[CTRL] Chirac signals

2003-02-08 Thread Euphorian
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World Socialist Web Site www.wsws.org


WSWS : News  Analysis : Europe

Franco-British summit: Chirac signals Paris ready to back war vs. Iraq

By Julie Hyland
8 February 2003

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Any illusion that the European powers can be relied on to oppose a US-led
war in the Persian Gulf were dealt a blow by the Franco-British summit
that took place on February 3, and France’s subsequent responses on the

During the talks at the French resort of Le Touquet, President Jacques
Chirac made clear that he was not opposed on principal to an attack on
Baghdad. Making common cause with British Prime Minister Tony Blair,
Chirac emphasised his opposition to Saddam Hussein and stressed that
France “would not rule out” military force against Iraq.

His words were given additional weight by news that the French aircraft
carrier Charles de Gaulle had made an unscheduled departure for
exercises in the Mediterranean alongside America’s carrier, the USS Harry
S. Truman. Just days before, French Defence Ministry officials had
announced that 150 servicemen and a small number of warplanes were
being deployed to Qatar, in a move seen as indicating French
preparedness to line up with a US attack on Iraq.

If Chirac still felt it politic to reiterate French objections to a US-led
assault on Iraq not sanctioned by the United Nations, it is because he is
playing a cynical game in which the lives of tens of thousands of Iraqi
people are to be sacrificed, providing France’s own imperialist interests
are taken into account.

The summit was held on the eve of US Secretary of State Colin Powell’s
presentation of the American case against Iraq at the UN Security Council.
Despite the flimsy and fraudulent character of Powell’s case, the
presentation was aimed, in part, at enabling the UN’s reluctant objectors
to manoeuvre into position behind a war. This external US pressure helped
ensure that relations between Blair and Chirac at the summit were cordial,
even after months of tensions between the two countries.

The talks had originally been scheduled for December, but Chirac
postponed them after a bitter public row with Britain over reform of the
Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) governing farming subsidies. Paris and
Berlin had cut a deal on the matter, enabling France to maintain its
subsidies for an extended period, causing alarm in London at the prospect
of a strengthened Franco- German axis for the European Union.

The stepping up of US preparations for war against Iraq has changed the
balance of forces within Europe to the detriment of France and the
benefit of Britain. Efforts by Paris and Berlin to mark out a common
European position of resistance to US ambitions were undermined by the
“gang of eight” declaration in late January. The declaration, signed by five
EU members including Britain, and three prospective members from
eastern European countries not only supported US preparations for war,
but rejected France and Germany’s claims to be speaking for Europe,
leading US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to refer contemptuously to
Paris and Berlin as “old Europe”.

Chirac was also placed on the defensive by the heavy defeats sustained by
German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder’s ruling Social Democratic Party in
local elections at the weekend. Although not occasioned by his antiwar
stance, which remains popular, the 15 percent swing to the Christian
Democrats was portrayed by Washington and London as a victory for their
line and a signal for a possible shift in position by Germany.

With Powell’s statement to the Security Council heralding the closing
stages of preparations for war, France does not relish being isolated on
the sidelines. Chirac therefore gave every indication that France’s position
will be subject to revision in the event of discussions on a second UN

He hinted at Rumsfeld’s rebuke in his summit statement. France and Britain
“represent two ancient civilisations, two old nations, two old cultures”,
Chirac said, and this was a great strength. But otherwise the two leaders
studiously avoided past disagreements. Britain and France “have different
approaches” to war against Iraq, Chirac said, “but first and foremost we
have two convictions which are fundamental and are shared.” The two
countries were in fact far closer to one another, he continued, and were
“entirely in agreement” that Iraq must be disarmed and that “this has to
be undertaken within the Security Council of the United Nations.”

The demand for UN approval is favoured by sections of the European ruling
class and various antiwar groupings. The call has nothing to do with
principled opposition to an imperialist war against a small, impoverished
country for the purpose of occupying its territory and seizing strategic oil
resources. Politically it is aimed at chloroforming public opinion, especially

[CTRL] Dilemma for Chirac

2003-02-08 Thread Euphorian
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Paris dispatch

Chirac's dilemma

France does not want war but nor can it risk international isolation. Give it
time and its compliance with America is almost assured, writes Jon Henley

Jon Henley
Friday February 7, 2003
The Guardian

So how far will France actually go? When the chips are down, will it - as
the White House, Downing Street and most commentators seem to think -
pull back from the brink, cave in to US and British pressure, and vote for
(or at least not against) a new UN resolution authorising the use of force
against Saddam Hussein?

The answer is almost certainly no now, and yes later. The timing, in this,
will be all. If Paris is forced into a decision in the next few weeks, it is very
difficult to see how even someone of Jacques Chirac's balletic abilities
could pirouette his way out of saying no to war: anything else would lose
him all credibility.

If, on the other hand, the UN weapons inspectors are allowed to continue
their work for several more weeks, or preferably months, and if (as seems
likely) they conclude that Baghdad has probably been concealing banned
arms or at least refusing to cooperate actively, then other factors will
start to weigh on the French president's mind.

France's present position, or at least its perceived position, has lumped it
in with Germany in a non- existent no war under any circumstances
alliance. It is a false perception created by Mr Chirac's ill- advised remark,
during the pomp and ceremony of the 40th anniversary of the Franco-
German friendship treaty, that the French and German stance on the Iraqi
question was identical.

But Mr Chirac most definitely does not want to be in the same camp as
Germany on this one, for several reasons. For a start, a resolutely pacifist
France would infuriate America, at a time when improving transatlantic
relations is a cornerstone of the newly elected president's foreign policy.

Second, any genuine Franco-German anti-war axis on Iraq would antagonise
most of the rest of France's EU partners - witness the famous pro-American
letter that was the immediate and violent (in diplomatic terms) response to
the Chirac-Schröder love-in.

France's baseline position, the one that it trumpeted so successfully
throughout last year and which resulted in Washington accepting the
principle of a second resolution, is that a war will always be the worst
possible solution and that, in consequence, only the UN security council is
qualified to launch one.

It was a moderating and conciliating position, not an obstructive one, and
it earned widespread support among UN members. This is the position to
which France is now plainly trying to return, after its probably unintended
little diversion up Berlin's blind alley.

Wednesday's security council intervention by Dominique de Villepin, the
French foreign minister, was clearly aimed at easing transatlantic and
cross-Channel tensions. He suggested the inspectors should be radically
reinforced: a smart halfway house which means France can be accused of
being neither pro-war nor anti-action.

France believes that as long as the inspectors are in place and doing their
job, the situation cannot be worsening. The so-called Iraqi threat, if it
exists, is frozen as long as the UN teams are operating. To consider any
attack before the inspectors themselves say they have finished their task
(or are being prevented from doing so) is simply wrong: that is France's
basic position.

Mr Chirac will without doubt do all he can to avoid a war in Iraq. He seems
genuinely to believe that it will have unforeseeable but probably
horrendous consequences on Iraq's civilian population (who have a tough
enough time of it as it is); on Arab world opinion (turning moderate Arabs
into anti-westerns Arabs); on the stability of the Middle East (a region that
really does not need another conflict); on the international fight against
terror; and on Islamic opinion in France (a nation that numbers up to six
million Muslims).

For all those reasons he is against war. But perhaps most importantly of all,
he is also driven by a desire to be a heavy-hitter in the international rink
after five years in the shadows of cohabitation.

He wants France's voice not just to be heard but to be respected and, if
possible, followed. And he knows that isolating himself completely from
Washington, and ruining for decades the credibility of the United Nations
(which is what a French security council veto would do), will not take him
very far towards that goal.

The final wording of last year's UN resolution 1441 can legitimately be seen
as something of a French diplomatic triumph: a compromise that respected
international law and, as Mr Chirac always (and rather cornily) says, gave
peace a chance. As the endgame nears, France now has to show that was
not a flash in the pan. The weeks ahead will be crucial, and not just for
Paris's diplomatic 

[CTRL] Poor lad

2003-02-08 Thread Euphorian
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Pitying Jonah

by Paul Gottfried

However strange it may seem, I’ve begun to pity Jonah Goldberg. Despite
the inherited silver spoon in his Beltway mouth, and despite his anointed
status as one of Bill Buckley’s handpicked successors, this pubescent
verbalizer can go nowhere these days without running into detractors. I
wish my acolytes would show this kid some respect and stop accosting him
with complaints about his unfitness to consider himself and his buds to be
genuinely on the Right.

In the latest outburst of such impudence, a few impassioned defenders of
mine ran up to Jonah at this year’s gathering of CPAC, an occasion on
which he could be expected to enjoy the adulations of Washington Big
Government opponents of Big Government, and proceeded to hurt his self-
esteem. Such lack of courtesy boggles the mind! It would be as Castro
were scolded upon entering a meeting of the Cuban praesidium (assuming
there is one in Cuba). One should be able to expect robots and party
flacks to know their place in the scheme of things. Why hold a CPAC
meeting and invite Goldberg to participate unless those present can
behave as programmed?

Unfortunately not everyone present was sufficiently robotized, and some
of the attendees repeated to Jonah my ungracious comments published on
LRC and VDARE. The same individuals stressed the fact that LRC now has a
better Alexa rating than does NROnline or, for that matter, any other
neoconservative website. Being understandably miffed, Jonah blew up
seismically, screaming in front of robots and non-robots alike that
Gottfried is only a crank and that Alexa ratings have a glitch.

Jonah is undoubtedly right about the glitch. It is inconceivable that
anyone on the Right, except for a crank like me, would look at a non-
neocon website, given the fact that those in what David Frum calls the
paleo corner are vicious bigots who have no place in polite conversation,
of the kind that goes on between Jonah and other adolescent, garrulous
neocons and left liberals.

I am also appalled to learn that Tom DiLorenzo defended me to someone
who told him about Jonah’s recent imbroglio. Jonah, it may be hoped, will
pay no attention to this tactless demeanor. As someone who writes books
showing that Abraham Lincoln’s statements on race would probably cause
David Duke to blush with embarrassment and who (horribilis dictu) assails
the scholarship of Dinesh D’Souza, Harry Jaffa, and neocon think tanks
from AEI to Claremont, Dr. DiLorenzo is not a person who deserves our
respect. Nor am I, until Rupert Murdoch begins to shower me with big
bucks – or until the Goldberg Review solicits my contributions.

February 8, 2003

Paul Gottfried [send him mail] is professor of history at Elizabethtown
College and author of, most recently, the highly recommended
Multiculturalism and the Politics of Guilt.

Copyright © 2003 LewRockwell.com

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[CTRL] Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003

2003-02-08 Thread Euphorian
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Transcript - Bill Moyers interviews Chuck Lewis
MOYERS: Chuck Lewis, whom you just saw in that piece is with me now. He
is the Executive Director of the nonpartisan Center for Public Integrity,
the organization responsible for obtaining that document. Chuck Lewis,
thank you for joining us.

LEWIS: Thank you.

MOYERS: The Patriot Act was passed six weeks after 9/11. We know now
that it greatly changed the balance between liberty and security in this
nation's framework. What do you think — what's the significance of this
new document, called the Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003?

LEWIS: I think the significance is it just deepens and broadens, further
extends the first Patriot Act. That act in 2001, they had six weeks, which
was not a lot of time to throw something together. Now there's been 18
months of all kinds of things that have happened and court decisions that
have tried to roll back some of the Patriot Act.

And other concerns, law enforcement, people have, and so they've had
time to sift and sort what they want. And it's arguably might be a more
thorough rendering of all the things law enforcement and intelligence
agencies would like to have in a perfect world. It's sort of how I look at it,
and I think it's a very tough document when it comes to secrecy and

I understand the concerns about fear of terrorism. And it certainly…

MOYERS: We all have those…

LEWIS: We all have those and there are things in the legislation that make
sense, and that are reasonable, I think for any American. But there are
other things that really take some of the Patriot Act civil liberties issues
that folks were concerned about and go even further. And I think it's
gonna be very controversial. Some of these sections are gonna be debated
for weeks and months.

MOYERS: So many of these powers latent in this draft legislation were
powers that were taken away from the intelligence community some years
ago because they were abused.

LEWIS: That's right.

MOYERS: Do you see any protection in here against potential abuse?

LEWIS: I don't think there's very much — there's a lot more authority and
power for government. There's less oversight and information about what
government is doing. That's the headline and that's the theme. And the
safeguards seem to be pretty minimal to me.

MOYERS: I just go through here, you know? Will give the Attorney General
the unchecked power to deport any foreigner?

LEWIS: Right.

MOYERS: Including lawful permanent resident aliens. It would give the
government the power to keep certain arrests secret until an indictment
is found never in our history have we permitted secret arrests. It would
give the government power to bypass courts and grand juries in order to
conduct surveillance without a judge's permission. I mean these do really
further upend the balance between liberty on the one hand and security
on the other.

LEWIS: Well, they do. They reduce judicial oversight with the secret
intelligence courts instead of saying the court may do this now it's the
court will do this. They can have ex parte conversations where they go
into the judge without anyone else around. In terms of information about
detainees, not only can they detain anyone they'd like to detain, there is
no public information about it.

Journalists cannot find out the names of — we detained over a thousand
people after September 11th because we thought they might all be
terrorists. Not one of them was really found with any criminal charges to
be a terrorist. And we don't know the names of almost all those people,
still. And so it does appear that everything that folks might be concerned
about with the Patriot Act, this is times five or times ten is what I look at
it. I see it very serious.

MOYERS: You and I have had this kind of discussion often, we go back a
long way together. The foundation that I serve on has been a big
supporter of yours and you've been a big supporter of our journalism. If we
were fighting terrorists instead of being journalists, wouldn't we want this
kind of power in our hands?

LEWIS: Well, we would, but we operate in a democracy and there's other
considerations. I mean I think, you know, there's no question, if you're in
law enforcement, this is gonna make it easier for you to do your job. The
problem is, we have a history in our country, just in our lifetime, in the
last quarter century.

Where we've seen FBI and CIA abuses of ordinary citizens. Where mail has
been opened, where homes have been broken into. Where infiltration has
occurred in political groups. Informants have been used, misused. People's
lives have been ruined. People have committed suicide because of the
pressures brought against them by the government, by these kinds of
secret intelligence agencies.

