[CTRL] Fwd: Re: Ariel Sharon

2001-09-25 Thread Saba

Item on Sharon - a brave soldier but what a lousey politician.he was
Special Services, like our Green Berets - impressive miitary career.

So he now offers olive branch and I hope it works.


This item on his military - other under subject matter.


The IDF paratroopers have earned a hard-won reputation for strict
discipline, courage, initiative, dedication to duty and the highest
standards of performance.

They have consistently been at the forefront of the IDF and have set
behavioral and operational norms for others to emulate.

Infantry, and paratroopers in particular, provide flexibility and
maneuverability to the modern battlefield. They are capable of operating
under any field and weather conditions, day or night, combining rapid
movement and firepower.

IDF paratroopers are trained to overcome obstacles and minefields, to
fight alone, or jointly with other forces and services in integrated
combat. They can be transported by helicopter or dropped behind enemy
lines, or be landed from amphibious landing craft. They can fight
mounted on jeeps, or on APC's and can operate against armor, attack
helicopters and infantry. IDF paratroopers are a major component in
maintaining Israel's security, and have played important roles in
special and regular operations in Israel's war against terrorism.

The Paratroop Brigade (commanded by a colonel) is one of the four
regular brigades of the Infantry and Paratroop Corps (which is headed by
a brigadier general).

The Brigade is composed of infantry battalions, as well as
reconnaissance, engineering, signals and anti-tank companies. The
Infantry and Paratroop Corps is responsible for training and
coordinating infantry operations with other forces. The corps is
overseen by the Ground Corps Command which is responsible for unifying
and streamlining infantry, armor, artillery and engineering forces,
training doctrine matters, planning and RD.

The history of this elite unit is replete with operations which have
made front-page headlines over the world. The daring reprisal raids of
the 50's, the Mitla Pass jump and battles of the 1956 Sinai Campaign,
the Conquest of Rafah and the historic unification of Jerusalem in the
1967 Six Day War, the airlifting of a Soviet radar station out of Egypt
in 1969, the 1972 rescue, the 1973 commando raid against terrorist
headquarters in the heart of Beirut, the bridgehead over the Suez and
the bloody battle of the Chinese Farm during the Yom Kippur War, the
unprecedented rescue of the passengers and crew of the hijacked Air
France Airbus in Operation Jonathan at Entebbe.

These are just a few of the operations which have made this unit
Paratroop officers and enlisted men have indeed become legends in their
time. Many have acceded to the highest-level military positions and have
gone on to make distinguished contributions to Israeli political life.

Training and Spirit

Every year, this all-volunteer unit receives as many as five times as
many applicants as it can accept. Most candidates are screened out by
rigorous acceptance criteria and the arduous training regimen that
follows. Paratroop training, which is tough and unrelenting, reflects
the versatile role which this force will have to play on present and
future battlefields.

This includes massive doses of physical fitness, topography, mastery of
a wide array of weapons as well as training in mobile, airborne,
heliborne and amphibious operations, as well as integrated operations
with armor and artillery, day and night assaults against different types
of objectives, and the famous IDF Jump School. All paratroopers go
through NCO school before being trained in a military specialty. Those
destined to become platoon leaders are sent to Officers' School.
Personal qualities required of an IDF Paratrooper are courage,
professional knowledge, ability to decide, capacity to improvise
solutions when faced with difficult or unexpected situations, and
leadership ability. Officers must serve as personal examples to their
men. Ties between officers and enlisted men are direct and long-lasting,
with no artificial barrier separating them.

Women serve in the Infantry and Paratroop Corps as instructors (in such
fields as marksmanship, anti-tank missiles, etc.), educators,
administrative and technical personnel. At the Paratrooper Training
Base, women likewise serve as parachute riggers and inspectors. They
undergo a jump course to increase their identification with the
paratroopers whose lives are literally in their hands.

IDF paratroopers are a family, whose members (both living and deceased)
are bound together by a bond of shared experiences and blood shed in
battle. A union cemented by camaraderie, which transcends and blurs
formal distinctions: an aristocracy of individual merit.

Paratroopers continue to serve in their units after their discharge from
compulsory service, either in the career army or the reserves (retaining
their red berets). They remain 

Re: [CTRL] Text of Netanyahu's Testimony to House Committee on Gov'tReform on September 20, 2001 Citrus Punch Bkgrd.gif [1/2]

2001-09-25 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-


- Original Message -
From: foxter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2001 6:58 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Text of Netanyahu's Testimony to House Committee on Gov'tReform on
September 20, 2001 Citrus Punch Bkgrd.gif [1/2]

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Seeking Info :Tesla EM RD Weaponry

2001-09-25 Thread fourier

-Caveat Lector-

I'm interested to hear from anyone / organization that have any information on EM
(Tesla) weaponry, RD and or usage. I have had interesting conversations with
people from the far reaches of South America and Australia regarding strange
fireballs and ionosphonic plasma phenomenon etc..



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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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2001-09-25 Thread Don S. Brown
Hello Barbara,
Well, first one must remember that one of the main reasons for the mass immigration of peoples in the late 1800s and up till W.W.II was due to economic manipulation of world economies by international bankers. Intentional pain and suffering brought unto countless millions. As continues to happen today.
As to the eagerness of the American citizens to absorb them into their culture, well, we Americans have always been receptive to cheap labor. Much more honorable than flag waving, rah-rah rhetoric would be, IMHO, to try and understand and help with the root causes of mass immigration. Of course most of the peoples that came here took on our ways and attitudes to certain degrees. However, rampant prejudice was the norm in those "grand old days" that you are recalling.
I am from the South West and no matter how noble or self effacing the Hispanic populations were, they were thought of and referred to as Spics and Mezcins and basically denied acceptance into mainstream society. Of course with Hispanics it is somewhat different now.
However, having lived in the North East in Mass and NY I know that the"Micks, Wops, Kikes" ,etc. had their own roads to hoe. Striving for acceptance and thwarted from entry into the main stream. Of course the rich elite from all races and creeds can pay their entry fee's to those institutions. Also a large portion of Jewish immigration was due to pogroms instituted by the world bankers to cause massive migration to the US so they could be distributed throughout the country, educated enough to be naturalized citizens and to be registered to vote. This was done to give the Schiff, Rothschild group a hand in taking over the Democratic political platform.
Yes, there has been US bashing. However, not by the press and other media. I am appalled at the lack of dissent in the mainstream press. I am appalled that my family and friends consider dissent to be treasonous. I am disturbed by the lack of a common cry from all of these huddled masses for a responsible government with a responsible foreign policy. Hell, even a little involvement with the system would be good. Our national voting population is below 50% if I am not mistaken (please correct if I am).
The citizens of this country are great and diversified. We see our selves as champions of right and citizens of the one true free place on earth. However, in our focus for self gratification and ignorance of our countries effect on the rest of the world, we are all culpable for crimes against humanity. We purchase without shame manufactured goods produced in sweatshops. We establish our mega-corporation branches in China that kills 190 citizens a day along with other atrocities. We use Guatemalan and Honduran refugees on our construction sites at below minimum wage and care less that our intervention in their countries is what drove them to our lands. Of course the examples are numerous.
I agree that we should all come together. First, we should demand that the press be returned to the US citizens. Our people wallow in ignorance and PR induced coma's of misunderstanding. We need to reclaim our schools from the government and start educating instead of indoctrinating.
I guess if we get those two things worked out I will point out some other areas that need to be addressed.

There seems to be a lot of bashing of the United States that goes on and 
has gone on for quite awhile. It’s true we have put our political foot 
into it many a time, sticking our nose perhaps where it should not have 
been. But we’re a great country and most of us who have lived long 
enough, and traveled even a little in our lives, know that the heart and 
center of courage and independence resides with us. We opened our hearts 
and our arms to all nations, and all peoples, and became the great 
melting pot. It was a good idea, a lot of fine people came here to help 
us grow and evolve as a nation. Times have changed. I think standards 
should be higher. I think we should come together as a people, if we are 
going to call ourselves Americans.

Re: [CTRL] U.S. considering targeting Taliban drug trade

2001-09-25 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

didn't we just just give them millions of dollars because we are so happy
with their anti heroin stance? funny how that fact keeps slipping by

BTW - since the taliban, there has been almost no hash on the east coast of
the US - all the supply lines here were based on mujahadeen sales to finance
fighting the Russians.
-- --- -
Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, doctor, and I'm happy to
state I finally won out over it

Elwood P Dowd

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 Organization: Anomalous Images
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 22:14:21 -0700
 Subject: [CTRL] U.S. considering targeting Taliban drug trade

 -Caveat Lector-

 Pakistan would like to get their hands on more opium in order to pay off huge
 debt. CIA likes this idea. Don't expect drug imports to US to decline anytime
 soon. Rember Vietnam (great increase in heroin imports) and Guatamala
 (huge increase in Cocaine imports).  I guess the CIA needs more money too.

 U.S. considering targeting Taliban drug trade

 September 24, 2001 Posted: 7:38 PM EDT (2338 GMT)

 By Jamie McIntyre CNN

 WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Pentagon officials have targeted illicit-drug
 production facilities in Afghanistan to cut off the Taliban militia's funding,
 sources told CNN Monday.

 Striking at drug facilities is one option military planners are considering as
 they devise ways military force could be used to pressure the Taliban, a
 senior Pentagon official said.

 This is like a football coach having a lot of plays in his play book, the
 said. Drug facilities in Afghanistan are on the list of potential targets,
 source said.

 Officials are investigating a full spectrum of options in dealing with the
 Taliban, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld confirmed Monday.

 We're intent on altering behavior, Rumsfeld said at a Pentagon briefing.
 We're intent on attempting to take the steps so that the American people
 and our interests and friends and allies and deployed forces can go about
 our business not in fear.

 Illicit drug trade is the primary source of revenue for the Taliban, bringing
 it an
 estimated $50 million a year, U.S. officials say. The Bush administration is
 trying to squeeze the finances of terrorist groups in general -- Osama bin
 Laden's al Qaeda in particular -- by freezing their assets and cutting off
 sources of revenue.

 CIA analysts say Afghanistan in 1999 led the world in the illicit production
 opium, the substance from which heroin is derived.

 This year, say U.S. officials, the Taliban banned the cultivation of poppies,
 the source of opium. The ban apparently has been effective: Almost no
 poppies are growing in Taliban-controlled regions of Afghanistan, sources

 Still, say analysts, evidence suggests the Taliban have huge stockpiles of
 poppies, sufficient to keep cash flowing.

 The ban apparently has not harmed Afghanistan's drug production, according
 to the CIA, whose fact book lists Afghanistan as major source of hashish.
 Increasing numbers of heroin-processing laboratories are setting up in the
 country, and major Afghan political factions profit from their illicit
 the fact book says.

 Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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[CTRL] FC: Why liberty suffers during wartime -- a historical view (fwd)

2001-09-25 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


Why Liberty Suffers in War Time
By Declan McCullagh ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
2:00 a.m. Sep. 24, 2001 PDT

WASHINGTON -- Anyone worried about the fate of civil liberties during
the U.S. government's growing war on terrorism might want to consider
this Latin maxim: Inter arma silent leges.

It means, In time of war the laws are silent, and it encapsulates
the supremacy of security over liberty that typically accompanies
national emergencies.

Consider this: During all of America's major wars -- the Civil War,
World War I and World War II -- the U.S. government restricted
Americans' civil liberties in the name of quelling dissent, silencing
criticism of political decisions and preserving national security.


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Pilots Will Ask for Permission to Carry Guns (fwd)

2001-09-25 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Somebody finally realized that disarming innocent persons doesn't make them safer.  


September 25, 2001

Pilots Will Ask for Permission to Carry Guns


   WASHINGTON, Sept. 24 — The largest pilots' union will propose on Tuesday that 
cockpit crews
   be permitted to carry handguns to foil hijackers. The chief of the Federal 
Administration says that she is open to the idea but that it poses practical problems.

Officials of the 67,000-member union, the Air Line Pilots Association, said its 
president, Duane Woerth,
would recommend to a House subcommittee that pilots be allowed but not required to 
carry firearms.

Current F.A.A. policy forbids airline crews to carry guns on board. But John Mazor, a 
spokesman for the
union, said that although the arming of pilots would be a radical step, it had 
overwhelming support from
the membership.

This is a reflection on how much the attack on Sept. 11 has changed everything we 
thought about
hijackings and terrorism, Mr. Mazor said.

Mr. Mazor said that under the legislative proposal by the union, pilots who wanted to 
participate would be
required to undertake extensive training and psychological testing, ad be subjected to 
detailed background

Asked about guns in the cockpit, Jane F. Garvey, the F.A.A. administrator, said: 
That's an idea that
probably, two weeks ago, I would not even have considered. Now we are challenging 
every assumption.

But Ms. Garvey said there were several practical problems. One is that pilots held in 
place by their over-
the-shoulder harnesses, as required during takeoff and landing, might not be able to 
turn far enough
around to use a gun. A second problem, she said, would be what to do if one pilot 
wanted a gun in the
cockpit and the other did not.

The idea is a stark departure from the traditional approach to airline safety, which 
seeks to keep weapons
off planes. That concept has been emphasized all the more since the Sept. 11 attacks. 
Even cockpit
crews, who customarily keep their luggage with them on trips, have been subjected to 
close searches of
carry-on baggage. Pilots have complained that nail files and manicure scissors have 
been confiscated.

The proposal is also a quick reversal for Mr. Woerth, who told a Senate committee last 
Thursday that
pilots could not be Sky King and Wyatt Earp at the same time.

Some government aviation officials said that introducing a firearm into the cockpit, 
even in the hands of a
seasoned pilot, could create as many risks as it eliminated.

You'd have to have a tremendous amount of screening and training before I'd ever want 
to ride as a
passenger on an airplane where the pilot was armed, said a senior crash investigator 
for the National
Transportation Safety Board. The investigator, a former commercial airline pilot, 
added, `Some of these
guys are the type that'd be quick to anger without a good basis for it.`

But many pilots adamantly maintained that they could be entrusted with a weapon, 
particularly when they
have already been entrusted with the controls of the aircraft itself.

The push extends beyond pilots of passenger jets to the thousands of pilots flying 
jets carrying cargo.

Despite the popular conception that firing a gun in an airplane poses a strong risk of 
making the plane
crash, aviation experts say that with special bullets, serious damage to the airplane 
is unlikely.

The government already covertly places armed guards on select commercial flights. 
These sky marshals,
experts say, carry ammunition that has a smaller charge, so the bullet moves more 
slowly, and that is
frangible, so it breaks up on impact. Such bullets will break the skin and could 
kill a person hit in the eye,
say, but would not penetrate the skull, according to the experts.

Further, even if a bullet penetrated an aircraft's aluminum skin, most planes are 
designed to prevent any
such hole from developing into a tear. And the hole made by even a large-caliber 
ordinary lead bullet
would not be big enough to cause decompression; the engines repressurize the cabin 
faster than a hole
could let air out. Even windows will withstand bullets, experts say.

Those windows can take the pointy end of a fire ax swung by a beefy fireman with all 
his might, one
aviation structures expert said.

Part of the training for sky marshals, however, shows them what parts of a plane are 
sensitive and should
not be hit.

Seeking to rebuild a jittery public's confidence in the security of air 
transportation, Ms. Garvey, the
F.A.A. administrator, took a commercial flight today from Washington to Kennedy 
International Airport
in New York and shook every hand in sight, thanking pilots, passengers, flight 
attendants, ticket agents
and sky marshals. She even patted the head of a sniffer dog.

But while planes are flying again, many passengers are not. A United Express executive 

[CTRL] FC: Sex site can stay online, doesn't violate city code, court says (fwd)

2001-09-25 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

This appeal arises from Voyeur Dorm L.C.'s (Voyeur Dorm) alleged
violation of Tampa's City Code based on the district court's
characterization of Voyeur Dorm as an adult entertainment facility.
Because we conclude the district court misapplied Tampa's City Code
because it erroneously found that Voyeur Dorm offered adult entertainment
to the public at the residence in question, we reverse the judgment of the
district court.



  VOYEUR DORM, L.C. v. CITY OF TAMPA, FL, No 00-16346 (11th Cir.
  September 21, 2001)
  Tampa City Code 27-523, which regulates adult businesses, applies
  only to locations or premises where adult entertainment is actually
  offered to the public, not where such entertainment can be viewed in
  other locations via the Internet.

  To read the full text of this opinion, go to:

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You may redistribute this message freely if you include this notice.
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Pilots Will Ask for Permission to Carry Guns

2001-09-25 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

yeah - until a pilot misses , or  accidentally discharges a weapon- blows a
hole in the pressurized cabin and kills everyone aboard
-- --- -- --  -- --

They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither
liberty nor safety,

Ben Franklin

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 From: Yardbird [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 11:02:37 -0300
 Subject: [CTRL] Pilots Will Ask for Permission to Carry Guns (fwd)

 -Caveat Lector-

 Somebody finally realized that disarming innocent persons doesn't make them
 safer.  Hallelujah.


 September 25, 2001

 Pilots Will Ask for Permission to Carry Guns


 WASHINGTON, Sept. 24 ? The largest pilots' union will propose on Tuesday that
 cockpit crews
 be permitted to carry handguns to foil hijackers. The chief of the Federal
 Administration says that she is open to the idea but that it poses practical

 Officials of the 67,000-member union, the Air Line Pilots Association, said
 its president, Duane Woerth,
 would recommend to a House subcommittee that pilots be allowed but not
 required to carry firearms.

 Current F.A.A. policy forbids airline crews to carry guns on board. But John
 Mazor, a spokesman for the
 union, said that although the arming of pilots would be a radical step, it
 had overwhelming support from
 the membership.

 This is a reflection on how much the attack on Sept. 11 has changed
 everything we thought about
 hijackings and terrorism, Mr. Mazor said.

 Mr. Mazor said that under the legislative proposal by the union, pilots who
 wanted to participate would be
 required to undertake extensive training and psychological testing, ad be
 subjected to detailed background

 Asked about guns in the cockpit, Jane F. Garvey, the F.A.A. administrator,
 said: That's an idea that
 probably, two weeks ago, I would not even have considered. Now we are
 challenging every assumption.

 But Ms. Garvey said there were several practical problems. One is that pilots
 held in place by their over-
 the-shoulder harnesses, as required during takeoff and landing, might not be
 able to turn far enough
 around to use a gun. A second problem, she said, would be what to do if one
 pilot wanted a gun in the
 cockpit and the other did not.

 The idea is a stark departure from the traditional approach to airline safety,
 which seeks to keep weapons
 off planes. That concept has been emphasized all the more since the Sept. 11
 attacks. Even cockpit
 crews, who customarily keep their luggage with them on trips, have been
 subjected to close searches of
 carry-on baggage. Pilots have complained that nail files and manicure scissors
 have been confiscated.

 The proposal is also a quick reversal for Mr. Woerth, who told a Senate
 committee last Thursday that
 pilots could not be Sky King and Wyatt Earp at the same time.

 Some government aviation officials said that introducing a firearm into the
 cockpit, even in the hands of a
 seasoned pilot, could create as many risks as it eliminated.

 You'd have to have a tremendous amount of screening and training before I'd
 ever want to ride as a
 passenger on an airplane where the pilot was armed, said a senior crash
 investigator for the National
 Transportation Safety Board. The investigator, a former commercial airline
 pilot, added, `Some of these
 guys are the type that'd be quick to anger without a good basis for it.`

 But many pilots adamantly maintained that they could be entrusted with a
 weapon, particularly when they
 have already been entrusted with the controls of the aircraft itself.

 The push extends beyond pilots of passenger jets to the thousands of pilots
 flying jets carrying cargo.

 Despite the popular conception that firing a gun in an airplane poses a strong
 risk of making the plane
 crash, aviation experts say that with special bullets, serious damage to the
 airplane is unlikely.

 The government already covertly places armed guards on select commercial
 flights. These sky marshals,
 experts say, carry ammunition that has a smaller charge, so the bullet moves
 more slowly, and that is
 frangible, so it breaks up on impact. Such bullets will break the skin and
 could kill a person hit in the eye,
 say, but would not penetrate the skull, according to the experts.

 Further, even if a bullet penetrated an aircraft's aluminum skin, most planes
 are designed to prevent any
 such hole from developing into a tear. And the hole made by even a
 large-caliber ordinary lead bullet
 would not be big enough to cause decompression; the engines repressurize the
 cabin faster than a hole
 could let air out. Even windows will withstand bullets, experts say.

 Those windows can take the pointy end of a fire ax 

[CTRL] Cuba's Apocalyptical History =Cuba Rockefeller and Communists=Cuba and World History=Forum of Cuban History

2001-09-25 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=http://www.angelfire.com/fl/cubabrains/index.html;
Cuba's Apocalyptical History =Cuba Rockefeller …/A

Cuba's Apocalyptical History =Cuba Rockefeller and Communists=Cuba and World
History=Forum of Cuban History

Index [ click the desired historical period numbered 1 through 16 ]: below
the index there is an introduction
Espanol- Spanish


1-Spain 1789-1888

2-Cuba 1889-1902

3-Estrada and Gomez 1902-12

4-Menocal 1912-20

5-Zayas and Machado 1920-33

6-Batista 1933-1944

7-Grau and Prio 1944-52

8-Batista 1952-1958

9-Castro to 1958

10-Castro After 1958

11-Apocalypse Cuba

12-Cuba 1492 to 1789

13-World History to 1492

14-Rights of Sovereignty-Genealogy of the Egyptian and French
dynasties-Stuart Sucession-Corespondance between the Kings of France and the
American Presidents

15-Mathematics of the sugar production and economic statistics of the 1950's

16-Details of the Declarations of War

Cuban links of the Institute For Democracy

Cuban Links 1

Cuba Megalinks

Cuban National Library

Links 2 for Cuba

the email of this page is :[EMAIL PROTECTED]
this site address is:


This page is the result of a Forum conducted 3 times a year in the Versailles
Restaurant in Miami . It was first published on December 25,1998.The Cuban
Academy of History used to recomend positivist history books for use in the
schools such as the ones written by Carlos Marquez Sterling
,Portuondo,Herminio Portell Vila, Rolando Espinosa, Ramiro Guerra,Juan
Leiseca, Emeterio Santovenia or Calixto Maso. Positivist history books are
those that ommitt all unpleasant and sensitive issues and render history as a
cheer inspiration to support the established order. This book is a realist
book that brings out all those unpleasant issues so that the readers will
learn what things could go wrong and try to avoid those things happening in
the future.Other realist historians are Jose Duarte-Oropeza, Fernando
Figueredo Socarras, Mario Riera, Juan Remos, Mario Riera ,Ricardo Adams-
Silva or Ramon Barquin.
Loading a piano man music

Costa an American belonging to the Rescue Brothers organization shot down
and killed by Castro's Migs in international waters while flying an American
registered unarmed airplane in a rescue mission. See Page:Castro after 1958
for full story

loading piano man music

It can not be a coincidence that the States created after 1945 are the same
number, 158, as the Declarations of War received by the Allies in Britain's
World War (1939). Each Declaration seems to have been a contract to be
redeemed after the war creating a new State ,transfering a state from one
band to the other ;or re-establishing one state destroyed by Germany . The
new States were mostly done in territories the British Empire ceded in order
to get the other powers involved to survive 

[CTRL] The Consortiumnews.com - Toward the Brink

2001-09-25 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=http://www.consortiumnews.com/Print/091701a.html;The
Toward the Brink
By Robert Parry
September 17, 2001
History, like a person’s life, is defined by choices, some reasoned, some
thoughtless, some made in anger, some based on false premises. For the past
two decades or more, the United States has marked the course of its history
through choices made in a fog of propaganda.
At this publication, we have referred to this gap in the nation's
understanding of the relevant facts as “lost history,” a tapestry of events
established in scattered documents or from the testimony of participants, but
largely excluded from the national debates that inform the next series of
decisions and actions.

This blindness to the recent past often is justified by the notion that
ignoring unpleasant facts is “good for the country.” But the blind spots also
prevent Americans from fully recognizing the dangers from abroad and
comprehending the motives of potential enemies, a situation of sudden
relevance as the U.S. prepares for war in retaliation for last Tuesday's
terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

The “lost history” of recent decades has contained some very grim chapters.
One is Washington’s role in widespread “death squad” operations throughout
Latin America, bloody campaigns that claimed hundreds of thousands of lives,
including what a truth commission judged a “genocide” of Mayan Indians in
Guatemala during the 1980s.

In that same decade, the Reagan-Bush administration financed and supported
the Nicaraguan contras, a terrorist-style organization that ravaged towns
along the Nicaraguan-Honduran border, committing acts of torture, murder and
rape – killing thousands. Some contra units also collaborated with drug
cartels shipping cocaine into the United States, while the Reagan-Bush
administration sidetracked investigations for geo-political reasons.

The justification for these policies in the 1980s was President Reagan’s
belief that the Soviet Union was planning to attack the United States behind
peasant armies surging northward from Central America, a theory that lacked
any evidentiary support. In reality, the Soviet Union’s inept and brutal
system was in its final death throes.

Except for a little-noted apology from President Clinton in 1999 in
connection with a truth commission’s report on the Guatemalan slaughters, the
U.S. government has never acknowledged any blame in these blood baths that
decimated generations of the best and brightest young people of that region.
Most Americans understand only dimly, if at all, what the U.S. role was.

The Middle East
In the same twilight struggle with the Soviet Union, the Reagan-Bush
administration allied itself with Islamic fundamentalists in Afghanistan and
with right-wing religious forces in Lebanon and Israel.

The CIA spent an estimated $2 billion to support Afghan “freedom fighters” in
their war against Soviet troops and a Moscow-backed regime in Kabul. With
Reagan’s blessings, the CIA supplied the rebels with hundreds of advanced
“stinger” missiles that inflicted heavy damage on Soviet aircraft.

The covert war also was the launching pad for the radical career of a
well-to-do Saudi-born extremist named Osama bin Laden, who traveled through
northern Africa and other Islamic regions recruiting young zealots to battle
Soviet influence in Afghanistan. The anti-Soviet war in Afghanistan became
the crucible, too, for the Taliban movement that – with the aid of U.S.
intelligence allies in Pakistan – gained control of Afghanistan after Russian
forces withdrew.

