[CTRL] Staff Exposed To Lethal Virus

2001-08-18 Thread Theodor Parada, MD

-Caveat Lector-


The Times - UK

College exposes staff to lethal virus


IMPERIAL College, London, renowned as one of Britain's leading research
institutions, was fined £25,000 and ordered to pay more than £21,000 costs
yesterday for exposing staff to a potentially lethal new virus for which
there is no cure.

The college's seriously flawed approach to health and safety matters
raised a distinct possibility that both hepatitis C and dengue fever could
be released into the open while it was attempting to create a hybrid from
the two.

Neither staff nor members of the public were adequately protected from the
possibility that the man-made organism could have escaped, Blackfriars
Crown Court in London was told.

Scientists, led by Dr John Monjardino, failed to use sealed cabinets while
studying the virus and made no emergency plan for dealing with a spillage.
Staff at the college, part of London University, were not provided with
protective clothing and had to walk through a room used as an office by
other university employees in order to dispose of contaminated material.

Keith Morton, for the prosecution, said: They were creating a hybrid virus
for which no vaccine or treatment exists.  Safety measures should have been
of a very high standard to protect staff and the general public.  They have
shown a disregard for basic measures to ensure and monitor safety, as a
consequence of which their employees were exposed to a very real risk of
infection. Contrary to expected procedures, the Health and Safety
Executive was only notified that the research had begun when a researcher
inquired about transporting the hybrid virus to Oxford.  A subsequent
inspection in December 1998 uncovered the potentially hazardous regime.
While Judge David Martineau acknowledged that work on finding a vaccine for
the two diseases was very important, there could be no excuse for such
lapses, he said.

Hepatitis C is frequently fatal, while dengue fever causes a severe but
non-fatal reaction.

Imperial College admitted one count of failing to apply principles of good
microbiological practices and principles of good occupational safety and
hygiene under the Genetically Modified Organisms (Contained Use)
Regulations 1992.  It also pleaded guilty to one charge of breaching the
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.

The college and its safety advisers were each fined £20,000 in March for
exposing the public to an unacceptable risk from the HIV virus.  In 1998
it was fined £4,500 for exposing a worker to an animal allergen.

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Re: [CTRL] : Geomagnetic Storm Alert

2001-08-18 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-


The HAARP magnetometer is down but there are others in Alaska online
which show quite a large disturbance.

Also Current Solar Data (from NOAA)

This is the CME from the SOHO spacecraft


On 18 Aug 01, at 0:17, Amelia wrote:

 Maybe Steve would send the link to the graph.  Anyone know what
 HAARP is doing?

 - Original Message -
 To: SpaceWeather.com [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, August 17, 2001 3:44 PM
 Subject: Geomagnetic Storm Alert

 Space Weather News for August 17, 2001

 An interplanetary shock wave hit Earth's magnetosphere on August 17
 approximately 10:30 UT (3:30 a.m. PDT) and triggered an ongoing
 geomagnetic storm.  High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for
 Friday night and Saturday morning.  Visit SpaceWeather.com for

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Reports of Torture by Israelis Emerge

2001-08-18 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

Reports of Torture by Israelis Emerge
Rights Groups Document Frequent Police Abuses Against Palestinians


By Lee Hockstader
Washington Post Foreign Service
Saturday, August 18, 2001; Page A01

HUSAN, West Bank -- It was nearly 1 a.m. on a chilly night in January
when Israeli soldiers pounded on the Zaul family's door in this scruffy
Palestinian village. Open up, it's the army! they shouted.

Then they rushed in and grabbed Ibrahim Zaul, 15, a lanky boy growing
a wispy mustache. Zaul was taken to an Israeli police station, where for
the next eight or nine hours, he said, he was blindfolded and spat upon,
cursed and threatened with death, beaten with fists, truncheons and rifle
butts until he screamed, doused with freezing water and forced to stand
upright with a heavy weight hung excruciatingly from his neck.

I would fall to the ground, and whenever I fell, they would kick me in the
back, he said in an interview.

It did not take long for Zaul to break: Later that morning, he confessed
to having thrown stones at Israeli troops and eventually served four
months in prison.

About a dozen teenagers, all minors and most from Husan or nearby
villages south of Jerusalem, have given similar accounts of arrests,
beatings and torture by Israeli police in recent months. Their stories,
which differ only in the harrowing details, have been recorded by Israeli
and Palestinian human rights organizations, which find them credible.

As the Palestinian-Israeli conflict drags through its bloodiest chapter in a
generation, there are signs that fraying discipline and an atmosphere of 
permissiveness in the ranks of
Israeli security forces are resulting in violence
and abuse directed at Palestinian civilians. Operating under tense,
occasionally lethal conditions in the West Bank and Gaza territories
 they occupy, and sometimes attacked by Palestinian gunmen and bombers,
some Israeli soldiers and police appear to have taken out their frustrations
with their fists and gun butts, according to human rights groups and
spokesmen for the Israeli army.

Most concern from abroad has focused on Israel's policy of assassinating
Palestinian activists involved in attacks on Israel, or on the Israeli military's
retaliatory attacks on Palestinian-controlled areas. But the increase in
abusive behavior by the security forces, and the Israeli public's tendency
to overlook it, has led some dovish Israelis -- a distinct minority in the
current climate -- to warn of what they call a widening mentality of

More broadly, it has raised questions about whether Israel can fulfill its
own ambitions to be the Middle East's only democracy with Western-style
rights guarantees in the crucible of the bloody conflict between Arabs and

Nearly from its inception at mid-century, Israel has boasted that it alone in
the region strives to meet Western human rights standards. It made that
argument even while the late Yitzhak Rabin encouraged the army to 
break their bones when Palestinians staged the first intifada, or uprising,
in the late 1980s. And for years the main domestic security service, Shin
Bet, regularly tortured Arab detainees. Moreover, Israel's Arab citizens
were denied basic rights in housing, employment and land ownership.

The Israeli Supreme Court ruled in 1999 that Shin Bet's torture of
prisoners was illegal, and the agency says it has halted the practice
in most cases. Human rights activists and liberals celebrated the ruling
at the time, hailing it as a sign of enlightenment. But now those same
advocates say the current conflict is leading Israel to use brutal practices
in which beatings and abuse of Palestinians are regarded not only as
necessary, but as acceptable. Some Israelis suggest the practices also
betray a vein of racism.

All colonial wars have the same inner logic, said Uri Avnery, a veteran
of the frayed Israeli peace movement. When you are occupiers subjugating
another people, you need some moral reason for it, and the reason is that
they are an inferior race. You have that mentality here. It's like the old
American South: If the brutal sheriff is the hero and the inferior people are
seen as becoming uppity, as raping our women, then it's okay to be brutal
toward them. It's harder, in fact, not to be brutal.

One of the more dramatic examples is an allegation that at least 10
Palestinian teenagers, including Zaul, were tortured into giving confessions
at Israel's Gush Etzion police station in the southern West Bank. The
experience has embittered some of the youths; one told an Israeli newspaper
he was thinking of retaliating against Israel by becoming a suicide bomber.

There has been a rash of other recent incidents and allegations involving
beatings and abuse by Israeli soldiers and police, often at checkpoints
where they regulate the daily movements of tens of thousands of Palestinians.
Last week, six Israeli soldiers were arrested on suspicion that they had
subjected a 

[CTRL] Forgetting that murder is murder

2001-08-18 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Robert Fisk: When journalists forget that murder is

  'It's not the words Israelis and Palestinians use about
  each other that concern me. It's our submission to them'

  18 August 2001

  What on earth has happened to our reporting of the Middle
  East? George Orwell would have loved a Reuter's dispatch from
  the West Bank city of Hebron last Wednesday. Undercover
  Israeli soldiers, the world's most famous news agency
  reported, shot dead a member of Yasser Arafat's Fatah faction
  yesterday in what Palestinians called an assassination. The
  key phrase, of course, was what Palestinians called an
  assassination. Any sane reader would conclude immediately
  that Imad Abu Sneiheh, who was shot in the head, chest,
  stomach and legs by 10 bullets fired by Israeli agents had
  been murdered, let alone assassinated. But no. Reuters, like
  all the big agencies and television companies reporting the
  tragedy of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, no longer calls
  murder by its real name.

  Back in the days of apartheid, no one minced their words when
  South African death squads gunned down militant opponents.
  They talked about murder and assassination. They still do
  when Latin American killers murder their political opponents.
  I've yet to find a newspaper which shrinks from reporting the
  murder – or at the least assassination – of IRA or UDA
  gangsters in Belfast. But not when the Israelis do the
  murdering. For when Israelis kill, they do not murder or
  assassinate, according to Reuters or CNN or the most recent
  convert to this flabby journalism, the BBC. Israelis perpetrate
  something which is only called an assassination by
  Palestinians. When Israelis are involved, our moral compass
  our ability to report the truth dries up.

  Over the years, even CNN began to realise that terrorist used
  about only one set of antagonists was racist as well as biased.
  When a television reporter used this word about the Palestinian
  who so wickedly bombed the Jerusalem pizzeria last week, he
  was roundly attacked by one of his colleagues for falling below
  journalistic standards. Rightly so. But in reality our reporting is
  getting worse, not better.

  Editors around the world are requesting their journalists to be
  ever softer, ever more mealy mouthed in their reporting of any
  incident which might upset Israel.  Which is why, of course,
  Israelis are so often reported as being killed by Palestinians
  while Palestinians, some as young as 10, are killed in
  clashes – clashes coming across as a form of natural
  disaster like an earthquake or a flood, a tragedy without a

  One sure way of spotting Israel's responsibility for a killing is
  the word crossfire. Mohamed el-Dura, the little Palestinian
  boy shot dead by Israeli troops in Gaza last year, became an
  iconic symbol of the Palestinian intifada. Journalists
  investigating the boy's death, including The Independent's
  Jerusalem, correspondent were in no doubt that the bullets
  which hit him were Israeli (albeit that the soldiers involved may
  not have seen him). Yet after a bogus Israeli military inquiry
  denounced in the Knesset by an Israeli member of parliament,
  all the major Western picture agencies placed captions on the
  photo for future subscribers. Yes, you've guessed it, the
  captions said he was killed in crossfire.

  Wars have always produced their verbal trickeries, their
  antiseptic phrases and hygienic metaphors, from collateral
  damage to degrading the enemy. The Palestinian-Israeli
  conflict has produced a unique crop. The Israeli siege of a city
  has become a closure, the legal border between Israel and
  the occupied territories has become the seam line,
  collaborators for the Israelis are co-operators, Israeli-occupied
  land has become disputed, Jewish settlements built illegally
on Arab land have become neighourhoods – nice, folksy
  places which are invariably attacked by Palestinian militants.

  And when suicide bombers strike terrorists to the Israelis, of
  course the Palestinians call them martyrs. Oddest of all is
  Israel's creepy expression for its own extrajudicial murders:
  targeted killings. If a dark humour exists in any of this
  dangerous nonsense, I must admit that Israel has found a real
  cracker in its expression for Palestinians who blow themselves
  to bits while making bombs: they die, so the Israelis say, from
  work accidents.

  But it's not the words Israelis and Palestinians use about each
  other that concern me. It's our journalistic submission to these

  Just over a week ago, I wrote in The Independent that the BBC
  had bowed to Israeli diplomatic pressure to drop the word
  assassination for the murder of Palestinians in favour of
  Israel's own weird expression, targeted killings. I was
  subsequently taken to task by Malcolm Downing, the BBC
  assignments editor who decreed this new usage. I was

[CTRL] [PalestineDiary] ZOA on Pro-Zionist Resolution introduced by Cong.Saxton(R-NJ) and Engel(D-NY) (fwd)

2001-08-18 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

News Release
The Zionist Organization of America
Jacob  Libby Goodman ZOA House Phone: - 212-481-1500
4 East 34th St. New York, NY 10016 Fax: 212-481-1515
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Web Site: www.zoa.org

August 17, 2001 Contact: (212-481-1500)
ATTN: News Editor

ZOA Applauds Saxton-Engel Resolution

NEW YORK: The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) announced its
support for a recent resolution offered by Congressmen Jim Saxton (R-NJ) and
Eliot Engel (D-NY). This important resolution will condemn last week's
horrific bombing of a pizza parlor in Central Jerusalem that killed nearly
20 individuals and injured nearly 100 more.

The resolution to be introduced when Congress reconvenes in September
will provide the Sense of the Congress that the Palestinian Authority must
cease all violence, terror and incitement. Moreover, the resolution also
states that Israel has the right to defend herself and to use force in the
face of these terrorist attacks. ZOA President Morton Klein noted. Arafat
and his. coterie of terrorists and thieves must be put on notice by the
United States Congress that these senseless acts of violence will not go

Killed in last week's bombing were six children and Judith Greenbaum, a
resident of Passaic, New Jersey. Greenbaum was one of 19 American citizens
who have been murdered by Palestinian terrorists in lsrael since the Oslo
Accords were signed in 1993.

ZOA National President Morton A. Klein noted, Jim Saxton and Eliot
Engel have once again demonstrated their unwavering support for Israel
during these difficult times by authoring this common-sense and important
resolution. The ZOA urges all Members of Congress to support this

 Home  ©2000 Zionist Organization of America
   Web Design by Resource Team

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 moonlight, no light.
 If I lose paper and ink, I will write in blood on forgotten walls
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[CTRL] Immigration, Efficiency and Empire

2001-08-18 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

One of the greatest tragedies of American conservatism in the late 20th century was 
the Right’s abandonment of the moral high ground. The moribund nature of the Right’s 
moral arguments became apparent in the 1980’s as many intellectuals on the right 
adopted New Deal thinking and accepted supply-side economics as a way of achieving 
Leftist goals through conservative means. The rhetoric of liberty was remembered by 
many within the movement, but for many the goal of maximizing government while 
minimizing taxes did not seem to be a contradiction at all. The ideal of tinkering 
with an aggregate efficient economy became fashionable. Liberty was nice, but only 
because it led to greater aggregate growth and aggregate efficiency. Thus, the 
managerial state devoted not to liberty, but to a narrowly defined efficiency, was 

It should not surprise us then, when we read commentary from members of the 
conservative movement who justify unlimited immigration on the grounds that it 
provides us with cheap labor and greater efficiency. This is the language of the 
modern mega-state with its planned economies and its disregard for local customs, 
values, and traditions. If one needs proof of this, one need only look at how other 
nations have fared. The nations unfortunate enough to resist American hegemony and 
demands for market democracy around the world are either bribed into compliance 
through international welfare or are summarily dismissed as rogue nations. The word 
democracy is a mantra for the neo-conservative right, and all around the world, 
nations who dare not worship democracy as well will fall victim to the wrath of the 
American state. Any regard for ancient patterns of government or local tradition are 
of no concern for the American democracy crowd who will abide no barriers to full 
adoption of democracy as defined by the official intellectuals in Washington, DC.

This state of affairs is significant both at the national and the international 
levels, and it is very indicative of the change in attitude toward immigration that 
has taken place on the Right. The anti-communism of traditional conservatives like 
Russell Kirk and Frank Meyer was based on the premise that communism was destroying 
the traditional structures and customs of nations around the world. To the 
traditionals, the United States had a duty to fight communism in order to allow the 
traditions of the various nations of the world to avoid succumbing to the 
totalitarianism of communism.

In contrast, the goal of modern neo-conservatives (and their Leftist allies) is not to 
preserve traditional civilizations, but to turn all the world into Western style 
democracies. The old respect for localism and national uniqueness has been eradicated 
from the movement, and it manifests itself at the domestic level through our current 
immigration policies.

Since local sovereignty of the world’s foreign cultures is looked at with abhorrence 
by the American government, why not treat American culture the same way? The language 
we are being subjected to on the immigration question is the language of national 
abolition. It is the language of worldwide mass efficiency which treats national 
differences as mere obstacles to a greater empire of market democracy to be 
administered by the American mega-state. This is why Americans who refuse to accept 
the destruction of their culture are dismissed as racist rubes who don’t understand 
the realities of the modern economy. This is why so-called conservative columnists are 
justifying unlimited immigration on the grounds that it brings us cheaper housekeepers 
and day care workers. Since such pundits cannot conceive that traditional values are 
something that might actually rival or even trump a worldwide planned and efficient 
economy, it is not surprising that they can see little in immigration other than the 
cheap labor. While the traditionalist Right recognized that local customs could have 
value and validity both at home and abroad, modern neo-conservatism actively works to 
destroy these customs. The old Washington paradigm of American society standing only 
as a peaceful example to the rest of world has been turned on its head, and now the 
pursuit of a new order demands that American society itself be cheapened while the 
rest of the world is made to follow the edicts of the American empire.

All of this is done under the guise of promoting a free market economy, but free 
economies cannot just be imposed by one nation on other nations. They are certainly 
not achieved by mocking the value systems of those nations for not being sufficiently 
in line with the thinking of some Washington think tank. Nevertheless, this kind of 
coerced market democracy is taking place around the world, as well as here at home. 
Real efficiency, as the economist Ludwig Von Mises noted, is always a result of a 
truly free economy because it allows individuals to make choices 

[CTRL] Fwd: [AL-AWDA-News] Israel's version of Ethnic Cleansing

2001-08-18 Thread William Shannon


Taking Exception
Israel's Version Of 'Ethnic Cleansing'
By Arjan El Fassed (Washington Post, August 18, 2001; Page A21)

JERUSALEM -- This week on The Post's op-ed page, Michael Kelly [Aug. 15] Charles 
Krauthammer [Aug. 16] and George F. Will [Aug. 17] advocated what amounts to ethnic 
cleansing in the Mideast.

Using such words as strike and expel and destroy, kill, capture and expel, they 
seemed to be advocating a sort of final solution to the Palestinian problem. This 
kind of thinking embarrasses every Jew who believes in a just peace and universal 
values and norms.

But columnists such as these simply make explicit what has long been clear to us in 
this region. They put into plain words Israel's cruel and discriminatory policy, 
practiced against Palestinians for the past 50 years.

Discrimination against non-Jews is grounded in Israeli laws, regulations and 
practices, which have created a system similar to apartheid in South Africa -- but 
different from apartheid in that its goal is not to rule over but to remove or expel 
the indigenous Palestinian population.

Will's column is particularly offensive. He urges Israel not just to kill or capture 
those terrorists and destroy the Palestinian Authority's military [sic] 
infrastructure but also to destroy other physical infrastructure.

Perhaps Will should be provided with a copy of the Fourth Geneva Convention, which 
clearly states that such acts are prohibited. Some of them even amount to war crimes.

Israel's assassination policy constitutes willful killing, a grave breach of the 
Fourth Geneva Convention, which stipulates in Article 32: The High Contracting 
Parties specifically agree that each of them is prohibited from taking any measure of 
such a character as to cause the physical suffering or extermination of protected 
persons in their hands.

This prohibition applies not only to murder, torture, corporal punishment, mutilation 
and medical or scientific experiments not necessitated by the medical treatment of a 
protected person but also to any other measures of brutality whether applied by 
civilian or by military agents.

Moreover, the U.N. Principles on the Effective Prevention and Investigation of 
Extra-Legal, Arbitrary and Summary Executions emphasize that extrajudicial executions 
are never allowed, not even in time of war.

Will suggests that all of Jerusalem should be within Israel's borders. In fact, East 
Jerusalem is occupied territory. According to international law, East Jerusalem is 
part of the Occupied Territories, from which Israel should withdraw. From 1947 through 
1996 the U.N. Security Council issued 21 resolutions regarding Jerusalem. The General 
Assembly has

also issued similar resolutions.

These resolutions were issued either because of Israeli policies and measures 
regarding Jerusalem in particular or Jerusalem in the context of the occupied 
territories. They emphasize the illegitimacy of Israel's annexation of Jerusalem, 
based on the illegitimacy of its acquisition of territory by war.

Additionally, these resolutions regard the city as an integral part of the occupied 
territories and emphasize the applicability of international humanitarian law, 
especially the Fourth Geneva Convention. There has been a unique degree of 
international consensus on these resolutions.

That Israel has acquired territorial sovereignty in those areas is not sustainable in 
international law. Conquest, aggressive or defensive does not confer title. Many of 
the world's nations have expressly and repeatedly declined to recognize Israel's title 
to Jerusalem.

International humanitarian law prohibits confiscation of private property and allows 
the occupying power to take land but with compensation and only to meet its military 
needs (The Hague Regulations, 1907).