This is not a completely crazy idea to worry about the power of the
government. And it was curbed and rolled back in the '70s. And there is

[CTRL] Something out of Beckett

2003-02-08 Thread Euphorian
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Arab News

Powell at UN: Something out of Beckett
By Robert Fisk
Published on 08 February 2003

Sources, foreign intelligence sources, “our sources,’’ defectors, sources,
sources, sources.
Colin Powell’s terror talk to the United Nations Security Council on
Wednesday sounded like one of those government-inspired reports on the
front page of The New York Times. It was a bit like heating up old soup.
Haven’t we heard most of this stuff before? Should one trust the man?
Gen. Powell, I mean, not Saddam.

Certainly we don’t trust Saddam but Secretary of State Powell’s
presentation was a mixture of awesomely funny recordings of Iraqi
Republican Guard telephone intercepts a la Samuel Beckett that just might
have been some terrifying little proof that Saddam really is conning the UN
inspectors again, and some ancient material on the Monster of Baghdad’s
all too well known record of beastliness. I am still waiting to hear the
Arabic for the State Department’s translation of “Okay Buddy’’ —
“Consider it done, Sir’’ — this from the Republican Guard’s “Capt.
Ibrahim”, for heaven’s sake — and some dinkey illustrations of mobile
biolabs whose lorries and railway trucks were in such perfect condition
that they suggested the Pentagon didn’t have much idea of the dilapidated
state of Saddam’s army.

It was when we went back to Halabja and human rights abuses and all
Saddam’s old sins, as recorded by the discredited UNSCOM team, that we
started eating the old soup again. Jack Straw may have thought all this
“the most powerful and authoritative case’’ but when we were forced to
listen to Iraq’s officer core communicating by phone — “yeah’’, “yeah’’,
“yeah?’’, “yeah...’’ — it was impossible not to ask oneself if Colin Powell
had really considered the effect this would have on the outside world.

From time to time, the words “Iraq: Failing To Disarm - Denial and
Deception’’ appeared on the giant video screen behind Gen. Powell. Was
this a CNN logo, some of us wondered? But no, it was CNN’s sister channel,
the US Department of State.

Because Colin Powell is supposed to be the good cop to the Bush-Rumsfeld
bad cop routine, one wanted to believe him. The Iraqi officer’s
telephoned order to his subordinate — “remove ‘nerve agents’ whenever it
comes up in the wireless instructions’’ — looked as if the Americans had
indeed spotted a nasty new little line in Iraqi deception. But a dramatic
picture of a pilotless Iraqi aircraft capable of spraying poison chemicals
turned out to be the imaginative work of a Pentagon artist.

And when Gen. Powell started blathering on about “decades’’ of contact
between Saddam and Al-Qaeda, things went wrong for the secretary of
state. Al-Qaeda only came into existence five years ago, since Bin Laden —
“decades’’ ago — was working against the Russians for the CIA, whose
present day director was sitting grave-faced behind Gen. Powell. And Colin
Powell’s new version of his president’s State of the Union lie — that the
“scientists” interviewed by UN inspectors had been Iraqi intelligence
agents in disguise — was singularly unimpressive. The UN talked to
scientists, the new version went, but they were posing for the real
nuclear and bio boys whom the UN wanted to talk to. Gen. Powell said
America was sharing its information with the UN inspectors but it was clear
on Wednesday that much of what he had to say about alleged new
weapons development — the decontamination truck at the Taji chemical
munitions factory, for example, the “cleaning” of the Ibn Al-Haythem
ballistic missile factory on Nov. 25 — had not been given to the UN at the
time. Why wasn’t this intelligence information given to the inspectors
months ago?

Didn’t Gen. Powell’s beloved UN Resolution 1441 demand that all such
intelligence information should be given to Hans Blix and his lads
immediately? Were the Americans, perhaps, not being “pro-active” enough?
The worst moment came when Gen. Powell started talking about anthrax
and the 2001 anthrax attacks in Washington and New York, pathetically
holding up a teaspoon of the imaginary spores and — while not precisely
saying so — fraudulently suggesting a connection between Saddam Hussein
and the 2001 anthrax scare.

When the secretary of state held up Iraq’s support for the Palestinian
Hamas organization, which has an office in Baghdad, as proof of Saddam’s
support for “terror’’ — there was, of course, no mention of America’s
support for Israel and its occupation of Palestinian land — the whole
theater began to collapse. There are Hamas offices in Beirut, Damascus
and Iran. Is the 82nd Airborne supposed to grind on to Lebanon, Syria and
Iran? There was an almost macabre opening to the play when Gen. Powell
arrived at the Security Council, cheek-kissing the delegates and winding
his great arms around them. Jack Straw fairly bounded up for his big
American hug.

Indeed, there were moments when you might have thought that the whole


2003-02-08 Thread Euphorian
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Published on Friday, February 7, 2003 by CommonDreams.org
FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity

Secretary Powell's presentation at the UN today requires context. We give
him an A for assembling and listing the charges against Iraq, but only a
C- in providing context and perspective.

What seems clear to us is that you need an intelligence briefing, not grand
jury testimony. Secretary Powell effectively showed that Iraq is guilty
beyond reasonable doubt for not cooperating fully with UN Security
Council Resolution 1441. That had already been demonstrated by the chief
UN inspectors. For Powell, it was what the Pentagon calls a cakewalk.

The narrow focus on Resolution 1441 has diverted attention from the
wider picture. It is crucial that we not lose sight of that. Intelligence
community analysts are finding it hard to make themselves heard above the
drumbeat for war. Speaking both for ourselves, as veteran intelligence
officers on the VIPS Steering Group with over a hundred years of
professional experience, and for colleagues within the community who are
increasingly distressed at the politicization of intelligence, we feel a
responsibility to help you frame the issues. For they are far more far-
reaching-and complicated-than UN v. Saddam Hussein. And they need to
be discussed dispassionately, in a setting in which sobriquets like sinister
nexus, evil genius, and web of lies can be more hindrance than help.

Flouting UN Resolutions

The key question is whether Iraq's flouting of a UN resolution justifies war.
This is the question the world is asking. Secretary Powell's presentation
does not come close to answering it.

One might well come away from his briefing thinking that the Iraqis are the
only ones in flagrant violation of UN resolutions. Or one might argue that
there is more urgency to the need to punish the violator of Resolution
1441 than, say, of Resolution 242 of 1967 requiring Israel to withdraw from
the Arab territories it occupied that year. More urgency? You will not find
many Palestinians, Arabs, Muslims who would agree.

It is widely known that you have a uniquely close relationship with Israeli
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. This presents a strong disincentive to those
who might otherwise warn you that Israel's continuing encroachment on
Arab territories, its oppression of the Palestinian people, and its pre-
emptive attack on Iraq in 1981 are among the root causes not only of
terrorism, but of Saddam Hussein's felt need to develop the means to
deter further Israeli attacks. Secretary Powell dismisses this factor far too
lightly with his summary judgment that Iraq's weapons of mass destruction
are not for self-defense.


You have dismissed containment as being irrelevant in a post 9/11 world.
You should know that no one was particularly fond of containment, but
that it has been effective for the last 55 years. And the concept of
material breach is hardly anything new.

Material Breach

In the summer of 1983 we detected a huge early warning radar installation
at Krasnoyarsk in Siberia. In 1984 President Reagan declared it an outright
violation of the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty. At an ABM Treaty review
in 1988, the US spoke of this continuing violation as a material breach of
the treaty. In the fall of 1989, the Soviet Union agreed to eliminate the
radar at Krasnoyarsk without preconditions.

We adduce this example simply to show that, with patient, persistent
diplomacy, the worst situations can change over time.

You have said that Iraq is a grave threat to the United States, and many
Americans think you believe it to be an imminent threat. Otherwise why
would you be sending hundreds of thousands of troops to the Gulf area? In
your major speech in Cincinnati on October 7, 2002, you warned that the
risk is simply too great that Saddam Hussein will use instruments of mass
death and destruction, or provide them to a terror network.


Your intelligence agencies see it differently. On the same day you spoke in
Cincinnati, a letter from the CIA to the Senate Intelligence Committee
asserted that the probability is low that Iraq would initiate an attack with
such weapons or give them to terrorists..UNLESS:

Should Saddam conclude that a US-led attack could no longer be
deterred, he probably would become much less constrained in adopting
terrorist actions.

For now, continued the CIA letter, Baghdad appears to be drawing a line
short of conducting terrorist attacks with conventional or
chemical/biological warfare against the United States. With his back
against the wall, however, Saddam might decide that the extreme step of
assisting Islamist terrorists in conducting a weapons-of-mass-destruction
attack against the United States would be his last chance to exact
vengeance by taking a large number of victims with him.

Your Pentagon advisers draw a connection between 

[CTRL] Nobody Hiding Behind Bush Here

2003-02-08 Thread Euphorian
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written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
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[CTRL] Three Bills

2003-02-08 Thread Euphorian
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Now three bills in Congress to repeal Iraq war authorization
Posted by: Admin on Friday, February 07, 2003 - 07:05 AM GMT

There are no less than three bills (two in the House and one
in the Senate) to repeal authorization for war against Iraq:

Sheila Jackson-Lee's H.R. 2 (recall the top-read Jan. 19, 2003
UnderReported.com story US House bill to repeal Use of Military Force
Against Iraq Resolution) gained seven new co-sponsors on Feb. 4: John
Conyers (D-MI), Bob Filner (D-CA), Gerald Kleczka (D-WI), Janice Schakowsky
(D-IL), Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-IL), James Oberstar (D-MN), Maxine Waters (D-
According to a Feb. 6, 2003 Olympia, Washington Olympian article:

Hoping to counter what they view as a rush to war, Reps. Peter DeFazio,
D-Ore., and Ron Paul, R- Texas, introduced a bill Wednesday to repeal last
fall's congressional resolution authorizing use of military force against Iraq.

[...] About 30 House members co-sponsored the DeFazio-Paul measure.

On Jan. 29, 2003, Sen. Kennedy (D-MA) introduced S. Res. 32, which weakly
states (emphasis added):

That it is the sense of the Senate that, before the President uses military
force against Iraq without the broad support of the international
community, the President should -- [...]

(2) obtain approval by Congress of new legislation authorizing the President
to use all necessary means, including the use of military force, to disarm

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[CTRL] O' Reilly Looses It Again!

2003-02-08 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

O' Reilly Looses It Again!
Berates Man Whose Father Was Killed In 9/11 Attack.

Bill O Reilly, attacks Jeremy Glick, a signatory of the Not in Our Name ad
whose father died in the 9/11 attacks.

This is how Bill O'Reilly behaves when faced with genuine disagreement:

Press Play To Listen


O'REILLY: You are mouthing a far left position that is a marginal position in
this society, which you're entitled to.

GLICK: It's marginal -- right.

O'REILLY: You're entitled to it, all right, but you're -- you see, even --I'm
sure your beliefs are sincere, but what upsets me is I don't think your
father would be approving of this.

GLICK: Well, actually, my father thought that Bush's presidency was

O'REILLY: Maybe he did, but...

GLICK: I also didn't think that Bush...

O'REILLY: ... I don't think he'd be equating this country as a terrorist
nation as you are.

GLICK: Well, I wasn't saying that it was necessarily like that.

O'REILLY: Yes, you are. You signed...

GLICK: What I'm saying is...

O'REILLY: ... this, and that absolutely said that.

GLICK: ... is that in -- six months before the Soviet invasion in Afghanistan,
starting in the Carter administration and continuing and escalating while
Bush's father was head of the CIA, we recruited a hundred thousand
radical mujahadeens to combat a democratic government in Afghanistan,
the Turaki government.

O'REILLY: All right. I don't want to...

GLICK: Maybe...

O'REILLY: I don't want to debate world politics with you.

GLICK: Well, why not? This is about world politics.

O'REILLY: Because, No. 1, I don't really care what you think.

GLICK: Well, OK.

O'REILLY: You're -- I want to...

GLICK: But you do care because you...

O'REILLY: No, no. Look...

GLICK: The reason why you care is because you evoke 9/ 11...

O'REILLY: Here's why I care.

GLICK: ... to rationalize...

O'REILLY: Here's why I care...

GLICK: Let me finish. You evoke 9/11 to rationalize everything from
domestic plunder to imperialistic aggression worldwide.

O'REILLY: OK. That's a bunch...

GLICK: You evoke sympathy with the 9/11 families.

O'REILLY: That's a bunch of crap. I've done more for the 9/ 11 families by
their own admission -- I've done more for them than you will ever hope to


O'REILLY: So you keep your mouth shut when you sit here exploiting those

GLICK: Well, you're not representing me. You're not representing me.

O'REILLY: And I'd never represent you. You know why?


O'REILLY: Because you have a warped view of this world and a warped view
of this country.

GLICK: Well, explain that. Let me give you an example of a parallel...

O'REILLY: No, I'm not going to debate this with you, all right.

GLICK: Well, let me give you an example of parallel experience. On
September 14...

O'REILLY: No, no. Here's -- here's the...

GLICK: On September 14...

O'REILLY: Here's the record.


O'REILLY: All right. You didn't support the action against Afghanistan to
remove the Taliban. You were against it, OK.

GLICK: Why would I want to brutalize and further punish the people in

O'REILLY: Who killed your father!

GLICK: The people in Afghanistan...

O'REILLY: Who killed your father.

GLICK: ... didn't kill my father.

O'REILLY: Sure they did. The al Qaeda people were trained there.

GLICK: The al Qaeda people? What about the Afghan people?

O'REILLY: See, I'm more angry about it than you are!

GLICK: So what about George Bush?

O'REILLY: What about George Bush? He had nothing to do with it.

GLICK: The director -- senior as director of the CIA.

O'REILLY: He had nothing to do with it.

GLICK: So the people that trained a hundred thousand Mujahadeen who

O'REILLY: Man, I hope your mom isn't watching this.

GLICK: Well, I hope she is.

O'REILLY: I hope your mother is not watching this because you -- that's it.
I'm not going to say anymore.


