[CTRL] Patterns of Global Terrorism: 1993

2001-11-21 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

In another thought, I was thinking about acts of terrorism and
to whom they might apply.  The NYC WTC February '93 event was
probably so foar into planning that they went ahead with it
DESPITE B41's loss at the polls.  Then they went after him in April
of the same year.  Now, this year, B43 is at the wheel and they
done did a big one on the NYC WTC (same target(s)).  Below is
onlythe beginning of the report from the Dept of State
(Christopher?) for 1993.  Notice how many layers of bureaucracy
there are to combatting terrorism; DOS, DOJ, DOD, and now

Excerpted From

Patterns of Global Terrorism: 1993

Introduction Global issues are a central focus of the Clinton
administration, and
international terrorism is one of the deadliest and most persistent.
Terrorism made the headlines throughout 1993:

-- The World Trade Center bombing in February.
-- The foiled Iraqi plat to assassinate former President Bush in
Kuwait in  April.
-- Numerous coordinated attacks by the Kurdistan Workers Party
throughout Western Europe on two separate dates in June and
November.  It is clear that terrorism is an issue that will remain with
us for
quite some time.  The focus of the US counterterrorism policy for
more than a decade
has been simple and direct:
-- Make no concessions.
-- Apply the rule of law and improve the capabilities of friendly
governments to counter the threat they face.
-- Apply pressure on state sponsors.

The key to a successful, long-term counterterrorism policy is
international cooperation on these three basic elements.  The
States enforced this policy in many ways during the past year:  --
When it became clear that the Government of Iraq was responsible
for the foiled plot to kill former President Bush, the United States
used military force to demonstrate to Saddam Husayn that such
behavior would not be tolerated.  -- The United States encouraged
ongoing international support for
and adherence to UN sanctions against Libya, which are
mandatory and
represent the  first such steps imposed by the United Nations on a
state solely because of its support for terrorism.  -- The US Senate
ratified the Convention on the Marking of Plastic
Explosives for the Purpose of Detection.  This important convention
is a positive legacy from the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103; it
deserves and is receiving widespread international support.  -- A
recent success was the well-coordinated apprehension last July
of Egyptair hijacker Mohammed Ali Rezaq, who was released from
prison in Malta after serving a partial sentence for murdering an
American and an Israeli aboard the hijacked plane in 1985.  He was
apprehended and brought to the United States, where he is awaiting
trial for air piracy.  He would have gone free had it not been for
close cooperation among several countries, including Ghana and
Nigeria.  -- We offer specialized antiterrorism training to friendly
countries that face terrorism at home.  The courses teach skills in
such areas as airport security, maritime security, VIP protection,
management of a terrorist incident, and hostage negotiation.  Since
the program began 10 years ago, we have trained more than 15,000
civilian law enforcement personnel from 81 countries.   This
administration is committed to maintaining an effective
international  counterterrorism policy.  Maintaining our vigilance
and increasing or  adjusting our capabilities to ensure the safety
of Americans and American  interests throughout the world is a high
priority.  Legislative Requirements  This report is submitted in
compliance with Title 22 of the United
States Code, Section 265f(a), which requires the Department of
to provide Congress a full and complete annual report on terrorism
for those countries and groups meeting the criteria of Section
(a)(1) and (2) of the Act.  As required by legislation, the report
includes detailed assessments of foreign countries where significant
terrorist acts occurred, and countries about which Congress was
notified during the preceding five years pursuant to Section 6(j) of
the Export Administration Act of 1979 (the so-called terrorism list
countries that have repeatedly provided state support for
international terrorism).  In addition, the report includes all
relevant information about the previous year's activities of
individuals, terrorist groups, or umbrella groups under which such
terrorist groups fall, known to be responsible for the  kidnapping
or death of any American citizen during the preceding five years,
and groups known to be financed by state sponsors of terrorism.
Definitions  No one definition of terrorism has gained universal
For the purpose of this report, however, we have chosen the
definition of terrorism contained in Title 22 of the 

[CTRL] Cock-A-Hoop ?

2001-11-21 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


House of Saud looks close to collapse
Modern Saudi Arabia is supported by the US and Britain in order to
guarantee a steady flow of oil. Their war on terrorism could destroy
David Leigh and Richard Norton-Taylor
Wednesday November 21, 2001
The Guardian
While tabloid cheerleaders and spin doctors have been celebrating
the fall of Kabul and the retreat of Taliban and al-Qaida fighters, the
mood in other parts of Whitehall is much more sombre. For senior
ministerial advisers know that the real cancer in the Middle East is
not Afghanistan, but Saudi Arabia.
Fears are growing that the important but anachronistic country
which spawned Osama bin Laden and many of the September 11
hijackers faces the real prospect of a coup. The Saudi royals have
been paying off the terrorists with danegeld for a long while, says
one well-placed source. There is a danger that well-educated
returnees from US colleges who cannot get work will make
common cause with the people of the souks and overthrow them.
This week, newspapers, including the Economist and Time magazine, published extensive 
and flattering advertisements placed by the Saudi regime - a clear indication of its 
concern about the future, as well as the bad publi
city seeping out about its past links with Bin Laden and the Taliban.
Modern Saudi Arabia is to an extent a perverted creation of America and its British 
ally. Henry Kissinger, the former US secretary of state, spelled out in his recent 
book on American foreign policy its essentially manipu
lative approach to such Middle East states as Saudi Arabia. The US, he says, cannot 
afford the region to be dominated by countries whose purposes are inimical to ours. 
Their economic purposes have been to prop up a re
gime which would guarantee a stable flow of petrol and oil to the US at relatively low 
prices and recycle its petrodollars back to the west in the shape of construction 
projects and arms purchases.
The Saudis control 25% of world oil reserves. The US has paid the royal family up to 
$100bn a year for it.
The first bomb attack on the World Trade Centre in New York took place in 1993: Osama 
bin Laden was in exile in Khartoum, nursing his rage against the Saudi royal family 
and the US bases they permit on Saudi soil. In Brit
ain, the then government was more interested in money-making opportunities than in 
registering these sinister signs and re-evaluating their relationships with a 
frustrated Muslim world.
British MI6 intelligence about Iranian military planning was being circulated   by 
John Major to the ailing King Fahd in Riyadh, to help keep him on his throne in return 
for more lucrative arms sales: the notorious Al Yam
amah weapons deal was already transferring £1.5bn a year into British pockets.
The Saud clan - now estimated to number more than 7,000 privileged tribesmen - are 
still clinging to absolute power. However, much of their oil wealth has been frittered 
away, and unemployment among young Saudis is rising
. Per capita income in the early 1980s was $28,000. It is now below $10,000.
The dictatorial Saud clan describe themselves as guardians of the two holy places 
and preside over the vast annual pilgrimages to Mecca. They poured cash into the 
Islamic University at Medina and similar schools across
the Muslim world, from Cairo to Peshawar.
The anti-modernist religion they promoted became a focus for guilt and anger among 
young men frustrated at modern corruption and deprived not only of normal social 
lives, but of all democratic political outlets.
In 1979, 200 armed fundamentalists, many of whom had studied Islam at Medina, took 
over the grand mosque at Mecca. But 63 of the ringleaders were publicly beheaded in 
selected town squares all over the country, and the se
eds of rebellion quickly led to repression. Shaheed Coovadia, who now teaches in the 
US, studied at Medina. He says: That incident was a turning point. When I was there 
you couldn't move without permission. It was like l
iving in a police state. People even came to check your bed to see if you'd risen for 
the morning prayer.
Providentially that same year, Soviet troops rumbled over the mountain roads into 
Afghanistan to shore up a tottering pro-communist regime. The CIA had been covertly 
undermining the Afghan government by arming fundamental
ist rebels - the mojahedin. In Washington, Zbigniew Brzezinski, President Carter's 
national security adviser, was cock-a-hoop that the Russians had been drawn into what 
he saw as his cleverly baited trap. The day Soviet f
orces crossed the border, he wrote to Carter, saying: We now have the opportunity to 
give the USSR their Vietnam war.
Young Bin Laden, son of a wealthy construction magnate, joined the anti-Soviet 
campaign. He set off for Peshawar, as the most prominent of a Saudi contingent of poor 
citizens, students, taxi-drivers and Bedouin tribesmen.

For the Saudi 

[CTRL] Ban the 'Ban!

2001-11-21 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Wednesday, November  21,  2001
Surviving the lion's
share of abuse
By Chris Stephen
Afghanistan, a guidebook by Nancy Hatch Dupree, published in
1977, is an extraordinary volume. It is still on sale, and still the
best guidebook. But it now reads like a guide to a country that no
longer exists.
Writing about Kabul Zoo she says: A lion, a gift of Germany, has
a regal run beside the Kabul river; the kangaroos from Australia
have settled in nicely; the raccoons from the United States are
raising a family. A three-year-old elephant was presented by the
government of India.
The elephant died in a rocket attack. Soldiers ate the deer. The
kangaroos and raccoon are long gone, either they died, escaped or
where killed.
But the lion is still here. He has survived the US bombing raids,
and stoning by the Taliban who didn't approve of lions.
His face is lopsided, he can barely walk and is almost totally blind. His blindness is 
a result of a grenade attack by an angry Afghan. The man was angry with good reason. 
The German lion ate his brother after he had clim
bed into the lion's compound to tease him.
There are crazy people everywhere, sighs Sheer Agha, the zoo's director. Two years 
ago another man tried the same trick - and suffered the same fate, but this time, 
there was no revenge.
Today there are 19 species who live among the ruins. They include several monkeys, two 
porcupines, two wolves, some eagles, a wild cat, 40 rabbits, a bear and a deer.
In the course of Afghanistan's recent wars, Mujahedeen soldiers ate the deer and the 
rabbits, says Mr Agha, because the guard could not stop them. Asked if they also ate 
the elephant after it was killed, he laughs and s
ays, no, that is not permitted by our religion. Surprisingly Mr Agha does not 
believe that the months of rocketing were the worst time the zoo ever faced. It was 
the Taliban period, he says.
They were always bothering people and they were uneducated and threw stones at the 
animals. Once a Taliban commander came here and asked who was responsible. I said, 'I 
am' and then he asked me: 'is there one sentence in
 the Holy Koran which says we should have a zoo?' I said that there was not, so then 
he said: 'please take all the animals out.' I went to the mayor, who was a little 
better, and he gave me a paper which I showed whenever
 we had any other problems.
Says Mr Agha: The Taliban were not at all sympathetic, they did not like scientists, 
only Mullahs. After the Taliban fled Kabul last week there was no money for food for 
the animals so Mr Agha was reduced to begging the
 market traders for credit.
Now, however, he says that the new government has kept its promise and sent him money. 
Still the staff have not been paid for three months and very soon their numbers are 
going to grow. Women who worked at the zoo will so
on be returning. Under the Taliban women were banned from working.
They are very happy, says Mr Agha who is also hopeful somehow he will find money to 
rebuild his zoo.
Nancy Hatch Dupree wrote that every evening at 5.30 the elephant
would play a game of soccer with his keeper. She says that two
young chimpanzees, Bobby and Sue, are amongst the most
popular residents. In one cage a bear has a bloody unhealed
wound on its nose, the result, says Mr Agha, of being beaten by a
Taliban seven months ago.
Mr Agha says: Please tell the world about our plight so people
can come and help us.

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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
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The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
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+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 

Re: [CTRL] I pledge Allegiance

2001-11-21 Thread inri

-Caveat Lector-

shut up and be happy.
shut up and be happy.
hey, what's up? it's all about the pledge!
i pledgei pledge allegiance to.
super bowl sunday!
i pledgei pledge allegiance to the...
fuck it.

*who*'s running the planet?
i think *i'm* running the planet.
i'm running the planet?
that's real.

god is an american?
god *is* an american!

welcome to america
we're into scarin' ya
don't fuck around our barriers
we're richer, whiter, merrier
look who's in your area
our pitbull terrier
shit is getting hairier
mass hysteria..


god is an american?
tv's got your brain.

afraid of americans,
np: dmst - goodbye enemy airship, the landlord is dead


If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long
as I'm the dictator. - george w. bush

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] I pledge Allegiance

2001-11-21 Thread John A. O'Neal

-Caveat Lector-

At 04:14 AM 11/21/2001 -0500, you wrote:
-Caveat Lector-

shut up and be happy.
shut up and be happy.
hey, what's up? it's all about the pledge!
i pledgei pledge allegiance to.
super bowl sunday!
i pledgei pledge allegiance to the...
fuck it.

*who*'s running the planet?
i think *i'm* running the planet.
i'm running the planet?
that's real.

god is an american?
god *is* an american!

welcome to america
we're into scarin' ya
don't fuck around our barriers
we're richer, whiter, merrier
look who's in your area
our pitbull terrier
shit is getting hairier
mass hysteria..


god is an american?
tv's got your brain.

afraid of americans,
np: dmst - goodbye enemy airship, the landlord is dead


You just didn't listen to your mother, did you ? She told you, time after
time, that masturbating would make you go crazy and you just didn't listen
to her ! Now look what you've done to yourself !!  Shame, Shame !

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] I pledge Allegiance

2001-11-21 Thread inri

-Caveat Lector-

 You just didn't listen to your mother, did you ? She told you, time after
 time, that masturbating would make you go crazy and you just didn't listen
 to her ! Now look what you've done to yourself !!  Shame, Shame !

tell it to ice cube and/or david bowie and/or trent reznor.

regardless, masturbation is a wholly natural bodily function and nothing to
be ashamed of; my mother would be the first person to tell you that. you
might want to look into your own upbringing if you were conditioned to
believe anything less.

long time coming
it seemed to take me through
long time coming
many served the few
and long to taste the shame
that bows down before you

long time coming
it seemed to get me by
long time coming
it seemed to satisfy
you longed to taste the shame
that everybody tries

shame, shame!
throw yourself away
give me little bits of
more than i can take
if it sits upon your tongue
or naked in your eyes
give me little bits of
more than i can try

throw yourself away

np: hanged up


If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long
as I'm the dictator. - george w. bush

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] I pledge Allegiance

2001-11-21 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

My goodness INRI you outdid yourself with that one...now I pulled
this from your website (which you enclosed in your last letter) but
after reading that poem I do not know why I bothered.

But this item I noticed you refer to Thothmosis - and remembered it was
Thothmosis II, the great Egyptian plane that went down - and then I
remembered the Lavon Affair and wondered who was really in tht
cockpit.all the Egyptian soldiers and intelligence agents who went
down - seems like everytime American puts out a hand in friendship
something terrible happens.

You speak of people who are to be ruled?   This is the 2nd time I have
read someting to this effect put out recently on the web - that people
are ruled which is another like.

We the People are not ruled over - and nobody not even a President can
take away our constitutional rights for he is a public servant, and I am
not a public doormat nor is here.

Reminds me though this election of the JFK election - a rotten to the
core psuedo religious was turned loose on the President who had already
predicted he would be killed if he ran, not by name though, fr she this
Jean Dixon, had predicted a blue eyed  President would be murdered in
office - and I thought then of that write the vision upon the tablets
so he that readeth may run, for the vision was set for a date
certain..so JFK was muradered - oh it was said in our local huge
newspaper 'Divine Prophetess was speaking in Columbus and guess who
brought her in - the Lazaras family?   CFR stuff so I nailed her later
for a soothsaying and practicing astrology without a licenseand who
called to get me to drop the charge - why the newspaper because the
Lazarass family had called them to get me to drop the charge, but went
through my boss .sweet, right?

But Mrs. Dixon made a mistake for JFK did NOT have blue eyes - they were
gray like mine, and I know the difference between blue and gray
eyes..so the plan to murder the man or any man who got elected that
year 1960 term was set to be assassinated - human sacrificewell
Reagan had blue eyes too -

John F. Kennedy was NOT a member of the CFR and never was..and then
they got RFK and tried to murder Teddy and then got little John John -
for these men were such a threat to these vicious killser or was it the
other way around?   The killers were a threat to the President for he
had taken on the Mafia - and the head of the Jewish mob at that time was
Meyer Lansky - recently a movie made this rat faces weasel look kind and
gentle and put in Richard Dreyfus to play Lansky who said he was just a
gambling man..

Anyway it was Lansky a Russian Jewish Mafia killer who ordered the hit
on JFK.

Again let me remind you INRI that we elect our leaders - remember Jean
Dixon said JFK stole the election and bought it with his money, and the
Chicago vote was corrupted and he did not win - just like Bush so I
think these vicious killers are now stalking Mrs. Bush.

Not too long ago Black Panthers carried Uzis to an event where she
spoketo frighten her off..and then now  I think of the over
2,000 American Black Jews or who at least said they were jews - who were
permitted access to Israel where they moved to a place where Silverstein
wanted to then located Free Trade Center..wonder if they were of the
House of Israel, you know the ones who were Jim Jones neighbors - headed
up by a murdering black - the Rabbi Washingtonthey sure as hell
were not true jews from Ethiopia..semits - pure black jews.you
know like that one terrorist the FBI just kicked off the terrorist
list - nothing looks like an American negro, but an American negro - and
that guy could have been guess what - one of the Black Jews brought over
to Israel no doubt to build another pyramid - or assist doing the heavy

Let me reproduce first your item in from your web page - you poem
reminds me of the writings of Sirhan Sirhan, or ever read the diary of
Klebold and that other kid.

There is no law anyone has to recite the pledge of allegiance - but when
men are in a prisoner of war camp in Viet Nam where brainwashing
techniques were being used - this Flag of the United States stood for
more than judst a pledge - thisi man was fighting to retain his spirit
knowing they could kill his body but not his soul for he couldnot be
transformed into - well hand it to McVeigh, he said it though used words
of others - I am Captain of my soul and master of my fate

Only thing, McVeigh had lost his soul but may have sealed his own fate -
he had previously been programmed like a K 9 Dog.maybe he was not
deprogrammed and thought he was working for Uncle Sam when he was
working with Iraqi muslims - who were not muslims but Mossad trained
killer jews in disguise?

You know, like the Lavon Affair - and when McVeigh was being nailed to
the cross - well what all was in that bulding other than babies in the
nursery..and whoi told the FBI to stay home that 

Re: [CTRL] I pledge Allegiance

2001-11-21 Thread inri

-Caveat Lector-

 You speak of people who are to be ruled?   This is the 2nd time I have
 read someting to this effect put out recently on the web - that people
 are ruled which is another like.


 Anyway it was Lansky a Russian Jewish Mafia killer who ordered the hit
 on JFK.

i'm pretty sure it was the old boy cia/military-industrial complex, acting
under the orders of allen dulles, myself. but i digress...

 Again let me remind you INRI that we elect our leaders - remember Jean
 Dixon said JFK stole the election and bought it with his money, and the
 Chicago vote was corrupted and he did not win - just like Bush so I
 think these vicious killers are now stalking Mrs. Bush.

american elections are now and have been for quite some time a complete
joke - the people are merely offered different incarnations of the same
thing. the president holds no power, he is simply a yes man following orders
from the same handful of oligarchs, democrat or republican. democrats are
only swept into power once in a while because they can get away with things
that republicans never could. the difference between the bush/gore election
and the nixon/kennedy election is that nixon was *supposed* to win and did
win, but had the vote stolen; whereas bush was *supposed* to win but lost
and therefore had to steal the vote. that's why gore played along so well
throughout the whole thing...because he knew he was supposed to lose. the
problem here is that bush was such a lousy candidate

his poety was as lousey as INRI's.

i didn't write that; it was written by a black man who goes by the pseudonym
of ice cube for a collaboration done with david bowie and trent reznor of
nine inch nailsand he's considerably more intelligent than you are

 (Saba note:  Well INRI - all Kings are brothers...read story of
 Ben-Hadad for a clue and the one had to paint his face black???Guess

and, of course, everything written in the bible is always true, right,
simply because it is written there? you can believe that if you wish, but i
prefer solid evidence. i believe the bible happens to be onto something
here, yes, but it is not true unless it has been proven so..

just wait, saba, when you get your id card some nice doctor [probably a
jewish doctor, right?] is going to stamp the word insane in big red
letters on it for you...

np: hanged up


If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long
as I'm the dictator. - george w. bush

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
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Re: [CTRL] I pledge Allegiance

2001-11-21 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well INRI you are a cross between two people I previously knew under
different names - to tell the truth I liked both - but you this third
faction - well did not think you were bright enough to write a poem even
that stupid?

So like St. Paul - hit by lightning bolt on road to Damascas - he saw
the light.

Further not Ananias a man of good report - what, they ran background
checks on their brethern?

Wonder how Judas got in that crowd - so it has been fun Dameus,
Damnanus, or whatever the hell your name is..when you get hit with
that bolt of lightning remember, I told you so.

Mother Saba

Hey this guy would be a great candidate, a Roman Jew - and Protestant -
ran with the Masons, in with the Pope - and no doubt  went to Yale?
(symbolism here I say)

The King James Bible
at the Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia
Acts, chapter 22
1: Men, brethren, and fathers, hear ye my defence which I make now
unto you.
2: (And when they heard that he spake in the Hebrew tongue to them,
they kept the more silence: and he saith,)
3: I am verily a man which am a Jew, born in Tarsus, a city in
Cilicia, yet brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, and taught
according to the perfect manner of the law of the fathers, and was
zealous toward God, as ye all are this day.
4: And I persecuted this way unto the death, binding and delivering
into prisons both men and women.
5: As also the high priest doth bear me witness, and all the estate of
the elders: from whom also I received letters unto the brethren, and
went to Damascus, to bring them which were there bound unto Jerusalem,
for to be punished.
6: And it came to pass, that, as I made my journey, and was come nigh
unto Damascus about noon, suddenly there shone from heaven a great light
round about me.
7: And I fell unto the ground, and heard a voice saying unto me, Saul,
Saul, why persecutest thou me?
8: And I answered, Who art thou, Lord? And he said unto me, I am Jesus
of Nazareth, whom thou persecutest.
9: And they that were with me saw indeed the light, and were afraid;
but they heard not the voice of him that spake to me.
10: And I said, What shall I do, Lord? And the Lord said unto me,
Arise, and go into Damascus; and there it shall be told thee of all
things which are appointed for thee to do.
11: And when I could not see for the glory of that light, being led by
the hand of them that were with me, I came into Damascus.
12: And one Ananias, a devout man according to the law, having a good
report of all the Jews which dwelt there,
13: Came unto me, and stood, and said unto me, Brother Saul, receive
thy sight. And the same hour I looked up upon him.
14: And he said, The God of our fathers hath chosen thee, that thou
shouldest know his will, and see that Just One, and shouldest hear the
voice of his mouth.
15: For thou shalt be his witness unto all men of what thou hast seen
and heard.
16: And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be baptized, and wash away
thy sins, calling on the name of the Lord.
17: And it came to pass, that, when I was come again to Jerusalem,
even while I prayed in the temple, I was in a trance;
18: And saw him saying unto me, Make haste, and get thee quickly out
of Jerusalem: for they will not receive thy testimony concerning me.
19: And I said, Lord, they know that I imprisoned and beat in every
synagogue them that believed on thee:
20: And when the blood of thy martyr Stephen was shed, I also was
standing by, and consenting unto his death, and kept the raiment of them
that slew him.
21: And he said unto me, Depart: for I will send thee far hence unto
the Gentiles.
22: And they gave him audience unto this word, and then lifted up
their voices, and said, Away with such a fellow from the earth: for it
is not fit that he should live.
23: And as they cried out, and cast off their clothes, and threw dust
into the air,
24: The chief captain commanded him to be brought into the castle, and
bade that he should be examined by scourging; that he might know
wherefore they cried so against him.
25: And as they bound him with thongs, Paul said unto the centurion
that stood by, Is it lawful for you to scourge a man that is a Roman,
and uncondemned?
26: When the centurion heard that, he went and told the chief captain,
saying, Take heed what thou doest: for this man is a Roman.
27: Then the chief captain came, and said unto him, Tell me, art thou
a Roman? He said, Yea.
28: And the chief captain answered, With a great sum obtained I this
freedom. And Paul said, But I was free born.
29: Then straightway they departed from him which should have examined
him: and the chief captain also was afraid, after he knew that he was a
Roman, and because he had bound him.
30: On the morrow, because he would have known the certainty wherefore
he was accused of the Jews, he loosed him from his bands, and commanded
the chief priests and all their council to appear, and brought Paul
down, and set him before them.


