[CTRL] Jamaica May Legalize Marijuana

2001-08-19 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Jamaica May Legalize Marijuana

Updated: Fri, Aug 17 4:24 PM EDT

By MATTHEW ROSENBERG, Associated Press Writer

KINGSTON, Jamaica (AP) - In the heart of Kingston, about a dozen men
stand in an open-air emporium stacking long buds of marijuana even though
the crop is illegal in Jamaica.

High-grade, the best ... smell it, says a dreadlocked 27-year-old
Rastafarian at the Luke Lane market, who gives his name only as Toro as
he holds a bud in the air and beckons to a passer-by. Sale completed, he
lights a joint of rolled marijuana and smiles.

These days, he has a lot to be happy about.

A government commission recommended Thursday that marijuana be
legalized for personal use by adults - a move the government will likely
endorse despite opposition from the United States, which has spent millions
to eradicate the crop on the Caribbean island.

(Marijuana's) reputation among the people as a panacea and a spiritually
enhancing substance is so strong that it must be regarded as culturally
entrenched, said the commission's report.

The National Commission on Ganja - as marijuana is known here - also said
Jamaica should allow the use of marijuana for religious purposes. This is
important to the Rastafarian minority, who worship deceased Ethiopian
Emperor Haile Selassie as a prophet and use marijuana as a sacrament.

Prime Minister P.J. Patterson last year appointed the commission, which
included academics and doctors. So far, he and elected officials have not
publicly commented on the report. But Ralston Smith, an aide to Patterson,
said: My gut feeling is that the commission's recommendations will be

Any change in existing drug laws would have to be approved by Parliament.
And legalization, even for personal use, could cause friction with the United
States and violate the 1988 U.N. Convention Against the Illicit Traffic in
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances. Jamaica signed the accord.

The U.S. opposes the decriminalization of marijuana, Michael Koplovsky, a
U.S. Embassy spokesman, said Thursday.

Over the last 20 years, the United States has worked with Jamaica to burning
marijuana fields and carry out other anti-drug efforts. It has also provided aid
to fight drug trafficking in Jamaica, the Caribbean's largest marijuana
exporter and a major transshipment point for cocaine bound for Europe and
South America.

The commission addressed these concerns in its report, urging the
government to embark on diplomatic initiatives ... to elicit support for its
internal position and influence the international community to re-examine the
status of cannabis.

Between 1992-98, the United States provided $7.8 million to Jamaica to
eliminate marijuana production and trafficking. The most popular method has
been to chop down the plants and burn the fields.

Indian indentured servants are thought to have brought marijuana to Jamaica
in the 19th century. Its use as a medicinal herb spread rapidly among
plantation workers, with some using ganja tea to alleviate aches, and others
using rum-soaked marijuana as remedy for coughs and fevers.

But it was not until the 1960s and 1970s, with the rise to popularity of Bob
Marley and other reggae icons, that marijuana began to gain acceptance
outside poor neighborhoods.

Marijuana's deep roots were clear in Luke Lane after word spread of the
commission's recommendation. Among the patrons was 43-year-old Horace
Clarke, who was also buying school supplies for his three children.

At night, when the children are sleeping, sometimes I smoke a little with my
lady, Clarke said as he bought a quarter ounce for about $2.50.

The vendors were pleased at the possibility the it might be legal to use
marijuana, even though selling the drug would remain illegal.

All had stories of being chased by the police, If you're going to smoke it, you
have to get it and we sell it, said a dealer who gave his name only as Metro.

He said he earns about $100 on a good day.

This money doesn't go out to buy guns, it goes to food that fills the bellies of
my children and puts them in school clothes and pays their school fees, he
said. What's criminal about that?

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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2001-08-19 Thread Kris Millegan

Jim Rarey,

This is a masterpiece that you have written. It is certain to
have wide circulation on the web and a high probability that it will stimulate
some response on the political pundit programs that have remained ominously
silent on this issue. Remaining silent will make them look stupid
to the public or worse --- make the news look fake. They will try
to dismiss it.

The big arrow pointing to the OKBOMB is Beth Wilkenson. In your
next article you can state that she was responsible for keeping Andreas
Strassmier out of the McVeigh and Nichols trials. Call me 602-977-0296
and I will give you the telephone number of General Benton Parton who is
one of my 2 research partners probing the bombing. He has crossed
swords with her. He will give you plenty to write about her.

Make no mistake about it. Beth Wilkenson is called in when NATIONAL
SECURITY needs to be protected.

The mass media never reveals the lawyer level of national scandals even
though these are the scum bags they are dealing with on a day to day basis.
Is it not interesting that Condit who was supposed to be trying to impeach
Clinton now uses the lawyer who defended Clinton? They were playing
on the same team during the fake impeachment.

And look how the parents of Chandra Levy retained Billy Martins, the
same mass media lawyer retained by the mother of Monica Lewinsky!!
Chandra Levy was a serial adulterer who tried to sexually move in on a
married doctor in her home town and a married police officer who both told
her NO. In both cases her family passed muster on the men and gave
their approval. Chandra's aunt was coaching her on how to steal Condit
from his wife. In the home video Chandra's mother is asking her,
"Are you seeing any rich men?"

So much for those family values.

Now with all that foul baggage why would anyone seek an association
with the lawyer of the blow job artist, Monica Lewinsky?

The WASHINGTON TIMES reported that Chandra was involved in selection
of members of the media to sit at the EXECUTION WINDOW to witness the McVeigh
execution. One question you should next ask is, HOW COME NONE OF

Brian Quig

Jim Rarey wrote:


By Jim Rarey

August 18, 2001


In the last several articles published by this writer, a theory has
been developed that the disappearance of former intern Chandra Levy had
little or nothing to do with her affair with Congressman Gary Condit. Rather,
that something Chandra learned on her job at the Bureau of Prisons made
her dangerous to powerful people who arranged her elimination.

One of the two scenarios advanced had to do with allegations that Timothy
McVeigh had been visited a number of time by Dr. Louis Jolyon West, one
of the premiere CIA mind control experts. The other was allegations that
Carlos Lehder, cofounder of the Medellin drug cartel in Columbia had been
released from federal prison where he was supposed to be serving a 55 year
sentence with no parole.

Lehder was a witness against Manuel Noriega in the Panamanian dictator’s
trial in Miami. Both Lehder and Noriega are said to have extensive knowledge
of CIA involvement in illegal drug distribution.

In the normal course of her duties at the Bureau of Prisons, Chandra
could have run across information on either or both subjects. (See articles,
"Chandra’s Dangerous Knowledge," "Condit: The Circling of the Wagons,"
and "Chandra: Unraveling Government Cover-ups?")

While this writer believes Condit’s involvement in Chandra’s disappearance
is peripheral at best (although possibly criminal), he most probably knows
why she disappeared and generally who is responsible.

Condit sits on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
Members of that committee would have to be blind and deaf not to be aware
of the massive government cover-ups, among other things, of the CIA involvement
in illegal drugs and the government’s foreknowledge and probable participation
in the OKC bombing.

It is likely that Condit’s top aides, his chief of staff in California
(Mike Lynch) and Michael Dayton his office manager in Washington, were
privy to secret information their boss was working with. It is not known
what level of security clearances they had, if any (remember this is during
the Clinton administration). Given the lack of security in Washington in
those days, it’s entirely possible the aides saw a lot of classified information
regardless of their clearance levels.

There has been discussion on cable talk shows of the possibility of
"squeezing" one or both of Condit’s aides. That is, charging them with
some violation of law in order to get them to give information on Condit’s

Both would appear to be vulnerable to that tactic. Dayton is said to
have been the driver when Condit disposed of the watch box as well as telling
Joline McKay (the watch giver) not to cooperate with the authorities.

Both have 

[CTRL] Fwd: Suspects

2001-08-19 Thread Aleisha Saba

Nice item on Jack the Ripper whom I believe was an agent for
Lenin..and the Communists of the day.

Note this - in one of Jack's letters, he said oh you fools, in so many
words - he had even given them the location of the next murderand of
course the creator of Sherlock Holmes would have loved to have nailed
the ripper but once I drew a composite picture of the Ripper, and he had
all the attributes of Conan Doyle who was a writer, a doctor, and once
took his oh so ill wife out in the cold damp weather and she died from
same?   He also had a father who died in the Sunnyside Funny Farm but
who loved Lord Edward Fitzgerald who he claimed the English had murderd
- which they had done.


[CTRL] WT: Lee still suspected of spying

2001-08-19 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Intelligence officials also said China warned the Clinton administration
not to deal harshly with an earlier Chinese spy, Peter Lee, and that senior
Clinton administration officials may have intervened to quietly derail the
Wen Ho Lee case.

August 18, 2001

Lee still suspected of spying

By Bill Gertz


Counterintelligence experts say they still suspect that convicted nuclear
weapons designer Wen Ho Lee was involved in Chinese espionage on U.S.
nuclear laboratories.

The experts were reacting to portions of a once-secret Justice Department
report on the Lee case made public this week. The heavily censored report
criticized the FBI and the Energy Department for their handling of the
case, but it did not provide answers to many of the questions about the
nuclear espionage case, which began in 1995.

Paul Moore, a former FBI intelligence analyst and specialist on Chinese
spying, said the Justice Department's report missed the point.

The problem with Wen Ho Lee is that he is like flypaper, Mr. Moore said.
He was doing things that were suspicious and lying while doing them.
Either you become more suspicious when you encounter that, or you get out
of the [counterintelligence] business.

'What are the odds?' is the question you should ask, Mr. Moore said.
What are the odds that you run across somebody who is propositioned in a
hotel room in China to commit espionage and he has not reported it [to
security officials].

Mr. Moore said the same Chinese nuclear officials who met Lee in China
during visits there in 1986 and 1988 later came to the United States and
met with Lee.

One senior Chinese nuclear official, Hu Side, embraced Lee at a reception
and was overheard by an FBI informant to have said Lee made a major
contribution to China's nuclear weapons program, according to U.S.
officials close to the case.

This was one of numerous pieces of evidence gathered by the FBI over
several years, before the formal investigation of Lee over the loss of
nuclear warhead secrets began in 1998.

Other information included Lee's request to have a Chinese national who was
a student in Pennsylvania become a research assistant for him at Los
Alamos, where Lee was involved in classified weapons research.

When you are doing odds, you have to multiply, not add, Mr. Moore said.
You get all these different things, and he's lying to you. And all these
things happened before he made copies of the nuclear codes. The record is
very clear: Wen Ho Lee is a liar and a thief. The question is: Is he taking
the information he's stolen and giving it to a foreign country? I don't see
any proof that he did so. But he may have been preparing to do so.

The report by federal prosecutor Randy Bellows also said that Lee, a
Taiwanese-born nuclear weapons designer who pleaded guilty in September to
mishandling nuclear data, was not singled out for investigation because of
his racial or ethnic background.

The Justice Department report is only a small portion of an 800-page
top-secret report on the case, and the documents released this week have
been redacted. Additional material is expected to be made public in the
next several weeks, although officials said that material also will be
heavily censored.

The report was made public by a judge as part of a lawsuit filed by former
Energy Department counterintelligence chief Notra Trulock. Mr. Trulock says
two Energy Department investigators defamed him by contending that Lee was
targeted because of his race.

Mr. Trulock said in an interview that he felt vindicated by the report
because it shows racism was not a factor in the Lee investigation.

As for the rest of the report, Mr. Trulock said it is a glass half-full.

I think the public deserves to see the rest of the story, and I hope the
Justice Department will keep its promise to release it, Mr. Trulock said.
The rest of the story will describe the FBI's role in the Kindred Spirit

John Martin, a former Justice Department spy prosecutor, also said he still
has suspicions.

We know Los Alamos and the other national labs were penetrated by the
Chinese, and God knows who else, Mr. Martin said. You have to start with
a basic premise: The FBI didn't have a Chinese counterintelligence program,
they did not competently handle the loss of W-88 [warhead] secrets and they
focused too soon on Wen Ho Lee.

Mr. Martin said the case shows massive ineptitude stretching to the top
of the FBI and the Justice Department.

U.S. officials said the 1995 Energy probe concluded that 12 Energy
officials, including Lee and his wife, Sylvia, who was working secretly for
the FBI, should be investigated by the nation's top law enforcement agency.
However, the FBI did not act right away on the matter.

U.S. intelligence officials have said Lee first came under suspicion by the
FBI in 1982 when he contacted another Chinese spy suspect who had been
dismissed from Lawrence Livermore laboratory. In an intercepted telephone

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Suspects

2001-08-19 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

By the way forgot to add - the Ripper used my bible
calendar/code..for this location where the two murders had been
committed the street name was in the bible code...watch words - and
MI6 used a bible code masonic of course, but then we also had Russian

But regardless - Jack's Last Act - he placed body parts in a kettle
which got so hot the spout melted...he took rings and change and put at
feet of his victimkeyed to the melting pot in the bible where body
parts are put into a pot and cooked until the scume is removed and of
course, in this day in 1888 prostitutes and poor they said were
beginning to show their teethLenin's brother had been executed by
the Czar and we all know what happened to him and his entired family -
killed in a vicous vendetta?

But Jack left the street upon which the woman would be found, in the
bible calendar code..though it was thought he was a Jewish
Slaughterman - the bible code read that first murder barbar get your
razor - slaughterman get your weaponand the red ink he once used
why Jack had a friend in the English press - just like Condit has
friends with press for little Chandra was treated like Monica as just
another prostitute, who showed her teeth?

Reading along in the bible using this strange calendar of evens - one
gets to know when it is in full force and operational..sometimes I
think Jack's back and again sometimes I think while he had the pen of a
ready writer - he had friends in the old Hells Fire Club who on
occasion, rode through the streets raising ten kids of hell - that the
ten bells which rung, why shy two rings.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NM: Government Concedes 'Mistakes' on Vince Foster's Death

2001-08-19 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Government Concedes 'Mistakes' on Vince Foster's Death

Wes Vernon Friday, Aug.  17, 2001

WASHINGTON - The government is now saying discrepancies in testimony of
witnesses in the murder of Vince Foster were merely mistakes.

It is not a crime to make a mistake, declared Karl N.  Gellert,
associate independent counsel in a federal court session considering
Accuracy in Media's lawsuit against the Office of Independent Counsel.
The group charges the office of former Independent Counsel Ken Starr of
criminal activity and cover-up in the murder of Clinton White House aide
Vincent Foster in 1993.  The death was officially ruled a suicide.

What Mr.  Clarke [AIM counsel John Clarke] has to prove is that when we
or our witnesses made mistakes, we did so with criminal intent, knowing
it was false, Gellert told Judge Ellen Huvelle on Thursday.

One of those mistakes, Clarke recalled in an interview with NewsMax.com,
was locating the service records for the X-ray machines used by Dr.  James
C.  Beyer, the medical examiner for northern Virginia.

He found an exit bullet wound that had not been detected by anyone else who
had examined the dead Foster's head.  The bullet has never been

The absence of an exit wound, of course, presents difficulties in making
the case that Foster shot himself at short range.  A high-velocity .38
bullet would not only exit Foster's head, but would not have exited the
head 4-1/2 inches above where it entered.  No plausible explanation has
been given for this by any medical examiner.

What should settle the matter are the X-rays that any medical examiner
would take.

First, Beyer said the X-rays showed no bullet fragments in the skull.

Later, he told the FBI there were no X-rays.  He said he had checked Yes
to signify that he took the X-rays because he intended to take them, but
the machine malfunctioned.

Later, he testified before a Senate committee that he had no X-rays for the
July time period in question.

A deliberately deceptive response is the verdict of AIM, noting the
multi-thousand-dollar X-ray machine was newly installed in June, around
30 days before Foster's autopsy.  The first call for service on the machine
was made on October 29.  But getting this information from the OIC was like
pulling eyeteeth, Clarke told us.  That information was presented to the

Gellert told Judge Nuvelle, in effect, that AIM's position was that
everyone who changed his story was a criminal.

We're not saying that any of those witnesses were criminals or that any
of these witnesses were involved in these various activities, Clarke told
NewsMax.com after the hearing.  What we're saying is that the FBI is the
one who changed the witness statements.

Among the examples cited by Clarke: one witness who says he was leaned on
for four hours to change his story.  Finally, he wanted to get on with his
life, so he said to the FBI agents, What do you want me to say? They
told him to say he could have been mistaken.  At which point, the witness,
one of the paramedics originally called to the scene, finally said, Okay,
I could have been mistaken.

Arthur said he had doubts that Foster had killed himself, saying the body
was coffin-like as if it had been placed there by someone else.

It would be hard to find a suicide case that lies down neatly after
shooting himself.

So it wasn't Richard Arthur, the witness, who was nefarious or doing
anything wrong, said Clarke during the interview.  It was the FBI agents
detailed to the independent counsel's probe.

The best-seller by NewsMax.com CEO Christopher Ruddy also figured in the
courtroom arguments.

Clarke alluded to the official finding that Foster had shot himself from
the awkward and unlikely position of wrapping his hand around the barrel
and cylinder gap and pushing the trigger with his right finger.

That's what Christopher Ruddy says we said in his book, 'The Strange Death
of Vincent Foster,' Gellert exclaimed, but that's not what we said at

Absolutely incorrect by the defendant, absolutely correct by Ruddy,
Clarke told NewsMax.  And Gellert to claim not to have known that -
It's just ridiculous.

I do know the FBI said he held the weapon that way, and it's really been
the long-standing conclusion.  It would be very uncomfortable.  In fact,

He cited other areas where the OIC's lead counsel in the case appeared to
be short on basic knowledge.  Clarke recalled that Gellert acknowledged in
open court not knowing the difference between the posterior oropharnyx (the
rear wall of the throat) and the soft palate (the roof of the mouth).  You
don't need a rocket scientist or even an expert to tell the difference,
Clarke said.

Reading between the lines, Judge Nuvelle seemed to be saying at the end of
Clarke's presentation that it is bizarre that Sgt.  Bob Edwards of the Park
Police, medical examiner Dr.  Beyer and FBI personnel - all of whom did not
know each other beforehand - would be involved in a 

[CTRL] NM: A Broken Promise on Vince Foster

2001-08-19 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

NewsMax and Accuracy in media

A Broken Promise on Vince Foster

Reed Irvine Aug.  16, 2001

Psychologist Alan Berman was one of three consultants hired by Independent
Counsel Kenneth Starr to help him convince the public that Vincent Foster
committed suicide. Berman wrote a 21-page report in which he said: In my
opinion and to a hundred percent degree of medical certainty the death of
Vincent Foster was a suicide. No plausible evidence has been presented to
support any other conclusion.

With that firm belief, Berman found it easy to give Starr a report saying
that Foster committed suicide because he was depressed even though it was
not evident to any of the people he worked with.

In a recorded phone conversation, Berman told me, There is no credible
evidence that you have presented or that anybody else has presented that
speaks for any other cause of death. When I told him there was a lot of
evidence that it was a homicide, he said: Send me what you want. I'll be
happy, when I have the opportunity, to go through it, and I'll be happy to
write a response.

I sent him a detailed report covering the following evidence of homicide
that no one has, as yet, been able to refute. (A) Three eyewitnesses have
said Foster's car was not in the Fort Marcy parking lot until after his
death. (B) The old, black, .38-caliber revolver found in his hand was not
one of the two handguns he owned and kept in his house in Washington. (C)
The medical examiner lied to hide the disappearance of X-rays of Foster's
head. (D) stands for deduction. The X-rays were either destroyed or hidden
because they confirmed a Park Police report that the bullet had fractured
Foster's skull from the inside but had not exited.

If that is so, (1) the X-rays showed the bullet or fragments of it inside
the cranium; (2) the bullet was not from the gun found in Foster's hand,
because a bullet from the one expended casing in the cylinder, a
high-velocity .38, would have created an exit wound in the skull so large
that it could not have been missed by the police officer, two doctors and a
rescue worker who looked at Foster's head but could see no exit wound; (3)
since this would prove that the gun found in Foster's hand was planted
there by his killers, hoping it would convince the police that Foster
committed suicide, someone with influence wanted the X-rays destroyed.

After reading my report, Berman's certainty that all the evidence supported
suicide was clearly shaken. His cheery promise to write a written response
was forgotten. He didn't even want to discuss the evidence I sent him. He
said: My main focus was on state-of-mind stuff. ... I can't even take the
time to go through and examine what you write about others and then go back
to the data that I have. It just asks too much of me at this stage of the

Asked if he had any reason to question the eyewitness evidence about
Foster's car not being in the parking lot until after his death, he asked
for the source for the estimate that Foster died at around 3:30 p.m. The
medical examiner had estimated the time of death as two to three hours
after Foster had eaten lunch, based on the contents of his stomach. Foster
had finished lunch and left the White House shortly after 1 p.m.

Berman thought it was around 5:15 p.m., four hours after lunch and 30
minutes before his body was found. But even that was not late enough to get
around the car problem. A man and woman who pulled into the lot at about
5:15 reported having seen two men and an older-model brown Honda parked
near the entrance. The car and the men were still there when the couple
went into the woods at about 5:30. Foster's body was found about 15 minutes

When the police brought the couple back to the parking lot for questioning,
Foster's light gray Honda was parked where the brown car had been an hour
earlier. A brown car was leaving when the first rescue workers arrived at
6:09 p.m.

When asked to comment on this, Berman admitted, I can't respond to it. He
said he would respond only to the dozens of inaccuracies in a critique of
his report published by Accuracy in Media. He claimed it would be very
difficult to give any meaningful response other than what you're saying
here and what you're quoting here is incorrect because he could not
divulge grand jury information.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used 

[CTRL] Reuters: Gore Vidal Promises More McVeigh Revelations

2001-08-19 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Gore Vidal Promises More McVeigh Revelations

By Ed Cropley

EDINBURGH (Reuters) - Author Gore Vidal promised Thursday to make another
revelation on the Oklahoma City bombing case which he says may suggest
executed convict Timothy McVeigh (news - web sites) did not detonate the
bomb that killed 168 people.

Vidal, one of contemporary America's harshest critics, published an article
last week in Vanity Fair magazine on the killer who, along with his
motives, remains one of the great enigmas of modern times. There is more to
come, he says.

``There's a researcher out there -- I used him a great deal for this
(Vanity Fair) piece and I'm using him some more,'' Vidal told an audience
at Britain's Edinburgh Book Festival.

The American writer, who maintained a three-year correspondence with the
bomber, said the researcher had unearthed evidence which contradicted
McVeigh's insistence he acted alone on the day of the bombing.

``I'm about to drop another shoe -- (the researcher) knows at least five of
the people who were involved in the making of the bomb and its
detonation,'' Vidal said. ``It may well be that McVeigh didn't do it.''

McVeigh, a decorated U.S. Army veteran, was executed in June for the 1995
bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal building in Oklahoma City -- the
bloodiest act of domestic terror ever committed on American soil. Terry
Nichols was jailed for helping plan the crime but was not present when it
was committed.

Disgusted at the Federal Bureau of Investigation's storming in 1993 of the
Branch Davidian sect's headquarters at Waco, Texas, in which 80 people were
killed, one-time Gulf War (news - web sites) hero McVeigh declared war on
the U.S. state, Vidal said.

``In a letter to me, he said 'When I saw -- contrary to all law -- that the
FBI (news - web sites) was using military tanks to attack the building, I
thought only the Chinese did that sort of thing to their people','' Vidal
told the audience.

But what sparked McVeigh's murderous indignation was symptomatic of the
corrupt state of modern America, Vidal said.

``What is happening is reflective of a government totally out of control
and a secret police -- which is what the Federal Bureau of Investigation
is -- not accountable to anybody.''

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Reuters: Gore Vidal Promises More McVeigh Revelations

2001-08-19 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

I wonder and I believe the conspirators who let McVeigh take the fall
also set up the Heavens Gate bunch whom it was said suicided like the
Davidians - as Clinton said, the Davidians MURDERED themselves now
that boy was not too bright for he used the word MURDER in a weak but
truthful moment a slip of the lip.

Ah so - who really murdered Jonestown?   Now I have tracked one man to
all - and this one man, always lives to write the book - he is always
the one who gets away, an alleged CIA lawyer..but I have a book
where there he is - connected indirectly and maybe oh so innocently
not only to Jonestown, but Heavens Gate, and to Oklahoma - leaving a
paper trail as he follows in the path of his latest rose?


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Electricity Fact website

2001-08-19 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Gray Davis is pointing the finger at everyone but himself in an effort to
dodge responsibility for California's energy crisis. Instead of fixing the
problem, he's searching for scapegoats. This Web site is dedicated to
debunking the myth that Gray Davis is not at fault for skyrocketing utility
bills and increased pollution.

Referring to Davis's ethical problems, Davis spokesperson Hilary McLean
said the controversy is being drummed up.this is a political witch hunt.
(San Jose Mercury News, July 31, 2001)
 The Los Angeles Times reports that Davis energy consultants Vikram
Budhraja and Mark Skowronski bought large amounts of stock in Edison
International, an energy company that provides power to California. Also,
Steve Mavigilo, the chief spokesperson for the governor, revealed he owned
$12,000 worth of stock in energy company, Calpine. (Contra Costa Time,
August 1, 2001)

Governor Davis claims, we are making progress and that, California is
moving to secure its energy future especially in California schools.
(Governor Davis's Website, June 28, 2001)
 All over California, in schools teaching everything from the alphabet to
brain surgery, the story is the same: Power politics is sapping the
financial strength of the state's educational system. Over a quarter of
California's increased spending on schools will go toward increased energy
costs. (Sacramento Bee, August 12, 2001)

Davis energy officials say they're following standard operating procedures
when they sell surplus power for a loss and downplay criticism of their
management techniques. (Mercury News August 9, 2001)
 California has lost $73 million selling surplus electricity since March. A
new report by state power managers raises questions about Governor Davis's
management of the energy crisis. (Mercury News August 9, 2001)

Gray Davis and his allies allege that Californians were illegally
overcharged $10 billion by energy producers and threaten litigation to
recover these funds. (Sacramento Bee, July 13 2001) According to Davis,
Californians have by and large gotten a raw deal from FERC. (Associated
Press, July 12, 2001)
 Judge Curtis Wagner, who oversaw two weeks of negotiations between
California and the suppliers, said 'the amount claimed by the State of
California has not and cannot be substantiated.' In a report to FERC
commissioners, he repeated his earlier comment that the state owes more to
the suppliers for unpaid power bills than the suppliers owe the state for
overcharges. (Sacramento Bee, July 13, 2001)

Gray Davis says: Private power generators charged California the most.
What is going on here, pure and simple is unconscionable price gouging by
the big energy producers. (San Francisco Chronicle, July 10, 2001) They're
the biggest snakes on the planet. (San Jose Mercury News, June 7, 2001)
 The San Francisco Chronicle released a study proving California's own
public utilities charged an average of about $344 per megawatt hour during
the first three months of the year, while private companies charged less
than $250. (San Francisco Chronicle, July 16, 2001)

Anywhere they wear cowboy hats, they probably have handkerchiefs across
their face, because they are robbing us blind. The bad guys are clearly
out-of-state generators. - Davis spokesman Steve Maviglio (The San
Francisco Chronicle, July 10, 2001)
 Texas producers supplied only 10% of California's electricity during this
time period. (San Francisco Chronicle, July 10, 2001) Houston based
Reliant, Dynergy and Enron were charging less than the publicly owned
utilities... (Jerry Taylor and Peter VanDoren - National Review Online,
July 27, 2001)

David Freeman, Gray Davis top energy advisor, says Californians should stop
whining about the energy crisis: In effect, the house was on fire. We
were like the fire department. But rather than recognize that the house was
saved, critics like Connell spend all their time whining about the water
damage. (Los Angeles Times, July 26, 2001)
 This is the same David Freeman who once claimed that even a blind pig
could make money off the state. Now, he's acting as Gray Davis' political
hatchet man. They're targeting Controller Connell because she blew the
whistle on Davis' hired political guns -- $30,000 per month at taxpayer
expense. (Los Angeles Times, June 25, 2001)

The Davis administration hailed its secretive long-term-contracts as a cure
for California's energy problems: These provide a major building block for
lifting this energy crisis, Davis' top energy advisor, David Freeman,
said. (Los Angeles Times, June 16, 2001)
 Davis long-term energy contracts are expected to result in $60 billion in
increased costs to consumers. Now, the state is selling off power taxpayers
bought for $138 per megawatt -- for as low as a dollar. It's shocking but
true.Gray Davis is actually selling electricity at a loss and you're
footing the bill. (Associated Press, July 18, 

[CTRL] NM: War with China

2001-08-19 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Chinese missile data


War with China

by Charles R. Smith

On the first day of World War III, the United States lost two thirds of its
military and nearly one-half its population, yielding superiority to
communist China. U.S. orders of the day were of high alert; and there is
simply no evading the fact that we were not ready.

The Chinese rain of missiles on U.S. installations and homeland cities was
a military masterpiece. The People's Liberation Army Second Artillery Corp
achieved complete surprise, armed only with a small force of over 300
tactical and 10 strategic missiles.

Defenseless against the attack, U.S. forces in Hawaii, Alaska, South Korea,
and Japan were quickly over-whelmed by the guided warheads of the Chinese
missiles. The bombs plunged out of the inky blackness of space, striking
within seconds of each other. The rain of death fell swiftly upon a
sleeping America with precise and devastating accuracy.

In a span of little more than 30 minutes, China wiped out Los Angeles, San
Francisco, Seattle, San Diego, Chicago, Washington, Boston, New York,
Hawaii, Manila, Seoul, Taipei, and Tokyo.

China sank five U.S. carriers, seven Ohio class submarines, vaporized over
two hundred MX and Minuteman missiles and destroyed over 800 combat
aircraft including fifteen B-2 strategic bombers. The strikes also killed
more than one hundred million people without the loss of a single PLA

The Second Artillery succeeded by striking key U.S. bases, warships and air
fields with a swift and bold attack. The attack left China with 10
remaining strategic missiles and nearly 300 tactical missiles, holding the
devastated U.S. homeland hostage to another strike.

Despite the calls to retaliate, sending the scattered remains of U.S.
nuclear forces against China would not stop another attack on America, nor
would it stop the PLA Generals who ordered the first.

There is no question that the U.S. strategic missiles could devastate the
Chinese homeland. However, killing hundreds of millions of innocent Chinese
citizens would do little to deter the warlords in Beijing from launching
the second wave of ten missiles while remaining hidden inside bombproof

China's sudden and brutal attack forced America to surrender on Beijing's
terms. In little more than forty-eight hours, China won the Third World


Fiction? Then consider this fact: The United States has no defense against
a missile attack. The U.S. has NO missile defense and is only testing a
limited system that might stop one or two missiles.

Those who minimize the Chinese strategic forces frequently state that China
has only 20 missiles. These people are fools playing games with the lives
of millions of innocent humans. They fail to mention that each Chinese
strategic missile is tipped with a multi-megaton H-bomb that can vaporize a

In the previous scenario, Chinese forces used only half their current
strategic and tactical missiles in a single attack, turning ten of the top
U.S. cities and most of free Asia into charred, radioactive wastelands.

China apologists also question whether Beijing is willing to wage war
against America. However, the Chinese military makes it very clear they
want nuclear combat with the U.S.A.

According to an August 1999 policy document published by the People's
Liberation Army Office of The Central Military Command, unlike Iraq and
Yugoslavia, China is not only a big country, but also possesses a nuclear
arsenal that has long since been incorporated into state warfare system and
play a real role in our national defense.