A third prong of the Reagan-Bush international strategy played out in Iran
and Iraq, two Islamic countries that went to war over disputed borders in
1980. In the six years that followed, the Reagan-Bush team secretly sold
weapons to both sides in the conflict, while CIA Director William J. Casey
gloated over the scheme that encouraged the two armies to maul each other.
The human cost in Iran and Iraq totaled about 1 million dead.
The growing U.S. military participation in the Middle Eastern violence –
which also included lobbing shells from a Navy battleship into Muslim
villages in Lebanon – led Islamic fighters to go after U.S. targets in
Lebanon. A suicide bomber blew up the U.S. Marine barracks outside Beirut in
1983, killing 241 Marines. Muslim kidnappers began seizing American
nationals, too.

In 1985-86, the Reagan-Bush administration sold missiles to Iran in a bid to
win the release of the hostages in Lebanon. Some of the profits also were
diverted to the Nicaraguan contras because Congress had cut off funding in
reaction to widespread reports of contra atrocities and because the CIA had
mined Nicaragua’s harbors in defiance of international law.

Scattered References
References to some of this historical background – especially bin Laden’s
role in the 

Re: [CTRL] Pilots Will Ask for Permission to Carry Guns

2001-09-25 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/25/01 7:27:25 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 yeah - until a pilot misses , or  accidentally discharges a weapon- blows a
hole in the pressurized cabin and kills everyone aboard 

OR, the pilot hits his target, the bullet goes through the target and hits
another passenger,who instead of being happy he is still alive and not dead,
turns around and sues the airline for great bodily harm and possible exposure
to AIDS.

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[CTRL] The Consortium - Bush's 'Crusade'

2001-09-25 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=http://www.consortiumnews.com/2001/092501a.html;The
Bush's 'Crusade'
By Robert Parry
September 25, 2001
In retaliation for the terror attacks on Sept. 11, George W. Bush is vowing
to strike at a shadowy network of international terrorists reaching into 60
countries. He has called this coming war a “crusade” and has led his friends
to believe that he views his new duty as a mission from God.

“I think, in [Bush’s] frame, this is what God has asked him to do,” a close
acquaintance told the New York Times. “It offers him enormous clarity.”
According to this acquaintance, Bush believes “he has encountered his reason
for being, a conviction informed and shaped by the president’s own strain of
Christianity,” the Times reported. [NYT, Sept. 22, 2001]

Few Americans would disagree that violent retribution should be inflicted on
the masterminds of the mass murders at the World Trade Center and the
Pentagon – and on those who aided and abetted this crime that killed more
than 6,000 people. The unsettling question, which so far few have been
willing to voice, is whether Bush is up to this delicate, complex and
dangerous job.

Two weeks after the terrorist attacks, it appears that Bush still has little
grasp of the long history of frustration that has met previous anti-terrorism
campaigns. It's also unclear whether he recognizes the risks in the
geopolitical tradeoffs involved in building an international coalition and
the potential costs of an open-ended war.

Bush’s limited sense of the history goes beyond his use of the word
“crusade,” which has a European connotation of chivalrous knights in shining
armor driving the infidels out of the Holy Lands, but conjures up very
different memories in the Islamic world, of a bloody Christian holy war
against Arabs. In 1099, for instance, the Crusaders massacred many of the
inhabitants of Jerusalem.

Already, Osama bin Laden has seized on Bush’s gaffe to rally Islamic
fundamentalists. A typed statement attributed to bin Laden called the coming
war the new Christian-Jewish crusade led by the big crusader Bush under the
flag of the cross.

Wars on Terrorism
Bush’s short-term knowledge of history seems sketchy, too.

Repeatedly, he has called this war on terrorism a new kind of conflict, the
first war of the 21st Century. Yet, his father was vice president in the
administration of Ronald Reagan that made combating terrorism a top priority
of U.S. foreign policy, replacing the Carter administration’s hallmark of
human rights.

Reagan committed his administration to the war on terrorism in the wake of
the Islamic revolution in Iran and the radical Arab nationalism of Libya’s
Muammar Qaddafi. The Reagan era's war on terrorism met some success but also

Reagan created special counter-terrorism task forces and authorized the CIA
to hunt down suspected terrorists in preemptive attacks that bordered on
assassinations. Some administration hard-liners, such as CIA Director William
J. Casey, sought to trace virtually all terrorism back to the Soviet Union,
combining anti-communism with anti-terrorism.

In Central America, the wars between right-wing governments and left-wing
guerrillas also were squeezed under the umbrella of counter-terrorism, with
Fidel Castro’s Cuba listed as a chief sponsor of the terrorism. To wage a
joint war against “terrorism” and “communism” in Central America, the Reagan
administration armed and backed military repression in El Salvador, Guatemala
and other countries.

Tens of thousands of Central American civilians were slaughtered in army
sweeps of areas considered sympathetic to guerrillas, including massacres of
Mayan Indians in Guatemala that a truth commission later deemed a genocide.
The U.S.-backed armies also were linked to paramilitary “death squads” that
murdered political dissidents, including labor leaders, academics, priests
and nuns.

The war on terrorism even led the Reagan administration to engage in
terrorism itself, both in Central America and the Middle East. To punish
Nicaragua’s leftist Sandinista government for aiding insurgents elsewhere in
the region, the Reagan administration supported the Nicaraguan contra rebels,
who earned a reputation for torture, rape and murder as they swept through
towns in northern Nicaragua.

One former contra director, Edgar Chamorro, described the contras’ practice
of dragging captured government officials into town squares and executing
them in front of the residents. American news outlets also reported on larger
contra massacres of peasants picking coffee, presumably to discourage
economic activity. [For details, see Robert Parry's Lost History]

To counter disclosures of these atrocities, the administration created
special propaganda teams that engaged in public diplomacy to persuade
editors, producers and bureau chiefs to stop these kinds of stories and to
remove journalists who filed 

[CTRL] New World Order and Democrat House Intelligence Committee

2001-09-25 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

A congressman by thename of Robert Menendez just announced two task
forces, he and two others standing side by side, re Homeland Securty -
did not see all of it, but Kris will know when I say this what he meant
- in this New World Order we will still save the Constitution for
things never be the same again.

After he got through - and this horse faces evil woman was to his left
with a face that no doubt launched and sunk a 1000 ships  this woman
stood on like vicious pet rock to his side.

Then, when the guy was done - the camera switched and to his side not
shown during this message was Gephardt and if you could have seen this

Not smiling, but the real Gephardt - they all slept while America burned
and now they come to life with this New World Order crap?

The House is at work?   Robert Menendiez - never heard of him but when
you looked at this bunch well, you felt like a stranger in your own

And hey Foxter - that stuff of Netanyahu - think I got it memorized and
someone recently said I repeated myself (just kidding).


This is the year of the Millennium - is this why Gary Condit and the
Blue Dogs had to go, or is he a part of this.

Tell me, who is the King of the New World Order?   Sounds like the
making of the New World Guestapo.

They do not fool me for I have their calendar..America has 1000's of
little spider eggs alright, and all trained by whom?

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[CTRL] Fwd: HEROD'S HEROES April 19 (apr19hh.htm)

2001-09-25 Thread Saba

Interesting item.this Menendez does not have a really impressive
background - he worked as Mayor while at the same time, he was a member
of the State Legislature?   Forbidden in most states.stepping stones
to his present job?

From reading this item - its Hello NWO, and without a doubt he must have
been in on it from the beginning.

But when I say people are ugly - to see these people standing there
today saying New World Order but they will preserve our constitution ,
etc, etc,etc..as though its on with the show - and for all you who
complain, we might save the document that gave birth to this government
which they now sell.

New Jersey is mob land..this man is no Crusader for he does not even
believe in the Church to which he claims membership?

Regardless they are a little late with all the flag waiting but this was
nother introduction to the New World Worder.

Who heads up this bunch?   I mean REALLY heads it up - the faces we do
not see and is this why Russia has a new flag of red white and blue?

So the show goes on...United Way has been given the 110 million
dollars raised for New York victims - now they take their money off the
top - apparently these movie stars who gave so much, are trying to
improve their imageswhile New York urges people to come back to
Broadway and the movie houses, for their shows too are dying on their

There was a sense of urgency about these people today - but golly gee
they are gong to try to preserve our constitution.

In other words, Menendez - Benedict Arnold would have smelled the same.



Re: [CTRL] Pilots Will Ask for Permission to Carry Guns

2001-09-25 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

On 25 Sep 01, at 10:37, thew wrote:

 yeah - until a pilot misses , or  accidentally discharges a weapon- blows a
 hole in the pressurized cabin and kills everyone aboard

They are planning on using soft-tipped bullets that will not pierce the cabin.

Even if the air pressure was lost there are still oxygen masks, and it is better
than being hijacked and everyone onboard dying and more.


Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Pilots Will Ask for Permission to Carry Guns

2001-09-25 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

On Tue, 25 Sep 2001, Steve wrote:
 yeah - until a pilot misses , or  accidentally discharges a weapon- blows a
 hole in the pressurized cabin and kills everyone aboard

They are planning on using soft-tipped bullets that will not pierce the cabin.

Even if the air pressure was lost there are still oxygen masks, and it is
better than being hijacked and everyone onboard dying and more.

Yep.  On the one hand my choice as a passenger is to fly with an unarmed
crew, and risk being obliterated in a hijacking as the plane is plowed
into some building; on the other hand, I have the choice of potentially
getting injured by a stray bullet fired by the armed crew as they avert
an attempted hijacking.

I'll take my chances with the bullet.

I think the cockpit crew should have automatic weapons at their disposal,
not just handguns; and the flight attendents should have access to the
strongest stun guns on the market...


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] AIDS Conpiracy? Tracking Down the Real Genocide

2001-09-25 Thread Michael Pugliese

-Caveat Lector-


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Sharon Says Britain Is Run By Anti-Semites : Angry That Blair's Govern...

2001-09-25 Thread William Shannon

Sharon Says Britain Is Run By Anti-Semites
Angry That Blair's Government Would Dare Seek Rapproachement With Iran

9/25/01 11:38:47 AM
LSN Staff

London, England -- Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon today denounced the
government of Britain
as being run by anti-Semites after the British Foreign Minister stated,
of the factors that helps breed terrorism is the anger that many people in
region feel at events over the years in Palestine.

That's all.  All the British guy had to do was suggest that some people in
Middle East might be a little angry about events ... in Palestine, and
entire government of Britain was labeled anti-Semitic.  In fact, in the
of Ephraim Sneh, the Israeli Transportation Minister, talking to the
Independent, the article was an obscenity and a stab in the back,
which turns Israel from the victims of terrorism into the accused.

Britain is seeking rapprochement with Iran, and a normalization of
with the Iranian government.

The hysterical hand waving and screaming reaction of the Israeli
and the phony accusations of anti-Semite, are symbolic of how divorced
realirt not only the Israeli government, but the entire Israeli lobby in
United States and the world, have become.  Israel is in a hysterical panic
the bombing of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon have begun to not
erode support for the tiny rogue state all over the world, but has
begun to erode support in countries like the USA for the swarm of Jewish
Zionist commentators who, with their demands for immediate, bloody, and
war, and their desire to suppress all questions and dissent, have revealed
the American public their true hateful and alien nature.

Libertarian Socialist News
Post Office Box 12244
Silver Spring, MD 20908

(check out our messageboards -- discuss this story on-line!)

(Formerly http://www.libertariansocialist.com)

[CTRL] New Trons

2001-09-25 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Reprinted from NewsMax.com
Father of Neutron Bomb: Use It on Osama
Wes Vernon
Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2001
WASHINGTON – Top officials in the Bush administration and in Congress
have been urged to use a small neutron bomb to wipe out Osama bin
Laden in a quick first strike in the war on terrorism.
Sam Cohen, the scientist who invented the neutron bomb, has outlined
for these officials his plan to 'do in' the Taliban and terrorist
Osama bin Laden, and do it quickly.
That, says Cohen, would go right to the core of the terrorist threat
and at the same time satisfy the typically American impatience.
The neutron bomb has a limited blast and causes little collateral
damage or lasting radioactivity while killing its intended targets.
My offhand guess is that the majority of Americans couldn't care
less how we 'do in' the Taliban and bin Laden and company, provided
we get it done and [quickly], he told NewsMax.com in a phone
interview from his West Coast home.
Cohen, whose views were often accepted by President Reagan,  agrees
with President Bush regarding the need for the American people to
resolve to hunker down for the long term.
The global terrorist threat is indeed going to go on for years,
Cohen agrees, but he is telling policy-makers in Washington, the
name of the game right now is Afghanistan [and] bin Laden.
What we need, he says, is a quick, highly visible strike to begin
that war – one that Americans can see now. That, he believes, would
stiffen the public's resolve for the future. The president has
already told Americans that the war itself won't be quick and easy
and could take years.
I don't think they're going to be very tolerant of a prolonged
[ground war,] argues the scientist. He cites Korea and Vietnam as
examples of the limits of America's patience.
At the same time, Cohen points to the 1991 Desert Storm as an example
of an air war of short duration that did not do the job, given that
Saddam Hussein remains in office today, as powerful as ever, plus the
fact that resulting civilian deaths in that conflict vastly
outnumbered military casualties. Hardy consistent with the first
President Bush's vow to wage a Christian war, in Cohen's view.
As a solution that would be both quick and effective, the author of
Shame: Confessions of the Father of the Neutron Bomb proposes
reconfiguring Minuteman missiles. Remove the thermonuclear big bang
component  (hundreds of kilotons). Once that is done, these weapons
could be deployed to target the hideouts of terrorists in
Cohen says his sources tell him the U.S. has fair intelligence on
the Taliban and where their units and training camps are spread
The problem with bombing the hell out of them is that we don't
know where these guys are, and they’re nobody's fool and now that
they know they're under attack, they’re going to be on the move.
They will burrow and bury themselves while continuing their
training exercises.
To counteract this requires, first, the element of surprise.
Secondly, there will be a need for a weapon that imposes  mass
destruction that is carefully targeted.
Each Minuteman missile has three warheads. The thermonuclear
component could be defused, while keeping the trigger at the
kiloton level. A kiloton bomb would do approximately the same amount
of harm as the hijacked airliners did to the World Trade Center
We hit them unannounced. All the president has to do is punch a
button to put the plan into operation, and [these reconfigured
kiloton bombs] can be retargeted practically within minutes. Ridding
the weapons of the thermonuclear component can be done within days,
Cohen argues.
Further, they would take considerably less than a half-hour to
reach their destinations. The kiloton fission would be a deadly
force, with a radius of about two-thirds of a mile towards killing
people who are exposed. That would be about a square mile, which
ought to cover the area of a training camp. The radioactive fallout
would be relatively limited in terms of immediate death and  death
from prolonged effects.
The neutron bomb stockpile was eliminated after the Gulf War. The
weapon had the potential for destroying humans without destroying
property. Peace activists around the world had denounced it for that
In fact, Cohen noted, in contrast to his famous invention, the
kiloton bomb could destroy property. Also, whereas the neutron bomb
can produce widespread radioactive fallout, the bomb he advocates for
a quick strike in the current war is more carefully targeted.
Cohen's plan is known to have elicited a very positive reaction in
some Washington quarters. Where it goes from there has yet to be
determined.Read more on this subject in related Hot Topics:
War on Terrorism

Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
In accordance with 

[CTRL] OKC NYC- Ritual Sacrifice And The NWO

2001-09-25 Thread William Shannon

From:  "Rayelan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:  Tue Sep 25, 2001  2:10 pm
Subject:  The Truth about Okalahoma and New York Cities

- Original Message - From: Peter Farley 
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 6:55 AM
Subject: The Truth about Okalahoma and New York Cities 

Oklahoma and New York Cities - Murder in the First Degree 
:Ritual Sacrifice and the New World Order
 By Peter Farley 
"The greatest predators are those who disguise themselves as the prey."

Tuesday, September 12, 2001 was the beginning of the end of the world 'as we know it.' It's not that it hasn't been coming for a long time -thousands of years as a matter of fact. It's just that those of us who knew it was coming, were hoping for a little more time to prepare.

But it's here - and so few people even understand that it's here.

As politicians, media and the public alike bang the war drums, the smug indifferent businessmen and leaders of the New World Order who lie behind all these events sit back in their easy chairs and watch ten thousand years of their planning and engineering of history coming to fruition.

Why Oklahoma City -the F. W. Murrah building? Why the World Trade Center towers?  

To convince people that a conspiracy is taking place right before their very noses, one must first explain to them the power and importance of a single place in the grander scheme of things. The energies that flow through the planet that are an essential part of controlling its people need to be understood, as well as their critical importance in the overall scheme of maintaining this planet as a prison camp for its populace.

The energy grid of the planet runs through its ley lines-the electro-magnetic grid surrounding the planet. Every ancient society throughout history has made use of this energy to bring prosperity to its people and to its culture. These ley lines are the secret behind the old Arthurian legend that 'the king and the land are one,' for it is indeed the castles, capital cities, religious centers, and other places of control which are built upon the most powerful energy intersections of the planet. Remember, consciousness is manifested simply as electro-magnetic waves. These waves can be radiated, captured, stored or interfered with, much as any other electronic transmission can be. 

The story of the control of the people through this electro-magnetic grid, all stems back to the times of Atlantis and the Atlantean temple form of building a community. In the middle of concentric circles of influence was the central crystal and the temple that together harnessed and blended the earth and sky energies and allowed that energy to radiate outward to all the lands and villages surrounding it.

Look around you. Notice the central positions of prominence held by your churchs, temples and places of power--built upon hills in the center of their communities, or on various hills to cover the entire community.

It is this same storage and transmission system which can be used to harness the energy of the people, and conversely to influence the consciousness of those who live in the areas surrounding such points. Or, indeed, the entire population of the planet.

The Freemasonic builders of the Gothic Cathedrals of Europe understood this system. They built their cathedrals in Europe in exactly the same alignment as the constellation of Virgo, and then laid out such centers of power as the various buildings and sites in capital cities like Washington D.C. and Canberra, Australia, to act in very much the same way. That is why cities such as London, Washington D.C., New York, and even the Vatican -all have obelisks in central positions of importance to harness this Earth/sky energy.

Every ancient site is built over confluences of Earth energies-particularly  New York City, an island once held sacred by the local Indian tribes exactly because of the number of 'sacred earth energy' sites upon it. Areas such as Wall Street, the United Nations building, and the World Trade Center towers are all such sites, the buildings upon them nothing more than modern-day obelisks or dolmens to harness and control this energy.

These 'skyscrapers' were specifically built over these power points to usurp the role of temples or places of worship that might have been built over them in ancient times. This harnessing of energy brings power and financial wealth to those who control such power. New York City, Washington D.C., and other such centers of Earth and sky power are centers for the military, the politicians, and for the financial and investment people who make up the body, if not the leadership, of the New World Order. This is true in very country around the world, but specifically the centers of NEW WORLD ORDER power in the United States, Great Britain, and Germany.

But why specifically were these buildings in the United States targeted for 

[CTRL] War (mis)Aims

2001-09-25 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Ground Zero
by Scott McConnell
September 25, 2000
The Struggle Over War Aims
Bush Versus the
unanimous congressional votes and President Bush's soaring poll
numbers convey
an image of complete American unity in response to the September
11 terror,
and backing for an effective military response is overwhelming.
the murder of 6000 innocents, reflexive Vietnam syndrome
worries about American military casualties have nearly vanished. My
church –
which lost four members in the attack – has evolved during the
past two
weeks from being, on balance, a peace church – noteworthy for its
of forums to examine all aspects of America's policies in the
Middle East
– into one in which the congregation prays for God to take
on the terrorists. Such prayers translate into backing for
worldly forms of
But a common
placard, in this city now awash with the posting of
heartwrenching photographs
of the missing and presumed dead, reads Kill the bastards but –
 (in smaller text) don't kill innocent people. Desire for
a focused and measured military response seems to be the
prevailing New York sentiment.
But there is
no unity among the political intellectuals and opinion
journalists –
and in their disagreements one can already see the outlines of
the coming
grand struggle over American policy. The terms left and right

don't adequately describe the various sides – influential neoconservatives are 
opposed to the policies of mainstream Republicans, who still set the tone
within the Bush administration, and most Democrats and America First
Buchananites are lining up with Bush.
An early tremor
in this storm was Norman
Podhoretz's shockingly strident attack on Robert Novak. Its tone was astonishing
because the two were among the most prominent intellectual/journalist supporters
of Ronald Reagan's presidency – Novak as arguably the nation's premier
syndicated columnist and Beltway pundit; Podhoretz as the esteemed editor
of Commentary Magazine, which shepherded thousands of disillusioned
liberals into the conservative, or neoconservative, camp during the 1970s
and '80s. Both men are now about seventy – but they still represent a
leading edge of broader factions gearing up for battle within the Bush White
House and beyond.
The day after
the World Trade Center attack, Novak
penned a column analyzing the US intelligence failure, and quoted at the
end a Stratfor.com conclusion that Israel would emerge as the big winner from 
the debacle, drawing American sympathy as a fellow victim of terror.
Added Novak whatever distance Bush wanted between US and Israeli policy,
it was eliminated by terror, noting that the tightening of ties between
the United States and Israel cannot improve U.S. long-term objectives.

The two sentences
seemed unremarkable, perhaps even banal – for months American newspapers have 
carried the lamentations of moderate Arabs about the decline of American
standing in the Middle East as prospects for a fair peace between Israel and
the Palestinians diminished. But for Podhoretz, Novak's words were a red flag
demanding all out assault. In a letter to the editor of the New York Post he 
proclaimed his disgust with the column, which he called shamefully
perverse and accused the columnist of wishing for Israel's disappearance.

The intensity
Podhoretz brought to bear on an offhand remark in a single column makes sense
only as a symptom of the neo-cons' deep insecurity on this topic. They have,
in the past years, scorned the Oslo peace process (taking a cue from the Israeli
right) and pressed continuously for the cut off of American government assistance
to the Palestinians. While American diplomats now scour the Arab world to
secure air bases, overflight rights and intelligence help, (and hearing, from
the Arabs, comments which back up Novak's assertions) the neoconservatives
feel compelled to try to suppress any airing of the notion that Israel's strategic
interests and America's are not perfectly matched.
Within days,
the broader divergences took shape. The Bush administration's primary tactical
concern is how to effectively attack Osama bin Laden's hideouts in Afghanistan
as the first blow in a general war against his multinational terror organization.
For the neoconservatives, however, bin Laden is but a sideshow, even if they
accept the evidence that his organization killed 6000 American civilians.
They hope to use September 11 as pretext for opening a wider war in the Middle
East. Their prime, but not only, target is Saddam Hussein's Iraq, even if
Iraq has nothing to do with the World Trade Center assault. (In one sense,
Iraq already has a lot 

[CTRL] Baiting

2001-09-25 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Copyright © 2001 The International Herald Tribune | www.iht.com
Military Reprisals Play Into bin Laden's Strategy
Anthony Sampson IHT
Monday, September 24, 2001
 LONDON What did Osama bin Laden - or
whoever was the master-mind - really hope to achieve by destroying
the World Trade Center? Our sense of outrage must not prevent us
realizing that he must have planned this terrifying act, not as an
end in itself, but as part of a much broader strategy against his
And we know enough about Mr. bin Laden to know that his first concern
is his own country of Saudi Arabia. It was not Israel which provoked
the ferocity of his fundamentalist crusade: it was the American
military presence in Saudi Arabia in the Gulf War 10 years ago, when
Iraq invaded Kuwait and the Saudi King had to ask the Americans to
defend the kingdom.
He saw the Americans as corrupting and defiling the true Islamic
faith of the founder of his country, King Saud, who had been the hero
of the fundamentalists. Mr. bin Laden has been determined ever since
to restore Saudi Arabia to its previous role, as the guardian of that
austere faith and the sacred places of Islam.
It is obvious why he chose the twin towers as the prime target - for the second time - 
for they provided the most visible symbol of American capitalism which he hated; and 
no spectacle could achieve more publicity in the
world's media than their collapse. But he must also have known that it would 
precipitate an angry response from Americans, and a clamor for reprisals.
Indeed, this was surely his next objective: to provoke a display of American military 
might across the world. And so far his plan has worked well, as the American fleet 
sails towards the Gulf, while British warships were
long ago scheduled for maneuvers off Oman. The western fleets will provide just the 
kind of image which will inflame the Saudi fundamentalists who felt so humiliated by 
the Gulf War. Among all the reports from Pakistan, A
fghanistan or the Middle East, few have emerged from Saudi Arabia. But in that 
autocratic country no news can mean bad news. Visitors report a widening gap between 
the Saudi elite, well-educated and English-speaking, and
the growing numbers of Saudi unemployed who feel thoroughly excluded.
And there have been ominous reports of Saudi dissidents demonstrating against 
Americans, and of soldiers praising Osama bin Laden - as opposed to his rich, 
respectable brothers who have been close to the Saudi royals.
Nothing could be more worrying to the Saudi royal family than a new rebellion by 
militant fundamentalists inside their country. And if the Saudi fundamentalists were 
to succeed, nothing could be more dangerous to western
capitalism; for they could cut off huge oil supplies and deprive industrial countries 
of their most crucial lifeline.
It is hardly possible that Osama bin Laden does not have this eventual prospect in 
mind. He was brought up in Saudi Arabia where, as he saw it, the oil billions were 
undermining the purity of Islam and corrupting the ruli
ng class including his own family; and he has since been able to see all the 
vulnerabilities of the West, whether through is own expensive education, or through 
his family construction business, or through working with th
e CIA in Afghanistan.
The ambition to undermine global capitalism will not be confined to Saudi militant 
fundamentalists: it will be shared by millions of destitute people across the 
developing world who have felt humiliated and impoverished b
y the relentless domination of the West. They will see the thousands of dead victims 
in Manhattan as unimportant compared to the millions who have been killed, maimed or 
uprooted in countries devastated by wars for which
they blame Americans.
And for many Arabs, Africans and Asians who have been made to feel
that they are hopeless, incompetent and marginal, the demolition of
the twin towers with such lethal efficiency must inevitably bring
some sense of pride: That they have at last achieved something that
no westerner thought they were capable of, and which compels the
world to take note of them
Westerners have so far been unable to look beyond the immediate
atrocity and provocation, to think more carefully about the root
causes of the terrorism. We in the West may be too busy portraying
the terrorists as cowards and fanatics to realize that we are up
against a religious movement which operates at a deeper level than
hijacks and mass murder; and which is more likely to be stimulated
than intimidated by the arrival of western warships in the Gulf.

Anthony Sampson, author of The Seven Sisters and The Arms Bazaar,
contributed this comment to the International Herald Tribune.
Copyright © 2001 The International Herald Tribune

Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

[CTRL] Fwd: [usa-tesla] Osama Bin Laden seems to be a Devil Worshiper

2001-09-25 Thread Dr. Kathleen Lewis

-Caveat Lector-

This article from the London Telegraph is an old one, but I hadn't
seen it before.