Re: [CTRL] I pledge Allegiance

2001-11-21 Thread inri

-Caveat Lector-

 faction - well did not think you were bright enough to write a poem even
 that stupid?

yeah, i know, we mathematics majors are just not that bright compared to
your average naziaverage nazi high school dropout?

 So like St. Paul - hit by lightning bolt on road to Damascas - he saw
 the light.

i don't plan on going to damascus any time soon.i guess i'll stumble for
a while...
maybe the good lord will pull a thor on me on my way to montreal next
or maybe he can't afford the rates the energy industry is charging him for

i'm a jaded and sarcastic skeptic; not a persecutionist. i'm much closer to
peter than to paul..although i'd rather be mary.

but i'm done playing with you for the night, i've got work to do...



If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long
as I'm the dictator. - george w. bush

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Re: [CTRL] I pledge Allegiance

2001-11-21 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Goodnight FangWang.


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Re: [CTRL] Mass Extinctions May Be A Myth, Claim Scientists

2001-11-21 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/20/01 9:23:39 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 Based on the fossil evidence we have analysed, we believe that there was
 no mass extinction 100 million years ago, as previously thought, concludes
 Professor Gale.

 It is also probable that many of the other mass extinctions that were
 to have taken place during the history of life on Earth either did not
happen or
 have been greatly exaggerated. 

Of course this guy is absolutely correct.  There have been no mass
extinctions.  I think I'll take a drive out in the country, and commune with
the dinosaurs.  They must be there somewhere.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: bye bye constitituion...hello media controlled police stat...

2001-11-21 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/20/01 10:39:10 PM Central Standard Time,

 I did check out the flyer and I guess if you happen to be a tattooed animal
  rights activist that believes in constitutional rights, doesn't drive and
  prefers the company of animals to that of people, you're in big trouble.
  someone who pretty much fits this description, I am VERY glad I do not live
  in Maricopa County.

  The original email didn't have one of the sections of text that is at the
Keep and Bear Arms website.  This made me feel a tiny bit better:




According to Terry Chapman of the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office -- whose
name is on the flyer as the MCSO contact -- the FBI created the flyer and
printed the MCSO and Attorney's Office before the text was approved. He said
it was created as a full color brochure to hand out to officers, not for the
general public -- and that as soon as he saw it, he urged them not to use it,
knowing it had some problems.

The flyer never got off the ground, said Officer Chapman, but it did
manage to make it's way out -- and maybe it's right that it did. He
genuinely didn't like this piece of junk, and he showed true concern about my
issues with the flyer, too. We were not happy with it. It was formulated, I
think, for legitimate purposes, but it fell on stony ground because of the
way it was worded -- the unfortunate profiles that were put in there outraged
a number of people who received it.

It's dead in the water as far as I know, said Chapman. I just can't
imagine the FBI putting it out there again. It wasn't for the public. The
fact that it's circulating again has gotta be by unofficial sources.

Mr. Chapman couldn't name the FBI agent who created the flyer, saying the
individual who created it was no longer with the FBI's Phoenix branch, which
he described as having revolving doors. Sheriff's officers didn't like the
flyer, either. Said Chapman, I had a Lieutenant from our own office call me
and ask 'Am I on your list?' Am I a threat?' for supporting the
constitution?' Chapman was embarrassed by the seeming targeting of decent,
honorable segments of the community by the flyer -- he hoped it would never
be handed out or go anywhere at all.

According to Chapman, the FBI approached the Sheriff's Office saying they
wanted to put a flyer together to help local law enforcement raise officer
awareness about who to watch out for. They asked for a local contact name and
number for use of a flyer they wanted to produce, and because Terry Chapman
heads up MCSO Intelligence, he was the likely candidate. Possible lesson for
Chapman: don't let yourself get used by misguided federal agents again.

The big question: Why the hell does the FBI have someone running around
promoting that Defenders of the Constitution (and the common law from which
the Constitution was born) are domestic terrorists?

The FBI has not returned phone calls on this matter. But suffice it to say
that there has been at least one unAmerican weasel running around their camp
urging people to turn against We The Real American People. We'd sure like to
know this fool's name and location within the Bureau. If you track that
information down, please contact me personally; we've got a bone to pick with
him and his boss, U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft.

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Re: [CTRL] More on Pierce

2001-11-21 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/20/01 6:21:05 PM Central Standard Time,

  I thought I'd try to learn more about him.  The first

  Well that's an unbiased source huh?
  Propagandists of the worst order.


  How is the Nizkor Project propaganda?  On what do you base this?  And is
there anything in the piece on Pierce that is untrue?  Is it untrue that he
wrote The Turner Diaries?  Is the summary of the book incorrect?  Are the
quotes incorrect?  And what of Pierce's own words, from previous broadcasts
and interviews?


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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: bye bye constitituion...hello media controlled police stat...

2001-11-21 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well every officer of the law and officer of the court (and as a Clerk
of Court and Acting Bailiff I too was sworn in ) - but all these people
including this FBI who made up this stupid document - ALL ARE SWORN IN

This thing is so stupid it is unbelievable and now who do you think put
the FBI up to this - well who put the MIlitias and Christians on the Hit
Hate Lists?

Well I won't mention their name but their initials are Anti Defamation
League for only they could be this stupid and why - they are Zionists -
they do not answer to We the People - they fall on all fours each day to
their masters - Murder, Inc.


Wonder how they liked them apples when they got caught with this one?

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Re: [CTRL] More on Pierce

2001-11-21 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/20/01 7:42:55 PM Central Standard Time,

 I don't read Pierce as a neo-Nazi or a white power advocate though he
  probably is both, I read him as one with whom I agree wholeheartedly on one
  major subject, and that subject is the evil that is Zionism.


  Don't the evils of Zionism views exclude many/most Jews from this harsh
judgment?  Pierce doesn't discriminate.  He paints all Jews with the same
broad brush in all that I've seen.  You defend him so vehemently.  Yikes.


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Re: [CTRL] FW: Suspected Inhalation Anthrax Case in Connecticut

2001-11-21 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/20/01 10:39:43 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 to the hospital's credit (especially considering it's a
 small-hick-town hospital), when the victim proceeded to deteriorate rapidly
 over the next few hours after admission they immediately suspected anthrax
 and began tests for it. 

I'll say.  Perhaps it's better to be in a small-hick-town hospital.  Remember
that very intelligent postal worker whose doctor told him to take tylanol,
and whose condition didn't seem to bother the medical profession at all until
he was near death.  Those fabulous representatives of modern medicine were
all in the metropolitan area.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] Anthrax Terrorists may be Zionists

2001-11-21 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

that's funny
I thought the one reason would be your bitter hatred of Jews
-- -- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - -  - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - -
--  -- - -- -
We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty. We must remember always that
accusation is not proof and that conviction depends upon evidence and due
process of law.

Edward R. Murrow

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2001 21:31:05 -0500
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Anthrax Terrorists may be Zionists

 I believe this for one reason

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Re: [CTRL] Mideast peace an illusion?

2001-11-21 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/21/01 2:13:17 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Israel controls the Senate, said J. William Fulbright, chairman of
 the Foreign Relations Committee, in 1973. We should be more
 concerned about the United States' interests. That nothing has
 changed was evident this weekend. Secretary of State Powell
 received a letter, instigated by the Israeli lobby and signed by 89
 U.S. senators, directing him not to interfere with Israel's crushing of
 the Palestinian uprising.

 President Bush may have promised the Peace Party, Tony Blair
 and the Saudis he will use his muscle to broker a just peace. If he
 did, he made a promise he cannot keep. For the conditions of
 peace that seemed present when Ehud Barak led Israel no longer
 exist. The moment has passed, the window has closed. 

And there you have it, boys and girls.  Israel may not really be our ally,
but we are theirs, and we will do whatever they say.  Prudy

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[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] CIA-backed team used brutal means to break up terrorist cell in Albania

2001-11-21 Thread Kris Millegan


CIA-backed team used brutal means to break up terrorist cell in Albania


Officials call operation one of the agency's great successes

By Andrew Higgins and Christopher Cooper

TIRANA, Albania, Nov. 20 -- Ahmed Osman Saleh stepped off a minibus here in 
the Albanian capital in July 1998 and caught what would be his last glimpse 
of daylight for three days. As he paid the driver, Albanian security agents 
slipped a white cloth bag over Saleh's head, bound his limbs with plastic 
shackles and tossed him into the rear of a hatchback vehicle. Supervising 
the operation from a nearby car were agents from the U.S. Central 
Intelligence Agency.
SALEH'S ALBANIAN captors sped over rutted roads to an abandoned air base 35 
miles north of Tirana.  There, recalled an Albanian security agent who 
participated, guards dumped the bearded self-confessed terrorist on the 
floor of a windowless bathroom.
After two days of interrogation by CIA agents and sporadic beatings by 
Albanian guards, Saleh was put aboard a CIA-chartered plane and flown to 
Cairo, according to the Albanian agent and a confession Egyptian police 
elicited from Saleh in September 1998. I remained blindfolded until I got 
off the plane, Saleh said in the confession, a document written in Arabic 
longhand that he signed at the bottom.
There were more beatings and torture at the hands of Egyptian authorities. 
And 18 months after he was grabbed outside the Garden of Games, a Tirana 
children's' park, Saleh was hanged in an Egyptian prison yard.
His capture was one of five scripted and overseen by American agents as 
part of a covert 1998 operation to deport members of the Egyptian Jihad 
organization to Cairo from the Balkans. At the time, Egyptian Jihad was 
merging with Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida network. U.S. authorities 
considered the Tirana cell among the most dangerous terror outfits in Europe.
The CIA has refused to acknowledge the 1998 operation. But privately, U.S. 
officials have described it as one of the most successful counterterrorism 
efforts in the annals of the intelligence agency.
Today, as the Bush administration loosens its interpretation of the rules 
on foreign assassinations and other restraints imposed on the CIA in the 
1970s, America's clandestine role in Albania illuminates some of the 
tactical and moral questions that lie ahead in the global war on terrorism. 
Taking this fight to the enemy will mean teaming up with foreign security 
services that engage in political repression and pay little heed to human 
rights. By authorizing special military trials for some terrorists caught 
abroad, President Bush has signaled that the protections of American-style 
justice won't apply to all.
Although executed swiftly, the CIA's operation in Albania was far from 
clean. At least two men targeted by the Americans eluded capture. Another 
was shot dead during a gunfight with Albanian security forces.
One Albanian participant in the violent arrests recalled that an apparently 
innocent elderly man was grabbed at Tirana's airport and then bound and 
The old man was interrogated for several days by the CIA before being 
dumped on a downtown street. In statements to their lawyer in Egypt, the 
five men who were deported there said they suffered the sort of elaborate 
torture that has been a hallmark of a decade-long Egyptian counterterrorist 
Bill Harlow, a spokesman for the CIA, said any suggestion that the CIA 
either participated in or condoned torture in any of its operations is 
wrong. He declined to comment further.
Albania is nominally Muslim but largely secular and pro-American. It has 
served as a laboratory for counterterrorism tactics shunned in Western 
Europe, for example, where governments are wary of giving the CIA too much 
leeway and balk at sending suspects to countries that employ the death penalty.
Fatos Klosi, head of Albania's intelligence service, acknowledged that some 
of his agency's actions, undertaken at the CIA's behest, were not so 
justified legally. But he defended them as necessary. They convinced us 
not to be soft with terrorists, said Klosi, who oversaw the 1998 operation.

The Tirana group broken up by the CIA was years in the making. Its members, 
who ultimately numbered more than 20, started drifting in and out of 
Albania in the early 1990s. They eventually coalesced into what appears to 
have been a classic sleeper cell: a self-sufficient group ensconced in 
its surroundings, awaiting a call from its leadership to begin terrorist 
In addition to Saleh, a self-described terrorist with a 1993 Cairo car 
bombing to his credit, cell members included an accomplished forger and a 
budding propagandist. Most had spent time in Afghanistan or Pakistan, 
learning how to handle weapons and explosives.  Egyptian Jihad's leader was 
Ayman Zawahri, 

Re: [CTRL] Anthrax Terrorists may be Zionists

2001-11-21 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/21/01 7:47:20 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 that's funny
I thought the one reason would be your bitter hatred of Jews 

Why would the jews want to poison their money well?

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[CTRL] Fwd: Grand Deception

2001-11-21 Thread Kris Millegan


Pat: Send to all. Cliff. 

© 2001 by G. Edward Griffin

Within minutes after the terrorist attack against the World Trade
Center and the Pentagon on September 11, my phone began to ring and emails
started pouring in asking what was the meaning of it all. I was flattered
that anyone thought I would know the answer to that question; but, in truth,
I knew little more than what was being shown on television. It was
impossible to have a reasoned response until the shock wore off and the
facts could be assembled.
The concepts I would like to share with you today were set to paper
three days after that event. I printed about a dozen copies and gave them to
family and friends. Since then I have added historical data, but the
concepts and the message remain unchanged. Many of the predictions I made
have already come to pass; but any pride I might have in being right is far
offset by the grim substance of those predictions.
After completing The Creature from Jekyll Island, I felt that I
still had one more book to write and that it would be called The Freedom
Manifesto. I also knew that I would need a dramatic issue in the first
chapter to capture attention. Well, the terrorist attack on September 11 was
certainly that – and more.
I told those on my email list that I would send them my expanded
report on terrorism, but then I became bogged down in structuring and
gathering material for the book. By that time, the report had become huge
and had to be divided into chapters. All of that took about four weeks. So,
what started out to be a four-page report on terrorism metamorphosed into
Chapter One of The Freedom Manifesto.
At first, it was my intent to keep the material up to date with
late-breaking events; but then it occurred to me that it might have more
value in its original form than if it were continually updated. Writing
about news events after they happen is not difficult, but writing about them
before they happen is another matter. So, I decided to let the overview
stand exactly as conceptualized on Friday, September 14, 2001. This is that

In the year 500 b.c., a Chinese general and philosopher by the name
of Sun Tzu wrote a treatise called The Art of War. It has been translated
into just about every language in the world and has become a classic of
military and political strategy. In it, Sun Tzu said: 
If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the
result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for
every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the
enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.[1]
It is now three days after the attack, and I am haunted by the words
of Sun Tzu. America has declared war, but her leaders are not even sure who
the enemy is. Is it a man called Osama bin Laden? Is it Afghanistan, the
nation that shelters him? Is it the Taliban which rules Afghanistan? Is it a
terrorist group called al-Qaida? Is it Muslim Extremism? We commit to war
but do not know the enemy.
The meaning of this event is far more complicated than the surface
facts would indicate. On the surface, we have a group of people in the
Middle East who hate America and have pledged themselves to inflict severe
punishment on her, even at the sacrifice of their own lives. If that is as
far as we care to look, then the meaning is simple. It is them against us;
we are at war; they are the bad guys; we are the good guys; and we must
destroy the enemy.
That is the meaning that was given to the American people by their
leaders. President Bush summarized it well when he told the nation, Tuesday,
that the attack was an act of cowardice and that America was the target
because it was a beacon of freedom. If that is the correct meaning of the
event, the logical consequences are that we must fight back; we must defend
freedom; and we must not stop until the cowards are wiped off the face of
the earth. That is the path of war, retaliation, and, of course,
There is, however, a deeper understanding of this event, and it has
to do with the maxim: actions have consequences. To come to that
understanding, we must do the unthinkable in moments of crisis. We must ask
Asking questions is not popular with some people. When a nation is
at war, there is a tendency for its citizens to rally behind their leaders
without questioning the wisdom of their actions. For them, the test of
patriotism is conformity. Those who ask questions are called unpatriotic.
Life is simple for the conformists. All they want to know is “What side are
you on, anyway?”[2]
When we reach the end of this report, there will be no doubt in
anyone’s mind about my patriotism or which side holds my loyalty; but, along
the way, I definitely will be asking some hard questions about the wisdom of

[CTRL] Fwd: Deconstructing a Bush League Speech

2001-11-21 Thread Kris Millegan


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This article comes courtesy of the Center for an Informed
America. The original is at: http://davesweb.cnchost.com/wtc9.html

Deconstructing a Bush League Speech

David McGowan
November 12, 2001
Selected excerpts from Bush's November 8 speech in Atlanta, including
portions of the original draft (in red italics) that didn't make the final
Tonight, many thousands of children are tragically learning to live
without one of their parents.
Soon it will be tens of thousands, and
then hundreds of thousands, and then perhaps millions of children who will
be learning to live without one or both of their parents. But that's only
if we count the Afghani kids.
And the rest of us are learning to live in a world that seems very different
than it was on September the 10th.
All of you will be learning to live in
a world that looks very much like a police state. Most of you will also
be learning to live in a state of denial about how overtly fascist the
country has become. Some of you though will have difficulty learning that
portion of the program. We have a name for you: "terrorists."
The moment the second plane hit the second building, when we knew it
was a terrorist attack, many felt that our lives would never be the same.
My handlers wanted me to emphasize that
we had no clue that anything unusual was underway prior to the second plane
hitting the second tower. We actually knew that there was some serious
shit going down long before that time. The fact that no less than four
commercial airliners had been simultaneously hijacked and one of them crashed
into New York City's most visible landmark provided pretty good clues that
something might be afoot. Nevertheless, it wasn't until the second plane
hit the second tower that my aides chose to interrupt my reading time to
inform me that there might be a problem. I'm still pissed off about it
too, because now I'll never know what happened to that goat.
We have gained new heroes, those who ran into burning buildings to save
others: our police and our firefighters.
And just a few short days ago - when we
sent Rudy G's Gestapo troops to show them how we deal with those in this
country who choose to lawfully assemble to address legitimate grievances
- we showed the level of contempt that we have for these heroes. As for
the ones still buried in the rubble, we will be skiploading them into trucks
to dump at the Fresh Kills Landfill. As you can well imagine, we are having
a good laugh about that at the White House.
We've seen that type of hate before, and the only possible response
is to confront it and to defeat it.
This is the part of the speech where I
make the obligatory comparison of our current 'enemy' to Adolf Hitler.
My daddy did the same thing with Saddam Hussein, as many of you will recall.
In truth though, the only thing that these guys have in common with Hitler
is that their rise to power was financed partly by my family, just like
the real Hitler's rise was.
This new enemy seeks to destroy our freedom and impose its views.
This is actually one of the truest statements
that I will be making here this evening. What I won't be telling you though
is that the new enemy is me and my cabinet.
We value education; the terrorists do not believe women should be educated,
or should have health care, or should leave their homes.
Neither, for that matter, do any of the
other groups who we are considering propping up as the new Afghani government,
but we don't generally like to talk about that.
We value the right to speak our minds;
We may value it, but don't anybody think
about trying to actually exercise it. Always keep in mind what my errand-boy
Ari Fleischer said about watching what you say and do.
This enemy tries to hide behind a peaceful faith. But those who celebrate
the murder of innocent men, women and children have no religion, have no
conscience and have no mercy.
That is why I want you all to go out there
and wave your flags and sing God Bless America while we continue to actively
assist in an impending genocide of some seven-and-a-half million innocent
We wage a war to save civilization itself.
That, of course, assumes that we are defining
'civilization' as the right of the select few to exploit the resources
and the people of this entire planet.
This is a different war from any our nation has ever faced, a war on
many fronts, against terrorists who operate in more than 60 different countries.
And this is a war that must be fought not only overseas, but also here
at home.
For those who haven't figured it out yet,
this is a war against all the people of the 

[CTRL] His grasp of spin is chilling . . .

2001-11-21 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

 Wednesday 21 November 2001


His grasp of spin is chilling . . .
(Filed: 16/11/2001)

Few Westerners have seen Osama bin Laden's recruitment video in
full. So what did Julia Magnet, a young Jewish New Yorker, make of

THE Third Reich may have honed a formidable propaganda
machine, but even Hitler might have drawn the line at flashy music
videos. In that respect, at least, Osama bin Laden has topped the

Until I sat down to watch a two-hour Al Qa'eda recruitment video,
made just six months before the September 11 attacks, I had no
idea that the champion of anti-Americanism had hijacked our
Hollywood gimmicks and television tricks. Far more likely, I thought,
that he'd produce a dreary display of militant fundamentalism: lots
of ranting against America and Saudi Arabia, with some macho
gun-play thrown in for show.

What I actually saw was far more worrying: Osama bin Laden
beating us at our own media game. With devilish cunning, he has
plugged into the MTV generation - and it's clear he knows how to
reach us. I have spent all day humming militant Islamic songs. And
I am a Jewish twenty-something from New York.

For the best part of a week, I have been watching his video over
and over again, trying to match every syllable with a translation of
the Arabic that Fawaz Gerges, a professor of Middle Eastern
Studies at Sarah Lawrence College in New York, has just
completed. Long before I understood each phrase in its context, I
realised that words are only a small part of bin Laden's propaganda
arsenal. Like Hitler, his speeches are more concerned with creating
an emotional effect than expounding a concrete message.

Let me give you a 30-second example of how he creates terrorist
MTV. The screen darkens. We are in a room, playing a virtual
reality game: assassinate the American leader of your choice. Light
pulses from a movie screen, hanging eerily in space, as a song
pounds over the speakers: We defy with our Koran/ with blood, we
wipe out our dishonour and shame.

Zoom in from a figure watching the screen to the still image of a
Taliban fighter straddling a corpse. The music rises. Then, the
image changes, as if the hands of a clock are erasing it. We are still
in the dark room, but our anonymous alter-ego is now in Taliban
dress. Bush Snr and Colin Powell appear on the screen. With
cowboy timing, our watching figure reaches into his robe to grab a
gun. He crouches and fires at the screen, in time to the martial
rhythm. Smoke obliterates the face of Colin Powell.

Cut to Warren Christopher and President Clinton. Boom! Cut to a
close-up of Clinton, wearing his habitual self-satisfied smirk. The
gunman's shadow blocks out Clinton's face. Kerpow! Now, in a
parody of the American flag, a puzzle of horizontal stripes emerges
from each side of the screen, finally connecting to reveal two
fighters facing down Warren Christopher. Bang, bang! Whoosh - the
images disappear and the screen spins to reveal Osama bin Laden.

He knows his audience. His most impressionable recruits are of the
same age and sex as MTV's loyal following: alienated teenage
boys, full of the resentment, hyperactivity and maddening sense of
impotence that typify that age group - in any country. In the video,
the oppressor is not parental authority, but the West, which can be
blamed for everything.

This is a great propaganda film - the kind that you can't get out of
your head. Bin Laden's story of Muslim subjugation turning to
resistance is so effective that I barely need my transcripts. He uses
the most sophisticated western film-making techniques: it's as if
Guy Ritchie, Sylvester Stallone and Spielberg have banded
together to make jihad, the movie.