Underlying all such limitations is the idea that the occupying power is not the 
sovereign in the territory. Consequently, the occupying power may not commit any act 
that constitutes unilateral annexation of all or part of the occupied territory.

The writer is the international public advocacy officer the Palestinian Society for 
the Protection of Human Rights.

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[CTRL] Paying poor women to marry (fwd)

2001-08-18 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-



Paying poor women to marry fathers of their babies

McClatchy Newspapers
August 12, 2001

WASHINGTON - West Virginia made history with its welfare system last year,
becoming the first state to provide a cash bonus as an incentive for
marriage: A single mother who marries the biological father of her child
gets an extra $100 per month.

Wade Horn, President Bush's new assistant secretary for family support,
said that Congress should run with the idea. In a recent article, he wrote
that government needs to show that it values marriage by rewarding those
who choose it. He cited a proposal by the Heritage Foundation to give
$5,000 in cash payments - $1,000 in five successive years - to a woman who
bears her first child in wedlock and stays married.

Critics say the marriage bonus could become a financial onus for poor
women, who might be forced to stay in abusive situations just to pay their

For some of these women, staying in a marriage means they will lose their
lives, said Sen. Paul Wellstone, D-Minn., who opposed Horn's confirmation
when it was approved last month.

The skirmish over Horn's appointment is just the latest evidence that all
is not bliss in the world of matrimony. At a time when married couples make
up barely half of all American households, supporters of the so-called
marriage movement are looking to government for help in propping up the
state of marriage, and Horn's record would appear to make him a willing

In his new job in the Department of Health and Human Services, Horn will
have authority over federal welfare, childcare, foster care and adoption

His supporters, and those who back the marriage movement, say that
children who grow up without a father are far more likely to commit crime,
have promiscuous sex, drop out of school and commit suicide.

His detractors, and those who question government intervention, fear that
Horn will discriminate against single-parent, gay parents and people who
just don't want to marry.

For his part, the former president of the National Fatherhood Initiative
said he will do nothing to hurt nontraditional families. Instead, he said,
his goal will be to remove any disincentives to marriage that exist in
the welfare system.

I want as many kids as possible to grow up with a loving father as well as
a loving mother, Horn said in an interview. With two incomes you're less
likely to be poor, which would help out kids.

Like West Virginia, many states have taken marriage matters into their own

In Florida, marriage skills courses are an obligatory part of high school

In Oklahoma, Gov. Frank Keating pledged to cut the state's divorce rate by
one-third by 2010. He earmarked $10 million for pro-marriage initiatives.

Couples in Arkansas, Louisiana and Arizona can now opt to enter into a
covenant marriage, where they pledge to stay married for life and
renounce their legal right to a no-fault divorce. Similar legislation has
been proposed in more than 20 states.

Bush, speaking in June at the National Summit on Fatherhood in Washington,
said, We must never forget children need their dads, and when they're
absent, something is lost.

Bush proposed spending $60 million on grants for faith- and community-based
organizations that help unemployed or low-income fathers and their families
avoid or leave welfare, along with programs that teach successful parenting.

The movement to promote marriage has been a bipartisan effort that did not
start with Bush. It had support in the Clinton White House and has gained
support among groups such as the Urban League, which has focused on
strengthening the role of fathers in black communities.

In an article published in June, Horn wrote that Congress should implement
incentives for marriage. He wrote that Congress could require states to
follow West Virginia's lead in providing marriage bonuses, but a
spokeswoman said that he has no plans to make a formal proposal to Congress.

He's not going to tell the Congress what they should do, said Pamela
Carter, a spokeswoman for Horn's department. She said that Horn wrote the
article last year and that in his new job he will not endorse specific

(Distributed by Scripps Howard News Service.)

[Forwarded For Information Purposes Only - Not
Necessarily Endorsed By The Sender - A.K. Pritchard]


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[CTRL] The Corsican Bros

2001-08-18 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Saturday, August  18,  2001
Cold-blooded Iguana will not be missed
From Lara Marlowe, in Paris
FRANCE: Not many will weep for Mr Francois the Iguana Santoni, the
Corsican nationalist who was gunned down in front of his mistress and father
as he left a village wedding at Monacia-d'Aulléne on the south of the island
early yesterday.
Not Prime Minister Lionel Jospin; his advisers believe Mr Santoni founded
Armata Corsa, which murdered three people and set off 20 bombs in the
past two years. The group had two obsessions: sabotaging Mr Jospin's
Matignon Accords on Corsican autonomy and avenging the murder a year
ago of Mr Santoni's friend Mr Jean-Michel Rossi.
Mr Jean-Guy Talamoni and Mr Charles Pieri won't mourn him. Mr Santoni
called the nationalist leaders he quarrelled with mafiosi in All Accounts
Settled, the book he published with Mr Rossi two months before Mr Rossi
was murdered. The suave Mr Talamoni angered the thuggish Mr Santoni by
replacing him as the French government's chief interlocutor. Mr Santoni and
Mr Pieri were once rival leaders of the political wing of the extremist FLNC-
canal historique. Mr Santoni claimed that Mr Pieri ordered Mr Rossi's
assassination on a mobile phone from his prison cell near Paris.
Least likely to shed a tear for the Iguana is Ms Marie-Helene Mattei, the voluptuous 
blonde lawyer who left Mr Santoni for Mr Pieri. She and Mr Talamoni both received 
unexploded letter-bombs last month - sent, police su
spected, by Mr Santoni.
Mr Santoni joined the FLNC in 1978, when he was 18. He epitomised the military wing 
of nationalists whose civil war with politicals claimed dozens of lives in the 
early 1990s. Mr Santoni's ice-cold demeanour, shaved
 head and hulking figure earned him the sobriquet Iguana. He had been sentenced to 
14 years in prison, of which he served six, and was appealing a four-year sentence for 
racketeering. But the death of the most dangerous
 opponent of the Matignon Accords does not increase the agreement's chances of 
enactment. Le Monde said: Inevitably, it will be suggested . . . that the Jospin 
government negotiated in the daytime with representatives wh
o, at night, let killers 'liquidate' their opponents.
The accords were voted by a large majority of the Corsican Assembly on July 28th, 
2000. But the left-wing interior minister, Mr Jean-Pierre Chevènement, objected to 
provisions for teaching the Corsican language and giving
 the island power to adapt French laws. In a severe setback to the agreement, Mr 
Chevènement resigned on August 29th, 2000. Yesterday, he said the assassinations of Mr 
Rossi and Mr Santoni have blown apart the illusions
upon which the Matignon process are based.
Mr Chevènement believes it was a mistake to negotiate with nationalists without a 
prior commitment on their part to renounce violence. These accords are dead, he 
said. The government must change its path.
Last February, the Council of State questioned the constitutionality of the accords. 
Then President Jacques Chirac - eager to capitalise on French disillusionment with the 
island - postponed cabinet discussion of the draf
t law. The National Assembly passed a watered-down agreement in May, which went to the 
Senate in June. But the Senate postponed its debate until November, pending the 
results of a fact-finding mission.
Violence continues and nationalists are pushing for the liberation of 43 Corsican 
political prisoners. Mr Francois Hollande, head of Mr Jospin's socialist party, 
argued yesterday that through this process of dialogue .
 . . Corsica may find a way out. But the bullet-riddled body lying across the
seat of Mr Santoni's grey BMW seemed to indicate that 20 months of
dialogue have not changed much on the island.

© 2001 ireland.com


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Cleansing Israel of Foreigners

2001-08-18 Thread Yardbird

Divine Incitement

18 August 2001 
Palestine Media Center 

An Israeli Rabbi notorious for his racism and spite towards Arabs in general and 
Palestinians in particular is once again being probed for inciting to violence and 
racism. Rabbi Yitzhak Ginzburg, a prominent spiritual leader of the Od Yosef Chai 
Yeshiva groups, has been known to publish and advocate calls for violence against 
Palestinians and Arabs in general. 

In his latest book, Tipul Shoresh (“Root Treatment”), Rabbi Ginzburg makes the claim 
that the “land of Israel” belongs solely to the Children of Israel. According to a 16 
August Ha’aretz article, the Rabbi states in his book, “no goy (non-Jew) has the right 
to live in the area unless he is a convert or a righteous Gentile”. The spiritual 
leader also calls for the expulsion of Palestinians from Israel (which includes the 
Occupied Palestinian Territory in the Rabbi’s mind). He calls for the land to be 
“cleansed” of foreigners and urges his followers not to employ or trade with 
Palestinians. Of course, the Rabbi refers to Palestinians as “Arabs”, refusing to so 
much as recognize the existence of a Palestinian People. 

The Israeli head of the State Prosecutor’s Office’s special tasks division, Talia 
Sasson has ordered an investigation in the Rabbi’s latest book. 

Just two months earlier, a similar investigation was launched against Rabbi Ginzburg 
because of comments he made to the Jerusalem weekly newspaper Kol Hazman and the daily 
Ma’ariv. In both commentaries, the Rabbi expressed his support for Baruch Goldstein’s 
massacre of Palestinian worshipers as they prayed in Hebron’s Ibrahimi mosque. In the 
1994 massacre, Goldstein butchered over 60 Palestinians. 

The investigation was dropped and no charges were filed. 

Rabbi Ginzburg had published Baruch Hagever (“Baruch the Man”) in 1998. The Rabbi, 
apparently a fan of massacring Palestinians, published a book praising Goldstein and 
his final act of mass murder. Following the publication of this book, the Rabbi was 
investigated for inciting to violence and racism. However, the investigation was 
quickly botched and no charges were filed. 

Unfortunately, Rabbis of higher spiritual influence have made even far more racist 
remarks without so much as being questioned, let alone investigated. For example, 
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the spiritual leader of Shas, Israel’s third largest party has 
recently stated that Arabs “multiply like ants” and wished that they would “all go to 
hell”. Earlier in the year, he called for the extermination of Arabs altogether. On 
the other hand, Rabbi Lau, one of Israel’s Chief Rabbis has justified and blessed the 
extra-judicial executions carried out by the Israeli occupation forces against 

The investigation comes at a time when the United States is threatening to boycott a 
United Nations Conference on discrimination in which over 50 nations want to discuss 
the issue of Zionism as a form of racism. Knowing that its absence would undermine the 
international conference, the United States has threatened to boycott it altogether if 
the item is discussed, claiming that such a discussion would be anti-Semitic. This is 
despite the fact that all Arab Peoples in the Middle East are Semitic. 

[CTRL] Durban / Egypt

2001-08-18 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Al-Ahram Weekly Online
16 - 22 August 2001
Issue No.547
Published in Cairo by AL-AHRAM established in 1875
Current issue | Previous issue | Site map
Will there be a deal in Durban?
Is there any chance of the Palestinians receiving a fair hearing in Durban?
Dina Ezzat looks for an answer
A political condemnation of Israeli racist practices against Palestinians under
occupation does not seem to be something that Arab countries will be able
to extract out of the World Conference Against Racism (WCAR), which
opens in Durban, South Africa on 31 August.
However, the Durban Declaration and its Programme of Action are likely to
offer some form of recognition for the racist practices to which Palestinians,
and other Arabs living under Israeli occupation, are being subjected -- even if
the name of Israel is kept out of the books to please the United States and
other allies and friends of Tel Aviv.
A ten-day preparatory meetings which ended last Friday in Geneva failed to
produce an agreement between those countries which want to see Israeli
practices highlighted and condemned, and those which do not.
While it is true that each side has shown flexibility regarding its original
stance, agreement on the Durban approach to the Middle East remains
elusive. For their part, Arab and Muslim countries have given up their initial
attempt to include in the Durban Declaration wording which entails a direct or
indirect equation between Zionism and racism. Meanwhile, Israel, and its
supporters -- the US, Canada, Australia and even many European countries --
 have moved from their stance of no language at all on the Middle East to a
milder position which allows some language providing it does not entail a
specific country condemnation.
A position paper prepared by Arab and Muslim countries offering a
compromise on the bracketed Middle East paragraphs in the Durban
Declaration and the Programme of Action was, however, deemed
unacceptable by the Israel-US camp. A special meeting over this paper was
supposed to take place in Geneva in the presence of representatives of some
Arab and Muslim countries and their counterparts from Israel, the US and
Belgium, the current chair of the European Union. However, a last-minute
change of mind by Israeli and US diplomats stymied this reconciliatory effort.

The Geneva-based office of the United Nations High Commission for Human
Rights, which is acting as a secretariat for WCAR, is conducting contacts
with diplomats of the concerned capitals to try and reach a compromise
acceptable to all before the World Conference Against Racism, Racial
Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance opens at the end of this
month. Both Israel and the US have vowed to boycott the international event
if an overwhelming majority of the participants insist on including in the
Durban Declaration and programme of action any condemnation of Israel.
Today, the draft declaration and programme of action includes bracketed
language which annexes each reference to the Jewish holocaust in Europe
with a reference to the massacres perpetrated against Arabs in historic
Palestine since 1948. The drafts also includes a reference to Jerusalem as
occupied territory, of which the demographic and institutional
characteristics should not be changed by Israel. A critical reference to
settlement-construction in the occupied territories is also included in the
Anti-semitism is not presented as an exclusively anti-Israeli racist practice,
since both the draft declaration and programme of action refer to anti-
semitism in its Jewish and Arab forms.
Racist practices exercised against Palestinians in the wording are currently
bracketed without being attributed to Israel. This bracketed language,
however, refers to the fact that these practices are taking place not only in
Palestinian territory but also in the Golan Heights under foreign
Geneva-based diplomatic sources told Al- Ahram Weekly that compromises
were still being worked out. While the US keeps threatening a boycott, it
may not be that easy for Washington to stop its delegation from going to
Durban at the end of this month, since the American administration is
coming under big pressure from American rights groups to participate,
commented one source, who asked for his name to be withheld. According
to this source, if the Americans are to go then they will have to show more
flexibility. Especially that the current Israeli government is not making it very
difficult for anyone to see its racist practices, the source said.
The compromise currently being negotiated in Geneva involves persuading
Arab countries to further tone down the language by the time the Durban
conference closes on 7 September. In return, they will be granted their long-
standing wish for a conference for the high-contracting parties of the Fourth
Geneva Convention concerning the protection of civilians in 

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: LSD doctor dies at 83

2001-08-18 Thread Kris Millegan

 This Bulletin: Sat, 18 Aug 2001 9:24 AEST 

LSD doctor dies at 83
Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Oscar Janiger, a Hollywood psychiatrist who introduced scores of artists,
intellectuals and elite members of America's entertainment community to the
psychedelic drug LSD, has died at the age of 83.
In the 1950s and early 60s, before LSD was declared illegal, Dr Janiger was
one of the first researchers to probe the drug's potential for enhancing
intellect and creativity.
He incorporated the drug into his therapy and handed it out to an estimated
1,000 volunteers, including novelists Anais Nin and Aldous Huxley and actors
Cary Grant and Jack Nicholson.
Some of his patients also took part in a creativity experiment in which he
asked them to paint or draw the same object before taking the LSD and then
again one hour after taking it.



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[CTRL] Fwd: More Woes for IRS AMS

2001-08-18 Thread Kris Millegan


Rossotti’s Hires Raise Red Flags

By John Berlau

IRS Commissioner Charles Rossotti has been filling plum positions at his
agency with employees of his information-technology company and others who
steered business to it.

Already under fire for holding on to millions of dollars worth of stock in
an information-technology company that he used to run and that does
substantial business with the IRS, Commissioner of Internal Revenue Charles
Rossotti has hired another large stockholder in the same company to advise
the agency on computer modernization and technology purchases, Insight has
   Rossotti just installed his former employee, Fred L. Forman, as
executive program adviser for business-systems modernization, a new position
that pays $186,300 a year, the same salary Vice President Dick Cheney earns.
Forman had joined Fairfax, Va.-based American Management Systems (AMS) in
1971, a year after it was founded by Rossotti and his partners. Before he
joined the IRS in April, Forman was executive vice president and
participated “in key AMS-wide executive-management activities,” according to
an AMS proxy statement in 2000.
   Like Rossotti, Forman accumulated millions of dollars worth of stock
in AMS. He was listed in the proxy statement as a “principal stockholder” in
the company, with 240,560 outstanding shares of common stock, which now is
worth more than $4 million, plus whatever stock options he may hold. And
Forman has something else in common with Rossotti: He is not planning to
sell his AMS stock, according to the IRS, despite the fact that AMS has had
more than $80 million worth of contracts with the IRS since 1990.
   This has raised further concerns about conflicts of interest because
Forman will be involved in the day-to-day operations of IRS computer
systems, where AMS does significant business and wants to do even more.
   Forman “will not be approving procurements, but certainly would be
involved in discussions that relate to it,” IRS spokesman Frank Keith tells
Insight. “Clearly, he is a significant part of the business-systems
modernization management structure.”
   According to his official job description, provided to Insight by the
IRS, Forman’s duties include “developing and reviewing plans … for quality,
feasibility and business value”; “resolving critical security issues”;
“drafting key reports, presentations and documents for use in budgets”; and
“providing general advice and guidance to the Associate Commissioner [for
Business Systems Modernization] on programs and projects.”
   Critics say the hiring of Forman is more evidence that Rossotti is
using the power Congress granted him to hire outside experts to benefit his
former company. Larry Klayman, chairman of the conservative public-interest
legal group Judicial Watch, tells Insight, “It’s outrageous! We see here a
pattern of a continuing crime under the Ethics in Government Act commonly
known as feathering one’s own nest.”
   Forman says, just as Rossotti did, that he will exclude himself from
matters affecting his stock holdings in AMS. In an April letter Forman
promised to recuse himself from “personally and substantially” participating
in any project “that will have a direct and predictable effect on my
information-technology holdings.” In addition to AMS, Forman also owns stock
in America Online, Lucent Technologies and Siebel Systems. Insight could not
ascertain the value of Forman’s holdings in these and other companies
because he obtained an extension on his financial-disclosure forms, IRS
ethics official Barry Ratowe tells Insight.
   “He, of course, would be recused on any matters, procurement or
otherwise, that deal directly or in any way with AMS because of his stock
ownership,” says the IRS’ Keith. “That’s a routine prohibition that exists
under the government ethics rules for all employees, including Mr. Forman.”
   But Klayman notes that Rossotti was able to get around the rules with
a conflict-of-interest waiver issued in the last days of the Clinton
administration. As previously reported by Insight, the December 2000 waiver
signed by Bill Clinton’s deputy treasury secretary Stuart Eizenstat (see
“IRS Boss Snagged Clinton Waiver,” May 7) allowed Rossotti to join in
decisions about the IRS’ Custodial Accounting Project, which interfaced with
an automated financial-management system provided by AMS, even though
“certain decisions would have a direct and predictable effect on your
[Rossotti’s] financial interest in AMS.”
   Rossotti’s waiver is getting attention. Judicial Watch recently filed
a lawsuit to force the agency to turn over documents related to the decision
to grant the midnight waiver after the IRS did not respond to the group’s
Freedom of Information Act request. The story finally made it into the
mainstream media when the Associated Press (AP) reported in August news


2001-08-18 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

[Unable to display image]'


I am the flag of the United States of America.
My name is Old Glory.
I fly atop the world's tallest buildings.
I stand watch in America's halls of justice.
There I tremble - For injustice is the rule of the day.
Judges and lawyers, you shame yourself.
You dishonor the Woman that gave you birth.
My Honor is in tact.
You need to feel the sting of real Justice and cry for your shame.
My Children, JAIL4Judges, is the new means of a peaceful revolution in this

My Children shall win, for they stand with me.
Truth and Justice is their Battle Cry.

Join the call America - I will fly Proudly for your fight.
Never give in to injustice. Be silent no longer. I shall Always be
here for My Children.

I fly majestically over institutions of learning.
I stand guard with power in the world.
Look up and see me.
I stand for Peace, Honor, Truth and Justice.
I stand for Freedom.
I am confident.
I am arrogant.
I am proud.

When I am flown with my fellow banners, my colors a little truer.
I bow to no one! I cringe and tremble at injustice.
I will not fail Truth or Justice.
I am recognized all over the world.
I am saluted, loved, and revered.
I am respected - and I am feared.

My Children, you who love Truth, Justice, and Honor,
Stand up, and I shall lead you to Victory!