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Subject:[usa-tesla] Osama Bin Laden seems to be
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Bin Laden Buys Child Slaves for His Drug Farms
in Africa

The world's most wanted terrorist pays Ugandan rebels one
Kalashnikov rifle for every youngster they supply. The children are
then used as forced labour on the Sudan marijuana fields that fund
his terror network.

Sunday Telegraph (London)

March 28, 1999

By David Blair

KAMPALA, UGANDA - Osama bin Laden, the world's most wanted
terrorist, is buying child slaves from Ugandan rebels and using them
as forced labour on marijuana farms in Sudan to fund his
international terrorism network.

New evidence indicates that bin Laden, who masterminded the
bombings of the American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania last
August, has made Sudan the centre of his global empire.

Sudan, whose Islamic government has close links with bin Laden, is
the long-standing patron of the Lord's Resistance Army rebels who
have abducted at least 8,000 children from northern Uganda since
1994 and forced them to serve as soldiers or sexual playthings.
Others have been sold into slavery in Sudan in exchange for guns
and ammunition.

Brig Katumba Wamala, commander of the Ugandan forces fighting
the rebels, said: We know that large numbers of children abducted
by the LRA are being sold into slavery in Sudan.

Many are bought by bin Laden, via Arab slave traders. Bin Laden is
the main buyer of these children. He has very big marijuana farms
in Sudan and he buys the children as slave labourers, said Brig

Evidence comes from children who have escaped the slave
dealers. We have the testimony of abducted children and we also
have intercepted radio conversations, said Brig Wamala.

Radio intercepts show that bin Laden pays one Kalashnikov assault
rifle for every child he buys. Joseph Kony, the LRA leader, is in
desperate need of weapons and has recently complained of being

It is on the record that Kony was complaining about the exchange
rate. Once the Arabs gave him 98 guns for the 100 children he had
given them. He complained very bitterly. It is a very lucrative
business, said Brig Wamala. Ugandan intelligence sources have
tracked the fate of children sold into the Sudanese slave trade. After
being abducted, they are forced to march to Jabelin, the LRA's
headquarters 34 miles south of Juba, the main city in southern

Here a selection is made on the basis of physical appearance,
said the  source. The girls and some of the boys are taken away for
what is called special training. They are sold into slavery, while the
rest are used as soldiers.

Many of the girls are taken to Nsitu camp, 15 miles south of Juba,
from where they are distributed to Arab slave dealers. Once sold,
the children are taken to Juba airport and flown to other regions of
Sudan. Both of these camps are supplied by the Sudanese

According to a source who visited them in July 1997, Nsitu is less
than 200 yards from a Sudanese army base. Within the perimeter of
Jabelin camp, Sudanese government troops are housed alongside
LRA rebels.

Ugandan intelligence has monitored the close links between bin
Laden and the Sudanese government. After being expelled from
Saudi Arabia, bin Laden lived in Sudan from 1994 until 1996, said
an intelligence source. He has a wide range of business interests
there, covering farms, banks, factories and infrastructure. These are
used to fund terrorism in Africa and elsewhere.

The marijuana farms worked by bin Laden's child slaves are located
in the  Nile Valley, north of Khartoum. In the same area, he has
several large sunflower plantations, where slave labour may also be

Ugandan intelligence believes that bin Laden has invested pounds
30 million in front organisations for his terror network.

He has also helped to finance major infrastructure projects in

Uganda believes that bin Laden's web of terror is aimed at toppling
African governments, as well as striking at British and American
interests worldwide.

Sudan has offered itself as a training ground for terrorists. We
know of 17 terrorist training camps and the target is to install Islamic
fundamentalist governments in east and central Africa by 2002,
said the source. That is why bin Laden is helping them to sponsor
rebels and kidnap and enslave our children.

 1999 Sunday Telegraph

 2001 iAbolish.com All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy.

--- End of forwarded message ---

There's no way to rule innocent men. The only
power government has is the power to crack down on
criminals. When there aren't enough 

[CTRL] Hackers Face Life Imprisonment Under Anti-Terrorism Act.

2001-09-25 Thread William Shannon

Hackers face life imprisonment under 'Anti-Terrorism' Act

Justice Department proposal classifies most computer crimes as acts of terrorism.
By Kevin Poulsen
Sep 23 2001 11:00PM PT

Hackers, virus-writers and web site defacers would face life imprisonment without the possibility of parole under legislation proposed by the Bush Administration that would classify most computer crimes as acts of terrorism.

The Justice Department is urging Congress to quickly approve its Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA), a twenty-five page proposal that would expand the government's legal powers to conduct electronic surveillance, access business records, and detain suspected terrorists.

The proposal defines a list of "Federal terrorism offenses" that are subject to special treatment under law. The offenses include assassination of public officials, violence at international airports, some bombings and homicides, and politically-motivated manslaughter or torture.

Most of the terrorism offenses are violent crimes, or crimes involving chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons. But the list also includes the provisions of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act that make it illegal to crack a computer for the purpose of obtaining anything of value, or to deliberately cause damage. Likewise, launching a malicious program that harms a system, like a virus, or making an extortionate threat to damage a computer are included in the definition of terrorism.

To date no terrorists are known to have violated the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. But several recent hacker cases would have qualified as "Federal terrorism offenses" under the Justice Department proposal, including the conviction of Patrick Gregory, a prolific web site defacer who called himself "MostHateD"; Kevin Mitnick, who plead guilty to penetrating corporate networks and downloading proprietary software; Jonathan "Gatsby" Bosanac, who received 18-months in custody for cracking telephone company computers; and Eric Burns, the Shoreline, Washington hacker who scrawled "Crystal, I love you" on a United States Information Agency web site in 1999. The 19-year-old was reportedly trying to impress a classmate with whom he was infatuated.

The Justice Department submitted the ATA to Congress late last week as a response to the September 11th terrorist attacks in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania that killed some 7,000 people.

As a "Federal terrorism offense," the five year statute of limitations for hacking would be abolished retroactively -- allowing computer crimes committed decades ago to be prosecuted today -- and the maximum prison term for a single conviction would be upped to life imprisonment. There is no parole in the federal justice system

Those convicted of providing "advice or assistance" to cyber crooks, or harboring or concealing a computer intruder, would face the same legal repercussions as an intruder. Computer intrusion would also become a predicate offense for the RICO statutes.

DNA samples would be collected from hackers upon conviction, and retroactively from those currently in custody or under federal supervision. The samples would go into the federal database that currently catalogs murderers and kidnappers.

Civil liberties groups have criticized the ATA for its dramatic expansion of surveillance authority, and other law enforcement powers.

But Attorney General John Ashcroft urged swift adoption of the measure Monday.

Testifying before the House Judiciary Committee, Ashcroft defended the proposal's definition of terrorism. "I don't believe that our definition of terrorism is so broad," said Ashcroft. "It is broad enough to include things like assaults on computers, and assaults designed to change the purpose of government."

The Act is scheduled for mark-up by the committee Tuesday morning.

[CTRL] Has The Taliban Dropped Ban On Opium Growing?

2001-09-25 Thread William Shannon


Flood of cheap Afghan heroin


AFGHAN farmers are ready to swamp world markets with heroin amid signs that the Taleban has dropped its ban on opium growing. 

The ban was imposed by Mullah Muhammad Omar last year, leaving many farmers ruined. But the sudden halving of the price of raw opium to $250 a kg suggests the decree has been reversed. Even if it remains in place, desperate farmers are expected to resume planting next month while Taleban security forces are engaged elsewhere. 

One source confirmed last night: “There has definitely been a decrease in the price of opium in Afghanistan in recent days. This would happen either because people expect an increase in supply or a decrease in demand, and if there is one thing from Afghanistan which is guaranteed to have an international demand, it is opium.” 

Afghanistan produced 75 per cent of the world’s opium last year and Mullah Omar’s ban was seen as one of the few attempts by a pariah regime to gain credit with the international community. Its enforcement was ruthless and efficient. UN figures show that Afghanistan’s opium production was 4,600 tonnes in 1999, but this is thought to have dropped to 100 tonnes this year. 

The respite, however, may prove short-lived. One Western source said: “The farmers have to decide by mid-October if they are going to plant. The more we move into a campaign the more incentive they have to cultivate poppies.” 

[CTRL] Fw: How U.S. destroyed progressive secular forces in Afghanistan [WWW.STOPNATO

2001-09-25 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic

-Caveat Lector-



 How U.S. destroyed progressive secular forces in Afghanistan

 By Deirdre Griswold

 The media are suddenly full of opinions about Afghanistan, now that the
Bush administration is accusing Osama bin Laden and other Islamic
fundamentalists of being behind the attacks on the World Trade Center and

 In the 1980s, the reactionary political elements now ruling Afghanistan
were working with the CIA to overthrow a progressive Afghani government
supported by the Soviet Union. After the spending of an ocean of blood and
billions of U.S. dollars, the reactionaries won.

 Washington was happy and unconcerned as its protégés went on to butcher
Afghani progressives, restore landlordism and repress women while fighting
among themselves.

 The eventual triumph of the Taleban faction represented a catastrophe for
the Afghani people. Just in the last year thousands of Afghani refugees have
died of starvation and exposure and Kabul, the capital, is such a wasteland
that the U.S., demanding vengeance, can't even find anything to bomb.

 On Oct. 10, 1996, Workers World printed the following article about how
the U.S. strangled a popular revolution led by the Progressive Democratic
Party of Afghanistan (PDPA) against feudalism and imperialism.

 Not that long ago, the bourgeoisie could still feel pride in their
revolutionary history. They continued to celebrate the 1789 French
Revolution and many other great victories in the struggle against feudal

 They even spoke approvingly of the 1917 overthrow of the czarist autocracy
in Russia. The problem, they said, was that the Bolsheviks had spoiled that
struggle for democracy by going too far.

 But capitalism in this rotten age of U.S. imperialist conquest of the
globe has degenerated so far from its revolutionary roots that it is now, to
borrow a phrase from Henry Kissinger, to the right of the czar. And it is
celebrating the return of absolute feudal rule in Afghanistan.

 The powerful media engines, their reach multiplied by the most modern
technologies, are presenting the world with instant photographic images of a
lynching--that's all it was--of the few progressives left in Kabul. .

 To make the deed more palatable, the media use adjectives like butcher
to describe former President Najibullah and his aides. Dragged out of the
United Nations compound where they had sought asylum for the last four
years, they were beaten to death and then left hanging for all to see.

 But among themselves, foreign-policy experts for the U.S. establishment
know that the Afghani progressives' real crime was that they tried to carry
out a social transformation in their country in the direction of socialism.

 What authority bears witness to this? None other than the U.S. Department
of the Army itself.

 The Pentagon puts out what it calls country study books on almost every
country in the world. They are updated every few years. These books contain
basic information for the use of U.S. personnel traveling or working abroad.
There's nothing classified in them. They're available in most libraries.

 Afghanistan--a Country Study for 1986 has of course the anti-communist
line expected of a Pentagon publication. But it also contains much useful
information about the changes instituted by the Afghani Revolution of 1978.

 Freeing women and peasants

 Before the revolution, 5 percent of Afghanistan's rural landowners owned
more than 45 percent of the arable land. A third of the rural people were
landless laborers, sharecroppers or tenants.

 Debts to the landlords and to money lenders were a regular feature of
rural life, says the U.S. Army report. An indebted farmer turned over half
his crop each year to the money lender.

 When the PDPA took power, it quickly moved to remove both landownership
inequalities and usury, says the Pentagon report. Decree number six of the
revolution canceled mortgage debts of agricultural laborers, tenants and
small landowners.

 The revolutionary regime set up extensive literacy programs, especially
for women. It printed textbooks in many languages--Dari, Pashtu, Uzbek,
Turkic and Baluchi. The government trained many more teachers, built
additional schools and kindergartens, and instituted nurseries for orphans,
says the country study.

 Before the revolution, female illiteracy had been 96.3 percent in
Afghanistan. Rural illiteracy of both sexes was 90.5 percent.

 By 1985, despite a counter-revolutionary war financed by the CIA, there
had been an 80-percent increase in hospital beds. The government initiated
mobile medical units and brigades of women and young people to go to the
undeveloped countryside and provide medical services to the peasants for the
first time.

 Among the very first decrees of the revolutionary regime were to prohibit
bride-price and give women freedom of choice 

Re: [CTRL] Pilots Will Ask for Permission to Carry Guns

2001-09-25 Thread iggy

-Caveat Lector-

or the weapon is loaded with glasser safety slugs .
the most devastaing pistol round available,
they will not penetrate the hull,
they will not over penatrate and hit the inocent bystander,
they won't penatrate a bullet proof vest.
'cause they are frangeable rounds 
but then again they won't penatrate a watch...
GSG9 in germany had special 9mm rounds that wouldn't over penatrate.
how about we strap a tazer on every pasanger?
if one law is passed or a pernamant security messure put in place the bad guys
have won.

Bill Howard wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 9/25/01 7:27:25 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  yeah - until a pilot misses , or  accidentally discharges a weapon- blows a
 hole in the pressurized cabin and kills everyone aboard 

 OR, the pilot hits his target, the bullet goes through the target and hits
 another passenger,who instead of being happy he is still alive and not dead,
 turns around and sues the airline for great bodily harm and possible exposure
 to AIDS.

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 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] A Yiddishe Medina by Israel Shamir

2001-09-25 Thread William Shannon


The great slaughter of innocents is imminent. Very soon, hundreds of thousands, if not millions of our brothers by Adam and Eve will be strafed, napalmed, and nuked. Boys and girls, unborn babes and old men will be brought to the altar of Vengeance and ritually slaughtered by the High Priest of that God, President George W. Bush. The time is aptly chosen, and it is hardly a coincidence. The ten days after Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, are called the Days of Trepidation, all the way to the tenth day, Yom HaDin, the Doomsday.

President Bush called his enterprise, Crusade. This title invokes in our memory the dour knights of Aquitaine and pious Frankish warriors, who took Cross and with the name of Our Lady on their lips ventured into a long and hard pilgrimage. Reality was worse. The Crusade was a Western Jihad and it caused a lot of bloodshed. The Crusaders were wild and unruly, they sacked the most beautiful Christian city on earth, Constantinople, and they drenched in blood the holy ground of Jerusalem. A Crusader chronicler Radulf of Caen, wrote of his comrades-at-arms, in the Syrian city of Maarra, 'they impaled babies on spits, grilled and devoured them'. They were rough folk, and still I would like to save the name of these killers and cannibals from being besmirched by association with G.W. Bush' Crusade. They never went after revenge, this most un-Christian, even anti-Christian feeling.

The very essence of Christ's Gospel was the rejection of revenge. That was the great difference between the Church and the Synagogue, these two sisters born two thousand years ago. This difference is built in, it is the inherent most prominent feature of the gap between the two faiths: while Christians are called to pray for their enemies, Jews dream of vengeance.
In the intended ideological confusion of last century, Christians are taught to think that the Jews wait for Messiah who is Christ. Christianity teaches that He came and will come again, while Judaism considers the Messiah did not come yet, that is all the difference according to the teaching of Judeo-Christianity. But reality is vastly different: Christ came to save, while Messiah comes to take revenge. It was proven by the brilliant Israeli scholar, Prof. Israel Jacob Yuval of Hebrew University in his new book, Two Nations In Your Womb [i]. 'Vengeful salvation', as Yuval called it, was adopted by the European Jews from the old Pharisee sources and became the prevailing doctrine of the Synagogue.

When Dr Israel Yuval published his insightful book on theology of vengeance in Judaism, it was accepted with great enthusiasm by his Israeli colleagues, but the American Jewish scholars hated it. Dr Ezra Fleischer wrote a vehement critique, concluding it with the words: 'it would be better if such a book would not be printed, but if it was printed, it should be sentenced to oblivion'.
Prof. Yuval quotes many ancient Jewish texts proving this point. "In the End of the days (when the Messiah comes) God will destroy, kill and exterminate all the nations but the sons of Israel", written in the Sefer Nitzahon Yashan, written by a German Jew in 13th c. A liturgical poet Klonimus b. Judah had a vision of 'God's hands full of Goys' corpses'. Even more dreadful dreams of blood and destruction precede the first attacks on Jews in the end of 11th century. A hundred years before the Crusaders' onslaught on Jews, R. Simon b. Yitzhak calls on God 'to take His sword and slaughter the Gentiles'. In order to hasten the destruction of Gentiles, the sages of Europe adopted curses against Christians and Christ, and introduced them into liturgy of Passover, Doomsday and even the daily prayer. 

That is why the decision of President Bush to embark of the campaign of revenge is not a Christian act. One could argue that the President and his administration are manipulated by the Jews, who dream of vengeance. Not in vain, immediately after Wall Street was hit by kamikaze, Bibi Nataniyahu said 'it is very good for us' [ii]. Not in vain, Ariel Sharon tried to compare Palestinians to Osama b. Laden. Not in vain, Israelis demand destruction of Baghdad and Teheran, of Korea and Sudan, of everybody who is not taking orders from Tel Aviv or Washington.
A mystic would not call it 'manipulation', but would accept for its face value the arrival of Messiah of Vengeance in the unlikely figure of G.W. Bush. The Messiah of Vengeance has actually a different name in Christian theology. He is called Antichrist.
The Christian theologians tried to delve in the qualities of this apocalyptic figure. St John of Damascus prophesied, 'Antichrist will come to Jews and for Jews, against Christ and Christians'. (John the Damascene was a friend of Islam and he explained Muslim dogma of eternal Koran as a form of the Christian teaching of Logos). Church Fathers considered the Rise of Antichrist as the rise and temporary 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [usa-tesla] Osama Bin Laden seems to be a Devil Worshiper

2001-09-25 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

Where does the devil enter into this?
-- --- -
Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, doctor, and I'm happy to
state I finally won out over it

Elwood P Dowd

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 From: Dr. Kathleen Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 12:00:54 -0500
 Subject: [CTRL] Fwd: [usa-tesla] Osama Bin Laden seems to be a Devil Worshiper

 -Caveat Lector-

 This article from the London Telegraph is an old one, but I hadn't
 seen it before.


 --- Forwarded message follows ---
 Date sent:  Tue, 25 Sep 2001 10:14:25 -0600 (MDT)
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 Subject:[usa-tesla] Osama Bin Laden seems to be
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 [ Double-click this line for list subscription options ]

 Bin Laden Buys Child Slaves for His Drug Farms
 in Africa

 The world's most wanted terrorist pays Ugandan rebels one
 Kalashnikov rifle for every youngster they supply. The children are
 then used as forced labour on the Sudan marijuana fields that fund
 his terror network.

 Sunday Telegraph (London)

 March 28, 1999

 By David Blair

 KAMPALA, UGANDA - Osama bin Laden, the world's most wanted
 terrorist, is buying child slaves from Ugandan rebels and using them
 as forced labour on marijuana farms in Sudan to fund his
 international terrorism network.

 New evidence indicates that bin Laden, who masterminded the
 bombings of the American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania last
 August, has made Sudan the centre of his global empire.

 Sudan, whose Islamic government has close links with bin Laden, is
 the long-standing patron of the Lord's Resistance Army rebels who
 have abducted at least 8,000 children from northern Uganda since
 1994 and forced them to serve as soldiers or sexual playthings.
 Others have been sold into slavery in Sudan in exchange for guns
 and ammunition.

 Brig Katumba Wamala, commander of the Ugandan forces fighting
 the rebels, said: We know that large numbers of children abducted
 by the LRA are being sold into slavery in Sudan.

 Many are bought by bin Laden, via Arab slave traders. Bin Laden is
 the main buyer of these children. He has very big marijuana farms
 in Sudan and he buys the children as slave labourers, said Brig

 Evidence comes from children who have escaped the slave
 dealers. We have the testimony of abducted children and we also
 have intercepted radio conversations, said Brig Wamala.

 Radio intercepts show that bin Laden pays one Kalashnikov assault
 rifle for every child he buys. Joseph Kony, the LRA leader, is in
 desperate need of weapons and has recently complained of being

 It is on the record that Kony was complaining about the exchange
 rate. Once the Arabs gave him 98 guns for the 100 children he had
 given them. He complained very bitterly. It is a very lucrative
 business, said Brig Wamala. Ugandan intelligence sources have
 tracked the fate of children sold into the Sudanese slave trade. After
 being abducted, they are forced to march to Jabelin, the LRA's
 headquarters 34 miles south of Juba, the main city in southern

 Here a selection is made on the basis of physical appearance,
 said the  source. The girls and some of the boys are taken away for
 what is called special training. They are sold into slavery, while the
 rest are used as soldiers.

 Many of the girls are taken to Nsitu camp, 15 miles south of Juba,
 from where they are distributed to Arab slave dealers. Once sold,
 the children are taken to Juba airport and flown to other regions of
 Sudan. Both of these camps are supplied by the Sudanese

 According to a source who visited them in July 1997, Nsitu is less
 than 200 yards from a Sudanese army base. Within the perimeter of
 Jabelin camp, Sudanese government troops are housed alongside
 LRA rebels.

 Ugandan intelligence has monitored the close links between bin
 Laden and the Sudanese government. After being expelled from
 Saudi Arabia, bin Laden lived in Sudan from 1994 until 1996, said
 an intelligence source. He has a wide range of business interests
 there, covering farms, banks, factories and infrastructure. These are
 used to fund terrorism in Africa and elsewhere.

 The marijuana farms worked by bin Laden's child slaves are located
 in the  Nile Valley, north of Khartoum. In the same area, he has
 several large sunflower plantations, where slave labour may also be

 Ugandan intelligence believes that bin Laden has invested pounds
 30 million in front organisations for his terror network.

 He has also helped to finance major infrastructure projects in

 Uganda believes that bin Laden's web of terror is aimed at toppling
 African governments, 

[CTRL] The Obscure Goat Story Of 9/11

2001-09-25 Thread William Shannon

The obscure goat story of 9-11

It is very important to examine the first reactions President Bush had concerning the events of September 11.  You can tell much about the truth by observing the reactions of men. Human nature is almost always the best truth detector and said to be the most accurate lie detector. One of the basic instructions taught to every U.S. military and civilian police trainee is to "watch and observe".  Let's observe what really took place before these headline stories are buried in a sea of obscurity.

"In Sarasota, Florida, Bush was reading to children in a classroom at 9:05 a.m. when his chief of staff, Andrew Card, whispered into his ear. The president briefly turned somber before he resumed reading. He addressed the tragedy about a half-hour later. " - Associated Press, September 12, 2001 [bold emphasis added].

"President Bush listened to 18 Booker Elementary School second-graders read a story about a girl's pet goat Tuesday before he spoke briefly and somberly about the terrorist attacks." - Sarasota Herald-Tribune, Page A20, September 12, 2001  [bold emphasis added].

President Bush became briefly somber and continued reading a story about a goat for nearly another half hour. He didn't politely excuse himself to the children, but rather, temporarily stopped reading only to continue on as if nothing had happened.  Is this how you - or anyone around you at the time - reacted when you first heard the news of the WTC tragedy?  At the very least, one would think that Bush would have spent a minute or two being properly briefed by his trusted Chief of Staff before finishing his reading of a goat story. If this was new news to him, one would surely think that he would immediately want to know more details. Does anyone else see that this "Presidential" reaction was out of place and doesn't fit the circumstances?  His reaction seems to imply that this was not fresh news to him, but more of a confirmation of what he might have already known about. Watch and observe.

In human nature, this kind of reaction - in reality, a non-reaction - usually comes about when the hearer either already has knowledge of what he was just told, or he doesn't have any concern over what he was just told.  Some have already said that Bush didn't want to upset the children as an excuse for his continuing to read the goat story.  Wouldn't one have to believe that these 7 year old children were already upset and nervous about having the President read a story with them in their classroom?  A simple and polite "Children, I'm sorry I can't read with you any longer. As the President, sometimes my schedule changes quickly, but I want to thank you for allowing me to join you in reading this story" would have been fitting.  The problem is that's not what happened.  Watch and observe.It struck us odd that both the above newspaper articles (as well as many others) stressed the word somber in describing the President's first as well as delayed reactions.  That seemed normal enough at first, but then we decided to find out what a somber reaction and manner of speech really is. Watch and observe.

somber / sombre.* French sombre ; Spanish sombra , shade, prob. from LL. subumbrare to put in the shade; Latin sub under + umbra shade. See Umbrage. 
umbrage.*  French ombrage , shade, suspicion, umbrage. Latin umbraticus , belonging to shade, French umbra, a shade. Cf. Umber, Umbratic. 1. Shade; shadow; obscurity; hence, that which affords a shade, as a screen of trees or foliage. 2. Shadowy resemblance; shadow.   
Of or pertaining to the shade or darkness; shadowy; unreal; secluded; retired.  
darkness.** Absence of light; black hole; dark star; dark matter, cold dark matter. Occultation, adumbration, obumbration; sunless, lightless; dark as pitch, dark as a pit, dark as Erebus[Lat]. somber, dusky; unilluminated...  
* Webster's Dictionary, 1913 [underlining added]. 
** Roget's Thesaurus, 1911, search results  for "somber" [underlining added]. 

Now it appears that the somber reaction of President Bush is perhaps more revealing than at first glimpse.  If the President "briefly turned somber" and "spoke briefly and somberly about the terrorist attacks," then the reporters were describing both his demeanor and speech as being shadowy, obscure, dark,  unreal, without light, and suspicious.  Was this a mistaken word of description, or were they accurately reporting what they saw and observed?

These newspaper reports are describing the character and demeanor of the President as dark, black, and lightless when Andrew Card told him about the WTC disaster. They did not describe him as becoming sorrowful or concerned, nor even that he appeared upset. They deliberately chose the word somber to relay to their readers how President Bush appeared. Watch and observe.

The reporters also used the same word somber to describe his manner of speech after having had 30 minutes to (perhaps) compose 

[CTRL] Fwd: [AL-AWDA-News] Israeli Terror Attack near Hebron

2001-09-25 Thread William Shannon

Israeli Terror Attack near Hebron

25 September 2001
Palestine Media Center - PMC

Earlier this morning, Israeli occupation forces opened fire at a civilian car 
transporting Palestinian workers near the village of Kharras in the Hebron District. 
As these workers were riding to their workplaces inside the Green Line, Israeli 
occupation forces opened fire towards their taxicab indiscriminately and without any 
provocation, injuring four civilians, one of them critically. The incident occurred 
some three kilometers away from the Green Line, which separate the West Bank from 
Israel proper.