In comparison with the U.S. nuclear arsenal, our disadvantage is mainly
numeric, which in real wars the qualitative gap will be reflected only as
different requirement of strategic theory, states the PLA military

In terms of deterrence, there is not any difference in practical value. So
far we have built up the capability for the second and third nuclear
strikes and are fairly confident in fighting a nuclear war. The PCC
(communist Party Central Committee) has decided to pass though formal
channels this message to the top leaders in the U.S.

China also has recently tested a new long-range missile capable of reaching
America, the DF-31. The DF-31 is capable of delivering a single
multi-megaton H-bomb or up to three 90 Kiloton nuclear bombs. The most
recent DF-31 test took place earlier this year and some Pentagon analysts
expect the PLA Second Artillery will begin active deployment of DF-31 units
early next year.


Clearly, China apologists must seriously consider the growing capability of
Beijing's nuclear missile forces, including the tremendous build up of
short-range tactical missiles. China continues to deploy short-range Dong
Feng or East Wind missiles. China has a force of nearly 500 DF-15 and
DF-11 mobile tactical missiles and at the current rate of 

[CTRL] SNET: Hiding In Plain Sight - and the SHEEPLE say BAHHhh hhhhh hhhhhh (fwd)

2001-08-19 Thread William Bacon

-Caveat Lector-

visit my web site at  http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon
My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2001 22:19:57 EDT
Subject: SNET: Hiding In Plain Sight - and the SHEEPLE say BAHHhh h hh

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

From:Â  Â  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (acma)

Hiding in Plain Sight

Christians agree that the once great United
States has sunken to new levels of heinous immorality
and wicked corruption, but most mistakenly believe that
this problem can be solved with the election of honest
and moral people to federal offices. The truth is that
the D. of C. bureaucracy has now captured the American
people by luring us into their muddled web of federal
statutes. Statutes of man have replaced the laws of God
in the ABA, just as burning and cutting and poisoning
have replaced natural remedies in the AMA.

But before the enemies of freedom could replace the
laws of God with these legalized statutes of corruption,
they first had to destroy something else natural in
order to get the door open. It is a premise few people

In the 1960s, a new group out of Belmont,
Massachusetts known as the John Birch Society began to
organize patriotic Americans into educational cell
groups all across the nation. It was founded by the
candy magnate Robert Welch, who through extensive
research began to perceive the on-coming New World Order
and desired to alert his fellow Americans of the high-
level conspiracy designed to take away their freedoms.
Welch believed, and rightfully so, that knowledge is
power and that an educated electorate, who in turn would
keep its politicians aware of the truth, could prevent
any such “creeping socialism” takeover. The subsequent
attack and persecution which he and the society
underwent proved that he was bothering people in high

As Welch himself predicted, The John Birch
Society (named after a Christian missionary murdered by
Chinese Communists in 1945) underwent an enormous attack
by the liberal wing of journalists and professors which
has not ceased. Professor Carroll Quigley of Yale
University, a member of the dreaded Council on Foreign
Relations -- a Birch bugaboo – wrote in his new book a
decade later, Tragedy and Hope, that indeed there had
been conspiratorial plans afoot for a long time.
Quigley believed that the conspiracy was already so
firmly in place that he should have no fear of talking
about it publicly because there was nothing that anyone
could do to stop it anyway.

The Society persisted and even included Tragedy
and Hope in its massive educational catalog of books for
sale at its public meetings. The John Birch Society
became the flagship of all the patriot groups to follow
and was the avowed enemy of communism and all who would
threaten American liberty. It was the first educational
group to expose the fraud in the teachings of the public
school system, by re-educating adults in the areas of
basic protections of freedom in our (former)
constitutional republic as opposed to the inherent evils
within a democracy. You just couldn't get any red-white-
and-bluer than the John Birch Society. That is until
June 24, 1968, a date that came and went unnoticed --
even to the astute Birchers. Yet in retrospect it has
become the flashing red light of history that should
serve to continue to remind us that until we reverse
what became final on that day, Professor Quigley was
right. Whom we elect is of little importance anymore.

It was the final changeover in our monetary
system -- the last meticulous step in the long journey
from lawful money to legal tender -- gold to tokens.
6/24/68 was the day that the banking window, through
which Americans could still exchange paper notes for
silver coin, slammed shut. Natural money was now
totally debauched, and the power to control anything and
everything was granted to a select few plutocrats.
Whenever public servants begin to be paid by something
other than what the people produce, the roles of master
and servant become reversed. Until that window of
exchange is re-opened, all the political rhetoric about
solving one social problem or another is nothing more
than just that -- political rhetoric, full of sound and
fury, signifying nothing. The Birchers and everyone
else, who think they can fix the republic by writing
letters to notify their senators and congressmen of
various problems, are licking a hollow lollipop. To do
so is to but waste time, paper, and another (phony) 33

I had the “dream” interview the other day with
none other than Pluto Rothschild, the direct descendant
of Great-Grandpa Meyer who said, Give me the control of
a nation's money supply, and I will care not who makes
its laws. Nobody ever hears of Pluto, but he is still
in charge. Cheeky old S.O.B.(that’s 

[CTRL] WP: raining Prescribed for 4 at Treasury Who Destroyed Papers

2001-08-19 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Indian Case Punishment Criticized

Training Prescribed for 4 at Treasury Who Destroyed Papers

By Ellen Nakashima
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, August 15, 2001; Page A17

Their crimes were destroying potential evidence in a class action brought
by Native Americans and covering it up for three months. Their punishment?
Mentoring and communication skills training.

That was the discipline meted out to four Treasury Department lawyers who a
court-appointed special master said were involved in destroying 162 boxes
of documents as part of routine housekeeping at a department facility in
Hyattsville in 1998 and 1999. Two other lawyers deemed to have lesser
involvement received no punishment.

The news was contained in a Treasury report made public yesterday after
U.S. District Judge Royce C. Lamberth denied a government request to keep
it under seal.

This report is a whitewash, said Dennis Gingold, a lawyer for the Native
Americans, who in 1996 sued the government for mismanaging trust funds that
the Indians claim should yield them at least $10 billion in compensation
for use of their land.

It ignored what the special master found in 1999, Gingold said, referring
to Alan L. Balaran's report on the Hyattsville document destruction, that
there was a pattern and practice of deception, and that these guys went
behind closed doors and decided not to tell the truth.

Gingold said the Indian plaintiffs will file a contempt motion against all
responsible Treasury Department officials, which would include the former
general counsel, Neal Wolin, and other attorneys, and against former
treasury secretaries Robert E. Rubin and Lawrence H. Summers. Their goal is
to hold accountable those who failed to report the document destruction to
the court in a timely fashion. Rubin and Summers were responsible for their
attorneys' actions, Gingold said.

Lamberth left open the possibility that he would have to judge the
appropriateness of Treasury's discipline of its attorneys. But he praised t
he department for taking some remedial action while, he wrote, other
agencies involved in the Indian trust fund debacle have not.

Treasury has taken a step in the right direction, a step that the Interior
and Justice Departments have not demonstrated, he wrote.

In the wake of Balaran's report on the document destruction, Treasury set
up a training session that most of its 2,000 lawyers completed. In it, they
reviewed model rules of professional conduct, federal rules of civil
procedure and the Treasury general counsel's directive on litigation.
Senior officials were also trained on records management. Attorneys were
reminded of their obligation to ensure communication of significant
information in litigation.

These steps were taken by the previous and the current administrations,
Treasury Department spokeswoman Michele Davis said in a statement, to
ensure that the incident of 1999 does not recur.

The report, written by a panel of Treasury Department lawyers, concluded
that a failure to effectively communicate was at the root of the document
destruction and three-month delay in reporting. On critical occasions,
attorneys provided incomplete or misleading information. But the panel
found no intentional wrongdoing.

The four who had significant or extensive involvement and received
mentoring or communication training were James Regan and Eleni Constantine
and former employees Daniel Mazella and Ingrid Falanga.

Two others, Roberta McInerney and Randall Lewis, were minimally involved,
the panel said, and were not disciplined.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] WND: Foster-death skeptics win day in court

2001-08-19 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Internet Clipping Service

1079 Farroll
Arroyo Grande, Ca. 93420-4136


Vol 7-L010814


Today's Quote:

That is a political issue that must be decided by the negotiators. As a
psychological first step it (the amount) does not matter. Psychology is
what Kyoto is about because there is no (scientific) basis for 5.2

  -- Narasimhan Sundararaman, Secretary of the Geneva-based
intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), confessing the real
meaning of Kyoto, 7/09/01


'TOON of the DAY


[snip lots of articles]


Foster-death skeptics win day in court

Judge to rule on watchdog group's request for documents

By Sarah Foster
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com


[Editors Note: I wish them luck, but I have grave reservations considering
AIM is using Clarke. His lawsuit for Knowlton was beyond amateurish, and
was a terrible job of lawyering, and in addition in my opinion all the
lawsuit attempted to do was trash and smear the media instead of dealing
with the FACTS of the case, which they ignored 99% of. Without getting into
a long story of the different personalities involved, I don't hold much
hope. I also can't imagine why AIM didn't use Allan J. Favish, who I have a
GREAT deal of respect for and would do 1000% better job.]

WASHINGTON  A media-watchdog organization will present evidence Thursday in
a hearing before a federal judge, alleging that the Office of Independent
Counsel engaged in conspiracy and cover-up during its investigations into
the death of former White House Deputy Counsel Vincent Foster, whose
lifeless body was discovered July 20, 1993, in Fort Marcy Park, five miles
from the nation's capital.

The Clinton administration promptly declared the death a suicide by gunshot
through the mouth  a decision that ignited a firestorm of controversy over
the wound to the body, the weapon used, how Foster was conveyed to that
spot where he was found, and a hundred other details. Critics of the
official version have repeatedly pointed to the mountain of evidence that
the death was not a suicide, but their documentation has been ignored and
their questions left unanswered.

The upcoming hearing represents a major breakthrough for these critics, as
District Judge Ellen Segal Huvelle, who agreed to hear the evidence, will
make a decision on the merits of the evidence presented. In the eight years
since Foster's death, no judge has actually made such a ruling or even
granted critics a day in court.

We're going to tell Judge Huvelle right up front that [Foster's death] is
a murder case, and the OIC knew it and covered it up, said attorney John
Clarke, who is representing Washington-based Accuracy In Media in a request
for documents under the Freedom of Information Act.

We have overwhelming evidence of a cover-up, he added.

AIM has been following the Foster case since 1994, but has not been
involved in any legal action until it retained Clarke to file FOIA requests
on its behalf.

We're hoping Judge Huvelle will rule in our favor that there is compelling
evidence of illegal activity, explained Clarke. We want certain
documents, but these are being withheld under an exemption to the FOIA,
under which a court is required to do a balancing test between the issues
of personal invasion of privacy and the advantage to the public knowledge.
But the court doesn't have to do a balancing act unless there is compelling
evidence of illegal activity.

Judge Huvelle granted Clarke one hour in which to present his evidence,
which he will do using Microsoft PowerPoint on a computer to present
several hundred pages of documents. The OIC will have an hour to present a
rebuttal to convince the judge not to grant AIM's FOIA request.

Clarke is no newcomer to the issue. As reported by WorldNetDaily, in 1999
he represented Kenneth Starr grand jury witness Patrick Knowlton in an
attempt to attach a 511-page report by Knowlton as an amendment to the
Interim Report, or the Starr Report, on the investigation of Foster's
death, which was released in 1997. Knowlton's report was a point-by-point
analysis and refutation of the 114-page Starr Report. Among its many
startling findings was evidence that the so-called suicide was, in fact,
the work of a professional hitman.

A three-judge panel in Sept. 1999 agreed to unseal Knowlton's report,
thereby making it public, but at the same time refused his request that it
be attached to the Starr Report.

When we filed our 511-page report with the court, nobody read it; it was
never litigated, Clarke recalled. I filed it in so many courts, and no
one would adjudicate it. Nobody would 

[CTRL] US admits losing nuke ('58, off Georgia)

2001-08-19 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


US admits losing nuke

August 12, 2001

A NUCLEAR bomb, 100 times more powerful than the one dropped on Hiroshima,
is lying 10km off the east coast of the United States.

Until now one of the most closely guarded secrets in US military history,
its existence has been confirmed in newly declassified documents which
reveal how it was dumped in the sea after a mid-air collision more than 40
years ago.

Pentagon officials, though admitting they do not know the bomb's exact
location, insist it is safe.

They have rejected demands for it to be recovered, saying it is too
dangerous to be touched.

The 3450kg hydrogen bomb, known as a Mark 15 weapon, has been lying off the
coast of Georgia since February 5, 1958, when it was jettisoned from a B-47
Stratojet bomber after the plane was struck by a fighter jet during a
training exercise at 36,000ft.

One of the bomber's wings was damaged and an engine dislodged.

The pilot, Maj Howard Richardson, was ordered to drop the 3.5m bomb before
attempting to land.

He did so near Tybee Island, close to the mouth of the Savannah River.

Despite a 10-week search, the bomb was never found.

In a top-secret memo to the chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC),
a Pentagon official wrote: A B-47 aircraft with a (word censored) nuclear
weapon aboard was damaged in a collision with an F-86 aircraft near

The B-47 aircraft attempted three times unsuccessfully to land with the

The weapon was then jettisoned visually over water off the mouth of the
Savannah River. No detonation was observed.

Documents reveal the search was called off when another hydrogen bomb was
accidentally dropped near Florence, South Carolina.

A TNT explosive trigger detonated on impact, but the actual nuclear device
did not explode.

Troops looking for the bomb off the coast were then ordered to Florence to
conduct a clean-up operation. They never returned to Tybee Island.

The search for this weapon was discontinued on 4-16-'58 and the weapon is
considered irretrievably lost, one of the declassified documents states.

The military suspected the bomb plunged into water 6m deep, coming to rest
beneath about 5m of sand.

The bomb's existence was only made public when a salvage company, run by
former CIA officer Bert Soleau, offered to find it.

Now Georgians are demanding action, but the military is standing firm,
saying recovery could take five years and cost $23 million.

Officials claim the bomb is safe because, though it contained 180kg of TNT
to trigger the atomic explosion, a vital link between the TNT and the
nuclear device had been removed. Without the link -- in this case a capsule
containing plutonium -- detonation was impossible.

This has been challenged by former servicemen and residents, who have
discovered documents stating it was armed.

Derek Duke, a former US Air Force pilot from Savannah, cites a 1966 memo to
the Congress Joint Committee on Atomic Energy by W.J. Howard, then
assistant to the secretary of defence, stating that the bomb was a
complete weapon.

Howard H. Nixon, a former crew chief who loaded nuclear weapons on to
planes at Georgia's Hunter Army Airfield from 1957 to 1959, said the bombs
were always armed.

Never in my air force career did I install a Mark 15 weapon without
installing the plutonium capsule, he said.

The capsule debate has failed to convince Mr Duke. It's a nuclear bomb,
he said.

It's like if I take the battery out of your car, then I try to convince
you it's not a car.

Tybee Islanders agree. Mayor Walter Parker said: It's in the best interest
of everybody that it be found to determine what condition the weapon is

Resident Ken Wade was more blunt: There is no doubt we've got a nuclear
bomb right here in our neighbourhood.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

[CTRL] Organizational chart of the Rothschild Occupational Government

2001-08-19 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-


begin 666 Organizational chart of the Rothschild Occupational Government.url
M6T1%1D%53%1=#0I05-%55),/6AT=' Z+R]W=WNV]V97)I96=N+F9R965S

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Schlund Affidavit - 11/17

2001-08-19 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

Next, the DEA used the Dirty Dozen and or the Aryan Brotherhood to apply for
jobs at Shell Oil and/or their subcontractors.  These men now started to fill
positions on the job I was working at.  During this time my boss at Shell oil
was the FBI, my helper was a FBI agent, the secretary was a FBI agent, my safety
supervisor worked for the FBI and many of the men I was working with were FBI
agents assigned to protect me.  In other words, the DEA and their men (including
the Dirty Dozen and the Aryan Brotherhood) had walked into a trap set up by the
FBI and me.  Everything was filmed and documented by the FBI.  (The DEA is now
making me scream in pain. They are crushing my skull, shorting my eyes out,
taking the feeling away from my hands and fingers, dislocating my ankles and
making my feet numb and scrambling my brain to threaten me and stop me from
writing this letter to the court.)  The court must understand that no one but
the FBI and DEA knew where I was.  These events could have not happened any
other way than how I'm describing them to the court. The time frame is still in
the first half of 1992.  As the bad guys manned the job to kill me they bragged
about which governor they worked for and told me how they were going to kill me
in an industrial accident.  The FBI then moved everyone on the job to where we
were working on top of each other to monitor and control everything. The FBI was
preparing to bust the DEA's men in the Dirty Dozen and Arian Brotherhood that
had been assigned with the job of killing me.

I had to stop the FBI because they did not yet understand what this was really
about.  I then told my boss that I had to leave and go do something and that I
would not be back.  He told me go do what I had to do and come back and go back
to work.  The court must remember that I was talking directly to the FBI face to
face.  I then told this FBI agent who was my boss that the DEA has always run
all of the drugs and he told me that they knew.  He then told me its
unbelievable but they now know the truth.

Next, I started the set-up of the newspapers.  I called a newspaper in
Washington, D.C. as I had called others before and gave them information of the
assassination of Don Bolles and told them I would be there in three days to talk
to them.  I then left New Orleans and headed to Washington. D.C.  Upon arriving
in Washington, D.C., I asked the FBI if I could check in my guns and the FBI
refused to allow me to do so.  Next I checked into a motel.  The entire motel
filled up around me as soon as I checked in. The motel filled up with FBI, DEA
and others. I then tried to call the newspaper and I got the girl's answering
machine directly. This could not have happened because I had to go through two
operators at the paper to get to the girl's extension. The DEA already had
control of my phone line.

Next, I called the FBI and I got a recorded message that the FBI had moved to
their new building and the phones were not in service yet.  Again the DEA
controlled my phones and impersonated the FBI.  Next, I called the operator and
told her this was an emergency and she put me through to the FBI.  I then, for
the first time, told the FBI what this was really about which was the systematic
overthrow of the United States.  I then told the FBI agent that I needed a phone
line and that the DEA controlled my phone line.  Within minutes a phone company
truck was at the motel and started to switch phone lines.  I then got a call
telling me they had me.  I then called the newspaper back and got the first
operator, then the second operator, and then I got the girl I was calling.  The
phone call went well and proved what I needed to prove even though the girl did
not realize who she really worked for.

During this time they were trying to beat through the motel wall to get at me.
This is the type of activity that continued from this time until about 1997 when
the DEA started to stand off and just torture me at a more reduced rate at a

The time frame is now the summer of 1992.  I now headed for my brother's in New
Jersey.  My next job was to teach the FBI how the witnesses are monitored and
how the monitoring devices cause an autoimmune disease or response.  From
Washington, D.C. to New Jersey I only saw the FBI when I would approach the DEA
on the highway.  When I would be getting close to one of the DEA agents, the FBI
would pull up alongside of me and stay there until I passed the DEA agents, then
they would again drop back again and I would not see them anymore.  If I would
have trouble with my truck the FBI would have the police assist me immediately.

The court must understand that I had given the FBI my total permission to
monitor me in whatever way they desired.  In other words, I had given the FBI my
total permission to monitor and document everything without the need of a
warrant.  I also had many of the people I knew or associated with do the same
thing and I had them also give 

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2001-08-19 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

This case is about torture and human rights violations of me under color of
authority by the DEA using implants and other devices they used in my clothing,
bedding and other places.  There is no question if the DEA could monitor me
without torturing me. There is also no question if the DEA could design
monitoring devices to be used to torture.  They can and have. We all know this
is possible and that it's done to people every day.  I have even offered the DEA
many times to allow them to monitor me if they would remove the devices
torturing me and I have even offered to authorize them to replace these devices
with FBI devices at the same time. The DEA could easily monitor FBI devices.

The DEA has refused all of my offers and has demanded it has the right to torture
me under the color of authority.  I have made these offers over the phone and in
writing using certified mail.  Let the court fully understand that there is no
good faith by the DEA and the DEA has proven beyond any doubt that its only
intent is to torture me in the most horrible and satanic ways possible.  When I
offered the FBI my permission to monitor me in any way they desired, they later
replied that I now have friends in high places.  When I offered that to the DEA
in exchange for the removal of the torture devices they satanically tortured me
as a satanic act of revenge for costing them the billions of dollars in drug
proceeds that I did cost them.  There is no investigation of me by the DEA but
there is torture and a cover-up of the information I have.

I will no longer negotiate or try to reason with the DEA.  I have tried for 22
years without success.  Everything will now be done in a court of law through
this court and all the way through the World Court.  There has never been any
good faith towards me by the DEA and there never will be; all actions of the DEA
have been a covert operation to torture me. These acts are acts of State
Sponsored Terrorism against American citizens and myself by the DEA.  Let the
court fully understand that we are prepared to present the statements of many
people about how they were tortured.  These people will openly testify in trial
about how satanic and horrible these forms of torture are.

The time period is now about late 1992.  For the first time in many years I'm
not being controlled or tortured.  I feel like a little kid, I feel great, I
have not experienced such a feeling of joy in many years.  The Depression is
gone, the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is gone, the headaches are gone and all of
the pain and suffering is gone.  The DEA now stands off and monitors everywhere
I go and everything I do, but does not use the devices to torture me with and
the FBI now monitors the DEA.  Other agencies are now starting to monitor what
is happening.  The DEA starts to lose drug shipments that were under their
protection or the protection of State agencies.  I have so damaged the CIA and
DEA drug, murder and political operations that I have altered the outcome of the
Presidential Elections in the United States.  I understand that my statement is
a hard one to swallow but nevertheless, I also believe it to be true but it
would also be hard to prove in trial but I believe I can in part.

I had briefed the FBI on how the crime will start to fall in the United States
before this period of time.  I also told them how the crime will continue to
fall from the monitoring and control of the DEA and those under their protection
and control.  I had also briefed the FBI on how the budget will now be balanced
and on how to use the money to pay the debt down.  I had briefed the FBI on how
death by heart attacks will fall, suicide will fall, automobile deaths will fall
and others.  All of this information was in the files we had.  The FBI now has
most of its men monitoring the people that I had briefed them on and others that
these people have led them to. All major crime in the United States will now
fall and continue to fall to the levels of the 1950's after this organized crime
network is totally destroyed.

I understand that my statements are strong but nevertheless they are also
truthful.  I had briefed the FBI on how funds were being funneled out of the
government and I do know that some of these projects that I briefed the FBI on
were canceled before completion due to the information I supplied.  I also know
that the information I supplied is responsible in part for the fall in crime in
the United States.

The time period is now about 1993.  The DEA is losing huge amounts of money from
the seizure of the drug shipments that were under their protection. They are
also losing money from the monitoring of them by the FBI, which makes it almost
impossible to do assassinations and run drugs inside the United States.  The
President has taken away the authority to run the drugs under the cover of law.

The FBI is now destroying these drug, murder and other organized crime
operations.  The DEA is now starting 

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2001-08-19 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

The court must understand that in the Don Bolles Papers no one would not agree
to do this under torture.  Not one person in all of the people they framed and
there were many.  In the Don Bolles Papers the CIA and DEA had concluded that no
one could withstand this kind of torture and everyone would break and do what
they wanted them to do without exception.  They had concluded that this form of
torture was far better than any form of physical torture known and much more
painful than any physical torture that a person could live through.

I also do not want the court to forget that it makes no difference if I'm a drug
dealer or not. Torture is still illegal and the damages remain the same. The
court must understand that it would be impossible for me to be a drug dealer
with implants in my neck.  It would also be impossible for the DEA not to catch
me if I was a drug dealer with implants in my neck.  The DEA has no intent on
arresting me; their only intent is to torture me and cause me as much pain and
suffering as possible while still keeping me alive to further torture me.

The only involvement in drugs I had during this entire time was when the DEA
would send its girls into the bar to conduct their covert operations against
me.  Or when the DEA would have the Dirty Dozen supply people around me with
drugs.  I never sold any drug during any of these times to anyone.  One of the
girls that the DEA was using through the Dirty Dozen to set me up with, came in
after these operations were done and apologized to me, and told me they had her
strung out on crack at the time.  The FBI and all of the others were there when
this happened and I'm sure it's on film.

I tape recorded many of the conversations with the DEA when I was calling them
and many other conversations.  I have a large number of these conversations
including John Albano from the DEA in Washington, D.C. admitting the implants
are in my neck.  I also have many more conversations proving that the DEA fully
knew they were torturing me.  It would most likely take thousands of pages to
transcribe all of the tapes for the court.

Adam at the Phoenix office of the FBI also has called my house and said the
implants are CIA implants. I just got up from typing and went out back to get some
relief from the mode they were using against me. Today's date is December 14, 1999
and the time is about 11:30 PM.  When I got up I could barely walk due to the torture
mode the DEA was using on me.  When I went out  into my back yard the torture mode
was immediately changed. The sound was increased in my left ear where they are using
sounds of a pulsed computer program to torture me. This form of torture bothers
me greatly but it not painful in the current mode.  There are other modes that
are painful. They were also using a different mode on me that cripples me and is
painful. This mode was immediately removed when I opened the back door.

I do not understand why this is done but they always remove this mode when I open
the door and go outside.  Within a few minutes I'm able to walk again but I'm still
limping some.  When this mode is turned up, I'm totally crippled. The DEA is now
threatening me for typing this part and is bringing up pain on both sides of my
head. The DEA was just making me scream some for typing this part. The computer
program of sounds has also changed during...right now...now it's back to where
it was.  During this period the right implant was being used to monitor me. The
monitoring mode is not painful but the filter they use to filter out the torture
mode of sounds from the left implant is painful.

Today's date is December 16, 1999 and the time is about 4:45 PM.  I have just
returned home from work. The torture and control of me today by the DEA was much
different than ever before.  I slept in my back yard last night because they
torture me heavy during my sleep if I try to sleep in the house.  In other
words, I have been forced to sleep outside in the cold by using torture against
me to drive me out of my house.  The modes that were used against me last night
and today were far different than ever before but they were still painful,
disorienting and disrupting.  The modes that they used against me today also
left me somewhat disabled and somewhat crippled. These acts are not the acts of
an investigation; they are the criminal acts of torture and control.  An
investigation is when you collect information on someone.  Control and torture
is when you torture and hurt someone and control their actions. There is a
difference between the two.

When I got home and got my mail there was a letter from the court. This letter
was the court's response to our motion to reconsider.  Our motion was denied, as
I was sure it would be. In the court denial of our motion they stated some of
the facts that the court used to refuse me my right to be free from torture.
I'm not a lawyer so I will respond to the court in my words the way I see what

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2001-08-19 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

The torture while I'm typing on this letter tonight is the lightest ever but it
still deprives me of my full freedom of speech by at least 50%.  I would just
like to make a few more points and I will stop so this letter can be submitted
to the court.  First, all conversations that I made that the DEA used against me
were made under torture after I agreed with the DEA to make the conversations in
exchange for relief from torture.  No conversations were real and the DEA always
fully knew this.  Some of these conversations were made in the shower.
The first of these conversations was made after the DEA had horribly tortured me any
time I tried to shower.  Sometimes after they stopped me from showering as they made
me scream, it would take me hours to recover enough to even try again, and again
they would torture me to stop me.  Sometimes they would torture me until I
passed out from the torture and pain. The DEA needed me dirty for their photo
sessions and would make me scream until I could not stand if I tried to take a
shower.  Sometimes I would be throwing up, screaming in pain and the diarrhea
would be so bad that I would be crapping on myself.  After driving me insane
under the torture and repeatedly depriving me of sleep I then would offer them a
fabricated conversation in exchange to allow me to take a shower.  I would then
ask them what they wanted so they could take the conversation or conversations
to the court to use to commit perjury.  The DEA would then turn the torture down
to where I was not screaming but still keep me in a lot of pain.  I then would
give them a list of different conversations I knew they needed to protect their
corrupt officials and they would pick the one they wanted by stopping the
torture when I would say the correct one; this would only take a couple

Then when I was in the shower I would give them what they wanted in
exchange for allowing me to take the shower.  Up until a few weeks ago the
shower was where I was always very heavily tortured.  For some reason this has
now changed. The torture in the shower is now not that bad compared to what it
has been all of these years.

Every conversation that the DEA submitted to the court was obtained this way and
other ways but torture was always the factor that resulted in the conversations
that the DEA submitted to the court.  The DEA always fully knew that they were
obtaining these conversations from me under torture and that these conversations
were not real. There were never any drugs that I sold and I was not a drug
dealer and the DEA always knew this.  The only crime being committed was the DEA
forcing me to make conversations under torture and the DEA then coming in my
house and planting the supporting evidence to justify their Human Rights
Violations.  The DEA always used torture against me to obtain these
conversations and I repeatedly called them and complained of the torture and I
was tortured again for making these calls.  Many of these torture sessions
resulted in me becoming unconscious from the torture or totally insane from the

All files and papers that the DEA has collected and maintains on me are false,
fictitious, fabricated and were obtained under torture, or are presented in a
false light or way.  No DEA files on me are real.  No information the DEA has
about me is real.  All of this was done under the color of authority and the
cover of law to remove me as a witness against the DEA and others. The torture
is ongoing and never ending and will continue for the rest of my life or until
the court stops the DEA and other law enforcement agents from using electronic,
electric and other kinds of technologically advanced torture to violate Human
Rights. No real investigation is conducted on citizens of the United States
while these people are being tortured. These acts are the acts of organized
crime and are criminal acts by corrupt agents of the government.

Today's date is December 17, 1999.  The torture was not too bad during the day
today. The DEA worked on me during the night last night making me somewhat
crippled when I woke up.  I'm still forced to sleep in the back yard in the
cold.  If I try to sleep in my bed the DEA horribly tortures me during the
entire time.  After I got home today I laid down to recover some from the mild
torture during the day. The DEA tortured and harassed me the entire time I was
trying to sleep.  I lost all of the feeling in my hands, arms, feet and legs
from the mode that they were using against me as I tried to sleep.  It also
feels like they dislocated every bone in my body. I just now went outside where
they change the torture and turn the torture down.  As soon as I returned to the
computer the torture was again raised and I am being horrible tortured with
sounds and other modes that are unknown to me. Sounds are a horrible way of
torturing someone and are very effective and painful.

The DEA is upset because I went down and filed the notice 

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2001-08-19 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

I plan on using many witnesses in my trial to prove that anyone that refused to
sell drugs for the Dirty Dozen was hunted by the DEA and others and imprisoned
or murdered. I have known many such people that had refused to sell their drugs
as I have. All of these people were discredited and or imprisoned for refusing
to sell their drugs, some of these people did sell drugs but did refuse to sell
the Dirty Dozen's drugs who was ran by the DEA. The DEA informants that set
these people up and busted them where also people I knew. These informants were
members of the Dirty Dozen and were also drug dealers on a massive scale,
murderers and the scum of the earth.