I have fought in every battle of every war for more than 200 years.
I was flown at Valley Forge, Gettysburg, Shiloh and Appamatox.
I was there at San Juan Hill, the trenches of France, in the Argonne Forest,
Anzio, Rome and the beaches of Normandy, Guam,
Okinawa, Korea, and KheSan, Saigon, Vietnam know me -- I was there.

I led my troops.
I was dirty, battleworn and tired, but my soldiers cheered me.
I was proud. I have been burned, torn and trampled on the streets of
countries I have helped set free.
It does not hurt, for I am Invincible.
I have been soiled upon, burned, torn and trampled on the streets of my own
country. And when it's by those whom I've served in battle - it hurts,
but I have overcome.

I have slipped the bonds of Earth and stood watch over the uncharted
frontiers of space from my vantage point on the moon.
I have borne silent witness to all of America's finest hours.
But my finest hours are yet to come.
JAIL4Judges will bring Justice for the People, and by the People Back to Our
Halls of Justice.
 Once again, Justice will no longer be just words carved in stone on
Buildings that house the dishonorable and unjust. For the Tireless effort
of these selfless Leaders, I Will let Freedom ring once again across America.
I love My Country and All My Children

 When I am torn into strips and used as bandages for my wounded comrades on
the battlefield;
When I am flown at half-mast to honor my soldiers;
Or when I lie in the trembling arms of a grieving parent at the grave of
their fallen son or daughter, I am proud.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] US Pilots in Colombia Dispel Image

2001-08-18 Thread Kris Millegan

US Pilots in Colombia Dispel Image
Friday, August 17, 2001 5:55 p.m. EDT   


 E-mail or  Print this story  

- - - - - 
By ANDREW SELSKY Associated Press Writer

BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) - Trying to dispel their mercenary image, U.S. contract 
pilots waging a drug war in Colombia insisted Friday they are just regular 
pilots doing a job - which happens to involve them getting shot at.

Flying crop dusters and helicopters, the American employees of DynCorp, of 
Reston, Va., have been on the front lines of Washington's campaign to 
eradicate cocaine- and heroin-producing crops in the South American country.

Three Americans have been killed in two crashes since 1997. Other aircraft 
have been hit by gunfire from rebels and paramilitaries who ``tax'' and 
protect the coca and poppy crops.

The pilots have been earning a reputation as daredevils. A leading Bogota 
newsmagazine, Semana, last month called the Americans ``mercenarios'' and 
``Godless Rambos'' in a cover story.

In a public relations counteroffensive, three veteran U.S. pilots and a 
manager met with reporters in a drab DynCorp briefing room full of maps at 
Bogota's airport. The conversation was monitored by a U.S. Embassy official, 
who said the pilots could only be identified by their first names and that 
they could not be photographed.

Lycos Travel
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Translate Anything
Wearing T-shirts or sport shirts, and in their 30s and 40s, they look like 
any regular group of guys you might find in a working-class area of Dallas or 
Detroit. And if they make the news, it won't be good news.

DynCorp pilots earn upward of $75,000 per year, but volunteers for the job 
are not plentiful.

``It's tough to find people who are willing to come down here and do this,'' 
said Bob, a veteran pilot from Texas who wears his hair long and sports a 
thick mustache.

``It's a little different,'' agreed Mark, another crop-duster pilot with a 
boyish face.

Meanwhile, concern is building in Washington that the Bush administration is 
quietly increasing America's involvement in the Colombia conflict by using 
civilian fliers to avoid a direct U.S. military buildup. Americans also fly 
Colombian army and search-and-rescue helicopters.

The U.S. Congress has mandated that up to 300 U.S. contractors and 500 U.S. 
military personnel are allowed in Colombia. DynCorp acknowledged Friday that 
it already has 335 employees in the country. But the company and the U.S. 
Embassy insist the contractor limit is not being broken because only about 
100 of the personnel are U.S. citizens, with the rest coming from Peru, 
Guatemala and other countries.

``This raises a whole new set of issues, like how the United States may be 
trying to circumvent the contractor cap,'' said Ingrid Vaicius, an analyst 
with the Center for International Policy in Washington.

Critics charge the widespread spraying of herbicide is harming the 
environment and making people sick. Mark, from his bird's eye perspective, 
said he has seen farmers burning down the rainforest to replace their 
fumigated coca fields.

Some of the three dozen American pilots - like Thomas, a lanky Texan - are 
veterans of Vietnam and other conflicts. Others fell into this risky business 
through classified ads or word-of-mouth with no prior experience in hostile 

Mark, who crisscrossed the United States working as a crop-duster, said he 
took the DynCorp job because he could work year-round. If he works two weeks 
on, he gets two weeks off, and the company flies him home during the break.

The pilots carry sidearms on missions and have received survival training. 
Beyond facing being shot down, the Americans also risk capture by members of 
the 16,000-strong Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC, who earn 
millions of dollars in the drug trade.

``We're just concerned that we survive the incidents,'' said Bob. ``We've 
been hit over solid jungle, we've been shot at by people standing on the 
banks of small streams, over coca fields and open fields, in almost every 
segment of the flight.''

Copyright © 2001 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not 
be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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Re: [CTRL] Cleansing Israel of Foreigners

2001-08-18 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

these rabbi are animals

religious Jews, not Arabs are the greatest long term danger in Israel today.
(for short term danger exploding school buses, pizzerias, and the like fill
in nicely)

as a secular Jew let me tell what I think it means to be Jewish, what the
underlying philosophy of Judaism is supposed to be.(I understand that like
the concept of America - the real falls far short of the ideal)

The primary purpose of a Jew is to repair the shattered shekkinah - ( the
idea is that the feminine nurturing aspect of god was thrown down) rather
than get into the metaphor I will simplify, the world is not in perfect
shape, and right behavior is behavior that heals the pains of the world.
To be a Jew is to repair the nurturing nature of the universe.

(Remember all religions/cultures think theirs is the most natural (for
instance most tribal peoples name for themselves translates as the people
and everyone else is not quite people in the same way) - so when the ancient
Hebrews needed a word for right acting people they used the word for their
own religious culture - today that word is translated as Jew.
Unfortunately people keep mistaking the map for the territory, and forget
that it is metaphor. SO when they read Jew , in this case, they no longer
understand it to mean right acting person and think it means people of a
certain ethnic and or religious background. This has happened in every
culture and religion, and is not unique to Judaism, which we are

This is where the chosen people concept comes into play. This is the most
dangerously misunderstood and misused idea in the entire culture, especially
by most Jews themselves. It is not Chosen people like master race, or
God's favorites, or specially favored even though that's how most people
interpret it. (My mother. e.g., is especially prone to this - but I think
that comes from taking on the nature of one's enemy and I think this is the
case with many who went through the death camps.) Chosen here mean's
chosen to do the hard work to repair the broken world.
This is a very different meaning. Those who benefit from evil, or just the
status quo, will make an enemy of those who try to change things. This is
always the case, in all places. People who upset the status quo,
revolutionaries and dreamer, are persecuted, and often killed. (that indeed
is also the central myth of Christianity - which makes sense as an extension
of Abstract Judaism into Historically realist Christianity)

SO to be chosen does not mean superior - it means chosen to carry a heavy

I know this has been long winded - but here's my point. These virulent ultra
religious motherfuckers are not real Jews, by any deep interpretation of the
word. I dont care how ornate their yarmulkes , or how little pork they eat.
 (Likewise Islam is supposed to be a religion of respect and understanding
and learning. It was initially envisioned as RETURNING to a purer form of
what Judaism was supposed to be, and had strayed from. So these assholes
screaming jihad, or praising the murderers of little children, are not true

It's sad to me that Judaism is defined in the world by the actions of
Israeli militarists, and ultra-religious zealots. They have indeed strayed
far from the path. Where is the Judaism of spinoza and einstein?

-- -- --  -- --
Planet spins - so do I
   neo-sufi wisdom

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 From: Yardbird [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2001 12:42:49 -0300
 Subject: [CTRL] Cleansing Israel of Foreigners

 Divine Incitement

 18 August 2001
 Palestine Media Center

 An Israeli Rabbi notorious for his racism and spite towards Arabs in general
 and Palestinians in particular is once again being probed for inciting to
 violence and racism. Rabbi Yitzhak Ginzburg, a prominent spiritual leader of
 the Od Yosef Chai Yeshiva groups, has been known to publish and advocate calls
 for violence against Palestinians and Arabs in general.

 In his latest book, Tipul Shoresh (³Root Treatment²), Rabbi Ginzburg makes the
 claim that the ³land of Israel² belongs solely to the Children of Israel.
 According to a 16 August Ha¹aretz article, the Rabbi states in his book, ³no
 goy (non-Jew) has the right to live in the area unless he is a convert or a
 righteous Gentile². The spiritual leader also calls for the expulsion of
 Palestinians from Israel (which includes the Occupied Palestinian Territory in
 the Rabbi¹s mind). He calls for the land to be ³cleansed² of foreigners and
 urges his followers not to employ or trade with Palestinians. Of course, the
 Rabbi refers to Palestinians as ³Arabs², refusing to so much as recognize the
 existence of a Palestinian People.

 The Israeli head of the State Prosecutor¹s 


2001-08-18 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

not to quibble or anything but
the worlds tallest building does not fly the American flag
-- --- -
Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, doctor, and I'm happy to
state I finally won out over it

Elwood P Dowd

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 From: Bill Richer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2001 12:25:40 EDT

 -Caveat Lector-

 [Unable to display image]'


 I am the flag of the United States of America.
 My name is Old Glory.
 I fly atop the world's tallest buildings.
 I stand watch in America's halls of justice.
 There I tremble - For injustice is the rule of the day.
 Judges and lawyers, you shame yourself.
 You dishonor the Woman that gave you birth.
 My Honor is in tact.
 You need to feel the sting of real Justice and cry for your shame.
 My Children, JAIL4Judges, is the new means of a peaceful revolution in this

 My Children shall win, for they stand with me.
 Truth and Justice is their Battle Cry.

 Join the call America - I will fly Proudly for your fight.
 Never give in to injustice. Be silent no longer. I shall Always be
 here for My Children.

 I fly majestically over institutions of learning.
 I stand guard with power in the world.
 Look up and see me.
 I stand for Peace, Honor, Truth and Justice.
 I stand for Freedom.
 I am confident.
 I am arrogant.
 I am proud.

 When I am flown with my fellow banners, my colors a little truer.
 I bow to no one! I cringe and tremble at injustice.
 I will not fail Truth or Justice.
 I am recognized all over the world.
 I am saluted, loved, and revered.
 I am respected - and I am feared.

 My Children, you who love Truth, Justice, and Honor,
 Stand up, and I shall lead you to Victory!

 I have fought in every battle of every war for more than 200 years.
 I was flown at Valley Forge, Gettysburg, Shiloh and Appamatox.
 I was there at San Juan Hill, the trenches of France, in the Argonne Forest,
 Anzio, Rome and the beaches of Normandy, Guam,
 Okinawa, Korea, and KheSan, Saigon, Vietnam know me -- I was there.

 I led my troops.
 I was dirty, battleworn and tired, but my soldiers cheered me.
 I was proud. I have been burned, torn and trampled on the streets of
 countries I have helped set free.
 It does not hurt, for I am Invincible.
 I have been soiled upon, burned, torn and trampled on the streets of my own
 country. And when it's by those whom I've served in battle - it hurts,
 but I have overcome.

 I have slipped the bonds of Earth and stood watch over the uncharted
 frontiers of space from my vantage point on the moon.
 I have borne silent witness to all of America's finest hours.
 But my finest hours are yet to come.
 JAIL4Judges will bring Justice for the People, and by the People Back to Our
 Halls of Justice.
 Once again, Justice will no longer be just words carved in stone on
 Buildings that house the dishonorable and unjust. For the Tireless effort
 of these selfless Leaders, I Will let Freedom ring once again across America.
 I love My Country and All My Children

 When I am torn into strips and used as bandages for my wounded comrades on
 the battlefield;
 When I am flown at half-mast to honor my soldiers;
 Or when I lie in the trembling arms of a grieving parent at the grave of
 their fallen son or daughter, I am proud.


 A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance?not soap-boxing?please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'?with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds?is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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[CTRL] AF News 18 Aug 01

2001-08-18 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

1136.  Cops graduate from second countersniper school

by Staff Sgt. Jason Tudor
Air Force Print News

CAMP JOSEPH T. ROBINSON, Ark. -- Eight airmen and three Naval Academy cadets
graduated Aug. 16 from the Air Force countersniper course here, ending more
than two weeks of physical and mental training.

The course, taught by National Guard Sniper School instructors here, is the
second of its kind to be taught to airmen.  It provides fundamental
countersniper techniques for air base defense, including reconnaissance
techniques, target distance measurement, and memory and marksmanship skills.

The Army accredited National Guard Sniper School, established in 1993,
provides a variety of services for the Defense Department, teaching classes
across the spectrum of sniper training to all services. The countersniper
course is part of a pilot program for the Air Force.

Airmen in this class came from the 16th Special Operations Wing's Defender
Challenge team, a group of security forces personnel, that was eager to
tackle the challenge of the countersniper course.

It's good training.  We thought we were going to come here and learn how to
fire a weapon, but it's so much more than that, said Senior Airman Todd
Tomlinson, one of the course graduates. I've learned a lot doing this and
more about air base ground defense.

Instructors of the course bring together a diverse background of shooting
specialties from Air Force, Army and Marine Corps backgrounds.  The entire
school cadre emphasized the countersniper aspect of the course -- that is,
the sniper's role in air base defense -- which is not a traditional Army or
Marine sniper's job.

Instructor Chief Master Sgt. Mark Hughes emphasized the sense of urgency
every student needs to have during the instruction.

Stress is the biggest challenge, but most of that is self-induced, Hughes
said.  We've had students quit because it was just too much on them.

Hughes also emphasized the relationship between the interchangeable
positions of shooter and the spotter.

Here they are equal, but usually the spotter is the most experienced, he
said.  The guy on the gun doesn't do anything unless the spotter tells him
to.  The most important part of these guys is the spotter because if he
misses the first round, it's his job to make him hit on the second round.

The students qualified shooting Army M-24 rifles on targets between 300 and
1,000 meters away.  They also qualified firing the Barrett .50 caliber
rifle, which can reach targets at ranges of more than 2,000 meters. They
were required to fire in day and night settings. In addition, students were
required to score 70 percent or higher on the Army physical fitness test,
memory tests and shooting scores to pass.

1141.  Iraqi forces threaten coalition aircraft

STUTTGART-VAIHINGEN, Germany (AFPN) -- Iraqi forces threatened Operation
Northern Watch coalition aircraft Aug. 17 by firing anti-aircraft artillery
from sites north of Mosul. Coalition aircraft were also targeted by Iraqi
radar while conducting routine enforcement of the northern no-fly zone.

Coalition aircraft responded to the Iraqi attacks by delivering ordnance on
elements of the Iraqi integrated air defense system.

All coalition aircraft departed the area safely.

Coalition aircraft have been enforcing the northern no-fly zone for more
than 10 years.

Officials at U.S. European Command here said that since Dec. 28, 1998,
Saddam Hussein has opted to challenge this enforcement by firing at
coalition aircraft with surface-to-air missiles and anti-aircraft artillery
and by targeting them with radar.

Operation Northern Watch aircraft respond in self-defense to these threats,
while continuing to enforce the no-fly zone, officials said.

1134.  Test Pilot School application deadline draws near

by Leigh Anne Bierstine
Air Force Flight Test Center Public Affairs

EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. (AFPN) -- The deadline is drawing near for
people planning on applying for a position at the U.S. Air Force Test Pilot
School here.

Training at the school lasts 48 weeks, and recent graduates walked away with
1,200 sorties in more than 38 different types of U.S. and foreign fighter,
trainer and transport aircraft.

For those interested in the daily and often hourly challenges of the flight
test world, the school's selection board is accepting applications for
classes beginning in July 2002 and January 2003. Applications must reach the
Air Force Personnel Center at Randolph Air Force Base, Texas, no later than
Sept. 21 to meet the next selection board convening Nov. 5 through 9.

Both experienced pilots and engineers are eligible to apply for what some
call the ride of their lives -- training in the latest methods of flight
testing and systems evaluation.

Depending on their background, students graduate from either the
experimental test pilot course or the experimental test 

[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] IMF rules both provide for and forbid gold loans and swaps

2001-08-18 Thread Kris Millegan

9:48a ET Saturday, August 18, 2001

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

GATA consultant Michael Bolser has found that the rules
of the International Monetary Fund in regard to gold
are contradictory, putting the IMF in the gold lending
business even as they forbid that business to the IMF.
His memo to a financial journalist follows. The chart
contained in the memo cannot be reproduced here, but it
should be posted soon at www.GATA.org.

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

* * *

By Michael Bolser
August 17, 2001

To: A major financial news service journalist
familiar with GATA, Washington, DC

RE: A Depleted SDR Account is a Depleted Gold Account,
and More on Gold Swaps and Gold Loans in the
International Monetary Fund

As James Turk has reported in his essay, The Mystery
of the Disappearing SDRs, SDRs and SDR Certificates
represent claims against U.S. gold reserves. Reading
further in the operative International Monetary Fund
document, Classification of Financial Assets
contained in the IMF Monetary and Financial Statistics
Manual at Section 123, Page 37, one finds that SDR
holdings represent unconditional rights to obtain
foreign exchange or other reserve assets from other IMF

Combine this with Turk's observation in Section 121
that monetary gold and SDRs issued by the IMF are
financial assets for which there are no corresponding
financial liabilities.

We can now confidently state that the depleted SDR
account of the U.S. Treasury Department's Exchange
Stabilization Fund, shown below in the associated
chart, represents a depleted gold account, since the
new owners of these transferred ESF SDRs have a valid
claim against ESF gold.


Why has the United States sold its gold?

Why are the Federal Reserve and Treasury denying the

Also in the IMF Classification of Financial Assets
document cited above, I find much more about the gold
swaps about which Federal Reserve lawyer Virgil
Mattingly says the Federal Open Market Committee
transcribers misquoted him. Indeed, there are nine
substantial paragraphs covering gold swaps (154, 155),
gold loans, collateralization of gold loans, and gold
as repos, etc. (156, 157,159,160,161,163, and 164).

Referring briefly to the gold swap example shown in

Consequently, for repos and gold swaps, four financial
transactions would be recorded: a loan
(payable/receivable) with a commensurate change in
currency and deposits, plus a transaction in the asset,
coupled with the recognition of the obligation (right)
to return (receive) the asset at the termination of the
repo's life as an entry in accounts receivable/payable.
For security lending and gold loans, a transaction in
the underlying asset would be recorded, coupled with
the recognition of the obligation (right) to return
(receive) the underlying asset at the termination of
the borrower's (lender's) life as an entry in the
accounts receivable/payable.

The above procedural excerpt stands in direct conflict
with the IMF policy listed below regarding gold
operations, from Appendix I: Role of Gold in the IMF,

Gold is reported as an asset in the IMF's balance
sheet and financial statements but is not used in its
regular operations and transactions. The IMF does not
have the authority to buy gold; it may only accept
payments from a member in gold at a price agreed upon
for each operation or transaction on the basis of
market prices, with Executive Board approval by a
majority of 85 percent of the total voting power. With
the same majority, the IMF may decide to sell gold at
market prices (see Box 4) or to 'restitute' gold. 75 In
any operation or transaction in gold, the IMF must
avoid managing its price or establishing a fixed price
in the gold market. Furthermore, the IMF may not engage
in such gold transactions as loans, leases, or swaps
and may not use gold as collateral. 76

We now know the ESF's gold account is substantially
encumbered by equivalent gold sales (SDRs) and we also
know that the IMF has rules for engaging in varied gold
operations -- operations it formally denies.

Empty denials by the Treasury, Federal Reserve, and the
IMF should raise journalistic red flags.

Which of the above IMF gold procedures is valid? The
one that sets out the IMF rules for gold swaps, etc.,
or the one that forbids the gold activity?


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[CTRL] 17 August 2001 Federalist Edition #01-33

2001-08-18 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

The Conservative e-Journal of Record
* Veritas Vos Liberabit *

17 August 2001
Federalist Edition #01-33
Friday Digest

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You will never know how much it cost the present generation to
preserve your freedom!  I hope you will make good use of it!  --John


In the news this week, it's the season of compromising positions --
with the two major international peace processes, in Israel and
Ireland, failing.