O'REILLY: In respect for your father...

GLICK: On September 14, do you want to know what I'm doing?

O'REILLY: Shut up! Shut up!

GLICK: Oh, please don't tell me to shut up.

O'REILLY: As respect -- as respect -- in respect for your father, who was a
Port Authority worker, a fine American, who got killed unnecessarily by

GLICK: By radical extremists who were trained by this government...

O'REILLY: Out of respect for him...

GLICK: ... not the people of America.

O'REILLY: ... I'm not going to...

GLICK: ... The people of the ruling class, the small minority.

O'REILLY: Cut his mic. I'm not going to dress you down anymore, out of
respect for your father.

We will be back in a moment with more of THE FACTOR.

GLICK: That means we're done?

O'REILLY: We're done.

The last few seconds of that exchange were really something to watch. I
don't think I've ever seen a shouting head actually tell his guest to Shut
up! Shut up! or to tell his producer to cut his mic.

Breaking NEWS: Justice Dept. Drafts 

[CTRL] He Has Lost His Marbles,

2003-02-08 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-



February 7, 2003

Financial Reporters Have Started To realize That Mr. Bush Is Out Of
Control — He Has Lost His Marbles,


It's probably wishful thinking, but some people hope that the old Alan
Greenspan — the man we used to respect — will make a return appearance
next week.

During the Clinton years Mr. Greenspan became an icon of fiscal probity,
constantly lecturing politicians on the importance of eliminating deficits
and paying off debt. Then George W. Bush took office, and Mr. Greenspan
became — or was revealed as — a different man.

First the Fed chairman lent decisive support to the Bush tax cut, urging
Congress to reduce taxes lest the country run too large a budget surplus
and pay off its debt too quickly. No, really.

Then when the budget plunged into deficit, Mr. Greenspan not only
refused to reconsider, he supported plans to make the tax cut permanent.
The stern headmaster had become an indulgent uncle.

But now the fiscal deterioration has reached catastrophic proportions. In
its first budget, the Bush administration projected a 2004 surplus of $262
billion. In its second budget, released a year ago, it projected a $14 billion
deficit for the same year. Now it projects a deficit of $307 billion. That's a
deterioration of $570 billion, just for next year — matched by comparable
deterioration in each following year. You know, $570 billion here and $570
billion there, and pretty soon you're talking real money.

Not my fault, says Mr. Bush. A recession and a war we did not choose
have led to a return of deficits, he declared. Really? Will the recession
and war cost $570 billion per year, every year? Besides, Mr. Bush knew all
about the recession and Osama bin Laden (remember him?) a year ago,
when his projections showed a return to surpluses by 2005. Now they
show deficits forever — even though they don't include the costs of an
Iraq war.

Anyway, isn't a leader supposed to solve problems, not look for excuses?
But Mr. Bush proposes to make the problem worse. Contrary to all
previous practice, he wants to cut taxes even further in the face of
wartime deficits.

Although financial reporters have started to realize that Mr. Bush is out of
control — he has lost his marbles, says CBS Market Watch — the sheer
banana-republic irresponsibility of his plans hasn't been widely
appreciated. That $674 billion tax cut you've heard about literally isn't the
half of it. Even according to its own lowball estimates, the administration
wants $1.5 trillion in tax cuts over the next decade — more than it pushed
through in 2001. Another $575 billion or so will be needed to fix the
alternative minimum tax — something officials have said they'll do, but
haven't put in the budget.

The administration has used gimmicks to postpone most of the cost of
these tax cuts until after 2008 — and whaddya know, the Office of
Management and Budget has suddenly stopped talking about 10-year
projections and now officially looks only five years ahead. But there are
long-term projections tucked away in the back of the budget; they're
overoptimistic, but even so they suggest a fiscal disaster once the baby
boomers start collecting benefits from Social Security and Medicare. (We
will not pass along our problems to other Congresses, other presidents,
other generations, declared Mr. Bush in the State of the Union. And with
a straight face, too.)

So where does Mr. Greenspan come in? Next week he will testify before
the Senate Banking Committee. Will he, at long last, acknowledge the
administration's fecklessness?

Mr. Greenspan must know that many people, whatever they say in public,
now regard him as a partisan hack. That very much includes Republicans,
who assume that he will support anything Mr. Bush proposes. What he
does next week will determine whether that perception sticks.

He has certainly run out of excuses. As a famous fiscal scold, he can't
adopt the administration's deficits, schmeficits approach. And he can't
make the supply-side claim that tax cuts actually increase revenues, when
just two years ago he argued for a tax cut to reduce the surplus.

If Mr. Greenspan nonetheless finds ways to rationalize Mr. Bush's
irresponsibility, or if he takes refuge in Delphic utterances that could
mean anything or nothing, history will remember him as a man who urged
hard choices on others, but refused to make hard choices himself.

This may be Alan Greenspan's last chance to save his reputation — and the
country's solvency.

Source: New York Times Company
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[CTRL] You have nothing to lose

2003-02-08 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-



An Open Letter To Zionists

You have nothing to lose but your racism!

The ICERD (International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
Racial Discrimination) defines racism as follows:

“Any distinction, exclusion, restriction, or preference based on race,
color, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or
effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment, or exercise,
on equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the
political, economic, social, cultural, or any other field of public life.”

By this and by most accepted definitions, your country is a racist state -
this is obvious in the much-repeated claim that it is a 'Jewish state' whose
'character' would be threatened if non- Jewish Palestinians were to
become large minority or a majority.

Your racism makes you unable to incorporate the West Bank and Gaza;
while your desire for a Greater Israel including Judea makes you unable to
return to your 1967 borders
It’s also obvious in the limited rights granted to your non-Jewish citizens
and in your immigration policies. It’s obvious in your occupation and
settlement activity in the West Bank and Gaza. It’s obvious in the attitudes
that you display everyday for the world to see. Racism is simply not
acceptable in this day and age; you will have to drop it eventually, one
way or another. Racism is also paralyzing and destroying your country. It’s
the cause of your increasing internal and external conflicts. Your racism
makes you unable to incorporate the West Bank and Gaza; while your
desire for a Greater Israel including Judea makes you unable to return to
your 1967 borders.

Because of your racism, you are stuck in an intolerable position from
which there is no escape. The working plan, the two-state solution,
requires a return to the 1967 borders to work at all. And even this would
be an interim measure at best for it will meet neither your needs nor the
needs of the Palestinian people. It will not bring either peace or security
as Israel will remain a racist state denying its racism and its violent past,
and Arabs will continue to resent your state. A two-state solution of the
Bantustan type offered by Prime Minister Barak will not work at all. If you
will just admit the obvious - that Zionism is a form of racism - then the way
forward will become clear.

Why not equal rights for all?

I ask you, why don’t you reconstitute Israel as a multiethnic secular
democracy with completely equal rights for all? Why don’t you simply erase
the Green line, incorporate the West Bank and Gaza, grant full citizenship
rights to all persons, and live in peace with non-Jews!

But, you say, then Israel would lose its “Jewish character”. I say that it
could hardly do so when nearly half the population is Jewish! Answer this:
Why, in this day and age, must you have a Jewish state? Far from
protecting Jews, this racist Israel is destroying what is best in Judaism and
putting Jews into deadly conflict with the rest of the world! But, you say,
the Palestinians will never agree to single state! I say that a multiethnic
secular state in all of historic Palestine has always been the stated aim of
the PLO. It just comes down then to whether the Palestinian people will
accept the name “Israel” for the state they’ve always wanted. I think that
they would under the proper circumstances.

But, you say, the Palestinians would be in the majority and would impose
their will on Jews, controlling education, social policies, government
spending, etc.

a multiethnic secular state in all of historic Palestine has always been the
stated aim of the PLO...

This new Israel would combine all the best aspects relatively free and
prosperous places like Hong Kong, Dubai, and Switzerland, but it would go
far beyond them to a new kind of freedom and prosperity for the 21rst
century and beyond. It would become a model for all states in our
increasingly global society
This, I say, is a specific political disease that affects most countries in the
world, but it easily prevented by writing a proper constitution for a
strictly limited government - the kind of government envisioned by
America’s founding fathers but which no longer exists in America. You just
need an explicit, well-written constitution that limits the government to
protecting individual rights and property - one that does not allow the
majority to force its will on any minority, including the smallest minority:
the individual. You need a constitution that:

completely and eternally separates religion and state, education and state,
charity and state, business and state, private behavior and state, etc.

prohibits the government from passing any law beyond those needed to
define and protect freedom, property, and the environment.

does not recognize race at all and so cannot embark on racial policies like
affirmative action, forced integration, etc.


2003-02-08 Thread Nakano Nakamura
-Caveat Lector-

1. North Korea has weapons of mass destruction and
   brags about it.
2. North Korea is openly threatening to attack the
3. North Korea is NOT a threat to Israel.
4. Iraq has no weapons of mass destruction, at least
   UN inspectors haven't been able to find any.
5. Iraq is not threatening to attack the U.S.
6. Iraq is a threat to Israel.

Question: Why is the United States about to go to war
  against Iraq.

Answer: The obvious answer is Fact Number 6.


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Shuttle Disaster: The Hand of God?

2003-02-08 Thread Nurev Ind
-Caveat Lector-

At 09:25 PM 2/3/03 -0500, you wrote:
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 2/3/2003
8:23:51 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
to the fallen adventurers; and kudos to the remaining visionaries and
pioneers in America and the world over who diligently work for the
progress of humanity to deliver us from the primitive hate-pits of hairy
simians like Hoffman. 

Screw you Dave.
Poor Bill Shannon. No one likes or appreciates his misunderstood racist
shmuck guru Hoffman.
Because you are such an admirable fellow Bill, I want to let you know
that I L_O_V_E 
Hoffman. You and Hoffman, and the other racist shitheads are the wind
beneath our wings.
It's guys like YOU who keep Israel alive and vital.
Once again, thanks.
Speaking for all the Jews in the world, and especially for the Elders of
Zion who ( as you well
know,) control it, we appreciate your hatred.
Keep up the good work.
[ Whose uncle Hymie sits on the Supreme Council to Encourage Christian
Racists - E of Z.]

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Jews Burning Israeli Flag...

2003-02-08 Thread Nurev Ind
-Caveat Lector-

At 07:10 PM 2/4/03 -0800, you wrote:
-Caveat Lector- 
Looks like many Jews outside Israel are not too happy with Israeli
Don't make the mistake of taking anti-Zionist propaganda seriously. They
would like to
show that Israel is SO terrible that ii is even driving away Jews. This
is bullshit.
SOME Jews are not too happy, but they are not many. As a matter of fact,

there has been a re-affirming of support for Israel among American Jews
which has
not been seen since the Six Day War.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Men with Mind Demons

2003-02-08 Thread John Miller
-Caveat Lector-

Kristallnacht – Hitler - Holy Grail – 9.11 – Columbia

OK, lets see if any can be persuaded by this numerical argument, that
certain of our leaders can have a demonic force corrupt their thinking.

Hitler, the last but not the last AntiChrist, performed a ceremony which
only Hitler was allowed to perform in which he ‘blessed’ new Nazi flags by
touching them against the ‘sacred’ flag which had been carried by party
members during the Munich Beer Hall Putsch on November 9th 1923. This act
was designed to convey the idea that the supposed ‘sacred’ metaphysical
nature of the bloodied first flag could somehow, as if by magic, convey
something of its ‘sacredness’ to the other Nazi flags which were to fly over
the nation.

Now if one examines the names of the early members of the Nazi Party, there
is a considerable overlap between a number of members who were known to have
been active in such small occult groups and, or, secret societies as the
Thulegesellschaft Society, the Germanen Orden, and the Order of the New
Templars. For example, Rudolph Hess and Alfred Rosenberg were both known to
have been members of the Thule Society. And Dietrich Eckart to whom Hitler
dedicated Mein Kampf, was known to have been active other organizations in
addition to the Thule Society. So there is no question about whether or not
Hitler made his company with known ‘occultists’ for he most certainly did.

And thus, the occult nature of National Socialism did not end with the
ceremony of the flags, or any of the other phenomenon with which the public
is well aware. Rather, it started with them. For the entire purpose of the
Nuremberg Rallies which were so rich in displays of preaching, ceremony, and
music and so these annual events were meant to appeal to the religious
nature in people.

OK, so to the SS. The very symbol of the organization was occult in nature,
the lightning bolts having originated in the Runes of the ancient Germanic
occult. To Himmler, the group was effectively a new order of Teutonic
Knights. In 1936, he sent out a memorandum defining the holidays which were
to be based upon paganism and Nazism; Hitler's Birthday (April, 20th), May
Day, Summer Solstice, Harvest Feast, the Beer Hall Putsch Anniversary
(November 9th), and Winter Solstice. He also devised ceremonies meant to
eventually replace Christian rituals in the New Order; Naming Rites to
replace Christian Baptism as an example.

But his most ambitious occult project was the restoration of Wewelsburg
Castle in Westphalia. It was ultimately envisioned as serving as the
‘Vatican City’ of an SS State.

And Time-Life's book ‘The SS’ from its series on the Third Reich states the
following under the caption ‘A Sanctum for the Inner Circle’:
In 1934 Himmler selected a moldering clifftop castle in Westphalia to serve
as the SS high temple. Known as Wewelsburg, the seventeenth century fortress
was overhauled at a cost of more than three million dollars, a sizable sum
considering that labor was extracted free from concentration camp inmates.
The sanctum included a 12,000-volume library of Aryan lore and a cavernous
dining hall with an Arthurian round table for Himmler and twelve trusted
lieutenants. Reportedly, each knight of Himmler's round table received a
coat of arms; at the man's death, his emblem was to be incinerated in the
pit of the Supreme Leaders' Hall and the ashes placed in an urn atop one of
twelve pedestals there. Ringing the city would be walls 40 feet high. Even
the ground plan was of mystical significance. It represented the head of a
spear. Its tip pointing to the North.

And in the ‘Twisted Dream’ in Time-Life's series on the Third Reich there is
a picture of the knight Lohengren leaving to search for the Holy Grail. Plus
it is a well known fact that Hitler admired Wagner very much, and of course,
much of Wagner's work centers around the Grail.