I believe that one of the reasons that the DEA is so interested in setting up my
daughters is to cover up their crimes against children that the DEA has
committed. My daughters were all injected as very young children with the
implants to cover up and protect the DEA's drug operations and murders. To cover
up this outrageous conduct by the DEA the DEA is currently conducting generated,
fabricated, created and fictitious investigations against my daughters. By doing
this the DEA hopes to make the bugging of my daughters appear to be current drug
investigations. Nothing could be further from the truth. My children were all
injected as toddlers by the DEA and the currant operations of the DEA are
nothing more then the cover up of the DEA's crimes against children and the
family, which is a violation of international law. I do not expect the 9th
Circuit Court of Appeals to address these issues but I hope that courageous and
honest judges of the 9th Circuit will address these and other issues.

At this time I do fully plan on having these and other issues addressed in the World
Court. I do still believe that these issues may be addressed in this court which
would make it not necessary to appeal these and other more serious issues to the
World Court. Senator Hatch wanted to break up the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.
I gave the FBI information on Senator Hatch. I also believe my case is why
Senator Hatch wanted to break up the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. May I add
that my lawyer or legal console believes that the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals
is the finest court in the United States and I agree.

I believe that some of the issues that I'm raising before this court are very
serious crimes under national and international law. The President of the United
States Ronald Reagan declared the War on Drugs. If this is a war against the
American people then these acts are the acts of war criminals. This would mean
that these crimes against children and other American citizens are war crimes
under international law. I am referring to the Child Protection Act and the
Family Protection Act and other international treaties that the United States
has ratified or been ordered to honor by the President of the United States.

It is now about 6:24 AM December 24, 1999. The DEA woke me up at about 5:30 AM
for a torture session using the implants against me. They used sonic shock waves
to wake me up with and to torture me with. This is the nicest kind of weapon
system contained in the implants. Sound doesn't sound to horrible but in this
weapons system in very horrible and painful.

By the DEA using the implants they can make it appear that anyone is on drugs or
they can use the implants in a way to allow others to use the people they are
controlling. It is very easy with these implants to knock a young girl out
without her knowledge or consent to allow others to take advantage of her. In
the Don Bolles Papers this was standard practice by the DEA and others using
these devices.

I would like the court to take notice of Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a
Psychocivillized Society by Jose M. R. Delgado Published by New York Harper
and Row in 1969. This book details some of the early experiments by Jose Delgado
who was conducting these experiments in mind control for the CIA. These experiments
and others in the Don Bolles Papers led to the designing of these devices that
the DEA is currently using against my family and me to destroy our family unit.

These are also the devices used widely in the United  States against all
political witnesses, dissidents and others that are a threat to the Republican
Party, Rockefeller's and those under their protection or control which includes
some Democrats.

The following is some of the information I supply the FBI and others with. In
one of the files we had there was a lady FBI agent that the CIA needed to
control to disable her and stop her from conducting her investigation against
organized crime figures that were under their protection. They being the CIA and
DEA decided it was impractical to inject her and torture her because of her
position in the FBI. To disable her they decided to inject her 1 year-old
daughter with the device and tortured the child during the night to deprive the
mother of any sleep to disable her 

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2001-08-19 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

Is it legal to perform medical procedures in secret on American citizens in the
middle of the night with out their consent or knowledge? In the Nuremberg trials
performing medical procedures on people against their well was a crime against
humanity. When the Nazi's injected the Jews in the neck and they became ill and
sick from the injection this was ruled a crime against humanity. When the DEA
injected other people and me in the neck and we became ill and sick from the
injections wasn't this also a crime against humanity? I see no difference in
what the Germans did to what the United States government is doing. Doesn't this
also violate human rights treaties that the United States signed? Doesn't this
also violate the DEA agent's oath of office? Doesn't this also violate the
Constitution of the United States? When the President of the United States
ordered the agencies to abide by these human right treaties and the DEA refused
wasn't this a violation of American Law?

Can the DEA or others forcibly inject something into my neck against my will in
secret under the cover and color of law? Can the DEA then torture me with what
they injected?  Can my religious beliefs be violated and the mark of the beast
be forcibly injected or installed in me against my will. I am a Christian and my
government has authorized my torture with these devices against my will and has
refused me my rights over my body and has refused me the right to remove what
the government installed in my body. Can the government play God and punish
people in secret with these and other devices?

Today's date is February 10, 2000. I went to bid and look at a large job today
and I was satanically tortured with the implants to deprive me of money and to
stop me from making a living. The daily torture has been costing me as much as
$25,000.00 a day in lost wages because of the torture. I am a very highly
skilled Electrical Contractor that has specialized in motor control. The DEA and
or others has used these devices to limit my ability to make a living to stop my
lawsuit against the United States of America and limit the damages. In the real
world with out the electronic control over me I would make up to about
$25,000.00 a day doing the kind of work I do. The DEA horribly tortures me every
time I try to do a job with large profits and then when I'm doing a favor where
I make little or nothing they stop much of the torture for photo's to document
what they are trying to portray falsely to the Justice Department, court and

The torture and electronic control over me by the government has cost me many
millions of dollars in lost work. The government can not stop the torture and
allow others to see what I really can do with out the electronic control over
me. Presently it will take me many years to recover from the torture. The DEA
and others fully knows that my income will double about every 30 days when the
torture is stopped. This would make me a greater threat to them and they are
fully aware of this and this is why the DEA can not stop the torture of me to
allow me to return to work. With these added funds I will go after the DEA in
court and they fully know this. The DEA and or others use of torture against me
is to legally obstruct justice under the protection of the courts.

Today's date is February 11, 2000. The DEA and or others have replaced all the
forms of torture they were using against me with torture by pulsed sounds. This
form of torture is far less horrible then the modes they used against me for all
of these years but it is still horrible and it is still torture.

I informed the DEA that I was going to prepare for the United States Supreme
Court and type in this letter who some of the people where that I was supplying
the FBI and others with information on that was from what I had read in their
CIA and other files. Let this court fully know that the DEA increased the
torture to threaten me to protect the corrupt judges that protect the DEA and
other corrupt public officials and authorize the use of torture against
political witnesses like myself under the cover of warrants.

After I had given the FBI some names of Federal Judges the FBI then learned from
this information the names of other judges in higher courts of the United
States. A meeting was then set up with Harold Elston and me to ask me to confirm
what they had learned. I do not know if it is appropriate for me to name these
and other judges that I was supplying the FBI and others with information about
their criminal conduct that was in the files I read in 1977.

I reserve the right to challenge these judges when we appeal to the United States
Supreme Court. I did supply the FBI and others with the names of three present United
States Supreme Court Justices and I supplied the FBI with what I could remember
from their CIA and DEA files and other files. After supplying the FBI with these
names and the contents of their files I was injected with 

Re: [CTRL] NM: War with China

2001-08-19 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-


 -Caveat Lector-

 Chinese missile data


 War with China

 by Charles R. Smith

 On the first day of World War III, the United States lost two thirds of its
 military and nearly one-half its population, yielding superiority to
 communist China. U.S. orders of the day were of high alert; and there is
 simply no evading the fact that we were not ready.

 The Chinese rain of missiles on U.S. installations and homeland cities was
 a military masterpiece. The People's Liberation Army Second Artillery Corp
 achieved complete surprise, armed only with a small force of over 300
 tactical and 10 strategic missiles.

 Defenseless against the attack, U.S. forces in Hawaii, Alaska, South Korea,
 and Japan were quickly over-whelmed by the guided warheads of the Chinese
 missiles. The bombs plunged out of the inky blackness of space, striking
 within seconds of each other. The rain of death fell swiftly upon a
 sleeping America with precise and devastating accuracy.

 In a span of little more than 30 minutes, China wiped out Los Angeles, San
 Francisco, Seattle, San Diego, Chicago, Washington, Boston, New York,
 Hawaii, Manila, Seoul, Taipei, and Tokyo.

 China sank five U.S. carriers, seven Ohio class submarines, vaporized over
 two hundred MX and Minuteman missiles and destroyed over 800 combat
 aircraft including fifteen B-2 strategic bombers. The strikes also killed
 more than one hundred million people without the loss of a single PLA

 The Second Artillery succeeded by striking key U.S. bases, warships and air
 fields with a swift and bold attack. The attack left China with 10
 remaining strategic missiles and nearly 300 tactical missiles, holding the
 devastated U.S. homeland hostage to another strike.

 Despite the calls to retaliate, sending the scattered remains of U.S.
 nuclear forces against China would not stop another attack on America, nor
 would it stop the PLA Generals who ordered the first.

 There is no question that the U.S. strategic missiles could devastate the
 Chinese homeland. However, killing hundreds of millions of innocent Chinese
 citizens would do little to deter the warlords in Beijing from launching
 the second wave of ten missiles while remaining hidden inside bombproof

 China's sudden and brutal attack forced America to surrender on Beijing's
 terms. In little more than forty-eight hours, China won the Third World


 Fiction? Then consider this fact: The United States has no defense against
 a missile attack. The U.S. has NO missile defense and is only testing a
 limited system that might stop one or two missiles.

 Those who minimize the Chinese strategic forces frequently state that China
 has only 20 missiles. These people are fools playing games with the lives
 of millions of innocent humans. They fail to mention that each Chinese
 strategic missile is tipped with a multi-megaton H-bomb that can vaporize a

 In the previous scenario, Chinese forces used only half their current
 strategic and tactical missiles in a single attack, turning ten of the top
 U.S. cities and most of free Asia into charred, radioactive wastelands.

 China apologists also question whether Beijing is willing to wage war
 against America. However, the Chinese military makes it very clear they
 want nuclear combat with the U.S.A.

 According to an August 1999 policy document published by the People's
 Liberation Army Office of The Central Military Command, unlike Iraq and
 Yugoslavia, China is not only a big country, but also possesses a nuclear
 arsenal that has long since been incorporated into state warfare system and
 play a real role in our national defense.

 In comparison with the U.S. nuclear arsenal, our disadvantage is mainly
 numeric, which in real wars the qualitative gap will be reflected only as
 different requirement of strategic theory, states the PLA military

 In terms of deterrence, there is not any difference in practical value. So
 far we have built up the capability for the second and third nuclear
 strikes and are fairly confident in fighting a nuclear war. The PCC
 (communist Party Central Committee) has decided to pass though formal
 channels this message to the top leaders in the U.S.

 China also has recently tested a new long-range missile capable of reaching
 America, the DF-31. The DF-31 is capable of delivering a single
 multi-megaton H-bomb or up to three 90 Kiloton nuclear bombs. The most
 recent DF-31 test took place earlier this year and some Pentagon analysts
 expect the PLA Second Artillery will begin active deployment of DF-31 units
 early next year.


 Clearly, China apologists must seriously consider the growing capability of
 Beijing's nuclear missile forces, including the tremendous build up of
 short-range tactical missiles. China continues to deploy short-range Dong
 Feng or East Wind 

[CTRL] [AL-AWDA] Loyalty to Israel and Supporting Its Terrorism Is Not A Crime In Canada (fwd)

2001-08-19 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


National Post
August 18, 2001

RCMP probing 'Jihad' web sites
'This is an issue of loyalty,' former CSIS man says as Mounties confirm

Stewart Bell

The RCMP has launched investigations into two Canadian-registered Internet
sites following complaints they are being used by Islamic terrorists for
recruiting and the promotion of violence.

Police began probing the sites, registered in Ontario and Quebec, after the
human rights group B'nai Brith approached the RCMP and the Canadian Security
Intelligence Service with concerns.

I can confirm that B'nai Brith was in contact with a senior official in the
RCMP and that the RCMP has commenced investigations, Paul Marsh, an RCMP
spokesman in Ottawa, said yesterday.

CSIS, the Canadian spy agency, is also said to be looking into the matter.

The National Post reported this week that the Web site qudscall.com, which
American experts say was set up by the Middle Eastern terrorist group
Islamic Jihad, is registered to a Toronto address.

It features statements from Palestinian terrorists taking credit for bombing
attacks against Israeli civilians and threats of further violence. Islamic
Jihad and Hamas are the main groups responsible for the current wave of
violence against Israelis.

The Post also reported that an invitation to jihad had been posted on the
bulletin board of the Montreal-registered Web site islamway.com. The posting
seeks recruits for terrorist training at camps run by mujahedeen fighters in

Dave Harris, former chief of strategic planning at CSIS, said the
developments are evidence Canadian-based terrorists and their supporters are
feeling emboldened by the federal government's failure to curtail their

The message should be sent out that these people engaging in terrorism and
terrorist support activity are being disloyal to this country, he said.
This is an issue of disloyalty. They can't be loyal to causes beyond our
borders and still be loyal to Canada and the Canadian ideal.

Frank Dimant, a B'nai Brith spokesman, said his organization had spoken on
Thursday with police and intelligence officials about the Web sites and
they do take the threat very seriously.

They're on a higher alert basis following the public revelations and they
will be working with parties to ensure that security and safety of
communities here will be given extra care.

B'nai Brith plans to raise the issue with political leaders.

Computers have become a vital tool of modern terrorism. Radicals waving
assault rifles remain integral to violent movements, but they have been
joined by a cyber-army of computer hackers who mount online attacks, send
encrypted e-mail messages and run propaganda Web sites.

We will use whatever tools we can -- e-mails, the Internet -- to facilitate
jihad against the [Israeli] occupiers and their supporters, Sheik Ahmed
Yassin, founder of the terrorist group Hamas, told USA Today.

CSIS has warned of the disturbing trend that has seen terrorists make
increasing use of computer networks to recruit cadres, raise money,
communicate, organize operations and mount online attacks.

One Canadian-based Web site -- www.tamiltigers.net -- named after the Tamil
Tigers terrorist group from Sri Lanka, includes a section that advised
followers which candidates to vote for in the last Ontario election,
depending upon their stand on the extremist group.

The jihad posting on the Montreal-registered site invites extremists to
train with guerrillas in Afghanistan.

The Afghan training camps are part of the the international Islamist network
headed by terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden. They were responsible for
training and financing former Montreal refugee claimant Ahmed Ressam for his
planned 1999 bomb attack at Los Angeles airport.

The Web site said yesterday in a posting it was not responsible for the call
to violence because it was written by a private member..

Several readers of the site sent e-mail messages to the Post, including one
who wrote that Jews are the real and main corrupters in the world, another
who threatened sexual violence against a reporter's family and a third who
warned that jihad [holy war against non-Muslims] is compulsory on every

Sign the online petition to US Secretary of State Colin Powell at:
Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition's listserve, is a forum for 
individuals active in the Palestine right to return campaign regardless of 
organizational affiliation if any. Al-Awda develops, coordinates, supports and guides, 
as needed, global and local grassroots initiatives for action related to the Palestine 
refugee right to return campaigns.  Unless indicated otherwise, all statements 

[CTRL] [PalestineDiary] The Nazification of the Average Israeli - Achtung Vere er yur peppers!!??? - Uri Avnery's SLAP IN THE FACE (fwd)

2001-08-19 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Everyone pretty much understands the word chutzpah which is a Yiddishism.
For the few who don't, the closest correct English translation is
unmitigated gall.  The best slang equivalent is balls.

Uri Avnery:

A Slap in the Face

 A middle-aged man approaches the army checkpoint. Three bored soldiers
look at him. One, probably the one in charge, who was standing two or three
meters away, comes up to him and slaps his face.
 A few hours later this was shown on television in Israel and all the
Arab countries. It appears that the beaten man is an Egyptian television
reporter, who was on his way to a press conference.
 The IDFL (Israel Defense Forces Liar, an anonymous officer in charge of
inventing pretexts for transgressions) provided the usual response: the man
had provoked and cursed the soldiers. The soldier got some suspended
penalty, probably for slapping people on camera. One may assume that he will
be promoted soon.
 What is so special about this incident?  Only the presence of a foreign
TV team, and the amazing chutzpah of the soldier who behaved like this
without first making sure that no camera was present. Apart from that, it
was a very normal incident. Things like that – and much worse – happen daily
at dozens of checkpoints all over the occupied territories. Routine
harassment, “in order to relieve the boredom,” as a soldier recently
explained concerning another incident.
 Slaps in the face. Beatings. Compelling people to stand in line for
hours in the blazing sun. Compelling people to sit for hours in their cars
in the sun with the windows closed. Taking away car keys or identity cards.
Puncturing tires. Detaining women in labor on the way to the hospital.
Detaining children with cancer on the way to treatment. Detaining kidney
patients on the way to dialysis. Stealing money and valuables. So what’s so
special about slapping an Egyptian journalist? After all, an Arab is an
  Nevertheless, it is worthwhile examining this incident a little
further. The soldier (Sergeant? Lieutenant?) did what he did, as do
thousands of other soldiers at regular and sporadic checkpoints, because
they believe that it is permitted, perhaps even desirable.
 It that is true, it shows that the situation is grave. If it is not
true, it shows that the situation is even worse.
 When thousands of soldiers at the checkpoints behave like this for
years, it is clear that the commanders are turning a blind eye. The
immediate commander. The battalion commander. The brigade commander. The
front commander. The Chief-of-Staff. The Minister of Defense. The Prime
Minister. It would be enough for one of these people to issue an unequivocal
order to stop the practice. It would be enough for the Chief-of-Staff to
remove a brigade commander under whose command such an incident happened. Or
for a brigade commander to remove a battalion chief. Or for the battalion
commander to dismiss a company captain. Indeed, it would be enough to send
one soldier to prison for 28 days (the penalty usually imposed on soldiers
refusing to serve in the occupied territories) for the practice to stop at
 If this does not happen, one cannot but hold the whole chain of command
responsible – from the harassing soldier at the checkpoint up to the
Chief-of-Staff. This means that the harassment is a policy. A policy
designed to break the population, to turn their life into hell and  induce
them to leave the country. And also to teach the soldiers to treat the
“locals” like dirt.
 There is another interpretation, and it is no less grave: that there is
no such policy. This means that the discipline in the army has broken down,
that the command at all levels has lost control. Not an army any more, but a
lawless militia.
 That would hardly be surprising, of course. One cannot employ an army
for dozens of years as an oppressive, colonial police force without causing
a breakdown of discipline. One cannot demand from a soldier to stick to the
truth in his reports when he hears every day the reports of the
above-mentioned IDFL (“killed while trying to escape”, “tried to run  the
soldiers over”, “were compelled to shoot when their life was in danger”,
“cursed the soldiers”, “tried to wrest the gun from the hands of the
 soldier” and similar routine untruths). One cannot expect a soldier, who
harasses venerable old men and respectable women in the occupied
territories, to behave like a quiet, courteous boy in a Haifa discotheque or
to treat his wife and children decently. One cannot expect a soldier, who
for years has been a hero confronting women and children, to be a hero
against tanks and artillery on a future battlefield.
 Every year, when the generals want to extract several billions more
from the public treasury, they tell us that any moment now a major war may
break out. Syria, Iraq, Iran, jointly or separately, are going to throw

[CTRL] (Fwd) Little caps for little people, big caps for Corporate Su

2001-08-19 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Subject:Little caps for little people, big caps for Corporate 
Date sent:  Sat, 18 Aug 2001 12:21:33 -0700

There are caps on the value of pain, suffering, or your life if you sue your
HMO for breaking your insurance contract.  There are no caps if your HMO
sues you.

There are caps upon welfare for the poor.  There are no caps on welfare for
megacorporations---the 33 billion subsidy recently awared our domestic oil
and coal cartel---and that largesse extends to make megafarms bigger, more
profitable and better able to gobble up their small-farm neighbors.  Thank
you, George.

Aug 18, 2001

WEEKLY FARM: Corporate Farms, State Agencies Among Big Recipients of
Bailout Package
By Philip Brasher
The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) - When President Bush signed into a law a $5.5 billion farm
bailout package, he said it was for farm families that represent the best
of America. He probably did not have the Montana state government in mind,
but it is one of the biggest recipients of the money.

He probably was not thinking of the University of Illinois, another large
recipient, or of Tyler Farms, an Arkansas-based partnership that controls
40,000 acres, an area nearly as big as the District of Columbia.

Tyler Farms is getting about $1.7 million, more than other single recipient,
according to an analysis by the Environmental Working Group. The
environmental watchdog organization maintains an extensive database of
Agriculture Department records.

Montana's Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, which receives
federal subsidies on state-owned cropland, will get the third largest
amount, $906,965.

Tyler Farms has received nearly $24 million in various farm subsidies over
the past five years, including nearly $5 million in special payments such as
those being made this year to compensate farmers for low crop prices, the
group says.

It's not like a welfare check, said Tyler Farms executive Phillip Ring.
It goes into this big pot of money that determines whether Tyler Farms is

The University of Illinois should collect about $126,000 for its farm
interests. Between 1996 and 2000, the university got nearly $1.8 million in
federal farm subsidies.

The supplemental assistance goes to the same farmers who receive fixed
annual payments from the government under a program Congress created in
1996. The supplemental payments are limited to $34,000 per individual
recipient, but that does not apply to institutional landowners and certain

Critics say big farms are hogging too much of federal subsidies, and using
the money to expand their operations to the detriment of neighbors.

One percent of the 1.4 million recipients will get 15 percent of the
payments, or about $52,000 each, according to the Environmental Working
Group analysis. The top 20 percent will get 79 percent of the money.

It's just more of the same, said Kenneth Cook, the group's president. We
should get the money to people who need it.

Bruce Babcock, an Iowa State University economist, says large grain and
cotton farms now rely on government subsidies for their survival. Most
small farmers have off-farm income and they're not as dependent on it. ...
It's the big farmers, crop farmers, that have developed a culture of

Defenders of the subsidy system say that restricting payments penalizes
efficient producers and discourages the streamlining and consolidation that
produced operations like Tyler Farms.

We're not the enemy, we're just aggressive farmers, said Leland Olson, who
farms 3,800 acres with his son near Marathon, Iowa. He should get a
supplemental payment of $34,000. He received $475,000 in subsidies from
1996-2000, according to the analysis.

The latest check will put a smile on my face, he said. But he added, We
weren't going to close our door without it.

Arkansas farmer Larry Joe Burns, who together with his wife should qualify
for $68,000, says he has to rent more land each year to cover expenses. He
has expanded at a rate of about 10 percent a year and now farms about 3,000

You just have fewer and fewer large operators that have to expand because
the margin is so small on each unit, Burns said. You lose good farmers
that want to stay on the land but they can't afford to farm.

Montana's farm subsidies are funneled to the state's schools.

Commodity prices are low. We do welcome those payments to help us help the
schools, said Kevin Chappell, who oversees the state's farm and ranch land.

Farmers will get the checks at a time when the nation's agriculture economy
appears to be on the rebound. The new aid will push net farm income to $50.4
billion, the highest level since 1996 and nearly 10 percent above last year.

Much of the growth is due to strong prices for cattle, hogs and milk, but
prices for major crops such as corn, soybeans and wheat also are edging up.

The aid package includes 

[CTRL] Bombing Iraq- Part Of New Manifest Destiny?

2001-08-19 Thread William Shannon

The Bombing Of Iraq: Part
Of Our New Manifest Destiny

Lee R. Shelton IV
[Friday, August 17, 2001; 12:01 a.m. EST]

This week, the United States launched more sorties against Iraqi military 
installations. We can all rest easier knowing that Saddam Hussein's plans to 
invade the U.S. have been thwarted yet again.

In 1991, President George Bush[41] ordered the very first bombing run in our 
ongoing "war" with Iraq. The president´s approval rating easily cleared the 
90 percent mark as Americans rallied together in support of our men and women 
in uniform. Patriotism was at an all-time high, Lee Greenwood´s G-d Bless the 
U.S.A. became the new national anthem, and we all learned the meaning of cool 
military words like sortie.

I must admit that I was once among the 90-plus percent of Americans who 
supported President Bush in his little desert safari. Our vital national 
interests were at stake. Rush Limbaugh said so. He told us that the Gulf War 
was necessary to ensure "the free-flow of oil at market prices." It sounded 
like a good enough reason to me. After all, oil is not only the life-blood of 
the United States, it is the life-blood of the entire civilized world.

The government, knowing they could not simply come out and say that the main 
objective of Operation Desert Storm was to protect our oil supply, tried to 
convince the American public that Saddam Hussein was the Adolph Hitler of the 
Arab world. If we had allowed him to get away with bullying the rich oil 
moguls of Kuwait, he could very well have gone on to swallow up the entire 
Arabian Peninsula.

Needless to say, with virtually every nation in the free world (even France) 
against him, Saddam Hussein was thoroughly thrashed in the Gulf War. We could 
have bragged about how we bombed him back into the Stone Age if it weren´t 
for the fact that Iraq was already in the Stone Age.

That was over a decade ago. Today, our air strikes against this third-world 
Arab nation continue. Why? Well, that´s a good question. One has reason to 
wonder if our air strikes are nothing more than mere target practice. Is Iraq 
to our fighters and bombers what the island of Vieques is, or was, to our 

We are told by our elected officials in Washington that Saddam Hussein is 
still a great threat to our national security. Really? Did I happen to miss 
the news reports of Iraqi fighters infiltrating U.S. airspace? Was there a 
threat of an Iraqi naval blockade just off the eastern seaboard?

We are told that we must prevent Hussein from building up his air defenses. 
Has anyone stopped to think that the reason he is trying to build up an air 
defense network is because of all the enemy planes constantly flying overhead?

We are told that if we turn our backs Iraq will proceed to develop "weapons 
of mass destruction," and we cannot allow that. If that were to happen, the 
United States, Great Britain, France, Russia, China, India, Pakistan, and 
Israel would no longer be the only nations with that capability. In this 
post-Cold War era, eight´s company, nine´s a crowd.

The "conservatives" who supported the bombing of Iraq under George Bush in 
1991, and now the continuing raids under George W. Bush [43] in 2001, believe 
that we are doing everything we can to protect our national interests. And 
they may be correct, as long as they continue to alter the meaning of the 
term "national interests."

Clamping down on Iraq is only a small part of our new Manifest Destiny. U.S. 
foreign policy has been effectively redefined so that everything from the 
AIDS epidemic in Africa to the erosion of the Great Barrier Reef off the 
coast of Australia is considered to be a vital national interest. Forget 
about minor problems like illegal immigration. We need to focus our resources 
on protecting our global borders. We are the most powerful nation in the 
world and if we don't police it, who will?

No matter what reason we may use to justify our bombing, the simple fact 
remains that our incessant attacks on Iraq are, like the initial conflict in 
1991, immoral and unconstitutional. No ultimate objective has been stated for 
these continuous bombings. No exit strategy has been offered. More 
importantly, no war has ever been declared by Congress. The lives of our 
soldiers as well as the lives of those they bomb have been placed solely in 
the hands of the president.

The framers of our Constitution deliberately set out to prevent that kind of 
concentration of power. They realized that war takes a toll on the American 
people. Since it involves the expenditure of public funds as well the loss of 
American lives, they believed that the people's representatives in Congress 
were the most qualified to handle such decisions.

Of course many "conservatives" disagree. They would point to the gridlock 
over issues like taxes and health care and argue that if we had to wait for 
Congress to commit U.S. 

Re: [CTRL] NM: War with China

2001-08-19 Thread Tito Hammond

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 8/19/01 6:10:26 AM Mountain Daylight Time,

 This article is pure unadulterated bullshit. It is scare mongering for NMD
 which has NOTHING to do with defending the citizens of this country, and
 everything to do with militarily dominating the entire planet from space.
 And... a monstrously huge welfare package for the military industrial

 NMD will give the New World Order the ability to sit at the top of Mount
 Olympus and hurl down lightning bolts at anyone, for any reason, anytime.

 If you hear ANYONE discussing NMD as  defensive, you know you're being
 lied to. 

 Instead of calling this bullshit, how about some proof that Red China
is not being used as an exterminator - to rid our elites of us useless eaters
and leave the rich to use this country for their own purposes.  Not only did
Bush  Clinton give/sell missle secrets and communications technology to the
Reds, they also gave them a base in California.  And, why do we have tens of
thousands of German and Russian troops quartered in our country?  I do not
trust our elite shitheads any farther than I can throw an elephant ... I've
lost my job to Mexicans, Malasians and Red Chinese four times in the last
nine years.  If our elites cannot starve us out by sending our jobs to
foreign countries; they just may have an alternate plan to use foreign troops
to exterminate us ... we don't need Germans, red chinese or Russians in our
country for any reason what-so-ever.  People should realize that Fascism and
Communism are being used to destroy this country and there is little
difference between these two Statist ways of operating, they both result in


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[CTRL] U.S.Pilots (Mercenaries) Fight Coca In Colombia

2001-08-19 Thread William Shannon


August 17, 2001
U.S. Pilots Fight Coca in Colombia

BOGOTÀA, Colombia, Aug. 16 - He was flying just above the tree line, moments 
after spraying herbicide on a patch of coca, when the machine- gun fire hit. 
Eight bullets, probably fired by leftist rebels or drug traffickers, struck 
the fuselage and tail, knocking out the radio as the cockpit filled with 

But the pilot, an American under contract in an anti-drug plan that has 
brought dozens of private citizens into Colombia's drug war, said he knew 
such attacks went with the job. 

``Suddenly, you start managing the airplane like you have in the past and 
have trained for,'' said the pilot, a 44- year-old Southerner named Mark. 
``The armor really kept the bullets away from me. There were armor plates 
under my seat that were damaged. That's where wire bundles were cut that 
caused the electronics to fail.'' 

In the first interviews among Americans working under a State Department 
contract in Colombia, a group of pilots spoke today of their experiences 
spraying fields of coca and heroin poppies that are often guarded by leftist 
rebels. The Americans, three pilots and a supervisor, agreed to be 
interviewed on the condition that their full names not be published, for fear 
of retaliation by traffickers or rebels. 

The pilots, who have spent years flying commercial crop-dusters in the United 
States, played down the risks here. They view the danger as minimal, they 
said, because their missions here are well-planned operations using high-tech 
aircraft, advanced electronics systems and armed escorts, in case their 
planes are shot down or malfunction. 

``There's always the possibility that something can go wrong at any minute,'' 
said Thomas, 50, a Texan who flies search-and-rescue helicopters that aid 
pilots who encounter trouble. ``The guys out there, they're trained 
professionals, and that's what they get paid to do - to be there should 
something go wrong.'' 

The comments, made during a casual roundtable with two American reporters in 
BogotÀa, the capital, came after harsh criticism among some lawmakers on 
Capitol Hill who feel the United States-financed antidrug program is too 
heavily reliant on private contractors, particularly pilots who fly spray 
planes and the helicopters serving as escorts. The four Americans work for 
Dyncorp, a Reston, Va., military contractor that is operating here under a 
five-year, $170 million contract. Dyncorp employs 335 civilians here, about 
half of them Americans. 

Under the $1.3 billion anti-drug aid package that the United States approved 
last year to cut into Colombia's huge drug crop, no more than 300 American 
contractors can work here. As of late July, 194 American civilians were 
working in Colombia, as pilots, mechanics, radar operators, trainers and 
logistics experts. 

The limit is likely to be reached by December, as helicopters and spray 
aircraft continue arriving, Ambassador Anne Patterson told reporters in July. 
The Americans will be needed to fly the planes and to serve as instructors 
for Colombian helicopter pilots, and as mechanics. 

Some on Capitol Hill are considering whether to allow the number of 
contractors to increase beyond 300, as the Bush administration has requested. 
The House has so far placed strict limits on what the White House can do. 

``The administration obviously wants to have maximum flexibility to implement 
their policy, and Congress clearly wants the administration policy in 
check,'' said Michael Shifter, a Colombia expert at the Inter-American 
Dialogue, a Washington think tank. 