Despite all this flashiness, bin Laden seems hardly flamboyant as
an orator - certainly not modern. Yet his grasp of spin, of product-
packaging, is chilling. If you did not understand his hateful and ugly
words, you could easily believe he is simply a preacher. His body
language is gentle and controlled: only his right hand moves, and
then never farther than six inches from his body. Rarely does he
shake his fist, a gesture familiar in all propaganda. When he does, it
is with weary anger: his cause is so self-evident that he does not
need an indignant mime show.

But it is those eyes that grab you - otherworldly, luminous eyes that
remind me of Charles Manson's. They never meet the camera. It is
as if he doesn't see this world - only the spiritual dimension.

I had half-expected some of Hitler's propaganda tactics: highly
choreographed mass events, flanks of elite soldiers, booming
speeches. Bin Laden employs none of those. When he is on screen,
the camera stays on him, making the viewer imagine that he is
being addressed personally.

Initially, I wondered: where's the theatre in all this? But then I
started noticing the costumes. Welcome to the Osama bin Laden
fashion show. First, the holy teacher: robed in white, with covered
head, standing before a 

Re: [CTRL] I pledge Allegiance

2001-11-21 Thread Damaeus

-Caveat Lector-

Bill Richer [EMAIL PROTECTED] posted [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Wed, 21
Nov 2001 02:55:12 EST in news:internal.mailing-list.independent.ctrl, which

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 11/21/01 2:46:00 AM Eastern Standard Time,

   Did you hear the WAV file?  It's nothing but static.  That's why it's
   There's nothing to hear but static.  I'm so glad you're so easily
   PS - Learn to spell my name.
 If its static all you have to do if you want the file is write directly to me
 and I can send it direct.  For some reason, files don;t seem to go through
 list very well!

Okay, that's fine.  BTW, I don't know why I've been such a prick lately.
Forgive me all. :-(  Don't males have periods, too?


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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Re: [CTRL] Osama's High Production Values

2001-11-21 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/20/01 6:49:17 PM Central Standard Time,

 This is a great propaganda film - the kind that you can't get out of your
  head. Bin Laden's story of Muslim subjugation turning to resistance is so
  effective that I barely need my transcripts. He uses the most sophisticated
  western film-making techniques: it's as if Guy Ritchie, Sylvester Stallone
  and Spielberg have banded together to make jihad, the movie.

  I wonder if he had help from his Western pals.  That maybe this is just
another good cop/bad cop game, and Osama is lounging in a palace in Saudi
Arabia somewhere, calling his western intelligence pals and sharing a good
laugh about how the world is buying their game.  If this young woman
seriously considered this possibility, she might never sleep again.


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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[CTRL] Fwd: restore V1 #138

2001-11-21 Thread Kris Millegan


restoreWed, 21 Nov 2001  Volume 1 : Number 138

In this issue:

CA: US Court Hears Suit for Return of Medical MJ
UK: Cannabis Cafe Shut Down
UK: 12 Held Over UK Cannabis Cafe Haul
UK: Police Urge Radical Shift On Drugs
Brazil TV Host's Candor Stirs Marijuana Debate
CA: Response to DEA
San Jose Merc Ed. on Ashcroft the MD
OR: Hearing Set for Ashcroft Ore. Order
KY: Hemp Research Effort Is Off to a Slow Start
Canada: A Match Made of Smoke
SD Gov. full of hate
Fwd: [CogLib] Time To End Criminal Punishment For Drugs

[EMAIL PROTECTED] daily digest web version: http://www.crrh.org/hempnews/viewrestore.asp


Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2001 20:36:14 -0800
From: Dale Gieringer [EMAIL PROTECTED] (by way of D. Paul Stanford 
Subject: CA: US Court Hears Suit for Return of Medical MJ

California NORML News Release 11-19-01 by Dale Gieringer

San Francisco, Nov 19:  In a case with precedent-setting potential, US
District Court Judge Marilyn Patel heard arguments about whether the
federal government should return one ounce of medical marijuana to Prop 215
patient Chris Giauque.  The ounce had been seized by the DEA pursuant to a
federal initerpleader suit by Humboldt County sheriff Dennis Lewis, who had
asked to be excused from  a state court order requiring him to return the
ounce to Giauque on pain of contempt of court.US District Judge Legge
ordered the DEA to seize the ounce from Lewis's custody, thereby relieving
him from the contempt order.
Giauque's attorney, Bryce Kenney, filed a motion for return of property,
arguing that the seizure warrant violated a common law rule against
concurrent in rem jurisdiction by two different courts over the same
property, and that the federal law exceeded the government's authority
under the Interstate Commerce Clause.
The government argued that Giauque had no legal right to the property
since marijuana is contraband under federal law, as determined by the US
Supreme Court in its Oakland Cannabis Buyers' Cooperative decision.
Kenney argued that the Supreme Court decision had no  bearing on Giauque's
case, since it concerned distribution by dispensaries, not private
possession for medical use.
Patel poked fun at the OCBC decision, saying she was walking into a
thicket left by a rather oblique statement by the Supreme Court regarding
the legality of possession of marijuana.
US attorney Scott Nonaka argued that the  legality of the federal statute
against marijuana possession had been consistently upheld by the courts,
including the Ninth Circuit, which specifically rejected a challenge based
on the interstate commerce clause in U.S v. Bramble (1997).  However,
Kenney noted that Bramble also involved intent to sell and did not involve
medical marijuana that was protected under state law.
Patel joked that there was now a Bramble in the thicket.Judge Patel
mused whether Giauque's marijuana had been destroyed, and, if so, how
damages might be assessed, given the lack of a legal market price.  Kenney
suggested that cannabis clubs could testify to the cost of growing medical
Patel wondered whether Giauque's case was really just an in rem civil
proceeding, in which case the federal government might be barred from
claiming concurrent jurisdiction, or whether it might have also been
prosecuted as a criminal case, in which case the government would have a
clearer claim to his pot.  Nonaka admitted he didn't know whether a case
like Giauque's would be prosecuted in federal court.  I haven't seen one,
Patel exclaimed, You're just trying to oblige the sheriff in Humboldt County,
Asked what the government's interest was in the case, Nonaka said that it
was a violation of federal law, and the government couldn't turn a blind
eye to it because of the sheriff's interpleader suit.
Judge Patel called the case an interesting question.  A written opinion
is expected shortly and seems destined to be appealed to the Ninth Circuit.


Dale Gieringer (415) 563-5858  // [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2215-R Market St. #278, San Francisco CA 94114


Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2001 20:43:44 -0800
From: D. Paul Stanford [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: UK: Cannabis Cafe Shut Down

Newshawk: puff_tuff
Pubdate: Tue, 20 Nov 2001
Source: Manchester Evening News (UK)
Copyright: 2001 Manchester Evening News
Website: http://www.manchesteronline.co.uk
Details: http://www.mapinc.org/media/1313
Bookmark: http://www.mapinc.org/pot.htm (Cannabis)


Police raided Stockport's cannabis cafe this afternoon and shut it down.
Officers burst in as owner Colin Davies was being 

[CTRL] Fwd: Let's not forget Finanz Kapital's other motive for the WTC remote-controlled crashbombing: destruction of evidence

2001-11-21 Thread Kris Millegan


All those documents implicating the Paper Money Gang.. ALL 
GONE!also, according to the wives of many exec.s NOW 
DECEASED Had Their home computers hacked and documents stolen .. They 
don't take any chances these people. also, the JUST US. Dept. was 
evacuated at least twice .. I guess they couldn't burn it down ..LOOK 
who's in charge of the Money Laundering section at D.O.J. LEE 
RADIK He headed President Clinton's Criminal Div. at D.O.J. 
He's Perfect!

One more reason whyWTC had to happen, Bill Clinton's "good 
was an on-paper-only ''FRAUD'' -- 
thehad-to-be"comeupance" needed
a scapegoat to transfer blame to Afgan goat herders


CSFB TO FEDS:LET'S STRIKE A DEAL http://www.nypost.com/business/32060.htm




October 18, 2001 
-- Credit Suisse First 
Boston's interest in striking a deal with regulators regarding the probe into 
the Wall Street firm's allocations of shares of hot initial public offerings has 
heated up, according to a source familiar with the matter. 
CSFB's new legal team, under the direction of newly appointed Chief Executive 
John Mack, are pressing ahead with negotiations with the Securities and Exchange 
Commission to put an end to the highly publicized investigation that has 
tarnished CSFB and other Wall Street firms since tech stocks plunged. 
CSFB's renewed initiatives with regulators began this summer when Mack tapped 
former SEC watchdog Gary Lynch and charged him as point man to bring a 
resolution to the IPO mess. 
However, sources at CSFB added that talks between the firm and the SEC have 
been ongoing. 
A complaint has not been filed by the SEC, and sources say that a possible 
settlement may still be a long way off. 
To be sure, CSFB's Mack would welcome the chance to get out from under the 
probe, which has hovered over the firm like a black cloud for more than a year. 
CSFB and other top investment banks, including Goldman Sachs Group and Morgan 
Stanley, are being investigated by government agencies for possibly mishandling 
the way they doled out shares of IPOs during the technology boom. At issue is 
whether the firms received kickbacks in exchange for giving clients shares in 
high-tech IPOs. 
Meanwhile, sources close to the investigation said the Sept. 11 terrorist 
attacks have hindered the investigation process because the SEC's New York 
headquarters was based in the now destroyed 7 World Trade Center. 
SEC officials declined to comment. A CSFB spokesperson did not return calls 
for comment
---End Message---

[CTRL] Fw: [APFN] Federal Bill 602P - - You'll Pay 5-Cents Per E-mail Sent !!!

2001-11-21 Thread Archibald Bard

IMPORTANT you repost to all!

Archibald Bard


- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 8:28 AM
Subject: [APFN] Federal Bill 602P - - You'll Pay 5-Cents Per E-mail 
Sent !!!
saw this one on freerepublic.com today...passing it 
along...Federal Bill 602P - - You'll Pay 5-Cents Per E-mail Sent 
!!!GovernmentSource: E-MailPublished: November 21,2001 Author: 
E-MailPosted on 11/21/01 8:18 AM Pacific by GeekDejureRecd: 
Tuesday, November 20, 2001 5:23 PMGuess the warnings were true. Federal Bill 
602P - 5-cents per E-mail sent.It figures! No more free E-mail! We knew 
this was coming!! Bill 602P will permitthe Federal Government to charge a 
5-cent charge on every delivered E-mail.Please read the following 
carefully if you intend to stay online and continueusing E-mail.The 
last few months have revealed an alarming trend in the Government of 
theUnited States attempting to quietly push through legislation that will 
affectour use of the Internet. Under proposed legislation, the US Postal 
Service willbe attempting to bill E-mail users out of "alternative postage 
fees."Bill 602P will permit the Federal Government to charge a 5-cent 
surcharge onevery e-mail delivered, by billing Internet Service Providers at 
source.The consumer would then be billed in turn by the ISP. Washington 
DC lawyer,Richard Stepp, is working without pay to prevent this legislation 
from becominglaw. The US Postal Service is claiming lost revenue, due to the 
proliferation ofE-mail, is costing nearly $230,000,000 in revenue per year. 
You may have noticedtheir recent ad campaign: "There is nothing like a 
letter." Since the averageperson received about 10 pieces of E-mail per day 
in 1998, the cost of thetypical individual would be an additional 50 cents a 
day-over $180 peryear-above and beyond their regular Internet 
costs.Note that this would be money paid directly to the US Postal 
Service for aservice they do not even provide. The whole point of the 
Internet is democracyand noninterference. You are already paying an 
exorbitant price for snail mailbecause of bureaucratic inefficiency. It 
currently takes up to 6 days for aletter to be delivered from coast to 
coast.If the US Postal Service is allowed to tinker with E-mail, it will 
mark the endof the "free" Internet in the United States. Congressional 
representative, TonySchnell(r) has even suggested a "$20-$40 per month 
surcharge on all Internetservice" above and beyond the governments proposed 
E-mail charges.Note that most of the major newspapers have ignored the 
story the only exceptionbeing the Washingtonian which called the idea of 
E-mail surcharge "a usefulconcept who's time has come" (March 6th, 1999 
Editorial).Send this E-mail to EVERYONE on your list, and tell all your 
friends andrelatives to write their congressional representative and say 
"NO" to Bill 602P.PLEASE DO THIS !! It will only take a few moments 
of your time and couldvery well be instrumental in killing a bill we do not 

Re: [CTRL] Fw: [APFN] Federal Bill 602P - - You'll Pay 5-Cents Per E-mail Sent !!!

2001-11-21 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/21/01 9:14:01 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 It figures! No more free E-mail! We knew this was coming!! Bill 602P will

the Federal Government to charge a 5-cent charge on every delivered E-mail. 

This old wifes tale is back again! This myth has been running around the
internet community for years. There is no basis in fact for it!

It is an Urban Myth.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: [APFN] Federal Bill 602P - - You'll Pay 5-Cents Per E-mail Sent !!!

2001-11-21 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-



Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! GeoCities - quick and easy web site hosting, just $8.95/month.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] The Hidden History of Zionism

2001-11-21 Thread Kris Millegan


The Hidden History of Zionism by Ralph Schoenman
in now on the web.


---End Message---

[CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] The Problems With Bush's Executive Order Burying Presidential Records

2001-11-21 Thread Kris Millegan


The Problems With Bush's Executive Order Burying Presidential Records


Friday, Nov. 09, 2001

On November 1, President George W. Bush signed his latest effort to govern
by secrecy  Executive Order 13233. For good reason this Order has a lot of
historians, journalists, and Congresspersons (both Republican and
Democratic) upset.

The Order ends 27 years of Congressional and judicial efforts to make
Presidential papers and records publicly available. In issuing the Order,
the President has pushed his lawmaking powers beyond their limits.

The Secret Presidency

As President watchers know, we have a President who likes secrecy.

He has hired only tested leak-proof and loyal staffers, effectively sealing
the Bush White House. He has had his records as the Governor of Texas
hidden, shipping them off to his father's Presidential library, where they
are inaccessible. He has stiffed the Congressional requests for information
about how he developed his energy policy  refusing to respond.

No President can govern in a fishbowl. But not since Richard Nixon went to
work in the Oval Office has there been as concentrated an effort to keep the
real work of a President hidden, showing the public only a scripted
President, as now. While this effort was evident before the September 11th
terrorist attacks, the events of that day have become the justification for
even greater secrecy.

The mystical veil of national security has been cast over much of the Bush
administration. There were the secret arrests of terror-related suspects
(currently over 1000 publicly unknown people). There was the expansion of
the wiretap granting powers of a secret federal court hidden within the
Department of Justice. There was, and continues to be, an apparent policy of
precluding news organizations and congressional leaders from access to
anything other than managed and generic news about the war in Afghanistan.

With all these moves, President Bush is brushing aside one historical
tradition of openness after another. It is in this context that the
President's latest action must be viewed.

The Executive Order suggests that President Bush not only does not want
Americans to know what he is doing, but he also does not want to worry that
historians and others will someday find out. Certainly that is the implicit
message in his new effort to preclude public access to Presidential papers 
his, and those of all Presidents since the Reagan-Bush administration. There
is, however, no justification whatsoever for this latest effort to hide the
work of past, present, and future Presidents.

What Bush's Executive Action Means

There has been some confusion about the meaning of the President's actions
in addressing Presidential papers. He has not repealed the existing law, as
some have asserted, because he does not have that power. But he has sought
to significantly modify the law, and made its procedures far more complex,
cumbersome and restrictive. In doing so, he has exceeded his executive
powers under the Presidential Records Act of 1978.

White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer has tried, unsuccessfully, to spin
Executive Order 13233 as doing nothing more than implementing the existing
law, but in fact, the Order does much more. Perhaps unsurprisingly, when
pressed during his briefing, Mr. Fleischer dodged the tough questions, or
said that's a matter for the lawyers. Fleischer contention that the Order
is innocuous would not hold up under close scrutiny, and so he avoided that

Attorney Scott Nelson's Testimony Against the Order

One lawyer who appreciates exactly what has been done is Washington attorney
Scott L. Nelson, who represents Public Citizen, the public advocacy group
that flushed out the Nixon papers during several decades of litigation. Mr.
Nelson knows these laws well because Richard Nixon was his client for 15
years  ironically, much of that time fighting Public Citizen. Indeed, Scott
Nelson has been involved in the litigation that has shaped the body of law
that President Bush has ignored in issuing his Executive Order.

On November 6, Nelson appeared before a subcommittee of the House Committee
on Government Reform, chaired by Congressman Stephen Horn, to address the
new Bush Order. He explained in detail its flaws  which I have only
summarized below, by highlighting a few examples of how the Bush Order
ignores, or seeks to change, the law.

The Presidential Records Act

Under the 1978 Presidential Records Act, virtually all of a former
President's records are to be made publicly available by the Archivist
twelve years after that President leaves office. There are narrow exceptions
for papers that still must be withheld for national security reasons.

But the 1978 statute specifically states that among the material to be
released by the Archives twelve years after a President leaves office are

[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: NYTimes.com Article: Enron's Growing Financial Crisis Raises Doubts About Merger Deal

2001-11-21 Thread Kris Millegan


-Original Message-From: 
November 21, 2001 9:22 AMSubject: NYTimes.com Article: Enron's 
Growing Financial Crisis Raises Doubts About Merger Deal 
This article from NYTimes.com has been sent to you by 
[EMAIL PROTECTED].down goes 
Enron  I'm sure it's those trading positions and notional amounts that are 
catching up -- derivatives ...[EMAIL PROTECTED]Enron's Growing 
Financial Crisis Raises Doubts About Merger DealNovember 21, 2001 
By RICHARD A. OPPEL Jr.Shares of Enron (news/quote) 
plunged 23 percent yesterdayas expectations grew in the stock and bond 
markets thatDynegy (news/quote) would either back out of its deal 
torescue the company or seek to renegotiate terms of theirmerger. 
Wall Street analysts said top officials of both companieshad not 
known until the last few days that a recentdowngrading of Enron's credit 
meant that it would face a$690 million loan payment next week unless it 
could come upwith collateral. Enron's disclosure of the obligation 
lateon Monday - along with new numbers about the extent of itscash 
squeeze - raised fresh doubts among investors aboutEnron's financial 
controls and credibility, they said. Other trading companies, worried 
about being paid asEnron's financial picture has darkened, continued 
yesterdayto limit their exposure to the company, which has been 
thenation's biggest energy trader. Analysts also expressedconcern about 
the rate at which Enron appeared to beburning through cash. 
Yesterday evening, Karen Denne, a spokeswoman for Enron,which is 
based in Houston, said the company had obtained"verbal indications" from 
lenders that they would extendthe time Enron had to repay the $690 million 
debt. Detailsof the extension - including how long it would last - 
werestill being worked out, she said. The payment had been duenext 
Tuesday. An executive close to the talks said that bankers could"see 
a light at the end of the tunnel" for Enron, in theform of the deal with 
Dynegy, and so had an incentive toroll over the loan. Dynegy, also 
based in Houston, declined to comment aboutdetails of Enron's disclosures, 
which came in a delayedreport by the company - a so-called 10Q filing with 
theSecurities and Exchange Commission - of its third-quarterresults. 
Just a week ago, Dynegy's chief executive, Chuck Watson,reassured 
investors that Enron's business was strong andthat a $1.5 billion cash 
infusion by ChevronTexaco,Dynegy's biggest investor, would calm the market's 
jitters.Dynegy was less impassioned yesterday. A spokesman, 
JohnSousa, said that "to the best of my knowledge, there havebeen no 
changes" in the merger plans. He added, "We are in due diligence, and 
the 10Q is animportant part of due diligence," he said. Due 
diligencerefers to a company's thorough review of the financial 
andcommercial soundness of a pending deal. The merger deal, 
announced on Nov. 9, allows Dynegy to backout of the transaction should 
there be a "material adversechange" in circumstances. Enron shares 
fell $2.07, to $6.99, in trading yesterday;Dynegy shares fell 4.4 percent, 
or $1.90, to $41.70. Those stock prices suggest widespread investor 
skepticismthat the deal will go through under the current terms,which 
call for each Enron share to be exchanged for 0.2685share of Dynegy. At 
yesterday's prices, Dynegy would bepaying a 60 percent premium for Enron. 
A year ago, Enron's stock market valuation topped $60billion, and 
the company was considered the smartest andmost fearsome company in the 
electricity and natural gasindustries. Its chief executive, Kenneth L. Lay, 
was a keybacker and confidante of President George W. Bush; its namewas 
hoisted above Houston's new baseball stadium, EnronField. But 
Enron's shares have slid 92 percent from their peak,dropping its valuation 
to $5.2 billion, with a series ofunwelcome disclosures in the last month - 
including theadmission that it has overstated profits by almost 
$600million since 1997. Now, some analysts and executives at rival 
energy tradingcompanies say Enron faces collapse if the merger 
withDynegy, a much smaller company, falls apart. "If Enron is out 
there standing on its own, I don't thinkthat's sustainable," said a senior 
executive of one ofEnron's largest energy-trading competitors. 
Besides Dynegy's continued commitment to the merger,analysts and 
industry executives said the most crucialissue for Enron was restoring the 
confidence of investorsand trading partners in its financial health. 
The restatement of earnings two weeks ago and otherdisclosures about 
complex dealings with partnerships, someof them run by Enron's former chief 
financial officer, hadprompted the major credit-rating agencies to rate 
Enron'sbond's at the lowest investment-grade level. "If the rating 
agencies take them below investment grade,they can't do business anymore," 
the rival executive 

Re: [CTRL] Fw: [APFN] Federal Bill 602P - - You'll Pay 5-Cents Per E-mail Sent !!!

2001-11-21 Thread John A. O'Neal

At 09:13 AM 11/21/2001 -0800, you wrote:
you repost to all!

B.S. B.S, B.S. B.S. B.S.



- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 8:28 AM
Subject: [APFN] Federal Bill 602P - - You'll Pay 5-Cents Per E-mail Sent !!!
saw this one on freerepublic.com today...passing it along...
Federal Bill 602P - - You'll Pay 5-Cents Per E-mail Sent !!!
Source: E-Mail
Published: November 21,2001 Author: E-Mail
Posted on 11/21/01 8:18 AM Pacific by GeekDejure

Recd: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 5:23 PM
Guess the warnings were true. Federal Bill 602P - 5-cents per E-mail sent.
It figures! No more free E-mail! We knew this was coming!! Bill 602P will permit
the Federal Government to charge a 5-cent charge on every delivered E-mail.
Please read the following carefully if you intend to stay online and continue
using E-mail.
The last few months have revealed an alarming trend in the Government of the
United States attempting to quietly push through legislation that will affect
our use of the Internet. Under proposed legislation, the US Postal Service will
be attempting to bill E-mail users out of alternative postage fees.
Bill 602P will permit the Federal Government to charge a 5-cent surcharge on
every e-mail delivered, by billing Internet Service Providers at source.
The consumer would then be billed in turn by the ISP. Washington DC lawyer,
Richard Stepp, is working without pay to prevent this legislation from becoming
law. The US Postal Service is claiming lost revenue, due to the proliferation of
E-mail, is costing nearly $230,000,000 in revenue per year. You may have noticed
their recent ad campaign: There is nothing like a letter. Since the average
person received about 10 pieces of E-mail per day in 1998, the cost of the
typical individual would be an additional 50 cents a day-over $180 per
year-above and beyond their regular Internet costs.
Note that this would be money paid directly to the US Postal Service for a
service they do not even provide. The whole point of the Internet is democracy
and noninterference. You are already paying an exorbitant price for snail mail
because of bureaucratic inefficiency. It currently takes up to 6 days for a
letter to be delivered from coast to coast.
If the US Postal Service is allowed to tinker with E-mail, it will mark the end
of the free Internet in the United States. Congressional representative, Tony
Schnell(r) has even suggested a $20-$40 per month surcharge on all Internet
service above and beyond the governments proposed E-mail charges.
Note that most of the major newspapers have ignored the story the only exception
being the Washingtonian which called the idea of E-mail surcharge a useful
concept who's time has come (March 6th, 1999 Editorial).
Send this E-mail to EVERYONE on your list, and tell all your friends and
relatives to write their congressional representative and say NO to Bill 602P.
PLEASE DO THIS !! It will only take a few moments of your time and could
very well be instrumental in killing a bill we do not want. PLEASE FORWARD!!!