In Israel, Palestinian suicide bombers struck again this week, with an
especially vicious terrorist murder-explosion in Jerusalem, directed
specifically at families with young children in a Sbarro Italian
cafeteria, causing 15 deaths. Another bombing on Sunday wounded 15

Israel responded with brief armored incursions to destroy Palestinian
security assets, leaving tanks positioned outside West Bank towns
Bethlehem, Beit Sahur and Beit Jallah.  Undercover agents also shot
and killed a known terrorist planner in Hebron.

President Bush and administration members spoke softly, and drew no
clear moral distinctions between intentional attacks on innocent
noncombatants and defense against murderers. My only point is the
cycle of violence has got to end in order for any peace process to
begin, Mr. Bush commented on the continuing attacks and
counterattacks between Israeli defenders and Palestinian instigators.
(Shades of Bush(41).)

Secretary of State Colin Powell also reduced Israel's efforts to
defend itself from Palestinian terror with a soliloquy on the cycle
of violence, a phrase introduce into the lexicon of international
realtions by Bill Clinton's principle architect of appeasement, Dennis
Ross. National Security Council spokesman Sean McCormack went further
to suggest Israel is responsible for the attacks: Israeli incursions
into Palestinian territory are provocative and undermine efforts to
create an atmosphere of calm.

Security analyst Frank J. Gaffney observed of the deteriorating
situation, Worse yet, if the Bush Administration persists in treating
with moral equivalence terrorist attacks on Israeli civilians and
Israel's generally restrained defensive responses to such actions --
the ineluctable effect  of equally condemning these two very different
things by characterizing them as part of 'the cycle of violence' -- it
will convey a portentous impression: The United States is more
interested in being an 'honest broker' than Israel's ally.

We note that peace processes necessarily involve compromising
positions, as they are applications of internationalism through
pressured negotiations. The phrase peace process is a term of art
coined by diplo-babblers to prejudice evaluations of the actual
accomplishments from negotiations. We further note that the term for
the only 100% guaranteed peace process is far simpler -- war. Only
after a decisive victory, and wisely shepherded surrender conditions,
is true and lasting peace achieved. Peace, like liberty, can only be
attained through acts of self-reliance,  with real peace coming only
once former enemies themselves decide to quit warring. International
pressure cannot suffice -- and indeed invariably makes enmities worse.

To admit reality, Israel is in a low-grade state of war with the
Palestinians, and the Middle East situation is assuredly volatile
these days. Moreover, as we alerted readers not long ago, Iraqi
dictator Saddam Hussein has moved some troops toward the Jordanian
border, and Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has announced he might
send soldiers from his 3rd Armored Division into the Sinai Peninsula,
in violation of the 1979 Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty.

Memo to Secretary of State Colin Powell: You might want to brush off
your copy of the Powell Doctrine and revisit it with the Israelis.
You wrote, Have a clear political 

[CTRL] Is This Leadership?

2001-08-18 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Is This Leadership?
By Chuck Baldwin
August 17, 2001

It was only a few months ago when virtually every conservative Christian
leader in the country was quick to condemn embryonic stem cell research.
However, that seems like ancient history now. Since President Bush decided
to use taxpayer dollars to fund medical research for existing lines of
embryonic stem cells, those same conservative Christian leaders have
suddenly become outspoken proponents for a procedure they once found
reprehensible. What happened?

Did the principle change, or did our leaders change? If public funding for
embryonic stem cell research was wrong six months ago, how can it now be
right? Either it is morally wrong to use human baby parts for medical
research, or it is not. If it is not wrong today, it was not wrong six
months ago. If it was wrong six months ago, however, it is still wrong
today. Either our illustrious leaders are confused, or I am.

Thankfully, not every pro-lifer surrendered his principles in order to
ingratiate himself with this unprincipled Republican White House. Bishop
Joseph A. Fiorenza, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops,
said, The trade-off he [Bush] has announced is morally unacceptable. It
allows our nation's research enterprise to cultivate a disrespect for human
life. Amen.

Congressman Bob Barr issued a statement saying, I am disappointed with the
President's decision to initiate federally funded embryonic stem cell
research. It is morally and ethically wrong, and I will continue to oppose
it. Thank you, Congressman Barr. At least there is one elected
representative in the Republican Party that is not willing to compromise the
sanctity of life issue.

The burning question, however, is where are the evangelical Christian
leaders? Most either have joined Bush in surrendering the issue or have kept
silent on the subject. In either case, they have given aid and comfort to
the abortion culture.

When Bill Clinton was caught in acts of immorality, he selected liberal
ministers to serve as spiritual advisors to assist his recovery. Is
there anyone who does not know that what those advisors actually did was
to provide cover for him? So, how is that different from what these
conservative ministers are now doing with Bush? Are they not providing cover
for a morally egregious decision? Are they not, therefore, enabling a
compromising president to abandon a firmly held conservative principle?
Again, I ask, is this leadership?

Frankly, I am ashamed of this president for making such a morally deficient
decision and I am ashamed of the conservative Christian leaders that have
voiced their approbation for such a morally deficient decision. It seems to
me that if we had more prophets like Nathan we might have more kings like

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Gun Owners Likelier to Distrust Government

2001-08-18 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Gun Owners Likelier to Distrust Government
NewsMax.com Wires
Friday, Aug. 17, 2001

COLUMBUS, Ohio - An Ohio State University study indicates that people who
distrust the government own guns in
greater proportion than those who expressed trust in at least one branch.

The study, published in the current issue of Social Science Quarterly, also
found government mistrust is
widespread, not just the characteristic of a small minority.

Associate sociology professors Robert Jiobu and Timothy Curry studied data
assembled for the General Social
Survey. The material was collected between 1988 and 1996 and included
interviews with 6,576 people.

We found that these people who don't have confidence in the government are
more likely to own guns, Jiobu

Rick Pearson, president of the Illinois State Rifle Association, said he was
not surprised by the study
results because the government deserves citizens' distrust.

I would say this is probably historical in nature because a lot of time the
federal government, as well as
other governments, have done things to gun owners that they haven't liked
after they said they wouldn't do
it. Pearson cited New York as an example. They said if you register your
firearms, they wouldn't come and
get them and then they came and got them. The same is true of California.

The problem is that though no matter what happens, you wind up with some
bureaucrat who twists the intent of
the law.

Nearly half of those surveyed, 43.9 percent, said they had hardly any
confidence in one or more branches of
the federal government.

Of those who said they had a great deal of faith in the government, only 23
percent owned a firearm, while 37
percent of those who doubted the government owned one.

The researchers said the percentages held firm even making allowances for
such factors as political ideology,
gender, age, education, general fear of crime and whether the respondents had
been crime victims the preceding

The results also held true through the three presidential administrations

Curry suggested firearms give those who distrust government a sense of

For some people, guns represent freedom and the ability to protect
themselves, Curry said. Guns are seen as
a little bit of protection in an otherwise chaotic world.

Those who own guns and distrust the government may fear the government will
take away their rights or that it
will not be able to protect them.

Jiobu said efforts to control weapons sales may have the unintended effect of
encouraging some to stockpile

We have to understand that for many people, the gun is an icon for evil and
violence, while for others that
same gun is an icon for democracy and personal empowerment, Curry said.
Until that is understood, neither
side of the debate will be able to understand how the other side can be so
blind to the 'truth.'

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] AF News 17 Aug 01

2001-08-18 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

1131.  F-22 gets green light for low-rate production

by Jim Garamone
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON (AFPN) -- The Defense Acquisition Board approved the F-22 Raptor
to enter low-rate initial production, Pentagon officials announced Aug. 15.

The decision means Lockheed-Martin will build 10 F-22s using fiscal 2001
funds, and 13 in fiscal 2002. There are currently eight F-22s already

The program has met all its exit criteria for entering into low-rate
production and is performing to its design goals, said Pete Aldridge,
undersecretary of defense for acquisition, technology and logistics.

The acquisition board unanimously approved low-rate production, Aldridge
said. Low-rate production will run through fiscal 2005, then shift into
high-rate production.

The program will provide air dominance through the next 20 years, Aldridge

The board's decision requires the Defense Department and the Air Force to
seek a lift in the F-22's current $37.6 billion budget cap. The production
budget would rise to $45 billion. Research, development and testing of the
aircraft cost about $18 billion, raising the total cost to about $63

The acquisition board also cut the total number of F-22s to be produced from
331 to 295. The board reached this decision because of a difference in the
cost estimates between the Air Force and the independent Cost Analysis
Improvement Group.

The Air Force estimated greater savings than the independent group once the
F-22 enters high-rate production, Aldridge said. The board's solution was to
accept the Air Force program cost estimates, but the independent group's
estimate of the number of aircraft the money will buy.

The decision gives the Air Force incentive to achieve the savings it

If the Air Force can, in fact, get the cost estimate at their level, they
can buy more airplanes, Aldridge said.

Low-rate production is set to rise to 30 aircraft in fiscal 2005. High-rate
production calls for 90 aircraft per year beginning in fiscal 2006.

Aldridge said the plan can change as circumstances dictate.

Anything can happen next year, he said. It depends on what happens to the
budget, what happens to the production, what happens in the operational test
and evaluation. We address these programs every year, but we have to layout
a plan. Right now, this is our plan.

1128.  Air Force helps fight Western fires

PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. (AFPN) -- An Air Force Reserve unit here and
Air National Guard units in California and Wyoming have sent specially
equipped aircraft and support people to help fight wildfires in the western
United States.

Specially configured C-130 Hercules from the 302nd Airlift Wing here will be
staging out of Boise, Idaho, and C-130s from the 153rd AW in Wyoming and the
146th AW in California were activated Aug. 13, and are currently staging out
of Klamath Falls, Ore.

The C-130s, equipped with the U.S. Forest Service's Modular Airborne Fire
Fighting System, can release 3,000 gallons of water or 27,500 pounds of fire
retardant per drop.

1130.  Error, malfunction cause Predator accident

LANGLEY AIR FORCE BASE, Va. (AFPN) -- Officials investigating the March 30
crash of an RQ-1L Predator unmanned aerial vehicle have determined the
accident resulted from operator error.

The Accident Investigation Board report released Aug. 16 by Air Combat
Command said the Predator experienced an icing problem and the pilot was
unable to maintain control of the aircraft.

The Predator, which belonged to the 11th Reconnaissance Squadron at Nellis
Air Force Base, Nev., was supporting the Kosovo Stabilization Force. There
were no injuries or fatalities, but the Predator was destroyed upon impact.

The pilot recognized the icing problem, the report said, but failed to
immediately execute critical checklist steps for pitot static system

The pitot static system uses air and static pressure to determine the
aircraft's altitude and airspeed. There is also substantial evidence that
nonuse of the pitot static heating system was a substantially contributing
factor in this mishap. (Courtesy of ACC News Service)

1129.  Captains may make major sooner

by Staff Sgt. Amy Parr
Air Force Print News

WASHINGTON -- Captains wanting a promotion to major may not have to wait as
long anymore.

A proposal recently submitted to Congress would modify the grade-ceiling
table in Title 10 U.S.C. 523, calling for a 7-percent permanent grade relief
to majors. This table provides the authorized strengths of commissioned
officers on active duty in the grades of major, lieutenant colonel and

By increasing the authorized Air Force major grade ceiling by 7 percent,
more officers at any one time will wear the rank of major than previously
allowed by law, said Lt. Col. Jan Middleton, Air Force promotion, evaluation
and separation policy chief at the 

[CTRL] The Pledge of Allegiance

2001-08-18 Thread radtimes

-Caveat Lector-

The Pledge of Allegiance

by Jello Biafra

I pledge defiance to the flag
Of the United Snakes of Captivity
And to the republic for which it stands
I dip it in kerosene and stick it up the ass of you know who...and light it!
One nation under God - or else.
One nation under psychopathic Pentagon gangsters whose idea of national
security is concentration camps for people who dare to use the drugs that
the CIA brings in and the government supplies themselves.  One nation under
Wall Street - If the cops and the government are all crooks, then I might
as well be one too.
One nation of sedated tabloid robots who actually believe what they see on
t.v., even on MTV, and when asked what they think about it they reply I
don't care.
One nation drowning in its own garbage Indivisible from the Fall of Rome
With liberty and justice for all - who can afford it.  Burn baby burn!
Burn baby burn!
Old glory.
The yankee swastika.
Burn baby burn!
Burn baby burn!
Whenever I see you, I see red!
Whenever I see you, I see red!
If the communist countries can do it, why can't we?
Throw the bastards out and try some real democracy.
Run not by rich people.
Not by military people.
Not by son's of Senator's sons of Senator's sons of Senator's sons Have you
noticed how the more they give people back their freedom over there, the
more they take it away over here?  So now, before it's too late to even
talk about stuff like this Be a patriot, a good patriot The one that cares
more about their country than forcing people to worship a flag.
And take the swastika
The yankee swastika
And let it burn burn burn baby burn!

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] SNET: Y E S ! (fwd)

2001-08-18 Thread William Bacon

visit my web site at  http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon
My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

From:    [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Carol Blackmon)

SOMETHING WE ALL NEED ... please keep my name confidential.
Subject: Launch of New Company


An Internet Publication For Real Americans Home  News  Business  Article

Business News At The Ranch
Thwarting the Alphabet Clubs
(or, How To Keep Private Information Private!)
By Wayne Hicks 08.16.01
"Armed agents of the City Zoning Commission yesterday raided the home and 
business offices of a prominent local businessman, confiscating computers in 
their search for evidence of possible bad light switches in the buildings. 
The businessman, who has not yet been identified by authorities, protested 
the seizure of his computers, saying that files stored thereon were not 
related to building maintenance, and should not be subject to seizure under 
the terms of the warrant, which listed only 'evidence of poor maintenance or 
health and safety hazards' as the objects of the search.

"In a related turn of events today, the Internal Revenue Service, acting on 
information forwarded by the Zoning Commission, has filed Federal Charges 
against the businessman, based on files relating to 'the illegality of the 
income tax' found on his computer. An arrest on these new charges is expected 
at any time."

Sound familiar? Think about Nick Jesson, Dick Simkanin, and many others whose 
homes and offices have been raided by various alphabet groups that allegedly 
work for our government. These people have been raided, often under color of 
some innocuous inspection, and had computers seized despite the fact that the 
information they contain is unrelated to the actual object of the search. The 
only possible reason for such seizures is that the Alphabet Clubs have 
learned to work together... and sharing information, no matter how illegally 
it was gained, enables them to cloak their nefarious activities from the eyes 
of the sleeping public for a short time longer.

You could be next. If your computer is seized, what information might be 
found on it that could be construed by a zealous agent or prosecutor to have 
criminal connotations? Think about it... there have been cases where the 
simple fact of owning a beeper was sufficient to send an innocent man to 
prison as a drug dealer. What files might you have that, although you know 
they are meaningless or harmless, might be interpreted as having implications 
of "anti-government sentiments"? While that may not yet be a crime, it has 
been used successfully lately to justify wiretaps, surveillance, and even 
repeated questioning of people who are merely trying to go about their daily 

What about your computer?

 A new company, Folder Safe, Inc., of Carson City, Nevada, can help you 
prevent anyone from reading your personal or business files without your 
express authorization... even if they have a keystroke-tracking device 
attached to your computer to capture your encryption keys and passwords.

Here's how it works... you've just completed your latest article on the Evils 
of Big Brother, and you're ready to shut it down. Simply insert your Folder 
Safe Key CD into the CD-ROM of your computer, do a "save as encrypted" from 
the file menu or drag the file into the Folder Safe icon on your desktop, and 
it is instantly encrypted with a level of security higher than you can 
imagine possible.

When you want to read or edit the file, you simply insert the Folder Safe Key 
CD again, and open your encrypted file or drag your file back onto the Folder 
Safe icon, and the file will be automatically decrypted. Then put it back in 
again when you're finished. If someone else tries to open that file without 
your Key CD in the drive... all they will see is gibberish!

Listen! What's that noise, sounds like a window breaking, you can hear men 
shouting, people are screaming... you're being raided! Pop the Key CD out, 
and as the armed agents rush through your office door, hold the CD firmly 
between your thumb and fingers... and snap it in half. 

Let 'em have the computer. They can't read a thing on it.

The Folder Safe system works by storing a randomly generated encryption key 
on a CD, an encryption key that takes up almost all of the CD's data storage 
capacity... At 630 MB, it is the largest encryption key ever known, and is 
impossible to duplicate. There is no chance that your key will ever be 
determined, or hacked, or recreated by randomly trying strings of numbers and 
data... it's just too big. The possible combinations of digital information 
from which it is derived are too many; it would probably be easier, and take 
less time, to count all of the stars one by one.

If you do ever get your computer back, they will probably have wiped it clean 
of your files... but 

[CTRL] International negotiations on germ warfare break down

2001-08-18 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Ha!  Talk about unenforceable.  Every country that can afford a
petri dish is doing this and would continue to do so no matter what
agreements are reached.  each only wants to stop the other from
doing it, never themselves..  Note the comment about the US
protecting our 'biotech' industry, too.  Rather telling about the
connection between it and germ warfare.  Wonder who the guinea oigs
could be for this.

International negotiations on germ warfare break down

By ALEXANDER G. HIGGINS, Associated Press

(August 18, 2001 10:38 a.m. EDT ) - Negotiators from 60 countries
labored late into the night to salvage six years of work to create
a way to enforce a ban on germ warfare. But negotiations hit an
impasse early Saturday over assigning blame for the breakdown,
diplomats said.

Cuba and Iran led nonaligned nations in seeking to fix blame on the
United States, which shocked fellow negotiators at the start of the
four-week round of talks by declaring a draft proposal unacceptable
and refusing to negotiate further on it.

The Western group of nations refused to blame the United States in
a final report on the talks.

Unfortunately, because of this issue, it was impossible to agree
on the whole of the report, said Tibor Toth, the Hungarian
diplomat who has been chairing the negotiations since they began in
January 1995. We were very, very close.

Diplomats said the focus now shifts to this fall's U.N. General
Assembly. Parts of the draft protocol will be preserved for
possible negotiations in the future, Toth said.

Negotiators have been trying to put teeth into the 1972 Biological
Weapons Convention, a Cold War-era treaty that lacks a mechanism to
enforce the ban - in part because no one seriously thought any
country would try to use germ warfare.

Iraq's germ warfare arsenal in the 1991 Gulf War prompted nations
to begin talks on creating a way to enforce the ban.

Most of the countries had accepted the compromise text put forward
by Toth. But six key nations - China, Russia, India, Pakistan, Cuba
and Iran - said there would have to be some modifications.

Those negotiations never got under way. At the start of this round
of talks, the United States abruptly rejected the 210-page draft
protocol that was six years in the making, saying it would be
ineffective in stopping countries from developing biological

The United States said the proposal, which includes limited
inspections of biotech industries and defense facilities, would
pose risks to U.S. national security and to commercial secrets of
the U.S. biotech industry, the largest in world.

Washington promised to come up with other ideas on how to enforce
the ban on germ warfare, and many delegates said they were awaiting
those proposals.

Meanwhile, negotiators got stuck writing the report on the talks,
usually a routine process - an indication of how deeply divided
they remain.

The nonaligned nations dropped their demand that blame be stated in
the report itself, but insisted that the national speeches
delivered during the session - including the U.S. denunciation of
the compromise - be attached to the report.

The next step is liable to be the U.N. General Assembly meeting
this fall, said Toth. The assembly has routinely passed a
resolution supporting efforts to enforce the ban on biological

It will be a continuation of this discussion in a different forum.
The U.N. General Assembly is not a negotiating forum, he said.

Toth said he has had no indication that any countries are
considering a move recommended by some disarmament campaigners who
have urged the world to bypass the United States and create an
enforcement mechanism as they did last month with an agreement to
fight global warming after Washington withdrew.

Another chance for advancement comes in November, when the 143
nations that have ratified the accord gather in Geneva to review
what has happened over the past five years, Toth said.

