past loans, grants, aid and investments for us from the
friendly couple.

The same report mentioned that a majority of Russia's weapons output
goes directly to Red China.

Just to remind, these appear to be the SAME RUSSIANS that just a short

few years ago, assured us - along with the U.S. press, that they
our financial help, our food, our technology and our help in
their infrastructure, and they DESERVED it since they made the supreme

sacrifice in abandoning communism and adopted democracy.
They claimed we were their friends and BROTHERS, and were deserving
of all of the aforementioned assistance.

I wonder if the Chinese got the same pitch.

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[CTRL] Israeli Tanks Move Into Hebron

2001-07-17 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Israeli Tanks Move Into Hebron

By NASSER SHIYOUKHI, Associated Press Writer

HEBRON, West Bank (AP) - Israeli tanks rolled into the Palestinian sector of
Hebron early Monday and exchanged heavy fire with Palestinian gunmen in the
deepest incursion since Israel withdrew from most of the city in 1997.

The Israeli raid was triggered by Palestinian shooting attacks at Israeli
army posts and a Jewish settlement near Hebron late Sunday. In the incursion,
Israeli tanks wounded nine Palestinians, destroyed four Palestinian police
posts in Hebron and one in a nearby village.

Later Monday, an Israeli tank and four military vehicles entered Palestinian
territory on the outskirts of the West Bank town of Tulkarem and fired three
shells at a deserted Palestinian checkpoint, the witnesses said.

The latest exchanges made it increasingly unlikely that a U.S.-backed truce,
declared a month ago, will take hold. Fighting has been escalating in recent

Tension was especially high ahead of Monday's opening of the Maccabiah Games,
an Olympic-style event for Jewish athletes. Two Palestinians were killed in
Jerusalem early Monday while trying to assemble a bomb near the stadium.

The flare-up came despite an upbeat assessment by Israeli Foreign Minister
Shimon Peres after a meeting in Cairo, Egypt, on Sunday with Palestinian
leader Yasser Arafat (news - web sites), that the cease-fire could be made to

``I'm leaving Cairo with the sense that there is hope,'' Peres said after
talking with Arafat for more than an hour.

The two Palestinians found dead Monday, about half a mile from Teddy Stadium
in Jerusalem, site of the Maccabiah opening ceremony, were identified as
Salem Derawi, 22, and Ibrahim Wahadneh, 19, supporters of Arafat's Fatah
(news - web sites) movement.

The two apparently were killed while a bomb they were preparing exploded
prematurely. Jerusalem Police Chief Mickey Levy said police were
investigating whether the stadium was the target of the bombers. Palestinian
officials said they two were acting alone, not on behalf of Fatah.

The opening ceremony of the Maccabiah Games was to be held at Teddy Stadium
on Monday evening, in the presence of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon
(news - web sites). More than 1,000 officers were to guard athletes and
spectators at ceremony, police said.

The events in and around Hebron began late Sunday night when Palestinian
gunmen opened fire on Israeli army posts and the Jewish settlement of Beit
Haggai from six different locations, Palestinian witnesses said.

The Israeli army said Israeli commanders repeatedly asked the Palestinians to
cease fire, and only then launched the raid.

Israeli tanks rumbled into Palestinian-controlled areas of Hebron from three
directions. Tanks destroyed four checkpoints manned by Force 17, a security
service with special ties to Arafat. A fifth checkpoint was razed in the
village of Dura, south of Hebron.

During the Israeli incursion, Palestinians returned heavy fire, and the
fighting lasted until about 4 a.m., when the Israelis withdrew. Israeli
forces fired several tank shells, as well as tank-mounted machine guns.

Nine Palestinians were wounded in the fighting.

``What happened last night was a very dangerous escalation of violence by the
Israeli government,'' said Col. Awni Natsche, deputy commander of the
Palestinian police in Hebron. ``It was all against our civilian people and
this leads us to the conclusion that Israel believes only in force.''

Under previous peace accords, Israel withdrew from most of Hebron in January
1997, but retained control over the downtown area where 450 Jewish settlers
live in several heavily fortified enclaves. Hebron is a flashpoint of
violence, with frequent friction between settlers and Palestinian residents.

In the past 10 months, Palestinian gunmen have persistently targeted the
settlers' compounds. The settlers, in turn, have demanded that Israel retake
Palestinian-controlled areas in the city.

Last week, Israeli tanks moved briefly into the Palestinian part of Hebron
after two Jewish settlers were killed in shooting ambushes near the city.

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Re: [CTRL] Prudy, Gore, and Willie Horton

2001-07-17 Thread Damian B. Cooper

-Caveat Lector-

At 06:24 PM 7/15/01 -0400, Prudence L. Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 07/11/2001 10:56:06 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 My source is Prudy. She graciously conceded the point that Gore used the
 Horton issue in his campaign against Dukakis. 

I can't recall doing this, and I'm not noted for being gracious.  Prudy

OK, then.  In the grand Clintonian style, Prudy stubbornly, futilely, and
attempted to deny that Gore used the Willie Horton issue against Dukakis in
Presidential primary campaign, notwithstanding the fact that it is an
matter of record that he did so.


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Re: [CTRL] [ ! ! ! ] UPI: Screams heard before Chandra disappeared

2001-07-17 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

So much for Condit's platonic relationship with Chandra Levy - and yet
people persist in this news items that he is so young for his age and oh
so handsome - he is a little twerp, he is old and wrinkled and looks 20
years than his 53 - this may be done because (1) he has a 20 year old
picture on his web site; or (2) he does not wawnt people to see the
obvious difference in their ages .

I am reminded of the initial story that really drew my attention when
there was little or no interest in the little girl with the Rose Tattoo
and I reproduce it once again -


MAY 25, 2001 | current issue | back issues | subscribe |
Poet's Cry Sears As Bereft Mom Keeps Up Hunt For Lost Intern


Susan Levy keeps a volume of poetry in her Modesto, Calif. home. It's an
old, tattered book filled with melancholy odes crafted nearly a century
ago in Russia by her great-great-uncle, the legendary Hebrew poet Chaim
Nachman Bialik, and handed down in her family through the generations.

Revenge! Revenge! the poet once wrote.
Cursed be he who cries revenge. Fit vengeance for the death of a child
the devil has not yet conceived.

Mrs. Levy takes little solace from the words of her kinsman. Not now,
anyway. Not when the fate of her 23-year-old daughter, Chandra Ann Levy,
a bright and driven young Washington intern who vanished late this past
month after leaving a downtown health club there, remains a mystery.

My happiest gift would be that she comes home safe, Mrs. Levy said.

So far, D.C. Metro Police admit they have few clues to the young woman's
disappearance, which has gripped the media with a swirl of allegations
about her friendship with a congressman.

Officially, she's still considered a missing person, said Sgt. Joseph
Gentile, a police spokesman. There's no concrete evidence that there's
been any kind of foul play, he said. Still, police, who are pursuing
the case with the FBI and investigators for the Stanislaus County
Sheriff's Department in California, have combed her apartment looking
for clues and scoured the banks of the nearby Potomac River with
body-sniffing dogs.

That has done little to ease her mother's anxiety. This isn't the kind
of thing she would do, Mrs. Levy said Tuesday in a telephone interview
from her home.

Nor has the lack of solid evidence that a crime has been committed done
anything to quell the media furor over the case, much of which has
focused on allegations of a link between Ms. Levy and Rep. Gary Condit.
Mr. Condit, a married, Harley-Davidson riding California Democrat who
has described the young woman as a friend, has put up a $10,000 reward
for information leading to her safe return. An additional $10,000 has
been put up by California's two senators, Barbara Boxer and Diane
Feinstein. Another $15,000 has been offered by Ms. Levy's frantic

So far, neither the reward nor Mrs. Levy's pleas for her daughter's safe
return on nationally broadcast television programs, including Larry
King Live and NBC's Dateline, have turned up any solid leads.

According to police reports, Ms. Levy, a University of Southern
California graduate student who had spent last semester working as a
paid intern fielding media calls at the Federal Bureau of Prisons, was
last seen April 30 leaving the health club where she is a member.

The young woman, who had at various times entertained thoughts of
becoming a sports writer, an FBI agent, or maybe joining the CIA,
according to her mother, was scheduled to return to California within a
few days to attend her graduation ceremony.

We spoke on the phone on April 27, Mrs. Levy said, adding that her
daughter — though uncertain about her future, and unsure whether she
would return to Washington or seek work back home in California —
seemed to be in generally good spirits. At 10:45 a.m. Eastern Standard
Time on May 1, Mrs. Levy received an e-mail from her daughter. It
referred to flight schedules to California, and in it, Ms. Levy mused
that she might consider taking a train cross-country instead, Mrs. Levy

That was the last time she heard from her daughter.

On May 5, Mrs. Levy and her husband, Dr. Robert Levy, contacted
Washington police, who searched their daughter's DuPont Circle
apartment, about a mile from the White House. Police found the young
woman's bags packed.

There was no sign of a struggle, authorities said. She had just

But that, said Mrs. Levy, is unthinkable.

Growing up, Ms. Levy was anything but the kind of flighty kid who would
just disappear. As a teenager, she was smitten with the idea of entering
law enforcement, and had served as a Police Explorer. Among her tasks as
a 16-year-old was to knock on neighbors' doors to advise them to get
their dogs licensed, Mrs. Levy said. She knocked on a lot of our Jewish
friends' doors, she added.

A stellar and focused student, the 5-foot-3-inch Ms. Levy received her
undergraduate degree in journalism in just three years — a 

[CTRL] Klamath Falls Farmers Run Irrigation Line to Parched Canal

2001-07-17 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Klamath Falls Farmers Run Irrigation Line to Parched Canal

Farmers stand atop the headgate to upper Klamath Lake.
Monday, July 16, 2001

About 100 farmers in Klamath Falls, Ore., used an irrigation pipe to route a
flow of water around a closed canal head gate Sunday, replenishing a canal
that has been parched since water was shut off last April to protect
threatened and endangered fish.

The farmers, who have been camping out at the canal head gate for the past
few days, placed a pump in Upper Klamath Lake and ran the 200-yard-long pipe
along a fence and into the canal on the other side of the gate, federal and
county officials said. The farmers' Web site said the pipe was eight inches
in diameter.

Federal agents with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation were monitoring the
situation, but did not plan to arrest anyone, said Jeff McCracken, a Bureau

It remains peaceful and it remains the goal ... to do everything that we can
to see that it stays peaceful, he said.

McCracken estimated that farmers, who began operating the line around 2 p.m.,
were draining between five and 10 cubic feet of water per second from the

This is symbolic, he said. There's no way that amount of water could be
used for the crops at this time of the year.

Pat Foulk, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, said
officers were at the scene to make sure the farmers did not violate the
federal Endangered Species Act.

She said there were no immediate plans to arrest any protesters because no
fish were being sucked through the head gate and the lake's water level had
not dropped.

This is not a situation the agency had contemplated, she said. Certainly
we have concern about the safety of the crowd and the officers on the scene.
We do not put the Endangered Species Act above human health and safety.

Last April, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation was forced to cut off water to 90
percent of the land in the Klamath Project in favor of endangered sucker fish
in Upper Klamath Lake and threatened coho salmon in the Klamath River.

Since the water was shut off, farms with no other source of water have been
forced to sell off cattle, let pastures and hay fields go brown and give up
annual plantings of potatoes, grain and other crops.

Angry groups have wrenched opened the head gates four times, most recently on
Friday. Federal marshals took protesters by surprise early Saturday morning
and shut the gates.

The Bureau of Reclamation closed the head gate each time, citing the
Endangered Species Act, which prohibits federal agencies from doing anything
to jeopardize the survival of protected species.

The federal action marks the first time that salmon fishermen and the Klamath
Tribes, who once depended on the fish for food, have won out over farmers on
water allocations since the irrigation system known as the Klamath Project
opened in 1907.

On Sunday, dozens of farmers continued to camp out along the irrigation
canal. They had set up two awnings and installed portable toilets, lawn
chairs and picnic supplies outside a chain link fence separating them from
the canal.

Farmers cheered, sang songs and played guitar to pass the time.

It's proving a point that we care about our rights as Americans, said Doug
Staff, a local farmer who said he would risk arrest to keep the water

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Re: [CTRL] Global Warming Much Worse Than Predicted

2001-07-17 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

Follow the money: corporate funded Foundations provide grants to
environmental groups / environmental researchers to political minions.
Add into the mix the  unquestioning breathless global warming reporting
by the corporate media and
 you have an ongoing formulated plan.

So who is paying for the anti-global warming propaganda?

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[CTRL] Japan snubs U.S. in deal with Iran

2001-07-17 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Japan snubs U.S. in deal with Iran
Plans for huge oil field fly in face of ineffective sanctions



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Japan recently signed a letter of intent to develop a 26 billion barrel oil
field in Iran, landing a fatal blow to the U.S. government's Iran and Libya
Sanctions Act of 1996. Favorable economic and political considerations will
lead Washington to begin changing its policies toward Iran within the next
few years.

Japanese Trade Minister Takeo Hiranuma announced on June 8 his country will
begin a $10 million seismic study on Iran's 26 billion barrel Azadegan oil
field. The study will lead to enormous Japanese investment in Iran and sound
the death knell for the U.S. government's Iran and Libya Sanctions Act.

Japan is not affected by U.S. pressure,'' Hiranuma told reporters during a
signing ceremony in Tehran, the Associated Press reported.

Japan's decision, following similar violations of the act by Asian and
European countries, did not bring about any retaliation from the U.S.
government. The muted response indicates Washington realizes the sanctions
have outlived their usefulness and are only harming U.S. interests.

Following a brief renewal, the act, which seeks to penalize non-U.S. energy
firms that invest more than $20 million in Iran's petroleum sector, will
likely be ended after two years, allowing Washington to begin the process of
normalizing ties with Iran and letting U.S. companies back into the country.

The sanctions act, which former U.S. President Bill Clinton signed into law,
came on top of a series of laws and executive orders barring U.S. firms from
investing in Iran. The 1996 sanctions immediately drew criticism from every
major economic power, all charging that the act couldn't be applied because
it was intended to affect events beyond America's shores.

As the years have passed, fear of U.S. retribution has slowly evaporated,
leaving the sanctions act virtually without merit. The first major violation
occurred in 1997, when France's Total, now TotalFinaElf, Malaysia's Petronas
and Russia's Gazprom jumped into a $2 billion natural gas project. Italy's
ENI just last week penned a $1 billion deal to develop Iran's Darkhovin oil
field. Other companies are currently negotiating contracts or are involved in
smaller deals.

Washington has yet to enact sanctions on any company investing in Iran. Now
Japan, one of America's closest allies, feels confident enough to go solo in
developing the largest field in Iran.

U.S. companies increasingly oppose the sanctions over losing a number of
lucrative deals. Despite helping analyze the first round of seismic
information from Azadegan – something that raised a number of eyebrows at the
U.S. Treasury Department – Conoco is missing out on Azadegan's projected $100
billion in revenues, according to Bloomberg News.

The act is even harming the investments of U.S. firms beyond Iran. ExxonMobil
lost its bid to manage the massive Kashagan oil project in the Caspian Sea
because the sanctions prevented an Iranian export route, the most
economically viable option. Therefore, ExxonMobil has undertaken a furious
lobbying effort to convince the Bush administration to end the sanctions act.

U.S. firms would also love to delve into Iran's natural gas deposits, the
most lucrative of which is the 8 trillion cubic meter South Pars field. All
told, Iran holds 9 percent of the world's oil and 15 percent of its natural

There are political as well as economic reasons to re-engage Iran. Despite
moves toward smart sanctions that would allow more civilian goods into
Iraq, Washington is seeking tighter controls on arms and military transfers
to Baghdad. Iran, being the largest regional power, is the logical partner to
help contain Iraq.

Despite the reasons in favor of lifting the sanctions, such an action is not
likely in the short term. Domestic anger with Iran continues over the 1979
embassy seizure and the regime's support of the Hezbollah terrorist group.

And U.S. special interests such as the Israeli lobby and isolationist
politicians such as Sen. Jesse Helms continue to maintain that the Iran-Libya
sanctions act is the bedrock of American foreign policy in the Middle East.

Despite the opposition, all of the international economic and political
factors argue for the 

[CTRL] Fwd: RRoyal Institute of International Affairs' alleged secret paper (1960').

2001-07-17 Thread Aleisha Saba

Full control of the drug-trade must be completed in order that the
government of all countries who are under our jurisdiction will
have a monopoly which we will control through supply. . . .Drug
bars will take care of the unruly and the discontent, would be
revolutionaries will be turned into harmless addicts with no will
of their own. - Royal Institute of International Affairs' alleged
secret paper (1960').

[CTRL] fresnobee.com | Condit's backers dismiss rumors

2001-07-17 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-


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[CTRL] Need for Missile Defense Is Increasing

2001-07-17 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Need for Missile Defense Is Increasing
Capt. G. Russell Evans,
Captain, U.S. Coast Guard (Ret.)
Sunday, July 15, 2001
Fortunately, Senate naysayers and media nitpickers are not going to have the
last word, after all, on a National Missile Defense (NMD). The people will,
and the doomsday prophets had better get used to it.
People are waking up to our vulnerability to rogue nations with missile
capability and a grudge against Uncle Sam – plus a rapidly arming Communist
China and some 31 other nations – all with missiles and all with potential
for an accidental or grudge launching.

No Protection

So, what's our protection? Since the 1972 ABM Treaty, it's been mutual
assured destruction (MAD) – also known as revenge. Nuclear proliferation
today, however, far exceeds the MAD solution of Robert McNamara 29 years ago.

Therefore, in revenge for a Chinese nuclear bomb in downtown Los Angeles, we
hit Tiananmen Square – with millions of victims all around and total
devastation for years to come. And that's just two missiles with dozens more
on the way – annihilation beyond description.

Support for NMD is increasing, with President Bush leading the way. Senator
Richard Lugar, R-Ind., and former Senator Sam Nunn, D-Ga., propose a solution
to replace the obsolete 1972 ABM Treaty that will assure Russia's sovereign
dignity, cut its missile stock in half, and also cut the U.S. missile arsenal
in half.

Saving Face, Too

Russia would save face. U.S. taxpayers would finance the Lugar-Nunn plan, but
save money in the long run with reduced maintenance costs for the U.S.
missiles – money that could help pay for development of the NMD.

Paying Russia's bill for nuclear de-escalation is a carrot-and-stick deal.

The time to act on this dramatic move is now, says retired four-star Army
General Barry R. McCaffrey, veteran political-military expert. Consultation
on the Lugar-Nunn plan with NATO allies and, then, the Russians could do the

Replace the controversial 1972 ABM Treaty and thereby remove one of the main
arguments against the U.S. NMD system.

Assure the Russians that no likely U.S. NMD within the next 20 years can
protect against Russia's ICBMs.

Observe restrictions of the 1972 ABM Treaty against testing and analyzing
sea-based, air-borne and space-based ABM systems.

If negotiations fail, the United States should go it alone and design a
system that protects against 21st century threats. For example:

The Chinese threat. China is expanding its ICBM capability with some 50
3-megaton warheads annually, thanks to espionage and Clinton-Gore waivers to
sell U.S. missile technology in exchange for campaign donations.

A tenfold increase is in the works for China, including ballistic missile
submarines with multi-warheads and the new DF31 and DF41 solid fuel mobile

This Chinese expansion precedes any possible U.S. NMD. Now is also the time
for serious diplomatic consultations to reduce the Chinese missile threat.

Rogue nations threat. The nuclear missile threat from rogue nations is, in
some respects, equally as dangerous as the Chinese and Russian threats
because of the following real-life situations:

North Korea had a 900-mile missile in 1993. In 1998, it had a Taepo-Dong
missile that, within a few years, will be able to hit Washington with a
nuclear warhead.

Iraq now has 900-mile missile capability and, within 10 years, could have
ICBM capability.

Iran has a solid-fuel missile with a 600-mile range – and growing.

Libya has 50 North Korean No Dong missiles capable of hitting Europe with
nerve gas and biological agents within 10 years.
These threats are out there right now and no one is defending against them.
Opponents say NMD can't be done and besides, it costs too much. So, what is
the value of 10 million lives – wherever located?

'Clunky Monkey'

Ben Cohen, President of Business Leaders for Sensible Priorities, says the
Star Wars concept is a clunky monkey that won't work and that money
should go to education, health care and meals for the elderly. Is Mr. Cohen's
priority corporate profits? He's a Vermonter. One nuclear blast to the middle
of Vermont could change his mind.

A January poll by the respected McLaughlin  Associates has overwhelming
support for missile defense, as follows: 72 percent of women; 68 percent of
men; 80 percent of Republicans; 67 percent of Democrats; 70 percent of
blacks; and 58 percent of liberals.

General McCaffrey says: There is no question that within 15 years, a
U.S.-European-Russian-Japanese science-engineering coalition will have the
required technology to create a multi-layered missile defense and an
integrated, sea-based Theater Ballistic Missile Defense (TBMD). ... We cannot
accept open skies and pieces of paper as our sole safeguards against
accidental launch or rogue state threat of attack.

Missile defense is going to happen. It will be 

[CTRL] Evaporating surplus shows Bush lied

2001-07-17 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

Dave Zweifel: Evaporating surplus shows Bush lied

By Dave Zweifel July 16, 2001

I hate to be an I-told-you so. In fact, I wish I had been wrong.

But the news is already starting to dribble in ... our federal government's big
surplus is rapidly going away.

It's going away because George W. Bush lied to us so he could get that huge
tax cut for his big campaign contributors through Congress before anyone
woke up to see the truth.

Oh, there were warnings from some quarters. And the polls even showed that
the American people didn't want the tax cut. Most of it was going to the big
shots anyhow.

But the administration insisted there was enough money for a $1.3 trillion tax
cut and there would still be enough left over for things that needed fixing - like
Social Security and Medicare - and even some left to help pay down the $4
trillion debt that we still owe.