Re: [CTRL] Fw: [APFN] Federal Bill 602P - - You'll Pay 5-Cents Per E-mail Sent !!!

2001-11-21 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

So how do I get my money back.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: [APFN] Federal Bill 602P - - You'll Pay 5-Cents Per E-mail Sent !!!

2001-11-21 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/21/01 10:06:21 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 So how do I get my money back. 

Saba, first you have to get the following forms from the Postal Service:
BS form 1042-4
BS form 231-5
Provide 3 copies of photo ID, notarized

Fill out the forms in triplicate, and submit them. Allow 6 months for

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Large attachments -- PLEASE READ was I pledge Allegiance

2001-11-21 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

I'm sending this to both lists in the hope that everyone will get it.

What got me upset was that the WAV file in question was 1.8 MEGABYTES
and I got it twice, and Yahoo shut down my mail because it was over
quota, and I had to go to the ctrl@yahoogroups site to retrieve about
30 posts. Plus I had to write 16 emails to list moderators asking them
to unbounce me. Plus who knows how many personal emails never arrived.

Lesson learned, I will set up a filter to block WAV files.

What I highly recommend, folks, is that if you have a large attachment,
say over 150-200K, that you would like to share with the list, send a
brief note and just include the link, if it's on the Web, or a request
for people to email you off list for the attachment, if it's on your
hard drive. Not everyone has unlimited mail storage space.

Co-Editor, CTRL

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! GeoCities - quick and easy web site hosting, just $8.95/month.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Happy Thansgiving

2001-11-21 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

http://www5.bluemountain.com/cards/boxe227476s6/yd6m6wafe6w2ghs.html A
This Thanksgiving.../A

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [ctrl] One At Risk, All At Risk

2001-11-21 Thread Tony Dickinson

-Caveat Lector-

 Less than a week after the Bundestag voted to send German
 troops into action outside Europe for the first time since 1945, Mr
 Blair told delegates to the SPD conference: It is a time for
 boldness, courage and strength.

.. and the opportunity to reduce the population by the loss of another
self-selecting group of willing combatants ?. Wonder who'll sign up ?


Just think, war breaks out and nobody shows up !!

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] 2 lists

2001-11-21 Thread thew
Title: 2 lists

i think im only on one of them

id like to be on both
-- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - - - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - - --  -- - -- -

Experience should teach us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the Government's purposes are beneficent. Men born to freedom are naturally alert to repel invasion of their liberty by evil-minded rulers. The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well-meaning but without understanding.
  Justice Louis D. Brandeis

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew 

[CTRL] [1986] New evidence links George Bush Sr. to Los Angeles drug operation

2001-11-21 Thread Agent Smiley

-Caveat Lector-


New evidence links George Bush to Los Angeles drug
by Edward Spannaus © Executive Intelligence Review

On Oct. 27, 1986, federal and local law enforcement
officials executed search warrants on more than a
dozen locations connected to a major
cocaine-trafficking ring in southern California
centered around Danilo Blandon.. One of the locations
raided was the home of a former Laguna Beach police
officer by the name of Ronald Lister.

Los Angeles Sheriff's Department detectives reported
that when they raided Lister's house, they found
``films of military operations in Central America,
technical manuals, information on assorted military
hardware and communications, and numerous documents
indicating that drug money was being used to purchase
military equipment for Central America.'' Documents
were also found which diagrammed ``the route of drug
money out of the United States, back into the United
States purchasing weaponry for the Contras.''

An official report by one of the detectives from the
1986 raid stated: ``Mr. Lister ... told me he had
dealings in South America and worked with the CIA and
added that his friends in Washington weren't going to
like what was going on. I told Mr. Lister that we were
not interested in his business in South America. Mr.
Lister replied that he would call Mr. Weekly of the
CIA and report me.''

New evidence has now surfaced showing who some of
Lister's ``friends in Washington'' were, and we shall
see that these ``friends'' ran all the way up to the
Office of the Vice President, at that time George

Mark Richard's tell-tale notes
Around the same time as the October 1986 drug raid,
``Mr. Weekly,'' whose full name is David Scott Weekly,
became the subject of a federal investigation opened
for the purpose of prosecuting him on federal
explosives charges. According to later testimony, this
investigation was under way for some time before
Weekly himself first learned about it, which was on
Dec. 21-22, 1986.

But ten days before Weekly learned that he was being
targetted, Bill Price, the U.S. Attorney in Oklahoma
City handling Weekly's case, had a telephone
conversation with a top official at Justice Department
headquarters about some of the stickier aspects of the
investigation. The official to whom Price talked was
Mark Richard, a Deputy Assistant Attorney General in
the Criminal Division, and the career Justice
Department official who served as the Department's
liaison to the intelligence agencies.

The question arises: What might have triggered this
conversation between Mark Richard--the DOJ's point of
contact for the NSC, CIA, and military intelligence
agencies--and the Oklahoma prosecutor?

First of all, on Oct. 5, 1986, a C-123 cargo plane,
flying from El Salvador's Ilopango military air base,
had been shot down over Nicaragua. Three crewmen were
killed, and the fourth, Eugene Hasenfus, was captured
by the Nicaraguan Sandinistas. This was the beginning
of the public unravelling of what became known as the
``Iran-Contra'' affair.

Then came the Oct. 27 raid in Los Angeles, after which
the Los Angeles FBI office communicated to FBI
headquarters what had transpired, including Lister's
claims of involvement in arming the Contras, and his
citation of ``Mr. Weekly'' as being ``CIA'' and a
``DIA subcontractor''--referring to the Defense
Intelligence Agency. (The FBI had already interviewed
a businessman to whom Lister had bragged, on Aug. 1,
that he was involved in arming the Contras, and that
his arms deals were ``CIA approved.'')

On Nov. 10, 1986, the FBI sent a teletype to various
sections of the CIA, inquiring about Lister, Blandon,
Weekly, and some others. The inquiry, over the name of
the FBI Director, asked diplomatically if any of these
individuals were ``of operational interest'' to the

FBI documents also show that a teletype was sent to
FBI headquarters on Dec. 9, followed up by a phone
conversation with an FBI supervisor on Dec. 11--the
same day that Mark Richard spoke to the prosecutor in
Oklahoma City--who was at the time secretly preparing
his case against Scott Weekly.

In August 1987--less than a year later--Mark Richard
was required to give testimony in the Congressional
Iran-Contra investigation. While being interrogated
about various matters in which there were allegations
of Justice Department interference in Contra-related
cases, Richard was specifically questioned about
handwritten notes he had made during his Dec. 11
conversation with prosecutor Bill Price. Richard said
that Bill Hendricks of the DOJ's Public Integrity
Section, which was dealing with a lot of the
Iran-Contra matters, had previously been in touch with
Price. After examining his own notes, Richard said
that the conversation pertained to ``an individual who
had been arrested and his possible involvement in some
CIA/Contra-related activities.'' (In fact, Scott
Weekly was out of the country on Dec. 


2001-11-21 Thread Agent Smiley

-Caveat Lector-

by Michael C. Ruppert © 7/23/98

© COPYRIGHT 1998 Michael C. Ruppert. ALL RIGHTS
RESERVED. Permission to reprint or excerpt only if the
following appears: Reprinted by permission, Michael
C. Ruppert  From The Wilderness at www.copvcia.com.

Did the CIA order the use of Sarin gas to kill
American defectors in Southeast Asia? The answer to
that question opens a black hole of ugly truths about
U.S. foreign policy and covert operations. Those
truths all lead to a central reality, which is that
covert and paramilitary operations, as conducted by
the U.S. Government, do not exist without drug
trafficking. Equally tragic is the fact that drugs are
a main reason why POWs didn't come home. The irony on
the tragedy is that drugs were also used to fund
several sabotaged covert missions to rescue them.

The recent CNN reports on Operation Tailwind
(referenced in the last issue of From The Wilderness),
their retraction and the object lessons made of CNN
Producer April Oliver and Peter Arnett point to much
uglier and deeper truths about CIA covert operations
than the fact that CIA used nerve gas to kill
defectors and deserters in Southeast Asia. As From The
Wilderness will show, there is a high probability that
Sarin gas was used not only against defectors, but
also against unwilling prisoners of war whom the
government had decided would be a major embarrassment
if they came home alive. Testimony and evidence exists
to show that Sarin was in Laos at the time and that it
was used at or near known POW camps in Laos. If true,
those facts would shed a whole new light on the CNN

Those stories, flawed in their presentation, not only
hinted at an ongoing feud between elements of the Navy
and CIA, but came dangerously close to far more
devastating truths about the CIA's involvement in the
abandonment and murder of US servicemen left behind
after Vietnam. Those truths undeniably lead back to
the drug trade, the Central Intelligence Agency and
the covert operatives who have destroyed American

How does one tie the convoluted pieces together in a
coherent manner? And, doing that, how does one stomach
wanton betrayal of loyal Americans and values which
are the foundation of any government's legitimacy? A
government derives its right to exist from its mandate
to protect its own people, especially those who risk
life to serve it. What legitimacy then, does a
government have which betrays and then sentences to
death those who stood in the font lines of its
exercise of power?

First, let's address the issue of whether or not CIA,
MACV-SOG and elements in the Pentagon wanted POW's
dead or, at minimum, to ensure that they never came

Many of the ugliest truths about deliberate U.S.
abandonment or ordered extermination of POWs are
extremely well documented in Monika Jensen-Stevenson's
1990 bestseller, Kiss The Boys Goodbye (Dutton).
Stevenson, a former Emmy award winning Producer for
CBS News' 60 Minutes, produced mountains of eyewitness
statements, documents, and even admissions from Ronald
Reagan and other White House officials as well as from
intelligence experts in the Pentagon and the National
Security Council showing that: the U.S. knowingly left
POWs behind in Southeast Asia in 1973; the U.S.
government sabotaged at least a half dozen rescue
attempts with high probabilities for success; and
that, the U.S. government ordered covert operatives to
liquidate live POWs if sighted.

On Pages 318-323, Stevenson described a failed 1981
POW rescue mission involving the perennial covert
source (and often hard to fathom) Scott Barnes who
wrote a book about the mission entitled BOHICA (Bend
Over Here It Comes Again). After passing polygraph and
truth serum exams Barnes recounted how he had been
issued atropine (nerve gas antidote) injectors as a
prelude to entering areas in Laos where POW camps were
known to exist. He also states that, once in the
region, he was ordered to liquidate the merchandise.
Merchandise was the code word for POWs. (NOTE:
Atropine was issued to U.S. troops in the Persian Gulf
war to counter anticipated Sarin attacks by Iraq).

If Barnes' statement was not enough, his return from
the mission was immediately followed by the alleged
violent suicide of Army chemical warfare and Sarin gas
expert General Bobby Robinson. Local police doubted
the suicide findings of the military.

What's more, Robinson was known to have been involved
in moving Sarin supplies into the region at the time.
Stevenson confirmed this. Sources postulated a cover
story to Stevenson that Robinson had been planting
Sarin gas to blame the Soviets for its use and thus
motivate Congress to increase chemical warfare
budgets. Such operations are not unusual in covert
operations and are hardly grounds for a suicide. As
one source put it to me. It's much more likely that
Robinson could have exposed 

Re: [CTRL] Pentagon Fires on Critical Scientist

2001-11-21 Thread Agent Smiley

-Caveat Lector-

--- Saba [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

 Still loved that line the bombs were smart, but they
 did not say they
 were geniuses.

i heard they were working on a bomb that only kills
the bad guy...

it's about time!


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Ashcroft defends use of military tribunals to try terrorists

2001-11-21 Thread Peat

Ashcroft defends use of military tribunals to 
try terroristsWASHINGTON (CNN) -- Attorney General John Ashcroft Tuesday strongly 
defended President Bush's decision to allow secret military tribunals to try any 
suspected non-U.S. terrorist who might be captured during the war on 

DiVERSiONZ News, View, 
Issues  AmusementsTo Hop On The Bushttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/DiversionzWeb 
Presence (Recent Highlights)http://www.geocities.com/peatluke/Diversionz.html

[CTRL] Free Prozac!

2001-11-21 Thread Peat

about depressing promotions. Struggling online medical site WebMD (along with 
Eli Lilly) is offering consumers a month of free Prozac.http://www.backwire.com/go.asp?cid=69372nhid=3622uid=7575439bx=n2

View, Issues  AmusementsTo Hop On The Bushttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/DiversionzWeb 
Presence (Recent Highlights)http://www.geocities.com/peatluke/Diversionz.html

[CTRL] Only Dem's Get Anthraxed?

2001-11-21 Thread Peat

Only Dem's 
Get Anthraxed?More anthrax traces found in SenateBy Pete 
YostA sample taken from a plastic evidence bag containing a still-unopened 
letter to Sen. Patrick Leahy contains at least 23,000 anthrax spores, enough for 
more than two lethal doses, a federal law enforcement official said 
News, View, Issues  AmusementsTo Hop On The 
Presence (Recent Highlights)http://www.geocities.com/peatluke/Diversionz.html

Re: [CTRL] God's Killers and Shoppers by Frank Scott

2001-11-21 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

(415)868 1600 FAX (415) 868 0502
P.O. Box 31
Bolinas CA 94924

God’s Killers and Shoppers
by Frank Scott

We approach another holiday season while killing foreigners, who this
time  are alleged to have inflicted pain on our people, not just our
policies. The 911 disaster has covered for a murderous assault by the
most powerful military force in history, on what is possibly the
weakest, poorest  nation on earth. This assault has been planned for
years as an important extension of global power by what amounts to -
hopefully - the world’s last empire. Thousands may die  before it is
over, with hardly any of them  even remotely linked to the horrible
murders of 911 .

While fanatic capitalist fundamentalism insists, despite overwhelming
evidence to the contrary, that humanity and the environment can only be
served by a minority capital-controlled “free” market,  much is made of
a fanatic Islamic fundamentalism which insists on a more feudal way of
life . Speakers from the Muslim world are trotted out to extol the true
faith and malign its murderous pretenders, but many may wonder why we
don’t give equal time for Christian and Jewish apologists.

When was the last time  clergy had to apologize for the false
Christianity of Crusaders who  slaughtered millions in the past , and
whose descendants  despoil all over the world and call it civilized
democracy? And how often do we see rabbis paraded before microphones to
apologize for the false Judaism that brutalizes in Palestine,  while
extolling Israel’s virtuous policies of self-defense that steal a land
and murder its natives?

Which pages of the patriarchal testaments, scriptures, Talmuds and
Korans  must be read, and which excluded, to rationalize the  murder,
hatred and injustice inflicted on humanity by pretenders to godliness?
Which patriarchal priest, rabbi, mullah, minister, president or dictator
speaks for god? Which god? The one who bombed New York? Kabul? Dresden?

But the commercial season of peace on earth will soon be here, and as
usual , it has nothing to do with the meaning of god or peace, and
everything to do with the meaning of shop, until you drop. The economy
depends on us going more deeply into debt, to show how much we love
america, hate our enemies and worship the prince of peace, who might be
sick to his stomach if he existed.

Perhaps while we shop we can spare a thought for the cluster bombs paid
for with our tax dollars, and the holiday cheer they brought to Afghans
whose flesh was ripped from their bodies by our godly gift . As we
destroy what  is left of the government of a crippled nation and
temporarily replace it with our own government of thieving murderers,
can we find any pleasure in having reduced a people living in miserable
poverty and destitution to a status of more miserable poverty and

We are exchanging one group of tyrannical rulers for a possibly worse
group of tyrannical dope peddlers. We have transformed rubble into
powder, and  people into dead meat. Deck the halls with boughs of folly,
and praise god, or Allah, or Jehovah, or the messiah. Whatever or
whoever, it is  on “our” side, according to  Osama  Bush, and on “their”
side, according to George bin Laden.

But America is not alone; this is called an international war, by Tony
Blair and other toadies who  sodomize  morality while they kick the
Afghan corpse in a show of solidarity against terrorism. This breed of
wretched political leadership is a greater threat than the anthrax which
closed our congress - while postal employees risked their lives handling
congressional mail. Maybe the brain-dead and rubber-spined members of
our elected government should deliver the mail, and find out  what real
work is all about, and how to perform it with selfless dedication .

Our freedoms are being being lost in a fascistic frenzy, with Congress
passing an  anti-terrorist law which is really anti-democracy, and  our
ayatollah ordering military tribunals instead of open courts . Why have
so many  of the congressional progressive caucus become regressive? Why
have so many of  the Black Caucus  become  Negroes? Thousands of men
have been arrested and detained  because  they looked like Arabs. Is
racial profiling now acceptable?

We are ruled by human commodities who legislate for their corporate
employers  and lie to their people, while their confused subjects buy
more flags on shopping days and cast less votes on election days. Our
democracy is almost as invisible as our gods.

Corporate capital accepts government handouts to cover its economic
losses, while its workers are left unemployed and without health care .
Our health system is incapable  of protecting us from bio-terrorism, but
how can it be  different from other aspects of public service, all of
which have been transformed into products of the private market
available only to 

[CTRL] Psychedelic Republicans

2001-11-21 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

Go here to review the leaders in all their glory:


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Omnilateral Guilt

2001-11-21 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Robert  Fisk: Our friends in the North are just  as treacherous and
'When our Northern Alliance boys go on a killing spree, we have to
take responsibility'
19 November 2001
When the Iranian army massed on the western border of
Afghanistan in 1998 and prepared to storm across the frontier to
avenge the Taliban slaughter of its diplomats – and its Afghan allies
– in Mazar-i-Sharif, it received a message from the Taliban
leadership in Kandahar.
You will decide the date of your invasion, came the two-sentence
communiqué from Mullah Omar's men. We will decide the date of
your departure. The Iranians wisely held their fire. It may have
been a reply from the Taliban – but it was a very Afghan reply. The
US and Britain – or the coalition as we are constrained to call
them – are now getting similar treatment. The Northern Alliance
watched the American bombers clear the road to K
abul. They were grateful. Then they drove into Kabul and now they are asking the 
British to leave. Poor old Jack Straw had trouble contacting the Afghan foreign 
minister to sort things out. The Afghan satellite phone was
not switched on. You bet it wasn't.
The mystery is why we ever expected these people to obey us. Afghan rules don't work 
that way. Ethnic groups and tribes and villagers don't take orders from foreigners. 
They do deals. The West wanted to use the Northern A
lliance as its foot-soldiers in Afghanistan. The Alliance wanted to use the American 
bombers to help it occupy the capital. For the Tajiks and Uzbeks and Hazaras, it was 
all very straightforward. They destroy the Taliban
– and then take over Afghanistan, or as much as they can swallow. And if they indulge 
in a little revenge here and there – 500 or 600 Pakistani fighters massacred in a 
bloodbath at Mazar, a possible human rights atrocity
in the making in Kunduz – what's so surprising?
Even now, faced with the bitter fruits of our coalition with the Northern Alliance, we 
are reacting with an odd replay of our Bosnian adventure: calling for restraint while 
at the same time reminding the world that the Af
ghans are a warlike, cruel people.
As the Alliance gunmen prepare to storm into Kandahar, Mr Blair calls for restraint. 
Yet the western media are now set upon informing their readers and viewers that 
nothing more than a massacre could have been expected
of our foot-soldiers. An Irish journalist came on the line to me last week with a 
familiar complaint. Wasn't I being a bit finicky, getting upset about a little 
slaughter in Mazar? Weren't the Afghans steeped in age-old t
raditions of warfare? Wasn't it a bit much to be asking the Afghans to behave in a 
civilised way?
I tried to remind my interviewer that Afghanistan's civilisation predated Ireland's – 
and indeed much of Europe's – and that the missiles, tanks, artillery pieces and 
rocket-propelled grenades with which the Afghans were
destroying each other had been provided by the civilised outside powers. Hadn't I 
listened to this same nonsense about age old traditions of warfare peddled by the 
British foreign secretary Malcolm Rifkind when he was t
rying to wash his hands of Bosnia?
The real point, however, is that we cannot adopt someone's army as our own and then 
deny responsibility for its behaviour. We didn't allow the Germans to do that after 
the Second World War. And when our Northern Alliance
boys go on a killing spree, we have to take responsibility for the bloodshed that 
Take the case of Kunduz. More than 50 US planes have been bombarding the Taliban lines 
around the area in a deliberate attempt to break the morale of the defenders and allow 
the Northern Alliance gunmen to capture the dis
The Alliance has given the Taliban a deadline. It's pretty clear what will happen if 
the Taliban ignore that deadline. They are going to be killed in cold blood. I hope 
this is not true. I fear it is. But are we going to
shrug our shoulders when the knives come out? Are we going to admit we helped the 
Alliance to gain the upper hand but then eschew all interest in the results? Isn't 
there even a faint, horrible parallel with Osama bin Lad
en? If he merely inspired murderers to commit the crimes against humanity of 11 
September, surely he was guilty of the death of 5,000 people. But if we facilitate 
Alliance murderers, it seems we are innocent of the crime.

Meanwhile, outside Kabul, the familiar Northern Alliance anarchy is falling into 
place. The warlords of Jalalabad are feuding over who rules which part of Nangahar 
province. The Pashtu tribal leaders around Kandahar are t
hreatening to fight the Northern Alliance. Hazara elements of the alliance are 
threatening their Tajik and Uzbek comrades if they do not receive a sufficient share 
of power in Kabul.
Amid all this, in clops the poor old UN donkey, dragged into the pit to undertake the 

Re: [CTRL] 2 lists

2001-11-21 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/21/01 12:58:02 PM Central Standard Time,

 i think im only on one of them

  id like to be on both

  Go here for the other one:  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ctrl


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Britlandic Snit

2001-11-21 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Criticism over aid widens US rift
RELATIONS between Britain and the US fell to their lowest point
since the 11 September attacks yesterday after Clare Short broke
ranks to criticise heavily the American commitment to the
humanitarian relief work in Afghanistan.
In a series of stinging observations, Ms Short, the International
Development Secretary, claimed the US military was hampering
aid effort in the war-torn country and rebuked the US government
for its parsimonious contribution to the alleviation of global poverty.
Her remarks follow reports of a breakdown in US-UK relations over
the conduct of the military campaign since the rapid collapse of the
Taleban last week. Although Downing Street dismissed reports of a
rift between Mr Blair and President Bush as baseless there is
concern that while London is keen to see a large-scale
international peacekeeping force established in Afghanistan,
Washington is apprehensive about the consequences of
committing troops for the drawn-out process of nation building.
Ms Short’s evidence to the Commons International Development
Select Committee appeared to confirm there were significant
differences between the two coalition partners about phase three
of the war against terrorism.
She said it was a paradox that a country which prided itself on its generosity and 
was made up of people from all parts of the world gave only 0.1 per cent of its GDP in 
international aid - compared to Britain’s 0.3 per
 cent and the United Nations’ target of 0.7 per cent.
The only great power in the world almost turns its back on the rest of the world.
It is not that the US is ungenerous. It is just that it is not sharing the insight 
other countries have got and it is very important we try to get them there, she said.
She added: The suicide bombers of 11 September appeared not to come from poor 
countries, they came from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, but the 
conditions which bred their bitterness and hatred are linked to p
overty and injustice, there is no doubt.
It is not something that excuses 11 September, but it is part of the breeding ground 
for 11 September.
Ms Short later widened her criticism of the White House saying that the US military’s 
inefficiencies were hindering aid agencies working on the ground.
We really need security to do the humanitarian job. We don’t need the military to do 
the humanitarian job, but to do what they do best, which is to provide the security, 
so humanitarian workers can operate, she said.
The Prime Minister’s official spokesman appeared to agree with Ms
Short, admitting that there was a lot more that could be done to
help the humanitarian project.