Hopefully there will have to be some ideas how to overcome an
impasse, because there is a certain impasse - it is absolutely
clear, he said.
News Copyright © 2001 Interest!ALERT All rights reserved.
Copyright © 1996-2000 Nando Interest!ALERT Inc.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] Reports of torture by Israelis emerge

2001-08-18 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Maybe the ADL should list them as a Hate Group.  This could give
them some new material so they do not have to continue to show the
Texas dragging death commercial every blessed day.  So we have
torture and assassination and kidnapping and bulldozing and it is
at least OK if not sanctioned?  But if others use only language
that is suspect, they are the Hate Groups???  I am beginning to
understand how it works and think I may have been rather
foolish/idealistic to think we should all play by the same

Reports of torture by Israelis emerge

Rights groups document police abuses against Palestinians
Palestinian women walk by Israeli soldiers at a checkpoint in the
West Bank near the Kalandia refugee camp. Israel has recently
tightened security in the West Bank, disrupting normal life for
thousands of Palestinians.

By Lee Hockstader

HUSAN, West Bank, Aug. 18 -  It was nearly 1 a.m. on a chilly night
in January when Israeli soldiers pounded on the Zaul family's door
in this scruffy Palestinian village. Open up, it's the army! they

 He was blindfolded and spat upon, cursed and threatened with
death, beaten with fists, truncheons and rifle butts until he
screamed, doused with freezing water and forced to stand upright
with a heavy weight hung excruciatingly from his neck.

 THEN THEY RUSHED in and grabbed Ibrahim Zaul, 15, a lanky
boy growing a wispy mustache. Zaul was taken to an Israeli police
station, where for the next eight or nine hours, he said, he was
blindfolded and spat upon, cursed and threatened with death, beaten
with fists, truncheons and rifle butts until he screamed, doused
with freezing water and forced to stand upright with a heavy weight
hung excruciatingly from his neck.
   I would fall to the ground, and whenever I fell, they would
kick me in the back, he said in an interview.
   It did not take long for Zaul to break: Later that morning,
he confessed to having thrown stones at Israeli troops and
eventually served four months in prison.
   About a dozen teenagers, all minors and most from Husan or
nearby villages south of Jerusalem, have given similar accounts of
arrests, beatings and torture by Israeli police in recent months.
Their stories, which differ only in the harrowing details, have
been recorded by Israeli and Palestinian human rights
organizations, which find them credible.

   As the Palestinian-Israeli conflict drags through its
bloodiest chapter in a generation, there are signs that fraying
discipline and an atmosphere of permissiveness in the ranks of
Israeli security forces are resulting in violence and abuse
directed at Palestinian civilians. Operating under tense,
occasionally lethal conditions in the West Bank and Gaza
territories they occupy, and sometimes attacked by Palestinian
gunmen and bombers, some Israeli soldiers and police appear to have
taken out their frustrations with their fists and gun butts,
according to human rights groups and spokesmen for the Israeli
   Most concern from abroad has focused on Israel's policy of
assassinating Palestinian activists involved in attacks on Israel,
or on the Israeli military's retaliatory attacks on
Palestinian-controlled areas. But the increase in abusive behavior
by the security forces, and the Israeli public's tendency to
overlook it, has led some dovish Israelis - a distinct minority in
the current climate - to warn of what they call a widening
mentality of occupation.
   More broadly, it has raised questions about whether Israel
can fulfill its own ambitions to be the Middle East's only
democracy with Western-style rights guarantees in the crucible of
the bloody conflict between Arabs and Jews.

   Nearly from its inception at mid-century, Israel has boasted
that it alone in the region strives to meet Western human rights
standards. It made that argument even while the late Yitzhak Rabin
encouraged the army to break their bones when Palestinians staged
the first intifada, or uprising, in the late 1980s. And for years
the main domestic security service, Shin Bet, regularly tortured
Arab detainees. Moreover, Israel's Arab citizens were denied basic
rights in housing, employment and land ownership.

   The Israeli Supreme Court ruled in 1999 that Shin Bet's
torture of prisoners was illegal, and the agency says it has halted
the practice in most cases. Human rights activists and liberals
celebrated the ruling at the time, hailing it as a sign of
enlightenment. But now those same advocates say the current
conflict is leading Israel to use brutal practices in which
beatings and abuse of Palestinians are regarded not only as
necessary, but as acceptable. Some Israelis suggest the practices
also betray a vein of racism.
   All colonial wars have the same inner logic, said Uri
Avnery, a veteran of the frayed Israeli peace movement. When you
are occupiers subjugating 

[CTRL] Fwd: A Suicide Bomber'sWorld

2001-08-18 Thread Aleisha Saba

   ___      __
  /  |/  /  /___/  / /_ //M I D - E A S T   R E A L I T I E S
 / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East
/_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\©http://www.MiddleEast.Org 
  News, Information,  Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups, 
 and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know! 
  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
 To receive MER regularly email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


  RELECTIONS ON THE Suicide Bombers

  A photograph exists of Nidal's head and upper torso
  after the bombing. Much of what it depicts is a grisly
  mess. But his face is unblemished, his hair neatly
  combed, his eyes almost fully closed. The expression
  is one of peace.

MID-EAST REALITIES © - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 8/18:
In a sense, a very important sense, the Suicide Bombers now so much in the news 
should have stamped on them Made in Israel, Encouraged by USA.  There were few if 
any Suicide Bombers just a few years ago.   The phenomena first arose out of 
Israel's destructive invasion of Lebanon in and before 1982, then the occupation of 
about 10% of that country which only ended last year.  During the first Palestinian 
Intifada there were few if any Suicide Bombers.  But as the military occupation has 
become even more brutal, and as the peace process has grown even more deceptive and 
onerous, a generation which has only known fear and torture has turned to new and more 
grissly tactics of their own.  And if no serious and just solution is found to today's 
predicament this cycle is likely to continue on into the next generation when tactics 
and weapons of mass destruction may come into play.

   By  Cameron W. Barr 

[The Christian Science Monitor - 14 August]:
Palestinian militants are intensifying their use of
suicide attacks against Israel. Since March 4, 15
suicide bombers have taken the lives of at least 52
people, the vast majority of them Israelis. One of the
most deadly occurred last Thursday in a pizza
restaurant in Jerusalem; another bomber struck a
coffee shop near the Israeli port city of Haifa Sunday

In recent weeks, the Monitor has interviewed
Palestinian militants involved in suicide bombings, a
young man who has considered carrying out such an
operation, the father of a deceased bomber, and some
Israelis who were affected by one attack. The
following accounts offer a closer look at this form of
violence - the motivations of its perpetrators and the
experiences of its victims.


Hassan, as he asks to be called, holds a brand-new
professional degree from a Palestinian university. He
faces a career choice that says much about the future
of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

On the one hand, he might like to get into human
rights work. Another option is martyrdom - perhaps
by carrying an explosive into a crowd of Israelis and
detonating it.

I have become capable of sacrificing myself for my
religion and my homeland, says Hassan, who was
interviewed on the condition that his real name not be
used. Having spent several years in Israeli jails for
militant activity, he worries that the exposure could
put the Israelis back on his trail.

A slender, soft-spoken young man with wiry brown hair
and a narrow face, Hassan wears jeans, a brown
T-shirt, and delicate, metal-framed glasses.

He has the intense, slightly uncertain demeanor of a
university intellectual - hunching his shoulders and
crossing his legs, he smokes a lot and fidgets
endlessly with a ring on his right hand as he speaks.

During a two-hour meeting in the leafy garden of a
private home in Ramallah, Hassan is gentle-humored in
his explanations of the theology and logistics of
suicide bombing.

Martyrdom-seekers, as they consider themselves, reject
any notion that their actions constitute suicide,
which is forbidden by the Koran. Hassan says
candidates are chosen for their piety and sincerity;
anyone who seems troubled or suicidal is screened out.

The proper motive is to take jihad - a holy war to
defend or promote Islam - to the extreme. Those
preparing for an operation, Hassan says, spend much of
their time in prayer in an attempt to separate
themselves mentally from the world as they know it.

They see jihad as a pillar of Islam, an obligation.
As long as people occupy Muslim land, Hassan adds,
that obligation remains. Hassan is a member of
Islamic Jihad, a militant group that advocates the
eradication of Israel.

Would-be bombers are always free to step back, even
during the final moments of their missions, Hassan

It is written in the Koran that the hearts of

Re: [CTRL] US And Other Activists Back Palestinians

2001-08-18 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

 Didn't see YOUR name there buddy. Didn't see Prudy's or Colleen's
 Don't disappoint us now guys. Put you ass where your mouth is and head
 on down to the Holyland. Show those Israeli Nazis what you can do.
 My cousin Moshe-the-Masher is REALLY looking forward to seeing you Colleen.
 He's been dulling his blunt instrument in anticipation and reciting the
 Jewish prayer for god to send under medicated psychopaths from the trailers
 of the heartland.
 Oooh baby.

The more you rant the more you reveal your pathetic racist mindset.

Guess you will soon be winging your way East to help your fellow
torturers pull some fingernails.

Another National Socialist exposes his true colors.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] suffer the little children

2001-08-18 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 08/17/2001 5:09:45 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 I just want to clarify that you are saying that Israelis kill children
 for sport. Is that right Prudy? 

I'm saying, Not yet, but that's the next step.  When you can torture them
and beat them, the next step is to eliminate them.   Eliminating them can
become a pleasurable passtime.  That is sport.  Prudy

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] God Forsaken in US Senate

2001-08-18 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 08/17/2001 2:45:13 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Why? I mean what specifically about Weyrich and his ilk is disgusting? 

I've heard him talk on television tons of times.  He strikes me as small
minded and unforgiving.  That's not the way my God feels about things.  Do
you really expect to watch as the members of our House and Senate proceed
into Heaven?  No, I don't think there's a blanket exclusion, but I don't
think there are many who would qualify either.  I don't know too much about
Weyrich, but I don't want him preaching to me either.  Prudy

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
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[CTRL] TONIGHT 8/18 - Radio Program: Lara Johnstone speaks out on her ET hunger strike

2001-08-18 Thread Ecotoday

-Caveat Lector-

TONIGHT 8/18 - Radio Program: Lara Johnstone speaks out on her ET hunger

Date: Saturday 8/18
Time: 10PM Pacific Time
Program: GROUND ZERO - Clyde Lewis, host
LISTEN LIVE: http://www.clydelewis.com
Guests: Lara Johnstone, correspondent Holly Conley, CEO Ernie Vega, author
Alfred Webre

Lara Johnstone is now 20 days into her Presidential hunger strike to request
President George W. Bush to fulfill his campaign promise to make public
information on U.S. government involvement with Extraterrestrial craft,
technologies, and civilizations.

Tonight she speaks out publicly, live on WKTO, Portland, Oregon.
Tune in on the Internet at 10 PM Pacific Time for this historic broadcast.

Are you ready for the revolution?
Lara Johnstone, a California woman who began a Hunger Strike for
Disclosure on July 28th.

Bush/UFO Disclosure Request Update by Lara Johnstone

Letter delivered to to Representative Barbara Lee Office in downtown
Oakland on Monday October 13, 2001.

Berkeley, CA 94707
12 August 2001

Congressional Representative Ms. Barbara Lee
Ronald Dellums Federal Building,
Oakland, CA

Dear Representative Ms. Barbara Lee

RE: Request to support my petition to President Bush

Attached please find the letter I wrote (mailed, faxed and emailed) to
President Bush on 26 July 2001. It is a statement informing President Bush
of my reasons for going on a hunger strike, and requesting his response.

I understand that Disclosure Project briefing materials have already been
delivered to your office. I am very hopeful that you have reviewed those
documents and videotapes and have decided to investigate the matter further.

As you know, the recorded testimony of scores of military, goverment and
other witnesses to Unidentified Flying Objects and Extraterrestrial events
and projects is strong evidence of the existence of an UFO/Extraterrestrial
presence on and around Earth. This recorded testimony consists of dozens of
first-hand, often top-secret witnesses to UFO and Extraterrestrial events,
internal UFO-related goverment projects and covert activities, space-based
weapons programs and covert, reverse-engineered energy and propulsion
system projects. The technologies that are of an Extraterrestrial origin,
when publicly released within a planned transition period, will provide
solutions to global environmental and security challenges.

These numerous recorded witnesses constitute only a small portion of a vast
pool of identified present of former military, intelligence, corporate,
aviator, flight control, law enforcement officers, scientists and other
witnesses, who will come forward when subpoenaed to testify at
Congressional Hearings. Without a grant of immunity releasing them from
their security oaths, many such unimpeachable witnesses fear to speak out.

The legislation to ban space-based weapons will prohibit acts of war
against Extraterrestrial civilizations, which have proven to be concerned
about nuclear and weapons industry, but also have proven they are not to be
hostile. The comprehensive legislation will transform the terrestrial war
industry into a world cooperative military (without space weapons), civil,
and commercial space industry. This will provide unprecedented benefits and
opportunities to all on Earth and in space.

Our generation of voters and leaders are responsible for this once in a
lifetime decision -- to ban space-based weapons so that we will be
permitted to join the peaceful travelers in the universe.

My request to your office is:
1. Please attempt to verify that President Bush received my letter, and
request a response from his office. [I enclose another copy for delivery to
President Bush's office by your office, if required.]
2. Please write a letter in support of my request to President Bush.
3. Please call for open, comprehensive, secrecy-free hearings to take
military/agency witness testimony on events and evidence relating to an
Extraterrestrial presence on and around Earth.
4. Please call for open hearings on advanced energy and propulsion systems,
relating to extraterrestrial phenomena that, when publicly released, will
provide solutions to global environmental challenges.

Many years ago, your predecessor Representative Ronald Dellums was the
first brave and lonely voice calling for an end to the nuclear arms race.
Many thought it impossible, yet he persevered, and many followed. All we
need in this issue is one brave Congressional Representative to have the
courage to step forward, and I imagine the other less-brave Congressional
members will eventually follow.

Billions of people around the world could benefit from these technologies.
Hundreds of witnesses have been brave enough to come forward willing and
able to testify. Our entire planet could benefit from some light being
shone onto the secrets that divide us, the secrets that encourage our
fears, and the secrets that -- if kept -- could result in disastrous
consequences for millions, if not our planet and 

[CTRL] Sourcing The Taos Hum

2001-08-18 Thread William Shannon

Sourcing the Taos Hum

By Thomas Begich, Staff Writer

Three years ago Congress directed scientists and observers from some of the 
most prestigious research institutes in the nation to look into a strange low 
frequency noise heard by residents in and around the small town of Taos, New 
Mexico. For years those who had heard the noise, often described by them as a 
"hum", had been looking for answers. No one was sure when it began, but its 
persistence led first a few and then many of those who heard it (called 
"hearers" by each other) to band together. In 1993 they found their way to 

The investigation Congress requested consisted of a team of a dozen 
investigators from a number of scientific institutions. Joe Mullins of the 
University of New Mexico and Horace Poteet of Sandia National Laboratories 
wrote the team's final report. Other New Mexico research organizations 
involved included Phillips Air Force Laboratory and the Los Alamos National 
Laboratory. Concern by hearers that the hum might have been caused by the 
Department of Defense ensured that the investigation was conducted in the 
open and that a large number of persons were contacted. 

The first goal of the investigative team was to interview hearers and try to 
determine the nature of the hum ­ the sound it made, its frequency, timing 
and its effects on those who heard it. Next the team planned to survey 
residents of Taos and the surrounding communities to determine how wide 
spread the hum was. Finally, the team was to try to isolate and determine the 
cause of the hum. Important to their effort was the team's clear interest in 
deter-mining the cause of the phenomenon, rather than questioning the hum's 
existence. There was a generally clear understanding by the investigators 
that something was happening here, but just exactly what it was seemed to 
defy definition. 

The initial investigation focused on ten hearers and determined certain key 
facts surrounding the hum. It was persistent. It was heard by only a small 
number of people. The sound was extremely low on the frequency scale ­ 
between 30 and 80Hz. There was variation in how different hearers perceived 
the sound. Some heard a sound like the low rumbling of a truck while others 
heard a more steady, pulsing, yet still low sound. Interestingly, the 
investigators learned that the sound was not limited to the area around Taos, 
but was, in fact, heard at places all over the country and around the globe.

Hearers described the increasing problems they were having with the hum. 
Consistent with the reports and complaints that had brought the issue to 
Congress in the first place, hearers described the hum as a cause not just of 
annoyance, but also of dizziness, insomnia or sleep disturbance, pressure on 
the ears, headaches and even nosebleeds. The hearers were also bothered by 
the disturbing nature of its existence: it did not seem like a natural 
phenomenon to them. According to the August 23, 1993 " Taos Hum 
Investigation: Informal Report", most hearers initially experienced the hum 
with an "abrupt beginning, as if some device were switched on." Many of the 
hearers believed there was a connection between the hum, the military 
installations in and around New Mexico, and the Department of Defense or that 
the hum was somehow caused by the U. S. Navy's ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) 
stations in Northern Michigan. These suspicions made a civilian presence on 
the investigation team necessary.

After examining ten hearers the team (now including James Kelly, a hearing 
research scientist with the University of New Mexico's Health Sciences 
Center) began a broad survey of Taos locals. Their survey of 1,440 residents 
led the team to extrapolate that roughly 2% of the Taos population were 

Given this large number of hearers, initial exploration of a source for the 
hum focused on external possibilities for generation of the low frequency 
hum. While there were isolated instances of hearing within the low frequency 
range identified by hearers, these tests revealed no consistent background 
noise which could account for the hum. As Mullins and Kelly concluded, there 
were "no known acoustic signals that might account for the hum, nor are there 
any seismic events that might explain it."

Having ruled out external sources the team focused on testing hearers' inner 
ears and on researching frequency sensitivity. While these investigations are 
not complete, it appears highly unlikely that the hum is caused by low 
frequency tinnitus as some have speculated. Mullins and Kelly are more 
inclined to believe that hearers have developed a specific sensitivity to 
sounds in the 20 to 100Hz range and therefore are directing their research 
toward gleaning an understanding of how the ear perceives low frequency 

While this approach may help answer the persistent question of the hum's 
origin, Dr. Nick Begich and Patrick 

[CTRL] Skolnick-The Secret History/Airplane Sabatoge (Part4)

2001-08-18 Thread William Shannon

by Sherman H. Skolnick 08/17/01

Several situations motivated the National Transportation Safety Board,
N.T.S.B., to re-open their hearings into the crash of United Air Lines Flight
553. And to set two full days, June 13 and 14, 1973, for what we publicly
called the crash of the Watergate Plane. My pending lawsuit in the local
state court against the N.T.S.B., claiming air sabotage cover up, was
arbitrarily removed to the federal court in Chicago.

The Rockefeller-owned United Air Lines knew that the Banker-Judges in Chicago
U.S. District Court would not allow my lawsuit to be heard on the facts. A
judicial cover-up. It was a reality understood by the Safety Board panel,
made up primarily of those directly or through their immediate families,
major owners of airline shares. And the unwritten policy of the airlines, and
their substantial owners, is to block all public discussion of airplane
sabotage, a secret and forbidden subject.

Another factor was the way I was informing the public, as best I could,
through late-night radio talk shows and college and university speeches on
the Watergate plane crash. And further, United Air Lines and the Safety Board
had no prior knowledge that we had "liberated" the entire Safety Board
original file of Flight 553.

I proceeded with my own testimony as to our investigation, with the Safety
Board documents and pictures, together with our interviews including the
presence at the re-opened hearings of eight eyewitnesses.

As stated earlier, #1 was THE PEOPLE. #2, THE AIRPLANE. To do a proper job in
sabotaging a plane, an art and science in itself, is to know its weaknesses.
This particular Boeing 737, N9031U, had chronic trouble in the month
preceding the crash, with its Captain's altimeter and its air data
computer---two of the most important instruments on the plane. [N.T.S.B.
Docket SA-435, Exhibits 11A, 11B, 11C, maintenance data.] The Captain's
altimeter {how far he is above ground level] MUST operate at 28 volts D.C.
[Exhibit 9C, page 7.] An increase in amperage or voltage in the electrical
system would cause the instruments to malfunction.

The plane was delayed in departure by about 10 to 15 minutes. [Later
investigations and sources convinced us the tubes in the front of the plane,
leading to the air speed indicator, were drilled out, to give false
readings.] This was enough time for a skilled person to strip down the bus
bar at a certain point and install a device [as was done] that shorts out
UPON DESCENT of the plane [a sort of barometric controlled sabotage device].
In the last 15 minutes of Flight 553, circuit breakers began popping in the
cockpit, causing the Flight Recorder, in the tail, the air data computer, and
other instruments to short out and malfunction. The N.T.S.B. Transcripts of
the sole surviving record, the tape of the Cockpit Voice Recorder, shows this
from the Intra-Cockpit, inside the cockpit, discussion. [Exhibit 12A.]