As I said here, that was poppycock. All one had to do was look at Wisconsin.
Two years ago our brilliant legislators decided to give us $700 million back in
the form of $200 to $300 checks. Now we haven't enough money to help poor
senior citizens with their prescriptions drugs or to reduce the long lines of
people waiting for help so they don't have to go to nursing homes.

Economist Paul Krugman, writing in the New York Times last week, accused
the Bush administration of lying about the surplus. Isn't it strange, he asked,
that the bad news about the country's revenue came to light only after the tax
cut had safely passed Congress?

Forget about those budget surpluses as far as the eye can see; from now on
the prospect is for chronic budget shortfalls, he said.

Suddenly, there isn't money to help shore up Social Security so it's in shape
to handle the baby boomers as they come through the system during the next
few years. There's no money to add prescription drug coverage to Medicare.

The truth is that moderates who voted for that tax cut were snookered,
Krugman added.

But isn't that really what the George W. Bush Republicans wanted all along?
All this business about fixing Social Security and Medicare was bunk in the
first place. What better way to get rid of - or, at least, drastically change - two
programs that GOP stalwarts have hated since the days of Franklin D.
Roosevelt than let them flounder in financial uncertainty.

The Republican Party made a big deal last election about integrity in the
White House.

Frankly, I'd much rather have a president who lies to me about sex with an
intern than one who lies about issues that affect the future of the country and
the well-being of its people.

Published: 6:43 AM 7/16/01


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Re: [CTRL] DetroitNews: The Graduation Gap: Colleges' retention of blacks dis...

2001-07-17 Thread Evan Morris

-Caveat Lector-

At 09:06 PM 7/16/2001 -0400, you wrote:
The fact of the matter is that most of these blacks simply don't possess the
natural intelligence requred for college,

There is no natural intelligence required for college over and above the
ability to metabolise without assistance. Some of the dumbest, most
ignorant people I have ever met, have college degrees. George W Bush has a
college degree, for God's sake. Get a grip.

  and all this affirmative action
nonsense is a modern-day attempt to make the proverbial silk purse out of the
proverbial sow's ear.

Of course, since this theory violates political correctness, it's naturally
not mentioned in the article.

Evan Morris
Tel: + 27 11 792 2777
Fax: +27 11 792 2711

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Re: [CTRL] [OT] Report: President Bush Has Lowest IQ ofallPresidentsofPast 50 Years

2001-07-17 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

On 16 Jul 01, at 23:39, BB wrote:

 You're so ignorant that you cannot see that the same agenda
 which would have been followed by ag is now being followed
 by the inheritor of the father's Supreme Court, gwb.

Gore would not be in bed with the oil industry to the degree with Bush/Cheney.



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[CTRL] Fwd: Radio Islam: ADL - Portrait of a Hate Group

2001-07-17 Thread Aleisha Saba


Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Radio Islam: ADL - Portrait of a Hate Group

2001-07-17 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-


Do you hate Jews? Just wondering.



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[CTRL] Naval Strike Launched by Pacifica Resistance

2001-07-17 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Mon, 16 Jul 2001 16:01:51 -0700 (PDT)
From:   Steve Wagner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:!b_a_Act: Naval Strike Launched by Pacifica Resistance
Copies to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

CONTACT: Mark Sanborne. 212-803-8231
Sound archived at: http://www.flashpoints.net/


Homebuilders Booze Cruise Gets That Sinking Feeling

New York: Giving a whole new meaning to the phrase pirate radio, on
Friday, July 13, an ad-hoc maritime unit of the Pacifica/WBAI
resistance movement launched a twilight seaborne protest action against
Ken Ford, vice chair of the Pacifica National Board (PNB) and senior
officer of the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB).

  The activists took to the waters of New York Harbor to race alongside
a party boat chartered by local NAHB affiliates and loudly announce
their demand that Ford resign from the PNB and cease his efforts to
destroy the country's only listener-supported, corporate-free national
broadcast network, Pacifica Radio, and its New York station, WBAI/99.5

  Acting on intelligence that a booze cruise organized by the
Builders Association of New Jersey and the Community Builders
Association (both NAHB affiliates) would be departing from Weehawken,
N.J., Friday evening on an excursion around lower Manhattan, a Pacifica
resistance activist - call him Ishmael - organized a last-minute,
water-borne action.

  Interested parties gathered on Pier 63 at West 23rd Street to enlist,
but not all could fit in the craft that had been volunteered for the
mission. In the end, 10 hardy activists crowded aboard the 26-foot boat
along with its crew of three (who shall remain nameless - and who, in
keeping with their radical bent, refused any payment for the job).

  The nondescript vessel gave every appearance of being a putt-putt
working boat, but as soon as it got out on the open water, its
unsuspected 200-horse power engines kicked in, and its passengers had
to crouch down below the gunwales to prevent being tossed overboard as
the boat accelerated and commenced bouncing across the waves like a
Greenpeace Zodiac racing toward a rendezvous with an illegal whaling

  Though the party boat had a major head start, the speedy pursuit
craft caught up with the revelers as they reached the bottom of
Manhattan. At approximately 7:53 p.m., as the activists pulled
alongside their quarry, they unfurled banners, raised signs, and began
chanting Get Ken Ford Off Pacifica's Board! amid the steady beat of a
drum and the shaking of noisemakers.

  Booming through a loudspeaker, Ishmael explained to the
befuddled homebuilders why the protesters were demanding that Ford
resign from the PNB and cease sabotaging Pacifica Radio's historic,
progressive mission as the voice of the voiceless. Ishmael pointed
out the irony that even as he spoke, they were approaching 120 Wall
Street, the location of besieged WBAI.

  Some of the bemused partygoers on the two-story cruise ship responded
with rude gestures, while others actually applauded this entertaining
interruption of their alcohol-fueled, three-hour tour. Meanwhile, in
response to a radioed request from the homebuilder ship's captain,
another double-decker party boat traveling in the opposite direction
veered dangerously close to the protesters, blowing its horn and
attempting to squeeze and scare off the activists.

  It was to no avail. The raucous protest continued for nearly 25
minutes as the pursuit craft shadowed its prey past the Brooklyn and
Manhattan bridges. Starting at 8:00 p.m., the action was broadcast live
via cell phone for 13 minutes over KPFA, Pacifica's flagship Berkeley,
Calif., station, with Ishmael at one point passing the phone to another
senior member of the ad-hoc maritime unit, who gave her on-air analysis
of the background behind the action.

  That was followed by a hook-up to WBIX (WBAI in Exile), an
Internet-based global gathering of audio refugees working to keep the
spirit of the old WBAI alive. After the successful action, and amid a
glorious sunset, the unit returned to a hero's welcome at Pier 63,
which it turns out is definitely sympathetic territory for those
fighting for genuine, free-speech community radio.

BACKROUND: Ken Ford, vice chair of the Pacifica National Board, has
overstayed his legal term on the PNB and is named in four separate
lawsuits, including one backed by the California attorney general.
During his tenure, he has overseen union-busting, censorship, lockouts,
large-scale firings and bannings, and race-baiting.

When listeners complained, he threatened to turn them over to the
FBI. As a senior member of the National Association 

[CTRL] URGENT, Reject Anti-Environmental Nomination.

2001-07-17 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Tue, 17 Jul 2001 05:23:09 -0500
From:   Humanity [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:!b_a_Act: URGENT, Reject Anti-Environmental Nomination.
To: The People who care [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

URGENT , REJECT  Bush anti-environmental, pro-industry nominee
 John Graham.

Deadline July 17  , 2001

LAST CHANCE! Urge your senators to reject Bush nominee John Graham
President Bush's nominee to fill a pivotal administration position has a
long record that's pro-industry and anti-environment, anti-consumer, and
anti-health protection.

Senate will likely vote on whether to confirm Bush nominee John Graham
for an obscure but extremely influential government position --
Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA),
within the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). In this role,
Graham would serve as the nation's regulatory gatekeeper, within the
Office of Management and Budget (OMB). In this role, Graham would
serve as the nation's regulatory gatekeeper, passing judgment over all
major national health, safety, and environmental standards.
Over the past decade, Graham has been an ally of the business community
and played a leading role opposing strong government safeguards.
If confirmed, Graham would have the power to accomplish much of his
agenda to roll back vital public health, workplace and environmental

The confirmation vote could happen as early as next Tuesday, July 17.
Please  contact Senators and urge them to oppose John Graham's


1: Please simply send a free fax to your Senators by clicking here  :

( For more information about the John Graham Nomination, click here:
 http://www.citizen.org/congress/regulations/graham.html )

2:  Send an Email to all of  U.S. Senators to OPPOSE the NOMINATION:


SUBJECT : Please OPPOSE Dr. John  Graham nomination as the Administrator
 of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs(OIRA)

Dear Senator,

I strongly oppose the nomination of Dr. John D. Graham to direct the
Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs in the Office of Management
and Budget. This position plays an extremely powerful role in
establishing regulatory safeguards for every agency of our government,
and Dr. Graham possesses a consistent anti-regulatory record
of discounting risks of pollutants and applying controversial methods
based on disputable assumptions without fully considering the risks and
benefits to public health and the environment.

Furthermore, Dr. Graham's work at the Harvard Center for Risk Analysis
has been funded by major industries who oppose regulations protecting
public health and the environment and who have directly benefited from
Dr. Graham's studies, making it difficult to imagine how Dr. Graham could
effectively fulfill his responsibilities free from conflicts of interests
and with the public view in mind.

Again, I urge you to vote 'No' on John Graham's nomination to this
critical administration position.

Your Name,
Your Addres,
City, State, Zip,
U.S. Constituents.

  ( letter ends here *)

CONTACT INFORMATION for the above Sample letter :

   Please Copy and Paste the following list into BCC field in your Email.
   Then put your own email address or your other address in the
   TO field before you hit Send.   note: it must have a comma between
   addresses. BE CAREFUL before you hit SEND,
   please check everything correctly !  BE  POLITE !

   Please address to :   Dear Senator ,  or : Dear Honorable Senator,
   Remember, put your name , address and U.S. Constituent at the
   end of the letter (email).


[CTRL] Special report: global warming

2001-07-17 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

--- Senior Staff [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 story lead from Victor Rocha...thanks!

 Greenhouse melts Alaska's tribal ways


 As climate talks get under way in Bonn today, some
 Americans are ruing the warming their president
 chooses to ignore

 Special report: global warming

 Duncan Campbell in Arctic Village Monday July 16,
 2001 The Guardian

 As a girl, Sarah James and her seven brothers and
 sisters learned how to snare beaver and rabbits and
 how to fish for grayling in the wilderness around
 Arctic Village, a tiny settlement of 150 Native
 Alaskans inside the Arctic Circle.

 Her brothers and her father hunted caribou and
 moose, her mother tanned the hides and sewed the
 fur, and their way of life seemed to reflect the
 name of their tribe: Gwich'in, the Land Where Life
 Began. Now that feeling of lyrical permanence is

 We used to have four healthy seasons, but all that
 is off-balance now, Sarah James, now 56, said. The
 treeline has changed, the lakes have dried up.
 Global warming is very real up here.

 The experience of Sarah James and her family will
 have particular resonance today when a last-ditch
 attempt to salvage international efforts to combat
 global warming begins at the climate change talks in
 Bonn. The talks have been cast into the gloom by the
 decision of the United States, the world's biggest
 producer of greenhouse gases, to pull out of the
 Kyoto protocol.

 In rejecting the protocol, an agreement to reduce
 greenhouse gas emissions globally by 5.2% from the
 1990 level by 2008-12, George Bush said: I will not
 accept an accord which will harm our economy and
 hurt American workers.

 Sarah James is an American worker. She believes that
 those who live in the northernmost US state are
 already experiencing the economic hardship that Mr
 Bush fears. And yet the cause of her suffering is
 not the Kyoto protocol, but quite the reverse: the
 global warming it is designed to curb.

 Since the late 19th-century Arctic Village has been
 the focal point of of the Gwich'in, who comprise
 7,000 people spread over 15 villages, still speaking
 their own language and living in the traditional way
 by hunting caribou, moose and duck and fishing in
 the lakes and streams for pike and grayling.

 The village is reachable only by a 90-minute flight
 from Fairbanks, and experiences the extremes of
 summer, when itdarkens, and a bitter winter, when it
 can be light for only three hours in the day.

 It straddles two worlds: there is satellite
 television and access to the internet in the tribal
 council office, but no running water or inside
 lavatories. It has its own post office with the
 American flag flying beside it, but its traditions
 owe more to Native Alaskan ways, which many in the
 village now see as threatened by President Bush's
 professed desire to drill for oil in the Arctic
 Refuge to the immediate north.

 A more immediate threat comes from the effects of
 climate changes, which are more apparent here than
 anywhere else in the US. So great are the local
 fears that they called a tribal gathering last
 month, the first for 13 years. During it they
 blessed the new solar panels on the roof of their
 washeteria, where they do their laundry and take
 their showers. The panels provide energy in summer,
 and are a reminder that there are renewable forms of
 energy that the world has barely exploited.

 But it is the rise in winter temperatures that the
 older people in the village have noticed most. It
 used to always be 60 below [-51C] in the winter, but
 we don't get that any more, said Kias Peter, at 72
 an experienced hunter and one of the village elders.
 We have lost 13 lakes around here.

 Calvin Tritt, 50, a former Gwich'in chief, who
 served in the marines, lives out towards the tiny
 airstrip. In spring we used to fish for grayling
 through the ice and get piles of them. Last week
 there were only two. When I was young the caribou
 had about two inches of fat on them, now they're
 scrawny and they're going loco.

 He has little time for President Bush, and said it
 was difficult to persuade the government to study
 the many changes he believes are affecting the
 health of the villagers. The white man thinks we're
 like little children.

 Unlike many isolated rural villages, Arctic Village
 has managed to retain its young people. About 60
 children attend the timbered elementary and
 secondary schools, and many of the younger adults -
 the new chief, Evon David, is 25 - have become
 involved in what they see as a fight to preserve the
 village against the changes global warming has
 already brought..

 Faith Gemmill, a young woman, who works for the
 Gwich'in steering committee, said: Our people
 noticed changes about five years ago. Now our
 creeks, our lakes and rivers are drying up. All my
 life, when we 

Re: [CTRL] Global Warming Much Worse Than Predicted

2001-07-17 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

YnrChyldzWyld wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 On Sun, 15 Jul 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sure feels like 'global warming' here in DC.
 59 degrees at night, days in the 70s, no humidity. TOTALLY UNLIKE
 the typical DC July.

 Just to clarify matters, my post neither supports or seeks to negate
 arguments pro or con for global warming or global cooling...

 What I was trying to point out is that the argument for either case can
 be as factual or otherwise as the opposing argument...proponents of
 either argument have any number of supposedly verified scientific studies
 which they trot out to 'prove' their case...how can both be right?

 The issue is really one of who exactly is manipulating the issue?  Cui

 BTW, it is a common fallacy to think that global warming will mean that
 we all suddenly start experiencing tropical weather; in global warming,
 some areas will indeed experience abnormal COLD, as weather patterns are


Thank you. This is the salient point of the discussion. Global Warming
means climate change. Climate change is the issue. It means that the
more or less steady state of the interglacial warm period is over and
food supplies, as well as everything else relating to weather is no longer
reliably consistent.

Whether it gets hotter or colder is not the point right now.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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2001-07-17 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Tue, 17 Jul 2001 23:16:26 +1200
To: IUFO [EMAIL PROTECTED], AltWritersFiles 
Armageddon or New Age? [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

From: Bret Walters [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Located almost two miles beneath Archuleta Mesa on the Jicarilla Apache
Indian Reservation near Dulce, New Mexico is an installation classified so
secret, its existence is one of the least known in the world. Here is
Earth's first and main joint United States Government/alien biogenetics
laboratory. Others exist in Colorado, Nevada, and Arizona.

The multi-level facility at Dulce goes down for at least seven known levels,
and is reported to have a central HUB which is controlled by base security.
The level of security required to access different sections rises as one
goes further down the facility. There are over 3000 real-time video cameras
throughout the complex at high-security locations (entrances and exits).
There are over 100 secret exits near and around Dulce. Many around Archuleta
Mesa, others to the south around Dulce Lake and even as far east as
Lindrith. Deep sections of the complex connect into natural cavern systems.

The Grey Species

Most of the aliens reside on sub-levels 5, 6, and 7 with alien housing on
level 5. The alien species which control the majority of the complex are the
Greys, a devious race, now considered an enemy of the New World Order. In
the Fifties, the Greys began taking large numbers of humans for experiments.
By the Sixties, the rate was speeded up and they began getting careless and
self-involved. By the Seventies, their true intentions became very obvious,
but the Special Group of the Government still kept covering up for them.
By the Eighties, the Government realized there was no defense against the
Greys. So, programs were enacted to prepare the public for open contact with
non-human ET beings.

Perhaps a possible ally, the Reptoids are an enemy species of the Greys, and
their relationship is in a state of tension. The Greys only known enemy is
the Reptillian Race, and they are on their way to Earth.

A man named Thomas C., famous for stealing the so-called Dulce Papers,
says that there are over 18,000 short greys at the Dulce facility. He also
has stated how a colleague of his had come face-to-face with a 6-foot tall
Reptoid which had materialised in his house. The Reptoid showed a great
interest in research maps of New Mexico and Colorado which were on the wall.
The maps were full of colored push-pins and markers to indicate sites of
animal mutilations, caverns, locations of high UFO activity, repeated flight
paths, abduction sites, ancient ruins, and suspected alien underground

Some forces in the Government want the public to be aware of what is
happening. Other forces (The Collaborators) want to continue making
whatever deals are necessary for an Elite few to survive the conflicts.

Cloning Humans (by Humans) for Slave Hybrids

The Secret Government cloned humans by a process perfected in the world's
largest and most advanced bio-genetic research facility, Los Alamos. The
elite humans now have their own disposable slave-race. Like the alien Greys,
the US Government secretly impregnated females, then removed the hybrid
fetus after a three month time period, before accelerating their growth in
laboratories. Biogenetic (DNA Manipulation) programming is then instilled -
they are implanted and controlled at a distance through RF (Radio Frequency)

Many Humans are also being implanted with brain tranceivers. These act as
telepathic communication channels and telemetric brain manipulation
devices. This network was developed and initiated by DARPA. Two of the
procedures were RHIC (Radio-Hypnotic Intercerebral Control) and EDOM
(Electronic Dissolution of Memory).

They also developed ELF and EM wave propagation equipment which affect the
nerves and can cause nausea, fatigue, irritability, even death. This
research into biodynamic relationships within organisms has produced a
technology that can change the genetic structure and heal.

Overt and Covert Research

U.S. Energy Secretary John Herrington named the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
and New Mexico's Los Alamos National Laboratory to house new advanced
genetic research centers as part of a project to decipher the human genome.
The genome holds the genetically coded instructions that guide the

Re: [CTRL] Global Warming Much Worse Than Predicted

2001-07-17 Thread M.A. Johnson

-Caveat Lector-

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed
(and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an
endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary. -- H.L. Mencken

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Gays/NAMBLA/Erotica

2001-07-17 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

Adult Entertainment Event Attracts Conservatives, Too
Los Angeles, Calif. (CNSNews.com) - Erotica-LA, a three-day event at
the Los Angeles Convention Center, is billed as an attempt to bridge
the chasm between the adult industry and mainstream America. For three
days, more than one hundred vendors will sell every type of adult
product imaginable, from videos to sexual aides to clothing.

I guess we can assume that Gary Condit won't be attending this year...


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Support for Klamath Farmers Grows

2001-07-17 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

quick question

why are the words endangered and threatened in quotes here?
the implication is that they are not endangered... how is this so?
-- -- --  -- --
Planet spins - so do I
   neo-sufi wisdom

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 From: Yardbird [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 22:59:55 -0300
 Subject: [CTRL] Support for Klamath Farmers Grows (fwd)

 An on-line petition drive to support the farmers of Oregon's Klamath Basin in
 their battle to regain water rights that the federal government stripped away
 in order to protect endangered and threatened species of fish, now has
 more than 3,700 signatures.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Support for Klamath Farmers Grows

2001-07-17 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

oops I forgot this point -

so god doesn't care about fish?
-- --- -
Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, doctor, and I'm happy to
state I finally won out over it

Elwood P Dowd

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 From: Yardbird [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 22:59:55 -0300
 Subject: [CTRL] Support for Klamath Farmers Grows (fwd)

 which urges immediate action
 to reverse a decision that the group claims interferes with [the farmers']
 God-given rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Israeli Tanks Move Into Hebron

2001-07-17 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

I love this slant

why isn't the headline
Palestinians open fire in Israeli settlement and army post  or
Palestinians killed while attempting to bomb peaceful sports rally ???

did the Palestinian shooters hit anyone in the settlement? I don't know, as
usual there is only a body count on one side.

   Doubt thyself.
   Doubt even if thou doubtest thyself.
   Doubt all.
   Doubt even if thou doubtest all.
   It seems sometimes as if beneath all conscious doubt
 there lay some deepest certainty.  O kill it!  Slay the
   The horn of the Doubt-Goat be exalted
   Dive deeper, ever deeper, into the Abyss of Mind,
 until thou unearth the fox THAT.  On, hounds!
 Yoicks!  Tally-ho!  Bring THAT to bay!
   Then, wind the Mort!

   Uncle Al. the kiddies pal

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 From: Bill Richer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2001 02:02:28 EDT
 Subject: [CTRL] Israeli Tanks Move Into Hebron

 -Caveat Lector-

 Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

 Israeli Tanks Move Into Hebron

 By NASSER SHIYOUKHI, Associated Press Writer

 HEBRON, West Bank (AP) - Israeli tanks rolled into the Palestinian sector of
 Hebron early Monday and exchanged heavy fire with Palestinian gunmen in the
 deepest incursion since Israel withdrew from most of the city in 1997.

 The Israeli raid was triggered by Palestinian shooting attacks at Israeli
 army posts and a Jewish settlement near Hebron late Sunday. In the incursion,
 Israeli tanks wounded nine Palestinians, destroyed four Palestinian police
 posts in Hebron and one in a nearby village.