Mr. Ali Qudeimat, Director of the Ministry of Labor's Office in Hebron, told Palestine 
Media Center (PMC), At four in the morning, I heard gunshots coming from the entrance 
of my village, Kharras. Our village, which lies northwest of Hebron City, is 
considered a main entry for trucks and workers from the area into the Green Line. Mr. 
Qudeimat added, When I approached the checkpoint at the entrance of Kharras, I found 
four workers, apparently injured by Israeli fire. In fact, Israeli occupation soldiers 
had even interrogated them before allowing me and other village residents to transport 
them to the Hospital.

Sources in Al-Ahli Hospital in Hebron City told the PMC that 21 year-old Ahmed Malash 
was shot in the abdomen. They added that after being operated on, Ahmed is now 
reported in stable yet critical condition. The other victims were Hamad Malash, who 
was insjured in the thigh and his brother Mohamed, who was injured by shrapnel in the 
back. Riyadh Awadh was injured in the leg with shrapnel. All are in stable condition.

Mr. Ahmed Abdel Rahman, Cabinet Secretary General staunchly condemned the latest 
Israeli crime in Hebron. He considered this attack an additional crime against the 
Palestinian People. He further stressed that Ariel Sharon's government bears full 
responsibility for this attack, which is representative of the state-terrorism 
excercised against the Palestinian People. This state-terrorism contradicts all the 
exerted efforts to strengthen the ceasefire between both parties.

Mr. Abdel Rahman stressed, The present Israeli government knows only how to live at 
war. For that reason, it strives to escalate the situation and derail any efforts 
aimed at estabilishing calm. Stabilizing the ceasefire and moving on to the political 
agenda would create conflicts within Sharon's coalition, especially when considering 
the pressures that the extremist rightwing parties exert on Sharon.

The Secretary General expounded, This crime, like the continuous others that have 
been perpetrated against Palestinian civilians, is an indication that Ariel Sharon 
refuses all efforts to stop the cycle of violence and restore calm in the area. For 
that reason, it is now incumbent upon the international community to work more 
effectively in exerting far more pressure on the Israeli government in order to reduce 
tensions in the area and to restore calm.

Mr. Abdel Rahman told the Palestine Media Center that in order to effectively fight 
international terrorism, the international community must also fight state-terrorism, 
including Israeli terrorism. Finally, he stresssed that any effort to stablize a 
ceasefire would not succeed unless there were international observers that would put 
an end to murdering Palestinian civilians in cold blood.

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Re: [CTRL] Flight 93 Questions

2001-09-25 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 09/24/2001 8:59:57 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

  I wonder if the decision of those passengers to take the plane back was
  prompted more by the fact that they found out, or figured out, that they
  would be shot down by our own military
  It doesn't make sense that the plane went down in PA, unless it WAS shot
  down, or there was a bomb on board that went off early; I rather doubt
  the 'hijacker had a bomb', since none of the other hijackings had a bomb
  involved, even a possibly pseudo bomb strapped to the body of one of the 

Nobody's ever said I wasn't skeptical, but I'm willing to take it that the
guys decided to put it down where it would do the least harm.  Their target
was perfect.  I don't think they were shot down, although that would have
been the perfect way to solve the problem.  I think it was when they found
out what happened in NYC that they decided they would rather die to prevent
another horror than to be part of one.  In particular, I've wondered if the
terrorists were heading for Shippensburg, a nuclear facility.  The result of
that impact would have endangered the entire northeast.  I consider the
Let's roll guy and the men who rolled with him as heroes every one.  IPrudy

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Head of WTC Security Former FBI Counterterrorism Specialist

2001-09-25 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 09/24/2001 9:37:26 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 While with the FBI, O'Neill headed investigations of the deadly attacks on
 U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998 and the bombing last year of
 USS Cole in Yemen. That attack, also a suicide bombing, is thought to be
 to Osama bin Laden, whom top U.S. officials have tied to last week's
 As a security expert in the FBI's New York office, O'Neill was also heavily
 involved in the investigation of the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center.

 Anyone else see this as a tad coincidental...? 

This guy must have great connections.  He apparently has never learned
anything that prevents terrorists from accomplishing their goals.  Prudy

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Just wondering

2001-09-25 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 09/24/2001 9:53:38 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Nothing was ever Klinton's fault. It was always some underling who went to
 jail, or had to resign to cover Klinton's ass. Even Monicagate wasn't his
 fault, it was Monica's 

No not Monica's unless you blame the poor chick for choosing lousy friends.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Coming U.S. Fascism

2001-09-25 Thread William Shannon

The Coming US Fascism

In 1944 the Old Right journalist John T. Flynn wrote:

"The test of fascism is not one’s rage against the Italian and German war lords. The test is – how many of the essential principles of fascism do you accept and to what extent are you prepared to apply those fascist ideas to American social and economic life? When you can put your finger on the men or the groups that urge for America the debt-supported state, the autarchial corporative state, the state bent on the socialization of investment and the bureaucratic government of industry and society, the establishment of the institution of militarism as the great glamorous public-works project of the nation and the institution of imperialism under which it proposes to regulate and rule the world and, along with this, proposes to alter the forms of our government to approach as closely as possible the unrestrained, absolute government – then you will know you have located the authentic fascist.

"But let us not deceive ourselves into thinking that we are dealing by this means with the problem of fascism. Fascism will come at the hands of perfectly authentic Americans, as violently against Hitler and Mussolini as the next one, but who are convinced that the present economic system is washed up and that the present political system in America has outlived its usefulness and who wish to commit this country to the rule of the bureaucratic state; interfering in the affairs of the states and cities; taking part in the management of industry and finance and agriculture; assuming the role of great national banker and investor, borrowing millions every year and spending them on all sorts of projects through which such a government can paralyze opposition and command public support; marshaling great armies and navies at crushing costs to support the industry of war and preparation for war which will become our greatest industry; and adding to all this the most romantic adventures in global planning, regeneration, and domination all to be done under the authority of a powerfully centralized government in which the executive will hold in effect all the powers with Congress reduced to the role of a debating society. There is your fascist. And the sooner America realizes this dreadful fact the sooner it will arm itself to make an end of American fascism masquerading under the guise of the champion of democracy.

"It should be equally clear that all this is in no sense communism [A] reason for the confusion is the character of the men who are authentic and honest New Dealers but who were not communists They began to flirt with the alluring pastime of reconstructing the capitalist system. They became the architects of a new capitalist system. And in the process of this new career they began to fashion doctrines that turned out to be the principles of fascism. Of course they do not call them fascism, although some of them frankly see the resemblance. But they are not disturbed, because they know that they will never burn books, they will never hound the Jews or the Negroes, they will never resort to assassination and suppression. What will turn up in their hands will be a very genteel and dainty and pleasant form of fascism which cannot be called fascism at all because it will be so virtuous and polite." (As We Go Marching [Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran  Co., 1944], pp. 252-255.)

In 1969, at the height of the so-called Sixties, a New Right essayist – alarmed, apparently, that Jane Fonda still enjoyed freedom of speech and that college administrators were too spineless to have the police clear student radicals out of their offices – called for "some variety of expediential fascism":

"The very nature of the situation creates competing codes and doctrines extreme in content and alien to the balancing compromises of liberal polity. The stringent demands of such a rudimentary struggle of power and ideas invites political approaches that are totalitarian in nature: not quite in the original fascist sense that puts all aspects of life under the aegis of political authority, at least in the general sense that political theory can no longer restrict itself to general conditions and procedural rules, but must offer a comprehensive, authoritative resolution of a number of specific political and social questions." 
(Donald Atwell Zoll, "Shall We Let America Die?", National Review, December 16, 1969, pp. 12-62-1263, italics added.)

The phrase emphasized above ("political theory can no longer restrict itself to general conditions and procedural rules") abolishes constitutions and expresses the long-standing wish of some "conservatives" for a Government of National Emergency. FDR and Truman taught them well. National Review lives in a mental state of siege. There may be no antidote for it, but the following quotations may be of some use:

"Perhaps it is a universal truth that the loss of liberty at 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [usa-tesla] Osama Bin Laden seems to be a Devil Worshiper

2001-09-25 Thread Dr. Kathleen Lewis

-Caveat Lector-

On 25 Sep 2001 at 14:06, thew wrote:

 Where does the devil enter into this?
 -- --- -

I dunno - it wasn't my title - I just forwarded the article.--

Best Wishes
Men are whipped oftenest who are whipped easiest. -Fredrick
Most people who are murdered worldwide each year did not have
access to
a firearm. Be safe, pick one up today  join the NRA!
Most reporters are very sympathetic to gun-control agendas and will
or lie outright about facts to promote them. - DENNIS CAUCHON,
No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.
-Thomas Jefferson, Proposed Virginia Constitution (1776).
No kingdom can be secured otherwise than by arming the people.
possession of arms is the distinction between a freeman and a
slave. He
who has nothing, and who himself belongs to another, must be
defended by
him, whose property he is, and needs no arms. But he, who things
he is
his own master, and has what he can call his own, ought to have
arms to
defend himself, and what he possesses; also he lives precariously,
at discretion.
-James Burgh, Political Disquisitions: Or, an Enquiry into Public
Errors, Defects, and Abuses, London, 1774
None but an armed nation can dispense with a standing army. To
keep ours
armed and disciplined is therefore at all times important.
-Thomas Jefferson, Third President of the United States, 1803
Not everyone with a gun is a bad guy. Not everyone without one is a
good guy. A bad guy without a gun can still do a hell of a lot of
damage. A good guy without a gun can't always stop it from
- Arthur C. Clarke  Michael Kube-McDowell in The Trigger, 1999,
p. 441
(paperback edition)
One loves to possess arms, though they hope never to have
occasion for
-Thomas Jefferson, Third President of the United States To George
Washington, 1796
One of the ordinary modes, by which tyrants accomplish their
without resistance is, by disarming the people, and making it an
to keep arms. -Joseph Story, U.S. Supreme Court Justice, 1811 -
People who object to weapons aren't abolishing violence, they're
for rule by brute force, when the biggest, strongest animals among
were always automatically 'right.' Guns ended that, and social
is a hollow farce without an armed populace to make it work.
-L. Neil Smith, _The Probability Broach_
Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.
-Mao Tse-Tung (1893-1976)
Q.  What do you call a society where the government has all the

A.  A police state.
Quemadmoeum gladis nemeinum occidit, occidentis telum est  (A
sword is
never a killer, it's a tool in the killer's hands)
~ Lucius Annaeus Seneca the younger ca.(4 BC - 65 AD)
R.J. Rummel's book, Death by Government (ISBN 1-56000-145-3),
that during the 20th Century, in countries where only the police and
military may own military-style assault weapons, about 4,650
citizens were killed PER DAY by their OWN police and military.
Even after adjusting for the fact that the U.S. is only about 1/25th
world population, and even if you include all other firearms (which
much more commonly used by criminals than the 'evil' assault
weapons), a
20th Century Earthling still was about five times more likely to be
killed by his government, than by a criminal. Failure to grasp this
simple truth reveals that the enlightened among us who want to
compromise, and develop reasonable further gun control laws...
~ Anonymous
Rifles, muskets, long-bows and hand-grenades are inherently
weapons. A complex weapon makes the strong stronger, while a
weapon -- so long as there is no answer to it -- gives claws to the
weak.  ~ George Orwell
Taking a long view of history, we may say that anyone who lays
down his
arms deserves whatever he gets. -Jeff Cooper
That don't bring nobody to mind. A funny lip? --someone.
Wasn't always like that. I shot 'im in it. --John Wayne.
In the lower lip? What was you aimin' at? --someone.
His upper lip. --John Wayne.
-from _True Grit_
[The American Colonies are] all democratic governments, where
the power
is in the hands of the people and where there is not the least
difficulty or jealousy about putting arms into the hands of every man
the country.  [European countries should not] be ignorant of the
strength and the force of such a form of government and how
and almost wonderfully people living under one have sometimes
themselves in defense of their rights and liberties and how fatally it
quarrels, wars and contests with them.
-George Mason, United States Congress
From Remarks on Annual Elections for the Fairfax Independent
quoted from the Papers of George Mason, 1725-1792 edited by
Robert A.
Rutland, 1970
The balance of power is the scale of peace. The same balance
would be
preserved were all the world destitute of arms, for all would be alike;
but since some will not, others dare not lay 

Re: [CTRL] Flight 93 Questions

2001-09-25 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/25/01 11:09:02 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   I don't think they were shot down, although that would have
been the perfect way to solve the problem.  I think it was when they found
out what happened in NYC that they decided they would rather die to prevent
another horror than to be part of one.  In particular, I've wondered if the
terrorists were heading for Shippensburg, a nuclear facility.  The result of
that impact would have endangered the entire northeast.  I consider the
Let's roll guy and the men who rolled with him as heroes every one.  IPrudy

I agree, I don't believe they were shot down by our airforce either. If the
air force had shot them down, the government would have told us that they
had. Plus, the debris field would have indicated that it was not an ordinary

Unless the law enforcement people turn some evidence indicating what the
target was, we will never know for sure. But a nuke plant wouldn't be out of
the question.

Papers, Bitte

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[CTRL] Afghani Energy A Motive?

2001-09-25 Thread William Shannon

Afghanistan's significance from an energy standpoint stems from its geographical position as a potential transit route for oil and natural gas exports from Central Asia to the Arabian Sea. This potential includes proposed multi-billion-dollar oil and gas export pipelines through Afghanistan, although these plans have now been thrown into serious question . . . On November 29, 1999, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan issued a report on Afghanistan which listed the country's major problems as follows: civil war (which has caused many casualties and refugees, and which has devastated the country's economy), record opium production, wide-scale human rights violations, and food shortages caused in part by drought. According to the 2000 CIA World Factbook, Afghanistan is an extremely poor, landlocked country, highly dependent on farming and livestock raising (sheep and goats). Currently, the country is experiencing a severe drought . . . The Soviets had estimated Afghanistan's proven and probable natural gas reserves at up to 5 trillion cubic feet. Afghan gas production reached 275 million cubic feet per day in the mid-1970s. However, due to declining reserves from producing fields, output gradually fell to about 220 Mmcf/d by 1980 . . . Soviet estimates from the late 1970s placed Afghanistan's proven and probable oil and condensate reserves at 95 million barrels. Despite plans to start commercial oil production in Afghanistan, all oil exploration and development work were halted after the 1979 Soviet invasion. Afghanistan's various provinces receive refined products from neighboring countries . . . Besides oil and gas, Afghanistan also is estimated to have significant coal reserves (probable reserves of 400 million tons) . . .

Re: [CTRL] Just wondering

2001-09-25 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/25/01 11:18:19 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 No not Monica's unless you blame the poor chick for choosing lousy

That too.

Remember Klinton's lawyers went after her like she was a beer bar bimbo,
publicly. They did their best to discredit her.


Papers, Bitte

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[CTRL] (Un)FreeRepublic.com

2001-09-25 Thread William Shannon

Unfree Republic

by Jeff Elkins

Let the stench of Middle East flesh reach Paradise reassuring them that these filth have gone to hell permanently."

The quote above is representative of many posted on the FreeRepublic.com site in the wake of the WTC attack, and unfortunately its like is not uncommon elsewhere. Americans are angry, predictably and rightly so, but just as predictable are the side effects. As always, that righteous anger will be accepted as a beloved gift by the state and molded into tools of oppression. 

It’s funny how that works. Every single state-sponsored war the US has become embroiled in has resulted in an inexorable increase in the power of the state.

It’s also funny that it’s always assumed that human behavior in the past has no relation to how we behave today. Why those people were old-fashioned, we’re modern, educated, etc.

The beginning of this repeating pattern has already become public with the establishment of the Department of Homeland Security. It has an ominous sound, that name, almost Germanic. (I can’t wait to see the uniforms.)

On April 13, 1917, days after our entry into World War One, President Wilson created the Committee on Public Information to promote the war domestically while publicizing American war aims abroad. Bush has replicated that step, with this new cabinet-level department.

Under the leadership of journalistic muckraker George Creel, the CPI was a propaganda apparatus unparalleled at that point in world history. The CPI functioned as a de facto public censor, vetting nearly all published material about the war and helping to draft legislation such as the Espionage Act of 1917 and the Sedition Act of 1918. In the months prior to our entry into the war and especially after our entry when they were nearly criminal, antiwar viewpoints were rarely heard.

The same pattern emerges now: Penn. Gov. Tom Ridge will be President Bush’s George Creel, and just as in those dim days of yesteryear, he’ll have plenty of willing civilian accomplices. And after all, there’s so much more to censor -- Ridge will need all the help he can get. In seeking warriors for the front line of Internet censorship, Ridge needs look no farther than FreeRepublic.com. The atmosphere there is now poisonous.

Again, look back to Wilson's CPI. It encouraged businesses to spy on their employees, parents to spy on their children, children to spy on their parents, neighbors to spy on neighbors, and above all to report "disloyal," pro-German sentiments. State authorities banned the teaching of German in schools and changed German street names. As the madness mounted, those regarded as pro-German were hounded from their jobs, pressured to change their German names, beaten, and in a few cases lynched. Almost all cases of violence, while incited by the state, were carried out by "civilians" in the grip of war hysteria.

Along with this anti-German hysteria, Congress passed several measures designed to rigidly suppress criticism of the war. In particular, the Espionage Act, passed in June 1917, specified a fine of $10,000 or twenty years in prison for "whoever, when the United States is at war, shall willfully obstruct the recruiting or enlistment service of the United States, and whoever, when the United States is at war, shall willfully utter, print, write, or publish any disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language about the form of government of the United States, or the military or naval forces of the United States, or the flag." 

The Espionage Act was very popular in its day. It was cheered on by mindless lemmings under the influence of state propaganda. Their great grandchildren now inhabit FreeRepublic.com, viciously attacking anyone who questions the wisdom of the state.

Our Congress is considering similar measures under the rubric of "anti-terrorism," and as it was at the beginning of the 20th Century, the FreeRepublic lemmings of the 21st are cheering the morally corrupt politicians along. 

It’s not just message posters on the site. The management of FreeRepublic has instituted a "loose lips sink ships" campaign, with new moderators patrolling the forum to delete posts that in their opinion are detrimental to the "war effort."

The FreeRepublic mission statement claims "We're working to roll back decades of governmental largesse, to root out political fraud and corruption, and to champion causes which further conservatism in America."

Sanctimonious hogwash. Everything old is new again – the keyboard warriors of FreeRepublic would be right at home in 1917 shilling for Wilson. 

Re: [CTRL] The Obscure Goat Story Of 9/11

2001-09-25 Thread Dr. Kathleen Lewis

-Caveat Lector-

On 25 Sep 2001 at 13:59, William Shannon wrote:

.  * Webster's Dictionary, 1913 [underlining added]. **
  Roget's Thesaurus, 1911, search results  for somber

 Now it appears that the somber reaction of President Bush is
perhaps more
 revealing than at first glimpse.  If the President briefly turned
 and spoke briefly and somberly about the terrorist attacks, then
 reporters were describing both his demeanor and speech as being
 obscure, dark,  unreal, without light, and suspicious.  Was this a
 word of description, or were they accurately reporting what they
saw and


I guarantee this is more current than the 1913 version you quoted.
I'm sure it isn't news to you that the meanings of words changes
over time.

Main Entry: som·ber
Variant(s): or som·bre  /'säm-br/
Function:   adjective
Etymology:  French sombre
Date:   1760
1 : so shaded as to be dark and gloomy

**2 a : of a serious mien : GRAVE b : of a dismal or depressing
character : MELANCHOLY c : conveying gloomy suggestions or
ideas **

3 : of a dull or heavy cast or shade : dark colored
- som·ber·ly adverb
- som·ber·ness noun

My assessment is that the writer was describing his speech and
demeanor as serious, grave (maybe even melancholy). --

Best Wishes
Men are whipped oftenest who are whipped easiest. -Fredrick
Most people who are murdered worldwide each year did not have
access to
a firearm. Be safe, pick one up today  join the NRA!
Most reporters are very sympathetic to gun-control agendas and will
or lie outright about facts to promote them. - DENNIS CAUCHON,
No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.
-Thomas Jefferson, Proposed Virginia Constitution (1776).
No kingdom can be secured otherwise than by arming the people.
possession of arms is the distinction between a freeman and a
slave. He
who has nothing, and who himself belongs to another, must be
defended by
him, whose property he is, and needs no arms. But he, who things
he is
his own master, and has what he can call his own, ought to have
arms to
defend himself, and what he possesses; also he lives precariously,
at discretion.
-James Burgh, Political Disquisitions: Or, an Enquiry into Public
Errors, Defects, and Abuses, London, 1774
None but an armed nation can dispense with a standing army. To
keep ours
armed and disciplined is therefore at all times important.
-Thomas Jefferson, Third President of the United States, 1803
Not everyone with a gun is a bad guy. Not everyone without one is a
good guy. A bad guy without a gun can still do a hell of a lot of
damage. A good guy without a gun can't always stop it from
- Arthur C. Clarke  Michael Kube-McDowell in The Trigger, 1999,
p. 441
(paperback edition)
One loves to possess arms, though they hope never to have
occasion for
-Thomas Jefferson, Third President of the United States To George
Washington, 1796
One of the ordinary modes, by which tyrants accomplish their
without resistance is, by disarming the people, and making it an
to keep arms. -Joseph Story, U.S. Supreme Court Justice, 1811 -
People who object to weapons aren't abolishing violence, they're
for rule by brute force, when the biggest, strongest animals among
were always automatically 'right.' Guns ended that, and social
is a hollow farce without an armed populace to make it work.
-L. Neil Smith, _The Probability Broach_
Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.
-Mao Tse-Tung (1893-1976)
Q.  What do you call a society where the government has all the

A.  A police state.
Quemadmoeum gladis nemeinum occidit, occidentis telum est  (A
sword is
never a killer, it's a tool in the killer's hands)
~ Lucius Annaeus Seneca the younger ca.(4 BC - 65 AD)
R.J. Rummel's book, Death by Government (ISBN 1-56000-145-3),
that during the 20th Century, in countries where only the police and
military may own military-style assault weapons, about 4,650
citizens were killed PER DAY by their OWN police and military.
Even after adjusting for the fact that the U.S. is only about 1/25th
world population, and even if you include all other firearms (which
much more commonly used by criminals than the 'evil' assault
weapons), a
20th Century Earthling still was about five times more likely to be
killed by his government, than by a criminal. Failure to grasp this
simple truth reveals that the enlightened among us who want to
compromise, and develop reasonable further gun control laws...
~ Anonymous
Rifles, muskets, long-bows and hand-grenades are inherently
weapons. A complex weapon makes the strong stronger, while a
weapon -- so long as there is no answer to it -- gives claws to the
weak.  ~ George Orwell
Taking a long view of history, we may say that anyone who lays
down his
arms deserves whatever he 

[CTRL] Long Live King George IV

2001-09-25 Thread William Shannon

Long Live King George IV
by MacKenzie Paine

Welcome to the new America! The America heralded in by King George IV. Our King is mobilizing tens of thousands of our men to go to bloody battle in our name against an, as yet, unidentified enemy. Makes sense-at least to Americans who have been deliberately conditioned to wage war against innocents, obliterate entire cities in hellish firestorms, burn little kids with napalm, shove our heel against the throats of a million Iraqis until they starve to death, finance and endorse more than 50 years of terror and tyranny in Palestine and generally tell a complaining world to bug off. We're Americans! We are so powerful that we cannot seem to control ourselves. We lust to exercise our power. Never mind that we have no idea who the enemy really is-let's go bomb the living daylights out of some cities to let the world know that we won't tolerate the same being done to us.

Our Court Jesters in the media are clamoring for war and with indulgent smiles advising Americans that some of our rights will need to be curtailed for our own security. Some government officials are suggesting that our freedoms were partly responsible for Tuesday's horrific tragedy. Come again? Our Federal government is supposed to provide for the common defense. They obviously blew that job, and are vowing revenge, most notably against some guy in Afghanistan who no one seems to be able to find, but we have to give up our domestic rights? If this guy in Afghanistan was the master mind of this disaster, if a foreign government sponsored this attack, then why is our government tapping our phones, monitoring our email, limiting our travel, arresting people based on ethnicity and generally creating what looks more and more like a police state?

Frankly, I don't like the idea of the FBI, CIA, etc., nosing around in my private affairs. I don't get a warm, fuzzy feeling when I hear politicians talk about our freedoms as if they're a danger to us. REAL Americans, those who uphold the Constitution and honor the principles on which our country was founded, are quite capable of taking care of themselves. It would seem our government is the one we need protection from.

More than 60 years of the most dismal, decadent, misguided foreign policy, directed by our engorged Federal Government, has brought this calamity down on our heads-not our Constitution, not our Declaration of Independence, not our Bill of Rights, not the First Amendment nor the Second Amendment. Billions upon billions of our dollars have been spread around the world to coerce foreign governments to act against the will of their people. Billions upon billions of our dollars have been spent to arm, train and assist tyrants. Who knows how many billions have been spent buying our politicians, and thus our freedom!

Instead of curtailing our freedoms, why don't we do some housecleaning in our government and media? All the talking heads who shouted fire in the theater, immediately blaming Arabs for Tuesday's atrocities before the fires had even been put out should be fired for their irresponsibility. The government officials who want to limit our freedoms even **slightly** should be bounced. They took an oath to uphold our Constitution, not trash it at the first sign of trouble. Finally, any government official who slaves to lobbies of foreign nations, both real and imagined, should be labeled traitors and sent packing. This is the United States of America. Period. Our Constitution and our liberties come FIRST, always. No ifs, ands or buts about it.

Instead, however, it looks like King George and his Court are going to send our nation's best to slaughter and be slaughtered. The Jesters in our media will keep us entertained with phony patriotism and twisted reporting. We'll sing God Bless America as we do the Devil's work. Surely, our Founding Fathers are turning in their graves.

Long live King George IV.

Re: [CTRL] Flight 93 Questions

2001-09-25 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/25/01 1:22:48 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I agree, I don't believe they were shot down by our airforce either. If the
  air force had shot them down, the government would have told us that they
  had. Plus, the debris field would have indicated that it was not an

  You sure trust in the honesty of government  As for the debris field,
debris from the plane was found up to eight miles from the crash.  Locals
reported seeing debris that was on fire falling from the sky.