The prospect that the number of private contracters could rise has alarmed 
some American officials. Representative Jan Schakowsky, an Illinois Democrat, 
has proposed banning the practice of contracting private citizens for 
dangerous jobs in Colombia, saying secrecy makes it difficult to hold people 

``You look at some of the individuals who are involved, you find that they 
have been involved in covert activities for years,'' said Ms. Schakowsky. 
``I'm not comfortable with the lack of transparency, whether it is with the 
company or with the individuals with those companies.'' 

Criticism of the contractors prompted American officials to permit the four 
Americans to talk about their backgrounds, their reason for flying in 
Colombia and the dangers they face. 

The Americans said the chance at year-round work with benefits - as opposed 
to seasonal flying in the United States - prompted them to look into 
help-wanted advertisements in trade journals that sought pilots for Colombia. 

Indeed, Bob, 47, a Texan who is married and has three children, said the 
chance to come to Colombia has given him career stability. In the United 
States, aerial application, as the pilots call their job, often means weeks 
of constant travel in search of work, he 

[CTRL] [PalestineDiary] An Irrelevant Anachronism

2001-08-19 Thread Yardbird

In the article below, one can think of the Maccibiah games as a metaphor for the 
entire idea of the desirability of Jewish separatism (Zionism), as contrasted to 
humanistic universalism.   I would like to first say something about the games 
themselves, as I have had experience with them.

Both of my sons, when they were teenagers, competed in a couple of N.American Junior 
Maccabiah Games.  The games are open to Jewish teenagers between the ages of 13 and 
16.   They are ONLY open to Jews.  This already might raise the little hairs on the 
backs of some peoples necks in the same way it would raise those hairs at restricted 
country clubs, or at athletic competitions in the old U. of South Africa which was 
White People only.   I believe you would be right.

Why, you might ask, would someone with my convictions allow my sons to participate?  I 
allowed it because there is ideological conviction and there is also the real world.  
In the real world, my older son, Asher, when he was 14 was best friends with the kid 
who was the very best basketball player in Rockville Centre. At that time they were 
inseparable.  In recent years, they speak only on occasion, but Jason did honor Asher 
by traveling a few thousand miles to attend his wedding in June.

Back when they were middle teens however, Jason was recruited to play basketball by 
the Riverdale YM/YWHA (now these institutions are known as JCCs Jewish Community 
Centers.  YM/YWHA - Young Men/Young Women's Hebrew Association has been deemed 
antiquated; and it is.  First of all, many of the worthy services these organizations 
provide are to senior citizens; and calling Jewish organizations Hebrew associations 
is one of those polite yet inaccurate niceties from the Victorian era.  In a similar 
manner, The Union of American Hebrew Congregations, The Reform Movement, tried to 
officially change its name a few years ago, but kept it partially out of inertia and 
partially because it could not come up with something preferable to the majority of 
the delegates.).  He told Asher he could get him on the team; and most importantly, 
there were a lot of hot girls there, on the other teams.   Well, to a teenager, what 
better reasons than that: a chance to play ball in a nifty uniform with your best 
friend, who being the best athlete would naturally attract girls, and then there is 
that reflected glory, and all the fun.   I see nothing wrong with those teen values, 
it is age appropriate.

The idea that these games were Jews only never registered.   As a matter of fact, 
several coaches in several JCCs played fast and loose with that rule.   There was one 
young boy, whose dad was Jewish but whose mother was not.  The couple was also 
inter-racial, and the boy had obvious Afro-American characteristics. The coach had 
spotted this kid at a summer league in Harlem, where a bunch of topflight players 
compete.  The parents were not especially religious and were not partial to either the 
father's putative religion or the mother's.
The coach asked the father if his son wanted to play in this national competition 
(national being the operative word), and of course the father saw a chance for his son 
to get noticed.  The kid was 14 and could slam dunk.
[ Oh, you may be wondering how I know all of this - it is because I was a member of 
the team's board of directors.  I became a member because they wanted someone to 
oversee the racquetball competition and I was already on the United States Racquetball 
Assn's Board of Directors for Junior Competition, so I was privy to inside dope].   
The father told the coach that his son was not being raised Jewish, both parents 
being completely secular.   The coach told the father that because HE was Jewish, his 
son was considered Jewish. Now this is only true among Reform Jews. It is not Halachic 
(Talmudic law), wherein one is Jewish ONLY if the mother is. (Just like in Israel's 
Law of Return, thus all of the handwringing now over the Russians who are gentiles and 
come with a member of the family who happens to be Jewish).

So they joined.  Then there was a tribunal, because several of the other coaches (and 
parents) complained about this kid, BECAUSE HE WASN'T JEWISH.  He was a great kid; 
charming, friendly, terrific athlete, competitive, helpful to his teammates, 
respectful.   BUT HIS PEDIGREE WAS IN QUESTION.  This was taken very seriously.  ONLY 
RACISTS WOULD TAKE THIS VERY SERIOUSLY.   After the hearings, the solomonic conclusion 
was reached - divide the baby.   Because the youth was entered by his father in good 
faith, since he was told by the coach (whom he presumed should have known, after all 
the coach WAS A PRACTICING ORTHODOX JEW, who walked around everywhere with his knitted 
kepot.) that the boy was in fact Jewish enough for the games, the boy could remain 
with the team, FOR THIS COMPETITION.  He would be barred from any future events, 
BECAUSE HE REALLY WASN'T JEWISH.The coach on the other hand 

[CTRL] More On US Pilot/Mercenaries In Colombia

2001-08-19 Thread William Shannon

Foreign Pilots Hired to Boost U.S. Drug War

By T. CHRISTIAN MILLER , Times Staff Writer

BOGOTA, Colombia -- The State Department has directed its largest private
contractor in Colombia to hire foreign pilots to fight the drug war, an order
that helps get around Congress' attempt to keep the U.S. from slipping
further into this country's messy civil war.

Last year, Congress limited to 300 the number of civilian contract workers
participating in U.S.-financed drug-eradication efforts in Colombia. But in a
little-noticed decision, the State Department only counts U.S. citizens
toward that limit.

As a result, more than 400 civilians already are working for private
contractors under the U.S. anti-drug program. The largest employer is
DynCorp, which has 335 civilians on the payroll. Fewer than a third are U.S.
citizens, the contractor's chief of operations here said Friday.

An estimated 60 to 80 U.S. citizens work for other contractors, including
Bell Helicopter Textron, Sikorsky Aircraft, Northrop Grumman and Lockheed

A senior aide to Sen. Patrick J. Leahy, the Vermont Democrat who has been at
the forefront of the battle over U.S. assistance to Colombia, acknowledged
that the language passed by Congress specified that the cap applied to
"United States individual civilians" and that the State Department is not
obliged to include foreigners in its reports to Congress.

"Legally, they may be within the law," said the aide, Tim Reiser. "But in
terms of congressional interest in being informed on what U.S. money is being
used for, that is of interest to Congress and it's something that the
Congress should be informed about."

State Department officials say they are not required to inform Congress that
they have ordered DynCorp to hire as many as 50 pilots from Guatemala, Peru,
Colombia and other countries to transport Colombian army forces into
cocaine-growing zones.

The pilots, most of them former Central and South American air force members
who fly the most dangerous anti-drug missions here, also are hired to reduce
the risk that an American would be shot down and killed in the drug war,
according to U.S. Embassy officials.

"I'm under no illusion what it would mean to have an American shot down here,
and no one in the U.S. is," Ambassador Anne W. Patterson said in a recent
interview with reporters.

U.S. lawmakers have long worried that the effort to eradicate cocaine will
draw the U.S. deeper into Colombia's four-decade-old civil war. Both leftist
rebels and right-wing paramilitary groups fight to protect the coca crops
that are their primary source of revenue.

Lawmakers contacted Friday accused the State Department of circumventing
congressional intent to limit American involvement in the conflict.

The issue goes to the heart of congressional critics' fears about Plan
Colombia, which was launched last year with a $1.3-billion American
contribution: that U.S. involvement will slowly escalate, as happened in

The situation also has historical echoes, touching on controversies
surrounding congressional limits on the number of U.S. military advisors in
El Salvador during the 1980s and Reagan administration efforts to evade them.

"This seems to be a loophole around the cap, a way to get around them," said
Rep. Janice D. Schakowsky (D-Ill.), who has sought to eliminate the use of
private contractors in the region since a U.S. firm was involved in the
accidental downing of a private airplane by the Peruvian military in April.
That incident resulted in the deaths of an American missionary and her infant

"Every time we find out more about what goes on in Colombia, a dozen more
questions are raised," Schakowsky said. "Most members of Congress interpreted
the cap to mean we will limit to a total of 300 personnel, no matter what
their nationality is."

Private contract workers, who do everything from flying crop dusters to
transporting troops to staffing radar stations, long have been controversial.
Some lawmakers fear that the U.S. is conducting foreign policy through
private companies without adequate public accountability.

Even some of those who have closely followed the debate over Plan Colombia
were surprised to learn of the State Department's practice.

"Nobody knows about this in Washington," said Adam Isacson, an expert on
Colombia at the Center for International Policy, a left-leaning Washington
think tank. "If anybody is still concerned about mission creep, this will
make them all the more worried."

The State Department's International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs
Bureau, which is overseeing the bulk of the U.S. effort in the region, early
on debated whether to count the foreign employees.

At one point, according to an embassy official who was present at the
discussion, the State Department acknowledged the sensitivity of the issue
and initially discussed being "totally virtuous" and counting 

Re: [CTRL] Electricity Fact website

2001-08-19 Thread Tito Hammond

-Caveat Lector-

 Very interesting article Mike.  If all this is true the people of
California should prosecute him and put him in jail with the other criminals,
then elect another Govenor.  Unfortunately most politicians are criminals
licensed by the State and the people of the US are too afraid or stupid to do
anything about it.


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[CTRL] When Canada Customs meets an NRA sticker

2001-08-19 Thread flw

Times Argus, Saturday, August 18th Click here: The 
Times Argus Online - When Canada Customs meets an NRA sticker 
When Canada Customs meets an NRA sticker 
August 12, 2001 By DENNIS JENSEN So you’re 
thinking about taking a fishing or hunting trip to Canada, are you Bucky? 
Well, before you pack the old pickup truck –– the one with the NRA, 
Ducks Unlimited and rod and gun club stickers on the bumper and all around 
the back of the cap –– you might want to think about taking another 
vehicle. That’s the advice of Tim Lajoie, an outdoor writer out of 
Baldwinville, Mass. Lajoie and fellow outdoor writer Michael Roberts of 
Meridan, Conn., were both thrilled when their names were drawn for an 
all-expenses-paid fishing trip to Gogama Lodge, a spectacular fishing venue 
in Gogama, Ontario. The two avid outdoorsmen were looking forward to landing 
trout, smallmouth bass and big northern pike as they approached the Canadian 
Customs crossing at Alexandria Bay, N.Y., on July 28. What happened next 
really jolted the two anglers. Lajoie says our neighbors to the north were 
far from hospitable. “As soon as we got to the border, a lady in the 
customs booth who was wearing a bullet proof vest, by the way, asked us if 
we were U.S. residents. We told her we were from Massachusetts and 
Connecticut,” Lajoie says. “The first thing I noticed was that she 
wasn’t looking at us, she was looking at the truck,” he says. The 
40-year-old Lajoie says that the woman closed the window at her booth and 
picked up her telephone. When she did, the woman in the next booth picked up 
her phone and closed the window to her booth. Lajoie says the women were 
clearly talking to each other. And he is convinced that the two border 
guards were discussing the various stickers that were glued to Roberts’ 
pickup truck. “He’s got North American Hunting Club stickers, Ducks 
Unlimited stickers, rod and gun club stickers,” Lajoie says. “One of 
stickers says, ‘Kids that hunt and fish don’t mug old ladies.’” 
One of the border guards told Roberts to pull his truck over and the two men 
were instructed to step out of the vehicle. “A woman came over with 
two pushcarts and she proceeded to take everything out of the truck. 
Everything,” Lajoie says. “They went through that truck with a fine 
tooth comb. They found nothing.” What were they looking for? The evil 
that lurks in the outlaw states of the free; the one thing that Canadian 
politicians fear even more than the next election. “They were looking for 
firearms,” Lajoie says. “One of the lieutenants told us that this is a 
different country. He said we had no right to have firearms in their country 
and they wanted to make sure we didn’t have any.” One of the women 
customs agents went so far as to insinuate that the reason their truck was 
singled out was “because we had gun stickers on the truck.” As outdoor 
writers, the two men were headed to Canada to fish and to then return home 
and write about their experiences. “We were up there to promote the 
Canadian fisheries,” Lajoie says. “We were up there to promote Gogama 
Lodge as a place to go to.” Lajoie, a former corrections’ officer in 
Massachusetts and brother of Pete Lajoie, the talented, award-winning 
taxidermist out of Shrewsbury, said he was troubled by what happened but 
said his fishing partner was livid. “I told Mike, now you know what it’s 
like to be discriminated against,” Lajoie says. “Mike was totally 
horrified that that happened,” Lajoie says. “He was just totally blown 
away by the fact that we were picked out of thousands of cars coming across 
the border. He kept asking why and they would not give us a reason.” 
“The lieutenant said that they have a computer system that randomly picks 
automobiles. We asked him if it had anything to do with the appearance of 
the truck and he would not answer the question.” Lajoie says that he 
was finally told to be careful about his line of ques tioning. He quoted the 
customs lieutenant as saying: “We could literally take that truck apart 
right now and we wouldn’t have to tell you why,” he said. Lajoie says 
the two anglers were delayed at customs for about 90 minutes. “It was 
pretty gestapo-like,” he says. “My advice to fishermen going up there 
would be to take a generic vehicle through the border. Pro-hunting stickers 
will cause delays.” While the two men were deeply troubled by the police 
state tactics at the Canadian border, they both would return. “We both 
enjoyed it up there,” Lajoie says. “I’m going back to Gogama Lodge. It 
was the most incredible thing I’ve ever seen. The fishing was phenomenal, 
the food was incredible.” Hunting in Canada is an altogether different 
issue, as far as Lajoie is concerned. “I run the Camou Kids program, a 
non-profit organization and we take kids out on instructional hunts and 
fishing trips. I’m leaving tomorrow to take a blind kid on a wild boar 
hunt. But I would never hunt again in Canada,” he says. One can only 

Re: [CTRL] The Schlund Affidavit - 17/17

2001-08-19 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Martin, dear, check your email program, make sure you don't have a
worm. I've gotten the entire 17-part installation 3 times this week.


I find television very educating. Every time somebody
turns on the set, I go into the other room
and read a book. Groucho Marx,

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Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger

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[CTRL] Fake Terror- The Road To Dictatorship

2001-08-19 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related New Paradigms Posts at:

From: William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:  [CTRL] Fake Terror- The Road To Dictatorship
Date: Saturday, August 18, 2001 4:40 PM



Note: This article first appeared as a post written by myself at A 
HREF=http://www.freerepublic.com/;Free Republic
/A. I was surprised to learn that it was copied from A 
HREF=http://www.freerepublic.com/;Free Republic/A and
re-posted at dozens of sites around the world. So, it seems only fitting that
the article (with some updating) re-appear here at my own web site.

It's the oldest trick in the book, dating back to Roman times; creating the
enemies you need.

In 70 BC, an ambitious minor politician and extremely wealthy man, Marcus
Licineus Crassus, wanted to rule Rome. Just to give you an idea of what sort
of man Crassus really was, he is credited with invention of the fire brigade.
But in Crassus' version, his fire-fighting slaves would race to the scene of
a burning building whereupon Crassus would offer to buy it on the spot for a
tiny fraction of it's worth. If the owner sold, Crassus' slaves would put out
the fire. If the owner refused to sell, Crassus allowed the building to burn
to the ground. By means of this device, Crassus eventually came to be the
largest single private landholder in Rome, and used some of his wealth to
help back Julius Caesar against Cicero.

In 70 BC Rome was still a Republic, which placed very strict limits on what
Rulers could do, and more importantly NOT do. But Crassus had no intentions
of enduring such limits to his personal power, and contrived a plan.

Crassus seized upon the slave revolt led by Sparticus in order to strike
terror into the hearts of Rome, whose garrison Sparticus had already defeated
in battle. But Sparticus had no intention of marching on Rome itself, a move
he knew to be suicidal. Sparticus and his band wanted nothing to do with the
Roman empire and had planned from the start merely to loot enough money from
their former owners in the Italian countryside to hire a mercenary fleet in
which to sail to freedom.

Sailing away was the last thing Crassus wanted Sparticus to do. He needed a
convenient enemy with which to terrorize Rome itself for his personal
political gain. So Crassus bribed the mercenary fleet to sail without
Sparticus, then positioned two Roman legions in such a way that Sparticus had
no choice but to march on Rome.

Terrified of the impending arrival of the much-feared army of gladiators,
Rome declared Crassus Praetor. Crassus then crushed Sparticus' army and even
though Pompeii took the credit, Crassus was elected Consul of Rome the
following year.

With this maneuver, the Romans surrendered their Republican form of
government. Soon would follow the first Triumvirate, consisting of Crassus,
Pompeii, and Julius Caesar, followed by the reign of the god-like Emperors of

The Romans were hoaxed into surrendering their Republic, and accepting the
rule of Emperors.

Julius Caesar's political opponent, Cicero, for all his literary
accomplishments, played the same games in his campaign against Julius Caesar,
claiming that Rome was falling victim to an internal vast right wing
conspiracy in which any expressed desire for legislative limits on government
was treated as suspicious behavior. Cicero, in order to demonstrate to the
Romans just how unsafe Rome has become hired thugs to cause as much
disturbance as possible, and campaigned on a promise to end the internal
strife if elected and granted extraordinary powers.

What Cicero only dreamed of, Adolph Hitler succeeded in doing. Elected
Chancellor of Germany, Hitler, like Crassus, had no intention of living with
the strict limits to his power imposed by German law. Unlike Cicero, Hitler's
thugs were easy to recognize; they all wore the same brown shirts. But their
actions were no different than those of their Roman predecessors. They staged
beatings, set fires, caused as much trouble as they could, while Hitler made
speeches promising that he could end the crime wave of subversives and
terrorism if he was granted extraordinary powers.

The Germans were hoaxed into surrendering their Republic, and accepting the
rule of Der Fuhrer.

The state-sponsored schools will never tell you this, but governments
routinely rely on hoaxes to sell their agendas to an otherwise reluctant
public. The Romans accepted the Emperors and the Germans accepted Hitler not
because they wanted to, but because the carefully crafted illusions of threat
appeared to leave no other choice.

Our government too uses hoaxes to create the illusion that 

[CTRL] Canada and the NRA

2001-08-19 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Now I think they stopped that guy and searched his truck because he was
a taxidermist?   Remember the Bates Motel?

So they see an NRA sticker and suddenly - windows with bullet proof
glass closes, and a woman wearing a bullet proof vest immediatel calls
for help?

Hey, wonder about this - why is in Canada is so calm and kind to a likes
of a Clinton who sold them polluted blood - with AIDS and HIV and
Hepatitus and other diseases some of which you do not speak in polite
company yet?

Guns a no no in Canada - wonderful; now that it is a multicultural
country, let us see who will get butchered first, and by whom - what
ever happened to the handsome Royal Mounties who had a certain amount of

Tell me why is it the Hells Angels go to and fro running drugs, and
murder inc, with rather shall we say quiestionable backgrounds - why are
they so welcome, and the NRA is not?   Okay for Gary Condit to go and
come as he pleases - hey, they missing any interns up there lately?

Part of the master plan once was to unite Mexico and Canada and the USA
into one big country - but tell me what they to do with two extra
presidents sitting around with nothing to do but chase floosies around
the oval office, or hide potential presidential material's past along
with their interns - but then, ever see three Presidents try to sit in
one chair

We need our NRA here at home where they belong to help protect this
country from the Canadians.wonder what the crime rate is up there
now for that is not exactly the Gentry landing on their shores these
days for you see anything resembling civilization as it once was in
Canada and the USA is about to be rased  in biblical proporations and
when the plague hits, well who will point the fingers.

Now which was the most deadly instrument of death - AIDS from the USA
from a Future President and CFR/Rhodes Scholar (and he cheated to get
that false claim for he NEVER graduated and never won same).which
was the deadliest - a gun, or a pint of polluted AIDS infested blood and
hey, by the way Cui Bono?

Tell me will Canada admit 18,000 Africans to Canada but THEY MUST HAVE
AIDS in order to qualify?   18,000 such civilized people entering their
shores like loaded guns for which of course they is no cure here - these
are the Typhoid Mary's of the Day, and next how many Lepors will be
admitted for Leprosy on the rise

So a lepor does not change its spot and when civil rioting comes about
in Canada and it is lurking in the wings for this once beautiful country
is being multiculturalized  - when the savages are loosed in the
streets and the civilized Canadians cannot defend themselves and are
slaughtered like pigs at market - who they going to call?   Don't call
the NRA.

Call Clinton and Dial M for Murderer.

Take our guns?   You got to be kidding.   This Country was born at the
business end of a gun and Canada has hated this country for years for
once we had Giants living here - today well, see Globalization for
explanation why Americans are losing jobs on a regular basis, why
farmers are being genocided, and then look for more cattle mutilations?
Maybe they will blame that one on an insane doctor looking for pineal
glands?   How to make a black rose white?


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Re: [CTRL] More On US Pilot/Mercenaries In Colombia

2001-08-19 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Isn't this a matter for the local police in Columbia but then consider
too it is the oil - that is what it is all about.

Further - we are entering into a new world with newer forms of energy
and gasoline and oil, will not be in such demand that people are
murdered for it.

Corn Oil, Soy Oil, Solar Energy, hey they have batteries that go up to
the moon that run for a century?

Get a horse - a load of hay gives him enough energy to go on, and on and
on - and the camel carried 45 gallons of water at once - and can go on
and on and onimagine a camel carrying 45 gallons of water and I
wonder how much that stuff weights.

So as we take one step back for all mankind - look back, and see our


Wonder if they could invent a car that would run on steam - hey, did I
just invent the steam engine?

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Re: [CTRL] lsd research with children

2001-08-19 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear list,

Below please find information on this.

From the Bulletin of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies
MAPS - Volume 9 Number 1 Spring 1999 - pp. 7-21 Dr. Oscar Janiger's
Pioneering LSD Research: A Forty Year Follow-up -  Rick Doblin, Jerome E.
Beck, Ph.D., Kate Obata and Maureen Alioto  A handful of subjects in the
original experiment were children of adult subjects, or children of adults
very familiar with the research. The children all participated in the
research with the consent of their parents. None of the children who
participated were located for the follow-up.  I: There were some children in
this? R: Yes, that's right. The thing was to look at the demographics. We
tried to get as wide a distribution as possible, by age, by education. So we
did have studies of children. We had about five or six children between the
ages of about six or seven and older.

excerpt from :

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Re: [CTRL] reardon is sentenced to 40 years

2001-08-19 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

Below please find info on this.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

This may be heavy for survivors of abuse.

Reardon is sentenced to 40 years - Judge says molester poses 'serious risk'
By Farah Stockman , Globe Staff, Globe Correspondent, 8/18/2001 SALEM -
Doling out a punishment that even he called rare in his career, Judge Isaac
Borenstein said yesterday that the ''secret world of sexual abuse''
Christopher Reardon created with young boys was so callous and obsessive it
merited 40 to 50 years in prison and parole supervision for lifeLast
month, the church youth worker and YMCA camp counselor pleaded guilty to 75
counts involving 24 boys, including child rape, indecent assault on a child,
and giving pornography to minors.

excerpt from


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Re: [CTRL] Davis Selling Power During California Blackouts

2001-08-19 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 8/18/01 8:27:38 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  I think the
Gov owes W an apology but I will not be holding my breath for some
think it is OK to lie like this if it furthers their cause.

Yup, and the price of gasoline at the pump is still dropping so it looks like
the Bush buddies are making a killing.


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Re: [CTRL] Canada and the NRA

2001-08-19 Thread iggy

-Caveat Lector-

Canada hates the USA?

Saba has been smoking hemp products again... Saba has been smoking hemp products
again... Saba has been smoking hemp products again!

btw the  Hells Angles aren't the only drug players, what about the Bloods, Crips,
Jamaican Posse, Outlaws, Banditos, and THOUSANDS of other AMERICAN gangs big and
little invading the rest of the world.

Canada has the population of California ... do you think that we have that
much influence in your politics? Get real!

Canada couldn't fight the Montana and Wyoming national guards and win. They have
more aircraft, heavy armour, self propelled guns, combat infantry ... and so
on. So who is a threat to whom?

We wear AMERICAN clothing, drink AMERICAN soft drinks, drive AMERICAN cars, watch
AMERICAN  television, listen to AMERICAN music, work for AMERICAN corpartions,
and export our best goods, and most talented people to AMERICA!

IF you don't like CANADA its because WE ARE WHAT YOU MADE US, AND YOU DON'T LIKE

As for the MOUNTIES they are now represented by Disney Corp  an AMERICAN

Oh wait thats the conspiracy to want to live in a land where the dollar is worth
more than $0.65 . Today it costs $1.54 canadian to buy a US dollar..

In the last 20 years my standard of living has been cut in half against the us



Aleisha Saba wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Now I think they stopped that guy and searched his truck because he was
 a taxidermist?   Remember the Bates Motel?

 So they see an NRA sticker and suddenly - windows with bullet proof
 glass closes, and a woman wearing a bullet proof vest immediatel calls
 for help?

 Hey, wonder about this - why is in Canada is so calm and kind to a likes
 of a Clinton who sold them polluted blood - with AIDS and HIV and
 Hepatitus and other diseases some of which you do not speak in polite
 company yet?

 Guns a no no in Canada - wonderful; now that it is a multicultural
 country, let us see who will get butchered first, and by whom - what
 ever happened to the handsome Royal Mounties who had a certain amount of

 Tell me why is it the Hells Angels go to and fro running drugs, and
 murder inc, with rather shall we say quiestionable backgrounds - why are
 they so welcome, and the NRA is not?   Okay for Gary Condit to go and
 come as he pleases - hey, they missing any interns up there lately?

 Part of the master plan once was to unite Mexico and Canada and the USA
 into one big country - but tell me what they to do with two extra
 presidents sitting around with nothing to do but chase floosies around
 the oval office, or hide potential presidential material's past along
 with their interns - but then, ever see three Presidents try to sit in
 one chair

 We need our NRA here at home where they belong to help protect this
 country from the Canadians.wonder what the crime rate is up there
 now for that is not exactly the Gentry landing on their shores these
 days for you see anything resembling civilization as it once was in
 Canada and the USA is about to be rased  in biblical proporations and
 when the plague hits, well who will point the fingers.

 Now which was the most deadly instrument of death - AIDS from the USA
 from a Future President and CFR/Rhodes Scholar (and he cheated to get
 that false claim for he NEVER graduated and never won same).which
 was the deadliest - a gun, or a pint of polluted AIDS infested blood and
 hey, by the way Cui Bono?

 Tell me will Canada admit 18,000 Africans to Canada but THEY MUST HAVE
 AIDS in order to qualify?   18,000 such civilized people entering their
 shores like loaded guns for which of course they is no cure here - these
 are the Typhoid Mary's of the Day, and next how many Lepors will be
 admitted for Leprosy on the rise

 So a lepor does not change its spot and when civil rioting comes about
 in Canada and it is lurking in the wings for this once beautiful country
 is being multiculturalized  - when the savages are loosed in the
 streets and the civilized Canadians cannot defend themselves and are
 slaughtered like pigs at market - who they going to call?   Don't call
 the NRA.

 Call Clinton and Dial M for Murderer.

 Take our guns?   You got to be kidding.   This Country was born at the
 business end of a gun and Canada has hated this country for years for
 once we had Giants living here - today well, see Globalization for
 explanation why Americans are losing jobs on a regular basis, why
 farmers are being genocided, and then look for more cattle mutilations?
 Maybe they will blame that one on an insane doctor looking for pineal
 glands?   How to make a black rose white?


 A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are

Re: [CTRL] malaysian satanic youth

2001-08-19 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear list,

Below please find info on this.

Dope for Satan - Malaysia to Medicate - Young 'Satanic' Heavy Metal Fans
Kuala Lumpur, 8/13 — Malaysia will medicate youths it says belong to a
Satanic heavy metal music cult, a newspaper said today.  About 150 alleged
Black Metal members from 15 schools would begin a program used for drug
addicts from Tuesday, the New Straits Times saidThe government said last
month it had unearthed a cult whose members it said practiced animal
sacrifice and destroyed religious texts

excerpt from :

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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[CTRL] Potential Suicide Bomber Wounded

2001-08-19 Thread Yardbird

From: Palestine Media Center 
Sent: Sunday, August 19, 2001 1:23 PM

Checkpoint Crimes

Israeli Soldiers Critically Wound a Palestinian Infant

19 August 2001
Palestine Media Center – PMC

7 month-old Nour Aldin Odeh is the latest infant shot by the Israeli occupation forces 
in Nablus. He is one of the many young Palestinian children who have recently fell 
victim to acts of Israeli aggression.

Nour, her mother and her grandmother were on their way home from a doctor’s visit. 
They had to cross several Israeli military checkpoints in order to reach their home in 
the village of Baker Al Hatab, 15 km from Nablus. Halfway to their destination, 
Israeli occupation forces at the Surrah military checkpoint prohibited them from going 
any further. 

According to the mother, Ni’meh Odeh, “The soldiers were not allowing anyone to cross 
the checkpoint and enter the village, so we waited near the checkpoint. The soldiers 
began to throw tear gas towards us and our taxi retreated.” She added, “We waited at a 
safe distance and then our taxi returned to the checkpoint. Suddenly, the soldiers 
were shooting live bullets towards us.” 

“The soldiers opened fire without provocation and they could clearly see the 
passengers inside the taxi,” added the taxi driver Jaber Ishtaya, who was standing 
next to his taxi and could clearly see three of the soldiers involved in the shooting. 
The bullets penetrated the car. 7 month-old Nour, who was in her mother’s lap in the 
backseat of the taxi, was shot repeatedly.

Nour was transported to the Rafidia Hospital in Nablus where doctors preformed 
emergency surgery in an attempt to remove the bullets and save him. Dr. Sameer Abu 
Za’rour, the doctor who operated on Nour, reported finding “three M16 rifle bullets in 
the baby’s lower abdomen.” 

Residents of the villages surrounding Nablus city must walk at least 3 km on rugged 
mountain roads in order to reach this checkpoint and any available transportation 
needed to cross. 

According to Ishtaya, “Sometimes soldiers let us pass, sometimes they fire tear gas or 
sound bombs. This time they used live ammunition and it is certainly a miracle that 
the bullets which wounded the baby were not fatal.”

Re: [CTRL] Canada and the NRA

2001-08-19 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sun, 19 Aug 2001 11:36:57 -0600
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Canada and the NRA

 -Caveat Lector-

 Canada hates the USA?

 Saba has been smoking hemp products again... Saba has been smoking hemp
 again... Saba has been smoking hemp products again!

please dont say that. Hemp products are lovely, and do not produce a mind
like hers. its not weed, its stupidity, to think that a country that has a
ban on guns would not see an NRA sticker on a pickup as a warning sign.
Imagine a van coming down from BC with a big I SMOKE WEED sticker on the
back. Wouldn't that be a reason for American customs agents to have a look?

 btw the  Hells Angles aren't the only drug players, what about the Bloods,
 Jamaican Posse, Outlaws, Banditos, and THOUSANDS of other AMERICAN gangs big
 little invading the rest of the world.