 Later Monday, an Israeli tank and four military vehicles entered Palestinian
 territory on the outskirts of the West Bank town of Tulkarem and fired three
 shells at a deserted Palestinian checkpoint, the witnesses said.

 The latest exchanges made it increasingly unlikely that a U.S.-backed truce,
 declared a month ago, will take hold. Fighting has been escalating in recent

 Tension was especially high ahead of Monday's opening of the Maccabiah Games,
 an Olympic-style event for Jewish athletes. Two Palestinians were killed in
 Jerusalem early Monday while trying to assemble a bomb near the stadium.

 The flare-up came despite an upbeat assessment by Israeli Foreign Minister
 Shimon Peres after a meeting in Cairo, Egypt, on Sunday with Palestinian
 leader Yasser Arafat (news - web sites), that the cease-fire could be made to

 ``I'm leaving Cairo with the sense that there is hope,'' Peres said after
 talking with Arafat for more than an hour.

 The two Palestinians found dead Monday, about half a mile from Teddy Stadium
 in Jerusalem, site of the Maccabiah opening ceremony, were identified as
 Salem Derawi, 22, and Ibrahim Wahadneh, 19, supporters of Arafat's Fatah
 (news - web sites) movement.

 The two apparently were killed while a bomb they were preparing exploded
 prematurely. Jerusalem Police Chief Mickey Levy said police were
 investigating whether the stadium was the target of the bombers. Palestinian
 officials said they two were acting alone, not on behalf of Fatah.

 The opening ceremony of the Maccabiah Games was to be held at Teddy Stadium
 on Monday evening, in the presence of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon
 (news - web sites). More than 1,000 officers were to guard athletes and
 spectators at ceremony, police said.

 The events in and around Hebron began late Sunday night when Palestinian
 gunmen opened fire on Israeli army posts and the Jewish settlement of Beit
 Haggai from six different locations, Palestinian witnesses said.

 The Israeli army said Israeli commanders repeatedly asked the Palestinians to
 cease fire, and only then launched the raid.

 Israeli tanks rumbled into Palestinian-controlled areas of Hebron from three
 directions. Tanks destroyed four checkpoints manned by Force 17, a security
 service with special ties to Arafat. A fifth checkpoint was razed in the
 village of Dura, south of Hebron.

 During the Israeli incursion, Palestinians returned heavy fire, and the
 fighting lasted until about 4 a.m., when the Israelis withdrew. Israeli
 forces fired several tank shells, as well as tank-mounted machine guns.

 Nine Palestinians were wounded in the fighting.

 ``What happened last night was a very dangerous escalation of violence by the
 Israeli government,'' said Col. Awni Natsche, deputy commander of the
 Palestinian police in Hebron. ``It was all against our civilian people and
 this leads us to the conclusion that Israel believes only in force.''

 Under previous peace accords, Israel withdrew from most of Hebron in January
 1997, but retained control over the downtown area where 450 Jewish settlers
 live in several heavily fortified enclaves. Hebron is a flashpoint of

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Condit Is Conservative by Day, Liberal at Night

2001-07-17 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

On Tue, 17 Jul 2001, Aleisha Saba muddled:
Find this item interesting - Condit lives in this Bohemian Adams Morgan
District and little Chandra had out her map on TV of this Klingle

She didn't have any map out on her TV, she used MapQuest on her PC...and
the Klingle Mansion was only one of many areas she apparently checked

That's presuming that it was actually Levy at the computer that morning
and not a computer-savvy perp who knew how to throw authorities off the
scent by deliberately laying down false cybertracks...

Could it be a meeting was to take place;  Chandra is alleged to have
visited that guy's apartment, but when - maybe that night?

According to the police, Levy's MapQuest query of the Klingle Mansion in
nearby Rock Creek Park (the Mansion, used as park headquarters but closed
that day) occurred at approximately 12:30 pm, shortly before she
allegedly signed off...

Two other interesting, and perhaps relevant points:  according to
Condit's schedule, he had an hour lunch at the White House starting at
11:30...he then had a meeting with Dick Cheney scheduled at 1pm, the
length of which is not specified, but which probably didn't last longer
than half an hour...we are told that he next returned to his office at
3pn, which leaves a gap of about an hour and a half in his schedule
during midday...

If Levy left her apartment between 1 and 1:30 pm that day, the young
woman (who has been described as a fitness buff), could have either
jogged or walked briskly to the vacinity of the Klingle mansion and been
there between 1:30 and 2pm -- the very same time that Condit has a gap in
his schedule for that day...

The second interesting and perhaps relevant point is that that area of
Rock Creek Park, the vacinity around the Klingle Mansion, is apparently a
well-known gay hangout and gay pickup place...with the recent revelations
regarding Condit, it is reasonable to presume that he was at least aware
of this area of the park, if not well-acquainted with it.

So his is one item re this location and then an interesting item re
Klingle Mansion area where Chandra took the time to target on her

Again, this is presuming that it was Levy actually on the computer at
that time...if it was, and if she went to the area of Klingle Mansion
shortly afterwards, one has to answer the question as to why she only
brought her keys and not her purse...

If she was already abducted (perhaps around 4:30 that morning, when a
resident of Levy's building called the police reporting hearing a woman
scream), then it had to be the perp (or one of the perps) on Levy's
computer later that morning, probably intending on leaving a cybertrail
to throw the authorities off (mainly to be able to establish an alibi for
the hours in question)...

Perhaps not all of the MapQuest inquiries were spurious...perhaps the
person sitting at Levy's computer at midday on 5/1 had been told by
someone -- presumably Condit himself -- After you do what you have to
do, meet me in the park by the mansion at approximately 2 pm so
that we can discuss the next step...so perhaps the query to MapQuest was
to actually get directions, but that would then imply the querant was
unfamiliar with the area -- an unlikely possibility if the perp was this
supposed gay black Hatian biker...

Of course another possibility is that Levy staged this whole thing to get
back at Condit...she could have delibertely screamed at 4:30am, and have
done the MapQuest search later that day to lay down her own false
cybertracks...and presumably aware of Condit's sexual tastes, the
MapQuest query on the Klingle Mansion could have been an attempt to point
attention to Condit's homosexual activities...

A source close to the congressman says health problems kept her at home,
although Condit frequently flies to see her on weekends.

Again, according to other sources, Carolyn Condit is a hale and hearty
woman; she did have a bout of encephalitis as a child which seemingly has
not greatly affected her as an adult.  I suspect this 'sick wife' story
was something Gary Condit cooked up to explain to the D.C. crowd why his
wife stayed back in California and didn't come to D.C. with him...I
suspect Mrs. Condit stayed behind at Condit's own suggestion...

The 'sick wife' story probably helped him with women...garnered sympathy
and helped convince them to go to bed with this guy, and was a convenient
excuse when these chippies started pressuring him to divorce his wife and
marry them:  Oh no!  I couldn't possibly divorce my wife!  She's very
ill and it would look bad, and be political suicide for my career!  If
he laid on the sick wife story thick enough, he probably had most of
his affairs believing that his wife was on death's doorstep and that it
was only a matter of time before she died and he'd be 'free'...

Because of this maverick role, MSNBC named Condit one of the eight top
Democratic Power Brokers. He's a good congressman, said California

Re: [CTRL] [OT] Report: President Bush Has Lowest IQ ofallPresidentsofPast ...

2001-07-17 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

just a quick note here
george w bush was appointed, and not elected

now back to your regularly scheduled babble

Free your mind and your ass will follow.
   St George

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 23:08:16 -0700
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] [OT] Report: President Bush Has Lowest IQ
 ofallPresidentsofPast ...

 And are you going to whine for that same very long, long time?
 Is this the first time in history that a President was elected by a
 majority of the electoral vote, but not the popular?

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Prudy, Gore, and Willie Horton

2001-07-17 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

DBC - don't quit your day job.  You have no future as a researcher or as an
expert in political debate.


In a message dated 7/17/01 1:37:29 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 OK, then.  In the grand Clintonian style, Prudy stubbornly, futilely, and
  attempted to deny that Gore used the Willie Horton issue against Dukakis in
  Presidential primary campaign, notwithstanding the fact that it is an
  matter of record that he did so.


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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Re: [CTRL] [OT] Report: President Bush Has Lowest IQ ofallPresidentsofPast ...

2001-07-17 Thread M. A. Johnson

-Caveat Lector-

just a quick note here
george w bush was appointed, and not elected

Only some Religious Myrmidons chant such absurdity.


If a million people believe a foolish thing, it is
still a foolish thing. -- Anatole France

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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[CTRL] Occult Origins of Power

2001-07-17 Thread Chris Case

-Caveat Lector-

 Robert Laugherty has written an intriguing short novel, somewhat in the
manner of C.S. Lewis's Screwtape Letters and Gurdjieff's Beelzebub's
Tales to His Grandson,  namely as a series of talks from an  aging
archon of the financial elite and his advisors to the young man being
groomed to take over his position at the peak of the pyramid of power.

Heres a partial distillation, and the Full Monty can be found at:



 Until now, my advisors and I have deflected your questions as to how
and if my diverse operations and holdings, which seem autonomous and
even contradictory, are integrated into an organic whole to serve the
dynasty's interests. The fact that you asked these questions, rejecting
my carefully nurtured public image as an idle, coupon clipping
philanthropist, was a major factor in the high esteem in which I hold
you. Most of your competitors found puppet leadership in any one of my
organi- zations so awesome and gratifying that they immediately
eliminated themselves from the contest for the top position which you
have won. Such men of limited vision are neces- sary for my success.
They bend unconsciously to the subtle pressures to which I expose them.
They can be led in any direction I choose by simple-minded
rationalizations aimed at their vanity without being privy to my motives
which would be short lived secrets in their undisciplined and envious
minds .

Although you now must begin to pursue it consciously you have already
displayed the alienation from your emotional nature that is so essential
to achieving real worldly power.

As your tutors will explain, occult or secret knowledge is the basis
of all power in human society, so I use the word occult advisedly, in
its pristine usage.

Human hierarchies, in contrast to the animal variety, are best
sustained when the members are deluded regarding the oppressive nature,
or better, even the very existence of the  hierarchy

 Nearly everyone believes major decisions to be the vector sum of
autonomous pressures exerted by business, labor, government, consum-
ers, social classes, and other special interests. In fact, the vectors
of societal power are carefully balanced by us so that any net movement
is in a direction chosen by us. The only fly in the ointment is the
occasional, but extremely messy, interferences by competing financial

 Throughout history, secure ruling elites arise through se-cret, or
occult knowledge which they carefully guard and withhold from outsiders
The power of such elites or cults diminishes as their occult knowledge
is transformed into scientific knowledge and vanishes as soon as it
becomes common sense.

The men who first studied and grasped the regularities of sun, moon,
and stars that presage the seasons had a valuable commodity to sell and
they milked it to the fullest at the expense of their credulous
fellowmen. The occult priesthoods of early astronomers and mathemati-
cians such as the designers of Stonehenge, convinced their subjects that
they alone had contact with the gods, and thus, they alone could assure
the return of planting seasons and weather favorable to bountiful
harvests. The staging (predicting) of solar and lunar eclipses was
particularly effective in awing the community The general success
resulting from following the priesthood's tilling, planting, nurturing,
and harvesting time tables insured the priest- hood's powerPopular
knowledge of seasonal regularities was discouraged by every manner of
mysticism and outlandish ritual imaginable.  Failures in prediction were
blamed on sins of the people and used to justify intensified
oppression.  For centuries people who had literally no idea of the
number of days between seasons and couldn't count anyway, cheerfully
gave up a portion of their harvests, as well as their most beautiful
daughters, to their faithful servants in the priest- hoods .

The power of our finance capitalist money cult rests on a similar
secret knowledge, primarily in the field of economics. Our power is
weakened by real advances in economic science. (Fortunately, the public
at large and most revolutionaries remain totally ignorant of economics.
However, we established money lords have been able to prolong and even
reverse our decline by systematically corrupting economic science with
fallacious and spurious doctrines. Through our power in the
universities, publishing, and mass media we have been able to reward the
sincere, professorial cranks whose spurious doctrines happen to
rationalize in terms of common good the government supported
institutions, laws, and economic measures upon which our money powers

However, we are so powerful today that it is no longer possible to
conceal our imposing institutions with the appearances of free
competition.  Keynesianism rationalizes this omnipotent state which we
require, while retaining the privileges of 

Re: [CTRL] [OT] Report: President Bush Has Lowest IQ ofallPresidentsofPast ...

2001-07-17 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

are you saying th4e supreme court didn't appoint bush?

Free your mind and your ass will follow.
   St George

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 From: M. A. Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2001 10:32:38 -0400
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] [OT] Report: President Bush Has Lowest IQ
 ofallPresidentsofPast ...

 just a quick note here
 george w bush was appointed, and not elected

 Only some Religious Myrmidons chant such absurdity.


 If a million people believe a foolish thing, it is
 still a foolish thing. -- Anatole France

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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[CTRL] Wildlife is Suffering Too, Say Desperate Klamath Farmers (fwd)

2001-07-17 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Wildlife is Suffering Too, Say Desperate Klamath Farmers
By Pat Taylor
CNSNews.com Correspondent
July 16, 2001

With all hope gone for producing any crops this year, the desperate farmers
of Oregon's Klamath Basin are now emphasizing the plight of the wildlife and
waterfowl that also depend on irrigation water, which the federal government
has diverted away from farmland to save endangered fish.

A growing crowd of farm families has gathered in protest near the headgates
of the main irrigation canal. All on-the-scene accounts in this report were
received by email or cell phone from people who are there, on the ground.

On Friday evening the protesters partially opened the headgates, releasing
some irrigation water, as they did on the Fourth of July.

But early Saturday morning, federal officials arrived to close the gates.
Federal marshals locked themselves inside the fence that surrounds the
headgates in order to prevent further water releases. The protesters were
sent outside the fence, where they have been camped out ever since.

On Sunday afternoon, about 300 people watched and cheered as a group of
farmers constructed a makeshift pumping station and began pumping water out
of Upper Klamath Lake.

The water flowed around the fenced-in headgates. through an eight-inch
irrigation pipe, spilled onto the ground and eventually back into the
irrigation canal. It was a symbolic gesture, since the small amount of water
is too little, too late to help farmers recover any crops from their parched

The makeshift pumping station is on city land, thus bypassing the federal
headgates. Before long, however, the federal agents on duty helped farmers
run the pipe through the fence so the water could flow directly into the
irrigation canal to prevent erosion of the canal bank.

Farmers downstream agreed not to divert the water for irrigation, so it can
reach the Tulelake Wildlife Refuge, at the other end of the basin in

The wildlife refuge is a major stop for migrating ducks, geese, swans, bald
eagles and more than 400 species of wildlife.

This year, without the irrigation water that it relies on, the refuge has
turned into a death trap for the birds. Their carcasses already are beginning
to litter the landscape. Newspaper reports say biologists expect close to a
thousand bald eagles and up to 25,000 waterfowl to die of disease and

In addition to the birds, other wildlife such as deer, antelope and pheasants
are also dying of starvation without the water and habitat normally provided
by the irrigation canals and croplands.

The solution proposed by activist environmental organizations such as the
Oregon Natural Resources Council - which forced the government to shut off
the irrigation water through citizen lawsuits under the Endangered Species
Act - is another threatened lawsuit to take more irrigation water from

This time they want to take the water from farmers who are getting it from
federal reservoirs other than Upper Klamath Lake and divert it to the
wildlife refuge.

The farmers think a better solution is to turn on the irrigation water so
that the humans and wildlife in the basin can survive along with the
allegedly endangered fish.

Although the small amount of water currently being released from the lake is
not expected to restore the wildlife refuge, it is a symbolic gesture that
the farmers believe demonstrates the fact that they are the true
environmentalists, not the activists who forced the irrigation water to be
turned off with no regard for the wildlife.

As of 7:30 p.m. Sunday evening, the water was still flowing, and the gathered
crowd could be heard singing hymns and making plans to host a barbecue Monday
evening for the reinforcements that are reportedly on their way from all over
the country.

We plan to stay here as long as the federal agents are here, Klamath farmer
Dick Carlton told CNSNews in a cell phone interview Sunday evening.

Although the situation was a bit tense when the federal agents first arrived,
given that the protesters were willing to go to jail if necessary, Carlton
said there have been no problems between the feds and the farmers. We even
get a laugh out of them every now and then, he said.

The farmers haven't lost their sense of humor either. At one point Sunday
afternoon, a photo was circulated of the federal agents locked up inside
the fence, on which someone had posted a sign that read, Federal Agent
Viewing Area.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity 

Re: [CTRL] Wildlife is Suffering Too, Say Desperate Klamath Farmers

2001-07-17 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

now i'm confused

birds are important , fish are not?

birds that are in no danger, as a species, are important, but the loss of a
species of fish is not?

o wait, birds are cuter than fish. that must be it.
-- -- --  -- --
Planet spins - so do I
   neo-sufi wisdom

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 From: Yardbird [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2001 12:02:35 -0300
 Subject: [CTRL] Wildlife is Suffering Too, Say Desperate Klamath Farmers (fwd)

 -Caveat Lector-

 Wildlife is Suffering Too, Say Desperate Klamath Farmers
 By Pat Taylor
 CNSNews.com Correspondent
 July 16, 2001

 With all hope gone for producing any crops this year, the desperate farmers
 of Oregon's Klamath Basin are now emphasizing the plight of the wildlife and
 waterfowl that also depend on irrigation water, which the federal government
 has diverted away from farmland to save endangered fish.

 A growing crowd of farm families has gathered in protest near the headgates
 of the main irrigation canal. All on-the-scene accounts in this report were
 received by email or cell phone from people who are there, on the ground.

 On Friday evening the protesters partially opened the headgates, releasing
 some irrigation water, as they did on the Fourth of July.

 But early Saturday morning, federal officials arrived to close the gates.
 Federal marshals locked themselves inside the fence that surrounds the
 headgates in order to prevent further water releases. The protesters were
 sent outside the fence, where they have been camped out ever since.

 On Sunday afternoon, about 300 people watched and cheered as a group of
 farmers constructed a makeshift pumping station and began pumping water out
 of Upper Klamath Lake.

 The water flowed around the fenced-in headgates. through an eight-inch
 irrigation pipe, spilled onto the ground and eventually back into the
 irrigation canal. It was a symbolic gesture, since the small amount of water
 is too little, too late to help farmers recover any crops from their parched

 The makeshift pumping station is on city land, thus bypassing the federal
 headgates. Before long, however, the federal agents on duty helped farmers
 run the pipe through the fence so the water could flow directly into the
 irrigation canal to prevent erosion of the canal bank.

 Farmers downstream agreed not to divert the water for irrigation, so it can
 reach the Tulelake Wildlife Refuge, at the other end of the basin in

 The wildlife refuge is a major stop for migrating ducks, geese, swans, bald
 eagles and more than 400 species of wildlife.

 This year, without the irrigation water that it relies on, the refuge has
 turned into a death trap for the birds. Their carcasses already are beginning
 to litter the landscape. Newspaper reports say biologists expect close to a
 thousand bald eagles and up to 25,000 waterfowl to die of disease and

 In addition to the birds, other wildlife such as deer, antelope and pheasants
 are also dying of starvation without the water and habitat normally provided
 by the irrigation canals and croplands.

 The solution proposed by activist environmental organizations such as the
 Oregon Natural Resources Council - which forced the government to shut off
 the irrigation water through citizen lawsuits under the Endangered Species
 Act - is another threatened lawsuit to take more irrigation water from

 This time they want to take the water from farmers who are getting it from
 federal reservoirs other than Upper Klamath Lake and divert it to the
 wildlife refuge.

 The farmers think a better solution is to turn on the irrigation water so
 that the humans and wildlife in the basin can survive along with the
 allegedly endangered fish.

 Although the small amount of water currently being released from the lake is
 not expected to restore the wildlife refuge, it is a symbolic gesture that
 the farmers believe demonstrates the fact that they are the true
 environmentalists, not the activists who forced the irrigation water to be
 turned off with no regard for the wildlife.

 As of 7:30 p.m. Sunday evening, the water was still flowing, and the gathered
 crowd could be heard singing hymns and making plans to host a barbecue Monday
 evening for the reinforcements that are reportedly on their way from all over
 the country.

 We plan to stay here as long as the federal agents are here, Klamath farmer
 Dick Carlton told CNSNews in a cell phone interview Sunday evening.

 Although the situation was a bit tense when the federal agents first arrived,
 given that the protesters were willing to go to jail if necessary, Carlton
 said there have been no problems between the feds and the farmers. We even
 get a laugh out of them every now and then, he said.


Re: [CTRL] Wildlife is Suffering Too, Say Desperate Klamath Farmers

2001-07-17 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

The fish are not unimportant but the whole situation seems to be a case of
'selective empathy' on the part of environmentalists.