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[CTRL] Evidence That Bin Laden Islamic World Behind WTC Attack

2001-09-25 Thread William Shannon


Er, George Bush says so.

Er, Colin Powell says so.

Er, the FBI and CIA, two of the most corrupt organisations on the planet, say so.

The hijackers were "Arabic".
Hitler was Austrian, so does that mean that the Second World War and the Nazi regime was orchestrated from Vienna and not Berlin, then?

The Illuminati use operatives from all over the world, many of them fundamentally mind controlled, to carry out their grotesque agenda. And if you were planning to blame the whole thing on bin Laden and Islam would you use blond-haired, blue-eyed, Americans to do the job??

A copy of the Koran and an instruction video on how to fly commerical aircraft were found in an abandoned hire car at Boston airport.

Lies, lies, lies, and an indication of the Illuminati's contempt for the intelligence of most of the population. First of all why would a hi-jacker take a VIDEO with him to the airport knowing he was never coming back? What did he do, play it in the car to give him a last minute run through???

Unbelievable. And of course the Koran just had to be there to further implant the "It was the Arabs" spin on the public mind.

The passport of one of the hijackers has been found in the rubble of the World Trade Center. WHAT? What are passports made of? Paper. Did you see what happened to that plane when it struck the building?? What are the chances, I ask you, of finding a paper passport from an exploded plane under the rubble of one of the biggest buildings in the world?

Pictures of cheering Arabs prove that they were all delighted with what happened. Ignore the fact that celebrations were already planned due to a Palestinian holiday.

Re: [CTRL] The Obscure Goat Story Of 9/11

2001-09-25 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/25/01 12:59:54 PM Central Daylight Time,

  Does anyone else see that this
  Presidential reaction was out of place and doesn't fit the

  His reaction seems to imply that this was not fresh news to him, but more

  a confirmation of what he might have already known about. Watch and

  Agreed - very few people who came on the TV that day seemed to show a level
of surprise and disorientation I would have expected.


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Re: [CTRL] Just wondering

2001-09-25 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 09/24/2001 2:32:44 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Bubba wasn't discreet, Bubba tried to trash Monica's reputation, and at the
 end, she was afraid he was going to have her killed. And if that wasn't
 enough, he lied to the American people about his affair, and then lied to his
 lawyer, and lied under oath about it. Yes, this is stupid, but not a minor

I got the distinct impression that Bubba was trying to save Monica's
reputation, but the Republicans weren't going to allow it.  If she was afraid
she would be killed, I'll bet it wasn't Bubba she was afraid of.   As for
that terrible lie you all go on so about, as the old preacher on C-SPAN said.
 There's a big difference between sex and sodomy.  Prudy

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[CTRL] E-Bomb

2001-09-25 Thread William Shannon


In the blink of an eye, electromagnetic bombs could throw civilization back 200 years. And terrorists can build them for $400.  


The next Pearl Harbor will not announce itself with a searing flash of nuclear light or with the plaintive wails of those dying of Ebola or its genetically engineered twin. You will hear a sharp crack in the distance. By the time you mistakenly identify this sound as an innocent clap of thunder, the civilized world will have become unhinged. Fluorescent lights and television sets will glow eerily bright, despite being turned off. The aroma of ozone mixed with smoldering plastic will seep from outlet covers as electric wires arc and telephone lines melt. Your Palm Pilot and MP3 player will feel warm to the touch, their batteries overloaded. Your computer, and every bit of data on it, will be toast. And then you will notice that the world sounds different too. The background music of civilization, the whirl of internal-combustion engines, will have stopped. Save a few diesels, engines will never start again. You, however, will remain unharmed, as you find yourself thrust backward 200 years, to a time when electricity meant a lightning bolt fracturing the night sky. This is not a hypothetical, son-of-Y2K scenario. It is a realistic assessment of the damage the Pentagon believes could be inflicted by a new generation of weapons--E-bombs.

The first major test of an American electromagnetic bomb is scheduled for next year. Ultimately, the Army hopes to use E-bomb technology to explode artillery shells in midflight. The Navy wants to use the E-bomb's high-power microwave pulses to neutralize antiship missiles. And, the Air Force plans to equip its bombers, strike fighters, cruise missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles with E-bomb capabilities. When fielded, these will be among the most technologically sophisticated weapons the U.S. military establishment has ever built.

There is, however, another part to the E-bomb story, one that military planners are reluctant to discuss. While American versions of these weapons are based on advanced technologies, terrorists could use a less expensive, low-tech approach to create the same destructive power. "Any nation with even a 1940s technology base could make them," says Carlo Kopp, an Australian-based expert on high-tech warfare. "The threat of E-bomb proliferation is very real." POPULAR MECHANICS estimates a basic weapon could be built for $400.

An Old Idea Made New

The theory behind the E-bomb was proposed in 1925 by physicist Arthur H. Compton--not to build weapons, but to study atoms. Compton demonstrated that firing a stream of highly energetic photons into atoms that have a low atomic number causes them to eject a stream of electrons. Physics students know this phenomenon as the Compton Effect. It became a key tool in unlocking the secrets of the atom.

Ironically, this nuclear research led to an unexpected demonstration of the power of the Compton Effect, and spawned a new type of weapon. In 1958, nuclear weapons designers ignited hydrogen bombs high over the Pacific Ocean. The detonations created bursts of gamma rays that, upon striking the oxygen and nitrogen in the atmosphere, released a tsunami of electrons that spread for hundreds of miles. Street lights were blown out in Hawaii and radio navigation was disrupted for 18 hours, as far away as Australia. The United States set out to learn how to "harden" electronics against this electromagnetic pulse (EMP) and develop EMP weapons.

America has remained at the forefront of EMP weapons development. Although much of this work is classified, it's believed that current efforts are based on using high-temperature superconductors to create intense magnetic fields. What worries terrorism experts is an idea the United States studied but discarded--the Flux Compression Generator (FCG).

A Poor Man's E-Bomb

An FCG is an astoundingly simple weapon. It consists of an explosives-packed tube placed inside a slightly larger copper coil, as shown below. The instant before the chemical explosive is detonated, the coil is energized by a bank of capacitors, creating a magnetic field. The explosive charge detonates from the rear forward. As the tube flares outward it touches the edge of the coil, thereby creating a moving short circuit. "The propagating short has the effect of compressing the magnetic field while reducing the inductance of the stator [coil]," says Kopp. "The result is that FCGs will produce a ramping current pulse, which breaks before the final disintegration of the device. Published results suggest ramp times of tens of hundreds of microseconds and peak currents of tens of millions of amps." The pulse that emerges makes a lightning bolt seem like a flashbulb by comparison.

An Air Force spokesman, who describes this effect as similar to a lightning strike, points out that electronics systems can be protected 

Re: [CTRL] Bush's Orwellian Address

2001-09-25 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 09/24/2001 3:39:19 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Seventeen years later than expected, 1984 has arrived. In his address to
 Congress Thursday, George Bush effectively declared permanent war -- war
 without temporal or geographic limits; war without clear goals; war against a
 vaguely defined and constantly shifting enemy. Today it's Al-Qaida; tomorrow
 it may be Afghanistan; next year, it could be Iraq or Cuba or Chechnya. 

Not only there.  In his early statements, it sounded like he was going after
all terrorists everywhere.  If Claire Sterling is right, he'd better get some
troops to Ireland for starters.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] Evidence That Bin Laden Islamic World Behind WTC Attack

2001-09-25 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/25/01 1:46:04 PM Central Daylight Time,

  Er, George Bush says so.

  Er, Colin Powell says so.

  Er, the FBI and CIA, two of the most corrupt organisations on the planet,

  LOL!!  I'm a BELIEVER!!


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Depleted Uranium Shells In Bush's War?

2001-09-25 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 09/24/2001 3:48:45 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 A spokesman for the United States Defence Department confirmed that depleted
 uranium shells were widely used in America's armed forces. The department
 refused to take any action after a Pentagon report found no link between
 depleted uranium and cancer.  

Oh thanks for our renewed confidence.  Nothing pleases me more than to know
the Pentagon has issued a report on depleted uranium and cancer.  Our allies
will be ever so willing to help us, and our own troops will know they are
receiving every consideration.  Prudy

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Sharon's Olive Branch

2001-09-25 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 09/25/2001 1:54:43 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Sharon promises Palestinians statehood
 From David Horovitz, in Jerusalem
 A day after he blocked ceasefire talks between his Foreign Minister,
 Mr Shimon Peres, and the Palestinian Authority President Mr Yasser
 Arafat, the Israeli Prime Minister Mr Ariel Sharon yesterday issued
 an extraordinary endorsement of independent Palestinian statehood,
 but said the Palestinians first had to stop the terrorism, to live
 in peace, to live in calm. 

Tell us more about how wonderful Mr. Sharon is, and how he truly loves
Moslems and wants them to happy.  It makes me feel so good about him, and I'm
sure the Palestinians like to hear it too.  We need humor in this time of
trial.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Sharon Says Britain Is Run By Anti-Semites : Angry That Bla...

2001-09-25 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 09/25/2001 12:25:57 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Sharon Says Britain Is Run By Anti-Semites
 Angry That Blair's Government Would Dare Seek Rapproachement With Iran

 9/25/01 11:38:47 AM
 LSN Staff

 London, England -- Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon today denounced the
 government of Britain
 as being run by anti-Semites after the British Foreign Minister stated,
 of the factors that helps breed terrorism is the anger that many people in
 region feel at events over the years in Palestine.

 That's all.  All the British guy had to do was suggest that some people in
 Middle East might be a little angry about events . 

Well then Sharon should love us.  It looks like we're taking hits because we
would never say that anyone could be upset over the treatment of the
Palestinians.  He's got to be pleased with us.  Prudy

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[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: What Now?

2001-09-25 Thread William Shannon

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From: John Gunderson [EMAIL PROTECTED]


What Now?
by John Keller

Try this simple thought experiment. First, build a house. Make
it a nice two-story brick house with a two-car garage and a basement. Can't
do it? Well, get help (and money) and watch it being built. It takes dozens
of men months to build. A concrete crew, carpenters, roofers, electricians,
plumbers, finish carpenters, brick masons, and more are needed. Now that
your $200,000 house (adjust regionally as needed) is built, go buy a gas
can, 6 gallons of gas, and a cheap lighter. Pour the gas liberally onto the
exposed studs in the basement, and throughout the first floor. Light it with
your lighter, move a safe distance away, and watch months of labor by dozens
of men destroyed in a few minutes, with $20 worth of equipment and no plan
beyond a few sentences.

Now try this thought experiment. How could terrorists create
riots and mass panic across America now that the airline industry is safe?
Easy. Steal a few eighteen-wheelers, pack on the ammonium nitrate and fuel,
and blast away at the beltway cloverleaves in Washington, Los Angeles,
Chicago, Atlanta, and pretty much any major city during rush hour. Then leak
a press release to AFP from Mujahadeen Liberation Front claiming to have
seeded the air with Anthrax from small private planes on all those stranded
motorists. Don't even bother with the Anthrax, just put out the press
release. Sound far fetched? Maybe it would work, maybe it wouldn't. This is
just a thought experiment to illustrate a simple point: an Internet hack can
come up with a plan to terrorize an entire country, shut down the economy,
create mass rioting and price gouging with a few stolen rigs, some garden
variety explosives, and some committed individuals willing to carry it out.
Before you get all worked up and send nasty email thanking me for giving the
terrorists new ideas, read a little Tom Clancy and realize that I'm not all
that creative.

Why does the world work this way? In a word: Entropy. Physicists
use the term to describe the way things progress from order to disorder
under normal circumstances. This is why your room never cleaned itself when
you were a kid. This is why that broken VCR gathering cobwebs in the garage
doesn't just up and fix itself. This is why in our previous thought
experiment, we easily destroy a house it took months of hard work to build.
This is why a group of two-dozen committed terrorists who thought out,
planned, trained, and observed could wreak mass destruction without a huge
support network, fancy equipment, foreign government support, or a lot of
money. As an aside, this is why a missile defense will never work.

After World War I, the French built the Maginot Line. An
impregnable set of defense fortresses ready to fend off a World War I style
German invasion. Hitler and his generals blitzed around it via the Low
Countries, and the Panzers rolled into Paris June 14, 1940, just over a
month after the blitz started. The blitz was something different, something
unexpected. The USS Cole was fueling up in a Yemeni port. Launch a
multi-million dollar ship-killer missile at an American warship like the USS
Cole, and it has defense systems to knock it out and retaliate against the
launcher. Two guys in a rubber dinghy packed with explosives motored up,
saluted, and nearly sent it to the bottom. That was something different.
September 11, 2001. The terrorists used knives and box cutters to take over
the planes; they probably could have used flint arrowheads. They knew the
response to a hijacking: give in to the demands, land where they tell you,
and let the professionals negotiate; you'll live. This time it was

Security is reactive by nature; it can only counter threats it
has seen before. There is no conceivable way to defend against every kind of
attack imaginable, so we try to deter the kinds that might happen based on
past experiences. Only problem is, the government is now busy deterring an
old attack. The terrorists knew that their jetliner as bomb attack was most
likely a one-time assault. They won't use it again. From the World Trade
Center to those tricky Greeks with their wooden-horse gifts, new tactics
work because we haven't seen them before. Put extra safety precautions on
every jetliner, triple scan every package, strip search every passenger, and
the terrorists will throw a bomb with a GPS tracker into an empty boxcar,
and let it blow as it rolls by an oil refinery outside Philadelphia or
Houston. We won't protect 

[CTRL] SMH: The Afghan rebel whose warnings the US ignored

2001-09-25 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


The Afghan rebel whose warnings the US ignored

Washington has now realised that in quietly endorsing the Taliban seven
years ago, it was backing the wrong camp, writes Amin Saikal.

The crisis in the United States might have been avoided had Washington
heeded the now-slain leader of the Afghan anti-Taliban forces, the
legendary Commander Ahmed Shah Massoud, who repeatedly warned that the
triangular alliance between the Taliban, Osama bin Laden and Pakistan was
turning Afghanistan into a major menace against world stability.

Washington's failure to help Massoud cost both him and the US dearly.
Massoud died in a suicide bombing attack by two Arabs on September 9. The
assassination was apparently organised by bin Laden. Two days later the US
fell victim to the worst terrorist attacks in history. Why did the US fail
to act earlier over Afghanistan, and is it now able to act responsibly to
address the root causes of the crisis?

The bin Laden-Taliban-Pakistan (or more specifically Pakistan's military
intelligence - ISI) alliance is not a new development. It dates to mid-1994
when Pakistan orchestrated the extremist Taliban militia as the most
appropriate force to secure a compliant government in post-communist
Afghanistan. At the time, the ISI and CIA were close allies, and the US
quietly endorsed the Taliban's entry onto the Afghan scene with Pakistan's
military and logistical support (and Saudi and United Arab Emirates
financial backing because the latter states wanted an anti-Iranian leverage
in Afghanistan).

The US also showed no qualms when bin Laden threw the weight of his wealth
and Arab connections behind the Taliban and moved into Afghanistan in 1996.

Washington viewed the anti-Iranian character of the Taliban, and their
purported ability to secure a direct corridor through Afghanistan into the
newly independent but resource-rich former Soviet Central Asian Muslim
republics, as beneficial. It paid no attention to the possible medium- to
long-term consequences.

Even after the Taliban takeover of Kabul in mid-1996, Washington ignored
Massoud's bitter complaint that an ugly and dangerous alliance was
developing between Arab and non-Arab groups, and refused to provide him
with the necessary help to combat a complete Taliban takeover of

If it had not been for bin Laden's masterminding the bombing of US
embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in August 1998, Washington might have
continued to overlook all of bin Laden's anti-US postures and the Taliban's
human rights violations. Although it launched a retaliatory cruise missile
attack on bin Laden's training camps in Afghanistan, Washington continued
to pursue a policy of no support to any Afghan faction. It overlooked the
fact that bin Laden's money and Arab and Pakistani recruits were rapidly
changing the balance against the moderate Islamic government of
Afghanistan, whom Massoud and his Northern Alliance represented and which
still occupied Afghanistan's seat at the United Nations.

It refrained from naming Pakistan as a state sponsoring terrorism, or
putting maximum pressure on Pakistani governments to rein in the ISI and to
close its territory as the only outlet through which bin Laden, his
associates and their Taliban protectors could get in and out of

The Clinton Administration seemed deterred by the view that too much
pressure on Pakistan, both bankrupt and nuclear-armed, might lead the
country to implode, with serious consequences. Its attempts from last year
to co-ordinate policies with Moscow and New Delhi to pressure the Taliban
to curb narcotics production and hand over bin Laden proved to be
half-baked and too late.

By now the Taliban and their Arab and Pakistani allies had taken over most
of Afghanistan, confining Massoud to the north-eastern quarter and a few
areas north of Kabul. Massoud found it imperative, however, to continue the
resistance as the only means to a political settlement of the Afghan
conflict. He expanded the resistance and, with some financial assistance
and arms from India, Iran and Russia, was able to frustrate his opponents.
He had been the target of many Taliban-Pakistani assassination attempts,
but finally when he was ready to go on offensives, his enemies succeeded in
eliminating him.

His death is a blow to his forces, but Massoud has left a number of
excellent commanders and a solid structure to ensure the continuation of
the resistance.

Now that the US has finally come to share Massoud's cause in support of
freedom and against terror, it must act prudently not to disappoint all
those Afghans and other Muslims who applauded Massoud's stand either loudly
or quietly. Massoud's forces, now under the command of his successor,
General Qasim Fahim, are ready to help the Americans. The US must act in
concert with these forces and assist them to achieve what is required.

Its actions must have several important 

Re: [CTRL] Sharon's Olive Branch

2001-09-25 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

On 25 Sep 01, at 15:16, Prudence L. Kuhn wrote:

 Tell us more about how wonderful Mr. Sharon is,

Ah.  That's Bibi's job, making the rounds between the Congress and
the media this week.


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Re: [CTRL] Evidence That Bin Laden Islamic World Behind WTC Attack

2001-09-25 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Ah so - you forgot, the ADL and Bnai Brith say so toothey started
the rumor before the fact?   Even Russian knew - minor prophets or just
an inside tip - wink?


Lets see now, we have two more masonic moths to go..as Hunter
pretends to chase scorpion in the sky and the Archer aways with his
little arrow?

So watch Blair be torn apart now for he is anti semite?  According to
Sharon, the semites are anti-semite.

Old War Horse should be put in pasture.find a youthful Clinton type
for that guy is still standing while the Twin Towers, fell ...so what
will be, will be.

So much for Scorpians, Scales of Justice, the Mighty Hunter who now
becomes the Hunted - and now we send our boys to be killed again, for
Zionist pigs?

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Just wondering

2001-09-25 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/25/01 11:53:00 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  There's a big difference between sex and sodomy.  Prudy 

Explain. I don't remember any references to sodomy on the part of Bubba.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Just wondering

2001-09-25 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 9/25/01 2:59:46 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Explain. I don't remember any references to sodomy on the part of Bubba.

Oral sex is sodomy too...it's not just anal sex...


Re: [CTRL] fwd: Hijackers already in cockpits according to FOXnews

2001-09-25 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

Subj:[the_octopus] Hijackers were already in the cockpits
Date:   9/25/01 2:54:28 PM Central Daylight Time


Fox News
25 September 2001

 -  Investigators believe that on at least one of the hijacked flights, one of
the terrorists was in the cockpit before takeoff. According to law
enforcement sources, cockpit voice recordings suggest that at least one of
the hijackers posed as a pilot and was given the standard courtesy of
allowing any pilot from any airline to join a flight by sitting in the

 - Law enforcement officials said they've determined through interviews with
pilots who were on flights grounded September 11 that there were about a
dozen Middle Eastern men, who have yet to be identified, on numerous flights
sitting in the jumpseats.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Starhawk interviews

2001-09-25 Thread radtimes

-Caveat Lector-

Starhawk: A Deeper Movement

What are your hopes for September 29 in Washington D.C.?

I hope we can do something there that will help us build the movement we
need to have right now - which is a bigger and broader and deeper movement
than we've ever had before.
The IMF and World Bank meeting cancellation relieves us of the need to stop
them from meeting but it doesn't make the issues go away. It doesn't change
the reasons why we were attempting to do direct action to stop the meetings
- the incredible level of structural and economic violence that has been
posed by their policies. We're in a difficult situation right now in the
United States, and in Canada I'm sure it's not that different. On one hand
it's hard to fight the tide of war hysteria. And we have a huge security
culture in the establishment that is now going to have carte blanche to do
what it wants.
But I think this event has also galvanized a lot of people who now want to
be a part of the peace movement and who now feel moved to take action;
people who haven't been active and radical before.
We can bring together those people with the anti-globalization people. We
can expand the agenda so that it's about peace and justice and start
talking about what justice really means. As a movement, we have to offer
people something. We have to put forth a positive vision of the world that
we want, along with our critique of the one that we've got.

What actions are now planned in Washington D.C.?

The Mobilization for Global Justice basically bowed out. The International
Action Center is carrying on with its march on the White House. And a new
coalition is forming around a big peace march on Sunday (September 30).
The Anti-Capitalist Convergence has just put out a really beautiful call to
action that talks about the reasons for calling off the direct actions, the
mood of the country and people's own feelings of shock and horror. The call
is to have a convergence and use the time to educate ourselves, for
dialogue and movement building. There will be a March against Hate and War
on Saturday morning (September 29). Then they will set up an autonomous
zone in a park to demonstrate the world that we want to create: providing
free food, free medical care, cultural events and a Food Not Bombs
community dinner.

A Moment in Human History


by Erin George
September 24, 2001

The earth is a living being and a conscious presence. And she wants us to

You've said that the anti-war movement has to be a peace and justice
movement. How is our justice different from the justice that George Bush
is calling for?

Justice is something that restores a balance. It's not just about revenge -
it means you have to address the causes of violence. We live in a world
that's tremendously unjust and getting more so all the time - economically,
socially, politically.
We have a system right now that doesn't allow people to have a voice in
some of the major decisions that affect us.  We've got this political
system where you vote but then you go to your work and the boss gets to
make the rules and that's somehow still a democracy. It's not a democracy
if somebody else can make decisions that take away your livelihood or your
right to safety in the workplace.
Democracy has to include the economy, otherwise it's just window dressing.
In the United States, the prime value is profit and everything else is a
side dish. Democracy has to include the prime area that we actually live in
and work in, which is the economy.
It's not a just world if 400 billionaires own as much wealth as the poorest
40 per cent of the population. It's not a just world if every individual
doesn't have the opportunity to develop their maximum creativity and
contributions to society. It's not a just system if the United States is
funding the Colombian military, which works hand-in-hand with the death
squads there. And it's not a just system if we don't admit that the
[Central Intelligence Agency] trained and funded [Osama] bin Laden in the
first place.
The United States has to take a look at [its] role as global terrorists.
And that's going to be an extremely unpopular position to take at this
moment, but I think that it's got to be said. We [Americans] have to
actually look at the reality of what we as a country have been doing. I
don't look forward to making that case to the American people. It's hard -
it's like telling someone their mother is an abuser.
And we have to actually look at Israel's assassination of political leaders
of the Palestinian opposition - that's terrorism. Israel came so close to
potential for peace and they shafted it with provocative acts, like
Sharon's, that set off anther Intifada. We can't have peace in that area of
the world unless there's a measure of justice for Palestinians.
As a Jew, I don't look forward to making that case either. I was raised in
the 1950s, when Israel was the great 

Re: [CTRL] Just wondering

2001-09-25 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/25/01 1:01:49 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Oral sex is sodomy too...it's not just anal sex... 

Wrong! We have had this discussion before.

Personalausweise, Bitte.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Al-Qaida makes new call to arms

2001-09-25 Thread Saba

Love this one - Al Qaida and Osama bin Laden make new call to arms, and
the news media around the world delivers the message?   Hey the guy is
alleged to have sent out a fax letter for same?   Now one thing about a
fax machine, no DNA, no fingerprints.

So Osama made call to arms - have you witnessed who answered - some of
them kids - these warriors - maybe 12 and 14 years old?   Laughing and
playing games.

Why not cut out the inbetween if we are going to war and drop one big
one.yet we hear the voice of Ariel Sharon and Woe to Ariel - for now
he called England,  anti semite..why because Blair laid part of this
blame at his feet.   First criticism and long past due he has received
and this over stuffed pompous old warrior, does not take that crap from

I read books - start at back and read part of front and if it is any
good, I will read the inbetween..well we know the end of this war -
why not skp the in between.

We do not know for sure who caused the World Trade Center to go
down...I have seen the one face of a terrorist, and hey that guy
looked more mixed - American Negro than Arab.colors matter.

Like Kent State - nobody knows who gave order to fire - someone just
yelled fire.
Sharon said he had the match to light the fuse.

Contract on America?   But who placed it therefor the assassins are
using a King James Bible and it is using masonic symoblismSpecial
Forces but not of our making.

Bin Laden is not this smart.so why Manhattan when they could have
put out the lights of Israel forever?   End of problem?

55 million people died in World War II and the only to benefit -



[CTRL] Annie, Get Your Keyboard!

2001-09-25 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.spinsanity.org/columns/20010716.html

Note:  Dates are hot linques; there are other linques throughout.