In the ‘Holy Blood Holy Grail’ (the book about the mystery of Rennes Le
Chateau), the writers Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln believe that the
Merovingian bloodline is the actual bloodline of Christ himself, through
Mary Magdalen, who they say went to France with Christ's children following
the crucifixion to live out her final days. And there is said to be some
evidence that Mary Magdalen spent her final days in France and a reason that
Rennes le Chateau plays a part in the story about the Nazis and the occult.
This is because the Nazis believed that the Holy Grail was hidden at a
location in the South of France in the Rennes vicinity, and they conducted a
thorough search for the Holy Grail under the direction of SS officer Otto
Rahn, but the officer disappointed Heinrich Himmler when his quest for the
Grail ended in failure. And I believe not in the Jesus + Magdalene

Now Himmler was a confirmed occultist, and was convinced that the Grail was
likely to be found in that area because legend had it that the Grail had
made its way there when Mary Magdalen and Joseph of Arimathea 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] saying one thing, yet doing another.  sign of the nwo times

2003-02-08 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

Lefties point out the French resistance to war as a
positive sign and that the Security Council's war
resolution will be vetoed by France. Yet France is
saying one thing while doing quite another. The French
army and navy are getting their troops and ships ready
to fall into line once the war is declared by the UN. 

Chirac is just another globalist puppet with interests
both in Iraq's oil and in further empowering the UN,
which is the ultimate purpose of this war to begin
with. As the most vocal Good Cop "critic", he is
merely putting on a show to placate the powerful
socialist element in France. 

The UNSC fiefdom members are going to fall into line
in the war resolution. Just observe. Am I happy about
it? Of course not. But I am merely demonstrating how
all this caterwauling is pure theatre to manipulate
the world's people into line with the UN as the
ultimate arbiter of war and of power. Can you get
fifteen puppets to dance to the same tune? Sure you

So, if you really want to end war and terror and get
rid of this pernicious All Seeing Big Brother global
dictatorship, you have to first admit that the global
elites (bankers, magnates, royalty, grand poobahs
etc)who are top level Freemasons without exception,
control the intelligence brotherhood, the media and
government itself. They are responsible for the
creation of the
to administer and enforce World Government through
total control of all sides of the debate in politics,
in guiding religious, media and educational
institutions for total thought control, and through
fomenting and funding terror and wars on all sides for
maximum control of the outcomes with the goal of
first, massive depopulation and second, absolute
control over the human body, mind and spirit. It is
primarly now a psychic dictatorship using a matrix of
overlapping control grid mechanisms which are
proliferating and in both scope and sopshistication. 

I believe that the raising of consciousness above the
Right/Left paradigm is the first necessity to breaking
the spell that has us under a constant state of
divisiveness, agitation and reactivity and thus
powerlessness. In other words we have to stop pointing
fingers at the other guys across the political aisle
and start looking at who is pulling not only their
strings, but our own. Then we begin to understand why
Chirac says one thing while planning quite another.
And then maybe people will start taking their protests
directly to the bankers, fascist CEOs, Communist
social engineers, top clerics and the Kings and Queens
who really responsible for this mess. 


U.S. Ready to Back New U.N. Measure on Iraq, Bush Says
France's former army chief of staff, Jacques Lanxade,
told a French newspaper that the nation could send as
many as 12,000 troops to Iraq if it comes to war.
French media have reported that the country's military
is engaged in a hurried effort to retrofit munitions
so they would be compatible with American weapons. 

U.S. Ready to Back New U.N. Measure on Iraq, Bush Says

ASHINGTON, Feb. 6 — The United States stepped up the
political and military pressure on Iraq today,
signaling that it would welcome a second United
Nations resolution authorizing war to disarm Baghdad.
It also ordered the 101st Airborne Division to the
Persian Gulf, where more than 100,000 American troops
are massed, a total that could double by the end of
the month.


President Bush said he was open to seeking a new
Security Council resolution to support using 

[CTRL] [Fwd: On The Verge of Amageddon: World War III May Just be Around the Corner]

2003-02-08 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector-

So dark, and yet too true...



By Stephen V. Kane

Few have said it yet. Somebody needs to. We are on the verge of WWIII.

The signs are here. Armies massing in a tinderbox around the oil fields of
the Mideast. Armies massing on the India-Pakistan border, another flash
point in the world. Amidst a war of words that has ended in war before,
the two sides are sending each other’s diplomats home. North Korea is
busily turning its nuclear facilities to the sincere task of creating
enriched uranium for nuclear missiles. America the just has seen the rise
to power of a dangerously misdirected mind, amidst an election sham, while
US Senate power balance changes due to airplanes falling out of the sky,
electronic ballot machines whose code is posted on unsecure servers, and
vituperative character attacks against decent men and women seeking office
for the good of the majority. That government has now turned bellicose, a
dangerous development considering the awesome military hardware it

Secret plans have been unearthed in the past forty-eight hours to further
attenuate the rights of US citizens, including secret arrests and seizure
of property; detention without counsel and without notification
(disappearances); even plans to expunge the citizenship of anyone caught
in a ‘terrorist’ organization, where the government defines what a
terrorist organization is. All with no recourse to the courts.

And war. Every tyrannical and totalitarian regime needs war. They will say
they don’t want world war, but world war consolidates and perpetuates
their grip on power.

World war breaks out easily from a major confrontation as that in Iraq. As
the major war transfixes the world, myriad minor ones break out, as
nations use the cover of the big events in Iraq and India and Korea to
settle scores elsewhere. China will wait until the USA is war-weary, and
will then strike Tawiwan/Formosa to ‘reunite’ them to mainland China.

Nukes will be used in WWIII. There are too many of these terrible weapons
stockpiled around the world to be secure. Some fool will unleash them, and
once he does, all bets are off. Retaliations and counter-retaliations will
wreck large sections of the biosphere.

Isn’t it terribly ironic that the world survived the prospect of nuclear
annihilation in the cold war, only to see it ignite in the remote and
historically less significant places of the world? For forty years US and
USSR nuclear arsenals aimed at every major population center on two
continents stood ready to launch. And for forty years diplomacy and spying
kept the giants respectful of each other. Now the fear is that a desperate
rogue state backed into a corner will set one or two off. And what is US
diplomacy doing? Backing these states into a corner.

Under the cloak of world war our enemies will find a way to deliver, and
ignite, a nuclear warhead on our soil. These enemies will not rest until
they have delivered this nuclear reaction to what they see as US

Only by extraordinary, police-state laws and enforcement can the wartime
government ‘protect’ the people. They will eliminate, in fact already have
eliminated, many freedoms. If you disagree with them on any level they
will monitor your phone calls and emails. If you persist in your dissent
they will arrest, detain and deport you. Ultimately, they will execute
their political enemies under the same confusion, blood, and death of the
wars they so desperately need to cover their failed attempts to govern a
peaceful nation peacefully.

The intentions of the US government are not, in fact peaceful. Bush is an
oil man placed into power by oil interests. The strategic prize is the
Iraqi oilfields. Yet as a domestic political matter, only by war and the
accompanying smoke, fog, and confusion of war can the Bush men consolidate
their extremely tenuous grip on control over their ‘homeland.’ War
provides them the necessary cover. The fear that war brings overwhelms the
resistance by a people who feel powerless in the face of rapidly changing,
overwhelming history.

But when the smoke clears – and it will clear – the United State will be
dishonored. The dishonor will not arise from the policies of this
misguided administration, but will be pointed at us, the American people.
All of us. Just like Nazi Germany, where the signs of a rise to power of a
depraved and dangerous element were unmistakable, the signs are here as
well, to anyone careful enough to read them. The Germans resist this war
because they know all too well the dire consequences that are in store.

There is no beer-hall putsch as in Munich. But there is a national
election that saw tens, if not hundreds of thousands of voters
disenfranchised in one state. Electronic voting machines were almost
certainly tampered with in certain elections. A virtual news blackout
exists in the mainstream media of any developments 


2003-02-08 Thread Nakano Nakamura
-Caveat Lector-

Question: Why is the United States about to go to war
  against Iraq?

1. North Korea has weapons of mass destruction and
   brags about it.
2. North Korea is openly threatening to attack the
3. North Korea doesn't have any oil
4. North Korea is NOT a threat to Israel.

5. Iraq has no weapons of mass destruction, at least
   UN inspectors haven't been able to find any.
6. Iraq is not threatening to attack the U.S.
7. Iraq has lots of oil.
8. Iraq is a threat to Israel.

Answer: The obvious answers are Facts Number 7 and 8.


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Re: [CTRL] Jews Burning Israeli Flag...

2003-02-08 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 2/8/2003 11:02:41 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

SOME Jews are not too happy, but they are not many. As a matter of fact, 
there has been a re-affirming of support for Israel among American Jews which has
not been seen since the Six Day War.

You're right about that. Still I don't look upon it as a re-affirming of support so much as an acknowledgement of victory. Israel has already won it all. Prudy
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Re: [CTRL] O' Reilly Looses It Again!

2003-02-08 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 2/8/2003 8:31:26 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Bill O'Reilly 

And please don't forget that although Mr. O'Reilly is a jackass, he is not a democrat. Prudy

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Three Bills

2003-02-08 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 2/8/2003 8:20:59 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Sheila Jackson-Lee's H.R. 2 (recall the top-read Jan. 19, 2003
UnderReported.com story US House bill to repeal Use of Military Force
Against Iraq Resolution) gained seven new co-sponsors on Feb. 4: John
Conyers (D-MI), Bob Filner (D-CA), Gerald Kleczka (D-WI), Janice Schakowsky
(D-IL), Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-IL), James Oberstar (D-MN), Maxine Waters (D-
According to a Feb. 6, 2003 Olympia, Washington Olympian article:

This lady is one of the most intelligent and sane members of the House of Representatives. Unfortunately that doesn't mean much in Bush's Washington. Prudy
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[CTRL] Remembering the War in the Gulf on TV

2003-02-08 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector-

From Counterpunch (headline article, no direct link, so go here:
http://www.counterpunch.org/ ), a long but important article on how the
government manipulates us through the media (also known as the Fifth
Column of government).  This is how they do it, folks, and why it's so
hard to wake the average American up.

This is what we're up against.


February 7, 2003

Bush the Historian: The Past is Over

Remembering the War in the Gulf on TV


Now that a new George Bush has placed himself on the road to military
action against an old Asian enemy, perhaps it is a good time to revisit
the last time that WAR was screamed continuously across our television
screens. Back in 1991, the media and the last President Bush rallied the
nation to support Operation Desert Storm by carefully framing the action
in terms of powerful cultural categories, and in the process they took
steps towards reworking the meaning of another key American conflict-the
Vietnam war-and forced critical voices to operate from impossibly weak
positions. Now, as an even more omnipresent television news machine
creates the frameworks to support the destruction of evil people and
terrorist states in distant lands, this time under the catch phrases
Countdown: Iraq and Target: Iraq rather than the now nostalgic War
in the Gulf, those of us who try to disseminate alternatives to mass
violence may be able to learn from the devices that were effectively
used to immobilize us the last time around.

Sometimes the political slants of news providers are as obvious as the
smirks on the faces of Fox News reporters or analysts as they hector
a Palestinian spokesman or liberal fall guy. One approach to
understanding these biases traces the corporate interests-Disney,
General Electric, etc.-that control media outlets. Another looks at
fabricated stories, such as the great Kuwait Incubator hoax, and direct
military censorship.

But sometimes media biases are more subtle, and may operate
independently from the intentions of individual reporters. News stories
always deploy framing devices (such as the concept of a news story)
that limit possible interpretations of what happened, privileging some
while making others seem contrary to common sense. In the case of the
first War in the Gulf, three subtle strategic moves the produced the
Bush administration's view of the first Iraqi war as common sense: 1)
the compartmentalization of various aspects of the war, 2) the
precision/randomness opposition, and 3) intertextuality and the uses of
the story of Vietnam.

political, military, and nationalistic frames

The Bush regime's preferred interpretation of The War in the Gulf
contained the elements laid out directly and indirectly by President
Bush and other government spokesmen: the war was a noble and justified
assault by the forces of good and light (democracy, freedom,
capitalism, progress, the flag, yellow ribbons, America, Christianity)
against the minions of evil and darkness (aggression, tyranny, the
'Other', Islam, irrationality). Dominant voices emanating from outside
the media industry made a concerted attempt to control the
interpretation of the story, both by limiting (as gatekeepers) the
flow of information to the media, and by imposing coherent
categorizations on that information. Media representations of the lead
up to the war attacked potentially oppositional interpretations by
consistently separating out political, military, and nationalistic
spheres of control and information. By labeling an event as pertaining
to one of these categories, these producers of news limited the degree
of acceptable debate.

Politics, in contemporary American culture, implies an argument
between two points of view-pro/con, Republican/Democrat,
Liberal/Conservative, etc. Everyone is theoretically entitled to an
opinion within this frame, and the media typically construct political
stories around two antagonistic voices, although of course even in this
realm experts are employed to frame the debate around permissible
issues. The political phase of the Gulf War, in which politicians and
other experts were permitted to question the wisdom of an attack on
Iraq, was declared over after a much-celebrated congressional debate
ended in an endorsement of military action.

Once the military phase began, the issues became more technical,
enabling experts to usurp a greater degree of authority. The
destruction of Iraq and the deaths of thousands became more palatable
when the debate was framed within the military idiom. Against the
onslaught of uniformed military experts conjured up by CNN and the other
networks to spew meaningless nonsense in an authoritative jargon (from
inside the studio, the presumed source of truth), the voices of dissent
sounded like those of ignorant outsiders who were hopelessly illiterate
in the language of power and prestige. Within the military frame, the
makers of news became generals, and many news broadcasts began with 

[CTRL] [Fwd: New York Times *finally* has to admit dossier sham]

2003-02-08 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector-

I'm going to have to guess they got overwhelmed with messages raising a brouhaha
about this story and realized they couldn't ignore it anymore.  They knew they
couldn't keep it hidden any longer.  This is their token to objective journalism,
and I sincerely doubt we'll hear much more than this out of them.  Tactic:  Mention
it and then forget it, and hope it fades away quickly while the war preparations and
propaganda move into high gear.