The pilot had a prophetic name, Captain Whitehouse. By the way, he was one of
the most skilled pilots at United, with a prior background in aviation air
shows and precision flying.

Captain- "Sounds to me a circuit breaker, perhaps." 2nd Officer- "Huh?"
[Unidentified voice, apparently unlawfully deleted by the FBI/DIA.]
Capt.-"Yeah, I just meant, I thought you'd better check EVERYTHING, ah."
(Emphasis added.) [N.T.S.B., Exhibit 12A, page 7 of Transcript.] The Cockpit
Voice Recorder was found and removed by the FBI, first on the scene in the
crash zone. Remember what the Chairman of the Safety Board told a
Congressional Committee in Washington on the same day as the re-opening of
the Safety Board hearings in Chicago---about the strange doings of the FBI in
the crash zone. [See Part Two of this series.]

Flight 553 needed its instruments. Visibility was 1 to 2 miles. Ceiling
varied from 400 to 600 feet. [Exhibit 5-K.] With some low clouds as low as
100 feet. As for the National Weather Service, their RUNWAY VISUAL RANGE

A major radio navigational instrument is the airport outer marker, also
called by the street name its on. The outer marker at Midway Airport is in
the vicinity of 87th  Kedzie, and is called by some, the Kedzie localizer.

Captain-"Is Kedzie localizer off, off the air, is that it?" 2nd Officer-"I
beg your pardon." Captain-"Is Kedzie localizer off the air, there's an
inbound on---ah---there's an inbound on 31---what's that? (referring to JET
RUNWAY 31 LEFT, and a small propeller plane reportedly falsely steered right
in front of 553 as it was preparing to land. The small plane was coming in
right ahead of them on the same runway. Propeller planes are supposed to land
on RUNWAY 31 RIGHT.) [N.T.S.B. Exhibit 12A, page 3.]


[CTRL] Fwd: The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

2001-08-18 Thread Aleisha Saba

The Rubaiyat of Omar Kayyam under subject matter - fo it was Omar
Khayyam the Poet, who entered into a pact with Hassan Sabbah - the Old
Man in the Mountain - tather the pact of the three - a Public Relations
Man, an Assassin, and the Candidate, let us say.

This beautiful poem was translated by Edward FitzGerald - real name
Purcell, but he took the name of the grandfather for the coat of arms
(which was Coat of Arms of St. Patrick and my Father)..

So a loaf of bread, a jug of wine, and Joshua2 - and then when he sips
the poison from within the cup (my mother's side also clamed descent
from a few Borgias)ah maybe Joshua2 Will find himself a Stranger in
Paradise   better keep the motor running, Joshua.

In I Kings in the bible you will find the phrase Laugh, Drink and be
Merry for tomorrow, well we all die anyway.

As the man said to the martyers who will die for the Palestinians - they
will leave a living burning hell but it is like opening a door and
walking into another room - Paradise - the same Paradise to which Omar
refers - so speaking of roses ...

O'Saba (No relation to Hassan Sabbah - the Head Man, the Old Man in
Mountain who linked up to the Old Knights Templar, to which my father
claimed direct descent - and we can prove our pedigrees.how about
you Joshua 2 - give my love and kisses to whats his name,
Moshe the Masher was it - a Jack the Ripper with a blunt weapon - sure
that guy is not an Arab?

Regardless, beautiful work this Rubaiyat - by one of the three - and I
say, these Suicide Bombers sure have he same teacher - maybe still
living high in an Eagles Nest somewhere and not like what he sees
beneath his feet?

Powerful hypnotic drugs being used?   Maybe some - hypnotic drugone
who causes the lips of those who are asleep to speak, and to kill - in
order to be taken to Paradise?   Beats the hell what they have now,
right Joshua.   My love and kisses to your ADL friend.s



[CTRL] [PalestineDiary] Goodwill hunting

2001-08-18 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Goodwill hunting
A new initiative brings students from North America to an intensive
three-week seminar to learn more about the Middle East. The aim is to send
them back to their campuses as Israel's `ambassadors'
By Anat CygielmanAri Sussman and Shimon Peres, last week in Tel Aviv. The
students wanted to know whether Peres trusts Arafat.
(Photo: Ariel Schalit)
Thirty-nine students, young Jews from the United States and Canada, tried on
Wednesday not to miss a word of what Foreign Minister Shimon Peres was
saying. They laughed at every witticism he uttered and asked him join them
for a group photograph when he finished answering their questions.

Tomorrow, they will be leaving Israel at the end of a three-week stay during
which they participated in a seminar at Tel Aviv University, the first of
its kind, to prepare them for being Israel's ambassadors on the campuses
of the universities they attend.

The experimental project is called Emet - the acronym of Education, Middle
East and Truth, and the Hebrew word for truth. The project is being funded
by a group of wealthy American Jewish donors headed by businessman Leonard
Abramson of Philadelphia. Abramson was joined by Michael Steinhardt and
Charles Bronfman, the initiators of the Birthright project, which during the
past year brought thousands of Jewish students from around the world on a
free 10-day trip to Israel.

The two projects are completely different in nature. The participants in the
Birthright program are students who have never visited Israel before and
whose ties to Judaism and the Jewish community where they live are minimal.
The aim of the trip is to strengthen their Jewish identity.

The participants in the Emet program are students who have already visited
Israel, young people with strong ties to the Jewish community who are
willing to participate in Israel's efforts to present a positive image to
the world. In contrast to the Birthright program, the state of Israel does
not participate in the funding of Emet.

The director-general of the Emet organization, Nir Boms, relates that the
initiative was born a few months ago in a conversation between Abramson and
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon about Israel's image problem because of the
Intifada. What do you mean to do about it, asked Abramson. Sharon said that
help would be accepted gratefully. Abramson picked up the gauntlet and set
up Emet, which plans to operate on several fronts.

Among other things, Abramson discussed the matter with Tel Aviv University
President Itamar Rabinovich, formerly Israel's ambassador in Washington.
Steinhardt, incidentally, is chairman of the university's board of trustees.
Rabinovich organized for the students a program of lectures with the
participation of faculty from the department of Middle Eastern studies and
the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies.

Thirty-nine students were selected from universities throughout the United
States and Canada, all of them members of the Hillel international Jewish
students' organization. The lectures they heard covered the entire Middle
East, from Strategic Threats to the State of Israel to Syria Under
Bashar, Iran Between Revolution and Reform and Saudi Arabia and the
Persian Gulf.

Is this not too much? There was a lot to digest, agreed Karen Mervis of
Washington. You have to remember that this is the pilot for the program.
She was especially impressed by Professor Asher Susser's lecture on Muslim
Suspicions of the Western World.

Even the term `the Middle East' was created from a western perspective. To
understand the conflict you have to understand the history and the context,
she said.

The context is the most important thing, in the opinion of Jackie Bliss from
Berkeley. Most of the lessons were on Middle Eastern subjects. This was a
surprise, a good basis for understanding the region and reaching our own

According to Gabe Sperber from Florida, The argument about the conflict has
become very emotional, instead of rational. The students feel that the
lectures afforded them the possibility of passing on information about the
complexity of the conflict and creating discussion and dialogue that rises
above the simplistic picture in the media.

We have the responsibility to be knowledgeable, says Elias Saratovsky of
Chicago, not necessarily to defend Israel, but to explain, to put things in

In addition to the program of studies, the students went on trips to the
north and the south. They did not visit the West Bank or the Gaza Strip,
since they did not receive security authorization to do so. Even Jerusalem
was not included in the original program, but the students insisted and the
organizers gave in.

Another request from the students was to hear a lecture by a Palestinian or
an Israeli Arab. Thus a meeting was organized with Mohammed Darawsha of the
Institute for Peace Research at Givat Haviva. Their awareness of issues of
equality and discrimination was evident on Wednesday when 

[CTRL] Fwd: The Splendor of Persia I

2001-08-18 Thread Aleisha Saba

Beautiful story of Persia...for Gerald of Og (the first Gerald on
record - Fitz means son of) married a Princess Nesta of ancient Persia
and it is alleged her ancestors through her Father, King Nestor, descend
to one of the Three Wise Menthey are nothing to mess with Joshua,
you little twerp.

Beautiful Story on Persian who are beautiful people;  recent Shah of
Iran was a member of the Peacock Society, which still exists to day and
it is said he traveled on a plane with a solid gold john..well he
didn't die broke, did he.

Daughter of a Fitzgerald

Tell me what did theIsraeli contribute to the Holy Land other than


[CTRL] Expulsionists At The Washington Post

2001-08-18 Thread William Shannon

The expulsionists at the Washington Post  
by Ahmed Amr 

The expulsionists at the Washington Post are foaming at the mouth over the 
prospect of visiting additional cruelty on the Palestinians. Whether it is 
the summer heat or a failure to keep up with their anti-psychotic medication, 
the racist segregationists who run the show at the Post are executing what 
appears to be a concerted strategy to defame the Palestinians.  The 
vilification has gotten to new lows over the last week, as the Israel 
Firsters despair over the violent strategy of their idol, Ariel Sharon, the 
butcher of Sabra and Shatila and Qibya. Their advice to this vicious criminal 
is to add more portions of violence to his recipe for disaster.

Charles Krauthammer wrote a column bemoaning Sharon's ineffective strategy 
and calling for a massive campaign to 'strike and expel' Palestinians (POST, 
8/16/2001).  A day earlier, Michael Kelley urges Israel to 'go right ahead 
and escalate the violence' . 

In addition to recommending an intense military assault against the 
Palestinians, George Will, goes a step further to advise the Israeli 
occupation army to 'destroy other physical infrastructure useful to the 
Palestinian Authority, including all newspaper and broadcasting facilities.' 
 (Post, 8/17/2001) Burning newspapers. What a concept! This from the 
publisher who endlessly beats his chest about his late mama's courage in 
publishing the Pentagon papers.  Of course, That was three decades ago. This 
is the new and vastly diminished Washington Post; a safe haven for every 
warmongering bigot Yiddish supremacist who wants to take a swipe at the long 
suffering Palestinian people. Just another round of obnoxious Israeli public 
relations campaign to demonize the Palestinians.

The 11 month Palestinian uprising against the land thieving Israeli 
occupation army has obviously not captured the imagination of the low life 
segregationist elitists at the Washington Post.  Instead of "segregation now, 
segregation forever';  they want to up the ante to 'expulsion now, exile 
forever'. When they do bring up the fact that the Israelis have slaughtered 
over 500 Palestinians, they start going bezerk about 'moral equivalence'. 

How many Israeli assassin soldiers, with a Bull Conner smile on their face, 
pulled the trigger on a bullet that wasted a Palestinian kid? Kelly, 
Krauthammer and Will couldn't give a damn.  No doubt, they would like to 
personally waste a few Palestinians.  To these moral morons, they weren't 
kids, they were Palestinians.   The simple reason is that they are the kind 
of men who probably own more than a linen closet full of white sheets, for 
those special occasions. 

The Genoa police managed to inflict one solitary fatality at the G-8 meeting. 
And they are being duly investigated for it.  In Montreal, there were no 
fatalities. When Jews demonstrate , the Israeli police never think of using 
rubber bullets, much less tank fire.  Israeli cowards,  wearing IDF uniforms, 
well shielded behind massive concrete barriers, have murdered Palestinian 
children  throwing stones that can't even reach their target. They were 
killed for their brave defiance.   The uprising in the West Bank and Gaza are 
historically an old show. It is the same show that played out in the streets 
of Budapest in 1956 and Prague in 1968. It is the show that just last year 
was applauded when it was performed in East Timor.  A year earlier, Kosovo 
was liberated from genocidal Serbian  thugs.  This is the same performance 
that made us crazy when it was booked in Tianamen square.  It is always 
interesting to note that the pursuit of liberty and dignity is denied to the 
Palestinians, based on their 'national character' and 'behavior'.   The only 
way to market Israel's brutal annexationist  policies is to constantly 
denigrate the Palestinians. And the racist pond scum at the Washington Post 
are always ready to join the Greek chorus of vilification.  Ethnic bigotry is 
no vice at the Washington Post.  They obviously encourage their journalists 
to stir up the masses with vindictive and hateful incitement to violence 
against an innocent people. 

The Washington Post is a willing enabler of Ariel Sharon and his war crimes, 
past,  present and future. It is no longer a newspaper. Just another 
jingoistic Yiddish supremacist organization out to assist the Israelis in 
inflicting additional pain and mayhem on the Palestinian people.  It is 
political pornography that should be sold in brown bags to deviant adults who 
have an insatiable appetite for innocent Palestinian blood.

Let the word go out, that this monstrosity of a racist rag deserves to be 
boycotted by all decent Americans. As part owner of the Herald Tribune, it 
should be quite possible to take legal actions against the Post in French 
courts for inciting racial hatred and violence against an ethnic group. Being 
polite to these bastards, 

[CTRL] Fake Terror- The Road To Dictatorship

2001-08-18 Thread William Shannon


Note: This article first appeared as a post written by myself at Free Republic
. I was surprised to learn that it was copied from Free Republic and
re-posted at dozens of sites around the world. So, it seems only fitting that
the article (with some updating) re-appear here at my own web site.

It's the oldest trick in the book, dating back to Roman times; creating the
enemies you need. 

In 70 BC, an ambitious minor politician and extremely wealthy man, Marcus
Licineus Crassus, wanted to rule Rome. Just to give you an idea of what sort
of man Crassus really was, he is credited with invention of the fire brigade.
But in Crassus' version, his fire-fighting slaves would race to the scene of
a burning building whereupon Crassus would offer to buy it on the spot for a
tiny fraction of it's worth. If the owner sold, Crassus' slaves would put out
the fire. If the owner refused to sell, Crassus allowed the building to burn
to the ground. By means of this device, Crassus eventually came to be the
largest single private landholder in Rome, and used some of his wealth to
help back Julius Caesar against Cicero.

In 70 BC Rome was still a Republic, which placed very strict limits on what
Rulers could do, and more importantly NOT do. But Crassus had no intentions
of enduring such limits to his personal power, and contrived a plan.

Crassus seized upon the slave revolt led by Sparticus in order to strike
terror into the hearts of Rome, whose garrison Sparticus had already defeated
in battle. But Sparticus had no intention of marching on Rome itself, a move
he knew to be suicidal. Sparticus and his band wanted nothing to do with the
Roman empire and had planned from the start merely to loot enough money from
their former owners in the Italian countryside to hire a mercenary fleet in
which to sail to freedom.

Sailing away was the last thing Crassus wanted Sparticus to do. He needed a
convenient enemy with which to terrorize Rome itself for his personal
political gain. So Crassus bribed the mercenary fleet to sail without
Sparticus, then positioned two Roman legions in such a way that Sparticus had
no choice but to march on Rome.

Terrified of the impending arrival of the much-feared army of gladiators,
Rome declared Crassus Praetor. Crassus then crushed Sparticus' army and even
though Pompeii took the credit, Crassus was elected Consul of Rome the
following year.

With this maneuver, the Romans surrendered their Republican form of
government. Soon would follow the first Triumvirate, consisting of Crassus,
Pompeii, and Julius Caesar, followed by the reign of the god-like Emperors of

The Romans were hoaxed into surrendering their Republic, and accepting the
rule of Emperors. 

Julius Caesar's political opponent, Cicero, for all his literary
accomplishments, played the same games in his campaign against Julius Caesar,
claiming that Rome was falling victim to an internal "vast right wing"
conspiracy in which any expressed desire for legislative limits on government
was treated as suspicious behavior. Cicero, in order to demonstrate to the
Romans just how unsafe Rome has become hired thugs to cause as much
disturbance as possible, and campaigned on a promise to end the internal
strife if elected and granted extraordinary powers. 

What Cicero only dreamed of, Adolph Hitler succeeded in doing. Elected
Chancellor of Germany, Hitler, like Crassus, had no intention of living with
the strict limits to his power imposed by German law. Unlike Cicero, Hitler's
thugs were easy to recognize; they all wore the same brown shirts. But their
actions were no different than those of their Roman predecessors. They staged
beatings, set fires, caused as much trouble as they could, while Hitler made
speeches promising that he could end the crime wave of subversives and
terrorism if he was granted extraordinary powers.

The Germans were hoaxed into surrendering their Republic, and accepting the
rule of Der Fuhrer.

The state-sponsored schools will never tell you this, but governments
routinely rely on hoaxes to sell their agendas to an otherwise reluctant
public. The Romans accepted the Emperors and the Germans accepted Hitler not
because they wanted to, but because the carefully crafted illusions of threat
appeared to leave no other choice.

Our government too uses hoaxes to create the illusion that We The People have
no choice but the direction the government wishes us to go in. 

In 1898, Joseph Pulitzer's New York World and William Randolph Hearst's New
York Journal were arguing for American intervention in Cuba. Hearst is
reported to have dispatched a photographer to Cuba to photograph the coming
war with Spain. When the photographer asked just what war that might be,
Hearst is reported to have replied, "You take the photographs, and I will
provide the war". Hearst was true to his word, as his newspaper published
stories of great 

[CTRL] The Parrots who quoted scriptures

2001-08-18 Thread Aleisha Saba

Very intelligent birds, these Parrots -

But nothing worse than a foul mouthed parrot


This lady approaches a priest and tells him, Father, I have a problem.
I have these two talking female parrots, but they only know how to say
one thing.

What do they say?, the priest asked

They only know how to say 'Hi, we are prostitutes. Do you want to have
some Fun?

That's terrible!, the priest exclaimed, But I have a solution to your
problem. Bring your two talking female parrots over to my house and I
will put them with my two male talking parrots who I have taught to pray
and read the Bible, then my parrots will teach your parrots to stop
saying that terrible phrase and your female parrots will learn to pray
and worship.

Thank you said the lady.

So the next day, the lady brings her female parrots to the priest's

The priest's two male parrots are holding rosary beads and praying in
their cage.  Such pious birds - a rarity these days.

The lady puts her female talking parrots in with the male talking
parrots and the female parrots say Hi, we are prostitutes! Do you want
to have some Fun?

One male parrot looks over to the other male parrot and says,



[CTRL] Blacks, Jews squabble over White Guilt loot

2001-08-18 Thread Damian B. Cooper

-Caveat Lector-

The big dumb White working class ultimately pays for everything in America.

The big dumb White working class are ultimately those paying for Zionism
and keeping
the Zionist State in business.

Should those people who are not Blacks, not Jews, not Hispanics, not
Asians, and not Gays (Gays, of course had no rights, and therefore, were
not permitted
to own slaves)  be obligated to pay reparations for slavery?

Would reparations for slavery eat into the generous cash flow currently enjoyed
by Zionism.

Stay tuned.


Jews soothe tensions over slave reparations
By Michael J. Jordan

NEW YORK, Aug. 15 (JTA) — As Jewish activists scramble to block an effort to
resurrect the
Zionism is Racism canard, they also are working to defuse potential
problems with the
black community over the issue of slavery reparations.

In the run-up to the U.N. World Conference Against Racism, slated to begin
Aug. 31 in
Durban, South Africa, attention has focused on the Arab campaign to single
out Israel as a
racist state perpetrating a holocaust against the Palestinian people.

In response, pro-Israel advocates have enlisted as many allies as they can
find —
including America's mainstream black leadership.

Lost in the shuffle, however, has been the cause celebre of some black
leaders: forcing
the U.N. conference to address the legacy of slavery, even holding the
Western powers
accountable for their historic role in the slave trade.

That has placed American Jewish activists in an awkward position.

Jews have relied on the Bush administration to lobby against the attempt to
Zionism as racism, as well as other perceived anti-Israel or anti-Semitic

A senior South African official said this week that the Z=R issue had been
removed from
the conference agenda, according to Reuters.

However, an American Jewish Committee official working closely on the issue
dismissed the
purported compromise as subterfuge.

In the current draft, references to Zionism and Israel simply are replaced
with the term
occupying power, said Jason Isaacson, the AJCommittee's director of
government and
international affairs.

But the document still is written for no other purpose than to single out
Isaacson said.

The Bush administration has threatened to boycott the conference if attempts
to link
Zionism and racism continue, perhaps keeping Secretary of State Colin Powell
at home or
sending only lower-level diplomats.

Either step likely would undermine the credibility of any declaration to
emerge from

Indeed, for Powell, America's first black secretary of state, to attend
would be a prize
for the conference, one Jewish activist said.