Ann Coulter: The Jargon Vanguard
By Brendan Nyhan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
July 16, 2001
[Email this to a friend]
The last few years have witnessed the emergence of a new class of
pundits.  Many, regrettably, are prodigies in the aggressive
political jargon that pervades our political discourse.  Perhaps the
most egregious is Ann Coulter, a nationally syndicated columnist and
cable talk show guest.  Her trendy tone of snarky cynicism is
complemented by some of the most consistently emotional, subrational
jargon in national politics, as shown by an analysis of her columns
since January 1 of this year.
Background on Coulter
Coulter is an attorney turned professional talking head who was a
major player in the conservative opposition to President Clinton.
She wrote a book on Clinton called High Crimes and Misdemeanors and
helped Paula Jones with her legal case, among other things.  Like
some others in the conservative press, Coulter's specialty has been
attacking liberals; in fact, that has been the theme of all 28 of her
columns this year (see the Townhall.com archive). Although one column
mentions her swooning for President Bush during the campaign and
that she remains doe-eyed (2/22),  it's the only one this year that
focuses on Bush.
Understanding basic Coulterism
Coulter's position at the vanguard of rhetorical manipulation makes a close analysis 
of her work worthwhile.  Let's examine the rhetorical techniques she uses, which range 
from the simple to the sophisticated.
At the basic level, her columns often open with inflammatory attacks like calling Ted 
Kennedy an adulterous drunk (1/18) and joking that President Clinton had crack 
pipes on the White House Christmas tree (3/16).  Als
o, she often brings up figures and organizations despised by the right, including 
Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin (mentioned three times in two columns [3/8, 4/5]), the 
American Civil Liberties Union (4/19, 4/26, 5/17, 6/15
), Hustler publisher Larry Flynt (1/4, 4/19, 5/17), actress/singer Barbra Streisand 
(1/4, 5/24 [omitted from Townhall.com listing], 6/28) and rapper Sister Souljah (3/29).
Most name-calling, however, is directed at Clinton, who is mentioned in 17 of her 28 
columns (that's 61% - I'll omit a links list).  Coulter calls him, among other things, 
a celebrated felon (3/29), a known felon (5/2
4), a pervert, liar and a felon (6/21), a criminal (1/11), a flim-flam artist 
(1/11) and a prominent criminal (3/29).  More extended cheap shots include a Thai 
sex tour joke (4/12), a reference to a Thai sex em
porium named after him (2/19) and this charming aside:
For the record, it is not illegal for a third party to pay legal fees. If it were, 
Bill Clinton would be bankrupt and Barbra Streisand would be in jail -- which, come to 
think of it, isn't a bad idea. (5/24)
Mean-spirited comments like this are interspersed through most of her columns.  The 
validity of the accusations against Clinton is not the point. Coulter raises his name 
over and over as an emotional red flag to her reade
Cutting-edge Coulter jargon
On a more sophisticated level, Coulter's writing is full of the sweeping 
generalizations attacking liberals that are the stock in trade of many conservative 
pundits.  These arguments take a particular case (often presente
d in a distorted way) and use it to attack all liberals, erasing any some/all 
distinction.  Here's one example from a column on the controversy over Ted Olson's 
nomination to be Solicitor General: Liberals are always wra
pping their comically irrelevant charges in a haze of lies... (5/24)  Or consider 
this dark statement in the context of a discussion about Jesse Jackson's affair: 
Liberals always get a lot of credit for suffering, while
 never actually being made to suffer. (1/25)
Coulter's world is cartoonish.  Liberals are terrorists (1/11) and a cult (2/22) 
who can never just make a principled argument (3/22). Their arguments are portrayed 
as hysterical (2/9, 4/5, 6/15), screaming (1/18, 6
/21) or starting political World War III (2/9, 3/8).  Meanwhile, as Coulter depicts 
it, conservatives are being persecuted ceaselessly.  For example, when The New York 
Times urged Bush to crack down on anti-abortion act
ivists who threaten doctors, she wrote this: [i]n their darkest fantasies, this is 
what liberals claim McCarthyism was. (4/19)
Another tactic is simply associating liberals with lists of code words: the Democratic 
message is socialism, class warfare and atheism (1/4); liberalism is the official 
government religion and is devoted to class war
fare, ethnic hatred and intolerance (6/15); God has no part in the religion 
[liberalism] of sex education, environmentalism, feminism, Marxism and loving Big 
Brother (6/15).  Coulter seems to be unaware of the irony in
 her statement that name-calling has been the principal 

[CTRL] U.S. Not Planning D-Day Invasion on Terrorism

2001-09-25 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

 U.S. Not Planning D-Day Invasion on Terrorism

By Charles Aldinger

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States will not launch a massive D-Day
invasion to win the war on terrorism, but is preparing for a long, deadly
fight following the Sept. 11 attack on America, Defense Secretary Donald
Rumsfeld said on Tuesday.

As U.S. forces intensified a major buildup within striking range of
Afghanistan (news - web sites), Rumsfeld said the war would not open with an
invasion like the 1944 allied attack on France that sparked the fall of Nazi
Germany in World War Two.

``There is not going to be a D-Day, as such, and I'm sure there will not be a
signing ceremony on the (battleship) Missouri'' such as the surrender of the
Japanese in the Pacific that ended the war, he told a Pentagon (news - web
sites) news conference.

``It will not be an antiseptic war, I regret to say. It will be difficult. It
will be dangerous. And ... the likelihood is that more people may be lost.''

The Sept. 11 hijacked plane attacks on the World Trade Center in New York and
the Pentagon in Washington have prompted the biggest U.S. mobilization since
the 1991 Gulf War (news - web sites), with heavy bombers, warships and elite
Special Operations troops moved to the Gulf, Central Asia and Indian Ocean
region near Afghanistan.

The military buildup code named ``Operation Enduring Freedom'' is in apparent
preparation for an anticipated strike on Afghanistan's Taliban rulers, who
have refused to hand over fugitive militant leader Osama bin Laden (news -
web sites), the prime suspect in the attacks that have left nearly 7,000 dead
or missing.


Rumsfeld, responding to questions from reporters, cautioned against expecting
a major invasion in President Bush (news - web sites)'s newly declared war
against terrorism.

``It is by its very nature something that cannot be dealt with by some sort
of massive attack or invasion,'' he said.

``The truth is (that) this is not about revenge. It's not about retaliation.
This is about self defense. The United States of America knows that the only
way we can defend against terrorism is by taking the fight to the
terrorists,'' he added.

``And they do not sit in a big country with big buildings and big armies and
big navies and big air forces. They live in shadows. They're all across the
globe. They're in dozens and dozens and dozens of countries. And they're
getting help from an awful lot of people who ought not to be helping them.''

The code name of the U.S. military buildup was changed to ''Operation
Enduring Freedom'' after the initial name, ``Operation Infinite Justice,''
ran into objections from some Islamic scholars on grounds that only God, or
Allah, could mete out infinite justice in their view.

With a possible U.S. attack on Afghanistan drawing closer, the Pentagon said
on Tuesday that the military had been authorized to prevent thousands of key
troops from retiring or otherwise leaving the service.

Rumsfeld authorized a ``stop loss'' order under which the services can keep
troops on duty if necessary, even if they were scheduled to retire.


The move will temporarily affect thousands of members of the 1.4
million-strong military in areas ranging from aircraft and warship crews to
air traffic control and intelligence for Washington's declared ``war on

The Air Force announced on Monday that it was preventing any member from
retiring or otherwise leaving for at least 30 days. Those already approved to
depart this month were exempted, as were people retiring because of

The Navy quickly said that said it planned a limited stop loss affecting
approximately 10,500 personnel in 11 critical specialties.

The Marine Corp planned to complete such a plan later in the week, but the
Army said it had no immediate plan to implement such an order.

In addition to the buildup, Rumsfeld has called more than 10,000 members of
the part-time military reserve and National Guard to active duty under
authorization from President Bush to activate as many as 50,000 troops.

Most of those called to date would serve in increased ''homeland defense''
efforts to protect American skies and ports. But others have joined the
buildup, including forming an ``air bridge'' of big refueling jets used to
aid the movement of heavy bombers and other warplanes toward the region near

In a major crackdown on security, defense officials have put a tight lid of
security on information about the deployment of forces, including exactly how
many aircraft and elite Special Operations troops are being moved.

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[CTRL] Examining the war plan

2001-09-25 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Examining the war plan
U.S. must create theaters of operations



Editor's note: In partnership with Stratfor, the global intelligence company,
WorldNetDaily publishes daily updates on international affairs provided by
the respected private research and analysis firm. Look for fresh updates each
afternoon, Monday through Friday. In addition, WorldNetDaily invites you to
consider STRATFOR membership, entitling you to a wealth of international
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© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

In responding to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, Washington must face an
enemy with numerous strengths while avoiding playing into the strategy of
Osama bin Laden and his backers. To achieve its goals, the United States must
create several theaters of operations, including in Afghanistan, North
America and throughout the world.

The Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon
paralyzed the New York financial markets for four days and shut down the air
transport system completely for a similar period of time. The attacks also
degraded the U.S. economy substantially, both by its direct effects on
economic activity and by its impact on public confidence.

Washington has asserted, with reason, that the attacks were organized by
al-Qaida, a group founded by Osama bin Laden. The United States must take
into account the strengths of its formidable enemy. For their part, bin
Laden's forces and Afghanistan's ruling Taliban have likely developed a war
plan to exploit the perceived weaknesses of the United States.

Several factors point to a degree of sophistication and dedication among the
attackers that is extraordinary. First, they maintained operational security
while moving personnel and large sums of money intercontinentally. They
clearly understood the parameters of U.S. technical and human intelligence
and developed methods for evading them.

Second, the selected targets were also chosen for both symbolic value and the
ability to inflict massive casualties and tremendous secondary effects. There
is no reason whatever to believe the attackers did not understand the likely
outcome of their operation.

Last, the operational security of the organization behind the attacks was not
breached after the strikes. U.S. security and intelligence services clearly
cannot be certain at this point whether other cells have been deployed in the
United States and what their missions might be. If there are additional
cells, they retain the advantage of tactical surprise at the moment. And even
if there are no additional cells, the United States must still behave as if
there are.

The goals of al-Qaida's members are essentially simple. They see the Islamic
world as occupied by non-Islamic forces, either directly or through puppet
regimes. They wish to end the occupation and unite Islam. The United States,
as the leading power in the world and the patron of many Islamic regimes, is
the center of gravity of the anti-Islamic world. If the United States can be
broken, or at least expelled from the Islamic world, other anti-Islamic
powers such as Russia, China and Israel will crumble.

Al-Qaida does not expect to destroy the United States directly. It fully
understands the severe limits on its resources. Rather, bin Laden's strategy
is to force the United States into a series of actions that will destabilize
the governments of Washington's Islamic partners and lead to their collapse.
For instance, such an outcome could occur for Islamic countries that
cooperate – due to pressure by Washington – with the U.S. campaign against

A collapse would likely force the United States into a direct occupation of
these countries, exposing U.S. forces to attacks on terrain favorable to the
enemy. In such an occupation, be it in Indonesia or Morocco, bin Laden is
confident his forces could generate an uprising against the United States
that would force its withdrawal.

Bin Laden does not believe the United States could defeat an uprising for
several reasons. First, the experience of foreign powers in suppressing mass,
popular uprisings has been poor. Second, although the United States has
important interests in the Islamic world, they are not on a scale to justify
the expense and casualties involved in a long-term occupation. Finally, bin
Laden regards the United States as morally corrupt and incapable of major
exertion in the face of adversity.

Given his views, it must be assumed that bin Laden's forces and the Taliban
have developed a two-pronged war plan. First, as the United States deploys
forces into Afghanistan, they will be attacked as targets of opportunity,
particularly in the early stages of any buildup. This 

[CTRL] Al-Qaida camps empty

2001-09-25 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Al-Qaida camps empty
Bin Laden's trainees disperse to Afghan countryside



By Jon Dougherty
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

Training camps for Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida terrorist network stand empty
throughout Afghanistan as the United States makes preparations for possible
military strikes against Kabul, reports from the region say.

According to Pakistani and Indian press sources, thousands of al-Qaida
network trainees have abandoned their terrorist training camps, dispersing
throughout the country well into areas controlled by the ruling Taliban
militia government.

Bin Laden's supporters include youth from countries as varied as Saudi
Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, Bosnia, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Yeman and Chechnya,
besides Uighur Chinese, Uzbeks and Tajiks, the Times of India said.

Meanwhile, the Taliban government has begun a mobilization of troops in
earnest for combat against U.S. forces. Defense Minister Mullah Obaidullah
said in a statement that 300,000 Afghans experienced in jihad, had been
deployed in the capital, along the borders and at other important sites.

We have instructed the whole mujahed nation to prepare themselves for jihad
and wage holy war at any time they think is necessary, Obaidullah said.

President Bush has ordered U.S. forces massed in the region following the
Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon.
Some 6,800 people are believed to have been killed in the WTC attacks.

On Sunday, the Taliban government denied knowing the whereabouts of bin
Laden, a claim readily dismissed by Washington.

Of course they know where he is, said Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.

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[CTRL] Saudi Arabia cuts ties with Taliban

2001-09-25 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Saudi Arabia cuts ties with Taliban

Click to enlarge photo
DUBAI (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia says it has cut all relations with
Afghanistan's ruling Taliban movement for continuing to harbour terrorists,
the official Saudi Press Agency reported.

The move further isolates the Taliban after the United Arab Emirates severed
ties with the movement on Saturday, giving a diplomatic boost to U.S. efforts
to press the Taliban to surrender Saudi-born dissident Osama bin Laden.

Washington has named bin Laden as a prime suspect in the September 11 terror
attacks on the United States.

Pakistan is the only country which still has formal diplomatic links with the
Taliban, although Islamabad said on Monday it had withdrawn all diplomatic
staff from Afghanistan.

Because the Taliban government did not pay attention to all the contacts and
attempts made by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to persuade it to stop
harbouring criminals and terrorists...,the government of the Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia announces cutting off all its relations with the Taliban government,
an official Saudi statement said.

It said that Saudi Arabia, birthplace of Islam, will continue to stand with
fellow Muslims in Afghanistan.

Saudi Arabia, along with the UAE and Pakistan, recognised the Taliban as
Afghanistan's government in 1997 but froze diplomatic relations a year later
in protest over the presence of bin Laden in the country.

The Afghan embassy in Riyadh is open with a staff of 10, but there is no
diplomatic representation for the Taliban in the oil-rich state.

Pakistan on Monday temporarily withdrew all staff from its embassy in the
Afghan capital for security reasons, a Pakistan Foreign Ministry spokesman

Bin Laden has denied any connection to the attacks, in which nearly 7,000
people were either killed or are missing.

The conservative kingdom stripped bin Laden of Saudi citizenship in 1994 for
his activities against the royal family.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Pakistan Says It's Keeping Ties with Taliban

2001-09-25 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Pakistan Says It's Keeping Ties with Taliban

By Adrian Croft

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Pakistan said Tuesday it would maintain diplomatic
links with Afghanistan (news - web sites)'s ruling Taliban and warned against
foreign governments giving military aid to the movement's opponents.

``We must not make the blunder of trying to foist a government on the people
of Afghanistan,'' Foreign Minister Abdul Sattar said at a joint news
conference with a European Union (news - web sites) delegation.

Sattar, speaking hours after Saudi Arabia severed diplomatic relations with
the Taliban, said Pakistan would continue to recognize the hard-line Islamic
regime -- the only country in the world to have ties with the movement
sheltering Saudi-born militant Osama bin Laden (news - web sites).

Sattar said Pakistan, which temporarily pulled its diplomatic staff out of
Afghanistan Monday, would communicate with the Taliban leadership through
their embassy in Islamabad.

The United States has warned the Taliban they will suffer the same punishment
as bin Laden, who it has accused of involvement in the September 11 attacks
on Washington and New York, unless he and his aides are turned over.

But Sattar condemned any plan by other governments to give military aid to
the Taliban's opposition in Afghanistan. Russia has said it will support the
Northern Alliance in its campaign against the Taliban.


``Afghan groups are asking for foreign military assistance. The Northern
Alliance has said so,'' Sattar said.

``And we fear that any such decision on the part of foreign powers to give
assistance to one side or the other in Afghanistan is a recipe for great
suffering for the people of Afghanistan.''

Top European Union officials, led by Belgian Foreign Minister Louis Michel,
earlier met Pakistan's military ruler General Pervez Musharraf as part of a
whirlwind tour of Islamic countries to drum up support for a global response
to September 11 attacks on the United States.

EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana said Monday the team would visit six
predominantly Muslim nations -- Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan
and Syria.

While Musharraf was meeting the EU delegation, his army officers were locked
in talks with a U.S. team on possible war preparations.

European Commissioner for External Relations Christopher Patten told
reporters the European Union recognized the need to give Pakistan quick
assistance for its economic reforms and talks would continue.

But he said the EU delegation could not put a price tag on the separate
humanitarian aid that would be needed to meet the needs of Afghans because of
the looming crisis.

Solana said the team would discuss what military contribution, if any, the
countries they would visit might be willing to make to the U.S.-led campaign.
But he said it would urge them to ``come together'' against a common threat,
which he said was terrorism.


Reuters Photo

``We want to make it absolutely clear that the campaign against terrorism ...
is a campaign for the whole world,'' Patten told reporters aboard the plane
flying the EU mission to Pakistan.

``It is not a question of America and Europe against Islam.''

Michel told reporters after meeting Pakistan's finance minister that the
European Union was looking at ways of developing a ``long-term'' cooperation
with Islamabad.

``We have brought a message of support, of understanding and also of help, we
think Pakistan is facing a very difficult moment,'' he said.


The flurry of diplomatic activity coincided with a highly secretive visit by
a team of about six U.S. military and other officials to pave the way for any
strike against Afghanistan.

Officials refused all comment on the team's discussions but The News said the
group, was ``assessing'' the situation and had not come to discuss
operational specifics.

``Basically, it is a mid-level U.S. military team and it has come to Pakistan
only for assessment of the situation. For deciding specifics, there will be a
senior level military team which will visit Pakistan in days to come,'' The
News quoted a senior Pakistani official as saying.

Musharraf has promised full support to the United States in its fight against
terrorism but has also underscored the limits of that help in view of a
possible backlash by Islamic groups in case of U.S. strikes on Afghanistan.

Islamic groups have threatened to hold protest marches, demonstrations and
rallies across the country to try to mobilize public opinion against any U.S.

Peaceful rallies were being held daily in the northwestern town of Peshawar
on the border with Afghanistan and several pro-Taliban Islamic leaders have
vowed jihad, or holy war, against Washington.

One group said it was already sending its fighters to the border of western
Baluchistan province to prevent U.S. attacks 

[CTRL] Bush Briefs Congressional Leaders on Terror War

2001-09-25 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Bush Briefs Congressional Leaders on Terror War

Tuesday, September 25, 2001

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President Bush briefed congressional leaders Tuesday on U.S. plans for a
long, open-ended hunt for terrorists.

Bush met with Republican and Democratic leaders over breakfast at the White
House. I think the war aims are clear, said House Minority Leader Dick
Gephardt, D-Mo. In a way, it's meeting guerrilla warfare with guerrilla
warfare, but it's also meeting it with financial efforts, and political
efforts, and diplomatic efforts. There's no one place that you can get this

At the White House, Gephardt said Bush was taking the right approach in
targeting terrorist cells rather than civilians. He said that removing the
Taliban from power in Afghanistan is not necessarily a goal.

I don't think it's anybody's goal to topple governments in this, Gephardt
said. He added that the fact that the Taliban is supportive of bin Laden
gives us real pause, and obviously we'd like to change that position on
their part.

Also in the meeting were House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., Senate
Majority Leader Tom Daschle, D-S.D. and Senate Minority Leader Trent Lott,

The leaders also discussed airport security measures, including Gephardt's
idea of putting military police or reservists on planes so that every
passenger has a feeling of confidence to go back on the airplanes.

Gephardt said Reagan National Airport outside Washington, the only airport
still closed due to the Sept. 11 attacks, could reopen once planes using the
airport are equipped with better cockpit doors.

Bush indicated he was more than willing to consider Democratic proposals to
extend unemployment and health insurance benefits to airline workers,
Gephardt said. There are some people who don't qualify for unemployment
because of their status, he said.

Monday, in a letter to Congress, Bush broadly outlined how forces already
have been deployed in the Middle East and Asian and Pacific regions.

It is not now possible to predict the scope and duration of these
deployments, and the actions necessary to counter the terrorist threat to the
United States, Bush wrote.

The president was meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi
Tuesday to discuss that country's role in the looming conflict.

A CBS-New York Times poll found that Bush's handling of the terrorist crisis
was supported by 90 percent of those surveyed, and 92 percent expressed
backing for U.S. military action in response. The survey questioned 1,216
individuals between Sept. 20-23 and had an error margin of plus or minus 3
percentage points.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] U.S.: We Won't Topple Taliban

2001-09-25 Thread Bill Richer

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Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

U.S.: We Won't Topple Taliban

AP Photo


By GEORGE GEDDA, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - The United States will not attempt to topple the Taliban
movement in Afghanistan (news - web sites) but does plan to take action
against the radical Islamic militia for harboring terrorists, the White House
said Tuesday.

``The objective here is to protect people from terrorism,'' presidential
press secretary Ari Fleischer (news - web sites) said. He added that the word
``topple'' has a political implication about replacing one government with a
different government.

``The goals are not lined up in that sense,'' he said.

He reaffirmed the goal of punishing the Taliban for its role in providing
shelter to terrorists - an objective established shortly after the attacks on
the World Trade Center and the Pentagon (news - web sites).

``There's no question the Taliban is harboring terrorists right now,'' he

Fleischer denied that the United States is bargaining with other nations to
win support of the anti-terrorism coalition.

``There are no blank checks,'' he said, adding that countries that offer
cooperation are doing so because it is wise.

``It's not just the United States concerned about terrorists here ... .
There's an overlapping of interests,'' Fleischer said.

As for the support being offered by Russia to the anti-terrorism effort,
Fleischer denied that was part of a deal under which Washington would refrain
from criticizing Russia over abuses in Chechnya (news - web sites), where an
Islamic insurgency has been under way for years.

``On Chechnya, the principles of adherence to human rights is always
important,'' he said.

He added that the ``threat of terrorism is a threat Russia faces as well.
We're always mindful of combatting terrorism in a way that is consistent with
concern about human rights.''

Meanwhile, Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi said after a meeting
with President Bush (news - web sites) that his country was planning to
provide medical assistance, aid to refugees and transport of supplies in the
event military force is used in the struggle against terrorists.

``We Japanese stand by the United States to fight terrorists,'' Koizumi said,
with Bush standing at his side.

Bush said he talked with the Japanese leader on ways to cut off funding to

The president also said he was most pleased by the announcement from Saudi
Arabia of a cutoff in relations with the Taliban. The announcement said the
Taliban was defaming Islam by harboring and supporting terrorists.

Two Japanese newspapers have reported Japan will send warships to the Indian
Ocean as early as this week to carry out intelligence and surveillance
missions. The squadron may accompany the USS Kitty Hawk, an aircraft carrier
that left its base near Tokyo on Friday, the reports said.

Japan and six other industrialized countries also have instructed their
respective cabinets to specify measures to stem the flow of funds to violent
extremists and enhance aviation security. They also took steps to tighten
control of arms exports in a bid to reduce the terrorist threat.

Secretary of State Colin Powell (news - web sites) was to receive Italian
Foreign Minister Renato Ruggiero later in the day. Powell also planed
separate closed-door meetings with senators and House members to share the
administration's thoughts on a response to the terrorist attacks.

The administration is attempting to hunt down Afghan-based Osama bin Laden
(news - web sites), the prime suspect in the attacks, and his allies.

On Monday, the Senate approved a House-passed agreement that effectively
removes all trade barriers with Jordan, a close Arab friend of the United

Jordan's King Abdullah II, who will visit Washington this week, has backed
the U.S. anti-terrorist fight and ``accordingly we should do whatever we can
to reinforce Jordan's support,'' said the Senate Finance Committee chairman,
Sen. Max Baucus (news - bio - voting record), D-Mont. Officials were eager
for a report from the British government on Foreign Secretary Jack Straw's
visit to Iran, the first trip of its kind to Tehran since the 1979 Iranian
revolution. Iran has surprised U.S. officials by condemning the Sept. 11
attacks but said any coalition that emerges from the assaults should be
U.N.-led rather than U.S.-led.

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[CTRL] Bin Laden may take over Taliban from secret hideouts - reports

2001-09-25 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Bin Laden may take over Taliban from secret hideouts - reports

Osama bin Laden is shuttling between numerous secret hideouts in Afghanistan,
according to latest reports.

And he may even take over command of the Taliban forces if the US attacks the
country, intelligence reports say.

Bin Laden has set up several secret command centres around Jalalabad, near
the Pakistan border.

Russian news agency Itar-Tass quoting intelligence sources in Afghanistan say
he is likely to take over command of Taliban in case of the US attack on

Taliban officials say it has still not found bin Laden to deliver a request
that he leave the country.

I do not know exactly where he is, Taliban's ambassador to Pakistan Abdul
Salam Zaeef said in Islamabad.

Taliban's claim it does not know bin Laden's whereabouts has been dismissed
by the US saying it is not going to be deterred by such reports.

Bin Laden has urged Pakistan's Muslims to rise up and fight any intrusion
in the region from western or US forces.

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[CTRL] US aims to take vital Afghan airbase

2001-09-25 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

US aims to take vital Afghan airbase
By Michael Smith, Defence Correspondent, and Rahul Bedi in New Delhi
(Filed: 25/09/2001)

THE US air force intends to attack the Taliban's front line north of Kabul
before sending airborne troops to secure the large former Soviet base at

British RAF troops practise helicopter drills in the desert of Oman

The base, Afghanistan's only all-weather airfield, would make an ideal
forward operations base for American and British special forces who are
expected to be sent in to snatch Osama bin Laden.

It would also allow ground attack aircraft to be deployed from the heart of

The Taliban have been bombarding opposition positions around Bagram's
T-shaped airfield with Stalin's Organ multi-barrel rocket launchers
inherited from the pro-Soviet regime of President Najibullah.

US defence sources have indicated that one of the main targets of early air
strikes will be to destroy the Taliban artillery and force it back to
positions from where it will be unable to threaten Bagram airfield.

Once the artillery has been repulsed or destroyed, US airborne troops,
possibly Green Berets, will be sent in to provide airfield defence before any
aircraft can be deployed.

Charles Heyman, the editor of Jane's World Armies, said the American troops
would also have to seize the mountains around Bagram to prevent the Taliban
using them to direct artillery fire on to the airfield.

The key to the fighting in Afghanistan will be to hold the high ground just
as it was when the British were fighting on the North-West Frontier, he
said. That will also make it safe for helicopters to fly in and out.

About 1,500 US special forces plus a small number of Special Air Service
soldiers have arrived in Uzbekistan and begun to move into Afghanistan,
Indian military sources said yesterday.

British sources played down the report that the SAS was already in the region
but said Indian claims that American special forces were arriving in
Uzbekistan were entirely credible.

The Indian army has a heavy presence in the region, with intelligence bases
in Uzbekistan and a substantial number of military advisers assisting the
anti-Taliban Northern Alliance.

American, British and other special forces units expected to go into
Afghanistan can be divided into two: the elite teams that will go in to
snatch Osama bin Laden and those who will provide force protection.

The main American unit specialising in hunting and snatching fugitives and
war criminals is the 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment - Delta, known
as Delta Force.

It was set up at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, in November 1977 by Col Charles
Beckwith, an army officer who had served on attachment with the SAS, which
formed the model for his new force.