Jason Beattie
Wednesday, 21st November 2001
The Scotsman
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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
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Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
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Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
 German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Everyone has the right...to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
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Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut.
--- Ernest Hemingway

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Re: [CTRL] More on Pierce

2001-11-21 Thread inri

-Caveat Lector-

  is this better?

 What's your point? That Pierce is a neo-Nazi? Perhaps he is but that
 doesn't mean that everything he says is wrong, or evil, or dangerous.

what it means is that nothing, and i mean nothing, he writes is worth
anything more than the piece of paper it's written on. why not? because he's
a liar, and a vicious one at that; thus his arguments are entirely
worthless. quite simply, he's a clown and his writings read off as so
ludicrous they're almost comical. what it also means is that when you start
quoting him *your* arguments also become worthless and your credibility
dissapears by the end of the article because i, like most people in internet
land, don't know *you*; i only know what you post.and when you start
posting literature written by the leader of the american nazi
party..well, what is one to think?

 I don't read Pierce as a neo-Nazi or a white power advocate though he
 probably is both, I read him as one with whom I agree wholeheartedly on
 major subject, and that subject is the evil that is Zionism.

would you like to reread that? maybe a couple of times...

paranoia of a world wide zionist conspiracy is entirely baseless and
completely irrational. why not blame the trees for the logging industry? it
can, quite simply, only be explained by nazi/cia brainwashing, inherent
racial biases or complete ignorance and/or mental insanity. otherwise, the
facts just do *not* add up properly...and trust me here i've spent a
long time trying to dig through the shit and pull out some factual
information. it's just not there. there's a whole lot of coincidences,
fabrication, unjustified conclusions, weak linkages and skewed data; but
very few empirical facts. in regards to this - if it looks like a fish,
smells like a fish and swims like a fish then it's probably a fish. you've
got a fin.

the thing is that your average fish has no idea that it is what it is. it
just keeps on swimming until it gets eaten...



If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long
as I'm the dictator. - george w. bush

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] U.S. Protects Al-Qaeda Terrorists in Kosovo

2001-11-21 Thread Agent Smiley

Note: forwarded message attached.


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U.S. Protects Al-Qaeda Terrorists in Kosovo 
by Umberto Pascali
The Executive Intelligence Review, 2 November 2001
Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG), Montréal, 21 November 2001 

While the United States is relentlessly bombing Afghanistan with the 
official aim of getting Osama bin Laden, one of bin Laden's top collaborators is 
running a terrorist training camp in an area of Kosovo that is under U.S. 
The shocking revelation has been confirmed by multiple sources: Macedonian 
intelligence agencies, as reported by several Macedonian media, including the 
leading daily Dnevnik; Russian press agencies, including Novosti and ItarTass; 
and the London Independent.
This intelligence coheres with Lyndon LaRouche's assessment of the Sept. 11 
attacks on the United States, as a strategic covert operation by an enemy within 
the U.S. and "allied" security services, for geopolitical purposes.
The Russian media quoted, as the source of their detailed revelation, the 
Russian troops stationed not far from the reported terrorist training camp. This 
is in itself exceptional, in the sense that there is hardly a precedent of the 
Russian military in Kosovo reporting events of such gravity to the leading news 
These revelations, and the clear position taken by Macedonian intelligence in 
confirming and expanding them, are now reopening the explosive question of the 
protection and sponsorship granted to the narco-terrorists by Anglo-American 
But this is only a small part of the new strategic geometry opened up by the 
revelations. The red-hot political point concerns the very basis for the "war 
against terrorism" launched after the war-like attacks of Sept. 11, and the 
immediate concentration on bin Laden and Afghanistan as the perpetrators of 
those attacks—and the threatened extension of the "infinite war" to Syria, Iraq, 
and so on. If the Anglo-Americans are at "war" with bin Laden's terrorism, why 
are bin Laden operatives active in Kosovo in an area totally controlled by NATO? 
Furthermore, in the U.S. zone in Kosovo? Investigations on the bin Laden 
connection into the Balkans and Kosovo could, according to experts, lead to even 
more explosive truths in a very short period of time.
Keep The Clash Going On Oct. 16 Novosti reported: "A training camp of 
Albanian militants functions near the village of Ropotovo, close to Kosovska 
Kamenica, in the Yugoslav province of Kosovo, which is controlled by the 
American force, sources from the Russian peacekeeping force in Kosovo reported 
on [Oct. 16]. According to [the sources], the camp is now training 50 Afghan and 
Algerian mujahideen, led by Zaiman Zawahiri. He is reportedly the brother of one 
of the closest associates of international terrorist Osama bin Laden. This camp 
prepares militants for terrorist formations in Kosovo and Macedonia. Their 
'instructors' are former [ethnic] Albanian officers who, in 1991-92, deserted 
from the Yugoslav Army."
The Independent reported on Oct. 21 that Interpol has linked bin Laden to 
Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) crime gangs, and that he "supplied one of his top 
military commanders for an elite KLA unit" in Kosovo.
That was only the beginning. The target of the terrorist gangs' deployment 
into Macedonia: to prevent, by violence, the return of Macedonian refugees into 
the villages "cleansed" by the KLA during this year; and to take over the water 
reserve on which the Macedonian capital, Skopje, depends.
Beyond that, these extremists are out to re-ignite the ethnic "Clash of 
Civilizations" in the Balkans, to crush the escalating resistance of 
Macedonia—which has been actively playing the LaRouche card in response to its 
national crisis (see EIR, Oct. 19)—and to continue the march of destruction, 
possibly triggering in the near future, an ethnic upheaval in Greece or 
The fact that such an operation is taking place in the middle of the "war on 
the Taliban and al-Qaeda"—the fact that NATO's Lord George Robertson, U.S. 
Ambassador James Pardew, and the European Union's Javier Solana insist, to this 
very day, that Macedonia has to surrender to the KLA ultimata, including the 
subversion of the Macedonian Constitution, opens up a dramatic contradiction. 
That contradiction throws light on the virtual reality the world has been 
propelled into after the Sept. 11 attacks.
Who Runs Al-Zawahiri? The Macedonian daily Dnevnik reported on Oct. 19 that 
the group 

[CTRL] Israel Says No Iraqiaqs on 9/11

2001-11-21 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


I would trust this assuming that if the Perle and Wolfowitz lead
the paratroopers into Iraq, Saddam might lob something stinky and
smelly at Israel.  But Perlie and Wolfie are probably itching to get
back into their combat gear and show them younguns how the old-
timers done it in dem olden dayze.  AER 

Iraq 'not linked to September 11'
By Anton La Guardia, Diplomatic Editor
(Filed: 21/11/2001)
ISRAELI intelligence agencies have not detected any link between
Iraq and the September 11 terrorist attacks, officials said
yesterday. They also dismissed claims that Osama bin Laden has
acquired nuclear weapons.
The Czech Republic has confirmed that the suspected ringleader of
the September 11 hijackers, Mohammed Atta, had met an Iraqi
intelligence agent in Prague earlier this year.
But Israeli officials say this does not amount to evidence of Iraq's
involvement in the attacks.
Our assessment is that bin Laden works without co-operating with
governments, said one Israeli official.
It is too easy to detect the intelligence fingerprint of an
administration or a leader. Many intelligence agencies are focused
on Iraq. I am sure bin Laden is clever enough to avoid them.

28 October 2001: Attack on Iraq 'will be grave mistake', warns Aziz

11 October 2001: Behave or we attack, US warns Saddam

24 September 2001: Israel sees no Iraqi link to US attacks

19 September 2001: Old enemies of Saddam point finger at Iraq
Information appearing on Electronic Telegraph is the copyright of
Telegraph Group Limited and must not be reproduced in any
medium without licence. For the full copyright statement

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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
 German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
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Everyone has the right...to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
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Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut.
--- Ernest Hemingway

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] NEWSMAX: Ruddy's Credibility?

2001-11-21 Thread Gavin Phillips

-Caveat Lector-

I'm also extremely suspicious of who Chris Ruddy
really serves. I emailed him about two years ago about
allegations (and the fact tha this website had no
useful info on the OKC bombing)that he had spread
false rumours about Patrick Knowlton (I think) during
his investigation of Vince Foster. David Martin and
another man who has carefullly investigated Fosters
death told me Ruddy cannot be trusted. I can dig the
information out if anybody is interested. Gavin.

--- William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 NEWSMAX: Controlled Opposition Media

 First look at the board of News Max...

 Good ole' Arnaud de Borchgrave sits on it. Arnaud is
 a member of the CFR, and
 was an '80s member of the CNP Council on National
 Database/A, and I
 would guess still a secretive member of the CNP.

 Remember too, Arnaud was editor of the Washington
 Times (Sun Myung Moon's
 newspaper run by his top boy, Bo Hi Pak).

 When Arnaud left the Times, his trained CNP boy took
 over for him. Arnaud
 went on to head UPI for Moon after Moon bought it.
 There is the short version
 of the background of a board member of NEWSMAX. This
 is only one board

 Chris Ruddy was in the whole crowd doing the Mena
 Chronicles/Vince Foster stuff that Jeremiah Films
 (owner of Jeremiah Films
 another CNP man) was circulating, and Jerry Falwell
 (who has taken over $ 3
 1/2 million from cultist Moon) was shilling for.

 Terry Reed, who did the definitive story on Mena,
 was in the deep freeze with
 the conservative establishment because he really put
 the whole thing in
 perspective and tied CNP-member Oliver North and
 George Bush directly to
 Clinton and Mena.

 I really admired Reed for that! Remember he also did
 that fantastic video
 about NAFTA.

 It was supposed to be the first of a series but they
 ran into financial
 difficulties. There's a ton more, but this should
 suffice to give thought to
 the credibility of Ruddy and NewsMax... all
 connected to the rightwing cabal
 of CNP who is all connected to the leftwing cabal
 through Rockefeller/Scaife
 and countless other players. It's a big joke on the
 American fools who think
 there's any difference between the goals of the left
 and right.

 Just take a look at their columnists.

 I could write a book just about them and their
 horrid connections...
 everything from Skull and Bonesmen to Moon!

 Geez, hasn't anyone any discernment anymore?

 For heaven's sake...anyone who has listened to talk
 radio knows the
 backgrounds of these people.

 Col. Stanislav Lunev is a shill and one to be very
 wary of... he's a commie
 hack of Gorbachev's. This is not to say all of them
 are bad, but a damn big
 number of them are!

 The following excerpt of Ruddy's article should be a
 clue, Carol. It furthers
 the terrorist threat being propagated by the
 controlled media, which in
 turn has uninformed Americans in a state of constant
 fear and in a fever
 pitch for revenge on an unknown enemy.

 At this point the mass collective mind is hell bent
 on: WAR -- if it lasts
 forever, who cares just get those bastard terrorists
 and so what if, in
 defense of the World Order, U.S. Soldiers will have
 to kill and die;
 BLOOD-SHED -- to hell with the death of innocents,
 that's just 'collateral
 damage, can't be helped; ORWELLIAN 'SECURITY
 MEASURES' -- the more military
 personnel in the airports, on our street corners, in
 our schools the merrier
 and we need a national I.D., to hell with individual
 rights to privacy,
 property, and self-defense; and most dangerous...
 YOU'RE AGAINST US mentality -- which will have
 those clueless, thoughtless
 masses ready to tear us apart for our outspoken
 opposition to the war.

 Excerpt from Chris Ruddy article on the AA Flight
 587 crash in Queens:

 An investigation first needs to be conducted, and
 only then a conclusion
 drawn. But the government is so anxious to calm an
 already panicked public,
 it is trying, at every opportunity, to hold back any
 possibility of bad news.
 We saw how federal officials downplayed the anthrax
 attacks. Some officials
 are holding back the truth, perhaps to protect the

 Yes, the economy is shaky and another terrorist act
 against a civilian jet
 will only hurt. But in the long run, fairy tales
 don t help. We ignore the
 truth and bad news at our peril. I don't believe in
 holding back bad news.
 Failing to tell the public bad news doesn't lead
 to better news, just more

 The reason we Americans are in this terrorist
 predicament is because of the
 increasing deceit coming from our government.

 The government is anxious to calm the public? Have
 you watched or listened to
 the news? Hundreds of 

Re: [CTRL] websites on freemasonry and ritual abuse

2001-11-21 Thread Agent Smiley

-Caveat Lector-

Any religion or organization can be used as a front to
hide ritual abuse activity, including Christianity,
Buddhism, Shamanism, Hinduism, Masonry, Mormonism,
Pagan and Satanic religions; however, not all
satanists commit crimes and not all occultism is
satanism. It is imperative that investigators and
professionals familiarize themselves with
cross-cultural belief systems so as not to target any
particular group.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] High Times in Afghanland

2001-11-21 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-




  Asia China
Opium farmers rejoice  at defeat of the Taliban
War on Terrorism: Opium
By Richard Lloyd Parry in Surkhrud, Afghanistan
21 November 2001
Of the many Afghans whose lives were blighted by the Taliban,
there are few victims more pathetic than the likes of Mohammed
Khatib. He survives – just about – by farming, of a kind that has
scarcely changed in centuries. Oxen pull his plough, a wooden
plank studded with nails. He has to give more than two-thirds of his
harvest to the owner of the land he farms and if there are floods or
drought he may not be able to support his family.
It was always a meagre existence, but then the Taliban reduced
him to complete destitution. They would not let us plant and in
this land it is the only way to make money,'' said Mr Khatib. We
have nothing here. Last night I did not even have oil for my family to
But now there is hope, for the Taliban have gone and Mr Khatib and
the farmers of Surkhrud are free to grow the crop that provides
them with the closest thing to a reasonable existence – the opium
Yesterday morning, like hundreds of farmers all over the eastern
province of Nangarhar, he stood in his fields preparing the ground
for the tiny yellow seeds that will grow into poppies. Next spring,
the petals will fall away, exposing a seed head, and when the time
is right Mr Khatib's helpers will make narrow vertical razor cuts in
them. Out of these will leak a sap that dries to a sticky residue,
opium, the raw material of heroin.
Mr Khatib said: We were so shocked when the Taliban announced
their ban on growing poppies, but now we hope for a good harvest
... God willing, our troubles will be solved.
In the West, the drugs problem is easily seen as a matter of black
and white, a struggle between evil criminal syndicates intent on
making money out of the misery of addicts and the righteous
forces of the war on drugs''. But in Afghanistan, the problem is
revealed for what it is – an economic and political conundrum, rich
in ironies and grey areas. Far from being evil exploiters, the poppy
farmers are victims of cruel poverty. And, most remarkable of all,
the movement that has done most to deal with the drugs problem
is not a Western government or an anti-drugs campaign, but the
reviled Taliban regime.
Afghanistan used to be the world's biggest source of opium: 75 per
cent of the world's heroin originated in the country and the scale of
poppy cultivation was staggering. Najib Ullah, head of the United
Nations Drugs Control Programme (UNDCP) in the eastern city of
Jalalabad, said: There were places in Helmand province where you
saw nothing but poppies.''
Last year, the country produced 3,276 tonnes of raw opium, most
of it from Helmand and the Nangarhar area around Jalalabad. This
year, according to a recently published survey by the UNDCP,
production plunged to 185 tonnes. In the course of a single year,
production of this most lucrative of crops had fallen by 94 per cent.
There was one reason: in July last year, the Taliban leader, Mullah
Mohammed Omar, who had tolerated the opium trade
 for the first five years of his regime, announced a ban on poppy cultivation.
Even now, the reasons are mysterious. One theory is that Mullah Omar believed, 
mistakenly, that if he crushed the opium trade the international community would 
reward him with diplomatic recognition of his government and
a seat at the United Nations. The more cynical theory – unproven, but widely retailed 
– is that Taliban leaders had amassed vast stocks of opium and wished to restrict the 
supply to drive up the price. Whatever the reason
, the ban was enforced with a ruthlessness that only a government such as the Taliban 
could muster. Poppy fields were set alight; transgressors were jailed. Mr Khatib said: 
We were absolutely prevented from planting and
To understand the impact of the ban, consider the economics of farming in Afghanistan. 
For a crop of wheat, which Mr Khatib was forced to sow last year, a farmer can make 
about 7p a kilogram. Even before the ban drove up
prices, raw opium sold for between £22 and £45 a kilogram.
The seeds that Mr Khatib and his brother need to sow their half-acre field cost £1; 
when they sell their harvest, they expect to make £6,700. We grow the opium only 
because we have no money,'' said Mr Khatib's brother, A
hmad Zia. If we had some other source of income – if there was some factory 
established, or road construction – then we wouldn't grow opium at all.''
But the chances of a burst of industrial investment in today's Afghanistan are slim, 
and everyone knows it. The opium farmers show no embarrassment about their crop, and 
this is the next irony of the Afghan drug trade: th
e people who cultivate the drug have little understanding of its effects.
Afghanistan has many smokers of hashish, which also flourishes 

[CTRL] Armistice in the Drug War

2001-11-21 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Police urge radical shift on drugs
Staff and agencies
Tuesday   November  20, 2001
Senior police officers clashed sharply with the home secretary,
David Blunkett, today when they called for a radical shift on drug
Addressing a Commons home affairs select committee, they
publicly advocated that ecstasy should be downgraded to a class
B drug and backed the creation of shooting galleries where
addicts could legally inject heroin.
Metropolitan Police commander Brian Paddick, who has overseen
the six-month experiment in Brixton, south London, where
cannabis users are being let off with a caution, said arresting
people for possession of ecstasy was a waste of valuable police
resources and that attention should be directed at more harmful
Mr Blunkett made clear, however, when he announced his intention
to downgrade cannabis to a class C drug, that he was not prepared
to shift ground on ecstasy.
Chief police officers would support ecstasy being downgraded from a class A drug to 
class B, if medical and scientific evidence recommended it, the Metropolitan police 
deputy assistant commissioner, Andy Hayman, told the
There seems to be medical and scientific evidence that puts it alongside other 
amphetamines,  he said.
Such a move could make a stronger statement about the dangers of class A drugs, Mr 
Hayman told MPs, who are examining the government's existing drug laws.
The reclassification would take the dance culture drug out of the same group as heroin 
and crack cocaine, placing it instead alongside barbiturates and amphetamines.
Committee chairman Chris Mullin raised the idea of so-called shooting galleries 
based on a German system, which offers addicts clean needles and health advice, and 
ensures that contaminated needles were not left in the
He defined the facilities as licensed premises where heroin can be taken without fear 
of arrest.
Mr Hayman, also chairman of the Association of Chief Police Officers drugs committee, 
confirmed: If the medical authorities say it is worthwhile and they can be controlled 
in a way that people are happy with, then clearl
y from ACPO's perspective they would support it, because it would reduce the tensions 
in the community and the erosion of the community.
He agreed it would involve police turning a blind eye to the use of class A drugs, 
but drew a comparison with Amsterdam's safe areas for prostitution, which seemed to 
have been a success.
Chief superintendent Kevin Morris, president of the Superintendents' Association, said 
he would also support shooting galleries if they operated under carefully 
controlled conditions.
He also called for a proper debate on decriminalisation of cannabis.
Danny Kushlick, director of drug reform group Transform, commented: Today signals the 
end of prohibition in the UK.
The further calls for decriminalisation and legalisation of cannabis from police 
representatives show that the will exists for operational change.
What is glaring now is the lack of political courage in government to admit that 
prohibition has failed.
Related special report
Special report: drugs in Britain
Related articles
11.11.2001: Cannabis could be sold in pubs
06.11.2001: Current laws are causing drugs scourge, campaigners tell MPs
31.10.2001: Easing drugs law wins support
24.10.2001: Cannabis laws eased in drug policy shakeup
Useful sites
Drugs prevention advisory service

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2001

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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,

[CTRL] Tapping Jesse's Energy

2001-11-21 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


The opiate of the mass producers
Jesse Jackson - Tribune Media Services
11.21.01 -

In a time of war and terror, America has serious unfinished
business. At the

top of the list is an emergency drive for energy independence. We
must end

our dependence on foreign oil, and develop a safe energy system
that is

immune from terrorist disruption. This is no longer an environmental

it is a matter of life or death for the young men and women fighting

Afghanistan, and a matter of economic security for our families here at


What's needed is the energy equivalent of the Manhattan Project, the project that 
developed the atomic bomb in World War II. At the very least, we should take the $8.3 
billion scheduled to be wasted next year on Star Wars
 (on top

of $100 billion already spent) and invest it in an energy independence


Energy independence isn't beyond our reach. Conservation alone could easily replace 
the oil we now get from the Persian Gulf. For example, the Honda Insight is a hybrid 
electric-gas engine that gets 70 miles per gallon of

gas. If we all drove similar cars, we'd save more oil than OPEC produces

each year. The Toyota version gets 50 miles per gallon. If we drove that,

we'd not have to import any foreign oil.

Renewable energy prices -- particularly solar and wind -- have plummeted,

and those are the fastest growing sources of energy right now. Conservation

-- more efficient production, storage and use of energy -- could

dramatically lower fuel bills, increase savings that could be invested

elsewhere and help eliminate our dependence on foreign oil.

The big change already started is toward “micropower” -- smaller, more

widely distributed power plants that are far cheaper to build and more

efficient to run. Just over the horizon, notes Phil Watts, the head of Royal

Dutch Shell is the ``end of the hydrocarbon age,'' and the move to a

”hydrogen economy,” in which easily available hydrogen gas is combined

with fuel cells and other small power plants to make virtually every home

energy self-sufficient.

Decentralization is vital for another reason: defense. A terrorist attack on

a nuclear power plant is everyone's nightmare. And experts admit our nuclear power 
plants are not designed to withstand the kind of attack that destroyed the World Trade 
Center. A terrorist could take out three-fourths of

natural gas going to the East Coast without leaving Louisiana. Last month, a

drunk reeled out of a bar in Alaska and shot the oil pipeline -- shutting it

down for a day and dumping 300,000 barrels of oil on the tundra. A serious

terrorist assault would be devastating.

Smaller, decentralized power plants offer less of a target, and less

disruption if they come under attack. Renewable energy isn't just good for

the environment. It is vital to the defense of our economic system, and to

energy independence.

The smarter conservatives understand the importance of energy independence.

Charles Krauthammer even argues that dependence on foreign oil is why we're

fighting in Afghanistan. He says that's why we have to drill in the Alaskan

National Wildlife Reserve and pass the president's “big oil” energy bill.

But that makes no sense. Domestic oil -- even including ANWR -- can't replace our need 
for foreign oil. ANWR itself would offer only about 152

days of supply for the nation. The only way to break our addiction to

foreign oil is alternative energy and conservation.

An energy independence plan would also break up the energy monopolies, eliminating the 
gouging and price instability that almost bankrupted

California this year. Of course, big-oil politicians who get most of their

money from the oil and gas interests will resist the change. But

Sept. 11 has taught us that we can't allow special interests to get
in the

way of a serious national drive for energy independence.