On Tue, 17 Jul 2001, thew wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 now i'm confused

 birds are important , fish are not?

 birds that are in no danger, as a species, are important, but the loss of a
 species of fish is not?

 o wait, birds are cuter than fish. that must be it.
 -- -- --  -- --
 Planet spins - so do I
neo-sufi wisdom

 NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

  From: Yardbird [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2001 12:02:35 -0300
  Subject: [CTRL] Wildlife is Suffering Too, Say Desperate Klamath Farmers (fwd)
  -Caveat Lector-
  Wildlife is Suffering Too, Say Desperate Klamath Farmers
  By Pat Taylor
  CNSNews.com Correspondent
  July 16, 2001
  With all hope gone for producing any crops this year, the desperate farmers
  of Oregon's Klamath Basin are now emphasizing the plight of the wildlife and
  waterfowl that also depend on irrigation water, which the federal government
  has diverted away from farmland to save endangered fish.
  A growing crowd of farm families has gathered in protest near the headgates
  of the main irrigation canal. All on-the-scene accounts in this report were
  received by email or cell phone from people who are there, on the ground.
  On Friday evening the protesters partially opened the headgates, releasing
  some irrigation water, as they did on the Fourth of July.
  But early Saturday morning, federal officials arrived to close the gates.
  Federal marshals locked themselves inside the fence that surrounds the
  headgates in order to prevent further water releases. The protesters were
  sent outside the fence, where they have been camped out ever since.
  On Sunday afternoon, about 300 people watched and cheered as a group of
  farmers constructed a makeshift pumping station and began pumping water out
  of Upper Klamath Lake.
  The water flowed around the fenced-in headgates. through an eight-inch
  irrigation pipe, spilled onto the ground and eventually back into the
  irrigation canal. It was a symbolic gesture, since the small amount of water
  is too little, too late to help farmers recover any crops from their parched
  The makeshift pumping station is on city land, thus bypassing the federal
  headgates. Before long, however, the federal agents on duty helped farmers
  run the pipe through the fence so the water could flow directly into the
  irrigation canal to prevent erosion of the canal bank.
  Farmers downstream agreed not to divert the water for irrigation, so it can
  reach the Tulelake Wildlife Refuge, at the other end of the basin in
  The wildlife refuge is a major stop for migrating ducks, geese, swans, bald
  eagles and more than 400 species of wildlife.
  This year, without the irrigation water that it relies on, the refuge has
  turned into a death trap for the birds. Their carcasses already are beginning
  to litter the landscape. Newspaper reports say biologists expect close to a
  thousand bald eagles and up to 25,000 waterfowl to die of disease and
  In addition to the birds, other wildlife such as deer, antelope and pheasants
  are also dying of starvation without the water and habitat normally provided
  by the irrigation canals and croplands.
  The solution proposed by activist environmental organizations such as the
  Oregon Natural Resources Council - which forced the government to shut off
  the irrigation water through citizen lawsuits under the Endangered Species
  Act - is another threatened lawsuit to take more irrigation water from
  This time they want to take the water from farmers who are getting it from
  federal reservoirs other than Upper Klamath Lake and divert it to the
  wildlife refuge.
  The farmers think a better solution is to turn on the irrigation water so
  that the humans and wildlife in the basin can survive along with the
  allegedly endangered fish.
  Although the small amount of water currently being released from the lake is
  not expected to restore the wildlife refuge, it is a symbolic gesture that
  the farmers believe demonstrates the fact that they are the true
  environmentalists, not the activists who forced the irrigation water to be
  turned off with no regard for the wildlife.
  As of 7:30 p.m. Sunday evening, the water was still flowing, and the gathered
  crowd could be heard singing hymns and making plans to host a barbecue Monday
  evening for the reinforcements that are reportedly on their way from all over
  the country.
  We plan to stay here as long as the federal agents are here, Klamath farmer
  Dick Carlton told CNSNews in a cell phone interview Sunday evening.

Re: [CTRL] Wildlife is Suffering Too, Say Desperate Klamath Farmers

2001-07-17 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

perhaps you don't quite grasp the difference between individuals dying and
extinction. many birds dying sucks, but I for one would say the farmers are
important also, lets find some middle ground. A species going extinct
,however, is orders of importance greater, than non-endangered individual
birds dying. It's more tragic than the loss of a farm, or a thousand birds.
It's irrevocable.
-- --- -
Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, doctor, and I'm happy to
state I finally won out over it

Elwood P Dowd

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 From: Yardbird [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2001 12:21:45 -0300
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Wildlife is Suffering Too, Say Desperate Klamath Farmers

 -Caveat Lector-

 The fish are not unimportant but the whole situation seems to be a case of
 'selective empathy' on the part of environmentalists.

 On Tue, 17 Jul 2001, thew wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 now i'm confused

 birds are important , fish are not?

 birds that are in no danger, as a species, are important, but the loss of a
 species of fish is not?

 o wait, birds are cuter than fish. that must be it.
 -- -- --  -- --
 Planet spins - so do I
 neo-sufi wisdom

 NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 From: Yardbird [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2001 12:02:35 -0300
 Subject: [CTRL] Wildlife is Suffering Too, Say Desperate Klamath Farmers

 -Caveat Lector-

 Wildlife is Suffering Too, Say Desperate Klamath Farmers
 By Pat Taylor
 CNSNews.com Correspondent
 July 16, 2001

 With all hope gone for producing any crops this year, the desperate farmers
 of Oregon's Klamath Basin are now emphasizing the plight of the wildlife and
 waterfowl that also depend on irrigation water, which the federal government
 has diverted away from farmland to save endangered fish.

 A growing crowd of farm families has gathered in protest near the headgates
 of the main irrigation canal. All on-the-scene accounts in this report were
 received by email or cell phone from people who are there, on the ground.

 On Friday evening the protesters partially opened the headgates, releasing
 some irrigation water, as they did on the Fourth of July.

 But early Saturday morning, federal officials arrived to close the gates.
 Federal marshals locked themselves inside the fence that surrounds the
 headgates in order to prevent further water releases. The protesters were
 sent outside the fence, where they have been camped out ever since.

 On Sunday afternoon, about 300 people watched and cheered as a group of
 farmers constructed a makeshift pumping station and began pumping water out
 of Upper Klamath Lake.

 The water flowed around the fenced-in headgates. through an eight-inch
 irrigation pipe, spilled onto the ground and eventually back into the
 irrigation canal. It was a symbolic gesture, since the small amount of water
 is too little, too late to help farmers recover any crops from their parched

 The makeshift pumping station is on city land, thus bypassing the federal
 headgates. Before long, however, the federal agents on duty helped farmers
 run the pipe through the fence so the water could flow directly into the
 irrigation canal to prevent erosion of the canal bank.

 Farmers downstream agreed not to divert the water for irrigation, so it can
 reach the Tulelake Wildlife Refuge, at the other end of the basin in

 The wildlife refuge is a major stop for migrating ducks, geese, swans, bald
 eagles and more than 400 species of wildlife.

 This year, without the irrigation water that it relies on, the refuge has
 turned into a death trap for the birds. Their carcasses already are
 to litter the landscape. Newspaper reports say biologists expect close to a
 thousand bald eagles and up to 25,000 waterfowl to die of disease and

 In addition to the birds, other wildlife such as deer, antelope and
 are also dying of starvation without the water and habitat normally provided
 by the irrigation canals and croplands.

 The solution proposed by activist environmental organizations such as the
 Oregon Natural Resources Council - which forced the government to shut off
 the irrigation water through citizen lawsuits under the Endangered Species
 Act - is another threatened lawsuit to take more irrigation water from

 This time they want to take the water from farmers who are getting it from
 federal reservoirs other than Upper Klamath Lake and divert it to the
 wildlife refuge.

 The farmers think a better solution is to turn on the irrigation water so
 that the humans and wildlife in the basin can survive along with 

[CTRL] Stalin's Dirty Betrayal In Spanish Civil War

2001-07-17 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

July 17, 2001

Deceit in Spanish Civil War

Arnold Beichman

 When Gen. Emilio Mola was asked at the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War in July 
1936 which of his four
columns he expected would capture Madrid, he replied, the fifth column. He was, of 
course, referring to his
undercover rebel supporters within the capital city.
 What he didn't know was that there was a sixth column in Madrid comprising 
supposed supporters of the
beleaguered Spanish Republic who would in time help him and his successor, Gen. 
Francisco Franco, to take
Madrid and win the war. These were Joseph Stalin's battalions, Spanish Communist Party 
members, Soviet secret
police, and Comintern agents whose instructions from Stalin were fairly simple: Take 
control of the war and,
of equal if not greater importance, execute all Trotskyites.
 Trotskyite was a catchall appellation covering all leftist opponents of 
Stalinist communism and,
especially in Spain, anarchists or anarcho-syndicalists. For Stalin, beating back 
Franco and his nationalist
troops was far down on his must list.
 Such a statement about Stalinist duplicity would be rejected even today by any 
good left liberal as
calumny. Understandably. Even though Stalin, like V.I. Lenin, had wiped out in the 
Soviet Union anything
resembling democracy, and even though the Moscow show trials were in full swing, 
Western liberals en masse
believed that the communists were the most effective champions of democracy in Spain. 
Mountains of
mendacity, was Paul Johnson's phrase describing the pro-Soviet lies that circulated 
about the Spanish Civil
War. No episode in the 1930s has been more lied about than this one.
  And now at long last we have in Spain Betrayed: The Soviet Union and the 
Spanish Civil War, edited by
Ronald Radosh, Mary R. Habeck and Grigory Sevostianov, immutable proof of what George 
Orwell was reporting at
the time to skeptical audiences, namely, how Stalin had been betraying the Spanish 
Republicans from day one of
the Civil War. There is documentary proof right from the Soviet archives themselves 
that a concomitant of the
Spanish Civil War was a Stalin-directed war against Republican government officials, 
Spanish and foreign
soldiers alike who opposed Soviet takeover of Spain.
 To understand the full meaning of these telltale tidbits from the archives we 
must first look back at one
of the most infamous party line dogmas spawned in 1931 by the Soviet dictator : 
social fascism. It was
infamous because it made Adolf Hitler inevitable. Stalin propounded the theory that 
the real enemies of the
revolution were not fascists, Nazis or capitalists. No, the real enemies were 
socialists, social democrats and
non-communist labor leaders and followers of the exiled, and later assassinated, Leon 
 Stalin imposed this calamitous party line on the Spanish Civil War because the 
Spanish Republican cause
was of secondary importance to him. Thus Largo Caballero, leader of the Republican 
forces and a true democrat
who refused to follow Kremlin orders, was to Stalin a far greater enemy than Franco. 
One can read the results
of the party line in the 81 documents included in this book, communications between 
Soviet agents on the spot
and Soviet officials in Moscow who instructed their agents as to what Stalin wanted 
done and no questions
asked. Those who asked questions were purged, imprisoned or shot.
 What these documents also reveal conclusively is that the Nation magazine during 
the Spanish Civil War
was itself betrayed by one of its on-the-scene correspondents, Louis Fischer. In an 
8,000-word Comintern
stenogram (Document 30) he is shown to be reporting to a high Soviet intelligence 
official on December 31,
1936 about supposedly unsuccessful Spanish Republican generals, proving that they 
represented a government of
traitors. Fischer, who later turned against communism, was 100 percent in the pocket 
of Soviet intelligence
throughout the war while filing dispatches to the Nation.
 In all the post-Soviet archival revelations the documents cited here are among 
the most meaningful
because the Spanish Civil War was also a good war of the intellectuals. It came at a 
time of the emergence
of the Kremlin-run Popular Front and the recruitment of some intellectuals as Soviet 
spies in Britain, the
United States, Canada and France. Spain in 1936 became the symbol of the resistance to 
fascism. It is sad to
read these Soviet archives and read the words of a Soviet agent to the Comintern's 
Georgi Dimitrov: The war
cannot end successfully if the Communist Party does not take power in its own hands.
 It is even sadder to note that while some 31,000 men volunteered for the 
International Brigades, only
10,000 remained as of August, 1938 (Document 74). So many gave up their lives for 
nothing. And it surely
became nothing when Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler signed their non-aggression pact 
in August, 1939.


Re: [CTRL] Wildlife is Suffering Too, Say Desperate Klamath Farmers

2001-07-17 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

But what if the actions taken to save these fish also pose possible
species endangering consequences for the birds? It's my understanding that
the fish in question are not native to Klamath so saving the native
wildlife should take priority.

On Tue, 17 Jul 2001, thew wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 perhaps you don't quite grasp the difference between individuals dying and
 extinction. many birds dying sucks, but I for one would say the farmers are
 important also, lets find some middle ground. A species going extinct
 ,however, is orders of importance greater, than non-endangered individual
 birds dying. It's more tragic than the loss of a farm, or a thousand birds.
 It's irrevocable.
 -- --- -
 Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, doctor, and I'm happy to
 state I finally won out over it

 Elwood P Dowd

 NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

  From: Yardbird [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2001 12:21:45 -0300
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Wildlife is Suffering Too, Say Desperate Klamath Farmers
  -Caveat Lector-
  The fish are not unimportant but the whole situation seems to be a case of
  'selective empathy' on the part of environmentalists.
  On Tue, 17 Jul 2001, thew wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-
  now i'm confused
  birds are important , fish are not?
  birds that are in no danger, as a species, are important, but the loss of a
  species of fish is not?
  o wait, birds are cuter than fish. that must be it.
  -- -- --  -- --
  Planet spins - so do I
  neo-sufi wisdom
  NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew
  From: Yardbird [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2001 12:02:35 -0300
  Subject: [CTRL] Wildlife is Suffering Too, Say Desperate Klamath Farmers
  -Caveat Lector-
  Wildlife is Suffering Too, Say Desperate Klamath Farmers
  By Pat Taylor
  CNSNews.com Correspondent
  July 16, 2001
  With all hope gone for producing any crops this year, the desperate farmers
  of Oregon's Klamath Basin are now emphasizing the plight of the wildlife and
  waterfowl that also depend on irrigation water, which the federal government
  has diverted away from farmland to save endangered fish.
  A growing crowd of farm families has gathered in protest near the headgates
  of the main irrigation canal. All on-the-scene accounts in this report were
  received by email or cell phone from people who are there, on the ground.
  On Friday evening the protesters partially opened the headgates, releasing
  some irrigation water, as they did on the Fourth of July.
  But early Saturday morning, federal officials arrived to close the gates.
  Federal marshals locked themselves inside the fence that surrounds the
  headgates in order to prevent further water releases. The protesters were
  sent outside the fence, where they have been camped out ever since.
  On Sunday afternoon, about 300 people watched and cheered as a group of
  farmers constructed a makeshift pumping station and began pumping water out
  of Upper Klamath Lake.
  The water flowed around the fenced-in headgates. through an eight-inch
  irrigation pipe, spilled onto the ground and eventually back into the
  irrigation canal. It was a symbolic gesture, since the small amount of water
  is too little, too late to help farmers recover any crops from their parched
  The makeshift pumping station is on city land, thus bypassing the federal
  headgates. Before long, however, the federal agents on duty helped farmers
  run the pipe through the fence so the water could flow directly into the
  irrigation canal to prevent erosion of the canal bank.
  Farmers downstream agreed not to divert the water for irrigation, so it can
  reach the Tulelake Wildlife Refuge, at the other end of the basin in
  The wildlife refuge is a major stop for migrating ducks, geese, swans, bald
  eagles and more than 400 species of wildlife.
  This year, without the irrigation water that it relies on, the refuge has
  turned into a death trap for the birds. Their carcasses already are
  to litter the landscape. Newspaper reports say biologists expect close to a
  thousand bald eagles and up to 25,000 waterfowl to die of disease and
  In addition to the birds, other wildlife such as deer, antelope and
  are also dying of starvation without the water and habitat normally provided
  by the irrigation canals and croplands.
  The solution proposed by activist environmental organizations such as the
  Oregon Natural Resources Council - which forced the government to shut off
  the irrigation water through citizen lawsuits under the 

[CTRL] Project 137 and Jason from a member

2001-07-17 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-

Most of the information you see on Jason is from third-hand sources who seem
to have a lot of fear of a group of intelligent men who meet to discuss the
latest in scientific/military technology. In his book, Making Weapons,
Talking Peace (1987), Manhattan Project physicist Herbert F. York, who is
seldom mentioned as a UFO conspirator, gives his first-hand views on the
Jason group. Contrary to the UFO literature, he does not call it the Jason
Society or Jason Scholars.

They MAY have discussed UFOs and aliens, but it seems their main focus in
reaction to the launching of Sputnik was to try to avert nuclear war.

From Making Weapons, Talking Peace, pp. 152-153:

Project 137 After ARPA

Concrete plans for a special, one-time summer conference, now called
Project 137, intended as a first step, were formulated, and the authors of
the idea... submitted a list of names of people to be invited.

In June I sent a letter to some thirty persons inviting them to participate
in a small Top Secret study and work group here in Washington, July
14-August 2, 1958. ...They covered a wide spectrum of defense problems in
which we thought the application of the most up-to-date science might be
helpful. Approximately 20 scientists attended.

Among the matters that were studied that summer were electromagnetic
propulsion, small submarines, hydrofoils, nuclear airplanes, communications
for the Polaris system, weather control, antisubmarine warfare, game theory
applications, and automata.

... Two years later, in 1960, [others] called for a long summer study every
year, plus several additional, brief meetings during the winter, all devoted
to the study of the sort of science and security issues that had engaged
them that first summer in Washington.  ...the group would get unusually
uninhibited access to information and high officials... The new unit was
soon named Jason and has flourished ever since.

Then, on pp. 233-235:


For the first fourteen years of its life, Jason - whose creation was the
final net result of Project 137 - operated as a division of IDA. Since then
Jason has been successively a division of the Stanford Research Institute
and the Mitre Corporation.

... the Jasons continued to work on problems connecting the most advanced
ideas and results in the physical sciences with current problems of defense.

Jason pioneered the work in beam weapons of all kinds.  ...More recently, it
has reviewed essentially all of the technical questions relevant to
President Reagan's Star Wars proposal.

End of quoting.

York goes on to say the Vietnam War divided the Jason scientists, most of
whom were also college professors, and resulted in many of them dropping out
of the group over the moral issues of the war.

The following descriptions of Jason come from the UFO community, primarily
Cooper and Lear, and appear to be at the least sensationalized and at most

JASON SOCIETY (Jason Scholars) Former President Eisenhower
commissioned a secret society known as the Jason Society (or Jason
Scholars) under the leadership of the following; Director of Central
Intelligence, Allen Welsh Dulles, Dr Zbigniew Brzezinski, President of the
Trilateral Commission from 1973 until 1976, and Dr. Henry Kissenger,
leader of the scientific effort, to sift through all the facts, evidence,
technology, lies and deceptions and find the truth of the Alien question.
The society was made up of thirty two (32) of the most prominent men in
the USA.

Calling Jason a secret society seems to be quite a stretch, like calling a
baseball team a secret society because they don't tell the other team
their signs for a bunt or steal. Calling Kissinger the leader of the
scientific effort seems on the surface patently ridiculous.

I, Milton William Cooper, 1311 S. Highland #205, Fullerton, California,
92632, (714) 680-9537, do solemnly swear that the information contained in
this file is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. etc. etc.

MJ-12 is the name of the secret control group. President Eisenhower
commissioned a secret society known as THE JASON SOCIETY (JASON SCHOLARS) to
sift through all the facts, evidence, technology, lies and deception and
find the truth of the alien question. The society was made up of 32 of the
most prominent men in the country in 1972 and the top 12 members were
designated MJ-12. MJ-12 has total control over everything. They are
designated by the codes J-1, J-2, etc all the way through the members of the
Jason Society.

Is it possible the MJ designation has a much more innocent origin, like
Member of Jason?

The director of the CIA was appointed J-1 and is the Director of MJ-12.
MJ-12 is responsible only to the President. MJ-12 runs most of the world's
illegal drug trade.

If the group was a scientific one, as York asserts, this would be far below
the level of their interests. But one never knows, does one?

A secret meeting place was constructed for MJ-12 in MARYLAND and it was
described as only 

[CTRL] What Johnny learns at school (fwd)

2001-07-17 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

[Note:  Judge Robert Bork in wrote, in Slouching Toward Gomorrah,  Now,
however, the educational system has become the weapon of choice for modern
liberals in their project of dismantling American culture.  This use of
schools in the dismantling of our culture began with the very beginnings of
our communist style collectivist system of education, with Horace Mann, and
the creation of teacher colleges.  In recent decades the intensity of the
attack has been multiplied.  Listen to what those who educate our teachers
have to say:  Formal education carried on subversively, can be in the
forefront of building a new moral order...  it provides some measure of the
physical and social isolation necessary for the incubation process.
(Roberta T. Ash; Durkheim's Moral Education Reconsidered: Toward the
Creation of a Counterculture.  In SCHOOL REVIEW, November, 1971, p. 132) -
... our efforts as educators must not be directed to restoring the past
order of morality but to participating in creating a new one... when it is
shed there will be a new moral order to take it's place...  a
counterculture that will burst through the surface. (Roberta T. Ash;
Durkheim's Moral Education Reconsidered: Toward the Creation of a
Counterculture.  In SCHOOL REVIEW, November, 1971, p. 112) - teachers
who conform to the traditional institutional mode are out of place.  They
might find fulfillment as tap-dance instructors, or guards in maximum
security prisons or proprietors of reducing salons, or agents of the
Federal Bureau of Investigation - - but they damage teaching, children, and
themselves by staying in the classroom.  (NEA book, Schools For the 70's
And Beyond).  Just what does our modern education system support?
Education is thus a most powerful ally of humanism and every American
public school is a school of humanism. What can the theistic
Sunday-schools, meeting for an hour once a week, and teaching only a
fraction of the children, do to stem the tide of a five-day program of
humanistic teaching?  -C. F. Potter (a signer of the Humanist Manifesto)
Humanism, A New  Religion (1930).  The answer I believe, does not lie in
reforming the system, or vouchers (he who takes public money will live
under government rule because of it), or such schemes as that, ideally it
lies in removing your children from the public indoctrination centers,
lacking that we MUST counter the indoctrination, teach your children, take
the time, some time, any time, every day, to teach your children what is
right.  Get them into a good Bible believing and teaching Church.  Here is
a good book that will open your eyes on the subject, one of a number of
good books:  None Dare Call It Education by John A. Stormer, published by
Liberty Bell Press, Florissant, Missouri.  John Stormer short bio states -
..a researcher, writer, school superintendent and pastor.  It is a must
read for all. - Tony]

What Johnny learns at school
Linda Bowles

© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com


There was a time, let's call them the good old days, when parents could
send their little children off to school with full confidence they would be
in good hands.

Sadly, the good old days are gone.

It is appropriate that most of the criticism of government schools deals
with academic failure. But that is only half the wretched story. Contrary
to what many parents think, most of those responsible for the education of
our children are not socially and politically neutral. They are ideologues
with an agenda.

While a good case could be made to say we are on the verge of being overrun
by an avalanche of academic ignorance, it would not be accurate to say our
kids are graduating empty headed. Perhaps it's time for another updated
review of some of the important things our children are learning in
government school classrooms.