But at least they published it.



February 8, 2003

Britain Admits That Much of Its Report on Iraq Came From Magazines


LONDON, Feb. 7 — The British government admitted today that large sections of
its most recent report on Iraq, praised by Secretary of State Colin L. Powell as
a fine paper in his speech to the United Nations on Wednesday, had been lifted
from magazines and academic journals.

But while acknowledging that the 19-page report was indeed a pull-together of a
variety of sources, a spokesman for Prime Minister Tony Blair defended it as
solid and accurate.

The document, Iraq: Its Infrastructure of Concealment, Deception and
Intimidation, was posted on No. 10 Downing Street's Web site on Monday. It was
depicted as an up-to-date and unsettling assessment by the British intelligence
services of Iraq's security apparatus and its efforts to hide its activities
from weapons inspectors and to resist international efforts to force it to

But much of the material actually came, sometimes verbatim, from several
nonsecret published articles, according to critics of the government's policy
who have studied the documents. These include an article published in the Middle
East Review of International Affairs in September 2002, as well as three
articles from Jane's Intelligence Review, two of them published in the summer of
1997 and one in November 2002.

In some cases, the critics said, parts of the articles — or of summaries posted
on the Internet — were paraphrased in the report. In other cases, they were
plagiarized — to the extent that even spelling and punctuation errors in the
originals were reproduced.

The Blair government did not deny that any of this had happened. But its
spokesman insisted today that the government believed the text as published to
be accurate and that the document had been published because we wanted to show
people not only the kind of regime we were dealing with, but also how Saddam
Hussein had pursued a policy of deliberate deception.

He added: In retrospect, we should, to clear up any confusion, have
acknowledged which bits came from public sources and which bits came from other
sources. He said the document had been written by government officials and
drawn from a number of sources, including intelligence sources.

The overall objective was to give the full picture without compromising
intelligence sources, he said.

But critics of the government said that not only did the document appear to have
been largely cut and pasted together, but also that the articles it relied on
were based on information that is, by now, obsolete.

For instance, the second section of the three-part report, which is described on
the Downing Street Web site as providing up-to-date details of Iraq's network
of intelligence and security, was drawn in large part from Iraq's Security and
Intelligence Network: a Guide, an article about the activities of Iraqi
intelligence in Kuwait in 1990 and 1991, which appeared in the Middle East
Review of International Affairs last September. Its author was Ibrahim
al-Marashi, a postgraduate student at the Monterey Institute of International
Studies in California.

Mr. Marashi told Channel 4 News, which first reported the plagiarism charges,
that his research had been drawn primarily from two huge sets of documents: one
taken from Kurdish rebels in the north of Iraq — around four million documents —
as well as 300,000 documents left by Iraqi security services in Kuwait. He also
said that while he had no reason to doubt the truth of anything he had written
and believed the government report to be accurate, no one had asked permission
or informed him about using his work.

I am surprised, flattered as well, that this information got used in a U.K.
government dossier, Mr. Marashi said in an interview with Reuters. Had they
consulted me, I could have provided them with more updated information.

Dr. Glen Rangwala, a lecturer in politics at Cambridge University who has
compared the British report with the articles it used as sources, said that in
some cases, the authors apparently changed phrases from the original articles to
make the case against Iraq seem more extreme.

For instance, Dr. Rangwala said, a section on the Mukhabarat, the Iraqi
directorate of general intelligence, appeared to have been lifted verbatim from
Mr. Marashi's article, except for a few tweaks. Where Mr. Marashi mentions that
the Mukhabarat's 


2003-02-08 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

The profits to be made by Americans from stealing
the Iraqi oil are also an indisputable fact. Money
buys lots of friends and support from the heads of
state, as the leaders of Britain, Spain, Italy and
Australia have most blatantly proven.

What we need is people in power, who can in NO WAY
make money or profit for them selves, or their friends,
from the power they possess. The simple fact is that
corruption is rampant, practices on global scale by
the likes of Carlyle Group. Any chance for corruption
needs to be eliminated from those in power if we wish
to live on a peaceful Earth.

Open accounts and proceedings are the only way. Bush is
moving everything in America to a closed corrupt system,
where money buys you everything, with Dictatorship as
his stated final dream goal.

On Sat, 8 Feb 2003, Nakano Nakamura wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 1. North Korea has weapons of mass destruction and
brags about it.
 2. North Korea is openly threatening to attack the
 3. North Korea is NOT a threat to Israel.
 4. Iraq has no weapons of mass destruction, at least
UN inspectors haven't been able to find any.
 5. Iraq is not threatening to attack the U.S.
 6. Iraq is a threat to Israel.

 Question: Why is the United States about to go to war
   against Iraq.

 Answer: The obvious answer is Fact Number 6.


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fw: A Veteran's Appeal

2003-02-08 Thread Awntie
-Caveat Lector-

This came to me from another list

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, February 08, 2003 12:41 PM
Subject: A Veteran's Appeal

 The following letter is written by a veteran of the first Gulf War.
 He's started Veterans for Common Sense -- a group of former military
 folks who oppose the current plans for war on Iraq.  If you or
 someone you know are interested in joining him, please check out
 their website:




 Dear MoveOn member,

 Twelve years ago, in February of 1991, I crossed the border between
 Saudi Arabia and Iraq with the 24th Infantry Division.  Back then I
 was a 20-year-old Abrams tank crewman, and I fought in several battles
 in southern Iraq. I can say from personal experience, the media got it
 wrong. The first Gulf War wasn't clean, it wasn't pretty, and it
 wasn't precise.  In the chaos and destruction of battle, anything can
 happen. We killed a lot of people.

 Like many of the men and women I served with, I do not believe that
 President Bush or Secretary of State Powell, in his presentation at
 the United Nations on Wednesday, has made the case that Iraq poses an
 imminent threat to the United States.  Without proving imminent
 threat, the administration has failed outright to justify its rush to
 war. Many senior military leaders, including Generals Norman
 Schwarzkopf, Anthony Zinni and Wesley Clark, have all questioned the
 wisdom of another war with Iraq.

 Thousands of veterans of all U.S. wars have stepped forward, marched
 in demonstrations and raised their voices to say that the nation they
 defended should not be attacking other nations.  There is no sense of
 just cause in the U.S. armed forces today.  Most recently we veterans
 have been joined in our message by families with loved ones in the

 Tens of thousands of American soldiers and hundreds of thousands of
 Iraqis could die in a long, drawn-out war in Iraq.

 We need your help to spread our message that veterans oppose this war.
 We can win without war.

 How can you help?  Join Veterans for Common Sense.  Whether you are a
 veteran, or you have a family member in the military, or you simply
 support our message, you can join us in calling for a common sense
 approach to Iraq. We need your support.

 To find out more, please visit:


 Already we have reached across the country through successful press
 conferences, innumerable appearances on television and radio programs,
 and op-eds, letters to the editor and interviews published in local,
 regional and national newspapers.  Already we have visited innumerable
 congressional offices, winning impressive support across the political

 Add your voice to the growing chorus of voices speaking common sense
 against the rush to war.

 For more information, and to find out the latest news about a possible
 war in Iraq, visit our web site:


 Together we can win without war,

 Charles Sheehan-Miles
 Veterans for Common Sense


 This is a message from MoveOn.org. To remove yourself from this list,
 please visit our subscription management page at:

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2003-02-08 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

by Jim Rarey

February 8, 2003


When a government agency suffers 
a catastrophic failure, one of the first reactions is self-preservation. In the 
case of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the 
Columbia disaster, the cover-up began even before the event. 

In the last several years NASA 
has seen increasing criticism from Congress as an expensive boondoggle with 
little scientific benefit. This is particularly true with the space station 
which some see as a financial fiasco that is little more than a PR program to 
trumpet US/Russia “cooperation” with U.S. taxpayers paying most of Russia’s 
share of the cost as well as our own.

As NASA expanded the number of 
shuttle flights, improvements in safety features were postponed as scarce budget 
dollars were reallocated. When a safety panel warned last year of problems, NASA 
removed five of the nine members and fired two consultants. A sixth member, 
Admiral Bernard Kauderer, was so upset he resigned from the panel.

In the immediate aftermath of the 
Columbia crash, attention focused on ceramic tiles that shielded the fragile 
body of the orbiter from the intense heat of over 3,000 F it experienced when it 
reentered the earth’s atmosphere. Ground readings of heat sensors on the shuttle 
had shown alarming elevation of temperatures on parts of the body. The logical 
inference was that the shuttle had lost some of the protective tiles.

It was then disclosed that a 
piece of insulation on the fuel tank had come loose on liftoff and hit one of 
the wings. A team reviewed videos of the takeoff and concluded the incident did 
not pose a safety hazard. This was reported to the staff of program manager Ron 
Dittemore. While Dittemore told a new conference he accepted full responsibility 
as program manager, he had not shown enough interest to actually attend the 
review meeting. He initially dismissed the falling insulation as a cause of the 
shuttles failure.

Two panels were set up to 
investigate the national tragedy. One comprised NASA officials and the other an 
“independent” panel, made up of military brass and representatives from other 
government agencies (More about the 
membership of the “independent” panel later.) The so-called independent panel at 
first was to work under the direction of the NASA Administrator, Bush appointee 
Sean O’Keefe. However, pressure from Congress and others forced O’Keefe to 
relinquish control to Admiral Harold W. Gehman, chair of the panel.

In the meantime, a steady stream 
of articles in the mainstream media, led by the venerable New York Times, 
exposed a litany of problems NASA has encountered over the last dozen years with 
both the insulation and the heat-resistant tiles. This in itself is curious as 
we are used to seeing the NYT and other media make excuses for government 
failures usual blaming under funding, lack of communication and low-level 

Veteran researchers know that the 
New York Times is a transmission belt (mouthpiece) for the elite power structure 
in Washington and New York. It prides itself as being the “newspaper of record” 
for the country with its motto, “All the news that’s fit to print.” A more 
fitting title is the one given his book by former Times editor Herman Dinsmore, 
“All the news that fits.” At any rate, the news that is emphasized in the Times 
is what the power structure wants the public to believe, whether or not it is t 
rue or merely diversionary.

NASA has admitted that, 
theoretically, loss of just a few tiles could start a reaction that would cause 
the shuttle to disintegrate. If that is true, it’s a wonder in view of the news 
articles about known problems how they convinced astronauts to make the trips, 
assuming they were informed of past problems with the tiles.

A total of about 24,000 tiles are 
used on each shuttle and each one is hand glued to the body. A “wiggle” test is 
made to see if the tile bonded which experienced technicians can only do 
properly. If not bonded properly, they are subject to coming off under intense 
heat. The same is t rue of the adhesive holding the insulation on the fuel tank. 
The tank contains fuel kept at a temperature of below minus 400 degrees 
Fahrenheit and formation of ice has been a problem that has come off and hit the 
tiles. Also, the extreme cold causes the adhesive to shrink once it has been 

United Space Alliance is the 
prime contractor for the NASA shuttle program. It is a joint venture of Boeing 
and Lockheed Martin defense contractors who formed the company rather than 
compete against each other for individual contracts with NASA. It handles 
programs at both the Kennedy Center in Florida and the Johnson Space Center in 
Houston, Texas. The venture subcontracts work out to hundreds of other 

A 1995 study showed that 90 
percent of all tile damage resulted from foam (insulation) on the 

[CTRL] The Second Patriot Act Is Much Worse Than the First

2003-02-08 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


The Second Patriot Act Is Much Worse Than the First...

And The Didn't Want You to Know About It...Until After They Had Sprung an

Feb 8, 2003

The Center for Public Integrity, a nonpartisan group, has revealed that it
has received a top-secret Justice Department document containing plans for
a second and even more draconian Patriot Act which would drastically
expand government's police powers.

Calling for even more governmental secrecy and increased surveillance on
the American people, the legislation has been kept secret from the public,
pending a more conducive environment for its introduction -- say, after a
terrorist attack. After an attack, when the sheeple are down on their
knees kissing the jackboots of the police state and begging for more
control, begging to give up their liberty for security, loving Emperor
Bush and his power-mad cabinet-of-thugs would have no problem convincing
the duped and frightened population that this new legislation would be
needed in light of the current, dangerous atmosphere.

We are trying desperately to read all 120 pages of the document. Section
501 -- the Expatriation of terrorists allows the government to grab
American citizens secretly for the mere suspicion of a crime, take their
citizenship away and extradite them to a foreign country for imprisonment,
torture, or execution.

This is Caesar-type power, and they plan to legitimize it by launching
another terrorist attack.



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[CTRL] NYT - Rumsfeld Rebukes U.N. and NATO on Approach to Baghdad

2003-02-08 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector-

From the below article:

The influential Der Spiegel weekly, in advance copies released today,
reported that France and Germany were considering a plan to deploy
thousands of United Nations peacekeepers and hundreds more weapons
inspectors to prevent military conflict in Iraq.

Livid American officials denounced the fact that they first heard of the
possible plan from reporters.

Things could REALLY get interesting now!  The question now is, just how
far is the U.S. willing to go in pursuing their war?  Would they attack
even with thousands of non-Iraqi's in the targeted area?  They would
sure have a tough time dragging them all out of the way first.  This
plan could really throw a wrench in their works...  :-)

February 9, 2003

Rumsfeld Rebukes U.N. and NATO on Approach to Baghdad


MUNICH, Feb. 8 — Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld issued
uncompromising challenges to both the United Nations and NATO over Iraq
today, warning that the global body risked ridicule and discredit and
cautioning three of America's European partners that delaying plans to
defend Turkey weakened the Atlantic alliance.

As Mr. Rumsfeld spoke, thousands of people joined a protest called by
church and labor leaders in the heart of Munich to protest any war in
Iraq. The senior United Nations weapons inspectors landed in Baghdad on
what could be their last visit, seeking significant moves by Iraq to
prove that it has really disarmed. [Page 14.]

Mr. Rumsfeld said the United Nations, by allowing Iraq to violate 17
Security Council resolutions over more than a decade, appeared to be
following the League of Nations in choosing bluff over action.