Jamaican posse isn't American, is it?

 -Caveat Lector-

 Now I think they stopped that guy and searched his truck because he was
 a taxidermist?   Remember the Bates Motel?

 So they see an NRA sticker and suddenly - windows with bullet proof
 glass closes, and a woman wearing a bullet proof vest immediatel calls
 for help?

 Hey, wonder about this - why is in Canada is so calm and kind to a likes
 of a Clinton who sold them polluted blood - with AIDS and HIV and
 Hepatitus and other diseases some of which you do not speak in polite
 company yet?

 Guns a no no in Canada - wonderful; now that it is a multicultural
 country, let us see who will get butchered first, and by whom - what
 ever happened to the handsome Royal Mounties who had a certain amount of

 Tell me why is it the Hells Angels go to and fro running drugs, and
 murder inc, with rather shall we say quiestionable backgrounds - why are
 they so welcome, and the NRA is not?   Okay for Gary Condit to go and
 come as he pleases - hey, they missing any interns up there lately?

 Part of the master plan once was to unite Mexico and Canada and the USA
 into one big country - but tell me what they to do with two extra
 presidents sitting around with nothing to do but chase floosies around
 the oval office, or hide potential presidential material's past along
 with their interns - but then, ever see three Presidents try to sit in
 one chair

 We need our NRA here at home where they belong to help protect this
 country from the Canadians.

now this is funny - to bad she actually believes it


 Take our guns?   You got to be kidding.   This Country was born at the
 business end of a gun

but for Israel this is wrong, but for America a proud heritage -
interesting, no?

   Doubt thyself.
   Doubt even if thou doubtest thyself.
   Doubt all.
   Doubt even if thou doubtest all.
   It seems sometimes as if beneath all conscious doubt
 there lay some deepest certainty.  O kill it!  Slay the
   The horn of the Doubt-Goat be exalted
   Dive deeper, ever deeper, into the Abyss of Mind,
 until thou unearth the fox THAT.  On, hounds!
 Yoicks!  Tally-ho!  Bring THAT to bay!
   Then, wind the Mort!

   Uncle Al. the kiddies pal

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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Re: [CTRL] Canada and the NRA

2001-08-19 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Canadians do hate the USA. This is a nation where the media and the public
assert their patriotism by denouncing America and all things American. In
fact few Canadians can even define the term Canadian without resorting
to a comaprison to America, e.g., we have universal health care, they
don't; we have strict gun laws, they don't; we believe in surrendering our
nation to the UN, they don't. Anti-Americanism is alive and flourishing in
Canada because in this nation it is the only politically correct form of
bigotry permitted by the media and cultural elite.

On Sun, 19 Aug 2001, iggy wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Canada hates the USA?

 Saba has been smoking hemp products again... Saba has been smoking hemp products
 again... Saba has been smoking hemp products again!

 btw the  Hells Angles aren't the only drug players, what about the Bloods, Crips,
 Jamaican Posse, Outlaws, Banditos, and THOUSANDS of other AMERICAN gangs big and
 little invading the rest of the world.

 Canada has the population of California ... do you think that we have that
 much influence in your politics? Get real!

 Canada couldn't fight the Montana and Wyoming national guards and win. They have
 more aircraft, heavy armour, self propelled guns, combat infantry ... and so
 on. So who is a threat to whom?

 We wear AMERICAN clothing, drink AMERICAN soft drinks, drive AMERICAN cars, watch
 AMERICAN  television, listen to AMERICAN music, work for AMERICAN corpartions,
 and export our best goods, and most talented people to AMERICA!

 IF you don't like CANADA its because WE ARE WHAT YOU MADE US, AND YOU DON'T LIKE

 As for the MOUNTIES they are now represented by Disney Corp  an AMERICAN

 Oh wait thats the conspiracy to want to live in a land where the dollar is worth
 more than $0.65 . Today it costs $1.54 canadian to buy a US dollar..

 In the last 20 years my standard of living has been cut in half against the us



 Aleisha Saba wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-
  Now I think they stopped that guy and searched his truck because he was
  a taxidermist?   Remember the Bates Motel?
  So they see an NRA sticker and suddenly - windows with bullet proof
  glass closes, and a woman wearing a bullet proof vest immediatel calls
  for help?
  Hey, wonder about this - why is in Canada is so calm and kind to a likes
  of a Clinton who sold them polluted blood - with AIDS and HIV and
  Hepatitus and other diseases some of which you do not speak in polite
  company yet?
  Guns a no no in Canada - wonderful; now that it is a multicultural
  country, let us see who will get butchered first, and by whom - what
  ever happened to the handsome Royal Mounties who had a certain amount of
  Tell me why is it the Hells Angels go to and fro running drugs, and
  murder inc, with rather shall we say quiestionable backgrounds - why are
  they so welcome, and the NRA is not?   Okay for Gary Condit to go and
  come as he pleases - hey, they missing any interns up there lately?
  Part of the master plan once was to unite Mexico and Canada and the USA
  into one big country - but tell me what they to do with two extra
  presidents sitting around with nothing to do but chase floosies around
  the oval office, or hide potential presidential material's past along
  with their interns - but then, ever see three Presidents try to sit in
  one chair
  We need our NRA here at home where they belong to help protect this
  country from the Canadians.wonder what the crime rate is up there
  now for that is not exactly the Gentry landing on their shores these
  days for you see anything resembling civilization as it once was in
  Canada and the USA is about to be rased  in biblical proporations and
  when the plague hits, well who will point the fingers.
  Now which was the most deadly instrument of death - AIDS from the USA
  from a Future President and CFR/Rhodes Scholar (and he cheated to get
  that false claim for he NEVER graduated and never won same).which
  was the deadliest - a gun, or a pint of polluted AIDS infested blood and
  hey, by the way Cui Bono?
  Tell me will Canada admit 18,000 Africans to Canada but THEY MUST HAVE
  AIDS in order to qualify?   18,000 such civilized people entering their
  shores like loaded guns for which of course they is no cure here - these
  are the Typhoid Mary's of the Day, and next how many Lepors will be
  admitted for Leprosy on the rise
  So a lepor does not change its spot and when civil rioting comes about
  in Canada and it is lurking in the wings for this once beautiful country
  is being multiculturalized  - when the savages are loosed in the
  streets and the civilized Canadians cannot defend themselves and are
  slaughtered like pigs at market - who they going to call?   Don't call
  the NRA.
  Call Clinton and Dial M for Murderer.
  Take our 

Re: [CTRL] Canada and the NRA

2001-08-19 Thread iggy

-Caveat Lector-

the Jamacian posse is an orginization  started in the USA by nationalized Jamacian
people  its  JAMACIAN-AMERICAN orginizatoionwith no solid ties to home

. According to the FBI there are at least 10 000 members in the USA.

*DISCLAIMER* this is not to impy that all Jamacian imagents are members of the
Posse; or the activities of the Posse represent the culture of; and peoples of the
free and soverin nation of Jamacia.
just the low-life Posse sumbags that sell crack to kids in the park across form my



P.S. I don't hate the USA, i just wish they would get off their asses and invade!
i'm getting sick of 50% taxes plus the GST.

thew wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

  From: iggy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Sun, 19 Aug 2001 11:36:57 -0600
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Canada and the NRA
  -Caveat Lector-
  Canada hates the USA?
  Saba has been smoking hemp products again... Saba has been smoking hemp
  again... Saba has been smoking hemp products again!

 please dont say that. Hemp products are lovely, and do not produce a mind
 like hers. its not weed, its stupidity, to think that a country that has a
 ban on guns would not see an NRA sticker on a pickup as a warning sign.
 Imagine a van coming down from BC with a big I SMOKE WEED sticker on the
 back. Wouldn't that be a reason for American customs agents to have a look?

  btw the  Hells Angles aren't the only drug players, what about the Bloods,
  Jamaican Posse, Outlaws, Banditos, and THOUSANDS of other AMERICAN gangs big
  little invading the rest of the world.

 Jamaican posse isn't American, is it?

  -Caveat Lector-
  Now I think they stopped that guy and searched his truck because he was
  a taxidermist?   Remember the Bates Motel?
  So they see an NRA sticker and suddenly - windows with bullet proof
  glass closes, and a woman wearing a bullet proof vest immediatel calls
  for help?
  Hey, wonder about this - why is in Canada is so calm and kind to a likes
  of a Clinton who sold them polluted blood - with AIDS and HIV and
  Hepatitus and other diseases some of which you do not speak in polite
  company yet?
  Guns a no no in Canada - wonderful; now that it is a multicultural
  country, let us see who will get butchered first, and by whom - what
  ever happened to the handsome Royal Mounties who had a certain amount of
  Tell me why is it the Hells Angels go to and fro running drugs, and
  murder inc, with rather shall we say quiestionable backgrounds - why are
  they so welcome, and the NRA is not?   Okay for Gary Condit to go and
  come as he pleases - hey, they missing any interns up there lately?
  Part of the master plan once was to unite Mexico and Canada and the USA
  into one big country - but tell me what they to do with two extra
  presidents sitting around with nothing to do but chase floosies around
  the oval office, or hide potential presidential material's past along
  with their interns - but then, ever see three Presidents try to sit in
  one chair
  We need our NRA here at home where they belong to help protect this
  country from the Canadians.

 now this is funny - to bad she actually believes it

  Take our guns?   You got to be kidding.   This Country was born at the
  business end of a gun

 but for Israel this is wrong, but for America a proud heritage -
 interesting, no?

Doubt thyself.
Doubt even if thou doubtest thyself.
Doubt all.
Doubt even if thou doubtest all.
It seems sometimes as if beneath all conscious doubt
  there lay some deepest certainty.  O kill it!  Slay the
The horn of the Doubt-Goat be exalted
Dive deeper, ever deeper, into the Abyss of Mind,
  until thou unearth the fox THAT.  On, hounds!
  Yoicks!  Tally-ho!  Bring THAT to bay!
Then, wind the Mort!

Uncle Al. the kiddies pal

 NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:

Re: [CTRL] When Canada Customs meets an NRA sticker

2001-08-19 Thread Kelly

-Caveat Lector-

 Times Argus, Saturday, August 18th
 The Times Argus Online - When Canada Customs meets an NRA

 When Canada Customs meets an NRA sticker

What a ridiculous article. Canada has strict gun laws. Some Americans
don't know that and try to bring their hand and other guns across the
border.  Often they get quite angry because they think it is their
'right' to bring their guns into our country.  Too bad, keep your guns
in America.

As for being stopped by Customs - believe me it happens the other way
around too.  American customs seems most concerned with keeping illegal
drugs out of their country - you know, their 'War on Drugs' and
routinely tear part cars of people with long hair.

And it certainly helps to be white, middle-aged and preferably rich when
crossing the border into the states.

Those hunters and fishers should have stuck to writing about what they


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


Re: [CTRL] Canada and the NRA

2001-08-19 Thread iggy

-Caveat Lector-

I don't hate the USA, i lived there for years. I worked there for years. And i ride an
american motorcycle. ;^P


Yardbird wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Canadians do hate the USA. This is a nation where the media and the public
 assert their patriotism by denouncing America and all things American. In
 fact few Canadians can even define the term Canadian without resorting
 to a comaprison to America, e.g., we have universal health care, they
 don't; we have strict gun laws, they don't; we believe in surrendering our
 nation to the UN, they don't. Anti-Americanism is alive and flourishing in
 Canada because in this nation it is the only politically correct form of
 bigotry permitted by the media and cultural elite.

 On Sun, 19 Aug 2001, iggy wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-
  Canada hates the USA?
  Saba has been smoking hemp products again... Saba has been smoking hemp products
  again... Saba has been smoking hemp products again!
  btw the  Hells Angles aren't the only drug players, what about the Bloods, Crips,
  Jamaican Posse, Outlaws, Banditos, and THOUSANDS of other AMERICAN gangs big and
  little invading the rest of the world.
  Canada has the population of California ... do you think that we have that
  much influence in your politics? Get real!
  Canada couldn't fight the Montana and Wyoming national guards and win. They have
  more aircraft, heavy armour, self propelled guns, combat infantry ... and so
  on. So who is a threat to whom?
  We wear AMERICAN clothing, drink AMERICAN soft drinks, drive AMERICAN cars, watch
  AMERICAN  television, listen to AMERICAN music, work for AMERICAN corpartions,
  and export our best goods, and most talented people to AMERICA!
  IF you don't like CANADA its because WE ARE WHAT YOU MADE US, AND YOU DON'T LIKE
  As for the MOUNTIES they are now represented by Disney Corp  an AMERICAN
  Oh wait thats the conspiracy to want to live in a land where the dollar is worth
  more than $0.65 . Today it costs $1.54 canadian to buy a US dollar..
  In the last 20 years my standard of living has been cut in half against the us
  Aleisha Saba wrote:
   -Caveat Lector-
   Now I think they stopped that guy and searched his truck because he was
   a taxidermist?   Remember the Bates Motel?
   So they see an NRA sticker and suddenly - windows with bullet proof
   glass closes, and a woman wearing a bullet proof vest immediatel calls
   for help?
   Hey, wonder about this - why is in Canada is so calm and kind to a likes
   of a Clinton who sold them polluted blood - with AIDS and HIV and
   Hepatitus and other diseases some of which you do not speak in polite
   company yet?
   Guns a no no in Canada - wonderful; now that it is a multicultural
   country, let us see who will get butchered first, and by whom - what
   ever happened to the handsome Royal Mounties who had a certain amount of
   Tell me why is it the Hells Angels go to and fro running drugs, and
   murder inc, with rather shall we say quiestionable backgrounds - why are
   they so welcome, and the NRA is not?   Okay for Gary Condit to go and
   come as he pleases - hey, they missing any interns up there lately?
   Part of the master plan once was to unite Mexico and Canada and the USA
   into one big country - but tell me what they to do with two extra
   presidents sitting around with nothing to do but chase floosies around
   the oval office, or hide potential presidential material's past along
   with their interns - but then, ever see three Presidents try to sit in
   one chair
   We need our NRA here at home where they belong to help protect this
   country from the Canadians.wonder what the crime rate is up there
   now for that is not exactly the Gentry landing on their shores these
   days for you see anything resembling civilization as it once was in
   Canada and the USA is about to be rased  in biblical proporations and
   when the plague hits, well who will point the fingers.
   Now which was the most deadly instrument of death - AIDS from the USA
   from a Future President and CFR/Rhodes Scholar (and he cheated to get
   that false claim for he NEVER graduated and never won same).which
   was the deadliest - a gun, or a pint of polluted AIDS infested blood and
   hey, by the way Cui Bono?
   Tell me will Canada admit 18,000 Africans to Canada but THEY MUST HAVE
   AIDS in order to qualify?   18,000 such civilized people entering their
   shores like loaded guns for which of course they is no cure here - these
   are the Typhoid Mary's of the Day, and next how many Lepors will be
   admitted for Leprosy on the rise
   So a lepor does not change its spot and when civil rioting comes about
   in Canada and it is lurking in the wings for this once beautiful country
   is being 

Re: [CTRL] Canada and the NRA

2001-08-19 Thread Bond

-Caveat Lector-

For the most part, same goes for other Commonwealth countries
(Britain, Australia, NZ).

Of course, one is never to use the word 'hate'. ;-)

- Original Message -
From: Yardbird [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 -Caveat Lector-

 Canadians do hate the USA. This is a nation where the media and the public
 assert their patriotism by denouncing America and all things American. In
 fact few Canadians can even define the term Canadian without resorting
 to a comaprison to America, e.g., we have universal health care, they
 don't; we have strict gun laws, they don't; we believe in surrendering our
 nation to the UN, they don't. Anti-Americanism is alive and flourishing in
 Canada because in this nation it is the only politically correct form of
 bigotry permitted by the media and cultural elite.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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Re: [CTRL] Canada and the NRA

2001-08-19 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Iggie is about as American as Dung Foo and Pizza pie.


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Canada and the NRA

2001-08-19 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

What Jamaicans are all yellow birds high up in banana trees running
drugs to USA?

Please, our beloved Colin Powell is part Asian, part Jamaican, part
black and a piece of white.

They should have named a whiskey after him.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Canada and the NRA (fwd)

2001-08-19 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Good for you mate. But you probably don't socialize with Maud Barlow and
her band of paranoiacs much :)

I don't hate the USA, i lived there for years. I worked there for years. And i ride an
american motorcycle. ;^P


Yardbird wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Canadians do hate the USA. This is a nation where the media and the public
 assert their patriotism by denouncing America and all things American. In
 fact few Canadians can even define the term Canadian without resorting
 to a comaprison to America, e.g., we have universal health care, they
 don't; we have strict gun laws, they don't; we believe in surrendering our
 nation to the UN, they don't. Anti-Americanism is alive and flourishing in
 Canada because in this nation it is the only politically correct form of
 bigotry permitted by the media and cultural elite.

 On Sun, 19 Aug 2001, iggy wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-
  Canada hates the USA?
  Saba has been smoking hemp products again Saba has been smoking hemp products
  again... Saba has been smoking hemp products again!
  btw the  Hells Angles aren't the only drug players, what about the Bloods, Crips,
  Jamaican Posse, Outlaws, Banditos, and THOUSANDS of other AMERICAN gangs big and
  little invading the rest of the world.
  Canada has the population of California ... do you think that we have that
  much influence in your politics? Get real!
  Canada couldn't fight the Montana and Wyoming national guards and win. They have
  more aircraft, heavy armour, self propelled guns, combat infantry ... and so
  on. So who is a threat to whom?
  We wear AMERICAN clothing, drink AMERICAN soft drinks, drive AMERICAN cars, watch
  AMERICAN  television, listen to AMERICAN music, work for AMERICAN corpartions,
  and export our best goods, and most talented people to AMERICA!
  IF you don't like CANADA its because WE ARE WHAT YOU MADE US, AND YOU DON'T LIKE
  As for the MOUNTIES they are now represented by Disney Corp  an AMERICAN
  Oh wait thats the conspiracy to want to live in a land where the dollar is worth
  more than $0.65 . Today it costs $1.54 canadian to buy a US dollar..
  In the last 20 years my standard of living has been cut in half against the us
  Aleisha Saba wrote:
   -Caveat Lector-
   Now I think they stopped that guy and searched his truck because he was
   a taxidermist?   Remember the Bates Motel?
   So they see an NRA sticker and suddenly - windows with bullet proof
   glass closes, and a woman wearing a bullet proof vest immediatel calls
   for help?
   Hey, wonder about this - why is in Canada is so calm and kind to a likes
   of a Clinton who sold them polluted blood - with AIDS and HIV and
   Hepatitus and other diseases some of which you do not speak in polite
   company yet?
   Guns a no no in Canada - wonderful; now that it is a multicultural
   country, let us see who will get butchered first, and by whom - what
   ever happened to the handsome Royal Mounties who had a certain amount of
   Tell me why is it the Hells Angels go to and fro running drugs, and
   murder inc, with rather shall we say quiestionable backgrounds - why are
   they so welcome, and the NRA is not?   Okay for Gary Condit to go and
   come as he pleases - hey, they missing any interns up there lately?
   Part of the master plan once was to unite Mexico and Canada and the USA
   into one big country - but tell me what they to do with two extra
   presidents sitting around with nothing to do but chase floosies around
   the oval office, or hide potential presidential material's past along
   with their interns - but then, ever see three Presidents try to sit in
   one chair
   We need our NRA here at home where they belong to help protect this
   country from the Canadians.wonder what the crime rate is up there
   now for that is not exactly the Gentry landing on their shores these
   days for you see anything resembling civilization as it once was in
   Canada and the USA is about to be rased  in biblical proporations and
   when the plague hits, well who will point the fingers.
   Now which was the most deadly instrument of death - AIDS from the USA
   from a Future President and CFR/Rhodes Scholar (and he cheated to get
   that false claim for he NEVER graduated and never won same).which
   was the deadliest - a gun, or a pint of polluted AIDS infested blood and
   hey, by the way Cui Bono?
   Tell me will Canada admit 18,000 Africans to Canada but THEY MUST HAVE
   AIDS in order to qualify?   18,000 such civilized people entering their
   shores like loaded guns for which of course they is no cure here - these
   are the Typhoid Mary's of the Day, and next how many Lepors will be
   admitted for Leprosy on the rise
   So a lepor does not change its spot and when civil rioting 

[CTRL] NYT: F.B.I. Is Investigating a Senior Counterterrorism Agent

2001-08-19 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

AUG 19, 2001

F.B.I.  Is Investigating a Senior Counterterrorism Agent


WASHINGTON, Aug.  18 - The F.B.I.  has begun an internal investigation into
one of its most senior counterterrorism officials, who misplaced a
briefcase containing highly classified information last year.  The
briefcase contained a number of sensitive documents, including a report
outlining virtually every national security operation in New York,
government officials said.

The official, John O'Neill, 49, is the special agent in charge of national
security in the Federal Bureau of Investigation's New York office.  The job
is among the most powerful in the F.B.I., and, although Mr.  O'Neill is not
widely known, he has overseen cases like the terrorist bombing of the Navy
destroyer Cole in Yemen last year and the bombings of American embassies in
East Africa in 1998.

The briefcase incident was seen as potentially so serious that the Justice
Department conducted a criminal investigation.  The inquiry ended in recent
weeks with a decision by the department's internal security section not to
prosecute, law enforcement officials said.

Mr.  O'Neill left his briefcase in a hotel conference room while he
attended an F.B.I.  meeting in Tampa, Fla., last summer.  The briefcase
was stolen, but the local authorities recovered it and returned it to him
within hours with the contents.

Jill Stillman, a spokeswoman for the Justice Department, said that
department officials would not comment on the matter.  Requests to discuss
the matter with Mr.  O'Neill were made to bureau officials in New York and
Washington.  In both cases, they said that he declined to comment on the

After the criminal inquiry, the bureau's internal affairs unit began its
own investigation to determine whether Mr.  O'Neill had violated F.B.I.
rules against mishandling classified information.

Officials identified one document in the briefcase as a draft of what is
known in the bureau as the Annual Field Office Report for national security
operations in New York.  The closely guarded report contained a description
of every counterespionage and counterterrorism program in New York and
detailed the budget and manpower for each operation.  The document,
submitted to bureau headquarters, is used as a central planning tool each

F.B.I.  agents are prohibited from removing classified documents from their
offices without authorization.  Violations are punishable by censure,
suspension or even dismissal, depending on the seriousness.

But the outcome of the internal inquiry is uncertain.  Even if the inquiry
finds that Mr. O'Neill violated regulations, he is unlikely to be
sanctioned.  He has been planning to retire and told associates in recent
days that he would step down next week.  He is expected to take a job as a
private security consultant.

Several officials said that Mr. O'Neill became the subject of especially
intense scrutiny partly because law enforcement officials did not want to
treat the matter lightly after the cases of John M.  Deutch, the former
director of Central Intelligence, and Wen Ho Lee, the Los Alamos nuclear
weapons scientist.

Mr. Deutch lost his security clearances and was the subject of a Justice
Department investigation for mishandling classified material after he
placed classified documents on unclassified computers in his home.  Mr.
Deutch was pardoned by President Clinton in January.

Dr. Lee pleaded guilty in September 2000 to one count of mishandling
classified material just as the rest of the government's case against
him collapsed.

In Mr. O'Neill's case, F.B.I.  officials were alarmed, in part, because of
the sensitivity of the documents involved, including details about the
bureau's counterterrorism and counterintelligence operations.  One
document contained highly sensitive information about an F.B.I.  source.

Mr. O'Neill immediately reported the incident to his superiors.  But after
the Tampa authorities recovered the briefcase, it was taken from him and
the documents inside it were fingerprinted to determine whether anyone had
touched the briefcase and whether the documents might have been handled by
a foreign intelligence service.

The investigation concluded that the documents in the briefcase had not
been touched and that it had probably been stolen by thieves who were
thought to be responsible for several hotel robberies in the Tampa area
at the time.

Mr.  O'Neill started as an entry- level clerk at the bureau and has been an
agent for more than 25 years.  Throughout his career, associates said, Mr.
O'Neill has been regarded as a dedicated, relentless and hard-charging
investigator who was one of the F.B.I.'s brightest stars.  But associates
said that he sometimes chafed at the restrictive rules of conduct at the
bureau and that his single-mindedness had sometimes irritated colleagues in
the bureau, at the C.I.A.  and at the State Department.  Mr.  O'Neill's


2001-08-19 Thread William Shannon


Sunday, 19 August 2001

Correction: yesterday, August 18,  HearPalestine reported  incorrectly
that 10 Palestinians were killed in an Israeli attack on the residential
area of Khan Yunis in Gaza. 1 Palestian was killed, while 10 were


Medical officials reported today that Salfeet resident, Mu’in Lawi,38,
was shot and killed by live ammunition in the neck.


Muhammed Abu Arar, 14, was shot and killed by a burst of live fire in
the chest in front of his home in Rafah at noon today. Occupation forces
opened fire on homes in al-Barazil quarter in Rafah.


Israeli occupation forces today opened fire at the town of Tayaseer in
Jenin. Several homes and buildings were damaged, including the local
school, which, according to witnesses, was also subjected to an
unsuccessful missile attack.

Witnesses reported that occupation forces drove of farmers attempting to
reach their land today.


A total of six Palestinians were injured last night in al-Qarara area,
east of Khan Younis, and Betounia near Ramallah, during Israeli shelling
of two security locations. The injuries were described as between
moderate and severe.

Israeli occupation forces also opened fire on the al Nasawi quarter of
Khan Younis last night damaging several homes.

In Betounia, a Force 17 location was attacked. One civilian was injured
in the head and a Force 17 officer injured by shrapnel in the shoulder.

According to official Palestinian sources, Israeli tanks fired missiles
at a Palestinian national security location in al-Amal quarter at noon
today. Three civilians were injured in the attack. The location was


In yesterday’s shelling on al-Tuffah military roadblock residential
surroundings, west of al-Namsawi quarter, in Khan Younis, a two and a
half month old Palestinian baby was critically injured by missile
shrapnel. The infant suffered from critical head injuries and remains
hospitalized. Two civilians were injured by shrapnel in the same attack,
including a 14 year old boy. One civilian, Issa al-Lahham was injured
with two bullets in the stomach in al-Amal quarter. Seven youths were
also injured at the Egyptian borders in Rafah, one reportedly in
critical condition.

Occupation forces had claimed on Israeli radio that the  attack targeted
a Palestinian military unit.

In Nablus, a 6-month old baby was shot in the stomach three times when
Israeli forces opened fire on a taxi near an Israeli military roadblock
at Sura village, west of Nablus. The infant’s mother, Ni’ma Ouda, 29,
said that she was sitting in the back seat with her child between her
arms while the driver stopped awaiting the soldiers’ instructions to
move, when the taxi was fired on. The family was returning from Nablus
to their village of Baqat al-Hatab.


An Israeli youth and a child were injured yesterday when a bus was fired
at near Jerusalem. Israeli radio reported that the incident occurred
between ‘Pisgat Ze’ev’ and ‘Nabi Ya’kob’ settlements.



Israeli occupation forces fired at four Palestinian civilians. The
incident occurred near an Israeli occupation roadblock near Araq Borin
village, when residents attempted to cross the roadblock on foot.

An elderly resident, Muhammed Qatr, 56, from Madama village, was injured
earlier this morning when occupation forces opened fire on a back road
between Tel and Borin villages.

At dawn, another civilian, Muahmmed Khalil, 47, from al-Sawiya village
was injured when occupation forces fired a stun grenade directly at him


Witnesses reported that occupation military reinforcements were placed
in al-Fahs area south of Hebron. Four tanks, 6 armored vehicles and a
bulldozer were reportedly moving towards the area.

Witnesses reported that Palestinian land was bulldozed and a cement
factory was  destroyed.

Occupation forces had previously occupied a home in Zif/Yatta area,
belonging to Ali Shatat.


Israeli occupation forces closed and destroyed a number of agricultural
roads in Kufr al-Labid, constructed. An Israeli bulldozer under the
protection of soldiers cleared and demolished the area. New road blocks
were placed on roads leading to several villages and agricultural land.

Israeli occupation forces raided homes in  Izbat Nasserm Izbat Jarad and
al-Sawana areas near the town of Tulkarem conducting extensive searches.
A tank and four armored vehicles were placed at the southern entrance of
Izbat Jarad and a hill overlooking Izbat Nasser. Occupation forces
deployed throughout the area’s farmland.

A large number of occupation forces also raided Far’oun village and

[CTRL] Gore Vidal: McVeigh a Hero!

2001-08-19 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related New Paradigms Posts at:

Subject: Gore Vidal:  McVeigh a Hero!
Date: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 8:35 AM


Vidal casts McVeigh as a hero


GORE VIDAL, publishing the first extracts of his death row correspondence
with Timothy McVeigh, has described the executed Oklahoma City bomber as a
hero and cast doubt on whether he acted alone. The American man of letters
became an unlikely soulmate for McVeigh, a self-styled anti-government
warrior, when he published a 1998 essay in Vanity Fair magazine lamenting the
Government’s assault on Americans’ liberties and the “shredding of our Bill
of Rights”. McVeigh, already in prison for the worst terrorist attack on US
soil, wrote to Vidal to commend the piece, initiating what would become an
off-and-on three-year correspondence that culminated in an invitation to
witness his execution.

Vidal has now published parts of his pen pal’s letters along with his own
often polemical analysis of the case in Vanity Fair, hinting that government
infiltrators may have had a hand in the 1995 bombing that killed 168 people.

The kinship between the two men is apparent from the start. Writing with
perfect grammar and spelling in a slanting hand, McVeigh tells Vidal in his
second letter that he had read his “political musings” and “I think you’d
be surprised at how much of that material I agree with”.

“As to your letter, I fully recognise that ‘the general rebellion against
what our government has become is the most interesting (and I think
important) story in our history this century’,” he wrote. In the four years
since the bombing, your work is the first to really explore the underlying
motivations for such a strike against the US Government and for that, I thank

“Although I have many observations that I’d like to throw at you, I must
keep this letter to a practical length — so I will mention just one: if
federal agents are like ‘so many Jacobins at war’ with the citizens of this
country, and if federal agencies ‘daily wage war’ against those citizens,
then should not the OKC bombing be considered a ‘counterattack’ rather than
a self-declared war? Would it not be more akin to Hiroshima than Pearl
Harbor? Vidal, whose historical fiction displays a penchant for conspiracy
theories, seems won over by McVeigh’s logic. Noting that McVeigh made no
final statement before his execution other than copying out the poem Invictus
by W.E. Henley, he points out that Henley’s other works included an anthology
entitled Lyra Heroica, (1892) about those who performed selfless heroic

“The stoic serenity of McVeigh’s last days certainly qualified him as a
Henley-style hero,” Vidal writes. He did not complain about his fate; took
responsibility for what he was thought to have done; did not beg for mercy as
our always sadistic media require. He seems more and more to have stumbled
into the wrong American era. Plainly, he needed a self-consuming cause to
define him.