While Johnny and Jill may not be learning how to read, they are learning
that: teachers are underpaid, God is irrelevant, big business is ruining
the environment, the Bible says driving an SUV is a sin, rewards should be
based on need rather than performance, bisexual individuals are under the
command of unstable genes, the Alamo was a great Mexican victory, society
rather than the individual is responsible for crime, saving the sucker fish
is more important than saving farmers, teachers' pay should be doubled, a
diversity of cultures and languages is America's strength, Thomas Jefferson
was a racist, two plus two equals whatever, competition is destructive, the
right to be wrong makes wrong right, the Boy Scouts are a hate group,
Ronald Reagan is responsible for the disappearance of the dinosaurs, the
Catholic Church is a hate group, defending yourself promotes violence, the
government is the source from which all blessings flow, Southern Baptists
are a hate group, high taxes are good for America, equality is more
important than excellence, carbon dioxide is poisoning the world, cops hate
black people, 

[CTRL] Brave New Australia

2001-07-17 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

DATE : Sunday, July 15, 2001
SUBJECT : A Planned Republic

Bringing you step by step to an understanding of the coming
New World Order and associated One World Government.

Yes, there is time to prepare but you must
listen to The National Watchman.


The Sydney Morning Herald (25/06/2001) reported on ex-Prime Minister
Mr Malcolm Fraser who believes that the Australian population must
double in the coming years. Australia, says Fraser, would make itself
irrelevant to the rest of the world if it failed to do so.

Fraser said Australia should be aiming for a population of 40 million
to 45 million people, as it was selfish to limit the nation's wealth
to just 20 million. People know there are great population pressures
[in the world] and to keep the wealth of Australia to about 20
million people alone is probably very selfish.

If we say, look, we're 20 million people, this is all we're going to
be, all we're going to do, then we're sidelining ourselves and almost
making ourselves irrelevant to the rest of the world.

It is only fair to ask where these millions of people will come from
and what sort of Australia this will herald for the average man?

Where Will They Come From?

Where the new arrivals will come from has been detailed by Phillip
Ruthven, the acknowledged long range social and business forecaster
and Chairman of IBIS Business Information. He, like Malcolm Fraser,
has predicted major increases in population but has also detailed the

By 2025 Australia was likely to have ceded some sovereignty over
population and some financial and legal matters to a grouping based
on our closer neighbours in the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation
(APEC) countries…. within 30 years Australia's decisions over
population, finance and legal matters will be made by regional group
of Asian Pacific countries…by the end of the 21 st century [the
population will be 150 million and ] new Australians would come from
Japan, Vietnam, the Philippines and predominantly Indonesia. (Kennet
calls for big rise in August intake The Age 16/3/98 P 6)

Clearly the Malcolm Fraser's  20 million new arrivals will be part of
the 150 million Asians that Ruthven sees planned for Australia. Note
that Phillip Ruthven talks of the major consequence of economic
integration, `a ceding of sovereignty. The plan is that within 30
years Australia's decisions over population, finance and legal
matters will be made by regional group of Asian Pacific countries.
This ' regional group of Asian Pacific countries'  is to find  a
structure in the Asia Free Trade Zone which is now the official
policy of the Australian government.

The Elite Describe the Plan of Genocide

The plan to 'consumerise' Australia based on a Asian population is
well know in both political and business circles.

William Hayden, former leader of the Labor Party and subsequently
Governor General., has stated the following,

It is inevitable that Australia will become an Eurasian country
A new race will emerge; I happen to think that this is desirable.
(Asia Week 19 / 8/ 1983 p 7)

The finality of the plan, the swift and chilling wind, is the
genocide of the Anglo Saxon people. In a Sixty Minutes report Gerry
Harvey, operator of one of Australia's largest and most successful
retail chains, responded to a question on Asianisation and detailed
the methodology of the genocide.

Basically, when I say 90 percent I don't mean all Asian, I mean 90
percent of people will have some Asian blood in them, it might only
be 10 percent, but considering that the migration to Australia will
be mostly from Asian countries, then with all the inter-marriage, I
can't see how there will be many pure blooded, if we want to call it
that, Anglo-Saxons... just won't exist anymore. 

Orchestrated Ethnic Cleansing

Anglo-Saxons... just won't exist anymore.

The proudly spoken words of Jerry Harvey.

What these maestros of ethnic cleansing are telling you is that
future population increase in Australia is to be Asian. There is no
end to Asianisation except in the end of the Heritage Culture. Like
the sale of Telstra after the first thirty percent was sold the
complete sale was inevitable. As one leading politician said it is
like being a little bit pregnant; you can't be. You cannot be a
little bit privatized and you cannot be a little bit Asianised.

As in the sale of Telstra the politicians knew the plan was `slowly,
slowly'. And if they know what the real end of the preliminary sale
of Telstra was, then you can be sure that they all too well
understood the real end of the preliminary introduction of the Asians
into the Australia cultural mix. Malcolm Fraser continues the long
line of  'political party deception'  of the Australian people.

Free Booklet on your Asian Future

THE NATIONAL WATCHMAN has a free report on the complete Asianisation
plan. The reports details Australia's present destiny :  economic
change demanding 

[CTRL] Fwd: criminals in government

2001-07-17 Thread Kris Millegan


Saved message   
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Tue, Jul 17, 2001, 7:43am To:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: 49.86 mhz 
The Hanover Park, Illinois police department is taking extreme measures
to suppress the truth about their complicity in the animalistic
torture/murder of STACY FROBEL. 
  In return for their assistance to Wackenhut/CIA in
maintaining ANTHONY DETOLVE'S cocaine distribution franchise, the
Hanover Park village management, and their largest single tax revenue
source INLAND GROUP, (see LAURA LINK suicide) got a pass for the
WINDOWPANE LSD/MEXICAN HEROIN business , run, in part, from the drinking
establishment at the corner of rte. 19 and Jensen blvd in HanoverPark.
This is where FROBELS car was located - and it was known to HPPD- while
it was being cleaned out after her murder.
  Their current compromised thugs are driving a  
black, Dodge truck that doesnt have (or need) license plates. One of the
thugs was previously associated with professional perjurer PAMELA KLEIN
, and , through her, the law firm of HERVASCONDON and SOTOS who sued
the cicero mayor on behalf of former HPPD chief PHILLIP BUE.   

Via their former mentor and employer, JAMES R SCHIROTT, HCS is
co-owner of DENNIS HASTERT (US House speaker), the helpless and
compromised HENRY HYDE, and LOREN STROTZ clerk of the second district
appellate court. 
Kenneth B Thomas
7482 Jensen #3
Hanover Park, Illinois 

[CTRL] Fwd: [American_Liberty] TWA Flight 800. The Psychology Of A Cover-Up

2001-07-17 Thread Kris Millegan

TWA 800 - Connecting The Dots...The Psychology Of A Cover-Up
By James Sanders and Jack Cashill WorldNetDaily.com 7-16-1
I've been reading about the Flight 800 cover-up on WorldNetDaily. So far,
the facts are convincing that the events did not happen as the official
explanation describes. I only have one question though, why? Why would anyone
want the people responsible to get away with this?

- A WND reader

The question above is of the sort we hear most often: How could a conspiracy
of such magnitude occur in modern America and why would the government and
the media allow the conspirators to get away with this.

A good question. The answer can be traced to two variables, one a person,
Bill Clinton, the other a date, 1996. Everything else derives from the two.
Our liberal allies in this cause would rather not hear this--and their
support is all the more honorable for its lack of political
reinforcement--but the story makes no sense without this understanding.

In 1992, a reported 89% of Washington correspondents voted for Bill Clinton
(one of the bases of our generalizations about the major media). If,
inevitably, they did not hold him to the same standards they would with a
Republican president, they did not give him a free pass, at least not in
those first two years. The election of 1994, however, changed all that.

The Republican rout shook the media elite to the bottom of their very souls.
Peter Jennings referred to it on air as a temper tantrum. More than a few of
his colleagues openly stereotyped Republican voters as angry white men. The
anxiety within media circles was palpable and profound. With Congress lost,
the largely Democrat media reflexively closed ranks around their remaining
standard bearer, President Clinton. Their role subtly shifted from pursuers
of the truth to protectors of the President.

This shift became evident at Oklahoma City. As soon as Timothy McVeigh was
apprehended--just three months after Gingrich assumed power-- the major media
seized on him as the inevitable consequence of the Republican revolution and
its primary organ, hate radio.

Words have consequences, Clinton piously intoned. The media echoed the
refrain. They had little interest in finding the others unknown who were
likely involved in the bombing. It would only obscure the clarity of the
image they had already presented to America. Their collective failure to
pursue obvious leads was as shocking and unprecedented as the FBI,s.

As to President Clinton, he never looked back. He proved masterly at
manipulating the victims, families and massaging his own ratings. With the
media,s help he climbed above 50% public approval at Oklahoma City for the
first time in ages and never fell below again. The Republican revolution was
buried in the rubble, and a politically revived Bill Clinton understood how
and why.

In July of 1996, the resurgent Clinton knew he would easily beat Bob Dole in
November. Only a catastrophe could deny him the one goal that inspired his
every breath--reelection. On the night of July 17, he was presented with just
such a catastrophe.

There is no doubt that the official investigation into the crash was
compromised from the beginning and ultimately corrupted. (Please see our
previous WND articles for details). What follows is a conjecture on the
psychology of that corruption based on the facts of the case and eight years
of close observance of the Clinton White House.

What motive, a skeptic might ask, would the White House have to risk so epic
a cover-up? From the beginning of his term, Clinton,s greatest political
vulnerability had been his tenuous grip on the role of Commander-in-Chief. If
terrorists had been able to infiltrate American coastal waters and blow a 747
out of the sky, Bill Clinton,s re-election would have been seriously
jeopardized. If the plane had been downed by mistake in the course of high
tech war games staged close to shore to accommodate Democratic fat cats, Bill
Clinton,s political career would have ended.

There was no win in this situation. No Timothy McVeigh was about to emerge
from central casting. Regardless of who shot down the plane--and White House
insiders knew immediately--they had to play for time. If the results of the
investigation could be pushed back at least until after November, Clinton
would survive.

So White House operatives moved immediately to kill the missile story that
was being broadcast on CNN and the networks. Within 24 hours, the
administration line, parroted by the media, was that no one knew for sure
what caused the crash but that all leads were being pursued.

This approach sounded prudent and reasonable. The 736 official eyewitnesses
believed it. The thousands of professionals and volunteers who labored
mightily to retrieve the wreckage believed it. The victims, families believed
it. The President and Mrs. Clinton descended upon Long Island and assuaged
the anxieties of these 

[CTRL] Pragmatists, Primitivists, and Watermelons

2001-07-17 Thread Yardbird

Free Congress Foundation's
Notable News Now
July 17, 2001

The Free Congress Guest Commentary
Environmentalism Three Ways: Pragmatists, Primitivists, and Watermelons
by Thomas D. Cox

As an information technology worker by day (and a crime fighting super-hero
by night, but that's another story), I find it convenient to organize some
kinds of information into rows and columns, like a spreadsheet. It helps me
get my mind around a complex topic. While examining one such topic,
environmentalism, I discovered that environmentalists can be divided into
three general categories (columns): Pragmatists, Primitivists, and
Watermelons. The three types see two, exemplary environmental problems -
global warming and ozone depletion (rows) -- and their solutions vary

Pragmatists tend to follow the example of Teddy Roosevelt, an asthmatic city
boy who developed a passion for understanding nature through science and
personal experience. While developing enough respect for natural wonders to
create the country's first national parks, he saw man as the dominant
species, and nature as his domain, to be exploited responsibly, but not to
be destroyed needlessly. Pragmatists seek to strike a balance between human
needs and natural beauty, believing that, with recourse to accurate,
scientific data, humanity can benefit from nature without destroying it, and

Pragmatists want to see objective evidence of global warming and ozone
depletion, and to identify the most likely causes of these phenomena, before
they entertain government policies meant to remedy them. Pragmatists become
excited by the environment if they find themselves at the foot of an
erupting volcano, or in the path of a tornado, but otherwise, they tend to
be focused calmly on the long term.

Primitivists have no use for science. Their ideal world is one from which
humans and their civilization have been erased, or, better yet one in which
they never existed at all. If asked, they will admit to a desire to see
about 99% of the world's human population disappear, except for themselves
and a few close friends with a similar orientation. The most extreme
primitivists believe that human life is no more valuable than the life of an
insect or a plant, and that the idea of exploiting an animal or a plant to
extend or improve the life of a human is immoral and selfish. In their more
tempered state, primitivists envision a romantically idealized harmony in
the relationship of man and nature.  Their emblem of this ideal is the
romanticized American Indian (whom they, of course, call a Native
American, as if that phrase did not literally mean, one who was born in
America). This mythical character lives frugally and gently with the land,
worshiping it as a god, seeing spirituality in every tree and rock. One
assumes these characters would not build casinos and duty-free liquor stores
in their pristine estates, or profit from the sale of mineral rights

Primitivists accept global warming and ozone depletion without question,
because these phenomena only serve to confirm their belief that man is a
burden on nature, and that he will destroy it if allowed. Their remedy is
simple and straightforward. Abort the unborn ones, and let the born ones
freeze, bake and starve to death, and return their biodegradable packaging
to the environment.

Watermelons are pragmatic, too, in their own way. Having been exposed as
hypocrites or fools, these believers in a bankrupt, failed ideology that
calls for government ownership of everything, had to find another rock under
which to hide. Environmentalism is the perfect refuge for communists,
because it allows those who are red on the inside to put a layer of green on
the outside, and continue to spread their toxic theology. In the 21st
Century, environmentalism is the last bastion of people who think private
property is The Man's way of oppressing the downtrodden.

In the watermelon's view, people are not entirely evil. A certain number of
them are required to drive the party elite in their limousines from the
halls of power to their dachas in the woods, to cook their gourmet meals,
and to fight and die in the interest of preserving and expanding their
empires. However, the history of socialism in the 20th Century includes a
laudable amount of population control in the form of purges.  The big-name
socialist utopias lightened Mother Earth's burden of humanity by a hundred
million or so, in the interest of the state. While an unfortunate quantity
of lead had to be introduced to the environment by firing squads, most of
these deaths were accomplished with lower environmental impact -- mass
starvation and death by slave labor predominating. In this century,
Communist China has recently taken the lead in recycling. Environmentally
responsible Chinese leaders now harvest the skin, corneas and internal
organs of the political prisoners they execute, and sell them on the open
market. While this practice carries the 

[CTRL] Asa, the DEA, the news and people's views . . . the emperor wears no clothes

2001-07-17 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=http://www.cannabisnews.com/news/thread10323.shtml;
cannabisnews.com: Drug Agency Nominee Talks Tou…/A
Posted by FoM on July 16, 2001 at 22:44:24 PT
By Donna Leinwand, USA Today
Source: USA Today

Rep. Asa Hutchinson, a former federal prosecutor who's known as a drug
warrior, is expected to win approval from the Senate Judiciary Committee
Tuesday as President Bush's nominee to head the Drug Enforcement
Hutchinson, a conservative Republican from Arkansas who helped prosecute
President Clinton in the 1999 impeachment trial and sent Clinton's
half-brother Roger to prison in 1984 on cocaine charges, promises aggressive
and fair enforcement of drug laws.

If confirmed by the full Senate, he says he would run an agency that would
not use racial profiling, would seek long prison sentences for traffickers,
and would push for more money for air patrols over Latin American and
Caribbean drug-running routes.
Although a tough talker when it comes to enforcement, Hutchinson says he
supports education and treatment efforts to reduce demand in the USA for
illegal drugs.
Hutchinson will testify before the committee today. Although he is expected
to face some tough questioning, he is not expected to face serious opposition.
All but two of the 16 Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee, on which
Hutchinson serves, have signed a letter supporting his confirmation.
John Conyers, D-Mich., the ranking member of the House committee, will join
Hutchinson's brother, Tim, a Republican senator from Arkansas, in testifying
in his support.
I think probably a lot of Asa's fervor on this issue developed from his life
experiences, his brother says. We had a nephew who committed suicide under
the influence of drugs. Most families have been hit in some way by drugs at
some time.
Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., is likely to ask Hutchinson
if he will support redirecting U.S. drug policy from emphasizing law
enforcement to focusing on treatment and prevention. Leahy and the
committee's ranking Republican, Orrin Hatch of Utah, have introduced a bill
that would provide grants to establish drug-treatment alternatives to prison.
Hutchinson has taken a hard line on drug users. He says addicts who are ar
rested and ordered to enter a treatment program by a court fare better than
those who enter treatment voluntarily.
More drug courts are needed where the prison sentence is hanging over a
person's head — an addict's head or a user's head, Hutchinson said a year
ago during an appearance on CNN's Crossfire. Many of the addicts testify
that what made them confront their drug use was a police officer arresting
As a congressman, Hutchinson sponsored legislation last year to spend more
money to shut down and clean up methamphetamine labs that had set up shop
throughout Arkansas, the Midwest and Texas. He voted last year to increase
the penalties for possessing so-called club drugs, including Ecstasy and the
date-rape drug GHB, gamma hydroxybutyrate. And he supported President
Clinton's $1.3 billion Plan Colombia, an aid package that helped arm
Colombia's military to fight traffickers and to eradicate drug crops.

The Asa Hutchinson File

Age: 50; born Dec. 3, 1950, in Bentonville, Ark.
Education: B.S., Bob Jones University, 1972; J.D., University of Arkansas
School of Law, 1975.
Career: Bentonville, Ark., city attorney, 1977-78; U.S. Attorney, 1982-85;
private practice attorney with Karr  Hutchinson in Fort Smith, Ark.; first
elected to Congress in 1996. Served as a House manager during the impeachment
trial of President Clinton.
Family: Married to Susan Burrell Hutchinson. They have four children: Asa
III, Sarah, John, and Seth; and one grandchild, Asa IV. Brother is Sen. Tim
Hutchinson, R-Ark.
Key issues: Privacy protection, prohibitions on racial profiling, legal
assistance for victims of domestic violence; cleaning up illegal
methamphetamine labs.
Source: USA Today Research

Note: Hutchinson says addicts forced by a court to enter a treatment program
fare better than those who enter voluntarily.
Source: USA Today (US)
Author: Donna Leinwand, USA Today
Published: July 16, 2001
Copyright: 2001 USA TODAY, a division of Gannett Co. Inc.
Website: http://www.usatoday.com/
Related Articles:
Asa and Me
President Names Congressman To Drug Agency
Republican Congressman To Head Drug Agency

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Comment #7 posted by Jose Melendez on July 17, 2001 at 08:30:49 PT:

getting tough, eh?
Asa Hutchinson is going to be tough on some drugs.
Tough on Cannabis, whose users are generally peaceful, and therefore are
easier to arrest and incarcerate because they will not fight back as will
users of, say alcohol. 

[CTRL] Gay Firearms Group Takes Aim at Stereotypes (fwd)

2001-07-17 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


Gay Firearms Group Takes Aim at Stereotypes

* Pink Pistols members train in the proper use of weapons. They say they
want to challenge the assumption that gays and lesbians are anti-gun.


July 14 2001

Tall, sandy-haired Brian Cooper of West Hollywood took a Glock semiautomatic handgun 
one recent Sunday and blasted away at
a torso-shaped target and an array of vivid human stereotypes. Cooper was at the 
shooting range with the Pink Pistols--a
gay-lesbian group that offers its members firearms training and its foes a target for 
vituperative political fire.

After sending a clip of 9-millimeter bullets through targets and into spindly yellow 
scrub at the Americana 1800 Adventure Club
north of Santa Clarita, Cooper pulled off a pair of sound-muffling ear protectors and 
ambled under a breezeway to relax with his
significant other, Richard Best, amid the racked rifles and stacked ammo boxes.

When I was younger, I shot a .22 [caliber] rifle, but the Glock has quite a different 
kick. I have to get used to it, the 36-year-old
Cooper said, flexing his shooting hand as his colleagues in the group paused to 
reload. Barely a month old and with only 12
members, the Los Angeles chapter of the Pink Pistols is but a speck on the 
recreational-political landscape, but it stands to
challenge assumptions that the gay community is marching in lock-step toward more 
restrictive gun control.

The Pink Pistols started last year in Boston, where founder Doug Krick, a 30-year-old 
computer engineer, said he and a circle of
friends were stirred to action by an article by Jonathan Rauch, a National Journal 
senior writer and commentator who often
addresses issues of interest to the gay community.

In a piece posted March 13, 2000, on http://www.salon.com, Rauch expressed alarm over 
rising anti-gay hate crimes and called on
gays to arm themselves in self-defense. He even suggested the new group's name, which 
Krick and his friends readily adopted.
We started out with a bunch of friends who wanted to go out and go shooting, Krick 
said. Then it was, what else can we do?
Let's rate some political candidates.

Shooting Group Gets Political

The Pink Pistols soon tussled with Massachusetts legislators over gun control bills, 
drawing publicity that touched a nerve among
pro-gun activists elsewhere, and soon more Pink Pistols chapters sprang up. In 
California, the group has opposed legislation
requiring the licensing of handgun buyers.

Krick said there are now about 300 members in Indiana, Texas and Arizona. Not all the 
members are gay, such as a leader of an
Arizona chapter, Krick said, who calls himself painfully vanilla and hetero.

We're here for the purpose of breaking some stereotypes, [two being] the gay 
community as anti-gun and the gun community as
anti-gay, Krick said.

There's Assemblyman Paul Koretz (D-West Hollywood), for one, long a fervent gun 
control advocate, who scoffed at the group.
It's a lot of hype and scam, Koretz said. I would be shocked if any member of our 
community is a member of that group. It
sounds like a front for the NRA.

But openly gay state Sen. Sheila Kuehl (D-Santa Monica) tempered any criticism, 
pointing out that gay-lesbian groups are a
cross-section of America, after all.

If they're simply about affinity--we're interested in our own self-defense and target 
practice and so on--that's fine, but I hope
they're not going to try to convince the community that carrying a gun makes you safe, 
because it doesn't.