For that very reason, the U.S. congressional black leadership insists that
Powell attend
to deal with the slavery issue, despite the anti-Israel rhetoric.

In exchange for their support for the Jewish cause — and to maintain
harmony in
occasionally bumpy relations — some blacks want Jews to stand with them on
slavery, which
in Durban may include a demand for reparations.

Jewish organization have yet to formulate a position on slavery reparations,
and the black
community itself seems divided on the issue.

The Bush administration rejects the call for reparations and has indicated
that, if
addressed at all, the issue must be tackled on America's own terms, not at an
international conference.

Joining the blacks would force Jews to lock horns with the one ally that has
enough sway
to make or break the conference.

Moreover, if Washington carries through on its threat to boycott Durban over
Z=R, there is
concern that some blacks would blame Jews for it. They also might accuse the
administration of using Z=R as a smokescreen to duck debate on America's

Over the past month, anger has built in Congress against the Arab campaign
to link Zionism
with racism, culminating with a July 26 resolution sponsored by Rep. Tom
Lantos (D-Calif.)
that condemned the direction in which the conference appeared headed.

Black politicians reportedly were irritated by what they considered the Jews'
single-mindedness, and their lack of reciprocity toward black concerns.

That caught the attention of Rabbi Marc Schneier, president and co- founder
of the
Foundation for Ethnic Understanding.

Members of the Congressional Black Caucus, Schneier said, were complaining
to him that
Lantos' resolution was too one-sided and did not refer to the needs and
aspirations of
blacks on the issue of slavery.

We were very, very concerned that our colleagues should in no way interpret
that we are
being insensitive to their needs, Schneier said.

The solution, he said, was for Jews to better communicate the reasons for
their visceral
rejection of the proposed language at Durban, while simultaneously
expressing some support
for black concerns.

In collaboration with the World Jewish Congress, Schneier formulated a
letter that

[CTRL] Davis Selling Power During California Blackouts

2001-08-18 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Remember how the rolling blackouts were all the fault of Bush so he
could make himself and his oil buddies rich?  Well, well, well,
looks like old Gov. Davis was SELLING electric power at that very
time and much cheaper than he was buying it!  Now why would he do
that??  Could it be so he and all the other Bush Bashing fanatics
could blame the new president for this?  Was it worth it,
California, to make a political smear in this manner for you paid
rather dearly for that bit of fun.

And NEVER, ever forget that the oil companies donate MORE to the
campaigns of liberal Democrats than they do to those of
Republicans.  See our own archive for chart on this.  I think the
Gov owes W an apology but I will not be holding my breath for some
think it is OK to lie like this if it furthers their cause.

Davis Denies Selling Power During California Blackouts
Eric Erickson, CNSNews.com
Saturday, Aug. 18, 2001
SACRAMENTO, Calif. - A California Assemblyman isn't sure if it was
corruption or incompetence, but he claims the administration of
Democrat Gov. Gray Davis sold more than a half-million megawatt
hours of electricity earlier this year at a huge loss - at a time
when Californians were being told to conserve energy amid rolling
Republican Assemblyman John Campbell says documents obtained from
the state Department of Water Resources (DWR) show that California
sold 583,987 megawatts of power between March and July of this year
at a fraction of the price it had paid for the energy.

In fact, the DWR sold excess power every day in July, except on the
4th, according to Campbell. He wants the state assembly to
investigate the issue through energy oversight hearings.

On March 19, Campbell says, the California Independent System
Operator ordered rolling blackouts while the DWR was actually
selling 2,098 megawatts of excess electricity at a loss.

I'm flabbergasted, Campbell said in a press release. While
residents and businesses were doing everything possible to conserve
energy, the state was practically throwing away power. It doesn't
make any sense.

Based upon the numbers he obtained from the DWR, Campbell says the
state lost approximately $73 million by selling the power.

These losses are astounding, said Campbell. How much more
evidence is necessary to show that the state needs to immediately
get out of the business of buying power?

Davis' spokesman, Roger Salazar, reacted by accusing Campbell of
political grandstanding.

We're too busy here in the governor's office trying to keep the
lights on to play political games, Salazar said, adding we were
nowhere near a surplus of power.

A prime example of the sell-offs, according to Campbell, can be
seen in numbers related to May, when the average price the state
paid for power was $243.00 a MWh, while the amount it sold its
surplus for was $26.72, leading to a loss of $8.1 million on 37,661

Salazar said Campbell's information is just plain false and for
anyone to insinuate that we somehow had a surplus of power and were
selling at a loss defies common sense.

It would surprise me if the state did something like that ... it
would surprise me if Mr. Campbell is the only one with that
information and nobody else in the entire state has written about

All of the information on our power purchases is made public after
it is no longer market-sensitive, Salazar said. We've released
hundreds of documents, released all of the contracts under which
we've been purchasing power, so all of that information is really
available for anyone to scrutinize.

After scrutinizing the information himself, Campbell says
California's long-term power agreements will require the state to
buy much of its energy at inflated prices.

And in a study commissioned by the Los Angeles Times, it was
discovered that as far in the future as 2004, contracts exist that
bind California to buy 43 percent of its power at already
negotiated prices, which theoretically would provide California
with an energy surplus.

If California follows the precedent set in the 1980s when it was
faced with a similar problem, it may ironically encourage consumers
to use more power to keep from selling it at a loss. Other options
may include buying out contracts or simply not honoring them, which
could lead to legal scuffles.

Davis has been accused of improper activities in relation to the
power crisis, including the hiring of individuals with conflicts of
interests due to their employment within the power industry and
their owning of energy industry stock.

Oversight hearings will provide a forum to determine whether or
not the administration's actions have been prudent. And after
investigating the situation, the legislature can decide on what
measures, if any, need to be taken, said Campbell.

I have serious concerns regarding several of the administration's
actions, but I intend to keep an open mind and reserve final
judgment until all of the information has been presented to 

[CTRL] Blacks, Jews squabble over White Guilt loot

2001-08-18 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Foundation for Ethnic Understanding!  Doesn't that have a nice
ring?  Maybe they could help out with the situation understanding
the Palestinians.  This is two groups of shakedown artists of the
Jesse Jackson variety if ever I saw such a thing.  Perpetual
victims.  Well, on the heels of black reparations, I hope to live
to see the day for the issue of the treatment of the civilian
population of the South during and immediately following the Civil
War including such shameful things as U.S. Gen Burns legalizing the
rape of the women of New Orleans while holding that city under
martial law and Sherman the Drunk's boast that a full 80 percent of
his military activities were directed at civilian populations.  For
every man killed in battle, two women or children were
systematically and deliberately starved to death. We have all been
victims at some point in history.  Remember the forgotten 6 million
non-Jews who died in the death camps, too.  And I would take an
apology to the South if inclusive enough in lien of money for all
people do not strive to capitalize off the suffering of their
ancestors in a financial manner.  Simple admission and a little
remorse would do nicely.

- Original Message -
From: Damian B. Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, August 18, 2001 9:47 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Blacks, Jews squabble over White Guilt loot

-Caveat Lector-

The big dumb White working class ultimately pays for everything in

The big dumb White working class are ultimately those paying for
and keeping
the Zionist State in business.

Should those people who are not Blacks, not Jews, not Hispanics,
Asians, and not Gays (Gays, of course had no rights, and therefore,
not permitted
to own slaves)  be obligated to pay reparations for slavery?

Would reparations for slavery eat into the generous cash flow
currently enjoyed
by Zionism.

Stay tuned.


Jews soothe tensions over slave reparations
By Michael J. Jordan

NEW YORK, Aug. 15 (JTA) - As Jewish activists scramble to block
an effort to
resurrect the
Zionism is Racism canard, they also are working to defuse
problems with the
black community over the issue of slavery reparations.

In the run-up to the U.N. World Conference Against Racism, slated
to begin
Aug. 31 in
Durban, South Africa, attention has focused on the Arab campaign
to single
out Israel as a
racist state perpetrating a holocaust against the Palestinian

In response, pro-Israel advocates have enlisted as many allies as
they can
find -
including America's mainstream black leadership.

Lost in the shuffle, however, has been the cause celebre of some
leaders: forcing
the U.N. conference to address the legacy of slavery, even
holding the
Western powers
accountable for their historic role in the slave trade.

That has placed American Jewish activists in an awkward position.

Jews have relied on the Bush administration to lobby against the
attempt to
Zionism as racism, as well as other perceived anti-Israel or

A senior South African official said this week that the Z=R
issue had been
removed from
the conference agenda, according to Reuters.

However, an American Jewish Committee official working closely on
the issue
dismissed the
purported compromise as subterfuge.

In the current draft, references to Zionism and Israel simply are
with the term
occupying power, said Jason Isaacson, the AJCommittee's
director of
government and
international affairs.

But the document still is written for no other purpose than to
single out
Isaacson said.

The Bush administration has threatened to boycott the conference
if attempts
to link
Zionism and racism continue, perhaps keeping Secretary of State
Colin Powell
at home or
sending only lower-level diplomats.

Either step likely would undermine the credibility of any
declaration to
emerge from

Indeed, for Powell, America's first black secretary of state, to
would be a prize
for the conference, one Jewish activist said.

For that very reason, the U.S. congressional black leadership
insists that
Powell attend
to deal with the slavery issue, despite the anti-Israel rhetoric.

In exchange for their support for the Jewish cause - and to
harmony in
occasionally bumpy relations - some blacks want Jews to stand
with them on
slavery, which
in Durban may include a demand for reparations.

Jewish organization have yet to formulate a position on slavery
and the black
community itself seems divided on the issue.

The Bush administration rejects the call for reparations and has
that, if
addressed at all, the issue must be tackled on America's own
terms, not at an
international conference.

Joining the blacks would force Jews to lock horns with the one
ally that has
enough sway
to make or break the conference.

Moreover, if 

[CTRL] The Schlund Affidavit - 8/17

2001-08-18 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

The truth on corruption in the DEA, CIA, Federal and State Courts and others
and in the future can never be exposed because of the use of the these and
electronic devices against all the witnesses to torture and control them. In
future, all crimes by the government will be covered up using these and other
electronic devices. No witnesses can survive this torture for any period of
with their mind intact and still be a good component witness and remember all
the facts. Now, and in the future, millions of Americans will be controlled
tortured electronically with these and many other kinds of electronic devices.
Only people in high positions of power in the government that are protected by
corrupt officials will be safe from exposure. (I have been tortured so badly
while I was working on this part that I have to lay down and try to recover.

I am partially blind from the torture, and I was screaming in pain as I typed
for the court. My mind is scrambled, and I am unable to exercise my freedom of
speech and I am being force to stop writing due to the pain and suffering that
the DEA and or other is inflicting on me using torture form the implants that
they injected into both sides of my neck and or other ways).  When the DEA
really releases my files, they will remove all the names and black out
everything to cover up their fabrication of evidence to obstruct justice. When
the DEA set me up and framed me as knowingly receiving my files, they didn't
black out any names or anything else. The DEA wanted it to look like I agreed
with what they had written in these files. The only way to do this was to not
allow me to know what was in the files. Next, to complete the coverup of their
crimes, they will black out what they are trying to hide to cover up the

We will reply by fighting them through every court, including the World Court.
Today's date is December 6, 1999.  I was harassed and tortured during the
for what I typed yesterday.  The torture and harassment was mild compared to
past but it still deprived me of some sleep and caused me pain and suffering.
The torture was increased in the morning and I was threatened while I was on
phone for what I was saying but the torture was below the levels that make me
scream.  During the day today the torture was mild at times and somewhat
at times.  I lost much of the feeling in my feet during the first two hours
after leaving the house and while I was bidding a job the torture was put
into a
mode to make it almost impossible to do my job and I was unable to do the bid.

While driving, the torture mode they were using against me so disabled me that
it is impossible to drive safely during these kinds of torture.  I have
the DEA of this in writing and by phone many times over many years and the DEA
is and has always been fully aware of the fact that they will eventually force
me into an accident while using these and or other devices against me.  If and
when this accident occurs it will be the result of torture and the court and
DEA will have to take full responsibility for any deaths, injuries or property
damage that are a result of the DEA's torture of me.  I will continue this
of the letter in the proper time frame so the court can understand how evil
satanic the torture of me is by the DEA.

I have just returned to typing after setting up the Christmas tree.  Every
Christmas I am satanically tortured to make me irritable and grouchy for the
cameras to make it appear that I am the one spoiling Christmas.  No human
could function as a normal human being under these satanic acts of torture by
the DEA.  I will now be tortured every day until Christmas Day and if I try to
go Christmas shopping the DEA will dramatically increase the torture as they
have every year to stop me.  I am usually tortured out of the stores screaming
in pain as I try to shop.  In the years past the DEA would satanically
the torture and deprive me of sleep night after night until Christmas Day.

The only way the DEA would allow me any relief from the torture is if I would
agree to give them a fabricated conversation to take to the corrupt judge that
authorized the warrants against me.  From now until Christmas I will be
every day after returning home from work in the most horrible ways possible
until I agree to give the DEA a conversation to use against me.  When I agree
give the DEA one of these fabricated conversations I am under torture in a
forced interrogation with the DEA using torture against me. I am usually
approaching my breaking point or have reached my breaking point and am in fear
of my life and the torture is killing me.  Over the years I have repeatedly
called the DEA over 1,000 times protesting about the torture of me.  To the
this is only a joke.  Almost every time I called the DEA I was tortured for my
call after calling.  The DEA would deprive me of sleep 

[CTRL] The Schlund Affidavit - 9/17

2001-08-18 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

The following is some more information on this set-up by the DEA.  After the
had the Dirty Dozen frame me for charging many thousands of dollars at AMFac,
next they had Kathy continue to make conversations on the phone to further
generate evidence that this is what had happened. The DEA fully knowing the
entire time that now of these events ever took place.  Next they had Kathy
AMFac a bad check for $8,000.00 to generate more evidence that these events
happened.  All of this was a set-up by the DEA to frame me, discredit me and
then make it look like I had committed suicide.  In other words, their plans
were to murder me.  All of these DEA operations were conducted under orders
Wood who ran the Phoenix Office of the DEA. All of these operations were done
under the protection of a warrant issued from the Federal Court.

After supplying the FBI with the above information, all of the above was
documented and proved by the FBI and many others.  George Griffith who also
been released from prison for his shooting of two police officers has now been
returned to prison.  John Bashem should also be in prison but at this time I
have no information on him. The last information I had on him was when he
where I lived and said he was going to blow my brains out.  I sent the
tape-recording of this to the FBI.  AMFac closed all of their operations down
and the old AMFac Electric Supply is now Arizona Electric Supply.  The bank
used against me was Valley National Bank and it has changed hands because of
this and is now Bank One.

The FBI and the President of the United States William Clinton went to Janet
Reno and tried to destroy the DEA and have it incorporated into the FBI to
control the massive corruption.  Janet Reno blocked the President and the FBI
and the DEA still continues to conduct these illegal covert operations against
innocent Americans. The other agencies then had new laws passed to limit the
abilities of the DEA.  One of these laws was the requiring of two agencies to
obtain a warrant against the corporations.  This was done to stop industrial
espionage.  Next, because of the planting of drugs by the DEA against me to
to frame me, a rule was passed forcing them to keep the drugs locked down and
accounted for.

The Federal court may again say fantastic or surreal.  Let me inform the court
that all of this is very real and provable in trial. The court may also
I went too far in the information I'm supplying the court.  Let the court
understand that I am not releasing the real damaging information at this time.
The court must understand that I'm being satanically tortured as I type this
letter even though the DEA is not making me scream at this time.  My body is
functional to a high degree of about 50%, which is very good under the
The DEA is scrambling my mind badly with the implants and I am in a great deal
of pain as I try to write this letter to the court.  I am about 50% mentally
disabled which is also good compared to normal but I'm also in a lot of pain
from the torture of me by the DEA.  The amount of information required to
understand this case is massive and spans many years and many covert
operations.  It will be hard for this court to even begin to comprehend the
facts in this case while I'm held under the control of the DEA and under
and this is what the DEA is planning on.

If I was given relief from the torture I could make a case against the DEA so
damaging that no one could protect the DEA any longer.  I will do the best I
under the torture, which is designed to fix this case in the favor of the DEA
and give them an unfair advantage over me to cover up their crimes against the
American People and me.  If there is any part of this information that the
does not understand than please inform me and I will try to supply this
of the information to the court. The court must understand that the DEA used
powers and authority to fabricate evidence and or take real evidence and then
submit it to the court under perjury or in a false and misleading way to frame
me as being a drug dealer. The DEA fully knew that I was working with the FBI
a national security investigation and things I said were said as part of this
national security investigation and then the DEA submitted these conversations
to the court in a false light to obstruct this national security investigation
to frame me a being a drug dealer to justify using torture against me to
the FBI's investigation of the truth.  This is my statement under oath and it
truthful and correct and most of the government stands with me before this
and against the DEA.  What my case is really about is: Can the DEA frame me
torture me under the cover of law and be protected by the court because the
claims it is conducting an investigation?  The DEA claims it can and has the
full authority of the court to torture me and destroy my 

[CTRL] The Schlund Affidavit - 10/17

2001-08-18 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

Sounds do not travel well in the air.  In the files I read they could inject
device into your butt and hear every word including whispers. They needed to
the neck for the injections to adequately torture the targeted person and
was no other reason for the injection being done into the neck.

I'm trying to explain to the court how satanic and sadistic the DEA was in the
files we read and still is today.  In these files probes that had been
or were about to be launched into space would transmit back to earth using
one-half watt of power to transmit hundreds of billions of miles.  The power
levels used in these devices are far greater than the power levels these deep
space probes used.  The only reason for the power level to be so high in these
devices is to torture their victims.  In these CIA and DEA files they were
developing a monitoring device that would fit into a human cell. This device
worked on very low power and was to be used where they needed to secretly
monitor people.  Now they have computers that are so small they fit into a
cell.  My point is the only intent of these devices was for the torture of
political victims.  I do not know how much knowledge the court has of a
technical nature.  I also do not know how far we are to go in teaching the
court. The court should understand that a transmitter can be built without
a power supply.  There is enough radio frequency in the air to produce
electricity using a diode to establish a direction of flow of the Radio
Frequency into electrical power to transmit radio signals short distances
no power supply at all.

Let me try to explain to the court what my feelings are concerning the use of
these devices against the American People.  I would also like to give the
my interpretations of how I see the law.  In Nazi Germany during the 2nd World
War, the Germans gave the Jews and others injections in the neck, which
in making them sick, making them vomit and also gave them headaches. This was
done against their will under cover of authority.  During the trials of these
war criminals, the Nuremberg trials called these acts crimes against humanity.
Now let's go to my case. The DEA, who are American Nazis, after framing me as
drug dealer gassed me at about 3:00 AM in the morning and came in my home and
took my body into their custody. The DEA then performed secret medical
procedures on my body against my will under cover of authority.  The DEA
injected devices in my neck, which made me sick, vomit and also gave me
headaches. These injections did far more than this; they satanically tortured
in the most horrible ways possible. I believe this is also a crime against

These warrants to inject these devices were not a warrant for 30 days--it was
warrant for the rest of my life.  In other words, the court authorized a
to the DEA for life without a hearing or trial. The court also made this a
secret warrant.  Let the court fully understand that I read the files and this
was an illegal act in these files.  When the CIA and DEA designed these
it is was not to monitor someone for the period of time the warrant was good
for; it was to monitor these people and their homes for as long as they lived.
When these devices were used in walls of people's dwellings, it was not to
monitor those people.  It was to monitor everyone that would live there for
next 100 years.

The court fully knows that these kinds of warrants are used every day. The
fully knows that millions of Americans and their homes and pets have been
monitored or injected with these and other kinds of devices. These devices are
not used for investigations; they are used for torture and control over the
American public. These devices do not just violate the Nuremberg code.  They
also violate The Torture Protection Act, The Child Protection Act, The Family
Protection Act, The Inner American Treaty, The Geneva Convention and most
Human Rights Treaties that the United States signed or has been ordered by the
President to honor.

It is my belief that these devices also violate the Constitution of the United
States and many other laws.  One of these laws would be the United States
Supreme Court ruling that no punishment may be given without a trial or
conviction first. These devices violate far more than just this; they also
violate my freedom of religion. The government has no right to install the
of the beast in my body.