Delta Force uses the same concept of small four-man teams as the basic unit,
with the larger units known, like the SAS, as troops.

It is widely regarded as the best of the American special forces groups and,
after experience hunting down war criminals in the former Yugoslavia, the
most likely US unit to be used as snatch squads.

The only real American rival for that job would be the navy's Special Warfare
Development Group, better known as Devgru or by its former title Seal Team
Six, set up in the early 1980s.

Based at Dam Neck, Virginia, it is believed to number about 200 men and was
reported to be involved in a plan to shoot down Saddam Hussein's personal
helicopter with Stinger anti-aircraft missiles.

The Hereford-based SAS is undoubtedly the most experienced such unit. It was
set up in the summer of 1941 by David Stirling to carry out operations behind
enemy lines and disbanded at the end of the war.

It was reformed in Malaya in 1950 and has since operated in Yemen, Malaysia
during the 1960s, Oman, the Falklands, Northern Ireland, the Gulf war, Bosnia
and Sierra Leone.

Members of the SAS also trained mujahideen in camps in Scotland and Pakistan
and some resigned and went into Afghanistan on behalf of MI6, helping the
resistance against the Soviet Union.

The final unit likely to take part in the snatch squads is the Royal Marines
Special Boat Service which, like the SAS, grew out of small special forces
units set up during the Second World War.

Based at Poole in Dorset, the SBS has its own anti-terrorist unit. M Squadron
was set up amid fears that a North Sea oil rig or an ocean liner might be
taken over by terrorists.

The main US units from which force protection is likely to come are the 75th
Ranger Regiment, based at Fort Benning, Georgia, which works closely with
Delta Force, and the US army's Special Forces, Airborne - better known as the
Green Berets - who were involved in the 1968 operation to hunt down Che
Guevara in Bolivia.

Britain's contribution to force protection is likely to be from either the
Parachute Regiment or the Royal Marine Commandos now on exercise 

[CTRL] Nations water works put on high alert

2001-09-25 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Nations water works put on high alert

WASHINGTON, Sept. 24 (UPI) -- U.S. drinking water suppliers have been
advised, at the direction of the FBI, to be on alert and exercise caution to
guard against possible attempts at sabotage in the wake of the recent terror
attacks, United Press International learned Monday.

We have advised all utilities to be on alert and cautious, Tom Curtis, the
deputy executive director of the American Water Works Association, or AWWA,
told UPI in an interview. We are not responding to a specific threat
advisory from the FBI concerning water utilities, but we have advised water
utilities to be on a heightened state of alert.

The federal government has taken a number of precautions since the Sept. 11
attacks against the possible threat of another strike on American targets.
The FBI has grounded the nation's crop duster planes, for example. Ronald
Reagan National Airport outside of Washington has been closed since the
suicide hijackings which killed over 6,000 people at the Pentagon and World
Trade Center as well.

Curtis however did say that the FBI had asked the water suppliers to take
extra precautions. One drinking water industry source who has seen the
advisory said the warning advises utilities to be aware of security and make
contact with local law enforcement and FBI authorities.

Since the attacks, the AWWA has actually issued two separate warnings to U.S.
water utilities. The first was on the day of the attacks, according to
Curtis. But the association sent out a reminder on Sept. 21, at the request
of the FBI, to remind utilities to remain vigilant against terrorism for 30
days following the first advisory.

There are generally three things a water utility would be thinking about,
Curtis said. He said the first was controlling access to a reservoir; the
second would be the actual water supply; and finally the treatment plant and
associated storage tanks.

An article in the June 2001 issue of American Water Journal says that
physical destruction of a water supply is more likely than contamination in
the event of a terror attack. Because guns and explosives are easier to
obtain than large amounts of contaminants or toxic chemicals, many observers
believe the most likely scenario for a terrorist attack on a water system
would involve physical destruction of the system's components, it says. But
it warns that both scenarios should be guarded against.

In the near future, according to industry sources, the Sandia National Labs
will release a report funded by the water utilities outlining specific
security vulnerabilities in every drinking water system throughout the


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Re: [CTRL] Just wondering

2001-09-25 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 9/25/01 3:07:06 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Wrong! We have had this discussion before.

And I couldn't care less what you determined...oral sex is considered "sodomy" PERIOD...big f-ing deal anyway

[CTRL] Congress balks at anti-terror steps

2001-09-25 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

We can't turn this country into a Police State! - Bill

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Congress balks at anti-terror steps

Ashcroft warns of terrorist suspects seeking hazardous materials
Massachusetts state troopers armed with automatic weapons patrolled the
terminal at Logan International Airport last week in Boston.


Sept. 25 —  Stressing the need for Congress to prevent more potential
terrorist attacks on Americans, Attorney General John Ashcroft told senators
Tuesday that suspects with possible links to the Sept. 11 hijackers have
obtained or tried to obtain licenses to transport hazardous materials.
Despite Ashcroft’s call for Congress to give federal agencies new powers to
detain and investigate suspected terrorists, momentum for passage of
anti-terrorist measures has slowed, with members questioning the
constitutionality of some of the tools Ashcroft seeks.

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[CTRL] ID cards don't stop crime

2001-09-25 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

ID cards don't stop crime

LONDON (Reuters) - Civil liberties groups are crying foul over the possible
introduction of identity cards in Britain, claiming they would infringe
liberty but have little impact on the West's newly declared war on terrorism.

Britons have only ever had to carry identity documents during wartime, unlike
the majority of Europeans, who have to produce ID cards at the request of
police or officials.

But the September 11 suicide attacks in the United States, which left nearly
7,000 dead or missing, have focused attention on whether Britain strikes the
right balance between individual liberty and public safety.

Home Secretary David Blunkett says the possible introduction of identity
cards in Britain was being studied very seriously indeed.

Civil liberties groups accused the government of planning to exploit the U.S.
calamity to rush through legislation.

I think it's just one of a series of anti-civil libertarian measures they
(the government) want to put in place and they have been waiting years to do
it, said Trevor Hemmings, a spokesman for Statewatch, which monitors civil
liberties across Europe.

Building a database in Britain would not solve the problem, said the
London-based group. People who perpetrate these kind of things usually use
false ID.

Leading politicians have also expressed caution.

Charles Kennedy, the leader of the Liberal Democrats, said ID cards had
failed to stop terrorism in other countries such as France, Spain and Italy.

Rushed legislation, particularly if it's got all-party agreement, history
teaches, is usually bad legislation, he said.

Liberty, a group which campaigns for personal freedom, insisted that bringing
in ID was neither necessary nor desirable.

Mark Littlewood, its director of campaigns, told Reuters: Our concern is
that this is, however well-intentioned, a very misguided response to the
necessary war on terrorism. It will potentially significantly undermine civil
liberties, but it will have no impact in reducing crime or terrorism in the

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[CTRL] Leading Pilots Union Wants Guns in Cockpit

2001-09-25 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Leading Pilots Union Wants Guns in Cockpit

By John Crawley

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Saying air crews face a new kind of threat, the
president of the largest U.S. pilots union said on Tuesday he wants to arm
them as a last line of defense against hijackers.

Duane Woerth, chief of the Air Line Pilots Association (news - web sites),
will ask Congress later in the day at a House of Representatives hearing to
support the plan two weeks after hijackers seized four airliners and used
three of them to attack the World Trade Center and the Pentagon (news - web

``Under these circumstances we think we can increase aviation security in a
real way and that's why we are going to propose it today,'' Woerth told ABC's
``Good Morning America.''

Woerth, a 747-series captain for Northwest Airlines, proposed that specially
screened, trained pilots would be the only ones allowed to carry weapons and
that the program would be tightly controlled.

The union, which represents pilots at most major U.S. carriers, envisions a
central oversight role for federal law enforcement, which would issue the

He said carrying a weapon would be voluntary and that the captain on board
would hold the ultimate authority.

The pilots union and other security experts have said that the suicidal
suspects in the Sept. 11 attacks on U.S. financial and military landmarks
rewrote rules for how air crews should respond to hijackings.

``Everything has changed and this is a new, real threat that needs a real
solution in real time,'' Woerth said.

Federal Aviation Administration (news - web sites) Administrator Jane Garvey
told a news conference in New York on Monday that all security options
remained on the table.

U.S. Sen. Joseph Lieberman (news - bio - voting record), a Connecticut
Democrat who will hold another hearing on airline security on Tuesday, said
arming pilots might help law enforcement augment other efforts to man
domestic flights with armed personnel.

He said on CBS's ``The Early Show'' that the government needs to help create
conditions for aircraft security and make ''passengers feel secure.''

Currently, the FAA is building up its air marshals program, which uses armed,
plainclothes guards aboard commercial air service.

Woerth conceded there was a risk that future hijackers could seize weapons
from the cockpit but said the benefits of having a gun outweighed that risk.

The extraordinary proposal came as lawmakers and the Bush administration
accelerated efforts to draft plans for expanding airport and airline security.

The FAA has ordered new security steps in recent days, including an end to
curb-side check-in and a ban on knives and other cutting instruments carried

The agency also has renewed efforts to confirm the identities of airline,
airport and contract workers with access to aircraft and sensitive areas of
the airport for

Senate and House lawmakers continued to craft bipartisan legislation to boost
security after approving a $15 billion industry bailout last week.

While a range of security proposals are being considered, congressional aides
and lawmakers have said the central thrust of final legislation would be to
restore public confidence in the safety of air travel.

Bill would ensure pilots' right to bear arms
'We don't need more intrusive government; we need freedom'



By Jon Dougherty
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

In the wake of last week's hijackings and terrorist attacks in New York City
and at the Pentagon, Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, has introduced a bill that would
permanently allow commercial airline pilots to be armed.

The bill, H.R. 2896, entitled, The Anti-Terrorism Act of 2001, was
introduced Sept. 14, just three days after terrorists slammed three
fuel-laden airliners into both of the World Trade Center towers and the
Pentagon. A fourth hijacked airliner, believed headed to Washington, D.C.,
crashed 80 miles southeast of Pittsburgh. Authorities have said there is
evidence to believe that some of the passengers overpowered hijackers and
forced the plane down.

The bill states, Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no department
or agency of the federal government shall prohibit any pilot, copilot, or
navigator of an aircraft, or any law enforcement personnel specifically
detailed for the protection of that aircraft, from carrying a firearm. It
has no cosponsors.

Currently, Federal Aviation Administration regulations permit pilots to be
armed, provided they are properly authorized.

Federal Aviation Regulation 108.11 allows armed individuals on aircraft if
the person having the weapon is authorized to have the weapon by the
(airline) and the Administrator [of the FAA] and has successfully completed a
course of training in the use of firearms acceptable to the Administrator.


[CTRL] Divorce case dismissals soar here since Sept. 11

2001-09-25 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Couples want peace at home
Divorce case dismissals soar here since Sept. 11
Copyright 2001 Houston Chronicle

Some Houstonians want to make love, not war.

Dismissals in divorce cases have skyrocketed in the Harris County Family Law
courts since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11. Family-law attorneys have
found that clients contemplating divorce, as well as those in the middle of
one, now say they will try to patch things up.

Family-law cases, the vast majority of which are divorces, have been
dismissed in nearly three times the volume in the days after the tragedy as
in the days before it. In the 10 working days since Sept. 11, about 400
family-law suits have been dismissed. In the five working days before
airplanes struck the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, about 75 lawsuits
were dismissed.

It's a small sample but one supported by anecdotal evidence from lawyers with
clients who suddenly want to stop even contentious divorces.

State District Judge Linda Motheral, who hears family-law cases, said the
trend seems likely a product of the general sense everywhere that people
realize this could be it, our lives may have changed forever and the things
we worried about before look like small potatoes.

It could be a coincidence, but it would be one big coincidence, said
Motheral. In her court alone, 54 cases were dismissed in the 10 days the
court has been open since Sept. 11. In the five working days at the beginning
of the month, 13 cases were dismissals.

Annette Henry, a lawyer who handles family-law cases, said right after the
explosions she had telephone calls from two clients, both who had preliminary
consultations. Both canceled their appointments for Sept. 11.

I just thought they would reschedule. But in both cases, they said they were
going to try to reconcile instead, Henry said. One woman said she had
children and with all that had happened she just couldn't do it, she wanted
to keep them all together.

Henry said that when someone files for divorce, their problems seem huge and

But with a tragedy like this, it puts it all in perspective. Whatever was
driving you crazy no longer seems so significant, she said.

Michael Von Blon, an attorney who specializes in family-law cases, said two
clients stopped their divorce proceedings last week. One couple asked that
the case be dismissed. The other wanted the case halted; they want to try to
get back together.

Though Von Blon said he and most divorce attorneys ask clients whether they
can somehow reconcile, a halt to the proceedings in midstream is unusual.

I've probably had 10 reconciliations like this in 20 years of practice. Two
in one week is unusual, said Von Blon, who suspects the Sept. 11 tragedy is
the catalyst.

People stop and think about the most basic things in life -- companionship,
love and family, Von Blon said.

David Wells, associate minister of counseling services at Houston's First
Baptist Church, is pleased but not surprised by the trend. Wells has a client
who said the tragedy made her husband finally take working on the marriage
seriously. He also said he has seen an increase in people wanting emergency
help with their relationship problems.

People seem to be wanting to get their life in order, Wells said.

It's not all wine and roses at the courthouse, though. Plenty of new lawsuits
have been filed in the days since the attacks. And plenty of divorce lawyers
haven't seen any reconciling clients.

Family-law attorney Ellen Elkins Grimes hoped the national tragedy would
cause some clients to leave differences behind.

Unfortunately, I haven't seen that. There are still people calling, upset
with each other, Grimes said. Maybe when people hear about the others
trying this, they'll find hope.

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Re: [CTRL] Just wondering

2001-09-25 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/25/01 3:51:52 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 big f-ing deal anyway 

Then why are YOU making a big f-ing deal out of it?

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[CTRL] Surrender sovereignty? Never!

2001-09-25 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Surrender sovereignty? Never!



© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

An op-ed in Monday's, September 24, 2001, New York Times, says that clinging
to American sovereignty isn't just wrong. It's impossible.

Robert Wright, author of the piece, is dead wrong.

Wright asks: Would you rather that your office building face a remote risk
of being searched by international inspectors, or the risk of being blown

Neither is acceptable to Americans.

Wright contends that a U.N. inspection regime, such as that established by
the Convention on Chemical Weapons, would prevent terrorist attacks because
the U.N. would have the authority to inspect the buildings in all countries
(including the U.S.), where such chemicals are manufactured.

The U.S. rejected this treaty, much to Wright's chagrin.

Wright is not only wrong, his reasoning is wrong-headed.

Item: The U.N. inspected Iraq's weapons-of-mass-destruction capacity. Mr.
Wright may be willing to accept the result, but the rest of the world has no
assurance that Saddam has complied with the no-production agreement he made
to conclude the Gulf War.

Item: Any U.N. inspection team is quite likely to consist of people who are
either sympathetic to, or members of the terrorist networks that target the

Item: There is no constitutional authority for our federal government to
submit to any foreign or international regime. Acquiescence to Wright's
reasoning would be unconstitutional, at best, and at worst, treasonous.
His suggestion that submission to U.N. authority might somehow prevent
terrorist attacks is ludicrous. It would enhance the possibility of attacks,
by giving the U.N. the authority to provide unrestricted access to the United
States for international operatives – whether or not they meet the U.S.
requirements for entry. Never!

Finally, Wright says ... the question isn't whether to surrender national
sovereignty. The question is how – carefully and systematically, or
chaotically and catastrophically?

The events on September 11 were not a surrender of national sovereignty, they
were an attack upon it. Wright would have us relinquish our right to defend
our sovereignty by giving the U.N. the responsibility to defend our country.

The United States has the right, the responsibility and the power to defend
our sovereignty, and our citizens. It must do so. There is nothing that the
U.N. can do, that the United States cannot do better. We have no
responsibility to even consult the U.N. Article 51 clearly recognizes our
right to take individual or collective self-defense action. By ratifying
the U.N. Charter, we agreed only to report the measures we take. Our nation
was attacked and we must respond.

Our response must be an American response – not a U.N. response. The Bush
administration is correct in asking all nations to step up and declare
whether they are with us, or against us. Those nations that choose to
continue to support terrorism must be considered as hostile nations.

The United States does not need the U.N., despite Mr. Wright's suggestion to
the contrary. The U.N. is an obstacle to the United States' efforts to
advance the principles of freedom. The U.N. has no interest in advancing
freedom or free markets – their interest is in advancing U.N. power and

It is telling that two weeks after the horrendous attacks on New York and
Washington, there has been no public condemnation of the terrorists by the
U.N. Earlier this month, meeting in Durban, South Africa, the U.N. Commission
on Human Rights – led by many of the same nations that harbor terrorists –
promoted a resolution condemning Israel. These are the people to whom Mr.
Wright would have the U.S. relinquish its sovereignty.

All the opinion polls since the September 11 events suggest that Americans
cherish their sovereignty, and want an American response. Americans
overwhelmingly support the response so far, as outlined by the Bush
administration. Perhaps this American response will reveal the bias, and
impotence of the U.N., and cause the American people to seriously question
the wisdom of our continued support of this top-heavy, over-reaching,
global-governance octopus.

Mr. Wright is not alone in his desire to see the U.S. submit to the global
governance of the United Nations. The U.N. Association boasts hundreds of
thousands of members who are continually bombarded with Wright-like
propaganda. Thousands of non-government organizations – accredited by the
United Nations – are provided extensive funding through grants, especially
for education and building public awareness – both of which are
euphemisms for U.N. propaganda.

The United States could have a far more positive impact on the world if it
were not entangled in this pot of political stew called the United Nations.

Re: [CTRL] Congress balks at anti-terror steps

2001-09-25 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/25/01 3:54:34 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 We can't turn this country into a Police State! - Bill



Massachusetts state troopers armed with automatic weapons patrolled the

terminal at Logan International Airport last week in Boston. 

I would expect this show of force in a Central American Banana Republic. Not

Papers, Bitte

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] The 'bombing' of TWA Flight 800

2001-09-25 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

The 'bombing' of TWA Flight 800



By Reed Irvine
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

Over five years have passed since the crash of TWA Flight 800 killed 230
people, and now, at long last, two former high-ranking government officials
speaking on television have implicitly disavowed the claim that a fuel-tank
explosion caused the destruction of that airplane.

The government's $40 million investigation of the crash of TWA Flight 800
ended up with the National Transportation Safety Board, the FBI and the CIA
all agreeing that an explosion in the center-wing fuel tank caused it to
crash. They said that after the explosion broke off the entire front end of
the plane, its tail dropped and it shot up like a rocket, trailing burning
fuel behind it. They said that was what hundreds of eyewitnesses saw,
mistaking it for a missile. The CIA actually produced a video showing the
huge noseless jet ascending like a rocket, an aeronautical impossibility.

They got away with it because our establishment media in the Clinton era had
the bad habit of believing nearly everything government agencies told them,
even if it was patently ridiculous. But now, a former White House official,
George Stephanopoulos, who was a senior adviser to President Clinton, has
made a statement on television that indicates that the claim that a fuel-tank
explosion caused the TWA 800 crash was false. On September 11, the
unforgettable day of disaster, Stephanopoulos, who is now an ABC News
correspondent, was talking to ABC's Peter Jennings on camera about President
Bush being flown to Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska and taken to the
situation room on the base where he could keep in touch with Washington by

Stephanopoulos, implying that this was unnecessary, made this surprising
statement: There are facilities in the White House, not the normal situation
room, which everyone has seen in the past, has seen pictures of. There is a
second situation room, behind the primary situation room, which has video
conferencing capabilities. The director of the Pentagon, the defense chief,
can speak from a national military command center at the Pentagon. The
Secretary of State can speak from the State Department, the president from
wherever he is, and they'll have this capability for video conferencing
throughout this crisis. In my time at the White House it was used in the
aftermath of the Oklahoma City bombing, in the aftermath of the TWA Flight
800 bombing, and that would be the way they would stay in contact through the

The TWA Flight 800 bombing? Peter Jennings, the anchorman for ABC's World
News Tonight, didn't bat an eyelash. Instead of asking his colleague to
explain his use of the word bombing and why there was a special meeting in
the White House situation room to discuss it, Jennings asked a question about
the president taking orders from the Secret Service.

Efforts to reach Mr. Stephanopoulos to find out if he has information that
the plane was destroyed by a bomb have been unsuccessful, and no one at ABC
News recognized that Stephanopoulos had revealed that he was privy to what
might be a very important change in the story about TWA 800. When informed of
this, Brian Ross, who heads ABC News's investigative unit, promised to look
into it.

There had to be something special about the TWA 800 crash to justify holding
a meeting in the White House situation room to discuss it. That surely is not
done every time one of our planes crashes. Stephanopoulos said that it was
held in the aftermath of the bombing, but the precise date and time are

In his book, The Downing of TWA Flight 800, James Sanders says that there
was a meeting in the White House situation room on the night of July 17,
1996, that began before the crash. Sanders says that he was told by a
confidential source that high officials gathered there to watch in real time
a video transmission of a Navy demonstration of its ability to shoot down a
missile off the shore of Long Island. They were horrified when something went
wrong and they saw the missile shoot down TWA Flight 800. What Stephanopoulos
should tell us is whether the meeting he described began before or after the
plane crashed. If he won't reveal that, the White House should.

The fuel-tank theory of the crash was also disavowed by James Kallstrom, who
headed the FBI investigation. He said on CNN on September 11 that the attack
that day was the first act of terrorism in the U.S. since TWA 800. He has
yet to explain when he discovered that TWA 800 was brought down by terrorists.

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[CTRL] Seal our borders

2001-09-25 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Seal our borders



© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

I have to laugh when I hear about Iran and Pakistan and other nations around
Afghanistan sealing their borders.

The United States should be sealing its borders as part of a defensive effort
in this war on terrorism.

Here's why: A reader tells me about an illegal immigrant friend from El
Salvador who returned to the U.S. after a nine-month vacation. (Pretty nice
lifestyle, huh? I wish I could take a nine-month vacation.)

She crossed the border this summer in a coyote-led group with 12 foreign
men. By foreign, she means not Hispanic, not Anglo. She described them as
tall, dark-skinned, dark-haired with facial hair. They were more nicely
dressed than the other illegal immigrants. They did not speak Spanish. One
spoke English with the coyote. (Coyotes, for the uninitiated, are people who
make a living transporting illegals across the southern border.)

The Salvadoran woman paid $5,000 to be escorted into the states. But she
overheard the Arabic-looking, English-speaking traveler say the 12 foreigners
paid $25,000 each. This came up in complaints about traveling conditions and
sleeping accommodations.

The 12 were given priority when they crossed the border into the Arizona
desert. The reader reported what she found out about this incident to the

My concern is that they will not take this seriously, she said. I hope
that they follow up and advise our administration of the need to seal our
borders to make it more difficult for intruders to enter on foot.

I'm with her.

I can't believe I haven't heard this mentioned by anyone in Washington. But,
then again, these are the folks who have been oblivious to problems at the
borders for years. These are the people who, just before the terrorist attack
Sept. 11, were prepared to grant a sweeping amnesty to illegal aliens already
living in the U.S., thus encouraging even more border crossings.

I am not, however, in favor of using the military to shut down the border.
That's not the job of the military. It's the job of the Border Patrol – a
well-trained, if somewhat demoralized agency that should be doubled, tripled,
quadrupled if necessary to achieve the goal.

The goal is zero tolerance for illegal crossings – for as long as this
national emergency lasts. And, frankly, I see no reason to lift enforcement
after that. We'd only be inviting a future terrorist attack, more illegal
drug imports and more illegal human trafficking.

If Washington doesn't agree with this assessment now, it should have the
courage to repeal the immigration laws, declare an open border and let the
chips fall where they may. Stop the charade. Enough is enough. Stop
pretending we care about enforcing our laws.

Until our lawmakers and law enforcers take this simple, common-sense action,
I will not believe we are serious about a war on terrorism. End of story.

Our borders are like sieves. It's time to reassess our policies of lax
enforcement and turning our heads.

Most people living in the southwest know the problems that open borders
create for them – even if Texan George W. Bush is oblivious.

That terrorists have illegally crossed our borders is a given. It's simply a
question of how many. Some have actually been caught – which is almost
miraculous in itself, given the limited resources of the Border Patrol.

And we shouldn't overlook our northern border, either. Though the flow of
illegal human traffic is much lower there, so is the risk of being caught.

Not all terrorists fly commercial airliners into the United States. Some of
them walk. Some of them drive. It's time to find them, hunt them down. And
the only way to do that is to beef up enforcement.

It's long overdue. If Congress and the president won't consider enforcing the
existing laws now, they never will.

America got a wakeup call on Sept. 11. How will we respond? Will we
re-examine our lax security? Or will we risk another attack – perhaps one
much bigger, much deadlier?



Don't miss Joseph Farah's exclusive report Jihad in America in the November
issue of Whistleblower magazine, WorldNetDaily's monthly offline publication.
Order your subscription now.

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[CTRL] Flag-waving isn't enough

2001-09-25 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Flag-waving isn't enough



© 2001 David H. Hackworth

A 21st-century storm is gathering force and heading toward the dark shores of
international terrorism. States that have been providing sanctuary and
support for years to the likes of Osama bin Laden and the fanatic fruitcakes
who follow him and his sort will soon feel the winds of a new kind of war – a
global conflict that will be fought on two levels: covertly and
unconventionally from the shadows with a trench knife; and overtly with the
thunder of our most awesome weapons, clearly foreshadowed by those
unmistakable B-52 contrails in the sky.

Even though this hybrid war won't be a quick slam-bam-thank-you-ma'am fix
like Desert Storm or as casualty-free as the air war over Slobodan
Milosevic's Serbia, have no doubt that we'll win. But be prepared for this
conflict to take years and cost all the true grit our nation can muster.

After another surprise attack on our country and our way of life – Pearl
Harbor, Dec. 7, 1941 – we didn't get in our first major blow until mid-'42 at
Midway, and it wasn't until '43 that our war machine was really out there
punching. But by '44 we were finally on a roll, stomping the enemy around the
globe, and by August of '45 we'd won. It was a tough, bloody war with many
terrible reversals, but from each setback we learned and grew stronger – and
ever more determined to fight on.

This time around, we're fortunate that President Bush has already fielded a
team capable of crafting and delivering a mighty international fist – leaders
like Colin Powell, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice and Gen. Hugh Shelton.
These A players won't ready, aim, fire a few missiles at a vitamin factory
in Sudan or a terrorist training camp in Afghanistan and report to the nation
mission accomplished. They'll take the hard road and have the wisdom,
patience and endurance to go the distance.