Libertarian Party spokesman George Getz said his party promotes the gay pro-gun group 
in its publications.

We're proud of the Pink Pistols, Getz said. Crooks and murderers don't agree with 
gun control, which is why people need to
have guns to defend themselves.

Back at the rural shooting range north of Santa Clarita, where the buzz of cicadas 
rises as soon as the thunder of gunfire echoes
off into the distance, Los Angeles Pink Pistols organizer Tony Assenza was getting 
ready to signal for another round of live-fire

Assenza, a 48-year-old advertising copywriter and competition pistol shooter, is 
straight, but he helped launch the group because
his gay and lesbian friends are interested in shooting. He lets the Pink Pistols shoot 
as his guests at the private Americana range,
where he is a member, and he offers the use of his collection of firearms and supplies 

Best watched Cooper pick up a .45-caliber pistol, after telling Assenza that the 
9-millimeter felt too light in his large hands.

For me, it's a personal safety issue, Best said. I think I'd be safer with a weapon 
in the house.

Sue Peabody, a printing sales representative from Valley Village, slipped a magazine 
into a purse-sized .25-caliber semiautomatic
that she bought several years ago, fearing what she called an 

[CTRL] Is This Really America?

2001-07-17 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Sounds like the Washington D.C. Malcolm X Park or maybe Rock Fork Park?
Like a Jack the Ripper they left calling cards

Well now that sodomy is acceptable be prepared or the attack of the
sodomists for now they are - respectible?


Authorities: OC rape suspects left calling card

SANTA ANA , July 16 - An ex-tagging gang's penchant for leaving its
moniker at crime scenes provided the clue that led to five arrests for
the July 3 rapes of two girls and the beating of their boyfriends,
authorities said Monday.

Erick Oswaldo Rivera, 19, of Anaheim, Cuauhtemoc Torres, 19, of Orange,
and a 16-year-old and two 15-year-olds were arrested in connection with
the attack.

The victims were a 13-year-old girl and a 15-year-old girl and their
teen-age boyfriends, said Orange County Sheriff Michael Carona.
Authorities believe Rivera and the 16-year-old were involved in the
rapes. The palm prints of two adult suspects were found on the red Mazda
the victims took to remote Black Star Canyon, according to

We received a variety of statements and admissions from everyone
involved, said Jim Amormino of the Orange County Sheriff Department.
All five were involved by either holding the male victims or the

An anonymous donor who heard about the savagery of the attacks offered a
$25,000 reward.

But it was a female sheriff's deputy who saw LTK -- a virtual calling
card left after the crime -- on a gate just 50 yards from the crime
scene, which helped crack the case, Carona said.
It shows they are not very bright to start with, and it shows they are
pretty brazen, Carona said.

He described the three older suspects as members of a gang -- it
operates in the Orange and Anaheim areas, is made up of Hispanics and
Asians and is not territorially based -- and the two 15-year-olds as

The group started as a tagging gang, then transitioned to other
things, Carona said. They left the moniker as a bragging right, and
also that's what they like to do.

What turned this case was a patrol deputy doing what she is supposed to
do, noticing some changes in the environment, he said. For her
protection, the deputy was not identified.

The victims, who were on a furtive date, were accosted about 2 a.m. as
they returned to the Mazda after a walk in a desolate area of Black Star
Canyon, Amormino said.

Carona said the five suspects came upon the car while it was parked, and
stripped parts from it. The group returned to take more parts, and by
then the four teens had returned.

They noticed that all the windows on the vehicle were smashed, and some
articles had been thrown on the ground.

The boys were hit in the head with rocks and kicked in the head. One
suffered a fractured skull, but both youths are now on the road to
recovery, Amormino said.

The girls were driven to a rock quarry off Santiago Canyon Road, where
they raped, authorities said.

Amormino said the gang, allegedly headed by Rivera, has about a dozen
It's a small gang with very few members, he said.

The graffiti was scrawled some time after the crimes were committed, and
the deputy noticed it last Wednesday and passed the information on to
investigators working on the case.

Once the graffiti was linked to a gang operating in Orange, sheriff's
investigators learned from police in Orange that Rivera drove a white
1987 Toyota hatchback like the victims had described, and a stakeout was
started, Carona said.

The victims also told authorities that one of the car's headlight, which
was damaged, was noticeably dimmer than the other, Amormino said.

On Friday, Rivera was arrested in the car after being stopped, Carona
said. With him were Torres and two others. But only Rivera was arrested,
and that was for an unrelated probation violation, Carona said.
Additional investigation led to the 15-year-olds, who were questioned
late Friday, Carona said.

They admitted participating in the assaults and robberies and said they
were witnesses to the rapes, Carona said, adding that they identified
Rivera as a suspect in the sexual assaults.
Investigators found Torres again and this time took him into custody,
and the 16-year-old was arrested in Norwalk, Carona said.

The sheriff said the reward did not factor in the arrests, but did raise
public awareness, although investigators got a lot of leads that did not
pan out.

Carona said investigators have forensic evidence, such as semen, hair
and fingernail scrapings that are still being processed.

We would have caught them no matter what, Carona said. This just
hastened it ... I can tell you that this was nothing more than some
great, old-fashioned police work.

The adults were booked into the Orange County Jail and the others were
placed in Juvenile Hall, he said.

Carona said the five were placed in a lineup, and Yes, they were picked
Black Star Canyon is known for nocturnal hikers, drinkers and couples
looking for romantic getaways.

The youths had left their 

Re: [CTRL] Gays/NAMBLA/Erotica

2001-07-17 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well June they should market their products in Columbus, Ohio but keep
in mind what happened to Larry Flynt for I assure,  he had degraded he
fancy neighborhood in which he livied, degraded the community, hustled
his Hustler Magazine but made one mistake - he was hustlinging into the
drug scenario.

Now people in Columbus were too polite to shoot the bastard - someone
waited until he went to Georgia, where I assure you they still remember
Sherman's March to the sea.

With Larry it was goodbye an good riddancetake his garbage to

Jim Traficant with his MAFIA connections is an angel compared to this
sick and evil element in our Washington government.

Problem is, little girls like Chandra Levy seem to pay the price?
While Larry Flynt and Hugh Heffner still contribute to the ADL.

Strange isn't it - slaughter of the innocents by the sodomites?


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Israel Tortures Children

2001-07-17 Thread William Shannon



Sunday, July 15 8:46 PM SGT

Rights group accuses Israeli police of torturing Palestinian youngsters

JERUSALEM, July 15 (AFP) - Palestinian teenager Sultan Mahdi's hands and feet
were tied to a chair leg by Israeli interrogators who later shoved his head
down a toilet, according to a report published by an Israeli human rights
group Sunday.

Mahdi, 15, is one of 10 boys whose case has been examined by the B'Tselem
rights group which said they were abused and tortured at a police station in
the Gush Etzion Jewish settlement bloc south of Bethlehem in the West Bank.

"In most of the cases, the police arrested them at their homes in the middle
of the night and took them to the police station in Gush Etzion, where police
interrogators tortured them until morning," B'Tselem said in a statement.

It said police, who arrested the 10 youngsters aged between 14 and 17 between
the start of the Palestinian intifada or uprising in late September and
January this year, were seeking to extract confessions and information about
other minors.

"These are not isolated cases or uncommon conduct by certain police officers,
and information received by B'Tselem raises the serious likelihood that
torture during interrogations at the Gush Etzion police station continues,"
it said.

It said methods of torture included forcing the minors to stand in painful
positions for prolonged periods, beating them severely for hours, sometimes
with objects, pushing their heads into toilet bowls and flushing and making
death threats.

Mahdi said he was beaten about the face and head during his five-hour
interrogation and decided to confess to throwing five stones at a settler's
vehicle after his head was put in the toilet.

Another boy, Ismail Sabatin, 17, said he was ordered to lean against a wall
with his legs up and head down and later told to stand on a chair and grab a
pipe fixed to the wall.

"They removed the chair from under me and left me hanging in the air with my
handcuffed hands holding on to the pipe and the weight of my body, hanging in
the air, drawing my hands downwards," he said.

Ibrahim Zaul 16, told B'Tselem one officer threatened to kill him, and said
another boy had died under interrogation.

"I was blindfolded. The interrogator said that he was going to electrocute me
and that I would die like Ahmed. I felt the sensation of two iron wires being
stuck on me but nothing happened," he said.

[CTRL] Chomsky- Hegemony Or Survival

2001-07-17 Thread William Shannon

July 2001
Hegemony or Survival
By Noam Chomsky

At the end of June,, the UN Conference on Disarmament concludes the second of
its year 2001 sessions. Prospects for any constructive outcome of disarmament
efforts are slim. Discussions have been blocked by US insistence on pursuing
ballistic missile defense (BMD) programs, against near-unanimous opposition.

On the purpose of BMD, there is a fair measure of agreement across a broad
spectrum. Potential adversaries regard it as an offensive weapon. Reagan's
SDI ("Star wars") was understood in the same light. China's top arms control
official simply reflected common understanding when he observed that "Once
the United States believes it has both a strong spear and a strong shield, it
could lead them to conclude that nobody can harm the United States and they
can harm anyone they like anywhere in the world. There could be many more
bombings like what happened in Kosovo" -- the reaction of most of the world
to what was perceived as a reversion to the "gunboat wars" of a century ago,
with the "colonial powers of the West, with overwhelming technological
advantages, subduing natives and helpless countries that had no ability to
defend themselves," doing as they choose while "cloaked in moralistic
righteousness" (Israeli military analyst Amos Gilboa). The reaction to the
US-UK Gulf War was much the same among the traditional "natives and helpless
countries." Fortunately for its self-image, Western ideology is
well-insulated from such departures from right thinking.

China is also well aware that it is not immune. It knows that the US and NATO
maintain the right of first use of nuclear weapons, and knows as well as US
military analysts that "Flights by U.S. EP-3 planes near China...are not just
for passive surveillance; the aircraft also collect information used to
develop nuclear war plans" (William Arkin, Bull. of Atomic Scientists,
May/June 2001).

Canadian military planners advised their government that the goal of BMD is
"arguably more in order to preserve U.S./NATO freedom of action than because
U.S. really fears North Korean or Iranian threat." Prominent strategic
analysts agree. BMD "will facilitate the more effective application of U.S.
military power abroad, Andrew Bacevich writes (National Interest, Summer
2001): "By insulating the homeland from reprisal -- albeit in a limited way
-- missile defense will underwrite the capacity and willingness of the United
States to `shape' the environment elsewhere." He cites approvingly the
conclusion of Lawrence Kaplan: "Missile defense isn't really meant to protect
America. It's a tool for global dominance," for "hegemony."

That this goal should be embraced by all right-thinking people follows at
once from the principles of the "respectable" opinion that "defines the
parameters within which the policy debate occurs." The spectrum is very
broad: it excludes only "tattered remnants of hard-core isolationists" and
"those few beleaguered radicals still pining for the glory days of the
1960s," and is "so authoritative as to be virtually immune to challenge"
(Bacevich). The first principle is straightforward: "America as historical
vanguard." According to this authoritative principle, "history has a
discernible direction and destination. Uniquely among all the nations of the
world, the United States comprehends and manifests history's purpose,"
namely, "freedom, achieved through the spread of democratic capitalism, and
embodied in the American Way of Life." Accordingly, US hegemony is the
realization of history's purpose; the merest truism, "virtually immune to

The principle is by no means novel, nor is the US unique in history in
basking in such praise from domestic thinkers.

In contrast, the goal offered the public -- protection from "rogue states" --
is not taken very seriously. Unless dedicated to instant collective suicide,
no state would launch missiles at the US. And there are far easier and safer
means to inflict enormous damage on its territory. "Anyone who doubts that
terrorists could smuggle a nuclear warhead into New York City should note
that they could always wrap it in a bale of marijuana," one prominent analyst
comments sardonically. Another points out that "a nuclear bomb that could
easily wipe out Manhattan and kill 100,000 people is a ball of plutonium
weighing about 15 pounds. It is a little bigger than a softball. One such
bomb could be carried into the United States in a suitcase. And if one could,
many could."

Nuclear weapons are, of course, not the only weapons of mass destruction
(WMD): chemical and biological weapons are arguably a greater threat to the
rich and powerful. The 1997 treaty banning chemical weapons is languishing in
large measure because the US has not funded inspections and other action,
while Washington has "made a mockery" of the treaty by effectively exempting
itself, a senior analyst of the Henry 

[CTRL] Chemtrails- Delivery Systems For Dept. Of Death's Toxic Cocktails

2001-07-17 Thread William Shannon

From the July 2001 Idaho Observer: 

Chemtrails: Delivery system for Dept. of Death's toxic cocktails 

To ignore chemtrails is to pretend that the DOD would never test its chemical 
and biological weapons on unsuspecting peopleMost people living on earth want 
only life, liberty, peace and the pursuit of happiness. In grisly contrast, 
America's military-industrial complex harbors an introverted and pathological 
fixation with war games and death technology. In its inexorable quest for 
absolute power -- that evolutionary state of decay warned about by President 
Eisenhower so many years ago -- the complex has unleashed a terrifying array 
of secretive and dangerous experiments. These include weather modification, 
earthquake induction and numerous chemical-biological tests on unwitting 

By Amy Worthington 

Every aspect of our physical environment is now being manipulated for war 
games. Discolored skies are continuously polluted by jets spraying chemical 
aerosols. Bizarre and unpredictable weather is often military-made. 
Electromagnetic abnormalities -- including artificial lightning -- are 
generated by HAARP-like installations in sundry places. People are becoming 
increasingly ill and immuno-compromised from such ecological tampering. 

In an expose on Henry Kissinger's momentous war crimes, author Christopher 
Hitchens writes in Harper's magazine that during the Vietnam War, a U.S. 
helicopter unit posted the slogan, “Death is our business and business is 
good.” This arrogant paradigm is perfect for the grotesque network of over 
100 laboratories on campuses and industrial parks across the nation where 
military and contract personnel develop new technologies and strategies for 
killing human beings in the name of national security. 

From the military's own abstract of a workshop on “Chemical Lethality 
Predictions” we learn that when planes spray deadly chemicals in the form of 
rain or mist, it is possible to calculate how much of those killer agents can 
be deposited on each person on the ground. The calculations are so precise 
that “...ten large VX drops that fall over a populated area have the chance 
to kill up to 9 out of 10 people.” 

What business has the military to be spraying “populated areas” with lethal 
toxins? This is not defense at all. This is genocide. 

Many Americans have reported seeing or feeling chemical mists fall from the 
sky during chemtrail spray episodes. Chemtrail investigator Will Thomas 
reports that people hit by these mists usually become gravely ill within 48 
hours. Thomas tells of hiker Joe Burton in Tennessee who, in 1998, was 
sprayed by a plane leaving a heavy toxic fog at tree-top level. Burton 
contracted symptoms similar to Gulf War Illness. Strange chemicals had 
entered his lungs, attacking his liver, gallbladder and kidneys. He was also 
found to have a very rare flu-like virus that was tracked to Geneva, 
Switzerland, home of the World Health Organization. 

Congressional hearings of 1975, 1977 and 1994 confirm in nauseating detail 
that our illustrious Department of Death has used the American population as 
hapless guinea pigs since WWII. Rutgers professor Leonard Cole collected from 
U.S. military records a horrifying list of biological and chemical agents 
furtively tested on American and Canadian civilian populations. In 1999, 
Jonathan Moreno of Clinton's Committee on Human Radiation Experiments, also 
confirmed in his book Undue Risk decades of murderous military-intelligence 
experimentation on civilians without their knowledge or consent. 

In 1953, an odious series of 36 tests was conducted on citizens of Winnipeg 
in Canada. Our government lied to the Winnipeg mayor, assuring him that the 
tests were non-toxic and defense-necessary. The actual purpose of these 
CIA-designed tests was to see how large a percentage of the population could 
be given chemical-induced cancer. 

Our spray planes and spray trucks saturated the people of Winnipeg with the 
carcinogen zinc cadmium sulfide, the same chemical sprayed on many American 
cities. By calculating the number of people who subsequently came into 
medical clinics complaining of sore throats, bronchial problems and ringing 
ears, the test-masters determined that had the chemical not been watered 
down, they could have induced cancer in one-third of the Winnipeg population. 

In 1994, Dr. Cole testified before a Senate committee that he feared the 
military might develop new and genetically engineered pathogens. He could not 
have known then that our government had been working on such heinous 
pathogens since the 1960s, when it initiated a special virus cancer program 
in order to create contagious cancers for biowarfare. 

By 1996, Dr. Leonard Horowitz confirmed in his book Emerging Viruses that 
both AIDS and the Marburg-Ebola complex were man-made monstrosities hatched 
out of America's biowarfare labs. 

Still today the 

Re: [CTRL] Special report: global warming

2001-07-17 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

  Greenhouse melts Alaska's tribal ways

Wonder how their ancestors coped with this problem the
last time this happened. This tribe better check their
tribal oral traditions. Since they are still around after
many thousands of years...they must have successfully
dealt with cyclical warming in the past.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Global Warming Much Worse Than Predicted

2001-07-17 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

 The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed
 (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an
 endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary. -- H.L. Mencken

This Mencken quote should be chiseled on the Washington
monument or better yet at the entrance of the proposed
visitors center being developed for the capitol - certainly it
has been the working slogan for the US government for the past
100 years.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Fwd: Condit the CIA

2001-07-17 Thread Kris Millegan

from website (ciajfk.com)

Just a note on Congressman Condit.  Did you know that Mr. Condit as a
Congressman worked regularly with the Central Intelligence Agency?  Yes, he
was on the Intelligence Committee of Congress.

Today I received a letter from my Congressman saying that George de
Mohrenschildt is a very important person.  Thanking me for the information I
supplied in a 20 minute meeting on George de Mohrenschildt.

Bruce Campbell Adamson

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

Re: [CTRL] [OT] Report: President Bush Has Lowest IQofallPresidentsofPast 50 Years

2001-07-17 Thread BB

-Caveat Lector-

Perhaps you are right.

But consider, government IS big business, and big business IS
government, and it has been so for at least 150 years.

They are NOT separate entities. Ever notice, that when a person
leaves a high level government, he slides over to a board seat on
some huge corporation, and when government positions are
recruited, they come from the ranks of large corporations?


Gore would not be in bed with the oil industry to the degree with


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [Fwd: What Johnny learns at school]

2001-07-17 Thread BB

[Note:  Judge Robert Bork in wrote, in Slouching Toward Gomorrah,  Now,
however, the educational system has become the weapon of choice for modern
liberals in their project of dismantling American culture.  This use of
schools in the dismantling of our culture began with the very beginnings of
our communist style collectivist system of education, with Horace Mann, and
the creation of teacher colleges.  In recent decades the intensity of the
attack has been multiplied.  Listen to what those who educate our teachers
have to say:  Formal education carried on subversively, can be in the
forefront of building a new moral order...  it provides some measure of the
physical and social isolation necessary for the incubation process.
(Roberta T. Ash; Durkheim's Moral Education Reconsidered: Toward the
Creation of a Counterculture.  In SCHOOL REVIEW, November, 1971, p. 132) -
... our efforts as educators must not be directed to restoring the past
order of morality but to participating in creating a new one... when it is
shed there will be a new moral order to take it's place...  a
counterculture that will burst through the surface. (Roberta T. Ash;
Durkheim's Moral Education Reconsidered: Toward the Creation of a
Counterculture.  In SCHOOL REVIEW, November, 1971, p. 112) - teachers
who conform to the traditional institutional mode are out of place.  They
might find fulfillment as tap-dance instructors, or guards in maximum
security prisons or proprietors of reducing salons, or agents of the
Federal Bureau of Investigation - - but they damage teaching, children, and
themselves by staying in the classroom.  (NEA book, Schools For the 70's
And Beyond).  Just what does our modern education system support?
Education is thus a most powerful ally of humanism and every American
public school is a school of humanism. What can the theistic
Sunday-schools, meeting for an hour once a week, and teaching only a
fraction of the children, do to stem the tide of a five-day program of
humanistic teaching?  -C. F. Potter (a signer of the Humanist Manifesto)
Humanism, A New  Religion (1930).  The answer I believe, does not lie in
reforming the system, or vouchers (he who takes public money will live
under government rule because of it), or such schemes as that, ideally it
lies in removing your children from the public indoctrination centers,
lacking that we MUST counter the indoctrination, teach your children, take
the time, some time, any time, every day, to teach your children what is
right.  Get them into a good Bible believing and teaching Church.  Here is
a good book that will open your eyes on the subject, one of a number of
good books:  None Dare Call It Education by John A. Stormer, published by
Liberty Bell Press, Florissant, Missouri.  John Stormer short bio states -
..a researcher, writer, school superintendent and pastor.  It is a must
read for all. - Tony]

What Johnny learns at school
Linda Bowles

© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com


There was a time, let's call them the good old days, when parents could
send their little children off to school with full confidence they would be
in good hands.

Sadly, the good old days are gone.

It is appropriate that most of the criticism of government schools deals
with academic failure. But that is only half the wretched story. Contrary
to what many parents think, most of those responsible for the education of
our children are not socially and politically neutral. They are ideologues
with an agenda.

While a good case could be made to say we are on the verge of being overrun
by an avalanche of academic ignorance, it would not be accurate to say our
kids are graduating empty headed. Perhaps it's time for another updated
review of some of the important things our children are learning in
government school classrooms.