Allowing Iraq to become chairman of the United Nations Commission on
Disarmament and selecting Libya to lead its Commission on Human Rights
showed that the institution seems not to be even struggling to regain
credibility, he said.

That these acts of irresponsibility could happen now, at this moment in
history, is breathtaking, Mr. Rumsfeld said. Those acts will be marked
in the history of the U.N. as either the low point of that institution
in retreat, or the turning point when the U.N. woke up, took hold of
itself, and moved away from a path of ridicule to a path of

Turning to America's NATO partners, Mr. Rumsfeld was critical of France,
Germany and Belgium for what he said were inexcusable actions to
postpone alliance planning to defend Turkey in the event of war with
Iraq. Turkey will not be hurt, he said. The United States and the
countries in NATO will go right ahead and do it. What will be hurt will
be NATO, not Turkey.

NTV, a Turkish-language news channel, reported that Turkey's leaders had
agreed to accept up to 38,000 American troops for an operation in Iraq,
and that they would allow American planes to use six Turkish air bases.

Senior Turkish leaders, who were meeting with American diplomats, were
not available for comment, and the report could not be confirmed. The
Turkish Parliament would have to approve any such agreement and is
scheduled to vote Feb. 18 on whether to allow American troops to use the
country for an attack on Iraq.

In an animated rebuttal to Mr. Rumsfeld, Joschka Fischer, the German
foreign minister, said his nation was not abandoning its obligations to
defend Turkey, but suggested that NATO planners await the next report of
the weapons inspectors on Feb. 14.

We didn't want an extra buildup to be done, so to speak, before the
decisive Security Council meeting, Mr. Fischer said. Proposals for
NATO's defense of Turkey include deploying Patriot antimissile batteries
and surveillance aircraft.

Mr. Fischer said he had no argument with the American assessment that
Saddam Hussein has fired Scud missiles at his neighbors and has used
chemical weapons. Why this priority now? he said. We have known this
for a long time.

Mr. Fischer recounted Germany's arguments for international inspectors
to continue their efforts in Iraq, especially given new intelligence
disclosed last week by Secretary of State Colin L. Powell, and he
contrasted those arguments with the American case for military action.

I am not convinced, Mr. Fischer said. This is my problem.

Kofi Annan, the United Nations secretary general, said today in a speech
at the College of William and Mary that the United States should not try
to break the Security Council's unity on Iraq and that it should take
time for patient negotiations before rushing into war.

The influential Der Spiegel weekly, in advance copies released today,
reported that France and Germany were considering a plan to deploy
thousands of United Nations peacekeepers and hundreds more weapons
inspectors to prevent military conflict in Iraq.

Livid American officials denounced the fact that they first heard of the
possible plan from reporters.

That's not the way to have a winning hand with the United States, said
a senior American official. In fact, the official said, Mr. Rumsfeld

[CTRL] Killed by a Sprite?

2003-02-08 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---


Cosmic bolt probed in shuttle disaster
Scientists poring over 'infrasonic' sound waves

Sabin Russell, [SF] Chronicle Staff Writer   Friday, February 7, 2003

Federal scientists are looking for evidence that a bolt of electricity in
the upper atmosphere might have doomed the space shuttle Columbia as it
streaked over California, The Chronicle has learned.

Investigators are combing records from a network of ultra-sensitive
instruments that might have detected a faint thunderclap in the upper
atmosphere at the same time a photograph taken by a San Francisco astronomer
appears to show a purplish bolt of lightning striking the shuttle.

Should the photo turn out to be an authentic image of an electrical event on
Columbia, it would not only change the focus of the crash investigation, but
it could open a door on a new realm of science.

We're working hard on the data set. We have an obligation, said Alfred
Bedard, a scientist at the federal Environmental Technology Laboratory in
Boulder, Colo. He said the lab was providing the data to NASA but that it
was too early to draw any conclusions from the sounds of the shuttle

The lab has been listening to the sounds of ghostly electromagnetic
phenomena in the upper atmosphere, dubbed sprites, blue jets and elves. For
some time, scientists have speculated on whether these events could endanger
airliners or returning spacecraft.

A study conducted 10 years ago for NASA found that there is a 1-in-100
chance that a space shuttle could fly through a sprite, although it
concluded that the consequences of such an event were unclear. And in 1989,
an upper- atmospheric electrical strike shot down a high-altitude NASA
balloon 129,000 feet over Dallas.

NASA officials have said they are looking for a missing link to explain
the shuttle's breakup that killed seven astronauts Saturday, and they are
downplaying the theory that foam insulation falling from the shuttle's extra
tank may have contributed to the shuttle's demise.

The little-known infrasound project at the Environmental Technology
Laboratory operates a network of sophisticated electronic ears that can pick
up subaudible thuds of waves crashing on either coast of the United States
and the hiss of meteors and spacecraft re-entering the atmosphere thousands
of miles away.

Sound waves of this nature are called infrasonic and are below the range
of human hearing but travel unimpeded for extraordinary distances. Arrays of
infrasonic sensors in the high Colorado plains east of Boulder recently have
been looking for the crackle of the ghostly electromagnetic events in the
Earth's upper atmosphere.

We basically detect events at very long ranges, Bedard said. But he
stressed that it was too early to draw any conclusions from sounds of the
shuttle re-entry. Bedard said the acoustic sensors had previously detected
the re-entry of a space shuttle from Northwest Canada to the Kennedy Space

Originally, it was thought that the electrical charges in the thin
atmosphere 50 miles above Earth were too dispersed to create infrasound. But
Los Alamos National Laboratories physicist Mark Stanley said that, on closer
inspection, we've seen very strong ionization in sprites indicating that
there were enough air molecules ionized to cause heating and an accompanying
pulse -- a celestial thunderclap, as it were.

NASA administrators confirmed Thursday that the photograph, taken from
Bernal Heights in San Francisco by an amateur astronomer, is being evaluated
by Columbia crash investigators. However, Shuttle Program Manager Ron
Dittemore told reporters at a Houston news briefing that right now NASA is
trying only to verify the validity of the image.

The astronomer, who has asked that his name not be used, has declined to
release the digital image to the media. But earlier in the week, he
permitted Chronicle reporters to view the image and invited one to his home
Tuesday evening, when the camera, and a disk of the image, were turned over
to former shuttle astronaut Tammy Jernigan for transit to Houston.

The image was also e-mailed Tuesday evening to Ralph Roe Jr., chief engineer
for the shuttle program at Johnson Space Flight Center in Houston.

Dittemore would not say during the news conference whether NASA has ruled in
or ruled out one possible explanation for the photo: that the image could
have been caused by jiggling of the camera. It was a Nikon M-880 mounted on
a tripod. The automatically timed exposure of four to six seconds was
triggered by finger.

We have to validate whether it is real, Dittemore said. This particular
one is no different from the others. . . . It has yet to be determined
whether this is important to us or not.

NASA officials have stressed the importance of photographic, video or debris
evidence from the earliest moments of 

Re: [CTRL] [Fwd: On The Verge of Amageddon: World War III May Just be Around the Corner]

2003-02-08 Thread Allen Woodham
-Caveat Lector-

This is exactly what the 'powers of darkness' want everyone to believe!
Nothing would please them more than everyone believe this idea!

Unless ALL the nations that currently are opposed to the Bush plan join it
we can be sure it will NOT be Armageddon. The Scriptures make it clear in
Ezekiel 38  39 just who the nations of this conflict are and at this point
in time it DOES NOT comply with the false substitute now being readied.

Allen Woodham

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[CTRL] Columbia (the country) hits the news ?

2003-02-08 Thread Tony Dickinson
-Caveat Lector-

So, who was in the building that came down last night ?
Bombings in Columbia take place almost daily (certainly weekly) since
this time last year, yet it rarely makes the US TV news.

Earlier this very week a successful dynamite job occurred with little US
media interest (although of much US commercial  military interest):

Feb 2, 2003:

Colombia: rebel groups launched a dynamite attack against an electrical
tower in Arauca province, leaving the region without electricity and
killing two Colombian soldiers. Authorities subsequently enacted a curfew
for the region, where approximately 70 U.S. soldiers are training their
Colombian counterparts to protect the Caño Limón-Coveñas oil pipeline in
the first act of U.S. military intervention to combat Colombian rebels
that the U.S. Congress has approved.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] abusers, csa frequency, clergy abuse legal cases, Jehovah's

2003-02-08 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

this may be heavy for survivors

Researchers Study Boys Abused by Women 2/6/03 London - "Boys who have been sexually assaulted by women, neglected by their mothers and who witnessed violence at home are more likely to become abusers themselves"Most sexually abused boys do not become perpetrators of sexual abuse...but there are identifiable risk factors which increase the probability that they will go on to abuse," according to David Skuse." http://www.azcentral.com/news/reuters/stories/SCIENCE-HEALTH-ABUSE-DC.shtml

The M+G+R Foundation Sexual Abuse of Children Its Psychosomatic Consequences A Report By: Renee Z. Dominguez, Ph.D. [1] Connie F. Nelke, Ph.D. [2] Bruce D. Perry, M.D., Ph.D. [3] For: Encyclopedia of Crime  Punishment - This is a Child Trauma Academy version of a chapter to be published in Encyclopedia of Crime  Punishment, 2001. Berkshire Publishing Group Great Barrington, MA "Child sexual abuse is a significant public health problem in the United States and across the world. In the United States one out of three females and one out of five males have been victims of sexual abuse before the age of 18 years. Sexual abuse occurs across all ethnic/racial, socioeconomic, and religious groups. Unfortunately, sexual abuse is considered a relatively common experience in the lives of children. A report released by the National Institute of Justice in 1997 revealed that of the 22.3 million children between the ages of 12 and 17 years in the United States, 1.8 million were victims of a serious sexual assault/abuse." http://www.mgr.org/SexabuseConsequences-1.html

Church board dismissed accusations by females By Thomas Farragher and Matt Carroll 2/7/03 "Records made public yesterday detailing alleged sexual misconduct by six priests suggest that women who complained that they had been assaulted as girls often received dismissive treatment by a church review board." http://www.boston.com/globe/spotlight/abuse/print4/020703_board.htm

State appeals panel in Arizona rules that diocese must hand over documents 2/8/03 Phoenix - "The Catholic Diocese of Phoenix must turn over nearly 2,300 records and documents to a grand jury, a state appeals panel ruledChurch attorneys have said they're cooperating fully, but Romley says they're stalling." http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/news/archive/2003/02/08/national0804EST0479.DTL

two from L Moss Sharman Former priest faces extradition 2/7/03 Bronwyn Sell in London "A former Catholic priest and teacher should be extradited to New Zealand to face charges of indecently assaulting 11 boys and young men from 1978 to 1987, a British court has ruled. Alan John Woodcock, aged 55, faces 18 charges of indecent Six of his alleged victims were boys under the age of 16 whom he met at St Patricks Silverstream in Lower Hutt, where he taught." http://www.nzherald.co.nz/storydisplay.cfm?storyID=3099900thesection=newsthesubsection=general

Jehovah's Witnesses pressed to open sex abuse files Church hiding molesters, former congregants allege James Mccarten Canadian Press 2/6/03 "The Canadian wing of the Jehovah's Witnesses is standing its ground against a group of disgruntled former members who want the church to release a list of known child molesters within its ranks. Three former Witnesses, two of them past victims of sexual abuse, have asked Canada's lawmakers to force the church to allow police to probe what they allege are past cases of abuse within its membership. But while the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Canada Ltd., the church's governing body, does keep a list of known abusers on file, it's not about to hand it over to police, said spokesperson Clive Thomas." http://www.thestar.com/NASApp/cs/ContentServer?pagename=thestar/Layout/Article_Type1c=Articlecid=1044562414437call_pageid=968332188492col=968705899037
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[CTRL] Jane's Group Now

2003-02-08 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Feb 8, 2003

Jane's Group Now Says British Dossier Copied Its Articles

The Associated Press

LONDON (AP) - Jane's Information Group, the company that publishes
journals and articles about military affairs, said three of its pieces had
appeared uncredited in a British government dossier on Iraq.

Prime Minister Tony Blair's office has admitted that it copied much of the
material in the dossier from published sources, even though the work
claimed to be based in part on intelligence material and to give up to
date details of Saddam Hussein's security and intelligence network.

Jane's said in a statement that three articles from Jane's Intelligence
Review magazine were quoted extensively in the dossier, which was posted
Monday on Blair's Web site and later released to delegates at the United
Nations in New York.

The pieces were published in July and August 1997 and November 2002,
said Jane's.

That open sources should be used to compile such a report is not in itself
surprising, said Jane's Intelligence Review editor Chris Aaron, adding that
the document's introduction acknowledged some previously published
material was included.

However, the direct copying of entire paragraphs casts some doubt on
the processes used to create dossiers of this type, Aaron said.

Also among the uncredited sources was an article by Monterey, California-
based researcher Ibrahim al-Marashi which appeared last September in the
Middle East Review of International Affairs.

A Blair spokesman said Friday that the copying did not take away from the
core argument of the dossier, which purported to detail how Iraq is
blocking United Nations weapons inspectors.

He called the work a pull-together of a variety of sources and said
officials should have specified which sections came from public material
and which were from intelligence sources.

A Blair spokeswoman declined to comment further on Saturday.

Secretary of State Colin Powell cited the dossier on Wednesday as he
addressed the United Nations with evidence of Iraq's weapons programs.

Opponents of Blair's hawkish stance on Iraq said the revelations show the
government is using trickery in arguing for a war on Saddam.


On the Net:

Government Iraq dossier: http://www.number-

Jane's Information Group: http://www.janes.com

AP-ES-02-08-03 0858EST

This story can be found at:

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[CTRL] BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Australians bare all in anti-war protest

2003-02-08 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


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[CTRL] Iraq intelligence dossier

2003-02-08 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

February 08, 2003

Iraq dossier assembled by junior aides
By Rosemary Bennett and Elaine Monaghan

DOWNING STREET’S embarrassment over its Iraq “intelligence” dossier
deepened yesterday with the disclosure that key sections were cobbled
together by junior communications unit staff, including Alastair Campbell’s

Officials also admitted that chunks of the document — praised by Colin
Powell on Wednesday for its “exquisite detail” — were copied word-for-
word from an article by a 29-year-old Californian academic.