As Phil Watts of Royal Dutch Shell revealed, the smarter oil
executives understand that this change is coming, and are
scrambling to get ahead of

it. Watts announced that Shell would invest up to a $1 billion over

years in new solar and wind energy businesses, while gearing up
for the move

toward a hydrogen economy.

The U.S. shouldn't wait for the oil prices to soar and the disruptions

grow so great that our economy is crippled. We should launch our
own Energy Independence Project now, invest in new technologies,
transform government buildings and purchasing to create markets
for fuel-efficient cars,

lighting, heating, micropower generators, etc. We will not only help

America safe from terror and independent of foreign oil, we will
develop the

technologies that capture what must be the growth markets of the

We can afford to do this easily. Take the money from missile
defense, or

simply cancel the shameless tax cuts now being offered to big

Re: [CTRL] I pledge Allegiance

2001-11-21 Thread Mark McHugh

-Caveat Lector-

Bill Richer wrote:

 (Also attached to this email is a wav (sound file) by Red Skelton about the
 Pledge of Allegiance)

Some of us are on dial-up connections who don't want to waste the time
or bandwidth on almost 2MB of shitty, shortwave-sounding audio files.
How about next time posting an URL or asking if anyone wants it off

Saba's talking out her ass calling Damaeus a punk.  He was talking
about the audio quality, not the content.   That file's quality is
1x1, in the military parlance she so loves.  In other words it was
caca, govno, dreck, Scheisse, merde, fen, shit!

Mark McHugh

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The government declares war on civil liberties

2001-11-21 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

excerpts from : http://www.valleyadvocate.com/articles/freespeech.html

The government declares war on civil liberties.

By Hank Hoffman

The American Airlines ticket clerk at Bangor International Airport in Maine
handed Nancy Oden her ticket. She had waited what she says was an inordinate
amount of time while the ticket agent typed and responded to computer
prompts. Oden thought it odd that the clerk never asked for any
identification after she gave her name. It was Thursday, Nov. 1, and Oden--a
longtime peace and environmental activist, organic farmer and leader in Green
Party USA (the more radical wing of the American Green movement)--was heading
for a party confab in Chicago. She was scheduled to speak the next night on
biochemical warfare

She never got there.

She believes she was prevented from flying because of her antiwar and
activist politics. Oden's experience and the anecdotal accounts of political
oppression from people like her across the country indicate we face the worst
crisis in civil liberties in almost half a century.

After accepting her ticket, Oden noticed it was marked with a big S. When
she asked the clerk what the S stood for, he told her she had been picked
to have her bags searched. That's fine, Oden thought. I'm as subject to a
random search as the next person. But then she paused.

I looked him in the eye and said, 'This wasn't random, was it?' recalls
Oden in a phone interview several days later. He looked at me for a second
and said, 'No, you're flagged in our computer. You were going to be searched
no matter what.'

According to Oden, a young National Guardsman yelled at her to Bring those
bags over here! and Hurry up! when she didn't move fast enough. When she
reached out to help undo a recalcitrant zipper for one of the women searching
her bags, the Guardsman barked, Get your hands out of there!

The National Guardsman then grabbed Oden's arm and started spouting pro-war
stuff in my face, she says. She found this odd. How did he know her antiwar
views? She wasn't wearing any buttons.

He went on and on, saying 'Don't you know we have to get them before they
get us? Don't you understand what happened on Sept. 11?'

The Guardsman would not let Oden board the plane, claiming she didn't
cooperate with the search. Oden insists she did. At one point in the ordeal,
the 61-year-old, conservatively dressed Oden was surrounded by six
machine-gun-toting Guardsmen. The military men told all the airlines
servicing the Bangor airport not to allow Oden to fly on that day (and
possibly other days). An airport policeman escorted her off the premises

Oden has never been arrested in 30 years of activism. She bought her ticket
online six weeks in advance, using a personal credit card--not a terrorist
profile. She believes she was singled out for political reasons.

Several hundred people have been detained secretly by the government since
Sept. 11  says the situation is frighteningly close to the practice of
'disappearing' people in Latin America. While the comparison may be extreme,
the policy of arresting people and spiriting them away to unknown places
without access to lawyers and court appearances is unprecedented in
contemporary America.

As reported in the Philadelphia City Paper, Neil Godfrey, a 22-year-old
Philadelphia man, was barred from a flight to Phoenix to visit his parents
because officials didn't like his choice of reading material. Godfrey had a
copy of the Edward Abbey novel Hayduke Lives!, about a radical
environmentalist; the cover shows a man's hand holding sticks of dynamite

While the red, white and blue flourishes on school grounds, Katie Sierra, a
West Virginia high school student, was barred from wearing a T-shirt bearing
the message: When I saw the dead and dying Afghani children on TV, I felt a
renewed sense of national security. God Bless America. 

Several nonviolent antiwar demonstrators arrested at an unpermitted march in
Hartford on Oct. 25 were charged not with the usual misdemeanor offenses
common in these instances but with felonies carrying multi-year prison terms
on conviction.

We're talking about probably the most serious moment I've seen except maybe
the height of the McCarthy period in this country, says Ratner. I think
they're conceptualizing this as a permanent war against terrorism and using
that as a way of undercutting democratic governance.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be 

Re: [CTRL] More on Pierce j2

2001-11-21 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 11/20/01 10:23:51 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

You are a funny Nazi Pig Shannon.

And you are a big talker "J2"...playing your role to a T.
Belittle, namecall and otherwise attack those who disagree with your party line. Tell Abe Foxman we say "yo".


Re: [CTRL] US warned on human rights over treatment of troops

2001-11-21 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-


US warned on human rights over treatment of troops
War on Terrorism: Kunduz and Kandahar
By Robert Verkaik, Legal Affairs Correspondent
21 November 2001

America would be in breach of its international obligations if it allowed the
Northern Alliance to refuse to accept the surrender of Taliban soldiers in
the Afghan cities of Kunduz and Kandahar, lawyers and human rights groups
have warned.

They said that under international law America could be held responsible for
genocide if Taliban troops were massacred despite offering to surrender.
Under the Geneva Convention, it is illegal to give no quarter to the enemy.

Richard Gordon QC, an international human rights barrister, said: The US
does bear some responsibility for ensuring [the Taliban troops] are treated
humanely because [the US] are effectively in control.

Donald Rumsfeld, the US Defence Secretary, has warned United Nations and
anti-Taliban fighters not to let Taliban and al-Qa'ida hardliners negotiate
flight from Afghanistan to make their mischief else-where. He also opposed
any settlement that might permit the surrender and ultimate release of
Taliban and al-Qa'ida fighters now trapped in the besieged cities of Kunduz
in the north and Kandahar in the south.

Human Rights Watch is also concerned by reports of large-scale summary
executions of would-be Taliban defectors by foreign fighters in Kunduz.

Also from the Asia China section.
US commander meets Alliance at Afghan air base
Taliban's new spin doctor says war is going well
Leaders in Kunduz linked to massacres
First aid arrives in Kabul since rout of Taliban
Scariest place in Afghanistan remains off limits

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Woman dies of anthrax
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London cleric is 'spiritual leader' of al-Qa'ida
Taliban asks UN for help in surrender
Berlin to host UN forum on Afghanistan's future
Short accuses US of blocking aid
US marines hunt bin Laden
World in recession, says OECD
Rebuilding Afghanistan 'will cost £18bn'
Opium farmers rejoice at defeat of the Taliban
Leading article: Northern Alliance US proxies must obey the rules of war
Anne McElvoy: A tightening of anti-terror laws in Britain is inevitable
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] More on Pierce

2001-11-21 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 11/21/01 8:40:06 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

How is the Nizkor Project propaganda? 

If ya' have to ask...
Answering this would be akin to the Fredrick Tobin set-up...I'll pass.

Is it untrue that he
wrote "The Turner Diaries?"  Is the summary of the book incorrect?  Are the
quotes incorrect?  

The Turner Diaries are a novel of fiction. What's the point?
I've never read that drivel and am not in the least bit interested so I cannot answer your questions on this subject.

I'll also for the 99th time state that I don't agree with Pierce on 99.9% of things...he's a prick and a racist...this however doesn't diminish the fact that he was correct in the piece I forwarded.


Re: [CTRL] More on Pierce

2001-11-21 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 11/21/01 8:48:29 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Don't the "evils of Zionism" views exclude many/most Jews from this harsh
judgment? Pierce doesn't discriminate. He paints all Jews with the same
broad brush in all that I've seen. You defend him so vehemently. Yikes.

I don't defend him that vehemently and if you've been perceptive you'd have noted that in durned' near every case I mentioned that I don't much like the guy...playing devil's advocate here and also standing up for the one time in 20 that his weekly speech is pretty much spot-on.


Re: [CTRL] More on Pierce

2001-11-21 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 11/21/01 3:36:24 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

what it means is that nothing, and i mean nothing, he writes is worth
anything more than the piece of paper it's written on. why not? because he's
a liar

What has he lied about?

paranoia of a world wide zionist conspiracy is entirely baseless and
completely irrational. 

Well I cannot accept your statement here...I'm not so sure that it's so easily dismissed.


Re: [CTRL] More on Pierce

2001-11-21 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/21/01 5:14:03 PM Central Standard Time,

  How is the Nizkor Project propaganda?

  If ya' have to ask...
  Answering this would be akin to the Fredrick Tobin set-up...I'll pass.

  You know, before I quoted that source, I looked at their funding page to
see if the dreaded ADL was behind this org and it wasn't.  I had never
heard of the Nizkor project before, and I certainly have a lot of respect for
orgs that keep the Holocaust front and center as a reminder that if we don't
learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it.  So you've just thrown out
there that they are propagandists and now make a mockery of my question as
to why you think that.  If there is reason to believe they are propagandists,
I'd really like to know.  I'm beginning to think that maybe you had never
heard of them before either, and call them propagandists simply because they
memorialize the Holocaust.  Do you think the Holocaust is propaganda, and
that 6 million Jews did NOT die at the hands of the Nazis?

  I'll also for the 99th time state that I don't agree with Pierce on 99.9%

  things...he's a prick and a racist...this however doesn't diminish the
  that he was correct in the piece I forwarded.


  I believe I've read all your responses to this thread, and you have never
before denounced 99.9% of Pierce's ideas.  Rather you seem to have been
supporting 99.9% and unenthusiastically denouncing the other 0.1%  Which
brings to mind something else you said - that Pierce just doesn't hide his
feelings like most people, that he is open about them.  So you think most
people are closet anti-semetics, racists and women-haters, and that they hide
these opinions?  Why would you think that?

  And yes, I think this subject is just about beaten to death, but I also
think it's important.


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: MR. CHENEY'S COVER STORY [Please re-post] - Section 2, GUILTY FOR 9-11

2001-11-21 Thread William Shannon


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Part 1, Section 2 of 'GUILTY FOR 9-11: BUSH, RUMSFELD, MYERS'
by Illarion Bykov and Jared Israel
[Posted 20 November 2001]

Dedicated to the firemen of New York.

In Part 1, Section 1 we demonstrated that Andrews Air Force base, 10 miles from the 
Pentagon, had combat-ready fighter squadrons on September 11th. Why didn't jets 
scramble from Andrews until after the Pentagon was hit?


On Sunday, September 16th, Vice-President Richard Cheney was interviewed on NBC TV's 
'MEET THE PRESS.'  During that interview he created the impression that the military 
would have needed presidential authorization to scramble fighter jets to intercept 
American Airlines Flight 77 before it hit the Pentagon.

Mr. Cheney did not present this lie in a straightforward manner.

Instead he did two things. First, he avoided discussing the failure to intercept 
Flight 77. Instead he talked only about the choices Mr. Bush supposedly made after the 
Pentagon was hit.

Second, he took it for granted that presidential approval was required to intercept a 
commercial jet, as if this were an accepted fact. Then based on this false foundation, 
he emitted a fog of emotional misinformation to confuse the millions of Americans who 
wanted to know: why didn't jet fighters scramble to intercept Flight 77 before it 
crashed into the Pentagon? Doesn't the U.S. have radar and an Air Force anymore?

It is common for officials attempting to cover-up a capital crime to put the blame on 
a subordinate. However Mr. Cheney used a different approach on 'MEET THE PRESS.' 
Relying on his skills in public deception, Cheney tried to create the impression that 
nothing improper had occurred, that faced with horrendous choices a brave President 
had done the right thing.

But as soon as one sees through this verbiage, one realizes Mr. Cheney has actually 
placed the responsibility for the failure to intercept American Flight 77 on George W. 

Here is the relevant excerpt from 'MEET THE PRESS':

MR. RUSSERT: What's the most important decision you think he made during the course 
of the day?

VICE PRES. CHENEY: Well, the--I suppose the toughest decision was this question of 
whether or not we would intercept incoming commercial aircraft.

MR. RUSSERT: And you decided?

VICE PRES. CHENEY: We decided to do it. We'd, in effect, put a flying combat air 
patrol up over the city; F-16s with an AWACS, which is an airborne radar system, and 
tanker support so they could stay up a long time...

It doesn't do any good to put up a combat air patrol if you don't give them 
instructions to act, if, in fact, they feel it's appropriate.

MR. RUSSERT: So if the United States government became aware that a hijacked 
commercial airline[r] was destined for the White House or the Capitol, we would take 
the plane down?

VICE PRES. CHENEY: Yes. The president made the decision...that if the plane would not 
divert...as a last resort, our pilots were authorized to take them out. Now, people 
say, you know, that's a horrendous decision to make. Well, it is. You've got an 
airplane full of American citizens, civilians, captured by...terrorists, headed and 
are you going to, in fact, shoot it down, obviously, and kill all those Americans on 

...It's a presidential-level decision, and the president made, I think, exactly the 
right call in this case, to say, I wished we'd had combat air patrol up over New 
--NBC, 'Meet the Press' 16 September 2001 (1)

* * *

Note that Mr. Cheney has performed a sleight of hand here.

First he says, the toughest decision was...whether we would intercept incoming 
commercial aircraft.

Later he says, The president made the decision... that if the plane would not divert 
as a last resort, our pilots were authorized to take them out... that is, shoot it 

But intercept: and shoot it down do not mean the same thing.


in·ter·cept (în´ter-sèpt¹) verb, transitive
in·ter·cept·ed, in·ter·cept·ing, in·ter·cepts
1. a. To stop, deflect, or interrupt the progress or intended course of
(From 'American Heritage Dictionary' --AHD)


shoot·down (sh¡t¹doun´) noun

[CTRL] Fwd: Richard Perle Calls For War Against Iraq, Iran : 'Get Saddam Out Violent...

2001-11-21 Thread William Shannon


Richard Perle Calls For War Against Iraq, Iran
'Get Saddam Out Violently'

11/21/2001 4:02:39 PM
United Press International

Washington, DC -- Top Bush Adviser: 'Get Saddam Out Violently'

NewsMax.com Wires

Wednesday, Nov. 21, 2001

WASHINGTON – Iraq could be next on the military's target list in the war
terror, says one of President Bush's and Defense Secretary Donald
top informal national security advisers.
I think Iraq should be the principal next target because it poses the
threat to the United States, said Richard Perle, chairman of the Defense
Policy Board and one of Bush's famed Vulcans – his national security
during his campaign. I think the only way you are going to get Saddam
out of there is violently.

The remarks further signal a high-level effort to promote a war with Iraq.

Perle believes the regime in Iran must also be overthrown but believes it
be achieved without direct U.S. military pressure.

I think if we destroy the Taliban and then Saddam Hussein the others will
more tractable, he said.

The Defense Policy Board is an informal advisory board that debates policy
issues and provides non-binding recommendations – often conflicting ones –
the defense secretary. Its membership includes Henry Kissinger and several
former defense and White House officials.

Perle said Tuesday the connection between Sept. 11 terrorist Mohammed Atta
Iraqi intelligence agents, combined with Saddam Hussein's known stockpile
biological weapons – an arsenal that includes anthrax – should be
evidence for the administration to put Baghdad in its cross hairs.

The possibility of [Iraq] placing vicious weapons of mass destruction in
hands of people like Mohammed Atta can not be ignored, he said.

Moreover, Iraq has been pursuing a nuclear weapon, according to Perle. He
working hard to acquire nuclear weapons. It is simply a matter of time
enough nuclear material is collected ... and he knows how to build a

Perle believes the military can succeed without the vast numbers and
mustered for the 1991 Persian Gulf War. The military now has a
preponderance of
precision munitions which are far more accurate and therefore would
require far
fewer planes to deliver on target.

He also mentioned the B-2 bomber, which has proven its ability to fly long
missions to discharge its weapons with a low risk of being shot down.

We don't need 1,600 planes. We don't need 500,000 men, he said.

Following the pattern set in Afghanistan, Perle advocated strengthening
internal resistance to Saddam Hussein by funding, equipping and training
Kurdish factions in the north and the Shi'a in the south. If they are able
seize those areas, they will also have control of the majority of Iraq's
fields, cutting Saddam Hussein off from his primary source of funding.

The opposition to Saddam Hussein is potentially a strong opposition. It
strong today because it was getting no external support, he said,
comparing it
to the resurgent Northern Alliance which has prospered under its recent

The combination of a modest number of American forces, opposition forces
defections together with precision bombing and careful strategy encourage
me to
think he can be brought down more quickly than we think, Perle said.
Even the
Republican Guard is no longer reliable.

The threat posed by Iraq's armored force is overstated, he said.

Saddam Hussein is strong relative to opponents who have no armor and

For American aircraft armed with precision weapons, massed armor columns
nothing more than juicy targets.

One of the main obstacles the White House would face in taking on Iraq is
whether it can construct a powerful enough coalition to fight the war.
believes the issue is moot, given the power, precision and reach of

The need for a coalition has been vastly overstated, he said. At the
end of
the day we don't need much support ... We will get better performance out
our coalition partners when we don't need them.

Timing is everything, according to Perle.

If too long elapses between the destruction of the Taliban and the
of bin Laden and [the second phase of the war on terrorism] our normal
predisposition is not to be at war. The moment the sense of danger has
a democracy tends to relax, he said. I wish we hadn't conceived of this
against terrorism in phases ... it runs a risk there will be a break in

Taking out Saddam Hussein hard on the heels of the destruction of the
would have a sobering effect on other countries known to harbor or sponsor
terrorists, he said.

You're next, he said the message would be.

After Iraq: Iran

Next on Perle's list would be Iran.

It's part of the problem, not part of the solution, he said.

Perle's approach to Tehran would be different. He asserts the people of
are increasingly disaffected toward their 

Re: [CTRL] More on Pierce

2001-11-21 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/21/01 5:16:09 PM Central Standard Time,

 I don't defend him that vehemently and if you've been perceptive you'd have
  noted that in durned' near every case I mentioned that I don't much like
  guy...playing devil's advocate here and also standing up for the one time
  20 that his weekly speech is pretty much spot-on.


  I think devil's advocate sums it up pretty well.  So if I'd been
perceptive, I wouldn't have concluded that you are a closet anti-semetic,
racist misogynist?  LOL!  Okay.


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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] More on Pierce

2001-11-21 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/21/01 5:36:22 PM Central Standard Time,

  what it means is that nothing, and i mean nothing, he writes is worth
   anything more than the piece of paper it's written on. why not? because

  What has he lied about?

  Well golly, it must be that 99.9% that you said you'd denounced 99 times.


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] More on Pierce

2001-11-21 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 11/21/01 5:41:39 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

So you've just thrown out
there that they are "propagandists" and now make a mockery of my question as
to why you think that

I made no mockery.

I'm beginning to think that maybe you had never
heard of them before either, and call them propagandists simply because they
memorialize the Holocaust

You don't give a guy much credit do ya'?
Yes I am familiar with them via their website...discovered them several years ago...not that I visit them often.

So you think most
people are closet anti-semetics, racists and women-haters, and that they hide
these opinions?  Why would you think that?

Of course not...as Pierce says most people are lemmings...this I believe firmly. And I am not a woman hater nor a racist...what I am is OPPOSED to Zionism and in favor of TRUTH and nothing but...is that wrong?


Re: [CTRL] More on Pierce

2001-11-21 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 11/21/01 5:45:03 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

So if I'd been
perceptive, I wouldn't have concluded that you are a closet anti-semetic,
racist misogynist? LOL! 

That's mean!
I love broads..er I mean chicks...am not a racist nor anti-semetic (whatever that IS)...opposed to Zionism I will cop to.


Re: [CTRL] More on Pierce

2001-11-21 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 11/21/01 5:47:13 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

What has he lied about?

 Well golly, it must be that 99.9% that you said you'd denounced 99 times.

There is a difference between lying and being just ignorant.
I doubt Pierce lies about anything but he may well be wrong about many things.


[CTRL] Have a Happy

2001-11-21 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

My best to one and all, may your journeys be safe and your gatherings warm.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: A Death Struggle with Time

2001-11-21 Thread Kris Millegan


* * * * * * * * * * * * REMINDER * * * * * * * * * * * * *

On the days that I don't publish, like today, you receive
Bill Bonner's DAILY RECKONING. This will help you to keep
pace with the changes in the markets.  Bonner and I agree
on most things in the field of economics, so the two letters
reinforce each other.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A Death Struggle With Time




* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

*** A rebound in search of a reason...Hold
on...reasons coming soon...

*** Is the rally over? Head fake? The momentum of
confidence continues...

*** Sticking to the essentials...Abby is bullish!...Tech
companies still wasting money...War Dividend...History
resumed...and more!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Your advice has cost me a lot of money in the
last few weeks, said an English Daily Reckoning reader
last night.

I had just given a speech to a group of readers at
the Caf‚ Royal in London, explaining why stocks were
more likely to go down than up. Not everyone was
convinced. The rally may not last forever, my
interlocutor continued, but then, they never do, do

No, they never do. Typically, Mr. Bear takes a
break after mauling a market. Prices almost always
recover somewhat - often rising to retrace half the
loss. That's about where the market closed on Monday

After nearly two decades of rising stock prices,
there's a momentum of confidence that takes a long time
to reverse direction. Investors still believe the Fed's
lower rates will revive the economy - if not the first
10 cuts...perhaps the 11th! They still have faith that
long-term, buy-and-hold investing will pay off...if not
this year, surely the next!

And as stock prices rebound, investors quickly
regain their old confidence...believing the hard times
are over.

Alas, for me, [the rally] still looks like a head
fake, writes Stephen Roach. In a climate of rising
unemployment and declining personal income growth,
conditions are ripe for a classic consolidation of
discretionary consumption.

Financing and/or price incentives can only defer
the inevitable...the post-incentive fallback could be
even more severe. The same can be said for the impact of
home mortgage refinancing activity...By our estimates,
even with the October retail sales spike, real
consumption growth in 4Q01 should still come in around
zero. Imagine what that number would have been without
refinancings and cut-rate financing of motor vehicles!
Or without the tax rebates! Or without the drop in
energy prices!

Demand is running on fumes, Roach concludes,
...the 'V' shaped recovery remains a pipe dream...

And yesterday, the rally may have come to an


Eric Fry in New York...

- News Flash! Abby Joseph Cohen is Bullish!...The stock
market fell anyway.

- The Dow dropped 75 points to 9,901, while the Nasdaq
tumbled nearly 3% to 1,880. Oh well, perhaps today will
be a better day to be bullish than yesterday.

- Bill and I take a slightly more matter-of-fact (read:
cautious) approach to this market of ours. The
expensive stock could become less expensive, Bill
reasoned in yesterday's Daily Reckoning. So, we stick
to the essentials...Buy low, sell high. No more
essential rule of investing has ever been formulated.