“The abolition of slavery or the preservation of the Union would have been
more worthy of his life than anger at the excesses of our corrupt secret

Vidal missed McVeigh’s execution when it was rescheduled because the FBI
found new documents that it had not provided to his defence lawyers. But his
subsequent investigations have left him deeply suspicious of the FBI’s case
and convinced that, despite his own confession, McVeigh was part of a wider

“Evidence . . . is overwhelming that there was a plot involving militia types
and government infiltrators — who knows? — as prime movers to create panic
to get Clinton to sign that infamous Anti-Terrorism Act,” Vidal writes.

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[CTRL] Rabbi's Inciting Violence/Armed Settlers Wreak Havoc

2001-08-19 Thread William Shannon

Divine Incitement 

18 August 2001 
Palestine Media Center 

An Israeli Rabbi notorious for his racism and spite towards Arabs in general 
and Palestinians in particular is once again being probed for inciting to 
violence and racism. Rabbi Yitzhak Ginzburg, a prominent spiritual leader of 
the Od Yosef Chai Yeshiva groups, has been known to publish and advocate 
calls for violence against Palestinians and Arabs in general. 

In his latest book, Tipul Shoresh (“Root Treatment”), Rabbi Ginzburg makes 
the claim that the “land of Israel” belongs solely to the Children of 
Israel. According to a 16 August Ha’aretz article, the Rabbi states in his 
book, “no goy (non-Jew) has the right to live in the area unless he is a 
convert or a righteous Gentile”. The spiritual leader also calls for the 
expulsion of Palestinians from Israel (which includes the Occupied 
Palestinian Territory in the Rabbi’s mind). He calls for the land to be 
“cleansed” of foreigners and urges his followers not to employ or trade with 
Palestinians. Of course, the Rabbi refers to Palestinians as “Arabs”, 
refusing to so much as recognize the existence of a Palestinian People. 

The Israeli head of the State Prosecutor’s Office’s special tasks division, 
Talia Sasson has ordered an investigation in the Rabbi’s latest book. 

Just two months earlier, a similar investigation was launched against Rabbi 
Ginzburg because of comments he made to the Jerusalem weekly newspaper Kol 
Hazman and the daily Ma’ariv. In both commentaries, the Rabbi expressed his 
support for Baruch Goldstein’s massacre of Palestinian 
worshipers as they prayed in Hebron’s Ibrahimi mosque. In the 1994 massacre, 
Goldstein butchered over 60 Palestinians. 

The investigation was dropped and no charges were filed. 

Rabbi Ginzburg had published Baruch Hagever (“Baruch the Man”) in 1998. The 
Rabbi, apparently a fan of massacring Palestinians, published a book praising 
Goldstein and his final act of mass murder. Following the publication of this 
book, the Rabbi was investigated for inciting to violence and racism. 
However, the investigation was quickly botched and no charges were filed. 

Unfortunately, Rabbis of higher spiritual influence have made even far more 
racist remarks without so much as being questioned, let alone investigated. 
For example, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the spiritual leader of Shas, Israel’s third 
largest party has recently stated that Arabs “multiply like ants” and wished 
that they would “all go to hell”. Earlier 
in the year, he called for the extermination of Arabs altogether. On the 
other hand, Rabbi Lau, one of Israel’s Chief Rabbis has justified and blessed 
the extra-judicial executions carried out by the Israeli occupation forces 
against Palestinians. 

The investigation comes at a time when the United States is threatening to 
boycott a United Nations Conference on discrimination in which over 50 
nations want to discuss the issue of Zionism as a form of racism. Knowing 
that its absence would undermine the international conference, the United 
States has threatened to boycott it altogether if the item is discussed, 
claiming that such a discussion would be anti-Semitic. This is despite the 
fact that all Arab Peoples in the Middle East are Semitic.

Stories of Unpunished Crimes 

18 August 2001 
Palestine Media Center – PMC 

In the Occupied Palestinian Territory, stories of armed Israeli settlers 
attacking Palestinian villagers and terrorizing their children have 
tragically become a daily occurrence. Since the outbreak of Israeli hostility 
in 28 September 2000, Israeli settlers, armed to the teeth with 
government-funded semi-automatic rifles, have raided Palestinian villages 
scattered around the hilltops of the West Bank and blanketed in its fertile 

Thursday 16 August, armed Israeli settlers from the illegal Israeli 
settlement of “Itamar” attacked five Palestinian shepherds around the 
village of Yanoun, south of Nablus City, and chased them with raining 

Mr. Abdel Latif Yousef, the Municipal head of the village of Yanoun stated, 
“Around six O’clock this morning, an Israeli military jeep from the 
‘Itamar’ settlement chased Bajes Aqel, Hassan Aqel, Mohamed Abu Hamad, Ra’ed 
Jamil, and Mahmoud An’im from neighboring Aqraba. These shepherds were 
tending to their herd in Yanoun’s shepherd fields”. He told reporters that 
the Israeli settlers chased the shepherds through rough mountain roads with 
ceaseless fire from their semi-automatic weapons. 

In panic, the shepherds fled for their lives and left their herds to run and 
wander away in fear. At least ten goats were killed and scores others were 

In the valleys and mountains hugging the Nablus District, tens of small 

[CTRL] AAS: Surprise! The Earth may be OK after all

2001-08-19 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Surprise! The Earth may be OK after all

By Nicholas Wade
The New York Times
Sunday, August 19, 2001

The news from environmental organizations is almost always bleak. The
climate is out of whack. Insidious chemicals taint food and drink. Tropical
forests are disappearing. Species are perishing en masse. Industrial
poisons pollute air, earth and water. Ecosystems are being stressed to the
breaking point by the greedy, wasteful consumption of the Western lifestyle
and its would-be imitators.

So it is a surprise to meet someone who calls himself an environmentalist
but who asserts that things are getting better, that the rate of human
population growth is past its peak, that agriculture is sustainable and
pollution is ebbing, that forests are not disappearing, that there is no
wholesale destruction of plant and animal species and that even global
warming is not as serious as commonly portrayed.

The author of this happy thesis is not a steely-eyed conservative economist
but a vegetarian, backpack-toting academic who was a member of Greenpeace
for four years. He is Bjorn Lomborg, a 36-year-old political scientist and
professor of statistics at the University of Aarhus in Denmark. Lomborg
arrived at this position, much to his own astonishment, through a journey
that began in a Los Angeles bookshop in February 1997.

Lomborg was leafing through an issue of Wired magazine and started reading
an interview with Julian Simon, a University of Maryland economist who
argued in several books that population was unlikely to outrun natural
resources. Simon, who died in 1998, is more widely known for his solution
to the airline overbooking problem (having airlines pay passengers to take
a later flight) and for a 1980 bet with Paul Ehrlich, president of Stanford
University's Center for Conservation Biology. Simon bet that any five
metals chosen by Ehrlich would be cheaper in 1990; Ehrlich lost on all

Lomborg felt sure that Simon's arguments were simple American right-wing
propaganda. Back in Aarhus, he started nightly study sessions with his
statistics students to debunk Simon's contentions, using figures drawn from
reports of the World Bank, the Food and Agriculture Organization, the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, the International Panel on Climate Change
and other gatherers of official facts.

Three months into the project, we were convinced that we were being
debunked instead, Lomborg said. Not everything he said is right. He has a
definite right-wing slant. But most of the important things were actually

Lomborg has presented his findings in The Skeptical Environmentalist, to
be published in September by Cambridge University Press. The primary
targets of the book, a substantial work of analysis with almost 3,000
footnotes, are statements made by environmental organizations like the
Worldwatch Institute, the World Wildlife Fund and Greenpeace. He refers to
the persistently gloomy fare from these groups as the Litany, a collection
of statements that he argues are exaggerations or outright myths.

Lomborg also chides journalists, saying they uncritically spread the
Litany, and he accuses the public of an unfounded readiness to believe the

The Litany has pervaded the debate so deeply and so long, Lomborg writes,
that blatantly false claims can be made again and again, without any
references, and yet still be believed.

Lomborg says it is necessary to look at long-term global trends that tell
more of the whole story.

For example, the Worldwatch Institute, in its 1998 State of the World
report, said, The world's forest estate has declined significantly in both
area and quality in recent decades. But the longest data series of annual
figures available from the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization shows
that global forest cover has increased, to 30.89 percent in 1994 from 30.04
percent of global land cover in 1950. The Worldwatch report goes on to
claim that because of soaring demand for paper, Canada is losing some
200,000 hectares of forest a year. The cited reference, however, says that
in fact Canada grew 174,600 more hectares of forest each year, Lomborg

Janet Abramovitz, Worldwatch's forest expert, said the world forest cover
had shrunk significantly in the past 20 years. She based that contention on
a different, shorter series of Food and Agriculture Organization statistics
but declined to cite a percentage. The institute's figure on Canadian
forest loss was an error, she said.

In its report for 2000, the Worldwatch Institute cited the dangers it had
foreseen in 1984 -- record rates of population growth, soaring oil prices,
debilitating levels of international debt and extensive damage to forests
from the new phenomenon of acid rain -- and lamented that we are about to
enter a new century having solved few of these problems.

But in his book, Lomborg cites figures from the Census Bureau, 

[CTRL] Yale and the Price of Slavery

2001-08-19 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

August 18, 2001

Yale and the Price of Slavery

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va.--In 1852 a wealthy Mississippi cotton planter, Robert
Hairston, suddenly fell ill. With death overtaking him, he frantically
dictated a will in which he revealed that he had a child, his only one, a
5-year-old girl who was a slave. With his last breath he commanded his
family to have the girl set free and bequeathed to her his entire estate
land, cash and slaves worth over $1 million.

Hairston's white relatives, all quite wealthy, could not bear to see that
much money pass to a black. They decided to make her disappear and divided
up her property among themselves. To cover their tracks, they called the
father a lunatic and stuck to that story for generations. They told a judge
the girl was dead and sent her off to a distant plantation. One hundred and
sixty years later, while researching a book, I discovered through court
records and oral history in the area what had really happened.

This tale of theft on a massive scale has a deeper significance; it reveals
some of the psyche of the masters. The white family could never claim they
did not know what they were doing, that through some defect in their
perception they did not comprehend that this slave was a human being. She
was one of them. She probably looked like them. But cash trumped blood.

I was reminded of that story this week when three researchers released a
report on Yale University's deep entanglement in slavery. In response to
the report, John H. McWhorter, a linguist at the University of California
at Berkeley, defended Yale's reputation, saying, Slavery when those people
lived was largely an unquestioned part of existence. It's downright
inappropriate to render a moral judgment . . . based on moral standards
which didn't exist at that time. Yale's administration, in a defensive
feint, noted in responding to the report's publication that few, if any,
institutions or individuals from the period before Emancipation remained
untainted by slavery.

This is the presentism defense, which can be useful for almost any era
and almost any misdeed. But it is most commonly deployed when the morality
of slavery comes up: We must forgive them because they did not know what
they were doing.

Presentism is very often advanced in defense of America's founders. It is
comforting to think that their generation, so distant in time from us,
lived in a condition of moral ignorance, and thus innocence, regarding
slavery. But that is not the case. Even Thomas Jefferson, some of whose
statements exhibit an almost demented racism, could see clearly that
slavery utterly compromised the nation: I tremble for my country when I
reflect that God is just; that His justice cannot sleep forever, Jefferson
wrote. The Almighty has no attribute which can take side with us.

George Washington was an enthusiastic slaveholder in his early decades,
buying slaves to build himself a plantation empire; but by the end of his
life he found slavery repugnant. In his will Washington freed his slaves
and specified that the children be educated, believing that with education
and training the freed children of slaves could take a more fruitful and
productive place in Virginia society. If we accept the statement that it's
downright inappropriate to render a moral judgment on slavery, we are more
willing to accept slavery than George Washington was.

If the founders had such misgivings over slavery, how is it that they
allowed slavery to continue? The answer is not that they didn't know any
better, but that they kept slavery so the Southern states would join the
union. It was a transaction, a deal, just like the deal that put the
national capital on the Potomac in exchange for the federal assumption of
states' debts  and not unlike the deal the Hairstons made in causing their
kin to disappear. With their eyes open, the founders traded away the rights
of African-Americans, many of whom had fought bravely in the Revolution, so
that the national enterprise could go forward.

This country was founded upon a bargain for which we continue to pay the
price. We compound the mistake by draping a veil of innocence over the
transaction. The true beneficiary of the presentism defense is not the past
but the present  it guards and preserves our fervent wish to have sprung
from innocent origins.

Henry Wiencek, Yale 1974, won the National Book Critics' Circle Award for
The Hairstons: An American Family in Black and White. He is writing a
book about George Washington and slavery.

Copyright 2001 The New York Times Company

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor 

[CTRL] How it's done: Revolving doors.

2001-08-19 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

No this isn't do it yourself instructions for the home carpenter.
-  Nurev

Bailout Watch -- Keeping an eye on the energy industry and
the politicians

FTCR is publishing a newsletter on developments in
the California energy crisis.  Back issues are available at
Bailout Watch #67  Friday, August 17, 2001

 From Regulator to Regulated in two easy steps.

First, use your high-power government job to allow corporations
to make billions more than they should.  Then, resign.  Curt
Hebert's seat at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
(FERC) was still warm when the energy regulator-in-chief
announced his move to the ranks of the regulated as an
executive at Entergy Corporation -- a private power producer
under the FERC's regulatory purview.  As chair of FERC, Hebert's
anti-enforcement policies made the commission look like an
industry front group.   Hebert stubbornly resisted rate relief for
California, and tirelessly championed the very policies that laid
waste to the state's economy while enriching private companies.
By stepping through the revolving door between government and
industry, Hebert makes public service look like a pre-corporate
incubation period.  The public trust is violated when officials like
Hebert treat government jobs as stepping stones to more
profitable, consumer-gouging enterprises.

Why do they call it a REVOLVING door?

Because they get us coming and going.  While Hebert is
enjoying the corporate digs, the energy industry is sending new
troops into the regulatory agency.  Pat Wood, FERC's
chairman-to-be, plans to enlist energy company employees to
be his regulatory watchdogs.  The best kind of hire would be
someone who has done this on the other side, Wood told the
SF Chronicle.  As Californians worry about the impact of energy
company shareholders signing power contracts in Sacramento,
it's worth worrying about what happens in DC when energy
industry employees are entrusted with the responsibility of
regulating their former (and future?) employers.

Edison customer newsletter: History Blackout.

The August edition of Southern California Edison's Customer
Connection newsletter features a Did You Know section that
the movement to deregulate California's electric industry was
started in the mid-1990s by state regulators in response to large
energy users, who believed competition would result in lower
retail rates...SCE and other utilities strongly opposed the idea.

But wait a minute--in 1995, before the deregulation law had even
been drafted, Edison CEO John Bryson was quoted in the Los
Angeles Times as saying that the deregulation plan proposed by
state regulators was the best, soundest way to move to a
desirable competitive market that will benefit all customers.  He
also praised the actual dereg law in 1996.  If Edison wanted to
give its customers an accurate representation of California's
jaunt over the cliff of deregulation, it might read like this:
Did you know that... California's three private utilities, including
Edison, joined big energy users to ramrod deregulation through
the state legislature and succeeded in getting the legislature to
freeze customer's rates at 50% above the national average,
despite plummeting wholesale energy prices, in order to collect
$20 billion in surcharges as of June, 2000? And did you know
that SCE's parent company pocketed this overcharge revenue
and invested in lucrative global operations benefiting Edison
International's shareholders?

Leave us alone already.

First, Wall Street joined in the chorus calling on California to
deregulate.  Next, Wall Street told California to bail the utilities
out of the mess created by deregulation.  And on Tuesday, a Wall
Street analyst told Bloomberg News that state utility regulators
should have very little oversight regarding rate increases.
Thanks for the advice. . .but no thanks.

If you are interested in joining the FTCR Blackout Brigades go to:

Judgment Day: 445 Days Until November 5, 2002.

FTCR is a non-profit, non-partisan advocacy organization. For
in-depth information on the utility deregulation disaster, to
DONATE and join the campaign to fight the bailout, or to
comment, visit our web site at www.ratepayerrevolt.org.
310-392-0522 xt.309. ) 2001 FTCR
1750 Ocean Park Bl., Suite 200
Santa Monica, CA 90405

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread 

[CTRL] LaRouche-Bush Must Change Mind Quickly

2001-08-19 Thread William Shannon

Statement By Y2004 Democratic
Presidential pre-Candidate Lyndon H. La Rouche, Jr:

President Bush Must Change His Mind Quickly

Monday, August 13, 2001

    I appeal publicly to President George W. Bush, Jr., because, first, he is 
the President of the U.S.A., and, secondly, unless he uses his powers and 
influence in an appropriate way, there is presently nothing in sight which 
will prevent that general, spreading war in the Middle East which would lead, 
of necessity, to a new Masada, Israel's destruction by its own hand. 

 The present situation is composed of the following leading elements.

1.   Fanatics in leading positions in Israel's Defense Force (IDF), are 
presently committed to a process including systemic murder of the Palestinian 
Authority, and to other measures of strategic bridge-burning, along the way 
toward something like the Thirty Years War Europe suffered during the 
1618-1648 interval, not only within the Middle East region, but spreading 
through Central, East, and Southeast Asia, and beyond. 

2.   Under such conditions, Israel is now in the process of creating for 
itself a mire of virtually uncontrollable irregular warfare, a condition soon 
far beyond the capabilities of Israel's security-forces to control.  Thus, 
Israel would bring about its
own destruction, as strategic experts whom I know in Israel itself would 
agree, with which any rational expert there must concur, by definition.

3.   The larger, global strategic danger is, that the targetting of Islam's 
holy places in Jerusalem, by both certain Israeli fanatics and also masses of 
Protestant fanatics from the U.S.A., is in the process of transforming a 
long-standing Israeli-Arab conflict into what geopoliticians Zbigniew 
Brzezinski and Samuel P. Huntington have proposed as a spread of a 
generalized religious warfare throughout much of Asia. The case of the 
Talibans of Afghanistan merely typifies the kinds of religious conflicts, 
among Muslims as also against them, throughout much of Asia and beyond, 
unless the kind of lunacy typified by Brzezinski and Sharon its stopped.

4.   Unfortunately, while a rumbling anger against Sharon's policies is 
building up in Europe, only an intervention by the U.S. is capable of 
stopping the IDF-led war machine now running amok in Israel today. This puts 
President Bush in the position of being obliged to act counter to those 
sections of both his own Republican and the Democratic parties, in and 
outside the Congress, who appear to be literally Hell-bent to have a 
religious war take over much of this planet during the weeks and months ahead.

5.   Therefore, the question is, are there leading advisors to the President, 
who can persuade him to recognize the danger of not intervening in an 
effective way to halt the Israeli war-drive now, while that might still be 

 In the effort to define war-avoiding alternatives, certain additional 
facts must be borne in mind. 

6.   The problem inside Israel is not Ariel Sharon. Sharon, on record, has 
always acted primarily as an extension of the Anglo-American intelligence 
establishment, not as a religious fanatic. President Bush could ask his 
father, the former President, or James Baker III, about such important 
matters of background. Look back to the 1980s, beginning about 1982, when 
Sharon was operating inside what became known later to the U.S. reading 
public as the "Iran-Contra" complex. Sharon's tendency is to stay within the 
bounds of what that section of the Anglo-American intelligence community 
might consider "acceptable behavior." 

 The danger is, that those who desire to use present atrocities against 
the Palestinians as a detonator of the kind of  geopolitical religious 
warfare demanded by H.G. Wells-follower Brzezinski, recognizing Sharon's 
reluctance to break out of his mold, will use the escalation of the situation 
as a cover for dumping Sharon, in one way or another, and bringing to the 
fore those elements of the IDF who are disposed to unleash full-scale 
religious warfare through most of Asia and beyond.

7.   The President of the U.S. has the authority, and prospective 
collaborators abroad, needed to bring the errant impulses of the IDF to a 
sudden halt.  He is in a position to muster the international support he 
requires for such an effect. No less dramatic intervention than that, taken 
suddenly, would be sufficient to ensure that the looming spiral of religious 
warfare does not erupt very, very soon. 

8.   The question will be asked: What about those lunatics on both sides of 
the Congressional aisle, who are so rabidly pressing for Middle East war? 
Should the President act, he would have little to fear from those elements of 
the Democratic and Republican parties.

 Presently, except for his position as President, he has very little 
credibility; but, at the moment, the members of the Congress 

[CTRL] SoMa loft hero held on parole violation -SF GATE

2001-08-19 Thread Peat

SoMa loft hero held on parole violation 
Taking intruder's gun broke rules Jaxon Van Derbeken, 
Chronicle Staff Writer San Francisco 
A man hailed by San Francisco police for seizing a robber's 
gun to stop a violent holdup at a live-work loft has been jailed by state 
authorities on a possible parole violation -- handling the gun. [more]


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[CTRL] Rocker Marilyn Manson charged with sexual assault--CNN

2001-08-19 Thread Peat

Rocker Marilyn Manson charged 
with sexual assault--CNN PONTIAC, Michigan-- Shock rocker Marilyn 
Manson was charged Thursday with sexual assault on a security guard at one of 
his concerts, the Oakland County prosecutor's office said. In a statement, 
prosecutor David Gorcyca said Manson -- whose real name is Brian Warner -- faces 
a felony charge of criminal sexual conduct and a misdemeanor charge of assault 
and battery stemming from a July 30 incident at a concert at the DTE Energy 
Music Theater in suburban Detroit. The prosecutor's office said that during the 
performance, Manson -- dressed only in a G-string -- approached security guard 
Joshua Keasler from behind as Keasler stood guarding the stage with his back to 
the singer. The statement said Manson spit on Keasler's head, then wrapped his 
legs around the security guard and "rubbed his genital area on Keasler's head 
and neck." [more]

D I V E R S I O N 

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[CTRL] Must People Lie? Yes, Absolutely. Or Is That a Lie? NY TIMES

2001-08-19 Thread Peat

Must People Lie? Yes, Absolutely. Or Is That a Lie? By 
R. Thiele via Reuters 
Tolstoy, in peasant garb here, was no peasant. His fiction 
seems to deplore lying, but he may have been prone to its there anything more 
boring than thinking about lies? What is there left to learn? About lies, 
everyone is an expert; they are unceasingly seen, heard and produced. There is a 
story about Queen Victoria and Prince Albert challenging their company to find a 
common word that is not a common thing. One guest guessed: "Is it `truth' or 
`honesty'?" [more] 




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[CTRL] Cell Phone Gun Rights

2001-08-19 Thread Peat

This ought to break a few laws 
if real

Cellphone pistol in action 

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[CTRL] Newsflash: Ballmer Loves Microsoft (Sickening Video)

2001-08-19 Thread Peat

There is no way to properly 
explain (or stomach) this odd piece of video capturing Microsoft CEO Steve 
Ballmer who is either rallying his troops or losing his mind. 

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Re: [CTRL] [AL-AWDA] Loyalty to Israel and Supporting Its Terrorism Is NotA Crime In Canada (fwd)

2001-08-19 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

 So up in Canada you can't support the Roman Catholic Church, Zionism,
 IRA, Sai Baba or anything extraterritorial?

 Mark McHugh

Up here you're perfectly free to support whatever extraterritorial
organization the government supports otherwise a human rights kangaroo
court or the Royally Corrupt Mounted Police will deem you to be a threat.

Welcome to America's future

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-08-19 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, August 19, 2001 2:42 PM

From Rayelan:

Not more than five minutes ago I sent an email asking for your
prayers for Dean Stonier, the founder of the Global Sciences
Institute. Just now I talked to a friend who had just received word
that Dean died  an hour ago.

The people who need prayers now are his wife, Phyllis, their
friends, Carol and Dennis Wagner, Dean's family, and Dean's larger
family, the Global Science Family.

Dean was a tireless worker for truth. I am certain he can do FAR
more for all of us on the other side. Please pray for Dean. Let's
ask all God's angels to help him make a rapid transition so he can
use his knowledge of what is going on here on Earth to assist ALL
of us to rise above the problems the Earth is currently
encountering. Dean was a powerful force ON Earth, he will be EVEN
MORE powerful on the other side!

Everyone who knew Dean, loved Dean. All of us will miss him.

When I have more information I will email it.

Shortly before I finished this email, I received a telephone call
that many people in Colorado who knew Dean and were part of Global
Science have been arrested. I have no other information on this. I
asked what the charges were, the person did not know but made the
comment, They knew too much!.

In the last few months many people who have inside knowledge have
had problems with their health, their finances, or  they have had
attempts on their lives.

Dean is the first one to die.

Branton was hit by a car and is still recovering.

Les Coleman, political prisoner and auther of Trail of the Octopus,
had a stroke. I have not been able to reach him.

Oswald Le Winter, CIA agent and whistleblower, was in an automobile
accident. His obituary was sent to all his supporters --
prematurely. While Oswald is NOT dead, he is in hiding and no one
can reach him.

One of the RMNews European correspondent, gigi, was hit by a car.
Both arms were broken. I have not been able to email gigi to find
out anymore.

The people on the RMNews mailing list know about the problems
Barbara Hartwell, Al Bielek and Charles Schlund are having. I have
been told that what has happened to these people has and is
happening to many others.

I think we need to put every ounce of energy we have into our
prayers. We need to PRAY like we have never prayed before! Pray for
ALL the TRUTH AND LIGHT WARRIORS wherever they may be and whatever
they may be doing! In my opinion we are entering a time when no one
of us can stand on the sideline and expect someone else to do the
work. If not you, who?

If one of us is struck down, then 10 more must rise in his place!
Be vigilent! Be active! Don't use these incidents to crawl into a
cave and hide! We need your help NOW more than ever! Let your voice
be heard! Full speed ahead, and damn the torpedoes!

When I have more information I will send it.


I apologize if this email was scattered!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

RMNews, The Uncensored National Rumor

P.O. BOX 1784
APTOS, CA 95001
TEL 831 462 3949
FAX 831 462 2545


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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Skull Bones Society: How The Order Controls Education

2001-08-19 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=http://www.sntp.net/education/sutton_1.htm;Skull 
Bones Society Controls Education: Yale,…/A

Skull  Bones Society: How The Order Controls Education

by Antony C. Sutton

This is taken from Antony C. Sutton's book, America's Secret Establishment:
An Introduction to the Order of Skull  Bones.

How The Order Controls Education

Memorandum Number One: It All Began At Yale

The first volume of this series introduced The Order, presented three
preliminary hypotheses with examples of the evidence to come.

We also asserted that any group that wanted to control the future of American
society had first to control education, i.e., the population of the future.
This volume will outline the way in which education has been controlled by
The Order.

It all began at Yale. Even the official Yale history is aware of Yale's power
and success:

The power of the place remain(s) unmistakable. Yale was organized. Yale
inspired a loyalty in its sons that was conspicuous and impressive. Yale men
in after life made such records that the suspicion was that even there they
were working for each other. In short, Yale was exasperatingly and
mysteriously successful. To rival institutions and to academic reformers
there was something irritating and disquieting about old Yale College.

Yale was exasperatingly and mysteriously successful, says the official

And this success was more than obvious to Yale's chief competitor, Harvard
University. So obvious, in fact, that in 1892 a young Harvard instructor,
George Santanyana, went to Yale to investigate this disturbing legend of
Yale power. Santanyana quoted a Harvard alumnus who intended to send his son
to Yale - because in real life all the Harvard men are working for Yale men.

But no one has previously asked an obvious question - Why? What is this Yale

A Revolutionary Yale Trio

In the 1850s, three members of The Order left Yale and working together, at
times with other members along the way, made a revolution that changed the
face, direction and purpose of American education. It was a rapid, quiet
revolution, and eminently successful. The American people even today, in
1983, are not aware of a coup d'etat.

The revolutionary trio were:

Timothy Dwight ('49) Professor in the Yale Divinity School and then 12th
President of Yale University.

Daniel Coit Gilman ('52), first President of the University of California,
first President of the Johns Hopkins University and first President of the
Carnegie Institution.

Andrew Dickson White ('53), first President of Cornell University and first
President of the American Historical Association.

This notable trio were all initiated into The Order within a few years of
each other (1849, 1852, 1853). They immediately set off for Europe. All three
went to study philosophy at the University of Berlin, where post-Hegelian
philosophy had a monopoly.

*   Dwight studied at the Universities of Berlin and Bonn between 1856 and

*   Gilman was at the University of Berlin between 1854 and 55 under Karl von
Ritter and Friedrich Trendelenberg, both prominent Right Hegelians, and

*   White studied at the University of Berlin between 1856 and 1858.

Notably also at the University of Berlin in 1856 (at the Institute of
Physiology) was none other than Wilhelm Wundt, the founder of experimental
psychology in Germany and the later source of the dozens of American Ph.D.s
who came back from Leipzig, Germany to start the modern American education

Why is the German experience so important? Because these were the formative
years, the immediate post-graduate years for these three men, the years when
they were planning the future, and at this period Germany was dominated by
the Hegelian philosophical ferment.

There were two groups of these Hegelians. The right Hegelians, were the roots
of Prussian militarism and the spring for the unification of Germany and the
rise of Hitler. Key names among right Hegelians were Karl Ritter (at the
University of Berlin where our trio studied), Baron von Bismarck, and Baron
von Stockmar, confidential adviser to Queen Victoria over in England.
Somewhat before this, Karl Theodor Dalberg (1744-1817), arch-chancellor in
the German Reich, related to Lord Acton in England and an Illuminati (Baco v
Verulam in the Illuminati code), was a right Hegelian.

There were also Left Hegelians, the promoters of scientific socialism. Most
famous of these, of course, are Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Heinrich Heine,
Max Stirner and Moses Hess.

The point to hold in mind is that both groups use Hegelian theory of the
State as a start point, i.e., the State is superior to the individual.
Prussian militarism, Naziism and Marxism have the same philosophic roots.

And it left its mark on our trio.

Gilman wrote his sister from St. Petersburg in April, 1854:

And what do you think I am keeping' for? Tell me, some day when you 

[CTRL] Secret Records Revealed : The Men, the Money, and the Methods Behind the New

2001-08-19 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-


Click Here: Amazon.com: Editorial Reviews:
Secret Records R…

Secret Records Revealed : The Men, the Money, and the Methods Behind the New
World Order
by Dennis L. Cuddy
Our Price: $11.95

Used Price: $10.76

Paperback - (September 1, 1999) 240 pages

Editorial Reviews
Book Description
In 1890 Cecil Rhodes stated he would start a movement that would in 100 years
bring in a world government in which there would be no war and only one
language. One hundred years later in 1990, President Bush announced the
arrival of the New World Order. Since early this century Rhodes Scholars have
been involved with the CFR, United Nations, International Monetary Fund,
international banking, Congress, and federal administrations since Woodrow
Wilson. President Clinton, a Rhodes Scholar, has appointed at least
twenty-two Rhodes Scholars to high positions in his administration. Dr.
Dennis Cuddy reveals the source of the conspiracy that has been dedicated to
erasing nationalism and replacing it with a world government.