In the meantime, the media should stop speculating about the campaign. Sure,
author Tom Clancy is schoolbook smart. Sure, CNN pundit and retired Army Gen.
Wesley Clark has inside sources. But surprise and stealth must become our
secret weapons. We need to tune into the World War II slogan: Loose lips sink
ships. Everyone on the planet shouldn't be in the loop about every move our
commanders and troops are making. Milosevic, for example, got a lot of his
intell from loose lips the last time around, and we were the worse for it.

What we do need to focus on is doing whatever we can to defang any future
terrorist attacks. Now that we're under siege, every citizen must stay
minefield alert. Any activity that appears suspicious should be reported at
once. There are hundreds of terrorist sleepers out there just waiting to
execute an order or implement a plan to: ram a dynamite-loaded boat, truck or
small plane into a nuclear reactor; put germs in the water supply, the
subway, a crowded auditorium or a building's air-conditioning system; or
drive a gasoline tanker into a power grid, oil refinery or a packed football
stadium. The target list and the weapons of choice are limited only by the
perps' imaginations.

And we must never underestimate our foes again. The fiends we're up against
are dedicated fanatics – often well educated – who hate our country and what
it stands for with every fiber of their twisted souls. They'll continue to go
after us as tenaciously as Japan's World War II suicide soldiers, whom we had
to burn and blast one by one out of caves from Guadalcanal to Okinawa.

But there are no Romes, Berlins and Tokyos as final objectives here. Sure
there are terrorist heads for the taking, but then there's the slow lifting
of countless rocks in order to tear out the terrorist tentacles wrapped
around our everyday lives.

President Lincoln said at Gettysburg that our government of the people, by
the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. Once again, our
very survival is at stake. And real patriotism won't be about waving a flag
or singing a song. It will be having the courage and commitment to stay with
this war until dawn's early light, even after we're long weary of the
slow-going and the sacrifice.



Col. David H. Hackworth, author of Price of Honor and About Face, has
seen duty as a sailor, soldier and a military correspondent in nearly a dozen
wars and conflicts, from the end of World War II to the recent meltdown in
the ex-Yugoslavia.

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[CTRL] China tests supersonic anti-ship cruise missiles

2001-09-25 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Gee, lets see what Clinton's friendly buddies are up to!  -  Bill

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

China tests supersonic anti-ship cruise missiles
By Bill Gertz

 China has conducted the first flight test of its new Russian-made
anti-ship cruise missile, the most potent naval weapon in China's growing
arsenal and a major improvement over its other anti-ship cruise missiles,
according to U.S. intelligence officials.
 A Chinese Sovremenny-class guided missile destroyer fired an SSN-22
Sunburn missile during a test Sept. 15, said officials familiar with reports
of the test.
 This is the first test from sea, and it gets them close to an initial
operating capability, said one military official.
 The new supersonic cruise missile is part of China's naval buildup,
which Pentagon analysts say is focused on developing the capability to sink
U.S. warships.
 Testing of the Sunburn, called the Moskit by Russia, had been expected.
U.S. intelligence agencies monitoring the region had spotted both of China's
Sovremenny destroyers in the northern China port of Bo Hai Bay a week before
the test, as the ships were loaded with missile cannisters.
 The first batch of 48 SSN-22s were transferred from Russia last year. It
is not known exactly how many of the missiles the Chinese navy has
stockpiled, but officials said it could be several hundred.
 One Navy official said recently that the new Chinese warships and their
missiles changed the capability of the [Chinese] surface force.
 The missile, which can be equipped with both conventional and nuclear
warheads, has a range of between 80 and 85 miles, and its high-explosive
warhead is believed to be capable of sinking most U.S. ships. Its supersonic
speed worries Navy officials.
 Richard Fisher, a specialist on the Chinese military, said the Chinese
missile ships are now operational, and there is an expectation that China
will be purchasing a more advanced version of this ship.
 The testing of the Sunburn serves as a reminder that as we seek
cooperation with Beijing over the terrorist threat, we should keep in mind
that Beijing's ultimate goal is the conquest of the democracy on Taiwan for
which the Sovremennys were purchased, said Mr. Fisher, who is working on a
book about the Chinese military.
 Mr. Fisher said published reports have stated that China also is
planning to purchase a small, Russian-built attack boat that will be armed
with two Sunburns. This would be an excellent blockade weapon in a conflict
with Taiwan, he said.
 China began its purchase of the weapons after the 1996 Taiwan Strait
crisis. Beijing fired short-range missiles north and south of Taiwan prior to
scheduled elections in what U.S. officials said was an attempt to intimidate
the island.
 The United States responded by dispatching two aircraft carrier battle
groups to the region in a show of force.
 China then began building up its anti-aircraft carrier weapons, taking
delivery of the first two Sovremennys last year.
 U.S. intelligence agencies believe Beijing may purchase two more of the
missile ships in the next several years.
 During China's recent large-scale war games near Dongshan Island,
opposite Taiwan, Chinese press reports said Chinese naval forces practiced
engaging U.S. aircraft carriers and warships in combat.
 China regards Taiwan as a breakaway province and is preparing for a
conflict with the United States if Beijing's leaders decide to use force to
retake the island.
 President Bush earlier this year said the United States would do
whatever it took to defend Taiwan from such an attack.
 U.S. officials said Russia initially built the SSN-22 for use by the
Soviet navy against U.S. ships during the Cold War.

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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] Poll: Third of New Yorkers support internment camps for some

2001-09-25 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Poll: Third of New Yorkers support internment camps for some

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Associated Press Writer

September 24, 2001

ALBANY, N.Y. -- One third of New Yorkers favor establishing internment camps
for individuals who authorities identify as being sympathetic to terrorist
causes, according to a poll from the Siena College Research Institute.

Fifty percent of those surveyed for the statewide poll said they were opposed
to that idea while 15 percent had no opinion.

The telephone poll of 610 New York state residents over age 18 was conducted
from Sept. 12, the day after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center
towers and the Pentagon, through Sept. 19. The poll has a margin of error of
plus or minus 4 percentage points.

The poll found 75 percent of respondents felt terrorist attacks would
continue and 40 percent said they were very concerned they or family members
could become victims.

Forty-six percent said the attacks make it less likely they will use
commercial flights even though two-thirds of those surveyed said they believe
the airlines can be made safe from terrorism. Ninety percent said undercover,
armed security guards should be put on the planes.

Internment camps have been controversial since World War II when the United
States ordered thousands of Japanese-Americans into such facilities.

Douglas Lonnstrom, director of the research institute, said that given that
World War II experience he found it startling that 34 percent of those
polled supported the creation of new internment camps.

Lonnstrom said he didn't know if those questioned equated the phrase
sympathetic to terrorist causes to Arab-Americans.

But James Zogby, president of the Washington-based Arab American Institute,
said, You have to be very careful how you go down this road of defining
sympathies. I think it's dangerous.

Zogby said creation of such camps would be unconstitutional, but that he
wasn't surprised by the poll's findings.

In the current context, when you ask that question you're going to get that
kind of response, Zogby said. I would say if you asked people, `Should
terrorist sympathizers have their toenails forcibly plucked from their
toes?', you would probably get something akin to that.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Father of Neutron Bomb: Use It on Osama

2001-09-25 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Father of Neutron Bomb: Use It on Osama
Wes Vernon
Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2001
WASHINGTON – Top officials in the Bush administration and in Congress have
been urged to use a small neutron bomb to wipe out Osama bin Laden in a quick
first strike in the war on terrorism.
Sam Cohen, the scientist who invented the neutron bomb, has outlined for
these officials his plan to 'do in' the Taliban and terrorist Osama bin
Laden, and do it quickly.

That, says Cohen, would go right to the core of the terrorist threat and at
the same time satisfy the typically American impatience.

The neutron bomb has a limited blast and causes little collateral damage or
lasting radioactivity while killing its intended targets.

My offhand guess is that the majority of Americans couldn't care less how we
'do in' the Taliban and bin Laden and company, provided we get it done and
[quickly], he told NewsMax.com in a phone interview from his West Coast home.

Cohen, whose views were often accepted by President Reagan, agrees with
President Bush regarding the need for the American people to resolve to
hunker down for the long term.

The global terrorist threat is indeed going to go on for years, Cohen
agrees, but he is telling policy-makers in Washington, the name of the game
right now is Afghanistan [and] bin Laden.

What we need, he says, is a quick, highly visible strike to begin that war –
one that Americans can see now. That, he believes, would stiffen the public's
resolve for the future. The president has already told Americans that the war
itself won't be quick and easy and could take years.

I don't think they're going to be very tolerant of a prolonged [ground
war,] argues the scientist. He cites Korea and Vietnam as examples of the
limits of America's patience.

At the same time, Cohen points to the 1991 Desert Storm as an example of an
air war of short duration that did not do the job, given that Saddam Hussein
remains in office today, as powerful as ever, plus the fact that resulting
civilian deaths in that conflict vastly outnumbered military casualties.
Hardy consistent with the first President Bush's vow to wage a Christian
war, in Cohen's view.

As a solution that would be both quick and effective, the author of Shame:
Confessions of the Father of the Neutron Bomb proposes reconfiguring
Minuteman missiles. Remove the thermonuclear big bang component (hundreds
of kilotons). Once that is done, these weapons could be deployed to target
the hideouts of terrorists in Afghanistan.

Cohen says his sources tell him the U.S. has fair intelligence on the
Taliban and where their units and training camps are spread around.

The problem with bombing the hell out of them is that we don't know where
these guys are, and they’re nobody's fool and now that they know they're
under attack, they’re going to be on the move. They will burrow and bury
themselves while continuing their training exercises.

To counteract this requires, first, the element of surprise.

Secondly, there will be a need for a weapon that imposes mass destruction
that is carefully targeted.

Each Minuteman missile has three warheads. The thermonuclear component could
be defused, while keeping the trigger at the kiloton level. A kiloton bomb
would do approximately the same amount of harm as the hijacked airliners did
to the World Trade Center Building.

We hit them unannounced. All the president has to do is punch a button to
put the plan into operation, and [these reconfigured kiloton bombs] can be
retargeted practically within minutes. Ridding the weapons of the
thermonuclear component can be done within days, Cohen argues.

Further, they would take considerably less than a half-hour to reach their
destinations. The kiloton fission would be a deadly force, with a radius
of about two-thirds of a mile towards killing people who are exposed. That
would be about a square mile, which ought to cover the area of a training
camp. The radioactive fallout would be relatively limited in terms of
immediate death and death from prolonged effects.

The neutron bomb stockpile was eliminated after the Gulf War. The weapon had
the potential for destroying humans without destroying property. Peace
activists around the world had denounced it for that reason.

In fact, Cohen noted, in contrast to his famous invention, the kiloton bomb
could destroy property. Also, whereas the neutron bomb can produce widespread
radioactive fallout, the bomb he advocates for a quick strike in the current
war is more carefully targeted.

Cohen's plan is known to have elicited a very positive reaction in some
Washington quarters. Where it goes from there has yet to be determined.

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Re: [CTRL] Seal our borders

2001-09-25 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 The United States should be sealing its borders as part of a defensive effort
 in this war on terrorism.

hey bill - where did your family come from?

 Here's why: A reader tells me about an illegal immigrant friend from El
 Salvador who returned to the U.S. after a nine-month vacation. (Pretty nice
 lifestyle, huh? I wish I could take a nine-month vacation.)

Anyone can - there are just sacrifices that need to be made - but anyone can
get away for a year if they want to. dont confuse can't with won't.

-- -- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - -  - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - -
--  -- - -- -
We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty. We must remember always that
accusation is not proof and that conviction depends upon evidence and due
process of law.

Edward R. Murrow

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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2001-09-25 Thread Nakano Nakamura

This picture was sent to me
and I make no claim as to its authenticity.
The explanation that came with it
is that a camera was found in the
rubble of the World Trade Center.
The film was developed and this is
the resulting picture.
My first reaction was that this
is a very sick attempt at a joke.
If it is a fake, someone went to
a lot of trouble to produce it.
The sky over New York was clear.
The sun was in the east.
The shadows seem correct.
American Airlines Flight 11 was
a Boeing 787 and this is the aircraft
in the picture.
The Airline paint scheme also look authentic.
Look at it and decide for yourself.

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email alerts  NEW webcam video instant messaging with Yahoo! Messenger. 
inline: Real or Faked.jpg


2001-09-25 Thread William Shannon
It's fake and its pretty funny in a slightly warped way...


Re: [CTRL] Text of Netanyahu's Testimony to House Committee on Gov't Reform on September 20, 2001 Citrus Punch Bkgrd.gif [1/2]

2001-09-25 Thread foxter

Did not do it on 
Somehow the pc did 
Any ideas how to stop it in the 


  - Original Message - 
  Kris Millegan 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 1:02 
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Text of Netanyahu's 
  Testimony to House Committee on Gov't Reform on September 20, 2001 Citrus 
  Punch Bkgrd.gif [1/2]
  -Caveat Lector-YO YO YO Please do not post 
  multiple copies.OmKA HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/ADECLARATION 
   DISCLAIMER==CTRL is a discussion  informational 
  exchange list. Proselytizing propagandicscreeds are unwelcomed. 
  Substance-not soap-boxing-please! These aresordid matters and 
  'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-directions and outright 
  frauds-is used politically by different groups withmajor and minor effects 
  spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.That being said, 
  CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, andalways suggests to 
  readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives nocredence to Holocaust 
  denial and nazi's need not apply.Let us please be civil and as always, 
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Al-Qaida makes new call to arms

2001-09-25 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

   Doubt thyself.
   Doubt even if thou doubtest thyself.
   Doubt all.
   Doubt even if thou doubtest all.
   It seems sometimes as if beneath all conscious doubt
 there lay some deepest certainty.  O kill it!  Slay the
   The horn of the Doubt-Goat be exalted
   Dive deeper, ever deeper, into the Abyss of Mind,
 until thou unearth the fox THAT.  On, hounds!
 Yoicks!  Tally-ho!  Bring THAT to bay!
   Then, wind the Mort!

   Uncle Al. the kiddies pal

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 16:09:27 -0400
 Subject: [CTRL] Fwd: Al-Qaida makes new call to arms

 Love this one - Al Qaida and Osama bin Laden make new call to arms, and
 the news media around the world delivers the message?   Hey the guy is
 alleged to have sent out a fax letter for same?   Now one thing about a
 fax machine, no DNA, no fingerprints.

his message is 50% the same as your message ,saba - kill Jews anywhere

oh, wait it's 100% like your message - jihad is forever, no?

 I read books - start at back and read part of front and if it is any
 good, I will read the inbetween..well we know the end of this war -
 why not skp the in between.

this doesn't surprise me for some reason.

 We do not know for sure who caused the World Trade Center to go
 down...I have seen the one face of a terrorist, and hey that guy
 looked more mixed - American Negro than Arab.colors matter.

only to bigots dear, only to bigots.

 Bin Laden is not this smart.so why Manhattan when they could have
 put out the lights of Israel forever?   End of problem?

Because the problem is NOT Israel it's those nasty American troops, defiling
the land of the prophet - o yeah, and helping keep religious fundamentalists
topple the govt. there.

 55 million people died in World War II and the only to benefit -

wrong. the primary beneficiaries of WW2 were the united states, and Russia,
who achieved superpower status, and the Germans and Japanese, who got to
rebuild an industrial base at new 1950's standards, becoming economic


 Date: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 4:00 PM
 Subject: Al-Qaida makes new call to arms


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] 911

2001-09-25 Thread Agent Smiley

-Caveat Lector-

We fight an invisible enemy.
Attack occurs in New York City.

The date of the attack seems to lend itself to a rather sinister sense of humor on the 
part of the planners.

911 - after all...who ya gonna call?  Ghostbusters?

Much like when the Secret Service driver of Kennedy's limo finalized that horrible 
act, there may be no one to call.  How does one call the police on the highest police 
body in the nation?  They are sticking our noses in it!

over and over and over and


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] The Village Voice: CityState: Towers Tenements: Trust Fund Trussed? by J.A. Lobbia

2001-09-25 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] A Quiz (Answers Provided)

2001-09-25 Thread William Shannon


What does Afghanistan have?

Natural gas, petroleum, coal, copper, chromite, talc, barites, sulfur, lead, zinc, iron ore, salt, precious and semiprecious stones, and more opium than the Burmese Golden Triangle.
The British Government fought a war in China over their "right" to sell what product to the Chinese people?

Opium. The corruption brought to China triggered the Boxer Rebellion and eventually helped the Communists into power.

In what business did the Tafts, Forbes, and Coolidges make their initial family fortunes?

Selling Opium to the British for export to China, called the "China Trade" in polite society of the time. Ever see those paper flowers the military veterens hand out on Memorial Day? Those represent Opium poppies, symbols of a deep sleep, and date from the time of the "China Trade". L. Frank Baum had opium in mind when the Wicked Witch Of The West used poppies to put Dorothy to sleep in the way to Oz.

What was the original funding source for the mysterious "Skull And Bones" fraternity at Yale University, of which so many of our leaders are alumni?

Opium sold to China funded the Russell Trust, "Skull  Bones" legal name.

What was the French Secret Service smuggling out of Vietnam and into the United States?

Opium, via the "French Connection", made famous by the movie of the same name.

After the French left, what was the CIA smuggling out of Vietnam and back to the United States in the body bags of our war dead?

Opium, via Air America, made famous by the movie of the same name. The Opium was sold to fund covert operations that the Congress would not approve of. The Opium was deliberatly sold (converted to heroin) in black neighborhoods to reduce the political backlash if discovered. When the Vietnam War ended, the US heroin problem went away. Prediction: Once we are mired in Afghanistan, the heroin problem will return to our streets.

Who has the largest stockpile of weapons-grade anthrax in the world?

The United States Of America.
Who was the last military commander to successfully invade Afghanistan?

Alexander The Great

Re: [CTRL] Seal our borders

2001-09-25 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/25/01 4:23:47 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The United States should be sealing its borders as part of a defensive
 in this war on terrorism. 

I agree. It's way too easy to come into the U.S. from either Mexico or Canada
without going through a check point.

Papers, Bitte

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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2001-09-25 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/25/01 4:25:40 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The Airline paint scheme also look authentic.
Look at it and decide for yourself. 

This picture has been ided as a fake.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] (Fwd) [infowars] Founder of Pink Pistols gun group becomes a L

2001-09-25 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
To: InfoWars Newsgroup
Date sent:  Tue, 25 Sep 2001 10:29:59 -0700 (PDT)
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:[infowars] Founder of Pink Pistols gun
group becomes a Libertarian Party member

[ Double-click this line for list subscription options ]

Founder of Pink Pistols gun group becomes a Libertarian Party

David Rostcheck practices his aim at a local firing range. He joined
the LP in
August, saying only Libertarians stand firmly against the erosion
of Constitutional

[September 24] A founding member of the Pink Pistols -- a gun-
owners organization
composed mostly of sexual minority community members -- has
defected from the Green
Party and joined the Libertarian Party.

David Rostcheck, who became a member on August 22, said he
joined because the LP is
the only political party opposed to the illegal expansion of
government power.

No party that cannot name and oppose the erosion of
Constitutional law will ever be
able to stop this erosion, he said. Only the Libertarians have the
courage and
clarity to name the enemy and stand firmly against it.

Rostcheck had helped launch the Pink Pistols in September 2000.
The organization,
which views the Second Amendment as crucial to the freedom of
minority citizens, now
has 27 chapters nationwide.

Each chapter meets at least once per month at local firing ranges
to practice
shooting. Pink Pistols officers offer to help members select a
firearm, acquire a
permit, and receive proper training.

At about the time the Pink Pistols started, Rostcheck joined the
Green Party,
motivated, he said, by an interest in social justice and an affinity
for its 2000
presidential candidate Ralph Nader.

But the 31-year-old software engineer said he soon discovered that
progressive leaders lacked the social tolerance they claimed to
support, often
denouncing gun-owners as right-wing wackos and gun nuts.

When I saw [Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender]
organizations vote to endorse a
lesbian candidate who openly and proudly wrote discrimination into
gun laws to
oppress people she did not like, I realized that I could no longer
align myself with
a movement that brazenly scorns the principles it publicly aspires
to, he said.

Although disturbed by this hostility to the Second Amendment,
Rostcheck said the
transition from the Green Party to the LP wasn't an easy one.

For years he resisted [LP] arguments with skepticism and vigor,
often debating
politics with fellow Pink Pistols founder and LP member Doug Krick,
he said.

But as he tried to reform state gun laws and influence public
opinion on gun control
during the past year, Rostcheck said he found himself in greater
and greater
agreement with the Libertarian perspective.

I have been won over not by the persuasive arguments of a great
orator, but by the
slow piling up of an undeniable weight of evidence showing a
concrete and
demonstrable pattern of illegal expansion of government power,
he said.

Rostcheck acknowledged he still believes there are some problems
where government can
be effective, such as combating plagues or providing for mentally
ill citizens.

However, he added that since he became an LP member, several
Libertarian friends have
been able point out workable private-sector solutions to problems
he had previously
thought unsolvable without government action.

A year ago I would have claimed that maintaining the roads was a
responsibility, he said. But studying history, especially that before
the past
century, has given me a lot to re-examine -- for example, no
government built the
railroad tracks, yet they got built.

Although Rostcheck said his political opinions will continue to
evolve with time and
study, he said he also knows one thing for sure: He will never go
back to the
progressive movement he had once called his home.

I will never again sit through another workshop on diversity taught
by a bigot or
listen to another speech on 'equal justice' given by a hypocrite, he
said. I will
never send another check to a 'diversity-based' organization that
then sends it out
to a bigot. I refuse to be a party to this fraud.

To restore principled government, we must use principled politics.
I now believe
that the only party that can effectively restore the protection of our
rights is the
Libertarian Party.

Although membership is predominantly gay, lesbian, bisexual, and
transgender, the
Pink Pistols welcome members from all backgrounds. Sign up for
its mailing list at:

--- End of forwarded message ---

Best wishes

The right of bearing arms for a lawful purpose is not a right granted
the Constitution; neither is it in any manner dependent upon that
instrument for its existence. -U.S. vs Cruikshan

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A

[CTRL] Fwd: The Village Voice: CityState: Towers Tenements: Trust Fund Trussed? by J.A. Lobbia

2001-09-25 Thread Saba

Interesting item on the 99 year least on the World Trade Center - oh
pardon, the Twin Towersthe public as usual getting the shaft in
the long run.

Larry Silverstein had plans on the table for rebuilding a day or two
after the explosion - four buildings he said, were old plans.

Recently he left Israel in a rage and the deal he wanted to pull over
there was not quite kosher either.Noted on this one the sale of
this World Trade Center is contrary to law - so this explained the 99
year lease - more sleaze on sleaze.

Is there a Contract on America?


Larry Silverstein for some reason got the auction bid for the
lease.one company had stepped aside.

Week of March 7 - 13, 2001
Towers  Tenements
by J.A. Lobbia
World Trade Center Lease Deal Could Slash Housing Revenue
Trust Fund Trussed?

Previous Columns
3/6/01 It's Not Just the Poison Gas . . .

When the titans of real estate waged a bidding war last month for
control of the World Trade Center, the average citizen was, of course,
nowhere in the picture.

And why should common folk be part of a multibillion-dollar contest
among giants like Mort Zuckerman, the Vornado Realty Trust, and
developer Larry Silverstein?
(Silverstein eventually got the lease - Saba Note 99 years )

Sure, the building in question is owned by a public agency, the Port
Authority of New York and New Jersey. But its status as an authority
makes it one of the most independent, least accountable taxing bodies in
government, the type of entity favored by empire builder Robert Moses.
What is surprising is that, for a moment, average New Yorkers had in
fact been in on the deal. Almost. That's because ever since Governor
George Pataki announced in 1995 that he wanted to put the World Trade
Center into private hands, a few politicians have proposed using the tax
proceeds of that privatization to fund affordable housing. But now, a
host of political feuds and corporate favors threaten to ditch that
plan—and any other that would have relied on the $100-million-a-year
tax purse that the 13 million square-foot office complex was expected to

If that pot of revenue disappears, sources say, there are no others like
it in the offing.
City Council speaker and mayoral candidate Peter Vallone was the main
proponent of using Twin Towers' taxes to establish an affordable housing

Part of the reason Vallone focused on the World Trade Center taxes was
that it had the advantage of being new money, says one source. That
made it very attractive.

You wouldn't have to rob Peter to pay Paul. If those taxes don't come
in, it will make it much harder to take the housing money out of the

Taxes generated by a privatized World Trade Center were expected to be
about three times the tax bill paid by the Port Authority, which, as a
government agency, got a break on its tax bill; most recently it was
about $29 million a year.

When the authority auctioned off a 99-year lease for the WTC on February
23 (it is forbidden from selling the mega-office complex outright), it
assured the winning bidder, Steve Roth's Vornado Realty Trust, that it
would have to pay no more taxes than the authority itself had.

While the deal is not final—the authority and Vornado, which offered
$3.25 billion for the lease, have until March 14 to work out
details—the city may wind up with no windfall. Because the Authority
is so autonomous, it argues that it has wide berth to offer Vornado tax
breaks, even if that stiffs the city.

Further mucking up the deal is the ongoing political battle between
Mayor Rudy Giuliani and the Port Authority. In 1995, Giuliani, long a
critic of the authority, sought arbitration on whether the authority has
skimped on nearly $1 billion in rent due to the city. He is now trying
to take over the authority's leases on Kennedy and LaGuardia airports
when they expire in 2015.

Last week, Port Authority chair Lew Eisenberg said he was willing to
discuss with the City in good faith the resolution of all matters
between the City and the Port Authority, suggesting that he would link
the issue of WTC taxes to the airport leases.

In the meantime, the city's commissioner of finance Andrew Eristoff
wrote to Vornado's Roth and informed him that the company would be
responsible for the full tax bill. The city plans to sue over the issue,
probably invoking a state law that makes a 99-year lease the legal
equivalent of a sale and therefore subject to full taxation.

Vallone first announced his housing plan for the WTC tax proceeds in his
1999 State of the City address. He proposed using the tax cache to start
an affordable housing trust fund that would begin building 20,000 units
of middle- to moderate-income housing within five years by providing
long-term, low-interest loans to developers. Experts agree that the city
needs about 250,000 additional apartments to adequately house its

In his State of the City speech this year, Vallone adjusted the expected
taxes down to $80 

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