- Investors do well to remember this basic rule of
investing, especially when the stock market gets a
little nutty. When Buy high...sell higher is working
so well, it is easy to get confused.

- Many things succeed for a time: like jumping off a
bridge in order to fly; setting your couch on fire in
order to keep warm; or marrying several wives in order
to enjoy domestic bliss.

- At the current quote, the SP 500 Index sells for more
than 30 times earnings and yields a fulsome 1.37%.
That's rich folks...no ifs, ands, or buts.

- Not to worry, says Goldman's Abby Joseph Cohen, stocks
will continue to do well. The market's strong advance
since late September is well-supported by intermediate-
term fundamentals, Cohen assures the faithful. What
exactly are these bullish fundamentals? Let's listen
in: Fourth-quarter earnings will be exceptionally
ugly, Cohen says. But it won't matter to stock prices.
That's because most investors expect improved earnings
in 2002.

- Can't argue with that unassailable logic. Cohen thinks
the Dow could easily reach the upper range of her price
target at 12,400. Investors are no longer solely
focused on potential terror and risk, says Cohen, [but
are] again making decisions balancing investment risks
against potential returns.

- But what about terrifying investment risks? Don't
those count for something? With all due respect to Ms.
Cohen, the stock market appears to be overreacting to
the prospect of economic recovery.

- James Stack, editor of InvesTech Research, offers a
more sobering assessment of the current market action.


2001-11-21 Thread Agent Smiley

-Caveat Lector-


WebMD offers free Prozac

November 16, 2001 3:27 PM PT

In what may be a sign of the times, one down-and-out
dot-com is offering free Prozac to depressed consumers
as part of a promotion by a drug company.
The Indianapolis pharmaceutical maker Eli Lilly has
teamed with money-losing Internet healthcare company
WebMD to offer Americans a free month's supply of the
famed antidepressant.

TV commercials direct consumers to the WebMD Web site
where they can sign up for one month of free Prozac
through a special promotion with Indianapolis-based
Eli Lilly, whose brand flashes up on the screen.

The direct-to-consumer advertising campaign, launched
more than six months ago, appears to have gained
momentum since Sept. 11 with more frequent television
ads and a prominent display offer on WebMD's home
page. The offer also appears with a coupon in
newspapers and magazines.

Preying on the angst in America? Absolutely not,
said Eli Lilly spokeswoman Debbie Davis. This is
aimed at patients who have already been diagnosed with
depression and have been stabilized on fluoxetine. For
them, this is another treatment option.

Both Davis and a representative for WebMD declined to
provide details about the advertising campaign.

Prozac has already lost about 80 percent of its market
share since the generic form of fluoxetine, its
chemical name, was introduced in August; Eli Lilly has
been pushing its once-a-week form of Prozac, which has
no generic-brand competition.

Sold in over 100 countries, more than 39 million
people have taken Prozac since its launch in 1988.
Despite an onslaught of competition, Prozac is still
the world's best-selling antidepressant.


Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! GeoCities - quick and easy web site hosting, just $8.95/month.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Military Favors a Homeland Command

2001-11-21 Thread Kris Millegan


Military Favors a Homeland Command

Forces May Shift To Patrolling U.S.

By Bradley Graham
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, November 21, 2001; Page A01


The nation's top military authorities favor appointing a four-star
commander to coordinate federal troops used in homeland defense, part of a
broad reorganization that Pentagon officials say could change some forces'
primary mission from waging war overseas to patrolling at home.

Although the Pentagon has regional commanders in chief, known as CINCs, who
are responsible for Europe, the Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East
and South Asia, none exists for managing the deployment of U.S. forces in
the United States. Creating one now, military officials say, would clarify
the chain of command for those troops.

Any extensive use of federal troops on U.S. soil would come despite a
traditional aversion to -- and legal limits on -- the use of military
forces for domestic law enforcement. But the Sept. 11 attacks and the Bush
administration's declared war on terrorism have blurred the distinction
between foreign wars and domestic crimes and prompted a rethinking of the
Pentagon's command structure and force assignments.

Although Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld has yet to make a final
decision, senior military officials working the issue say agreement has
been reached on establishing a homeland CINC (pronounced sink).

There's a consensus of opinion now that a need exists to quickly pin the
rose on some four-star commander, a senior official said.

Rather than set up an entirely new command, with all the fresh bureaucracy
and expense that would entail, officials have focused on which of several
commands already headquartered in the United States could be rejiggered to
take on the homeland defense mission. Their deliberations appear to have
narrowed into a competition between two candidates, the North American
Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) in Colorado and the Joint Forces Command
in Virginia.

Responsibility for coordinating all federal activities in homeland defense
rests with Tom Ridge and the new White House Office of Homeland Security.
The purpose of the Pentagon's new four-star assignment would be to
consolidate the chain of command running from the president through the
secretary of defense to those federal troops enlisted in the defensive

Historically, the Pentagon has seen little reason to earmark forces for
homeland defense, let alone designate a major command for the job. In the
event of a terrorist attack, the Pentagon's response plan has relied
heavily on such local and regional organizations as police, firefighters,
medics and hazardous material teams to deal with the consequences. Only as
a matter of last resort were federal troops to be summoned to help.

But after the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, military
forces have been thrust into new domestic security roles. Air Force jets
now regularly patrol the skies over U.S. cities. Thousands of National
Guard troops are protecting airports and bridges and assisting at border
checkpoints. They also were deployed last week to secure the Capitol
grounds after the anthrax scare.

Such new responsibilities have strained Pentagon resources and raised
questions about some lines of command. The air patrols have been run by
NORAD. The Joint Forces Command has charge of the maritime approaches to
the United States. And many of the National Guard troops have been pressed
into action by state governors.

The chain of command is not as clear in the United States as overseas,
the senior official said. We think it's time to clarify things.

Among the most urgent questions confronting the new homeland CINC will be
which military units should remain allocated for overseas duty and which
need to be tagged for more permanent homeland defense assignments. This
question is likely to fall heaviest on the National Guard, which has been
struggling since the end of the Cold War to find new roles apart from its
traditional one of being ready to augment regular troops in a major war

About one-third of the Guard's 358,000 soldiers still constitute eight
heavy armored divisions. At the same time, Guard members have started
assuming a larger share of overseas peacekeeping assignments, relieving
some of the burden on regular troops. Elements of the Virginia Guard's 29th
Division, for example, are serving in Bosnia.

One school of thought says we can still do both foreign and domestic
operations, said Army Secretary Tom White. But the other side says we

Addressing a conference last week on the military's role in homeland
defense, Ridge said that the administration would look at whether to shift
some Guard units and assets. He also said that regular military troops
would be deployed to handle domestic terrorist attacks only as the last
resort, noting that the government had 

[CTRL] Buchanan At His Best-Mideast peace an illusion?

2001-11-21 Thread William Shannon

Mideast peace an illusion?

"Israel controls the Senate," said J. William Fulbright, chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, in 1973. "We should be more concerned about the United States' interests." That nothing has changed was evident this weekend. Secretary of State Powell received a letter, instigated by the Israeli lobby and signed by 89 U.S. senators, directing him not to interfere with Israel's crushing of the Palestinian uprising. 

President Bush may have promised the Peace Party, Tony Blair and the Saudis he will use his muscle to broker a just peace. If he did, he made a promise he cannot keep. For the conditions of peace that seemed present when Ehud Barak led Israel no longer exist. The moment has passed, the window has closed. 

Real peace requires something close to what Barak offered Arafat: a Palestinian state with full sovereignty over Gaza, the West Bank, Arab East Jerusalem and the Islamic holy places. This would entail a dismantling of Israeli settlements and withdrawal to something like the borders of 1967. 

That is impossible now. Sharon not only distrusts Arafat, he detests him and rejects the Oslo formula of land-for-peace. Sharon believes the Arabs will use a Palestinian state as a base camp for a new war of annihilation. He won his office by accusing Barak of pandering to terror and inviting national suicide. Should he offer Arafat a similar deal, his Cabinet would break up and he would be replaced by Benjamin Netanyahu. 

More important, with this latest intifada marked by massacres of children at pizza parlors, Israelis no longer believe security can be found cheek-by-jowl with an Arafat-led Palestinian state. Who can blame them? 

But if Arafat is considered by Israelis to be a terrorist, among the Palestinians, he is increasingly viewed as a poodle of America and an appeaser of Zion. Palestinians have lost 700 dead in this uprising – including women and children – and thousands wounded. For fighting against Israeli troops, it is Hamas and Islamic Jihad who are capturing the hearts of the young. Arafat's mandate is running out. 

Moreover, Bush cannot force Sharon to give up occupied land, for he cannot threaten Sharon with a cut-off in aid. Should he try, he will call down the rage of Congress and the wrath of the Israeli lobby and its Amen Corner. Not since Dwight Eisenhower, safely re-elected, ordered Ben-Gurion to get his army out of Sinai in 1957 has a president compelled Israel to meet U.S. demands. 

When Israeli and U.S. policies clash, it is U.S. presidents who back down. For 30 years, the United States has held that settlements in the territories occupied in the 1967 war were "illegal" and impediments to peace. Yet, despite $100 billion in U.S. aid to Israel since 1972 – $20,000 for every Israeli – the number of settlers has risen from 8,400 to 357,000. Israel ignores U.S. pleas and demands, for it knows they are bluster and bluff, designed for Arab consumption. 

Should Bush invest his postwar popularity and prestige in a Palestine with its capital in East Jerusalem, he will see both dissipated, while failing, even as his predecessors have failed. 

Already, Bush's suggestion that he supports Israeli concessions for a Palestinian state, to draw down anti-American venom in the Islamic world, was met with Sharon's retort that Israel will not play the role of Czechoslovakia to Bush's Neville Chamberlain. In a normal relationship, such a gross and gratuitous insult would have brought a recall of the U.S. ambassador. Instead, it produced a wimpish little peep of protest from Ari Fleischer. 

Bush should look over the horizon and ask himself what Israel will demand as the price of a Palestinian state. It is: scores of billions of U.S. dollars to take down settlements, whose building we opposed, and a permanent U.S.-Israeli military alliance, backed up by the presence of U.S. troops. This would guarantee Americans fighting in every future Israeli war. And this we cannot give. 

Prediction: Bush and Powell will start up the road to a brokered peace and find they are on a political Highway of Death. Karl Rove will walk into the Oval Office and say, "Mr. President, it is not worth it, it is not working – we are down to 60 percent in the polls. Let's go back to benign neglect." 

Israelis will emerge victorious and delighted. The Arabs will be frustrated and outraged, and Bush's prestige in the Arab world will vanish as his father's did after Desert Storm. In Kuwait, they no longer name their children Bush, but Osama. So, the downward spiral toward an Arab-Israeli and U.S.-Islamic war will continue and the enemies of peace, on all sides, will be exulted, and exalted. 

Where have you gone, Gen. Eisenhower?

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] The Problems With Bush's Executive Order Burying P...

2001-11-21 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/21/01 12:51:25 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 On November 1, President George W. Bush signed his latest effort to govern
 by secrecy — Executive Order 13233. For good reason this Order has a lot of
 historians, journalists, and Congresspersons (both Republican and
 Democratic) upset.

 The Order ends 27 years of Congressional and judicial efforts to make
 Presidential papers and records publicly available. In issuing the Order,
 the President has pushed his lawmaking powers beyond their limits. 

I've been thinking about all this, and I wonder if the problems with the Bush
the First presidency might not have extended farther than we knew.  He was
suspected of doing a lot of things that were not in the best interest of the
United States of America, but I never thought of other directions.  When it
appeared that Al Gore was winning the election, and Sandra Day O'Connor was
heard to say, Oh how awful!  I always thought it was just a matter of
conservatives against liberals.  It might have been her fear that Bush the
Second might not be president and thus in a position to bury the evidence of
what was going on in the Washington of Reagan and Bush the First.   Both
administrations were a nest of maggots, but I never thought of the Supreme
Court as being involved.  I must stop my illusions from letting me see the
truth.  Prudy

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[CTRL] Flight 93 Modern Mythology

2001-11-21 Thread William Shannon

Re: [CTRL] Israel Says No Iraqiaqs on 9/11

2001-11-21 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/21/01 4:41:16 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 ISRAELI intelligence agencies have not detected any link between
 Iraq and the September 11 terrorist attacks, officials said
 yesterday. They also dismissed claims that Osama bin Laden has
 acquired nuclear weapons. 

This is really amazing.  Has anyone asked them about the US News  World
Report item that Iraq and McVeigh were working together.  The Israeli are
losing their touch.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] The Problems With Bush's Executive Order Burying P...

2001-11-21 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well Prudy everybody is a suspect until the truth emerges.

What is that line from Luke - For there is nothing covered, that shall
not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be know.  (Luke 12, 2-1)

But then we have the You Shall Know the Truth and the Truth Shall Set
you free - now American style of truth?

So as they say - The Truth Shall Make You free, to which my old boss
used to add Not Necessarily in a criminal Court.these lawers, I
say - but that guy who nailed John Gotti and who had killed 19 men was
set free for testifying against John who went to the slammer.

So Here's To John Gotti - Give Us Barabas..put the mass murderer in
the slammer and free the Teflon John.

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[CTRL] Flight 93 Mythology In The Making? Let's Roll!

2001-11-21 Thread William Shannon

We know it crashed, but not why

FBI is silent, fueling "shot down" rumors


SHANKSVILLE, Pa. - Ernie Stuhl is the mayor of this tiny farming borough that was so brutally placed on America's psychic map on the morning of Sept. 11, when United Airlines Flight 93 slammed nose-down into the edge of a barren strip-mine moonscape a couple of miles outside of town.

A 77-year-old World War II veteran and retired Dodge dealer, he's certainly no conspiracy theorist.

And, when you ask Stuhl for his theory of what caused the jetliner to crash that morning, he will give you the prevailing theory - that a cockpit battle between the hijackers and burly, heroic passengers somehow caused the Boeing 757 to spiral out of control. "There's no doubt in my mind that they did put it down before it got to Washington and caused more damage," he said.

But press the mayor for details, and he will add something surprising.

"I know of two people - I will not mention names - that heard a missile," Stuhl said. "They both live very close, within a couple of hundred yards. . .This one fellow's served in Vietnam and he says he's heard them, and he heard one that day." The mayor adds that based on what he knows about that morning, military F-16 fighter jets were "very, very close."

If the mayor of Shanksville still seems conflicted about what caused the crash of Flight 93 two months ago, he is hardly alone. As the initial shock of Sept. 11 wears off, the crash some 80 miles east of Pittsburgh, and what caused it, is beginning to emerge as the greatest mystery from the worst terrorist attack in American history.

No one has fully explained why the plane went down, or what exactly happened during an eight-minute gap from the time all cell phone calls from the plane stopped and the time it crashed.

And the FBI, which assumed control of the probe from the National Transportation Safety Board, refuses to release data from either of the critical "black boxes," the cockpit voice recorder and the flight data recorder.

Citing the ongoing war on terrorism, the FBI says it can't say when it will release the data - or indeed, if it ever will.

"It's evidence in an ongoing criminal investigation," an FBI spokesman in Pittsburgh, Jeff Killeen, said last week.

Last week, the nation was rocked by another jetliner crash - American Airlines Flight 587 in New York - and the difference in the way the probes have been handled is remarkable. In the latest crash, federal officials released detailed information about the cockpit voice recorder in less than 36 hours.

In the case of Flight 93, both the FBI and the nation's air-defense agency - NORAD - have said the aircraft was not shot down.

Said Killeen: "The evidence points to activity on the plane itself - and not elsewhere."

While almost all of the attention given Flight 93 has focused on the bravery of the passengers, the question of why it ultimately went down is not academic. To win the war on terrorism, some say America and its government must continue to occupy the moral high ground - and the failure to release the data in the face of lingering rumors poses a credibility risk.

Predictably, the lack of official information has given rise to a flurry of debate on America's channel for unofficial news: the Internet.Already, there is a Web site (www.flight93crash.com) that summarizes everything known about the crash. And while much of the mainstream media has lost interest in the story, articles suggesting that the government shot down Flight 93 and has lied about it have flourished on left-wing Internet sites and publications.

Of course, in 2001, Internet conspiracy theories are hardly shocking.

What is surprising is this: Go to Shanksville and the surrounding farm fields where people actually saw or heard the jetliner go down at roughly 10:06 that morning and there are a number of people - including witnesses - who also think that Flight 93 was shot down, or at least aren't ruling it out.

Laura Temyer, who lives several miles north of the crash site in Hooversville, was hanging some clothes outside that morning when she heard an airplane pass overhead. That struck her as unusual since she'd just heard on TV that all flights were grounded."I heard like a boom and the engine sounded funny," she told the Daily News.

"I heard two more booms - and then I did not hear anything."

What does Temyer think she heard? "I think the plane was shot down," insists Temyer, who said she has twice told her story to the FBI. What's more, she insists that people she knows in state law enforcement have told her the same thing, that the plane was shot down and that decompression sucked objects from the aircraft, explaining why there was a wide debris field.

But an eyewitness, Linda Shepley, said she had an unobstructed view of Flight 93's final two minutes and has reached the opposite conclusion. 

[CTRL] Mystery of No News on Holidays

2001-11-21 Thread William Shannon

Mystery of No News on Holidays

(Conspiracy Nation, 11/21/01) -- It's likely there'll be no notable news from now until Monday, Nov. 26th. The government and their bureaucrats are off work; the corporate big shots are home with their families; news facilities are staffed with skeleton crews. The usual troublemakers have gone away for the Thanksgiving holiday. There is peace.

On the other hand, the late William Cooper once warned that if the usual troublemakers wanted to stage a surprise attack, Thanksgiving would be the perfect time: the rest of us stuffed with turkey, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie, digesting the afternoon in our easy chairs, would be off-guard, Cooper warned.

Logging on to the Drudge site and clicking on "breaking news" this afternoon, Conspiracy Nation discovered that on Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 21, 2001, there was _no_ "breaking news."

No big crisis. No machinery of government, corporation, nor journalism churning out constant upset. See how nice it could be if every day were a holiday?

Mystery of no news on holidays: the troublemakers are away from their paid labor of, respectively, scarey laws (government), rotten deals (corporations), and lies (journalism). Most others are intoxicated with too much food. The remaining outcastes are poking around Internet, wondering where all the news went.

The LATEST BREAKING NEWS (note the upper-case letters, so it must be important) will be back, fear not, come Monday, Nov. 26. With all the digested food in their stomachs, the lawmakers, the dominant corporations, and the mainstream news persons will be especially full of shit. This means that, come Monday, there will be lots and lots of BREAKING NEWS.

In the meantime, it looks like we can relax, read a nice book, and enjoy life as it was meant to be -- unless they are about to launch a surprise attack.

[CTRL] The Craven 89

2001-11-21 Thread William Shannon
Subject: the craven 89

  Eight-nine senators sent an AIPAC-directed letter to Pres. Bush asking
him to get out of Israel's way in Palestine.


Open Letter to President George W. Bush,

Dear President Bush,

  Please release the names of the 89 U.S. Senators who signed a letter
asking you to not "hamper Israel" (NYT,Nov. 17, 2001, p.1)in its military
actions against the Palestinian people. Senators are elected
representatives of their States. When their actions are likely to be
controversial or contrary to constituents' security and economic interests,
they must be exposed.

  These 89 Senators have chosen sides in the Palestinian/Israeli conflict
even though Americans as a people do not bear a grudge against
Palestinians. Many who know the history of Zionism and Israel see the
Palestinians' struggle as legitimate. Some see it as akin to America's own
fight for liberty in 1775. We doubt that the Palestinians' weapons of
choice would be thrown rocks or self-annihilation with hidden bombs if they
had other means of pressing claims to their homelands.

  Israeli settlements in the West Bank and Jerusalem advance even, or
especially, as world attention focuses on the "peace process." The
Palestinians "pay" for negotiations by agreeing to forgo violence, only to
see further confiscation of their lands occur under cover of the
negotiations. Half of the 200,000 Israeli settlers in the West Bank came
after initiation of the 1993 Oslo Peace Agreement (Washington Post, Sept.
16, 2001). The West Bank is now like a Swiss cheese: Israeli settlements
linked by militarized Israeli-controlled roads and checkpoints that
Palestinians can traverse only after delay and humiliation.

  If few Americans have strong views about the Mid-East struggle, it is
because they are not well informed. The big media see to it that Israel's
atrocities are covered lightly if at all. Most Americans do not know that
Palestinians in the West Bank sometimes go days at a time without running
water because Israelis shut off the taps. Or that Palestinian water
consumption (including agricultural uses) is 60-90 liters per capita per
day compared to 280 liters per capita per day for Israelis on the West Bank
(New York Times, p. wk9, Sept. 2, 2001). That Israelis have filled in
Palestinian wells, have uprooted their groves of ancient olive trees, and
have bulldozed down houses and barns, crushing farm animals and all else
before them.

  Americans recognize, nevertheless, that they have both an ethical and a
security interest in arriving at a just peace in the Mid-East, and they are
surprisingly united in assessing why they came under attack at the World
Trade Center on September 11. A poll released in early October by Reuters
Israel but not reported in America shows that 46% of Americans want to
"rethink" the United States' relationships with Israel -- ending military
and economic aid, and ending U.S. support for that state.  According to the
poll, 58% of Americans saw U.S. ties to Israel as "a major" cause of the
attacks on New York and Washington, and "Forty-six percent said the United
States should consider changing its Middle East policies to reduce the
violent backlash against it."

  In the United States, Americans who doubt the media spin about the World
Trade Center and Pentagon attacks on 9-11 may believe that they are alone.
They are not.

  Many think it is common sense to credit what terrorist who attacked us
say about their own motives. The terrorists say that the United States'
reflexive support for Israel is one of three major causes of the attacks.
Why not believe those who voluntarily tell you why they commit a crime? Who
would know better than the terrorists themselves why they perpetrate

  But the big media tell us they know better. The big media have a dog in
this fight and tell the American people that we are hated for our
democracy, our liberty, our success!

  Not satisfied with assaulting our common sense and sense of justice in
the Israeli/Palestinian struggle, the big media are now preparing the
public for wider U.S. military involvement. For example, "The Beltway Boys"
(FOX News channel, November 17) speculated on the military agenda after
mop-up operations in Afghanistan; one trickster jovially asked, "What
next?" and was answered, "Iraq."

  American boys and girls should not be used to fight Israel's dream war.
Israel has long desired that the United States would annihilate its
enemies, especially Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon. And the second tier,
Jordan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia.

  The 89 Senators who press President Bush and Secretary of State Colin L.
Powell to favor Israel in the Mid-East conflict will not rest. The U.S.
military is next to be enlisted in the service of Israeli goals. The
approximately $3 billion annually in economic assistance and $4 billion in
military support from American taxpayers to Israel is apparently not

  The letter in which Senators urged President Bush 

Re: [CTRL] Buchanan At His Best-Mideast peace an illusion?

2001-11-21 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Zionists contribute 40% of the funding to the Democrat Party - they have
virtually bought them using laundered dirty money.

Did any Democrat ever try to go after Meyer Lansky and his connection to
the murder of JFK?

No - but this rat faced fink - his son was given appointment to West
Point..must have been his family connections.

If our leaders want to put prices on each other's heads and send each
other anthrax, it is fine by me.

But I would like to see the names on this list where they demand we let
Israeli's murder Palestinians?

Remember now the Zionists want Jerusalem to be the Center of the World
and its Free Trade Zone would have been chief spot for laundering dirty
drug, murder, pornography money in to clean money where this tax free
money is used then to buy more government office holders.