The author, Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D. , February 26, 1999
traces conspiracy for a world government in their own words
People want to know if the New World Order is a conspiracy. I tell them there
is no conspiracy, but there was one, part of which is playing out today.
Rather than speculating, this book gives dates and quotes of the individuals
involved or knowledgeable about some aspect of the conspiracy. In their own
words, the conspiracy and its results are tracked over time (from Cecil
Rhodes through Rhodes scholar Bill Clinton) through today and into the

About the Author
Dennis Laurence Cuddy, historian and political analyst, received a Ph.D. from
the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (major in American History,
minor in political science), and taught in the public school system and at
the university level. Dr. Cuddy has also authored or edited fifteen books and
booklets, authored hundreds of articles appearing in newpapers around the
nation, and served as a senior associate with the U.S. Department of
Education in Washington. He has been a guest on numerous radio talk shows in
various parts of the country, such as ABC-Radio in New York City, and he has
also been a guest on the national television programs USA Today and CBS'

Customer Reviews
Avg. Customer Review:
Write an online review and share your thoughts with other customers.
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
 This isn't really a book., July 1, 2001
Reviewer: Jim D Lellman  from Buffalo Grove, IL USA
It is merely an extended chronology. Do not buy it unless that is what you
are looking for.

Was this review helpful to you?

24 of 29 people found the following review helpful:
Reviewer: A reader
Dennis Cuddy brings a wealth of information that is well worth the money. Im
proud to have some authors that are bold,bringing to light,the takeover of
America. Showing the one world government closing in on us. By far the best
compilation of in your face information,written by the men bringing this
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Cecil John Rhodes : Secret Society

2001-08-19 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=http://www.cecilrhodes.net/secret.html;Cecil John
Rhodes : Secret Society/A
Thanks to John.

Home  |   Rhodesword  |   Bygone voices  |   Falcon god  |   Impressions
So little done  |   Silver crown  |   Parting gift  |   Live as on a mountain
Brooding spirit  |   Great Zimbabwe  |   About the author

`When I find myself in uncongenial company, or when people are
playing their games, or when I am alone in a railway carriage,
I think of my great ideaIt is the pleasantest companion I have.'

- Cecil Rhodes.Rhodes' incredible achievements - one of the richest men in
the world, the creator of De Beers, and the founder of a new country - were
motivated by one single thing, his `great idea'.

This idea came to him at the age of 24 with the force of a religious
revelation. What is interesting is that it struck him in the hours
immediately following his initiation into the Masonic Order while at Oxford

Although Rhodes was slightly contemptuous of the organisation he had just
joined - `I wonder that a large body of men can devote themselves to what at
times appear the most ridiculous and absurd rites without an object and
without an end' - the fact remains that whatever the Masonic induction he had
gone through, it would appear to have triggered something of an epiphany in
the young student.

On the evening after the ceremony, Rhodes sat pondering what had happened
that day. Then, as he puts it, the `idea gleaming and dancing before one's
eyes like a will-of-the-wisp at last frames itself into a plan'. He proceeded
to pen his `Confession of Faith' in which he outlined his ambition: to
establish a secret society whose objective would be the furtherance of the
British Empire and the uniting of the entire Anglo-Saxon race, including
America, into one single empire.

From that day, June 2, 1877, Rhodes was a man with a mission, with his
`Confession of Faith' his guiding star and inspiration. When he had grown to
trust anybody, he would confidentially reveal his `idea' to him and expect
the man's life to be changed immediately. Historians and biographers have
criticised his naivety, but the fact remains that when Rhodes did reveal his
`idea' to others, it often had the same effect, resulting in them devoting
themselves from then on to helping him achieve his lofty aims.

There was an event in Rhodes' life, soon after his `illumination' at Oxford
that is hardly mentioned by his biographers, but which may well provide a key
to how Rhodes acquired the personal magnetism and power that he displayed
from then on.

Three months after his Masonic induction at Oxford, Rhodes was back at the
diamond diggings of Kimberley, in South Africa. One night, while staying in
his bachelor quarters, a very strange thing happened. `His friends',
according to his biographer Sir Lewis Michell, `found him in his room, blue
with fright, his door barricaded with a chest of drawers and other furniture;
he insisted that he had seen a ghost.' Immediately after this pivotal crisis,
Rhodes had his previously penned `Confession of Faith' (which also contained
his last will and testament) legally formalised by a Kimberley attorney. From
then on, his star was in the ascendent.

What exactly happened to him alone in his room that night? No one will ever
know, except that exactly the same thing happened to another man, in the
following century, who also went on to become one of the most powerful men
the world has ever known - Adolf Hitler.

In his book, `Hitler Speaks', published in 1939, Hermann Rauschning writes of
an event that took place at the beginning of the 1930's prior to Hitler's
seizure of power and his ascent to fame and infamy. Says Rauschning: `My
informant described to me in full detail a remarkable scene - I should not
have credited the story if it had not come from such a source. Hitler stood
swaying in his room, looking wildly about him. `He! He! He's been here!' He
gasped. His lips were blue. Sweat streamed down his face. Suddenly he began
to reel off figures, and odd words and broken phrases, entirely devoid of
sense. It sounded horrible. He used strangely composed and entirely un-German
word formations. Then he stood quite still, only his lips moving 
gradually he grew calm. After that he lay asleep for many hours.'

In 1933, soon after this strange event, Hitler seized power and the rest, as
they say, is history. A clue to exactly what fearsome thing Hitler had
witnessed is given by Hitler himself, who said to his circle of intimate
friends, of which Rauschning was a part: `The new man is among us! He is
here! I will tell you a secret. I have seen the vision of the new man -
fearless and formidable. I shrank from him!'

On another occasion, reported by Rauschning, Hitler remarked: `I will tell
you a secret. I am founding an Order.' Which is pretty well exactly what
Rhodes had set out to do after his illumination. How 


2001-08-19 Thread Kris Millegan

From Rayelan:

Not more than five minutes ago I sent an email asking for your prayers for Dean 
Stonier, the founder of the Global Sciences Institute. Just now I talked to a friend 
who had just received word that Dean died  an hour ago.

The people who need prayers now are his wife, Phyllis, their friends, Carol and Dennis 
Wagner, Dean's family, and Dean's larger family, the Global Science Family.

Dean was a tireless worker for truth. I am certain he can do FAR more for all of us on 
the other side. Please pray for Dean. Let's ask all God's angels to help him make a 
rapid transition so he can use his knowledge of what is going on here on Earth to 
assist ALL of us to rise above the problems the Earth is currently encountering. Dean 
was a powerful force ON Earth, he will be EVEN MORE powerful on the other side!

Everyone who knew Dean, loved Dean. All of us will miss him.

When I have more information I will email it.

Shortly before I finished this email, I received a telephone call that many people in 
Colorado who knew Dean and were part of Global Science have been arrested. I have no 
other information on this. I asked what the charges were, the person did not know but 
made the comment, They knew too much!.

In the last few months many people who have inside knowledge have had problems with 
their health, their finances, or  they have had attempts on their lives.

Dean is the first one to die.

Branton was hit by a car and is still recovering.

Les Coleman, political prisoner and auther of Trail of the Octopus, had a stroke. I 
have not been able to reach him.

Oswald Le Winter, CIA agent and whistleblower, was in an automobile accident. His 
obituary was sent to all his supporters -- prematurely. While Oswald is NOT dead, he 
is in hiding and no one can reach him.

One of the RMNews European correspondent, gigi, was hit by a car. Both arms were 
broken. I have not been able to email gigi to find out anymore.

The people on the RMNews mailing list know about the problems Barbara Hartwell, Al 
Bielek and Charles Schlund are having. I have been told that what has happened to 
these people has and is happening to many others.

I think we need to put every ounce of energy we have into our prayers. We need to PRAY 
like we have never prayed before! Pray for ALL the TRUTH AND LIGHT WARRIORS wherever 
they may be and whatever they may be doing! In my opinion we are entering a time when 
no one of us can stand on the sideline and expect someone else to do the work. If not 
you, who?

If one of us is struck down, then 10 more must rise in his place! Be vigilent! Be 
active! Don't use these incidents to crawl into a cave and hide! We need your help NOW 
more than ever! Let your voice be heard! Full speed ahead, and damn the torpedoes!

When I have more information I will send it.


I apologize if this email was scattered!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

RMNews, The Uncensored National Rumor

P.O. BOX 1784
APTOS, CA 95001
TEL 831 462 3949
FAX 831 462 2545


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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] My Candid Opinion of Al Martin's Book, The Conspirators

2001-08-19 Thread Kris Millegan

Al Martin is not to be trusted. Here's why.

Following are a list of factual errors in his book. They are deliberate and
intended. I will explain to you why I think he did this at the end. I will
list each error with the name Martin uses and then follow it in parentheses
with the correct name. I know this to be true because I have met, dealt
with, or written on each of these items.

* American Insurance General [AIG] (Real name: American International
Group) -- There is no company named American Insurance General. Never has
been as far as I can tell. No researcher in his right mind could use any of
Martin's citations without being discredited. All the events probably
happened but Martin is off the hook for subpoena or suit. Every time he
makes a reference to it (probably 15 times), Martin deliberately inserts the
wrong name.

* Gary Atel (Gary Eitel): Martin and Eitel have spoken many times. I know
this because I spoke with Eitel about it on Aug 18. Eitel is probably the
most credible expert in the world on CIA aircraft fraud and covert air
operations. Martin knows damn well how to spell his name.

* CEPIS (CSIS) - The Canadian Security and Intelligence Service. I know this
because I met and worked with RCMP investigators on the Promis story last
year. There is no such thing as CEPIS.

* John Maddis (John Mattes) -  It took some time to out Florida attorney
John Mattes as a CIA operative in 1998-9 but it was done. This is a
deliberate butchery of his name.

* Tosh Chumley (Tosh Plumlee) - I have spoken to this veteran CIA drug pilot
on several occasions.

* Nelson Dix (Norman Dix) - Washington Congressman. Former ranking member of
the House Intelligence Committee.

* Hammitt Valley Aviation (Hemet Valley Aviation) - I researched heavily on
this company for my story on CIA, C-130s in 1998.

* Mohammed Zia-ul-Haq - deceased president of Pakistan. He was not hanged by
Benazir Bhutto as Martin states. He was killed when his private C-130 blew
up in mid-air.

* Stephens Investment Group (Stephens, Inc.) - The is no such company as
Stephens Investment Group.

* Ernesto Portillo (Jose Lopez-Portillo) - This is the correct name of the
former Mexican President.

* Operation Watchtower - He has the dates wrong.

* Mark Richards (Mark Richard) - The correct name of this deputy Attorney

* It is impossible to put five million in cash into a briefcase as Martin
describes on an alleged payoff made to Oliver North.

* The founding dates for the World Anti-Communist League are wrong.

As evidenced by the fact that Al Martin knows damn well how to spell Gary
Eitel's name, the errors are intended. They serve two purposes.

First, even with one letter off, as in the case of Mark Richard, these
errors give absolute protection to the guilty parties. They can't sue Martin
and any journalist or lawyer who attempts to rely on them will be instantly
discredited. They are totally unusable as proof of wrongdoing.

Secondly, they serve the purpose of letting Martin's enemies know that he
knows who the real players are at no liability to himself.

In my opinion this book is a blackmail attempt by Martin to let the Bush
family, et al know what he's holding out as insurance. I am a journalist and
not an accomplice to blackmail. While I have no doubt that Martin was
actually there and that these events probably happened. I cannot in good
conscience recommend that anyone who is not an expert go near Martin's book.
There are way too many landmines in it and for a neophyte or a dilettante to
rely upon it would destroy their credibility.

Mike Ruppert

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[CTRL] Illuminati Outline Of History United Flight 553

2001-08-19 Thread William Shannon

The Illuminati Outline of History - part 4 of 4

1966 -- Assassination of Sir Abubakar Balewa of Nigeria, J.T.V. Ironsi Aquiyi
of Nigeria and Hendrick F. Verwoerd of South Africa. Attempted assassination
of James Meredith in US. E. Howard Hunt serves as CIA contact in
assassination plot against Castro. Retired naval Lt. William Pitzer, who had
photographed the secret JFK autopsy and was beginning a job with a TV
station, found dead with a bullet in his head. Bilderberger meeting in
Wiesbaden, Germany. CIA begins weather modification experiments over Cuba,
later used in an attempt to ruin Castro's sugar cane crop. Army simulated
germ warfare project in New York City.

1967 -- Assassination of American Nazi George Lincoln Rockwell in Virginia.
Che Guevara killed in Bolivia after CIA questioning. Deaths associated with
Kennedy assassination: Jack Ruby, whose lawyers charged Dallas authorities
with neglecting his health, died of cancer while awaiting retrial; David
Ferrie, who was to be a key witness in the trial of Clay Shaw, found dead in
his locked apartment in New Orleans, ruled suicide though how the ruptured
blood vessel which induced his brain hemorrhage could be self-inflicted was
unexplained; Eladio del Valle, a friend of Ferrie's who had hired him to fly
bombing missions over Cuba, found shot through the heart in a parking lot in
Miami, Florida, the same day Ferrie was killed. Dr. Mary Sherman, another
friend of Ferrie, shot in New Orleans, her body partially burned by her
killer. Bilderberger meeting in Cambridge, England. Beginning of Clay Shaw
trial; DA Jim Garrison subpoenas Allen Dulles and ex-CIA employee Gordon
Novel to testify; both escape testimony. CIA's Operation Phoenix, which was
to assassinate and torture over 40,000 in Vietnam, officially launched.
Beginning of CIA's $21 million rain-making program over Indochina which would
make 2,600 sorties by 1972. Approximate date La Costa Resort hotel built near
San Clemente, California: meeting place of Mob figures, Teamsters,
politicians and other big-wigs. Winthrop Rockefeller elected governor of
Arkansas. Black Panther party formed. Military takeover of Greece allegedly
executed by secret Operation Prometheus. Australian Prime Minister disappears
while swimming. Jim Thompson, ex-OSS commando and "Silk King of Thailand,"
disappears on Easter Sunday; five months later his sister is murdered. Rex
Heflin again visited by MIB in connection with his photos of California UFOs;
similar MIB incidents in New York and elsewhere; another MIB, Mr. Dixsun,
allegedly visits Colorado University UFO researcher Edward Condon and offers
to help him contact the space people.

1968 -- Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., in Memphis, Tennessee, and
Robert Kennedy in Los Angeles, California. Dr. Nicholas Chetta, who performed
autopsies on Ferrie and Dr. Sherman, died of an apparent heart attack;
Richard Carr, JFK assassination witness about to testify in the Clay Shaw
trial, learns police have arrested a man planning to shoot him. Bilderberger
meeting in Mont Tremblant, Canada. King assassination: James Earl Ray begins
international travels thanks to "Raoul" who sounds very much like his younger
brother Jerry Ray; FBI begins search for Ray as lone assassin, ignoring
considerable evidence of a conspiracy with Ray as patsy -- including reports
of the mysterious "sausage and eggs man" who was seen in the neighborhood of
King's motel with a rifle before and after the murder. Following King
assassination black leader Ron Karenga meets secretly with California
Governor Reagan and later with Los Angeles police chief Thomas Reddin. Spiro
Agnew's law-n-order handling of riots following King's assassination brings
him to national attention; Agnew allegedly chosen for Nixon's vice-president
to obtain CIA and Greek oil and shipping firms' contributions. Robert Kennedy
assassination: Sirhan Sirhan, who wounded Kennedy in the shoulder pad, still
doesn't remember what happened but perhaps security guard Eugene Cesar, who
carried the same caliber gun as Sirhan, does; Kennedy was shot in the back of
the head at close range -- Cesar was close behind him, Sirhan several feet in
front; a "girl in the polka dot dress," who earlier had been seen with
Sirhan, reportedly leaves the scene saying "We've shot him!" Nixon and Agnew
elected. Approximate date group called The Kaisers founded -- 60
German-Americans allegedly planning to make Nixon a dictator. FBI begins
secret Cointelpro campaign against New Left and black radicals. New York
police BOSS unit founds local Black Panther party using undercover agents.
FBI informer William O'Neal infiltrates Chicago Black Panthers, becomes chief
of security, Los Angeles police establish Criminal Conspiracy Section which
employs Donald DeFreeze, Louis Tackwood, Ron Karenga, the Steiner brothers
and other agents to infiltrate prison reform and black power groups. CIA

[CTRL] Fw: a hard spotlight on condit's 'panicked pay phone call'

2001-08-19 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Huumm.  Now Joyce Chaing who also disappeared worked in an office
very close to Condit's office.  Is there a connection and is that
what this article is implying?  A Congressional Serial Killer ?  A
bit far out but that is the sort of wild speculations that develop
in the vacuum created when this man refuses to speak on the subject
of the disappearance.  Susan Levy's appearance grows more haggard
daily.  Why did this man Condit not call these parents when his
'lover' disappeared for ten days?  Of course he did not want to
admit to the affair but he could have called under the pretext of
concern for a young constituent so far from home as fatherly

I left my oldest child in D.C. to attend school at 16 and cried all
the way back home but he was fine and did several internships
safely but he is 6'3 male.  What kind of country has a capitol
where it is not safe for our children to get this hands-on
experience for the danger of their becoming prey of politicians in
one manner or another?  Condit is taking on the haunted look of a
vulture if you look closely.  These parties and fund-raising
affairs he is planning are the height of poor taste in view of the
situation.  What a slap to the Levy family for he might as well
tell them it was just about his kinky sex and Chandra meant nothing
to him.  She did not understand that and was talking marriage and
children so he must have done something to make her think they had
a future together.  Had he been honest with these women, I doubt he
would have been so successful for admitting right up front that is
was just about sex, I doubt most would have become involved. There
are better looking hunks around for that type of affair. Just my

Subject: : a hard spotlight on condit's 'panicked pay phone call'

|   August 19, 2001

gary condit: a hard spotlight on condit's 'panicked pay phone call'
by Todd Brendan Fahey ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - August 05, 2001

Just how long a healthy woman needs to go missing, before the
investigation is declared officially as being one of a criminal
nature, is probably a question the Levy family and most of America
would like answered.

But as the FBI and D.C. police proceed at what appears to be a
slothful pace on this . . . (we can't even say case, yet, so what
do we call it?) . . . mystery, and as the missing persons
investigation got off to such a shabby start, with the D.C. police
not making entry into the vanished Chandra Levy's apartment until
May 11 (she vanished on May 1), it is, again, up to the
paraprofessional researcher for to do some digging.

Stewardess Anne Marie Smith, in an August 2nd appearance on CNN's
Larry King Live and elsewhere, clarifies earlier confusion, when
she states that a review of her records shows that the phone call
wherein Condit stated that he might be in some trouble and might
have to disappear for awhile came on May 10 or 11. The specific
nature of that trouble seems not to concern the Establishment media
or law enforcement investigators.

Significantly, on May 17, Ms. Smith having just completed a
domestic flight, touching down in Washington D.C. on the afternoon
of May 17, attempted to call Congressman Condit on his girly
line. Mr. Condit did not return her message until midnight, May
17, from--as has been verified by Ms. Smith's caller ID, through
phone records leaked by one in the Washington D.C. police
department, and as reported by Fox News' Rita Cosby--a McDonald's
fast-food restaurant, 709 E Main St., Luray, VA 22835; and that
when he did, stated that, I have some business to take care of,
but, concerning her relationship, soothed her and assured her that
everything was alright between them. (See below for the CNN Larry
King Live transcript of this interview.)

If paid investigators, servants of We The People and whose salaries
are paid for by us, want to find Chandra Levy, I offer the
following lead:

Gary Condit, despite a meticulous voting record (insofar as being
present and casting House floor votes), missed his first-ever year
2001 vote, three of them, on May 17. A survey of House roll call
votes and of the Congressional Record show that he was present for
a procedural vote at 10:26am. He then missed three straight votes,
at 11:26am, 12:32pm and 2:09pm. He then surfaces at midnight, for
the midnight pay phone call to Ms. Smith from the Luray, Virginia

The Levys had come to Washington D.C. on May 15. That same day, he
was interviewed for the first time by D.C. police. The next day,
the police and the Levy parents issue a joint press conference,
which sparked widespread television and Internet exposure of
Chandra Levy's photograph.

What was Condit doing in Luray, Virginia, 80 miles away from his
Adams-Morgan (Georgetown) area apartment and D.C. offices? Federal
investigators must answer this question, should they wish to have
any credibility with the American people.

It is known that the Modesto, California Democrat rarely, if ever,

[CTRL] Week Ending: 18 August 2001/29 Av 5761

2001-08-19 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Tzemach News Service
A weekly update of news and events regarding the nation and the people of

Week Ending: 18 August 2001/29 Av 5761

'For I,' declares the L-rd, 'will be a wall of fire around her, and I will
be the glory in her midst. Ho there! Flee from the land of the north,'
declares the L-rd, 'for I have dispersed you as the four winds of the
heavens,' declares the L-rd.'Ho, Zion! Escape, you who are living with the
daughter of Babylon.' Zechariah 2.5-7

Highlights Of This Week:


:: SEPARATING YESHA? Ha'aretz reports that a number of politicians are
setting up a movement to push for unilateral separation between Yesha
[Judea, Samaria, and Gaza] and the rest of Israel. The group includes
cabinet minister Dalia Itzik, and former minister Haim Ramon, both from the
Labor party, along with Michael Eitan from the Likud and Dan Meridor,
leader of the Center party. Separation efforts would include measures such
as building a border-style fence. At present, Israeli troops man
roadblocks, but the border area is largely open. Such plans would have to
address how to handle the 200,000 Jewish settlers scattered throughout
Yesha. Ramon said he plans to set up a public movement next month. He told
the paper that nearly half of the Likud's voters back the unilateral
separation plan, though it would mean removing at least some Israeli
settlements from Yesha. Israeli opponents of unilateral separation say it
would mean handing over large parts of Yesha to the Palestinians without a
peace accord.

Nations Security Council have agreed to hold a formal meeting Monday to
discuss the situation in the Middle East. The decision followed hours of
closed-door consultations among Council members on Thursday. The meeting
will be open to non-Council members as well. The Security Council (the only
UN body that has any real power) consists of five permanent members:
Britain, the United States, China, France, and the Russian Federation; and
10 rotating members currently consisting of Bangladesh, Ireland, Jamaica,
Mali, Mauritius, Norway, Singapore, Tunisia, Ukraine, and Colombia.

Meanwhile, Israel repeated Thursday that it will oppose any attempt to send
international overseers to the Mideast, increasing the likelihood that the
United States will veto a new Arab-backed resolution. The draft, circulated
Thursday by the 50-member Organization of the Islamic Conference, calls for
an end to the Israeli takeover of Orient House, an immediate cessation of
violence, and the creation of a monitoring mechanism. Israel has rejected
several attempts to send international observers to the region. The United
States has blocked two previous attempts to send international observers -
and U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell indicated this week it would
oppose a third attempt because of Israeli objections.

launched two missiles at the Palestinian National security headquarters in
the town of Khan Yunis in the Gaza Strip on Saturday night. The attack came
in reaction for seven mortars fired earlier Saturday at Gadid - one of the
Gush Katif bloc of settlements in the Gaza Strip. No one was injured by the

In the early morning hours Tuesday, some twenty IDF tanks rolled into the
PLO-controlled city of Jenin - which the Israeli media is now calling
Suicide Central - and destroyed a building used by the PA/PLO
police.  IDF bulldozers carried out the work in the heart of the city,
while ground forces and combat helicopters provided cover. Heavy fire was
directed at the IDF, but no injuries were reported.

Following half a day of shooting at the southern Jerusalem neighborhood of
Gilo, Defense Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer Wednesday authorized an
offensive similar to the one carried out on Tuesday in Jenin. Tanks,
armored personnel carriers and ground forces mobilized near Beit Jala, and
a closure was imposed on Arab villages in the vicinity.  But the mission
never began; IDF forces withdrew. Initial reports attributed the IDF
retreat to US pressure.  But, Defense Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer said I
decided [to halt the mission into Beit Jala] after I received certain
intelligence information Yoram Levy of ITIM NEWS AGENCY reports that it was
during last minute contacts between the Prime Minister's office and the
Foreign and Defense Ministries 

[CTRL] CONGRESS ACTION: August 19, 2001

2001-08-19 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

CONGRESS ACTION: August 19, 2001


CAMPAIGN REFORM RESURRECTED: As part of his relentless effort to get big
money out of politics, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) spent more than $1.1
million from his Straight Talk America political action committee during the
first six months of the year. That opening sentence from an August 13
article in Roll Call newspaper pretty much sums up the debased status of
politics today. Spending big money to achieve a political result is evil,
according to conventional wisdom, unless it is John McCain doing the
spending, and only on a goal with which the major media agrees.

It turns out that the reported demise of the campaign finance reform
travesty was a bit premature. Under the Discharge Petition procedure,
proponents of the Shays-Meehan campaign reform bill (H.R.2356) must obtain
the signatures of 218 members of the House to force the bill back onto the
legislative calendar for a vote. They currently have 205 signatures. It will
be recalled that in July, procedural maneuvering temporarily killed H.R.2356
in the House. Democrats wanted to add numerous amendments (loopholes in the
currently popular parlance) to the bill to induce votes from their wavering
supporters, and got mad when the republican leadership proposed following
standard House procedure of holding votes on individual amendments one at a
time. The bill's proponents knew they didn't have enough votes to keep the
legislation intact, so they voted against the rules of the debate and killed
their own bill. And with the help of media disinformation, succeeded in
blaming republicans for the dastardly deed. How dare those wily republicans
demand votes on individual amendments -- it's only democrats who are allowed
to demand individual votes on hundreds of individual amendments that they
introduce in order to destroy republican sponsored legislation -- and to add
insult to injury, in this case it was the democrats' own amendments that they
didn't want individual votes on!

In 1997, a CATO Institute Policy Analysis (Campaign Finance Reform
Proposals, A First Amendment Analysis) concluded, .current proposals for new
regulation of federal election campaign finance practices are
constitutionally indefensible. In their general conception, they are nothing
short of a practically complete rejection of individual and associational
rights of expression and political participation that the First Amendment
guarantees. Bradley A. Smith, Constitutional scholar and now a member of the
Federal Election Commission, while testifying before the House of
Representatives, Subcommittee on the Constitution, on February 27, 1997,
said, The House should reject simplistic proposals such as Shays-Meehan, or
efforts to amend the Constitution to destroy the right to free political
speech, and move generally to deregulate political speech. It ought not be a
crime to 'commit politics' in America.

Have those so-called campaign finance reform proposals -- McCain-Feingold
and Shays-Meehan -- improved over the intervening years? Are those bills that
our elected legislators are pushing today, with the connivance and blessing
of the national media, any more Constitutionally defensible than they were
five years ago? According to the American Civil Liberties Union: .the
McCain-Feingold bill is a recipe for political repression because it
egregiously violates longstanding free speech rights in several ways: It
stifles issue advocacy in violation of the First Amendment; It criminalizes
any constitutionally-protected contact that groups and individuals may have
with candidates (through bans on so-called coordination); It virtually
destroys political parties in an unconstitutional fashion. Further,
Clearly, the authors and supporters of McCain-Feingold despise any form of
issue advocacy that has the audacity to mention candidates for federal office
by name. The bill virtually silences issue advocacy. . Speech which comments
on, criticizes or praises, applauds or condemns the public records and
actions of public officials and political candidates -- even though it
mentions and discusses candidates, and even though it occurs during an
election year or even an election season -- is entirely protected by the
First Amendment. . The Bipartisan Campaign Finance Reform Act of 2001 is not
reform at all, but is a fatally flawed assault on First Amendment rights.

When the Congress returns from its August recess, that assault on the First
Amendment will resume.

GREEDY TAXPAYERS: We face the very real prospect that your tax cut, coupled
with an economy that is slowing significantly, will have exhausted all of the
surplus in the near term and leave no way to fund other functions of
government without tapping into Medicare and Social Security. -- Senate
Majority Leader Tom Daschle (D-SD) and House Minority Leader Dick Gephardt
(D-MO), in a letter to President 

[CTRL] New Earth Impactor Asteroid Alert

2001-08-19 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


4Sagebrush Saloon - New Earth Impactor Asteroid Alert/A

This is from an email I received. Of course, there would be no survival even
hundreds of miles from impact if the one in Russia was anything to go by back
in the early 1900s. This new asteroid is thought it will impact with a force
of somewhere between 100,000 to 800,000 Megatons. Regarding the Siberian
fireball, this quote is from the link I am posting next.

The scientist in charge of this effort is Wilhelm Fast, a 60-year-old Tomsk
State University mathematician who joined the Tunguska group in 1960. The
first time I saw the fallen trees, I was in awe, he recalls. Since then he
and his co-workers have doggedly mapped the entire 850-square-mile region of
tree fall. It is this map, so painstakingly put together over 35 years, that
has allowed other scientists to calculate that the trees must have been
knocked down by a blast about four miles above the ground with an energy of
10 to 20 megatons of TNT as the object traveled an east-to-west course.

Will trying to prepare for something like this do any good? That all depends
on where you are in relation to point of impact--providing it does impact.
One thing about it, something this big would shake a lot of things up. Those
who have been through the Y2K scare already know the drill. Just for the heck
of it, food for thought, at the end of the post are some translated
prophesies of Nostradamus I just could not resist posting.


Russian event


Sorry to be the one to break this news, but a new Earth Impactor Asteroid
has just been announced by NEODys, and this one...

1) Is very big

2) Is on the same order of magnitude of impact probability as 2001AV43

3) Will possibly impact the Earth in the very near future!

Let me introduce you to Asteroid 2001PM9.

a) Discovered on August 11, 2001 and observed up until August 16th. Its
orbit was computed and posted today.

b) It's Absolute Magnitude suggests it is anywhere from 530m to 1.2km in
diameter...that's up to nearly 3/4 of a mile in diameter!

c) It will make a relatively close pass to within .089AU on May 10, 2003.
The first possible impact date calculated and the one with the highest
probability of occurring is set for June 17, 2005. If it misses Earth on
that pass there are another 28 possible impact dates calculated between 2005
and 2079.

Dear Readers, following are some facts that ought to set you right back in
your chair, grow you some grey hairs - or cause a certain amount of lost

If 2001PM9 impacts the Earth...

1. It will be the kind of impact event that only happens once every 25,000
to 500,000 years.

2. It will impact with a force of somewhere between 100,000 to 800,000

3. It will be somewhere between a Large Sub-Global Event to a Nominal
Global Effect Threshold Event.

4. It is estimated that an impact of this order would result in the loss of
anywhere between 500,000 and 1.5 Billion lives (depending on exactly where
it hit).

Ladies and Gentlemen, if and when 2001PM9 impacts the Earth...

a) If it hits in the Ocean tsunamis could reach global scale.

b) If it hits land it could completely destroy an area the size of

c) Could raise enough dust to affect the climate and freeze crops.

d) Create a crater up to 30 km in diameter (18 miles around).

e) Cause ozone layer destruction on a global scale.

If you worried a little about 1998OX4 and 2001AV43...be very concerned about
this one.

We really need to push the button on this one (get the word out and get a
lot more information).

[This message has been edited by Tom (edited 08-17-2001).]

The orbit simulator is interesting.


On June 3, 2003 we will be in the area of the solar system where 2001PM9 was
10 days before. If this is as big a rock as you say then it probably has a
lot of baggage. A more serious concern is that 2001PM9 has a low inclination
orbit that might reach the asteroid belt. It is almost there now but i am
not sure if the orbit goes out that far. I can't remember if the asteriod
belt is closer to Mars or closer to Jupiter. If it does travel through the
belt, then it really could have a lot of baggage. Thanks for the info.

Here are the NEODys pages..