While Johnny and Jill may not be learning how to read, they are learning
that: teachers are underpaid, God is irrelevant, big business is ruining
the environment, the Bible says driving an SUV is a sin, rewards should be
based on need rather than performance, bisexual individuals are under the
command of unstable genes, the Alamo was a great Mexican victory, society
rather than the individual is responsible for crime, saving the sucker fish
is more important than saving farmers, teachers' pay should be doubled, a
diversity of cultures and languages is America's strength, Thomas Jefferson
was a racist, two plus two equals whatever, competition is destructive, the
right to be wrong makes wrong right, the Boy Scouts are a hate group,
Ronald Reagan is responsible for the disappearance of the dinosaurs, the
Catholic Church is a hate group, defending yourself promotes violence, the
government is the source from which all blessings flow, Southern Baptists
are a hate group, high taxes are good for America, equality is more
important than excellence, carbon dioxide is poisoning the world, cops hate
black people, putting a condom 

Re: [CTRL] Wildlife is Suffering Too, Say Desperate Klamath Farmers

2001-07-17 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 7/17/01 8:12:47 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 A species going extinct
,however, is orders of importance greater, than non-endangered individual
birds dying. It's more tragic than the loss of a farm, or a thousand birds.
It's irrevocable. 

Can't adapt, too bad. You are the weakest link, goodby!


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Cheney Wants Navy To Foot His Electric Bill!

2001-07-17 Thread William Shannon

July 17, 2001

Cheney Calls on Navy to Pay Bill to Light His Home


WASHINGTON---Millions of Americans are struggling to cope with sky-high 
electricity bills for their homes. Among them, it turns out, is Vice 
President Dick Cheney, the Bush administration's point man on energy policy, 
whose home is a 33- room mansion on the leafy grounds of the Washington Naval 

Now, the White House has cited the large and unpredictable energy bills of 
the vice president's official residence in urging Congress to relieve him of 
using any of his official budget to pay for electricity. The entire electric 
bill — an estimated $186,000 this year — would be shifted to the Navy, which 
owns the house.

Mr. Cheney's personal encounter with energy costs came as the White House 
stepped up efforts today to sell its energy strategy, which has so far not 
stirred the public as oil prices have fallen from their peaks in the spring. 
Mr. Cheney and cabinet members fanned out across the country to appeal for 
support for the strategy in town hall meetings.

Mr. Cheney supports the move to spare his official budget the electric bills. 
Language to transfer the cost is contained in an appropriations bill that is 
expected to be debated and approved on Tuesday by the House Appropriations 
Committee, which is controlled by Republicans.

Democrats denounced the budget transfer as hypocrisy on the part of Mr. 
Cheney, who has been accused along with President Bush of doing too little to 
help consumers cope with a sharp rise in electricity prices in much of the 
country. They are vowing to block the transfer when the Senate Appropriations 
Committee, which is controlled by Democrats, considers its version of the 
bill later this summer.

In a report to the appropriations committees, the White House said that "the 
rationale for the requested transfer of responsibility is based on the 
fluctuating and unpredictable nature of utility costs and the relative small 
annual appropriation" for the vice president's residence.

A spokesman for Republicans on the House committee, John Scofield, said that 
the shift was a "minor accounting change" that would simplify federal 

"This is a naval facility, so it's not unusual for them to cover the 
expense," Mr. Scofield said.

A Navy spokeswoman had no immediate comment on the issue.

The appropriations bill also includes a provision that allows the Navy — on 
Mr. Cheney's behalf — to accept from corporate donors or others "consumable 
items, or funds for them," for use at official functions at the residence. 
The White House is allowed to accept gifts like food or liquor, but such 
gifts are barred at the vice president's mansion and other official 
residences as potentially illegal gratuities.

The White House said in a letter to the House and Senate committees that the 
donations would "help relieve the taxpayers of the cost of providing such 
items." The statement listed "consumable items" as "food, beverage, table 
centerpieces, flowers or temporary outdoor shelter."

Electricity costs for the vice president's residence are now shared by Mr. 
Cheney's official budget and the Navy, which maintains the 72-acre 
observatory site that borders Washington's Embassy Row.

Electricity costs at the residence have jumped in recent years, more than 
doubling in the three years since a meter was installed on the property.

According to the White House, electricity costs rose from $83,800 in fiscal 
year 1999 to $136,500 last year to an estimated $186,000 this year. Last 
year, Congress appropriated $42,600 from the vice president's budget for 
electricity bills, leaving the Navy responsible for the other $93,900. Asked 
tonight about comparable figures for the White House, a spokeswoman was not 
immediately able to come up with them. 

By transferring all of the vice president's costs to the Navy, the White 
House said, there would be no need for the administration to return to 
Congress to ask for emergency appropriations for Mr. Cheney in the event of 
"an exceptional cold winter or hot summer." 

Mr. Cheney was traveling today in Pennsylvania to rally support for the 
administration's energy plan, which calls for a sharp increase in energy 

A spokeswoman for the vice president, Margita Thompson, said plans for a 
transfer of the electricity bills to the Navy began during the Clinton 
administration. "This was not Mr. Cheney's idea," Ms. Thompson said. 

She said it was unclear why electricity bills were rising so sharply this 
year at the mansion since Mr. Cheney and his wife, Lynne, had done their best 
to hold down energy use.

Electricity use in the mansion was down by about a third this year over the 
same period last year, when the residence was occupied by Vice President Al 
Gore. Regulated electricity prices in much of the Washington area have 

[CTRL] James Bamford USS Liberty

2001-07-17 Thread William Shannon

Key aspects of author James Bamford's recent account of the 1967 Israeli 
attack on the U.S.S. Liberty are being disavowed by some of his own sources.

The Liberty, an American spy ship, was sailing in the Mediterranean Sea off 
the Sinai coast when it was attacked on June 8, 1967 by Israeli air and 
naval forces towards the end of the 1967 war.  There were 34 Americans 
killed and 171 wounded.  The Israeli government claimed the attack was an 
"error";  some U.S. officials, and surviving Liberty crew members, have 
contended that the attack must have been deliberate.  But why?

In his new bestseller "Body of Secrets," Bamford proposes a motive for the 
attack:  Israel, he says, was in the process of murdering several hundred 
Egyptian prisoners of war at nearby El Arish and wanted to prevent the 
Liberty from preserving recorded evidence of the massacre.

But there appears to be no verifiable evidence that such a massacre ever 
took place, and Bamford's description of events at El Arish doesn't hold 
up.  Thus, he attributes to Israeli journalist Gabi Bron a claim that 150 
prisoners were executed there.  But Bron himself denies that and says 
"there were no mass murders."

Meanwhile, Bamford infers that the Israelis must have known that they were 
attacking an American ship because, as he discovered, an American 
surveillance aircraft was flying overhead at the time and it recorded 
Israeli pilots' references to a U.S. flag.

But Bamford's source, the American airman and linguist who recorded those 
communications, reached an "opposite" conclusion.  Marvin E. Nowicki wrote 
in a letter to the Wall Street Journal (16 May 2001) that the Israeli 
military forces "prosecuted the Liberty until their operators had an 
opportunity to get close-in and see the flag, hence the references to the 
flag."  The attack, he believes, "was a gross error."

These and other disputed points in Bamford's account are presented in a 
fierce critique by Michael Oren in the latest issue of The New Republic 
("Unfriendly Fire," 23 July).  That article is not available online, but an 
earlier article by Oren entitled "The U.S.S. Liberty: Case Closed" appeared 
in the Israeli neoconservative journal Azure (Spring 2000) and may be found 


James Bamford has done more than any other individual to shed light on the 
National Security Agency and to promote public accountability of this 
intensely secretive organization, dating back to his landmark 1982 book 
"The Puzzle Palace."  The list of his reportorial coups to the present day 
is long and impressive.

His new chapter on the Liberty itself contains significant new information 
and reporting.  But his tendentious interpretation of the event is a 
salutary reminder that even the best reporters can get it wrong, and that 
readers ultimately have to be their own critics.

In response to a number of reviews pointing out defects in his argument 
that the Israeli attack was deliberate, Mr. Bamford has lately taken a 
somewhat defensive posture.  "It's not my job to provide definitive proof," 
he said at a recent book-signing.  "I didn't have the time or the money to 
look into all of the details."

Rather, he said, he hoped to prompt a congressional investigation into the 
matter and to promote declassification of documents such as the transcript 
of the recordings made by the American surveillance aircraft.

Documentation on the Israeli attack on the U.S.S. Liberty will be printed 
in "Foreign Relations of the United States, 1964-1968, volume XIX, Six-Day 
War" which is tentatively scheduled for publication next year.

The National Security Agency and the Defense Department are now conducting 
a declassification review of documents for publication in that volume.  The 
NSA exceeded the nominal deadline for declassification in May, but told the 
State Department that its review should be completed by August of this 
year.  No description of the documents under review has been disclosed

[CTRL] ConditWatch- Lie Detector Lies b/w Condit Scandal Goes Baroque

2001-07-17 Thread William Shannon

Condit in the Headlights

Lie Detector Lies

We're no fans of the man from Modesto, Gary Condit. But it was troubling to 
see him being hounded by the cable news shows into taking a polygraph test, 
and then trashed for using his own polygrapher. Even J. Edgar Hoover knew 
that the polygraph wasn't any good for detecting deception. He dropped the 
test for analysis of his own men-but used it to coerce confessions out of 
civilian suspects.

The polygraph was invented in 1915 by a Harvard man called William Moulton 
Marston, who claimed that his clunky little gizmo could detect lies by 
measuring blood pressure. Marston's main claim to fame derives not from his 
machine, but from a doodle he came up with: the cartoon character Wonder 

In the past 85 years, the polygraph hasn't changed much from the Marston 
prototype. The secret of the polygraph is that their machine is no more 
capable of telling the truth than were the priests of ancient Rome standing 
knee-deep in chicken parts," says Alan Zelicoff, a physician and senior 
scientist at the Center for National Security and Arms Control at the Sandia 
Labs in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Zelicoff gave us this view in an article in 
the July-August edition of The Skeptical Inquirer.

Zelicoff writes that the polygraph administer is a kind of confidence artist 
or modern day mesmerist who tries to seduce (or scare) his subjects into 
believing in the power of the machine to catch them in the most minute 
inconsistency. "The subject, nervously strapped in a chair, is often 
convinced by the aura surrounding this cheap parlor trick, and is then putty 
in the hands of the polygrapher, who then launches into an intrusive, illegal 
and wide-ranging inquisition," Zelicoff writes. "The subject is told from 
time to time that the machine is indicating deception. It isn't, of course. 
And he is continuously urged to clarify his answers, by providing more and 
more personal information." At an arbitrary point, the polygrapher calls off 
the testing, consults the spools of graph paper and makes an entirely 
subjective rendering on whether the subject has given a "deceptive response."

"Every first year medical student knows that the four parameters measured 
during a polygraph-blood pressure, pulse, sweat production, and breathing 
rate-are affected by an uncountable myriad of emotions: joy, hate, elation, 
sadness, anxiety, depression, and so forth," says Zelicoff. "But there is not 
one chapter-not one-in any medical text that associates these quantities in 
any way with an individual's intent to deceive. More importantly, dozens of 
studies over the past 20 years in psychology departments and medical schools 
all over the world have shown that the polygraph cannot distinguish between 
truth-telling and lying."

Connoisseurs of the Wen Ho Lee affair will remember that at one point the FBI 
falsely told the Taiwanese nuclear physicist (accused on spying for the 
Chinese in Los Alamos) that polygraph tests showed he was lying. Cops play 
these sorts of tricks all the time, faking forensic reports and then shoving 
them under the noses of their suspects, shouting that they're proven liars 
and that they'd best sign a confession right away.

The most comprehensive review of the polygraph was conducted in 1983 by the 
Office of Technology Assessment, a research branch of congress. The OTA 
concluded, "There is no known physiological response that is unique to 
deception." The report did note that the CIA and its companions "believe that 
the polygraph is a useful screening tool." However, OTA concluded that the 
available research does not establish the scientific validity of the 
polygraph for this purpose. The best that OTA could say about the polygraph 
was that it might have some limited validity in "specific criminal 
incidents." But the report went on to observe that in such cases, "the 
polygraph test detects deception better than chance, but with error rates 
that could be significant." As for the supposedly revealing physiological 
responses the congressional study reported that they could be masked "by 
physical movement, drugs or other techniques to avoid detection as deceptive."

There are numerous ghastly stories of federal employees abused by the machine 
and its operators. Take the case of Daniel M. King, a 20-year veteran of the 
US Navy, who was suspected of selling classified information. King was locked 
up in military prison in solitary confinement for 500 days and subjected to 
repeated polygraphs. Some of them lasted for as long as 19 hours. A military 
judge dismissed all the charges against him.

A few years ago FBI agent Mark Mallah was given a routine polygraph. The 
polygrapher, who had only 80 hours experience with the machine, concluded 
that Mallah had lied. (Zelicoff notes that even barbers must have 1,000 hours 
of training before getting a license to cut hair.) His life soon transformed 
into a Kafka 

[CTRL] True Words

2001-07-17 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

The individual who dares commit a crime is guilty in a two-fold sense;
first, he is guilty against human conscience, and, above all, he is guilty
against the State in arrogating to himself one of its most precious
privileges. --- Mikhail Bakunin

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] James Bamford USS Liberty

2001-07-17 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 07/17/2001 4:39:06 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 But Bamford's source, the American airman and linguist who recorded those
 communications, reached an opposite conclusion.  Marvin E. Nowicki wrote
 in a letter to the Wall Street Journal (16 May 2001) that the Israeli
 military forces prosecuted the Liberty until their operators had an
 opportunity to get close-in and see the flag, hence the references to the
 flag.  The attack, he believes, was a gross error. 

So it appears that what Bamford has proven is that the Israeli are a bit
stupid and trigger happy as well.  Okay.  Prudy

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Understanding Elites.

2001-07-17 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

An American soldier in a hospital explained how he was wounded:
He said, I was told that the way to tell a hostile Vietnamese
from a friendly Vietnamese was to shout ‘To hell with Ho Chi Minh!’
If he shoots, he’s unfriendly. So I saw this dude and yelled
‘To hell with Ho Chi Minh!’ and he yelled back, ‘To hell with
President Johnson!’ We were shaking hands when a truck hit us.

(from 1,001 Ways to Beat the Draft, by Tuli Kupferburg).

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [OT] Report: President Bush Has LowestIQofallPresidentsofPast 50 Years

2001-07-17 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

BB wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Perhaps you are right.

 But consider, government IS big business,

Yes. In a capitalist society where the wealth of the nation is transferred
to private enterprises. It doesn't HAVE to be that way.

 and big business IS
 government, and it has been so for at least 150 years.

Yes. That's because the Founding Finaglers set it up that way. In their
time THEY were big business and they set up a mechanism to make them,
and keep them rich.

 They are NOT separate entities.

They ARE separate entities. It only depends on who controls the government.

 Ever notice, that when a person
 leaves a high level government, he slides over to a board seat on
 some huge corporation, and when government positions are
 recruited, they come from the ranks of large corporations?

It's called the  revolving door. It keeps the Plutocrats and their
hirelings in key positions all the time.


 Gore would not be in bed with the oil industry to the degree with


This is more than absurd partisan bullshit. Gore sold the biggest chunk of
national land to Occidental Petroleum, his family affiliated oil company.
Gore and Bush are about as equal as can be when it comes to being pro oil.

The difference is Cheney.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Cheney Wants Navy To Foot His Electric Bill!

2001-07-17 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 07/17/2001 4:26:43 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Now, the White House has cited the large and unpredictable energy bills of
 the vice president's official residence in urging Congress to relieve him of
 using any of his official budget to pay for electricity. The entire electric
 bill — an estimated $186,000 this year — would be shifted to the Navy,
 owns the house. 

Now we know how Cheney got so much money in his personal fortune; he's always
managed to shift the bills to somebody else.  The poor Navy--however will
they have enough money to keep picking on the poor little guys on Vieques?

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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2001-07-17 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

PROTEST JULY 14, Monte Rio, CA


The corporate globalizers and their political hench MEN are coming back
Sonoma County. And it will be just MEN, 2,500 men -- no women allowed in

this private club -- who will swarm together at Bohemian Grove on Sat.,
July 14 for their annual rituals of the rich. It's summer camp for the
elite, but there's nothing harmless about this gathering.
Bohemian Grove is a sinister convergence of many of the world's most
dangerous and destructive individuals, from Richard Cheney, Donald
Rumsfeld, and the Bechtels, to Henry Kissinger, Edwin Meese, much of the

Hoover Institute board, and the CEOs of such Fortune 500 giants as
Dupont, Weyerhauser, PGE, Bank of America, etc., etc., etc. Many top
figures in the Bush administration are members of the club.

The Bohemian Grove is a 2700-acre retreat in west Sonoma County along
the Russian River and is owned by the Bohemian Club of San Francisco.
the past 122 years it has been the site of a two-week summer gathering
highly placed corporate, banking and political figures.

The Lakeside Talks at Bohemian Grove are conducted twice daily during
the two-week July retreat. Here's a selection from past years:
--Richard Nixon
--Henry Kissinger on Do we need a foreign policy
--George Bush Sr. on Reflections: Past, Present and Future
--Richard Cheney (Secretary of Defense under George Bush Sr., current
 president) on Major Defense Problems of the 21st Century
--Fred Hartley (CEO Union Oil) on Oil
--James Baker III (Sec of State under Reagan) on The Imperative of
American Leadership
--Antonin Scalia (justice, U.S. Supreme Court) on Church, State and the
--Edward Teller (scientist and creator of the H bomb) on Nuclear
--Elliot Richardson (Secretary of Defense, Attorney General under Nixon)
 Defining a New World Order
--Christopher DeMuth on The Triumph of the Market and the Politics of
--Casper Weinberger (Secretary of Defense, Reagan Administration) on
Rearming America
--Edmund Littlefield (CEO of General Electric and Utah Mining) on
Enjoying the corporate climb
--A.W. Clausen (CEO of Bank of America, then-president of the World
on The Global Economy
--Time to Get out of the woods
--Fred Henderson III on Commercial Opportunities in Space: the Next

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Re: [CTRL] Special report: global warming

2001-07-17 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

flw wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

   Greenhouse melts Alaska's tribal ways

 Wonder how their ancestors coped with this problem the
 last time this happened. This tribe better check their
 tribal oral traditions. Since they are still around after
 many thousands of years...they must have successfully
 dealt with cyclical warming in the past.

I guess you lost the skill of reading comprehension eh?
It happens to ideologues. Don't worry.

I still love you.


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Re: [CTRL] Wildlife is Suffering Too, Say Desperate Klamath Farmers

2001-07-17 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

Can't adapt, too bad. You are the weakest link, goodby!

You've been watching too much TV. All those reality shows are nothing
but propaganda by the elites intended to convince us that social
darwinism is natural, necessary, moral and inevitable. In short, you've
been brainwashed. Get over it.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] [OT] Report: President Bush Has Lowest IQ ofallPresidentsofPast 50...

2001-07-17 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

If 8 months or less is the acceptable shelf-life around here, then we are
limited severely in what we are free to discuss.

rolling eyes

In a message dated 7/17/01 1:37:24 AM Central Daylight Time,

 If you'd be so kind, would you please give an estimate of just how
  LONG you are going to whine about an election which took place
  8 months ago, and as you might have heard in whatever metropolis
  you inhabit, is now over. Six more months?  A year?  Two years?
  I'd like to know, so I can ignore your snipings for that length of time.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] [OT] Report: President Bush Has Lowest IQ ofallPresidentsofPast ...

2001-07-17 Thread M.A. Johnson

-Caveat Lector-

  just a quick note here
 george w bush was appointed, and not elected
 Only some Religious Myrmidons chant such absurdity.
 are you saying th4e supreme court didn't appoint bush?
The Court has no such Power nor did they usurp such.


If a million people believe a foolish thing, it is
still a foolish thing. -- Anatole France

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] [OT] Report: President Bush Has LowestIQofallPresidentsofPast 50 Years

2001-07-17 Thread M.A. Johnson

-Caveat Lector-

  But consider, government IS big business,
Yes. In a capitalist society where the wealth of the nation
 is transferred to private enterprises. It doesn't HAVE to
 be that way.
Not in reality, but we can pretend if it makes you feel

 and big business IS government, and it has been so for
 at least 150 years.
Yes. That's because the Founding Finaglers set it up that way.
Bullshit.  Point to the article, section and clause or amendment
that supports your religious nonsense.

In their time THEY were big business and they set up a mechanism
to make them, and keep them rich.
Again, support your religious regurgitations with article, section
and clause.


It is to secure our rights that we resort to government at all.
  -- Thomas Jefferson to Francois D'Ivernois, 1795.

No man has a natural right to commit aggression on the equal rights
of another, and this is all from which the laws ought to restrain
him.  -- Thomas Jefferson to Francis Gilmer, 1816.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Wildlife is Suffering Too, Say Desperate Klamath Farmers

2001-07-17 Thread Nakano Nakamura

-Caveat Lector-

--- Yardbird [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 But what if the actions taken to save these fish
 also pose possible species endangering consequences
 for the birds? ...saving the native wildlife should
 take priority.
Nakano comments:
This isn't about saving fish from extinction...
This is about control.
The situation at Klamath is getting some publicity,
but similar situations are occuring all over the
country.  In Austin Texas, the construction of a
shopping mall was halted when the FEDS invoked the
endangered species law to protect a spider from
extinction.  Various other projects and operations
have been prevented or halted to save the
golden-throated warbler, snail darters and
blind salamanders.  In central Texas, ranchers and
farmers are being prevented from pumping wells on
property that has been in their family for generations
going all the way back to Spanish Land Grants which
predate Texas becoming a State.
The jurisdiction of the Federal Government was
originally limited to the 10 mile square of the
District of Columbia and to Forts and a few other
legitimate government installations.
Now the central government is by far the largest
landowner in the U.S.  More than this, the Feds
are extending their tentacles of control to all the
rivers in the country...anything which can be
construed to be wetlands...and any area where
a supposed endangered species is found.
They find a frog or a fish that has a slightly
different color pattern or some minor difference
in appearance, and they declare it a seperate species.
They can...and will, find something to declare
endangered in any area they decide to extend their
control.  The endangered species act is simply a
vehicle to extend federal authority and control.
They could care less about endangered animals.
Worse...they could care less about the real hardships
and suffering they are causing to a growing number
of Americans.
Perhaps someday, the People will wake up and
realize that the Federal Government is not our friend.
 Regards to All

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[CTRL] 'Crazy Medicine' From Burma Worries Thai Officials

2001-07-17 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

'Crazy Medicine' From Burma Worries Thai Officials

DOI KIU HUNG, Thailand - In the Golden Triangle, Southeast Asia's
poppy-growing heartland, drug warlords have begun producing large
quantities of a methamphetamine known as crazy medicine that is
rivaling the traditional trade in heroin and prompting the U.S.
military to train an anti-drug commando unit in Thailand.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Agriculture After Global Warming

2001-07-17 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

Do you think that it's possible this entire Global Warming thing has
been concocted to stampede the people into accepting serious
international authority over their lives?