Go back to the 1963 period and see the entire conspiracy unfold.the
John Birch Society maybe this is jewish as I was told for all they did
was malign and slander JFK and any candidats we had at the time while
they infiltrated the Mormon Church - for you see they never joined, they
infiltrated the Church.

And their number one boy John Ashbrook died seated on the John, in a
basement in a funeral parlour - as the US Senators stood at his
graveside they learned the casket was empty and John was in this cellar,
where he had churned out a lot of literature which was hate literature
directed to John F. KennedyJohn Ashbrook's brother had organized
crime links and was murdered.he had divorced and married this
floosie bleached out blonde.

But this too was the day of the serial murders in Columbus - 22 caliber
killers, the Route 40 murders - and the Jewish Mafia head Lansky hanging
about with his murdering doctors, and Mafia Hit man who got
nailedbut CFR Govenor pardoned this killer - who dressed like a
County Sheriff and murdered this black doctor on Halloween night while
the othrs watched?

This conspiracy might even be a 100 year conspiracy for the same
assassins who murdered Lincoln, murdered JFK and RFKZionism is the
Name, Communism is the name  call it anything you want - but the Kennedy
family was murdered by this vicious element so why the hell should I
care if they want to put prices on each others heads and do each other

Too bad though they had to slaughter the innocents at the World Trade
Center to rebuild - like oh the Phoenix rising rom the ashesthe
fiery phoenix bird - like the little pins, Hill and Madeline wore/

They are destroying America - so if they stay off my turf they will get
no battle from me.


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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] The Problems With Bush's Executive Order Burying P...

2001-11-21 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/21/01 6:18:30 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  When it
  appeared that Al Gore was winning the election, and Sandra Day O'Connor was
  heard to say, Oh how awful!  I always thought it was just a matter of
  conservatives against liberals.  It might have been her fear that Bush the
  Second might not be president and thus in a position to bury the evidence
  what was going on in the Washington of Reagan and Bush the First.   Both
  administrations were a nest of maggots, but I never thought of the Supreme
  Court as being involved.  I must stop my illusions from letting me see the
  truth.  Prudy

  You mean that Reagan  Bush had been able to delay the releases through the
Clinton years, but feared not being able to hold off any longer?  O'Conner
would be concerned about that if she were party to (or aware of) some of
their criminal deeds?  Hmmm.  Interesting.


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[CTRL] re : The history of torture

2001-11-21 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

excerpt from


This may be heavy for survivors of abuse.

The history of torture: A chat with Darius Rejali a politics professor at
Reed College -CourtTV  -  11/20/01 There is a long history of American
involvement with governments that torture their citizens. Particularly in the
1950s and '60's the US government provided training under the Office of
Public Safety program to countries in Asia and Latin America whose police
forces were known to torture. Moreover, there is evidence that the U.S.
government, particularly the CIA ...and military advisors, offered support
and training specifically for torture. In 1973, Senator Abourezk sponsored a
bill that abolished the OPS program for these reasons, since the highest
recipients of OPS support were also the countries that Amnesty International
identified as the greatest human rights violations. In the 1980's similar
questions were raised about U.S. programs in other countries to control
narcotics trafficking. In other words, the old training was now repackaged.
However, even more broadly than that, most torture equipment such as electric
stun guns is manufactured in the U.S. and England. And since the 1980s
electric torture has become increasingly common throughout the world.

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[CTRL] Taliban in Kunduz Reportedly Agree to Surrender

2001-11-21 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-



Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Taliban in Kunduz Reportedly Agree to Surrender

Updated: Wed, Nov 21 5:47 PM EST

LONDON (Reuters) - All Taliban forces in the besieged northern Afghan enclave
of Kunduz have agreed to surrender, CNN reported on Wednesday.

Its reporter in the nearby city of Mazar-i-Sharif, which is under Northern
Alliance control, said Taliban commanders from Kunduz -- with an estimated
10,000 men under their control -- had agreed to surrender in talks with
Alliance leaders in Mazar.

It quoted a Kunduz Taliban commander, named as Mullah Faizal, as telling
reporters allowed into the meeting room that all his forces, Afghans and
foreigners alike, would surrender.

Nothing (violent) will happen (in Kunduz), CNN quoted Faizal as saying. The
talks were continuing to work out details of the surrender.

Alliance commander Abdul Rashid Dostum told reporters at the talks that the
Kunduz problem would be solved without a fight and that the battle for the
city was finished, CNN said.

Dostum said he was also in contact with Taliban leaders in other parts of
Afghanistan, including Kandahar -- the southern stronghold still held by the

Kunduz is the strict Muslim militia's last redoubt in northern Afghanistan
after its rout over recent days by troops from the Alliance, backed by weeks
of heavy U.S. bombing.

A total of 10,000 Afghan Taliban troops and Pakistani, Arab and Chechen
fighters linked to the al Qaeda network of Saudi-born militant Osama bin
Laden, prime suspect in the September 11 suicide airliner attacks on the
United States, were reported to be in the city.

U.S. raids on Kunduz were relatively light for a second day, with only two
bombs being dropped.

Taliban defectors and Alliance troops said earlier that Afghan Taliban troops
wanted to give up, but foreign al Qaeda fighters, with nowhere to run, had
vowed to fight to the death and were executing Afghans who wanted to

The Alliance suspended its ground offensive against the city but said it
would advance on Kunduz if the talks, which began in earnest on Sunday,

At first, the mainly Pashtun Taliban forces had offered to give themselves
up, but only to a U.N. force rather than to the Northern Alliance, which
consists predominantly of Uzbek, Tajik and Hazara minorities.

The Northern Alliance had said it was willing to negotiate surrender terms
for Afghan Taliban, but not for the unknown number of foreign fighters with

Many civilians have fled Kunduz, an ancient city guarding routes into the
central Asian republic of Tajikistan to the north.

We left because of the bombing, one refugee, Abdullah, told Reuters.

On the street next to ours, 14 members of the same family were killed when a
bomb fell on their house. Only the father and a little daughter survived. So
we decided to leave.

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Re: [CTRL] More on Pierce j2

2001-11-21 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/20/01 10:23:51 PM Central Standard Time,

   You are a funny Nazi Pig Shannon.

And you are a big talker J2...playing your role to a T.
Belittle, namecall and otherwise attack those who disagree with
your party line. Tell Abe Foxman we say yo.



You bet Bill. We meet once a month to discuss your attitude. The
Jews of the entire world are very concerned that you don't like
us and have become a nazi pig.

This is very disappointing to Abe. He hopes your mother doesn't
find out.


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2001-11-21 Thread Joe Gillaspie

-Caveat Lector-



 WebMD offers free Prozac

 November 16, 2001 3:27 PM PT

 In what may be a sign of the times, one down-and-out
 dot-com is offering free Prozac to depressed consumers
 as part of a promotion by a drug company.
 The Indianapolis pharmaceutical maker Eli Lilly has
 teamed with money-losing Internet healthcare company
 WebMD to offer Americans a free month's supply of the
 famed antidepressant.

 TV commercials direct consumers to the WebMD Web site
 where they can sign up for one month of free Prozac
 through a special promotion with Indianapolis-based
 Eli Lilly, whose brand flashes up on the screen.

 The direct-to-consumer advertising campaign, launched
 more than six months ago, appears to have gained
 momentum since Sept. 11 with more frequent television
 ads and a prominent display offer on WebMD's home
 page. The offer also appears with a coupon in
 newspapers and magazines.

 Preying on the angst in America? Absolutely not,
 said Eli Lilly spokeswoman Debbie Davis. This is
 aimed at patients who have already been diagnosed with
 depression and have been stabilized on fluoxetine. For
 them, this is another treatment option.

 Both Davis and a representative for WebMD declined to
 provide details about the advertising campaign.

 Prozac has already lost about 80 percent of its market
 share since the generic form of fluoxetine, its
 chemical name, was introduced in August; Eli Lilly has
 been pushing its once-a-week form of Prozac, which has
 no generic-brand competition.

 Sold in over 100 countries, more than 39 million
 people have taken Prozac since its launch in 1988.
 Despite an onslaught of competition, Prozac is still
 the world's best-selling antidepressant.


 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! GeoCities - quick and easy web site hosting, just $8.95/month.

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[CTRL] Big Government Becomes Big Brother

2001-11-21 Thread Eric Stewart

-Caveat Lector-

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], M. L. Hawkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Big Government Becomes Big Brother
Steven Rosenfeld

November 20, 2001

You know it's getting bad when William Safire, The New York Times'
conservative, calls Bush a dictator, as he did in a recent editorial
the the USA Patriot Act. The bill, which was signed into law on
gives the government vast powers in its battle against terrorism. But
these draconian measures actually making America safe from
terrorists? Or
is Orwell looking smarter than ever? The American Civil Liberties
Nadine Strossen puts the new act into context:
Steven Rosenfeld: The Attorney General, Bush administration and
have adopted numerous new anti-terrorism laws and policies increasing
police powers. They're changed rules for evidence gathering and
detention, set new standards for citizens and non-citizens, and
authorized military tribunals to operate under rules set by the
of Defense and President. Should Americans expect such changes in the
justice system, even if Congress hasn't officially declared war?
Nadine Strossen: I think the changes that have been adopted are
completely unjustified, not only because we are not in an official
declared state of war -- and that is a very important point to stress.
For example, when you talk about the military commissions that the
president's executive order just purported to authorize, those have
before operated outside of an official, declared state of war. The
reason, though, which to many people may sound more substantial and
formalistic, is that even though we are in this state of national
emergency, our government should not claim and exercise additional new
powers unless a case can be made that these new powers will be
in order to prosecute the war -- the metaphorical war -- against
So many of the new power grabs will be aimed not at all against
terrorists. For example, the so-called 'anti-terrorism' law, and I say
so-called for a reason, almost all of its provisions apply to all law
enforcement, including ordinary crimes involving, for example, the
so-called war on drugs, having absolutely nothing to do with
And I think it's very interesting that we heard this kind of
criticism in
Congress from both sides of the aisle, including conservative
with law enforcement backgrounds. [Rep.] Bob Barr [R-GA], who was a
Attorney before he went to Congress, and he made the point very well.
said what this law is, is just a grab-bag of prosecutorial powers and
investigative powers that the Justice Department has forever been
Congress for. Now, under the panic that's ensued in response to the
11 attacks, Congress was stampeded into giving those powers that have
been shown to be necessary in order to counter terrorism.
And let me underscore here, that when [Attorney General] John Ashcroft
testified before Congress in support of that law, he acknowledged that
none of these sweeping powers, and that was his term -- sweeping
-- could have averted the terrible catastrophe on September 11. So, I
think we are seeing the worst of both worlds. That the government is
getting new powers that are not going to effectively protect us
terrorism, but are effectively going to deprive millions of innocent
Americans of very precious freedoms.
SR: The ACLU has reported on what you call 'court-stripping,' that is,
the legislative or executive branches depriving the judiciary of
authority to hear certain types of cases. Where does this current
of new terrorism laws fit under this trend?
Strossen: Unfortunately, that trend is accelerated by the new
anti-terrorism law, because one theme that pervades many different
provisions is shrinking the already-reduced role of the courts in
protecting individual rights -- that had already been under attack as
result of the 1996 anti-terrorism law and some other laws that were
passed. But I'm also very concerned about Congress being bypassed
a series of executive orders, including the one on military tribunals;
the one that's allowing sweeping investigations of young men who have
lawfully immigrated to this country from certain other countries,
in the Middle East; another executive branch order that's going to
interception of conversations between imprisoned inmates, who may
even be
facing the death penalty, and their attorneys. All of this, without
consultation with Congress, and then, even though Congress did pass
anti-terrorism law, it was really stampeded by the administration.
There was just unprecedented, extraordinary pressure, put, especially
John Ashcroft, upon members of Congress, to rush this law through,
bypassing Congress' ordinary processes of analysis and deliberation.
There was almost no debate. There was only one hearing. Many members
Congress didn't 

Re: [CTRL] DID, trauma, CIA whistleblower, RA programming, Lake Alice electroshock

2001-11-21 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Below please find excerpts from each.

These may be heavy for survivors of abuse.

Many people, all of one mind - SCIENTISTS at Swinburne University have
claimed a world first in research into the baffling and sometimes
controversial condition Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), previously
known as Multiple Personality Disorder. The Age 19 Nov 2001 (there is a
charge for this article)



Treatment Can Ease Lingering Trauma of Sept_ 11 - by Erica Goode - 11/20/01 -
Over the last two decades, investigators have developed scales to measure
symptoms and to document patients' improvement. They have tested some
treatments in clinical trials. And they have slowly begun to decipher the
complex neurobiology that most experts suspect underlies the disorder.


Whistleblower on CIA Brainwashing in Canada - The Toronto Sun Feb. 1, 1998 -
Montrealer Alexander Legault, who says he'll be persecuted by the CIA if he
returns to the United States, is seeking refugee status in Canada by Tom
Godfrey - Legault and his lawyers claim he'll be persecuted by the CIA for
obtaining documents that led to nine Canadians being compensated $100,000
each in 1988. They were guinea pigs in brainwashing experiments, code named
MK Ultra, at Montreal's Allan Memorial Institute in the '50s and '60s.
Legault's mother-in-law was one of the survivors of the experiment which was
made into a CBC mini-series, The Sleep Room...Schaap testified that the CIA
had infiltrated the U.S. and Canadian communist parties, and owned 100 media
organizations worldwide. It also experimented with hundreds of chemical and
biological testing programs, which saw a cold virus spread over San
Francisco in the '50s, exposed whooping cough in Tampa, Fla, in 1955 and a
cold bacteria in the New York subway system in 1966, Schaap testified.

S.M.A.R.T. 2001 Presentation - Shattering the Myths—Deprogramming with System
Communication...I'd like to expand that topic to include all ways my alters
are able to communicate with meProgramming was involved whether we were
survivors of ritual abuse alone or in conjunction with one of the
military/illuminati programs. Text and graphics may be very triggering at
this site. Please use caution.

Terrible legacy of Lake Alice - 27.10.2001 - by Simon Collins - In Niuean,
the message said: I have been given electric shock by the people, Mum. The
pain is very bad. The writer: Hakeaga (Hake) Halo, then aged 13, writing to
his grandmother in Auckland from Lake Alice Psychiatric Hospital near
Wanganui in 1975A quarter of a century later, another Government finally
apologised this month to Halo and 94 other children of Lake Alice who
fought a four-year battle for compensation. The state has paid them $6.5
million, of which just over $2.5 million has gone to their lawyers.


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Re: [CTRL] More on Pierce

2001-11-21 Thread inri

-Caveat Lector-

  what it means is that nothing, and i mean nothing, he writes is worth
  anything more than the piece of paper it's written on. why not? because

 What has he lied about?

if ya' have to ask...
answering this would be akin to explaining why hitler was a liar. i'll



If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long
as I'm the dictator. - george w. bush

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Re: [CTRL] Harvard professor missing

2001-11-21 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-


Harvard professor missing

By Douglas Belkin, Globe Staff and Jenny Jiang Globe Correspondent,

A world-renowned Harvard scientist and expert in highly contagious and deadly
viruses mysteriously disappeared in Tennessee early last Friday, leaving a
rental car on a Memphis bridge.

Don C. Wiley was in town to visit relatives and attend the annual meeting of
the scientific advisory board of St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital.
Police said there were no signs of foul play, just the car with the keys in
the ignition on a bridge that spans the Mississippi River. Police found the
car five hours after Wiley left a dinner at a posh hotel several blocks from
the bridge.

''This is totally unexpected. He was fine on Thursday night,'' said Dr.
Joseph Mirro, executive vice president at St. Jude's Hospital.

The disappearance of the popular, gregarious scientist has shaken the
scientific board and the staff and directors of the hospital, Mirro said.

''This is a terrible event and a great loss to the scientific community,'' he
added, assuming the worst. ''He is an extremely brilliant scientist in
medicine and understanding biology.''

In Cambridge, Wiley's wife, Katrin Valgeirsdottir, said she was planning to
fly down on Friday to meet her 57-year-old husband with their children, ages
7 and 10. He also has two other children, ages 26 and 34, she said.

''He would never vanish. He wouldn't commit suicide,'' she said. ''I have no
idea what has happened.''

An award-winning professor of biochemistry and biophysics at Harvard, Wiley
built the first model of the structures of influenza viruses and human cells
that allow the disease organism to infect humans.

In 1985, Wiley began researching how drugs might block the process, using a
method called X-ray crystallography, in hopes of conquering maladies ranging
from the common cold to HIV.

The researcher for the Howard Hughes Medical Institute at Harvard had flown
to Memphis Wednesday evening, police said, and stayed with his father in
Germantown, a suburb. Wiley's brother and sister-in-law also live in the

On Thursday, Wiley met with the other 14 members of the board, and was one of
150 people attending a dinner that evening.

Memphis police Lieutenant Joe Scott said that witnesses described him as
being in a good mood when he left the dinner.

''No one detected that he was despondent or was having any difficulties in
any way,'' Scott said.

At 4 a.m. Friday, police found Wiley's rented Mitsubishi Galant on the
Hernando DeSoto Bridge, which links Tennessee to Arkansas.

Memphis police said the doors were unlocked, the key was in the ignition, and
the hazard lights had not been turned on. The car had a full tank of gas.

Scott said the bridge is about 100 feet high, and has been the scene of a
handful of suicides each year. Sometimes the bodies aren't found for weeks,
he said.

''We are investigating every angle we can think of,'' Scott said.

Wiley's research focuses on the structure of viruses and proteins in the
human immune system.

Herman Eisen, an MIT professor emeritus and friend of Wiley's, said suicide
''just doesn't fit.'' Wiley ''was extremely successful at what he did. He
seemed stable and outgoing, he ran a large research group very effectively.
People held him in very high regard.''

Globe correspondents Fran Riley and Jana Benscoter contributed to this

This story ran on page B1 of the Boston Globe on 11/21/2001.
© Copyright 2001 Globe Newspaper Company.

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Re: [CTRL] Amid paean, one critical Kennedy voice

2001-11-21 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-



Amid paean, one critical Kennedy voice
Cuomo airs views against Bush, AG

By Glen Johnson, Globe Staff, 11/21/2001

WASHINGTON - Just before the Bush administration named the Justice Department
headquarters in honor of Robert F. Kennedy, his daughter chastised President
Bush and Attorney General John Ashcroft yesterday for their handling of
detainees following the Sept. 11 attacks and a plan to create military
tribunals for defendants accused of terrorism.

Kerry Kennedy Cuomo, an author and founder of the Robert F. Kennedy Center
for Human Rights, looked at her daughter and said, ''Cara, if anyone tries to
tell you this is the type of justice your grandpa would embrace, don't
believe it.''

Cuomo made the comment hours before the building dedication, during a
ceremony honoring Brazilian lawyer Darci Frigo, who received the annual
Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Award.

The White House refused to respond to the lone but forceful note of
criticism. ''The president's focus is on paying tribute to Robert F. Kennedy
and the many contributions he made that helped shape the American world we
live in today,'' said spokesman Scott McClellan.

In his speech at the building dedication, the Republican president saluted
Ethel Kennedy, the widow of the Democratic icon, and called her late husband
''a good and decent man.'' He also thanked Kennedy's son, Joseph P. Kennedy
II, for his introduction, during which the former congressman commemorated
his father and profusely thanked the president.

''There's nothing quite like the eloquence of a loyal son,'' said the
president, who often defends his own father, former President George H.W.

In an earlier conversation with reporters, the president denied he was
seeking to gain favor with RFK's brother, Senator Edward M. Kennedy, on
issues such as education reform. ''I'll get an education bill on its merits,
not based upon renaming a building for a great American,'' Bush said.

Seventy-nine people have served as attorney general, 25 since the Justice
Department headquarters opened at 8th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue in the
1930s. Robert Kennedy became the 64th when he was appointed by his brother,
President John F. Kennedy, in 1961. He held the post until 1964, shortly
after the president was assassinated.

He later was elected to the Senate from New York and was himself assassinated
in Los Angeles while running for president in 1968. He would have turned 76

His career was marked by aggressive pursuit of organized crime and civil
rights but was also noteworthy for his decision to approve a wiretap on
Martin Luther King Jr. and to attempt to plot the assassination of Cuban
leader Fidel Castro.

Evan Thomas, who wrote ''Robert Kennedy: His Life,'' said: ''He was not a
great friend of civil liberties - he probably abused his authority by modern
standards in order to protect his brother. But ... on the whole, even
counting his warts, he was a great attorney general.''

In his speech, the president said no other attorney general is ''more fondly
remembered and few have filled their time here with so much energy or seen
events of such consequence.''

Ashcroft compared the current administration's war on terrorism to Robert
Kennedy's pursuit of organized crime.

''He was not afraid to call his enemy evil and was unapologetic about
devoting all his resources, his energy, and his passion to that evil's
defeat,'' Ashcroft said.

In his remarks, Joseph Kennedy returned the compliments, turning to Bush, who
was seated next to a portrait of his father, and saying: ''Mr. President,
your strength since Sept. 11 has been a profile in leadership. You deserve
the thanks of all for a commitment to freedom from fear, and for all of us as
Americans, we stand behind you and with you at this time.''

About four hours earlier, Cuomo, whose husband, Andrew Cuomo, was a Clinton
Cabinet member, caused a stir in the audience at the awards ceremony with her
sharp criticism of the administration.

She cited State Department condemnations last year of military tribunals in
Egypt and Peru in a human rights report, and asked, ''What will it be able to
say next year?''

Hundreds of foreign nationals were detained after Sept. 11 as part of a sweep
to detect the extent of the terrorist network Al Qaeda in the United States.
Many detainees are still being held under immigration law, with civil and
judicial rights suspended.

Last week, Bush also authorized the creation of the tribunals to try
terrorists before a military jury and in secrecy, both of which Ashcroft said
were necessary to preserve national security.

Cuomo noted her father's prosecution of organized crime, ''but that
aggressiveness was always tempered by his commitment to protecting civil
rights, even when it meant letting the accused, like Jimmy Hoffa, go free,''
she said.

Senator Kennedy said afterward that he agreed 

Re: [CTRL] Have a Happy

2001-11-21 Thread foxter

And to you, Kris, may your 
day be filled with lots of R  R.
We appreciate your efforts on 
this list.


  - Original Message - 
  Kris Millegan 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 6:54 
  Subject: [CTRL] Have a Happy
  -Caveat Lector-My best to one and all, may your 
  journeys be safe and your gatherings warm.OmKA 
   DISCLAIMER==CTRL is a discussion  informational 
  exchange list. Proselytizing propagandicscreeds are unwelcomed. 
  Substance-not soap-boxing-please! These aresordid matters and 
  'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-directions and outright 
  frauds-is used politically by different groups withmajor and minor effects 
  spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.That being said, 
  CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, andalways suggests to 
  readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives nocredence to Holocaust 
  denial and nazi's need not apply.Let us please be civil and as always, 
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[CTRL] Fwd: Fw:

2001-11-21 Thread Carl Amedio
In a message dated 11/21/01 11:08:29 PM Central Standard Time, PMGrisafi writes:


 Polish Marines stormed Bloomingdales Department Store
 in New York yesterday after its intelligence agency reported
 that Bed Linen was on the fourth floor.

 No one was hurt.


POLAND JOINS THE COALITION--GOD BLESS THEM Polish Marines stormed Bloomingdales Department Store in New York yesterday after its intelligence agency reported that Bed Linen was on the fourth floor. No one was hurt.
---End Message---
---End Message---

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