2001 PM9


Earth Impact Possibilities


Century 6, Quatrain 97
The sky will burn at forty-five degrees latitude,
Fire approaches the great new city (New York City lies between 40-45 degrees)

[CTRL] Iran's Battles Severe Drought

2001-08-19 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Iran's Battles Severe Drought
By Afshin Valinejad
Associated Press Writer
Sunday, Aug. 19, 2001; 12:01 p.m. EDT

SHIRAZABAD, Iran –– Mohammad Mokhtari speaks slowly and mournfully, as if
describing the loss of a loved one. And indeed, three years of drought has
robbed the farmer of much that he holds dear.

Our paradise is dying, said the white-bearded Mokhtari, looking older than
his 60 years.

His village of Shirazabad in the heart of the eastern Iranian desert was once
an oasis known as the Pearl of the Desert. In the good years, dozens of
trucks every day carried Shirazabad's cherries, apricots and grapes to the
cities. Today, a single truck brings drinking water, and the few Shirazabad
residents who have not fled in search of jobs rush to the tanker to get their
daily ration.

Shirazabad's pastures and orchards once fed by underground aquifers have
dried to a crisp brown. They look as if they've been destroyed by fire.

The drought, in its third consecutive year, is blamed on inadequate rainfall
and damage to water resources because of lack of proper management. It is
being felt across Iran.

Most of the young have left Shirazabad and dozens of villages like it in the
hardest hit areas in the south, east and northeast.

Mokhtari says he cannot leave because his roots are in Shirazabad. His seven
children, though, have gone 150 miles north to the provincial capital of
Mashhad, where they scratch out a living selling cigarettes on street

Mokhtari and his wife are left alone, the days passing slowly. His fields are
parched. He sold his sheep because of the drought.

Once 50 workers harvested fruit from my orchards to be transported to big
cities. Now, we have been devastated, he said. The Pearl of the Desert does
not exist any longer.

Agricultural damage across Iran is estimated at more than $2.6 billion.
Authorities in 30 cities throughout the country ration water.

Ninety percent of the country's 62 million people have had their drinking
water affected by the drought. Tehran's 10 million residents have their piped
water shut off one day a week.

According to a U.N. report, a total of 12,000 mobile water tankers in
addition to those already in use are needed to deliver drinking water to
urban, rural and nomadic populations, livestock, wildlife and orchards.

The drought has caused $900 million in losses to 200,000 livestock herders
because of dead or ailing livestock, the report said.

The drought has threatened more than 6.4 million acres of irrigated farms,
9.88 million acres of rain-fed fields and 2.7 million acres of orchards.

Many wetlands, particularly those in southeastern Iran near the border with
Afghanistan and Pakistan, have dried up completely, according to the U.N.
study. The drought is being felt in most neighboring countries.

Iran's parliament has allocated $500 million to fight the drought and the
government has declared June through December a water crisis period.

The U.N. report urged Western nations to provide money and equipment to Iran
to help it battle the water shortage.

Abass Shirmohammadi, head of northeastern Khorasan province's water and
sewerage company, said at a recent seminar in Mashhad that water management
efforts must be focused on preserving water resources.

For the first time, we have been forced to drill wells with a depth of 320
meters (1,056 feet) to pump water. We are wounding the earth, Shirmohammadi

Hossein Sanatinejad, a climate and water expert at Mashhad's Ferdowsi
University, said 70 percent of water resources were wasted because of
inappropriate water consumption.

Provincial radio carries advertisements encouraging water conservation. In
one, a man complains to his wife that she hasn't repaired a hole in the
pocket of his pants. The wife tells her husband that instead of buying thread
to repair his pants, she bought a new water-saving faucet.

Gholamreza Manouchehri, deputy energy minister for water, warned at the
Mashhad seminar that drought and poor water resource management could further
devastate rural agriculture and lead to a new wave of immigration from
villages to cities in the future.

A visitor entering Shirazabad might think it was deserted. Only a few elderly
residents are stirring in the heart of the village, home to 60 families.

Aslan Jajarmi sat near one of his dead trees on a day when temperatures
topped 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

All my fruit trees have dried up, the old man said as he wiped tears from
his cheek. This small garden was all I had in this world. My life has now
been ruined. Once, the sun did not reach the ground because of trees. Now
it's a barren land.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
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[CTRL] U.S. Carriers in South China Sea

2001-08-19 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Saturday August 18 9:42 AM ET

U.S. Carriers in South China Sea
By HELEN LUK, Associated Press Writer

HONG KONG (AP) - The U.S. Navy held an unusually large exercise in the South
China Sea, three days before sending a battle group into Hong Kong for a
routine port call.

There was no immediate response from the Chinese government to the Friday
drill by two U.S. aircraft carrier battle groups - described by the U.S. Navy
as a ``rare meeting at sea'' - but one defense analyst said Saturday that it
was a show of force to China.

Although Beijing claims the entire South China Sea as its territory and has
garrisoned several islands, the United States and other major powers do not
recognize the region as Chinese territory.

Other Asian countries - including Taiwan, Malaysia, Vietnam, the Philippines
and Brunei - also have territorial claims in the area.

The USS Constellation and the USS Carl Vinson conducted the one-day training
exercise, a spokesman of the U.S. Navy's 7th Fleet told the Associated Press
through the U.S. Consulate in Hong Kong on Saturday. He spoke on condition of

The spokesman said 14 vessels, at least 130 naval aircraft, more than 20 U.S.
Air Force aircraft and more than 15,000 personnel joined forces in the

The operation, which involved tests of complex air traffic control procedures
and ship maneuvering, was conducted amid an ongoing, large-scale Chinese
military drill off its southeast coast opposite Taiwan.

Pro-Beijing media here have dubbed the Chinese war games near Dongshan Island
in Fujian province as the country's ``largest and most advanced'' ever,
involving tens of thousands of troops, fighter jets, warships and missiles.

But independent defense analyst Paul Beaver said the two American aircraft
carriers are ``very potent forces.''

``The Americans did these things for a reason,'' said London-based Beaver.
``There's no doubt that this is a clear message being sent that America still
cares about the Taiwan Strait situation.''

The U.S. Navy spokesman, however, denied the drill was intended as a display
of force in response to the Chinese war games.

``There is no intent to send a specific message to the People's Republic of
China,'' he said.

Relations between the United States and China have improved since Beijing
returned a U.S. plane packed with electronic surveillance equipment that had
made an emergency landing April 1 on Hainan after a collision with a Chinese
fighter jet sent to intercept it.

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any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

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[CTRL] U.S. Pilots in Colombia Say They're Not 'Rambo'

2001-08-19 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

U.S. Pilots in Colombia Say They're Not 'Rambo'
By Ibon Villelabeitia

BOGOTA, Colombia (Reuters) - They've been maligned as a gang of ``Godless
Rambos.'' Rumors abound about their top-secret lives. Marxist guerrillas have
dubbed them a ``front for U.S. imperialism'' and declared them military

But Bob, Mark, Keith and Thomas say they are just ordinary crop dusters --
whose target is the world's biggest cocaine industry.

In rare interviews this week, a group of U.S. citizens working for State
Department contractor DynCorp spoke to reporters about spraying the herbicide
glyphosate on fields of coca -- the raw material for cocaine -- in war-torn

The company, based in Reston, Va., plays a key role in the U.S.-funded ``Plan
Colombia'' -- a carrot-and-stick strategy designed by President Andres
Pastrana to wipe out drug crops in the South American nation and hit rebels

Citing security concerns, the men agreed to be interviewed on condition of
not having their full names printed. The four -- all in their forties and
with some gray hair -- wore T-shirts, sipped coffee and spoke about work,
life and family.

Mark, a stocky Southerner whose twin-engine plane has come under fire several
times by guerrillas and drug traffickers, said flying was just another job.

``It works for me. It's very difficult to find this job in the United
States,'' said Mark, a four-year DynCorp veteran who worked as a crop duster
back home before coming to Colombia.

``Here it's a year-round aerial application. In the United States it is
seasonal unless you travel around all the time. I get to be with my family
when I'm not here,'' said Mark, who is married and has one child.


The United States is pouring $1 billion in mostly military aid into Colombia
to support Pastrana's drug offensive.

DynCorp has 335 employees here, including crop dusters, helicopter pilots,
mechanics and paramedics. But with staffers on a rotating schedule, DynCorp
has no more than 90 to 100 U.S. citizens working in Colombia at any one time,
said Keith, DynCorp's manager in Colombia.

Critics of the U.S. aid -- including the Revolutionary Armed Forces of
Colombia, or FARC, the country's oldest and most powerful guerrilla army --
have dubbed the anti-cocaine plan a front for U.S. imperialism.

Colombia, the world's No. 1 producer of cocaine, is gripped by a 37-year-old
insurgency that has killed 40,000 people in the last decade.

Under the aid -- which includes 16 Blackhawk troop-carrying choppers to
protect spraying missions -- no more than 300 U.S. contractors are allowed in
Colombia at any one time.

But as drug fields expand -- fueling more war -- some U.S. officials are
saying the ceiling might need to be raised.

In Colombia, DynCorp's men are frequently portrayed by the local press as a
gang of rowdy and out-of-control combat veterans who are supposed to spraying
coca crops but who sometimes end up tangling with rebels.

Last month, Colombia's leading newsmagazine Semana ran a cover story
proclaiming the ``gringo mercenaries'' a ``band of Godless and lawless


But Keith, who has worked as a crop duster since his teens spraying forests
in Maine and in Virginia, dismissed all that press as ``false mysticism.'' He
said they file meticulous reports to the State Department and the Colombian
police about their missions and that most of their pilots have a civilian
rather than a military background.

DynCorp's pilots said they are all well paid, some earning up to $100,000 a
year. Their schedule allows them to work two weeks and take two weeks off to
spend time with their families back home.

Thomas, a retired Army helicopter pilot who flies search and rescue missions
for DynCorp, said he was working for the Postal Service when he got a call
from a friend. ``He asked me if I was interested in coming down and I jumped
at the chance.''

Although they are issued pistols and have undergone survival classes, the men
played down the danger of spraying herbicide from altitudes as low as 55 feet
(16.5 meters) over fields protected by well-armed rebels and drug
traffickers. A terrain of thick jungles and plunging ravines makes the job

Mark, who flies an OV-10 twin engine, recalls having an engine shot out two
years ago while flying over FARC-strong Caqueta Province, in southern
Colombia. ``The engine quit immediately. I had to fly 75 miles (120 km) back
to the base with one engine,'' he said.

Three U.S. DynCorp pilots have been killed flying in Colombia: two in a
training crash in 1998 and one when he hit a tree during a spraying mission
in 1997.

``We don't do this because of the thrills. We are like any other corporation
that works here,'' said Mark.

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[CTRL] Back Channels - James Bamford

2001-08-19 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A
Washingtonpost.com: Live Online/A
Vernon Loeb

o  Online Column: Intelligencia
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o  James Bamford's book Body of Secrets is available on borders.com

Back Channels
With Vernon Loeb
Washington Post National Security Reporter
andJames Bamford
Author of Body of Secrets: Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security

Wednesday, June 6, 2001; 1 p.m. EDT
Washington Post reporter Vernon Loeb covers national security issues. His
newspaper column, Back Channels, is also carried by this Web site.
In his latest articles and columns, Loeb writes about the verdict in the
embassy bombings trial and its influence on the U.S. strategy with respect to
Osama bin Laden; President Bush's call for a comprehensive view of the
nation's intelligence capabilities; and former FBI agent Robert Hanssen's
indictment on charges of spying for Moscow.
On June 6 his guest will be James Bamford, a former investigative producer
for ABC's World News Tonight with Peter Jennings and author of two
comprehensive examinations of the National Security Agency (NSA): Body of
Secrets and The Puzzle Palace. Nicknamed Crypto City, the NSA is responsible
for eavesdropping on the world and breaking virtually impossible foreign code
and cipher systems. In Body of Secrets, Bamford explores the NSA's secret
role in the major events of the Cold War, its current struggle to eavesdrop
on ever advancing forms of communications, and how it is attempting to find
new ways to break the code and cipher systems of the future.
Submit your questions and comments for James Bamford and Vernon Loeb before
or during the discussion.
The transcript follows.
Editor's Note: Washingtonpost.com moderators retain editorial control over
Live Online discussions and choose the most relevant questions for guests and
hosts; guests and hosts can decline to answer questions.

To read the most recent responses, click Get New Responses
or select Automatically Update Page.

washingtonpost.com:  Welcome to our monthly discussion of national security
issues with Post reporter Vernon Loeb and his guest James Bamford, author of
Body of Secrets: Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency and The
Puzzle Palace. When you submit your questions, please specify which
participant you would like to answer or if you'd like to hear from both of
James Bamford: Thanks for having me.

Herndon, va:  As I was reading The Puzzle Palace, the 1st thought that came
to me was Boy, is he going to be in trouble! Did the NSA attempt any legal
action against you after the book came out? As I remember it did everything
possible to stop publication.
James Bamford: When The Puzzle Palace came out NSA and the Reagan Justice
Department did threaten to prosecute me. I had received documents relating to
NSA's illegal eavesdropping from the Justice Department under the Freedom of
Information Act and then NSA said they reclassified them as top secret and
demanded their return. When I refused, they threatened prosecution. But the
Executive Order on secrecy said once a document is declassified it can't be
reclassified so they had no grounds. Reagan changed the Executive Order but
they could not apply it to me because it would have been ex post facto. This
time, however, NSA was much more receptive. The actually had a book signing
for me at their headquarters. Quite a change.

Vernon Loeb:  I actually covered Jim's book signing at the NSA and was amazed
to see that hundreds of employees actually attended the event. I wasn't sure
whether anyone from the agency would feel comfortable being seen attending a
Bamford book signing. But indeed they did.

Sacramento, CA:  How closely and effectively does the NSA work with the FBI
counterintelligence units? How effective is the NSA against Chinese
intelligence operations in the US which employ large number of students and
scholars to acquire bits and pieces of information from many, diffuse
sources? If the old style cryptologists are a dying breed at the NSA and are
being replaced by high tech wizards, as I gathered from what you wrote in
your book, who is left to piece together a case against old style Chinese
James Bamford: NSA works closely with the FBI counterintelligence units.
There have been a number of NSA people in the past who have been convicted of
espionage. I do not know how effective they are 

[CTRL] Western Fires Continue to Blaze

2001-08-19 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Saturday August 18 6:42 PM ET

Western Fires Continue to Blaze
By LINDA ASHTON, Associated Press Writer

LEAVENWORTH, Wash. (AP) - The threat of gusty wind fanned fears of wildfire
Saturday in this Cascade mountain tourist town, where flames have already
gobbled more than 5,000 acres and could threaten nearly 2,000 homes and

It was just one of eight major fires in drought-stricken Washington state,
where more than 90,000 acres had been burned across the state's arid east
side in the past week.

Fire engines from around the state converged on the community to protect it
from the so-called Icicle complex of more than 20 fires.

``This is the number one priority fire in the region because of all the
houses,'' said fire information officer Greg Thayer with the Wenatchee
National Forest.

Across the West, 26,000 firefighters were at work Saturday battling 30 major
fires that had blackened 504,044 acres, said the National Interagency Fire
Center in Boise. No serious injuries have been reported so far. Last month,
four Eastern Washington firefighters were killed in a different round of

Oregon had 12 major wildfires, two of them new, on 232,000 acres. Homes were
threatened in Monument, Ukiah and Dale.

In northern Nevada, weary firefighters faced a new fire that had burned
13,000 acres by Saturday morning.

Fifty homes had been evacuated in Leavenworth since the middle of the week,
about 30 of them Friday night, when the wind-driven fires raced across an
additional 1,000 to 1,500 acres. Residents of 200 homes were warned that they
might have to leave.

The flames had covered more than 5,000 acres by Saturday, Thayer said.

No homes had been destroyed but fire crews were putting out small fires
around five houses on Eight Mile Road.

``For once, we got a fire along a road where we can drive a fire engine in
and squirt water on it,'' Thayer said.

Three of the five homes had been wet down and brush had been cleared near
them, but no such care was taken with the other two. ``It's a miracle that
they're there,'' Thayer said.

Weather conditions improved somewhat Saturday, with temperatures dropping
from the 90s to the 80s and humidity increasing. Wind blowing at 15 to 20 mph
was forecast, with gusts up to 35 mph.

``Near Leavenworth the winds should be a little weaker than that,'' said
National Weather Service forecaster Jon Fox. However, he cautioned that
``even 10- to 20-mile winds can spread fire pretty rapidly.''

Rain and temperatures in the 70s were expected Tuesday, which will ``help
squash those things,'' Fox said.

The threat didn't slow down Loren Haskins of Northfield, Minn., who continued
helping his daughter and son-in-law build a new home in Leavenworth even
though residents of their area had been told to be prepared for evacuation.

``We're very optimistic. We just keep building,'' he said. ``If it's going to
burn down, it will just be a little more or a little less.''

Fire trucks were stationed outside the HomeFires Bakery just south of town.

``I'm not nervous enough to run away, but I'm nervous enough to be concerned
and grateful for the firefighters,'' said Theresa D-Litzenberger, who has
operated the bakery with husband Richard for 16 years.

``We're just trying to bake bread and carry on,'' Richard D-Litzenberger

They had to evacuate in 1994, Washington's last bad fire season, and were
prepared to leave again quickly with their business records and their cat and

``The thing is, it happened seven years ago so it doesn't seem as it might to
others,'' he said. ``We're not panicked.''


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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

[CTRL] Die Afrikaner 17 November 2000 Só lyk plaasmoor…

2001-08-19 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=http://www.hnp.org.za/afrikaner/nov2k3/art.htm;Die
Afrikaner 17 November 2000 Só lyk plaasmoor…/A
rather gruesome . . .

Blad van die Herstigte Nasionale Party van Suid Afrika

Posbus 1888 PRETORIA 0001 Epos [EMAIL PROTECTED]

17 November 2000


(Note to English readers: Look downwards for the English translation)

Só lyk plaasmoorde, terwyl die ANCBC en koerante histeries te kere gaan oor

TERWYL die media, veral die ANCBC, maar ook die koerante, nie uitgeskryf en
uitgepraat kan raak oor die polisiehonde wat aangehits is om onwettige
immigrante te byt nie, word die publiek onkundig en oningelig gehou oor hoe
wreed plaasmoorde inderwaarheid is. Toe die kommunistiese ANC-regime
gekonfronteer is met die moorde op boere, het Steve Tshwete laat weet dat
hulle plaasmoorde wel afkeur. Maar daarby is die saak gelaat.
Daar kan verwag word dat die emosies van die publiek nog maklik tot aan die
einde van die jaar opgesweep gaan word oor hierdie een enkele voorval. Maar
intussen is meer as 900 boere al dood in plaasmoorde, en reik dit al na 'n
1000 voorvalle.
Nie een van die slagoffer van die honde-aanval is dood nie. Daarteenoor is
bykans 1000 boere dood, vermoor, terwyl hulle vrouens alleen agtergelaat is
om na die kinders en die boerdery om te sien, as hulle nie self ook vermoor
is nie, en duisende kinders wees agtergelaat is.
Tydens die afgelope TLU-kongres is 'n aantal foto's bekendgestel oor hoe
wreed plaasmoorde uitgevoer word. Hulle word nie net vermoor nie, maar voor
die moord word hulle eers op onmenslike, barbaase wyse gemartel en die
vrouens eers verkrag voordat hulle gedood word.
Hieronder volg 'n paar voorbeelde van hoe wreedaardig plaasmoorde werklik
uitevoer word. Kyk gerus na hierdie foto's en besluit dan self hoe
objektief die massamedia was met hul histeriese tirade oor die polisiehonde
wat op 'n aantal kriminele losgelaat is. (Die foto's volg onder die Engelse
(For the benefit of English speaking readers, it was decided to translate the
page. The matter about the police dog incident was internationalised by the
local media. -- Translator)
The face of murders on the South African farms, while the ANCBC and local
newspapers howl hysterically about police dogs...
While the local media, in particular the ANCBC (ANC Broadcasting Corporation)
, yet including the printed media, cannot stop writing and talking about the
police dogs that were set on to bite illegal immigrants, the public are kept
in the dark and ignorant about the true cruel nature of attacks on farms.
When the communist ANC regime was confronted about the murders on the
farmers, Steve Tshwete made it known that they disapproved of the murders.
But the matter was left alone otherwise.
It may well be expected that the emotions of the public will be incited until
the end of the year about this single incident. Yet more than 900 farmers
were killed in attacks on the farms, and the number is steadily escalating to
Not one victim of the incident in which the dogs were involved, was killed.
Compared to that, close to 1000 farmers were killed, and their wives were
left alone to take care of the farming business and the children, if they
were not murdered themselves, and thousands of children were orphaned.
At the last congress of the Transvaal Agricultural Union a number of photos
were released about how cruelly farm murders are carried out. The farmers are
not simply killed, they are tortured inhumanely beforehand and the women are
raped before they are killed.
Below are a few photos of examples of how brutally murders on the farms are
carried out. The reader is encouraged to look at his leisure at these photos
and decide for himself how objective the mass media were with their
hysterical screaming about the police dogs that were used to deal with a few

(Foto bo) Só lyk dit as 'n onskuldige plaasboer met 'n haelge-
weer in die agterkop geskiet is! Hierdie boer is deur sy
aanvallers ingewag toe hy op 'n Sondagoggend van die kerk
af teruggekom het.
(Photo above) This was the result of an innocent farmer
having been shot with a shotgun from behind his head!
This farmer was ambushed by his attakers when he returned
home from a church sermon on a Sunday morning.

(Foto bo) Só lyk nog 'n onskuldige plaasboer wat deur sy aan-
vallers keelaf gesny is, nadat daar in die nag by sy plaashuis in-
gebreek is en hy verskeie kere met messe en ander wapens
gesteek en gekap, waarna sy keel afgesny is en hy in die bad-
kamer van sy huis agtergelaat is (foto onder)
(Photo above) This is what yet another innocent farmer
looked like when his throat was slit by 

[CTRL] Brit Serfs Starting To Rebel??

2001-08-19 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

Motorists vent fury on speed cameras
By Athalie Matthews
(Filed: 20/08/2001)

FOUR speed cameras on the same stretch of road are bearing the brunt
of public resentment at the nationwide crackdown on speeding.

The devices, which are on a 15-mile stretch of the A40 in Gloucestershire
where there is a 60mph limit, have been vandalised in recent months by
motorists furious at the growing number of cameras lurking on Britain's roads,
police believe.

Three of the cameras - at Andoversford, Northleach and Little Barrington -
have apparently been rammed by vehicles, while a fourth, at Burford, has
had its pole bent using a rope or chain.

A spokesman for Gloucestershire police said: There can be no doubt
that these cameras were deliberately wrecked so we are probably looking
for motorists who regularly use this stretch of road and have had enough.

The attacks on the four cameras, which have left the taxpayer with a bill
of about £40,000, are the latest in a string of incidents in which drivers
have vented their fury at the proliferation of big brother technology on
the roadside.

It has emerged that motorists may soon face fines for breaking the speed
limit by as little as five miles per hour. Ministers are thought to be
considering reprogramming cameras to lower the speed at which they are
prompted to flash.

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2001-08-19 Thread Nakano Nakamura

-Caveat Lector-

--- Kris Millegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 One of the two scenarios advanced had to do with
 allegations that Timothy McVeigh had been
 visited a number of times by Dr. Louis Jolyon
 West, one of the premiere CIA mind control

Nakano comments:
Dr. West of MKULTRA fame certainly does get around.
His list of patients includes:
Jack Ruby   (convicted of killing Lee Harvey Oswald)
Sirhan Sirhan  (convicted of killing Robert Kennedy)
Ted Kazinsky   (the Unabomber)
Timothy McVeigh  (convicted of Oklahoma City Bombing)

West must be an exceptionally well-qualified
psychiatrist who gets called into inmportant
cases by the government.
It's probably paranoid to even think there might
possibly be some strange connection.

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[CTRL] Worse than the Falklands

2001-08-19 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From www.wsws.org
WSWS : News  Analysis : South  Central America : Argentina
Wall Street loots Argentine workers’ pensions
By Cesar Uco
20 August 2001
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One of the most important but least known aspects of the current Argentine
crisis is the looting of workers’ pension funds by the Buenos Aires
government, local banks and Wall Street. Billions of dollars in savings by
public employees and other workers are to be put up as collateral as part of
the government’s “patriotic call” to rescue Argentina from defaulting on its
$130 billion foreign debt.
The prospect of default has thrown the government and the Argentine
bourgeoisie into panic. In order to appease foreign investors, President
Fernando De La Rua last month imposed an unpopular “zero deficit” plan that
cuts salaries and pensions by 13 percent, while raising taxes.
Argentine workers have responded to these measures with several one-day
general strikes that paralyzed Buenos Aires, a metropolitan center of 12
million people. Schoolteachers went on strike the same day children
returned to classes. The strike wave includes hospital workers and doctors.
The unemployed, who make up 16 percent of the working population, are
staging a series of roadblocks, bringing traffic to a standstill. The jobless
have also occupied government buildings and fierce confrontations with the
police are taking place.
The chief of police expressed fear that the city’s 18,000 policemen are
unreliable because half of his men live below the poverty line and are
suffering from the cuts. He warned that his forces could defy orders to
repress the unemployed movement, saying it would be a confrontation of “the
poor with the poor.”
The crisis of confidence in the Argentine financial system has affected broad
masses of people. The Argentine daily El Clarín estimated that close to “$7.4
billion in deposits, or about 9 percent” were lost in July “as Argentines
withdrew their savings out of concern that the government may default on its
debt or devalue the currency by breaking a decade-old fixed exchange rate
with the US dollar.” Due to withdrawals, the banks lost approximately “$354
million a day,” according to El Clarín.
The 1990s
In the 1990s, the Peronist government of Carlos Menem carried out a
program of privatizations, deregulation and the Convertibility Plan—tying the
value of the Argentine peso directly to the US dollar—which it claimed would
bring prosperity to Argentina. While these measures produced handsome
profits for foreign banks and enriched a tiny elite of Argentine bankers and
businessmen, it did so at the expense of the masses.
Because these measures are similar to those undertaken throughout the so-
called “emerging markets” over the past decade, the way in which
Argentina’s private pension funds are being looted to save the country from
default is a warning to workers internationally. Similar measures are being
prepared in the major capitalist countries, such as the US, where George W.
Bush has proposed changes in the structure of the Social Security system
to allow workers to “bet” their savings in the volatile stock markets.
Under conditions of a sustained growth in the world’s stock markets in the
1990s, Menem’s policies of privatization and deregulation succeeded in
attracting foreign investors to Argentina. The privatization of state-owned
enterprises provided the government with billions in cash. While a sizable
share of this income was siphoned off by corruption, it also created a
temporary period of growth, with the Argentine GDP rising by 8.7 percent in
1992, 6 percent in 1993 and 7.4 percent in 1994. It fell by 4.6 percent in
1995, due partially to the Mexican crisis, but rose again in 1997. With the
Asian crisis the following year, economic output declined sharply, and hasn’t
recovered since.
A central piece of Menem’s economic program was the creation of private
workers pension funds, called Insurers of Retirement and Pension Funds,
and known by the Spanish acronym AFJP. The ostensible purpose of the
AFJPs was to generate domestic savings to further economic growth and job
But instead of long-term investment in industry, what dominated the
Argentine economy for most of the 1990s was the churning of the stock
market by what are known in Spanish as “fondos golondrinas,” or “swallow
funds”—because, like swallows, they freely fly in and out. The removal of all
restrictions on foreign investment and capital repatriation created the
opportunity for foreign capital to make a quick profit and leave the country as
soon as the situation deteriorated, making Argentina ever more susceptible
to international crises.
Wall Street preys on pensions
Under these ground rules, the AFJPs fell prey to the insatiable greed of
foreign and domestic capital. For the past several years, the funds received
about $300 million in monthly contributions from workers. This money, which

[CTRL] Revisionisms

2001-08-19 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Novelist condemns Hollywood's yen to rewrite history as cultural imperialism
Special report: George Bush's
Fiachra Gibbons, arts correspondent
Monday August 20, 2001
The Guardian
The novelist Robert Harris yesterday hit out at the cultural imperialism and
sheer stupidity of Hollywood films which reduce world-changing events to
slushy romances.
Harris, whose own thriller Enigma, about the code breakers of Bletchley Park
during the second world war, has now been turned into a film starring Kate
Winslet, Dougray Scott and Saffron Burrows, said the American reflex to
rewrite history so they always came out top had become so deluded it was
now dangerous.
It's a form of cultural imperialism. No matter what the situation, or where the
film is supposed to be set, an American has to be central, to be seen as the
good guy, or to save the day in some way, Harris said. This domination of
the popular imagination has been allowed to go to ridiculous lengths. What
worries me most is that it has become   an almost instinctive reaction now,
so you have British and European films incorporating these pointless
American elements now too. That is very worrying and quite dangerous.
His fears were echoed at the Edinburgh book festival by the US novelist and 
screenwriter Gore Vidal, who said the twin American desire to dominate and to be seen 
as entirely innocent at the same time... had led to the ca
sual disregard of history and all its lessons. We now see ourselves as the one 
indispensable nation.
Their attacks follow furores over big budget Hollywood movies which have taken 
liberties with history, including U-571, which had the Americans rescuing an Enigma 
machine from a sinking U-boat, when it was the Royal Navy
which pulled off the coup.
The capture of the machine which the Germans used to encode their messages was one of 
the turning points of the war, allowing the boffins of   Bletchley, led by Alan 
Turing, to read communications.
Harris said his book Fatherland was a victim of Hollywood dumbing down. But he added 
that he was delighted with the way the playwright Tom Stoppard had adapted Enigma. 
Fatherland was supposed to be an all-singing, all-da
ncing number until the studio bosses consulted the target audience, 16- to 21-year-old 
Americans, and discoveredthat they didn't even know there had been a second world 
war let alone who had won it, said Harris. Eni
gma is different, thankfully, it takes no prisoners in that way, it is very British, 
and it is also quite intellectually demanding for a mainstream movie.
Winslet, who attended Enigma's premiere at the Edinburgh film festival at the
weekend, said she had no trouble playing the bespectacled heroine Hester,
a bit of a dumpy potato, in the film because she had been pregnant with
her first child, Mia. I just go so fat we had to strap everything in, she said.
Combining motherhood and the pressure to look glamorous, however, had
been a little more tricky. I have to remind myself to check my clothes for
carrot and snot before I go out. That's the main problem. But I'm lucky
because I can take her to work.
Winslet, who is playing the Irish-born writer Iris Murdoch in her next film,
alongside Judi Dench, admitted neither role would do much for her reputation
as a sex symbol. Iris is not my pulling film either. I look like a soap dodger.
Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2001


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Re: [CTRL] lawsuit against scouts canada

2001-08-19 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear list,

Below please find info on this article.

This article may be heavy for survivors.

Scouts prepare for court - Lawsuit claims leaders knew about pedophile in
their midst, but did nothing - By Shane Holladay   Scouts Canada faces a
lawsuit over an Alberta family's allegations the organization failed to
protect their son from a pedophile. Former scout leader Frederick Douglas
Miller, 81, was convicted in 1995 by an Alberta court of molesting 10 young
boys and girls in Fort Saskatchewan between 1957 and 1993

excerpt from http://www.canoe.ca/EdmontonNews/03n1.html

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