Let me explain to the court what the DEA has done to me using these and other
devices against me.  They have held me prisoner in an electronic prison for
of the last 22 years while giving everyone the impression that I'm free.  They
have tortured me Mentally, Physically and Psychologically, causing me far
greater pain and suffering then they ever could have done in a mid evil
chamber. They have destroyed much of my ability to function as a human being.

[CTRL] A warmer winter ahead? Just on paper

2001-08-18 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

What a neat way to cook the books, pun intended, and make it appear
that global warming is actually taking place.  Dupont needs to sell
more of their new refrigerant worldwide now that their patent on
freon has expired so we need it to appear to be really heating up.
Let's just change the way we compute the chill factor so everything
will appear to be escalating. And of course, outlaw the old freon
and aerosol propellants.  That should get those sales figures up

   A warmer winter ahead? Just on paper
Terry Collins
Star Tribune
Thursday, August 16, 2001

Those days of a 70-below windchill factor in Minnesota are almost
surely a thing of the past.

That's not because of global warming, but because the windchill
factor will be figured differently from now on.

The National Weather Service is revising how cold it feels in a
given combination of temperature and wind strength. In the past,
the agency measured windchill at an altitude of 33 feet. Now
readings will be taken at 5 feet above the ground, where most of us
actually feel the arctic gusts biting our faces in January and

For example, with the temp at zero and wind at 20 miles per hour,
the windchill would be 39 below under the old formula. Starting in
November, it would be 22 below.

We may not see numbers like [70 below] ever again, Craig Edwards,
chief meteorologist at the Weather Service in Chanhassen, said
Wednesday. We have to rethink what our criteria will be for
headlining a forecast with a windchill advisory or warning.

For decades, the windchill factor -- which combines air temperature
and wind speed for a reading of what it supposedly feels like --
has been a staple of winter weather forecasts, especially in

Wednesday's temperature illustrates that windchill knows no season
in Minnesota. At 2 p.m., the temperature in the Twin Cities was 65
degrees, but an 11-mph wind out of the southwest made it feel like
58, the Weather Service said. And that's with more than a month
until fall, which starts Sept. 21.

Last week, Minnesotans were concerned about the heat index, which
factors in humidity to assess how hot it feels. From Aug. 5 to 8,
the heat indices approached 110 to 115 degrees.

A little history

A change in the windchill factor has been a long time coming. It
was created during an Antarctic expedition in the 1940s by U.S.
Army Maj. Paul Siple, a geographer, and geologist Charles F.
Passel. The two researchers hung plastic cylinders of water in the
open air and measured the rate at which the water froze as
temperatures and wind speeds changed.

The Weather Service adopted the windchill index in 1973. But for
decades, scientists have been concerned that the formula
overestimates how cold it actually feels.

Last year, the Weather Service appointed Maurice Blue stein, an
engineering professor at Indiana University-Purdue University in
Indianapolis, and Randall Osczevski, an environmental physicist
with Canada's Defense Department, to develop a new system combining
studies they had done independently over years.

This summer, a dozen volunteers participated in a two-month study
in Canada to examine the body's heat loss in simulated windchill
conditions. The researchers focused on the face and head, the most
exposed surfaces and most likely to suffer frostbite or cause
hypothermia. They presented their findings to American and Canadian
weather officials, who approved them for both countries earlier
this month in Toronto.

Starting in November, the public will see warmer, more accurate
readings, but the weather won't change, Blue stein said Wednesday.
It will still be cold.

The new windchill system shows that humans generate heat, unlike
the plastic cylinders used in the Siple-Passel model, Bluestein
said. He added that the current windchill index also ignores human
activity, not to mention sunshine and humidity. The sun's rays can
make air temperature feel 10 degrees warmer, he said.

Marcia Baisch, principal of Katherine Curren Elementary School in
Hopkins, said Wednesday that warmer-sounding windchill readings
will not deter her student recess policy next winter.

If there's no windchill, we'll go outside, Curren said. If it's
colder, we'll have indoor recess. We know Minnesota weather can
change very quickly.

Likewise, Edwards said he thinks Minnesotans who love outdoor
winter activities, such as ice fishing and snowmobiling, shouldn't
get a false of security with the new, balmier windchills.

I have a hard time believing that I'm going to feel warmer this
winter. Cold is cold, he said. But I'd like to think we're more
informed. Nobody is going to argue that there isn't a windchill in
the air, so we still have to be prepared.

-- Terry Collins is at [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

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[CTRL] Civil Rights Panelists playing ugly games with the truth per Minority

2001-08-18 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-


  August 17, 2001

Looks like the only thing really to have been proven by this panel
is that M.F. Berry is intent that these two panel members who heard
every word of evidence shall not have their opinions known.  This
looks like a cover up of the fact that the panel failed to find
what they set out to do.  Not only do whites have no civil rights
according to Berry but apparently members of her own panel do not
if they will not say what she wants them to say.
By Jerry Seper

 Two members of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights yesterday
accused the commission's liberal majority of playing ugly games
with the truth in an effort to stifle debate on civil rights

 Commissioners Abigail Thernstrom, a Republican, and Russell
Redenbaugh, an independent, described the panel -- which recently
leaked a controversial report saying blacks were denied access to
the polls in Florida's 2000 presidential election -- as a rogue
body that will not tolerate dissent.
 The criticism came in response to what the pair called the
burying of their dissenting report on the Florida election battles.
 After two months and threats of legal action, the final
minority report was made available on the commission's Web site
(www.usccr.gov) just this week, but only as an appendix containing
material from a recent Senate hearing, not as a dissenting report.
 Tucking away our dissent in a crowded appendix, along with
much other material, is designed to obscure the fact that we
attended all the hearings and viewed all the evidence that other
commissioners saw, but believe that the staff's report is partisan
and tendentious, Mrs. Thernstrom and Mr. Redenbaugh said.
 Our goal in joining the U.S. Civil Rights Commission was to
add robust debate to the vital issue before the commission, but we
have found time and again that the chairman and the liberal
majority of the commission have no interest in hearing individuals
who disagree with their ideology, the two said in a joint
 If they were confident in their views, they would allow for
the kind of thoughtful discussion we seek. Instead, they go out of
their way to hide information so it can't be analyzed, then quash
any dissent, they said.
 In a report leaked in June to three newspapers, the
commission's majority, led by Chairman Mary Francis Berry, a
declared independent who has contributed thousands of dollars to
Democratic candidates over the years, said that black voters were
nine times as likely as nonblacks to have their votes thrown out.
 But Mrs. Thernstrom and Mr. Redenbaugh, in a dissenting
report, said economic status and education were the likely factors
that resulted in several thousand votes being tossed as invalid,
adding that with a large get-out-the-vote effort taking place in
black communities nationwide, many were first-time voters
unfamiliar with voting technology and rules.
 They said the commission's majority report did not recognize
the concept of voter error.
 Mrs. Thernstrom and Mr. Redenbaugh said they repeatedly asked
Miss Berry over several months about the report on the Florida
election, but received no information -- noting that it was leaked
to the media before they ever saw it or had a chance to study it.
 They said that they were denied access to any of the
statistical data used for the report and that Miss Berry also
refused to make public their minority report in what they described
as a naked political act of silencing the voice of dissenting
members of the commission.
 Miss Berry, who was not available yesterday for comment, ruled
at the time that a Yale University professor had helped prepare the
minority report for no fee and that commission rules prohibited
work from uncompensated experts.
 Mrs. Thernstrom and Mr. Redenbaugh noted yesterday that Miss
Berry submitted a similar report in 1988 from an uncompensated
expert and said use of the little-known rule rings hollow.
 The Civil Rights Commission has a long history of allowing
commissioners to rely on work by uncompensated experts, they said,
adding that since the panel deals with topics ranging from police
brutality to immigration, it would be natural for commissioners to
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2001-08-18 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

By Keith R. Wood 08.16.01
© 2001, all rights reserv

The news has been filled the last few days with the news of the
recent terrorist bombing in Israel. Another desperate Muslim,
another group of innocent victims, another grisly video clip.
Fifteen dead.

The finger has been pointed at the Palestinians, and the Israeli
government is stepping up measures against them in response.

So why am I not on the side of the Israeli government in their holy
war against the Palestinians?

Perhaps it is because I am unwilling to paint a whole people based
on the actions of a few. This benefits not only the Palestinians
but also the Israelis.

I do not blame all Israelis for the murder of Gerry Bull, who was
to ballistics what Tesla was to electricity. Bull had offered his
services to Israel, but when they didn't hire him, he went to work
for Iraq (back before the Gulf War). He was murdered in Europe by
agents of the Israeli government, who had decided that he wasn't
worth employing but that he was too good to let someone else have

I do not blame all Israelis for the attack on the USS Liberty, made
in international waters by Israeli jets and torpedo boats, despite
the fact that the American flag was flying bold. The ship had been
positively identified as being a US Naval vessel by hours of
intense aerial recon in CAVU (Ceiling And Visibility Unlimited)
conditions. For over 75 minutes, the Liberty was subjected to
cannon and machinegun fire, napalm attack, and five torpedoes. When
life rafts were launched, the Israelis machinegunned them, as well
as men on stretchers, the stretcher bearers and even the men
fighting fires on deck. The average Israeli bears no responsibility
for the 34 crewmen killed in that sneak attack (Click here for more
information, and look at other websites).

I do, however, blame the Israeli people for sitting back and
letting their elected government execute a Jewish Jihad against
the Palestinians, based on the actions taken by a few. If anyone
should understand what it is to be at ground zero for genocide, it
would be the survivors of the Holocaust, but they are implementing
their own Final Solution.

Israeli forces have blockaded the areas of the Palestinian
Authority against imports and exports of technology, have made it
all but impossible for a Palestinian to get a higher education, and
have engaged in a systematic campaign of destruction against family
homes, offices, and have killed those who planned opposition to the
Israeli actions.

However, unlike the citified Jews who obediently allowed
themselves to be herded into the death camps, or the
Japanese-Americans who were put into relocation centers during
the Second World War, the Palestinians are not used to following
orders . . .and they refuse to go quietly into oblivion. It is no
surprise that, with their backs against the wall, these people are
striking out.

Their selection of targets is not random. These attacks are against
places where foreigners are commonly found, because of the massive
news coverage that follows in the native lands of those foreigners
killed or wounded. These are also soft targets, where the attacks
are not likely to be stopped or diverted. Pressure against
civilians is a force multiplier, mobilizing world and public
opinion far more than would strikes against government officials,
with economic and social effect reaching far beyond the sound of
the blast.

Don't get me wrong. I am not condoning these terrorist attacks. I
simply am not going to blindly follow the Hate the Arab mindset.
I consider the entire situation tragic, for Palestinian and Jew

Of greater importance, however, is that the escalation of the
fighting between the Israelis and the Palestinians is leading to
increased tension throughout the Mideast, at a time when the
technological advantage that we gave Israel has now been shared
with various Arab states, including Egypt. The next Arab-Israeli
war will be a bloodbath -- unless Israel uses those nukes nobody
admits that they have, or unless a billion or two petrodollars
bought an Islamic Bomb (just where ARE all of those Russki nukes
that seem to have vanished from the face of the Earth?).

Escalation to nuclear war in the Middle East would benefit
nobody -- but the people on both sides of a religious war are
certain that God is on their side. Even innocents are not spared
when the attitude is one of Slay them all; God will know His own!

It is time to demand accountability from the Israel government for
their actions against the Palestinians. Perhaps such a move by the
people of the United States and other nations will show the
Palestinians that they are not forgotten, that they may have
options other than suicide bombings or gunfights across highways.

One can but hope.


Keith R. Wood 

[CTRL] Was Carl Wilson The Man Who Knew Too Much? Mena Drugs

2001-08-18 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

The Boys on the Track, Mena, Barry Seal and Others as well as the
under-rated Dixie Mafia all surround the murder of Carl Wilson.
AND guess who shared a meal with Lasater the day before Chandra
Levy disappeared?  Why Gary Condit, of course.  I do hope the FBI
investigates that connection but it never does so why would it this

Was Carl Wilson The Man Who Knew Too Much?
By Henrietta Bowman 08.15.2001


As previously reported in No Justice for Carl Wilson, the Carl
Wilson story is entangled with the Clintonian Arkansas political
machine and the Dixie Mafia. It is tied to drugs, and in Arkansas,
that inevitably leads back to Mena and to some very powerful
people. This will seem a very roundabout tale, but please have
patience. I assure you, it does connect to Carl Wilson.

People previously willing to talk are being intimidated and
frightened into silence. Carl Wilson's widow, Tammy, has also been
warned to back off, but unlike others, Tammy Wilson isn't

One person who is backing off was a friend of Carl Wilson -- a man
that probably owes his life to Carl because of a warning Carl gave
him. It would not be the first time this man lost his courage and
he may hold the key to why Carl Wilson was targeted for
elimination. Once this man was brave. Perhaps he will find his
courage again.

The man has good reason to be afraid. Just ask Jean Duffey, Linda
Ives and Sharlene Wilson (no relation to Carl). This man is John
Brown, a former Saline County detective. He investigated the deaths
of Kevin Ives and Don Henry. Ives and Duffey know how it feels to
be let down by John Brown when it really counted. Initially, the
cause of death was reported to be the result of falling asleep on a
railroad track in Arkansas on August 23, 1987.

Their deaths at the time were ruled accidental by Clinton-appointed
state medical examiner, Dr. Fahmy Malak. Later it would be
determined in an independent autopsy sought by Linda Ives through
the courts that Kevin died from a crushed skull prior to being
placed on the tracks and Don Henry had been stabbed in the back.

An out-of-state examiner said the cause of death was clear: murder
by beating and stabbing before they were placed on the railroad
tracks. Dr. Malak was exposed as an incompetent fool with a long
record of bad autopsy results, yet Governor Bill Clinton supported
him, in spite of his being a political liability. The medical
examiner, Dr. Fahmy Malak, according to state Rep. Bob Fairchild, a
Democrat from Fayetteville, Arkansas was sort of protected by the
governor and the [state crime laboratory] board. Clinton appointed
the board members in his capacity as governor. Dr. Malak's rulings
also helped Clinton's mother, nurse-anesthetist Virginia Kelley,
avoid legal scrutiny in one patient's death -- while she was
defending herself in a medical malpractice lawsuit stemming from
the death of another patient.

Brown was a brave man at the time and he ignored all warnings that
it would be wiser to leave the Ives-Henry case alone. According to
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, author of The Secret Life Of Bill
Clinton, it came to a head at a tense closed-door meeting with
Robert Shepherd, the man appointed by Bill Clinton to be Arkansas's
drug czar. Shepherd put on his overbearing cop manner and said
'Brown, those two kids are dead. There's nothing you can do to
bring them back. Your career will prosper a lot more if you'd
concentrate your efforts somewhere else,' recalled Brown. 'I walked
to the door, and just as I was leaving I turned and said, 'Guys,
unless somebody wants to discuss the big secret with me, and tells
me why everybody wants me to leave this alone, I've got two kids
dead and I still consider that murder in Arkansas.' I walked out
and thought, 'Oh shit, have I got problems.'

Brown's career did not prosper. Forced out of the Saline County
Sheriff's Department, he was reduced to digging ditches at $6 an
hour to support his young wife Karen and two small children. But he
never cracked. Once, when I visited him at his home in the country,
there was a volunteer providing protection around-the-clock. The
man was unarmed, but at least there would be a witness if anything
happened. I have no doubt that it was this informal network of
friends and supporters that kept him going, and perhaps kept him
alive, through the worst months.

It was John Brown who finally broke Sharlene Wilson and extracted
her confession. He then discovered a fresh witness, a lad who had
been out with two friends that night looking for a marijuana patch.
The witness had been about sixty feet away, hidden below the bank,
watching a group of men talking on the tracks. 'One of them I
definitely recognized as Dan Harmon. Then I noticed two more
people, Kevin and Don, walking down the railroad tracks.' At first
it looked as if Harmon was just talking to the boys, but then a
shot rang out. The 

[CTRL] Judge Slams ADL for Hurting Couple - $10.5 Million Award

2001-08-18 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-


Judge Slams ADL for Hurting Couple Tarred As 'Anti-Semites
Sat Aug 18 21:50:06 2001

Judge Slams ADL for Hurting Couple Tarred As 'Anti-Semites'


UPHOLDING most of a $10 million defamation suit against the
Anti-Defamation League, a federal judge in Denver has lambasted the
organization for labeling a nasty neighborhood feud as an
anti-Semitic event.

In upholding the first-ever court defeat handed to the 87-year-old
ADL, U.S. District Judge Edward Nottingham said the organization
had endorsed and publicized the bigotry accusations of a Jewish
couple against its neighbors without either investigating the case
or weighing the consequences.

Based on its position and history as a well-respected civil-rights
institution, it is not unreasonable to infer that public charges of
anti-Semitism leveled by the ADL will be taken seriously and
assumed by many to be true without question, the judge wrote on
March 31 in a 46-page order and memorandum of decision obtained by
the Forward. In that respect, the ADL is in a unique position of
being able to cause substantial harm to individuals when it lends
its backing to allegations of anti-Semitism.

The judge's opinion confirmed a verdict reached last April by a
federal jury, which essentially accused the Denver chapter of the
ADL and its regional representative, Saul Rosenthal, of falsely
portraying William and Dorothy Quigley as anti-Semites. Mr.
Quigley, an executive of the United Artists theater chain, said his
career in the predominantly Jewish and close-knit film business
had stalled after the incident.

The ADL seized an opportunity to aggrandize itself as the defender
of the Jews by unjustly accusing a middle-class couple of being
anti-Semitic crooks, said Jay Horowitz, the Quigleys' Denver-based
lawyer. And all along, they showed an unbelievable arrogance.

At the same time, the judge reduced last year's judgment by some
$675,000, cutting the punitive damages awarded to Mrs. Quigley
under state law and reducing the Quigleys' compensatory damages to
reflect money they received in an earlier settlement with opposing

The ADL said it would appeal the decision to the 10th Circuit Court
of Appeals in Denver later this spring. The ADL's law firm, Long
and Jaudon, claimed in a statement issued by the ADL last week that
there were reversible errors made during both pretrial and trial
proceedings. Both the ADL and attorney Joe Jaudon refused to
comment further.

What is not in dispute is that the ADL, after springing to the
defense of a Jewish couple essentially seeking to strengthen their
hand in a private dispute, now finds itself entangled in an
embarrassing and potentially costly legal stew. The league's annual
budget hovers around $50 million.

The judgment could harm its reputation as an aggressive but
reliable monitor of anti-Semitism.

The ruling comes at a time when the ADL is also embroiled in the
Marc Rich pardon scandal. The organization said it received some
$250,000 in the past 15 years from the fugitive financier who
received a controversial 11th-hour pardon from President Clinton.
The league's national director, Abraham Foxman, declared last month
that he probably had made a mistake in writing a letter to Mr.
Clinton supporting the Rich pardon.

All this was not lost on Mr. Horowitz, the Denver attorney.
Can you imagine an organization using money from Marc Rich, a guy
who made millions dealing with anti-Semitic countries like Iran,
attacking powerless people for some alleged anti-Semitic slurs? he

The Denver dispute began in August 1994, when Mitchell and Candice
Aronson moved to the affluent suburb of Evergreen, Colo. The couple
was initially befriended by the Quigleys, their neighbors, but
relations quickly began to sour, escalating from complaints about
dogs and stolen plants to an allegation by Mrs. Aronson that Mr.
Quigley tried to run her over with his car. The Aronsons contacted
the ADL on October 21, after concluding that the Quigleys were
plotting to drive them out of the neighborhood because they were
Jewish. The suspicions were based partly on a conversation on the
Quigleys' cordless phone, which the Aronsons claimed they
inadvertently overheard through their police scanner. They said
they heard the Quigleys talking about sticking pictures of oven
doors on their house, burning their children and wishing they had
been blown up in a terrorist attack in Israel.

The ADL, after consulting with the district attorney, suggested
that the Aronsons tape another six weeks' worth of conversations.
None of the parties reportedly knew that Congress had outlawed such
wiretaps on October 25.

In December, the Aronsons filed a federal suit against the
Quigleys, accusing them of ethnic intimidation and violation of
their civil rights. The following day, at a press conference, Mr.
Rosenthal of the ADL labeled the Quigleys anti-Semitic and said
they were planning