We already have serious international authority over their lives. It's
not the UN. It's the multinational corporations.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Wildlife is Suffering Too, Say Desperate Klamath Farmers

2001-07-17 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 7/17/01 3:36:40 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 In short, you've
been brainwashed. Get over it. 

In short, adapt or become a footnote in a history book. Got over feeling
guilty about things years ago, and I don't feel guilty about that, either.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Agriculture After Global Warming

2001-07-17 Thread M.A. Johnson

-Caveat Lector-

Someone Asks
   Do you think that it's possible this entire Global Warming
   thing has been concocted to stampede the people into accepting
   serious international authority over their lives?
Nessie chants
   We already have serious international authority over their
   lives. It's not the UN. It's the multinational corporations.
Corporations -- a creation of Government -- does NOT
possess legalized FORCE.

I know, I know ... Government Good ... Business Bad.


A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in
which the all-powerful executive of political bosses
and their army of managers control a population of
slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they
love their servitude.  To make them love it is the
task assigned, in present-day totalitarian states, to
the ministries of propaganda, newspaper editors and
-- Aldous Huxley, Brave New World, Foreward, p. XV.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Prudy, Gore, and Willie Horton

2001-07-17 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

it is an established matter of record that he did so.

Cite the quote.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Need for Missile Defense Is Increasing

2001-07-17 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

People are waking up to our vulnerability to rogue nations with missile
capability and a grudge against Uncle Sam – plus a rapidly arming
Communist China and some 31 other nations – all with missiles and all
with potential for an accidental or grudge launching.

This is Maginot Line thinking. Nobody needs  a missile to deliver a nuke
or the far more likely CBW. All they need is a suitcase and a drug
smuggler's Cessna.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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[CTRL] Fwd: How to Stop Bush Amnesty of 3 Million Illegal Aliens

2001-07-17 Thread Tito Hammond

This is a waste of taxpayer money and I'm a taxpayer.  I'm tired of paying
for their welfare, for their hospitalization, for their children's education
etc.  These people are criminals entering this country illegally why should
they be rewarded for their lack of respect for our laws?  If they have
another amnesty it will encourage more Mexicans to cross the border illegally
and they will expect another amnesty.


 Forwarded Message:
 Subj:   How to Stop Bush Amnesty of 3 Million Illegal Aliens
 Date:  7/17/01 8:13:15 AM Mountain Daylight Time
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (CitizensLobby.com)

 AN URGENT MESSAGE from www.CitizensLobby.com
 July 17, 2001

 (Washington, DC)   President Bush is about to grant amnesty to over 3
 million illegal criminal aliens.  A recent report by Mr. Bush's own
 officials at the State and Justice Departments has recommended that he
 approve eventual citizenship to millions of mostly Mexican illegal
 immigrants.  Where is the compassionate conservatism for American
 citizens whose tax dollars line the pockets of these border-runners,
 lawbreakers and thieves?

 After 8 years of Clintonism, Bush may seem right on many issues, but he is
 wrong on immigration!  Our President is about to squash our dignity and
 rights as American citizens in order to pander to the anti-American agenda
 of Mexican President Vicente Fox, and to the liberal Democrats in
 Congress.  Did the President and his strategists forget that Al Gore's and
 Bill Clinton's Citizenship USA program in 1996, which registered over 1.2
 million illegal aliens to vote, allowed the vast majority of their
 fraudulent ballots in 2000 to be cast for liberal Democrats?

 Help stop this amnesty, and help President Bush understand the virtues of
 American citizenship.  Please join CitizensLobby.com in taking the
 following grass-roots action:

 #1   Tell President Bush to reject this illegal alien scheme.  Call (800)
 303-8332 or (202) 456-1414;  Fax:  (202) 456-2461; Write: 1600 Pennsylvania
 Ave. NW,  Washington, DC  20500  E-Mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   You
 can also call Timothy Goeglein, WH Public Liaison, at (202) 456-2930, and
 Karl Rove, chief strategist, at (202) 456-5587.  These gentlemen give Bush
 pillow talk on this issue.

 #2   Tell Congress to oppose this measure.  The Bush plan may eventually
 encompass an even more radical amnesty proposed by Rep. Luis Gutierrez
 (H.R. 500), which could grant amnesty to as many as 10 million illegal
 aliens!  Contact your Congressman and tell him to oppose the Bush plan and
 H.R. 500.  Call the congressional switchboard at (800) 648-3516 or (877)
 762-8762 or go to http://www.house.gov/house/MemberWWW.html .  In the
 Senate, lackey Phil Gramm is pushing for an expansion of a guest worker
 program, an equally miserable measure that will still grant amnesty to
 millions of illegal criminal aliens.  Contact your Senators at
 http://www.senate.gov/senators/index.cfm .

 #3   Visit http://www.CitizensLobby.com and sign our Petition on
 immigration http://www.citizenslobby.com/petitions.htm#immigration .  We
 will make your voice heard on Capitol Hill and deliver your petition to the
 House and Senate Judiciary subcommittees on immigration.

 Help take America back.  This is our country.  Our rights should not be
 trampled and demeaned by illegal aliens.  Our tax dollars should not fund
 criminal lawbreaking.  If an amnesty does take hold, this will only lead to
 a greater invasion of illegal immigrants.  Please take a stand today.  I
 thank you for your time and consideration.

 Best regards,

 Scott A. Lauf
 Executive Director,

#  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #


July 17, 2001

(Washington, DC)  President Bush is about to grant amnesty
to over 3 million illegal criminal aliens. A recent report by Mr.
Bush’s own officials at the State and Justice Departments has recommended
that he approve eventual citizenship to millions of mostly Mexican
illegal immigrants. Where is the “compassionate conservatism” for
American citizens whose tax dollars line the pockets of these
border-runners, lawbreakers and thieves? 

After 8 years of Clintonism, Bush may seem right on many issues, but he
is wrong on immigration! Our President is about to squash our
dignity and rights as American citizens in order to pander to the
anti-American agenda of Mexican President Vicente Fox, and to the liberal
Democrats in Congress. Did the President and his strategists forget
that Al Gore’s and Bill Clinton’s “Citizenship USA” program in 1996,
which registered over 1.2 million illegal aliens to vote, allowed the
vast majority of their fraudulent ballots in 2000 to be cast for liberal

Re: [CTRL] Need for Missile Defense Is Increasing

2001-07-17 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 7/17/01 6:35:15 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 This is Maginot Line thinking. Nobody needs  a missile to deliver a nuke
or the far more likely CBW. All they need is a suitcase and a drug
smuggler's Cessna. 

What you say  here is true, except for the part about the Maginot Line. If
the Germans had respected Belgium's borders, the Maginot line would have

Yes, CBW is effective and simple to deliever. Just look at what Plum Island
is supposted to have done to New York and New England. And they weren't even

But what about those nations have missile capablity and want to use it? It is
nice to know that we would have the capability to stop at least some of the


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: How to Stop Bush Amnesty of 3 Million Illegal Aliens

2001-07-17 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 7/17/01 6:41:36 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 This is a waste of taxpayer money and I'm a taxpayer.  I'm tired of paying
for their welfare, for their hospitalization, for their children's education
etc.  These people are criminals entering this country illegally why should
they be rewarded for their lack of respect for our laws?  If they have
another amnesty it will encourage more Mexicans to cross the border illegally
and they will expect another amnesty.


You left out the nice parts about them using our streets and flower beds for
and our cars for spare parts. I worked in downtown L.A. and our company spent
18,000 dollars securing our parking structure just to keep the illiegals away
from our vehicles.
The majority of the illegals that run across our southern border have, a
best, a limited education and no marketable skills. There is only so many job
openings for gardeners and people to sell peanuts on street corners.
If they want to come to the US, let them do it legally, like the rest of


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: How to Stop Bush Amnesty of 3 Million Illegal Aliens

2001-07-17 Thread foxter

This proves to me there isn't 
much difference between ragging done to Dems and ragging done to Reps 
Either way you read this text 
it sounds like Newspeak. Were are VALUES in this country, they are 

July 17, 2001
(Washington, DC) 
President Clinton is about to grant amnesty to over 3
million illegal criminal aliens. A recent report by Mr.Clinton's own
officials at the State and Justice Departments has recommended that he
approve eventual citizenship to millions of mostly Mexican illegal
immigrants. Where is the "compassionate conservatism" for American
citizens whose tax dollars line the pockets of these border-runners,
lawbreakers and thieves?

After 8 years of Reagan-Bush, Clinton may seem right on many issues, but he 
wrong on immigration! Our President is about to squash our dignity and
rights as American citizens in order to pander to the anti-American 
of Mexican President Vicente Fox, and to the liberal Democrats in
Congress. snip

Help stop this amnesty, and help President Clinton understand the virtues 
American citizenship. Please join CitizensLobby.com in taking the
following grass-roots action:

#1 Tell President Clinton to reject this illegal alien scheme. Call (800)
303-8332 or (202) 456-1414; Fax: (202) 456-2461; Write: 1600 Pennsylvania
Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20500 E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
can also call Timothy Goeglein, WH Public Liaison, at (202) 456-2930, and
Karl Rove, chief strategist, at (202) 456-5587. These gentlemen give 
pillow talk on this issue.

#2 Tell Congress to oppose this measure. The Clinton plan may eventually
encompass an even more radical amnesty proposed by Rep. Luis Gutierrez
(H.R. 500), which could grant amnesty to as many as 10 million illegal
aliens! Contact your Congressman and tell him to oppose the Clinton plan 
H.R. 500. Call the congressional switchboard at (800) 648-3516 or (877)
762-8762 or go to http://www.house.gov/house/MemberWWW.html . In the
Senate, lackey Phil Gramm is pushing for an expansion of a "guest worker"
program, an equally miserable measure that will still grant amnesty to
millions of illegal criminal aliens. Contact your Senators 
http://www.senate.gov/senators/index.cfm .

#3 Visit http://www.CitizensLobby.com and sign our Petition on
immigration http://www.citizenslobby.com/petitions.htm#immigration . We
will make your voice heard on Capitol Hill and deliver your petition to 
House and Senate Judiciary subcommittees on immigration.
Help take America back. This is our country. Our rights should not be
trampled and demeaned by illegal aliens. Our tax dollars should not fund
criminal lawbreaking. If an amnesty does take hold, this will only lead 
a greater invasion of illegal immigrants. Please take a stand today. I
thank you for your time and consideration.

[CTRL] DRAC TAX [humour]

2001-07-17 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

DRAC  TAX   andrew hennessey 7/01
pistols at dawn
back to back with a drac
you turn to fire
but a psychic attack
makes you miss the drac
and now you're a snack

accident and emergency
you stood on a tack
but a Drac Quack
gives you the fax -
they have to amputate

bright idea at work
but you get the sack
from your Drac boss
now you're makin trax
in a high fashion Drac mac
in the pourin' rain

play their sacred jazz
with a gifted sax
but you won't make a dime
unless you're a drac,
you won't find a note
whilst under attax

these are the fax
stacks of telepathic Dracs
imposin' a hateful tax
on the dumb monkeys
that think they're smart
down the bananas and watch our bax
for them blueblooded
telepathic Dracs.


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: How to Stop Bush Amnesty of 3 Million Illegal Aliens

2001-07-17 Thread Steve Wilson
How about human rights? How about fair wages for everyone and not exploiting
a person because hes an illegal facing shit jobs no one else wants obviously
leaving conditions even worse how about treating people equally?
...Especially hungry and poor children?

[CTRL] Feds Murder US Patriot Ed Pack for Filming WACO

2001-07-17 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related New Paradigms Posts at:

Subject: Feds Murder US Patriot Ed Pack for Filming WACO
Date: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 6:37 PM

~~~ forwarded message ~~~

Feds Murder US Patriot Ed Pack for Filming WACO, and More

Let me introduce you to ED PACK, a true American Patriot and hero. Ed and
his wife Carol lived in Spartanburg, SC with their children and
grandchildren. On the surface, Ed was just a nice guy who made his living
tuning pianos and playing his keyboard at country/western music events. But
underneath, Ed was a red blooded American Patriot who believed in the
Constitution and American sovereignty.

Ed felt compelled to research the coming martial law scenario in which
America will be stripped of all it's freedoms and forced to come under the
United Nations and military dictatorship instead. Ed was a brilliant
researcher, a professional computer hacker able to penetrate into deeply
covert government websites to obtain classified information. He also had
deep internal moles within the government, military and in fact within the
White House itself. Such access to sensitive information and it's sources
enabled Ed to uncover much of the future agenda of the New World Order for
America. Through his internal contacts, Ed was able to warn me three months
before the bombing of the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City that such an
event was scheduled to occur, that the government would be the culprit, and
that it would be used to defame America's militias so hated by the US
government. And to rush secretly awaiting anti-terrorism legislation
through on the wings of public outcry and sentiment ... legislation he
warned me that was simply written to put more government controls and
restraints on the American people.

And on top of all this, Ed was at Waco, painstakingly filming this great
American travesty of justice even as it all happened. His raw film footage
was then turned over to Linda Thompson of the American Justice Federation.
who processed it into the Waco expose documentary that shocked the
conscience of the nation.

Essentially, Ed was a spy for the American Patriots!

And for this, the United States government decreed ED PACK MUST DIE! And I
was present to watch as it all happened over the period of two years. Ed
Pack was systematically targeted, terrorized, and forced into poverty and
hunger as his employers were threatened that their businesses would be
destroyed if they continued to hire him. Bullet holes appeared in the
windows of his home by night. His car windows were shattered also by
government bullets. Rags were stuffed into the shattered glass holes,
because Ed was too poor to be able to afford to have these windowpanes
properly replaced. One day when I came over to his home to comfort and
encourage his family, he took me to see his computer equipment, now ruined.
He shared how a deliberately created power surge of incredible dimensions
had destroyed all his equipment used for research. (The government has
developed technology that enables them to target any home across America and
to do this selectively while avoiding other homes.)

But the worst was yet to come.

In January of 1995, Ed told me, I was in my living room reviewing some
secret film footage someone had sent me, when suddenly I felt tremendous
burning going through my neck, through and chest. I ran to the kitchen to
get a glass of water. But when I returned to the living room the burning
continued to intensify. Sensing by this time that it was coming from
external sources, I grabbed my shotgun and threw open my front door. And
there, under the streetlight, was parked a black government van. On top of
the van was a stealth government death weapon known as THE MICRODISH. THE
DISH WAS AIMED RIGHT INTO MY LIVING ROOM. When the two men saw my shotgun,
they took off into the night, head and taillights off to avoid being
followed. I staggered back into my home, now coughing up blood. When I went
to my doctor the next day, he said,'Ed, what happened to you? You are full
of deep internal burns!' Ed could tell him nothing.

I know THE MICRODISH is real! My personal friend and former neighbor,
Brigadier General BEN PARTIN, is a top military explosives expert. He was
the one that testified in the Oklahoma City bombing hearings that NO
THE GOVERNMENT ALLEGED IT HAPPENED. He also personally developed the
stealth death weapon for the military called THE MICRODISH. As I told him
about it's use to kill Ed Pack, he remarked at his home in Washington, DC:

I personally developed for the military, but I never intended for it to be
used this way against innocent civilians!

And from the time Ed Pack was 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: How to Stop Bush Amnesty of 3 Million Illegal Aliens

2001-07-17 Thread M.A. Johnson

-Caveat Lector-

Steve Wilson
 How about human rights?
What 'human rights'?  One's like those outlined
in the contradictory Declaration of Human Rights?

Steve Wilson
   How about fair wages for everyone and not
   exploiting a person because hes  an illegal
   facing shit jobs no one else wants obviously
   leaving conditions even worse how about treating
   people equally?
How do you 'treat people equally' by treating them

Steve Wilson
   ...Especially hungry and poor children?
These persons have MORE rights?


From the fact that people are very different it follows that, if
we treat them equally, the result must be inequality in their actual
position, and that the only way to place them in an equal position
would be to treat them differently.  Equality before the law and
material equality are therefore not only different but are in
conflict which each other; and we can achieve either one or the
other, but not both at the same time.  -- F.A. Hayek

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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2001-07-17 Thread lassey

-Caveat Lector-

How can someone who pretends to know so much about science
believe this crazy alien stuff?? Something funny here.
well-known ones) would do anything but laugh at this.

On Tue, 17 Jul 2001 04:48:49 -0700 Steve [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 -Caveat Lector-

 --- Forwarded message follows ---
 Date sent:  Tue, 17 Jul 2001 23:16:26 +1200
 From:   Misty [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: IUFO [EMAIL PROTECTED], AltWritersFiles
 Armageddon or New Age?
 Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 From: Bret Walters [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 UFO /
 Located almost two miles beneath Archuleta Mesa on the Jicarilla
 Indian Reservation near Dulce, New Mexico is an installation
 classified so
 secret, its existence is one of the least known in the world. Here
 Earth's first and main joint United States Government/alien
 laboratory. Others exist in Colorado, Nevada, and Arizona.

 The multi-level facility at Dulce goes down for at least seven known
 and is reported to have a central HUB which is controlled by base
 The level of security required to access different sections rises as
 goes further down the facility. There are over 3000 real-time video
 throughout the complex at high-security locations (entrances and
 There are over 100 secret exits near and around Dulce. Many around
 Mesa, others to the south around Dulce Lake and even as far east as
 Lindrith. Deep sections of the complex connect into natural cavern

 The Grey Species

 Most of the aliens reside on sub-levels 5, 6, and 7 with alien
 housing on
 level 5. The alien species which control the majority of the complex
 are the
 Greys, a devious race, now considered an enemy of the New World
 Order. In
 the Fifties, the Greys began taking large numbers of humans for
 By the Sixties, the rate was speeded up and they began getting
 careless and
 self-involved. By the Seventies, their true intentions became very
 but the Special Group of the Government still kept covering up for
 By the Eighties, the Government realized there was no defense
 against the
 Greys. So, programs were enacted to prepare the public for open
 contact with
 non-human ET beings.

 Perhaps a possible ally, the Reptoids are an enemy species of the
 Greys, and
 their relationship is in a state of tension. The Greys only known
 enemy is
 the Reptillian Race, and they are on their way to Earth.

 A man named Thomas C., famous for stealing the so-called Dulce
 says that there are over 18,000 short greys at the Dulce facility.
 He also
 has stated how a colleague of his had come face-to-face with a
 6-foot tall
 Reptoid which had materialised in his house. The Reptoid showed a
 interest in research maps of New Mexico and Colorado which were on
 the wall.
 The maps were full of colored push-pins and markers to indicate
 sites of
 animal mutilations, caverns, locations of high UFO activity,
 repeated flight
 paths, abduction sites, ancient ruins, and suspected alien

 Some forces in the Government want the public to be aware of what is
 happening. Other forces (The Collaborators) want to continue making
 whatever deals are necessary for an Elite few to survive the

 Cloning Humans (by Humans) for Slave Hybrids

 The Secret Government cloned humans by a process perfected in the
 largest and most advanced bio-genetic research facility, Los Alamos.
 elite humans now have their own disposable slave-race. Like the
 alien Greys,
 the US Government secretly impregnated females, then removed the
 fetus after a three month time period, before accelerating their
 growth in
 laboratories. Biogenetic (DNA Manipulation) programming is then
 instilled -
 they are implanted and controlled at a distance through RF (Radio

 Many Humans are also being implanted with brain tranceivers. These
 act as
 telepathic communication channels and telemetric brain
 devices. This network was developed and initiated by DARPA. Two of
 procedures were RHIC (Radio-Hypnotic Intercerebral Control) and EDOM
 (Electronic Dissolution of Memory).

 They also developed ELF and EM wave propagation equipment which
 affect the
 nerves and can cause nausea, fatigue, irritability, even death. This
 research into 

Re: [CTRL] Need for Missile Defense Is Increasing

2001-07-17 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

On 17 Jul 01, at 21:44, Bill Howard wrote:

 But what about those nations have missile capablity and want to use it? It is
 nice to know that we would have the capability to stop at least some of the

The problem is that all it takes is one missile getting through to destroy a city.
The 'enemies' would just make more missiles and use some as decoys.
Breaking the ABM treaty will simply start another costly arms race. It will be
good for the defense contractors, everyone else will suffer. We will end up
being much less safe than before and we will have a false sense of security
which may lead to disaster.



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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [Fwd: Boeing 747-400 Used In Anti-Gun Advertisement]

2001-07-17 Thread BB

{Please forward to relevant lists and forums}

Date: Sun, 15 Jul 2001 23:52:41 -0700
To: Matthew Gaylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: We need to answer the Brady Campaign.

Please give this as wide a dissemination as you can.
Thank you in advance.


Subject: Boeing Company corporate image.
Cc: Steven Kendrick [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Whom it may concern,

The following website is using outline images of the Boeing 747-400
in its advertising:


I would like to know whether the Boeing Company explicitly approves
of these images, or if they were used without The Boeing Company's

I would also like to know if The Boeing Company approves of the
message being delivered as well.

As an employee of The Boeing Company, I find it ethically repugnant
that such image utilization is used to convey what is known as a
deceitful and corrupt depiction. That such a message is allowed to be
carried on the Boeing image is despicable. Everyday we are reminded
of the idea of integrity, intellectual honesty, and pride in the
company's working relationship with the rest of the world. If this
matter is allowed to go unchallenged, it will severely tarnish the
company's image.

Most respectfully,

E.J. Totty

In Liberty,
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