The sentences were lifted from an article by Ibrahim al-Marishi, an Iraqi-
American, in the September edition of Middle East Review of International
Affairs. He, in turn, sourced his information to a 1999 book by the former
weapons inspector Scott Ritter, who opposes President Bush’s Iraq policy.

Last night the US State Department said that General Powell was aware of
the reports. “The British report contained good information. We’ll leave it
to them to talk about how it was put together,” a senior official told The

In London, the Prime Minister’s spokesman accepted that it may have been
wiser properly to source the material used in the report and said the
internet version might be amended to acknowledge its origins. “It was a
pull-together of a variety of sources. In retrospect, we should, to clear up
any confusion, have acknowledged which bits came from public sources
and which bits came from other sources,” he said.

He refused to say who had been responsible for the alleged plagiarism.
However, four officials who worked on the report were accidentally
named on an early draft. They include Alison Blackshaw, Mr Campbell’s
personal assistant. Sources at No 10 privately admit that early in January,
Mr Blair’s aides started to panic as it became clear the UN weapons
inspectors were not close to finding a “smoking gun”, nor was there any
sign that President Saddam Hussein was going to let the inspectors disarm

The aides instructed communications staff to draw together evidence that
Saddam was obstructing the officials to make that the central plank of
their case against him instead.

Along with material on how Iraq was frustrating the inspectors’ work, they
included a section on how the Iraqi security services are structured, using
information from Mr al-Marashi’s paper and Jane’s Intelligence Review. Mr
Blair’s spokesman, attempting yesterday to preserve the authenticity of
the remaining sections of the report, some of which were compiled by
MI6, said that they had been based on intelligence reports.

He also tried to distance senior aides, including Mr Campbell, from the
plagiarised section, saying it had been merely “seen by the relevant
people” before it went out.

Labour MPs voiced anger that the Government’s case was built on such
apparently flimsy ground.

The former Defence Minister Peter Kilfoyle said: “It just adds to the
general impression that what we have been treated to is a farrago of half-
truths, assertions and over-the-top spin. I am afraid this is typical of the
way in which the whole question of a potential war on Iraq is being

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rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] 'Barney' Blair Soiled Papers

2003-02-08 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


 FOTO CAPTION: A squadron leader adjusts his helmet next to an F-3
Tornado, yesterday at Leuchars Base in Scotland./ REUTERS HEADLINE:
Blair used an outdated academic essay for his report on Iraq SUBTITLE:
Powell qualifies the material as a magnificent study on Iraq's wrongdoings
INTRO: Walter Oppenheimer, London The British government embarrassed
itself yesterday after it was revealed that its latest report on the misdeeds
of the Iraqi regime was based more on old academic studies than on fresh
information proceeding from secret services. Downing Street's slip-up,
having admitted it should have included references to the authors of those
texts, dissolved Prime Minister Tony Blair's efforts to persuade those still
undecided, just like a sugarcube in boiling water. Blair agreed to be
interviewed on TV by a handful of citizens who oppose the war in Iraq.
TEXT: Blair's spokespersons insisted yesterday that the report was exact
and solid. But its effect on public opinion could end up being quite the
opposite to what the Government had sought out. Four of the 19 pages
that make up the report were nearly identical copies from an essay
written by Ibrahim al Marashi, a post- graduate student from California and
published in the 'Middle East Review of International Affairs'. Other parts of
the report were based on the works of unknown professors published in
'Jane's Intelligence Review'. Downing Street admitted it should have quoted
those authors and assured that the Government had not intended to make
believe that the report was based exclusively on intelligence gathered in
this field. But the fiasco doesn't just affect London. U.S. Secretary of
State, Colin Powell, stands discredited after reminding the British media
that, during his speech before the U.N. Security Council last Wednesday,
he had insisted on calling the attention of my colleagues towards the
magnificent report that the United Kingdom has distributed (...), which
describes in exquisite detail the activities of Iraq. It has also taken
credibility away from Prime Minister Tony Blair's efforts in convincing
public opinion that this war is just and necessary. Blair once again showed
his enormous political courage on Thursday. For an hour he answered
questions not only from Jeremy Paxton, the BBC's most aggressive
journalist, but also from a handful of citizens opposing the war. Although
seemingly sterile, the efforts shown by Blair in explaining himself to the
citizens of his country are starting to take on heroic proportions, as they
stand in stark contrast to the attitude taken up by his great political
friend, José María Aznar. While the Spanish head of state accepted the
presence of silent protestors for the first time at this week´s meeting of
Congress, the British Prime Minister has multiplied his presence in
Parliament and now even on television. Seeming more nervous than he
usually is, Blair mastered, with great effort, some very difficult moments.
He did not waver when one of those assisting the interview accused Blair
of being servile to George W. Bush, calling him Mr. Vice President and
Honorable Representative of Northern Texas. He remained even more
calm when Paxton, the interviewer, asked if he and Bush ever prayed
together, touching one of the Prime Minister's most intimate spots, being a
practicing Anglican Christian believer. Blair, offended, replied: No. Why
are you asking me that?

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[CTRL] Former U.N. inspector attacks Iraq arms evidence

2003-02-08 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

08 Feb 2003 14:15
Former U.N. inspector attacks Iraq arms evidence

By Andrew Marshall

ABU DHABI, Feb 8 (Reuters) - Evidence presented by the United States to show Iraq is concealing banned weapons is flawed and proves nothing, a former United Nations weapons inspector turned anti-war activist said on Saturday.

Scott Ritter, a former U.S. Marine and senior weapons inspector in Iraq who has become a vocal critic of U.S. foreign policy, said a speech by Secretary of State Colin Powell to the United Nations this week lacked any real evidence.

"It is smoke and mirrors. It has nothing to do with reality. It was plain wrong," Ritter said in a speech to ministers, diplomats and journalists in the United Arab Emirates.

Powell used audiotapes of intercepted Iraqi conversations and satellite photos to argue Iraq concealed arms by bulldozing chemical weapons sites, hiding rocket launchers under palm trees and moving mobile biological weapons labs on trucks.

But Ritter said he knew from his experience as a weapons inspector that none of the evidence stood up to scrutiny.

He said satellite images were of limited use without further investigation, as suspicious images often turned out to have innocuous explanations, and radio intercepts were worthless unless the context of the conversation was known.

The testimony of defectors was also of limited use, Ritter said, especially as they gave conflicting evidence on whether Iraq had retained weapons of mass destruction.

Ritter resigned as a U.N. weapons inspector in 1998, saying inspectors had insufficient backing to do their jobs. At the time he said Iraq had not disarmed and still posed a threat.

His critics say his switch to the view that Iraq has no banned weapons lacks credibility, and question his motives. But Ritter says his arguments are based on hard evidence.


Ritter said there was no evidence to support Powell's assertion that Iraq has at least 18 mobile bioweapons labs.

The possibility that Iraq had such mobile laboratories had been raised by inspectors in the 1990s purely as a hypothetical way in which Iraq could be concealing weapons, Ritter said.

"These labs exist purely in the minds of inspectors," he said. "We hypothesised their existence. There is no information to say they ever existed. We made them up. But they have taken on a life of their own."

Ritter said it was true Iraq had not accounted for some ingredients used in the production of anthrax, but the last known batch of liquid bulk anthrax had been produced in 1991, at a factory destroyed in 1996.

Even under ideal storage conditions, he said, within three years liquid bulk anthrax becomes "useless sludge". 

Ritter said recent Iraqi concessions, including allowing some scientists to be interviewed without minders present, meant a credible inspections process could get under way in Iraq.

But he added that Washington's main aim was to depose Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, not Iraqi disarmament, so the United States would block attempts to set up long-term inspections.

"Let there be no doubt that Iraq did possess weapons of mass destruction," he said. "But Iraq no longer possesses a meaningful capacity to produce weapons of mass destruction."

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[CTRL] The Wage Slave Journal: George W. Bush Scorecard of Evil

2003-02-08 Thread Euphorian
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2003-02-08 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
United States Department of Defense 

News Release
On the web: http://www.defenselink.mil/news/Feb2003/b02072003_bt060-03.html 
Media contact: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or +1 (703) 697-5131 
Public contact: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or +1 (703) 428-0711 

    No. 060-03  
IMMEDIATE RELEASE   February 7, 2003


The Department of Defense will establish two boards to provide oversight of the Total Information Awareness Project, the program designed to develop tools to track terrorists. The two boards, an internal oversight board and an outside advisory committee, will work with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), as it continues its research. These boards will help ensure that TIA develops and disseminates its products to track terrorists in a manner consistent with U.S. constitutional law, U.S. statutory law, and American values related to privacy. 

The TIA internal oversight board will oversee and monitor the manner in which terrorist tracking tools are transitioned for real world use. This board will establish policies and procedures for use within DoD of the TIA-developed tools and will establish protocols for transferring these capabilities to entities outside DoD. A primary focus of the board will be to ensure that the TIA-developed tools to track terrorists will be used only in accordance with existing privacy protection laws and policies. The board, which is expected to hold its first meeting by the end of February 2003, will be composed of senior DoD officials. 

The outside advisory board will be convened as a federal advisory committee and will comply with all the legal and regulatory requirements for such bodies. The committee will advise the Secretary of Defense on the range of policy and legal issues that are raised by the development and potential application of advanced technology to help identify terrorists before they act. 

Members of the outside advisory board are Newton Minow (chairman), director of the Annenberg Washington Program and the Annenberg Professor of Communications Law and Policy at Northwestern University; Floyd Abrams, renowned civil rights attorney; Zoe Baird, president Markle Foundation; Griffin Bell, former U.S. Attorney General and Court of Appeals judge; Gerhard Casper, president emeritus for Stanford University and Professor of Law; William T. Coleman, former chairman and CEO of BEA (world's leading application and infrastructure company) and now Chief Customer Advocate; and Lloyd Cutler, former White House Counsel. 

DARPA is continuing its research into whether advanced technologies can be used to help identify terrorist planning activities. This technology development program was established under the name Total Information Awareness (TIA) and is designed to catch terrorists before they strike. Under the rubric of TIA, DARPA is attempting to develop three categories of tools - language translation, data search and pattern recognition, and advanced collaborative and decision support tools. The research conducted under TIA will provide the tools for obtaining information pertaining to activities of terrorists, and if connected together, this information could alert authorities before terrorists' plans are carried out. While the research to date is promising, TIA is still only a concept. 

Development of these anti-terrorism tracking tools would allow the agencies to better execute their missions. TIA does not plan to create a gigantic database. Further, TIA has not ever collected or gathered and is not now collecting or gathering any intelligence information. This is and will continue to be the responsibility of the US foreign intelligence/counterintelligence agencies, which operate under various legal and policy restrictions with congressional oversight. This technology development program in no way alters the authority or responsibility of the intelligence community. Furthermore, TIA has never collected, and has no plan or intent to collect privately held consumer data on U.S. citizens. It is a research program designed to catch terrorists before they strike. 

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[CTRL] Link - Patriot Act II Draft Legislation

2003-02-08 Thread William Shannon
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[CTRL] Monitor-ing the Cheats

2003-02-08 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

posted 12:00 p.m. ET/9:00 a.m. PT February 7, 2003.
Daily Update
An online roundup of a post-Sept. 11 world.
By Tom Regan | csmonitor.com

Intelligence: Brits plagiarize post-grad paper
Terrorist attacks: US officials issue new warnings for citizens abroad

Brit intelligence plagiarizes student's work for evidence dossier

When US Secretary of State Colin Powell gave his dramatic
presentation on Iraq to the UN Security Council on Wednesday, he
recommended reading a dossier of evidence released by British
intelligence earlier in the week. I would call my colleagues' attention to
the fine paper that United Kingdom distributed yesterday, which describes
in exquisite detail Iraqi deception activities, Mr. Powell told the UN
Security Council.

It turns out that the British weren't so intelligent in how they got their
intelligence. The BBC says that most of the dossier was actually copied
from three other articles, including a paper written by a post-graduate
student from California that largely relied on information that was 12 years
old. Channel Four News in Britain first broke the story after a professor
recognized the student's work.

The work appeared to have been lifted from a copy of the paper that
appeared earlier this year on the website of the Middle East Review of
International Affairs. While Ibrahim al-Marashi acknowledged the age of the
material in his article, the British government did not when it copied the
work. Of the 19 pages in the document, four of them were copied word
for word (including typos and grammatical mistakes) by the authors of
the British report.

The Guardian reports that the content of six more pages relies heavily on
articles by Sean Boyne and Ken Gause that appeared in Jane's Intelligence
Review in 1997 and last November. None of these sources is acknowledged.

The British government continued to stand by the work, saying it was
accurate. But British Liberal Democrat foreign affairs spokesman Menzies
Campbell added: This is the intelligence equivalent of being caught
stealing the spoons. The dossier may not amount to much but this is a
considerable embarrassment for a government trying still to make a case
for war.

The news of the plagiarized intelligence may not be much help for those
trying to prevent war with Iraq, according to the The Independent, which
writes that the war on Iraq seems increasingly inevitable. And while the
British government may be embarrassed at being caught cheating on such
an important document, Thursday it sent 40,000 more troops and 100
aircraft to the Gulf.

Meanwhile, the BBC reports that the US government is twisting arms very
hard all over the world, and is having some success. While most members
of the Security Council remain opposed to an early second resolution,
non-permanent members Chile and Angola seem to be coming around to
the US point of view. Meanwhile, the European Union's foreign policy
chief, Javier Solana, says Powell's report was very solid, and that time for
Saddam Hussein was very short.

The New York Times says the US believes that it may be able to get the
second resolution from the UN security council that it now wants so
much, because France is more likely to abstain from, rather than veto, any
new resolution. And The Times of London reports that Russia is resigned
to the fact that the US will invade Iraq.

Perhaps sensing that his time is growing short, Saddam Hussein and the
Iraqi government Thursday allowed a biological scientist to be interviewd
by UN weapons inspectors alone. The Financial Times reports that UN
chief weapons inspector Hans Blix says he is going to Baghdad this
weekend, and that private interviews, U2 flights over Iraq, and legislation
are on the table, but Blix wants even more than that. Earlier this week,
Blix had warned Iraq that it was five minutes to midnight and that it's now
up to Iraq to prevent war.

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[CTRL] Fw: Civil Reserve Air Fleet Stage I Activation Announced

2003-02-08 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, February 08, 2003 7:15 PM
Subject: Civil Reserve Air Fleet Stage I Activation
NEWS RELEASE from the United States Department of
DefenseNo. 064-03(703)697-5131(media)IMMEDIATE
RELEASEFebruary 8, 2003(703)428-0711(public/industry)CIVIL
ANNOUNCED The Secretary of
Defense has given authority to thecommander, U.S. Transportation Command
(USTRANSCOM) to activateStage I of the Civil Reserve Air Fleet (CRAF)to
provide the Department of Defense additional airliftcapability to move U.S.
troops and military cargo. This measureis necessary due to increased
operations associated with thebuild-up of U.S. forces in the Persian Gulf
region. CRAFaircraft are U.S. commercial passenger and cargo aircraft
thatare contractually pledged to move passengers and cargo when
theDepartment of Defense's airlift requirements exceeds thecapability of
U.S. military aircraft. The
authority to activate CRAF Stage I involves 22 U.S.airline companies and
their 78 commercial aircraft -- 47passenger aircraft and 31 wide-body cargo
aircraft. While thisauthority is for all 78 commercial aircraft in the
CRAF Stage Iprogram, the USTRANSCOM commander, Air Force Gen. John W.
only activating 47 passenger aircraft. Currently, U.S.military airlift
aircraft and CRAF volunteered commercial cargoaircraft are meeting the
airlift requirements. However, ifrequired, the USTRANSCOM commander
can activate those 31 cargoaircraft in the CRAF Stage I
program. Three stages of
incremental activation allow theUSTRANSCOM commander to tailor an airlift
force suitable for thecontingency at hand. Stage I is the lowest
activation level,Stage II would be used for major regional contingencies;
andStage III would be used for periods of national mobilization.During a
crisis, if Air Mobility Command (AMC), the aircomponent of USTRANSCOM, has a
need for additional aircraft, itwould request the USTRANSCOM commander take
steps to activatethe appropriate CRAF stage. Stage II was activated
duringOperation Desert Shield/Storm. Stage III has never
beenactivated. Each stage of the fleet activation is used only
tothe extent necessary to provide the amount of commercialaugmentation
airlift need by the Department of
Defense. To provide incentives
for commercial carriers to commitaircraft to the CRAF program and to assure
the United States hasadequate airlift reserves, AMC awards peacetime
airliftcontracts to civilian airlines that have aircraft in the
CRAFprogram. The CRAF air
carriers continue to operate and maintainthe aircraft with their resources;
however, AMC controls theaircraft missions through the Tanker Airlift
Control Center(TACC) at Scott Air Force Base,
Ill. USTRANSCOM relies heavily
on the commercialtransportation industry - sea, air, and land - to move
troops,equipment, and supplies world wide in support of our
Nation'sdefense. Historically, 93 percent of our troops and 41
percentof our long-range air cargo are moved by chartered
commercialaircraft. For
more information contact Navy Capt. Steve Honda,USTRANSCOM public affairs,
at either (618) 229-4828 or pager(618) 256-6789, PIN5559.[Web
version: http://www.defenselink.mil/news/Feb2003/b02082003_bt064-03.html]--
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[CTRL] Civil Reserve Air Fleet Stage I Activation new Civil Service Shield ?

2003-02-08 Thread Tony Dickinson
-Caveat Lector-

Sounds as tho' a new (despite) Berlin Airlift is about to start ? I guess
that ther will at least be plenty of civil pilots currently available to
go with these civil aircraft given the recent spate of national and
international flight carrier closures. (The latest post-WTC victim was
France's No 2 airline which went bust just this week, stranding
passengers in terminals).

Or maybe they are to be used to fly in the thousands of United Nations
peacekeepers and hundreds more weapons inspectors to be deployed in order
to prevent military conflict in Iraq ?


P.S. Anyone got an update on the arrest of the Northwest Airlines pilot a
coupla days ago at LaGuardia Airport discovered to have had a loaded
handgun in his carry-on luggage ?

Maybe it was an accident, plan or plant-check on screener systems ?

 NEWS RELEASE from the United States Department of Defense

 The authority to activate CRAF Stage I involves 22 U.S.
 airline companies and their 78 commercial aircraft -- 47
 passenger aircraft and 31 wide-body cargo aircraft.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Experts discount 'sprite' theory

2003-02-08 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

  to regular view 
  Experts discount 'sprite' theory Shuttle wasn't 
  flying above thunderstorm Matthew B. Stannard, Chronicle Staff 
  WriterSaturday, February 8, 
  2003 ©2003 San 
  Francisco Chronicle | Feedback 
  URL: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2003/02/08/MN117739.DTL 
  NASA officials said Friday they have asked experts in upper-atmosphere 
  electric phenomena whether it is possible for such effects to occur at the 
  altitude and weather conditions that the shuttle was flying through before it 
  But they said that so far they have found nothing in their investigation to 
  indicate that the shuttle encountered such phenomena on re-entry. "There is 
  nothing in the data stream . . . that would cause any concern on our part," 
  said Ron Dittemore, NASA's shuttle program manager. 
  Independent scientists also said that speculation that ghostly 
  electromagnetic events -- dubbed sprites, blue jets and elves -- might have 
  triggered the space shuttle disaster conflicts with current theories of how 
  those phenomena occur. 
  They can occur over large thunderstorms, but no major thunderstorms were 
  raging in the shuttle's vicinity as it passed over the far Western United 
  States, including Northern California, early last Saturday, the researchers 
  Still, the same scientists declined to totally reject the "sprites" thesis. 
  They stress that it is simply too early to know the true cause of the 
  partly because the shuttle Columbia began breaking up in a region of 
  Earth's upper atmosphere about which researchers know comparatively little. 
  On Friday, a Chronicle story reported that federal investigators are 
  reviewing records from ultrasensitive instruments that might have detected a 
  faint thunderclap at the same time a photograph taken by a San Francisco 
  amateur astronomer appears to show a purplish bolt of lightning strike the 
  Asked about the electromagnetic phenomena, Ron Dittemore, the NASA shuttle 
  program manager, said in a news conference Friday: "I really have no idea 
  whether we had any static electricity, whether we had any electrical 
  "We are asking experts in the field of atmospheric science if those events 
  are even possible, especially at the altitude that we were flying -- greater 
  than 200,000 feet," and "especially in the relatively clear skies that we were 
  flying on last Saturday," he said. 
  Dittemore also said that NASA has received, but still is analyzing the 
  amateur astronomer's photo. (The astronomer has refused to release it to news 
  Investigators will be reviewing photos of the Columbia re-entry and 
  comparing them to similar photos from past shuttle missions, Dittemore said. 
  He warned against drawing conclusions from photos, videos or other data at 
  this stage. 
  "You want to draw conclusions as quickly as you can based on the 
  information," he said. "You go down that merry path of making a judgment, or a 
  rush to judgment, and you will be fooled." 
  Based on a reporter's description of the photo, Walter Lyons, a leading 
  sprites authority, said that the object "is definitely not a sprite or a blue 
  jet." In photographs, Lyons noted, sprites resemble somewhat spidery glows 
  flickering over the anvil-shaped tops of thunderstorms. 
  Also, weather conditions didn't jibe with traditional theories of sprites 
  and their cousins, dubbed blue jets and elves. "There were showers north of 
  (the shuttle's flyover path)," but there were no thunderstorms in the area, 
  Lyons said. 
  "There's just not the meteorology to support (the theory of a) sprite or 
  blue jet. It's probably just an artifact of the (photographic) image," Lyons 
  said in a phone interview. "All bets are off if the image turns out to be an 
  "The fact is that until we see the picture, we're all just flapping our 
  wings," said Lyons, of FMA Research Inc. in Fort Collins, Colo., who has done 
  contract work for NASA and other scientific agencies. 
  Martin Uman, one of the world's leading experts on lightning and other 
  forms of atmospheric electricity, said sprites tend to occur over 
  exceptionally large systems of thunderstorms, about 40 to 50 miles wide. There 
  is no evidence that sprites occur independently of thunderstorms, Uman said. 
  Also, despite their famed, creepy-looking "arms" and "tentacles," sprites 
  don't typically concentrate energy into extremely narrow, hot channels like 
  lightning bolts, said Uman, who works at the University of Florida's Lightning 
  Research Laboratory. 
  Sprites' charge is "spread out over a kilometer or something -- it's a 
  really diffuse discharge," Uman said. "Whether a big metal body up there like 
  the shuttle could focus some of this current flowing through the air is a 
  At the same time, 

[CTRL] German Giant Taking Over American Water Supply

2003-02-08 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-


Feb 7, 2003
German Giant Taking Over American Water SupplyBy Michael LiedtkeThe
Associated Press MONTARA, Calif. (AP) - The influence of foreign
business can be seen across America, with consumers cheerfully buying Japanese
cars, Korean TVs and clothing made in China.
But many Americans aren't so happy about foreigners controlling their water
A recently completed $8.6 billion takeover of American Water Works by
German-based industrial giant RWE has led to a backlash from a handful of cities
across America. The deal covers more than 800 water systems serving 15 million
people in 27 states and three Canadian provinces.
"As soon as people find out their water service is being bought by a German
company, they are up in arms about it," said Juliette Beck, a senior organizer
for Public Citizen, a Ralph Nader-backed group that has been rallying resistance
to the RWE takeover.
The misgivings are driving community efforts to buy out RWE and regain
control of local water systems in two Northern California communities, Montara
and Felton; in Peoria and Pekin, Ill., and in Lexington, Ky.
Charleston, W.Va., is considering a bid for its water system, while the
Southern California city of Thousand Oaks is trying a different tactic, urging
state regulators to reverse their previous approval of RWE's takeover.
Much of the opposition to the RWE deal has been orchestrated by Public
Citizen, a critic of corporations inside and outside America. The objections
have ranged from concerns about whether the foreign-owned conglomerate will
weaken U.S. environmental practices to worries that RWE's enormous debt load
will lead to higher water bills.
Few issues are as prickly as RWE's German heritage.
"That really bothered a lot of people, especially older folks," said Kathryn
Slater-Carter, a Montara resident since 1979. "Memories of World War II are
still very strong."
Officials from American Water and the water industry say the backlash against
RWE is misguided. "Public Citizen is doing a pretty good job of fanning the
flames and playing on people's xenophobia," spokesman Tom Thoren said.
Supporters of the takeover say RWE's financial clout and expertise will help
pay for much-needed improvements in local water systems and provide better
protections against possible terrorist attacks on water supplies.
RWE isn't the only foreigner buying into the U.S. water industry; French
companies Vivendi Environnment and Suez also have bought local water systems
within the past few years.
Vivendi entered the U.S. market in 1999 with a $7.9 billion takeover of
USFilter. The French company provides water and wastewater service to 110
million people in 100 countries, generating about $12 billion in annual revenue
from the division.
Besides running the Culligan bottled water service, USFilter, of Palm Desert,
Calif. delivers water to about 13 million people in 600 communities.
Suez, which collects about $8.5 billion in water revenue from 110 million
people in 130 countries, entered the U.S. in 2000 with a $1 billion purchase of
United Water Resources, based in Harrington Park, N.J., and a provider of water
service to about 12.5 million people.
Before coming to America, RWE expanded beyond its primary business as a power
utility by buying England's Thames Water for $9.8 billion in 2000.
The money provided by RWE and other foreign companies will pay to replace
aging pipes and strengthen security - the kind of improvements many
cash-strapped communities can't afford, said Peter Cook, executive director for
the National Association of Water Companies, a trade group.
Thames, which will oversee RWE's newly acquired U.S. water systems, has
invested $6 billion in service improvements, mostly in Britain, since 1998.
The opposition to RWE's U.S. expansion is "so much hokum and jingoism," Cook
said. "Foreign ownership can bring many benefits to a community."
Critics fear RWE and Thames mostly will bring trouble. Thames, for instance,
has been fined repeatedly in England for environmental violations that included
allowing raw sewage to flow into the streets and onto people's lawns.
RWE's debt-heavy balance sheet has convinced many customers their water rates
will have to go up to pay back the loans. RWE is buying American Water for
nearly three times the company's book value - equivalent to paying $1 million
for a house worth about $333,000.
The German company ended 2002 with an estimated debt totaling about $28
billion. Management wants to reduce the debt to about $26 billion by the end of
this year as part of a debt diet that will continue through at least 2005.
RWE has repeatedly assured regulators it can repay its debt by expanding into
new U.S. markets instead of raising rates in the systems picked up in the
American Water deal. And in some states, such as California, RWE has even
consented to rate freezes.
Still, some critics think RWE is on the same perilous path as 

Re: [CTRL] Former U.N. inspector attacks Iraq arms evidence

2003-02-08 Thread Nakano Nakamura
-Caveat Lector-

--- William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Evidence presented by the United States to show
 Iraq is concealing banned weapons is flawed and
 proves nothingPowell used audiotapes of
intercepted Iraqi conversations and satellite photos
to argue Iraq concealed arms...

Nakano comments:
We live in a world in which we can no longer
believe what we see with our own eyes.
Tom Hanks never shook hands with President Kennedy.
But special digital effects made it look completely
real when Forrest Gump was in the Oval Office and
said he had to pee.
John Wayne had been dead for several years when
he convincingly appeared in a TV beer commercial
via digital special effects.
Colin Powell could show a video of Saddam Hussein
sharing a hot tub with Osama bin Laden or both of
them hugging nuclear warheads and it wouldn't
prove anything.
They have the power to show whatever they want the
world to see, and to hear whatever they want it to
hearand make it seem absolutely real.
Of course, they would never really do this would they?

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Billboards USA

2003-02-08 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

Billboards USA





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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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